#not even a week in and you were alone with me for a little too long
ceoofyearning · 2 days
I only pray, don’t fall away from me
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: The world feels like it’s falling apart around you, but Azriel finally comes home and helps you hold all the pieces together.
Tags/Warnings: Hurt and Comfort, depressive themes & thoughts, anxiety, nightmares, mentions of a minor character death (not the mc/reader) || please mind the tags.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: this week was though so here’s a bit of a hurt & comfort fic; hope your days are kind to you guys xoxo
Links: Fic Masterlist | My Art
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You’re so damn tired.
The last few weeks have been difficult, to say the least. The healing house has been filled to the brim with the wounded and sick. Altercations with Beron’s soldiers by the border have been increasing at an alarming rate, while countless spies from the continent have been winnowed in after being caught by Koschei’s contingent forces. You can’t even begin to imagine the state of the civilians that might’ve been caught in the crossfire. 
There is tension in the air with the threat of the inevitable war looming on the horizon. It doesn’t help that the winter chill, in all of its foreboding fury, has come to ravage the lands and its people. You love your work as a healer, you really do. Some days, the thought of the good you do, the people you help, is enough to keep you going. But too often, it feels like a thankless job that leaves you drained to the core. 
In your free time, you’ve been parsing through ancient texts in search of information on Death Gods and anything that could be used against Koschei. His looming threat is a cloud of dread that hangs over everyone, especially Rhys. The least you could do is to help carry the burden. It’s not like you could sleep, anyway. These days it is as though your mind adamantly refuses to let you rest. At the very least, the task keeps you distracted when you’re stuck alone in your apartment. 
Ever since Azriel had been sent to the continent for a reconnaissance mission nearly a month ago, the apartment you share has started to feel a little too big, too desolate. Before you knew it, the white walls had been transmuted from your home into what felt like the bars of a cage. 
The two of you haven't been apart for so long since the mating bond snapped. You didn’t think you'd feel his absence as acutely as you did, but it felt like the loss of a limb where the wound refused to heal and you were already bleeding out. His part of the bond is blacked out completely, a devouring void where Azriel’s comforting presence should have been. It’s for your own safety, he said. But you can’t help it. You’re plagued with worry, with imagined hurts and tragedies, amplifying the brewing conflict in your mind. 
It is easier to catch yourself when Azriel is near. When the thoughts begin to swirl like a hurricane around you - winds whipping, oceans rising - it feels like Azriel’s arms are the only safe harbor you can rely on. But Azriel isn’t here now. 
What frustrates you most is that you’ve been better recently. You’ve been good. You ate your meals, slept reasonably, even had a goddamned routine set up. You guzzled down your tonics in hopes of smoothing out the edges of your frayed mind, that perhaps it could lend you some semblance of normalcy. But no. Weeks of being haunted by nightmares, of overextending yourself, of loss and suffering seeping under your skin day by day have taken its toll. 
You are just too damn tired. 
A child died, barely over thirteen years old. She was bastard-born, which meant she had nothing to her name other than the rags on her back and her birthright to suffer generational oppression and cruelty. This is the worst winter the Night Court has had in centuries, and she didn’t even have a decent roof over her head. Needless to say, she hadn’t been in the best health. But despite that, the moment her cycle had come, the men forced her to go through the clipping. In her struggle, the imbeciles accidentally nicked a vital artery. Normally, her Illyrian healing would’ve granted her a strong chance for survival, but she had been so sick, her body weakened by hours spent in the frigid cold. 
By the time you had been summoned to heal her, she no longer had the strength to recover. Numbness washed over you at the image of her unseeing eyes, the same shade as Azriel’s in the right light, trained toward the vast empty sky. You have a feeling it isn’t a sight you’d forget any time soon. 
You don’t know how long it’s been. The room is shrouded with a thick blanket of darkness, the only respite coming from the dwindling candlelight by your bedside. Only silence exists within these four walls, interrupted by the occasional patter of water leaking from the kitchen sink. You burrow deeper into the sheets, inhaling the trace of Azriel’s scent that still lingered like it would somehow quell this ache inside you. 
Despite spending most of the day bedbound, you’ve barely had any sleep. There is no respite to be found in the dreaming, only nightmares lying in wait. It seems your mind has a knack of bringing your worst fears. Azriel bruised, bloodied and utterly alone, lost, somewhere in the vastness of the continent, hazel eyes - his, then hers, then his again - glazing over, crimson seeping into the arid ground below. 
For the last few weeks, you’ve gathered your grief and worry like rocks to wear around your neck. Your body is heavy, the phantom weight sinking and settling within the marrow of your bones, refusing to leave. It feels like you could stay in this bed forever until you dissipate into nothing but sand, smoke and thought.
You managed to send out a request for the texts Rhys needed translated, but not much else. You’re thankful he directly portalled them on your worktable because you don’t think you could brave the journey to the library today. You don’t think you could do much of anything today, in all honesty. 
So there you lay, bundled up in a collection of blankets, at least three inches of cotton and down that never seem enough to warm you. A book rests in your hands, yet your eyes remain unfocused, not truly seeing the words.
You run your thumb over the crisp paper, knowledge older than you, older than this city and yet you couldn't even bring yourself to focus long enough to dissect their true meaning. Your will is liquid in your hands, slipping through the cracks in between your fingers. Accidentally, you tug too hard on a page and it tears easily beneath your touch. If you had your wits about you, you would’ve been horrified by what you’ve just done. But as you are now, it is difficult to care. 
That’s what you feel like at this moment, you realize. These past few weeks have left you feeling spent, worn out, paper thin. Absently, you stretch out your hand towards the candlelight, close enough to feel the warmth lick against your cool skin. The flame casts a brilliant silhouette around your shadowed hand. It’s a wonder why golden light doesn’t seep right through. 
That’s how Azriel finds you.
The front door of your apartment creeks open, letting in a flood of muted morning light. Your first instinct is to retreat beneath the covers to shield yourself. Azriel calls your name in the silence, worry permeating each syllable. No doubt, he is cataloging the mess your shared space had become in your unintentional neglect. 
You say nothing, wondering if you could just close your eyes and pretend to be asleep, anything to escape his scrutiny. A breath of relief escapes him when he finds you in bed. The mattress dips beneath his weight as he sits beside you. 
The urge to curl tighter around yourself is strong. But he repeats your name and, as though he had cast a spell, you unspool before him, your muscles unwinding, one fiber at a time. 
“Can I touch you?” He asks, voice painfully soft.
“Okay,” you croak out from beneath the blankets. 
Azriel gradually draws the sheets away from your body, giving you ample time to protest if you’d like. Then, he rests his hand on your shoulder. Unbidden, a shiver runs down your spine, followed by a stuttered breath. You don’t realize how much you missed his touch until his textured hand begins its soothing path up and down your back, his heat sinking into your skin. 
Shame washes over you despite the bone-deep comfort you find upon his gentle ministrations. You don’t want him to see you this way. Azriel deserves better, the voices in your head insist. He deserves a mate whose mind does not devour itself at every given opportunity, a mate who does not quake beneath the weight of the world and the idea of their own immortal existence.
As though detecting your train of thought, his shadows leave their preferred perch on his shoulders to pool around you instead. Tendrils of darkness brush away the tears on your face, while some thread through your hair like a gentle breeze. 
On the other hand, Azriel urges you to rest your head on his lap. He begins to run his hand through your hair, uncaring of how greasy and tangled it has become. Eventually, his voice pierces the silence, injecting warmth into the distance between you. He hums a tune you do not recognize, but you can't help but cling to each winding note like a lifeline. Azriel has always had a beautiful voice - depthless, silken and soothing. It feels like a privilege to hear the song that he normally reserves for his shadows.
You must’ve been a pitiful sight to behold, and yet Azriel never looks at you like you are. He always treats you like something to cherish, something to love, like you’re someone he’s spent lifetimes desperately waiting for and you’ve been entirely worth the wait. A traitorous part of you feels like you’ll never deserve it, this love.
Azriel must sense the hurricane of emotions waging a one-sided war in your head, despite the mental shields you adamantly keep up. But he doesn’t tell you to stop, doesn’t brush off your worry with empty words and false promises. Instead, he simply says, “I love you.” 
He speaks it as though it is a fact like one would say that the sky is blue, and the grass is green, and the world would keep on turning in peteruity, orbiting the sun the same way you’ll continue to orbit around each other. His chapped lips ghost over your temple, murmuring your name like a plea, a prayer. 
“More than anything in this world,” he adds as he pulls you into his embrace. 
Your body is pliant for him, arms winding around his neck like that is where they’re meant to be. His arms wrap around your waist to hold you impossibly closer. Webbed wings stretch to curl around the two of you, creating a cocoon of darkness that keeps the rest of the world at bay. With your head resting on his chest, you could hear his heartbeat thudding in chorus with yours. 
“I love you too,” you reply after a long stretch of silence. “But sometimes I wish you could’ve had a better mate.” 
“There is no one better,” Azriel insists. “There is only you, my love; through light, through darkness, through whichever end. Only you.” And you feel the truth of his words as surely as the twinned beating of your hearts. Sometimes it’s hard to convince your traitorous mind that you could have this, that someone could love you so deeply despite having seen you at your worst. Azriel presses another kiss against your cheek, and despite yourself, you begin to believe his words.
You don’t know how long Azriel holds you like that, but it finally feels like a stretch of eternity you could bear.
“What can I do to help, love?” Azriel prompts, cupping your face in the cradle of his scarred palms - their texture, a familiar comfort. 
You turn over his question in your head for a few moments, savoring his scent, the sensation of his skin against your own. A part of you is tempted to ask him to lay beside you for the rest of the day, for a week, for an entire lifetime. You know Azriel would if you asked it of him. But beyond this room, the world continues its elliptical path around the sun and time still ticks on regardless of how disconnected you feel from your own reality. 
“A bath,” is all you manage to say.
Azriel nods, before reluctantly peeling himself from you. “Have you eaten?” 
“‘M not hungry,” you mumble as you sink back into the sheets, sighing as the comforter swallows you up. In truth, you can’t remember when your last meal had been. Hunger didn’t seem so pressing in the last few days.
“That’s not what I asked.” Azriel’s tone leaves no room for argument or negotiation. 
“No,” you finally answer, although with much trepidation. “Not yet.” 
He hums, clearly displeased, but says nothing else. You can already imagine the frown that must be stretching across his face. But it seems Azriel’s presence alone is enough to quieten your mind, at least for now. You must’ve been dead tired because it doesn’t take long for the rhythmic sound of Azriel's familiar footfalls to lull you into dreamless sleep.
"Love," Azriel whispers, his hand hovering over your shoulder, rousing you from your shallow slumber. You blink languidly until molten eyes come into focus. The candlelight flickers, and shadows dance across his face. Azriel’s normally sharp features are softened by the tenderness in his expression. You’ll never tire of waking to the sight of him. 
With a groan, you half-roll half-stumble out of bed. Azriel stays an arm’s length away in case you need him, but he’s careful not to crowd you. His shadows have no such reservations, however. The dark tendrils fretfully twine around your arms, making you smile. You thank them quietly, and for a moment, they seem to dance with delight. Regardless of your initial unsteadiness, you manage to pad all the way to the bathroom.
Upon crossing the threshold, the sweet scent of jasmine immediately overtakes your senses. The tub has already been filled up, steam rising from the sun-covered surface. You begin to unbutton your tunic, clumsy fingers tumbling through your first few attempts. Azriel steadies your hands with his firm grip, his shadows gently circling your wrists. 
“May I?” He asks, gesturing to your tunic, and you nod, not wanting to think anymore. His movements are precise, almost clinical, while he undoes the first five buttons, before bunching the garment in his hands and pulling it over your head entirely. Your skin breaks out in gooseflesh once exposed to the cold air. Azriel is careful to keep his gaze on your face, even as you step out of your undergarments. 
Azriel only betrays his composure when he traces your cheekbone, like he can’t quite help himself. From this distance, you have to crane your neck to look up at him. For a moment, the two of you only stare at each other. The bond glows bright between you, the golden thread gleaming as though it hadn't spent the last few weeks completely stretched thin. 
But then, Azriel withdraws, tilting his head to the steaming tub. Obediently, you step into the water’s warm embrace, the heat nearly stinging your skin. Logically, however, you know it’s only because you’ve allowed yourself to stay in the cold for too long. 
A relieved sigh escapes you as you sink further into the tub. One of his shadows rushes to pillow your heavy head as it rests on the tub’s rim. You thank the sweet little thing, and swirls of black sway back and forth like a dog wagging its tail. Meanwhile, Azriel takes his place by the head of the tub, sitting back on his heels. 
“I’d like to wash your hair,” he says and you're touched by the earnest quality his voice takes. 
“Okay,” you breathe. You’ve never been good at denying Azriel anything, nor did you want to. The more the ice beneath your skin thaws, the more you find that you want him near. 
Azriel begins by running his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp as he pours warm water over your head. With a pop of a bottle, the floral scent of shampoo fills the air. He lathers the substance on your head, his touch tender even as his fingers work through the knots in the strands, untangling them with care. 
After a while, he rinses off the suds and coats his hands with oil. He begins combing his fingers through your hair, starting from the ends and working his way up. The rhythmic motion of his fingers is calming as he draws circles against your scalp. You find yourself melting into the moment, feeling utterly content for the first time in what feels like a very long time. 
Once done, Azriel grabs a small towel and asks, “Do you want help washing?”
You shake your head, wanting to do this for yourself, at least. Understanding flashes in his eyes, and he spares you a soft smile. With that, Azriel leaves the towel by the tub and politely excuses himself from the room. With the door left slightly ajar, you could still hear him move around the apartment followed by the lyrical clinking of silverware against ceramic.
It takes you a few minutes to gather the energy to lather yourself with soap, and a few more to finally rise from the bath. But once the grime is off your skin, you feel a bit of the weight wash off with it too. You feel a bit more like yourself.
After drying off, you tug on the silk robe Azriel has left for you, securing it loosely around your waist. Upon exiting, you spy him by the dining table, scooping a generous serving of soup into a bowl. The mouthwatering aroma of rich broth wafts through the room, and you realize just how hungry you are when your stomach growls in protest. You approach him from behind, making sure that each step is audible.
Azriel continues to set up the table, but you can tell he’s aware of your presence from the way his shoulders seem to relax. The sudden urge to have him close is palpable, an instinct so deeply ingrained into your being. So,  gradually, you wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face on his back. You take a deep inhale, breathing him in - a lungful of moontime mist and cedarwood smoke. 
“I’m glad you’re home,” you murmur against Azriel’s back, your voice muffled by his shirt. 
“I’m glad to be home,” he whispers. His hands abandon their task in favor of twining his fingers with your own. 
Azriel turns to face you and holds your face in his hands. Beneath the swathes of sunlight, his eyes are alight with golden flame, flecks of green scattered over his irises like an afterthought. There is nothing but love in his gaze, nothing but acceptance. 
“Thank you,” you say, tilting your head so the words could kiss his lips, not quite touching but close. “For being here, for loving me, for choosing me, everyday.” 
“I will always choose you,” he vows, before planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Today,” another peck on the tip of your nose; “Tomorrow,” one more on your cheek; “And all the days after,” he finishes with a chaste caress on your lips.
Then, he rests his forehead on yours, your bodies slotted against each other like a lock and its predestined key. In Azriel’s presence, you find it easier to breathe, easier to simply be. For the first time in a long time, your mind is clear and your heart beats in a calm, languid pace that matches his own.
“I’d like to kiss you,” you request, looking up at him from beneath your lashes. Azriel’s gaze is searching, scouring for any hint of anything short of absolute certainty. Perhaps you should tell him that in this world of constant change and chaos, he’s the only one you’re certain of.
Azriel must be satisfied with what he finds written across your features because he replies, “So kiss me then,” the ghost of a smirk playing across his lips.
You’re surprised to find that it’s easy to return the playful expression. Your rise to the tips of your toes while your fingers thread through his raven black hair. When your lips touch, it is as though the world breathes a sigh of relief. Reality realigns and everything outside the two of you and your shared breaths turns inconsequential. He moves against you with practiced ease, like the natural ebb and flow of the tide.
An eternity of this, you think, doesn’t seem so daunting after all. 
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AN: i’m not sure if that was too much but thank you for reading 💙 As always, i’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts
English isn’t my first language, so if you see any mistakes, please lmk thru dm! 💙
Also, I just wanted to yap about the Az fics im in the process of writing:
1. Vampire!Azriel x Reader (Working tittle: Ashes in my wake)
I just love the idea of cannibalism (or yk, blood drinking) as a metaphor for love in literature so here we are. ( @/annikin-im-panicin this is ur influence) This one is a bit of a dark fic (nothing too crazy tho, I think), so i’m not sure how it’ll be received. But the idea has been haunting me for yonks so I just had to write it.
2. Tattoo Artist!Azriel x Lucien’s Best Friend!Reader (Working tittle: Drink dry the river Lethe)
This one is a multichapter fic (maybe 4-7 chapters, we’ll see) so it might take me a while before I start posting, but i’ve mostly finished writing the first (very smutty) and second (very angsty) chapter. I ‘m not entirely sure what direction to bring this yet but maybe you guys can help me decide?
Unrelated to Az, but i’ve been brainworming a poly dark-ish innocent!reader x Feysand fic, and a slightly less dark and more sappy(?) poly warrior!reader x royal!nessian fic. I’m so excited to start these but my pile of wips is giving me the stink eye 😂
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rc-writes · 22 hours
𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬
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𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨 | 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢
pairings: spencer reid x bau!reader
warnings: reader has a headache due to accidentally missing lunch
a/n: one more little blurb i've written due to my criminal minds rewatch journey! as of now i unfortunately have no other little blurbs written so i don't want you guys to think this is me suddenly being active a lot again. like i said in my penelope blurb i make no promises of me posting regularly again, but i definitely want/hope to write more! anyways, this blurb is completely inspired by me forgetting food exists for half a day a few weeks ago and getting a massive headache due to it :/ advice of the day kids, eating is important! lol
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You and JJ had been on reading files duty for the day which meant being held up in the tiny room the local police station had set up for the team. Usually, it was Garcia who was in charge of digging through the files for potential suspects, but the station was severely behind on digitizing their files so manual reading was what had to be done.
As the day went on you began to have the world's most annoying headache. It wasn't too debilitating that you couldn't push through it to get through the last few files however, so you continued your reading. That was until you also began to feel a wave of exhaustion wash over you suddenly.
The most you had done all day was walk from one side of the table to the evidence board across the small room, so you weren't sure why you were suddenly on the verge of nodding off. If you were out conducting interviews or going over the crime scenes like you usually did, then maybe that would explain some tiredness, but that wasn't the case today.
"Hey, we're back!" Spencer's sudden voice filling the room made you jump out of your thoughts.
"Hi." You replied back with a soft smile, trying to mask the tiredness. "We managed to narrow the suspect pool to five people."
"Garcia is already on searching for anything that might not be in any of these files." JJ added from her spot at the table.
"Hard to believe anything is not in all these files." You joked, laughing. Mid-laugh your voice seemed to falter, the headache deciding to grow stronger at the sudden higher noise level of the room. You tried to mask your voice fading by slowly turning to face the board again, trying your best to massage your forehead a little.
"Hey are you alright?" Spencer asked as he walked closer to you.
"Yeah, yeah." You lied, turning to face him. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"It's just that I noticed your movements seem to be a bit sluggish. Not- not to say that's a problem considering you've been cooped up in here all day. But also, I noticed you're rubbing circles into your forehead which might be a sign of a headache. Which is actually a good thing to do when you have one because researchers say-" Spencer trailed off when he noticed you bringing your hand up again to your forehead. "Sorry, that's not the point. Are you okay?"
"I've been a little tired and have a minor headache. Nothing too bad, don't worry." You admitted, no point in trying to lie anymore. "I'm not sure why though. It's not like I've done much moving around all day, just flipping through piles of paper." You gestured to the table. It was then that you noticed JJ had left you two to be alone. "But I suppose just sitting here all day could be exactly the reason." 
"It is proven that little movement can have just as much effect as too much movement on the body." Spencer agreed. "To add to that, whatever you ate for lunch today could also have an effect as well."
Spencer then began to ramble about the importance of what kind of food you need to eat for which meal, but you didn't hear much as your own thoughts were racing.
A look of slight horror crossed your face. "Oh god, I didn't even realize I skipped lunch completely."
"Yeah, I got so caught up in reading over the suspect files that I didn't want to leave when everyone else went to go get something from the break room. Thought I'd wait until I got done reading this one file, but I must have gotten too distracted and completely forgot to ever actually get up."
"Honey, no wonder you're tired and have a headache then." He reached for your hands. "You haven't eaten since we had breakfast together at the hotel." 
You held onto his hands back. "Yeah, and it wasn't exactly a big breakfast either." You both laughed. "I guess a big dinner is in my future then."
Spencer nodded, smiling. His eyes seemed to light up suddenly, you assumed some sort of idea popped into his head. He then immediately headed to the door.
"Where are you going?"
Spencer turned, walking backwards out the room. "To find food! Anything! You need to eat pronto." He bumped into the doorframe before walking completely out the room. From your small frame of vision out the doorway you saw he also nearly bumped into one of the local police officers as he was too focused to notice other people. 
You giggled to yourself at his new sudden mission to find you food. He really would do anything at the drop of a hat for you and you had no idea what you ever did to deserve it. But then you thought about how you'd do the exact same for him and he's said before he didn't deserve someone like you. It truly was a never-ending cycle of caring between you two. 
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buckets-and-trees · 2 days
Characters/Pairings: Alpha!Bucky x Female!Omega!Reader Word Count: 4k Summary: Claimed unequivocally by Alpha Bucky Barnes, leader of the growing HYDRA faction, that's not the end of it. But what exactly is in store for you? What will it mean to be his Omega?
Content/Warnings: omegaverse; reluctant attraction; power dynamics; mild manipulation; threats; dirty talk; explicit smut: spanking, vaginal fingering, biting, rough sex, choking, edging, orgasm denial, slapping, spitting, oral (male and female receiving), unprotected vaginal intercourse and insemination, dacryphilia, overstimulation, erotic picture taking
Author Notes: Part three to what I never planned on being a series - the Alpha Bucky April drabble was only 500 words, the next part hit 1.5k, but this... well, let's just say this Bucky absolutely had his way with both me and my muse. This one will be a make up to tick orgasm delay/denail for MARCH of @buckybarnesevents Build a Bucky Bingo ; and the dialogue, alpha, and pet prompts for the second week of Hot Bucky Summer (thought this was going to be a short little thing I was going to whip out before week two had finished, but alas hahaha).
