#noise monitoring device
acuvibelectronics · 3 months
In a fast-paced world, industries and businesses seek innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. An area that has seen significant advancements is noise monitoring technology, with the development of noise monitoring devices, systems, and equipment.
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katakaluptastrophy · 3 months
The Nine Houses are obviously deliberately technologically limited. Aside from having FTL capable spaceships, the most advanced piece of technology that we see in the Houses is "an electric transmitter box, with headphones and a mic." It's not clear entirely what sort of device this is, but it apparently requires you to stick an antenna out the window.
On New Rho, Cam has a beeping, and therefore presumably digital watch. Nona has to remind her that's it's called a "watch", and not the House term, "clockwork", which rather suggests House timepieces are analog.
There's a projector box embedded in the BoE conference table, which loads an image like dial up internet because they are "using shortwave" - presumably shortwave radio, which can transmit pictures. As We Suffer apologises for the slowness of the image loading because of shortwave, that suggests that other methods of transmitting an image do exist, but that for whatever reason they're not using those. Perhaps they do normally have something akin to the internet, but this is down due to the conditions on New Rho, or being avoided due to House or inter-cell monitoring.
The audio of Juno Zeta's proof of life is on "a little piece of electronics, a fingernail-shaped thing with prongs", which sounds like some kind of drive.
We also see We Suffer in the impromptu command centre in the tunnels with "a headpiece and a flip-top computer", presumably being used for some kind of communicatons or planning.
And of course, there's Cam and Pal's recorder, which from the descriptions of it making squeaks and garbled noises sounds rather like it might contain a cassette tape.
A paramilitary group on a beseiged planet may not be the best evidence for the level of technology outside of the Houses, but if it is in any way indicative, non-House society doesn't seem to have non-space travel technology beyond things that would have been available in the early 00s.
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little-pondhead · 2 months
Your Ancient History, Written In Wax
Danny knew he should have put better security around the Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep. It wasn’t even Vlad who opened it this time! The fruitloop was too busy doing his actual mayor duties because for some godforsaken reason, the man got re-elected.
No, it wasn’t Vlad. And it wasn’t Fright Knight, either. Nor the Observants. Who opened the Sarcophagus, then? Danny didn’t have time to find out as Pariah Dark promptly tore open a hole in reality and started hunting Danny down.
The battle was longer this time. He didn’t have the Ecto-Skeleton, as that was the first thing Pariah had destroyed. The halfa had grown a lot over the past few years, and learned some new tricks, but apparently sleeping in a magic ghost box meant that Pariah had absorbed a lot of power. The bigger ghost acted like a one-man army!
Amity Park was caught in the middle of the battle, but the residents made sure it went no further than that. Vlad and the Fentons made a barrier around the town to keep the destruction from leaking. Sam, Tucker, and Dani did crowd control while Danny faced the king head-on.
Their battle shook the Zone and pulled them wildly between the mortal plane and the afterlife. Sometimes, residents noticed a blow from Pariah transported them to the age of the dinosaurs, and Phantom’s Wail brought them to an unknown future. Then they were in a desert. Then a blazing forest. Then underwater. It went on like that, but no one dared step foot outside of Amity. They couldn’t risk being left behind.
It took ages to beat him, but eventually, Danny stood above the old ghost king, encasing his symbols of power in ice so they couldn’t be used again. He refused to claim the title for himself. Tired as he was, Danny handed the objects off to Clockwork for safe keeping and started repairing the damage Pariah had done to the town. The tear he’d made was too big to fix, for now, so no one bothered. They just welcomed their new ghostly neighbors with open arms and worked together to restore Amity Park.
Finally, the day came to bring down the barrier. People were gathered around the giant device the Fentons had built to sustain it. Danny had brought Clockwork to Amity, to double check that they had returned to the right time and dimension.
Clockwork assured everyone that they were in the right spot, and only a small amount of time had passed, so the Fentons gave the signal to drop the shield.
Very quickly did they discover that something was wrong. The air smelled different. The noise of the nearby city, Elmerton, was louder and more chaotic. Something was there that wasn’t before, and it put everyone on edge.
Clockwork smiled, made a remark about the town fitting in better than before, and disappearing before Danny could catch him.
Frantic, Danny had a few of his ghost buds stay behind to protect the town while he investigated.
He flew far and wide, steadily growing horrified at the changes the world had undergone. Heroes, villains, rampant crime and alien invasions. The Earth was unrecognizable. There were people moving around the stars like it was second nature and others raising dead gods like the apocalypse was coming. Magic and ectoplasm was everywhere, rather than following the ley lines like they were supposed to.
Danny returned to Amity.
The fight with Pariah had taken them through space and time. Somewhere along the way, they had changed the course of history so badly that this now felt like an alien world.
How was he supposed to fix this?
In the Watchtower, The Flash was wrapping up monitor duty while Impulse buzzed around him, a little more jittery than usual. The boy was talking a mile a minute, when alarms started blaring an alarming green. Flash had never seen this alarm before, and its crackling whine was grating on his ears.
Flash returned to the monitor, frantically clicking around to find the issue, but nothing was popping up. No major disasters, no invasions, no declarations of war. Nothing! What was causing the alarm?
Impulse swore and zipped to a window, pressing his face against it and staring down at Earth. “Fuck! It’s today isn’t it? I forgot!”
“What’s today?” Flash asked. He shot off a text to Batman, asking if it was an error. The big Bat said it wasn’t, and that he would be there soon.
“The arrival of Amity Park. I learned about this in school; the alarm always gives me headaches.”
Flash turned to his grandson, getting his attention. “Bart,” he stressed. “What are you talking about?”
Impulse barely glanced over his shoulder. Now that Flash was facing him, he could see a strong glow coming from Earth. “The first villain, first anti-villain, and the first hero,” he said anxiously. “They all protect the town of the original metas. They’re all here.”
“Here? Now??”
“Yeah? They weren’t before, but they are now. The first hero said there was time stuff involved, which was what inspired me to start practicing time travel in the first place.”
“I’m not following.”
“It’s okay. We should probably go welcome them before they tear apart Illinois, though. The history I remember says that some of them freaked and destroyed a chunk of the Midwest during a fight with each other.”
#dpxdc#pondhead blurbs#liminal amity park#I’ve seen stuff like this in the mhaxdp fandom and I eat it up every time#basically the fight with Pariah caused the town to jump through time a little#and while they THOUGHT they were keeping everything in#shit leaked out and tainted those points in time#so technically#historically and genetically speaking#Amity Park is the origin point for the meta gene and Danny made history as the first hero#because Clockwork is a little shit#everyone embodies a basic ability and it has grown from there#the flash family are direct descendants of Dani (speed force Dani for the win)#Dash is the reason super strength exists#so on and so forth#go buck wild#bart learned about it briefly in history class in the 30th century#practically hero worships them#booster gold knows about them too but in contrast to Bart’s excitement#booster is fucking terrified because there was a period where Amity Park rebelled against the US government#and he’s from that specific time#he learned to fear phantom because he lived during that part while Bart is from farther in the future when those issues got resolved#guess who’s chosen to welcome the town? >:)#if you’re wondering what happened to the GIW#they turned into the branch Amanda Waller runs#Danny is the first hero#Vlad the first villain#and Dani the first anti hero#there’s an arc where Danny is trying to fix things but clockwork won’t let him into the timestream and all the heroes are horrified#because yeah Danny is the OG but if he goes back in time to fix his ‘mistake’ what will happen to them?
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Reunited Again Aren't We?
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Lololol I felt bad I left you guys on a cliffhanger in "Troubles Unforeseen" so here's Vox's POV to the whole thing. Bro already has minor panic episodes when you go inactive so let's see how he deals with the fact you're just entirely gone. Oh and this chapter will feature a bit of the iconic radio demon because trolling Vox will never be unfunny to me HAHAHAHA.
A/N: This interlude's gonna be a wild ride, it's also gonna have some lore dumps because of Lucifer lolol. Hence it is fucking LONG- Btw please send me ideas for Vox and Reader now that they've reunited in death. Fluffy, angsty, smutty, doesn't really matter hahaha, I'm still going for the slowburn btw so please keep that in mind XD ANYWAYS- I hope you guys enjoy this interlude and as always, happy reading!
There was something wrong.
Like, really really wrong.
At least to a certain technology overlord.
Vox just couldn't get rid of the sick feeling he had in his gut.
It had been just a few hours after you said you'd leave for the party.
Knowing that, he tried to just distract himself with his work and hoping the feeling would go away.
Only to find himself counting minutes as nothing seemed to change.
Against his better judgement, he found himself shooting you a quick message.
He was just checking in on you, no harm no foul right?
"Hey doll, how's the party?"
He stared at the phone for a bit, wishing you'd reply and quickly put his paranoia and nerves to rest.
Instead, Vox was quickly reminded that he had a broadcast in a few minutes by his secretary.
He just really couldn't shake that ominous feeling.
Despite that, he put on a charming smile and just went about his business.
Unfortunately, he'd lost track of time after getting swarmed up by work.
So it was only hours later that Vox was able to check back in on you.
And to his dismay, there was still nothing from your end.
You didn't even see his message.
He tries to convince himself that he's just being paranoid.
That there really wasn't anything wrong.
But as he was staring at the screens connected to your gadgets hoping for even just the slightest activity-
The one that showed your phone suddenly fizzled out into static and abhorrently loud white noise.
He recoiled from the loud noise before the panic finally settled in.
Vox had known you for almost two years-
And this hadn't happened once.
The screen where your phone's interface had once been just went back to being one of his typical monitors.
Displaying statistics, graphs, surveillance and whatnot.
The overlord quickly checked if he could still interact with your laptop and tablet and breathed a sigh of relief when he could.
Especially when he could still control that little desktop version he made in his likeness for you.
So, maybe things didn't entirely go to shit.
But still-
What fucking happened?!
He kinda goes off the walls blowing up your notifications or trying to get your attention through the devices he was still tied to.
Which only makes his anxiety worse when there's still no response from you at all.
At this point, it's been a few hours since you've completed dropped off the radar and Vox was just not having a great time.
Were you still at the party or something???
That was of course until a news article appeared as a notification on your laptop.
Vox knew he shouldn't have cared about it much, it was probably just another one of those internet clickbait things anyway.
Especially with the headline.
"Students Injured by Drunk Driver, One Dead"
Who wouldn't think that was an exaggerated story?
But something in the back of his mind demanded that he check it.
It was probably the paranoia filling up with just all the worst possible scenarios.
The overlord just shook his head, he'll check it just to prove to himself you weren't part of it.
Just anything that could tell him that you were okay.
But the second he opened the article to read through it-
Vox immediately felt his stomach drop.
He could immediately identify the bloodied individuals in the headline picture.
It was your group of friends that had gotten caught in that accident.
And it was you who'd gotten killed.
Seeing you bloodied and battered in the outfit you so proudly showed him mere hours ago made him feel downright horrid.
It was like he couldn't even breathe.
No way!
It couldn't be, it was just someone that looked like you!
It had to be!
Was what the overlord tried to tell himself.
But when he scrolled down the page and saw your name written in the article as the one unfortunate death-
Vox knew for certain that he didn't see wrong.
The sick feeling he'd been getting was his instincts giving him a warning.
A warning he didn't heed.
And it costed you.
He sat there in his chair for a minute trying to process it all, especially when the overwhelming guilt finally hit.
Vox wasn't ever one to feel that way, especially in his ruthless line of work.
Not to mention how he generally is a cutthroat businessman who would do anything to get what he wanted.
But when it came to you, he felt immense regret for not having better painted his worry.
That he didn't tell you something felt really off.
It was a new kind of weight at the moment, especially when he was still shell shocked from the blitzkrieg of information.
And even if you still chose to go to the party-
He still could have warned you.
And that was a fact he couldn't let go.
Holding his screen in his hands, Vox just sat there trying to calm himself down.
He definitely couldn't just go back to work like this.
This was bad.
He couldn't remember the last time he felt this kind of overwhelming anxiety.
Was that it?
Would he ever see you again?
Or had he lost you for good?
The overlord was about to kind of just let his emotions run it's course until another realization hit him.
It only popped up in his mind when he saw some random surveillance footage of the city on another one of his monitors.
If you were dead-
There was a chance you could be down here.
He highly doubted it given your nature-
But there was still a chance.
He hadn't lost you yet.
So that was how Vox found himself rapidly traveling through wires and cameras all over pentagram city just holding onto a thread of hope that you would be around somewhere.
Velvette had given him an odd look when he just bolted of the Vee tower like his own ass was on fire but he couldn't bring himself to care.
The priority was you.
As he had unfortunately realized over time.
Zapping himself around through some cables, and cameras wasn't hard.
Tiring as he continued to do it but moving around like a shock of electricity was nothing new to the overlord of technology.
The problem now being that Vox had absolutely no idea where to even begin looking.
Pentagram city was huge, there was his tech and products in nearly every corner.
Aside from Alastor's stupid hotel-
And maybe cannibal town-
So it wasn't that difficult for him to get places.
But where would he even start?
It was unlike him to do something in such a sporadic manner.
Appearing here, appearing there-
Just to check, just to see.
