#no we don’t get to find out wtf happened to the surface. that’s the fun part.
the-faultofdaedalus · 2 years
once again thinking of the alt-history/sci-fi/dystopic universe in my head where the whole concept is “the surface of the sea just stops existing”
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leoprincess777 · 4 years
⚡ astrobservations p.2 ⚡♌
🌟 houses
*this is a new theory i came up with but we might experience the energy of the opposite of our houses. for example, as a 1h venus person you may act more like a 7h venus where you avoid confrontation and value keeping the peace. as a 7h venus, you may act more like a 1h venus where you give more appericiation to your appearance and be more aggressive and argumentative.
as a 6h sun, you may find it more difficult to accomplish tasks at hand and be productive and it may feel like a burden to you, but you may easily get in contact with the astral realm and embrace your higher self.as a 12h sun, you may easily be productive and finish tasks and chores but struggle with surrendering to the divine, diving deep into spirituality or struggle to accept your gifts.
*mercury in 7h love to debate other people and share their ideas with other people
*jupiter in 5th gives excellent stage presence and abundance of creativity, its the ultimate performer and creator placement. people with chart ruler in 5h jupiter are often destined to become a creator/performer which can even mean being a tourist guide or a youtuber
*mercury in 5th people are never boring and they are extremely pleasant people who will make everything 5x more fun than it is. school work, chores, everything is funner with them!
🌟 synastry
*be VERY careful when getting into a relationship with 8th house synastry, especially if you are the planet person because you will most likely form an extreme attachment and obsession to the house person that will last for a very long time and can go into unhealthy lenghts. because you are the planet person and this is 8th house synastry we are talking about, the house person has immense power over you and they know it. they can see right through you. as the planet person, you want to be their one and only and feel they empower you, which makes you crave to be with them more because they give you power and their presence helps you get through anything. you will never forget about them and they become embeded in your subconscious. the house person will feel disturbed and triggered by you psychologically. but they become fascinated with the planet person. this makes an extremely transformative relationship. they bring out your true personality (especially if your sun is in their 8th house) to the surface and you trigger the heck out of them.   the planet person usually finds the house person when the house person is at their rock bottom and sometimes vice versa. 
 *venus conjunct sun synastry has an effect where the venus person is widely known as the sun person’s sweetheart. the venus person becomes a magnefied and known person in the sun persons life, almost like a celebrity couple/duo while the sun person is known by the venus persons’ favorite people and inner circle mostly.
*12th house synastry is a BITCH i fucking hate it because it makes everything so blurry and unknown you have no idea wtf is going on but you also cant make your way out and you idealise the person a lot
6th house synastry is EXCELLENT because you’re involved in each others lives so much. more often than not, you spend majority of your time in a day together whether by hanging out or texting and the planet person usually reports the house person what are they doing during the day (like a random text of “im repairing a bike rn” or “im going to x, i’ll be back in awhile” etc) and you care about each other A LOT. the planet person can take a director role in the house persons life and they help each other a lot
mars conjunctions are wonderful synastries for sticking through thick and thin, it makes a very dynamic and sexy couple
with mercury in 7th house synastry, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for the love to remain as a secret if it’s a romance relationship. it will come out. one of you will admit it sooner or later
🌟 other
*wherever your mars is placed in, is where you’re not scared to take action or assert yourself. example: my pisces mars friends are not afraid of getting in dangerous waters likecliff diving, swimming in wild waves, going too deep in water etc. i, as a leo mars am not afraid of putting myself out there and performing
*sagittarius suns love to eat, while sagittarius moons have less appetite and desire to eat
*aries moons love themes of war, they have a warrior-like approach to most things
*aries-pisces people turn war and warriorhood into fantasy and make it dreamlike. (example: grimes’ (a pisces sun aries moon) WarNymph persona)
*i didnt observe this myself but read that mars opposite uranus people have deranges pasts with knives and it’s SO true.
*fire moons enjoy energetic and upbeat music, earth moons love chill music (like indie, lofi, can be r&b too maybe), air moons can enjoy techno music&rap, and i’m not sure about water moons cause i don’t have many water moons in my life but i’m thinking they would enjoy songs with lyrics or beats that make them feel something and songs with stories. i’ve seen that they tend to listen to music of all kinds. earth moons openly discriminate amongst genres and dgaf
*pisces placements have divine intelligence and are revolutionaries. this is rarely mentioned and pisces are often described as “airheads” which they are because of their giant imaginations and unique thought process but it’s a sign of intelligence. pisces people pick up on ANYTHING so quickly, absorb information like a sponge and analyze it themselves to form an opinion and understand it. their thoughts and opinions often dont make to other people or shock them. they will bring revolution and newness into whatever area they are working with. (example: einstein, rihanna, grimes (she’s literally trying to make the “ethereal techno” an official genre and creating avatars. revolution), billie eilish, kurt cobain (helllooo  grunge king), paul mccartney, copernicus, aamir khan, steve jobs are all either pisces suns or risings
*sagittarians are similar in the sense that they like to discover new paths. they have the star quality (walt disney, britney spears, brad pitt, nicki minaj)
*it makes sense that the world’s most famous celebrity right now is a leo (kylie jenner)
*sagittarius and gemini risings have thick and pretty hair. it’s well styled and you want to run your hand through it. they’re physically advantaged
*aries suns and moons will just create trouble if they cant find it cause they love to throw themselves in tricky and dangerous situation as they feed off of it
*cancer moons get fucking poetic and dramatic at the slightest conflict, argument or emotional moment like they fucking channel the spirit of shakespeare. shhtoppp
*air sun, moon, mercury & venus dont like sadness, depression or traumatic memories so they will often program themselves to forget about heartbreaks or traumatic events and move on like they never happened or change the story and tell people different stories about what happened to convince themselves and twist reality.
*moon-saturn often naturally restricts food intake
most socialists/communists have taurus and sagittarius placements it’s INCREDIBLE
leo ic people are inherently and naturally charming af, thats because they are usually SHOWERED with love and affection as a child, they are often the only child and the golden child which obviously feeds someone with confidence for their life later on
libra moons will judge you on the inside if you are ugly sjdljsdf they dont like to be in aesthetically unpleasent spaces
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bagog · 3 years
What On Earth Has Happened
Hey, no story here, no experiments. Just a play by play of an awful year in my life. Please don't reblog. Trying to just get it down in one place for people who care about me. Long, sob-story beneath the cut.
Air - 'Things are looking up!' I had started to drift a bit from tumblr. The porno purge came and a lot of my friends trickled off the platform after that. I went back to school, attempting to score myself a Masters degree in something that would pay enough to get me out of Student Debt. I was doing great, picking things up fast. I got a new job at a company doing pretty menial work, but the people I worked with were great conversationalists. The work didn't involve dealing with customers at all, paid well, and was small and accomplishable tasks. Essentially I was being prepped to take a better position at the place once I had my Masters. Covid happened, then. Earth - 'The Whole World Sucks Right Now' My company was "essential," so I continued going to work, now on weird schedules. The company I worked for was profiting off Covid, all the while making fun of it as an overblown conspiracy, even as their own epidemiologist urged them to take better precautions. Work became hard to swallow. Water - 'When your lowest place could be lower' The apartment I shared with my boyfriend flooded. The lowest place in any sewage system is typically the bathtub, such that if it backs up, it does so into that tub. Our lowest point is the toilet. So the apartment flooded. Three times. Roots growing through the sewage outflow meant that, often, you needed to wait a solid hour between toilet flushes, or else the toilet would back up with such gusto the sewage would slosh down the hallway and into the living room. We mopped many times. The problem was finally fixed 8 months later, necessitating our having to camp because our house had no water. Fire - 'To destroy all you've done' One afternoon, I smelled burning. Going to our bedroom, I found our shelf a column of flame. I could barely breathe for all the smoke, but I managed to grab a blanket and beat the fire out. On the other side of the room, the pages of the books upon another shelf had begun to crisp from the heat, the blinds on all the windows were warped. The whole apartment had been about to go up. I'm kinda scared of fire now. Heart - 'When moving is too much to ask' Personal health sorta hit a new low. Migraines kept me out of work for two full weeks. I have seasonal foot pain, I always assumed from hiking for a living in my 20s. Turns out it was gout, all the while. Gout is exceptionally painful: it's like a messy pile of razor blades in the ball of your foot every time you step down. At work, I could barely stand. Walking from my car to the door became something I needed to psyche myself up for. Not a lot can stop a gout flare-up once it's in full swing, so I just had to wait it out. For a month. Two. Some of the worst sustained pain I've been in. Little did I know that, in January, come the kidney stones. Kidney stones feel awful. Feel like total shit. Gout and kidney stones are comorbid--brought about as a result of the meds I take to help me focus. So any day I don't drink enough water is a day when my kidneys or my foot just starts aching. But going back to September of 2020... Homophobia - 'goddammit' Finally things are looking better. I'm limping quickly again. Then I am called into the HR office. I am told that two sexual harassment charges have been brought against me. I'm told that one individual has alleged that I, while in the restroom, used a reflective toilet brush to attempt to peep him under a stall wall. I did not do this. I do not understand--reflective toilet brush?? wtf. The second allegation: I just straight up looked over a stall at a guy. I didn't do this either. I'm asked to defend myself, I ask who or date or time of day. I am given nothing. I remark that I don't think I'm tall enough to see over the stall, and I do not understand about the toilet brush. Of the ten minutes of the meeting, I spend 8 of them trying to get my head around how a claim about a reflective toilet brush has me here. "Would you like us to go now to see if you're tall enough to see over the stall? If that would help your defense?" says the HR head. "Yes, I
would," says I. We did not go. I am told that the accusers have no reason to be collaborating, or to even know each other made a claim. This is bullshit, because it was a company of 80 people, and only a quarter of those employees used the restroom where my alleged harassment was to have taken place. Before I am dismissed from work for the day to go home and wait to find out if I'll be fired or not, I march into the HR office once more and say "I hope none of this is happening because I'm gay." The HR head looks positively offended. I got fired cuz I'm gay. Next day I got a call. They'd come to the "objective truth" (that phrase is burned in my mind), and were terminating me. Apparently they discounted the toilet brush rumor, after all. But they really honestly believed I looked over the stall at a dude. Nightmare - 'No Fear One Fear' Let me tell you something: this is a nightmare. This is my honest-to-god nightmare. I've been terrified of getting accused of something in a bathroom since I was 11 years old. I am incredibly self-conscious and careful in public restrooms. To be fired? From a place full of people I like? And all of them will think I'm a pervert. My boyfriend worked at the same place. He would now have to work there every day dealing with people looking at him and wondering what he must think of his boyfriend. That sent me on a spiral. I'm still out of work, almost a year later. It would have been the worst mental health crisis of my life if it wasn't for my boyfriend, my support network, and the meds I've finally been able to get ahold of. Oh, also. My two accusers? Were roommates. HR knew they were roommates. They basically collaborated on a story to get me fired. The story circulating around the place (I still have acquaintances I talk to working there) has dropped the reflective toilet brush entirely. I guess they thought it was too unbelievable. So anyway, the people who accused me are now telling a different set of events than what I was told. Absolute horse shit. Tried to go to my city's human right's council to see if my situation warranted further attention. I gave my side of the story--including tales of the straight manager who had had enough harassment charges brought against him that he was no longer allowed to meet female staff--which indicated I'd been treated differently and wrongly. My old job made an impassioned argument that the committee violated their First Amendment rights(?) ('Freedom of speech' is the biggie with the First Amendment, for people who cba re:USA). I won the vote!! But one member of the committee was missing. So there weren't enough people for the vote to pass. Dismissed. We took it to the EEOC to make an official federal complaint. Just a week ago, an agent of the US Government patiently explained to us that these laws are literally designed to fuck over the worker and protect the employer unless they are epically stupid, and unfortunately, mine had not been epically stupid. So there's nowhere to go, no recourse to be had. It's over, I guess. Family - 'How to sum it up quickly...' My family hit me with the old soft-disown. No more calls, no more communication. They think they are loving me by not having contact with me. By depriving me of my family, they hope it will make me realize that the path I'm on is destructive, and I'll return to them living an upright life. No. I'm living an upright life, now. And if my family can choose to throw me away, then they are not a family I choose. Then my dad hit me back two months later, absolutely gaslighting me and pretending we never had the disown conversation at all. Reality - 'I don't know who I am anymore' I have trouble knowing what's real, anymore. Every message my dad sends on the surface seems loving and supportive and plaintive. I feel I must be the one in the wrong. I got fired for bullshit reasons. It doesn't feel real. "My family can't possibly have ceased contact with me: that's one of those things I know can never happen!!" But that did happen. So what else that feels real, actually isn't? I do
mean to be so dramatic, and I won't apologize for it. But I truly do feel like my mind has been pretty thoroughly unseated by the last year. Whoever I am, I'm becoming someone different. More distilled, at very least. I've discovered a lot of things about myself: trauma that has likely led to a lot of my mental health problems. Discovered I actually have RAGING ADHD, and it has robber me of a lot of things I wanted to do, and now is sort of consuming me completely. I'm looking for help. Trying to get better. Here's hoping. Every bold point above could be its own book, for all my thoughts about them. But enough of that for now. Love you. Thanks for reading.
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sortasirius · 4 years
Any ideas on Claire (maybe w/Kaia) and Jack post finale interaction as TFW kids? They would be the most chaotic duo/trio, remembering what a bamf Claire is, how much Jack enjoyed his time with those teens in s14 (he really needs friends asap!!) and how he bonded w/Kaia in s13/15 Also! maybe a prompt, them trying to delicately ask Sam or even Jody about wtf is destiel’s status (before those two idiots get together) and Sam/Jody getting super awkward but actually explaining some of it? Xx
My chaos children, I love them, I sorta made this about everyone in wayward bc I desperately miss those ladies and will never get over the injustice of them not having their own show.
These were so fun to do!!!
After they beat Chuck, Jack ends up going to Jody while Sam/Eileen and Dean/Cas just...take some time for each other and themselves.
Jack knows Kaia, obviously, but he’s accepted by all the ladies immediately.  Donna especially adores him.
Claire teaches Jack how to throw knives, and he accidentally breaks two of Jody’s windows before Jody finds them an abandoned field to throw projectiles in
Jack tells Claire that she reminds him of Dean.  Claire rolls her eyes but swells with pride.
Claire also makes Jack tell her everything about Cas, about what kind of dad he was to Jack, what she learned from him.  Jack tells her everything and more, he tells her how much Cas loves her.
Jack doesn’t really like to go hunting anymore, so he stays home with Alex and Patience when the others go hunting, they teach him how to make a really good mac and cheese and teach him the difference between curry and cinnamon (they almost learn that the hard way when making an apple pie)
Kaia and Claire want to take Jack everywhere, because he’s never really been able to just be a kid, so they end up spending a lot of time skipping rocks at a creek by Jody’s house.  Jack learns to talk to them openly about just about everything, and it helps Kaia open up to someone other than Claire too.
