#nobody else would dare to do it bc she would look at them like she did gregory in open house
murcielagatito · 2 years
ava calling barbara barbie bc of her perfect persona
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rainy-writers · 1 month
When are y’all gonna get it through your heads that no one actually cared if the Velaryon boys were bastards or not? They could have come out with white hair, violet eyes, the whole shebang and the rumor still would have been spread because it was meant to undermine RHAENYRA and her claim, nothing else!!
It was a misogynistic attempt to paint her as reckless and irresponsible and another way for the greens to push for Aegon. It was fear mongering, meant to say “Hey! Choose Aegon because you guys don’t want a bastard on the throne, right?” And it didn’t fucking work, save for on the idiot audience that still eats this shit up and genuinely believes that the dance happened bc Harwin and Rhaenyra weren’t married, rather than realizing the whole theme is MISOGYNY!! ITS ABOUT USURPING A WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT SHE DOES, SOLEY BC SHES A WOMAN AND NOTHING ELSE!!
If she had no kids = Vote for Aegon cause she’s barren!!
If she had kids = Vote for Aegon cause they’re bastards!!
If she has kids that look exactly like her = Vote for Aegon bc her kids are clearly Daemon’s bastards am I right? Vote Aegon bc he’s clearly the more responsible of the two with his trueborn kids!!
It. Does. Not. Matter.
And it makes me so mad, especially when people say that the realm wouldn’t have accepted Jace like DUDE. Nobody is just casually going around saying these kids are bastards, save for the people that KNOW they can get away with it if they’re caught bc Viserys wouldn’t dare punish them. Aka:
Alicent, Otto, and her nightmare kids. That’s it. No, some random Lord in the Reach wasn’t preaching about Jace, Luke, and Joff being bastards. I sincerely hate to burst your bubble (NOT!) but you guys as an audience care more than the actual people that live in this world and it’s so funny.
Basic media literacy will tell you that NO, Westeros did not care. How do I know? Well it’s simple really. If they cared then majority of them simply wouldn’t pledge to support Rhaenyra, clearly knowing that Jace is her heir??
I mean, these are all of the houses that supported Rhaenyra AND Jace:
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I mean do yall honestly think Cregan Stark thought Jace was a bastard when he swore an oath in BLOOD with Jace, marched PERSONALLY to the south AFTER Jace was dead, and tried to literally kill the CHILDREN of the Lord’s who rose up against him and Rhaenyra?
Do you think Lady Jeyne gaf when she personally pledged to support him? Lord Manderly? Hm.
No, they didn’t lmao.
So please, kill this narrative that “There was going to be rebellion if Jace ascended the throne” and “The realm wouldn’t accept him bc all of them secretly knew he was a bastard despite having no proof because his father, his grandfather and THEIR KING never said otherwise.”
It would not have happened y’all. And one day you blood purist, Velaryon boys haters are going to get it through your head that YES !! They were legitimate because no one ever said otherwise. It was never proven. Rumor isn’t proof. Hair isn’t proof for fucks sake. You need actual words from Laenor himself saying that RHAENYRA cheated and those boys are Harwin’s. You need Corlys passing over Luke for Driftmark and outright saying it’s because he’s a bastard to even get a SHREAD of doubt from the great houses.
One day you guys are going to realize that those boys were loved and no matter how much you try and discredit them, they will always be legitimate. Whether you like it or not, Viserys was content with Jace being on the throne after him, THE REALM was content, and Corlys Velaryon was ready to die peacefully knowing Luke was going to be after him. Hell, he damn near handed that boy the keys so don’t you dare say Luke didn’t deserve to inherit anything.
And sorry for the long post but some of yall are really starting to piss me off. Never mind that this is fiction, your attitude towards these boys is disguising and saying that they don’t deserve a good life, that they dont deserve things that were literally GIVEN to them with no complaints, and even going as far as to call them dirty or saying they deserve to die all because their mommy and daddy weren’t married is fucking disgusting.
This “bastards don’t deserve anything,” attitude needs to stop being preached by real life people. Hell, some of the people saying this are literally in the wedding photos of their own parents wedding LMAO. It concerns me on how much disregard you guys have for adopted kids (which is basically what they are to Laenor), and I’d hate to see the shit you preach in real life. Acting like blood actually matters in order for someone to be considered family.
Because regardless of what you believe, had their mother not been usurped because she was a WOMAN, Jace would have ruled, Luke would’ve gotten Driftmark and, yes, the world of Westeros would’ve kept fucking spinning.
By law these boys were legitimate and people seem to forget they came out of Rhaenyra’s coochie so REGARDLESS, they are Targaryen. Like unless Viserys or Daemon was their father, they were always going to be half NOT Targaryen lol…Just like Alicent’s kids. It just so happens that they’re half Strong, but again, it doesn’t matter, because Jace gets his claim from RHAENYRA, not his father, so even if Harwin was married to Rhaenyra he still would’ve been the heir?? Even if it wasn’t Laenor who was his father, he’d still be heir because of his mother and being married to someone does not change that.
Some people even go as far as to argue that they’re not Targaryen so Jace shouldn’t be the heir which is stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and the most blatant case of misogyny ever. Like unless your father cloned himself then you STILL get half your genes from your mother dumbass. They are as much Targaryen as the Hightower kids with their DARK HARIED PARENT, it just so happens that their Targ side is from a woman, not a man. Which, like I said, if you don’t consider them Targaryen just bc they don’t get their claim from their father then we know what you are. 🙃
But anyways, to make a long post short, yes these boys are legitimate, they were recognized as such by:
The King himself (who they’d be inheriting from)
Laenor (their father, who they’d be inheriting from and wanted Luke to have Driftmark)
Corlys (their grandfather, who Luke would be inheriting from and wanted Luke to have Driftmark)
The Realm
And if you still don’t believe me, here’s the official Targaryen family tree from Fire and Blood which all of Westeros sees :)
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You see how they’re listed as Velaryon? You see how they’re directly linked to Laenor and there’s no little astric saying how they’re bastards? Yeah me too.
PS - Read Fire and Blood as well. This whole argument about them being bastards is literally stemmed from no more than two paragraphs, IF that. And their legitimacy is never brought up again.
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
i feel weird saying something so straight forward to a stranger but😭
do u think sev would be the type to suddenly start groping you in public 😳
like maybe you’re both sitting in the last drop, and obviously sevs playing poker or some shit, and maybe she just reaches a hand over and starts rubbing in between your legs over your pants, and maybe her cloak is covering what shes doing up🤭🤭 and even if someone did see, its not like they would say anything bc everyone is scared shitless of her
i think the sevika sphere must have hive mind because i shit you not i got this ask like within an hour of this one:
S-sev groping her girl whenever opportunity arises and her girl being endlessly turned on by it👉🏻👈🏻
men and minors dni
sometimes she does it on purpose, but most of the time it's subconscious.
sevika just likes touching you! it's her love language! if you're within reaching distance, sevika's likely got her hands on you.
sometimes it's just your hand. sometimes it's her arm draped around your shoulders, or her fingers tickling the nape of your neck. sometimes, she'll sneak her hand into the back pocket of your pants and give your ass a squeeze, but most of the time she just puts it back there to rest it there.
hands on your hips, around your wrist, her arm hooked with yours-- she just likes having her hands on you. it helps her feel secure-- you ground her in a lot of ways, and when she's touching you she knows you're safe.
but sometimes, when sevika's subconsciously reaching out for you, her hands land somewhere they probably shouldn't.
like when she swings her arm around your shoulders and her palm falls on your tit.
or when she reaches over to hold you while you're sitting beside each other, and her hand lands on your upper thigh.
or it cups your cunt.
like right now.
