#no one knows about tumblr and i don't think they got to twitter yet which honestly good for them get away from that app
lord-of-tomatoes · 1 year
you are egyptian, right ? So i've got a question. How is the arabic internet and how big is it (and since we're at it, how is the hetalia arabic fandom) ?
Well it's not really that different from any other Internet
We mostly just steal American trends but we have our own trends too
And i think it's has all Arabic speaking countries cause i see almost every accent of Arabic while scrolling on the Internet
Most of the big names i heard about that weren't from my own country were from el khaleg so ig they use Internet more often? Idk I've yet to hear about an Arabic Internet celebrity from like Tunisia or something
And as for the Arabic hetalia fandom basically nonexistent
Some ppl bothered to make Arabic subs but so far i haven't seen any discussion about the anime from Arabic ppl
I only know one Arabic person that enjoys hetalia shoutout to @siwar-fen hey bestie
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iri-desky · 7 months
(IMPORTANT UPDATE: Kosa will not necessarily pass on the 26th. It only has the support to pass in Senate, and we STILL HAVE TIME. That being said, time is of the essence.)
Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.
Visit badinternetbills.com if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.
Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.
Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.
Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.
Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to badinternetbills.com.
Reblog if you think KOSA is unfair and shouldn't be anyone's problem -- including the adults ALL OVER THE DAMN EARTH forced to face the mass censorship it causes because "think of the American Children!".
Reblog if you support internet activism and Palestine.
Reblog if you hate fascism or censorship, and don't want actually serious and helpful conversations censored on the internet.
Reblog if you value the internet in any way at all whatsoever.
CHECK THIS PETITION, TOO! https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-kosa?recruiter=1331807538&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=sms&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&recruited_by_id=57368c40-d0fd-11ee-98f7-2175430f819f&share_bandit_exp=initial-36809664-en-US
(Also, please reblog with at least "stop kosa" as a tag and not "kosa". I made the mistake of not adding just "kosa" as a tag...)
We won't let this stand any longer. Let's start a riot and get this trending.
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the-rad1o-demon · 7 months
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[Image ID (sorta, basically just the text from it):
Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.
Visit badinternetbills.com if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.
Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.
Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.
Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.
Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to badinternetbills.com.
END image ID]
Hey, everyone. So yeah, this is happening. We're still fighting this battle. And we can't give up now. We can't. We can't stand idly by while one of the most important resources that helped us all wake up, or at least start to question things, is being threatened by the government.
We can't stand idly by when kids, teens, and adults just like us still trapped inside might lose access to the resource that could help them wake up. We can't stand idly by when they might lose access to their non JW friends and family. We CAN'T stand idly by when we can do something to stop this bill from passing.
I am sick and tired of this same old song, where conservative fuckers higher up think they can oppress everyone. I am FUCKING SICK of it.
Please, reblog both this post and the original post linked above what I've written, and do what you can to stop KOSA, please. We are running out of time.
I suggest that if it is within your power to do so, that you do more than simply reblog and assume someone else will do something. DON'T assume that. Please do more than just reblogging if you are able to, because that's not really enough at this point.
Call/email representatives in the House and tell them to oppose KOSA (you may want to list different reasons depending on who you're calling, some House representatives are anti-LGBTQ+, so it may be best to tell them to oppose because it violates people's privacy, safety, and anonymity online). Print posters and put them up where legal if you can.
Sharing all this information to other social media sites (Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, the bird app) to reach more people can really help too. The wider the reach, the better.
Thank you. Now let's fucking rip that bill apart like we rip apart Watchtower magazines and eat it for fucking breakfast. (In a "we're eating it and the politicians who are sponsoring it are looking on in horror" kind of way)
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factcheckingmclennon · 2 months
cynthia's take on john & paul: fact or fiction?
"John never looked at anyone the way he looked at Paul."
-cynthia lennon
this quote gets passed around a lot. a Lot a lot. it's in compilations, it's on twitter, it's in youtube comments...
did cynthia really say john never looked at anyone like he looked at paul?
from everything i can find?
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this one comes in from an anon! and a few people talking about this quote when i brought up the idea of making this blog/brought up the amount of unsourced things in this fandom
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well, anon, i found the origin of the quote- at least this iteration of it. i came to a bit of a dead end that i'm not sure is a dead end, but i'll share what i found!
disclaimer: these all come from tumblr posts around 2014. this is old enough that i'm willing to link & name the users involved but if you know them or are them & would like any urls/names taken down, let me know! for now, it's staying up for the sake of answering the question "where it originated from"
so the original post that this all seems to circulate from comes from a tumblr post on january of 2014 (source)
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the rest of the post is mostly speculation from the op about john being bisexual with some other quotes in there (some real, some i'm unsure on as i've never deep dived on them)
a few months later, they were asked about the source of the quote bc people were evidently already coming up blank
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buffysommers-blog: That quote you site from Cynthia Lennon, "John never looked at anyone the way he looked at Paul." Where is that quote from? I've seen that quote repeated often but I've never once seen a source for the quote (was it from one of Cyn's books? an interview? with which publication) so I'm not yet convinced she actually said that. theforgottenmadcap: Hi, if I remember rightly I read it on here, I think it may be from an interview with her, as I've got both John and A Twist of Lennon and don't remember it from either of those.
however, this is where i ran into a road block. given that the op thinks it might be from an interview, i spent a good few hours listening to rare cynthia lennon interviews that haven't been transcribed on double speed. nothing there (although there were some pretty interesting quotes in them- including her calling them twins lol). and this exact wording isn't found in any of her interviews that Have been transcribed, as far as i can tell.
so there's a few options here. 1) this is completely made up & this answer was just a handwavey copout (not the answer i'd like to believe & not one i think is most likely honestly bc generally i don't think people have bad intentions) 2) they did indeed see it somewhere else on tumblr & that blog is the true origin of this quote for whatever reasons. i just can't find anything older or 3) it is in fact from a cynthia interview, just not worded exactly like this since it seems theforgottenmadcap wasn't directly copy-pasting and was just quoting a quote they saw around from memory.
if anyone winds up finding anything older or a cynthia interview with some similar statement, do let me know! or something older with similar wording.
but for now, putting this on the "fake" shelf
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cruyuu · 1 month
Hey have you seen that one managa panel in the latest leaks where its sukuna just gently graeping yuuji's head as he just beats the shit outta him?
