#niall request
harrywavycurly · 1 month
Could we get the engagement party or something with Harry and his now bff fiancé?? I love them😍
Hiii lovey!! I’m so glad you love them, I do too!! I’m give you a little something showing their engagement party! I hope you enjoy💖
-Find all things Lonely here✨
Summary: It’s your engagement party and Harry has to keep letting other people steal you away from him✨
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“Do you mind if I say a few words?” You feel Harry’s hand give your knee a little squeeze as he leans over and whispers in your ear. You turn to look at him as you place your drink on the table that’s decorated with lovely shades of white and powder pink flowers with candles scattered all around. “I swear I’ll make it quick.” He adds with a smirk making you roll your eyes as you lean over and place a kiss to his cheek.
“You don’t know how to do anything quickly Harry.”
“Tonight is supposed to celebrate how much we love each other yet here you are being mean to me.” You laugh as Harry gives your knee another squeeze before removing it so he can grab his drink as you look around the table. Your eyes land on Niall who is looking at you with a grin on his face, he just gives you a reassuring nod as he takes a sip of his drink before he goes back to his conversation with Gemma who’s sat across from him.
You can’t help but smile and lean into Harry’s side as his arm drapes across the back of your chair as his lips find their way to the top of your head. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous at first at the idea of having an engagement party, not really knowing how people would react when they heard the news that your longtime bestfriend had proposed not once but twice and that’s when you finally said yes. But Harry swore that the people who mean the most to the two of you would be supportive and as much as you hate to admit it, he was right. The proof being all the people sitting around you right now in the private patio bar of one of your favorite restaurants that’s been decorated with little hints of you and Harry tucked in between all the pink and white decor. One of your favorite little nods to your relationship being the fact the shade of pink used to decorate the tables is the exact same shade of pink as Harry’s suit he wore the first time he asked you to marry him in your backyard.
“Hello everyone.” You’re suddenly brought out of your thoughts by Harry’s voice coming from above you as you notice he’s now standing and has his drink in his hand. “I swore I’d make this quick.” He looks down at you and shoots you a wink making you shake your head as everyone just chuckles because they all know Harry and his inability to tell a story or make a toast quickly. “I just want to thank you all for coming tonight to help us celebrate starting the next chapter of our lives together and I know that to some this was a little bit of a shock while to others the only shocking thing was how long it took for us to get here.” You smile as he looks down and reaches for your hand so his can interlock his fingers with yours.
“It may have taken eleven years and two marriage proposals for us to end up here.” You look up at him as you try to blink back the tears that are wanting to form behind your eyes. “But the important thing is we’re here and I’ve never been happier so even if it took twenty years and five proposals that would be fine with me if it meant I’d still get to be standing here holding her hand in the end.” Harry looks down at you and gives your hand a firm squeeze as you swipe under your eyes with your free hand not able to stop a few tears from escaping as you listen to him speak. “I love you sweetheart. Thanks for agreeing to letting me love you for the rest of my life.” You hear a collection of sniffles and claps as he leans down and places a sweet kiss to your lips before he takes his seat.
“I’d like to say something as well.” You feel Harry bring your joined hands up to his lips as you turn your head and see Niall starting to stand up. “I’ve never seen two people so perfect for each other take so bloody long to realize it.” You hear Harry laugh as he rubs his thumb over your knuckles while Niall turns his body so he’s facing the two of you a little better. “But I’m happy you finally did and I mean I think you could’ve just asked her on a date or something Harry but I guess when you know you know right?” Niall’s voice is playful making everyone laugh as Harry just nods while you smile at one of your bestfriends who you know is nothing but happy for the two of you. “I love you both and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the two of you.” He holds up his drink and you reach to grab yours. “To the future Mr. and Mrs. Styles!” You take a sip of your drink as you feel Harry let go of your hand and wrap his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side.
“Never going to get tired of hearing that.” His voice is a low whisper in your ear. “Future Mrs. Styles.” You feel him place his lips to the side of your head as you let out a sigh of content.
“Yeah well I still have time to change my mind and make you take my last name.”
“Always so sweet to me but you know I’d happily do that if it’s what you really wanted.”
“Whatever gets you down the aisle lovey.”
“Are you worried I’m not going to make it down the aisle?” You ask as you turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow to which he just shrugs as he takes a sip of his drink.
“I don’t know if I’m worried but-”
“Oh he’s terrified you’re going to change your mind.” Gemma’s teasing voice makes Harry roll his eyes as he takes another sip of his drink while you just give him a look that is your way of asking if she’s serious. “But I keep telling him that you wouldn’t have said yes if you didn’t actually want to.” You turn your attention away from Harry so you can face his sister who is kneeling beside your chair with a hand on your shoulder and a glass of wine in her other. “Because while my baby brother may be cute that doesn’t mean he can get you to do anything you don’t want to.” She leans over so she can shoot her brother a playful look making him just chuckle because of course she’s right, he hasn’t ever in all the years he’s known you been able to get you to do anything you don’t want to do no matter how pouty he makes his frown or how hard he bats his long eyelashes at you.
“That doesn’t stop him from trying though does it?” She asks causing you to chuckle while Harry lets out a small huff and you can feel his breath on your neck as he turns so he can look at his sister. “Do you mind buggering off so I can talk to my soon to be sister alone?” Her eyes are on Harry’s as she stands up and motions towards his seat making him sit up straight and shake his head in amazement that she’s actually asking him to get up.
“What? This is my engagement party Gem you can’t just make me leave my fiancé in the middle of it.”
“Harry you have the rest of your life to be sat next to her at dinner parties now get up off your rump and let me have your seat.”
“But I’m gonna-”
“I know you’ll miss her but mum actually wants to talk to you so just go-”
“She does not she’s busy talking to Niall and Amelia.”
“Fine if you won’t get up then I’ll just take her with me.” This makes Harry just roll his eyes at his sister as she looks down at you with a knowing smile, you reach to grab your drink and start to stand up but Harry is quick to place a hand on your shoulder stopping you.
“Make her cry and I’ll be forced to tell mum that you’re the one who broke her favorite Christmas plate we used to leave cookies on that she had to spend a whole weekend glueing back together last year.” His glare towards his sister is only half serious as he stands up after grabbing his drink off the table, Gemma just rolls her eyes at his sad excuse of a threat. You look up at him with a smile when you feel him give your shoulder a squeeze, he quickly leans down so his lips are right next to your ear. “I’ll miss you terribly my love.” You feel your cheeks get warm as you feel his lips place a quick kiss just below your ear before standing up.
“Thank you little brother.” Gemma says with a smile as she takes his seat next to you. “Now go stop Niall from talking mum’s ear off about Ireland and golf.”
“Yeah yeah I’m going I’m going.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too Gem.” You just sit and smile at the two of them, their bickering being something you’ve gotten used to over the years and sometimes you may think Harry takes it too far or Gemma says something that actually hurts her little brother’s feelings you know the two of them have an unmeasurable amount of love and respect for each other.
“How do you put up with that all the time? He’s so clingy.” You laugh and give her a casual shrug as you bring your drink to your lips. “You know when he told me he wanted to ask you to marry him I thought he was joking.” You take a sip of your drink as you look down the table and see Harry taking Gemma’s empty seat next to Anne who has a grin on her face as she places a hand on his cheek and gives it a little pat making Niall lean his head back with laughter. “I didn’t think he’d ever realize what had been standing in front of him this whole time.” You turn your attention back to her and see she’s also looking at Harry and Anne with a smile on her face.
“He’s always loved you I think?” You raise an eyebrow as she looks at you while you place your half empty drink on the table. “He told me something years ago and I’m not even sure he remembers saying it because it was after a few glasses of wine.” You watch her place her own drink down giving you a little smile as she reaches for your left hand. “He said he didn’t know how to not fall in love with you but he also didn’t want to know what it was like to be without you so he would happily push all of that to the side if it meant you sticking around.” While this information wasn’t new to you it still made you swallow the small lump that was forming in your throat at the thought of Harry just wanting you in his life so badly that he buried his feelings for you deep down for all these years.
