#no name calling or anything it upsets me. except for ‘asshole’ and that stuff
byakuyasdarling · 11 months
The longer and longer you know me the more I know how little of a sense of humour I have LMAO
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weird-is-life · 2 years
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: Spencer forgets about your date and you upset
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, use of y/n and pet names
Words: 1.3k Masterlist
A/N: English is not my first language, so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes
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You and Spencer were supposed to go on a date at 7. But as you sat in your apartment, looking at the clock, that showed 8.30, you knew there would be no date.
You called and texted him multiple times, nothing. He didn't respond. You didn't know, what he was doing.
There was no case he needed to fly out to, because he'd have called you, if there was one. You didn't know what else to do, than wipe away the tears at the edges of your cheeks and try to figure out where he was.
You called the first person, that came to your mind, Penelope.
"H-hi, Penelope. It's y/n..." you said.
"Oh hi pretty, is everything okay?" she quickly responded.
"I just.... I just wanted to ask if you know where Spencer is?" you shamefully asked, you didn't want to bother her with stuff as stupid as that.
"Last time i saw him, he was buried under a pile of paper work. I don't know if he's still here, i'll go look-"
"That's okay, you don't have to go look for him" you said with slightly sad voice.
"Are you sure? Is everything okay-"
"Yeah, t-thanks Penelope" you hung up, before she even got the chance to reply.
You didn't need her to tell you, were he was. You were pretty sure, that he was sat by his desk, studying his files and completely forgot about your date.
It happened before, that he got too caught up in his work, that he forgot about time. He'd been late quite a few times because of it, but never when it involved you.
While you changed from the pretty summer dress, that Spencer loved so much to pyjamas, Penelope marched to Spencer's desk.
"What did you do?" she angrily walked up to him. Spencer lifted his red eyes from the file, he was reading and looked confusedly at her.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything" he puzzled.
"Why was y/n calling me upset on the phone, asking where you are" she put her hands on her hips and frowned at him.
Realisation struck him like a bolt of lightning, " fuck, fuck, fuck!"
He quickly scrambled to his feet and threw his stuff in his bag, "was she too upset?"
"If crying is too upset for you, then yeah. She definitely was" Penelope glared at him, " i don't know what you did, but you better make it right or i'll-"
Spencer ignored her, he practically bolted out of the room, when he heard, that you were crying. He didn't know, how he was going to apologise to you. The best thing he thought of were flowers, that he bought on the way to you.
When he finally got to the apartment, he found it completely dark, except for one little light coming from the TV. You laid on the couch, head turned away from Spencer, so he couldn’t see you face.
"S-sweetheart?" he softly called out, but you didn't move. You pretended to be asleep, hoping he'd just leave you alone.
But of course, he didn't. He cautiously walked to your side and crouched down to face you. There was no denying, that you were crying. Your cheeks and eyelashes were wet and Spencer felt like crying to.
It pained him to know, that you cried because of him. He felt like the biggest fucking asshole.
"Y/N?" he uncertainly said, hoping you'd just look at him. Your eyes stayed close, but he saw the movement of your closed eyes and knew, you weren't sleeping.
"W-will you just look at me, please?" he pleaded and you let out a silent sob, that you couldn't keep inside anymore.
"Please, j-just leave me a-alone" you groggily said and still didn't spare him a look.
"No" he said, Spencer's eyes started stinging, but he wouldn't leave you. 
At that you finally opened your eyes,"what do you mean no?" your face was puffy and your red eyes were looking quizzically at him.
"I mean no, i won't leave you, until we talk" he sat down next to the couch, "you can yell at me all you want, but please don't give me the silent treatment." He desperately looked at you.
"I'm n-not gonna yell at you" you sniffled and Spencer couldn't help it and hesitantly wiped away the tear, that was running down your cheek.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I don't know how it happened... I was reading the files and-and i guess i lost the track of time," he admited with shame, "there's no excuse for missing our date. You have every right to be angry at me. I'm always away and when i'm finally home i forget about our date. I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry, love. I'll leave you alone now if you still want me to, but i j-just wanted you to know how fucking sorry i am."
Spencer's cheeks were wet now, too and he waited for you to say something, anything really, but you only sniffled some more. So he got up and slowly walked away, "I'll sleep in the guest room tonight."
He left you alone with heavy heart and a huge pit in his stomach. He knew how excited you were, when he told you, he was taking you on a date. And he pretty much ruined it.
He absent-mindly took a shower, brushed his teeth and laid down in the cold bed. There was no way the sleep would come, when he knew you were probably crying in the other room and the guilt was eating him alive.
Your sobs stopped a few minutes after he left and you suddenly felt so parched from all the crying. So in your need of some water, you went to the kitchen.
You were almost finished with a second glass of water, when you noticed the big bouquet of roses laying on the counter.
You curiously picked them up and noticed the small card put in between them. There was scrabbled in Spencer's messy handwriting a note, ' I'm so sorry, love. Please forgive me. I love you...'
Your heart melted a bit from it, but stubborn as ever, you didn't go to him and went to the bed instead. And as you laid there, looking at the ceiling, you couldn't fall asleep. Your mind kept running back to Spencer.
It was hard to sleep, when he was away, but it somehow felt worse now, knowing, that he was home, just in another room.
After a few hours, you just gave up. You forgot about being still angry at him and walked to the guest room. You didn't bother knocking on the door, just walked right in.
Spencer probbed himself on his elbows, when he notice the door open and your figure slip in. He immediately switched on the lamp, "Sweetheart, is everything okay?" he asked, a little worried.
"You are an idiot," you stated with a frown and climbed in the bed, "but i can't seem to fall asleep without."
You sat on the covers, looking everywhere but him. " Come here," he gestured for you to get under the covers and you did. You laid next to him and the slight distance between your bodies drove you both crazy.
Spencer broke first," I'm sorry again, baby. I didn't mean to h-hurt you," he let out a long sigh of regret.
One look at his apologetic face and the anger completely vanished, " It's okay, i know, you didn't mean to and i forgive you. I was just really looking forward to it." You gave him a small smile, which Spencer returned right away.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop with the sorrys and if you forget again, i won't talk to you for days" you warned him and he chuckled.
"I'm sorry, baby. I promise to make it up to you" he finally tugged you close to his chest, happy smile on his face.
"You better. You can start by cuddling me all night tonight" you murmured to his chest.
"That will be no problem. I love you so much."
"I love you, too. "
Hey guys, thank you for reading. Let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated.
Have a great day and stay safe everybody. Peace out ☀️
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dont-leafmealone · 11 months
we took a hard left (but we're alright)
A missing scene from chapter 11 of cancel your reservations / no more hesitations, where Jet is reunited with part of his found family and Smellerbee learns about her best friend's new boyfriend.
read on ao3
"Bee? Someone's here to see you!"
Smellerbee looked up from her notebook and the summer homework she had for Science, frowning. Anita — her soon-to-be stepmom — knew the names of her friends, which meant whoever was at the door wasn't one of them. Who is it, then? She wondered. It was late enough that anyone visiting was weird.
She put aside her notebook and took out her earphones. They didn't work for playing music anymore, but helped at least muffle the noise around her and let her focus on her work. She opened her bedroom door; Anita stood outside in the hall. 
"He asked for you. I don't know if you know him from school, or..."
He. That at least helped narrow it down, though not by much. Bee sighed. "Thanks, Anita." She squeezed past her, going toward the front door. Anita's footsteps were close behind her. Through the window, she could make out the bed of a pickup truck, but the dim light made it hard to distinguish a color. Don't get excited. Everyone and their mom drives a truck around here, she told herself, squashing down the ridiculous hope that had come up. If it was somebody from school, chances were it was their mom's, or dad's, truck.
She opened the door. For a second she didn't register who it was; when she did, her jaw dropped. 
"Bee!" Jet smiled, the same crooked way he'd always done, and Smellerbee could have killed him. 
Jet was still riding high on the feeling of being back here, having Zuko reunited with his uncle, and getting to see his family again. It hadn't crossed his mind, until Smellerbee answered the door and immediately leveled him with a ferocious glare, that maybe he should have called or something a little sooner. Possibly three days sooner. 
"When did you get here?" Smellerbee demanded, pushing past Jet to get out on the trailer's small porch. The door shut loudly behind her. 
"Today," he said, stepping out of her way. "What's going o—"
"It's been days since we heard from you! I had my mom call the hospital after you didn't get back with us, and they couldn't tell us anything except that you were gone. And you didn't answer your phone." 
Jet winced. He'd been unable to find his phone at the cheap apartment he, Bee and Longshot had been less-than-legally renting, and had figured it would turn up somewhere in his truck. It hadn't. "I'm sorry."
"Do you have any idea how worried we were about you?"
"I didn't," he said. "Now I do."
"Well, what the hell else were you thinking about?"
Jet had a choice here. He could tell her what he'd been thinking about, that he'd been selfishly thinking about turning around and going back to the shitty apartment, about staying in Washington, until he'd seen Zuko standing there by the road. That, for a moment, it had seemed possible — easy, even — to make a new life somewhere nobody knew him, nobody depended on him, and the excitement he had felt at the prospect terrified him now. 
Or he could keep his mouth shut, shrug, and say none of that, because that would only make her more upset, and the thought of delivering a blow like that felt like someone dropping a brick from ten stories up into his stomach. He hadn't been thinking about her and the other kids, when he'd considered staying away, but that was the problem, wasn't it? The last thing she needed was being forgotten and abandoned, even if that wasn't how he meant it. 
"I guess I wasn't thinking," he said, which was close enough to the truth for now. The heavy stuff could wait. 
"God, you're such an asshole," she said, throwing her arms around him. He instinctively returned the hug, feeling the tension ooze out of her bony frame. 
"I'm sorry," he said, burying his face in her shaggy hair. "You can still be mad at me if you want."
"Don't give me that permission," she grumbled against his chest. "I'll hurt you."
"Understood," he chuckled. He stepped back. "Am I allowed to come in?"
Bee sniffled, rubbing her eyes with a glare that dared him to say anything about it, and nodded. She pulled open the door. 
"Anita! Jet's coming in for a while!" she shouted. 
Anita. The name was familiar from dozens of phone calls, and the description he remembered matched the tall, dark-skinned woman who'd answered the door. "That's your —"
"Mom's fiancée," Smellerbee said. "They're getting married in winter."
"Huh." Jet tried to decipher Bee's attitude. "You like her?"
Bee shrugged. "She doesn't bitch about me wearing boys' clothes or too much makeup," she said, shoulders hunched. Jet guessed that was the closest thing to a 'yeah' he was going to get. 
"Well, that's good." He ruffled her hair. "Come on, it's too hot out here."
"Syd and Cameron are at the house this week," Bee told Jet, handing him a cup of iced tea. He sat in the rocker next to the couch, his tattered tank top and cutoffs looking out of place with the old-fashioned carved wood and plaid cushions. He gave a hum of indifference as he sipped the tea through the straw. 
"Were they disappointed to hear I made it?" he asked, putting the cup down. Smellerbee frowned. 
"Syd didn't really say anything when I told her what all had happened. Just hung up the phone. I guess she'd probably already got a call, being your guardian 'n all that."
"Some guardian," Jet muttered. He sighed, rocking the chair a couple times while he sipped, ice cubes clinking in the glass. "Guess I'm sleepin' in the truck bed again. You know how many bug bites I got over he last couple days?" He held out his arm, where red bumps covered his wrist. "Total nightmare. It's just a good thing it didn't rain overnight."
"Your piece of junk truck made it over all the state lines again?" Smellerbee asked with wonder.
"Yep. She's stronger than my ribs, you know," he said, and Bee couldn't help flinching. His amused look faded, guilt replacing it. "Sorry. I'm working on not doing that."
"You wouldn't be you if you weren't making people uncomfortable," she said, taking a long drink of her tea. "Other than the bugs, how was the drive?"
Jet held his cup with both hands, looking down into it. "Pretty good," he said, ducking his head, not enough to hide the red creeping up his neck. His voice was a couple octaves higher than usual, and he quickly cleared his throat. "I mean, it was fine. You know."
Bee stared at him, before getting up on her knees and shoving his shoulder. "Don't tell me you went and got a girlfriend!"
"Ow!" he exclaimed, rubbing his shoulder, and rebalancing his drink to keep it from spilling. "Fine! I don't have a girlfriend!"
It was too genuine to be a lie, but that blush hadn't faded. Smellerbee scoffed. "What happened, you hook up with some guy at a truck stop?"
"No! Jeez." He rolled his eyes. "He needed a ride home, so I let him tag along. We got along pretty well, so..."
"Oh my god. You picked up some random guy and, what, wined him and dined him in the back of your shitty truck?" she asked, laughing.
"This is why I don't tell you things, you know that, right?" Jet said, deadpan. Bee shook her head, still in disbelief. 
"I thought you had standards, man."
"I do."
"It's been a total of, what, a whole week since you left Washington —"
"Three days."
"And you found your true love at some truck stop —"
"It was a quarter mile from a bus stop, get your facts straight —"
"And in that time you've gone and fallen in love with this random stranger." Bee stared at him. "Do you even know where he lives?"
"Next county over with his uncle. He knows Jin," Jet said, with a raised eyebrow like he dared her to argue with that point. What are even the odds of that? she wondered in bewilderment. 
"Fine. Fine," she said, raising her hands in surrender. "I'm sure you and the weirdo who somehow fell for you after spending time inside your truck will be perfectly happy together."
Jet shoved her shoulder, but smiled a little. "His name's Zuko," he said, with the sappy look she'd been used to seeing in association with Jin's name; then Haru's; then Katara's.
 Oh brother. He's in deep, isn't he? 
"Zuko like the guy from that crappy '70s movie?" she asked, wrinkling her nose. Jet rolled his eyes. 
"No, ​​​​​​not Zuko like the guy from Grease. You think I'd date a tool like that?" he asked, leaning back in his seat and chewing on the end of his straw; he looked off at the other side of the room, his expression suddenly a million miles away. "He's...he's like me, you know? He knows what it's like to do shit you regret and to run away from it. And...you can't, you have to come back and face it. I think I need someone like that."
Smellerbee watched Jet, quiet. He didn't really talk about his feelings a whole lot, but when he did, it was hard not to listen. She sighed. 
"Okay," she said. "I wanna meet him, though, so I'm reserving judgement until then. And I will put the fear of death in him if he so much as looks at you wrong," she warned. Jet cracked a wide grin, ruffling her hair. 
"I missed ya," he said. 
"Oh, cut it out," she huffed, pushing his hand away with a fond glare. She got up, grabbing his empty cup. "Come on, Anita made cookies this morning, let's see if she'll let us have some."
Jet smiled and got up, tucking her under his arm as she led him to the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around him, breathing in the dry-grass and gasoline smell of his clothes. 
It was good to have him back. 
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natashawritesstuff · 3 years
Random Haikyuu Angst
character's: first-year tanaka, oikawa, time-skip daichi, time-skip bokuto 
warnings: cursing, cheating, angst, season two spoilers, breakups
reader: fem! for oikawa everyone else is gn
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“Baby!” He calls before he flops down on the bed next to you. “What are you looking at?”
“Just apartments.”
“Yeah, this one is getting kinda small for the two of us?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Oh, and the price is great too! I could probably afford this on my salary alone.”
“Yeah, I love it.”
“Great.” You smiled. “So move in there by Thursday.”
“What do you mean, baby? That’s not enough time to back all of our stuff-”
“No, but it is enough time to pack all of your’s.”
“Wait, you really still think I don’t know? I mean I know you didn’t do that well in school but you can’t be that stupid Bokuto.”
“Don’t you think you should stop calling me that?”
“No, no, I can’t lose you.”
“Don’t tell me you thought we could move past this, wow you really are stupid.”
“Please, give me another chance, it won’t happen again, I love you so much, and I’ll do anything-”
“Yes! Just please-”
“Then get the fuck out by Thursday.”
“Hey, how are you feeling-”
“Get off of me.” Oikawa pushed off your hand and walked past you down the hall.
“What the hell?”
“I don’t want to talk right now, especially not to you.”
“Okay, I get that you’re upset that you lost, but do you want to watch who you’re talking to?”
“I’m talking to my girlfriend, who couldn’t make the most important game before nationals! Are you kidding me?”
“But I was-”
“Seriously, what were you doing?”
“I was sitting in-”
“You’re always there to support me except when it really counts right? It’s no wonder we lost-”
“You lost because you can’t even receive a ball for a fucking first year.” You spoke over him and his eyes went wide. “I was there, you asshole.”
“Y/N, wait-”
“No, turns out this game isn’t the only thing you lost today.”
“Hey, let’s break up, yeah?” You propose and Tanaka looks up from his ice cream. You had been dating him since your last year of middle school and now you two were a few weeks into your first year, celebrating your six-month anniversary.
“What? Why? Why are you saying-”
“I-” You paused and almost laughed out of embarrassment. “I see how you look at her.”
