#nieuwe look
Rebranding is een strategie waarbij een bedrijf zijn merkidentiteit, zoals het logo, de naam of visuele aspecten, vernieuwt om een nieuwe look te creëren, nieuwe doelgroepen aan te trekken of veranderingen in de bedrijfsstrategie te weerspiegelen, ondersteund door een samenwerking met een grafisch vormgever en specialist.
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setmeatopthepyre · 1 year
Ruin comes to beauty, almost inevitably And now this I see right here at home In the U.S.A. things get worse each day I hope it's not too late to pack my things and go
But where I wanna be is not where you'd expect They have a place for me down on Nieuwe Binnenweg
Is this real life or just the way I am I long for the Netherlands and I wanna go back Back to Rotterdam
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ceesimz · 4 months
This is a tweet which sums up that article that's causing a ruckus on Twitter tonight:
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I mean, it's unbelievable what's come out. And I'm glad it's being spoken about and not swept under the rug. What's happening behind the scenes is not okay, it's everything that women's football has been fighting against all this time. Yet it's happening to one of the biggest clubs in Europe, and the higher-ups aren't blinking an eye. I mean, what does it take?
Arsenal love to say it's one club, they have a manager for the men's team that's reconnected the fans to the team in ways people could only dream of, they've taken the team to new heights, whereas it's a completely different world for the women's team. They could not be more opposite situations. And the club (seemingly) isn't doing anything about. No loyalty for the players, not good enough quality of staff, far worse quantity of staff (2 physios for the whole team!) and other ways the women are treated that would never be allowed for a men's team in the top flight. It's always one step forward and a fucking hundred steps back.
I wish I had taken the comments against Eidevall this season more seriously, but I along with a lot of people had rose-tinted glasses on and didn't give them a second thought. Well, we've seen a lot now and I bet it isn't even half of what's going on.
Thinking back over the season, the poor treatment is visible. Caitlin Foord was worked tirelessly, Cloé Lacasse has hardly featured (her spell at Benfica more than proved what a game-changing player she can be), Laia Codina's success wasn't congratulated publicly until fans pointed it out, and many other examples. It's clear in plenty other players just how much the management of the team has affected them. You take one look at the football they played 90% of the time, and the evidence is now clearly there.
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endlich-allein · 3 months
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Everything is in the look 🤣 Park de Nieuwe Koers, Ostend, 28-06-2024 © Iver
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Ingek73 found this unique home in the Netherlands that reminds me of the wedge of a rounded bombe cake. Built in 2010, this modern home has been on the market for 5 mos.  € 2,950,000 ($3.072M)
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As soon as I saw the entrance, I loved it- The wood and the stairs, it’s all so pretty and unique. 
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The round fireplace has bolts, so it looks like it may be metal strips.
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From the spacious living room you can go out to the deck or look at the water.
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If you’re into modern, you can’t get any sleeker than this kitchen. Love the stainless steel backsplash.
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Look at all the storage along the wall to the stairs to the bedrooms.
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This home is made for large families.
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It doesn’t look this large from the outside.
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This must be a guest room, but look at the big closet.
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Beautiful bath.
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Look at where the main stairs in the entrance lead- isn’t this a unique office area?
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The main bd. is just gorgeous- look at the view.
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The en suite has a fabulous black tub and sink.
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I don’t know what this is- is it a shower for when you come in from outdoors? Maybe a room for gardening?
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Has a dock for a boat or fishing.
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Bring the boat right up to the front door. Look at all the lily pads.
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What a beautiful property, and it has the sweetest daisy garden.
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weirdestbooks · 28 days
Countryhumans Oneshots
The United States of Idiots: 50 Times the States Did Something Super Dumb and Funny. And America's Reaction to His Kids Being Crackheads.
Sleepy Twin: Delaware is tired, and decides to take a nap on his twin New York.
Coffee: In America’s household, there is one rule. Don’t touch the Coffee Trio’s coffee.
Bonding: Delaware tries to bond with one of the newest territories, Hawaii.
Bonus Scene From Chapter 5 of Secrecy and Deception: "A British man talking about how the Declaration of Independence was important and great. He almost laughed but was not able to hold back giggles. Dad also looked incredibly amused by that. Britain would probably be getting a call from Dad laughing about this." -Missouri, Secrecy and Deception
Americanized: Oklahoma used to be the Indian Territory. Now, he's an American State that wants nothing to do with them. What happened to cause this? Based on @walkingtalkingcountries' headcanons!
Languages: America is very tired and forgets English.
A Reckoning With Oneself: Ireland is a very catholic nation and over a thousand years old. Therefore, being queer and accepting queerness is hard for him.
The Living Ghost of a Long Dead Brother: Sweden meets her long-dead half-brother.
Sammy and Sammy Junior: Polynesia is a very close family. They visit each other and hang out often. It's a shame when one of those meetings goes a bit sour due to an accident.
America and the Struggles of Having a Human Face: America has body dysmorphia. It's not something he's handled well.
The Frozen State: Lake Superior. Beautiful, but deadly. Michigan learned that the hard way.
