#non-dysphoric flag
eldorr · 2 years
Non-Dysphoric Flag
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I had made dysphoria type flags back in September 2020 on my original blog. I didn't really like how I did two of the original flags so I decided to remake all of them.
Anyone who who is non-dysphoric can use this, minus if you're cis/transn't individuals (anyone who doesn't ID as trans/nonbinary or generally are only 100% (percent) cisgender).
The colors don't really mean anything other than I associated purple with non-dysphoria and used them on the flags as such. I guess you could consider the white stripes as standing for self-love? No clue what I said about the colors on the original posts since they're long gone lol
I'm also making a dysphoric flag, semi-dysphoric flag, and a dysphoriaflux flag. They'll be on separate posts.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the first two and last two are the same sizes, the third and fifth stripes are very thin, and the fourth stripe is thicker than the third/fifth but not as think as the rest. The colors from top to bottom are as follows: dark red, dull red, light gray, purple, light gray, greenish teal, dark greenish teal. The colors are desaturated. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a cone tornado at the end of a road, the flag being the (General) Neurodivergent flag. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
Below these IDs is a cut, underneath the cut is where I put flags that may trigger eye strain, migraines, etc. due to colors or stripe patterns. Proceed with caution if you struggle with anything like that.
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[ID] A flag with 7 horizontal stripes, the first two and last two are the same sizes, the third and fifth stripes are very thin, and the fourth stripe is thicker than the third/fifth but not as think as the rest. The colors from top to bottom are as follows: dark red, persian red, white, dark purple, white, greenish teal, dark spring green. The colors are vibrant. [/End ID]
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satyrradio · 2 months
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A non-conventional queer individual, especially those who are seen as "cringe" by others. This can includes aspecs, microlabel users, xenine ppl, nonbinary ppl, alternative queer ppl, contradictory queers, polyamorous ppl, mspecs, label collectors, nondysphoric ppl, nonhuman queers, loud queers, etc etc etc.
@presentationflag-archive @radiomogai
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 4 months
My gender is weird, being genderfluid is weird, if I had a single say in this I would’ve picked something easier for me to wrap my head around
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cowboycunt · 7 months
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AITA for refusing to date someone because of their sexuality?
Me (25+ NB) and this girl (25+F, C) have known each other for a bit over a year. I like C a lot, but always thought it wouldn't go anywhere because she is a lesbian. Lesbian flags, "God I love girls so much" type, and dont get me wrong: she's amazing and I love how much she loves her community, and always felt a little pang of "ah well" when she would post about wanting a girlfriend. Anyway C told me she was attracted to me, but when I said I thought she only liked women, she said it includes non-binary people. I basically said I wasn't comfortable dating someone who id's as a lesbian because it makes me feel a bit dysphoric as a transmasculine person.
Where I think I might be the AH is when another friend (K) asked if C was a gay man would I be okay with that, I said yes. K asked if C was bisexual then what, and I said yes. They said that was stupid and basically said I am lesbophobic and should get that bag, but I can't seem to wrangle with how I feel about it.
What are these acronyms?
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redacted-coiner · 3 months
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Dysphoric, EX-Transmed, Non-Dysphoric
Also wanna note: I have never been a transmed the flag is included for those who may have and now have recovered(/recovering)
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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sickly-sapphic · 3 months
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[ID: A swirly background with the nonbinary flag colours - white, yellow, purple and black - as the background to all slides. Text reads; it's Nonbinary Awarensss Week... ...but what is nonbinary? Background by GaboBuasczyck (pinterest).
What is Nonbinary? In its simplest definition, nonbinary just means outside of the male-female gender binary. Some consider it under the umbrella of trans or genderqueer, others say genderqueer is under the nonbinary umbrella! Either way, not *all* nonbinary people will be transgender or genderqueer - it's its own identity!
Queer Gender Experiences. Everybody's experience with being nonbinary differs. Some people are just nonbinary, some may be nonbinary men or women. Nonbinary people can be transgender, transfeminine, transmasculine, transneutral and/or cisgender. Some people identify with multiple labels - like genderqueer, agender, genderfluid and/or demigender.
Nonbinarism & Pronouns. There's a common misconceptions that all nonbinary people use exclusively they/them pronouns. In reality, nonbinary people use an array of different pronouns. Some do use they/them, some use it/its, some use neopronouns such as xe/xem and fae/faer, some use nounself pronouns like bunself or starself and some use she/her and/or he/him. Many use multiple sets! Pronouns are deeply personal, and they give no indication of gender.
