#not everyone has to be in a relarionship
daylightisviolent · 1 year
For season 3... queerplatonic partners james and isaac? 🥺 please alice?? 🥺
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nanzyn · 1 year
when you try to write a close, platonic relationship that includes a conversation about their relationship to one another and a deep partnership built on companionship but you know people are going to read it into a romantic relationship bc they want to turn every close male-male interaction into a romantic relationship
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unfair-water-plane · 2 months
Six Song Sound Track Playlist
@stormikins threw the gauntlet, and damn it I will pick it up.
1. An event that defines your character's past
Would he have joined up because his parents did, or is it because of what happened to him as a kid? Isaiah doesn’t know, and frankly it doesn’t matter. The Alliance is what he chose.
2. How your character sees themselves
Everything he’s ever done has led up to where he is now, but it has left him separated from the life he wanted. He’s trying to make everyone happy and safe, but that leaves him out.
Cant BELIEVE I forgot Isaiah’s anthem circa ME2
3. How others view them
As far as the galaxy is concerned, there’s not much he can’t (or won’t) do.
4. Their Closest Relarionship
Before he met Garrus, Isaiah didn’t know the meaning of forever. It still took them time to get there. But man do they get there.
5. A major fight scene
🎶They say there’s hell to pay, you can keep the change if you want.🎶
This is the background to the Kai Leng fight, or least when I write it.
6. End Credits Song
The first time I heard this song, I saw the Normandy crew in my head after the victory and cried.
Thank you @stormikins , this was a lot of fun. I know approximately…three people in this app and one of them tagged the other one so…
Anyone is welcome!
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spookyrobbins · 9 months
The cracks in Callie and Penny's relarionship probably began to show very soon after they moved to NY, when the excitement and the ardenaline wore off. First of all, there's no way Callie wasn't aware of what she did to Arizona during the custody battle and that she dragged her daughter across the country away from her mother. It had to be at the back of her mind, even if she didn't want to think about it. And then it got progressively worse because she was just starting to get bored with Penny. Just annoyed. I'd say Callie held on for much longer than she should've, because she burned her life down for this woman, so it had to work. This is why I also think it was Penny who ultimately broke up with Callie. Callie already checked out of the relationship some time ago, but didn't want to admit she did all that for nothing, so Penny had to be the one to pull the plug.
yeah that relationship really was doomed by the time they got to nyc and probably only made it work based on callie’s pure stubbornness bc like you said, she burned down her life for this.
penny’s just such a waste of a character. like she had two potentially interesting storylines and they’re both just squandered.
i honestly go back and forth on who broke up with who in nyc. i think it can really go either way with either penny getting fed up or callie who just doesn’t care anymore.
one thing that i think could be interesting is penny and callie who are on the verge of a breakup when arizona decides to move to nyc and it’s just a mess. you’ve got penny who’s now hyper paranoid about arizonas presence. and you’ve got callie who’s really checked out of her relationship and increasingly aware that she has feelings for arizona but she is also very conscious of how she fucked up everyone’s life to be in a relationship with penny and she doesn’t want to prove everyone right.
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batmans-malewife · 1 year
in my universe basically everyone loves harley. she has zero enemies except the joker post-relarionship. cuz shes just a silly little gal. a whimsical little creature
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the-void-writes · 1 year
Happy Blursday, sweetpea! Can you please tell me about Will’s relarionship to all of his father figures? :3
Oh absolutely, thank you so much!!! It’s funny because Will has a lot more father figures than I realized, though some of them are just guys that he feels somewhat safe around without an actual familial bond. Either way, this boy keeps adopting dads lol.
Will and His Fathers
Isaiah Shapiro - He’s his father only by legal name and nothing more. Will has never felt safe around him, not even as a young child, because of his father’s hatred for Freaks. Isaiah was the starting point for Will’s downward mental spiral, and the abuse he had to endure for years.
Jason Rhodes - His real, beautiful, loving father. Jason would make time reverse for this boy if that’s what he wanted. They share music, they go exploring, they train to help each other get stronger, they take care of each other when they’re sick, they just love each other like pure family. Their bond is completely unbreakable, and they understand each other better than anyone else on Earth.