A/N 2: We've seen only a bit of his rough side up to this pont, but in this part we will truly see mean Alpha Bucky. Don't say I didn't warn you - here and with the actual content warning list.
A/N 3: I tried not to write any plot with this porn, but a minimal amount forced its way in.
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He had made good on his threat, using your body for pleasure and for show under the full moon until there was no one left to watch, but you were not sure he had been keeping close track, instead merely taking you over and over until they grey hours of dawn. You had been too exhausted to register anything much after that – being carried away, a car ride, being tucked into a bed.
You had woken up alone in the afternoon alone.
Alone for the first time in three days.
On hearing you make your way to the bathroom someone had brought in water and left an impressive spread of food that lasted you through the afternoon and evening. You grazed and slept.
Your body and mind had been pushed beyond all previous limits, and so the sleep and rest had been most of those first few days after the full moon and the conqueror’s bonding ritual.
But now, a week on, you are tired, restless, and impatient.
You were in a spacious penthouse, you had been offered many luxuries, well fed by a personal chef, attended to by an assistant, your only restrictions being denied access to a phone or internet and barred from leaving the premises.
Should you have chosen an unplugged retreat or vacation, it would be perfect.
After contemplating and debating internally all morning, at lunch you make your decision. You finish yet another delicious meal, wipe your mouth with the beautiful linen napkin, and then set it down next to the bone china and plated gold utensils. The staff begins to move around you, and your assistant approaches.
Before she can say anything else, you take a deep breath and say, “I need to see him.”
There’s no question of who you mean.
She nods. “I’ll make the request.”
Whether pet or prisoner and left alone for more than seven days, you do not believe your request will be seen as any sort of priority, so when you see the more formal dining table set for two for dinner, your mouth drops open for a moment, and you stop in your tracks.
You turn to your assistant – even though she tries to afford you most of your privacy, she is ever on the edge of your presence. She looks as surprised as you. “I was given no response other than that they’d take the request under consideration.”
You nod, then pace, padding barefoot across the hardwood floor in front of floor-to-ceiling windows, until you finally hear the rustle and then commotion of activity that announces his arrival.
Your heart races, but it’s only a few more moments before the large and imposing alpha, Bucky Barnes, appears in front of you.
“Omega,” he says with a mere nod of his head, no pretense.
Your eyes narrow a fraction, wary of his seemingly easy demeanor. “Alpha.”
“Shall we?” he asks, and motions to the table.
You nod and take a seat as he does.
Within seconds, the meal is brought in by two attendants and the chef, and Bucky thanks and praises them very simply.
He occasionally looks at you, regarding you, but does not speak.
Before long, you huff, and he looks up sharply, pinning you with his steel blue eyes, harsher than at any point since he’d arrived. “What?” he demands.
“What is all of this?” you start, gesturing your hand to indicate the penthouse. “And where have you been?”
He sets down his knife and fork and straightens a little more. “Is it not to suited to your liking? You can change anything you want. This is your place.”
“My place?” you ask.
“Yes, your place. It is not far from the place I’ve taken up residence.”
The revelation is not surprising, but somehow more irritating. “And what? You’ve had me and now you’re discarding me?”
“I should have thought you’d want your own place.”
Maybe you should want your own place, away from him. And yet…
“I should be wherever you are.”
“What?” he scoffs. “So you can be embroiled in my affairs and bring me down? ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?’”
The accusation wounds you, though you know it’s only logical – and you know what you’re thinking and feeling isn’t logical. You have determined to put off thinking about it.
“I’m not your friend,” you state, trying to keep your voice as even as possible. “but I’m not your enemy either.”
“What should I call you then?” he challenges.
You raise your chin a fraction. “I’m your Omega.”
He doesn’t speak or move immediately. Instead, his eyes somehow fix you even more intently. There’s a burning in your chest under his scrutiny, but you remain still.
Finally, he stands and moves toward you, the two of you never taking your eyes off the other.
“You are my Omega.”
He comes to stand behind your chair, and you remain unmoving. He takes your chin in his left hand and tilts your head to expose your neck to him. He leans down and noses along your jaw, inhaling your scent and putting your body on alert. You feel the curling tendrils of want stir in your core, already awakening for him. He tilts your head even more and draws his teeth along the side of your throat, causing a shiver you can’t suppress, and he chuckles darkly and licks at the fresher of the two bonding marks he gave you. His hot tongue, insistently pressing at the bite elicits a small noise from you, and your right hand shoots up to card into his hair. Your full omega side wants him, has started to slicken your pussy for him already, you can feel it. You know your alpha can smell it.
He bites over the mark, but not roughly enough to break the skin, and you arch up for more, but he pushes himself back up, away from you and the crook of your neck.
“So needy,” he remarks, “I like this.”
The first few days you’d spent with him, he’d kept you full of his cock, tortured with pleasure, overwhelmed, exhausted by him and the recipient of a seemingly insatiable lust unleashed on you.
This feels like the predator is going to play with his prey, and you bite your lip. He pushes your head, tilted to the left, to the right to drop into his other hand, clearly testing your compliance. It’s gentle, but it’s dominant. Back to the left, then to the right, and then he dips to nip at your ear, and you gasp.
Bucky releases your head from between his large hands then pulls your chair away from the table. “Up.”
You stand. He puts one hand on your hip and ushers you around the edge of the table and to the side, in the middle, and turns you to face the wide expanse of mahogany and its centerpiece of fresh flowers – white peonies, white roses, white hydrangeas.
“Put your hands on the table,” he instructs.
You press the palms of your hands onto the smooth, dark wood. Your omega side is ready – even eager – to comply, but with your own long game to play, you know you must play out whatever game he desires now.
“Arch your back,” is his next direction.
Keeping your breathing even, you do, hips jutting away from the table, on display for him.
The back of his hand lands at the nape of your neck, and he drags his knuckles slowly down your spine. Your body rocks back, seeking more, as he reaches the small of your back, and he hums in self-satisfaction.
While his vibranium hand plants itself on your hip, he moves the other around to skim slowly over your stomach, then up your rib cage, and to your breast. He gropes the round flesh through your shirt and bra, but the fabric does nothing to quell how the pressure stokes the fire growing in you.
You feel the heat of him press up your back as his hand moves now up your neck, turning your head to kiss him. You push back against him, and he ruts his bulge slightly into your ass. Your lips are hungry in the kiss, but it’s like he only provided his lips for you to kiss him, receiving what your lips want to give. He moves his hand back down to your chest, but this time slipping beneath the neckline and going flesh to flesh to palm your breast. He kneads diligently, almost methodically, and you know all of this is designed to warm you up, tease you, get you burning for him. He’s still largely a stranger to you, but you also know you can’t resist him. He’s spent so much time already playing with your body. He knows where and how to touch you to make you respond to him after those first days and nights spent naked with him.
Bucky moves again, ending the kiss, drawing away from your back and removing the hand from your breast. You whine, but that hand goes to the small of your back again, the vibranium hand squeezing your hip as he forces you spine to resume the curving posture for him once more.
“We’re only getting started, Omega. Be patient.”
You huff, and he laughs.
The fingers of both his hands slip into the top of your waistband. He slowly pulls your pants and underwear down over your hips, and down your legs to mid-thigh. It restricts your bottom extremities, and that plays into the mental game he’s clearly playing with you. His hands move up the back of your naked thighs, and then palms your ass with both hands. He squeezes both cheeks, goes back to palming them again, then withdraws his right hand and slaps that cheek harshly. You jump and yelp, but he merely goes back to palming and squeezing, soothing the smacked flesh. Then another slap, and you hiss at the sting over the first sting. His vibranium hand continues groping your round flesh, but instead of soothing the second smack, his flesh hand dips down to your dripping hole, where he inserts two fingers, then quickly adds a third.
“Alpha,” you moan, and your head falls back, eyes closed both to hold back a couple of tears and to soak in the barrage of sensations.
He doesn’t answer, but his fingers continue dipping in and out, slow and shallow.
He delivers another harsh slap, immediately returns to the maddening fingering until you’re keening and trying to hump his hand.
Abruptly he grips your hips with both hands and turns you around to face him. The cool metal hand grips you by the neck, tilting your face up helplessly to him, and this kiss is messy, demanding, teeth nipping at your lips. You kiss him back as well as you can as he is in full control of your head and holds you where he wants you. Both your hands hold tightly to his forearm, and you squeeze.
His other hand goes to the cut of you again below, but there’s more fervor there this time. He plunders your mouth and plunders your pussy, and you’re losing your breath, but you have no wish for him to relent as you feel the powerful orgasm you crave building and barreling towards you. His fingers curl against the spongy spot on your inner wall, this thumb is demanding against your pulsing clit, and his tongue is licking dominantly into your mouth. You’re trembling and clutching at him, moaning, only when your breath hitches, inches away from bliss, he pulls back.
You cry out as he looms over you. His smirk is cruel, and his eyes spark with fire.
He licks his one of his fingers, just one.
“Alpha, please,” you groan.
“My well-mannered Omega,” he coos. “We’ll make a mess of you yet,” he says. You’re unsure whether it’s a threat or a promise, but you have no space or time to think as he moves you again, hoisting and pushing you by the grip on your chin around and away from the table until your back is flush against the wall.
Bucky pushes you down to your knees, pinches your mouth open, then spits on your tongue. "Swallow it."
You don’t think, just swallow as his eyes bore into yours as he towers over you.
He strokes his thumb over your cheek – nearly a caress, and you can’t help leaning ever so slightly into his touch. Then his thumb moves from your cheek to your lips, tracing them before pressing down to open your mouth again. He inserts two of the fingers that had been in your cunt into your mouth, and you close your mouth and begin to suck without him having to say so. The look on his face shows his approval. As you suck, there’s something so soothing about, the weight of his fingers pressing down on your tongue, the stead rhythm, that it that lulls you even further into a state of submission for him. Your eyes begin to droop.
He chuckles and withdraws his fingers, wiping them on your face. “Don’t want that so soon in our evening.”
He begins to unbuckle his belt, and you reach for the button and zipper, but he bats your hands away and slaps your cheek.
You look up sharply at him, reaching to soothe your cheek.
“Ask nicely for your Alpha’s cock, Omega.”
His first nights with you were about physical domination. This is the other half, yielding, submission.
You think best how to ask, before saying, “Please let me put my lips around your cock, Alpha.”
He unbuttons his trousers but keeps his eyes on yours. “Tell me how you want me to use your mouth, Omega,”
“I…” you bite your lip. You aren’t a stranger to sex, but speaking so directly about it isn’t something you’ve done with any of your partners in the past.
Bucky lowers the zipper. He pushes the band of his boxers down far enough to free his cock, and you whimper. He fists his arousal slowly. “You want it, then tell me what you want exactly. You’ve already let me use your body in so many ways, we both know you want more. What are you craving?”
You wait only another beat before answering, “Want you to fuck my throat.”
You are impressed at the evenness of your own tone in that moment, and his lips tick up as well.
Bucky widens his stance, then leans down to wrap his left arm around your head, holding it – almost cradling it – in the crook of his elbow. The he pushes his cock to your lips, you open for him, he pushes in, and starts truly fucking your mouth. The first few thrusts are slow, but insistent. He fills your mouth with more of him with each of those first thrusts. Then the head of his cock hits the back of your throat. He thrusts out and in again, again, again. His other hand strokes your cheek. Then he slaps it, and you groan around his cock.
“Mmmm, fuck you feel good,” he echoes your groan. “Gonna take all of your alpha’s cock down this pretty throat,” he says, and his hand moves down to your neck, feeling himself push in there.
Your eyes are tearing up, and the tears quickly start to spill over as he continues to use your throat, never removing himself completely now that he’s overtaken your mouth. He slaps your cheek twice in quick succession and you sob around his cock as you can manage. It’s hard to breathe, and your chest heaves. You brace yourself against his thighs, and he straightens and pulls out of you.
Bucky moves quickly, taking you by the shoulders and tossing you into the middle of the floor – rough but not violent.
“Clothes off,” he barks, but it’s he didn’t need to employ an alpha command to get you to comply. You barely have enough time to discard your pants and underwear the rest of the way, and only manage to get your shirt over your head in the time it takes him to get naked.
He’s on you the next instant, covering your body with his. With his chest pressed down against yours, you feel how his breathing is just as heavy as your own, glad he’s not as unaffected as he’s tried to play this encounter.
You hitch your thighs up around his torso and squeeze your knees around him.
But he doesn’t give you what you’re most anxious for yet, instead pausing to study your face.
“Such a pretty mess,” he admires.
Heat pulses through your body, his praise undeniable to your omega side.
He dips his head to lap up the salt of some of your tears, tongue dragging slowly up your cheek. When he draws back again, he merely looks at you. His eyes seem to be looking for something, but you don’t know what. You try not to give him anything outside of this moment.
His pelvis is lodged between your hips, so you squirm beneath him, hoping your hot, dripping cunt will call him back to your pressing needs. He groans and drops his forehead to yours, another sign he’s not as cool and detached as he was at the outset.
“Please, please fuck me, Alpha,” you beg.
“Fill you up with my cock? With my seed?”
“Yes, Alpha!”
He draws his hips back and you reach down and help line up his cock with your hole. He spears in with no mercy, and you don’t need or want it. You groan together as he fills you completely.
Your mouths meet again, and it’s a combination of rough messy kisses, nipping and bites, licking, mingled heavy breaths. It’s primal and unhinged, and there’s no thought to it as he continues to fuck you.
The pace at which he thrusts is relentless and just what you need, but also not enough.
You want more and you whimper and beg through kissing for it.
Bucky continues fucking you and pulls away from your lips, but in no way is he done overwhelming you. Leaning heavily onto his vibranium arm planted next to your head, he moves his other arm and presses his inner wrist up and down your neck insistently. The sound that escapes your mouth is broken and needy as the flooding of his scent directly In and around you engulfs your senses. Then he’s also sucking on your original bonding mark until you are a heaving, panting, crying mess, clawing at his back, unable to even put coherent words together to beg for him.
His shifts just enough that his pubic bone grinds down against your clit as he pounds into your pussy. You are practically vibrating with the impending orgasm, and as your alpha can undoubtedly sense that through the bond, he bites down on your mark, and you scream and fly into your release. Your walls clench hard around him, and he growls through two more powerful thrusts before he shouts, and you feel the heat of his seed star to fill you up. He pumps and pumps until he’s left every drop he can inside of you, then collapses on top of you.
He doesn’t move, pressing you down with all his weight as you both recover from the ecstasy you’ve just experienced. You almost move to stroke your fingers up and down his spine, but you quell that impulse. You do allow yourself to keep your hands on his back though – still, but connected to this man, your alpha, who dealt you such rough but undeniable pleasure.
Finally, Bucky pushes up off you, but surprises you when he scoops you up and carries you away bridal style, heading toward your bedroom.
“You really want to live under the same roof?” he asks.
 “Yes,” you answer simply.
He glances down at your face, brows furrowed, then looks back ahead as he heads down the hallway.
“Okay then.”
“Yes,” he affirms, entering your room.
He tosses you onto the bed, and crawls up over you again. He reaches beneath your back to unclasp your bra, and you let him pull it from your shoulders and toss it off to the side. Closing the gap between your bodies, you relish the feeling of his bare chest against yours, his chest hair teasing your nipples. He grips your chin yet again, this time with his vibranium hand, and looks into your eyes with a steely, cold stare.
“If you’re anything other than the good omega I require, I will send you back here, but it won’t be like this last week has been. You will be in absolute exile. Don’t test me – there will be no chances.”
You give a single nod of your head.
He pushes up and leans back then, kneeling above you.
“But you don’t want to jeopardize or risk that, do you?”
“No, Bucky.”
It’s the first time you’ve called him anything other than alpha and he clocks that, you see the flash of acknowledgement in his eyes.
“You want to be with your alpha, you want the limited freedom you know I can give you if I choose to, but you also have your own agenda”
It wasn’t a question, and you know you can’t fool him – you know he is too smart for that, and you know he knows you are intelligent in your own right. He made it clear when he closed in on your people’s territory that’s why your compliance and claiming you as his omega was part of the deal of surrender to spare any more bloodshed.
“Cross me and your future will only be visitations when I require you to service my ruts.”
You don’t doubt his threat.
“Do we have an accord, Omega?”
“Yes, Alpha.”
The words you two exchanged the fateful night of that initial surrender.
He nods.
“It seems fitting to seal it by kiss.”
You sit up and then kneel before him on the bed, he bends his head down to kiss you. It’s fervent, solemn, but he cuts it off before it develops into anything more.
“Stay here,” he orders, sliding off the bed.
That was an alpha command – wholly unnecessary except to remind you of his power.
You scowl at his retreating form, then huff once he’s out of the room.
He’s quick, and when he comes back in the room, he is slowly stroking his cock with one hand, and holds his phone in the other. He steps up to the edge of the bed.
“A kiss here, as well,” he says, pushing his hips forward.
You crawl to him, lower your head, and kiss his cock. He nods at you, indicating he expects more. You take the tip of his semi-hard cock into your mouth, lave your tongue around the tip, and then suck, looking up at him. He takes a few photos, moaning at your ministrations.
“Fuck you couldn’t look more pretty and more ruined,” he whispers. He tosses the phone down, then pushes you off him and back onto the bed, manhandling your hips to get you planted in the center of the mattress with your thighs splayed open obscenely.
“Only fair for me to finish sealing the agreement and kiss these lips as well.”
He dives in like a man starved, despite the rounds you’ve just finished. He pulls your next orgasm quickly from your fluttering pussy. You would be surprised, only you’ve come to accept that he has already acquired a dangerous – and delicious – knowledge of your body.
He looks up at you and grins and then goes in immediately for another.
You try and push him away and close your legs, feeling overstimulated, but he growls and roughly forces your thighs open again.
“Your one chance of being my good omega is already begun. So, you’re going to let me eat the pussy that belongs to me until you’re a sobbing overstimulated mess and think you can’t possibly take any more, but you will. And since this should be the last night we ever spend in this bed, when I’ve had my fill of lapping at your sweet, dripping cunt, I’m going to see if I can’t fuck you hard and long enough to break the bed.”
You can only hope your gamble to deal with the devil of HYDRA will not be your undoing.
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
Everyone check your pulse, please. Mine is gone.
I'm not saying this is officially a series, but I think we HAVE fallen into a collection territory... Unless y'all are through with this Alpha Bucky...
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It’s Always Been You Chapter One
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Okay.. so here is the first chapter of my first series. Things will get more exciting! Hope you loves enjoy! 🥰 Things are a little different in this universe and don’t necessarily follow the exact OBX plot line. Here is the back plot for anyone who missed! https://www.tumblr.com/starkeyisthelastname/753335857604329472/hear-me-out-ive-been-thinking-about-this-idea
Rafe is a total dick to other girls, you’ve been warned. 😅
Chapter One:
The girl below him, whose name he couldn’t remember, let out a loud moan as he shoved himself inside her entirely. He pressed her head down into the mattress, telling her to shut the fuck up. He closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling of her cunt as he tried to get a quick nut in that night. It had been a long work week, and tonight he needed a distraction from wanting to go out and get wasted. It was when he was mid stroke that his phone rang on the bedside table. He went to ignore it, but eyes glanced over the caller ID to see it read your name.
“Hey slut, listen to me. Don’t make a fuckin sound when I answer this..” Rafe spat, smacking the girl’s ass hard before sliding his thumb across the screen to answer.
You had plans to go out that night with some friends, but now we’re laying in bed with your makeup done, pajamas on as they had changed their minds, leaving you alone on a Saturday night. As you held your phone up to your ear, you heard the voice of your best friend answer after a few rings.
“What’s up?” He asked, hips not slowing down as he continued to thrust into the girl. “Club doesn’t sound too busy?” He laughed, hearing the sound of a tv in the background.
You were completely oblivious to Rafe having company, and if you did know then you would have probably shut yourself down tonight not wanting to think about all the girls he constantly was fucking that weren’t you. It was your own fault really, but he had been your best friend since before you two knew what that even meant. You couldn’t ruin your lifelong friendship by telling him you’d been in love with him since you both were teenagers.
“The girls changed their minds, don’t ask me why either because I don’t even know.” You laughed, as you were sure it had to do with one of them wanting to see their boyfriend instead. “But… can you come over? I’m bored… and can you bring food?” You asked with a soft giggle. It was when you heard a faint moan in the back, that your heart sank. That wasn’t his tv, and you knew it by the name Rafe being followed. “I-I’m sorry.. I didn’t know you were busy. Um.. just text me later.” You said, clearing your throat as the last thing you wanted was for him to hear the sad tone in your voice. It was best you hang up the call and quickly.
Rafe barely had time to respond, before the call ended. His thrusts completely came to a stop, no longer caring about his nut as he tossed his phone on the bedside table and pulled out. “Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house.” He said, voice cold as he grabbed his sweatpants from the floor. He hated himself for doing this. Meaningless hook ups to avoid how he felt about his best friend, and his anger only grew as he would have completely dropped this whiny bitch to go over to your place in a heart beat.
The girl sat on the bed, frown on her face as she watched Rafe pull the grey sweatpants over his toned hips and grabbed his vape off the dresser to take a hit of. “B- but, I didn’t cum.” She said with a pout, only to earn a mean laugh from the man that had been inside her the only moments before.
“I told you to the shut the fuck up when I was on the phone, think I care that you didn’t get to cum? Better be out of here by the time I get out of the bathroom.” Rafe said causally, walking towards his connected bathroom, not carrying that she mumbled asshole under her breath.
He was an asshole, always had been. That stemmed from some deeper issues that he didn’t talk about often. The only ones who knew about his mental health problems were his family and you, something no random girl would ever understand. He sighed, running a hand through his hair before slamming his fist on the marble counter of the sink. Why was he continuing this torture on himself? Why was he such a pussy about telling you how he felt?
You heard the beep of the alarm, signaling someone had unlocked the front door. There was only a few people who knew the code, your parents, Sarah, Wheezie and Rafe. Walking down the stairs of your townhome, you saw his tall figure stepping in quietly, a bag of food in his hand. You took a sigh, stepping onto the hardwood floor as you looked at him. You wanted to be mad at him, but you couldn’t. There was no reason to be. Right? He was just doing what Rafe Cameron did.
“What are you doing here? I thought you had your little girlfriend over.” You asked, trying to hide the obvious jealousy in your voice. Your fuzzy slippers glided over to where he stood, taking the food sack from him and turning around to head into the living room. You heard him chuckle behind you, but didn’t look back as you plopped yourself onto the couch.
“Not my fucking girlfriend.” Rafe snorted, throwing his keys on the coffee table. “You know I don’t do serious shit.” He said, collapsing down next to you as you pulled the food out from the bag. He didn’t do committed relationships as he was far too busy working at his father’s company, trying his best to become the man he needed to be. In an out of jail, high off blow and after nearly killing someone, he was trying to do right for the people he loved and more importantly himself. The only committed relationship he was willing to be in was with you, that was if he ever manned up enough to tell you.
