#not even 100 pages in and these kids are killing me with their longing
miss-crazy-rose · 2 years
Currently reading Six of Crows, as one should, and honesTLY? I thought the iconic “my darling Inej, treasure of my heart” would come much much later but NOOOO crime boi is sass flirting for the start!!!
Also, like the page before, he casually stripped in front of her? Like sir? What?
Smooth fucker
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ronancecats · 3 months
My opinions on EVERY romantic stranger things ship (at least the ones I could think of, if I missed a ship you care about let me know and ill tell you what i think)
And of course, these are my OPINIONS and aren't that serious 🙏🙏 you can ship whatever the hell you want as long as it's not illegal.
I love making posts like these and sharing my opinions so please keep it respectful even if I don't like your ship, thank you :)
Mileven (Mike x Eleven): solid 8/10. I think they're cute in the 1st season and they have their moments, but their chemistry is definitely feeling more forced recently and I just don't see them working out.
Byler (Will x Mike): definitely a 10/10, it just makes sense. Byler proof is so thick and it's so obvious to anyone who actually cares to look. I'm not a hardcore shipper or anything but they're happening.
Willel (Will x Eleven): get this shit out of here bro, -10/10. Like Will is gay and they're practically siblings 😭
Wheelson (Dustin x Mike): there's nothing wrong with this ship, I just don't see it and I haven't seen enough content to base my opinion off of that so 0/10.
Wheelclair (Mike x Lucas): again, just don't see it and haven't seen enough content. So 0/10, however, I feel like their dynamic could be cute in both a romantic and platonic sense.
Byclair (Will x Lucas): I don't see it ever happening but oh my lord y'all the fan art and content for them is so cute so they get a solid 3/10 purely for the cuteness.
Byson (Will x Dustin): I've never seen any content for this. Like at all. I don't think anyone ships this. 0/10 only because I haven't seen anything to make me want to ship this.
Henclair (Lucas x Dustin): y'all... they're so cute. Here me out, the fics, the fan art, the dynamics, it's amazing. They get a 5/10.
Lumax (Lucas x Max): 10/10, angel babies, would die for them. I need them to have a happy ending and if they don't, I won't have a happy ending
Elmax (Eleven x Max): they're so stinking cute, 9/10. As much as I love lumax, I think the dynamics of this ship and just the thought of it is perfection.
Madwheeler (Max x Mike): eh...no. 0/10. They are like the same person and would kill each other in any other scenario. However, platonically? Yes please!
Henfield (Max x Dustin): 4/10. They have potential but they both have such better ships.
Duzie (Dustin x Suzie): 9/10. I am a SUCKER for nerd x nerd ships and I need them to have at least one scene together. Just one. Like please duffers, I need to see them just once.
Stancy aka Stanky (Steve x Nancy): -10/10. I hate this ship so much. Nancy "I don't think my parents ever loved each other. My mom was younger and my dad was older with a cushy job and made good money. So they got married and bought a house at the end of a cul-de-sac and started their nuclear family" Wheeler would EVER settle down with 6 kids. Ever. There was 0 reason to bring back the love triangle. Let Steve move on and let Nancy be happy, Jesus 😭
Ronance (Nancy x Robin): 100/10. There's a reason this page is called ronancecats. I love them so much and even though they will never happen, it's fun to think about. Every piece of ronance fan art is gorgeous and the fics are everything to me. Plus, Natalia is like the president of the ronance shipping club. "All hail Natalia Dyer," we all say in unison.
Rockie/Rovickie (Robin x Vickie): 6/10. They're cute but they literally made Vickie an exact carbon copy of Robin and it's boring. I really hope they build on Vickie's character next season because they are boring and lack depth.
Stobin (Steve x Robin): absolutely not. Get out. -100000000/10. Robin. Is. A. Lesbian. She. Likes. Boobies. Not. Greasy. Men. They. Are. Platonic. Soulmates.
Steddie (Steve x Eddie): 4/10. Their fan art is cool and the dynamic I like, but I just can't get past it. I don't like them all that much.
Harringgrove (Steve x Billy): no thank you, no toxic ships here. 0/10.
Stonathan (Jonathan x Steve): hell yes. 9/10. I'm not even sure why but they are just perfect in my mind. The dynamics are there and the fan art is perfection, plus I just think the idea of them fighting over Nancy but then turning to each other is kinda cute.
Jargyle (Jonathan x Argyle) 8/10. I don't think about them much but whenever I do I love it. They're idiots but two idiots that are better together idk about y'all.
Neddie (Nancy x Eddie): Eddie can NOT handle all that (but I can) 0/10.
Reddie (Robin x Eddie): 0/10. Both these bitches are gay so get out.
Hellcheer (Eddie x Chrissy): gives me the ick. I'm not ever sure why but they do and all their scenes just feel like there's no romantic undertones, at least to me. So 2/10.
Buckingham (Chrissy x Robin): this is what I'm talking about. A popular cheerleader having an existential crisis when she realizes she's a lesbian and not only that but realizes she's in love with the social outcast? Hell yes. 9/10. Give it to me.
Bancy (Nancy x Barb): 6/10. They are tragic.
Jopper (Joyce x Hopper): 10/10. My parents fr, they raised me. Everything about them makes me happy and I love them.
Boyce (Bob x Joyce): 7/10. Cuties and it's so obvious Bob cared about her and the kids. Jopper will forever be better but I can't ignore their cuteness.
Jaren (Joyce x Karen): okay y'all, hear me out...8/10. I love the idea of this so much and every single fic I've read is so well written and incredible. Lesbian Karen Wheeler truthers unite.
Murlexi (Murray x Alexi) 7/10. I like the idea of them and I will support any content I see of them even though I'm not a hardcore shipper.
Murray x Joyce (what are they called?): 0/10. Nope, nope, nope on a rope.
Okay, anyway y'all those are my opinions on a bunch of stranger things ships that I've seen. Please be respectful even if you don't agree, these are literally opinions about a FICTIONAL show and FICTIONAL relationships with FICTIONAL characters and aren't that deep.
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You're Ignorant
This is going to be a lengthy post. Or I will manage to short form this.
So it does not matter if you are on the left or on the right in the United States. However, over the past 15 years, the prominence of this problem seems to happen far more frequently with those that vote for Democrats. IT DOES happen with republicans, but it's not as frequent or with the same fervor.
So public perception of Bills that go through the senate and the house is normally based on the name, or what the people putting the bill out tell you that it does. However since around the time of the Obama admin, bill drafted by democrats have been getting longer and longer and longer, so much so that they are massive enough to be wheeled out on a little red wagon.
Bills that are quite literally 100's if not 1000's of pages long. The reason people that are "Blue no matter who" voters actually piss me off is because they don't care if the bill actually kills people so long as the NAME is good. To paraphrase someone from a different post when this topic came up. "A bill could come out called the "Don't kick puppies act". And when it goes through the legislative, some republicans will vote against it, and then Democrats and the media will come out saying 'X amount of republicans want to kick puppies'. What they don't tell you is that on line 2 of the bill, it says it will send 2 billion dollars to Brazil to teach gay dance theory."
And that's the point. It's not about what the bill is called. It's not about what they WANT the bill to do. It is about what the bill will ACTUALLY do. What does it say? What are the legal implications? Does the legal jargon of the bill do something other than what is specified in bill? But it gets a little worse than that with all of this. Politicians lie. Not only do they tend to lie, they normally do it by misrepresenting intent. This can be seen with both parties as well but happens far more often with people that vote democrat because they are far easier to manipulate.
Take the "Don't say gay bill". It literally had nothing to do with talking about gay stuff. What it did disallow was talking about sexual identity and sexual orientation as a class discussion or part of a curriculum. Funny enough that also includes talking about being strait as a point of class discussion, or curriculum. People kept talking about use of pronouns but that had really nothing to do with the bill. What the bill was actually even created for was because a teacher, behind the back of the parents of the kid, started to transition a kid, after convincing the kid that she was trans. During the process, the kid was not getting mental or emotional health help at all. The teacher helped the kid get on hormones I believe and was aiming to find a way to help with surgeries but the teen girl tried to kill herself. After the parents found out what happened, they removed the kid from the school and started getting her mental health help.
After she started getting the help that she needed she pretty much came to realize that it was just a combination of (initially) mild depression, pressure from her peers and, pushing from the teaching and administrative staff that convinced her she was trans.
So yeah. THE BILL IN QUESTION called the "Parental Rights in Education Bill", had nothing to do with "Not saying gay". Hell the bill did not even stop kids from talking to teachers or counselors about being gay in private. IT DID however stop them from hiding important things about their kids from parents.