Henry Prescott - The second most amazing father Will has ever had. He’s been calling Will his son since he met the family, always treating him like his own because the poor boy could never find sympathy from other people. He doesn’t care that the boy is different, he loves him all the same. And when they both thought they had lost Jason, they were each other’s biggest support system, helping the other stay afloat in their darkest time.
Rio Manuel - He’s more of a father by association to Jason, but that doesn’t mean he won’t care for Will just as much. He sees how unshakeable this kid’s devotion to his family is, and he wants to help him however he can. They actually trained together a lot because they knew the other would give them a fair fight with no holding back. Rio also can’t help but be protective of any kid who’s nice to his daughter, anyway.
Gabriel Vesely - This is a completely one-sided father-figure scenario, because Vesely sees this boy as his wonder child, while Will would love nothing more than to chuck him in a river. Vesely just has this idea that Will is gonna be his prodigy and do everything that he had ever wanted for his family, somehow forgetting how much of both Will and Jason’s lives that he’s ruined.
Atticus Wells - He’s a doctor from Bluebrook who took pity on Will when his mind was slipping away. He treated him with respect when everyone else wanted to ignore him. The problem was, Atticus is a Vesely-devotee, and he ran right back to Vesely’s side the minute the opportunity came up. So he has to fight Will’s friends, but he can’t bring himself to hurt this boy who had been ostracized for so long, a boy that Atticus saw a bit of himself in. (He also might have known Jason pretty well, so that only adds to his guilt.)
Honorable Mention: King Gazali becomes important to Will as a friend and confidant and somewhat of an older-brother figure (and an actual father figure in a few AUs).
There’s also an older gentleman in Paradise named Bailey, he’s a fisherman and a really nice and funny guy that Will gets along with. He’s more of a grandfather figure than a father figure, but the idea is still kind of the same.
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infamous-raven-x · 2 years
I brought up your art because I thought it’d make sense if Alice was still just a bit salty towards Keith for contributing to Hydranoid’s torture... I still ship them tho.
Welcome to my Ted talk of reasons to Ship Alice and Spectra No. 393~
Oh, Now I get it, thanks by the way I do appreciate when people starts to like Alice/Spectra again after it was gone for years.
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But now, Let's talk about something important of Alice and Spectra and how do I get there relarionship, Theh can really be open to anything like really, they can be a Fluff couple, just be friends and more, but since I like a but of angst in my life I have come with some Headcannons and ideas.
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I do think that they would be toxic, don't get me wrong, I just think that it is more funny a couple where things would go west, instead of going full fluff.
Yeah I do, think that Alice is salty with Spectra for torturing Hydranoid, and for making experiments with Helios and the fact that he still does it with everyone knowing it and no body says shit because Spectra is friends with the brawlers.
I consider that much of the character development in this relationship turns around Alice, since I think Alice needs to open her eyes to feeling bad feelings, she is sugar and honey most of the time, she didn't get mad when Shadow spook her and I honestly think Alice is the type of girl that should grow up by hard blows because she is not dumb, but she has not develop the emotional inteligence she needs in life.
But I do think that she would have to learn how to survive with a aromantic boyfriend that like the atention and the sex but is bullshit as something as basic as afection.
Alice tends to get really overwhelmed with Spectra, after all Spectra likes to be cheecky with her, drag her around with it and then let her in peace.
I do really feel that Spectra is into BDSM
Alice starts to learn what is "hate sex"
They can have wholesome moments, and really dark moments.
IT REALLY DEPENDS ON YOU RE PERSPECTIVE BUT THIS ARE MY FAVORITE HC AND THE IDEAS I BASE MY DRAWINGS IN! (so feel free to do and read whatever you want becuase I would be in the shadows consuming every little crump of Alice/Spectra that is in the internet!)
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Girls Remix 1:
Hana thinks Sakura doesn't want her.
As much as she'll like to know where she came from, she prefers her Family of Choice.
Her Girlfriend, her Brother, her friends.
Sakura Seeing Reika as an Older sister is adorable.
But I can see why Hana would be Jealous.
Since when could kamen rider Aguilera do Restyles?
It's funny how the only thing that needs to be changed to remove toei's Homophobic sisterhood thing is just change Reika's lines.
