#normally I try to avoid politics but you see this is very personal to me as I have blood relatives in Israel and chosen family in Palestine
softdedue · 11 months
Ahdhfjdj my blog is so funny rn it’s like cat photo bunny photo FREE PALESTINE cat photo I HAVE A COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP WITH MY JUDAISM AT THIS TIME goofy meme cat photo
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ellecdc · 6 months
single mom lily x fem!reader?
reader works in an ice cream shop and cute little harry (im imagining hes like 4/5???) absolutely adores the place so lily brings him in for ice cream all the time and falls for reader bc she is just so good with harry
ok here's my attempt 😮‍💨 thought this idea was so cute though!
single mum!Lily Evans x fem!reader meet cute
Lily was very lucky and very grateful that Harry had been a generally easy child. He was so much like his father that, whilst it didn't translate into the romantic relationship most parents wished to enjoy, led to a wonderful son and the best co-parent a woman could ask for.
And because Harry was such an easy-going child, she was trying very hard to stay patient with him as she frantically texted with James.
L: James Potter, where in the buggering fuck is this ice cream place that has ‘spiderman’ ice cream!? J: LOL oh god sorry. It’s on the boardwalk near the ferry. L: Thank you 😮‍💨 J: He making a fuss? L: I think we may have been moments away from a stage five meltdown. J: Thoughts and prayers 🫡
One meltdown avoided later and they were finally walking into the quaint, family owned ice cream shop on the boardwalk by the ferry, just as James described.
“Oh no!” Harry cried dramatically, holding his little hands to his face.
“What is it, Haz?” Lily asked, looking around to see what could have possibly caused such worry in a five and a half year old. 
“The man!” He explained.
Which explained nothing at all to Lily, still looking around the shop in confusion.
“What man?”
“The man with the spiderman ice cream! He’s not here!” Harry cried, turning to his mum with tears magnified by his glasses as they began pooling in his eyes.
She was racking her brain for something to say to the boy when a bubbly voice trilled from behind the glass ice cream displays.
“Hello there! What can I get for you two?” You greeted the pair with a beaming smile. If Lily wasn’t so caught up with Harry, she would have likely taken a moment to admire your radiance.
“The man!”
Lily watched as your smile fell only slightly and you tilted your head in confusion. “Which man, sweets?”
“The man with the special ice cream! He made it after my favourite superhero!” Harry cried with a stomp on his foot.
Lily pulled Harry towards her as she offered you an apologetic smile.
“I’m so sorry, he came here with his father last week and I-”
But like a beautiful ethereal angel sent from Lily’s own personal heaven, you waved her off with an easy smile. “Not to worry at all, love. My dad is the better ice cream server, so I understand your disappointment, little man.” You empathised. “But!”
Harry perked up at that, standing a little taller as he looked at you expectantly. “He did tell me that a certain hero may be coming in to look for some special spidey ice cream; could that be you?” You stage whispered the end of your sentence to Harry, causing him to squeal in delight.
“Oh thank goodness.” You said with a dramatic sigh. “I thought I was going to have to erase your memory for giving away trade secrets!”
Harry squealed in excitement again and shoved his face up against the glass casing to watch you start expertly scooping ice cream, completely unawares of his fingerprints and foggy breaths creating more work for his newfound hero.
“How many scoops, my man?”
“Uhm,” Lily interrupted, placing a conciliatory hand on her son's shoulder. “Maybe just two.”
“Mum!” Harry whined, but you just laughed.
“Sorry kid, mum’s the boss.”
Harry acquiesced with one more groan, but grinned when he saw the size of the scoops you were serving him.
“What about you, mama?” You asked after handing Harry his cone, watching as the boy made his way to sit at a table with his red and blue ice cream.
“Is it really spiderman ice cream?” Lily blurted instead of answering your very normal, professional, and polite question.
You barked a laugh, but Lily was pleased that your laughter was because you found Lily funny rather than at her expense. 
“Between you and me,” you whispered conspiratorially, resting your arms on the glass counter and your chin on your hands. “It’s just moonmist ice cream, but this batch used too much food dye, so instead of the normal light blue, pale purple, and pastel yellow, it turned out a little more…super.”
Lily looked back to her son, happy as can be with his super ice cream as he watched boats sail by in the harbour. 
“Brilliant.” Lily whispered as she turned back to face you, only to find you smiling softly at her already.
“Yes.” You agreed, though Lily wasn’t quite sure what you found brilliant. “So, what can I get you?”
“Oh.” Lily responded dumbly, looking hastily through the options before opting for two scoops of rocky road. 
“Fine choice, m’lady.” You said before scooping, once again expertly, the frozen treat onto a cone.
“Is that what you usually get?” Lily asked suddenly. You seemed surprised at her question as your eyebrows migrated to your hairline and you looked up to consider her.
Lily hoped to all hell that her blush wasn’t as furious as it felt.
You smirked before your eyes flit back up to hers. “I’m more of a strawberry girl, myself.” You replied quietly, shooting Lily a wink.
If her blush hadn’t been furious before, she was certain it was now. 
Lily paid and Harry shot you a “thanks ice cream lady!” as they headed towards the exit with their ice creams in tow.
“You’re welcome, little man! Stay super!” You said with a wave.
“I will!” 
“Hope to see you and your mum here again soon.” You said quieter this time, sending Lily a kind albeit shy smile. Lily was certain you’d be seeing the two of them here again.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Secret Crush
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How they would handle having a secret crush on reader who’s not a celebrity and/or only views them as a friend, so they can’t show their affection.
Warnings: lil angsty,
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anons who requested this! This is slightly similar to the falling for a friend hcs I did a while back, but I thought I’d try to cover the more unrequited aspects, though I'm not the best at those. Hope you like it anyway!
Requests are open
GUILT. He honestly feels so bad that he’s put you in this awkward of a situation, even though you don’t have a clue you’re even in an awkward situation.
As I said before, I think he would try to content himself with just being the best ‘best friend’ you could ever ask for.
Which works, until it doesn’t. Because the closer you get, the harder it is for him to hide his feelings.
He fusses/worries about you a lot.
Would probably get jealous surprisingly easy, but try and brush it off with comments like “They’re just not good enough for you.”
I’ve said it before, if he doesn’t want you to know about something, you. will. never. know. and that’s especially true when it comes to this.
Even if he’s absolutely head over heels for you, you won’t catch on, bc he finds legitamite excuses for any questionable behavior he might display around you.
Becomes a bit standoff-ish at times, but if he ever sees you struggling with something or needing help, he’s there in an instant.
It honestly gives you whiplash how fast he goes from ‘I don’t care’ to ‘I care a lot actually’, but he claims he’s just trying to be a good friend.
Y’all probably fight a lot, but If anybody else ever hurts/upsets you tho, he will end them(only half joking).
Again, as I said before, he’s naturally a very affectionate person, so how he’d behave towards his crush wouldn’t be that different from how he is with his other friends.
But on the inside, I think he would be overanilyzing everything, trying to make sure he’s not overstepping any bounderies.
Very much the ‘suck it up and smile’ mentality, which isn’t exactly the best/healthiest approach, but he doesn’t care.
So long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
I actually think he would be one of the worst at this kind of dynamic, he’d either end up confessing or distancing himself.😥
So conflicted.
Might try and distance himself from you at first, bc he thinks it’ll make it easier from him to get over you, but then he just feels lonely all the time, and he’d rather be with you than without you, so he just tries to suck it up and pretend everythings cool.
Which he’s pretty good at, to an extent.
Literally can not stand seeing you flirt or show interest in anyone else tho, like it makes him feel physically unwell. If you do, he’s ghosting for a bit.
You end up developing a very intense ‘on again, off again’ friendship, which results in more than a few fights between you😖
As usual, Jimin is the personification of confusion for me.
Bc he doesn’t exactly hide his feelings towards you, but he’s always tacking on the line of ‘as a friend’ to the end of everything to avoid looking suspisious.
Flirting is basically his second language tho and that will not change unless it makes you uncomfortable, and then he’s the image polite respectfulness.
He just always wants you to be comfortable and happy, but he can get a bit over protective at times for seemingly no reason.
Every now and then though, it starts to weigh on him a bit more and he gets a bit moody and distant.
Acts completly normal, until he doesn’t.
Can go from beaming and having the best time with you to sad puppy in instant bc he caught himself going to hold your hand or smth, and he has the record scratch moment of ‘wait no, that’s not what friends do’.
Of course you catch these sudden drops in his mood, but he never tells you what’s going on, so you just try to stick closer to him to make him feel better.
Which only increases his frustration sometimes, but other times he can’t help indulging in the affection when he can get it.
Tends to feel guilty afterwards for not being honest with you, but he’d rather have you as just a friend than potentially not at all.
Not the best at hiding his feelings, but he manages.
His main issue is that he gets jealous and overprotective very easily, but knows he can’t exactly keep you close without drawing attention to himself.
Has nearly gotten into several fights bc he didn’t like the way someone was looking at/treating you. You joke that he’s your guard dog, but he takes it seriously.
Similar to Joon, y’all would end up with this ‘on and off’ type relationship that goes from being super close to barely talking.
Another that I think would either end up confessing anyway, just to get it out there, or pulling away.
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heartaces · 7 days
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“there is a time and place for violence. i mean - this place is perfect. but is it the time?”
“heaven forbid. we’re all entitled to our secrets.”
“sitting by the fire while you do all the hard work sounds marvelous, actually.”
“couldn’t you wait ten minutes before being an absolute freak?”
“you’re welcome to try and kill me, of course. but i don’t die easily these days.”
“ugh, don’t be so nice to me. it makes me want to be nice back.”
“a horrible death is always just around the corner with you.”
“stabbing someone a dozen times can be many things. but ‘the right thing to do’? hm, i doubt it.”
“immortality is only as good as the life you’re living. an eternity of luxury sounds a lot better than an eternity of struggle.”
“what are you doing? this isn’t safe. you can’t trust him.”
“look, i’m a not a details person, all right. but turning up and causing chaos has worked for us so far.”
“they were clearly artists. you can tell because it’s a mess in here.”
“you know, there is a point where bravery becomes stupidity. and walking into that thing would be very, very stupid.”
“i’ve had enough of bad poets singing of my looks - urgh.”
“is the plant bothering you?”
“until then, try not to die.”
“oh yes, i’m fine. i just feel… awful.”
“shut that oversized chicken up.”
“you know, the only way to cure temptation… is to give in to it.”
“next time, just warn me before you do something stupid.”
“there certainly is a strong ambience down here. i don’t know if it’s the bats or the decaying - everything. it’s quite homey.”
“it’s nice to see heroes are as awful as the rest of us.”
“unusually polite for a god.”
“of all the places you dragged me, this might just be the most foul. and that is saying something, given some of the things you exposed me to.”
“i mean, i hate to judge the proverbial book, but that oath may be all cover and no pages.”
“a shapeshifter? it could be anyone. i mean - it’s not me. but it could be anyone else.”
“sometimes we need to think with our heads before our knifes, dear.”
“you could watch for anyone acting strangely, but - well, you know the lunatics we camp with.”
“thank you. for being that evil bastard.”
“can you feel that? the dark, it’s - hungry. best watch the shadows.”
“this place brings back the worst memories.”
“well, that’s disturbing. still, better than having an actual conversation with him though.”
“oh no. not again.”
“honestly, just once, could we end up somewhere normal?”
