#nor would she ever break a promise to him like that. especially not one sworn under a weirwood.
northsballadmoved · 5 months
me physically gagging when i'm forced to see any of sansa's characterization from s8
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alberivh · 3 years
the unknown contract
summaries: an old tale of zhongli and his past lover, who’s known to have an unordinary contract between their noble family and an unknown villager. Which only lead zhongli to choose his final decision for the sake of his lover.
characters: zhongli x fem! Reader
Warning & Mentions : Major Character Death, Heavy Angst, slight comfort/hurt, implied Tuberculosis, Mentions of Curses.
PS : you’re the ‘young-lady Hua’ , Hua is the clan of your character :D
A/N : i actually have wrote this before but i couldn’t manage to finished it, so i decided to make a short version of it. Also, i actually hate this because i have a really bad writer-block right now, but i Hope you all still like it !!
the wind of the fall have occurs their way to liyue. It was pretty cold indeed, especially because it was unexpected for them to have a fall-break in the middle of the festival. zhongli managed to escaped from the crowded area of liyue’s harbour midnight-fall festival. still, At the end he never finds a way back to the small inn he always adore since the past of an old liyue.
He still remembers the first meeting of the young-lady hua and himselves. She is..unexpectedly not a professional at making a friendship contract. Though, i find her quiet the charming one.
“please mr.unknown, be my friend! I’ll promise i’ll gave you the tea you’ve just sipped for free till the day i got kicked out from this inn!! oh and yes, here take the flower! These glaze lilies are a product of our friendship alright, mr. Unknown? Let this be a contract for both of us”
even if it were still in the middle of the autumn, her smile brighten zhongli cold gaze to a warm melt of the sun. Mr. Unknown, such a nostalgic phrase zhongli could ever think. As This were, the first contract of the Young - Lady Hua and the eternal Geo Archon, Morax.
3 months and 15 days have past since zhongli first meeting with the Young Lady Hua. They both have fell in love and it’s time to confess their connection. but how should a young lady of the richest noble clan from liyue able to confess her love without feeling any guilt..? How should an unknown man confess his true feelings to her who still hides the facades of her family in her hands? Many questions popped to their heads, but none of them could ever open the topic.
“younglady- ah-i mean (name)..excuse my tardiness, can i ask y—“
“Mr. Unknown..have you ever heard the rumors of the Hua Clan..?” , she cutted through his words. Maybe there’s something to be told before she confess, wouldn’t it?
“i guess you don’t know..huh..”
silence pierce the atmosphere, and a sigh from the Young Lady crossover it to change this Mr.Unknown mind.
“There’s an old tale where the first descendants of the Hua Clan, My great great grandfather, have made a contract with one of the God’s..it was painfully obvious that it wasn’t a great idea…well Mr. Unknown, do you know the body of the contract..?”
“i- never knew anything about this..milady-i mean (name) so what is it?” , concern yet anxious to know. This Mr.Unknown still put his pokerface while asking such a question to this pathetic-looking young lady.
“well mr.unknown..my grandfather cursed all of the descendants for living our lifes with old-money that he have worked for since ages..so he signed the contracts with the god’s, he wrote in the contract..let the descendants of my clan, women and such, suffer from blood and disgust at the age of 25 to the 3 months of living..”
“And this year..i’m going to be 25..and i’ll be the descendants of this disgusting clan..so, mr unknown, would you still love me until my time has come..?”
such a tragical plea to appear and such a confess to be heard. Zhongli only wanted to despised her now, how can she live with this even after she knew how her time has been predicted ever since the generations? How can she still smile at him even after she knew she was about to die? Just how.. zhongli wanted to hide his face, he feels like he did nothing but being a burden to your facades.
i shouldn’t have met you.. i don’t wanted to troubled you..
He is a god. yet he still couldn’t forgive himself for not being aware of his mortal contracts with the unknown. How can he even managed to tell her the truth after he knew how much of a failure he is?
“mr. unknown, let’s ran-away from here and live together till the 3 months of my life..i love you mr.unknown..so please, let this be my next contract with you..i—”
“lets go, i’ll be staying with you..i’m not wasting my time here, so please my love..stay with me till the contract has come to an end.”
This unknown man have hugged his lover for the first time. The warm of his lover felt like a melt of an ice for him, it was painful yet so beautiful for him to feel her now-frail presence..how can he never feel this in the past? Was he really just a-lone-god..?
1 week after their confession. Blood starts to spilled out from the young-lady mouth. it was a textured blood, which you could only found as a symptoms of the ‘consumption’ the book in liyue’s folklore has ever wrote. It was..dark and painful to vomit.
happy birthday to myself..the Lady of Hua.
She haven’t even told Mr. unknown about the symptomps she just suffered. It’s not the right time she thinks. Still, there’s a slight of suspicious look came from the sight of his lover.
2 weeks and 3 days have past since her birthday. Zhongli haven’t found any evidence to proof his suspicions and worries. Though, he founds something on her shirt..a cough of blood. Even at the end, zhongli couldn’t managed to bring up the subject nor if he had the braveness to approach the subject.
“..she’s still alive”
And the Third week has came. Zhongli couldn’t find his lover anywhere around the harbor. thinking she was abducted by the elder of the clan who have caught the glimpse of her structure. He rans through Mount Tianheng and The Crowded area of the Harbor for hours now. Still he doesn’t found any clue surrounding your existence.
he found her. Lying in the back of the crowded corridor of the Harbor, Slightly Unconscious. Many soft-red dry scars have been spotted near her wrist and legs, it even worried him more than before.
“love..are you awake..?”
and a blood cought out from her mouth. As chills ran from zhongli’s spine, he carry out her body in a bridal style so this young-lady of his could feel his presence, beside from her suffering from something she couldn’t control. The blood she vomitted are now became a droplets of rains in zhongli’s hands. How come it drops as if it were never stopped?
Zhongli rans to the inn as fast as his mortal body can. He doesn’t wanted to waste his time searching for physics, because he knew deep inside, the citizens of the harbor have been looking for this young-Lady and her ‘kidnapper’ after the clan have decided to gave 1 million mora of their fortune to the founders of the-now Lady Hua.
“mr.unknown..i really..i really, don’t want to die…”
“hold onto my arms love..we’ll be home soon, so take your time to rest your body here” , zhongli started to panicked after he saw his lover now-sorrowed eyes. It was painfully beautiful how she look so comfortable in arms of the unknown as if it were her habitat to be familiar with those the faith reserved for.
Heavy breathing came past onto her mouth, and wind guide her to her frail word.
“Mr. Unknown..all i could ask is for you to..love me and forgive me..– i love you..”
“i love you..and i despised the fact i couldn’t met you sooner..”
“I love you..”
and the words she said are now just a memories of zhongli’s past. It’s the last thing he ever heard from his lady after she cough out the last droplets of blood. she doesn’t escape the last 2 months of her life, but she still smile at me. She is a disguise of my old lover.
The glaze lilies they both sworn to each other as the ‘first contract’ of their relationship are now left as a petals of remembrance zhongli has treasured for ages.
And as a gift for their 150 years worth of memories and which could only past as 3 months of relationship, zhongli bought a gift. It’s a proposal ring he couldn’t managed to bought back then, it’s a ring of promises and swear. He uses it in daily basis, even hu tao recognize this special ring he always use when he met the clients of the parlor or when he ran some errands for her.
love..your tombstone are now just a sand of remembrance but here in this ring, i could still remember your presence..
my name is now zhongli and not the unknown.. but dear, i wish i could still hear your phrases when i recall your name again..
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biznichwrites · 4 years
Reader x Giyuu
Past one sided Sabito x Giyuu
A sad attempt at angst I showed Jen forever ago and forgot to post.
Giyuu felt little for the longest time. Long since past the time he had coughed up petals. Only in a distant memory can he remember the pain of soft, pink sakura filling his lungs. He can more acutely recall the searing pain of blue roses exploding forth with every breath he gulped.
Sabito's death marked the end of his own life, or the life he could have lived. Inside he knew it was an act of devotion the peach haired boy had done. At the time he entertained the thought that Sabito had died for him, the act of the most true love. The sacrifice of his own life for Giyuu's sake.
Yet when the pink petals of hope were replaced with the thorns of an unattainable dream he knew something had to be done. Against his wishes he was healed, the disease cut away at the butterfly estate as they were experienced with plays and flowers.
He wasn't sure if it was a curse or a blessing. From that day forward he felt a shell of his former self. The small moments of happiness between disparity were gone, as was his pain.
The procedure had become a hassle. The side effect of never feeling love for the person he yearned for had been promising, at the cost of possibly never feeling love again. The doctors said the roots and vines had grown too strong around his heart and lungs, a more invasive method was needed to save him.
He felt nothing since that day.
"Giyuu can't love you back, you know that, right?" Shinobu, as tactful in her tone as ever, reminded the water tsugoku. The other woman gave the pillar a small smile, weak and tired.
"I can try. I'd want someone to try for me, you know." The reasoning was flimsy at best, but it was an attempt at logic. "There's been stories of recovery. I can hope."
"More like legends of recovery. Once someone is that far I doubt there's a way to come back. Even if you know him as his tsugoku I doubt the type of connection you both have is strong enough to awaken a heart in the fool." Comments from the insect pillar were laced with poison as much as her blade.
"I think I… For or worse I'm going to tell him." The water breath user glanced at her untouched tea with determination. "I'm not going to sit around and wonder what could have been if I don't put the effort into an attempt."
"Spoken like a tsugoku of the water pillar himself." Shinobu sipped her tea, eying the lavender rose petal trapped between the haori and uniform of the other woman, clearly missed when cleaning up.
Love at first sight? How sad for her, it truly was.
Before Giyuu a young woman on her hands and knees bawled her eyes out, begging him to at least consider her. Petals littered the ground below her, in a twisted way that could have been considered beautiful.
Inside he knew she was in pain, a lot from the looks of the flurry of different colored petals that fell from her lips, yet no amount of empathy could move his cold heart.
"Please, I-" The woman coughed again, hands covering her mouth as lavender rose petals dusted her clothing. "I'll do anything."
"I apologize." He turned away, unable to bear the weight of the situation much longer. What shreds of emotions he kept were screaming loud enough to deafen him, telling him to not allow pain he knew so well to claim someone else. At the same time he couldn't even fake an emotion for her sake, not that he even cared to play the charade.
Behind him blue petals fell - and with that she knew she would succumb to the illness soon. He could never be within her reach. She knew she could never be worth his heart nor could she live as a husk.
All that was left was to wait.
A trail of petals lead through the forest, ones Giyuu had grown to know well. Her typical scatter of colors, all of roses. It did raise concern that no longer simple petals littered the ground, but whole rose buds - some of which were closed and others blooming.
Her mission had been simple, yet she hadn't returned yet. He knew they were both taking extra missions to avoid the awkward air between them after her confession. Perhaps she had been pushing herself too hard.
Inside he knew her illness had progressed.
Burgundy petals littered a trail, one he followed with purpose. Heart break or not he wouldn't allow someone to die. He had sworn to defend and protect the people of Japan, but equally he didn't want others to suffer as he had - in any capacity.
The scatter of flowers grew more dense as he went on, her typical blend of deep red and purple unique to her. However the occasional sighting of blue haunted him, yet he couldn't linger if he had any hopes to find her. He'd have her fixed as he had been so she could survive, at least physically. They had a duty to serve.
Yet when there was no longer grass or dirt to be seen through the carpeting of blue roses he knew the situation had turned bleak. If he had been saved shortly after his petals turned blue, would happen to her?
His body froze, finding her still along the ground, the surroundings as well as her body coated in blue roses only to be contrasted by the red of her blood as the thorns had torn her throat as they exited her airways.
He crouched next to her, finding it odd how his heart pounded. Was this anxiety? He simply didn't want anyone else to die, especially because of him.
Blue eyes gazed into her own, finding just the smallest amount of movement in the glazed orbs. He knew she couldn't have much longer, not how much blood she had lost along the way nor how cold and weak she was. Though none of that needed to be said when a lavender rose had taken the space between her lips in a full bloom.
In any other circumstance it would have been beautiful. But he could see the vines and roots under her skin, eating away what was left of her. The disease had made her a host, taking her as its next victim as her consciousness faded.
Her last act, one of desperation, was to reach for him. With the last of her strength she clung to his hand, holding it in her cold fingers.
"You can't die. I'm taking you to be healed." Yet he knew his own words were impossible, an empty promise for a dying girl. Still that much brought a crinkle to her eyes, as if she were smiling.
To the end she adored him, even if she would never be loved the same.
His brows furrowed, eyes growing glassy. He caused another death. How selfish of him.
He knew she was ill, he should have done more. She was his tsugoku after all, he should have at least minded her health.
Her last words would never be heard by the world, a muffled devotion of love around the stem of a bloomed rose. The sound was silent to most ears, yet she didn't regret it.
The man heaved out a breath, looking up at the moon above them. He couldn't bear to see her body.
Nor could he bear the soft pink petals that drifted from his lips at her passing.
Blue roses: unattainable, impossible
Light pink roses: admiration, sweetness, sympathy
Lavender/purple roses: love at first sight
Burgundy roses: beauty within, unconscious beauty
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I Was Just Worried (Dick Grayson x Reader)
A/N: I’m not really a Dick Grayson expert, so I might’ve been wrong on his day job, I’m sorry. I mean, I have seen on one of the comics that he worked as a police officer, and then on the Titans he worked as a detective. But I’m not entirely sure. In this fic, he’s a police officer. So yeah, hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Angst, fluffy ending, like… one dick joke towards the ending.
Word Count: 1609
 Two months.
 It has been two months since Y/N and Dick properly spends some time together. Dick was always working at the police department, patrolling the city at night time as a vigilante, or staying at the manor, on the Batcave to help the others with solving a case or two. Y/N gets that he’s protecting the city as both a police officer and Nightwing, and in all honesty she’s proud of him.
 She never likes to be the clingy type, but she can’t help but worry about him. Especially if he’s no longer spending time with her. Usually, Dick would spare some time for him and Y/N no matter how much work he has. Even if it’s just for five minutes, he won’t mind and neither does Y/N. But for some reason, he stopped doing that. And, again, Y/N gets worried.
 This past two months, she rarely saw him. She only see him before bed and sometimes she’ll be lucky enough to see him getting ready in the morning. The ‘conversation’ they had was nothing more than a ‘good night’, ‘morning, babe’, ‘bye, I’m off to work’. No hugs, no kisses apart from occasional cheek kisses, not even asking ‘how was your day?’
  Y/N was patient on the first month but as this goes on, she grew tired of it. She tried to talk to him, asking him about his day or asking him if they should go on a date. Still, his answers are short and he quickly pushed her away, saying that he’s busy or that he can’t leave the others to solve to case alone.
  Just like that, now her patience flew around the room and out through the open window. And tonight, she had enough.
 The sky is cloudy, winds are blowing, and thunders could be heard though it hasn’t rained yet. Y/N was sitting alone in the living room wearing a warm F/C sweater and a pair of sweatpants since it was getting cold. She waited for her beloved boyfriend to come in so she can confront him. Just as she thought that he might have stayed at the manor, the door opens and Dick walks in.
 “Y/N/N? I’m home!” he called out. Y/N stands from her seating and quickly face him. “Dick, can we talk for a moment?”
 “Not now. We can talk later, babe. I have tons of work to do tonight-“
 “You’re always so busy!” she shouted unexpectedly, cutting him off by surprise. She didn’t planned to shout at him, but when he says that they can ‘talk later’, she can’t hold it back anymore.
 “You’re never around anymore. Busy with your work in the day and your vigilante life. New cases that you had to do every day without a break and in results you rarely acknowledged me anymore!” she continued.
 Dick’s surprised face was replaced with an annoyed one as he groans. “Y/N, don’t start. I have work to do and Bruce expects me to come to the manor tonight. We can discuss this later.”
 I can’t believe him, she thought.
 “Pushing me away again, aren’t you? You know, I’m starting to think that you’re purposely avoiding me. Are you bored with me? Did I did something wrong on this past two months?” She paused, realizing something else. “Or you’ve met someone new? Is there another girl?”
 “What? No, of course not! I would never do that to you! Why would you even think that?” At this point, Dick is starting to get mad. Why did she think that? I thought she trusts me, he thought.
 “You’re always away, leaving me at home with no note nor text messages. You pushed me away and always refusing when I asked you if you want to hang out and you never answered any of my calls. That, Dick, is why I think that way.” She stopped, choking back a sob.
 They heard a thunder and rain outside. The noise was a bit blocked out since they’re inside the apartment. Y/N looked out the window that’s curtain was still opened, and it was indeed raining. Hard.
 “I was worried about you! I was worried that you’re hurt out there without me knowing. I was worried that you actually got bored with me and have found someone better. I was worried that you might want leave me!” Her voice was quieter. It sounded tired and in pain.
 “Now that you said that, maybe I want to leave you! I’m a grown man, Y/N! I can take care of myself. I don’t need you! I don’t need a clingy girlfriend that doesn’t even trust me. My work is more important than you!” He snapped. As soon as he realized what he was saying, his face fell, regretting what he said.
 “Wait, Y/N, I didn’t mean-“ Dick stammered starting to panic, only to be cut off again by a crying Y/N.
 “Save it, Grayson. I’m sorry for caring.”
 Y/N’s face is covered in tears that won’t stop pouring like the rain outside. Her eyes are glossy and red, Dick could see that her emotions are evident in her eyes. Much like the weather, it’s pouring with rain and growling with thunder. Her eyes shows sadness, pain, and anger. It was a painful sight to Dick.
 Y/N sped to the door, sobbing. She ran through the apartment hallways and into the elevator with Dick on the distance following her. She quickly enters the elevator and closed it, immediately pressed ground floor. As she waits, Dick’s words repeats on her head.
  Clingy girlfriend.
  I don’t need you!
 Maybe I want to leave you!
 She sobs harder. How could he say that? She wondered.
 Suddenly the elevator dings. She made it to the ground floor and made her way outside. Just as she opened the door, she heard his voice calling her desperately.
 “Y/N, wait! Please!”
 How did he get here so fast?!
 That doesn’t stop her from running outside, out into the rain. She sprinted as fast as she can, but the rain was slowing her down. Eventually, Dick caught her in his arms. Y/N tried to escape from his arms, but he was holding her tight, hugging her from behind.
 “Let me go, Dick!” She demanded. Dick just holds on tighter.
 “I’m not letting you go, Y/N!” He exclaimed.
 Dick turns her around by her shoulders and looked into her teary face that was mixed with the rain. “I’m not letting you go. Not now, not ever. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for whatever I said before just please, don’t go.” He pleaded. His blue eyes are glossed. If they’re not under the rain, he’ll have a tear stained face like Y/N’s.
 Y/N stopped struggling. She looked into his eyes searching for lies and found none. All she sees are almost the same as what she’s feeling before. Sadness, worry, pain, and finally regret. Her body relaxed a little bit before placing her arm around his neck, hugging him back. She cried into his shoulder as he did to hers.
 “I’m sorry for being so clingy. I- I was just worried that anything happens to you. To us.” She whimpered.
 “Hey, it’s okay, babe. I’m sorry for snapping like that at you. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
 Dick took her face in his hand, lifted her chin to make her look at him. “You don’t have to worry, Y/N/N. I’m safe. I won’t leave you for good. I’ll make time for you, like I used to. And there’s no one else. It’s just you and me. Forever and always. I promise.” He said. His voice filled with sincerity.
 She stared at him, glancing at his lips before looking back to his eyes and she kissed him. She kissed him with much love and passion. He kissed her back with as much love. Their lips moved in sync and they fit like puzzle pieces. Dick smiled to the kiss. He felt relieved. Relieved that his girl didn’t walk away and leave him alone like what he did to her. Relieved that she trusts him with the promise that he had sworn to keep.
 As they kissed, they forgot that they’re outside, in the middle of the rain. They’re too caught up in the kiss and honestly, none of them cared. The kiss feels quite romantic and cliché. Even they realized that the kiss feels like a scene on a movie or book. However, neither of them complained about that.
They pulled away with a grin. Dick laughed softly. “Well, this is kind of cliché. Don’t you think?”
“Yes. Yes it is.” Y/N replied, chuckling.
“We should head back inside or else we’ll get the cold tomorrow.” Dick nodded, rushing both of them back into the apartment building and into the elevator. Their clothes are soaked and Y/N was trembling. Dick puts his arm around her shoulder to somehow keep her for trembling even more.
 “Apologies for being a dick to you before.” He apologize again, looking proud of his pun.
 “Apologies accepted, Gray. And by the way, you are a Dick. Quite literally.”
 They laughed before Dick pecks her temple, nose, and lips. “I love you so much, you know that right?”
 “Yeah, I know. And I love you too. So let’s not get into another argument, okay?”
 “Okay.” He agreed.
 “Maybe ‘okay’ will be our always.” Y/N quoted from the book she reads. “Isn’t that a quote from that romance movie?” Dick asked her.
