#normally i have cereal when i get up but my brother drank all the milk
vampirebiter · 7 months
breakfast today is a sleeve of ritz, an energy drink, and a jolly rancher. 5 hours after I woke up. 👍🏻
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Gohan’s birthday (Dragon ball Z)
It was bright and early when Gohan's alarm clock went off, and for a change the normally hard to wake up sleepyhead sat up in bed, grinning like a fool. It was Gohan's birthday after all and what that meant was that his mom would be getting her and Goten ready to go into town for part of the day to give The young half sayian some privacy. For it was a reoccurring birthday tradition that Goku would use his 24 hours of time on earth that he got every year to come back on Gohan's birthday, and spend the evening and night with chi chi but the day was all about babying Gohan, who might of been turning 17 today but he was more like a 2 year old in so many ways.
The big baby fetish had popped up while training with his father in the time chamber, Gohan had noticed there was a stack of diapers in the room and had started 'having accidents' to get his dad to diaper him before bed. Goku might not of been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he hadn't been fooled and had taken to babying the little guy more and more. Chi-chi had been less eager to indulge on her son's babyish habits, though with her being pregnant at the time she found out about them, one could hardly blame her for not wanting TWO smelly butts to change. She did go alone with the bed wetting cover story so Gohan could wear to bed, though she made him wash and dry his own diapers and made it clear she didn't want him stinking the house up, and he was NOT to tell Goten about the diaper fetish or explain out big babies to him, she'd had a hard enough time getting her youngest potty trained as was. while Gohan took the deal it was clear that it wasn't the same without someone babying him, and when Daddy had made his trip to earth from the afterlife (Something he had done on his and chi-chi's anitverity back then) Gohan had floated the idea of maybe kinda sorta getting like, 5 of dad's 24 hours to just be his stinky little guy. Goku thought it was cute and after a lot of back and forth they got Chi-chi on board.
Gohan waddled out in his bed time shirt and wet cloth diapers, the formerly white cloth had been pee stained by the heavy usage and by this point Gohan wasn't even sure he HAD nighttime control anymore. Goten was eating a bowl of cheerios and giggled a little as Gohan wandered in, The smaller half sayian thought it was just so funny his big brother was a bed wetter. "Hey short stuff, where's mom?" Gohan asked, ruffling his little brother hair on his way to the fridge. "She's packing the car crinkles." Goten said, making a face as he haired having his hair messed up. "I see~ So you and trunks going to just cause trouble and chaos today?" Gohan asked, grabbing the milk out and since the bottle was almost empty he just drank right from it. "Of course not, we'll be total good boys." Goten said with a evil little grin on his face. "mmmmhmmm.. right. Just remember Vegeta's not out training in space anymore. he got back yesterday, and can and WILL spank your butts." Gohan warned. "Ah Poopies! There went THAT plan." Goten grumbled as Gohan chuckled and took a seat.  "..heh.. surprised you just don't put a nipple on that bottle. You look like a big baby anyways." Goten teased. "A big baby who can kick your butt with ease little guy." Gohan teased back. "I'll go super sayain two and make you change my diaper." "Ehehehehe shutting up." Goten replied fast and meekly, and focused on his cereal. "Good boy."
After some more playful banter, and getting sang happy birthday by mom and Goten, Gohan saw them off, standing in the front yard in just his diapers and t-shirt. Chi chi tried to get him to go and get dressed but Gohan (for the sake of goten) said he was likely gonna go back to sleep, and pointed out only the dinosaurs were around really. "And they know better then to get on my bad side." truthfully Gohan just wanted to keep his wet diapies on so daddy could change him and well, because as soon as mom and Goten were far enough away Gohan was gonna unleash his morning glory in his huggies. Chi-chi seemed to know what he was thinking though, as before they got in the car to drive off, she looked back at Gohan and mouthed silently to him. 'Not in the house!' 'Maybe I'm getting to be too predictable.' Gohan thought, rubbing the back of his head as they drove off, then had a impish thought. "I'm gonna go dookie in her room on her pillow!" he giggled out loud. "You know, bad boys don't get spoiled by daddy." came a voice behind Gohan. Turning around, there was Goku, smirking and then holding out his arms. "C'mere birthday boy." "DADDY!"
It was bare luck that Goku had managed to get cleared when he did, and was able to come back down in time to keep Gohan from being a little rascal. the boy was due for some birthday spankings but that didn't mean Goku wanted to have to do a time out and punishment. Setting the over sized baby on his hip, with a arm under Gohan's fat diapered butt, Goku smirked as Gohan started to babble on and on about what Goku had missed. "And so like this Videl girl at school is trying ta start a rumor I wear diapers, cuz I smelled like pee and baby powder one day and she's just a fart head!" Gohan was finishing up as Goku brought the big baby inside. "well you know Gohan, you kinda DO wear diapers." Goku pointed out and chuckled. "Well..Uh..Not to school I don't!" Gohan huffed and crossed his arms. "mmmmhmmm..and how much of that is because you know your mother would tan your butt?" Goku asked. "Er..well.." and Gohan looked super sheepish. "Heyyy so do you wanna see the rocking horse I've been working on?" Gohan said, trying not so subtly to change the topic. "Of course! You know I love seeing what you work o-" Goku was saying when a loud and long tummy growl came from Gohan's tummy.  "-N..Heh. I think I better get you fed first though." Goku teased. "Ehehehe yeahhh Might be a good idea." Gohan agreed.
Gohan was in the pantry, working the floor board to get his hidden stash of baby food as Goku went out to a small shed and brought in his 17 going on 2 son's highchair. it was made of Oak and had been painted bright white, though it's time in the shed was taking it's toll on it and the paint had chipped and flaked and dulled. the tray was a flip around that could be used to pin Gohan's arms, at least appearance wise. the boy could after all basically bench press moons so it wasn't like a tray could REALLY stop him. Carrying the chair in Goku smirked, Gohan was still trying to pick out what he wanted, and with his head and one shoulder in the little trap door, he was wigging his butt. "I like to eat eat eat, Apples and bananas!" he was singing. "Really? then how come you normally have prunes or brussel sprouts?" Goku asked, setting the chair down. Gohan turned around and giggled, and indeed was holding onto four jars, two of each. "Cuz I only get daddy here to change my butt for a little while, and this helps me make BIG presents!" he said and gave a impish grin. "Yeah, and makes you toxic..Ah well, you're the birthday boy~" walking over he got the jars from Gohan first, setting them on the table then came back for the impending little stinker, lifting him up and setting him in the jar, then tugging off the boy's shirt. Is your bib still in the drawer by the sink?" Goku asked. "Ehehehe no..uh..I hada hid it in my room for awhile, Goten was snooping for gifts when his birthday was coming up and welll.." Gohan said sheepishly., poking two fingers together. "I'll go get it, you stay put LITTLE guy." Goku said, and then kissed Gohan's forehead and tugged the tray down. He was almost to the door when Gohan giggled and cleared his throat. "Yeah little guy?" Goku asked, pausing. "Don't you think it might help if i told you WHERE I hid it daddy?" Gohan asked with a amused smirk. "..Sure. go ahead and use logic on your poor old man who's gonna have to smell you latter." Goku teased and blew a raspberry. "Changing mah smelly butt is a privilege n a honor!" Gohan giggled, then added. "It's under my bed in a box marked Math work. Mom told Goten if he messed with any of my school stuff she'd make him start going. worked better then a androids force field for keeping him out." "and you all wonder why I do what she says..the woman knows how to handle us Sayain's. Anyways, be right back babykins."
Looking under the boys bed in the box as he'd been told to, there was Gohan's light blue bib, big enough to still work on him though Goku would have to ask Chi-chi about getting him a new one, it too was feeling the effects of years gone by. the words DIAPER BOY was spelled out in baby blocks on it and as Goku went to push the box back under, he noticed a few new things he hadn't seen last time. a large pacifier with a orange mouth guard, a baby blue rattle, and a stuffed teddy bear. "heh..Somebodies been treating himself.. bet his mother doesn't know about those." Goku said softly, tugging them out and putting them on Gohan's bed for now. He wasn't going to rat the boy out, just ask how he was getting these things and making sure he was being safe when buying, Chi-Chi was always so worried he'd be recognized. 'Then again once it's in the open, he could wear all the time, that wouldn't be SO bad..' Goku thought, then pictured trying to pitch that idea to chi-chi..and shuddered.
Gohan was coo'ing and gurgling away in his highchair, ever so happy when he suddenly recalled that he'd recently picked up some more baby stuff last week. and he'd done it on his way home from school which was a biggggg nay nay with the rules Mom had put in place. 'Maybe he won't see them, or I can bluff and tell him they were a early present from mom...Yeah..then he'll bring it up with her and I'll be lucky if she doesn't start weening me off the diapers.' Gohan thought. His dad came back in and smirked at Gohan, coming over and tying the bib on the big baby and then nonchalantly asked. "Gohan, is there something you'd like to confess to daddy?" "welll when you put it that way...No." Gohan said and gave a slightly nervous grin. "Gohan.." Goku said, getting a warning tone in his voice. "I well..Might of..maybe kinda sorta..re-purposed some of my lunch money saved up over a few days, to um.. You know. Stop at a baby store." Gohan said, eyes darting around and looking anywhere but at his dad. "I see. I know what you got, who all saw you?" Goku asked, grabbing a spoon and taking a seat, opening a jar of the smelly baby food. 'No wonder this stuff makes him so toxic if it smells this bad before going in him!' Goku thought. spooning some up. "J-Just the shop keeper daddy. I told him it was for my new baby brother." Gohan said quickly then opened his mouth wide. "Well ok then. I just wanted to be sure. I'm not going to tell your mother about it Gohan, but I don't want you going out and getting this stuff yourself anymore. we'll make up a list later of things she can get you for your birthday, and you'll just have to do without any big boy presents." Goku said. as the spoon went in the 17 year olds mouth, Gohan made a sour face but then smiled, clearly he was on board.
After feeding Gohan, which took slightly longer then one would expect because the little imp kept moving his mouth so he got baby food on his cheeks and chin and bib, Goku wiped the little guy clean and set him back on his hip while he made up a bottle of formula for the little guy. Gohan was coo'ing and babbling babyishly, clearly in his little space, with the only thing shush him from time to time beding a loud belch. "heh, I was gonna burp you, but I think you've taken care of that yourself little guy." Goku said, though he wrinkled his nose at Gohan's baby food breath. "Nooo you can still burp me!" Gohan whined. "I'll be SO gassy after mah ba-ba!" "Heh, I know buddy. don't worry, you'll get burped JUST like the big baby you are." Goku promised, and was reward with a smooch to the cheek as he carried Gohan into the living room. "hehehehe fank ku daddy! ou's da best!" Goku turned on the television to a pre-school show then cradled the big baby in his lap, and popped the nipple of Gohan's ba-ba in the eager boys mouth.  keeping most of his attention on the cute big baby as he drank eagerly, Goku couldn't help but semi get drawn into the show itself, and made a mental note to ask Gohan for a update on what had been happening with it while he was in the other world. (go figure, the afterlife's cable providers were crap.)
Gohan was fighting hard to stay awake as he drained the ba-ba.. it just felt so right to be in his diapies and in daddies lap, and the formula tasted so nummy to him. Still, he only had so long with daddy and he didn't wanna waste it with a long nap like he had two years ago. Mean old mommy hadn't even been willing to let him have 3 extra hours with daddy and he'd had to go from bottle feeding to waking up in the middle of a stinky diaper change, but instead of diapies it's been gross old undies. After that he'd promised himself NEVER AGAIN! He forced his eyes open and smirked around the nipple as he saw daddy trying to pay attention to the show, though this had the side effect of making some of his formula rub down his chin. Goku instantly noticed though and using a towel he grabbed, he wiped Gohan's chin and pulled the bottle out with a pop as Gohan tried to keep it in. "heh, I think that's enough for right now, If I keep feeding you your gonna conk out buddy." Goku said, and held up the bottle. it was a one liter deal and was a little under half drained. "Gohan would of argued but knew daddy had a point, and plus with how greedy he'd been he could feel the gas bubbles building up. He could also feel a pressure building up at his back door, but decided to let THAT be a surprise for daddy. "Dadddddy, My chest is all achy!" Gohan whined and pouted, though his eyes gave away the delight he was feeling. "Oh Then I guess my big baby of a 17 teen year old son needs him's daddy to burp him huh?" Goku asked. "YESH!.. I mean..if you want to." Gohan said, sitting up in daddies lap and then going all blushy and shy. "Heh. cute buddy."
With Gohan and him in a chair with no sides, Goku set a towel over his shoulder then got the big baby set up so his legs went over either side of Goku's. Putting Gohan's head on the shoulder with the towel Goku had a hand on his son's diapered ass to help him keep balance but then started to rub and gently pat the big babies back. "Come on buddy, let your gas attacks allll out. you'll feel better soon." Goku said, and patted the boy's bottom a few times as well. Goku knew from experience that with the look in Gohan's eyes before he'd started to burp him, that he was gonna have a not so little stinker on his hands soon. Picking up the pace with the patting it wasn't long till Gohan let out a belch that made a near by plant eater run in terror, the dino thought it was a T-rex roar. "Whoa little guy! maybe daddy needs ear plugs for next time!" Goku teased, but kept patting. Gohan went to say something but a second and third belch followed, along with a little bit of spit up! Normally Gohan hadn't been that babyish, and the spit cloth was really there just to set the mood. again he went to go and comment on this to his dad but a loud poot came out from his behind. Goku stopped patting the boys back and placed that hand on Gohan's lower back, and he playfully shook the hand that had been on the boys butt. "Yike's! I felt the heat on that one! I think you almost burnt my hand!" Goku teased but winked. "Daddy! S'not dat bad!" Gohan huffed, but couldn't keep the grin off his face as more loud and bubbly farts roared out of his behind. Apparently the cloth diapers and plastic pants did NOTHING to hold back the sound, or the smell as Goku wrinkled his nose. even Gohan reached up and held his own nose. "Phew, I stinky!" he coo'ed. "There's a understatement little guy." Goku said, getting up off the chair and cradling Gohan to his chest still, with a arm under the boys butt. "Daddy, what you doing?" Gohan asked, as he blasted out more fart's. "Besides having you toast my arm? I'm opening up some windows..I think next year I'll burp you outside..Your a little more rotten then normal buddy." Goku chuckled. "hehehe Well I mighta been having wots of tofu, and avoiding the potty cept for going tinkles for the past 3 days." Gohan commented, and was about to give a wicked grin when he scrunched up his face instead. "...Yeah ok, no more tofu for you." Goku said, though he doubted Gohan heard that. Since Goku could feel the big baby straining and bearing down, and well, one look at the boys face and it was clear he was trying to go poopie. "Is somebody gonna make daddy a present despite it being his own birthday?" Goku teased, and then gently, but firmly pressed down on Gohan's tummy. Gohan's grunted, but nodded, and his face was turning red as he kept grunting. but this time it wasn't from any sort of embarrassment, but from the sheer effort he was putting into making his uh-oh. as a vein started to appear on Gohan's forehead Goku sweat dropped. "Uh buddy, maybe relax, I think your gonna hurt yourself, or go a whole new level of super sayain." Goku said. "T-Trying to..hafa..But..not.." Gohan grunted. A light bulb clicked for Goku as he realized that Gohan's plan had had a unfortunate side effect. "oh buddy! you're all backed up!" Pressing his hand onto Gohan's tummy and moving his fingers, Goku used the same move that master Roshi had used on him the one time Goku had eaten 12 boars and then been unable to pass the meat. 'Let's see, here..then here..and end with a firm push andddd..' Goku thought, moving his hand and waited. he didn't have to wait long as Gohan went from a pained faced to gasping, and with a massive gross fart, the back of the boys diaper suddenly filled up, sagging and a rotten smell filled the room. "P-Pooping daddy!" Gohan cried out. a hand on the boys bottom, that was quickly getting over whelmed by the growing mess could of told Goku as much, but he smiled and kissed his son's cheek. "Yup, you sure are!"
By the time Gohan had finished with his movement, his diaper was almost down to his knees in the back and he was shocked the plastic pants hadn't bust. he was one super messy boy though, and his stink was making him gag as daddy carried him with hands under his armpits towards the bathroom. "I think we're gonna have to call it for these diapers and plastic pants buddy. you do have more right?" Daddy was asking. Gohan nodded, the strain of everything he had just done had left him semi exhausted as they were in the modernize bathroom Bulma had built onto the house. "Daddy's just gonna give you a rinsing and then a bath buddy, your plastic pants may be holding but your diapers lost the fight." Goku explained, Standing Gohan by the toilet and then fiddling with the controls of the bathtub. "but.. wanted a real diapie change." Gohan whined, his thumb heading for his mouth. "Buddy, I can do a shower and bath time for you in 20 to 30 minutes, or waste 40 of them just wiping your butt." Daddy said, rubbing the back of his head. "Your choice." "...Tubby time." Daddy opened a few windows in the bathroom, it was needed for the steam and well, the SMELL and then as he got the water running nice and warm, he turned to Gohan and raised a eyebrow. "I'm..not sure if I should take the diaper off before standing you in the tub or after." He said, looking sheepish. Gohan giggled around his thumb, then moved past daddy to get into the tub, with the drain unplugged and the water just pouring in it wasn't even ankle deep.
A hour later, and after washing out the tub several times, both had realized the mistake, but Gohan was playing with a mixture of bath toys and Goku had gotten rid of the soaked and smelly diapers, tossing them into a mountain area. (Ironically or perhaps not, while no one would know the other was responsible, Hercule had been giving a TV lecture about how to deal with the wild dinosaurs and how marital arts could protect you.. when the filthy thing had landed on his head. karma in a fashion.) Now however Goku was just smirking as he watched the great battle of the toy boat fleet take on the dreaded rubber ducky and rubber froggy menace. 'he's such a goofball. but he's MY goofball' Goku thought lovingly. As the fleet managed to take down the menace Goku called for a time out, and then got the bar of soap. "Um..Daddy. I can wash myself." Gohan said, squirming in the water and getting all shy. "..I can wipe your poopie butt but not wash you?" Goku asked, sounding amused. "...well when you put it THAT way.." Gohan said and giggled. washing the boys down, and then his hair (and making sure to use the baby shampoo) Goku drained the tub and dried Gohan off with a towel, then took anther one and wrapped him up tight in it and carried him back to the boys room. "How's it feel being all squeaky clean?" Goku asked, kissing Gohan's forehead before setting him on his bed. "Nice daddy! Thankkkkk you~" "heh, your very welcome." Goku chuckled. Tugging open Gohan's bed time drawer, there was lots of folded cloth diapers, but only one pair of clear plastic pants. "Remind me to tell your mother you need anther pair." Goku said, then tugging out a hefty stack of the thick terry cloth diapers, and grabbing a few diaper pins, came over and got to work. Soon enough Gohan was in 5 of the diapers, and Goku tugged the plastic pants over them with ease, though Gohan was sulking a little. "what's wrong buddy?" He asked. "wanted thicker!" Gohan whined. "oh, but if I made them TOO thick, you wouldn't of been able to wear my OTHER gift for you." Goku chuckled and winked. "...huh?" "one second." Goku said, then disappeared using his Instant transmission move to go into a spot by the house where he'd stashed a box, and opened it before teleporting back. getting what was in there made hadn't of been easy in the afterlife, but Gohan was worth the effort and Goku came back, holding a onesie that was in the orange color of the gi he wore, and had Piccolo's school for marital arts on the back. "what do you think? King kai helped me ma-" Goku was saying, holding it up. then Gohan tackle hugged him, knocking him to the floor and was hugging him. Eeeee! I wuv it! fank ku fank ku fank ku fank ku!" Gohan squealed, and honestly his squeal hurt more then the tackle had, and for a second Goku worried about the windows breaking. "this will have to go under your bed with your other little guy stuff, but for now, how about daddy gets this on you and then we'll go out and play tag?" Goku asked. His answer was a big smooch on his cheek, and a crinkling of the plastic pants as Gohan wiggled his bum back and forth.