“i prefer to travel in smaller groups. it’s more… intimate.”
“nice as it is, she still doesn’t have the best hair in the camp.”
“thank goodness. i was worried i’d have to get involved. now, let’s keep our hands to ourselves.”
“i much prefer it when i’m the one prowling in the shadows - about to strike.”
“ah, nothing says ‘true love’ like faking your own death to avoid someone.”
“you’re not going to eviscerate him? i was hoping for a show.”
“it’s just a waste of a perfectly good cult we could be controlling.”
“can you - ugh, can you shut up and let me read?”
“i hate to be negative. but they’ll carve you up like a goose.”
“my, she sounds positively demented. i love it. let’s tell her everything.”
“you villain. i didn’t know you had it in you.”
“a well-presented face can open a lot of doors.”
“hardly a promising introduction.”
“do you mind? i’m brooding.”
“i’d rather be the only dark power inside your body, if it’s all the same to you.”
“easy now, let’s not do anything hilarious.” 
“i’m with you, my dear. wherever this leads.” 
“i appreciate anyone who opens a conversation with bodily harm.” 
“nothing like a little camp drama to spice up the evening.” 
“it’s almost a pity things ended up amicably.”
“what do you see when you look at me?”
“i would’ve liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.”
“do you have any other chaos you need to unleash here?”
“all i want is a little fun. is that so much to ask?” 
“don’t be so sour. i like a good time as much as anyone.” 
“this seems like a lovely little spot. the sense of impending doom aside.”
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sevensinswithin · 2 months
Okay so to everyone who was here for the original post, here’s basically how Alicent and Laenor get married in my lavender marriage au:
The entire thing starts because Alicent catches Laenor and Joffrey fucking in a secluded part of the castle a few weeks before Aemma dies. The boys only realize they’ve been caught because Alicent runs away from them like her ass is on fire. That girl had no idea gay male sex was an option in life and now needs to reevaluate everything in her life after catching them.
Laenor then spends the next few weeks trying to find a way to get her alone because guess what. Fucking in a secluded but also public area is not a good strategy if you want to keep your gay love affair a secret. So now Laenor is hoping to convince Alicent to stay quiet about what she saw because his dad seems to think he'll grow out of it (do not attack me, this literally happens in canon) and he doesn’t want anyone to know yet since it might impact who he’ll get married to eventually. Meanwhile Alicent is desperately trying to forget that she ever saw anything and doesn’t tell Otto about seeing Laenor and Joffrey because let's be real. This man said “childhood companions” like it was a slur in that one scene, so she knows that her father would do something with this information. Alicent does not want to be the reason Joffrey and Laenor are in trouble for their relationship. Nevermind that she’s suddenly having the realization that women liking women isn’t that far of a stretch after all.
Unfortunately, to everyone else in the world, it looks like Laenor is trying to court her and that Alicent is just trying to be very polite about his interest in her since she never wants to be alone in a room with him unless they’re around other people. Which is something that is totally normal and not weird at all. Why would you say otherwise?
Then Aemma dies and Otto sends her to see Viserys in his room and Alicent is now very stressed about something else in her life because she wants to do what her father says, but she also doesn’t want to betray Rhaenyra.
So during those six months after Aemma dies - which is apparently how much times passes between Aemma’s death and when Viserys decides to marry Alicent according to a HOTD article I read - Alicent, like in canon, is sent by her father to Viserys’ chambers and desperately hopes that her father’s ambitions won’t happen and that Viserys will simply see her as person that is supporting him in his grief.
(Life Hack: If you ever want to read an article and it says you have to make an account to read the rest of it, just go back to the google page you found it on, right click the link, and save the link as an HTML document. That lets you read the article without having to make an account. I found this out from someone on the internet and damn did it help when I wanted to access any account restricted article. Anyways, back to the plot.)
So to counteract that and make it so she’s less appealing to Viserys, Alicent always mentions Laenor and how fond of him she is during their talks. She also mentions how worried she is about Rhaenyra and her position as heir because there seems to be so many people that seem to be under the impression that they can replace her by having Viserys marry one of their daughters and convince him change his heir to one of the possible children he might have with those daughters.
Meanwhile, Laenor is absolutely losing his mind because all of a sudden Alicent is always around him and receptive to interacting with him, even though literally weeks before she avoided being around him like the plague. During this she also manages to wring out of him the fact that his parents (mainly Corlys, let's be real) are talking about potentially marrying Laena to Viserys and that he hates that idea as she’s way too young in his eyes for that. Eventually Alicent manages to find a way to be alone with Laenor and make him swear to secrecy about what she'll tell him because telling anyone might mean that his sister will actually have to marry Viserys. He does and she fills him in on what her father wants and what she’s attempting to do, and that she needs his cooperation to get him to at least appear like they’re courting.
So Alicent and Laenor put up the appearance that they’re at least attracted to each other to get people talking, which totally doesn’t ignite jealousy in Rhaenyra at the idea of Alicent being in love with her cousin. Cue Rhaenyra absolutely doing everything in her power to make Laenor appear like a loser to Alicent and the rest of the court. Alicent makes sure to get her to stop that shit real quick and tells Rhaenyra that she and Laenor are only pretending to be in love in order to avoid having to marry someone that would disrespect Laenor’s preference for men and disregard Alicent’s autonomy. Alicent also mentions that possibly marrying Laenor means that Alicent and Rhaenyra will be allowed to see each other very frequently as she will be Laenor’s wife and the Velaryons are often at court since they are related to the royal family. So now they have Rhaenyra on board.
Eventually the night before that one small council meeting where in canon Viserys announces that he’ll marry Alicent, Alicent “confesses” to Viserys that she’s in love with Laenor and that she wants to marry him, but that her father would never allow Alicent to marry Laenor because he and Lord Corlys dislike each other. She also lets it “slip” that Otto is very adamant that Viserys must have a male heir despite the fact that Rhaenyra has already been made heir, and that he sees Alicent as a potential bride for Viserys despite her unwillingness to marry her best friend’s father. She also sprinkles in the fact that Rhaenyra would be devastated at the idea of her father remarrying, especially if the bride in question were her best friend or even her little cousin (Yeah fuck you Corlys, you’re on thin ice for that and the grow out of it comment), and the fact that surely his wife would want him to defend his daughter’s claim to the Iron Throne from potential usurpers, which is something that would definitely happen if he had a son.
This causes Viserys to absolutely lose his shit, but Alicent calms him down and he sends her away from his chambers. However, not before Viserys hints that he would not dissolve a marriage between a highborn lady and lord if they eloped and consummated the marriage. So instead of heading straight to her rooms, Alicent instead books it to Laenor’s chambers. The two of them run off to a sept and convince a septon to marry them with a few commoners as their witnesses because they can’t take any nobles in fear of being stopped (and to also have the commoners spread the fact that Alicent and Laenor eloped). Then she and Laenor head off to Laenor’s chambers to consummate the marriage with the help of Joffrey, who they had stay in Laenor’s chambers so that no one would get him in trouble or notice that he was in the room with them during the consummation, and to have Alicent stay over so that people could catch them together in the morning and spread the news of her “ruined reputation”.
The next morning Laena bursts into Laenor’s chambers like she always does and “catches” them before running off to tell Rhaenys the way all little siblings do. So then Rhaenys and Corlys show up, as does Otto; he caught wind of the situation through a servant he paid off to spy on the Velaryons. Once there Otto starts shaming Alicent about her ruined reputation and Laenor retorts that she didn’t ruin anything as he married her before he bedded her. Otto then explodes at the pair when Laenor says that and Corlys rushes to defend his son against all the stuff Otto is saying and threatening him with.
Eventually their argument gets so loud that a servant rushes to get Viserys and a few guards since they’re afraid that the two lords will resort to violence. Trailing after them is Rhaenyra and the Small Council, as the meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago but certain people were missing and needed to be found. So now the entire Small Council, Rhaneyra, and Viserys are at the doorway of Laenor’s room while a furious Otto and Corlys trade insults. Meanwhile Rhaenys sees how afraid Alicent and Laenor are and rushes to the pair’s defense (because they need someone in their corner that isn’t shaming the other party), saying that perhaps the two wouldn’t have resorted to eloping if Otto and Corlys weren't always at odds. Seeing the King, Otto rushes to demand that he have the septon reverse the marriage, but Viserys reveals that he knows about Otto’s plan to make Alicent marry him and how he knows that she wished to marry Laenor instead. He then fires Otto from being Hand and sends him packing to Oldtown, approving of Laenor and Alicent’s marriage as a final insult to Otto. He also firmly informs the small council that he will not be getting remarried, that Rhaenyra will remain his heir, and that anyone who objects otherwise is speaking of treason.
So there you go, the outline for a story that I’m most likely going to write in non-linear bits. In this world Alicent is Lady of Driftmark, Laenor and Joffrey get to be happy, and Viserys prioritizes making sure that Rhaenyra’s claim to the throne is secure. Also somewhere down the line in this universe Rhaenyra and Alicent get their shit together and realize they’re in love with each other, and Rhaenyra gets to marry Harwin because Daemon never takes her to the brothel and so she gets to pick her husband and be the polyamorous bi queen we all love.
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i-luvsang · 1 year
candy bars and candied hearts — park seonghwa
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gn!reader , grumpy!seonghwa x sunshine!shy!reader , college!au , fluff , cw: food mentions, disgustingly cute , wc: 1.7K , 🎧anon YOUR IDEA IS SO CUTE i hope you enjoy <33 oh also everyone take note that the vision here is devaju!hwa you know the ponytail hkjKJFHSK
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✧ seonghwa isn’t exactly known to be mean, in fact he can be polite to people he doesn’t know well 
✧ but that’s about the extent. he’s polite and when he decides he doesn’t want to keep talking to you, that’s when he gets grumpy
✧ again, he’s not mean per se but his reputation is convincing enough that most people know not to push it
✧ so as someone who’s quiet and conflict-avoidant, you’ve never been eager to talk to this handsome boy you’ve had in a few of your gen-ed classes
✧ (despite thinking that he is, indeed, quite handsome)
✧ and until one fateful (and very cold) winter day, you don’t ever speak with him, considering a reason to do so never arose
✧ but, just your luck, you left your student id in your room and are now locked out of your dorm
✧ this wouldn’t normally be the end of the world, but your roommate is in class and no other friends in your dorm are answering their phones
✧ you’re about to give up waiting around for someone to walk out of the building or even past it and instead make your way to the student help center
✧ but the once softly falling snow quickly picks up to near blizzard-like conditions just steps away from the dorm’s overhang and you immediately turn back, not wanting to brave that without your winter coat on
✧ you decide to sit down right beside the door to avoid the blowing snow and hope desperately for someone to come and save you from your shivering state
✧ and it seems your prayers are answered when you catch sight of a bundled up figure making their way through the snow, seemingly headed to the next dorm complex
✧ “excuse me!” you call out, hoping you’re loud enough to be heard
✧ thankfully the figure turns towards you, still unrecognizable through the thick snow
✧ catching sight of your pitiful state, the mystery student makes their way out of the snow and under the overhang
✧ you stand, and recognize him immediately; his features are hard to forget, along with his reputation
✧ “uh– sorry to bother you, but could you please just swipe your student id for me? i left mine in my room and i’ve been out here forever. i swear i’m a student here, i’m in your–”
✧ “sustainablility gen-ed class.”