Camping is Deadly: Florida is a great brother and friend. He's just not the best person to go camping with.
Dog Therapy: Alaska gives his nephew therapy with the help of his dogs.
Concerned Family: New Zealand was abused. He doesn’t think so. His family is concerned.
Arson: California likes fire. They also hate their brother.
Human Perceptions: Sometimes New Jersey just wants to pretend to be human. That does make things awkward when his human friends start talking about his family though.
A Dead Man's Flag: Delaware was the reincarnation of the son of Forest Finns. Due to his reincarnation-caused amnesia, he has very limited memories of the man he calls isä. But a gift from his uncle might spark a new memory to return. More importantly, he had a physical trace of his father.
Fuck Tourists: Hawaii hates tourists. America gets her a shirt.
Fear: Illinois is haunted by the threats of the mob, not that his roommate is aware. That won’t stop Michigan from comforting him as the nightmares awaken him again and again.
United States of Ameridad: America is a dad, and he loves helping and caring for each and every one of his kids.
Hawaii and the Celtic Nations: Hawaii visits the Celtic Nations, oblivious to their family ties.
The Sign: Germany has a funny sign. So does his father.
Finland's Wings: Finland gets a new flag. In doing so, he also gets a pair of wings.
The Thoughts of an Empire: Russian Empire was an awful person. He didn’t think of his son as a son. Just as a tool.
Southern Neighbors: Texas has a problem
impermanently: An angry man shoots and kills New York. It’s the first time a state dies.
The Burn Recovery: Alaska is hurt badly. Luckily, he always has his dad to help him.
Nieuw York: New Netherlands was murdered a long time ago. It’s really unfortunate who found her body.
The Parental Sibling: Delaware is sick. Luckily he has a big brother/father figure who can look after him
What's the Worst Way to Punish an Introvert?: Sometimes child abuse isn't as apparent as it seemed. Take this case of Finland and the Russian Empire.
America and his Cat: Just a little America drabble.
Tulips: Canada is picking up his boyfriend from the airport so they can spend a week together. (Not canon to my countryhumans universe, this is a requested oneshot)
The Fire Pokémon Club: Five countries have the ability to create fire. So why not make a club?
India Gets Revenge: India does not like the curry that exists in England. She really shouldn't.
The Fires of Hatred and Passion Are Much the Same: France and Britain are somewhat enemies. However as time goes on, they become fonder and fonder of each other.
An Old Friendship: Morocco was the first country to recognize America's independence. The two countries have been firm friends ever since.
The Outlier of Oceania: Madagascar is not Polynesian, but her sister, French Polynesia, seems determined to drag her to Polynesian family reunions anyway.
The Boston Christmas Tree: On the hundredth anniversary of the Halifax Explosion, Massachusetts and Nova Scotia meet again in Boston.
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 months
Book side of Tumblr! I need help finding a book for my sister!
So, back in Mavo (or middle school for other places) she read a book that had an orange-colored book cover with a tan boy on it. The book was about this young boy who lived with his sister in a boring neighborhood, and he was bored until new neighbors moved in, another young boy and his grandpa. The sister in the book apparently died after being hit by a car. The boy and his grandpa turn out to be aliens, and my sister insists that they are turtle aliens, who help the boy get his sister back using time travel, but they (the boy and his friend, the turtle alien) never see each other again and apparently the boy doesn't remember his neighbor at the end either. We've been looking for it everywhere, but can't find it, though we found many others looking for the same book. If anyone could help us find the book, it would be very much appreciated!
For more information, it was a Duth/Nehterlands book with, I think, the word Neighbor/Buurman in the title (Something Like, 'My Neighbor/Mijn Buurman' in it or something). The book is probably from around the late 20th to the early 21st century. It was read in Mavo (Middle School-ish), so it was most likely a kids book or a teen book, for ages 11/12 and up.
Boekzijde van Tumblr! Ik heb hulp nodig bij het vinden van een boek voor mijn zus!
Dus toen ze terug was in Mavo (of op de middelbare school voor andere plaatsen) las ze een boek met een oranje boekomslag met een lichtbruine jongen erop.
Het boek ging over deze jonge jongen die met zijn zus in een saaie buurt woonde, en hij verveelde zich totdat er nieuwe buren kwamen wonen, een andere jonge jongen en zijn opa.
De zus in het boek stierf blijkbaar nadat ze door een auto was aangereden.
De jongen en zijn opa blijken buitenaardse wezens te zijn, en mijn zus houdt vol dat het buitenaardse schildpadden zijn, die de jongen helpen zijn zus terug te krijgen door middel van tijdreizen, maar zij (de jongen en zijn vriend, de buitenaardse schildpad) zien elkaar nooit. nog een keer en blijkbaar herinnert de jongen zich zijn buurman op het einde ook niet meer.
We hebben er overal naar gezocht, maar kunnen het niet vinden, ook al vonden we vele anderen die naar hetzelfde boek zochten.
Als iemand ons zou kunnen helpen het boek te vinden, zou dat zeer gewaardeerd worden!
