#no seriously do not touch me i will evaporate
kainoliero · 1 year
I recently started reading Noli Me Tángere and holy moly my weak Finnish brain. I'm programmed to read a drama arc. You know, where tension builds up, reaches its peak, and then makes a descend to the finish.
Meanwhile NMT drama arc is like throwing a crayon into a tumble dryer. We start and right away there's a DEAD DAD who has been EXHUMED AND DISPOSED OF also a PRETTY GIRL FLOWERS BLOOM AROUND HER AND CHERUBS but she's ignored because DAYDREAMING OF HOW MY DAD CALLED MY NAME AS HIS FINAL WORD IN JAIL he was jailed because HE SAVED A CHILD'S LIFE ENEMIES SAW A CHANCE ...and we're not even yet at the part where the hero finds out about how the priest he earlier on greeted as a family friend was responsible of exhuming the dad, but we readers know cause it was explained to US. Like. I'm a wreck but like wrecked with crack, so I can't stop taking more. What else could even go more wrong at this point, I'm afraid I'll find out.
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its-avalon-08 · 3 months
Hi I love your stories, could you write a story with Daniel where he and the reader are dating. Daniel is always in a good mood and ready to make jokes, but during an interview with the reader the journalist makes an inappropriate remark towards the young woman and Daniel immediately changes his mood, becoming protective and cold. A little angst…thanks love
yeah that's my man (dr3)
✦ pairing - daniel riccirado x female!reader
✦ genre - sexist comments, protective danny, fluff
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Daniel Ricciardo practically bounced into the interview room, a blinding smile plastered on his face. "Alright everyone! Thanks for having me," he boomed, his voice tinged with his signature Aussie lilt. Y/N, his girlfriend, trailed behind, a fond smile playing on her lips as she watched him charm the room.
"Pleasure to have you, Daniel," the lead interviewer, a man named Bennett, greeted, his smile a touch too eager. "And you must be the lovely Y/N everyone's been buzzing about." Y/N offered a polite smile.
The interview began with a familiar rhythm. Daniel weaved jokes between answers, sending ripples of laughter through the room. Y/N, used to his antics, playfully nudged him when he got a little too carried away. It was a comfortable dance they'd perfected.
Then, Bennett's tone shifted. "So, Y/N," he began, his gaze lingering a beat too long on her form. "Must be tough, you know, following Daniel around the world. All that fame, the groupies..."
The room went quiet. Daniel's smile faltered. A cold glint entered his previously playful eyes.
"Actually," Y/N cut in, her voice calm but firm, "it's not tough at all. I have my own things going on, you see."
Bennett scoffed. "Right, well, being pretty on Daniel Ricciardo's arm is certainly a career path these days."
a peak inside daniel's mind
Did he seriously just say that? My smile evaporated faster than champagne on a podium. Y/N being here has nothing to do with some trophy girlfriend nonsense. She's brilliant, runs her own damn business, and keeps me grounded when this whole F1 circus threatens to spin me out of control. And this jackass... with his smarmy tone and cheap shot, reduces her to just... arm candy?
Blood roared in my ears. This wasn't banter, this was blatant disrespect. I may joke around, but mess with Y/N, and the Honey Badger comes out to play. No way was I letting this interview turn into some degrading spectacle. It was time to shut this down, and shut it down hard.
you are being kicked out of danny boy's mind
The room temperature seemed to drop several degrees. Daniel's easy demeanor vanished completely. He sat up straighter, his posture radiating a sudden coldness.
"Hold on a second, mate," he said, his voice low and dangerous. It wasn't the usual playful Aussie lilt anymore, it was a growl that sent shivers down Y/N's spine, a sound that promised a storm.
"Y/N is here because she's my partner," Daniel continued, each word clipped and measured. "She's not some trophy I dragged along for the ride. She's an intelligent, talented woman with a successful career of her own. And frankly, your comments are disrespectful not just to her, but to every single woman who gets judged on her looks instead of her achievements."
Y/N squeezed his hand under the table, a silent message of gratitude and admiration warming her. She knew this side of Daniel – the fiercely protective one. It was a side he rarely showed publicly, but it was a side that made her love him even more.
Bennett, under Daniel's steely gaze, seemed to shrink in his seat. "I, uh, I didn't mean anything by it," he stammered, his earlier arrogance replaced by a pathetic attempt at backtracking.
"Doesn't matter what you meant," Daniel cut him off, his jaw clenched. "The implication is clear. We won't tolerate that kind of outdated, sexist drivel here. Y/N deserves respect, just like any other person, and frankly, so do all the incredible women in motorsport, both on and off the track."
The room remained silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The other interviewers exchanged nervous glances, Bennett flustered and sweating.
"Perhaps," Daniel added, his voice regaining a touch of its usual Aussie edge, but laced with a dangerous undercurrent, "you should focus on asking actual questions about racing instead of resorting to shallow, sexist commentary."
Y/N couldn't help but let out a small, satisfied smile. Daniel, ever the showman, even managed to inject a bit of his trademark humor back into the situation, albeit laced with a clear warning.
The interview sputtered on for a few more minutes, but the lighthearted mood was gone. Daniel answered questions with clipped efficiency, his playful banter replaced by a cold professionalism. Y/N sat beside him, a silent pillar of strength, her hand occasionally reaching out for his under the table.
As the cameras cut, Daniel exhaled a shaky breath. The playful F1 driver who had breezed into the interview room moments ago was gone, replaced by a man bristling with barely contained anger on his girlfriend's behalf.
let's enter y/n's mind
Wow, okay. Didn't see that coming. One minute we're bantering with the interviewers, the next that jerk Bennett had to go all caveman on me. Ugh, the audacity! But then... Daniel. (Cue heart melting into a puddle).
There he was, my sunshine, turning into a protective thunderstorm. The way his voice dropped an octave, the glint in his eyes that usually promised mischief now held a fierce possessiveness that made my insides do a happy dance.
"Doesn't matter what you meant," he growled. Swoon. Absolute swoon. Here he was, the man who could charm a room full of sharks, turning into a mama bear for me.
And that last line? About all the incredible women in motorsport? My heart practically burst. He always knew the right things to say, even when his blood was clearly boiling.
Of course, vintage Daniel peeked through with that cheeky comment about focusing on actual racing. Bless him, even when he's mad he can't help but inject a bit of humor.
The rest of the interview might have been a blur, but all I could focus on was the warmth of his hand finding mine under the table. A silent reassurance, a "we're in this together" kind of squeeze.
As the cameras cut, I watched him take a shaky breath. My playful, goofy Daniel was momentarily replaced by this fierce protector, and honestly? I kind of loved it. In a totally non-psychotic, completely smitten kind of way.
Pulling him into a hug, I whispered, "Thank you." It felt small compared to the epic defense he just delivered, but maybe he understood the depth of my gratitude in that simple phrase. Maybe he saw the adoration shining in my eyes.
Yeah, this interview might have been a trainwreck, but seeing Daniel stand up for me like that? That was pure magic. And it just solidified one thing – this man, with his goofy charm and fierce loyalty, was definitely the keeper.
and we're out of here
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eddieandbird · 2 months
Hello! I don't see if you do angst or not, but if you do, i'd like to request a fight with Eddie in front of the Hellfire club, like they're in a D&D section and start to fight over any reason (you can choose) and the reader get's upset and get out of the room and the other's be like "😳...go talk to her, man" and the rest is whatever you think is better, thank you so so much, and sorry if my english is bad 🥺💕
no worries! i gave it my best shot, hope you like it -bird
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You have an attitude during a Hellfire Club meeting
tags/warnings: fluff | hurt/comfort | 1.3k words | f!reader | arguments
If a single drop of water were to touch your skin right now, it would evaporate in seconds, or at least that’s how furious you felt at this moment. You’d been silently grinding your teeth and fiddling with your character’s figure on the table since Eddie started the session.
“Any day now, sweetheart. It’s your turn,” To you, it sounded like he was elongating your words just to taunt you.
“Skip my turn, nothing good’s happened yet,” You muttered, squeezing your figure tightly in your hand before dropping it back onto the table.
Eddie’s brows knitted together, disgust laced in his deep frown. “So you’re just going to leave the party vulnerable because we bore you, is that it?”
“Why not? Leaving people hanging isn’t completely off the table for our party, right? Or is that just towards me?” You folded your arms, unwavering from his intense glare.
“God, are you seriously throwing a fit right now? In front of everyone?” He leaned forward and spoke in a low tone as if that was going to conceal the argument with you from the other members.
“You know what you’re right. I am so sorry everyone, I’m just not in the mood for D&D tonight. So sorry I have to ditch you all,” You laid heavy emphasis on the word ‘ditch’ before getting up and pushing in your chair with a loud squeak.
The weight of your footsteps could be heard as you walked out of the auditorium. You left the rest of the Hellfire members in awe with your absence.
Dustin was the first to break the silence. “Damn… What the hell did you do, Eddie?”
“Zip it, Henderson,” Eddie snapped back, his eyes transfixed on the door. “Jesus Christ, what the hell was that?” He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, dropping his head on the table with a thud.
“That was some good drama, right there,” Gareth spoke in an amused tone.
“You’re not helping,” Eddie grumbled.
“Are you going to go after her?” Jeff asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice.
“Yeah, Eddie. You can’t let her storm off like that and not chase her. Trust me, it never ends well when I leave Max alone to ‘cool off’,” Lucas added, shaking his head.
Mike nodded “Yeah, El hates that too-”
“Okay! I get it! You guys are expert-level boyfriends or whatever,” Eddie’s eyes shot wide open with annoyance. “Just… give me a second to go find her, okay? Dustin’s in charge in the meantime,”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Mike exclaimed.
“Argue amongst yourselves for a minute, nerds!” Eddie yelled back, already in the process of slamming the door behind him.
Eddie stomped quickly down the hallway, eyes darting everywhere looking for you.
He turned the corner and his eyes widened slightly as he saw your hand disappearing into the girls restroom.
“Damnit..” he mumbled to himself.
He stood outside the door, debating whether he should barge in after you or not. Eventually, his head got the better of him and he pushed open the heavy door.
“Hey. We need to talk.”
“Eddie, get out, you’re not supposed to be in here,” You grumbled, not giving him a second glance.
You were focused on your reflection, carefully dabbing at your tears with a tissue to not ruin more of your makeup.
“Like I care about that,” He retorted.
You caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. He stood with his shoulder slumped, back against the bathroom stall. His intense dark eyes glaring at you with frustration.
“I’m not coming back to the session, you can just kill my character off now,” You said sternly.
“Can you just look at me for a second?” He pleaded, but you remained facing the mirror, trying to avoid even the slightest glance in his direction.
He sighed and took a few more steps into the bathroom, his hands shoved deep into pockets, knuckles turning white with how hard he was clenching his fists.
“Why are you so pissed at me?” He asked, his voice soft and lacking its usual bite.
“You seriously don’t know?” You looked bewildered. “You didn’t even notice that I’ve been avoiding you all day?”
Eddie winced as you took a step forward. “What? You weren’t just busy with school stuff?” He asked sheepishly, knowing he definitely did not notice anything off about today until Hellfire.