✧ you look at him in surprise when he finishes your sentence, not having expected seonghwa to recognize you
✧ “r-right.” you stare at him, seemingly caught under his intense gaze
✧ then he shocks you further, leaning in close to you and utterly confusing you until you hear the sound of the door opening
✧ “thank you!” you quickly turn and open the door before it can close again as he moves away from you
✧ he just nods and hums lightly in acknowledgement
✧ just as he turns away from you, you speak again
✧ “can i buy you lunch or something sometime?” he turns to see your shy smile
✧ he quirks an eyebrow and you suddenly realize what your suggestion must have sounded like
✧ “uh, that’s not what i meant,” you mumble a bit. “just as a thank you!”
✧ you don’t see the way that he fights a smile, finding himself recognizing that you’re genuine in your words, not just another person trying to take him out for his pretty face
✧ but he just gives a light shrug. “it’s no big deal. see you thursday.”
✧ and with that he disappears back into the snow, barely giving you a chance to say goodbye
✧ despite him brushing off his good deed, you intend to make it up one way or another, so you make sure to arrive to your shared class early
✧ you drop off a candy bar and note at his normal spot, then rush up to your own to hopefully get a peek of his reaction
✧ when seonghwa walks in, he immediately notices something at his usual seat and strides over to check it out
✧ his favorite candy bar and a note: thanks again! hope you like this candy alright.
✧ he looks around, bewildered at first until he catches your eye
✧ you send him a little wave along with a sweet smile and he curses at his heart for skipping a beat
✧ it’s a tiny bit unnatural for him, but he forces a small smile back before sitting down and turning his attention to the professor who’s just started the lesson
✧ yet, your unnecessarily sweet gesture sticks in his mind, following him around like some sort of soft kitten who just wants to play, and who seems to be completely undeniable
✧ and undeniable you are, because he finds himself walking up to you the next week after class waving your note around just a bit
✧ “so? how’d you know my favorite candy bar?”
✧ “just a lucky guess,” you shrug, but fail to hide your smile
✧ annoyingly enough, he seems to find your smile contagious and has to fight off one of his own
✧ he instead quirks that eyebrow at you again, “no, really. how’d you know? did you ask hongjoong or something?”
✧ you let out a small laugh. “no, i didn’t ask hongjoong. that’s your best friend, right?”
✧ he nods at your question, so you continue
✧ “i saw you eating that kind during class once. i only noticed because it’s my favorite too, and seeing you eat it made me go to the nearest store and buy one right afterward. so i didn’t know it’s your favorite, but i figured you’d like it well enough. good to know it is your favorite though”
✧ “why? so you can buy me another one in case i save you from being locked outside of your dorm again?”
✧ you laugh a bit, “you never know!”
✧ “are you saying you’ll forget your id in your room again?” he teases
✧ “i said you never know! which means i may or may not. or maybe there’ll a different reason,” you shrug playfully
✧ you’re surprised at how easy, comfortable even, it is to converse with him, but not opposed to it in any way
✧ in fact, you’re quite pleased by the way he’s continued to approach you after class making up new things to talk about
✧ and you begin making up reasons to buy him candy bars and sending his heart fluttering with your silly and sweet notes
✧ i was picking one up for myself, so i grabbed one for you too :))
✧ thanks for sending me the notes for class i missed!
✧ thanks for walking me home last night!
✧ hongjoong told me you were sick a few days ago. feel better!
✧ just because! <3
✧ and more and more until he can’t deny the very, very soft spot for you he has, the one that his friends won’t stop teasing him about
✧ until he leaves a candy bar of his own for you
✧ there’s no note, but you’ll never know that’s because he spent an hour writing and re-writing notes until he completely gave up
✧ the grin on your face when you see his gift is something beyond precious to him, something he’d love to bottle up and wear on a chain around his neck
✧ of course, you run up to him after class with that same heart-melting grin
✧ “so what’s this all about?” you show off the candy bar
✧ “thanks for getting me so many candy bars,” he teases, trying to keep a straight face
✧ “right, of course. how could i forget?” you roll your eyes, playfully shoving him. “seriously though. why?”
✧ “just cause.”
✧ you repeat the phrase in a deep voice, mocking him. “yeah, i believe you.”
✧ “does there have to be a reason?” he argues
✧ you shrug, “not always. but this time, yes.”
✧ “why?”
✧ “because it’s you. you wouldn’t do this without a reason.”
✧ seonghwa tries to ignore the fact that you’re absolutely right, intent on pretending not to know what reason you’re talking about
✧ “what do you mean? i’m a very generous person.”
✧ at that you scoff. “don’t kid yourself! you’re known to be just about the grumpiest person on campus. you know your friend wooyoung came up to me the other day begging to know how i ‘seduced’ you.”
✧ seonghwa groans in embarrassment “god, wooyoung came up to you? never listen to anything he says, please.”
✧ you shrug. “he was funny! don’t be so mean,” you scold jokingly
✧ he lets out an internal sigh of relief, thinking you’ll drop the subject when you don’t push it immediately
✧ and yet, he curses himself internally as well, ready to be a bit of a coward and not say anything to you about why he impulsively bought and placed that candy bar on your desk
✧ but you, in all your curiosity and innocence, have to understand why he gifted you a candy bar back
✧ “tell me why? please, hwa?”
✧ that really gets him; your soft, begging voice and the sweet name you call him has him in a puddle at your feet
✧ he lets out a frustrated groan, similar to the one he let out at the news of wooyoung approaching you, and for a moment, you’re afraid you’ve pushed it too hard and have started to annoy him
✧ but then he stops short in his steps, causing you to you the same
✧ you look at him in confusion, taken aback slightly by the look in his eyes, and even more so by his gentle hands that make their way to softly cup your cheeks
✧ “because you are the most adorable thing on the face of this earth and i want to kiss you so bad”
✧ with your breath snatched away, you really, really have to fight for words
✧ “oh,” you squeak out, too surprised to be embarrassed
✧ “can i do that? please?”
✧ now you’re the one that’s melted into a puddle on the floor, quick to nod and whisper out a breathless “yes, please”
✧ the way he presses his lips to yours is softer than anything you’ve felt before, a stark contrast to his normal smirk, taught eyebrows, and cold expression
✧ when you part, he sends a sweet look into your eyes before pulling away, suddenly back to his serious demeanor
✧ really he’s just shy, and you know it
✧ so you take his hand in yours and smile wide for the both of you
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Warning: Angst, hurtfic, hints of cheating, slut shaming
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader, Melissa x Gary, Olivia Benson x sister!reader
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She hadn’t worked there very long only a month or so
Everyone loved Lydia the third grade teacher who almost bested Melissa Schemmenti.. almost but it was safe to say she made everyone swoon. Jealousy was an ugly accessory that both Melissa and Gary seemed to wear the couple both eyeing the new teacher.
Am I surprised to see you here with Lydia? Melissa thought as she entered the break room to see Gary and the woman. She’s oh so nice and easier to love than I the redhead wanted to slap her boyfriend for how easily his attention was given. As he eyed Lydia making her coffee neither noticing the redhead enter “how does Mel like her coffee?” She asked gently grabbing another cup down. “She should be in soon so I want it to be ready when she’s here” Melissa smiled at your kindness “im not sure” Gary scratched his head before refilling the vending machine.
But no, I won’t hold it against her
My baby, my baby the first person to love since she divorced Joe swooning over another woman so blatantly. Lydia always shrugged him off with a polite smile though you could see it in her eyes she hated it all the attention from him. “Don’t you want me anymore?” Melissa asked him once they were alone he avoided eye contact and that told her everything she needed to hear.
Her arms are warm the redhead smiled to herself as she relaxed in Lydia’s embrace both women standing alone in the empty classroom. Melissa let herself enjoy this moment of peace with her friend that she had just vented about Gary to.
Her legs are wide and so’s her smile even Barbara would be lying if she said she didn’t have a little bit of a girl crush on the woman. Lydia stood beside Melissa at the counter as she made them both another cup of coffee, she was the woman the redhead always wished to be.
She’ll take you on
Where I would slap you down and hide
Melissa hadn’t always been the badass Italian everyone knew it had taken years to grow her skin yet Lydia did it so effortlessly. Always talking back to the rude parents with ease and the sleezeball fathers constantly trying to start an affair. She had a confidence that captivated people that drew them into her so easily.
But no, I won’t hold it against her
Melissa was so used to having someone to smother to care for that once Gary drifted away she felt almost hollow. Though Lydia always promised there wasn’t anything going on and that the man loved her even if it burned to admit. Lydia loved Melissa but she wasn’t the type to break a relationship over such feelings so she stayed quiet and supportive.
Now wasn’t the time to jump into anything new for Lydia she was doing just fine being friends.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
My baby, my baby
Don’t you need me anymore
Her lips are cold it was now winter as Lydia walked into the break room in her layers lips having turned blue almost purple as she grabbed her mug. Melissa couldn’t stop staring at her smile the skin on her lips had begun to split slightly.
He talks too tired
To say goodbye
Gary would normally be almost bouncing off the walls just being near Melissa but now he seemed almost drained as he barely smiled at the woman. Barbara caught on she was a lot of things but she wasn’t stupid nobody could miss how he looked at you.
So take the time to reel me in and wash me out
But treat her right
And no, I wont hold it against her
Against her
Melissa knew when to call it quits Lydia had won a competition she didn’t know she was in and the redhead couldn’t be mad. The woman had done nothing she knew it all from her first marriage but watching as the pair quickly distanced themselves it broke her.
Lydia left for a while and nobody knew why she had just vanished for a week having Ava surprisingly cover her classes. It only lead Melissa to that sinking feeling that Gary and Lydia were going behind her back.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
My baby, my baby
Don’t you need me anymore
“Ms. Benson?” The young receptionist spoke softly as she entered the breakroom “yes dear?” Lydia smiled “there’s a woman here she said she’s your sister? She at the front office”. The woman nodded getting up from her seat unaware of everyone’s curious gaze.
You seemed to know all about them yet they knew nothing about you.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
My baby, my baby
Don’t you love me anymore
Melissa couldn’t believe Gary would even propose to Lydia without breaking up with her first she was heartbroken. Someone who became one of her closest friends doing that behind her back? She decided enough was enough.
Melissa had cornered both you and Gary in your classroom yelling about an affair that didn’t exist, slut shaming and name calling. She threw pens and pulled her hair, Gary didn’t know what to do and neither did you Melissa had herself convinced she didn’t care.
Angrily you stomped to your desk taking the small box out of the top drawer throwing it to Gary “i’m done” you laughed grabbing your bag and leaving. Only then did Melissa stop “Lydia was helping me to propose” Gary swallowed unable to meet Melissa’s eyes.
My baby, my baby
Don’t you want me anymore
Don’t you love me anymore
The next time Melissa saw Lydia was at the woman’s front door, the brunette sat on her doorstep tear stained and puffing a cigarette. The redhead felt guilty no she was guilty and she felt horrible to just assume such things and to act the way she did.
A little boy ran around the front lawn happily before another slightly older brunette woman walked out from behind Lydia. Melissa stepped out of her car warily as she made her way to the small group the other woman quick to meet the brunette ready to fight.
“Olivia it’s just Melissa” you waved off with a sigh Melissa? You never said her full name “what do you want?” You looked tired. “I’m sorry, I should’ve listened to you” Melissa played with the hem of her shirt “you’re sorry? Okay” you shrugged.
