#nope just being a total wreck
sweetbans29 · 23 days
Unmarked - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You were serious about abstaining from Caitlin (AKA part 2 to Marked)
Warnings: needy Caitlin, suggestive
Word Count: 1.7k
Sweetbans Masterlist
You weren't kidding when you told Caitlin that the two of you would not be doing anything until all the marks she made on you faded away. And by the looks of the marks two days into them healing, it would be a little while before they fully disappeared.
In the two days, you have had to tell Caitlin 'no' a total of 4 times. It was not like you wanted to, but if you caved that means that she would have won and you don't like losing. Each attempt your girlfriend made was more and more desperate.
You are currently at her apartment for a movie night. The two of you are curled up in her bed as your favorite movie plays. If you were honest, as much as you love Caitlin being all over you it was nice to have some time to hang out (although you do miss the endless attacking from her lips).
Caitlin brings her hands to rest on your stomach, it doesn't phase you at all until her fingers play with your waistband and you feel her breath on your neck. You can't help but let your eyes flutter closed as your breath begins to pick up with anticipation.
"Miss you baby girl," Caitlin says as her fingers dip further into your shorts and you are snapped back to reality.
You shoot up to a sitting position, catching Caitlin off guard and roll to the other side of the bed.
"Nope," you say, composing yourself and fixing your shorts.
Caitlin groans as she falls closer to you in defeat.
"Nice try, but no," you say.
"Babe, it has been two days. We have never gone two days," Caitlin says as if the world is ending.
"It is not my fault someone can't listen," you say.
"I told you, I have no control when it comes to you," she says as she reaches her arm out to try and touch your leg. You move back and deny her access to your skin.
"I know, my body is riddled with evidence," you say as you begin pointing at the marks you can see without needing a mirror.
"How much longer?" Caitlin says like the impatient child she is.
"Once ever single mark is gone," you say and Caitlin lets out an exaggerated sigh. "And by the looks of it, some of these might take weeks to heal."
"WEEKS?" Caitlin yells. "I can't go weeks."
You chuckle at your girl who is now hiding her face in the bed.
"Gonna explode," Caitlin muffles which makes you laugh even more. "Not funny."
"Come on babe, just think of how good it will be when the marks do fade," you whisper as you lean closer to her. "It will be like a whole new canvas for you to paint."
Caitlin looks up at you and you can see her pupil dilate.
You know you were teasing her and she hated being teased. She was so used to having all the control that your newfound dominance was wrecking her in all the right ways.
"But you have to be a good girl for me, okay?" You whisper as you lean in and place the lightest kiss on the corner of her lips. You can see her hands grip the sheets of her bed.
"I can be good," Caitlin says.
"Can you?" You ask. "Because I don't know if you can."
She nods rapidly. You smile at her and begin to make your way out of her room.
"Where are you going?" She calls out after you.
"I'm hungry," you respond as you make your way to her kitchen.
Caitlin falls back into her bed and groans. How in the world was she going to get through this?
It has now been 5 days. Most of the marks are gone and Caitlin points that out every chance she gets but you counter with the few that are still healing on your inner thighs and under your breasts.
Caitlin itched ever time she was with you, making practice and hanging out incredibly hard.
You had started showing your skin again which wasn't any help to her.
It was the end of practice when Caitlin comes up behind you.
"Are you trying to get me to cave?" She whispers in your ear.
You turn around and give her a questioning look. She is staring down at your legs and you laugh.
"Cait, today was the first day I didn't have to wear anything under my practice clothes," you say. You were wearing your usual practice fit as it had to be modified recently because of Caitlin, it really wasn't anything new.
"It's been years," Caitlin says and you roll your eyes at the girl.
"It's been five days," you say and turn to walk back to the lockers.
"Hey Caity girl, solid practice," Nalyssa comes over giving Caitlin a playful bump. Caitlin is uninterested.
"Still holding out on her?" Nalyssa asks you and Caitlin responds immediately.
"Yes," Caitlin says causing Lyss to laugh.
"Damn and I thought I had it bad," Lyss says.
"Don't feed into it Lyss, Caitlin is just impatient," you say as you prep to head into the showers.
"She has been teasing me for the past week! I don't deserve this," Caitlin says.
"I'm siding with your girl on this Cait, you didn't have to do her so dirty and right before a game," Lexie says as she jumps in the conversation.
"You are not helping Lexie," Caitlin says and gives her a look.
"All I am saying, is I would be pissed if Matt left marks like you did," Lexie says.
"Thank you," you say to Lex and Lyss disagrees.
"Nah, I'd be marking every inch of Dij just to show the world she ain't for anyone but me," Lyss says and Caitlin agrees.
"Okay, well agree to disagree," you say with a shrug.
After practice, Caitlin heads to yours. The two of you had plans to make dinner together. You had been doing everything in your power to keep a distance from Caitlin in the small confines of your kitchen which happens to be one of her favorite places to trap you. And you do a pretty good job of making sure she does back you into a corner.
"Just hear me out," Caitlin says.
"No," you say chopping up some veggies.
"You didn't even let me get to what I was going to say," Cait says.
"Exactly, hence me saying no to hearing you out," you say as if it was obvious.
"You hate me," Caitlin says.
"I do not hate you," you respond. "If I hated you, I would not be making a delicious dinner for you."
"Baby please," she practically begs. "I have been so good, I haven't tried anything since that second night."
"You have, you have been a very good girl," you tell her and you can see her thighs squeeze together. When you see how needy she is you want to cave. You want to give her everything she wants because she really does deserve it.
You put the knife down and wash your hands. She watches your every move. After drying your hands you walk over to her and her hands immediately come to your waist. They find their way under your shirt and rub your soft skin.
In keeping her away from you, you almost forgot how good it felt to have her.
Your hands come to hers and remove them from your body. A whimper escapes her lips. You place them behind her butt and back her up against the counter so she can't move her hands.
"No touching," you whisper as you look at her lips. She swallows.
You bring your hand up to her neck as you plant baby kisses along her jawline. Her head instantly tips back as she lets a whine escape from her lips.
You kiss her neck, not putting all the pressure that you know she loves but just enough to satisfy the craving. Your free hand makes its way under her shirt and massages one of her breasts.
"Baby," she moans at your touch.
"Yes," you ask in between kisses.
"Need you," is all she can mutter out.
"Please," Caitlin begs and you can't help but cave.
"Okay," you whisper into her ear. "Take me."
Caitlin takes the green light and throws you over her shoulder - taking you straight to your bed.
That night was one of the best nights that the two of you have ever shared together.
You wake up the next morning to a sleeping Caitlin. Turning over, you are glad you both have the day off because you don't want to leave bed.
Your movement causes Cait to stir as she reaches over to pull you closer to her. If there is one thing you love, it is cuddly Cait in the morning. She buries her head into you, wanting to block out any light that has made its way into your room.
"Morning," you say. You feel her hum as you wrap your arm around her.
"That might have been the best night of my life," Caitlin says and you laugh.
"Better than getting drafted?" You ask and she nods.
"Wow, good to know I am that good," you say and she pushes you. You pull her back into you.
"And look at that, only a few marks on my legs," you say and Caitlin smirks. She lifts up your shirt showing you all the marks she left.
"Oh, there are marks baby," she says leaning down to kiss the ones on your hips. "Just decided to hide them a this time."
"Caitlin!" You say as you fake anger when in reality, you both know you love being marked.
"You can't be mad at me," she says. "Hid them like you wanted. It's a win-win."
You know she is right.
"You know I'm not," you say. "Just like having the upper hand on you." You lean over to capture her lips.
"Babe, you know you always have the upper hand," Caitlin says as she pulls you onto her.
AN: Here you go! Hope it you all liked it. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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stormyelliotwritez · 6 months
Hey could you write batfam x male reader who is Jason's secret brother? Like batfam as in Bruce, dick, Jason, Tim and Damian, and like after Jason's death and resurrection they finally figure out that Jason had an older brother? Jason hardly remebers him because 1. He died and his memories are a bit fuzzy and 2. He was very young when he last saw his brother. I feel like the male reader took care of Jason, but at some point to try and give Jason a better life he left for sile shady work that promised a good amount of money, that would help Jason stay afloat? And after the batfam find out they obviously try to find him, and Bruce obviously tries to adopt him (even if he's an adult) so he can be reunited with his brother
yes yes yesssss. I was just going to write headcanons but I ended up with too many ideas so have a mini fic! I don't have the best grasp on the whole resurrection part coz I haven't read under the red so that'll be a bit vague. I'm so sorry this took so long. I got crazy writers block but here it is. Tell me if you want more of them or like headcanons because I'm lowkey obsessed with Jason having an older brother.
"Hey Bruce, why isn't Jason the first Todd that comes up when you look up Todd death report?" Dick asked as he walked into the Batcave and sat down on the table behind Bruce.
Bruce turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. He had no idea what his son was talking about as he'd never looked up the reports. He knew his son had died and he hadn't wanted to know anything more. He'd failed his son, and he didn't want to be reminded of it.
"He's the only Todd I'm aware of," Bruce turned his chair around and looked at his eldest son, "Jason doesn't have any relatives."
Dick turned his laptop around and right at the top of the report, it said Y/N Todd. The cause of death just said explosion and body not found.
"Does that sound suspicious to you as well, Bruce?" Dick asked as he leaned forwards slightly.
"Go ask Tim to look more into it," Bruce turned his chair back around, "and don't tell Jason. We've only just got him to stay so there's no need to spook him."
Dick nodded and then walked out of the Batcave.
A few days had passed, and Dick hadn’t brought it up to Bruce again. He had gone and asked Tim though and sworn him to secrecy. He didn’t talk to Jason much, so it wasn’t that hard anyways.
Jason was sitting in the library when Dick came in and seemed to be second guessing himself.
“You don’t read,” Jason said bluntly without looking up from his copy of Pride and Prejudice.
“I totally read,” Dick stumbled through the sentence as he walked over and sat down on an armchair opposite from Jason, “What are you reading anyways?”
Jason looked up at him, confused. What the fuck is Dick on, was all he was thinking. Dick was being nice, and he was normally nice, but this was awkward. This was like the same level of awkward he’d been for the first few days that Jason had been living at Wayne Manor. He had been so confident but also such a nervous wreck.