Theres a post on tumblr where it has it and like a powerscaler from twitter basically saying "is sukuna really tryna fuck up yuuji bc i would have personally sunken my nails into his skull" and uh... yeah the person has a point. Sukuna really is just gently holding Yuuji's head.
Like his actions seem both brutal yet... protective? For a man who 'hates' Yuuji he sure as hell is giving mixed signals during his fight against him.
I did, anon! The "holding gently" and "beating the shit out of" being in a single sentence together tho lmfao.
I'm glad people are starting to notice that these two are not just fighting because that is true. If they were truly fighting, the fight would've ended a long time ago and would've been way, way more serious than whatever this is. Atp, I don't even know what the hell they are doing. They're groping each other more so than causing any real damage, like I'm genuinely tired of them lmfao.
Ever since the start of this arc, we've got Sukuna gripping his waist and holding him like they're dancing (?), Yuuji clinging onto his arm like a koala, Sukuna smiling as he hugs him closer to his face and Dismantles him, Yuuji wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist and now... add the gentle head cradling as they throw punches at each other. Truly the fight of all time, isn't it? Just a bit of jujutsu (ft. a Domain Expansion not for ripping away Sukuna's soul but... talking with him and spending a day with him?) a lot of unnecessary touching (and gentleness), and hatred which is showcased by... gentle head holding?
Sure, Megumi is still in there so that explains why Yuuji would be holding back from damaging Sukuna too much and not tearing him limb from limb but still, that notion didn't stop him from nearly tearing his heart out in Chapter 260 nor does it explain why he wrapped his arms around his neck (like what was the purpose) so... yeah.
As for Sukuna... yeah, there's absolutely no way to explain his behavior at all.
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With that hulking form which towers over Yuuji, you would think, since he hates him and wishes to see him gone (and especially since he knows Yuuji's punches are dangerous and need to be avoided), he'd be trying to put some distance between them. Like idk grab him by the leg and throw him away or just in general do something which is beneficial to him and act like Yuuji is as insignificant as he loves to yap that he is.
Well. Nope lmfao.
Somebody had said it is because they were one body before so they're unconsciously leaning into each other and cannot know of personal space and that headcanon is just a perfect way to explain this. They may "hate" each other but that longing to be close is winning the fight in this case. Isn't that sweet?
Like his actions seem both brutal yet... protective?
Ngl anon, Sukuna is brutal but this is as far away from his usual brutality as it can possibly be. Remember that this is a man whose CT is literally tearing something into shreds, who had cut a person in half, who had turned a literal teenager into little cubes for simply daring to attack him. That is Sukuna we were introduced to, the one who never gave a fuck about anyone and was pretty brutal. For him to be brutal now, he'd have to do something far worse than just throw a punch. Maybe finally start behaving like he feels? He claims he hates Yuuji and yet... doesn't fight him with visceral anger?
Ah... It's always something with these two lol. I'll miss them a lot.
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lemotmo · 2 months
🤣😬 yeah they're just unlike anything I have ever seen.
Q. Still think they aren't trolling? They're so embarrassing around one another and the fact that you all find it cute and not highly unprofessional and gross tells us all we need to know about you all. As inappropriate as their behavior is they still must be so mortified by you all and that says a lot. Yes podcasts and journalists and the marketing team love them but they are not canon. But try harder to intimidate people into submission.
A. Okay I'm going to answer this and then no more from you all because you're truly a level of deranged that I have never encountered in all my years of fandom life. Seriously, intimidating? Who am I trying to intimidate? I don't care that you're offended by the fact they're friends. I don't care that you believe they're trolling you (they aren't. I promise they don't think about you all). I don't care that you all feel 'attacked' by the content we got last week. I get it. It was a bad week for you all. And you finished the bad week with confirmation that your guy wants absolutely nothing to do with you. He thinks you are just as unhinged as the rest of us do. And instead of taking the hint you all decided to double down on your crazy and go after his sister. Proving he was correct in deciding to ignore you all. Nothing the show is doing is about or for Tommy. I know it. You know it (which is why you all are spiralling all over our ask boxes). Nobody cares. And that's the real problem for you all. We don't care. Oliver doesn't care. Ryan doesn't care. The show doesn't care. You are going to get to see him in season 8 in some capacity but then he's going to be gone. I don't like a single thing about the man but I will be forever grateful that his pathetic attention seeking weeded you all out of the fandom. I have no doubt that you all will try to make things as miserable as possible once his character is shown the door, but I won't care about you then either. I'm done giving you attention. Episode 7x4 was about Eddie. Everything that came after was about how differently Eddie sees and deals with Buck compared to all the other people he has dated. And every single one of you knows it. And that is pure satisfaction on my part. You know it. You see it. You try so hard to pretend it's anything else that you end up proving all of our points even further. Everyone is done with you. And now that even includes the man you all started all of this for. Which is absolutely hilarious. Bye now. I'm going back to enjoying my show.
Thank you Nonny.
I swear, each time I get one of these asks I am more baffled. How is it gross that two actors on a TV-show genuinly like each other and like spending time together? What planet do these people live on? This is called 'friendship'. Look it up in a dictionary if you have never heard of it.
Oh and the anon asker is right, Buddie aren't canon... YET. Give them some time. They'll get there. ;)
As for Ali's answer to this truly bizarre question?