Fact of the matter is, just because a name of something is good, does not in any way imply that is good. Just because the democrats LIE and say that something "should be called" something, does not mean that it is. Or we can talk about the Restrict act. Which YES was the spawn of certain Republican lawmakers but had some support from the democrats as a Patriot Act 2.0. Ya know another bill that would strip more freedoms from us and remove more of our privacy. All under the guise of "Banning TikTok". Which I agree with only the ban.
Mostly because the app is a spyware app, that is causing legitimate mental illness in today's youth. That and the algorithm used for the US's version of the app is actually pretty damaging over all to people. More so with the sensationalism it tends to spread.
Long story short. If your preferred reps push a bill over 100 pages long, you MIGHT want to believe that you are being lied to about its contents. Or understand that what you are being told about it is not the whole truth.
Because fact of the matter is this. You might think Democrats have your best interest in mind and every bad thing is the fault of the "EVIL MAGA REPUBLIANS", but look at California and New York. Rampant homelessness. Removal of several safety offices. Policies that claim to help minority communities but hurt them more and more every day. And excess spending and misappropriation of funds. And both of these states have been under full rule of Dems for YEARS. Meaning that ZERO republican influence makes their laws. HELL, California I believe tried to remove their own discrimination laws so that companies in the state COULD IN FACT discriminate in hiring practices.
It's time you start looking past the names of things, and start look at intent. You start looking at effects. You start looking at the results of. Get your heads out of the sand, and stop being ignorant. Your pursuit of "doing good" "being inclusive" "spreading diversity" yeah all of that is normally damaged more and more every day by people like you because the Dems and Reps (at least 90% of them) don't give a shit about you and only make you believe that they do.
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◇𓂂☽𓂂🐚Arisa Cliche's Wips for Gaza! 🐚𓂂☾𓂂◇
Hi, hi friends! @ficsforgaza has started a charity event and I'd really like to participate, so I've decided to start a sponsorship page! Right now, I'm only writing for MHA and Obey Me!, but I have enough fics brewing or in progress that you'll have plenty a selection!
How this works ~ The rate is $1 for 100 words. Basically, you would make a donation and send me an ask with the following details:
🍉 The name of the wip you're donating towards
🍉 A screenshot of your donation with your private info censored (I will not be publishing these asks)
🍉 A link to the fundraiser you chose! I will be accepting donations to anything on this list, Crips for eSims for Gaza, and my personal fave!
I will keep the WIP section of this post updated with all donations as soon as possible!
Now...let's get to the WIPS!!!!!
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MHA✼ ҉ ✼
{In Progress}
⚝ Bury my Ashes at Sea (Touya "Dabi" Todoroki x Reader) (Longfic)
You and Dabi have been broken up for some time now, but you're still the only person he wants to see before he takes his final bow. With your grieving face still fresh in his mind, he can't help but wonder how things would be different if you two met when you were kids. In his daydreams, he gifts you a Quirk, and you both go to U.A together. He becomes a hero, and you his adored engineer. When everything inevitably goes to hell...you become a villain with him. A villain he names Hex. Content: Hero!AU, female reader, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, established relationship, post break-up, angst, reader is physically disabled and chronically ill and has an established backstory, non-explicit sexual content in later chapters, very very lovesick and typically obsessive Touya, Sad Ending Snippet:
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est wc: 55k current wc: 22707 sponsored wc: 0/32293
{New Concepts}
♪bottom of the river. (Touya Todoroki x Siren!Reader) (Oneshot)
The eldest Todoroki boy is found adrift at sea. Covered in burns from head to toe, but somehow still breathing. He was missing for days. The accident should've killed him. No one knows how he survived. The town praises it as a miracle. But when Rei notices that he suddenly keeps sneaking to the ocean in the middle of the night, and hums a disjointed melody when no one else is around, she begins to suspect that it was no miracle that saved her son. Content: Fantasy!AU, horror concept, Touya is being claimed by a Siren but Rei is not willing to give up her son, VERY inspired by some of the things I wrote in Bury My Ashes at Sea so there might be similar imagery, reader's gender is simply not planned to be mentioned, sfw, Rei's POV est wc: 10-13k current wc: 0 sponsored wc: 500/13000
🧛🏽Unnamed (Touya Todoroki x Vampire!Reader)
Touya doesn't know a kind of love where he doesn't hurt. He prides himself in it, really. He's perfect for you. You bite him and he doesn't feel it. He's already covered in bandages from his Quirk, so no one notices a difference. And if he's a little extra dizzy or laid up in bed, who cares? He's always been a little sickly. No one notices. Don't worry about him. You tell him how good he tastes and he doesn't think he's ever felt so alive in his life. He lets you take as much as you want. See, you don't need other, stronger humans. He can take it. This is what love is. He'll never tell you to stop. Not even when he can't feel his fingers anymore. Just don't pick someone else. Content: Fantasy!AU, GN!reader where I would try to keep specific body mentions very limited, Bratty Needy Touya, Quirks still exist but so do monsters because why not, Civilian Touya who never had his accident, this has potential for nsfw I could be persuaded! est wc: 7-10k current wc: 0 sponsored wc: 0/10000
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Obey Me! ʚ♡ɞ
{In Progress}
💖Love Is A Liar's Game (All of the Brothers + Diavolo and Solomon x Three OCs) (Longfic. Like...very long. Covers at least the first two seasons)
When Diavolo announces the plan for a human exchange program, the Charas, MC, Y/N, and OC (real names redacted), see it as the perfect opportunity to pull off the ultimate scam: seducing the rulers of hell and taking the throne. However...falling in love with their marks might complicate things. Content: Religious cults, drug use, the Charas are Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss incarnate, toxic relationships, polyamory (each of the Charas date three boys), humor, disabled mc (OC), plus-size mc (Y/N), and non-binary mc (MC), some angst here and there, mostly canon compliant but I fix some things, explicit content eventually...the first chapter is already posted on ao3 so please read my author's note to get an idea of what to expect! Snippet:
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est wc: over 100k easy current wc: 6816 (the 2nd chapter is almost done!) sponsored wc: 0/120000
🍬Touch-starved (Beelzebub x OC) (oneshot)
This is a companion piece to Love is a Liar's Game. Beel's Gluttony is not restricted to only food. He's avoided even kissing OC to prevent himself from becoming a bottomless pit for her love, which has ruined plenty of his relationships prior. But when her and Belphie finally become intimate, and his brother can't stop talking about her (or keep his hands off her), a strange, sour taste won't leave his mouth. It's jealousy. (If this is donated to completion I will also post the Belphie oneshot I already finished, Breathless!)
Content: Post-Chapter 16, pining, explicit sexual content, oral reference (m), recreational alcohol, submissive beel, use of pact during sex, tiny bit of angst for flavor, typical humor for this fic universe, lots of pet names between these two lol
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est wc: 15k current wc: 9909 (it's almost done!!!!!!!!!!!) sponsored wc: 0/15000
⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧
If y'all have any further questions, please let me know!!!! Thanks in advance for any and all donations!!!!
From the river to the sea!! 🍉🍉🍉
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saltygilmores · 3 months
Fr Lorelai's parenting was so questionable sometimes and not just because of the advice but in general:
1) she let her teenage daughter consume so much caffeine and was even proud of it
2) she let her drive underage and get into an accident (the deer)
3) when Rory came late to the exam and wasn't allowed to take it, Lorelai made a scene and demanded that her daughter be the exemption to the rules because she is so smart and special
4) went on to date Rory's English teacher like that won't leave a mark on the kid
5) pretends to be such a "cool mom" that's not afraid to talk about sex with her daughter except she isn't. The only time birth control is brought up it's a punishment for staying out late with her boyfriend. Which she proceeds to treat her coldly and distantly over for the next week, as if she had never pulled anything like this when she was Rory's age. Like if you're genuinely that worried that she will have sex just ask her?? Take her to the gynecologist? Once she does tell her she may be ready to have sex, Lorelai hangs her head in sadness and acts like she's at a funeral.
6) as you keep pointing out, she is waaay too involved in Rory's relationships and drama and makes it very clear which boyfriend she prefers. Pushes Rory to stay with her boyfriend when she is already unhappy with her relationship, because Lorelai knows that their relationship is so tame she doesn't have to worry about her getting pregnant. She would rather Rory be in a sexless unhappy relationship than a happy one that potentially involves sex.
7) lets Rory drive a car that her 16-year-old boyfriend with no qualifications built from scratch.
8) get ridiculously overprotective (I broke my arm at 4 and no one slept in the room with me to my knowledge) when her friend crashes the car and says she wants to kill him, while not even reprimanding Rory for letting someone else drive her car.
