#netflix and food x))
just-an-ari · 1 year
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wenclair brainrot anyone? dress designs by @tanuki-pyon
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gryphonmcelroy · 4 months
Things that would kill Hannibal.
Half foot of fruit by the foot
Seeing a monster truck
The smell outside of a Burger King™️
Starbucks unicorn frappuccino
flaming hot Cheeto
Tiktok NPC lives
Hearing a skippity toilet video from blown out iPad speakers in the hands of a toddler in the middle of whole foods.
Parking at Walmart the day before Thanksgiving
A Walmart
2000s Black Friday
Seeing a 1994 Toyota Camry
Watching a middle school choir concert
Hospital food
Fish sticks
Being in 12 mile range of a Sonic restaurant
Candy corn
Rave girl outfits
Trap remixes
Being inside of a Ford F150
Adobe Premiere Pro
Applebee's dollarita
Chris Chan lore
Mac and cheese
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beaulesbian · 8 months
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One Piece 1.03 || Zoro + drinks & Luffy + food
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ryan-waddell11 · 8 months
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he’s a growing boy
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cleake · 1 year
I wrote this at midnight, so please excuse any mistakes. I just want to let this man know that he’s good, and maybe kiss his hand.
Warning: English is not my first language
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You and Ebenezer had been living together for some time. At first, it was strange, because you two didn’t think of it much. You just moved to Scrooge's house after he offered you this opportunity. You’ve known each other for quite some time, you were there witnessing how Ebenezer had changed throughout the years. You were always by his side and he felt it was an understatement to call you a “friend”. You were there when he prepared a Christmas party for his close ones after years, it was so nice to see how happy he finally was. On that day he offered you to stay with him, and you accepted his offer. It was so natural for both of you, you didn’t think of it much. But after some time it struck you, maybe you two were not just good friends but none of you would admit it to themselves. You two spent a lot of time together, from the moment you shared breakfast to the late-night talks. You two walked around the streets of London, hand in hand, talking about everything you two could. Ebenezer made a lot of effort to show you how important you were to him, by buying you gifts, taking you to the places you dreamed of visiting, and listening to your every word. He felt so much warmth when he was with you, the smallest things about you made him tingle inside. He didn’t feel that way for a long time, and he was afraid that he would lose you too if he didn’t try harder. You were so good to him, so nice, peaceful, kind, empathetic, soft his heart would melt. He felt that he needed to be close to you, his hands wanted to feel yours, he wanted to give you everything, he wanted to hold you in his arms forever. But he was afraid of doing so, he didn’t want to scare you away from him, he would break if you left him because of his fault. So he enjoyed the image of you and appreciated every moment you two shared.
But you wanted to know, to be certain that this is only friendship. You didn’t want to have your hopes high for something that never was there.
You slowly walked to Ebenezer's door to his office, he was working this evening, leaving you as politely as he could. You felt like you would explode from uncertainty, you wanted to know now. You knocked on the door, and a muffled “come in” followed. You entered the room, seeing Scrooge's eyes already on you.
“Y/N, is everything alright?” he asked, putting his quill down. You walked closer to his desk.
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“Alright, I’m listening,” he said standing up from his armchair. You take a shaky breath, before speaking.
“Lately I’ve been feeling confused about our relationship, Ebenezer.”
Scrooge looked at you with raised eyebrows, something in his chest has risen. He was scared of this conversation, he thought you may want to leave. He would understand if you wanted to leave him for yourself, but he wanted to know if he did everything right.
“Yes…I see,” he whispered, gazing at the floor
“Please tell me how you see us,” you said, playing with your hands. The man’s eyes focused back at you, there was some kind of fear inside of them, and his breath sharpened. He slowly forced a smile on his lips.
“I truly admire you, Y/N. I see you as someone I can trust with everything, I know that you’ll listen to me and are willing to help me in any form. I think you’re an honorable human being, and I would be honored if you wanted to stay with me here.” he answered, putting his hands behind his back.
You looked at him with slightly frowned eyebrows.
“I understand that, Ebenezer. I know that. But I want to know… Do you see me as a friend, and if only as a friend.”
Ebenezer perused his lips and hung his head down.
“I am afraid to reveal my feelings toward you, Y/N.”
“Would you do it if I told you first what I think of you?” you asked, and Scrooge raised his head again.
“It would bring me some peace.”
You nodded slightly and took a deep breath, closing your eyes.
“I have known you for years, Ebenezer, I saw every side of you, and I wanted every one of them. I learned that you were something I needed close to me. I think that you are a great man, I think you are a lovely man. I want to stand by your side and help you with my greatest efforts. I feel safe with you, I feel connected to you. I want you. I adore you, Ebenezer.”