Dressed in his onesie, and holding daddies hand, Gohan waddled outside and was just so happy. sure he only got a little bit of time with daddy every year, but daddy always one up'ed himself. as they started to play tag, with goku purposely letting gohan get the best of him, the big baby only had one thought. 'I can't wait for next year!'
The end
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Misbehavior (Part 1)
Jason Todd x batkid!reader
a/n: tysm anon!!
prompt: anonymous: “Hello Lacey! Hope your doing great! Could I please request a bat family x batsis!reader where the reader is Kind of the middle child (I was thinking older than Damian but younger than Tim) and she’s always forgotten and in the back. Maybe some scenarios can be that no one listens when she talks or they forget to invite her to do stuff. So then one day she acts up in school like maybe punching someone for no good reason because she’s craving attention but instead of Bruce showing up to get her Jason shows up and he sees that she’s actually really sad and starts to question her until she tells him everything and maybe spills some tears and it ends with just Jason comforting her and cheering her up. Just some soft Jason for my soul! Also have a great day and I hope that you feel better and more motivated now after your break! 😘”
part 2
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No matter what you did, none of your deeds went unnoticed. Good or bad.
You always heard how Dick was so independent, the one everyone should use as an example.
You always heard how Barbara could do it all, she never failed to impress.
You always heard how Jason was reckless, someone who needed to get his act together.
You always heard how Tim was such a prodigy, he was one of a kind.
You always heard how Steph was so determined, she had such amazing goals.
You always heard that Cass was perfect, they’d never change a thing about her.
You always heard that Duke was so strong, he’d never give up no matter what stood in his way.
You always heard that Damian was dangerous, a kid that needed to be guided.
But what about you? What did they hear about you? Nothing. No one ever spoke of you, they didn’t have the time. It seemed as if you were just unimpressive, there wasn’t one thing that needed to be mentioned. Stuck in the middle of a bunch of bats and birds, no way to stand out in the crowd.
Maybe not in a mask or a cowl, a dress or a suit, behind a computer or among the darkness, but there was one place you couldn’t be ignored...
You sat at your desk, picking at old tape with the tip of your fingernail. The teacher had nothing interesting to say, so what was the point of being here? What made Gotham Academy so special that you just had to attend this place?
The uniform was overkill, the classes went nowhere, the students were too preppy, and you didn’t have a single thing in common with anyone here.
Anger was starting to bubble inside you as you continued your internal self-loathing. Your mind was only focused on the negative, but it was shifting from school back to home.
No one was ever there for you, not even on patrol. You’d called for backup several times on missions and nearly lost it all when you had to go in alone. If it were anyone else, a teammate would have met them in a heartbeat.
Your plans were always overshadowed whenever you tried to set up a mission or even just a day off. You wanted cookies? Too bad, Tim wants brownies. You wanted to watch a movie? Too bad, everyone chose a TV show. It was the little things that irked you the most. Half the time, you never even got the memo.
And what about when you all come back from patrol with all sorts of injuries and Alfred comes to patch you up? Well, not you. He’ll run to check on cuts and scrapes. Meanwhile, you had a broken wrist and a black eye.
You’d finally run out of things to pick at around your desk which resorted in you tapping instead. There was a brief bit of zoning out as you remembered the time that Damian’s plan for evading Killer Croc’s attack was to push you in the way. Or the time that Jason hid his guns in your bed for reasons he didn’t care to explain. Or when Dick drank the last of the milk and didn’t tell you until after you poured your cereal. Or when Tim told you that you weren’t fit for the mission he had been planning. Or when Bruce blatantly ignored the story you told out of pure excitement, giving you nothing but a “sounds like you had fun.”
While you were in a horrible daze, you felt a hand on your shoulder that snapped you out of it faster than the Barry Allen. Without even evaluating the situation, your reflexes caused you to turn and twist your classmates arm backwards as he screamed.
“Hey! Stop, ow, that hurts! Stop! Stop it!” You processed his words too late and knew exactly what was coming next.
“Y/N L/N!” You teacher shouted as you drew your hand back. “Dean’s office. Right now.” Her sharp voice sent a chill down your spine, not even the Joker could do that. You’d be able to explain the situation pretty easily, you just didn’t want to make it worse. But there was one ankle that sent you off the edge. Another student tripped you on your way through the aisles, and that student caught a fist to the face. The audience gasped and shouting from your teacher ensued, but you didn’t listen, you’d take the punishment at this point. So you walked right out and headed for the dean’s office without so much as a hall pass.
“Mx. l/n? What’s this about?” Dean Williams was surprised to say the least, you’d never been sent in for discipline before. Was there a certain way to do this?
“Well, I zoned out and some kid behind me grabbed my shoulder, I accidentally twisted his arm.” You retold your story, the abridged version. “But on my way out I punched a kid in the face because he tripped me. That one’s on me.”
“...Well,” the dean frowned at his obligations, but had to go through with some kind of punishment, “I’m going to have to suspend you for physical contact with a student. I’ll call your father to come pick you up.” You shrugged and slouched back in your chair, giving up on any hope of talking your way out of this. It might as well just happen. You listened to the clicking of the buttons on the dean’s phone as he typed in the Wayne Manor phone number, obviously reaching Alfred almost immediately.
“Wayne Manor.” You eard his faint voice through the speaker.
“Hello, this is Dean Williams from Gotham Academy, may I speak to Mr. Wayne? I have his child in my office.” Your dean explained over the phone, peeking back at your for a split second. You were completely unbothered, it was baffling.
“Is it Damian?” You heard him ask, causing an involuntary eye roll.
“Y/N, actually.” There was a long pause before someone else picked up the phone. “Mr. Wayne, this is Dean Williams at Gotham Academy. I have y/n sitting across from me right now, they seemed to have gotten themself into a physical altercation with two separate students, I have no choice but to suspend them.” You heard a deep sigh over the phone, then the handheld piece was handed to you.
“Bruce?” You asked.
“Really? Fighting at school?” He sounded unimpressed. Nothing new, even when you do something new.
“Something like that. Whoops.” He hung up on you right after that, so you handed the phone back and told your dean, “Guess they’ll get me soon.”
“You call your father by his first name?” Dean Williams had nosily questioned.
“I’m adopted.” He obviously didn’t know you as well as your more troublesome sibling, it was time he just minded his business.
After a good thirty minutes of silent waiting while listening to keyboard clacking and papers flipping by the front desk, the office door opened, and to your surprise, it was one of your brothers.
“I’m here for y/n.” He mumbled, signing the piece of paper and showing his ID.
“Alright, Mr. Harper, I just have to check some paperwork really quick...” The receptionist went into your file and checked for your emergency contacts. “You’re all set. Now, y/n has been suspended for two weeks. I suggest you get to the bottom of their little ‘outburst’ before they’re able to come back to school.” It actually pissed Jason off to hear her say that.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” His sarcasm wasn’t subtle. “Come on, kid.” Your brother gripped your arm and led you out of the office, noticing your bitter expression that he couldn’t even rationalize. Was that normal? “So what happened. Bruce just told me to come get you.”
“Of course he did.” You rolled your eyes on the brink of tears, he didn’t even come to get you himself. Jason opened the car door for you and nudged you inside, slamming it once you were clear.
“You better have a good reason,” he warned as he started the engine, “I was in the middle of a poker game.”
“Oh, yeah, ‘cause I’m such an inconvenience.” You were starting to remind him of himself. That was never a good thing.
“Okay, my bad. I didn’t mean it like that.” Jason began speeding down the block, you’d never once seen him obey a speed limit. You’d think someone with a fake ID and a death certificate would want to avoid any run-ins with the cops, but Gotham was just one of those cities.
“Yeah, right.” You reached for the radio knobs and felt Jason’s hand wrap around your wrist.
“No music until you explain yourself.” You fell back into your seat to pout, muttering some curses under your breath. “I won’t tell Bruce or anyone. I swear.”
“I just zoned out. Reflexes.” You bluntly replied.
“What?” He still didn’t have any context to go off of.
“I twisted someone’s arm backwards. Honest mistake.” Jason knew there was more to this story. “But on my way out of the classroom, I punched this kid who tried to trip me. That was on him.”
“As much as I condone payback, you can’t do that at school.” He sighed. “You’ve never been sent home before. That I know of. So why now?”
“Yeah, you know, maybe that’s the issue? You couldn’t tell me if I’ve ever gotten in trouble before. None of you could. You couldn’t tell me a definitive thing about me. When’s my birthday, Jason?” He was at a loss for words. “That’s what I thought.”
“So this was all for attention?” Jason asked. “There’s a hell of a lot of better ways to go about that.”
“Tried them all, this one barely even worked.” You replied with a crack in your voice. “How come none of you care about me? Why am I always looked over? I’m just like the rest of you. I put on that stupid suit every night and kick ass, I get my job done, I get good grades, I’m resourceful, I’m special—” You’d let that last one slip in your rant to your older brother, it shocked him so bad he stopped the car.
“I know what you mean.” Jason stared straight ahead at the empty road. “I felt the same way when I came back. After everyone was used to me being back, it was like nothing ever happened. Bruce just went back to calling me careless, irresponsible.”
“At least you get noticed, Jason. Your identifiable.” You turned to him with a pained look and he risked his confidence to look you in the eye. Once he did, he couldn’t look away. It hurt him to see someone so familiar to himself have tears running down their face because they felt forgotten. No kid should ever have to feel like that. That was why Bruce took him in. That was how Jason became Robin.
“Fuck this.” Jason hit the gas and turned the car around. “We’re getting ice cream. Do you like ice cream? That’s a serious question.”
“I...I guess.” You were somewhat confused by his sudden literal change in direction.
“Good. You’re my kid for today, all my attention goes to you. I’m sure Bruce won’t notice if you’re gone for a few hours.” Jason’s jaw dropped at his last comment. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No, you’re right and you should say it.”
taglist: @thatwaspossession // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @kinoko-kai //
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
the hangover part II
frat jj x reader
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got a part 2 of the hangover requested and i figured it could be real fun
also jj would most definitely be a baby when hungover, don’t @ me
warnings: drinking, cursing
One of JJ’s frat brothers called you one afternoon right as you were getting off work to tell you that JJ had blacked out around 3 a.m. and had yet to wake up. Which, to be honest, you were tired from work and didn’t really want to deal with whiny, clingy, hungover JJ.
Stopping at your apartment, you mixed a bottle of BCAA’s and grabbed JJ’s favorite hoodie from your closet. When you got to the Sigma house, it was silent, which was unusual for this late in the day, and you were a little concerned when the door was unlocked.
As soon as you stepped inside the house, you understood. It positively reeked of alcohol and the amount of empty cans all over the floor was astounding, even compared to their normal parties. And for some inexplicable reason, they were all stuck together.
You found a garbage bag and cleared out the living area before going to the kitchen to start up a pot of coffee. While that made, you walked upstairs to check on JJ. Unsure of what you were going to find, you pushed open the door. Thankfully, it wasn’t too unusual.
JJ was fully starfished on the bed, one arm hanging off, and snoring, mouth wide open. It was so unattractive, but you couldn’t help but be endeared toward this man had somehow taken up a significant amount of space in your heart. 
You walked around close to his head and squatted down near it, running a hand through his hair. He stirred a little, pressing his head into your hand, groaning lowly.
“J, baby, you okay?”
“Hmm,” his eyelashes fluttered and he started shifting.
“Wake up, sweetheart, you gotta get up and get some food in you.”
“I can’t walk, baby, I’ve got polio,” he slurred out, eyes barely opened as he squinted at you.
You snorted, “Yeah, I’m sure you do.”
JJ sighed and rolled over onto his back, rubbing his eyes, “Fuck, my head is killing me.”
“How’s your stomach?” you asked, standing in case you needed to make a dash for his garbage can.
“Growling. Forgot to eat last night.”
You kicked your shoes off and crawled into the bed, letting him put his head in your lap. JJ hummed in contentment as you started scratching his scalp and playing with his hair.
“What all did you get up to last night?”
“Competition, one of the guys watched Paper Towns with his girl last week and got the idea of a beer can sword. Every can we drank we glued together and once all the packs were gone, we fought with them.”
You pressed the welt on his neck, “So that’s what this is from, huh?”
“Ouch, woman, that hurts,” he whined, pulling away from your touch.
Resuming playing with his hair, you asked, “Well, did you at least win?”
“Who do you think I am?” he responded with a scoff.”
Laughing, you reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the shaker cup. He scrunched his nose, “Nooo. You have nasty flavors.”
“Okay, so that’s why you regularly drink two scoops after the gym?”
He crossed his arms, “I have no other option.”
“Well, it’s the freedom ice ones, I know you like that one.”
With a loud, dramatic, drawn out sigh, JJ pushed himself up. He begrudgingly took the cup and started drinking. Both of you knew he’d feel better once he drank them and started to re-hydrate, but he was a baby when hungover and for some reason was determined to fight you on it.
It took him over an hour to get them down, complaining the whole time. 
“How many scoops did you put in here, this shit is potent.”
And, “You don’t have to watch me the whole time, I’m not a child.”
To which you replied, “I beg to differ because I distinctly remember you pouring some down the drain last time when I went to go get you some coffee.”
He pouted and took another sip. When he finally did finish, you were able to coax him out of the bed with the promise of breakfast and coffee. You could tell it was going to be one of those slow hangover days where he wouldn’t want to move much, content to stay in one spot all day.
Leading him to the bathroom, you brushed out his bedhead while he slowly brushed his teeth. He leaned into your careful hands, humming every so often when it felt good.
When you finished, he spit and sloppily wiped his mouth, totally missing a streak of toothpaste on his chin. You grabbed the towel and gently rubbed it off before rewarding him with a good morning kiss.
Before he could deepen it, you pulled away and grabbed his hand, “Let’s get some food in you, huh bub?”
JJ followed you wordlessly down the stairs and into the kitchen where he clumsily climbed onto a bar stool. You poured a bowl of cereal and popped some toast in.
“Mix?” he asked, resting his chin in the palm of his hand, blinking heavily.
“The only cereal you have is a froot loops, frosted flakes mix. I’m not entirely sure who decided this would be a good idea, but that’s what you’re getting.”
He nodded and you poured two cups of coffee, fixing them both with oat milk (your addition to the frat house fridge) and a little sugar. You slid him the bowl of cereal after adding milk and grabbed the two pieces of toast to butter. 
JJ took a sip of the coffee and left his head in one hand, leaning fully onto it while he ate. You climbed onto the stool next to him and linked one of your arms through the crook of the one he was balancing on, leaning into his side, to eat your toast.
It was nice, the natural light filtering in through the kitchen windows and the silent house. JJ was rarely this quiet and still, always fiddling with something or bouncing his knee, but the leftover alcohol in his blood slowed down everything and pretty much stilled all of his normally hyper movements.
When both of you finished eating, you put the mugs and bowl into the sink, making a mental note to do the dishes later before you left. JJ stood, clumsily, and wandered into the living room where he collapsed onto the couch and shut his eyes.
You joined him, laying in front of him, and he looped an arm around your torso, burying his face into the back of your neck. His fingers twisted into your t-shirt, and you removed them, lacing yours through them instead.
JJ hummed, again, before asking, “Wanna watch some Netflix?”
He reached up and grabbed the remote from the arm of the couch to hand to you to pick something to watch. As you scrolled through, he tangled your legs together and pressed impossibly closer. You sighed, “Stay still, J.”
“Netflix and chill?” he leered, eyes half closed, behind you.
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, okay, you let me know if you can even get it up, bub.”
He halfheartedly rolled his hips forward, “I can always get it up for you, baby.”
Pinching the skin on the back of his hand to stop him, you told him, half jokingly, “Come on, be a good boy and watch the show.”
JJ tickled your stomach for a few seconds before settling in, “Yes ma’am.”
After one episode, his breathing evened out, and he snored lightly into your neck, just like you knew he would. You leaned back into his body heat, a nap sounded great.
tagging: @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @socialwriter​ @diverdcwn​ @stfukie​ @peypip​ @simpin4jj​
126 notes · View notes
fearfulkittenwrites · 4 years
“Just a normal night”
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Inspired by @s-mscott​ - link for the art, please check it out!
Word count: 2832
Notes: HEY. THIS IS JUST BEEN SITTING ON MY FILES FOR THE LONGEST TIME AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT DKJFHAKJHAKJDFH. Anyway, it's a long time coming. The writing probs isn't as neat or as good as the latest uploads bc of that, but... idk. Hopefully it's good! I couldn't bring myself to edit it again, sorry about that. I hope you can enjoy it anyways and please go check out the artist, @s-mscott​!
“Guys?” Dick asked, on his tiptoes as he rummaged through every cabinet in the huge kitchen “Hey are we out of cereal? I can’t find my Lucky Charms anywhere.”
“I think so.” Jason answered “I ate the last of the Lucky Charms last night.”
“Yep.” Tim said, popping the ‘p’ as he slid through the countertop, landing a bit behind Dick “I had the last of the frosted flakes two days ago.”
“Froot Loops?” Dick asked.
“I had those.” Duke answered “Sorry.”
“Fruity Pebbles?”
 Cass raised her hand, looking at the ground.
“Reese’s Puffs?”
“I finished the box yesterday.” Damian announced, crossing his arms as he leaned against the marble sink.
“Damn.” Dick murmured and pouted as he closed the cabinet’s door “I’ve been craving cereal today.”
“We can always go get some.” Jason shrugged.
“At three in the morning?” Duke asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Actually, four.” Jason corrected, putting up a finger “And yeah, why not? I mean, we had a hard patrol tonight, and if Dick wants some cereal, I say let’s go get some cereal.”
“It’s four in the morning, Todd.” Damian said.
“I mean, the closest Walmart is open 24/7.” Tim interfered.
“You can’t be seriously considering this, Grayson.” Damian frowned at his older brother.
“Why not? I’m not sleepy anyways.” Dick crossed his arms and shrugged.
“Yes!” Jason hissed “Late night adventures with the baby bats. Let’s roll!” He clapped his hands once, and started to walk out of the kitchen, his siblings following him to the garage.
“Oh wait!” Dick said “Let’s ring up Bruce and see if there’s anything else we need.”
“Bold of you to assume he’d know what we need.” Tim interfered.
“Yeah, well, it’s worth a shot. Plus, do any of us really want to wake up Alfred to ask him?” Dick said, taking his communicator out of his pocket and placing it in his ear “B? Have a sec?” He asked
“Nightwing. What’s wrong?” Came the answer, Batman’s raspy voice flowing through the device.
“Oh, nothing’s wrong. We’re going to take a quick trip to the supermarket, I wanted to ask if you need anything.”
“... At four in the morning?”
“Yeah. Do you need anything?”
Bruce sighed.
“We’re running out of the coffee blend that Tim likes. Alfred the cat’s favorite treats have been gone since last week, and Cass’ favorite ice cream is done. Oh, buy Duke that soda he likes, I drank the last can. Also, Jason’s cookies and that brand of chips you like, we ran out of those. Oh, and buy something with Iron in it, I’m worried that Damian might not be getting enough.”
“Like spinach?” Dick said, writing it down on his phone’s notes.
“Yeah, that’ll do. Ah, and we’re a little low on milk.”
“Okay. Will keep that in mind. Thanks B, have a nice patrol.”
“Please don’t give the papers any headlines.”
“You got it, B. Bye.”
He placed the device back on his pocket.
“Okay, there’s a lot of stuff to buy, so let’s get going. I’ll drive.”
“Shotgun!” Jason yelled.
“We’re taking the S.U.V., one of you will need to ride in the trunk.” Dick said.