He'd completely lost his cool in his panic and tried to picture what you'd look like as a sinner.
If there's one thing Vox had grown to recognize and love about you, it was your bright eyes.
That gaze that always looked at him with either cheer or mischief.
He was certain that wouldn't have changed even if you were launched into heaven or hell.
Problem was that didn't narrow his options at all.
How was he supposed to know how your other physical features would translate once you were down here?
Hell, he had a TV for a head!
The overlord zapped himself out of a nearby CCTV camera with a huff.
He couldn't keep traveling like that unless he wanted to exhaust himself before he'd even searched half of the pride ring.
So he straightened out his bow and brushed off his suit before just walking down the sidewalk and subtly searching that way.
He wasn't phased when some sinners took pictures of him, nor did he have the capacity to even care.
As long as they didn't get in his way, he left them be.
So imagine his surprise at the sense of familiarity he got passing by someone staring at the display TV screens on one of his many stores.
He swears he's never seen the person before, but there was something about their vibe that just hit like a sense of Deja vu.
Looking over at the sinner that seemed to even be amused at one of his broadcast reruns-
He got a good look of your face.
Your gaze really didn't change.
"Huh, so this is what he does down here. Goofy ass TV-"
And that was your voice.
He wouldn't mistake that anywhere.
You screamed in shock before you turned your equally surprised gaze to him.
When you met his eyes, Vox knew for sure it was you.
You dropped the bag you were holding and immediately tackled him in a hug.
The overlord opened his arms instinctively to catch you, but he was caught off guard by your sudden movement that he ended up falling backwards and landing on his ass with you in his hold.
He couldn't really say anything when you were just rambling on and on into his chest about who knows what.
Vox couldn't even keep track of what you said.
He was just too relieved to still have you around.
It took a brief moment for him to tighten his hug on you, fearing that if he let go you would disappear.
The both of you stayed like that for a good while, until a certain princess Morningstar and her girlfriend found the two of you.
"(Y/N) get away from him!"
Vox could only compare how fast you whipped your head around to the times he'd caught you doing something silly.
Subconsciously his hold tightened on you as Vaggie approached, how in Lucifer's name did they even know you were here?
"No! I'd been looking for Vox ever since I ended up down here! I know he's not going to hurt me!"
He was more surprised at how quick you were to defend him, especially since-
You'd been looking for him ever since you ended up in hell?
He couldn't catch the rest of the conversation you had with Vaggie and Charlie as he was too busy buffering.
By the time he'd finally been able to pay attention again, you were helping him stand back up with a bashful smile.
And that was when his worry finally reared it's ugly head.
"Wh- How the fuck are you even down here?! I told you to be careful and you'd gotten yourself killed?!"
"As if that's my fucking fault! How was I supposed to know I was gonna die that night?!"
The both of you go back and forth for a little while and you slowly calmed Vox down from his emotional rollercoaster.
He only noticed he was shaking slightly when you grabbed his hand and smiled at him.
A smile Vox was scared he'd never even see again.
He felt a little funny with your hand in his, not to mention just how small your palms were against his own.
"I'm okay now, see? You're such a worry wart."
"I could've lost you, why wouldn't I be?"
You just flick his screen with your free hand in response, but Vox didn't miss the slight red that dusted your cheeks accompanying your pout.
It was only then that he was able to get a good look at you.
He wanted to both laugh and scream at the fact you seemed to have taken traits of a doe, ears and all.
It was like Alastor just had to give him a middle finger no matter what he did.
He also noticed your outfit was the same as the one you had died in, which was probably a hint that you hadn't been down here for long.
Plus, you were just...
Well, you only stood up to his chest so you just seemed small in comparison to him.
A soft cough brought his attention away from you.
"Hey there Mr. Vox! I see you're well acquainted with (Y/N)!"
Vox was about to just shrug off Charlie's greeting and leave with you when he noticed your stern gaze.
Oh fine, he'll play nice.
"You can just call me Vox, princess. No need for the formalities. It's a pleasure meeting you!"
He returned, extending his free hand to shake with his signature grin propped up on his screen.
Charlie just smiled and shook his hand, introducing herself and Vaggie.
Well, he already knew who they were but he played along.
"Oh just call me Charlie and this is Vaggie, we were actually just shopping with (Y/N) before you appeared?"
Vox raised an eyebrow at you but you just nonchalantly pointed to the dropped groceries nearby the two of you just sitting on the sidewalk.
So that was what you were holding before you tackled him.
Before he could respond to Charlie however, you beat him to it.
"Saaaaaay why don't you go back to the hotel with us?"
"Excuse me?"
"I mean I'd reckon it's not like you have anything else to do if you're out here."
Vox didn't really know how he was supposed to react first.
One, he was done with the day's work so you had him kind of cornered.
It wasn't like he could say no to you anyway-
And two, the hotel-
If Charlie and Vaggie were here with you then he could assume what hotel you were talking about.
And he was absolutely livid because he knew fucking Alastor was there.
And you were staying there?!
Though it seems like you heard his thoughts and poked his screen to snap him out of it.
"Oh and don't worry about Alastor, I've been a pain in his side ever since I came to the hotel. He's just really easy to piss off, kind of like you actually- and it's entertaining to watch."
Vox just gave you an annoyed glare from the comparison to which you shrugged.
Though when he weighed his options, maybe it was for the best that you stayed at the hotel despite his rival being there.
It was probably the safest space in hell at the moment-
Especially with how they were able to drive away the exorcists.
That and...
He wasn't so sure about having you in the same space as Valentino.
The pimp already blew up at him when you were just on his phone-
How much more if you guys were in the same room?
He broke from that train of thought though when you just suddenly started messing with his bow tie.
Tugging and poking, Vox couldn't help but find your behaviors as puzzling as it was cute.
He gaze softened slightly at you before he chuckled.
"Just what do you think you're doing doll?"
"Messing with your tie, what else?"
"Hmm, I can see that. Mind telling me why?"
"Cuz I can? Besides- do you wear this outfit all the time?"
"Only when I'm working, aren't you curious."
"Eh, it's all I've seen you wear so I figured I'd ask. Besides, this is the first time we've physically met."
Vox missed the weird glance Charlie and Vaggie gave the both of you.
Not that he would've noticed anyway when you were busy taking up all his attention.
Eventually, you were able to talk the tech overlord into walking you back to the hotel.
He felt a little weird when you finally let go of his hand to pick up the groceries you'd dropped but he wasn't sure why.
Well, more like you were dragging him along.
Charlie and Vaggie were talking excitedly in the front as he just strolled alongside you.
He wasn't really paying attention to them.
"I don't actually know much about what happened in the accident, just that it was a car crash. Speaking of- how did you know I died?"
"A news article popped up on your computer, I almost thought it was clickbait at first."
"Huh, well at least I ended up on the news!"
You both fell seamlessly into conversation all the way on your walk.
And despite you just behaving the same Vox was familiar with, seeing your reactions in person was a completely different experience.
Your energy was almost contagious even.
Vox just intended to drop you off at the hotel and return to his tower-
But you being you, decided to drag him inside despite his protests.
Charlie and Vaggie went ahead inside with the groceries while you once again grabbed Vox's hand to take him inside.
The overlord could already feel all eyes on him the second he stepped through the doors.
Talk about awkward.
"Greetings old pal! What brings you around here?"
Vox visibly cringed when he heard Alastor, forcing his trademark smile onto his face before looking at the deer.
Everyone already seemed to be taking cover for the inevitable fight that was going to happen between the two overlords when-
"Cut the shit Alastor, I don't need you antagonizing Vox when I want to chill out with him."
Vox didn't even have room to reply when your voice immediately cut through the tension like a knife through butter.
Even he looked at you with slightly widened eyes, did you just not fear Alastor at all?
In hindsight, Vox realized you didn't seem to fear him at all when you guys met so was this really unexpected?
The radio demon only narrowed his eyes at you in annoyance, static starting to surround him and you simply crossed your arms.
"If this is meant to be scary, I suggest trying something else. Cuz, you're honestly kinda just being creepy."
Alastor tilted his head before suddenly laughing off your words, your own deer ears pinning back in irritation.
"Why I was just trying to say hello my dear! No need to get so hostile!"
"Don't call me that. It's either my name or nothing ya weirdo."
That piqued Vox's interest, you never had any issues with his petnames-
And yet it seems like you had every bone to pick with his rival.
Was that because of him???
He bit back a laugh and just continued to spectate your exchange.
"If you do insist (Y/N), but I will say you have a terrible taste in companions."
You just flipped Alastor the bird and Vox raised an eyebrow at you.
He didn't even have to say a word to the deer before he disappeared back into the shadows.
"So what was that about who antagonizing who?"
"So much as say another word about this exchange I'm going to punch your screen in Vox."
"That's if you can reach it dollface."
And just like that, you both fell back into your usual banter.
The others would've thought you and Vox were arguing if it weren't for the seemingly genuine grins on both your faces.
There wasn't an air of hostility around you and Vox like when you confronted Alastor.
It was friendly, which was... weird to say the least.
All the more for the current residents of the hotel.
You were a new arrival, so the fact you were so buddy-buddy with one media overlord while having every bone to pick with the other was a little confusing.
Not to mention that Vox was kind of just... there.
Like he wasn't trying to strike up a deal, or even do anything to the hotel.
Was he there just for you???
That fact made them more concerned about your backstory than anything.
When a lull in the conversation between you and Vox finally hit, Angel spoke up.
"Say uh, toots. How'd you end up down here?"
You didn't seem to mind the nickname this time, instead simply shrugging nonchalantly.
Vox was sure now you just said you had problems with it because it was Alastor.
"That's actually a good question. I've got no idea."
"Seriously? Then how do you explain the fact you're friends with like- hell's biggest media overlord?!"
"Oh that? I met Vox when I was alive. No biggie though."
Vox just snickered from everyone's dumbfounded expressions.
Of course he could leave it to you to completely misunderstand just how important the title of "overlord" is.
"I think I might be able to help figure out why you're down here (Y/N)."
It almost entirely caught Vox off guard when Lucifer of all people suddenly made his presence known.
Not to mention the guy was just really short.
Like- wow.
You'd think with all the paintings and tales he'd be a bit more intimidating too but nope.
Vox just looked over at you next to him while you just gratefully gave Lucifer a hug and accepted his offer.
Seems like he wasn't wrong when he mentioned that you could easily make friends anywhere in the past.
The overlord nodded his head slightly to acknowledge the king of hell but was more focused on what he was going to do to help.
It wasn't like they could just watch your entire life on rewind-
Or could they?
Vox just watches as Lucifer uses his magic to form this... golden orb thing in front of everyone.
So color him shocked when it suddenly starts playing some of your memories.
From when you met him because of the ouija board incident-
Up until the point you died.
Was he the reason for your damnation???
Was that why the orb showed that??
"So that's how you guys know each other- don't see anything that could've caused you to be down here though. Let's go farther back."
Now the overlord was completely stumped.
Just what.
Okay, maybe he jumped to conclusions too soon.
Apparently, from skimming through your memories- it seems like the main reason why you were down here with the rest of them-
Was because you stole a candy bar when you were like- five.
"And you were worried about not meeting me."
"I mean, how was I supposed to know I was damned since I was FIVE?! What the hell is this bullshit?!"
Vox could only laugh at you throwing a hissy fit, everyone else around you still being a little confused and dumbfounded that you were in hell for such a small and kind of idiotic reason.
"It's not funny Vox! I can't believe I'm stuck down here because of a fucking candy bar!"
"I thought you didn't mind being down here?"
"Oh trust me I don't, I'm good with wherever you are. But I could've at least gone down for a cooler reason! Fucking hell!"
He couldn't help but smile fondly as you continued to rant.
It wasn't the first time he'd seen you like this, but he always found it cute anyway.
Screens between you both or not.
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megu-meow · 1 year
Triangle - Gojo Satoru
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girldad!gojo x wife.reader
Summary: Satoru's wife and his daughter gossip about him.
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Something seems fishy. And no, it's not how fast Satoru's one and only daughter is suddenly five years old, despite all of his efforts to keep her a little baby. No, he's slowly getting over that. It's the way that little rascal and her mama, the love of Satoru's life, keep giggling every time he walks into a room. It's the muffled voices he hears as he turns away from the two of them and the whispered words he cannot quite comprehend. There's only one logical conclusion to draw here: his girls are gossiping about him behind his back.
So Satoru opts for the only reasonable solution to the situation at hand: he climbs the unsteady ladder that leads to the attic, on a quest to find the old baby monitor so that he can place it under the couch, waiting on the other end to catch his girls in the act. He's rummaging through boxes, sneezing every other second from the amount of dust, but he's determined to find the listening device. This cannot go on any longer. He's making a huge mess and a lot of noise as well, he's glad that his little mochi is at kindergarten and you are currently on a mission on the other side of Tokyo. The dust gets increasingly unbearable, Satoru has to turn on his Infinity (something he never does when he's home) so that the small particles cannot reach his nose and the white-haired sorcerer gets more irritated with each passing minute.