“So of course when he finally realized you’ve always been it for him he does the most logical thing and asks you to marry him.” She lets out a breathy laugh as she looks at the ring on your finger. “Did he give you that lame excuse of he just didn’t want to be lonely and all that?” You just nod as you feel your eyes begin to fill with tears as she twirls the ring around on your finger. “He told me he was asking you because both of you are lonely and it would just make sense for you two to be together and honestly I was worried for him because while he might not have known at the time that his love for you wasn’t the kind you have for a friend but the kind you have for a soulmate of sorts. I knew how you felt about him. How you’ve always felt about him.” You feel her give your hand a squeeze as you look down the table at Harry who is already looking at you with a raised brow as he takes a sip of his drink.
“I wouldn’t have blamed you if you said no.” You turn your head to look back at her as she gives you a reassuring smile as you sniffle and wipe at your eyes with your free hand. “But thank you for saying yes.” Her voice is low and you can tell she’s also holding back her emotions as she leans over and places a little kiss to your cheek making you smile.
“She did tell me no.” Harry’s voice from behind you makes you jump a bit as Gemma just looks at you with a quirked brow. “Or she tried to at least but I convinced her to change her mind.” He adds as he leans down to place a kiss to the top of your head as Gemma lets go of your hand and reaches for her drink. “By the way mum wants to talk to you.” Gemma glares at her brother but he ignores it as his hands land on your shoulders so he can give them a gentle rub making you instantly relax under his touch.
“You’re such a brat.”
“I told you not to make her cry.” He says matter of factly while she gets up out of his seat still glaring at him. “Good luck sis.” Is all he says as she turns towards where Anne is sitting, this just earns him a quick flash of her middle finger making him chuckle as he gives your shoulders a squeeze. “How are you my darling?” He asks as you bring a hand up and place it over one of his that’s still gently rubbing your shoulders.
“For a party all about love I can’t seem to stop crying.” You joke as you run your thumb over Harry’s knuckles as you look up at him. He just smiles as he leans down and places a kiss to your forehead.
“Can I show you something?” You just nod as he releases his grip on your shoulders so you can stand up. “Have I told you how lovely you look tonight?” You smile as he holds a hand out for you to take as you maneuver around your empty chair.
“Only once or twice.” You answer as he leads you away from the table and over towards the back of the patio near the bar that was decorated the same way as the table you were just sat at. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” You give his hand a squeeze as you smile at a few people as you walk by them.
“Do you remember taking this?” Harry stops in front of a small table that’s set up with a candle and a vase full of white and pink flowers next to a picture in frame that has the year ‘2019’ painted on it in white. You let go of Harry’s hand so you can lean in to get a closer look at the photo and you instantly remember the exact moment it was taken making you laugh as you feel Harry’s arms wrap around your waist from behind as you stand up.
The photo is from when he hosted Saturday Night Live as well as performed as the musical guest. The two of you standing in his dressing room, him in his blue button up shirt and yellow pants with one arm wrapped around your shoulders while pointing at your skirt that was very similar to the shade of yellow as his pants, with his free hand. You had shown him the outfit you planned on wearing to the show weeks before hand so in the photo you have your arms crossed over your chest looking up at Harry with a fake annoyed glare while his face holds a giant grin as he looks straight at the camera.
“You’ve always loved to match with me haven’t you?” You feel Harry let out a soft chuckle as he places a kiss to the top of your head.
“Only when you let me.” He admits making you laugh as you turn around in his hold so you can wrap your arms around his neck. “Thanks for letting me catch up to you sweetheart.” He whispers as he leans down and rests his forehead against yours. “I love you.” You don’t even bother trying to fight the fresh wave of tears that start to form as you feel Harry’s arms tighten their hold around you.
“I love you too Harry.” Your voice is just barley above a whisper but you know he heard you because as soon as the words leave your mouth you feel his nose playfully bump yours before his lips are pressing against yours in a sweet kiss. Before he can pull away you pull him closer to deepen the kiss making him smile against your lips as you play with the hair at the back of his neck.
“You two are absolutely disgusting.” Harry reluctantly pulls away as Niall’s voice interrupts the moment you two were having. “Like I know this is your party and all but can’t you hold off on the snogging until it’s over?” Harry rolls his eyes as he stands up while you remove your arms from around his neck.
“Oh please as if I haven’t had to watch you and Amelia suck each other’s faces off at a few house parties?” Harry asks as he drops one of his arms from your waist so you can turn to face one of your bestfriend’s who is now glaring at Harry as he takes a sip of his beer.
“That’s different H that’s a house party. Everyone knows things get a bit wild at house parties.” You just laugh as you place a hand on Harry’s back and give him a gentle pat.
“Well this is our engagement party Niall so excuse me if we decide to get a bit wild at-”
“A bit wild? You call snogging in a back corner of a patio getting a bit wild? You’ve really gotten soft in your old age.”
“Old age? Mate you’re older than me.”
“Didn’t say I wasn’t I’m just saying you’re getting soft if this your new definition of getting wild.”
“The night is still young.”
“But you’re not.”
“You walk all the way over here with your bad knees just to call me old and soft?”
“No I came over here to steal my bestfriend away for a moment.” You put a hand over your mouth to hide your laugh as Harry lets out a groan as he looks from Niall down to you.
“Everyone is stealing you from me and it’s a bit rude.” Niall just rolls his eyes at Harry as you reach up on your tiptoes and place a kiss to his cheek. “Make it quick and if you make her cry-”
“Oh just go away already you lanky fu-”
“Niall James.” Your voice is harsh making both men turn to look at you, Niall’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he realizes he’s in trouble while Harry just leans down and gives you a quick kiss to your cheek before releasing his arm from around you.
“Good luck mate.” Is all Harry says as he walks past Niall who just rolls his eyes as you take a step towards him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Niall Horan you were about to call my fiancé a lanky fuck at his own engagement party.” You watch Niall just shrug as he looks down at his feet briefly before looking back up at you.
“Well yeah but-”
“But nothing.” You uncross your arms and reach over and take the beer from his hands making him pout a bit as he watches you place it on the table that has the photo Harry brought you over to see.
“I’m sorry that was rude of me but I just wanted to get a moment with you that’s all.” You just nod giving him the okay to continue with whatever it is he wants to talk to you about. “You’re happy right? Like not the kind of happy you get when your favorite wine is on sale at the store or when the bakery down the way has your favorite flavor pie but like really happy?” His voice is full of genuine worry as he reaches for your hands so he can hold them while he looks into your eyes, you can’t help but smile at him because of course his main concern is your happiness.
“Because if you’re not you know you just have to say the word and we can get out of here no questions asked.” You just shake your head and try not to let yourself laugh because you know he’s being serious.
“I’m happy.” Niall just gives you a questioning look as if he doesn’t fully believe you making you roll your eyes. “I really am happy.” You give him a reassuring smile making him just nod. “Harry makes me happy.” He just smiles as he leans down and places a kiss to the top of your head.
“Good because I’m already a child of an actual divorce so having to pick between you and Harry would be a little too hard on me.” You laugh as he lets go of your hands so he can pull you into a hug making you smile as you rest your head on his shoulder. “But you know I’d pick you.” He whispers in your ear before he gives you a little squeeze making you giggle.
“You about done getting handsy with my future wife or should I do other lap around the party?” Niall just rolls his eyes as you pull away from him so you can face Harry.
“Do another lap.” Niall answers as Harry grabs your hand and gently pulls you towards him making Niall laugh. “I love you two now don’t go back to snogging in the corner or anything too wild when I leave okay? Be proper adults and at least find a bathroom or something to do it in.” You laugh while Harry just glares at him as Niall reaches over and grabs his drink off the table before turning and heading back towards the party to take his seat next to Amelia.
“Why are we even friends with him?” Harry asks as you place your free hand on his chest.
