#niko has so many partners good for them!!!!
iristhepng · 2 years
I have been wanting to ask you for a while who are your favorite GTA IV ships? I love everything you share and reblog, and I’m a total GTA IV fool and love meeting people who enjoy it too!
(๑>◡<๑) !!!!
tyty for the ask I love questions like these !!
gta iv has so many good ships but these are my personal favorites:
- packie x niko
- brucie x bernie
- little jacob x niko
- tony x luis
there are so many niko ships he just goes rlly well with a bunch of people, like literally everyone in game had a crush on him . alongside the ones listed above I also enjoy pairing niko with brucie, dwayne, kate, bernie, and johnny ! (poly ships 🫶🫶) and of course roman + mallorie will always be amazing they are so so cute 💗 also some more underrated ones! marta x elizabeta, henrique x armando !
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xiuminsmygrandpa · 11 days
I’m devastated that Dead Boy Detectives for many reasons but mostly because every characters story, even the side characters is left open. If there ever was a second season this is what I’d love to see
Niko coming back as a ghost or some other supernatural being and her and Charles bonding over accepting that they are dead. Especially because in season one Charles is forced to confront both his abusive father and being beaten to death. He repressed those memories for 30 years because they were too painful for him. And Niko did the same thing with her father’s death and the mistakes she made while she was alive. Plus I’d just love to see the two of them become friends.
On the flip side I see the other focus on Crystal and Edwin also confronting their pasts. While Charles and Niko struggle with confronting their deaths Edwin needs to accept he was a living being at one point. And now that Crystal has her memories back she will have to reconnect with her past self. I’d love to see her and Edwin bonding over being from families with money and neglectful parents and fearing they deserved the punishments they received. Plus I wanna see more of them bicker like the siblings they are! Maybe we get to see more of Edwin’s family and life when he was alive because it’s basically nonexistent in season one!
Charles realizing his feelings for Edwin are more than platonic now that he knows Edwin likes him and Charles and Edwin becoming more comfortable with being closer physically. Just like Edwin had a sexuality crisis in season one I see Charles also having a sexuality crisis in season two. Luckily he has three girl friends who are all super openly queer.
Edwin going thru his hoe phase but struggling to form emotional connections with his sexual partners because he loves Charles and Charles wanting to be supportive but also being down bad for him. And Edwin potentially confiding in Charles??
Charles and Crystal trying to make a relationship work but realizing pretty quickly they’re not compatible. I do think the season ended with them being in a quasi relationship and I see it dragging out a bit longer because neither of them is ready to let go.
Edwin going to Jenny for relationship advice and her actually giving decent advice. I feel like most fanon assumes he’d go to Niko but I honestly don’t think Niko feels comfy giving relationship advice after the disaster that was Jenny’s date from Hell. I do see both of them possibly tag teaming relationship advice for Edwin. I could also see him confiding in Crystal since they’re already bonding over their shared trauma.
I also see Charles venting to literally everyone but Edwin about his feelings because he’s having a sexuality crisis and confronting his past trauma at the same time. Charles being 100000% jealous of every guy Edwin’s been with and judging whether they’re actually a good match for Edwin. He will be the bestie who’s like “I’m so happy for you” and Edwin being like “then why are you crying” “these are happy tears mate🥺😭”
Edwin and Charles finally having a conversation about the staircase and Edwin realizing Charles only said he wasn’t in love because he wanted to wait until he knew for sure. And both of them admitting they don’t feel like they’re good enough to be what the other one needs.
As for the side characters, I wanna see Jenny finally get a gf in London and become a butcher for both the living and the dead. I want tragic mic to finally become a walrus again because he’s been thru it. This probs won’t happen but Monty coming back and him and Charles bonding over their shared jealousy of Edwin and maybe hate fucking?
This is a long shot but it would be so cool to see Desire and Charles especially when Charles realizes he’s a chaotic bisexual. And Despair and Edwin because I can see them being a disastrous duo.
And lastly death finally meets the dead boy detectives!!
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The fourth and final chapter of The stranger the better is up, featuring the conclusion of the case part of this case fic, bonding, and Charles being extremely normal about his new partner.
“So, partners?” Charles can’t keep the goofy smile off his face. He hasn’t felt this good since Chelsea Fitzgerald agreed to go out with him when he was fifteen.
Edwin nods. “I do worry you’ll come to regret this. I’ve told you, I’m difficult to work with.”
“You know, I don’t think you’re half as difficult as you think you are.”
“We’ve only worked one case together.”
“And it’ll only get easier from there, won’t it?”
“Charles, has anyone ever told you that you’re absurdly optimistic?”
“One of my many charms, mate.”
Edwin now really looks like someone fighting a losing war against a smile. He has dimples, Charles notices. He has the urge to poke his fingers into them. “Being saddled with me won’t make you any friends. I’m not well-liked here.”
“I don’t think that’s true. Niko likes you.”
“Niko keeps the homicidal parasites that nearly killed her as pets.”
Charles has to admit that’s a good point. “What about Crystal?”
“Crystal and I are not friends.”
“Think you might be, mate. She threatened to kick my ass if I let anything happen to you.”
Edwin looks adorably gobsmacked at that.
Charles takes pity on him and doesn’t make him respond. “Anyway, I’m likable enough for the pair of us.”
The dimples are deepening and Edwin’s lips are twitching upwards. Charles feels like the vending machine just gave him two bags of crisps for the price of one. “Are you now?”
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howlingday · 3 months
nother crack idea for jaune's exes: artoria pendragon has come to beacon to bring back her love to the safety of their little village! she knows jaune's dream is to be a hero but between his father giving him no training and him not getting into a combat school she worries about him, the only solution is to bring him back home for her to train in safety until he's ready! NO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER WANTING TO EAT HIS COOKING! SHE'S DOING THIS FOR NOBLE REASONS!
