#ngl he's secretly into it
beetrootpatch · 1 year
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I was also gifted the maid outfit and it made me draw again (ty 4 my life @littledigits )
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arieswritez · 7 months
HII! i just wanna start out by saying I absolutely adore and love your mark fics so much, I’ve been eating them up 🫶. but i wanted to ask, in your yan! mark alphabet, you said mark would be more rough if you’re on the masculine side. do you think you can go more into that?
hi :v!!!
i think mark would be rougher w a 'partner' (partner in quotes cause he's holding you hostage 🤭) who's masc because of daddy issues. . basically LMAOO.
if we're talking about alternate!mark, despite the fact that they took over the planet: he still feels the need to prove himself to his dad.
he may not show it but he still holds a lot of anger towards nolan. if their fight still happened in that timeline, mark finds himself having nightmares about his dad above him, pummeling him into that mountain and he wakes with a start before his dad can deliver the last fatal blow.
it causes friction.
maybe nolan and him bump heads from time to time. heated arguments and icy glares in which mark is always the first to back down on. because the truth of the matter is that mark is afraid of his father. and sometimes he wonders if they're real partners or if what they've got is more of an uneasy truce.
regardless, conquering earth is something mark is letting his father do because he wants his approval.
he wants to be just like him.
of course, that insecurity - that resentment - bleeds into his other relationship w men or masc!presenting individuals. it's an ego thing. a need to puff out his chest and show that he's stronger than said person. that he's better. that he can bring them to their knees.
he's going to take out his frustrations and do to you what he couldn't do to nolan.
sigmund freud would have a field trip with alt/yan!mark i'm telling you.
it gets him so, so hard to see someone who's supposed to be strong reduced to whimpers and tears. he loves to tear them apart and watch as they try to pick up the pieces, only to fail in doing so. to watch them become an empty shell of what they used to be. he wants to be the reason you wake up in a cold sweat at night.
he really is his daddy's son 😞🫶🏽
also good luck if you're taller or just slightly bigger than him in any way. . let's not even mention if you're older. . it's NOT gonna be fun. for you, anyway.🤭
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pasta-yy · 9 days
i think link and revali should be bros actually. i think it would be funny
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revon-aurora-borealis · 2 months
ive just realized that i may have a thing for hot blond villainous men
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its just two tho (as of now) so prolly a coincidence i think
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If I had a live reaction to hearing Hush revive Vega, it would be this
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jaegerisim · 11 months
TW: internalized homophobia, manipulation, panic attacks and mileven making out (sorry y'all, it's for the plot and this the last chapter they'll do it. I pinky promise 😔 we'll get onto the Henderhop the next chapter 😀).
Also the whole diary thing in this chapter I've ripped off of the actual HP lore. 🥲 I also ripped off the whole byler fight from the s3 fight. 😞😞😞
Will was not especially happy to board on the Hogwarts Express unlike his future sister, El, who was bouncing up and down with excitement. Will had gotten to know her over the summer and despite his initial jealousy, he liked her a lot. She was sweet and caring with shoulder-length brown hair and big eyes.
Will really couldn't blame her for being so joyful, she was dating Mike after all, the most loving and perfect human-being ever and as her brother, he was happy for her. Yet, whenever he saw them together or heard them talk over the phone, his guts burnt with jealousy. El was a constant reminder of how Mike would never be his to love.
Normally sitting in a compartment with his friends would make Will happy but lately being with them made him feel alone.
Thus, the train ride had been, in Will's humble opinion, absolutely miserable. With Mike and El, in the seat next to him, not being able to stop kissing for 5 fucking minutes and Mike constantly shoving Will against the window to make room for their gross make-out session. To make matters worse, in the seat in front of him, Max and Lucas were loudly arguing but every 7 insults, they'd began to make-out sloppily.
It was as if both couples were in an intense competition of who could gross Will out more. Mike and El were clearly winning because at least Lucas and Max kiss lovingly while Mike and El just, ew.
Will was growing bored and he he'd brought his wizards chess set on board since it was one of his favorite games. Mike loved it too, and so maybe he wanted to play. Will remembered fondly how the both of them used to play it in Mike's basement. Secretly, Mike's basement felt more like home to Will than the house in which he lived. Since in Mike's basement he felt safe and mostly, loved.
So Will tapped Mike's shoulder in a poor attempt to draw his attention away from El. He was met with Mike huffing annoyed.
"Mike, do you wanna play wizards chess?" Will offered with a small smile.
"But now's not the time" complained Mike, throwing his head back.
"Is it? Is it not the time, Michael?" interrupted Will.