“I don’t-”
“You don’t look at me like that, in fact, I don’t think you’ve ever looked at me like that.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you can’t really control your heart.”
“But you know I would never cheat on you right?”
“Sure, but let’s break up before you get the chance.”
Maybe breaking up with your boyfriend on your anniversary isn’t the best idea, but you had to. You knew he was going to give you a promise ring that day, one that he no longer meant and you couldn’t bear to wear a ring from a boy who was in love with someone else.
It was a normal day, you two were sitting on the couch together and the show you were watching had just ended and what used to lie between you was comfortable silence but now- “It happened to you too didn’t it?” Daichi asked. 
“I think so.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I should be the one apologizing, but I guess it’s no one’s fault.”
“So I guess, I’ll move out?”
“No, you don’t have to-”
“Daichi your names on the lease.”
“Right.” It went quiet again and you moved to get off the couch.
“I’m gonna go start packing.” Surprisingly, he grabs your hand. 
“You know I’ll always love you, right?” You take his hand and force him to let go and you laugh.
“Obviously not.”
As you went into the room to pack your things Daichi stared down at the ring you left in his palm. You were always one to save face for the people close to you, because the truth is, he fell out of love, you didn’t.
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.��� you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
not ur friend
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part two - part three
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a/n: haven’t written for spence in a while lol. hope you guys like it. wow...and i wrote him as an ass. bahahaha what am i going through i’m so sorry.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 1.8k
request(ed): no.
summary: y/n overhears something she shouldn’t have. this conversation alters her relationship.
not ur friend by jeremy zucker.
Hang up, if you ever think of calling me up. Not afraid to say it, darling.
3 days.
It’s been an entire weekend of you ignoring Spencer and his ever intruding phone calls. This wouldn’t have been a big deal except for the fact that this felt like a breakup. Your head and heart was treating this like you were in a relationship and he made it painfully clear that you weren’t.
It was quiet in your apartment. The television was off, the radio was silent, the heater had paused and even the refrigerator wasn’t making the usual silent buzz noise it made. The deafness of it all allowed the conversation you heard friday night play over and over again through your ached head.
Friday 11:37 pm.
“So Reid...” you picked up your phone when it rang and read Spencer’s name across the screen. It wasn’t like him to call so late but you picked up anyway. When it was a muffled Morgan’s voice you heard instead of Spencer’s you realized he hadn’t even meant to call you at all.
“How’s your girlfriend?”
You just knew all eyes were on him. Spencer Reid was very private about his social life. It was rare he even told you about anything he’d been up to. He just wasn’t one for small talk. The fact that you just knew they were talking about you made you press your phone harder into your ear even though you weren’t even sure you should have been listening.
“Oh y/n? Yeah she’s definitely not my girlfriend.”
This stung. There wasn’t even a label or anything that you guys put on it, but usually when Spencer would talk about his romantic relationships he’d get nervous and stuttery and try to change the subject. Spencer’s voice was clear and steady. Zero hints of nervousness and bashfulness. He was serious.
“Really?” This was Emily now, you could recognize her voice. “You guys seem like pretty close friends if you know what I mean.” Her tone was laced with humor but Spencer’s was far from joking.
“No. I wouldn’t call us friends either. She’s just someone I visit. Like y’know...how you would a grandmother.”
A grandmother? He compared you to a grandmother? He said visiting you was like visiting a grandmother?? You could feel the tears in your eyes. You really thought Spencer was a good guy. Why would he say something so rude? Something so hurtful about the person he was sleeping with.
It wasn’t a friends with benefits. You guys had agreed on that, but you weren’t dating either. You had met him at a museum and ever since then you two had behaved as if a couple would. The only difference was that you weren’t public. You weren’t posting pictures, or gushing over how cute you thought your “boyfriend” was to your friends. And you were fine with that. Labels are constricting. You were glad not to have them except when he decided to say he barely knew you at all and compared you to a grandmother.
“Damn.” Morgan sounded impressed. “Does she know that?”
“Maybe.” Spencer paused. “There’s nothing really romantic about our relationship. To be honest, she can be a bit needy at times and it’s suffocating.”
He paused again.
“I’m actually thinking of breaking things off. She wants more and I just don’t like her that way.”
Sorry, I'm not sorry if it hurts. I don’t mean to make it worse.
This is where you hung up. Your tears never stopped flowing. How dare he? How dare he say you were needy and suffocating? You rarely asked him for anything, and didn’t bother him with things at all. You knew he was a busy person. A busy and hardworking person. You never tried to ask him for more than he was willing to give. Ever. It hurt your heart to think he was playing you the whole time.
It hurt to think that all the “I adore you’s” and “I think I’m in love with you’s” were all fake. You were pretty sure with the way things were headed that you and Spencer would have much more than just a relationship. Much more than sex and cuddles. But a meaning - an understanding.
Spencer was your comfort. Your safe place. The person you’d go to if you were hurting, or in trouble. You were his. Countless times he came to your house and cried to you about the stress from his job. He’d hold you and tell you all about his day and what more he wished he could have done.
You’d buy him his favorite food and he’d cuddle you to sleep only to wake you up in the morning with kisses and great morning sex. To hear all of that meant basically nothing to him tore your heart to pieces.
It made you want to throw up. Had you wasted your time? Had he felt this way the entire time and you just never noticed because you hoped he felt the same? Were there signs that you missed? Something you could have done to prevent yourself from falling this hard for someone who didn’t care?
But you thought he cared.
Spencer was the most caring, empathetic person you’d ever met in your life. He was so understanding in a way no one could ever get.
I've decided that I'm not your fucking friend.
This is why you thought that maybe this is why he tried to hide you. Maybe he just was afraid of his friends not liking you, or afraid of someone from where he worked would try to hurt you. You prayed this was the case. You hoped and cried that this was the reason he’d ever let those words leave his mouth.
The reason you couldn’t believe this though is something understandable.
He had never, ever, called you anything other than his friend, and never wanted to go out.
He told you it was because he was protecting you, but he never wanted to even meet your friends. And when you talked about a guy or introduced him to one, he’d get upset and say something like, “Yeah well he seems perfect for you anyway. Not like we’re a thing - do what you want.”
And your brain tried to rationalize this as protection. The more you thought about it the more the other part of your brain screamed manipulation. You tried to ignore it but is that what was happening? Had he been manipulating you the entire time and you just never knew it?
If he was protecting you he wouldn’t call you needy. He wouldn’t not even bother to look at your friends. He wouldn’t feel the need to hide you from the entire world and lie about it in such a - douchebag way.
This hurt you though. His team can call out a liar faster than anyone and they would have said something if they thought he was lying. They would have defended you. The wouldn’t have egged him away and joked about you like you were some embarrassing one night stand.
You expected respect and decency and got dishonesty and asshole attitudes instead.
After the weekend of pitying yourself you realized you needed to stop. This wasn’t your fault. He has issues of his own. Issues he needs to work out and come to terms with on his own. Why should you feel anything for a man trying to hide you? Lying to you? Lying to his friends ABOUT you. Reassuring yourself helped but didn’t help the ache in your heart.
Were you ready for this? Were you ready to throw it all away? After all it could just be a misunderstanding. A misinterpretation. It could be your fault. Maybe you were clingy.
No. Absolutely not. You weren’t going to try to defend his actions.
Right now, there's not much that we agree on. Sit down, if you need someone to lean on.
You called him.
“Hello?” he answered right away. “Where have you been are you okay? I was gonna come over and check.”
“Don’t come over.” You cleared your throat and blinked away tears.
“Then please come to mine. I have to talk to you, I missed you.”
He still has no idea. He doesn’t have a clue what you overheard on the phone. All the pieces of the puzzle you put together. All that you’ve realized in the past 3 days.
You rolled your eyes. Any other day you’d think his obliviousness was adorable but right now it only made you want to punch him in his stomach for lying to you and wasting your time.
“I’ll be over to give you your things.”
And you hung up.
That was so hard for you to do and you had hot wet tears running down your face to prove it. No matter how many times you tried to brush them away they just kept on going down.
Fuck him.
A shower and a change of clothes later you were finally ready to see him.
Honest, if I'm coming to your place, it's to say it to your face...
In your car you tried to talk yourself out of it. You told yourself to just forget the phone call over happened and just go back to the way things were. At least you here happy then...at least...sort of. You were okay. You were happy with him. The time you spent with him was enjoyable but you were tired of being his therapist. You were tired of being his dirty mistress. You didn’t want to be lied to or lied about. You were over it.
When you got there he rushed you in the house and looked down at you confusingly.
You had never been inside his place. The only time you were ever really here was when you were inside waiting in the car so that he could change his shirt.
“I thought you were coming tomorrow?”
“I came now to give you your things.”
“JJ will be here soon, you should probably leave. Why did you bring this stuff?”
“They’re yours. They shouldn’t be at my place.”
He looked confused but took the box from your hands anyway.
“I’m leaving.” You simply said and turned towards the door. The sooner you were out the better.
“Can I at least have a kiss?” Spencer asked in the cute voice he knew you liked.
You closed your eyes. “Sorry Reid, but no. I don’t want to seem needy or suffocating, ya’know? Makes it easier to break things off.”
Color drained from his face as he realized what you were talking about. He couldn’t even come up with an excuse other than a - “No, baby I -“
You put your palm in the air facing him telling him to stop.
“It’s okay. I was just someone you visited...like a grandmother. You shouldn’t miss me too much. We’re not even friends, right?”
You walked out of the house.
You walked out on him. Your heart was beating out of your chest. He was always the one to leave. He was always the one to say goodbye.
I've decided that I'm not your fucking friend.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
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Fully Completely 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), violence, mutual irritation, harassment
This is dark!Loki x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s a new face in Birch and he’s come to haunt your door.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, and Little Bones
Note: On to part three. Sorry for being a human disaster.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 3: Or it will move right through me
Jerome annoyed you as he picked through your tool box and clicked the ratchet noisily. He was excited but impatient and complained that you were taking so long. You told him if he wanted to pay out of pocket for labour, you could finish faster. 
You sat by his bike, parts strewn at your feet, and bent your head to look under the tank. You still had a lot to go and hadn’t yet added anymore of the gross chrome to the frame.
“Do you realise how filthy this is gonna get?” you huffed as you sat up and leaned your elbows on your legs, “not to mention how ridiculous it looks.”
“I like it. It’s just my style,” your brother grinned, “I don’t remember you spending this much time on Bucky’s ride and you and him--”
“He had me replace the tailpipe, you want nothing short of a rebuild,” you scoffed, “and you’re not the boss.”
“Don’t remind me,” he rolled his eyes, “guess it could be worse though. It could be Steve.”
“Thank god it’s not,” you chuckled, “I don’t know how many women had to toss beer in his face before he latched onto that mousy one at the bakery.”
“She’s nice,” Jerome shrugged, “far as I know. She doesn’t talk to anyone but Steve.”
“I wonder why,” you tisked, “he has insecurity written across his forehead.”
The tinny bell rang and the door whooshed open as the wind caught it. Jerome glanced over and dropped the ratchet noisily into the drawer of the tool box. You growled in warning as you spent much of your spare cash on those. He apologised quietly as he squared his shoulders at the man who appeared.
“Hey,” Bucky wiped the flakes from his hair and blew out a shiver.
“Bucky,” Jerome said rigidly.
The other man nodded and stepped further inside the garage. He shoved his hands in his pockets and paced aimlessly around the concrete floor. You watched him as you fiddled with the bolt in your hand.
“You wanna head down to the bar?” It wasn’t a question as Bucky came to face you, “I gotta talk to your sister.”
“Sure,” Jerome replied sharply, “you got it, boss.”
Bucky grumbled and waited for him to leave. He sniffed and kicked his toe into the floor.
“So… what’re you doing here? Been a while so must be urgent,” you sat up on the rolling stool and stretched your back.
“The whole town’s talking about it. You fighting him,” his brows drew together, “I told you I’d take care of him.”
“You didn’t,” you said evenly, “so I did.”
“I talked to him--”
“And said what?” you snorted.
“Look, you don’t understand. You said it yourself, you don’t care about my business. You don’t get what’s going on but what I need from him is bigger than your temper.”
“Excuse me? This is my fault? He broke into my shop, he followed me from that diner and he put his hands on me,” you stood and tossed the bolt away, “what do you want me to do, Buck?”
“First, I want you to remind yourself who I am. We’re not fucking anymore so that mouth isn’t as cute,” he warned, “and I want you to play nice.”
“All you have to do is keep him away from me. How hard is that for a man like you, huh? You’re the big dog.”
“Watch it,” he pointed at you, “I won’t tell you again.”
“He’s here to deal with you, not me,” you insisted, “he grabbed me, I defended myself, and I’ll do it again.”
“This isn’t grade school anymore, you can’t fight the boys,” he sighed.
“What are you saying?”
He was silent as his jaw ticked and his blue eyes strayed to the ceiling. You stepped closer and gripped your hips as you stared him down.
“There’s nothing else I can do for you. Nothing else I will do. He’s your problem.”
He met your glare and you scoffed in disgust, “you’re fucking serious? What do these idiots have on you?”
“It’s not what they have on me, it’s what I want from them. I’m planning for something bigger than Birch, that means there’s gonna be some sacrifices,” he shrugged.
“Sacrifices? Is that what you call it? Well, here’s one for you, the next time you get a little scuff on your tank or your headlight starts to flicker, you can head down to Carl’s,” you scowled.
“Don’t do this,” he gritted through his teeth.
“I can get business without you. I do better work than Carl, you know that. So go, I’ll deal with that asshole on my own, how I see fit.”
He inhaled and lifted his chin. He closed his eyes and thought. 
“Damn it,” he swore, “you can’t make anything fucking easy. What is it with you women and your god damn--” he lifted his hand and stopped himself, “you get in the way of my business, and you won’t be so worried about Loki.”
“Oh yeah? That’s what he said about you,” you mocked, “what’s with you men and your egos?”
His lip curled and he breathed through his teeth. His eyes lit up and he punched his palm as he turned away quickly.
“I hope he has his fun with you. Maybe he can fuck some sense into you,” Bucky growled, “God knows I tried.”
“You weren’t that good,” you snipped.
He kicked the shelf of wipers hung near the front of the shop and grunted. He stormed to the doorway and stopped to look back at you.
“You’ll be wishing it was me…” he hissed.
He waved you off and continued through the front door, slamming it behind him loudly. You stared at the scattered packages of wipers and bit down on your tongue. You wanted to run out and strangle that idiot but you knew how he could be. It was the reason you broke off your little fling; he was too much like you. Hard-headed and volatile.
You weren’t going to change just because the town was overrun by asshole men. You were standing your ground and that meant you were going to finish your club sandwich and enjoy one lunch without interruption. 
The café was busier that day as the snowfall dwindled and the streets were mostly cleared as the plows made their regular rounds. You looked through the window as the school kids stopped by the bakery for hot drinks on their lunch and circled the rim of your mug with your fingertip. You sensed it was only the lull before the storm.
Further down you could see the corner of The Asp and heard a rumbling engine. Your shop remained empty except for Jerome’s bike. Since Bucky’s visit, you were too worked up to concentrate anyway. You wanted to take your wrench and knock every man in town in the head with it.
Nora brought your sandwich as Kimmie didn’t work on the weekends and your side of soup. You would eat both and leave satisfied. You wouldn’t let anyone ruin your day off. Well, not that you had very much to do aside from that.
You dipped your crusts in the tomato soup and stared at the seat across from you. Empty. Perfect.
You scooped the last of the bowl into your mouth and wiped your lips with the napkin. You stood and gulped up your coffee. You left money on the table and headed out. A peaceful, solitary lunch all to yourself.
You skipped the shop and continued down the street. You pushed into the hobby shop you rarely ventured into, more a bookshop if you were honest. You greeted the man at the counter with a smile. When you were a girl, you remembered he ordered you a special set of paints as the ones in his store were all dried up. Lu, you recalled his name.
You went to the shelves of models and looked over the new arrivals. You took the Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am off the shelf and smirked. Your father had one just like it when you were a kid. It wasn’t exactly new. You grabbed a bottle of black paint with it, always running low on the stuff, and headed for the counter.
Lu punched the buttons on his till and you heard a creak. Light footsteps emerged from the basement of used books as you opened your wallet.
“I didn’t take you as bookish,” Loki’s voice made you cringe.
You didn’t answer and counted out the bills for your purchase, “actually, you got any glue? I didn’t see any on the shelf.”
“Hmm, oh,” Lu turned and bent to reach into a box, “haven’t stocked up but these came in just before the storm.”
He added the orange and white tube to your bag and you added another bill. He counted out your change and handed it to you.
“Quite interesting what small towns can hide,” Loki didn’t wait to step up to counter and stood close, his sleeve against yours, “An antique edition of Whitman. One of the only Americans I read.”
You looked down at the worn tome, the edges fraying and the letters faded. It was marked up to a couple hundred. You could appreciate a love for reading but you weren’t entirely sure some old paper was worth all that.