The classroom had gone hush with the sudden announcement of the young, blonde woman in armor. The target of this stranger had a mixture of reactions, including the reddening of his cheeks and the swiftness of his hand to his face. The woman made her way down the steps to where Jaune was sitting.
"Jaune, I command you to return home at once!"
"Please, no..." Jaune groaned.
"Excuse me, young lady, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until class is over to-"
"BE SEATED!" Professor Port responded to this decree by immediately sitting at his desk. "It is rude to interrupt the royal business of a king."
"Aren't you a girl, though?" Cardin asked, brow raised at the intruder.
"BE STILL!" A roar proclamation erupted, forcing Cardin to fall backwards, mouth held shut. "Jaune, I command-"
"I refuse." Jaune said, knocking the woman off-guard. "Also, I'm attending Beacon."
"Jaune, who is this?" Pyrrha asked, confused by the casual way Jaune spoke to the stranger after watching her emasculate both Professor Port and Cardin Winchester. As annoying as it was, both were two of the most masculine people in the room, yet the woman shut them both down, only thrown off her high horse by the response of her team leader. "Do you know her?"
"Yeah." Jaune nodded. "She's my ex." Gasps resounded throughout the classroom. "Why is everyone so surprised?"
"Because it's you?" Weiss answered.
"Because she's so scary!" Ruby replied, putting up her hands in and waving them in defense when the woman glared at her. "Uh, not scary in a bad way!"
"What other way is scary supposed to be taken?" Blake asked.
"Er, when- when you say ex, do you mean ex-friend, or ex-lab partner, or ex-"
"Girlfriend." The woman answered. "And I refuse your claim."
"You said you were fine when we broke up." Jaune clarified. "You even said that you were thinking about travelling around a bit, too."
"Yes, and I did travel around as we discussed." She held an armored hand to her heart. "I've seen many things on my journey, but all of them paled when compared to you." This brought about a coo from the classroom, taken in by the romantic statement. It seemed she genuinely cared about him.
"You got hungry for my cooking again, didn't you?" The classroom nearly fell on their face.
"N-No! Of course not!"
"Then why did you suddenly decide to come find me here at Beacon?" Jaune held up a finger. "A good king doesn't lie to their people."
"Ghk!" The woman flinched. "I... You are correct. I did feel hungry for your cooking again."
"Uh-huh, I thought so."
"But regardless of my reasoning, I still intend to complete my mission!"
"If you're hungry, then just wait until class is over. It's almost lunchtime."
"No, that's not why I'm here." She dropped to one knee. "Jaune Arc, will you do me the honor of becoming Mr. Artoria Pendragon?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" The class was in shock. Partially from the proposal by Artoria, but also from the refusal of this act by not Jaune Arc, but his partner, Pyrrha Nikos. All eyes fell on her and felt the urge to shrink back from them, but when her green eyes fell to those of the woman holding Jaune's hand, such urges dispersed. "Jaune Arc is a student of Beacon Academy and the leader of Team JNPR. I refuse to allow you to strip him of him of both titles and responsibilities just so you can eat."
"And who are you to challenge the King of Knights?" Artoria asked, standing tall against her foe.
"My name is Pyrrha Nikos, the partner of Jaune Arc." Though the word held different meanings, in this instance Pyrrha's words held them in their most simplest form. Even if Pyrrha wished they meant something deeper. "And I refuse to allow you to take him away from me."
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dead boy detectives but i've never watched it (read: 0% plot 100% gay summary)
There is dead gay repressed Edwardian twink named Edwin.
He has that autism rizz.
A cat king god (a cat who is a god? a god who is sometimes a cat? a god of cats? a god of kings? a king of cats? the cat of a king? the king of cat gods? the god of cat kings? WHAT IS HE IDK BUT HE'S A GAY LIL SLUT) wants to do the ol' hanky panky with him.
A lot of people want to do the ol' hanky panky with him. He be pullin' bitches.
Except for the bitch he's in love with, his best friend and soul partner, Charles.
Charles is full of Charm and Whimsy and Making Friends.
He has trauma.
(The previous point was obvious to me after learning point 6 but then I realised maybe I should be clear)
There's a... some kind of creature named Niko and she reads a lot of explicit gay manga.
She tries to use it to help Edwin out of his repression I think. I don't know if it works. Edwardian bitches do be repressed like that.
She has... a deadly parasite? That's a lesbian relationship?
Are lesbians deadly parasites? I do not know. I am too much in awe of lesbians to ask them.
The Cat King gives Edwin white lilies. Like I said, Edwin got that 'tism rizzm.
Niko and Edwin are weird besties.
THIS IS PART OF THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE!! So @neil-gaiman is not the show's creator, but it is his universe and a bunch of his characters and he wrote a few scenes I think?? IDK SANDMAN FANS COME HELP ME.
Edwin goes to hell and Charles saves him? I think?
Death is very lovely.
Okay so so so this show needs a second season but apparently Netflix's thinking of cancelling it because not enough people are streaming it (IT'S BARELY BEEN OUT A WEEK OR SOMETHING WTF??) so PLEASE GO WATCH IT EVERYONE WHO'S SEEN IT LOVES IT AND I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT RAGH ANYWAY I LOVE YOU EITHER WAY HAVE THE LOVELIEST OF DAYS <3
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wandanatsbaby · 1 year
Hey saw that you were taking requests for Lexa so here i am ! could you write smth about soft lexa and an oc or freader grounder that is really pretty and like soft for a grounder ? thankksss :))
Soft Grounder
Pairing: Lexa x Reader
Warnings: none
Lexa watches on with a smile as the night bleeders braid your hair and put little flowers in it. She has a small smile on her face as she watches you interact with them envisioning your future and wondering what you would be like if you both had kids.
Walking up to lexa with a smile you wrap your arms around her as no one is looking and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Good evening Heda.”
