#nosy people
blabbershere · 9 days
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the-healing-mindset · 2 years
Normalize telling people when they don't need to know something. Each of us is entitled to our privacy. On occasion, we will run across those who have no personal boundaries, or who lack respect for the boundaries of others. They will do their best to push and prod us to extract things that they just don't need to know. And it's okay for us to push back and tell these people to mind their business.
You are always fully within your right to end a conversation or phone call on the spot if the conversation begins going somewhere you don't like. Yes, it may feel awkward but a moment of awkwardness is far better than having your boundaries encroached upon.
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nivinas-world · 2 months
Some people should mind their own business before taking interest in others pathetic lives. Geez, let it go and calm down. Each has their own interests and happiness which you may dislike. Stop being so judgmental and nosy if they don't follow the routine. Life isn't about the same checklist for everyone to follow every step.
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aroclan · 7 months
my mom asked on the phone what i got my partner for valentine's day and i just cleared my throat loudly.
so today she asked my partner, who said "i don't know yet, we haven't exchanged them" and then we had an emergency household meeting to agree on a lie
i know she doesn't know i'm aro, but she should know it's valentine's day, and couples may select very private gifts
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thelittleeggrat · 11 months
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juniperandjustice · 1 year
Because it triggered me...
Today, this random boomer at a thrift store came up to me after watching me weirdly for a while with a scary smile, told me she's a nurse, asked me if I know what extra weight does to people, and told me how to lose weight ("Don't eat anything after 4 pm! Eat almost all vegetables and no fat!"), despite my edging away and explaining that I AM losing weight (I had a gastric sleeve surgery done in December and have lost 80+ lbs) and have medical issues (several that cause weight gain)- she didn't seem to hear any of this. I felt like crying, being sick, or getting angry, but I just got away from her as fast as I could. No one asked her. She doesn't know my story. The audacity and ignorance of some people. They have NO right. Very few overweight people are not aware of it and why society claims it's a problem and very few of us don't know we need to eat our vegetables. 🙄 I learned nothing from her. She triggered my past ED, instead. I'm mostly okay now, though. I still had dinner. My body won't LET me not feed myself anymore.
Also, I'm actually a certified master herbalist and echocardiography student. I don't have heart problems, diabetes, or anything people like to reference as excuses to body-shame. I only gained weight after I got really sick. I believe that, in almost all cases, there is SOMETHING medical going on that causes any kind of weight difference, even if it is a mental health condition. And that's not a body-shaming stranger's business.
I WAS wearing a very unflattering dress, but I shouldn't have to dress up for people to not harass me.
Of course, after I got over the shock and panic attack, I could think of everything I could or should have said and done. 🙄
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jonathananubian · 2 days
Annoying Karen- Story Time!
Who pissed in your Cornflakes? Let people have some Whimsy in their life!
Today I was out with my friend who is having a really hard time right now.
We were coming back from lunch at a place close enough to walk from my home, when this woman drove her car right behind us to park.
Now, I'm not exaclty into the usual T-shirt and Jeans kind of clothes. I wear more medieval flavored things. Like my black dress and white chemise combo today. And since it's close to October I had brought out my witchy hat for fun, and in case it rained.
This old Karen, in a bright purple pantsuit, gets out of her car and gives me a look like she'd sucked on a lime.
"It's not Halloween." Said the judgmental Karen with a scoff.
"It is every day at my house!" Was what I replied with a big smile, my friend laughing along with me as we walked away.
"Cause that's not scary at all." Karen muttered under her breath, but at that point I'd stopped caring to respond. She can say all she wants, I'm not going to change my entire aesthetic Or the ability to make my friend laugh. Just for a single Karen who has no right to judge other peole's clothes considering her hideous purple pantsuit.
What makes these people think they have a right to be assholes about someone else's clothes? Just talk shit later to your friends like a Normal person. 🙄
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sexnribbons · 28 days
the fun thing about being in multiple fandoms is that you can have multiple ships and it’s even better when some annoying rat isn’t in your ear, saying, “you cant ship that!!” “thats such an odd ship” “they never met” like suck it up and mind your own business, it does not harm you in any way. you just want to complain about something.
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clutterbrain · 1 month
if you argue on the phone in public PLEASE put it on speakerphone. yes it's more disruptive but I wanna hear both sides so I can decide who I'm rooting for....
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So this is a rant.
