#nobody come at me for missing details
quess-art · 1 year
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Lilia colouring practice + Pre-War Draconia parents design & Lilia
Part 1 | Part 2
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Black Hat lunged at his counterpart, body contorting into a vicious conglomeration of teeth, smoke, tendrils, and distorted bone. An echoing symphony of shrill, unholy roars filled the room as the enraged demon carried out his onslaught, ripping into White Hat’s body with a fury unparalleled to anything Flug’s seen from him before. And considering how much Flug's seen already...
I wanted to make BH way bigger but then WH would look too smol to see well enough haha
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@ Nosy anon, I promise I'll come up with a proper actual snippet to respond to this one of these days, but in the meantime, have this random impulse drawing and a very very short paragraph of fic to go along with it lol?
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
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your boyfriend has a little habit of being sort of..spacey. or at least he looks like he is.
despite his..ditzy and aloof appearance. shouto is very acutely aware of his surroundings.
especially when you’re in said surroundings.
he’s walking along the hallways with his friends, they’re chatting about everything and nothing, school and about the results of their last test. shouto doesn’t feel the need to interject, happy to simply listen and respond when he’s spoken to. except his mind is also kind of elsewhere at the moment because even in there he’s looking for you.
no matter what he’s doing, shouto todoroki has a piece of you in his mind. if his friends are worrying about their test results he’s perfectly fine, cus he studied with you. the letters he sends to his mom talk about his daily life, with little details about you sprinkled in. his father is trying to coerce him into coming to his agency again, shouto thinks it’d be a lot more enjoyable if you were with him.
you’re not with them right now, because mr. aizawa had asked you to send in some papers to the teacher’s lounge. you said you’d catch up with your friends as soon as possible and shouto’s listening, he really is. but he’s also scanning the crowd hoping to catch a little glimpse of you.
“what about you, todoroki ?”
shouto blinks, hearing his name come out of his freckled friend’s lips as he blinks at him expectantly with a smile. ochaco and iida also seem to be awaiting a response.
okay, so maybe he hadn’t been listening as well as he claimed..
“i’m sorry. i didn’t catch that last part, what were you saying ?” he asks bluntly, midoriya doesn’t mind and he repeats “i was asking you how you think your test went.” he chirps, shouto hums thinking about the question.
“i studied well for it, so i think it went well,” his friends hum, iida congratulates him for staying focused on his academics, waving his hand around in chopping motions.
and of course, shouto is always looking for you, so nobody’s surprised when he adds “yn also helped me study, so i think i’ll be..”
everyone is surprised though when he suddenly trails off. and without another word shouto walks ahead of his friends further down the crowded hallway. the lack of “oh, give me a second.” or “ i’ll be right back.”, the lack of anything stuns the three students so hard they freeze into place. they wonder what could’ve made him speed off in such a hurry, until ochaco gets a good look and points towards the dual haired boy.
ah, shouto’s found you.
you’re surprised to see him, your eyes widen “oh, hey sho !” he returns your greeting, his face hasn’t really changed from an outsiders point of view, but he leans in towards you the moment the words leave your lips and his whole face has gone soft, almost pudgy when you smile at him.
“i didn’t except to see you, you scared me !”
he blinks at that, shock settles onto his face as he bows his head in shame “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to..” simple, but earnest and it makes you melt.
“oh no, no ! you just popped up outta nowhere and it surprised me is all, got nothing to be sorry about.” you reassured, shouto’s expression changes and he returns, nodding happily.
“i missed you.”
you snort “i was gone for at most 10 minutes, shouto.”
“it was 11 minutes. and i missed you during that one extra minute, too.” if he had a tail, it’d be wagging at the speed of sound the way his face brightens when you laugh. you call him unbelievable and a small smile grows on his face
he’s just about to ask if you need help with your bag when you suddenly wave behind him. at your friends, who all share a sort of teasing, but also absolutely not surprised look.
oh, woops..
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barcaatthemoon · 11 days
better off alone || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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the team finds out that your foster parents left.
you were dead meat. jona wasn't there to vouch for you anymore. this season was sure to be your last. barcelona was on the verge of being done with you, and you weren't ready to go somewhere else and start over. having someone there to take care of you in a new city would be easier than your current situation, but you felt like you had found a family in your barcelona teammates.
they cared about you more than anybody else had. you had been bounced around foster homes and care facilities your entire life. this family wasn't good by any means, they had left you all alone after all, but your teammates more than made up for it. you had finally started to feel like a real person, and it was going to be yanked away from you in a matter of moments.
"where the hell have you been? you do know that we have a game later today, yes?" alexia grabbed onto your arm and dragged you inside. you stumbled a little trying to keep up with her. you were nearly an hour late for the pre-game training, but arrived just in time for the team meeting and the warm ups.
"sorry i was late, i tried to get here as fast as i could," you told her. it was the truth, and alexia was mad enough about you being late that she wouldn't pry. that was something you liked about dealing with alexia, her anger often clouded her judgement enough to never look too closely at the small details. she was easy to lie to because she'd generally accept the first excuse you threw her way.
"just go to the locker room, i'm going to talk to your parents," alexia told you. you wordlessly walked to the locker room and changed into your practice kit. you took the first open seat you saw, which was next to irene near the middle. everybody else was filing in as well, so you didn't draw too much attention.
"we missed you this morning," irene said calmly as she put her arm around your shoulders. you instinctively curled into her side. she didn't know the specifics of what you went through at home, but she always made sure to take care of you when she could. most of the team knew how close you were, but only alexia had an issue with it. she believed that irene babied you too much and that's why you were so "irresponsible" in alexia's eyes.
"sorry, i didn't have a ride here," you told her. you always told irene more than you'd ever tell alexia or the other captains. marta was torn between being tough on you like what alexia wanted and caring for you like irene did. you liked her well enough, but you didn't really talk with her much. patri, however, she was the one who you truly avoided whenever you were in a troubling situation. she took alexia's words to heart, and the two of you often butted heads.
"where are your parents?" irene asked.
"it's a long story," you mumbled. irene didn't like that answer and was about to press for more when alexia burst through the doors echoing the same question.
"(y/n), where are your parents!" you winced at the sound of alexia's voice and all of the eyes turning towards the two of you. you tried to turn into irene, but she wouldn't let you. with everybody staring at you and your secret on the verge of being put out into the world, you did what you knew how to do and bolted.
nobody made a move to catch you as they assumed you'd run towards hte exit alexia was blocking. that was how you made your escape, going the long way and making it all the way out of the stadium from the back. you ran until your lungs were burning, and then you ran just a bit further knowing that nobody was going to just leave and chase after you until after the game. you may never get another chance to play for barcelona, but you were on the way out anyway.
"you've got a lot of people scared right now. i know that you're probably also very scared right now, but i need you to come back with me please." of all the people you had expected to find you, olga wasn't very far up on the list. you knew alexia had to have asked her to look for you, but olga didn't know you well enough to know about your special spot.
"how did you find me?" you asked her as you stood up. you were a good few inches taller than the woman, always having been tall for your age. you seemed to still be growing, just half an inch shorter than fridolina.
"alexia gave me her phone, which has your phone's location. i don't know what use it is for her, she can't figure out how it works in the first place," olga laughed. you let her lead you back to the car without running away. "so, um, do you want to talk about what happened?"
"i was late for team stuff again, and it's not like they'll renew me. my contract has been up in the air for months now, and after this, i'm done for. maybe i can go somewhere else, but that's getting put in another home. i can't do that again, so i ran off hoping that nobody would find me," you rambled. olga took everything you were saying in, staying silent as she processed it.
"has anything happened at the home you're in now? alexia mentioned your parents a couple times, but not in a while," olga asked you. she looked like she was working through things in your head.
"they're gone, like for good. apparently, taking care of me wasn't worth the check. i've got too many obligations to keep up with," you repeated their words to olga, whose grip tightened on the steering wheel. the two of you ended up catching the last bit of the game, and olga brought you up to sit with alexia's family.
there were a lot of eyes on you, whispering going on around you because you weren't on the field. when the whistle blew for full time, you were brought down to the field. you tried to hide behind everybody around you, but it was no use. your practice kit stuck out in the sea of normal barcelona jerseys. it made it easy for your teammates to come and find you.
"ale, before you say anything to (y/n), we have to talk," olga said. you were grateful for the woman as your captain was led away. the other captains followed them at alexia's request, and you could see them talking to each other from the corner of your eye.
"don't be so scared of her. ale's not as scary as you think," alba said as she squeezed your hand. "just look at how olga bosses her around."
"they're going to fire me," you mumbled. there were tears in your eyes, ones that all of the people around you had been waiting for you to let go. it was obvious that you were terrified, and most of the people not on the team could see you for the scared little girl that you were.
"relax, go get yourself a drink and sit down," eli told you. her tone was gentle, yet commanding. there was no room for you to disobey the woman, so you grabbed the bottle with your name taped on it and sat down on the grass. nobody had approached you yet, even though you knew that your teammates had seen you. they were all waiting for one of your captains to go over there first.
instead of one of them, you got all of them. they stood around you in a circle, waiting patiently for you to acknowledge them. "i guess you know about my foster parents now."
"we do, and that's why we're giving you options. you can't live on your own, not this young. you are a part of this team, one of us, and we take care of our own. it's not permanent, but you will need to pick one of us to stay with for a couple of weeks while we talk to the club," alexia told you. you looked at the women standing before you.
"i don't understand. aren't you still mad at me for being late?" you asked her. alexia shook her head as she knelt in front of you.
"my anger has been misplaced, and i am sorry about that. i've been harsh on you, and i have been shown the error of my ways. for official purposes, you have to stay with one of us, but after that, other arrangements can be made," alexia promised you. you looked between all of them, overwhelmed with the option to choose.
"does this make me eligible for the norway camp?" you asked as you looked at the signatures on your adoption papers.
"what are you talking about? you're spanish," marta said as she ruffled your hair.
"actually, i'm not. they don't really know where i'm from, i just play in barcelona," you told her. marta's eyes widened as she raced out of the room to call alexia. you glanced at caro, who was trying to hold back a smile. "you aren't going to try and stop her?"
"oh please, we both know that you wouldn't play for another country. you're spanish in all the ways that count." she had a point, even if you'd never tell marta. you thought it was kind of funny watching her and alexia come up with more and more propaganda and bribes to keep you in a spanish kit. soon enough, they'd enlist the rest of your spanish teammates to the cause.
"yeah, but look at her. it's funny," you pointed out. the two of you walked out to the car, just in time to catch marta trying to plot something over the phone. you sat in the back of the car as they took you home, glad to finally have a permanent home with people willing to truly look after you. you weren't just a check to marta and caro, which was a welcome change.