They all spend Friday nights watching movies, Jack asks a lot of questions
Kaia and Jack talk about the different worlds they’ve seen, and are able to help heal each other’s traumas
Jack, in classic Jack fashion, is also the one who asks blatantly about Claire and Kaia.  Claire turns beet red and Kaia looks away immediately, but it’s only a few days later that they start holding hands.  Jody thanks Jack later, he doesn’t really understand why
When Sam or Dean or Cas check in on him, Jack talks their ears off about all the things they did that day, from the very mundane window cleaning to the clearing out of a vamp’s nest and learning how to use Donna’s flamethrower.
Jack finds a second family in Sioux Falls
Pairings: Claire/Kaia, Dean/Cas
Words: 1219
Claire Novak is no idiot.  She may have been a little oblivious about how Kaia had felt about her at first.  Look, she had just been carrying around a lot of guilt and thought Kaia would hate her for leaving her, it’s perfectly natural.  But she’s gotten better about seeing things that are right in front of her, especially since she and Kaia had been, well, dating, for nearly two months. She turns all mushy every time she thinks about that.
Point is, Claire can tell something is going on with Dean, and it has something to do with Cas.  But everytime she asks him about it, Dean just huffs and rolls his eyes, tells her it’s nothing or that she’s seeing things.  Even Cas is no help, training his eyes to the ground and asking her not to talk about it.
Claire has had just about enough of the weird energy being created.  Hell, they all have.  Patience and Alex said to leave it alone, that Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack were only visiting for a few days, checking in on Kaia after everything, bringing Jack by to meet everyone, but Claire has never been one to just roll over when presented with a problem, so she’s going to get to the bottom of it, even if Dean and Cas themselves are no help.
“Hey Jack,” Claire sits down heavily next to him on the porch swing in the back, where he’s watching the hummingbirds fight over the sugar water in Donna’s feeder.  Kaia trails behind her, leaning against the doorframe leading into the house.  She didn’t particularly understand why Claire was so…obsessed with finding out what was going on, but they were in it together now. (Again, it makes Claire feel mushy).
“Hello!” Jack is a little weird, but a good weird. He doesn’t get any of the movie references Claire makes but understands all of Dean’s, which is a travesty, Dean has terrible taste in movies, but he’s got a kind, open face and reminds Claire of Cas quite a bit, so she likes him.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Jack is still watching the hummingbirds, but Claire assumes he’s listening, so she just dives right in.
“What’s up with Cas and Dean?”Jack turns back to her, looking a little confused.
“What do you mean?”
“They seem, um, weird.  When they’re together.”
“Oh that,” Jack turns back to his birds again, “They’re always like that.  It’s getting worse, but they ignore me when I ask about it.”
Claire slumps.  Dammit.  Back to square one.
“Claire,” Kaia grabs her hand as they head to their next target.  Claire stops immediately.  She still can’t get over the fact that Kaia is here, with her, and still likes her apparently, even though she left her for dead in the Bad Place.
“Yeah?” she gives Kaia a smile, which is returned with interest.  Claire’s heart is going to burst out of her chest, just watch.
“What are we doing?  Shouldn’t they figure out their own stuff?”
“Ugh, as if they ever would.  I get that they’re older than us.  In Cas’ case like, thousands of years older than us, but if we don’t figure this out and fix it, they never will.”
Kaia sighs, leaning in to kiss her.  Man, Claire was never going to get enough of this.
“Fine,” she smiles again, “Lead the way.”
Jody is working in the garage on a weapons project for Donna, something about powering up the flamethrower or something?
“Hey Jody,” Claire gives her the smile that will tip Jody off immediately that she wants something, but there’s no time to waste here, Dean, Cas, Sam, and Jack are only here through tomorrow.
“Hey girls, what’s up?” Jody turns to face them, “Oh boy, what do you want?”
Kaia laughs.
“Nothing much, just wanted to know if you know what’s going on with Dean and Cas.”
“Dean and Cas?” Sam’s voice comes from the open garage door and he appears, carrying a box of books for Patience. Unsurprisingly, they were essentially best friends now.
“Hey Sam,” Claire puts on her best smile again and Jody sighs loudly, not that it would stop her, “Yeah, they’re just acting weird around each other.  We, well I wanted to know what’s going on.”
Sam’s face whitens by degrees, and he looks from Claire, to Kaia, to Jody, who just shrugs.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.  Okay, that’s a stupid analogy, but you know what I mean.”
“I don’t know anything…” Sam hedges, but that is not going to be good enough for Claire today.
“But you know something,” Kaia interjects, and now Sam knows he’s outnumbered, because Jody is looking at him with as much interest as Claire and Kaia are.
“Just that.  Well, ugh,” Sam is swaying from foot to foot, like a deer about to bolt, “Even I don’t know what’s happening but…things are escalating.  Stuff that was only simmering below the surface before is now boiling.  They don’t say anything, but um, I think there’s something there.”
Claire grins.
“Great, that’s all I needed.”
“You did not hear this from me.”
“Sure sure.”
Sam makes his escape before they can ask him any more uncomfortable questions.  Claire and Kaia high five as Jody laughs.
“Don’t make them too uncomfortable,” she warns, turning back to her workbench and flamethrower, “They’re our guests.”
“Come on Jody,” Claire grabs Kaia’s hand again, “It’s Dean.”
“So,” Claire leans against the Impala as Dean works under the hood.  She knows him well enough to know that that would put him in a good mood.
“When are you gonna make a move on Cas?”
Dean bangs his head on the hood of the car.
“You heard me.”
Dean stares at Claire, who stares right back, listening to Kaia, Patience, and Alex laugh from the living room window.  Dean’s eyes snap to the sound and then back to Claire, then up and down the empty street.  His ears are turning redder by the second.  She knows she has him.
“Yeah I heard you I guess.  Just don’t understand where the hell this is coming from.”
“You’re not exactly subtle,” Claire points out, as Dean’s blush deepens, “Also you two have been acting weird since you got here.  So me and Kaia did some reconnaissance.”
Dean looks at her with a set in his mouth, like he’s ready to argue.  Claire just grins at him.
“We asked Jack, and then Jody, and then Sam about it.”
Dean slides a hand down his face.  It seems like he’s admitting defeat.  A good thing.
“Listen it, it’s nothing.  We’ve just got our own crap to work through, and we’ll work through that crap, and then get back to normal.”
“Or you could make a move on him.”
“Why do you care, anyway?”
“Because stupid, I care about you and I care about him. And if this will get you out of your weirdness then I’m all for it.”
Dean looks into the engine block of the Impala, sighs, and then slams the hood shut.
“Fine.  Fine. But if this doesn’t work, I’m melting down your knife.”
Claire grins and runs off to find Kaia. Mission accomplished.
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let-it-show · 4 years
So I was actually at a swimming hole today when I got inspired to write this...its good to post something in between parts of my new story (new chapter soon!) Anyway I had intended for this to be a cute, short drabble of these two just having fun but the thing ran away from me and got incredibly horny wtf. There’s no actual smut, though, SORRY. Random Elsanna scene go!
No matter how secluded it was, no matter how warm it was, none of Elsa's words had worked on Anna. While Elsa had absolutely no trouble melting off her dress and dipping herself into the cool water completely naked, Anna wasn't willing to go farther than her bloomers and her undershirt, because what if someone did come along?
"Nokk led me here, and is watching for our safety but I'm telling you, Anna, we are far from any camp. Come in here with me," Elsa tried to tell her.
"You just want to leer at me," Anna had replied back while she examined their admittedly secluded surroundings. The wonderful little pools of water were between large rocks, surrounded by not only tall grass and bushes, but the forest as well. Upstream from where they were at the moment, multiple little waterfalls fed into the water flow.
There was nothing but nature.
Elsa smirked at her. "And is there really anything wrong with that? I do see and touch your naked body often."
Anna blushed and just shook her head while Elsa shrugged and started down to the water.
The water looked cold, and that didn't help. Cold didn't bother Elsa at all and especially when temperatures were up she wanted to be in a shower of snow or ice cold water. Anna, not so much. She liked to cool off by swimming but sometimes river water just looked too chilly.
She did lean against the side of one of the boulders to watch Elsa. Her sister looked like some kind of mythological beauty swimming in the water like that, her white-blonde hair spreading around her and seeming to float. She was like a gem in the river...
A sexy gem with gorgeous breasts that were going to be dripping wet. Anna couldn't wait to rub her hands over them, nevermind Elsa's stomach and thighs. Knowing how good she looked made her feel even more on alert for anyone who might spy. There wasn't a single person out there aside from herself that deserved to see Elsa like that.
While she waited, and to distract herself, Anna found a little pool of water that came up a little past her ankles. It felt very nice. The coolness was refreshing. Still...if she went swimming, that was cold water on her whole body, and on top of that Elsa might prank her with even colder water.
Elsa swore she just liked to see Anna's nipples hard but Anna knew she found the squealing and colorful language adorable. Then Elsa would have the nerve to act all graceful and above such silliness when Anna raged at her. She would then kiss Anna, nudge her legs apart and, well...
"Changing your mind any?" Elsa asked, climbing out of the pool, coming up at her like a damn goddess. Anna's eyes were immediately drawn to the glistening pearls of water on her skin and the way her wet hair draped over her shoulders, dripping down her chest.
Would it be weird to have sex on a giant rock in the forest? She was tempted to shove Elsa against the rock and kneel between her legs for a little afternoon delight. Elsa always tasted so amazing...and thinking about her only made Anna feel hotter. She was not doing herself any favors.
She took a deep breath and focused. "You done already? You just got in," she responded.
"I'm going to climb over this rock to get to the other pool, it's a little wider even if not as deep," Elsa explained. "Maybe you'll come in then?" she asked, giving her a pleading look.
Oh that look was hard to turn down when Elsa was naked! "Maybe," Anna grumbled, because it was not fair, not fair at all.
Elsa stepped closer to her, until their faces were inches apart. "What, am I distracting you? Don't say its not fair. I told you to take off all your clothes and you won't." She said it with such a smug, queenly look.
Anna wanted to wipe it off her face with a well placed bite on her breast, but she resisted. "And I still won't," she declared, staring Elsa down. Being difficult with Elsa was fun sometimes. Elsa would take out her frustration by doing certain wonderful things to Anna's body...
She needed some self control that's what she needed. Relief flooded through her when Elsa rolled her eyes and turned away to face the steep, light grey rock she needed to climb up in order to access the next spot. She walked toward it and looked down to place her feet safely.
Then she bent over to keep her balance.
Her ass was like a beacon to Anna and before she could stop herself, her legs carried her forward, out of the shallow pool. Elsa was going to be an obnoxious tease? Well, Anna knew how to deal with that, and her hand was raised as she closed in.
Elsa had started to go forward when Anna's open palm connected hard with her pale butt cheek, nearly sending her face forward into the rough ground. The wet, sharp sound of the perfect smack echoed around them briefly along with Elsa's yelp of surprise at her backside being suddenly attacked.
Anna bounced back on her feet. That had been one good sounding smack and even if her hand stung a little, totally worth it! The light shade of red on Elsa's bottom? A mark of success! She laughed loudly. "Yes!"
"Really!?" Elsa asked, glaring over her shoulder and still appearing stunned.
"Well you can't just stick it in the air like that and think I won't do anything!" Anna declared, oh so pleased with herself. She stuck her tongue out.
Elsa turned and looked at her, and that's when Anna backed up a little. Her victory was probably about to be short lived. She didn't dare run either, because the slope of the solid ground was uneven, easy to trip and hurt herself on terribly. She'd have to take whatever punishment Elsa gave her.
The good thing was, as Elsa came closer once again, Anna had an idea of what to expect. A bite, a pinched nipple, iced body part, a long kiss that left her unbelievably turned on before Elsa walked off again - she could deal with it all. As a result, she stood proudly when she could back up no more.
Elsa closed the distance, snaking an arm around Anna's waist. Anna could already feel the tickle of ice on her skin, but she didn't budge. "Very bold of you to come after me like that," Elsa whispered in her ear, body almost pressed against Anna's own.
"Bold of you to be naked around me and not expect shenanigans," Anna retorted, placing her hands on Elsa's damp, cool hips. Oh they felt good, so good! Maybe Elsa would punish her by shoving a hand down the front of her bloomers and doing...stuff. Her brain was already shorting out.
"I suppose that was foolish of me," Elsa purred, dipping her head down to kiss Anna's neck lightly. She didn't suck or bite, only kissed, and Anna made a content little sound. Elsa prodded her to turn in her arms and Anna complied, eager for what could be next.
Her back pressed against Elsa's generous chest, and Elsa continue to neck her as she fondled Anna's breasts through her shirt. She squeezed and grabbed, breath hot on the crook of Anna's neck. Elsa knew just what to do to reduce Anna to a needy mess. Anna was shifting the way she stood, trying to cope with just how wet she was starting to get.
And that was when it happened. Elsa suddenly tightened her grip around Anna's middle and starting walking forward forcefully, toward the first pool of water she'd been in. Anna's eyes went wide and she realized she couldn't stop them with the momentum Elsa had given them. "Elsa no-nono no no Elsa hey no ELSAAAAAA!"
That was when Elsa half shoved and half threw Anna into the water. It was so cold as her body crashed through the surface and Anna spun around trying to get her bearings!. Good thing it was somewhat deep. She could find the bottom and she could stand on it with her head poking above the water, but her eyes were half open and she was coughing and sputtering and glaring.
There was Elsa, sitting with her legs dangling in the water and once again looking super proud of herself. "How's the water?" she asked innocently.
"It's-it's just fine!" Anna declared angrily. Being in it a few seconds was all it took for her body to get acclimated and it was actually quite pleasant. She could float around in there for quite a while. But she wasn't going to say that!
"Bet you wish you'd gotten naked," Elsa teased and Anna fumed. She supposed Elsa could tell she was slightly pissed, because she sighed and dropped the attitude. "Well, Anna, are you okay?"
"...Yes." Anna knew that if she did get hurt Elsa would drive herself crazy apologizing. Elsa liked to have fun with her, but didn't go too far. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" Elsa questioned, tilting her head.
Anna blinked, swimming closer to where Elsa was perched. "Yes? I think so?"
"So...you probably don't need mouth to mouth?" Elsa asked, and smiled so sweetly at her.
That little...! Well, that was fine. Anna grinned. "No, but you might."
Then, before Elsa could question it, Anna grabbed her pretty ankles and pulled hard. It didn't really take much. With an undignified shriek Elsa was yanked into the water, and Anna laughed.