you're sitting beside her while she plays her cards. she's completely unaware of your current predicament, chatting and laughing with the boys, mech hand holding her cards, while her flesh thumb draws circles against your clothed crotch.
you wonder what she thinks she's touching. she can feel your thighs clenching around her hand-- she has to know she's holding you there, but she's oblivious, the itch in her brain to touch you has been soothed, and she doesn't question it any farther.
so you have to sit and be cool while your girlfriend gropes you in the middle of the crowded bar.
luckily, nobody can see beneath the table.
luckily, nobody would even dare to say anything to sev even if they could.
unluckily, sevika's just ordered another round for the table, meaning she's nowhere near done for the night.
when theriam returns with a tray full of glasses, you down yours before he can finish passing everyone else's out. he shoots you a weird look when you ask him to bring you two more. you're going to need them if you're going to get through tonight.
ten minutes pass. sevika's hand doesn't move, her thumb doesn't cease it's teasing, gentle swiing.
twenty minutes. at one point sevika leans over to press a smooch to your temple. your cunt throbs in her hand. she has no idea.
at the thirty minute mark, you get fed up.
you don't know why you thought more alcohol would help you tame your arousal. it's only made it worse. beside you, sevika's got a cigar between her teeth and a furrow between her brows as she studies her hand of cards. she looks so fucking good you think you might pass out.
sevika chuckles at something someone at the table said, her eyes scrunching up with her smile, the little gap in her teeth revealing itself. that's it.
you reach forward and grab her flesh wrist, pressing her hand firmly against your cunt and squeezing your thighs around her hand.
beside you, sevika freezes.
you can see the gears turning in her head as she realizes exactly which part of you she's been groping. the cigar in her mouth droops as her jaw drops. her thumb ceases it's sweeping motion. her eyes grow wide, you watch in fascination as her pupils dialate.
she's still not looking at you. you quickly scan the crowd at the table. nobody's looking in your direction, so you lean forward to whisper.
"you are driving me. fucking. crazy." you growl against her ear.
sevika snaps back to life, turning to look at you as you sink back against the booth.
when your eyes meet, sevika gulps. your lips twitch up at the side, and sevika's eyes snap down to study your mouth.
"fuck." sevika whispers, her voice shaky. you smile.
"your turn's next." you say, nodding at the table. sevika blinks, her eyes darting to the game before looking back at you. she licks her lips.
sevika's eyes dart up and down your body, trying to soak in the sight of you before she has to focus on the game again. you can tell she's fucking you in her head, can see her eyes mentally stripping you of your clothes. you chortle, and stop on her foot beneath the table.
it's her turn.
sevika turns her attention back to the game, but under the table against your cunt, her fingers start wiggling against you. you hide your gasp by faking a yawn. two can play this game.
you slump against sevika's side, nuzzling your head against her shoulder and hugging her arm, pretending you're just tired and resting against your girl.
tilting your head so only sevika can hear you, you let out a tiny, quiet whimper. sevika fumbles with her cards and shoots you a glare. you ignore her.
sevika's hand joins her fingers in their movement, her palm rubbing circles at the apex of your thighs, giving your clothed clit enough friction to make your thighs twitch. you dig your nails into her arm, and beside you, sevika lets out a little gasp of pain.
"you good, sev?" ran asks across the table. sevika freezes beside you, and you bite your lip to hide your laugh.
"y-yeah, all good. gonna have to call it quits for the night. my girl's gettin' tired, gotta get her home and put her in bed."
a chorus of groans and protests ring out around the table. you have to bite back your smile as sevika rises from the bench, waving goodbye to her friends, then glaring at you when she sees you still sitting.
the second you're on your feet, sevika's grabbing your arm and dragging you out of the bar. you laugh the whole way.
she ducks down the alley with you in tow, shoving you against a brick wall and crowding into your space. you smile at her.
"thought we had to get home? thought i was gettin' tired?" you tease her. sevika rolls her eyes.
"fuck off." she mumbles. you giggle.
"you're so cute. so clingy you don't even realize you're practically fingerbanging me at the table."
sevika groans. "shut up!" she says, a faint blush blooming on her cheeks. you grin.
"what did you think you were holding?" you ask between your giggles. sevika chuckles, unable to stop herself, and shrugs.
"i dunno, just like havin' my hands on you." she says. "helps me think."
you melt, all your teases dying at her words. you reach forward and pull her closer to you by her belt loops until she's crushing you against the wall. her hands grip your hips. "give me a kiss." you whisper.
sevika smirks, and leans forward to press her lips against yours in a sweet, chaste kiss. you sigh against her, pushing her away before she can get handsy, taking her hand in yours.
"c'mon. take me home and put me to bed." you say with a wink. sevika laughs.
"oh, with pleasure." she says, swinging your hands between the two of you as you begin your stroll home.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3
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sh0tanzz · 5 months
Can you do this for Wonbin and Sungchan too please 🙏🏼
If you want me to be extremely honest..wonbins visual ideal type is whatever dream woman he has crafted within the vault of his mind LOLLL so nobody will ever have a completely distinct answer
see I wondered why so many tarot/astrology/intuitive reader couldn’t get a solid ideal type answer for him or why his ideal type kept changing throughout the time for them
then I remembered..oh yea…pisces venus taurus mars
pisces venus is abstract when it comes to physical ideal types
an opinion that I have about taurus venus/mars is that they technically also don’t have an ideal type because yea they like people who fall into their cultures beauty standards..but anyone can fall into a cultures beauty standards so for a guy it’d be “long hair, clear skin, fem features, soft skin ” but then it’s like…ok what else 😭
he has more emotional/personality needs than genuine physical needs in a person..he’d also probably default to people who look like him ngl because that’s easier LOLLL
one thing that is certain is that he likes girls who might be a bit more artsy and a little more on the emo side so piercings, wolf/to the shoulder cuts etc
sungchan’s under the cut !
..out of the members sungchan is probably most likely to date someone that’s also an idol or at least of status so a model, actress, singer etc
he’s also more likely to date within korean beauty standards because he’d like someone super presentable, also someone that his mother would approve of bc of his cancer moon
he’d like longer hair with something different to it so maybe brown, or just a simply lighter hair color/tone he also might be into more thick/wavy (dare I say curly) hair types
someone that gives -adult- so she has to be a bit taller (not too tall), feminine curves nice or big boobs, like I said in his original ideal type post he likes someone that looks put together or like they’re straight out of a pinterest board
I imagine he likes ulzzang girls (look ulzzang up on pinterest you see what I mean) I also doubt he’d date someone that’s a non asian
he likes a BIGGG OLEEEE SMILE w/ teeth and might like someone who accessorizes with more gold jewelry he’d also like someone who looks perpetually happy or is on the more smiley side and giggly
he’s also into the whole “pure” “natural” thing they have going on in Korean beauty standards yk the vibes 😭
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mahlersgirl · 8 months
more on princess mizu itoh hcs (a part 2 of this)(this accidentally became a small fic as I got invested) (tagging @roninzuzu bc who else shall feed on the dynamic between these two)
as mizu becomes a young woman there are talks of her being married off, but there's the obvious question of what noble house would accept a wife with eyes of an onryo
takayoshi is genuinely worried about his cousin and writes to her about it
her short and angry answer was "worry about your own wedding, I'll be nobody's wife"
it's around this time she runs away from home and takayoshi is sure he had something to do with it and blames himself for mizu being somewhere out there doing god knows what
and for this mizu I think it would be a lot like how akemi ran away to help taigen, except mizu is seeking revenge against the white men and doesn't want to use the itoh family's resources (lots of resentment for being treated like a monster)
it wouldn't be easy at all and she involves herself in lots of trouble that makes her realize that living as a princess, even a neglected one, is still skies above what a commoner samurai would have to go through (again this is akemi arc but add violence)
eventually she would cross paths with mikio (🤮) and maybe he would take her under his wing and care for her after she's severely wounded? it will also evolve into the romance we're acquainted with
now, after the telltale moment in which mikio calls her a monster for handing his ass on a plate during sparring, instead of the bounty hunters being sent to kill her, I can see it being the _itoh family soldiers_ sent to retrieve their princess who had eloped with some good for nothing farmer it seems
not only that, takayoshi is there with them, having missed his sister for a whole year and just relieved he found her again
"how did you find me?" she hissed with slitted eyes full of ire, knife secured in hand ready to decimate his whole troop if he dared to touch her. maybe she would even make him bald for his petulence
takayoshi blinked in astonishment
"you wrote to me, mizu" he said reaching back to get the scroll, his familiar stutter making her feel nostalgic, but not less mad. "you asked me to take you back and bring gold to you and your husband."