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yaymiyas · 6 months
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warning: female reader, his name is saer…just so you can follow a bit lol, isekai lol
a/n: it’s structured a bit differently than my other introductions, do note that yes this is x reader but you had gotten isekai’d into a novel so….i do say her name but…..you’re also you…..if that makes sense, also he is hardly in it but its like….an introduction to the story bc its…an isekai and i needed to layout how i wanted everything to be
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its not like you didn’t realize something was up. bright white lights blind you right when you open your eyes. maids coming in and out, calling you ‘miss’ and telling you not to sit up because ‘it will harm you even more’. granted, you were very thankful for their words because, around ten minutes before they came in, you attempted to sit up and gave yourself a headache. even though nobody was explaining anything, you remained quiet, trying to gather as much information from the surrounding maids as possible. the red-haired one with tight curls and an everlasting smile was amanda. she seemed to like you much, more than the other two, and tended to you more carefully. maybe she was your personal maid,or maybe she was just good at her job, but she never let up and called you your ‘name’.
admittedly, none of the other two maids called you your ‘name’ either. it was all just ma’am or miss from them. you just expected a hint of your identity from amanda, based solely on her care for you. selfish? maybe but you needed more hints. the other maids are named cynthia and tilly. the former of the two had long black hair slicked into a low bun, with a small maids hair on top to finish the look. it was a cute detail, if you must say, since the other two didn’t wear them. cynthia hardly spoke above a shout, coming off as more soft-spoken than the other two. she wasn’t really rude, nor did she have an attitude while tending to you, but she wore an expression of indifference that made you think she would rather do anything else.
tilly, on the other hand, was more bold than the other two. still not outwardly rude, but she tested your patience a few times. the main one that got to you though, was when she was rubbing your face. while she was washing off your face with the washcloth, she rubbed against your cheeks too hard, and upon this ‘realization’ she gave you a malevolent grin. her thin lips formed an o shape, mimicking the action of saying ‘oops’. luckily, it seemed as if amanda and cynthia didn’t really care for this ‘prank’ of hers. they both scoffed in disgust, continuing to pick out outfits for me to wear for the day ahead.
a soft but stern knock was heard at the door, revealing a man with black slick back hair and yellow eyes to put the look all together. he reminded you of those webtoon male leads that were cold but female audiences loved. being a sucker for those types, you raised your neck up, making sure to keep your body in the same supine position. the man standing at the foot of your bed looked down at you with an expression that you couldn’t read. an expression that wasn’t scary but wasnt welcoming. tapping along the footboard of the bed, he let out a low sigh out that resembled a growl and turned around to leave. tilly, amanda, and cynthia didn’t acknowledge the man. neither did he to them. the only thing that could resemble an interaction between the four of them was when tilly and amanda gave small bows and the slight side eye cynthia gave before going back inside your closet to look for something.
thats a new one.
“lord saer would like you to have breakfast with him today.”
lifting your head enough to turn your focus towards amanda, you started to guess your facial expression was a bit too expressive because amanda started to giggle. the pain in your body wasn’t really high; it was more the numbness that bothered you. moving your neck and head didn’t really take much strength, it was attempting to move your legs that was the problem. walking towards you in a shift movement, amanda placed the rich, deep purple hair piece down on top of the dress set she had picked out for you. upon arrival, she softly removed your blanket and shifted your body into a sitting position. you felt like a doll.
“okay now miss, i will be lifting you up to wash you now.”
placing her right arm underneath the backs of your knees and her left arm supporting your neck, she quickly moved you to the area you’re assuming was the bathroom. the door to the large room was already open, since once she had lifted you up, cynthia had pushed the door open and walked in herself. the room was massive, twice the size of a normal person’s kitchen. the walls and floor tiles were both the same shade of pale pink, matching the sleeping set you had on. amanda sat you down in a chair and started to strip you down. while she was doing that, the other was running the bath water and testing if it was safe enough. every time the water was a bit too hot or too cold, you saw cynthia’s eyes squeeze shut.
“alright madam edina,”
cynthia sighed, standing up from the clam shaped tub.
“it’s all set for you. please do not make it hard as you have always done.”
not sparing you even a small look, she and amanda were already picking you up and guiding you into the tub. quietly instructing you to lay back, wet, cold liquid found its way both on your scalp and on your legs. edina? are you sure thats what she said? the only edina you knew of was the villainess from the hit novel “obsession falls”. you never really read the book, but you knew of the characters and the content that surrounded it. it was rather controversial for how obsessive and dangerous the male lead was. he had stalked the female lead for years, and it didn’t stop once he got married. with a wife so dismissive and uninterested, the male lead was given all the time in the world to go hunt his prey.
unfortunately for him, once edina randomly started to care about what her husband was doing during the day he had to slowly stop. losing the love of his life to the second male lead, alastair. due to this very random string of events, saer had grown irritated by the events his wife was clumsily stringing together. he then decided to take care of his wife, edina. the night before he was to go and kill alastair, he had poisoned the dinner he had helped make for his wife. from your memory, this was one of the few times in years he had asked his wife to sit at the table and eat with him. she would usually just take her food into her room separately. this night, edina came into the dining room with her most expensive jewelry and dress. she thought this was the night her husband was going to admit his faults and leave the female lead for her. however, what actually ended up happening was that the moment she took a bite out of her steak, her vision went black and her head banged on the table.
focusing on the soft brushes of your hair, you start to put the pieces together. you don’t remember the faces of any of the characters in the story, you just remember the basic blot and conflict. if what cynthia said was true, that you are in fact edina tudor gwynn then that means the reasoning for your stiff body was because of your ‘husband’ trying to kill you. sharply sucking in some air, you seek strength within your legs. even though the lower half of your body was still partially numbed, the feeling of pins and needles filled the tip of your toes to the back of your knees. not wanting to cause much of a scene, even though you were sure she wouldn’t care much, you looked up to check to see if your maid was paying you any mind. cynthia was too focused on rinsing your body, while amanda stopped brushing your hair to grab towels for you.
it was amazing how you could even get that out. due to the affects of the poison, your throat had become overly dry and it hurt you to even swallow. that was mainly one of the reasons as to why you hardly spoke to them this morning. stopping in her tracks, she lazily turned her head into your direction. the woman didn’t have much of any emotion on her face. her eyelids halfway down, making it appear that she was tired or just bored. her lips were in a thin line. you had hardly seen her smile or really speak, so you started to believe this was just how her resting face looked like.
“why did he poison me?”
tilting her head a bit, cynthia’s facial expression changed. it was as if your question intrigued her. her low eyelids raised a bit, along side her eyebrows, as she tried to tame the smile that was creeping on her thin lips. this was the most expressive you have ever seen her. she began to part her lips when amanda came back through the door with the towels.
“perhaps this conversation will need to be revisited, my lady.”
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reticent-writer · 8 months
Spiral p1
warnings: a bit violent, shitty parents
(it doesn't go into details)
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"You killed your parents?" He was genuinely shocked as he watched you nod. He lived for tea like this but coming from you he couldn't help but be confused.
"Why on earth would you do that. You told me that you loved them."
"I mean I did but they were- wait my death led to yours?" You changed the subject.
"Yes, I simply cannot function without you, my dear. I was hiding a body in the woods when I was shot in the head." He said it as if it was a fond memory. It was creepy but as he talked a red X appeared on his forhead. the moment he saw you staring it vanished.
"You can't change the subject, Y/n. When and Why did you kill your parents?"
You sighed as you went to tell your story, "They were an odd pair, in my opinion, they should have been divorced. My mother was drunk, always talking about how she never liked my father but had 6 kids with him, I was the eldest. My father always talked about the life he could've had if he didn't settle for my mother. When my father lost his job he became a drunk and often got violent with us. After a while, I got tired of it and told my siblings to go to a friend's house for the night. The next day they were found dead by the neighbor's, No one was caught."
"That must've been quite a night." He joked.
"It was, it was also the night I met you."
"Really? You seemed so.... happy."
"Because I was."
From then on the two of you talked daily
You had learned that he had been missing from the public eye for 7 years
He started calling you pet names he used when he was alive
He told you things he would never tell anyone else
You met husk and niffty
You started to like him again but you could never forgive him for killing you
nut you considered it when he started working for the hazbin hotel
You were a patron
Although you didn't believe that sinners can change you decided to give it a shot
"Well good morning, My love. It's such a nice day today, would you care to join me for a trip to the tailor? A nobody took a bit off me." He grinned from ear to ear while offering his arm of you to take. You accepted.
At the tailor the two of you while the two of you were waiting for his jacket you suggested he try on more suits for a variety of clothes.
"How does with one look?" He came out in a blue suit with a black button-up. (his colors in reverse)
"You look amazing." You beamed as his posed.
"So this is a yes?"
"Of course-"
"Sir your jacket is ready."
Alastor paid for the new suit and his old one. Outside of the shop was a crowd surround a tv broadcasting Vox.
Alastor told you practically nothing about the other overlords but you could tell he did not like Vox and the way he looked at the TV confirmed it.
"Come along, dear. There's nothing to see over there."
Alastor beefing with Lucifer and cursing is so funny to me💀
Taglist: @berryghostbunny, @lorkai, @mygoldtears, @kawaiiskeletoneggsnerd, @secretkoalapersona-blog, @koji-akeme, @lofasofabread , @msyolocat-blog, @elementress44, @luujjvi, @justmare
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loviingpedri · 3 months
hidden commitment - pablo gavi
prompt: what would happen if your relationship was exposed?
warnings: cursing, grammar issues, stalking (paparazzi), mentions of insecurities, angst (happy ending, ofc!)
credits to owners for all images
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you and gavi have been a secret for 6 months. it felt like peaceful without anyone getting into your personal business. every moment with him became more special.
“should we take a walk?” gavi finally had an off day. he wouldn’t want to spend it anywhere or with anyone except with you.
“of course. favorite place as usual?” replying with his smile, he kissed you on the lips and went off to get ready. matching hoodies and matching sunglasses never seemed to fail.
it was very therapeutic to take morning strolls. nobody can spot you in the dark, and it was rare that anyone was even awake. an opportunity to catch up in life should never be missed.
"you look good." gavi approached behind you, sneaking his arm around your waist.
"i was thinking the same thing about you. we do have quite the taste." taking a quick kiss to his lips, it was time for the adventure to begin.
walking out the door, the cold crisp breeze hit your face instantly. the air felt fresh and clean. holding hands with your beloved, the wind picked up, intensifying gavi's scent.
an intensifying, yet subtle mix of a sweet apple that gives relief after a sunny day. his eyes reflecting a sign of almonds and honey as they were filled with love for you. his eye color reminding you of deep, dark, yet candied honey. the inside of an almond representing his pale, creamy skin. you only noticed the special details of him that nobody else could.
talking about the most random things possibly. cracking random jokes that changed the topics within minutes. becoming nostalgic of old memories that summarized how the past few 6 months were able to happen.
toning out the sound of crickets and birds, excusing the rustling in the bushes as an animal. lost in your own laugher, neither you or gavi could hear the camera shutter. pictures being taken as you were wrapped in gavi's warm embrace, synching heart beats. images spreading online as quick as the way gavi spun you in the middle of the street. the night disappearing and fading away just as your smiles after discovering the pictures were all over social media.
gavi was inflamed. you were confused. you just wanted one peaceful night. maybe even even more. it wasn't ideal to go public so early. none of you had a full conversation on this. it would put too much stress. worse part was, nobody was mentally prepared for this.
the media went crazy when it was posted. articles after articles with the pictures were all over it. different angles, different interactions, it really exposed both of you.
