#no one is safe from my disability headcannons
pyxis-comet · 4 months
Uhhh uhhhh stupid thought that came to me during a tic attack.
Izutsumi randomly meows and it's beyond her control because of like the cat soul, it just happens like she just meows really loudly, and everyone stares at her at first but eventually they get used to it. Sometimes Laios meows with her because he's stimming and they sit there meowing together.
TLDR: Izutsumi meow tic
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I will headcannon tourette's/tics onto any character I please because there is not enough TS representation and it makes me sad.
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spinchboli · 6 months
Eldritch Miraak headcannons
So I reference this in a few of my chapters, but as y'all could tell- Miraak's form even in apocrypha is extremely unstable. So unstable in fact, that he forces Storm into a bargain with him with the intention of betraying her at the summit and using her soul to stabilize his own soul that's falling apart.
While in apocrypha, his body was malleable- open to change so he ended up developing some eldritch traits. His "horns" are actually tentacles he tucks under his hood. They have eyes that are a reference to biblical angels but he ends up using them to bend another to his whims.
When He's finally out of apocrypha, he's left with a lot of disabilities and chronic pain as a result of his body just breaking. Arthritis, joint pain, the permanent pain from being impaled, you name it.
When He's under a lot of stress, the delicate control he had of his faculties falls apart and he had an episode of his body falling apart, contorting in ways that if anyone saw him- their mind would break immediately.
He's extremely vulnerable in this state, so Storm when she senses something is off about him- ushers him to a quiet place and let's him fall apart, she keeps watch making sure nothing that could be a threat to him make an attempt to ambush him -vigilante of staedar for instance.
Afterwards when he finally is able to grasp at the reins of control and mend his form together, he's usually bedridden from excruciating pain afterwards so Storm and her company members watch over him and make sure he's okay.
He has to wear his mask, if anyone he doesn't trust gazes upon his face- their mind will break. He has a limited degree of control over this, and whether or not you are able to look at him depends whether or not he's able to trust you and drop his guard.
Which is why Storm really is the only one who's able to fully look at him without consequences, he trusts her completely after she's been through hell and back to make sure he's safe, showing him what humanity is despite her being a horrible person at times.
One side of his face is mutilated from his body being changed, leathery necrotic skin, multiple eyes and some of his draconic traits coming through with the shaper cheekbones and jawline.
He will often use this to his advantage, especially in combat. Simply by lifting his mask, he's able to stun enemies enough for him to get a strike.
I believe in eldritch and draconic Miraak supremacy
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notalotjust4ever · 3 months
Welcome to my blog! 🎀
No x Reader im sorry lovelies</3
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Jasper Hale X Alice Cullen (ROMANTIC ONLY)
Bella Swan X Edward Cullen (PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC)
Rosalie Hale X Emmet Cullen (ROMANTIC ONLY)
Carlisle Cullen X Esme Cullen (ROMANTIC ONLY)
Renesmee + Any of the Cullens/ EX: Renesmee + Rosalie (PLATONIC ONLY)
Any of the Cullens + Any of the Cullens/ EX: Jasper + Rosalie (PLATONIC ONLY)
Any of the Cullen’s + Bella/ EX: Bella + Emmet (PLATONIC ONLY)
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Harry Osborn X Peter Parker (PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC)
Mary Jane X Harry Osborn (PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC)
Mary Jane X Harry Osborn X Peter Parker (PLATONIC OR ROMANTIC)
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⋰˚☆ ⋰˚☆ ⋰˚☆ ⋰˚☆ ⋰˚☆ ⋰˚☆ ⋰˚
Bathroom kInks (Pi$$/ Vomit/ Sc@t/ EprOctO/ EructO)🚫
KInks I am personally not into (Foot kInk, Feeder!sm/ WG kInk, vOre, InflatiOn)🚫
Sexualized age regression🚫
!ncest/ !ncest play🚫
Su!cide/ Self-Harm, I will write suicidal thoughts or a character in recovery from self-harm but not somebody in the process of doing harm to their body or taking their life!!
R@pe, Non-Con, Dub-Con, or Consented Non-Con🚫
NSFW about any character under 18+ (Renesmee) 🚫
Anything I deem too toxic or aggressive, abuse, extreme yandere, violent NSFW🚫
Extremely violent and detailed murd3r, body horror, gor3🚫
Kn!fes in the bedroom🚫
Threat RP🚫
Any text that encourages an ED, I will write characters suffering from an ED/in recovery from an ED, but no pro-@na/ED propaganda🚫
Major character death🚫
Extreme angst🚫
Any other POV than 3rd person (just a personal preference!) 🚫
Character X Reader (also personal preference!)🚫
Characters with a disability or chronic illness! I'm actually so happy to write these, as a person with a chronic illness I believe representation is important in all forms (yes even fan-fiction). These requests might take a bit longer though just because I would like to do my research so I can portray the disability/ chronic illness correctly.✅
Neurodivergent Characters! (Written by neurodivergent author:D) ✅
Characters who you head canon as not cis! I also have my personal headcannons and not all of them line up with the canon so of course will be happy to write any character as trans (MTF/FTM), Non-binary, or gender fluid:) gender is beautiful folks!✅
Mild yandere behavior✅
Slightly suggestive works (WILL HAVE A WARNING) ✅
K!nk (this changes in a case to case bases but chances are I will say yes more than I say no EXCEPT if it is one of the k!nks in the no-no area (WILL HAVE A WARNING) ✅
A character struggling with bullying or ableism✅
Light angst✅
Active ED recovery!✅
Please do not interact with my NSFW posts if you are not 18+, it is more comfortable for both of us.
Don’t be afraid to talk to me! Ask me about my day, what I had for lunch, headcannons, whether I think Jasper would still love Alice if she was a worm LITTERALLY WHATEVA🎀 I’m here to talk to y’all and share my silly thoughts!
Please be specific with your requests! I don’t want to get something wrong plus it just makes for a better story!
I will not write your request or answer if you are being rude/ impatient, I have a life outside of Tumblr too<3
Please don’t ask me any personal questions that will risk my safety or security, I will not reply.
Please remember I am not perfect, I might not get to your request right away, I might get something wrong, be forgiving with me.
Please don’t fill my ask box with character hate.
If I refuse an ask just remember it’s not anything personal, I just didn’t feel comfortable writing what you requested.
Have fun! This is a safe space where you will find there is no place for judgement or haters!
DM’s are always open for RP
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୭̥°⋰˚ ALICE CULLEN ୭̥°⋰˚
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✦°.• JAPSER HALE ✦°.•
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Please do not reach out unless you are 18+, I’m sorry I’m just not comfortable doing an RP with a minor.
The rules for RP are the same as my writing rules as it goes for do’s and don’ts so check it out above!
I only RP in advanced literate style. Check out the RP styles here⬇️
Please be understanding, I will probably not reply right any especially not on a week day as I have a job and hobbies🎀
If I refuse an RP please remember it’s not anything personal, I just didn’t feel comfortable doing the RP you purposed.
Please do not vent to me in my DM’s, I will not reply to keep my own peace.
Thank you🎀
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May I put in a request for Headcannons of your oc's with characters you ship them with?
Of course!!
Prompt: my ocs x canon!
Charcters/ships: Rose Tea x Dark Choco, Fig Brie x Cappuccino, mulberry thorn x pitaya dragon, black iris x elder faerie, and crème caramel x second watcher!