“Pride and Prejudice. Did you get sprayed with some drug on patrol?” Jason asked as he looked his older brother up and down.
“Nope nopity nope. I just wanted to hang out with you,” Dick said as though that explained why he was more skittish than a newborn kitten.
Jason nodded and then went back to reading. “I don’t remember him that much,” he said offhandedly as Dick went to stand up.
“How did you-” Dick said as he swung around and almost tripped over his feet.
“Tim talks a lot when he’s tired and you’re holding a coffee that he so desperately wants,” Jason replied with a shrug.
Dick’s jaw dropped. “You’re not mad that I’m snooping in your business? When you were little, I touched one of your first edition books and you cried for days.”
Jason’s head turned to look at Dick in two seconds flat. “I what?”
Dick’s eyebrow raised as he stared blankly at his little brother. “You don’t remember?”
The two of them stood silently as they processed what had been said. Jason hadn’t thought he’d lost that much. Dick hadn’t realized that either. He hadn’t realized Jason had lost anything. They didn’t talk much. Talking hurts and they’re both fragile which is seeming to be a trend in this family. (Bruce pay for therapy challenge???)
They stayed in silence for a few minutes before the door opened again and Damian walked in.
“Tim snitched. Your brother worked for some gang guy in Star City until he somehow quit. He’s back in Gotham for the next two weeks staying with,” Damian looked down at his phone and raised an eyebrow, “Selina?”
“How does Tim still keep his identity secret? Wait, so like dads on-off girlfriend, Selina?” Dick asked as he looked at their youngest brother with his eyebrows raised.
“Do we know any other Selinas, big bird?” Jason asked as his head swivelled to look in Dicks direction again.
Dick shrugged and seemed to be thinking. “So, we could just call Selina and ask about your mysterious brother?” He said observantly.
Damian sighed in frustration. “Yes, lets just call up Selina and ask her if she’s hosting Jason’s supposed to be dead brother!”
“It’s a good idea,” Dick tried to protest as he looked to Jason for backup. Jason raised his hands as if to say nope don’t involve me.
“No, it’s not. It’s really surprising that you’re not father’s actual son. You’re both stupid,” Damian replied as he scrolled on his phone until he found what he was looking for. His face lit up and he showed the screen. “There’s a gala on tomorrow. Selinas bound to go just to flirt with father, and she’ll probably take Y/N.”
“Ok, that is a better idea than mine,” Dick muttered as he crossed his arms and sulked.
“All of demon brats ideas are better than yours, Dickybird,” Jason said as he sat back down and reopened his book.
The night of the gala couldn’t come quick enough. Bruce was sitting at the kitchen table in his suit a good hour before they had to go and at that point, he wished he’d hadn’t broken his earbuds the day before. Jason and Tim were shouting at each other in the main first floor bathroom and Damian was about to tackle Dick for making him wear a blue tie. Cass and Steph were on a video chat with Barbs because she was currently at a tech conference so couldn’t make it.
Five minutes before they had to leave, Damian ran out of some room with Dick chasing him. Jason and Tim both tried to run out of the bathroom door at the same time, so Tim slammed into the wall. Steph and Cass walked calmy into the kitchen and laughed at the boys running rampant. Duke had offered to go on patrol solely because he didn’t want to go to the gala.
They all left the mansion and clambered into multiple cars.
The gala was bustling, and Bruce made his entrance followed by his entourage of children. The questions started up, but all Jason could think about was whether his older brother was there. Dick was standing close to him and swatting away any stuffy aristocrats who wanted to say how much he looked like the Wayne son who had died as a child.
Tim dragged his feet across the gala to where Dick and Jason were standing. He flopped onto the chair next to Jason and slammed his head down onto the table.
“No coffee?” Dick asked as he leaned against the wall and death stared another aristocrat who wanted their weekly Wayne drama fix.
“When have any of these events ever had coffee and I’m too young to drink and also Y/N is at the bar,” Tim rambled as he sat up straight and rubbed sleep out of his eyes.
“You’re like 18, I was drinking from like 15,” Jason started before his brain caught up with the whole sentence, “The bar?”
Tim nodded and fell forwards again. Dick put his hand out at a speed that could rival Wally and caught his younger brothers head. He nodded at Jason who jumped out of his chair and started briskly walking towards the bar.
At the bar, there sat a guy who looked to be in his 30s with bright red hair. A champagne glass was seated in front of him, and he was staring off into space.
Jason walked over and sat down next to him. He didn’t say anything but instead asked the bartender for a gin and tonic and glanced next to him. Y/N looked just like the fuzzy memories he had of him.
“You new around here?” Jason asked as he waited for the bartender to finish his drink.
The guy who was most likely his older brother didn’t say anything in response. He just sighed and sipped his champagne.
“Haven’t seen you at one of these before. You, uh, came with Ms Kyle?”
The guy gave him a nod in response as he rolled up his sleeves slightly. Jason looked down and saw the burn scar from when they’d been making pasta when he was little. His jaw dropped slightly before he recovered quickly. This was absolutely his older brother so what was he supposed to do now?
“I’m Jason Wayne,” he said so as to not spook Y/N.
“Y/N Todd,” Y/N glanced at Jason, “You look like someone I used to know. Have we met before?”
Jason laughed nervously. “If you’ve come to a gala before, probably.”
“Yeah, probably,” Y/N stood up from the chair, “Well I think Selina wanted an early night so I should go. Nice meeting you.”
Jason sighed as his older brother walked away. He downed his gin and tonic before standing up and walking over to where Dick was still sitting with Tim. He sat down on a free chair and leaned his head on the table.
“So?” Dick asked cautiously as he moved his hand out from under Tim’s forehead.
“He’s my brother,” Jason said tiredly.
Dick gasped and leaned in closer. “So, what you going to do about that, little bird?”
“No idea,” Jason said as he sighed.
A few days later, Jason was sitting in the library again when Tim ran inside. Jason looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow expectantly.
“He’s been spotted. Cass saw him. Dick’s waiting for you at Wayne Industries,” Tim said out of breath.
Jason placed his book down and ran out of the library. He sprinted down to the Batcave and got changed into his suit. He ran to his bike and pulled out of the cave. He drove down the highways and roads and felt the wind pushing against him. It felt just like how when he was younger, and it was just him and his older brother against the world. He flew down streets and side alleys. He pulled up in front of Wayne Industries and saw Dick sitting on a brick wall nearby. Their comms crackled to life.
“Cass has him and Selina on the roof of Wayne Industries, come on,” Dick said before he ran at the building and started scaling it.
Jason followed suite. The two of them made it to the top in record time and looked around. Cass waved from where she was standing and chatting to Selina. Jason’s older brother was leaning against the staircase door with a frown on his face as he glanced around.
Jason watched him for a moment. He had red hair just like how he did when he didn’t dye it. He was wearing a leather jacket like he did. He had a mask on which resembled the Robin one but not fully. It looked more like a masquerade mask. He was wearing boots, a pair that looked like ones Jason remembered sitting by their childhood apartments door. His older brother looked just like he remembered but also nothing like the teenager he’d idolized.
There was a scar above his eye. There was a necklace around his neck with a black rock. His hair was short and clipped, unlike when they were younger,
 and it sat above his shoulders. He looked so grumpy. Jason had never seen his older brother look that annoyed. He’d always been patient and kind.
“Selina, can we go? I didn’t come all this way just to stand around and chat with your boytoys kids,” Y/N said loudly, interrupting Jason’s thoughts.
Selina turned from Cass and scoffed. “Yeah, you came so far, all the way from Star City and your sad little retail job,” she said sarcastically before turning back to Cass.
Y/N rolled his eyes and finally noticed Jason and Dick. “He has more? How many of you vigilantes are there? Does he grow you in like a lab?”
“One of us was actually,” Dick said as he took a step forward, so he stood in front of Jason, once a protective big brother, always a protective big brother.
“Long story? Yeah, I’m getting used to that,” Y/N shook his head before he glanced at Jason, “What you staring at me like that for?”
Jason tilted his head slightly before taking off his helmet which caused Dick to groan.
“Secret identities, little bird,” Dick said annoyed as he slapped his forehead.
“Oh, shut up,” Jason stepped around Dick, “It’s me, Jason.”
Y/N took a step back and slammed against the wall. “You’re dead.”
Cass turned from where she was talking to Selina and rolled her eyes before resuming their conversation.
“Surprise?” Jason said with jazz hands. “I think we’ve got a lot to talk about.”
Y/N nodded and took off his mask. “Yeah, I think we do.”
Two weeks later…
Y/N, Bruce and Jason were sitting around the manor’s dining table. Bruce was leaned forwards and staring Y/N down. Jason was leaned back and smiling. He hadn’t stopped since he got Y/N back. Y/N looked like he was about to run out of the room.
“Jason, tell your creepy dad he can’t adopt me. I’m a grown ass man who isn’t going anywhere anyways,” He said as he scooted his chair slightly further away from Bruce.
“Hey, he’s still trying to figure out if he can adopt me and I’m legally dead,” Jason said as he raised his hands in mock surrender.
“So am I!” His brother replied exasperatedly.
“I already adopted you, Jason,” Bruce leaned back in his chair, “Found a technicality.”
Jason turned quickly to face his dad. “Ok, you cannot just drop that in conversation, old man.”
Bruce stood up from his chair. “I’m not even 50 yet. You’ve gotta stop calling me that.”
Jason smiled and shook his head. “I’ll call you what I want, Bruce.”
Bruce smiled to himself and walked out of the room. The older Todd leaned closer to Jason and smiled.
“Your family is weird, Jase,” he said with a chuckle.
“Our family actually, big brother,” Jason said with a wide grin as he stood up from his chair. “Wanna go for a ride?”
His big brother jumped out of his chair and smiled. “I bet my bike goes faster than yours.”
The two of them ran towards the manors front door with the widest grins.
Up on the staircase, Bruce stood as he watched them with a smile. Alfred walked up behind him with a smile and tapped him on the shoulder.
“You must stop adopting all these children, Master Bruce,” he said quietly.
“He makes Jason happy, doesn’t he?” Bruce asked.
