#not any kind of or*ent***on play
topmechokeme · 2 months
sometimes you just need dyke cock. girl's or enby's, skin or silicone - it doesn't matter, you just crave it. it's an itch you can't quite scratch - you need to taste cock on your tongue, you need to feel it resting on your face as you look adoringly at her. her cock is a tool, she's gonna change you with it, she's gonna transform you into something bigger, something better. you're gonna be perfect for her.
a lesbian post
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
When Mike Wheeler, red faced and still faintly tear stained, asks him how he knew he liked both Steve doesn’t know how to tell him it was his sister.
Before Nancy Wheeler it had only been boys. Before Nancy Wheeler Steve had been sure he was gay and knew well enough to keep it to himself; dating around enough to earn himself a protective reputation. Before Nancy Wheeler there’d been Marcus Summers, from the baseball team, during freshman year. Steve had gone to every game, and had been forced to make up excuses about schoolwork and his other commitments when asked why he hadn’t tried out for himself. Before Nancy Wheeler there’d been Tommy Hagan. The summer between seventh and eighth grade had been very kind to Tommy, he was sunkissed and boy next door sweet, Steve had wanted to hold his hand and count the freckles across the bridge of his nose. 
Before Nancy Wheeler there’d been his first love, a boy who only visited one summer, the year Steve turned ten. His name had changed every time they hung out but he’d favored E’s. Eli, Emmett, Elliott, Eric, Excalibur, Excelsior, and once for about an hour Wayne. His hair brushed his chin in pretty brown curls and his big brown eyes were always bright with excitement. He always got storm off mad when any of the other boys they’d played with that summer said he was acting like a girl, E would run off to the woods and Steve would always follow. E always came up with the best games anyway, he didn’t like playing soccer or HORSE or anything else with rules that couldn’t be bent; he preferred imagination games where they were knights or wizards. He didn’t laugh when Steve said he always liked playing house, but never wanted to be the dad because why would he want to be someone who never wanted to spend any time with his kids. E who, while insisting on being called Samwise all day, was his first kiss.
Cause he knows what Mike wants to hear. He’s seen the way Mike and Will have danced around each other since the last portal closed. He’s heard the things Mike has said to and about Will. He’s heard all about the week that Will was in the Upside Down. He’s heard all about the summer of ‘85. He’s heard all about the final off again that seems to officially mark the end of Mike and El romantically. He knows that Mike wants him to say that he’d never even thought about boys before he met Eddie. That there’s just something special about Eddie that makes him want to give up his lady killing ways. That Eddie was different. That it was okay that he was having these scary new thoughts, maybe Will was just an exception.
And Steve doesn’t know how to have that conversation. When he realized he liked both it was a relief, that maybe he could have something normal and wouldn't have to spend his life lying or hiding. 
But Eddie was different. Eddie was special. Eddie was probably it for Steve which is scary in a different way that he’s not ready to touch yet -- not when it’s only been three months.
There’s never been another girl since Nancy Wheeler, not really
There will never be another boy after Eddie Munson.
So he tries to help, as best he can. It’s easier with Eddie there, not quite dozing against his shoulder -- the kid’s emergencies always seem to come so late at night these days. “When I was ten, there was a boy whose name kept changing who decided prince charming should get to kiss his faithful knight. And when I was sixteen, your sister-”
Mike’s goodwill diminishes quickly as his sister gets introduced to the conversation.
“Stevie,” Eddie says. It’s not an admonishment for bringing up Nancy. It’s awestruck and watery. “You remember that?”
“Of course I remember the first boy I ever loved," that word catches up with him a second later. Remember. 
Cause there's Eddie with his riot of brown curls and his Bambi eyes. Eddie, who has explained why soft feminine words chafe against his skin leaving him itchy and anxious. Eddie, who has an Uncle in Hawkins. Eddie who moved to town the summer before he entered high school with a buzzed head and his mother's last name. Eddie who finally settled into an E he liked best.
"Wheeler, here's a tip from me to you," Eddie says, his advice is always better received than Steve's anyway, "if you have to ask you probably already know."
"Straight people don't really spend much time wondering if they aren't really straight," Steve agrees.
They don't rush Mike out the door, a crisis is a crisis and even in the wake of new discoveries Mike deserves to be heard out. Deserves a chance to cry and rage and feel those emotions someplace safe from his Reaganite father -- just as much as Will deserves to have someone who knows what they want come to him, deserves better than experimentation.
They cross the bridge from late into early by the time Mike sets off. The sun is creeping up over the horizon and Mike looks solid, certain; the dawn hints at the man he is growing up to be. Though every instinct of Steve's begs him to drive the kid home, Eddie's soft hand lingering at his hip holds him fast. They wave instead, encouraging Mike to go home and to bed before he does anything; knowing his front bike tire is already pointed toward the Byers-Hopper place.
"The first boy you ever loved, huh, Stevie?" Eddie teases before the door has even managed to click shut.
"And the last, I'm hoping, if I play my cards right."
"You were always pretty good at that. You were the only person that summer who called me by my name, except Wayne."
"It was your name." He knows that's too simple. Knows how hard Eddie has had it, continues to have it. But that summer it had been that simple, Eddie trying on names like shirts each one fitting until they didn't. "For what it's worth, I like Eddie a lot more than Excalibur."
"Oh fuck off, I was going through a fantasy knight phase. Which I know you remember."
"Right a phase, and how much longer is this fantasy 'phase' going to last?"
They're the kind of tired that makes you feel drunk, when Eddie tackles Steve and sends them both to the floor and to giggles. Eddie might not have been his bi awakening, but Steve is pretty fine with him being his everything else.
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magical-mascots · 1 year
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Trinket Moon! For when you need a friend who eats your dreams (and gives you nightmares)
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He comes in two sizes - a full form that is about 7 feet tall, and a little doll form you can hold in your hand and take around with you. (He comes unstuffed from time to time but it’s nothing a little love and a few stitches won’t fix)
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About as socially unwell as they come - the outside world is overwhelming. People don’t exactly seem to take to him. The land of dreams is much less stressful.
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Doesn’t like bright lights - any bright light in the room and he straight up crumples to the floor. He used to come out in the day but he’s not allowed anymore, and it’s taken its toll on him just a little.
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Having said that, if you like dark places with lots of shade and enjoy lullabies and bedtime stories I’m sure you’ll get along just great!
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(More images and misc lore under the cut for anyone who’s interested)
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Moon used to be a theme park mascot who worked in the toy-themed castle with Sun entertaining theme park goers, but like most Fazbear Ent characters he was used for evil, capturing the souls of those he’d show the land of dreams. When people dared to venture too far into the dreamscape, they’d get lost inside, and they’d never wake up.
Moon was eventually all but scrapped, and began cohabiting inside Sun’s mind, fading further and further into the background clinging to the empty memories of those he’d once played with in the dreamscape as he watched the outside world through Sun’s eyes. He’s not supposed to come out anymore, and when he does he doesn’t tend to know how to interact, preferring slink around in the shadows and watch from afar in case somebody gets hurt or he gets inadvertently perceived.
Other fun things about him:
His star patterns can change just a little reflecting the star formations or dream pattern of those he’s interacting with
His cheeks sometimes change colour depending on his emotions, so they might turn a shade of blue if he’s feeling especially sad, or pink if he’s feeling overwhelmed, or green if he’s feeling under the weather, etc. (he prefers to keep his feelings locked up tight behind a silly and spooky facade however, so he might prefer to clutch at his face if he feels he’s giving the game away)
He is actually pretty lightweight and as such is entirely pickuppable like a big old ragdoll (however you might have to drape him over your shoulders like some kind of lunar scarf if he’s in his full size form)
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elexaria · 4 months
teenage! brother’s best friend! johnny and simon ⁉️
you aren’t fond of secondary school for the most part. it wouldn’t be half as bad if you could hang out with si and johnny, but they’re two years above you. year nine is the worst year for you so far, and year eleven seems rocky for both johnny and simon. its safe to say that tensions are a little high.
you take a seat outside during lunch, nestled up in the crook of the playground that faces the muga— it lets you pry into what the boys get up to when you’re not around.
it’s weird watching simon’s social life, when he’s not having to hide you under his wing like the protective big brother he is. he’s still stoney faced but… he seems a lot more boisterous and talkative, that’s for sure. he seems to take football with the lads pretty seriously, talking strats with his team before the next kickoff. a couple of them shoot glances at each other behind his back, finding humour in how into the game he is.
and then there’s johnny, talking absolute shite on the pitch, unable to stop waffling between his powerful lunges towards the pitch. he’s halfway through a rant about his recent grade in religious studies when he completely misses the goal. the majority of his team are groaning, meanwhile he’s still pensive and wound up about his grades. how has he managed to get a D in religious studies, he’s a catholic for fucks sake!
besides, you know that football isn’t really johnny’s thing. he’s more of a rugby lad, which simon likes to tease him about.
“oh yeah? i think you’re just lookin’ for an excuse to be surrounded by big sweaty men, ‘ent you, johnny boy?”
“shite off, monsi. yer just jealous ye don’t get tae see me all sexy like on the pitch, aye?”
(admittedly, you do have to give credit to johnny where it was due, he did look sexy when playing rugby. you and simon once went to one of his practice matches and simon was baffled when he turned to face you and you were all red faced.)
you eat your sandwich while continuing to observe the boys, feeling a pang of gratitude for having them in your life. they were good lads, especially simon. and when your small group of friends finally escaped their detention and made their way to your little alcove in the playground, your appreciation for the boys was greatly enhanced when they all started to fuss over them. well, kind of. any gross lovey dovey shit over simon was unappreciated.
“guys, gross. that’s my brother you’re talking about!”
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rainbowsky · 3 months
Hey, I'm new here and i love your blog! I was wondering if the boys see couple\sexual edits of them together and if it makes them nervous but then it hit me that they probably aren't seeing what i see on western social media. Do you have any idea if those types of homosexual posts get censored in China?
