#normies don’t know what they’re missing
hang-on-lil-tomato · 1 year
oh good! This one is all about season 1.
so not so spoiler-y as the other stuff MAX is turning out.
of course, normal people look at all the previews and go “ok, I might watch that.” And we look a the trailers, previews, teasers, and behind the scenes, capture EVERY nanosecond, and analyze it.
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
a part two of where love lives because i am such a sucker for rei getting those kids the hell out of that house and the todoroki fam being normies 
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You would almost be drifting off to sleep—if it wasn't for the dead weight of Shouto’s  limbs on your lap and the irritating buzzing of Touya’s whines in your ear. 
“He’s out cold.”
Touya gestures to the blob of red and white hair sprawled out by your side. After one episode of his cartoon and a few head scratches from your hand, Shouto was out like a light. 
It’s been about thirty minutes since then, and the low mumble of the cartoon still humming across the dim living room speaker is driving Touya up a wall. 
“If you’re not gonna let us go upstairs, at least let me change the fuckin’ channel,” he mumbles behind a scowl. 
You roll your eyes but gently toss him the remote regardless. He hums at his victory, catching it easily and flying through countless channels, eventually landing on some poorly produced scary movie from the early 2000s—and if it wasn't for his youngest brother wedged in between the two of you like a cushion, he’d be using the film as an excuse to cling onto you.
It's not long before the sound of a key in the lock softly rattles the front door, and a few seconds later, Rei enters quietly, almost like she's not trying to make a single sound. But when she sees two (and a half) silhouettes on the couch, she tosses her keys on the counter with a bit less caution.
“What a pleasant surprise this is,” her voice is teasing, but it’s all in good fun. She’s a soft woman, in her speech and touch—and the way Touya’s eyes glass over when they’re on her.
He barely lets his gaze stray from the film to flicker her way when he mumbles half-hearted a “hey, Ma.” You decide to be the adult in the situation and properly greet the woman of the house.
Slowly and carefully removing Shouto’s limp limbs from your lap, you manage to slide out from beneath his weight and stand up.
“Shouto didn’t feel well, so we gave him some medicine and let him lay with us for a bit,” you gesture to the sofa where he still snores while your boyfriend watches the movie and scoots away from the drool now pooling on the cushion beside him. 
“How sweet you two are,” she breathes, simultaneously thanking you while cheap-shotting Touya, knowing this had to be all your doing. 
Because it doesn’t take a genius to know that while he means well enough, there’s no way in hell it was Touya’s idea to cuddle up with his brother on a Friday night. 
“Are you staying the night?” she innocently asks, her gaze flickering to the stove clock and seeing it’s well past midnight. 
You make a mental note to kill Touya later for not telling his mother of your attendence. Politely, you decide to tread lightly, “If it's alright with you, please.” 
At the same time, Touya mumbles something from his spot on the couch about it being too dark out now for you to be driving anyways. 
“Of course,” she shrugs her jacket off, laying it on the back of a chair while getting herself a glass of water, “take Touya’s room, he’s fine on the couch.”
At that, your disinterested boyfriend is suddenly extremely intruiged with this conversation.
“No,” he nearly chokes on his own disbelief, “I’m not okay on the couch.”
“Don’t listen to him, take the bed,” Rei continues, completely ignoring her eldest son practically throwing a fit as he finally stands and scurries over to the two of you.
“We’re adults,” he heaves, though his whiny tone betrays his claim, “I think it’s safe to say we can sleep in the same bed, Ma.”
Rei deadpans as blunt as ever, looking her eldest dead in the eye without a shred of shame or subtly when she sighs.
“I’m too young to be a grandmother, Touya.”
You feel your skin grow hot, and you don’t miss the way Touya’s neck flushes also red as he curses under his breath. 
“The hell is wrong with you?” he rubs his eyes in irritation. “As if we’d ever try anything with all of you fuckin’ people here.”
You bite your tongue at the lie that webs through his teeth. As if that wasn't what you were doing in the first place when Shouto decided it was a convenient time to have a stomach ache.
With a silent wave of her hand, Rei seems to send Touya up to his room to both get it ready for you and grab whatever he needs for the couch. He does so wordlessly, but can’t help the dramatic sigh and heavy footsteps up the stairs along the way.
When Rei sees your nose crinkle at his theatrical antics, she shakes her head and reassures you.
“He’ll be fine.” 
She offers you a glass of water, and the two of you sit in comfortable silence for a few moments.
It’s nice. For a house that's always breathing with hectic excitement, it’s refreshing to take in its small noises. The sound of the floorboards creaking beneath Touya’s footsteps above, the ice maker grinding and chiseling every few moments, the ceiling fan whirling against the metal of its own chain.
After a moment, Rei speaks up—and when you catch her eye, she’s admiring you with a different kind of softness you’ve yet to see on her. 
“We love having you here,” she delicately insists, before quietly adding, “all of us.”
Her comment warms you from the inside out. Like a fire in your chest, the genuity of her words spreads all throughout your veins and into each crevice of your body. It feels like home has eaten you alive. 
“I love being here,” you manage to whisper after a moment, “thanks for always having me.”
She returns easily, “Thank you for taking care of my baby.”
Your head turns to where the tiniest Todoroki quietly snores on the couch, “It’s no big deal, Shouto’s always great.”
“I wasn’t talking about Shouto,” Rei doesn't miss a beat, gently resting a loving hand on your shoulder.
Touya calls your name from upstairs, seemingly to let you know that his room is ready for you. You shoot Rei a smile that you hope does even a sliver of the happiness you're feeling justice before crawling upstairs.
Annoyance clear on his face, he points to his messily prepared bed with a mock kindness, “Your grace.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics but accept the bed nonetheless. One you’ve been in more times than you can count, but never without him, Touya’s bed is comfortable in all of the right places. The comforter isn’t too heavy for the summer heat, and his sheets smell like the perfect balance of his cologne and lingering cigarette smoke. 
You half expect Touya to give you a proper goodnight, but you should’ve known better, because instead of coming over to kiss you, he sulks to the doorway before whispering, “The second she’s asleep, I’m coming up.”
You do your best to sound strict behind your inching smile. “No, you’re not.”
Touya merely shrugs before gently closing the door, his pillow in his hand and a flickering look in his eye.
He keeps his word because precisely eight minutes after you hear Rei gently creep upstairs and close her bedroom door, another one opens and Touya’s lanky frame scurries in.
“Get out,” you half-heartedly threaten through a sleepy rasp.
His movements don't hesitate in the slightest. He continues to close the door slowly, securing it and creeping to his bed on his lightest steps. 
“This is my room,” he humbly reminds you.
“You’re gonna get us in trouble,” you attempt to reason with the unreasonable.
“Please,” he scoffs, shimmying himself beneath the covers and onto his flattened pillow, “she knew this was gonna happen the moment she sentenced me to that fuckin’ couch.”
Touya moves to spoon you, placing his hand on your stomach before you tense up and turn around to face him directly.
“We are not having sex,” you harshly remind him in a whisper.
You can practically see his stupid smirk when he replies, “Didn’t realize I was dating a nympho.”
He hears you kiss your teeth in annoyance, but when you move away from his hands, he shushes your complaints and halts your movements with a tightening grip.
“Hey, stop,” he whines, letting you turn around but forcing his way to nuzzle into the back of your neck.
“Just wanna lay with you,” he whispers into your back before gently nipping the skin and adding a sweet, “you gremlin.”
You gently scoff at that and settle beneath his touch, and the world almost feels like it stops spinning as the two of you cram into a twin size mattress Touya’s had since he was about eleven years old.  
“Thanks,” his voice quietly cuts through the silence of his bedroom, barely louder than the cicadas that chirp outside as he continues, “for helping the little asshole tonight. Pretty sure he was faking it, though.”
He feels you laugh through a huff of your nose, “Doesn’t matter, I was happy to be here.”
 Touya softly gnashes his ankles against yours when interlocking your legs together. You feel a tiny kiss on your exposed shoulder when he groggily speaks above the sound of the air conditioner.
“Think we were all happy for that.”
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dukeofdelirium · 1 month
Would you be able to expand on what you mean when you say El’s character isn’t strong enough to hold the show together? I think she’s a good character on paper and has good arcs in the first two seasons of the show, but the writers have tried to draw it out (especially her Papa and lab arc) for wayyyyy too long, so we’re just repeating the same beats over and over. I think the lab stuff is also too separate from the rest of the characters for her to be an effective centre of the show, whereas Will for example has the link with the regular normie cast and the supernatural stuff. The show also tries to critique the fact that the characters treat her like a superhero, but then they turn around and rely on Deux ex El every season. It’s getting a bit tiring and happens at the expense of the rest of the ensemble.
I didn’t say strong, I said she doesn’t have enough depth as a character to carry the show. Which is true, she doesn’t.
We know basically nothing about El beyond her superpowers and time at the lab (and even that we don’t know much on), because El doesn’t even know herself. What are her interests? What are her passions? What does she love and dislike? We don’t know anything about her.
I agree that they have tried to keep up this lab shit for way too long. They really shoehorned in the Vecna backstory to try and connect her time in the lab to the overall plot which I think is pretty dumb and boring as hell. Maybe I’d give a fuck if I cared about El as a character, but I don’t. I have practically no attachment to her because the show hasn’t even allowed us to view her as a character with depth, but rather as a character that is our superhero and weapon to save the day. Literally all she does every season is raise her hand and scream. Im serious that if I have to keep seeing this bullshit in s5 I might actually bash my head into a wall.
El has repeated the exact same arc since the beginning of the show. Run from trauma and into the real world. Find friends to connect with. Run away from friends to develop alone. Reunite with friends and save the day in a dramatic moment where she almost dies. Everything she does is not enough to actually stop anything so cycle repeats.
I’m sorry, it’s getting old. It was old by s2 but I let it slide bc s2 is the best season of the show. By s3, it’s really time to put it to bed. By s4, I was sitting there throwing my hands up in the air because I was so fed up with the same damn thing over and over again. And it wasn’t just me. I know tons of ppl feel the same. There is genuinely so much screen time wasted on El especially in s4. There are other characters who desperately need development, like Lucas and Erica, especially given the focus on them in this very season. Why are we spending so much screen time on El when she has nothing to show for it? At the end of the day, we still don’t know shit 🤣
There was an obvious decline in quality for the show after season 2. The second the show stopped focusing on Will and tried to make El the focus instead, it went downhill. S3 was genuinely bad. Like it actually sucked lmfao. S4 was ok.. but that’s all it was. The best part of it was the Hawkins plot with Max and everyone because that felt like the first 2 seasons. They’re trying to make this show a big Hollywood blockbuster and that isn’t what makes ppl love it… bring back the Smalltown horror, the Stephen King vibes, match the damn energy from that INCREDIBLE opening scene with Will Byers running home. Bring that energy BACK, this show is in desperate need of it. Like can I tell you how much I miss that vibe? That excellently written horror? That genuine mystery and intrigue on the shoulders of a character you feel a real attachment to in a matter of minutes in part because of the actor but also in part because you already saw aspects of his character? And the aspects of character we saw weren’t forced down our throats and weren’t told to us like we were children, either. They were shown.
Bring back s1 and s2 vibes PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!
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hii! can you do a scenario about the obey me boys finding out MC wears glasses?
*insert anime glasses flash gif* it is done
Obey me + MC with Glasses
You rush down the hall, skipping as many steps as safely possible down the steps, to try and make it to the auditorium on time. A benchmark you were well past, but still holding out hope for.
You were supposed to meet Lucifer that morning, before school, to go over some of the details for the culture festival. But your alarm didn’t go off, and you had overslept, and now you were rushing to make up time.
“I’m here! I’m here!” The door made a loud clatter as you burst through it. Trying to catch your breath now that you had crossed the finish line.
“Your late.” Lucifer replied sternly. Apparently also cross. “Being on time is an important part of your commitments [Y/N]. It shows respect.”
“I know, I know.” You reply as you stood up straight. “I didn’t mean to. My alarm malfunctioned. It was an honest mistake.”
The eldest demon brother stared at you with a perplexed expression. “You’re wearing glasses.” He said finally. You which, you were very surprised, and nervously adjusted your frames out of habit.
“Y-Yeah. I am. I usually wear contacts, but I was in such a rush to get here I didn’t have time.”
Lucifer continued to stare at you for a moment before he smiled, “they look nice.” You blush at the compliment and fidget with your glasses again. “Despite that, please be on time for our next meeting. In contacts or glasses. You look nice either way, so your appearance is irrelevant as long as you’re here on time.”
“….thank you….” You supposed that was a compliment.
“I’m gonna take one of these. One of these. Ooo…two of those.”
You walk behind Mammon with a grin as he went through the boutique like a kid in a candy store.
He’d just gotten paid from one of his new modeling gigs. Which meant that he was due for a reward, in his opinion. Which also meant that he was going to be broke again here in a few hours but….he was having fun.
“Oh hey, these are cute.” You turn towards the luxury eye wear display when a cute set of frames caught your eye.
Mammon seemed to pick up on your interest and came over. “What do you need those for?”