“Good evening Hodnes. Join me for lunch? The sky crew will be joining as well.” You nod and follow beside her as she leads you to the dining area. You look around and give Clarke a small wave as you see her sitting with who you recognize as Bellamy.
Lexa pulls out a chair for you at the head of the table and then makes her way to the other end. You never liked having to sit far from her but you knew it was tradition for the Commander's partner to be at the other end.
The night went on pretty smooth with everyone talking and chatting but throughout it all you could spot Bellamy giving you weird glances and whispering stuff to Clarke which made you nervous.
“Bellamy, is there a problem?” Lexa asks as she had seemingly noticed the looks and whispers.
“No Heda I just-”
“Just what? You’ve been giving my wife weird looks all night and whispering to Clarke. I'd like to hear what you have to say.” You send an uneasy look to Lexa not sure you want to hear what the boy was saying about you.
“I was just saying that well. Ive never met a grounder as sweet as her I mean the other day I say her with one of the guys at a stall and she was very sweet.”
“Excuse me. Do you happen to have any more of this?” you asked, pointing to the object you wanted.
“sha hang ona” (Yes hang on) The guy pulled more of the material out and looked at you expectedly.
“What would you like? I have some medicine that Nyko gave me. I also have some jewelry.” The man just politely asked for one of the rings on your fingers but you just gave him a smile and handed him two rings and a bag of different medicine that Nyko had given you. The man tried to deny it but you insisted but ended up walking out with the object you had wanted and a bird that he said was made by his wife. The bird now sat on a stand in your and Lexas room.
“Is there a problem with that?” Lexa started standing up at this point ready to defend you by all means.
“Lexa its okay. Calm down.” The girl did not even spare you a glance as she stared the boy down and you watched him visibly gulp as he shrunk a little in his seat. Clarke trying to control her laughter beside him
“NO! Of course not! I mean its amazing how she acts with Night bleeders. They all looked so happy the other day when she was playing with them”
“Kwin (Queen) Y/n will you please come play with us?” Aden asked as the other children gave you pleading looks. Will a laugh you agreed and ended up chasing them through Polis as many people watched on with small smiles as well.
As you were chasing a younger girl she had ended up tripping on a rock and landing on her knees. She let out a soft cry before covering it up.
“Oh no ash are you okay?” you asked the young girl as you crouched in front of her. You could see the tears in her eyes and the way she tried to hide them. She nodded slowly and looked at you. You attempted to help her stand but quickly swept her into your arms at the sounds of her cries of pain and quickly took her to Niko’s tent to get her seen.
She had made you promise not to leave her until she was allowed to go back to her room with the other Night bleeders and you gladly accepted. You ended up being there for an hour as she had a sprained ankle and needed some rest. You then escorted her to her room and gave her a small kiss on the head.
Lexa turns to Clarke now wanting to know if this information is true.
“Is this true wanheda?” Clarke gives a nod and a slight laugh while looking back to Bellamy's shaking figure.
“Yes Heda its true.”
“Very well then. Just know if anyone were to ever threaten her or anything it would be against the rules and you would be killed immediately.” Bellamy Gave an Immediate nod and gave you a small apology as he continued to eat.
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spahhzy · 9 months
Box-topz of fame.
After Ruby and Yang went to go catch up, Neo and Jaune walked through the halls, trying to find their lockers.
Jaune: So, I can't believe Yang's sister is the same girl I helped out of a crater, small world.
Neo: 'Hmph.'
Jaune: Oh? Is someone a little jealous?
Neo: 'Me? Jealous? Of whom?
Jaune: Ruby, afraid she is gonna steal little sister Yang from you?
Neo rolls her eyes.
Neo: 'as if I have anything to worry about'
After that, it was just menial chit-chat about the layout of the area, Roman hadn't messaged them yet, so outside of finding their lockers, they could do nothing but wait.
The pair finally approached their locker, but in front of it was that same white-haired girl and some red-headed woman as well, and from the looks of it, the white-haired girl was trying to convince the red head of something.
Jaune looked at Neo, who just shrugged.
Jaune: Uhm, hi!
Neo: 👋
Weiss: And how may I help you two? Can't you see I'm trying to get my partner for the year?
Neo: Crabby bitch...
Jaune: Sorry, it's just you're in front of our lockers.
Pyrrha: Oh, our apologies.
Her and Weiss moved out the way as Jaune and Neo moved right up and opened their lockers.
Weiss: Excuse me, but don't you know who we are?
Jaune: Uh, potential students of Beacon?
Weiss: No, you dolt! I am Weiss Schnee of the Schnee dust company.
Neo just rolled her eyes as Jaune just raised an eyebrow.
Jaune: I think I heard of the company, but YOU? nah.
Weiss: Hmph. Well, maybe the Schnee name hasn't reached your back of the woods.
Neo: I hate her.
Jaune: Oookay?
Weiss: At least do you know of THE Pyrrha Nikos?
Pyrrha just waved awkwardly, not happy about having her fame put out their.
Jaune looked at Pyrrha and shook his head.
Jaune: Nope. Not a clue.
Weiss: What!?
Pyrrha just looked at Jaune with a small smile.
Jaune felt Neo give him a nudge before pulling out her scroll and showing him something.
Jaune just gasped.
Jaune: She's the mascot for pumpkin pete!?
Pyrrha sweat dropped.
Jaune: Ma'am let me tell you how many box tops I had to use to get this sick jacket.
He pulled off the Pumpkin pete jacket and showed it to Pyrrha.
Jacket itself wasn't out of the ordinary. Black and white zip-up denim jacket with two rabbit ears on the hoodie itself. Pumpkin Pete's bunny logo in the center. It was worn with some distress, and it had some little stitching patterns symbols, but Pyrrha wasn't sure what the symbols meant.
Jaune: Good to meet you cereal lady!
Neo just giggled as well as Pyrrha, who was happy to be referred to as something else other than 'Invincible Girl'.