9) throws a fit when Rory applies to other schools than "her dream school" which has an acceptance rate of like 4%
10) pretends like she's such a best friends first mom but she's not. I mean she is but as long as Rory is doing everything she wants and agrees with all her opinions 100%. But any time Rory does something Lorelai doesn't like, she gets silent treatment- when Rory stays out late with Dean and Lorelai doesn't talk to her properly till the episode after, when she does sleep with Dean (🤢) Lorelai ships her off to Europe with her grandma as if Rory was a troubled 16-year-old not an adult and doesn't talk to her all summer or after she decided to take a semester off at Yale. Both were such Emily things to do and the Yale thing is especially vile because she says to Luke that she will only tell Rory about their engagement once Rory "fixes things" aka does what Lorelai wants her to do. It's so clear she was punishing her with silence.
I am ranting to you because you said that you love to discuss how terrible Lorelai is but if it's too much I apologize.
First off pleeeaseee never apologize for sending me asks or DMS even if they are 25 pages long! And "Reasons Why Lorelai Gilmore Is The Worst" is my favorite game. I wanna play! Here's another one of my biggest grievances! Lorelai does not respect Rory's self agency (is that the right term?) Example: Rory trying to impart on Lorelai that she doesnt blame Jess for crashing the car and that the injury was minor and not bothersome to her and that Lorelai is making way too big a stink over it. Lorelai fights her at every turn like Rory is a small child who can' possibly know what she's talking about and doesn't respect her opinions on anything if what Rory feels doesn't align with Lorelai. I believe Lorelai even tried to one up the doctor who tells them (lorelai and rory) in the hospital that the injury is pretty minor and Lorelai is like no, it must be worse than it is because Jess was driving and he was trying to murder my child! (she ALSO states "the accident would never have happened if Dean was behind the wheel", why, just because she thinks Dean is dreamy he's also not a 17 year old inexperienced driver who may not even have a full license yet and is prone to accidents? (she also gleefully and wistfully recalled how when she was first dating Christopher he drove recklessly on purpose and crashed his car with them in it). Countless other times Rory has tried to impart on Lorelai how she feels about something or someone and Lorelai just fucking steamrolls her. Rory wastes too much oxygen trying to convince Lorelai that Jess is a good person and she should give him a chance. But Lorelai has decide she doesn't like him so Rory must be wrong and not know what she's talking about. You know, I don't blame Rory for being such a damn doormat sometimes, I mean, standing up for herself to Lorelai never gets her anywhere so why bother? To number 9, The episode I just finished is a prime example! Lorelai had a literal meltdown in PUBLIC screaming at her parents, because Rory had the audacity to accept an invitation from her grandparents to merely tour a school and in her half baked mind this was some kind of conspiracy cooked up btwn the three of them to spit in Lorelai's face? Rory isn't allowed to go to any college but the one Lorelai picked out for her? Rory was so frightened of Lorelai's reaction to her visiting Yale that she and Richard and had to go behind Lorelai's back to plan the trip and Rory was practically bracing for impact when she had to tell Lorelai. And then is angry like "why did you go behind my back to arrange this?" Jesus Christ. Even Mrs Kim laid out options for Lane when it was time for college. To number 5: Lorelai said "I got the good kid" when she overheard Rory tell Paris she was still a virgin and then treated her to a trip to the mall. This is fun.
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moonlit-imagines · 1 year
Headcanons for being Matt Murdock’s child (Part 4)
Matt Murdock x child!reader
a/n: thank you guys so much for waiting patiently for this!!! (except for that one anon who got an attitude with me for not writing this fast enough for them if you’re reading this, learn some manners) anyways, so glad that i finally finished daredevil, now i just gotta push through the last few defenders shows (and catch up on everything else i’ve missed in the past year. haha. fuck.
part 1 part 2 part 3
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everything was just so shitty.
you had to hold it together and pretend like your dad was just on a very long work trip
it wasn’t like you didn’t plan for this. i mean, you had a dozen notes in his handwriting ready for any occasion, just in case something unexpected happened
to whom it may concern, i have been hired by a client residing in california for an undisclosed amount of time. i will be leaving my child, y/n murdock, in the care of their godfather, franklin nelson. due to my condition, i have granted mr. nelson legal permission to make decisions on y/n’s behalf if i am ever unable to, including this period in time. if you have any questions, please call. matthew murdock.
you read that page over and over again while foggy shuffled around your dad’s apartment, gathering all of your stuff and anything of your dad’s you’d want to hang onto
“you know, marci is fixing up the guest room to be more…you. i think when you see it you’re gonna love it” -foggy
you were half spaced out trying to wrap your head around everything
and you were still so pissed off
it made foggy feel even more guilty
“i got their father killed. if i didn’t bring him that suit, given him my blessing, he’d still be here to raise his kid” -foggy
“you’re being too hard on yourself, foggy bear. the others made it out, he chose to stay. that’s not on you” -marci
“it doesn’t feel like that. i mean, every time i look at y/n i feel like they blame me” -foggy
“blame you? y/n loves you. you’ve always been there for them and they are well aware of that” -marci
you kind of hated karen for a while
i know it’s harsh, but almost every time you saw her, she wanted to give you hope instead of helping you grieve
“maybe he’s still out there somewhere, sweetie” -karen, attempting an embrace
you just wanted her to ditch your old apartment and let you move on with what you had left
on a more lighthearted note, you’d always been welcome in the nelson family
“y/n! honey, come here! lord, foggy, y/n looks like you’ve been starvin’ them!” -foggy’s mom
“aw, no, uncle foggy’s—” -you
“nonsense, dear. theo! fix your lovely [niece/nephew/nibling] a sandwich!” -momma nelson
“mom—” -foggy
“don’t even start, y/n’s in our kitchen now. the nelson meats kitchen”
you always felt best surrounded by all that love
meanwhile, your father laid in the church you grew up with. and no intention of calling you up
“matthew, your child. where are they?” -sister maggie
“they’re safe, safer than they’ve ever been” -matt
you had your days ever since midland circle’s collapse though
some days you could be okay, just getting by. you knew deep down you’d be losing him soon, and you were well prepared
other days were violent fits of rage and sorrow, punching bags and screaming and crying
and a time or two, you’d do it in front of foggy
“he left me! he left me for her and he didn’t even say goodbye! and i’m supposed to forgive him?! fuck him, he chose to do this to me, he’s a piece of shit and he i’m glad he’s gone!” -you, screaming through sobs in the middle of the night
foggy would grab you so tight and wouldn’t let go until you were calm again
and marci would cry to herself as she listened, not fully able to process all of your emotions
but she tried as best as she could, she just didn’t have the deep bond you and foggy did (but she definitely did everything she could for you)
she’d have lil lunch dates with you, just you two
“foggy tells me you got another 100 on your test? that’s always a good thing, especially in a class as tough as that” -marci
“yeah, foggy’s kind of my cheerleader when it comes to that stuff” -you
“any ideas for the day? i could take you to a salon or a game…maybe an arcade or a movie?” -marci
honestly you couldn’t express to her how much she really helped you get through the day
foggy and theo came up with the idea to hire you at the sandwich shop, that way you had something to keep you busy and foggy felt less pressured to help out there
it did help get your mind off things—until little whispers of a familiar vigilante started popping up
the day foggy found out matt was still alive…he wanted to kill him for you
“you’re back! does karen know? oh, matt, y/n’s gonna be so happy, they—they’ve been so down since it all happened—” -foggy
“slow down, foggy. i’m…not actually back. matt murdock, he’s gone” -matt
foggy started to get very frustrated by matt’s explanation
“hold on just a second here, matt. your child—for months on end—has been grieving the loss of their father, wishing they could have him back. i’ve done everything i can to keep that kid afloat, destroyed myself watching them fall apart…and you’re not even gonna consider seeing y/n?” -foggy, beginning to raise his voice and hit the table
“they’re safer without me. just keep them far away from fisk. please.” -matt
foggy didn’t even want to mention it to you. he felt awful keeping secrets from you, but knowing your father was out there and wouldn’t see you? after sacrificing himself for elektra? you’d be a mess
but it didn’t stay secret for long once you and foggy were questioned together by the FBI
you kept cool about it in front of agent nadeem, playing along just right. but once that door closed
“he’s alive?! he’s alive and you just didn’t tell me?! and he met with you, why the hell hasn’t he seen me yet?!” -you, weakly trying to attack foggy as you began to cry, he pulled you in for a hug
“i’m sorry, kid. i’m so sorry. i don’t have a lot of answers right now” -foggy
“where is he? i want to see him” -you
you knew the moment you saw him you’d unleash hell
matt did feel guilty not reuniting with you, you were his only child and you just experienced the same pain he had as a child, but he kept justifying it as “protecting you” much to the sister’s dismay
and plans were hashed not long after, you were left out of them all and put under marci’s care
chinese takeout and a tv show marathon was a great plan until you both picked up your phones, shocked to see an attack going on where your friends and family were supposed to be
you were terrified, but you saw marci terrified, too. you were there for her the same way she always was for you
things blew over, you got out of the house to clear your head
matt went back to the church, still hellbent on ending all this
“matthew…i think you should see y/n. think of all they’ve been through, to see you again would, well, it would be a blessing” -sister maggie
“i have to keep them as far away from this as i can” -matt
“they won’t get too far, being a murdock and all. it’s not just your nature, it’s the name. that name is being thrown around everywhere, maybe you could do the protecting this once” -maggie
“can’t risk it, especially not after this imposter daredevil is on the loose. no morals, no self control, he’s dangerous” -matt
“matthew, what would you do if your father ended up being alive after believing he was gone for so long?” -maggie
that happened to put things into perspective, just the one question
unfortunately he got a bit sidetracked overhearing the prayers of maggie, his mother
but matt couldn’t run or hide from you anymore, couldn’t demand foggy keep you away
so he showed up at foggy’s apartment, knocking on the door gently as he knew you were the only one home
when you looked through the peephole, you saw a battered version of your dad, nothing changes
but you flung that door open so fast and…punched him in the chest a dozen times
“you—piece of shit—motherfucker—how could you?! i hate you! i hate you! selfish asshole!” -you
he let it happen, he thought it’d make you feel better until you wore yourself out
“where the hell were you?” -you, sobbing
“doesn’t matter, i’m here now” -matt
“no, you aren’t. you always have something else come up. always” -you
what an inconvenient time for his phone to ring
you heard the message, you knew he had to be somewhere
that was the first time you felt in the loop in a while, though. hearing the message of where he needed to be. that was all you wanted, was to know what was going on. it was the tiny bit of control you needed
there was nothing glamorous about this life, for sure. the idea of him being out there still made you sick.