“I think it’s best if you leave” Olivia cleared her throat as she raised an eyebrow to Melissa’s truck in the driveway “she doesn’t need this at the moment”
Melissa lost Gary
Now she was losing you too
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nejiverse · 1 year
I know that this could be kinda imposible, being in the bsd universe, but imagine s/o has parents, can i request hunting dogs meeting their inlaws?
Jouno, Tachihara, Tecchou
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this lol. Fem! Reader
cw: just the boys embarrassing you (both intentionally and unintentionally)
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775 words
When you told Jouno your parents would like to meet him, he had no objections at all
You had to make him pinky promise that he wouldn’t do anything to embarrass you because he had a really bad habit of doing that, he enjoys seeing you all flustered and embarrassed
He greets your parents normally with a handshake and a warm smile which makes you hopeful that everything would go smoothly
Spoiler it doesn’t
He’s comfortably sitting on the couch next to your mother as he rambles on about every single embarrassing thing you’ve done
Your mother on the other hand is doing the same thing except only telling stories of when you were younger
It’s as if both of them had a vendetta against your or something
“Mom please stop..”, you drawled out the last word of your sentence as you attempted to drag Jouno off the couch and out the door.
You two had stayed long enough and you were tired.
“Actually that reminds me of another time Y/n wasn’t looking where she was going”, Jouno remarked.
You knew what he was gonna say cause he always brought it up 25/8
You glared at him. “Don’t you dare!”.
“It was on a cold Winter’s day that—”, you placed your hands over his mouth, telling him to shush.
Your mother only laughed.
She didn’t need to know that when you two were walking idly one day that you were on your phone and weren’t looking in front of you which ended up with you bumping your head against a sign pole and a big bump on your forehead which Jouno laughed hysterically at every morning he saw it.
He did try to warn you but you were too immersed in your phone.
Your mother didn’t need to know that though.
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Tachihara is seen as a quite confident person but upon mentioning your parents wanting to meet him, he’s a nervous wreck at first but eventually he’ll calm down
He just wants to live up to the expectations your parents had for him cause if they didn’t approve of him, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself
His words are endearing
He promises them that he’ll take good care of you and that he’ll never make you cry
He’s very tense until you place a reassuring hand on his
“I would do absolutely anything for your daughter!”
If for some reason your parents didn’t approve of him best believe he’d get on his hands and knees and literally plead
“You’ll be fine, they don’t bite”, you patted Tachihara on the shoulder.
“I dunno. I’d say they would if worse comes to worst”, he began wringing his hands.
When you noticed this, you took on of his hands in between your own and placed a kiss on his knuckles, resulting in a light shade of pink coating the apples of his cheek.
“You haven’t even met them yet, how would you know?? Just calm down alright?”.
As expected, your actions and words were able to calm him down.
Tachihara was polite throughout and had his way with words. So much so that your parents immediately took a liking to him.
“See? All your worrying was for nothing!”.
He was smiling like an idiot all the way home.
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Tecchou is very formal about it
Like boy’s on his knees and everything
He ends up saying a lot of things that embarrass you but he doesn’t do it intentionally, he trying alright!
He firmly believes that all his respect should go to your parents since they were the ones who created you (his words not mine)
Tecchou immediately sat on his two knees and bowed his head.
Your parents blinked at you but you only avoided their confused gazes and put a hand over your face. You knew you should’ve warned him before leaving home..
“Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. L/n”.
Your parents were reluctant to as but “For..what?”.
Techhou raised his head and placed a hand on his chest. “For creating such an amazing woman like Y/n. I’m forever grateful”.
That was your queue to butt-in cause if you didn’t, who knows what words would come out of his mouth next.
“Woah would you look at the time! We have to go”, you chuckled haphazardly, pulling Tecchou behind you.
“Go where Y/n? It’s eight pm—”.
Despite the fact Tecchou was a bit over the top sometimes, you still found it a bit endearing.
Masterlist :)
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hunnysnoops · 3 months
I dunno if you still do HCs but if you do could you maybe do fame headcannons?? pretty please
˗ˋ���𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕖 ℍℂ𝕤ˊ˗
Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman
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“I know you wanted me to stay but I can’t ignore the crazy visions of me in La.”
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So insanely awkward in pictures
Sees a camera and freezes like this 🧍‍♂️
Short answers in interviews (yes, no, I guess)
Famous for Crimson Dawn obvi
Writes songs about his exes
I think he would be polite to fans and paparazzi generally
Goes back to South Park to talk at the school
I don’t think he would be very flashy with his money
Wears the same clothes from high school
I can imagine him wearing the same dirty ass decrepit converse that are falling apart and they become a joke in his fan base
Read his snark subreddit once and defended himself under a secret account
Doesn’t respond to rumours or scandal
Talks about a guy from high school but he’s really just talking about Kyle
Despises the paparazzi
Toby Maguire vibes
Definitely yells at them and has threatened to break a camera more than once
Has actually broken a camera
Doesn’t like being asked for pictures when he’s eating, will not hesitate to say no when he’s not in the mood
Really good at handling rumours and scandal
I can see an early retirement for him
Probably got famous as an actor
He just wants to grocery shop like a normal person
Went on Hot Ones and almost died, bro was on the floor coughing and clutching his throat
Keeps his family out of the limelight at all costs
Speaks out against other celebrities with ideologies he disagrees with
Writes letters for his SO whenever he has to go away
Generally avoids dating to keep them out of tabloids
Pretty polarizing in general
Super polite to service workers
Loves taking pictures with fans but hates the paparazzi
Films the paparazzi back and chases them
Either famous from Crimson Dawn or his science career
Super active on social media
Comments on posts like he isn’t famous
So many videos of him just casually chilling in the crowd at concerts and skateboarding around the city
Also takes the subway
“Who wants to watch me do a back flip?” Lands it 50/50
Genuinely interested in his fans- asks them questions about themselves in return
Spams his instagram story 24/7
Films himself trying new foods
Definitely watches edits of himself on a secret account
Occasionally will follow a random fan account just to make their day
Trolls the paparazzi by wearing the same outfit multiple days in a row
Probably got famous as an influencer and social climbed
He has been on every podcast you can think of
Will not stop tweeting- every single thought he has goes online
Got arrested in a foreign country
Has been blacklisted almost everywhere in LA
Calls the paparazzi on Kyle
Films everything super obnoxiously-shoves his phone in others faces “Guys, check this out.”
Twitch streams
Has had multiple social media accounts banned/suspended
Ran one of those alpha male scam courses
Name drops everyone
Knows everyone’s secrets and casually drops them on his podcast
Sells super low quality merch
Weirdly has a cult of middle school boys who defend his every action
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
One of my favourite Sandman lore pieces I absorbed via tumblr is how, when Dream is having great sex, all the dreamers get to have glorious lustful dreams. Dream really is getting laid and making it everybody else's problem. Magnificent.
Dr. Robert Gadling is whistling an extremely cheery tune as he unlocks his office door -- which, if you had had the night he did, you would be whistling too, or possibly even clicking your heels like a demented leprechaun and wishing top o' the morning to everyone who passed. He's not doing that, but he's definitely feeling extremely good, and he sails inside, pulls up the blinds, boots up his computer, and prepares to answer some emails while he waits to see if anyone's actually going to come to office hours. It's always hit or miss, and then four days later they send a panicked question at midnight that they could have just, you know, asked. In person, in a timely fashion, when he definitely will not bite. He will never understand undergraduates.
Hob keeps the door propped open as usual, thus to project a warm and welcoming attitude, and after he's trudged through the first tranche of emails, he glances up to see one of his students loitering in the hall as if she's about to come in -- then, catching sight of him, turning scarlet and racing off at top speed. This is bewildering, since she's usually among the more talkative of the bunch, but Hob writes it off. At least until he sees several more students hovering in the hallway, who all vamoose the instant he sticks his head out to see if they need anything. This is decidedly peculiar, and he sighs deeply, grabs his mug, and heads down the hall to the faculty lounge, thus to raid it for a cup of coffee. Even more emails (and oh joy, expense reports) await, and he could use the fortification.
When he steps inside, his colleagues Bryan (Economics and Politics in Modern Germany) and Amita (Women, Caste, and Religious Practice in Precolonial India) both immediately turn bright red, clear their throats, and engage in a slightly too-loud conversation about the weather (which, given as this is London, is exactly what you think it is). Hob eyes them curiously, since while bizarre behavior is understandable from students, it is somewhat less so from lecturers. "Hey, guys," he says. "Anything up?"
"Er." Bryan is staring fixedly at the floor, while Amita has become unaccountably fascinated by the raindrops rolling down the window. "Nope. No. Everything normal, Rob. Entirely usual."
"Right," Hob says slowly, having the feeling of a man who has walked into a cave and found something large and furry that he should try not to disturb. "That's just me going, then. If I could sneak past you for the coffee pot, that'd be great -- "
He pours himself some coffee, departs in haste, and almost bowls over Philippa, Head of Department, in the hallway outside. They spring backward like a pair of opposing magnets, he manages to avoid dousing her in boiling hot coffee, and as he apologizes, notices that she is likewise determinedly not looking him in the eye and addressing a spot in midair over his head as she insists that it's fine. What the actual hell. Has everyone in Goldsmiths lost their bloody minds?
The insanely weird character of Hob's day, and the fact that even the clerk at Superdrug seems to cough unaccountably while ringing him up, remains a mystery until he gets home, finds an eager Dream Lord waiting for him already, and they get extremely distracted even before Hob can make dinner. Afterward, as they're lying half-clothed and decadent on the bed, Hob murmurs, "Well, glad you at least can stand to look at me, love. Had a very odd time of it today."
Dream's expression assumes a furtive, guilty quality. He rolls onto his back, head still pillowed luxuriantly on Hob's stomach, and stares up at the ceiling. "Ah," he says, after a very long pause. "About that."
(Two minutes of a deeply humiliating explanation later, Hob screeches, "YOU BLOODY DID WHAT?" Dream apologizes profusely and promises not to do it again. Hob does, of course, have classes and commitments for the rest of the semester, but hopefully it's not too late to change his name, once more fake his death, and move to Australia. Except, of course, they dreamed of him there too. Horrible.)
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bradshawssugarbaby · 8 months
I'd like to request "Are you hurt?" and "Don't touch me." with walter marshall. Thank you!
oooh this one was harder to write, but I hope I did it justice!
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Walter furrowed his brows, giving you a disapproving stare. You didn't fight often, it was a rare occurrence when you did anything more than disagree politely. In fact, it was so rare for you to fight, that when you did, you were caught completely off guard. You'd gotten into an argument over Walter's attitude the past couple of days. He'd been withdrawn - more so than usual, and miserable. You knew he was never the most cheerful or bubbly person out there, but this was odd, even for him. He was normally very gentle with you - stoic and reserved, sure, but never temperamental with you. He often found comfort in you - your presence a calming beacon for him when his work as a homicide detective became too much to handle some days. "What is your problem, Walter? It's like I can't even fucking talk to you," you shouted, shaking your head.
"I don't have a problem, darling."
The way he said darling stung, dripping with condescending sarcasm, a cold hostility added to the nickname he so often used with deep affection towards you. Your eyes narrowed as you set the dish you were drying down on the counter, throwing the tea towel down beside it.
"Then will you please stop being such an asshole?"
Walter's blue eyes widened in disbelief at your boldness. He frowned further, eyes glaring at her. He refused to respond, instead stomping away, storming off to the living room in brooding silence. You sighed in frustration, shaking your head with an exasperated sigh. Walter's ignorance towards you was almost painful. You craved his touch, his attention, and being starved of it because of whatever had triggered his bad mood was making your night almost unbearable.