and mizu suddenly understands, as mikio materializes by her side, looking unaffected by the number of armed soldiers on his property. she was made into a fool. when mikio looked bewildered she would trade a life of luxuries for revenge, he was in fact envious of her position.
the man mizu loved was a fucking bastard.
he was also the one who first met her blade, to the shock of everyone watching her, a bride covered in the blood of her own husband. she looks at the closest soldier next, looking ready to attack, but takayoshi was faster:
"do not raise your blades at her!" he yelled out his authority, the trembling of his voice diminishing with the loudness. "mizu, let's go home... I'll intercede with my mother on your behalf. we can forget this ever happened."
"takayoshi, in respect of our friendship and the only familial bonds I ever respected," mizu said finally raising her eyes at him, blue meeting brown, the color of the sea and the summer sky who meant a childhood of laughs and promises. "forget I ever existed. this is not your battle to fight. I was never a real part of the itoh family and you know it well. leave me alone and spare me the sin of spilling your blood."
and takayoshi understands, unfortunately, that this was never about both of them being different. mizu was always the one who was hurt the most by her origins and he could never truly know what she went through. he was still the second son of a powerful house and no stuttering or insecurity could take that away from him.
at times, to love someone also meant to let them go. mizu had chosen a path in which he was nothing more than a nuisance. the least he could do was let her be.
he makes his men retreat, but not after putting down the treasure of gold and jewelries he had brought because of the message. he didn't know if she would use any of it, but he wouldn't, either.
"the winter palace will be open." he says before stepping into the carriage. "if not as a cousin, a brother or a friend, perhaps you can still reach me out as an acquaintance. I would enjoy having tea with you once again."
she didn't offer him another word of farewell as his caravan disappeared in the hills and she was bathed by the rain, too mentally exhausted by a reaction. no husband or family, she was fated to be a lonely monster, in the end.
only revenge could keep her satisfied.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
whoops, i almost forgot about the star trek update. tuesday we watched tng's "firstborn" and "bloodlines" and last night we watched ds9's "the wire" (honorific)
firstborn (tng):
i was actually bracing for this one to suck ass bc everyone says worf is a bad dad. and i dont think he is!!! like, it doesn't come as easily to him as it does to sisko, and he sometimes forgets to be gentle or kind with alexander because he's so laser focused on how things SHOULD be he forgets to the importance of taking others' feelings into account, but that's how he is ALL THE TIME with EVERYONE not just his kid. considering the circumstances i'd say he's doing well
before we get started, GREAT cameo from the duras sisters. i was initially really annoyed with their tit windows but im becoming rather fond
i really liked "the family protector guy "k'mter" at first because he said all the right things to alexander...like, it's scary not being able to defend yourself, etc. then he also was a dick to alexander and i was really exasperated...but then he IS alexander so that totally fixes it. he's angry with himself and conflicted and just wants a HUG FROM HIS DAD and that FIXED it!!! like when he said "nobody will look at you and see a human you are alone on this ship" initially it felt like racism but it being like, not quite self-loathing but just bitter experience...that's actually so clever
this is the only episode where they brought up alexander's mom kind of hating ""klingon stuff"" and how that could possibly have negatively impacted him and it only got two lines of dialogue but still. i think it's really damning that she hated her own heritage and also brought her kid up to hate it and now he's sort of out here...pretending to be human, almost, to the point where he doesn't want to participate in hsi own culture or even bond with his own father (a klingon). like it sucks so bad for him
i was afraid that the plot twist would be "k'mter talks alexander into wanting to be a warrior after all just when worf realizes he doesn't have to be" which would have been sad but a real "oh shit" of an ending. mixed feelings about them not doing that but i understand why they wanted to properly wrap things up for s7
i almost forgot but rare w for picard for bending the rules a little bit to give worf time to go to the klingon festival with his kid. credit where it is due
bloodlines (tng):
i have never been so BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED.......................
they gave. picard. an affair baby.
what have i been saying since farpoint! he has an affair baby! AND THEY GAVE HIM ONE
if that's not his fucking affair child
pussy ass little FUCKS couldnt commit to changes...
i can't even remember what else happened in this episode i was so disappointed about this plot twist
oh yeah actually i do remember picard made a bald joke which i THINK was the only time he's done that in seven seasons? i think the only time ANYONE'S done it? please correct me if i am wrong but i was so shocked it got a big laugh out of me. also a rare w for picard. if he made bald jokes more often i'd hate him less maybe
oh yeah i'm coming back to add this later but it was really hilarious that picard was so torn up over his not-son being a little criminal. his horrific unforgivable spelunking crimes. so true.
the wire (ds9)
ooohhhhhhhhhhhh my god. oh my GOD. let's fucking...get into it
i rly thot garak was just a guy but not only is he a former assassin he's a current junkie. A JUNKIE! he's just like me fr
also, he can act? like that scene where he was withdrawing and saying horrible shit to julian......i was on the edge of my seat.
i love that he gave us 3 different stories about how he got kicked out. i'm gonna be honest, i looked it up, and apparently we never find out the truth? that is a bold fucking move. a daring choice. we, like julian, will never have any certainty. like, sure, i WANT to believe he released some kids from being tortured, but it's also equally as likely that he killed civilians or did a number of other horrible things
like, the fact that he can lie about it even while under significant distress.........king. like you could say oh that's the true one because that's the one where he was physically unwell but he also referred to "elim" in that one which gives it the ring of a potential falsehood
julian forgiving him anyway, even after all the horrible stuff he said, even after being physically ATTACKED (WHICH WAS SCARY!!! i was scared of him!!!!!) for "whatever he did," just because garak said "i need to know someone forgives me"..........AUGHGHGH JESUS CHRIST
THE FACT THAT HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT. he won't tell even US what he did. eliot spencer core actually. i am beside myself about it all
maybe he's right and it is all true. maybe he destroyed a ship and framed a friend AND let some kids go. it's literally none of business though like he's not gonna tell us
anyway, i heard the term "brain implant" and nearly died on the spot, so 10/10 episode
honestly, they should have just upgraded this guy to a regular. he is so good
NEXT TIME: tng's "emergence" and ds9's "crossover" AND YES I KNOW THAT'S MIRRORVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nian-7 · 8 months
Maybe a request, but you can ignore if you want (≧﹏ ≦) *Finally showing my face here bc I'm too shy, bless tumblr for having anon ask to use*
I barely see yandere Kuko Harai content, it would be too much if I request this? With a fem! S/O, but can be gn! S/O if you want (✿◕‿◕✿)
How would you imagine him being a yandere? I'm curious ;3;
i had to think about it a little bit but i really enjoyed writing this!! enjoy! keep the kuko req comin..
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Kuko Harai x fem!reader
✧yandere headcanons
✧cw: manipulation, violence.. usual yandere tendencies
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-Well, first thing that comes to mind is that he's a monk. Monks are supposed to be reliable and trustworthy! Kuko is... arguably neither sometimes. But he uses his status as a monk when you first meet just to manipulate you.