“I’ll go.” Cass’ eyes twinkled. No one could understand why she was always so fascinated with the idea of riding in the trunk, but she seemed to find it fun and all of them thought that her excitement was cute.
“Alright then.” Dick smiled, ruffling her hair. Her grin grew wider, and Duke set her hair straight again before they got into the car.
“Hey, can I play my music?” Tim asked from the backseat.
“Don’t force us to listen to the atrocity Drake calls music, Grayson.” Damian complained, arms crossed “Let me play something.”
“Uh, I’d rather not listen to Mozart and Bach while we’re in the car.” Duke protested.
“It’s called classic for a reason, Thomas.”
“Doesn’t matter, bat-brat.” Jason said “I’m with him on this one. Besides, universal car rules, shotgun DJ’s.”
“Since when?” Tim asked.
“Since now.” Jason said, plugging his phone in.
“Uh, I don’t think so.” Dick took the cord from him “According to ‘Supernatural’ rules, ‘Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole’. So that’s mine.”
“No one else watches this show Dickhead!” Jason pulled the cord back.
“Doesn’t matter, because I’m older!” Dick pulled it back again.
“Age is just a number!” Tim pushed himself to the front seat and took the cord back.
“Great point Drake!” Damian pulled him back by his waist, stealing the cord from him too.
“Hey, stop with the fuss, I’m gonna crash the car!” Dick said.
“Maybe we should just play Beyoncé...” Duke suggested. The car went silent for a while.
“Okay.” Dick said “Put on ‘Single Ladies’.”
“No. ‘Halo’ is her best.” Damian complained.
“Uhm, no way? I’m playing ‘Drunk in Love’, and that’s it.” Tim shot back.
“Are you crazy? Play ‘Formation’.” Duke interfered.
“I like ‘Run the World’...” Cass said quietly from the trunk.
“Yeah, okay,” Tim murmured “We’ll play that.”
The girl smiled as the first notes from the song filled the car.
There weren’t many cars in the parking lot, which was expected. They picked up two carts, and Dick hopped inside the one Jason was pushing.
“Dude!” Duke started “You’re in your mid-twenties!”
“Leave me alone, I nearly sprained my ankle today.” Dick stuck his tongue out. No one else questioned anything beyond that. The employees simply sighed, used to the two older brothers and their antics.
“Hey Parker.” Jason greeted the nighttime security guard.
“Hey. I see you two brought the whole gang tonight.” He answered.
“Yup.” Dick smiled.
“So this is a regular thing for the two of you?” Duke asked.
“Are you really surprised, Duke?” Tim shot back.
“No. Not really.”
“Okay. First stop, Bruce said we need to get Tim’s coffee.” Dick exclaimed, looking at the list.
Jason led the way, Dick grinning like a child on the cart, Cass quietly following as she pushed their second cart, Duke making friendly conversation with her while Tim and Damian kept bickering right behind them.
“Oh, wait!” Dick held on to the metal bars “We’re right next to the cookies and Bruce said we’re out of your favorites, Jay.” He looked up.
“Alright, a little detour then.” Jason turned them around, quickly grabbing his treats “Anyone wants anything else from this aisle?”
“But... We don’t need anything else from the aisle.” Duke pointed out.
“Um, we have a billionaire’s credit card?” Tim said “Bruce won’t freak out if we buy a few extra things.”
“Uuuh, they have those koala shaped cookies!” Dick hopped out of the cart “How many do I get?”
“I want one.” Cass said.
“Chocolate or strawberries?”
“Uh… I want both.” She answered.
“Okay, one each for the lady, two strawberries for me...”
“I want a chocolate one.” Tim said.
“Me too.” Damian asked.
“Oh, just take twenty boxes, ten of each flavor.” Jason interfered, dumping them on Cass’ cart “We’ll share later.”
“Oh my God, those are expensive!” Duke said, exasperated.
“Yeah. So?” Jason shot back.
“Bruce is a billionaire, bro. He won’t mind.” Dick said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, well, it’s easy for you guys to say it. You grew up like that. It’s kinda hard to accept this when you aren’t used to having so much.” Duke answered, scratching his neck.
“Hey, I get that feeling lil’ bro.” Jason tapped his back “I spent my childhood in Gotham’s streets.”
“Yeah. I mean, I grew up in the circus. I wasn’t used to the idea of getting brand new stuff instead of asking for hand-me-downs from our friends whenever I grew out of my clothes.” Dick interfered.
“But... Just think about it like this.” Jason got closer to him “We now can get everything we couldn’t in the past.”
Duke frowned. Jason nodded encouragingly.
“That... Doesn’t help.”
“I tried.” Jason shrugged. Dick hopped back in the cart “To the coffee aisle!” He exclaimed, pushing his brother around.
“Hang on.” Tim said “This is where they leave the energy drinks. Let me take some.”
“Why do you insist on drinking this crap, Drake?” Damian scowled, reading the label in one of the cans “If you have such a death wish, jumping in front of a train is a much cheaper, quicker alternative.”
“Shut up, little devil.” Tim picked up cans from his favorite brand.
“Jason, push me a little farther down the aisle, please.” Dick asked “They keep their iced teas over there.”
“Ugh, Grayson, you disgust me.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be so judgemental Lil’ D.” He smiled, being pushed away by Jason.
As they examined the cans, Dick noticed he had attracted the looks of a middle aged man, a couple of steps from them. He was staring at his hoodie, that contained the frase ‘I love dick’ printed on it.
“Oh,” He exclaimed, smiling at the guy “My name is Richard. That’s why it’s funny.” The man nodded “I’m also queer as fuck, so that makes it better.” He added nonchalantly, and the man’s eyes widened “Okay Jay, I picked up all I wanted, let’s go back.”
“Alright you little shits, back to the coffee quest.” Jason said, leading the way once again. This time, they finally made it to the coffee aisle. Tim crouched down, looking for his favorite blend.
Cass got a little curious once she laid eyes on a colorful package on the top shelf. She picked it up and handed it to Dick.
“Read. Please.”
“This is an espresso roast. Here it says that it has notes of strawberry? Vanilla and... Sugar cane. Colombian coffee. Seems nice. Wanna take it?”
“Yes.” She nodded. Dick dropped it on his cart.
Cass wandered away, still looking at all of the coffee blends.
“Hey girlie,” A guy whistled at her, next to his group of friends “Nice ass.”
She squinted at them.
“Yo, asshole!” Tim screamed, getting their attention “That’s our sister!” He threw a bag of coffee beans at the guy’s face, causing his nose to bleed.
“Hey, who do you think you are?” One of them started to walk up to her brothers. Cass could tell that he wanted trouble, so she grabbed his arm and slammed his face against the shelf, so quickly and brutally that it barely budged, leaving the products unbothered, but the guy fell to the floor, disoriented. She stared at him.
“We are Waynes.” Damian answered, pacing towards them quietly, hands on his pockets “I suggest you apologize immediately for the troubles, if you wouldn’t want to get a hefty lawsuit for your harrasment.”
“Uh, sorry bro.” One of them started, a little scared “We didn’t-”
“Not to me.” He interrupted “To her.”
“We’re sorry, miss Wayne.” All of them mumbled.
“Now promise you won’t do it again.” Damian added.
“We won’t do it again.” They started at the floor, next to where their fallen friend laid down.
“Good.” He squinted “Help your friend up, and get out of my sight.”
They did as they were told, helping his friend walk straight again. As Cass headed back, Dick gently touched her arm, looking up at her.
“Hey, are you alright?” She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back.
“Does this happen often?” Jason asked.
“Sometimes.” She shrugged “But they always say sorry after I break their nose.”
“Ayy, that’s our girl.” Jason praised “Alright, we got the coffee. Where to next?”
“Let’s see... Next item is Alfred the cat’s treats.” Dick said.
“Ha!” Damian laughed loudly “As if Alfred would eat the... peasant treats that this store offers. No. I’ve already bought the adequate brand from an online shop.”
“Okay...” Dick raised an eyebrow “Then... Cass’ ice cream is next, but I think we should leave that as the last item, so it won’t melt, which leads us to Duke’s soda because Bruce had the last can.”
“Let’s go then. I think that the cereal aisle is on the way, so we’ll get that first.” Jason said, pushing the cart around again.
“Which ones do we get?” Tim asked, looking through the shelf.
“Everything that has sugar.” Dick answered. His brother began handing him boxes, when they heard a small whisper.
“Oh my God, are those...?” A girl said to her friend, attracting the eyes of the siblings. The duo averted their gaze quickly. Cass frowned at them.
“Relax.” Jason smiled, placing an arm on her back “They’re probably just... Fans.”
“Fans?” She asked, still staring suspiciously at them.
“Yeah.” Dick shrugged “I mean, we’re not super stars, but we do hit the papers pretty often. A bunch of people know us here in Gotham.” The girls were looking again, and Dick gave them a small wave, making them giggle “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“Hey there, ladies.” Jason greeted, a cheeky smile on his face “What brings you to this fine establishment tonight?”
“We ran out of energy drinks.” One of them answered “What about you?”
“Cereal.” Dick answered, lifting two boxes. They giggled again.
“Hey, um... can we maybe get a picture?” The girl asked “It’s just that... no one will believe us when we tell them about this.”
“Absolutely not!” Damian answered.
“Nah, don’t listen to the little brat.” Jason said “Go ahead.”
Dick held up the boxes again, smiling as Jason made a ‘crazy’ motion with his hands. Tim turned around as the photo was being taken, turning him into a blurr with tired eyes.
“Can we get some selfies too?” The other one asked, grinning.
“No!” Damian protested again.
“Of course you can!” Dick said “Duke, Cass, come here.” He called.
All of them gathered around the cart Dick was staying at, even Damian. He didn’t look so pleased as the photo was taken, but neither did Cass.
“Thanks. You guys really are nice.” The first girl said.
“Oh, you have no clue on how nice I can be.” Jason winked, making her blush “Tell you what, why don’t I give you my phone number and you can text me those pictures later, hm?”
“Sure.” The girl bit her lips as Jason scribbled his number on her wrist.
“You are such a flirt.” Dick rolled his eyes as the girls walked away.
“What, like you aren’t?” Jason snorted, pushing him away, looking for where they kept the soda.
“I think Cass didn’t like that interaction very much.” Tim whispered to his older brothers, who turned around to find a frowning baby bat. Jason chuckled.
“What’s wrong, sis?” She scowled at him “Oh, c’mon, don’t get jealous.” He threw an arm around her shoulder “You know you’ll always be our number one girl, but a guy has his needs. And sometimes, a guy needs a date.”
Cass pushed him away, rolling her eyes as Duke placed five soda cans on her cart.
“Why would you even drink this sugar filled monstrosity, Thomas?” Damian asked, reading the labels “Grandfather wouldn’t even feed his prisoners something as revolting as this.”
“Because, Bat-brat,” He said “We’re all entitled to enjoy at least one or two things that may ultimately be responsible for our deaths.”
“I suppose.” He murmured, lifting an eyebrow “You make much finer points than the rest of them. Father has been looking for heirs in the least suitable places, I assume.” He clicked his tongue “It’s a good thing I’m here to help.”
“Okay...” Duke answered, raising his eyebrows and averting his gaze. There was only so much strangeness that he could handle.
“Great, now we need to get my chips and spinach.” Dick stated.
“Spinach?” Tim asked “Why spinach?”
“B thinks Damian may have been needing more iron in his diet.” Dick shrugged.
“Aaw.” Tim said “That’s actually kinda cute. Do you think he ever worries about our diets?”
“Don’t be stupid Tim, of course he doesn’t.” Jason answered.
“He does.” Dick shot back “He worries about us, he just... Really, really, really, reaaaally sucks at showing it sometimes.”
“Potatoe, potatoe.” Jason murmured.
“Yeah, whatever. Keep me moving Little Wing, we have stuff to pick up and my tiredness is catching up to me.” Dick pointed forward.
“Sure. But the chips are in the opposite direction.”
“Well turn me around then, do you want me to look like an idiot?” Dick said, a little exasperated.
“I wish you had an off button sometimes.” Jason sighed as he made his way to the chips section.
An employee, mopping the floor with a bored expression, looked up from what he was doing when he saw the Wayne gang talking loudly. Dick tried to control his brothers from inside the cart, and had just told Jason to separate a fight between Tim and Damian. Duke and Cass snicker as they saw a bored, six feet tall Jason pushing his much smaller brothers apart.
“Yep.” The employee murmured to himself “Billionaires shopping at Walmart at four in the morning. Just a normal night.”
Hey! If you made it this far, please consider reblogging this? It helps with spreading my fics and it makes me very happy, hahahaha!
Regardless, thanks for reading <3
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult? No.
What kind of pizza toppings do you like? This question has come up a lot it seems lately.
When did you first take a shot of alcohol? I was honestly 21. It was apparent because I took a shot a tequila and as I was dying my dad handed me his beer and I took a big swig of it. Now, if you know me that says it all because I don’t share drinks. At all. With anyone. I grabbed it and drank without any hesitation at all hahaha. Everyone was shocked.
Did you babysit for money when you were in middle school? I only every babysat my brother and a couple of my cousins, but yeah my parents did give me money for that.
Who is your favorite band? How long have they been? One will always be Linkin Park. We go back to my middle school days.
Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Yeah.
Have you ever been to a spa? Nah. I honestly haven’t had an interest in going to one. 
When talking on the phone, do you place it against your left or right ear? My right.
What’s your favourite Lunchables meal? I loved the Nachos one.
Do you like Bob Marley? I’m familiar with his music, but I’m not particularly a fan. 
Have you ever eaten at Golden Corral? No.
Do you sit and eat dinner at the same table with your family? No, we don’t have a dinner/dining table. Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to? No, I’m listening to an ASMR video.
Who was the last person to make you genuinely smile? My mom.
Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t/won’t? Yes.
Do you like men who have a sensitive side? Yes. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Have you ever tried to get someone into a certain band/artist? Yeah.
Have you ever carved you and someone else’s initials into a tree? No.
Do you like Dairy Queen? I haven’t been to one since I was a kid. I see commercials for it a lot and it looks good, but I just never go.
Is there a song in a different language that you can sing? Yeah, some Spanish songs.
How do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? It can be cool.
Ever fallen down a hole? No, not literally. Thankfully. I fall down rabbit holes a lot, though.
Do you like bananas? I love bananas. 
How long do you normally spend in the shower? Like 30-40 minutes.
Have you ever been a featured member on any website? No.
Have you ever had any weird pets? I mean, my doggo is pretty quirky and silly haha.
Are you currently talking to/texting/instant messaging anyone? Nope.
Have you ever experienced insomnia? I have insomnia.
Do you like egg nog? I do.
Would you ever wear Converse with a prom/formal dress? Nah.
Do you prefer hot chocolate with or without marshmallows? Gotta have marshmallows.
How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over? A few.
Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician? Omg, I absolutely could not do either one. Nooooooo.
Would rather be a musician or a painter? Musician. I wish I had some ounce of musical talent.
Would you rather write your own book or make your own movie? Write a book.
At home, do you have a trampoline? No.
When you are about to go to bed, do you put on some sort of noise? I have my TV on low for some background noise, but I always listen to ASMR before bed.
What is your favorite Christmas movie? I have several. 
And what about your favorite Christmas song? I love the classics. 
What is your ultimate favorite stocking stuffer? Gift cards are awesome.
After Halloween, do you sort out all of your candy into little piles? Aw, I always did that as a kid. 
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? I want to be able to hear surrounding noise. I want to know if someone is calling out my name or comes up behind me. I’m super jumpy. It’s also good to just be aware of your surroundings.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had a homemade egg and cheese mcmuffin with spinach and garlic.
What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? My doggos.
Do you own any kind of helmet? No.
Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite? Currently, I’d say my leftover pizza, my Starbucks Doubleshot drinks, and my pack of Yoo-Hoos.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? The one that made me a paraplegic.
Do you like the taste of cough syrup? Ew, nooo.
What is something you like to have conversations about? Interesting stuff? ha.
What all is in the trunk of your car? I don’t have a car of my own; I don’t drive.
Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? No.
Is your heat or air conditioning currently on? No, but I have 3 fans going right now.
Have you ever fallen off of a horse? I’ve never been on one.
Which do you value more, your appearance or your intelligence? Those who see me can see it’s clearly not my appearance. Intelligence is important, but I don’t think I’m all that intelligent. But yeah, learning and being aware are things I want.
When was the last time you drove something other than a car or truck? Uhh, does wheeling around in a wheelchair count? ha.
Were your grandparents present when you were born? My grandma was.
If you drink/smoke, how often do you do these things? I don’t do either.
What do you think of fast food? I like it, I don’t care.
What website do you spend the most time on and why? Tumblr and YouTube for sure. I enjoy them.
What’s the most amount of time you’ve spent online? Is this usual for you? I’m on throughout the day. When it comes to travel, what kinds of places intrigue you most? I’m such a tourist, so I enjoy touristy things. I like checking out the shops and museums. I don’t know, I just like checking out as much as I can.
What is the farthest you’ve walked in one day and what made you do it? A friend and I walked all over this large city while there vacationing.
What is something important that’s often on your mind lately? My current situation with my health stuff.
What about something unimportant, but you can’t stop thinking about it? Hmm. I don’t know. My mind is pretty much just focused on all the bad shit I’m dealing with.
Do you like oatmeal? If so, what kinds of things do you like in it? I do. I like condensed milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon.
What was going on the last time you felt nostalgic? I’ve been feeling that way a lot these past few weeks I’ve noticed. Like, having/craving things I used to enjoy as a kid. Like my latest Yoo-Hoo obsession, for example. 
How much attention do you pay to the movements of the stars and planets, and do you believe they influence anything? None.
What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? Hmm. Perhaps the Life is Strange series.
Which accent do you find most sexy, alluring or appealing? British or some Southern accents.
Which accent do you find most annoying, disturbing, or bothersome? None of them.
Can you cry on cue? Is it any kind of useful? No.
Does it take you a while to actually get jokes? Not usually.
Can you wear socks to bed or does it annoy you? Yeah, I always wear socks.
Have you ever bleached your hair? Yep, several times.
Do you like jelly beans? Just the black ones, which is a super unpopular opinion. 
Do you have trouble sleeping when it’s storming? No, I love it.
Who was the last person you know that graduated? (high school or college) My brother just graduated UC on Saturday.
Were you happy or sad when you found out your babysitter was coming? My babysitter was usually my aunt, who I’ve always been close with, so I looked forward to it.
Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten? No.
Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series? Nope.
Who was your best friend in elementary school? I feel like it switched a lot until like the 5th grade.
Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies? Yes.
Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Rocks. It was something my Nana and I did together.
Did you get an allowance? Yes.
Were you into American Girl dolls? Nah.
Were you friends with your childhood neighbors? Yep, yep.
What was your biggest fear when you were a kid? All bugs. That hasn’t changed.
Did you ever play the "Reader Rabbit" computer games? Awww, yeah.
Did your parents let you drink soda growing up? Yes.
What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid? I’ve always loved white cake with buttercream frosting.
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Desperada rewatch summary because I need to lighten up
I’ve watched Desperada way too many times and I’ve probably written like 30 pages of angsty analysis so I’m balancing it out by writing a summary of non-angsty things about the episode that are being criminally forgotten
The flirtiest thing Luka does in the beginning is playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on his electric guitar in Marinette’s general direction while smiling at her
Adrien is carrying both his and Kagami’s fencing supplies when they walk into the boat. It is implied that they either made it all the way to fencing practice before meeting up and driving away, in which case the “oh no this is the wrong address” is hillarious, like “we were two feet away but oops oh nOoOoo, I accidentally took a wrong turn and headed back into the car, and then told my driver to come completely out of his way, whoops” or they are regularly carpooling to fencing practice which means they get to actually hang out more, I don’t know which I like more
Kagami asks Marinette if she’s there to watch her boyfriend rehearse, as Marinette and Luka are hugging and joking together. Marinette blushes and does not say no. Adrien, who is awkward and missed a lot of his friends interactions, has no reason to beleive that Luka and Marinette are not currently dating
Kagami is super awkward and physically used Adrien as a shield between her and the other girls, until the second Desperada shows up, at which point she instantly leaps in front of him to protect him.