“You ditched me on our date yesterday, ring any bells?” You gestured wildly. “You left me at the movies by myself. I had to call my dad to pick me up. I was humiliated!”
Eddie's face dropped as he was hit with a wave of realization. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and let out a long sigh, his jaw clenched tightly.
"Oh, that's what this is about? I'm sorry, I really am, but you gotta know-" He took a small step towards you, his expression pained. "I had to help Dustin okay? It was a like a family emergency and it couldn't wait,"
Eddie needed to be vague for various reasons. He couldn’t possibly tell you about any of the crazy monsters he encountered that night or show you the huge scratch in his shoulder that was covered by his jacket. He could only pray that you bought it.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and frowned deeply. You didn’t want to pry if it was about Dustin’s family, that wasn’t your place. His explanation did explain some things but not enough to satisfy you.
“You didn’t even call afterwards… We didn’t talk today,”
You shook your head, pacing in front of him as thoughts swirled in your mind. “You know, it’s totally fine if you changed your mind about me, if you don’t like me anymore, it’s whatever, but you didn’t have to lead me on like this,”
"Whoa, slow down." He quickly approached you again and firmly placed his hands on your shoulders, gently stopping your frantic movements.
He looked deep into your eyes, searching for any sign that he hadn’t hurt you completely.
"Look at me, okay? I never ‘changed my mind’ about you. I still like you a hell of a lot. And I definitely didn’t mean to leave you in the lurch like that," Eddie pleaded, his thumbs rubbing your skin.
“I’m just kind of a space cadet, you know? I’m impulsive and forgetful and I screw up… a lot,” He took your hand and pulled you toward him.
You pouted and reluctantly followed his tug, your eyes refusing to fall upon him.
“But know this: I do like you. And I know I’m not really good at this whole dating thing, but I wanna make it up to you okay? I don’t wanna end things on this note,” Eddie shook his head and brought your hand next to his face. He made sure you watched as he locked his fingers between yours. “You gonna let me make it up to you?”
You pursed your lips, wanting to refuse at first, but then you nodded.
“Fine,” You whispered.
A small smile appeared on his lips, his shoulders visibly relaxing. He brought your hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on all eight of your knuckles.
"Thank god," he breathed against your skin, his exhale warm and shaky.
He looked at you with hopeful eyes, his grip on your hand still tight.
"We can do something after Hellfire, alright? Just you and me."
You crinkled your nose as you nodded even more enthusiastically this time.
“I’m looking forward to it, Munson,” You mused.
You turned around, now being the one to tug his arm and lead him out of the restroom.
“Hey, wait, what’s going on?” He asked, his old sneakers squeaking on the hallway floors as he followed you.
“Back to the session,”
“You’re still gonna play?” Eddie let go of your hand for a moment, pleasantly surprised.
“C’mon! The faster we get this done, the faster you can take me to get some food,” You whined, walking off without him.
“You got it, princess,” Eddie chuckled, clutching his swollen heart then sprinting after you.
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wynnyfryd · 10 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 32
part 1 | part 31 | ao3
cw: explicit sexual content, smoking
"Holy shit," Steve gasps as he shudders through aftershocks. Holy shit. Holy shit. He's never coming alone again; wonders if he could get away with asking Eddie to record some sort of audio for future use, because- because fuck.
Eddie's incredible. Made him tease himself for what felt like hours — featherlight caresses over his stomach, his hips, his thighs — and when he finally let him come, Steve nearly fucking died. Supernovas in his vision, trumpeting angels in his ears. Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end type of shit. His heart went all off rhythm, and his entire body shook, and that melted honey feeling crystalized inside his chest; a sugar cube embedded in the center of his heart.
"Holy shit," Eddie echoes on the tail of a breathless laugh. He looks just as fucked out as Steve feels, flushed and fucking gorgeous, and Steve hears him shuffling around behind him; tucking himself back into his shorts, taking off his ruined shirt. He wipes his sticky hands on the fabric then moves to clean Steve up, using his t-shirt as a rag; dragging it over Steve's stomach, his pubes.
Steve giggles. "That tickles!"
"You're welcome," Eddie grins. He tosses the shirt onto the floor, and Steve moves to take his off.
"Here," he offers, "take mine." The thing's rucked up under his armpits, probably a little gross from sweat, but he doesn't want Eddie to be cold, and he especially doesn't want him to get up to find a new one. Feels like he might evaporate if Eddie leaves right now.
Eddie pushes him back down gently, and when he looks at him, it feels... reverent.
Like adoration.
Sugar cubes.
"Nah, Stevie." He bends to kiss his forehead with a wet, playful smack. "You keep it."
Steve settles back between his thighs and peppers kisses over the tattoos he can reach, stopping at one he asked about earlier. The fluffy cloud, the sleeping fox. "Will you tell me about these now?" Another kiss. "If you want."
Eddie sighs and sits up straighter; lights himself a cigarette. He pokes at each tattoo in turn, the skin dimpling under his touch, and says, "Fox, and Skye. My half-siblings."
"You have siblings?"
"Sure do. Four and seven last time I saw ’em. And yes,” he adds with a smirk in his voice, “my mom was a dirty hippie, in case their names didn’t make that abundantly clear.”
Steve laughs under his breath. "I see why you didn't want to talk about that before."
He traces the outline of the art; thinks about all the other stuff he doesn't know about Eddie, about his life outside of school, outside of Hawkins. Startles himself a little with how badly he wants to learn.
“Son of a bitch…” Eddie whispers. He sounds like he’s talking to himself, and when Steve glances up at him, his gaze has drifted to the middle distance, staring somewhere past the mirror and the guitar hung on the wall.
“What is it?” Steve asks. A dark smudge of anxiety cuts through the afterglow. It's probably nothing, but three years of fighting monsters has set him permanently on edge.
“Nothing," Eddie assures, blinking fast to snap himself out of it. "Sorry. I'm just— just realizing they’re both way older now." He licks his upper lip; clucks his tongue. "Jesus. I haven’t seen them since ’79.”
Oh. “How come?” He probably shouldn’t ask. Feels intrusive and rude.
Eddie doesn’t seem to mind. “Oh, you know,” he answers, and his tone is flippant, swooping melody, but Steve can hear the vulnerable quiver lurking just below. The slightest tremor; a flicked bass string. “Pretty classic tale. Mom remarried, I was the moody teenage step-son getting in the way of the guy’s fresh start. Also,” he sucks in another puff of smoke, croaking on the exhale, “turns out hippies can be homophobes, too, so...”
“Wait, seriously?” Steve twists to sit upright, to spring into action, as if he’s about to— what, exactly? Fight the past on Eddie’s behalf? (He’d do it, for the record, but he’s pretty sure it’s not an option. Not unless one of El’s siblings knows how.) "Eddie, that sucks; I'm so sorry."
“Down, boy,” Eddie snorts, voice gone husky from the smoke. "It's fine; it's old news."
He clearly doesn't care to wallow when he just got his rocks off, so Steve eases himself back down; borrows the cigarette. When he hands it back he jokes, "Should I be worried that it’s, like, kinda hot when you talk to me like I'm a dog?”
Eddie hollers out a laugh, his head knocking against the wall, all those wild curls bouncing around his shaking shoulders. "Jesus Christ. You're fucking dangerous," he beams.
Steve smiles back; pokes the comic bubble on Eddie's knee. "You like danger."
"Little shit.” He rolls his eyes and smiles, softer now, biting it back. The cassette reaches its end. A peaceful hush falls over the room. "Yeah. I guess I do."
Later, when the moon is high and the weed's all gone and sleep tugs at their eyelids like a needy kid; when they're curled on their sides face-to-face on the bed, Eddie reaches across the gap between them and says, "Stay?"
Steve takes his hand; brushes his lips over bare knuckles. "Kiss me?"
"In the morning," Eddie promises. "If you still mean it, ask me then."
part 33
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
hello! can i request “you told me you’d be careful!” with lewis? it reminded me of the story he told on hot ones about almost drowning when he went surfing once 🫠🫣 but you can make it about anything of course ❤️❤️
Honestly, his adventures are equally as exciting as they're terrifying. But then again, skydiving does sound fun to me, so maybe I'm not the best at judging him
Anyway, hope you like this, I got a bit carried away❤️❤️
"You told me you'd be careful!"
The sun started to dip on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. Y/N stretched languidly on the balcony of the rental house, the crashing of waves a soothing soundtrack.
She'd spent the afternoon catching up on work emails, a necessary evil that had stay back at the house while Lewis and his friends had, yet another, surfing day.
Laughter drifted up from the beach, Lewis's voice in the mix, warm and animated. She couldn't help but smile, even after all this time, laugh was still just as infectious.
A few moments later Lewis came to greet her, his loose hair wild and a grin plastered across his face. He was a vision of sun-kissed skin and tousled hair, the picture of carefree happiness. His movements light and carefree.
"There you are!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around her in a bear hug. "You missed all the fun!"
Y/N laughed, returning his embrace. "Glad you had fun. You guys must be starving."
He nuzzled his face against her neck, his touch lingering a little too long. "Yeah, absolutely ravenous. But I think we can wait a bit"
Something felt…off. Lewis had always been affectionate, but not the possessive kind, and specially not the kind to cling to her like he was doing.
"Alright, lovebirds," a voice called out from behind them. "Don't monopolize the balcony all night."
Daniel, stood by the door, a mocking grin on his face and Lewis chuckled, finally releasing her.
"Just catching up, mate," he said, slinging an arm around Y/N's shoulders. "Come on, love, let's go grab some dinner."
The rest of the evening was a blur of laughter, good food, and stories under the starlit sky of the restaurant. But even amidst the haze of holidays, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Lewis's touch remained unusually persistent, his gaze lingering on her a little too long. Almost…cloying.
The guys that had joined the surfing trip also kept dodging questions on their day, always a nonchalant “it was fun” regardless of who asked.
When they finally retired for the night, the weight of it all was dauting. Lewis, already half-asleep, nuzzled closer to her. He was clinging to her skin at that point.
"Lew" she said softly, her voice laced with concern. "Is everything alright?"
He mumbled a drowsy reply, but Y/N persisted. "No, really. Something feels off."
He blinked, seemingly surprised by her comment. "Off? How so?"
"You're being… clingy," she said gently, trying to unravel the knot of unease twisting in her stomach.
Lewis's playful demeanor evaporated. He stared at her for a long moment, then nuzzled his face against her neck. This wasn't the relationship they had built – they could trust each other to talk about things, problems and their fear, but he seemed set on hiding whatever was going on in his head.
Pushing him away slightly, Y/N held his gaze. "Lewis, seriously, what's going on"
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flitting away briefly before meeting hers again. "I hm…" he mumbled, but his voice lacked conviction.
"Lewis," she said, her voice firm but laced with concern. "Look at me. Tell me the truth."
He sighed, the goofy smile finally fading. "Alright," he admitted, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper. " I had a bad wipeout … a bigger wave than I anticipated."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "Bigger wave? Lewis, you promised you wouldn’t do anything stupid…" she trailed off, unable to voice the terrifying question hanging in the air.
Lewis met her gaze, a flicker of fear still lingering in his eyes. "I got caught in the undertow. Took a mouthful of water… thought…"
He didn't need to finish the sentence. The raw vulnerability in his voice, so uncharacteristic of the usually fearless man she knew, spoke volumes.