As you unwrapped your food, you couldn’t help but feel your heart clench at that statement. For as long as you’d known Rafe he’d never dated anyone longer than a month. He was too selfish to be tied down and after everything he had went through during his coke fiend, you knew his focus was work and trying to stay clean. You just wondered if he would ever want anything serious when it came to you.
“And you really thought that bitch was important enough for me to skip coming to hang out with my best friend?” He asked, stealing a fry as he leaned back against the cushion.
Best friend.. and that’s all you would probably would ever be to him. You brushed the thought away, slapping his hand away as he started to reach for another fry. “Why didn’t you just get something if you planned on stealing my food?” You asked with a laugh as he pretended to look hurt that you slapped his hand.
Rafe always seemed to have a stick up his ass for the most part, a brooding look constantly on his handsome face. You knew it was hard for Rafe to let down the wall of being vulnerable, or even his funnier side. You felt lucky that you got to see the side of him that not a lot of people got to experience.
“I just wanted a couple, damn. It’s the least I can get for waiting in that long ass line for some damn chicken strips.” He scoffed, muttering about how the worker was an asshole anyway.
You rolled your eyes, taking a bite of one as he pulled his vape from the pocket of his hoodie to take a hit off. “Please tell me you aren’t gonna complain this much on family vacation.” You said, jokingly, meeting his blue eyes you loved so much as you looked up at him.
Blowing out the cloud of flavorful smoke, he rolled his own eyes before leaning his head back against the couch. “Don’t fucking remind me, that my dad picked fucking Disney World of all places.” He said with a grumble, shuddering at the idea of all the kids he was going to have to be around for 7 days.
It had been a tradition every summer for as long as you could remember that both of your families took a trip together. The first one of this year being Disney World, which you were excited for. Rafe on the other hand would rather go anywhere else than the happiest place on earth.
“Wheezie’s been begging to go for years and we’ve always gone elsewhere. Let your sister be happy.” You said, knowing the thirteen year old hardly got to choose anything that she wanted to do as she was the youngest out of everyone.
“She’s 13. Don’t you think she’s a little old for Mickey Mouse or some bullshit.” Rafe said, eyes traveling back to you. The way you looked so effortlessly beautiful, having washed your face free of makeup. Your hair on top of your head in a messy bun, and cute little set pink pajama set on that hugged those gorgeous curves. He wanted to groan, not only from the thought of leaving for Orlando in a few days but also that he wanted you more than anything he ever wanted in his life. Rafe pretty much got whatever his heart desired, except having you as his girl.
“You are never too old for Disney.” You told him, matter of factly as you continued to eat, completely clueless to the fact his cerulean eyes were bored into you as he watched you.
Rafe let out a small chuckle, shaking his head at the fact you and everyone else seemed to be thrilled about visiting a place he didn’t find so magical. “Are you that excited princess?” He asked, the nickname one you were used to but still felt butterflies when he said it.
Swallowing a bite, you looked up at him to meet his gaze with a nod to your head. Disney was the place where dreams came true and maybe there you would finally have the courage to tell your best friend that you were in love with him.
tag list: @alinavalentine
let me know if you’d like to be tagged! 🌺
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ghettogirly · 3 days
Ok, What about armando aretas finding out you're pregnant with his baby. He found the stick (anywhere doesn't matter).
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-> synopsis: what would armando be like if he found out you was pregnant?
-> theme: angst and fluff.
-> warnings: mention of abortion, mature language.
-> authors note: i’m currently posting this to keep you guys fulfilled while im working on some short stories. those take longer than these little headcanons so i apologise for the wait! hope you enjoy!! Let me know if you guys want a taglist as well.
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-> 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 that you was pregnant about a week ago when you kept throwing up in the morning and was more light headed than usual.
-> telling your friends about your symptoms one day at brunch caused them all to look at you with widened eyes, their faces being explicit with the same expression. Fear.
-> “bitch, you’re pregnant.”
-> “what is armando going to think about this?”
-> what is armando going to think about this.
-> she was right.
-> you guys have never even discussed having kids before, both still being fairly young as you were under the age of 25.
-> you only worked in a cake shop as you was still a student, trying to finish your college degree.
-> the weight of your friends opinions dawned on you as you slowly sipped the lemonade you bought, the icy temperature of the drink awakening your nerves.
-> “fuck.”
-> 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐊 laid there on the marble countertop as both of your hands were rested by it side by side. Your hair hung down as you stared at it.
-> It was really true. You was pregnant.
-> The overwhelming thoughts clouded your mind, removing the ability for you to be happy about the idea of motherhood. Instead somber about this rude awakening. It wasn’t meant to happen now. Was it ever supposed to happen?
-> You and Armando never even spoke about the possibility of kids, just focusing on your free-spirited relationship as you both did whatever you pleased. Parties, meetings, the thrill of running from danger, running from law enforcement.
-> That was all going to change.
-> A wet feeling landed on your hand. Then another and another. It was teardrops. The transparent dots of water dropped onto your hand, staining them a little. Eventually an avalanche of tears would cascade down your face, causing you to uncontrollably sob as the obsessive thoughts became more and more out of control.
-> “Babe, ¿Estás aquí?”
-> Your eyes quickly widened as you heard a voice downstairs in the living room, the only man having that deep of a voice, your man. Armando. Quickly wiping your tears, you threw the stick into the bin next to the toilet, walking out of there as if nothing happened.
-> However, it was as if Armando sensed something was wrong. Not being a man of many words, he just simply raised his eyebrow at you, referencing for you to tell him what’s wrong. Yet, you just rolled your eyes and smiled. “Nothing is up.”
-> Still not satisfied he looked at you intensely, his face stoic as ever. Nevertheless, he left it alone and trusted you to tell him eventually. “Perdón por llegar tarde, estaba ocupado.”
-> You bring him into a hug, not caring about him being late. Just being happy he’s finally home. He wrapped his arms around you, engaging with the hug as his pointer finger tapped you gently on your back. That being a little thing he does, acknowledging how much he missed you.
-> 𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, you was passed out on the couch after watching a movie with Armando. Your empty takeout boxes being on the table.
-> Armando went upstairs to shower, allowing the water to cleanse not only his body but his mind too, the day for him being exhausting. He moved his hand to turn the water faucet off, his black hair being a wet mess, dripping slightly on his shoulders.
-> The male opened the shower door. Picking up the towel from the sink, he noticed something stand out from his peripheral vision. He moved his head slightly to turn towards the object that caught his attention, noticing a blue and white stick on top of the trash within the bin.
-> Peering down at it, he noticed it to be a pregnancy stick. “¿Qué es esto..?”
-> 𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐏, you notice Armando in front of you. Slamming the object down onto the table, he looked at you. Anger controlled every feature of his face as he stood there. Digusted.
-> “Espero que lo estés terminando.”
-> 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐁𝐘 𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑. You slowly sat up, facing him as his eyes were struck with concern. Still adjusting to reality, you rubbed your eyes. “What’s wrong?”
-> There he gently placed the stick on the table. Not saying a word, just looking back at you, waiting for you to lead the conversation. “I was going to tell you.”
-> “It was in the trash.”
-> You couldn’t object to that, he was right. You wasn’t really going to tell him, hoping that it was all just a lie and that the stick wasn’t even real. Hoping it was one big dream.
-> Looking at him solemnly, you felt your eyes welling up with tears the second time that day. This time, he didn’t say anything but embraced you into a hug instead, kissing your forehead.
-> “Enfermo nunca te dejan.. i would never abandon you.”
-> Those words were the music to your ears. “Damn these pregnancy hormones are annoying.”
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“¿Estás aquí?” : Are you here?
“Perdón por llegar tarde, estaba ocupado.” : Sorry for being late, i was busy.
“¿Qué es esto..?” : What is this?
“Espero que lo estés terminando.” : I hope you’re terminating it.
“Enfermo nunca te dejan..” : I’ll never leave you.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 days
The First Time(Aka How Nanami Kento Lost His Virginity)Chapter Five: Drink Water To Cry Better
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Chapter Five: Drink Water To Cry Better
warnings: mentions of alcohol, partying, slight suggestive themes, angst, bullying pairings: Emo!Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader summary: you and Kento get invited to a frat house party and he decides to take you out even though he much rather stay in. you two have been getting closer, despite your own denial about your feelings for him. during a drunken make-out session, Kento soon learns what he believes is the truth about your relationship. things are left unsaid and things are colder than ice.
taglist: @beneathstarryskies @seireiteihellbutterfly @kenpachisbrat.
@marikuchanxo @harlekin6 @gennaray @markleeisdabestdrug
@entirelysein-e @brokennerdalert. @sugurusprettygirl
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As the weeks go by, you and Kento find yourselves teetering on the edge of being in a relationship and still remaining casual. You really are falling so deeply in love with him, but you’re in denial. You try your best to remind yourself that this is just a college fling, but you wonder if maybe you could really be in a committed relationship with someone like him.
At night, you think of him. Even while in your bed alone, you cling to your pillow and wish he was here with you. In the last little bit, he’s been staying the night even though he’s not really supposed to be. You’ve dusted off your old Nintendo 64 for the two of you to play Ocarina of Time well into the wee hours of morning. If you’re not playing Legend of Zelda, you two are falling asleep to AVGN playing on your clunky laptop.
Kento has found a place in your heart, and you fear you won’t be able to let him go. You don’t want to consider him exclusive, but you are also not eager to share him with anyone else.
As the second semester comes to a close, you and Kento find yourselves invited to a party at a —---. He’s finding excuses not to go, but the minute you say you might want to go for just a bit, he sees the appeal in it.
“I think it could be fun,” you mention as you two have lunch together at your favorite cafe. “It’s a good way to unwind after exams.”
Kento nods and sips his coffee. “Yeah, I guess I never really saw it that way,”
“Will you come with me? I wouldn’t wanna go without you.”
This makes his heart flutter. Kento, on his end, has found himself completely head over heels for you. He’s gone through his denial phase a while back. He had tried his best to hide his feelings for you, but the more you two hung out, the more he found himself just hanging on to your every word. The more he would take an extra second to admire you.
And with every moment that passed between you two, he longed for the day that he could fully call you all his. He wanted to hold you in his arms, post-coitus and in that beautiful afterglow and to finally whisper those three words to you. For now though, it was just a singular fantasy. The one he imagines whenever he’s aroused and you’re not around to take care of him.
“Earth to Kento,” you wave your hand in his face.
“Yeah, sorry sorry…” he shrugs and tries to hide his blushing cheeks. “I’ll come with you if it means that much to you.”
You chuckle softly, reaching over the table to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. Just that little touch sends shivers down his spine. He can’t quite look you in the eyes right now, and you love the way his cheeks and tops of his ears are tinged just a little pink.
“It’s tomorrow night around 9,” you mention. “I’d like for us to go together.”
The words play in his mind, even after he’s promised to come by your dorm to pick you up around 8:30. He wonders what you’ll wear. Kento’s mind is very active that night, while he lays in his bed. He holds his pillow close.
The thought of you wearing a cute dress with fishnet tights makes his heart flutter in his chest. You were that type of girl too. He sees what you wear when you’re not trying to dress business casual for class. It turns him on to see you in such alternative attire.
The next morning, you two meet up for breakfast before a short morning class. You notice how he’s in a much better mood than usual, and you wonder if maybe the promise of cutting loose for a bit is making him happy.
The night comes quickly and you’re in your dorm texting a few friends and listening to music as you get ready. You settled on a gray and black plaid skirt along with knee high red and black socks. Your shirt was a cut up Green Day shirt you had bought the last time you went to a concert. You finished up your makeup in the mirror plastered in polaroids and old pictures taken from music magazines.
There’s a knock on your door and you rush over to answer it. Your breath hitches in your throat when you see Kento standing there, a single red rose in his hands. He’s blushing as he thrusts it in your direction.
“For you.”
Your eyes widen and you smile sweetly. You gladly take it, bringing the rose up to your nose. It smells floral and lightly sweet. Then you take in the look of the man who stole your heart. Dressed in his signature black skinny jeans and ripped up Vans slip-ons, he looks so good. And you notice the new checker print hoodie he’s wearing with his thumbs poking out the holes in the sleeves.
“You look really good,” you comment. You invite him inside and he sits on your couch.
He stumbles with his words. He tells you that you look pretty, but he means you look beautiful. He wants to take you into his arms, kiss you softly and tell you not to go out tonight. You two could stay in and finally take your relationship to the next step.
“Thanks Ken! Do you want to head out now?” you ask him after touching up your makeup.
He nods. “Y-yeah. Let’s go.”
You take his hand and grab your purse before you two leave your dorm. The walk to the frat house wasn’t far, so you two had a little time alone to enjoy each other’s company. The night is so beautiful. The sun had just finished setting and the sky was getting darker. The stars would be shining soon. You felt like this was one of those nights you’d never forget.
The minute the two of you step into the frat house, you know that this party is going to be wild. Beer bottles litter the ground amongst a group of drunken college kids. You look around as you and Kento enter the house, moving around waves of bodies that are either getting drunk or dancing. You spot a group of girls in the kitchen and you notice a few of your friends within that group.
“Hey!” You wave at them. Your fingers still interlocked with Kento’s.
The girls giggle before your friends spot you and they wave you over. Kento feels nervous about this. He knows what others think of him. They all think of him as a loser, a loner and someone who doesn’t fit in. What makes him fall so deeply for you is that you see him for who he truly is.
“Hey girl, glad you made it!” One of the girls comments, her eyes darting towards Kento. “You too! Nice to see you out of class.”
Kento shrugs. “Is there a reason for us to meet like this?”
You bite your lip in an attempt to stifle your laugh. “Awh, be nice, you.”
Kento smirks when he notices how some of your friends are trying to hide their laughter too. Maybe he could truly be a part of your fold. He holds your hand a little tighter.
You two make it to the counter where a large stash of booze is displayed. Kento grabs the bottle of whiskey, pouring some into a red solo cup. He hands you one, and the two of you sip on your drinks. It’s nasty and strong, but you two long to get a little fucked up tonight.
Throughout the night, you two drink your fair share of booze. Kento keeps a tight hold on you, preventing you from stumbling over or ramming into anyone accidentally. 
And finally, the moment comes when the two of you find a room that’s unoccupied. Your mind is a hazy mix of alcohol and lust for the man who’s been glued to your side this entire night. You kiss him first; it’s sloppy and hungry. Kento follows your lead, cupping your face.
The two of you make it to the bed, and you pull him on top of you. You giggle as he groans, then he kisses you again. His tongue feels a little tied, but he wants to tell you just how much fun he’s having.
“Such a good time when I’m with you,” he slurs between kisses. “I wanna…fuck I wanna show you just how much you mean to me.”
The minute you squeeze his hardened cock through his jeans, it seems to sober him up a little. He then realizes maybe he needs to cool off before he does anything else. Kento pulls away despite your protests.
“Just gonna get us water, ‘kay? Stay here, beautiful.”
When he steps out of the room, he’s wondering if he should even be leaving you in the room like that. You’re clearly drunk and anyone could enter. He decides to make it super quick. He goes into the kitchen, quickly swiping two bottles of water before making his way to the room again.
But before he can go inside, he hears girls giggling. Kento looks over his shoulder at the group of girls that you two had been talking to earlier.
“So,” the leader starts. “You’re the virgin, huh?”
The word sounds so nasty on her tongue. Kento knows you don’t care that he’s a virgin. You’ve been so patient and sweet with him this entire time. You’ve shown him the right way to explore each other. But the way she’s saying it now, it makes him feel ashamed of being a virgin at his age.
“You really think she likes you, huh? Come on, you’re just a pity fuck.”
The words cut him deeply. “Shut up, you don’t know her.”
The girl smirks, “And you think you do? Come on, get over yourself! She’s only using you as a pity fuck…or well not even cause you’re still a virgin.”
His blood boils and his heart is in his stomach now. He thinks back on all the things you two have been through together. Would you really do that to him? He thought that you two were really becoming close and things would progress really soon.
“See ya later, you fuckin’ virgin.”
With his stomach in knots and tears of frustration in his eyes, he enters the room. There you lay, on the bed. You look so fucking beautiful and he wants nothing more than to make you his. But now, he knows that maybe he’s been nothing but a joke to you this entire time. He gives you the bottle of water.
“I won’t be bothering you again.” He states. He hates that he’s doing this, but it was to protect himself. He watches as you slowly come to terms with the words coming out of his mouth.
Your heart flutters in a panic. You sit up, but you’re so dizzy. Kento wants to help you, but he’s hurting. He doesn’t want to let this continue if all you were doing was stringing him along. 
“Just forget we ever met, okay? You and I are done. There wasn’t anything between us anyway. Just continue your perfect fucking life without me.”
You stare at him in disbelief. You swore that tonight would be the night that you two would finally go all the way. And if not, you were ready to tell him how much you loved him. You feel tears stinging your eyes.
“Kento…wait…” You cry out. He shakes his head and turns away from you.
But before you can continue, he storms out. It’s only a few minutes later that your friends come in, sitting with you and consoling you as best as they can.
Kento walks home alone, his heart pounding and his mind racing with thoughts of regrets. He just messed up the greatest thing to ever happen to him.
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peachhcs · 16 hours
how do i get the girl back?
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will blurb)
after coming home from the combine, will confides in his mom and older sister about the breakup + getting samy back.
1.2k words
hiii this blurb was cutie to write since i don't write a lot about will's family. again, if you want smaller blurbs of the new breakup timeline let me know!! :))
au masterlist
with will’s back to the back door, he didn’t see or hear his sister trailing out behind him. her footsteps were always too soft for the boy to hear so that’s why she always scared him whenever she came up behind him. 
“i feel like i’m getting deja vu finding you out here,” grace said, making will jump hearing her voice. the boy spun around, his older sister standing a few feet away from the step he was sitting on. 
a tiny frown fell across his lips, “is that a bad or good thing?” 
“well, the last time i found you out here, you and samy just broke up,” grace hummed, but not in a way like she was trying to mock her brother, she was just simply stating it. 
when will didn’t respond grace found a spot on the step next to him. the siblings didn’t say anything at first, just enjoying the comfortable silence they sat in because sometimes it was rare being alone together and not playfully bickering about something. 
“you’ve been kind of sparse since you got back,” the older blonde said, her eyes on their yard. 
“oh, sorry. i don’t really mean to be,” will shrugged some. his little panic attack of realization he had last week was still fresh in the boy’s mind and he actually couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
“wanna talk about it at all?” grace wondered, knowing there was something on her little brother’s mind that kept him from being around much. 
“you’re gonna call me an idiot,” the boy mumbled, looking away. 
“no, i won’t. i promise,” grace shook her head. sure, her brother has made terrible decisions, but she still loved him above everything and wasn’t gonna call him stupid. 
“last week..i told myself i was gonna try and forget about samy. i met this girl and i tried talking to her until i had the very hard realization that i was just pretending she was samy in my mind and i found myself still talking about her even when i wasn’t trying to,” will explained. 
grace watched her brother’s head fall into his arms, hiding his facial expressions from her. she’s never seen him like this before—so sad and vulnerable. he was always the tough one and she was usually the one ranting to him about all the terrible guys she’s been on dates with. this was new and a bit unfamiliar territory for the older girl. 
“so what does this mean?” she wondered gently. 
“i think it means i fucked up, but i don’t know how to get her back,” the younger blonde admitted in a muffle through his arms. 
the older smith sibling sat there for a moment, conjuring up a proper response in her head. “what made you wanna breakup with her in the first place then?” 
“a mix of bad decisions and my own insecurities,” now that was a surprising one. if grace could describe her brother, she’d definitely tell people he was sometimes very arrogant with a little too much confidence, so hearing her brother say himself that he had insecurities made the girl question everything she’s known. 
“you’re insecure? about what?” 
“a lot of things and it got into my head too much where i thought i wouldn’t be good enough for samy being so far away. i started overthinking how she’d find someone new who was way better than me and dump me for him, so i figured i’d save myself the trouble..” the younger boy explained a bit weakly. 
“oh, will..” grace sighed. “you know that’s not true, right? you know samy doesn’t think that. you are good enough for her. actually, you’re perfect for her,” watching the two grow up, grace’s seen their relationship change and develop through the years. 
her brother had a hard outer shell, so seeing someone completely crack it open was somewhat of a miracle. she’s never seen her brother so happy before whenever samy was around and she saw the big smile will brought to samy’s lips too. 
“yeah, i get that now, grace,” will mumbled. 
“you’re not an idiot, will. i promise. you made a rash decision, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed,” she reached out to touch his arm where he finally found her gaze again. 
“i wouldn’t be too sure about that. she doesn’t ever wanna talk to me again,” the boy sighed. 
before grace could answer, the back door opened again. this time colleen came out searching for her two kids, surprised to find them together on the back steps. 
“there you two are. i’ve been looking for you guys,” the older woman smiled, but it faded seeing the gloomy looks. “what’s wrong? you guys look sad.” 
will hadn’t really talked to his parents about the breakup and this was grace’s first time getting him to open up about it more since it happened. the boy’s gaze slid to his sisters where she gently nodded, telling him to tell her. 
“how do i fix a really bad mistake i made?” will squeaked out. 
“what do you mean, honey?” colleen drew closer to her kids. 
“how do i get back the girl i love?” the mom finally understood what her son was trying to say. she frowned even more when will’s teary eyes returned and she took that as her sign to wrap her arms around him in a tight hold. 
“oh, baby, it’s gonna be okay. i promise,” colleen cooed into wil’s ear as if he was five years old again. 
“i’m such an idiot, mom. i don’t know how to make any of this better or attempt to fix it,” will cried a bit. 
“you’re not an idiot, will. i’ll say that first. you had a lot on your mind and i get that. i’m not excusing your behavior towards her, but i understand the pressure of everything. you really love her and want her back?” 
the younger blonde nodded, “i really do.” 
“it’s not gonna be easy. you broke her trust, so you’re gonna have to earn that back and be okay with the fact of her being stand-offish at first whenever you do start talking again. i don’t think it would be a bad idea to reach out to her though. try talking to her before our family vacation coming up? she will be there, you know,” colleen suggested. she’s heard the story from samy’s side from ellen and from the looks of it, it just seemed like the two needed some space to cool off before trying to talk again. 
“i don’t even know what i would say to her if i did reach out. i have no way of doing so anyway,” the younger blonde shrugged. 
“why don’t you sleep on it. is ryan around or something? you two could go hang out to get your mind off of it for awhile,” mrs. smith said and grace nodded in agreement. 