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Mic drop once again! All the way!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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bluebunnysart · 2 months
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Fanart of my own fanfiction (Chimera Teto x Android Miku)
Good news! When I woke up and looked at my art again today, I liked it, so here's the uncolored version! I trust you tumblr people, so here you go! You may view. This technically means I've drawn UTAU Teto (here) and SynthV Teto, but I really want to color this and take my time doing so, so here are the lines before it turns into something else hahaha 😂😂😂 Read More for the stuff I wanted to write last night but was too tired to (also the art time lapse)
I showed like two WIPs of different ideas on Twitter but none of them were this LOL (just goes to show how much I wanna draw and see of these two specifically) but the reason I decided to go with this is 'cuz that fanfic I wrote in like one day really got me excited and it made me really want to draw them as I was imagining more stuff about them. Here I'll talk about what I had in mind
I love chimera Teto, especially her majestic wings, and what I drew here is basically inspired by that! Teto's basically the only "living, sentient" thing around Miku so far (I dunno how to approach adding more creatures just yet), which makes Miku extra interested in her. But basically Miku likes Teto's wings and tail too and is very fascinated by them.
I had an idea where Miku is just holding or playing with Teto's tail out of nowhere and complimenting the heck out of her, and that was condensed into this piece. It was too crowded on Miku's side to have Teto's tail there as well, but the reason Teto's embarrassed (tsundere is nice, aint it xD) is 'cuz Miku is indeed praising the heck out of her. Calling her cute and saying how cool her wings are and whatnot.
The dialogue kinda goes like, "Your wings are so cool! And I really like how expressive your tail is! I wonder what I would do with a tail. It's so cute! Actually, now that I think about it, all of you is really cute!!" (Teto, embarrassed: "Stop talking now.") wwww
Miku does have a kinda tail actually! It's the chain on top of her skirt. As an android, I was thinking it works as sort of a battery plug or USB or something. I can show off more of that later (since it's really small here lol) but she can use it to receive electricity and recharge herself, I guess~. (Note to self: make it bigger?)
I haven't shown off much of my art style, but most (normal) characters usually don't have pupils. (See: this Teto, who's a living breathing creature.) As a result, I decided to give Miku pupils (kinda robot-like) to make her seem like more of a robot. She also wears the thing (headphones) over her ears, of course, which I can also use to make her seem more robot-like. There's no green flashing of code in her eyes right now but I might draw that sometime too, after my loads of other ideas...
Teto's wings aren't fragile. They're probably firm, hard, and could even be scaly/rough (up to my own whims or the reader's own preference). Her letting Miku touch her (wings) is probably a huge display of trust/confidence. Teto's wings are strong enough to carry her far distances and even allow her to fly in bad weather, I think. It's up to Teto herself how much energy/desire she has to do things like that though.
This is mentioned in the fic too, but Teto probably folds her wings a lot so they don't get in the way. She's kinda like a bird. I think her silhouette against the sun or moon, with full wingspan, is probably majestic (I'm imagining the Batman symbol for some reason lol). I know some people color Teto's wings as purple, but I specified black in my fic to match her tail. ^^
In order for her wings to breathe, there are probably holes in the back of her outfit to accommodate them, but they're only big enough for the wings (ellipses/ovals probably): she either tears/cuts holes into the shirts she wears for her wings or they already fit her wings so there's no problem. I wonder if Teto made her UTAU outfit herself in this setting. xD (A girl has to pass the time SOMEHOW plus she's probably at least a little bit handy when it comes to clothes and stuff (survival).)
If, while I'm coloring, I need to make adjustments to the seating and lineart and all that, I will, but I figured I'd show off what made me stay up 'til 5 AM last night and then get embarrassed to post 'cuz I thought I wasn't finished yet. I woke up and I liked it, so I'm just gonna put it in this here blog. c:
I don't know how to color, so coloring will be a trip 😂
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starandcloud · 1 year
42!Miles Headcannons
I am on a kick of Spiderverse, so Tumblr gets it-
Miles has separation anxiety with you, which got a lot worse when you started dating, him being the prowler and all
He cannot handle the sound of guns, it makes his anxiety race.
He'd never admit it but he genuinely likes your company, like he'll deny it then go out of his way to find stupid reasons to hang out with you. Which his mom plays into. Miles: Aye, Idiota. Come over. My mom misses you. Y/N: Ooookay? Rio, hugging Y/N: Y/N I've missed you, how've you been? Are you feeling okay? Have you been eating enough? Y/N, laughing: I'm okay Mrs. Morales, thank you for worrying about me though Miles: *Absolutely smitten by how you interact with his mom*
Leaves you gits randomly, like if he's out on a job with his uncle and he sees something he knows you'll like he'll swipe it (and leave money) and either leave it on your desk or put it on your window sill. You've yet to catch him
He HAS stopped and watched you sleep when he left you a gift, not in creepy way more like a "God... They're so perfect..." His eyes, hidden behind his lil mask, softened on you. He only left because the hallway light flicked on and he panicked. That was the loudest he had ever fled from somewhere, he didn't even close your window.
He is really artistic too, he has dozens of sketches of you in his sketchbook. You're his favorite thing to draw
Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for Miles wanting to kill someone for you. But he would only think it, he'd never actually act on those thoughts. He couldn't bear the weight of taking a life, even if it was for you. He's a vigilante, remember
As terrifying as he seems, Miles is a HUGE baby when it comes to getting hurt. He'll act like he's fine, but when he's with his Uncle or Mom he cries. Like ugly cries, he's a huge baby-
Has Trypanophobia (The Fear of Needles), hates the sight of them and cannot handle it when he has to get shots
When he cannot handle anything anymore he goes to his dad's Mural and just sits there, he doesn't talk or make any noise. He just sits against the brick, sometimes he cries, sometimes he doesn't but he's always there late at night so no one really sees him
He doesn't talk to anyone he actually has a crush on, like he's flirty as hell with everyone but the person he actually likes he's really blunt and distant. Like a dumbass
I can 100% see Miles being Omni, like he could like anyone as long as he's close to them
We all know Miles' sleep schedule is FUCKED, he's a Vigilante, he doesn't get to sleep much due to everything being at night. But he still gets good grades and sleeps when he can
This is literally one of his posts on Twitter and you CANNOT tell me otherwise-
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He isn't really bothered by people who're taller than him, or people who are a few inches shorter. But if you're below his chin he's wary, he's heard enough from Ganke not to mess with people that short. "They have to climb to get things, I don't wanna mess with someone who climbs counters.