Hi Yingyangorly! Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!☺️
I have a huge long, like, ridiculously long post in my drafts related to this topic, hopefully coming soon.
But to answer your question, I think it's impossible that GG and DD would fail to see at least some of what's posted about them as a couple, whether sent to them by friends, family or staff, or whether stumbled upon or intentionally sought out/browsed by them. It's inevitable they'll see some of it, particularly things that get a lot of attention.
I talked about this a bit a while back. GG and DD have said in interviews that they have fake social media accounts (and of course they would - how could you go anywhere or do anything on social media without one if you were famous?), and this kind of discussion has happened somewhat in relation to fan comments, etc.
You can check out my previous post for more on that stuff.
As for sexual edits, etc., like any other content I've no doubt they've seen some of it - it's inevitable they would - but I doubt it worries them all that much. It's highly unlikely to ever impact them directly, because ultimately it's not really about them, is it? It's about the creators who make it. Any backlash is more likely to fall upon creators, not GG and DD.
And just as a reminder - it's not illegal to be gay in China, it's not illegal to post homosexual content, etc. Such content is censored on TV and other broadcast media, but not online.
Porn is very illegal in China, but that's mostly only selectively enforced. In fact, China produces a lot of porn and a lot of smutty fiction and all of it is illegal, but it still manages to thrive fairly well.
Explicit content of any kind is technically not allowed on Weibo but it's still out there - although most of it is pretty toned down and tame. Actual porn of sexual activity isn't ubiquitous there, but lewd fan art, fan fic, edits and memes can often be found.
All platforms globally have rules against explicit content, and they're just as poorly enforced everywhere. I suspect a lot of that is because social media engagement makes money, and sex sells. It's not really in the interest of platforms to completely shut down all such content - even if it was possible to do so.
The supertopic rules likely have more impact on fan behavior in this regard than the Weibo TOS does. Those rules forbid mentioning GG and DD by name or tagging their accounts, and forbid sexualization, pornography, feminization and fixating on body parts. However, that's only within the supertopics. Ultimately people are free to post whatever they want on their own accounts, and they do.
Given how many antis and solos are out there trying to take down the turtle fandom, the fact that these things manage to stay up for as long as they do speaks to how weak the enforcement is. There are definitely people out there who will report things that offend them.
This is, in fact, how the whole 227 thing got started. A bunch of solos decided to report an explicit fanfic to the government, and things spiralled out of control from there.
Could lightning strike a second time and another 227 be sparked from some of this explicit content? For a lot of complicated reasons I'm not going to get into here (it would be a very long post), I don't think that's likely.
227 was a special, very complicated situation that I don't think is likely to happen the same way again. Timing and a lot of the other factors that played into its blowing up the way it did - all of that is unlikely to align in such a way. Especially since everyone in C-ent is a lot more cautious and vigilant after 227.
GG and DD are both in good standing with the government (as is evidenced by their inclusion in government and nationalistic projects), and that's a factor that will have some influence. And no doubt they and their teams have learned a lot from past experience, and have already planned for how to protect them in various scenarios that could arise.
They also have the power to have content relating to them removed, to sue content creators, to shut down the supertopics if they want to, etc.. If they feel at risk, they have a lot of recourse. The fact that we aren't seeing this happening should reassure us that it's probably fine.
We have to realize that GG and DD are surrounded by highly skilled, highly paid professionals whose entire job is to protect them and their interests. They're both in a much safer place than they were 4 years ago.
I trust them to know what's best for them and handle their affairs accordingly. We as fans shouldn't waste time hand-wringing over things that are completely outside our control.
As for what's within our control - it's up to every individual to make our own choices about how we'll represent GG and DD online.
More on that angle if/when I ever finish that other post.
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space-morningstar · 1 year
In Star Trek almost all the captains after Kirk are paternal.
Janeway? She saw her crew and said "Yes, we're going to be together for 70 years, so I'm your mother until we get back to Earth" and then spends the whole series protecting her crew, swapping stories and spending time with them as a family.
Sisko? literally a father, he looks out for them, takes care of them, takes them to baseball games, they play on the holodeck and everything, Sisko adopted his crew even though he has a son already, so he's definitely the father of DS9.
Pike? HE IS THE DEFINITION OF DADDY I mean, he doesn't just make silly puns, he spends time with them every weekend, dude! he meets his crew for dinner as a family, he jokes with them, he sticks up for them over anything, he asks if everything is alright, he makes sure everyone feels good and comfortable, he is the father of the entreprise and everyone knows it.
And I'm not going to mention Archer because I'm not done with ENT yet, the point is that any of the captains will see someone slightly lost and say "That's it, I'm adopting you, you need a father figure and I'm here" their first instinct is to care and help those who need it.
Everyone… except Picard
Which is deeply funny to me, because everyone in the enterprise will just say "Oh yeah, that's my dad, I'll be great and he'll be so proud of me" whereas Picard literally one of the first things he said to Riker (his number one) was "Hey, I don't get along with kids, you take care of anyone who comes near me."
He doesn't hate them, in fact he's shown that he can be very kind and understanding with them, giving them advice or trying to cheer them up when things aren't going well, he does his best, but he runs away from them like the plague. With Wesley he does his best and yet he still yells at him and treats him very badly at first.
Sometimes I think part of it might just be his bad childhood, he never really had a chance to behave like a child, it might also be the fact that in general he doesn't like to be around people beyond professional treatment given how introverted he is.
But it's still an aspect of Star Trek that I like, how most of the adults aren't idiots with children, they treat them with care and do their best to explain things to them and protect them, they are willing to explain and help, and I will always hold that in my heart.
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zohakuten x gn!reader
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❗️ pairings: zohakuten x gn!reader
❗️ warnings (?): sleeping problems, cussing, brief angst between two random unnamed (unless you pick the name) characters, breakup, and maybe fluff.
❗ cuss words will be crossed out.
❗️ characters (briefly/fully mentioned or appeared): zohakuten, sekido, aizetsu, urogi, karaku, muichiro, mitsuri, obanai
❗️ context: y/n (your name) becomes zohakuten's play date.
❗️ extra information: y/n will be 13 years old while zohakuten will be 12. they go to the same middle school and are technically neighbors, but they don't exactly interact.
hantengu will be briefly mentioned, sekido is 19, karaku is 18, aizetsu will be 17, and urogi will be 16.
please excuse my way of writing, if there is grammar errors or i have worded it offensively, tell me IMMEDIATELY.
the characters speaking will be color coded.
y/n will be using they/them/their pronouns so there won't be any problems.
[r/b/n] (random boy name) is zohakuten's friend who was dating y/n's best friend, [r/g/n] (random girl name]
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y/n's eyes fluttered open.
the bakery of their family's was put into view; they saw how bright the place was, how the scent in the air reflected cinnamon and flour, and even sometimes chocolate.
their heart softly beated as they flattened the dough with the roller pin, their forehead wrinkled and their eyes slightly wide to possibly decrease their desire to sleep.
y/n always stayed up late to read their favorite books or to write, and would sleep once they were satisfied with everything. but that has always been a problem, because they'd tend to lose focus and doze off at the wrong time.
their father, obanai kanroji, was always scolding them of this.
obanai is a strict, but a caring father. he was the one who mostly talked to y/n and would listen to their problems, if they had any.
he believed the lack of sleep was due to not going out much unless at school, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to his child.
so he went to talk to his wife, y/n's mother, mitsuri kanroji, about the problem.
"n/n has been suffering of sleeping late, and they can't get anything done right before drifting off to sleep!"
mitsuri is a kind mother, she would do anything, at least one, to make sure her family isn't crumbling.
so the night before, mitsuri had spoken to y/n.
"oh my sweet, i know you love reading and doing the things you adore most at night, but you are lacking sleep, and it's unhealthy, dear. so tomorrow, we will arrange you a playdate, if that's okay with you?"
y/n was amused by this, and hadn't minded at all, though they were also against the idea of having a playdate, but it was too late to protest.
they used to have a playdate; it was a 14 year old by the name of muichiro tokito.
he also went to their school.
soon enough, mitsuri came out from the front desk of the bakery and tapped her child on their shoulder, "y/n, dear? your father will take care of your chores, i'll be taking you to your playdate!"
y/n hummed in response, and then set the roller pin to the side and went upstairs to change.
they just wore a white crop top and brown shorts and moon jelly crocs.
they also brought a bag with them, just in case.
mitsuri and y/n walked down the street from their bakery and stopped at a pretty cool house.
just before their mom knocked on the door, y/n saw a glimpse of the backyard, and was flabbergasted to see a boy, who looked to be 12 years.
he had brown-ish skin, short black hair that spiked upward around his head and narrow gold eyes, he was also wearing a white oversized shirt and black shorts that reached to his knees.
he looked vaguely familiar…
he saw y/n too, and seemed to be as shocked as them.
y/n looked away from his eye and watched their mother speak to an old man whose hair was balding and seemed to have a massive bump on his forehead.
mitsuri waved at y/n and walked back to their bakery, with them just awkwardly entering the home of their playdate.
the old man had gone, but he had given them permission to wander around just before he left.
but as after y/n removed their crocs, four guys appeared from the living room and waved, except for the red one.
one was blue-eyed, one was yellow-eyed, and one was green-eyed.
and behind them was the boy from the backyard.
their playdate.
he was staring at them with his still narrow eyes.
"eyyyyy~ zo, you have a kid older than you as your playdate!"
the green one said, patting y/n on the back and forcing them into the living room.
"it's been sooo loooonnngggg since you even interacted with little shits like them, huh, zo~?"
the yellow one cackled, giving y/n a dabbing hand gesture, to which they returned.
"err.. guys, shouldn't we… you know, introduce ourselves..? it'd be embarrassing.. to not know.. their name… v- very pitiful, indeed.."
the blue one softly spoke, looking sorrowful. the red one rolled his eyes and stepped forward.
"i am sekido, this is aizetsu," he gestured to the blue one, his voice growling. "i'm karaku~" the green one added after.