-He's not scared of fights that's for sure though. He has no problem getting into a fight over someone looking at you too much for his liking when you both are simply walking around.
-The guy who looked at you will be bloody and bruised by the time Kuko's done with him and honestly you can't help but feel bad for him. He acts as if he didn't just beat a guy up on the streets of Nagoya just because he looked at you for too long.
-Follows it up with some sermon about how he was able to do that. He's honestly just manipulating you into thinking he's the one who was in the right and that he's a good person because he's a monk. Monk's can't be bad, right?? (wrong..)
-He's not above killing someone, usually if it were to happen in a fight. He wouldn't go out of his way just to kill someone over something like looking at you or getting close to you. He'd rather give them a good beating so they know why he's doing it. If the guy ends up dying or passing out, that's not his fault.
-Kuko does draw the line at kidnapping though. He hates rules and having his freedom restricted. As much as he'd love to keep you all to himself where nobody else will even dare to look at you with their dirty eyes, he doesn't want to take away that freedom from you.
-He doesn't stalk you either, he has no shame in walking right beside you whenever he finds you out. He finds it unnecessary to do and sneakily follow you and risk you thinking he's a creep so he'll just walk up beside you and walk with you wherever you go.
-Oddly enough, he doesn't mind it if you have female friends. It's probably due to the fact that he wants you to still be happy even when he's not around to make you happy. Seeing how much your friends make you smile makes him happy to see your smile. So your female friends get a pass. Not your male friends. He sees them all as they're all just trying to get with you and take you away from him.
-Kind of the same thing with girls on the street. If a girl stares at you for a while, he just assumes that she likes your outfit or that she's admiring you. He won't just go start a fight with a random girl unless she starts it first with you.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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liliemay4 · 8 months
The Flower and The Star
In which the Flower comforts the star. (Please don't judge spelling errors too hard, I'm dyslexic and trying my best) this isn't based on Atyd, the books, or any other fanfiction literally just something that I think about consistently, if it does remind you of a fic or something please lmk I'd love to read it! TW: abuse, bruises, scars, family issues, crying, smoking Gender-fluid Sirius bc that's the way I see them <3 (I also suck at dialogue so let's ignore that) this is not proofread
The clock chimes once again, marking the final hour of the day. The most dreadful day. They were very different people in the same household, who would whisper in French across the tables so that nobody else could understand, different class houses, different friends, different minds, different bruises, different scars, yet the same creators. The Black brothers went from passing secret notes and meeting in the dark halls not returning until one face was drenched in tears and the other shirt was soaked through on the shoulder, the brothers that made sure to speak daily returned from the winter break, the younger of the two covered in more bruises and fresh scars than usual, the other a new sense of relief floating wherever he goes. Neither speaking or looking at the other. Regulus couldn't spare Sirius a glance without almost shedding tears, sirius couldn't think about Regulus without feeling like a failing traitor who had broken a promise he swore to keep. The fire crackles, lighting Sirius' face, glistening against the tears soaking into his skin. The portrait creaks as the auburn-haired flower strides into the room, bag on shoulder books in hand, her shoes clicking against the floor, Sirius hiding from her line of sight as long as possible, a quiet chime of his ring tapping the floor captures her attention immediately.
"Sirius? What're you doing down there hun?"
Their hands slide across their face in attempt to hide the tears before smiling up at Lily, the flower.
"Oh, nothing for you to bother with. Just a long day..."
Her books slide into her bag as she drops them to the couch stepping towards him and kneeling beside him, falling slightly to the side as she sits. Her arms slide around their shoulders, wrapping him tightly against her. No words need to be shared anymore, her understanding ringing through Sirius' mind. Sirius left his brother, Lily's sister practically disowned her, Sirius' other shot nasty words at them, and Lily's sister mails her letters regarding her disgust towards her. Very different situations yet still a strong understanding between the two. Both would kill for their siblings, yet would their siblings do the same? Does it really matter as long as they have each other? Everyone knows James and Sirius' widely known mischievous brotherly love for one another. They know James' unnerving never-ending love for the tired Lily. But how many people know of Sirius and Lily's love for one another? Do they know how far they'd go for one another? James and his family welcomed Sirius into their home and offered to adopt them, called them their kid.
But Lily? You'd have to kill her before she admitted to it, but when she found out Sirius's home life, saw their scars? She showed up at the house. Left a package full of the marauder's tricks with Kreacher along with a note, calling Walburga a disappointment, calling her a pitiful bitch for even daring to harm Sirius, and informing her that if it ever happened again that it wouldn't just be a box she'd be receiving, it'd be a whole damn army. She spoke to Regulus and explained how much it hurt Sirius to leave without him, explained how Sirius would've taken him in a heartbeat if it wasn't so impulsive and dangerous.
Sirius on the other hand? he found petunia, and spoke to her, not in a very friendly way either. Warned Petunia of the mischief that he wasn't afraid of getting into, let her know just how many people were willing to swing for Lily. Informed her that all the things the marauders got into at school weren't just for the kids at school and that they'd gladly send her a few things that would shut her mouth and keep it like that if she didn't do it herself.
We all know James and Sirius. Everyone knows Lily and Remus. But I think its time we heard about Lily and Sirius more. How much does he know about her secret relationship? How much does she know about his secrets? James would fight til death for Sirius, but could he follow through with the kill? Our precious little flower though? No hesitation in threatening the people that want to kill her and others like her. She'd say fuck magic and shoot anyone that hurts Sirius on the spot.
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saetoru · 1 year
my fav genshin ships in order that nobody asked for but i will give anyway with commentary
kavetham (duh they are a crabby old married couple that hurl insults at each other and kill anyone else who dares to do it that is prime couple material and honestly there is so much about them i could ramble about but we’ll keep it short)
dainlumi (the only straight ship on this list lmao. anyway the way he says her name when he first sees her as abyss princess when he’s with aether made me die bro his TONE. SOBS. she was everything to him at one point idc)
cynonari (they quite literally have a child together. they are literally so mom and dad / housewife and working-away husband coded and they have the most wholesome in game interactions)
beiguang (a refined princess of a woman and tough and rough adventurer of a woman like what is there not to ship hello. they so make out on the ship or outside the jade chamber at night when no one is looking)
eimiko (they are both so gay lol and miko waited AGES for ei that it true love and it would be higher on the list except i am genuinely a bit salty about this ship bc i want miko to be mine)
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omegapheromone · 4 months
Oh my god I forgor to post about it bc I was too focused on getting back home and then cooling off from being outside in the sun but when I went to run errands (and picked up my drinks) but I had such a weird experience. Got hit on by a teenager. I'm assuming they must've been under 18 since they were lounging around on the entrance/doorway steps of a closed business front and in this weather, were they of drinking age, they would've likely been at a park or hanging out at a bar terrace instead. Plus the general demeanor and speech patterns kinda made me assume it too, and just as our lord and savior Gerard Way once said, Teenagers do scare the living shit out of me, actually. And I was very anxious!
Anyway, I was walking past them to the business next door from the closed one- they were chatting about whatever and I paid no attention bc honestly? My attention was 80% in trying not to get sweat in my eyes from my long ass hair, 10% in focusing on doing errand tasks, and the last 10% in actually getting from place to place. Iirc they were saying something and maybe commented on my appearance or something just between themselves, idk and honestly don't care either, I get weird looks enough to not mind people commenting or staring at this point. It was only really when I walked out and past them again after my errands that the one guy in the group (was like 3-4 teens, most of them girls and like one guy?) Kind of leaned forwards a bit and asked "hey what's your snapchat" (in common use here) loudly enough that I registered after like 2 and a half steps past them that he'd actually said it to ME, very obviously, because there was nobody else around and the girls were not sitting anywhere towards my direction. Of course at that point I was already well past them and continuing to walk away since it hit me with a delay but like.