I can see him being taller than 1610!Miles, cause 1610!Miles is 5'8" so I can see 42!Miles being anywhere from 5'9 to 5'10". Like it's not a noticeable difference if you're not paying attention, ya know?
Miles does Photography, but it's more of a hobby. He doesn't plan on turning it into a career, but he does it when he's got the chance, his posts look like this
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Bubbly_Rose and Vanilla.Coffee.Addict. Are both his mom, different accounts to support her son. Best mom 100%
Miles has dozens of playlists on spotify, most of which are for his friends and family.
Cat person but has a german shepard named Luna
Had dreads ONCE and decided he hated them, so he stuck to his braids
Miles can cook, really really well. His mom and him used to bond through cooking and now it's something he does when he's stressed or upset
Depending on how tired Miles is, is how he sleeps. If he's just a lil sleepy, his legs are kinda bent and his arms are by his head, HOWEVER, if it was after REALLY tiring job with his uncle he kinda just falls onto his bed and sleeps like that
He usually doesn't go to anyone for comfort and comforts himself unless it's really bad then he goes to his mom or (if he really REALLY trusts them) his significant other
Miles has a tendency to flinch/move away from any form of touch that's not from his mother. He gets pins and needles if he's not expecting a touch and it is almost painful, I wouldn't say he's touch-starved but with his mom working so much it's easy to see that he would be
The one thing that brings Miles' to tears is watching his mom work herself to the bone and never being able to take a break. It makes him so mad that he can't help her, without it being obvious, that it reduces him to tears
He cries when he's mad
He hates it when people go through his things or move them. He has everything in a place, everything has to be perfect. Major OCD when it comes to his room, it's his space and he wants it perfectly clean
Miles takes really good care of himself, he keeps himself in shape (outside of being the Prowler) and makes sure to eat and hydrate right
Miles. Is. A. Huge. Softie for little kids. He acts like he can't stand them but the minute he's flashed a toothy smile from a little kid, he can't help but smile back
He considers a few people who aren't family, his family like Ganke
His idea of "A Perfect Vacation" is going anywhere with his mom and Uncle. It could literally be a trip to his Paternal Grandmother's house, and as long as his mom isn't working he is perfectly content
Miles tends to bite his nails and chew on his lips when he's nervous
By FAR the strangest thing Miles has ever seen was one of his classmates straight up touching their eyeball, that happened when he was 13 and it still freaks him out
Miles accepts advice relatively well, he doesn't show it but he does
He hates most pictures, but there was a few that his version Gwen took of him.
He is horrible at talking to someone he's got a crush on, like worse than 1610!Miles ;-;
Miles wakes up before his mom, when she's home, and makes her breakfast, he eats, showers, and goes to school, comes home, does his homework, goes to his boxing class (curtesy of Uncle Aaron), and depending on the day either goes on a job or goes to sleep
He has a few scars on his face from one of the first few jobs he was on when he wasn't far enough away from a bomb when it went off
Ocra. He CANNOT with the texture of it.
He loves stormy weather, its relaxing to him
He loves Fall and winter, the crisp air makes him smile
As a way to waste time, he goes to the gym or draws
When Miles wakes up from a nightmare, he kinda just lays there until he puts his headphones on and falls asleep to whatever song he's listening to
Miles collects little doo-dads from the street, it gives him something to fidget with
Miles knows English, Spanish, and French. He had to take a second language class and he COULDN'T take Spanish, so he's relatively fluent in French
Miles is the type of person to give someone the tightest most affection hugs, like even if he's just friends with the person. Hugs are like "I love you"s for Miles, they're sparing things from him
If Miles had three wishes from a genie he'd wish for: 1. His mother to either be paid more or for her to work less 2. His city to have less issues 3. To talk to his dad again
CROSSOVER: Miles is a gryffindor, with a Kingfisher Patronus and an 11.25 in Applewood wand with Unicorn hair ((I don't support J.K. Rowling))
Miles saw you in his clothes once and it MELTED him, he physically leaned against the wall and smiled stupidly
If you don't typically wear glasses (despite needing them, like my dumbass) and you wear them around Miles. The first time he saw you in them, he was distracted enough he walked into a wall.
Miles will protest being called cheesy things likes "Babydoll", "Pumpkin" "Sweets", "Bubba", "Light of My Life", "Tater Tot" (this happened ONCE, "Sunshine", "Dumpling", "Bambie", and "Babyface". He genuinely loves it when you call him that. Specifically: Babydoll, Pumpkin, and Sunshine. He still likes the other ones but loves those more.
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dr-spectre · 15 days
So brainwashed Callie in official content is cringe. Do you feel the same about it in Fanfiction? Have there been any takes on Hypno Callie that you enjoyed?
Honestly? I don't feel the same way about it in fanfiction. There's a lot of information and different takes floating around about certain things in the franchise so I dont necessarily blame people for using the word "brainwashed" for Callie in their fanfiction. The English localisation of Splatoon has said she was brainwashed despite other languages and the original Japanese version not using the word. At least from my own knowledge. So I get why most fans would take that information and immediately believe it's true.
Plus there's more people talking about what actually happened to Callie on twitter and tumblr which is really incredible to see!!! Im so happy to see Callie being treated with more respect!!!!! It is a night and day difference compared to the treatment in 2017 to 2020.
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Surprisingly enough I don't actually consume a lot of fanfiction. I can read my own writing easily but I can't read others that well and... I feel really bad about it... but I have read a bit of this one fanfiction that got Hypno Callie 99% right. I fucking forgot the name but i was recommended it by someone in the past, it had "dome" in the name? It was about DJ Octavio and the Octarian domes.
The way they explained the shades was actually really interesting and unique! It's basically shades that play catchy music and that's how Callie got hypnotised. It fits in line with DJ Octavio too as he's well... a DJ. Plus daydreaming and listening to music goes hand in hand so it has some basis in reality too. Everyone at some point has been put into a daydream state when vibing out to music.