“yeah, i guess so,” will dug through his pocket for his phone. 
“it won’t feel like this forever, willie. it’s gonna work out, i promise,” grace squeezed her younger brother’s arm. he managed a weak smile in her direction, but he had a hard time believing his mom and sister’s words. 
the history him and samhain had didn’t mean that would be the magic fix to everything. he’ll be lucky if he can even get her to talk to him again. 
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vinomino · 23 hours
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A Little Link
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Pairing: Sakura Haruka x F!Reader
Warnings: mdni 18+, oral(m!receiving), inexperienced!Sakura, experienced!Reader
WC: 872
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Sakura didn’t even know what to do. Tsugeura had sent a link in the group chat. A porn link. Sure Sakura had seen a few magazines of gravure idols that some of the boys in the neighborhood he grew up in left around, but he hadn’t had the faintest idea that you could watch videos of couples actually doing it on your cell phone.
He was about to go to sleep when he noticed the class group chat blowing up. People were commenting on a link Tsugeura had sent and in curiosity he decided to see what the fuss was about. Immediately prompted with an “Are you 18+?” sign, he clicked yes. Sakura threw his phone across the room when a video popped up and started playing.
What the hell? Is it that CGI something stuff people have been talking about lately? Sakura picked up his phone again, feeling like his head was about to explode from how hot it was getting. Tiny sounds were coming from his phone as he stared at his screen. The woman in the video takes the guy into her mouth and moves her head up and down— the sound of his front door suddenly opening caused him to throw his phone again.
You finished studying and brought some fruit cake to share with Sakura. Eagerly opening the door to his apartment to see your boyfriend, “Haruka! I got some cake, let’s share—“ You rounded the corner and saw Sakura’s phone laying on the ground at your feet. “Hm?” You picked it up, turned the screen and froze. After a few moments you look up at Sakura whose entire body is bright red. “W-W-WAIT!” He shouted and grabbed his phone back.
Sakura had his head in his hands, too embarrassed to look at you. Breaking the silence, “Haruka, do you want me to do this to you?” You tried not sounding too excited. You and Sakura have been dating for a few months, but you’ve only got as far as calling each other by your first names, let alone holding hands or kissing. Sure you were willing to wait for Sakura to get comfortable, but he was so good as turning you on by doing anything you felt like bashing your head against the wall sometimes. You started to wonder if Sakura even knew what sex was.
“W-wha—WHAT?! N-NO!” He flailed his arms around. “Oh, uh, I got some fruit cake for you…I’ll just leave it here…” You stood up and headed straight for the door, cursing yourself as to why you even suggested that. Sakura winced before shooting up and grabbing your wrist. “E—Er, don’t…be upset…you can if…you want to…” Sakura wanted to punch himself in the face, had he lost his mind?
“R-Really? Really?!” You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. You’ve been fantasizing about him every night for the past weeks. Having him in your mouth, his cock stretching you out, and pounding your pussy—
Now Sakura was sitting on his futon with you crouched down between his legs. He was biting his bottom lip that was also red, much like the rest of him. “Can I…?” You looped your fingers in the waistband of his boxers, the front had a little damp circle from his pre cum which had you drooling at the sight. Sakura nodded and lifted his hips for you to pull off his boxers. His erection smacked against his lower stomach when it sprung free, all angry and veiny. His pubes match his hair, black and white. He was a bit bigger and girthy than you’ve been imagining and you weren’t complaining.
He chokes out a whimper when you wrap your hand around his base, “If you want me to ever stop, just say so, I will.” You looked into his eyes as he slowly nodded. Stop? Sakura wouldn’t in a million years say stop when he has your pretty fingers wrapped around his cock.
You kissed along his inner thighs and made your way to his base and length before pressing a final kiss on the tip, smearing a bead of pre cum on your lips. Sakura gasps and muffles a moan as he clenches at the futon below. You give a little kitten lick as he jerks his hips. Giggling you spit on your hand and begin stroking him, taking the top of his cock into your mouth, running your tongue on the bottom side. Bobbing your head up and down and using your hand on what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—“ Sakura starts panting and squeezes his eyes shut, if this was a wet dream he never wanted to wake up. The wet, sloppy sounds of your mouth were sending him into overdrive. He moans when you take his entire length into your mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat and nuzzling your nose against his happy trail. He opens his eyes and immediately cums at the sight, shooting his load down your throat. Tears blurring his vision from how hard he came. You mewl and swallow it all, feeling him soften a bit before pulling him out of your mouth with a lewd pop.
You lick your lips, “Haru, do you know what sex is?” Poof, Sakura explodes.
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I feel like Tsugeura would be enough of a freak to send porn links lol…
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padfootagain · 3 days
Only an Almost (XX)
Chapter 20: Toothaches
Hi! Here is the very last chapter of this series!
Thank you all for reading, and for your reactions to this fic. I won’t lie, I’m very emotional as I say goodbye to this fic. I’ve worked on it for several months, it feels strange to let these two idiots go and live their happy lives now.
The next series I’ll post is my professor!AU, so stay tuned ;)
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 2054
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Two years later
You placed back the panel into the hive; gently, delicately, being careful not to harm any insect that might have gotten in the way.
The buzzing sounds around you were loud, but you were used to them by now. Accompanying Andrew once a week to take care of his bees, you had grown more confident around his tiny friends. You were a real pro now. A reassuring thought for him, now that he was about to tour again. He could place their safety in your loving hands.
“Alright, that was the last one,” Andrew spoke, a happy smile on his lips.
“Good job, ladies,” you complimented the bees, making Andrew chuckle fondly at you.
“Good job indeed. And to you, too. Good job, love.”
“Thanks! I am getting good at this!”
Andrew closed the hive, and you both made your way back to your house.
Your house. Andrew still struggled to wrap his mind around the idea that you were sharing a home now, but you did. Even after ten months, he still needed to pinch himself sometimes to believe it.
He helped you out of your beekeeping clothes, and you did the same for him. Teamwork at its finest to repeat movements you were both used to by now.
“You won’t be nervous to take care of the bees alone?” Andrew asked you, voice soft and tender as he brushed a strand of your hair out of your face.
“No, don’t worry! Besides, if I need help, I’ll just call the guys at the brewery!”
“Right. Don’t hesitate to call them if you need help.”
“Don’t worry, baby… I’ll be just fine.”
He nodded, his heart doing its usual little jump at the sound of the pet name. He bent down to drop a peck on the top of your head.
“Let’s eat some of this delicious honey our tiny workers have been making!” he offered, and you enthusiastically nodded, following him through the house and inside the kitchen.
The house had changed quite a bit since you had moved in. Asides from accommodating your belongings, it had gained a few plants, some decorating items, a little bit of your warmth that mingled with his own.
Outside the sun was shining brightly, spreading its beams through the kitchen, while Andrew was cutting some fruits and you were making coffee. You kissed his lips to steal a piece of apple, making him laugh at the mischief shining in your eyes.
“Thief,” he mumbled, still a little stunned after feeling your lips on his.
You merely giggled in response, the sound as sweet as the honey he was adding to the two bowls of fresh fruits.
“I love you too, baby,” you cooed, wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him closer, mischief written all over your features.
“You’re annoying.”
“Don’t I know that already.”
“Unbelievable, that’s what you are…”
“Hmm… Don’t I know that too…”
Slowly, Andrew bent closer and closer to your lips. A fall he longed for, a dive he dreamt about still.
“Insufferable…” he mumbled against your lips, before kissing you properly, hands rising to hold your face in place, to let his fingers disappear into your hair and his thumbs spray across your cheeks.
You tasted so sweet; like the apple you had stolen, like love turned into a flavour.
“Christ… I love you so fucking much,” he whispered as he rested his forehead against yours.
He brushed his knuckles across your cheekbone, gesture infinitely sweet, desperately tender.
You ran your fingers through his hair, and he couldn’t help but lean into your touch.
“I love you too, Andy,” you whispered, your breath fanning over his face. “I love you more than anything.”
He bent lower to wrap you in his embrace, to bury his face into your neck. He inhaled deeply your perfume, until the scent was carved into his lungs. He closed his eyes, shivered as your hand slowly moved from his hair to his chest, to rest right upon his heart.
“I’m going to miss you,” he whispered into your skin.
He listened to the little gasp you let out, he wasn’t certain whether it was because of his breath across your neck or the meaning of his words.
“I’ll miss you too. God… it feels like I miss you already.”
You pulled away, after granting him another minute of the intimate embrace. You turned to the table, grabbed a bowl and a spoon, took a bite. You hummed in satisfaction.
“Our honey really is the best in the world,” you nodded, making him laugh.
“Our honey? These are my hives. That my family gifted to me…”
“We both take care of the bees! It gives me some rights on them!”
“Some rights?”
“I get 51% of the honey.”
“So… the majority of it. Even if those are my hives…”
“Because you love me.”
“Oh, I see,” he couldn’t refrain a loud laugh.
“I’m sleeping with you for two reasons: the honey, and Raine.”
“I knew it. I knew you were using me for something.”
“Of course, I’m heartless.”
“Can’t blame you though… the honey is delicious,” he added a hum of approval, as if to prove his point, while he took another bite of grapes, apples and honey.
You finished eating in silence. It was comfortable, comforting even. Warm and happy and full of love. You sat down after a couple of minutes, and your feet were touching under the table, a mingling of limbs just to make sure that you were always touching.
It was simple, domestic. Andrew caught himself staring at you, at the way the sun embraced your features and got caught in your eyelashes, pearling on their curve.
There was a deep, warm feeling bubbling in his chest, the kind he had felt before, for other women. But never to this extent, never reaching this absolute tenderness that was coursing through his veins as he looked at you. You, sharing a simple snack with him, in his kitchen. You weren’t leaving, you were home. You were his home and he was yours.
As he stared at you nipping on a grape, he was more content with his life than he had ever been.
You started humming, the melody of a song you had heard on the radio that morning, he couldn’t remember the title nor the lyrics. Still, he hummed along, and the sound seemed to make you grin.
“On a scale of ‘being happy to finally be rid of me’ to ‘on the verge of total panic’… how are you feeling about me leaving for tour tomorrow?” Andrew asked softly, his voice almost a whisper, afraid to break the warmth of the moment you were sharing together.
You blinked at him, put down your spoon in your bowl, and reached out across the table for his hand. He held it without a second thought, brushing his thumb across your knuckles.
“I’d say… a strong 5. ‘Sad that you’re leaving, but certain that we’ll make it work’.”
You offered him a reassuring smile, and he let out a long exhale.
“Are you angry against me for leaving?” he asked, but you were quick to shake your head.
“Of course not… that’s your job. And you were meant to be a musician, there is no doubt about it. I’m glad you’re doing what you love… I’ll just miss you.”
“You’ll wait for me, right?” he asked, voice quiet and vulnerable. He brushed his hair away from his face in a hurried and nervous gesture.
But you were calm, perfectly confident and serene as you answered.
“Of course. There is no need to ask that question. We’ve talked about this, we have a plan. We’ll be fine.”
The plan…
A call every day, no matter the time difference. A flight to join him in four weeks, a flight to join you again in nine. Texts whenever you woke up and before going to sleep. Updates on your books. No secrets, no lies, no attempts to hide if something didn’t feel right. And then it would start all over again after his two-weeks break, in eleven weeks. And again, and again, an unbreakable cycle for the foreseeable future. It was alright. Andrew knew he would still love you the same, even from the other side of the globe. But that was the breaking point for all his previous relationships, the distance and the missing and the loneliness that came with him.
And yet, when you tightened your hold on his hand and he focused on your eyes again, there was no trace of hesitation or doubt whatsoever there.
“You didn’t want to date me because of this, at the beginning…” he went on, but you shrugged.
“It was two years ago. I was afraid. I’m not scared anymore.”
“Really?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.
“No… I’m happy with you. I love you. I know we can do this. I have no doubt about us.”
His lips parted in a somehow shocked smile, and he had to blink to process your words.
“I have no doubt about my love for you either,” Andrew answered. “You’re right, I shouldn’t worry so much.”
You looked down at the bowl before you, it was almost empty already.
“I will burn your collection of Heaney’s books if you miss more than three phone calls, you are warned,” you joked, making him laugh again.
“How cruel! Leave Seamus out of it! He did nothing to you!”
“I don’t have a choice, I know you love him more than me!”
You were laughing, clearly joking, and yet Andrew’s expression softened.
“Now, that would be impossible. I couldn’t love anyone or anything more than I love you.”
You stared at him with an emotional smile on your lips, knowing that he was being serious, that he truly meant it… and he did. The songs he had written for you were proof. He hoped that the things he did for you every day were enough to demonstrate his feelings too.
He was surprised when you stood up, when you circled the table to stand by his side, waiting until he had pushed his chair so you could straddle his laps. You held him tightly against you, arms around his neck and face buried in his hair. He held you with the same affection, the same desperate need to show you how much he loved you.
“You don’t have to worry, Andy. I’ll wait for you,” you whispered in his ear, making his heart stumble and quicken at the same time, his breath catching in his throat. “You’re the love of my life. I want to spend all the time I have left with you.”
Andrew blinked, tightened his hold on you, tried to take in your words and their meaning and what it meant to have you confessing such feelings for him.
You pulled away as he started laughing, still sitting on his laps but frowning at his reaction.
When he looked at you, he wasn’t hiding the adoration he felt for you.
“And I was afraid I was being too cheesy…” he chuckled, making you roll your eyes.
“Eejit…” you mumbled, a fond smile on your lips still.
“I thought I was the one breaking the crazy love confessions quota in this relationship…”
“Don’t make me regret saying it!” you joked, moving closer again.
He brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, putting all of his love in his gaze and his gesture.
“I feel the same, you know?” he grew more serious again. “You’re the one for me. It was always you, my love.”
You smiled just like he did, a mirror of emotions and love and something close to relief. You rested your forehead against his, closed your eyes.
Andrew thought about the break he would have in nine weeks, about coming home to you. He thought about the next leg of touring, and the break that would follow. And he thought about coming home to you with a ring in his suitcase, and he thought about you in a white dress, about waking up with you every day, going to sleep with your hand in his every night…
When he kissed your lips again, they tasted sweet, like the future they promised.
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Hot As A Summer’s Eve (Rengoku x Black!Fem!Chubby!Reader 18+ One Shot) [COMMISSION FILL]
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Pairing: Rengoku Kyojuro x Black!Fem!Plus-Sized!Reader
Synopsis: In which our favorite sexy, fire-haired himbo Rengoku decides to confess his feelings to you, his favorite Demon Slayer Corp, and show you that he adores your body just for how it was made: by fucking you stupid in the woods at a summer festival.
Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS DNI), Older!Rengoku x Younger!Reader; Public Sex, Forest Sex, Crush Confession, Foreplay, Breeding Kink, Cumpie, Oral, Masturbation, Breast Worship, Oral (Giving & Receiving), Facefuck, Multiple Positions, Sex Against a Tree, Doggystyle, Almost Caught, Spanking, Mild Choking, MDom!Rengoku, fsub!Reader, Aftercare
Writer’s Note: A thank you to @eevees-hobbies for trusting me to write this commission & post it publicly! I’m gonna start writing more Demon Slayer shit after this lol. I hope y’all enjoy! ❤️ -Jazz
“Rengoku, I…I didn’t know you felt this way about me.”
You say this while standing in the cool, lush forest yards away from the glowing lights, cheery live music, and chatter of visitors coming from the summer festival that you’ve been looking forward to all week.
The highly-anticipated festival is thrown every year to celebrate the summer’s solstice where businesses set up vendors to make a profit, shaved ice and free sake shots are aplenty, and people wear kimonos and adobes to celebrate in full. Rengoku has been looking forward to it too.
But not for the flavored shaved ice, free sake, games to win goldish, live performances, or fireworks that are done at the end of the festival. He was only looking forward to it for a chance to spend time with you.
You, the beautiful and magnetic demon slayer that has been learning and training with him, the eight other Hashira members, and the other new members of the Demon Slayer Corps. You with your soft, curly black hair, smooth skin that he wishes to touch, bright smile, and luscious, beautiful body.
Truth be told, Rengoku doesn’t give a fuck about the festival. He wasn’t even going to go even though the rest of his group and the newest Demon Slayer Corps members were going. But when he found out you’d be in attendance, he rushed to iron his kimono for the occasion. The moment he saw you in your red kimono with its pink flowers, he knew he had to tell you how he felt finally.
And when he saw you laughing at something Tengen said, the flirty, cocky motherfucker, he definitely knew he had to act fast. He felt bad for having such negative thoughts about his fellow slayer. Tengen was always a great guy and an even greater guy! But there was something about seeing him flash his white smile and flirty eyes at pretty, plump little you while you slurped on your strawberry water ice.
Embarrassingly, Rengoku felt his cock stir beneath his kimono as he watched your lips and tongue stained red. He must’ve looked insane because Tanjiro asked if anything was wrong.
He can’t understand why he feels so deeply for you. He’s never felt this way about any woman, let alone a Demon Slayer Corp! Sure, he’s found women attractive, but the feelings you invoke in him are primal. Sexual. Personal. He finds himself going mad seeing you around other men or when you flash one of those pretty smiles his way.
He can’t quite put his finger on why you affect him the way you do. Maybe it’s the way your hair bounces when you walk or how it smells faintly of mangos whenever you’re near him. Maybe it’s how kind and sweet you are to everyone. Maybe it’s the way you always give your all when it comes to training and you don’t let your size stop you from doing what you want.
True, you are a bigger girl. “Chubby”, he’s heard you call yourself before. You need to wear a larger size for the Corp uniform, and your arms have an adorable jiggle to them, as do your thighs, and you have these chunky legs that he wants to see wrapped around his waist, and you’re just so perfect and soft and small to him.
Though you’d probably disagree with the small part, Rengoku doesn’t care. You’d be small to him no matter what size you are being that he is much bigger than you.
He is crazy over you! During the day, he watches you stretch during training sessions, your athletic sets tight on your plump body, or do your warm-ups, your voluptuous breasts jiggling enticingly in your sports bra. Even when you serve him his meals at supper with a bright smile or give him a “Good morning, Rengoku”, he is ready to jump you.
During the night, he is just as unhinged. He tosses, turns, and sweats in his sheets imagining you in them with him. His big hand fists his hard cock, pumping it vigorously at the salacious images of your thick thighs pinned under his hands as he bounces you up and down on his cock, groping your tits, stomach, and ass. You’d be so small underneath him, his big body taking over as he ruts into you and hopefully breeds you, taking you as his own.
He towers over you now, staring down into those big, brown, doe-like eyes of yours that twinkle like the stars above. Realizing he’s been staring at you without answering, Rengoku blushes and quickly tries to recover. “Uh…y-yes,” he replies, clearing his throat. “I felt that tonight was the night I should tell you: I…like you.”
He had told you this minutes before when he randomly asked you to go for a walk with him on the walking trails in the forest. You had agreed much to his shock and relief. You had placed a hand on his bicep, hard and big from years of training, as you walked through the forest darkened by night.
When you came to a clearing of pink flowers that matched the ones on your kimono, Rengoku finally confessed his year-long feelings to you, albeit sweating profusely and stammering. At first, when he confessed, you smiled your beautiful, blinding smile and said, “Oh, Ren, I like you too!” You placed a hand on his arm, making him shiver. “You’re a great fighter and an even greater friend.”
Rengoku can’t lie: he died inside hearing that. But he wasn’t the type to back down. You needed to know how he truly felt. So he elaborated: “No, no…I mean…in a romantic sense. I like you.”
Your smile had faded, replaced with an expression of confusion and surprise. You stand before him now, still looking confused and a little tense. “I-I’m sorry,” he says, feeling guilty and ashamed for making you feel some type of way. “Is this making you uncomfortable? I can sense the tension in your body. Please tell me I’m being too overbearing or if you don’t feel the same way!”
You stare down at your flip-flops sinking into the pink flowers before. “I didn’t say that,” you softly say. “I’m just…surprised is all. You’ve never really made it clear how you feel about me before. You never gave me signals or anything.” Rengoku cocks his head to the side like a lost puppy. “Signals?” he asks. “I’m not sure I follow.”
You look up at him standing a good head taller than you. “Y’know, like your hand lingering on my waist during training more than it should. Flirting. Compliments. Maybe asking me on a date.”
Rengoku blinks and his face flames up in embarrassment. You’re right! How could he tell you this now when he’s never made it known that he feels such a way about you? Tengen has no problem with it. Even Obanai, as shy and as reserved as he is, showed Mitsuri how he felt before they started officially dating.
Rengoku awkwardly rubs the back of his thick neck, right under his curtain of fiery orange and red hair like a lion’s mane. “Oh,” he chuckles bashfully. “I understand. Well, I didn’t want to come off as inappropriate or make you feel fearful of me. After all, I am your superior.”
You shrug to yourself, gnawing on your lush bottom lip. He stares at it a little too intently. “I guess so,” you say. “But that’s not stopping you from telling me how you feel now.” You give a little awkward, soft giggle that eases the tension somewhat.
Silence descends upon you for a few seconds, only filled by the distant sounds of the festival, a lone hooting owl, and crickets chirping in the night. He watches your face, noticing your frown and apprehensive eyes. “So…how do you feel about that?” he softly asks. “You don’t seem happy. Are you with one of the others? Maybe Tengen?”
You blink up at him, shocked. “Huh?!” you gasp, looking horrified at the idea. “No, no, the man already has three doting wives! I don’t wanna be one of them!” Rengoku breathes a sigh of relief. He would’ve probably killed himself if that were to happen.
“I’m just wondering if this is really real,” you admit. “Like maybe I’m dreaming or this is just a prank the others put you up to.” You look like you’re battling with yourself to admit this, still staring at the flowers.
Rengoku is confused by your confession. “What?” he asks, perplexed by such a statement. “Why would you think that?” You flush, playing with the tie to your kimono. “Well, b-because…” You pause, nibbling on that damn plump bottom lip again. He is quiet, patiently waiting for you to finish. When you look back up at him, you look so sad and broken that he wants to scoop you up and hold you.
“Because of my size,” you softly say. “My body. A man as handsome as you could get someone much smaller than me.” Rengoku takes a moment to process this, wondering what your size has to do with anything. “But you are small,” he laughs. “You’d be small to me at any size, Y/N. And beautiful at that.”
You look stunned by his compliment, but more than anything, you don’t look like you quite believe him. That’s when Rengoku realizes it: “Do you not like how you look?” He asks, wounded. How could you not see yourself as beautiful and as sexy as he does?
“No,” you sigh. “It’s not that. It’s just…well, men don’t exactly go for girls like me unless they just want me sexually. I’m not ever pursued romantically a-and…” You trail off, withering like a flower before him.