"You told me you'd be careful!" she exclaimed; her voice sharp.
He flinched at her outburst, a wave of regret washing over his face. "I know, I know. I messed up. I should have listened to the guys that knew the area. I…"
He trailed off; his words replaced by a heavy silence. Shame hung in the air, thick and suffocating. Y/N knew anger wasn't the answer, not at that point. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down.
"Come here," she said, her voice softer now. She pulled him wrapping her arms around him, his body melting into her embrace.
"I'm just glad you're here." she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.
He held her tighter, burying his face in her shoulder. "Me too, Y/N. More than you know."
Y/N kissed his forehead gently. "Just promise me you'll be honest with me."
He pulled back, gazing into her eyes, his expression a mixture of gratitude and love. "Always," he vowed.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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hey-august · 4 months
Hello and welcome to the virgin!buggy brainrot 🤡
WC: ~500 Warnings: NSFW, mdni, virgin!Buggy x GN!reader, mentions of oral -m receiving and of buggy pegging himself, first time sex, insertion sex
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Buggy thought he knew what it would be like.
Surely it had to be like that one pity blowjob he received as a young captain trying to make a name for himself. He even had decades of practice by taking advantage of his body’s unique abilities to fuck his own ass.
So Buggy knew how it felt to have his dick in wet, hot warmth. To feel someone else move around him, to feel pressure, constriction, pleasure. He also knew the effort it took to shove, thrust, hump. He was ready to have sex.
But the moment his overly sensitive head touched your entrance, Buggy knew he was screwed. He was in trouble. This was nothing like what he experienced previously. The pirate eased himself in and was terrified.
You weren’t warm - you were hot. Boiling hot. And tight. But soft, so deliciously soft. How did he make it this far into adulthood without this intoxicating feeling?
Buggy had watched his own body accept his length, so why did it look different when it was you? Watching himself disappear inch by inch in you was the best thing he’s ever seen. Wait, second best - the look on your face right now was better. But it was also distracting. He needed to concentrate. Fuck, he was starting to sweat and he had barely started.
Shit, the way you reacted to every little thing he did was wonderful and seriously messed with him. Every sound, twitch, contraction, pulse, even the way you fucking looked at him - it was impossible for him to find a steady tempo. He felt feral and nervous. He wanted to ravage you and bring you pleasure. He wanted to come. But could he even do all that?
Your hand moved fast, working to bring your own bliss. Buggy was enthralled and distraught. He wanted to do that, but he could hardly remember to breathe right now.
And then, you gave him the sweetest gift. A kindness that he didn’t understand at first. You begged for him to come on you. 
“Please, please, please, I want to watch you come on me. I need to feel it on my skin.”
So Buggy pulled out and fisted his slick length. This felt familiar, like a comforting hug. Any snide comments or anxious worries that you stopped him from fucking you were pushed away by the way you writhed underneath him. By the way your eyes darted between his dripping tip and blurred fist, up to his flushed and focused face. By your sinful praises, the way you begged, your decadent moans and groans as you chased a climax that arrived just as his own did.
He might have blacked out. Everything felt so good. Sounded so good. Maybe he died and went to heaven. Although heaven was sticky and damp. As his sweat soaked into the bed and then started to evaporate off his skin, Buggy moved closer to you. Closer to your warmth.
“Next time I wanna come in you.”
“It’s a deal, lover boy.”
Hopefully you didn’t notice how his soft dick tried to twitch when you laughed. What a wonderful sound.
Lover boy…maybe next time Buggy would try to make love to you. He wasn't sure how much it differed from sex, but he wanted to try. He wanted to love you.
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mrsoharaa · 3 months
˚₊ ‧ ꒰ა🤍 ໒꒱ ‧ ₊˚
Satoru has no concept of personal space or boundaries, so when he senses you taking a long, dark, candle lit bubble bath in his master bathroom, alone...best believe that man is thrashing through the door like a shameless, needy buffoon that he is.
The slick coat that covered your pretty skin, the flickering small light of the cackling flames from the candles peppering your soaked flesh with such beautiful colored hues complimenting your complexion almost rakes out every heavy breath panting from the gawking, white haired mans lungs. Completely sets down the bag of goodies he had stopped to get for you (since he knew you were on your period, he actually took the time after training his students to pick you up some supplies and your favorite snacks) onto the sink next to him.
His heart races fervently against his hefty chest, blinded sight practically searing through the thin binding covering his perfect, awe-struck vision.
He leisurely sits himself down next to you on the edge of the tub, one hand reaching for your soapy lathered leg and massaging the supple, smooth skin. Almost makes you melt under his wooing touch, leaning your head back against the back of the wide marbled tub as you feel your body coax perfectly with the hot, bubbly water basking into your tense skin and Satoru's generous soothing massage.
A soft, satisfied sigh leaves your lips, all worries and stress evaporating from your aching body. You glance over to the grinning, lanky man still massaging your relaxed limb, feeling his languid fingers gradually linger more further upward with enticing grazes.
You tilt your head lazily over onto your shoulder, lips curling into a tight smile, eyes focused intently on his slick maneuvering.
"Satoru" you finally murmur with a shrill threat dipping into your soft voice, he simply hums nonchalantly. As though he doesn't know what he is doing, also tilting his head as an act to his faulty innocence. His fingers continue to skim up along the pliable flesh of your legs to your mid thighs.
An electrical shiver crawls all through your lower body up to the arch of your spine from his not-so-subtle touches.
"I didn't start a bath just for you to seduce me, dummy" you twitch your leg a bit from him, but his grasp had already tighten, bringing it back to his gracious touches. He chuckles lightly, tracing soft shapes along the plush of your mid thighs with cooing strokes.
"Could've fooled me love" he remarks, laughing at the subtle splashes you made towards his slick retort, hitting nothing but his invisible shield (Infinity) blocking from staining into his clothes.
"Seriously Satoru, I just want to relax" you whine dramatically, leaning your head back against the marbled stone of the tubs back, untensing your shoulders and leg muscles.
"I'm here to help you with that baby...just let me help you, that's all I want to do" his crisp voice draws you in, glimpsing back at him wearing such a serious and intent look (so not like him, and that lets you know how serious he was actually being).
Your brows perch highly, adjusting your body as you lean forward closer towards your leering towering boyfriend, carefully removing your leg from his clasp. Your arms cross over one another amongst the side of the tub, resting your chin on your forearms as you gently poke and stroke at his pants against his knee. All while lazily starring up at him.
"No funny business though Satoru, my body is yelling at me and my uterus is already twisting in ways it shouldn't" you sigh in defeat, watching the excitement quickly sprawl all across the sorcerers flawless face, like a child getting permission to pick out their favorite toy from a store.
Doesn't take him long to fling off the restricting clothing confining his surprisingly bulked, well fit stature. Pooling the nuisance of cloth against the frame of the creaked door, carefully maneuvering into the tub behind you, and wrapping his prolong, burly arms around your smaller figure. Pulling you in close into his firm chest, with your back flushed perfectly against his welcoming skin.
You carefully lay your head back against his chest, listening to the steady heart beats and breathing rhythmically waft through his chest. The warmth and comfort of his beefy arms securing you closely into his enthralling embrace. Feeling ever so safe and adored by him. Entrapped by his weighing, soothing presence.
Your eyes slowly peek up to meet his closed ones, carefully studying, admiring the beautiful snowy curled lashes gently grazing his skin beneath his eyes. The scattered imprinted marks from his strenuous fight with Sukuna, decorating ever so breathtakingly along his luscious flesh. He was a beautifully decorated canvas that told lulling stories, a sheer work of art through your eyes that you didn't think you'd come to know and love. A pillar of pure enchantment and unyielding love.
Lost in your own wonderment and awe, you hadn't realize the growing smirk playfully tugging at the sorcerers lips, perking down at you. With one eye peered open, taking in your greedy admiration for the man, Satoru could only wallow away in the intent adoration and gawking you were bathing him in. Feeding into his attention hunger and ego.
"You know the more you stare, the harder it is for me to not to appreciate you more, myself baby" his smooth voice chuckles coyly, adoring the sudden fluster draw out along your face. His arms locking in more firmly around you from squirming out of his grasp, holding you close and steady against his built. His glossed lips meet the open span of your torrid cute cheek, placing a gentle, tender kiss upon the plush flesh.
"S-shut up Satoru...I was just...looking" you pout softly, whipping your head back forwardly as you adjust your body against his.
Finally finding a comfortable position for yourself, you could feel the heat of his breath fan against the shell of your right ear, his chin nestled ever so comfortably amongst your shoulder, arms still latched safely around you. Completely and utterly content.
"You're so cute, my cute little soon to be wifey" he toys subtly, gingerly nipping at your ear lobe, snickering at your jolt to his actions. Feels your shoulders nudge against him, smirking ever so smugly and childishly as he always does.
"Satoru, I will kick you out if you don't stop" you warn, face still hot from the steam of your bath to the growing flustering blooming throughout your entire body. He laughs carefully, detaching his teeth from your lobe as he settles back gently onto your shoulder, this time resting his cheek flatly against the supple skin. Humming, almost purring to the consoling touch of your skin masking with his.
His smooth lips brushes faintly against your neck, pressing delicate kisses upon the inviting space.
"Haha...I'm sorry sweetheart, here let me just...hold you...let me take care of you, my love" he sweetly croons into your neck.
"Let me tend to you...can I spoil you princess? I'll pamper you, make you dinner and everything...tonight is all about you, my heart, service and entirety is yours to command" he gives you another subtle kiss against your neck, feeling you tense up to the warm, fuzzy touch of his silky lips. Breathing ever so lightly to his every touch and pledges to you.
You hum to yourself, leaning your head a bit as you raise your right hand to cup his cheek and smile, glancing in his direction.
"Aren't you being such a sweet kiss up? but...of course 'Toru, tend to me tonight please...I missed you and your touch honestly" you mumble softly, melding deep into his endearing embrace, readjusting your body to face him directly as you cup both of your hands onto his cheeks. A honed smile gracious his face, leans into the warm invite of your palms, kissing delicately amongst your skin.
Big, round globes of brighten cerulean meets your generous gaze, his hands draping over the curves of your body.
"The feelings mutual baby...of course I'll tend to you, that's all I ever want to do...want to make you feel good, want to make you feel safe, loved and absolutely adored...I want to hand you the world and then more"
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ya-zz · 5 months
Weed anon here- awesome, thanks! For some headcanons, I was wondering how genji, hanzo, and rammattra would take care of an s/o while they were high? Not like having a bad trip, but just, you know. Giggly, munchie, maybe a little huggy and sleepy. (One of my favorite things to do is just look out the living room window and watch cars pass. My friends joke that it turns me into a puppy) Thanks so much! Have a nice day (and a nice 420 if you partake 💚)
I enjoyed this, even if I had multiple tabs of research~ Thank youuu for requesting! ♥
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It wasn’t the ninja’s first time getting high, not by a long shot.
Years of partying and drugs made him build up a tolerance but it still gave him the buzz he needed. 
It wasn’t exactly your first time either, high school parties made you do unspeakable things that your mother had hated. 
When you suggested getting high as a joke, Genji was all for it and made preparations. 