I’m 90% sure that the first thing Marinette does when she sees Kagami and Adrien appear is rush to get them some orange juice, this is probably where Kagami got the orange juice idea
Marinette apperently plays the flute? This is never mentioned again
The SECOND that an argument starts up outside, every single person in the boat drops what they’re doing and RUNS outside to see what’s about to go down. No one thinks this is odd
the reason that Vivica got into drama with Jagged Stone is because she ate Jagged Stone’s cereal “and drank Fang’s milk.” He is still upset about this at the end of the episode
Jagged is not at all worried for his safety, his only concern is that Desperada “is giving rock and roll a bad name” in her murderous rampage. He also follows after her and tries to stop her, genuinly thinking that this argument will work
“I may not play the guitar but I do play the yoyo!” = actual Ladybug line in the English dub. I’m still uncertain as to what this means but she sounded really smug when she said it
Ladybug pulls Adrien and Luka into the sewers to hide and starts talking very quietly so Desperada doesn’t find them. Luka immeditatly starts to loudly play the guitar for no reason. This is never addressed and Ladybug says nothing about it. Desperada is actively searching for guitar players so she can attack them. This is not a good way to avoid capture.
before the timeloops start, Ladybug just takes down an entire bridge causing Desperada to fall several meters and be covered in heavy cement rubble. She is only mildly inconvenienced by this, and it barely distracts her. However, Luka playing a few notes on the harp at the end of the episode makes her completely unable to focus, because she’s so upset at Luka for playing music in the middle of a battle. Desperada represents my deepest inner emotions
Adrien knows his way around the sewers and immediatly finds a locker room to hide in. Luka does not question this
Adrien, being smart, closes another locker door to make Luka think he’s hiding in there. Also Adrien, being an idiot, is whispering to Luka for this entire scene so Desperada doesn’t find them, as he’s stomping around and slamming doors. No one sees an issue with this
Desperada destroys a flock of pigeons because they’re bad at playing guitar. I am not making this up
Marinette falls off the sewer ladder and almost drops the snake Miraculous into the sewer. The episode would have been very different if she had
Chat Noir, being a genius, takes away Ladybug’s suspicion by pretending to have magical smell that leads him directly to Adrien. He reaches exactly the locker where Adrien should be, then says “oh no he’s not here, lets team up with Luka and split up” and as soon as Ladybug’s out of the room, he shoves Luka back into a locker before he can join the search effort. Points for making an attempt to strategize I guess? I don’t know what he thought he would accomplish tho
If you follow the time frame, Luka stays in the locker for maybe 90 seconds before running out to look for them. What was he doing? He clearly had no intention of following Chat Noir’s order to stay put, which leads me to conclude he spent the entire two minutes just flustered because Chat Noir shoved him in a locker and winked at him
Luka walks in on Adrien and Ladybug talking and asks “did I miss something?” Ladybug laughs as if this is a joke. Luka never gets an explanation. I feel almost bad for him
Viperion’s solution to the problem is to start playing music in the middle of the battle. This works.
Desperada falls off the Eiffel Tower and it’s not enough to break her focus or make her angry at Chat Noir for cataclysming the ground she’s standing on. However, Luka plays maybe 4 notes on his lyre and she shoots off towards him in a blind murderous rage.
I think the literal reason that Adrien kept failing was because he never would’ve just started playing guitar in the middle of a battle like Luka was already doing.
If they spent any timeloops together in the sewer for the whole 5 minutes, Luka would’ve shown up before the time even ran out, and probably would’ve immeditaly started playing the guitar given his characterization in this episode
Jagged Stone is still upset about the cereal thing but he does his best to apologize anyway
When Kagami asks “I was wrong about you and Luka, wasn’t I?” she’s literally saying she was wrong about thinking he was her boyfriend because that’s what she thought at the beginning of the episode.
When Kagami kinda tried to pressure Marinette into love triangle mentality, Alya literally just bursts into the conversation and tells Kagami to knock it off in the nicest way possible
Jagged Stone cradles his crocodile in his arms at the end of the episode, not in a “I was worried about you, Fang” way, but in a “yep, this is a normal way to interact with a crocodile” way. Neither Vivica not Anarka bring it up
Jagged Stone is definitely related to Luka based on everything about his characterization in this, he doesn’t even stop playing the piano when Desperada shows up, his main priority is music, he speaks in musical metaphors, and his priorities make no sense. I’m trying to decide if this makes Fang Luka’s brother.
Anarka’s whole issue was that she doesn’t want to be Jagged’s “second choice.” This is clearly a pun. Luka, on the other hand, doesn’t have any capacity to care about anything that isn’t his guitar, so he doesn’t have this kind of rage
The freakinf cereal thing, you guys, Vivica got fired over eating Fang’s cereal, and Jagged only feels the slightest regret at firing her for this. He also may or may not have thrown her into a literal lake when he did this, the dialogue makes it unclear where the metaphors end
Jagged Stone’s music seems to have had both a piano part and a guitar part, so if anyone had been thinking at all, then Adrien could’ve come in as his pianist and Jagged could’ve taken pn the guitar
“You can come back but get your own breakfast, ok?”
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Gohan’s big baby Birthday (DBZ)
It was bright and early when Gohan's alarm clock went off, and for a change the normally hard to wake up sleepyhead sat up in bed, grinning like a fool. It was Gohan's birthday after all and what that meant was that his mom would be getting her and Goten ready to go into town for part of the day to give The young half sayian some privacy. For it was a reoccurring birthday tradition that Goku would use his 24 hours of time on earth that he got every year to come back on Gohan's birthday, and spend the evening and night with chi chi but the day was all about babying Gohan, who might of been turning 17 today but he was more like a 2 year old in so many ways.
The big baby fetish had popped up while training with his father in the time chamber, Gohan had noticed there was a stack of diapers in the room and had started 'having accidents' to get his dad to diaper him before bed. Goku might not of been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he hadn't been fooled and had taken to babying the little guy more and more. Chi-chi had been less eager to indulge on her son's babyish habits, though with her being pregnant at the time she found out about them, one could hardly blame her for not wanting TWO smelly butts to change. She did go alone with the bed wetting cover story so Gohan could wear to bed, though she made him wash and dry his own diapers and made it clear she didn't want him stinking the house up, and he was NOT to tell Goten about the diaper fetish or explain out big babies to him, she'd had a hard enough time getting her youngest potty trained as was. while Gohan took the deal it was clear that it wasn't the same without someone babying him, and when Daddy had made his trip to earth from the afterlife (Something he had done on his and chi-chi's anitverity back then) Gohan had floated the idea of maybe kinda sorta getting like, 5 of dad's 24 hours to just be his stinky little guy. Goku thought it was cute and after a lot of back and forth they got Chi-chi on board.
Gohan waddled out in his bed time shirt and wet cloth diapers, the formerly white cloth had been pee stained by the heavy usage and by this point Gohan wasn't even sure he HAD nighttime control anymore. Goten was eating a bowl of cheerios and giggled a little as Gohan wandered in, The smaller half sayian thought it was just so funny his big brother was a bed wetter. "Hey short stuff, where's mom?" Gohan asked, ruffling his little brother hair on his way to the fridge. "She's packing the car crinkles." Goten said, making a face as he haired having his hair messed up. "I see~ So you and trunks going to just cause trouble and chaos today?" Gohan asked, grabbing the milk out and since the bottle was almost empty he just drank right from it. "Of course not, we'll be total good boys." Goten said with a evil little grin on his face. "mmmmhmmm.. right. Just remember Vegeta's not out training in space anymore. he got back yesterday, and can and WILL spank your butts." Gohan warned. "Ah Poopies! There went THAT plan." Goten grumbled as Gohan chuckled and took a seat.  "..heh.. surprised you just don't put a nipple on that bottle. You look like a big baby anyways." Goten teased. "A big baby who can kick your butt with ease little guy." Gohan teased back. "I'll go super sayain two and make you change my diaper." "Ehehehehe shutting up." Goten replied fast and meekly, and focused on his cereal. "Good boy."
After some more playful banter, and getting sang happy birthday by mom and Goten, Gohan saw them off, standing in the front yard in just his diapers and t-shirt. Chi chi tried to get him to go and get dressed but Gohan (for the sake of goten) said he was likely gonna go back to sleep, and pointed out only the dinosaurs were around really. "And they know better then to get on my bad side." truthfully Gohan just wanted to keep his wet diapies on so daddy could change him and well, because as soon as mom and Goten were far enough away Gohan was gonna unleash his morning glory in his huggies. Chi-chi seemed to know what he was thinking though, as before they got in the car to drive off, she looked back at Gohan and mouthed silently to him. 'Not in the house!' 'Maybe I'm getting to be too predictable.' Gohan thought, rubbing the back of his head as they drove off, then had a impish thought. "I'm gonna go dookie in her room on her pillow!" he giggled out loud. "You know, bad boys don't get spoiled by daddy." came a voice behind Gohan. Turning around, there was Goku, smirking and then holding out his arms. "C'mere birthday boy." "DADDY!"
It was bare luck that Goku had managed to get cleared when he did, and was able to come back down in time to keep Gohan from being a little rascal. the boy was due for some birthday spankings but that didn't mean Goku wanted to have to do a time out and punishment. Setting the over sized baby on his hip, with a arm under Gohan's fat diapered butt, Goku smirked as Gohan started to babble on and on about what Goku had missed. "And so like this Videl girl at school is trying ta start a rumor I wear diapers, cuz I smelled like pee and baby powder one day and she's just a fart head!" Gohan was finishing up as Goku brought the big baby inside. "well you know Gohan, you kinda DO wear diapers." Goku pointed out and chuckled. "Well..Uh..Not to school I don't!" Gohan huffed and crossed his arms. "mmmmhmmm..and how much of that is because you know your mother would tan your butt?" Goku asked. "Er..well.." and Gohan looked super sheepish. "Heyyy so do you wanna see the rocking horse I've been working on?" Gohan said, trying not so subtly to change the topic. "Of course! You know I love seeing what you work o-" Goku was saying when a loud and long tummy growl came from Gohan's tummy.  "-N..Heh. I think I better get you fed first though." Goku teased. "Ehehehe yeahhh Might be a good idea." Gohan agreed.
Gohan was in the pantry, working the floor board to get his hidden stash of baby food as Goku went out to a small shed and brought in his 17 going on 2 son's highchair. it was made of Oak and had been painted bright white, though it's time in the shed was taking it's toll on it and the paint had chipped and flaked and dulled. the tray was a flip around that could be used to pin Gohan's arms, at least appearance wise. the boy could after all basically bench press moons so it wasn't like a tray could REALLY stop him. Carrying the chair in Goku smirked, Gohan was still trying to pick out what he wanted, and with his head and one shoulder in the little trap door, he was wigging his butt. "I like to eat eat eat, Apples and bananas!" he was singing. "Really? then how come you normally have prunes or brussel sprouts?" Goku asked, setting the chair down. Gohan turned around and giggled, and indeed was holding onto four jars, two of each. "Cuz I only get daddy here to change my butt for a little while, and this helps me make BIG presents!" he said and gave a impish grin. "Yeah, and makes you toxic..Ah well, you're the birthday boy~" walking over he got the jars from Gohan first, setting them on the table then came back for the impending little stinker, lifting him up and setting him in the jar, then tugging off the boy's shirt. Is your bib still in the drawer by the sink?" Goku asked. "Ehehehe no..uh..I hada hid it in my room for awhile, Goten was snooping for gifts when his birthday was coming up and welll.." Gohan said sheepishly., poking two fingers together. "I'll go get it, you stay put LITTLE guy." Goku said, and then kissed Gohan's forehead and tugged the tray down. He was almost to the door when Gohan giggled and cleared his throat. "Yeah little guy?" Goku asked, pausing. "Don't you think it might help if i told you WHERE I hid it daddy?" Gohan asked with a amused smirk. "..Sure. go ahead and use logic on your poor old man who's gonna have to smell you latter." Goku teased and blew a raspberry. "Changing mah smelly butt is a privilege n a honor!" Gohan giggled, then added. "It's under my bed in a box marked Math work. Mom told Goten if he messed with any of my school stuff she'd make him start going. worked better then a androids force field for keeping him out." "and you all wonder why I do what she says..the woman knows how to handle us Sayain's. Anyways, be right back babykins."
Looking under the boys bed in the box as he'd been told to, there was Gohan's light blue bib, big enough to still work on him though Goku would have to ask Chi-chi about getting him a new one, it too was feeling the effects of years gone by. the words DIAPER BOY was spelled out in baby blocks on it and as Goku went to push the box back under, he noticed a few new things he hadn't seen last time. a large pacifier with a orange mouth guard, a baby blue rattle, and a stuffed teddy bear. "heh..Somebodies been treating himself.. bet his mother doesn't know about those." Goku said softly, tugging them out and putting them on Gohan's bed for now. He wasn't going to rat the boy out, just ask how he was getting these things and making sure he was being safe when buying, Chi-Chi was always so worried he'd be recognized. 'Then again once it's in the open, he could wear all the time, that wouldn't be SO bad..' Goku thought, then pictured trying to pitch that idea to chi-chi..and shuddered.
Gohan was coo'ing and gurgling away in his highchair, ever so happy when he suddenly recalled that he'd recently picked up some more baby stuff last week. and he'd done it on his way home from school which was a biggggg nay nay with the rules Mom had put in place. 'Maybe he won't see them, or I can bluff and tell him they were a early present from mom...Yeah..then he'll bring it up with her and I'll be lucky if she doesn't start weening me off the diapers.' Gohan thought. His dad came back in and smirked at Gohan, coming over and tying the bib on the big baby and then nonchalantly asked. "Gohan, is there something you'd like to confess to daddy?" "welll when you put it that way...No." Gohan said and gave a slightly nervous grin. "Gohan.." Goku said, getting a warning tone in his voice. "I well..Might of..maybe kinda sorta..re-purposed some of my lunch money saved up over a few days, to um.. You know. Stop at a baby store." Gohan said, eyes darting around and looking anywhere but at his dad. "I see. I know what you got, who all saw you?" Goku asked, grabbing a spoon and taking a seat, opening a jar of the smelly baby food. 'No wonder this stuff makes him so toxic if it smells this bad before going in him!' Goku thought. spooning some up. "J-Just the shop keeper daddy. I told him it was for my new baby brother." Gohan said quickly then opened his mouth wide. "Well ok then. I just wanted to be sure. I'm not going to tell your mother about it Gohan, but I don't want you going out and getting this stuff yourself anymore. we'll make up a list later of things she can get you for your birthday, and you'll just have to do without any big boy presents." Goku said. as the spoon went in the 17 year olds mouth, Gohan made a sour face but then smiled, clearly he was on board.
After feeding Gohan, which took slightly longer then one would expect because the little imp kept moving his mouth so he got baby food on his cheeks and chin and bib, Goku wiped the little guy clean and set him back on his hip while he made up a bottle of formula for the little guy. Gohan was coo'ing and babbling babyishly, clearly in his little space, with the only thing shush him from time to time beding a loud belch. "heh, I was gonna burp you, but I think you've taken care of that yourself little guy." Goku said, though he wrinkled his nose at Gohan's baby food breath. "Nooo you can still burp me!" Gohan whined. "I'll be SO gassy after mah ba-ba!" "Heh, I know buddy. don't worry, you'll get burped JUST like the big baby you are." Goku promised, and was reward with a smooch to the cheek as he carried Gohan into the living room. "hehehehe fank ku daddy! ou's da best!" Goku turned on the television to a pre-school show then cradled the big baby in his lap, and popped the nipple of Gohan's ba-ba in the eager boys mouth.  keeping most of his attention on the cute big baby as he drank eagerly, Goku couldn't help but semi get drawn into the show itself, and made a mental note to ask Gohan for a update on what had been happening with it while he was in the other world. (go figure, the afterlife's cable providers were crap.)
Gohan was fighting hard to stay awake as he drained the ba-ba.. it just felt so right to be in his diapies and in daddies lap, and the formula tasted so nummy to him. Still, he only had so long with daddy and he didn't wanna waste it with a long nap like he had two years ago. Mean old mommy hadn't even been willing to let him have 3 extra hours with daddy and he'd had to go from bottle feeding to waking up in the middle of a stinky diaper change, but instead of diapies it's been gross old undies. After that he'd promised himself NEVER AGAIN! He forced his eyes open and smirked around the nipple as he saw daddy trying to pay attention to the show, though this had the side effect of making some of his formula rub down his chin. Goku instantly noticed though and using a towel he grabbed, he wiped Gohan's chin and pulled the bottle out with a pop as Gohan tried to keep it in. "heh, I think that's enough for right now, If I keep feeding you your gonna conk out buddy." Goku said, and held up the bottle. it was a one liter deal and was a little under half drained. "Gohan would of argued but knew daddy had a point, and plus with how greedy he'd been he could feel the gas bubbles building up. He could also feel a pressure building up at his back door, but decided to let THAT be a surprise for daddy. "Dadddddy, My chest is all achy!" Gohan whined and pouted, though his eyes gave away the delight he was feeling. "Oh Then I guess my big baby of a 17 teen year old son needs him's daddy to burp him huh?" Goku asked. "YESH!.. I mean..if you want to." Gohan said, sitting up in daddies lap and then going all blushy and shy. "Heh. cute buddy."
With Gohan and him in a chair with no sides, Goku set a towel over his shoulder then got the big baby set up so his legs went over either side of Goku's. Putting Gohan's head on the shoulder with the towel Goku had a hand on his son's diapered ass to help him keep balance but then started to rub and gently pat the big babies back. "Come on buddy, let your gas attacks allll out. you'll feel better soon." Goku said, and patted the boy's bottom a few times as well. Goku knew from experience that with the look in Gohan's eyes before he'd started to burp him, that he was gonna have a not so little stinker on his hands soon. Picking up the pace with the patting it wasn't long till Gohan let out a belch that made a near by plant eater run in terror, the dino thought it was a T-rex roar. "Whoa little guy! maybe daddy needs ear plugs for next time!" Goku teased, but kept patting. Gohan went to say something but a second and third belch followed, along with a little bit of spit up! Normally Gohan hadn't been that babyish, and the spit cloth was really there just to set the mood. again he went to go and comment on this to his dad but a loud poot came out from his behind. Goku stopped patting the boys back and placed that hand on Gohan's lower back, and he playfully shook the hand that had been on the boys butt. "Yike's! I felt the heat on that one! I think you almost burnt my hand!" Goku teased but winked. "Daddy! S'not dat bad!" Gohan huffed, but couldn't keep the grin off his face as more loud and bubbly farts roared out of his behind. Apparently the cloth diapers and plastic pants did NOTHING to hold back the sound, or the smell as Goku wrinkled his nose. even Gohan reached up and held his own nose. "Phew, I stinky!" he coo'ed. "There's a understatement little guy." Goku said, getting up off the chair and cradling Gohan to his chest still, with a arm under the boys butt. "Daddy, what you doing?" Gohan asked, as he blasted out more fart's. "Besides having you toast my arm? I'm opening up some windows..I think next year I'll burp you outside..Your a little more rotten then normal buddy." Goku chuckled. "hehehe Well I mighta been having wots of tofu, and avoiding the potty cept for going tinkles for the past 3 days." Gohan commented, and was about to give a wicked grin when he scrunched up his face instead. "...Yeah ok, no more tofu for you." Goku said, though he doubted Gohan heard that. Since Goku could feel the big baby straining and bearing down, and well, one look at the boys face and it was clear he was trying to go poopie. "Is somebody gonna make daddy a present despite it being his own birthday?" Goku teased, and then gently, but firmly pressed down on Gohan's tummy. Gohan's grunted, but nodded, and his face was turning red as he kept grunting. but this time it wasn't from any sort of embarrassment, but from the sheer effort he was putting into making his uh-oh. as a vein started to appear on Gohan's forehead Goku sweat dropped. "Uh buddy, maybe relax, I think your gonna hurt yourself, or go a whole new level of super sayain." Goku said. "T-Trying to..hafa..But..not.." Gohan grunted. A light bulb clicked for Goku as he realized that Gohan's plan had had a unfortunate side effect. "oh buddy! you're all backed up!" Pressing his hand onto Gohan's tummy and moving his fingers, Goku used the same move that master Roshi had used on him the one time Goku had eaten 12 boars and then been unable to pass the meat. 'Let's see, here..then here..and end with a firm push andddd..' Goku thought, moving his hand and waited. he didn't have to wait long as Gohan went from a pained faced to gasping, and with a massive gross fart, the back of the boys diaper suddenly filled up, sagging and a rotten smell filled the room. "P-Pooping daddy!" Gohan cried out. a hand on the boys bottom, that was quickly getting over whelmed by the growing mess could of told Goku as much, but he smiled and kissed his son's cheek. "Yup, you sure are!"