“Uh…to see…?” You reply as you try the frames on for size. Hmm….not a fit.
“You don’t wear glasses.” He replied with a know-it-all tone.
“Yes I do,” but he clearly didn’t know that. “I just usually contacts. Have you seriously never seen me in glasses?” You try on another pair and turn to him. Looking for his opinion. Mammon seemed so flustered though that he couldn’t get a word out.
“I-I…I knew that! I just meant…you don’t wear ‘em that often…so…so you don’t need new frames. But…if you really want those, I guess I’ll buy them for you. You should have only the best. To protect your eyes I mean!”
You giggle a little at Mammon’s floundering, and hand the frames back to the woman behind the counter to buy them. “Thank you Mammon.” You coo at him. The demon getting red at the tips of his ears as you continue shopping.
“I’m so excited we get to work on costume’s together [Y/N]!”
“Yeah! Me too!” You cheer along with Levi as you get ready to work. “It should be a fun performance. And the costumes that Asmo designed look really brilliant.”
Levi let out a small huff and crossed his arms. “I guess they’re ok. They don’t really capture the essence of the series though. Only the general design. Which is typical for a normie.”
You giggle at Levi’s otaku elitism. “Well, I’m sure your otaku love will pour into the costumes, and give them that flair that’s missing from the pictures.”
“Do you really think so [Y/N]?” He asked hopefully.
“Of course I do!” You said with encouragement. You then reach in your bag to pull out your glasses. “Ok! Let’s get to work.”
You looked over at Levi, who seemed stun into almost a petrified state. His blank expression just locked on you. “Levi? What’s wrong?”
After a long pause, he finally said, in a quiet voice, “….Hime-sama is wearing glasses…..”
“Oh, yeah. It’s a little easier to for me to see the stitch work with my glasses instead of my contacts. I thought you knew I wore glasses? I mean, I wear the color contacts for cosplay, and I’m really good at them. I thought that was a hint but….Levi!”
The demon had stopped listening halfway through your explanation as his nosebleed caused him to faint and pass out. Otaku Megane Overload.
Of course, everyone knew that Satan’s favorite thing to do was to read. Second to that was spending time with you.
He tried to deny it, that you were his priority, but you knew where you stood. You couldn’t beat the mythical love stories between pages. The bonds he had built over years with the characters in some of these books. But it was nice of him to act like you could.
In any event, you were both doing his favorite activities of spending time together and reading. If there had been a cat here, he could die a happy man.
“Could we turn up the light in here?” Satan looked up at your question perplexed. “It’s just that it’s kind of dark in here, which makes it kind of hard to see by candlelight.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Satan apologized. “I only have the candles unfortunately. I’ve never really liked modern lighting. It’s garish, and excess lighting can be damaging to the books. I can light more candles if it’s an issue.”
You sigh loudly, then rummage through your bag. “You and your gothic aesthetic.” You mutter as you put on your glasses, and tuck back in to reading.
“You wear glasses?” Satan asked. More perplexed than ever that he didn’t know that about you.
“Only when my eyes are strained, or lighting makes it difficult to see.”
The demon seemed torn between his desire not to bring you discomfort and his desire of finding something new about you. “Well, they look nice on you. They suit your face. Very…scholarly” He complimented.
“Thanks,” you reply, “that’s totally the look I was going for.”
You both chuckle for a moment before returning to your books. Spending the rest of the evening peacefully together.
“[Y/N]-chaaaan!” Asmo called as he let himself into your room. “Are you ready to go?”
“In a second!” You call back from your closet. Merging a few minutes later with some different top options to try on. “I just need to pick out a shirt, shoes, and accessories, and then we can go.”
“So not done at all.” He bemoaned before shuffling over to your bed and dramatically flopping down on his back on top of the covers. “Oh well, I suppose beauty can’t be rushed.” There was a long pause, only the sound of the hangers in your hand clacking as you demoed each top, before Asmo popped up again. “Hey wait, are you wearing glasses?”
You turn to Asmo with a startled expression and touch your face. “Oh…yeah…” You forgot to take them off when he showed up. Usually you put your contacts in as part of your getting ready routine, but rushing around you forgot to take them off. Now Asmo knew your secret.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?!” He asked. Bounding off the bed and over to you. “Think of all the accessory options we have now! Plus, they look super cute on you.”
“I…I thought you’d make fun of me for wearing glasses.”
“Why in Devildom would I do that?” He asked. Seeming genuinely confused. Like it was never a thought to make fun of someone for their glasses, or hair color, or anything else about them. That just showed how beautiful of a person Asmo really was.
“Yeah, your right.” You agree. Adjusting your frames with a small smile. “You know what, I’m gonna wear them today. This will be a lot faster too. Let me finish getting ready and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
“Oh~!” Asmo beamed, before leaning in to give you a peak on the cheek and wait for you downstairs.
It was your turn on kitchen duty tonight, and you were trying a new recipe you found online.
“Ok…a pinch of salt….6 harlequin leaves….fire moss….”
“Hey [Y/N], you need some help?” Beel asked as he came into the kitchen.
“No! Out!” The demon stopped, like a startled deer, as you yelled at him and pointed for the door. “Last time you ‘helped’ you ate all my ingredients, raw, and broke two bowls. You can’t help me this time Beel.”
Beel hung his head and shoulders a little at being scolded. Looking like a sad, wounded puppy with it’s tail between his legs. “Ok [Y/N], I’m sorry. I just wanted to help….”
You sigh heavily, feeling bad now, and call to him before he could make it to the door. “Wait Beel. I’m sorry. You can help.” The redhead immediately perked up and came over. “But no eating the ingredients.”
Beel nodded enthusiastically as he posted up beside you. “What are you making?”
“This new recipe I found on Devilgram.” You show him your phone with a picture of the final result, and he already started to drool. “But it’s a little complicated. No like…complicated, complicated. The instructions are easy. Just precise. So it’s hard to-“You’re wearing glasses.”
You stop your rambling when Beel cut in. Having put your glasses back on your nose as you were talking. “Oh. Yeah. I don’t need them all the time, but the font is really small on my phone. Helps to see it a bit better.”
“Can I try them?” The tried-and-true question of all non-glasses wearers.
You take them off and hand them to Beel. He carefully took them in both hands and put them on. “How do I look?”
Your immediate thought was ‘cute’, but you decided to go with, “very distinguished.” Which made Beel’s chest puff up. “Now, give those back so I can read the recipe. Or we’ll never have dinner ready.” He immediately handed them back.
You opened your eyes with a flutter. Confused where you were for a moment before you let out a groan. Realizing you had fallen asleep.
“Belphie get up.” You urge in a groggy tone and give the demon a nudge. “We fell asleep.”
“Uh, yeah.” Belphie replied before breaking into a yawn. “It’s kind of my thing.”
You sigh and roll over to the edge of the bed. “Ok. We were only out for an hour. So we still have time to study before we head downstairs for dinner.”
“Are you wearing glasses?”
You stop as you realize you had gone through your morning routine without thinking about it. Putting on your glasses before you get started for the day. “Yeah. What about it?”
Belphie reached out and carefully took your glasses from your face. Trying them on. “Oh wow. You can’t see at all.” He stated as his eyes adjust to the frames. “Like…not see at all. How do you not run into more stuff?”
“I’m not blind!” You argue.
“Barely.” He retorted, and gave you your glasses back. “Ugh. Now I have a headache. I’m gonna lay down for another hour until it passes.”
“Belphie, no! We have to get up and study. The test is in two days and we need to…..” He was already snoring half-way through your speech. Pinning you down with his arm across your waist.
You sigh again, then pull out your textbook. If you were going to be trapped, might as well make use of the time.
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blueikeproductions · 4 months
Well it’s official: EarthSpark is dead. The next cartoon is being worked on as we speak.
Via Protoman of the Slag Podcast on TFW2005:
“All I will say is my source is someone working on the next Transformers series and *spoiler* it's not Earthspark.  Ratings were bad, toys have had a very soft distribution restocking (It's not about how much that Wave 1 is ordered, it's how much gets reordered after by retail wave after wave) and well....... better luck next time.”
If he says it’s dead, it’s dead.
What’s next?
As of typing, we dunno.
The only successful non toy media currently are the Skybound comics, and while TFONE is coming out this September, we have no idea how well that will do. The general confusion and backlash from the more comedically cut first trailer doesn’t … bode well from normies and hard cores.
One is said to have tested well, but so did RotB and it didn’t do so hot in theaters despite people liking it better. It’s still doing VERY well on Paramount+, but I don’t know if that means anything because P+ is the red headed step child of streaming… Also Paramount’s current… EVERYTHING.
So big coin flip really.
A cartoon based more directly on what One sets up makes sense, a lot of people have said it looks like a pilot for a future cartoon anyway.
An anime adaption of the Energon Universe is also possible, but it’s a little … too soon and if they adapted it now it would basically be the first Dragonball Z and first FMA anime, taking liberties and going its own direction because it couldn’t realistically keep up with the manga.
Best case scenario: a new co produced Transformers anime that uses TFONE & Skybound as a spring board for its own ideas.
What becomes of the Terrans in the future? I hope you weren’t attached to them being their own species because I guarantee it’s gonna be like post Beast Wars stuff.
The Terrans will largely just be Autobots and Decepticons like how the Maximals and Predacons tend to be like Cyberverse Cheetor and EarthSpark’s own Tarantulas.
RotB at the very least reinvigorated the Maximals as a faction, but the Predacons are largely missing from modern televised and comic media. They’re kinda there post WFC, but Transmetal II Megatron is curiously labeled a Prime Predacon…
The Prime Predacons are great but still…
Hasbro remains very weird about non Autobots and Decepticons. Mini-Cons kinda luck out by having the Cassettes be retroactively be Mini-Cons, but screw you if you want proper Maximals, Terrans, Predacons. Terrorcons are another current anomaly that I don’t know will make the cut either.
As it stands, expect Twitch and Spitfire to be Mini-Cons, Aftermath a Decepticon, and everyone else an Autobot, with Jawbreaker specifically as a Dinobot. Whether he gets used just as much as Slash remains to be seen. -sarcastic-
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via-the-ghoul · 5 months
Interesting facts about the free comic book day MH book
It starts out with a letter from Bloodgood banning all normie interactions
We then cut to Frankie and their dad, who’s trying to perfect the reanimation process, which hasn’t been done before
Frankie’s dad hasn’t left his office in a while and Frankie is worried
Frankie’s also worried that they aren’t “perfect” and Dad specifies that they’re different from the reanimation thing, and calls them “An amalgamation of the world’s greatest minds and kindest souls” which is cute
Also Frankie’s dad is in shadow the whole time it’s very concerning
Frankie then leaves due to getting a call from Cleo, who seems mad about something Clawdeen did, but we don’t know what.
Then Clawdeen calls Frankie and it seems that Clawdeen doesn’t know what Cleo’s upset about, and that Frankie isn’t actually all that sure themselves. Also, neither of them have heard from Draculaura and last year was hard on her, though we don’t entirely know what happened.
Also the Bloodgood letter I mentioned earlier specifies that the rules were put in place due to an unspecified turn of events last year, which is possibly the same event that Draculaura was involved in
Back in the lab, Frankie’s dad suddenly has an idea as to the missing piece to the reanimation thing
However, his notes have vanished, and where stolen by a mysterious cloaked figure whose also in the lab.
Frankie’s dad begs for the notes back, saying he’d do anything. The hooded figure wants him to work with them on something
Back with Frankie, they’re still talking to Clawdeen (and also looking at a photo of the two of them + Draculaura and Cleo) and saying that they think the Cleo and Clawdeen incident was a big misunderstanding.
Then the To Be Continued hits, this is basically just a teaser
We then get some cute profiles of the four ghouls in this online profile style for the MonsterNet!
It mentions everyone’s zodiac signs so in case anyone’s curious: Frankie’s a cancer, Drac’s an aquarius, Clawdeen’s a taurus, and Cleo’s a virgo.
They also have usernames, Frankie’s “FrightfullyFr4nkie” Drac’s “Bl33dingHeart16” Clawdeen’s “ClawdeensClawset” and Cleo’s “QueenCleo”
Frankie apparently likes sharing brain facts
While Toralei seems to have finished her redemption arc Meowlody and Purrsephone don’t seem very nice, specifically to Frankie
Drac’s apparently a student bloody council member and part of the monster ball planning committee, like in Gen3, so that’s cool.
Drac’s online diary entry (oh yeah they have online diary stuff up) gives some more information on The Incident. She didn’t have much free time, and couldn’t process her feelings on something. That something seems to be the thing that got human interaction banned, at least to me.
Drac also had to sit through a bunch of boring meetings, had to answer a lot of questions, and was forced to drink blood (what these meetings are for is unknown) and she’s doing it to make her dad proud
The phrase “I smile through it all though” really makes me think we have a “Drac is unhealthily repressing her emotions and is really sad under her skin” arc on our hands, which I would argue didn’t come out of nowhere? She did seem to have some serious self esteem issues in Frights Camera Action
Clawdeen does OOTDs and restyle tutorials on her blog and also has a link to her fashion catalog.