Voor meer informatie: het was een Nederlands/Nederlands boek met volgens mij het woord Buurman/Buurman in de titel. Het boek dateert waarschijnlijk van eind 20e tot begin 21e eeuw. Het werd gelezen in het Mavo (Middenschool-achtig), dus het was hoogstwaarschijnlijk een kinderboek of een tienerboek, voor kinderen van 11/12 jaar en ouder.
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nicoscheer · 11 months
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Do you want to discover what bands @mileskane listens to while ironing his shirts? Then listen to this episode of the music podcast @kendedital with the nicest and funniest guy in the music business!
We had a blast! 🫶🏽
"I'm willing to play anywhere. Even now, if I were offered a gig at the pub across the street, l'd take it. I simply love playing. If you asked, I'd play right this moment. I just love playing, I'm not arsed. It's what it's all about." X
Miles when being asked about AM’s new sound:
mk: "you gotta respect it, you know, like, that's me bro, i'm always gonna have his back, you know what i mean? yeah and i respect for a big band to follow their gut. that's what al does and you gotta respect it whether you like it or not. it's kind of what all great artists do."
interviewer: "like it's cool that you kinda... you want to fucking do it so you do
mk: "yeah, man, that's me boy. if he wants to sing french or sing nigerian, i'm gonna have his back, you know what i mean?"
🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹🥹🥺my boys
Like I hate it that he’s always asked bout AM and TLSP cause he’s promotion his solo tour but this is 😘
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So you’re telling me they are literally promoting Miles and Liam djing with a Tlsp pic 😭😭🫠🥺
Imagine if Alex were you just casually show up behind that DJ booth
with his bosom friend Alex Turner
At Crammerock we saw him strolling backstage. We decided to put on our naughty shoes and ask him. He turned out to be very amable and he was immediately enthusiastic about our concept,
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So, you set out on your own
You shut up shop, you're leavin' home
You feel no need to settle down
In the crippled crook of your earth bound town
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower
There must be somethin' more than this
More than ideal homes or domestic bliss
What is there left for you to do
'Cause you've seen the future and it's nothin' new
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower, should be lower
And you've been down this road before
Which is not to say you're bored
Or that you shouldn't want for more
It's just your expectations should be lower, should be lower
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Apparently wasn’t happy with the text placement so had to repost it 🤣🤣🥹
His eyebrow slit and bear looking fucking clean
Also I hate everybody who lives close to Gent or Sheffield
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Miles last night with chef Tom brown and Jay Forrester at the opening of Tom’s new oyster bar (pearly queen shoreditch/ where Tom and friends repeatedly posted that the logo outside is the new bat signal 🤨y’know like miles guitarist said that the mirrorball is their bat signal) (also the fact that Tom reposted the pic of them via puppetspaces ig)
The pictures of Miles with Tom and Jay
So proud of him selling out within less than two hours
Miles helping Tom with taste testing
I love that as soon Chef Tom Brown is involved everybody starts using Miles’ music; here a custom knife made for TB using troubled son
A nice recap of the opening night, the way Miles disappears in that hug with Tom is 🥹🥹🥹
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polaroid-sorcery · 4 months
Raveleijn musical ideas
so I had this idea: what if they made Raveleijn into a musical. I got the initial idea two years ago and back then I wrote a whole document about it, featuring notes on songs and scene-by-scene outlines.
Anyway. Here are some of my notes and ideas about songs (in order) for a hypothetical Raveleijn musical:
・Our New House
sung by Thomas, Maurits, Emma, Lisa, Joost and their parents. It’s the opening number and it’s about the parents trying to hype up their children for a life in the countryside, something the siblings aren’t necessarily that excited about. The parents try to come up with different things for the children to look forward to, but none of it seems to work. Meanwhile, the children complain about having to move away from the city.
- titled Ons Nieuwe Huis in Dutch
sung by Thomas. It’s a dramatic song with rock-instrumentals to fit Thomas’ character. It’s a solo song in which he sings about his struggles now that his band no longer needs him and he’s left in a place he doesn’t want to be at.
・One Day They’ll See
sung by Joost. It takes place after he went through the gate for the first time and tells his siblings about Raveleijn. No one believes him and they say he just imagined all of it. With pent up frustration, Joost decides to sing about it. During the song he complains about his family members not believing him and he says he’ll show Raveleijn is real.
- titled Ooit Zullen Ze Zien in Dutch
・Adventure Awaits
sung by Lisa. Lisa isn’t fully convinced that Joost is telling the truth about Raveleijn and the gate, but she also knows something must be up because Joost wouldn’t try to convince them otherwise. So she sings about the “what if’s”. What if the gate is real and there really is something they don’t know out there.
- titled Op Avontuur in Dutch
・Through The Gate
sung by Thomas, Maurits, Emma, Lisa and Joost. The song starts just after the group went through the gate and entered Raveleijn. They sing about the amazement of Raveleijn being real, as Joost described. By the end of the song the siblings decide to discover the area.
- titled Door De Poort in Dutch
・Song of the Exiled
sung by the exiled people (including Samira, Jarno, Samuel). They welcome Thomas, Maurits, Emma, Lisa and Joost to their camp and sing a song about the reason for their exile and about what Raveleijn used to be like. It’s a song that starts out slow and sad but as the song progresses it gets louder and more fast-paced.