You didn’t take it seriously until a few weeks later when he shows up at your door with bags full of food and a grin on his face. 
He barges past you, setting up the living room with blankets and pillows, stealing the ones from the bedrooms and bringing them downstairs. 
He wanted it comfy, “the best experience possible”, in his words.
When it finally came down to it, Genji was supportive. Letting you take your time, go at your own pace. 
Eventually, when your body felt warm and fuzzy, a smile gracing your features, Genji sat next to you. 
You immediately cuddled up with him and his arms wrap around your torso, pulling you back into the sea of blankets and pillows. 
All worries had seemingly evaporated as you lay with the ninja, hand trailing his chest as you mumble incoherent words.
Genji can’t help but chuckle, happy to be with you in such a vulnerable state.
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The eldest Shimada wasn’t against the drug, but it had been years since he even touched it.
The smell brought him back to the times he was pulling his brother back home from a bad trip. It made him feel sick.
When you came home one day from a party, eyes red and giggly as fuck, did Hanzo grow concerned at the coming drama. 
Flopping down next to him, you lay your head on his lap, looking up and admiring his features. 
He knew, he saw the look in your eyes that you were high, but the smirk on his face only grew the more you touched his cheek. 
“I want chicken nuggets.” You say. 
“I will order some.” Hanzo replies back, instantly pulling out his phone. 
“Make it a twenty piece.” 
“Are you going to eat them all?” 
“Fuckin’ watch me.” You giggle. 
The archer sighs, placing an order, putting some food in there for himself too. 
“Thank you, lovely.” Another giggle erupts from you as you watch the archer stutter, a flush covering his cheeks as he shakes his head. 
“You are insufferable.”
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Ramattra wasn’t one for taking care of someone, at least, nobody other than you. He wasn’t made for that.
When you asked if he would watch over you while you got high, just to make sure your trip wasn’t bad, he scoffs but agrees. 
He did his research, making sure you were comfortable and had plenty of food around, then he let you do what you wanted. 
Ramattra stayed in the room, specifically by your side, monitoring your every move.
It took a few minutes to kick in, but when it finally hit, he noticed your body relax into the sofa.
Your arms opened up, wanting him to come towards you and he obeys without a second thought or argument.
“Is everything okay?” He asks before he is immediately pulled into a hug.
The metal was cold against your face, but the rumbling of his chest made you feel warmer than before.
Ramattra settles down besides you, arms holding you close to him as his hands traces circles over your body.
“I did not know you would be like this.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” You giggle.
“I am merely surprised.” He sighs, chuckle following after. “Let me know if you require anything else.”
Another pause before the mention of food, something that wasn’t on the table. 
“Humans…” He tuts, shaking his head.
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mushm00nsblog · 8 months
You were home alone with your toddler, the terrible twos settling in as your baby stomps around destroying you and LYNEYS home- the house of you and your husbands dreams that you both worked so hard to call it your own.
Your patience was evaporating, and to top it all off, the baby gate you’d been working on building turned out wrong, and you couldn’t figure out how you were supposed to get these two pieces together- irking you even more.
Only a few minutes until your husband gets home. You think to yourself, letting out a distressed groan as your child gets into something else that’s not supposed to be touched.
You grumble and begin to rub your temples- too close to losing your temper when all of a sudden-
“I’m home—!” *rings through the house, and you see your magical lovers silhouette in the doorframe, his body appearing fully once he shuts the door.
You smile a relieved smile, watching your toddler drop what wasn’t supposed to be in their tiny hands and run over to him, observing how he extends his arms and raises the child up close to him, chuckling before he puts two fingers behind the kids ears, a toy appearing in his hands when his hands come back into sight.
Your baby gets excited, climbing down from lyneys arms and running off somewhere else with the new gift, satisfying their attention for a while.
“Welcome home, lyney.” you say, seeing him walk closer to your spot on the floor, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
Lyney looks at your situation, eying the failed baby gate before kneeling down to your eye level. “What’s this?”
You had forgotten for a second that you were busy building a baby gate, earning a little whine from you when your husband had brought it back up to you.
“I was trying to build the new baby gate but something’s missing.” You say with a bit of irritation, moving the gate around to show him. “I don’t know what it is!”
Lyney laughed softly as you explained your troubles to him, bringing one of his hands behind your ear, holding up something in his hands when he brings it back into your vision.
“Is this what you’re looking for?” He beams whilst holding up a shiny grey nail.
Your eyebrows raise up as you look at the gate, noticing a hole in a very important area that was missing a part! The nail!
With a light gasp, you take it out of his hand, screwing it into the spot and setting up the gate, your lover watching nearby as you successfully set it up in front of the spot you wanted guarded off from your toddler.
Your facial expression read one of relief and joy- finally you were done with that stupid gate!
As you let out a sigh in satisfaction, you stand up and turn over to lyney, feeling a sense of happiness wash over you.
“Where did you find the last nail? I looked everywhere!” You question with an exasperated exhale, looking up into your lovers eyes as he chuckled and puts his hands on his hips.
“A magician never reveals his secrets.” he says with a sweet smile as he playfully boops your nose, letting out a ‘boop’ while doing so.
You blink twice at this action, still not able to fathom how quickly he changed your whole mood and also helped you with the two things that were draining your sanity in just a short amount of time.
He looks around and walks over to an area in which your child made a huge mess of, starting to pick it up and leaving you to stand there staring at him while thinking.
“No seriously, tell me!” you exclaim, running towards him and taking his arm in your hands, walking alongside him as he picks up the mess of your home, earning a giggle from him.
Reposts are appreciated!
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dokk-fukuro · 1 year
Your Relationship [Nikolai Gogol]
A/N: f!reader, mention of female genitals, smut, mentions of violence, eating out
Gogol as your friend:
If your friend is Kolya, you won't be bored. He guarantees it. However, do not expect seriousness on his part. Kolya is called a buffoon not without reason;
Only this person can think of calling you late at night, because he came up with a new quiz, the answers to which he will voice;
Don't ask where he got you a suit like his. Trust me, you don't want to know. In general, he made it himself;
Birdwatching together. You can do this for hours. Geese tried to peck at him a couple of times;
Likes to show you tricks with disappearing. Never let you travel with him in this way;
Your friendship also has a rather dark side. At least because Gogol is still a sadist, to whom other people's suffering is fun. You should be ready for this when he can call you on a “special quest”;
From the outside it may seem that he is not attached to you at all, but Nikolai has some problems with attachment to people;
Gogol as your boyfriend:
Even though he tries to keep you as far away from Dostoevsky as possible, he knows full well that he cannot keep his secret for too long;
Does not tell you about many things, so as not to injure. It's a joke! Gogol does not like to hide anything from you, and demands the same from you;
He likes the way you cook;
Spend not as much time together as you would like, but, according to Gogol, it's even better. You have time to miss each other;
Despite all his sadism and some insanity, Kolya secretly admires you and your normality. You and Sigma are two people that he likes because you don't think ten steps ahead of the intricacies.
The beginning of your relationship was difficult, although this word does not describe the situation in which you found yourself for the first time. Gogol did not trust you because you would “treat” him, as Fyodor does. And it was new to him that you accept him for who he is;
Sometimes he uses his ability on purpose to slap your ass or get under your skirt. You both find it very useful at times;
You're lying on the couch in the living room, engrossed in a book. “Dreams of Cthulhu” captivates you so much that you don’t immediately realize that the lower part of your body has simply evaporated. Gogol, who has been touch-starved lately and very, veeeery horny, so he couldn’t simply leave you alone. You don't often manage to have time for two, so when he had the idea to use the Overcoat, he could not deny himself this by calling you on your mobile beforehand.
“Kolya, you’re in the next room,” you sigh, feeling a slight shiver through your body, as if his hands are touching you. You can clearly feel how the fingers press on your pussy, fingers passing along the fabric of your shorts. “Kolya, stop it and give me my body back.”
His half-mad laughter, mixed with heavy breathing, gives a completely unambiguous answer: "No." Gogol cannot resist the softness of the skin of your thighs, the warmth of your body, your noisy sighs on the verge of a moan, when he touches your pussy with double zeal.
“You refused me this morning, dove,” the young man recalls, as if trying to shame you. He pulls your shorts off your hips and presses his lips against your soft skin. This is too much! Your hips are sensitive and receptive to touch, so it only takes light kisses to make your body almost crumble. “I want you. Really want to fuck you dumb. However, now you’re all at my mercy, and you can’t do anything about it. Enjoy! And don't try to hold back your moans when my tongue touches you. Otherwise I'll punish you.”
Kolya loves to give you pleasure with his tongue and lips, because your surprised expression is the best reward for sudden molestation and persistent caresses.
He likes to comment on the change in your facial expressions. He cannot not do this, otherwise you will hear him moaning, which he does not want;
But if you pull his hair .... However, do not expect him to be indulgent to your pleas to be gentler;
Gogol loves when you massage his head after sex or braid his hair. Only you can he trust completely in this matter;
He also likes to run his hand through your hair sometimes. This is something like a sacrament for him, but he will not say what exactly this means for him. In general, listen less to all sorts of jesters and clowns, otherwise you’ll sleep badly!
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Winter Clothing Tips
I wanted to make a friendly and detailed list of stuff I've learned from living in a cold climate.
(Note that I do not have vegan-friendly options- suggestions with links to a vegan product's efficacy are welcome)
This stuff is common knowledge where I live but it occurred to me that it might be useful to someone if I laid it all out. I'll be updating this list if I think of more.
I absolutely adore winter and want to help you love it too! Cheers! List below.
• “Cotton kills!" You see, when cotton gets wet, it will suck warmth from your body and freeze on your skin surprisingly easily. Use wool in place of cotton because when wool gets wet, it will still insulate you.
• Know how to layer! Counterintuitively, having layers of thinner, high-quality materials is less bulky than having a single jacket or pair of gloves/socks. Plus, it has the added bonus of being able to be taken off and switched around according to your needs.
1. Base layer - this is the layer that touches your skin. You want this layer to be light, flexible, and moderately form-fitting. This layer's job is to be moisture-wicking. Sweat evaporates, even under layers, so you want something that will move it away so you don't feel the cooling effect. You also just don't want moisture on your skin. Real silk is recommended.
2. Mid layer - this layer can actually be as many layers as you want. I rarely need anything more than a knit merino wool sweater, but accommodate yourself. This layer does the brunt of the work of keeping you warm. Real, non-blended wool is recommended, but really any wool will be miles better than most anything else.
• make it a priority to keep your center warm. Many people choose a vest as a mid-layer as it keeps bulk off of your arms and keeps your middle toasty.
3. Shell - this layer keeps the warmth in and the elements out. Many people go for waterproof shells so they can be worn all year (i.e. rain jacket). Shells have little to no insulation and usually have a hood. You want the shell big enough to always cover your underlayers, but not so big that it bunches up. I don't have a material to recommend here since anything truly waterproof and tough enough to resist puncture will do. It can actually get hot under there so consider whether you might want a ventilation hole for your arm pits. There are plenty of options. Know that any shell which says it's both breathable and waterproof is lying (unless it's a super fancy item, like $300 fancy). Sometimes, a water resistant material will be better for you than a waterproof one. It depends.