 “It’s called ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and I read the book.” She answers. He hummed, “We should read it together sometimes.”
 Y/N smiled brightly, before agreeing. “We should.”
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scriptaed · 5 years
his side, her side | 5:13 P.M.
Tumblr media
genre: angst/fluff/implied smut; (bold = genre for this particular drabble)
pairing: reader x jungkook;
length: 2.5k;
synopsis: a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be.
a/n: this is not a chronological series; more so, his side her side is a collection of drabbles in which each drabble helps paint the overall picture. each drabble can be read separately without having read the others. // alternatively: his side, her side pt. 3;
her side;
You [5:13 P.M.] hey… you coming? 
The peering stares and deafening whispers scream at you in the confined space of your state of mind. Retreating into your seat, crouched and enclosed, you wait for their eyes to find another form of fleeting entertainment, but in reality, no one is staring and no one is whispering. The gossip that flies amongst your colleagues are nothing but your mind casting cruel spells upon your evident insecurity. So, instead, you sit there and you wait, knowing full well you are but an invisible individual with a gaping gap in the seat beside you. 
You wait and you wait. Sometimes you even pretend to scan through the room of your paired colleagues hard at work, in a desperate hope that no one would catch glimpsing at a door that just never seems to swing wide open like the way he would always burst through.You can just envision him now with his gray water bottle and his arms bare of sleeves as he comes striding into the room fresh out of the gym, eyes swiftly landing on his target—you—with utter ease, as if it’s an innate reflex akin to that of two magnets. The night would proceed as it always has for the countless past weeks: you would tease him and he would chortle with that swoon-worthy half-grin of his, asking you “do you like teasing me that much?” 
Sure, he’s always been fashionably late; but if anything these few months of collaborations have taught you of this peculiar enigma, Jungkook has always been a man of his words… or at least you thought. 
Fate seems to have taken a drastic detour tonight in return for one you could not have foreseen with that tunnel vision of yours; because tonight, the absence of his quirky jokes and curt profanities that had you cackling amidst the relatively serious work environment and the rest of your colleagues pondering over your true relations are reverberating in the disappointment that settles in your chest. Have you been too hopeful of things just working themselves out? The worst part of it is, you’ve always been wary of the baring of your heart and boys has never been an exception; but somehow, through the elaborate works of fate that had ensured you of the end game time after time again, you had become reliant on the fragile red string that would bring him to you and you to him. 
The both of you have made made it evident just how painful these overtime workshops were, but it was a heavy commitment alleviated by the thought that at least you two had each other in a room full of strangers. It was a mutual sense of relief, right? He was always a hard one to decipher, but you know he wouldn’t leave you here. Not on purpose. Would he…?
And maybe you aren’t the only one noticing the hole in tonight’s workshop, because even your supervisor begins counting every minute that passes by without his and your usual rambunctious chattering. 
“Did you text Jungkook yet?” he asks with a pitiful look peering down at you, seeing how the two hours of workshop has nearly made its full course. 
Jungkook had never been the type to text, so you two had always kept your messages short and to the point, with him unknowingly leaving you on read and you making sure to repay the favor; so you, being the prideful person yourself, texting Jungkook would have been your last resort. 
“I did,” you reply, biting your bottom lip. “He hasn’t replied yet.” 
That’s how desperate you are. 
And as if on cue, your phone vibrates and your hands scramble for the pocketed device. 
Jeon Jungkook [6:59 P.M.] Fuck 
Jeon Jungkook [6:59 P.M.] I totally forgot we had workshop today
Jeon Jungkook [6:59 P.M.] I’m sorry 
Jeon Jungkook [7:00 P.M.] Are you still there?
Forgot you two had workshop today? The thought strikes you with a breath of disbelief leaving your lips, laughing not at his delayed response and stupid question but rather at you and your pathetic self. You had always looked forward to Tuesday nights with him. It was the highlight of your week. Every night at the strike of 7:00 P.M., after a short albeit electric conversation under the starry night sky and along the lit lamp posts along the brick sidewalks, you would wait longingly for the next excuse of an opportunity to speak with him again. 
You had always feared this outcome, but it had never occurred to you until his texts that it must have been one-sided after all. 
You had waited an entire two hours for him, pathetically waiting and hoping he would come bursting through the doors and all you receive in return is a lack of an effort to conjure an excuse—because, really, you knew you would have accepted even the most unbelievable of excuses. 
He could have said he had overslept, in fact, you would have much rather preferred to believe that; but instead, the sirens that go off as your heart armors itself with a familiar cold sheath tell your very guts to believe otherwise. 
Because more likely than not, he’s spent the last two hours on things—or rather, a woman—much higher on his priority than you; and as much as you had braced your heart to face this seemingly inevitable dead end, the thought of him breaking an unspoken albeit undeniable promise in exchange for a woman elsewhere evokes a wrenching pain that far exceeds your estimates. 
“What did he say?” your supervisor continues, even as the rest of your colleagues collect their things for the day. 
“Oh,” you mutter under your breath as you gather your purse and stand to your feet, lifting your sights off the desk and meeting that of your supervisor’s head-on, “he said he isn’t feeling well and meant to call in sick.”
Why did you lie to cover his irresponsible self that had burdened you so? The answer sits by your chair and in his, abandoned and stilling the air as you left the room along with the night that remains buried into a distant memory with no map for recovery. 
Even so, the lie of that one fateful night unravels the red string until the two fated souls were tethered no more and you choose to answer his texts with silence. 
his side;
Partner [5:13 P.M.] hey… you coming? 
Her text has his eyes popping and heart shooting bullets against his chest with each second that passes in baffled silence; and before he knows it, a string of curses fly through the air at a world record speed that even he could never exceed, kicking the blankets to the floor and nearly rolling off the bed and stumbling onto his feet. His knees almost buckle onto the wooden floor of his apartment, but his legs propel himself forward as he staggers into the jet-black kitchen. 
The sun and its golden radiance earlier today had completely set, just like the horrifying realization that dawns upon him. Whirling aimlessly around in his kitchen and finally snapping around to sprint toward the glowing green digits of his microwave that shines through the dark, something drops in him along with his lips. 
6:56 P.M. 
What the fuck happened to his alarm? 
The boy makes a beeline for his bedroom, nearly colliding into his drawer and stubbing a toe on his bed-frame before hastily rummaging through the sheets on the floor. Frantically tossing and turning through the mess, his dart-like eyes somehow manage to spot his treacherous phone through the curly curtains that were his bangs. His hands snatch the phone into a grip that turns his skin pale, as if to accuse the device for his own wrongdoings—because the second he fails to find the alarm he had sworn to have set up before his nap, his knees collapse onto the floor and a petrified look replaces his doe-like eyes akin to that of a deer caught in the headlights. 
He would put his life on the line to swear he had set up an alarm. Fuck that, what has his chest stirring in further panic isn’t his lack of care but, rather, his naive belief in himself and his supposed ability to “power nap” just an hour before workshop. And now look at him, he shakes his head in utter disappointment, he had abandoned his partner to fend for herself in the past two hours while he was napping away. 
He could just picture it now—her delicate self, cold, crouched and closed off from the rest of her colleagues just as he had found her on the first day of the workshop. Something stirs in him enough for the usually stoic boy to clutch at his chest, wincing at the pain evoked by the thought of her waiting patiently for his arrival, glancing at the doorway every so often only to be met with utter disappointed by now.
How the hell is he supposed to explain to her now? 
It doesn’t really matter what she thinks of him at this point, because to the boy who is genuinely remorseful for having broken the unspoken trust between him and her, the first thing he’s set out to do is to let her know she is no longer alone. 
You [6:59 P.M.] Fuck
He doesn’t really know how to continue from there. Should he make up some shitty excuse? It’s odd, he’s usually never been the type to contemplate over things like this nor had he ever cared about what others thought of him enough to falter his own integrity… so why is he holding his phone and staring at the glaring screen as if his very life depends on his next text? It isn’t that an excuse is difficult to conjure, but it’s the thought of lying to her that has him scratching his head, especially when he recalls her outspoken annoyance for lazy partners. 
You [6:59 P.M.] I totally forgot we had workshop today
Shit, he curses to himself, that’s dumb. 
You [6:59 P.M.] I’m sorry 
He really is. The gut-wrenching regret is enough proof, even for an apathetic man like him. Now the problem is: what can he do to make it up? 
You [7:00 P.M.] Are you still there?
It’s a pathetic question and he knows it. Anyone could tell how he would follow-up such a question, but only a fool would accept his long-expired offer. The workshop had just ended and there was no point in him speeding through the roads just to meet her empty-handed. He has absolutely nothing to offer her. Plus, knowing someone as diligent albeit impatient as Y/N, he knows for certain she would have left at least an hour ago. 
She wouldn’t wait for someone like him, would she? 
Tossing his arms wide open and collapsing backward onto the floor, he stares blankly upward at his ceiling with a chest heaving and heart racing that gradually settles into the terrifying abyss of the unknown. 
What now?
A series of texts interrupts his daze and his once-slowing heart rate skyrockets once again as he clutches his phone and almost pulls a muscle to crane his neck. 
Jennie [7:14 P.M.] Hey 😊😊 you free tonight? 💕
He doesn’t care to lie, really. 
You [7:14 P.M.] Yeah. 
His hands plopped back onto the floor when another vibration sets off in his grip. 
Jennie [7:15 P.M.] Wanna come over? My roommate is gone for tonight 😜💦
Strangely, his reply comes to him without hesitation. 
You [7:15 P.M.] No. Not really.
Jennie [7:15 P.M.] Why not?😣😣
Jennie [7:15 P.M.] I can come over if you want
Unbeknownst to him, a groan escaped his lips as he sends his final text and tosses his phone to the side before retreating to his lengthy daze. 
You [7:16 P.M.] Not feeling it. Sorry.
Strange. Whether it be sex or Fortnite, the boy would usually indulge himself in whatever forms of leisure during stressful moments like these; so why does Jennie’s usually tempting offer irk him tonight? It isn’t her fault, but the constant vibrations of his phone across the floor has him just one text away from blocking her number. He wants to bury his concerns and confusion somewhere far away, yet he just can’t seem to get rid of it… he can’t seem to get rid of these thoughts… he just can’t rid himself of her. 
And the dreadful hours that seem to pass by in the blink of an eye are enough proof to him that these thoughts are an irrevocable force that is here to stay; because despite how irritating it was to constantly check his phone every few vibrations and groan at the sight of a name other than the only one on his mind, he still does it in hopes of hearing from her. 
But he doesn’t. She never returns his messages, leaving him on read since the very minute he had sent her his apology. Jungkook had become accustomed to the “left on read” pattern between the two, accepting it as something that most normal colleagues would do, but this time things are different. As prompt and to the point her replies have always been, he could always sense the tint of excitement that exudes from her quick responses and occasional emojis. She had never left him hanging on his question, however. 
Therefore, this time, Jungkook knows with certainty that her silence is her answer.
Her irritation over his negligence and betrayal of a pact between the girl and boy who had promised to have each other’s backs amidst a room of strangers was radiating from the mere checkmark next to his text. And the worst part of it? He can’t even blame her. This is entirely his fault and he’s never felt so regretful before. In fact, such fervent feelings come so rarely to Jungkook that he doesn’t even know what to do next or how to express himself and this dreadful remorse to his partner. 
The two of them had started off on rocky terms, somewhere on the borderline of acquaintances that occasionally acknowledged each other’s existence and strangers that passed by one another without a single glance over the shoulder. Even to Jungkook, a boy completely indifferent to the journeys that life has taken him on, it seemed like fate had planned their pairing at work since the moment they had locked eyes. They were gradually becoming friends that would tease each other’s hobbies, dislikes, and private life—and now, he’s ruined everything.  
So, in a desperate attempt to salvage whatever this relationship or friendship—if he can even call it that—he sends a final text that, to him, is a spillage of his heart. 
You [11:57 P.M.] Fuck I’m really so sorry I promise it won’t happen again
Her silence that ensues is enough of an answer to him and he can practically see it all falling apart in front of his eyes. 
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opalmaplehibiscus · 4 years
Handing Over the Mantle Part 2
HC of when the dorm leaders’ hand over their position to the first years au series
Savanaclaw Ver.
·       On the day of graduation, Savanclaw was loud. Not “loud”, I mean LOUD
·       It was THE party of wild animals, literally. The concept of decency? Who’s she? Never heard of her before
·       Dorm members were skinny dipping into the water-fall pool, while others were making a ruckus as they ate at the table
·       Music playing hard to the point Kalim and Jamil could’ve sworn they could hear it from their dorm, while they were holding Scarabia’s graduation banquet
·       Cheering, chaos, laughter, and yelling overpowers the music as everyone celebrated graduation to the fullest
·       And besides, you can’t blame them for being like this can you? They’re part of Mother Nature~
·       Leona was sitting in the shade provided by the curtains, eating his 10th plate of meat as Ruggie was once again busy getting him food
·       He made sure that the graduation party for his year was completely meat. Okay. Not completely since there are a few choice veggies here and there, but most of it was meat
·       He didn’t even bat an eyelash when some student gets thrown over in front of his face and into the lounge’s pool as he busied himself stuffing his face with meat
·       When Ruggie comes back with another heaping of meat, he huffed at Leona, talking about how Leona had never changed despite how long he stayed in school. Heck he’s still pulling off the veggies on the kebabs and eating only the meat!
·       Leona grumbled at Ruggie to shut the f*** up and let him enjoy his last day in “this stupid school”, enjoying the taste of sirloin
·       As Ruggie nagged at him, Leona’s attention was caught by something he didn’t expected to see
·       Jack was blushing from all the attention he was getting from his seniors as they teased him how he still acted like a “baby freshman” despite him ending his second-year in NRC
·       It was obvious that people started to like Jack as one of incoming-4th year slung an arm around Jack’s shoulders and ruffles his head as he promises those that were graduating, he would take good care of his kouhais
·       Even though he growls, Jack’s grin betrays his words as it was obvious that he was enjoying the time he was having with them
·       Looking at where Leona was looking, an exasperated smile formed on Ruggie’s lips as he sighs about how the comment he made about Leona could be applied to Jack despite how he had grown more mature compared to when he was a freshman
·       To that Leona sneered, how it was exactly the opposite to what Ruggie had just said. Instead of becoming more mature or stayed the same, Jack became the dorm’s “baby pup”, wagging his tail to the seniors he respect while puffing his chest out when exerting justice
·       Despite saying that, Leona’s eyes slightly softened as he looked at Jack, making Ruggie to mischievously laugh  with his “shishishi~”
·       Fully aware of what Ruggie was thinking about, Leona lets out a sigh of his own as he finished sucking the remaining meat juices on the bone he ate from before tossing it on his empty plate and telling Ruggie to grab Jack
·       It took a few seconds for Ruggie to understand what Leona meant. When he does, he ended up whining about how he wasn’t even able to finish his 7th plate only to yell at Leona when he saw the lion walk away with his hands in his pockets
·       Dragging his hands down his face, Ruggie let’s out a groan of frustration he went and grabbed Jack
·       By the time Jack was dragged away from the arm-wrestling competition he was having the rest of the dorm members (he nearly broke  5 people’s arms with just his brute strength), Ruggie and him arrived at the very top of the water fall
·       Leona was looking down at the dorm’s lounge, watching everyone happily smile with a blank look while Jack and Ruggie approached him
·       Nervousness was all Jack felt, not used to be calling out like this by his senpai
·       And it certainly didn’t help him nor Ruggie, who ended up standing still and give Leona his utmost look of respect, when Leona, unknowingly, leaks out some of his charisma
·       Just looking at him from the behind reminded the two that Leona was king quality. It wasn’t even 10% of his full charisma and already the demand of utmost respect and admiration from everyone felt overwhelming to them
·       When Leona snapped at Jack as to what he was doing and making him wait, Jack breaks out of his trance with the help of Ruggie, who nudged the young wolf to get the hint
·       Walking towards him, Jack looked at Leona, asking what it was his soon-to-be-retired dorm leader wanted from him
·       He doesn’t answer Jack before Leona roared
·       Instantly the whole dorm went silent as everyone looked up towards the top of the waterfall and gave their attention to Leona
·       After seeing that he had gotten everyone’s attention, Leona closed his eyes and let out another sigh
·       When he opened them again, his emerald eyes glowed as he opened his mouth and starts the graduation speech
·       No words or whispers were heard as Leona about Savanclaw’s history – going on about how it was a dorm based of the King of Beasts and held tremendous power compared to all the other dorms
·       He goes on about how, during his years as dorm leader, they may have become 2nd however, not once did they lose their power or quality in power. They proved to him that they were powerful magicians that deserves more attention, more respect – that they deserved better compared to those Diasomnia brats
·       Tears started to form in the corner of everyone’s eyes as they heard their dorm leader actually praising them for their skills and talents as Leona continued how not once did they grew weaker – they only grew smarter and stronger
·       Jack and Ruggie both faltered when Leona told them not to be ashamed with what had happened last year with the Interdorm Tournament.  The two were giving him reprimanding glares. Yet it only lasted a second when Leona mentioned how they still ended up being 2nd again despite the handicap they were forced to deal with
·       As people started crying, Leona lifted a hand pats Jack shoulder
·       The minute Jack gave Leona a questioning look, Leona announced that Jack would be the next dorm leader of Savanaclaw
·       A minute passed before everyone comprehended what he had just said and collectively yelled out a questioning “huh”. And it was impressive, especially since it was harmonious.
·       Jack was stuttering “senpai”, unable to even get his question past his lips as Ruggie was outrageously laughing, holding his stomach
·       And it made Jack further put into a mess when Leona says “what” – as if asking his kouhai what he did wrong
·       After 10 tries, Jack was finally able to ask why Leona had chosen him
·       He didn’t appreciate how Leona was looking at him as if asking him if he was dense and verbally stated it
·       Grumbling underneath his breath about how he couldn’t wait to get away “the dumb mutts”, he clicks his tongue and scratched the back of his head
·       Giving Jack an annoyed look, Leona insulted Jack at first
·       “You’re too honest to the point of being dumb”, “you’re too naïve to the point you can easily be manipulated without even you realizing it,” and so forth jabbed Jack in the heart
·       At this point, Jack was persuaded that Leona wanted to teach him a lesson after having to deal with him until Leona started to point Jack’s strength
·       It was obvious Leona was hating every single moment of this whole thing as he pointed out how Jack never once let go of his sense of justice, making him not only a voice of reason but also shows Jack was capable to dealing with others.
·       His stubbornness showed Leona that despite all the traitorous deeds Jack had done, he was still loyal to the dorm. His greediness to become more powerful, stronger than ever before alone shows his dedication
·       Sure, he may have not have the brains of a tactician yet or can communicate with others properly, but the way he cared for others makes up for it. And with a bit of training and leading, Jack wouldn’t need to worry about those
·       Jack’s heart felt warm as it was his first time since he entered Savanaclaw that he had ever been praised personally by Leona. He’s more familiar with being called a “traitor to the dorm” or “baby freshman” despite him just wanting the best
·       To be praised by not just any senpai, but by the senpai he had idolized – it was impossible for Jack to not tear up
·       Jack gulps back the sound of a sob as he asked about Ruggie
·       He points out to Leona that Ruggie was still his senior, therefore he should be getting the position of dorm leader as other dorm members voiced out their agreement to Jack’s question
·       Before Leona could even open his mouth, Ruggie started to mutter
·       Leona was about to say “what the hell did you say, Ruggie” until Ruggie yelled out “Are you kidding me?!?!!”
·       The two tall carnivores both jumped and looked the hyena in shock as Ruggie was pulling his hair
·       Pushing the lion, Ruggie was asking Jack incredulously if he was trying to make his “poor, small senpai” to suffer more?