fogwell’s gym was the next place you saw him, with agent nadeem and foggy
“really exciting being on fisk’s shitlist, huh?” -you to nadeem, fidgeting with old equipment
“cut it out, y/n” -matt
“what? this isn’t our first time around the block, that’s why we’re hiding here” -you
it’d been a while since you’d been here, you used to hang out cuz “abandoned shit is cool”
you were currently taking your anger and anxiety out on a punching bag, revisiting your old karate lessons from way back when
*while talking testimony with nadeem and foggy* “that is…so distracting. hang on, let me just—” -matt, stopping when his arm was grabbed
“no, they need this. leave it alone” -foggy
matt sighed an nodded, feeling like he was in no place to parent at the moment
karen decided to stand with you and watch
“so…you were right” -you
“you don’t seem too happy about that” -karen
“believe me, wish i could be. but do you recognize him? like, really?” -you
“i…i know. he’s changed. but maybe once this all blows over…i think he’ll go back to himself. be a friend—a dad again” -karen
“sure as hell not to me” -you, scoffing “he’s done picking and choosing when he can be my father. i was always supposed to come first”
karen understood. she knew exactly what you meant and she felt it so deeply, but she wanted for you what she couldn’t have anymore
you hadn’t stopped hitting the punching bag as you talked to her
“can i get it a whirl?” -karen
she got a few good hits in, they were noticed by present company
from there, you stuck with foggy. the least likely of the bunch to get shot!
and court did not go spectacularly either, making you feel just as on edge as before
“y/n, listen, i’m not gonna let anyone hurt you. have they ever gotten to you before? no, and it’s gonna stay that way” -matt, cupping your face in his hands to hold as if it were the last, which it was starting to feel that way for the both of you
“you’re not good at promises. you’re gonna leave again” -you, tears beginning to stream down your face
“no, no. well, yeah, for a little bit. it’s fine, y/n, we’re gonna be fine. i love you, okay?” -matt
foggy took you home and you just shut down again. and although there was a LOT of work to do, marci and foggy always made time for you
“y/n, foggy’s making dinner. you wanna help me make dessert? i’m thinking…cupcakes?” -marci
“do we have the good frosting?” -you
“of course, kiddo, i’d never let us run out” -marci, winking
she got a smile out of you and you rushed to the kitchen with her, which lifted both of their spirits of course
but nothing could be calm forever, bodies dropped every minute and you could only wonder “was that my dad?”
and lord help him, he asked for it every day
especially when, after a few more issues arose, he marched straight into the presidential hotel with faux-daredevil
“you…you keep my secret…keep away from my friends…my kid!” -matt
“heh…your kid. ever think they’re gonna follow in your footsteps? you’ll be long gone, i’ll still be here. with them. maybe they’ll be out for revenge, who knows?” -fisk
“you say anything else, vanessa goes down with you. it’s over, fisk. now swear to me, my kid is safe!” -matt
“i swear…just leave vanessa out of it, i’ll leave y/n out of it” -fisk, surrendering
you were watching the news as it happened, stunned, shocked, in awe. it was better than the last time
“foggy let me drink last time they put fisk away” -you
“jesus, weren’t you like, thirteen?” -marci “i mean, now’s fine, that’s about the age i started partying. what the hell? i’ll get the good stuff out. just a little bit though, dont get your hopes up”
(it was like four “little bits” but you weren’t complaining)
you knew it was coming and you acted surprised anyways
“y/n. i am the shittiest dad in the world” -matt
“well aware” -you, arms crossed after he started the conversation that way
“just another chance. i wanna be your dad, i wanna be there for you, you’re like, the best kid anyone could ask for. foggy’s gotta feel pretty lucky having you around” -matt
“last time i gave you another chance to be in my life, you gave it up for elektra. a second time—third if. you count law school” -you
“she’s gone, out of the picture. died under midland circle” -matt, sort of comically waving her off in front of you like he was over it
“yeah? you survived it. and she came back from the dead. how do i know she isn’t gonna pop up out of nowhere again and ruin our relationship again” -you
“i can’t stress enough how little everything matters compared to you right now. i’ll do anything, y/n. i can’t lose you again” -matt
god, you were angry with every word that came out of this mouth. same old spiel. but then again
“i don’t wanna lose you again” -you
matt grinned at you
“i bet you’re smiling back at me” -matt
“you’re on really thin ice, like paper thin. you better cut it out” -you
“that’s fair, i’ll stop…for now” -matt
you did have to go to father lanthom’s funeral, which was a drag. you may not have asked him for as much forgiveness as your dad, but he was still a pretty big part of your life
“hey, y/n. i know i forgot to mention this…but sister maggie? you know her, she’s around. i just found out she’s your grandmother” -matt
“good one” -you, pretending to laugh. matt didn’t laugh though. “you’re not joking? man, you’re telling me that nun is your mom…and you found out when?”
you all went to nelson’s meats afterwards
“so, you make a mean sandwich, i heard” -matt
“im off the clock” -you “and i don’t serve the blind”
“wow, dark! you know that’s discrimination, right? we could take you to court over that. nelson, murdock and page’s first case?” -foggy
“ok, noted. no more blind jokes…is it sound if i don’t serve vigilantes?” -you
“yeah, it’d hold up better in court. having the right to refuse service to anyone” -matt
“hold on, i still can’t get over the fact y/n just said they hate blind people” -karen, nearly snorting
“did not! i’ve only historically hated to blind people…” -you, being stared at for an answer “stick? right, you know?”
“who?” -karen
“alright, can we get back to mourning with nelson’s meats? i mean, we work hard to bury those sorrows in your stomachs” -foggy
“hey! that can be the new slogan!” -you “and your new law firm’s can be ‘we sue teenagers’”
these happened to be your people. no matter what you all went through, you always ended up back here.
“can i meet him? spiderman? pleaaaase?” -you
“how many times have we been over this. i didn’t let you meet jessica and i’m not gonna let you meet peter, do you want me to get disbarred?” -matt
“you’re coming back to new york, right?” -you, over the phone
“of course i am, i told you i just owed a favor to someone out here, i’ll be home soon” -matt
“foggy says that he will take me back if you bail again, and he doesn’t care if i’m legally an adult either” -you
“well, too bad, he can’t have you” -matt
“please don’t tell me you and the she-hulk lady are quote-unquote, ‘friends’” -you
“how do you do that?” -matt
“you’re predictable” -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @ipurpleeyou // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven // @evilcr0ne // @minxsblog // @v0idl1nq // @sydknee624 // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston //@multifandomfix // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @kik51199 //
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billiuspendragon · 12 days
Mob Psycho 100 playlist
I made a playlist, and I'm gonna post the songs on here and explain why I chose each of them. I'm not including every single song because of the audio limit but I'll explain the ones with the most thought behind them. Inspired by this post !
this is TOTALLY Mob about Tsubomi when they were kids.