Weiss: NO! This is Pyrrha Nikos, a 4x time mistrial champion!
Jaune: oookay? Anywho, it was nice meeting you, Pyrrha. Let's have a good four years, eh?
With that, Jaune and Neo made their exit as Pyrrha waved goodbye at the pair while Weiss just hmmp'ed .
Roman whistled as he stood infront of a large tower.
Roman: Ozpin, Your student has returned, I bring the destruction of Beacon! Heh I always wanted to say that!
Smirking as he spun his cane around Roman, he looked at the top of the tower.
Roman: I know you're hiding something... and I'll rob you of it like you robbed my family of Mt. Glenn.
Roman then went to go find his team.
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merci-bitch · 2 years
Her Swinging Axe
NSFW Alphabet
Andy ( Andromache of Scythia ) x fem!reader
Warning(s): well, smut duh
A/N: Hi! I’m working my way through these requests and I must thank you all for giving me the challange ! Andy is too wonderful to not give any attention so why not :)
Not my gif!
Tumblr media
- Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I think Andy’s actually quite caring. She’d make you drink at least 3/4 of the water in the glass she brings you. Helps you clean up and just holds you. I wouldn’t say she’s the biggest cuddler, but she is big spoon.
- Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She likes your hands, your hips. Anything really, just not your feet. Andy is NOT a foot person. Keep em away please, thank you. 
- Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
She likes to go down on you, and watching you lick her fingers clean with your own wetness will always be a thrilling sight to see to her. 
- Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Once, you were all sleeping in the church in France ( before Nile joined ), Andy couldn’t sleep. She was the only one awake. You were lying with your back to her, her arm wrapped around your waist. A glint sparked in her as her hand slowly moved down into your pants, her other hand covering your mouth as she made you keep quiet as her fingers did wonders between your legs. Whispering a bunch of filth in your ear. 
- Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Andy has centuries of experience. Girl knows what she’s doing.
- Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
For you to sit on her face. 
- Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
She can laugh here and there, I think she’d mostly smile though, a low chuckle perhaps. 
- Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I don’t really think she cares that much about it. Perhaps she trims it every now and then but I don’t think she’s bare. 
- Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Being with Niko and his love for his amore mio, she’s learned a thing or two. And her relationship with Quynh, (can’t convise me otherwise) she isn’t the most romantic person but she will try to make it feel like it in the air. 
- Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Of course she does it. She was alone for so many years and she is a woman with needs. Even after the two of you got together, she still does it at times. Sometimes it’s a good stress relief. 
- Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Eh, hair pulling, knife play, orgasm denial, choking, perhaps a little bdsm?
- Location (Favourite places to do the do)
You always travel a lot so Andy doesn’t really have a favourite spot to do it, of course a bed is very much recomended but I think she takes what she can get. If it’s a bathroom, a car, a bed, and so on. 
- Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
She loves a good fight. Specially if it’s you she’s fighting against. She nearly almost wins but she loves the thrill of it. That glint she gets in her eyes? Oh boy. Watching you kick some ass is her favpurite thing. 
- NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Compare you to Quynh, or share you. Or do anything you’re not comfortable with. 
- Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
I have this feeling she prefers to go down on you, but wouldn’t complain about you wanting to do the same to her. She focuses a lot on you, so sometimes that is enough for her. 
- Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on her mood...👀
If you’ve kicked ass or fought with her, it will be steamy. But if it’s like just something to take time or in the mornings or if you’re both too lazy but still want it it’ll be more gentle. 
- Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
She’s not against them, but she’d rather spend the time with you. Sex isn’t importaint to her, but if you ask her nicely, perhaps you might get what you wish for…
- Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Andy is more natural, but with what they are there will always be risks. That you travel a lot to do jobs or be safer one place rather than the other. You’ve been walked in on quite a few times, Joe and Nicky always finds it amusing until it’s them that get caught. 
- Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
She can go for a few rounds, again depending on her mood. Sometimes it’s nice with just one, but sometimes they can continue all night. 
- Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She has a few. Perhaps more on the vibrator path. 
- Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I wouldn’t say she’s the biggest teaser, perhaps mostly in bed.
- Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Andy isn’t that loud. She’s used to her family being close by, so she hasn’t had the chance to really be vocal about how you make her feel, but if you get a moment alone, away from the others, she will be louder, but she wouldn’t be the screaming type. 
- Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
She’s a killer queen with a soft heart. 
- X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Just normal balck matching underwear. Perhaps no bra at all. 
- Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
I would say it would be at a normal rate. Of course sometimes she gets a little desperate, but don’t we all?
- ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She lays awake until she knows you’re alright and in sweet dreams. 
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boinin · 10 months
So… who’s King Barou™️ getting shipped with in the CO universe?
You: *asks a really straightforward question*
Me: lemme concoct backstories for fifteen other characters, then I'll get back to you
I wish I was joking 💀 but also I love getting these kind of questions, it lets me be indulgent about my AU! So thank you 💗
For context: I am writing a Kunigiri longfic set in 2033-34. This has involved making up fifteen years worth of post-canon life events for the principal cast. Barou doesn't feature prominently, but Kunigami recently revealed that he had a crush on the King back in their Blue Lock days.
Kunigami has moved on by now (like... reeeallly moved on), but Barou's still around, being his good ol' tsundy self. Does he have a partner? Well...
To figure this out, I had to remind myself who's actually on the national team with Barou and work through their dynamics. So...
Sixteen character backstories under the cut, eventually getting to your question.
The following characters have been named in Cassis Orange as being on the Japanese national team, in order of position/role:
Isagi (FW)
Rin (FW)
Shidou (FW)
Barou (FW)
Bachira (Wing)
Otoya (Wing)
Nagi (CAM)
Hiori (CAM)
Sae (CAM)
Karasu (CDF)
Sendou (CDF)
Aryu (FB)
Niko (CB)
Aiku (CB)
Gagamaru (GK)
Fukaku (GK)
This means that 2018 Blue Lock alumni occupy sixteen places in the squad (which should have 23-25 places). Probably two or three too many—ah well. I've alleged that some of the other squad members participated in the second Blue Lock program (which took place in... 2023, right around now lol). There's likely a few other older players from before Blue Lock's time, but it's really Isagi and friends' team.