Alfred pondered for a moment before replying.
“Yes, he does, Master Bruce. That doesn’t mean Master Jason doesn’t still need his father though,” Alfred said, his voice full of care and love for the two of them.
Bruce nodded as he heard the motorbikes start outside. He then smiled and walked off to attend to his work.
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squiddy-god · 18 days
I saw chainsaw man was in your fandom list so could I request Denji realizing he’s falling for a guy for the first time? He gives me chaotic bi guy vibes
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Ok so as a chaotic bi guy myself i clocked denji day one- i also decided to do this as hcs because i have so many thoughts- its me, the bisexuality devil lmao 
♥︎request are open ♥︎
Cw : slight suggestive bits (chainsaw man lvls),so canon typical levels of nsfw. STILL SFW NO SMUT IN THIS,  BI DENJI SUPREMACY, bi panic and maybe a bit of heteronormativity, simping.
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Denji is the poster boy for chaotic bi panic 
The thing that most people, especially in the series itself don't realize is that denjis goal isn't just to have sex and touch boobs, it to live a normal life because he has been so deprived of any basics and normality 
But denji struggles in realizing that he's in love with a dude, a man, a guy, a homie. 
It probably happens because you are genuinely nice to him- my boy has standards so low it trips the devils 
At first he thinks your just his best bud, his greatest pal- it's totally normal that he thinks about you so much, that he really likes holding your hand, that he gets excited like a puppy when he knows hes going to see you again
It's perfectly normal how much time he spends in your apartment- like he basically lives there
Power is about to actually kill him if he mentions you one more time she's so sick of it
Never once does it ever cross his mind that he might be into guys too (boobs are boobs tbh)
He is over at your apartment so much that it isn't uncommon for him to just,,,let himself in (you said you don't mind 
Denji is already kinda a mess, he's a nervous wreck when it comes to a lot of romance stuff (we love a boy failure) so he's already pretty chaotic even before he realizes that he's absolutely simping for you 
But his crush is so obvious its hitting “if s/o was a girl id totally be into him, like smash- like my girlfriend” levels of denial
And he's not fooling anyone 
He starts to slowly realize that having dreams about your best friend, and having to continuously correct the dreams so that one of you is the girl, isn't just being close friends 
He really panics when he thinks he might be gay- he doesn't really know being bi is an option but is relieved to find that out lmao 
He decides to make sure by looking at magazines featuring men, other media etc to make sure you aren't just some glitch- and nope hes bi 
“Boobs are boobs” ahh reasoning- genuinely he is not picky lmao (chaos bi) 
Despite this he still claims that you are just his best bud, his pal, chum, homie, compadre, friend, home slice etc. 
Until the incident 
And by that I mean he saw you practically naked- he had let himself into your apartment like normal, honestly he probably planned on casually coming out- not confessing! afterall you were just his friend (delusional) 
But as he's sitting in your living room he here's the door open down the hall, when he speaks his head out he's frozen in place because daymn. There you are with wet hair and just a towel around your waist- and denji panics big time- when i say he literally flees your apartment i mean it. 
And that was really what he needed, because this starts his downward spiral of realizing that he has indeed fallen for you and has massive crush on you
He realizes that this is honestly one of his first crushes in general because denji struggles with his emotions and figuring out the different types of affection, hell even the lines between romantic attraction and sexual attraction he really struggles 
But he (and everyone else) is positive that this isn't just him realizing he is into guys, but that he genuinely wants to do all the normal couple stuff with you
Like yes denjis thoughts can be sexual but the biggest thing he struggles with is that he feels all warm and mushy at the thought of calling you his boyfriend and having a normal relationship. 
Power is yalls #1 hater btw, not that she doesnt support you but it's that she is sick of denji just fumbling the bag 
She gags whenever he mentions you lmao, watching denji fumble around his thoughts and feelings is painful because he is so awkward 
I firmly believe in BI denji supremacy, he is such a bisexual disaster
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honeytama · 2 months
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i’m back here again no one perceive me,,
perverted matt’s hands thoughts under the cut you already know (smut 18+)
alright i’m just gonna say it ✋ let’s get it over with
you and i both want those two fingers to absolutely wreck you, sí?
after getting into the matt hype, i was slow to appreciate matt’s hands bc who can get over noah’s? not me not ever
so i failed to realize how thick his fingers are? how massive and groomed ?? they are ?? he has nice nails and cuticles what can i say :/
i swear he’s a gentleman too,, mans will stop mid foreplay to go trim his nails before dipping in dreamily sighs
NOWW it’s all i think about. matt’s hands thoughts have a special drawer in my brain.
look at those pics, the first one is my end,, him when you ask him to use more than two fingers :/
anywayy uhm
i have this feeling that matt pulls out all the tricks when it comes to fingering ok, he does it all and knows it all. you’ll cum twice before you can think about touching his dick i swear
content: boyfriend! matt, massive cock energy = you need to be stretched on his fingers first, i don’t make the rules… he does
“baby, i need you, stop teasing,” you whine. he’s just spent the past ?? minutes making out with you in bed and putting his hands between your legs over your panties.
“you know i have to finger you before you can take me, bubs,” he talks cutely to you. “you always tell me it’s hurts when we go too fast.”
“what if i want it to hurt this time?” you taunt him. taunting him is the quickest way to get him to turn mean, which usually gets you what you want… but not tonight
“nope, not getting me this time,” he laughs before repositioning towards your legs. like, clockwork, you spread them open for him and hug them towards your chest.
matt’s very meticulous about sex, especially about fingering but not predictable
he’ll either take his time to slip your underwear down your legs, or he’ll slide the gusset of them over to the side and dive right in
matt’s #1 goal is to make you feel good but he likes to be a dick about it
“i like the wet spot on your panties, you make that for me?”
he’ll press one finger into your entrance while rubbing your clit to get you squirming. even just one finger has a nice stretch :/
when he feels you’re ready, you can have a second one.
pumping into you is like a dance, here’s his moves (this is corny n dumb someone stop me):
- pumping in and out the full length of fingers while simultaneously twisting them into you like a drill
- doing more shallow, quick pumps while curving his fingers to press against the soft, bumpy spot at the roof of your pussy while circling your clit with his thumb
- pressing his empty hand on your lower stomach while hunched over you with two fingers hooked into your cunt
- not all the time thing: but experimenting with more than two fingers …… if he gets you nice and stretched out before hand then you’ll fit his dick like a glove,, no need to let you adjust to him! he can just get to thursting at whatever pace he wants 🙂‍↕️
HC: matt loooooves fingering you even more than dicking you down :/ something about how close and intimate it can be,,, his hands being the direct source of your pleasure. he gets off on how your face twists at his fingers?? stretching you out,, he gets off on how you get off on his hands. mans dick is fully erect throughout all of this he does not need you to touch him bc he’s already dripping precum onto your sheets
edit: i failed to mention how badly i need them in my mouth thanks! gagging on his fingers :/ he would totally laugh at you but give you a sweet proud smile after hmmm
ok bye
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susiephone · 1 year
the comments on my "which horror movie would you survive" poll are so fucking funny because you can fully tell who hasn't actually WATCHED some of these movies, or at least, not watched in a while.
"i'd survive saw because i'm a good person so i wouldn't get put in a saw trap!" my dude john kramer puts people in saw traps for using recreational drugs and being suicidal. he LOVES to put totally innocent people in saw traps to punish someone else. this is first-movie shit. you probably think the villain of saw is the puppet.
"i'd survive scream because i never answer the phone!" do you think ghostface only kills people they talk to on the phone. do you. do you think that is the deciding factor. look me in the eye do you think whether or not you answer the phone is how ghostface decides whether or not to target you.
"i'd survive scream because i'm not a teenager!" ghostface has been killing adults since day one. actually, since before day one since the death of a fully adult woman is like. a pretty big thing that happened before the first movie even started.
"i'd survive scream because the killer's just a couple of normal humans!" okay this one i will give you. in a straight fight, yeah, you probably have a better shot at defeating ghostface than most slashers. but he's not just two randos. he's two of your FRIENDS. guess which two! ghostface's biggest weapon is always surprise. they get their shit wrecked approximately 10 minutes post-reveal.
"i'd survive a quiet place because i'd shut up!" but do you snore? can you guarantee you won't ever sneeze at the wrong moment? what if a tree falls near where you are?
"i'd survive cabin the woods-" if you're in that movie, you're being drugged and actively manipulated. all those characters would've survived if they hadn't been drugged and actively manipulated. that's the point.
"i'd survive 28 days later-" nope. sit down. (there's a reason this was easily the least popular response.)
honestly the most valid responses were "CELIBACY SWEEP" and "ace rights!!" for "it follows."
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honeybewrites · 5 months
Writeblr Intro!!
Figured I should do an introduction for my little crevice of the internet! 
I go by HoneyBe, or just Honey, or just Be, or really any other name you feel like! I mostly use she/her, they/them pronouns, but feel free to use whatever. I’m in my 20s and on the AroAce spectrum. I’ve been writing on and off since middle school and I’m hoping to get better at improving my skills, because 12 year old me didn’t care about that but 20 year old me does. I’m hoping to find (or build) a little community to support and help each other with all the writing things. Mostly though, this is just me gaslighting and guilt tripping myself into thinking that by not writing and posting, I will disappoint a nonexistent audience on the internet and not just myself, because apparently that’s the only way my brain will cooperate with me. 
Couple other little tidbits about me:
Big fan of the found family trope. Literally will make me squeal at a highly obnoxious volume.
LOVE extensive world building. I want to know every detail of a magic system and how a planet operates. I will listen to you rant about lore for hours, just please let me do the same every once in a while. I am begging, please, I want to tell you all the things.
I’m a little funky photographer trying to start her own little funky photography business, mostly to give myself more time to travel and write and also to get out of my full-time retail job (it’s pure hell and I hate it with an unholy, unmatchable heat of a thousand suns).
I love flowers. They’re just so pretty and as a little honeybee myself, it’s part of my job.
If you mention dragons, you will summon me. I have an obsession with the magical creatures and it knows no bounds.