“I’ll need the reading material as my visit has been prolonged,” he mused as you grabbed your bag and headed for the door, “my brother is due to return so I will stay in his place… get to know the town of Birch more intimately.”
You hid your disgust at his words and continued out the door. His exaggerated tones stuck in your head as you passed the window and absently swung your bag. You hated him. You really did. You should have bashed him over the head with that dumb book. 
You thought of that day in the snow and smiled. You knew that shame lingered in him. You would have no problem repeating that scene.
You came up to your shop and stopped short. The burly redhead who arrived with the pestilent man stood at your door, peering in through the window, angling his head as he tried to see around the blinds. You cleared your throat as you neared.
“Something I can help you with?” you asked dully.
“Oh, ah,” he turned and laughed at himself, “I thought… Loki, I thought he’d be here.”
“No. He wouldn’t be,” you said, “he’s down at the book shop.”
“Thanks. He apologise?” He prodded.
“You seem to know him well. You think he did?” you challenged.
“Ah, nah,” he smiled awkwardly, “s’pose he didn’t.”
“S’pose he didn’t,” you echoed, “it would be smart if you kept him away from here.”
“Yeah, uh, should do,” he sidled past you and you listened to his heavy boots clump along the beaten snow.
You took out your key and unlocked the door. You closed it quickly behind you, that man’s presence set you on edge. He hadn’t shown any of the venom of his associate but he was loyal to him. You double checked the locks on all the doors and made certain all windows were closed. 
You went up stairs into your apartment and stripped off your coat and boots. You sat at the small table where you ate those dinners you didn’t forget and unpacked your new model. You sorted the pieces and spread out the instructions. The image of the car on the box brought back nostalgic memories. You wouldn’t know all you did about bikes if it wasn’t for your dad. You missed him every day for the last… too many years.
You lost yourself in the tiny parts. You hunched over the table and carefully dabbed glue onto the plastic. Your eyes began to itch as the windows dimmed and you got up to turn on the lamp. You kept building well after dark and finally left the half-finished car on the table.
You stretched out your limbs as you stripped down to only your loose tee and yawned. You fell into bed and turned on the old tube television. You hit play on the VCR and the loud previews blared from the boxy speakers. You rolled yourself in your comforter and sat through the same movie trailers you’d watched a dozen times.
You were never a romantic but you the movie was another shadow of your childhood. Your grandma used to watch Kathleen Turner whenever you went to her place. She would serve you yogurt and berries and turn on the cheesy action flick and if you slept over, she would put in the sequel right after.
Your rituals kept you sane. You found it was easier to know what to expect and given your temper, it was better not to be surprised. You were always the trouble child and you regretted all those times your dad had to come talk to the principal or walk you home from school. You promised him you would be better.
Still you didn’t regret what you did. He always told you to stand up for yourself. Hell, he taught you how to throw a punch and all your best insults were inherited from him. You smiled as you thought of him and hugged your pillow as the intro played and the credits flicked up one name at a time.
You drifted off in the glow of the television and the sound effects sank into your dreams. You were still in Birch but thick vines had grown around all the buildings and billowing leaves shrouded the skies. The town had turned to jungle and you could hear the growls and grunts of beasts unseen.
You spun as a twig snapped and a snake uncoiled from a branch and fell into the brush at your feet. You stepped back and it slithered towards you. You stumbled and ran away as you could hear its skin smoothly glide through the grass at your feet. You tripped as its long body wrapped around your ankles and you crashed to the ground.
You struggled as the snake constricted your body and wound its neck around to face you. Its green eyes shone as its black scales gleamed. Its tongue flicked against your cheek and you felt its hot breath as it opened its mouth and revealed long, frightening fangs. You screamed as its bite loomed and you woke with a start.
The visions of the wild jungle faded but the heat did not. You blinked as an amber haze took over the room and you fought through your messy blankets and tumbled onto the floor. Your curtains were alight along with much of the wall. You bachelor was blazing with orange flames and you could barely see the door through the smoke.
You coughed and scrambled to your feet. Your eyes streamed and you blindly ran for the door and flew down the stairs. The shop was almost entirely engulfed as you reached the lower landing and you fumbled with the front door as flames licked closer and closer.
You burst out into the frozen night and your feet were numbed by the ice and snow. You retreated from the burning building, your life set aflame, and turned back as you reached the sidewalk. Sirens screamed and made you wince as you crossed your arms and chattered against the cold.
“Pity,” the slither made your skin crawl, “though I suppose it is a blessing you at least saved yourself.”
You glanced at Loki as your vision blurred with the tears of realisation. Everything you had was turning to ash before you. You blinked away the droplet and sneered at him. He smirked and you knew. He smirked and he knew. It wasn’t an accident.
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starryhyuck · 4 years
can i request a best friend haechan with a corruption kink?? i love your work 🥺❤️
clueless; 2.4k+
this is so cliché and i love it
hyuck has been your best friend since you were nine. his toothy grin and curly hair practically sold you as he tugged you along for his wild adventures.
you both never strayed far from one another, even as you grew older and met new people.
you shared everything with hyuck except for one thing — your sex life. well, the lack of it actually.
you lost your virginity to lee jeno when you were seventeen, and it was probably one of the worst experiences of your life. it wasn’t jeno’s fault since he didn’t exactly know what he was doing either, but the lack of foreplay really brought you nothing but pain. he apologized after when he realized how uncomfortable you were, but the deed was already done.
hyuck’s had a few girlfriends here and there but nobody really stuck around. you knew he was sexually experienced though from the way other girls would talk about him. let’s just say you’ve heard your best friend is above average in size.
however, hyuck has never asked you about any of your sexual encounters the same way you haven’t confronted him about his. it’s the only thing you two don’t share — that is, until you get wasted on your birthday.
“donghyuckie,” you whine, leaning on him. he laughs and wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady.
“how much have you had to drink?” he asks with an amused expression. you’ve interrupted a conversation with him and jeno. oddly enough, you and jeno don’t speak of the night you lost your virginities to each other. it would just make everything awkward, and you assume he hasn’t told hyuck either.
“jaemin’s trying to kiss me,” you mumble, not answering his question.
“jaemin tries to kiss everybody,” jeno chuckles.
you just sigh. “i need to get laid.”
hyuck’s eyebrows shoot up. “excuse me?”
“i’ve only been laid once, hyuck! and jeno was really bad!”
jeno’s face turns beet red and hyuck’s eyes darken.
“what did you just say?”
you don’t get to clarify before you’re being pulled away by renjun, who is insisting you open his birthday gift because he worked really hard on it. after you leave, hyuck turns to jeno with pure anger radiating off of him.
jeno gulps.
you don’t remember most of the events from your party other than the fact that you got completely trashed. hyuck is there to help you with your hangover and he doesn’t say anything when you keep complaining.
“my head hurts! why did you make me drink so much last night?”
“i didn’t make you do anything.”
you notice he’s a little more tense and curt with you today, but you don’t comment on it. he’s probably just hungover too.
it isn’t until a few days later when you realize how weird hyuck’s been acting. he hasn’t been hanging out with you often and when he does, he gets really frustrated and leaves. he keeps asking you weird questions like “you tell me everything, right?” and “what do you think about jeno?”
the whole situation’s really odd, and you approach jeno since he seems to be receiving the cold shoulder from hyuck too.
“do you know what’s wrong with hyuck? he’s been acting so weird lately.”
jeno frowns. “y/n, do you not remember what you said at your party?”
you mirror his expression. “no. what did i say?”
“fuck,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. “you told hyuck we slept together.”
“i did what?” you hiss loudly, causing jeno to smile politely at anyone who heard the commotion. “no, no, no. no way! i did not do that!”
“yes you did! you even told everyone i was really bad!”
“i mean, you were.”
you both sigh and you pinch the bridge of your nose. “why would hyuck care if we slept together anyways?” you ask him, and jeno rolls his eyes.
“just as clueless as ever.”
hyuck can’t stop thinking about you. this is bad. really bad.
he almost killed jeno that night for even touching you. jeno insisted that you two only slept together once and that it was a one time thing. hyuck was still troubled by the idea, and he couldn’t really fall asleep.
he kept thinking about you underneath jeno, moaning and crying for him to fuck you. and as days passed, he imagined it was him instead of jeno. pounding into you, coaxing you to your climax and whispering sweet things in your ear — hyuck wanted it to be him.
fuck jeno.
you’re super inexperienced and hyuck knows it. you get embarrassed whenever a sex scene comes on in a movie and you always grow uncomfortable whenever a random person compliments you. you also confirmed it yourself at your birthday party by saying jeno’s been the only guy who’s fucked you.
fuck jeno.
hyuck can fuck you way better. he wants to ruin you. he wants to make sure you forget everything about jeno — he wants to ram his cock into you until you’re begging for more. he wants to be your actual first, not a placeholder that jeno supposedly is.
fuck jeno.
he can make you feel good. he can show you what a nice fuck is supposed to be like. before he knows it, his hand is pumping up and down his hard cock as he imagines pounding into you. he wants to see you so pliant and submissive underneath him, begging him to fuck you harder and show you how you’re supposed to be fucked-
he groans when there’s a knock at the door.
he angrily pulls on a pair of sweatpants and swings the front door open before he can check on who it is. you stand behind it, a clear frown on your face.
his cock twitches at the sight of you.
“you asshole! why aren’t you answering any of my calls?”
“i didn’t see them,” he grumbles as you storm inside. he closes the door behind you, watching as you observe him.
“i’m sorry for what i said at the party the other day. jeno told me about it.”
so now you’re talking to jeno again. that’s just wonderful.
“it’s fine, y/n. don’t worry about it,” he sighs, moving past you.
you quickly stand in front of him to stop his movements. “i know it’s not fine! you’re clearly upset. i’m sorry i fucked your friend, okay? it was a one time thing. i haven’t even thought about jeno in that way since we did it.”
“y/n, it’s not even that!” he yells and you grow confused. “fuck. why didn’t you come to me when you needed to do that stuff?”
you blink. this was not what you expected him to say.
“what are you talking about?”
hyuck takes a step closer to you and you inhale. “why didn’t you let me show you how it is to get fucked, baby? why did you go to him? you know i could’ve made you feel better.”
you stutter. “u-um, h-hyuck this isn’t-“
“has anyone touched you since then?” he runs his fingers down your arm and you get goosebumps from his touch. “have you touched yourself?”
“i-i don’t really l-like doing that,” you murmur, avoiding his heavy gaze.
“you don’t put your fingers inside your pretty little pussy, baby?” he murmurs, forehead pressing against yours.
“h-hyuck, don’t say things like that!”
“tell me to stop then.”
there’s a beat of silence.
he growls, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your body against his. you squeak. “yeah? you wanna be fucked good, don’t you? wanna bounce on my cock until you’re full?” you whimper and hyuck goes rabid at the noise. he presses his mouth to yours and you reciprocate, not even thinking twice that you’re kissing your best friend. you moan into his mouth when his hands trail down to the curve of your ass.
“i’m gonna fuck you so good, baby,” he whispers against your mouth. “you’ll only think about me from now on.”
he grinds his cock onto you and your eyes widen at the feeling.
“see? see how hard you make me, baby? you’re gonna be filled to the brim with my cock.”
“please, hyuck,” you whine, clutching onto him.
“want me?”
he guides you to his bedroom and throws you on the bed. you stare up at him with innocent, doe eyes and hyuck is convinced he’s going fucking insane.
“you don’t know what you do to me, y/n. fuck.”
he shimmies your jeans down your legs and you wish you had worn a sexier pair of panties. hyuck doesn’t seem to mind, taking a lick up your clothed slit. you twitch at the feeling and he smiles up at you.
“so sensitive,” he remarks, pulling your underwear down. you feel bashful when you’re fully on display for him, especially since hyuck is looking at your pussy like it’s the eighth wonder of the world.
“hyuck,” you whine, squirming in your spot.
“sorry, baby,” he chuckles. “your pussy’s so pretty.”
you ignore his compliment, feeling embarrassed by the position you’re currently in. hyuck dives into you, licking and sucking at your folds. your back arches and you cry out, a new sensation filling your body. he holds you down with his arms, pinning you to the bed.
he slides a finger into you and you moan, gripping a fistful of his hair. he groans when you tug at his locks. when he enters a second finger inside your pussy and takes your clit into his mouth, the cord in you snaps. you unravel on his fingers and tongue, moaning his name as you cum.
it’s a blinding experience, something jeno never gave you. you whisper hyuck’s name as you ride out the waves of your orgasm.
when you come to, hyuck is kissing your neck. “good orgasm, baby? was it your first one?” you nod, head spinning a little. he smirks against your skin. “that’s right. i’m officially your first.”
he sits up and takes off his sweatpants, letting his cock spring up. your eyes widen at the sight of him. all those girls were right — hyuck was massive. you didn’t even know if he could fit inside of you.
“i don’t think you can fit inside me, hyuck.”
he chuckles lowly. “your pretty pussy was made for me to fuck, baby. i’ll make it fit,” he says confidently, pumping his cock up and down slowly. you watch as precum leaks from the tip. “wanna have a taste?”
“i-i don’t know how.”
he groans, fisting over his cock faster. “i’ll show you, baby. sit up for me.” you follow his orders, falling on your knees and gazing up at him. “good girl.”
you eye his cock and he motions for you to follow the same movements as him. you place your hand on his cock as he instructs, moving it up and down. your hand looks so small on his thick cock and you watch in amazement as more precum falls. you lean forward and take the tip of your mouth, surprising hyuck as he jolts. he shoves his cock deeper into your throat and you gag a little.
his hands fly to the back of your head as he slowly fucks your mouth.
“such a good girl,” he grunts. “suck my cock so well.”
you close your eyes as you take more of him in, saliva starting to drip down the sides of your mouth. you think you’re doing well since hyuck’s making all kinds of noises, going crazy at the sight of you blowing him.
he thrusts into you a few more times before pulling out, groaning when he does.
“i have to fuck you now, baby. have a big load of cum for you.”
you whimper. “but i wanted to taste it.”
he growls, shoving you back down on the bed. “i’ll let you taste it later. i need to fuck you now.”
he pumps himself a few more times before lining his cock to your entrance. he looks up at you one more time.
“you sure?”
this time, he’s not just speaking as a horny teenage boy, but as your best friend. he’s giving you a way out, but you don’t want it. you want to feel his cock in your tummy.
“yes, yes. take me, hyuck, please.”
and that’s all the confirmation he needs. he plunged into you and you wail. you haven’t been stretched like this since jeno, and hyuck is way bigger than him. you can feel the burn in your throat and you sob.
“i’m right here, baby,” he assures you, lacing his fingers through yours. “right here for you.”
the pain quickly subsides into pleasure and you try to roll your hips down on his cock. he grunts and starts picking up his pace, ramming into you.
“wanted this for so fucking long,” he confesses, biting down on his lower lip as he thrusts into you. “feel your pretty pussy clenching around my cock, baby. now you’ll only think about me, won’t you? think about how my fat cock stretches you out? how i ate your small pussy until you fell apart?”
“only think about you, only think about you,” you blubber, mind blank. you’re only thinking about how he’s pounding into you, turning your brain into complete mush.
he chuckles as he watches you envelop yourself into mind numbing pleasure. he takes pride in knowing he’s the only one who can do this to you.
“i knew you were a dirty girl,” he laughs sinisterly. he hoists your legs on his shoulders so he can fuck you at a deeper angle. you practically sob at how hard he’s fucking you. “begging to be fucked. how’s it feel? you like how my cock sinks into you? like how deep i am inside your tight pussy?”
“l-love it, h-hyuck,” you whimper. your eyes roll back at how deep he feels inside you.
you reach your second climax in no time and he groans, hips moving at a rapid pace. you feel like jelly underneath him as you let him use you any way he wants.
he shoots his load deep inside you, moaning at how much he has to give you. you feel warm and filled to the brim with his cum.
he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your lips.
“good for your second time?”
“you’re my first, as far as i’m concerned.”
he smiles in victory.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Seventeen
Pieris Napi
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
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"Seriously? You want to help these guys? Do you actually want them to stick around? What the hell, Y/N?" Tsukishima whisper shouts at you from where you both stand behind the bus.
"I agree with Tsukki," Kuroo nods. "Those guys are fucking trouble. We should let them go before something bad happens."
"But nothing bad is going to happen! Osamu won't hurt us as long as his brother needs my help and he knows I won't help if something happens to you guys, too," you tell them.
"And what about the brother? What about Atsumu?" Tsukishima continues.
"He's hurt. He wants my help. I could tell even though he didn't say anything."
"I don't trust them," Tsukishima says as he shakes his head and crosses his arms.
"I never said I trust them!" you groan. "But I'm still going to help."
"You're really going to go right now? We just got back, can't you at least wait 'til morning to leave?" Tsukishima then offers.