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furyfought · 3 years
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abernathy is a small town, surely you’ve met AGATHA KLEIN ; they can be a little IRREVERENT & OPPORTUNISTIC but have no fear , the TWENTY SEVEN year old definitely makes up for it by being IMPISH & SENSITIVE . most of the time anyway .  they’re usually seen around KLEIN & ASSOCIATES, LLC , as a CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY . you know, i hear they’re affiliated with the local mc, iron kings as an ATTORNEY . they’ve got this vibe of A HEART GROWN RAVENOUS, A CYANIDE CENTER ENCAPSULATED BY SACCHARINE FRUIT, AND A SOUL IN THE FORM OF A SCRIBBLE WITH FANGS going on , makes them easily recognizable.
loosely inspired by jennifer check (jennifer's body), wendy byrde (ozark), ginger fitzgerald (ginger snaps), elizabeth sloane (miss sloane), john silver (black sails), & BBHMM.
+ pinterest, stats.
hey, friends. i’m devin (or dev) & very tickled to be here. agatha’s a combination of two of my favorite muses, and i can only hope that you’ll love her as much as i do. 🤎
agatha’s story isn’t one that she likes to tell anymore. she feels it’s useless: to be defined by the actions of others, to attempt to battle the preconceived notions that run rampant regardless of what one says or does. she doesn’t want to beg for understanding anymore, or to claw her way from beneath the filth she’s made of her life. all that most know is all that she can bear to have known. the rest? it’s confetti; a meager concession in a game of chess. if you know her, is that a fact or a weapon to be used against her?
when it comes to the stories that can be told, however.. perhaps the most important is background. agatha’s an abernathy native: raised in grandiose park, flew the coop for college, only to settle back down in bordeaux apartments. klein & associates, llc. has been in her family for generations, each forefather serving increasingly questionable clients. agatha’s life, like that of many kleins before her, was already planned before she’d ever even been a thought in her parents’ minds. under her mother’s rule, there wasn’t any room for straying from that path. agatha would be smart; she would be clean; and she would be, without fail, someone. in other words, she would be her perfect replica. imagine the disappointment when agatha was anything but. 
agatha’s childhood can be summed up by three things: a door slammed shut in her face, an ear-piercing howl, and the chronic longing to go home — wherever that was. it’s another thing she doesn’t talk about, another thing she tries not to think about. those three things have followed her into adulthood, but they’ve taken different forms now. no longer is agatha a child screaming her throat raw — no; now, she cries out in other more productive ways. if you were to ask her, she’d tell you that she’s a woman grown; the past is behind her, buried in the sand where it belongs. the truth is trickier, less absolute. agatha is a child in the form of a woman; forever in the midst of a metamorphosis, unsure if for better or worse. she lacks foresight & lives largely in the now. she can’t imagine a future for herself and her choices in life reflect that.
agatha succeeds because she’s pretty, powerful, and convincing. wherever she falls short, her father is sure to more than make up for it. it’s amazing what people will do for the right price, and when they want to keep certain secrets from ever seeing the light. nepotism & immense privilege have done wonders for her, but she does.. actually work hard, too. she has an incredible memory & is really good at digging for more information & making her case. if she tells you that she’s going to do something, then she’s going to do it right no matter what. she’s dogged in that way, blinded to the outside world by her stubbornness. she works long hours & values her career above all else. she thinks it’s the only sure thing she has & views it as the one stable, secure thing in her life.
agatha is lonely to the point of defect. she lacks a sense of security in her life, which is why she’s so career-focused. she genuinely thinks that the only person ever looking out for her is her dad. she becomes very predictable once you realize that she will always pick the winning team; that she will forever follow the money; and that she is always going to make the decision that most benefits her. that isn’t to say that she doesn’t have any friends omg, but.. she doesn’t really trust easily. if she trusts you and considers you near and dear to her heart, then she’ll choose you. but until she has that reassurance? you’re on your own, bro. 
but like.. you literally would not know that unless you got burned by her. agatha is really good at listening and really good at playing parts for people. the thing with having no story is that she’s free to create her own. if you need a hero, she can be that. if you need a villain, she can definitely be that. she’s eerily good at getting chummy enough to make people think she’s close, only for them to realize.. they don’t actually know anything real about her? fun stuff. 
i think.. her entire life is a vie for power while also wanting to let go of that desire while also being afraid of what might happen if she were to let go of that desire. she’s not tht bad. she can play decent, be a guy’s guy. and she does come off tht way. it’s jus.. underneath there’s tht like .. tht rot tht she can’t scrub away. n it rears its ugly little head smtimes. but. :^) she can be cool n shoot the shit u kno.. heheh.
anyway.. lighter stuff<3 puts the gaslight and gatekeep in girlboss. talks just like her daddy, except for when she’s in the courtroom. egocentric without ever meaning to be. (spoiler: it’s a smoke screen.) she can, must, and will find a way to twist your words into something she can make sense of. believes in mixed drink supremacy. will absolutely smoke all of your weed + play dumb about hogging the blunt. plays dumb a lot actually, until it’s time to be smart. she’s touchy-feely, but freezes up whenever someone touches her. stares — a lot. can’t ever be the person to pick you up after a rough night out, because she’s likely there with you egging you on to do one more shot. every event is a tits out event / she has to be the most overdressed person in the convenience store at all times. can, must, and will be your unsolicited sugar momma. YOU SPIL-DBFDHFDJHBF LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG? energy. thinks everything is a competition because it is. if she loved you once then she loves you forever. thinks going 20 over the speed limit isn’t speeding, actually. a bit of an emotional anarchist. can’t actually take what she’ll dish out. teases u if she likes u. teases u if she doesn’t like u. doesn’t care abt the feud as long as she’s gettin’ tht shmoney. big fan of an emotional sucker punch. 
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"𝐌𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋."  + below are some ideas open to any & all muses no matter the age, gender, affiliation, etc !
i’ve left how she got involved with the mc totally absent from this intro bc i was hoping to plot it out! i’d love it if someone wanted to be her “in”. could be they were a childhood friend in need of help, a client she got close to, jus smth tht happened by chance.. whtever we come up with works! <3
if anyone needs an evil ex gf .. She’s Here. she will lie, cheat, scam, trash yr car, empty yr bank account.. whtvr you need, baybee<3
conversely.. not-so-evil ex gf? agatha can be nice & caring without there being a catch sometimes. maybe they still talk. maybe they’re friends. u tell me.
fwb / ex fwb? she do be sending them ‘u up?’ texts. 
someone tht agatha only got close to bc she wanted them to testify/be a character witness in court oopz<3
omg actual friends pls.. ppl tht Know her. tht See her. ppl tht she cares abt n would actually do anything for. friends!!!!!!!!!!!!
agatha has “get off my lawn” energy so i think it would be very funnie if someone needed a place to crash n she let them stay at hers thinking it was temporary n then they jus.. did not leave. n she’s like 🤨 hello?
an almost smth? anything weird n awkward n unspoken tht maybe fizzled out or maybe still lingers under the surface?
agatha doesn’t have a budding drinking problem but if she does no she doesn’t but if she does then<3 drinking buddy? someone that she’s gotten into questionable shenanigans with? poor bartender tht has to deal w her trying to “help” them as she waits for her uber to come? the possibilities are endless.
agatha’s all bark n very little bite but i still think it’d be funnie if she had a hateship. jus putting tht out there<3
if yr muse wnts an ego boost via unrequited crush.. lmk. i’m willing to hulk smash all of agatha’s dignity jus for u.
omggg a dealer? >.> who said tht omg #hacked.. 
on n off again thingz? lorde wrote tht "i am my mother's child i'll love you til my breathing stops / i'll love you till you call the cops on me" line abt her</3
budding friendships!!!!!!! ppl tht she goes to pilates or yoga with; people she gets brunch with; ppl she keeps running into n its like heeey u :); little platonic crushes jus . all of the cute platonic thingz tht make her go wtf is this 🤨. 
i mean.. if anyone wants a sugar momma.. I MEANNN..
college friends!! law school friends!! ppl she met over the summer while interning somewhere!! i left tht purposely vague, hint-hint.
tinder dates gone wrong. ghosted tinder dates. tinder thingz.
agatha’s been attending galas / banquets / office partiez for ages now so if anyone wants to be her plus one or her lil fake date... :^) could be cute. cld be angsty. world is our oyster. 
speaking of which.. coworkers n maybe even a lil personal assistant would be so sexie.
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evans-heaven · 4 years
My review...ish (tbh it's just some notes I made lmao) on Defending Jacob
I'm strictly focusing on the Barbers here, and their relationships. I'm saving all the comments I might have about any other characters, and the performances of all the actors for a final review of the series-if I decide to do one lmao. Also, this isn't completely spoiler free, I couldn't resist y'all I'm sorry 😅
It's also straight from my notes, long asf and unedited asf and I won't take offence if you don't read. I did however enjoy writing it 😁
(This is all in good fun and yes and I'm biased and no you're not getting my time of day if you attack me)
Okay I'm done let's get into it lol
The Barbers are picture perfect. That house belongs on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens and that kitchen belongs on a Food Network show. They eat sleep and breathe privilege, but they probably won't admit it, or are even aware of it. To them, it might seem normal, maybe they believe every family is like that, or at least, should be. Their lives mirror that of basically any white family on TV these days. They're the cookie cutter American household, a damn poster family. Which makes their situation all the more interesting.
I adore Andy and Laurie's marriage. Lowkey they make me feel like I'm third wheeling, with the way they handle each other 🤣🥺 but eventually something began to hang over their heads, and the atmosphere surrounding them only, completely changed. The differences became more clear and God knows where thats gonna take them. Andy hid the truth about his Dad being in jail for 17 years really makes us wonder what else he could be hiding, and tbh she may be wondering the same. If theres anything else below the surface it could ruin them even more, and that's scary.
Andy's relationship with Jacob is the perfect representation of a healthy father-son dynamic. Andy's not rough around the edges and tough with him. It's an unashamedly loving relationship, and something we need to see more of. Let's put aside everything that happened after Jacob was accused. Closed off as he might seem, it's so clear he admires his dad. And Andy is a man who would risk it all for his kid. It's as simple as seeing the way he looks at him. He can't imagine anything ever changing the way he feels about him. And he probably thinks Jacob will never give him a reason for that to happen. He says "I love you" to him without sounding like there's a knife to his throat, jokes around with him, calls him 'buddy' more than he does his actual name, overall it would seem like we're watching best buds with a big ass age gap rather than a father and son 🤣
But back to reality, even after his son is being accused of murder, and him and his wife don't seem to agree on where they stand, Andy believes Jacob. He just sees a scared kid. On the surface, at least, that seems like what Andy thinks about the situation. However, given how good a certain someone portraying Andy (which is very easy to forget, as said certain someone fucking transforms and i see very little traces of him in this peformance) is at conveying emotion without saying a word, Andy won't have to open his mouth for his true feelings to come about. But let's not forget, he went off the handle in a very hot way upon finding a knife in his kid's room. His kid who is a very heavy sleeper might i add lmfao. He also, felt it appropriate to bring up his imprisoned father, which I honestly feel like had to be on account of some of his true feelings, whether he'd admit it or not.
The moment shit hit the fan for the Barbers is moment, I'm sure, we all felt a shift. I said last night that my anxiety was high even before Jacob's accusation, but after, I felt like I was experiencing the Barbers panic and helplessness with them, almost as though I was the accused.
Which brings me to my next point. We need to talk about that scene. You know the one. Where Lynn informed Andy for a situation I'm sure he never, in a million years anticipated. The level of talent radiating out of a certain someone is unmatched. Y'all (who have seen the show) saw the way the emotions raced across his eyes-his entire damn face? The disbelief in his voice, the tense, defensive stance he fell into? The heavy breathing, the anxiety that fell over him, the way he raced home desperately? If there's anything this show did for me and I'm sure so many others, is making us feel like we were experiencing the severity in person. And that's so special to me.
I won't get too much into this, but the way Jacob was handled by the police...well let's just say we know that wont be the behavior with everyone. And it has very little to do with his age, btw 😅
The way he pleaded for his dad almost had me tearing up. Being a lawyer, he feels as though his dad will protect him and make this situation go away. And if I was a 14 year old boy who was arrested for such a brutal murder, a lawyer who just so happens to be the man that raised me would be my first request.
Idk how I feel about the whole murder gene thing. I did however love the way the scenes kept switching, from Jacob finding out about Andy's dad to Laurie finding out. Their reactions were so similar and relatable. However, if that gets brought up in court as "evidence", that person is going to, and deserves to, get called tf out 🤣
Andy was entirely too polite to that waitress who was, very rudely, staring at Jacob. Maybe it's my inner drama lover, but if she stood there like an idiot looking at my kid, another thank you isn't all she was getting. Avert your eyes or lose them sis 🤬
Seeing everything progressively fall apart for the Barbers, while Jacob remains quietly oblivious broke my heart. Laurie being sent home (and highkey being fired lbr), losing her best friend, and seeing her son be treated like a criminal. Andy being increasingly protective of Jacob's every move, is understandable. I'm super excited to see the lengths he'll go to when it comes to protecting his kid, which, if the trailer is any indication, may not have boundaries.
A few more short notes:
Neal needa get hit by a bus and I volunteer
Leonard is a creepy mf which isn't really surprising but STILL
Pam shooting Andy down was lowkey harsh but she still pulled through so 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣
Andy not giving Neal the satisfaction of being closed off and succumbing to whatever drilling Neal thinks he doing is satisfying asf
Andy Barber is a dilf™️ in every scene
Am I the only one who heard Michelle's accent coming through in some things she says?
Laurie throwing the food Toby brought her in the trash without batting an eyelash, I got how she felt but that shit hurt to see 🤣
The actor playing Ben looks like the love child of Harry Styles and Grant Gustin
Wtf do Sarah and Derek know 😭 its killing me
Cherry Jones is killing it 🙌🏽
So is Jaeden, kid is blowing me away.
So is Michelle, her emotions are fucking mine up
The score is intense and adds to the anxiety we feel watching the show and I don't appreciate my emotions being played with in such a way
Chris Evans deserves an Emmy and if he doesn't get it we riot.
That's all for now, if I post anymore notes on the other episodes, obviously it won't be this long as from this point we're only getting one episode a week. Hope y'all enjoyed (if anyone bothers w this 🤣)💕
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
Let’s start a chain of sweetness.
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ONE: He is one snarky guy. Being such a reserved and quiet person irl, I don’t often get to snark or be witty in conversations so it’s really nice to do that with Reno.
TWO: As I’ve mentioned in the past, Reno is a three-dimensional character - he acts like a bad guy but has a conscience hiding deep down that he only shows to Rude. He has feelings and emotions he’s stuffed down as deep as he can and it’s interesting to think what could happen if they just bubbled to the surface.
THREE: Reno is a trained combatant. I’ve gotten into writing combat as of recent and getting to write it with him feels like a blessing. I never got to write combat at all with Noctis, not even in fanfics so writing and choreographing fight scenes feels great. It’ll get put to use one day.