·       All the dorm members were surprised from the outburst as they listened to Ruggie ranting about how he had to take care of Leona 24/7 – babysitting him as if he was some kid
·       And for him to be like that to now 100+ guys? No. Thank you. Like hell he’ll be doing that
·       He wanted a break. A vacation dang it. He deserved rest
·       Seeing how Ruggie was completely against himself being dorm leader to the point he was brutally roasting Leona’s habits, everyone ended up laughing while Leona gripped Ruggie’s head, threatening the smaller carnivore of the three if he dared to continue insulting him
·       Once the laughter died down, Leona sighed for the 100th time
·       Leona then begun to finish his speech by saying how everyone gave him headaches because of how… “simple” they were. Yet, during the few years he was dorm leader, they had became his sole pride
·       Even if he was offered to transfer to another dorm for the sake of being able to nap all day and be left alone, he admitted that he would’ve decline because he didn’t want to throw away the hard work he made to push their dorm into the direction of their next Golden Age
·       He turned to Jack, who ended up crying, and pushed him to the front of himself as Leona told them it was official  and by everyone’s agreement that Jack is the new dorm leader
·       The reality of Leona leaving them finally sunk in as everyone had their head down and cried. Some covering their face with an arm, while others just clenched their fists in attempt to hold it in
·       Jack bowed down to Leona with his head down, sobbing about how he promise to continue “Leona-senpai’s” legacy by making Savanaclaw reach its peaks and reclaim their position of being #1
·       On the side, Ruggie attempted to give his signature chuckles of “shishishi”s as he held in his tears and told Leona he would take good care of Jack and make him the best dorm leader after him
·       Leona huffed at the site of the everyone before he reached out and ruffled both Jack and Ruggie’s head
·       He gave them a smirk once he stopped and told them that he expects their dorm to beat Diasomnia in the next Interdorm Tournament then
·       Gulping their sobs, both Jack and Ruggie yelled “Long live the king!” and bowed to Leona in 90°, leading to everyone to follow suit
·       No matter how much Leona wanted to deny it, tears were sliding down his cheeks as he laughed and said they looked stupid doing this
·       Soon enough the party resumed when Ruggie and Jack decided to push Leona down the waterfall, only to quickly run away when Leona blasted magic back at them with his pen wand
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Baby, You’re Perfect
Chapter Four- Awaking 
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******* WARNING!!! this chapter contains hints of domestic abuse!*********** Sorry this chapter is quite long, but I felt like I needed to put it all in one!******
The next day, I found myself laying in the bed of my hotel room. We had a brief break from the tour so I decided to try my best to relax and think things over. I was left utterly confused as to what happened, after I kissed Harry.  
I decided to give him a bit of space. I figured it was for the best, since I didn't know what I would say to him anyways. It was beyond stressful. I couldn't seem to get him off of my mind. Ever since that very first encounter, he seemed to be all I could think about. It was both frustrating and refreshing. 
 His perfect smile could light up an entire room. His goofy personality was the absolute best, and it never failed to bring a smile to my face. He had a certain way about him that just drew me in. I loved watching him interact with his fans. He never failed to make each and everyone of them feel special. He made sure to give them all his undivided attention. His personality was one of his most impressing qualities he had. He also looked like he was created by God himself. There wasn't a single flaw on his body, even though he did have four nipples. God really had taken his time, when creating Harry.  
I had just gotten out of the shower, when I heard a knock at the door. Putting on a robe and trying to towel dry my hair, I went to answer it. Expecting it to be Harry or another member of the team, I made the mistake of opening the door without looking. Making my heart stop completely, it was Jackson standing in the hallway. I froze in my spot.
He was radiating anger, and his hands were balled into fists. His eye was black and swollen, from where Harry had punched him. Not liking the wild look in his eyes, I tried my best to shut the door. Putting his foot in the doorway, he stopped me before I could get it all the way closed and forced his way inside...
Harry's head had been spinning ever since the kiss. It had been two days since it happened, and it was all he could think about. He couldn't quite understand what happened, nor could be explain his actions.  
He had been waiting for that moment for weeks now, and yet when it came it just didn't feel right. He didn't want to be her rebound from Jackson. He wanted to be more than that. He wanted to be the only one she wanted, and the only one she thought about. She was certainly the only one he could think of. There was a brief break between shows, so he had plenty of time to think things over. 
Although, he had spent the entire break trying to drown his sorrows, he was still losing his mind. For the most part, he stayed in his hotel room. He had to admit that he was avoiding Layla. He wasn't sure what he would say to her once he saw her again, however that was the only thing he wanted more than anything in the world. He couldn't stand not seeing her bright and smiling face. It was the only thing that seemed to make his day complete. Without her, his mood had turned sour. He couldn't even recognize himself. It was like looking at a stranger in the mirror.    
The short break came and went, and he knew that he would have to explain his actions. He knew he couldn't avoid it forever so he decided he would talk to her after the show. He picked this time so if it went badly, he could escape to his room. He knew he was being a coward, but he couldn't handle it if she didn't feel the same way about him as he did her. It was tormenting him, on a daily basis.
He was a nervous wreck all day long. His hands and legs were shaking, and he hadn't been able to sit still. He knew he was driving his crew crazy, but he just couldn't seem to help it. It had now been three days since he had last set eyes on Layla, and he was getting beyond restless. It had been a very long time since anyone had made him feel this way. It was unnerving.  
He had been pacing around backstage, when he got even more unsettling news. 
“Hey, Harry. You got a sec?” Jeff called out. He looked worried, and Harry knew he wasn't going to like what he had to say.   
“Yeahh.. What's up?” He asked cautiously.
“So.. There's been a slight change in plans tonight. Layla seems to be feeling a bit under the weather so we wont have anyone to take pictures for the show. I can see if I can get one of the other crew members to do it, if you'd like.”
Harry was lost in thought. It wasn't like Layla to not show up for work. Even when he was trying his best to avoid her, she was always there. He could only guess that it was his doing that made her decide not to come. He suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He was keeping her from her passion, and he hated himself for it. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. 
 “Harry?” Jeff asked, after a moment of silence.  
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “That's fine. We don't have to have pictures of every show.”
Jeff gave him another worried looked, as he walked away from him. All Harry could think of was Layla. He needed to talk to her, and he wanted to make sure she was okay. More than anything, he wanted to make things right. He hated feeling like it was his fault for her not being there. He knew she loved being behind the camera. He could see it in her eyes, every time she capture a picture she liked. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but hers are completely priceless.
I knew I should be at the show, and I hated more than anything that I couldn't be. Things had been insane the last two days, and I knew that no one needed to see me like this.  
I had stayed in bed the majority of the time. I couldn't even stand looking at myself in the mirror, let alone leave the room. I knew I couldn't hid for forever, but I was determined to do it as long as I could. I needed to at least stay out of sight, until I was better.  
I had just began to dose off, when I heard a knock at the door. The sound made me jump and then wince in pain. Slowly, I made my way to the door. Putting my hand on the doorknob, I froze in place.  
“Who is it?” I called out weakly.  
“It's Harry. Can we talk?” He asked hopeful.  
My heart stopped, as my eyes automatically filled with tears. I wanted more than anything to be with Harry, but I couldn't let him see me this way. It would destroy him, and that was the very last thing I wanted to do.  
“I'm sorry, Harry... I can't right now.” I told him just above a whisper.  
“Layla, please! I just need to talk to you.” He begged.  
“Harry.. Please.. Go away... I just can't do this right now.” I begged him, trying my best to hold back a sob.  
He seemed to sense my discomfort, so he reluctantly walked away. Turning my back to the door, I slid to the floor. Laying my head on my knees, I sobbed. It killed me to know I was hurting Harry, but I knew it was for the best. If he saw me like this, I wasn't sure what he would do.
The next few days were the same. I stayed in my room and refused to be at the shows. I knew I couldn't keep up this behavior for long, before they had to replace me. I also knew that no one needed to see me like this. I'm sure they all understood.
The only person I had spoken with was Sarah. She had been amazing and sworn to keep my secrets. She assured me that she would speak with Jeff and make sure my job was waiting for me. I knew she would have to tell Jeff what happened, but she promised me that he wouldn't tell Harry. I also let her tell the other band members. I knew they would all start asking questions as soon as they did see me. I wanted to avoid this, as much as I possibly could. Harry was the only one left in the dark.
It had been extremely difficult to come to terms with everything that had happened. Although it killed me, I still refused to see Harry. I couldn't bare the thought of him seeing me so fragile and broken. It was the very last thing I wanted, and I wish I could explain that to him. I hated keeping this from him, but I knew it was a conversation we needed to have in person. He needed to hear the story from me, however, I just wasn't quite ready for that.  
Tonight was the last show in this city, so I knew I had to be on the bus and ready to head to the next stop. Deciding to stay hidden, I made my way to the bus when the concert was still in full swing. I knew it would be deserted, and I knew I could sneak on unseen. Rushing to my bunk, I laid down and waited. My heart beat pounded, as I waited for everyone returned.  
The show finally came to an end, and now it was time to head out to the next town. Harry had been a complete wreck the entire night. He wasn't sure if Layla was coming with them or not, and the thought was torturing him. He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't there. It had now been five days since he last seen her, and they didn't part on very good terms. It was all he had been able to think about. If only he had kissed her back, maybe she wouldn't be freezing him out now. 
Sarah was waiting for him, as soon as he walked off of the stage. 
 “We need to talk.” She told him, getting straight to the point.
 “What is it?” He asked alarmed. 
He had known that she had been meeting with Layla, and he knew that she had known what was going on. Although he had begged her, she refused to tell him what happened. It had been the most frustrating part of the entire ordeal. He just wanted to know what was going on.
 “Just come on!” She said pulling him into his dressing room.
Inside he noticed Jeff and the rest of his mates. “Is someone going to tell me what's going on?” He asked distressed. 
“It's Layla.” Sarah said with a sigh. 
“Are you finally going to tell me what happened?” He asked annoyed.
“Not quite.” She said guilty. 
“What the fuck! Why not?!” He yelled throwing his hands up. 
He usually wasn't the type to let his anger out, but now he just couldn't help it. He hated being mad especially at his mates. They were his best friends, and he knew they didn't deserve his anger.
“Harry, just listen please!” She said sighing. “Layla's been dealing with quite a lot these past few days, and she wants the details of what happened to be kept private. I'm not going to go against her wishes, however I will tell you she's going to need some space for a little while. Now she has agreed to still come on the road with us, but you might not be seeing much of her. At least not for a few more days, that is.”
Harry grew even more frustrated. “Why won't you just tell me what's going on?! Why won't she even talk to me? Did I do something?” He rambled.   
Putting both her hands on his shoulders, Sarah tried to calm him down. “Harry.. honey.. Please trust me when I say this.. This has absolutely nothing to do with you. When she's ready, I'm sure she'll talk to you. However, believe me when I say this, with what happened she's going to need some time. She's a very strong young woman, and I'm positive things will get better. But it is going to take some time.
“Okay..” Harry said defeated. He wasn't sure what else to say. He knew that he would be clueless until Layla finally let him in. 
“And Harry?” Sarah said, as she started to leave. “When she does come to you, please keep an open mind. She's been through a lot, and she'll need you to be the strong one.”
Hours later, I was awoken by the rumble of the bus coming to life. Without making a sound, I stayed in my bunk. Sarah had promised to ask everyone to keep their distance, and I knew I could trust her with it. 
 Against my better judgment, I had decided to let Sarah in. I knew that I had to tell someone, especially if I wanted to keep my job. Sarah and I had become good friends, in the last few weeks. I was sure that she wouldn't betray my trust, and she assured me that she wouldn't be the one to tell Harry. She had truly been amazing, and I owed her everything. 
 I had known, since the moment it happened, that I would eventually have to tell him. However, it was a lot easier said than done. I knew that Harry would always be there for me, but this wasn't something I was prepare to share with him. Not just yet anyways. It made me feel weak and powerless. I had never wanted Harry to see me in that light. 
  As the bus started to silently roll forward, I could sense someone outside my bunk. My heart stopped, as goosebumps rose all over my body. Without taking a look, I knew it could only be Harry. I knew he wouldn't be able to stay away, and yet I silently wished he would. It would have made things so much more easier, if he would have just kept his distance. 
 Although I knew I would regret it, I cracked open the curtain. I only opened it slightly, so that he wouldn't be able to see in. The bus was dark so I felt safe to do so. Slowly I reached out and took Harry's hand. He sighed and wrapped both his hands around mine. Bringing it to his lips, his kissed my hand softly. 
  “Layla..” He whispered. It was a silent plea, and I knew I couldn't avoid him any longer. His breath was warm on my cold skin. Closing my eyes, I sighed. My will was wearing thin, and it took everything in me to stay hidden. I wanted more than anything to jump into his arms. 
  “Harry..” I sobbed quietly. 
“It's taking everything in me not to pull back this curtain and take you in my arms.”
“I know..” I told him fearfully. “But.. I really don't want you to see me like this.”
“Layla.. Please tell me what's going on. It's torturing me, not being able to help you.”
“I'll make you a deal.” I told him quietly.
  “Anything!” He agreed right away. 
  “If you promise not to ask any questions, I'll let you in. I promise I'll tell you everything, when I can talk about it. However, right now, I really just want you to hold me. If that's okay that is..” I told him hesitantly. 
  Harry was quiet for a moment, as he thought this over. 
  “Okay. I think I can live with that. As long as I can finally be with you, I can wait as long as it takes.”
Holding my breath, I pulled back the curtain.
Harry's eyes seemed to widen ever so slightly. It took him a moment to regain his composure, but thankfully he didn't say a word.
Hesitantly, he crawled into bed with me. Being as careful as possible, he pulled me into his arms. I wrapped the blanket over him, as I laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. Being in his embrace, I finally felt safe. 
 Sighing contently, I listened to his soothing heart beat. Harry started to hum softly, as he ran his fingers through my hair. Finally at peace, I drifted off to sleep in his warm and loving embrace. 
  Finally asleep, my dream turned into the nightmare of that day.
Jackson had a murderous look in his eyes. I could tell he was beyond pissed. He didn't like being undermined. He always had to be the one in power, and when Harry had stepped in it fuelled his rage further. I knew that wouldn't be the last time I saw him, but I didn't know he'd come back so soon.
He didn't hesitate, as he launched his attack. Slamming the door behind him, he jumped me. Trying my best, I kicked and punched at him. It was a useless attempt. He was to much stronger than me, and I knew I was making things worse. Not wanting to give up, I fought on. I wasn't going to go down without a fight. 
 “You stupid bitch!” He yelled. “Did you seriously think you could get rid of me? I told you, I'm not going anywhere!” He yelled and cursed, as he continued his attack. 
As I dove in and out of consciousness, I prayed. I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen the most. It was either for Jackson to stop his bitter attack or for God to just take me from this cruel and hideous world. 
 The only thing that kept me holding on was Harry. I pictured his beautiful and smiling face. It was the only comfort I could find, as I laid weakly on the floor.
I could no longer feel anything. I was numb to the pain, almost cold. I briefly wondered if this was what hell would be like. I wondered what on earth I could have done in a past life to have deserved this kind of torment.
I could slightly make out someone banging on the door. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming it or not. The sound seemed faint, like it was far away. 
 As I drifted in and out, I could see someone barge inside. Jackson was forced to stop his brutal attack, and he fled the scene. As the attack finally ended, the blackness had taken over completely. For this, I was eternally grateful. Although the bright colors that danced behind my eyelids brought peace, I knew it wouldn't last. I could still sense the chaos that was unfolding all around. 
 People scurried all around, urging me to come back. Come back to the cruelness. Come back to the pain. I willed them to go away, and I wished I could tell them to just let me die. I wanted to just slip away into the darkness. It had all become to much to bear. The other side had to be better than this life, I thought to myself.
Although I could no longer feel anything, I knew there were people everywhere. I could sense them coming and going, every few minutes. 
It wasn't until the next morning, when my body finally began to respond. My entire being seemed to ache, and I felt like I had been hit by a train. There wasn't one inch of my body that felt normal.
It took me a few moments, to force my eyes open. I could tell they were swollen, even without touching them. Looking around, I could see a ton of wired and tubes. My heart monitor beat steadily, telling me I was still alive. Nervously, I took a look at myself. My left arm was in a cast, and my right arm held an iv. The rest of my body was hidden by blankets. Although I couldn't see it, I could sense my injuries were far worse. I couldn't force my body to respond to my will. It felt oddly heaving, and it hurt to even breathe. 
 As tears started to slowly stream down my cheek, a nurse walked in. She was in bright pink scrubs and had her hair tired back in a ponytail. She was all smiles, as she walked to the monitor. 
 Finally noticing my eyes were opened, her smile brightened.
“Well good morning,” she said in a friendly tone. “I'm Monica, and I'll be taking care of you for the day. Before I go and find the doctor, is there anything I can get you?”
“Could I have some water please?” I asked just above a whisper. My throat felt swollen, and it was difficult to force the words out. 
 “Of course!” She said before leaving the room.
 It was a few moments, before she came bouncing back into the room. She had a cup in her hand, as she made her way to the bed. Against my better judgment, I tried to sit up. 
 “Easy now! Let me help you.” She stated sternly.
Being as gentle as possible, she helped me sit up. She tried her best to help make me comfortable, and assured me she would be back with some pain medicine. Handing me the water, she scurried out of the door once more.
It was mere minutes, before an older man opened the door. He looked to be in his early fifties, and had that professional look of a doctor. 
 “Hello there,” he said with a warm smile. “I'm Doctor Henderson, could you tell me what happened?”
I sat staring at him in horror, as the images of the night before came racing back to me. Sensing my discomfort, he slowly made his way to the bed. 
  “Okay never mind on that one. Lets start with something a bit easier. Could you tell me your name?”
“Layla Blackwood.” I croaked out. 
 “Excellent! And could you tell me your date of birth?”
“June 5, 1995.”
As I gave the doctor my complete medical history, I forced the water down my sore throat. Once wet, I found it a bit easier to speak. 
  “Well from the looks of your injuries, it looks like you've had quite the accident. Do you think you could tell me a bit of what happened?”
 “It wasn't an accident.. Me ex.. He...” I couldn't seem to form the right words, as my mind struggled to comprehend what took place.
My heart started to race, and the monitor started to beep uncomfortably. Taking a worried look at me and then the monitor, he placed a hand on my shoulder. 
  “Layla, it's okay!” He stated sternly. “You're safe, and he can't hurt you anymore. I promise you that.”
Although his words rang true, I couldn't force myself to calm down. I felt overwhelmed and terrified. All I wanted was for this nightmare to be over, and more than anything I wanted Harry to be here. I knew he would keep me safe.
Nurse Monica walked back in, and handed the doctor a few different needles.
“I'm going to give you something to help relax you a bit. It will also help with the pain I'm sure you're in.”
The effects of the medicine were almost immediate. I could feel my body slowly begin to relax, as my eyelids grew heavy. 
 “Is there anyone you would like me to call?”
“Pleaseee don't. Can't seeeee me.” I slurred, as the darkness overtook me once more. 
 That day was all a bit of a blur. Dosing in and out of consciousness, I could barely understand what was happening around me. I vaguely remembered the two officers that stood in front of me, as I tried my best to recall the events that took place. Knowing my state, they didn't press for to many details. Promising to find him, they let me be. 
I also learned the full extent of my injuries. My left wrist was broken in three places, but it wouldn't need surgery to fix. It seemed as if my entire body was black and blue, my injures were pretty severe. I also had a cracked rib that was making it difficult to take in a deep breath. 
 “You're extremely lucky,” the doctor had commented. 
 Lucky, he said. My ex had beaten me for God only knows how long and done unspeakable things to me, and I was somehow lucky. The word bounced around inside of my mind, as I tried to come to terms with it. I knew the doctor was only doing his job, however I wanted to scream and yell at him for even considering me to be the lucky one.
That night, I was finally cleared to go home. It took a long time of debating, before I decided to give Sarah a call. 
 Although I hadn't been a part of the team for very long, Sarah had always been extremely nice to me. She had welcomed me aboard, from the very first day. I knew that I could trust her with all of this. I knew she could keep things quite, until I could figure things out for myself. 
Sarah picked me up from the hospital, without question. She was perfect and didn't try to pry. She knew I would tell her, when I was ready. 
Informing me that Harry was at the gym, she took me straight to my room and helped me into bed. 
She was the first person who didn't look at me with pity. The first one who didn't ask a million questions about what happened. It was as if she had known everything from the start. 
She spent the better part of the evening with me, as I struggled to get my story out. Holding my hand, she remained silent as I finish telling it. Between sobs, I forced the words out. 
Hating Jackson with everything in me, I described his bitterness towards me. I had never seen him that angry, that cold. It was as if he had been taken over by a demon. 
He hated being overpowered by Harry, and the more he thought about it the more he took it out on me. He was truly evil, and I hated even talking about him.
Sarah had stayed with me, until I had finally fallen asleep. Feeling drained and defeated, I fell into a deep fitful sleep.
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literary-spirit · 3 years
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Chapter 2
Bjorn stared at Bonnie as if a second head had sprouted from her neck. "So what are you implying? That the world is not flat but-,"
"Round!" Her head bobbed in a rapid series of nods. "Yes."
He watched her for a moment longer before snorting, "Impossible...ridiculous even! Surely if I were to sail too far in either direction my ship would eventually fall into oblivion."
"No, you'd just end back up in the same place you-,"
"Land!" A gruff voice growled from the head the ship.
Torn from their back and forth, she looked up and her chin almost smacked the floor of the ship. The sight of Kattegat snatched her breath and knotted her tongue. Television didn't do Ragnar's kingdom any favors compared to what the naked eye perceived in person.
"What you're feeling now is the same feelings I have each time I return. Bonnie," Bjorn whispered next to her ear, before his rough palms closed around her hands. "Swear your allegiance to me. Remain always at my side and I vow to protect you for as long as we both remain on Midgard."
Confusion wrinkled her brows. What the hell had she done to provoke such and oath from one of history's greatest names? "Why offer me this? You hardly know me."
"Because the same emotions I feel when I return to Kattegat is the same sentiment I felt when I looked upon you for the first time," he gave her hands a squeeze, "Something within speaks to me."