"I'd rather go now in case something happens to Yachi or the others. I want to make sure they've all got everything they need. It's nearby. It'll be quick and I'll be fine."
"At least let me go with you," the both of them say at the same time.
"Tsukishima, thank you for the offer," you address to him first, "but I need you to say here with the bus and you know why. Kuroo, truly, I'll be okay."
"Then just let me tag along behind you. You won't even know that I'm there," he insists. You look over at Tsukishima's upset face before finally giving in.
"Fine, but hurry up and let's go."
About five minutes later, you and Kuroo wave goodbye to Tsukishima, Kenma, and Bokuto before walking off. You keep to the sides of the roads, staying hidden as much as possible, until you finally arrive at the old office where you used to work before the whole world shut down.
You reach into your pocket for the key to the chained lock you have around the front doors. You quickly unlock it and allow yourselves in. The inside of the office is completely dark except for the light shining from between the windows you boarded up yourself to prevent intruders from getting inside.
"My room is over here to the left," you call to Kuroo as you walk past the nurse's station. However, just as your hand reaches the doorknob, the front doors are burst open once more as if yet another patient was about to be rolled in.
"Not so fast, you two!" a man shouts. 
You turn to face the front door to see a man with short blond hair and two black stripes running vertically down his head. 
"Who the hell are you?" Kuroo asks as he blocks the man's view of you behind him.
"My name is none of your damn business," the man smirks as he holds up a heavy-looking machine gun. 
"Seriously," you grumble. "Hey, dude, we don't have time for this. Take whatever shit you want and leave us alone!"
"Yeah, like that'll happen," Kuroo says sarcastically. "He'll totally just wait until you've got Osamu's gun and kill him first, too. I'm sure he understands."
"What's that for?" you now begin to bicker with your companion. "You're really going to be a dick right now?"
"Well, apparently you still help people even when they are complete assholes," he replies irritatedly.
"I already told you I'm not doing this just for him. I'm also going to get stuff for Yachi, Alisa, and Lev!"
"Will the two of you stop?! You sound fucking insane!?" the man with the machine gun interrupts. 
You finally leave Kuroo alone and look straight into your assailant's eyes. "You look hurt," you say as you begin to slowly approach him. "We're here because this is my office. I'm a doctor. If you're hurt, I can help you."
You hear Kuroo scoff from behind you.
"I don't need your fucking help, I need you out of my goddamn way, bitch!" 
When you get close enough to the man, you reach out your hand palm up. "You've got a pretty bad wound on your head. Is there anything I can do?"
"I already said no, goddammit," he shouts as he points his gun straight to your forehead. In an instant, you grab his wrist and force his arm up. He fires the gun multiple times into the ceiling. Kuroo charges up from behind you and tackles the guy to the ground. In the mix of the confusion, the gun falls to the ground and you pick it up.
"I don't save everyone," you say with narrowed eyes to Kuroo. "I was actually going to help this piece of shit. Get out of the way before you go to hell with him."
The moment Kuroo moves out of the way, you land a good twenty to thirty rounds into the man's body.
"Well that's fucking gross," Kuroo comments as he stands up.
"Let's move it outside. There's a garbage disposal in the back of the building," you plan.
Kuroo agrees and the two of you move the body out of your way. 
"Ah, shit. I'm gonna throw up," he mutters as you pull the blonde's body through the office.
"It's disgusting but I didn't really have a choice."
"Well thank goodness you didn't decide to tear my body up like that, too, or I'd come back to haunt you without a fucking doubt," he scoffs.
"Why are you in such a mood today?" you groan as you burst open the back door leading outside to the disposal.
"Jesus, Y/N," Kuroo huffs as the two of you toss the corpse into the huge waste container in the back of your doctor's office. "I'm tossing a dead body into a bin after you just promised you'd help two other guys that wanted to kill us! I can't figure you out!"
"I'm not asking you to! You're the one who wanted to stick around in the first place hoping it'll be 'fun'. Hate to break it to you Tetsuro, but there is no goddamn thing in this world anymore. If you don't like that then fucking leave! I'm trying to save people's lives! I have Bokuto and Yachi and Lev, Alisa, and Atsumu relying on me to keep them alive! I don't have time to entertain whatever game you're hoping to play here!"
Kuroo wipes the blood from his hands onto the sides of his pants. "Yeah, no shit, Y/N. I'm sorry for trying to find a few people and make a decent life out of this fucking mess instead of rolling over and dying myself but I guess a doctor like you doesn't see through that lens. I'm out of here."
With that, he storms off in a hurry. You watch as he walks away, unsure of what to say or do in response, but if he just wants to go then that's his decision, not yours. Your only hope is that maybe he'd come back for Kenma at the very least.
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a-dorin · 4 years
pairing: college au! maul x female!reader
word count: 2.411k
warnings: smutttttt, teasing, cursing, mentions of death threats, endless teasing, some filthy talk, nsfw, pet names
a/n: hi so this is my first time writing over 1k in months. please be gentle with me, as i'm really proud of this & i can never get enough of college aus. feedback is very much appreciated. request was anon, but i hope you enjoy <3
prompt: "Hi yes if this managed to make it in time for request, can I please request a Maul x Fem reader smut,,, like anything I’m a desperate hoe ahdhdbsbsbzb"
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“so,” there’s the crisp crinkle of a page turning, “why’d you choose university of coruscant?”
“the atmosphere.”
“come on,” he scoffs, “are you a tour guide now? what major are you anyways? isn’t it something really nerdy? something along the lines of biochemistry? a minor in genetics or some bullshit like that?”
“i think you’re thinking of some other girl you’ve fucked because that is nowhere along the lines of what i’m studying. you weren’t even in the right college. some partner you are.”
sitting right across from you, was the star recruit of the university of coruscant. a lacrosse player who transferred from mustafar central. he was the reason why the team was expected to qualify for nationals. why they were supposed to even make it to the championship.
over the summer, it was almost as if the entire campus was buzzing about it. after all, it wasn’t often that the university was able to snag such good athletes. well, it was a division one school so of course it was a given that everyone was pretty good in their respective sport.
however, the zabrak sitting right across from you was utterly exceptional.
in almost every way.
all everyone raved about was his looks. which, you had to admit, the zabrak was gorgeous. with rich crimson skin, complemented by inky tattoos, sharp cheekbones, a dashing smile, and eyes that were pools of pure honey, it was difficult to deny the fact that he was attractive.
however, it was not hard to accept the other truth, either. he was quite acquainted with a majority of the women on campus, matching with almost every single one on tinder. that was if you were a part of a sorority or part of a sports team, of course.
what made matters worse was his intelligence. so, when you were paired with him for a project in your astronomy class, you learned fairly quickly that the zabrak was quite the smartass. and not a nice one, either. he seemed to enjoy harassing and berating you with his jokes and punchlines during every encounter.
he was everything you despised in a man. cocky, stubborn, and careless.
so why were you so attracted to him? you had absolutely no idea.
there’s a beat of silence, and the only noise the zabrak emits is a quiet exhale. the sound of his breath as it whistled through his teeth. yet, it’s followed by a quiet huff.
“you wish you could fuck me. you’ve mentioned it before, to that nautolan friend of yours, hmm? kit, right? he’s on the lacrosse team. your name may have come up a few times.”
heat flourishes through your cheeks as you glance upwards, any last remnants of focus completely crumbling away. your breath hitches in your throat at the smug smirk plastered on his lips, incisors poking against his lower lip.
golden eyes scour you, almost analyzing the sheer and utter shock plaguing your features. satisfaction glints within the depths, and you blink, scrambling to formulate some sort of response.
leaning forward, the zabrak tilts his head, so close that the tip of his nose grazed yours. this time, the words are a low rumble, harsh and gravelly.
almost like a growl.
“you told your little friend kit that you wished that i would just take you right here, in the library, and fuck you senseless. i find that interesting though, because you’ve been feeding me this little premonition that you absolutely loathe every aspect of my existence. now, do you actually want that little wish of yours to come true, or are you going to keep putting up the act and we act like this never happened?”
shrinking in your seat, you could almost feel the eyes searing into the both of you. there’s arched brows and low murmurs, a few giggles ringing through the space. swallowing thickly, you pull the collar of your hoodie over the lower half of your face, in a vain attempt to conceal your obvious embarrassment.
of course your fellow peers were staring. in the corner of your eye, you witness a group of girls roll their eyes. from the decals on their laptops, along with the other memorabilia, you pick out they’re chi omega girls, a popular sorority on campus.
you squeeze your eyes shut as you hear them whispering amongst each other. there’s a few points, and you were dead sure the dusty rose twi’lek in the black nike hoodie wanted to end your life right there.
maker, were you so flustered.
and he had you right where he wanted you.
“m-maul,” you stutter, fidgeting in your seat, “pe-people are s-staring.”
“do i look like i give a fuck?”
“i’m pretty sure the chi omega girls over there are going to send me death threats once they find my instagram,” you grumble, burying your head in your hands, “it’s your fault they’re all looking, you know.”
“hey!” the taunting tone in his voice sent your eyes wide open, strands of curses flowing from your tongue as he called over to the group, “i know we may have matched on tinder, but i’m not yours. i’m not territory to lay a claim on. i’m my own zabrak, you know. i can talk to other girls.”
letting out an exasperated sigh, you bury your head into your arms, laying your head on the table.
getting any work done with him was a lost cause.
“you okay? you gonna make it?”
for a moment, you melt under the tenderness in his tone, the way the words just sounded so gentle. he lays a hand on your shoulder, and you look up, the heat in your cheeks lingering as your eyes lock with his.
“we could get out of here, you know,” maul murmurs, “i live in an apartment with a few other guys on the lacrosse team. they’re all out, though. we could get some peace and quiet. and i could get you away from those chi clowns. i think they already found your twitter. i don’t like the way they’re looking at you either.”
i don’t like the way they’re looking at you either.
“um, sure. i don’t have anything else tonight. at least, i don’t think. i cleared my schedule so we could get this project done.”
“don’t worry about packing up your stuff. act like you’re on the phone or something and i’ll grab your things. i made this mess so i’ll clean it up,” it takes a moment to register the suggestion, but you knew it wasn’t a suggestion.
he wasn’t going to budge.
clearing your throat, you press your phone to your ear, “hello? oh hey! no, you didn’t catch me at a bad time. i just need to leave the room really quick.”
carefully, you weave your way through the maze of chairs and tables, pushing open the door. moments later, you’re outside, inhaling the brisk january air, grateful for the coolness as it seeps into your skin.
“you okay?”
you nod, probably a little too quickly, “yes.”
maul’s brow furrows, yet he doesn’t press any further, adjusting your book bag, “don’t worry about carrying this. i got it. i feel bad.”
“don’t feel bad i mean, you were just teasing--”
“i do,” he cuts in, “i feel bad because i know how you much you dislike unwanted attention. you always get so flustered when the professor calls on you with no warning. you either stutter just a little bit or you pull the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands. i was a little bit of an asshole back there, and i apologize for that. i took care of everything with those chi omega girls too.”
in the darkness, you nearly trip over the sidewalk, “you.. you notice that?”
“i sit right by you and have been for the past two weeks,” he snorts, “i pick up on a thing or two. take a left here.”
all around you, the lights of campus glow softly, illuminating the surroundings with a warm golden glow. the night sky is clear, a few stars glittering over the light pollution of the city. you follow the zabrak, unsure of what to say.
“were.. were you serious about what you said earlier? did kit really say something?”
your knees buckle at the sound of his laughter. how it was so sweet and melodic as it rang out into the night.
“he did say something,” the zabrak raises a hand, pointing to a complex just a few hundred feet ahead of you, “i’m right here. you still up for the offer? i mean, we still have a week and a half but i don’t want to waste your time. you have a lot going on with your classes already. how’s chemistry going?”
“how do you know about chemistry?” you arch a brow, a shudder coursing through you as the breeze rolls through the campus.
“you bitch about it all the time on your instagram story?” the zabrak holds his id next to the door, pulling it open, “regardless of what you may think, i do pay attention to you sweetheart.”
“and what’s that supposed to mean?” your tone shifts, “i’m not sure what you’re referring to, maul.”
“well,” a hand finds its way to the small of your back, just above the curve of your ass, pushing you gently. realizing that you have to go up the stairs, you begin to trudge upwards, his hand still lingering.
“you have this belief that you’re unattractive because you don’t possess conventional beauty set by the standards of social media and society. i know this because you’ve talked about it on your twitter and your instagram. also, your comment about ‘some other girl i fucked’ really took me aback because i don’t just sleep with anyone. you know that, right? i have standards. and i have goals too, outside from ‘how many bodies i have.’ you also said that to kit, which made me upset. is that what you really think of me?”
in that instant, it was almost as if your heart dropped. you stop at the top of the flight, the clammy sensation coating your hands only growing. wiping your hands on your leggings, you dodge his gaze, clamping your mouth shut.
gods, were you in deep shit now.
fingers grasp your chin, forcing your head to the right. maul takes a step forward, pushing your back against the wall. the concrete sends goosebumps lining your arms, hairs standing on end.
“i asked you a question,” your heart thuds as he leans forward, “is that what you really think of me sweetheart?”
“i-i--” you stammer, heat flourishing to your neck, “t-that’s not i think of you. i was just frustrated because i didn’t know how to process the feelings i had and i’m sorry.”
“feelings?” maul’s lips were practically brushing against yours. and gods, were they so tantalizingly soft, “what kind of feelings?”
“i may have a crush on you.”
“a crush? what is this, fifth grade?” the tease was edged with somewhat you couldn’t quite place your finger on. what was it? lust? want? hunger?
“a crush,” you affirm, “i have a crush on you, maul.”
“you wanna know what i told those chi omega girls?” he inquires, one hand on the wall, the other reaching for your face, cupping your cheek.
“what did you tell those girls?” fuck. were you in deeper shit now.
“i told them we were talking. that you were my girl,” your lashes flutter at his touch, “and you know wanna know what else i told them?”
“what else did you say?” puckering you lips, you take his thumb into your mouth, sucking lightly.
the sound that you hear is nothing like you’ve encountered before.
“i-i,” you feel your lips curve into a smirk as he grits his teeth, “i told them that i was going to fuck you after this. that i was going to completely destroy you.”
“you didn’t---”
his mouth connects with yours for an open-mouthed kiss. it’s electrifying yet blissful, something that would sweep you off your feet yet keep you grounded, keeping you wanting more and more. gods, was it such a craving. to stay in this stairwell, to cherish this moment.
it’s gratifying, enough to make you light-headed with giddiness.
it’s everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
yet, he pulls away, panting ever so slightly.
his jaw clenches, “you have no fucking idea how much i’ve been wanting to do that. ever since i met you. fuck, i need more. i need more of you. ‘taste so good.”
“we could always--”
“finish this in my apartment? yeah, i want to. but i don’t want to force anything on you and i don’t want to make you uncomfortable. i’ve just -- i’ve just been having dreams about you.”
“dreams?” you watch as the zabrak’s eyes squeeze shut, his body shifting away from yours. he’s heading towards the door now, nearly throwing it open.
“dreams about being inside of you. fuck. i need to know how you feel. if you’re as tight as i imagined. and fuck, i need to feel how wet you are too. how wet you get for me. have you ever tasted yourself before?”
you shake your head, “i haven’t.”
maul practically stalks down the hallway, finding his door. sliding the key into the lock, he steps inside, placing your bags on the floor, “would you rather study or would you rather let me express how i feel?”
thumbs loop through the pocket of your hoodie, pulling you close to him. fuck, you could feel him against your body. the stiffness of his cock underneath his sweats. how hot and bothered he was for you, practically aching for some sort of release.
“what do you mean ‘express how you feel’?” carefully, you dip a hand into the waistband, hand wrapping around the outline, squeezing gently.
“oh fuck,” maul throws his head back, moaning ever so slightly, “i-i may have a crush on you too. and i wanted to express how i felt. i-i’m not good with words.”
“why don’t you show me then?” your clit throbs as you feel along his shaft, fingers grazing over the ridges, thumb pressing against his tip.
“bend over the fucking counter then and i’ll fucking show you then, princess. you better not utter a single fucking word about this fucking project because it’s my turn to study you.”
taggin' some maul moots: @maulieber @maulfrk @hounding-around @maximumninjavoid @xcertaindarkthingsx @zabrak-show @anakinswhore @arsonistvoyager @bonesaldente @catsnkooks@darthmaulslut
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
All Over Again - Chapter 7
Summary: What was lost can be found.
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence.
Ch. 6
Here’s to hoping everyone has a wonderful Christmas. I know this one’ll be different for most of us if not all, I’m here to chat for any reason, and enjoy the chapter 🎄✨💚❤
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Fluffy white falls just outside the window. The wide surrounding field covered in the crystalized ice. Not a single bird is in sight, but just at the forest edge, is a deer. 
Going from pushing its nose through the snow, it suddenly looks up. If the compound weren’t so far away, you’d guess it was looking at you. 