- titled Bannelingenlied in Dutch
・This Is Magic
sung by Maurits. This song is sung after all five riders are presented with their elemental weapons. After practising with his crossbow and seeing the other weapons in action, Maurits realises magic is real and that this officially has gotten too crazy for it to be a dream or nightmare. Throughout the song Maurits still struggles to comprehend the magical aspects of Raveleijn and the gate, mainly because there is no way a science book could ever explain it.
- titled Dit Is Magie in Dutch
sung by Olaf. It’s one of those “villain songs”. Falco Peregrinus, as Olaf, sings about his evil plans and by the end of the song he presents his plans to build Draconicon. The song is supposed to be a bit over-to-top, with Olaf gloating about his accomplishments and his ideas for the future of Raveleijn.
・Lead The Way
sung by Emma. The song takes place while the siblings and Samira are heading to the inn. She sings about how she wants to prove to her siblings she is capable of being a leader and that she can step up and make decisions for herself and the others when it is needed.
- titled Wijs De Weg in Dutch
・Who You Were
sung by Halina. One of the emotional songs. She sings about how she no longer recognizes the man she married when they were younger. She sings about how he seems to have lost his way and that he is longer the same man she used to know. Based on scenes from the Raveleijn tv-show from 2011.
- titled Wie Jij Toen Was in Dutch
sung by Samira, Thomas, Maurits, Emma, Lisa, Joost, Halina, the innkeeper and the guild masters. A typical “get ready for the battle” song. It’s about how they will defeat Olaf and will free Raveleijn of his reign.
sung by Rutger and Sophie (the parents). The song is sung while the parents search for their children and realise maybe they should have paid more attention to them and their struggles with adjusting to their new life away from the city and their friends, at their new house. They sing about how they wish they could turn back time to fix their mistakes.
sung by almost everyone with short solo bits by Olaf, Halina, Samuel, Samira, the exiled, Thomas, Maurits, Emma, Lisa and Joost. The way I envision it, it is a full-on ensemble number with bombastic instrumentations. It takes place just after Peregrinus and Draconicon have been defeated and the people of Raveleijn, plus the five riders, celebrate the victory.
- titled Het Graafschap Raveleijn in Dutch
・Through the gate reprise / Finale
sung by Thomas, Maurits, Emma, Lisa and Joost. It is the big finale song at the end of the musical. The siblings go back through the gate and reflect on their adventure in Raveleijn. Each sibling gets a solo part where they sing a short reprise of their own song and add onto that what they’ve learned compared to the moment they sung their song during the musical. The song features triumphant instrumentals and happy vibes all-together to bring the musical to a satisfying end.- titled Door De Poort / Finale in Dutch
that's all. please comment if you have any thoughts.
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medewerkers · 3 months
De eerste reeks instellingen voor community’s is nu beschikbaar. Beheerders van community's kunnen de naam, slogan, avatar, headerafbeelding, tags en beschrijving wijzigen. Je vindt een link naar deze instellingen in de zijbalk voor je community op desktop, of in het contextmenu op mobiel.
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thoughtlessarse · 5 months
The police cleared out demonstrators who erected a tent camp on the Roeterseiland campus of the University of Amsterdam to protest against the war in Gaza. Riot police escorted demonstrators away from the campus and arrested 125 people. The police say protesters threw fireworks at them. Several dozen demonstrators were taken off campus via Sarphatistraat. That involved a lot of pushing and pulling as the protesters clung to each other. Footage of the eviction on social media may look “intense”, the police wrote on X, adding that the efforts were necessary to “restore order.” The demonstration started on Monday afternoon. Protesters set up tents on campus and blocked two bridges and the entrance to the campus on Nieuwe Prinsengracht. They demanded that all Amsterdam universities break their ties with Israel over the slaughter in Gaza, among other things. At around 8:30 p.m., about ten men sought confrontation with the pro-Palestinian demonstrators. The men assaulted the protesters and threw fireworks at them, NOS reported. The demonstrators managed to chase them off. The university asked demonstrators to leave several times last night, but few complied. The riot police arrived on site at 3:00 a.m., and by 4:30 a.m., most protesters were gone, NOS reported.
continue reading
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At the 1956 CIAM meeting in Dubrovnik the topic of the “habitat” dominated the agenda: although the term had already been introduced earlier to the congress’s circles it had since been fiercely debated as it entailed a fundamentally different look at architecture and urban planning, away from isolated buildings and plannings towards a more integrated and holistic approach. In line with its origins in biology and anthropology the term stands for an ecological approach towards architecture that goes beyond the border of the discipline and looks at it as part of a dynamic whole of cohabitation. This approach at the same time represented a disengagement with earlier functionalist convictions as laid down in the Athens Charter.