"gavi, what do we do?" an overwhelming sense of panic and anxiety came upon you.
"i don't know, okay? this is just as fucking complicated as it is for me," he held his head with his hands as he sat on the edge of the bed. mumbling spanish curse words under his breath. "shitty paparazzi always has to do something."
you rose from the bed. "we need some space right now. contact your publicist, immediately." grabbing your phone and leaving the room, gavi needed time to process things correctly. he was better doing it in silence, as his anger would get the best of him.
opening the guest bedroom door, the emptiness instantly coming into contact with you. the only background noise is the air condition on the highest setting possible.
sitting in the empty room for a few minutes, your phone began to blow up with notifications. follow requests from instagram and tiktok were taking over your screen. how the fuck did they find you?
suddenly, texts from your best friends were pouring in. sending countless articles about your relationship. you took a deep breath. opening each article with your eyebrows becoming furrowed. lies, upon lies were written. the false information that was feeding the media made you rethink of your decisions of this relationship.
next were tiktok videos being sent. opening the comments, your insecurities consumed every inch of you.
'she bagged gavi? she's not pretty enough for that.'
'look at her in those clothes. gavi shouldn't be with someone that weighed that much.'
'did she get lip fillers? she needs a refund from whoever did them.'
'even if she was a gold digger, she should be buying better clothes than that.'
'there's no way she is a gold digger, that money could've been used to do plastic surgery.'
without realizing it, tears were flowing down your cheeks. you put your hand over your mouth to cover up your sobs. you were hurting inside, but you couldn't stop scrolling through the comments. soon, you heard gavi yelling in anger into his phone. your head was pounding. too many thoughts, emotions, and problems were piling.
your heart beat increasing rapidly. your vulnerabilities crashing like waves in your mind. the hurtful comments struck your skin as thunder. the saltiness of your tears streaming. your heavy breathing to stop your anxiety. you were crumbling into sand.
hearing the bedroom door open, you wiped your tears quickly. gavi walked through the door ready to speak, but stopped in his movements. he could see the redness in your eyes of sadness.
"have you been crying, my love?" he sat next to you on the mattress, slowly reaching his arms out. feeling his warm embrace, something wasn't right.
"we need to talk." both of you said at the same time.
"you should probably go first." you told him in a whisper.
"no, it's okay. you're going through a rough time."
"i know you just got off the phone with your publicist. what's the next step we should take?" he cleared his throat. he looked scared to speak. opening his mouth, a lump formed.
"it's better if we take a break."
he imagined you being hurt. your pupils told him otherwise. you were thinking the same thing.
"i understand. i think that's best for the both of us." he nodded as he stood up. indicating he was going to pack his stuff, he seemed more hurt than he did. him and his publicist discussed other options if the first one didn't work out. he imagined you fighting for your relationship, but you were seriously going to let it go like that. gathering his belongings, he realized that he didn't know how much to pack. his head was in denial of emotions. he packed up and left without any formal of goodbye.
two days had passed after the unfortunate events. gavi had ensured he would have full security around the house to protect you. it was then you realized that it was sunday. meaning you had to go grocery shopping or else you would starve for the week.
changing into a little red top that revealed some skin, pairing with a leather jacket and leather pants. the realization hit you that you needed to cover your face. one person recognizing you could end in you becoming surrounded in a crowd full of questions. taking a red scarf given to you by gavi, you wrapped it around you, making sure to cover the lower part of your face.
meeting up with a security guard at the market, it was like a normal grocery shopping spree. until, you accidentally bumped into someone. this caused your face to be exposed.
"holy shit, you're y/n!" you gave the person a quick smile before rushing into another aisle. word must have gone around fast. you were circled with a crowd of people. some having cameras ready. the scarf was long gone from your face.
"y/n! is it true you're dating pablo gavi?" smiling was the only answer you could give them. smiling was another way of apologizing by running them over with the cart.
cameras continued to shutter and the flash nearly blinding you. "who is this man right here? is he your boyfriend? are you cheating on gavi?" you tried to hide your facial expression, but that was one of the dumbest questions you've ever heard.
apologizing to the cashier for the commotion, you grabbed your things and left. driving around multiple circles due to cars following you. you nearly fell to the floor after the experience.
"need some help with the bags?" you jumped in fear. getting a closer look to the couch, of course pablo gavi was sitting there.
"holy shit. you nearly gave me a heart attack." passing the bags towards him, he shared his gummy smile.
"you should really change the locks." putting the cereal away, you looked at him confused.
"how come?"
"it was that easy for me to enter."
"gavi, you had the key. we're on a break. besides, why are you here?" putting the last thing in the fridge, you poured yourself a glass of water. looking into his honey eyes as he sat down across the kitchen island.
"i wanted to apologize for putting you into this mess. i'm sure we can get through it though. it would be better to do it together, not really alone."
"are you asking to get back together?" you hid your smile behind your cup, taking another sip.
"yeah, i guess you could say that. we could go out for dinner tonight."
"can't believe the famous gavi is asking me out." he winked at you.
there was no more hiding. love was meant to be expressed. you couldn't escape the paparazzi, but it was no secret that you were happy. pictures of you holding hands at a restaurant really sealed that the world can mind their own business.
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paradiseprincesss · 5 months
Jonathan Crane with a cam corder… 📸
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mind games | jonathan crane
hello anon! you asked and you shall receive. please enjoy xoxo. this gave me a fucked up idea about the whole camcorder thing...oops. i am SORRY.
summary: as fate would have it, you meet a handsome stranger who you learn is named jonathan, and the two of you hit it off well - so well, that he invites you back to his place after a romantic date. what you didn't realize was that this wasn't the doing of fate at all, it was a plan jonathan had in the works for a long, long time.
warnings: NON-CON, jonathan is in his joe goldberg era (he's stalking), manipulation, (no like, really), obsessive behaviour, p in v, guys this is just super fucked up i have...no explantion, mdni 18+ only
word count: 3.8k
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you didn't see it coming. you wouldn't have gone running into his arms if you did. jonathan was the loner type - never opening his heart to anyone.
that was until he saw you - he was taken with you from the moment he laid eyes on you. you had to be his; he wouldn't have it any other way. he was set on having you succumb to him.
this man had an immense amount of self control. he had prowled, waited, stalked and targeted you for months and you didn't have a clue. he first saw you on the street by his apartment at 9:48 pm exactly on a fateful friday night - you stole his tainted heart.
on that particular night, you were heading to your favourite bar with your friends, and he watched you as you stepped out of your uber. his eyes lingered for much too long, and before he knew it; he was plotting.
he lurked in the shadows of the night to see when you would leave, and he got his answer - 12:58 am. that was the time when he saw you leave the bar, waving goodbye to your friends as you waited outside momentarily for an uber to pick you up.
he noticed everything about you down to a t. the way you parted your hair, the colour of your nails, the way you did your makeup, what kind of clothes you wore - everything.
while you waited for your uber, your intuition kicked in - was someone watching you?
but you tried to shake the feeling - it was probably just paranoia, it was late, after all. he watched as you stood there waiting, and knew he had to make a move then and there.
"excuse me, miss!" you hear a mans voice say from behind you, causing you to startle slightly, and he noticed. "i apologize, i didn't mean to startle you. i just came over to say that perhaps you should wait inside the bar rather than outside on the street. this part of gotham isn't exactly known for it's...friendly townspeople."
the way he spoke calmed you down - he had a gentle, caring aura and you took a good look at him as well. he was handsome - my god was he handsome. he was perfect; every detail about him was almost godlike. the first thing you noticed about him were his striking, blue eyes. you didn't know someone could have such beautiful eyes.
"oh," you managed to softly say after an awkward moment of checking out the handsome stranger in front of you, "thank you for letting me know, but it's okay. my uber should be here in a minute." you thank the seemingly kind stranger, and he nods.
"right, well - be safe. have a good night." he says softly, and you almost got lost in his eyes again.
"thank you, you as well." you reply, a small smile on your lips.
and with that, he was gone - walked right back into his apartment building without another word. well, that's what it looked like, anyways. however, that was far from the truth.
your uber arrived within mere seconds, and you got in. jonathan watched from the shadows of an alleyway behind you, and as you and your uber set off, he hailed down the nearest cab he could find.
"just follow that white car over there." he tells the cab driver, and the guy doesn't question it. this was gotham after all, nobody ever questioned anything - nobody had any morals.
you were too focused on texting your friends, still a little tipsy, in the uber to notice that a cab had been tailing you for the last fifteen minutes.
as the uber driver pulled up to the curb of your house, you get out and thank him tiredly. you grab your keys out of your purse, and unlock the front door of your house. closing the door (and thankfully, locking it) behind you, you switch on the lights of your home.
you threw your jacket on the couch and slipped off your high heels with a sigh. unbeknownst to you, someone was watching your every move through your curtains - which you habitually left open a little too often. jonathan let his sinister thoughts run wild as he watched you from the street in front of your home, standing just far enough so that he wasn't noticeable.
he watched you like a lion stalking it's prey - silently and from a distance, undetected.
suddenly, his eyes widened as he saw you start to undress in your bedroom upstairs, too focused on his lewd thoughts about you to notice that you had even gone upstairs.
foolish girl, he thought to himself as he creeped on you. slowly, you slipped your dress off, and to his surprise - you weren't wearing any panties under your dress.
where you an exhibitionist? a thrill-seeker? a huge freak? just mental? maybe you were just slutty, who knows. but as he was trying to collect his thoughts, he frowned.
you threw on some baggy pyjamas - disappointing. he wanted to see more. but what came next perhaps shocked him more than the whole no panties thing; you got into your bed, and held up what appeared to be pictures of some sort in your hands.
and you started crying.
you were actually crying, and that caught jonathan off guard.
why were you crying? did someone hurt you? did someone break your heart? shatter it in two? ruin you?
the questions ran through his mind endlessly, and he felt himself wanting to know. so, he decided to document this moment so that he could get to know you better.
jonathan liked to document things. that was a habit of his that he couldn't quite seem to kick.
unbeknownst to jonathan, you were crying over old photos of you and your ex-boyfriend. he wasn't a good person by any means, quite the opposite - but that didn't mean you weren't going to mourn the relationship. it had barely been a month since the two of you split; and you were so vulnerable right now.
at that very moment, you wished someone else could be there for you. that you could run into someone else's arms and they would save you - because you craved it. you needed it. and jonathan seemed to sense that without you even having to say a single word to him.
he could save you, he thought. he could be the one to show you what real love looked like.
taking the little, handheld camcorder out of his suit pocket, he started to record you from afar; recording you crying. it was rather innocent, really. at least, it started out that way anyway.
god, some sick, twisted, creepy individual could be watching you - you should really close your curtains, jonathan thought to himself as he watched you, smirking coyly at the irony of it all.
after filming you for a few more minutes, he slipped the camcorder away, and hailed a cab down the street from yours back to his apartment.