"Ha! Found it!" he exclaims with joy as he fishes out the pink walkie-talkie-like device from underneath some baby overalls, ones that bring tears into his eyes as he remembers his baby girl wearing them when she was an infant. However, the other end of the monitor is not in the same box and he huffs out an irritated sigh, continuing to look through the box right next to it. Fortunately, he finds it quickly and climbs down the ladder, and runs to the living room, leaving one end of the baby monitor under the couch, just like he planned. Usually, his baby girls wait for him to get home sitting on the sofa, watching cartoons, and he relies the success of his quest on the consistency of your routine. Suddenly, he senses your cursed energy and hears the excited yells of his little mochi from outside the entrance, so he runs up the stairs, getting into his hiding place in the closet connected to your shared bedroom.
The front door opens and he hears your daughter running in as you warn her to take her shoes off before getting into the living room. She obeys because she's a goodie two shoes and Gojo gets excited to finally hear what his girls have been saying about him.
"Are you hungry, sweetie?" you ask the little girl that resembles her father perfectly with her white hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.
"Yes! Can we eat mochi for dinner?" the little girl exclaims and Satoru smiles to himself, proud that his daughter has developed the same addiction to sugary treats as him.
You lecture her on how mochi doesn't classify as dinner, but you promise she can have some after eating a proper meal, and you mention how probably her father is going to bring home some sweets when he gets back. Satoru smiles again upon hearing that, you know him like the back of your hand.
Making dinner takes way too long, feeding your daughter is even more time-consuming and Gojo is getting more impatient as time passes by. He fights the urge to just abandon his plan and join the two of you, spending time with his two girls is his favorite activity after all. However, as he gets up, stretching his limbs, he finally hears his daughter ask an unusual question.
"Mama? Why did Dada change his wizard clothes?"
"Because he's the Strongest, honey, and sometimes his clothes get torn apart."
"But he looks like a triangle now, no Mama?" you laugh out loud upon hearing her words and Satoru is hurt. Deeply.
"Yes, little one, he does look like a triangle." you agree with the toddler and the giggling continues, offending Gojo even more.
"He also smells." she adds with a familiar chuckle, one that mirrors her father's perfectly. You do not disagree, you keep laughing at your daughter's words, and Satoru bolts up in frustration, he runs down the stairs with unusual force and determination, and he stops in front of you with a deep frown on his face, his hands questioningly on his hips.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK LIKE A TRIANGLE? AND I SMELL? WE ALL KNOW MY ESSENCE IS LIKE A FRESH SUMMER GARDEN?! FLOWERY, EARTHY AND MASCULINE!" he exclaims with a large smile on his face, not taking the whole situation seriously, but he pouts at the end of his monologue, urging your beloved daughter to jump into his hands as she doesn't know that her father is doing this on purpose to get limitless attention.
"I'm sorry, Papa, Mama said bad about you and I agreed to get mochi." the toddler says while kissing her father on the cheeks lovingly, a bad habit she learned from said buffoon.
"My kikufuku?! You're saying Mama doesn't love me?" he acts like he's deeply hurt, looking at his favorite girls in adoration. Your daughter just simply nods, not able to look either Satoru or you in the eyes, a clear sign of her being dishonest. If there's one thing neither of the Gojo's standing in front of you were good at, it was being able to sell a lie. They were terrible at it and you didn't mind. You stand up, walking closer to your family, embracing them in a big hug, kissing their foreheads lovingly.
"Mama only loves me!" the toddler exclaims, reaching her little arms towards you, signaling to her father that she wants to be held by you.
"You see, little one, I would have believed you when you said Mama was saying bad things about me and you only agreed to get mochi from me, but I knew you were lying when you said she didn't love me. So I win!" Satoru explains and the toddler hides her face into the crook of your neck from being caught and "deeply hurt".
"Satoru, love, you have to give her mochi now to feel better!" you chime in lovingly and your husband runs out of the living room, into the kitchen to give you the treats he bought on his way home.
"Look at his chicken legs!" you exclaim, pointing in his direction to get your daughter's attention. The toddler in your arms starts laughing loudly and the white mop of Satoru's hair appears from the entrance of the kitchen, a frown evident on his face.
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marvelfanfics1 · 1 year
Breathe With Me
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Summary: You're having an asthma attack in the middle of the night and your daddies are quick to help and comfort you.
Pairing: daddy!stucky x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, asthma attack, angst?, fluff
Steve groaned when he got woken up by a noise he couldn't really figure out yet with how sleepy he was. He turned on his other side and could now hear that the noises came from the baby monitor.
He picked the device up and heard you coughing a few times, thinking you would settle down by yourself but the coughing didn't stop and he started to worry.
He started shaking Bucky awake when you started wheezing.
"Steve? What time is it?" Bucky mumbled into his pillow while Steve got up and made his way to your room.
Opening the door, he instantly rushed over to you when he saw how you were clawing at your chest, still coughing and wheezing.
"Deep breaths, sweetheart. Here just like daddy." he said and inhaled, you tried to do the same but you simply couldn't.
You shook your head while tears started to flow down your red cheeks. "Can't- breathe"
"Bucky! Get the inhaler!" he shouted and you jumped at the loud noise, your breathing getting shorter each second.
Your vision started to blur and your body swayed itself back and forth a little.
You could register Steve's and Bucky's worried voices, trying to reach out for one of them until you felt Bucky sitting behind you supporting your body while Steve held the inhaler against your lips.
You opened your mouth and tried to focus on your daddy. "Alright, three, two, one" he gave you one puff, sighing in relief when you started to calm down and gave you a second one just in case.
"There we go, in and out, that's our good girl" Bucky whispered in your ear, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
When you fully calmed down you wiped away the remaining tears and held one arm out again for Steve.
"M tired daddy." you mumbled and rubbed your eyes.
"I know sweetie. Let's go back to sleep, you can sleep in our bed tonight" he smiled and picked you up, carrying you to their bedroom while Bucky grabbed your favorite stuffie and one of your spare pacis.
Steve laid you back down in the middle of their bed, climbing in beside you and making sure you're all comfortable. Bucky soon joined you both, handing you your comfort items you instantly popped your pacifier in.
You sighed and started to close your eyes, feeling safe being squished between your big daddies and your legs tangled together.
for everything
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight
for Stucky
@almostcontentcreator @stuckysgirl27
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icu-fetish · 7 days
Petra on ventilator
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Petra woke up and realized that she was in the hospital. Fear arose in her heart, because she could not move due to paralysis. Her lungs could no longer cope on their own, so doctors immediately connected her to a ventilator.
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She could feel a long, flexible breathing tube being inserted all the way to her lungs. A nurse carefully placed a clear plastic breathing tube holder over her face. Additionally, four sensors were neatly attached to Petra's forehead to accurately monitor her vitals.
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Petra can only observe what is happening around her, which causes her incredible fear. She is completely dependent on the medical devices to which she is connected, because without them her life could end at any moment.
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Thus, Petra found herself in a state where she was deprived of the ability to move, speak or breathe on her own, and what was worse, she could not understand the reason for this. When her sister came to her, who, as it turned out, had no intention of helping, Petra realized that it was the sister who injected her with the paralyzing agent.
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Despite her condition, Petra felt a slight return of mobility, but the nurse quickly administered a new dose of medication. As a result, Petra lost the ability to react and fell asleep.
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Faced with an unexpected betrayal by the person closest to her, Petra experienced acute shock and despair. In her immobile state, when her life was supported only by an artificial respiration apparatus, Petra's possibilities for any actions were extremely limited.
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She could only hope for help from outsiders and try to convey messages without words, for example by blinking her eyes. However, because other medical personnel did not pay attention to her signals, Petra's chances of survival seemed extremely small.
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The paralyzed woman has been motionless in a hospital bed for a long time, able only to observe and listen to the continuous hum of medical devices. The fear of the noise of the ventilator filled her, but she was aware that it was this ventilator that was keeping her alive.
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The sister took Petra to her home, where she will continue to be paralyzed and on a ventilator.
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Sooner or later, Petra will have to undergo a tracheostomy so that she can be permanently connected to a ventilator. Perhaps Petra will find a way to communicate with others and reveal the truth about her sister's betrayal...
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pocket-watcher · 6 days
“It’s interesting, with a power set so vast you must have some weakness just as broad to balance you out.” The scientist said as they poked and prodded you.
You laughed nervously. “What? No. That’s ridiculous. I don’t have any weaknesses.”
And you believed that, of course. Fire resistance, high pain thresholds, and you no longer had your fear of heights! Turns out saving people 20 stories up really helps with exposure therapy!
“Biologically speaking, everything has a weakness. Predators have blind spots, they’re scared of noise, they can’t conceal their blood like prey can. So… what’s your weakness?” The scientist mused once more, not asking you specifically but more as if asking the universe.
You took a deep breath and tried not to panic. This was one of the top scientists in the country, here to help you, not to take you down.
“Are you okay?” They asked, innocently.
Too innocent.
They looked up as you looked down. Nose to nose.
Your head shot upwards to avoid their stare.
“Yeah! I-I’m fine. Just… you know…” You rocked your head slightly trying to think of another topic to talk about. “So… what do you think my weakness is?”
Their eyes lit up.
In a flash they rounded up a box and began showing your data.
Despite your enhanced intelligence your brain couldn’t keep up with the speed at which they spoke.
“-and if you look at this graph here, you’ll find what’s really interesting is the activity in your prefrontal cortex spikes! At the same time your right medial temporal lobe starts working overtime, like a forceful relaxant. It’s like somehow a specific combination of lights and patterns overrides your brain like a giant helping of melatonin!”
They blinked at you. “Aha… got a little excited there. Maybe a demonstration would help?”
You began to agree as they span you into a seat and wheeled you through the lab.
Dear god these scientists were fearless, you thought.
When you came to a stop you were hooked up to several wires, a heart-rate monitor, some strange-looking device holding your head in place (and possibly scanning it too?) and your arms pinned down… not that those restraints could do much. You’d bench pressed a 747 before lunch.
“Okay. So, I want you to listen to the voice coming out of the speakers and to watch the screen. Okay?”
You nodded, still unsure, but that unsureness seemed to disappear instantly once the screen began flashing.
The colours were too fast for you to register. The voice was repeating words that both you couldn’t understand but also rewrote your brain.
You felt your mouth hang open and your body go limp. You were vulnerable, incapacitated, all within a single minute of this scientist hooking you up to the machine.
“It’s just as I thought! How do you feel?” They asked, lifting your limp wrist and dropping it down before scribbling more notes.
You couldn’t have answered even if you wanted to.
They checked your pupils for responses and studied the data, whilst you sat there staring at the screen. Listening to the constant flow of unintelligible words.
“Okay! We should probably get you outta there, huh?” They said as they flipped the machine off.
It took you a while to fully come to your senses.
“…What was that?” You asked, incredulously.
“That was your weakness. Theorised, and now proven.”
You didn’t know what to do. You’d never been made to feel so small. So at the mercy of someone else.
“You had no right.”
You stopped. The safety of the world was at stake. If this information fell into the wrong hands…
“Woah there, we’re the only ones here! I won’t tell anyone. I promise…”
You felt an “if” coming.
“If you let me run more tests like that? We can work together, see if we can find a way for you to resist it.” The scientist smiled kindly.
You felt scared for the first time in a long time. Scared of what someone could make you do. How they could make you feel.
“Fine. If that’s the price to keep you from talking, we can run more tests.” You settled.
“Great! I promise you won’t regret it!” The scientist waved you out of the room. Once you were out of earshot they typed out a message:
It worked just as you said it would. I’ll start working on the conditioning pronto. You sure I shouldn’t have tried turning them now?
A phone pinged back a moment later:
No… slow and steady wins the race my friend. Great work.
Somewhere, a villain smiled at her phone, dreaming of a subservient hero.
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trash----panda · 3 months
Gt thing i dreamed about
The smaller inhabitants of this planet have no idea how long this massive creature has been here, they call it the Wanderer, most avoid it cause of how large it is. It travels all over the continent, searching for strange obelisks, the Mink are a delivery sysytem of information, they monitor it's activities and report back to the public.
It was Shawn's turn to watch it, and for once, it tripped on a tree root, the device it was carrying breaking, it spoke a strange language he couldnt make out. It just sounded angry. Not too far away from himself he spotted a shiny little orb looking piece, without thinking much of it, he snuck out to collect it. As he was looking it over he noticed the Wanderer had gone silent. He looked up to see it starring down at him, his blood ran cold as his brain started to list the ways this thing could kill him. He braced himself when the thing reached out, squeezing his eyes shut...
"😅😀" it just took the piece he had and walked away. He paused, standing there for a moment before his legs finally gave out under him, what just happened.... RIGHT he had to report this. He struggled to stand, eventually making it to the nearest station, quickly notifying everyone. The system honestly wasnt the greatest, more like spreading gossip than information, you always had to hear it from someone.
Since Shawn made the discovery he requested to continue following it. Hurrying to catch up when permission was granted. When he spotted it it had found another obelisk. Setting the device down and pressing something against it, making it hum for a second before changing from a black to a dull green. Shawn watched dumbfounded, they never knew what those did but it seemed to like them a lot. He flinched when the Wanderer stood up, they didnt look so good, come to think of it he hadnt seen them eating before. They started moving again, but this got him thinking maybe this is why it tripped earlier. His little tail flicked around a bit as he thought, Garol wasnt far, maybe he could get supplies, he'd have to be fast though.