“Hey, staring out the window isn’t going to get that garland up so chop chop.”
Frown in place, you shove your hand into the box at your feet,“ can’t you like, hire people for this.”
“That’d just make me look like some rich asshole.” Silence passes and Tony’s jaw drops at the look on your face.“ I’m not an asshole Y/Ln.”
“Not as much as before anyway.” Both yours and Tony’s eyes pan to the new presence. Pepper slides a hand across her husband’s back,“ I still love you though.” She kisses his cheek and goes over to help Maria hang mistletoe. 
You stick your tongue out at Tony playfully, then turn back to hanging the garland.
With Mister Stark’s annual Christmas party now being on the 23rd(there’s no way he’s not spending Christmas Eve and Christmas with his daughter), the team is decorating the compound. There are already a bunch of inflatable decorations outside along with lights, according to Tony, things aren’t done until the inside is just as festive as the out. 
Stepping off the ladder, you pick it and the box up, moving over to the next window so Sam and Bucky can place stickers on the one you just left. 
Just before you can get back up your phone buzzes a few times and you pull it out. A smile splitting across your face at the message from Lena, and then dropping at it’s contents. 
Obviously you’d invited her to the party, it’s the best excuse you had to see her so soon after having just left. Except now she’s telling you she won’t be able to make it, something came up at work. You sigh and tell her it’s perfectly fine and to have a happy holiday. 
The second message has a curiouser frown on your face and you spin around.
Eyes landing at the kitchen doorway where Natasha quirks a brow with a little smirk and nods backwards. 
Scanning the common room, as if looking for who she’s actually talking to, you find no one else around you. The playful roll of her eyes and nod tells you she’s talking about you.
You set the garland and tape down and head over. Natasha back steps into the kitchen once you reach her. 
“What’s with the clandestine meeting Miss Romanoff?” 
The redhead chuckles, back facing you while her hands move in front of her,“ I just wanted you to try this. If it sucks then I probably shouldn’t serve it at the party tonight.”
Before you can ask what she’s talking about, she’s already holding a glass towards you. It’s chilly to the touch and the second you raise it to your face you can smell the mixture of cream and bourbon. 
Natasha watches you as you take the first sip, your tongue running along your lips to rid them of the excess cream. Golden green eyes trail the lines of your eyes, cheek, jaw, and back up the other side. 
“Maybe a little lighter on the bourbon,” you chuckle, finishing the drink,“ and that’s coming from me.”
Finally focusing on your eyes, Natasha smiles a little,“ where’s the fun in that.”
You raised your eyebrows,“ don’t tell me you’re trying to get everyone drunk Tash, that’s not gonna end well for us you know.” 
When you see Natasha’s eyes widen you get a little worried. Her smile drops and her jaw slacks. She’s about to say something but shakes her head instead,“ yeah you’re right. I’ll fix it.” She turns back to the bowl of eggnog in silence. 
You don’t get the chance to ask what she means as Wanda calls your name, sliding to a stop at the door and leaning in to look at you,“ mind helping me decorate the tree?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah.” You pull a smile as you turn to face her,“ come on.” 
As you walk out, Wanda throws herself on to your back, arms circling your shoulders.
“Your girlfriend coming to the party?” She asks.
Once again you sigh,“ no. She has some business at work she can’t hold off.”
With her being behind you, you can’t see the giddy look on her face,“ is she seriously your girlfriend?”
Honestly you hadn’t even noticed that you didn’t deny it,“ what, no I- Wanda you know she’s not.”
Your best friend jumps from your back with an agreeing statement and the two of you start hanging ornaments on the tree. As you work you talk about the same stuff you usually do: everything and nothing. She’s really excited about Christmas, after spending the last two with Clint’s family you figure the excitement of seeing the kids has rubbed off on her. It always did you. 
Whenever you and Natasha went to the farm for the holiday their childlike innocence and excitement brought an insane amount of joy to your hearts. You can’t count the number of times you and Natasha had daydreamt about your own children bringing you that joy. 
That’s not exactly how things have gone now though. And you’re starting to feel a lot less upset over it. 
By the time all the decorations are up and the place is Stark approved, it’s late enough to get changed. You keep your outfit simple, burgundy sweater and black pants fitting to you exactly how you like. Last thing you want is to be uncomfortable for the hours that this party will last. 
“Is-is that my sweater?” 
Your gaze snaps up from your shoes to Wanda at your door, you chuckle,“ one: you look great,” her velvet green of the shoulder dress compliments the woman’s eyes and fair skin tone beautifully,“ two: this is my sweater that you stole. I simply stole it back.” 
Wanda’s eyes roll, knowing you’re right, as you leave out.
From the sounds of things, a number of people have shown up already, all of them made known as you step into the common room once again. 
Familiar faces scatter the room: Happy, Rhodey, Carol, the Guardians, the King and Princess of Wakanda, and a SHIELD recruit team lead by Coulson. Alongside the people who were here before.
“Does Stark ever not invite investors?” The younger woman leans over to ask.
Chuckling, you lead her towards the bar,“ they aren’t investors. They’re a team, like us.”
She nods, leaning against the bar,“ are we the only teams?” 
“I have no idea. SHIELD made a lot of quiet moves back in the day. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some other teams.”
Wanda can’t help but agree. She was never under SHIELD but she figures things are a lot alike under the Avengers themselves, or Cap at least. 
Frowning, you finally focus on the bar, that's unattended. Natasha’s usually back there, messing around and avoiding having to socialize for the most part. 
“Alright, what’re you having Miss Maximoff?” You ask, rounding the bar and leaning on the top, eyes set on Wanda.
She looks at the wall of liquor with a raised brow, that is until you start to notice the overwhelmed look. 
You wave your hand,“ don’t worry I’ll fix you up somethin nice.”
With new intrigue, Wanda watches you fix her a drink. As you’re distracted someone eases into the stool beside Wanda and the younger woman’s eyes widen.
“One vodka and cranb-” The drink in your hand jostles as you stop abruptly.
You can’t begin to describe the pure joy that spreads through you at the sight of her. So much joy in fact that you don’t even stop yourself from setting the drink down and rounding the bar to her. Lena quickly accepts the hug you offer, a bright smile of her own spreading. 
It’s not missed on anyone how equally happy she is to see you or the way she buries her face in your neck or how your hold on her tightens.
As Wanda watches with a broad smile, across the room Natasha frowns. 
Despite what she’d told you in the gym weeks ago, something stirs inside her.
She finds herself thinking. Alongside a sudden rush of memories: your arms around her almost exactly like that, your lips secretly pressing to her neck before you pull away. Just as your hug with Lena breaks, Natasha finds herself wondering if you’d secretly kissed the CEO’s neck. 
You have to bite your lip to stop the smitten smile from growing. Once your thoughts calm, you go back around the bar,“ anything I can get you?”
A thought flicker’s through her mind that has her face turning bright red,“ my usual if you have it.”
With a nod and mock salute, you get to work making her a glass of red wine. 
“Miss Luthor,” Tony approaches the bar, champagne in hand as he leans on her other side,“ you  come all the way out here for our sweet little Y/n?”
The drink you’d just made damn near drops from your hand and you snort, holding back a laugh. Sweet little Y/n? You wouldn’t exactly describe yourself as that. 
Silver green eyes look at you, a smile on her lips,“ she’s worth the slight jet lag.”
Her comment makes you smile and you lean forward just a little, your fingers brushing. 
“Y/Ln workin the bar!” The groups eyes fall on the two men walking up, Sam leaning at the very end of the bar and Bucky stopping beside him.“ This either really good or really bad.”
Smirking at the man, you pick up the drink mixer and set to making something he couldn’t possibly deny. Pouring a combination of juices and liquor together, you cap it and shake, then pouring the mix over ice and sliding it to Sam. 
His eyes narrow at you as he lifts the glass. Those brown eyes quickly widening,“ oh I’m going to need another one.”
That’s how you find yourself tending the bar for majority of the night, Lena and Wanda maintaining their positions there with you. While your team does hang around the area a lot, they make sure to step away every so often. 
Still though you end up being teased not long after. Having known you for years, the team. . . your family can tell how you feel about Lena with ease. The amount of attention you pay to her, the smile on your lips, the questions you answer, and your reactions to everything she says. 
“I- no, that never happened. I think I’d remember if I fell off a stage!” You tell everyone as they laugh at the story Lena’s telling. 
Maybe you’d gotten a little too drunk at karaoke night with the superfriends, maybe not. According to Lena, you and Winn serenaded the friends and you tripped off stage. Either way you can’t remember.  
“With the number of shots Winn and Mon-El gave you I don’t you remember anything at all.” She laughs. 
You open your mouth to argue but truthfully, she’s most likely right. Sighing in defeat, you lean on crossed arms on the bar,“ at least tell me the serenade was good.”
“It was perfect.” 
A long gaze holds between you two, small smiles on your lips. 
The thought hits you suddenly: you haven’t had a moment alone with Lena yet. As much as you love seeing her get along with your family, you’d really like a minute with her. So you nod to Wanda who’s quick to mouth ‘tell her’ to you.
You sigh and shake your head, a quiet part of you contemplating it, then turning to Lena,“ hey, you mind stepping away with me for a moment?”
The CEO is quick to nod, her hand slipping into the one you offer her. And you definitely feel eyes on you as you walk off with her. 
Your heart speeds up in your chest as her hand remains in hers. 
“Where, pray tell, are you taking me?” She asks, keeping her voice quiet even though no one is around. 
Pursing your lips, a sheepish smile forms,“ honestly I’m not sure I just wanted to talk.”
Her eyebrows raise a little,“ what about?” She asks with a slightly tilted head.
“Oh, uh I-” Mentally you curse yourself. 
How is it that you can take down HYDRA goons, Cartel bosses, and enhanced persons with natural ease? Yet talking to Lena makes you feel like some lovestruck child. You’ve interrogated men the size of trucks but can’t seem to ask this beauty a simple set of questions.
Stopping, she rests a hand on your forearm,“ Y/n, you can tell me anything, really.”
You can’t help but free fall into the comfort and reassurance of those green eyes. Mouth dry all of a sudden, you clear your throat and swallow,“ I guess, you know, I was wondering a-about you and James.” When her hand slips from you, you hasten to clear it up,“ I’m sorry, you don’t have to reply to that, I-”
“We used to date.” Lena speaks, gaze trained on her shoes,“ though, that ended a while ago.” 
Hearing that makes that thought in your head a little louder. Out of all the things stopping you from telling Lena how you feel, her possibly being with James is no longer one of them. 
You nod. After a bit of hesitance, you grab her hand, the warmth spreading up your arm, across your chest, and straight to your heart. Looking at your smile, makes Lena smile as well. You desperately want to keep that expression on her face so you opt to change the subject. 
“I’m really glad you made it.”
The two of you turn to keep walking, Lena good naturedly bumping her shoulder against yours,“ I would’ve regretted not coming. And your company is much better than the work I left behind.”
You grimace,“ I can’t say I hope it wasn’t important cause I know it was but-”
“You’re more important.” 
Just like before you halt, right foot skidding to a stop beside your left, as your hand tightens around Lena’s. Honesty swirls in green orbs and you can’t pretend you haven’t already fallen in love with her. 
Merely a few months and she’s captured your heart. Is that not something a person has the right to know? You’ve entrusted her with such a precious part of you and the chances of her breaking it are high. What you don’t know is how much higher the chances of her cherishing are. But you resolve that you’re willing to risk almost anything to find out.
“Lena, there’s-” god why are you tearing up, why is it suddenly a little harder to breathe. If there’s any chance of you telling her it can’t be here. 
So you take her to the one safe space you’ve always had at the compound. Lena follows, curiously silent as you tow her to the elevator and ride it up to the second highest floor. A set of stairs take you to your final destination.
The second the brisk New York air hits you inhale, it’s thin sure but it does wonders to calming you. After two, deep, steadying breaths, you fully face the brunette woman. E/c bores into green as you say a silent prayer that this doesn’t implode around you.
“You are in no way obligated to reply to this nor reciprocate, unless of course you feel so inclined.” She frowns at your words and you continue,“ I like you. I mean I love you. And not in the way that I love Winn or Kara or Wanda, I- I want to be with you Lena. You are so goddamn brilliant and caring. Your will to give and help without receiving so much as a nod of recognition is so inspiring.”
When tears shine in Lena’s eyes you understand why you’d teared up moments ago. Emotions like these can be so beautifully overwhelming. Something felt so strongly can only be expressed in a number of ways and tears just so happens to be one of those ways. 
Reaching up, you brush the stray tear from her rosy cheek, feeling the cold skin under the pad of your thumb,“ I don’t know much about how the universe works but falling for you feels inevitable.”
“Y/n,” Lena’s hand cups yours over her cheek, both your hearts are pounding, beating the same rhythm for the same reasons,“ I-” you inhale,“ I love you too.” Your exhale fans across the CEO’s red lips right before they crash onto yours.
A tidal wave of happiness washes over you. The warmth of her hand, of her body against yours, it pales in comparison to the heat that her lips bring. Heads tilt in the slightest to allow for a deeper kiss, a longer exchange of emotions and passion. 
God if you didn’t have to breathe you’d hold her there forever. 
Funnily enough, just as quickly as you pull away, you’re falling back in. Lena’s fingers now gliding gently into the hairs at your nape as yours grip her waist. 
Whatever reasons you’d come up with opposing this have long since vanished, seemingly taken away with the rush of wind past you. The fact that you denied yourself the pleasure of this for so long in baffling. 
Faces flushed from the cold and this very moment, you and Lena pull apart. Winter’s air makes it just a little harder to catch your breaths. Cold and warm air mixes in the space between you as your foreheads rest against each other. 
Both of you need a minute. Not necessarily to process, no this moment is very much real and you both know it. The silence, this pause, it’s needed so as to prolong it. Despite the flurry of snow and wind, you both have to stay in this moment for as long as possible. 
If this were a movie, this scene is exactly what every watcher would be waiting for. The crescendo that draws the two lovers together. The rising of their friendship and the climax of what’s to come. 
“I love you,” you whisper into the silence.
Lena smiles, a full, euphoric grin splits across her face.“ I love you too.” 
How could she not? The way you came into her life, well, the way she stepped into yours honestly, was entirely unexpected. Clicking with you in the way she had was equally as special as it was common. 
Lena’s had a number of partners, multiple people who she could formulate and execute an idea with. Something about you though, working with you, brainstorming and creating, it felt like so much more than just the project. Her zeal for her career was never lost. You coming along though, it was as if a power core had been struck by lightning. All that was, now amplified in the best way possible. 
Out of everyone in the banquet hall that night she found you. Whatever it was(definitely your reply to Mister Richards routine flirting) drew her in and everything you are, who you are, kept her there. And she’s so incredibly glad she stayed. 
The woman curses herself when a shiver wracks her body. 
Your soft hands run up and down her arms, warming them and raising goosebumps all at the same time,“ come on, let’s not freeze to death.” You tease.
“I’d hate for that to happen before we’ve even been on date.” She teases back.
Both of you shudder when the warmth inside the building engulfs you, but you’d been outside a little longer than you should’ve. The heating works but you need a faster relief. 
So you guide her through the halls to your room. You walk in, the door closing slowly as Lena follows, her eyes taking in the space. 
Truthfully it’s not exactly what she expected. While it’s not like the room is a mess or anything, Lena can tell that this is definitely where you spend majority of your time.
Not only is it obvious that you’ve brought your work in here a number of times(little gadgets and small tools splayed across the surface of your desk and dresser), there’s a trash can full of snack wrappers and water bottles, and an article or two of clothing on the floor.
“Sorry about the mess,” you say, quick to tidy everything up,“ me and Wanda had a sleepover last night and I hadn’t had the chance to clean up yet.”
With a nod she walks over to the desk, fingers running over the weapon parts there, some glowing and some not,“ for a moment there I thought you were a mess.” She says.
Laughing, you look back at her,“ I’m the most orderly mess you’ll ever find.” 
“I’m sure of it.” 
You make quick work of fishing another sweater from your closet. The soft knitted material equally as cute as it is comfortable. With a smile you hand it to Lena and a blush resurfaces as she thanks you. 
A part of you, a very very big part, wants to stay in here with Lena for the rest of the night. But your team is still here and there is still a party going on. 
“Guess we should head back, last thing we want is a bunch of Avengers and government agents thinking something happened to us.” You say, holding a hand out.
Lena slips hers into yours, fingers lacing together with ease as she stands. 
In a moment you can’t resist, you face her, and lean down to plant yet another kiss on her lips. The feeling is quickly becoming intoxicating, a drug you’ll gladly give yourself to, no questions.
With that kiss, you leave out, her hand still in yours. A fact Wanda notices almost instantly. 
Your best friend smiles at you brightly as you approach and you shake your head,“ don’t say it.”
She lays a hand on your shoulder, lips pursed in a ‘sorry not sorry’ kind of way,“ I told you so.”