Ship names: blood rose, Courtdate, dragons princess, inky silver, never hunt alone. TW: mentions of fantasy racism, and disability due to accident, mention of arranged marriage(between adults)
A/N this’ll be a long one folks so buckle up!!
Bloodrose: Dark Choco and Rose Tea have been aware of one another since they were children. their parents had a very good relationship. Their parents wanted to try and have them marry one anther once they grew up (only if both of them wanted to of course) but they never got that chance. Rose became the duchess of the kingdom of Tribia. While choco abandoned the cacao kingdom. They met again while he was trying with other members of the cookies of darkness to break into a museum which he thought had something they needed. Rose who was in the exhibit at the time, not knowing who they were or what they wanted kindly informed them, that everything there was in fact a replica. Rose obviously didn't recognize choco, due to the last time she saw him being about 25 years ago and when he was still the young prince, but choco recognized her instantly. due to funnily enough, the way she smelled. That sounds creepy but rose due to the type of cookie she is, smells very strongly of roses, similar to how while lily smells strongly of lilies. Choco remembered a few things about her, mainly her odd mannerisms around other cookies. Choco introduced himself under a false name. Later on, Choco applied to be one of the guards for her. not only to get more information from her, but to see if she would recognize him again. My au focuses on their relationship a bit so that's where I will leave it for bloodrose. :)
Courtdate: Fig Brie cookie and Cappuccino cookie met while he was in law school they started dating during college, then later on got married. They have been married for over 8 years now. Fig works as a court reporter while cappuccino works as a prosecutor. Fig brie cookie isn't actually a cookie, she's a cake, (Similar to Schwarzwalder) she just looks more cookie like, cappuccino is aware of this and doesn't really care. Cappuccino is more introverted while Brie is more extroverted, Very black cat meets golden retriever! Cappuccino is really overprotective over brie due to Fantasy racism. (cakes aren't treated well in canon and that doesn't change in this au) they are an already established relationship in my au :) and play a small role :3
dragons princess: Mulberry and Pitaya get a wonderful start to their relationship, IE Pitaya starts beefing with one of her guards and like any normal princess, knocks them out. They get better I swear!! Pitaya wakes up to mulberry putting ice on their cheek, pitaya is into strong women...so safe to say they start smitten, due to and I quote "She isn't afraid of me, and has a great punch!" Mulberry apologizes for punching them asking them if they are alright, and making them something to eat. as they get to know each other better due to pitaya insisting on helping her out of the dragons valley, they find out she's supposed to get married to someone she hasn't even met before. Pitaya. Doesn't like this. So later that day, pitaya wakes her up, and explains in their extremely subtle way that they are in fact a dragon and they can fake a kidnapping, to get her out of this marriage. Mulberry originally thinks they are kidding, until they show her their wings and tail. Mulberry agrees to this plan, and they pull it off! In the au takes place after this event, so mulberry and pitaya are "Dragon married" idk how to put it, mates? eh, and she resides in the dragons valley. :)
inky silver: morticia and gomez core <3 we love old people in love, and thats what they are! Elder faerie and Black Iris have been married for a couple hundred years at this point, and Iris still looks like she's in her 30s. Due to being vampire <3 they're just very loving towards one another and take on a parental role to while lily when she first comes to the fairy kingdom! Black iris is more reserved, staying behind the curtin, helping him make choices. when they were younger, Iris had just been turned and got chased into beast yeast...she was scared and couldn't go out in the sun anymore. so when Elder Faerie took her in she was grateful. She never hid the fact she was quote "A blood sucking beast" Faerie didn't care though. He uses his wings to cover iris during the day or, has stuff held at night so she can join! Again minor- major role here, since the fairy kingdom wont show up for a while in my au!
never hunt alone: This is the ship between Creme Caramel and Second watcher. Creme was born and raised in the cacao kingdom, her sister is actually caramel arrow cookie. She grew up along side both her sister and the second watcher. Creme caramel was trained to be one of the more ruthless warriors, not to stay in the cacao kingdom but to clean up loose ends after the war. While second watcher became a watcher! After a particularity bad mission Cacao told Creme she could not continue hunting, at for a while and when she got back, she couldn't go alone. Creme, now has to walk with a cane, but her faithful comrade Watcher doesn't let her feel useless, Their relationship similar to Rose tea and Choco builds throughout the AU!
Hope you enjoy, sorry for the wall of text!
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Lord of Gondolin | Having A Blind S/O
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Request: Hello Mina! I love your writing more then I can express 💛 May I please make a request for a headcannon with the Lords of Gondolin and how they would be with a blind human as their wife (or you can do no gender pronouns if you’d prefer). Can she be based off Ivy Walker from The Village? Completely competent in moving around with a wooden cane, her feelings and advanced hearing. Thank you so much for considering my request! Have a beautiful day/night 💙💛💙💛💙 - Anon
A/N: I realised that I've been fulfilling people's request and not even leaving an author's note :( never too late, hello anon 👋
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We all know he’s a gentle and tender-loving soul who is also a healer, so having a disability such as blindness comes off as nothing he hasn’t come face-to-face with before.
Galdor is aware that you have been blind before he met you and at first like everyone else, he would rush to lend a hand when he notices you shuffling around with your stick as support.
He would be amazed at your strength and ability to function as an average person. Yes, you may be a bit shaky from time to time when it comes to locating objects in particular out-of-reach areas, but you can still operate.
It surprises him how well your motor skills are, especially your coordination and sensory skills. You blew his mind when he observed your fluid motion and how you interacted with the whole around you. It was as if you weren’t even blind to the way you carried on with your life.
Cue Galdor showering you with tons of love and affection. His forms of affection are acts of service and words of affirmation.
His reaction and behaviour would be similar to Galdor, but being the reclusive person that he was, he wouldn’t have rushed to immediately assist. Ecthelion would sit back and observe until you genuinely require his help.
He doesn’t want to seem like he hovering and constantly overbearing because some persons can feel this way with disabilities.
Ecthelion enjoys giving you the freedom to move about and use/develop your sensory skills. It’s not the first time he’s seen you use them so expertly, so he’ll give you your room to move about as you, please.
Gondolin is a safe place after all and there isn’t a need for him to be overly protective of your whereabouts. Still, he will be cautious because, despite your sensory skills proving to be superior, there are moments when they fail and his support is required.
You don’t have to worry about him treating you like some overly fragile and incompetent person. You’re still a flower who must be protected and loved in his eyes, he understands there must be boundaries.
A lot more delicate and fragile with you and your disability. You can explain to him that you are fully capable of functioning and even displaying that you are, but in his heart and mind, he believes that he should still care.
It’s not that he believes that you’re incapable, it’s just him being his nurturing and parenting self. It can be a little overbearing in how he throws himself at you whenever you’re about to engage in some activity.
He comes as a hovering parent in the background and always wants to have you in his sight. It takes a lot of self-restraint to not quarrel with him and let him know that you’re not entirely handicapped.
You need to show off those sensory skills and move about one day while being a bit stern with him so he can properly see and understand your abilities. I mean, before you met him, you were doing just fine and functioning (you might want to mention that).
Glorfindel takes some time in stepping back and watching you do your thing and showing him that you are fine and alive. When he does, uses the time to put effort into spoiling you lavishly. It is mainly taking you on tours around Gondolin or Rivendell and discussing the scenery.
He’s all for your independence and doesn’t want to come off as annoying, but he is your lover and doesn’t want to have you struggling alone. A believer in whatever you’re going through, so am I (he’s empathetic and doesn’t want you to be alone)
He is a bit more relaxed and at ease when it comes to you moving about the place; there’s a somewhat soft and anxious smile on his face as he observes you walking around. He thinks that you might misplace your stick and trip or walk into a wall.