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the sun was shining beautifully, the birds were chirping, and the weather was divine on this pleasant summer day. you were loving this summer weather, and you were currently standing in line at your favourite coffee shop, waiting to order an iced latte.
but jonathan already knew that.
he watched you get ready to go out as he stood on the street in broad daylight staring at you through the windows, since apparently you didn't know how to close your fucking curtains.
he got some good footage that day on his camcorder.
as of now, jonathan was stood behind you in the coffee shop, acting like he hadn't just filmed you like a sick freak for the last few hours. as you went up to the barista to order, you reached into your purse to pay - only to realize you had forgotten your wallet at home.
but again, jonathan was aware of this because technically, he was there in spirit when it happened.
so, what did he do? he offered to pay, of course. because he's just that kind.
"here, i got it-" he said from behind you, pulling his card out to tap on the machine. you looked behind you in surprise - but you recognized those striking eyes immediately.
it was the kind stranger from the other night! he really was a sweetheart, wasn't he?
"oh, gosh, thank you." you say, flustered at the interaction and slightly embarrassed. "it's no problem-" but he pauses, smiling at you for a moment, "hey, you're the girl i saw the other night. i'm glad you made it home safely."
you smile back at the stranger, yet to put a name to his gorgeous face. "yeah, yeah that was me." you say, the two of you stepping aside so that other people could order. "thank you again - i'm so embarrassed." you laugh softly.
"don't be," he says gently, "i'm jonathan, by the way."
he finally introduced himself - but he already knew you quite well. a little too well. you gave him your name, briefly introducing yourself, and he looks at you through his glasses.
"well, it's lovely to, er- meet you again?" he laughs softly, and you giggle - your voice giving him butterflies. "right, nice to re-meet you." you tease, making him smile again.
"are you doing anything today? hopefully not getting too tipsy, i hope - kidding." he says to you with a friendly tone, and you shake your head laughing. "that wasn't on the agenda today, no."
he knew that it wasn't. he knew that today you had nothing planned. you just wanted to enjoy the pretty weather, maybe go for a walk or something with your iced latte. and how did he know this, you ask? well, that's simple.
he stood by your window last night, camcorder in hand, and recorded you talking to your friend about it on the phone in bed - in just your bra and panties.
"i'm taking the day off today." your voice brought him back to reality. "i think i'm just going to enjoy the beautiful weather today. i love the sun, it makes me feel so energized - i dunno."
"i agree with you there." he says, nodding as if he was hearing about this for the first time. but your next question actually caught him off guard. "d'wanna join me?"
he looks at you for a moment, and you start to get flustered again. "sorry- i'm sure you have a girlfriend or something-"
"hey, hey-" he says soothingly, "first of all, i do not have a girlfriend. and secondly, i would love to. it's my day off as well, actually."
you beam at him, and he finds your smile so cute. god, he just wanted to fucking choke you right then and there - but of course, he had some self control.
the two of you spent the day together, enjoying the gorgeous summer day, and you hit it off instantly. you learned that his full name was jonathan crane, and that he was a doctor at arkham asylum. you told him about what you did for a living, and he told you he found it "fascinating."
before you said goodbye, he asked for your number which you willingly gave over. the rush of being able to actually talk to you was almost too much for him, and his brain was short-circuiting at the mere thought of it.
that night, the two of you parted ways - but you both ended up back at your place; you just weren't aware that you had company.
this time, taking your photos and filming you from afar wasn't satisfying the urges in him anymore. he needed more. as the sun set, you finished doing the dishes and cleaned up after cooking dinner. you made your way to your living room, switching off your lights - except a slim lamp that stood beside your couch.
getting cozy and comfortable in your house wear, you put on your favourite show to watch, and sat back blissfully on your couch - while someone else was watching you in the dark.
he had managed to make his way in through the huge window - which you stupidly left unlocked - by your living room hours earlier while you were preoccupied upstairs getting changed.
he did a pretty good job at hiding out of sight from you - and he internally applauded himself for that.
suddenly, you got up from the couch, startling him, and he hid closer to the shadows - lurking in the darkness of what you called home.
he watched you finally close those fucking curtains, then returning to the couch you previously sat at. he wondered why now of all times you decided to close your curtains-
that's when he heard it.
soft, little moans were being drawn out of your pretty lips as your fingers ghosted over your clit. he could feel himself getting painfuly hard at just your sounds - because remember, he couldn't see all of you from where he was hiding.
so, you were indulging in a little self pleasure - was that so wrong? to be fair, you thought you were all alone. your moans got breathier, louder as you slowly slipped two fingers into your aching hole.
jonathan - being the sick psychopath he was - snuck his way around the darkness of your downstairs floor, trying to be as stealthy and quiet as possible. finally, he saw what he was so desperately trying to see.
you with your baggy shirt, which had ridden up, exposing your pretty tits and your fingers in your pretty pussy, panties thrown on your living room floor.
he watched, and he had to physically hold himself back from taking you right then and there - trying his hardest not to moan at the sight of you fucking yourself with your fingers.
slowly, he slipped his hand into his pocket - and pulled out his camcorder. pressing record, he started to film you from where he was. he was definitely going to jerk off to this later. he filmed all of it - you fingering yourself, your pretty moans, and of course, when you came all over your own fingers.
after you came down from your high, you laid breathless on your couch for a good while. jonathan took this opportunity to sneak out of your house - undetected.
that night, he watched that video of you on repeat, over and over, cumming all over his fist as he breathlessly moaned your name.
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you shook your head as you laughed in the dimly lit restaurant, "it was the worst date i'd ever been on."
jonathan looked at you, smiling and laughing along with you. "that sounds...brutal, if i'm being honest."
the two of you were on your first official date - which you had been discussing over text and on the phone, and now it was finally happening. jonathans obsessive little heart was overflowing with joy.
the two of you were currently drinking expensive champagne and sharing "worst first date" stories - and you really thought this man, this stranger who fate brought into your life, could be the one.
he was so funny, so kind, so charming - it was like you knew him for ages.
as the date came to an end, he took your hand, holding onto it softly after paying the bill (because he's still a classy guy, after all), and spoke to you in a saccharine voice.
"would it be so terrible if i asked if you'd like to come back to my place?"
you blushed and bit your lip, shaking your head. "not terrible at all - count me in."
and that may have quite literally been the biggest mistake of your life, maybe even bigger than the mistake of not closing your curtains.
as he parked his car in the parking garage of the apartment complex, he helped you out of his car and held your hand as he took you into the elevator and then to his apartment.
unit #303 - you'd come to never forget it.
as the two of you got inside his place, you took a moment to admire the classiness of his apartment. it was clean, minimalistic and dark, and just like him, it appeared to be a perfectly normal from the surface.
"you truly are stunning." he said lowly, pulling you close by your waist, making you blush.
"i really like you, jonathan." you tell him softly, and he gives you a gentle kiss. willingly, you kiss back - unaware of what was to come next.
"i knew i had to make you mine the night i first saw you." he says, looking at you with a soft smile. you didn't think about what he really meant here - you weren't even aware of what he really meant. "that's so sweet." you whisper, and his grip on your waist tightened suddenly.
"no, really." he says, tone growing slightly impatient, "i couldn't stop myself."
your breath hitches in your throat as you aren't too sure what he means by this - but you try and give him the benefit of the doubt. "uh," you laugh nervously, "t-thank you, i guess?"
then he went quiet.
"would you like to see my mask?" he asks, after a moment of silence - and you look at him confused and slightly scared. "your...mask?"
suddenly, he's guiding you into the bedroom, and you're feeling both confused and very anxious - but your anxiety skyrockets as you take a look at what was in his bedroom.
photos of you covered the wall - pictures of you that you weren't aware had even been taken. there was photos of you talking on the phone to your friends, cooking, watching shows - and then there were the not-so-innocent photos.
pictures of you with your fingers buried into your cunt, pictures of you walking around naked, and pictures of you posing in your lingerie on the bed; taking pictures of yourself in the mirror to send to someone else.
your body went into flight or fight - and you tried to make a run for it but a cloudy gas filled your senses, causing you to scream erratically. what appeared in front of you was horrendous - your worst fears brought to life, clouding your vision.
and there stood jonathan in the midst of all the chaos - in what appeared to be some sort of burlap mask. staring at you with those deadly yet beautiful blue eyes through the small holes in his mask. as his toxin started to creep into your system, you noticed he was holding something in his hand.
a camcorder.
judging by all the pictures of you on the wall, you knew where this was going and it made you fucking nauseous.
"n-no.." you whimpered, shaking as he took hold of you and threw you onto the bed. he propped his camcorder up onto the bedside table, the red light flashing; indicating that he was indeed filming this.
he ripped your clothes right off you, and at this point, you were a sobbing mess. "please don't do this - you don't have to do this, jonathan."
you begged, you screamed, and you cried; but to no avail, he kept going. kept undressing you and forcing you down onto his bed - scarecrow mask still covering his face.
"keep screaming like that and i'll cum." he says, pinning you down on the bed with such force you didn't even know if it was humanely possible. the hallucinations of the toxin had you thrashing and screaming, and while you were busy fearing for your life - he was busy undoing his pants and belt buckle.
"no, no, please no-" you pleaded with him, but he didn't give in - he was never going to set you free. "shh, let me see your fears consume you, my love." he whispered, picking up the camcorder again.
you were drugged up out of your mind at this point, the toxin taking it's full effects on you. just as your high was reaching it's deadly peak, you felt the tip of his cock poke at your cunt.
you sobbed at the feeling of it - just by the tip you could feel how thick he was - how big he was. he was going to rip you open; you could just feel it.
"say hi to the camera, my love." he tells you, while spitting onto his cock to try and fit it in with a little more ease. as you sobbed with the camcorder in your face, he pushed himself into you with a staggered thrust.
the feeling of him forcing his cock in was brutal.
"i-i can't take it!" you thrashed and screamed, but he kept your wrists pinned down with one hand and the camcorder in the other. "too big?" he cooed, "fuck baby, you can take it. and if you can't - i'll force you to."
he fucked you roughly, your tight cunt squeezing him in all the disgustingly right ways. you weren't trying to get wet - it was just your body's natural response. at this point, you had stopped crying from either pure shock or from the drugs - probably both.
"fuck, that's right baby. say my name." he groans, panning the camcorder down to film your abused little cunt taking his huge cock - pounding into you mercilessly.
"should i cum inside?" he grunted, fat cock pushing into your cervix - undoubtably bruising your insides. "yeah, i think i will. you'd look so pretty with my cum dripping out of you."
you shook your head no, pleading with him to pull out since you weren't on any contraceptives at the moment - but it dawned on you that he probably knew that.
"please no, pull o-out, ah- jon, pull out!" you wriggled around in his grasp, begging and pleading with the psychopath who was balls deep in your cunt right now.
"no." he spat, and continued his assault on you. "you can fucking take it." you tried your hardest to push away from him, scratch him, bite him - anything to try and get away but it was no use. his grip was unwavering.
after a few more excruciatingly painful thrusts into your abused cunt, he painted your walls white with his sticky cum, filling you up to the brim.