A couple of hours of not speaking to one another had passed by, the deafening silence beginning to choke out the room, making it harder and harder to avoid it. You tried watching tv in the bedroom, avoiding Walter entirely. You'd tried scrolling social media on your phone, praying some silly little animal video would drag a giggle out of you, you'd even attempted to listen to a podcast to try and fill the void with something, anything that distracted from the quiet. Finally, unable to find anything mind-numbing to distract you, you resorted to trying to take care of a few household tasks that were overdue, neglected because of your demanding careers.
As you stood on a step ladder, hammering a nail into the wall to hang a photo, you listened for footsteps to see if Walter would come to investigate what you were doing, curious about the sounds coming from the bedroom. Unfortunately for you, he couldn't seem to be less bothered. You took a swing at the nail again, but foolishly forgot to slide your thumb two millimeters to the left, bringing the face of the hammer down directly onto your unsuspecting finger. You let out a yelp along with a string of curse words. Stepping down off of the step ladder, you turned to head to the kitchen to fetch some ice but instead walked directly into Walter's broad shouldered frame.
"Are you hurt?" He said softly, frowning at her.
"I'm fine."
"You yelled."
"So, are you hurt? Why are you holding your hand like that?"
His brows knit together in concern for you, shaking his head. He offered his hand out to you, reaching to take your injured hand in his to check it over, trying to gauge how badly you'd managed to hurt yourself. As his hand brushed against yours, you yanked it back, reacting to his touch as if you'd just stuck your hand into a fire, scorched from the heat.
"Don't touch me."
Walter frowned at your reaction, dropping his hand to his side. He shook his head as he walked off, disappearing once again. You were just about to start yelling at him, demanding to know why he refused to speak to you, when he returned holding a sandwich bag filled with ice cubes. He held it out to you, his eyes soft and pleading, as if he was making an offering of peace to you, waving his white flag of surrender.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, his blue eyes looking down at your hand, watching as you placed the ice over your throbbing thumb, "I've had a rough few days and nights with work, this case is driving me mad, and I shouldn't have taken it out on you."
"You really shouldn't have," you began before letting out a sigh, "I'm sorry. I should have probably been a little bit more compassionate towards you."
"It's fine, darling," he said softly, his chestnut brown curls shaking as he gave a nod of his head, "Am I forgiven?"
"I suppose. But only if you go finish hanging that picture I wanted in the bedroom. Clearly I can't wield hand tools when I'm upset."
"You can't wield hand tools when you're happy either, to be fair," he smirked, the first smirk you'd seen on his face in the last week.
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wol-fica · 2 years
-𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀-
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parings - jennaortega x singer!fem!reader
summary - you realize your relationship with jenna seems to be crumbling, so you do something about it
warnings - weird therapist, some percy diss, but that’s it :)
an - :) ————————————
“Relationships can be hard, and arguments are a normal thing all people go through.” 
You sighed, fidgeting with your fingers while searching for anything to look at besides your therapist. 
The reason for today's sudden visit was because you felt like your relationship with your girlfriend was going downhill. You understood that life can be tough sometimes, but this was much too stressful for you to keep bottled up.
“Can you tell me some specific reasons why you believe your dating life is struggling?” Your therapist asked, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Well,” You readjusted on the couch, “It just feels like I’m trying way too hard to keep us together, when I shouldn’t be.”
“I understand.”
“Having a girlfriend shouldn’t induce stress or anxiety, it should be fun and enjoyable.” You went on, now feeling like letting all your worries out, “I get that she has a job; I do too! But that isn’t an excuse to treat me terribly….”
“Yes, I agree.” Your therapist said as she jotted down some notes in her book, “You are still pursuing singing right?” 
You nodded, smiling at the thought of your recently ended tour. Traveling the world was very exciting, and you loved experiencing different cultures along the way. The only wish you had was that Jenna would have been beside you; But like always, she put work first.
“So think about this. You have a job that takes you around the world, causes you to miss out on certain things but be included in newer things like events and shows?” 
You nodded again, confirming the description of your work.
“And Jenna’s job consists of…exactly the same thing.” 
You let out a shaky breath, turning to look at the ground sadly. It was true, you both had time consuming jobs that dragged you about the globe and took your time away from family and friends.
Yet somehow, you always made sure to have time. You would always tell your manager that family was first, and no matter what you would squeeze them into your schedule just so you could see them and feel at home while traveling or working. 
Jenna’s job was similar in the aspect of yours, minus the singing and dancing, but she never seemed to be able to make any time for you. You would always plan your off days to be on her off days from filming so you could maybe go get lunch or just enjoy each other's presence, but Jenna would always have the excuse of “I’m to tired” or “I already have plans with Percy.” 
Percy. The name was distasteful to you. As much as you appreciated his skill of acting and his wonderful personality, you still didn’t like him. He would always weasel himself in between you and Jenna, whether it be during her relaxing days or at award shows, he always pushed you out and brought her in. 
“I have an idea; you may or may not like it.” Your therapist stated, setting her notebook down, “You need to pull her aside, no matter what plans she has, and talk to her.”
Your eyes widened and your nerves proceeded to spike. Pull her aside? You were not a confrontational person, and you were most likely to avoid conflicts if you were given the chance; hence why your relationship is crumbling.
“What do I say to her?” You fought back, taking a sip of water, “I have no idea how to confront her. ‘Hey Jenna! I feel forgotten and like you don’t care anymore!’” 
A small sob escaped your mouth, your head falling into your hands. God, you missed her. You missed being able to hold her, to laugh about stupid soccer plays, to enjoy sunsets together on her balcony. You never knew how much of an impact she had on you until you started going to therapy.
“Don’t get emotional about it, just politely but firmly ask.”
You sniffled, raising a hand as an acknowledgment before getting up to leave the room. As much as you wanted to stay, you knew that if you were going to confront her you would need to do it now.
Pulling out your phone, you opened your text message app and clicked on Jenna’s contact.
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A chuckle involuntary left your mouth, your lip slipping in between your teeth afterwards.
Jenna always knew how to make you laugh, no matter how you were feeling. Diffusing a situation is one of her many skill sets; but you were not letting her get away this time.
“I’ll be home in 5.” You texted before shoving your phone into your pocket and heading outside to your driver.
The ride seemed long, and even though it was a 15 minute drive to your place, you still felt the small confident monster roaring inside of you. All its pleas and cries were telling you to be bigger and let your emotions out onto Jenna; but you knew you couldn’t. You would scare her, anger her, or even just annoy her that she could possibly leave you on the spot; you couldn’t let that happen.
“Miss? We are here.” Your driver said, looking at you in the rearview mirror.
“Oh, thank you.” You replied before hurrying out of the car.
As you walked to the front door, passing Jenna’s black Audi along the way, your anxiety started to overtake you and your thoughts.
What if you say something wrong and she leaves? What if you are just overreacting and this is all some stupid act you’re pulling? What if she decides that you aren’t enough for her and she confesses about Percy?
A wooden blockade hit you in the face and you realized that you walked full force into the front door.
“Ow.” You mumbled before pushing your key into the slot and walking into your luxurious living room.
A mansion was one of the very gracious things you received from being such a popular face in the music industry. Money was an easy-coming item, and spending it was just the same, so why hold it all in your bank account when you could just show up and show out with your 102,000 square foot palace.
“Y/N?” Your name was called out softly, startling you from your place by the shoe nook.
You turned your head to the left to see her, in her ever standing glory. She looked slightly confused but all together relaxed, and was clearly dressed to be heading out for a fun night.
”Hi…” You said, completely unmoving as you stared at her.
“Hi…you wanted to talk?” Jenna asked, fidgeting with her phone.
“Oh, yeah. Here.” You gestured to the kitchen island, leading to sit on a stool.
She sat opposite from you, leaned against the cool countertop as she seemed to study your body language.
“So…” You trailed off, your confidence from before completely burned out.
Jenna raised an eyebrow at you, but turned to her phone when a notification went off. She clicked it, smiled, and started giggling as she replied to whoever messaged her.
That whole interaction set you off, especially since you saw who the person was; Percy.
“Jenna put your phone down, please.” You said sternly, staring at your hands.
She looked at you with a confused expression but slowly put her phone down, retracting her hand so it sat in her lap.
“We…are not okay.” You started, playing with a ring on your finger.
Jenna watched you patiently, listening intently to your words.
“I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like we aren’t what we used to be.”
Silence from her end.
“Many times I feel like you don’t seem to care about me.” You said, the ring on your finger was now very interesting, “I go out of my way to reschedule so my off days line up with yours, but we don’t even spend any of that time together.”
More silence.
“I feel under appreciated and alone. Anytime we have free days together, you either say you are too tired to do anything or you already have plans with your friends.”
You inhale, breathing shakily and meekly.
“Am I not enough for you?” You asked, your tear clouded eyes finally looking up at Jenna.
She looked, shocked. Her mouth was hanging open while her eyebrows furrowed in confused and disbelief. She stared at you, her eyes glossing over with her own tears and her shoulders slumping sadly.
“Y/N…what?” Jenna mumbled, clearly lost for words.
You searched her face for any sign of anger or annoyance; there was none. Surprisingly, she seemed to be softening and relaxing.
“You, are more than enough for me.” She said, reaching for your hand, “Hell I don’t even deserve you.”
The weight of all your worries instantly lifted when she spoke those words, which caused an avalanche of emotions to hit you.
“Aw honey.” Jenna cooed, pulling you into her chest when you started crying profusely.
She stroked your hair, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. Her fingers began to scratch your scalp as she coaxed you to relax.
“I love you, god I really do.” She held you close, rubbing your shoulders, “I’ll never take you for granted.”
You sniffled, leaning yourself into her as she fed you comforting words. Your stress and anxiety seemed to melt away as she held you.
“I’m sorry if I pushed you away, I didn’t mean to do it on purpose.”
You pulled back slightly, looking up at her.
“Then why did you?” You asked softly.
Jenna smiled sadly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
“Filming has been…stressful. Tim and the rest of the crew has been antsy, and my cast mates have been no help in being calm and collected.” She said, caressing your face with the pad of her thumb, “I’ll be honest, Percy and the gang have been partying to much, and HE is quite the touchy type.”
You frowned, jealousy building up in the bottom of your stomach at the thought of Percy getting to close with your girlfriend. Jenna chuckled at you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips to diminish the pout that formed on your face.
“Don’t do that, a frown doesn’t look good on you.” She said, rubbing her nose against yours as you laughed.
“Mmm, I love you.” Jenna murmured as she gazed into your eyes.
“And I love you.”
tag list: @i984 @fall-08 @tundra1029 @simp4thena @king-scarlet @dreifhraniquo29 @efectoangel @annalestern @alexkolax @k1mba @i-love-u15 (comment below to join the tag list!)
i do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work onto any platform
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furiousgoldfish · 1 month
(personal post, toxic friendship issue)
I'm having a reoccurring problem with a roommate, and I'm trying to write it down just to make sense of it, and see if this is something other people have figured out.
This person is younger than me, and also struggles with abusive relationships, emotional neglect from parents, and having their identity linked with academic success, so I naturally took the role of support, and this person happily took all the help they could get. I do feel I got over-involved in their life, I got invested in helping them get away from the abusive partner (which they did), and offered lots of consolation about the parents issue, and was just around whenever they needed someone, when they were sick, bored, struggling.