FOUR: The amount of stuff he just has tucked away everywhere - and that’s just on his person. He has things folded up neatly and tucked in pretty much all his pockets. “Why does he not have huge bumps sticking out?” I hear you ask. Tetris logic.
FIVE: For all the violence that’s involved with his job, Reno is a secret sweet bean. He hates showing it but he craves even the tiniest sliver of affection and dislikes being alone unless he really, really needs to be alone. Idk can you tell I’ve been grasping at straws from point 2 onwards?
Why can I only pick 5?? I love so many D:
ONE: Always at the top of my lists is @rude-at-your-service​. He’s my bro and I always love seeing him on my dash. He was the 8th person I followed when I made this blog back in 2015 and I’m super duper glad we’ve reconnected (and he helped keep me sane for part of my train journeys last month). And just for you good sir; jag skulle behöva lite vatten. (Say the thing, I dare you)
TWO: Next up we have Lyri for whomst I shall tag @hautevaux​. Lyri is a gem. Lyri is bae. Vaux is bae. I was really shy to approach at first because her writing is just 😲😲 it’s so good and we’ve really clicked since we first started talking and I love it. Also, I promise I’m not ignoring you when you compliment me, my brain just blue screens and doesn’t know what to do.
THREE: @that-turk-laney​ come back to us, Mia! We miss you! But seriously, I think Mia was one of the first people I followed when I returned back in February and she’s really helped me build Reno up. We really need to get that soft thread going, we really do. Movie night for Reno and Elena, yes please.
FOUR: JAEJAE. I love the good JaeJae over at @cssnei​. He got me really into some stuff coughUpUpDownDowncoughDevilMayDrycough and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. Every Wednesday we sit and wait for DaParty to start streaming then type in capitals at each other on Discord while laughing our asses off. I enjoy the fun we have and I hope that doesn’t change when we finally run into each other.
FIVE: Finally, I’ve decided to finish off with @shinrasfirst​ whom I used to admire from afar. Min is super cool and I spent actual weeks trying to get myself to check them out and follow them because we have a few mutuals and I was like “Hnnnnnn, I’m sure we’d get along but hhhhhhhhh”. Then they followed me first and I was like “!!!! wtf????” so yeah, now we occasionally talk about Kpop and I can’t remember what else we’ve talked about but we’ve talked about other things. (I have Discord if you want it)
I’m gonna cheat here and group a bunch of songs together because y’all need to be exposed to my here there and everywhere music taste. (Judge me, I dare you)
ONE: So I’m actually putting 3 songs in here. My mum’s favourite decade has always been the 80′s so I grew up listening to a lot of D.uran D.uran - I still have memories of us in her green car with the cassette player and I’d beg for us to listen to the D.uran D.uran tape (which is merely 10 years older than me!). My favourites have always been Rio, Hungry Like The Wolf, and Save A Prayer. SAP is absolutely my first emo song. (And interestingly enough, I don’t think Reno would listen to DD songs)
TWO: Infinity by Guru Josh. This. Damn. Song. Why is it so bloody difficult to find the specific version I grew up with?? But yeah, the saxophone has stuck with me all these years - and I’m still proud of myself for identifying the first instrument heard as a saxophone. I feel like this song says something about me...
THREE: Courtesy of JaeJae, I am super into DMC. Nero’s theme in 5 is probably my favourite thing in existence and I’m probably going to listen to it on Thursday. Sticking with video game music, let’s add some more here shall we? This remix of Supporting Me used in S.onic F.orces just gets me in the right spot. That goddamn guitar is just *chefs kiss*. Also the theme for Green Hills in the Sonic movie makes me want to sob because I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog in my life and the movie being really good despite some pacing and editing issues-- I just-- someone come cry with me 😭 THOSE CHORDS (also chucking in Un-gravitify from Riders: Zero Gravity because that series is underrated as hell and I can’t believe Free Riders killed it. Revive Riders, you cowards. Give me my extreme gear back) - I feel like Reno would definitely listen to a lot of video game music (especially from Sonic and DMC)
FOUR: It’s Brit time again: Mr Brightside by The Killers- ahem, sorry, the anthem for the UK. Cheesy Brit songs? Yes, please. 5, 6, 7, 8 by Steps was my childhood - I still know the steps to it ;¬¬, I’m Too Sexy by Right Said Fred is an absolute must and you know Reno listens to this even if it’s not particularly to his taste - it just fascinates him, THIS SONG - I love it so much and I’ve convinced myself I can mimic it almost perfectly, my mum probably sensed something was up years ago considering my obsession with Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Bands like Busted and McFly with songs like Glad I Crashed The Wedding and Obviously, as well as VengaBoys with We Like To Party are joint guilty pleasures.
FIVE: To flip to a whole other spectrum, both Reno and I are fond of rock and metal and you will likely find one of us mouthing along and bopping our heads to songs like Hero by Skillet, Bodies by Drowning Pool (I have to resist the urge to scream along every time), It Has Begun by STARSET, and Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead. It only just clicked with me in recent months that I did in fact have an emo phase (if a little low-key) and it was devoid of P!atD and MCR which is a crime. But songs like this are absolutely guilty pleasures for both myself and Reno.
Tagging: Everyone tagged above, as many of my Aerith/Aeris mutuals as I remember: @roseusuitta, @cultivatxr, @pulchralilium, @floralcetra, @flowergirlgillionaire, @wallflowergainsborough, @churchflower, @thememcry, @angetoile, and YOU (should you wish to do it)!
Tagged by: @madamdirectcr
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Keep in mind I was about 12-13-ish when I wrote it and I was in my angsty stage so this gets a bit dark pft
here are the first 2 chapters -there are like 9 in total I think- if ya want the fnaf one then tell me bc I actually have to translate it and everything bc I wrote it in Spanish lol 
TW mentions of abuse sorta and alcoholism
"Come back here you lil' shit!!!"
"I'll kill ya, I swear to God I'll kill ya!!!"
I could hear him behind me, stumbling and crashing into things, with that stupid glass bottle in his hand.
I have to keep going or he will really kill me. I kept running zig-zagging through the trees trying to lose him.
"You little fuck!!! How dare you run away from me after all I've done for you?! I was the one that gave you a roof under your head, the one that fed you and took care of you and THIS is how you repay me?!"
Yea right. I'd rather be in the streets than have to live with you in that damned house again. C'mon (Y/N) you're almost there!!
"I'll do the same thing I did with them to you!! You'll end up like all those kids, like all those dirty bastards!"
A flash of lightning crashed behind me.
Keep going, keep going.
Suddenly, as I keep climbing up I see something.
A cave.
Yes!! Now I can finally get rid of him! I quickly started climbing, finally getting into the cave. It was really chilly, but it would at least protect me from the rain, and since it was nighttime and he was drunk he'd have no chance of finding me.
Or that's what I thought.
"Ahh, there you are my dear (Y/N)~ You are quite slippery you know? You remind me so much of her, my little Frisk. But you both had to escape from me didn't ya. Do you know what happened to Frisk dear?"
He chuckled and came closer, while I was walking backward trying not to stumble.
"I killed her." He smiled. " It was an accident, I didn't want to, but she was being a naughty little girl~ [EW WTF WHY DID I WRITE IT LIKE THAT LMFAO GREAT WAY TO MAKE HIM CREEPY AF AMANDA]" he came closer, and the smell of booze reached my nose.
"G-get away from me you creep!"
He laughed and pushed me, making me stumble and fall down. I tried to crawl away but then he started kicking me.
Basically, he said more creepy shit bc I wanted to make him a huge asshole, but I still don't feel comfortable putting it and I'm sure for other ppl its uncomfortable too so uh, lets just say the guy was just really really bad and wanted to do really bad things to uhh, the reader 
This, this guy had the nerve to- ugh!!
"S-stop it"
He quickly grabbed me by my hair and brought my face closer so we were locking eyes.
"Y'know no one cares about you! You're nothing! But if you stay with me you'll see I can be a good guy! I promise I  will treat you better! I will do anything for you. You just have to be a good girl and stay in your room."
I quickly spit on him and kicked him in the stomach. I was not going back there, not going to suffer through all that again. I got to my feet and ran deeper and deeper into the cave
"You can't escape (Y/N)~" I heard from behind me.
I ran faster. I'm not going to let him win. I'm not.
" You'll just end up like Frisk!"
I yelped and tripped on a vine, falling into a hole, hearing his echoed taunts getting farther and farther away.
Is this it?
Is this how I die?
Will I really end up like Frisk?
I won't die. I can't die. Not today.
Those were my last thoughts before I was surrounded by darkness.
Chapter 2 [this one is more fun  I lol]
"You little bitch!"
"Come back here!"
"You'll end up just like Frisk"
"I promise we'll get out of here....
I woke up with a start. My head dizzy from the fall.
Where...am I? Who's Frisk? Why can't I remember anything...? Hold on, did I loose my memory? What the-
"Heck!!" I heard someone say behind me. I quickly turned around, and saw a kid who looked to be around my age, floating a few feet away from me. Their hair was up to their shoulders and they were wearing shorts with a cute green stripped sweater.
"Seriously?! And just when I get used to being dead?! Do you hate me that much world!?" The kid yelled while waving their fist at the top of the cave.
Am I dead?
If so where the heck am I?
Is this what the afterlife is like? Being stuck with a 10 year old ghost kid? Is it because of that one time I stole a ring pop from John? Because if it is he totally deserved it, he wasn't even gonna eat it!
"Am I really dead..?" I whispered.
Suddenly the ghost kid turned around and looked at me.
"Wat?" They asked.
"Am...am I dead?" I looked at my palms trying to figure out what was going on.
The kid sighed.
"No. You're not dead you dummy, you just fell down into the Underground, and somehow that awoke me...huh... that's weird."
Oh. So I'm not dead. That's nice I guess.
"Um, wait, the Underground?" I stood up, and stretched a bit, trying to check if everything was alright.
"Yea. With monsters and stuff. You just fell down from Mt.Ebott. You'd be the second human here to fall down."
Wait. The second one? I thought six more had disappeared in here a while ago.
"You mean the seventh human." I corrected them.
"Noooo, I mean the SECOND human, jeez are you deaf or something?"
They glared at me as if I was the dumbest person they had ever met.
"Nuh-uh. If there's one thing I remember is that 6 humans had fallen before me"
"Well then you remembered wrong because last time I checked I was the only one. That fall must've really damaged your brain" they chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. They really were stubborn and they were pretty rude too! If it were up to me I would've walked away by now but since I am down here somewhere I don't know with MONSTERS, I should really have an ally and they seem to be my only hope. Maybe they're nice once you get to know them, so I should really try to befriend them.
"So uh, ghost kid...what's your name?" I looked at them with a sweet smile, trying to be friendly.
"My name is Chara. And I was the first human to fall down here. What's yours?"
"My what"
"Your name, you idiot. Don't tell me you forgot that too." They smirked.
"Pshh I didn't forget my name!" I puffed my cheeks and looked the other way. I honestly had no idea what my name was but I wasn't going to let that ghost kid treat me like a dumbass again.
"Fine then, what is it?"
"U-um i-its uh..."
Let's seeeeee... what's a good name? Oh jeez what are some good names I could use right now?
As I was panicking suddenly something came to my mind.
"Frisk." I said.
I have no idea who Frisk is, but it felt just right. And it was the first thing that popped into my mind so.
"Oh. That's a peculiar name. But we'll then, Frisk. What are you going to do? Do you want to go back to the surface?" They eyed me with curiosity. I honestly had no idea what I would do. But I just had this urge to go back to the surface. But there was nothing up in there for me was there? I mean maybe I had a family or something's that's looking for me right now. Or maybe I could just be a homeless nobody.
"Do you promise me we'll get out of here?" "Yes. And we'll go and look at the stars in a field of golden flowers, like the ones in your book. It's a promise."
"I want to go back up."
That seemed to get Chara's attention.
"R-really? You want to go back up there? With those assholes?" They scoffed.
"Yep. I just feel as if I have something important to do over there. Like a promise."
"Ah...well, if you want I can show you the way! We can go meet these monsters, they took care of me while I was in here! They could help you!" They smiled and started going ahead of me.
"Uhm, sure, I guess! That'd be cool!" I said as I started walking behind them. If I manage to get those monsters' help, I'll be out of here and try to get my memory back and fulfill my promise.
Chapter 3 
"So uh..Chara..will these people have food?" I asked while walking behind them.
"Food?" "Yup" "You're stuck in a place full of monsters and all you can think of is food?"
Before I could answer though, my stomach let out a loud growl. I giggled.
"I guess that answers your question."
We became quiet again until Chara turned around and looked at me.
"So how old are you?" "I'm about to be twelve" "You're pretty mature for a twelve year old" they scoffed. "Well you're pretty immature to be whatever age you are." Chara laughed.
"I'm thirteen. So that basically means you have to do everything I say since I'm the older one" they stuck their tounge out.
"That's not fair!" I proclaimed. "The world isn't fair." The smirked. "Your face isn't fair"
"Damn, Frisk, you got me" they said with mockery.
"Shut up"
They laughed and then looked at me with a serious expression. "No but really, if you want to survive here you'll have to listen to me or else you'll die. And if you abuse the SAVE point it'll stop working. If you loose determination too."
"Woah. Wait what? A save point? Determination? I am really confused right now"
"Ugh, I'll explain later. Right now we have to get to the RUINS."
"Is that were you lived when you were stuck down here?"
"Tch, why do you care? And I wasn't stuck. I lived here because it's the only place were murder isn't the first option and monsters aren't assholes."
"Hey, stop being so rude, I just want to find out more about you! I really want us to have a good relationship if you're stuck with me for a while!"
"Just mind your own business."
"Ughh you're so-"
I suddenly stopped walking when I saw a single gold flower in the middle of the path.
"Why'd you sto- ohh that's creepy."
"It's just a flower. It won't do anything."
I kneeled down to look at the flower better, for some reason this flower looked different than all the other ones.. I was about to reach out for it when all of a sudden the flower turned around and smiled at me.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"
What. The.
This flower could talk?! What?!
"Oooook Frisk this is definitely creepy, don't touch it and walk away."
I ignored Chara and smiled at the flower. They seemed friendly, so why not?
"Hey there! I'm, um, Frisk. I'm new around here."
Flowey noded and smiled at me.
"Oh! So since you're new you probably don't know how the Underground works! I guess lil' old me will have to teach you! Ready?"
"Frisk I'm not really getting good vibes from this guy." Chara said again, this time a little bit more serious.
"Shhh" I stood up and looked at Flowey, nodding.
"Thank you Flowey!! You're really nice! So how does this all wo-?" Suddenly I was being surrounded by darkness, with Flowey standing in front of me.