• socks, socks, socks! A pair of silk foot liners paired with a good pair of wool socks will keep you comfy all day. Make sure your winter shoes/boots are a bit too big to accommodate the extra space that multiple socks take up. Make sure your socks are taller than the top of your boots. You want the socks sticking out from the top. I like to layer my foot liners the highest, then the wool socks a bit lower, than the top of my boot lower than that. You can always fold the top of socks to make them a comfortable height. (Pro-tip: do not use ankle socks! They will bunch up)
• The above logic should be used for gloves too. You'll want to make sure your shell gloves are waterproof but thin enough that you are able to use your hands. Again, the name of the game is staying dry.
• Waterproof, non-slip boots are a must. You don't need to get fluffy or insulated boots if you use my sock tips. This saves money too because now you have boots to wear all year instead of just winter boots. I'm a fan of Gore-Tex with Vibram soles.
• If you do a lot of walking on pavement and such, get a pair of crampons! There are tons to choose from. They're awesome. They'll have you confidently walking around a frozen driveway with ease. Crampons are these rubber and metal things you strap to the bottom of your boot. They often use either spikes (only recommended for seriously rough terrain) or coils that lay horizontally under your foot to increase traction.
• Speaking of footwear accessories, consider getting waterproof gators. Common wisdom is to tuck pants into your waterproof boots to keep them dry. Sometimes, especially if the snow is deep enough, snow will get trapped at the top of your boots where your pants are tucked in anyway and it'll start dripping into your boots. Gators fix this issue. They're these... they're like shin guards that go all the way around your ankle and up to your knee. They cover the area where your pants meet the boots and will completely prevent snow from getting in. (Pro-tip: if you get ones that are also puncture resistant, they can be used in nice weather too to prevent ticks and protect against snake bites. They're perfect for tall grass. I use mine all year.)
• Scarves are often overlooked but they can make a huge difference. You'll want to find a way to tie them that is comfortable for you. There are plenty of guides on the internet for that. I've found that extra long scarves tend to be the most useful. I like to stuff the ends of them into my layers for extra coverage wherever I need it. Plus, it's easier to tie long scarves.
• Get a good hat that also has ear flaps. I like ones that have space above my head so that a warm air pocket forms, keeping my head comfy. Or you could get a pair of earmuffs that go around the back of your head to pair with your hat. You can use the hood of your shell to protect your hat if you need to, so focus on comfort and warmth for the hat rather than it being waterproof or especially durable. I tend to like alpaca wool for hats.
• Sunglasses can make a difference since blinding light glares off of the snow.
• Before you go out in the snow, put one of those foldable clothes drying racks in your bathtub. Leave a watertight bin by the door you'll be coming in from. Lay a towel at the door if you don't have a good/big enough doormat. You'll be dripping water and littering the floor with snow and ice when you come back inside. Wipe off/ shake off as much snow from your person and knock your boots on the lip of the doorframe before coming inside (this logic works for cars too). Put your wet clothes in the bin. Change into whatever you need to. Bring the bin with you to the bathroom and hang up your articles on the clothes rack to dry. You can keep your boots in there too, just make sure the clothes aren't going to drip into the boots. If you want to get fancy, you can buy a cheap boot dryer to keep in the bathroom.
• Once you get inside after being out in the cold, remove your jacket immediately. It'll take you longer to warm up inside if you keep wearing your outdoor clothes.
• Quick buying tip- if you end up visiting somewhere that's cold a lot, be sure to check out a wealthy location's Goodwill and thrift stores. I've found amazing brands like Patagonia, Kool, and Spider there for cheap!
• TL;DR If there's any one thing I would want to impress upon you, it's that materials matter. You could be wearing 4 cotton sweatshirts and still be cold or you could wear one marino wool sweater with a rain coat and be toasty and comfy.
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starryredpandawrites · 3 months
“Born From the Same Ink” Ch. 15 Sneak Peek
Every room the unlikely duo came across was thoroughly inspected. At some point, Sammy started preaching to her again but Audrey ignored him, holding herself back from shushing him because they hadn’t seen any Keepers yet. Maybe Bendy had killed them all. She could only hope. 
Just before the end of a long hallway, they found a side room with a gent pipe upgrade station. Thrilled, Audrey counted up all the parts she had and compared them to the ones she needed. The thrill was swiftly replaced with frustration and she let out a loud groan. 
“What ails you, sheep?” Sammy asked curiously, pausing his search of the room. 
The nickname didn’t help Audrey feel less annoyed, quite the opposite in fact so she let out an angry sigh. 
“I am this close,” she held her fingers together to the point they were almost but not quite touching, “to upgrading my weapon. I just need one more Gent toolkit but I can’t find one anywhere! I’ve been searching ever since I found these stupid blueprints but they all must have evaporated or something.” 
Tilting his head to the side in consideration, Sammy wondered, “Have you tried asking the Ink Demon for guidance?”
Audrey rolled her eyes. “No.”
“Well, my sister in ink,” he replied smoothly while cracking his knuckles together. “That is your problem. This is clearly a test of faith.” 
Before she could do more than scoff, the man spread his arms out and raised his mask to the ceiling in a supplicating gesture. 
“Hear us, Bendy!” he shouted in a voice so loud Audrey could've sworn it shook the room. 
“Shh, they’re going to hear you!” 
Deaf to her protests, he continued speaking as though he had never been interrupted. “Reveal the location of the final item we require to defeat your enemies on this quest to prove our devotion!”
Mortified, Audrey covered her face with her hands, certain they were about to be swarmed by Keepers.
There were some sounds of rummaging, opening and closing lockers, then silence. 
“Ahem.” Rather than coughing, he spoke the word aloud in a dry, unamused manner. 
When Audrey uncovered her face she was greeted by the sight of a Gent kit dangling from the musician’s fingertips. 
Baffled, she retrieved the kit, staring at it with wide eyes. 
“How did you-what-” she stammered, looking between it and Sammy in amazement. “Where?”
The man pointed to a drawer she swore she searched through when they first entered the room. 
When she told him that, Sammy gave her a disbelieving look, then nonchalantly suggested, “Perhaps a lack of faith wasn’t the problem.”
Narrowing her eyes at the snide undertone in his words, she asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The Ink Demon blessed you with eyes. Use them.”
Oh, Sammy, you wonderful sassy dirtbag, please stop stealing the spotlight. This story is supposed to be about the siblinks.
Guys, I've been dying to share this scene ever since I first started outlining Audrey's side adventure with him. Seriously, I've had it written for months and almost turned it into a Bendy Bite but I knew it would be better if I held back. SO happy I'm finally at this point of the fic.
Anyway, thank you SO MUCH for reading and I'm hoping to have the next update ready by Saturday. Wish me luck!!!
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donutwatches · 1 year
MHA 2.9 - Bakugo vs. Uraraka - part 1
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Oh wow, he really came up here saying “I don’t even know who you are”. He has a lot of nerve commenting on anyone’s face considering his own face looks like a permanently pissy gremlin that got woken up too early from a nap at his daycare in hell. 
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I’m with you Uraraka, it is a pretty low-tier insult. Bakugo is about as creative with character nicknames as I am, which is to say, not very creative at all.
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It is sweet that everyone is worried  and wants the best for Uraraka, but I wish that it was not packaged in sexism. It feels like no one has faith in Uraraka’s ability to win. Makes me sad. 
Shonen is not exactly a hot-bed for feminist thought, so I always expect to be disappointed. It is annoying that shows targeted at boys still perpetuate attitudes that de-value girls. 
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Bakugo is clearly not going to hold back and I kind of love it. Taking it easy on someone in a competition is insulting regardless of gender. It seems like he is taking her seriously as an opponent. Good! 
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THAT’S RIGHT, URARAKA IS BADASS, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE! Her quirk is powerful too, she only needs to touch him once to turn the fight in her favor. The only thing holding her back is shonen troupes (unfortunately those are much harder to overcome). 
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What is wrong with these people? Booing Bakugo is valid, but they are booing for the wrong reasons. This is a rare instance of Bakugo being right. I cannot believe these heckling a-holes are making me root for Bakugo. Inconceivable. 
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Ooooooooh, somebody is in tRoUbLe.  
You know that embarrassing feeling when a teacher calls you out in front of the whole class? Imagine being a grown adult getting called out in front of a whole stadium and having it broadcast on TV. I would evaporate on the spot. 
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Aizawa is harsh with that cut-throat protectiveness of his students (good for him). It might have been merciful to just kill the guy. Teach is 100% correct. An adult booing a teenager at a high school sports event is not hero material. Especially, for the silly ass reason they were booing in the first place.
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It was refreshing to hear Aizawa say what I have been thinking out loud. Bakugo is taking Uraraka seriously, and booing him for that is disgraceful. 
This is turning out to be less sexist than I feared. Bakugo’s equal treatment of Uraraka as a competitor is great. Aizawa’s defense of both Bakugo’s regard for the fight AND of Uraraka’s strength has reassured me that the intended message is to NOT underestimate an opponent because they are a girl. 
click here for part 2
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ladylooch · 7 months
No I was just about to ask that
That anon is in my thought haha 🤣🫣
I was thinking maybe they sleep separately for a few weeks/months
Timo mainly bc he needs sleep and to stay focused (obviously he will still help with the kids throughout the night but mainly lio and Livy bc the twins mainly need Em’s milk)
Emma bc she is just soo beside herself and seriously doesn’t even recognize herself anymore and gets irritated at timo for every little thing (she feels bad ofc but she doesn’t know why she snaps at him)
I have avoided this long enough... and I've avoided it because you and the other nonnie are not wrong 😭 It just makes me so sad for them!
To me, I see it as this...
Timo and Emma are having a hard time and just need some alone time. Timo is the one who sleeps in the guest room on occasion to give Emma space because she is constantly feeling "touched out". Timo brushes up against her in bed and she gets very exasperated. He doesn't want to live like that either, so he starts going into the guest room on occasion.
This continues where he gets home from road trips and doesn't want to wake her up. Then, as they are about to start couples therapy, Timo spends an entire week in the guest room. They really don't realize that until Livy calls the guest room "daddy's room." Emma immediately starts to cry and rushes upstairs.
Em feels so awful during this time. She is struggling with PPD, selling her business and having her body ripped to shreds with this last pregnancy. She can barely stand her husband, and now, their daughter, thinks he has his own, separate room at their house.It's a lot. They cannot overcome this mountain on their own.
"Babe?" Timo calls as he comes into the bedroom. She isn't on the bed like he was expecting. He looks over at the bathroom, seeing the door closed. He can hear Emma's cries vibrating off the tiled room. "Baby? Can you open the door?" He knocks softly.
Emma doesn't answer him or open the door. All she can do is sob harder, completely convinced that she is going to lose her husband because her stupid brain can't get over its self.
Eventually, Emma cries herself to sleep from pure exhaustion in the bathtub. Timo pops the lock on the door to get eyes on her after she didn't respond multiple times. His genuine concern for her safety didn't evaporate when he got her in his arms.
He has never seen Emma like this; she is a shell of a human.