Scrooge stood there, your words hitting him. His lips were slightly parted, and his winded eyes were focused on you, thin tears showing in the light. He bearly breathed, everything stood in silence. Finally, Ebenezer took a sharp breath, his eyes softening a little bit. He felt so much warmth, so much love it made his hands shake. Every thought that made him believe he was no good for you abruptly left him, with so much lightless staying in him.
“Oh… Oh, my dear.” he breathed out, slowly walking towards you, with his hands slightly raised. When he stood next to you, he didn’t know what to do, his hands were too tense to hold you, he just looked at you, a small smile on his lips. He forced his hand to lean over your cheek, but he stopped. With a sob, he collapsed into your arms, which made you jump a little bit. Holding the man in your arms you heard small sobs from him with muffled mumbling.
“Ebenezer,” you whispered, gently putting your hand on the back of his neck. He felt your warm touch on his skin, which made him feel so much at once. He was happy, truly, but he felt like he didn’t deserve this from you, your love, or your friendship. His forehead was resting on your shoulder, his fingers delicately grasped your hand, touching your skin slightly, afraid of bigger moves. You took his hand fully which made him gasp.
Ebenezer slowly raised his head and looked at you, tears falling from his eyes onto his cheeks. Your hand gently leaned on his cheek, wiping the tears.
“I’m so sorry.” he choked out, wiping his eyes from the tears.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, putting your hand on his waist “don’t be ashamed of me, I understand everything.”
Ebenezer smiled at you and laughed nervously, his hand leaning over yours, still afraid to touch you fully.
“Don’t be afraid, I truly meant everything I said,” you say, caressing his cheek.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that,” he said, looking away from you “I just feel, that you may be too good for me to call ‘mine’.”
“I allow you to call me ‘yours’, and I will call you ‘mine’ if you agree to that.”
Ebenezer shook his head slightly, before coming into your arms, his own around you, hugging tightly as if you were to disappear at any moment.
“I-I love you,” he said trying to cover his tears.
“I love you, Ebenezer,” you replied, and pulling away from the hug you took his face in your hands. The man leaned to your touch, with closed eyes, enjoying how warm your hands were. When he looked at you, he saw how your eyes gazed upon his lips. You were slowly coming closer to Ebenezer, your noses touching. His eyes were focused on your every move.
“May I?” you asked when his lips were a few breaths away from yours.
“Please,” he whispered, closing his eyes. He felt how your soft lips landed on his, he gasped slightly at how it felt to have you this close. He felt like running away, but your touch on his waist calmed him down. Your lips slowly left him, Ebenezer slowly opened his eyes, missing the feeling of your lips. He looked at you, you were still close, holding him to yourself.
“Thank you,” he said, taking your hands in his, he brought them to his lips, kissing them softly. You smiled at Ebenezer, feeling full, with no concerns in you.
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random-lil-illing · 2 months
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coloured versions of the girlfailure <3
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rumpled · 1 year
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Eyk Larsen & Maura Franklin in 1899
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zhivchik · 1 month
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children: *are sent to visit relatives* parents: TO THE BED!
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Lewis Litt is a little bitch WHY’D HE HAVE TO FIND OUT ABOUT MIKE
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Jaskier: I’m getting ready!
Geralt: We have to be there at 6:30?
Jaskier: Yes!
Geralt: I suppose that does mean we have to leave soon. We have about 15 minutes.
Jaskier: And I will be ready!
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dadralt · 1 year
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"Our characters still find time to have fun and enjoy each other, and you finally get some long-long-awaited emotional moments between them," Hissrich says.
It's the season when Geralt relinquishes his vow of neutrality and realizes he not only needs his family but wants them. It's when Yennefer further grapples with the idea of motherhood as she trains Ciri in the ways of magic at Aretuza. Speaking to Yennefer's past sins, Chalotra points out that, "She puts a lot of time and energy and effort into making it up to them at the beginning of season 3. That quite quickly and quite organically evolves into a real family dynamic."
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scifrey · 1 year
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Caraway & Rosewater
Status: Ongoing Ficlet collection; unbeta’d
Series: the Hob Adherent series
Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Includes some comics canon, and some cameos from the wider Gaiman-verse (including the Good Omens and Lucifer television shows), but it’s not necessary to know to enjoy the story.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Some fade-to-black sexytimes.