It took him just under an hour to get there and back, slowed by the fact he was carrying extra supplies. He was worried he'd lost track of the Wanderer. Lucky for him they'd seemed to collapse at some point after he left, he wasnt sure it was even alive. Being cautious as he approached it's face.
The eyes. Those big green eyes focused on him again, making his heart jump a little.
It furrowed it's brows a little, probably confused since the Minks usually avoided them. Shawn glanced at it's mouth, unsure how he should do this. Using his hand to gently tap their lips, pretty sure he was about to lose a hand. Surprisingly it seemed to comply, just as nervous as him opening it's mouth. This, homestly made him excited, it could be communicated with, he threw off his backpack and cautiously threw a few loafs of bread in for it, watching anxiously. He didnt even notice the hand coming up behind him, screaming a little when touched, it made the other recoil a bit before attempting again. He was tense but quickly relaxed when it pet him, making a soft noise he figured was supposed to be a thanks. He knew this was more to report but that wasnt an issue he was worried about.
As soon as they had some strength they got up to wander again, seeming to ignore Shawn's protest. He was hesitant but ended up climbing their leg to try and get up to their shoulder. For the first time he was pretty sure he scared the Wanderer for a second, when it made the same noise he did earlier, it probably didnt like people climbing on it but it resisited swatting him off. He settled in on it's shoulder, leaning against it's neck.
"if you're gonna go im going too" he knew it didnt understand
But he wanted to voice his actions regardless. The giant stood there a moment, starring, before starting to walk. They were slower and more tense with the other on them, afraid of knocking him off. He started to notice where they were going, he knew there was another obelisk this way but... there were also wolves, could this thing really beat those. He absent mindedly looked them over, trying to determine their fighting skills, not noticing till they shivered his tail was tickling their neck. He grabbed it and pulled it close. Apologizing.
Contrary to what others reported it did stop at night, sitting down by a tree with a soft sigh. Shawn carfully climbed down, telling it where he was going even if it didnt understand and running off to report. These newer reports had caught other's attention, the talk of near by towns being if they should approach it. The Baron still claimed they are not allowed to but that didnt stop rumors from spreading.
Shawn came back with a little extra bread, figuring he could feed it again. But it wasnt there. That's when his heart sank a little, it smelled like dog over here. He hurried over to the tree, grimacing when he saw the blood smearer against the bark. The grads near by tainted as well. He wanted to call out but... if those things found him. He heard a twig snap, something big approaching. It was that same feeling creeping up again, his legs wouldnt move, he could only watch as the Wanderer came out. Covered in cuts and bruises, dragging a carcass behind it. It didnt acknowledge him, he wasnt sure it could even see him in the darkness. It just tossed the wolf aside and started to prepare a camp fire. So thay's what it ate? Wolves? He didnt know what to think, his heart still racing as he watched it prepare. It lit the fire, turning around to collect the meat, finally spotting him. This time he knew for sure he scared it, it fell back with a yelp, he'd never seen something so big so scared of him. That was enought to break the tension, he laughed, his body relaxing a little as those same hands that once terrified him quickly started checking him for wounds. Like they werent the ones soaked in blood. He pushed them away gently, trying to reassure it, it took awhile but it finally backed off to cook. Glancing nervously at him every few minutes.
So it didnt have night vision and it worried about someone as small as Shawn. He started to think about it, noticing it checked him for wounds, but he didnt fight. It dawned on him, it couldnt see so it thought it hurt him. His tail wagged a little bit, watching this strange creature. This thing really was interesting.
It used the fur to repair it's clothes, carving bone into tools, preparing the meat to last over a travel, and burrying what it didnt use. That's why they never found what it ate, they burried it. He watched it scratch at a scab formed on it's neck, it probably didnt have any medicine, he was debating if he had the money to get enough to help something so big. He flinched a little when it approached him, offering it's hand so he didnt need to climb. He blushed a little before climbing on, being brought up to it's shoulder as carfully as it could. It walked with more confidence this time, probably helped it got actual food. He was a little more confident they were safe on this route after last night. His only real concern being what it will do when it encounters a lake in the way. This would be interesting.
It travelled till sunset, having to sit down again, offering him some of the meat which he happily ate, it was rare he got anything like wolf, not to mention travelled so far so fast. His train of thought was broken by a light coming from it's device. It was checking something, he assumed all the symbols were language. They pressed on the screen, pausing the string of information to reread it. He glanced at them, noticing how... Well it was an uneasy look. He tried to reach up and tap their cheek, falling off when his foot slipped. He didnt fall as far as he thought he would, the ground below him... Oh it was the hand. Their hair was puffed up a bit, he didnt mean to keep scaring them. They put him on the ground so he couldnt fall, their cheeks an off red color. He didnt know this thing could blush! He jumped to try and tap it's knee, wanting it's attention. The Wanderer finally looked at him, still looking kinda anxious. How was he gonna do this. He tried to gesture to the device and then at them, communication was a lot harder than he thought. They starred for a moment, trying to put two and two together. Something clicked for them, adjusting how they were sitting so they could draw in the dirt
It hesitated, trying it's best. Circling him.
0-------> 💥💥💥💥🔥🔥
It starred, waiting for him to get it. He walked around it a bit, perplexed by what it could mean, pointing to 🏠 "what"
🙋-------> 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦
He starred a little more, starting to understand. His heart sinking a little as he starred at the second one.
"so.... we die? If you go home?" It seemed to understand that, glancing away. He wasnt sure what to make of it, sitting down next to it so it knew he wasnt mad. He could feel it starring though, obviously worried it upset him. He sat there for a moment before sighing, catching it's attention as he got up. Going over to the drawings.
0 ----> 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦
He sat down in the circle, huffing a little. It just starred at him, it was unnerving. As if it didnt know what to think. He didnt know how it would react, pretty sure it'd be pissed. Watching as it laid down on it's belly so it was at eye level. The noise it made, could only be described as a whimper, catching him completely off guard, their hand gently carressing his side. He pat it to try and reassure them, noticing that they were crying now he hurried to climb the arm they were resting their head behind. Struggling to get up as he spouted apologies. He managed to grab onto their nose, trying his best to hug them, he wasnt big enough to make them feel better damn it. All he could do was keep apologizing. They adjusted a little, gently cupping him against their cheek, the skin felt warm and kinda sticky, probably from the crying but he didnt mind, just wanting to help the big lug calm down. He gently stroked their cheek till their grip loosened and the noises slowly go quieter. He wriggled free, noticing they'd fallen asleep crying. It was just like a big kid, probably was a kid. He hesitated....he didnt have to report this... He nestled in against their face. He was just gonna stay here, so when they wake up, they wont have to be alone this time. They probably needed it.
"goodnight... wanderer" he mumbled as he dozed off as well.
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umeumeumee · 10 months
hello!!! i rlly love ur blog & i saw ur requests are open— can i request an ahsoka tano x fem! reader where the reader gets hurt in a mission, and ahsoka finds out when she sees her in the medbay and rushes to her bcuz she’s worried and possibly with a soft ending?
it’s alright now
ahsoka tano x fem! reader
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a heavy sigh slipped past ahsoka’s burgundy lips, her lengthy fingers coming to softly press down on the temple of her head.
the sound of clone troopers and jedi shuffling around her echoed off each ship awaiting departure. Ahsoka’s own ship was preparing to set off when her com link went off— catching the beyond exhausted togruta’s attention.
her half lidded, hazy blue eyes traveled down to the small device, catching the sight of the repetitive blinking light. her hand removed itself from her face, reaching down and grasping the com- hitting the button on the left side.
A medical clone was shown on the screen, confusion replacing her exhaustion- watching the clone straighten his back upon catching her eye.
“Commander Tano- I was told to com you about Commander L/n.” The clone spoke, immediately catching every ounce of ahsoka’s attention. “what?” she whispered out, eyes flickering away in a tired manner before straightening her own back and completely indulging.
“commander l/n was brought into the infirmary due to heavy wounds and excessive bleeding- she’s stable, but I was told to contact you just incase.” as each word left the clones mouth, ahsoka’s already hazy mind could barley comprehend what was being said- heavy wounds?— excessive bleeding?— were you okay? what did he mean by “stable”? 
“send me the coordinates immediately.” she commanded, earning a curt nod before the call ended- leaving nothing but an aching hole in the pit of ahsoka’s chest.
the fatigue of her mind and the pure exhaustion tickling every tip of ahsoka’s body rocked her thoughts as her boots met the floor in a repetitive motion- fighting every urge in her form to not sprint to your medical bed- consuming her breaths inside her chest in order to fight her wants.
She ignored the strange glances and stares from the padawans and clones she quickly rushed by- her eyes immediately snapping to the large numbers above a certain medical door. “CN-00678”. your medical numbers.
Ahsoka halted her movements, her outstretched hand pausing its eagernesses to reach for the door handle. her breath hitched upon her big inhale, eyes momentarily closing- absorbing the feeling of the air flowing through her lungs.
furrowing her brows— she embraced herself for what she might see when she pulled open the door to your room.
the creek of the unattended plastic door was the first noise she heard- soon followed by the familiar beeping of a heart monitor. it was in slow, steady rhythms- a sound ahsoka didn’t know she would be so happy to hear.
her ocean blue eyes skidded through the floor of the room, hesitantly looking up once the bottom of the hospital bed came to view.
her eyes slowly trailed up, your blanket coming to view and soon following with your silhouette.
There you sat, upright; book in your hand and staring right at her.
relief flooded every inch of her body- lungs deflating of stress.
she released the door and rushed to you, ignoring your small giggle as she wrapped her toned arms around your back, stuffing her head in the crook of your neck and inhaling deeply. you hummed, dropping your book and grabbing onto her elbow, smiling into the desperate hug. you could tell she was scared, her body was shaking lightly, her breaths were deep and shaky. you hated seeing her like this- hated it.
“oh, ahsoka. I’m sorry.” you whispered by her ear, hands finding her back and massaging up and down. she didn’t say anything, only absorbing the feeling of being in your presence- in being with you.
her arms tightened their grip around you, squeezing you tightly yet so, so gently, as if you were glass- as if she knew where all your wounds were.
“i’m sorry, ‘soka.” she shifted lightly at your words, still not letting you go— and you wonder what exactly she was told. sometimes doctors seem to overreact and explain things in a way that made it seem as if the situation was much worse than it truly was.
“don’t apologize. don’t.” she whispered into your neck, the vibration of her voice tickling your skin. you nodded surely, smiling softly at her desperate touch on you although she couldn’t see it.
you both stayed like that for a while, soaking in one another’s embrace- holding and loving. You kissed her bare shoulder, lips picking at the peaking skin through the war armor.
“i love you. i’m sorry for worrying you. sometimes these doctors exaggerate things, my love.” you giggled out, but not missing how how she didn’t laugh.
“i… i’m sorry i didn’t come sooner.” your brows furrowed at her words, pushing her off of you to look her in the eyes.
“what? ahsoka, don’t you dare apologize. don’t.” you said sternly, catching her saddened eyes.
“i love you. i’m okay. you’re okay. we,” you motioned around you both to the room around you- to your bandages and to ahsoka’s armor. “we are okay.” you kissed her nose, smiling against her and leaning your forehead against hers- watching her teary eyes blink away the water of fear that has spilled through them.
“i.. i love you too.” she said back, and you wiped a small tear as it slipped down her cheek, kissing the place you swiped it from.
“i love you most.”
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acuvibelectronics · 5 months
0 notes
bobaandasiandramas · 3 months
Find Rest for Your Soul
Y/n is found unconscious by Hoseok and rescue owner, Sejin. Y/n is a mysterious Omega with no real memories and is trying to understand the warnings in her head. What or who is after her?
Alpha, Beta, Omega x F. Reader
Pairing: OT7 X F.Reader
Rating: M+
Trigger warning : none
Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
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Hoseok found her in the living room. It was early in the morning when the sun was still rising, a small sliver of it was peeking through the curtains. The omega was sitting on the floor with her back against the front of the couch, staring out at the coffee table. He approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her with any sudden noises, but the floor creaked quietly under his feet. The sound must have reached her ears because her head tilted as if trying to listen more closely. “Good morning.” He whispered the greeting.
The omega didn’t respond verbally but she turned to look at him with unfocused eyes. It looked like she was looking at something in front of him, or maybe through him - perhaps it was words of the books that she loved so much just floating around. Her breathing remained steady as if there was no change in her current state of mind.
“Are you okay?” He asked, unsure if she would snap back to him - to reality. He moved closer, still slow as he remembered that she did not always come back in the best state of mind, sometimes thrashing about. As he watched for any micro movements from her, he moved inch by inch until he was at arms length from her. “Would it be okay to sit with you?” He questioned but received no answer, not that he was expecting one. She was definitely too far gone in her head, and so he used the quiet moments to observe her.