Rengoku is enraged. He wishes now he would’ve expressed to you how attractive he found you. He wants so desperately to tell you how he would stare at you while you trained or stretched, loving how tight your spandex shorts were on you. He may even tell you how he’d stroke himself at the thought of him taking down those shorts and fucking you, but not right now.
But right now, you do need reassurance. So he bends down and plucks one of the pink flowers before holding it between you. “You deserve to be pursued romantically every day,” he says. “You deserve to be courted not for selfish gain. You deserve to be cared for and taken care of for the beautiful, intelligent, sweet person that you are.”
He pauses, putting the flower behind your ear. He bites back a gasp at the softness of your hair as his fingers graze your curls. “And I’d like to be the man to do it,” he confesses. “I’m sorry it took me this long to say anything to you, but…I’d like to show you how I feel and have been feeling about you. If you’re okay with that.”
He stares down at you carefully, trying to see any kind of sign of a no in your pretty, round face. But when you look up at him with a shy smile and take one of his huge hands in your smaller ones, he knows that you feel the same as he does. “I’d like that, Rengoku,” you say barely above a whisper.
Rengoku cannot stop the smile that stretches across his face. Because you’re so short, he has to bend down to kiss you, but does it slowly, giving you time to change your mind and say no. But you don’t. In fact, you lean in too, moving up slightly on your tip toes to reach him. Then your eyes are closing, your mouth is parting, and your lips are on his.
You feel and taste better than he ever could’ve imagined. Your lips are pillowy soft, supple, and taste slightly of shaved strawberry-flavored ice. He knows you can taste the sake on his, but luckily not the bowls of miso ramen and other treats he consumed thanks to the mint leaves he chewed on earlier before he spirited you away.
A soft moan leaves your lips as your hands move to his chest, pressing against his hard pectorals. He feels his cock surge at the small sound and moves his hand to grab your waist. He doesn’t go any lower than that. Though you are driving him insane, he wants to be respectful of your body.
When you finally pull away, he is left in a daze and hard as a rock. That was so dreamy. Romantic even given the privacy and stars above. It’s the best kiss he’s ever had. “I’ve wanted that for so long,” he sighs. “Was it okay for you?” His hands move up to caress your back, making you shiver in delight.
“Yes,” you whisper and you lean up to kiss him again.
This one is more passionate and eager, yet still sweet, and knocks Rengoku off his feet. He can’t help but moan with you as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He wraps his arms tight around your waist, nearly picking you up off of the ground. Your bodies press flush together in the summer’s night, the only thing separating you being your clothes.
If the clothes were off, Rengoku doesn’t want to think about what would happen. And because he’s about a millisecond away from ripping off your kimono, he gently pulls himself away from you, both of you panting heavily. “We should probably head back now,” he shakily suggests. “The gang may be wondering where we—“
“No,” you protest. “Stay with me a little longer.” Though your eyes are shy, your hands grasp his biceps, keeping him grounded there. “I’ve wanted this too,” you confess, making Rengoku’s heart flutter. “I feel the same, Rengoku. I just didn’t want to tell you because—“
You don’t get a chance to finish because Rengoku’s big hands are grasping your cheeks and his lips are capturing yours in a mind-blowing, toe-curling kiss. You both feel fireworks explode in your head every time you touch. He pulls away and begins peppering your neck in kisses, slowly and sweetly. “I understand,” he breathlessly murmurs. “But it doesn’t matter now. Just show me how you feel now, Y/N.”
You softly moan, leaning your head back to expose your neck, allowing him to kiss every part of your skin. He goes lower, tracing his lips down to your chest and collarbones, right between that little sliver of your open kimono where he can see your cleavage. “Does that feel good?” He whispers. You nod, staring up at him in a daze.
He wants to make you feel even better. His body is hot and tingly for you, needing more of you. He swallows, struggling to form a coherent sentence due to his horny thoughts. “I want to show you more of how I feel. I…I want to…to—“
“Make love to me?” You finish, your smile bemused and seductive. “I want that too, Ren. I want out here, now, with you.” You run a hand up his chest, your fingers pressing against his skin.
“Out here?” He parrots, shocked. “But anyone could see us! We could be caught by one of the Corps or—“
“I don’t care,” you breathlessly protest. “I’ll be embarrassed about it later, but right now, I can’t wait. I’ve wanted you for so, so long!” You push yourself against him, giving him a feel of your hard nipples underneath your kimono. Your body wants him. You want him.
Rengoku cannot deny you even if he tried. “Lay down with me,” he whispers in his deep, velvety voice. You eagerly do so, lay down on your back in the pink flowers before. He lays beside you and begins kissing up your neck, his hands roaming over your body. “You’re perfect,” he sighs. “I’ve wanted you for so, so long. You have no idea.”
He looks at your face, his cock hardening at your eyes closed and your lush lips parted. “Yes,” you moan. “That feels so good, Rengoku.” With a pleasurable shiver, he toys with the tie holding your kimono together and pauses, looking at you. “May I?” You nod, helping him untie your kimono.
When the flaps finally fall open, his eyes widen at the heavenly sight in front of him: rolls, soft flesh, a jiggly tummy, thighs, and breasts. He practically moans at the sight of you. “Look at you, baby,” he coos. “You’re absolutely stunning.” He leans in and presses a kiss to your lips.
“Breathtaking.” His lips trail down to your neck to kiss your throat. “Sexy.” His tongue jets out to lick down to your breasts, much to your enjoyment. He takes one into his mouth and sucks on your hardened, brown nipple, rolling the little pebble around his tongue before popping it out of his mouth.
“Tasty,” he whispers. He smiles at your fit of giggles, your body jiggling under his hands. “You were fixin’ to say that,” you chuckle. “But so are you.” You lean in and give a salacious lick down his chest, coaxing him to take his kimono off from the waist up.
He moans at your hands and lips on him, touching, kissing, and licking up his muscles. While you do, he plays with your sweet, juicy tits, molding the pretty, heavy things in his hands and sucking on your nipples. When he lightly nibbles on one of them, you moan into the night, tilting your head back. “Right there,” you sigh.
“Where?” he teasingly asks. “Here?” He does it again but massages one of your tits as he does, stimulating you even further. At some point, you slide into his lap, causing you to straddle him and your panties to glide against his thigh. “Fuck, Ren!” you moan. Realizing how loud you are, you bite your lip. “Sorry. That just felt so good.”
Rengoku’s eyes flash with an inner fire only you can see at the sound of your sweet, delicious moans. “Don’t be sorry. It’s just us here, baby. You can be as loud as you want.” As he continues to coat your nipples in his spit and bites, you take his hands and put them on your ass as you grind into him shamelessly.
Rengoku can’t get enough of how free and liberated you are tonight. And just for him. He especially loves how soft your tits are and the heat he can feel pooling from between your legs. He stares up into your twinkling, brown eyes. “I want to taste more of you,” he pants. “May I do that?” Wordlessly, you nod, biting your lip and making him harder. “Stand up and lean against the tree. I’ll take it all from there.”
You do as he says and lean against a nearby tree, your body glistening in the silver moonlight. You look so ethereal and gorgeous that Rengoku nearly pulls his cock out and fucks you right against the tree! But not yet. Not until he pleases you first.
Minutes later, he does just that and has you pinned against the tree while he kneels in front of you, his tongue slurping at your cunt with one of your legs hooked over his shoulder. You pant and moan above him, your hands running through his long, fiery, spiked hair, pulling at strands when he gently sucks on your clit or swirls his tongue around your pussy.
You’re so vocal, unable to keep your voice down. “Oh, my God,” you moan. “Fuck, Rengoku, yes! Y-You’re so…oh…good!”
You whimper, squeezing your eyes tight due to the sheer pleasure he’s giving you. He can tell you love it from the way your pretty pussy is gushing into his mouth, giving him more and more of your honey.
He pulls away slightly to look up at you, his lips glistening with your juices. “It’s okay, baby,” he coos into your pussy. “Just let go. I’ve got you.” He dives back in, slurping and eating you as if it’s his last meal. You taste, smell, sound, and feel so damn good! How he’s wanted to do this for you for so long!
“Fuck, you taste so good,” he whimpers. “You’re so tasty here.” You’re the tastiest thing he’s ever consumed. He can feel his cock painfully aching underneath his kimono, leading him to slowly stroke himself as he eats you out. “Fuck!” You sob. “Please, R-Rengoku, don’t tease me!”
He can’t help it. He just loves how loud and slutty you sound whenever he slowly strokes up your slit to your rosebud. You sound so cute. So needy. He’s feeling needy too. That primal instinct to have you returns, overtaking him. “Need more,” he growls. “I need more of you, baby.”
Thinking with his dick instead of his brain, he takes your other leg and hooks it over his shoulder. Suddenly, your feet are dangling over his broad shoulders as he stands up, his hands securely under your ass and keeping you leaned against the tree. “Wait, wait!” you gasp, gripping his hair, your body tense with fear. “What are you—“
“Relax,” he chuckles. “I’ve got you. Just relax for me and don’t squirm too much.” He gives you a wink before diving into your pussy again, drinking your honey straight from the source.
All protests and fears are stolen away as you feel his tongue slide between your lips and inside you, your clit bumping against his nose. Your eyes roll back at the pleasure, the sight absolutely porn-worthy to Rengoku. “Oh, my God, yes,” you whine. “O-Oh, fuck, Ren, yes!”
Even as his neck starts to ache and his jaw tires, he doesn’t stop. He needs you to cum. He needs to make you feel good. When you begin to get louder and your pussy quivers, he can tell that you’re close and moves his jaw faster. “O-Oh, my God!” you sob. “Rengoku, I’m gonna cum! Oh, fuck yes, make me cum!”
His own need makes him insane, causing him to whimper into your pussy and say things he never would say. “Cum,” he begs. “I fucking need it. Give it to me, please.”
Hearing him beg so prettily makes you finally combust. “Oh, fuck!” you loudly sob as you cum around his tongue, that dam inside of you bursting open. Rengoku moans as you flood his mouth and taste buds with your cream, becoming drunk on your cum.
As you moan and babble above him, fisting his hair, he cleans you up, licking your thighs and pussy lips of all of your mess until you’re coated in just his spit.
When you finally come down from your high, you look down at him, grateful and adoringly so. “That was amazing,” you sigh, filling him with pride. “Now it’s your turn.”
He helps you down and switches places with you, so now he’s pinned against the wall, completely at your mercy. Minutes later, you find out just how delicious he is too when you’ve got his cock down your throat. And he finds out just how amazing your mouth is.
Your soft lips cushion around his shaft as you bop up and down on his cock, thick, girthy, and shaded tan. He blushed as you stared at it once he got his clothes off, standing naked before you like a living, breathing Adonis statue. “Your cock is so pretty, Rengoku,” you whispered, wrapping a hand around him.
You stared at your hand wrapped around his cock, your fingers only stretching around some of the base. You weren’t shocked that your big man also had a big cock. Rengoku, however, was a straight-up mess. He has faced the worst of demons in his lifetime yet he could hardly handle seeing such a pretty, plump thing on her knees with her pretty nails and skin contrasting against his pale complexion.
He can hardly handle you now, seeing his cock disappear down your throat, your cheeks hollow and your brown eyes staring up into his. Your wet tongue and soft lips feel like heaven, the closest he feels he’ll ever be to it, and he intends to enjoy it.
“That’s so nice,” he sighs. “You’re doing so well, baby.”
You pull off of him with a wet pop, letting his hard cock fall out of your mouth and slap against his lower stomach. “I hope so,” you giggle. “You’re so quiet.” He bites his lip, bashful. He was keeping it down in fear of others hearing him, but your mouth is so fucking good that he wants to growl, grunt, and scream about his pleasure to the listening skies.
Your hands sneak up his clenched abs and trembling body, caressing his stomach. “It’s okay,” you purr. “You can be loud too. Lemme hear you.” Then, with no hands, you wrap your lips around him again and deepthroat his cock, easing your throat back and forth.
Rengoku can hardly believe his eyes. How is such a beautiful creature such as yourself on his knees for him, throating his dick like this? A whimper leaves him and he begins to crumble, unable to hold himself back anymore. He wraps a hand in your hair, caressing your scalp as you bop your head. “Oh, fuck,” he groans. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Keep lookin’ up at me, gorgeous, please.”
You do so, giving him a look at the spit dripping from your lips and chin. It’s such a slutty, lewd look that has him throbbing and his balls clenching at the sight. You once again pop off of his cock and begin licking him up and down, even caressing his balls with your tongue.
“Is my mouth good, baby?” you teasingly ask. “Am I makin’ you feel good?”
Whimpers and groans leave Rengoku’s mouth as if a bottle has been opened and can’t be closed unless he cums. “Y-Yes!” he gasps. “So, so good!” Feeling your hot, wet tongue on his balls, filled up with cum for you, makes him want to bust all over your pretty face and body.
You pop his balls out of your mouth and lick up the underside of his dick. “You sound much better than my dreams,” you moan, taking a lick of his cock. You pause, quickly pumping his cock with your hand as you stare into his eyes. “Fuck my face, Ren. I want you to.”
You press a kiss to his head, making him flinch. “Please,” you whimper, batting those pretty lashes up at him. How can he possibly deny you?
Losing all control and restraint, Rengoku pushes you back down onto his cock and proceeds to fuck your face, thrusting his hips into your soft, wet hole. You gag and gargle around his dick, breathing through your nostrils in time with his thrusts. He can feel his mind going blank and his entire body clenching as his balls tighten, ready to empty themselves out of his cock and down your pretty, sloppy throat.
You help him, holding his hips and pushing yourself deeper so his cock hits the back of your throat. He loudly moans at the contact, not even caring if anyone from the festival hears. He can feel his end nearing. “Hah, hah, fuck, gorgeous!” he pants. “I-I think I’m gonna…you need to stop or I’ll…oh, fuck!”
He has no chance to fight it. With a loud, low groan of your name, he spills his seed into your mouth and down your throat. You moan eagerly as he fills your tastebuds with his warm, salty cum, flooding your tongue with the taste of him. You don’t move, instead licking up the rest of him and swallowing his nut. The sight of you taking him so well makes the orgasm last longer and he nearly passes out from the blissful feeling.
When he finally finishes, you pull off of him and lick your lips of his nut and your spit. “I’m sorry,” he sheepishly apologizes. “I couldn’t stop it.” You giggle cutely at him despite having done what you just did. “Don’t be sorry. I enjoyed it.” And he loves that you enjoyed it.
He holds a hand out to help you off of your knees. As you stand before him and wrap your arms around him, only one thing stops you from being flush against each other: his cock which has begun to grow hard again, standing at attention. You look down at the growing appendage and your eyes grow wide at the sight. “Oh!” you gasp. “Y-You’re still–”
“Yeah,” he sighs, subconsciously criticizing his dick. “I just can’t believe I really have you like this and I guess I’m just excited.”
Feeling your soft, plump body against him is more than he can take! He needs to see you underneath him, taking his cock, or bent over, your ass presented to him to spank and massage until he empties himself inside of you again.
But he wants you to want that too, so he presses a hand to your cheek to keep your eyes fixated on his. “If you don’t want to go any further, we don’t have to. It’s all up to you, sweetie.”
You press your cheek farther into his touch and then stand on your tiptoes to kiss him. Your soft lips make him grow harder. “I want to,” you murmur softly against his mouth. “We may have to keep quiet though.” He nods in understanding.
That doesn’t last for long though. Actually, that “quiet” shit goes straight out the window the minute Rengoku gets inside of you and has you pinned up against the tree while you sink down onto his cock. You are both unable to keep your voices down as your sobbing wet, tight pussy slides down on Rengoku’s thick, hard cock over and over again, somehow becoming more intense with each passing second.
“Fuck, Ren!” You moan into his ear. “You’re so…so…oh, fuck!” You wrap your arms and legs tight around him while he bounces you up and down on top of him, filling you up with dick again and again.
Rengoku can barely handle the feeling of your soft, curvy body against him, his big hands gripping your ass as he thrusts up into you. “I know,” he groans. “You feel so fuckin’ good, gorgeous. Fuck, I’m so sorry it took me so long to do this.”
But feeling your bodies, damp and sticky from the summer’s night, against each other and your cunt squeezing around him make it all worth it. “M-Me too!” You whimper sweetly to him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt before.” You bury your face in his hair as you moan and whine, trying to keep your voice down as much as you can.
Rengoku laughs lightly as he fucks you against the tree, gripping you to him. “You sound so cute, baby,” he pants. “You love gettin’ fucked out in public like this, don’t you? Who would’ve thought such a great trainer would be such a little slut.”
Your pussy tightens at the vulgar word, leading him to fuck you slower, teasing you. His strokes are still deep and draw sobs and whines out of you that make him want to bust the fattest nut inside of you. To anyone who walked by, they’d see him—a big, tall man—fucking you—a beautiful, curvy woman with the heels of her feet in her man’s firm ass and her nails sinking into his shoulders.
After a few more strokes, Rengoku gently lowers you onto your feet. You look up at him, dazed and cock drunk. In his crimson eyes rimmed with gold, you see passion and lust flared within them. “Turn around,” he demands. “I need to see this gorgeous ass bounce when I cum again.”
He leans down to give you an open-mouthed kiss, swirling his tongue erotically with yours. When he pulls away, he presses a kiss to your earlobe. “And I want us to cum together,” he murmurs into your ear. “Can we do that, baby?” He takes a nibble of your earlobe, emitting a soft moan from you.
You grip his arms and sink your pretty, pink nails into them. “Please,” you whimper. He pulls away and bends his knees so he’s at eye level with you. “Please what, darling?” One of his big hands grips your chin, forcing you to keep looking at him.
You pull your lush bottom lip between your teeth and utter two little words that feel like a loaded gun to him: “Fuck me.”
It’s like Rengoku becomes a whole other person. Gone is the gold retriever, sunshiney man to see on a regular basis. The man in his place is lustful and demanding. And you love every minute of it, especially when he turns you around and bends you over, even gives your ass a smack. At the sound of your pleased moan, he does it again, the sharp sound of his hand connecting with your jiggling asscheek a symphony.
“Ready for me?” He softly asks, sliding his cock against your slit. You whimperingly beg him to just take you, your knees bent and hands braced against the tree. As soon as he slides back inside you, he can’t stop the moan that escapes him: “Fuuuuck.”
You let out a moan as well, feeling your pussy stretch around his thick cock as he slides in, his pelvis flush against your asscheeks. His strokes start off slow and deep, his hands gripping your juicy hips, his face buried in your hair as he whispers sweet, dirty nothings to you, like “You’re such a good girl” and “You look so perfect with my cock in you, darling”.
At the sound of your voice rising above the trees, he goes harder and faster, his big hands gripping your tits. Wet plap-plap sounds fill the air, mingling with your mindless babbling as Rengoku wears your pussy out: “Shit, Rengoku, yes, fuck me! Fuck me just like that, oh, oh!”
You begin to grind back into him, meeting his thrusts and causing him to sink even deeper inside of you. “Yes, gorgeous,” he praises you, laying a spank on your ass. “Fuck me back. Take me like you own me.”
You fuck each other, giving all the energy that you have in bringing each other pleasure. Rengoku can feel his balls tightening at the sight of your soft, round ass bouncing against him while you moan and whine. He’s so close! You are too and you make that known to him. “Oh, f-fuck, R-Ren,” you whimper. “I’m so close! Please don’t stop! Don’t—“
“Did you hear that?” A distant voice asks. “I think I heard it back there.” Tanjiro.
You and Rengoku share a look like you just heard a murder. He sounds like he’s at least five feet away from you.
“No, no, wait!” Zenistsu cries. “It could be a trap! You know the legends about spirits waking up during festival season!” He gasps. “Or what if it’s a demon?”
“If it is, we’ll kill it!” Inosuke bellows. “What’s the big deal, you big baby? We’ve fought off demons before!”
“Rengoku came out here, so he can’t be far,” Tanjiro says. There is the sound of footsteps and a twig snapping. “Uh, Rengoku-sama?” The young man calls. “Is that you?”
You look over your shoulder at Rengoku, terrified. “Don’t move,” he whispers. He clears his throat though still deep inside of you. “Uh, yes, Tanjiro!” He calls, keeping his voice steady and level. “It’s me! Why are you guys out here? Enjoy the festival!”
“Well, we were just wondering where you went,” Tanjiro explains. “It had been a while since you went on that walk with Y/N. We thought you guys got spirited away or were in trouble.”
“No, not we,” Insokue says with a scoff. “You two babies thought they were in trouble! I only came because Zenitsu was too much of a scaredy cat to go with you!”
Zenistu makes a noise between a whine and a scoff, offended. “That’s not true!” He protests. ”Why do you gotta always poke fun at me? It’s a forest! Anything bad can happen!”
The two begin to argue while Tanjiro desperately tries to stop them. “Guys, guys,” Rengoku firmly says, silencing them. “I’m fine! I just followed Y/N out to take her to gather some flowers. We’ll be back soon, so just head back to the festival.”
Your pussy clenches around him as his hand sneaks down to rub your clit, making him bite back a moan. “Are you sure?” Tanjiro asks.
“Absolutely!” he calls, his heart hammering against his chest. “Go and enjoy the festivities! We’ll be back before the fireworks!” He hears the three whisper amongst each other before finally, Tanjiro announces that they are heading back. ”We’ll save you a seat,” he says before his and the others’ footsteps descend.
Once their footsteps fade, Rengoku’s body relaxes. “They’re gone,” he announces and sighs in relief. “Thank goodness. I’m sorry about that.” He gently strokes your back, hoping to ease your body out of its fight-or-flight state.
Shockingly, you are still wet and still horny, looking back at him with the sexiest eyes he’s ever seen. “Don’t be sorry, baby,” you purr. “It wasn’t your fault. Just cum with me.”
You begin to toss your ass back into him, your pussy swallowing him up. “Please fill me up,” you beg. “I need it so badly.”
Rengoku, helpless to deny you and needing release, wraps a hand around your neck and gently squeezes. The way your lips form an O is an erotic sight, indeed. “You’re such a little slut, you know that?” He growls. “Such a good little girl for me.”
With his other hand, he grabs your hip and pistons himself into you again and again, plunging his cock into the wet depths of your soft pussy and flicking your needy clit at the same time.
It doesn’t take long for that button inside of you to flicker on and Rengoku feels your pussy tighten around him, squeezing him tighter than a vice.
“I’m cumming!” You sob. “Ren, I’m cumming! I’m…I’m…”
You don’t get a chance to finish because your pussy is spasming around his cock and cumming on it, dripping cream down to his balls. Your little body spasming in his hands and your loud moans cause him to cum too, triggered by all of you.
A low yet loud groan leaves Rengoku’s mouth as he empties his balls inside of, rope after rope of cum escaping his cock and into your womb. He grips you to him, afraid that you’ll vanish and he’ll never be able to get this moment again.