By the time Gohan had finished with his movement, his diaper was almost down to his knees in the back and he was shocked the plastic pants hadn't bust. he was one super messy boy though, and his stink was making him gag as daddy carried him with hands under his armpits towards the bathroom. "I think we're gonna have to call it for these diapers and plastic pants buddy. you do have more right?" Daddy was asking. Gohan nodded, the strain of everything he had just done had left him semi exhausted as they were in the modernize bathroom Bulma had built onto the house. "Daddy's just gonna give you a rinsing and then a bath buddy, your plastic pants may be holding but your diapers lost the fight." Goku explained, Standing Gohan by the toilet and then fiddling with the controls of the bathtub. "but.. wanted a real diapie change." Gohan whined, his thumb heading for his mouth. "Buddy, I can do a shower and bath time for you in 20 to 30 minutes, or waste 40 of them just wiping your butt." Daddy said, rubbing the back of his head. "Your choice." "...Tubby time." Daddy opened a few windows in the bathroom, it was needed for the steam and well, the SMELL and then as he got the water running nice and warm, he turned to Gohan and raised a eyebrow. "I'm..not sure if I should take the diaper off before standing you in the tub or after." He said, looking sheepish. Gohan giggled around his thumb, then moved past daddy to get into the tub, with the drain unplugged and the water just pouring in it wasn't even ankle deep.
A hour later, and after washing out the tub several times, both had realized the mistake, but Gohan was playing with a mixture of bath toys and Goku had gotten rid of the soaked and smelly diapers, tossing them into a mountain area. (Ironically or perhaps not, while no one would know the other was responsible, Hercule had been giving a TV lecture about how to deal with the wild dinosaurs and how marital arts could protect you.. when the filthy thing had landed on his head. karma in a fashion.) Now however Goku was just smirking as he watched the great battle of the toy boat fleet take on the dreaded rubber ducky and rubber froggy menace. 'he's such a goofball. but he's MY goofball' Goku thought lovingly. As the fleet managed to take down the menace Goku called for a time out, and then got the bar of soap. "Um..Daddy. I can wash myself." Gohan said, squirming in the water and getting all shy. "..I can wipe your poopie butt but not wash you?" Goku asked, sounding amused. "...well when you put it THAT way.." Gohan said and giggled. washing the boys down, and then his hair (and making sure to use the baby shampoo) Goku drained the tub and dried Gohan off with a towel, then took anther one and wrapped him up tight in it and carried him back to the boys room. "How's it feel being all squeaky clean?" Goku asked, kissing Gohan's forehead before setting him on his bed. "Nice daddy! Thankkkkk you~" "heh, your very welcome." Goku chuckled. Tugging open Gohan's bed time drawer, there was lots of folded cloth diapers, but only one pair of clear plastic pants. "Remind me to tell your mother you need anther pair." Goku said, then tugging out a hefty stack of the thick terry cloth diapers, and grabbing a few diaper pins, came over and got to work. Soon enough Gohan was in 5 of the diapers, and Goku tugged the plastic pants over them with ease, though Gohan was sulking a little. "what's wrong buddy?" He asked. "wanted thicker!" Gohan whined. "oh, but if I made them TOO thick, you wouldn't of been able to wear my OTHER gift for you." Goku chuckled and winked. "...huh?" "one second." Goku said, then disappeared using his Instant transmission move to go into a spot by the house where he'd stashed a box, and opened it before teleporting back. getting what was in there made hadn't of been easy in the afterlife, but Gohan was worth the effort and Goku came back, holding a onesie that was in the orange color of the gi he wore, and had Piccolo's school for marital arts on the back. "what do you think? King kai helped me ma-" Goku was saying, holding it up. then Gohan tackle hugged him, knocking him to the floor and was hugging him. Eeeee! I wuv it! fank ku fank ku fank ku fank ku!" Gohan squealed, and honestly his squeal hurt more then the tackle had, and for a second Goku worried about the windows breaking. "this will have to go under your bed with your other little guy stuff, but for now, how about daddy gets this on you and then we'll go out and play tag?" Goku asked. His answer was a big smooch on his cheek, and a crinkling of the plastic pants as Gohan wiggled his bum back and forth.
Dressed in his onesie, and holding daddies hand, Gohan waddled outside and was just so happy. sure he only got a little bit of time with daddy every year, but daddy always one up'ed himself. as they started to play tag, with goku purposely letting gohan get the best of him, the big baby only had one thought. 'I can't wait for next year!'
The end
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saibh29 · 5 years
Lucky Charms and Coffee (Part 1/2)
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning: 1 Night stands, Swearing
AN: A request from a lovely anon. Hoping they don’t mind that I’ve changed it a little. I couldn’t write a ‘reader’ who would let Kelly kiss them knowing he’d brought another woman home... 
One with Severide please where he has one of his friends with benefits over but realises it’s you he wants and comes down the stairs and kisses you up against the wall🤤 thanks!! You’re the best I look forward to reading your uploads every night🥺
You couldn’t decide, it was too hard a decision and what if someone got hurt because of your decision. You hated making choices, it was way too difficult. Your eyes darted back and forth between the two boxes trying to pick.
From somewhere on the upstairs mezzanine a girlish giggle rang out followed by the much deeper voice of a man.
Jesus, not again.
Choice made for you, you pulled the box of lucky charms off the shelf along with the chocolate crunch and got your bowl from the cupboard, the bowl was clearly yours as the inside was decorated with pink cupcakes and rainbows. You mixed the two cereals together coated them in full fat milk and carried it over to the breakfast bar to devour.
You’d gotten yourself perched on a stool by the breakfast bar shovelling sugary cereal into your mouth when the girlish giggles got even louder and soon enough a blonde-haired barbie was tottering down the stairs into the living room still wearing the sparkly sequin number from the night before. Kelly following behind her had a pinched expression on his face that normally meant he was getting a headache and needed everyone to shut up and leave him alone.
The blonde reached the bottom step of the spiral staircase and stopped dead, mouth opening in a pretty little ‘o’ when she locked eyes with you.
Kelly almost ran into the back of her, eyes jumping to where she was looking, he spotted you as well.
“Morning” you waved your spoon at them both in greeting but otherwise ignored them, much more focused on injecting sugar into your system with cereal.
You’d seen this walk of shame way too many times to count. At first, when Kelly had first wheedled his way into your spare room, you’d tried to talk to them. Then when you’d begun to realise that you’d never see the same woman more than once you’d slowly given in.
Now it was a wave at most and mainly you scampered before they even came down.
You hadn’t heard the usual noise coming from his room last night though, didn’t have any clue that he’d even got a woman in there.
You could hear Kelly trying to gracefully extricate himself from the blonde at the door, and a few minutes later the slam of the front door.
Kelly came back towards the kitchen, rubbing at his temples.
Before the cereal choices had started to ruin your morning, you’d flicked the coffee machine on and you pointed to it now.
“Should be done”
“My angel” Kelly sighed grabbing on of the larger mugs from the shelf and filling it to the brim before coming to sit beside you.
“She seemed nice”
Shrugging you put one more heaped spoonful of cereal in your mouth. “Could be”
From the drawn expression on Kelly’s face and the slightly green tinge to his skin he’d drank more than usual last night as well. He pushed his coffee mug further away so he could lay his head down on the counter. “Her laugh went straight through my brain”
“It was rather high pitched, but then again I doubt it was her laugh that attracted you to her last night” he turned his head to open one eye, that eye looked fairly pissed off. “Those were some very bright… sequins”
Kelly pushed himself back up again. “You jealous?”
“Of what? Barbie?” snorting in derision you scowled at him. “Why would I be jealous of that?”
“Because she actually looks female?”
“Excuse me?”
Kelly took a deliberately long look at you, eyes processing the leggings you had on shoved into fluffy socks with pictures of Garfield on. Then moving up to the over sized jumper you’d gotten from one of your brothers. It was bright pink with little sparkly stars covering it. Your hair bundled up into a messy bun and not a lick of make up on your skin.
“Don’t worry angel, some men like the quirky look”
“Get lost Kelly” you finished up your cereal quickly, dumping the bowl in the dishwasher and coming back to stand beside him. “Just because not all of us are happy to jump into bed with the first person to speak to us”
“Stop calling me that. How many times do I have to tell you?” you’d worn angel wings for one Halloween more than 5 years ago now and Kelly still wouldn’t give up on that stupid nickname.
“Y/N…” at this point even Kelly seemed to have registered that he’d screwed up. He’d gone past the usual level of banter that the two of you shared and veered into seriously insulting. “I didn’t mean, I'm still semi drunk, just ignore me”
“I ignore you most of the time Kelly. Trust me” reaching out you took the still half full coffee mug from him. “You don’t deserve my expensive coffee anymore”
Leaving him sat at the breakfast bar you went back into your own room.
Stupid Kelly and his stupid Harem. What was wrong with the way you dressed? Sure you didn’t look like sequinned barbie, but you were… comfortable.
Damn him.
You stared in the mirror at yourself. Maybe you could make more of an effort. The baggy sweater did nothing for your figure, and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d worn a bra with a wire. Why would you? Wires we’re so uncomfortable. You bet barbie wore a bra with a wire, probably one of those fancy lacy monstrosities that pushed your boobs up to under your chin.
Did it really matter what Kelly thought though? You’d gotten over your stupid crush on him years ago. Happy to accept the fact that you would never be the type of woman he went for.
However, an evil thought started to take root in your brain. Would it be so bad to prove, at least for one night that you could do… sequins just as well as the next barbie.
Grabbing your phone, you found Gabby’s number calling your friend and the reason you knew Kelly in the first place.
‘Y/N? What’s up?’
‘I need to borrow a dress’ you said without preamble ‘and possible a bra, one with a wire and that push up effect’
‘umm, ok. What’s going on?’
‘I have something to prove, mainly to myself, but also possible a little bit to Kelly’
‘What’d he do now?’
‘Doesn’t matter. Can you help me?’
‘Sure. Come over and we’ll see what we can find’
With Gabby on board you felt a bit more confident. Gabby always looked hot; she could fix you up in not time. You were going to prove them all wrong.
@lifesaclimb-buttheviewisgreat  @lclb13 @moli1497   @clementines-x @the-chosen-one-time-lord @no-other-names-availible-blog @angelaiswriting @selldraug @angryares @thenovarose @georgiagrl1990 @mindofthescattered  @dontstopxx @iamabeautifulperson18 @madelinecraig03 @ka-x-in @mesmericbell  @weirdpotato-14 @putinontheritzz @soulslaststand @fuckthatfeeling  @ember1201 @morganlb23 @tomhopperarms  @fakingintrest @artprincessbree  @dreamer-lover-laughter @artprincessbree @rime-warrior @captainvaneswife @kapolisradomthoughts @thingsandstuffienjoy @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @aya-fay  @itsbubbaog @hp-hogwartsexpress @emmykinzs @thatbadassunicorn @sassywingednightmare @weirdnewbie @goyawriter @shipperfangirling @nathaliabakes @stillreadingfantasy @waywardblueshun @give-jack-a-lightsaber @shipatheart @itsdesiree86 @coffeebooksandfandom​
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writeradamanteve · 6 years
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Campbughead  @writeradamanteve: Day Twenty : Science Fiction
Words: 4,837
Chapters: 1/2
Rating: Eventual Smut
Pairing: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones
Summary: To get away from her overbearing mother, Betty jumped at the chance to work as a mechanic for the Whyte Wyrm. The ship’s captain, FP Jones flies across the galaxy hunting bounties for a living with his son and daughter and their lives are as exciting as they are mundane. Betty’s ready to adventure with this ragtag family of space cowboys (and when she wasn’t working, daydream about the handsome Cowboy, Jughead Jones).
Betty tapped her spoon on the edge of the bowl and it made flat, metallic clinks.  The bowl was huge, intended for mixing large portions of food, like Garden-tossed Salad or a macaroni dish that served three, but all of the smaller bowls were still in the sink, unwashed from the previous night’s homemade macaroni and cheese.  It had been Jughead’s turn to wash the dishes and it wasn’t a surprise he had shirked it.  He shirked as much housework as he could, but Betty refused to clean up after him.  She may have feelings for the 3rd Quandrant’s most effective cowboy, but she wasn’t going to let him push her around.
At the bottom of the bowl was a pile of cereal and some chunks of a banana.  The banana was still okay, but in about a day or two it would be overripe.
Combined with the stale bread we could actually make decent pudding.  
She shook her head after the thought. She was getting tired of being the only one in this goddamn spaceship who cared to think about recipes for leftovers. Before she came around, the Joneses tended to let their leftovers rot in the fridge.
I swear, they’d all expire if I weren’t around.  
It was a little past eight and she expected that the other occupants of the Whyte Wyrm would be waking up soon. FP was usually up around the same time she was, but he must’ve been exhausted from that last bounty they had to catch.
They had been successful, thank goodness. They needed the funds, as evidenced by the low food supply, but Jughead had said payment wasn’t due to arrive for another two days. Alliance money came slower when it needed to be transferred from the 1st to 3rd quadrants of space.
This, quite understandably, put Jughead in a foul mood. He was swearing all the way back from the planet Ursula K in his speedcraft, which he dubbed Hitchcock. His profanity had clogged Betty’s radio frequency for minutes on end.
She normally didn’t mind when he cursed up a storm, but this time, she tuned him out, his swearing was so bad.  
He was also, still asleep, though he might be waking up soon.
JB’s sleep schedule didn’t count as a schedule.  Her hours were as erratic and random as she was; she slept when she wanted, wherever she wanted, whether it was on the couch, on the stairs or on the kitchen table.
Betty moved the cereal and banana around.  They were fresh out of milk, but there had been some chocolate syrup in one of the cupboards.  
Desperate for some semblance of breakfast, she had poured some of the syrup on top of her mixture. Everything, after all, was good with chocolate.
Her mother, Alice Cooper, would be furious if she knew her daughter was having chocolate first thing in the morning. Then again, her mother wasn’t here. She was at least two wormholes away, which was how Betty preferred it. She wouldn’t have had taken FP’s job posting for a space mechanic if she didn’t.
The chocolate was predictably delicious and probably unhealthy, but she figured she needed the fat anyway. Her shorts were loosening and she thought perhaps her boobs were shrinking.
The thing about living in the Whyte Wyrm and depending on bounty rewards for their prosperity was that food was either in abundance or went starvation levels low. Feast or famine.  It was therefore smart to load up on calories when there was something, anything in the pantry.
To the side of the bowl was her coffee and she took a sip of it.
She breathed in its fresh aroma and sighed happily.  Decrepit as their lives could get on the ship, they at least believed in good coffee.  FP always insisted on buying the best brand.  Betty had no complaints, even when it was her turn to buy the groceries.
Betty felt the caffeine invade her system, and it was good.
She began to munch on her makeshift breakfast as little by little, she felt less aggravated by their lack of food supply.
There was a sound behind her, and judging by the light but slow stride, it was Jughead.  Betty didn’t even bother to look.  Newly out of bed, Jughead was even less sociable than usual.
In the morning, Jughead was what her mother would classify a disgrace to the public.  His ink-black, scraggy locks tended to look a bit bent out of shape and the scowl on his face was enough to deter everyone who saw him from making smart-ass comments about it.  
He shambled out of his bunk in wrinkled combat pants and his white, wife-beater shirts, sometimes torn, sometimes yellowing from overuse. Sometimes he didn’t wear a shirt at all, which often caused Betty to wonder if he wore anything under those pants of his.
Not that she was complaining. Jughead Jones wasn’t a tank, by any means. His limbs were long and his body was lean, but those lines of muscles were certainly there. Like his body was pulled tight, and she liked it. She liked it a lot.
He took one look at her and she met his gaze with an arch of her eyebrow. She was ready for him, but he hadn’t even had his coffee yet.
Jughead made no comment, heading straight for the coffee machine.  He poured himself a mug and he padded to the stool beside her, hunched over his cup.  She paid him no attention as she munched on her breakfast and drank her own coffee.
After a while, probably after the caffeine kicked in, he was awake enough to speak.  “What’s that?”  He was looking into her huge bowl.
“Cereal, banana, and chocolate syrup.”
“Where’s the milk?”
“We ran out.”
He was silent, probably cursing the emptiness of their refrigerator, and again the delayed reward, in his mind.  There was a spoon on the table; neither of them knowing from whence it came, but Jughead didn’t seem to care.  He took it, polished both sides of it with the edge of his shirt and began to point it towards Betty’s breakfast.
She scowled.  “Really, Jug? There are still a couple of bananas in the fridge. Go make your--”
Ignoring her, Jughead tugged at her bowl and began to eat.  She rolled her eyes and scratched at her scalp irritably.
“This is good,” he said through a mouth full of cereal and banana.
Sighing, Betty’s only response was to eat before he finished all of it.
Halfway through the meal, she caught him staring at her cleavage. She pretended not to notice, but she might have adjusted her shoulder slightly to give him a better view. She noticed that Jughead liked this particular shirt on her. She was yet to call him out on it.
He tore his eyes away from them seconds later, his face noticeably red.
She didn’t have that many clothes to wear. When she accepted FP’s job offer, she had rushed home, taken what she could into her small suitcase, and hurried out before her mother could stop her.  She left a video message for her mother to find and by the time Alice Cooper found it, she was halfway across the galaxy in the Wyrm.  
As a result, Betty’s clothing choices were limited.  She could shot for new things, of course, but she preferred to save as much as she could instead of blowing it off on shopping.  All she needed to do her job was a shirt and overalls. When she wasn’t working, she wore shirts and shorts. She had one sundress for special occasions. That hadn’t been busted out yet. There weren’t many social events to go to in their line of work. Bounty hunting wasn’t a very socially inclined industry.
Still, it didn’t mean she didn’t care what Jughead thought of her. If she ever bothered to wear clean clothes, nicely fitted shirts, and painted toenails, it was because she wanted Jughead to notice, and while he did seem to notice sometimes, he never said anything, which kind of drove her crazy.
And annoyed her. Constantly. Especially now, when he was eating her breakfast.  
It was time to call him out. If only for her own sanity.
“Were you just looking at my boobs?”
He choked on the dry cereal, causing his face to redden even more. “Jesus, Betty.”
“Well, were you?” she cried.
He looked like he was struggling. He probably was. With the cereal. With his words. “You know, you wear a shirt like that--”
“This old thing?”
He dealt her a look that was less than amused. “Shoot me, alright. I’m exhausted, I’m hungry, and they were--you were in my line of sight. It’s just--I’m just too tired to look away, okay?”