Sadly in return this person created more problems for me, like breaking my stuff 'accidentally', then not saying sorry or replacing it, even though I communicated to them that I can't afford new stuff, and that my possessions are all I have and I am bonded to them. They often made my emotional issues worse, showed no consideration or care when I was being hurt, and focused on talking about themselves even when I was in very apparent distress.
However this is not the reoccurring problem; I eventually banned them from touching my things and learned to pull away whenever I'm struggling myself. The problem is that this person will be nice, warm, polite, and I'll find myself making jokes and talking with them naturally, until at one point they want something from me - it's often that they need to unload all of their emotional issues on me, which can last up to 5 hours, and they know I'll comfort them because I physically can't stop myself, if someone in front of me is distressed my every cell is screaming to help them.
And then immediately after they're done doing that, they will turn cold and ignore me for about a week. This happened multiple times and every time I'm kind of baffled. When I have a 5 hour long deep emotional conversation with someone, I feel like we've gotten a little closer, I know stuff about them, I want to hear about how they're doing, and ask about their day, and would want to check in, see if they feel better after talking it out. But instead, they're now so busy they cannot say hi to me anymore, they go and have fun with other people instead, without telling me, without as much as looking at me. I think they start talking to me again only after they again want something.
And this makes me feel used. It's not normal to have that kind of vulnerable conversation with someone, receive comfort, and then just erase them out of your life. I'm realizing as I'm writing this that I'm describing myself in the role of 'comfort friend' where I only exist for someone when they need to be comforted, but this person is so sneaky about it! Because when they ignore me, I try to get distance, and I start to avoid them too, but this triggers me and creates tension in the air, and I can't stand living in tension. I emotionally spiral every time and start thinking of crazy scenarios like running away from here just so I don't have to look at them again. I live here!
So once they start being nice to me again I'm just, so relieved that things seem okay again. So I am nice back, and eventually it comes down again to them getting what they want and ignoring me again.
I thought about trying to communicate this to them, and to let them know how it makes me feel, but every time in the past I've attempted to communicate my feelings, they'd just ignore it, or get angry, act like I'm trying to guilt-trip them, or pretend it didn't happen, so I already have a picture of how they deal with communication they don't like; it's no use. When a person responds to attempt at communication with complete apathy you know they don't care to know this and they won't take it into consideration. And for me it would take so much courage to admit that I'm triggered to being ignored and shut out after offering support, and to be met with apathy and scorn would shut me down completely, I wouldn't be able to process that. My decision to not communicate is self preservation.
This person isn't going to stay here long term, they'll move out in a few months so this will no longer be a problem, but I'm struggling to know how should I possibly deal with this. It's so triggering I couldn't find anything good to do about it, I'm immediately trapped into this circle of having to help, and then feeling horrible and shunned by the cold treatment, especially when I haven't done anything to deserve it.
This person is also, aware that they don't have consideration for others, aware they just want attention, all the time, hates giving attention, will blatantly say no if I ask for anything, and is ready to guilt-trip anyone who asks them for something. They just don't care about it because it plays to their benefit.
What would you do in this situation?
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I hope your day/night is going well! I adore your works!!
I have a prompt/head cannon/scenario idea (not sure which this falls under lol).
The reader is very beautiful and because of this she often is misread as a person and judged falsely. Think they believe she's shallow and unable to be intelligent or kind. People assume beauty is a good thing, but for the reader it hinders her friendships, her ability to be acknowledged as a living person (not an object) and even her future dreams.
I was curious how Leona would react to a beautiful woman, and how his opinion over time would change of her as he sees there is far more to her than what meets the eye.
miss Doli
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omggg i was actually having a bad day but your ask made me soo happyyy😭🤍🤍i liked the idea so muchhh you made my day better!! haha well i will make it basically a headcanon but add a bonus scene in the end! ⏤͟͟͞͞★
im sorry i think what i wrote was not so great as i expected :( i will try to write better the next time
leona kingscholar x fem!reader ⏤͟͟͞͞★
sfw, slightly angst, comfort, fluff, leona being a simp, very beautiful reader ⏤͟͟͞͞★
Maybe Leona found something more beautiful than sleep and meat..what about a beautiful miss that nobody likes? ⏤͟͟͞͞★
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Rumors that led to curiosity
it's true, leona is not a big fan of dating, he's not even in the mood to look at a woman and go into the mess of love or having feelings for any person on this planet..but he couldn't deny that he found you eye-catching, You were shining among everyone, not only because you are the only woman in this collage, but because your appearance immediately attracts attention to you, Leona has never seen a woman as beautiful as you in his life
Even though he admired your appearance and found you attractive, he did not try to cross his limits because, after all, you are a woman. After he saw that you were alone and isolated from most of the students, he decided to content himself with just observing you from afar — But inside he feels strange because he is stalking watching you. He does not usually do this, especially since he respects you as a woman
The situation was like this for a while, but Leona's curiosity - I believe he is naturally very curious person - made him rush and take the first step towards you after he watched you for a good while and noticed that the students always avoided you. When he eavesdropped on the students' conversations, he heard strange rumors about you. The students used to call you bad names and say that you are stupid and that you think that you will get what you want just because you are beautiful
"herbivore" Was the first thing he said to you, standing in front of you with his hands in his pockets while you were sitting at one of the cafeteria tables "This is my table" He said calmly, and when you were about to apologize and get up to leave, he told you that it was okay to sit as long as you were quiet — It's just his plan to find an excuse to sit with you
It seems that his plan worked, because he was able to start with you with simple and normal questions. The two of you ended up chatting and Leona quickly noticed that you seemed a little confused and that something was wrong — he did not ask you much, he did not want to make you uncomfortable
At the end of your first meeting, Leona cordially invited you to play chess, and you were of course very surprised by his request. The rumors you heard about Leona were enough to make you worry more, but from sitting and talking with him, you noticed that he was courteous with you - at least - and spoke politely. He didn't look at you a lot
(I don't like when others write about Leona that he is playful and flirtatious with random women when it is clear that he is the opposite)
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Not only the face is beautiful
After playing chess with him, you quickly realized that you and Leona had one simple thing in common: you were both lonely, Leona was a good listener. It's true that you didn't talk much - and that made the situation a bit awkward - but Leona didn't seem to care that much. You only talked when you had something to talk about
Leona admired your intelligence. He heard rumors that you were stupid, but he was amazed by your ability to play chess. You are very good and smart at playing, and you were able to play for two hours straight with him
"This is amazing, no one has been able to withstand my game for this long before, Finally someone worth playing with" he said, looking at you with admiration
you smirked a bit, trying not to go so happy because it was rare for people to notice your intelligence "I really enjoyed the match, you're a good opponent too"
silent for a while..
"round two?" he said with a grin
"round two!!" you smiled broadly
Until now, your relationship was limited to playing chess, but with the passage of time you began to grow closer, especially after your personality began to become more clear to Leona: not only did he admire your distinctive appearance, but also your caring, respectful personality, and your intelligence, which was what most attracted Leona and your strength. Leona may not know and will not admit, but he finds smart and strong women attractive and they are his type
Thanks to your intelligence and your dealings with many toxic people in your life, you were quickly able to understand exactly who Leona is: just an ordinary man who presents himself in the worst possible light in order to distance others from him. This surprised you, why would he do this to himself? He is a wonderful and special personality, why does he try to show the opposite?
You knew at that time that Leona undoubtedly felt safe or comfortable with you, otherwise why would he act like his true self in front of you? You decided to skip class one day and went to meet him in the botanical garden. You lured him with words until he started talking and complaining about the people around him and his life — not in detail, but it was enough information for you to understand him well now
From this moment, you knew that Leona shared something else with you, but perhaps in his own way. You were both misunderstood, but he was doing this on purpose, and this increased your determination to form a good relationship with him
You became more comfortable with Leona and began to show more sides of yourself to him. Leona was more and more amazed by you. Your dealings with him were good, your words were rational, you were cheerful and not annoying at all, you always listened to him and he listened to you, you had distinct interests - you were different than the others. Just by looking at his wide pupils that stare at you wherever you go, you can tell what's in his brain:
this woman is amazing..
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"Doli herbivore"
After you gave Leona a complete and good picture of you, he began to feel more comfortable with you. It is true that he still maintains a polite manner with you because you are a woman, but he later learned that you did not mind if he behaved informally with you. You two became good friends and Leona decided to give you one of his special nicknames
"doli" he said with a smile, and you were confused for a second
"What does this nickname mean?" you asked with curiosity, but he responded with a smirk
"a word in my native language" ain't no way you're staying dumpfounded like this, The first thing you did after you finished meeting Leona was running to Ruggie and asking him what the word meant
"...who..Where did you hear the word?" he looked surprised
"leona told me that he will call me doli" ruggie couldn't help but gasp slightly, putting his hand on his face and trying not to laugh
"looks like he found something more beautiful than the meat, shehehe~" Ruggie came closer and whispered to you "Listen...don't do anything, but call him ken"
"yeah, don't ask too much, just do that and you won't regret it"
You did as Ruggie said. The next time you met Leona, he looked at you in shock and surprise. He asked you where you learned that word from, and you told him the whole thing..But surprisingly, he just smiled, a playful smile of victory "well, i liked the nickname, keep it pushing, Doli"
Later, you caught some students from Savanaclaw and asked them about the meaning, only to discover that doli means "beautiful" and ken means "handsome". that bastard..he was flirting, huh? But to be honest with yourself, you liked it very much..
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things developed enough to the point that you started hanging out with Leona in public. He would accompany you to classes sometimes, wait for you outside class when your lectures were over, and ask Ruggie to bring you lunch. All the students were surprised at the two of you...a lion with a terrible temper who loves to sleep and act rudely with a very beautiful and stupid woman who has a lot of rumors about her? What a strange match
Of course, rumors about you began to spread quickly and you became the main topic of gossip among the students. It was bothering you, but you remained silent and ignored the students because it is just a normal day in your life, people misunderstanding you and gossip that doesn't seem to end soon
Leona was almost ignoring them, why almost? Because he got angry and upset when he saw your beautiful face that he loves too much frowning and you were upset by their words. He did not care about what was said about him, but you?..he won't let them do this, not in his presence
You looked at Leona with panic when he went to the students and started fighting with them and sweeping them with the college tiles like they are some sort of cloth, Then he drags you after saying the most rude things ever to them and leaves the place with you
Leona was very defensive towards you. You're not sure if this is because you're friends or because he just respects you, but you know that your attempts to stop him when he goes to fight with the gossipers will fail
Leona began to watch you mentally now, focusing on the fact that you are not just a cheerful and kind person.. Leona began to put the pieces together to realize that you are not okay, people have hurt you a lot
Leona never pressured you. He never asked you what was wrong with you or blamed you. He was waiting for you to be ready to speak for yourself...but you were secretive for some reason. You expected that maybe he wouldn't understand you...or that he wasn't interested - just like the rest of the people...maybe you were very wrong this time
he didn't ask you too much..He decided to do it smartly
Leona would bring a lot of games that required intelligence and puzzles because he knew that you liked these things. He would make you win against him on purpose with these games and then pretend that he was surprised and amazed by your intelligence "such an intelligent woman, y/n" he would smirk saying this, just to satisfy your ego
Leona will show you how interested he is in your interests, because he knew that the students say that you are an empty person and that you think that you are special and different just because you are beautiful. You will notice that Leona started listening to the same band that you love. He watched the series that you said you enjoyed. He read the romantic novel that you said greatly influenced you. He studied that strange science you discovered on the Internet. Leona did everything you liked to show you that you were fun — to be honest with himself... he really enjoyed it, Leona enjoyed the things that you liked... not because they are actually fun, but because you find them fun
Strangely, your makeup and elegant clothes began to disappear. You looked for them everywhere, but there was no trace of anything. You were terrified because the students would make fun of you more than before if your beauty diminished or you appeared in a bad appearance. You did not know that Leona himself used to take these things. He used to say that you look better without makeup and mock your attempts to show yourself as beautiful in front of others. Leona wanted you to come out of this shell of absolute beauty. He wanted you to be as you are without any modifications..Indeed, with time, you realized that you are still very beautiful even without your makeup and elegance
Leona will actually be clearly impressed by your appearance — and even attracted to you. Unfortunately, people in your life either try to bully you or harass you because of your beauty - in a very bad way - But Leona was a third type. He gave you the respect you so desperately wanted, with a light touch of admiration, You finally felt loved in this moment...someone sees you normally finally
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the couple of Doliken-y— beauty!