Relationships:  Morpheus | Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling, Eleanor | Hob Gadling’s Wife/Hob Gadling (past)
Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling, Delirium of the Endless, Death of the Endless, Dream of the Endless | Daniel Hall, Destruction of the Endless, Desire of the Endless, Despair of the Endless, Destiny of the Endless, Matthew the Raven, Eleanor Gadling, Harriet Butler
Caraway & Rosewater
Inspired by a prompt from @tickldpnk8 on Tumblr. Am I also specifically making this partially about food specifically for @carnelianmeluha  …. Maaaaybe.
Hob stops his horse beside the window of the hired carriage, which brought them north from London, in order to get a good look at Eleanor’s face. He wants to memorize her expression when she sees the house for the first time. 
Eleanor appears more than a little startled to arrive and be greeted at the door by no one. It shows on her leaf-shaded face, plain as the sun in the sky, and in the stiff set of her spine, and the way she folds her fingers together stiffly in on her lap, and rolls her lower lip in between her teeth. In short, she is displeased.
Hob’s stomach immediately sinks.
“Here?” she asks politically, as she takes in the cool glade where they’ve halted.
It’s a very pretty clearing. 
Hob had picked it out a century prior, when his banditry and sellsword ways had granted him enough coin to escape both the unsavory life, and the stink and press of London. He’d purchased the deed for a few small fields and this little patch of woods, and named the tiny farm “Glade Estates” in jest. And in hope. For he did hope, one day, to transform it into a mighty country seat, worthy of the aspirations and titles he worked toward.
He’d returned to London once the purchase had drained him of his money, and found a place as a printer’s apprentice. He’d intended to use what scant extra coin the profession provided to sneak away for a week here and there to lay foundations and design a grand mansion. But first he’d need a cottage in which to stay while doing said planning, laying, and building. Luckily he had all the time in the world to do so, and could afford to take the grand project slowly.
But the more he visited over the next few decades, the more he realized that he prized the simplicity of the little cottage he was creating here, and the peace of being alone with his thoughts and secrets in a way that he could not in London. When he took ill or was injured severely, it was a place of refuge and a haven from prying eyes who would wonder why he was not yet dead of his wounds. He could heal in private and return a whole man. Or as a different man, entirely.
With no hired hands or tradesman to get in his way or gainsay his notions, the glade became a place to work with his hands and challenge his creativity and mind. This became an ever-more valuable treasure as his ascent through the social order meant he increasingly spent his free time sitting on his bottom and drinking. And while he dare not leave behind anything too valuable or worse, tell-tale of his true nature, the little stone cache he’d hidden in the forest proved to be a dry and safe place to guard his few carefully hoarded mementos of the last two centuries.
Deciding to keep Glade Estate humble, Hob worked hard over the decades to build the four-room stone cottage by hand, whenever he needed a break from the stink and the plagues. Or, when hiding from London society long enough to return as his own son. 
Now completed, the cottage consisted of a small Great Room, with cooking hearth and bread oven against the wall in the centre of the cottage, surrounded with all the attendant tables, cupboards, and chairs necessary. To the left of that were two small rooms to act as pantry and dairy, and another room to the right was outfitted as best he could manage to mimic the incredible Turkish hammams he had visited as a sellsword. 
While he had no hot underground spring to tap into for water, the nearby river water could be heated in the great copper pot he’d installed in one corner of the room, over a stone basin to cradle the fire. A little bit of clever engineering saw the pot itself suspended on a pole with a handle, allowing it to be tipped into the soaking tub and mixed with cold water and bath oils until it was just right for a body to laze in comfortably. Above the washing room, to take advantage of the heat of the copper, was a loft containing a few low chests for clothing, and an equally low bed strung with rope and laid with an extravagantly overstuffed eiderdown mattress.
It’s been decades of back-breaking labour to collect, pile, mortar, and plaster the local grey slate into walls; to fashion and tar the timbers himself with all his shipwright’s tools; to white wash and thatch; to build fencing and train brambles into hedgerows, and plant all manner of fruiting plants and bushes in orderly rows beyond the kitchen door; to plane and joint the wood for each stick of furniture; to lovingly craft the hearth grate and fire tools at the local blacksmith’s; in short, to learn trade after trade, skill after skill, to turn this first piece of land he was able to call his own into a real and honest home.
Instead of funneling his growing shipyard wealth into a great country manor, he’d used it instead to purchase land on the unfashionable south side of the Thames. Let his gold be spent where it would be admired by his fellow courtiers. And let this haven remain modest. This cottage, and its glade, and its woods, and its two remaining small fields were his own personal project.
Today, the two fields were rented to the family whose own fields abutted them. In payment asked for no coin, but for the good maintenance of his garden, orchard, and house while Hob was in the city.