“Because we love him and he loves us.” You state as you look up at him, he has a relaxed smile on his face when he looks down at you while he gives your hand a few gentle squeezes.
“How much longer until our wedding day?” You smile at the mention of your wedding day even though you’re not done planning everything and it’s still a mild source of anxiety when you let yourself think of all the little details still left to deal with you can’t help but get excited about the fact you’re really going to be Harry’s wife soon.
“Only like ten months.” Harry pouts at your answer making you laugh as you give his chest a reassuring pat as you reach up on the tips of your toes to place a sweet little kiss to his lips making his frown turn into a smile when you pull away.
“What’s ten months compared to the rest of our lives huh?” You want to roll your eyes at how cheesy his response is but you can’t, Harry’s always been a sap but he’s gone up a few levels of lovey sappiness since he proposed to you in his living room a month and a half ago.
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mclqren · 6 months
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!ex girlfriend!reader ; niall horan x fem!reader
SUMMARY ✦ when your relationship with charles ends up falling through, you find comfort in a certain singer's arms [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing, some hate comments here and there but idk if that's actually a warning
NOTES ✦ to preface: i usually don't write for anyone other than f1 drivers & football players, but i liked the idea of this so i decided to go ahead with it! for the plot of this, charlotte & charles broke up september 2022, and the dating timeline for charles & y/n is nov 2022-dec 2023. the logistics honestly make not a lot of sense but BARE WITH ME PLEASE. the fc i've used is hailee steinfeld, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by yourbsf, charlottesiine, and 194,310 others
tagged yourbsf
yourusername bigger and better things are coming in 2024 🪩
view all comments
user4 oh she is glowinggg!!
user5 y/n is living her best life and we love to see it!
yourbsf nyc was sooo much fun w you 😘
yourusername had the best timeee 💗💗
charlottesiine you're sooo perfect! 🤍
yourusername all you cha!! 💗💗
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( caption one: the only cha i need 😘 | caption two: night out 🌃 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, charlottesiine, and 210,998 others
tagged charlottesiine
yourusername idk this weekend's been kinda fun!
view all comments
user14 charlotte x y/n WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!
user15 okay but the mysterious guy in the third pic??
user16 she's in another relationship??
user17 how has she already moved on that quickly tf... neither of them deserved charles.
user18 shut uppp!! you have no clue about y/n's personal life, for all we knew that literally COULD be charles, or it could be someone else! she should be able to do whatever she wants without some troll deciding they have a relevant opinion ❤️
charlottesiine the best weekend everrr!!
yourusername love you 💗
user20 the way charles liked this ☹️☹️
user21 missing them hours
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 1,081,007 others
charles_leclerc testing is all doneee - let's smash the race next week!
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user22 MY OH MYYYY
user23 he knows what he's doing w those pictures of himself
user24 no real im sweating over here.
user25 sooo...are you ever going to mention the breakup??
user26 or the new pics of y/n and her mystery man??
user27 to everyone asking charles to speak on his breakup: leave him alone! it's clear him and y/n are still on good terms as they're still liking each other's insta posts, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're together! they're people too, i think we all need to just leave them alone to process their breakup ❤️
user28 okay but y/n clearly is over him?? she's already processed the breakup, so why shouldn't he have?
user29 everyone needs to honestly just leave them be. this is sooo old rn and they're probably tired of it.
carlossainz55 all ready for the new season 🏎️🏎️
charles_leclerc 👊👊
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liked by charles_leclerc, niallhoran, and 190,201 others
yourusername sitting still, looking pretty! 😘💗
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user32 i needdd a grwm asap ur gorgeous girl!!
user33 okay but the second pic??
user34 we already knew she was over charles?
user33 yeahhh its just so strange to see her soft launching another guy
user35 idc what anyone says i LOVE that y/n has found another man she's happy with!!
user36 sooo real for this!! she deserves all the happiness in the world 💗
charlottesiine 😍😍
yourusername chaaa!! 💗
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( caption: heyy just came on here to say that me and charles are still broken up. i’ve seen a lot of rumours floating around the internet about the nature of our relationship, and while it is no one’s business except our own, i would like to just say that the break up, as previously stated, WAS mutual & we are still friends. mine and charlotte’s friendship also seems to be coming under a lot of fire recently, for whatever reason. she is an amazing woman and has been so supportive during this time of my life, so i kindly ask you stop bashing us on social media for simply being friends. thank you to all of the people sending me lovely messages - ur support isn’t going unnoticed 💗 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, niallhoran, and 303,331 others
tagged niallhoran
yourusername the best thing life could've thrown at me 💗
comments for this post have been limited
niallhoran and who's that handsome fella 😘
yourusername just some annoying irish guy i met, idk how to get rid of him
yourbsf Y/N!! 😍
yourusername MY REAL LOVER 😘
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourusername 💗💗
charlottesiine me when i have to third wheel now ☹️
yourusername no neverrr ur my baby angel he can third wheel us 😍
758 notes · View notes
justmeinatree · 10 months
Hii I have a fluffy request! Based on Niall in Japan out in the rain in his white shirt!
Basic idea would be him and reader are watching TV in his living room, cuddling and being all cutesy, it starts pouring down with rain outside, Niall wants to go outside, reader says no because it's cold, Niall gets up and goes outside on the balcony and dances about in the rain, making the reader laugh, then he comes back inside and drags her back outside, they have a dance in the rain, maybe a cheeky kiss?
Niall in Japan is giving me all sorts of feels😫
Have the best day!❤️
fluff incoming !!! i hope you enjoy ✌️
Word Count : 600
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“did ya get the popcorn ready ?” niall shouts from the living room, starting a movie, keeping it on pause for you to return.
“yes, yes,” you huff playfully, shuffling quickly into the living room, plopping yourself down on the couch next to him.
a shiver runs through you, feeling a cool breeze, making you shuffle closer to your boyfriend.
niall smiles widely, always accepting the cuddles, slinging his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side, kissing the top of your head.
as another cool waft of air flows through the room, you look over to notice the balcony doors open, “what the fuck ? go close the door !” you shriek, giggling, swatting at him.
“stop being a baby, s’warm in here,” he laughs, holding you tighter against him, your arms trapped against your body. “just cuddle with me, i’ll keep ya nice and cozy.”
“niall,” you whine, pouting at him, “seriously, m’freezing. and it’s starting to rain !” you exclaim, hearing the sudden rush of water droplets falling from the sky, the air somehow instantly feeling colder.
“christ, s’not that bad,” niall shakes his head, bouncing off the couch, heading for the door, “here, lemme show ya darling,” he hums, wide smile, stepping out onto the balcony.
niall turns towards you, arms spread out wide and high, getting absolutely soaked as he does a little shimmy in the rain.
you giggle, hiding your face in the blanket, questioning your boyfriend’s sanity for a moment, “you’re fuckin crazy !” you laugh, shaking your head at him.
“think so hmm ?” he smirks playfully, stepping back into your home, walking towards you.
“wait ! you forgot to close the door,” you peer up at him with pleading eyes.
niall’s quick to shake his head, smirk growing wider, “told you i’d show you that it wasn’t cold,” he explains, throwing himself onto you, arms wrapped around you in a big bear hug.
you shriek loudly, your clothes soaked in cold rain water, droplets falling off of niall’s clothes, leaving a small puddle on the couch. you were both laughing, cheeks hurting from the wide smile, lungs screaming for a proper breath of air.
niall stands back up, scooping you into his arms, running back out onto the balcony, getting you absolutely drenched, just as he is.
“fuck, fuck that’s cold,” you giggle, gripping onto him, niall twirling around with you in the rain, dancing like an overhyped toddler.