You were sitting with Leona in the car. It was holiday, and Leona surprised you when he invited you home with him and you quickly accepted the invitation. Of course, you didn't want to stay locked in the college for the entire holiday
Leona took you out of the city for a bit. You could see some of the lights of the capital from a distance. Leona took you to the popular market and to the springs. You met his sister-in-law and played with Cheka. You somehow convinced Leona to make some cakes together and as usual he ruined the recipe. You started gossiping about the students as well and discovered that it was fun to gossip. You did everything you could do all this week and now you decided to relax a little while Leona drove through the wilderness
"Did you have fun?" leona asked, and you were surprised after this question. You know that Leona is not the type of person who would suddenly ask a question like this
"I...of course I enjoyed it, are you really asking me?" Leona was silent for a while as he drove, looking lost in thought for a moment. You were still thinking about the fun you had together all week and weren't paying much attention to Leona's behavior
"I was just..always wondering about something" he turned his focus to you again, looking closely at you "I always wanted to ask you something, doli"
This time you focused on what he was saying. It seemed like he had something important to say "What is it, Ken?" Your curiosity increased when he said that he wanted to ask you about something for a long time
Leona surprised you when he stopped the car without any introductions. He got out of the car, then went to your door and opened it for you "let's sit on this hill and talk, Doli" He spoke seriously, you had never seen him talk to you so seriously before, but you knew that you need to listen to him so you did as he asked
You both sat on a rock high up on the hill, hearing a little noise from the city in the distance, the crickets singing their soft song while the wind shook the leaves of the wild plants around you and made them dance. You and Leona like to sit in remote and isolated places like this a lot, but for some reason...there is something different this time
You were silent for 3 minutes. These 3 minutes were like 3 years while you stared at him, thinking of a thousand questions he could ask. Is he here to confess? Or ask for marriage? Or maybe something worse...ends your friendship? Will he ask you a strange request or what exactly? While you were thinking about all this, he turned his emerald eyes towards you and looked at you with unusual looks...serious looks, but at the same time soft
"Doli" He finally spoke, and from the tone of his voice you knew he was going to talk about something emotional or intimate "Is there something you haven't told me yet?" his eyes met your, so serious yet so soft..You felt conflicted. You didn't know whether you should remain calm or get nervous
"Something to tell you? What do you mean??" you blinked in confusion, and he gave you a quick answer
"about what's bothering you, doli" he moved closer to you "You see, I told you a lot of things about myself and...well...you kind of made me express myself better to you, but you didn't...and I'm neither blind nor idiot" Leona shocked you by suddenly holding your hand. His hand was warm. You could feel his muscles slightly pressing against your soft, feminine hand "I see you, I see your suffering and your pain, I know that you cry a lot and suffer alone and this.. I do not like it, why am I in your life? You say I'm your friend and then you don't tell me what's bothering you"
silence again..Your mouth remained open and you blinked. the Leona Kingscholar, the tough and heartless guy, The man who won't express what's inside him even if you point a gun at his head...is now telling you all this? Maybe he's lost his mind, or maybe...oh wait. Leona started to get annoyed, he raised one eyebrow and moved his hand away from yours
the tension was increasing, Leona, who was looking at the city in front of the hill, you saw something in his eyes that you had never seen before, a mixture of confusion, frustration, anxiety and..vulnerability. At this moment...you realized that Leona was trying to fight something inside him and took another step towards you, perhaps breaking the barrier of secrecy? But your reaction was not what he expected at all and it made him regret it
"leona" You approached him and held his hand again, trying to calm the tension "I didn't know you noticed all this.. You are truly a wonderful friend" it's your usual affectionate tone "I think you're right..I have to talk and tell you everything now"
Leona's ears flickered quickly and he turned his attention to you again "hm?" He turned his entire body towards you and started looking directly into your eyes, cross sitting on the ground "talk"
You spoke and told Leona everything from the beginning. You did not leave a single detail that you did not tell him. Leona never interrupted you. You told him about how people bully you, how they look at you superficially and think that you are conceited just because of your beauty, how they think you are stupid and empty, your life revolves only around your beautiful face, how no one gives you a chance to get close to you and because of this you become isolated and alone...all... The bad things that happened to you in your life just because you were beautiful, this thing was not by your will.. You were just born like this.. and you wished that you were ugly or ordinary just so that others would stop these actions and respect you. You actually feel that you are nothing because of their words and you cry a lot and You are unable to mix with society.. you told Leona all this
You cried, while you were talking for about 45 minutes you started crying. Your beautiful face became red and swollen from crying, crying like a little child in front of Leona. Without even realizing it, somehow, you ended up crying while hugging him — in his lap. Leona was hugging you, stroking and rubbing your back tenderly, his chin on your head
"Doli" Oh, how you love it when you hear his voice calling you by that name. You raised your head full of tears and looked at him, sobbing
"Do you know what is the stupidest thing a person could try to do?"
"w-what is it?.."
"being a people pleaser" Leona started talking to you rationally and in a soft voice...but he caught you of guard you a little when he suddenly pulled you in, slept on his back and made you sleep on his arm "wtf-" "shhh" He said, placing his hand over your mouth to silence you "I'm talking"
You didn't know exactly what to do at this moment, but what he did was enough to make you stop crying and try to focus on Leona
"As I said...if you are going to try to please others, do not do it. If you are beautiful, they will bully you and say that you are stupid. If you are ugly, they will bully you more and ostracize you and say that you are a freak. If you are ordinary, no one will care about you and they will also bully you, so in any case, Satisfying them is just impossible..If you're going to spend your life just thinking that no one loves you and that you're isolated, then that's what's really going to happen. I'll tell you one thing: Show them the opposite. They'll say you're stupid? Well, you are very smart and you know that. Go and participate and show yourself in the classes that require intelligence. Help students who have difficulty understanding the subjects and give them lessons... not to please others, but to show your true self and nothing more..They say you are arrogant? Simply help other students. If you see someone in need of help, show yourself with humility and act friendly and kind to everyone"
suddenly, you laughed when he was talking. he stopped and looked at you in question "why are you laughing?"
"I can't believe you're asking me to be nice to others..it's weird to hear it from you"
"I point at the moon and the fool looks at my finger.." he sighed "doli..just understand, you are amazing and you have more advantages and opportunities than me, you are in a new world..a world where no one knows you and you have the opportunity to achieve a lot here. It is true that everyone bullies you, but believe me, once you prove yourself once, everyone will respect you. The students of this college are like ducklings.. and will run after you just like ducklings running after their mother when they know your abilities and character"
You were silent for a few seconds, thinking about his words. You did not notice yourself until you were clinging to his clothes while you were sleeping on his arm..It was warm and strangely comforting, it felt good like that..
"Why are you asking me to be nice instead of saying something like 'Duh, why do you care so much? Do what you want and let them say what they want'?"
Leona half-sighed half-chuckled in response, closing his eyes and speaking slowly "I don't want to ruin your life, to be honest with you and with myself.. I know that what I'm doing is wrong. When I show myself in the worst possible light and ignore the rumors, I'm making the situation worse.. while I can show the opposite to everyone and highlight my true abilities.. why would i ask you to do the same? To destroy your happiness? I have become insensitive to people' yap, I don't care what others might think...but you care, so I won't advise you to act like me"
you looked at him in confusion "So why don't you make your life..better? If you can, why wouldn't you?"
"What's the point? i will graduate then return to the damned palace and the life of the miserable prince, Let me continue my life in this way that is best for me, because I will not build false hopes for myself" Leona opened his eyes and gave you a serious look "oi wait, don't change the topic. We're talking about you today, not me"
"oh god.." you laughed sarcastically "Well, well...your words are convincing. I should stop hiding. I should face them with the truth and show them my true colors"
"that's correct" he smiled as he looked at the sky
"Hmm..but right now I still feel like I'm not loved enough..it bothers me"
"oh..you want to feel loved?"
"yeah.." you sighed, looking at the sky with him "do you have solution? I don't like this feeling.."
"hmm.." Leona thought for a few seconds...then he blew a bomb at you in the most natural tone, as if he was saying the most ordinary thing in life
"then let's start dating"
"oh that would be a great-...!!..WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE" Quickly, you sat up straight and turned to Leona, completely traumatized by what he said, your eyes widening in shock and your expression as if you had seen a ghost "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY????"
"i said let's start dating" he gave you a playful smirk, He leans on his right arm and raises his eyebrows as if he is trying to tease you "don't you wanna date me~? i know you like me, i will love you so well you will forget about other people"
"..leona, are you trying to mess with me or are you serious???" You are still under the effect of shock and trying to figure out his true intentions. Is he joking?? Or is he confessing in the strangest way possible??
"im serious, Doli" He sat up straight as well and put his palm behind your head and pulled you towards him "you know i don't like to joke about such things..be my girlfriend, doli"
you were speechless..Several people had confessed to you before, but their goal was clear. They treated you like an object because you were beautiful. They had no knowledge of you and thought you were just a body for pleasure...but leona...You know Leona, he has not shown you such treatment over the past months and he has been a good companion to you...and you cannot deny that, during this period, Leona was able to make you love him back..You have the same feelings, but you didn't show or say it because you were afraid that he didn't love you.. You never gave yourself a chance
"i...leona.." You looked at him expectantly, a little awkward and shy "Does this mean you...love me?" he smiled..pulling you close enough so that you can feel his breath on your face
"i love you, Doli..yes i do"
and with that, you felt his lips pressing against yours, soft and warm..For the first time, you felt truly loved. Your body trembled and your breath caught in your throat. All you could do at this moment was kissing back with all passion and embrace him tightly..not giving him a chance to pull back or breath..The moment you got the feelings you had wanted for a long time, someone who cares about you and listens to you, someone who does not see you an object...but treats you as a human being and sees your abilities, skills, and things more than just being beautiful..You hugged him and kissed him hungrily, with crazy eagerness, with desperation
Leona was between kisses whispering words to you that made your heart beat like a drum, telling you how smart, talented, special, aware, wise and unique he sees you..He pulled you to sit on his lap and you both stayed like that for several minutes, making out passionately
you pulled back first..panting and taking a breath after this intense kissing session, When you saw Leona's face, you were shocked
"what?.." He asked, looking into your roaming eyes..He didn't realize that you left lipstick marks all over his lips and face
"i-it's nothing, don't worry!!" you laughed, admiring your work. Leona did not say anything, but he kept staring at your face, he raised his hands until his palms rested on your cheeks while you were in his lap
You didn't stop him.. You allowed him to stare at you as much as he wanted and caress you. You basically wanted this.. You wanted to feel him loving you and wanting you sincerely. But what you didn't expect was that he seemed to be resisting. He was tightening his grip on your face, not painfully, but with enough force to let you know that there was something going on
"are you ok? what's wrong?" You asked, placing your hand on the back of his palm and stroking it gently. he didn't answer..leona was in another world
and you knew the answer later..