The difference in her appearance from when he first saw her was astounding. The bruises that once decorated her small wrists had faded away. Namjoon had decided to remove the bracelet and kept it hidden for now until they could figure out if it was a tracking device or just a health monitor. Though he was sure if it was a tracker someone would have shown up by now. Her skin looked healthier, soft to the touch, and clean. Jimin had really helped with her hair, getting rid of all the knots and maintaining it well, even after the stitches were removed. He finally focused on her face. Her face was less sunken since putting on a little bit of much needed weight. The dark rings around her eyes were still there but significantly less. There was a sort of beauty that she carried even in her current health, he wondered just how lovely she would look once she was fully recovered.
Hoseok knew she had a hard time sleeping most nights, he could hear her pacing her room. He often wanted to go in and check on her, offer her some company but he also didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. The alpha knew that Yoongi wasn’t the biggest fan of the omega, but it was clear to see the quiet alpha was trying. The pack appreciated it and in return everyone has a certain time limit with the omega. Most of the time she was with Namjoon or Jimin and then it was decided the Jungkook was the omega that would spend the most time with her and help her adjust back into a pack setting.
Hoseok knew she wasn’t part of their pack, but she felt right with them. He felt like she was meant to be with them. He was a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. He just didn’t know what the reason was.
“I remember the darkness, it was always dark, except when they came in. The light would trickle through the door - a tease to something we couldn’t have. It wasn’t real, the light - it wasn’t the sun. I preferred the darkness because every time I saw that light I knew something terrible would happen.” Her voice was just below a whisper, more like she was talking to herself instead of him.
For a moment he thought she was quoting a book, but it wasn’t the same. She always had a certain look upon her face when she quoted, but this was different. He leaned a little closer, interested in the words that she was providing.
“What terrible things happened?” It was a risk to ask such a question knowing that every time someone tried to ask her about her memories, she would spiral into the nonsense of her mind. At first she didn’t say anything, instead her fingers twitched right before she slid her hand from her lap to her knees. Hoseok watched as she tried to clear the fog in her mind, her eyes would focus and unfocus at her fingers. He was patient and willing to wait, maybe she wouldn’t say anything else or maybe she would.
“It was crowded at times, others not so much. There was no real organization among us, just lumped together like sheep.” Her scent started to turn sour and thick, the mood felt heavy like a rain cloud, dark and filled with despair.
The tears welled on her lash line and spilled over quickly. The alpha in him reacted before his mind could, he reached out and wiped the tears away, guiding her to look at him. “Oh, little omega, I wish I could help you more.” He whispered to her as she looked through him as he let his hand drop.
“Protect the littles. That’s the best we can do. That’s what they always say. I’m scared. I’m so scared. I can only protect them for so long.”
The alpha in him cringed at her sadness and won over his mind wanting to make it better. He reached out for her, pulling her toward him into a hug. Her body shifted willingly with him, settling on his lap, knees of each side of his hips and he wrapped his arms around her center. He tucked his face into her shoulder, rubbing his nose gently against her shirt. He poured his calming scent around them, hoping it would ease some of her pain.
She hugged him back, her arms holding his head gently to her body, her fingers carding through his soft locks of hair. Her bottom lip quivered as her chest began to ache. Her whole body started to tremble as she tried to hold back the sobs that wanted to escape her throat. She suddenly wasn’t close enough, she hugged him tighter as the first sob cracked out. “I’m sorry!” She cried loudly. “We couldn’t protect you Alpha!”
Hoseok stiffened in her embrace, the sorrow that poured from her was breaking his heart and he gripped her tighter. It was suffocating, a sadness he hadn’t felt in such a long time. He could feel it absorbing into his skin, twisting his own emotions to match hers. It was too much but he couldn’t bear to know she carried this all alone.
“I tried. I promise, I tried. I’m so sorry. Please, please…” The pleas that fell from her mouth were desperate and aching.
The sound of her cries had alerted the others in the house. The pounding of several pairs of feet coming down the stairs could be heard. Namjoon and Yoongi were the first to arrive, each sliding on their feet in the arched doorway. Hoseok could sense the other two alphas standing there and peeked over her shoulder at them. He shook his head, letting them know to not approach them.
Her cries and whimpers carried on as she begged for a forgiveness to something that Hoseok only expected was the start of her losing her mind. “I’m sorry Alpha, please forgive me.” Her voice was losing its volume as she crumbled into him, her face ducked into his neck as she sobbed heavily, her tears dripping onto his skin.
“Shh, it’s okay. We have you now, you hear me?” He asked gently as he rubbed her back slowly.
“Hey, can you hear me?”
The words ran in circles around her head, her cries stopping immediately but her body jumped with small hiccups of sadness. This wasn’t her alpha, her alpha was gone. Gone, gone, gone. She let go of the body she was holding and sat back to look at the face that belonged to it. Her eyes focused slowly as she watched him study her.
Hoseok called her name gently as he cupped her face in his hands, wiping the tears that stained her cheeks. “Are you back with me?” His eyes flickered back and forth between her eyes, searching for her in the depths of her irises.
She reached her hand up to place over one of his. “I’m back, I’m sorry.”
“Nonsense, don’t be sorry. I’m here for you,” He looked past her shoulder which caused her to look back as well. The entire pack was there watching them. “we are all here for you.”
It was hard to get her to eat breakfast that morning. Her eyes would cloud over and get lost in her thoughts. Jimin stayed with her at the table while holding her hand and trying to
encourage her to eat, pressing small pieces of fruit to her lips, praising her gently each time she did take a piece into her mouth.
Everyone else tried to go about their business while Namjoon and Hoseok spoke about what had happened. Yoongi had pushed the others out of the room, pressing a kiss to Taehyung’s lips and the omega pouted.
Namjoon and Hoseok decided that since new memories seemed to have arrived and gone mostly well with Hoseok near her that he would spend most of the day with her, much to Jimin’s disappointment. They also figured that maybe it would be best to not try and snap her back to reality, unless things got bad.
Nothing had seemed to come to her mind since that morning, at least nothing that she voiced to Hoseok. Instead she just reached out her hand to hold his, especially as her mind started to wander, as if she needed him to anchor her so she wouldn’t float too far away. Hoseok watched her closer than he ever watched her before, if there was even a micro movement from her, he caught it.
At the current moment they were sitting on the back porch where she normally made flower crowns, she was humming a tune - nothing that Hoseok recognized. It was sad and slow, filled with dread and despair as she pulled her arms to wrap around her middle and curled into a small ball. The sight alone made Hoseok upset, he wanted to cheer her up but knew he needed to let her feel her feelings today and hopefully they would learn more about her. The waiting was torcher to him and her scent filled with agony was more so.
She turned her attention to him and looked him over with sad eyes. “...if you’ve been up all night and cried till you have no more tears left in you - you will know that there comes in the end a sort of quietness. You feel as if nothing is ever going to happen again.”
There it was again, that particular look she got when she was quoting a book. Hoseok gave a sad smile and offered his hand again for the hundredth time today. He watched her look at the hand before grabbing it gently and letting him pull her closer. Slowly he moved her wrist to his nose, he placed a soft but quick kiss to the skin there before his alpha side decided to scent her, his nose skimming the skin lightly as he pulled her closer.
Her eyes widened as she snapped back to reality, the fogginess of Narnia and the Pevensie siblings faded from her mind. Instead there was a warmth that filled her, something she had missed for so long. She couldn’t help the happy little chirp that passed her lips.
Hoseok froze, eyes snapping open - realizing what he did and dropped her hand immediately. She wasn’t his to scent, to mark - to do anything with. Just as he was about to apologize, she whined instead.
“Alpha, I’m so sorry.” She scooted back from him, head dropped to look at the ground - her seconds of happiness banished to the far depths of her mind.
That wasn’t what he wanted to happen. The alpha moved closer, refraining from touching her. “Why are you sorry? I should be apologizing to you. I shouldn’t have done that. You’re not mine to claim.”
She shook her head and moved back more. His words, while true, still stung her heart and she felt it tighten up, preparing for a new crack to form. “Do- do you not want me?”
Hoseok could feel his own heart crack. “Oh, Sunflower, how could I not want you to be mine?” He questioned and she paused, her head tilting a little to look up at him with her doe eyes. “It’s just wrong of me to do that without asking, you are not a part of our pack. You might have your own pack-”
“Sunflower?” She tested the nickname on her tongue, loving it immediately. So much in fact she stopped listening to him as soon as the syllables passed his lips.
Hoseok however panicked. “Sorry, it slipped. If you hate it-”
She smiled at him, shining brighter than she did in days. “I love it.” She whispered and moved closer to him this time, reaching out for his hands. They stayed silent for a moment as she looked over his hands in hers. She traced the love line in his palm and dragged her fingertips over his long fingers before her smile slipped away slowly. The omega looked up at him with utter seriousness. “Hoseok…” She bit her lip, gathering the courage to say the next words out loud. “I don’t have a pack anymore. Alpha is -” her bottom lip wobbled with emotion. She didn’t want to say it, she didn’t want it to be real. If she kept it to herself, then she could pretend and things could be a little better.
Lies. Lies. Lies. “Alpha is - is…. He’s dead!” She finally spat out before she clamped her eyes shut tightly, her hands dropped his and fell at her sides curled into fists. It felt like hours passed, her heart pounding so furiously in her chest that she could hear it in her ears.
“I’m sorry about your alpha.” Hoseok spoke as his hand touched her clenched fist. He watched her eyes crack open and she looked at him, truly looked at him.
“We tried to protect him.”
“I bet you did. I can tell. You loved your alpha.”
“With my whole heart.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry Sunflower.” He whispered back as he pulled her into a hug. Her body curled into his, he could feel the weight that she carried and held it for her.
Hoseok wasn’t sure how long they stayed out on the porch, but she sat in his lap and looked out at the fields behind the house while she kept her back pressed to his chest. He ran his fingers across her skin, healing touches as he poured his comforting scent around them. By the time Namjoon came to check on them, she was sleepily nuzzling under his chin and whining about not wanting to go inside.
Hoseok chuckled and carried her into the house, bringing her straight to his room to wash up before food. He sat her on the counter of his sink and grabbed a washcloth, wetting it and wiping it slowly over her face and neck. He chuckled as she whined and grumbled at him. “Would you like to get changed?” He asked her as he moved to run the washcloth over her hands. This was the most he has ever seen her act like a true omega and couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face as he looked at her.
“Mmm’kay.” She nodded her head.
“What do you want me to grab for you?” He asked, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear with one hand while he threw the washcloth into the sink basin.
The omega gripped the front of his shirt and didn’t let him step away. “Can I borrow your hoodie? The blue colorful one that is really soft.” Her cheeks were flushed as she rolled the fabric of his shirt between her fingers.
“You want to wear my clothes?” His heart rate jumped with excitement.
“Is that okay?” She whispered.
“Absolutely, hold on.” He left her for just a moment and went to his closest to locate the requested article of clothing. The pullover was soft in his hands and he brought it to his face to scent slightly for her. He returned to the bathroom, she was no longer sitting on the counter, her shirt off but bra still on staring at her own reflection. He stood in the doorway for a moment and watched her touch her cheeks before moving down to her collar bones. There was disgust and loathing in her eyes. She twisted her body left and right, looking over the person who stared at her in the mirror. He knocked on the door and she spun quickly on her heel to look at him.
The omega looked at the hoodie he held out to her and she took it quickly, slipping it over her head. She closed her eyes in slight bliss as the softness of the fabric wrapped around her. After a brief moment she opened her eyes and stared at the male before her. He looked concerned and she sighed before gazing back at the mirror. The words popped up around her head and her mouth began to move. “I can’t remember what it’s like to face a mirror, And not hate the person staring back at me.”
The male blinked at her. “A quote?” He wasn’t sure, he watched her eyes dance around as if she was reading words but the way she said it was also as if she was telling him how she felt.
“Yes, but also the truth.” She stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. “I don’t know her, she doesn’t look right. She’s similar - but she’s not me.”
Namjoon wasn’t exactly pleased with Hoseok, he could smell him all over the omega. Scenting her wasn’t part of the plan at all. Though he couldn’t say the results were terrible. The omega seemed happy, hovering in the doorway of omega space. He looked her over as she sat at the table, waiting for the food to be served.
“She’s sad.” Hoseok stated, whispering low enough that she couldn't hear. “Her alpha is dead. She knows she no longer has a pack.”
Namjoon frowned and looked over to the other alpha. “We figured as much, but now at least it is confirmed.” He continued to put food on the plate for the omega as Hoseok grabbed a glass to pour her some juice.
“She asked me if I didn’t want her.”
Namjoon’s head whipped toward Hoseok. “How did that-”
“I accidentally scented her, lost in trying to comfort her and I apologized for it. She looked so broken down after I apologized and she just asked. I couldn’t tell her no, because that would be a lie in itself.” Hoseok looked up from the kitchen counter to catch her just turning her head to look back at them. He couldn’t help but return the smile that was on her face. “She’s lonely, Joon. I wonder if she became pack, officially, if it would help with her healing process.”
“We need to tread carefully with that subject. It’s a serious conversation to have with the entire pack.” Namjoon looked up at her as well, catching her attention and smiling back at her as well. “And what if it’s something she doesn’t want?”