“would ya stop with that,” niall huffs sarcastically, setting you down on your feet, arms still wrapped tight around you, “dance in the rain with me, and then i promise to warm you up real nice.”
you find yourself smiling, despite the frigid water clinging to you, swaying back and forth with your boyfriend. you feel his arms wrapping tighter around your figure, in a comforting squeeze, making you look up at him.
niall quickly kisses you, lips pressed to yours, rain water having gathered on your skin. you couldn’t believe he still felt warm to the touch, despite the briskness of the night. you smile, melting against him, murmuring a quiet, “i love you.”
he smiles wide against your mouth, forehead resting against yours, “i love you too. lets get ya inside,” he hums, feeling a shiver run through your spine. “think you’ve indulged me enough now,” he giggles, “time for you to get all warmed up.”
tags : @cc-horan
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strawnarrries · 1 year
Niall fluff PLS
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dad niall pulling out his dad skills on his wife
Squeezing the water out of your hair, you swung open the glass door and stepped out of the shower, onto the soft, white rug in front of the door. You grabbed your towel on the hook against the wall and wrapped it around your shoulders. Your husband stood in front of his sink on his side of the bathroom counter, washing his face. You looked up at him once you heard his thick, Irish accent echoing throughout the bathroom.
“Baby, why are ya bleedin’?” he asked frantically, ignoring the foamy face wash dripping down his neck.
You looked down at where he was staring and saw a small cut just below your kneecap, blood pooling at the opening and leisurely trickling down your leg, reminding you of your mistake a few minutes ago, “Oh, I accidentally cut myself with my razor.”
“Ya got yourself good didntcha?” he asked before preceding to aggressively rub the soap into his face.
“Yeah, it hurt so bad,” you replied while drying off your body, avoiding wiping the blood on the towel.
“Gimme a sec and I'll help ya” he hummed before splashing his face with water, washing away the soap.
"I'm okay," you giggled at him, heart swelling at how sweet he was to you.
While you squeezed the water out of your hair with the towel before wrapping it around your body, Niall patted his face dry with a washcloth before bending down and grabbing a bandaid out from the bottom drawer.
"Niall, I don't need a bandaid, it's just a little cut," you protested but he didn't listen. It was like he never heard you in the first place.
After grabbing a tissue, he walked over to you, crouched down, and was now face-to-face with your wound.
"Niall," you giggled at him, looking down at watching him.
"My poor baby," he pouted, pressing a sweet kiss to your kneecap.
He wiped away the blood with a tissue before quickly sticking the bandaid against your cut. He pressed a kiss over the bandaid before standing back up with a popping sound from his knees and throwing away the wrappers.
"All better. I even kissed your boo-boo," he grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist covered by the damp towel.
"You're so dramatic," you giggled at him.
He gave you a peck on the lips before replying, "Am not. My girl is crippled. Can't walk now, can she?"
He knew you were right, but he just liked seeing you grin.
"C'mere, baby girl," he grunted, picking you up bridal style, "I've gotcha."
"Becoming a dad to a toddler has got you all babyie," you giggled.
"That's not a word," he replied with a chuckle.
He walked into your shared bedroom, gently setting you down on your bed while you squealed, "Niall, I'm not even dressed yet, I'm still wet."
"Two of my favorite versions of you," he smirked, punching his eyebrows up at you, "Naked and wet."
"Oh my gosh, stop," you giggled, immediately getting off of the bed, "You're gonna get my side of the bed wet and then I'm gonna have to sleep in the guest bedroom."
"Look whose bein' dramatic now," he teased.
"You don't get me naked or wet now!" you teased back before storming back into the bathroom.
"Wha-Y/N, c'mon!"
You couldn't help but giggle.
i cant figure out if i think this idea is cringy or cute lol lmk what you all think
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niallsgoldhoop · 6 months
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a niall horan one shot - the show famous niall almost three thousand words cw - sexual acts, sexual language, name calling, foul language, 18+
“So what’d you do to piss her off this time?”
Standing next to the small set of metal stairs, I can’t help but smile as I look to my left. “Oh you know— Decided to wear this and that instead of what I was scheduled to wear.”
“It’s no wonder she can’t stand you.” Shaking his head, he chuckles. “See you out there, mate.”
Without another word, I watch as he makes his way up the small stairs and gets settled in place, the rest of my band doing the same as we get prepared to give the crowd a show to remember.
Looking down at my shoes, I can’t help but let out a small laugh.
What I was supposed to wear and what I decided to wear are two different things.
It’s like if I listen closely I can already hear Reed Foster cursing under her breath, my name falling from those raspberry lips about how much she can’t stand me.
Ever since I met her there has been that electric buzz of tension between the two of us. To this day I’m still not sure what makes her despise me like she does, but I don’t really care. However that doesn’t mean I don’t try and mess with her any chance that I get.
Irritating her is like a game— One that I always win.
As I listen to the crowd on the other side of the curtain and the music starts to play, my feet carry me up the stairs and my hands pull the old and weathered cream colored guitar over my head before checking to make sure my earpieces are fitting correctly.
Taking my place, a flash of movement draws my attention to the side of the stage that I just came from, stealing my attention away for just a second.
“You are the absolute worst, Horan.”
Crossing her arms over her supple chest, Reed stares me down like she wants to murder me. Just the fire in her eyes sends heat flooding through my body.
She may hate me, but I can feel the heat in her gaze when she thinks that I don’t notice.
Just like she doesn’t know that it’s her face I see when I’m alone and need a release.
A secret for a secret, you could say.
For weeks I’ve been getting under her skin and just waiting for the moment it boils over— waiting for what it brings out of her.
Waiting for her to play.
So with a mischievous grin, I look over to her and wink, gaining an eye roll in the process. “Right back at ya, Foster.”
Even under the dim lighting I can see the way she rolls her eyes before turning on her heel, middle finger up in the air.
Fuck, I love a challenge.
Always have— always will.
—— Reed ——
Niall Horan was a pain in my ass.
I swear to god there wasn’t one day where he didn’t do something to piss me off.
From switching the stage outfits to hiding my things, it was a miracle that I hadn’t quit or punched him in that smug ass smile that was always there when I was around.
It didn’t matter that his blue eyes were the color of a perfect sky or that he always smelled like the most expensive, delicious cologne.
Niall was frustratingly handsome.
I knew he was attractive and it didn’t matter that I thought of him when I— No, fuck him.
“Do we have to go back?” The words fall off my tongue as I look across the table. “Because I’m fine with staying here.”
“We could stay if we wanted to get fired.” Laughing, my coworker turned best friend pulls cash out of her wallet.
Groaning, I pay for my tab and stand up to follow her out of the pub. “Maybe I want to get fired.”
“Please, don’t lie to me.” She grins over her shoulder as we climb into the back of the car waiting for us. “We both know you love your job.”
“Love the job, can’t stand the employer.” I manage to mumble under my breath as the car pulls away from the curb.
We left after the first couple songs of the show started, both of us knowing exactly how long we had to go get something to eat or a drink before we had to be back at the arena in time to have everything packed up and ready when it was over.
In the time we’ve been doing that— not once have we been late, but seeing how slow the traffic is moving, it looks like today could be our lucky day.
“I’m so sorry about that, ladies!” Our driver gives us a tight smile. “Normally it’s not so bad around here.”
Waving my hand in front of my face as we walk backwards, I plaster on a fake smile as I dig through my bad for my credentials. “Don’t worry about it!”
The two of us finally make it inside before going our separate ways, leaving me to gather up the last of the things that are in Niall’s dressing room, hoping that I can finish before he gets off stage. From the sound of it, I’m not going to make it considering that the unmistakable first few notes of Slow Hands reverberate through the building.
“Goddamn it.” I mumble. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Working as fast as I can, dread pools in my belly knowing that everything won’t be finished by the time the show is over.
By the time Niall makes it back to this room.
With my back to the door and shoving things into the cases they belong in, the sound of the door opening doesn’t even register to me in my rush.
But the sound of a rough, low voice paired with an Irish accent does.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Whirling around, Reed drops everything in her hands as I lean against the doorframe, the post-show adrenaline pumping the blood through my veins.
“Fuck you.” The words fall from her pouty lips. “I was just leaving.”