Teacher thinks that I sound funny But she likes the way you sing Tonight I'll dream, while I’m in bed When silly thoughts go through my head About the bugs and alphabet And when I wake tomorrow, I'll bet That you and I will walk together again
Especially with the mention of them walking to school together, which is what Mob daydreams about. Altogether his crush on her is very childlike and innocent since he's loved her since they were kids, and I think this song reflects that.
Lyrics: 10 Vibes: 10
This one is why I decided to make a Mob Psycho playlist in the first place. It just brings back all my feelings from getting to the end of the show.
Oh, I'll settle down with some old story About a boy who's just like me Thought there was love in everything and everyone You're so naive! They always reach a sorry ending They always get it in the end Still it was worth it as I turned the pages solemnly and then
With a winning smile, the boy With naivety succeeds At the final moment, I cried I always cry at endings
Sorry that's such a long quote but it's so Mob I can't even. Reigen makes fun of him for being naiive but with his naiveté he succeeds!
I think it also works really well with Emi, since it talks about stories so much. She compares herself to Mob at once point too, which fits the "about a boy who's just like me" line.
Said the hero in the story "It is mightier than swords I could kill you, sure But I could only make you cry with these words
It's so him guys. His power is mightier than swords but it's his simple, honest words that usually win his battles.
Lyrics match: 8 Vibes match: 8
This song reminds me of Mob and Ritsu as kids.
And you know that I'm gonna be the one Who'll be there When you need someone to depend upon When tomorrow comes...
They're just,, always there for each other 🥹 they care about each other so much...
Also gonna share my favourite part:
Every star was shining brightly Just like a million years before And we were feeling very small Underneath the universe
It just gives me such a clear picture of them as small kids okay I just love their relationship so much aaaaa
Lyrics match: 7 Vibes match: 10
This is a brutal one to put right after the previous one, but it reminds me of Mob post-trauma.
There is no pain, you are receding A distant ship, smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your lips move, but I can't hear what you're saying When I was a child, I had a fever My hands felt just like two balloons Now I've got that feeling once again I can't explain, you would not understand This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb
Because he starts shutting himself away and numbing himself so his emotions don't get the better of him.
Lyrics match: 6 Vibes match: 8
This also reminds me of Mob and Ritsu, but also post-trauma.
Love, love will tear us apart, again
Mob grows distant out of a fear of hurting Ritsu, and Ritsu becomes slightly afraid of Mob. Love really did tear them apart 😭
Lyrics match: 7 Vibes match: 9
This one represents Mob when he's beginning to lose it.
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
Lyrics match: 7 Vibes match: 6
I wasn't able to include it but I also have "Where is My Mind" by The Pixies for similar reasons.
This one gives me Reigen vibes.
You know "My celibate days are over" You put me straight on the finer points of my speech rehearsed In the mirror of my steamy bathroom Where the lino tells a sorry story in a monologue, in a monologue
I think this song is mostly about the singer himself, but the lyrics are just so specific and evocative that it gives me the mental image of Reigen in that one outro in season one you know.
The chorus reminds me of him too:
Six months on, the winter's gone The disenchanted pony Left the town with the circus boy The circus boy got lonely It's summer and it's sister song's Been written for the lonely The circus boy is feeling melancholy
Lyrics match: 6 Vibes match: 9
I'm not the killing type, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, but I would kill to make you feel! I don't mean kill someone for real! I couldn't do that, it is wrong! but I can say it in a song, a song, and I'm saying it NOW!
Like PLEASE it's so fitting, especially for when he fights Shou's dad.
Also this verse:
I once stepped on a dying bird It was a mercy killing I couldn't sleep for a week I kept feeling its breaking bones
It's. It's so him.
Lyrics match: 10 Vibes match: 8
this whole song just reminds me of Reigen. I'm so annoyed that the little excerpt that Tumblr plays is never The Right Bit but --
...and for once in you're life, you've got nothing to say, and could this be the time, when somebody will come, to say "look at yourself, you're not much use to anyone"?
I just think it fits well as someone who's very confident on the surface but deep down feels a bit pathetic and doesn't know what he's doing.
(that's like my favourite song ever btw, it's so bouncy)
Lyrics match: 9 Vibes match: 8
This one just fits with the lower-stakes parts of the show to me.
Do something pretty while you can, don't be a fool, skating a pirouette on ice is cool
I don't know man, there's just something about it.
Lyrics match: 7 Vibes match: 10
I've skipped some songs out of this because of the audio limit but here's the full playlist if anyone wants to listen to it :D I think I explained all the important ones, the others are probably there for vibes.
Oh yeah and I added "Satellite of Love" onto the end because it reminded me of the aliens lmao... I might take it off though because "We Rule the School" feels like such a good one to finish on and idk where I would put Satellite of Love to get the flow right
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callsign-blue · 5 months
On this day 4/21/24 at 11:18 am- I have finished Iron Flame and we have to wait till fucking January of 2025 for book 3….
Holy fucking shit there’s so much action and it’s literally insane. Also y’all have been too harsh on Mama Sorrengail… like I get it like she’s harsh but look how her kids turned out they are hardheaded stubborn so 10 toes down on what they think is right. She completed her goal and now she’s going back to the love of her life, a scribe..♥️ don’t care. I am 100% backing their mom.
Also Andarna being left behind like they could be more out there we just don’t know and if the dragons don’t know, the elders might know maybe they don’t even know. Because there is so much of the map that we have not even been to that could maybe be where they could be at her breed. Like they could be in the barren even though there’s not really any mountains like literally anywhere they’re hiding. Or maybe her family fled to give her a chance to live? I’m just just throwing these out here.
I’m going to have to read the last chapter over and over again, but you know I thought it was gonna be more intense honestly. From chapter 60 and on all, it is fucking intense but I thought it would be different. I don’t know like they get her, violet, surrounded still on the fighting field. They do the same thing for Xadan. And then you know either one gets tortured then it forces that one has to turn to save the other (lol hint hint)
I think Onyx Storm to do with both Xaden and Andarna. Not one or the other.
I think nothing really prepared me for Lilith Sorrengail end..like at all….
Also, I am so happy that Sawyer made it. Like there’s just so much going on in the last six chapters. I think the Venin, from what I have gathered do you want Violet, but to take her signet from her and then kill her. And I say that because The guys on page 593 the dark Wilder says “ I’m under orders not to kill, so let’s not make this difficult” also says “ you’ll be so much fun for him to wield” and obviously throughout the last few parts of the first book at Resson they were trying to at least harm violet or try to kidnap her. Her signet is legitimate power. She’s also the first Lightning user in they said decades or hundreds of years( I don’t quite remember, but it was a long time) You can see why they would want her specifically.
I find it very fucking interesting that they both have the same nightmares. They just never told each other about it like he turned for love and she will turn to save the one she loves.what the fuck
Also, it’s been coincide with that “ I have waited 650 years to hatch. Waited until your 18th summer, when I heard our elders talk of the week link daughter of their general, the girl forecasted to become the head of the scribes, and I knew. You would have the mind of a scribe and the heart of a rider you would be mine.”- Andarna. Her breed has to be the breed that wiped out the venin all those years ago because those numbers don’t just correlate for randomness. It just doesn’t make sense like for the love of fucking God it doesn’t make sense.(also I’m not religious that I’m just making a point.)
I also understand the reason why Violet is acting how she is with her now trust issue and being left in the dark is such a big thing for her. I think it’s just because she found her chosen family and finding out that there things being withhold from you, that are important, but not significant to the moment. Xaden is so patient and he definitely gets brownie points from me. He also has trust issues and not saying hes innocent in all this but they both have their reasons and they are taking healthy steps and moving forwards. Violet tends to be centered with knowledge and having that helps her make decided what to do next and move forward.
The conversations/arguments do get tedious, but considering a lot of her knowledge of The Continent and what happens and basically being lied to about their whole society will do that to a person because they think whatever they thought they knew they now have to rethink it. And it does suck being kept in the dark about stuff nobody wants to be kept in the dark, but in the end, she still loves him, she still chooses him.