I was REALLY contemplating on whether I should turn around and go, "geez kid, how OLD even are you, I'm pretty sure I'm literally ancient compared to you- what is this, granny-fetish weekly support group? Don't bother your elders like that" Or something once I realized he'd genuinely spoken to me, but at that point one of the girls laughed at him and said something along the lines of "(they) just skipped you like nothing lmfao" (again, honestly, I didn't, at any point, even look directly at them, neither when entering nor leaving the business next door, so I mean, she was right, I suppose?) And I figured to just let them sort their own stuff out, because kids, and also not my problem anyway. I was just running errands and minding my own business to begin with.
It wasn't rude or anything though, like there was no demanding or catcall-ish vibe, he just seemed to sort of? Be hitting on me at random and didn't do it in an uncomfortable or creepy way, I was just mildly taken aback when it happened because like, idk if I should feel honoured or not, that some 16-18y old kid would look at me and think I'm probably about their age, or if I should be worried that this is why I'm not having success in dating people I'm actually interested in, because I'm frequently seen as younger than I am. I suppose it's a compliment of some sort, but I can't help but feel sort of weird and uncomfortable about it. I'd guess that it was probably not a serious attempt at hitting on me, more likely just a dare from one of the girls or something. I'm quite used to that considering that used to be exactly the kind of shit my bullies pulled on me way back in elementary+secondary school, and now I date, according to my friends at least, "way below my own league" (very much in a joking tone, but I figure there's probably some truth in it too). Idk, I'm just rambling because I'm still not sure how to feel. If it WAS genuine, well- why? Was it because I wore short shorts with some frills at the legs? Or maybe just because I have some visible tattoos and piercings and look 'interesting'? Maybe it was the backpack for shopping that made me appear younger? Idk man. I just can't see WHY anyone would bother, I suppose. Especially when I was SUFFERING in the heat outside, I'm pretty sure I had sweat running down my neck and legs, and my hair was dripping with it + I was feeling super weak, like my legs were shaking and I was just Not Feeling Well. I definitely did not look cute, if anything my expression was probably that of someone who wanted to just get the hell back home as soon as possible, which was quite accurate. Idk. I just don't see any reason for why a kid would ask something like that unless it was one of those "hey ask that weird kid out as a joke" type pranks/dares.
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absolute-snzaster · 1 year
ok I'm officially tired of waiting for literally any other person on snzblr to get into the same weirdly specific visual novels as me so fuck it, here's the a/ndromeda s/ix snzcanons that literally no one asked for! under the cut because I write so many fucking words oh my god
dad sneezes, because of course he does
fully vocalized, throaty, with two separate and clearly enunciated syllables
literally sounds like "AAAH–CHOOO!" what can I say, the man's a classic.
probably owns a fucking monogrammed handkerchief. or several
kind of looks like he's allergic to life but I feel like he'd lose his voice from all the dad sneezing so idk
one million percent the kind of stuffy, straightlaced bitch you want to see get absolutely wrecked by the worst stress cold of his life
the tiniest, highest-pitched, most adorable little kitten sneezes you could possibly imagine
can, will and has threatened the life of anyone who dares to mention it
this does not stop at least 50% of the crew from doing so anyway.
soft, wet, whispery/unvocalized sneezes
occasionally has (equally whispery) hitchy buildups, but never hitches more than twice per sneeze
probably the type to sneeze into cupped hands. or a crumpled tissue/several tissues/handkerchief in said hands
sniffly, probably rubs his nose a lot
has allergies and specifically stifles his allergy sneezes for whatever reason.
stifles by pressing one finger under his nose and somehow it actually works?
this might just be because he's my number one favorite best guy (sobbing crying I love him so much ough) but I could totally see him having the kink and being SUPER embarrassed about it. just so blushy and flustered and aaaaaa 🥰🥰🥰
I feel like I had another thought about this but I forgot it bc too busy thinking about June blushing 😊
he would just have the shyest smile after he sneezed like especially if somebody blessed him oh my GOD I would die for him my sweet sweet boy
long, breathy buildups and soft, satisfying releases
doesn't necessarily have the kink, but does seem like the type to really just enjoy a good sneeze
I could see her having the kink tho. just bc she probably knows how to cure a cold in like 3 minutes if she wanted to
also probably knows what plants to use to make people sneeze... 👀
I picture her sneezing into tissues, but like... weirdly oversized tissues. just for the Aesthetic™
soft, rapid fits
uses tissues. will give anyone shit for using anything else (hands/sleeves/etc because she thinks it's gross, and handkerchiefs because she thinks they're dorky :PPP )
sneezes eight times in a row, like, regularly. it's specifically eight
always looks surprised before/between/after sneezes
probably allergic to cats. probably puts her face on them anyway
would tease a partner to within an inch of their life if she found out they had the kink, and then indulge the almighty fuck out of it. like possibly to the point where it'd be like kind of a lot for them actually. it's really just another form of teasing
she'd fucking love that she could turn someone on just by sneezing tho
really snotty colds. probably gets a pretty bad cough with them too
absolutely the type to get laid up with man flu. just the most melodramatic when he's sick
probably goes to Ryona the second he gets a cold all sniffling and going "helllllllllp :("
can make his tattoos flash when he sneezes as a party trick but disables it when he has a cold bc it makes his head hurt
once accidentally did said party trick during sex. liked it a weird amount
not above using his grease rags as snot rags when nobody's looking
maybe even when they are looking, honestly.
angry, breathless fits that leave him doubled over and gasping every time
almost sounds like coughing... or snarling
sneezes into a loosely closed fist. with gloves on, usually
[redacted] used to worry about him when he got fits and would always try to rub his back and lend him a handkerchief
he would always try to laugh and act like he was way too cool and sexy to use a handkerchief.
he still has one of the handkerchiefs
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luvsavos · 1 year
12 and 30 for the peepaws naas and vul, a silly question and an interesting👀 question a perfect balance lmao also E and G i am making you work
oc questions ask game!
as always thank u for the ask<3
12: How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
iizthur: instead of doing anything rational, he just gets Salty about it LMAO, how dare it be in some place that he can't reach, absolutely Inconceivable smh
lokzii: like everyone Except Iizthur, if possible he'll find something to rub himself against to get rid of it, HOWEVER if that isn't an option he'll try his best to just Ignore It and wait for it to go away on its own, no matter how Loud it might be.... or just do the smart thing and ask another person to scratch it for him. somehow he is the Only One that thinks to do this
naas: if he can't rub himself against something to get rid of it (that likely only being in his human form, since i THINK a fatalis could reach every part of its own body somehow?? Think. i am not 100% on that), he'll probably rapidly get pissy over it, but he'd rather be pissy about it than ask someone else for help
vul: if she's not able to rub against something to get it to go away, she probably tries to make it go away via the supposed method of focusing Really Intensely on the itch to make it go away, with... mixed results™️. she somehow does not even think to just ask someone else to itch it for her. also i'm going to project onto her and say that if an itch is particularly bad if it DOESN'T get itched it'll actually cause muscle spasms, which she finds particularly annoying and undignified-looking
30: Who do they most regret meeting? 