“Looks to me like you weren’t even close to leaving.” Stepping up to her, it’s impossible not to notice the way her eyes fall to my lips before they roam over my body. “See something you like, Reed?”
Snapping her gaze back to mine, those pretty eyes narrow. “Not a damn thing.”
“That doesn’t seem like the way you should talk to your boss, does it?” Pressing even closer to her, my tongue rolls across the inside of my cheek. “Besides— I think you’re lying.”
Once again, her eyes fall from mine and grace the edges of the cream colored top that I chose tonight, one that leaves my arms bare.
“You think you’re so full of yourself.” Her tone is venomous but her pupils dilate all the same. “I’m just packing up—“
Reaching behind her, I grab a handful of things from the suitcase and let them clatter to the floor, raising a brow at her. “Seems to me like you just wanted to spend some time with me.”
“Oh yeah? Who told you that?” She scoffs.
I love this game, the back and forth.
Reed is all bark and no bite… Although I don’t mind it a little rough from time to time.
Her pulse jumps under the smooth skin of her neck as a low laugh falls from my lips. “Nobody had to tell me, I could see it right here.” The tip of my finger brushes across her pulse, the wild rhythm beating under the callous that lies there. “Want to lie to me again, hm?”
“Can’t seem to recall a single day that I was excited to see you.” She laughs, letting her finger draw a gentle path down the inside of my arm. “Must suck for you, doesn’t it?”
We’ve drifted even closer to each other over our verbal sparring, leaving us only a couple inches apart, her lips inviting me in.
“What are you gonna do?” Taking the chance, I nip her bottom lip, the whimper from the back of her throat traveling straight to my groin. “Be a brat? Be a good girl?”
She doesn’t even give me an answer before the tension bursts between us, her lips finding mine in a kiss that is anything but gentle. I can't help but groan at the minty taste of her or the way her small hands fist the front of the silky sleeveless shirt I wear.
“Fuck.” My words are short as she pulls in my bottom lip with her teeth. “Always knew you were full of fire.”
My lips fall from hers, traveling across her jaw and down to the hollow at the base of her throat, a moan coming from her lips when I harshly suck the skin into my mouth to mark her.
“Yeah?” I nip her earlobe. “Keep saying my name— I like the way it sounds.”
Gripping the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head, a groan sounds from deep in my chest as she stands in front of me in the laciest thing I’ve ever seen.
“You’ve been hiding all of this from me?” I say, my fingertips toying with her pebbled nipples through the fabric. “Pretending you hate me?”
Glassy eyes find mine as Reed tries to catch her breath. “I do hate you—“
“Liar.” Bringing my hand up to her throat, I let it rest against her skin for just a moment before she gives me a subtle nod, only then letting my fingers press gently into the sides. “I guess if you hate me so much you don’t want any of this, do you?”
Silence settles between us, her swallow thick under my palm.
“Get to work, Reed.” I let go of her. “Take this belt off.”
Tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, her fingers fall to the belt around my waist, the sound of the metal barely heard over our heavy breathes.
“When you get this belt off, I want you to get on your fucking knees, yeah?” Using my finger, I lift her chin so that she meets my gaze. “Did you hear me?”
Reed nods. “Yes.”
“Yes what?” Fire races through my blood.
“Yes, sir.” She says like the good girl she is.
As my pants fall to the ground, I reach behind my and pull my top off and throw it somewhere behind me, too worked up by the sight of the woman on her knees before me.
“Tell me, Reed—“ Brushing my thumb across her bottom lip, I push it inside her mouth and groan at the feel of her warm, wet mouth. “Are you gonna suck me off like the slut you are? Gonna be good for me?”
With a nod, she swirls her tongue around the tip of my finger.
“Good. Take off the rest of my clothes.”
As soon as the words are out of my mouth, she reaches up and tucks her fingers into the waistband of the black briefs doing nothing to conceal how fucking desperate I am to be in her mouth. My cock juts towards my stomach as I step out of the fabric, wrapping my fingers around the silky skin. The pearly drop at my tip shines under the lights of the dressing room as I watch Reed take in the sight before her. From here, I can see her legs shift as if she’s trying to get her own relief from the tension between us.
“Is this what you want?” Leaning forward, I spread the drop across her bottom lip. “Tell me.”
“Yes, yes… I want it, Niall.” Her eyes are wide as she looks up at me.
I smirk down at her. “Beg for it, slut.”
“I—“ Reed takes a deep breath. “Please fuck my mouth, please. I want to feel you down my throat.”
“Are you going to keep acting like you hate me? Like you haven’t wanted me down that pretty little throat for weeks?” Raspy and low, my voice sounds like it’s been drug through gravel. “Keep going, let me hear you praise me, Reed”
Her chest expands with a deep breath before her tongue darts out to taste the moisture left there, those pretty eyes fluttering shut. “I don’t— Please. I think about you when my hand is between my legs— Niall—“
“Open your fucking mouth.” Impatience travels through my body. “Take this and shut the fuck up.”
Those lips open and I don’t waste any time pressing my hips forward, watching as she takes my cock into her mouth like that’s all she’s ever wanted. Immediately she brings her hand up to mine, moving it out of the way so that she can circle her dainty fingers around me.
“There you go—“ Fisting her hair, the strands are soft and silky against my skin. “Letting me use you like a pathetic slut to get off.”
Reed moans around me at my words, the reverberation sending a chill up my spine. The combination of her lips wrapping around me and her hand feels euphoric.
“Niall—“ Pulling back, Reed drags her tongue along the vein that maps out the underside of my length. “I want more—“
“You want me to fuck you?” I ask in a low laugh, watching her nod as she circles her tongue around the tip of my cock. “Only good girls get fucked, Reed. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve got a lot to make up for.”
Gripping her hair even tighter, I shake my head. “Shut up and open that pretty little throat.”
Surprisingly, she does what I say.
This time I can tell she’s waiting for me to take control… So I do.
Thrusting my hips forward, a string of curses fall from my lips as I feel myself hit the back of her throat over and over, the pleasure so intense that I can feel it traveling up my spine at a rapid pace.
Looking down, Reed’s dark lashes are clumped together from her tears, the pressure of feeling me so deep causing her to gag and contract around me as I push even deeper.
“Fuck— Just like that—“ I tilt my head back. “Keep choking on my cock like that.”
Pressing forward, I let my hips rest for a couple of seconds, feeling her throat grip me again before pulling out enough so that she can catch her breath.
“You okay?” Checking in with her, she nods before reaching for me again. “Greedy little thing, aren’t you? Who knew all it would take to shut you up would be to stuff your mouth with my cock?”
Moaning around me, watch as she slips her hand under the hem of the black leather skirt, another whimper coming from the back of her throat as her eyes meet mine.
“There you go, get yourself off while I fuck your mouth.” Sweat drips down my skin. “Shit— Good girl, Reed— You feel so good.”
Tears fall down her face as she moans around me, her hand moving as she brings herself to her own peak, making me realize that Reed Foster might be one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen.
Maybe I’ve just been blind by wanting to get on her nerves, but now seeing all the valleys and curves of her body displayed in front of me it makes me feel like maybe I need more.
“Fuck, Reed—“ I groan, the words like gravel. “I’m so close. Are you going to take what I give you? Swallow everything?”
As soon as she nods, the balloon at the base of my spine pops into a sea of euphoria as I empty myself down her throat, feeling like it might never stop.
“Good god.” Pulling my hips back, I run my hand through my hair. “That was—“
Meeting my gaze, Reed uses her thumb to catch a drop of my release that spilled out of her mouth, flattening her tongue to taste the last bit that she can. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“Come here.” Bending down, I slide my hands under her arms to pull her up to stand. “You did so good.”
A soft smile pulls across her face, the lights of the dressing room playing off the sheen of sweat on her body. “Thank you.”
Looking behind me, I see the door that leads to the personal shower and before I can stop myself or overthink, I tug her hand and pull me with her.