She wondered about Jughead sometimes. She’d never once seen him come home with a girl (or guy) or left with his whereabouts unknown. He always got back to the Wyrm alone and only left for assignments, or quick errands.
For a good looking, healthy twenty-something, who didn’t appear like he was awkward with those who were overtly attracted to him (she’d seen him grin cockily at a few admirers, men and women of varying species, even) he sure didn’t seem to have much of a sex life.
Not that she was doing any better.  She hadn’t gotten laid for far too long.
Jellybean swooped into the kitchen, her laptop open in her hands. She was typing something on it, her fingers flying.  “Morning, grouch!” she said to her brother without looking at him.
He grunted, but he turned away from Betty, probably relieved that a distraction bailed him out of his very awkward situation.
Hotdog, the Joneses’ sheep dog, followed her in, yipping excitedly, after which he began to lick Betty’s perfectly manicured toes.
“Ugh!  Hotdog!  Gross!”
Jughead laughed upon seeing the disgusted look on her face.
“Aw, he just likes you, that’s all,” Jellybean said, not looking up from her laptop.  
Betty liked Jellybean. She was a sweetheart, but she often had her head in the clouds. She never had any in-depth conversations with Betty, only fleeting, distracted ones. So she figured Jellybean wouldn’t care if she skipped making nice for stopping Hotdog from slobbering her foot.  She tried desperately to shake Hotdog off her.
Hotdog simply refused to leave Betty alone, so she lifted her foot, growling menacingly in the hopes of scaring Hotdog off, but she miscalculated her balance and she promptly began to topple back on her seat.  She screeched.
Jughead lunged, and was brutally punished for his good deeds with Betty’s foot as it swung up and hit him square on the chin.
“Dammit, Betty!”
Betty figured it was going to be a pretty bad fall and she braced herself for impact, so she was relieved when her head remained suspended above the floor, her butt still wedged on the stool.  She craned her neck and found that Jughead had grabbed her ankle as he glared at her.
“We don’t exactly have proper health insurance, you know,” he muttered.  He reached over with his other hand, grabbing her by her upper arm.  He yanked her up to sit her up, and she told herself she only imagined the extra rub her arm felt as he disengaged his hand.
“That damn foot’s like a sledgehammer,” he muttered.
Ruffled, but otherwise unharmed, Betty tried to regain as much of her dignity as she could.  “Sorry, the dog--”
“Bad Hotdog!”
The dog whimpered.
Betty was surprised he yelled at the dog. Jughead tended to snort off any inconvenience Hotdog had visited upon her, like when the dog chewed on her slippers, or when he peed on the side of her speedcraft. Maybe she was finally being let in?
And while she was trying to understand the moods of Jughead Jones, she realized that he saved her a bad knock to the head.  “Th-Thanks.”
Jughead arched an eyebrow.  “For yelling at the dog?”
“For catching me.”
“Yeah, well…” He began eating the rest of her cereal. She let him.
Jellybean started singing a pop song.  A grin spread on her face as she looked at the bottle of chocolate syrup.  There was a cartoon cow on it.  “You know what planet outside of earth has cows?”
Betty sighed.  She still couldn’t believe she understood that as Jellybean-speak for “I have something.”
“No JB,” she replied. “What planet outside of earth has cows?” Not that she was expecting a straight answer….
Jellybean’s fingers wiggled and danced over the keyboard.
Betty exchanged raised eyebrows with Jughead before they turned to watch Jellybean with growing interest.  Several faces came up on screen, set side by side on a grid; men and women with bounties written below them.
“Pick a face, Betty!”
Sometimes, Betty just found it easier to do what she was told. She pointed to a face of a man. Handsome and rugged. His bounty was also the biggest on the page. “Jason Blossom.”
Jellybean nodded.”Good choice! I knew you’d pick him for his dashing good looks and inspired bounty. Blew up a stadium, this one. Accidentally, I’ve found. But he inadvertently killed the Prime Minister’s daughter so...”
Jughead snorted. “Dead man walking. Did you find him, JB?”
She nodded, delighted by her own success. “He’s raising cows in Oberlin Major. For beef. He’s a space rancher.” She typed a few more things on her laptop before she pressed the final button with a flourish and turned it around so that both Betty and Jughead were looking at the screen.
It showed a crowded space port on one half of the screen, like a video feed. On the other half was Jason Blossom’s face with pin-pricks of pixels dancing over it.
“Face recognition software?” Betty asked.
Jellybean wiggled her fingers maniacally. “My special program. Better than any of the ones in the market.”
“Better, how?” Jughead asked.
“It crawls data by geo-location.”
Betty and Jughead exchanged looks. That was most certainly illegal, but then again, Jellybean’s primary function was to get them through the inconveniences of galactic red tape.
The frequency of the pixels followed the movements of the video, until finally, the pixel flashed on and off, corresponding to a face in the crowd that seemed to match the flashing pixels on Jason’s face.
Betty leaned over to look more closely at the feed. “Is that--Is that him in a wig?”
“That’s a girl,” said Jughead.
“How do you know it’s not him dressed as a girl?”
Jellybean started to giggle madly as she pulled up the information about Jason. “Jason Blossom of Thornhill Mansion has a twin, Cheryl!”
The young hacker pulled up another video of Cheryl in the terminal, stepping into a passenger ship. Jellybean paused the video and zoomed in on the digital sign perched on the ship’s dock. The sign said, “Oberlin Major, Boarding.”
Betty’s eyes widened and she pointed to the picture. “You figured out Jason Blossom was Oberlin through that? She could’ve been going there for something else entirely.”
Jellybean began to wiggle her arms.  “My ways are mysterious and brilliant.”
“That’s for sure,” said Jughead from the corner of his mouth.  
Jellybean pressed some commands on her laptop then peered at her monitor.  “A movie is filming at his ranch. That’s how I found him. And cows. Cows outside of Earth are delightful curiosities.”
Betty chuckled. This girl was crazy and delightful. She wished Jellybean would let her in more.
Jellybean cracked her fingers. “On the set of the unreleased film Rocketship Salsa, someone took a picture and posted it on Instantgram.” She turned her monitor around again, showing them a photo of a fan with one of the actors of the movie. In the background, there was a blurry outline of a cow and a redhead. Jellybean zoomed into the picture, cleared up the pixelation, and clicked “Match” on her facial recognition interface. The software blinked excitedly. Jason’s face matched with the figure in the picture.
Betty was, once again, thoroughly impressed.
Jughead made a sound and nodded.  “The real crime here is that a film named Rocketship Salsa is being made because they think it will make them money..”
Betty shot him a look, but she did follow it up with an amused grin. “So are you and FP going for it?”
“Hells, yes. It might even pay us sooner than that goddamn bounty yesterday.” He ruffled his hands through his hair and Betty longed to touch those silky strands.
Do I even have enough batteries left in my vibrator, I wonder?
Betty sighed. She needed an occupation.  “Can I come with? This ship is running perfectly and I’m really, really… ” horny “... bored.”
He seemed to be thinking about it. It wasn’t as if she’d never done a run with them before. She was handy enough with a firearm to help where she was needed, but it was never a given. She always had to ask, and while FP tended to just say, “Sure thing!”, Jughead always seemed to be resistant to the idea.  
She exaggerated batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips. “Please?” She might have angled a bit for some cleavage, too. She wasn’t above that right now. If he jumped her, she wasn’t going to complain.
He rolled his eyes. “Christ, fine. But do as I say. If something happens to you, this hunk of junk will give out at some point and then we’ll really miss you.”
The only reason what he said didn’t hurt was because he was half-grinning as he said it.
Betty clapped her hands. “Wonderful! JB, send me all that info, won’t you?”
“Okie, dokie.”
“Hey, does dad know about all this, JB?” Jughead asked, pressing the buttons on his wrist tagger. A screen projected above it and he moved some data around--probably the information Jellybean sent him.  
Jellybean shook her head.  “Dad was up early and left early.”
Betty was surprised about that. She made a grunting sound.
“One has to wonder,” muttered Jughead, probably meaning he didn’t really care.
“Dad took the Chopper and I didn’t ask, but I could track him.”
“Don’t bother,” said Betty and Jughead in unison. One thing Betty learned about living in the Whyte Wyrm was that FP always came back and it was always better not to know what FP was up to in his free time.  It was either too embarrassing or too illegal. Either way, both her and Jughead didn’t want to know.
They looked at one another for about two seconds before they realized that both of them would be needing the shower.  Betty had a one-second head start being nearer to the door as she shot down the hallway.  Jughead was close at her heels.
As the bathroom door came into view, she grinned triumphantly to herself.  But in the next second, she felt strong arms grabbing her from behind and shifting her around.  Mid-shift, she planted her feet against the wall and kicked, slamming Jughead against the opposite wall in the narrow hallway.
Jughead’s grip didn’t loosen in the least, but her leg muscles were strong enough to make him immobile, pressed between her and the wall.
Jughead cursed his predicament profusely.
Betty was too annoyed to gloat.  “Dammit, Jughead!  You can’t cheat me out of first-shower rights!”
Jughead grunted against the pressure.  “Since when did either of us make first-shower rights easy?”
She exerted more pressure and he growled.
“Stop that!  Are you hoping to suffocate me?”
Betty growled in frustration.   “This was funny the first 3 times but it’s getting old, Jones!”
In spite of himself, he laughed. “Speak for yourself!”
“Look, Jughead.  Just let me bathe first and I promise you, I won’t use up all the hot wate—“
“Like hell!”
“Even if I do, at least I don’t leave the floor and towels sopping wet; and I don’t make mush out of the soap, either!”
“Betty, get offa me!”
“I’m using that bathroom first, dammit!”
“Okay!  I’ll let you! Just get the fuck off!”
“Okay, already!”
“Say it, fucker!”
“I promise! God-dammit, Betty!”
She slackened her legs and he let her go.
Barely keeping her balance, she turned and arched an threatening eyebrow. If he tried anything...  
He put his hands up and grinned, then his eyes flickered down to her her collar.
Once again checking her out.
You know, that shower’s big enough to fit two people smashed together.
She wanted to say it, but lost her nerve. When he didn’t do anything, she took a deep breath and headed for the shower.  
By the time Betty was done getting dressed for the day, Jughead was already lounging on the couch, letting his hair dry.  Jellybean sat on the table, humming a made-up tune as she tapped away on her computer, and Hotdog was Hotdog, watching her warily in case she had an urge to kick him out of the way.
Jughead gave her one look and arched an eyebrow.  “You look… different.”
She rolled her eyes impatiently.  Of course she looked different; she had finally put on her sundress.  It was an airy green spaghetti strap with small flowers dotting it. It wasn’t fancy, but it was perfect for a romp out in the arid climate of Oberlin Major.
“Don’t wait up for me,” she said, slinging her strappy gold sandals over her shoulder.
Jughead watched her leave for their docking port.
She climbed into the Vixen, her personal speedcraft, and dumped her shoes into the cockpit.  She liked driving barefoot.  
“Hey, Betts.”
Mildly surprised, she looked up from her craft, watching Jughead approach from the doors.  “Yes?”
“Where are you going?” He seemed genuinely curious.
“Reconnaissance. You and FP may not be big on homework and preparation, but I am. I like to scope out the site. Plus, there will be actors there. I’m a little curious.”
“So you’re going by yourself?”
She frowned. “What? Do you think I can’t handle it?”
He tilted his gaze. “That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just… do you want some company?”
Betty thought this an interesting development. She let her eyes scan his figure, up and down. Not that he was an embarrassment to be around with. She found him incredibly handsome and distracting, but she wondered if this was just him getting cabin fever or this was him finally noticing her.
She was well-aware she could just come out and make the first move. There was nothing wrong with that, per se, but she was, first and foremost, polite. She had been invited to this ship and she didn’t want to be the one to initiate a disruption in the dynamics. Getting down with the captain’s son was sure to change things. Even if she wanted it to happen, she wanted that initiative to come from Jughead.
His house, his move.
“I don’t mind company,” she said with a casual tilt of her shoulder. “Just don’t get in my way.”
He chuckled and climbed into his own ship.  “You’re the boss.”
She scoffed, flipping her controls open. “Right. As if.”
“Why are you really tagging along? Like, are you bored? Do you not want me to get a head start? Are you afraid I’d screw up?”
“Cooper, what did I even do to deserve that last bit?” He smirked, powering his own spacecraft.
“N-Nothing! I’m just curious. You’ve always let me go off on my own…”
“Yeah, when you want to window shop at the flea markets. But this is work. You don’t ever go out on the field without a partner. Dad and I go out together all the time. It’s for safety, Betts.”
She pulled the strap on her seat and secured herself. “Fine.”
“Great. What’s the script?”
“Well, if we’re going to scope out the place, we can’t look suspicious. What’s our script? Our roles? Vacationing couple? Brother and sister? Pimp and whore?”
She shot him a glare. “Maybe vacationing couple.”
He laughed softly under his breath. “Vacationing couple, it is. Let’s go, sweetheart. We don’t want to be late to cast meetups.”
This was either the best idea or the worst idea.
Jughead looked at Betty through the Hitchcock’s windshield.  She still refused to look back and he laughed to himself.
He was never going to understand Betty’s moods.  One minute she was sweet and nurturing and another minute she was on his case, irritable and snarky.
Not that understanding her was really all that important.  In spite of Betty’s mommy issues (the girl seemed to have a fear that her mother would catch up on her), he liked her enough that he didn’t complain about having her on the ship.
They needed a mechanic, for one. And she seemed nice enough, unfailingly polite at first, but thankfully less guarded the longer she had been around them. He wasn’t exactly Mr. Personality himself, so he liked how she seemed to have eased in instead of coming like a hurricane.
Her personality did bring a change of pace to the ship, however, which he thought surprisingly welcome. She tended to clean, which was a bonus of sorts--the Joneses tended to be a little more lax on that regard. But mostly he liked the quiet way she asked after all of them, how she tried to make clever contraptions and fix broken things. He liked that she read. Constantly. He liked watching her write in her journals and then put it away when she caught him looking.
He liked her skimpy outfits.
He liked those a lot.  
He liked that she worked on the engine with those overalls that she only really used as pants. She liked that smudge of grease on her chin and the ginormous wrench she lugged around when she was in the engine rooms. He liked watching her work on his spacecraft when it needed an oil change, because he could happily stare at her legs when she was too busy to notice.
She did get cranky. She was human and they were in a cramped spaceship, where they had to turn sideways when they met in its walkways and ramps, where the path to the shower rooms were the perfect set-up for intensely flirtatious racing and close contact.
Even her anger was entertaining.  Until he met Betty, he never knew fighting and calling each other names could be so amusing.  Never mind that he sometimes got a little carried away and ended up irritating himself.
Maybe she wondered occasionally why she never had to deal with awkward encounters in the small hallways when it was FP or Jellybean. Maybe she didn’t wonder. Maybe she knew.
She was driving him crazy.
He would swear she deliberately flashed him her cleavage on a daily basis.
But did he really want to risk screwing the uncomplicated dynamics of their ship up? If he gave into his impulses and fucked Betty on the engine room floor, which he had fantasized about countless times, his father might very well eject him into space.  
For one, space mechanics as good as she was who were willing to get paid a pittance with shitty benefits was rare. And second, FP seemed to have made an agreement with Betty’s mother that FP was to watch out for her like a daughter.
The only person, it seemed, who was more afraid of Alice than Betty was FP.
Ah, well. He was just going to have to jack off in the shower. Again.
He flipped on the radio, grinning as he channeled in on Betty’s frequency.  “So vacationing couple, right?”
“Honeymoon or just a quick getaway?”
She flew her ship close to his so that they could be looking at one another through the clear glass of their cockpits.  “What difference does it make?”
He slanted a grin.  “Huge difference. Honeymooners are more lovey dovey. Quick getaways are more about touring and sightseeing.”
She shot him a scowl before veering her ship away from him.
He laughed, following her.  “I’m serious!”
“Nobody’s going to care!”
“We’re professionals. We have to do everything right. Hey, you’re the one who said you want to do your homework and shit.”
“Fine. Quick getaway. We’re there to observe. So… you know, look at things. We can hold hands, maybe.”
He chuckled. Hold hands, indeed. “Fine. Whatever you want.”
“Okay, then. Anything else you want to talk about before we do this?”
“I really think we should go grocery shopping before we head back to the ship.”
She gave an irritated sigh, but she didn’t disagree. “Tell me that you brought money and don’t expect me to pony up for that.”
Jughead grinned. Maybe he liked to tease her occasionally, too. “Oh, right. Money! Yeah, about that…”
There was an audible crackle in his receiver. A sure sign that she had cut the transmission off.  He laughed.
He was going to enjoy this impromptu mission.
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
Who did you last have over your house, why were they there?
i didn’t have her over, but the last person to come here that doesn’t already live here was my aunt mary.. she was picking up my grandparents to go get lunch, and then she also dropped off a housewarming present for jacob and me... it was a nice welcome mat because the one we had was already ripping up..
What was the last thing to piss you off?
jacob last night. i have literally told people how i was planning on people getting to meet eliana since at least halfway through my pregnancy and he waited three days  before i was due to originally start this fight, and again yesterday on my due date, which was six days before induction. i’m so excited to meet ellie, but i really am dreading the probable fight jacob and i will get in, right after i give birth to our daughter. but as i’ve said, i feel strongly that since his family got to hold wy first last time and my parents were shoved to the side, it’s only fair they get to hold ellie first. especially since my mom has been my biggest support and i know she will be when i am in labor and giving birth too.
Recently, who in your house has gotten on your nerves the most?
jacob. that’s probably pretty obvious. lol.
What all has pissed you off today, if anything at all?
nothing has pissed me off so far today. thankfully.
Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with?
jacob, even though we’re way more than friends.
Who was the last person to have to deal with you having an attitude?
jacob. ha.
If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it?
probably on wy, ellie, phe, and cocoa.
What’s something you would love to have happen right now?
go into labor. lol.
You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose?
i don’t want, or need, a new phone. i just have to get the screen fixed at some point.
Which of your classes in school is most capable of killing a good mood for you?
i hated all math classes.
How nice of a person are you, honestly?
i think i am pretty nice. the only time that changes is when people decide to keep pushing me and i eventually break.
What good things have happened today?
baby cuddles. and we are going to get yummy food soon!
Is there anyone of your preferred sex who tends to mess with your head?
jacob does i guess a little sometimes.
What have you recently gotten the most compliments on?
baby bump. ha.
Do you and your best friend(s) act the same, or are very different from each other?
we are pretty different.
Is there something you should be doing right now, besides this survey?
i should brush my hair but whatever.
What would your last name be if you were married to the last person that texted you?
last person to text me was my brother, so no thanks. ha.
Have you ever made out in a bathroom?
yeah. in the shower.
Ever physically fought with member of the opposite sex?
just playing around.
Ever walked in on your friends having sex?
no. thank god.
Ever kissed a friend’s crush?
i have not.
How was your day overall?
i mean. not much to say so far. but i’m hoping for a good day.
Has anyone ever called cops on you?
no. never had reason to.
Do you swallow gum when you’re finished?
no. i would never intentionally swallow gum. that’s gross.
Ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?
Is there anyone that doesn’t like you?
ha. yeah. jacob’s sister, and everyone on his dad’s side.
Does your Facebook password have to do with a person?
Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
i honestly don’t remember.
What’s your current problem?
nothing i want to talk about. ha.
If something was wrong who is the first girl you would go to?
either kayla or my mom. depending what it is. or i would just keep it to myself.
Can you play pool?
not well, no.
Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker?
coffee these days. not that i really drink coffee either.
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
not even close.
Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn’t around now?
there are a lot of people like that.
Do you blush easily?
i do. and it’s horrible. people always give me shit about it.
Do you fall asleep while texting someone often?
no because i never have people to text. lol.
Do you like the last person you kissed?
most days.