"god, i love you." he whispered as he spilled his seed into you, and you sobbed at his words in pure disgust. as the toxin slowly wore off, you laid there lifelessly, the light inside you draining minute by minute. your eyes darted around the bedroom, taking in all the eerie pictures of you scattered all over the walls.
your mind flashed back to the fateful night you first met him; your intuition was right - it never lies.
someone was watching you.
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choiyawnzjun · 9 months
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next part
pairing ; nerdychurchboy!jake x afab!reader
sypnosis ; the nerd at church isn’t quite as innocent as you think.
genre ; smut
wc ; 1110
warnings ; making out, dry humping, orgasm denial, oral ( f receiving ), fingering ( lemme know if i missed anything )
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you always thought that you would never talk to the new boy that had come to your school just a few months ago. he always hung out with that school clique nobody really cared about. however, he did go to that church your parents would force you to go to with them every sunday but you guys still never talked. that was until you both became partners in physics. after that, you guys would talk every so often. even in church.
he was friendly but.. he was such a neek. you hated it so much because he was always talking about these science things to you that you would never understand. you thought that he would always stay a silly virgin if he was just going to talk about science the whole time with people. you never told him that, of course. but… one day you got carried away.
“gosh, you know electrolysis just-..” you cut him off, you guys were in the church attic together, you decided to skip the mass today and just chill upstairs, you were going to be alone but jake decided to tag along. at first, you were hesitant to let him go with you since you knew he would just talk about science the whole time but you thought that maybe he wouldn’t this time. however, you were wrong.
“oh my god, jake!” you whisper-shouted, throwing your head into your hands, getting frustrated about hearing him ramble like this all the time.
“do you ever talk about anything else other than science? like, at first i was fine with it until i got sick of it. i’m not even sick of it anymore i’m just worried about you now.” you rambled on, not looking at him even once.
“why worried?” he asked, perplexed by the sudden comments you were making now. he hadn’t realised he’d been talking about science so much.
“how are you going to even get girls if you’re just gonna talk about science all day long? like, that’s no fun is it now?” you scoffed, you looked up to see his blank face turn into a cocky smirk as he slowly walked over to you and knelt down on one knee to face you.
“what do you mean? of course i’m fun. i just haven’t shown you it yet.” you were the one confused now as he just stared at you, waiting for your response.
“what do you mean ‘you just haven’t shown me yet’ like, shown me what?” your voice being soaked in absolute confusion and curiousness, you stared back at him, observing every single detail on his face.
“well, i didn’t really wanna be doing things you weren’t okay with.” he shrugged, now sitting down next to you. you stayed silent for a few moments, not having a clue on what to say next. you didn’t really know what he was talking about.
you were so immersed inside your own world that you hadn’t realised he had gotten closer to you, gazing at you with his dark brown eyes.
“what?” you awkwardly laughed, trying to avoid eye contact with him.
“can i kiss you?” he casually asked, cheekily smiling at you. you were hesitant at first by the sudden question but you didn’t really mind. it was just going to be one innocent kiss, right?
you leaned closer to him and your lips moulded together like two perfectly puzzle pieces that matched. his lips were pillowy which you loved and the only thing that surprised you was that he was a very good kisser. like very good.
he slipped his tongue into your mouth when you slightly gasped for breath and he pulled you onto his lap. you both pulled away from each other for a few seconds, his glasses were foggy and his eyes looked hazy and were half-closed. he tugged on your shirt, asking for permission to unbutton it which you gave. he impatiently unbuttoned your shirt as you were both giving each other sloppy kisses. the wetness you were getting down there grew and grew that you started to grind onto him.
“shit, i can feel your pussy throbbing on me.” he groaned, rubbing your thighs with his hands.
“i wanna feel you so bad, jake.” you complained, fiddling with his belt, wanting it to magically come off him. this adorable action made jake chuckle a bit.
“be patient, don’t be a little brat, hm?” he smiled, leaning towards you and peppering you with kisses. he hiked up the dress you were wearing that complimented you a lot which turned jake on even more. he gazed down at your panties and was greeted with a wet spot on them.
“jesus christ, why are you so wet already? I’ve barely done anything. are you that desperate to get dicked down?” your face heat up from his remark but you could care less because what he said was true anyway. you haven’t had sex in a while so…
“can i?” he made you lie down on your back and he hooked your panties off with two fingers after you nodded. his face was now in contact with your slick-covered folds that were glistening in front of him.
“fuck..” he muttered underneath his breath which fanned against your clit. he slowly delve into your pussy, sucking and licking on your clit as if he hadn’t eaten in god knows how long. he inserted a finger into you and all you could do was cover your mouth to muffle the moans and whines that were begging to be thrown out into the air.
“why are you so good at this, jake?” you managed to let out, your legs fidgeting around until jake had to hold them down to keep you still. after what you said, he sucked onto your clit harder as if there was no tomorrow. he inserted another finger into you after your sudden comment.
the moans you were trying so hard to cover could not be covered anymore, your hands naturally grabbed jake’s hair as you bucked your hips against his face while he lapped against you.
“fuck! jake! i’m gonna cu-..” the tightening knot that was burning in your stomach slowly vanished as jake pulled away from you, your juices all over his chin and lips.
“sim jaeyun, why would you do that?” you cried, frustrated because you haven’t felt that good in so long.
“i still haven’t shown you how fun i am yet.” he shrugged, getting up and dusting himself off even though there was really nothing on him.
“maybe i’ll show you later when you’re begging for it.” he winked, leaving the attic.
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abswhore · 4 days
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Part one and two.
Pairing: college!fwb!abby Anderson x reader
A/N: I have a proofread so please excuse any mistakes - and thanks for all the likes and follows I’ve gotten so far 🩷 and don’t be afraid to comment!
Come over I miss you the text message that came through your phone read, you bit your lip tapping your thumb on the screen, you were swarmed with work but you arching to see her. You slid off the bed , quickly putting on your shoes and jacket.
You told your roommate that you would be back later, once you got a notification that your Uber had arrived . The trip to Abby's was brief since her apartment wasn't too far from campus. You quickly texted her to let her know you were downstairs.
She sent you the access code to her apartment. And As you arrive at her door, you nervously fidget with the rings on your fingers, anxiously waiting for her to open up.
She smiled at you, saying, "You look good." As she ushered you inside, she nestled against you and planted a kiss on your neck before helping you take off your jacket.
“Why you acting like that?” Abby questioned raising her eyebrows
“Acting like what.” You approached her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter while watching her as she moved around .
“All nervous like you never been here before.” She responded while leaning against the counter, her arms crossed over her chest.
“You make me nervous.” You joked with a little bit of truth mixed in, she hummed nodding “I do have that affect on people.”
“Whatever.” You chuckled lightly and rolled your eyes at her, enjoying a the silence that came over as you both kept eye contact. She pushed herself off the counter walking towards the fridge, grabbing a container of ice cream and two spoons.
“Tell me something about you.” She finally spoke breaking the silence between the two of you.
“What do you wanna know ?”
She shrugged pulling the spoon out of her mouth “whatever you think is important.”
You hummed while nibbling on your lip, contemplating what might be worth sharing with her. Eventually , you ended up discussing your family and a few other little details.
“You just gonna stare or say something?” You asked her once you finished sharing as she just looked at you with a grin.
“Open.” She told you putting a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth pulling out the spoon slowly “you’re cute.”
You turn your head as a smile slowly appeared on your face, your smile faded as you notice Abby’s phone glowing on the counter, the name Jade flashing brightly on the screen. Your gaze locks with hers as she turns her phone face down.
“You can answer, it seems important.” You told her As her phone chimed a few times, you felt a strange sensation wash over you, causing your chest to tighten.
“It’s nobody important.” She assured you and you responded with a hum while spinning the spoon around your fingers.
“C’mere.” As you moved around the counter towards her, she extended her arms, lifting your chin gently and brushing her lips against yours a few times.
“I’m with you right now.” She mumbled into your neck as her hands gripped your ass pulling you closer.
Abby leaned in, planting kisses along your neck. “Good morning, beautiful,” she whispered, her voice warm and affectionate. You shifted your position, stretching your arms out before finally turning to face her and saying, " morning."
You felt her face press against your neck as she playfully nibbled on it. You let out a groan and gently shifted her face, asking, "are you not tired from last night?"
“I can’t get enough of you.” Abby’s lips curled into a playful smile as she began to pull you closer to her . “ I just want to lay with you.” She admitted as her fingers began to rub her thumb over your side
Wrapped in each other’s arms under the warmth of each other, the world outside of seemed to fade away. And Despite the rules you both had set no strings attached, no falling in love you couldn’t help but want more. You craved to be more than just friends you wanted Abby and all of her.
Out of the blue, your roommate asked, “So, are you and Abby still together ?” This made you look up from your laptop.
“Yeah, something like that,” you answered, feeling uncertain about where this was going.
“It’s nothing serious, I just came across something and wasn’t sure if you knew,” she said, reaching for her phone.
“Her ex-girlfriend posted something a few days back,” she mentioned, passing you the phone. The image showed Abby with another girl after one of her games—the one you couldn’t attend due to work. Abby looked happy, her arm around the girl.
“Oh,” was all you could manage as you glanced at the username before returning the phone. “Thanks for letting me know.”
A tightness formed in your chest as you browsed through the account. Abby wasn’t very active on social media, but every picture had likes and comments. You tried to shake off the feeling, but it stuck with you.
You went to Abby’s contact your thumb hovered over the phone icon, deciding against it you deleted her contact throwing your phone to the side. You wanted to protect your feelings the ones that you had left.
A few weeks had gone by since you promised yourself that you were finished with Abby, and it had been the toughest week of your life. You struggled to resist the temptation to respond to every message and call she sent your way.
However, it was at the homecoming party that you realized avoiding her would be nearly impossible. You knew you would cross paths with her at some point during the night.
As you stood next to Ellie and Jesse, you downed the shot that Nora had bought for you. “Might wanna take it easy,yeah ?” Ellie asked, you concerned .
“I’m fine, Els,” you replied, your words slightly slurred. You had drunk more than you planned, trying to keep pace with Jesse. You set the empty cup down and moved toward the group where Nora and Dina were, secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of Abby.
Then you spotted her. She was laughing with Manny and a few others you didn’t recognize, and you made your way over, your eyes fixed on her.
“Can we talk?” you asked nervously. She glanced at you, then at her friends, before handing her beer to them and grabbing your wrist, pulling you through the crowd.
She led you into an empty bathroom and leaned against the door. “What is it?” she asked, her tone sharp.
“I-I miss you,” was the first thing that came to mind as you looked at her. She opened her mouth to respond, but everything faded away as you moved closer and pulled her into a chaotic kiss. You both struggled for control, but she overpowered you, pushing you against the door and gripping your clothes tightly.
You don’t remember how you ended up from the bathroom to your room, both of your clothes were tossed around the room. Tugging on Abby pants you pulled them down, rubbing her throw her boxers as your felt the strap she wore
“You want this ?” She asked you lowly unclipping your bra, as she rubbed your boobs aggressively, you nodded your head backing up onto the bed.