"Well, can I at least kiss El one last time?" giggled Mike.
"Oh, God." Max facepalmed.
Mike kissed El and reluctantly began to play. He constantly rolled his eyes, huffed and complained. Will tried to not feel hurt by his best friend's behavior but when Mike began to mock the game, something inside Will snapped.
"Fine! You win! Congratulations!" Will sneered as he got up from his seat, to leave.
"Will, I was just messing around!" Mike tried to stop Will from leaving but the other boy wasn't taking it. "Let's finish for real!"
"Just forget it Mike" sighed Will packing up the wizards chess.
"But I want to keep playing, ok?"
"I said forget it Mike, okay?" Will exclaimed "I'm going outside"
Mike put himself in between Will and the door.
"Move!" growled Will, pushing Mike and brushing passed him.
"Will, come on! You can't leave!" floundered Mike.
Bet, thought Will with bitterness.
"Listen, I said I was sorry, all right? It's a really cool game! I'm just busy with other stuff right now." Mike was clearly trying to excuse his actions but Will wasn't having it.
"Yeah, Mike, that's the problem: you guys are always busy and you're ruining The Party."
Will was finally getting to say all those things he'd felt over the the last month but hadn't told anyone out of fear. Out of fear of hurting Mike, but now Will couldn't give a fuck about Mike and his stupid feelings.
"That's just not true!" Mike shot defensively.
"Really? Where's Dustin now?" Will asked crossing his arms over his chest.
Mike remained silent as he pursed his lips.
Will asked this fully conscious Mike wouldn't know. Dustin was hanging out with Steve, someone who Dustin had bonded with over the summer. Will knew this because his brother Jonathan was Steve's boyfriend, and had told Will, Dustin tagged along on many of the couple's dates.
"See? You don't even know and you don't even care." Will spat "And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him. You're ruining everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"
Will shouldn't have called El stupid, he knows but in the heat of the moment and with all the bubbling anger he felt, he couldn't care less.
"El's not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike yelled.
That felt like a blow in the gut, leaving Will breathless and trembling. This meant he was weak and men shouldn't be weak (or so his father had taught him and Jonathan). Still, as much as it hurt, he wouldn't cry. At least not in front of Mike.
Mike must have known he fucked up because his voice became softer and quieter.
"Look, I'm not trying to be a jerk, ok?" Mike whispered but Will scoffed. "But we're not kids anymore, I mean, what did you think, really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? That we were gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?''
Something in the way Mike said it sounded almost desperate and pleading.
"Yeah, I guess I did." hissed Will with venom and ironically Mike seemed more heartbroken than the brunet.
Will turned around on his heel and ran away towards the bathroom, trying to swallow the lump of rage he felt in his throat.
He truly was alone, he has no one to go to. He really didn't feel like going to his brother or mother and Robin was probably annoying (read: flirting with) Nancy.
When he opened the door and entered the bathroom, he sat under the sink and curled on himself. His breathing grew heavy as he repeated "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" over and over like some sick mantra, until someone gently tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up and saw Professor Creel looking at him concerned.
"Will? Are you ok?" the teacher asked sitting down next to Will.
"No, not really, Professor." he answered. He felt comfortable with Professor Creel, he was the head of Will's house, after all.
"Call me Henry." smiled the blond "Not feeling too good, huh? Well, I can't have Slytherin's best Beater not feel good, now can I?"
Will chuckled feeling proud. At least someone seemed to appreciate his Quidditch skills.
"You know when I feel sad I like to write about it in my diary. Here, I'm gonna give you this notebook so that you can use it as a diary, ok?"
Henry handed him a black notebook.
"Um, yeah, ok. Cool" Will took the notebook and held it gingerly.
"Well, I best be off. I was having quite the discussion with Professor Argyle about a muggle herb called cannabis." smiled Henry.
Will didn't care about Mike saying Henry was untrustworthy, Henry was a great person who cared about Will unlike Mike, his former best friend.
Henry got up and left the bathroom leaving Will alone, once again.
Since Will had nothing else to do he decided to go inside the nearest stall, sit down and write something in the diary. So he took out the spare quill and ink he always had on himself. After all, he was an artist.
"Hello, my name is Will Byers." he wrote.
His writing disappeared and instead another message appeared.
Hello Will, I'm 001.
Will stared at the notebook in shock.
"Are you alive?" Will wrote, quickly.
You could say that, yes. I'm a trapped consciousness inside of this diary, more precisely. Still, I once was a Hogwarts student, which I’m guessing you are, right?
“Yes, I’m from the Slytherin house and starting my third year!” he corresponded.