My Main WIP, or I guess world, is what got me into writing in the first place, and I’ve been messing with it for years. You’d think that would mean I have it decently fleshed out, right? Nope. Unfortunately, The Plot keeps escaping my basement and causing a train wreck. If anyone has better restraint suggestions, let me know. My neighbors are starting to get concerned.
Anywho! The whole world is called The Seven Realms, or as my docs are titled, 7R. I know, so original. She wants to grow up and be a series with little series siblings, all connected in one Big Family. Seriously, I have OCs all over this world’s history and very vague vibes, aka, The Plot, to go along with them. Here are my two main ones.
Eclipse of War Chronicles (EoWC)
Colliding Stars (supposedly book 1)
The Realms are in chaos. A war started nearly a hundred years ago, still raging today, has wrecked both sides. The original intent of the war has long left everyone’s mind; it’s now a fight over territory and unification. The Realms border on complete and totally collapse from the strain of this ongoing blood bath and neither side refuses to admit defeat.
Project Viall, created during the hight of the war, was set on creating superior fighters. After many failed attempts, two successful subjects were created from the genetic experiments.Trained side by side to be flawless and merciless loyal weapons of death, they end up on opposite sides of this vicious war. Both intent on destroying the other, while their partner and closest friend hides behind the mask. Bonds are tested. Secrets revealed. Loyalties made and destroyed as two partners threaten to destroy the entirety of the Realms in their hunt for blood.
Legend of the Ancients (LotA)
The Fallen Dragons (supposedly book 1 of another series)
A brutal war has left the dragons all but extinct. To preserve the species, the remaining dragons have gone into hiding, leaving behind a subspecies borne through the war to fend for themselves: the Tanimoriem. Generations later, no one has seen or heard of a dragon, leaving the Tanimoriem as their only remains to once was. Knowing little of their history and being hunted simply for being kin to dragons, the Tanimoriem learned how to fight viciously and keep to themselves, earning a reputation as vile, unfeeling demons.
Accepting a bounty mission, Ryuk, a seasoned Tanimoriem, gets more than he bargained for. He had been told this was another monster that needed killing. A dangerous beast. Instead he’s met with a child who finds his horns and wings fascinating. Ryuk is forced to look after the child until he can figure out what secretive plot is brewing, because it might just involved the Tanimoriem.
Of course, my goblin brain has given me plenty more snippets and random characters in different times in this world that I have yet to do much with. The world of the Seven Realms has consumed me for years and I have been shown no mercy. I’m planning to do a proper intro post to each WIP and their characters at some point… *puts twenty reminders in phone to write intro posts*
Also!! I will take all asks, tags, and DMs you can throw at me. Literally. Ask me about anything. Books, WIPs, OCs, hell, even ask about my least favorite color or my favorite bread. I do not care. I will answer. I want to be friends will all of you!! I don’t sting! I promise!!
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Reader finding out Byakuya and Peko are ticklish
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: F! Reader/Byakuya, F! Reader/Peko
Length: 503
Summary: N/A
Byakuya Togami:
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You’ve gotta be real close with him to even get anywhere close. The thing about these two is they’re constantly aware of their surroundings. 
Aoi tried to tickle him in the library once and was smacked on the head with a book for her attempt. 
So he’d need to be off his game- sleep-deprived or just overthinking a particular issue. 
When your hands slip around his waist he assumes you’re being typical and wanting affection but nope- by the time he realizes; he’s already snorting and jerking in your grip. 
He rushes to cover his mouth between gasps of mirth, boyish giggles and snickers that are totally foreign when not in derision of someone making you giggle too. 
“You're…aha! Gonna wish I killed you fast!”
He’s a threatener when he’s ler’d. Total brat. 
Never admits it but honestly? Think he’d like the loss of control. 
His only hard no is telling Toki/Genocider. He doesn’t think he’d be able to handle it. 
Most comfy with you but also finds he doesn’t mind the future foundation members wrecking him a little, especially Makoto, and Kyoko since he feels they’re “on his level”.
He’s a fighter but he also never wants to hurt who’s getting him a lot of times so he’ll flail out wildly at empty space.
Only one I think he wouldn’t mind hitting is Yasuhiro just because he finds it funny honestly. 
He regrets it after Hiro redoubled his efforts and forces him to squeal out an apology. 
Hates his laugh.
His siblings made fun of him for it, so he’s incredibly sensitive about it but he gradually learns everyone has weird laughs through you and Future Foundation. 
Peko Pekoyama:
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Peko is a smidgen like Togami in that you need to be close to her first. 
She’ll flip your ass if you catch her off guard and then gasp and rush to make sure you’re okay.
She doesn’t mean to, but she’s trained that way to protect Fuyuhiko and the whole family. 
But you’ll likely find out while unwinding with her- offering her a massage is a great way to initiate touch. She doesn’t see it coming and you feel a little bad for tricking her as she beams in excitement. 
You start massaging her back and shoulders normally for a few minutes and then suddenly brush your fingertips over her sides. 
Poor thing yelps and you both freeze, blushing. 
She’s exceedingly adorable you decide, when she turns and mumbles shyly. 
“I…didn’t say you had to stop.”
She’s curious honestly. Here is a sensation she’s never experienced before. She wants to experience it to its fullest. 
She’s seen her Young Master and his sister of course but she was never included in such things. It wasn’t something thought about. 
Fuyuhiko finds out firsthand when Peko doesn’t disappear during one of said tickle fights and takes full advantage of it. 
He gets you an extravagant gift to say thank you, and Peko will seek you out when she needs a massage again. 
It’s very sweet. 
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breakfastteatime · 4 months
Today's Survivor request is Rain for @poppinelle
Koboh changes in the rain. It’s quieter, duller, cooler. After five years on Bracca, Cal has done his best to avoid rain in the intervening years, and yet whenever it catches up to him, he remembers something.
He loves the rain. Or, more accurately, he likes what happens to places in the rain. Washed clean. Fresh scents. Thunder. Lightning. It’s a reminder of home.
Still feels weird to think of Bracca as home. Outside of the Temple on Coruscant, it’s the longest he ever stayed in one place… unless he counts the Mantis, but that was always more about the people than the ship.
He will not be letting Greez hear him say that.
Rain pelts his face. When he’s caught out in it, like he is right now, part of him misses his old poncho. The hood specifically. But Kata wanted some seeds for the garden, Cal knew where to find them, so off he went while clouds merely scudded the sky… and then proceeded to open over his head a few hours into his journey. BD suggested they find cover, maybe in the nearby Phon’Qi caves.
“BD, I know you like it down there despite the explosive acidic plant monster things, but you can’t smell it. I can. It is the worst. It is like Greez’s old sock drawer wrapped around dead fish left out in the sun. I don’t deserve that. No organic with a functional nose deserves it. We’ll just clean up when we get back to Pyloon’s.”
Hopping from foot to foot, BD insists they should get out of the rain because the incoming storm is bad. Really bad. Like storm of the season bad. Sighing, Cal glances at the sky. The Force churns, excited by nature’s dance.
His comm activates. “Cal, you there?”
“Hey, Greez. Everything okay?”
“The weather’s getting nasty down here. Where are you?”
Cal checks BD’s map. “We kinda went up the mountain a little way. We’re not that far from the foothills now.”
“Did you get the seeds for Kata?”
“You got a nekko?”
Greez sighs. “I’m gonna need you to find shelter. Like right now. You’re not gonna make it back here in time. When the weather turns like this, it gets real nasty fast.”
BD announces they could head into the Phon’Qi Caverns.
“I’m not heading into the caverns. There’s an old prospector’s shack nearby. I’ll take shelter in there.”
“You sure it’ll survive the storm?” Greez asks. “I don’t wanna hear about you getting blown away.”
Cal pinches the bridge of his nose. “If I get blown away, who’s going to tell you about it?”
Me! BD announces.
“No one’s getting blown away.” Lighting races across the sky, chased by a blast of thunder so loud Cal feels his heart miss a beat. “Whoa!” They had storms on Bracca, big, immense, work-delaying storms, but there was something reassuring about always having the wreck of a Venator overhead to protect him. This feels raw, and a lot more exposed.
“Call me back when you have a roof over your head,” Greez says. “And – hold on.” There’s a voice buzzing in the background. “Right, I’ll tell him. Merrin says if you do get struck by lightning and die, she’s resurrecting you.”
“If she does, tell her to leave my hair in whatever style it’s zapped into,” Cal replies.
He ends the call before Merrin can make any further threats and heads down the mountain, slipping and sliding in the rain. Soon, the storm is so loud he can’t hear anything beyond it, not even BD. He spots the large pool where he first met Skoova. Jumping into it with the very real possibility of being struck by lightning seems dumb, but if he moves fast, he’ll be fine. Totally fine.
“Hold on tight, BD!” he shouts over the storm and launches himself into the air. He hits the water a moment later, sinking deep. Kicking to the surface, it only takes a few strokes to see him across to the other side. There, Cal spots the hut nestled against the cliffs. He hurries over, uses the Force to shove the door open, and slides inside. It’s dark and dusty, but BD’s light shines and reveals a small bed and a stash of rations that are still edible. The layer of dust suggests no one’s been here in years, so Cal hopes no one will mind him helping himself.
The storm rages outside, the roof rattling. “I really hope that holds,” Cal says. He calls Greez, promises he and BD are safe and sound for the night, and swears he’ll be back at first light.
He stops his rummaging for a heater – anything to dry out his clothes. “Yeah, Greez?”
“You sure you’re okay?”
He leans back against the bed, one hand resting on BD’s head. “Yeah.” He breathes. “I really like the rain.”
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wilbursprincess · 7 months
what if sorrybur smut pt2.... no.. unless 🥺🙏
“What Am I Supposed To Do Now?” Pt. 2
Sorrybur x Female Reader
Warnings: Literally just a whiny Sorrybur getting his dick sucked in a car 🤭
My dear 🐈 anon, you are speaking my LANGUAGE! It took me a bit to think of a scenario that isn’t just a whiny, frustrated Sorrybur trying to focus on getting the video filmed, so I hope you (and my fellow Sorrybur simps) enjoy :)
Fic below cut!
“And, cut!” Charlie calls when they finally film the last scene, accepting the water bottle I toss at him. “Wilbur, I’ve never seen you eat so aggressively before.”