Although I say 99% because there's this one line that Callie says, "Are these shades brainwashing me?" And it was so clunky I'm sorry LOL. And there's this implication that its also doing something further to Callie's brain but it's not that explained well, which i really dont like. Other than that, my Hypno Callie content is mainly fanart and 99% of that has been phenomenonal and powerful stuff.
However.... my biggest fucking gripe in "fan content" if you wanna call it that is... timeline videos and people going over plot details and stuff like that.
These people actually do RESEARCH and spend a lot of time analysing the story of Splatoon and trying to put the pieces together. Yet for Callie it feels like they just do a quick read through of Inkipedia and that's it because they dont give a flying fuck about her character. It drives me fucking psychotic and i cant be safe watching Splatoon videos anymore. How hard is it to say hypnotised? HOW HARD IS IT?!?!?! JUST USE THAT WORD!!! THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO!!! GOD DAMN!!!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD BRAINWASHED AT ALL?!?!?!
It's really disappointing to me that this outdated timeline video is the ONLY VIDEO to say Callie was hypnotised and not "brainwashed." And that... makes me kinda pissed off.
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I can't even watch these videos anymore man. I'm sad. I'm not even trying to send hate over to them, they put in a lot of work... except for a character I really care about....
Imagine you like a particular character and you feel really strongly about them. Now Imagine people saying wrong or yucky things about that character and treating it as fact despite you knowing "Hey something is not right here. I think there's more here than people realise." And all the most popular and well liked content is spreading that kind of information around about your favourite character. It would drive you crazy yeah? I'm sure everyone has that one character in every fanbase.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! Sorry if it was long... I tend to ramble about Hypno Callie LOL! (Autism)
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natalieironside · 7 months
hello ms. comrade Ironside, longtime reader, first time caller.
as a fellow writer of queer erotica, I was wondering if you had any thoughts/spoons to share those thoughts on wordpress being swept into the AI debacle under automattic? (I think that’s what you use to host your cool website, forgive me if I am mistaken.) I’m trying to figure out where to set up an author website of my own so I don’t have to host my stuff on tumblr anymore, but I’m a bit gun-shy in the current moment. I know AI trawling is inevitable in today’s internet, but as someone who’s been doing the indie author thing for some time (and admirably!), is there something you would recommend, best practices or otherwise, to someone just trying to get their metaphorical kite off the ground? or anything you wish you knew when you set up your own author-type socials? any thought at all would be genuinely appreciated.
thanks for your time, and I hope you and yours are as well as can be expected 🖤
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but afaik nothing approaching best practices has been figured out yet; it's all already happening and there's precious little as can be done to put the toothpaste back in the tube. Of course I uncheck all the little boxes in settings and deny them my consent or whatever, but I don't think a gaggle of unimaginative piss-bellied technocrats who decided it was a sensible use of vast amounts of water and power to teach a computer how to write very badly are what I'd call trustworthy. I'm still gonna move all my website shit off of Wordpress because they won't let me get rid of the stupid AI assistant thing, but that's more a case of their UI being ugly and dumb than me thinking it'll actually do any good.
Best I can tell you on that front is to try to find yourself a niche and develop yourself as an artist from there; "Write the kinds of books you wish other people were writing" is good general advice, and a human operator is always going to be capable of things a predictive network just isn't. Other ppl are gonna disagree with that, but they're wrong. Their understanding of resource allocation and scarcity is just childishly naive and you shouldn't waste your time listening to people who think we're gonna solve climate change with apps or whatever.
Far as social media goes, this is still the best one for hocking books as far as I can tell. I'm hearing a lot of good things about Cohost and Pillowfort, but their user bases are still quite small, and I haven't found the indie author community on Bluesky yet. If Tumblr goes belly up I'll probably end up migrating to one of those first two primarily b/c I think longform blogging is the secret stuff for ppl like me who are just too crabby and agoraphobic to be Twitter influencers; I may not be any good at videos or regular quick posts or documenting the writing process (which is too bad, b/c a lot of my friends who do that stuff seem to be having fun with it), but I sure can Lay Out Some Thoughts in A Few Paragraphs and I like to think that's something ppl expect from a novelist.
Also, never get in a public argument, don't go posting Your Thoughts On The Issues unless someone asked or you feel like you've got something interesting to say, and be very selective with how much and what personal information you give out to the hoi polloi. Those are my 3 rules for how to do social media good.
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somehhuuuhh · 3 months
I know the ture meaning of proshiper and antishiper!
Okay okay I know it's seems far fetch but hear out!
Oh this not any form harassment I'm just talking about what the true meaning of proshipers and antishipper and that's it. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong it's not a big deal. I'll just cry because of how many hours I have to research, and it turns out to be wrong
Kay Kay but before we start talking about it let me just tell you what a proshiper thinks what a proshiper and a antishipper
So this one proshiper in the undertale community made there very strong claim that the true meaning of proshiper is "you're against censorship and harassment over fiction and curate your experience the internet to have a healthy distance from things to make you uncomfortable" Um well frist all not all proshiper are against censorship. Second many proshipers harass people for calling them out or they got block. Having a healthy distance from things that make you uncomfortable is great, but you need to know that not every proshiper is doing that. @/Flowey-the-lanternflower56 is a proshiper, but for some reason she keeps following people who don't feel comfortable with proshipping and says proship dni in their bio. She says she dislikes antis but yet she keeps following those blogs that aren't meant for proshipers. She makes the blog owner uncomfortable and probably over time make her uncomfortable when they keep saying the space is not for her or any other proshipers.
The same proshiper thinks the true meaning of an antishiper is that "you're okay and even encouraged harassment towards freaks and "weirdos society deems acceptable to hurt" uhhhh....what? Am I blind or something cuz I don't anti shippers harassing proshipers . If they just talk about proshipers dni or how uncomfortable proship makes them feel or just calling them out. I don't think that's harassment, I think they expressing their opinions on the topic. Well I understand why they say that because they post this after this one dude threatened to doxxed some proshipers but I they quickly dissappear when many people say that's not right and some of those people were antishippers. But maybe they harass in Twitter or something idk, but a lot of antishipper are very against doxxing and harassment.