"and i'm urogi!" the yellow one cheerfully said.
the 12 year old didn't say anything.
after a while, sekido finally said, "introduce yourself, you cunt!"
"i'm zohakuten." he muttered, crossing his arms and looked pissed at sekido.
y/n's eyes became wider at the boy's voice. (and also the fact sekido called him a "c u n t")
it was deep, even for someone one year younger than her! and raspy too.
no wonder he looked familiar; they went to the same school and are in the same grade.
".. i'm y/n."
y/n said with a blank face, looking into zohakuten's glare.
zohakuten stared back.
it was a really tense moment.
they both knew each other, not that they communicated much, but they used to hang out because of y/n's friend's bf being zohakuten's friend.
zohakuten gave them a look of 'don't tell them' which could've meant that don't tell the older ones that they knew each other.
y/n didn't understand why, but they didn't bother telling anyway and gave him a reassuring look.
"soooo, what'cha gonna doo?" karaku tapped his hands onto the couch's surface.
"er.. i'll talk to y/n at the backyard for a bit." zohakuten said.
y/n blinked at surprise. even sekido, aizetsu, karaku, and urogi was stunned at this.
y/n hummed and got off the couch to follow zohakuten into the backyard.
zohakuten opened the clear door for y/n, and as they stepped out, they could hear zohakuten's voice to the other four, "don't you dare try to find out what we're talking about, you fucking weasels!"
y/n approached a chair and settled down, placing their bag on the small table.
it was a neatly decorated patio that was welcoming the yard. they had a swimming pool, (woah, a swimming pool?! are they rich?!), and a trampoline.
still slightly amazed, y/n turned to look at zohakuten and realized his face was just inches away from theirs, and he jumped back at surprise of their sudden turn.
embarrassed at this, he sat down on the chair opposite of them.
y/n, confused, didn't find the fact he was looking at them intensely embarrassing at all, but did not say anything further of it.
".. soo?" y/n raised a curious brow at them, trying to engage conversation after all that happened.
"so." zohakuten repeated, raising a haughty eyebrow at y/n.
"… how has, uhh, [r/b/n] been doing?" they asked, curious. [r/g/n] broke up with [r/b/n] just about a two months ago, and he had been looking empty for the past school days.
sometimes, y/n would pass him in the school hallways and they'd see dark eyebags beneath his eyes, and a slightly red tint in his nose. they wondered if he had been nonstop crying for one month.
"he's.. beyond than okay." zohakuten said reluctantly, "he's getting desperate and devastated every time he sees [r/g/n]. i'm starting to wonder why [r/g/n] just suddenly broke up. they were doing really well.." y/n sighed.
"it confused me too, but [r/g/n] told me she couldn't bear to see [r/b/n] hurt if there were anything to downfall their relationship, so she decided to break up. it was really a hard choice for her, and still misses him, 'but sometimes sacrifices have to be made', she said." y/n scratched their neck.
"it's kind of poetic, don't you think?" they asked the boy, looking at him.
"hm. well, yeah, i guess." he mumbled, "still, it was a bad choice." he said to himself, and recovered immediately when you asked, "what?" "nothing."
"do you- uh, wanna play volleyball? or badminton?" zohakuten suddenly asked, as if he wanted to change the topic.
to which y/n took granted.
"of course!" they smiled, standing up.
"alright, volleyball first, yeah?" zohakuten said, standing up from his chair too and grabbed the volleyball from the pool. y/n nodded and ran to the right side of the volleyball net.
for the past three or four hours of spending time with zohakuten, you guys have been playing volleyball or badminton, scaring the birds that dared to come to the backyard grass or the fence, tricking sekido into wearing his slippers (which had glue on them) while he got out of the shower (though they debated for a while because sekido believed you don't need to wear your slippers while you walk out the shower, but you had to say some things to convince him, and when he did put it on, you made a run for it), helping aizetsu with his grocery things and the food, and watching the nba finals between the heat and nuggets with urogi and karaku. (yes i know it passed buuuttttt i just had to.)
(zohakuten's pov)
y/n <3 was talking to their mom on the phone (just checking on you dw) in the kitchen, while i was just sitting with the other four when suddenly, karaku elbowed me.
"hey little guy~ you're so obvious, y'know~?" he said, grinning from ear-to-ear.
i gave him a confused face and asked, "what do you mean?" karaku laughed.
"well, of course you don't want them to know, so you'd play dumb, i see~ i mean, would they return your feelings at all? that'd be so worrying, ain't it~?"
"what are you talking about?" i furrowed my eyebrows at him, like, what is up with this guy?!
"you full know what i'm talking about, zo!~"
he really pisses me off.
"no, i don't! tell me, now!" i said in a loud, demanding voice. "it is SO obvious what he's talking about, zohakuten." sekido growled, glaring at me, "you have feelings for that kid." he bobbed his head at y/n <3
"no i don't." i quickly mutter, scowling.
"yeah, you do!" urogi cackled, "it makes sense! why else would you look at them like that?" "like what, exactly?"
i butt in, crossing my hands as karaku took out his phone and showed me a picture.
it was me, from earlier to when i was talking to y/n <3 at the backyard, to when we were talking about [r/b/n] and [r/g/n].
i immediately knew what they were talking about when urogi said about the way i looked at them.
i was smiling at them and looking hopeful!
idiot! idiot! idiot!
i gritted my teeth slightly, "that's photoshopped." i said, still in doubt.
"nah it isn't, and you should know i don't have the photoshop app thingy in my phone." karaku snickered, showing off his teeth to its fullest extent.
"whatever, the point is, i don't have feelings for them! they're just-"
"a friend?" uttered aizetsu, who had been quiet.
i looked at him, surprised that he finished my sentence before i could.
"you can't deny that you've been smiling at them lately.. and mind you, they just came today, and whether you do have those feelings or not, it is still obvious that you've taken a liking to them… friendly or crush." aizetsu continued on.
i sighed.
he was right, i couldn't deny it.
but i wanted to.
looking over to y/n <3, i watched them end their call with their mom and stuffed their phone into their bag and walk to the living room, to which i relaxed a bit and pretended nothing much had happened.
do i really have feelings for them?
[y/n time]
"alright, thanks mom, see you." y/n said and ended the call, putting the phone into their bag and turned to enter the living room.
they noticed that the four older ones were looking oddly suspicious at zohakuten, who had relaxed just as they came in.
it looked so suspicious!
y/n smiled and sat down on the empty spot (that zohakuten kept tapping) beside the little guy.
"what were y'all talking about?" they asked, and not even a second, zohakuten answered, "nothing much."
y/n hummed, fidgeting with their fingers, "my mom's gonna pick me up at nine o' clock, we still have ten minutes to spend time together-" "don't worry about it."
they turned their head to peer at zohakuten. what was up with him? what really happened when they were talking?
karaku looked like he was about to laugh.
y/n eyed the little guy up and down. he looked distracted, maybe annoyed.
for the past five minutes, it was just silence, except for some cars passing the house outside.
y/n looked a bit distraught, did they anger zohakuten earlier? was he uncomfortable because they said something weird? they wanted to know so badly!
"hey, zo.. what's-" "can i have your number, n/n?"
shocked, y/n froze of this.
their number?
are they asking them out???
are they more than friends?????
what does this mean??!
what was going on?!
or maybe he just wants to talk to them on the phone more?
stammering slightly, y/n said 'sure' in the fakest cheerful, positive voice ever!
as they shared numbers, sekido just facepalmed his forehead, aizetsu looked like he was on the brink of crying (or bawling, whichever), karaku and urogi looked more like they wanted to push the two together so they could smash faces.
little troublemakers.
there was a knock on the door, and y/n sprang up onto their feet, glad that they could change the awkward atmosphere.
as zohakuten walked with them to the door (with the rest following behind them, still having the same faces as described on the last 3 parts), y/n slid their crocs on and the door opened by sekido, who started talking to mitsuri.
"thank you so much for letting my daughter have this playdate!"
mitsuri thanked, bowing, to which sekido did in return, though looked as though he was ghastly while doing it, as if he was forced to.
"it's not a problem ma'am.. tomorrow again, yes?"
"yes! thank you so much! see you tomorrow! come on, sweetheart." mitsuri urged y/n to walk, and they did, while waving bye at zohakuten, sekido, urogi, aizetsu, and karaku, who was also waving back.
on the way to their half bakery, half house, their mom had asked how was the playdate.
y/n smiled, humming quietly.
"it was fun… i'll be glad to come back tomorrow.."
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"i hope they do come back."
zohakuten muttered on his bed, then drifted off to sleep, awaiting for tomorrow.
(Fun fact: in zohakuten's pov, y/n's name has a <3 beside it! It's because he's developing a crush on you slowly!) Part two will come! Might make this into a series~ lol I made this like at 1 am in the morning dont laugh at me 😭
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
“And anyway, just to sum all this up with anon’s original post about Monaco: I am fully expecting the BRF to give the Sussexes the Monaco treatment if there’s ever a divorce. All the footage will be scrubbed. All the articles will be sanitized, if not scrubbed outright.” Color me intrigued! Two questions: 1) what do YOU think happened with Charlene? I’ve vaguely followed but hearing about the tears has got my interest piqued. 2) what articles would be scrubbed? Positive or negative?
My theory about the Monaco wedding is that I think Charlene found out Albert wasn't so totally forthcoming about his past relationships, how many children he had, and how involved he planned to remain in their lives. My feeling is that she was spun a fairy tale of "you can fix him" and learned it was all lies just before the wedding.
I do think there's some truth she tried to leave shortly before the wedding but was somehow stopped, and I think she did have her passports taken, as some of the gossip that has leaked out claim, so I do feel like she's trapped in a terrible situation. (And part of me wonders if perhaps Meghan co-opted this narrative from Charlene as her own with her claims to Oprah that the BRF took her passports and kept her from leaving. There was quite a bit of gossip about Charlene's situation that Meghan would have been familiar with, even if only in a pop culture context.)