When Egalmoth learns about your phenomenal sensory abilities and observes first and foremost how extraordinary you are with them, he then understands that you are pretty capable on your own.
There isn’t any need for him to rush in all the time to assist, you can operate all on your own. One or two times he did need to lend a hand for objects in high to reach places, but other than that, you were fine.
It doesn’t prevent him from spoiling you. You might not be able to see how beautiful you appear when he’s finished decorating you in layers of jewellery, but he’ll let you know.
This gentle giant would have seen his fair share of handicapped persons or those suffering from disabilities after his time in Angband (I’m going with this version). So, the knowledge of you being visually impaired does not intimidate him.
In fact, it makes his heart soften. With him, he wouldn’t have assumed that you might have gained your blindness naturally and instead, guessed it was from an attack.
He isn’t the type to pry into your private life unless you reveal any personal information to him. Rog understands that you are visually impaired and will work alongside you to make your life as comfortable as possible.
He’s not going to ultimately hover and become overly protective, but he will keep a close eye on you even if you show him that your other sensory skills are working fine and have been aiding you all this time.
Like Egalmoth, he isn’t going to let your disability prevent you from enjoying the beautiful things in life. Rog will still craft you fantastic items and gift them to you even if he has to describe them.
Was a bit more appalled to meet a visually impaired person given that it’s not a common or heard of disability among the elves, and given his youthfulness, he wouldn’t have come across it until the war.
He’s told to believe that elvish medicine can heal and do many wonders, so he was stunned to learn that it couldn’t work on you since you had grown past the age of healing and it was natural.
Maeglin is more amazed at your motor skills and ability to move around just fine as though you were still seeing the world around you. Then you walked up the steps or through the streets. Heck, he even saw you do your shopping perfectly fine.
Because it’s new to him, he’ll be hovering with an inquisitive expression and little questions to clear up any misconceptions or confusion. He will still offer a hand and foot because you would admit, having him around was relieving. You had extra eyes when you were tired.
He spoils you by taking you all over Gondolin and having little dates while discussing your future and the world. He does lots of descriptions with the scenery to help give you fantastic imagery.
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Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @starborne0661 @floraroselaughter @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @singleteapot @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @hoshinokurasa
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In honor of Disability Awareness Month here are some Cyrus Borg headcannons of mine
He's Transgender FtM deadname Cerise is close to his current name as he wanted to honor his parents who supported him throughout his transition
His full name is Cyrus Hassan Borg and he was born on October 13th 1975
He has a prosthetic and is an ambulatory wheelchair user having been born with a severe case of spina bifida
The closest to our real life heritages that would compare to his village and family is Pakistani
My guy has legitimately been clocked in at going 10 mph in his wheelchair. It is now a goal of all employees to see if they can ever catch him going faster then this.
He's the quiet imp in the corner the one you don't assume is up for causing trouble but oh boy you ask him and he can and will leap on it
Legitimately made 16 versions of Pixal because ADHD hyperfixation wouldn't leave him alone about perfecting the program
Was accidentally inspired by a legend that came out of Birchwood Forest about Zane
All 16 of his Nindroid kids are still currently online and running around, he is a very proud dad and takes every opportunity to show them off to whoever will listen
His children give him flack for this haha
Skylor once tried to give him a meal on the house as a thank you for bringing the community back together he instead slipped $100 bill into her tip jar she still makes jokes towards him as a result to this day over it. Pixal lost it laughing when Skylar told her
The reason he did this he is very very charitable maybe a billionaire but even he is confused how he has so much money since he's donated so much back to the community through various charities
Cyrus is also he reason Kryptarian constantly has upgrades and the right equipment. The prisoners have a certain level of respect for him as a result of this.
He lives in Borg Industries publicly it is not known that there are five levels above his office these are personal Apartments but to throw people and would be kidnappers off he does own several vacation places nearby that he frequents to make it look like he lives there
He is a very sneaky mother fucker Pixal found out this the hard way when she told him no coffee and he got a co-worker to smuggle it into him
The community absolutely loves Cyrus like he gets so much fan mail and fan art from the public that they have their own designated spot and room to sort it all out
He actually does have a weapon of choice throwing daggers he picked this up after season 7
The reason Pixal is so good at dodging things being thrown is because Cyrus in his anger and fury will sometimes let loose any tool in his hands that he has
whether this be screwdrivers, one time it was his shoe, another time it was a pen. It's never really anything that can actually cause harm it's more so him just letting them know he's absolutely Furious
Which brings me to my second point it is very very hard to get him absolutely angry at you if he is throwing things at you that means you have definitely crossed the line somewhere
His wheelchairs are all custom made by himself but he is known if a worker comes to him and requests he will make their own Mobility aids or repair them
Borg Industries is a Forefront leader of workers rights there is literally a plaque on the door that reads
Borg Industries is a Safe Haven for anyone that Society deems a minority, if a worker is caught discriminating against any of these groups they will be immediately be dragged upstairs in front of the CEO, footage reviewed to make sure they are seeing what they were and you will be personally handed a pink slip and fired.
Cyrus also has made it well known that the company will not work with anybody who does not also uphold this there have been many companies made bankrupt by borg Industries stepping out after they were caught discriminating or cheating people out of their well-earned income.
Although it doesn't appear so the stairs outside actually on one side collapse in on themselves and a elevator switches into place lifting the person up to the level of the doors
Cyrus and Pixal visit Children's Hospitals around Ninjago at random, they will also randomly pop into universities and teach a class on Nindroid technology Pixal showing her tech. Zane occasionally joins as well,
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anewkindofme · 10 months
could you write some headcannons for arizona robins please 🫶
Ask me for headcanons on characters from my fandom list!
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Arizona is a caregiver!
She is definitely the firm one. On the outside, she has her sunshine demeanor but she is not afraid to lay out boundaries and rules.
Arizona is super protective. She will do anything to keep her Little safe and secure.
She is the one who makes sure her Little is eating healthy meals. Always at least one green thing on the plate.
For a long time, she wasn't sure if she wanted to take a Little on but after she started dating Callie, she realized she wanted to adopt one with her.
Like most pediatricians, she also specializes in Littles and has studied their psychology and needs.
Arizona can also be very silly and comes up with the best games to play with.
She relates to Littles with disabilities and how hard it can be to overcome stigma.
Arizona hates leaving her Little in the daycare and almost got a nanny, but realized the socialization was better.
Her go-to calm-down technique is having them do a physical activity that keeps their mind off whatever's upsetting them and channels it into something else.
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itsmepage · 7 months
A Sweet Thought
Ekko x Autistic! Reader || My first fic I’ve read for Ekko was headcannon with him and autistic reader and it hasn’t left my mind since. This isn’t really proofread so enjoy
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Summary: Wanting you to stay out with the group longer, Ekko makes you your own pair of headphones
Warnings: Talk of meltdowns/dangerous missions, kissing, autism characteristics, mention of a panic attack, & sound sensitivity
Lights shined within the firelight base, with kids running around playing while others sat with each other and laughed as you sat with your boyfriend: Ekko, eating your comfort food. Despite the neurological developmental disability that’s been holding you back since the day of your birth: Ekko absolutely adored you and always made sure you were okay. You were on the streets, basically rotting when the two of you first met he nursed you back to health as the best as he could and that was enough. You loved him so much and tried your best to show it despite the thought of you not being good at it. But he thought you were wonderful and that’s all that matters.