She may have hated me before, but she won’t hate me after I give her what she just gave me.
On a night like tonight, everything changes.
Starting now.
this was my first requested one shot so DONT HATE ME if it’s bad alsndkwksn
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yourimagines · 4 months
What he likes about you
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you keep up with him, he loves life and he always shows it, just enjoying life and you do the same.
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: your smile, the way your eyes lit up when you do it and your laugh, he loves the sound of it, the way you look when you laugh. he loves it
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He's the big spoon, loves to scooped you in his arms.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: going out golfing and grabbing some food afterwards.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: When you cry, he cries. He always express his emotions around you, telling you if he feels bad or when he's excited abut something.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: A big yes, he wants to spend his life with you but he feels he's not ready yet and likes to wait. He wants to life this life first with you before going to that big step, being parents together.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He likes to give you small things, like sharing his food. He isn't a big fan of just giving you things, it needs to have a reason behind it.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: Holding you hands in anyway possible, he loves holding you.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He would be calm but worried, he would call his parents to ask for advice and just rant about his feelings and thoughts.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He's a prankster, loves to laugh and pranks everyone. You would even team up with him to prank others.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: He likes to kiss you on your lips but also on the back of your hands.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: He writes song about and for you, pouring all his love in his songs, playing them for you and always supports you no matter what.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Your first time at his concert, him singing those songs he wrote about you for the first time live.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: That you hate him, he would be heartbroken that you don't love him anymore and hate him.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: He plays on his guitar a lot or on his piano, he's always making music when he's at home.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Love, baby(girl) and beautiful
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: Watching TV, being at home and just enjoying time together
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: You make my dreams (come true) by Darly hall and John Oates. He loves that song, saying you make his dreams come true he also hums it a lot, when this song comes up it reminds you of him.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He's very open with you, he tells you everything.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: it took him two dates with you to make you his. He didn't want to waste time as he was afraid to lose his chance with you.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He let's you rant to him, he listens very carefully and understands why your upset, he tries to cheer you up and values your feelings.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He likes to show you off because he thinks your perfect, your just like him.
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: A part of him would be proud but also worried if you would fight. He would fight for you in a heartbeat, he always has your back.
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows you, he knows how you think and he knows what you need. He just knows when sometimes wrong.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Behind stage or in the studio.
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: Knowing your with him, when your asleep next to him, when you watching him while he's on stage.
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vettelsvee · 4 months
First, the 1d to F1 pipeline is REAL. Second, I have soooo many ideas now. Better Than Words Niall's solo is so rbr Seb coded, the absolute chokehold it had on me is crazy. Also, not midnight memories but Rock Me is a masterpiece. Very much here for the frat boy Seb 1d vibes
f1 girlies used to be 1D girlies in like a 100% BUT to me it was all the way around: f1 girl before a 1D one (actually, i got to finally knew the name of my fave song at that time, live while we’re young, while i was waiting for BRAZILIAN GP 2012 QUALY 😭)
okay so you have many ideas, care to share so i can try do some magic?🫡 (i’m begging on my knees🙏)
i ABSOLUTELY AGREE with what you said about the better than words solo (it actually makes sense that niall was one of my faves at that time… same as seb)
AND ROCK ME???? take me home era takes me to a kinda like summer vibes with rb seb 🙏
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Put him in 1 direction
Ok so I asked my beloved moot to do it when she was taking requests here, but the more Jonathan in 1D edits the merrier!
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Here he is in the one thing mv
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And now here he is playing guitar with Niall cause I’m continuing the Byran stuff (1D Jonathan has lore now ok? See the prev tags of the first 1d Jonathan edit linked above for more information)
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undertheniall · 2 years
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Niall Horan's Homecoming: The Road to Mullingar with Lewis Capaldi
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muserryy · 1 year
HI!!! I'm nan, 19 and i write oneshots and poems about harry styles. all the work posted on my blog are original and mine. im currently working on my new harry styles series 'LIFE OF REVA'
link to my other social media : wattpad, pinterest, instagram .
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Back home to you - harry returns home after finishing his tour and surprises y/n.
What did you get me? (part 2 of back home to you)
Larry's little kitten - harry, louis with his broken wrist and their little kitten, blue.
There's no place like home - harry plans a secret harryween just for him and his love.
Stargazing - the title says it all.
His necklace - harry gives you his necklace as a keepsake.
People blues - harry supports and helps you overcome your antisocial tendencies.
Late night calls - you can't sleep so you call harry in the middle of the night.
Tie the bow - you make harry do the coquette bow trend.
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Dear Baby Harry (hs)
Favorite pair of eyes (hs)
Your handwriting (hs)
to-do list
i think i miss you
i stumbled upon you in my dreams (hs)
harry is such a babygirl.
i wanna be bestfriends with harry.
harry's voice in my head is my way to cope.
will you go places with me, harry?
i wanna cry in harry's arms.
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hazelhearts · 2 years
You're Perfect
Niall Horan x Fem!reader
summary: when insecurities get in the way, your boyfriend is always there to make you feel like the most important person in the world
content/warnings: mentions of insecurities
word count: 609
note/request: "Could I get a Niall Horan x reader where she is sensitive but offensive about how she looks. Niall shows her he doesn't mind any look even if it looks messy or weight sensitive. Maybe he could like show her how beautiful he thinks she is. Reader would be female, light skin, brown hair, brown eyes. They could be long time friends that turn into a relationship" - anon
I stuck as closely to your request as I could without getting to specific about the readers appearance so everyone could insert themselves. I also kind of was at a loss for how to extend this since I struggle writing hurt/comfort but I hope you love it!
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Standing in front of the mirror crying was a very common thing for you. Your insecurities had always been a very big part of your life. They held you back from doing a lot of things. Currently, they were preventing you being able to leave the house.
Niall had a reservation set up for the two of you at one of your favorite restaurants to celebrate your anniversary. When he told you about it this morning, you already decided what you were going to wear.
You had impulsively bought a dress a few weeks back that you didn't really have any purpose for. You loved the way it looked on the model. It accentuated every curve perfectly and highlighted every breathtaking feature she had. But when you wore it, it did the opposite.
"Babe? You almost ready? We've gotta-" Niall's voice cut off as soon as he saw you. He slowly raked his eyes up and down your figure, his eyes darkening the longer he stared.
Your eyes immediately started watering as every thought he must be having began running through your mind. Every negative thought you had ever had about yourself sprang to the surface. Every negative emotion you've ever felt clouded your mind.
"I'm sorry, I'll change. I really thought this dress was perfect and it was but I ruined it and-" Niall pulled you into his arms suddenly, guiding your head to rest in the crook of his shoulder.
"Baby, you look amazing. You always do." You never knew that two sentences could push you over the edge, but they sure as hell did as violent sobs began wracking through your body.
Niall slowly led you over to the bed, sitting you on his lap as you continued crying. He repeated over and over how perfect you are as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
As your sobs slowly began to die down, you raised your head just enough to look into Niall's eyes. You took the moment to study his features. Everything from his perfectly-styled hair that is usually sloppy to his gorgeous blue eyes with the faintest bit of green was engraved into your mind, a constant reminder of just how perfect he was.
"Hi." You carefully wiped your eyes, hoping to save whatever makeup was still on your face.
"Hi petal. D'ya feel any better?" You nodded, cuddling back into the crook of his neck.
"Alright then, let's get ya cozy hm?" He moved his hand towards the back of the dress, slowly starting to unzip the zipper. Your hand flew back as soon as you comprehended what was happening, pulling his hand back between the two of you.
"Ni, what're you doing? We gotta get going." He shook his head, hair flopping wildly around after he had spent so much time fixing it.
"Nope. We're gonna stay right 'ere, in this bed, cuddlin all night long." His head moved down to your chest, leaving kisses across the open skin.
"But what about the reservation?" A small pout made its way onto your face, quickly followed by Niall's thumbs smoothing out the creases and manually lifting your lips up into a smile.