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the big cat is a simp
Leona, throughout the past period, had not shown you how much he admired your beauty, just because he respected you and did not want to cross his boundaries with you, In the end, you were friends and nothing more. He wanted you to realize that he greatly respected you as a human being and appreciated you, and then later he would unleash the simp within him as long as you did not mind
After you became his lover, Leona continued to respect you and the same old behavior and everything — but the new addition is that he started buying you new and beautiful dresses, then he just asked you to wear them and started staring at you... contemplating the masterpiece on your face and enjoying it
It turns out that Leona had another reason for saying, “You don't have to show your beauty in front of the students.” Leona was jealous. Leona knew that all eyes were on you because of your beauty and those who approached you had bad intentions. Leona was trying to protect you and keep your beauty for himself only
Every time Leona saw you with new makeup or an elegant look or your beauty increased, you saw that he just sat and struggled not to jump on you and devour you where you were. You could just by looking at his face know the amount of thoughts and fantasies he was thinking about
You were evil, really evil. You stand in front of him after you put on your new dress and say that it doesn't look good on you. You make Leona upset and you tease him until he tells you how beautiful you are and that he can't stop looking at you..You don't know why it was difficult for him to admit that his desire for you is unbearable. Maybe he sees it as a weakness on his part to show that he's simping, but you were good at making him say that he loves you and your beauty
Oho yeah, when you stood in front of him for the first time in short clothes, you felt like he was about to bark. Maybe this is his first time really seeing a woman in front of him dressing like this and he can stare as much as he want
in the end.. he proved it to you, you're not just a piece of meat, Leona proved to you that he loves every detail of you and that you are much more than just a pretty face
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uhm..i didn't like what i wrote, i think there are more things i could write about but yeah..i tried my best here ⏤͟͟͞͞★
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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moodymisty · 9 months
Hello, Mortarion simp club member #7 here. First off, sorry for the fungus.
Secondly, imagine word getting to The Emperor that Mortarion had found a partner. None of the primarchs ever got married (except for Fulgrim) so I’d imagine it’d be big news. To find out that any of his sons, let alone shit-bag himself, found someone to love would shake him to his core.
Now, I am a very small woman so it might just be projecting, but just imagining The Emperor of Mankind staring you down and shaking his head like,
“This is inhumane. It’s almost comical, how absurd this is. How have you not been ripped in half, or accidentally crushed underfoot?”
I know deep in my soul that Morty would be the most gentle of the primarchs because he’s never had anyone be gentle with him before. That man would start sobbing immediately if he so much as accidentally bumped into you. Full on ‘please don’t leave me’ breakdown if he hurts you in any way.
The fungus is amungus.
Honestly given the way that the Emperor thinks of Mortarion as sort of a failure among his 'sons', and has just abandoned any possibility of him achieving greatness, him accomplishing something so 'odd' would definitely get a query or two. This behavior sounds more like Sanguinius or Fulgrim, not Mortarion.
Also the Emperor saying that it's 'inhumane' fucking killed me. I don't know why him saying that in response to one of the Primarchs picking up a lover is so fucking funny but also kind of accurate? I mean, pulling a normal human into what is basically a small pantheon of demigods isn't exactly a good idea. Not to mention the dangers involved that you could go on about for hours. Both being around and with a Primarch. It's less that The Emperor would ever care about a singular human, but he more so just finds the absurdity of it, amusing. Or as amusing as someone like him can.
I definitely think out of all the (future) heretic Primarchs, Mortarion, Fulgrim, Magnus, and Lorgar would probably both be the most gentle. He's also horrifically damaged (which Primarch isn't lmao) and has a slew of self image issues. He might not cry, but he'll sure as hell give you the stars as long as you don't drop to the wayside like everyone else in his life. You're the figurative jewel of his eye, and nothing will take you away from him.
He loves you, you love him, it's awful and harmful and will probably end terribly but damn does it taste good.
Also, a snippet to go with this. Enjoy.
Mortarion/Fem!Reader, No extreme warnings apart from typical 40kness and hinting at a toxic, obsessive relationship. I'm actually really coming around to liking Morty, if I never get a chance I really want to write some of my personal ideas for him
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That meeting still lingers on your mind. You look out the window and wring your hands, trying to figure out why your heart continues to pound so hard against your chest. When it doesn't stop, you sit down and fail to try and stop your mind from running it through once again.
You met The Emperor.
You met the father- or simply creator as some of the Primarchs refer to him- to the Primarch you could possibly call your beloved.
It had been a surprise meeting; You were already so worn and tired from speaking to Primarch Fulgrim, shoulders tense and mind strained. While you might be close to Mortarion, being in the presence of Primarchs is still such an intense and formal ordeal, that forces you to carefully watch your words, your tone, your body language.
Just as The Phoenician seemed to be getting bored of you, as you kept politely avoiding giving him any worthwhile and intimate details about Mortarion, The Emperor had apparently come to see the lover of his fourteenth son; The first of them to ever take someone that could be potentially called a consort. It has been the rumor of the palace for days now, and it's seems to have spread now even to the Golden Throne.
He only ever spoke one sentence to you. And it will likely remain the only one. You would delude yourself into thinking that you have any business with The Emperor, beyond what little falls from Mortarion's lips. Either way, his words and voice with stay within your mind for as long as you live.
He looked down on you, barely able to reach his hips, and almost seemed to sigh. As much as a man such as him could. When you dared look at him, seeing any emotion on a man so borderline ethereal seemed so out of place. Though it was only there for a moment, and then his expression turned to that non-emotion of cold stoicism.
"I should not be surprised, to see he chose someone so small they cannot think to stand against him."
You decided to keep your head respectfully bowed in his presence, but you can't help but furrow your brow ever the slightest at his cryptic speech.
"You fraternize with the most fractured of all my sons. Do be careful with him."
Did he mean to be careful around him? Or to be careful with him? How could someone that in the grandness of things, as insignificant as you, be able to do either?
You pull yourself from being lost in your own thoughts and look out over the palace skyline, seeing nothing but golden peaks as far as the eye can see. It's inconceivable in size, that just viewing it doesn't give even the slightest hint as to it's sheer scale. And from what little you've heard, it's not even close to it's completion. New Praetorian Rogal Dorn has been continuing it's construction for years now, and will likely continue for decades more.
The soft sound of a door opening forces you to look towards it. Mortarion enters, and instantly comes closer. You haven't seen him since you had first encountered Fulgrim. You assume he had more urgent matters than batting away his fellow Primarchs away from the new thing of interest.
Your face softens as he comes closer, seeing his shoulders rolled forward slightly. The way he looks is a dead giveaway that he is in a terrible mood; Not uncommon whenever his so called brothers are involved. You assume that he is going to want a moment alone, and get up to take your leave. You'd heard nothing but his lamenting about hating the idea of returning to Terra for days now, but it seems you're wrong.
Before you have a chance to step away and leave the massive room that serves as the most private of his chambers, Mortarion quickly snatches your arm at the wrist. Though given the size of his hand in comparison to yours, his hand grasps a significant portion of your forearm.
"Do not leave."
You look at him, the way his grey hair shadows his thin face, and how he seems even more drained of energy. He towers over you, but yet he seems almost ungainly and defeated.
The Pale King orders you, but his words are almost dipped in something you might consider calling desperation.
He has told you before that interacting with his fellow Primarchs and The Emperor foremost is something he hates most. That it all reminds him of stolen revenge and his dead world, how he's overcast by the shadows of men like Sanguinius and Horus. You knew he would be more fragile, harder to deal with, but you didn't expect him to seem almost, humiliated. You're used to him being impossible to contend with, spiteful, hateful, angry; Not this.
His hand grips tighter when you don't immediately come back, enough that it begins to hurt. You sit back down and he lets go, only to cup his hand tightly around your jaw. He tilts your head up to look at him. It hurts your neck a bit from the intense angle, and your much smaller hands grip his wrist to try and gain leverage.
You watch his eyes glance over your face, his own slum and demoralized. His grip on your face softens just a bit so he isn't yanking you around like some sort of doll. At least not as much.
He sighs, and leans down enough so that his forehead touches yours, long strands of limp grey hair brushing against your face, and nothing more is said.
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britt-kageryuu · 5 months
Back with the idea of the Turtles taking part in Reptile Education Programs, but let's toss is the whole 'The Turtles can understand normal turtles/reptiles' idea.
So yes the turtles (even if some are reluctant at first) are helping with handling and talking about whichever reptiles are part of the program. While trying to ignore the critters chatting to focus on what the kids/audience might ask.
Because the turtles don't always want others to know they can understand the turtles/reptiles, because that will lead to endless questions of what they're saying and wanting to have the turtles act as translators.
But the urge to just shout shut up at the turtles/reptiles is very strong at times. Especially if they're in a zoo or aquarium because there's way more creatures chattering about.
Though there are some who don't mind people knowing they can understand the critters, and the novelty kinda wears off, though the organizers remind the kids/audience that it's not polite to badger the turtles about what every critter is 'talking' about.
The main difference with adding the ability to understand normal turtles/reptiles is just the random comment from the turtles about what the non mutant critters are saying or the implications of the silent communication that animals have.
Like the image of Rise Donnie standing in front of a turtle tank when a softshell swims up to him for a minute and suddenly Donnie turns around hissing before vocalizing 'how dare you imply that about my person!'
But Rise Leo would probably be 'chatting' with the turtles, and casually telling the humans about the random stuff they're saying.
With the other turtles, the 80s turtles would be the most casual about this, and don't mind sharing as long as it's not too disturbing, I guess.
The 03 turtles I can at least see Don and Mikey being more open about it, Raph would be a bit less open unless you don't annoy him, Leo probably wouldn't mind, but he purposefully avoids specific turtles, for reasons.
The 12 turtles might be more open to translating, but it depends on the group, and the current mood of the turtle.
With the 14/bay turtles I can really only see Donnie and Mikey being open about it, I figure Raph might get annoyed more easily, and Leo tries to keep it short.
The Rise Turtles would definitely love to chat with and translate, though they will avoid translating things that would not be kid friendly.
The MM Turtles are probably kinda awkward about the whole thing, because the kids at school kept asking them about what the class pets (if any) were saying about them, and little kids have even less of a filter, and ask weirder questions.
The other iterations all just depend on what's going on in universe, thus I can't give many ideas for them, but there is at least one fanfiction out there of Damian Wayne asking Mikey to translate what a normal turtle is saying.
Still the idea of normal turtles trying to attract the Turtles attention for any reason is a bit more funny if the boys reply back with 'we already have a bale please stop asking', 'It would never work out sorry', 'I already have a mate, and don't want another', 'miss/sir I am like 200 times bigger than you!'
This is literally me taking two ideas I made posts about, and mashing them together.
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