“How was your day?” He asked, sitting down the empty bowl right next to him. The two of you were on the balcony of the tree since it was the furthest away from the loud crowd down there. “Good actually!” You said happily swallowing a bite from your food before you continued. “I was actually able to get done all the things I wanted to get done today, no hazards; no nothing.” You finished, relieved and satisfied that you were able to have a day like that. Unfortunately, in your circumstances, it’s known close to impossible to have that. So it put you in a really good mood. “Good thing than huh?” He teased placing a kiss on your cheek to make sure you knew he was just messing with you. Besides he loved to kiss you: blush always ran up your cheek and you couldn’t but stem happily; rather that’s slightly giggling or holding your cheeks shyly, he thought it was the cutest thing ever. It’s the same reason why he lets you rant to him, whether or not he knows what you’re talking about. “I’m glad to hear that.” Ekko then said more seriously and tenderly. “I’ll be right back I got a gift for ya.” He said while taking the two empty bowls with him since he would be down there.
You smiled at him, how did you get so lucky? You looked down at the big crowd as they cheered and talked amongst themselves and you couldn't help but smile wider, loving the positivity, the hope spreading. That sweet warmth in your heart when the children laugh and play; finally having the time to just be children. For the past three days, a group of firelights had to go off on a very dangerous mission: your boyfriend was one of them. Of course, you spent all your hours worrying about him barely being able to daily tasks done because of it. Your eyes were very snore when he came back. Now you’re just relieved that he and your friends are safe and happy; as you star down to the crowd, you overheard something with the word: fireworks.
instantly you felt your heart drop, scanning through to see a tool of some kind or anything that tells you, “Yeah there’s fireworks. Let’s leave immediately.“ In defense: they fireworks that the firelights were very small due to the size of the base and they were hardly ever used. However, that rarely changed the sound of it, probably because it is so close. Once you found your queue, you were about to get up and leave before your Boyfriend stopped you. “Woah, hey! Where is you going?“ Ekko asked, holding a gift box that he wrapped himself. “You didn’t tell me that they’ll use fireworks..“ you gently told him, expressing your discomfort “Yeah, I know..“ he said admitting the guilt, you huffed. “I was going to tell you!“ he defended “But I wanted to give you this.“ He handed you the gift that he wrapped poorly; seeing his bright smile made you tear into the box. Inside you found a pair of headphones, that looked your size and fit your color scheme. Of course, you very much appreciated the gift but what came was: “Ekko.. I already have a pair..“ -“I know, but you did mention they rarely work so..“ he took out the pair that sat in the box and placed it over your ears when he got your permission. “I made you some that should work..“ you heard him say despite the fact you already couldn’t hear him. Ekko placed his hand on the right side of the headphones as if he were adjusting it. “Can you hear me!?“ he slightly shouted. “what??“ you said, confirming the fact you didn’t hear him. You didn’t get it until you saw his smile, the smile you would always see whenever his inventions work on the first try.
You were about to take them off, so you could thank him properly until he covered your ears stopping you from taking action, you didn’t hear anything so you didn’t realize what happened until you turned to see a firework had just gone off. You turned back to him to laugh at his behavior, he was so protective of you over the smallest things. It brought you a strong smile. Once he let go of you, you took his hands and kissed his cheek before hugging him tightly as a thank you for the gift, tears forming in her eyes, making notice how much you appreciated him. “Thank you..“ you whispered. Thanks to him, you were able to watch the fireworks with him for the first time instead of hiding in your room, you held his warm hand and leaned on his shoulder as you watched, the green reflecting on both of you. You were almost in tears, bearly being able to possess the kinda of affection in front of you, grateful tears in your eyes because of it. You held his hand and celebrated the one in a few happy days in the lanes.
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katberk · 4 years
Headcannons for a Deaf Reader Part 2
💚This man would already know a lot of sign language
💚’Asking’ you if you need anything before he streams/records a video
💚He doesn’t mind if you hang out in his room with him (no face cam=cuddles)
💚Tea kettle laugh is definitely a must so once again your dream is to hear that laugh (I mean like who doesn’t!)
💚Getting into fights he sometimes forgets to sign, also when he does it’s probably to fast to even comprehend
💚George and Sapnap being the absolute best people
💚Drista days! (She really cares about you and you teach her sign everyday for a class)
💚Drista thinks that you’re the best thing to happen to her brother
💚Cuddles and snuggles and just soft Dream
💚Protecting you no matter what
💚Kisses before and after long streams (he lets you sit on his lap though so...A LOT OF KISSES FROM THIS MAN)
💚Patches always on your lap
💚Dream doesn’t really see any problem with signing all the time! He actually thinks it’s pretty fun
💚Thank god you can’t hear him scream at the top of his lungs when something doesn’t go his way
💚Kinda on the idea for you to participate in the war
💚Calming him down when he gets accused for staging his videos
💚This man is Robin hood! Stealing your heart the first time you two made eye contact
💚’Why do you think I’m Robin hood?!’
💚’Because you stole my heart! You’re the thief that I fell in love with silly!’
💚Love him like he loves you
💙This man is SUPER soft for you
💙Sleepy cuddles all day
💙Rarely fight with each other
💙If you do fight it’ll be for petty reasons
💙Like Dream he probably knows a lot of sign already, but he needs a refresher
💙His voice is already soft so hopefully one day you’ll be able to hear his voice
💙’I love you’s’ back and forth
💙Sometimes he gets confused with some stuff you teach him so it’s a pretty slow ‘class’
💙He talks to you about his colorblindness while you explain more about being deaf
💙quite mornings
💙He’s your little magic boy
💙Building that little mushroom house with you while the war was ablaze definitely happened
💙You guys probably argued a lot over which wood to use or where an item should go
💙He lost after you slammed yourself on him and started squeezing him to death
💙’I believe we should have dark oak Y/N!’
💙’I think spruce would look a lot better!’
💙’Spruce?! Are you insane!’
💙’Yes Gogy....now drop the dark oak planks’
💙”Help chat....please”
💙You won btw
♥️I can see Sapnap over exaggerating his hand movements
♥️Hugs and soft pecks on stream (If the relationship is out)
♥️During fights his hand movements definitely do something
♥️Apologizes super fast (comprehending it is again super difficult)
♥️I can see him brag to everyone about you (he’s just that kind of man)
♥️You want cuddles now?! Well grab those blankets and pillows because he’s gonna probably kill you with love
♥️Dream is to definitely hear this man’s voice (I don’t really have to explain why)
♥️Is he your knight in shinning amour?! YES
♥️Doesn’t care if you’re deaf or not
♥️Lilly would always be on your lap purring so you would feel the vibrations
♥️The man is soft, but strong
♥️He’ll protect you with his life
♥️Again kinda glad you can’t hear him scream in fear/anger when he’s doing a video/stream
♥️Everyone gets hate so comforting each other is very important in this relationship (I don’t understand why people hate on Sapnap?!)
♥️Sometimes he forgets that your deaf and whispers “I love you” or “good morning/good-night” (😂🥰)
♥️Jokes all around
♥️Shows you around the SMP with signs (yes, he would do that)
♥️*Welcome to the SMP Y/N*
♥️’Why are you writing on a sign?!’