She’s been having a creativity boom, but her parents have been kinda distant lately.
So is Toralei who’s Clawdeen explicitly calls her girlfriend.
In all fairness Clawdeen says she only feels like her parents and Toralei have been distant and isn’t actually sure. She’s apparently throwing herself into her work
Clawdeen briefly considers calling Toralei to see if everything’s ok but decides against it, saying she thinks everything’s good
I haven’t mentioned it until now since it’s mostly information we already know but the profiles list the ghouls’ ages and Cleo’s age is finally fully specified, being 5,842 years old
She’s been reading a lot of romance scrolls, like, a lot of romance scrolls.
Her bio has what I think is an in-universe song lyric due to music note emojis surrounding it “the underworld’s princess, wrapped in the finest linen”
It also @ Casta Fierce, whose username is just CastaFierce. (Maybe it’s a Casta song?)
Nefera’s apparently been talking about her having a bunch of international suitors including a guy from another dimension
Cleo seems to be, and don’t yell at me for this next part cause it’s gonna make a lot of people upset, but she seems to be falling out of love with Deuce.
Like, she seems to still like him, he’s on her friends list, she just doesn’t feel like he’s being poetic enough.
There’s schedules for MH comics coming from 2024-2025. The Pride comics might actually come in May if this calendar is correct
Jacque Aye (the author who has an interview section at the end) describes the story as following the ghouls navigating major changes in their lives as students go missing. Sounds fun honestly
Also she mentions that while prior knowledge of the series is recommended, it’s not required.
That’s basically it gang! Have fun speculating!
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fluffymaxsworld · 11 months
“seven days”
model!simonriley x normie!reader
[first step, complimenting!!, dealss, no smut (but he wants to bend you over and fuck you mindlessly), wattpad kinda love story lmao]
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*driin driin*
7am, an early number for simon, who’s used to wake up when he wants to.
“oi, wake up” you whispered-yelled, “s’time to work you lazy ass”
“one more minute…” he muttered with a sleepy voice. how cute.
“what are you? six? wake up, the breakfast ends at 8:30 am and i’m already missing precious time.”
“go without me, imma sleep some more”
“so it’s real the rumor about you hating kids” you teased, poking his arm with your index finger, “think about their look in their faces, do you realize how sad you’re going to make ‘em feel?”
“oh, shut up” he slowly sat straight and yawned like a little boy.
“i feel like i’m going to babysit you, not those children” you sighed, walking to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
“tsk” was the only sound coming out of him.
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breakfast, or any meal, meant simon and you sitting next to each other.
“he works here for the reputation, he doesn’t care about the kids, johnny” you were walking towards the canteen with your friend, complaining about simon (once again).
“he’s okay, i guess. he’s a calm guy, plus he attracts a lot people…”
“girls, you mean.” you interrupted him.
“okay, girls…” he sighed, almost defeated, “but that’s fine, he’s cool, we’re cool. both paths win.”
“oh cmon! you’re just saying it because of the girls”
“well, he’s attractive himself, don’t you think?”
“he’s not” you lied. he was attractive, maybe the most attractive man you’ll ever meet. dark brown eyes, hard muscles and clean skin, he always smelled amazing, vanilla and coffee with a hint of smoke.
“who is not?” a deep voice interrupted the conversation between you and johnny, tapping lightly your shoulder. simon.
“not your business” you said, taking from the common room a couple of chocolate biscuits and a cup of coffee.
“you’re always so rude?” he scoffed.
“no, but you deserve a special treatment, don’t you think, mr model?” you replied sarcastically.
“can’t you see me as simon and not as mr model for once?” he rolled his eyes, muttering something between himself.
“the reason you’re here is not your ‘kind heart’.” you grunted ironically, sitting on your seat, “is because you need the public to see you as the ‘sweet simon’.”
“well, even if it was true, what’s your problem with me working here?” he replied coldly. “am i hurting someone? don’t think so”
“i just can’t stand who doesn’t care. i love the kids, they’re innocent souls and someone like you is the worst that could happen to them” you explained.
“give me a week, and i’ll swear to god you’re gonna change your mind” he looked at you, his gaze completely emotionless.
“a week to act like a human being?”
“three days.”
“deal” you extended your hand for a handshake.
he took your hand and shook it, his eyes fixated on you. your cheeks were already burning and the subtle staring contest between you and simon wasn’t helping. he had on his black surgical mask, but you could feel his mouth arching into a hidden smile.
“you could start by helping me with the kids”
were you asking him to help you?
“sure, why not” he smirked and stood up, walking towards the common room with you.
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the kids were playing around with cars, stuffed animals and barbies, chuckling and smiling sweetly. a view that makes you melt every time.
“simon!” alex, the little kid he met the first day, ran towards him, “how are youu?”
“i’m fine kiddo, and you?” he got on his knees to look at the little boy.
“i’m good!” he grinned and took simon’s finger that felt huge in his hand, “hello y/n!!”
“hey hun!” you annoyed mood shifted as soon as you stepped inside. you sat next to alex and kissed his pinky soft cheeks.
“do you know simon? he’s my new friend!”
you smiled, even tho simon could feel that you were forcing yourself, and patted his head, “i’m really happy you found a new friend”
simon and you split up, you were playing with half of the children and him with the others.
you completely forgot about simon, now acting so sweet and caring, your brownish oversized shirt with the bleached pair of jeans you messily wore the same morning definitely didn’t help simon in leave his gaze from you.
he could feel his cheeks warming up at each smile you gave alexander or his friends, feeling the sympathy you had for the kids. he was slowly driving crazy, you were driving him crazy. three days, and he swears he’s gonna make a move on you. he was used to the egocentric models and actresses he usually spend one or two nights together, but you were so kind, you were the sweetest thing on earth.
like a little boy he poked alex’s little arm, “hey kiddo, do you know if y/n has a boyfriend or something?”
he laughed, “she’s my girlfriend!”
he chuckles softly, “oh yeah? so she has a boyfriend”
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you felt his gaze on you, for the whole day. lunch, dinner, even when you were brushing your teeth.
“do i have something on my face?” you suddenly asked.
“you keep staring at me” you replied, “do i have something on my face?”
“no” he said darkly, his deep voice matching his black tight shirt.
you laid on your bed, looking at the ceiling and sighing.
“why are you here?” you asked him genuinely.
he turned around to face you.
“my manager forced me to” he replied.
“the rumors. are they true?” you faced him back.
“if i hate kids? no. i don’t particularly like them either.” he said, his english accent clear.
“you’re not a bad person, and i’m sorry for my attitude. i just can’t…”
“…can’t stand who doesn’t care. you told me already.” he cut you short, “but i do care. my father wasn’t one of best, and just look at alex! so full of energy and life, he’s an icon”
you chuckled softly, thinking about how great alex was.
his jaw dropped slightly, did he just make you laugh?
he interrupted the laugh, “you’re breathtaking”
“i’m sorry?”
“you’re breathtaking, i told you that yesterday but you didn’t hear me” he whispered, looking into your eyes.
“oh… thanks” you blushed slightly, needing to change subject, “and i’m… sorry for you father”
“s’okay. i moved on. he was a real dick.” he smirked, but you could feel the sadness in his voice.
“seriously, you… no, no one deserves a shitty childhood. that’s why i need to fulfill those kids dreams. they deserve to be loved”
“you’re… sweet. you’re really something else.” he mumbled, “goodnight”
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sorry if it’s short, i’ve working on a fluffy fic that i reallyyyy care about!!
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter 19: A Mother's Love?
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
You, posing as Jing Yuan’s handmaiden, walked toward the king’s quarters with clean bedsheets draped over an arm. It wasn't a job you signed up for, but it was an opportunity to get access to your father’s room without suspicion.
During the time you were gone, things had changed. Your mother had passed away due to poor health, and your father was receiving threats from the Middle Kingdom. You had discovered it was because Young was missing, and his people were blaming the humans.
This was proof.
Someone had used magic on the day of Young’s execution.
“...A concealment spell?” you had asked. Pom placed a round tray with two cups filled with the herbal tea on the table. Then, he sat on the couch across from you. “That would explain why word never got out about it." Your eyes hardened. “But…”
Pom picked up a cup. “But?”
“No one said anything about it. Even when I was exiled… no one said anything about Young’s death. Not even my parents. It was like they wanted to avoid mentioning it.”
“It’s possible they had their memories erased or were brainwashed.”
You picked up your cup of tea. “That’s one way to keep their mouths shut, that’s for sure.”
“Jing Yuan probably said Young had gone missing, but I’m sure some people know the truth.” You immediately think of Caelus. “That’s one explanation for the lack of bloodshed that should be happening.”
"Is a concealment spell hard to do?"
“That depends,” Pom said. With a swift wave of his hand, his teacup suddenly disappeared. Then, with a snap, it reappeared. “Depending on what you’re trying to conceal defines the difficulty and the type of magic. I f it was an execution, that’s definitely black magic considering, well, you’re hiding someone getting killed. And on a large scale like that where a crowd was involved… that’s not easy to do.”
“...Young once told me Jing Yuan was threatening him for information on black magic.”
“But this is advanced. There’s no way a human could do something like this, let alone master it. Not this quickly, at least. So, either Jing Yuan's been a crazy psychopath since he was, like, ten. My money is on that he got some extra help."
You raised a brow. “I didn’t know how fast you learned magic depended on your race.”
“Not exactly. Humans are… er, well, they’re normies. No offence."
"None taken."
"They don’t have an advantage like Young’s kind. I guess, to put it another way… Young was born with magic in his blood that could make any spell more effective. The older they get, the stronger it gets."
Then, was Young… betrayed? But why? By who?
Pom looked you in the eyes. “I don’t think it’s just Jing Yuan we’re after.”
You stopped in front of the door to your father’s quarters. This was the first time in a long time you'll see him again. Had he ever thought about you in the last few years? Did he ever regret what he did?
After entering, you slid the door closed. With a quick wave, the door had permanently locked itself so you were the only person who could get in and out.
Your father’s living quarters were exactly as you remembered it: clean and organized. The door to his study was open; no one was inside. So, you made your way to his bedroom. You slid another door open, and you saw your father sleeping soundly on the bed. You quietly approached him, dropping the clean bedsheets on the floor.
By the time your father realized someone was beside his bed, it was already too late. He couldn’t move, couldn’t blink. It was as if he was paralyzed. You had one knee on his bed while leaning over him. He whimpered. Trembled. Soon, your appearance changed back, and you smiled at him.
“Hello, Father,” you said quietly. “Did you miss me?”
Everything was in his eyes. Shock. Fear. Worry. The questions were written on his face. How was this happening? How did you get in here? Why were you here?
“You made a big mistake when you and Mother banished me.” You took out the vial of black mist from inside your hanfu pocket. “You should’ve just killed me.”
Your father’s eyes landed on the black mist, and he began to sweat. Another whimper. “Shh…” You put your hand over his mouth. “This won’t hurt. I promise."
You popped the cap off, and the mist slowly scaled the tube. Then, as if it had a mind of its own, it slithered towards your father. You let him go as the mist got closer… closer… and closer… until it crawled into his eyes and nose. His eyes went black, and his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. A gag. A short strangled scream. Then, his mouth closed, and you closed his eyes with your hand as if he died.
“...You won’t be alone. I assure you.”
Everything went quiet.
Before leaving the room, you looked over your shoulder and said, "Goodbye, Father."
Then, you left as if nothing had happened.
Jing Yuan swirls the alcohol in his glass as he looks at you. Your glass is still full.
It was by chance he bumped into you on his way out of the building. He could still see your surprised look, but it was far from pleasant. Still, Jing Yuan took the opportunity and approached you, knowing that you wouldn’t rip his throat out in public where there were busy crowds as people were getting off work.
“Could we talk?” he had asked.
You blatantly ignored him, stepping around him to continue on your way. However, he grabbed your wrist, and you glared at him.
“Let me go, or I’ll scream.”
Jing Yuan pulled you closer to him. “Then, what do you propose we do, Sweetheart? I’m not going be a sitting duck waiting for you to murder me in my sleep.” He saw the whites of your eyes turn red, and Jing Yuan’s heart raced out of anxiety. He’d better hold his tongue.
“You’re right,” you had said, and suddenly Jing Yuan couldn’t breathe. “I should’ve done so the moment I saw you.”
Jing Yuan let you go and raised a hand as if surrendering. “Look,” he gasped. “I mean no harm. Truly.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Nanook who was watching the entire scene. "Just ask your friend.”
You didn’t turn, but your eyes flashed toward Nanook who gave you a friendly smile. Then, he casually walked up as you asked, "What are you doing here?”
“Me? Oh, well, just makin' sure my favourite girl doesn't turn into a cold-blooded killer." Nanook looked at Jing Yuan, and the man could suddenly breathe again. You furrowed your brows and turned to Nanook. “...It won’t do you any good from killing him.”
Jing Yuan took a steady breath. “Again, I come in peace.”
“What do you want to talk about?” you asked coldly.
“...The past.”
And that’s how you and Jing Yuan end up at his office.