Nonbinarism & Sexuality. There are many jokes regarding nonbinary sexuality. Nonbinary sexuality comes in all shapes and sizes! Depending on their relationship with gender, sex and love, nonbinary people might identify as strictly lesbian, gay/vincian or straight, but some may feel more comfortable under labels like sapphic, achillean, toric, trixic, diamoric or enbian. Many nonbinary people also sit under the mspec and aspec umbrellas.
Nonbinarism & Intersexuality. There's a common myth that intersex people are just "cis nonbinary" or that they're proof of nonbinary peoples existance. In reality, intersex isn't even a gender (though some intersex people may use it as their gender label too) and nonbinary people are the proof of nonbinary existance. Some intersex people do still feel most comfortable as cis nonbinary, but this is a personal identity and NOT the definition of intersex.
Nonbinarism & Race. While I can't talk on personal experience, I did want to bring light on the face that race also impacts gender identity. The societal boxes or ideals of manhood and womanhood are usually centred around *white* womanhood and manhood. Some people of colour & indigenous people find the label of nonbinary useful to explain the disconnect with their birth gender due to these ideals.
Nonbinarism & Disability. Similar to the last side, the boxes of womanhood and manhood are often also focused on able-bodied people. This can leave disabled people feeling they don't really fit in the man or woman boxes. So, some disabled people use nonbinary, or nonbinary woman/man to explain this disconnect or to step outside the boxes they've been excluded from.
Don't forget about... hyperfeminine nonbinary people, religious nonbinary people, nonbinary people of colour, cis nonbinary people, lesbian, gay and straight nonbinary people, plural nonbinary people, hypermasculine nonbinary people, disabled nonbinary people, fat nonbinary people, non-dysphoric nonbinary people, indigenous nonbinary people, intersex nonbinary people, nonbinary people living through genocide.
Happy Nonbinary Awareness Week. 8th July - 14th July. End ID]
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I still think it's really funny that the "toothpaste"/"listerine" flag I (partially?) made back in 2016 based off an anon's suggestion took off and had so much discourse over it. Because I literally had NO idea about it until years later when I stumbled upon it randomly (iirc) because nobody said anything to my face about it ever. Even now I don't think anyone has said anything to me outside of direct responses of posts I made about it.
Like there's literally everyone across every spectrum of everything either loving or hating the flag for completely different reasons, some of which aren't even remotely true. But somehow it almost never reached me.
I'm just here playing in my mud pit trying to help people make and find flags and terms that make them happy while there's a whole war raging over (at least) one of them around the corner.
Anyway, I got burned out a while ago from making flags because people kept making like 100000 a day with photos and copyrighted images on them and I couldn't keep up so I don't know all the flags the youth are using anymore.
Anyway I just wanted to reiterate that I'm NOT a truscum. One of them took the flag and reuploaded it stating it was the "official" gay man flag and I guess that's when it exploded and people just assumed they made it?
I also still 100% support non-dysphoric/transitioning trans people, bi/pan lesbians/gay men, anyone with "weird" or "contradictory" labels, people with 500 genders or 0 genders or -62 genders, you can detransition, retransition, LMNOP-transition, you can change your sex but not your gender, you can reclaim your slurs, you can do whatever you want forever, just don't be an ass and for the love of cats stop making overly complex flags, they're supposed to be simple for a reason!
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@gayflagblog's version
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Mod Hermy
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Hi sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you could do Gwendoline’s characters with a non binary s/o? Also unrelated but I love your work ❤️
Gwen’s Characters With A Non-Binary SO
Authors Note: Thank you so much for requesting this! @bri-sonat wrote for Brienne and Phasma and (of course) double-checked my work as well :))
Larissa Weems
She tries not to be too invasive, but Larissa has many questions about her partner’s identity and how she can support her partner
From her work with the students, she has some experience with using new pronouns and names. She will immediately adjust to her partner’s identity. 
Larissa loves pet names and will double-check to make sure her pet names for her partner are validating and wanted.
She becomes very invested in helping her partner express themselves through their personal style and fashion. If it's wanted, she will use her abilities to help her partner test out different styles and outfits. 
In order to help with dysphoria, Larissa will provide words of affirmation and small acts of service to soothe her partner in whatever way she can.
Larissa is a wonderful confidant so if her partner isn’t out, their identity is safe with her and she will be happy to alter the way she speaks about them depending on the setting. 