With the book “Habitat. Ecology Thinking in Architecture”, edited by among others Dirk van den Heuvel and published by nai010 publishers in 2020, this turn in the history of the CIAM and proto-ecological thinking in architecture has for the first time been comprehensively researched. The focus is on the presentations held during the congress, the non-published „Charta of Habitat“ and the projects it consecutively influenced. Among these are Cedric Price’s Northern Aviary at the London Zoo, the Tanthof Estate in Delft by Van den Broek & Bakema or the Patchwork Metropolis developed by Willem Jan Neutelings, three examples of how architects engaged with the multilayered nature of habitat. On the basis of the extensive archival material residing at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam each project is elucidated and therefore the historical origins of ecological thinking in architecture. This strictly historical perspective leaves quite some space for musings about potential transfers and inspirations for the present. A great read!
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Oh I am very interested in anything you have to offer! Dutch food is one of my least known European cuisines, so I'll take anything 👀
Alright, let’s go over a few quintessentially Dutch dishes. I got this question when I mentioned hutspot, so let's start there. Hutspot has its own Wikipedia page, featuring this pic:
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It's boiled potato, carrot, and onion mashed together. Wikipedia tells me its served with klapstuk, which is apparently a cut of beef from the ribs. To my knowledge I've never had that, but my parents used to serve their hutspot with hachée, which is a thick beef, onion (and apparently apple?), and herb stew, so that's pretty close I think. Hachée looks like this:
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Keeping in line with this tradition of smashing potatoes and boiled vegetables together, our national dish is boerenkoolstamppot (like German, Dutch enjoys stitching words together; it means kale mash, basically). This looks thus:
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As you can tell, the real star of the dish is the sausage. It's rookworst -- smoke sausage --; meat, spices and salt smoked in a horse shoe-shaped casing. I just learned that these were traditionally made in November, the Slaughter Month, which happens to be when kale is harvested, leading to this classic combo.
(By the way: keep in mind The Netherlands didn't have potatoes until the 16th Century. I'm not sure what we did with boerenkool, but hutspot was made with parsnips instead of potatoes.)
On the subject of making interesting sausages: the Dutch looove their fries (usually the thick kind, with mayo), and the best way to eat those is with either a frikandel or a kroket. A frikandel is mincemeat with spices, looking like this:
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A kroket is essentially a thick ragout rolled in breading, looking like this (both sausages are popular on bread, too):
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While we're talking about food from the snackbar, let’s talk about my favourite junkfood: frietje oorlog (literally war fries, but it means messy fries). These are fries served with mayo, raw onions, and saté, an Indonesian peanut sauce:
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Note that having this is fully a result of colonialism. Indeed, the Indonesian rice table is official Dutch cultural heritage. But that's insane to me, so instead I'll use the raw onions to talk about Hollandse Nieuwe (Hollandish New One):
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This is herring caught and sold at a specific time of year, eaten gutted, deboned, and decapitated but otherwise raw, with raw onions.
Now, as a final mention before I need to get up, let’s talk sweets. We Dutch love our pastries and cookies, and there's an absolute mass of local and regional cakes and waffles and what have you, but one sweet that actually serves as dinner is the Dutch pancakes:
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They're thicker than crepes (and in a restaurant much bigger and thicker than the ones in this picture I got online), but they really are just flour, milk, and eggs fried in a frying pan. They're traditionally eaten with a very dark sugar syrup and powdered sugar, but people put on lots of stuff. A very popular variation has raisins and/or apple slices added in the pan before the batter to have them sit *in* the pancake. Another adds young cow's cheese and folds the pancake like a calzone, yet another fries bacon and pours batter over top. But the main take is that a sweet dinner isn't unusual in The Netherlands.
Alright, I believe these are our biggest hits. There's a bunch more, of course, including regional stuff and things influenced by former colonies, immigrants, etc. But these are some very very Dutch dishes that I have had very very often. Hope you enjoyed the read! Feel free to ask questions.
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What’s ur favorite boat. I want a picture of the boat too.
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My favorite is the RMS Olympic. She may look like her younger sister RMS Titanic, but with a keen eye, you can tell them apart. She's my favorite for a couple reasons. First of all, I like her exterior. I like the proportions of her funnels, and her hull shape. I also like the relatively square superstructure at the bow. Her interiors are also an excellent example of the edwardian era decor. I MIGHT prefer the Mauretanias interiors a bit more, but the Olympic wins overall because of her exterior and career. Oceanliner Designs has a 3 part series on her career I would recommend because it's too much to get into here, but one of my favorite stories involves her time as HMS Olympic during World War 1. She was serving as a troop ship and she was being targeted by a German U-Boat. She actually managed to swing herself around and ram the U-Boat, sinking it in the process. She also survived a torpedo strike on a separate U-Boat encounter (it was a dud). While Olympic is my favorite, I have a list of my top 19 ocean liners. The only things that remain consistent is that Olympic is always #1, and the Mauretania, Queen Mary, and SS United States all always occupy the top 4 (although the positions change.) Also, I have a 1 ship per class rule, so among the Olympic, Titanic, and Brittainic, I had to only pick 1.