Nanook is gone, but you know he’s watching from somewhere. 
“Not a drinker, Love?”
“You’re wasting my time,” you say. “You said you wanted to talk. Get on with it.”
Jing Yuan puts his empty glass on the table. As he walks toward you, his thumb casually twists the ring on his finger.
“You’re holding me against something I didn’t do,” he says. “I am not the person who killed your lover in the past. We may share the same face, but I would never do something like that." He smiles. "If it were me, you wouldn't even know—" Jing Yuan suddenly doubles over in pain. When it subsides, he takes a small breath. "Not a fan of jokes. Okay, got it."
“Perhaps you’re capable of something much worse, and I should be doing the world a favour by ripping your heart out.”
“And then what? Hm?” Jing Yuan grabs your shoulders. “Centuries from now when everyone is reborn again… you’re going to do the same thing? Continue hunting me down?” He smiles wryly. “It’s romantic in a twisted sort of way, Sweetheart.”
Suddenly, he feels an intense, sharp pain shoot through his chest. When he feels something squeezing his heart, he slowly looks down and sees blood dripping onto the floor. Your hand is inside of him, toying with his heart… literally.
“...Cupid, wait.” You slowly turn to Nanook who has a worried look. “Just… calm down.”
“Tell me, Love," Jing Yuan manages to say. "How much do you remember?”
“Enough that I don’t need to remember anything else to know you took everything from me.”
Your nails dig into his heart, making Jing Yuan cough and spit blood.
You were hiding in the forest, a bow and arrow in your hands. Your prey was in sight, and you raised your weapon, preparing to kill the deer a distance away until a noise from behind you scared the animal off. You frowned as you turned and saw Jing Yuan with a slight, smug grin with a rock in his hand.
“Seriously?” you asked.
“You were taking too long.” He jumped from the fallen tree trunk he stood on and approached you. “There’s no waiting in battle.”
“There’s also something called recklessness,” you muttered. You put your arrow back into the quiver.
“How did you get your hands on this? You know women aren’t supposed to handle weapons.”
“What? Are you going to tattle on me, General?”
Jing Yuan slightly leaned closer to you. “I won’t… but just because I like you.”
“Right. How many times have you used that line before?"
“Why have you been avoiding me lately, Princess? Don’t tell me it was because of what happened the other night.”
You stopped. You, Jing Yuan, and Luocha had gotten together for a casual night of drinking. Your brother left early, and while you had a few more drinks, you’d accidentally confessed your feelings about how much you hated the political rivalry, forcing you and a friend to meet in secret. Upon realizing your mistake, you stopped drinking. When Jing Yuan asked who you were talking about, you—not entirely sober—stood and said it was nobody.
Jing Yuan had helped you to your room. Suddenly, he pulled you close and whispered in your ear that he'd help you forget whoever was plaguing your mind. That was the first time he kissed you. Even though you initially rejected his advances, you eventually succumbed. Perhaps it was because you were under the influence of alcohol. Jing Yuan wanted to believe it was because of your feelings. One thing led to another, and you felt terrible the next morning from the vulnerability the night before. It had been a huge mistake.
“...I told you that was a mistake," you said.
Jing Yuan had acted like your words didn't hurt him, casually saying that it was one night of fun. That was it. Little did you know that he felt used, but he had no one to blame but himself.
"What are you doing out here anyway?" you asked as Jing Yuan caught up to you. "Don’t you have big boy things to do?”
“Define big boy things.”
“Raising an army.”
Jing Yuan suddenly stopped you, and you were forced to look at him.
“The man you were talking about that night… Is it Young?”
Your face paled. “Where... Where is this coming from?"
"Answer the question." You frowned, not fond of being ordered around. So, you walked around him until he said, " Being with him will only cause you pain and suffering.”
You stopped and you clenched your fists. “Leave me alone, Jing Yuan.” You didn’t bother masking the annoyance in your tone.
Jing Yuan watched you leave, knowing he was right.
“I don’t know how much you remember about… us. But, with each memory that comes back, I feel everything my past self once felt." Your eyes meet his, and he touches your arm. Dan Heng enters the room just as Jing Yuan says, “It’s true. I was in love with you back then.”
You smile coldly. “Is this how you beg for forgiveness?” Then, you hear Dan Heng say your name, and you quickly turn to the door and see him slowly walking towards you. “How… why are you here?”
Once he’s by your side, he puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Let him go, Cupid," Nanook says.
From the look on Dan Heng’s face, you know he’s thinking the same. The red in your eyes turns darker as you say, “Aren’t you angry? He killed you. He—”
“I am.” Dan Heng looks at Jing Yuan who has gone limp. “But if we kill him, it won’t help us.” Dan Heng puts his hand on your wrist that’s stained with Jing Yuan’s blood. “Jing Yuan met Young before.”
“I know,” you say, glaring at Jing Yuan. “He threatened him for information on black magic.”
“It wasn’t about that,” Dan Heng says, putting an arm around you. “Let him go, and I’ll explain.”
There’s a short silence before you reluctantly pull your hand out, and the sound of ripping flesh fills the room. Jing Yuan almost falls lifelessly to the floor if not for Nanook.
“Did I miss a massacre?”
Nanook frowns at the familiar face. “I have to wonder if you planned this, Lan. Way to show up after Cupid almost murdered a man.” Lan’s eyes immediately land on Jing Yuan’s gaping wound in his chest. “Small wound. No biggie.”
“He’ll live,” you say when Lan comes to examine the damage. “The wound will close on its own.”
After Nanook lays Jing Yuan on the couch, he turns around with his hands on his hips. “All right, Lover Reincarnate, time for you to explain. What’re you talking about?”
Dan Heng looks at you. “It was about Young’s mother.”
The sun had just set over the horizon, the sky a fiery red with hues of orange. It was as if the world was on fire. Young stood in a forest clearing, his hands behind his back. His eyes opened, sensing a presence in the shadows of the trees behind him. He didn’t need to turn to see who it was.
“Heir to the Middle Kingdom..." Young turned around and saw Jing Yuan, his golden eyes looking at him as if he were prey about to be devoured. With open arms, Jing Yuan said, "It's a pleasure."
Young took out a note from inside his hanfu. With a flick of his wrist, the note flew toward the ground until one of its corners became stuck in the dirt. “...Get on with it.” As Jing Yuan walked toward him, he purposely stepped on the note, and it instantly crumbled into ashes. “How do you know my mother?”
Jing Yuan looked down and smiled. Young narrowed his eyes. “Tell me, Young. Was your mother ever happy with your father?”
The last thing he wanted was to play mind games with an armed general. However, if that was what Jing Yuan wanted… Young could deliver.
“Why would a general be so interested in the relationships of others? Surely, you have more pressing things on your mind.”
Jing Yuan met his eyes with a cold stare. “...You mean like the woman you’re in love with? The Princess of the North?” Young’s gaze hardened as Jing Yuan chuckled. “Since I’m such a nice person, let me be the first to tell you.” He smiled, though his eyes said a different story. “We’re about to be engaged.”
The brief shock was enough to amuse the general.
“Of course… she doesn’t know that yet, but it’s a done deal with her parents.” Jing Yuan’s smile vanished. “I won’t tell them about you. Don’t worry… but in return, stay away from her.”
"I’m here to talk about my mother.”
“A human with one of your kind… It’s a forbidden romance for the books,” Jing Yuan said. “If she never mentioned me, I don’t see why I have to enlighten you.” Suddenly, he appeared in front of Young. “If you truly love the princess, you’ll let her go. Or… do you want her to end up like your pitiful mother?”
“Whoa, whoa,” Nanook says, raising a brow. “End up like your pitiful mother? Am I the only one who’s lost?”
“When did you see this?” Lan asks.
“It happened on my way here,” Dan Heng says.
Nanook sighs as he gives Jing Yuan a deadpan look. Then, he looks at you. “Y’know… maybe General Prettyboy genuinely liked you. If he was truly only after revenge and all that shit, he wouldn’t have told Young to stay away from you.”
“Regardless,” Lan says, “we know that Jing Yuan knew Young’s mother.”
“Yeah, but what was their relationship?” Nanook asks. Then, after a sarcastic chuckle, “Don’t tell me Jing Yuan is also her son.”
The silence drags on… and on… and on…
Nanook looks at the faces in the room. “Guys, c’mon. Like… there’s no way… Right?” When no one still says anything, the god says, “Right?”
"If he was…” you say, “Then who was the father?”
Jing Yuan was five years old when he first used a knife on himself. He took the blade with trembling hands and looked up at the adults who were looking at him with a hard, pressuring stare.
“...Do it,” one of them said. “If you don’t, you’ll never fit in with the humans.” Jing Yuan didn’t understand. He was human, right? Well, his appearance said otherwise. One of the adults held a mirror to Jing Yuan’s face. “Look at yourself. You aren’t human. No human has horns.”
Jing Yuan gripped the blade tighter. If he wasn’t human, who was he? Why was he different? Nothing made sense. His emotions ran wild as he raised the knife to his head. He’ll think about it later. He’ll understand later. For now, he just had to appease the adults who were so kind to take him in. He had nowhere else to go.
One cut. He screamed. Two cuts. Tears began to fall. Three cuts. Then, came the smell of blood.
"Keep going."
That was the first out of the many nights Jing Yuan severed a part of himself to survive.
“...They? Who’s they?”
Jing Yuan can faintly hear Nanook’s voice. A sharp pain shoots through Jing Yuan’s chest as his consciousness slowly returns. 
“No idea,” Lan says. “If it’s true Jing Yuan and Dan Heng are half brothers, Jing Yuan’s father had to be human. They took away the life he could’ve had… that was what Caelus said. Considering the political rivalry and tensions, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cupid’s parents were involved in what happened to Jing Yuan.”
“Good Lord. Then that means whoever Jing Yuan’s father is, he must be one important motherfucker.” Nanook, who’s standing behind the couch Jing Yuan is resting on, looks down at the general who has fully regained consciousness. “Careful there, General Prettyboy. You still have an obvious hole in your chest.”
Jing Yuan groans as Lan walks over. “...I’m going to kill her.”
Nanook laughs. “Who? Cupid? Yeah, good luck.”
“You’ll be bedbound for a while,” Lan says. “It's going to take some time to heal.”
Jing Yuan glares at him. “And there’s absolutely no way to make it heal faster?”
“I mean… You could try walking into a hospital,” Nanook says. “But I'm sure the only reaction you’ll get is screams and not the good kind.”
Jing Yuan sighs. “I... wasn’t fully human.” Nanook and Lan glance at each other. “I had horns, and... I saw myself cutting them off, for fuck sake." 
“Geezus… Those things grow back, you know.”
“Is that how you found out about the concealment spell?” Lan asks.
Jing Yuan puts a hand on his forehead as a migraine hits. “The what?”
“Have a heart, would you, Lan? Prettyboy looks like he’s going to pass out again. This can wait.”
“Hey.” The gods turn to Jing Yuan who looks exhausted. “When you see Dan Heng and Cupid, give them a message for me.”
“Don’t tell me it’s a declaration of war.” Lan gives Nanook a deadpan look. Nanook turns and asks, “What?”
Then, sincerely, Jing Yuan says, “Tell them that I’m sorry.”
“Huh… wasn’t expecting that.”
“But…” Jing Yuan looks at the hole in his chest. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to let her get away with this. God or not, she’s taking responsibility.”
“Look, we know you’d rather have Cupid be your lil maid and all, but that’s out of the question. She’ll kill you before you can ask for painkillers, which I guess is an effective painkiller, actually."
Jing Yuan scoffs. “Then, I guess she will continue serving her sentence.”
"We'll pass on the message," Lan says before Nanook can say anything else.
And the gods are gone.
On the Astral Express, Nanook and Lan are walking in the corridor when the god of destruction asks, “Were you thinking Jing Yuan used a concealment spell to eventually hide his horns?”
“It’s not just that. He likely also used it to hide Young’s execution.”
“Ah, the wonders of black magic,” Nanook says with a satisfied smile. “But, even if Jing Yuan wasn’t fully human, there’s no way he could carry that out alone. The scale is too large.”
“...His mother.”
“Young’s mother?”
Lan nods. “She’s the only one who’s capable of this. She wasn’t human, and they had much more knowledge of magic than humans during that time.”
“Yeah… but why kill her son? The one she loved?” Nanook asks. “Sounds like she just left poor Prettyboy to die, but he pulls an Uno reverse card and ends up being your classic character of a rags-to-riches story. Why would she help him?”
Lan looks at Nanook. “Just my speculation… but Jing Yuan probably tricked her.”
“He tricked her…? So... she thought she was hiding someone else’s execution?”
“Three guesses who.”
“Oh, for the love of God…”
“It would explain why Dan Heng’s mother was cursed.”
Before Nanook can respond, they hear a familiar voice. Idrila is walking towards them; she frowns at Nanook.
“Where have you been?” she asks.
She sighs, “Poking your nose into Cupid’s business, no doubt.”
“He’s been quite useful,” Lan says. “...Surprisingly.”
Then, as if proud of himself, Nanook says, “Anything for my girl, Cupid.”
“Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.”
Nanook’s heart drops at the male voice. Then, he quickly turns to Idrila. “What is he doing here?”
“Vacationing,” the man says, emerging from the shadows. “Idrila has been such a dear to show me around.”
“Right.” Nanook crosses his arms. “Is Hell getting too hot for you, Sampo?"
"What do the humans call it? Ah, right. Global warming. It's even reaching the depths of Hell, it seems." Sampo smiles. "Thought I'd come up and take a nice, chill break with my good friends. But one of them isn't around... Word has it Cupid's doing a job with Pom."
Lan raises a brow. "You met Cupid?"
"She probably doesn't remember me, though. But we go back... a very long time."
“Sampo's here for a reason.”
The sound of heels makes Nanook and Lan turn around. Nanook crosses his arms. “Don’t tell me you called him here, Himeko.”
“I did.”
Lan glances at the mercenary of death. “What does he have to do with Cupid?”
“It’s only a matter of time before she gets all of her memories back,” Himeko says. “...Including the reason why she is who she is.”
“Um… is it just me, or why does this sound ominous?” Idrila asks.
“Because she’ll be forced with a choice,” Sampo says. “And it's my job to carry out her wishes.” He swings an arm around Nanook. “But, as it's not a job I can do right away, I'll be here with popcorn and watching this drama unfold until it's my time to shine."
Nanook scoffs. “Sounds like a great vacation.”
"Isn't it?"
“Did you know… all this time?” Lan asks Himeko. “About what will eventually happen to Cupid?”
“Not entirely. She still has some free will, so to speak. Her punishment is coming to an end. There’s no need to prolong it longer than it needs to be.”
“Punishment?" Idrila asks as the gods exchange a confused look. "Erm, anyway... We’ll still get to see her, right? Like… no matter what choice she makes?”
The silence tells her everything she needs to know.
Chapter 20
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @tanspostsblog @theprinceofkhaos @nqctre @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit @hiqhkey @n8mareee @sunsethw4 @kplatzman
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ja-reau · 2 years
You write angst so well so I thought I’d send a request.
Could you write a Larissa x normie!reader where they’re in a relationship and Larissa, being a workaholic, has missed so many dates and they get into an intense fight about it, then in the middle, Larissa says something hurtful that makes them both stop and reader just leaves in defeat. Larissa regrets it so she takes a break from work and tries to make it up to reader.
Hurtful Words - Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 655
Warnings: fighting
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“Larissa!” you called out, pushing the door to your girlfriend’s office and closing it behind you. You had been in a great mood. Work had been significantly easy today. You had no rude clients, your boss wasn’t being a pain. And on top of that, you got to leave work earlier than usual. Which meant you had more time with Larissa! The smile on your face only faltered slightly when Larissa didn’t reply. “Rissa?” You called again, your smile still on your face. “What, y/n? What is it? Can’t you see I’m working?” Larissa asked, frustration evident in her tone.
Your smile flattered slightly. “I’m-“ you started but she instantly cut you off. “Sorry? You’re sorry?” She asked; laughing slightly. “You don’t get it, y/n. I love you, I do. But you have to stop coming in here and bothering me. I’m running a school. You don’t understand how hard my job is.” Larissa said. This wasn’t like her. This wasn’t your sweet Larissa. This wasn’t the Larissa you knew and loved. This was someone else. “I understand your job is hard, so is mine. But I don’t take my frustration out on you.” You spoke, the smile that one adorned your face was now gone completely.
“Oh please, y/n. All you do is work at a store in Jericho. That’s not as hard as running an entire school.” She shot back, and you felt stabbed in your chest. “You’re being mean.” You said to Larissa. “Mean? No, I’m being honest. You come in here almost every day and disrupt me.” she said, turning to face you better. “Y/n, I’m sick of it. All you fucking do is disrupt me. When I’m working, when I’m at home. All the goddamn time, y/n!” she said.
You never felt so small before. You coward back, moving towards the door. “I’m sorry.” you repeated, tears started to well around your eyes. “I’ll see you at home.” you whispered softly. As you backed away from Larissa, she felt sudden regret. Seeing you back away from her like she was some form of a monster, broke her heart. She didn’t mean it. She shouldn’t have said what she said. “Y/n wait-” she started, but you never let her finish.
“No. You made it clear that all I am is a bother to you.” You said, wiping away your tears before leaving, slamming the door behind you.
Larissa sat on her chair, her face in her hands. She fucked up. She knew she did. Seeing the look on your face when she yelled at you was just heartbreaking. “Fuck, what the hell did I do?” she muttered to herself.
Later that night, you had been curled up in bed, the tv on with some reruns of your favourite show on the background. You had changed and laid down in bed since the moment you arrived home. You heard the front door open and the familiar click of her heels and knew that Larissa was home. Your interest in her presence peaked when you started to smell your favourite food coming from the living room. “Darling?” Larissa called as she entered the room.
Despite not wanting to turn around, you did. You couldn’t help the small smile on your face when you saw Larissa, and the roses she had. “For you.” she said as she watched you move to sit up. “I’m still mad.” You said softly, even though you took the flowers.
“I know. And I’m so sorry sweetheart. I shouldn’t have thrown my frustrations towards you, especially since it wasn’t even directed at you.” She said, moving to pull you into her arms and you let her. “I brought your favourite food..” she said “and wine.” She added. You couldn’t help but smile at this. “All is forgiven then. Let’s go eat.” You said, taking her hand and leading her out of the room.
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wolfofansbach · 1 year
Personal thoughts and meditations upon the occasion of the Riverdale series finale. 
Probably like four people are going to read this but I feel compelled to write it out anyway. This show has genuinely been a massive part of my life. I watched the first episode because some high school friends encouraged me to (IRONICALLY, BRO). I was in high school when I started this show. Those friends of course long ago fell away, unable to continue, unable to wacth anymore, but I have kept the faith. All seven seasons. Every. Single. Episode.
I’m not even entirely sure what captivated me so much about the show. I loved the atmosphere of season 1. I genuinely wanted to find out who killed Jason Blossom. Was genuinely fucked up by episode 1 x 12 and the first season finale.
I have such fond memories of watching the first season. I distinctly remember a road-trip I Tok with my friends the summer of 2017, and joking about  maple syrup drug empires and the “weirdo” line back when that was the wildest scene on the show. Joking about how sick of the song ‘Believer’ by Imagine Dragons (2017) we were. 
And then I decided to get involved in a fandom for the first time in a couple of years, and so I revived my old Tumblr, and I began Posting. And reading posts.  
That was my last summer after high school and I was so nervous about college but this show and this fandom helped me get through it. My freshman year I lived in a dorm, and if you wanted to watch TV you had to go down to this common room, so every Thursday I would go down there like an hour ahead of time and occupy the place to make sure the remote was in my hands by 7 PM. A few times I failed, and I missed an episode because of it. But rarely! 
I remember that slowly dawning feeling as season 2 progressed. Scrolling my Tumblr feed and slowly seeing people come to the realization: “wait…is it just me or does this show actually suck.” Was kind of frustrating at the time, realizing that the writers just like…were bad, but in retrospect? Beautiful. Incredible. Legendary. 
And you could even say that’s where the fun really began. Yes, there’s plenty to hate, but also Riverdale is brilliant. The show of all time. For real. No other show has done it like Riverdale. They just haven't, and they never will. The age of the cable television teen drama is ending, and what a hell of a last hurrah Riverdale has been.
The Red Circle. Jingle Jangle. The Gargoyle King. Edgar Evernever and his fantastic rocket. Bret Weston Wallis and Donna Sweett (genuinely cannot say their names without giggling). Jughead getting hit in the head with a rock and faking his death for like…some reason? I genuinely can’t remember, something to do with the Hardy Brothers idk. Tabitha sprinkling the devil with the tears of the Virgin Mary. The normies can laugh all they want about “epic highs and lows” but do they remember the even funnier lines like “if there’s no wedding, that means the gargoyle king has won” or “word of my exploits serving Nick his comeuppance…” THEY NEVER WILL. ONLY THE TRUE FAITHFUL UNDERSTAND. 
And is silly as it all was, I have genuine affection for these characters. Like Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Archie, Cheryl, Toni, actually mean a lot to me. YES they’re fake but I want the best for them (and for Beronica to be canon but you know we can’t win them all). I’m genuinely grateful that this show has existed and been a part of my life for the past six years. 
Moreover, I credit this show for seriously getting into writing. I’ve actually written almost a million words of Riverdale fanfiction. Much of it will never see the light of day, but it exists. Maybe I even have one or two left in me, I don’t know. At the very least I’d like to finish a few uncompleted fics. But I’ve also branched out. Since I started seriously writing in 2017, I’ve also finished several original manuscripts, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll get one published. Stranger things have happened. 
So, thanks Roberto.
And thanks to all of the very cool people I’ve run into in this fandom. I honestly wish I’d gotten to know most of you better, but them’s the breaks. Hopefully this isn’t weird but I’m going to tag a few people in particular. 
@village-skeptic. I know you’re not in the fandom anymore (lucky you), but thank you for, once upon a time, reading every one of the 200,000+ words of a 17-year-old kid’s turgid, indulgent, Riverdale Spanish Civil War fan fiction. I never, ever would have finished that story without you, and I credit it with giving me the confidence to keep writing, and in fact to write everything I’ve written since then. You’re brilliant and awesome. 
@satelliteinasupernova. Thank you for also reading Interbellum (are we noticing a pattern), and more importantly for all of your wonderful drawings. INCLUDING fanart of some of my fics. You have no idea how happy that Strange Death of Elizabeth Cooper piece made me. You rule. 
@sullypants. You were a perennial presence on my feed. Always wonderful to see. I love your taste in art, and I love those ‘penguin classics’ covers you made for a few of my fics. Thank you also for beta reading a few fics for me back in the glory days. And thank you for chatting with me a couple times over the years, including a few times when I was in quite unhappy places. 
@stillhidden. I’m not sure if we’ve ever actually talked, but you like or reblog everything I post and it makes me feel like I’m not just shouting into the void. Same goes for @frauleinfunf Thank God for dutiful mutuals. 
@sonyascomet. I can’t remember when I started following you but you have a really good sense of humor. And I’ll always remember when you kept posting about “Greg” for Succession and I, not knowing anything about Succession, kept imagining Greg Heffley. 
@stillhidden thank you for your world-weary Riverdale posts. You truly understand fandom like few others.
@halcooper. Your devotion to the neglected parents of Riverdale is truly admirable. Every time I see Lochlyn Munro in some weird low budget horror movie I’ll think of you.
I hope I didn’t forget anyone who would be offended by my forgetting, but I doubt it. 
All this to say this show has been a genuinely huge part of my life for six years. SIX YEARS. I graduated college, my God. I wish I could say I became a millionaire or a successful author in that time, but nah. Maybe one day, but for now I’m just kind of vibing. And unfortunately, I’ll have to vibe without Riverdale from now on. 
But as I sit myself down to watch the very last episode of this show, I remind myself that we’ll always have the memories. And I’ll always be an unapologetic Riverdale enjoyer. As a great man once said, snakes don’t shed their skins so easily. 
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
Recovering Together: Reader x Ignihyde
The last two weeks had been rough to say the least. 8 hours days turned into 12, 16 and even more if you weren’t careful. It was draining; physically, emotionally, socially. You’re sure you would have Overblotted if magic was an option. It hurts more because it’s been so long without seeing your partner. Now, finally, you have a moment to breathe and they’re determined to show you how much they’ve missed you.
Small snippets of the boys taking care of you when it’s hard to take care of yourself.
Warnings: Trauma (Emotional), Physically Exhaustion, Self-Doubt, Implied Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms (Reader), Crying, Comfort, Intense Emotions, Overworked Reader, Implied Fighting
           He feels like he’s doing a quick time event but something is wrong with the screen and the prompt isn’t showing up. Idia is trying his best to blend into the wallpaper of the hallway but everyone can see his hair. He can feel his fingers starting to twitch; people are staring and he’s going to lose his nerve. Why do normies have to be so fucking cringe, can’t he go out of his room once without it being a big deal seriously-
           He physically jerks into the middle of the hall when you exit class, like you’ve tugged him with a rope. You’re looking at the floor and from this angle it’s easy to see the red rims around your eyes. Idia wants to freeze but he’s come this far and is able to stutter out your name loud enough that you notice him.
           The fatigue on your face fades when you see him, smiling and walking over. He quickly takes your arm and drags you over to the side, clearing the walkway. You follow after him happily, squeezing his arm before he quickly snatches it away. He loves it when you touch him but in public? His hair is already turning pink at the thought.
           “Hey Idia, I didn’t know you were coming to class today. What’s going on?” You don’t sound hurt that he didn’t tell you, only curious and he grins, getting some confidence back.
           “That’s cause this is a top secret, limited time mission.” You smile, eyebrows going up as he explains.
           “Top secret huh? Are you going to share?” He snorts, giving you another wide grin and moves down the hall. You let him lead you towards the exit, ignoring the bell going off. It was lunch time anyway, the perfect time to sneak off.