She is very quick with compliments and she quickly learns to tailor them so they are genuine affirmations of her partner’s gender. 
If she has any questions about how to help her non-binary students, Larissa is quick to sit down and talk with her partner to gain another perspective. 
Larissa loves so intensely that her partner’s gender is secondary. She is happy to accommodate any changes to make them feel loved. 
Miranda Hilmarson
She is so happy for her partner when they come out to her. She is so proud of them and feels so honored to be trusted with their identity.
She definitely does a TON of research about her partner’s identity as she is worried about seeming ignorant. Post-research she has just a few more questions to make sure she fully understands. 
Miranda is not a great secret keeper but if her partner isn’t out yet, she will guard that secret with her whole being. 
In fear of misgendering her partner, Miranda will practice her partner’s pronouns (or name) in private to make sure she never gets it wrong. If she were to get it wrong, she will apologize profusely and feel terrible. 
(If her partner is out) All of Miranda’s friends will know her partner’s correct pronouns (and/or name) by the sheer amount in which she talks about her partner. She will brag about them and talk about them 24/7 at work.
Miranda loves seeing her partner in clothes so she is happy to offer up a sweatshirt or t-shirt for those dysphoric days. 
Miranda will get a small non-binary pride flag to keep in her apartment to show her partner that “my apartment is a safe space for you.”
She is very supportive (if not completely ecstatic) of her partner to try out new haircuts or styles to better represent their identity. She wants to be there for all the trips to the hairdresser or to the store just so she can be there to support all of the decisions. 
 Miranda tries to understand her partner’s gender to the best of her ability so she can send them memes, posts, and TikToks that could be funny or relatable for her partner. 
Brienne of Tarth
Considering there was no such thing as non-binary (or any form of labels, to be fair) back in Brienne’s time, it would be referred to as “genderless” by both Brienne and her partner.
When Brienne’s significant other first explained it to her and how they felt about their identity, she was a little confused but eventually understood after some questions and answers.
She’s very respectful about what she refers to her partner as and asks them what would be okay and what would not be in terms of “gendered” terms. Eventually landing in “my partner,” and “my romantic companion.”
If her partner wants to alter their name and have Brienne call them something else in private, she would be more than supportive and try her best to adjust as fast as possible. If she slips in the first few days, she feels incredibly guilty and apologizes profusely. 
If her significant other wishes to keep the new name and identity to themselves and Brienne only, she’d respect her partner’s wishes but every time someone refers to her partner by their old name or calls them a girl, she has the most challenging time holding her tongue - wanting to correct them, but she manages to keep quiet. Her respect and loyalty to her love are stronger than anything else.
When/if her partner voices a discomfort or dysphoria with their body and their feminine traits, she will observe and take notes on what she can do to help on the rougher days.
She always lets her partner wear her clothes that are far too large for them, just to offer some more affirming clothing than the ones that are tailored to their body and often show their curves.
She will offer to cut their hair if they want to go shorter or just maintain the length they currently have if it’s already short. 
She will try her best to offer any type of euphoric or affirming moment on any day, but especially the harder ones.
Every single day will she tell them how much she loves them and how much they mean to her, and how perfect they are just the way they are.
Captain Phasma
When her partner explains it to her, she doesn’t say more than: “Good for you.” 
Even if her initial reaction was very careless and crass, she does take it in and adjusts slightly in the way she thinks about them.
She will not be all lovey-dovey or gentle about it all, but she will be somewhat supportive, in her own Phasma way.
If someone misgenders her partner in her proximity, she will aggressively correct them if their partner has shared their identity with them that is. If they have not, she will not say anything, against her own invasive urges.
If her significant other wants her to call them something else, she will. It’s going to take a couple of days and she will slip, but she will eventually lock it in. Whenever she does slip up when talking to her partner, she will correct herself and move on. They won’t get an apology out of Phasma, but she wants her partner to know that she was aware of her slip-up in some way. 
If her partner is out, she will correct someone using their old name in her usual stern way, and if she slips when talking about them to someone else, (which she never will cause when she talks about them to someone else she uses their title and last name, but on the off-chance that she uses their title and first name) she will quickly correct herself and tell the other person that, “If I hear you calling them the name I accidentally used, I am going to rip your tongue out so you can never call anyone anything ever again.”
And for the more dysphoric days, she doesn’t quite know what to do. Her initial attempts don’t really work (like saying, “You’re hot.”) so she disinterestedly asks what she can do to help or “whatever.”