Okay so after the proshiper say that, they said "learn your Fandom history," and that really inspired me to do this and waste many hours to learn my Fandom history. (Gosh I wanna die)
The term of antishipper has been around ever since in the 1990s from the wonderful Fandom of the X-Files. The definition of antishipper is "it generally refars to someone who opposes shipping or a certain pairing, which can be for reasons," but since the mid-2010s the term changed into "A fan who believes that it is morally wrong to ship some ships" The definition has been change over time in different Fandoms for different reasons. But those two are the og.
There are many other "antis" like anti-incest which they have the best fucking motto ever. "Family is family, nothing more" There is anti-ship, but I'll not gonna talk about it now.
The term of proshipers or anti-anit came from Tumblr (of course it did). The definition of proshipers is literally just the opposite of antishippers so that means "it generally refars to someone who is with shipping or a certain pairing, which can be for reasons," or "A fan who believes that it is morally right to ship some ships" or something like that.
Okay so since I talk about the true meaning of proshipers and antishipper. There is one more thing I want to talk about which the proshiper said which was "Fiction is fiction and doesn't affect reality" but I do have poof that it does.
Okay I'm going off strong. BlogTheGreatRouge, everyone knows and dislikes her. She was a proshiper, who ship pj with fresh and guessed what pj was kid and Fresh was a grown ass man when she drew them. Even pj daycare Fresh was a kid and Pj was grown as a man. Her comics were disgusting and talking about suicide like it's not so serious. She thought that her comics weren't affected anyone and lable her comics as 13+ even though they should've been labeled 18+ cuz of the suggestive theme, and other stuff. So of course the little kids are going to see that and think that it's okay that a grown ass people touch them which you think they aren't that dumb, but like they were kids and where deeply affected by her comics. There is a videos talking about here and each videos there a comment of people get gr#$med by an adult because after watching or reading the her comics they think it's okay for adults to do that and here are some of the comments...
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So yea you can't really deny that her drawings which was a silly fiction thing did impact reality! And impact a bunch of people in a negative way.
Okay let's say you're a proshiper and you only ship incest and that's all. And you don't think shipping incest will harm anyone. It just a simple ship.....shut the fuck up. Okay me personally I been affected by those incest ship especially the proshiper that I keep mentioning. Every time I see dreammare I just think that's me and my brother kissing which IS VERY DISGUSTING AND UNCOMFORTABLE FOR ME TO THINK OF. Me brother is close BUT NOT THAT CLOSE!!! I don't like to be near my dad or my brother which makes me feel sad because when I give them a hug I just feel uncomfortable thinking of that and when they really want to talk to me I keep my distance. I just feel horrible for thinking that and not talking much with my brother and my dad because I keep seeing that and thinking about that. It makes feel like a horrible sister and a horrible daughter...
But I think that's all I have to say I was very hesitate to post this because I was worried people will react but I just don't need this to clear my mind and tell people there definition is probably wronged.
Oh and please rbloog or repost I don't care but it well appreciated
Oh, and I know it's different from what I usually post, but I just wanted to talk about it. It took me a while to write this because it took me a lot of balls just to think about posting it because this topic is very mixed, so please don't harass me for this
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princess200417 · 2 years
she said in one comment that the void may be instant or may not be which is not true bc you always get results instantly from it and also she called out the anons for lying about their sucess stories bro then how don't we know people on her Facebook group lie as well?????
Omg like I can't believe it she even said that anyone with a different opinion will get blocked like where did democracy and respect go???
Also some people told me that she said that void is literally sleep paralysis (don't worry I watched the video myself), which isn't true at all
Also she said that Tumblr people don't know sh*t
Bro she once said that she is on her own journey and that what she was once teaching on her YouTube videos don't align with her anymore and aren't true at all and "apologized" for keeping her viewers limited and then she says that we don't know what we are saying
also she just checked a random void post and said that's void without even doing research 😂😂😂😂and she isn't even a Tumblr member but yet says that we don't give good advice like lol you just read a random misinformational post that someone posted on twitter From Tumblr and you think we are all trashy here??Omg
I honestly like Sammy and her way of explaining but bruh she just got so rude and unprofessionally in her void state video
What do you all guys think?leave a comment down below
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icallhimjoey · 9 months
so apparently there are some rumers, that joe is dating a girl called kate and that they revealed their realiationship at bfi. I mean I dont care who he is dating, as long he is happy, so am I. But where do those rumers come from?? There is literly no information, just those people saying that they are dating and sending hate mails to kate…
okay, FINE, im going to get into this, tell you all i know, and then that can be it for the questions i keep getting about this, because it really is neverending (and insanely annoying to me) so, lets go
kate is a writer/director who works with/for 'film hub north/bfi network/rianne pictures' as stated in her instagram bio, lives up north near newcastle and is gorgeous
at the london film festival this year she has gone to see hoard
she posted a pic to her insta stories of the Q&A after hoard from her seat in the cinema (like so many other fans did too) and said some nice words about luna and she tagged some people
one of the producers reposted the story into their stories which i think is how people "found" her
kate had a pic taken on one of the bfi red carpets (by herself) AND had a pic taken in a large group, one of who was lorn (lauren quinn - no relation - this is not about her, but people draw conclusions about this too)
just a couple weeks before, joe made a playlist on his spotify account called "Kate's" with two songs in
so, some girls went 1 + 1 = this is a relationship
kate has red hair and is literally stunning, so they're saying "she's his type, must be true"
kate got messages/insta comments asking about it, she posted a story to her insta that said something along the lines of "this is silly please stop this is my professional account i should be able to post what i want without being harassed i have body dysmorphia pls leave me alone"
went private and then public again shortly after
when i say that there's been 0 actual proof that these two people even know each other, i truly mean that there's 0 proof that these two people know each other at all
if we're just looking at the facts: she's a fan
the end
every time people have been trying to link them up, joe's been pictured/filmed to be by himself
couple weeks ago, kate posted stories to her instagram of her being in malta and, presumably, people started asking questions, because she very quickly went private and deleted the insta stories
she went public again shortly after, and the day that joe was pictured doing a lil food shop in his local tesco's, kate posted a mirror selfie in a lift and behind her, there's an arm in the frame - now, imo, not even close enough to touch her bum, but people went BLACK COAT, THAT'S JOE AND HE'S TOUCHING HER ASS
big sigh
what kate is NOT doing is coming out and denying anything, which is a choice
she doesnt have to do shit, she doesnt owe anyone anything, but to hit the snooze button and ignore everything is definitely a choice
in turn, some girls are taking the no-denying as proof of it being real and have made twitter and tiktok accounts and KEEP FUCKING SENDING ME QUESTIONS THAT KEEP PUSHING THIS TO BE THE TRUTH (they are not nice about it either)
i have yet to see any truth to any of these rumours - to me it feels like a lot of stories being pulled from thin air that some girls find extremely entertaining
i do not
i have no interest in this
don't get me wrong - joe'd be lucky to date someone as pretty as kate, she seems lovely, but i am going to need some actual proof before i just go with whatever some people are trying to sell to me as the truth
please do not reach out to me on anon about this
if you have anything you want to discuss with me, please find me in the tumblr chat messages
thanks <3
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nihilxes · 13 days
Hey, so since people feel the need to bring private things out into the public... It's my turn to do that too because I've had enough. Over these past couple of years alone I've dealt with a lot and I'm sick and tired of it. I don't want anyone to hurt me anymore.