           “You missed last week’s raid drops and I gotta send them over to you before the next one.” You feel a pang of guilt as Idia talks, tugging on his arm.
           “I’m sorry, everything has been so crazy lately…” He seems surprised at your apology but gives you a gentle look before turning away.
           “Don’t worry about it, you’re going to skip with me to make up for it.” You laugh, giving his arm a squeeze and leaning against him. Idia lets out a high-pitched squeak, squirming but not actually trying to push you off.
           “I wouldn’t miss it.”
 Ortho + Grim-
           Grim has no idea what to do. You’ve been running around all week and barely had time for him. And he didn’t need you of course, because he’s the Great Grim but it did upset him seeing you being run ragged. He misses you too, even if he would never admit it.
           Now he’s trying to figure out how to get you to rest. You had almost walked into a wall earlier! No deviation in sight! You owed him big time for that one. He sees the bags getting darker and darker, your body getting more and more sluggish. With all this in mind, he has to bring out the big guns.
           “And, because my hench-human is having so many issues, they need your help.” Ortho hadn’t interrupted Grim’s monologue about your health once, even if he was tempted to. He has noticed that you’re too busy to check in on Idia like normal but didn’t realize it was this bad.
           “Don’t worry Grim, I will help on your mission to fix the Prefect!” Grim sputters out excuses, following Ortho as he floats his way down the hall.
           “It’s not like I care! They just bring the mood down in the house.” Ortho nods, easily seeing past Grim’s blustering. The two of them begin the track to Ramshakle; you had skipped class to get sleep but only after Grim insisted.
           “Don’t worry Grim, we can raise the Prefect’s stats! We just need some good healing items.” As odd as Grim thinks Ortho was, he knows he’s more than trust worthy then others. He hopes.
           You wake up to hushed voices and your stomach growling. Everything was blurry and a glance at the clock showed it was after classes. Part of you wanted to feel guilty but the majority of you was just happy you had gotten more than 4 hours of sleep.
           “Hench-human!” You wince at Grim’s voice but turned to him, missing his concerned look. “Be grateful! The Great Grim worked hard on this for you!” He lowers his voice and you saw Ortho with a tray in his hands. The younger boy floats over and you take in the food.
           The toast is a little burned and the eggs a little runny but it smelled amazing. Your heart clenches and you sit up, Ortho and Grim getting into bed on either side of you.
           “You made this for me?” Ortho beams at your question and nods.
           “We did! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” You give them both a gentle smile and began to eat.
           “How were your days?” You chuckle as they both launch into accounts of the day, eager to tell you what had been going on. You don’t say anything as Grim snags a piece of bacon or as Ortho begins to lean on you. It’s nice to hang out with your boys again.
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zeke-in-devildom · 7 months
Dissonance - Chapter 13: The Otaku Fanboy
Zeke let out another strangled yell when the door slammed open, scrambling backwards until his back hit the bed frame. He had half expected Lucifer to be looming over him menacingly after yesterday’s confrontation. Instead he blinked, still clutching his chest, as he saw Leviathan standing there, wringing his hands uncertainly. That was not at all who he thought would come through the door. If it wasn’t Lucifer he’d figured it would be Beel, Belphie, or Asmo.
“Are you okay?!” Levi asked in a high pitched squeak, obviously anxious and unsure.
“You scared the hell out of me, Levi.” Zeke sighed, letting his head fall back against his bed and trying to calm his heart down.
“I scared you? You were the one that screamed like you were being murdered! I’m an otaku shut-in, I’m not built to move that fast.” On closer inspection Levi did seem to be somewhat out of breath, as if he’d ran here. Even running, that was impressive speed. Must be a demon thing.
“Sorry. Just a nightmare.” Okay, maybe not just a nightmare. It had been the worst one yet, and he’d had some pretty bad ones. They usually didn’t have him feeling someone else’s death - or his own for that matter. He had to remind himself that it wasn’t real, although he had a rather ominous feeling. Zeke was pretty sure that he had seen something that really happened.
“Do you…want to talk about it?” It was painfully obvious how awkward this whole situation was for Levi, but he was trying, so bonus points to him.
“Not really.” Zeke stood up and stretched his sore muscles. He must have been incredibly tense in his sleep. “What time is it even?”
“Almost ten. Everyone was worried when you missed breakfast, normie. Lucifer came up and found you K.O.’d at your desk. Since Lord Diavolo said you could be excused from classes today he put you to bed.” Levi was still wringing his hands.
Zeke glanced at his desk to find his laptop closed. It was good that Lucifer had been the one to find him like that. He didn’t want to be outed to the entire house. That would be way too much attention. Then again, maybe they wouldn’t care.
“Whoa!” Levi darted over to his bookshelf. “Is this a boxed first edition of The Cohen Files books one through six? SIGNED BY E.J. NOVAK?! How did you get one?! Satan and I both tried for weeks, but they sold out instantly and neither of our human world connections could get us a copy! E.J. Novak never does book signings, nobody even knows if they’re a man or a woman! They don’t do public appearances, not even those ‘about the author’ blurbs!” So much for not caring. Levi was totally a fanboy. That actually wasn’t surprising in and of itself, just that he was one of his fanboys.
“Aha. Just lucky I guess?” Actually his publisher had sent him one of the sets. He got all kinds of promotional copies of his work. Most of it had been in a box in his apartment closet. He wondered if Barbatos had moved that box too.
“That’s crazy good luck! They only released a hundred of them. Maybe I should do my gacha pulls with you around.” Levi was looking at him with burning envy, obviously very jealous of his box set. Zeke was almost tempted to just give it to him, but he’d said Satan also had been trying to get a set? Seemed unfair to give it to one but not the other.
“So you’re a big The Cohen Files fan I take it?” This was just asking to open a can of worms, but he wanted to get to know Levi.
“Not as big as TSL, Christoper Peugeot is a legend, but I have played all the games to one hundred percent completion, I have all the collectors editions of the movies and spin-off series - both the ones made in the human world and the Devildom! Satan is a bigger fan of the books, but between the two of us I bet that nobody knows more about the series than us!” It almost felt like Levi was trying to boast and impress him at the same time, probably assuming he was also a big E.J. Novak fan.
“Oh, you’re probably right about that. I mean, I haven’t even seen any of the Devildom stuff.” He was still mildly miffed that he’d never known about it. They really should have gotten his approval first.
“Whoa! Secret mission unlocked! We’re totally spending however long it takes to get you caught up! The Agent Lawless spin-off series is kind of cringe, but we can’t skip it. We’ll start with the original movies that cover the books, then the made for tv mini-series. We can go from there.” Levi was rambling excitedly as he grabbed Zeke by the sleeve and dragged him from his room and upstairs while still talking quickly.
“They made a spin-off here for that cocky side character that only appeared in the fourth book?” Zeke was appalled. He honestly hated the character, and planned to kill him in a future book. That would be spoilers though, so he kept his mouth shut.
“I know right? Most of the fandom doesn’t consider that series canon, since nothing about the character was ever written beyond his brief appearance in the fourth book. Some normie producers thought the guy would be a fan favorite, but the series only lasted one season and was canceled. No loser like that could replace our heroine! Sadie Lynn Cohen is so cool. She’s the ultimate paranormal detective!” Yes, a psychic detective. Thank goodness Levi wasn’t drawing any parallels here. They reached what he assumed was Levi’s room, it would be the first time he actually went into one of the brother’s rooms.
“Now listen up, normie. Usually I don’t let anyone, especially normies, in my room. Only people that know the password can come in, but I’ll make an exception for you. This is a fan emergency, after all. You need to see the Devildom versions of The Cohen Files, it’s your duty as a fan! You owe it to Sadie!” Nobody could accuse Levi of not being passionate about the stuff he liked.
“I understand. I’ll not abuse the great privilege you’re bestowing on me. You know, I’ve read TSL too and you kind of remind me of the Lord of Shadows. He’s super passionate about his interests too.” He wasn’t the biggest TSL fan but he’d read it and enjoyed it.
“You really think so? But the Lord of Shadows is so cool! He’s my favorite. I love his friendship with Henry. A gross shut-in like me could never make a friend like that. You’re just making fun of me.” Levi actually believed the words he was saying, and that stunned Zeke.
“But I think you’re cool? Like, we haven’t talked much since I got here, but I already know you are passionate about the things you care about. You really lit up while we were talking on the way here. It was kind of cute.” Oh, probably the wrong thing to say, because the Avatar of Envy was beet red now and trying to cover his face with his hands.
“You’re just saying that. Nobody would think a yucky otaku was c-cool or c-c-cute!” Oh no. He was even cuter.
“Okay, well do you not want to let me in your room anymore? I totally get it if I made you uncomfortable.” Zeke was nearly immune to Asmo’s flirting, and he wasn’t trying to flirt with Levi either. 
“No!” The demon seemed to surprise himself. He was still trying to hide his face partially behind the back of one of his hands. “I mean, you still need to see the Devildom material for The Cohen Files. It is my otaku duty! Nobody that owns an autographed copy of a series can be allowed to remain ignorant of such a large portion of the canon media!”
Levi finally opened the door and the first thing Zeke did was gasp. Was an entire wall an aquarium? That was so cool and massive. Although it seemed to hold only a singular goldfish. He should have expected the brothers to have fantastical rooms, since his had a tree in the middle of it and all. The next thing he noticed was a claw-foot bathtub just hanging out in the middle of the room. Since it was piled with blankets and pillows he assumed Levi used it like a bed. The gaming setups, both computer and console, caught his eye next. This was a nerd’s dream.
“Levi this is amazing!” Zeke tried to gesture at everything, while touching nothing. He could tell that everything in this room was extremely precious to the demon beside him and he didn’t want to upset him.
“C’mon, you should meet Henry 2.0.” Levi pulled him over to the aquarium and gestured at the little goldfish, who swam close to them. 
“Henry, like from TSL? That’s cool.” Just another adorable thing about Levi he’d learned this morning.
“Yeah! Henry was always by the Lord of Shadows side, he’d never let him down. They were best friends. Oh, but that’s probably lame, isn’t it? My best friend is a goldfish.” Levi was clearly very hard on himself. Poor weeb had zero self-esteem. Zeke would have to work on that.
“I don’t think you’re lame, Levi. Let’s setup for this Cohen Files marathon. I’m looking forward to it.” Zeke was interested to see what spin Devildom creators had put on his series, he just hoped they hadn’t butchered his work too badly. Plus he got to spend the rest of the day hanging out with Levi, which he had wanted to do anyway. He wanted to get to know all of the brothers, since he’d be living with them for a whole year.
There was a decent sized TV with beanbags in front for seating. Levi grabbed a couple blankets as well as snacks from some secret stash he apparently had in his room. He dropped the blankets and snacks in between two of the beanbags. Something occurred to Zeke as he watched.
“Is everyone else at school? Why are you home?” Not that he minded the company, but he was curious.
“I usually do classes online. I only went in person yesterday because I was supposed to be there with you. I’ve already done my classes for the day. We couldn’t leave you home alone anyway. So it made sense that I be the one to stay with you.” Even in the house he had to have someone home at all times? “I’m sure you’d rather have one of the others stay with you.”
“No, I wanted to hang out with you, so this works out for me.” Zeke smiled at Levi before flopping into the closest beanbag. 
“You really mean it?” Levi was doing the cute thing again, where he hid behind the back of one hand, but Zeke could see that he was flustered.
“Really! Now let’s watch some Cohen Files.” That seemed to at least get Levi moving. The next several hours were spent watching Devildom movie adaptations of E.J. Novak’s book series. It wasn’t as bad as Zeke had feared, but they definitely took liberties and it was clear that they had an askance view of, well, everything. Zeke could chalk that up to the differences between demons and humans.
What made the whole thing better was the running commentary from Levi, who would frequently pause to explain why a certain change was made, and complain about breaking fidelity to the source material. Zeke shot back with plenty of his own commentary. The banter back and forth was good, and they enjoyed co-roasting cringe-worthy choices in a few choices the directors had made. As it turns out, Levi is pretty hilarious when you get him going.
Overall, a very pleasant afternoon, even if they only made it three movies in before they could hear everyone else coming home.
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justicerikai · 5 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #92 Their relationship
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
It’s tough being a man… is the title of a Japanese film series where the actor Kiyoshi Atsumi plays the role of the beloved “Tora-san”, a kind-hearted vagabond who is always unlucky in love. This is what Fumiya refers to when he goes like “Ah! Tora-san!”. Wikipedia article here.
Nakagami: ……..
Nakagami: (I lost everything.)
Nakagami: (I haven’t achieved anything once again, have I.)
Nakagami: (This is the world of a normie, huh…)
Nakagami: (And right as I was about to give it all up)
(Phone rining)
Nakagami: (I received a phone call from my former subordinate.) 
Torahime: “Sensei, where do you think I am now?”
Torahime: “I’m inside the Charisma House.”
Nakagami: !?
Nakagami: (Cha…charisma…)
Nakagami: (That’s right, it’s all this country- No, all that I have.)
Nakagami: (This is a critical moment.)
Nakagami: (Stick your beliefs…! Nakagami Soemon!)