♥️*I don’t wanna take my hands off the keyboard*
🌼Wilbur Soot🌼
🌼Already knows sign language
🌼 Still asks you to teach him
🌼Makes you feel his guitar when he plays so you can feel the vibrations
🌼Nice streams with jokes and laughs
🌼Definitely dreams to hear his singing
🌼Calm days
🌼Singing on stream
🌼Tommy being annoying to both of you
🌼Making a cute house where both of you would live with signs that have quotes
🌼Having a great time ‘talking to you’
🌼Walks on the beach where he describes the sounds to you 🥺
🌼Sad that you can’t hear music
🌼Tries to make you as comfortable as he can
🌼You guys don’t really get into fights, but when you do it’s pretty hard (Don’t worry though)
🌼Glad to learn about this disability so he can help and understand more
🌼I can imagine you putting your fingers on his throat to feel the vibrations (closest thing to this man’s BEAUTIFUL voice)
🌼’What are you doing?!’
🌼‘’Listening’ to music’
🌼”Smart Y/N....smart”
💜He’s pretty decent at sign
💜You can’t stop me from thinking that he’ll ask for you to sign bad words for him 🥺
💜I see him joking about it, but not to the extent of being hurtful
💜Chat loving you and believing that you two being together would be the end of the world
💜Just like Wilbur I can see him putting your hand on his guitar to feel the vibrations
💜Fights would probably have one person speaking angry Spanish and the other doing some angry sign language (😂)
💜His laugh, voice, singing! (I would miss this so much)
💜Karl being your best friend (Karl is just so wholesome)
💜Watching Mexican Soap Operas
💜Him translating for his chat and signing to you at the same time (stupid sub titles)
💜Always seen with him and vice versa
💜Jackbox is chaotic (All of his videos with him are chaotic)
💜When you guys are together in Minecraft....no one’s safe
💜Late night talks
💜He believes that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to him
💜”Yo Mamacita!”
💜’You said something?!’
💜’oops! Sorry, no’
Hope you guys enjoy! This took awhile lol

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pyxis-comet · 2 months
Who wants to hear my in-depth Tourette's Sydrome head cannons? If this post gets 2 notes I will write about them 🫡💪😎
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dadzxwa · 2 years
This blog is multi-ship and multi-verse.
I am 18+, I am fine with writing with younger roleplayers, just please keep it clean if you are under 18.
I ship exclusively mlm.
I am OC friendly.
I am a full time teacher and take care of disabled family members, so there may be some delay between posts and responses. I will check in once a day and try and get at least one thing posted or responded to. If you are worried I have missed something from you, let me know!
Please feel free to hop in my inbox and interact with Aizawa, also feel free to tag me in whatever or suggest blogs for me to follow.
I’m coming back to Tumblr after a 5 year hiatus. I’m having to reteach myself everything. Please be gentle.
I consider myself semi-lit, but will always try to match length.
I have no triggers and am open to writing about any subject matter. I will tag anything I recognize as a common trigger. If I miss something, please let me know. I want my blog to be a safe space for everyone.
Being an adult character that has gone through adult things and involved in stopping crimes, some sensitive subjects may come up. Again, I will tag these.
Possible triggers that may get mentioned: Abuse, Suicide, Self-Harm, Sexual-Assault, Rape
I’m trying to stick to canon as default. I haven’t seen season 5 or the movies yet, I’m trying to catch up in the mangas now. I’m happy to set anytime during the first four seasons.
As far as shipping goes, I’ll generally write Aizawa as single unless we have discussed we want to write a thread with our muses already in a relationship. Most of the time I would rather build chemistry first. But I’m a slut for erasermic and erasermight, so I’m open to just plotting together before jumping into threads if you want to cut to the chase.
When writing with underage muses I am open to him either being chronically single or secretly married. Whatever we think will be funnier at the time
I am open to like…all AUs, just hit me up and talk with me about them.
List of my currently written out AU's and a link to my opens under the cut.
Fantasy AU
Aizawa runs the Ultimate Adventuring Guild in the world of Fulminare. The owner is technically Nedzu, but Aizawa deals with a lot of the front facing aspects of the guild and adventurer and adventure management. UA is largely considered the best adventuring guild with the best benefits on the continent, it's even recognized as such by his majesty Enji Todoroki. Aizawa is more than capable in combat and dungeoneering though he specializes in information gathering. If you want to know where to find a legendary item or a way to kill a monster, you go to him. He doesn't adventure as often as he used to, maintaining the guild and caring for his guildmates takes a lot of time, but if Hizashi is hitting the open road, so is he. ((If you want to play in a less my-headcannon-driven world that is totally fine. ))
Nomu AU
This AU is based around the idea that instead of Oboro dying in school, Aizawa died. Instead of Oboro being turned into a nomu, it was Aizawa. Through the torture and experiments, his mind was broken. Like Kurogiri he has no memories of before his death. Nomu Aizawa is a good soldier for AFO, he follows orders to the letter. He is an efficient spy and assassin, and a doting nurturing figure of protection for Shigaraki. However, he is a monster of few words, selectively mute, he very rarely speaks and if he does it's in as few words as possible. My idea for his twisted version of his quirk comes from this post. Though he does continue to use his capture device as well, he uses his knife much more than he does in canon. Since they couldn't call him Aizawa like they couldn't have called Kurogiri Oboro, nomu!aizawa's name is Tomarume.
Alternatively, when writing with people that play his students, I have him captured by Chisaki. That's where he is tortured and turned into a Nomu.
Vampire AU
In this AU Aizawa was bitten and turned a year before the Vigilantes arc. He never becomes a teacher at UA and is even more of a shut in than he was prior. Obviously, being a member of the undead he does not go out during the day. He lives in a run down apartment under a false name with the windows painted black and tin-foiled. He tends to feed on whoever is easiest when he needs to, even preying on the others that live in his building if he absolutely needs to. He's not much of a hero anymore, but he won't turn a blind eye to particularly heinous crimes he notices while hunting. He still looks the same, just extra pale, golden eyes that reflect light in the dark, and prominent fangs.
I use primarily World of Darkness Vampie rules, with some creative changes.
Harry Potter AU
Shota Aizawa is a pure blood wizard who attended Hogwarts roughly during the same time of Bill Weasley. Shota was an auror during the time period of the Harry Potter novels. By the end of the series, after the final fall of Voldemort and the smoke has cleared and the Death Eaters rounded up; he retires and takes a job teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.
(He's a Slytherine)
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seiyasabi · 4 years
I hope you don’t mind me asking but do you have any yandere headcannons for N’Doul and Kakyoin?
I don’t mind at all :)) When my requests are closed, feel free to ask for headcanons!
-Crazy obsessive. 
-He’s also hella manipulative and delusional. 
-He truly believes that you love him and are playing hard to get. 
-DIO also feeds into his obsession, thinking it’s hilarious to watch an innocent person being taken hostage. 
-Will have the others babysit you when he’s away. 
-Thinks you’re quite helpless, even if you were there originally to help him bc of his disability. 
-Has a plan that if/when he dies, DIO will kill you so the two of you never are away from one another. 
-Surprisingly lucid
-Wants you to believe that he’s delusional, only so he can manipulate you
-Is a proper obsessive and possessive. 
-He is very jealous, not even allowing his friends near you, even though they have darlings of their own
-Kidnaps you after you reject him
-Wants to start a family hella quick, if only to keep you trapped with him
-Not afraid to use his stand on you to regain control
-Only wants to keep you safe tbh, and life with him isn’t too terrible bc he wants you to be comfortable
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breaddaerb · 4 years
Do u have any angsty killjoy headcanons???