How many piercings do you have?
i know the first piercings on my ear lobes are still open. that’s probably it.
Do you usually say sorry first?
yup. i do.
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
many times. but i usually end up too hot and move.
Are your nails painted right now?
they’re pretty much never painted.
Do you pick out your outfits in advance?
nope. i just grab clothes and go most of the time. only time i plan it out is if there is some special thing going on.
Did you check how many calories the last thing you ate had?
What do you dislike about your smile?
Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
sometimes. but i find the same sex confusing sometimes too.
Would you rather your partner have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile?
both. but i’m more drawn to gorgeous eyes i guess.
What do you think about hair extensions?
i wouldn’t want them, but that is just me.
Can you sleep with the TV or any lights on?
no. i like darkness.
Have you ever kissed in the snow?
i mean. probably.
Have you ever liked a football player?
i was going to say no, but i’m pretty sure chris used to play football. that was YEARS ago. lol.
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a B, R, L, K, C, or G?
nope. not romantically anyways. i’ve kissed family members with those initials.
Has the last person you kissed taken their shirt off in front of you?
yeah. many time.
Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
kind of.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
i’m getting pretty good at it again, except when the pregnancy hormones get to me.
Is there someone that you believe you will always be attracted to?
i mean, probably. i’ve been attracted to him over ten years so far.
Do you have something in your room that you never want to get ruined?
well, yes.
What do you want the most right now?
dinner rolls from logan’s steakhouse. ha.
Is this week gonna be fun?
it’s probably going to be long since i’m going to the hospital to hopefully be induced on thursday morning.
BlackBerry or iPhone?
Who were the last two girls you texted?
i sent a group text to jade and jon, and then i texted kayla last night.
Do they mean anything to you?
yeah. jade is my brother’s girlfriend and she’s like a sister to me at this point, and kayla is kind of my best friend.
Do you remember the last boy you texted?
my brother. he was in the same group message as jade.
What did you do last night?
just hung out at home.
Look in your call log; who was your last missed call from?
doctor’s office. it was just an appointment reminder.
In the last six months, can you say you truly cared about someone?
of course.
Could you handle living together with the last person who texted you?
honestly. i’m not so sure anymore. lol. jon and i obviously lived together growing up, and that was pretty rocky. i think we get along better when we don’t live all together. and jade would probably drive me nuts when she acts like mom to my kids. love her though.
Ever been called babe/baby?
yup. not often anymore. but yup.
Have you ever made a difference in someone’s life?
i mean, i would like to think so but at the same time, i doubt it.
Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
i don’t really plan it.
Do you think you’ve changed much over the past year?
i think so, yeah.
Did you see your best friend today?
i mean. i guess since i’ve seen jacob. i will see kayla later today too.
If someone liked you, what would be the best way to let you know?
i mean, at this point it would be pointless. i’m married and i’m not interested in anyone else. even if i were single, after everything i’ve dealt with, i probably wouldn’t be interested in anyone else. not for a long time anyways.
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
probably self-injury.
Do you like someone?
i wouldn’t still be with him if i didn’t love him.
Would you rather be called hot, cute, or beautiful?
beautiful.. but i know i’m not.
Did you wake up before 8 AM this morning?
i did actually.
Do you wear eyeliner?
when i wear makeup, yes.
What’s something that’s bothering you?
erin is being whiny already and she’s going with us today, and that’s going to get annoying quick.
When was the last time you smiled?
just now because of the kids.
Do you think dances (prom, homecoming, etc.) are fun or lame?
i mean, the couple i went to, i had fun. but they’re also a little lame. haha. i think that’s part of the experience though. :p
Do you wear pants or skirts more often?
pants. i pretty much never wear skirts.
Are you online 24/7?
i am not. i have other things to do.
Does it bother you when people never answer their cell phones?
depends who it is and why i’m calling them.
Who was the last person you kissed?
Are you wearing anything borrowed from a friend?
i am not.
Did anything exciting happen today?
nope. probably not.
What was the last non-alcoholic beverage you drank?
milk with my cereal.
Is your hair long enough to pull over your face like a mustache?
it is. i used to do that a lot as a kid. i thought it was hilarious. i was lame. still am i guess. lol.
Do you ever find yourself making up survey questions throughout the day?
i do not.
What was the last thing you tried for the first time?
i think some kind of shrimp, i don’t remember what kind. but i didn’t like it.
The last thing you said out loud: How loud were you speaking?
just my normal voice.
What was the last thing you learned?
i’m an idiot? ha.
Which holidays do you decorate your house for, if any?
none so far. but i want to decorate for halloween and christmas by next year! and this year we will at least have a tree to decorate!
How often do you visit your relatives?
rarely. and they rarely visit us too.
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zonerobotnik · 7 years
Northwest Company au for 37 (with Pacifica introducing her cousin to Mabel and her brother)
37. I woke up knowing this would happen– Mabel, Pacifica, Dipper, Gideon (Northwest CompanyAU)-Pacifica looked herself over anxiously before shewent to Gideon's room. She felt bad about dropping this on him, butMabel had suggested it so last-minute and she forgot to tell him whenshe got home and...she hoped he wouldn't be upset. She opened thedoor and looked in, surprised to see Gideon already sitting on andworking on his charms. “Hey, Gideon. Uhm, there's something Iforgot to tell you. There's--”“Visitors coming over?”Gideon glanced up at her. “I woke up knowing this wouldhappen.”“Of course you did.” Pacifica nodded. She wouldnever understand her cousin's connection with “the Cosmos”, butit certainly made things easier to explain. “Well, they're on theway now, and Mabel wanted to meet you after I said you were stayingwith me...”“What have you told them about me?” Gideonasked, carefully sewing a specific symbol onto the charm.“Well,nothing. They don't even know your name, I just mentioned you becauseshe asked if I lived alone.” Pacifica admitted. “Then she askedif she could meet you and I guess I said yes?” Actually, moanedit would've been the proper term for how she agreed to thesuggestion.He looked over the finished charm and set it in asmall, thin basket the same color as it, several other charms intheir matching baskets set up on his desk. “Alright. Give me abit.” He pulled out a small stone from a small box and placed hishands on it, chanting softly. The charms all glowed before theyreturned to normal, like nothing had happened. “There. I'm done forthe day.” He put the stone back in its box and stood up. “Sorryabout this.” Pacifica said, watching as he walked past her to theliving room, pulling a hairband from his pocket and tying his longhair back.“I told you, I woke up knowing this wouldhappen.” He assured her, going to the kitchen.Pacificaheard a knock at the door and squealed, hurrying to open it. When shedid, she saw Mabel smiling in front of her brother, was examiningsomething outside their door. “Hey, Pazzy~!” Mabel said, throwingher arms around her. “I couldn't stop thinking about you,baby.”“Who made this?” Her brother askedcuriously.“Oh, I forgot to introduce you last night. Thisis my twin brother, Dipper.” Mabel gestured to him.“No,it's not my real name. I just prefer it.” Dipper told her beforeshe could say anything. “Who made this wood carving here?” Heheld up a carving he'd taken off the wall.“Oh, Gideon madethat! Uh, could you put it back? He's a bit finicky about itsplacement.” Pacifica said, opening the door wider so they couldcome in.Dipper put the carving back. “Huh. It's prettygood.” He followed his sister in.“Well, this is myplace!” Pacifica gestured around the living room. “And—oh,Gideon!” She noticed Gideon walking out towards them. “Thisis--”“Hold on.” Gideon held up a hand and went outside.They saw him take the wood carving off the wall, run his finger alongit and then carefully set it back in place before he nodded firmlyand walked back inside. “Please don't touch that. And hello.”“Itold you he gets finicky.” Pacifica said, blushing a bit. “Thisis my cousin, Gideon Gleeful. Gideon, this is Dipper andMabel...Pines? It was Pines, right?” Pacifica blushed.Mabelgiggled. “Yeah, it's Pines.”“Oh, good.” Pacificanodded.Dipper held out a hand. “Nice to meet you,Gideon.”Gideon looked at his hand for a few moments beforehe stretched out a hand and shook his. “Nice to meet you,too.”'Is he autistic?' Dipper thought as Gideon retractedhis hand. 'It might explain his reaction to me touching thecarving.'Gideon turned and went back to the kitchen. “There'scereal, if you want it.”“Sorry, he doesn't do peoplewell.” Pacifica said, rubbing her cheek awkwardly. “I guess Ishould've warned you.”“It's alright. What's his issue,though?” Dipper asked.“Uhm...he's...different.”Pacifica nodded.“You can say 'autistic', it's okay.”Mabel said gently.“I'm not.”Gideon said from the kitchen. “I'm just different.Most people wouldn't understandme, so we just say different.”“Whoa,okay.” Mabel held up her hands defensively.Gideon came outagain. “You're not with the government, right?”“Uh, no.Actually, I don't think they like us.” Dipper looked at Mabel. “Dothey?”“They definitely don't like our show.” Mabelshrugged.“Show?” Pacifica asked.“Yeah, we do ashow with our uncle. Pines' Supernatural Services.You might've seen our commercials?” Dipper explained.“Really?I didn't realize!” Pacifica gasped.“It's fine, mostpeople don't connect us with the nerds on TV.” Mabel giggled.“Whydo you ask, though?” Dipper asked Gideon.“I...havepowers.” Gideon said cautiously. “What, exactly, does your showdo?”“We just document our encounters with troublesomeparanormal. People call us to deal with ghosts, demons, gnomes, whathave you. We're off duty, though.” Dipper assured him. “Besides,you hardly seem troublesome.”“Good.” Gideon nodded,visibly relaxing. “That wood carving you messed with is aprotection charm. The wizard that charms it has to install it inplace for it to work. It's not like my other charms.”“Othercharms?” Dipper asked, his eyes lighting up.Gideon nodded.“I make charms and sell them online to people. They're about thesize of your average bookmark and just keeping it on hand keeps thespell in effect. Breakfast?” He walked back into the kitchen.“I'mgonna go with him.” Dipper walked into the kitchen.“Imeant to make pancakes, but I overslept.” Pacifica admitted. “Yourcall this morning woke me up.”“That's fine.” Mabelwrapped an arm around her waist. “Really, I actually wanted to meethim as an excuse to see your place.” She said in a sultrytone.Pacifica blushed. “We should get breakfast...”“I'mnot hungry for cereal.” Mabel licked her lips.–“So...howlong have you been living with her?” Dipper asked as he sat at thekitchen table with Gideon, pouring cereal into a bowl Gideon got outfor him. “How old are you?”“I'm 18. I know, I lookyoung for my age.” Gideon poured milk into his cereal and handed itover to Dipper. “Since I entered high school. Before that I wasbouncing around different relatives from when I was ten.”“Thatsounds rough. Where are your parents?” Dipper asked.“Inthe nuthouse.” Gideon stabbed his cereal with his spoon.“...Wow.Okay, so...too personal, or...?” Dipper ventured.“Theygot on the wrong end of a cult's mind-wiping machine.” Gideonshrugged and put a spoonful of food into his mouth.“Thatsounds like it must've been horrible for you.” Dipperfrowned.“Mm. I'm over it. They were crappy parents,anyway.” Gideon shrugged with a mouthful of food. Then he swallowedand sighed. “After that, I bounced from relative after relativeuntil Pacifica said she would take me in. Been living with her eversince.”“Speaking of your cousin, where is she?” Dipperlooked around.Gideon shrugged again. “So, what about you?How long have you been doing that show of yours?”“Well, Iwas doing little YouTube documentaries since I was...twelve, Iguess?” Dipper shrugged. “I visited my uncles for the summer forthe first time then and they were already into the paranormal andsupernatural stuff. We visited them every summer after that until wewere 18 and then moved in with our uncles to officially starttraveling around and helping people out while showing the world thesupernatural.”“A dangerous pastime.” Gideonremarked.They heard a thumping sound and a muffled squeal andDipper sighed heavily. “Ooookay, we're not going to want to be herein about five minutes. Wanna go somewhere?”“Where?”Gideon asked as they heard another thumping sound and moans fromPacifica's room.“Anywhere but here.” Dipper shoveled hisfood into his mouth and then drank his milk before he got up. “C'mon,we have five minutes before things get filthy.”“I'mguessing she's done this before?” Dipper asked.“Well, notwith girls, Pacifica's her first girl, but, yes, she has. My unclesmade her sanitize everything.”Dipper nodded solemnly.“Alright.” Gideon finished hisfood and drank his milk before he got up and went to lock his bedroomdoor. Just in case. Then he went to Pacifica's door and knocked onit. “Pacifica? Dipper and I are going out, okay?”“Oka-AY!Have f-fUN!” Pacifica replied from inside.Gideon went tothe front door and put on his shoes and coat. “Okay. Let'sgo.”Dipper nodded and followed him out. Gideon locked thedoor as they left and then they escaped quickly to Dipper's car.End
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amnachil · 7 years
The High School Game Part 2
Sam DAY 6 Monday
This morning, motivated by his new relationship with Shirley, the young boy ate two bols of cereal and drank one big glass of milk, then rushed the high school. Like always, she was here, standing next to the covered playground with her friend, Finn. Sam joined them happily, and took her hand, oblivious of the stranges glances. He tried to kiss her, but she moved fast, laughing :
"Slowly, honey, slowly. I don't want to heard rumour."
What ? What she was talking about ? The beautiful girl was dating one if the cuter students, and she was scared by rumours ? That was weird ! Anyway, Sam nodded, decided to be nice, and look up at Finn. This one wore a black pull, enough loose to hide his belly.
"You got your morning donut, Big Pig ?"
"Don't start man." begged Shirley. "We have a long..."
"Start what ?" asked Raphaël heading towards them with the whole soccer team.
He smiled. Sam proudly show him his new girlfriend, before the bell rang. They all joined the class, for two long hours of mathematics, but the young lad was too happy to be bored. He got a girlfriend and nothing would make him happier.
Lunchtime came, and as usual, Sam and his friends chose to eat in the canteen. Today, pasta and fish made the pleasure of the hungry boy. He noticed Raphaël meal, made at home, constitued of a salad, eggs and fruits, and then dug in his own meal. And as usual, when he finished, he decided to tease Finn a bit with his buddies. Life could not be better.
Gym class came, but Shirley, who followed this lesson only 2 times per week, asked him to join her. Sam although uncertain, made the choice to pass a moment with his girlfriend. He left Raphaël, Tobias and the others and went to Ms. Luliano's bakery, where Shirley was waiting him.
"Hi honey." she said when she saw him. "I'm doing some shopping for my family and we can go wherever you want. Do you want anything ?"
"Nah, I'm fine thanks."
She gladly nodded, and then went to the checkout. Outside, she asked :
"What do you want to do ? I need to know you better if we want to grow closer."
"Normally, I would exercise to be in shape, but..."
"You must be joking. You are exercising like 30 minutes per day, and doing soccer, and doing gym lessons. I'm sure you can skip one day."
"Well." he stated. "Raphaël told me you are doing the same amount of exercise by yourself."
She laughed.
"That's different, honey. I'm a girl, and I havn't a metabolism like your. Boys can eat whatever they want and be in shape... girls havn't this luck."
They reached the park. With her short skirt, exposing her athletics legs, and her T-shirt with a low-cut neckline, he was under her charm. Damn... she is too hot. He could feel his cock get hard-on. But obviously, she did not want sex yet. Shirley sat on a bench, and while oppening her bags, asked :
"Tell me more about your family and your taste."
He joyfully did.
"I'm living with my mother in a little house, near to the midtown. Well, her and I ain't in good terms, because she is worried about my grades, but whatever... I really enjoy soccer, and workout. That's a great part of my life, because as Raphaël say, a shaped body is a key to be loved. Oh, and I have a good sense of humor."
For real... I feel so dumd. Sat here, eating a mini-donut, Shirley aroused him. With every bite, her throat and breast moved slightly, making him horny. She is so hot... Discreetly, he shifted his trousers to let place for his cock.
"I already knew you were a comical guy." she eventually say. "My god, I think I bought too much of these..."
"What ?"
"Mini-donut of Liliano's bakery. They are so tasty, I decided to take a bag of six, but I could only manage to eat two. I'm ridiculous, you know ?"
She showed him the bag. It smelled tasty, and he salivated, realizing he have not taken his usual snack because of their date.
" My family will tease me for, well, three hours because of this..."
She sighed, and Sam realised he did not know anything about her. I know Dan, because he is a buddy of Raphaël, but nothing more...
"I can eat them for you, if you want." offered the brown guy. "And your family will never know."
"For real ?! Well, it' late, and I have to go, but can I give you the bag ?"
"Of course."
Pleased, she kissed him on the cheek, and then left him with the donuts.
Shirley DAY 6 Monday – DAY 7 Thuesday
This evening, the blonde girl came home with her brain full of ideas. She had dinner, and then went to the bathroom for her traditionnals push-ups. One, two, three... Sam, although he had a tough attidude, was especially idiot. He pretented to be his boyfriend, but had insulted Finn all day long. Seven, eight, nine... Behind the door, her sisters, Mary and Loly, yelled :
"Please, Shirley, we need the place ! Go away to do your push-ups  !"
Fuck off. The teenager stopped her exercise and left the bathroom for her demonics twins sisters. Every night, she had been doing some workout for fun, but she had not a count of her performance. Morning exercise and Sunday ahtletism were more important to her. And gym class, like 2 times per week. She went in her bedroom and checked her phone. One sms from Finn asked how was my date, and one from Sam saying nothing interesting. The boaster filled her thought. She may have a solution to help Finn and avenge him against bullying. But, it was hard, and she was not sure if she had the right to do that.
The next day, she met Finn at Ms. Lialino's bakery. The boy, already eating his big donut, said hello. She smiled, and went in. After all, they got atleast ten minutes before the start of the class. She decided to buy a bag of mini-donut, and then, went to the high school. Sam was waiting for her at the portal, eager. She greeted him with her cutiest smile.
"Hi honey, how are ya today ?"
Finn, cautious, went in the class, letting her alone with her imposed boyfriend. She saw Raphaël looking towards them, but he did not came, for her delight.
"I'm fine (he wanted to kiss her, but she skifully avoid) and you ?"
"Everything is good. Really good. I thought you would love some donuts, so I bought a bag of six."
He smirked.
He took the bag, and ate one donut.
"I must admit, after those I ate last night... They are delicious."
"Sure they are."
They joined the class in silent, the boy eating two other donuts before the beginning of the lesson.
After an hard lunchtime, where Sam, Raphaël and their friends had made a lot of fun about Finn the "Big Pig", lessons went well. In mathematics, they got an exam pretty hard, but she managed to finish the whole things. She was confident about her grades, ans her parents were not really strict about it. Right after, the whole class headed for gym class. She decided to join, because Sam would probably not come for a second date two days in a row. I have to be careful. Like always, she loved gym class, especially when the sport was running. But, she also hated this lesson, because Mr. Litman  has an obvious lack of authority. In no time, Raphaël overtook Finn, and then Sam and Tobias did the same. The three boys made fun of her friend, without any pity for his effort. I know he is trying really hard... Her buddy, despite his overweight, made a lot of sport. Like 3 times per week, as demanding by the nurse. But he loved to eat too much... I don't blame him, he is more handsome than those three jackass. Maybe, if he was more brave, she would be his girlfriend by now. Anyway, she finished her own run, and then went to the locker room for a shower.
Back home, she met her brother Dan, eating a whole pie alone in the living room, watching TV. Slumped on the sofa, his tummy created a little bump over his T-shirt. By the look of it, he was pretty bloated for a day of stuffing himself. College seems good for that... Back in June, at the end of his high school years, Dan was as lean as Sam (but less muscled). He just gained like... well, she did not know exactly he weight, but he seems like he gained 2 or 3 kg (between 4 and 6 pounds approximately) in 4 month. That's a lot. He was going for the freshman 15, she guessed. He looked at her.
"What are you watching like that ?" he asked.