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panchatea · 2 years
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ChaCha Story Commissions
IREH (Cho Seo Young) x Male Reader 
Trigger Warning: Violence, Drugs, Schoolplace Bullying etc…
Tags: Femdom, Blowjob, Piss, Smut, Non-con, Edging,  Purple Kiss, Ireh, Swan, HighSchool
A/N: Hi! I'm freshly out of hiatus so yeah I'm rusty... but yeah this is my comeback fic. Thanks again to the person who commissioned this!
support me on KOFI
How did it come to this?
Salted beads that were crawling non-stop down the cheeks. This worm’s eye view perspective seemed to be the new norm now. Those seemingly innocent, droopy, and sleepy eyes weren’t so attractively cute after all but rather chillingly scary.
That cocky smirk.
Her hysterical laugh.
That sight of her black heel that sat comfortably next to your head, down that toilet bowl seat would surely become a core memory played on repeat during bathroom breaks from now on.
The air feels cold… that only if you could call the little breeze that came from the noisy exhaust fan attached to the ceiling touching your bare skin “air”, come to think of it there was also that flickering fluorescent bulb next to it…
"Should I report that to the maintenance team so that they can fix it? Yeah, I'll do that once I get out of here…"
It felt hot, even though the air felt cold as the liquid that wetted your skin slowly evaporated and crept down your skin. Its stench was definitely not pleasing, not as pleasing as her perfume but it still definitely smelled like her, well… 
After all, it came from her. 
That hot liquid with the hints and hue of yellowish that came out of those pinkish lips.
"Look up."
Just do as the voice said.
Look up.
The image was still blurry, and the flickering light behind that was distracting, but at least the noisy exhaust fan was filtered by that loud ringing.
There was no time to ponder and feel what was left to feel. Here it comes, fuck how could you see it so clearly when it was so fast in reality.
That black heel of hers steadfast and locked on to meet your face.
Again, how did it come to this?
“Let’s all calm down and let go of each other’s hair, okay?”
That was when her contradiction of a pair of eyes first met yours. They were seemingly innocently attractive and lazy. Something you would never expect from a girl grabbing another girl's hair and pinning her down to that lunch table. Milk spilled, and the girl had her school makeup ruined. There were also tears and whimpering buried on top of all of that laughter coming from the girl that caused all of that and her friends around her that seemed unfazed by what was happening—it seemed like a normal occurrence to laugh about for them.
Seriously, diving into trouble like these… 
One of these days you'll have to take care of this hero complex. All it ever did was cause disaster anyways. Could you blame yourself though? How could someone ignore such a thing happening in front of you?
"What was that?" She looked up and met your gaze before slamming the girl on that plate of today's cafeteria’s special, bulgogi and stir-fried meat but that was not important anymore as surely that wasn't just gochujang sauce on her but also blood. 
Well, if it wasn't obvious enough, it's a stereotypical case of bullying—a SERIOUS case on that note.
"Oh, this?" Another slam, another loud whimper, and another stream of laughter. "Don't mind us and just eat your lunch, we're friends you see… and we're just playing around."
Fuck… can't really help yourself? You are not Superman…
"LET GO OF HER!" You yelled as you quickly ran to them and gripped the bully's arm to stop her. She winced, and you let go just as quickly as you realized you had used too much force. She smirked as she noticed your grip loosened. She went for one last slam that gained a loud yelp from the girl she finally let go, and before you could even react to maybe save the poor girl, her palm met your face.
A loud slapping sound echoed inside the cafeteria. Seriously, what a bitch… That slap packed a punch. 
You glared at her, for the first time taking the chance to give her a good look, and this girl really doesn’t look like your stereotypical queen bee bully—moreover, those glasses made her look like an innocent nerdy girl. 
Her nameplate says, “Cho Seo Young” and you only met her today, but you were so sure that you two won’t get along well.
“Are you new here? That’s rare, a graduating senior transferring. Did something happen at your old school?” She approached, looked at your nameplate and her hand landed on your cheek—that same cheek she slapped that she was now caressing. “You’re cute… I’m sure you were popular at your old school.”
She leaned forward, she inched closer, her breath… you could feel it.
“I’m sorry, they must have not informed you,” she whispered next to your ear which came with a lick and a little play bite. “Don’t worry, I’m sure that you’ll have fun here, but there’s one thing you have to remember and it’s what Ireh says, is what’s followed and you could never go against Ireh. So friendly advice since you’re new here, just mind your own business.”
“That’s funny, I would love to meet this ‘Ireh’ person that you’re talking about. She seems to be an interesting fellow. Thank you for the advice but I’m kinda nosy… I can’t help it so could you please leave that girl alone now?”
“Sujin, could you please tell our nosy friend here who Ireh is?” She ordered using a playful tone as she moved next to the girl she was bullying and the bullied girl responded quickly pointing at her.
“Sh—she’s Ireh… we’re friends, do—don’t mind us. We—we were just playing, I’m okay!”
“There we go! I’m Ireh, nice to meet you transfer student!” She exclaimed before hugging Sujin who was still shivering in fear and crying. She raised her hands, preparing to hit the girl she was hugging, and swung it but before her hand could land on the poor girl, you caught it.
“I’m sorry, I don’t see any Ireh here, could you please point me to her? I’m also new here so can you maybe show me around, Ms. Cho Seo Young?” You read the name that was on her name and her face turned sour, but you just ignored her and turned your attention to the girl beside her. “Park Su Jin? Sujin-ssi, can I call you that? Remember, it’s not playing when only one side is enjoying and the other is hurting.”
“You’re insufferable, transfer student,” Seo Young or Ireh said from the side before freeing herself from your hold, and intertwining the hand she just freed with yours. She once again inched dangerously close to your face, and this time she went in for a kiss.
Surprised, you couldn’t react quickly, and before you knew it, she was melting you with her lips. Her tongue moved fast, invading the inside of your mouth. She tied, she pushed in… she was pushing in something, and you tried fighting but then it was already too late as the next thing was she had already pushed the thing inside far enough that you had no choice but to swallow.
She broke the kiss.
You tried to process what just happened, backing down a little while trying to figure out what was that she made you swallow.��
A drug? What kind of drug?
However, that little time you spent thinking was enough time to kick in. Suddenly, everything felt so light and the image of what was in front of you was splitting. You were floating and it felt amazing.
Everything was blurry from then on and at some point, you just closed your eyes and…
A bucket of cold water woke you up, and there was an image—a person blocking that flickering blinding light. You tried moving but to no accord, everything felt so heavy to move, or was it just that you were too weak? There was also that ringing in your ear… that wasn’t there before and that noise? Where is that coming from? That weird buzzing… 
Everything was spinning and felt light. It felt cold, it felt warm, and there was this creeping anxiety crawling on your skin. It felt as if you were floating yet you were sitting down somewhere… somewhere cold. Headache, it felt as if a thousand needles pierced your head, splitting it.
Water dripped down your face. It felt hot. You were cold, you were wet, you were shivering, and you were sweating. There was also this indescribable sensation and feeling. It was rather odd… everything felt fuzzy.
Your heart… was beating so fast. Nervousness creeps down your skin as everything felt frantic.
“Hey.” A voice caught your attention, and the image in front of you spoke. She was pretty, but who was she again?
A zap of pain surged through your head. Flashbacks of what happened? Of who that girl in front of you was? You remember now…
Ireh, otherwise known as Cho Seo Young, was just standing there, with a smirk—what a cocky girl. She was the bully you tried to stop in the cafeteria earlier? But then the last thing you remember was passing out after she kissed you?
A loud bang interrupted your train of thought. Ireh had kicked the door behind her, closing it before leaning towards you. It was then that you realized how little the space was. She was towering over you while you two were enclosed by those not-too-tall white walls, and you were sitting down on something smooth, cold, and ceramic—it was a bathroom cubicle.
“What’s this? What did you do to me?” You barely managed to speak.
“Why? Are you feeling unwell?” A peck on your cheek that still stings(that slap from earlier was really no joke). Those lips of hers were so soft, for a moment there, you forgot that she’s a bully.
“You’re going to regret this,” You threatened even though it was clearly an empty one. You’re not going to be doing anything in your current state—even just speaking was hard, you could barely comprehend her word.
You tried pushing her using every bit of strength you had with your arms, but she easily overpowered you.
“Why? We’re only going to have fun.” She pulled you in, tugging on your necktie. Her grin said it all as she tilted your head up using her finger. Her image was splitting, you were lightheaded but you managed to make eye contact, her eyes were cold and angry, and what came after was her connecting your lips together. Once again, her lips were like butter, soft but that kiss… was empty.
The moment the kiss broke, she delivered another slap, equalizing the slap from earlier, and now both cheeks were left stinging.
“See, we’re having fun, right? You’re wet, let’s get you out of that shirt.” Her fingers crawled and twirled your tie before making you shiver as her nail ran down your body through the wet fabric sticking to your skin.
You tried pushing her once again but she just fended you off without any hardship.
Bit by bit, buttons popped open, and she got to see what was underneath. Her hands felt warm as she gently placed her palm on your chest.
“Look at you… wet and miserable.” Ireh giggled as she poked your chest, “Shivering, are you afraid of me?”
“I’m not afraid, I’m just cold and I feel shit because you drugged me.” Ireh ignored your remark and just focused on feeling you up.
“Your heart, it's beating so fast. Do you perhaps have a crush on me?” Ireh tugged and pulled. “You’re mine now.”
"Over my dead body!" You retorted and spat on her beautiful face. A little payback for what she had done so far. A little bit of pettiness even though you didn’t want to stoop down to her level—it was all you could do—stain her angelic face and wipe that devilish grin off her face.
“Fuck you!” Ireh cussed as she backed away and kicked your groin. Your voice filled the room as you screamed at the unbearable, indescribable pain her black heel gave you. 
“How dare you spit on my beautiful face!”
Tears dropped from the sides of your eyes as she laughed. You tried retaliating every chance you got, trying to block her kick but it was futile, the pain was unbearable and you felt weak.
“I’ll show you… not to fucking mess with me!”
One kick after another, multiplying the threshold of the pain after each contact. 
“I fucking hate people like you. Going around prying into people’s businesses. A hypocrite, trying to save that girl. Big news! Sujin won’t save you! After all, she was the one who gave you that thing that makes it hard for you to move even a finger right now. All I did was give you her little drug. She won’t be saved either, I’ll break her later too! I bet she’s hiding somewhere crying, laughing, pitying herself! Drowning in her own guilt while being so happy because I found a new toy and I won’t use her for a while!”
When she stopped it wasn’t painful anymore as it was numbed from the extreme pain. 
Ireh soon ditched those glasses of hers, throwing them down the floor before sitting down on your lap and once again inching towards you, removing what little space separated the two of you.
“You said you wanna meet Ireh… I am her! Cho Seo Young, that girl is dead. I killed her… and now I’ll make you wish, you're dead too.”
“Cho Seo Young, you're pitiful…” Her hands found their way up to your neck and gripped it. You choked as she tightened her grip little by little, as the need for air strengthened with each second passing by, and as your consciousness slowly faded, her image was all in sight. 
Her smirk and those dirt brown eyes as she looked down on you told you that she viewed you as nothing more than a toy. 
Fuck, she has a beautifully sculpted nose, and those soft supple lips—if only she wasn't a bully, she was someone to fawn over. Seriously, doesn't it seem weird to be admiring her while she chokes you?
"You're so brave, calling me by that name twice."