So let's get things started--
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The person that was behind the stopsmearingshadowtoons (now deleted) blog was none other than Jesta aka @jestamusingisback. How do I know this? Because not only did others call her out on it but it wasn't until Toons told them to delete, saying I'm living my life and so he is (me) that they listened and deleted the blog. Ideally, the blog shouldn't have ever been made because I didn't even do anything. All I did was simply unfollow Jesta from Tumblr and Twitter because she was being a bad friend by basically ignoring me despite my attempts to try to talk to her, especially when she was leaving concerning messages on my server, saying how she wanted to overdose on her medications so she could just sleep her problems away. This had nothing to do with Toons at all. Similarly, I unfollowed some other people as well but again, the reason for this had nothing to do with Toons. I unfollowed them for personal reasons and that's that.
This isn't the first time that just because I simply unfollowed Jesta she got upset about it. Before I had unfollowed her because she was failing to tag Toon's URL for me, which she said she would because she knew how uncomfortable I was seeing Toon's name pop up everywhere, and for good reason. When I unfollowed her, she proceeded to block me everywhere and started to send harassing messages not only to me but to some of my friends as well. She would temporarily unblock me just to send me a screenshot and then would block me again. Here are some of the things she sent me:
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Not only was she stalking and harassing me but like I said, she was doing so to some of my friends too by misinterpreting what some of them were saying and thinking they were talking about her and Toons, which none of them were.
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I sent this screenshot to Toons and told her to basically stop harassing me and my friends and making up lies that I was sending people to stalk and harass her when again, I never did. I would vent to my friends about what had happened between us but never told anyone to go and bother Toons. What they did with that information was entirely on them because I told them to just leave Toons alone so me stalking her wasn't even a thing. I had her blocked everywhere so how could I even stalk her? She was basically playing the victim and trying to gain sympathy but because of her lies, I got blocked by some other people, none of who I know but either way like I said they were spreading lies about me and yet somehow this is fair?
Eventually, me and Jesta talked things out on Xbox:
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After that, things were fine and we didn't have any issues. As long as Toon's URL was tagged for me, I was fine and I hadn't thought about Toons in a long time until recent events. I unfollowed Jesta this time because, like I said, I felt she was being a bad friend to me. Admittedly I probably should have sat down with her and talked things out but she was barely talking to me during that time so I wasn't sure if I would be just wasting my time or annoying her.
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Lastly, let's address some things in her recent Rules/About post. Not only does she have me on her DNI list but again, she's lying about everything. I never got mad at Toons or her for leaving the fandom because hello, I left too after all the bullying, stalking, and death-threats I was getting:
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I don't even know what Jevil and Spinel ship you're talking about... so that one is just a baseless lie. I never got jealous whenever you would make new friends or form ships with them. The only thing I worried about was being too annoying with our ship or that you were getting bored of our ship, but I never got jealous.
Like I said, I've dealt with a lot in just these last few years alone and I just don't want to deal with these things anymore. I'm tired of all the lies and deceit. I'm tired of being paranoid about every single person I talk to because I just keep thinking they're going to hurt me in some shape or form. I'm always on high-alert because I don't know who to trust. I can't trust theirs words because it's things I've heard before by people that ended up hurting me in the end.
So... That's it. I've just had enough.
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royal-ruin · 1 year
red, white, and royal blue fanfic rec (part 3)
other rwrb fic recs here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
the too much that you aren't by DemonPoxHerondale (~2k)
Henry has always been an introvert. High energy situations can get overwhelming, and as much as he loves his boyfriend, it's impossible to deny that he's high energy. Back when they were sneaking around to see each other, the short bursts of interaction meant that they never really clashed. But now that they're living together, well, it's another story.
as an introvert, i get it
champagne problems by alec_rhee (~3k)
Henry’s eyes are otherwise occupied as he closes them, planting a kiss to Alex’s head, but Alex sees Benjamin’s eyes move to Henry’s lap. Where they stay for at least five seconds.  Alex knows; he’s counted. “Look, Benjamin,” Alex begins. “I know we just met but if you look at my man like that one more time I will not hesitate to punch you in your fucking face.” “Alex!” Henry yelps, withdrawing his lips from Alex’s curls. “What on God’s earth are you doing?” “Look,” He says again, his attention still focused on Benjamin. “He’s damn gorgeous. I don’t blame you for looking. I truly don’t, but he’s taken. Happily.” OR Jealous!Alex
jealous/protective alex made my entire day
don't go where i can't follow by coffeecatsme (~4k
Henry turns away, hair silvery under the moonlight. He doesn’t even bother to look at Alex, and something like anger flashes in Alex’s gut when he sees him reach for his backpack, like it’s that easy to abandon Alex, like Alex didn’t bare his heart to him just a day ago. “You could’ve fucking said goodbye,” he whispers before he can think about it; his voice is quiet through the knot in his throat, yet it echoes in the room like a gunshot, stopping Henry in his tracks. Alex wakes up at the lakehouse before Henry leaves.