"Wha-," her voice went hoarse in the presence of a throat so dry she doubted even high quality h2o could quench her thirst. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed and tried again. "What does it say?"
A smile caressed his mouth as he lifted her hands to press a kiss to the back of them, "To hold you dear. For you're to be treasured."
"Will you bequeath me your vow, Mystical One?" He demanded as he imprisoned her in his electric stare.
Unable to do anything but give into the iconic Viking who was destined to carve his name across time, she nodded once. "Yes, Bjorn Ironside. You have my allegiance. My sworn word that I will never stand across from you on a battlefield and if left up to me, I vow to remain by your side for as long as we both shall live."
The words were out her mouth before they had a chance to tap dance across her mind. What the hell? Why the hell would she promise such a thing? She had to find Klaus! There was no time for her to become just another name on Bjorn Ironside's hitlist.
"Good, this pleases me," He laughed and released her hands to clap his. "Now we must seal our sacred vow." The laughter faded from his features as his facial muscles stiffened into a mask of sincerity.
Her breathing slowed while she prepared for the fuckery sure to follow. "How? Please don't say by blood."
"No, this way is the right of it," he whispered as he placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face. Slowly, he leaned down to allow his lips to graze hers. Before it fully registered what jumped off he pulled away. "Now it is done."
"Okay, so now that's out of the way," she cut her gaze to the shore as she attempted to even her breathing and calm the flipping in her stomach. "How do you plan to explain me to your wife and the rest of your family?"
Bjorn's face scrunched. "How-," she halted his question with an unflinching gaze. The smirk on her lips hinted at all-knowing. He inclined his head as a concession of sorts, "Allow me to worry over my family. I have given you my sworn oath. There is no other in Midgard who can compel me to break my vow to you."
"Alright, my protector," she glanced over the multitude of people who at present packed the harbor, "I believe you."
Bjorn helped her off the ship onto the dock. When he turned two children raced into his arms followed by a petite woman with crinkled flaxen hair. Torvi. After the kids had released him, she threw herself in his arms and kissed him so hard she damn near sucked his whole head in her mouth. Moments later he untangled himself from her hold.
"How fare your travels, husband? Did the gods smile favorably upon you, was greatness achieved?" Torvi questioned as her gaze drifted to Bonnie and lingered.
"My travels have fared better than even I anticipated. For the gods have bestowed upon me the most wondrous of gifts," Bjorn turned to cast a wide smile at her and an extended hand. Accepting the outstretched palm, she allowed him to pull her to his side, "This is Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls and she is under my protection."
"Is she a slave then, Bjorn?" The oldest of the two boys questioned.
"No, Guthrum," Bjorn kneeled before the child to stare him in the eyes, "She is to be a most sacred friend to our family and that is how we shall all regard her."
"But she is dressed as a slave," Guthrum insisted, waving a hand at the burlap sack dress she wore.
Bjorn tsked. "Guthrum, it is not the garments that are donned which confirms the value of one's worthiness. However, worry not. For she shall be cloaked in the finest hides, silks, and furs befitting her station soon enough."
Raw pain etched its way across Torvi's face. "So you have taken a mistress?"
"I'm not his mistress, nor will I ever be," Bjorn head snapped around to peer up at Bonnie and she gave him a look that carried the weight of her words, before her gaze swung back to meet Torvi's flared stare, "on that you have my word."
"She speaks our language," She said, her words ringing more as a statement than a question, "Fluently, it would seem. Did you teach her?"
This gave Bonnie pause. Weren't they all speaking English? There wasn't an ice-water day in hell she spoke old Norse fluently. Not even with Super Head's tongue.
Two tall lean muscled boys just beyond the dawn of manhood with eyes as transfixing as Bjorn's, cut through the crowded dock. Without any need for introductions, she knew who they were before hello crossed either one of their lips, Ubbe and Hvitserk. One after the other, they gathered Bjorn in a spine crushing hug. Each brother concluded their embrace with a pound to the back.
"How went your raid, brother?" Ubbe asked. A longing flicker which couldn't be mistaken for anything other than wanderlust sparked his unblinking azure stare, "Was the plunder worthy of the voyage?"
Hvitserk laughed and his consideration wandered from them to her. His iridescent sapphire blue irises almost leapt from their sockets. "How far south did you raid, brother?" He questioned, while running his gaze up then down her and back again.
Curious, Ubbe tracked his brother's stupefied stare back to her. When his gaze crashed landed on her, he stepped around Bjorn to invade her personal space. Once he towered over her, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her cheek. He then lifted the digit to his face for inspection.
"I assure you, it doesn't rub off," Bonnie said, before reaching up to do the same to him. When she inspected her thumb, she frowned down at the dirt on the pad of her finger. "But I see that yours does." She lifted her finger for him to see.
Ubbe's scrutiny snapped back to her face and doubled in its intensity.
"Where will you be placing her to serve, Bjorn?" He demanded
"She's not a thrall," Guthrum corrected, "she's a sacred friend to the family."
"What?!" Ubbe and Hvitserk questioned in unison.
"Guthrum speaks the truth," Bjorn cosigned, while inserting himself between them in order to address Ubbe and Hvitserk face to face, "Bonnie is a free woman and has my sworn vow of protection. Fear not, however," He pointedly glanced back at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed slave girl who pleaded to have her thrown in the sea to please the gods. She in turn cast her gaze downward and feigned modesty. "I have secured a wealth of suitable thralls to add to the great hall, stables, and trading block." Ubbe and Hvitserk exchanged smirks. "Now come, let us make our way back to the keep. I'm in need of a meal and rest."
Bonnie glanced the one room shack. Like on television there wasn't much to the small space. There was hardly any room for Bjorn and his family. Where in the hell did he expect her to sleep? Her gaze moved to the only bed in the home. A pair of hands grasped her shoulders.
"My uncle Rollo has a keep only a few paces from here. My plans are to restore it so you may reside there," Bjorn whispered next to her ear, answering her unasked question as if he had real time Shade Room updates to her thoughts. "It should be complete before we sail for the Mediterranean."
A smile trembled across her lips. "You want me at your side when you sail for the Mediterranean?"
"Of course," Bjorn crowded her into a corner and lowered his voice, "There is a great truth I am with haste coming to realize."
"And that is?" She questioned, while noticing Torvi side-eying the hell out of them.
"There is not a moment when I do not long to have you at my side," he answered.
"And when did you have time to come to this conclusion in the three days of knowing me?" Bonnie scoffed. "Bjorn, I have yet to leave your side so how can you long for something you never had to miss." She inhaled and dropped her head to exhale. She needed a moment to mentally check herself. The angst gnawing at her chest had nothing to do with Bjorn and everything to do with the 21st century Viking she may or may not have left behind. "Look, this isn't what you think it is, trust me." She placed a hand on his chest. "You're just in the throes of a fleeting infatuation."
"You doubt my words?" He demanded stepping impossibly closer. The press of his hard body, pounding of his heart, and the unyielding steel hanging midway down his thigh spoke major fuckery about his earnestness.
"Never, I'm just skeptical about the longevity of their sincerity," she admitted, "Especially, when physical consummation isn't forthcoming. I meant what I said, Bjorn Lothbrok! I refuse to be your mistress. I won't do that to Torvi."
A knock sounded on the door, cutting off anything further he had to say. Torvi rushed over to answer it. Soon after in walked Sigurd. Aggravation provoked the muscle in Bjorn's jaw to twitch but despite his irritation he turned to greet his brother.
In three strides he crossed the room and embraced Bjorn. Sigurd eyed her over Bjorn's shoulder. "By the gods Hvitserk did speak the truth. You are in possession of a maiden who is cloaked in twilight even in the sunlight. Is she that pigmentation all over, brother?"
"I can assure you, young Sigurd, Ironside wouldn't be able to tell you one way or the other," Bonnie snapped.
Sigurd scoffed. "Young Sigurd? The brazenness of you! I'll wager you've yet to greet your sixteenth summer! You barely have the look of a girl who's one and five."
She tossed her head back and laughed at his flattery which bordered on absurdity. "You're sweet, but I haven't seen sixteen in eleven summers."
"Impossible," Sigurd spat as if he were on the verge of calling her a damn lie.
"Well you know what they say about black," She shrugged as she glanced down. Guthrum and Hali appeared to be hanging onto every syllable of her words. Introducing a set of stereotypes to a race of people who'd yet to form an opinion about her race of people wouldn't be a good look.
"No, what do they say," Sigurd demanded.
Her gaze rose to meet his. "They say nothing, and why're you so pressed to know my age anyway, Viking? Don't you know it's bad form to question a woman about the amount of summers she's seen?"
Torvi released a cough that sounded suspiciously like a chortle.
Bjorn leveled them with a not here for it expression before returning his attention back to Sigurd. "Why are you here, Sigurd?"
"My mother has prepared a great feast in your honor. She requests you bring your family and your..." his gaze moved over Bonnie as a smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, "charge for an eve of merriment." He stepped around Bjorn to loom over her, "Name yourself."
"She is Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls," Guthrum answered.
Bjorn turned Sigurd towards the door. "Inform your mother that my family, charge, and I shall attend. Now seek out your leave so we may be rested for whatever Aslaug has planned."
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fraink5-writes · 4 years
From Darkness Into the Lantern Light - Chapter 12
Ooohhh, we’re almost at the end, boys! If anyone sees this, I made a “limited-time” invitation on Ao3 for anyone who wants to be my Genshin friend, so I might as well extend it to y’all too.
@leio13​ is the best for editing this
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a cold-hearted queen. Although the Tsaritsa, as she was called, possessed her own divinity, she coveted the powers of the other Archons. Aiming to steal the Geo Archon’s gnosis, she sent her strongest warriors to Liyue Harbor. But just when Rex Lapis was almost defeated, he escaped to another vessel, that of a powerless baby, and was swept away to a hidden tower for his protection.
Many years after the great fight, the young and ambitious Harbinger, Childe, arrives in Liyue to grant the Tsaritsa’s desire, but, on his search for the Geo Archon’s gnosis, he ends up tangled in a mysterious man’s dreams to see Liyue Harbor’s Lantern Rite.
This chapter can also be found on Ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
Ajax woke up to a widespread ache and the cold sting of shackles on his wrists and ankles. He had been chained to the far wall in a small cell—undoubtedly in a Liyue prison. Although this was the first time he had been incarcerated, he accepted the fact with a simple sigh; it was about time karma had caught up with him. No amount of diplomacy (if any would even be attempted) would be able to free him from this confinement. While he would have preferred death in battle, that fact made imprisonment all the more suitable a punishment. He would be stripped of all his worldly joys just as he had done to countless people in the past.
Still, Ajax did have some selfish regrets. He wished to see his family. Before, he had tried to content himself with sending them frequent letters and gifts, but, having been deprived of even that, he wanted nothing more than to see their faces. Nevertheless, he would have to settle for his imagination. Even if it were possible, Ajax would not be brave enough to face them. How could he tell his family—especially his younger siblings who admired him as the greatest toy seller—of his crimes?
As for Ajax’s other regret, he wanted to see Zhongli again although he had lost any right to do so. He had told Zhongli that he would stay by his side, but he had left him again and again, and this time, the gap created could not be amended. Nor should it be. As a Harbinger, he could only bring harm to Zhongli by being with him. It was too late to play games of ignorance about each other and live in artificial harmony. If betrayal was the only possible ending for them, then perhaps they should have never met in that tower to begin with.
But, no. Ajax shook all the complacent, self-pity from his mind. He couldn’t leave Zhongli in that tower. Not alone and especially not with her—la Signora. She had trapped Zhongli in her cozy web of malice and had been playing a decades-long waiting game. But soon, she would consume him. Ajax had to stop her. Even if it were an impossibility, even if the story could only be a tragedy, he had sworn to himself to be Zhongli’s hero. 
Ajax attempted to stand, but he was held down by his chains. Even still, he writhed violently, until the sore wounds from his fight with la Signora defeated him, and he lay still on the floor. 
In the end, all this power I’ve accumulated is useless for protecting anyone. 
As Ajax waited for the announcement of his sentence, he watched the subtle shift of shadows on the stone floor. Finally, a voice called from outside the cell. “Is that how a Harbinger keeps himself in jail?”
“Without the diplomacy, you’re pretty pathetic, huh?” Another voice chimed in. Perhaps, this wasn’t his sentence after all. Ajax glanced up to see a group of four familiar faces in black, white and red—definitely not the Milllelith. 
Ajax sat up to face the band of sailors. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here to break you out,” the leader, Juza, answered, a ring of keys dangling in his hand, which he used to open the barred gate. “Suling forged a master key for this place. There should be one for your cuffs too.” Sure enough, he flipped through the keys and found one that could be inserted into the shackles, unlocking them one by one.
“I don’t understand. Why?”
“Shh, don’t make a fuss.” Yinxing chided Ajax. “Let me examine you. On your back.” With no room for complaint, Ajax silently followed the surgeon’s instructions. “You’ve taken quite a beating. Surely, the guards didn’t do this to you?”
“Then, we’d be in deep trouble.” Xu Liushi chuckled nervously.
“No, la Signora, eighth of the Harbingers....”
The fleet exchanged glances before Juza resumed, “Anyway, if you can walk, we need to get out of here quickly.”
The group crept out of the cell and down the hall, but it wasn’t long before they spotted their first guard at the corner.
“Ugh, already?” Furong whined. 
“I’ll take care of it,” Xu Liushi volunteered. “I can manage something.” With that he staggered sinuously down the hallway. 
“What are you doing here?” The guard barked.
“Haahhhh?? I work ‘ere.” Xu Liushi turned around woozily. “Izznt dis de harbor?”
“No.” The guard could barely stifle his laughter. “Wait, I know you—aren’t you the guy who got drunk at Third-Round Knockout?”
“Still drinking? I guess you haven’t changed.”
“Not true! I downed four bowls this time!”
“Alright.” The guard condescended. “I’ll show you to the harbor, but I’m not sure how happy they’ll be to see you.” 
Xu Liushi shot Ajax’s group a look with a slight scowl before the guard grabbed his arm and escorted him from the building.
“Well, that’s one taken care of.” Furong brushed her hands together in satisfaction.
“Poor guy…” Yinxing sighed. “He’s been sober for so many years…”
“We have to keep going,” Juza cut in. “We can meet him again at the harbor.”
When they encountered the next pair of guards, Yinxing was the one to volunteer. She meekly approached one of the Millelith. “Excuse me, sir. I am a doctor who was called here to check on the inmates, but I can’t help but notice that you seem a little unwell yourself.”
“Really?” The guard shrugged. “I feel fine.”
“I’ve never seen someone with such a concerning complexion...”
“He looks like that every day,” the other guard chimed in.
Yinxing gasped, covering her gaping mouth with her hands. “Oh no.”
“What? Is that bad?” The first guard’s laugh faltered.
“Oh, this could be very grave.” Yinxing’s eyes flittered side to side. “Could I ask you a few questions?”
“Sure, I guess?”
“Does your heart beat really fast and loudly after physical exercise?”
“...Yeah…?” The guard began fidgeting in place.
“Do you get random headaches?”
“Yeah, I guess, sometimes.”
“Do you ever feel cold and start trembling violently all over?”
“Yeah, in fact, I think it’s increased recently.”
“It’s increased? Oh dear... Oh no…”
“What is it, Doctor?”
“You could have a rare but life-threatening condition called homoios stasis. You don’t have much longer. You must get treated immediately.” She turned to the other guard. “Quick. Take him to Bubu Pharmacy. They will have the proper treatment.”
“I don’t wanna die,” the first guard whimpered as the other escorted him away.
“Well, how was that?” Yinxing returned with a smile. “He’ll be fine, by the way—except maybe a bit annoyed.”
“Let’s not linger to find out,” Juza ushered the group along. But as they sprinted towards the exit, their path was blocked by a large guard with his spear drawn.
“Doesn’t look like we can trick this guy,” Juza sighed.
“I’ll fight him.” Ajax reached for his daggers.
“Don’t be an idiot,” Furong scoffed. “We’re trying to break you out of jail. Can’t have you creating even more trouble.”
“She’s right.” Yinxing interjected. “Besides, you are still injured. You’re going to need to gather all your strength for later.”
“I’ll go.” Furong winked at Ajax before stepping forward. “Looking for someone to fight, big guy?”
“I won’t let you guys go.”
“Oh no, of course—you have your job. But ya see, we have our own job from our boss. So, I propose a duel.”
“Call it what you want, but once I defeat all of you, I’m locking you all up.”
“Alright, fine. I never liked negotiations that much either.” With a shrug, Furong charged at the guard. Seeing she was unarmed, he loosened his guard—right before she slammed her fist into his abdomen. When he stumbled back, she landed another blow under his chin.
Ajax was enthralled by the fight, but Juza dragged him away. “She’ll catch up shortly.”
Sure enough, Furong had rejoined the group within minutes, and they met Xu Liushi at the harbor, where they boarded the Alcor.
Only when the ship had departed from the port was Ajax able to pose his preoccupying question. “Why are you guys helping me?”
“Certainly not because we like you. Captain Beidou made us,” Furong remarked offhandedly.
“Where is the Captain?”
“She’s still in the city dealing with the more… political matters,” Juza responded. “Zhongli is in danger, isn’t he? That’s why you need to deal with it.”
Zhongli? “How did you...?”
“We docked in the city around the same day as you,” the bookkeeper expounded, “and we have eyes all over the country, you know?”
Ajax thought of those adorable kids playing on the pier; were those kids ‘eyes’ too?
The helmswoman, Huixing, interrupted his train of thought. “Where to?”
“Sal Terrae.”
As the Alcor sped up north, Ajax alternated from playing with little Yue and more “appointments” with Yinxing, yet his mind never drifted far from Zhongli. Hang on just a bit more. I’ll be there soon, and then, I promise, I won’t leave you.
As the sun began taking on an orange hue, the ship anchored at Sal Terrae. From then, it was Ajax’s responsibility. He would correct and atone for his mistakes.
“Zhongli!” Ajax shouted from the base of the tower. With his many injuries, he would be unable to climb to the window. Unless Zhongli helped him. 
“Zhongli!” More than anything, Ajax just wanted a confirmation that Zhongli was still alright. “Let down your hair!”
In the ensuing moments, even Ajax's heart was silent. Finally, Zhongli's hair unfurled from the window.
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chiagappy · 5 years
Imagine in the Edo period, Josuke being the illegitimate child of a foreign king and a geisha who served under the emperor in Japan.
Tomoko would have been shunned by her own family and much worse by her own people for her betrayal to the king. So she fled the kingdom with the help of another geisha Aya, advised by her sympathic father to take her to a shrine in hopes they offered her sanctuary. It was the Kishibe Shrine, which held close connections with the Higashikata household throughout decades. They were received with no hindrances, only that she agreed to have her child be raised and serve the shrine, given the Higashikatas came from a lineage of samurai and trade merchants. 
Tomoko agrees with the terms and earns her stay despite the ridicule and resentment thrown her direction. She knew she would never see her family again, nor her lover, but she prayed for her child's survival. She decides to name her child Josuke once he was born.
Years pass and she manages to adjust to her duties as well as raise her child, with the guidance of Nanase Kishibe and Grandmother Kishibe. Soon enough Josuke was able to read and write at the age of 3 and perform small laborious tasks by 5. He was a fast learner, however he often wore his heart on his sleeve, a weakness when it came to all the shrine maidens and children that would whisper words about him. Avoiding him. Calling him a blue-eyed demon. A cursed child. Josuke couldn't understand it whenever it happened, but when it did he would find his mother in anger, if not weeping into her palms whenever she thought that Josuke fell asleep.
Because of those moments, he knew that he had to be strong for his mother because he was going to be a samurai someday and restore their honor.
So he worked harder with each day passing and honed his skills and strength that exceed most of his disciples in training. He was unmatched and quite popular, given his exotic features, with the shrine maidens and commoners in the nearby village by the time he reached his age of coming.
Josuke took no interest in romance as much as he did in having companions, as he viewed them as a distraction from his duties, but he couldn't deny his curiosity when he overheard Nanase talking to his mother about her nephew arriving at the Kishibe Shrine soon. She spoke highly of him, as she used the words "gifted" and "clairvoyance in prophetic readings," it was assumed he would be a good attraction to the shrine and bring in travelers from all over Japan.
He was apparently the same age as Josuke as well, causing Josuke to anticipate this new arrival. Soon enough, a carriage arrived the following day. Josuke couldn't partake in the welcoming, as he had to attend sword training, but he did steal a glimpse of a white robe with golden lining and evergreen hair. He knew he shouldn't have stopped what he was doing just to see him but he ended doing so as he stalked outside of the room where Nanase's nephew was- a large room, half of it sealed with a netted metal fence-like screen, similar to a confessional booth. Josuke slowly enters the room with cautious steps as he sees the boy in the white robe, sitting with legs folded on the floor jotting down words into a scroll on the other side of the room.