Everybody knows team squads are synonymous with dating pools in Blue Lock. So, in considering who Barou might be shipped with, I had to think through where everyone was at in life, come January 2034, in my particular AU. Here's the lowdown:
Aiku (34) is currently working through his second divorce. He has a couple of kids. He remains good friends with his teammate Sendou (33), who plays for a Japanese club normally and does a lot of promotional work with sportwear companies.
Karasu (33), Otoya (32) and Shidou (33) represent something of a clique within the squad. The three play for French clubs, alongside Rin (31), who resents being mentioned in the same paragraph as them. Everyone but Otoya is outwardly single, as far as the media knows. Otoya dates influencers and idols.
Because Rin's home club is in France, he doesn't care to rent or purchase a place in Japan. Hiori (32), a long-time friend and Tokyo resident, agreed to let him stay at his apartment for the duration of the tournament. Hiori is single, and streams part-time. Players enjoy the juxtaposition between his gentle personality and the violent games he plays. He plays for the Kawasaki Breakers.
Sae (33) is based in the UK. He has won the Ballon D'Or twice. Although there's been speculation about the nature of his long-term friendship with Shidou, he refuses to speak about his personal life to the press.
Isagi (32) has lead his home club (Bastard Munchen) to victory in the Champions League twice, and he is widely regarded as one of the finest players of his generation. This World Cup will be the third he's contested, and his first as captain. He has stated publicly that third time's the charm. He is openly single, based in Munich. He started a charity to promote football in developing countries in 2027.
Bachira (32) has played for mostly Spanish clubs over the years. He's an advocate for youth football and does outreach work in schools both in Japan and Spain. He has auctioned his own artworks for charity. Not much is know about his personal life, despite his outgoing personality.
Nagi (32) was the face of Japanese football for the 2030 World Cup, in association with Reo (32). The two of them were inseparable following their days in Blue Lock, choosing to play at the same or neighbouring clubs throughout their careers. However, due to his father's untimely death, Reo stepped down from football two years previously. Since then, Nagi has been media shy. Despite his relative youth, there are rumours circulating that he intends to retire soon.
Niko (31) is a formidable centre-back who (with Aiku) forms the iron defence of the Japanese team. He's open about his neurodivergence and advocates for the inclusion of kids like himself in sports. It's understood he has a partner living in England, where he's based.
Fukaku (34) plays for a Japanese team, and has indicated his intention to retire after the 2034 World Cup tournament. As for Gagamaru (33), the man known as the world's best goalkeeper is notoriously reclusive. He is picky about what clubs he plays for, prioritising proximity to nature and the mountains over salary offers. As a result, he's mostly played for German clubs. Nothing is known about his relationship status.
That leaves Barou (33) and Aryu (34). The duo play for Fiorentina. It's reported that the two share a villa together in the city's outskirts. Aryu has dabbled in modelling and fashion for many years, and his self-titled brand is steadily growing in renown.
Aryu speaks of Barou as his glamorous partner... but he calls next to everything glamorous, leaving the media stumped.
Barou, meanwhile, refuses to entertain fluff piece journalists and has neglected to comment on his relationship with the towering wingback. There is no record of any public affection between them both. However, the two are certainly very close. Last year, they both began sporting matching black rings.
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passionfruitbowls · 8 months
pyrrha nikos and her entire character arc make me feel insane in such a unique way that if i think about her for too long i want to cry.
like imagine spending so much of your life (you haven’t lived very long) being admired and praised by people for your skills, being told about all these phenomenal things you’ll go on to accomplish. how many of these people actually… see you? is it worth it? to have others treat you like an untouchable treasure instead of A Normal Person, a person who could still fail?
you move schools. you make friends there, you become part of a team, you have a partner. there are tough moments, and awkward ones, but you feel at ease around them. you all have fun. you could take on the world together.
it won’t last. you give yourself up for a cause, for the greater good. you’re still young, just a child. but you also want to be a huntress, and this is what huntresses do. you won’t venture to other places, helping people like you’d hoped. you won’t be with your teammates. your final goodbye to your first love - your only love - has to be quick, so you speak with actions rather than words. you’ve left a video behind for him, which he’ll replay over and over and over when he’s in the clutches of grief, but even then you couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
now you’re alone again, about to face the danger. it has to be you. if not you, who else? they’ll erect a statue in your honour, your memory forever preserved, but you won’t be there to see it.
it wasn’t supposed to end like this. but it was. you were destined to do this from the moment you were given your name.
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novankenn · 8 months
I Refuse! (3)
/== Table of Contents ==/
“So, Dr Peach, how is our newest resident?” Ozpin asked as he stood in the door of the picture crowded office of Beacon’s resident medical doctor. “Did she weather her journey… well?”
“If you’re trying to ask if her virginity is intact, then stop trying to be polite.” Dr Peach replied. “Anyway in response to your question, yes she has been untouched vaginally, however…”
“She has been molested.”
“Yes. She tested positive for gonorrhea of the throat, and there is evidence of anal penetration.” Dr Peach had a look of relative anger on her face. “I have provided the needed medications, and arranged for her to speak to Dr Primrose.”
“I will pass this information on to the VPD. Maybe they can add some charges.”
“I have to ask. What are your plans for her?” Dr Peach gave the Headmaster with undisguised suspicion and accusation in her voice.
“I am giving her asylum to her at Beacon, if she agrees to enroll as a student. That will prevent her mother or the Winchesters from forcing her return to Ansel.”
“That is a risky move. The Winchesters have a decent amount of influence with in the council, and even the Arcs in their destitute state have many who would like to curry favor with them.” Peach sighed, “They may try and force your hand.”