angsty, but i swear it gets better
in violent symphonies by saltfics (~16k) part 2 of a series (doesn't need to be read)
“So that’ll be a fun surprise. Any chance your brother’s friends are actually… you know… any fun?” Henry halts to a stop halfway out the door, his mind screeching like a shaken record. He can feel the pull of his memory towards things he doesn’t want to think of, feels the heavy weight of it as he forces himself to focus on something else, fast so he won't acknowledge towards which twice locked door his thoughts are wandering.  Sequel to In White (but could potentially be read without it).  When Henry and Alex return to England for the christening of the new baby prince, Henry finds out his nephew's new godfather might be a terribly familiar face.  Sometimes it doesn't matter how deep you lock away a memory if it insists on showing up at your door. (But maybe you can ask for help to keep it out.)
i love henry angst :)
those markings on your skin by saltfics (~62k) incomplete
Originally a collection of one-shots based on Tumblr Prompts, but now a series of interconnected prompt-based chapters regarding a series of assassination attempts towards HRH Prince Henry, and the effect on their relationships with each other that comes with it, featuring most of the main cast. (Plus a few standalones in between).
fair warning, i haven't read it all, so i don't know everything it contains. please beware of the tags.
Home Safe by HMS_Chill (~2k)
Alex is out later than normal, and Henry is left home to worry.
as you can see, after i read God Save the Blessed American President Mom by zipadeea i got just a little obsessed. no mcd here though.
*lifelines by indomitablelove (~27k
Shaan is told by a woman from the press office. Zahra is asleep when he calls her. She calls Ellen. Liam is in the library. Oscar finds out from Twitter. Catherine hears it from her equerry when she gets the morning papers. It's Leo who tells June. --- or, the emails. From everyone else's point of view.
Lockdown by bibliosoph (~4k)
Alex and Henry have a fight before Henry leaves to go to England for a bit. While in England, there is an attempted assassination and Alex loses his mind because he can't get in touch with anyone and he left things with Henry up in the air.
don't worry, there's no mcd, just alex angst.
*Soon You'll Get Better (Because You Have To) by wafflesandkruge  (~4k)
Two nights after the shooting, Henry receives an email with a pre-recorded video from Alex. He gets one every night, and although it breaks his heart to see Alex happy and alive, he's terrified of when they'll stop coming.
i wasn't lying when i said i was obsessed. no mcd.
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animentality · 7 months
Did they get a postive response from adding those Gortash lines? I thought a bunch of people hateing on it instead? Also what if they removed the lines to change them a go a diffrent direction. I'm sorry. I have a lot of worry they wont do something I agee with.
The overwhelming reaction was positive. Durgetash artists went on Twitter to celebrate, and the small but passionate fans of the ship went nuclear here and on Twitter, and helped BG3 trend, yada yada, tale as old as time.
Most people don't care about Durgetash or Gortash. The majority of people you hear from would be the people who like both of those things. It's also a small ship.
The haters of that ship are even smaller in comparison, because the hand that reaches out will always touch more than the hand clenched into a fist.
And the only "legitimate" complainers, who don't just dislike the ship on principle, are the whiners who keep insisting their durges are lesbians, and how dare Larian "force" them into a relationship with a man - which is literally not what Larian did.
No one bitches about how Gale's ORIGIN completely precludes him from being gay.
I see no reason why you can't similarly have Durge's ORIGIN make them attracted to men. Or, you know. Enver is special.
Oh. And also. It's so fucking platonic, if you want it to be. Stop being stupid and just say you don't like Durgetash. It's as easy as that.
Stop using "lesbophobic" as a handy label for your self righteous soapbox. You just don't like the ship, and that's fine. It's FINE. But acting like Durgetash is lesbophobic - oh, go play a Tav.
And also, Astarion and Gale and Wyll better not flirt with you in game, even though you can tell them to fuck off, or else they're lesbophobic too.
That's the only discourse that gained traction on Twitter. As far as I know.
If Larian had made Gale wear blackface or something, and people got pissed, then yeah. They'd back up on that, and get rid of it pronto.
But Durgetash???
Aside from the general evil antics, they're not that fucking controversial of a ship.
Most people don't even PLAY the Dark Urge.
I don't know how to stress this any other way...
People act like Durgetashers are loud - we're honestly not that loud.
Astarion fans are far louder, and yet, the most romanced companion is SHADOWHEART and then Laezel and KARLACH.
He's not even in the top 3. And yet, he dominates the content on Twitter and Tumblr... he's definitely more popular than Gortash or the Dark Urge or Durgetash together...but his fans are still technically the damn minority.
So Durgetash in comparison to Starries???
And Durgetash haters?
Would be even smaller.
So what I'm saying is...
I'm kind of tired of answering asks about this.
I don't KNOW for certain whether or not this is Larian backing up or walking forward, and while I don't believe they'd walk back on this, and especially not for a handful of people, it kind of annoys me to even think about things outside of my control.
now if Larian makes a big grand statement and says actually we totally rescind something WE WROTE AND ADDED TO THE GAME because some people got mad...then I'll call them cucks, and complain.
But as of right now?
As far as I know personally, and assume in my heart... it's neutral.
The lines are probably just bugged. Also, not ALL of them are bugged either, so.
Please stop freaking out, guys.
I am the world's biggest resident durgetash freak, and I'm shrugging at this, and just saying it's a bug.
Don't let it bother you. It's out of your control, regardless.
(And I stress again - if we find out they're legitimately backing away from something they did...they have the spine of a ham sandwich. But until we know that for sure, I won't condemn them for this, because as far as we know, it is legitimately an accident.)
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