She ends up throwing her large shirts her partner’s way when they voice their thoughts on how they are feeling. She also silently drags them to the hairdresser if her partner so wishes for an affirming haircut.
She’s supportive in her own aggressive way.
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer just gets it. 
They try not to use too much of their own experience to anticipate their partner’s wants and needs, so they will have a few questions to be as responsive as possible. 
Even with their busy schedule ruling hells, they will happily sit and listen to their partner talk about their experience or challenges. There is no mercy for those who interrupt your time together. 
They would encourage their partner to be open and proud of their new identity but are supportive of their partner’s wish to not come out if they so choose - either way, Lucifer will use the correct pronouns (and/or name).
Due to Lucifer’s own non-binary identity, Hell is a place that quickly accepts changes in an individual's orientation or identity. On the odd chance that someone is not accepting of Lucifer’s partner, that daemon or being will be turned into ash with the flick of Lucifer’s wrist. 
They are delighted in helping their partner alter their appearance to feel more affirmed and will often tell their partner, “You have no need to want for anything. Whatever your heart desires, I will make it so.” 
They love to pull their partner into their lap and wrap them up in their arms when their partner is feeling more dysphoric. They will whisper sweet affirmations for a short while before asking if they could interest their partner in a walk through the gardens. 
Jane Murdstone
She doesn’t quite understand at first, only responding with “I see. Thank you for telling me.” Jane is quick to bring up the subject again later that evening or the next day as she truly had no clue what ‘non-binary’ or ‘genderless’ meant. 
It may take her a few explanations to understand fully, but she is never unaccepting or rude about her partner’s wishes. She doesn’t make a very big deal of the change and will often ask a single question and answer with an “Mhmm. Thank you.” as she internally sorts through the new information.
The Victorian era was not an accepting one so her partner’s gender will most likely be kept private along with their relationship with Jane. 
Jane wants to verbally eviscerate anyone who misgenders her partner, but chooses to silently seethe instead to avoid outing her partner in any way. 
She is very deliberate with her words and will be determined to use the correct pronouns (and/or name) whenever she has the opportunity. 
She most definitely surprises her partner with trousers and loose-fitting shirts to wear around their rooms. 
She is quick to utilize compliments that she finds to be more genderless, such as, “You are looking quite attractive today, sweeting.”
Her partner will often hear her cursing ‘the latest fashion trends’ and how they are ‘quite repressive and reprehensible’ as the fashion of the day was designed to accentuate women’s curves. 
Jane loves to read her partner poetry or novels and will often change the pronouns of the love interest just for them. 
Taglist: @charymobile, @ihavenoclue2008, @opheliauniverse, @alex-nyx, @renravens, @whenyouhaveanobsession, @scream-queenlover, @shyladyfan, @rubberduckiesbathing, @mcufanisme, @peanutbutterprincess, @lvinhs, @myzzjolanda, @brienneswife, @dumbasslesbi, @kay-liah-scope, @kimiinou, @sweetderacine, @giogwensversion, @gela123, @thevillagegay, @naomi-m3ndez, @mysaviorfalsegod
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infernothechaosgod · 11 months
I saw a guy here once draw his oryginal character (ftm) in this cute crop top hoodie in pastel trans flag colors and overall it looked very cute and nice I thought nothing of it
And my honest reaction to that is Fuck you
First off Trans people litellary everywhere keep on telling you that clothes are just a pice of fabric and faminity and masculinity don't equal gender
Second off You have no right to enter a space of a group youre not in and tell that group what they should be offended by Based on how YOU, NOT A PART OF THAT SPACE, COMMUNITY OR GROUP feel
Not our fault you need fabric to help YOU respect OTHERS as if you were a baby needing arrows everywhere to know where to look at becuse youre too dumb to figure it out yourself
It honestly reminds me of this one time a cisgender woman made a whole video about how to write trans characters And she just non stop kept saying "don't make trans men feminine or anything like that or trans women masculine, trans men are never feminine it makes them dysphoric same for trans women!" as if we were some animals that cannot speak up ourselfs
Third off
These people could not handle trans stories No matter what they'll say becuse they would immidietly be upset when a trans character is
"Too young to figure it out!" "Not dysphoric at slight feminity/masculinity in themselfs!" "comfortable with their body ever???" "not Afraid of litellary everything and everyone becuse they figured out there trans???" "depressed 24/7!" "Not focused on it enough"
not in pain
Not discusted with themselfs 90% of the story
Acting like a happy human
Being more than just the trans character
They cannot be a warrior, a healer, a leader of any kind, a mage, a wizard, a protector, a genius, anyhow charismatic, memorable
They or the fact there trans cannot be memorable so you can cut either them or the fact there trans out of your mind when youre done watching the series or movie or reading the book or comic anything
Also they would be upset if the story about being trans happen anytime before 2000s Or the trans character wasn't white
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the-aaaaa-battery · 3 months
It’s the last day of Pride Month…
It’s kind of sad, not gonna lie. Pride Month seems to be the only time during the year when people pay attention to us and our feelings. (Also, I could make queer jokes to all my non-queer friends all month and they couldn’t complain. But that’s less important.)