“Words, tell me you want it.”
You exhale, "I want you," as you lean in for a kiss, but she pulls away, turning you around and gliding the silicone between your folds.
Abby reached for behind you grabbing. Your neck as she pushed the tip of the strap inside causing your to grasp her grip on your neck tightly as she pushed the entire strap inside of you pounding inside of you roughly, each stroke harder than the last .
“You feel me ? You feel my dick inside of you.” She whispered into your each slowing down her pace , pushing on your back making your arch.
Abby began to speed up her pace , her hips slapping against your ass as she thrust into you. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, mixing with your moans. She reached around, her fingers finding uoue clit, rubbing it in tight circles. Your moans grew louder, as you moved back matching her thrusts.
“You like how I fuck you.” Abby growled her grip tighten on your hips “don’t you? I’m the only one to make you feel this good.”
You could only nod as you bit on your wrist feeling your orgasm approaching, “ I wanna look at you while you fuck me.”
Abby smirked flipping you over slapping the black strap, on your clit rubbing it up and down causing you to whine. As she slid inside on you her chest met yours as she kissed on your neck.
her hands sliding up your sides to grip your boobs as she thrust harder into you. Abby squeezed at your chest as she bent down kissing you. Pulling back you stared at her face the confession fought to slip out as she hit your spot over.
“I love you.” You whispered lowly only for you to hear, she slowed down grinding into you “I can’t hear you baby speak up.”
“Fuck! I love you.” You busted out in a moan, Abby movement stopped her eyes widen as she looked at your face But she still doesn’t move, the tip kissing your cervix. Moving your body a little, feeling a tad uncomfortable at the position.
Her hand tightens at your hip, “Stop” she says, quietly moving your hand away from her hips But then, pushing past the weight of the words, she resumed her rhythm. Bring you to your climax and with a few strokes she came after you.
You both collapsed together, your chests pressing against each other as She gently brushed her hair away from your face, holding your jaw as she kissed you deeply.
“Abby.” You called out her name as she moved off of you wrapping her arms around you. The feeling was back in your chest . You had messed up the three words you spoke could run her away.
She hushed you kissing your back “let’s sleep.” Tears filled your eyes bitting down on your lip fighting to keep your emotions together.
And when you woke the next morning Abby was gone. You reach over grabbing your phone and no text or call. You had ran her away.
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Sirene asteroid (1009) observations
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Sagittarius Sirene people appeal to others when they're fulfilling their purpose or having a clear direction in their lives. For example, my cousin has this placement, and she's able to appeal to others when she's so sure about being a dancer, believing that she was made for that, following the direction set by her heart/intuition without questioning it.
I have this placement too, and I think people come to me a lot in search for answers, to understand themselves better since Sagittarius is all about expanding ourselves.
Sirene in the 5th house is about mesmerizing people when you're in the spotlight, being confident and letting yourself shine. Also when performing, so this is a good placement for celebrities. My cousin has this, and she grabs everyone's attention when dancing, plus her personality (5H) is very charismatic.
I also have Sirene in the 5th House, and I'm not so comfortable in the spotlight which to me comes from the Capricorn degree (10°, 22°). This brings delays and challenges when it comes to you expressing or getting used to this alluring energy. You have lessons to learn before you're able to own this energy.
A Leo degree shows that you're confident to use this energy, you were born to be seen and to shine under the spotlight! Guess who has this. Yes, my cousin 💃🏻⭐️ It's worth noting though, that she has insecurities and suffers from anxiety, but she still loves the spotlight and wants to shine.
Libra Sirene attracts people when they show a chill attitude, by wanting to make everyone feel comfortable or included, by using a soft voice and having a great sense of aesthetics. My dad, for example, uses a soft voice when he wants to be polite or liked by others, and shows a super chill attitude with my sister and I's friends. A couple of my girl friends simped for him 😷
My sister has this placement too and she's the type to try and include everyone in the conversation, plus she too softens her voice when being polite or wanting to be liked? She also has a great eye for fashion. And with her friends she appears more chill than how she really is (she's crazy, your honor - in a good way).
Jungkook from BTS has Libra Sirene and his singing voice is very soft compared to what I thought it would sound like at first.
He also has Sirene in the 9th House so he might drawn in more foreign fans than korean. This placement could indicate being alluring when you're open to learn from other cultures or expand your understanding of things. Think about ambiences like college, school, foreing countries.
Scorpio Siren could be appealing when they're intense, reserved, observant, alert. Also, when they're being toxic (controlling or uninterested) or give off that aura of bad boy. For example, one of my exes has this, and he pulled me in with little to no effort, he used to take his time replying to my messages and I waited for him, thinking about what he could be doing and wishing for his attention. 🤢
A high school friend has this placement too, and he had this air or mystery when he actually was doing nothing? He has Scorpio Sun conjunct Sirene, and he wasn't easy to get close to at first. It's like he gave off an air of "I'm on my own, don't bother me", and some girls pinned after him.
Virgo Sirene people are alluring when they keep a humble attitude, lending their attention to you and recognizing they can learn something from anyone. My grandma and two friends (a guy and a girl) sometimes would ask me for advice, to explain something to them or to give them my opinion about something, and as I reply they'd look at me with the utmost attention, not wanting to miss any detail. They look at you recognizing the value of your words and that's so wholesome, it makes you feel heard and appreciated.
Sirene in the 1st House might give a great first impression considering it's the house of beginnings. They might be the person people notice or get curious about first in a group, and nobody knows why; it's unconscious. They also might atract people when they take initiative, which movilizes or motivates others. They seem like they would do good in a leadership position, people would be drawn to listening to them (especially when they're in the energy of the sign their Sirene asteroid falls under).
For example, a Virgo Sirene in the 1st House person might drawn people in by taking iniciative and assuming the role of a leader in a humble way, paying attention to everyone's input and striving to reach their ideal.
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distantdarlings · 8 months
CHIME IN // t. nott
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Theodore Nott x Reader Insert (No gender-specific details)
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* After being assigned to an assignment together, you and Theo begin to take an interest in each other. When the two of you finally get together, an interruption occurs right in the middle of it.
+ WARNINGS - IMPLIED SMUT! Making out, language, they start to have sex but don't actually get there, gender-neutral reader, Mattheo interrupts, dirty talking, not proof-read (lmk if I missed any)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
Agora Hills - Doja Cat
It was close to midnight. That was about all you knew, though, as Theo slammed you against the wall just outside the boys’ dormitories.
He pressed his lips back against yours roughly, his tongue breaking through the barrier of your mouth quickly. You moaned against him at the sensation of him taking his full way with you.
“Ah-ah, baby, gotta stay quiet for me,” he mumbled against your lips. “You can scream for me once we’re back in my room.”
You gasped into his mouth as he slipped his hands around the curve of your ass and gripped hard.
You didn’t know what it was, but there was something about Theodore Nott that was just so intoxicating. You’d been watching him for months until today when you’d finally pursued him.
The two of you had been trying to sneak some late-night studying in the library, knowing that both of you had a huge project coming up due within the next week. As soon as you’d been paired with him for the project, you knew you had to have him. He was just so confidently sweet, and absolutely fucking gorgeous. He was just perfect.
And so, finally, tonight, you’d decided to make a move. The two of you had been huddled together side-by-side, searching through a very lengthy book on the history of the Disarming charm. The librarian was bound to come searching your area soon, so you were going as fast as possible.
His shoulders had been bumping yours, his thigh was pressed tightly against yours, his breath was hot on your neck, and his eyes were roving endlessly—up and down the pages of the book and perhaps even past it. 
You weren’t exactly sure what had happened. The pulse hammering in your brain had practically beat all of the memory of the moment from your head, but you remembered him asking if you wanted to take the book back to his room, your agreeing, his eyes glancing at your lips, then the two of you were…well, here. The book had been all but forgotten back on the table at the library.
Your fingers curled into his honeyed hair, forcing him closer to you. He sighed against you, his body bracing you to the wall. His knee slipped between your thighs, his leg gently rubbing against your core. Another small moan left you.
“What if someone sees?” you gasped into him. He pressed another rough squeeze to your ass before pulling away. He grabbed your hand and began to yank you down the hall.
“We’re not supposed to be awake, remember? It’s likely nobody else is.” He gave you a sly smirk, his eyes flickering up and down your body. The way he looked at you made you feel as though you were being devoured alive. You could hardly stand it. Fuck whoever may see.
You pressed another demanding kiss to his lips, framing his face with your hands. He groaned into the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist. The feeling of him holding you like he was was so refreshing. His enormous height positively dwarfed you.
“Patience, darling,” he said, pulling away again. “Back to the room.”
“I’ve no patience left, Theo,” you whined. “I’ve been waiting for months.” He began peppering rough kisses along your neck. 
“Yeah, baby? Do you want me that bad? Bet this sweet thing is just dripping for me,” he growled against your flesh, cupping your core within his hand. Your eyes clenched, and your lips parted in a silent scream. You adored how dominant he was.
He pressed you to the wall again, his hand sliding behind your head to keep it from hitting the hard stone. Your lips were against his once more, biting and licking and sucking. There was something about him that made it seem impossible to let go of him. All you wanted was more, more, more. 
Your arms slid around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His breaths were fanning over your face in short, fast huffs. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d taken a breath. 
“Back to the room, darling,” he groaned against you, tearing his lips from yours. He grasped your hand tightly within his and pulled you toward his dormitory. Theo had promised all of his roommates were out for the night doing whatever, but you still felt a little nervous at the thought of one of his friends seeing the two of you. If anyone had paid attention to both of you while working on this project, they’d likely have been able to see the obvious sexual tension floating between you. Even if they hadn’t been paying attention, they could’ve seen it. Any time Theo was around, you became the definition of ‘flustered.’
As you reached the door to his dorm, you felt him swing you toward the entrance and push you through. You shuffled over the threshold, attempting to let your eyes adjust to the darkness surrounding you. 
His hands gripped the sides of your face and pressed you back to his lips. Fuck, he tasted so good. Was it normal for someone to taste good? You didn’t know. You moaned into his mouth, shoving your hands against the buttons running down his shirt. Your shaking fingers made quick work of those pesky things—each one undone revealed more and more of his perfect chest. 
You pressed your cold hands against his flesh, reveling in the biting groan that poured from his lips. 
“Fuck, baby, on the bed,” he whispered fervently against your lips. He pushed you back against his bed. The backs of your thighs collided with the mattress, tipping your body over onto the soft comforters. You descended into mountains of green satin that smelled just like Theo. His scent overwhelmed your senses, pushing your conscience even further to the back of your mind. Your finger gripped the material of his blankets. 
Your lidded eyes found his as he got to work on his clothing, the way he stood above you reminiscent of a god. Your legs parted slowly, preparing for the weight that would soon settle between them.