He is rightly very proud of his little retreat. It is not a fine house, all red bricks and glass, not like the one he’s having refurbished in the city as a surprise for Eleanor at that very moment. But it is his–theirs, now–and it is good.
And, if the neighbors have done their duty by the eccentric Sir Gadlen, it should also be scrubbed clean, filled with fresh bedding and linens, and stuffed full of all the best victuals, libations, and cookery ingredients good London gold can buy.
“Yes, here,” Hob confirms, screwing his courage to the sticking place. He swings down from his mare and walks her to the hitching post before the sweet little wood shed leaning against the stone wall of the cottage. This will stand in stead of her barn for the next month, and will be warm enough with the bathing room on the other side of the stone wall.
“Are you not a knight, my husband?” Eleanor asks as the lone coachman steps down to open the carriage door and set out the stepping stool for her.
“I am, my wife,” Hob replies, stripping off his thick leather riding glove to hand her down out of the carriage and onto the thick, mossy grass ringing the cottage garden.
With Eleanor safely on the ground, Hob helps the coachman and driver to unload their trunks, piling them beside her. He’ll bring them inside himself, later. He wants to show Eleanor what she is now mistress of, first. 
He thinks it a great treasure indeed. Eleanor, who has seemed amiable enough these four days' journey with their stripped-down comforts and service, seems unconvinced.
“And did you not tell me that you were wealthy, my husband?”
“I did, my wife,” Hob admits, a smile curling into the side of his beard when she offers him a displeased frown. Oh, how he enjoys teasing his sweet and canny lady.
As proof of both his wealth and his generosity, he digs out his purse and pops a gold coin into the palms of the coachman and driver. Along with this he adds a letter of instruction for them to return to Gadlen House, which confirms his instructions for the renovations, and his orders for them to return to Glade Estate in thirty day’s time for the return journey.
“And did you not tell me, my husband,” Eleanor goes on, throwing her arms wide to encompass all that she can see, sending the fan tied to her wrist gyrating in the air with the aggrieved gesture. “That we were to reside at your northern estate for this, our honeymoon?”
Hob sends the carriage and it’s intruding humans and horses on their way.
“Indeed I did,” Hob confirms jovially as he waves goodbye.
“Then why are we alone, standing beside a pokey little crooked cot, with no servants nor people of any sort to speak of, my husband?” Eleanor asks, with a look that might turn lesser (or mortal) men to stone in their tracks.
“Because, wife,” Hob says, and pauses as the carriage rounds a bend in the forest road and is completely out of sight. 
Then he whirls on her, grabs her fast by her bottom, and heaves her up against his chest. He cranes his head up to capture her mouth for a filthy, filthy kiss, the likes of which he’s been dying to gift her since they woke together in bed the day after the wedding. He has refrained until now, as they’ve been surrounded by fellow travelers, or servants, or busybodies for nigh on a week. 
Eleanor squeals first in surprise, then delight. She laughs and clings to him, arms around his neck, dainty feet kicking in the air as he backs them toward the cottage. Her lips meet his on the tiltyard of their lust, thrust for thrust, sally for sally. So consuming and marvelous is it that Hob’s back hits the planking of the door hard enough to drive the latch into his hip.
“Oof,” he grunts, and sets Eleanor down. He cinches her tight about the waist with one arm, should she get any ideas about running off after the carriage, and fishes through the pouch at his groin for the key to the door. 
If the motion makes the back of his hand press against the mound of her sex through her skirts, well, that’s a secret for just the two of them.
“Because what, husband?” Eleanor asks him with cheeky breathlessness, all ire gone as she pets her hands down his neck and shoulders. It makes it hard to fit the key into the lock, and he fumbles it twice before the door swings open behind him, allowing them entry.
Eleanor peers curiously over his shoulder, but he will not have her distracted now. He pockets the key and kisses her again to keep her attention where it belongs, guiding her inside as he does. He kicks the door shut behind her, then presses her up against it and gifts her with another of terribly obscene kisses.
When he breaks away for breath, Hob takes her by the very tips of her fingers and leads her slowly, step by backwards step, toward the ladder that will bring them to the loft bedroom.
“Because, wife, with people we are utterly, utterly alone…” He pauses at the foot of the ladder and leans in to nip the lobe of her ear and whisper directly against her plump cheek: “We are tucked away in our private bower with no servants to snoop, no neighbors to gossip, and no courtiers to spy.”
“And so, dear husband?” Eleanor bids him continue with a raised eyebrow.
“And so, dear wife,” Hob says, meeting her eyebrow with a competitive leer. “There are none about to protest when I make you scream.”