“Yes, it is possible that will be the route they attempt, and they may even reach out to the Nikos and Schnee families to add even further pressure.”
“So, how are you going to deal with that possibility?”
“Simply. Beacon will not interfere with the marital contracts, we are only offering to keep her safe, and as long as she wished to remain on our grounds we will enforce her rights to dispute the contract.”
“That sounds like we will be getting involved.”
“We won't be. We will be providing no financial or legal support. We will just be guaranteeing her safety.” Ozpin answered, “So aside from the signs of sexual abuse, and treatment for the STI, is there anything else I should be made aware of?”
“No, the rest of her tests came back negative and good. So aside from concerns about her mental health, physically she is good.”
“Will she be able to take part in initiation?”
“I’m hesitant to say it, but yes, she is medically cleared to take part.”
“Thank you. I will pass on to Glynda to schedule Joan times for sessions with Dr Primrose, once initiation is complete.”
Joan didn't know what to think, let alone do. She was at Beacon, pretending to be a guy. The Headmaster had offered her asylum, meaning her mother couldn’t force her to return to Ansel as long as she agreed to attend the academy, and then that the nutcase of a Headmaster had flung her from a cliff. Thankfully, her new partner Pyrrha Nikos stepped in before Joan was forced to use her semblance.
Then there was the Deathstalker; which she was never going to admit to anyone, that it was her fault; and the Nevermore which was definitely not her fault. Now she was the leader of a team of supercharged teens. Why she didn't understand. It's not like Pyrrha, Ren, or Nora wouldn't have figured out how to take down the Deathstalker. She just noticed it first. 
Why that made her leadership material, she had no clue. She never travelled to Vale to become a huntress, no, her goal was to buy her sisters time for her family to deal with her late father’s debits. 
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cfgravenpast · 2 years
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(—) ★ spotted!! NIKOLAI DELACRUZ on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 25 year old looks like BENJAMIN WADSWORTH, but i don’t really see it. while  the STREAMER/YOUTUBER/ACTOR is known for being RELIABLE my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be RECKLESS i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song SHE KEEPS ME UP by NICKELBACK  he/him / male} - penned by Sushi
Name: Nikolai Mattias Delacruz Nicknames/Alias: Niko Face Claim: Benjamin Wadsworth Age: 25 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Date/Place of Birth: May 9, 1997 in Tampa, Fl Currently: Los Angeles, CA Nationality: Latino, Iranian, Swedish, American Occupation: Youtuber/Streamer/Actor
Positives/Virtues/Skills: dauntless – not frightened or discouraged resilient – the ability to recover from failures or setbacks adventurous - willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. charismatic -  exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others. persuasive - good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. sensitive -  good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.
Flaws/Weaknesses: arrogant - having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. compulsive - resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge, especially one that is against one’s conscious wishes. impulsive - acting or done without forethought. truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant. cantankerous - bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative. aggressive - ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
Likes Favourite colour? Black Favourite foods? TBD Favourite music? Reggaeton, Hip-Hop, R&B Favorite books? TBD Fears: TBD
Parents:  Unknown Delacruz (Biological Father) Unknown Delacruz nee David pronounced Dah-Veed (Biological Mother)
Siblings: N/A
Children: N/A
Other family: TBD Pets: TBD Spouse: N/A Current Partner: N/A Ex-Partners: TBD Co-Workers: TBD Co-Stars: TBD Friends: TBD Enemies: TBD
Build: 5'9", 158 lbs, muscualr build Hair Colour: Dark brown  Eye Colour: Dark Brown Distinguishing Marks: Scar down left brow and eye
Accomplishments: TBD
Regrets: TBD
Secrets: TBD
Niko was born in Miami, Fl in 1997. His parents passed away when he was 6 years old in a car accident. 
This left Niko to be placed into the system, bouncing all over from foster home to foster home. Some were okay but others were absolute terror. 
At the age of 12, Niko was moved to Tampa, Fl, still bouncing from foster to foster but fortunately for him he met Theodore Beckett at this time and he became a permanent fixture in his life. One of the few people to really know the real Nikolai.
At 14, Niko ended up in the hospital after a severe beating from his alcoholic foster dad. A scar remains running down his left brow and eye from that day, a reminder of the hell he’s endured through his childhood. 
His active celebrity career began with the making of youtube videos, mainly of him doing walk throughs of games and eventually joining twitch and streaming alongside Teddy.
At the age of 19, he landed his first role in one episode of Girl Meets World.
His acting career really shot off when he joined the cast of Teen Wolf as Alec and has been growing ever since.
Leaving this short so I can plot more out with everyone
Youtube claim
Twitch tag: @gamingwithniko
Television Career
Girl Meets World: role; Jordan, age; 19
Teen Wolf: role; Alex, age; 20
Deadly Class: role; Marcus Lopez Arguello, age; 21-22
Your Honor: role; Rocco Baxter, age; 23
Tell Me Lies: role; Drew, age; 24
Movie Career
Unhuman: role; Randall, age; 24
Teen Wolf: role; Alec, age; 25 (Current Project)
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robbiefischer · 10 months
im very sorry in advance this is so many so plz no pressure but maybe you could do ❣️🎢🧸🐾 🥰🎲 for julian and niko?
Oh my gosh, please do not ever apologize for sending me asks about my kids (or anything, really)! I was so happy to get this and loved working on these questions, tysm! I'm sorry I took so long to finish it up.
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Julian's love languages are physical touch and quality time, as well as words of affirmation. All things he did not get much of growing up. He lives for hugs, and forehead kisses, having his hair played with, and the way Niko always wants to hold his hand and keep him close while they're in public. Do that, tell him he's good and loved, listen to him play guitar and talk about his musical influences and favorite artists and he will melt.