"Nothing, nothing. I'm happy to know you are still at home with me for this year. With my new class, I will need some support."
"Oh yeah ? Well, I heard you and Sam were rather fine."
Of course he knows... She hated speak of her boyfriends with her family since primary school, except with Dan. But for Sam, she wanted to wait before telling anyone. Sadly, when Sam had something, he always told it to Raphaël... And Raphaël told it to everyone. When I consider that he is the devil...
"I'm not sure yet." she said. "Maybe it will last, maybe not. I don't want to overestimate our relation."
Sitting up himself straight, Dan ate the last slice of his pie and opened a can of beer (not the first, obviously).
"Sam seems like a good guy. Maybe a little full of himself, but I think you will be fine."
She smiled.
"I hope too."
Since ever, her brother was this kind of people, searching always the goods parts of the personnality. But she knew Sam better than him. He was a fucking bastard, and she will make him pay for this bullying against Finn. Well, at least if everything works fine.
Sam DAY 11 Saturday
This weekend was a special event because of the first soccer match of the year. The team was so much excited. They worked hard for this. Well, Sam had indulged a little this week, but that was not a problem. In fact, he had just gone on date with his new girlfriend Wednesday and Friday after class, skipping gym class. But he had still done his work out every morning like Raphaël advised him to do. Right now, he was waiting Shirley behind the locker room. They had 30 minutes before the start of the game, and he wanted to see her. Since they were dating, he could see how much she was pleased by him. She offered him donuts every morning, and snack during their dates, like chocolat bar and candies. He could say she was under his charm, now. But she is still cautious... Everytime, he wanted to make sex, and he was horny as hell, but she avoided every attempt, probably too shy.
"Hey honey, ready for the game ?"
Lost in his mind, he had not see her approach. She wore the red sweater of their high school and a tight jean he found attractive. His crotch started to rise.
"Hell, yes I'm." answered Sam. "We will win this one. I'm glad to know you managed to come."
"I would not miss my boyfriend match, honey. By the way, I brought you some... support."
She hand him a bag with donuts from Ms. Laliano's bakery. My favourite. She is too good. He took the bag and chose a tasty chocolat donut. With a smile, he ate it, and then took a second one. Those mini-donut were so good. He feel his cock, hard as a rock under his sweatpant. Damn, I have to be more discreet. To spare Shirley and him from living a awkward situation, he ate the whole bag, kissed her in the neck (the only place she let him kiss) and went into the locker room (empty, because his teammates were already changed. He sat on the shower and put his hand on his dick. She is too hot, really...
He joined his team in sportswear in the field. Raphaël glanced at him, but he ignored his buddy. During the whole game, knowing Shirley was watching, Sam did his best. And his best worked. After 90 minutes of running, pass and yells, his team won. They went back to the locker room happier than ever. The season started well.
"Everybody !" shouted Tobias. "Party tonight at my home ! Come over and bring all the high school !"
Screams of joy answered his invitation. We are fucking good. Sam took a shower and got dressed before leaving the place, glad.
"I said, you should try something during this party. She seems open-minded, with our victory."
Sam lower his eyes, reluctant. Raphaël suggested he and Shirley should have sex right now, in Tobias manor. After all, there were plenty of empty room, and with the atmosphere, she would probably accept. But if she doesn't... He drank his beer (not the first, not the last) and grumbled :
"She'll decline."
"And what ?" Raphaël smiled. "You have nothing to lose buddy. A refusal don't mean she will break with you, you know ? Plus, Dan told me she was happier since she dated you. Be more confident, boy."
"I can give it a try, but..."
"There is no but, just move your ass and go fuck her."
Shirley DAY 11 Saturday – DAY 13 Monday
As noisy and muffled than the previous one, this party was even worst, because Dan was not here. The young girl hated standing here, pretending to have fun when she was just annoyed. And well, Finn being Finn, he was eating the whole buffet, without any interest for her boredom. And so, she just sat and watched him stuffing his face. On monday, the nurse will make her monthly check-up, and Shirley was pretty sure her friend gained some weight. Despite his exercise, he was eating like... well, three person. And none metabolism was able to deal with that. When he bleched after an umpteenth slice of pizza, she saw Sam coming closer. Since last monday, she started a plan for his imposed boyfriend, whit balanced result. He kindly had eaten everything she had offered. Donut, candies, chocolat bar, he had taken all of it. Plus, he had done less training, skipping some class to be with her. Unfortunately he had still been working every morning, and had assisted to 3 lessons. This instant, he was slightly bloated , because he drank many beer and ate a lot, but it was not permanent, and hardly noticeable despite his super tight shirt.
"Hey sweetheart." stated Sam. "I have something to ask you in more... private conditions."
She knew Raphaël sent him here. She knew why. Sorry, but no way man. She followed her imposed boyfriend upstair, and stopped just before a door. It was better to discuss here, where people could see them. I don't know what he is capable of, after all.
"Okay, it will be awkward." he said. "Anyway let's go. Shirley, you know I love you and I think you're the best girlfriend on the earth. I'm... hum... aroused every time I see you..."
She knew that too. Sam worn often skinny jeans, maybe waist 28, to unveil his muscles (and his ass). Of course she saw several erection when they were close, like now. But... well... not even in my second life. You're an asshole and a dumbass. Needless to say, Sam had been teasing Finn the whole week, just for fun and against her wish. He did not deserve what he was asked.
"I think you will decline, but, can we go in a bedroom and see what will happen ? Please ?"
At least, you don't miss confidence. This self-assurance was impressive.
"You know, I can't do that." she said. "I want to do it slowly, and first, I would like to meet your mother."
Shirley remenbered Sam had been saying he was upset against his mother. She would save time with this strategy.
"I understood, clearly I do. So... I will invite you to see my mother as soon as possible, okay ?"
She approved, and left him to join the party.
Monday came pretty fast, and the routine strated again. On the morning, she bought six mini-donuts, and gave them to Sam, who happily ate the whole thing in two minutes. Finn, watching this, sighed.
"He devours food like I do, and he call me big pig... This world is unfair." he whispered.
"It's only because he is exercising every morning. Nothing more."
"Well maybe, but still, I'm fat and he is not. And you are playing his game by feeding him like this, proving I'm an unhealthly boy."
She sighed.
"Don't worry, that's not my goal. I will do something..."
Finn barely listened to her, and reached the class. Poor buddy... She could understand his anger and his rage. After all, she was dating his bully. Not by choice, but she was...
"Big Pig was hungry ?" asked Sam.
Okay, time to play my role again. She smiled.
"Let him alone. We have other matter to discuss."
Curious, he let her continue.
"I thought about what you said and... well, I want to become closer with you."
"Sounds cool for me, but what is the point ?"
"We don't see each other enough honey... Look, during the day, we are both working for our grades, and we cannot spend time together. The afternoon, we date sometimes, but we often go to the gym class, and we both love it. Not to mention the bonus it will be in the average. So, I thought you could come every morning and pick me up before school. Would you ?"
He hesitated. She knew it was an hard move, but it probably was the only one. Sam would never wake up earlier, and he would skip his morning workout in this case... But he will decline. Fuck off, he will decline... Shriley winked at him and came closer.
"Would you do that for me honey ?" she asked.
He smiled.
"Probably. Let me the end of the day to take a decision please, and I will tell you."
She agreed. That was better than expected. Hopefully, he would not share his doubts with Raphaël, and said yes. They entered the classroom, both thinking about this important choice.
To be continued
Note 1 : Hope you liked ! Do not hesitate to let comment !
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ilyseok · 8 years
Tomato Swap
Fandom: Mystic Messenger Characters: Saeran and Saeyoung Choi Pairings: SaeyoungxMCxSaeran Genres: Fluff, polyamory, romance, a little humor, established relationships Rating: PG? PG Words: 2.5k
Summary: You’ve lost your glasses, and despite knowing that you are hopelessly blind without them, the Choi Bois™ decide to take advantage of the situation.
A/N: This is a polyamory fic I wrote about a month ago that I haven’t gotten around to publishing until now. In this work it’s an already established polyamorous relationship, so you are dating the Choi twins as two individual people. No, there is not a threesome. Please be patient with me as I experiment with writing new things. I’ll post them to tumblr before AO3.
You woke up to the sound of birds chirping and a ray of sunlight streaming through the small window in your bedroom. Saeyoung sat on the edge of your bed in his pajamas with a goofy grin on his face.
“Good morning, Saeyoung.” You sat up and wrapped yourself around him and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. He kissed your forehead and pressed his nose to yours.
“Did you sleep well, princess?” he cooed. You let out a soft “mhm” and turned away as if to go back to sleep.
You blinked your eyes wearily and checked the time on your phone – 10:30AM. Even though it was a Saturday, you still had a lot of house chores, so you reached your hands out for your glasses and felt around for them.
Odd. They weren’t on the nightstand where you thought you left them.
“Where did they go?” you quietly said to yourself.
“Where did who go, Princess?” Saeyoung asked.
“My glasses… I can’t find them.”
“Maybe they fell under the bed?” He leaned over the edge of the bed and stuck his head under the bed skirt to scan the dark abyss for your glasses. “I don’t see them down here.”
“They have to be in here somewhere,” you mumbled. Biting the chill of the cold bedroom, you reluctantly pushed back the covers to search the room for your glasses. A mild panic began to surface within you. Without your glasses, you couldn’t see anything. Well, you could see vague shapes and colors, but not much beyond that. You recalled trading glasses with Saeyoung once. Apparently your eyesight was so bad that even his glasses weren’t nearly strong enough for you.
The two of you searched your bedroom for an hour, but you couldn’t find them at all. A deep pout settled onto your face, and you finally decided to take a break and eat breakfast before continuing your search.
“Good morning, MC,” Saeran called from the living room. He sat at the dining room table fully dressed and drank a cup of black tea while he messed around on his laptop.
“Morning,” you grumbled.
He discreetly motioned to his brother to come over to the table. “What’s wrong with her?” Saeran whispered.
“Can’t find her glasses,” Saeyoung said as he watched you searched the cupboard for your cereal, not even paying attention to the fact that you picked up the box of pancake mix instead of the cereal.
While his brother was distracted by his thoughts, Saeran rushed to the kitchen to take the box of pancake mix from your hands. “The cereal is right here, MC.” He handed you the box of cereal and let you pour it on your own. He grabbed the milk from you before you had a chance to add it to your bowl so that you wouldn’t spill it all over the kitchen floor.
“Thanks,” you said quietly.
“Any time,” Saeran said as he hugged you from behind and kissed the top of your head.
“Princess, let’s eat at the table today,” Seven said. “It’s less messy this way.” You agreed and took the spoon from Saeran’s hands as he set your bowl down at the dining room table in front of you.
“MC, we can take care of the house for you today if that will make you feel better,” Saeran offered. Saeyoung nearly choked on a piece of Cap’n Crunch at being volunteered so suddenly.
“Are you sure?” you asked.
“Yeah, it’s no problem. Saeyoung isn’t doing anything of value, I’m sure, and I have free time.” You giggled at the stifled noises of protest coming from the twin next to you. Seven hated cleaning, but he reluctantly agreed to the task since it was for you.
“Yeah, we’ll find your glasses in no time, MC!” he said cheerfully. You couldn’t quite see his facial expression, but you assumed from his voice that it was something close to his custom “thumbs up” emoji.
Saeran set aside his laptop and moved toward the refrigerator to rummage around for something to eat. He opened up the freezer and took out boxes of frozen food as he tried to decide between a breakfast bowl or waffles. “Eh?” he said as he saw something peculiar on the door of the freezer.
“What’s wrong, Saeran?” you asked.
“Err, I just thought we had more waffles in here is all,” he stammered. You could tell by his voice that he was acting suspiciously but decided to let it go until you could see again.
Saeran secretly signed for his twin to come over again. Seeing that you were finished with your cereal, Saeyoung offered to take your empty bowl for you. “Why don’t you go take a bath, MC? I’m sure you could use some relaxation today. Just soak in the tub for now.”
“Okay… if you say so.” You stood up from the table and navigated your way back to your bedroom from muscle memory.
Seven turned his attention back to his brother and tiptoed to the kitchen quietly. “What’s your deal-” he started before Saeran put a finger to his lips and hushed him. He pointed to the door of the freezer where your glasses sat perfectly folded on the shelf. “Are you suggesting we have a bit of fun?” he whispered. “I always knew you were really my brother~”
He was immediately silenced with a smack upside the head. “Stop that before I change my mind. Now go fix her bath for her, you idiot!”
You yawned as you lifted off your pajama shirt and pants and slipped on your bathrobe and slippers. You needed a bath anyway, so it was nice of Saeyoung to get it ready for you. You heard the water turn on from the bedroom and peeked your head out the door before creeping into the bathroom.
“It’ll be just a bit, Princess,” he said with a grin. You could tell his arms were full – probably with all of the various bath products you normally kept in your shower that he cleared out of the tub to make you more comfortable. “Which shampoo do you want?”
“I know where I keep the shampoo, Saeyoung, so please just let me-” he cut you off by pressing his lips against yours softly.
“Let me pamper you~,” he whined.
“Fine,” you gave in. “Leave me the lavender one today.”
He turned the water off and set the shampoo on the corner of the tub and your towel and washcloth on the floor beside the tub. “Enjoy your bath, my love~” He kissed your forehead and gave you a warm hug before leaving you to your bath.
After he ensured that you were safely soaking in the tub, Saeyoung quietly closed the door and rushed back to your room to shuffle through the drawers for one of his favorite red shirts. He emerged from the bedroom head first, peeking around to make sure no one saw him, then made his way back to the living room by sneaking along the wall and moving to the couch with some unnecessary acrobatics. He popped up behind Saeran and startled him when he threw the shirt and his cross on his head.
“Must you be so dramatic?” Saeran rolled his eyes at his brother.
“The duckling is in the tub. I repeat, the duckling is in the tub. Commence mission Choi Swap,” he whispered from behind the couch. “Now go get me one of your sweaters,” Seven shooed him away.
Saeran put the shirt aside and set his laptop on the coffee table. He sighed and rubbed his forehead as he stood. “I’m beginning to regret working with you already…” He dragged his feet off to his own bedroom and emerged in his brother’s shirt and necklace. The shirt was slightly too big for him, but it was barely noticeable. He threw his favorite sweater at his annoying brother and sat down at the couch again while he waited for you to finish your bath. Seven zipped in and out of the bedroom to change into Saeran’s sweater in an instant.
“Now we wait.”
The warmth of the hot bath relaxed the tension between your shoulders, and soon you felt significantly better than earlier that morning. You forgot about your stress, and your mild headache dissipated. The popping sound of the bubble bath left a tingly feeling at the back of your head. After an hour of soaking, the bubbles had mostly disappeared, and the water began to feel cold, so you dunked your head underwater one last time to rinse out the rest of the shampoo in your hair. The arctic air of the bathroom woke you up from your sleepy state as you hurried to put on your robe and slippers.
The living room was quiet except for the TV and the sound of Saeran on his laptop again. You poked your head around the corner to see your two tomatoes sitting around the coffee table. You could faintly make out the beige and brown pattern on Saeran’s sweater and Saeyoung’s red shirt and yellow striped glasses.
“It’s cold in here,” you whined. Both twins turned their heads toward you, and Saeyoung stood from the chair to fetch you something warm.
Moments later he came back and handed you a cup of hot cocoa and wrapped a warm fleece blanket around your shoulders. “How was your bath, Princess?” he asked cheerfully as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed your cheek.
“It was nice until I had to get out,” you said.
“Aww~ I’ll warm you up, MC, don’t worry,” he gushed and hugged you tighter.
A blush spread across your face. “Saeyoung, have you… lost weight or something?”
“Hm? A little bit, I suppose. Saeran and I go to the gym together sometimes.” He giggled and Saeran audibly sighed from the couch.
“Don’t think anything of it. I just want to stay healthy is all,” he grumbled.
You took a sip from the mug in your hands, and Saeyoung led you to the chair to sit on his lap while you warmed up. “Your clothes are in the dryer right now, Princess~ Once you’re finished with your hot chocolate they’ll be nice and warm for you to put on,” he said sweetly.
“Thank you,” you said. “Both of you.” You had no idea for what occasion the twins were being so overly sweet, but it was pleasant. Once you had finished your hot chocolate, Saeyoung took the mug from your hands and set it aside. You wrapped your arms around his warm body and buried your face in his freshly laundered shirt. The frame of his body definitely seemed smaller, but that must have been from going to the gym more often.
He took your chin in his hand and lifted it up to press his forehead and his nose to your own. “Any time, Princess~” he said and kissed you sweetly. Not that you objected, but his kisses seemed different somehow. They were softer? No, sweeter? His usual playful smirk against your lips seemed to be replaced with a more innocent smile. The kiss very faintly reminded you of Saeran’s kisses. They even tasted like Saeran’s kisses. You brushed it aside as just a change in Seven’s mood and tangled your fingers in his hair as you craved more kisses. You were interrupted when the dryer buzzed and he pulled away from you.
“Your clothes are ready, milady.” He picked you up and carried you over to the laundry room where he opened the dryer with one hand and pulled out your favorite sweater and leggings. He jokingly laid them over the top of your head and carried you to your bedroom where he set you down on the bed and left to let you dress in peace. “Now hurry up and change, MC. We have a surprise for you in the living room,” he said as he closed the door.
You slipped into your fresh, warm clothes and hung your towel over the towel bar in the bathroom. After brushing your hair and your teeth, you started back into the living room but were met at the bathroom door by both of the twins. Saeran had a cheeky grin on his face and Saeyoung looked down and away from you, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
“Can I help you guys?” you said and unconsciously backed away from them.
“Saeran, if you could do the honors.” You became confused as it was Saeran who spoke.
Saeyoung reached out his hand and Saeran gave him a small black object.
Your glasses!
Saeyoung wiped off the lenses of your glasses before setting them perfectly on your face and then looked away again.
That was when you saw it.
It was now obvious to you that you had been tricked. Saeran, in his brother’s clothes and glasses, backed into the corner and still looked away from you. Saeyoung burst out in laughter and fell to his knees.
“You should see your face, MC,” he said with tears rolling down his face.
“How long have you had my glasses?”
“Since breakfast,” Saeran admitted.
“Saeran, I never knew you could be so bold!” Saeyoung said between giggles.
“I should kill the both of you right here and now,” you grumbled. Just as you were about to grab for Saeyoung, he quickly stood up and pointed at Saeran, who was now a puddle on the floor..
“It was his idea!”
“I don’t care whose idea it was. You both followed through. Now you are first.” He continued to back away from you before he broke out into a full run as you chased him around the couch.
“Saeran ~ Help me!” he pleaded.
As soon as he regained his cool, Saeran decided to have some mercy on his poor brother. You never saw him coming as you rounded the corner, focused solely on catching Saeyoung. Before you could take another step, Saeran swept you up in his arms and calmly walked away from the living room. You struggled against him.
“Saeran Choi. Let. Me. Go!” You kicked and squirmed, but he easily ducked his head out of the way.
“Sorry, boss lady. I can’t let you do that right now,” he said with a smile. He stood there as you kicked and wiggled until you tired yourself out. He looked at your exasperated expression and broke out into a fit of laughter, then kissed the top of your head.
“I’m sorry, you’re too cute.”
Saeyoung popped up behind him.  “I agree. We’re going to have to arrest you, MC.”
“Excuse me?”
“Your sentence is cuddles for life.” You couldn’t help but laugh as the two brothers kissed your cheeks, while Saeran held you and Saeyoung tickled you. 
After you finally started to settle down, Saeran moved you to the couch and wrapped you up in blankets like a smol burrito before slipping an arm around your waist. Saeyoung sat on your other side, wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and kissed the top of your head.
If cuddling with the Choi tomatoes was always going to be this satisfying, you’d happily serve your life sentence.
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