Hob was serious when he said that he meant to woo Eleanor Gifford properly. He set out to prove himself to be not only a wise political choice on her part for her husband, but also a doting and devoted man and life partner. 
To that end, he spends the first week of their honeymoon laying service to his wife in all the ways possible. 
Hob hunts and cooks what he catches for her, skinning and tanning the hides out back of the cottage to later make mittens and fur collars for her winter-wear. He tends the garden and feeds them both from the early-spring bounty—mostly sallets of tender new leafy greens and herbs, edible flowers, sugar mixed with olive oil, and boiled eggs from the hens he has procured for their stay. He kills, plucks, and cooks chickens. He washes their linens, and reattaches the buttons that carnal enthusiasm has parted from their clothing, and mends tears. He brews quick-beer, and serves cider and wine from the root cellar under the kitchen floor. 
He takes her on rambles or rides around the county, teaching her how to find the secret deer paths of the woods, and showing her off proudly on Sunday at the sleepy local church. He tells her stories and sings to her lute accompaniment to her at night, as they cuddle by the hearth, and bids her sleep late in the mornings. He brushes her hair, and tends her frequent baths, and makes little surprises of lavender and lemon soaps.
And of course, he beds her well and often.
Eleanor has never lived without servants. She’s always had someone else to do labor on her behalf, and while the lack of domestic help had perturbed her at first, within days she found his efforts quaint and charming. And romantic. Hob hadn’t expected his ability to serve a decent roast fowl to be an amorous endeavor, but Eleanor’s reciprocity that night had proved him wrong. And her ardor had yet to cool.
Soon enough, she was keen to become his helpmeet in turn, asking him to show her what small tasks she could accomplish to make his larger ones easier or more agreeable. 
And so, one gentle, sunny afternoon in their second week at the cottage, Hob has Eleanor stirring the dough for Prince Biskets.
It is May 1st, 1583, and Hob is two hundred and twenty-seven years old today, give or take a few weeks on either side. Hob has selected May Day as his birthday, for the calendars have changed often enough depending on who is in charge and (what country he is in) that he's quite forgotten what day he was really born—if anyone in his family had ever known at all. His mam had always called him her little Bobby Bunny, “born in the spring with hairy ears”, so May 1st had seemed appropriate.
He’ll be meeting his Stranger again in six years, and this time he’ll be able to share all of his joys of his newly married bliss. Perhaps even, by then, show the Stranger portraits of his children, if Hob’s strange nature allows for his seed to take root. Or introduce his Stranger to his family themselves, if their initial meeting at the White Horse goes as smoothly as the last one and his Stranger can be convinced to visit a second night in a row.
That morning, Hob had chivvied Eleanor out of bed at dawn so they could wade into the garden of climbing meadow flowers and harvest the first dew of Spring to wash their faces.
“No one does this any more, husband!” Eleanor had laughed, pleased with the old-fashioned bumpkin ritual.
“I do, wife,” Hob had said. “Make sure to wash behind your ears.”
“You make sure,” Eleanor had countered and tackled him into the verge. Whereupon they engaged in the most traditional and ancient of all the May Day festivities:‘gathering fresshe’ and staining their underlinens bright green with their activities.
After they broke their fast, Eleanor had presented him with his birthday gift—a handkerchief of fine white linen, which she had embroidered herself on the carriage ride north.
“This is a funny little design, is it not, husband?” Eleanor had asked, showing him a sketch. “I saw a whole row of these darling little squiggles on a letter one of the courtiers thought he was being discreet about, just before our wedding. Throckmorton, I think it was. When I asked him what it was, he told me it was a new pattern of stitching for his waistcoat, and that he thought it was to be all the rage quite soon. So I put it down on paper straight away.”
Hob thanked her for the delicate needlework with all the thorough appreciation that such beautiful thoughtfulness deserved, which kept them quite occupied until luncheon.
Now they are making prince biskets to take down into the village for the May Day celebrations. Their most colourful clothes are laid out away from the hearth, where they won’t get ashy, and the flower crowns Eleanor had woven for them that morning during the afterglow are waiting patiently on a hook by the door. 
His wife has told him that each of the flowers she’s chosen signify their ardor and attachment, but Hob’s already forgotten which each one is supposed to mean. He’s finding it hard to keep a lot in his poor brain this last fortnight, considering how well fucked-out it is.
“How long must I do this?” Eleanor whines playfully from where she’s seated on a stool by the hearth. Spring though it may be, the clouds are thick in the sky today, and winter’s chill has not entirely retreated from the English countryside.