Wilbur just shrugs, packing up the remains of the baguette from one of the challenges. “I was hungry, what can I say?” He replies, wiping crumbs off his face. “Babe, you almost ready to go?”
Why’s he so eager to- oh.
“Don’t you have to help clean up a little?” I ask. “It won’t take long.”
With the most wounded expression he can manage, Wilbur turns back around, helping Philza take the set down.
“He’s certainly needy,” comments Charlie’s girlfriend, Grace. “Is he always like this?”
“Nope. But when he is, I always have something to do with it.”
Wilbur hops into the front seat of my car almost an hour later, back in his jeans and hoodie.
“You’ve never edged me this badly before,” he complains, draining the last of his water bottle. “There is nothing more awkward than trying to film with an aching cock.”
I laugh. “It’s only edging if I keep teasing you. That was just denial. Accidental, but still.”
He pouts. “Are you at least going to finish the job, or do I have to do it?”
Brushing my hand over the front of his jeans, he whines and presses against the whisper of stimulation. “You really think I would pass up the opportunity to get you off?” I retort, undoing his fly with one hand and pulling out his cock with the other.
Wilbur groans under his breath. “You better let me finish this time.”
“I don’t really think I have a choice in the matter,” I say, a smirk spreading across my face. Before he can respond, I lean my head down, wrapping my lips around his cock and slowly starting to bob my head. He sputters, grabbing a fistful of my hair and tugging to show just how good I’m making him feel.
“Oh, fucking hell, princess,” Wilbur whimpers, squirming around in the seat as he tries not to force himself all the way down my throat.
He presses his head back into the headrest just as I take him all, eyes watering as I relax my throat. “You know I’m not going to last long if you’ve got me this deep,” he whines out, eyes rolled back in his head.
In response, I bob my head faster and faster, Wilbur’s hand digging into my hair to guide me up and down. He’s shaking, sweaty, whining, and a total mess just from being nestled down my throat. I’m used to him being dominant, or, at least, equal to me, and having him a wreck under me is new. New, yes, but wonderful.
He finally breaks his control, grasping my hair at the nape of my neck and thrusting down my throat. One, two, three thrusts, and I feel him spill all in my mouth, the only things I can make out in his strings of moans and gasps are my name and “fucking hell”.
Coming up for air, I wipe the remnants of his climax off my lips before giving Wilbur a peck on the lips. His eyes are half-closed, face completely spaced-out.
“Mmph,” Wilbur groans, opening his eyes just enough to see me. “Jesus Christ, since when are you that good at sucking dick?”
“Since you practically used my throat as a fleshlight,” I retort, giggling at the shocked look on his face. “I’m going to be carrying you into the house when we get home, aren’t I?”
*When I was writing this, my brother’s girlfriend showed up with chocolate, flowers, and a massive stuffed dinosaur for him and asked who my Valentine was. I just started giggling.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hihi!! in honor of the upcoming holiday season could i request a skz reaction to you inviting them to meet ur parents? i miss them :((
stray kids when their s/o invites them to meet their parents
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is so nervous but like... why? he's literally the best guy on the planet to introduce your parents to. he is well-behaved, respectable, responsible, admirable and he has extreme amounts of overflowing charisma. mothers love him. fathers respect him. what's not to love? but we know channie, and channie gets himself worked up about these sorts of things. which is only natural; it is a big deal! he just wants to make a great first impression and, of course, he does. you know he has nothing to worry about because your parents would love him regardless.
lee know
minho has a... spikey personality. not everyone gets him. but he knows which bits of himself to show off in order to make a good first impression. like most introverts, they'll show off their best qualities first so that you warm up to them and then once you're invested in them then they'll start showing their weird-ass personality in full swing. that's what minho plans on doing with your parents, just as he did you 🤧🤧 so romantic. honestly though, it works like a charm. minho is naturally charming and respectable no matter how crazy he is on the inside <3333
oh my gosh when i tell you that all mothers absolutely ADORE changbin. are we even surprised? nope, i didn't think so. he makes a very good first impression no matter who he speaks to, so meeting your parents is like a walk in the park for him. he will totally bring some homemade snacks with him he got felix to make them, but your parents don't need to know that, which seems to impress them. overall, changbin is just amazing. he knows what is appropriate to say and what isn't, and he makes both your parents laugh a lot! he's just so easy to love.
he's nervous for sure but also pretty damn excited. needs a whole-ass month to mentally and emotionally prepare for this experience. hyunjin's very first instinct is to get your parents flowers and chocolates, which is a very good start. when it comes to actually interacting with them, he might be his shy, cute self to begin with, but they can tell he is eager to talk to them. and after a couple of conversational cues, hyunjin will slowly start to loosen up and be comfortable with your parents. it goes really well, and he realises he had nothing to worry about!
he just embraces the situation as much as possible. he views it as kind of a big deal but he doesn't let nerves get the better of him, so he wants to enjoy the first time meeting your parents as much as possible. sure, he has butterflies about it, but he doesn't really let that affect him and potentially spoil the moment. he strives to make an enjoyable atmosphere and actively makes your parents laugh as much as possible. it's always good at being humorous with parents, he finds. so copes quite well!
is a nervous wreck. will ask you a tone of questions beforehand. it's like he has to know everything about your parents before he has even met them. "what's your mother's maiden name?" "what does your dad do as a job?" "are there any topics to stay away from? politics? religion? the barbie movie coming out in 2023??" he literally interrogates you like he NEEDS to know everything. he wants to be perfect and know how to act perfect even though he literally IS perfect and doesn't even need to change anything about himself in order to be liked.
a tad scared but plays it cool. you know what he's like; he'll pretend that everything is chill and fine even if he's freaking out on the inside. he has nothing to worry about because your parents get to see what a polite, genuine young lad he is and can see he's trustworthy just by his general demeanour and the way he treats you. at the end of the day, who isn't gonna like kim seungmin?? exactly. he leaves your parents' house feeling refreshed and welcomed into the family. a success indeed!
oh bless him... he's super intimidated. he stays up all night, restlessly trying to prepare and run through different conversations to have with your parents. he doesn't want to come across as shy or, heaven forbid, anti-social. but when the occasion comes to it, he only speaks when he is spoken to and is very to himself. i feel like after a bit of encouragement from you, he will slowly relax a bit and feel more comfortable to talk more directly and meaningfully with your parents. just give him time and he'll be fine.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Was Sonic Underground overhated? Think it was the only Sonic show I kinda saw as a kid and I dont remember it being worse than any other cartoon (but maybe that is bad enough by sonic standarts🤷🏿‍♂️)
Nope! It was very bad! Very, very bad!
I stayed away from Sonic Underground back in the day because I could not handle Jaleel White's falsetto Sonic voice for his sister, Sonia. I also hated the fact they changed Robotnik's voice.
Somewhat recently, Mike (@bunchashapes), did a series of streams called "Artist's Corner" where he showed all of Sonic Underground on Twitch for an audience. It wasn't necessarily just to make fun of it, there was genuine artistic observations made, but it ended up being sort of like watching a train wreck where you can't look away.
Along the way it was also explained the awful conditions the show was created under. DiC wanted fast cash and still had the Sonic license from the SatAM days, so they rammed the show through production as fast as humanly possible with absolutely no care or attention for quality. The few people carried over from the SatAM production team openly voiced their displeasure at this but it was obvious DiC did not care.
Like, something that I've known for a while is the entire reason the show centered around Sonic playing in a rock band was something they learned working on Alvin & the Chipmunks: by having an original song in every episode, they could double dip on the syndication licensing. They could charge licensing fees once for the show and then again, separately, for the music.
Lots of episodes are downright incoherent and the animation is dirt poor. They were cranking these out fast and sloppy, leaving no time to develop or polish anything. Like, if you haven't seen it, look at this:
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Strange scenes like this with weird movements and proportion problems weren't isolated to one or two episodes. Nearly the entire series is like this. On top of having tons of totally bland sing-song-y musical numbers -- sometimes multiple songs per episode! It was just a big ol' shotgun blast of trash.
To the point where Mike said he wanted to continue the Artist's Corner streams with other shows, but it's hard to find anything that compares to the strange low budget absurdity of Sonic Underground. (I suggested the Darkstalkers cartoon)
Sonic Underground really is something special and lives up to being a total disaster... which can be entertaining in the right context.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
how you can tell if the companions really love someone (platonically or romantically)
Cait; Does she touch and let herself be touched casually? Given her history, it's a cold day in hell if she allows anyone to get even close enough to touch her. Arms length and then some, and all that. But if Cait trusts someone, cares about them, knows they care about her...it's not likely to be noticed if you're not incredibly perceptive, but you'll find Cait staying closer to the person. She'll poke them, bump them with her hand to get their attention. Ruffle their hair, lean on them like a shelf if they're shorter/sitting down. And she won't jump or cuss or panic if they do the same to her. It's a very small thing, but to Cait, it's everything.
Codsworth; complains. He's a butler bot. It's against conduct, his programming, the nature of his existence, to so much as huff. And Codsworth, himself, just doesn't want to make people feel like they're burdening him, that's not it at all. It's just...look at his life. Look at his flower beds. Look at the people around him. He's kind of a nervous wreck. Codsworth takes care of as much as he can, and he enjoys doing so, but good god. Sometimes you just need to be a little bit bitchy and make horrible jokes to someone in private. Someone he can trust to both keep it in confidence and tell him if he's being unworthy or if he's totally correct...that's someone Codsworth cherishes.
Curie; loves most everyone, really. She doesn't have a hateful, angry bone in her body. But if Curie really, really cares about someone...similar to Codsworth, she vents. She vents about her time in the Vault, seeing the world for the first time, about seeing the world in a human form. She vents about her patients, their difficulties or her failures to keep them alive. To Curie, negative emotions are physically painful in a way she is not equipped to handle. She's a Ms. Nanny, up there. She's not supposed to have a heart that can ache. Letting herself experience suffering in someone's presence is the same as letting them root around her engine or jets or her optical stalks; she's trusting them with her wellbeing. Curie is a doctor, a scientist. In either body, she feels she's best equipped to perform maintenance on herself, as she did in the Vault. Being trusted with that is nothing to sneeze at.