Niko's love languages are receiving gifts and quality time. And while it's probably not one of his main love languages, he's also really fond of physical touch. Nothing makes him feel more loved than realizing that Julian's hanging on his every word as he talks about some obscure artistic movement or the intricacies of restoring an old canvas (well, nothing except for the perfect, unexpected gift).
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
Sorry, this is probably boring but neither of them feel like amusement park people to me. I'm sure once they have their daughter that they'll enjoying watching HER enjoy amusement parks, but they wouldn't like spending time at one otherwise.
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
Ooookay yes I love this question so much, thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about possibly the softest idea I have ever come up with for any OC.
Niko has a very cute stuffed bunny that Julian gave him as a present before he knew that Niko is allergic to rabbits. They joke that it's the only bunny he'll ever like because it's the only one that doesn't make him want to die. It's more decorative, but not entirely. He doesn't sleep with it every single night but he does want it when he's really stressed out or not feeling well, or if Julian's been gone for a while on tour and he's lonely without his husband.
Julian has a stuffed kitty. It is the same stuffed kitty he had as a baby/young child, except it's not exactly the same kitty because his awful mother threw his out as a punishment when he was around 5 or 6 which devastated him at the time. It came up once during a conversation with Niko who was just incensed at the idea of that happening (especially since Julian tried to shrug it off and say he probably was misbehaving or something and deserved it), and he and Julian's aunt Clare (who had pictures of Julian with the OG kitty) went on a hunt for another of the same kitty on eBay and estate sales. It took about a year but they finally found one in perfection condition and surprised him with it. He definitely cried. It's very much not decorative - he sleeps with it every single night, to the point that he'll pack it in his suitcase if they go on a trip or he goes on tour with the band. If he doesn't have his kitty, he sleeps so much worse than he would with it.
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
They have four cats - Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Yes, I know. Sorry, I'm a slut for Tolkien and therefore, so are my favorite boys. They adopted their kitties two at a time, as bonded pairs - Frodo and Sam came first, then Merry and Pippin about a year later.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Julian mostly calls Niko 'love', 'sweet pea' and Izzy (which comes from his middle name, Isidore - Julian is the only one allowed to call him that). Sometimes he'll go with angel as well, although that one's less common. Niko doesn't really get flustered by any of them, but he's *so* soft whenever Julian uses a pet name for him. He has a lot of feelings about how much he loves his husband and how lucky he is.
Niko has SO many pet names for Julian it's almost ridiculous. Sweetness and kitten are the most common (and Julian's favorites), but he also calls hm sweetheart, darling, my love, honey. If he feels like speaking French, he'll go with mon amour or mon cherí. Julian really doesn't get flustered by Niko calling him pet names either, he loves it so much, absolutely eats it up. He's never had that in a relationship before and he loves it so much. If he were a cat, he'd purr so loud every time Niko uses a pet name for him.
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
Okay, so here's the deal. I'm combining two because answering one without the other just doesn't make sense to me.
🍳 - How well can they cook? / 🍪 - How well can they bake?
Julian is a fantastic baker, and a really good cook but baking is his one-true-love. He bakes multiple different types of bread including sourdough, cinnamon rolls (because Niko loves them), he's done his own puff pastry and croissants... if the base is any kind of flour, he can figure it out.
Niko is a really great cook, but he's not much of a baker. He could handle a batch of muffins, or a tray of a basic cookie and does when they have their daughter, Thea. But he's just not really into baking and doesn't have the patience for it, so it's not a skill he's worked on improving. Julian's just fine with that - he likes being the baker in their house.
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theflyingfeeling · 11 months
Aaahhh I love the new header!! 🤧😍💞
Anyway just dropping by to talk about this thought I have 👀 so I have this scenario in my mind where Olli and Allu have been crushing on each other for a while and one of them breaks up with their partner and gets heartbroken and the other of course feels bad for him and comforts him but can’t stop thinking about how he has a chance now and aaaaaa my brain feels foggy and it’s not working but I feel like there would be so many ways to continue this 🤧 (sorry for rambling 😭)
I love it too if I say so myself 🥺🤲
I know this sounds like I'm making shit up but literally earlier today I thought about almost this exact scenario 😂 only mine was a tad more specific, and bear with me now, because for some reason I imagined a wedding (perhaps a crew members') and one of them arriving there a bit late because they had a fight and broke up with their partner just before leaving for the wedding venue (or the night before) and yeahhhhh, they end up comforting each other at the evening party of the wedding reception 👀
don't ask me why the setting has to be a wedding lol, I'm not sure actually, it just came to my mind for some reason because that's how my brain works, although it might have been inspired by an old picture taken at a wedding I saw last night while browsing Porko's or Niko's instagram, in which Olli looked sooooooo good in a white collar shirt and black suspenders and yeahhhh, just imagine the possiblities of them getting all hot and bothered in their wedding gear, all loose ties and unbuttoned shirts and messy hair and oofff mmmhmhhhhmmhm 😳
obviously in this scenario both of them have secretly been crushing on each other for quite some time, including the one who just broke up with their partner, and perhaps that was even one of the reasons they broke up (maybe the partner noticed something or the other was being distant), so it wouldn't be a "bandage" kinda situation you know, instead they'd both be like aahhhh finallyyyyy 😭
thanks for rambling in my askbox once again! 🥰💖
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cityandking · 2 years
8, 23, 52, and 69! for dai bran and niko!
ty!!! // sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters
8. what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em!
DAI — dai has a playlist, and off it royal empress by greg laswell is 100% His Song (fun fact—it's the first song I ever put on his playlist. now that's irony.)
I thought everyone was gonna make it out alive And everyone was gonna make it out alive
BRAN — answered!
ENIKO — eniko's playlist slaps. he has so many good songs, but special honor goes to heirloom by sleeping at last (you try your hardest to leave the past alone / this crooked posture is all you've ever known) and bullet by the ballroom thieves
Well, I'll leave this so-called So cold home The burden of its memories Weighs heavy on my bones I dare you all to keep me With the things I never said I need this like a bullet to the head Yeah, I need this like a bullet to the head
23. in what moment did they consider themselves to be “grown up”?