Hoseok looked at her, studying the way she looked so small in his hoodie - but it felt right. “She can make up her own mind on that when we address the topic and whatever she decides we all need to be okay with.” He grabbed the glass from the counter and walked away from Namjoon and toward the table. “Here’s your juice, Sunflower.”
Namjoon could see the connection between Hoseok and her. It warmed his heart but he hoped this was the right thing - he would hate for anyone to end up heart broken. He followed in Hoseok’s steps, bringing her plate to her. “I hope you’re hungry Darlin. Jin made this especially for you.”
She smiled at him and accepted the plate from his hands. “I bet it’s delicious.”
I sat at the table with the two alphas. The food was delicious like I knew it would be. I couldn’t help the way I was drawn to Hoseok today, in fact I was already feeling a sadness over me because he was sitting too far away. I reached out with my hand for his and was happy when I felt him take my hand in his. I didn’t care to listen to what the two of them were talking about. I was content with this. I missed the feeling that Hoseok was providing. Maybe I was being selfish but I craved this so much.
As I finished my meal, the doctor took my plate and cleared the table. Hoseok offered to bring me to my room but I wasn’t ready to go yet. “Can we wait for Namjoon?” I asked quietly.
“Hoseok smiled at me. “You want him to join us, Sunflower?”
The nickname warms my entire body, starting from my chest and spreading all the way down to my toes and fingertips. “Yes, if he wishes to join us that is.”
“Why don’t you go and ask him?”
I nodded my head and let his hand slip from mine as I walked toward the kitchen to where the good doctor was cleaning up the dishes. I stood in the doorway just watching him for a moment as I thought about him and how he has helped me so much. I know he wants me to remember ‘The Before’ but I’ve tried and anytime I do I get scared. Sometimes I push through but then I get lost in the darkness. Hoseok is a good light, he gives me a path to follow to return safely.
I want to be close to everyone, and I know I have my own little habits with them all, a piece of me is comfortable with them all to a certain extent. Like a routine ingrained in my brain I know I have certain things I can do with them, holding Hoseok’s hands, making pretty flower crowns with Jungkook, cuddling with Jimin and touching Namjoon’s hands and face. I think I feel the most drawn to Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon, they were the first ones I met. I’m most guarded with Yoongi, but not in a bad way - I don’t want to push him and make him uncomfortable. I limit myself for his own comfort.
“...darlin?” Namjoon’s voice breaks me from my thoughts.
I notice that he is no longer in front of the sink but now in front of me, hand reaching out to touch my arm but as I look down at his hand he drops it away. “Sorry, I was lost in thoughts.”
“Anything good?” Namjoon asked, I know he wasn’t expecting a real answer, most of the time they don’t. I can feel it anytime they ever ask me.
“I think so, it was about all of you.”
That caught his attention. “Oh, do you wish to share or keep those to yourself?”
I thought about it for a moment. “I could share. It’s nothing bad.”
“You don’t have to, ignore my curiosity.”
“I was thinking about the different levels of comfort I have with you all.” I could see a frown starting on his face. “Not in a bad way, For example,” I stepped closer to him and raised my hands to cup his face in my hands, I tapped my fingers gently on the skin of his cheeks. “This isn’t something I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing with Yoongi. My comfort with him isn’t touching…” I let my mind collect thoughts as I trailed my hands down the front of Namjoon’s chest. “It’s more of a verbal comfort with him. I feel at ease with his words because I know he’s speaking the truth when he talks to me.”
Namjoon grabs my wrists with his hands gently, stopping my wandering hands. “Is that so?”
“It’s true.”
“Then do tell, what about Jimin?”
I was startled. “Jimin?” I looked away from Namjoon’s eyes, he had a knowing look that I couldn’t stare at anymore.
“Yes, Jimin.”
“I feel the most with Jimin. Close and safe.” I blushed and hid my face in Namjoon’s chest. “Not to say I don’t feel safe with everyone else but with Jimin…” I trailed off as my heart rate increased thinking about the other Alpha.
Namjoon chuckled gently. “And what about Hoseok?”
A whimper fell from my mouth. “I-I…”
“It’s okay Darlin’. You’re getting to know all of us. I’m glad you feel safe with us because we will all protect you. Bonds are just sometimes stronger than others, it’s okay - that happens.” He let go of my wrist and suddenly fingers were under my chin guiding me to look back at him again. “Don’t be embarrassed.”
I nodded my head and lost my thoughts again. “Oh!” I breathed as soon as I remembered what I was supposed to be doing. “Would you like to join Hoseok and I?”
“What will you two be doing?” He asked as he released my face.
“I was going to sit with him on the back porch, he said he was going to listen to some music.”
Namjoon looked down at me with raised brows and a grin curled on his mouth. “Darlin’, that sounds wonderful. Are you sure you want me to join you both? I feel like Hoseok and you had such a good day together. I don't want to intrude.”
“It was my idea.” I whispered.
“Then I would love to join you both.” He slipped his hand into mine and led me back to Hoseok, who was waiting in the archway of the dining room for us.
Hoseok smiled brightly at us. “Ready to relax and watch the stars?”
The temperature had dropped a little bit, but I didn't mind much. Not when the two alphas offered their warmth. I was sitting in Namjoon's lap this time, my back against his chest as I leaned into him. The alpha was hesitant about it, but I insisted that it wasn't too much for me. Hoseok’s head was resting in my lap and I looked down at him as my fingers played with his hair.
The music was playing softly, instrumental and soothing. Namjoon thought it might help me stay relaxed while I let my mind wander.
The look on his face said it all. I was to stay put. I hated it. So very much that I stomped my foot in defiance as I stared at him.
“Pup, I don't have time for this.” He grumbled.
“Not a pup anymore.” I argued.
He took two steps forward and closed the distance between us. “You’ll always be a pup to me. Now be good. Listen. Stay. Protect the little ones. I’ll be back from the hunt soon.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips.
I returned it and grabbed onto him, hoping that he wouldn't leave. The kiss however broke and he wiggled from my hold as he went to the beta, kissing them deeply.
“Love you, keep watch.” Alpha looked back at me and smiled before stepping out.
The memory was short and sweet but it was enough to have tears rolling down my face and onto Hoseok’s cheek. I felt my bottom lip tremble with emotion and I tried to stop it by biting into my lip.
“It’s okay Darlin’, let it out. We got you.” Namjoon’s voice whispered in my ear, his breath tickling the skin there. I felt his arms tighten around my waist and I sank deeper into his hold. I tilted my head to tuck into his neck.
Hoseok was moving as well, off my lap and sitting close, grabbing my hands into his. “Talk to me, Sunflower.”
I sucked in a shaky breath and tried not to whine. “I-it was just…” I let out a small sob. “- just a memory.” My fingers tightened my hold on Hoseok’s hand, afraid that he would let go.
“Easy Omega, I’m not going anywhere.” Hoseok stated as he squeezed my hands twice. I relaxed my hands a little, loosening my grip on him. It didn’t seem like he wanted to leave me but neither did my Alpha and look what happened to him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Namjoon asked, mumbling softly in my hair.
‘No!’ My mind was screaming. I didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want to remember it. I wanted to pretend and pretend. “It was about my Alpha.” I took my time, thinking of my words carefully. The sound of the music started to relax me again.
Hoseok lifted my hands to his face, nuzzling them with his nose before pressing gentle kisses to both of them. “It’s okay. You don’t have to force yourself.”
I almost sobbed from the comment alone. He could read me so easily. As much as I didn’t want to talk about it, or remember it - I knew I needed to. Maybe deep down I really just wanted to but I was scared. “He was going on a hunt - I was mad at him because he was making me stay home. Protect the little ones - it was what he told us to do.”
“Why were you mad that you had to stay home?” Namjoon asked.
“I was usually allowed to go with him and the others - not to hunt but just to be nearby. The energy everyone had after a hunt was always so exciting. I loved being with them when they celebrated - but for some reason Alpha told me I had to stay behind.” I looked at the stars while talking, I didn’t want to see their reactions. “I’m pretty sure that was the last time I saw Alpha during ‘The Before’.”
I could feel both of them tense at my words. “I don’t have good feelings about it. I think, and maybe I’m still missing memories, the next time I saw Alpha was when they dragged him from the other cell.”
“The other cell?” Hoseok questioned.
It was weird, I didn’t recall the cells before now. I brought it up like a known fact and it was startling. I could see it clearly now. Whenever the door opened, the light would flood in and the room was divided by two cells. Almost like a holding cell you would see in a movie for a jail. “There were two cells. They separated us. Why? It’s not like it would matter if we were together…” I could feel my mind wandering again. It didn’t make sense. They had the others first, they were all in the one cell together and then when we arrived we were put in the other cell. I frowned. “How did I get there?”
The two alphas looked at each other and then the Omega in front of them. She was in her own thoughts again, but she was still talking out loud. Every few moments a new question would pass her lips and they hoped for answers along with them, but of course no answers were concluded. Except for one. “I woke up already there.”
Then she was quiet. Staring at the stars while silent tears rolled down her face. She eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep in the doctor’s arms, still holding the other alpha’s hands.
Hoseok almost smiled at the fact that she was still holding his hands, feeling a little happier than he probably should that she felt as comfortable with him as she did. “I don’t think I ever want to let her go.” He spoke quietly.
Namjoon cracked open an eye and looked at the other Alpha. “I know Hoseok. I don’t think she wants to let go either.” He frowned. “Hoseok…” He trailed off as he looked down at the omega.
Hoseok looked up at him. “Hmm?”
“Did I make a mistake bringing her home?” He frowned as tightened his hold on the omega. “I told myself that we would help her and that I wouldn’t get attached. I’m not… at least not completely. I feel for her, and as her doctor I care about her state of mind. I see you’re attached, I know Jungkook and Jimin are too. I can’t help but feel this will eventually blow up in my face.”
Hoseok dropped one of the omega’s hands and reached forward, caressing the other Alpha’s cheek softly before bringing himself closer to place a gentle kiss on his lips. “Joon, we are doing our best here. You’re doing amazing - you make the decisions that you feel are best for our pack. I stand by you with all your choices. This wasn’t a mistake. Don’t doubt it.” He whispered against the other’s lips before kissing him again.
Namjoon sighed as they parted. “Thank you.” he replied with a breathy voice.
They stayed outside for another twenty minutes before Namjoon swooped the omega in his arms and carried her to her room. He sent Hoseok to go take care of the other Omegas while he got her settled. He placed her on her bed, pulling the covers over her and making sure she was covered up. He smiled as she curled onto her side and mumbled something before nuzzling into her pillow, dragging the covers to just under her chin.
The alpha leaned down and pressed his nose to her hair, not yet a kiss but a sort of affection nuzzle. As he was leaning back to straighten up a scent caught his nose. A very familiar scent. The alpha couldn’t help himself as he leaned down more toward the omega’s face and sniffed gently. It wasn’t her. He moved a little lower and stopped as he caught another whiff of it. ‘Yoongi?’ He thought to himself and dragged his nose toward the blanket just under her chin.
The scent was unmistakable. It was Yoongi. The scent dulled but not by years, by a week or so. The alpha couldn’t stop the smile that graced his lips. Yes Yoongi could be cold and over protective with the family but did he have a heart of gold deep down inside. While Yoongi might have not agreed with the Omega coming here, it was obvious he was trying in front of everyone but to see him trying away from everyone’s eyes? Now that was a victory in its own book.
Namjoon walked down to the pack room, standing in the doorway he watched as everyone was snuggling under the covers, shifting against each other to slip into blissful sleep. He found Yoongi at the outer edge of the nest, eyes closed but obviously not sleeping yet. Joon crossed the room quietly and nudged Yoongi gently.
The alpha cracked his eye open and lifted the blanket to invite Joon in. Once the other alpha was comfortable, Yoongi closed his eyes and sighed in content. Hands on his face almost made his eyes snap open, but then there were lips slotted perfectly against his and he groaned against the lips instead. Legs tangled, hands grabbing at each other, trying to get impossibly closer. Lips parted and breathless gasps escaped him as lips trailed down his neck, licking and biting sensually.
“I love you, Yoongi.” The words were whispered in his ears.
“Hmm, love you too Joon.”
“Thank you. I know you’ve been trying and I’m thankful for that and you.”
Yoongi looked at Joon, but the latter had his eyes closed - trying to drift off to dreamland. “Of course, Joonie. Anything for the pack.”
