#niall horan ship
mikeysgerard · 1 year
The feminine urge to go to bed and write fanfictions about your otp in your head until you fall asleep
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beacarrot · 3 months
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"do you get déjà vu?"
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yeah, i did.
(when i saw the rolling stones album on karaokê i immediately remembered it)
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Moodboard of Seamus x Lavender.
Face-claims: Niall Horan and Halle Bailey.
Requested by: anon.
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acanthus-literary · 1 month
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If the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you. // Niall Horan, This Town.
Source: @koromo06418109.
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newsfromharry · 5 months
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unfortunate-arrow · 10 months
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𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓼 𝓢𝓾𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓪𝓷 𝔁 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔃𝓪 𝓚𝓻𝓾𝓶 | hp wwi era
I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear // I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear // 'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there // Every time I turn around, you disappear — Nice To Meet Ya, Niall Horan
⤷ @potionboy3
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so-idialed-9 · 1 year
Niall is at least 75% in love with Lewis Capaldi. At least.
This Level 10 fonding and heart eyes is just from Lewis casually harmonizing to Niall's new single in a radio interview. Niall's face is so soft and open, he has to hide it.
There's about 45 more seconds of Niall trying to look casual and failing, covering his face and looking sooo happy and awestruck and like Christ hide me eyes so the world doesn't know I'm in this deep.
Lewis' second verse goes...astray and Niall is beaming and laughing and embarrassed and wiping his eyes. Which is what I think Niall would need to be in love - admiration, respect, endless bants with personal connection.
I know there's been so many different things where they play this up for the public but at this point I honestly do think that Niall is undeniably invested.
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niall-ate-mynamee · 1 year
Please do a drabble where Niall is really tiny, and he’s at the library and he can’t reach a book and Harry helps him? Andddddd then they exchange numbers and BOOM 1 year later they become a couple? Thank youuuuuuu
note: i’ve taken a few inches off Niall’s actual height (5’8) just to make this drabble just that little bit more adorable :’)
but, i hope you like this, niallermybabe! this was fun to write :) if any of you were here in the first few years of my tumblr acc, you might remember how much i adored Narry, so i love writing their pairing! feel free to keep sending those prompts/drabbles! 💜
anyways, enjoy! :)
“Oh, come on,” 18 year old Niall Horan groaned as he tried to reach for the book he wanted. Niall was 5’4, he blamed his Irishness for that. He hated being small, he swears people in the street purposely bump into him and nearly knock him over. Even in his flat he couldn’t use the higher shelves without a stool. He hated it. And now, this library was just taunting him.
“You suck,” He huffed, glaring up at the shelf as if it was to blame. He didn’t like asking for help, it was embarrassing. His height was the bane of his life, it was the only thing he wished he could change about himself.
His mother had always called it “cute”, his father loved picking him up teasingly, and his older brother used to hold things above his head just to spite him. Fair to say, Niall wished he was taller. Especially now at 18, an adult for goodness sake, he needed to be able to do things for himself.
He sighed, looking around the area for any sort of stool he could sneakily use, before trying one last time to reach for the book, until a voice suddenly sounded from behind him. “You okay there, sir?” When Niall turned around, he froze, for there stood the most beautiful man he had ever seen with the curliest hair and cutest dimples as he grinned.
“H-hi…” He squeaked, immediately mentally berating himself. He felt the blood rush to his cheeks, and knew he was blushing furiously.
“Hi yourself,” The guy chuckled, “Do you need any help?”
“Um, I, uh…can’t reach…the book,” Niall stuttered, looking up at the shelf briefly before looking at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Which one were you after? I can give you a hand, if you want?” The guy asked, smiling fondly.
“Uh, it’s the uh, James Patterson ‘The Murder House’ one…up there…” He said, pointing out the book and watching as this earth angel easily grabbed the book, taking a quick glance at the cover before handing it to Niall, “Thank you so much!” Niall exclaimed, hugging the book close to his chest as he grinned up at the man.
“It’s no problem at all, sweetheart,” The guy replied, “I’m Harry, by the way. Harry Styles,” He introduced himself, holding out his hand.
“I’m Niall Horan, it’s nice to meet ya, Harry,” He grinned back, shaking Harry’s hand and feeling sparks immediately. Boy, he couldn’t wait to go home and call his mam about this man. Niall knew he was super attracted to this Harry…
“Do you work here?” Niall asked, curiously.
“Yeah! My best friend, Louis, got me the job last year. He works on the counter over there,” He pointed to a fluffy haired guy behind the counter, chatting away happily to a girl, “We work the same shifts since we car share, so it made sense,”
“That’s so cool!” Niall said, “I mean, getting to work with your best friend must be fun,” He giggled. Harry grinned at the sound, and Niall blushed once again.