"Screw the damn reservation. I'd rather be cuddled up with m'girl any day." His hand traveled back to the zipper, you no longer fighting it.
When you both finally changed into more comfortable clothes, you cuddled up in bed and turned on one of your favorite movies. Your laughs echoed all throughout the room, redirecting Niall's focus to you every time. Honestly, he would much rather watch you watch the movie than actually watch it himself. You're just so pretty.
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harrywavycurly · 25 days
Do we ask Niall to be our man of honor since Gemma is Harry’s best woman? If so I’d love to see a little something of us asking him because as snarky as Niall is I know he’d cry 😂😊😊
Hiii lovey!!! Oh 1000% Niall James Horan is the man of honor, I will happily give you how it went when you asked him! I love how in this series it’s normal to just assume everyone is always crying 😂💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
A/N: Niall doesn’t do well with surprises but this really isn’t what he was expecting, enjoy a look at how you and Niall communicate because you two are besties✨
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“Why are you in such a rush?” You ignore Niall’s question as your grip on his hand tightens as you practically drag him towards the back of the restaurant, smiling at the bartender as you head towards a private room that you had spent the better half of the afternoon decorating with the help of a very huffy and puffy Harry who wanted nothing more than to enjoy his Saturday lazing about on the couch, but who was he to tell his fiancé no. “What are we doing back here? Last time you and I went through a door like this it was in Paris and we accidentally stumbled upon that sex club place and honestly I still have nightmares about what we saw so please just tell me-”
“Niall.” Your voice stops his ranting as the two of you are now standing outside the door of the private room. You give his hand a little squeeze making him look down at you, his eyes are a bit wide and he’s bitting his bottom lip so you know he’s nervous for whatever’s on the other side of the door and you want to laugh because you know what’s waiting for him but you don’t you just bring your free hand up and give his cheek a playful pat. “We swore we’d never talk about that night again didn’t we? But don’t worry there’s nothing weird behind this door. Trust me.” You watch him nod as he lets out a deep breath as you let go of his hand so you can take a small step back and let him enter the room on his own. He runs a hand through his hair and looks at you over his shoulder and when you just give him a reassuring smile he turns his attention back to the daunting black door in front of him.
“Fuck it.” You laugh as he mumbles the words as his hand grips the doorknob giving it a twist so it’ll open. You slowly follow him into the little room and you clasp your hands behind your back as you watch Niall take in the sight before him. “You’ve got to be shitting me.” His eyes are the size of golf balls as he fully steps into the room, not sure what to focus on first.
You know the surprise in his voice is genuine because while Niall Horan may be your bestfriend, when he found out you and Harry were getting married he didn’t assume he was going to be apart of it other than a guest or maybe a groomsman for Harry but that was a big maybe since everyone has always considered Niall more yours than Harry’s. So asking him to not only be in your wedding party but the Man of Honor wasn’t something he was expecting so he surly wasn’t prepared to be asked like this.
You got fancy silver balloons that spelled out “Be my Man of Honor?” And hung them on the wall above the little couch that was in the room and then got white and powder pink streamers and hung them from the ceiling framing the balloons and on the wall across from the couch you picked some of your favorite photos of the two of you throughout your decade long friendship and clipped them to some fairy lights that Harry neatly hung in nice rows while you stood off to the side and supervised. Sitting on the table in front of the couch was a basket filled with random things Niall would need to help plan wedding activities, a flask with his name engraved on it and his title, little bottles of his favorite liquor and a card that would no doubt make him cry when he reads it. But the thing that you know was going to really send him into shock was the two pints of Guinness sitting next to the basket, something you know he’d instantly take as your way of bribing him to say yes and normally he wouldn’t be wrong but this time it was just a token of your love and appreciation for him.
“Did you really think I’d be able to marry that lanky hunk of a man without the help of my bestfriend?” Niall turns to look at you from where he’s standing in the middle of the room and you feel your eyes begin to get that all too familiar sting to them when you see the look on his face. His eyes are still a little wide but glossy and his cheeks are a tiny bit pink while his bottom lip is tucked between his teeth and you know he’s doing his best not to full on lose it.
“You’re a proper asshole for this.” Is all he says before you meet him half way and he’s wrapping his arms around your shoulders bringing you into his chest for a hug. “Like really you get me all dressed up just to make me fucking cry in a back room of a pub.” You just laugh as your arms wrap around his middle, you feel him rest his chin on the top of your head and let out a sigh. “Tammy is gonna be pissed you didn’t ask her.”
“Tammy? You thought I’d ask Tammy to be my maid of honor?” You pull away from him just enough so you can look up at him with a raised brow making him just shrug as he looks down at you. “Niall she doesn’t even like Harry why would I ask her to help me plan my wedding to him?”
“I mean I don’t like him either and here I am.”
“Oh shut up you love him.”
“Yeah whatever. So what’s a man of honor do anyway? Is this a paying gig?” You can’t help but laugh and shake your head as Niall releases his hold on you so he can walk over to the table and take a look at what you put in the basket. “Is this a checklist of things I have to do? Why do I have to do so bloody much? It’s your wedding not mine.” His tone is teasing as he flips through the notebook you put in the basket that had random things in it that you found online that listed what most maid of honors did so you figured a man of honor could do them as well. “This says hold the bride’s dress while she pees? Now I love you and all but I’m not holding your dress while you pee.” He states as he looks from the notebook and over to you.
“I held your hair when you got sick at Halloween two years ago when Amelia was out of town.”
“That was a wig so it wasn’t even my actual hair.”
“So? I still held it while you got sick. So why can’t you hold my dress while I pee? It’s not like you’ll see anything you big ninny.”
“Ninny? Real mature. Does Harry know one of my jobs is watching you take a piss?”
“No but-”
“You know how weird he’s always been about people getting too close to you and that was before he went and decided to marry you. I can’t imagine he’s gonna take too kindly to seeing me follow you into the bathroom so I can assist you in taking a leak.”
“Fine I’ll have someone else assist me during my bathroom breaks you asshole.”
“I’m not an asshole I’m being a proper gentleman and not trying to get an inappropriate glimpse of my bestfriend’s lady bits on her actual fucking wedding day.” The two of you stare at each other for a moment, both of you have your hands on your hips and playful glares in your eyes but Niall is first to break as his mouth forms a grin before he starts laughing making you laugh as well.
“I love you Niall.” Your voice is soft once you finally get your laughter under control, you reach for one of his hands so you can give it a nice squeeze. “Thank you for being my man of honor.” You add making him shrug as he leans down and grabs one of the pints of Guinness off the table with his free hand.
“I love you too and you’re welcome because it says here I get to plan your bachelorette party so you’re in for a world of fun love.” You roll your eyes when he shoots you a wink before he brings the pint up to his lips to take a good long swig. “I’m thinking strippers and a round of golf. How’s that sound?”
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austinstyles · 6 months
Niall Horan x reader
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Summary: You and Niall are dating, this fanfic follow your relationship on this special day when Niall might ask you the most important question in your relationship.
Warning: kissing and spelling mistakes. Let me know if I missed anything.
Y/n pov
Me and my boyfriend Niall have been together since June of 2021, so for almost three years. But we have actually known each other since we were 19. We saw each other’s relationships before we were even together as a couple. I couldn’t be more happier with Niall, it feels like he is my prince. I know it seems like the way I talk about the relationship that everything is perfect. The truth is even me and Niall have ups and downs in this relationship, we just decide to work on it. Also figure out that it is okay to have different opinions in a relationship. We don’t always have to be on the same page all the time.
But I would give up this relationship for anything. I love the way Niall makes me feel, and that he gets me at times. Also does feel bad when we kiss with love and affection.
Today me and Niall have a date night, I am so excited. I love spending time together, even with our busy schedules. At the moment live in London where I work for a PR company. When ever Niall is in London and has available time we spend some time together. The alone time is amazing, we talk and just enjoy each other’s company. I like to think we’re the perfect match together.