“The whole of one hour,” Hob reminds her, again. He looks pointedly at the hourglass, where only one quarter of that time has slipped down the funnel, and bends to stoke the fire in the bread oven he’d built into the wall beside the hearth.
By the time Eleanor has finished, the fire should be well burned down and the embers ready to rake out so they can bake using just the heat absorbed by the stones. Normally he would preserve the glowing coals under the clay cerfew to use the next morning, but tonight they’ll be bringing back a torch lit from the May Day Bone Fire to heat the cottage.
As these biskets are for May Day as much as Hob’s birthday, he resumes grinding up the last of the winter-sown spinach to colour the little cakes green with the mortar and pestle. That finished, he perches on the edge of the table to mix the resulting paste with some of the leftover rosewater to liquify it, and then tips the whole lot into Eleanor’s mixing bowl.
She scowls at him for adding to her labors, but he softens it with a sweet kiss on the crown of her flaxen head. Leaving her to stir, Hob retreats to the bathing room to freshen up, and when he returns to the little great hall to relieve her of the bowl so she may do the same, Eleanor’s appreciative gaze travels the length of him more than once.
“I have fur enough to stay warm without clothes,” Hob demurs, flushing under the predatory way her cornflower blue eyes flash with mischief. “And putting my soiled clothes back on simply to finish the baking would defeat the purpose of washing up in the first place.”
“Careful your fur doesn’t catch fire when you rake the oven,” Eleanor murmurs, rising from her stool and raking her nails through the dense curls along his thighs. “I’d hate to see the pelt of so fine a woodland animal scorched. You are so much a faun I half expect you to have a tail.”
She pinches his tail-less bottom. Hob shivers delightedly. 
“When you dress,” he murmurs against the side of her head. “Leave off your braes, and I shall do the same. And then when we watched the play and cheered on Robin Hood and his Maid Marion, and eaten our fill, and drunk ourselves into delight, and have jumped the fire to purify ourselves for the coming year, your naughty faun may chase you into the woods and desecrate your temple anew.”
“Is that what this is?” Eleanor whispers, running her fingers now through the hair on his chest. “Foliage instead of fur? Are you the Green Man, come to pluck the last flowers of my virtue to wreathe your maypole?”
Hob feels himself flush deeper, and swats her arse through her skirts. “Off with you, wife, before you distract me and we end up burning our contribution. Then how will we ever show our faces in the village again?”
“Oh, you know the church will have ale and bread enough to buy without you arriving at the village square baring a fortune of caraway and rosewater, you louche spendthrift,” Eleanor teases. But she does make for the bathing room, where Hob has already left her a pitcher of hot water. She sheds pieces of her clothing along the way in a trail that any tempted tracker could easily follow.
Hob is very tempted. He is also very determined to make a good showing at the village this year, and steps stockingless into his boots and throws on an oiled canvas coat to protect himself as he rakes out the coals, butters and fills the baking cups, and puts the biskets in in the oven.
He may be immortal, but a red-hot ember would damage his skin as easily and painfully as any other mortal man. It would ruin the day, the honeymoon, and if it was a truly terrible injury, his plans to ensure that Eleanor really and truly loves him (and has done so for at least half a human lifetime) before he shares the truth of his nature with her.
The coals raked and left in the hearth to cool, the biskets in the oven, a cup of cider poured for himself, and fine clothes to don, Hob feels content and charitable. He loves his life. He loves his wife. He loves his home, and the fruits of all his labours.
And, he muses as he listens to Eleanor singing to herself over the splash of the water as she washes, he has so much to live for. The world is a good, good place, and there is nowhere to go in it but up.
A Couple Centuries Later…
It’s not a surprise party if Hob knows it’s happening, and Hob knows it’s happening because Delirium is terrible at keeping secrets.
But he doesn’t want to ruin her fun. So when he returns from the university early that evening, he allows himself to be redirected to the back garden by floating koi that only he can see, and laughs with genuine delight when Del pops out from behind his little brick-and-iron firepit and shouts “HaPpY BIrThDaY!”
A merry little blaze is already going strong in the wrought-iron bowl, not quite a bonfire to rival May Days of old, but a wonderful nod to the tradition. In place of a maypole, someone has decorated the Inn’s downspout with ribbons and flowers the likes of which the Waking doesn’t often see. But the tradition of a sideboard groaning under the weight of fresh, green food (either naturally green or not)
Hob can’t help but hope that someone is planning to put on the traditional Robin Hood panto. He’d sell a finger to see Matthew in green tights.
Hob relinquishes both his briefcase and a kiss to Morph, who was lingering in one of the shadows of the bramble hedge (old habits, and all that). Patrick hands him a can of London Pride, and Hob is hustled over to one of the loveseats parked around the fire to accept the congratulations of the partygoers. 