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ohandcounting · 11 months
Oblivion Theory / Pile of Snow Theory by WandyDoodles / @wandydoodles
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Oblivion Theory link
It's a good read! Go read it! It's way faster than 190 pages looks like because the font is big and plenty of pictures too. Almost like reading a comic book level of difficulty to focus, I like it a lot. My specific thoughts below the read more
I think this is potentially dead on for at least the symbolism that's going on, though it's still probable to me that there is also an "in-universe" angel. I'm also not sure if I agree with the assumption that the red soul we pilot is special beyond it being a human soul either? Like, there's no reason (YET) to believe that a different human couldn't also seal fountains just from their soul being able to float around in dark worlds like ours does. (like the Susie jail escape, Ferris wheel, literally every battle, etc.) Like, they could just be a magician like those dudes who did a big magic barrier in Deltarune.
On the ending thoughts: I was going to add that Sans' could be talking about Flowey, but...No. Flowey hasn't revealed himself to anyone except us in this timeline. How the hell would he know our type if not from something that happens in DR?! I never noticed it before! Flowey does explain other dialog, like "our reports showing timelines jumping around" and what not even if you did Geno first run/on a true reset. It's why I never thought about it before.
The proposal for The Vessel being The Knight seems very, hard to believe at first. I'm still not settled on it myself, but: The Vessel could be mistaken for Kris if they throw on a hood maybe? "There's that creepy Kris going to the library. We're used to our 1 human in town!" With a lot of characters showing a knowledge on what's going to happen (like Jevil) they might just know when to go do things already without raising suspicion. Only appearing when Kris wouldn't, and/or slipping by without people seeing. It's interesting to me that they never bothered addressing that tbh. I wonder if it's just something they couldn't explain well so rather than bringing it up, they're just hoping we explain it ourselves/wait for new chapter dialog to confirm this.
I am 100% sold on the knight not wanting to end the world though, I've been calling it the "Conspiracy Theory Theory" where the Bad Guy™ is not the Bad Guy™ but rather someone trying to make us Stronger so we can help fight The Really Bad Guy™ (like Kill La Kill kind of[the 10th anniversary was recent, so it's just the only example I can think of atm.]) It gets that ridiculous name because I believe MANY characters are in on it, including Kris themselves, Ralsei, The Red Soul, The Knight, Goner Maker Sequence Voices 1 & 2, Mystery Man, Geoff, Gaster, etc. Pretty much everyone who could be except Susie.
The save file analysis is wrong I feel? When Flowey takes over the save file, that is a veteran with literal near-godlike powers who knows how to manipulate saves. He hasn't had control for 9999:99 yet, despite what the timer shows. That info could be missing for Kris because we weren't there when it was made, what we use to see save file information shows what's missing because it literally doesn't know how long Kris has had that save nor where it was made. We get to see the name because we're in their body though. Like we see empty save files, and they're just empty. After a true reset? It's just empty, just like erasing a file in Deltarune. Kris having ANY information means something more than "just to establish you as a separate entity even harder than Undertale." Especially if the cut intro of Susie trying to wake us up is still hinting towards something like a timeloop being canon. (instead of being cut because it's not longer true)
Save file part 2 break in paragraph for easier reading: It might also be because Kris doesn't have the soul they made that save with anymore, if you're a Kris Is Toy Knife Kid Equivalent Truther like me.
It also falls for the trap of thinking what Chara says at the end of genocide is strictly a metanarrative statement, not something Chara believes will be possible. In a game where characters consistently say things that apply both in and out of universe, which I've never liked. Like Flowey after restarting the game after in TPE talking to both: 1.) us in the meta, but believes he is giving his parting words to 2.) Chara IN universe.
But like everything with depth, people are gonna make mistakes. Especially mistakes they don't think are mistakes and are much simpler answers without constant "catches" and clarifications. It's kind of like explaining King Crimson to people, where I'm the only person to do it right. (not a serious statement)
They also point to Mettaton's nebulous "Ratings" when mentioning the amount of monsters in the underground, instead of the echo flower where it's stated there's literally thousands of monsters??? This is something I see people do all the time?
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prismatoxic · 5 months
heyyy question. do we know for sure how old Chilchuck's daughters are, because I keep seeing that they're 16 & 14, but that would mean he was 12 (or maybe 13 if we're generous) when the oldest were born. I've also seen that the age of maturity for half-foots is 14 or 15, and yet there's never any mention of him having his children particularly young? idk I'm just a little confused on the math there. (and yeah, I know a year or two under the age of maturity isn't a lot, but half-foot lives are so short, surely it is to them!!) any thoughts on this?
-curiosity anon
p.s. I was looking through the fandom wiki for help on this, and this line from the relationships section of Chilchuck's page made me laugh so fucking hard: "Chilchuck views Laios as not normal.[citation needed]" like the citation needed killed meeee we don't need a citation. it's just clear to see <3
chilchuck was teen pregnant
those are my thoughts
but, to be more serious--half-foot culture is, from what we can see, heavily gendered, with a large focus on housewives and working husbands. in such a society it does not even remotely surprise me that someone would get pregnant before they were a full adult. i don't remember where the girls' ages come from, but as garbage as the wiki is, it does pull from the canon sources, so it's most likely correct. we know all 3 girls are adults, so at minimum puckpatti HAS to be 14, either way. and i'm reasonably positive we know for sure meijack and flertom are 2 years older than her.
if you want my specific headcanon, childhood friends chilchuck & his wife (i feel weird calling her jaylark when i'm trying to talk meta...) were teenagers having sex and when a pregnancy occurred, it was 100% socially acceptable (maybe even expected) to go "welp, guess we're having a kid now" and see it through. having another one that same year was either more carelessness or deciding eh, fuck it, why not two? (i wonder if flertom was Too Much considering it took two years for them to have puckpatti.)
were they ready for kids? probably not, no. but if nothing else chilchuck seems to have taught his daughters some lessons from it all, because flertom and puckpatti remain unwed and without kids as adults. (meijack too, but she doesn't seem to care, whereas her sisters want to fix it ASAP.)
anyway--that very "citation needed" note has been there so long it's just funny at this point. is no one updating that wiki? like, that has to be the case, a vast amount of it is unfinished or has outdated info from before the manga finished. but, yeah, we don't really need a citation for that, we been knew LMAO
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liesmyth · 2 years
Why does everyone worships BOE? I mean sure the houses are bad.. but how does it makes BOE good? Have I missed something? Also I would argue that the Houses are not the colonial forces, after all they’ve all left Earth and colonized the space, and the houses at least are still operating within the solar system. Like we still don’t know shit about BOE - only that they are fanatics who speak strictly in hate speech and propaganda. Which is never a good sign. Like NEVER. They have culty names!!!!!!! Hello????
I think BoE are morally fucked and that’s very hot of them! I do think they’re slightly less morally fucked than the other side, ideologically. I think what the Houses are doing is very much imperialism, even though we don’t know enough to have the full details on the scope of it. We have John talking about ‘protectorates’, we have economic exploitation (but in a completely batshit way!) and forced relocation of refugees. BoE are also doing armed occupation of some New Rho segments but they don’t have a whole imperial infrastructure behind them.
I agree that we’re missing a lot of details re: House foreign policy & BoE - some more thoughts under the cut
We don’t know if the occupation is driven by a need for resources, or by pure militarism (revenge + perpetual war keeps the Houses under control) or by some other reason. We don’t know how many inhabited planets are out there and how many are occupied by the Houses and to which extent — the Houses can’t really expand beyond their home system because necromancy, so why are they occupying planets they don’t live in? Also, they ‘flip’ planets, making them inhabitable to native lifeforms, but also that seems to be on a much longer time scale than the human lifetime; can those be repurposed for habitation later on? We don’t know! It’s SO juicy and so much is missing.
We will probably get some information in Alecto. I don’t think we will get all information, mostly because I really don’t think the political background is THAT important to the story Tazmuir is trying to tell. She’s primarily telling a story about emotions, I think, not politics. But I think we’ll see more of where they came from.
Most of what we know so far points to BoE being an irredentist liberation group, but they also 100% do commit terrorist acts, like, on the page. They have the vague ultimate goal of getting rid of the Houses, but their day-to-day goal seems to be only to kill as many necromancers as possible, and they’re absolutely committed to getting there by doing shit like, burning people alive and shooting up public places without much care for civilians getting caught in the middle. Yea, Ianthe’s reasoning for calling BoE terrorism is coming from a place of moral fuckery, but MY reason for saying so is that they are committing crimines to foster a state of fear among the civilian population in the pursuit of political goals. They do that by burning people alive.
BoE also do have a cult-like attitude regarding everything Earth, but I’m not sure yet how we’re supposed to interpret it. There’s absolutely a benign angle to it (connection to a long lost homeland) but also I find it VERY juicy that after allegedly ten thousand years their culture is still mostly rooted on Earth. It doesn’t seem to have moved beyond the myth of their lost ancestral home; why are you still naming your kids after Shakespeare? Who has written the great tragedies in the last millenia? Their lack of cultural advancement (and technological!) is the main reason why I think there could be some time travel theories going on.