“Shit!” He hisses, pressing his face into your soft, sweet-smelling hair as he goes through the motions of his orgasm. ”Take it,” he growls. “Take it all. It’s fucking yours.” You gasp at the onslaught of warmth and wetness, feeling overloaded with cum.
You are absolutely full of him.
After a few more shallow thrusts and a feeble grab of your breast, Rengoku presses a kiss to your forehead and gently pulls out of you. The sight of his nut dripping down your pussy and thighs is damn near too much.
Together, you both lie down in the flowers side by side, Rengoku’s big, muscular body curled into yours. Legs tangled, fingers stroking, and lips touching each others’. You lay in the sweet afterglow, only the stars witness to what just transpired.
For a while, you lie in comfortable silence. And then you speak. “That was amazing,” you sigh. “You were so good.” You press your hand and cheek to his chest, feeling and listening to his thumbing heart.
Rengoku feels pride and joy swell within him. “So were you.” He takes your hand and presses several kisses to them. Once again, he holds you close, not wanting to lose this peaceful moment. But alas, everything good must come to an end.
The only thing that makes him happy is that you will get many more moments like this now that he knows how you feel.
He sighs, lamenting. “I don’t want to leave, but we should probably head back.” You nod in agreement, sharing one last kiss before you separate and rise to your feet.
You get dressed and fix your hair to make sure neither of you look like you just fucked in the woods. Rengoku watches you wobble slightly. “Can you walk?” he asks, concerned. You nod though you keep leaning against one of the trees.
He tuts, stalking over to you. “That won’t do.”
In one swift motion, he scoops you up and carries you bridal style away from the clearing. “Rengoku, no!” you squeal in protest. “I’m fine! I-I can walk! Put me down!”
But he doesn’t listen, gripping you tighter. ”Just enjoy the ride, honey,” he chuckles. “We’ll be back in no time to see the fireworks.” He gives you a wink and his laugh echoes among the trees as you flush embarrassingly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
When you and Rengoku make it back to the festival, the fireworks have already begun. He puts you down and you find the gang among the crowd. Mitsuri greets you first, yelling among the boom of the fireworks. “There you two are!” she shouts. “We thought you got lost! C’mon, the fireworks started and I’ve got the best seats.”
She grabs your hand and drags you over to her seat on the grass with Tengen’s wives. Speaking of Tengen, he comes up to Rengoku’s side with some shaved blue moon ice, a smirk playing on his lips.
“That was some walk,” he comments. “Guess you got her before I could, huh?” He raises an eyebrow at his fellow slayer and friend.
“That’s right,” Rengoku confidently says, raising his chin and smiling. “I’m sorry to break it to you like this, Tengen.”
Tengen just keeps smirking, ever so cocky. “How flashy of you,” he chuckles. “I guess my plans for a fourth wife have been ruined.”
Rengoku must look horrified and absolutely murderous because Tengen nearly doubles over cracking up. “I’m kidding!” he laughs. “I just wanted to see your face!”
He pats Rengoku on the back and leans in. “But you may wanna break this lightly to my girls,” he whispers. “They were looking forward to a fifth in our little family.”
Sure enough, the sister wives are doting over you, talking about how pretty you look in your kimono. Tengen gives Rengoku a wink before walking over to join his wives on the grass.
Shaking off his words, Rengoku joins you on the grass shortly after and watches the colorful beams explode in the night sky. “Isn’t it so pretty?” you dreamily sigh.
He turns to you, watching red, green, and pink illuminate your face. He slides his hand over to yours and interlaces your fingers. “Yes,” he agrees. “It is.”
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stuckybangs · 1 day
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Thank you to all the participants in this year's reverse bang! We're thrilled to present the incredible 34 collaborations in this round! From the artists, to authors, to betas, pinch hitters and cheerleaders, we thank you all for being a part of this year's bang!
Under the cut you'll find all the collaborations from this year. Enjoy!
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Touch Me and You'll Never Be Alone [not rated, wip] art by @metalbvcky written by @hanitrash
Bucky is barely managing to get by on his own, but is proud of the small, safe life he's created for himself. He's even content to thirst in secret over the insanely hot older man that recently moved to the area. But when a popped tire and an early season winter storm combine to throw their paths together, Bucky's carefully constructed life is about to get flipped upside down.
hold my body (hold my breath) [Teen, 2/2, 16k] art by @alwaysabrighterdarkness written by @teenytabris
“You were born in a storm. On a rocking boat, too. Maybe that’s where all this started,” his ma had said, kissing his head and rocking him in her arms. “Demanded to come into the world in an in-between place. Couldn’t wait to get to America,” she joked. Steve didn’t know what that meant, but he did know that even imagining a boat out there, getting tossed by waves, made him feel ill enough that even looking at the rain made him retch weakly. His ma tutted, and pressed a hand to his forehead. -- Steve has always had an all-consuming fear of water, and nearly drowning twice only made it worse. One day, after just turning on a tap sends him spiraling, he has to consider what his breaking point is.
Runaway [Teen, 8/8, 20k] art by @alwaysabrighterdarkness written by @mandyyvibes
Steve still felt a little guilty that Bucky was willing to do all that for him. Did he really deserve his unconditional loyalty? He could’ve picked anyone at school to be best friends with, but he picked him, and Steve would never know how he got so lucky. The thought of running away was comforting, anyway, even if maybe they couldn’t actually leave for a while. Days, weeks, months. — In which Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes grow up together under circumstances that no child should have to face, and Bucky paints Steve daydreams of a better life together, if only they could run far enough.
Finding You With Open Arms [Gen, 1/1, 8.5k] art by @taybay14 written by LuxuryVelvetStudebaker
Coming home means the big things are the little things
Some legends are told [Explicit, 2/2, 26k] art by @rufferto9 and @chaosmanor (additional art) written by @chaosmanor
Twenty-eight billion kilometers. Four thousand years. That's how far Bucky has gone to get away from HYDRA, and that's how far Steve will have to go to bring him home.
The art of shadowboxing [Explicit, wip] art by @burnin-brighter written by @dharmasharks
In 1918, Bucky is forced to flee New York with his family. In 1923, he returns as a prize fighter, determined to send money to his sisters and stay far away from the gang violence that destroyed their home. And then Steve Rogers shows up. These days, Bucky’s childhood pal isn’t facing down neighborhood bullies. He’s taking on every factory owner in the Garment District—and every gangster they hire to intimidate union members. By joining the fray as Steve’s bodyguard, Bucky can finally stand up to the mobsters who took so much from him. And if that means spending a whole lot of time by Steve’s side…well, that’s just an added bonus.
In the Mood to Let You Know [Mature, wip] art by @burnin-brighter written by @voylitscope
Bucky's never liked keeping secrets from Steve, but there are a few things he hasn't told his best friend over the years. These days? There are three. The two new ones he begins keeping in the summer of 1925, and that one massive secret he's been holding onto since 1918. (Or: During the height of the 1918 flu outbreak in New York, a seveneteen-year-old Steve spends a month indoors. Steve and Bucky write letters to pass the time and keep in communication. By the time Steve is out and about again, they've said a few things they'll never say out loud.At least not until 1925, when Bucky can't seem to stop running into Steve in unexpected places. )
Desert Fires [Explicit, 1/1, 9.6k] art by @zanthems written by @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
Bucky doesn’t plan to end up high and naked in the desert with stars shining in the heavens and his eyes with his dick deep inside a dainty, beautiful man with sparkling sapphire eyes and chapped, bitten lips that drive all coherent thoughts from his mind. He didn’t intend for any of it to happen, but that’s where he’s found himself, nonetheless.
Coffee, Sugar, and Pine [Mature, wip] art by @taybay14 written by @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
There’s nothing Bucky loves more than his cat Alpine and an excellent cup of coffee. After three tours in the army, he’s probably earned a few breaks and an IV of caffeine. When he steps into a café in Brooklyn where a spunky redhead mans the cash register and a sassy blonde with sparkling blue eyes concocts delicious hot beverages, Bucky realizes he’s found his perfect drink and perhaps his ideal mate. Now, he can’t stop thinking about how to guarantee that he’ll have both for the rest of his life.
Let's Do It [Teen, wip] art by @skullfragments written by @trinitydaydabbles
Even before Steve drags him up before the crack of dawn to go running, Bucky is already plotting his revenge. If only Steve didn't know him so well, maybe the day wouldn't devolve into a game of one-upmanship.
Human Lens [Teen, wip] art by @taybay14 written by @chaossmagic
Torn from his old life and dumped unceremoniously in the 21st century, and then having to face an alien attack just months after coming out of the ice, Steve Rogers is struggling to come to terms with everything he's lost and isn't sure the title of Captain America is one he feels 100% comfortable with anymore. Alone, deeply lonely and desperate for anything to help him feel like his old self again, he stumbles across the work of fellow veteran and photographer Bucky Barnes, who specialises in helping wounded soldiers reclaim their bodily autonomy and sense of self after injury in combat. When he asks Bucky to take his own photograph, he finds the connection he's been looking for the entire time. And, as it just so happens, Bucky finds exactly the same thing.
Taking Pictures [Gen, wip] art by @taybay14 written by @leavinghopeao3
Reporter Steve Rogers and photojournalist Bucky Barnes stumble across a conspiracy at the heart of the United States government. Will they be able to stop it before it's too late? And will this fight bring them closer together?
lost to time [Mature, wip] art by @rufferto9 written by @burnin-brighter
As Steve returns the last Infinity Stone, he realizes there is nothing for him to return to in 2024. His friends, the ones who are still here, have families they want to be with or people they need to help. Steve has no one. Bucky died in 1944, Natasha died on Vormir, Tony perished in the fight with Thanos. What is he supposed to do? There are many options in front of him, though before he can make up his mind, a ghost from his past appears. Could it really be his Bucky?
A Game for Two [Mature, 1/1, 9.9k] art by einahpets written by @dontcallmebree
Steve will never forget the itch under his skin, the need to peel the world back until it finally felt right. He knows he would have gotten it then, would’ve finally latched his teeth around this amorphous, unnamable thing that had been haunting him if it weren’t for the Winter Soldier. If it weren’t for Bucky. And ain’t that a trip and a half—if not for Bucky. Story of his fucking life. The hands of fate are familiar, loving, and too cruel by half.
Til the End of the Line [Teen, 7/7, 14.7k] art by @taybay14 written by @xoxobuckybarnes
Back home after their first tour, the Avengers are getting ready to record their second album - they just have to write it first. Lead singer, Bucky Barnes, struggles to write a song that's not about his childhood best friend, the drummer of the band, Steve Rogers. The problem is, Steve has no idea how Bucky feels about him. When another childhood friend starts leaning on Steve, Bucky must decide if it's time to let his crush go, or to finally be brave and let Steve know how he feels.
Plan Bee [Gen, 1/1, 15k] art by britbrit99 written by @hkandiu
Steve is still getting used to the 21st century and begins to frequent farmers markets, where he becomes a regular customer of Shield Apiary, a small business selling all things honey. As he enters that sweet chapter of his life, Tony decides to take on a new project - finding someone for Steve! Steve lies to the team that he's already dating someone but before he can come clean, Tony reaches the wrong conclusion that Steve is dating one of the owners of Shield. Except, Steve's never met Bucky, much less gone on a date. Becca somehow talks the men into pretending to date to help Steve, and the month isn't what anyone expected...
The Beekeeper & The Gardener [Gen, 10/10, 13k] art by britbrit99 written by E_Greer
Every morning, Bucky likes to greet the dawn and watch morning runner guy. Every morning, Steve likes to sip his coffee and watch plant guy. One morning, runner guy and plant guy meet.
Let Us Partake in Summer’s Bounty [Teen, 1/1, 11.8k] art by britbrit99 written by @theflailing
Spring was one of Steve’s favourite seasons; it was a time of renewal and intention, a time to plant the seeds of things that will yet bear fruit, both literal and metaphorical. It was a time when the chilly grip of winter gave way to the lush green of new growth; it was when the world took its first deep breath and stretched its limbs after the long, somber solitude that preceded it. Although Steve was born in the height of summer, his mother always said that he did not belong there. “I did a reading, the day you were born,” she would tell him often, a soft and loving sparkle in her eyes. “Your heart belongs to the springtime; it is an omen that marks your soul.” -8- Steve is never one to turn down a request for help, and as he prepares to accept this call for aid, he reflects on his life, the friends he has made, and the community he serves.
I'll Use You (As A Focal Point) [Teen, wip] art by @taybay14 written by @lynlee494
The Soldier’s understanding of the world begins to unravel after he completes a mission and finds a helpless, shivering, and soaking wet kitten. Unable to leave, knowing the frail thing will die in the elements, the Soldier makes a choice... The Soldier can not risk contact, capture, and the inevitable return to Hydra and captivity would bring. He may remember Steve Rogers, but he also remembers Captain America. Similarly enhanced, the Captain would have the advantage, the Soldier’s movement would be limited with the kitten’s safety to consider.A surveillance approach is the safest angle to take. There had been notebooks at the museum exhibit, so there may be more memories to be dredged up if Steve Rogers still keeps journals, keepsakes, things that may stir up more memories - more pieces to fill in the expanse between Bucky and the Soldier.He’ll seek out Steve Rogers, who seems to feature in nearly every memory with Bucky, but he’ll be cautious. Can hopefully glean from the exposure more about the time before Bucky – before he – was presumed dead in a war. From before Steve’s Bucky became Hydra’s, time stuttering by till the Soldier was born.
5 Times Bucky Tricked Steve Into Washing His Hair +1 Time He Didn’t Have To Ask [Explicit, 8/8, 34.8k] art by @taybay14 written by @norelationtoatticus
During the worst of his recovery, Steve used to wash Bucky’s hair for him. Now, Bucky is a semi-stable hundred year old man who can bathe all by himself… but he misses Steve washing his hair for him. Asking for it? Out of the question. Lies, subterfuge, and expertly crafted machinations to manipulate Steve’s big, soapy hands right where he wants them? Much more Bucky’s style.
Piece By Piece [not rated, 10/10, 34.7k] art by @skullfragments written by @taybay14
Steve and Bucky are discovered on the bank of the Potomac & brought to Stark Tower. From the beginning, everyone has one thing on their mind: Help Bucky. It’s going to be hard, but they're ready to give it everything they’ve got - and they’re the Avengers, so they’ve got quite a lot. *** “Hey, Buck,” Steve says, his voice soft. Bucky lays on his side, pressing a cheek to the soft carpeting, wishing he hadn’t ruined all his blankets. He hates feeling cold and it’s a little cold in his room. “You don’t have to talk or come out or anything, but… I’m going to lay here, okay? All night. I’m going to stay right here so you don’t forget that it’s different now. So you don't forget that you’re safe. You’re not alone.” Bucky doesn’t know what to say to that. Even if he did know, his tongue is doing that heavy-sticky thing again. Instead, he slides his flesh fingers under the crack in the door, barely able to fit the tips, and waits. A moment passes. Then Steve’s fingers are pressing right back. And maybe Steve is right. Maybe things are different, maybe he is safe, maybe he’s not alone. Maybe - just maybe - he’ll be able to get himself back after all, piece by piece.
Now That I've Met You [Teen, 3/3, 11k] art by @louikazooie written by @megs-bee
First day back from vacation, not even inside the building yet and Bucky’s boss calls, telling him to head straight up to the executive suite. “The short version is that we’ve found ourselves with a VIP who needs a personal assistant immediately,” Pepper sighs. “The longer version is that we discovered the previous assistant was selling information on said VIP’s schedule and other high-security details which resulted in, among other issues, an attempted…let’s call it assault.” Pepper hands over the StarkPad open to what Bucky recognizes as a personnel file. Commander S. G. Rogers. If he’d been drinking his coffee at that moment, he’d have choked.
The Rest Are Stories To Tell [Teen, wip] art by @taybay14 written by @endlesstwanted
After he broke free from HYDRA with Steve and his new friends’ help, Bucky is working on reconnecting with himself living in the Avengers Tower with his cat Alpine. Soon, a dream brings back memories of his time as the Winter Soldier and one specific location in which he supervised experiments like the ones he went through. The team works together to figure out what’s real and puts the pieces together to prepare against a potential hidden thread by HYDRA before they run out of time —or the experiments run out of time. What would happen if, on top of this, Bucky discovered a secret related to Steve and me that would tie them together more than they have ever been?
out of the darkness, out into the light [Mature, wip] art by bergamotene written by @burnin-brighter
There were very few things Bucky disliked in life, although chaperoning his sister at every ball of the season was one of them. It was boring, long, and overall unpleasant. Or it used to be, until the day Bucky laid eyes on the most beautiful man he had ever seen at such an event. The man wasn’t familiar, Bucky would have remembered seeing him before. And after the first night, Bucky saw him everywhere. While he slept, while he daydreamed, while he walked around town. There was no escaping this stranger. And perhaps Bucky did not want to. What was the worst that could happen if Bucky were to let himself give in to his thoughts, to his urges?
Penumbra [not rated, 1/1, 12.7k] art by bergamotene written by @bonky-bornes
There was nothing more dangerous than having a soulmate. That’s what James had been taught his entire life. Being bound to another, life for life, got one killed just as surely as treason. Anyone with the mark of a binding was executed. Kings and peasants alike, it didn’t matter. There was nothing more dangerous than secondary loyalty to your Kingdom. James mastered the art of knives and silence, he learned to move like a shadow, unseen and inescapable. Bondeds were a disease, and he was a cure. He’d rather have his hands stained red than see his people suffer. Bondeds killed to protect one life. James killed to protect them all. - The Northern and Southern Kingdoms have been at war over Bonded Pairs for years. When a temporary armistice is proposed, and James is invited to the Southern Kingdom, it's one last chance to find a way towards peace.
No Better Version of Me [Teen, 3/3, 26.8k] art by @koreanrage written by @film-in-my-soul
Like Steve’s got a shooting star fused to his pulse (and hell, it just might be), he makes a wish. Thanos is stopped from making the snap. But just because Steve managed to save everyone else, it doesn't mean he can save himself.
no years of silence in the shadow of regret [Gen, 1/1, 9.7k] art by @koreanrage written by @hipsterdiva
“I’m fine,” Steve says again without looking at him. “You don’t have to stay.” It takes a while, and for a second, Steve thinks that perhaps Bucky will get up, pack his bag and his cat and leave. For a second, Steve hopes that’s what’s gonna happen. Then Bucky speaks. “I know,” he says. And stays. Or, Steve has baggage, communication is difficult, and (baby) steps are taken.
A Safe Place To Land [Explicit, wip] art by @kahey2804 written by @gloromeien
Bucky Barnes had it all—grease under his fingernails, dog fur behind the cushions of his couch, a cozy place to call his own. The house, the truck, the dogs, the works. A ride-or-die, close-knit community. A patch of land he could wander. A mountain view to inspire him. After six tours of duty and nine months in captivity, Bucky knew how bad things could get, so he didn't dare ask for anything else. Especially not someone to hold. Until a tall, blond super-soldier crash-landed into his quiet life and threatened to make all his dreams come true. For now.
Soul Mates and Circumstances [Explicit, wip] art by @kahey2804 written by @sunriserose1023
It’s a classic story. Boy meets boy, they share an instant connection. They have a night of pure heaven, and then life steps in. That’s the story for Bucky and Steve. They had one great night, then radio silence. Until they manage to cross paths again, but they seem destined to ghost each other. Maybe it’s just not meant to be. But what if it is?
All Along - It Was You [Explicit, 8/8, 34.k] art by @burnin-brighter written by @taybay14
It all started with a suggestion from Natasha - which should have been Steve's first clue that it'd end in trouble. She suggests a BDSM club that allows photostatic veils for anonymity, knowing Steve has growing desires he's been desperate to explore. Of course, she didn't bother to warn him of three very important facts: 1. Bucky Barnes is a member of this club 2. Bucky Barnes is apparently gay 3. Bucky Barnes is a dom Steve is stunned when he comes face to (veiled) face with Bucky Barnes himself his first night at the club. His brain malfunctions. Surely, that's the only reason why he does the incredibly idiotic thing of accepting Bucky's invitation to play with him. He knows he shouldn't - but what will one night of lies hurt? One night to scratch the itch, to get Bucky Barnes out of his system once and for all, and then Steve can move on. Except when Bucky keeps giving him chances for more, Steve finds himself unable to walk away. Like Steve said before... trouble. Unfortunately for him, he's always been a magnet for that kind of thing.
Complicate this world you've wrapped for me (I'm acquainted with your suffering) [Explicit, wip] art by LadyGigi written by @hanitrash
The Captain is sent on a mission to prove his ability to perform without the assistance of a STRIKE team. What he doesn’t know is that it’s more than his competence being tested…because if he passes, the face of HYDRA—and the fate of the world—will be forever changed.
Stephanos of the Glade [Explicit, 9/9, 22.6k] art by @murkycrush written by @wolfiefics
Escaped gladiator slave Iacomus discovers a new path in life as a guardian of a mysterious glade and it's equally godlike inhabitor, Stephanos, the river god of the Aneine River. With Stephanos' intercession, he learns to live a life outside of slavery with the help of Artemis, Ares, Demeter, and many other Greek/Roman gods. He finds his purpose in helping Stephanos protect the river from one who would cause it harm. Possibly to the death.
Covert Display [Explicit, 1/1, 8k] art by @murkycrush written by @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy
For decades, Bucky suffered, but he’s finally back with Steve, completing missions together, and going home to a shared apartment. Despite their past, nothing’s happened between them since waking up in the twenty-first century. Until it does. Bucky just never intended for anyone else to see.
I Wanna Break a Sweat, Eating Your Juicy Cake [Explicit, 1/1, 13.4k] art by @mxaether written by @theflailing
When Bucky finally has some time off work, he books a flight to DC to visit his best friend and old college roommate, Sam. While there, Bucky decides that he needs to blow off some steam, and a Grindr hookup is exactly the thing that will scratch that itch. When the hottest guy on the planet starts sexting him, Bucky can't believe his luck. But the universe has more in store for Bucky than he ever could have hoped for, and with the luck that he's about to have, maybe he should buy a lottery ticket, because it feels like all of his dreams are coming true.
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Thank you again to all the participants this year!
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Astyanax procrastinates a little that thing about going to save his baba in the same very way I'm procrastinating my thesis a little
Enjoy the snippet
Astyanax was afraid.
He was just a boy after all, so he postponed his departure from Troy a few hours. Enough time to eat something, gather his belongings and clear his head.
He cooked whatever fish he had left, sit at the beach, looking at where the city once stand, lost in thought.
"Would you be so kind to share some food with these old man?"