"Where is-" I suddenly stopped talking when I saw a red...heart? In front of me.
"See that red heart over there?" Flowey asked me.
I nodded.
"That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!"
"Woahh, that's so cool!"
"Your soul starts off weak, but it can get stronger if you gain a lot of LV."
Suddenly Chara appeared beside me and shook their head.
"Frisk I don't think he-"
"Frisk! You may be asking: Flowey, what does LV stand for? Well, for LOVE of course!!"
Oh. I guess in here is not that bad if their policy is like the place where the Carebears live.
"You want some LOVE don't ya? Well don't worry! I'll share some with you."
After he said that a few white pettals appeared in front of Flowey. I guess that's how you get some LV right?
"Frisk, I'm serious right now, do not touch the bullets."
I looked at Chara.
"Thanks but what bu-"
"DOWN HERE" Flowey yelled to get my attention. I turned to look at him with a nervous smile, he just rolled his eyes and kept talking.
"LOVE, is shared through some....little...white... friendliness pellets!"
Ok. Now that was definitely suspicious. And where those the bullets Chara was talking about before? Jeez this guy really got me, but I mean. He's a flower why in the world would he kill me?
"Are you ready Frisk?! Catch as many as you can!" Then, the...white friendliness pellets, started moving towards me. How in the world was he doing that?! This place is so weird, filled with talking flowers and dead kids suddenly becoming alive again. I just want to go home!
"Frisk!! Watch out!!" Chara yelled beside me.
I looked at Flowey and saw the pellets getting closer to me. Before I had the time to dodge they got me and I felt a huge amount of pain. I fell to the ground on my knees, gasping for air, trying to make it go away.
What was happening?! I quickly looked behind me when I noticed that the yellow bar that was once full, was suddenly empty. It said 1/20.
Chara rolled her eyes.
"You dummy! Those were bullets! And to even top it off you have literally one hp left!"
"One hp...? Wait Chara what is goin-"
"You idiot." I heard a creepy voice say behind me.
I slowly turned my head around, looking at Flowey, with my eyes widening.
"In this world, it's killed or be killed!"
"Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?"
"Chara!" I yelled trying to get up, but a couple of bullets appeared beside me and surrounded me, trapping me where I was.
"DIE. " I heard Flowey yell, while the bullets started closing in on me.
Maybe I could dodge them? Or find a way to escape? Where was Chara and why weren't they helping me?
I heard Floweys's laughter get louder and louder while the bullets got closer and I shut my eyes.
I guess this is the end now. I will really die. Did I seriously think I would survive in this Underground world? Really? They're monsters for God's sake! Of course I would die here. And I wouldn't be able to fill my promise. My eyes started tearing up. I could feel the bullets really close now, about to touch me when-
All of a sudden, a fireball hit Flowey in the face, making him disappear with the bullets. Chara appeared beside me.
"Phew! That was close! At least she got here in time! I told you he wasn't a good person Frisk! If you want to survive here you'll have to do exactly what I tell you to do, or else you'll die." They nagged me.
I tried standing up once again, trying to see who saved me.
"What a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." Came a sweet voice from above me. I felt their hands go in my back and a weird warm feeling surrounded me.
When the warm feeling was gone, I didn't feel pain anymore. That was weird. I finally managed to stand up, and looked at the lady who saved me.
She's a.....goat? Lady? Monster?
She had a really pretty purple tunic, with a weird white symbol in the chest area.
She smiled at me and waved her hand.
"Ah do not be afraid my child. I am TORIEL, caretaker or the RUINS. I pass down here everyday to see if any humans have fallen down."
I looked at Chara, who looked to be about to cry. Maybe this was the monster they were talking about before? The ones that took care of them probably?
I shook my head and smiled at Toriel. She did look like she had good intentions, and yes, they did save me from that wretched flower. But I wasn't going to be dumb enough to fall into the same trap again, so this time I had to be cautious.
Toriel smiled back, and turned around, grabbing my hand.
"Come, my child, I will guide you through the catacombs!"
And with that, she grabbed my hand and walked with me, leading the way.
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smylealong · 4 years
Year in review - 2020
2020 has been a mixed bag of an year. Where on one hand it has been a raging dumpster fire with a global pandemic, lockdowns, social distancing, online schools, politics, forest fires, Karens and the general sense of ennui that the year brought. On the other hand, the year gave us all time. Time to reflect on ourselves. Time to teach ourselves new things. Time to binge watch. And boy did the streaming platforms make full use of it. Listed below are the best things I saw in 2020. (Across languages and in no specific order.) IT IS A LONG POST. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
HINDI Thappad: Dir: Anubhav Sinha. Starring: Tapasee Pannu, Pavail Gulati, Diya Mirza, Kumud Mishra and Ratna Pathak Shah. On surface level, the premise seems frivolous. After all, it was just a slap. Just. One. Slap. Yet, with that one slap, the protagonist’s neatly organized world comes apart at the seams. From there begins Amruta’s (Tapsee Pannu) journey into exploring the micro-aggressions and tiny slights that she has turned a blind eye to, for the sake of keeping peace. The film never veers into a glorification of violence nor does it get overly preachy. It is a mirror to the patriarchal society and raises pertinent questions about the things that the society as normalized. Things that shouldn’t be normalized.
Bulbbul: Dir: Anvita Dutt. Starring: Tripti Dimri, Avinash Tiwari, Rahul Bose, Parambrata Chatterjee and Paoli Dam.
Horror does not always lie in the things that go bump at night. Sometimes, horror is what society expects of you. Horror is the consequence of not fitting into the role that has been written for you. Sometimes, it is terrifying to be a woman in a male-dominated society. That is what Bulbbul explores. Wrapped in a beautiful package, Bulbbul tells the raw story of a child-bride who is punished, harshly, inhumanly, for acting her age. If you haven’t seen it yet, drop everything and watch it. It’s on Netflix.
Lootcase: Dir: Rajesh Krishnan. Starring: Kunal Khemu, Rasika Duggal, Vijay Raaz, Gajraj Rao.
This was a charming little movie that had me in splits. A story of a simple man who chances upon a bag full of money. What follows is a hilarious tale of lies, deception and comedy of errors. Kunal Khemu proves that Bollywood does not realize just how talented he is. Vijay Raaz’s deadpan comedy and Gajraj Rao’s evil smiling desperation are a delight to behold. I’m smiling even as I am writing this. This was fun!
Raat Akeli Hai: Dir: Honey Tehran. Starring: Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Radhika Apte, Ila Arun, Shweta Tripathi, Tigmanshu Dhulia.
This was India’s answer to Knives Out. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is at his finest as the honest and frustrated (in more ways than one) police officer who finds himself attracted to the mistress of the murdered man. What follows is a tale so full of twists and turns that I could not predict where it is going. When you have Siddiqui at the helm, you are almost certain to get a good film. But when he is backed by stellar performance from the able cast, that takes the film to another level altogether.
Patal Lok: Dir: Avinash Arun and Prosit Roy. Starring: Jaideep Alhawat, Niraj Kabi, Abhishek Bannerjee, Swastika Mukherjee, Gul Panang, Ishvaak Singh.
Wow. Just. Wow. This is arguably the BEST thing that I have seen all year. On the surface this is an attempted murder case. But what it actually is, is a mirror to our society. It is a human story. A story of greed, corruption, power, violence, misogyny, depravity and true evil. It is a story of love, hope, support, kindness and humanity. It is a story of us. My hats off to the entire cast and crew for coming up with something truly special.
Haunting of Bly Manor: Created by: Mike Flannagan. Starring: Victoria Pedretti, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Amelia Eve, T’Nia Miller, Rahul Kohli.
Based on Henry Jame’s Turn of the Screw, this was a poignant tale of love, loss and pain. While it pales in comparison to its brilliant predecessor, Haunting of the Hill House, and the 1961 screen adaptation of the novel, The Innocents, Bly Manor still manages to be a worthy watch. In Mike Flannagan’s deft hands, we get to see a completely different perspective of the Haunting. I won’t say more, for spoilers, but this was definitely one of the better things I watched this year. Especially since I almost eschewed English movies/series this year. (I did watch some forgettable movies like Extraction and Mulan, but even mentioning them here feels sacrilegious.)
This year, I returned to Korean Dramas after a long time. My last Korean Drama before this year was Faith that I saw in 2014. Since Boys Over Flowers (Read Kim Bum) is my guilty pleasure watch, I decided to have it on in the background sometime in March or April this year. (Honestly, in 2020, who knows?). BOF took me to The King: Eternal Monarch. And TKEM introduced me to Woo Do Hwan who gave me some of the best times in this year. Three of his dramas feature here.
Save Me:- Dir: Kim Sung-soo. Starring: Ok Taec-yeon, Seo Yea-ji, Woo Do Hwan, Jo Sung-ha, Jo Jae-yoon.
Do you fancy a kick to your teeth? Because that is what this series is. What starts a simple story of a regular family’s struggles upon moving to a new town, quickly turns into a harrowing nightmare in which you are simply the viewer. The story delves into cults and the insidious power they hold. Through Seo Yea-ji’s brilliant performance as Im Sang-mi, we see a K drama heroine who is not a damsel in distress. She isn’t the one throwing the punches, that is done by Ok Taec-yeon and Woo Do Hwan. Still she is the one that leads the fight. If that wasn’t enough, Woo Do Hwan, plays Seok Dong-chul. Arguably one of the best male leads I have seen.
Mad Dog:- Dir: Hwang Ui-kyung Starring: Yoo Ji-tae, Woo Do Hwan, Jo Jae-joon, Ryu Hwa-young, Kim Hye-sung.
What a treat this show is! Smart protagonists pitted against equally intelligent antagonists and a taut plot that rarely sags (It does sag just a wee bit in the middle but it picks up pace very quickly). Woo Do Hwan is fantastic as the ever changing, tough to pin down, Kim Min Joon. The layers in this character! This show will keep you guessing. Every cast member is stellar and no one has a single misstep. A must watch!
My Country: Dir: Kim Jin-won Starring:  Yang Se Jong, Woo Do Hwan, Kim Seol-hyun, Jang Hyuk.
This series brings a set of very complex emotions in me. Don’t get me wrong. I love the series. Its story, characterization, costumes, cinematography, acting, action scenes, OST. They are top notch. A+. But... and this is a big one, this series is also a glaring display of what happens when a writer falls in love with one of their characters. As a writer, I can say that we love all our characters. But it is very dangerous for a writer to move from simply loving the character to falling in love with the character. When that happens, the writer becomes afraid of letting that particular character make mistakes. Or glosses over their flaws. Often at the expense of the other character. Which is what happened here. The writer fell in love with Seo Hwi and Nam Seon ho paid the price. Hwi could literally assassinate people in front of Hui Jae and still be forgiven for it, while Nam Seon-ho gets demonized for trying to save Hwi by telling lies. I could go on and on about how unfair this series was to Seon-ho, but that would be a separate post altogether.
Tale of a Gumiho: Dir: Kang Shin-hyo Starring: Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo-ah, Kim Bum.
I started this series for Kim Bum (I LOVE THE GUY). I was prepared for some cheesy, goofy fun with some good looking people. But soon, I was watching it for the story. A smart Urban Fantasy with elements of Korean Mythology, this was UF done right! This series made me do research. I am so tired of seeing the same old myths in fantasy that this came as a breath of fresh air. Intelligent protagonists who communicate well (gasp! what? That happens?). A flip-flopping anti-hero. A truly psychopathic villain and a bunch of other well-fleshed characters make for one entertaining watch. I highly recommend it.
K-dramas made me revive the Tumblr account that I had created sometime in 2017 and which lay dormant since then. Soon, my Tumblr feed was filled with gifs and metas of a show with pretty men. I did not pay much attention to it, till a post about Jin Ling’s Uncle made me snort. Even though I didn’t understand what it was talking about, it was still funny. Realizing that the show is on Netflix, I saw the trailer and wasn’t impressed. Then there was the length. 50 episodes! Holee-moleee. “No. I ain’t got that much time,” I said and moved on. But then, I saw a gif of a man smiling. I had never seen a smile that dazzling. There was something about that smile that made me go back and click on the first episode. And in less than ten minutes of the episode, they killed the man whose smile drew me to the show. WTF? But I had seen gifs of him. There had to be more. Then, the show began and I had no idea what was happening. I decided no smile could be worth the brain-cells I am having to expend for this. Chuck it. But people in Tumblr said, hold on. You will understand it. Episode 2, and I still wasn’t sold. I gave it till episode 5. Then, before I knew it, I finished the 50 episodes and currently reside in the rabbit hole that is The Untamed.
Dir: Zheng Weiwen and Chen Jialin Starring: Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, and a host of others. I can’t write the name of the entire cast, even though I want to.
PS: In case you don’t know, the man with the pretty smile is Xiao Zhan.
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boy2reality · 4 years
Man. I KNEW something felt weird about tonight. I had another astral experience.
Something just felt WEIRD about tonight, like I was in the perfect mindset to try to travel again. So I go to lay down and try and the vertigo feeling happens almost instantly. I was only halfway through my breathing exercises when I felt my body fade out. W a c k.
The first thing I saw was rocks and seaweed, surrounded by faded teal water. I asked Kara if we were in the same spot as before. He said yes, and that he could see the cliff we entered from last time. So off we went.
It took me far longer to gain balance this time. I was so dizzy from the vertigo that I had to have Kara walk me through the ship area. We went the same route as last time, passing the room with the scorpion-claw device. The door was notably closed this time.
We approached the branching path we encountered last time, and I ended up going left. Bad move, apparently? Because I couldn't find my way around the damn place. The layout seemed different. We went up and down elevators, up a couple flights of stairs, but I couldn't find any notable landmarks. It was like the rooms were randomly generated. I hopped behind a desk and... Admittedly. I called for Irma through the intercom. I announced that I was there and that if anyone else was there, that we needed to talk. Kara and I waited for a moment... But neither of us sensed anything.
I didn't want to leave and not find anything, so instead I focused on the vibes my 'holding room' gave off (the room I was kept in when not in the operating room during the Experimence). I treated it like warping to the headspace, and it was a success! Well, kind of. I ended up being in the hospital bed when I warped there, having the same view as I've had in my memories. Didn't like that! I jumped out of the bed, being in that bed gives me the creeps.
So I leave my room and turn my attention to the room next to it. The one I suspect Irma was kept in. I put my hand on the handle, and to nobody's surprise, it was locked. Cool. I shoved my entire being against the door. Kicked at it. Ran into it. It took a LOT of effort... But one attempt, I made it. The lock scraped open and the door flew open.
The first thing I noticed was... Jars. LOTS of jars, most of them holding things that I had no clue what they were. There was one with this... Yellow gunk in it that seemed alive. One with pills. One with a dead butterfly. One with a clear fluid. Just... Every surface was covered in jars. The cabinets were either empty, or full of more jars containing various stuff. Hell, even the floor was covered in shattered glass.