Danse; It's like he's a completely different person. This will never be seen in public, only the people he's really close with will see it. The soldier's demeanor drops, and Danse relaxes. It's a visible change. Eyes soften, the semi-scowl melts away, his shoulders and jaw loosen. He talks more about less important things. He'll even ramble about something if he's well-informed and passionate about it. He makes more jokes, though they're so dry you might not notice. Similarly to Cait, he's also open to physical affection. He's less likely to initiate, but if you're close enough to him, you can use him as furniture or a personal teddy bear. If especially close, he'll even return it, instead of simply letting you do as you please with no input. Expect the bear-est of hugs.
Deacon; will not lie to them about anything. Not even if it was justifiable, like if there's a surprise party or something. He'll dodge the question for that, but he is not going to lie. It's like pulling teeth, he's gotten so used to it, but he absolutely refuses. Lying in their presence? On the table. To them? Nope. He cannot stand it anymore. He won't even dress up and disguise himself around them (provided they're not working). If you get Deacon's trust, you get...whoever is under Deacon. It's kind of like cleaning out a dusty old attic; you don't know what you'll find, and he doesn't either, but y'know what, maybe it's time to figure it out. Deacon wants to be cared for as his authentic self, not a mask. He'll go digging for that, for someone who deserves to know who it is they're actually palling around with.
Gage; is a stubborn, surly bastard who will take orders, but only under the thinnest presumpation of subordination. He'll do as asked by his boss, and he'll pretend he's happy to do it, if he has to. But...there's a big difference between an order, and a request. "Go tell Nisha to keep her freaks out of my fuckin' house" is different from "Hey, can you help me with this?". So...if you can get Gage to do something he doesn't want to do, or something that doesn't come naturally to him...you've got him wrapped around your finger. Gage will give a shit if you give a shit. He might even refrain from bitching. Thing is, Gage is a man of action. If you tell him "this action matters"...he's gotcha. This kind of loyalty is one of a kind, especially from Gage. Maybe you should try the lottery, next.
Hancock; cuts back the chems by a large margin. Hancock gets high to numb himself, to not think about the shit he did or didn't do in his past. He gets high to feel like the life of any party instead of being lonely in a room full of people. He gets high because he isn't sure what else he can do to not feel the way he does, most of the time. But...he gets himself a friend? Gets someone who gets him? Gets someone who he admires so fucking much, who admires him, thinks he's worth a lot more than he does, and he trusts their judgement on everything else? Hancock still indulges in a jet every now and then, maybe some mentats with a wordy book. But he doesn't live off the things. He doesn't feel like he needs to. He's got someone to ground him and keep him himself, and set him straight. And they have fun together, blowing shit up. It's less of Hancock doing something for them, and more Hancock shedding his more self-destructive habits in the face of a stronger support system.
MacCready; is a chronic gift giver. Food, ammo, trinkets, books, weapons and mods, crafting supplies, clothes, enamel pins, jewelry, jewels, drinks, blankets, pillows; he's like a puppy, a magpie, a crow, some creature bring you anything he thinks you might like or need. MacCready is a guy who's never had a lot. It's made him a little greedy, a little selfish, a little too willing to do whatever he can to get a little more. It also means that if he shares, goes out of his way to find something for you, gives up something he could keep for himself...MacCready gives nothing up easily. So when he hands you a candy bar, or lets you have the nicer blanket at camp, or shares from his water canteen, you should feel real special.
Nick; this might seem odd, but if Nick lends someone a book, that person is the apple of his eye. Nick Valentine hoards books like a dragon hoards gold. It's the one consistently irrational part of him, the one consistently prickly part. Books are an endangered species to him. His personal library might not see much use, as he's too busy, but he cares for them like a monk tends a shrine. Anyone who asks to read one, and gets a yeah, go ahead, knock yourself out, only gets that privilege after a long time of proving themselves to be trustworthy. Nick fears ripped pages, cracked spines, stains. He just doesn't trust most people of the Commonwealth to take care of valuable art, the last shards of a dead culture. And those books have a lot of meaning to him, things OG Nick read and current Nick thinks he likes on his own. Sharing that is a way for him to share himself, his history. Both Nick's and OG Nick's.
Piper; isn't, how shall we say, great with criticism. She's usually right, is the thing. Usually the one to perk up and point out the obvious issue. Piper is self-assured, intelligent, and stubborn. She does not take a 'you're wrong'. Not "she doesn't take it well" or "she takes it too hard". She does not take it. Unless the person challenging her is someone she A: cares about enough to want to hear out, regardless, B: respects enough to put their ideas over what she believes to be hard truths, or C: trusts enough to think that if they're seeing something in a certain way, then that thing is that way, and Piper has it all wrong. Whatever way you slice it, if someone can confront the indomitable Piper Wright and not walk away feeling verbally skinned, that person must be near and dear to her.
Preston; is close with someone if he can sleep around them. He used to be okay with sleeping in a room with a bunch of other people, he had to be, being a soldier in a barrack, a camp, et cetera. Then Quincy fucked that skill right up the ass. Now, Preston is too aware of others' breathing, their joints clicking. Too nervous about how much sound he makes just by existing. Maybe it's hypervigilance from the few rests they got, running from Quincy. Maybe it's just a sign of broken trust. Either way, Preston needs to be close with someone before he can get any shuteye around them. And Preston might fight it, but he's a depression napper. Sometimes you just need one. If Preston willingly and easily falls asleep in someone's presence, that person is the human equivalent of a nightlight to him. Which, given how sleep-deprived he normally is, is worth their weight in gold.
X6-88; Oh, X6-88. You're such a prickly bastard. You know X6-88 loves someone when he's disappointed in them. The thing about disappointment, is that is can only some with an expectation. Disappointment is having a hope, an ideal, and seeing it sputter or fail. You can't be disappointed if there was nothing for you to be disappointed by. When an asshole does something shitty, you aren't surprised. When someone you think highly of does, you are, and that's disappointment. For X6, he hates pretty much everyone. He has no hopes, no expectations, no delusion that anyone is worth his time. And the sad thing is, you'll never know X6-88 cares until you have a hiccup, until you get judgement. And if you don't know this, you won't see a disappointed friend. You'll see normal X6-88, always acidic and with a cold barb just behind his teeth.
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anxresi · 1 year
…Isn’t it a bit late for April Fools Day?! 🤡🤣
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I was going to just write a few snarky remarks in the tags, but fuck it… I have a bit of time on my hands right now, so let’s tackle these somewhat disingenuous statements one at a time shall we? Starting from the one in the top left hand corner, and working our way anti-clockwise around… *Cracks knuckles*
1. Yep. SO nice in fact, she doesn’t have any other noticeable character trait. ‘Niceness’ by itself doesn’t make you an interesting, intriguing or compelling character… it just makes you boring. In fact, I’m gonna have to work pretty damn hard to finish this off before I nod off just thinking about her… 🥱
2. …And this is a GOOD thing? It just proves how much the writers were DESPERATE to make her Chloe’s replacement they rushed virtually everything to do with her, including her rapid induction to ‘Hero’. Most of the other Miraculous users had to wait AGES to get their chance, and Lil Miss Perfect just turns up in Paris and gets her chance virtually the first day. It wasn’t earned, it wasn’t believable… it was just handed to her on a silver platter because… reasons. 😩
3. So what? This is just yet more evidence that this girl, a TOTAL STRANGER up to S4 is all of a sudden being treated like the queen of all Mary Sues. Just listen to all the endless shilling about her from the rest of the cast (especially Marinette and, more depressingly Plagg) Now imagine them said in Thomas Astruc’s voice as he lays his case against Chloe… and everything should become clear.
4. This means virtually nothing. Everyone gets their Miraculous permanently at the end of S5, so the fact she gets her’s 5th is just down to a quirk in sequence. If anything, I’m surprised she didn’t get it sooner… in another gratuitous ‘Take That’ to diehard Chloe fans… 😬
5. I don’t even have anything to say about this.. it calculates the precise sum of 0.00% in terms of her worth of a character. You got anything better?
6. Oh, you mean the same acting ‘skills’ that she used to manipulate her sister into pretending she ‘loved’ her and to carry that useless charm about?The thing is, everyone might’ve SAID her talent was great in that AWFUL Queen Banana episode… but it actually wasn’t. Just because the other characters say she’s the next Sophia Loren, doesn’t mean the viewers don’t have eyes and ears. But I guess if they’re stupid enough to fall for Lila’s incredibly obvious lies when the plot demands it, anything’s possible…
7. What, you like her colorful shoes? This is possible the only one I’ll grant you (they ARE pretty snazzy) but at the end of the day, they’re just pointless aesthetics. Anyone else could be wearing them, and the garish colors can’t blind us to her all-conquering mediocrity. Moving on…
8. Here’s a hint: NEVER use the word ‘objectively’ when the opposite is clearly true. She’s not just ‘sweet’, spending time with her is akin to being pinned down in Wonka’s chocolate factory being force-fed candy by all the Oompa-Lumpas until you literally explode. Not a pleasant experience in other words, thanks to the writers laying this sole facet on with a literal trowel and shovel.
As for the ‘sass’ part… nope, not seeing it. Unless you mean the occasional scene when she ‘deals’ with her sister… these parts were obviously only put in to throw red meat for the Chloe-hating sheep out there could hoot and holler at the screen (probably waking their parents up in the process) whilst screaming “SEE? THAT’S WHAT YOU GET!!” Well, I hope you’re happy now. You hapless lame-o’s.
9. Mary Sues don’t get ‘character assassinated’. They get bigged-up, cheered, given every resource in the show to be Da Best… but NEVER wrecked in that manner. Her sister, on the other hand… 😢
I would argue though, that what she is, is WORSE than character assassination… she’s an individual that never should’ve existed in the first place. In fact, I’d barely even describe her as a character. A plot device, a waste of space, a product of Thomas Astruc’s inexplicable raging hatred against Chloe maybe, but not a serious character. As the popular meme goes, Change My Mind (you won’t).
10. …You’re REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel now, aren’t you?
Besides, this hasn't even been confirmed yet. We don't even know anything about the elusive Mr Lee, or even what he might think about his daughter being forcibly adopted by the Mayor. Something which I'm sure a show of such grandiosity and ambition will go into at great length.. Nah, just kidding!
