#not a native speaker
aro-absol · 1 year
Here's a meme for all the aroallos <2
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[ID: A meme consisting of two pictures. They depict a scene from a cartoon TV show. In the first picture, there is a black haired man wearing a suit. He is looking towards the viewer with a big smile on his face. He is gesturing behind him as if he wanted to present something. Behind him, there's a white pedal with nothing on it. Red ribbon held up by four golden poles is going around it. Above the pedestal, there are three headlights shining on it. The room appears to be part of a gallery or a museum. At the top of the picture, white text in all caps says "This is where I'd put good canon aroallo representation...". The second picture depicts the same situation, except the man is now leaning slightly forward so that the pedestal isn't as visible anymore. He appears to be yelling angrily. His hands are in front of his body, half closed with the palms facing upwards. White text in all caps at the bottom of the picture says "... if I had any!" / End ID]
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moorswanderer · 8 months
Hey I am here from that Caesar sucking on the gun barrel post.
I wanted to ask. Wtf is up with ch 42? How did they manage to ruin the story like that? The whole story was interesting because the power dynamics were never solely in favor of one side. Which is usually the case in toxic yaoi. But then they had the blondie straight up shoot, kidnap, drug and rape Leewon for 10 days. And he doesn't use that word even though he is a lawyer???!!!! Wtffff
i too was baffled reading that chapter. i think the author wanted us to remember that caesar is, in fact, a gangster and therefore a bad person, but in my opinion it was totally unnecessary; then (if i remember correctly) they tried to ‘motivate’ this by making up some sort of ‘plan’. which seemed like a last minute excuse to me.
as you said, the power dynamics where so refreshing and i was literally left with my jaw hanging at that point. like, it was going so good, they were both kinda crazy but i mean, they were cool with it. if you noticed i kinda stopped posting about ‘roses and champagne’ after that.
i interpreted the fact that leewon didn’t react after that and instead kept being with caesar in a stockholm syndrome way. not that i think that’s nice or anything but i can’t think anything else about it. (and it’s not a plot choice i share btw)
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liliesah · 1 year
Manifest sucks at writing romance and here's why
I used to enjoy Manifest a lot. I really liked the mystery, the mythological aspects, and the way they speculated about societal and political consequences. But they were never good with romance and the finale kind of proves it.
These are all just personal opinions, I do not mean to attack any characters!
Proof #1: The Michaela-Zeke-Jared thing
This is Manifest's biggest crime and I could talk about it for days. Michaela and Jared's story in season 1 was interesting and made sense plot-wise. The actors have insane chemistry and it was used well. Things start to go downhill when Zeke is introduced. Sadly, the character has one (1) purpose on the show and that is to be Michaela's love interest. This means that their entire romantic plot was incredibly predictable. That's strike one. At the same time, Michaela still has feelings for Jared and Jared is very obviously still in love with Michaela. There was a lot of back and forth, even after Michaela got married to Zeke. And then Zeke dies and Michaela and Jared get back together - which means that whatever these two have, it literally survived two marriages. But instead of this being "endgame" (not a fan of this word), Drea gets pregnant and the proposal story was somehow completely changed. Strike two.
And in the end, everything hints toward Michaela-Zeke and Drea-Jared. Then why on earth have Michaela and Jared get back together in the first place? To me, this makes the "endgame" couples feel ingenuine. Because Manifest showed me over and over again that Michaela and Jared will somehow still have that thing between them, whatever it is (like I said, after two marriages!). Strike three.
Proof #2 The Ben-Saanvi thing
I'm not as mad about this but it still doesn't really make sense to me. There was so much build-up! So! Much! And for what? For Saanvi to go back to someone who hadn't been mentioned in years? And then suddenly she's still in love?
I understand Ben's side much more. But come on, they would have been so good.
Proof #3 Drea
I'm sorry, but the pregnancy was completely unnecessary. It was so obviously written to show that Michaela and Jared are not compatible and it just felt so awkward. Also, the pregnancy timeline was pretty messed up - she wants to tell Jared that she's pregnant and nine months later, she is still pregnant. What?
Proof #4 Unused potential
Michaela and Drea. That's it.
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stephaniegaunt · 1 year
The Keeper and The Snake
Original fanfic written by me.
Can also read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46517485/chapters/117133990
Summary: Sequel to Hogwarts Legacy (SPOILERS, lots of them). My original MC Seraphine Vector invites her friend Ominis Gaunt to spend the summer with her.
Fluff, romance, slow-burn, friends-to-lovers, and a whole lot of angst ensues.
This is Chapter 2. You can read Chapter 1 here
CHAPTER 2: The Gift
Time went by quickly in the safe house. During the days your parents found ways to entertain you both. Your father quickly bonded with Ominis, as your dad was fascinated by the boy’s magical skills, and Ominis was fascinated by all the Muggle objects, from the stove to a bicycle that your father was constructing. You also introduced him to Muggle literature, and he got quite fond of Jules Verne’s books.