He’s perfectly happy to be steered around, and to let the party come to him. It was a long day of lectures and student meetings, including one poor student who’d burst into tears when Hob had assured them that he’d be very happy to offer learning accommodations if they’re struggling.
The outdoor sofas are comfortable, the food is good, and the company is wonderful, the strains for music coming through from the pub are mellow, the beer is cold, and Hob is a tired old man who is absolutely delighted to be sitting down.
All told, Hob’s six-hundred and sixty-eighth birthday party in the back garden behind The New Inn is significantly less of an ‘affair’ than his six-hundred and sixty-sixth had been. Lucifer, for one thing, has since returned to Hell so is unable to attend. But all of his in-laws are here this time (in varying degrees of believable mortal guises), along with his mortal friends from Elizabethan Manor. Harriet, Glenn, and Shami have all shown up with their partners and kids. 
And the Otherkind of London have stayed away, probably terrified to be in the presence of any of the Endless, never mind six of the seven (plus one former entity). Except for his former PhD mentee who is, apparently, currently dating Bod.
(Hob looks forward to a time when Daniel is powerful enough to step into the Waking as Dream. For now, he’s just started kindergarten in New Jersey, and it’s too long a jaunt across the pond  for just an afternoon’s celebration.)
He’s plied with well wishes and booze, flower crowns, kisses on the cheek, and a plate piled high with Dee’s beautiful culinary efforts. It’s a wonderfully casual party, people mingling, drifting in and out of his orbit, and no time freezes or Celestial sneering.
“Prince Biskets,” Harriet says, holding one up to show Hob as she plops into the seat right next to him, newly vacated by Shami. “Childhood favorite?”
“Oof,” Hob says, laying a hand over his heart. “I weep for your writing team if your math is that bad. Childhood. Robyn’s childhood, not mine.”
All the same, Hob takes one of the offered biscuits from Harri, and bites into it.
They’re softer than he remembers them being, likely due to Dee’s fiddling with the recipe, but the burst of caraway and rosewater against his tongue brings tears to his eyes with the sudden overwhelming sense memory of those glorious four weeks at Glade Estate. 
The little cottage, regrettably, is no more—just some stone walls slowly tipping over under the weight of climbing ivy and time, lost to Hob along with everything else that was stolen when Sir Robert Gadlen the Third was drowned. The fields have long since been absorbed into the nearby farms. The garden and orchard had grown wild enough to fill up the forest glen. 
That place is gone.
But the taste of it, right here, is heavy and sweet on his tongue.
He chews slowly, swallowing around a lump growing in his throat. The back of his eyes burn with emotion.
“The last time I had these,” Hob confesses softly, “I was on my honeymoon with El. We made these for May Day. She gave me a handkerchief that damn near got me hanged for my birthday.”
“Hanged?” Harriet asks, eyes lighting with academic curiosity. She’s the biggest fan of Hob’s hot tea, even more of a gossipmonger than Matthew, because she doesn’t care that the people in his stories have been dead for centuries.
Hob leans back against the loveseat cushions, cranes his head up to take in the rich splash of twilight colour lingering over the hedgerow ringing in the garden in an effort to keep the tears that threaten from falling.
“El was too clever by half for her role in court,” Hob tells Harri with a fond, faraway smile. “She got bored easily, which turned her into a bit of a magpie. She had a little notebook, and she’d write down snatches of song, or funny jokes and conversations, or pretty pieces of design.”
He catches Morph’s eye across the fire, knows his husband is listening in, and knows that there is no resentment or envy in the former anthropomorphic personification of the Human unconscious when Hob speaks of his first spouse. Only interest in Hob’s stories of her, and compassion for the way he loves and misses his mortal family. 
Hob beds forward and with a finger, makes some squiggles in the fine sandy gravel ringing the firepit. “She embroidered the design she’d overseen on the hanky herself. She was so proud of it, and she’d kept it a secret from me the whole journey. Throckmorton told her it was a new border for his waistcoat, and she’d believed him.”
Harriet’s mouth drops open. “That’s Mary Queen of Scot’s cypher.”
Hob brushes the code away with the bottom of his shoe and raises the remaining half of his biscuit to her with a lopsided grin. “And guess who rolled up to court five weeks after his marriage flashing it around every time he had to wipe his nose? Both sides wanted me dead for that. Elizabeth called me traitor, and Throckmorton knifed me in my sleep. Didn’t take, obviously.” 
Hob meets Morph’s eyes over the fire again, and finds his husband is smiling, affectionate and heavy-lidded.