Next, you’ll be telling me that somehow her sexuality is another reason to think she’s the best thing since sliced bread…
11. And there we have it (sigh). How terribly predictable. 🙄
I’ve already done a whole post thingie about how her being a lesbian and having a short-lived crush on Marinette was just imposed to get unearned brownie points from underrepresented communities when they won’t actually do anything with said revelation, so I’ll keep this short. Sufficed to say though, I feel like starting a hashtag… #TheGaysDeserveBetterThanZoe. Get it trending, peeps! 😎
12. Whatever you’re smoking, can I have some of it? This is crossing the line from ‘delusional’ to ‘crazy’ now. She’s remained as static as a statue since her opening episode, has NO room for change and growth due to the fact she was only brought in to replace Chloe and in that uncomfortably dull niche she’ll stay. Sorry, but just because you wish that she’d had any kind of interesting development doesn’t mean she has. Facts have a funny habit of getting in the way of the truth.
13. In turns of ticking boxes for diversity, French-Americans aren’t exactly a high priority IMHO. But sure if you think that makes her the bees knees (pun intended), you go ahead and celebrate it. 👍
14. So in conclusion, I do agree that Zoe Lee is indeed ‘Best’ character… (hears sharp intake of breathes all round) oops, I’m sorry. What I meant was ‘Pest’ character… in that just having her buzzing about in all her flawless Mary-Sue glory makes you just wanna reach for the bug spray.
You know, like you would for a pesky wasp during a delicious picnic. Because she’s Vesperia, get it? 🤪
The only upside to this sad situation is, from what I can tell (being strictly a non-watcher these days, you figure out why) the writers half-agree with me.
After all for such an 'amazing' character who's apparently achieved so much in her short time in the show... why is she barely featured? They must know, somewhere down deep in their artistic brains, she's a narrative dead zone.
A collection of tiresome off-the-shelf quirks, traits and spare parts (someone here said she was like a bad fanfiction self-insert... ABSOLUTELY RIGHT), loosely held together with visible stitching and hastily assembled together like Frankenstein's Monster for the most cynical of reasons.
She has no arguable reason to be in the show, apart from being a far inferior replacement to the potential mine of character development that someone like Chloe could've represented.
I guess Thomas really does hate complex characters who may overshadow his precious Marinette... or school bullies who traumatized him so much as a lil kid he specifically wrote someone into his show he could subsequently and systematically destroy (as the rumors go... but it wouldn't surprise me with THAT guy).
Now I’m off to bed, but let me end on at least ONE positive note for this much-maligned individual: She’s EXACTLY the kind of character a show like Miraculous Ladybug deserves… and if you like her, you deserve her too.
Now, good night. 🌝 🛌
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fandomsniper · 10 months
so this is my take on human Caine
keep in mind that this is all my headcanons and imagination, and I'm going with the theory that he is an AI and he wasn't a human before
(again it's my hc!) also minor tw for drvg mention
so going with that logic, man is an AI, for his whole life all he was, was lines of numerical codes and suddenly he's thrown into this world and becomes a human, as we all are aware a human body needs to comply to the laws of physics, biology, etc., it has needs that need to be taken care of for it to function right which an AI in a digital world doesn't need to do so imo all of that had to mess with his head a lot, I think that there is a high possibility that he would experience some kind of body dysphoria, he would feel that this isn't HIS body, that something isn't right, something doesn't fit etc., that would be pretty logical
complete change of how his brain operates (idk what he had as an AI but let's also call it a brain lol), human body operates on five basic senses, which is something that he didn't have to submit to, the list of "senses" he had as an AI in a digital world is probably long as fuck and now he has to lean on only five basic ones? that gotta suck and be absolutely difficult (which should be obvious, imagine suddenly becoming blind or deaf, now you need to learn to operate with even less senses than you had, fucking sucks), back in the digital world he could do practically everything with little effort and now? he is limited by this human body/world and all the laws it needs to obey
still on those senses, I think they are all over the place because of the sudden change so he would be prone to sensory overloads or something like that
he literally needs to learn all social rules, written and unwritten, and overall the basis our world works on, which we had YEARS to learn about as we grew up, and yeah as an AI he had some info about humans and our world 'cause he had direct contact with us back in the digital world but it wouldn't be even close to enough to live here among us (heh) completely out of nowhere
because of all of this, I think that he would be a total train wreck and he would be very prone to fall into some unhealthy habits, like for example imo he could easily get addicted to drugs (idk what kind tho), he takes some pills and he can "get back" to his old life at least for a moment? sign him up! for that short period of time, he could feel "right" again, he could have control again [I'm also leaning towards the idea that he could develop some kind of control issues considering who he was back in the digital world as an AI], drugs give you a high which on you can imagine/hallucinate/feel a lot of things so yeah, he could easily get addicted to those, especially if his trips would revolve around him being back in his digital world, his home
and nope, it's not me projecting onto my fav character yet again, not at all (I'm a big liar)
but fr tho, I think it would make sense if he actually was an AI who was never a human and somehow he got out of the digital world with all circus crew
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and I made a visual of him in a picrew! (if anyone will want it, I will drop the link to it)
I made some small adjustments in ibis paint lol, like the eye color and the roughly drawn Glasgow smile scars (for some reason it just fits him??? cause he was literally all teeth and it connected in my brain??? idk but my mental imagine of him as a human has those scars, can't do anything about it) + a bit longer lines under his eyes
he would look like he's in his really late 20's or early 30's
bonus, cause I found that t-shirt in the maker lol, Jax gave it to him
a playlist I made and some footnotes with fun hcs
he would love the movie "The Greatest Showman", can't tell me otherwise
I think he wouldn't have a specific music taste, no specific genre etc. but I think he would enjoy music from 80's and 2000's
he cried watching Bambi
his fav candy is Skittles
for the first two weeks the only thing he would eat was any variation of buttered bread, breakfast? toast with butter, dinner? buttered bread with salt, supper? toast with butter but this time with no crust, he would have continued this if Ragatha didn't step in and practically force feed him scrambled eggs one morning and then continued to do so with other foods until he stopped eating just bread
he likes Lady Gaga
he's not allowed caffeine, under any circumstances, never again, the circus gang decided that as a group
surprisingly, he enjoys horror movies
Jax showed him that one video of car driving through the hills (iykyk), he fell out of his chair
his room is very cluttered, messy but in this artsy-homey way
he picks on his skin a lot, especially when he's nervous and because of that his hands are covered in band-aids
he once saw Zooble smoke and asked if he can try, now he joins Zooble on "smoke breaks" because he picked on the habbit, Zooble kinda feels bad about it
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fandomsandfairytales · 2 months
Live reactions to Quigley Down Under
Basically a form of liveblogging. I wrote all this down while I was watching the movie.
Putting a "keep reading" cut here because ~spoilers~
The bullet points are split up by lines every now and then, usually based on scene. I'm leaving my phone typos in there for amusement purposes and adding in occasional brackets for clarification.
[Opening scene in the boat] Oooooo he's got manners
[thought this but didn't write it down at the time] Very good introduction to his character, effectively shows us what his character is like with one interaction right off the bat
Very Max Way like, helping Cora
Also yuck to those guys
Lol to him insulting and then totally doing away with those guys [my autocorrected it to "bugs" and it's not wrong]
My name isn't Roy - gives off "don't call me Shirley" vibes a bit
This man is so sick and tired of everything in this country not even 10 minutes in
They got a body!
LOL at "we sent them back to England"
Trying to grasp the plot here
The look in his eyes is saying "What if I'm actually Roy?" at about 13 min
Severus Snape voice!! [Alan Rickman came onscreen and said "Matthew Quigley"]
Fancy specs there [about the gun]
Cora admitting she doesn’t know him!
Here we gooooooo
Got earplugs sir?
Oooooo he’s got SKILLS [shooting the bucket from far away]
Knew he would, of course, lol
That deserter guy's got VERY blue eyes
Dunno if Alan Ricjmsn [Rickman] is reminding me of someone else or just himself
Well that was a fast execution
Aha, I think it’s Ben Barnes as the Darkling, a bit [the person Alan Rickman was reminding me of, because of the facial expressions]
“yOu WeRe AcTuAllY IN dOdGe CiTy???”
This guy [Quigley] is such an American
Jack Pearson vibes hair & facial hair
Why are u so proud of your mint jelly sir
Aha more plot
“Your American Indian” I’m going to skin u alive
What is that box for? Oh, cigars
This Marston guy is so rude
Ugh white supremacy
He’s making me bristle every other word
I’m wondering if Quigley is gonna become an outlaw
The tears in his eyes!!!!
The outlaw part might be happening faster than I thought XD
Lolllll at the turnabout
Also the guys being afraid bc of the long shot rifle XD
Lol they’re trying to ambush him
Of course it was the slave who got him bc nobody listens or expects them
Cora is so brave!
enemies to lovers via being dumped in the desert, let’s go
Stunning landscape
Oh no, he doesn’t have his gun. Sad
Those rickety wagon wheels!
LOL the whisper
Oooooo he’s gonna knife em
Oh he put down the gun. Big mistake
Cool theme!!! The music!
he’s giving beat up Walt Longmire
“On a new job it’s quite common for things not to go well at first” 😂 love how they both laugh
Also she’s lowkey giving Mallory from Studio C character vibes
The way she just leaves the hoop there on the ground
Also serious Thorne and Cress vibes
Had that the moment they said “dump them in the desert” They’re really dying ooof
You’re not just going to LEAVE HER THERE ARE U Of course not. Bc you’re a man with morals
Ouch that sunburn doesn’t look fun
This is also giving Walt Longmire dragging Henry through the desert
The moon!!!
They so want us to think it’s Quigley and Cora [the two people the British guys brought in]
Nope, lol
Aha!!! The guys he killed
Aboriginal people!
That shot of the silhouettes against the sun is beautiful
More Max Way chivalry vibes! “You okay?”
“The shady side of dead” is a cool phrase
Lolll to the kangaroo bit
Oh, grubs
Her accent is making me think of Ed in the movie where they take the babies [Raising Arizona]
“I don’t eat things that are still moving” then kill it first
Cool montage!