I'm not sure that I fully believe Monaco's claim in 2021 that Charlene suffered an ENT infection and required such a significant recovery that she couldn't travel; my suspicions are that it possibly was also a mental health crisis. I must admit, I was completely expecting a divorce narrative to emerge from that - or, if not divorce then a separation where Charlene is in South Africa, Albert remains in Monaco, and the children go back and forth. And perhaps Charlene's long stay in Souh Africa following her ENT infection/surgery was an attempt to negotiate terms of the separation but when it became clear that Albert was not going to let go of the kids, she had no choice but to come back and I think they now have an agreement in place where he lets her do her own thing as long as she shows up the handful of times each year that they need to play happy families.
Anyway, as for scrubbing the Sussex coverage - my theory is I think everything will go. The positive stories will be spun into attack pieces villainizing Meghan. The negative stories will be sanitized to be sympathetic to Harry. I think the BRF will try to take down all the "official" videos from accounts like their own official social media, the BBC, etc. - similar to how they pulled down footage from The Queen's funeral or the 1969 documentary - and make it archival on request only. It's going to be subtle, though. It's not going to be an overnight transformation; I think we'd see some of the older stories about Meghan misbehaving coming back up in a "see, the rot was always there" campaign feeding into a larger overhaul...kind of like a reverse Operation PB.
Of course, the caveat is that this is only under a King Charles, since Charles wants to rehabilitate Harry in whatever way he can to have him come home. If it happened under a King William, I think we can still expect the attack pieces on Meghan, but I doubt we'd see any effort to clean up Harry's side of the mess.
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lassieposting · 27 days
Anyway on the subject of the Ainur being Higher Forms Of Life, things I think would be hilarious: Morgoth/Sauron lowkey finding it difficult to tell the elves of the First Age apart.
Like. Human beings can tell lesser primates apart very easily...by species. Gorillas are massive. Orangutans are orange. Mandrills are brightly coloured, and tamarins are tiny and cute. But if you ask a human to tell apart the different individuals of a gorilla troupe - unless that human has spent a lot of time observing/interacting with/studying the gorillas - they're gonna struggle. Because to the average human, gorillas all look the same.
Perhaps that is also true of the Valar and the Maiar. Little babby Mairon knows the races of Arda as well as any of his kind: elves are tall and fair, dwarves are short and hairy, men are a scruffy bunch who multiply faster than rabbits, and ents are trees who talk. Easy-peasy.
But like. While the Ainur who live in Valinor shelter and protect - and therefore, spend a lot of time with - the first elves, and come to know how to tell them apart as their own kind do, Mairon spends that period of his life metaphorically sneaking off to smoke and set fire to things with Melkor, so he doesn't get that extended contact. Most of his interactions with the early elves take place either from a distance - as in, he's directing Morgoth's troops and keeping track of intelligence on the opposing army - or on the battlefield, where a) he's wearing a helmet and b) so, if they have any sense, is his enemy.
So like. He still thinks they all look alike. One tall, blond, fine-featured elf is much the same as another, honestly, and their fëar don't look that different to him either.
(If Galadriel were to show "Halbrand" a memory of her childhood, of herself with her three golden brothers, Sauron would not be able to immediately pick out which was Finrod, despite having come face to face with Finrod before. Nor, most likely, would he be able to tell Aegnor and Aegrond apart.
Galadriel herself, on the other hand, he'd be able to pick out instantly, even though elflings all look the same to him. Because he's spent long enough with her that he knows her mannerisms, obviously. It's got nothing to do with being able to identify her fëa among a crowd of other fëar. Sentimental? He's not being sentimental. You're sentimental. Shut up.)
Bonus thought: When it comes to men, though, the board probably flips. Men are not taken to Valinor when they awaken, they are not sheltered by the Valar, they do not go there after death. Sauron has had more close contact with men than any other Ainu save the Istari - he rules them, treats with them, leads them in battle, learns to whisper in the ears of their kings and play them like music. His human disguise is virtually faultless; he can feign humanity so convincingly that he doesn't trigger the uncanny valley effect at all until he knows he's been caught out, and we see him drop the act.
But most of his fellow Ainur have rarely (if ever) directly interacted with the race of men. So I think it would be deeply funny if, when Elrond and Galadriel show up to Valinor with two hobbits in tow, the Ainur react like...well, like that one tumblr post of well-meaning angels unintentionally getting Real Fucking Weird about trying to set the humans they appear to at ease. Or their idea of mannish customs has been influenced by the stories told by dead or returned elves who met a weird man once, and so they're expecting and trying to accommodate some really odd behaviour that has the Hobbits like, what? No? Why would we do that?
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ssirenaamae · 3 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter Four
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4 years later
"How are you feeling today, Dr. Deung?" one of the girls working at the reception asked.
I blew my nose, and sighed, "Better than yesterday. My nose is still kind of blocked, though,"
The girl shook her head, "You should go home and rest. The doctors here will take over and will do just fine!"
Ever since I opened my clinic, I have never missed a day of work, no matter what. The clinic is my baby. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into making it a perfect environment for patients.
I picked the best doctors, the best employees, the best equipment, and the best furniture to make sure it was presentable and perfect. I don't want anything to go wrong here, which is why I never miss a day of work. It's not that I don't trust the doctors; it's just that I've grown attached to this clinic a lot, and so I don't want to leave it at all.
"I know. I believe in them, but I don't want to miss a day of work," I pouted.
The woman chuckled, "You're such a workaholic, Dr. Deung."
I smiled, shaking my head as I gave up on trying to resist any efforts of not working. My employees are talented, and I know they'll do fine without me. I won't be able to focus well while I'm sick, either. So, I guess it's essential for me to skip at least a day of work.
"Fine, I'm going to get moving now. Take care of the clinic for me, will you?" I asked.
The girl smiled, "Of course, doctor! Now, go home and rest!"
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The man got shoved roughly by someone, scoffing over having to deal with this yet another day. He got sick of having to deal with those envious and shrewd men.
The two guys walking with the man that pushed him laughed as they found it amusing. They loved pestering him when they had the chance. They didn't understand how could he be able to suddenly demote their positions at work and take over the top spot when he only joined their company two years ago.
They all resented him, and he knew it. He didn't care, though. All he cared about was the great opportunity he managed to earn. He was happy he was finally able to make his dream job a reality. He wasn't going to let a bunch of petty men ruin that for him.
"By the way, what happened to your bag? You should totally get that fixed, man," one of the men said.
This seemed to halt him in his steps as he turned and faced them with a scowl, "Seriously? You guys are so immature. Do better."
He walked past them as he hurriedly went to the changing room and found his bag ripped to shreds, alongside the stuff inside of it.
He let his anger rise as he threw his now-torn bag across the room. He didn't know it was possible for people to still act so pathetically stupid during this age. This was literally child's play.
He was frustrated. He didn't want his hard work to be tarnished by a bunch of children like them. He didn't go through all of this for nothing...
A man gasped as he suddenly woke up from his dream. He was sweating profusely. His chest was heaving from the events he recalled in his dream.
Indeed, this was a flashback. A flashback he didn't like to be reminded of. His mind, though, had other plans as it enjoyed plaguing him with his past memories.
The memories that he wouldn't like to remember.
He grabbed the cup of water that was on his bedside table and gulped it. He looked at the clock beside him and groaned, hitting his head back on the pillow. It was three in the morning, and he wasn't able to sleep again despite being tired.
He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and attempted to pass time by scrolling mindlessly through social media apps. Still, he wasn't able to sleep again.
He finally acknowledged that he couldn't continue like this. He needed to face his problems.
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The man entered the clinic, looking around at the beautiful interior design. Even though he was aware that he was at a clinic, the scenery there provided him a sense of comfort, oddly enough.
He went to the reception and cleared his throat, "Excuse me; I have an appointment with Dr. Kang."
One of the women at the reception's eyes' widened at the sight of the man. He was truly a sight to see. Coughing, she looked  at him and asked, "Your name, sir?"
As he told her his name, she searched through the system and indeed found his name. There was only a certain problem, though.
"Dr. Kang is currently unavailable, but your appointment will be with Dr. Deung, the owner of the clinic," she informed him.
He couldn't care less who was going to be his doctor. He just wanted to get done with this. He indeed wanted to get help, but he wasn't so keen on going to a psychiatrist. It made him feel like he wasn't sane, which he knew he was.
"Dr. Deung will be meeting you shortly. For now, you can take a seat," one of the receptionists smiled.
He nodded, taking a seat in the waiting room as he decided to continue admiring the clinic. What grabbed his attention the most were the paintings. They told a story. Every single one of them. The colors in particular were mesmerizing. The details as well were so intricate in the paintings.
They were truly beautiful. He could tell this artist is immensely talented. The paintings were worthy of being displayed at an art gallery or a museum.
"Dr. Deung will be seeing you now. Please follow me," the other receptionist announced.
The man nervously walked behind the receptionist. He didn't know what to expect from this. This was his first time, after all.
The receptionist knocked on the door and opened it. She gestured for the man to enter. He bowed to her and thanked her, entering the room.
"Ah, hello there. Please take a seat and be as comfortable—" the woman got up and smiled before her breath hitched.
She gulped, staring at the man intensely as she murmured, "professor Park?"
If she was surprised, then Park Jimin was even more shocked to see her. He knew that she owned a clinic, but he didn't presume it would be this one. He didn't expect her to be so—grown. She didn't age, yet she looked more mature. She became prettier, too. Her hair was longer and darker. He liked it that way. Despite all of the positive changes, he could still tell she wasn't completely happy with life. He could recognize this look anywhere, especially now.
"Miss Deung? I certainly didn't expect to see you here," he laughed.
After regaining her composure, Kyung-Mi smiled, "Neither have I. Please, take a seat."
She couldn't stop staring at him. He looked the same as he did two years ago.
The only difference is that his hair is now silver instead of black. She was mesmerized by his beauty. He looked ethereal. Yet, his eyes were different. They told a different story. A story of agony and pain.