“I know I know.” You roll your eyes good naturedly,“ I should’ve listened to the all knowing Wanda Maximoff.”
The younger woman chuckles, smile turning genuine and serious,“ you deserve this.”
You nod and shortly hug her, a little kiss pressed to her hair. 
“And now I have to tell Kara.” She slides from her seat, phone suddenly in her hand, and fingers flying across the screen.
“Wait-” Lena frowns.
“Since when do you and Kara t-”
Wanda throws a dismissive hand up as she steps away,“ I need someone to talk to about this. Obviously.” 
Your mouth opens, unspoken words falling short as you sigh. You shouldn’t have expected anything less from the two women.“ I have a feeling those two aren’t going to let either of us hear the end of this.” 
Kara and Wanda had to watch from the sidelines as you and Lena pined after each other and now that you’re taking steps towards something more serious they can finally speak to both yours and Lena’s obliviousness. 
“I agree.” Her hand squeezes yours,“ it’ll be worth it though.” 
Just as you had Wanda, with a different love behind it, you kiss Lena’s head. Only for the CEO to quickly kiss your cheek. 
She’s not usually one for PDA but this, with you, it’s new and she’s loving it. A few out of character kisses is the least she could do. And they certainly happen a few more times through the night, a little more frequently as the crowd dwindles down.
Eventually it’s down to your team, Pepper, Rhodey, Maria, and Lena. All of you take up a spot on the common room couches. Most of the guys are nursing beers, Lena, Pepper, and Natasha sipping from wine glasses, and the rest of you drinking water. 
As tradition had been set, each of you have one singular present in your laps. Since it’s likely you all won’t be together Christmas Eve or day, you decided years ago to do Secret Santa and open the presents together the night before. 
Sam is currently gushing over the gun you’d made him. After he saw you using the first model during a mission he begged for one, with your added power effects of course. At the time you told him no but decided it’d make a good gift.
“Don’t say I never gave you nothin.” You tease him. 
He presses a hand to his heart, wide brown eyes staring at you gratefully,“ you’re the best.” 
You shrug, leaning back into the couch, arm brushing Lena’s,“ I know.”
Next up was Natasha. The small box in her lap had more than a few of you curious. 
She shifts in her seat, not a fan of all the attention on her. The quicker she opens it, the quicker you all look away. Her fingers tear the wrapping paper away and she freezes at whatever’s underneath. 
Literally everyone else freezes the second Bruce stands from his spot beside her and kneels. He grabs the gift from her lap, a small velvet box sitting in his hand, as the other grabs Natasha. 
“Nat.” The name leaves his lips nervously, his smile matching,“ I know things between us seemed, unrealistic, in the beginning. It seemed everything was against us all at once. But we were given another chance two years ago and I’ve fallen more in love with you every second that’s passed since.” 
Quiet sniffles come from a number of people in the room but you can’t bring yourself to look away from Natasha. A blank expression sits on your face and not a soul can tell what you’re thinking. And honestly it’s far too much in your head to even begin to answer that if asked. 
“Will you, Natasha Romanoff, do me the honor of becoming my wife?” 
Bruce’s question seems to pull the ex-assassin from whatever reverie she’s in. Green, teary eyes, rise from her lap. Moving right past Banner and landing on you.
A gentle squeeze to your hand grabs your attention and your gaze shifts, flicking from Natasha to Lena. Lighter green eyes stare back, full of concern and wonder, a soft unspoken question of ‘are you okay’ in them. 
The corner of your lips tug up in the slightest and you nod, then looking back to Natasha and Bruce. Oddly enough, the redhead is still looking at you. A small, genuine, smile on your lips makes her eyes widen unnoticeably to anyone else.
Just as you, a whirlwind of thoughts are in Natasha’s head, all focusing on you and the brunette man in front of her. She finally looks down to him. 
Bruce’s nervous smile and loving brown eyes sends her heart fluttering in a familiar way. Despite the confusion in her head, Natasha nods,“ yes.” 
Gleefully, the ring is taken out and slid onto her finger. Once again her gaze flicks to you but back just as quickly. Bruce kisses her and you look away from the passionate moment, even as everyone else cheers. 
A round of congratulations circles the group. While you contribute to it, your thoughts still run wild. 
It seems you and Lena aren’t the only ones stepping into a more serious relationship. Natasha and Bruce are now engaged.
Merry Fucking Christmas!
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Taglist: @username23345 @depressed-bi-bitch @fayhar @trikruismybitch @marvel-wlw @aznblossom​ @chicken-wang09​ @bitchtits15 @coxmicbabygirl​ @blackluthxr​ @aaron-despair​ @cpt-bolter​ @vxidnik​
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Bokuto Kōtarō Boyfriend Head Cannons
All Credits for my inspiration go to @ghoulgirlradio. We were on some serious Bo loving hours, earlier, and it inspired this. Might as well have written half of this with me. They are the best, lemme tell you.
Haikyū!! Masterlist
Pairing: Bokuto Kōtarō x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Bokuto being best boy
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Bokuto loves having you paint his nails.
He usually loves to paint your nails a matching sky blue color — don’t ask him why, he just likes the color it reminds him of how much you calm him down when he needs it.
But, for special occasions, he’ll let you pick the color.
Bokuto dates with the intent to marry one day.
Someone said to him once ‘dating for any reason other than wanting marriage in your future is dating to get your heart broken’ and it stuck with the boy.
You meeting Akaashi is a big deal to him. That’s his best friend and he wants you both to get along.
The day you met Akaashi, Bokuto was internally freaking out, worried that you guys wouldn’t like one another.
You both are always with him and splitting his time between you both wouldn’t be fun at all.
But, you and Akaashi quickly bonded over your care for the owl boy and progressed to becoming good friends from there.
One day, Bokuto found you both waiting for him outside of the gym, talking and laughing. His heart melted, watching the way you both got along. But holy shit, how’d you make Akaashi laugh.
When he went off to the training camp, he went into emo mode for the two days prior, pouting that he wasn’t going to be able to see you.
Second day of training camp, he got an idea and acted on it IMMEDIATELY
His head ass totally pretended to forget something when he went off to the training camp.
So of course, he called you and asked you to bring it to him. He said it was cold at night and you couldnt let your boyfriend freeze. Plus, you missed him.
When you got to the main gym in the middle of the day, everyone just kind of stared at you in confusion. Except for Akaashi, who waved you over, while Bokuto eccentrically celebrated his particularly good spike.
You’re allowed to step up behind him, onto the court and you seize the opportunity to hug your boyfriend, arms wrapping around him from behind.
He freezes at first, before looking down — he’d recognize the feeling of your hug anywhere.
“HEY HEY HEY—” He catches the attention of everyone in the gym, everyone turning to face you both.
Though Bo doesn’t care, picking you up and dancing around with you in his arms.
He’s so excited acting like he didn’t see you, just two days ago
For the rest of the day, he’s dedicating all of his serves to you. Until the managers pull you away to talk and have you help them with dinner.
Cue emo mode
“Yeah, they’re amazing! They’re always doing things for me and making me smile. Akaashi can tell you! They’ve been helping me sit down and study! Y/N made this little game for us, where I get a kiss for every five minutes I spend studying! Oh, hey Y/N — BABY OWL!!! — Did you bring me food?! See, I told you guys! Baby owl, come here so I can brag about you some more.”
Boy had no shame on bragging about you. Until...
His eyes get wide and he pouts at you. “Why are you upset? Y/N... That’s not my name.”
“Bokuto-san, that is your name.”
“No it’s not!.. Y/N, what happened to pretty baby?”
His hair is drooping and his eyes are sad and Akaashi is giving you a look. The ‘Y/N, we talked about this’ look.
“Pretty boy, I’m not mad at you, but if you wanted me here, next time just tell me, rather than lying that you forgot your blanket.”
He looks at you with a sheepish grin, before huffing, “No more of that Ko stuff. I’m your pretty baby.”
Kuroo is laughing, Tsukishima is judging you both hard, Akaashi is just shaking his head in amusement.
“So, introduce me to your friends.”
You hit it off with Kuroo and as much as you could with Tsukishima but he’s an asshole
The next few days, at every opportunity he was showing you off and showing off to you while he was on court.
Dates with Bokuto are always fun and Akaashi always has some part in them, whether that be because he was helping Bokuto with the date, or with you and Bokuto on the date.
Bokuto always wanted Akaashi’s help, with each date, because he wanted each and every date to be the absolute best
He wanted to make you as happy as you made him, to show you how happy you made him by doing all of this for you, as well.
You both also have lots of study dates at his house. You both drag all of his pillows and blankets to the floor and curl up.
You spread everything out on the floor and sit back to back to study.
When either of you notices the other getting tense or stressed out, you’re able to massage their shoulders a bit to help the relax, sometimes also massaging their scalp and leaving kisses on their shoulders
You’re both extremely attentive to the other.
Bokuto knows you forget to eat most morning. He got used to carrying sports drinks and granola bars for after his morning practice
Now, he carries extra so you both can have breakfast together every morning
He likes to be wearing something of yours all of the time. Whether that be a jacket, hair tie, necklace, bracelet, ring, just anything really.
But, as with most sports, volleyball doesn’t alloy jewelry or clothing items but a uniform on a player’s persons
So, he likes for you to draw on his arm before every game
He always wants to have you there for every game and practice.
“You’re my lucky charm, baby owl!”
You missed a practice once
The boy went through the worst emo phase he has in a while. You got a call from Akaashi.
When you showed up, your poor owl boy was sulking bad
Even when you walked to him and opened your arms to him, he was sulking.
“Why didn’t you come? Are you made at me?”
“No, pretty boy, I just had something to do.”
It took about fifteen minutes, but the boy finally calmed and played as well as always after your reassurances.
Bokuto loves to see you cheering for him in the stands. It makes his heart grow so full.
And he swears he plays better because of it.
Before every game, he demands a mandatory hug.
Hugs with Bokuto are the best
He’s always so warm
And whenever he hugs you, no matter how tall or short you are, he will tuck his head in your neck.
And with every hug, comes some type of sweet affirmation
“You smell good.”
“Hugging your always makes me so happy.”
“Your smile lights up my world.”
You both don’t know who started the affirmations but neither of you goes a day without hearing them.
The team knows that Bokuto firmly believes that you are a major part of his success
And so, every celebratory dinner, ever game, every training week or weekend, you’re there and no one says anything about it, because they know that you can get him out of every emo phase, every slump, every time.
One day, Akaashi and you were standing outside of the gym and waiting on Bokuto, when Akaashi speaks to you.
“You know, you’ve make Bokuto-san very happy... Thank you for loving him. He can be a bit of a mess, sometimes, but he does love you. He’s been doing better in school and he’s been having less emo modes... He’s been a lot happier, because of you. So thank you.”
“He’s made me a lot happier. I’m really proud of him, to be with him.”
Neither of you noticed Bokuto standing in the doorway listening
Bokuto = 🥺
His two favorite people in the world were getting along and he couldn’t be happier to see it.
Bokuto loves you more than life itself and wouldn’t ever let you forget it.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Can I request a Charlie Gillespie x reader , where Charlie Gillespie is the reader’s boyfriend who dress as a clown for Madison Reys’s halloween party while they were in Canada and where Jeremy and Owen dress as clowns too to scare to Charlie’s girlfriend who is the reader but she hates getting scared.
It’s Stupid (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so I hope you enjoy this one. I don't know if I'm gonna post the sunset curve one next yet because I have so much to work on for it. So I might post the one after unless you guys are willing to wait! Let me know if you are if you'd just prefer I post the next one!
Requested by: @fantomlovesjuke4ever (Tumblr)
Warnings: None
I placed the orange beanie over my head. Finally finishing off my final look.
Giggling to myself I walked out into the living room to see Savannah there in her Kim Possible outfit.
"How do I look?"
"Oh my god Charlie's gonna die!" She laughed throwing her head back.
"You look great"
"Are you sure it's not too....booby" I said moving the muscle tee away from my body to show my black bra. The muscle tee being directly from the show itself courtesy of the wardrobe department.
"It's Madison's Halloween party. I don't wanna show up looking like a slut"
"It's not too booby. You look great plus no ones gonna get to look under there except Charlie" She teased.
I playfully rolled my eyes grabbing a large oversized jacket to cover my costume.
"Where'd Tori go?"
"She went to go check on the boys to see if they were almost ready"
"Oh sounds good. Hey thanks again for letting me room with you two"
"Of course you know you're always welcome when your here. Plus I know Kenny always appreciates that you choose not to room with your boyfriend when you visit us"
"Kenny and apparently Owen too" I said earning a giggle from the girl.
"Tori just texted said the boys are ready and scary"
"Yeah. What's Charlie gonna be this year?" She asked as I grabbed my phone off the kitchen countertop.
"Beats me. He said it was top secret"
"Same for Owen and Jer" She spoke as I received a message from my boyfriend himself.
"Oh" I muttered.
"What's up?"
"Charlie just texted they'll meet us there. Something about needing the makeup department"
"Oh my"
"I just hope it's not anything too scary. I hate anything terrifying. I don't even watch scary movies at night due to the fact that I'm a complete wimp"
"Does Charlie know that?" Savannah bit her lip.
"Of course we've been dating for 6 months. If he didn't I'd be worried" I said walking out the front door.
I sighed stepping out of the Uber taking in the freezing cold air. Nothing too bad.
"How are you not freezing your socks off?" Tori asked.
"Toro you forget I've lived in Canada my whole life. You Californians cannot take the cold"
"Your the female version of Charlie. It's actually crazy" The girl said as she looped her arm through my own.
"Yeah he kinda rubbed off on me" I smiled walking into the warehouse with my two temporary roommates.
Immediately we spotted Madison, Sacha and Jadah.
"Y/n!" Madison and Jadah shouted running up to me.
"There's my angel. And my devils" I grinned at my boyfriends cast mates. Taking in the warmth's of the new surrounding.
"Okay let's see it. I've been waiting in anticipation to see your take on Luke Patterson" I giggled opening up the jacket to reveal the rest of my costume.
"You look great!"
"I think you look better than Charlie"
"Yeah my guns look great too don't they?" I asked flexing my arms causing laughter to erupt from the group.
"Okay seriously though where's my boyfriend and his posse"
"We have no idea"
"I do" Sacha stated smirking at me.
"Are you going to tell me?" I asked.
"Nope" As soon as the word left his lips my phone dinged.
"It's Charlie. He's asking me to meet him in the makeup. Where's that?"
"I'll walk you" Sav said taking my hand. We made it to a large door with windows to peer in.
"It's dark" I stated jiggling the knob to find it locked.
"Well that's weird" Sav said knocked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the door opened slowly.
"Take my hand"
"Okay Troy Bolton" Savannah said making me giggle. We walked forward slowly my heart dropping feeling a pair of arms grab my waist. I screamed in fear as the lights turned on. The three faces in front of me smiling widely.
"Ahhh" I shut my eyes hugging Savannah tightly. Who seem to have had a similar reaction because she didn't hesitate to pull me close either. My heart beating out of my chest wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry all my anxiety out. We gripped onto each other for dear life as......laughter erupted?
I slowly peeled my eyes open to see Charlie laughing loudly clutching his stomach along with Owen and Jeremy. A frown fell upon my face as I let the light haired girl go.
"Charlie" I whispered a small tear escaping my eyes.
The laughter quickly died down. Charlie's face now expressing concern.
"Y/n baby what's wrong?"
I scoffed walking past Savannah to be anywhere but here.
"Come on babe"
"Charlie I'm serious. I hate scary movies and I hate being scared. It sends me into this weird panic mode and I get anxious" I ranted watching him turn the tv off.
"You probably think I'm some sort of freak who can't take a joke. If you don't wanna date me anymore that's fine but just don't make me watch that movie especially right now" I spoke looking out the window into the darkness of the dimly lit street.
"Why would you ever think I wouldn't want to date you because of this?" He asked hurt flashing his eyes.
"I don't know. It's just my past boyfriends have called me lame for not wanting to go out to a scary movie with them at night. Or not wanting to dress up as some sort of badass scary character for Halloween. It just sucks to be left out because of some stupid irrational fear"
"It's anything but irrational. So you got a fear of something. We all do. Hey I'm insanely afraid of spiders"
"Really?" I asked biting my lips.
"Yeah baby. It's a stupid fear I know but something about their long legs makes me just ugh" He said getting the chills.
"It's not stupid. Thanks Charlie" I smiled.
"Anytime y/n. Now come on" He spoke sticking his hand out to me.
"What about the movie?"
"We're still watching a movie. Frozen to be exact. Upstairs in my room, cuddling up in a pillow fort. Sound good?"
"Sounds amazing" I grinned taking it. I sighed contently as he pulled my into a hug.
"I promise I won't scare you or take any of your fears with a pinch of salt"
"I promise to do the same" I said looking up at the boy in front of me. Looking up at the face that I was slowly but surely falling in love with.