iizthur: vul, absolutely no questions asked. bitch took his fucking eye!!!!! his whole shtick of conquering other monsters' territories and forcing them out to take for himself temporarily was going all fine and dandy until he met her and she not only refused to relinquish her territory but actively managed to beat him in every single confrontation they had. not only did she take his eye but she wounded his pride too and that's Unforgivable™️
lokzii: honestly? nobody, really (Yet). he's always been somewhat distant from others outside of his brother and his goddess, so he hasn't properly met anybody and known them well enough/long enough to consider himself genuinely regretting having met them.... though i'm sure that'll change soon<3
naas: do the Entire Ancient Civilizations count LMAO.... naas feels that if he had never been as fond of the ancient peoples as he was, and never intermingled so much and been so keen on not hurting them, even despite being a destroyer, that nothing of what happened to him would have happened---he wouldn't have gone to them in peace and thus given them the opening to capture him as he did; he would have been able to simply destroy them all without issue, and he would've never been captured and experimented on. humanity is, in his eyes, the five's greatest mistake
vul: there is TWO to this! iizthur, Obviously, but also another specific malzeno (a friend's oc<3) that's caused her no small amount of problems (see: spreading a vampiric plague and letting his qurio run rampant and then letting the blame get pinned on her bc she was the only other malzeno in the area at the time and, bc she prefers her true form and he was, at the time, in a human form, that led to assumption that it was her at fault) and emotional distress (see: literally fucking killing bahari at one point lmfao) and taken Extreme genuine glee in her distress
AND for the creator's questions!;
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
i would absolutely NOT get along with naas or iizthur nor would they get along with me; iizthur's a bitch, and i am a mortal which means naas would disdain me and be an asshole and i wouldn't like it ahdksjgk i DO think i would get along nicely with vul and lokzii though<3
vul and i would be able to have the 🤝 over The Tism and i think she'd greatly appreciate that i wouldn't be offput by how uncanny valley she is in her human form, nor would i react negatively to her in her true form (even though she would absolutely be incredibly intimidating), and lokzii is a very patient and laid back person, which i can vibe with and i think he'd vibe with me also being laid back; he would let me infodump about my hyperfixations and listen with genuine interest (and make us both some tea and a meal as well probably) and i would appreciate that So Much🥲
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
hooh boy!
seriously there's like a 70% chance that when a monster rotates out he will replace it. or when i open the game and go to enter the gl he'll already be there. He Will Not Fucking Leave!!!!!!!!
lokzii: aside from the fact that i absolutely did not INTEND for him to be Depressed, he just kind of Decided that he Wanted To Be, Apparently (/lh), i think it's the fact that he's. FAR too patient and forgiving for his own good. while he can, obviously, be aggressive when need be---even if primordial malzeno are docile by nature, malzeno as a species still have latent, innate aggression and are Brutal when provoked---he tends to prefer to avoid fighting and conflict that isn't necessary, and can be. much more patient than he SHOULD be with others sometimes
naas; definitely his stubbornness and unwillingness to see other perspectives. to be Fair, that does absolutely stem from his trauma, but... Still. it's REALLY hard to get him to even be OPEN to an outside perspective; usually he'll just close off immediately and get defensive rather than listen
vul: i can't really think of anything off the top of my head for her honestly, maybe the fact that even when plainly presented with clear-cut evidence of gods existing (see: that one time when she Literally Met Xeno Face To Face) she just.... still Refuses to acknowledge or believe that deities exist. but tbh any "frustrating" things about her are just objectively really fucking funny so i can't even be mad about them bc girlie is just a hot mess of a dragon masquerading as being significantly more regal and well put together than she actually is LMAO
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Theatricality
We deserved more Kurt singing in Gaga songs, just saying.
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So, obvs I love Carol but I do find this scene kinda weird? She knows how difficult it was for Finn when she first started dating Burt so why didn’t she have a private convo with him first? Could’ve given him time to process. But then, that’s not entertaining TV.
Also, v small note, but when Kurt mentions the tuna crudite, Burt corrects himself to use the correct term. V subtle change from before, when he wouldn’t really bother (the Maria bonnet before lol). Just thought I’d point it out. He’s already trying...
And why does a house with 2 (and a half) bathrooms not have another room? There are more bathrooms than bedrooms lol.
Def feel bad for Finn here, prob could’ve handled it better. Also, don’t see Kurt as really crushing on Finn at this point? More just excited, trying to make things work. Also def blinded by the thought of getting to redecorate lol.
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Theatricality and Funk were switched when aired so timeline is of Vocal Adrenaline is weird but... oh well.
How dare VA do Gaga when that is his identity (and yet he only got to do 2 Gaga songs, blasphemy)
This always makes me think of the story of Chris Colfer meeting Lady Gaga and saying ‘Nobody’s talented but you’ lol
Love Kurt’s reaction to the assignment. Hasn’t been this hype since Madonna.
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Kinda side-tangent but oof, Finn, casual homophobia is showing.
First off, he says they’re always doing what the girls want to do?? No?? They do what Will wants. Maybe he means Madonna but a) that was Will inspired by Sue and b) that was bc the guys were being sexist asses.
I do like the idea of bringing in different types of theatricality but would be interesting to have the whole club do both kinds, maybe do Gaga one week, Kiss the next. And oof, the way Finn says ‘except for Kurt’ here bc of all the annoyance he has at the situation... yikes. Trouble ahead.
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aw, Kurt and Tina allowed to be friends. Enjoy it while you can, not much time left.
Not gonna lie... not a huge fan of Kurt’s outfit? Maybe it’s the wig giving rococo vibes? Idk, fits with his usual fashion of being hella covered up, but eh. Heels are iconic tho
And damn, the way he talks back to the jocks. And how he tries to sorta backtrack, to just defending Tina. Prob less confident when it comes to just defending himself.
It was made as a big deal in s2, like Kurt wouldn’t have stood up for himself witout Blaine’s courage text but Kurt’s been calling them out all along?? Or maybe by s2 he was more beaten down and unwilling to do anything.
Also, kudos to Azimio for knowing what crepe paper is.
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I cannot even with this number. I mean, we get Kurt, Santana, Mercedes, Tina(!) singing lead and freaking rocking it! Wish they got to sing together more often.
And the dance and Kurt getting to use his lower register and just. Lowkey better than numerous competition performances. I love this so much.
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Wtf is this reaction to one of the best songs they’ve ever done? Esp you Matt, We know nothing about you but I expected better. Ugh, finn and puck complained about not wanting to perform gaga, fine, but you can’t even support your friends and appreciate a freaking amazing number???
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And ofc when the boys perform these guys are all hella into it. Bc they support their friends and are able to appreciate a good performance. Oof.
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Jeez, Tina and Kurt are going through it this ep. Why is no one else getting grief? Is it bc the other girls are cheerios? What about Rachel and Mercedes? The lack of adult supervision in this school is astounding.
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This look of pure derision Kurt throws Finn... why I think the crush is practically gone at this point oof.
Kurt has spent so damn long working to accept himself, to build up some confidence to be who he is. And esp now that he has acceptance from his dad, the only opnion he cares about, ofc Kurt has no desire to ‘blend in’. 
“It’s just a moist towelette!”
I mean, I was also struggling with Finn trying to wipe off make-up with a dry paper towel like dude. And Kurt prob wants to just comfortably hang out with another guy, but Finn freaks the fuck out. Back in Ballad they hung out pretty closely and Finn never said anything and legit hasn’t called Kurt out on any of it yet. Kurt had been very intense before, but here Kurt is being casual about things.
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Kurt kicking the chair slays me. He learned it from Finn. 
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Omg this room. Like, lowkey, I’d love to have a room like that, but also.
We saw Kurt in his Mellencamp phase. We know he knows how to ‘butch’ things up if he needs to. Also, this is nothing like any of his past aesthetics and nothing we ever see again?? His style is very modern, usually more sleek and monochrome. I feel like this room was made way more extra to incite the argument cuz like. Wow. I do appreciate the privacy partition, Kurt trying so hard.
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Omg this scene. How Kurt was really sincere in trying to make something finn would like. And then the turn around to sadness, embarrassment, regret. Legit a million emotions on his face.
The way Finn is shocked when Kurt starts shouting. Lowkey we don’t see Kurt shout often, normally he goes for cutting remarks etc. Kurt is def in defensive mode.