[ killjoy headcannons III ]
✎↷: heya! i’m back for a bit— been busy with school work, but here’s some posts! feel free to request guys, though it may be semi-slow :’)) warning: mentions of self-harm and other very angsty thoughts
killjoy does not practice self love. not to fall into the stereotypes of your work-hard engineers who don’t have a life. it goes beyond that, and killjoy’s dedication to her work comes out of more reasons than being passionate over it. there are lives riding on what she creates and what she does, how successful or unsuccessful her machines are dictating if someone is able to live or not, and it stresses her out beyond belief. you can’t just package phoenix’s fire and clone it and disperse it around ths world, but with her technology? it’s exactly that.
her background centers around loss. her genius and prodigy puts lives at risk, ones like her dad after the successful hit on his head, or her colleagues that were made to test out these inventions for her. killjoy faces the same problem any weapon manufacturer wanted and honestly, she wasn’t looking for peace. all she wanted to be was her daddy’s little girl, proud and genius just like how he raised her to be. the acknowledgement and acceptance of the world— or at least, the ones who she considered it to be.
so when she ushers someone away for disrupting her while she is working, it isn’t because she’s so caught up on it that nothing else can happen. that’s partial, but killjoy has a goal and she won’t stop until it’s finished. in this case, it’s to put a stop in the spike, to disable it’s manufacturing and the lives it takes for good. she will eliminate that, and then go beyond, end her creations where they started and reach a less destructive warfare for her friends and her foes alike. this is her dream, and she will climb to all costs to reach it.
killjoy is impatient, unsurprisingly. if there’s something wrong, she won’t wait to do everything in her power to fix it, which means she’s almost constantly working despite how lazy she seems. it especially rubs her the wrong way when she can’t do anything, and at that point, it wouldn’t be odd to find the engineer restless and tinkering with various gadgets and insane ideas that she normally wouldn’t entertain if she was feeling any more sane.
viper has had her hand in the agent’s unhealthy problem solving issues. she confronts killjoy, “brimstone is worried sick. why aren’t you eating, maus?” to which the german would deflect and shake her head from. the american assures that she eats and sleeps properly, lest she force her, for the sake of her older friend and the strangely affectionate priority she has for her colleague as well. killjoy holds importance to the group, and she isn’t so cold as to turn that away.
(amputee au! i did my best, but feel free to correct me on anything i mention in this)
killjoy is a smart, smart girl. we’ve been over this time and time again, but she is a prodigy and genius— and with sage and cypher and even sova by her side, hardly anything risky comes her way. they keep her safe, she keeps them safe. it’s a nesting that feels and smells like home in this rickety job of hers.
but life trickles down its drain as the years fly by, and she’s in her late twenties when she loses her first limb. it’s not that big of a deal to her because hell, she’s never been fond of her body and there’s a ton about prosthetics that she can learn and improve on, but the adjustment to it takes time. killjoy doesn’t allow herself the luxury to dwell on it: a loss in battle, crushed beneath rubble and piled bodies, and she moves on like anyone else would. there are tweaks that she makes to it, and asks sova and breach for their own input on how the limb works. it’s a part of her just as much as they’re a part of her life.
yet she cannot stop her injuries, can’t help herself from watching flesh and bones mutate into carbon barricades that climb down the edges of her body. by now, in her mid-thirties, she can say that she’s pretty much made of pure metal. adjustments to her equipment have been made long ago to be tailored to her body, and something about it feels so lifeless that killjoy herself can visualize the loss it took to be almost fully amputated, to see a warm expanse of skin be scraped at and reveal stretched metal sheets.
this thought, this seedling of peril, hurts more than the battlefield. she wonders to herself, agonizingly, if the people she’s come to know and love see her as killjoy, or they see her as a metal soldier poised and ready for battle. the only place left untouched on her now is her face and a bit of her chest, and yet the rest is either fortified by titanium or completely metal. but she doesn’t voice this to sage, who bent herself over just to make sure she healed killjoy correctly for her repairs, cypher who sacrificed billions of parts to see her walk again, sova who explained the ways of therapy to her.
killjoy has been called a criminal, a monster even for the ways she is as a human— building, forging, moving. what is she now, as little more than a metallic, good-for-nothing machine?
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yinyanchan · 4 years
For you fiction Housemates how would the skeleton be if MC had a physical disability? Such as being blind, deaf or severe walking difficulties/unable. Would they be even more protective of her (Big brother mod forever activated!)? Also, is it Red who's approaching his heat?
As someone who faces an unknown future for my mobility due to spine and arthritis issues... I have to admit I'm giving this a good ponder... and also find the humor that I like skeletons when mine is pretty poor lol. (Also, don't think that I'm upset by this ask. It's a good question and I'm pretty chill when it comes to health and ailment stuff... I have to be with my luck or it will bog me down.)
I do believe they would end up trying to help too much at first. Reader might get into an argument with them over it. Also they will be more protective than they are currently.
Reader: I'm not unable to do things! Let me do the things!
Skeletons: Let me love you!
Reader: Stop being my dad!
*Henry's voice on the wind* Atta boy girl
Skeletons:..*sweating*... perhaps we've gone to far...
Reader can and will put their foot down if it gets annoying. After all they are there for school and their independence. Not that they don't appreciate the skeletons wanting to help them but Reader is trying to make it on their own.
Also I do headcannon them already well versed in sign language so no issues when communicating with a deaf/hard of hearing reader. (Though there might be some misunderstandings)
Edge: Would be highly skittish around them. He doesn't want to hurt them and it will take him some time to know his limits and boundaries with reader. He will actually be the one more inclined to help reader if they are low in self esteem and will encourage them to push themselves but not to hard. Will surprisingly be more patient and understanding.
Red: Will flirt still but will be flighty as he also doesn't want to accidentally hurt or offend reader until, like Edge, he knows the limits and boundaries. He tries to respect them but his temper and impatience will get him into trouble, especially when he tries to help when reader doesn't need or want it. Will eventually encourage reader and cheer them on... but might be guilty of helping them more than they are aware of.
Blue: Big brother mode is a definite reaction and will be placed on "silent mode" if reader asks him to stop. It's still on but reader is none the wiser. He will encourage and support reader regardless but like Red... there are times reader has been helped unknowingly and a lot. I do believe once he sees how capable they are without his assistance he will refrain. He just wants his Starlight safe.
Orange: Is honestly the most chilled. Reader is not a baby bones and has proven to take care of themselves so he won't hover. He will only hover if something doesn't feel right or if reader starts acting funny or hiding behind lies. He does want to make sure reader is happy living there but reader won't get unwanted help and hovering mothering from him.
Papyrus: is the same sweet skelly and will gladly assist if you need him to. Will be concerned if you politely tell him no but he understands. Will keep a protective eye socket out for you. He's a lot more perceptive than you think and this skeleton would not allow HIS Sunshine to be sad or hurt in any way.
Sans: will be a worry wort. Will constantly ask reader if they are fine until reader assures him that they are indeed fine and will let him know otherwise. He will chill after a good chat about reader's disability and will actually pay more attention to see if his students are in any need of assistance and if anything in the school poses a problem in accessibility he's currently unaware of. (Though I think Reggie will already have that covered.)
Russ: wants to help reader and fears his aversion to touch will be off putting. For example if reader was blind and wanted to familiarize by touching his face... he'd decline but with an apology. He has to be the one to initiate not the other way around and the want and trust has to be there. However I'm gauging his reaction to as of now. Once Absolutely 100% in love the aversion is not there because he truly trusts and is comfortable with Reader. If anything it will be reader helping him.