I made my way back towards the party immediately spotting Madi and Tori talking. Their eyes landed on me quickly sensing something wrong.
I made my way over to them wiping away the strayed water droplets under my eyes.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"The guys are assholes" I spoke bitterly.
"Did they scare you too?" Madison asked as I nodded. The two understanding me immediately.
"Yeah..... Its just when Charlie and I started dating I specifically explained to him why I don't like being scared and he promised he'd never take that one specific fear and use it against me. And he just scared the living crap out of me and Savannah. Which I'm glad I did figure out it was him and the boys before I passed out or puked. I'd expect it from Owen and Jer but my own boyfriend. I know it's stupid and I probably over reacted but I just- I've always made sure to kill every damn spider in our damn apartment so he wouldn't have to do it. And he does this to me"
"I don't think you overreacted. You have the right to be mad"
"You think?"
"Yeah but I also know Charlie's an idiot and needs to be reminded of things from time to time"
"You're right" I sighed.
"Look he's obviously gonna apologize. Just don't be too hard on him. His memories almost as bad as his handwriting" Madison joked making me let out a strangled chuckle hearing my name being called.
"Y/n! Y/n! Where is she?" Charlie shouted running into the room. The music coming to a halt.
All eyes landed on me as Charlie ran up to me.
"Please continue" I awkwardly chuckled pulling the brunette off into a random hallway.
The loud music blaring through the speakers once more.
"What is it Charles?" I spoke sternly turning around to face the boy who's makeup was much worse than before.
"Y/n baby I'm so sorry we pranked you. The boys convinced me that it'd be funny to get as many people as we could today. I didn't know you'd get so upset. I'll go take off this stupid costume right now if you want me to but please don't be mad at me baby. I love you" He finished nearly out of breath. I took in a deep breath hearing the sadness in his voiced as he had ranted like any other time he screwed up which wasn't very often. But still.
"Do you remember the night we watched frozen in your room?" I questioned nervously playing with the rings on my fingers. Another prop from Luke's character that tied my costume together.
"Of course it was amazing. We made a pillow fort and ate popcorn and afterwards we did stuff that was definitely not pg 13" He smirked making me roll my eyes.
"Do you remember why we watched frozen?" I spoke once more hoping he would get where I was going with my questions.
"Yeah we watched it because- oh. Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot I can't believe I forgot about that"
"Yeah......Listen I'm not mad that your a clown which by the way I do happen to also be afraid of too but it's not gonna kill me. And I'm certainly not mad at Owen and Jeremy because they wanted to have a little fun tonight. But they didn't know about my anxiety that I get whenever I get scared. You did Charlie"
"I know I did" He groaned throwing his head back.
"And if my memory wasn't so damn bad I wouldn't have even thought about doing it baby. I hope you know that. And I'll do literally anything to get you to forgive me starting with never putting you through that again when your with me" He spoke taking my hands in his.
I sighed intertwining our fingers pulling him close to me.
"I know you won't. I also might have overreacted a bit" I said nuzzling my face into his chest.
His arms immediately wrapping around me completely.
"You didn't overreact. Overreacting is me when I see a spider. In all seriousness I love you and I'm really sorry for doing that"
"It's fine Charlie. I'll get my revenge on you guys" I spoke kissing his cheek before skipping away back to the party.
"Y-you're what? Wait baby your what? Y/n!" I heard him call after me as I laughed.
Up Next: Sunset Curve x Reader (Maybe)
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg
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got-any-references · 4 years
What are your fav beetlebabes headcanons? Also, love your stuff <3
Thank you <3. And thank you for the wait cause oh boy if I don’t answer this ask with a ridiculous amount of art how will I live?
*Digging out the dust covered manuscript that is my nonexistent Beetlebabes fic from under the floorboards* It’s showtime.
So...Lydia is the one who falls first. She is about 17 or 18 at the time, so this is very much an “I have a teen crush on someone I am not supposed to” type of deal. Honestly they fell in love with each other way before that but like, platonically 
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Beej is...horribly oblivious XD. Honestly its for the best because Lydia spends the better part of her pre-college summer freaking about because any time her best friend walks in the door her heart wants to go bull-riding in her chest and if she actually has to confront her feelings she might just explode.
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Then, just before Lydia was supposed to go away to college, Beetlejuice...disappears. He leaves a note, saying he’ll be back, but weeks turn into months, months turn into a year, and no one either in the living world or the netherworld has seen a hair of him. Lydia goes through college without really knowing what to do with herself, missing what was probably the closest person in her life. She graduates with a journalism degree and a minor in photography. She works for a newspaper as an investigative journalist before breaking off over less than great circumstances and going off on her own.
She’s 25 when she establishes herself as a pivate eye, with an enormous amount of anonymous sources being dead people. Also, this takes place in New York City.
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(Yes she absolutely does exorcisms on the side).
She’s following a rather stange missing persons case when one of her sources points to a run down establishment that is 100% totally haunted. Except when she goes there she doesn’t find any ghosts, but rather
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Beetlejuice. And he looks awful. And very much human.
Lydia: You look like hell.
Beej: Yeah, I just got back.
Beej: Also I’ma pass out now so you better catch me.
So he crashes at Lydia’s place, and the whole thing turns into solving the crime as well as Beej’s  mysterious aquirement of a beating heart and working lungs. He doesn’t remember how that’s happened, only now everything is Too Much with Too Many Feelings. Speaking of feelings, you bet your ass there is PINING. SO much pining. Lydia’s best friend comes back and suddenly those feelings she’d dismissed as a stupid teenage crush come FLOODING BACK. 
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While Lydia’s internally feaking out over her feelings (it's totally normal and platonic to wanna kiss your best friend while he sleeps, right??), Beetlejuice is, you guessed it, totally oblivious! To his own feelings especially! All he knows is that it's his best friend only now she seems like a completely different person, and hot. She is now hot. His mad respect for Lydia makes him bury that thought deep, deep down. Also the whole marriage deal is a source on bad memories for both of them and he doesn’t wanna ruin the only good thing he’s ever had and-
Anyway, more pining:
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Lydia’s feelings bring out resentment, too. She hates that Beej calls her kid, because that means he still sees her as one, and her ego and her desire for him make her want him to see her, the woman who's seen some real shit in the name of finding the truth, who can take care of herself, and who is very different from that angsty 15 year old girl on the roof. 
It all comes ahead to a big confrontation where Lydia is shot, and Beetlejuice has to drag her to the hospital without any knowledge of how human bodies work and he has no magic so he can’t help her-
The hospital needs to know his relationship to her when they take her away, and Beetlejuice knows they wont let him in unless he’s close family so he is blurts out: “Husband. Yeah, I’m her...husband.”
Lydia wakes up with a patched up hole in her side and Beetlejuice clinging to her hand. She’s happy she’s alive, but also angry, because she could have avoided all of this. She was competent enough to not need anyone to rescue her. 
She wants to get back on the case as soon as possible, she found the key lead, but Beej doesn’t wanna hear it, cause he saw way too much of her blood and he’s not big on how human bodies work, but he's pretty sure that shit’s supposed to stay inside. They’re arguing when the nurse comes in and adresses him as “Mr. Deetz.”
Lydia snatches the clipboard away, sees that he’s told them she’s his wife, and is livid. Because crush or not the wedding thing had a whole lot of baggage she does not want to unpack. She has to confront the fact that her feelings are for someone who manipulated her into marriage at 15 and who she’s not supposed to see in that way but she does anyway.
And Beej, a dumbass but also angry cause she almost died out of a stupid reckless mistake is like: "Why are you all mad? It was a green card thing. It's not like it means anything." And that gets Lyds even more upset, with him cause he's an idiot, and with herself because she's still pining for someone who, she thinks, still sees her as a child. 
Lyds, getting her coat: "Fuck off." 
BJ: "Kid-"
 Lydia: "Stop calling me that! I haven't been a child since my mother died. I haven't been a child since you showed up! I haven't been a child since I've started this, since I moved here, since the first asshole tried to kill me. I've been through literal hell and I've had to pull myself out of it all on my own because I was still here and you left."
There's a beat of silence as Lydia realizes what she just said. 
Lydia: "And that's fine. Because I don't need you. I don't need anyone. You taught me that, at least." She yanks her coat onto her shoulders and turns to go.
 BJ, quietly, but its clear he's angry: "Do you think I wanted to leave?" 
Lydia: "I don't know what you wanted. Do you even know what you wanted?" She pauses at the door, turns to him. "Do you know what you want, Betelgeuse?" 
BJ: "I-" 
He stops. He can't look her in the eye anymore. You. I want you. Lydia scoffs, turns to go. 
BJ: "Lydia, wait-" 
Lydia: "Fuck. Off."
She leaves, and he just stands there, floored by his too little too late realization. Lydia thinks the best thing to do after leaving the hospital with a bullet hole in her side and hopped up on painkillers is to go get drunk! Self-preservation? None
Beetlejuice finally finds her drunk off her ass and suddenly in a great mood. He grabs her under the arms like "Whelp. Time to go." 
Lydia: "Nooo come on-" 
BJ: "Aren't you on hospital drugs? Doesn't that shit kill you breathers if you mix it all up?" 
Lydia: ":D I stopped taking them :'D it hurts like a bitch." 
BJ: "I guess I have the shared braincell now. Okay, time to go."
He manages to get her in the car without incident, but when he gets in the driver's seat suddenly Lydia's all over him.
BJ, with a lap full of drunk Lydia: "What. What are you doing." 
Lydia: "Beeetlejuice." 
BJ: "Yeees?" 
Lydia, smiling all dopey as she cups his cheeks: "Beeetlejuuuice."
BJ: "What" 
Lydia's finger hovers over his nose, as if to boop him. He closes his eyes. And suddenly her lips are on his. She tastes like alcohol and hospital food and as she pulls away he can't think. Then she starts laughing. "Ha! Gotchaaa! Classic Bait and Switch!"
And he’s pissed.
BJ: "Ha. Ha. Good one, Lyds." 
He dumps her out of his lap and into the passenger seat. Lydia blinks in confusion. Now she's cold. She wants to ask, but her mental faculties aren't all with her at the moment. He drives them home and helps her up the stairs before dumping her onto her bed. "Well. Bye." Lydia scrambles up the bed. The car ride gave her enough time to be at least a bit sober, and everything before getting here is blurry. "Where are you going?" Beetlejuice turns around, the widest smile on his face. She's confused for a moment before she realizes he's vibrating with rage. "Ya said you want me gone? Great! You don't need me, you can do your weird little suicidal quest thing yourself!" Lydia looks lost. They had a fight but she'd rarely seen him this angry. "If its about the thing at the hospital, I didn't- I didn't mean it-"
Beetlejuice: "Really? You'd think you'd be glad to have me gone. Why would you want a creep like me around? The whole marriage thing didn't just disappear, after all! Great to know you can still pull one on me, huh?"
Lydia: "Pull what, Beetlejuice-"
She remembers, hazily, the car ride.
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They stare at each other for a moment Beej is breathing heavily, he's not used to living person emotions, ones you can feel with your whole body instead of just as an abstract thing, but its clear he's holding back
Lydia: "I wasn't-" 
Beej: "You weren't what?"
 Lydia (quietly): "It wasn't a joke."
The angry grin slips off Beej's face. He suddenly looks very, very tired. She might have believed just now that he'd lived for millennia. 
 Beej: “Why are you doin' this, Lyds? Did you know the whole damn time? It's not like I was gonna do anything, I just thought- I just-”
Lydia suddenly realizes that they are having two different conversations. And something else. She looks away, trying to wrap her head around it, and Beetlejuice doesn't read it correctly. He turns to go. 
Lydia: “Wait!”
 She jumps off the bed, feeling the whole world tip over slightly, still drunk, and stumbled over to him. He catches her instinctively as she grips his forearms for support. 
Lydia: “Beej. Beej, look at me.” 
She takes his face in her hands, and turns it toward her. He looks so lost, like one word from her might actually break him. She'd only seen that look on his face once before, and she never wants to again.
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Lydia takes a breath. 
Lydia: “Beetlejuice, I-”
Aaand then she throws up all over his shoes.
She doesn't quite remember what happened next, only that she was in the bathroom, leaning against the door, the toilet was flushed, she was sweating, and he wasn't there. 
Lydia: “Beej?” 
Beetlejuice (through the door): “...hi”
Lydia: “What-”
BJ: “-happened? Well, that's a story!” 
His voice sounds cheerful, but it’s shaking slightly 
BJ: “First ya threw up all over us both! then that little experiment of yours with mixing the meds went off, and you started babbling about...rocks? Then we got here, you heaved out the rest of your insides, and then ya kicked me out and said you were gonna shower, and now we're sitting here, so, yeah”
Lydia: “...Are you still covered in puke?” 
Lydia: “...sorry?” 
BJ: “Pshh, what's a best friend if ya can't throw up on 'im a couple times.”
They both fall silent
Beetlejuice (quietly): “Lyds, do ya still want me here?”
 Lydia takes the time to find the words. Want him here? After everything, he was still asking that question. Did he still think, after all this time, that she'd throw him out at the smallest inconvenience? Would he ever stop thinking that way? Why did he think so now? Was it because he- Because he-
Lydia: “I love you.”
The other side of the door is silent. 
Lydia: “I love your stupid laugh. You sound like a fucking cartoon villain, its so fucking obnoxious. I love your jokes, all of them, even the shitty ones- you always look so god damn proud when you say them.”
Is she crying? She tries to wipe at her face, but the tears keep coming. 
Lydia: “I loved you since that last day on the roof, and when you left-” 
Her throat closes up. She chokes back on her tears, she has to finish it, he has to hear it. 
Lydia: “When you left I thought I might die again.” 
Lydia: “I kept seeing things, dumb branding on cereal boxes, that shitty college play I went to, my first client, and I kept thinking aw, Beej would have a field day with this one. I thought about what you'd say. You were like a voice I couldn't scrape out of my head, I thought I was going crazy, I thought I'd imagined it all, some lonely little girl with no life or friends, needing someone to talk to- But you'd been real, and then you were just gone- “
The words dissolve in her throat as she sobs, pulling her knees up to her chest. She feels like a child now. She feels more childlike than she had at 15. She’s clinging to a scrap of hope she doesn’t have a right to demand from him. And yet he'd said- 
Lydia: “I love you. Please, don't leave.”
They sit is silence for a while. Lydia tries to stop crying. Then, quietly from the other side of the door:
BJ: “You know what I thought when I first saw you?”
Lydia: “Here’s a suicidal teen haha what a riot?”
BJ: “What? No, not then. Like now.”
Lydia: “Oh. What?”
BJ: “I thought wow, who the hell is that and why is she so dang hot?”
Lydia laughs.
BJ: “And then I thought oh God that’s Lydia.”
Something in his voice makes her pause. Maybe it’s the strange fear that she feels coming from him.
BJ: “It’s like, you’re Lydia, and I don’t know shit about you! You’re the same person, but you’re a stranger to me. Lyds, do you know how fucking terrifying that is? You’re someone I never got to know because of a shitty decision I don’t even remember making.”
he falls silent. She can hear the pain in his voice. And something else. Longing. 
Beetlejuice: “I’d like to.”
Lydia opens the door. Beetlejuice scrables up, only for her to throw her arms around him. 
They figure it out. It’s a slowburn 200k fic that I’ll never write so it takes a while for them to actually kiss, or do anything more, but they get there. 
This turned out...ridiculously long XD. I don’t know what you meant by “headcanons”, exactly, but have this instead.
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Thanks for the ask! 
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joviewinchester · 3 years
Let’s pretend that Mary is here to add to the *spice* Also major fluff alert. So terribly fluffy endings that they could be a danger to society. Except for the last one. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also let me know if I should write more stuff with multiple endings because this was super fun.
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Imagine dating Dean when Gabriel comes back, and going to stay with Lucifer.
Dean and Y/N were currently having the biggest fight of their relationship. “I still love him Dean! I can’t help it! I thought he was dead okay?! I assumed after he went radio silent he was dead not kidnapped by a Kentucky fried douche bag!”
“Oh! Oh! That’s even better! You knew that Lucifer didn’t kill him and you didn’t think to tell us?!”
“I was protecting him you ass! He would have really died if everyone knew he was still alive!”
“Well, what now, then, huh? I was a fucking distraction from all of your baggage wasn’t I?!”
“Like I wasn’t?! You have so much fucking baggage, it adds on an extra fifty pounds!”
“Well? What about now, Y/N? Even if I’m absolutely pissed at you, I’m still and love with you, and I’ll take a wild guess from when he tried to kiss you and say that he’s still in love with you too, so now what?”
“I’m staying somewhere else for awhile, Dean. I can’t stand being here okay? I love you. You know that, but everything is just so complicated right now and I can’t deal with it.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to stay with Lucifer okay? And don’t tell me that it’s dangerous and he’s an asshole and I can’t because I don’t have anywhere to go. I’m out of options, D.”