You both got to talk more, too, and you quickly grew to appreciate how intelligent, empathetic, and surprisingly funny he is. One of his most endearing habits was his ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime. A few times you caught him delightfully snoozing, book resting on his chest, or softly snoring curled up in an armchair. He did explain that not seeing daylight made it a bit difficult to sleep at appropriate times.
You also found out more about his family. Things that so far only Sebastian knew. Gaunts were a cruel family, avoiding Azkaban by sheer luck and connections. Besides aunt Noctua, whose bones you found in the Scriptorium, Ominis also had an uncle who married Headmaster Black’s sister. Through them, Ominis had one cousin, Juno, who graduated from Hogwarts the year before your 5th. You already saw Ominis’ younger, arrogant sister, who he always tried to tease when he had the chance. Not that she didn’t deserve it. But he also had a couple of older siblings, both as sadistic as their parents. Nerona Gaunt was the oldest. A highly capable witch, she was her father’s favorite simply because of her incredible talent for the dark arts. She was twenty years old and engaged to be married to Adolphus Carrow this very summer. Growing up in her shadow was Ominis’ older brother Marvolo. Eighteen years old, he barely graduated from Hogwarts a year ago and, according to Ominis, was “as stupid and cruel as a troll”. Marvolo always felt overshadowed by his older sister, developing views about women that would be considered outdated even by ancient Muggle standards. Because of that, he tended to side with his younger brother, even showing him the Undercroft. Ominis revealed that while Marvolo’s bullying was more physical, emotionally and mentally torturous Nerona was the one he feared more.
You appreciated his honesty and one warm summer evening you decided to finally tell him everything about what happened throughout the school year, and before. Even more than you told Sebastian. It felt great to finally unload.
“Unbelievable…” he exclaimed after you finished your story. “But does explain a lot.”
“I hope you understand why I never told you any of it earlier,” you said apologetically.
“Oh, I do. Don’t worry about it, your secrets are safe with me,” he said kindly, touching your hand, but immediately drew away. “How much does Sebastian know?” he quickly asked.
“A bit less. He knows of my abilities and the whole Ranrok-Rookwood thing, just no details,” you replied.
He sat silently for a bit, deep in thought, then said, “Probably for the best. He might’ve pushed you to help Anne even more than he did.”
“I could never do to Anne what Isidora did to all those people.”
It was a perfect evening for these sorts of conversations. The air was sweet and warm, you could hear the cicadas and the frogs create their symphony, and the rays of the setting sun painted the garden golden.
“I wish you could see what I see,” you said your thoughts out loud and immediately regretted it. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult.”
“You didn’t,” he replied softly. “But I would appreciate it if you could describe it to me.”
You did your best to tell him about the golden sunset light, and how the flowers in the garden slowly closed their petals to prepare for the night. How lazy the river streamed, carrying the leaves of the willow trees like tiny boats. And the minuscule freckles of dust and pollen, shining in the sunlight like fairy wisps. When you finished, you both sat in silence, until the sun hid behind the hills and dusk set in.
“I don’t mind being blind,” he suddenly spoke. “I’d say I adapted quite well. Besides, I’d rather not see some things, growing up with my family. But there are some limitations to what I can do. I cannot swim or fly, or apparate. Or be with someone romantically.”
“Well, I don’t know about that last one. There’s nothing about being blind that could prevent love,” you rushed to reassure him.
“You’re still new to the wizarding world, but a lot of young witches see any form of disability as a hereditary curse,” he uttered gloomily.
You were about to say “I don’t”, but managed to catch yourself in time. Instead, you just said, “Any witch would be foolish not to like you, Ominis.”
His expression was unreadable, shielded by the dusk, but you could swear you saw his eyes light up just a little.
July 17th was your birthday and you finally turned sixteen. An owl, sent by Professor Weasley, carried a huge parcel full of letters and gifts from all of your friends from Hogwarts, and a brief but sweet congratulations card from Ms. Weasley herself. Poppy sent a long letter describing her progress of becoming an animagus (yet unsuccessful) and added a Mandrake leaf just in case you wanted to try it yourself. Natty’s letter was brief, but touching, and she sent a Ugandan good luck charm as a gift. Leander complained in his letter about being forbidden to visit you but wished you a lovely birthday and added a never dying rose as a gift. Sebastian mostly talked about his own failed attempts at reconciling with Anne and issues of living alone, sending the stench of the dead as a gift “for your potions”, showing you that he perhaps had more encounters with the Inferi.
There was just you, Ominis, and your parents, but everything was great regardless. Your mom baked a delicious sponge cake, while your dad gifted you the bike that he was working on. But there was one gift that made your heart skip a beat.