Cora backstory??!
The slow zoom in on her is so nice
Wait. Did she actually kill her baby? The poor woman
“I know, cause I watched him leave” ughhhh (around 50 mins in)
This poor man just got trauma dumped on
Oh they’re gone!
Is he playing along with her?!
The way she’s running even if she can’t do anything. She cares so fiercely
Those guys deserve to die
Lolll yeah she’s not making this any easier for him
Yay he did good!!!!
This man is like Walt Longmire and Jack Pearson combined
“Are you trying to get your head blown off?” Lowkey Riser and Billie vibes to me
Oh 😭
“I could’ve used some help up there” wdym? she didn’t have a weapon
Awww the hand over her hands
Her smile looks like the aww yeah lady
Literally burst out laughing at “I’m cold.” I see EXACTLY what you’re trying to do there sweetheart
LOL to the flirtation
Oh she’s taking her corset off
He’s sweet
“I’m not sharing my bed til I know who’s in it” completely and legitimately fair and you should be that way
This is a man hard pressed to deal with her
So very American Cowboy looking at 57 min
Interestinggggg about her not remembering the night before
I feel like O’Flynn’s going to become more important or something
“Not again!!!” Spider-Man school teacher vibes
And something else too I think ^
“Matthew Quigley is really starting to annoy me.” GOOD
The whole “are we lost” exchange was interesting and amusing, you can see him starting to get it
IM GOING TO KILL THEM TOO Idc that it’s a movie
I love Cora so much. Her compassion is beautiful
He feels it too even though he doesn’t say anything
I hope she gets to kill someone too
Lol his sass
“Or I’ll let you live” what a threat
“It’s only 20 miles past the bingabong!”
“You only got one shot left in that shooter. Make the most of it” WOW
Don’t worry Cora I’m sure he’s fine
My heart is going to break
This baby
Him on top of those rocks is a cool sight
This is really turning into that movie with Ed and Hi, isn’t it, lol
I like the lighting in that cave
Hmmmmm Idk if it’s a good idea to leave her alone
I’m scared she’s gonna get kidnapped
“You’re the only man on this continent that would ask me what I think” oh man
Awww “little bit”
The deadpan stare at her asking to find her some other clothes
Very American Cowboy of him galloping off. This is the first time he’s actually been alone since getting here
Yah! Yah! Get your woman and the baby sustenance!!!
Missed where the long coat came from
Definitely a Longmire shot of him on his horse
Cowboy town here
Doc Brown lookin guy
“She ain’t my woman” yeah yeah they all say that
I’ve been called a lot of things ma’am but never that - Riser way vibes
Not dingoes
Look at those tails those are good dog actors
You have the chance to change history
Dang I didn’t know dingoes were cannibals
Lollll yes take the gold
Mhmmmm u gotta get back
GUN FIGHT GUJ GOHNY [I don't even know what I was trying to type there)
He has a habit of throwing ppl through windows doesn’t he, including himself?
Hopefully nobody’s in there
Put your bandada over your mouth!!! Good
Seriously more Jack Pearson vibes with a house on fire
LOLLLL to him jumping syreakght thru the roof
You’re just giving him holes to shoot throuh
Oh nvm he’s out
Whoa okayyyy we are knocking the horse over
YEAHHHH “go tell Marston I’m coming after him” definitely reminds me of something but can’t remember what. Maybe Once Upon a Time “tell the evil Queen we’re coming" or something
“Oh, shut up”
None of these guys want to go, do they? Lol
I hope that black guy does something
Bandana over mouth like Riser on his bike
I knew she was still alive
Awww. She’s back in her old mind. “I killed the Comanches”
And the way he understands and goes “didn’t get any sage hens, but I got the next best thing”
I like how we see them coming over the same hill he came over
Now giving Court Jesysr [Court Jester which is another movie] vibes with him with the baby
Oh her earrings are pretty too
Uhhh should I be scared that she won’t give the baby back? Oh nvm
Love the fade to white transition
He looks like a general sitting there
Ohhhh is it only one bed type scenario??? I see I see
Oh he’s going off without her!
LOLLL she’s awake
The scene with them!!! Emotions!
That theme again
OH. The way he looks back at her. Tears in my eyes
Nice transition into the house
This fluffy haired guy reminds me of someone
The zoom in!
Oh fluffy haired guy is a Scotsman!! Or something, judging by his glengarry. Not his accent tho
Now I’m wondering. Do horses usually run into their home barn/area and rear when they’ve lost a rider who’s dead?
Lol, they’re all going to be tired, but I bet Quigley got sleep
Alan Rickman is giving me Nic Cage as Hi vibes [once again, character from Raising Arizona]
Is that O’Flynn riding?
Horse chase!!!
Oh goodness. Those poor horses.
“On ya feet ya lazy mongrels!” [Adrian Von Ziegler reference]
“Move you gutless bloody wonder” lollll
Got all the grass on him naturally, you wouldn’t see that nowadays, it’d be all brushed off by hair and makeup
Oh gosh he’s being dragged through the desert?!
Not fun not fun
Knew O’Flynn would come up again
I want that slave guy to kill Marston so bad
“What? Nothing clever to say?” Severus Snape vibes
The way if he stood up straight he’d be taller than the other two—
Oh fluffy haired guy IS wearing a kilt isn’t he?! Wait nvm he’s not, thought so bc of his coat
Okay his name is Dobkin, that’s who he is
“Some men are born in the wrong century. I think I was born on the wrong continent.”
What are you WAITING for???
This ain’t Dodge City - that again?
I had honestly really wanted the slave to kill him so that he would be the one actually driving the action here lol
Marston dying in the sand is giving Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things dying
“Never said I didn’t know how to use it” mwahaha
The slave guy is back tho!
Yeah he got his gun!
Wait was HE the one who fired at the other two?
Yes!!! The aboriginal ladies!!! And the man! BE FREEEEEEEE
Oh that makes me so happy
Love the dunking the face in the barrel
Lollll here come the British
Oh he is NOT in the mood is he
Snorted at the guy interrupting the other one reading off that long paper
“In short, this paperwork says we can hang you.”
Oh?? Hmm????
YESSSSSSSS Im not surprised!!!
The aborigine people!!
….he’s giving the ”you were saying?” look
Yay! The aborigine man who was a slave seems to have been the one to bring them back!
And now he’s all alone here on this big ol ranch
Ohh goodness
Ohhhhhh he’s gonna say “Roy” isn’t he
I yelled YEAHHHH
Cobb? I didn’t realize that was her last name
Two, of course, he’s staring into her eyes [not sure what I meant by "two"—I think that was an autocorrect of something else]
She was so right about her being pretty in red
Ooooioooo she called him by his name!
She mussed up his hair!!!
Love the traditional still on the kiss and fade to black, very nice
Catch me clapping like it's a movie theater, lol
Thank! You! SO MUCH for telling us no animals were harmed or killed in the making of this movie. That matters to me
Those are some cool names for the aboriginal group
I’ve come to be fond of the theme track :)
A very good movie and a good way to spend Saturday evening.
1990, okay! Would've thought it was a bit older.
And no ads the entire time, huh. [I figured out after this that it's because I was watching it on the TV at my friend's place, who I'm housesitting for currently, and she told me she has YouTube without ads. I'm SO glad I chose to watch the movie while I'm here XD]
@thegreenleavesofspring bc I know you want to see this :)
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aestariiwilderness · 6 months
(Oh, that's how you do the keep reading thing.)
Rex: oh let me bring my cool slightly insane bad batch besties to my super secret base with my clone rebellion! Nothing can go wrong Annnnnnd the end of the day count: One (1) Super Secret Base: Totaled Two (2) Clone Rebellion Ships: Smoking Wrecks One (1) Prisoner: Dead Clone Rebellion: Reduced Crosshair: Somehow Not Being Drawn and Quartered by Howzer After They Brought Him To Their Base and the Empire Promptly Descended Echo: Still Everyone's Taxi Service
This is (finally!) the Clone Who Cannot Die. And, simultaneously, the Clone Who Cannot Stop Falling Off Of Things. My lord, I don't care who he is, somebody get him a bandaid for the love of Pete. What's his count? Takes on entire Clone Rebellion: Still Alive, did better than they did, definitely has the brain cell Clone Trooper (he had a name, I just don't remember it) with a flamethrower: Still Alive One (1) building collapse: Still Alive Unspecified injuries to legs: Still Alive Unspecified injury(ies) to shoulder: Still Alive Shot at by Crosshair: Still Alive Nearly Exploded by Crosshair (ha, way to compensate for your shaky hands Cross -- can't shoot it with pinpoint precision? Ah well, time to EXPLODE IT): STILL ALIVE Fell down tower (? I was losing track): STILL ALIVE Abandoned by squad who pointedly did not offer any bandaids: STILL ALIVE Creepy chase through jungle: Still Alive, rocking new and fun injuries, looking damn fine on Star Wars Heat Vision™, terrifying absolutely everyone, has his own theme music Shot at AGAIN by Crosshair: Still alive (really, Crosshair, wow...you're like. A reg now) Brawls with Crosshair: Still alive, absolutely won that one hands down, no contest, unfortunately did not hold down long enough my man (has nobody ever drowned in Star Wars before? Really?) Fun Rapids Journey with Crosshair: Fine and dandy. Fresh as a daisy Gets Stunned In Water: Oh Thank God Please Let Him Nap -- oH OF COURSE THERE'S A WATERFALL -- Five-Story Waterfall? Sharp Rocks at the Bottom? Most Likely: BRING IT ON Abandoned by Squad AGAIN: STILL ALIVE I don't care if he's evil, he's my new favorite. Behold: COMPETENCY
Is anyone else getting Emperor's New Groove vibes or
Speaking of:
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P.S. If it is Winter Soldier Tech it becomes both a thousand times more concerning and a thousand times more hilarious. Writers be like: okay let me see how many MORE times I can yeet this particular clone off a high place to his presumed death in one episode P.P.S. Rex: "It doesn't matter what you've done. At the end of the day, you're still a clone." Way Less Competent Clone Assassin: *stares* Way Less Competent Clone Assassin, mentally: ....yeaaaaahhhh, that's....how genetics work
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