Nakagami: Nicely done, conceal your identity and remain there.
Nakagami: You’ll be contacted by me in due time concerning the next plan of action.
Torahime: I’m glad… I believe you're in the right, Sensei. 
Torahime: I’ll be reporting on every single detail regarding them and how they’re doing.
Torahime: Leave the Charisma Observation to this very Torahime!
Nakagami: Yes, I entrust it to you.
Nakagami: (Is what we had spoken about, however…)
(Sounds of things falling over, getting broken and being smashed)
(Sarukawa and Terra beefing with each other)
(Amahiko chasing after Ohse)
Amahiko: Ohse-saaaaan!!!
(Fumiya nonchalantly riding his moped inside)
Iori: EEEH!? Fumiya-san why are you riding your bike inside the house!?
Fumiya: I can’t? Why?
Rikai: Obviously you can’t! STOOOP!!
(Everyone throwing a fuss over Fumiya’s moped)
Everyone: WAAAAAAAAH….!!!
Nakagami: “Hello? What’s wrong Torajirou-kun. Is something happening?”
Nakagami: “Hello? Helloooooo!”
Torahime: What is this…. Is this something that’s actually happening in reality…?
Iori: Watch out!
Torahime: Eh?
(The seven of them riding the moped and charging full speed ahead)
(Torahime laying down on the sofa)
Torahime: Uuughhh….
Iori: Are you okay?
Rikai: I’m truly sorry. This is how it’s usually like in our home…
Torahime: (Eeeh~... What kinda household is this…)
Iori: We let him get hurt again, Rikai-kun
Iori: Should we let him stay a little while longer until he gets better?
Rikai: ….
Torahime: (That’s right! Considering the job that Sensei left in my hands, this actually works out in my favor.)
Torahime: (It’s a convenient excuse to stay another night here.)
Torahime: (As long as I don’t reveal my identity I can make it work, I am the assistant of the great Nakagami sensei after all!)
Torahime: (Not a chance that this crazy bunch can find out the truth!)
Terra: Hey, you dropped your phone
Torahima: (Aaaah! Crap!)
Terra: You were talking to someone, right, everything ok?
Torahime: (He saw me! Crap!!!)
Torahime: ….! Ah, no…! It’s just…!
Sarukawa: Haah? Why aren’tcha spitting it out
Terra: Shady
Iori: The person you were talking to… could it be…
Torahime: (Hyeh!)
Iori: Your girlfriend?
Torahime: Eh?
Iori & Terra: KYAAAAA!!!!
Iori: He’s shaking! It’s so gotta be OMG!
Terra: He was talking to his lover!
Fumiya: What’s this what’s this
Amahiko: What happened
Iori: Like, listen here, this guy was talking to his girlfriend on the phone!
Rikai: G-g-g-g-g-g-girlfriend!?
Torahime: …Eh, you’re wrong. It’s not that. You’re mistaken, I don’t have one. 
(Everyone gripping Torahime while firing off questions)
Torahime: Wah, ouch ouch ouch!
Torahime: I’m injured!!! Wait! AAA!! AAAAAAA!!
Torahime: (What the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
Fumiya: Ah, right, we haven’t asked for your name yet
Rikai: That’s true. I’m so sorry, we were all over the place. 
Amahiko: What is your name? 
Torahime: My name’s Tora-
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Tora? What is it
Torahime: (Crap, real name would be bad.)
Torahime: To, Tora… Tora….
The six of them: !?
Torahime: It’s Torajirou!
The six of them: TORAJIROU!?
Fumiya: Hm, where have I heard it before…
Torahime: (EEEH!? Don’t tell me he knows!? Did he seriously already hear it somewhere!?
Fumiya: Gotta be Tora-san
Torahime: Ueh?
Fumiya: Torajirou’s like the same name as vagabond Tora-san, right!
The six of them: OOOOOH!!! TORAJIROU!!!!!!!
(All of them jostle Torahime)
Torahime: Ah, it hurts, ouch! Wa-wait! AAAA! AAAAAAAAA!!!
Torahime: (Seriously what the hell!? Even though I’m saved!)
(Sound of a plastic bag)
Rikai: Ah, Ohse-kun, come over here, you haven’t greeted him yet, right?
(Ohse tries to run away)
Rikai: No running away now
(Rikai takes off the bag from Ohse’s head)
Ohse: !!
Rikai: Okay, now make proper eye contact with him.
Ohse: Ni…nice to meet you, I’m a shitty sore loser.
Terra: C’mon
Ohse: I’m Minato, sorry for polluting your vision. 
Torahime: …Ah, yeah
Ohse: Eh?
Terra: ? What’s wrong, Ghost-kun
Ohse: …..
Torahime: Aaaaaaaah then that’s enough for me, sorry everyone gonna rest up real nice in my room
Iori: Eh? Are you okay?
Torahime: Absolutely not okay!
The six of them: Ooooh, you sure you can do this? Don’t force yourself please
Torahime: Phew…
Ohse: ….
Terra: Anyway, let’s start prepping
Rikai: Preparing? For what?
Terra: For the Halloween party!
Fumiya: Yeah, the costume contest
Terra: Yep! Everyone’s joining, right?
Rikai: Do we really have to do this?
Terra: Of course we do~ It’s fun~ Well, Terra-kun’s gonna win no matter what though, ehehe☆
Amahiko: Terra-san, what will your outfit be this year?
Terra: A princess!
Amahiko: Waow
Fumiya: Wonder what I should wear
Sarukawa: Be a prisoner
Fumiya: Why
Amahiko: Amahiko won't cut any corners
Amahiko: A new performance that I wasn’t able to show at the Sexy Cup, do look forward to it!
Iori: You’re disqualified.
Amahiko: EEEH!?
Rikai: What kind of costume will you do, Iori-san?
Iori: Slave
Rikai: EEEH!?
Fumiya: You, Ohse?
Ohse: It’s a secret
Fumiya: Wah, seems like you got something dreadful up your sleeve
Ohse: Fufufu
Amahiko: Rikai-san, and you?
Rikai: This is referred to as cosplay right… How embarrassing…
Terra: What about Sarukawa-kun?
Sarukawa: Ain’t gonna do it, stupid! Halloween my ass, shit’s lame
Terra: Everyone’s participating!
Sarukawa: I won’t
Terra: You totally will!
Fumiya: Hmmm, but making a costume’s hard. What to do
Iori: Fumiya-san! Leave it to me!
Terra: Ah, that’s off the table, no helping others.
Iori: Eeeh~
Fumiya: Then, if it’s not from anyone here, can I get help from somewhere else?
Terra: Hm, in that case, sure.
(Fumiya leaving)
Fumiya: Alrighty
The six of them: ?
Sarukawa: Ah, that’s what he meant! That’s not fair, dude!
Rikai: Fumiya-san!
Torahime: ……I’m kind of seriously exhausted… I should rest a bit
The seven of them: Tora-saaaaaaan!
Torahime: ?
(They all march in)
Torahime: Ooh, ooh, woah, what is it? What!?
(Torahime being jostled)
Torahime: Ouch ouch it hurts! I’m still injured! 
Torahime: Wait, this is dangerous! Wah, wah, wah-
(Torahime rolling off the stairs)
(Torahime smashing into the handrails and wall) 
Everyone: TORA-SAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!
Nakagami: Hahaha! Ahahahahaha!
Torahime: “Sensei, this is no laughing matter. It was really awful.”
Nakagami: As expected from the Charisma’s, good that they’re full of energy.
Torahime: “I almost dies three times.”
Nakagami: “Any injuries?”
Torahime: “I’m full of them, my whole body hurts.”
Nakagami: “No, not you, I was asking if the Charisma’s were hurt.”
Torahime: “Eeh!?”
Nakagami: ?
Torahime: “Ah… no… I think they’re fine.”
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: They’re the hope of our country, I’m glad they’re safe.
Torahime: “....That’s… nice…. yes.”
Nakagami: “Did your identity get revealed?”
Torahime: “No worries on that part, other people don’t remember my face at all, so.” 
Nakagami: That said…  we have met them face to face before.
Torahime: “Then Sensei, do you remember what I look like?”
Nakagami: Eh…  
Nakagami: ….
Nakagami: My apologies
Torahime: “It’s fine, Sensei! I totally don’t mind at all!”
Torahime: “If anything it’s because of my looks that I have been able to support Sensei as I have been until now!”
Torahime: “I’m happy! It's an honor!”
Torahime: “Don’t worry about how Sensei doesn’t remember the face of the assistant that has been by his side the entire time, because I don’t care either!”
(Torahime crying a little)
Torahime: “Ahahaha, ahahaha…………”
Nakagami: ….You’re a great help. You’re the only one that I can rely on at the moment.
Torahime: “...!”
Torahime: “S-Sensei…! Such words of…!”
Torahime: “Leave it to me. I will do anything for your sake, Sensei.”
Nakagami: Thank you, Torajirou-kun.
Torahime: “It’s Torahime.”
Nakagami & Torahime: ……..
Torahime: “Okay, it’s getting time to hang up. There’s a small matter I have to attend to.” 
Nakagami: Hm? What?
Torahime: “Uh, I don’t really get it myself but, on the night of the 31st everyone’s gonna hold a Halloween party.”
Nakagami: Halloween party!? The Charisma’s will!?
Torahime: “There’s a costume contest too.”
Nakagami: A costume contest!? The Charisma’s will!!!!!!!
Nakagami: H-h-h-h-how is this possible! Tell me all the details!
Nakagami: Who’s gonna wear what? Will everyone join? How long will it take---
Nakagami: Hm? Hello? Torajirou? Hello!!! HELLOOOOOO!!
Nakagami: Just when things were getting good!
Iori: Tora-san, what’s wrong?
Torahime: Ah, no, it’s nothing.
Fumiya: Called your girlfriend again?
Torahime: ………….
Iori: Halloween, huh. Wonder what kind of slave I should be.
Fumiya: Who’s gonna take the big prize?
Amahiko: Well, Terra-san is the most likely winner. He’s more fired up than he was before.
Iori: Seriously, Terra-san’s mega earnest Halloween party looks like it’ll be lots of fun.
Fumiya: Don’t lose, Amahiko
Amahiko: Of course, I’ll take ‘em all down
Fumiya & Amahiko: Hahaha
Iori: Well, goodnight
Fumiya & Amahiko: Goodniiiight
Iori: Tora-san, goodnight to you too.
Torahime: Ah, yeah, goodnight.
(Phone ringing)
Terra: …Eh? Again? Geez… Even though you promised… 
Terra: Yes…
Terra: Right, got’cha.
Terra: Yes, I love you too.
Terra: Eh?
Terra: That’s fine, I can meet you, when’s good?
Terra: ….
Terra: Only that day, won’t do…
Terra: No, it’s fine. I’ll manage somehow.
Terra: Yes, I look forward to it, I’ll see you
Terra: On the night of Halloween.
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streaminn · 1 year
this is chaotic sorry in advanced.
Twin anon here! I made notes while reading on my catch-up venture
Oh my god the idea that a bunch of people have to sign a contract saying wednesday can attack them if she feels threatened is so funny. Like- something had to have happened to lead to this, right? Her team realized it was the best option so Wednesday doesn’t get jailed or bad publicity but her fans just go feral anyway anytime Wednesday puts a knife to someone’s throat
Monster fucker Wednesday confirmed !!! I mean hey was it ever really doubted…
Reached monster fucker anon and that made me laugh. From a pr perspective I honestly think with what Wednesday writes her being a monster fucker would be good. I mean- that’s who she writes for, if you really think about it. Her audience is full of monsterfuckers from the normie x monster shit she writes. Sure, she has horror and what not but the base of it is still that. The question isn’t whether she’s a monster fucker it is what monster she wants to fuck her !!!
Oh my god! I got to the stalker lore stuff and I love it!!! I’m very happy to read more of it and now I have such a better understanding. I knew enid went feral but damn !!! There is no getting in the way of Wednesday and Enid. It makes me happy though that they were able to get past all of this trauma to end up in a much better place where they both can physically be together and love each other. It really speaks to how strong their relationship is like there is absolutely nothing that could ever break the two of them apart.
I have to wonder if anyone at nevermore or hell even in Jericho remember Wednesday (she’s hard to forget) and see her as this celebrity figure. Do they talk about it? Do they bring it up? Do they try to say what happened at nevermore? Are the whispers just brushed away as an old classmate wanting to hate on them? Just rumors bubbled up to ruin Wednesdays image? Or, really, would it not even be blinked at because this is Wednesday Addams after all? (some nevermore students and people of Jericho definitely have a “Wednesday Addams traumatized me” therapy group) OH or does everyone think all the old Jericho people are crazy because wednesday turned her school years into books (unknown to the public) so it just looks like they are taking what she’s written wayyy to seriously
Oh my god the short of enid in jail was heartbreaking. It cements even more how much they deserve. Like- Enid in her life has reached a state where she is so overly loved. She can play video games, laugh, smile, be jump scared and run into the arms of her *wife* at the end of it all. You did a fantastic job writing it!!!