I am getting ready for our date night, at the moment I am doing my makeup. My makeup is just some simple lipgloss and some nude eyeshadow. I like wearing simple makeup, I go for the more natural beauty look. And only wearing concealer when I feel that it’s needed. For the date my outfit is a pair of light blue jeans that is ripped at the knees, my top is a floral blouse that is very comfortable and stylish. Also I decided to ware my favorite blue denim jacket and a nice white purse.
When I was finally done getting ready , my door bell rang to my apartment. I then walked to open my front door, and that is wen my eyes fall on the most beautiful blue eyes that belong to my boyfriend. We share a kiss and I locked my apartment, then we’re on our way to Niall’s car.
Niall pov
When we get to the restaurant I parked my car and we both are walking into the restaurant while we hold hands. Y/n looks so beautiful and cute tonight, she always looks beautiful and cute. It’s nice to have a date night with my amazing girlfriend, and tonight is a special night. I am asking y/n to marry me. I believe with all my heart that she is the one I want to grow old with. Even have kids with her in the future. I love her, and tonight I want ask her to be my future wife.
As we get inside the restaurant we’re being led to we’re are table is. As were sitting at the table I am eyeing the menu and my girlfriend in front of me. Then the waiter comes and we both ordered our food and drinks. After we ordered we just have a nice conversation about life. My eyes are getting lost in her magical y/e/c. I love spending time together.
Soon the food are at the our table and we already had your drinks, then we’re eating and enjoying our meals. Just having an amazing date so far in my mind, and I can see that y/n is enjoying this date too.
I had the hole proposal plans to the touch. The plan was to take her to the park we had our first picnic date at. It was so romantic and special like every minute with her is. So after we were done eating I was taking her to this romantic set up in this park. Everything was plan out, I just can’t wait. Hopefully she says yes.
Time skip to the park
Y/n pov
After the romantic dinner me and Niall had he took me to the exact same park we had our romantic picnic date at. I love this. Soon I see my boyfriend looking straight in my eyes as he gets down on one knee. Then he takes out a little black box, while he is having this hole amazing speech about wanting to grow old together. My eyes are filled with happy tears, and I can’t believe what is going on.
“ Y/n I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?” Niall asked. My happy tears are streaming down my face, and I know exactly what I want and this is exactly what I want.
“ Yes Niall I will marry you” answered that is when he hurts up to my level and we share a passionate kiss. I can’t believe I get to call this amazing man my husband in the future. This is the most magical day of my entire life, along with the day we both met.
I am the luckiest girl in the world. And Niall has always made me feel like that.
Thanks for reading hope everyone enjoyed this. And as always my request are open. Also have more fanfics in the future. And also have fanfic in the work.
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justmeinatree · 9 months
Hii! I have an idea for a blurb, based on the picture! It's where Niall and his girl are picking up their Christmas tree then taking it home to decorate! Maybe it's their first Christmas together!❤️
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lets do it girlie !! a merry christmas to all who celebrate !! please enjoy this little token of niall fluff (with tons of room for a smutty sequel) ✌️♥️
Word Count : 800
“m’carrying a fuckin tree and you want to stop and pose ?” niall laughs, coming to a halt nonetheless, facing you with the biggest grin on his face.
you can feel your eyes light up at the gesture, because really it must feel just downright annoying to have to stop in the middle of the street with a literal tree on your shoulder.
so you make it quick, snapping a few photos of niall, rushing back over to his side, hooking your arm into his, and scurrying off towards his house. 
it was your first christmas since starting to date niall, as you’d met in late january. so this year, you were still falling into the rhythm of creating some sort of tradition with him. and this, getting a christmas tree, was first on the list.
niall busied himself placing the tree in the stand, cursing the entire time, making you giggle more and more. especially with every instruction of “just a little more that way” you were spewing out. and now, he was rummaging through the storage in his basement to find the boxes of lights and ornaments, while you were in the kitchen, setting up a plate of cookies and making some hot chocolates.
by the time you’d made your way back to the living room, niall had everything set out, and even the beginnings of a small fire in the fireplace.
“for you,” you smile, handing him a mug, heaping with mini marshmallows, watching him take the first sip and humming in delight.
as you work at untangling the lights, niall strings them up into the tree, a grumble catching your attention, and making you look up, a loud laugh erupting from deep in your belly.
niall had somehow tangled himself up completely in the string, feet locked together, fumbling to stay standing.
“could help instead of taking videos of me !” he exclaims, laughing himself, as he notices you with your phone up, clearly recording this moment for good measure.
“nah, i think i’d rather leave you tied up,” you giggle, sauntering over to him, making no effort to help him at all.
“hey now, that’s my job,” he chuckles, gripping into your hips, pulling you to him and tackling you to the floor, both of you in a heap on the ground, laughing breathlessly.
once you’ve both managed to calm down enough, niall begins to leave a soft trail of kisses from your shoulder, up the side of your neck, to your earlobe, “love you, petal. no one i’d rather be with this christmas.”
you smile, your cheeks turning warm, you were going to blame the fire for that one, no matter how much you knew it was a blatant lie. you turn over just enough, nibbling onto niall’s ear and tugging on it slightly, “c’mon, before you get too sappy,” you hum playfully, sitting up, untangling the lights from around his body, both of you coming to a stand again.
the rest of the tree decorating went by without a hitch, niall even letting you place the star up top of the tree. and now that your beverages were polished off, and the plate of cookies had nothing but crumbs scattered on its surface, you were both sitting in the middle of the living room, backs pressed to the coffee table, feet kept warm by the fire.
niall’s arm is slung over your shoulders, your head resting on his, tucked into his neck, “tree looks beautiful,” you murmur, looking over it from your comfortable little nook.
“you look beautiful,” he whispers back without missing a beat, pulling you closer to him, leaving a kiss against your hair.
you can feel niall’s socked foot, gliding up and down your own, his body itching to get any bit closer to you, “think there’s another tradition i’d like to start,” he hums, hooking his finger under your chin, making you lift your head out of his neck, and face him.
“what’s that ?” you ask softly, eyes peering into his.
niall cups your jaw, pulling your mouth to his, slotting your lips together in a gentle kiss, “think we need to christen the season,” he smirks softly, rolling himself above you, and pulling you by your legs until you’re flush on the floor.
you squeak, giggling, laying flat underneath your boyfriend, biting your lip, “s’a good thing i wore a little something new under these clothes. little christmas surprise for my love.” 
tags : @cc-horan28
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cass1opi4 · 5 months
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about me:
hey, i’m cass! i’ve always adored writing, ever since i could pick up a pen. i’m from britain, and i’m just having fun with words on here. im definitely in lukes lane and mostly write for 5sos.
im neurodivergent, so you’ll have to bare with me if i don’t fully understand your request or something of the sort.
i also love one direction more than words could express. i’m a niall girl all the way, he owns my heart.
please don’t be shy, leave me a request, dm me, anything of the sort. i’m always around if you want something written, or even just need a chat.
I BEG; just ask if you want to be moots, I LOVE MY MOOTS 🙏
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
things i WILL write:
- 5sos
- one direction
- the bmw characters (shawn, eric, jack)
- marvel
- peter parker
- cole walter
- jatp
- to all the boys
- tsitp (jerimiah, conrad, steven)
- maze runner
- tlou
feel free to request things i have not written down, i may know it!
things i will NOT write:
-weird ships
-things i believe i am incapable of accurately portraying in my writing
please feel free to ask me to write something!
(make it clear whether its platonic or romantic, please 🙏)
follow me @cass1opi4 on twt/x
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mclqren · 6 months
could i please request a Charles Leclerc imagine where he and the reader are broken up, and the internet still isn't over it. The reader starts soft launching, and everyone is delusional and thinks she and Charles are back together, but she's actually with Niall Horan?
thank you so much xx
i dont actually usually write for anyone other than f1 drivers or football players, but i decided to do this request bc it seemed like fun! thanks for requesting — you can find it here <3
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