The difference between me during last year’s Pride Month and this year’s is huge. This was my very first Pride Month during which I felt like I understood my identity. Last year, I was questioning my gender, questioning my sexuality, feeling dysphoric, and feeling lost. I identified as a demigirl, used she/they pronouns, thought I was asexual and demiromantic, and had absolutely no idea who I felt attraction for. This Pride Month, I felt a lot more comfortable with my identity! I now identify with the labels transgender, agender, aroace, demialterous, neptunic, and lesboy, and I use any pronouns except she/her. It’s a huge change, but I feel more comfortable with these new labels, which I think is a big improvement.
I didn’t go to any Pride Parades, but I did go to my school’s Pride event and got myself my first pride flag! It’s a small asexual flag and it’s in my bedroom now.
I think I learned a lot more about the queer community over last year. I’ve learned about so many identities and so many experiences, and I feel like I’ve grown. To be clear, I’ve still got a long way to go. But I wanted to thank everyone who’s helped me learn and grow. Some people are here on Tumblr, others are on other sites, and others are my friends in real life.
Thank you!!!! And, for the last time this year, Happy Pride.
(I may do another one of these reflection posts next year, if I remember.)
Next month is Disability Pride Month! So early shoutout to people with disabilities! (My blog is LGBTQ+ based, so I won’t be focusing on Disability Pride Month too much, however, I hope all disabled people have a good July!)
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eldorr · 2 years
Non-Dysphoric Trendercoric
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If you don't know what Trendercoric is, the definition is below.
Trendercoric: a coric xenogender related to trendercore. It is based on the reclamation of the term "transtrender" which has been used to demean non-binary, xenic, and gender non-conforming individuals, neopronoun users, non-dysphoric trans individuals, and many others. Trendercore as an aesthetic revolves around bright colors, self-love, inclusivity, and the use of things such as pride flags, pronoun pins, dyed hair, and other alternative aesthetics.
This term was originally posted on February 13th, 2022. It was posted along with the HD Trendercoric flag, and other types of dysphoria Trendercoric flags.
Anyone who who is non-dysphoric and Trendercoric can use this, minus if you're cis/transn't individuals (anyone who doesn't ID as trans/nonbinary or generally just aren't 100% (percent) cisgender).
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[ID] A flag with 9 horizontal stripes. The top, fifth, and last stripes are a medium size, the fourth and sixth stripes are the skinniest, and the other four are the largest. The colors from top to bottom are: dark red, guardsman red, peachy pink, white, indigo, white, cyan, blueish green, napier green. [/End ID]
[ID] A DNI (do not interact) banner with a very faded galaxy background. On the left of the banner there’s a flag as with a rounded side, the circle inside it showing an image of a cone tornado at the end of a road, the flag being the (General) Neurodivergent flag. The rest of the image is filled with white text that reads: “DNI (Do Not Interact). Against Good Faith Self Identification Or “Contradictory” Identities, Transmed, Sysmed, Group Arospec under Acespec, Anti-Educated Self-Dx, Call Mspec identities “Bispec”, Anti-Alterhuman, Anti-Otherkin, Anti-Chronosian, Against the term Transandromisia (or similar terms), Anti Aldernic, Anti-Altersex, Pro-Contact harmful paras, TransID,  Anti-Anti, Proship, “Consang”, Anti-SFW Agere, Demonize Cluster B disorders, Anti-BLM, Anti-ACAB” [/End ID]
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satyrradio · 3 months
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Nondysphoric flag
Matching with my dysphoric flag. Chose a bee since bees and flowers have a mutualistic relationship 👍
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catedunlapsgf · 8 months
— jackie x non binary partner coming out to her
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this is just very self indulgent fluff tbh! had this in the drafts for a while (wc: 350)
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you’re super nervous to come out to her, but once you finally do she showers you in kisses, reassuring you that you’re valid and she loves you so so much.