I was a Slytherin too, the best house. If I do say so myself.
Will chuckled, was Slytherin truly the best house? Everyone seemed to despise them. Yeah, there were a couple of assholes in the house, like Billy and Troy, but weren’t there assholes in every house?
Will could name a few ones out of the top of his head: Steve, a Gryffindor, used to be an asshole until Jonathan and him got into a fistfight; Fred Benson, a Ravenclaw, had apparently done some pretty fucked up stuff too; Jason Carver, another Gryffindor, was notorious for being extremely stuck up and throwing wild parties in the boy’s dorm (there were also rumors of him cheating on his girlfriend, poor Chrissy Cunningham, with several girls).
"Well, do you mind if I tell you something? You can’t tell anyone, though.” Will scribbled in his cursive writing.
Sure. Who would I tell anyways?
“Ok, well the thing is that….” Will recounted what happened with Mike and the further in the story, the tighter he gripped his quill. When he finished, he waited to see 001’s response:
That kid sounds like such an ass, not gonna lie. You should really stop considering him your best friend. Best friends don’t treat you like absolute garbage.
Will pondered this, and really, 001 was right.
This “conversation” kept on going for the rest of the train ride and school year. Will avoided The Party, except Max, at all costs and constantly run away to “talk” with 001 (much to Mike’s disgust and jealousy).
The year went by swiftly until the very last week of June, during which, Billy had begun a fire in the Forbidden Forest in a desperate attempt to break up Max and Lucas. Fortunately, neither Lucas or Max had been harmed but Billy died. The fire was known as The Great Fire of ‘85 and it left Max completely devastated. Mostly, because her step-brother had tried to murder her and Lucas for being an interracial couple. This left her with a huge emotional burden she’d only told Will.
Thanks to 001 he’d realized that he didn’t need to be friends that weren’t from his own house. 001 had taught Will new and more powerful spells, he’d also taught Will about how being a Slytherin mean being the best.
Now, Will was determined for Max to meet 001, his other best friend, and for him to teach Max all the things he’d taught Will. So he asked a delighted Professor Creel for another notebook for Max, who reluctantly accepted it. After a day of using it, she admitted to having loved the present.
Max and Will liked to gush about 001’s appearance and while Will imagined him as a handsome man, Max imagine him as a sickly old man. They loved their new friend and thought that 001 was the only friend they needed.
In their innocence, they both believed to have met an angel or even god, when they’d actually made a deal with the devil.
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akkivee · 8 months
that ‘my new boss is goofy’ anime makes me cry for a multitude of reasons!!!! first and foremost is because i want that for kannonzaka doppo when will he quit his job—
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patrickztump · 1 month
for the rest of my life getting just one yesterday for my 8 ball with be my eighth wonder because i will never be able to comprehend how the stars aligned to make that happen. my mind has been blown since march 19, 2024 at 10:34pm est and i will likely never recover
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These guys might be speedsters though. Like, actual genuine 'organic conduit' speedsters.
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They talk about capturing Earth's speedsters for the Empress and about how there is "usually one on each planet" and how they capture metas to use as slaves.
So I'm going to be honest, the fact that these three are different types of aliens from the rest of the Fraction? And that they have special ranks?
I think these guys were lone speedsters captured from their home planets and forced to serve the Fraction. I'm not sure how. Mind controlled, held at gunpoint, possibly traitors, whatever. Regardless though, I don't think random aliens become high ranking officials in another species military without a reason.
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ahru0226 · 1 year
TW: mild genitalia swear word, sexual slur, might or might not implied underage
"Oh Harry," Upon the first glance at Tom since Harry awoke with headache and cold numbness, Tom all but purr his name with voice so sweet, like a gentle hand caressing his soul, "I brought the girl you've laid your eyes on earlier."
His smile. It is sweet too. So sweet it smells like rotten pomegranate, it suffocates Harry, violates his soul with sins covered with childish clothing. The sweetness too much that Harry feels like crying, or cursing, or both.
"Was it a stare?" Tom continues, recounting an event that never existed, "or perhaps just a side eye glance? Oh dear me, my memories, I can't quite remember it," Tom waved his hand carelessly, like he's talking about how good the weather is today, with the sun shines so bright and sky so blue, unlike a boy backed to a gagged and unconscious girl, standing proud and cruel in front of Harry who both hands bound back and holy wand snatched, "nevertheless, I've digressed."
"I wonder… what were you thinking when you laid your perfect green eyes on her?" He murmured, red eyes burning with feverish, painting with cruelty and glee, absolute like a god would to his belongings. "Was it how her hair, burning bright and blinding, like a dancing flame? How her move, pride and elegance, like an angel descended? How she talk, sweet and alluring, like a siren song?"