“Yeah, it is pretty cool. Is this your first time here? I haven’t seen you in here before, and I never forget a face!” Harry asked, cocking his head slightly to the side, and Niall thought it was the most adorable thing he’s ever seen.
“I’ve just moved in down the street. Finally ‘flew the nest’ as my ma put it. She’s back in Ireland, but I always dreamed of living in London, so I found a job, found a cheap flat, and here I am!” He explained, waving one hand around, as he talked.
Harry laughed, “I like you, Niall. You’re cute,” Harry winked, and Niall felt like his knees would buckle any second, “Come, let me introduce you to Louis!”
With that, Harry took Niall’s hand and dragged him over to the counter and, that was the start of something very magical and very special for both Niall and Harry.
One Year Later…
“Ni, babe, have you seen my phone?” Harry called up the stairs to his boyfriend of 6 months as he patted his pockets while turning his head side to side looking for the missing device.
There was silence for a moment before there was a chuckle and footsteps coming down the stairs, “You left it on the bedside table,” Niall smirked, holding the phone out for Harry to take. His boyfriend laughed and grabbed the phone, then took Niall’s hand and pulled him down the last step gently, pulling him close.
“This is why I kept you around,” Harry smirked back, leaning forwards and pressing his lips to his boyfriend’s.
“Hmm,” Niall hummed happily, “That the only reason?” The Irishman smirked, pulling back but keeping his arms around Harry’s neck.
Harry pressed his forehead to Niall’s, “Hm, maybe not the only reason…” He whispered, kissing him again before Niall pulled away.
“Come on, babe, we’ve got a lunch date with Louis and Liam, we don’t wanna be late again,” Niall laughed, moving his arms away from Harry’s neck and moving to grab Harry’s car keys.
“That was your fault last time! You were the one who insisted we stop off at the store!” Harry exclaimed, following Niall to the front door.
Niall turned around just as Harry was close enough so their bodies were pressed together. Harry grabbed Niall’s hands and they locked eyes. “I love you, Haz,” Niall whispered, biting his lip as he took in the face he adored so much.
“I love you more, Ni,” Harry replied just as quietly, looking at Niall’s lips before he tilted Niall’s chin up and pressed their lips together for a soft and loving kiss, “Thank you for saying yes,” Harry said softly, leaning their foreheads together once more.
“Thank you for making me the happiest I’ve ever been,” Niall replied, wrapping his arms around Harry’s waist and cuddling into him, closing his eyes and sighing softly as he felt Harry hold him tightly. He felt lips press against the top of his head and grinned happily.
A year ago, Niall was just a new kid in a big city, wanting a book from a small library, and who knew that he would meet his whole world there? He moved out of his small, one bed flat, a month into their relationship, and now lives in a two story, two bed house with the love of his life. What could be better! Niall adored Harry with everything in him, and he knew Harry felt the same.
They were two peas in a pod, two hearts combined into one, two souls connected forever. They were NiallandHarry, HarryandNiall, and nothing could break them apart.
Yes, Niall thought happily, This man is my forever.
well, there you go! :) sorry if it feels kinda rushed at the end, i already felt like it was getting a bit too long to be considered a drabble, so i didn’t wanna drone on! i hope you enjoyed it all the same!! it was so fun and cute to write, hahahah! 💜
as always, lemme know what you think!
p.s i realised i missed out the exchanging of phone numbers bit, im so sorry!! i hope it’s still good, tho!
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littlemissmeggie · 6 months
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mikeysgerard · 1 year
Shit you guys. Fanfiction is the fucking best thing that ever happened to me. Nothing compares to that feeling after finishing a really bloody fantastic story. Heaven on earth, and all that <3
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beacarrot · 4 months
my couple 😭😭😭
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niallermybabe · 1 year
Looking for Narry/Ziall shippers!
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zaynlovermrlne96 · 1 year
Harry and Louis on the screen.
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touchbased · 1 year
ok but what are some of the wildest pairings you had during your early indie years
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Now we're sittin' here in your livin' room Tellin' stories while we share a drink or two And there's a vision I've been holdin' in my mind We're sixty-five and you ask When did I first know, I always knew And I see us in black and white Crystal clear on a starlit night In all your gorgeous colours I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life See you standing in your dress Swear in front of all our friends There'll never be another I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
belated: drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Aug 2022 [16. Mingcallister]
Fandom(s): WordGirl
Pairing: Scoops Ming x Tobey McCallister
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Where u from? Fair City
Families (my AU):
Scoops: Berniece (mom/aunt), Woodward (dad/uncle)
Tobey: Claire (mom)
Subship(s): Fancy Ham (Reginald x Butcher); Three Cheese Blend (Two-Brains x Charlie x Meatloaf)
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