Curiously Josuke walks a little closer only to accidentally step on a creaky floorboard that draws the other's attention. Josuke was stunned to see emerald eyes piercing back at him as the other asked "who are you? You are not allowed to be here." Leaving Josuke to stutter an poor excuse and making the other laugh in response. It was a surprising bloom of a strange companionship.
Josuke would constantly visit Rohan afterwards, being Rohan's only friend and an annoying one at that according to the clairvoyant. They would pass their time over chrysanthemum tea and Josuke would be the first to ask about his day and his duties. He learns quickly that Rohan shares prophets and has built a reputation in accuracy according to locals and nobles alike. They called him Heaven's Door, because he was able to stop tragedy or bring fortune to those who seeked it. However when Josuke asked about who he served and his family, Rohan would refrain from doing so and dodge it all together, asking Josuke about himself, if not, asking if he could bring him items whenever he traveled out of the shrine; as he was never allowed to set foot out of the boundaries. Josuke never dared to ask him the reason behind it or insisted on him leaving because it was assumed that Rohan was an important figure. So to this Josuke promises to Rohan that one day they will be able to travel outside the shrine together when he's a full fledged samurai so he can protect him from any danger. Rohan was speechless at his declaration, but decides to harshly joke on Josuke on how he would never hire such an oaf of a samurai like him, despite the butterflies filling his chest at those words.
The time they shared was short yet they felt like they  had known each other for years, and slowly but surely they grew closer, unaware of the tragedy that befalls them next.
 It began with an innocent thought.
Josuke insisted to Rohan that they should both attend the Midsummer festival since this was a time of the year to celebrate, even for those in the shrine. Naturally Rohan refuses, deeming his safety and duties a priority but Josuke manages to convince him after telling him how there's a variety of art pieces he can witness. He knew how much Rohan loved paintings and carved trinkets so it was bound to interest Rohan! After much persistence,  he wins Rohan over and they both snucked out later that evening, hand-in-hand in long cloaks.
Rohan vaguely remembers the last time he was able to go to a festival like the one he was attending, and fell in awe with the sights and sounds of the town covered in lanterns and booths. He's never seen such an assortment of dancers and musicians parading the street in glee. He was especially impressed by the fireworks, very impressed that he clung on to the taller man the first time they had set off. Josuke couldn't help but find it endearing and relents from teasing the clairvoyant. They both secretly wished that this moment would last forever, unbeknownst to them that someone was keeping an close on the pair.
It happens the following day, where Rohan was to perform his divinations to a large gathering during the festivities at the shrine that he was struck with an arrow. The crowd was in disarray along with the Kishibe household members and shrine members present, while Josuke sought out after the intruder. He managed to catch them and before anyone had a chance to stop him, he plunged his sword into them and killed them.
He couldn't help himself after realizing that this intruder was hired by someone in the shrine. A traitor.
He had failed to protect Rohan, and even worse failed to uphold the honor he worked so hard to earn, now being stared at like the demon they thought he assumed he was behind pokered faces. He was placed under house arrest, barred and cuffed before being sentenced to death. He was told that an anonymous letter was shared with the Kishibe family, showing evidence that he had taken Rohan outside the temple warranting death for endangering the clairvoyant. Of course, Rohan begged on behalf of his life, admitting that he had strayed away from Josuke during the time, and agreed that he would never perform a divination if Josuke was not allowed to live, went as far as to threaten to take his own life if he had to. So the Kishibe family agreed to his terms but only if he agreed to never be allowed to see him again.
Josuke's heart broke at the news of this, wept more than he ever had in his lifetime- all the hardships he faced while growing up, his mother's passing couldn't compare to the amount of turmoil he felt at this moment. He had to figure out who was responsible for the assasination attempt, but first he had to tell Rohan before it was too late.
After several days passed, Josuke overhears that Rohan was to leave the shrine by the next morning and he manages to break his own thumbs to slip out of his handcuffs and find a way out of his cell- with the help of a neighboring inmate from the cell across from him. He reaches Rohan's quarters carefully so as to not get noticed by the guards and makes it in only to find Rohan lying in a futon with thick bandages over his chest. He softens at the sight and approaches closer, gently squeezing his hand on Rohan's. The latter stirs, barely conscious but sees Josuke's silhouette in the darkness of the room. He begins to cry, whispering to him to leave before he gets caught but Josuke refuses saying he missed him and he had to warn him about the traitor in the shrine. He proposes they both flee from the shrine as it would be safer for Rohan but Rohan refuses, telling him to leave despite his tight shaky grip on Josuke's hand. Josuke does what he thinks would be the best way to calm Rohan down and presses a kiss on his lips, successfully making him stop trying to push Josuke away. Rohan flushes immediately that Josuke quickly remembers that this was his first kiss- no their first kiss, Rohan being sworn into celibacy, and also shared with a man no less, but it didn't stop him from pressing more kisses on Rohan. He realized he was in love with the clairvoyant and that he had felt the same. After some time, they both regain their composure and Josuke continues to persuade Rohan to consider the idea about eloping together to a town outside the boundaries of the emperor's rule, they can leave behind their identities and do what they want together. He can do what he wants. Freedom.
And so they fled the shrine in the hopes of a new beginning. (I can go on but it would be rather long, that's all my sick brain could muster also please don't butcher me about history uvu;)
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carrotsofavonlea · 5 years
The minute Anne saw Bash alone at the door of Green Gables she knew something was wrong. But never, never, in her wild imagination did she ever think she’d hear the words “Gilbert’s dying.”
Well, Bash didn’t say those exact words but from the way his voice broke when he talked of Gilbert’s illness, he may as well have said those dreaded words. Anne ran from the house, pushing past Bash in the doorway and ignoring Marilla’s shouts after her. In her haste, she didn’t even consider riding a horse, and fled on foot.
Her heart was in her throat as she ran all the way to the Blythe farm. She didn’t even knock on the door, and burst through giving Bash’s mother the fright of her life.
She hesitated as her hand rested on the door handle, terrified of what she might see. But it was Gilbert and despite everything, she did still love him even if he didn’t love her back. 
He was asleep when she entered and so, so pale. Her heart ached just looking at him like this. All around his room, there were diagrams he’d drawn, notes he’d made, medical journals he hadn’t finished reading, and other little souvenirs from his travels. Anne didn’t think there was anyone more deserving to live such a full life as Gilbert, and the idea that he may never get there brought her to tears. The life he was trying to build was all around him, and Anne couldn’t bare it if that medical journal was left untouched forever, always bookmarked where he had paused. 
“Anne?” the weakest voice she’d ever heard spoke her name, and she realised she’d been frozen in place.
“It’s me.” she collapsed by the side of his bed on her knees.
His curls were stuck to his forehead from sweat, but she didn’t care and pushed them back so she could see his face. They’d never been this close before, and Anne didn’t want to think that this would be the last time. 
“Anne.” he seemed to continue mumbling, and Anne realised he probably wasn’t aware she was even here.
“You can’t do this.” for some reason she felt angry at him. It wasn’t the first time in her life Gilbert Blythe had caused her such anger, but this was certainly the worst. “You can’t just die. After everything we’ve been through, you’re just going to leave me? You’re already leaving me for Paris, but I’d always thought we’d still be friends even if...if I can’t have you. Because Gilbert...I'm in love with you. And I'm sorry I never told you, that I made you think I didn't. But I do. I truly do, with all my heart. But it's too late…"
Anne's head fell against his bed, her hand still tightly clasping his as she let out a quiet sob.
The door suddenly burst open and Winifred rushed in, followed by Dr Ward. Normally she was so calm and proper, but there was panic behind her eyes. Anne sat up, dropping Gilbert’s hand.
Winifred rushed to Gilbert’s other side, yet remained ever proper and refrained from collapsing on her knees as Anne had done.
“We came as fast as we could.” she said to Anne, gesturing to Dr Ward. 
"There's too many people in here. One of you needs to leave so he can rest." Dr Ward said, rummaging through his doctor's bag.
Neither Anne nor Winifred made to move.
"I think I should be the one to stay." Winifred said, "after all, I am his fiancée."
Anne snapped quickly, "Well I happen to be his... friend." But she closed her eyes, realising how awful she must sound right about now. Of course Winifred shouldn't be made to leave, Anne was the one who didn’t belong in this situation, no matter how it pained her to admit it. 
Maybe she’d never see Gilbert again, and he deserved to spend whatever time he had left with the woman he loved. Even if that wasn’t her. 
Aunt Jo was right about love. There’s no sense to be made of it. And as Anne made to leave, she cast one glance back at Gilbert. She loved him, but if she couldn’t have him she was glad he was at least happy. That’s all she really wanted. Maybe that really was what love was about: being selfless.
"Promise me you'll send word when he's better." She didn’t want to say “if”. In her heart she knew Gilbert would somehow find a way to get better, he was certainly stubborn enough.
“We’ll do what we can.” Dr Ward said, and Anne turned away with tears in her eyes. 
Anne was busy cutting vegetables for Marilla’s soup, she’d do anything to keep her mind off of Gilbert. It had been a few days, and no word had come from Bash, or Winifred or anyone. Her mind must have been going mad because she could have sworn she saw the familiar figure of Gilbert strolling up the path through the window. 
But when his eyes made contact with hers through the screen door, she knew it was real.
“Gilbert?” she dropped what she was doing and ran, throwing her arms around him. It was inappropriate but she didn’t care, she was thrilled to see him alive. “You’re looking much better.” she breathed out as she pulled back from him, hoping it wasn’t obvious on her face how truly happy she was at seeing him here. 
His face changed, “Can we talk? Perhaps we could take a stroll?”
Anne nodded, grabbing her coat before following him outside. His face was grave and she couldn’t tell if it was the sickness or something else. He had lost weight, and his face still seemed a little sunken, but for a moment his eyes had been the way they always were: bright and inviting.
“I suppose Winifred is relieved,” Anne didn’t know what to say to break the uncomfortable silence. “Now she can continue wedding plans.”
“I doubt that…” Gilbert stopped walking, turning to face Anne. “I uh, called off the engagement.”
Her heart stopped, “What? But...but the Sorbonne? Winifred? You love her.”
He shrugged, “Almost dying made me realise. It wouldn’t be fair to her, to get married. Especially as I’m in love with someone else. I always have been…” 
Anne couldn’t hear him properly, her heartbeat was drumming in her ears. But did he say he wasn’t in love with Winifred.
“I heard what you said, when you came to see me.”
“You…” Anne’s face flushed and she brought her hands up to cover her cheeks. She was certain he had been asleep, but he had heard her confess her love to him? This was so mortifying, mortifying couldn’t even begin to describe how she was feeling.
He took her hand away from her cheek, holding it across his chest. “It’s you Anne. It’s always been you. I’ve been in love with you since you hit me with your slate.”
She laughed, feeling tears prick in her eyes, but for once it wasn’t out of sadness. 
“For years I’d thought you wouldn’t ever feel the same, so I tried to move on. And when you said you didn’t think there’d be a chance for us...I thought I’d just have to accept being your friend. But then you told me you loved me too, and I knew that if I ever made a recovery I couldn’t go through with marrying Winnie.”
“I can’t let you give up on your dream.”
“My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.” he smiled for the first time, and there in his eyes was that romance she’s so craved to see again. “If going to Paris means giving up you, then I’d drop it in a heartbeat. I’d give up going to the moon if it meant I’d still have you by my side. We’ll figure something out together.”
Anne didn’t know what to say, but Gilbert slowly dropped to his knees. “Anne Shirley Cuthbert, would you join me in an e-n-g-a-g-e-m-e-n-t?”
She fell to her knees with him, “You added the “e” this time.” Her hands cupped his face and she kissed him, hoping he understood that for a “yes”.
He pulled back, a huge smile on his face. “It’ll be a few years, after school and everything. But one day…” 
“We’ve waited long enough, what’s a few more years?”
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
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Word Count: 4.3K
Warnings: This work deals with yandere themes, violence, and other topics / detrimental behaviours that can be very triggering or uncomfortable to read.  Read at your own risk. I do not condone this behaviour, nor do I believe any of the mentioned members would display this type of behaviour in real life. Again, this work is NOT for the faint-hearted. 
A/N: For clarification, I forgot to mention. Part I was set before the Oath of Desires epilogue. This, Part II are the events that occur after the Oath of Desires epilogue. 
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Slowly, he pulled her in,  through sweet kisses and love bites.  With obscure intentions, it's hard to judge the soul;  good or bad, you reap what you sow. 
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The shift was gradual; it began with one offer, one favour, one dinner, and one night, before it manifested into another offer, another favour, another dinner, and another night. Then, it was one more offer, one more favour, one more dinner, and one more night, before they promised it was going to be the last, but the end of their time spent together never came. If anything, it had increased to the point where doing everything together felt natural, and it was almost as if they were one big happy family. 
And typically, as well as unfortunately, happy times always ended. 
The night was dark, darker than usual. Heavy and obsidian clouds overshadowed the moon and prevented it from being the usual source of guiding light at night that it was supposed to be. The night was starless, and due to the massive storms that had been occurring recently, there were ongoing issues with electricity. As a result, the street lights that were meant to be the light source to guide through the streets at night, were not functioning properly. So, despite the population in the area, due to the intense shrouding darkness, the suburb appeared to be a deserted ghost town. 
In Jimin’s household, [Name] frantically checked over Ha-neul’s belongings once again, to make sure she had everything that she needed. From a few footsteps away, Jimin was leaning against the wall as he observed them with a fond smile on his face. 
“You don’t need to worry you know. Even if she doesn’t have something, we’ll be fine. I’m more than used to looking after this little devil. Isn’t that right, Ha-neul?” he teased, and ruffled her hair. The said girl puffed out her cheeks in annoyance, and tried to grab Jimin’s hand so he would stop messing up her hair. 
“I hate you,” she responded, and despite her seemingly harsh words, due to the tone of her voice, it was evident that she was only returning Jimin’s banter. And in response to her words, [Name] and Jimin chuckled. 
As the two continued to playfully insult each other back and forth, [Name] could not help but watch them with a grin on her face. She felt so happy, to the point where she almost felt as if she was on cloud nine. Ever since Jimin had entered their lives, everything became so much easier and brighter. She was so grateful for everything he did, and continued to do for her and Ha-neul. More than anything, she was the most grateful for the relationship he had established with Ha-neul. 
In majority of cases, ‘children [were] a map of their parents.’ So, it was no surprise that due to [Name]’s current nature, Ha-neul had automatically adopted many of her behaviours without either of them realising it. She was withdrawn and distrustful. Due to these reasons, Ha-neul kept to herself. Like [Name], she kept her feelings and emotions bottled up. However, as both of them spent more time with Jimin, they had started to come out of their shells, little by little. They laughed more, talked more, and spent more quality time together; Jimin was the perfect glue that held them together. 
With Jimin, Ha-neul had someone else other than [Name] she could spend time with, and form a bond with. More often than not, as a single mother, [Name] was a busy person. For this reason, she could not give Ha-neul as much time as she wanted to. But with Jimin there to support her, and despite his busy schedule as well, with their two person team, they provided a lot care for Ha-neul, and kept her feeling loved, supported, and happy. 
[Name] was almost embarrassed with how much she had started to rely on Jimin. Whenever [Name] could not drive Ha-neul to school, or pick her up, Jimin would do it. He would also look after her whenever [Name] could not, like in this very moment. He would help Ha-neul with her homework whenever she had any difficulties with it, and he would teach her a lot of other skills like dancing. They had come to care about each other a lot, almost to the point where sometimes, [Name] even thought Ha-neul liked Jimin more than her. As much as this thought was heart-breaking, [Name] did not care for it because what mattered was that Ha-neul was being loved, and she was happy. And so far, [Name] had been sharing this happiness with her, until recently. 
In the moment, when her guard was dropped completely, when the terrifying invisible forces of her trauma did not cling onto her, when she had allowed herself to be happy and live in the moment, was when everything started to go wrong once more. [Name] should have known that the moment when she would finally feel free again, would be when her past would return to haunt her. From experience, she should have known better than to test her luck by visiting Taehyung, and expecting everything to be okay. By now, it was obvious that anything that involved Taehyung, was never going to be okay. 
She had been hopeful; however, now, more than ever, she was terrified. She was terrified due to all the threats that Taehyung had made, and his promises of danger. She was scared of what might happen, of the reality that what she went through with Jungkook, she was going to suffer again. Only this time, it was going to be Taehyung who would inflict her with pain, and with Taehyung, it may be much, much, worse. She knew better than anyone what Taehyung was capable of, especially when he became angry, and allowed his emotions to take control. Whatever Taehyung wanted, he would get. Once he set his eyes onto something, he would never rest until he accomplished it, until whatever he thought was owned to him, had been collected. The harsh fact was that [Name] was both of these things -- she was something he wanted, and he felt entitled to her. Just like Jungkook, Taehyung did not view [Name] as her own person. He viewed her as an object, as a brainless person, who should do whatever he told her to do. 
With revenge as his reason, he had killed Jungkook. Granted, their options were limited, but instead of killing him, he could have simply injured him. He acted on the whim of his emotions, lost control, and killed him. Who was to say he would not do the same to [Name]? After all, he also swore his revenge on her, and always seemed to become consumed in his rage just by looking at her. His dangerous oath of desires were carved into her mind and everytime she recalled his words from her last visit, it made her stomach twist in fear and nervousness. 
“I’m in here, suffering alone, because I killed Jungkook to protect you! The least you should have done is wait for me to get out of this hell and build our lives together instead of moving on by yourself!” 
“Enjoy your new lover and your baby while you still can. Once I get out of here, I’ll be coming for you, because you belong to me. No one, not Jungkook, his baby, Jimin or anyone else will keep you away from me any longer. I’ll kill them all like I killed Jungkook.”
Threats to her own safety were one thing, but him promising to hurt Ha-neul and Jimin as well? [Name] was worried especially for Ha-neul because she knew that he would hurt her badly if he ever got his hands onto her. 
With everything that had happened, and knowing that Taehyung would follow through with his threats, [Name] was more than aware that she could not keep this to herself. Especially, with his release date nearing, Taehyung was closer than ever to attaining his freedom. She would not be able to handle him herself, she would not be able to fight him herself, especially since there was a chance he could use Ha-neul as a leverage against her. So, there was only one logical thing to do and that was to ask for help. 
The fear and anxiety she had felt after visiting Taehyung had overwhelmed her too much. Right after it, instead of returning to her home, she had gone to Jimin’s residence next door. When he had opened his door to welcome her, instead of seeing the usual bright [Name], she was weeping and shaking. Evidently, worry had consumed him. 
Right away, [Name] had spilled the entire truth to him, and he had done nothing except wait patiently for her to finish. Once she did, immediately, Jimin had hugged her, and comforted her. He had sworn to protect her and Ha-neul. Afterwards, once [Name] had calmed down, it was Jimin’s turn to share his story like they had promised. Since Jimin now knew the entire truth, it was exactly why he was fretting over [Name], as she stood outside of his home, ready to leave on a night out with her friend. 
“Are you sure you should be going? You don’t need to, especially when Taehyung could be out there. You should just stay with me and Ha-neul. It’ll be much safer,” he suggested as he settled his hands on her waist, and then kissed her on the lips. Instead of giving her a quick peck as a farewell like he usually did, he deepened the kiss, hoping he could somehow use this as a way to convince her to stay with him. 
[Name] happily kissed him back, and afterwards, once the need for oxygen began to increase, she eventually pulled back. The sensation of the kiss lingered on their lips, and despite the fear she felt, [Name] smiled reassuringly. 
“For as long as Taehyung is free, he is a potential danger. But I can’t let that rule over my life. I can’t let that fear hold me back anymore. I’m tired of just focusing on surviving and trying to stay under the radar. I don’t want to be like that anymore Jimin, you made me realise that. I want to live and be happy. I want to make choices that make me happy, like choosing to love you, despite whatever Taehyung threatened me with,” [Name] said, before she pecked his lips. 
Jimin closed his eyes, expecting the kiss to last longer like their last one. However, all too soon, when [Name] had immediately pulled away, he opened his eyes to see her smirking at him teasingly. Right away, embarrassment engulfed him. 
“I’ll be safe I promise. I have my phone on me too. If anything happens, I have you on my emergency contact dial. Besides, we’re only going to dinner. I doubt anything will happen. HA-NEUL BE GOOD! I’ll see you tonight,” [Name] said smiling, before she waved, and rushed off to her friend’s car that was parked in front of Jimin’s house, and who was waiting for her. 
As much as Jimin did not want to let her go, he had to. It was her choice, and while it was not the ideal one, he had to trust her. He could not bring himself to force his choices on [Name], especially when that is what Taehyung and Jungkook did to her. She deserved to be free, to enjoy herself, and be happy. All he could do was hope it would all be okay, and protect her to the best of his ability. 
Jimin closed the front door of his home, and while doing so, he did his best to ignore his gut feeling that gnawed at him, telling him that something was definitely going to go wrong. 