“Dear lord, what happened?” Harri begs, breathless in her curiosity. “How did you talk your way out of it?” 
“Good Queen Bess’ spymaster Walsingham confiscated my snotty hanky and used it to break open the plot,” Hob says. “He never quite believed that El’s interest in the design was innocent, but it got me out of the noose, at least.”
Harriet whoops in delighted laughter.
Morph rises, skirting around the fire to drop himself right onto his husband’s lap. Human though he may be, Morph is still cool as night. “Today is a day of celebration, my husband,” Morph says. “No more tales of loss.”
“No,” Hob agrees, holding remaining bite of Prince Bisket into Morph’s petal-pink mouth. “You’re right, my husband.” 
Hob knows himself well enough now that he woos through acts of service, through cooking and feeding, through gifts, through quality time given. Through biscuits offered, and baths drawn, and workspaces built. Through solars and speciality drafting desks.
Morph rolls his eyes, but accepts the bite. “You are still so determined to fatten me up,” Morph complains after he’s swallowed. “One of these days, I will be too plump for your lap.”
“Never,” Hob promises, and grabs a handful of Morph’s skinny arse in pointed appreciation.
Harri laughs at the indignant expression that crosses Morph’s face, like a petulant cat, and all is right with the world.
There’s nowhere to go but up.
And Hob has so much to live for.
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youngroyalsrewatch · 2 years
Why do I not know how to ask ‘where is the bathroom’ in Swedish but know every word of this?
För att allting är fejk
Allting är fejk.
Allt I världen är fejk.
Det är liksom… Alltså
Du vet, gräset på fotbollsplanen är inte ens gräs.
Det är plast!
Det är liksom ljust, fast på natten.
Så mycket vet jag, det är natt.
Men varför är det då ljust?
Alla människor är på låtsas.
De är gjorda av metall.
Men jag tycker om dig.
Och det är inte på låtsas.
Also random things like: kom igen, Bjärstad, glömma det, inte förlora dig.
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dogsinspaceandyou · 2 years
I am re-using Tumblr just for this blog, please give me some nice garbage x happy Headcanons, not need to be all romantic but like, slice of life? Plz and that k you
I don’t fully understand slice of life, but I think I did pretty good. Also this is pre-relationship, like before they even realize feelings are there. I hope you like it!
Slice of life / Pre-relationship Happy x Garbage headcanons:
Garbage starts making an extra sandwich for Happy after they become friends again. He likes making them for his crew, so why not make his old friend one too? The corgi always makes sure to give Happy the sandwich before the Venus takes off for their mission. Happy really appreciates the gesture and he loves the way Garbage makes his sandwiches.
The two of them often have one-on-one friend dates. Garbage and Happy still take time to hang out with their respective crews, but they really do enjoy getting to spend time together like old times. They mainly eat at the diner or watch movies, talking about their day or reminiscing about training. Often they gossip about the other PET teams, the dogs on the M-Bark and even the things going on in the council. Happy always has the best gossip and Garbage loves listening to him talk.
Sometimes Garbage (and the Pluto crew) invite Happy to hang out after he’s done with council meetings or after missions. Surprisingly he’s merged pretty well into their group. He enjoys spending time with them, even Ed! On the other paw, merging Garbage into the Venus group has been... challenging, but Garbage is determined to get them to like him because Happy is important to him.
Garbage isn’t a fan of video games but a certain poodle is. On a day where Nomi drags most of the crew to the arcade, Garbage runs into Happy playing on various machines. Happy finds some of the games’ repetitive patterns and gameplay to be relaxing so he often comes there to destress. It now gives Garbage a reason to go to the arcade; to watch his friend play. (Garbage still can’t believe that Happy is the one that keeps beating Nomi’s highscore on her favorite alien shooter game.)
Happy is now an honary Pluto member, whether he knows it or not, and because of this, he is obligated to join the Pluto cuddle piles -started by Garbage after becoming captain and after Nomi joined the crew. Happy usually ends up in the middle with Nomi sleeping on his chest or on the outer-ring with Garbage snuggled into his side, sometimes it’s just wherever he passes out. At first Happy was reluctant to join but he quickly found all the cuddling really nice. He does every once in awhile wonder about starting a cuddle pile with his crew, but decides against it since Atlas would probably be the only one that would like it.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Underneath a Clear Winter Sky - Chapter 10
The next chapter of Winter Sky is online :D This one goes into kinky stuff again. Though most of this chapter has a very caring and cuddly Lenore and some food porn!
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random-lil-illing · 3 months
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so i had a thought yesterday... carmen sandiego/tmnt community what do we think
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