#nonbinary dazai osamu
skkflower · 7 months
Trans Chuuya thoughts I posted on twitter. It got super long so I’m posting it under the cut…
Chuuya realizes he feels “wrong”after post explosion birth and after being socialized by the Sheep…he brushes it off as proof of not being human…as he learns more about society he decides to present himself as a boy because his enemies take him seriously that way (in my head the Sheep were orphans from Suribachi and runaways so there’s probably a pretty big queer community there)…totally ignoring the fact that being called a boy makes him happier.
Basically his logic up until he joins the mafia is “I’m probably a boy, but I have bigger problems” and his dysphoria over being human is stronger than anything really…but I think when he meets the flags (and Kouyou I have a whole section for her), he starts to think more he starts to think more about presentation vs identity (ie learns that women don’t have to dress as men to be taken seriously, gnc Lippmann, insert other flags hcs I have)…Chuuya realizes he is trans…Doc offers to get him HRT and surgery but Chuuya’s really in his “I don’t trust anyone in the Mafia” phase and doesn’t want to really stake his transition on an unstable source/ hates depending on people…so he’s fine with rocking with the masc leaning androgyny…his dysphoria lessens a bit because he now realizes his gender confusion isn’t what makes him not human…
BUT THEN BAM STORMBRINGER JUMPSCARE (the only way to really think about sb actually)… Verlaine is also trans *insert the singularity metaphor thread here* and Chuuya literally watches his past self die in his arms (trauma and trans metaphor two in one combo)…although Chuuya is king of repression…he probably channels all his sb trauma into a complete gender crisis…cuts his hair and starts binding with transtape…wants to start HRT but is still uneasy about doctors and all. But after weaponizing Corruption as Soukoku…he starts getting really bad dysphoria/dysmorphia about his sense of humanity again…which translate over to gender dysphoria and he goes through a bad mental state for a bit, so he ultimately decides staring HRT will be best.
(Kouyou is transfem in my head and she sits him down and is like “you’re clearly suffering right now and we can help you” and they decide to send him abroad to a hormone specialist because he’s a labrat kid lol)
Yes my explanation for why Chuuya is not in dark era is transgenderism…Dazai defects…he gets promoted to Executive…finds out he’s definitely human and starts HRT…gets more confident in his gender identity and starts presenting more gnc again…it was mostly about control for him and having stability in his place in the mafia helped him feel more confident. A lot of his confidence is a mask (autistic chuuya), but he is secure. TransChuuya is so real to me!!!
Bonus Thoughts:
Soukoku was definitely making out/hooking up post SB, but Dazai respecting Chuuya’s boundaries increased their mutual trust and made them such a strong duo…knowing each other inside and out and also respecting (they were never safe enough to say love yet) each other…
Dazai is deffo gender apathetic nonbinary…he also probably has more of a humanity dysphoria there…their gender crisis starts during the 2 year isolation…to quote my partner who hasn’t watched bsd, “dazai to me is those pretransition trans women who look so miserable (dark era) and then when she transitions you can see the light in her eyes and a spring in her step”
Chuuya has not gotten top surgery because of medicinal trauma and also because I said so…
Anyway please take this stupid skit of bungo stray woke:
*soukoku arguing during reunion*
Chuuya: you weren’t there for me!!
Dazai: of course not, I left the mafia!!
Chuuya: no I was talking about me starting HRT…
Chuuya: oh congrats
Dazai: yea I use any pronouns now
Chuuya: coolio
Dazai: you look better…more chuuya now…
Chuuya: thanks
*awkard pause*
Chuuya: okay im going back to kicking your ass
Dazai: yea fair enough
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soulless-bex · 1 year
kunidazai (qpr) headcanons!!