DAI — really really early on. probably around the end of the war/rebellion, so he would have been like. 10-13ish? I'm not sure about my timelines. but he was a kid in a war zone and then he was taking care of his dad afterwards and he just. he's always felt grown up, and everyone's always treated him like he's a grown up ("mature for his age")
BRAN — answered!
ENIKO — oh fuck. yeah also horribly young. probably around 14/15ish. what's funny is, it wasn't the first time he killed someone—it was the first time he saw someone he cared about dying, and was told it was his fault, and understood consequence was always going to be synonymous with punishment.
25. who is their best friend?
DAI — a year ago, he'd have said he'd never had a best friend. three months ago, he would have said izzy. when he died, he would have said he didn't have one, but at least he'd gotten to experience it for a while.
BRAN — canon, it's gotta be haskon and the crew. I think she'd get along with iö especially well as a mischief maker. any au, it's enikö, with sabine as an incredibly close second. bran's the sort of person whose partner is her best friend
ENIKO — canon, nobody, but he was starting to get super close to vola when the campaign stopped and I honestly think they'd have been bffs if we'd played any longer. au, bran. no contest.
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
DAI — right when he and zaref were figuring things out (i.e. when they had kissed once, not DTR'd at all, and then spent a week in a 20ft hut with 8 other people) he didn't want anything about their relationship getting out, since he didn't even know what it was. even after they talked about it, he wanted to keep it private for a while—he found it nice to have something that was his and private in the mess of Asdor and everything. obviously that ended horribly, but he still doesn't regret the glimmering joy of having that specific kind of secret.
BRAN — she keeps her own fears and anxieties so close to the chest. great daring legendary pirate captains don't have anxiety or doubt or fear. she's got to be better than that.
ENIKO — all of them. anything. if you know anything about him no you don't. bastard is absolutely paralyzed by the fear that someone might learn some truth and use it against him. unhealthy coping mechanisms mcgee over here.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
RWBY for the fandom ask game?
answers for the ask game under the cut!
(also my brain is mush rn so i apologize if i sound stupid while explaining anything here :') )
3 male characters I love:
my three favorite male characters are jaune arc, oscar pine & james ironwood! jaune took a while to grow on me (because of reason i'll elaborate on further down), oscar is just a sweet guy and ironwood... i might not agree with everything he does, but he's a very interesting character (just not always a good person :') )
3 female characters I love:
my three favorite rwby gals are pyrrha nikos, yang xiao long and weiss schnee. pyrrha is just such a sweet character and she deserves the world! yang is a character i kinda just vibe with, i can't quite explain what i like about her, only that i do like her. and weiss has great character development and an interesting background!
3 romantic ships I love:
i have to defend myself first and say that i'm a multishipper, so i pretty much vibe with most ships. but my three favorites have to be blake x yang, oscar x ruby and jaune and pyrrha. pyrrha x jaune is a ship i mainly like because i love pyrrha and jaune would make her happy (even if i feel like she's out of his league–). blake and yang... well, i saw the scene where they got together in volume 9 before even watching rwby and even without any context, i cried because they were just so cute 🥺 and ruby and oscar... honestly, i just like both of those characters and i haven't quite settled on what my fav ruby ship is, but i do want oscar to be happy, so he gets the silver eyed girl for now 😌
3 platonic dynamics I love:
this one is hard because i've got so many pairing that i like as ships but also don't mind as friends. like i could list the same pairings above, because i'd love them even if they were just friends. but i think i'd have to go for... sun x neptune, jaune x ruby and yang x weiss. i like all three of those pairs but also not enough to really ship them. they all have a very lovely dynamic though and always enjoy seeing them together!
3 favorite moments in canon:
my absolute favorite moment is the bumbleby kiss! the music, the visuals, the voice acting... just everything about that scene is perfect! by far my favorite moment in canon! the other two are tricky, but i think that scene where jaune / team jnr see pyrrha's statue has to be one of them. it was really sad but also some nice closure that i hadn't really felt until that point. and the third scene would have to be ruby's confrontation with neopolitan + all the people that died so far. just being able to see pyrrha again or roman was so nice! and absolutely heartbreaking to see them fight ruby & co. :') (plus billy kametz voiced roman in that scene which only hurt even more...)
3 favorite headcanons:
i don't really have a lot of headcanons for rwby, but i highkey headcanon james ironwood to be a yandere. he already isn't really a good person and he did not hesitate to shoot a guy, so he wouldn't hesitate either if someone was flirting with his partner 👀 another headcanon would be that rwby likes oreos. i can't explain it, but she gives me that vibe. i could also see her and yang (+ maybe the rest of team rwby) argue over the correct way to eat them. and lastly, i headcanon that nora's favorite pokemon would be pikachu.
3 least favorite things about it:
the thing i hate most about ruby is how some people in the fanom portray jaune. i absolutely hate jaune x his harem with a burning passion. everything i see about it feels just so out of character for jaune, yet i see way too many people portray him as this overpowered beast who can't help but fall for every woman he meets & have them fall for him as well. i disliked jaune for quite a bit when i started watching rwby, before slowly realizing that it's not canon!jaune that i have a problem with but fanon!jaune.
another thing i don't like about rwby is how soon they left behind beacon academy. honestly, i loved the first three seasons because of that setting and i'm still a bit sad we didn't get to see more of them during that time. school/college settings with a twist are really fun, like what my hero academia has. i kinda miss beacon but i also understand why they aren't going back to it. (i'd still like to see them at least go back once when rwby ends)
and the last least favorite thing about rwby... probably the art style in the earlier seasons. it's kinda nice in a way to see the show evolve over the years, but i also can't help but wish we got to see certain scenes or characters in more polished models.
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