You’re right that we don’t know what their ultimate goal is, it could be more malicious than most of the fandom tends to assume, or it could be more benign. I’m very excited to find out but without ascribing any moral intention to who’s stanning who. I’m an equal side war criminal enjoyer, ALL women blowing shit up are hot to me <3
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Pls pls pls share your kick headcannons with us
(If u want cant make you do something you don't want but it would be great)
Love your page btw
I shall indeed, feel free to bug me about the others if you want to! Just keep in mind it'll take me a min to answer lol.
Just so I don't kill someone's thumbs, read more thing
Ginger, rust red and not carrot red, which is something he's very insistent on. He's very proud of his eyebrows and eyelashes, thank you.
I like to think he has amber eyes. Honey brown. Ya'know? Pretty.
Shorter than Hesh, but taller than Logan. (Side note: I hc Logan to be the shortests of the Ghosts. But! That doesn't mean he's not strong. He's stocky.)
Not built as thick as Hesh or Merrick, but he ain't a lightweight either.
Freckles everywhere. Mostly on his face and shoulders.
Likes his facial hair but keeps it short to not aggravate regs more since he already lets his hair grow out longer than it should be. (Elias and Merrick both turn a blind eye.)
Has a white streak/spot in his hair above his right eye. It's been there since he was a weeeeee baby, and he thinks it makes him look cool.
Prankster of the group. Enjoys harmless but annoying jokes such as sprinkling glitter in Merrick beard when he's asleep and switching Logan and Hesh's vests so they put on the wrong ones. (They figure it out because the size difference.) Not even Elias is safe, though Kick takes it easy on him and just moves his office supplies around to give him small trouble. (He has his bias because Elias is Team Dad.)
Enjoys making little crafts in his spare time. Like you know those mini dollhouse kits? I think he'd like making those because it's very meticulous and time consuming, so just one gives him a good month+ long project. When he's done he might display it or send it home to family.
Speaking of family, I like to think he has a little sister. Hence him sending the dollhouses home.
Adores pirates. Games, movies, documentaries, books, etc. Everything.
100% ate sand once on a dare (Keegan dared him) and never hears the end of it even years and years later.
Seems like he'd keep a diary, just to keep track of the day.
Multilingual. Spanish, english, italian, some ASL.
Enjoys orange flavored candy. Like above all other flavors.
Collects pens. From bic ballpoints to extravagant fountain pens, he's got to have one of them all! Half of them are "stolen"
Can play the fiddle. (Went to band camp as a kid.)
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meliake · 9 months
Just finished reading one of the fullmetal alchemist light novels, "The Ties That Bind," and overall I thought it was pretty cute.
I really liked the insight into Roy Mustang's character and the responsibilites he has to his men. There's a whole scene where he's thinkibg about why he decided to go on this mission at all as a commanding officer, and how he feels he needs to hide the inner rank politics from the people under him to protect them.
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That and the heavy comparison the narrative places between him and Luon surrounding their methods of attonement following Ishbal lead to me to care deeply about his arc specifically. I was overjoyed reading the epilogue, in which it all was worth it and he finally could move to Central.
Other than Mustang, Kip's struggle between his identity as an ishvalan child and adoptive parents was developed well. Often, I found Kip to be annoying, as happens with literally every child in fiction, but these small moments flesh out his character and struggles in a realistic enough way, that by the end the emotional corr was not drowned out by my apathy towards him.
Edward had a good base of, "If something like the Ishvalan War happened again, could I live with killing someone? Would I give up?" and there are moments that really sold it for me. At one point he states, "I don't think I could ever bear with making kids like Kip orphans." and it stuck.
However- the end drew near and it just like- never resolved. In the last few pages he's still sitting there like 'Would I?!! 🥺´ and I was like I get it Edward you're having a moral crisis you have a page and a half left get over it.
It was unsatisfying.
One major thing I did not like- Luon.
Like bro was the worst. I get he was traumatized by the war and desperate to bring his friends back, but like- it wouldn't have worked? anyway?? He left his baby son and wife alone for months on end to attack people with chimeras for their blood to do experiments, and he justified the attack part to himself because supposedly they were all dicks, but its stated that they also just mawled innocent people sometimes and he just accepted it as 'I'll do anything for them'
All to perform human transmutation in friends he specifically cremated to keep some of their ashes. He was a State Alchemist, he knew it wasn't going to work. And all the while he's lying to everybody.
The worst part is his wife and kid find out and their just like?? fine with it????
Kip's like, 'I can't be mad at him for killing my parents and traumatizing me and lying to me for years guys, hes my dad!!' Not to mention Shelley. And when he takes one sentence to go to federal prison they say they'll wait for him. I want Luon to just sit and think about his actions a ling time. So dumb.
Second worst thing,
It all just felt very, childish?
Like the whole book they generally say all their thoughts and feelings iut loud to the reader and it can get boring. Dell becomes an 100 foot long blood octopus demon and its like, my suspension of disbelief was ruined 20 pages ago. What is even going on. The themes all seem very mature and all the blood and murder would make you think it was for an older audience, but at some points I questioned why I was reading it at all.
Overall fun at times, boring at others, down right goofy a decent portion. I give the book a 6/10.
(The art inside was gorgeous)
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front cover ^
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bear with me just taking pictures of the book- but you get the drift. Very cute.
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yuzuwakano · 8 months
Kurona Ranze isn't much taller, around 5’3. She has a bob and bangs that she cuts herself and two long strands on each side of her face that she ties into braids when she's bored of whatever you're saying. She has shark teeth and braces with blue rubber bands to fix her overbite. She has a collection of cat and slogan t-shirts and fun colored thigh high socks that get covered up by the same dark blue shark sweatshirt and pair of brown boots every day. She carries around the same plastic water bottle every day and goes on rants about overconsumption killing the ocean. She paints her nails with sharpies and pens and doesn't know how to use makeup but still carries around a bag of dollar store eyeshadow and clearance aisle lipstick. Her favorite movie is one that aired on television 9 years ago and her favorite song is one she heard in a grocery store one time. She doesn't understand poetry that doesn't rhyme but likes stories of women falling in love with someone that might be a man. She imagines that it's not. 
Kurona Ranze likes a girl. 
Kiyora Jin was a solid 5 foot tall. Her hair comes down to her mid back and she pins it back with too many hair clips. She treats her wine lipstick as blush and eyeshadow and her mascara as eyeliner. Her skirts all come down past her knees and she's been wearing the same pair of converse since her first year of highschool. Her bag is tearing at the seams and her oversized shirts are all hand me downs from her sisters. She has a red pen that she uses to draw up and down her arms, doodles of stars and swirls and intricate patterns she’ll never be able to recreate. She carries around the same poetry book everywhere, it's tattered at its corners and no one is sure where she got it but Kurona knows. She likes statues of dead people and her interpretive dance class. She's the most interesting person Kurona has ever met. 
She doesn't talk but if she did Kurona would listen to her all day. Kurona knows her favorite colors and the difference between her favorite songs even though they all kind of sound the same. Kurona Ranze has memorized Kiyora Jin the way Kiyora Jin memorizes poetry. She sees Jin when she closes her eyes and holds her hand when they cross the street even though Ranze was about 80 percent sure Jin doesn't like girls. Was. 
“I like you.” 
“I like you too, Jinnie. You're my best friend.” 
They were at the library again, it was the only place in 100 miles that they could get away from the howling jocks and laughing hyenas that called themselves their classmates. They were half whispering even though they were the only people on the floor. Jin was reading the same poetry book that she had last week and Ranze had found a new shark book on the kids floor. 
“No.” Jin's eyebrows were furrowed as she tried to find the words that she was looking for. Her brain thought in the form of the poetry she memorized and songs she vaguely knew the names of. It's hard to make your own sentence when all of the puzzle pieces are too big. She was searching her catalog of death themed rhymes and cryptic rhythms for romance, a genre that she never ventured into. 
“Like Romeo and Juliet.”
“I don't want to be Romeo and Juliet.” 
Jin whipped her head around, confessing was risky but the rainbow bracelets and pink and orange pins on Ranzes backpack made her feel safe. It was on a whim but she had been confident that she was right. Had she miscalculated? Or was the problem not that she was a girl but that she was her. 
“I want to be Virgina Wolf. You can be Vita Sackville-West. She was a poet like you.” 
“You almost killed me.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” They were laughing now, and though she didn't like poetry Ranze could write a million pages about the way Jin looks and sounds and feels in her hand when she laughs. 
“I like-like you too.”
“Like-like,” Jin mirrored back. 