"So, you opened a clinic? That's very impressive, Miss Deung," Jimin complimented.
Kyung Mi replied, "Yeah, I did. It's been a long ride, but definitely a good one. What about you, sir? How's it going with the university?"
"Please, call me Jimin. No need for the formalities since you're not my student anymore," he said.
She hesitantly nodded, still feeling like Jimin is her professor. It just felt wrong to say his name with no formalities or honorifics. It's even weirder that he could potentially be her patient for a while.
She has to be professional, though. No matter what, he's now her patient. She needs to help him and live up to her clinic's reputation. She needs to do her job well, as usual.
"And to answer your question, I don't work at the university anymore. I left shortly after you graduated. Instead, I became a dancer. Well, I was a dancer," Jimin continued, murmuring the last part.
He was fidgeting in his seat, seemingly uncomfortable discussing this topic. However, he wouldn't have come here if he didn't want to face this issue. She was determined to help him.
"Why did you stop?" She inquired.
He gulped, breathing heavily, "I-uh-I had an injury. Achilles tendinitis, to be exact. Thankfully, the surgery went well, and so did the physical therapy. However, if I injure myself again, I won't be able to dance anymore. My career is at risk as of now, and I can't seem to bring myself to dance again."
He sighed, looking at her again to see her listening intently. She didn't give him a look of pity, nor frowned at him. It made him feel better. Lately, that's all he has been receiving from people. Pity. He loathed it. It made him feel weak and powerless.
But she made him feel normal. She didn't make him feel this way. He stared at her intense gaze as he took it as a sign to keep going, "Ever since then, I would have reoccurring nightmares, or more so flashbacks, about my time spent at the dancing company. My colleagues weren't very fond of me. They resented me for climbing the ranks quickly, even though I was just a newbie. They gave me a difficult time there. It was like high school all over again. I'm still haunted by what they had done."
She nodded with every word he uttered, giving him her utmost attention. In the back of her mind, she was stunned by the information Jimin gave her. She thought that he was still a professor; she was surprised over how things can change greatly over two years.
Her once bright and cheerful professor is now a dull dancer who's dealing with trauma. It pained her to see this. Every patient's story truly pained her, but this one was different since she knew him on a personal level.
As he was done with his explanation, he sighed, feeling some of his frustration leave his body. Still, that didn't help his mental and emotional state. He just felt glad that he finally spilled his emotions to someone. Someone who just so happens to be a student of his.
She softly smiled at him and said, "Jimin, you're much closer to getting recovered from all of this than you think. It takes a lot of guts to finally face your problems, and you did just that by coming to me today. It won't be an easy journey, and I know you're tired of dealing with all those mishaps; but trust me, it will be worth it in the end. Life tends to hit us hard at times, but we eventually pick ourselves up, don't we? We can still go through another day, don't we? What you have gone through is a lot, that's for sure. Needless to say, I'll make sure I'll be able to help you find yourself again and get through this."
Jimin's eyes slightly watered, looking at her as he took in a big breath, "I trust you, Dr. Deung."
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phrogggslayer · 7 months
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Plush and the Freddles! These kiddos are part of the Night Terrors: the spooky animatronics at another Pizzaplex!
Lore below!
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Plush is a prototype (like Helpy) made to test the AI of the Pizzaplex era. Their casing is cheaper and covered in felt. After "failing" the cruel tests from Faz Ent, they were decommissioned. But when the Night Terrors found out, they begged to raise Plush, knowing how well it went for Helpy with the Glamrocks. Plush is nonverbal, and loves to play games with their new family. They especially love playing catch and painting (anything they can get their paws on).
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Winifred is the first Freddle! She likes to snatch merchandise from the gift shops and turn it into her own creations. A three headed stuffed animal? A skirt made from six different sweaters? A hat made from a playground ball? She's done it all. And she makes gifts for her family all the time.
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Alfredo is the second Freddle! He loves sweets of all kinds, and is usually found snooping around the kitchens. When he's not enjoying a treat, he's often roughhousing with his siblings or trying to scare the younger guests.
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Freda is the third Freddle! He loves music more than anything, and is often found trying to play one of his parents' instruments. He wants to master them all so he can fill any role! Freda is constantly humming and tapping his feet to the music in his head.
Below are the adult Night Terrors! ⬇️
These animatronics are canon to my FNAF SB Showtime AU! If you have any questions about this spooky group, feel free to send an ask!
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stratossphere · 1 year
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off the menu | v.v
(ville valo x male!reader) you’re not going to feed into ville’s games. at least…you don’t think you will.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob, inappropriate uses of coconut oil, drinking, ville is kind of a douche
word count: 5.4k
a/n: first ville x male!reader fic! sorry i took so long to write for male reader and hope you enjoy ;)
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom @ghoulishguns
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You were nervous. You were never nervous, but right now you were sweating. Anxiety was pouring down your neck in waves, and you couldn't understand why. Maybe the joint you'd smoked before you'd showed up to this godforsaken party was bad, or maybe, and more likely, it was because he was there.
You weren't scared of Ville Valo. A lot of people were, and you could tell by the way the seas of people infesting this shitty house party parted way to give him space to walk where he held his head ridiculously high, but you weren't. In fact, you were more inconvenienced by his general presence than anything, as he had a habit of finding that last nerve you had in you and toying with it while a smirk played on his face the entire time.
But tonight, for some reason, things were different. Maybe it had something to do with the way Ville's shirt was about three times too small or the fact that his jeans were way too tight considering he definitely wasn't wearing anything underneath, but that was forcibly kept at the back of your mind for now. For now, you were focused on avoiding the Finnish god of a man that seemed hellbent on getting his breath down your neck in any way he could manage.
"Nah, none of us really jam with those guys anymore. It's been a long time since we did anything like that." You were talking to some girl who had glued herself to the spot next to you on the couch in an attempt to clear your head, but all you were doing was getting more annoyed with the questions she continued to ask you. She spoke English. Ever since HIM had grown in America, it seemed everyone spoke English at these parties now.
You were a drummer a band of your own that you'd been in for years now, but all anyone could talk about was Ville's band. Funnily enough, you’d been in a band with Ville once. A long time ago, before you had even grown old enough to start smoking cigarettes. It's how you had met each other in the first place. Even then he'd been an insufferable control freak with a mouth that just never stopped when it needed to, and it had only grown worse since.
Especially because, as much as you wanted to ignore it, Ville was obsessed with you. He was obsessed with the way you wouldn't let him have you, and despite how many times you'd tried to push him away and out of your life, somehow he'd stuck. So, as it seemed, you were chronically stuck with Ville Valo trying to work his way into your pants with his sly tongue and sharp eyes for...the rest of your life.
"Hello?" The American chick snapped her fingers near your face, which made you even more annoyed, but effectively snapped you out of your trance of irritated thoughts as she looked at you expectantly. You needed a drink.
"Huh? What?" You couldn't even bring yourself past sounding inherently bored. She didn't seem to be able to sense it, however, because she jabbed a thumb towards the hallway that was just past the couch you were sitting on.
"I asked if you wanted to find a bathroom or something." She repeated, a coy grin on her lips as she spoke. You felt bad for doing it, but all you did was abruptly stand up at that moment.
"Uh...no. I'm going to go get a drink." You muttered, not sure how to properly apologize for your refusal and instead just turning and heading towards the kitchen. You'd run out of the whiskey in your cup long ago when the girl hadn't let up on her pestering questions, and you were in need of something to soothe your frazzled nerves.
However, just as you were passing the entryway out of the living room, you were dosed full of about the opposite of that. Because suddenly, without warning, Ville was right at your side.
"How's your little date going? Did she offer to suck you off yet?" He questioned right in your ear, his breath hot on your skin as he talked through the cloud of cigarette smoke he had just exhaled right in your face. You elbowed him away.
"Yeah, she did. I'm about to go right back over there." You said dryly, thankful that the kitchen was a little clearer of people and gave you room to breathe. Well, as much room as you could get with Ville as close as he was.
"Oh, yeah? Pussy is your thing now?" Thankfully, Ville had enough humility to lean right into your ear instead of blurting it out to the whole kitchen, but your ears still went red regardless. "I didn't know you switched teams."
Ville was bisexual. Proudly, loudly so. There was no one that he couldn't have, and he was very obvious about his boasting the fact. You were not bisexual, nor did you like showcasing your sexuality to every living being on the planet, and he knew it. He knew it, and he played into it at every opportunity he possibly could.
"Will you shut the fuck up? I'm sure she'll stick her hand down your pants if you ask nicely." You shot back as you poured some of the dwindling bottle of whiskey into your cup. You were silently wondering if it was possible to drink enough to where you would go deaf and not have to listen to this anymore.
"Nah, that's too easy." His tone was sly and sure, and you couldn't help but look over at him with an unimpressed stare. God, he was a fucking piece. An egotistical, relentless piece. "I was actually planning on stealing you from her. That'll really me going."
"I'm off the menu. You're pissing me off." You said dismissively, taking a long sip of your whiskey and raising your eyebrows at him over the rim of your cup. You were around the same height and build, but for some reason, in his completely black outfit and caked-on eyeliner, he seemed bigger somehow. Maybe it had something to do with the way he had set a hand on the counter right next to your hip to half-cage you in.
"Why? We're just talking." He was acting like he couldn't see his own actions, and he was also lying out of his ass. You scoffed and got around him to start heading out of the kitchen.
"Because you're so goddamn horny all the time. Relax." That was your last piece of advice before you made your escape, suddenly becoming aware of how fast your heart had been beating due to Ville's close proximity.
Okay. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't find him attractive. You actually found him extremely attractive, as did everyone else in the entire goddamn world, but his constant cocksure attitude annoyed the shit out of you. Mostly because of how worked up he could get you with, say, a single hand on the counter by your hip. God fucking damn it.
You decided that going outside to sit out in the fresh air would be your best bet for calming down a bit. Your body felt overheated and your chest felt tight, so the first breath of sharp air where it was still cold during the nights immediately began to soothe the irritation hot on your skin. There was almost no one outside, so you were able to light a cigarette and stand on the edge of the deck in peace as you let your thoughts run wild.