Berry: MOTHER OF ALL HENS. It will take poor reader a good while to convince him that they are fine and don't need to be waited on hand and foot. Even then he will be skeptical but will back off per their request. The underground for him and Russ was absolutely brutal. Edge and Red may have lived a tough world but theirs wasn't in constant survival mode. Berry will fear that others will see reader's disability as weakness and try to harm reader. Once he sees them forging through life's obstacles, his fear turns into admiration and he will encourage their goals. Still highly protective but like Blue he puts his big brother mode into silent mode.
Nook and Axe are one in the same in regards to reader: while currently residing in the attic and walls will use their stealthy abilities to help reader. Wheelchair gets stuck they are magically unstuck or almost miss a step they find themselves getting their footing righted in midair. If reader is deaf and can't hear something urgent like a Forgotten kettle on the stove they find themselves pulled to it. Or it's off the stove and the stovetop off. Very protective of Reader. To the point, when they’ve become established members in the home, reader might have to interrupt a recipe scheme.
As for Reds cycle? He's not quite there yet. The actual heat itself is like a menstrual cycle. There's a week following up to the actual cycle where there's mood swings, territorial aggressiveness. Then the actual day before the heat they go into nesting or trying to make things more comfortable. Then the actual near week of hellacious heat. Red is a seasoned monster as he's had multiple cycles by now... However, if the skeleton in question has never had a cycle before it's a lot harder and far more overwhelming. In fact they may experience the mood swings for a week or just a day. Then mood swings will continue, territorial aggression, nesting, and heat will happen all at once suddenly with no warning. It won't even out until their bodies are used to the cycles. The actual heat part can last a lot longer as their magic fluctuates from the rush. Monsters are typically advised to go through this alone and a fair distance from others to prevent someone/themselves getting hurt.
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onstarsandiron · 4 years
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The timeline, as near as I could assemble it, with a little conjecture by me. I centered it around Coronation Day, aka the Holy Convergence, aka the 1,000th anniversary of the Iron Kingdom, so anything before that is BCD, anything after that is ACD. Details under the cut.
1,000 BCD:
Solani Ark crashes into what will become Zenteli, pursued by The Great Dark
Goddess bears a daughter of light that fights back The Great Dark
Goddess creates the Iron Kingdom, and from her heart the Iron Crown is carved; Ironbloods claim they can trace their lineage back to her court
The Goddess dies and is buried in her tomb with The Great Dark’s heart
The Cantos is written and the first shrine of the Moon Goddess is erected on Luna
25-20 BCD
The Plague -- The Plague is always stated as being “Twenty years ago” but plagues take time to first become plagues and then cause problems and then be eradicated. With the complication of having to develop and manufacture Metals before they could treat the plague well, I’ve given it a cautious life-time of five years, with it having officially ended twenty years from Coronation Day
In the scene with Nich, Mercer, Di, Selena, and Mari are at the Tomb of the Goddess, Mercer says he can’t call Cynthia because the Tomb has been off limits since the plague started, meaning that they were still going to the Academy during the plague. I propose that Mercer, Di, Nich, and Mari were all the equivalent of seniors and this was their last year, as it would be reasonable for Di to go off to try and help the plague after he’d finished at the Academy. That puts all of them around 16/17, since that’s the age Robb was when he was supposed to graduate. 
Once Di contracts the plague, Malifare takes advantage of his and his father’s desperation and becomes one of the first Metals, and, if the reports Ana found in the lab were correct, the first fully successful Metal, aside from previous-life memories. 
I also propose that it is sometime during this that Mari’s mother is murdered -- Erik mentions, when Robb dons the Aragon crest, that, “The old dame was murdered and her daughter went missing.” (SoS, V: Stardust, Robb) -- and Captain Siege is born. This would coincide with much of the Aragon family suffering and dying from the plague; the Aragon family is noted as magnanimous, and they may have opened themselves to risk in an attempt to support the poor, though that’s just my personal headcannon. Di also asks Malifare, when they first met, if she’s there because of Mari, which may have something to do with it, but what, I do not know. 
18 BCD 
Jax is born 
17 BCD
Ana is born and lauded as the goddess born anew
Robb is born -- his 17th birthday was the day Jax got de-lit (:
10 BCD
Jax runs away from Zenteli
10-8 BCD
Somewhere in here Siege and Talle adopt hire Jax after he pick-pockets Siege in Nevaeh
The Revolution
Rasovant asks Nicholii to approve HIVEing Metals; when Nicholii denies him he, in a fit of rage, kills him. 
Mercer finds Nicholii’s body and calls for guards
Malifare burns down the North Tower with the whole Royal Family inside
Mercer gives Ana to D09 -- Nicholii’s personal metal, according to Machivalle -- and Ana receives burns from his heated chassis. They escape in the Tsarina
Mercer sends out one message to his wife, informing her of what had happened and of the location of the heart. Cynthia would later go and take it from the tomb, storing it instead in the hands of the Goddess statue in Nevaeh
The Tsarina is infested with the HIVE too, though, with weird memory core-less Metals. Mercer manages to get the ship all the way to Palavar -- I propose he does this to disable the ship full of dangerous robots for the greater good -- getting shot in the process. As his last act, he gives Ana his family’s symbol and sends her and Di off in an escape pod
An undisclosed time later -- it could have been weeks depending on how well-stocked the escape pod was -- Siege finds the 10-year-old and Di floating in dead space between Cerces and Iliad; Di tells her who they are and then asks that his memory be erased -- Mercer’s instructions. Siege does erase Di’s memories, this being the cause of Di’s later glitches, but she doesn’t drop them at a weigh-station like Di asked, hoping that she could be able to keep Ana safe
7 Years - 7 Days BCD
Ana, Jax, and Di have life-threatening Shenanigans aboard the Dossier; everything after this is just a summary of the books
7-6 Days BCD
Di and Ana in the shrine -- job goes south
They follow Robb up to Astoria, that goes south and Robb gets shot and half-kidnapped 
2-hours towards Palavar Robb’s chip is activated
Palavar happens, killing Bergar and disabling Di; The Kiss happens and Jax knows how Robb will die; Robb finds what will become Di’s new body
~2-4 hours after Palavar, while Robb is in the middle of experimentally trying to upload Di, the Dossier is so very politely hailed via missile by the Catarina
Cynthia kills Wick, Ana and Jax are taken onto the Caterina, Robb feels really, really bad about it all
Di wakes up and he and the captain free the Dossier
Once at the Iron Palace, Robb reveals Ana as the princess
5-2 days BCD
Jax is Cynthia’s prisoner, Robb promises on Stars and Iron to save him
Ana has to get lessons, and hates every second of it. Tries to get information out of everyone but only has some luck with Machivalle
The Dossier works on their own plan
1 Day BCD
Pre-coronation gala!