#1) RMS Olympic (1911)
#2) RMS Queen Mary (1935)
#3) SS United States (1951)
#4) RMS Mauritania (1907)
#5) RMS Oceanic (1899) 
#6) RMS Aquitania (1914)
#7) RMS Adriatic (1907)
#8) RMS Majestic (1889)
#9) RMS Carmania (1905)
#10) SS Bremen (1938)
#11) MV Georgic (1931)
#12) SS Nieuw Amsterdam (1937)
#13) RMS Umbria (1884)
#14) City of Paris (1888)
#15) SS Conte di Savoia (1932)
#16) SS Andrea Doria (1953)
#17) SS Atlantic (1871)
#18) Queen Elizabeth 2 (1967)
#19) RMS Queen Mary 2 (2004)
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doorsclosingslowly · 9 months
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“Stop squirming, Jesper! Or I’ll decide you make a better corpse than clown.”
So Dirtyhands loves playing dressup. Last week he licked wet gore off his cane while staring down the Liddy who had Jesper in a headlock. Last month he proposed setting a street on fire. Last night he threatened to expose the secret indiscretions of seven other Dregs just so the job of sneaking into Nieuw Theaterhuis during the first showing of some cat play, to pick clean the fur coats of all patrons, would fall to Jesper and he. They’re inside the prop storage now. Dirtyhands looks at masks the same childish glee Jesper thought he only felt for violence.
BotB winter exchange gift for the glorious @darol I hope you like those lil gremlins!!!!
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weirdestbooks · 23 days
Nieuw York (Wattpad | Ao3)
Underline is English, Bold is Italian, and Italics is Swedish
A new century was always the perfect time to start working on a new house.
New York was with a group of people he had employed to help him dig out the foundation of his house and build it. While New York had always enjoyed being able to construct his home on his own, but new technological advancements and his lack of understanding of them made it harder to do that. 
At least New York was still keeping his old house in Albany. An electricity-free house that actually makes sense to him would probably be much better than this house outside of New York City. Still, the city never seemed to stop growing, so it was essential to have a place nearby. If anything, it would give his pap a place to stay when he’s in town like he is now.
“Mister New York! My brother found a dead body! He says it looks like it has recently passed. What should we do?” One of the workers called from the other side of the construction site, panic in his voice.
“What?” New York exclaimed, dropping what was in his hands and rushing to the worker. The worker was now comforting his brother, who looked horrified at what he had seen.
“Are you alright?” New York asked the brother, who shook his head. New York turned to face the man who had called him over.
“You two go home. Get some rest. I'm sorry you had to discover this. Rest assured, I will make sure you get into no legal trouble for this. This was not your fault,” New York told them. The man nodded and left, with his brother leaning on him.
New York then peaked into the hole they had been digging and immediately spotted the body. New York knew from the skin colors that it was one of them. A countryhuman that had their life taken from them and wasn’t buried with respect. New York swore. This just got a lot more complicated. His father would have to be notified, and they would have to hope that they could identify the body in case any relatives wanted to claim it. 
New York then approached the workers, standing around with hesitation and fear.
“It’s one of us. I know we were supposed to work on the foundation, but I think we should hold off on that until we can move the body and give them a funeral. I’ll still pay you for today’s work. Enjoy a day off, and thank you for all your help,” New York told the workers. 
“Grazie New York.” Their supervisor said before they began to pack up their equipment.
“And can one of you go to City Hall? My father is there with the mayor and needs to be notified of this.”  New York asked.
“I can do that for you, New York. I have to go by there anyways.” One of the workers said. New York gave him a grateful smile before helping them back up the rest of their things.
New York walked back over to the hole where the half-buried body was. The body was female, with orange, white, and blue skin. Thankfully, The clothes were not fully composed, and a covering remained over her body. She was lying face down, and a wound was visible on her back. Something about her seemed…familiar…like it was scratching at a long-forgotten itch in New York’s brain.
Before he really knew what he was doing, he had walked down to her body. She looked…she looked so much like a recently deceased body. It was strange to think she had been here for at least a hundred years. New York put a hand on her shoulder, her body deathly cold. He slowly turned her face upwards so he could look at it and froze before falling backward in shock.
It was New Netherlands. Him. Past him. 
As soon as he saw that face, he could feel her memories forcing their way up, pressing against his head and causing a pounding in his skull.
“Nee nee nee! Mam, ik ben jou niet, je stierf, ik zie je lichaam, laat me alsjeblieft met rust!” (No no no! Mom, I’m not you, you died, I see your body, please leave me be!) New York said, gripping his hair, as if that would stop everything.
But it did nothing. New York was forced to his knees as the pain in his head reached an overwhelming point. A warm blackness beckoned him, calling for him to let the memories take control. 
New York tried to fight it, but his body was still in front of him, and it pulled out more and more of New Netherlands, convincing him to stop fighting and let the real personification take control.
“Ik ben New York! Ik ben New York! Ik ben-ik ben…” New York trailed off as everything just got dark and fuzzy and faded. The blackness and her memories seemed to work together to make him feel so tired and weak that New York would stop replacing New Netherlands and keep her from his mind.
“Ik ben niet... echt. Ik ben een bedrieger.” New York was vaguely aware of muttering before he faded into the blackness.