There was a bed covered in stains. A photo frame on a side table with no photo in it. The railing on the side of the hospital bed was... Crushed in. Like something really strong had gripped it. Kara said the room stunk to high hell... And I felt this feeling of... I don't know. Hell? Horrible things had happened in this room. I'm sure of it.
After I'd had my fill of disgust and confusion, I decided it was time to hop back to the headspace to see if I could investigate the pocket dimension door. I rested for a moment, took a few deep breaths to clear my head, gripped the handle tightly, and slowly opened the door.
It... Really does seem to be the pocket dimension. But it. is. FILTHY. I've mentioned in the past that it almost seemed like it needed a 'keeper'; somebody to clear the naturally occuring debris that would accumulate inside. There were broken stone pillars floating around everywhere. It was impossible to walk forward, there were so many. I reached out my hand to one, and it 'popped' back into the sand-like material covering the ground. I did this for quite a few of the pillars before, suddenly... I couldn't see anything. It was like I'd become totally blind to everything around me.
Because of this I was lowkey freaking out. Kara was yelling for me, and I felt him grab my hand. He asked me what was happening, and I told him I didn't know. I felt this energy around me... The only way I can describe it, is that I felt like I was shining. Like I was a lightbulb radiating light. I felt warm and shimmery. It was WEIRD. I felt like someone was trying to talk to me, but between Kara freaking out and me trying to figure out wtf was going on, I couldn't focus on anything.
Eventually I popped back into the pocket dimension area. Kara grappled onto my arm, visibly shaken. I was kind of shaken up too. What is WITH people trying to abduct me?
I 'popped' a few more of the pillars, and then decided that was enough fun for one night. That gave me a bit more insight, so I'm thankful for it. But at the same time, I don't like that outside entities are able to just... Grab onto me and take me places. I know I'm safe, and that I can just get myself up whenever. Hell, I don't even think these entities have malicious intent. I just... Wish they'd ask first??? Is that so much to ask???
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x03: The Rupture
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Long Live the Queen
We start right where we left off. Hunters are guarding the failing perimeter, while our team heads back to the crypt to perform Rowena’s spell. They set to salting the place while Rowena casts her spell. It starts to reinforce the barrier, but then things start to flicker and Rowena is knocked back in a blast. The spell didn’t work.
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There are too many ghosts and they’re too strong. Dean suggests killing as many ghosts as possible before the wall falls, but Rowena scoffs at the idea. Belphegor walks off and Cas follows him. Dean gets all soldier mode and starts yelling about not giving up. 
*Samwitch Alert* Sam, ever the mediator, hunkers down next to Rowena to ask if she needs anything. He rests his hand gently on her shoulder and they share meaningful looks. 
Meanwhile, Bel and Cas wander the graveyard. Bel tells Cas, “You can’t even look at me.” Put a pin in that comment. They wander to the hell mouth. 
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Sam and Dean discuss strategy. Dean’s pissed at God. (*AHEM*). He’s not going down without a fight. Sam is distracted, staring at a lovely framed Rowena looking at the Book of the Damned. 
Bel has an idea. He suggests finding Lilith’s Crook, a horn Lilith used to keep order with all the demons in Hell that she sent to Earth.
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If they get it and use it, they can draw all the ghosts and demons that are now topside, back to Hell. Rowena has a spell of her own devising to close the hole in the ground. (Crack thought: This is a healing spell. Maybe she’ll use it on herself to heal her own wound.) The spell only takes a couple ingredients, and she’ll need an assistant. She says this while looking at Cas, but then says, “Dibs on Samuel.” Lololololol. That’s right, girl, he’s all yours. 
Someone will also have to lob the spell bomb over the edge of the tear. Belphegor then pipes up asking for help in Hell. “I want protection. Muscle.” Without a beat, Dean responds, “Yeah, Cas’ll go.” And Cas’s look of WTF sums things up quite nicely. Cas has been to Hell before. I mean, yes, uurgh, saving your sorry ass from it, Dean (ok, I’m on no Dean hate-train but it’s easy to lash back at him when he’s being this way.) “Well, it sounds like I don’t have a choice.” I feel like all three members of Team Free Will uttered something along those lines tonight and I’m not well. Dean says, “Go team.” There’s no free will in this house. 
Ketch is still in the hospital and is visited by the demon, Ardat. Things don’t go well. (Remember in Temple of Doom when they ripped a still beating heart out of someone and an entire film industry created a whole new rating because of it? Now they’re just showing this shit on network TV at 7pm. What a time to be alive.) (Also, good riddance Ketch. You killed Eileen and I’ll never forgive you.)
Belphegor continues to needle Cas with the idea that he’s not wanted by the Winchesters. Cas tries to ignore him. Cas asks how they get down there. Belphegor isn’t sure and walks closer to the edge to look over. Cas pushes him over the edge and a good time was had by all. Cas jumping in after him, not so much fun. 
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Bleached hair hunter (what’s her name, she seems cool and I hope she sticks around) shows up with all the spell ingredients for Rowena. Dean reveals that he DOES know about Harry Potter. 
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Dean hears from Ketch, but it’s not Ketch, and Dean spills their entire plan to Ardat. Question: If Castiel is spelled with one ‘s’ but his nickname is spelled ‘Cass’, why wouldn’t Belphegor’s nickname be ‘Bell’? (Why yes, I do like to rehash centuries old fandom sticking points.) 
Cas and Belphegor wander around a very quiet Hell. Everyone is topside apparently. 
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Belphegor tells Cas that he thinks he’s growing on Sam and Dean, “like a cancer.” Cas tells him that they’re using him and that he shouldn’t mistake that for care (AAGHH, stop). They find Lilith’s vault. 
Inside the vault, they discover a demon happily looting the place. He greets Belphegor cheerfully. Looting is fun! When the other demon doesn’t have the horn, however, Cas kills him immediately. Cas is SO DONE. Belphegor leads Cas to the box containing Lilith’s crook and we learn that it’s warded by an Enochian hymn praising Lucifer. How very on brand for Lilith! She was also the only one who could read Enochian so, Belphegor points out, it’s a damn convenient thing that Cas came along on this trip to Hell. 
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Cas tries to recite the incantation on the box but it fails. Belphegor points out that perhaps it ought to be sung. We as a fandom are then ROBBED of Misha singing the entire incantation. (CC: Shaving people punting things? After a suitable mourning period, of course.)
Dean sets up next to the Hell pit while inside, Sam’s torn between fighting alongside his brother and performing the quieter (but essential) magics inside. THIS SCENE -- this tiny line represents so much of what I hope for Sam’s journey this season. That he’s described as a witch by Rowena, that he’s GOOD at this and leadership… There’s so much potential just waiting below the surface for Sam to give voice and form. “And magic isn’t fighting?” Rowena asks him as he frets. “[Dean’s] doing his part; it’s time for you to do yours.” GUH
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In Hell, Cas pulls out the crook. It is indeed a sheep’s horn. He’s about to hand it over when he’s tossed across the room. It’s Ardat! She’s been onto Belphegor since the gates flew open, suspecting that he’d try to take over Hell. Cas and Ardat fight, Ardat arguing that Belphegor’s aspirations are much higher than he lets on. Belphegor kills Ardat and Cas confronts him about her claims. Belphegor laughs and then casts Cas from the vault. 
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He crows over his victory to Cas. The crook is a siphon that can pull all the souls into him, giving him godlike power. Cas realizes that every move by Belphegor has been carefully planned to somehow get Cas down to Hell with him to open the chest and get him the horn. WHERPS.  As Belphegor blows the horn, the Earth and Hell resonate with it. Cas struggles against a forceful wind to try to get back into the vault and stop Belphegor. 
For That Shirt Barely Survived Science
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In the crypt, Sam and Rowena join hands and start the spell.
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They chant together. Sam turns away for a moment to look towards the door, no doubt wondering what’s going on outside. Rowena calls him to task with a gentle smile and “Sam.” GUH that’s what finally broke me. (Boris has always been the more ardent Samwitch shipper but this gentle remonstrance really did me in.) The spell ignites. Dean’s hex bag glows and he hurls it into the pit. Belphegor fills with souls. It’s happening! All the things!
And then Cas tackles Belphegor and the horn ceases abruptly. He punches Belphegor again and again. (It has been a VERY trying couple of days.)
Upstairs, something’s wrong. The rift continues to crumble but Rowena looks…afraid. 
Cas is interrupted from punching Belphegor by the demon pleading for mercy in Jack’s voice. “It’s me. Jack.” UGH fucking demons. Cas is visibly tormented by this. He spreads his hand, hesitates, then summons his grace. It...FLICKERS. (Ruh roh) Still, it ignites enough for him to press his palm to Belphegor’s forehead - to Jack’s forehead - and smite him. (Ever since that Shaving people promo, I’ve been expecting Jacks’ body to burn but I never imagined that Cas would have had to be the one to do it. What a horrible, traumatic thing. Excuse me while I wrap Cas in a blanket, then myself, then Boris, then all of you readers.) (Boris: *crying noise, crying noise*)
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Sam and Dean compare notes over the phone. The crack is closing but “something doesn’t feel right.” That old hunter instinct is correct, because things are about to get even worse. Rowena wanders across the room while Sam is on the phone. He looks over in time to see her STAB HERSELF in the shoulder. She pulls out her resurrection sachet. “Won’t need that where I’m going.” 
Rowena bitterly explains that they’ve bungled their last option. Or, penultimate option. There’s one more spell she can use to contain the souls. “Death is an infinite vessel,” she explains. “It draws its power from its caster.” Tears linger on her cheeks as she reveals that there are only two ingredients: her “still-coursing blood and the last is my final breath.” She’ll absorb all the spirits and after a time, her body will break down and release them all to Hell where they belong. (She will also, of course, be trapped there AND dead which SUCKS BIG TIME.) 
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Sam tries to talk her out of it but she doubles down. She needs to die and Sam’s the one who must do it. “My real, permanent demise is in your hands. It’s in Death’s books.” Sam tries the “screw fate” argument on her but it doesn’t fly.
Outside, Cas reemerges from the pit and Dean confronts him about the shaky spell. Cas explains that he had to kill Belphegor and the crook was destroyed, and Dean handles it with his customary grace. JK Dean flips the fuck out. 
Rowena says something incredibly intriguing to me, then. Rowena tells Sam that she wouldn’t kill herself for the sake of anybody, but she would do it for prophecy. For magic, to which she’s devoted her life. (I’m looking directly at Billie here, who chose to reveal the agent of Rowena’s demise to her. Who MEDDLED and helped bring this about. Billie! What’s your game? Call me!) Sam tries to pull away from Rowena, who has gripped his hand and pressed the knife to her gut. “We’ve gotten quite fond of each other, haven’t we?” she asks and places a friendly hand on his shoulder. I’d love to write that suddenly PUPPIES ran into the crypt and they played with them for the rest of the episode but…
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Rowena tearfully commands Sam to kill her, weighing her life against the fate of the world and the survival of Dean. She pushes AAAALLL of Sam’s buttons. Sam embraces her and stabs her right in the gut at the same time. She forces him to look her in the eyes afterward. “That’s my boy,” she tells him and I take a crying break from this recap because this performance is too goddamn much. 
And just like that, the first ingredient is in play. Rowena walks from the crypt in her flowing pink gown like a stained rose and souls fly into her. She strides to the edge of the pit and looks at Team Free Will one last time before saying, “Goodbye, boys.” She throws herself down into the depths of Hell. The ground seals behind her. It’s done. 
For Buffy Summers “Death is your gift” Science
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In the bunker Dean’s footsteps echo down an empty hallway. He checks in on Sam, who’s sitting sorrowfully in his room. Sam brushes away tears before turning to face Dean and I’m basically dead right now. 
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Dean drops a quick recap: the town is safe, Hell is closed, Ketch is dead. Dean tries to rally Sam. They beat Chuck’s final apocalypse. Hooray?
Afterwards, Dean throws a giant taco party for all their hunter friends. JUST KIDDING! Dean drinks hard liquor alone in the library when Cas comes in.
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Cas asks how Sam’s doing and Dean is just…so angry. Dean asks Cas why he didn’t stick to the plan. Cas defends his decisions. “Something always goes wrong.” 
Dean rejoins with: “Why does that something always seem to be you,” and I’m feeling sudden empathy for Ketch, for I have also just had my heart ripped out of my chest and held, still beating, up to my face. 
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“You used to trust me. Give me the benefit of the doubt.” But that’s no longer the case. Cas winds through the issue quickly, with spare words. He’s tried to talk to Dean about what he’s going through, about his failing powers, but Dean freezes him out. Dean still blames him for Mary’s death. Cas realizes it now fully, perhaps. He is DEAD to Dean. This is all delivered so softly. So TERRIBLY softly.
Dean meets this all with utter silence. He is so emotionally shut down, he can’t even shout anymore. There are no broken lamps. It’s just one non-functioning Dean with no words and bare flickers of eye contact.
“I don’t think there’s anything left to say,” Cas concludes and turns to go. 
Finally, Dean speaks. “Where you going?”
“Jack’s dead. Chuck is gone. You and Sam have each other. I think it’s time for me to move on.” Dean speaks not a word, doesn’t move a muscle, and Castiel turns and walks out the door. And just like that, Team Free Will fractures.
We’re back to Sam and Dean against the world, and doesn’t everybody just…feel great?
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Oh, My Still-Beating Quotes:
Get me close to the epicenter, find me a nice protected ghost free space. I’ll patch those crumbling walls right up and we’ll all be home for high tea.
I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some glorified fanboy get the last word
To put it in American action movie terms, you’ll be carrying the bomb, I light the fuse, you toss it in
Oh Cas, your voice, it’s like an angel
I’ll be a god. Or, you know, close enough
I know this in my bones. It has to be this way.
I know we’ve gotten quite fond of each other, haven’t we?
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koganphrancis · 5 years
Ernie & Bert Are Planning A Wedding
OR: My thoughts on Episode 11
Everything just hurts.  Let me start with the “previously on” segment.  Yeah, we finally get an Ian/Mickey intro, but it’s just like so many of the other intros-random characters outside yelling at viewers.  Since there’s been little to none intimacy for this couple this season we couldn’t have caught them in bed?  Or in mid-kiss?  Nope.  Ian can be drinking yet another beer tho.  Pretty sure those meds we saw when Sandy grabbed Mickey’s dick all those episodes ago now was Mickey’s gerd medication.  Ian’s clearly not being written as taking medication at all (yet again).  