I caught up! Only took me three hours :D
Shout out to writer anon! They’re amazing. I don’t know who you are but all the little shorts were beautiful and really well written. It’s so nice that so many people come together for fics/fandom things.
Back on my twin Enid agenda. I think my twin enid ways is just shit posting at this point. It’ll be so clear there is only one Enid and here I am in my corner tangled around in red string doubling down as if Wednesday Addams herself did not just finally announce that yes, she is married to the one and only endespair. When the Clark Kentification goes to hard smh. Doubling down by saying, you know what, actually, there is a twin and it’s just a messy triangle- No a square, because Wednesday now also has a twin. Case closed. Twin anon staying strong.
Anyway! Away from that stupidity lmao!!! Streamer enid au stays being one of my favorites! Your ideas are always so fantastic and I love thinking about these two so much. I hope you’ve been doing well!
i deadass thought i ran you off with how i spiralled the twin spin off into its whole thing
also no worries :) nothing wrong with some chaotic rambling so lemme read whatchu got for me
but yeah, there was definitely a scene during wednesday's early years where a fan got too overzealous and a contract had to be made bc she nearly stabbed someone
now its just normal to have these contracts if you ever want wednesday addams in your event
also clearly the monster she wants to fuck her is enid a werewolf, like cmon. Its not even a joke, the amount of wolf imagery is rampant in all her works
glad people like the stalker lore, it wont come up alot bc adult wenclair has moved past it but i wanted to use it to explain why enid is so easily strict on her boundaries esp with chat
as for if jericho and nevermore remembering wednesday? yeah no they definitely know her, with the amount of shit wenclair get up too its hard to forget the werewolf and its master staining their monuments red
they do crow abt it at times but they're so secluded its not really that noticeable. There are the occasional post from a disgruntled adult of long before but that's about it. Definitely looks like an in universe viper roleplayer though!
glad you like my short on jail enid, she's a little crazy but who wouldn't if you gone through what she did in that cell? luckily she got way better, so everything is much tolerable now :)
(also damn, you went through all that content in 3 hours?? i didn't think there was that much. Thank you so much for spending time to do so bc holyshit)
it was really fun :^D
ah yes, wednesday addams and her twin Viper addams. She totally has a sister who's the actor and her the author
thank you again for liking the streamer enid au so much, it was genuinely so fun building it and ot think it took like two-three months to fully build it is mindboggling!!
i'll be doing better nowadays mate, hope you have a good day aswell
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The Sleepover
Part 2
Summary: RAD exams are rough, you go to
Levi's room for a little comfort.
Pairing: Leviathan × GN Reader/MC, demon
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None.
As the brothers dispersed to make preparations for the sleepover, Levi went to his closet door and hesitated. Was this the right moment to give you his gift? With one cursory glance back at your sleeping form, he decided to do it. In the back of his closet, hidden behind his matching Ruri-Chan cosplays for the two of you was a pink sheep plush he’d sewn by hand. It had a little orange bow with a bell around its neck, his color, you'd said once. He hoped you would like it.
He’d planned on giving it to you on your birthday or one of the big Human World holidays you’d miss because of the RAD exchange program. But now was the right moment. He slowly slipped the plush toy under your arm, watching to make sure you wouldn't wake.
“Don’t worry, they won’t wake up for a while,” said Belphie. He’d already made himself at home on Levi’s beanbag chair and was currently stroking your hair over the side of the tub. “They’re dreaming.”
Of course, Belphie’s dream powers. He could trap anyone in a dream as long as he focused on them. Normally this would be a terrifying experience for the dreamer, but since Belphie loved you, as did all of the brothers, he would make it a good dream. One to chase your worries away.
Your face finally looked relaxed under Belphie’s spell. The lines of worry were smoothed out and the smallest of smiles graced your lips. Levi only wished he’d had such a useful power. He couldn’t exactly make it rain indoors or summon Lotan and expect that to comfort you.
But then again, you'd chosen to go to his room first. That had to count for something.
“What are they dreaming about?” Levi asked, his eyes not leaving your sleeping face.
Belphie smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know, Water Boy.”
Levi rolled his eyes. He knew his youngest brother just loved keeping this little secret. He had to distract himself or he was going to end up getting overwhelmed with jealousy. He turned the tv on to your favorite anime series. It was a slice-of-life romantic comedy that you’d seen approximately a hundred times. It was a bit of a normie show for his taste but he knew it was your favorite.
Asmo held the door open for Lucifer and Mammon, who had returned from the attic, their arms full with blankets, pillows, and futons.
“Lean the futons against the wall,” said Lucifer. “We have to clear the floor first.”
Levi joined them, not wanting them to ruin his careful organization. He had a system.
Asmo skipped over to the bathtub, a basket of nail and skincare supplies in one hand, and your comfiest pajamas in the other.
“Keep them asleep for me, Belphie, so I can dress them in their cute jammies.” Asmo began unbuttoning your RAD jacket.
“Ain’t happening,” Mammon said, pulling back his arm to throw a volume of manga at Asmo. Lucifer grabbed it before he could.
“They can change when they wake up.” Lucifer said.
“Ugh fine,” Asmo pouted. After tossing the pajamas into Belphie’s lap, he slipped a bunny ear headband over your head to push your hair out of your face. He then pulled out a soft washcloth, holding it out to Levi who was kneeling on the floor nearby, scooping up some manga magazines. “Levi, if you will…?”
Levi produced a tiny rain cloud over the handkerchief, dampening it with cool, clean water.
“Thank you!” Asmo gently cleaned your face with the handkerchief. After he applied toner and a sheet mask, he got to work on your nails, choosing your favorite color in a shade perfect for your skintone.
Satan and Beel were the next to arrive. Satan had a small stack of dvds in his hands.
“22 meals are on their way from Hell’s Kitchen,” Beel said proudly.
“Beel, there’s only eight of us.” said Asmo.
“I know.”
“It was going to be 50 but I managed to talk him into ordering less. I thought the succubus working the cash register was going to cry when she heard how many orders we needed.” Satan set the dvds down on a side table. “I brought a few of MC’s favorite movies. I thought we could watch one of them together when they wake up.”
“I think I’m gonna make some popcorn for everyone, maybe some snacks too,” said Beel. “Does anyone need anything while I’m out?”
“Can you bring my weighted blanket from our room? The purple, lavender scented one.” Belphie asked. “And make sure you don’t eat all the snacks before you get here, ok Beel?”
“I won’t eat them if it’s for MC,” Beel resolved.
Satan joined his older brothers in clearing the floor. The four of them had all the manga and games reshelved in no time.
“Ya know, we should make a blanket fort like I hear they do in the Human World.” said Mammon.
“It is a popular sleepover tradition there,” Satan agreed.
Lucifer took an appraising glance around the room. “I don’t know how they do it in the Human World, but there’s enough space now to do a simple levitation spell to suspend the blankets, provided it’s ok with Levi.” He looked to the third born.
Levi shrugged. “As long as it doesn't disturb Henry or MC.”
“I think we can manage that.” said Lucifer, he began rolling up the rug on the floor. “Mammon, go gather a few more sheets and blankets. Satan, you’ll help me with the spell.”
As the sleepover preparations continued, Asmo finished with your nails and moved on to complete your skincare routine. He peeled the sheet mask off your face and, glancing around to see no one was looking, he gave you a quick kiss on the forehead.
Your eyes fluttered open.
“Oh, MC!” Asmo exclaimed, “You woke up after my kiss just like Sleeping Beauty! Does that mean I’m your handsome prince?”
“Nah, that just means Belphie fell asleep.” said Mammon kicking the door closed, his arms full of blankets.
Sure enough, Belphie was snoring, his hand still tangled in your hair, the dream spell he had put you under was broken.
You sat up and peered over the side of the tub.
“What’s all this for?”
Satan and Lucifer were actually working together, crawling on the floor with their sleeves rolled up, drawing a magic circle in chalk. Beel was coming through the door, a huge bowl of popcorn in his hands, his arms balancing a ton of snacks. You caught sight of your newly polished nails.
“We wanted to help you feel better,” said Levi.
You were speechless.
“Mammon, Levi, start spreading out the first blanket,” said Lucifer as the magic circle began to glow.
They were doing this all for you. You could feel the tears starting to flow again. You were so loved in this house.
“Try not to cry, dear,” said Asmo as he patted some night cream into your skin, “We don’t want you to become dehydrated.”
You let Asmo finish his ministrations and then you went to change into your pajamas in Levi’s closet. By the time you returned, the blanket fort was done, illuminated by some string lights Mammon found in the attic and Belphie’s mini star projector. The brothers had spread the futons out on the floor
One dinner, two movies in, and many snacks later, you found yourself in the center of a cuddle pile. Asmo and Mammon clung to either side of you while Beel and Belphie used your thighs as pillows. Somehow Lucifer had managed to grab hold of one of your hands, and Satan was curled up like a cat by your head. They were all asleep.
You extracted yourself from the cuddle pile without waking anyone up, you were going to grab yourself a drink of water when you noticed Levi was separated from the group. He was sitting on his beanbag, playing something on his portable game system.
You plopped down on the beanbag chair next to him, slipping your arm through his. You felt him stiffen a little but you didn't let go.
“How come you’re all the way up here?” you asked.
“Needed a little space.”
“Oh…” You started to move back, not wanting to bother him.
“No, that’s n-not what I m-m-meant. I didn't n-need sp-space from you,” Levi stammered. “Stay, please.”
“Ok,” You snuggled into him, laying your head on his shoulder. He hoped you couldn't hear how fast his heart was pounding.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, just looking up the projected constellations. The room was silent except for his brothers’ gentle snoring.
You finally broke the silence, “Was this you?” You held up the sheep plushie.
“Yeah,” he said. “I made it myself.”
“I knew it!” You squeezed the plushie to your chest and Levi felt his heart clench. “Thank you. For everything.”
He turned to look at you, “I didn't really do anything. The sleepover was Asmo’s idea.”
“But you let us use your room, I know how much you value your privacy and how you dislike 'normie things’ like sleepovers.”
Levi could feel himself blushing. You noticing the smallest things about him affected him so deeply. “It’s ok once in a while.”
“And you did so much more for me than this,” you said, recalling how he’d held you when you cried. He didn't demand anything from you. He didn't try to come up with a solution right away. He just let you cry. He would never know how much you needed that. “Thank you so much.”
“I– it was nothing.”
“Not to me.”
You entwined your fingers with his and the two of you fell asleep on the beanbag chair together, still gazing at the stars.
Cross-posted on AO3
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gnomeniche · 2 years
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speaking of supporting characters: here’s Peregrine West, the guy who resurrected ambrose and also his current romantic partner. his first name is meant to be similar in sound to “pygmalion” and his surname is both a wicked witch thing and a reanimator thing. he is a Lich (and so is ambrose bc they’re the same kind of undead) and it’s his crime ambrose took the fall for. he’s also the antagonist for arc 3. ambrose calls him Peri.
i wanted to make haha funny scott pilgrim joke but that comic up top isn’t actually accurate. ambrose and peregrine never broke up and are actively still in weird toxic love. there’s no cheating going on though. the lucas/ambrose romance is really slow burn and has not become a Thing yet in the arc where peregrine appears.
more backstory thoughts under the cut. eventually i will post stuff abt the other two guys’ arc antagonists as well but i’ve been thinking abt peri the most so he’s the most fleshed out rn.
he and ambrose briefly befriended each other as normie adults in 1920something and then separated. in that time, peregrine discovered a tome of forbidden magic and became a lich. they reunited a few years later and their friendship rekindled and got way more Intense and shifted into romance. soon ambrose, who was a deeply unhappy person fascinated with peri’s magic, made a deal with him: to become a lich with all the power and immortality and Staying With You that entails in exchange for peri getting to test an experimental technique for better lichdom on him.
fortunately nothing went too wrong Except ambrose’s memory of his life went very foggy in the process. resurrection isn’t a perfect art; peregrine has chunks of memory missing too. but ambrose isn’t that sad about it bc he does remember the feeling of persistent unhappiness from life and is glad that it’s been dulled. the two of them traveled together in the magic world up until peri’s Crime happened a few decades ago.
i still don’t know what peregrine’s goal is but i think he a) became more obsessive over it as the years passed and b) has what he thinks are good intentions. he’s terrible but he mostly comes off as detached and tired and ever so slightly desperate. he does care about ambrose but he thinks his goal is more important than anything and will ultimately benefit them both so he ends up using him a lot (like the whole experiment thing and the whole taking-the-fall thing). the ends justify the means and all that. and for his part ambrose loves to be used bc he believes in peri and knows he will come back for him. what’s a few decades to an immortal anyway?
it’s a relationship of Using Someone “For Good Purposes” and Being Used “As Proof Of Care” but both of them have convinced themselves that they love the other. and hell, they do! their relationship wasn’t always awful. doesn’t change that it’s awful now. friends to strangers to reanimation to lovers to jesus christ PLEASE break up.
soundtrack for this man is Pygmalion (Scary Jokes), The Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein the Musical), and Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery (mili). i don’t have playlists for hellmouth yet but there you go
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