Ireh opened her mouth and then her saliva slowly dripped from it to your gaped mouth straight to your throat.
"Don't worry… soon enough you'll be begging me for more."
She finally let go of your neck. A surge of air kicked in as you coughed and tried to spit her saliva out of your mouth—some you already swallowed…
She didn't even let you rest as she delivered a punch straight to your gut, making you throw up, and before you could recover Ireh pushed you. Your head bounced off the wall, adding to all that pain as she forced you to lean back, and one last slap before leaning towards you once again.
"What happened? Cat's got your tongue?" Ireh mocked as she watched you wince in pain and gasp for air. With her fingertip, you tip over, and Ireh once again inched dangerously close to you. 
Everything still hurts, everything within your line of sight still splits into multiple images. Your focus was off, and that weird buzzing, that flickering light, and her scent… still bothers you. Why are you noticing this now? Fuck, her perfume was so sweet. 
"Cho Seo Young, you're going to regret this."
She slapped you.
"Tsk, I told you not to call me that. Forget it, you'll learn soon enough. Open wide~ Here's something that would make you a little compliant."
You could not focus, and can't even maintain eye contact. Eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Everything felt colder but she was warm when she leaned over you. Speaking of warmth, the spots she slapped, punched, and kicked were warm—more like stinging in pain and aching but they countered the cold.
You blinked and her lips connected to yours.
Her kiss this time was torrid, fast, hurried, but still pleasant yet still empty. Ireh's tongue was fast to invade the inside of your mouth and just like before, she was pushing something once again. Another pill? She said it was something that would make you more 'compliant'?
You tried to battle her, trying to tie knots with your tongues and trying to stop her from pushing the pill in, but to no avail, it was useless as she won. She was successful in pushing the pill to the back of your throat. 
She hurriedly broke the kiss. A string of saliva that was cut quickly as you choked but couldn't throw up the drug because of her hand that shut your mouth close.
You swallowed.
"Good, now don't worry… I'll make you feel good soon enough."
As she leaned backward, trying to rest a little The drug kicked in. That ringing slowly faded out. The headache slowly dissipated. Everything felt lighter, it wasn't cold nor hot, it was just pleasant. You were floating. You tried speaking but giggles came out of your mouth.
Everything felt slow, even the flickering of the bulb seemed slower and that buzzing sound didn't bother you anymore.
It doesn't hurt anymore—nothing hurts anymore. 
"Transfer student…"
You heard Ireh call you, but you couldn't make out the rest of her words, it was just her mouth opening and closing.
It was a dream.
You finally moved your body to fix your sitting position, leaned on the wall behind you properly, and rested your head.
Ireh also straddles your lap. Push her because she was surely up to no good but for some reason, it felt like she wouldn't hurt a fly this time. Her touch… They were feathers and they felt pleasant—they felt safe.
Everything was calm.
You could only watch her as she got comfortable, getting rid of her blouse and her bra, and let you feast on the sight of her topless torso—it was hypnotizing—Ireh was alluring. 
When she leaned to put her hands to work, you didn’t resist nor really wanted to. She skillfully got rid of your tie and got you out of your wet shirt. Ireh caressed your cheeks, soothed them as if she wasn’t the reason why it was red.
She worked her way down to your neck where she left a kiss after tracing the marks she made choking you. 
After that, she found your chest and she really knew where to tease and tickle, sending an electric sensation using her fingers and tongue.
“What a nice toy you are…” Ireh continued fluidly and this time she found your abdomen. She giggled as she feel it up with her whole palm, and not long after, she reached for your groins which she attack ferociously earlier.
Her skillful hands and fingers quickly got rid of your belt, and from there she tugged, revealing your shaft. She grasped it gently and started stroking it simultaneously gaining moans from you. It was surprising how it wasn’t broken with how much she kicked your groin. 
Ireh as a person is very contradicting… She had caused you so much pain and yet she had also been very gentle with you, kissing and soothing the same spots she harmed. Now, with her long and thin fingers, she tenderly and caringly stroked your dick to its full hardness.
Shameful, getting hard on the girl who beat you up—turned on by a bully.
She’s enjoying this, and so was your body. It wasn’t the pleasuring she was enjoying, but rather it was watching you fall into submission with each up and down stroke. She giggled each time your cock throbs on her hand and that was enough for her to continue violating you.
“What’s this? Do you like me now? Getting hard for me,”  Ireh mocked in your ear after a playful bite. You wanted to retort but the shame kept you from it and the fact that you were actually feeling great. Honestly, just her touch made you feel appetitive and each stroke feels euphoric.
It might be because she was just good with it, maybe it was the drug, or perhaps it was the feeling of pleasure after being beaten to numbness, but that just doesn’t mean anything anymore as Ireh pushed herself off your lap and kneeled in front of you.
All this time, she was looking down on you, and now Ireh was looking up at you yet, it still felt like she was the one in control and those mocking eyes said it all. 
There was no stopping her now as she completely removed your slacks—tugged them down for your dick to be out to the open for her enjoyment. 
She looked at your cock like it was a toy and like a kid, she didn’t waste any time to take the chance to play with her toy. 
Wetness and a touch of a soft muscle greeted your member. You just watched her as she started to lick the tip of your cock while she use her free to keep it steady and standing before giving another soft kiss. 
It was euphoric.
Soon her tongue landed at the base of your cock. Slowly, tracing the whole length of it while maintaining eye contact. She trailed up. Ireh licked every corner of your cock like it was a lollipop and when she did reach the tip once again, she stopped and played with the underside of it, tickling it with her tongue swirls, leaving you to become a moaning mess.
You throbbed. Ireh planted another soft kiss right on top and using her tongue, she teased the little slit of your tip.
There wasn’t any plan on stopping anytime soon, as she gave a handful of playful lick on your slit—it tickled, and her licks sent tingles upon your shaft. It was electrifying.
Ireh is a woman full of contradiction and once again, she proved it. She might have started gently but now she was coming in like a lion. Suddenly, your tip met the back of her throat, making you groan.
She stayed down there for several seconds before pulling out and going down again this time with just her tongue. It came in fast and rough, a long lick that traced each inch. Her lips wrapped around the whole circumference of your cock. Her tongue occupied the entirety of your dick, and not one tooth could be felt, and once again her lips finally landed at the base of your cock, and your tip hit the walls of her throat. It was soft, wet, warm, and tight. She held it in for several seconds up until she couldn’t anymore and pulled back, leaving a pool of saliva that enveloped your member that soon dripped down your balls.
Ireh gasped for air and you followed her, catching your breath for very different reasons—for her it was the fact that her breathing was restricted, and for you, it was because of the agonizing pleasure she gave. It would be a lie to say that it didn’t feel amazing, but shame still followed it.
“I like you better this way. Submissive and not annoying.” Her lips met your cock, and you moaned in response, and even with her mouth full, you could imagine the corners of her lips raising to a smirk. “You’re so cute.”
“I won’t give in.” Your body already did. She ignored you as she continued to bob her head, taking your shaft in and out of her mouth in between your legs, diligently blowing, licking, and sucking with her eyes locked on yours while your hardened shaft slipped in and out of her lips.
“Don’t lie to me.” Ireh pumped up and down, stroking your cock’s whole length. She let her saliva drip down to its head, making sure it was properly lubricated—in combination with her handjob, Ireh’s lip once again landed on the tip of your cock, engulfing it once again. It was addicting, it was intoxicating, it was tingling, it was electrifying, shivers running down your spine as the girl you hate went down your shaft.
You were dazed in both a euphoric high and a drug, she turned you into a gasping and moaning mess, and Ireh just cockily smiled before continuing to roam on each and every inch of your dick while her hand continuously moved in an up and down motion.
It didn’t take long before you could feel the build-up in your groin as again and again, you watched your dick disappear and reappear from her mouth. All your nerves, all of your focus was directed to Ireh and the way she moved her tongue—the way her lips wrapped around your shaft.
Close your eyes.
It was dreamy.
Semen built up and started to crawl through your length. You knew it was coming even though you didn’t want it to come. However, your body was screaming for it, but then a pop was caught by your ear and suddenly all sensation stopped.
Open your eyes.
There you found Ireh, her image was a little bit blurry but you were able to make out her figure towering over you. She knew what she did and she was clearly satisfied and happy while your member ached and blue-balled.
“I’m tired, it is not fair if you’re the only one enjoying here,” Ireh playfully said while she smirked putting on a show as she reached inside her skirt and pulled down her obviously ruined panties.
“Don’t stare too much, I’ll melt.” She joked before throwing her panties at your face, covering it which you quickly removed but to your surprise, Ireh straddles your lap, and you could feel it, the wetness of her core as your member brushed on it.
Ireh knew and she just stared at you, smiling almost sweetly while she went in for a quick peck. Which made you wonder…
“Seo Yo—” 
“Don’t call me that,” Ireh sternly said as she caressed the cheek she just slapped. “Now, do it properly.”
“There, that’s more like it, transfer student.” You were still drug dazed and it was still hazy. Although the slap woke you up from your dreamy state a little but enough to knock some sense from you.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked her. Ireh leaned forward, nestling on your chest. She didn't answer just yet but instead, she gave a playful lick on your nipple and a bite.
It was strange… It was a bite but it was tingling and electrifyingly pleasing, and now with that, you had also realized how her slap didn't hurt either.
"What kind of drug did you even give me?" You questioned, following up the first one as you finally managed to do small movements—one hand to grab on her waist and the other on the back of her head as she was still leaning on your chest.
"Curious? Why does it feel good?" Ireh said as she reseated to see you eye to eye. "There's no pain, right? And this..."
Ireh planted her hands on your chest, using them as support while she started to grind her hips.
“You ask me why?”  Long and slow movements, grinding using her hips and teasing with just the lips of her sex. “It’s because I enjoy breaking people like you transfer student.”
“I’m pent up and I get off seeing a righteous person like you fall into this state.” Her slow and long grinding was edging—pleasantly torturous and euphorically shameful. You could only whine with your powerlessness and this only fed her ego more. “I made you feel unimaginable pain, and then lifted you up to heaven. See, you’re not even resisting anymore, you’re even holding onto me.”
Ireh was moaning in between her words, feeling up the gratification of her actions as she grind more and more. Her wet lips were so close yet so far, your cock was aching and throbbing to enter but it couldn’t, edging you as she enjoyed it all—her complete dominance over you, and the ego boost it provided—the way you and your cock were the perfect toys for her, it hit all right 
She stopped suddenly, halting everything to wrap an arm around your torso and another at the back of your head. Ireh clung onto you, completely removing any space between the two of you, pressing her own body onto yours.
Ireh continued rocking her hips and suddenly upping the ante to her rhythm—her fast and crazy speed. She keep grinding down on you as you heard her moan and gasp for air as she seemingly decided to just forget about you and focus on her pleasuring herself. 
Her nails dug into your back, and her hand clenched on your hair as she ran wild. Ireh didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Her breath hitches. Her gasping and moaning continued. She was frenzied, crazily grinding her hips forward and backward. 
Her wetness dripped on your member, lubricating her movements and allowing it all to flow fluidly. She closed her eyes, relishing it, giving onto the haze… She wasn’t drugged just like you were but it was clear from your blurry and dreamy sight that she was as drunk as you were.