You knew Ville had an end goal in mind tonight, and you knew that end goal was you. And, if you were being perfectly, completely honest with yourself, you weren't exactly sure how strong your will was. You hadn't seen Ville in a while before tonight, and as much as it was embarrassing to admit, you'd been thinking about him. A lot. Not because you missed him or anything...you just liked to think about him sometimes. He was a very interesting person, after all. Ville knew perfectly well how to be slightly more than bearable when he put some effort in.
You knew he was going to come find you, so all you did was sit down on the porch swing, light a second cigarette, and wait. It couldn't hurt to talk a little more, right? Besides, maybe he'd actually used some common sense and took your advice for once.
You got around ten minutes to yourself before you heard the door open behind you, and then footsteps on the deck signaling that someone had come outside. You didn't look back just in case it was just someone leaving, but it wasn't long before you were met with the smell of Marlboro Lights and then the feeling of Ville dropping right down next to you on the porch swing.
"That party fucking sucks. Everyone's stoned and no one wants to drink." He grumbled, and you turned your head slowly in his direction to see him with a deep set frown on his face. You tried not to laugh, because no one drank enough when they were compared to Ville Valo.
"I think a little weed would be good for you." You muttered, half-aware of how close he was to you as your arm brushed his when you lifted your hand to take a drag off of your almost-cashed cigarette. He huffed out a sour laugh at that, head fully turned so that he could shamelessly stare at you.
"You know, I like it when you're in a bitchy mood. Makes you hotter." Once again, he was close to your ear again, and your breath caught in your throat when he slid his arm over the back of the swing so that it just brushed the back of your head. When you didn't have a quick retort to his words, he let out a baritone hum. "I want you."
"You just haven't gotten any in a few days." You accused tightly, fighting hard to keep your eyes on his and off of his lips as you spoke. But you couldn't hide your gasp when he suddenly leaned even further in and pressed his lips to your neck, his tongue touching just slightly to your skin as he inhaled against you.
"Even if I hadn't, it wouldn't matter. You know how bad I fucking want you." He was still kissing at your neck, and even though you were practically shaking under his touch, you were letting him. He didn't seem to mind that there were still a couple of people outside that could've easily seen the two of you, and you were too startled to pay attention.
You knew he was right. You were more than aware of how much he wanted you, and how long he'd wanted you, and now that you'd crossed the line to where you'd allowed his lips on you, that same want was starting to rise in your own chest.
So for once, you made the move. You forced him back from your neck, and as soon as he looked at you with burning hunger in his pretty green eyes, you kissed him, setting one hand on his thigh. Your heart had gone right back to pounding in your chest, but he did nothing but deepen the kiss, his hand that wasn't over the back of the swing setting over yours before pushing it higher up his own thigh.
"I wanna fuck you. Now." He breathed against your lips, his eyes now plagued with desperation where he had looked so incredibly sure of himself before. It was clear that Ville Valo only had the upper hand until your hand was anywhere near his dick.
"Do you actually want to fuck me, or do you just want your dick sucked?" You weren't going unless this was going to be something more than Ville proving that he truly could have anyone he wanted. Even if you could see him getting hard in his jeans an could feel yourself reaching the same status.
"Who says I'll be the one getting my dick sucked? Do you think I have no manners?" It didn't take him long to find his footing again, and then he was catching you in another kiss, his hips pushing unconsciously towards your hand. "Come with me."
You kind of felt like a teenager again as you both simultaneously shot out of your seats to rush back into the house, you with desperate need no doubt plastered all over your face and Ville with a satisfied smirk on his as you shoved yourselves back into the mess of people inside. You were glad that it was pretty packed and that everyone was too intoxicated to pay attention to anything other than themselves, because you were a lot less cool with walking through a large group of people with a raging hard-on than Ville was.
The second that Ville located an empty bedroom, he was yanking you inside and the door was being slammed shut loudly. You were then pressed right up against it, Ville's hands tight on your hips as his lips crashed back to yours.
"I'm so fucking hard right now. Please." You groaned as he purposely ground his hips against yours, holding you in place so that you could do nothing but feel how equally hard he was through the fabric of both of your pants. He let his lips trail down to your jaw, one hand moving from your hip to the button of your jeans.
"Look how nicely you beg. Who would've thought it would be that easy." He crooned, easily undoing the button before he was pulling your zipper open. He then groaned right over the sound of your defiant huff as he slid a hand into your jeans and cupped your aching cock through your boxer briefs. "You're off the menu, huh?"
"Shut up. It's not my fault you never—never leave me alone." You were having an extremely hard time forming full sentences as he continued to rub his hand against your hard-on while he pushed your jeans lower on your hips with his free hand, but you were managing. "Stop playing with me."
"Fine. Be that way." And then, with an elegance that only Ville Valo himself could muster, he dropped right down onto his knees in front of you, his fingers staying at your waistband before he was pulling both your boxers and your jeans down to free your cock. "Fuck."
You were frozen as you watched him intently, lip drawn between your teeth as you waited for him to make his move. You then let out a whimper when he looked up at you before dragging his tongue along the underside of your cock, shooting harsh shocks of pleasure through your stomach.
As he began to press kisses all along your cock, his lips smearing precum and being left with a thin sheen as he did so, your hand made its way tightly into his hair. It had grown considerably since you'd last seen him, and you liked how it looked on him. You also liked how his lips were looking all over your cock at the moment.
Just as you were about to open your mouth and tell him to stop teasing, because you could tell by the glint in his eyes that that was exactly what he was doing, he finally wrapped his hand around your cock. You gasped a lot louder than what you would've liked as he began to pump his hand, your voice only going louder when he wrapped his lips around your tip after his hand.
"Holy fuck. Holy fuck." You mumbled as he swirled his tongue over your slit, your grip in his hair holding him in place and making sure that he couldn't pull back and tease you any more if he tried. He only hummed before letting his hand drop and taking you fully into his mouth, his head bobbing slowly and in turn pulling a full moan from your lips at the feeling of his warm mouth completely enveloping your cock.
Ville was talented in a multitude of ways. First of all, he had those eyes that always made people look twice no matter how hard they tried not to, and he knew how to use them. He was staring up at you now as he took your cock almost all the way in his mouth and sucked with a talent you knew you didn't have, and somehow, despite your best intentions, you couldn't seem to stop yourself from shallowly thrusting into his mouth as a result. He had also been extremely successful in getting you to what felt like the most desperate you'd ever been in record time.
"Feels so good. Don't stop." You breathed, head falling back against the door. You felt a little bad considering you were staring to essentially fuck his mouth, but you couldn't help yourself, and he didn't seem to care too much. In fact, he had both hands on your thighs, and was still bobbing his head to suck you down further despite the fact.
Until he wasn't.
Your eyes shot open as suddenly his head wasn't in your hand and his mouth wasn't on your cock anymore, only to see him getting up off his knees and taking his shirt off. At your devastated look, he just snickered.
"Don't look at me like that. I don't want you to cum until my cock is in you." He said boldly, tossing his shirt to the floor before he was reaching out to grab your wrist and pulling you away from the door. "C'mon. Do you actually want to fuck me, or do you just want your dick sucked?"
Using your own words against you. How incredibly Ville of him.
You allowed him to pull your shirt over your head as you simultaneously kicked your jeans and boxers the rest of the way off, your chests pressed together and your lips on his the second that space allowed for it. You kissed him sloppily as your hand pushed between the two of you to get his button open and his zipper down, your head eventually dropping out of the kiss so that you could focus your shaky hands while Ville's lips just fell to your shoulder instead.
"You smell good." He said coyly, a sigh of slight relief falling from his lips as you finally got the zipper of his pants down and, in turn, freed his hard and leaking cock where he wasn't wearing any underwear. "You fucking tasted good, too."
Your kisses only got sloppier as the two of you messily fumbled onto the bed, mouths never separating as Ville landed half-on top of you with his hand low on your hip. When you finally broke apart for air, you looked around the room you were in, which definitely looked like someone's bedroom and not a guest room. Oh well.
"We don't have any lube." You pointed out, looking to him for what his magical solution was going to be considering he looked nothing but relaxed. He also looked around the room then before settling on the nightstand on his side of the bed. He leaned over and pulled the drawer open, clearly trying his luck.
"Can you put...coconut oil in your ass?" He asked as he came back with a small container in his hand, amusement playing on his features as he waved it towards your face. You shrugged.
"Good enough." You kissed him again as he unscrewed the jar with his free hand, savoring the taste of his tongue in your mouth while you pushed your fingers back through his hair. "Hurry up."
"Easy, easy, easy, sweetheart. I just want you to feel good." He cooed, coaxing your leg up over his hip before his hand was brushing down your hip and then over your ass.
When you felt his fingers push gently at your hole, you gasped against his lips, your whole body startling slightly as he shushed you and began to circle his finger slowly. The coconut oil was thankfully warm, and before long he was pressing his finger into you, nipping at your lip gently when you moaned and let your cheek fall to his shoulder where his arm was resting under your head.
"More. Feels so good." You breathed, dropping your hand to cup his cheek as he ghosted his lips over yours but never closed the gap. You knew he wanted to look at you, because at his very core Ville was a voyeur through-and-through, but your head was spinning under the intensity of his gaze, and you needed him. When you gasped his name softly as he continued to pump his finger inside of you, he dipped his head to instead kiss and suck along your jaw, his lips dragging smoothly across your skin with every kiss.
"Stop whining and I'll give you whatever you want." He said just as he pushed a second finger into you, leaning back to give you that coy, self-assured look again before you pulled him in for a kiss to shut him up.
By the time Ville had fully prepped you, you were practically shaking under his touch, cock almost painfully hard and dripping against your abdomen as you whined and gasped against his lips.