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kairiscorner · 10 months
I wanna request a miguel x reader who pulls pranks on him everyday ex; dumping a gallon of pink frosting on him with sprinkles, covering his whole office with webs, purposely playing innapropriate sounds from his laptop during meetings 💀💀 (those grey streaks on his hair increasing frfr)
omg that is me to miggy frfr, i love this HEHEHEHEHEH I HOPE THIS IS ANY GOOD <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
you'll be the death of him. — miguel o'hara x reader
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every morning, miguel o'hara rises from bed with his guard up constantly–he never lets it down, in fact, he finds everything as a threat to the peace and quiet he looks forward to in his day. the sole perpetrator for the disturbances in his day is none other than you, the resident troublemaker of the spider society's HQ. ever since miguel (regrettably) recruited you several months ago, every day after that has been nothing short of comedic hell for him. he's been the laughingstock of many of your trademark gags–from dumping gallons of pink frosting on him with sprinkles and cherries on top, filling his entire office with webs and forcing him to halt all operations in HQ because you also webbed up his control panels, and purposely played... interesting noises from his devices when he's trying to have a serious adult conversation with the rest of the spider society.
everybody else tries to play off your jokes as cruel gags that are anything but funny, but do indeed laugh about the pranks you pull on him behind his back with you–irritating miguel even further as he cleans your mess up, knowing full well that no matter how much he yells at or threatens you to get you to clean the messes up, he always will end up cleaning up after you–hence, he has vowed to be on guard every day after that. the lack of spider sense for him is a disadvantage when it came to predicting your next move or where you are to gauge how ready he should be or what he should do, but no matter–he's got heightened senses and not enough patience to deal with you so early in the morning; he'll show you once and for all why you shouldn't mess with him so casually anymore. miguel remained in his office as usual, monitoring the on-goings in the multiverse all at once–knowing full well that you would use this opportunity to strike him down with some shitty prank again.
miguel heard thumping and creaking nearby on the ceiling, and not even looking up, he shot his webs up at the ceiling–wrapping something around his webs. "you aren't slick." he said as he tightened his grip around you he caught on the ceiling. you finally let out a groan as miguel tightened his grasp around you. "come on, mig–i just wanted to say 'hi', can't a friend do that anymore?" you asked him all innocently as he pulled you down to his platform, your arms wrapped around your sides as he shook his head. "friends don't make laughingstocks out of each other." "they do in my book..." you muttered, all pouty that miguel 'refused to let you have any fun'.
miguel sighed and turned around and looked down at your sitting figure resigned on the ground; you grinned up at him awkwardly as his scowl deepened. "when are you gonna learn to respect me, hmm? and don't be a smart ass about it, i hate it when you run that little mouth on me, thinking you're someone so much better than i am." he said as he crouched to your level and inched his face even closer to yours, his nose brushing against yours as he spoke in such a low, husky voice. you found yourself staring into miguel's hazel eyes in response, with his eyebrows crinkling at the lack of words being spoken in this one-way conversation he was having with you. "what? not gonna talk?" he asked you as you soon bit your lip, stifled giggles escaping your lips ever so often.
miguel raised an eyebrow at you. "what? what's so funny—" he asked but was soon interrupted by when you burst out laughing and kicking your feet in the air, falling over on your side and rolling over. "you sound crazy." "and you look so pretty!" you exclaimed in between fits of giggles as miguel felt a little cool around his arms—he was wearing a dress, a flowy dress that had a deep v-shaped neckline and was donning on heels, you truly were a talented designer and hijacker. "loving your new suit look?" you asked miguel as you laughed even harder, with lyla joining in and snapping photos left and right all at once with copies of herself, making sure not to miss a single angle of miguel in that outfit. "oh, and by the way, the earrings look adorable." you added as miguel felt over his earlobes and felt a pair of dangling earrings by the bottom of his earlobes.
miguel grumbled as he ordered lyla to change his suit back. "can't, this mad genius right here fumbled your suit's code up so bad that it's unsalvageable. i can make a new one from scratch—" "then do it now." "i am, but you won't get it until next week." "next week?!" he cried out, which only made you laugh even harder as he groaned and pinched his nose bridge in anger. "you'll be the death of me before i can even kill you for this..." miguel murmured as you laughed aloud. peter b and jess entered his office, hoping to talk to miguel about something, but after seeing him in... that classy get-up, they thought it'd be better to give him some alone time and take their fits of laughter somewhere else where they won't get maimed for laughing aloud; you truly aren't going to stop your shenanigans with him, ever.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @fictarian @yuridopted0 @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I really love you "Get off my screen" series! And I just and couldn't stop thinking about Reader just texting out of nowhere saying "Bruh I'm fucking dying"
And Vox is just going haywire(See what I did there?) Worried about you and ask what they mean and Reader be like "I'm dying because of BOARdom(Get it?)
You're Just Being Mean!
A/N: Omg I am absolutely writing this AHAHAHAHA- Vox is always the one screwing with dear Reader so I think it's about time to return the favor. Thank you @crazylzp143 for the inbox idea! I love how much this story is expanding and the ideas y'all have for it. As always, I hope you all enjoy this filler interlude and please keep the ideas coming! Happy reading!
You cheered, flopping backwards on your bed in a cheerful mood.
On your computer monitor was an empty assignment box.
You'd successfully accomplished all your required tasks before the semester's end which left you with a whole lot of free time to burn.
And did you absolutely just unwind and relax.
Playing games, watching movies, bingeing shows-
You practically spedran the chill pill treatment.
To the point where you managed to bore yourself before the day was even over.
You stared up at the ceiling with an annoyed look-
Wasn't there really anything else you could do?
And why did time pass by so slowly?
God you were bored.
In the middle of your TV show binge, your phone buzzed to life.
Considering you'd quickly found the plot line to be quite a drag, you just let the drama play while you no longer paid attention to it.
The white noise the show provided helped make it feel like you were actually doing something.
Even when you knew you weren't doing anything productive at all-
Looking over at your phone, you smiled upon opening the familiar chatbox that you saw almost daily.
"Heya Voxxy, what's up?"
"Well aren't you in a good mood today! Anything special?"
You playfully rolled your eyes, Vox really thought he was being cheeky this time wasn't he?
"Managed to complete all my work for the semester, so now I can just chillax until exams come around!"
"Wait what? Holy shit! You've got a whole two weeks of nothing then!"
"IKR! I can just laze around and do what I want after class hours!"
It wasn't surprising that Vox quickly got used to your schedule, you'd also grown slightly accustomed to his.
He knew the basic rundown of your schedule, like when your classes started and ended-
Just as much as you knew when he had to leave for his daily broadcast and when he would come back.
You could only guess him knowing when exam season happens was from looking at the calendars and schedules you had meticulously prepared in your computer.
There were times he would even remind you of things due on a day, like quizzes or projects to which you would grow embarrassed that it slipped your mind.
You were the one who made the calendar, how could you forget it???
Though it was probably helpful on his end that he quite literally had a digital reference to look back on.
You still wondered sometimes how he managed to end up with a TV for a head but didn't look into it much.
"Guess that means you'll be spending more time with me?"
"Dude, I already spend so much time with you! Any more and I'd have to call you my boyfriend!"
That message really shouldn't have caused Vox to bluescreen but it did.
He was just so flustered that his system crashed in it's entirety because of what you said.
Not that you noticed when all you got in reply was some keysmash and middle finger emojis.
Vox could only imagine you were laughing at his expense, and even then he couldn't bring himself to be annoyed with you.
It was only recently that he'd become hyper aware with how much you meant to him so jokes and comments like that easily sent his mental careening.
Not that he quite understood why he felt this way yet, a part of him still blamed some unknown untraceable malware that your devices shoved into his system.
Though he highly doubted that a stupid virus would make his stomach do flips whenever he saw your silly smile.
Oh whatever, he'll just have to run another malware check later or something.
You just continued to tease Vox for a good while before he had to excuse himself and leave for a meeting.
He was slightly glad that he had just a little respite from your teasing onslaught.
Any more of it and there was a high risk he would've accidentally caused another citywide blackout.
You tossed your phone onto an adjacent cushion and just laughed.
No wonder Vox liked to embarrass you so much.
It was downright hilarious and entertaining.
You couldn't help but feel slightly flattered with his reactions though, was your friendship that important to him?
So he really did care after all, what a dork.
The funny high you were running on, much to Vox's chagrin, didn't last long.
So you decided to go back to fucking with your TV headed companion since he usually did the same to you.
"Dudeeeee I'm fucking dyingggg-"
Vox made the mistake of checking his phone in the middle of the meeting and nearly gave himself a stroke upon reading your message.
What in Lucifer's name even happened?!
Last he checked you were completely fine???
He hadn't even left you for-
Taking a look at his internal clock, Vox glitched from sheer panic.
It hadn't even been an hour!
Was this supposed to be a joke??
Were you just fibbing with him?
Or god forbid you were actually hurt and needed help-
He was about to just bolt out of that meeting before another messaged snapped him out of it.
"I'm dying- dying of BOARDom! HAHA see what I did there?"
Vox felt the last of his patience leave him as rings appeared on his other eye.
The absolute nerve of you-!
"Oh fuck off (Y/N)."
With that, he angrily pocketed his phone and once again paid attention to the meeting.
The poor presenter in the front nearly shat himself from how irritated Vox looked, they didn't know that frustration was because of you though.
You just couldn't stop laughing at his reply, not realizing how badly your overlord friend took the joke until some noticeable time passed and there wasn't a single message or notification from him.
Now that started to concern you.
You'd be lucky to get through an hour with less than a hundred notifications at a time-
It's been two and there was still absolutely nothing.
Did something happen?
Was he upset or dealing with something?
Perchance... did you do something to upset him?
"Vox...? Hey, you good dude?"
You grew more concerned as the minutes ticked on.
Whatever it was- Vox was probably genuinely upset.
And you had a gut feeling it had something to do with you.
"I'm not talking to you."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes at his message, was he being childish?
So your hunch was right, you did manage to upset him- somehow.
"Ehhhh??? Why? What did I do?"
"You know what you fucking did (Y/N)."
Not really- that's why you asked.
Your hands dropped onto your lap tiredly as you looked up towards the ceiling.
What... what did you do wrong?
Scrolling up to read your chats, it didn't take long before you realized where it went wayside.
"Right, you don't really like it when I joke about dying huh."
"You never really told me why, and you never cared this much before. You would just laugh it off when I delivered the punchline."
"You're still young (Y/N). You have your whole life ahead of you. Dying puts you at risk of ending up here in hell with me."
"You know that doesn't sound as horrible as you paint it right?"
"I'll end up where you are, that can't seriously be that bad."
Vox genuinely wondered if you had a screw loose or something this time.
He continued to try hammering it into you that it was hell he was talking about.
Eternal damnation, the never-ending inferno, etc.
Ya know, where all the sinners went to suffer??
But again and again you would just keep repeating-
"But I'll be where you are, it won't be that bad- it can't be that bad."
Until he finally understood what you were insinuating.
It wouldn't be so bad, because he was there.
He would be there with you.
At that point the state of hell or where you were wasn't important.
Vox could only chuckle at his own foolishness.
Not to mention just how oblivious you were to your own words.
"I guess. Just don't do that again."
"I'll try not to. Besides, if I croak and end up at the heaven gates- I'll put in a good word for you."
"You? In heaven? Nice joke dollface."
"Oh fuck you too Vox, I was being optimistic."
The tech overlord just rolled his eyes, there was a real risk that he could lose you soley because heaven would take you away but he didn't dwell on it.
You were still here texting him, cracking jokes and being your obnoxiously cute self.
You were still on the other side of the screen furiously typing up a comeback of why you would be able to get into the pearly gates.
Vox just chuckled, as long as you were with him in the here and now-
He found he wouldn't care even if hell froze over.
A/N: Our Voxxy is starting to catch feels, well- slightly- he's just in the stages of caring a bit too much but not realizing it's romance yet. Writing this stuff is hilariously entertaining, plus the slow burn is just yummy hahahahah I'll be putting out some more interludes tomorrow but the direct continuation is finished! I just need to post these things chronologically XD
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lolita-lollipop · 2 years
Hey there, First off I wanted to say I love your work! Second my request is a platonic yandere TodoDeku taking care of a sick reader who cant hold down food or eat anything but the reader just cant seem to get better no matter what medication they use? I could use some comfort for that because I'm currently dealing with that haha.
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Izukus keys jingled as he unlocked the front door to the shared home between him and his husband, and you. The door was heavily secured in case you ever tried to run, not that you would, or could. The house was quiet, usually there was the lingering sound of the tv left on, or the kittens mewing. But no. Just the sound of still air remaining still.
“I’m home! Y/n? Todo?” He called out, usually one of the two came to greet him at the door, usually todoroki, but occasionally you when you needed something. Todoroki got home about an hour or so earlier than izuku , so usually dinner was already either prepared or ordered, and you were ready for bed. He was used to the sound of you talking with your papa when he got home, used to the sound of the toys he’d gotton you rattling. But recently it’s been different, he couldn’t remember when it started, when you got like this. All he really knew is it happened fast and abrupt, all of a sudden you were always exhausted, it even took a lot of coaxing to get you out of bed in the mornings, you could barely stomach an apple, and you pretty much avoided eating in general in fear of vomiting. You were sick. And it wasn’t getting better.
They’d placed monitors all over the house, security cameras that were connected to a small device similar to a baby monitor, it was just a safety precaution, or it was supposed to be. They’d never noticed how soundless you were, how you barely moved, probably in attempts to relieve the aching in your bones. It worried both of them to no end at how your body was eating itself from the inside out in place for food.
What was even worse was that they didn’t know what to do about it. They couldn’t get another doctor because you might act out and try to free yourself, but neither of them had enough medical experience to help you. Really help you.