And when Finn starts using the f-slur like damn. And how Kurt barely reacts to it bc he’s used to the word being used against him (tho never before by Finn) and he prob still feels guilt about the crush and about the room oof.
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Then Burt Hummel. Omg. I love how he calls Finn out like ‘you weren’t talking about the blanket, you meant it towards Kurt’ bc yes.
And Kurt jumps to Finn’s defense bc he’s used to being bullied. He’s upset it’s from Finn, but it’s not super out of the ordinary
And Burt calls Finn out like, you won’t use the n-word, the r-word, but you’re totally fine using that slur? 
And how Burt brings it back bc he was the same when he was a kid. Kurt being gay prob had Burt thinking back on all the crap he’d say with his friends and he has lots of guilt over it.
And how Burt says he thought Finn was this ‘new generation of man’ and honestly, that makes me so upset that we barely see anymore Kurt and Finn friendship after this until like. Furt. And after that, even less. And they lowkey don’t give Kurt any male friends (until Elliot, which is nice but ofc he’s also gay).
After all this, and the stupid ‘predatory gay’ trope they gave Kurt earlier, it would be cool to see Kurt getting to be friends with straight guys without it being a big deal ugh. I’ll rant more in Duets tho.
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I do think the last scene was when Kurt’s crush officially died. Finn was no different than every other bully he’d dealt with. At least he’s eventually able to forgive him and accept him as a brother tho.
“My balls keep falling off” “I’ve been there” this line kills me.
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Kurt’s reaction to every bully: “go ahead, hit me” like boi
Also, I love the quiet ‘oh my god...’ when he sees Finn bc. Ya. Same. Love the speech, and kinda love that even tho Finn is giving this intense speech, he doesn’t clarify ‘my brother’ or ‘my friend’ bc he doesn’t care what the others think. This is just about making it right with Kurt.
And Will appears after this and... no check in with Kurt. Doesn’t go after Karofsky and Azimio bc they were about to beat a kid up. Like... dude. 
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This is why I rewatch omg. Kurt pets Finn’s shoulder, and when Finn does it back Kurt immediately waves him off like ‘don’t touch the costume’. Lol.
Also, how tf did Finn make this costume.
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golbrocklovely · 4 days
Thank you for your response, although i have to disagree with one thing. Because after everything i saw it really doesn’t look like fans do not want to hate on Sam, hell, i’ve seen plenty hate for Sam, especially on Twitter. F.e when Katelyn and Sam were still together and people found out about them, it wasn’t only Katelyn that received hate, Sam has been trashed as well. Most of the tweets aimed at him were saying how horrible of person he is for doing that to Kat, how he is a liar, because he said that he will Marry Kat and now he is with another woman. If anything i’ve seen almost nothing but hate for Sam lately.
Like f.e even comparing to what i see regardless of Colby and Malia and what i saw when it came to Sam and Katelyn. Cause when it comes to CnM relationship i mostly saw ONLY hate for Malia, people claiming that she is controlling colby, that she is toxic and that poor colby have no idea of that and that “they hope he will realize soon” (such a clownshit). But on the other boat i saw both parties receiving hate.
Although ofc that it’s not a competition and both boys unfortunately receive hate every day for basically breathing air and i think that some fans needs to seriously grow up asap. Those men are not their toys.
maybe i didn't explain myself enough. what i was trying to say is that while sam, in the past, didn't get hate for things that this fandom would hate colby for, once he broke up with kat and started dating katelyn, that was the first time i actually saw real vitriol for him. on top of actual critiques/calling him out for things.
but even now, since he's broken up with her, things have turned back in his favor. not completely, of course. but hell, ppl were cheering him on for the way he was responding to katelyn and her tomfoolery lol and weirdly i think that behavior exhibited by him made certain fans like him again. bc he was petty and mean… like they are.
this fandom, since kat and his' breakup, has been weirdly wishy washy with him. bc sometimes they love him DOWN and it don't matter what he does, but then other times they think he's a terrible fucking person and name call him to hell. i mean, prime example was when kat released her songs. of course you had ppl hating on kat, and that was dumb bc she's allowed to say how she feels about her own breakup, but then you had ppl full on defending him and acting as if she shot him or something. but then there were fans that were also calling him out for being a pos and not doing enough during the relationship. but eventually that slowly fizzled out. then tides turned on him when he took katelyn to the same date spot he took kat first. and this cycle of liking him then hating him went back and forth until he broke up with her. now you have fans saying he does all the work for snc and colby's not pulling his weight.
it's weird. the only real time i saw ppl question him was when he was with katelyn. every other instance ppl treated him the same as usual. idk if it's bc ppl just hated katelyn so much that they eventually had to take it out on him bc how dare he choose her over kat or if it was something else entirely. but it was very odd to see him actually get real hate for merely dating someone, when that has been happening to colby for years now.
as for malia and colby's relationship, both of them have had terrible things said about them. with malia, it's mostly about her looks. for colby, it's tearing down his personality or his choices. or just in general making fun of both of them as a couple for being cringy and in love with each other.
and like you said, truly nobody in this situation deserves hate. not the girls, or snc, or kat for that matter. snc did nothing wrong except love someone that fans didn't like. i know i've been yelled at before on here for bringing up sam's inability to be critiqued by the fandom bc "what do you want? both them to get hate???" and it's like… no. i don't want anyone to get hate. but if you're gonna hate on colby for something that sam IS ALSO DOING, keep the energy the same. that's all i ask. or at least admit you have a bias towards sam and nothing he does is wrong, but everything colby does is.
(not saying that's what you think or that you're yelling at me lol just talking about past convos i've had on here).
or, crazy concept, if everyone could just stop hating and be nice to snc, the ppl you're supposed to be FANS OF, that would be nice too.
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llycaons · 3 months
oh also my other point I wanted to mention, related to my other complaint. at two seperate instances the colonized population is accused of terrible violence or of sedition and in both cases it was actually a much more socially powerful individual deciding to make trouble and blame it on them. so yeah, the agressors are these wealthy and powerful, but it also makes the marginalized and impoverished populations here look passive and lacking in agency, like only victims. all they CAN do is be acted on bc they don't dare do anything else. I was so excited to see the resistence slogan grafittied on the wall, only to be told it was actually a rich brat trying to get someone in trouble. of course, nobody would ACTUALLY do such a thing. they'd be shot! resistance would be STUPID! its just. frustrating knowing the incredible centuries-long legacy of resistence and rebellion in so many places. and I really hope breq allies with some of these planets on the third book bc she does care about abuses of power and she does want to take down the emperor but she doesn't seem to see the empire's control itself as worth dismantling
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Whole Lot of Red ✧ Draco x Reader
Summary: Sneaky meet ups with Draco where nobody knows the two of you have a thing for the other until the day he sees someone flirting with you and lets his jealousy get the best of him. AU where its around seventh year and Voldermort never existed so Draco never got traumatized !
Warnings: light smut/hinted smut, jealous/possessive-ish Draco, a little more mature themes 
Words: 1.8K
A/N: aging him UP for this one ! and making draco a tad rude bc the way i picture it is just WOW also i like to try to change up the way i write him sometimes :) also couldn’t find this gif anywhere so if it looks low quality its bc i made it >:( i want so badly for him to walk up to me like thaaaat anyways I HOPE THIS IS GOOD
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It was a funny thing, feelings, and the way they blossomed in places they had no business being in. Those very specific stomach churning butterflies and skipped heartbeats were unmistakably there every time you found yourself in the Slytherin Prince’s presence. It was a shame really, you had never even given him the time of day prior to the time you were forced to work on a Charms project together but now here you were; completely and undeniably entranced by him. 