She pressed her hips, pushed her pelvis onto yours, and ground her hips as she moaned in pleasure. Of course, she wasn’t the only one as you too were a moaning mess.
It was surreal and it was unreal. There wasn’t any penetration but at that point, there wasn’t greater pleasure than the one she was giving you—it was pleasurable and out of this world.
You throbbed, swept by the pleasure, and you unconsciously bucked your hips using the little strength you could muster.  It didn’t take long, once again you could feel the build-up that was more rapid this time, crawling up your length, but just like the last time, it was as if she knew.
She stopped.
Her timing was impeccable.
Not long after she stopped, she opened her eyes and made eye contact made with you, into each other with her seeing only a doped man with drunken eyes while you saw the emptiness in 
She didn’t forget about you.
She smirked and laughed maniacally even pulling on your hair, catching you off guard and surprising you. You tried fighting but before you could retort, she pulled you into a hug. 
Her hardened nipples brushed on your torso as she lifted herself slightly to reach your ear, licked on it, bit on it, and whispered, “What is this? Enjoying yourself too much, transfer student? What a hypocrite.”
Ireh reached underneath, grasped your cock, lined up your shaft with her wet folds, and with a shift of her hips, your tip penetrated her pussy, but it wasn’t as easy as that as she went on slowly torturous speed.
“Just say it.” Slowly she dropped herself an inch before stopping once again.
“Say my name and I’ll let you feel have it whole.” Ireh let out a moan as her fold slowly diverge and as your cock slowly penetrates her pussy. 
“Can you feel it?” She was already halfway and you couldn’t take it anymore. The euphoria of her wetness and her tightness slowly enveloping your cock was unbearable. It was rhapsodic, your brain was overloaded by these different feelings and sensations that were both complementing and contradicting each other.
“Can you feel my pussy?” You could. Its tightness, its wetness the way it gripped your cock, the warmth her quim has as it hugged your member.
“Just say that you want me.” She stopped, and you groaned before taking a deep breath and opening your mouth to speak, “Ireh please, I want you.”
She smiled.
“How about a no,” Ireh said before laughing victoriously as she pulled out and got off you. It was all a trap and you got caught. A honey trap to prove her point and to humiliate you, and she was successful.  She made you remember that she was the villain of this story and for a moment you forgot about this crucial fact.
Despite her dead eyes, and empty kisses she still got you. There was no passion but she was skillful and that was enough you make you submit.
The high and pleasure made you submit.
What a disgrace of a man you are.
Her laugh echoed in that small space and her glaring eyes gleamed victoriously. Ireh got what she wanted: make you use her name “Ireh”, make you submit to her, and expose you to what you really were—in her own words a “Hypocrite”.
“Did you really think that I would have sex with you?!” She exclaimed before grabbing your dick tightly, stroking it, working her hand, and giving you another shot of ecstasy as she smugly looked at your face. Suddenly that euphoric dream turned into a nightmare.
Anger crawled through your skin, your heart rate escalated, you could feel yourself sweating more and more, and suddenly you were gasping and chasing for air. At that moment you were so angry but you just couldn’t do anything. You wanted to scream at the top of your lungs but your line of sight was spinning. Open your mouth but nothing was coming out.
Ireh… Cho Seo Young…
Remember, she’s a bully.
“You’re nothing but trash.” Ireh’s palm once again met your face and soon enough after lots of one-sided brawl you were sitting on the bathroom floor. It just went by, you closed your eyes, and when you opened them once again, your head was on the back of the toilet seat. Look up and see her. Guess the drug helped you with that, there was no pain, it was just it.
“You don’t even deserve to be my dog.” Ireh lifted her skirt, and her glistening pink pussy was in full sight. “Just be my toilet,  that’s how low you are. That’s where you belong.”
You could not see her face… not fully but you knew, Ireh still have that smirk, and those eyes of hers that looks at anything as if they were trash and they were below her. She sinks, squatting on your face. Her scent grew stronger—that sweet lavender with that mix of musk, filling your mouth through your nostrils.
“Drink it,” she commanded, but you really didn’t have no choice as her lips met yours lips. She moaned loudly at that contact and that musky smell grew exponentially, then liquid flew out. Stuttered jets of her piss, you collected using your mouth. 
Its inconsistency was a bitch, some spilled and escaped from the sides of your mouth, and some went astray to your nose, your eyes that were shut closed, and other parts of your face. Try as hard as you can, gather and swallow her warm, salty streams of that yellow-hued liquid coming out of her pink lips. 
Pray your neck doesn’t break. Pray you don’t drown from her piss. Pray all of these ends soon.
Once again much obliged to the drug for numbing your pain. Without it, a strain on your neck, and that repeated hitting of the back of your head to that ceramic toilet bowl seat would be painful.
Did time go slowly? Or was it just that her pissing was never-ending?
She gripped your hair and gathered an ample amount of your hair as she ground on your mouth, adding more pressure on your neck, making it harder to catch oxygen and continuous streams of her piss.
Drink and swallow, her piss cascaded from her quim to your lips while some spilled—you couldn’t drink it all, leaving you to question whether you drank more or spilled more? Was her aim good enough to not spill more than you could ever swallow?
Thankfully, liquid stopped dripping from her quim, and relief soon came after. The constant bouncing and hitting of your head stopped on the toilet seat and the pressure on your neck was 
lifted as she finally removed her quim from your mouth.
“Look at you, transfer student. Now you’re looking more like yourself.”
How did it come to this?
Salted beads crawled down your cheeks. You weren’t sure if they were her piss or if they were your tears. Ireh was once again looking down on you—you’re now the worm of the perspective and now that seemed to be the norm now. Her seemingly innocent, droopy, and sleepy eyes which were honestly so attractive were actually cold and evil.
That cocky smirk.
Her hysterical laugh.
She lift her heel, and you could only stare and follow it as she sat them comfortably next to your head on that toilet seat, and that image would surely be imprinted forever on your brain—flashed on repeat during your visits to the bathroom from now on.
Ireh was catching her breath and this moment might be the only time when you could clear your head. 
The air feels cold… 
It feels hot…
She’s silent… wasn’t she supposed to be saying something about how shameful you are? Or how pitiful you look?
That exhaust fan is noisy…
That bulb was flickering…
It was hot, it was cold as the liquid that wetted your skin slowly evaporated and crept down your skin. Its stench was definitely not pleasing, not as pleasing as her perfume but it still definitely smelled like her, well… 
Being a toilet seat is hard, remember to be more kind to toilets nowadays.
That hot liquid with the hints and hue of yellowish that came out of those pinkish lips.
"Look at me."
Just do as the voice said.
Don’t defy Ireh.
“What Ireh says, is what’s followed and you could never go against Ireh.”
Look up.
Her image was still blurry, and the flickering light behind that was distracting, but at least the noisy exhaust fan was filtered by that loud ringing.
The time to ponder ended there and all that could be done was feel what was left to feel. Here it comes, fuck how could you can see it so clearly when it was so fast in reality.
That black heel of hers meets your face.
Close your eyes.
The next time you opened your eyes, there was a person…
But there were a thousand reasons why you couldn't make her out properly. Your head was splitting, your line of sight was blurry, etc… but you were able to make out to say
It was a girl.
This girl was different…
"You're awake." 
Her voice… 
It sounded familiar. 
"I'm sorry."
"Who are you?" You asked—it seemed like you were sober enough now. Plus, your sight was slowly recovering and when she spoke once again, you were already able to fully see her face.
"My name… Park Su Jin."
The girl Ireh was bullying…
"Sujin-ssi—" She cut you with her lips. Suddenly pulling you into a torrid and deep kiss. Her lips, they were heavenly but that kiss…
It felt oddly familiar.
And so it was because it was the same kiss.
The same tactic Ireh used to make you swallow those pills of some drug.
Sujin pushed, and she easily overpowered you. Perhaps because you were too weak or she was just good at kissing but nonetheless, she made you swallow the pill.
She was a good kisser.
"Sujin-ssi, why?" You asked after she broke the kiss. She didn't answer, instead, she grasped your dick, stroking it to its full length once again.
Seriously, what is it with this school and its female students who violate their peers?
The drug kicked in and that was when Su Jin finally spoke—almost whispering and not caring whether you hear or not.
"I'm sorry… Please, the least I can do is make you cum."
EYY! HOW WAS IT? I know I'm rusty... haven't wrote for a while since life happened but I do hope this turns out fine... without too many mistakes.
If anyone is curious Here’s a link of my KOFI. You can commission me like this or just tip me (they are highly appreciated cause I’m broke) hahaha I promise you if you ever commission it would be worth it and I will do my best.
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inquiscissors · 4 months
LOVED the gameplay trailer! Now that it's been a minute, so for posterity, here's my first take on it all:
- I'm choosing to enjoy the stylized-realistic art style, glad everyone looks like they belong in the same game (was a little confused after the trailer, bc especially Harding and Emmrich kind if seemed to be in pretty different styles? but all seems to be in order after all✌️)
- to be entirely honest, I was a little worried that it would be hard to take things seriously in a more stylized game (despite origins looking, well... like it's from 2009, DA2 looking like it was made in about a year, and inquisition's over the top sad face™️, but somehow my nervous shit brain chose to completely ignore all that and worry anyway), but that scene at the temple hit me HARD.... I could write a whole thing about how Varric goes into it so boldly and jokingly and how this persona just evaporates when he sees how serious and SAD Solas is... All that just to say, I'm not worried about that anymore🙏
- so excited to see all the different ways we can move compared to earlier games!! balancing! vaulting!! (climbing and swimming, maybe?? hopefully??👀)
- incredible scenery, VERY cool atmosphere in Minrathous - it feels big and imposing, and like you could really get lost there
- on that note, I'm really hoping for day/night and weather cycles, though I'll be fine with keeping to the zones rather than an open world - but I hope we get to see Minrathous in daylight as well❤️
- I could honestly do without the sci-fi leaning design elements, but I don't mind them - I am hoping for a creative in-game explanation for them though👀
- LOVE the return to having both short and long range weapons equipped! I've really missed this since Origins, so it's cool to see it return🙏
- You actually have to aim with a bow! And you have limited ammo! in general the combat felt more up-close and personal than inquisition, and I feel like things like limited ammo lends itself really well to the small, grassroots-like group like the Veilguard, where you don't have the unlimited resources of an organization like the Inquisition (the Inquisitor can't really be seen running out of arrows in the middle of their heroic moment, surely), as well as from a game design standpoint where you can do limited ammo BECAUSE you have the option of melee, which you couldn't do in DA2 or inquisition
- the ability/tactics screen seems a bit daunting, and I'm glad the game pauses when you go to use it😅 I'm confident it'll be easy enough to get familiar with though, as figuring out the mechanics hasn't really been part of the challenge of beating the game before
once again, my most pressing concerns have been put to rest, and I'm so excited for this game🙏 completely unrelated to the game-play trailer, one of the biggest assurances I've seen these last few days is that BioWare has been keeping council with a selection of prominent fans of the franchise for the last few years(!) of development, meaning that they have made a big effort to actually stay in touch with what the fans want from the game, which was HUGE news (to me at least, idk I'd this was kind of an open secret that I hadn't picked up on or smth, but I had no idea lol)
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