she’d get so excited and ask you about pronouns, identity, names, etc. and listen so intently <333
if someone ever misgendered or deadnamed you, jackie would verbally assault them until they cried. she’d make sure that no one ever harasses you again, and if they were stupid enough to still do it, she would not hesitate to go off on them. it’s landed her in the principal’s office a few times. like she can get SCARY.
if you cut your hair, she’s eager to help, and she actually does an amazing job. you were a bit nervous she’d fuck it up.
she always loves playing with your hair no matter the length, but if it is short, she’s running her fingers through it all day, and massaging it.
when you’re on your period and have cramps, and might be feeling dysphoric, jackie will set up a little nest of blankets and pillows in front of the tv, and hold you in her arms while you both watch whatever you want. she’ll give you so many kisses and rub your stomach, aswell as making sure you had a heating pad.
she buys so much non binary flag merch for you oh my god. like she’ll go all out and she’ll surprise you with it <3
if you get top surgery, she’ll be there for you through it all, holding your hand. she helps with the drains and bandages in post op, and makes sure that you get the proper rest and relaxation you need, which of course includes all of the cuddles.
the day you get your bandages off, jackie comes with you, and once your new chest is revealed she looks at you so incredibly lovingly, wrapping you up in a hug. she runs her hands up and down it, which makes you blush. but she just pulls you closer, kissing you and telling you how much she loves you.
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tropical-starlight · 2 years
ok before i say ANYTHING, radqueers who interact with this post will be blocked on sight. dont touch this post /srs (edit: added some things and rephrased some things)
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(image id: a 9 striped flag, the color order is duck egg blue, periwinkle, cornflower, pastel blue, mabel, light pink, light fushia, candy pink, and duck egg blue. in the middle of the flag there is a image of light purple coral with white stars surrounding it. end id)
Coralqueer is a inclusionist term that has a heavy emphasis on self-expression,creativity, and diversity, while still being safe and being wary of things that are actually harmful.
basically coralqueer is "as long as you arent something thats geniunley harmful, everybody's valid!" also update: i wanted to add that the flag actually has a meaning! the blue shades represent inclusiveness and the ocean, the pink shades represent creativity and sea creatures, while the paler blue stripes on the top, bottom, and middle represent unity and peace!
Coralqueer supports:
-"Controdictory" labels such as mspec gay/lesbian, gaybians, lesboys/turigirls, etc
-Systems of all origins wheather they be traumagenic, DID/OSSD, non-disordered, endogenic, or more
-Disabled and Non-neurotypical folks of all disabilities and disorders (this includes personality disorders and other commonly demonized disorders!)
-The freedom to do what you want with your body, wheather that be having a abortion or body modification or whatever
-All Consentual non-harmful relationships, wheather romantic, sexual, monogamous, polyamorus, queer-platonic, or objectum/objectix
-The freedom to express one's non-harmful interests and hobbies how they please.
-Xenogenders, neogenders, non-dysphoric trans folks, pronoun and gender non-conforming folks and other people who dont fit the binary
-Activist movements such as ACAB, defund the police, BLM, stop asian hate, free iran, women's rights, stand with ukraine, free palestine, etc
-Spirtual freedom and the ability to take your own religious path that you wish. (includes stuff like witchcraft!) -Alterhumanity of all different forms (this includes transspecies folks who do not use it in a radqueer way!) -Recovery and healing for those who have escaped the radqueer community
However, coralqueer DOES NOT support the following:
-Hatred, bigotry, discrimination, exclusionism. or harassing others for their identity or interests.
-Transid (transrace, transabled, transage, that kind of bullshit)
-Pro-contact harmful paraphilias, or the ones who encourage acting on harmful paraphilias (seriously what the hell, fuck off)
-Gatekeeping, infighting, or starting shit just to start shit
i made this term because it seems like the radqueer community is starting to grow larger, so i made coralqueer to help fight aganist it. radqueers DNI
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
can you make a
Non-Dysphoric transwomanflag
Non-Dysphoric transman flag
Non-Dysphoric nonbinary flag
Non-Dysphoric trans flag
Non-dysphoric Nonbinary / Trans Man / Trans Woman!!
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Non-dysphoric Transgender
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Non-dysphoric Nonbinary | Non-dysphoric Trans Man | Non-dysphoric Trans Woman
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