“I’m ready. Please. I need you so fucking bad right now.” You begged, unable to take the slow drag of what was now three of his fingers inside you any more. Ville, despite not having been touched at all yet, was breathing almost as raggedly as you were, and he let out a breath before he gently pulled his fingers out of you.
“You want my cock?” He asked in your ear as his lips ghosted over the edge of your jaw, his tone bordering on condescending as you watched him gather more coconut oil on his hand before he was fisting his cock and beginning to stroke himself slowly to coat his skin in the slick substance.
You tried to snap something back. You really wanted to, too. That tone of voice he used so often was usually the one that annoyed you the most, that made you hate him, but now all it did was make you feel even harder.
“Yes. Need you inside me.” You didn’t even care about sounding desperate. It wasn’t like he couldn’t read it in every aspect of your body language, anyway. He grinned then, blissed slyness clouding his features as his slick hand pulled your leg completely up and over his hip before he was reaching down to position the head of his cock at your entrance.
“Tell me how bad you want it.” Okay. Now he was pushing it. You death stared him, because he was so close to being inside you, and yet he was still playing ganes. And all he did was meet that stare head-on and wait. So you took a deep breath and bit the inside of your cheek.
“I’m so hard it hurts. So please, put your cock inside of me and fuck me before I fucking explode.” You said tightly, not sounding as intimidating as you had intended but still snarky enough to do. His grin only went wider.
“Good boy. You’re such a sweetheart, you know that?” And with that, after what felt like hours upon hours of torture, he was pushing into you, moving slowly with his eyes on yours to gauge your reaction. Your eyes fell closed as your lips parted in a silent moan, your arousal furthered by his deep groan as he finally bottomed out inside of you with one hand gripping your hip tightly. “Shit, you’re tight.”
“Move.” You gasped, your hand moving from where it had been resting loosely on his jaw back up into his hair to pull because it felt like you could do nothing else. You were completely at his mercy, and you knew by the heated look in his eyes that he could easily tell. The first full thrust of his cock into you pulled a moan out of both of you, and then Ville was quickly finding pace, his hand on your hip holding you still on his thrusts as he began to fuck you smoothly.
“God, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted you. You feel so good.” Ville voice was breathy and his eyes were shut tight, and you had never seen such a beautiful sight in your life. There wasn’t a sight better in the world than Ville Valo fucked out and shut up.
You could only moan in response, rolling your hips down on his cock as he fucked into you with increasing force. His voice was low in his throat as he grunted and groaned with each thrust, and every little sound felt like it was going right to your cock. That feeling as amplified when suddenly the hand that was under your head suddenly laced his fingers into your hair, and then he was pressing his forehead to yours.
“You’re taking my cock so fucking well. Does that feel good, sweetheart?” He goaded, lips curling into a smirk despite his fucked-out state when he thrusted particularly harshly into you and pulled a sharp cry from your lips. If his cock hadn’t been buried balls-deep inside of you, you would’ve snapped at him for calling you sweetheart, but all you did instead was nod vigorously with your forehead still pressed to his.
“Yeah—yeah. Feels so good. Keep fucking going.” You gasped out, a desperate whimper rising in your throat as he pulled harder at your hair to keep your head in perfect position so that he could stare right into your eyes. You couldn’t take it. You needed more. “Touch me.”
“Say please, pretty boy. You’re not in fucking charge, here.” He pressed, his hand easing its pressure on your hip telling you that you were going to get what you want despite his threat. You struggled to get enough air into your lungs to respond, your head spinning with pleasure at the feeling of his tip hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Please. Please, I need it so bad.” You whimpered, meeting his gaze despite wanting to shrink away from his intimidating stare so that he could see how needy you were. You had never once been this desperate and quick to beg, and you hated that Ville had been the one to bring it out of you.
Ville groaned deeply at the sound of you begging him, and then his slick fingers completely left your hip before they were wrapping around your neglected cock. You fully cried out at the feeling, and then you were bucking up into the friction of his fingers wrapped around you before he could even get the chance to move his hand.
“I’m not gonna last long if you keep moving like that.” Ville muttered, referencing how you had started to essentially thrust down on his cock and then up into his hand all in one fluid motion. You leaned in to kiss him again, because you were trying to distract yourself from cumming right then and there.
“I don’t care. I’m close.” It probably wasn’t very hard to tell, but you egged him on regardless, licking into his mouth hungrily to at least half cover the moans and whimpers that were coming out of your mouth in a steady stream at the dual pleasure of his hand pumping your cock and his cock slamming into you mercilessly.
“You gonna let me cum inside you?” He asked in between kisses, his voice drawn apart and breathy as he tried to maintain the facade that he wasn’t as close as you were. You nodded immediately, unable to verbally respond due to the fact that your cock was starting to twitch, and the fact that you were about ten seconds away from reaching your climax whether you liked or not.
As both of you chased your own highs, the only sound that could be heard in the borrowed bedroom was the sound of skin on skin and the chorus of moans spilling between both you and Ville, hands still equally tight in each other’s hair and lips still sloppily locked together. And, at that moment, you could no longer hold back.
“I’m gonna—I can’t—“ You couldn’t even properly warn him before you were cumming, spilling onto his hand, your stomach, his stomach, and all over the sheets below the both of you as you whimpered and tried and failed to inhale air as he continued to fuck you right through it. He groaned at the sight of both of you covered in your cum before his hips stuttered at then he was cumming too, the feeling of his release spilling into you giving you a full-body aftershock.
“Holy shit.” Ville breathed, his rapid breath hitting your cheek as he thrusted shallowly into you while you both came down from your highs with shaky limbs tangled together. His grip went lax in your hair then, and it made you realize that you still hadn’t done the same to his. You let your hand drop, fingers brushing against his cheek as you looked at him with slightly parted lips.
You had just been fucked by Ville Valo. Holy shit.
You had expected yourself to feel a least a little bit of regret after all of this (actually a lot, if you were being honest with yourself), but as you finally pulled yourselves to draw apart, you felt nothing but good. Really good. Albeit a little shaky, but that was hardly what you were focused on.
As you slowly redressed, which Ville had started to do the same behind you, you startled a little bit when you suddenly felt his arms circle around your hips and his chin dip to your shoulders just as you got the zipper of your jeans back up. Neither of you had gotten your shirts back on yet, and you could feel his overheated skin pressed completely against yours.
“Come home with me tonight so I don’t have to miss you.” He mumbled, kissing gently at your neck as he dragged his nails just barely across your skin. You felt a grin forming on your lips, and you turned in his arms.
“You miss me?” He was just full of surprises tonight. He grinned right back, his fingers finding your belt loops as he held you in place so that you couldn’t get away from him (not that you wanted to).
“Yeah. Was I not open enough with my girl crush?” He teased, his hand resting on your ribs making you breathe a little unevenly as he visually looked you over. “I like when they play hard to get.”
“Whatever.” You muttered as he broke away to grab his shirt, thankful that he was turned away so that he couldn’t see the pinkish tinge to your cheeks. You didn’t know what had gotten into you (Ville, mainly), but it was fucking embarrassing.
By the time you were both fully clothed once again and Ville had lit a fresh cigarette that he let you have a singular drag off of before he hogged it for himself, you had decided that you were indeed going home with him. Why not, if he was that talented in bed.
You were consciously aware of the fact that you’d left a huge, sticky mess in the middle of whoever owned this house’s bed, but you were too focused on the lure of Ville’s green eyes as he watched you every second that he wasn’t touching you to care. At least you’d had the decency to lick each other clean instead of wiping everything on the comforter.
Just as you were getting ready to open the door, preparing yourself for at least a couple knowing looks considering you and Ville both definitely looked like you’d been doing exactly what you’d just been doing, Ville suddenly darted back to the bed and came forward with the jar of coconut oil. When you deadpanned at him, he threw a hand in the air.
"What? This stuff is fucking great. Makes you smell good enough to eat." He hummed, holding you back from going any further by the back loop of your jeans  before he kissed you one last time. "You can lick it off my cock when we get to my place."
Fucking Christ. Now you were definitely going with him.
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fantasyfantasygames · 3 months
MiDDDle Space
MiDDDle Space, Stacked Studios, 2002
@identityuniverse sent me a copy of this and I would like to return it please.
The map of Middle-Earth is, as many fantasy maps are, roughly page-sized. It fades out near the edges of its flat world. It is extremely rare for someone working with Middle-Earth to fill in the least bit of that blank space. This game does it in a very unusual manner: it fills that blank space with outer space. It's a little bit Spelljammer, but it's more Starfinder. Elves and Ewarves and even the occasional Ent colony in space, with big ol' spaceships.
"But why the weird spelling?" you may be asking. Well, that's because it's a cross of Tolkien and extremely horny 90's cult TV show Lexx. You know. DDD like a bra size.
Which also explains the name of the game studio.
The setting doesn't bother explaining how anyone got into space or talking about that obviously-Middle-Earth-shaped postage stamp in the corner. It's all about "planet of the Warriors of Men" and "planet of the Dwarven smiths" and "ice planet of the Elven sex clothiers". I like the "Forest Asteroid of the Ents" but that might be more because I love space-forest stuff and Ents. NPCs are bog-standard stock characters who also want to bone.
The rules look kind of like they started off as Rolemaster (MERP, really) hack before shifting over to d20. It uses some custom classes to cover things like the Animist, Mentalist, Mystic, etc. It has plenty of critical hit/fail tables. It ports in some MERP skills directly, overwriting some d20 skills with them. There are places that refer to MERP mechanics like Maneuver rolls, which were not ported in. It's mostly playable if you're willing to do a fair amount of house-ruling.
You have a choice of five ships, with build-your-own ships in a supplement that's "coming soon" (it is not). One of the ships is very Lexx-looking, with the insectoid feel and the phallic look. It's very powerful and extremely unmaneuverable. You can also get a Spelljammer-like galleon with sails and everything, one that looks like an Elven Armada vessel, a vaguely Millennium-Falcon-like ship, or you can each get your own small ship to flit around in. I kinda like that last option. There is never any crew; the ship flies fine with just however many PCs you have. Regardless of which ship you pick, you're going to have a very rock-paper-scissors setup against other vessels and utter domination against anything ground-based.