A stop, then his damning innocence façade finally, finally fell. He smirks with retaliation, with cruelty, with arrogance, with every emotion that shouldn't appear on a fifteen years old teenage boy's face.
"Or… perhaps, was it how you will stick your length, slick with cum and spit, thrust into her tight wet dirty cunt?" Tom spat, the look so ugly it crashed so badly with his handsome features, his look crazed, "How you will push and push and push, seeking your desire and pleasure deep inside this obscene dirty whore?"
He breathes like a predator second away from its prey, stares at Harry with madness that he has seen many times on his older, future counterpart.
"You are no one but mine to see, mine to touch. You are mine. Your eyes will laid on me only, I won't allow any other loathsome to hold your attention," he sneered, "so I brought her here, as a lesson, which you will do well to remember it."
Yet they are different, because while Voldemort was mad, that was madness that hunger for power, it destroyed the world in the process as it's cost.
Tom's madness, however, is thirst for Harry. It is like a maddening storm, and unfortunately Harry is in its center and is the cost.
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lume-nosity · 1 year
oh no it’s happening tomorrow
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I’m glad I’m not the only one who appreciates the nuance of Jason’s character.
I see so many stories where he’s portrayed as the generic homophobic/racist jock bully, leaving out that in every appearance before he (rather understandably) looses it from thinking he’s actually battling demons from hell, he seems like quite a modest stand up guy. I mean, modest in that “my modesty kinda makes me better than you and I do enjoy my own voice”, but he’s cool with everyone and even those he dislikes he just ignores unless they provoke him first.
yeah ngl seeing people go 'jason is obviously homophobic and racist' despite not. displaying any sort of bigotry in this sense perplexes me to no end. (also the same people who hate jason will defend billy who was openly racist and was confirmed as such by the writers and the cast and i think thats hmmmmm)
I enjoyed jason's character a lot! He great example of of the twisted character who believes they're being heroic due to their perspective, but the audience sees that they are proactively making things even worse.
Jason definitely is the high and might modesty type like you said. I think it being the eighties during the satanic panic and him most likely being from a religious family is part of that sort of superiority he feels over people like eddie, who he assumes are into satantic mumbo jumbo. He was genuinely kind to Lucas in the beginning and seemed to think of him as a friend (offering comfort when Lucas had his first hangover, reassuring him that he didn't need to take part in their hunt for eddie and that they would still think of him as a friend).
I thought he was a compelling character that i could see from his perspective, but also the contrasting perspective of Eddie who was the victim the entire time. I liked seeing the difference between the two, both shaped by this traumatic experience of Chrissy's death and how it changed them. Jason believing he is being a hero and hunting down her killer versus Eddie who died for the others to be able to actually stop her killer.
I think people classify him as racist/homophobic/bigoted because its easier to put him into that mean jock archetype than to look at his character as a whole but. it is what it is
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i just went to some church thing and i found someone who said they remember me from high school 😦 which means they probably remember me walking round the school looking like this
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thebleedingeffect · 29 days
In my heart, botw/totk link is ABSOLUTELY an engineering nerd and secretly goes absolutely insane over both zonai and sheikah technology. On multiple occasions, he's completely torn apart the insides of several zonai devices just to understand how the hell they *work* before putting them back together perfectly. Also, he secretly still has tons of sheikah tech still on him that he just endlessly experiments with and can never quite will himself to put down.
But, in the process of that, he's also may or may not have... disassembled both the purah and sheikah slate a handful of times? And he *refuses* to admit it to Purah cause he knows he'd be chewed out- but both have broke several times during his adventures. Sometimes, the slate falls from his hip at just the right angle and shatters the screen and he has to hide out in a cave furiously fixing it. Sometimes, several of the buttons will be jammed thanks to being covered in monster guts and he has to tear it open and clean the entire thing. He's also been experimenting with meshing zonai and sheikah technology together :) no one knows about the terrifying hybrid of tech he's currently concocting.
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peppy-jester · 5 months
"Would all those anon kindly just... FUCK OFF BEFORE I BURN YOU ALL INTO ASHES!" Asmodeus shouts in his large form.
Fizz was not expecting Ozzie to show up, which gave him the scare.
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"Oz, please don't waste your energy for those fuck nuggets, you're above them" he tried to calm him down, but srue he'd also want to see them all burn into crisp. That would be hilarious.
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starscreamingg · 11 months
If I'm gonna be real it's getting pretty hard to fuck it we ball in this economy
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