How the hell do people have the audacity to suggest I should be interested in a certain someone (or at all), especially when I say I don't do dating. I don't care that we have the same "vibe", or that he's "so nice". It's my life - get your nose out of it.
Thank you.
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snonkerdoodledreams · 6 months
something that happened at a library that made me really uncomfortable
Tw: mentions of child abuse, self harm, nosy people
A few days ago I was discussing something with a friend. This was in the library and there was another friend there.
Let's call my friend Nattie and this other friend Dana.
Basically me and Nattie were sitting together on one side of the table and Dana was sitting on the other side. Nattie doesn't like Dana because they have a tendency to diss other people and look at things they weren't specifically invited to look at. I didn't have any such compunctions against Dana other than the fact that I'm pretty sure they lied about their skill level to get into the orchestra.
A little background about me--I'm extremely hesitant about sharing certain things with my friends (like the reality of the abuse I'm going through, my presence on Tumblr/my fanfiction writing [because that could get back to my mother really quick]) because I shared some of them once and my abusive found the text messages while going through my phone and my sane parent and I had to come up with a whole bunch of excuses really quick. It had to do with my self-harm incident a few months ago.
I had written a Planes fanfic earlier that day which I wasn't planning on sharing with anyone, rather opting for getting home, proofreading, and then publishing. I was putting the final touches on it in the library when Nattie leaned over to see what I was doing. Cut to the worst cover up in history as I attempt to open multiple tabs that are Incognito (because I was working on the fic in Incognito mode) before realizing that Incognito looks sketchy and then attempting to open tabs in my normal account which somehow opens up to the Planes movie and trying in vain to open a window in my school account so that it would look normal. Oh, and during all of this, Dana comes over and tries looking over my shoulder at what is going on. I'm nearly cussing and Nattie is dying of laughter, while Dana (it didn't seem like this to me at the time, but since she did what she did this is what I'll say) seems to be silently judging me. Finally Nattie reaches over and closes my laptop. Dana goes and sits back where they were.
Nattie knew that I was writing something and since I was helping Nattie with the story that they were writing (original), they wanted to see mine.
So I relented, and opened another tab in my browser, typing into the search bar that this was the way we would talk about It because I wasn't really comfortable talking out loud because Dana was there. Nattie understood and typed out some funny things, which led to the both of us typing roasts and stuff out to each other in the search bar.
Remember, this Is all to keep Dana and the rest of the people in the library from knowing what we're talking about. This is the part that nettles me the most--Dana literally comes around and tries to look at what we're typing. I don't remember what happened next because I might have closed the computer or told Dana that this was private. Either way Dana goes to talk to another one of our friends, Rory. Nattie reads the rest of the fic and complains (verbally) about my purple prose and teases me about writing Planes smut (which I didn't do!...yet).
But the thing I am literally absolutely hung up on is what changed my perception and if I'm being honest respect for Dana drastically. Listen, I get it--I'm the kind of person that likes to look at things and gets a little nosy while doing it--Im a serial accidental eavesdropper. But still. I would've thought that even from an outsiders POV it would be obvious that it was private. I mean, why the fuck else would we be typing out messages to each other rather than speaking out loud? I'm just confused as to why Dana tried to come and look over our shoulders at what we were doing--it was clear that it was not for them to see. It just bothers me a lot, especially since I'm already really uncomfortable sharing this stuff and Nattie was the only person I felt comfortable sharing it with.
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wetravellight · 1 year
It's crazy how much people will pry into others' business. Even after they're dead.
"How did they die?"
"Was it a car accident?"
"Were they ill or did it happen suddenly?"
"Were they taking medications?"
It's like... what good will these questions do anyone? The person is dead. Why can't you just pray for them and their family and leave it be?
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bbooth99 · 1 year
Take Notice . . .
If you think that people are not looking at you, then you are sadly mistaken. I would say that you could count me in with the latter. No where was this more prevalent than in the gym. My wife would query about a particular person doing an exercise. My daughter would ask me if I saw the look another gym goer gave her.  What befuddled me wasn’t their questions, but if each had been working hard at…
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funsizethoughts · 1 year
There are way too many people that read way too deep into the things I post. Most of the time I don’t think they realize that my post is calling them out on their fuckery…
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wambsgender · 1 year
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oh god. Oh god. its happening again.
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raziraphale · 10 months
"oh it's not that fourteen is the first doctor to be attracted to men he's just the first one to talk openly about it" twelve called the master his man crush... know your herstory
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