Your group of y/h friends and you were gathered in the foyer outside the Great Hall, the doors wide open and welcoming students for the lunch that was going to be served in just a few minutes. Your friends were lost in conversation and you couldn’t be happier as your focus darted around the room hoping to spot the platinum mop of hair.
Out of sheer coincidence, a boisterous group of Slytherins had entered the foyer from the direction of the dungeons, all talking loudly and jokingly pushing each other as they came into view. Your eyes landed on the laughing blond in the middle, his toothy grin almost twinkling under the sunlight that streamed in through the large medieval windows. His gaze wandered around the room for a moment before stopping on you, the smile on his face morphing into a smug knowing smirk. 
A shivering weakness shot up your legs, your heart doing somersaults in your stomach as you recalled the previous night. It involved you sneaking out of the common room to meet Draco in a dark and hidden corner of the castle in the dead hours of night, his Prefect duties long finished and a looming fear of getting caught by Filch. It was you being backed into said corner, his body flush against your quivering one, a strong hand clamped tightly over your mouth to muffle the whimpers that unwillingly left your mouth as his lips left trails of wet kisses along the exposed skin of your neck and chest. It was his knee in between your legs, pushing you harder against the wall as your hands got tangled in his hair while he held your face in place by your jaw, whispering compliments and desires into your ear with kisses to it in between, smiling coyly to himself when he heard the small gasps of pleasure coming from you.
All this was because of a simple charms project, the two of you forced to spend a couple weeks together where it was constant bickering and malicious teasing until the tension between the two of you had gotten so overwhelmingly strong it was suffocating. It had gotten so unbearable that one day, Draco finally had enough as you were reading something out of your textbook for him, suddenly knocking it out of your hands and scooting closer to you on the shared bench, his minty breath hot against your face and darkening gray eyes flickering from your lips to your widened e/c’s as he whispered a breathless, “can I kiss you?” 
Post study make out sessions quickly turned into sneaking away from friends throughout the day which finally led into slipping out of common rooms to meet at night. No one ever noticed nor caught on to the two of you, the both of you keeping it a secret so you wouldn’t have to deal with people’s undesired two cents. 
As much as you enjoyed the hands on affection, you found yourself liking the intimacy afterwards even more. You looked forward to sitting down somewhere with him, his arms wrapped warmly around your body as you asked about each other’s day that branched out into talking about anything and everything. You would skip back to your room afterwards, smiling from ear to ear with your head in the clouds until one day it dawned on you; you were in a sticky situation of constantly wondering “what are we?”
You never dared to ask him though, terrified of his answer and that he would leave you in the dust for even bringing it up. In all your years at Hogwarts, you’ve never seen Draco with a girlfriend, he was the most well-known boy at school, an arrogant and proud Slytherin, a skilled quidditch seeker, and an irresistible flirt. But never having the title of ‘the boyfriend’, despite the countless girls that hung off his arms nearly begging for his attention.
“Y/N,” your friend broke you out of your thoughts, a sly smile on her face as she elbowed your side. “Your little friend is headed this way.”
You looked at her in confusion, turning your attention towards the tall Gryffindor, Trevor, that was walking towards your small group, a bright smile on his face as his eyes stayed trained on you. Your friends giggled teasingly, already knowing what his presence would ensue. He was nice, but annoying as he relentlessly flirted with you every time you had your Transfigurations class with him. You just chose to ignore him even though he always ended up sitting next to you or around you no matter how many times you moved. He was someone who you complained restlessly about to your group which caused them to laugh and poke fun every time he would come up to you around them.
“Y/L/N!” He said happily, attempting to give you a hug as he came up to you which you only begrudgingly returned with a lazy side hug. He took your hand, leading you a few feet away from your group so he could talk to you privately. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the library after lunch to study for our test later this week?”
“Oh,” you trailed off, trying to come up with an excuse but in the midst of your thoughts you remembered you had already made plans with Draco. Speaking of, you had forgotten he was only across the room, unbeknownst to you that he was staring hard at you and your classmate. “I’m busy today.”
“How about after tomorrow?” He asked again hopefully. “We can even go to Hogsmeade after, butterbeers on me!”
You frowned slightly, knowing that this was not a friendly collegiate conversation, but another ploy to try and get you to go out with him. His attempts were increasing week by week and you denied him every single time yet he never got the hint.
“Still busy,” you smiled at him, hoping that if you were to appear nice, it would soften the continuous blow of rejection.
“I’m not going to stop asking until you say yes,” he sighs, hands slipping into the pockets of his robe as he longingly looked down at you. “You might as well give in.”
His hand came up towards your hair, a skinny finger brushing through a strand of your hair as he pulled a small fluff of lint from your robes before flicking it into the air. You stood frozen in place, the gesture being painstakingly too much for your comfort and borderline creepy coming from him.
Draco felt himself shake with anger, the sight of you smiling at the Gryffindor and that he was running his fingers through your hair made his blood boil. Greeting the git with a hug. You being led away from your friends by your hand. He hated the sight. The thought of any man other than him being so close to you made him feel sick to his stomach, a rage sparking from deep within him he never even knew existed. He watched as you looked up at the boy above you, a weird expression on your face that instantly let him know you were uncomfortable.
That was it for him. He was seeing red as he threw his schoolbooks into Crabbe’s hands, pushing aggressively past a pair of boys that were in his way as he power walked towards you and your classmate.
“Didn’t you ever learn to keep your hands to yourself?” Draco called out condescendingly in his haughty accent, his scowl deepening as he approached. Trevor’s head snapped towards Draco, a frown etching itself onto his face.
“Sod off, Malfoy,” Trevor sneered. “Go find someone else to bother.”
“Take your own advice, filth,” Draco shot back.
“Filth? You’re one to talk,” the Gryffindor chortled. By now, everyone within a few feet of the debacle was watching, entertained at the argument that was beginning to unfold, your friends and Draco’s goons staring oddly at the encounter. You only stood there, looking between both boys towering over you in a daze that left you paralyzed in your spot. You were so close to telling off Trevor before Draco came, feeling grateful at your delayed reaction now that he was there defending you.
“I’m not going to ask you again,” Draco threatened, stepping in between you and Trevor as he spoke. “Leave Y/N alone, or I swear you’ll regret it.”
“Why? You think she’d pick you over me?” He snickered. “We’ll see who’s the one feeling regretful when you find her making that decision.”
By now, Trevor had stepped up to the spiteful Slytherin, getting in his face with a patronizing smile. Draco’s face twisted up in anger as his temper got worse, shoving his competition back with the side of his forearm, feeling satisfied when Trevor stumbled back.
“Funny,” he laughed darkly, “I seem to remember her already making that decision every single day while we’re snogging.”
Multiple gasps can be heard throughout the foyer, including your own as you gaped up at the blond, his eyes staying focused on Trevor as he looked taken aback.
“You trying to say she’s your girlfriend?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Your legs nearly gave out below you at his response. This was everything you had been hoping for recently, except not like this. But that still didn’t stop you from feeling giddy, however, the bliss of his revelation filling your entire body with glee. The ‘what are we?’ question being ripped from your mind with relief.
“Is that true?” Trevor asks you, a devastated look glazing over his eyes as you slowly nodded. He gives Draco one more pointed look, bumping shoulders with him before he stalked off into the Great Hall in a rush, everyone scattering around to go inside as well now that the show was over.
Draco turned to peer down at you, fury draining from his body as he admired you. He cupped your cheek, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the opposite side of your face before whispering hotly into your ear.
“If he tries anything with you again, let me know and I swear I’ll deal with him,” he pulls back from you, smiling at you innocently. “I’ll see you later, darling.”
And with that, he sends you a wink, turning around to saunter over to his eager minions while your friends immediately rush towards you with a million questions that you would inevitably have to answer. This was not at all how you expected the day to turn out, not in the slightest.
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