The boy jumped and coughed, as the bite he was chewing almost shock him.
"I didn't mean to scare you." Said the gray haired man.
"And somehow I believe you". Answered Astyanax. "Please sit with me and suit yourself, if not, it would go to waste."
"That would be tragic."
The stranger took a site at the other side of the little fire, yet Astyanax didn't pay much mind, distracted as he was. That didn't mean he wasn't ready to run away at the very first sign of danger from the old man, but sharing a fish wasn't much of an effort.
The Trojan ruins stood tall in the distance, making Astyanax sad for something he couldn't quiet place. Can you be sad for something you don't remember? Is there such thing as homesickness for a place that was never home? And yet he had spent a week alone wandering in his homeland, and he had known peace there.
"Did you know that those walls were built by Poseidon and Apollo themselves?" The old man's voice brought him back.
"I can't say I have heard that story," replied Astyanax with amusement, "would you tell me more?"
"Would you accept it as payment for the meal?"
"The meal was given freely, but you can pay with your story if that's your wish." Assured the kid.
The old man had a soft expression when he looked at the walls, Astyanax dared to think that he saw something similar to pride in his eyes.
"For irrelevant reasons to this story", started the man, "the two gods were punished by Zeus to live as mortals for a year, and looked for work here, at Troy. The king at that moment wasn't a fair man, and ignorant to the fact he was treating with gods, he only hired the two of them to build the walls."
"That's definitely some shitty behaviour right there."
"Right, sorry. Please keep going."
"The king gave them a year to complete the work, but they did not relent. Poseidon was skilled in the ways of the rock, and Apollo was a diligent work partner. Together, they make the walls grow more and more everyday. The year passed and there was only a thin gap in the wall that could have been done in an hour, but the king said the work wasn't completed in time so there was no payment. And the gods left."
"Let me guess," said Astyanax, with a mischievious smile, "because Zeus' sentence was over, they have regained their power, and make the king face the consequences of his actions."
"You're correct, more or less." The old man confirmed. "I remember when Troy was in its full glory, what a beautiful place it was."
"I don't know, maybe." Melancholy was back in Astyanax's face.
"What's wrong? You are young, but your eyes are old, my boy."
"I...I guess that's a good way to put it. I was born at the war", confessed Astyanax, "but I'm too young to remember Troy, or anything related."
"And yet, here you are."
"Not by choice." Muttered the kid to himself, the old man heard him, but didn't say anything. "Did Apollo came back to Troy?"
"He did," answered the old man, "he sided with the Trojans. The Acheans had disrespect him, and Zeus was telling him to do so." When he said that, Astyanax snorted. "What's so funny about it?
"It's just...the gods, they are gods, yes, but they are also... people, emotional people. I'm sure he even cursed the Achean Camp, just to because he could."
"Something like that."
"See? People."
"Maybe you're right."
"Talking about people, were you there? At the war?"
"I was," the answer was concise, "why?"
"Did you ever meet Hector of Troy?"
There was a silence.
"You could say that, why the question?"
"Could you tell me what was he like?"
"Wise," the answer came quickly, "he was wise, and honourable. He was trying to do the right thing in a time no one was listening." The old man stood up, having finished his food. "I'll leave you to it, thanks for the company, and the meal."
"Thanks you for the stories." Replied Astyanax.
Despite his own words, the old man made no move to leave.
"Your bow, did you make it?"
"Yes, I did, why?"
"It's a good bow, I'm sure every arrow you shoot with it will land right in its target."
"Thank you, that's so kind..." Astyanax stopped talking, because somehow, while he was looking at his bow, the old man had disappeared. " Of you."
He shook his head, trying to calm himself. He was sure he didn't imagine the encounter, the fishbones the stranger had taken out of his food were still there, in a little neat pile. Even the sand where he were was disrupted.
Whatever, he was no threat and meant no harm. Astyanax finished his meal and stood up to put out the fire.
He had spent enough time among ghosts, time to go looking for the living.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 2 days
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first part // second part
Despite his confession, there was still a rift between the former warlord and yourself, one that you made sure that he could never pass, even after all of his efforts. The night of your re-union, you spent it awake, really far away from that man and his bed. You were livid, and it didn't matter how many times he used his sand to bring you to his side; you kept getting out and just sitting on a chair.
"Came on, stop being so stubborn. I won't do anything." You just kept looking at him like an animal was ready to bite. "All right, then, suit yourself. Don't complain about some back pain tomorrow."
When you finally collapsed, dawn was appearing in the sky, and he was long asleep by hours at that time. You woke up in his bed at midday to the ruckus of the screams of the pirates outside the tent. He must have taken you to bed before leaving. That day, you decided to use what was left of the day to find a tent of your own, without the trace of Crocodile influence in your intent. For some reason that you couldn't grasp, everyone knew who you were and who brought you there, and they seemed so intent to please you in order to not anger Crocodile. You refused everything; you didn't care at all, and when you found something that was more like a rag than a fabric, you decided that was enough in that condition.
Out of Buggy Town, that was your idea of peace and quiet. The tents and the vessels were still in sight, but at least you knew that there was less probability of meeting Crocodile, his colleagues, and others. At least you thought so.
He kept on reading the newspaper, emitting a cloud of smoke from his nostrils. Of course he knew that you were out; someone was intelligent enough to snitch on you. You were enterprising; he gave you that.
"Out eh? ..." The man in front of him shifted his feet, waiting for something. Bonez, still near his boss, looked at him with the same intent.
"Would you like me to take her back?"
"No, let her have her camping experience. She'll be back eventually."
He was sure that, after some cold nights and a lack of basic needs, you would come back, maybe even a little more interested in remembering your old life together.
The days passed, and you were still stubborn as a mule. You refused everything—food, the possibility to take an actual bath, some warm blankets. He sent those staff, and they came back untouched, with the single message to leave you alone. How troublesome...
You found food on the island by yourself, and you even were able to fish without the help of anyone! A small water source was enough to clean you, and at night, near a fireplace, you enjoyed the starry sky. It was nice; you didn't need anything else.
You didn't need him.
Days turned to weeks, and he became impatient. Despite his schedule, he was able to take a small amount of time to go to your place and try to convince you to come back, or at least consider staying near the town! What if there was an emergency or something?! But you refused everything.
The visits became just a couple of hours where he just stood there, watching you do your work without caring about him around. It was almost normal. He didn't ask again; what he wanted was to have you back with him. Too bad that was the opposite of what you wanted.
You even tried to escape from the island during your first days, to be fair, and all of them were failed attempts.
Every time, it was someone else that caught you sneaking inside some boats, ready to depart, or it was someone that took you from the small ones that you were able to snatch away. After the first three times, sand was found in the ships, a small way for Crocodile to make sure to prevent you from leaving the town.
Every time, it was one of his mes, or Buggy's, holding you by your elbow and taking you to the main tent.
"Again? We've caught you almost thirteen times."
"...It felt like a fifteen."
He sighed by your remark, massaging his eyes with his hand. You gave up after it became almost impossible to get near the docks without being spotted or being catched by the sands.
At some point, you just renunciated the idea of escaping from him. He was smart; he always was, so your only last option was to wait for the Marines to finally take action and finally get you away. You just had to figure out a reasonable explanation of why you were there and that you weren't a pirate...
Well, you had time! It wasn't a big deal!
The weeks started to become months, and things started to become almost normal, and you kept ignoring Crocodile, his gifts, his attempts, and, of course, his visits. But you weren't lonely, at least.
During these days, you were able to get closer to a few of the ones that were near the leader of the Cross Guild. It was Richie's fault at the beginning; the lion was so curious about you and ended by reaching your maskeshift tent to the promontory.
Your first reaction was to climb the biggest tree that you could find, hoping that the big lion could just go away. Then you realized that it was just a big, silly cat—and an overweight cat too. It was cute, in some way, and it enjoyed some ear scratching too, blessing with some purrs from itself. After the lion, the other members of the troupe, such as Mohji and Cabaji, were forced to go, trying to catch the animal from you, hoping that the big cat hadn't eaten you already. It was a strange encounter, but at least you found some more people who didn't want to please Crocodile by forcing you to go back to him.
You could finally chat a little! ...at least until Crocodile himself doesn't show up and starts glaring at the men, forcing them to escape his gelousy. 
Ah yes, Crocodile and his possessiveness. One of the things that he liked about your arrangement was that no one laid their eyes on you, and everyone was scared enough to leave you alone. He didn't need to take care of some possible competition.
And so, everything seemed almost normal. Your days started and ended in a similar way. It felt normal.
Until Roy came.
The boy looked at you like he was seeing some kind of miracle. You were in those old clothes that you were able to find around, and he was covered in sunburn, exhausted, and so happy.
The boy who did not give up and still courted you came to you. And you couldn't be more scared for his life.
His hug enveloped you with a warmth that you hadn't felt in months, while your body couldn't even process the gesture of whatever was happening.
"W-why are you here?!"
"I came to take you back, Y/N! You were captured by the pirates!"
So that's what he believed? He still didn't know anything? Maybe he did know but decided to only believe what he wanted...
His eyes gleamed with joy, his hands grasping yours in a strong and gentle grip. Despite his glim of joy, you couldn't meet his own feelings. The only thing that you could feel was confusion and fear.
You were afraid because he had waltzed right into the lion den without caring about the dangers.
No, no lions—crocodiles.
"R-Roy, you need to leave now."
"Of course we're leaving this place! Everyone's worried about you!"
"Roy, I can't leave this place! It's-...hold on..."
A small thought started to pop inside your head. Roy wasn't a pirate, but he was able to come here. No one outside the ones that were under the Cross Guild was authorized to be on that island. Then how did he find you?!
"Roy, how did you find me?"
The young man scratched his cheek, clearly nervous about the whole ordeal.
"Well, you know, I was a good fisherman, and... I started to get better! I learned how to sail and how it works, and...well,your captors aren't quite subtle."
"Roy, you came here by boat?"
When the boy answered, you found something that you thought you had lost months ago. 
It was risky and crazy, to be fair, but you still wanted to try it. You wanted that future away from the ex-warlord, his plans, and his control over you!
His boat wasn't covered in crocodile sand, and no one knew he was there!
"I'll go with you!"
It was easy, passing through the various tents, the already drunken pirates in the middle of the day, and the fights between the men. No one noticed two innocent people walking to one of the remote docks, the one that Roy had used in secret once he had found the island.
What you both couldn't predict was that the secret place where Roy was located on the boat wasn't so secret at all.
Two of their henchmen found the small boat almost by accident; maybe they were just going fishing, who knows? What you knew was that, in less than an hour, the entire guild was now in search of whoever entered their territory.
Roy tried his best, and so you did, but in the end, even the sand was sent in search of this mysterious presence, and after a small check at your small corner, now empty, Crocodile didn't need to make more assumptions than he should.
The crowd found you soon.
After you crossed the small town made of old tents and made-up houses, Roy tried to shield you from the pirates eyes. 
"He's a spy! Sent by the Marines!!"
"How dare he enter our territory!!!"
"Stupid idiot, you'll die like a rat for trying to take away Sir Crocodile Woman!"
As always, those idiots had the wrong idea, and now they were fuming with rage. And the worst part was a confused Roy looking at you while still trying to cover you. You couldn't look at him; even in this situation, you didn't have the courage to speak up and tell him the truth. 
"Now, what's the ruckus about?"
Always the perfect timing.
His own aura was enough to make everyone move; even Roy, who was unaware of who the giant was in front of him, sensed a sensation of alarm in his chest.
He moved slowly, more annoyed by the chaos that exploded, for what he found out was that he was a stupid brat with not so much knowledge of where he was. This was until he noticed your well-known figure behind that nobody. You swear, the smoke from his cigar was close to a fuming rage.
"And now, who are you supposed to be, boy?"
"I-I'm...I'm Y/n friend! You must be the pirate scum that decided to kidnap her!"
Crocodiles smile smugly. Poor boy, that facade of bravery didn't stand even for five seconds in front of him, even if the ex-warlord had to admit that he had some guts in him.
"Those are heavy accusations, especially if the one who spoke those staff is an unwelcome guest in my home." He finally decided to acknowledge your presence by moving his hand toward you.
"Your friend lack of good manners, darling. Maybe someone should teach him better, don't you think?"
Of course, he never believed that no one could be interested in you. Well, it was his little hope for him, but you were in a world full of plenty of fish, and you were a young, pretty thing for many of them.
He knew that there must have been at least one man interested in you, especially since you said you did a good job of eradicating the ex-warlord from your life. So, without his controlling presence around you, it was just a matter of time before you mustered some courage to actually start a new relationship.
And that was what made Crocodile's blood boil.
You really thought that forgetting about him was so easy? That you could just throw yourself in another man's arms without remembering that your rightful place was in his own?
His statement was more of a threat to both of you, one that you caught in no time.
"He's not my friend."
The shocked expression on Roy's eyes was enough to know that it was a lie, but Crocodile hummed, puffing some smoke from his lips, thinking about the drama that now all of those men were witnessing. You took some steps away from Roy, reaching the pirate side. 
"Y/n, you said you wanted to-"
"I was Crocodile woman before coming to your island. I was investigated by the Marines before the accusation fell, and you're just not my type, Roy, so please-"
Your voice cracked a little, but you kept your composure.
It wasn't even a command; it was a please. You knew what that man was capable of, and the idea of having Roy's life on your conscience was far too much. It was fine, like this. It was okay.
Roy Boat left the island with the young men, the silhoutte slowly disappearing from your view of your small heaven, away from everybody and from Crocodile, except that he was there.
He clicked his tongue, imagining the irritating voice of Buggy talking about the mess of the day, all for Crocodile Woman's fault. 
"Are you done with your sulkiung already? Today has been a mess. Can you-" How your hand reached his cheek bone was a curious question; what he knew was the stinging pain, the redness in that spot of his face, and the anger in your eyes, along with some tears from them.
"I'll never forgive you for this. You can keep me here and torture me as much as I care, but i'll never EVER forgive you!"
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izgnanik-a · 21 hours
PlayDate Tea Party
cw: Trans!Gaz, trans pregnancy, parent fic blurb, both Gaz and John are single fathers at the whims of their children, endless flirting, fluff, and cuteness, Male x TMale
Don't like? Don't read.
When Kyle had planned to be pregnant, he tried to expect the unexpected. But as a first time parent, there was nothing he was ready for even if he'd read every pamphlet and book there was. His recovery process had been nothing easy, and he was thankful for the friends he had supporting him.
When he'd first laid his eyes on his little baby girl, he'd fallen in love with her all over again. From the moment she started kicking, and listening to him while she developed in his stomach, he was in love. But finally holding her in his arms, there wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for her.
There had been trials and errors to his parenting, relationship fails, and being alone with his daughter seemed the safest option. Five long years felt like two weeks, and she was growing into a whole other being.
"Daddy. I'm ready for the park." Kyle's daughter rushed up, bright yellow boonie on her head already, matching sundress, and sandals on her feet. On the wrong feet.
Kyle knelt down. "You look ready." He smiled, "But it looks like you've got your shoes on the wrong feet. How about we try and swap them so they're comfortable?"
So they sat together, swapping her sandals, and after sunscreen, they'd moved for the apartment door.
The neighborhood was still fairly new with newly constructed housing complexes, and flowers that haven't started budding yet, but it was a warm sunny afternoon. The earliest Kyle's ever been outside with his daughter.
"Hands." His daughter called, reaching the end of the crosswalk, extending her small palm towards him so they could cross.
"Thank you." Kyle beamed as they crossed the road and onto the next street towards the park.
Like the neighborhood, it was fairly new. The swings didn't squeak just yet, and the floor mats were still plush. There were plenty of bench seats, tables, and shade given by fruit bearing trees. There was a smaller fenced off section where they'd planned to build a water park, just three colorful spouts and sensors all over to spray water.
"Can you push me?" Kyle's daughter asked, pointing towards the nearly empty swings.
"I'll give you a big push, and you'll push yourself after."
Which was never the case. She loved the swings, and loved when he'd push her super high. Though he was careful, nothing was more precious than the rippling cackle that would leave her when she'd swing up.
So, Kyle pushed. And pushed. And pushed.
His eyes were trained on his surroundings to the parents, the park, the streets. There were a few parents by the pond at the center of the park, ones joining their kids while biking around, and stray parents at the park.
A young boy, around Kyle's daughter's age, ran up to the swing beside them, regardless of the other five swings available, and jumped into the high seat. He peered towards the playground with a squeal.
"Daddy!" He yelled, looking and looking until he'd been spotted.
Kyle and his daughter stared too, with the same curiosity and resemblance, seeing his father approach. And lord - Kyle felt himself blush.
The man approaching was a bit older, or maybe he was the same age as him, a full beard and a tiresome squint under the beaming sun as he neared. He shared a momentary stare with Kyle as he came beside him, nodding with a friendly, and heavy, "Hello."
Kyle smiled. "Hello."
"Daddy, push me real high." Said the young boy, glancing towards the watchful Garrick's.
"I'll try." He quipped, pulling the chains and pushing his son steadily higher.
"Daddy." Kyle's daughter tapped his leg as she swung back. "Higher."
It was a battle to get the highest swing, and before Kyle could help it, his daughter was giggling that rich laugh that had him giddy. His smile was splitting his face as he watched her tip her head back to peer at him.
Her laugh was so infective that he heard the gentle huff of a laugh beside him, the man smiling at her joy. His son watching in amusement.
With no end, the older man's son wanted off the swings and vanished back off into the jungle gym of ropes with his father following. Kyle watched him go, eyeing his wide shoulders and thick legs. He tore his eyes away to keep from looking like a pervy creep.
His daughter, surprisingly, wanted off after a big push, and he obliged. Watching her run for the slide, she was careful up the climbing rocks, and waited behind another kid before sliding down.
"Say excuse me if you want to go by."
Kyle heard the booming voice again, peering across the bridge he stood at, seeing that burly man across from him. His son was a little further up the playground, standing alongside another kid who just so happened to be blocking the path by sitting in the way.
Kyle watched him shake his head, and glance over to his curious gaze. He pressed another soft smile to his lips before feeling a hand tugging his belt loop.
He looked down to his daughter, thankfully. "Do you want to play tea shop?" She asked.
Kyle beamed. "I'd love to have some tea."
She guided him to the playset of stationary tables at kid's height, and sat on the erected stool. She collected a few sticks from the playground boundary, and returned. "We have biscuits for food."
"Do you have the soft ones?" Kyle asked.
"Only cookies." She placed them on the table before him.
"Can I have these warmed up, please?"
"Yes." She snatched them off the table, moving under the unoccupied bridge, and returned. "They're warm now."
"Do you have tea?"
"It's a tea shop. Duh."
Kyle stifled his urge to break a smile. "What kinds?"
"I don't know. What kinds are there?"
"There's black tea, green tea. If you want to sleep, you drink lavender or chamomile. If you're sick, you drink elderberry or ginger tea. There also other different flavors."
"It's too much." She fussed.
"I'll gave green tea then."
"I've got it!" She muttered, running to find something she could prop on the table as a placeholder for tea.
In her absence, Kyle watched the older, handsome man standing by the younger kid's playground. Everything was smaller, easily accessible for shorter kids. He had his hands tucked in his pockets, watching him jump from the second step onto the plush mat below, ducking for the bigger playset.
"I don't have green tea." Kyle's daughter came back with a small rock.
"Then what's this then?"
"Uh-" her eyes searched around. "A muffin."
"A biscuit and a muffin? I'll be so full now." Kyle stated, holding his stomach. "It's a tea shop. You've got no tea?"
"I'll go get some from the shop. That's right over there." She pointed towards the swings.
Kyle shook his head and chuckled as he watched her search, finding a few flowers along the fence border to bring back.
To Kyle's left, a kid came to the table closely to him, looking up at him with curious prying eyes. Too close for the comfort of a stranger. But Kyle was a parent first.
"Hello." He smiled.
It had been the same boy who'd joined their sides on the swing, the same son from that gorgeous gentleman. He was wearing a pair of short dungarees, a few stickers pressed into his pocket buttons. Kyle hadn't noticed the variety of permanent marker smudges into his palms before.
"Are you alright?" Kyle asked.
"Can I sit here?" He asked, pointing to the stool to Kyle's left.
"There's plenty of chairs you can sit in. Pick one." Kyle enthusiastically chimed.
Kyle's daughter returned, flowers bunched in her fist, and a few grass blades. She eyed the quiet boy as she sunk into her dad's side. "Who's that?" She whispered noisily into his neck.
"Why don't you ask? You can also ask if he wants to play Tea Shop with us." Kyle whispered back, a guiding hand on his daughter's back to bring her behind him.
She moved easily, standing between the two. "I'm Harper." She muttered. "Do you want to play Tea Shop with me and my dad?"
The little boy looked to her bunched hands and back to the sticks on the table. "Can I cook the food?"
Kyle's daughter gave an animated nod before holding out her fists, "This is for the tea. There's biscuits and muffins on the table already."
"Do you have sandwiches?"
"It's a Tea Shop." She said, with a straight tone, no funny business about it.
Kyle pressed his fingertips to his lips to hide his smirk.
"They have sandwiches too. My dad gets them." Said the boy. He stood regardless, "I'll make sandwiches." He ducked for the playground side.
"Do the shops sell sandwiches?" She asked Kyle.
"All kinds."
"Can we get one when we leave?"
"Yep. Why don't you play a bit more, then we'll leave in another twenty minutes?" He offered, gently nudging her along.
"Benjamin." Called the burly voice from behind Kyle. "Ben."
When Kyle turned to the knowing look of worry on the boy's father, he almost felt pity for him. He must be a new parent.
"Your boy is the one with the dungarees?" Kyle questioned.
The man looked down at him as if he'd almost missed him sitting at the table, knees bunched up under so he could be eye level with his girl. He looked so small on the little stool. "Yeah." Sighed the man.
"He's playing with my daughter." And pointing brought his attention to the two of them squatting by the swings, picking up pebbles and sticks for their imaginary tea shop.
It seemed to ease him.
He sighed, putting his hands on his hips, and gave a nervous chuckle. "He's faster than I can keep up with."
"They all are." Kyle smile, shielding the sun from his eyes with a hand over his brow to look up at him. "They're supposed to keep us spry."
The man tipped his head, "I don't know about spry." He put a hand on his lower back as if to make a further point.
Kyle smiled as his daughter was barreling back over, the boy in tow, and putting her collective things on the tabletop. "What's this?"
"Don't touch it yet. I've got to put it on to boil." She muttered, collecting a few pebbles together in a small metal lid she'd found in the dirt.
"Daddy," the boy pulled his father's hand, "We're playing shop. Sit."
Kyle shared a look with the nervous man.
"No, I don't think I'll fit in the chair." He insisted as his son was dragging him to the stool across from Kyle.