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“Are you sure you’ll be okay walking back yourself?” [Name]’s friend, Vicki asked, as she pulled over her car at the edge of the ‘no-exit’ street that [Name] lived on. [Name] easily brushed off her concerns, and gave her a lopsided grin. Despite the cold night, [Name] was feeling rather warm. Her movements were a bit off as she went to grab her things, and from where she sat in the driver’s seat, Vicki could smell the alcohol from [Name]’s breath. She winced inwardly, but seeing as how [Name] was still aware of her surroundings, and only slightly tipsy, she allowed her to be. Besides, she knew that [Name] loved night-time. Maybe a small two minute walk from their current spot to her home was what she needed to clear her mind. 
“I’ll be fine. Mine and Jimin’s house is like right there. Don’t be such a worry wart Vicki, you’re going to get wrinkles. We both know that’s Mina’s job,” [Name] joked, and clumsily, she opened the car door beside her.
Vicki sighed and nodded, “okay.” Then, just as [Name] shut the car’s door, Vicki spoke to her through the window that was rolled down. 
“It was good to see you again [Name], we haven’t caught up since high school. It’s a shame Mina couldn’t make it, so make sure you contact her too, she’d love to see you again. I’m glad you’re doing well and not hanging around losers like Taehyung anymore. Give my regards to Jimin,” Vicki said smiling. In response, [Name] simply nodded. Then, with one last wave as a good-bye, Vicki sped off. 
[Name] sighed as she began to trudge towards the direction of her home. Admittedly, the dinner with Vicki had been fun. It had kept her mind off the uneasiness she had been feeling the entire time and made her forget about Taehyung. But of course, just as the night was coming to an end, Vicki had to mention him. The universe had to remind her of him. There was never a single day where the thought of Taehyung would not haunt her. 
With feelings of bitterness towards Taehyung weighing heavily on both her mind and heart, [Name] looked up to the dark, cloudy and starless night sky and began pondering. She wondered where it all went wrong. She wondered how Taehyung, who used to be her best friend, her biggest support, the one person she could always count on no matter what, her protector, had now ended up as the very person she had come to fear the most. 
Was it because of Jungkook? Did he get like this after he realised Jungkook had some sort of sick infatuation with them? But before anything had even happened with Jungkook, Taehyung had also cheated on her. Why had he done that? If he actually loved her as much as he said he did, then why had he cheated and broken her heart in the first place? What would their lives and relationship be like if they had never met Jungkook? If he had never cheated? Would they still be together? Would he have treated her right? Would they have had a child together? If so, what would their life be like? How different would her and Taehyung’s child be to Ha-neul? Surely, she would have at least been able to pursue her dreams… How would her life be like if she had never run away from home with Taehyung in the first place? If she had stayed behind, and lived the life her parents wanted her to live. She pondered on all of these different possibilities, and of the different realities she could be in at this very moment, if simply one event in her life had been different. 
Her parents… [Name] had not spoken to them in so many years. After she had run away with Taehyung, he never let her contact them because he always reminded her that she had left them for him for a reason. He had told her that to contact the ones’ who doubted and held her back, would be going against everything they had done so far. She had really wanted to talk to them. Unlike Taehyung, [Name] was genuinely close with her family, despite some of the things that they had done. Eventually, lack of communication with her family for one month, turned into another until it became a year. Then, after that one year, and with everything that happened until this point, she had forgotten about them. She wondered how they would react if she contacted them now, and told them that they were grandparents. With all of her burdens on her shoulders, she had forgotten that she was someone’s child too, that she had a family who loved her, and would do nearly anything for her. 
Exhaustion, emotions, and everything else -- these caused tears to well up in the corner of her eyes. 
With a broken voice, she spoke, mostly to herself. 
“Why won’t you just leave me alone Taehyung?” she wondered out aloud, not expecting a single answer. But she was given one, from a very familiar voice. Chills ran down [Name]’s spine, and out of fear, goosebumps arose on her skin. Tears that were once running down her cheeks out of sorrow, were now being wept because of fear; fear for what he was going to do to her, fear for what was going to happen, and fear of what the knife that he held against the back of her neck meant. His breath fanned against her skin, prompting a sob out of her. 
“Because you belong to me. I will never you alone because you’re mine, and I need to teach you what that means,” he whispered in a low dangerous voice. Then, with his venomous touch, he lovingly brushed [Name]’s hair to the side, so he would access to the skin of her neck. He kissed it, while wrapping an arm around her waist possessively, and pulling her so her back hit against his chest. 
“Did you miss me, my love? Did you get so lonely without me that you couldn’t even wait and let another man touch you?” Taehyung hissed, and he forcefully pushed her to walk forward towards her home. 
[Name] whimpered. 
“I-I didn’t--”
“You didn’t what? Miss me or sleep with Jimin? You know it’s really funny, for everything you hate about me, and wanting to live a ‘happier’ life, you’re choices in men always stays the same: trash. Do you really think Jimin is who he shows himself to be? That he has never done anything deceptive behind your back or won’t do anything deceptive in the future? After what happened with me and Jungkook, I thought you’d be less stupid and learn not to trust men. But I guess ignorant dumb people like you never learn,” Taehyung insulted, and by now, they reached the front door of [Name]’s abode. With stealth, Taehyung took out her house keys from her jacket’s pocket, opened the door, and roughly pushed her in. He followed behind her, and locked the door. 
As [Name] stumbled on her feet from being pushed in, she tried to run away from Taehyung as he was preoccupied with locking the door. But she was unable to, because he reached out, and grabbed a hold of her hair, before harshly yanking her back. The pain from having her hair being pulled caused [Name] to shriek in pain. She grabbed onto Taehyung’s hand that was holding onto her hair, and with as much force as she could, dug her nails into his skin painfully. 
“Jimin’s been secretly recording videos whenever you two--” Taehyung started, however, his words turned into a yelp of pain. This was because [Name] pierced through this skin with her nails and drew blood. Instantly, he released his grip on her, and with this moment that she received, she used it to scurry away from Taehyung, and ran towards the kitchen. 
When Taehyung noticed that she was no longer in his hold, he growled in anger, and stomped towards the direction she had gone in. 
“Come back here [Name]! If you cooperate, I’ll show you mercy and give that devil’s daughter a quick death instead of a slow torturous one. All of that time in prison left me really frustrated. I’ve been looking forward to this so much. Be a good girl. Come back here and do as I say and I’ll reward you with my child-- what, what are you doing?” Taehyung’s eyes widened when he entered the kitchen to see [Name] holding a knife to her neck. 
Jimin and Ha-neul were in the middle of finishing up a jigsaw puzzle when Jimin’s phone rang. The two had been laughing at an awful pun that Jimin had made. However, Jimin’s laughter had immediately ceased when he saw that the person calling him was [Name]. The entire night, he had been worried about her safety. So, recalling their conversation, and how she promised to call him if something happened, led him to stand up, walk a bit away from Ha-neul, and pick up the phone. He was going to speak, however, held himself back from doing so, when he heard the conversation that was happening on the other side. 
“Taehyung, if you take one step closer to me, I’m going to kill myself right here and right now. You don’t want that do you? You love me, don’t you? You want to have me to yourself, right? But if I die, then you can never have me--” Jimin heard over the phone, before he stopped listening, because he had instantly jumped into action. 
The single word Taehyung was all it took for him to put two and two together, and he knew what he needed to do. Now, more than ever, he was regretting not trusting his gut feeling from earlier, and allowing [Name] to leave when he knew she should have stayed with him. 
From where she was sitting, Ha-neul furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she watched Jimin stomp towards her with an expression that was mixed with fury and concern. She yelped when he abruptly grabbed her. He forced her to stand up, and dragged her towards a particular room. 
“W-What are you doing?” Ha-neul managed to squeak out, as Jimin pushed her into the room. 
“I need you to stay here. For your own safety, stay hidden. Don’t turn on the lights, don’t make sounds. Just stay here, and whatever happens, do not come out. I’ll come back for you later, I promise. I’ll call out ‘cheese sticks’ before opening this door, and only then you respond. If you hear footsteps and someone calling out to you, and they don’t say cheese sticks, even if it sounds like [Name], do not come out. Jump out of the window, and run as far as you can,” Jimin said. Then, before Ha-neul could speak again, he slammed the door shut, and locked it. 
As quickly as he could, Jimin grabbed his gun that was in one of the drawers in the living room, and ran out of his house, and towards [Name]’s. When he tried to open the front door of her house, he was unable to since it was locked. He mentally praised himself for thinking ahead and duplicating a copy of [Name]’s original house keys for himself to use. He had put in his copy of the key and unlocked the door. Immediately, he rushed inside, and his eyes widened when he saw both [Name] and Taehyung on the kitchen’s floor. 
Taehyung was straddling her and forcefully trying to remove her clothes. Simultaneously, he was shouting profanities at [Name], who was thrashing in his hold and trying to kick and hit him in whatever way she could. 
Fortunately, Taehyung had not noticed Jimin, which gave Jimin the perfect chance to strike. Holding the gun from the front, Jimin moved his arm back. Then, as the universe decided that Taehyung would experience karma for his actions towards Jungkook, Jimin swung the back of the gun with as much agility and power as he could muster, and hit it harshly on Taehyung’s head. As a result, Taehyung yelped, before dark spots began to cloud his vision. As he fell face first on the floor, Jimin immediately grabbed the scared [Name], and forced her to stand up.  
“Let’s go while he’s still down,” Jimin said, before he dragged her out of her home. Once they were outside, he locked her door so Taehyung would not be able to escape. Since the danger was now over, and [Name] did not have a reason to be her in her ‘fight mode’ any longer, the reality of what had happened finally dawned upon her. She entered a state of shock, and without her permission, tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. In the process of still trying to make sense of what had occurred, she failed to ask how Jimin had a pair of keys to her home, and why. 
Her sweet neighbour, who had always been there for her, and continued to selflessly support her, wrapped a comforting arm around her trembling and crying form, as he led her towards his home. 
“It’s okay [Name], everything is okay. You’re safe now, I protected you. I’ll call the police on your behalf and they’ll take him away. This time, I’ll make sure he’ll be locked up forever. Taehyung won’t hurt you or Ha-neul ever again, I’ll make sure of it. I’ll keep you both safe, and I’ll do anything to protect you. Just trust me and stay by my side, okay?” Jimin mumbled, as they both entered his abode. Gently, he sat [Name] down on his couch, before he walked towards the room he had hidden Ha-neul in, so he could unlock it and let her out. 
“Okay,” [Name] mumbled weakly. 
Jimin grinned widely. 
Finally, [Name] was his.   
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This is the end of Obscure Intentions. It is only meant to be a short two-shot sequel or so. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed reading it and liked learning more about [Name] and Taehyung from this series. 
If you happen to have any questions about the series, I will be happy to answer them. I admit some things might be confusing, abrupt, or unclear so feel free to ask anything.  Please share your thoughts about the series. :) 
Also [1] “children are a map of their parents” -- that quote is taken from Bend It Like Beckham that is why it was in ‘..’ italicized and underlined. 
Till next time!
With love,
ambi ♥
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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All aboard the Midnight Train
One of the hardest parts of embarking on a big journey is taking the first step. I can say for certain that you will definitely stumble and fall - believe me, I’ve fallen further than I’ve moved forward - but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
That’s not to say you don’t have every right to be ticked off when things go wrong. I mean mishaps can be a good learning experience, but it’s okay to get frustrated when you lose your way. 
Hell, it’s absolutely okay to bail out and throw in the towel when you’re just not feeling it. Perseverance is good, but sometimes it’s okay to say “fuck this shit, I’m out” - not to mention freeing if it’s about something that’s really dragging you down.
Sometimes life doesn’t work out. It fucking sucks but in most cases there’s nothing you can really do other than carry on. As my mom says, what’s done is done. Stop trying to build a house if it brings you more frustration than joy - tear the whole damn thing down and burn the remains if you have to.
Funny how far your mind can wander when you’re on a train. With nothing but trees, beautiful landscapes, and the starry night skies, deep thoughts are bound to run free. Especially when it’s about something that’s been on your mind for a while.
At the start of the new year, Daisy Jane decided to leave Rosevine. Like many other old friends - and myself - as much as we love our charming little town, we were starting to outgrow it. After spending almost two years at home stuck in a limbo, Daisy Jane had enough and packed her bags. Her mom wasn't too on board with the idea as she doesn’t really have the means to support herself but nevertheless she gave her daughter her blessing to go out in the world.
Daisy Jane’s one of those people who deserve so much more and yet usually ends up with the short end of the stick. She’s one of the most creative people I know and could easily make it as an artist if she had the support. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not nagging on her family, but at times they don’t respect her enough - especially her sister. 
What I’m saying is that Daisy Jane could've become an artist if she wanted to, but disapproval from family is a hefty roadblock. They say doubt kills more dreams than failure but what about strict family expectations? Asian parents, amirite?
Tired of sitting around at home, getting repeatedly rejected in a career involving a degree she worked her ass off for, and being put down for not being as successful as everyone else, Daisy Jane needed to get out. So she did, taking a leap of faith and jumping straight into the unknown. She didn’t have a plan in mind, but sometimes you just gotta cut and run before you lose your nerve.
Months of traveling led her to the small village of Neptunia as she was running low on funds. What seemed like a promising new start quickly fell apart as soon as she stepped into her new house. That’s because it’s not actually her house - it belongs to someone else. Because Neptunia is so small and resources are limited, Daisy Jane is stuck rooming with a stranger. And both have to pay off the remaining mortgage, adding to the annoyance of both since the main resident already paid off a huge part of it herself.
Because of the living situation, Daisy Jane’s not too keen about living in Neptunia now. Her housemate’s nice and all but neither one were prepared for the roommate situation. Had she known about that, Daisy Jane wouldn’t have gone through with the move. But knowing how bad Tom Nook felt about the miscommunication regarding housing (you just can’t stay mad at him for too long - and in his defense, Neptunia’s kinda on the bottom of his list of villages he’s overseeing so it’s easy to forget things) Daisy Jane decided to stick around and see how things work out.
Six months in and things have been pretty meh for Daisy Jane. She didn’t want to dwell on the negatives too much but I suspected that she wasn’t entirely truthful. Always eager to please and willing to silently suffer, that Daisy Jane. Instead of creating art like she wants to, Daisy Jane’s been selling pears and shells, randomly planting stuff around the village, and running errands for everyone. She doesn’t mind doing all that (well, except maybe the garden, which she admits isn’t something she’s too excited about) but it all seems kinda anticlimactic. It also doesn’t help that Neptunia’s kinda isolated so there’s rarely any visitors, so things are pretty monotonous.
And to top it all off, Daisy Jane’s experiencing the absolute worst art block ever. By spending all her waking hours trying to pay off a mortgage, saving up for a rainy day, and catering to everyone else’s needs, she rarely has time for herself - or her creativity. 
I really miss seeing her art online. It’s been months since she last posted something she made and it’s sad. You never know how much you miss something until it’s gone. The same can be said about creativity.
I’ve had my moments where my creativity and motivation for art burns out and it’s not a good feeling. Being someone who is driven by creating art, losing that spark is one of my biggest fears because without it, I’d be nothing. Art is one of those things that keep me going so to lose that means I’ve lost my purpose. I’d hate to think about what happens if my creativity is gone for good.
And what’s even worse is that I’m afraid Daisy Jane’s headed for that direction if she doesn’t take action soon. I suspected something from our texts and her posts, but seeing her in person really puts things into perspective. 
She’s not one for selfies, her last one being taken over a year ago, so seeing her face for the first time in forever, I almost didn’t recognize her. From her hair being tied into three messy pigtails instead of adorned with pretty clips to the concealer hiding away the bags under her eyes and the slightly too dark blush on her face (what happened to her naturally rosy cheeks?) as well as the slightly ragged Nook shirt a couple sizes too large, I could’ve sworn that she was someone else.
Visiting Neptunia wasn’t too bad, but it’s no Wizpire. Things are just a tad bit too slow for my liking - and a bit outdated as well, then again what do you expect in these parts? Honestly I’m surprised that Tom Nook still keeps tabs on this village, especially since he’s busy with islands and such. Then again, he does feel bad about Daisy Jane’s housing mishap so he’s been dropping by quite a bit to check in on her.
To say that Daisy Jane’s been frustrated is an understatement. She describes it as escaping from one prison only to get stuck in a trap. Except staying in the trap is more practical than going back out on the road where it’s unpredictable. So she’s in a position where she feels like she can’t really complain because it’s not like she’s stuck in the middle of nowhere. It’s not an ideal situation but sometimes you need to pick and choose your battles.
I can’t tell Daisy Jane what to do since it’s not up to me, nor should I try to influence her in any way, but I can take her away for a bit. An outsider’s perspective can be super helpful, especially if you’ve been looking way too closely and missing out on the big picture. I know I’ve fallen into that trap too many times, wasting too much time and energy on one small piece without considering the overall grand scheme of things.
So we took out the train amenity to go on a late night ride. We’ve been meaning to bring back the train and this was the perfect opportunity for it. A scenic route’s the perfect way to escape from monotony and let your mind wander without putting too much effort into it. 
Also, Daisy Jane enjoys long train rides as she’s the kind of artist who breaks out a sketchbook to capture the view outside her window. It’s amazing what she can do with a pen (yes, she uses a ballpoint pen and does so with full confidence) and paper. It would be a shame to see her talent and passion go to waste.
The train ride was super relaxing and beautiful to look at. Of course, it didn’t solve Daisy Jane’s problems, but it was a good retreat. I can tell by how much her eyes lit up that she’s feeling a lot better than she had in a long time. I had suggested that she bring her sketchbook along as well as a pen (no pencil, because that’s now how Daisy Jane works!) and that did wonders for her. 
I never thought that the sight of Daisy Jane scribbling in her sketchbook with ink stained hands would bring me as much joy as it did tonight. I’m pretty sure she filled about half the book in the span of a couple hours.
Creativity can be fickle. Sometimes it flows in a steady stream, sometimes it comes and goes, and other times it goes into a drought before flooding back like a storm. The latter is what describes Daisy Jane. Hopefully the storm will lead to a steady flow of inspiration. After all, you can’t keep the tide from coming in, even after a long dry spell.
The night’s still young and there’s still so much to see. It’s just me and Daisy Jane in the train but it feels like we’re in different worlds. There she is, scribbling away, capturing the views outside her window. Jagged shapes for mountains, curving lines for rivers, scattered stars bringing a night sky to life - even in rough sketches, you can tell it’s unmistakably Daisy Jane.
A train ride won’t solve all of Daisy Jane’s problems, but it’s a start. 
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librarian-of-orynth · 5 years
Tell me you need me for elriel? thank you!
I love that line omg. Enjoy!
Looking up at the sky, Elain frowned. 
It had been three weeks since she’d seen Azriel, three weeks since that…awkward encounter. That, she realized, was putting it sweetly. For Azriel, though, he probably never wanted to see her again. 
She’d been in love with Azriel for a while now. Ever since the war, ever since he started checking in on her, seeing how she was holding up–even bringing her a plate from dinner when she couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed, when memories of her father would overtake her–she’d known her feelings were more than friendly. 
Whether he felt the same, she didn’t know. Gestures like that could just have been friendly, could just have been him understanding what she was going through…but she’d had a feeling. And dreams.  
Of Azriel, of them, together, two souls entwined, alight with smiles as he held her in his arms. In those dreams, he flew her around Velaris–around the world, even–his smile a beacon in the darkness. And every morning when she woke up, she wondered if those dreams were…prophetic in a way, like the visions she’d had during the war. These were certainly as frequent, and without a doubt as real as those had been, but she didn’t want to hope for nothing. Particularly if they were just dreams, and nothing more. 
And then there was the matter of the garden they’d cultivated together. The roses, peonies, flowers of every shape and color that they’d spent day after day tending and growing. That, she remembered, had been at Azriel’s insistence. She’d thought growing too many flowers would be too much for her to take on, especially with all of the greenery already growing on the roof. But he’d insisted, and even offered to help, promising that if the flowers died, he’d take full responsibility–and get her more seeds. 
But the flowers hadn’t died. Actually, they’d done the opposite, and proved Azriel had as green of a thumb as Elain, though he never took credit for any of it. She begged him to, even demanded that he admit that he’d helped grow the lilies and tulips, but he wouldn’t budge, not one bit. No matter that he’d gotten his hands and clothes and wings covered in dirt. This garden was hers, he’d claimed, and he was simply an aid. All of the work belonged to her. It was her magic that made them grow. When she told him she didn’t have that sort of magic, he shushed her, even giving her a rare smile and wink. It is your magic, he’d seemed to say, and don’t doubt it for a second. 
It was that very night that she’d admitted her love for Azriel. Not to herself–she’d known that for some time–but to him. 
And it hadn’t been with words. 
They’d been gardening, clipping some bushes that had overgrown. He’d been glancing over at her every once in a while, giving her a shy smile that made her eyes sparkle. And when he placed his hand on hers, telling her how beautiful the garden looked, she could’ve sworn the gleam in his eyes meant he wasn’t just talking about the garden. Maybe she’d just seen what she wanted to see. 