“It's one way to say it, it's clunky, clunky. They don't use it in poems.” but she said it again. “Like-like.” She was memorizing it. Memorizing Ranze like a synth wave song and Edgar Allen Poe. 
“We should get married.” 
“I have dance class later.” 
“Not now.” Ranze laughed again, for as literate as she was she could be a little air-headed, she had her head in books and that's where it stayed when she closed the pages. “Just in general, like later in life, later.”
“Oh.” Jin thought about it, she imagined a wedding in a cemetery and shark themed cupcakes. In her head she started a new poem about white tulle covered in mud and frayed at the end by sea creatures made of bones and love. 
“I'll get us a dog, we can name it after a food.” 
“I like bagels.”
“I know.” 
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aerospectrum · 4 months
No honestly I’m a Beth girl through and through but it’s 100% John’s fault for like you said enticing enough fear in both of them that they felt they couldn’t go to him. I do imagine Beth thought at least John would’ve ended up sending Rip away or at worst killing him. Sure; he was a good fit for the ranch but he had no where else to go and no one would be looking for him. As much as I like the show I do know John is both the main character and the villain at the same time. I think he’s quite interesting because while he does what he thinks is right for his family and the ranch, his methods are totally flawed and he goes about things the wrong way. He feeds of off of his children’s trauma and darkness in order to keep the place going. I wonder how the rest of the series will go without him being in the picture tbh.
ahhhh I’m gonna put this under a read more just in case it gets too long lol
I love Beth so much too aaahhh if I could write with a Beth my whole soul would be soothed lol!! sometimes I feel like the writing has gotten a bit lax on the show with just making Beth and Jamie so intensely vindictive towards one another that’s it’s almost become the primary personality trait for both of them and the rest of their personality has fallen to the wayside. their beginning intensity was so intriguing and I thought well crafted.
They absolutely gave the “middle siblings” energy I love and live for in life lol. I feel like Beth and Jamie have a weird chemistry with one another and I’m telling you if they teamed up to take down Market Equities or any of the bad guys they’d be unstoppable. Beth is cutthroat and more or less fearless, hence “I’m the bigger bear” quote and Jamie is empathetic in a very witty manner but knows how to make use of his seemingly timid nature to his benefit and advantage. I think they both know how to pull their punches when it’s necessary and I think that’s why together they’d be such a powerhouse for the Yellowstone.
but I totally agree, I think Beth and Jamie both knew that Rip was a runaway kid with nobody out there to search for him I think John even mentions it in one of the flashback eps, but I think they both probably though oh yeah our dad will for sure kill this kid and have no remorse for it. Given the fact he tried to force Kayce to take Monica to the clinic for an abortion herself and when he refused literally gave his own son a brand I think John has- or maybe had no qualms about sacrificing his children for the assumed betterment of the ranch for sure!
I do love the show but yeah I’m on your page John is for sure the villain and that’s the cool thing about him as a protagonist because so many people are used to protagonist being the perceived “good guys” and the Duttons are not that, lmao, and I love it! I think John’s ego is intrinsically tied to the “worth” of the land and his children are in fact offerings to that success. Gosh John realy traumatized all his children and when faced with that reality he actively works to tear them down and make them feel worse for calling him on his toxicity. I’m super curious how it’ll end without him there too, I’m curious how the writing will go or make up for his lack of presence and part of me is worried it’ll be a bit phoned in, but I mean I think that’s normal worries for most media these days because once you really like something anything below what you’ve come to expect probably feels like an insult. I hope they wrap it up in a meaningful and worthwhile way!!
this got so long oh my god lmao I’m so sorry but my mind gets going and I go down all these rabbit trails and forget to stay on track. But I’ve loved your messages for real, they’ve been really insightful and really fun to read and respond back to thank you so much my dude for sending them!!!
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heretyc · 2 years
Trager, Eddie and Val DBD pages (+ some headcanons)
The DBD Killer page maker disappeared off of the face of the Earth, so I had to work with what I could find, unfortunately. Credit to PierceLeVeil on Reddit for the templates! (I added the Mori sections)
Just a lil note: I like to think that the Entity spoils the killers and leaves the survivors to rot. In this you're a survivor because I had more opportunities <3
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Trager is definitely a hit-and-run killer like Wraith, but he'd benefit from losing the chase, and immediately finding the same survivor so his ability can stack.
He'd be a douchebag lol. He'd tunnel and camp you if you angered him.
If he has a challenge to do, I honestly think he'd let you farm. Maybe hit you a couple of times. Some challenges are just too stupid to try and do normally. Also gives you both a break.
He would 100% befriend Doctor. That's what I wanted to call him till I remembered that Carter existed. They'd exchange torture methods or something.
He scares Lisa Garland. She hates going against him.
If he moris you, he'll take your fingers. That's it.
He also likes it when he hears your pained groans. Iron Will is his enemy.
If you use Dead Hard against him, he'd get pissed.
"Are you fucking kidding me? How did I not see that?"
If he camps you while you're on the hook, he'll taunt you.
"How's it hanging, buddy?" "Get. fucked."
He hates Trickster. It's the hair.
At first he hits people on hook, because he thinks it gets them sacrificed faster.
Him and Entity probably drink martinis together.
He likely stole the Hooked on You cosmetic set from Dwight. He wanted clothes for the beach, baby.
Drags you to the Killer side after every trial so he can patch you up.
"Those med kit things you use are shit. Come to me instead. I still have my license...I think."
Gets a little pissed off if other killers rough you up. That's HIS privilege, not theirs. Even then, he's tamer with you.
He doesn't sleep. He sees no reason to. He will, however, allow you to sleep in his cabin. The survivor tents are uncomfortable, anyway. You always wake up to a bug in your face.
If any of your teammates are rude to you, or they're purposely throwing, he becomes annoyed.
Fascinated by Blight.
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Eddie's playstyle is 100% like Michael's. He'd stalk after one survivor and let the others do their thing. However if you constantly swap the Obsession, I think it'd be fun.
You are always the Obsession. How lovely.
He chases after you, and only you. But he doesn't like killing you off. :(
If you're hiding in a locker to heal or to use Head On, he will stand outside of it and smile. Waiting for you to come out.
He eagerly shouts "darling!" when he pulls you out.
He is the type to mori someone beside you as you're doing a gen.
If someone runs by you as they're being chased, Eddie will just smile at you and happily ask you to just ignore him.
Becomes devastated if you're harmed by other killers.
He, also, doesn't sleep. He'll cuddle you to sleep, though.
Not the type to camp unless you're the one being hooked. He isn't doing it to be a dick, he does it so he can stare at your face.
Becomes merciless if your teammates become rude to you. Refusing to heal you, not letting you work on gens with them. Just sit back, relax, and let him handle your teammates.
He keeps to himself.
Doesn't like the survivor side, and will bring you to his abode whenever a trial ends.
Becomes anxious if you're in a trial for longer than normal.
Dances with you outside of trails.
If you're the last one standing, he will refrain from giving you the hatch. You're both alone, you can bask in each other's presence for as long as the Entity will allow it.
He loves outdoor maps. Lerys makes him angry. Just like everyone else lol
Would match cosmetics with you.
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Val's playstyle would be similar to Nemesis, I find. Addons would make the Heretics unstoppable.
Very fond of outdoor maps, especially Mother's Dwelling. They like the rain.
Affectionate inside and outside of trials.
Every killer and survivor knows not to bother the both of you. Heretics will no doubt guard their abode.
Will wear their robes in trials that you're not a part of.
Scolds killers who rip you to shreds.
I think they'd like Plague. Plague can't understand Val, and vice versa, but they'd enjoy each other.
Hag, too.
You'll meet up with the survivors before a trial, and they will see saliva all over your face. Val thinks licking you will bring you good luck.
Worships the Entity like you wouldn't believe. Because of this, I think the Entity will allow your safety as long as they're merciless with everyone else. [Also...come on. Multiple armed being? Feeds on suffering? This was meant to be.]
If they're chasing someone, a random Heretic will find you and watch you. Maybe even lead you to a generator or a chest. They are intrigued by flashlights. Especially the event ones.
Laughs at whoever tries to blind them if they're coated in mud. Built-in Lightborne, baby.
Trickster would likely try to pick them up. They're both freaks and it'd end up in an orgy between you, Val, Trickster and some Heretics.
Will sneer at survivors if they do something rude to you. All Heretics immediately go for whoever tried to sandbag you or tried to sabotage your chase.
Finds you attractive in any cosmetic. It could be hideous and they wouldn't care. All the more reasons to take it off of you.
They wish Knoth could be here. So they could torture him for eternity.
They LOVE hearing your pained grunts. Not only do they enjoy pain, but they love those noises.
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