“So what? You would rather have a sleepover with the devil than stay here?!”
“Yes okay?! And this is why! I can’t deal with the way you’re being right now! …Look, i don’t have enough energy to fight anymore. Let Gabe know where I went, and just so you know, we’re on a break.”
Dean sadly watched as she walked out of the bunker with her duffel bag on her shoulder. “On a break?” He muttered to himself.
As soon as the bunker door slammed shut, Sam walked out from his room, where he had been hiding. He put an arm around his older brother. “It’ll be okay, Dean.”
“Will it really? Because she’s going to stay with yet another archangel that she, although I don’t have proof, most likely had feelings for, and the other one is staying with us.”
“Oh yeah yeah. Cry all you want, Winchester. You think I’m not upset that she’s staying with my brother who tried to kill me?” Gabriel asked.
“Is all this really necessary? I think we should probably just let Y/N do what she wants, and not fight. She is a responsible adult, and she can make her own decisions.” Castiel chimed in.
“Oh shut up!” Dean and Gabriel said in unison.
“By the way asshole, thanks to you, me and Y/N are on a break!”
“Oh don’t blame me for that Dean-o. You did that on your own. Y/N likes to make her own decisions, and you trying to make them for her? Yeah that was not working out too well. Clearly the only reason she really left was to show that she still had control over her own life.”
“Clearly, she left because your both being completely immature grade a douchebags, who, frankly, no one wants to be around, so shut up, or get a room!” Sam exploded.
They both put their hands up in surrender. “If you really want to know what really happened with Lucifer, I’ve recently come into possession of a super top secret diary of a certain loveable hunter.”
Mary walked in on the conversation. “Don’t you two dare. Just because she left does not mean you get to just take anything from her room.”
Dean and Gabriel both shrugged and sat down at the table. Gabriel began flipping through the pages to find the right date. “Here it is. This is after I went radio silent. You said that she started hanging around with Lucifer three years after my ‘death’ correct?” Dean nodded.
“”Dear Jenny,” Wow she named her diary. Whatever that’s beside the point.
“Dear Jenny,
I definitely made somewhat of a mistake today. Well, I wouldn’t call it that, but I know that the Winchesters would. I, well, I made out with Lucifer last night.
I think I’m in love with him, but then, there’s Dean. I’m starting to think he kind of had a thing for me? But then again, it’s Dean, he probably just wants to hook up or something.
You know, for some reason, I always liked the villains more. I think it might be because, most of the time, they aren’t using a girl. They love her. They’d get down on their knees for her. They’d die for her and do anything for her, and she’d always be their queen. I don’t know maybe I’m delusional.
What would Gabe say though? There’s no doubt in my mind that I will always be in love with him, dead or alive. If I ever got the chance to be with him again, I know that I would choose him, over anyone, Dean and Lucifer included. He is, well was, the light in my darkness, and I know that I‘ll never forget him.” Gabriel closed the diary. He glanced at Dean, trying to subtly study his face. He was clearly upset, and oddly enough, Gabe comforted him.
“Hey, cheer up, okay Dean-o. Let’s look at a further entry. Her feeling about you probably changed.”
They flipped further. It was an entry from last year.
“Dear Jenny,
I almost died today. There was a nest of vampires, and I went in on my own. I feel so stupid. Scratch that. I am stupid. I was lucky, so goddamn lucky.
Dean saved me. I felt really dumb. I hate being the damsel in distress. I was hoping that by going in there, I would take them out on my own and show Dean that I don’t need protection.
He has enogh to worry about, and he is always worrying about me. If anything ever happened to Dean, I don’t know what I’d do.
I know in past entries, things I said were so different, but we’re together now. Things are so different, and I love him so much.
He is my light…in the darkness.” Gabriel trailed off on the last part.
“You make her happy Dean. She’s yours now.”
“No. You made her just as happy, and besides, it’s her decision now. For all we know, she’ll end up with Satan.”
About, a week passed and Y/N was finally home. As soon as she walked in the door, everyone could tell how drained she was. She looked like she hadn’t slept in years.
“Hi.” She gave a weak smile to no one in particular. Now was not a time to play favorites. Then again, maybe it was.
Dean- “So, as you guys know, I’ve been MIA for a week, so I’ve had lots of time to think, and I know what I want. I know that you both probably don’t even want me at this point, but, Dean I love you. I want to be with you, and it was stupid for me to just up and leave. That one week was a living hell without you. Side note, that was a horrible metaphor for me to use.”
Dean pulled her into a tight hug, and buried his face in her hair. “Don’t ever leave me alone with Gabriel and Sam ever again. I know mom and Cas are here, but no one can stop them from arguing constantly but you.” Y/N laughed a little bit.
“I promise that I’ll never leave you ever again. I uh, I bought something while I was gone.” She pulled something small out of her pocket.
“Look, I know that this is kind of untraditional, but that’s who I am. Dean for as long as I’ve known you, you never even thought about a serious relationship, until you asked me out. Like everyone we have had ups and downs, but at the end of the day, I love you and you love me. With this life, you have no idea what’s going to happen next, so I guess what I’m trying to say is, Dean Winchester, will you marry me?”
“Hell yeah! Of course. I’m just sorry you beat me to it. Before our fight, I had this whole romantic thing planned out and-“ Y/N hushed him.
“I don’t want a bunch of rose petals. You’re more than enough for me.”
Gabriel- “Um…Mary can I talk to you?” Mary nodded and followed Y/N to a separate room.
“So, I know Dean is your son, but you’re my best friend and I feel like you’re the only person I can talk to. This may not be what you want to hear, but I’m still-“
“In love with Gabriel. I know n/n. Just let Dean down easy okay? You know how he is with these things. He’s not going to get over it overnight.”
Y/N pulled her into a hug. “Thanks, Mary.”
“Now why don’t you go shower and then talk to Gabe.” Y/N nodded and went up to her room then headed to her personal bathroom.
When she got done, she walked out to her laid out clothes and almost had a heart attack. Of course he would be waiting on her.
“You know, I feel like I already know the answer to this, but do you think I could get dressed before we talk or?”
“Nah. It’s not in my programming to do that.” Y/N grabbed her laid out clothes.
“In that case, I’ll be right back.” She said heading to the bathroom once more. When she walked back out, she sat next to him on the edge of her bed.
“So…” Y/N trialed off, nervously tapping her fingers against her thigh.
“Y/N, I know you aren’t very good at confrontation and stuff like that, but you have a decision to make, and no matter what, Dean and I have both agreed to respect that, even if that choice is neither of us.”
“Gabe, I’ve already made a choice. I made a choice a long time ago. I love you. Even through the years nothing has changed the fact that I love you. You were the first guy, or archangel rather, that I fell in love with, and I want you to be the last.”
“That was the most incredibly sweet and cheesy thing you have ever said to me.”
“Oh shut up, you love me.”
“You know it, sugar.”
Lucifer- “Look, I’m not staying here anymore. I know that might be kind of hard for you guys to process, but I know what I want now, and what I want is not anywhere near this bunker, so to save us all the heartache, I’m packing my stuff up and heading out of here.” She quickly ran up to her room.
“Lucifer.” Gabriel and Dean said annoyedly at the same time.
“You guys don’t know that. Maybe she just needs time on her own.” Sam said.
“Uh... yeah no.” They all turned around, then simultaneously groaned in disgust and annoyance.
“Oh come on. Don’t give me that. I’m a delight to be around. Ask Y/N.” Lucifer stated with a cocky smirk on his face.
Mary scoffed. “You’re a self righteous asshole. I don’t know why she finds any part of you attractive.”
Y/N came downstairs carrying like five bags, and rolled her eyes. “I go upstairs for five minutes and you guys are already fighting. Look, I’m leaving okay! I can’t be here right now! So, just at least let me go peacefully.”
“Is this what your mother would have wanted?” Cas stopped her. Y/N whipped around, and dropped the bags she was holding.
“Don’t talk about my mother! She died saving your sorry ass, so screw you!” Seconds later, they were gone.
“Maybe she’s right. Maybe he is different.” Mary suggested.
“Or maybe she’s blinded like she always has been.” Dean scoffed.
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s-and-n-writes · 4 years
you are my north
a/n: hey guys! here's the soulmate fic i've been working on for a while. it's an outline-style because i didn't want to write out the whole thing. enjoy! -s ps. i can't write summaries to save my life. pps. this fic is rated teen only because of two curse words, and while there is some major character death, i didn't mark it in the warnings because it's temporary.
quick links: | crossover masterlist | 
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People get many types of soulmate bonds
Some are romantic and some are platonic
Platonic can be friends, family, found-family, etc
Bonds can include marks, writing on arms, switching bodies, etc
Everyone has a soulbond but some aren’t visible or obvious
Marinette grew up in Gotham named Marianne
She didn’t have a visual bond so hers would manifest when she met her soulmate
Her parents were killed when their house burned down (she was 5)
She was sent to an orphanage and ran away after a few months (she was still 5)
Lived on the streets for a year until she met Jason Todd (she was 6 and he was 10)
They met when two older boys tried to steal Marianne’s money since she was small
Jason beat them up and gave her his hand to lift her up
When their hands met there was a flash of light
Marianne - My mama told me about this. She said it was a soulmate bond and the person it was with was really really really special to me.
They both have a compass on their palms pointing to where the other is
They go off together and live together on the streets
She calls him “Jay-Jay” and he calls her “Pixie” or “Mari”
2 years later (Marianne is 8 and Jason is 12)
Jason goes out and finds the Batmobile and proceeds to get adopted
He refuses and wants to find Marianne
Jason - Let me go old man!
Batman - No. You’re coming with me.
Jason - I need to find my sister!
Batman - Fine. Find her and you both will come with me.
Both go in search of Marianne
Earlier Marianne woke up and found Jason missing so she went out to search
She couldn’t find him and was upset and was sloppy
A Parisian couple found her and adopted her
The people at the GCPD were like ????? because who adopts a Gotham street kid?
Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng apparently
So Marianne is taken to Paris while Jason and Batman are looking for her
They can’t find her and Jason goes with Batman and gets adopted and everything
Jason believes she must have been taken out of Gotham because his compass points towards the harbor and towards the water
Eventually gives up because he won’t be able to find her since across the ocean is a massive place
Gotham proceeds as normal
In Paris...
Marianne is refusing everything because she didn’t want to leave and she misses her brother
Tom and Sabine didn’t want two children so they didn’t bother looking for her brother
They rename her Marinette
She goes to school and makes friends with two boys named Nino and Kim and is enemies with Chloe, the mayor’s daughter
Reluctantly starts calling Tom and Sabine ‘Maman’ and ‘Papa’ because it would look weird if she didn’t and she didn’t want to talk about her past
They treat her nicely but she still misses her old parents
Marinette makes more and more friends but they don’t know about her past or her brother
When she’s 11 she sees on the news that Jason Todd-Wayne died
She’s really sad because her brother and soulmate died but also insanely confused because he somehow got adopted by Bruce Wayne???
Back to his death
Her compass stays but her compass needle disappears
She withdraws and doesn’t go to school for a week
She asked everyone not to give her any nicknames (not that she had any in the first place)
Nobody knows she had a brother except Tom and Sabine but even they don’t know his name
Everyone is told one of her family members died and her parents try to console her but eventually give up
Continuing on and time skips
Her parents start leaving her alone more as she got older
It helped when she became Ladybug
Marinette also slightly resents them for forcefully adopting her and then kind of neglecting her but let’s not get into that
Becomes friends with Alya and starts crushing on Adrien
Alya posts everything and is very intrusive
Marinette is constantly questioned about her soulbond but always refuses to answer
Did I mention that she always wears gloves ever since Jason died?
Because she does
She doesn’t want to see the compass and be reminded of him
Anyways, Alya keeps trying but is always refused
She calls Marinette ‘Mari’ one day and she just…snaps
Marinette goes on this big rant about personal information and privacy and respecting boundaries and ends up screaming at her and curls in a ball crying
Alya leaves and stops being friends with her because Marinette is ‘mean’ and ‘sensitive’
They occasionally talk but they’re not really friends anymore
Very soon after, Lila comes and that's why Alya turned on Marinette so quick
Adrien tells her to “take the high road” and her crush on him dies
Marinette becomes even more miserable because everyone has left her and she is alone
Luka and Kagami aren’t her close friends here
And Chloe is not in her class anymore
Tikki is her only friend until Master Fu gives her guardianship and she is in charge of her kwamis
She is incredibly stressed because of Ladybug, Guardian duties, bakery shifts, and school
Tikki gives her the idea to get rid of bakery duties and not focus on Guardian stuff and instead do a hobby
She tells her ‘parents’ that she’s too busy with school to work at the bakery
They roll their eyes and ignore her again and sometimes she thinks they only adopted her to get her to work for them for free
There isn’t too much to do for Guardian stuff anyways
She designs more and more as a hobby and ends up opening a commission website (that’s completely anonymous so Lie-la and her cronies can’t do anything to it)
It’s more work but it relaxes her and is great for making money
Her pseudonym ‘MAT’ is famous because of Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale constantly mentioning her
MAT stands for both Marinette And Tikki, and MariAnne Todd
Eventually she gets a request from the Waynes
Marinette just cried because this was her brothers family and takes the request
She makes everything extra personalized and charges a bit less and writes a note to them
The note says something about how she knew Jason before he died and he was like a brother to her and she misses him so much and she can’t imagine what they’re going through
By this time she’s 16 and Jason would have been 20 and he is currently being Red Hood (not that she knows that)
Stuff happens, Hawkmoth is defeated, and she takes the ring away from Chat Noir because he’s an asshole who can’t take no for an answer
It’s Adrien Agreste...thank god she didn’t have a crush on him anymore
Time passes, and Marinette is now 18
She has moved out of the bakery and into her own apartment
She’s still in school but it’s her last year
She is now insanely famous and her identity is the best kept secret in the world
She is completely alone except for the Kwamis
So Marinette had entered a contest sponsored by Wayne Industries and won
The prize is a trip to Gotham for the entire class...fuck
If Marinette had known she probably wouldn’t have entered
Why would she go back to the place where her brother died?
She has to go though because she is the contest winner
Lila took credit for it and is spinning lies about how she’s so close to the Waynes and is dating Timothy Drake
So now onto a plot twist yay
On the morning of the trip Marinette is getting ready
She hasn’t looked at her hands in forever because she doesn’t want to be reminded about Jason
Keep in mind that she wears gloves constantly
That morning she looks at them because she wants to prepare for being in Gotham again and memories sake and things
Marinette is shocked when the compass needle is back and pointing in a direction
She doesn’t know what happened since as far as she knows people can’t come back to life and her needle was definitely gone before
So after interrogating Tikki and Plagg for a while she finds out that yes, there are ways to bring someone back to life and some aren’t very good for you *cough* Lazarus Pit *cough*
On the plane ride she is thinking and being both excited and scared/worried
Excited because Jason’s alive!
Scared/worried because some ways of bringing back the dead don’t work very well…
The plane lands and they get out of the airport with no big issues
Except for Lie-la hiding her luggage and getting the class to leave without her
So now Marinette has to walk across Gotham at night, alone, while carrying heavy luggage and looking like a tiny, weak, foreigner
She is practically begging to get mugged but what can you do?
Around halfway to the hotel she hears footsteps behind her
Before she can do anything, Red Hood jumps down from a roof and takes them down
He ties them up and calls the police
Marinette thinks he is familiar but ignores the feeling and goes on her way
Red Hood (Jason) also thinks she is familiar but also ignores it
Now is the time for normal Maribat field trip tropes and ideas
Nothing big happens to advance the plot
The last week of their trip is at Gotham Academy and then they go to the Wayne Gala
Again, normal first day at GA tropes until there’s a Rogue attack
For plot reasons (can’t reveal the akuma situation, Ladybug can’t be in Gotham, she has nowhere good to transform, etc), Marinette hides in a storage closet
She rubs her compass-palm to calm herself and looks at it
The needle is moving as if her soulmate was walking towards her (or the closet where she’s hidden)
But that’s not possible because Jason should be 22 and definitely shouldn’t be in a school right?
Marinette is freaking out and then the needle is pointing directly in front of her
And then the doorknob turns and the door opens and she sees…
Red Hood!
Marinette is kind of shocked but shrugs it off for a minute
Red Hood tells her the attack is over and she can come out
He helps her up but when their hands touch there’s a flash of light
Marinette - Jay-Jay?
Jason - Pixie?
Then there’s a very heartwarming reunion that I’m too angsty to write properly
Marinette starts going by Marianne again and meets the Bats
They love her immediately (and more when they realize that she is MAT who personalized their commissions and wrote that note long ago)
Lie-la’s lies get taken down
At the Wayne Gala she is announced to be Jason Todd-Wayne’s platonic soulmate, Marianne Todd
They live happily ever after
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a/n: if you would like to be tagged for any of the maribat drabbles we post, shoot us a message and we’ll tag you!
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