When she’d entwined her fingers with his and moved to kiss his cheek, she hand’t expected his entire body to stiffen, as though he were surprised by the contact. Nor had she expected the prompt goodbye as he shook off her touch and launched himself into the sky.
She waited until he was nothing but a speck in the sky before she let herself shed a tear. She’d been wrong. Her instincts, her dreams…they’d led her here. To this point. 
And yet, he’d left her on the rooftop without even so much as a goodbye. 
Elain missed Azriel. 
Every night he was gone, she forced herself to go to the rooftop, despite the embarrassment that lingered in that space. She tried to lose herself in gardening, tried to relax and enjoy herself as she planted flowers and tended to the flourishing garden, but then she would hear the flapping of wings. See a shadow coming towards her. 
It was always Feyre, or Cassian, or Rhys, who came to check on her. 
Never Azriel. 
Still, she wished. Though most days, now, she didn’t bother to look up at the sky, not when she always knew who was coming home. 
So when she heard the flapping of wings as she tended to her garden, when she saw the shadow growing larger as it prepared to land, she didn’t bother looking up. 
It was only when she heard a soft voice, as though it was muffled by shadows, call out to her, that she looked up. 
Elain’s eyes widened, though she tried to hide the shock on her face. “Azriel.” 
“I’m…can we sit somewhere? I owe you an apology.” 
She stiffened. “Of course.” 
He led her to the nearby bench, sitting down to face her. 
“That night, Elain, I’m–” 
“I’m sorry, Az. I shouldn’t have thought that you…” 
“No, no, Elain, I’m the one who should be apologizing. I’m so sorry.” 
Elain’s eyes watered as he repeated the words, over and over. And then he took her hand, and interlaced her fingers with his. 
“When you took my hands, when you tried…when you wanted to kiss me, I wanted it, too. Wanted it more than I can explain. I just…I haven’t been touched like that in a–a long time.” 
“I shouldn’t have tried, Azriel. It was my fault. I–” 
“No, no, Elain. I wanted you to. I’ve wanted the same thing for a while now. I just…reacted poorly. It was a shock, that’s all.” 
“And that’s why you flew away, leaving me humiliated? For three weeks, I waited. I wanted to explain to you what had happened–I wanted to apologize. But you were gone. For three weeks, Az.” Elain tried to hold in the sob that threatened to break free, but couldn’t. 
Azriel squeezed her hand. “I have no excuse for my actions, Elain. I shouldn’t have left. I…needed to figure things out. For myself.” 
“You left me, Azriel, on that rooftop. Humiliated, and alone. I thought I’d ruined everything.” 
Tears began to fall down Azriel’s cheeks. “How can I atone, Elain. I will do anything. I need you. Three weeks ago, I was too afraid to admit it. To myself, and to you. But I need you.” 
“You…what?” Elain asked, scooting herself closer to Azriel. He put his free arm around her, and drew her close. 
“I need you,” he repeated. 
Again, she moved closer. “Say it again. Tell me that you need me.” 
“I need you,” he breathed, and claimed her mouth with his. 
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xombigirl · 5 years
No Man Is An Island
!!Takes place before and after the Dalen's Closet one shot!!
Vox Machina weren't the only people who knew Vax, nor were they the only ones affected by his loss.
Read It Here on AO3
Derrig only catches glimpses of Vox Machina at the ceremony where Keyleth is proclaimed the Voice of the Tempest. The whole village has turned out, so it’s difficult to see anyone who isn’t right in front of them in the crowd under the great tree, and his son is fretful and his daughters are restless, so he and his wife have to take turns walking them around away from the crowd so they don’t disrupt the proceedings. It’s hard to miss the Goliath, and he’s pretty sure there are two half elves, and a gnome? Oh, and a human -- no, two humans, one of them with some kind of mechanical man; the gods only know how they got mixed up in all this. 
“Do you think she’ll stay here now that her Aramente is done?” his wife asks him later that night, after the children are asleep and they’re preparing for bed. They can still faintly hear the celebrations going on outside their windows.
Derrig sighs. “I do hope so,” he says, slipping into bed next to her. 
“Sometimes I wonder if she’d rather be adventuring than be here leading her people,” his wife says, and there’s a trace of bitterness in her tone. 
“She’s got her whole life to lead,” Derrig says, pulling her close. “And the Ashari benefit from her experience. Well, will benefit, I hope.”
“Yes, but…” and his wife sighs and lays her head on his shoulder. “She’s still so young. And her mother didn’t come back,” is all she finally says. 
Keyleth’s gone the next day, along with the rest of Vox Machina. Derrig hears through the village grapevine that they’ve gone to the Nine Hells, but surely no one would voluntarily go there. 
When Keyleth finally returns, she’s got one of the half elves with her -- Vax, Derrig thinks his name is. Who would give their children such nearly identical names? he wonders to himself. He can tell from the way that they look at each other that they’re a couple, even though they’re the picture of discretion in public.
Korrin summons him a few days after Keyleth returns. “The Voice of the Tempest requires a protector,” he says. 
“Does she require one, or do you think she does?” Derrig asks. 
“I’d prefer if she had a retinue equivalent to her new role, especially when dealing with the outside world on behalf of our tribe, but she’s unwilling to accept that. So, you’ll have to do,” Korrin says. 
“What about her -- about Vax?” Derrig asks. 
“There’s no formal betrothal between them,” Korrin says. “And he is not one of us. I need someone I know and trust.”
“I’m guessing she will not be pleased by this,” Derrig says.
“Your acute perception demonstrates why you’ll be a good fit,” Korrin says with a short laugh.
Derrig sighs internally but nods. After a rather charged introduction, Keyleth grudgingly acknowledges his existence but then mostly ignores him as he follows her like a respectful shadow around Zephrah and on excursions to meet with the outside world. Sometimes Vax goes with her, and other times he wanders off on his own. He’s polite to Derrig, but Derrig can sense some resentment under the surface  -- Vax would never be so vulgar as to openly object to Derrig, but the resentment is still there. Derrig’s curious about him -- for one thing, they don’t meet many new people here, and for another Vax is the consort-apparent to the leader he’s sworn to protect. Keyleth’s meeting with some villagers one night about a private matter, and Derrig catches up with Vax as he’s wandering through the village and invites him to dinner.
"Shouldn't you be there?" Vax asks.
"I do get time off,” Derrig says. “Come and have dinner with me. My family would love to meet you.”
"I mean...yeah, okay. Sure," Vax says. 
His daughters have all sorts of questions for the stranger he’s brought home -- his son is going through a stage where he’s shy, so he hides in his mother’s lap while his sisters pepper Vax with questions about where he came from and is having a twin like being a triplet and all the adventures he’s had. Vax answers their questions with good grace, and Derrig comes to like him more. Vax seems to soften a little as well.
"You're a natural with them," Derrig says after the kids are in bed and he and Vax are sitting on the porch. 
"Thanks," Vax says.
"Have you thought of having any of your own?" Derrig asks.
"Me? No. I think I'd be a better uncle," Vax says.
Derrig smiles, "Well. You can certainly practice with mine. They like you." 
Vax can feel the tips of his ears getting hot, but he smiles, "I like them too. They're smart. I...I bet my sister's kids will be smart like that."
"I'm certain they will," Derrig says. 
Vax sighs. "I know she wants to start a family, but I still feel like there's so many things threatening our world. I just don't know how people manage to raise kids in a world so full of danger."
Derrig's face turns serious, an expression Vax is used to by now. "You're right. It's...it's not always easy. After the triplets we weren't sure we wanted any more, but the wife wanted a son, so we figured why not? Sometimes risks can be good. And...and I wouldn't trade them for the world."
"Oh, of course not," Vax says. "I just...they're so vulnerable. We all are, especially against the will of the gods."
"A mighty adventurer like yourself saying that? Especially considering whom you serve," Derrig says, raising an eyebrow.
Vax shrugs, "I serve my Matron, sure, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything she does. Or that I think the gods have free rein to just determine our every move."
"Huh. That might be one of the most sensible things I've ever heard you say," Derrig says with a grin, and Vax rolls his eyes, shoving his shoulder.
"You're...you're all right," Vax says. "I'm sorry -- well, I guess I'm still not used to Keyleth being the Voice of the Tempest either."
"I know," Derrig says. "It's all right. You're not so bad yourself."
Vax leaves Derrig's house feeling...lighter somehow, less worried about his place here among these people. Keyleth notices when he gets home. "You look...happier?" she says.
"I had a good talk with Derrig. And a lot of his wine," Vax says.
"Does that mean you're going to stop acting like a fluffed up angry bird every time he's around?" Keyleth asks.
"Maybe. Maybe not." Vax says, tugging her close. 
Keyleth rolls her eyes, "Silly man. You made a friend today, though. That's progress."
Vax shows up at Derrig’s house a few days later. “I promised I’d take them flying,” he says, gesturing at the triplets. Derrig pauses a moment and then nods, much to the girls’ delight. 
After that, Vax seems to take more of an interest in the other Ashari, and Derrig’s pleased to see the members of his tribe return that interest. He’s still an outsider, but he’s their outsider now.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Derrig asks yet again as Vax and Keyleth are finalizing their plans to reunite with Vox Machina for a vacation.
"It's a vacation. With the rest of our very powerful friends. I'm sure we'll be fine," Vax says. However, he does draw Derrig aside later.
"Keep an ear to the ground, yeah? I have a bad feeling. I don't know what it is but...I think something big is coming. Don't drop your guard," Vax says, gripping Derrig's forearm tightly. That familiar serious expression comes across his face.
Derrig nods. "I will stay vigilant. Just...just bring both yourselves back alright? The kids have been begging to go flying again."
"Of course," Vax says, a smile crossing his face, but then his expression grows serious. "Promise me something."
"What?" Derrig asks.
"If I don't --  if I don't come back, she'll -- she'll really need you. But I don't think she'll want to let you in. But...you will take care of her?" Vax says.
Derrig nods, "Of course. I...she's the Voice of the Tempest. The most important person in all the Ashari. And I care about her. I promise. But don't...just try to come back, alright? I care about you too."
"I'll do my best," Vax says. "Just...promise me?"
Derrig squeezes Vax's shoulder. "I promise."
Derrig watches for them everyday, doing his best to keep track of their movements through his contacts in the outside world. When he learns of Vecna's return, his heart sinks a little. Is this what you meant? he mutters to himself, thinking of the last conversation he and Vax'ildan had.
When Keyleth finally returns alone, Derrig is there to greet her, but she brushes him off without a word and goes to sequester herself in her house. 
"Give her time," Korrin says. "That's all we can give her now."
"Do you know what happened?" Derrig asks. 
Korrin shakes his head, "Not the specifics. She...she wouldn't talk to me either. I just know Vax'ildan isn't coming back."
"But they're -- they're all so powerful. And he served the Raven Queen," Derrig says.
"I assume he still serves Her. Perhaps even more so in death," Korrin says.
Derrig's eyebrows furrow and he heads home, unsure how to break the news to his kids. 
"Daddy! Daddy! We saw the Voice of the Tempest is back! Is Uncle Vax with her?" one of the girls asks.
Derrig looks at his wife, his eyes sad, and she comes over to kiss his forehead. "Be kind about it. I think they'll understand," she murmurs in his ear.
"Uncle Vax has... he's gone away," Derrig says.
"Yes, but when is he coming back?" she asks.
"He's -- he's not coming back," Derrig says. "He -- there was a great evil in our world, and he was protecting all of us, and...and now he's not coming back."
The other two girls drift over to where he's sitting, all of them finding space in his lap. 
"Like...he's never coming back?"
"No, sweetheart. He's not coming back. But he...he helped his friends in Vox Machina save the whole world,” Derrig says.
"But it's not fair!" one of the girls says.
"No. No it's not," Derrig says.
"He promised to take us flying when he got back," another one says.
"I know. And I am sure he would if he could,” Derrig says. He can't do anything but watch as tears form in his children's eyes. It breaks his heart to see their sadness. His wife comes over and sits next to him, their son in her arms. 
"Are you alright?" she asks him, laying a hand on his shoulder.
"I will be fine," he says, covering her hand with his.
"That is not quite an answer," she says.
"It's the only answer I have," he replies.
She leans her forehead against his temple, "I'll accept it. For now." 
"Stubborn woman," he mutters at her, and she laughs quietly.
"Does Keyleth... Does she need anything?" his wife asks later. "I could visit her. Bring her some food."
"She wishes to see no one," Derrig says. "Not even her father."
His wife sighs, "That's...not surprising. But after a few days, if she hasn't made an appearance, you need to go talk to her. Or her father does. She cannot wallow in her grief."
"Your people need you!" Derrig hears Korrin saying as he approaches Keyleth's door.
"They have you. They'll be fine," Keyleth says.
"He wouldn't want you to be like this,” Korrin says.
"Then he shouldn't have left me,” Keyleth yells.
"Tempest. Open this door or I'll open it for you!" Korrin says, using his best dad voice. 
He hears cursing and movement, but the door doesn't open. 
"Fine. I'll just break it then," he mutters, taking a few steps back.
"Please," Derrig says. "Allow me."
"Are you implying I can't? I'm not that old nor that frail," Korrin says.
"Yes, but better that she resents me than you," Derrig says.
"I can resent you both," Keyleth says as she opens the door.
Derrig wants to sigh at her appearance. She's thinner than usual, her hair dishevelled, her circlet and mantle missing. There are bags under her red rimmed eyes but her glare is still ferocious.  
"Resent away, but your people need you." Korrin says.
"They survived without me while... While I was away," Keyleth says. "Haven't I done enough? Haven't I sacrificed enough?"
"If I could just speak to her alone?" Derrig says to Korrin.
Korrin waves a hand and heads off, shoulders slumped. Derrig steps forward, holding his hand out. "Walk with me?" 
Keyleth sniffles but takes his hand. He tucks her arm into his and leads her towards the cliffs. She's quiet, which is unlike her and he subtly checks her over out of the corner of his eye. 
"What...what are we doing out here?" she asks.
"I made a promise to Vax'ildan. I promised him that if something happened to you that I would look out for you. Make sure you were alright. Feels like I'm failing pretty hard right now, but I'm going to fulfill that promise. He used to take my kids flying you know. Here off the cliffs. My wife had a fit the first time she heard about it, but she came around. What I'm trying to say is...you're not alone in your grief. You don't have to be. We all grieve with you,” Derrig says.
Keyleth sighs, and Derrig sees tears creeping down her face. She swipes angrily at them. "I... I know. But you weren't... You weren't there. You didn't... You didn't have to lose him and get him back only to lose him for good. You still... You still have a wife. A family."
"I know," Derrig says. "But you still have us. And we need you. Please let us in."
Whatever Keyleth is about to say next is interrupted by the cawing of a raven as it settles down onto a branch of a nearby tree. The tears well up even more now and Keyleth curls against Derrig, sobbing loudly. 
He gives the large raven a look. You asshole. You were supposed to come back, he thinks as he gently wraps an arm around Keyleth’s shoulders. 
"Do you want me to shoo it away?" he asks once her sobs have quieted some. 
"No. No, it's...it's fine. I...I don't mind,” Keyleth says.
"You have always been a terrible liar," he says.
Keyleth laughs wetly. "Is that how you speak to the Voice of the Tempest?"
"It is," Derrig says.
"I see him everywhere I go, ravens or no ravens. I can't stop thinking about him. When will it stop feeling like this?" Keyleth asks before she starts sobbing again.
"It won't. Not completely. The grief never leaves. It lessens, becomes less painful but you have to also remember the good times. It wasn't all bad right?" Derrig asks. 
"N--no. I...there are a lot of good memories," Keyleth says, her voice breaking again.
"Then those are the stories you should tell. The ones your people would like to hear,” Derrig says, stroking her back as if she’s one of his daughters.
"I'm not... I'm not ready," she says.
"I know. No one expects you to be unscathed. But please let us be with you,” Derrig says.
"It was easier when we had another quest to go on. I can't believe I'm nostalgic for Pandemonium,” Keyleth says, pulling her head back and wiping at her eyes.
"I can always find something for you to slay. I know people," Derrig tells her and Keyleth laughs. 
"I...I just might take you up on that. And...um...maybe I could take your kids flying? I can turn into a dragon and that's pretty cool to kids, right?" she asks, her voice unsure.
"I would never hear the end of that," Derrig says. "So yes."
"Thank you," Keyleth says.
This was a foolish idea, Derrig tells himself yet again, and yet he's here in Vassalheim, his steps taking him ever closer to the Raven Queen's temple in the Duskmeadow. But he wants to know more about what happened to Vax, where he could be right now, if there's any hope of him returning to the world, and he doesn't want to burden Keyleth with questions.
As soon as he mentions that he's one of the Air Ashari and that he serves the Voice of the Tempest, the acolyte on duty immediately brings him to an inner chamber before scurrying off. He waits there, wondering if he should just give this up as a bad idea and leave.
"Derrig of the Air Ashari," he hears a voice say, and turns to see an elf clad in all black except for silver stars twinkling at her collarbone. "I am Lieve'tel Toulouse, High Warden of Duskmeadow. What brings you to us?"
"A pleasure to, uh, to meet you. My name is Derrig and I am the Voice of the Tempest's personal...uh, bodyguard I guess you could say? And I knew Vax'ildan.I just had some questions. About The Raven Queen and if he's...if he's alright? And why Zephrah is suddenly home to a massive group of ravens?"
Lieve'tel laughs at the last statement, the sound like the ringing of a quiet bell. "Our Matron's Champion does not speak to us directly," she says, her face growing serious again. "We are only permitted to know so much of Her will and Her affairs."
“I know. I just..." Derrig says. 
"I understand," Lieve'tel says. "I volunteered to go with Vox Machina to retrieve the soul of one of their members. They saved my life. It was an...experience. So whatever I may do to help Keyleth or any of them, I would do. My order owes them a great debt."
"She is -- she is sorely grieving," Derrig says.
Lieve'tel lets out a sigh that almost seems to break her aloof image and she rubs her forehead with a wince. She beckons him to follow her as she makes her way deeper into the temple. "I don't have the answers you're looking for, but I can let you try communing with Our Matron if you wish," she says as she leads him into a larger room.
"Wait. That's a thing I can do? I don't follow her teachings though,” Derrig says.
Lieve'tel gives him a soft smile. "That may be true, but she listens to all who wish to speak, regardless of their beliefs. We are all equal in death."
"You're not serious," Derrig says when he sees the pool.
"You may go in clothed, if you wish, but I would not recommend it," she says. "I will have water and a robe brought for you after."
"I just...get in?" Derrig asks, trying to figure out what is in the pool. It seems too viscous to be water.
Lieve'tel nods. "You must go all the way in. Hold nothing back," she says, a ritual lilt in her voice. "Someone will bring you to me when you are done."
"Uh, alright?" Derrig says, eyebrows wrinkling as she leaves. He goes closer to the pool and leans down, eyes going wide when he sees the dark crimson liquid.  "Really? Seriously? To talk to you, I have to go in there?" Derrig mutters to himself as he strips down, carefully piling his armor and clothes in a corner. 
He takes a few deep breaths before finding the steps down into the pool, shivering a little at the cold thick liquid that splashes up his skin."This had better be worth it,” he says just before submerging himself completely.
Is this what it's like to be born? Derrig thinks. No, it's more like the womb, he thinks as the blood begins to fill his nose and mouth. It's not like he hasn't been up close and personal with blood before -- training, battles, and the birth of his children all having given him ample opportunity to see his own and others’  -- but this is all consuming. He fights against it because giving in seems wrong, but finally he sinks to the bottom of the pool and awaits his fate.
Wake up, a familiar voice echoes in his mind. Derrig sits up, coughing hard, red liquid expelling itself from his lungs. He's in a pitch black space and he shivers in the cold, looking down and seeing that he's naked. 
"I couldn't have been clothed for this? Really?" Derrig asks.
"I don't know, the view is nice," he hears a voice say and he whips around to see Vax, a strange mask obscuring his face. It’s difficult to see him in the dim light, but there seems to be a bony protrusion growing out of one shoulder.
"Vax'ildan. It's good to see you,” Derrig says. 
"Why are you here?" Vax asks.
"I don't even get a hello? A ‘how are you’?" Derrig says, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Did you come here for pleasantries?" Vax asks. "You're more apt to find them elsewhere."
"I came here for answers," Derrig says.
"I cannot promise you those," Vax says. "I am her Champion, not her equal. I don’t even know why she’s letting me talk to you at all. But ask."
"Are you...are you alright? Is she treating you well?" Derrig asks, stepping closer. 
"I'm as well as can be expected. And she is...not kind exactly, but she's cultured. Tell my love not to worry about me. I am fine." 
"Yeah, because that's going to go over well,” Derrig says.
"Nothing I say could heal her heart," Vax says, his voice low and touched with sorrow. "Nor my sister's. Nor... Any of theirs."