Robb and Ana make their appearance; Robb soon leaves to go get Jax -- not that he has a way out of the palace, mind you
Ana meets Wynn and gets an important note from Machivalle; Ana and Di dance; Ana runs off when she realizes Di is “Rasovant’s Metal”
Di runs off, finds Rasovant’s office, steals his own old guard uniform, starts having memories that are not D09′s
Robb bumps into Di in the Hallway, E0S brings trouble around and they split up, agreeing to meet in like 3 1/2 hours at the docks
Jax reads Cynthia’s stars in exchange for Cynthia promising on Stars and Iron to protect Robb -- this changes Robb’s stars
Ana is lured into the North Tower to be killed, finds Rasovant’s secret office and the truth behind Metals and the HIVE, Di comes and saves her
Robb rescues Jax, puts a vox collar on his brother
Ana and Di make out before Ana sends Di on his way so he can be safe
Malifare captures Di, he is not safe; Di gives instructions to E0S
Robb sends Jax off, decries the Valerio name
Di realizes he’s Dmitri, is promptly HIVEd
Coronation Day
Bad things happen. The following people die: Lady Valerio, Rasovant (Ana did that one), Riggs, the Grand Duchess, a couple other Ironblood guests, all human guards. Viera might also have died here, or she might have been kept alive long enough to be turned into a Metal later; I’m unclear on the Metaling process. Di stabs Ana. Robb loses and arm.
0-6 months ACD
Shrines are burned as Malifare searches for her heart
Siege and her fleet set up refugee camps for Metals
Ana recovers from her near-fatal wound
Robb and Jax are dating
5 Months ACD
Robb gets his robo arm
6 Months ACD
Ana meets Elara and Xu in Neon City
Ana is captured
Elara, Xu, Jax, and Robb go to save Ana; Jax and Robb split up and Jax recognizes the dreadnaught from Robb’s stars and knows he will die here
Ana is saved by E0S, runs into “Viera”, then Robb
E0S’s instructions from Di activate, and he leaves Ana to go to the bridge where Jax is
Jax and Di -- as a Messier -- fight; E0S/Di changes Jax’s stars and injects some code into Di
As Jax gets spaced Di instinctively tries to save him and accidentally touches bare skin, forcing Jax to read the stars of everyone consumed by The Great Dark, which drains his light in an instant
Ana and Robb get Jax to the Dossier and put him on life support
Siege sets course to Zenteli so Jax can die there
Very warm reception at Zenteli. Truly hospitable. Jax’s mom slaps Siege
Viera goes off and burns the Zenteli shrine
Jax has his star-induced vision of Di and Malifare in the plague ward
Elara takes Ana and Robb down to the ark where they meet Koren Vey, who gives them the coordinates to the Goddess’ Tomb as well as saying some cryptic stuff
Di is experiencing “glitches” from what E0S gave him, reveals himself to Erik, accidentally so to Wynn
Siege gets Jax and she and Talle come to rescue Ana, Robb, and Elara
Jax accepts Koren Vey’s light, collapses into Robb’s arms; he glows now. 
Siege, Talle, Robb, and Jax are taken back to the spire by the solgard while Ana and Elara evade them
Ana and Elara split, Ana to go to the Goddess’ Tomb and Elara to fetch Jax and the others
Lenda sends Ana off, she also bumps into Viera, through whom the HIVE now knows where Ana’s going
Elara fetches Jax, Jax’s mom helps him break everyone out
Robb and Elara break off to go after “Resonance”, the Dossier goes after Ana to the tomb
Ana arrives at the tomb, is followed by Di and Malifare. In the tomb she finds that the heart isn’t there, then blows them all up. Di finally breaks free of the HIVE.
The Dossier lands and takes Ana and Di; Malifare is nowhere to be seen 
Robb and Elara arrive at the Valerio estate and he fights Erik over the Resonance file, which reveals that Cynthia funded all of Rasovant’s research and herself found the heart first, as well as the heart’s current hiding place
The meeting at Havens Grave happens
Ana and Di get to talk
Robb tells Jax he loves him and they make out
A plan of action is solidified 
Robb and Di crash Erik’s party
Ana, Siege, and Talle go after the heart, Ana going into the shrine and Siege and Talle keeping watch
Malifare plunges Astoria out of the sky and takes off with Viera, now revealed as a Metal
Di saves Astoria, gets stabbed in the back by Erik for his troubles
Erik, unrelatedly and against the genuine attempt to save him by Robb, dies
Jax takes Robb and Di to the shrine
Ana gets the heart
Final battle: Ana and Di vs Malifare in the shrine; Dossier vs Messiers in the plaza
Siege finally takes Malifare out and Di destroys the HIVE
6 Months and Like 2-4 Week ACD
Ana is installed as Empress, introduces a wide range of new voices to the Iron Counsel
Jax accepts his role as C’zar, enjoys being a thorn in the Counsel of Elder’s side
Siege and Talle head off to hide the heart
Di says goodbye to Ana
Ana makes her speech at Erik’s funeral, runs off quickly after
Di doesn’t actually go and he and Ana kiss and everything is super sweet and nice, The End
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crewhonk · 6 years
i feel really stupid but i have absolutely no idea what “omega” or “alpha” means. can you explain?
Never ever feel stupid about something you dont know! eveyone one has to start somewhere, right? :)
Okay, I had to brew on this question for a bit so I could answer it properly and now I’m excited about it so. here we go. 
In short, Alpha and Omega are part of the omegaverse and/or the A/B/O universe (always include slashes in ur A/B/O hashtags because AB is short for ‘abnormal’ which has been used as a slang for disabled and POC). The universe changes human biology so that there are two sexes– what we call ‘gender’ and what the omegaverse calls presentation. every headcannon is different, but we (us monster fuckers) all learn from each other and its v uwu. 
Heres something that is all largely similar within each omegaverse;
An omega is a super fertile human. They're often smaller than betas or alphas and they go through heats once a month or once every few months.  this is basically comparable to what we call a ‘period’ except they do not bleed, but produce natural lubrication called ‘slick’. this helps when an omega (the omegas hindbrain) has a large urge to be bred by an alpha. in my HC, anyone can help an omega through heat, but they are most satisfied after they receive an alphas knot. both females, males, and nonbinary people have uteri.
In my personal headcanon, the more fat or muscle an omega has, the sweeter they smell (pheromones) since historically the larger a fertile person is, the more fertile they are. 
An alpha cannot have children but can impregnate omegas and betas. this is applicable to females, males and non-binary people. to make the chance of impregnation larger, they have what is called a knot a the base of their cock (or enlarged clit) which locks them into place for a while (much like wolves when they mate). Alphas have their own versions of heat called a rut, which is an Alpha’s period except they do not bleed and have the overwhelming urge to breed. 
A Beta is a neutral ground. They are the most common and most like ‘humans’ they do not produce a knot r slick and do not go through heats, but are largely helpful to rutting alphas and heated omegas as they have largely calming pheromones. 
Ruts/Heats can become life-threatening if they are ridden out alone, so usually, betas help alphas and omega until they are above the age of consent to which alphas and omegas are legally able to mate/fuck. 
pheromones are the unconscious scents that all sexes produce. Alphas have a largely masculine smell, while omegas have a largely feminine smell. Beta’s have a clean, neutral scent. 
both Alpha and Omega have scent glands on their neck, wrists, chests, inner thighs, and lower stomach. if they are touched by another person, they have been scented, which is a large part of courting culture. if scent glands on the neck are bitten hard enough to break skin, they pair are bonded and act in similar ways you would see in soulmate fics.
nesting is my favourite part of the whole omegaverse. this is an omega practice, where they collect blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, couch cushions, clothing, partners clothing (if a couple is expecting, the omega will sleep with the pups toys so they are thoroughly scented by the time pup comes around). Omega can have several nests around the house often times in places they feel safe (couch, closet, bed, a nook) but the one in the omegas den (often times a bedroom) is most sacred and should not be entered by anyone but the omega without explicit permission. having an omega let someone into their nest is a HUGE privilege. even more so when a pair are courting– this is seen even more intimate than sex.
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