(they/them pronouns for dazai and he/him for kunikida)
dazai moved in with kunikida a few months after joining the agency. it had been decided, as a team, that they were unable to take care of themself on their own, and thus the roommate solution
dazai didn’t share their pronouns with the class for the longest time, because they thought (wrongly) that it didn’t matter. for their defence tho, they only figured out that they were nonbinary shortly before leaving the mafia, and with the following two years of isolation, didn’t really get to establish with themself that it was important. oda would have done it for them, but alas, couldn’t. anyway, when kunikida finally figured it out, he felt like shit for misgendering them for so long and dazai was confused as fuck
they actually didn’t get together right away. for a while, their relationship in their shared apartment was more of a ‘you’re my responsibility’ kind of thing, until kunikida got the (platonic) feels for dazai. then, their relationship involved a lot more of late night cuddles, trust building and tentative vulnerability
kunikida is a lot more lenient with dazai here. he understands that they have bad days (which are honestly most days) and tries to help them get better. he helps them a lot with the paperwork, not by doing it for them, but just by sitting beside them and pointing out stuff they forgot and humming approvingly when they do something correctly or even better than kunikida himself would have done it. it’s a system that involves a lot of rewards and breaks
dazai gets to have someone they can trust! sure, they don’t spill all of the tea right away, it actually takes a kidnapping (you know which one i’m talking about) and a mental breakdown for them to admit to having been in the mafia, but they’re getting there and kunikida is being really patient
kunikida grows extremely overprotective of dazai. the moment they disappear without mentioning it before hand he’s worrying about dazai’s safety. he knows they need their space and independence, but that doesn’t stop him from worrying. and the moment chuuya and dazai make a move to start dating again, he’s already out there threatening chuuya against harming dazai in anyway
kunikida actually trying his hardest to learn and understand dazai’s trauma. and identifying any potential triggers to be the best partner he can be
cue to kunikida holding dazai’ hand during their doctor appointments. yosano sees it but says nothing about it. she’s just glad they found a way to get dazai through their appointment without them trying to make a run for it
if kunikida has a detailed plan to murder mori in his notebook then it’s no one’s business
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t4t-dazai · 11 months
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your honor, they're nb4nb
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latapadraws · 9 months
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my favorite gorls
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anhedoniacity · 5 months
trans adventures of the day: went to get my bangs trimmed. gave my hairdresser a picture of dazai
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pridepup · 2 months
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Nonbinary lesbain Dazai icons
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zukkaoru · 4 months
❤️‍🩹 i want your dreary mondays ❤️‍🩹
It’s far from the picture-perfect ideal life Kunikida had planned out for himself, but…he’s realized that you cannot plan for everything. You cannot anticipate every attack, and just because life doesn’t turn out looking like you expected doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness anyways. He took both his own life and Yosano’s ability to heal for granted, and now he’s suffering permanent consequences. But he also has support from people who understand.
kunikida has a bad pain day, and his partners take care of him
❤️‍🩹 2.7k words || kunichuuzai hurt/comfort + fluff ❤️‍🩹 written for pamper kunikida week 2024 on twt
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enrecloud · 1 month
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(cis male!Dazai x non-binary!Chuuya)
this is au where Chuuya was left without parents at a young age and raised in another country. Dazai is a traveler who meets Chuuya by chance.
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vinylbiohazard · 10 months
i just realized i need to spread my nonbinary kyouka propaganda
preferred pronouns are, in order, they/them (would like used about 80% of the time), she/her (it usually doesn't them Upsetti and sometimes even enjoyed!!), he/him (only a little bit, for spice), and they love various other neopronouns thrown in like bun/buns or boo/boos
dazai was the one who introduced them to the concept of neopronouns
atsushi helped them with figuring out the nonbinary part during a long late time talk with juice boxes at the agency (they had all their work done, the agency is just a comfort spot for them so it felt more natural than to talk with atsushi at their dorm)
yosano will help style their hair to look more masculine/enby depending on their preference at the time
i NEED kyouka in a ratty beanie, baggy purple shirt, and scuffed jeans and sneakers it is like a necessity I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT IT WOULD BE SO GENDER OF THEM
when coming out, they entered the room and announced that 'i reject my feminine wiles.' and then never spoke for the rest of the day. atsushi explained it to them the next morning (with kyouka's permission ofc)
they keep their original name, even if their pronoun preferences shift, but they think shortened names like Kyou, Izu, or Mimi, or just using the masculine -kun is really neat
not long after coming out, dazai instructed kyouka to put on a pair of sunglasses and walk into the agency one morning while dazai wore a matching pair with a boombox over his head blasting the 'fuck out my way when you see me' song
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pridewishes · 1 year
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250x250 || nonbinary transmasc || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by @extravagancebeauty !!
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When Agender Dazai going to be canon
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devilsadvcate · 1 month
You are beautiful, amazing. 
Until I say that you are not. 
Then you should die
an original by me
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soulless-bex · 1 year
dazai osamu is easily the most frustrating character i’ve ever heard about. we know NOTHING about them, and don’t come at me with the ridiculous amount of content we have on their mafia years. that’s no help to try and understand them
i’m talking about the before. it’s almost as if they materialized themself into existence at fourteen. i want to know what happened before then sooo bad.
the fact that the earliest event we know of is the attempt that lead them to meet mori makes me want to tear my hair out
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nonbinary-akutagawa · 10 months
Dear BSD Fandom
I'm writing to inform you that although I love headcanoning Dazai as nonbinary(etc) which is awesome, it has come to my knowledge that I'm completely and utterly weak for nonbinary(etc) Akutagawa Ryūnosuke. Please consider this headcanon for future development of the BSD Fandom.
Kindest Regards from a friendly bsd fan :^)
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svoukos · 1 year
every fictional character is a lesbian unless they aren’t a lesbian. this is what I believe in
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pridepup · 2 months
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Nonbinary Dazai icons
Requested by @till-we-become-monsters
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