“You ready for me, baby?” he breathed, yanking his shirt over his shoulders. You bit your lips at the full picture of his bare abdomen glaring back at you. The hard muscle rippling over his stomach caught each glimpse of the moonlight above you. You nodded pathetically, your legs bending at the knee. You didn’t want to wait any longer. All you wanted was him. 
“Say it for me,” he commanded, slipping his fingers along his belt. “I want to hear it. Tell me exactly what you want.”
“I want you, Teddy, so bad,” you whined, feeling the heat building between your thighs. “I want to feel you over me—want to feel you make me all yours.”
“All mine, baby?” he asked, smirking widely. His belt popped open, showing off the large bulge beneath his dark briefs. You gulped at the sight, bracing yourself against his bed. He was bigger than you had anticipated—bigger than anyone you’d had before, that was for sure. 
He dropped himself onto the bed at your feet, pressing his muscular arms on either side of you. The added weight to the mattress tipped your body toward his as he slowly inched up the length of it. His knees slid along the slick duvet until one came to rest beneath your legs. It inched yours farther apart, claiming him a verified spot within you. Your head rolled back at the intoxicating display of dominance. 
At the movement, he quickly slid his face in between your shoulder and jawline, pressing rough kisses along the flesh there. If he weren’t careful, he’d leave marks, though you figured that’s what his goal was. His teeth cut along your throat, painting you with his claim. You now belonged to him, and the whole school would know that soon. What belonged to Theodore Nott was not challenged. 
“Theo, baby,” you whined. He hummed against your neck, asking what you needed. “I need you right now.”
“Yeah, sweetheart? I’ve got you,” he said, his hot breath fanning across your clothed chest. His fingers slipped down between the slit of your shirt, caressing against your pulse point. You shuddered at the feeling, barely able to take a deep breath. 
“Fuck, I’ve been thinking about this for months,” he groaned, his voice nearing a growl, as he ripped your shirt apart. You couldn’t force yourself to make a comment on him tearing your uniform. All you could think about right now was feeling him within you. 
He gripped the waistband of your bottoms and tore them down your legs with the same intensity as your shirt. You whined at the aggressive loss of your clothing, the cold air hitting your bare flesh like water. 
Once you were bare before him, his lips quickly replaced the absence of heat along your skin. His tongue painted every part of you, starting from the bottom of your stomach to the top of your chest. His mouth was mean and aggressive, bruising you as much as he could. You gasped at his rough sex. 
“Ever been with a Slytherin before?” he smirked, his fingers hooking slowly beneath the band of your underwear. You sighed aloud at the sensation. 
“You’re the first,” you responded breathlessly. He chuckled darkly as he pressed a rough kiss to your hipbone when he pulled your underwear to your knees. He moaned aloud at the reveal of your entire body. 
“You’re fucking perfect,” he whined, his hand slipping beneath the split of his pants. You braced yourself for what was soon to come. 
The air in the room was hot and smelled of Theo. The pale light that spilled through the window in the corner illuminated the gorgeous body before you with each new inch that was revealed. His hands slid his pants down his hips. Strong legs kept yours pressed apart. Your hands reached out, begging to feel his bare flesh against yours. He laughed mockingly. 
“Perfect, desperate baby….” His hands gently pressed his hot core against the inside of your thigh. You gasped sharply at the sensation, knowing he was soon to tear your body apart. Your hands tangled in the sheets, your eyes clenched shut, your lips parted, your words needy and begging. The tip of him touched against your entrance—
“I’m guessing you guys need the room to yourself?”
You and Theo screamed at the sudden words. The two of you shot up from your current positions before realizing your unfortunate nudity. Theo pushed you back down amongst the sheets and collapsed next to you. He yanked the comforters over you. 
Mattheo Riddle was set comfortably in the bed just opposite Theo’s. He wore a soft gray tee shirt and unkempt hair. He was settled beneath the covers with a book in hand and a small threaded bookmark slipped between the pages. It looked as if the two of you had just interrupted a sort of peaceful moment for him.
“What the hell, man?” Theo demanded, his tone becoming quite angry. You clenched the satin blankets over you, trying to keep your head as tucked as possible. You didn’t really want Mattheo Riddle to see you like this. “Why the fuck wouldn’t you say something?”
“I’m sorry. When was I supposed to make a mention that I was here? Was that before or after you asked them if they’d ever had Slytherin dick?” he asked. Smart-ass. You giggled a bit at his comment. Theo glanced at you with an annoyed expression. You stopped, whispering a brief apology, yet unable to drop the smile on your lips. To be fair, Mattheo had made a good point. In the midst of your…movement with Theo, there hadn’t really been a good time for him to chime in. 
“Whatever, man,” Theo sighed and rolled his eyes. No one spoke for a moment.
“So, did you want me to go or…?”
“Yes!” The both of you agreed aloud. The dark-haired boy nodded his head and, collecting his books and other various items, made his way toward the door. 
Just before he exited, he paused and turned toward you. Theo seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him, but you looked straight at him. His dark eyes traveled over you briefly.
“Well, when you’re done with him and you’d like some real Slytherin dick—”
“Riddle, get the fuck out!” Theo shouted, sending a pillow hurtling towards him. With an evil laugh, Mattheo quickly dodged the flying object and slipped through the dormitory door. Theo groaned and pressed his fingers to his face. 
“Use protection!” 
*Tag List: @mypolicemanharryyy, @angelfrombeneth, @clairesjointshurt, @bunbunbl0gs, @acornacreacure, @thestarlithideout, @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw, @yhiiil, @ravenclawprincess33, @xxrougefangxx, @thatblackthorn, @robinyx (If you would like to be added to the tag list for any future works, please comment on this post, dm me, or send me a message in my inbox. Thanks!)
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lindssunflower · 10 days
𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘, bradley bradshaw
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♡ ✈︎ authors note: guys i'm attempting to write again! this is gonna be so sad or not necessarily sad I guess? idk lol - also this is based on the song "I love you, I'm sorry" by gracie abrams.
♡ ✈︎ summary: you and bradley had been in a semi-serious relationship, at least it was to you. that was until you asked him about you and his future. he decided to end it that day. completely breaking your heart. you wanted to settle down and he wanted to fly. communication was completely cut off after the breakup. that was until bradley almost gets shot down by an enemy aircraft. his mindset changes.
♡ ✈︎ pairing: bradley bradshaw xf! reader
♡ ✈︎ warnings: lots of angst. mentions of a near death experience.
it has been three months since you've talked to bradley bradshaw. three months since you've seen him. he's blocked you on all social media, but of course that's never stopped you from reaching out to phoenix to ask her how he's been. even if he completely broke your heart over wine and reality tv.
you still loved the pilot.
you were sitting on the ugly jean blue couch that once belonged to you and bradley but its just yours now. you were curled up on the couch reading another sappy romance novel, light music playing in the back. it was a regular saturday night. you would usually be at the hard deck bar with bradley's all- so -familiar arm around your shoulder as you laughed at something stupid with pheonix and bob.
you miss the feeling of his arm around you. his smile when he'd talk about his mom with you. or his stupid dancing in the kitchen. the scars on his face and neck. everything about the man.
however, he didn't want you anymore. he left you. he didn't want the pickett fence and the golden retriever with the two kids. no, bradley wanted to fly. he wanted the rush of dogfights and the pride of fighting for the country he loved more than he wanted a family with you.
and that hurt. you knew you couldn't ask him to give that up. of course not, he loved flying with his entire heart. you wouldn't ever ask him to give that up, but just the fact he didn't want to give up a little bit of that for you that hurt. you realized the night he broke up with you his heart wasn't all for you the way you're heart was all for bradley.
you sighed as you went back to reading your novel, until your phone dinged on the coffee table. you weren't expecting anyone to message you, especially not at 1:18am.
you assumed maybe it was your best friend ranting about her new situationship of the month. bradley hated her drama.
what you didn't expect was for your heart to completely drop when you saw bradley's caller I.D to show up on your screen.
what you really didn't expect was the message he sent.
I know this is sudden. I almost died today. I don't want to get into the details of it. It made me realize that I've been such a coward and I want what you want now y/n. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you, I'm sorry.
is this real? you thought as the book that was in your left hand dropped to the soft carpet that you and bradley have too many times danced on.
you feel tears brim your eyes as you put the phone on the coffee table and contemplate if you message him back. is he okay? is he hurt? is he realizing that he actually loved you? these thoughts ran through your mind.
nobody could fake the way he looked at you, not even him. cause you sure didn't fake the way you looked at him.
what do I say? what do I say? the four same words raced in your mind. do you text your best friend? your mother?
what? > sent
that's all I could come up with? you mentally scolded yourself for the pathetic, boring response. but then again, what were you supposed to say? this was the same man who walked out of your life just as quick as he walked in.
your phone rang the familiar text tone;
I miss you y/n. I miss us. and I just now realized that and I'm so sorry. being in that cockpit today not knowing if I was going to make it made me realize how much I loved you and that I want that pickett fence and even the stupid dog. It changed my perspective on everything.
tears fell down your face as you stare at the message.
come over. let's talk.
you sent without even thinking of the response twice. is this a bad idea? probably. you quickly stand to your feet and try to clean up the fact you've been sitting on this couch for at least 5 hours. you wipe your face and run to the bathroom to brush your hair before bradley shows up. what if he doesn't? is this a joke?
I'm on the way.
what am I thinking?
♡ ✈︎ authors note: SO what do we think? let me know! part two?
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
Lucifer SFW
Just some A-Z SFW for the occasional adorkable King of Hell
Here on masterlist 10
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Super affectionate!! Peppers you with kisses and everything
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Chances are Luci would meet you if he’s ever visiting Charlie at the new hotel and sees you as one of the sinners living there
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s the cuddle bug master, just holding onto you like glue
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I’d imagine as King of Hell has others for domestic tasks, but he enjoys the domestic life and wants that peace and love with it
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh he will NOT be handling breaking up well AT ALL 💔 like we’re talking tears and asking “did I do something wrong?”
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Man’s still wears his wedding ring after a seven years divorce/separation, he makes good on his commitments
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle and loving, there’s an air of love to his aura around you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Those anaconda squeeze type of hugs and burying his head in your neck/hair.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Oh he wants to say it first so bad, but it all depends on when and how YOU want to say it, and Luci respects that
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Short fuse jealousy! Anyone so much as looks at you if you’re together and they’re getting smoted
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Passionate, deep kisses or quick little pecks
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Has a bit of an awkward charm to him that may be hit or miss with some kids
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are total “let’s just lounge in bed” all day type of thing
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are intimate and sweet, spending time together over a glass of wine
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I’d feel Luci would open up faster to you than you would, part of his loneliness, but he respects your boundaries
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’ll only be “angry” if someone tries to pull anything with you, but has considerable patience with you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Luci can rattle off facts about you like it’s nobody business, just speaking about you adorably and what he loves about you
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you said “i love you” to him, he said it first a while back in the early stage
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Given how he is with Charlie, you are also important and incredibly precious to him and wants to protect you
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
You’re getting the full Royal Treatment from him. Gifts, candies, conjured flowers and trinkets and whatnot
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Maybe being a bit overly jealous or possessive of someone
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Well he is in charge of the Ring of Pride so he has to look good, especially if you’re coming over
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
In a way, yes. Lonely and a bit like “do you not like me anymore?”