"Could you be released from her service? Keyleth will live so long. Surely She can spare you eventually?" Derrig asks.
Vax sighs. "That was not the bargain I made."
Derrig growls at him, "Did you even think of her? Or any of us when you made that deal? Did you think about the grief we would feel?" 
"My sister's life was the only thing I thought about when I made the deal originally. When I...when I died that last time and spoke to Her, I knew it would be painful for my family. For my friends. But I had to come back to help them,” Vax says.
Derrig sighs. "I shouldn't be angry at you," he finally says.
"Grief takes many forms," Vax says. "I see them all now. But I cannot regret my choice. We had to bind Vecna or the whole world would have been torn asunder. What is my life in comparison?"
"It's everything to those who love you," Derrig snaps. "And for those of us left behind."
"I know," Vax says. "But I can't... I can't return to them. At least not as myself."
"Hence all the ravens?" Derrig asks. 
"Yes. It's the only way I can keep watch over my family,” Vax says.
"Well, the kids like them. So I suppose it's fine. We all miss you," Derrig says, laying a hand on Vax's shoulder.
"I know," Vax says, and he sounds so weary, so tired, that Derrig feels a sharp spike of anger lance through him that Vax could be treated thus. "I miss you all too. But I'm... I'm always near. I live through all of you who knew me." He drops his head, starting at the floor.
Derrig hesitates for a moment. "Your...your sister," he finally says. 
Vax lifts his head immediately. "What about her?"
"She's pregnant. The Everlight thinks it's going to be a girl,” Derrig says. He doesn’t tell Vax how Keyleth locked herself in her room and wept for two days after Vex and Percy messaged her with the news.
Vax's face breaks into a small grin. "That is fantastic news. Thank you, my friend." 
"Sure. Just...tell your ravens to stop bringing my kids so much? They're running out of shelf space for their knick-knacks,” Derrig says, his voice warm.
"They like shiny things. It's in their nature," Vax says, and it’s hard to tell with the mask, but Derrig thinks he’s smiling.
"Then tell them to keep a few of them for themselves," Derrig says. He hesitates for another moment before asking, "There really is nothing that could be done to bring you back?"
"I don't think even a Wish spell could bring me back," Vax says. "I don't need to be saved. I promise you. I need you to keep your promise to me and take care of Keyleth."
"I...I'm trying. She doesn't make it easy," Derrig grumbles, arms crossed over his chest. 
"I'm not surprised. Don't let her push you away." Vax tells him, expression serious once more. "She's going to need friends and you'll be around a while longer."
"All right," Derrig says. "I'll do my best for her. You know that."
"I do," Vax says. "I must go now. Thank you for trying. I hope you understand now."
"I do," Derrig says. 
A woman appears behind Vax, her long black hair flowing into the cloak she's wearing, her face covered with a porcelain mask. "Did you find what you were seeking?" she asks.
"Um...yes...uh yes, ma'am." Derrig says, eyes wide at the sight of the Raven Queen. 
Her mask doesn't move but Derrig just knows somehow that she has a tiny smile on her face. There's a flick of movement from her hand and then he's back in the pool, struggling to the surface and gasping for breath.
Derrig manages to clean himself off -- well, mostly; he's pretty sure he's going to find residue in some unpleasant places later on -- and dresses himself. There's an acolyte waiting outside the door who takes him to the same chamber where he met Lieve'tel before.
Lieve'tel hands him a goblet of water and Derrig drinks gratefully, trying to clear the metallic tang from his tongue. "Did you get what you wanted?" she asks.
"Not exactly," Derrig says. "But I did learn what I needed to know."
"Our Matron's calling card. You may not get what you want but you will get what you require," she tells him. "You may rest here for a while. The communing process can be grueling physically and mentally."
"How...uh how long was I...was I in there?" Derrig asks.
"Just over an hour,” Lieve’tel says, pouring more water into his goblet.
Derrig's eyes go wide, "But I...I was under...did I...was I dead?"
"She moves in the spaces in between life and death," Lieve'tel says. "So, no. You were in Her realm. But you weren't dead."
Derrig sighs. "This is much more complicated than I thought it would be," he says. 
"How is Keyleth?" Lieve'tel asks. "She was...well, I know I'm not one of her favorite people, but I do care about her."
Derrig sighs, "She's...she's grieving. I'm trying to help as much as I can but...she doesn't make it easy." 
Lieve'tel lets out an actual chuckle. "I can only imagine."
"But I made a promise to Vax'ildan. I promised him I would take care of her. That I would look out for her if something happened to him. So that's what I'm going to do," Derrig says.
"I'm glad she has you," Lieve'tel says. "She'll come to realize your worth in time."
"I know," Derrig says. "I just wish I could ease her pain."
"We all wish that," Lieve'tel says.
Derrig rests for a while before starting his journey back to Zephrah. When he gets home, he kisses each of his sleeping children before climbing into bed with his wife and pulling her close.
"How was your journey? Did you find some answers?" she mutters sleepily. 
"I think so. I'm sorry I was gone so long," he says.
"It's alright. I understand why. You care about her like an older brother. I think she needs that in her life right now,” his wife says.
"You know you're the only woman for me," Derrig says, kissing the top of her head. "And she's not -- she only has one love in her heart."
"I know," she says. "I never doubt your fidelity. I only worry for your safety. I do not think Keyleth has much of a care for hers right now."
"I think you're right. But I made a promise. And I intend to keep it." Derrig says, tone intense. 
"That's because you are a good man. It's alright. Just make me a promise, too. Do everything in your power to always come home to us,” she says, before kissing him.
Derrig holds her tighter, one hand gently tangling in her hair. "I promise."
"I do not need to be accompanied to this wedding!" Keyleth says to Korrin almost a year later. "It's Vox Machina! If I can't keep myself safe around them, they can keep me safe. We’re basically gods!"
Korrin sighs. "It's not a question of your safety. You are the Voice of the Tempest. You need to demonstrate your importance to the rest of the world. You really should have a retinue, but I'm willing to just let Derrig accompany you."
Keyleth growls, arms crossed as she -- the only word that comes to Derrig's mind is pouts -- and he bites back a smile.
 "Ugh, fine. Whatever. He can come," Keyleth finally says, throwing her hands up and turning in a whoosh of fabric. "I'm going to pack. Derrig, you better look sharp!"
"But whyyyy can't we come, Daddy?" one of his daughters asks Derrig as he packs.
"It will be very boring," he says. "Lots of speeches and boring grown up things. You wouldn't have fun."
"But there will be a bear there!" another daughter says. 
"I promise I'll bring you back something wonderful, all right?" Derrig says.
"Fiiiiine," they all say in unison and Derrig just sighs at how cute they are. 
His wife comes up with his shield and sword in his scabbard. "Here you are, my darling. You be careful and take care of our leader. And yourself. And if nothing else, bring back some good stories, alright?" 
He smiles at her, leaning down to kiss her as he gathers his bag after slinging his sword and shield over his back. "I will. I love you all. You kids be good for your mother okay?"
"Of course we will," the triplets chorus, attempting to look sweet and innocent. 
"Oh dear," Derrig says. "I really will owe you after this trip, won't I?"
"Yes, you will," she says with a grin. 
"You're late," Keyleth snaps as Derrig meets her by what the village has come to call “the raven tree” now.
"By a minute," he says. 
"Sorry. I just...I really want this to go well," she says.
Derrig gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "It's going to be fine. Just enjoy yourself." 
Keyleth gives him a dubious look even as she walks towards the raven tree, laying a hand on it, her eyes closing briefly before a doorway opens in the middle of the trunk. Derrig brushes a hand over the bark as he follows her through.
I haven't felt this awkward in a while, Derrig thinks as he watches Vox Machina reunite with each other. Of course he knows who all of them are, but he's certain none of them know who he is, and Keyleth seems more interested in interrogating the catering staff than introducing him. “I suppose I should introduce myself,” he finally says, and all eyes turn towards him. 
The awkward feeling only gets worse when he gets interrogated by Shorthalt and Grog and then The Everlight herself. He sighs internally when he's asked if he's in love with The Voice of the Tempest. 
"You know they're going to ask why you're here." Keyleth says as they're walking towards the venue.
"I sort of figured that would happen." 
"Someone is going to ask if we're sleeping together, probably Scanlan, so uh...sorry in advance?" 
“What do you want me to tell them?” “The truth?”
“I just wanted to be sure. I am supposed to be here to impress people with what an important leader you are. If that means pretending to be your fancy man, so be it.”
“I think Vax’s sister would kill me if I’d moved on that fast. And that’s not the kind of leader I am or that I want to be. Just tell the truth.”
Derrig isn't a big fan of wine, even expensive fancy wine like what’s being served at this rehearsal dinner, so he doesn't drink much. He's glad of it when he sees the entire wedding party, Keyleth included, start dropping like flies. The Goliath, Grog, is still standing, and so is Vex'alhia's armored grizzly bear, but he can't spot anyone else in the dense fog that's rolled in. 
Time seems to slow down and speed up in the curious way that only seems to happen in combat -- it seems like forever and yet no time at all before they’ve fought an initial skirmish, roused the rest of Vox Machina, discovered the architect of the villainy, who apparently Vox Machina had fought before, and disposed of him and his crew. 
Derrig means to slip away when Vex and Percy make the impromptu decision to hold their ceremony then and there, but Keyleth looks at him and makes a small gesture for him to stay. He’s oddly touched, but he still tries to fade into the background a little, keeping alert for any additional approaching danger. 
The wedding proceeds like almost every other one he’s been to, including his own, until Scanlan interrupts right as Vex and Percy are about to exchange rings. Derrig had known that Vox Machina were powerful -- Keyleth alone is living proof of that -- but he hadn’t realized just how powerful they were until he realizes what spell Scanlan is about to cast. This can’t possibly work, he thinks. There’s a hushed pause after Scanlan casts it, as if the gods themselves are making up their minds, and then Derrig sees The Raven Queen and Vax appear.
Vax only has time to speak to his sister and to Keyleth before he must leave, but Derrig doesn’t mind; he’s already spoken to him. Vax does nod in his direction, or at least Derrig thinks he does, and that’s enough. 
Derrig finds Keyleth standing on the edge of the cliff the next morning, watching the sun rise. “You’re up early,” he says. “Even after the night we had?”
“I couldn’t sleep,” she admits. “I spent enough time unconscious yesterday.” She makes a wry face. 
“Fair enough,” Derrig says. “This has certainly been the most exciting wedding I have ever attended.”
Keyleth laughs. “I think I could have done with a little less excitement. Still, it’s good to know that that particular loose end from Vox Machina’s past won’t be returning to menace us or anyone else again.”
“And…?” Derrig says.
“And…? Oh, Vax,” Keyleth says. “That was… I don’t know if I want to bless Scanlan or curse him. Maybe a little of both. But it was good, I think. And yet I’m somehow glad it probably can’t happen again?” She looks at Derrig, trying to see if he understands.
"Makes sense. It's been a year; you're not done grieving but it's been long enough that seeing him wasn't a complete sword to the chest," Derrig says, nudging her shoulder gently. 
“Yeah,” Keyleth says, returning her gaze to the ocean below and the sun peeking over the horizon. “I -- look, thank you.”
“I’m just doing my job,” Derrig says. “I know, but I know I haven’t been easy to deal with, well, ever,” Keyleth says. “But you’ve put up with me, you’ve stood up for me, you’ve fought for me and with me. That means something. I don’t want you to think it doesn’t.”
Derrig shifts awkwardly, he's not used to being...praised, or thanked, for his job. He's always just been background muscle, there if you need him but never in the spotlight. 
"I...you're welcome. I made a promise. And I aim to keep it. Besides, my kids would never forgive me if something happened to you. You're the Dragon Lady," he says. 
Keyleth giggles quietly, reaching up to adjust her circlet before hooking her arm with Derrig's. "Well. We have a day of nothing but drinking and being ridiculous. That includes you. Take the day off from bodyguard duty. Let's get drunk and do stupid shit." 
“Is that an order from the Voice of the Tempest?” Derrig asks.
“It is,” Keyleth says.
“Then how can I refuse?” Derrig says as they walk back towards their lodgings.
A raven caws from the tree behind them as they turn to go, but doesn’t follow, just watches silently as they walk away. 
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lennonknowsmysins · 5 years
Could I possibly request a John or Paul fic where one of them finds their SO after a rough day with a tear streaked face and puffy eyes, so they go and either make a lovely lunch/dinner/breakfast or buys a bunch of flowers to arrange around the room or something to make them happy?
i used teddy boy paul for this and slipped in some big brother john because i’m a bit of a whore for that troupe tbh. except an epilouge to this because it didn’t end where i wanted it too but it was starting to get really long and i didn’t want to make you wait for it!!! thank you for the request!! i hope you like it!!
Everyday after school, you waited by the front stairs for your brother John to bring his car around and take you either home or to the library while he practiced with his band so that you didn’t have to be home alone if Mimi wasn’t there. Today was supposed to have a library day but when you got to the stairs, John wasn’t there. Now normally you didn’t mind having to wait a little bit but today had been exceptionally rainy and cold and you were in no mood to get dumped on. Unfortunately, an hour later, you were still waiting for John and the doors to the school had been locked. Sighing, you accepted the fact that your brother had forgotten about you. A rumbling in your stomach accepted the fact that he’d also forgotten to give you your lunch earlier.
Begrudgingly, you set off on foot to where you assumed you’d find John - Paul McCartney’s house, where him and the rest of the band liked to rehearse. You were sure that John won’t be happy about you showing up, he didn’t like having to share his friends or his baby sister. That’s why he always made you wait at the nearby library. “It’d just be awkward,” He’d defended, “we’re trying to play songs about adult stuff and m’ little sister’s just sitting there. I can’t play that shit in front of you.”
You were pretty sure that he really just didn’t want to come off as a babysitter, worried that it would break the bad boy vibes. But no matter how pissed John would be at you crashing in, you were sure that you were more upset at being left at the school in the rain without your lunch. Besides, it wasn’t like you were going to stay for long, you were just going to let him know that you were still alive, if he bothered to care, and try to wrangle some money out of him for food - if you were to try and say no in front of his mates, that’d just make him look like an ass. Then you’d be on your way. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t want an excuse to see Paul too.
You’d only met him a few times, but each time had turned your knees to jelly. He had big soft eyes and an even softer voice that made you swoon whenever you called you ‘love’. Boys didn’t normally call you pet names like that. Well, your brother did but didn’t count. Maybe he would stick up for you in front of John and invite you to stay and watch them rehearse. You would like that, you actually thought they sounded pretty good. Or at least Paul looked pretty good when he was playing. This was another reason that John didn’t like you being around his mates. He wasn’t about to let anyone, especially Paul, get into your pants. But the joke was on him, you were hardly as outgoing as he was when it came to people you liked. And you doubted that Paul would ever see you like that - after all, you were just John’s little sister. There wasn’t much promise in that.
The walk to Paul’s house was taking longer than you had anticipated. It was hard to see with the wind whipping your hair that wasn’t stuck against your face in your eyes and the rain had soaked through your flimsy jacket and your dress, pelting your skin. The violent shivers that rippled through you made it hard to concentrate on where you were going. Your school bag seemed to be tugging you downwards and you could have sworn that you heard it groan. All your papers must be soaked by now. The unpleasantness of the situation mixed with your hunger reminding you that your brother had really just forgotten about you brought tears to your eyes, only making seeing more difficult. You were wet, hungry, tired, and forgotten about.
Finally you reached Paul’s house, letting out a breath of relief when you saw John’s car parked out front as you trudged up to the front door and knocked. You felt nerves shoot through you when Paul answered, a grin on his lips.
“Oh hello - what’s happened?” Paul’s forever good-natured expression fell as he took in your red face which had been slapped by the weather, with your eyes puffy and teary, your makeup smeared every which way and your nose running for dear life. Not to mention you were soaked to the bone.
“H-hey Paul, is J-John here?” You asked, every word being agony as you were out of breath from the long walk and the constant shivering. Paul shook his head.
“’Fraid not, love.” He said with a frown, “You alright?”
His question made the tears well up again. Now you were wet, hungry, tired, forgotten about, missing your brother and standing in front of his handsome best friend looking like an absolute wreck. You let out a sob and looked at your feet, not bearing making eye contact with Paul. Paul, however, was not about to stand for this.
“Hey, hey, hey, come’ere,” He cooed, pulling you out of the rain and into a hug, “It’ll be okay, I’ve got ya, I’ve got ya.”
You let out a spew of mumbled apologies in his chest through your crying, clutching on to him like he was the only thing keeping you standing - which he basically was at this point. Paul had one arm holding you tightly and the other rubbing up and down your back, shushing into your sopping hair. You shuddered, struggling to catch your breath and he gave you a squeeze.
“Deep breath, love.” He reminded you, pulling away. You took a couple and he smiled a little, “Come in, you’re trembling.”
He led you into the living room then squeezed your shoulder, telling you to wait. He gave you a knowing smile before disappearing down a hallway. You stood there, hugging yourself as you sniffed. A few tears continued to escape down your cheeks but besides those, the cascade had ceased.
“John and George took me car to go see about a couple of guitars in Birkenhead. Said they might be able to book us a gig too.” Paul explained, reappearing with a towel. “You can wait here if you like, I know Johnny’s said that you don’t like being alone.”
You nodded, slightly embarrassed John had exposed your irrational fear to Paul (and you assumed George and Stu as well). Paul wiped up the tears, water, and makeup off your cheeks before wrapping the towel around your wet neck. You blushed when he smiled down at you, turning the corners of your own lips up a tad.
“There she is!” He said gently, catching your chin before you could look away from him, “You’re much lovelier to look at than John.”
It was all you could do to keep your breath from hitching. You’d heard that Paul could be a bit of flirt from girls at your school who knew him, but you’d never seen it in action, nor did you ever expect his charms to be used on you. Especially right after showing up soaking wet at his front door bawling. But you supposed he was right. You were the lovelier Lennon. A sad growl from your stomach interrupted the nice moment. Paul’s look of concern was back, crooking an eyebrow at you.
“John didn’t give me my lunch today and I didn’t have any money on me.” You said sheepishly, suddenly aware of how absurd you must seem to him right now. Paul chuckled, taking a step back.
“We don’t have a lot in the way of food, but I can make you some nice toast, yeah?” He offered. Not wanting to mooch to much off of him, you began to decline but your stomach wailed again.
“That would be wonderful, thanks Paul.” You grinned.
“You got it, darling.” As he turned to head into the kitchen, your face got a little redder, your stomach forgetting about its emptiness in its excited twisting and you couldn’t help the smile that began spreading across your face, although you attempted to hid it when Paul spun on his heel. “Oh, do you want to change your clothes? I’m afraid it’s me and me dad and brother, so we don’t have much in the way of girls clothes, I’ll bet I have sweatpants we can get to fit you and if you don’t mind the bagginess, I’ve got tons of shirts you can borrow and I can throw your stuff in the dryer so they’ll at least dry off a bit.”
“Okay.” You nodded, another batch of butterflies releasing themselves in you at the thought of wearing his clothes. ‘This is just a stupid crush’ you thought to yourself, ‘Stop getting caught up in it’
“C’mon, you can get changed in my room.”
This wasn’t the situation you pictured when you thought of being in a boy’s room for the first time. More boy, less water, pretty much the same amount of you undressing. It looked a lot like John’s room, but a little more organized. A desk sat in the corner, sheet music scattered all about, an Elvis poster hanging above it. Various concert posters had been tapped around the walls, among a Quarrymen one that you recognized as John’s artwork. Next to Paul’s bed was a picture of the band trying to look serious but George was clearly laughing at something - which was funny, George always came off a little scary to you. You continued looking around as you hiked up the sweatpants, tying the drawstring to a comfortable level before stepping out. Paul paused at the top of the stairs.
“I was just comin’ up to tell you that your toast is done,” He said blinking at the sight of you in his clothes. “And if you wanted any eggs with it, ya know, to complete the Breakfast for Dinner experience.”
“Some eggs would be delightful.” You smiled, “Thank you for the clothes by the way, I really appreciate not having to wait in soaking wet ones.”
“Well, I, uh, didn’t want you to catch a cold or nothing,” He said, trying to stay cool, “Your brother’d have a cow.”
He offered you his arm, leading you down the stairs to the kitchen. The presentation he’d set up for the simple plate of toast made you feel warm. Juice had been poured into a wine glass and a flower had been placed in a vase on the table. You looked up at Paul with what you were sure was a stupidly happy grin.
“You seemed like you were having a rough day.”
Then you were hugging Paul. Handsome Paul that you had a stupid crush on. Because he’d made you breakfast for dinner and lent you his clothes and let you into his house after you’d had to walk in the rain and comforted you without any hesitation and let your shitheaded brother borrow his car when John had a perfectly good one of own. “Thank you so much Paul. I know we don’t know each other very well but this really does mean a lot to me.”
“You know, love,” He began, pausing to kiss your head, “I think you’re my favorite Lennon.”
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