—English is now going to be underlined because I’m not google translating all the Dutch—
New Netherlands was so confused. One minute, she and her little brother had been racing each other through town; the next, she was covered in sweat and in a hole and apparently had wings…and a new flag. New Netherlands then looked down and screamed.
There were two different reasons for that. The first was that she was missing her boobs and realized that she was somehow in a man’s body.
The second was that there was a dead body in front of her. The body had the same flag as New Netherlands and her mother, although thankfully, it was too short to be her mother. New Netherlands wanted to get a closer look at the body, but she was trembling too much to do anything other than move and stare. 
“New York? Was that you? Are you okay? The Italian worker said you found a dead countryhuman.” New Netherlands heard a man say. She tore her eyes away from the body and tried to move out of the hole, away from the body, but she just lost her balance and fell. This body was much taller than mine, even if not by much. But the wings made it so hard to walk. 
Then, a shadow suddenly fell over the hole, and she looked up to see a tall man, taller than she had ever seen before, looking at her. Not only that, but he was a countryhuman that bore a flag with red and white stripes and a blue canton with small stars that were in the shape of a bigger star and dark brown hair. His circular glasses seemed to reflect the light and made it impossible to see his eye color. He smiled at New Netherlands and then slid into the hole, carefully avoiding the body.
“Hey York, are you alright?” he asked, reaching out an arm, revealing more stars decorating his arms: blue stars in white stripes and white stars in red stripes, with one big white star in the center or one hand, and a circle of stars on the other.
“What are you saying? I don’t understand.” New Netherlands said, hoping this man knew Dutch, French, or Swedish. If he didn't, it would be much harder to figure out what happened to me. His eyes widened, and his head turned even so slightly towards the dead body.
“Shit. Out of all the states…Hello, New Netherlands. Are you alright?” He asked. He knew Dutch then. That was a major relief. 
“Who—who are you? Did you do this to me? Trap me in this body of this country?” New Netherlands asked. The tall man looked at me with kind, sad eyes.
“New Netherlands, I promise I'm not here to hurt you. I’m only here to take you back to your brother, New Sweden,” the man said. New Netherlands froze. Her brother. Was he hurt? Was he trapped with this man?
“Where is my brother? How do I know I can trust you?” New Netherlands snapped. The man gave her a look full of an emotion she couldn’t place.
“You don’t know. But please do,” he said, holding his hand out to her. New Netherlands stared at it nervously but took it. His hands were rough and scarred compared to mine, which were tiny and dainty. He pulled her up easily, and she stumbled, not used to the weight on her back. 
The surrounding area vanished, and New Netherlands was in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar house. She was in the country world. She pulled away from the man and tripped over something, falling back on the unbelievably soft bed.
“Why did you do that?” New Netherlands snapped. The man held up his hands and looked like he was going to say something before the door burst open, and I flinched. New Netherlands turned to see who that was and saw an unfamiliar country with cow features, but something about him was strangely familiar. 
“It’s not him right now, Delly. It’s New Netherlands. He doesn't trust me in this state. Can you try to calm him down? He found New Netherlands's body, and I need to take care of that before a human takes it,” the man said. The country nodded and then turned to New Netherlands, smiling.
“New Netherlands! My sister! I missed you,” the boy—New Sweden—said. New Netherlands scrambled off the bed and rushed over to give him a hug, clutching him tightly and almost knocking him over. Then she started crying a little before the tears began to rush out. She was so confused and scared, and her brother looked different. Why didn’t she remember what happened to him?
“Sister, you need to sleep. I know…I know things are confusing, but you need rest. I promise I will explain everything to you when you wake up.” New Sweden said as the hug ended, wiping some tears off New Netherlands’ face as he led her back to the bed.
“Okay, brother. Stay? Please?” New Netherlands said. His face brightened.
“Of course I will.” He said back to her in his Dutch. New Netherlands smiled and went to lay on the bed, pulling her brother onto the bed with her as she did so. 
The man smiled and then left the room, allowing New Netherlands to relax more. She felt New Sweden’s new tail wrap around her leg as he gave her a cheeky little smile. New Netherlands felt her expression soften into something fonder, and she pulled him close, placing her head on his chest and making sure she could hear his heartbeat. 
We always slept like this when we slept together.
“Can you sing that one lullaby, bror? The one your adopted human mother would sing to you?” New Netherlands asked. Her brother nodded and then began singing softly in Finnish, the weird language his people spoke. New Netherlands closed her eyes and felt herself drifting off as her brother pulled the soft blankets over them.
“I’m sorry you had to see that York. I promise I will keep you safe.” New Netherlands heard her brother whisper before she drifted off entirely. 
New Netherlands woke up to the sound of something breaking and loud thuds, almost as if there was a fight. She jerked upwards, accidentally using New Sweden’s face as a resting spot for her hand.
“Get your dirty hand out of my face, you idiot!” He snapped in a muffled and groggy voice, in a language New Netherlands didn’t know. She removed her hand and shushed her brother. She didn’t know what he was saying, but the fact that there was a fight or something nearby was more important.
“Shush, little brother. Something is happening nearby.” New Netherlands said. New Sweden rubbed at his eyes and yawned.