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If you’re a cooking type, I’d imagine Luci has a bit of a sweet tooth and loves all your baked goods
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Maybe like an overly nonchalant person or one who doesn’t communicate or open up themselves as he does
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleep starts off with cuddles, maybe some spooning, you as the big spoon most of the time
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cecilyv · 7 days
Graffiti on my body
(buck/tommy, 9-1-1, mini-fic)
Sometimes being multiple time zones away from @liminalmemories21 sucks, and sometimes you have a vision, you write up the basics, and you wake up to a moment of joy. Today we both got to say, "Good morning to me; and yes, exactly."
Tommy’s body has always been utilitarian; built and nourished for what could it do, how far it could be pushed. As much as he thought about it at all, he vaguely considered what it needed — food, water, exercise. Mostly it was a nuisance that never did enough, never as much as he wanted, as his superiors wanted — so he focused on how he could build it to hold more, help more, save more.
But now, wrapped in Evan’s sheets, bolstered by Evan’s body, he wonders, maybe for the first time, what his body wants, what his body can accept, what his body can give. Evan’s hands make him question what he’s been missing, what he could have been wanting, asking for. He wants to see what Evan sees; he wants to look down and see more than a job, a soldier, a firefighter. 
Evan touches him like nobody else ever has — there's desire and hunger, and those he's used to. He’s seen them before; maybe not to this degree, and that’s a trip all of its own.  But Evan touches him with wonder, too — like he's precious, like he could be hurt and Evan wants to keep him safe. Nobody's ever touched him like that. 
Evan lays with his head on Tommy’s chest, drawing on his skin with his finger, intricate swirls and whorls, tracing a pattern that Tommy can't see, but Evan clearly can because it's the same each time  — wants to ask what it is, but also doesn't, just feels it, lets it sink in until he can almost trace it himself. He lies there and takes it, skin still sensitive, flushed and slightly sweaty and, over time, he realizes he needs it, he wants it — Evan marking his place, claiming what’s his.
When he looks down at his skin later, he can almost see the love that Evan has inscribed into his skin. 
And one day, when Evan’s on a 48 and Tommy’s just lying in bed, he traces one of Evan’s favorite spots, the one he always goes back to — and he wouldn’t say he’s impulsive; he’d argue that he has good instincts— he pulls on his clothes and goes to the local tattoo parlor. He stands in parade rest, staring at the art on the wall, abstract colors and details and designs that he doesn’t understand but knows are beautiful. When she asks if she can help, he tries to explain what he wants but he can’t get it quite right. She looks at him with exasperation, with pity, and tells him to come back when he’s sure about what he wants; she doesn’t want him to regret his decisions. 
He leaves, buys a pen and when Evan gets home, when they’re lying in bed again and Evan starts absentmindedly tracing the pattern on his skin, he reaches into a drawer and pulls out the pen and hands it to Evan, and tells him, he wants to see what Evan sees, he wants to wear his mark, he wants to be covered in Evan.
And he goes back to the artist the next day, with Evan sketched on his skin and she examines Tommy in a new way, like he’s a work of art, like he’s changed, improved, special. She sees what Evan sees. 
And Tommy points at the design on his hip, just below his scar, and the woman tilts her head, consideringly, just breathes, “Yes.”
And he lies there and lets her permanently etch Evan onto his skin.
Evan’s eyes go wide when he sees it. “You,” he swallows, voice hoarse, “…show me. “
He knows it was actually pretty impulsive, that they haven’t really been dating long enough for tattoos. But he also knows he won’t regret it if they break up. It’ll break his heart — in so fast he can’t feel the bottom anymore — but he won’t regret it.
“I like the way you see me,” he says simply.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
everybody’s friend - l.norris
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requested: n
pairings: some the grid x fem!reader(platonic!) and lando Norris x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw ideas mentioned(not in depth details) + has some content that is not intended for minors
summary: in which you’re everyone’s friend but you are so much more than that with lando norris.
a/n: having naughty thots… enjoy. feedback is always appreciated xx
《 the following content has ideas that are not intended for minors. 》
he’s not like the others. he proves that time and time again. working with Mercedes was a dream come true, you enjoyed Lewis, mick, and George, you were everyone’s friend on the grid, you extended hands to more than just Mercedes. it’s how you ended up in the mclaren garage more often than you should.
but lando norris doesn’t mind.
in fact, lando norris sneaks moments into the Mercedes motorhomes when he can. when no one is watching and no one suspects a thing, because what you have is careful and secretive.
but the problem is, you’re everyone’s friend and everyone loves you just like he does. but he wants you all to himself.
“y/n!” lily is nearly sprinting towards you before you enter the Mercedes hospitality with mick. her arms engulf you, pulling you closer to her body, “I’ve missed you!”
you chuckle feeling Alex’s arms wrap around you as well, “she was my friend first.” he adds, you look up to see his eyes are challenging his girlfriends, “well she said she likes me more.” she huffs out a pleased sigh, squeezing you closer to her.
“I love you guys both!”
you can hear his giggles, they perk your ears up. they make your heart skip beats, and when you feel lily and Alex’s arms loosen from around you, you move to close your gap between him.
he finds it cute, how excited you get to see him despite that you spent all morning entertaining lazy sex in your hotel room. like you didn’t spend most of the evening on your knees for him. that’s the difference in your friendship.
“hi,” you breathe out, the orange he’s wearing is blinding in the sun, it reflects against your skin. he looks handsome despite the evident tiredness you left him with.
“don’t you have people to see?” he jokes, hand squeezing your arm as he brushes past you. McLaren interns are calling his name and fans are beginning to approach him rapidly, leaving you in the distance.
you hate the way he treats you in public, like he wasn’t just in your room acting like a simp and begging for a sneak of one of your breasts. like he wasn’t just on top of you, core deep inside.
you watch him climb out the car after placing nineteenth on the grid for the upcoming race. you know he’s searching for you, you see those blueish green eyes searching for your presence, and when he finally finds you he doesn’t hesitate to take the steps towards you.
“you did what you could.” you offer your condolences, soft smile lifts to your eyes that he can’t help but reciprocate back despite the pang in his chest of the loss.
“you want to fuck after this—“
you shake your head at his words, flashing him a wink that sends him all he needs, before you rush off to Oscar who was searching for a friend.
he hates that people steal you away from him. he hates how important you are around the grid and the paddock. you weren’t a driver, but people recognized your work and your dedication to Mercedes. fans loved you, and some of them even rooted for you and mick, but there was another man who got that passion and excitement nobody else saw. the kind that was deeper than the looks you gave mick.
he watches you slip from his fingers and run off to Oscar. you pat him on the back, smile and give him a thumbs up. he can’t make out what you’re saying, but he hates how dangerously close the Australian gets to you. he hates that everyone is your friend.
celebrations are in order for Fernando’s podium. the private room is packed with drivers, models, friends, girlfriends, and many others you couldn’t recognize. but there was one person you did, and he was sitting, legs far apart, waiting for you.
he’s in a white linen button down, sleeves rolled up, and top three buttons undone exposing his chain. he looks gorgeous. you dip down onto the couch and take a seat on his thigh, moving closer you brush your lips against his, “you make me think dirty about you.” you yell in his ear before attempting to pull away, he wraps his hand around the nape of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss.
“that dress does the same to me.” his hands roam up and down your curves and hips. the black tight mini dress was not something you planned to wear, but seeing his mood earlier, you figured he could use some cheering up.
you flash him a smile before rising up off his thigh, deciding to find yourself a drink. you push through the bodies of people, making your way to the bar, your hands fall on top of the shoulders of no one other than charles, “mon amour, you look stunning.” he moves you in front of him, calling the bartender over to get you a drink.
glancing over your shoulder, you see lando staring you down. his eyes are narrowed in on Charles, the man who just added your vodka Red Bull to his tab, but he’s just a friend. he’s not the one who strips you naked, takes your pictures on his camera. he’s not the one who gets to wash you clean of all your mistakes. that’s landos job.
“when are you signing that contract with Ferrari, amour? I need you in my corner.” Charles hand slips around your back, guiding you to the corner where Pierre and kika stand, cups and shot glasses scatter the silver round table.
“not in a million years, leclerc. I love my Mercedes.”
“not as much as you love the mclaren.” Pierre chuckles, you watch the man fiddle with the straw in his hands before slurping down what’s left in his plastic cup. he’s seen you many times slip into the motorhome and the countless times slip out of landos hotelroom. he’s good at keeping secrets, and you’re hoping this one gets brushed past.
“the McLaren? I’ve seen her with yuki more than I’ve seen her in orange.”
your nervous eyes connect with Kika’s, and she flashes you a wink letting you know, your secrets were safe with her. she’d never tell a soul about what she’s heard or seen. you trust the younger girl, she’s been the one to help you cover up hickeys and vice versa.
you feel a soft hand against your lower back, the fingers slip down your ass, you feel three, or four, fingers take a squeeze and it lets you know who it is.
looking up at him, he’s slipping an arm around you, “what are you drinking?” he asks, dipping his head towards your ear, lips dangerously close to your ear lobe.
“vodka Red Bull.” you offer your cup to him, he takes a small sip before handing it back to you. his hand around you tightens pulling you closer in front of him. he’s not sure why he feels this way, he doesn’t typically get jealous when others around the grid talk to you, but maybe it’s this time you’re in a tight dress and he hates the attention on you.
you’re sure Charles catches it all. the way he moves closer to Pierre, the nervous looks around the table, lando wasn’t good at keeping secrets. not when part of his little secret was making it harder for him to contain.
“do you want to get out of here?” his voice is low, but he’s so close to your ear, you can feel his hot minty breath run down your spine, fingers tightening around your hip.
“you can’t wait?” you challenge raising an eyebrow. the look on his face let’s you know he can’t wait. like the thing growing in his pants might get worse by the second if he doesn’t get in the back of an SUV and fuck you silly.
“with you? never.”
you chuckle into your drink, those fingers growing dangerously close to your ass once more, but they linger upwards teasing you. his finger tips begin to feel faint against your skin, he knows what he’s doing. you love his touch against your skin, when he pulls away you beg for more.
you reach backwards and pull his hand back against you, a low chuckle escapes his lips, he turns to speak with Charles. two having a private conversation, but you see Charles eyes widen at you, he shakes his head mouthing the word “naughty.”
you slap your hand, lightly, against landos chest. turning yourself in front of him you get on your tippy toes and whisper in his ear, “take me home.”
the words settle against his ear, fingers intertwining yours, he doesn’t even bother to say goodbye just whisks you off and out the club.
he’s thankful for the SUV that’s waiting outside, because that SUV was where your head was banged against the arm of the door, legs spread as far as you could while his cock dug deep inside you. the whimpers and panting were humiliating. he knew how to fuck you better than a friend.
thank god nobody stopped him, but the questions of your friendship are all of tomorrows talks, especially when you show up with hickeys all over your neck.
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