But as usual, I digress.  The show starts with a somewhat cute reminder of how the Gallavich house is within running distance of the (now torn down in real life, RIP) Milkovich house.  Unfortunately it’s Terry who reminds us.  Ian’s watching Terry screaming up at the house while Mickey’s...off doing something without Ian.  Seriously, whatever the opposite of “joined at the hip” is, that’s what these epic soulmates are this season :( 
Anyway, Mickey walks downstairs and Ian unhelpfully informs him, “Your dad’s here.”  Mickey says yeah and goes out to see Terry.  Ian gives one more peek thru the curtain but must decide that Mickey’s in no danger, since next we see him, Ian’s sitting in the kitchen casually chatting with Lip about something that’ll never happen (Lip moving to Wisconsin).
Outside, Mickey and Terry draw guns on each other while Terry’s just now (?) trying to figure out where Mickey went “wrong” and turned out gay.  Um, I know Terry’s been busy with prison and running his illegal enterprises (whatever they might be), but he’s just now trying to catch up on what he learned literally years ago when he walked in on Ian and Mickey having sex?  
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(Gif credit: jackorowan)
The scene at least gives us an iconic Mickey line, “I definitely love one,” but is it too little too late?  It’s enough to send Terry on his way for now, after one last threat.  Mickey calmly goes back inside, says “mornin’” to Ian and Lip, and starts to make himself a bowl of cereal.  I list all that out to stress how non-stressed he seems.  Ian says, “So, how’s your dad?”, and just like the, “Hi, Mr. Milkovich” and “Was Mickey adopted?” conversation Ian had with Terry in S9, so far everything is being written to show how this is just normal family life when it comes to Terry.  But by the next scene the show will want us to buy that something entirely different is going on and I just don’t understand why they can’t find a narrative and stick to it.  In the days since the episode aired, I’ve read so many head canon posts about how understandable it was for Mickey to flip out after seeing Terry, and how that brought all Mickey’s past trauma to the surface and of course it turned him into a groomzilla, but I just can’t agree that that’s what the show either set out to do or accomplished.  Mickey’s been working for Terry, he’s been around him-it’s one of the few things about Mickey’s life the show has shown us since he’s been out of prison.  Everyone in Terry’s world that they’ve shown is perfectly comfortable talking about the fact that yes, some people are in fact gay.  Terry’s peers in prison, Terry’s own relatives-why suddenly in Episode 11 is this “a thing”?  
Anyway, the scene continues after Mickey quips that he doesn’t think Terry will be his best man.  Liam joins the scene and there’s very cute, well executed banter where Ian, Lip, and Mickey tell him they can each forge Frank’s signature.  It’s a tantalizing glimpse of what the season could’ve been if these guys were allowed to all be in scenes together.  
Mainly thanks to Myles’ AV Club review, I know that for whatever reason, the show decided to do a one month time jump between the engagement episode and this one.  WTF?  It doesn’t even make sense-it means somewhere that woman holding Frank captive was feeding him and clothing and bathing him?  That Liam hasn’t been to school in a month because Frank hasn’t been around to sign him in?  As if that wouldn’t have had CPS showing up at the Gallagher house (that has to be red flagged in the system by now)?  Debbie being toyed with by that mother and daughter has been going on for weeks at this point?  The only thing the time jump did that I care about was rob us of seeing Mickey and Ian telling people they were engaged.  We deserved a little scene of Ian and Lip talking about it at least-give Lip the opportunity to ask Ian what changed his mind about marriage and give the audience the opportunity to hear some sort of explanation.  “I heard some guy I know Mickey didn’t care about putting him down and I just knew then and there I had to marry him,” doesn’t quite cut it.  
But so much for what should have been.  In the next scene, Mickey slaps down a pile of wedding magazines and drops the news on Ian (as he hands him a beer) that they’re going to have a “wedding wedding”.  Mickey needs a headcount for the reception venue-clearly money is no problem, so working for Terry all those intervening weeks must’ve been lucrative.  
In a rare instance of the show actually cluing us in on someone’s thought process, Mickey says flat out that he now wants a “real” wedding because his fuckhead dad threatened to murder him-again-cuz he’s gay.  So, see?  AGAIN.  What’s different this time?  It’s like the show NEEDS there to be a reason, a mitigating circumstance, for two men to want to get married.  They can’t just let Mickey and Ian have the natural progression of their relationship leading to a lifetime together.  It’s so offensive.  And again, for viewers that have been invested in this relationship for so long, it just hurts.  Mickey’s doing this as a big FU to his father rather than as a big ILY to Ian.  That’s OOC for sure-Mickey’s always put loving Ian first in his life.  
In planning the wedding, Noel does get some great moments.  Talking about the “little shits that light the candles”, and his choice of wedding song, and confronting the homophobic old bitch at the florist.  And the literal scenery chewing he does at the wedding chairs rental place was, I’m sure, quite fun for Noel as an actor.  BUT-the only moment we get where Ian seems on board/with Mickey in any of it is at the florist before the bitch sets Mickey off.  Otherwise Ian’s like a casual bystander in all this-and that’s just not in character either.  Why can’t they both be into making these decisions?  Why, even if Ian truly couldn’t give a shit about seeing Mickey happy about these little details-why can’t they at least be affectionate with each other?  I don’t expect Schitt’s Creek level adoring looks, but I do expect Gallavich level.  Ian used to look at Mickey with awe even when Mickey was being his Mickey-est.  Why aren’t they allowed to show that anymore?  
I will say, I did love the stargazer lily thing-altho it’s all the more frustrating to realize this week’s writer must’ve watched at least the fan compilation video of Gallavich to know that detail was a very sweet throw back-why couldn’t they also write some kisses and hand holding in too?  But anyway, “Beyond Blue” and Mickey looking touched when Ian said he liked the blue ones-we needed a lot more moments like that this season.  Why everything’s getting crammed into these final, rushed episodes is beyond me.  
Now I have to bitch again about what was wrong with the florist scene.  Yes, I’m sure there are plenty of people like that woman in the world.  But there are also plenty who don’t oppose same sex marriage.  Why is it always such a big deal on Shameless?  Either everything’s gay or nothing is.  They’ve given us an entire squad of fire fighters who are gay.  Debbie clearly can’t walk five feet in any direction since the show decided she was gay without her finding a woman DTF her.  Ian had-what was the ridiculous number?-7 million Instagram followers when he was Gay Jesus.  So ONE homophobic old lady in a flower shop means disaster?  Ian knows how to look shit up on his phone, he proved that looking for wedding statistics.  You mean to tell me he doesn’t know how to check Yelp reviews to somehow find a gay-friendly florist in a city the size of Chicago?  
Mickey did get a couple of funny lines in that scene (killed me when he called her Grandma), but, again the show is throwing too much in the blender.  Is the scene supposed to be that funny?  If Mickey is dealing with past trauma, this is just adding to it.  And Ian, who is supposed to know Mickey better than anyone (including the viewer) isn’t acting worried about him, he’s acting like he’s being dragged all these places against his will.  So where’s the comedy in that?
Next there’s a scene of Mickey walking down the sidewalk and glorious natural light, looking like he’s glowing.  It immediately gets ruined by Ian stopping in front of a store window full of bride mannequins and looking at them and then after Mickey, with the visual implication strongly suggesting that Mickey’s the “woman” in their relationship which is so outdated in 2020 that the show and the network should have to pay a fine.  
Then we get the chairs meltdown, which gives us the truest line, “Why does everything always have to SUCK?”  You’re singing our song, Mickey.  Then the show proves that point for the millionth time by having Mickey call the chairs guy the R word-twice. 
In the next scene, Mickey’s called in the always reliable important character of Mand..um, Sandy because Ian’s of no use to him.  WTF?  Mickey is still talking up grandiose wedding plans and Ian’s still trying to figure it all out.  He tries to ask, “This is still about Terry, right?  You don’t give a shit about weddings...” Mickey interrupts him to ask where his ring is.  Ian has to stop and think and realizes he must’ve left it on the sink.  He runs off before Mickey can tear him a new one.  Mickey throws his pen down and says to Sandy, “I can’t even.”  Sandy replies, “I can see why you called,” but on Twitter fans have pointed out her lips appear to be saying, “Is he even into this at all?”  WHICH IS ANOTHER THING.  After all Ian’s marriage issues, why is Mickey bulldozing ahead and not noticing what Ian seems to be feeling AT ALL.  (Which appears to be that he’s once again regretting this whole marriage thing.)  Why does the show make the two of them so blind to each other’s feelings now?  WHY?  Now that Lip’s living in the RV, do they even share a room anymore?  They act like they never, ever talk now.  There is such a disconnect hanging over the short time they are shown together in every episode.  Not to mention they’ve been desexualized to the point of being a couple of Ken dolls.  John Wells must be so thrilled he doesn’t have to sit thru dailies of them physically touching anymore.  I’m willing to believe he hired someone to Jeff Giloolly Cam’s leg so he could have Mickey and Ian get engaged and married without any love scenes at this point.
In the last scene, Ian and Mickey are at The Alibi and Ian’s (having a beer) making one last attempt to simplify the wedding.  After another “it depends who’s the bride and who’s the groom” eye-rolling moment, Ian asks, “Can’t we just be Ian and Mickey?”  I guess not, when it comes to this show.  In the past Ian would’ve loved Mickey’s tension away for him-letting Mickey find his release in multiple orgasms, not in wedding planning.  Now all he can do is hire some guy with a guitar to show up at the bar and sing Mickey’s wedding song-and “sing” is a very generous term here.  Props to the show for not having an amazing singer just show up out of the blue, but, for the love of my bleeding ears, couldn’t they have found less of a screecher?  
Mickey is, at first, freaked out by this guitar playing weirdo coming near his booth, but when he recognizes the song he asks, “How the fuck did you know that?”  The guitarist replies, “Little bird told me” indicating Ian, and then unfortunately goes back to the song and soon finds himself way out of his range.  Mickey gives Ian a soft look, Ian gives Mickey one of the smiles he only ever has for Mickey, and Silver Tree becomes JW’s favorite director ever by not even letting us see them holding each other’s hands-that’s below the camera line.  For all we can prove, maybe Ian and Mickey were just reaching for the salt shaker at the same time.  Personally, I would’ve ended the episode with Ian and Mickey metaphorically and literally getting on the same page-they go back to the house, their double bed is covered in Mickey’s wedding magazines and color swatches and seating charts and whatever other wedding prep detritus.  Ian, seeing it all laid out like that says softly, “Are you really doing all this for Terry?” and Mickey says, “Course not, it’s all for us.  We deserve it.”  Then they flop down on the bed together and get to kissing, right on top of it all.  
But no, can’t have them intimate or even on the same side of a booth.  So, you’d think that happy-ish ending we did get means Mickey’s out of his Terry-induced panic, but scenes and stills for the season finale will disabuse you of that hope.  
My final thought is: I’m wondering how much, if any, of these wedding details we’ll see.  The show is too cheap now to spend money on a church wedding with those gorgeous stargazer lilies and the little shits that light the candles.  Plus why would you have Living On A Prayer sung again when you used it in this episode?  Will one of them-or both of them-walk down an aisle?  They’ve already got their rings and have been wearing them-I don’t see them wearing multiple rings each.  If the show had any guts at all, it’d have them exchange cock rings at the ceremony ;P  Will we even get to see the wedding part or will they go straight to some sort of brawl/reception?  And, sadly, I’ve felt from the first time I saw pictures of them driving off in the Mercedes that we’re not going to see them get to consummate the marriage.  I hope I’m wrong about all of it, but I won’t be surprised to be let down utterly-either by what they don’t or what they do show :(  See ya on the other side!
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Wynonna Earp 2x07 Everybody Knows
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Okay… the “Previously On…” brings up several interesting points from season 1 – Bobo telling Waverly she’s not even an Earp, and Wynonna not really buying they’ve truly defeated the seven revenants. I hope this doesn’t ruin my figuring things out on my own as I watch this episode…
2) The Creepster’s sisters are pretending they fell asleep like everyone else and that they don’t know about the widows, but Wynonna is not buying it. Trust your instincts, girl.
3) A+ writing.
WYNONNA: Mercedes wasn't Mercedes! Usually, she's a fun bitch, not a bitch bitch, which is like "Whoa, bitch," but - It's a bitch thing.
I also noticed this is how Wynonna deflected and avoided answering Dolls’ questions about her seeing a doctor. But like, when would she have seen one? She found out she was pregnant and then boom! 3 to 6 months passed and they’ve been fighting demons since then, so...
4) I genuinely laughed at this…
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5) Wynonna got a head rush and Dolls immediately called Doc and told him they had a Code Rainbow, and I can’t wait to find out how and when they came up with a code for Wynonna-related situations, and why is it called Rainbow? 
6) The widows are burning Clootie’s head and she whispers “Holliday” and what about the connection between Clootie and Doc? And now someone is coming after Doc?! But they seem to be from the Wild West, like literally? WTF
7) This is the most Wynonna thing a pregnant Wynonna could do…
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8) Dolls and Doc literally dragged a doctor to Wynonna’s to have her checked. Bless them. Also, bless the doctor. She seems like a cool lady who takes no bullshit and genuinely cares about her patient.
9) Doc is coughing… is he… getting his tuberculosis back now that Cootie is dead? Is their bond broken and he’s no longer immortal?
10) This is such a Spike reaction…
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12) Oh lord, Doc is having one of those days where nothing is coming up Doc! Now he’s been marked for capture and execution for a warrant that was filed against him 135 FUCKING YEARS AGO! Damn, these people know how to hold a grudge! Isn’t there a statute of limitations on these things?
13) Waverly is freaking out about Doc not being the dad, and tbh, so am I. He will be totally crushed!
14) And now Wynonna has to break it to him and he’s being the sweetest most perfect gentlemen and I’m crying?
DOC: So… May I ask - are you doing alright? WYNONNA: Of course you can ask. DOC: Things have changed since my day regarding male participation in these matters but I'll be as involved as you desire. No more, no less. All I want, and excuse me for being old-fashioned, is for you to be healthy for you to be as close to happy as possible. And I will do anything, I will give anything to ensure it. WYNONNA: You're such an asshole. DOC: Maybe I said it wrong.
He’s going to get his heartbroken, isn’t he?
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And of course, she didn’t tell him...
JEREMY: I mean, imagine the little rascal if he has Doc's piercing blue eyes and Wynonna's luscious hair. I swear, seriously, we are going to be defenseless against such a glorious creature.
He even wants to babysit their baby, and so do I! But why is he assuming it’s going to be a boy? I’d wager it’s a girl. 
16) You know, everyone gives Jeremy such a hard time, but he’s such a trooper. Accidentally or not, he just found some key evidence to figure out whether Mercedes and her sisters are the widows, okay? And he also figured out the location of the seal before that. He might be a doofus, but he gets shit done and he deserves some respect.
17) Nicole is mommysitting Wynonna and I love it, these two can and should become besties.
18) OMG Waverly just spilled the beans about the baby quite possibly not being Doc’s…
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No, she won’t be better off!!! 