"That’s probably the others. We are sharing this house with several other colonies. Plymouth and Virginia, and whatnot.” He muttered sleepily. 
“What?” New Netherlands asked, confused and very worried. Was that why he knew that strange language? Was it English? New Sweden was already drifting off again.
“Wake up, you tiny idiot!” New Netherlands said, shaking his shoulder, hoping for some answer. All that did was further remind her of the fact that she was in the wrong body. Remembering this made the weird feeling start again. It was like there were ants crawling all over her. New Netherlands felt really weird moving her body because it just seemed to do something that would remind her that she didn’t have a female body.
Her hair was too short, her chest was too flat, her privates were changed, and she was wearing pants! 
New Netherlands hoped she could get this fixed somehow before she had to use the bathroom.
“Swedes and Finns of New Netherlands, wake the fuck up!” New Netherlands said again, hoping that the distraction of her idiot little brother and wherever they were could take her mind off everything.
“Full names? Really, Chloë?” He asked, sitting up as he rubbed at one of his eyes.
“Karl, you know you can’t just drop things like that on me and then try to sleep again. Why are we with the colonies of other countries?” 
“Because we aren’t New Netherlands anymore. That man—he’s our adoptive father. This is our home, this is your room. I know…you had an accident and forgot. But even if you don’t trust anything here, I swear on my life and my second chance at it that I will protect you, okay?” Her brother said. New Netherlands didn’t know how to respond to that, but she nodded, and New Sweden brightened and looked so happy.
New Netherlands knew there was probably truth to what he said, that England and his lackeys had taken them from their true mother. New Netherlands didn’t know who that man was and why New Sweden decided he was our father, but she wouldn’t put it past that man to have taken advantage of her brother. People had before, and in ways that weren’t just making him think that he had an adoptive father.
But New Netherlands wouldn’t say that, especially if she didn’t understand anything. If this were good, then she would let her brother stay happy.
“Do you want to meet some of them? At least one?” New Sweden asked. New Netherlands bit her lip and then nodded.
“Alright, lillebror. Lead the way,” New Netherlands said. He gave that same bright, sunshiney smile and grabbed her hand as he scrambled out of the bed, dragging her after him. They walked through the halls until New Sweden spotted someone with a yellow flag.
“HEY ASSHOLE! COME SAY HELLO TO YOUR FAVORITE DEAD PEOPLE!” New Sweden yelled at him in the same strange language.
“Hello, Delly. Are you doing okay?” The colony said, walking over.
“I’m fine, NJ.” New Sweden said. New Netherlands thinks he was calling this colony NJ. What does that mean? It’s a weird name. 
“Delly, are you sure you won't slip into New Sweden? Are you sure this is safe? I know Dutch, too. I can talk to her—him, whatever.” This NJ person sounded worried. Was her brother doing something stupid? What were they saying?
“New Netherlands never knew you. She has no reason to trust you. You know that Jersey. She won't trust anyone but me.” That sounded like her name. Why were they saying her name? 
“And what are you doing about the memory gaps? You barely remember anything from when New Sweden became the personification of the Swedes and Finns of New Netherlands. What if you slip up?”
“I remember that New Sweden was somewhat sickly then. I can roll with that. Besides, if I say something like, ‘I was injured, and I have had memory issues since then,’ she’ll believe it.'
“This feels underhanded.”
“It’s not even her. It’s still Yorkie. He’s just trapped in his memories, probably convinced that he doesn’t exist or is an imposter controlling her body. New Netherlands has been dead for a long, long time. Yorkie found her body, you know that. It’s still our brother. We just have to keep him here until he comes back to himself. With the memories in control, he might flee in a panic or try and find the Dutch Republic, who is dead. This is the safest option. You know that.” New Sweden said, and New Netherlands finally had enough of not participating in this conversation.
“What are you talking about?” She asked.
“Life. And my missing brother,” NJ said in perfect Dutch. New Netherlands looked surprised at New Sweden, who smiled.
“New Jersey has picked a decent amount of Dutch over the years.” He explained.
“My land is close to yours, so the Dutch speakers from New Y—Amsterdam visited my place and brought it over. You and I are the Dutch guys. He’s just the baby.” NJ—New Jersey said, jerking his thumb towards New Sweden as he said the last part. New Sweden pouted at that, and New Netherlands laughed.
“Swedes is a baby.” New Netherlands said, wrapping an arm over her brother’s shoulder and smiling at him. 
“You’re both hilarious.” He said sarcastically, pushing her arm off his shoulder before turning to New Jersey.
“I can’t believe you are getting along with your so-called sworn enemy.” He spoke to New Jersey in the same strange language. 
“It’s not really him.” New Jersey answered, “Now, New Netherlands, what do you do for fun? Papa’s got some business to take care of, and we are going to be looking after you for a while, so anything we can do to make your stay in this hellhole more bearable, let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.”
“No…no thank you. I just think I’ll stick with New Sweden until things get worked out. You will get me back my real body…or fix this, right?” New Netherlands asked nervously. New Sweden smiled at me.
“Don’t worry. By the end of the week, you’ll be right as rain. Just trust me.”
“Okay lillebror. I will.”
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