The art is halfway between Elfquest and Dr. Voluptua. It's all greyscale. I do kinda like that you can see the artist improve in their anatomy and backgrounds over the course of the few years it took to create the game. It does not have a fun-and-sexy sense of humor, and the game plays things straight in multiple senses.
Honestly the thing that makes me unhappy about this game is that it's lazy. If you want to make a horny elfgame (or a horny-elf game), you do you. There are plenty of them out there, another one is fine. But don't make it a knockoff of two or three different IPs, with mechanics from two more, and nothing in it that really provides commentary on any of the above. Do something different or do satire, don't just push out content.
MiDDDle Space was swamped in the d20 tsunami. There were only about 200 copies made in the first place, so it's a bit of a collector's item in some corners.
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FINALLY somebody addressing why I am sad about Rasputin’s characterization this season. Let grandpa get ANGRY let him get PISSED. Let him drop warsats on people again
The three pillars of the Warmind Rasputin in the Destiny narrative are mystery, tragedy, and power. Those are the story roles he fulfills and the themes and settings he provides. The Warmind DLC emphasized mystery and power. Season of the Worthy emphasized power and tragedy. Season of the Seraph so far has leaned hard on the tragedy with a side of mystery. That’s fine. It’s better than fine; I’m living for a Rasputin season that finally hammers home to the general player population how emotional his entire story is (and not just the parts with the Iron Lords) if only because I’m no longer the crazy person sitting in the corner yelling this computer is extremely sad actually here’s a 12-page lore essay based on deep analysis and textual inference. We’ve never encountered Rasputin in such a weak state before and that makes it the best time for a vulnerable narrative. So this season has gone for tragedy with backup mystery. That’s fine.
But let us not neglect his third role.
Why is it so important for Rasputin to demonstrate his power? Or, put another way, why is it so satisfying when he does? When Red shot down the Almighty, regardless of whether you liked the season or even the event leading up to it, when the Almighty shattered and that shockwave cracked across the Tower I bet you felt something. We’ve seen display after display of might from a range of characters, yet nothing - maybe this is a function of who I hang out with, but - nothing evokes as visceral a response from players as when the Warmind acts. Why?
First off I think a lot of people enjoy the narrative of the sleeping giant, the dormant volcano rumbling to life. Remember when the ents go to war in The Two Towers? It’s a real thrill to watch something vast stir itself to war on our behalf, and I am one thousand percent here for that exact trope. Second, Rasputin has a clear and easy-to-sympathize-with motive for some righteous revenge. Third, he has every right to and absolutely should get very, very angry and boy is it cathartic to watch someone vent that kind of fury against the status quo. Fourth, sometimes it’s just fun to watch big space explosions. But after giving it a lot of thought I think there’s another key aspect: because Rasputin is our home team.
Rasputin represents humanity, far more than Guardians do. In the Destiny universe Rasputin embodies the apex of human technology, engineering, creativity, power - human, not Guardian. So we all have a little bit of an affinity for the Warmind, not us as Guardians but us, the players, as human beings, because he is humanity’s representative at the table of Destiny powers. The weapons Rasputin wields are weapons we recognize as our own. The technology he builds evokes real concrete tech we use. He quotes books we’ve read, he plays music we listen to, he cites our history. He’s the home team, and we are all, whether we know it or not, way down deep we are all cheering for him just a little bit, because he represents the real world we live in pitting itself against the greatest threats fantasy and scifi can conjure up. Nobody gave him Light or picked him out as the special Chosen One. All his strength is our strength. When he exercises that power, we see our own civilization sticking up for itself against the unknown. He is, in all goddamn seriousness, Flag Admiral Stabby.
So I guess I’m wrong about what I said at the beginning. There are four aspects, not three, to Rasputin’s role in Destiny: mystery, tragedy, power, and humanity. He is the representative of what the human race can build and do. So let him wake up and demonstrate that maybe humans came late to the table but we sure didn’t waste any time. Let him wake up and remind everyone that humanity’s fate won’t just decided by the immortal god-children who terrorized them for centuries in concert with alien factions with superior technology and much longer histories. Humans can do incredible things when they put their minds to it and they don’t need a paracausal permission slip to try. Let Rasputin show the solar system the creativity, tenacity, and stubborn defiance we like to imagine as our species’ defining traits. Let him bring a gun to a wizard fight. And let him win.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Interesting article about comedy in China
You may remember I recently wrote about some disruption in the c-ent industry that is thought to be due at least in part to a joke told by a stand-up comedian. Well, this article goes into a bit more depth about the comedy industry there and was a fascinating read. Some of you might enjoy it.
This quote really leapt out at me because it's very much in line with my own perceptions of what's happening there:
"The Party knows that in the cultural market, be it in the ideological or entertainment spheres, it has no way of competing for the hearts and minds of the youth. In this way, any kind of independent entertainment that does not sing the praises of the C/CP or enhance the Party’s narrative, but is wildly successful, becomes an inherent political threat simply for existing."
This is a big part of why pretty much every piece of entertainment contains some kind of message or agenda, or can be interpreted as containing such. Entertainment companies need to ensure their projects are able to pass review and be aired, and they're all trying to play it as safe as possible.
It's also why traffic stars and fan culture are so hated and maligned by the government.
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mingkist · 1 year
cassiopeia | kprofiles
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Cassiopeia (카시오피아) is a five member South Korean girl group under SM Entertainment. The group consists of Minho, Sage, Yn, Orion and Sook. They debuted on July 08, 2018 with the digital single “Athena.”
Official greeting: “All in one! Hi, we are Cassiopeia!”
Fandom name: Naiad (나이아드)
Fandom Colors: Ecru
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smrookies sage cassiopeia sage
Stage Name: Sage (세이지)
Birth Name: Park Eun-ae (박 은애)
Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Birthday: April 13, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Nationality: Korean
Official Symbol: Hamster 🐹
Insta: @/ps_sage
⇒ Sage facts
She moved to AUS for university where she auditioned for SM after losing a bet to her friend, she moved back to Korea after being accepted as a trainee.
Her stage name Sage was given by the company to fit into the group's concept, a sage, in classical philosophy, is someone who has attained wisdom.
She shares her room with her other member, Minho.
On January first, 2020 Dispatch reveals her relationship with Seventeen’s Mingyu. On January second, 2020 both companies confirmed their relationship.
While Minho, Yn, and Orion were abroad for their solo schedules, she and Sook released a unit song called ‘Daylight’ where they took part in the song writing process.
Sage’s ideal type: someone sweet, caring, respectful.
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smrookies minho cassiopeia minho
Stage Name: Minho (민호)
Birth Name: Park Minho (박 민호)
Position: Visual, Main Rapper, Face of the group
Birthday: March 20, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Nationality: Korean
Official Symbol: Cake 🍰
Insta: @/m.minho
⇒ Minho facts
Minho is the oldest member of Cassiopeia.
She was a huge Revuluv and was scouted at a Red velvet fan sign.
Was in talk to be a brand ambassador for Miu Miu but ended up becoming an ambassador for Chanel instead.
Is roommates with Sage.
Co-parents a pet cat named Cole slaw with Orion.
She and Yn are part of SM’s project girl group, GOT the beat.
Enjoys cooking and shares recipe with Ateez’s Wooyoung, and more recently, Seventeen’s Mingyu.
Minho’s ideal type: someone who is smart and kind.
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smrookies yn cassiopeia yn
Stage Name: Yn
Birth Name: Ln Yn
Position: Main vocalist, Lead dancer, Center
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac Sign: Unknown
MBTI Type: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Official Symbol: Four leaf clover 🍀/ Tulip 🌷
Insta: @/everywhere.yn
⇒ Yn facts
Became a trainee after passing through a global audition.
Is good friends with many NCT and Aespa members, said to have trained together.
Is close friends to Ateez, says that Hongjoong is one of her best friend.
It was rumored that she and NCT Wayv’s Xiaojun were together.
On January first, 2022 Dispatch reveals her relationship with Ateez’s Yunho. A few hours later both KQ Ent. & SM Ent. confirmed their relationship.
She and Minho are part of SM’s project girl group, GOT the beat.
Has a pet rabbit named Cobb salad.
Had her acting debut in Netflix’s original ‘Girlhood’ where she played the lead actress.
Yn’s ideal type: someone who understands that she doesn’t mean any harm when she teases them.
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smrookies orion cassiopeia orion
Stage Name: Orion (오리온)
Birth Name: Lee Sooyoung (이 수영)
Position: Main dancer, Lead vocalist, Center
Birthday: July 13, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Nationality: American
Official Symbol: Bear 🐻 / Onion 🧅
Insta: @/orion.sbelt
⇒ Orion facts
Was born and raised in Boston, and had followed a staff member into an audition because they offered her a free croissant at the SM cafe.
She chose the stage name Orion based off of the constellation and the hunter in greek mythology.
Was in talk to be a brand ambassador for Chanel but ended up as an ambassador for Miu Miu.
Co-parents a cat named Cole slaw with Minho.
Orion’s ideal type: someone energetic and fun, can make her laugh.
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smrookies sook cassiopeia sook
Stage Name: Sook (숙)
Birth Name: Min Sook (민 숙)
Position: Visual, Lead vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: June 16, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Nationality: Korean
Official Symbol: Tiger 🐯
Insta: @/signedbysook
⇒ Sook facts
She was scouted at her school's talent show where she joined because she wanted a participant badge.
Is known to be a social butterfly who knows everyone from her trainee years.
Is closest with NCT's 00 liners (the dreamies to be specific), Jongho and Skz 00 liners.
Was rumoured to be dating both NCT Dream’s Jeno and Ateez’s Jongho at the same time. Both were proven false.
Took part in creating a concept for Sage & Sook’s unit song ‘Daylight’.
Sook’s ideal type: someone who the opposite of her to balance her out, someone calm, quick witted
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