“I got you something as well,” Ominis said after you were done with the cake and were lazily enjoying the sunny garden. “It’s not new, so if you don’t like it, don’t worry about it, it’s just that you mentioned wanting to read some wizard literature…” he mumbled.
“Calm down, Ominis, I’m sure I will love whatever it is,” you reassured him as you unwrapped the parcel paper it was covered in.
Inside was a book. Not just any, but the one you saw Ominis carrying while in Hogwarts and mention repeatedly when both of you discussed literature. It was his own, well-read copy of
The Witch’s Astrolabe – an adventure story that was a mix of magic and romance. You touched the worn cover and felt your eyes well up.
“Ominis,” you uttered. “This is a wonderful gift, thank you.”
Worry on his face got immediately replaced by relief, “I wanted to order you a new copy, but…”
“This one is perfect,” you interrupted him. And it was. Ominis didn’t let on, but his family, despite being purebloods, were not well-off. On numerous occasions he himself described their house as a “run-down shack”. Most of his personal money came from a tiny inheritance that his aunt Noctua secretly left him, ensuring that he gets her Gringotts vault key while at Hogwarts, so her greedy siblings wouldn’t take it all. But there wasn’t much, and you knew he had to be frugal about his spending, hardly ever going to Hogsmeade and pretty much never buying anything for himself. Once on passing Sebastian mentioned that Ominis and his siblings got their clothing and school supplies covered by the Black family, especially after one of them became the school’s headmaster. So, for Ominis to gift something so precious, so personal to you… it made you feel something, as if butterfly’s wings fluttered in your stomach.
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indolentknife · 1 year
Jade is really the only person to view davesprite as a individual, not a “alternate dave”. Davesprite and dave are the same, and that dosent mean they are the SAME PERSON. Its just like the difference between dirk and Bro. Jade loves  davesprite, and the “real” dave wouldnt really treat her better. I hate how the epilogeue protrate Jade and make her fell in love with dave...she doesnt love him at all.
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lune-de-londres · 1 year
Online English Vocabulary Size Test
My Vocabulary Size is about: 【30056】! What about you? https://www.arealme.com/vocabulary-size-test/en/15101885
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jade-cooper · 2 years
Chapter 1 of 13
Pairing: Severus Snape / Remus Lupin
Wordcount: 15972
This is a translation of my german fanfiction “Unter Wölfen” ;)
Have fun and leave a comment if you like it. ♥
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It's not what I expected by 我是阿彪叻
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aiweirdness · 1 year
Nobody should be using GPT detectors for anything important.
This is from a recent study that found that GPT detectors were misclassifying writing by non-native English speakers as AI-generated 48-76% of the time (!!!), compared to 0%-12% for native speakers.
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It is irresponsible to use AI-generated text detectors as evidence of academic misconduct, and that's putting it mildly.
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3liza · 2 years
im loving every poll i see where the OP is innocently about to get their lived experience violently deuniversalized
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chlorophyllium · 1 year
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shitpostingkats · 21 days
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Oh english is absolutely not his first language.
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kayascodelorio · 4 months
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seefasters · 2 years
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i think it took mob some time to get used to expressing his emotions openly again so for a while he just reacted disproportionately to random things
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dkettchen · 5 months
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she would've told them unlike her canon! version who decided not to be an ally smh
#one piece#trans!sanji#sanji#kiku#yamato#ワンピース#I'm practicing my japanese shhhhhh#(日本語のペラペラ人:俺は文法とか書く方とか間違ったら教えてください😅ありがとうございます)#translation:#Yamato: I'll be able to get as strong as Oden?#Sanji: Probably... 🤔#[meanwhile Kiku is remembering the time in the hot spring]#(Sanji: Nami-chan!!!)#(Nami: Shut up!! The women's bath is supposed to be a peaceful place!)#Kiku: I am also ⚧️ ... o.o#(y'all english speakers had me all to yourselves for a decade it's about time I start to also sometimes make stuff in my next language lol#notably for media *from* that language#same as it made sense to make fan content in english for [american superhero franchise we don't talk abt anymore] back in the day#(happy seasonal reminder that Ren Is Not A Native English Speaker and This Is My 5th Language hi 😅))#while looking up reference for this I learnt that the straps to tie back the kimono sleeves are called tasuki#also I decided yamato get big muscles cause he got them kaido genes in im (I also gave him his dad's young-man-facial hair)#the more I do transition projections for one piece characters while tryna adhere to the style the more I learn that sometimes stylisation#uses bones less as literal determinants for where things go and just kinda exaggerates shapes based on vibes alone instead#meaning trans characters' bones wouldn't literally stay looking the same in that stylisation in the way they do irl#they'd get exaggerated differently based on what the surrounding stuff is doing#I still think oda's transition demonstration when we first met iva was unreasonable even with that in mind tho
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chandelyer · 7 months
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Paolo Sebastian 'Allora Domenica' spring 2024 couture collection
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