19) So… Wynonna’s alter ego is Aphrodite and she is a stripper who worked at Pussy Willows. Sounds about right. But Wynonna is not about to tell her one-night stand that he might be a baby daddy. Instead… she plans on stealing a glass with his saliva on it to do a paternity test. That is the most rational way to deal with this situation.
20) WTF!
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Is she having a revenant baby?!! Can revenants even have babies?!
21) I died!
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22) And now Dolls is congratulating Doc and it’s like he’s inadvertently rubbing salt in his wound…
23) Nicole is getting hammered because she’s having all of Wynonna’s drinks. And now the revenant shows himself and he seems to be aware he had a one-night stand with the one and only Heir…
24) OMG Jeremy has just locked all them in here with his binding spell, didn’t he? Because they inhaled the thingy he was trying to bind?! This is not looking good for Doc! And Jeremy’s reaction…
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25) Nicole is the cutest and the dumbest drunk but she still has game, I love her.
26) They are literally bound together, like one moves, the others do, too… Please let this last forever…
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27) Or maybe not!
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This whole scene was comedy gold!
28) The Sheriff who is after Doc is a phantom, they cannot hurt him, except… Dolls did? How?!
29) Wynonna just said “Abort! Abort!” and apologized to the baby and I died hahahaha!
30) Well, I guess this whole being bound together has brought some issues to the surface…
DOLLS: This is about a girl? You're the most selfish guy I know. You do whatever you want, whenever you want, and then when you get in trouble, you bring everybody down with you. DOC: Oh, I thought we were gonna be mature about things. I was leaving to face my demons on my own, which is how I work best. DOLLS: Wynonna, that baby, they need you, so this whole lone-wolf shit that you're doing, it ain't gonna cut it. 'Cause guess what, Doc, you're gonna be a daddy. DOC: Well, it is quite possible that I ain't. I reckon that should put your mind at ease.
Dolls does make a great point about Doc needing to stick around for Wynonna and the baby, whether it’s his or not. But I think what Doc was trying to do was take his problems somewhere else and not pile them on Wynonna and possibly put her and the baby in danger. Fleeing is always his first response in the face of trouble, but he has stuck around, hasn’t he?
31) Okay, now they’re facing a whole army of ghosts. That should be a piece of cake.
32) Wynonna now needs to figure out how to deal with the may-be revenant daddy of her might-be heir/revenant baby. Waverly suggests offing him, but… that feels wrong, somehow? It’s the baby’s daddy, after all. Wynonna is looking for an alternative, though.
33) Doc is about to be executed and he’s just told Dolls and Jeremy that he’s not going down without a fight, and like, if they’re still bound, that’s going to be hilarious.
34) Dolls just spoke on behalf of Doc and called him his brother and I’m over here like awwwwwwww! And he literally saved Doc by outranking the Sheriff. He actually pardoned Doc! They’re bros in love!
35) Oh god, I take it back, I take it back! He so does deserve to be shot in the fucking dick!
DOUCHEBAG: I remember that night. You stumbling in all doe-eyed drunk, working those West-coast hips to a little Lana teasing out lap dances for free. WAVERLY: Stop it! DOUCHEBAG: The place was crawling with revenants, and here you were performing for them all. Of course, I was the only one that knew you were the heir. I admit I was hoping you'd be a bit more of a challenge. I always heard you had a mouth on you. And you do. Hmm, baby, one smile from me, and those legs - popped right open. WAVERLY: Shut - your stupid, sexist pie hole! DOUCHEBAG: I believe we were talking - about her pie hole. WAVERLY: Enough. DOUCHEBAG: You see, we always thought the best way to defeat the heir was to kill her, Lucky for us, she's a whore who defeated herself by letting one of us get inside of her.
Bless Wynonna, she shot him. I just can’t believe she let him go that far. She still doesn’t know if the baby was his, though. And I know that plot-wise it would be much more interesting for the baby to be an heir/revenant hybrid, but can it please be Doc’s? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
36) “As Earp as you and me.” Now, that was a trigger…
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Well, it was about damn time this was addressed, right? But like... now I’m afraid Waverly might be an heir/revenant hybrid herself? The douchebag mentioned it had happened once before, right? But then she would be an Earp... 
37) What a fun episode! Damn, this show is always such a wild ride, and I have so much fun watching it! I’ll continue to pray for the baby to be Doc’s, okay? Although I’m 99% it’s going to be the revenant’s because plot twist, am I right? And whose daughter is Waverly? What about her history, indeed? And how did she end up with the Earps? Who is she connected to?
38) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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ND Replay Review #2: Stay Tuned for Danger SPOILERS
AKA, the game where they took a great concept and made it better. 
Wow. So many things to love about this game. First, we need to discuss the elephant in the room, Aunt Eloise. The talented, badass Aunt Eloise. Who handed us our first two mysteries (and a dope apartment in NYC) on a silver platter. Coincidentally, she eats all of her meals off a silver platter. *That* is how awesome she is. 
What happened to this woman? Why does she never reappear? Nancy can’t even bother writing her letters about all of the mysteries that spiraled from these first two? Rude, Nancy. Justice for Aunt Eloise. 
Moving on... 
Thanks to Aunt Eloise we get to cab around New York City, around Central Park, hang out with soap stars, and solve a pretty fun mystery. 
In only their second go around HeR managed to fix what was obviously wrong about their first game, the snoozefest characters. We’ve got an abundance of interesting suspects to choose from here. Maybe it’s just because they are adults and not like, high schoolers and some suburban dad criminal? IDK, but whatever it is keep em coming. Mattie is a tragic, fame is such a burdan, femme fatale. Rick is just the right amount of cocky and creepy. Lillian is a badass. Millie, while underutilized, is a delight. Even faceless Bill Pappas brings me joy with her ramblings and, just under the surface, anger issues. Dwayne is kind of an eh for me. Maybe it’s just because the rest of the characters are *that* good. He’s pretty spooky in the end. But I can’t get over a man who keeps his wallet and briefcase in his office overnight. WTF Dwayne? (Pour one out for Ralph too. I love that we never really get to talk to him, but he totally ends up saving us in the end sequence. You get an honorable mention. We will not forget about it, or your donut face.) 
The location of this game is an A-. I think it’s pretty fun kicking around the studio and the prop room is such a clever way of Nancy finding random items (which isn’t always HeR’s strong suit). Aunt Eloise’s apartment (never forget) is hilarious with all of those crazy photoshopped heads floating around. Literally the funniest thing about these games by a long shot was someone’s idea to photoshop these characters into real life peoples’ photos. I also like how HeR shows just how dangerous NYC is. You can just get buzzed into any apartment building and break in with your credit card. This pre-9/11 era is a hoot. The music goes super well with the locale and I think it’s just suspenseful enough. 
What they didn’t quite master just yet was puzzles. I said it once, I’ll say it again, those silly word scrambles that aren’t necessary to solve the crime? Exhausting. I also didn’t get the wire cutters the first time in the prop room so I had to wait in the studio for HOURS (aka step away from my computer for a bit) so I could go back into the prop room after 6:00 pm. Though it was clever for them to start introducing time as a real factor in solving puzzles this early in the game. Thank god for the set-able alarm clock starting next game. They definitely got the decoder part right though, so props for a step in the right direction. 
The culprit makes total sense. I love how he just seems more and more deranged as the game goes on. Everything really clicks in the end. Even if some of the other characters for culpable something they don’t totally deserve to go down for any of their “crimes”. 
Final Rating: 8/10
They definitely found their footing with this game. While the puzzles still needed a bit of work at this point, this game really started the phenomenon in my opinion. 
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dvrkhclme-blog · 5 years
✕ — wasn’t that raven darkholme wandering the streets of new york, 1973? civilians know them as mystique and see them as a villain. as far as i know, the one hundred and fifty+ year old stands with the x-men (sometimes), and are rumoured to be pretty deceptive & misanthropic. ( julianne moore / gender-fluid / typically she/her ) 
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{ trigger warnings : mental illness, suicide, sexual abuse, drugs, terrorism, murder  }
hey everyone, i’m sophia!! i’m trash and neglected the intros for all my babies soooo i’m finally getting to them now!! anyways, i’m super excited to be here at 1973hq & i hope we can all be good friends!! <3 sooo. more about my first baby aka my murder!baby under the cut  
im not even gonna touch the mceu version of mystique ok thx therefore shes gonna be combination of comics mystique and a bunch of my own headcanons — soooo
( skip this part if youre familiar with the mcu its basically a shortened version of her bio )
the binch is oLD ok??/ old af. probably several centuries old. i’d say 200 years old at minimum but its never really been disclosed
don’t even get me started on wtf i think happened to her to fight just to survive at age 12 when her mutation kicked in bcus,,, yike
her entire life has been characterized by betrayals. whether it be mystique betraying someone else (most likely) or her being betrayed by someone else (in the case of destiny)
her n destiny met in the early 20th century. destiny asked her to help decode her prophecies and to stop the terrifying ones from being fulfilled. they fell in Luv. they are partners. gay ass partners. (the original idea for mystique n destiny was for nightcrawler to be their canon kid. via mystique in a males body. but this was retconned bcus of homophobia thx but i’d personally love this hc if we get a kurt & it’s ok w/ them anyway )
anyway after ww2 she met sabertooth n had her first (canonically recorded) kid, graydon. who. lo n behold, she abandoned.
that’ll be a trend, fyi, better watch out for that
but graydon turned out to be a mutant hating human so thats fun
then mystique from our time went back in time in attempt to assassinate graydon (which doesnt, in the end, work),,,, also fun
then she gets married to a wealthy german count,,, uses her power to start seducing other people, when she meets azael who  manipulates and seduces her. has nightcrawler via azael ,, its cool
raven murdered her husband and was then regarded by her townsfolk n as a demon. she escaped but abandoned kurt,,, also cool
she adopts raven then. and actually genuinely loves her. (more on this in the next section)
she founds the 3rd version of the brotherhood n they do more terrorist shit good job mystique #magnetowasright
sike mystique betrayed  magneto and turned him into the government, turned the brotherhood into the freedom force, n started working for the gov. working for freedom force is when destiny died and that triggered one of mystiques many breakdowns (also more on this below)
she was v depressed at this time and taken advantage of by the shadow king. raven let herself be brainwashed by the government into thinking she was her own government handler to take down the shadow king. didnt work. he torments her the rest of her life. yike.  
she had nanotech put into her head so the government could force her to work for x-factor, while with them she finds out destiny during their partnership had other partners and kids she didnt know about and one was a mutant
graydon has this mutant savagely beaten. before mystique can kill graydon for this, hs followers kill him n turn him into a martyr. super fun. cue operation zero tolerance.
mystique went undercover as the senators wife for a while n used her connections to the fbi to do shadier shit
she then ran away and took some random chicks form and became a model and made a ton of cash — u go girl
except this kinda sucked for her because she moved into a penthouse suite which in the neighbouring building had skulls plotting to take down mankind. they framed her for a murder, her powers stopped working, n she was arrested
the government eased all her alternate identities and froze all her assets and access to the money she and destiny saved up for decades. cue another mental breakdown
then she finds out destiny was responsible for founding the anti-mutant conspiracy mystique spent her whole life trying to stop, and that destiny also didnt give medical attention to mutant kids who were deformed from their mutations
long story short she has an even worse breakdown n goes completely nihilistic, realizing she cant change the world for the better, she remakes the brotherhood and impersonates moira mctaggert to get her research on the legacy virus  
a bunch more shit happens with raven ending up in the care of homeland security. xavier makes a deal with her and breaks her out. everyont thought she tried to kill xavier,,, when she didnt actually,,, because xaviers a shady fuck,,, but oh well. rogue disowns her for it. leads to another mental breakdown.
because of this she decides fuq u xavier and creates a mutant kid identity for herself known as foxx and joins the xmen to stop rogue and remy’s relationship
she helped the x-men during this time n also helped save rogue’s life via the messiah baby. but once again her intentions are misconstrued
she snaps again and impersonates bobby drake’s girlfriend & gets the poor boy hospitalized
norman osborn then recruited her to the dark x-men, injected her with nanites, then helped logans soul to hell, but then changed her mind and helped get him back. when he got back tho he uh. well. killed her. her and sabretooth were both resurrected by the hand (more on this later)
mystique then rejoined the brotherhood, impersonated alison, and took her place as mutant liaison for shield, harvesting her DNA to make MGH (mutant growth hormone)
i imagine she went back in time to 1973 under the guise of helping people & being “reformed” but in reality she was also doing shady mystique shit on the side and probably trying to tie up some loose ends, whether it be with graydon, the shadow king, destiny, or someone else. or probably a combination
anyways now shes staying w/ the x-men part time and playing Good Girl for now. she wants to show everyone that shes reformed n better n just wants to do things for the betterment of mutant kind. wants 2 get their trust too
shes pretty. level headed right now i’d say. betsy braddock helped her during one of her mental breakdowns by telepathically realigning her fragmented psyche — she’s still mystique n still awful but not as chaotic anymore. and less prone to attack rogue or other people aimlessly. it’s much more goal oriented now.
ok so she identifies as gender fluid bcus she shape shifts forms but also because i imagine shes so sick of having sexualized herself all these decades to get what she wants that shes just fed up with gender norms and thinks theyre bullshit. she’s fine to go by she/her pronouns but she doesnt really identify as a specific gender in my head
she drinks but mostly absinthe and only w/ people she trusts. along those lines it’s similar for drugs but she loves a good high and a good hallucination
she has bouts of psychosis that her wiki defines as schizophrenia. it manifests in much more anger and aggression. hallucinations. delusions — especially presecutory and grandiose delusions — lack of pleasure (hence the nihilism), social withdrawal, and poverty of speech. her sense of identity becomes so fractured that she cant keep herself consistently in one body without it taking all of her concentration — and sometimes that isn’t even enough. she gets lots of mood and cognitive changes during these episodes — and completely loses her sense of self
despite her grandiose ego she’s actually very self conscious and refuses to look in a mirror. actually she’s scared of her appearance. she cant look at herself normally in fear of seeing a monster look back
this is also the reason she was so easily deceived by azael. he looked like a monster, too, and embraced her for how she is. he didnt make her change to fit another appearance that couldve been “more beautiful”
lastly, her motives for doing things??? are always for the betterment of mutantkind. over time this got very skewed and her belief became that the only way for mutants to actually live is for all humans to die. shes a terrorist through and through, but she loves mutants. she just has a personal vendetta against the x-men that’s grown over the years — her constantly being betrayed by people during her episodes of psychosis and the x-men never actually believing the real story (but also like. why would they??? shes often so awful too)
shes attempted suicide canonically in the past. she loses control of herself. it’s also heavily implied she’s been assaulted in the past. anyways shes a sad baby too
— so thats about it for my murder baby! yike this got a lot longer than i expected it to but anyways i cant wait to write her with all of you!! <3
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