Nowadays todoroki didn’t have time to cook anything for dinner when he first got home, he was too worried about the fact that you haven’t moved from the position he left you in this morning, about the fact that the lunch and snacks the two husbands had left you for the day went mainly untouched. And how the Meds that you were supposed to be taking just made you feel sick instead of any better. When he came home today he could feel the tension in the air, he the world around felt void, how the rooms life had just been sucked out.
They don’t know when this depressive episode of yours started, at least they thought it was a depressive episode. At first they believed it was you rebelling against them, going on somewhat of a hunger strike to try and get them to let you go. So naturally they punished you, took away the cats and the tv and the books. But that did very little in stopping you, at some point the way you stared off into space forced them into realizing something was very wrong.
Izuku pulled off his coat and shoes at the door, putting his keys up on the highest shelve that he knew you couldn’t reach. His other hand clutched at a bag of some of your favorite takeout food, or what used to be your favorite at least. He just needed you to eat something, hopefully this might help. He was lost in the endless tombs of his brain, thought being the only thing consuming him. Then he heard it, heard you. And he dropped the bag, dropped his coat from his hands, and ran to your room.
Soft sobs could be what’d through the home monitors, his phone blinked with a red light, indicating that you were actually moving, making noise. When he opened the door, his heart almost broke. You were sitting in a corner, rolled into a fetal position, hiccuping and sniffling, you had your hand pressed to your mouth in attempts to quiet yourself, you were far too consumed by your own feelings to notice him. There was a small plastic container on the table with a few mango slices left in it, and a small puddle of… stomach liquid on the other side of the room. It only took him a few seconds to connect the dots. And he was immediately on you.
“Oh my baby- it’s okay it’s okay don’t cry, daddy’s here now. I’m so sorry you got sick- I know it feels bad. Can you tell me what happened sweetheart?” He cooed , using his sleeve to wipe the corner of your mouth, and picking you up with his strong arms. As he held you tight and close in his comforting embrace, you didn’t fight, usually you would at least put a little squirming into it, but you were far too weak to even try.
“I just- I was really hungry so I tried to- I tried to- and then after my stomach hurt really bad and I got really sick and I couldn’t make it to the bathroom an- I’m so sorry I got- I got it in the carpet” you spoke through your sobs, clutching close to him, you just had felt so good today, like you were getting better. So against your better judgment , you actually ate most of the mango your dads had left for you, then your body seemed to remember it was sick before your brain did, and before you knew it you were hunched over clutching your stomach, hurling out whatever you’d just eaten.
It was just so humiliating, to not understand what was happening to you. That’s why you’d been crying, Izuku knew how you felt about all of this, that’s why he’s been so lenient when you have sass or snap at him. Because you’re hurting. It’s these moments when he knows it best, he let you wrap your legs around his waist and stick your head between the crook of his shoulder, his hands went up and down on your back soothingly, and he bounced slightly on his feet in order to calm you. You would probably make yourself sick again with all of this crying.
“Oh my poor baby- I’m so so sorry this keeps happening. I promise Me and papa are gonna find a way to make this better” he clutched you tight to him, and although you wished you wanted to fight him, scratch his eyes out and take this moment of softness to run. You didn’t, your body felt as if it was made of lead, and your eyes struggled to stay open, and you just felt so. utterly. sick.
So instead you clutched his shirt, and leaned into him. A husky cough left your lips at the pressure he put on your back, which did nothing but made you cry more. The thought of them making you better scared you, they’d tried everything, who knows what crazy solutions are left.
“I-I don’t wanna see a doctor again. Please don’t make me I- I can’t” you pleased of the man, drawing out any sympathy he might’ve held for you, he did know how much you suffered because of whatever this sickness was. Supposedly it was because of stress, after all getting kidnapped by two random strangers who overpower you and force you into being their child harms you mentally, and in turn, physically.
“Don’t worry baby. Your father will have his brother come instead of one of those scary doctors. I know I know you don’t like him either ,but we need you to be seen okay? If you’re good I’ll let you watch one of those horror movies you like. The rated r ones?” He coaxed, beginning to lay small pats on your back in order to prevent a freak out, you didn’t like doctors, at least not the ones he brought you to. Which was understandable, usually he would offer tot ale you out for ice cream, but as you were currently… not eating, this was the next best option.
You grunted and nudged your head closer to the knook of his shoulder, letting him hold you tight. You were still quite focused on holding your remaining nausea down.
“I’ll take that as a yes then? Hm?”he questioned with a little laugh, trying to lighten your mood. It didn’t.
It took a few hours for both todoroki and natsuo to get here, natsuo took a little convincing to treat you. He loves you, don’t get him wrong, you’re his favorite little niece, but now that they had taken you against your will and kept you in a cage. It just felt wrong to help his little brother. Still. He supposed it was worse to have you be kidnapped and fatally ill than to just be kidnapped. So begrudgingly he came.
Shoto had warned him that you would be much less than happy to talk to him, and it might be possible that you would have to be restrained. But in the end he agreed.
You heard your two fathers talking to your uncle outside your room, a gruesome horror movie played on the small tv in front of you, an older one that should’ve made you squirm and cringe at the violence and gore occurring, still, you watched intently, almost with a smile. The door opening snapped you out of your stare. The bed next to you dipped down as somebody sat, no doubt your fathers older brother natsuo.
You didn’t hate the man, in fact before all this the two of you knew eachother quite well. But like everybody else, he chose to standby as your two “fathers” confined you here. So you always held some remorse for him.
You were tied down with silk straps, wrapped tightly, but still comfortably. In a position that had you facing the tv. It honestly wasn’t that bad, as you were comfortable and the ropes were soft. It did make you feel mildly vulnerable around this man, but you’ve known natsuo since you were little, and you trusted him. At least you hoped you could. Then again, trusting people had only gotton you kidnapped and put in one of the worst mental states of your life so…
“Hey sweetheart… so, you’ve been having some trouble eating. Right?” He asked, trying to keep his voice as monotone as possible, he’d known that you would look bad, after all you hadn’t eaten in weeks and you were going through severe depression and dissociation. But… god. You looked dead honestly, devoid of all life but somehow still living. The way you did nothing but nod to his question only further proved his point.
“We’ll, I already know you’ve been quite stressed, I completely understand as this is such an environment change for you. But there are also a few physical illnesses that this could be. I’m just gonna ask a few questions alright? Are you okay with that?” He (obviously) did most of the taking, as almost the entirety of your attention was on the movie playing in front of you. It was obvious he was trying to make you feel like you were in charge here. Like you could tell him to leave and he would.
You knew that wasn’t true though.
He asked a wide variety of questions about how you felt when you ate, was it full, was it empty. He also asked about what you had eaten last before all of this started. You’d answered truthfully, after all you did want to get better so you could stop feeling so weak all the time.
The more he spoke to you, the more his voice became a lullaby. The movie in front of you continued with its display of blood and guts, it combined with the way natsuos voice droned, and just pulled you further and further towards sleep. It was actually quite nice.
The last thing you remembered before drifting of was getting a warm hug from the man, and then some talking outside, even a little crying from whom you presumed was midoria.
Then, nothing.
When you woke up, you hadn’t been restrained anymore. And you were sitting in a soft chair, one that you had recognized as the one next to your parents bed. A cat sat in your lap, you stared down at it, still half asleep, it made you happy.
Then, as you came to consciousness, you began to be painstakingly aware of how you were feeling. The nausea was gone, and so was the emptiness, but now… now there was this fuzzy feeling all around your body. And there was such a sharp pain in your arm, it felt like it was stabbing you repeatedly.
Then you saw what it was, and THAT woke you up.
There was a bag rested on a large pole next to you, with some liquid inside of it. The bag was feeding into a pipe which went into your arm. A thin needle was pressed into the knook of your elbow.
No no no no no. They did not put a fucking needle in your arm. They wouldn’t. Who knows what the hell is in that bag? They could be pumping you with fucking drugs all day and you wouldn’t even knows You panicked and tried pulling at it, doing absolutely anything to keep the stupid thing from pumping whatever that was into your blood.
Pulling at the pipe and patch hurt far too much for you to continue, so you just sat and stared at the IV. It made you sick thinking about what they did to you while you were happily sleeping. They fucking stabbed you. With a needle. Your vision began to blur and your hearing went fuzzy as a panic attack pulsed through your senses.
You were able to hear small footsteps, and then somebody grabbed and picked you up.
“No no no- don’t do that baby. It’s there to help you- oh I know you don’t like it. I know baby- We should’ve told you about it. But it’s here to help you sweetheart. No don’t cry- it’s okay” todoroki hushed as you clawed at the small patch on your arm, he held you tight, which actually helped a little bit, as it stopped you from pulling the IV out.
Even though you wanted the stupid little needle out of your arm, the sight of your blood would make you panic further. Todoroki knew this, so he chose to just let you wriggle and squirm in his arms as opposed to making yourself bleed.
Isn’t that funny. You love watching those little films filled with blood and gore, but the second you shed any of your own blood ,you panic. How cute.
He had known that the needle and the bag would make you freak out, but both him and his husband had figured that this was a better option than a feeding tube (that would really freak you out). And although it upset you, it was for your well-being, and you would have to understand that.
Their intentions were innocent too, they didn’t drug you, all they wanted was for you to be healthy. They just want you to be safe and happy and healthy, they just want you to feel okay.
They just wanted to nurse you back into the girl they fell in love with all those years ago.
And you…
You would get used to it if it meant you started feeling better.
You would have to.
This is an oooollldddd request that I was struggling with heavily because when I started writing this one I had an eating disorder :P
Anyway now I’m all better and I was able to figure out an ending sooooo…
Thank you anon for requesting ! And Thank you readers for reading!
Hope you enjoyed! Have a very good day!
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bueckerslover · 5 months
dangerous women
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matt x fem! latina! reader
warnings: drug deals, guns, car races
the reader will speak a lot of spanish in this series because my inspiration for this series is griselda a colombian drug lord.
New york
“MARCOS!” she yelled for her assistant to go to her office.
“yes, ms. blanco?” the timid man said afraid to look her in the eyes “i need you to make a flyer for a new transporter, i recently got rid of the other one. he asked too many questions and we simply can’t have that here.”
“got rid of him in what way?” he mumbled making her look at him with a straight face “do you want me to get rid of you too?” she said not breaking eye contact with him.
“no maam” he mumbled walking away “oh and get the jet ready we’re going back to LA tonight.” she said before he left the room.
back in LA
matt was looking at his monitors frantically switching between computers and other devices in front of him.
“matt, you need to catch a break you’ve been staring at those screens for hours nothing is going to change!” chris said as he saw his brother look from one screen to the next.
“that’s the thing chris something will eventually change or she’ll be seen somewhere!” he exclaimed turning his chair to face his brother.
both of the brothers turned around to noise to see a picture of y/n getting into her jet in brown dress pants with a black shirt, black stilettos and a brown coat over her shoulders.
“told you something would change!” matt exclaimed frantically typing out some information on another screen.
“so? she’s getting on a jet big deal! come downstairs and eat lunch” chris exclaimed as he was walking out of the room.
shaking his head and turning around to face the computer screen in front of him, matt let out a sigh.
sitting in her office dim lights as men came in and out for interviews none of them satisfied her for this special job, until a man 5’8 with brown hair blue eyes in all black walked in.
scanning the man in front of her y/n sat up straight in her chair and looked at him.
“hello.” she said monotoned “this is for the transporter job right?” said the man in a confident voice which the women admired.
“it certainly is. now what’s your name pretty boy?” she asked eyeing him.
“Matthew Sturniolo”
“well take a seat mr.sturniolo” she said pointing to a chair in front of her, the man took a seat making eye contact with the woman in front of him.
“first question, do you have any idea who i am?” she said firmly. “you’re y/n blanco one of the most wanted and powerful women cartel in both new york and los angeles.” he replied with confidence.
“you’ve done your research?” she said raising her eyebrows surprised that he knew her but then again she was the most wanted drug lord almost her whole life was on display.
“maybe” he responded “next question, how old are you?” she questioned “why youre trying to ask me out on a date?” he cocked his eyebrow suppressing a smile, she just glared at him. “sorry, i’m 25 years old” he responded “do you have a driver’s license?” she asked “yes” he affirmed.
before she could get more of her questions out the phone on her desk began to ring making both of them look at it. “bueno?” she spoke into the phone “como que juan no hizo la entrega? manda luis a mi oficina ahora mismo!” she hung up the phone, before matt could ask any question there was a knock at the door making him turn around.
“adelante” a 6’4 tattooed muscular man walked in looking at y/n “me hablo señora?” he asked his eyes moving to matt who sat on the chair “si, necesito que le hagas una visita a juan, ya sabes que hacer y hazlo rápido, asegúrate que nadie te mire entrar o salir de ahí!” he nodded taking in his orders leaving the room closing the door behind him.
“sorry about that, where were we?” she cleared her throat looking at the blue eyed man in front of her “you were asking me questions” he smiled at her “right the interview!” she mumbled looking down at the questions in front of her.
“chapter” 1 of dangerous women complete! i hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed making it i have a lot of ideas for this series so im super excited! sorry if my spanish is wrong or bad im used to just speaking it and not writing it 😭 (pls don’t tell my mom she’ll be mad if she knew i was forgetting how to write in spanish 😕) but thank you so much for reading this!
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