"We're playing Tea Shop. Do you want a cup of tea?" Kyle's daughter asked, putting sticks in front of him before he can even answer. "These are the biscuits."
"They look lovely." He commented, still being pulled to sit. "Ben, you know I'm too big for this table. My knees are gonna be knocking the whole thing."
He was at a loss against his little boy, and eventually he sat with a heavy grunt. His knees did bump against the table, but folding his legs at his ankles meant spreading into Kyle's space underneath.
"Do you want some sugar in your tea?" Kyle's daughter asked the man.
"I'll have just milk."
"We're all out." She blurted.
"Oh." He sighed in distraught.
Kyle covered his mouth with his hand.
He looked over Kyle's amused gaze and smiled himself.
"Do you want a sandwich, daddy?" Asked his boy.
"A sandwich?" The poor man had two children running circles around him, and Kyle found amusement in his confusion.
"The shop's have sandwiches." Kyle's daughter said.
"They do." Kyle chimed in.
"What do you have?" The man asked.
"Stick sandwich." His son said.
"Doesn't sound appetizing."
"How about rocks?"
"Do I get to keep my teeth?" He puckered his lips.
"No." His son giggled.
"Then, I'll stick to the tea just fine, thank you."
"It's coming up." Kyle's daughter said, propping the metal cup on the table after having dropped a few pebbles on the floor.
Kyle shared a poorly withheld smirk at the hopeless father as they were both served their "tea" and "biscuits".
"Move you eat it." Said Kyle's daughter, holding up a stick.
"Oh. I couldn't possibly. It looks too good to eat." Kyle said. "What tea did you bring me?"
"Flower tea." She said, peering into the cup.
"My favorite." Kyle held up the little tin, under his daughter's close inspection and took a sip of air. "Mmm."
His daughter laughed, clinging onto his arm. "You're not supposed to drink it, it's flowers."
"But it tastes so good." The more he sipped, the louder her cackle was. He wrapped an arm around her back to keep her from tipping back too far, and kissed her forehead softly. "Thank you."
"Can I go play up there?" She pointed to the bridge and playset for older kids.
"Yes, be careful."
"I will." She said, turning to the boy. "Do you want to race down the slide?"
With enthusiasm, the both of them rushed for various ways to get up to the slide the fastest, leaving their fathers to sit at the comically small table alone.
Kyle sighed, looking to the mess of a table. "I'll be mother and clean up." He joked, bunching the sticks in his fists and swiping off the pebbles and dirt.
"Allow me." Said the other, picking up the metal cup and rocks. "You've got a beautiful daughter, if you don't mind me saying." He glanced to his face and down, assuring no harm out of his words.
"Thank you." Kyle smiled. "Your son is very outgoing, and polite."
"He's working on it. He hasn't gotten the hang of being social." He huffed. "I'm trying to get him to make friends."
"It's not easy sometimes. But a little push gets them to move a long way."
He nodded before putting his hand up towards Kyle. "I'm John."
"Kyle." He shook his hand.
"My boy's Benjamin."
"How old?"
"Turning five soon. You?"
John nodded. "Is she your first?"
"She is."
"Was it scary for you?"
"You don't have a clue." Kyle scoffed.
They stood by the bin, watching their kids race from a distance to the top of the playground to the bottom and back up again.
"Benjamin's my first, and it doesn't matter how much time has past, it still feels like I'm re-learning everything from scratch again every year he grows."
"It doesn't matter how many parent books you've read; you'll never be ready for the real thing." Kyle offered.
"You think so?"
Kyle nodded.
"Do you have any others?" John asked.
"She's my only."
Kyle nodded.
"I thought," he shrugged, "The way you approach things, you seem experienced. I'm sorry if that seems rude of me to assume-"
"No, no, it's an honor. Thank you." Kyle smiled. "I've read every book there was on parenting. And nothing compares to having her." He gestured to his girl zipping down the slide, waiting for Benjamin to get down before running up.
"Have you?" John gave an amused smirk. "Better prepared than I could have been. I feel like I'm always stepping on toys, and swearing, doing everything wrong. I don't want to stand over him, but I don't want to let him hurt himself to learn."
"I feel like I'm constantly trying to not hover over her, but she's doing just fine all on her own."
John nodded, watching her slow down to let his son catch up to her before running down the playground. "She's lovely."
"Thank you." Kyle beamed. "I don't mean to brag, but people say she's got the likes of me. I would hope so."
"I don't wish Benjamin to have anything about me." John joked. "He doesn't need this mean mug scaring people off."
"Didn't scare me off." Kyle words rendered the older man speechless.
John was used to people who'd laugh, agree with him calling himself ugly. He knew he wasn't an ugly guy, he just liked to bring people humor and joy. He averted Kyle's pointed and flirty eyes towards the playground.
Kyle looked back as well. He couldn't help the smile on his face, seeing the man before him blush. He was handsome, and it was delightful to be able to tell him and get such a positive reaction.
John cleared his throat. "Ben's got his mum's temperament and nose."
"Does he?" Kyle hummed. "Lucky kid."
John scoffed. "Yeah."
"I tried co-parenting." Kyle offered, unknowing of his situation, and why he was the only one at the park with his son. "It's just me and her now. It's an easier route."
"Falling out with the wife?" John joked.
"No. Anonymous donor." Kyle said, point blank.
The words slowly turned in John's head, Kyle could see it, and he waited for the moment of impact.
John furrowed his brow. "Oh." He said plainly, before it hit. "Oh." He pointed at Kyle, more towards his lower abdomen, tilted his head like a lost pup. "You."
Kyle pressed his lips together, smile crushed in between.
"That's lovely." John nodded. "I see. Well. She does have the likes of you."
"Thank you." Kyle beamed.
And John gave a nervous, inviting chuckle.
Kyle's daughter came down the slide with John's son following, both rushing up. Kyle clasped her back as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Can we go to the shop now?" She asked, peering up at him.
"Yes. We can." Kyle cupped her back.
"Can my new friend go?" She asked, looking to John's son.
Kyle looked to John with a look that was unsure and he shook his head. "I'm sure that they've got things they need to do."
"Not at all." John blurted.
Kyle looked back at him.
"We'd love to join you. If you'd let us." John stared at Kyle with a polite smile. "I'd like to talk some more over tea."
"Can we go? Please. Please." Kyle's daughter gripped his shirt, tugging down.
At a loss for words this time, Kyle was speechless. All he could utter was a soft and airy, "Sure."
next part?? >>
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misshoneyimhome · 2 days
Would you write for Pyotr Kochetkov? With the prompt “Just tell me I’m the one.” Where Kochetkov thinks reader wants Svechnikov because of how close him and reader are but obby the reader wants Kochetkov 🤭
Oh, a new goalie has been added to the roster! 🤗
So, this is obv my first time writing for this young cutie pie, but I hope I've managed to capture his essence alright 🤍 I wasn't sure how good his English had become at this point, but after watching a few videos, I found it so endearing listening to him speak 🌺
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it 🤍
Tropes and warnings; friends to lovers; Pyotr Kochetkov x reader; just pure fluff; no warnings
Word count; 2.3K+
“Just tell me I’m the one" I Pyotr Kochetkov 🖋️🌺
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Pyotr Kochetkov had never been particularly confident when it came to matters of the heart.
As a goaltender, he was steady and unyielding, a reliable last line of defence for the Carolina Hurricanes. On the ice, he knew his role and executed it with precision, but when it came to understanding the intricacies of romantic interest, he was often feeling rather uncertain and maybe even act a little playful about it. His teammates would frequently joke about his stoic nature, teasing that he was more comfortable facing a breakaway than a heartfelt conversation, and he always just laughed along. It didn’t bother him at all, yet he couldn’t help but feel a stir within him.
What they didn’t know details of was that lately, his mind had been occupied with thoughts far away from the ice rink, as he couldn't help but notice how close you and Andrei Svechnikov had become over the past few weeks and months—always sharing inside jokes, laughing together during team dinners, and exchanging glances that seemed to speak volumes. Each moment chipped away at his composure, leaving him restless and distracted.
And one evening after practice, Pyotr found himself sitting alone in the quiet of the locker room, still in his gear, turning over these thoughts in his mind. As he’d skated off the ice, his mind was clouded with conflicting emotions. The day's practice had been just fine as he usually found solace in the repetitive motions and camaraderie of the team. 
However, he had then spotted you in the stands, chatting animatedly with Andrei. He knew the two of you had been friends for some time, and that your bond was unmistakable, yet his heart sank every time he saw you laughing together, a pit of jealousy and insecurity forming in his stomach. And though he knew it was irrational, he just couldn't help the way he felt.
The room, usually buzzing with the energy of his teammates, was now a sanctuary of solitude, and the only sounds were the distant echoes of equipment being packed away and the faint hum of the air conditioning. Pyotr stared at the ground, his thoughts a tangled mess of insecurity and longing, as he couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy that gnawed at him whenever he saw you and Andrei together. Were you interested in Svechnikov? Did you see him as more than a friend?
The truth was that you too harboured deep feelings for the young goaltender. From the moment you met Pyotr Kochetkov, you had felt something different - a sensation you couldn't quite pinpoint at first, yet it became clear as you spent more time around Andrei and Pyotr, particularly during the English lessons you helped them with: the fluttering in your stomach whenever Pyotr was near were butterflies of love.
Pyotr had no idea about the emotions you held for him. You had done everything possible to keep them hidden, but that had been easier said than done. Andrei had quickly noticed the romantic tension lingering between the two of you, although he never explicitly mentioned it. He would only tease you lightly about your crush when you were alone, not wanting to meddle but secretly hoping his two friends would eventually confess their feelings for each other. Yet, neither of you ever did.
There was one day though, when Andrei thought you were close to revealing your feelings. It happened during one of your casual coffee meetings, where you often helped Pyotr and Andrei with their English. Because you had Russian roots through your grandmother, you had suggested these kinds of sessions, something more informal and relaxed than typical English lessons.
And on this particular day, the topic of love and expressing emotions came up. The sun was setting outside the café window, casting a warm, golden glow over the table where the three of you sat. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint scent of pastries, creating an inviting atmosphere. Pyotr sat next to you; his striking brown eyes focused intently on the phrases written on the paper before him. His brow furrowed slightly in concentration, making him look even more endearing.
"I am in love with you," Pyotr read out loud, practising his pronunciation. His voice was soft, almost reverent, as he spoke the words. "You are the one for me."
"Exactly, just like that," you replied with a sweet smile, trying to hide the quickening of your heartbeat. "That's exactly how you'd say it.”
"And this is—'Would you like to go out with me?'" he asked, smiling softly as he read the next line from the paper. His smile was shy, almost hesitant, yet it lit up his face in a way that made your heart skip a beat.
You felt another flutter in your tummy as he smiled, and you nodded. "Yeah, that's really good pronunciation. You're ready to actually go out and say it...to someone." Your voice was soft, tinged with hope that he would catch on to your subtle hints. The café’s ambient chatter seemed to fade into the background as you willed him to understand what you truly meant. However, when he simply moved on to the next line, you felt convinced he would never see you that way. The moment passed, leaving you with a bittersweet ache. 
Meanwhile, sitting opposite you, Andrei was on the verge of pulling his hair out. How could the two of you not see it? It was so obvious to everyone else. You were sitting so close together, practising phrases about love and dating, yet neither of you seized the opportunity to act on it.
So, by the end of the day, Andrei was ready to confront the situation directly. As Pyotr had left for his goaltender yoga training, he looked at you with a curious expression.
"What?" you asked, noticing his intense gaze. "What is it, Andrei?"
"How can you not see it?" he asked, almost out of breath from frustration. "You and Pyotr... It's so clear—you like each other. You should go out on dates."
You shook your head. "He doesn't see me that way, Andrei... clearly, otherwise, he would... you know."
Andrei sighed deeply. "Y/N, Pyotr really, really likes you. But he's just a guy. He doesn't know how to express these things, even when it's right in front of him." He looked at you with a soft expression and added, "Not even in Russian."
You sighed softly, realising that you might have put too much hope and faith into small clues and hints that no one else understood as a request for something beyond friendship. "You really think he likes me?" you asked timidly.
"Y/N, Pyotr is head over heels in love with you," Andrei assured you with a gentle smile.
And you couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Andrei was truly an amazing friend, and you knew he would make someone very happy one day. 
"And now I'm sure you’ve actually learned something from today's lesson – using a phrase like that."
Andrei’s revelation had sparked a flicker of courage within you. And armed with newfound confidence, you resolved to confront Pyotr about your feelings. You had rehearsed the words in your mind, imagining how his reaction might unfold, but when you arrived at practice the following day, your hopes were dashed.
As you walked down the corridor, you saw Pyotr in deep conversation with a girl from the team’s support staff. Their body language spoke volumes—laughter, shared glances, a familiarity that cut through you like a knife. And it was clear he was asking her out, using the same phrases you had practised with him just days ago. The realisation hit you like a punch to the gut. You stood there, frozen, trying to process the sight before you. The warmth that had blossomed in your chest turned cold, replaced by a sinking feeling of disappointment and hurt.
But in truth, Pyotr had been dealing with a broken heart for some time, misinterpreting your growing closeness with Andrei as something more. And convinced that pursuing you would only bring him more pain, he decided to focus his attention elsewhere, hoping to distract himself from the agony of unreturned love.
Meanwhile, Andrei was caught between frustration and sympathy. He had watched the two of you skirt around your true feelings for far too long. Each missed chance to express yourselves left him exasperated, as he deeply cared for both of you and longed for you to recognise what was so evident to everyone else.
The hallway buzzed with activity around you, unaware of the emotional turmoil unfolding within. Pyotr and the girl exchanged smiles, arranging plans for the weekend, while you stood rooted to the spot, grappling with the shattered remnants of your hopes and the harsh reality before you.
And sensing your distress, Andrei approached quietly. His expression mirrored your anguish, a silent acknowledgment of shared disappointment. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured softly, his voice tinged with regret. "He asked her out?"
You nodded your head numbly, unable to find the words. The weight of unspoken truths hung heavy in the air between you. And in that moment, the best comfort Andrei could offer was a tight, friendly hug. A hug that didn’t escape the corner of Pyotr’s eye.
The next day, however, the weight of unspoken emotions became too much for you to bear. As you watched the team wrap up after the day’s practice, you suddenly felt determined to confront Pyotr. So, finally breaking free from the uncertainty that had plagued you both, you steeled yourself for the conversation you had been avoiding.
Meanwhile, after a rigorous training session, Pyotr trudged back to the locker room with a heavy heart. He had been trying to distance himself from the sight of you and Andrei together, hoping to quell the ache of jealousy that gnawed at him. And as he began to strip off his gear, the echoes of laughter and shared moments between you and Andrei haunted him still, causing the sound of approaching footsteps to startle him. And as he turned to see you standing in the doorway, your expression offered a mix of concern and determination.
"Pyotr, can we talk?" you asked softly, your voice breaking the heavy silence that hung between you.
He merely nodded, trying to steady his emotions. "Sure, what's up?"
You hesitated for a moment, gathering your thoughts before speaking again, and your eyes searched his, hoping to find the courage to voice what had been weighing on your heart. "I've noticed you've been distant lately. Is everything okay?"
Pyotr sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I... I have just had a lot on mind."
"Like what?" you gently pressed, taking a tentative step closer to him.
Then taking a deep breath, Pyotr knew it was now or never. "I see how close you are with Andrei. The way you laugh together, the way you look at each other... It is hard not to feel like I'm just an outsider."
Surprise flickered across your face, and you shook your head earnestly. "Pyotr, no. It’s not like that with Andrei. We’re just friends, I promise."
Pyotr looked away, unable to handle the intensity of your gaze. "Then what is it? Why do I feel like you’re always with him and not me?"
Your heart ached at his words, and you reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Because I’ve been scared, Pyotr. Scared that you wouldn’t feel the same way about me."
His eyes flickered back to yours, filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "What do you mean?"
Summoning all your courage, you took a deep breath, your voice barely above a whisper. "I care about Andrei, but not the way I care about you. I want you, Pyotr. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I just didn’t know how to tell you."
Pyotr's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing as he absorbed your confession. "Are you serious?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.
You nodded firmly, stepping closer to him. "Yes, but then I saw you with that other girl and…" You trailed off with a defeated sigh, the pain of seeing him with someone else clear in your eyes. "And I couldn’t believe it when Andrei told me that you might actually like me back."
A wave of guilt washed over Pyotr as he realised how his actions had inadvertently hurt you. "I do like you. She... doesn't mean anything to me," he blurted out earnestly, desperate to reassure you.
"Really?" you asked, searching his eyes for sincerity.
Pyotr nodded fervently, a small smile tugging at his lips despite the lingering doubts. 
"Just... please, tell me I'm the one."
"You're the one," he affirmed softly, his voice filled with unwavering certainty. "I have wanted you too, but I was afraid to say anything."
A sense of relief washed over you, tears of joy threatening to spill over as Pyotr's admission lifted a weight off your shoulders that you had carried for far too long. And a radiant smile spread across your face, your heart soaring with happiness. "Then what are we waiting for?" 
Then without hesitation, Pyotr pulled you into his arms. Closing the gap between you he leaned down to capture you lips with his, holding you close as if he never wanted to let go. The kiss was tender, yet filled the desire that had been lingering for a while. 
The tension that had once divided you melted away in the warmth of his embrace, replaced by a newfound closeness and understanding. And in that moment, surrounded by the familiar scents of sweat and equipment in the locker room, you both knew this was the beginning of something beautiful.
For Pyotr, the doubts and insecurities that had clouded his heart were swept aside by the overwhelming joy of knowing that you chose him. And for you, the journey of unspoken feelings finally found its voice, setting the stage for a love that had waited patiently in the wings.
As you rested against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, Pyotr knew that despite the challenges that lay ahead, you were the one he wanted by his side. And that was all he needed to feel complete.
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Hi!! I was wondering if you could write Jason x daughter of Apollo reader who’s always overworking herself at the infirmary
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when the skies are gray"
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author's note: I intended it to be full fluffy but I made it hurt comfort instead, I hope you don't mind <3
Jason hadn't seen you in days…. recently the infirmary was packed with patients, Jason literally being one of the dozens. The apollo healers were at their peak of pressure. You were performing stitches while the others were performing surgeries. After all the chaotic rush cooled down a little, you told Will to take some rest, while you checked off the list of patients that were admitted in your notepad.
That was when Jason stepped inside the infirmary, you didn't even notice until jason vigorously back hugged you.
“What?” You snapped, you were exhausted and didn't really want to see anyone at the moment, not even your boyfriend. Jason pulled out a bouquet of sunflowers, smiling brightly while giving them to you. What a sweetheart.
Unfortunately, you had too much coffee and that made you cranky.
“thanks. Put them in the vase.” You said, not taking your eyes off of your notepad while aloofly gesturing to the empty vase on your desk.
You felt Jason frown genuinely. He put the flowers inside the vase as you asked him too, which you did albeit a little coldly. But he knew you were stressed out, so he didn't think much of it. He put a hand on your shoulder gently and moved closer to whisper in your ear.
“sunshine, don't you think you should be taking a break? You look exhausted and you didn't show up to dinner yesterday, have you even eaten? Be honest please” he asked in concern
You always loved Jason's worried mom behavior because you thought it was endearing, but today, the pressure levels of the past few days, witnessing your siblings in distress because they failed to save one patient, watching fellow campers in physical pain, just got too much, that you snapped.
“I am FINE Jason! Just because I didn't show up yesterday does not mean I didn't eat. Have you considered the possibility that I had food sent to me over here in the infirmary? Gosh.. can't you see I'm busy? Why are you so overbearing? Leave me alone, please.” you regretted your words the moment they spilled out. Jason looked like a kicked puppy, as a flash of hurt went through his eyes. But they disappeared almost immediately as his eyes were replaced with steely coldness.
“I was just checking on you, babe. because I was worried.....tell me how many of your friends have actually come in to see how you were, the past week?” He asked, with a dangerously calm and steady voice, staring at you deeply while making a very fair point. That's what happens when you were raised in the most unemotional camp ever. You switch back to your old ways.
You looked at him a little stunned, and were unable to respond to his question. Because you had no answer. Nobody apart from your siblings had come to check on you, up until Jason arrived.
“Exactly. So if you think that me caring about my girlfriend’s health and being worried about her is “overbearing” then fine. If you continue to push me away when I clearly mean well, then so be it. I hope you like the flowers, and please, for the love of god, get some rest. We'll talk when you're feeling less mad” he added.
But this time, you could've sworn that his voice was shaky and that broke you. You had never said mean stuff to him like this before, and this time, it had clearly affected him. He had done nothing but be sweet to you. Even now, he was talking you calmly without telling at your outburst.
You watched miserably as Jason walked out of the infirmary. Tears slipped out of your eyes as you reached your breaking point of the week. You had officially pushed away the one person who loves you more than anything. Simply because you were stubborn to hear him out.
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It was currently 1:00 AM, and you finally collected yourself to go apologize to Jason. You needed to fix what you broke before it was too late. You found yourself staring at the flowers he'd oh so happily given you before you ruined his mood.
You tentatively stepped into his cabin, trying to make as less noise as possible. You couldn't wait until morning for this, you missed him to death. Jason was sleeping quietly, he was never the one for snoring, he wasn't a deep sleeper either, so every time you had even accidentally brushed against him, he'd wake up with a jolt.
You gently got into his bed, and wrapped your arms around him from behind while burying your face into his hair. This time though, he didn't wake up with an alert jolt. Instead, he took your hands and tightened your grip around himself.
“You're awake?” You whispered to him curiously.
“Well, what do you think?” Jason whispered back, the smile in his voice evident. He turned around to face you, and you held his cheeks with both your hands, softly stroking them. He was staring at you, this time, any trace of coldness had vanished. You took a few seconds to admire his gorgeous eyes before you spoke.
“Jason… I'm sorry… I didn't mean anything I said. I really didn't.. I was just feeling cranky about how shitty my week had been, and I shouldn't have taken it out on you.. I had no right, especially not when you were so sweet abou-” you were cut off with his lips pressing on yours.
“That's okay, love. I know you didn't mean it, I just wanted to give you space to think everything through. I was never mad. Just upset that you were overworking yourself too much.” he replied after pulling away.
You teared up again.
“I love you so much.” You said, pressing your forehead onto his. He smiled brightly.
“I love you too. Now, do you want to talk about how you've been feeling? You need it, Let it out babe. I'm always here.”
Both of you spent the rest of the night, talking about each other's feelings and cuddling. Jason felt fulfilled as he saw you peacefully napping, getting the rest you deserve.
“Sweet dreams, sunshine.” He whispered, kissing your hair.
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