"Not the time for a lover's spat."
"Reminds me a bit of Magine and I when we channel our anger."
Wow, Riot in Bloom's magnificent.
Sakura would swoon if she heard it.
Girls Remix 2:
Yuriko is Gaslighting Hana.
Fake Demon Hana is really Pretty.
But Hana's always Pretty.
The Girls Remix team succesfully inflitrate a Mansion.
Sawa and Kanon are here.
Sawa has done Investigations about Black Satan and Ganma World before. Sounds like we missed some adventures.
SakuHana are a Family the way Rintaro wanted to be Family with Mei.
Riot in Bloom is even better this time.
Girls Remix 3:
The Transformation Scene was so cool.
I get why they couldn't let Kanon transform, and honestly I was never a fan of the Kanon Specter suit, but it still would've been nice if they filmed a fight scene for her prior to the suit's scrapping.
Tsukuyomi was great, even if the Jacket contradicted her usual Colour scheme.
The Girls' fight scene was so cool.
The old musical cues and background music, and Cherry-ish!!
KR Aguilera restyling is still strange.
Miss Titan's backstory is almost a 'blink and you miss it' thing.
Hana deciding to basically Adopt Yuriko was sweet.
The Photoshoot scene was nice.
Loved Izu's joke. Not that it was funny.
Honestly, other than the dialogue calling them sisters, everything here otherwise felt in character to their subtle gay relarionship in the show.
Sakura also literally went "look at my girl, she's so cute".
The actual photoshoot itself wasn't that in character, but that's not a simple thing to do.
This whole special was pretty good.
Though could've ditched the attempted straightification.
I swear, if either of the girls gets a boyfriend in the VCinema.....
Girls Remix or: Lady Riders and Companions Get More Screentime, to Everyone's Delight
I don't think Hana's feelings were just jealousy per se. I think part of her resents Sakura seemingly placing more importance on blood family as one's "actual family". With how Sakura acted over her finding a possible blood relative, it kinda looked like Sakura didn't think found family was just as important, even though that was all Hana had.
Hana could always do Restyles- her Driver's just same as Sakura's, just modified slightly to fit her aesthetic better. They were both designed by Masumi after all.
Honestly Riot in Bloom MV made me a bit uncomfy in light of some of the stuff that since came out about Yui Asakura. Apparently she's not very comfortable doing gravure-type things, and the MV comes off as very gravure-like to me. The song itself is pretty good though, and if it doesn't confirm SakuHana as canon then I don't know what does.
Ironically, Kanon Spectre was apparently scrapped and reused as parts for Aguilera. So yeah there was no way those two suits were appearing together. Hence Kanon not transforming.
My favorite bit was all the civilian fights though. Koichi Sakamoto, who directed the movie, seems to like them quite a bit. I love that they went out of their way to use the main fight themes for the ladies' respective main Riders- for example, when Akiko was slippering those mooks to submission, the BGM was Hard-boiled. (Yes, that really is the title for that specific BGM.)
I need a photobook for that photoshoot. I won't mind spending money on it because they all look so beautiful goddamnit.
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yourstrullyme · 1 year
i hate relarionships i hate friendships i hate people why is it so hard why can everyone else do it so effortlessly
like my best friend is always going on about how he's a hermit and yet he has way more friends and get invited to way more stuff than me like
whats so wrong about me that people either dont remember me or chose not to invite me
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rotzaprachim · 3 years
Declan’s parkour in this is simultaneously managing to be the overbearing mam figure babying a kid who doesn’t need it over minor things because so much of his sense of identity is based on his family AND a really neglectful authority figure who’s man slut winner comes to some degree at the expense of his underage charge’s basic needs
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nicocoisanerd · 3 years
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Maybe it is a little stupid, buuut, can we see some press drama with Kate and Anthony in Offside? I mean, Kate being followed, nasty comments on Daily Mail and things like that. And Anthony being the super super supportive boyfriend he always is.
Ahh Anthony, once the biggest playboy in England, revered by up and coming players for his fast cars, and his string of model girlfriends and the way he doesn't care what the press says about him. Now the world's greatest Simp. Renowned for going on talk shows and whenever the host says
"And of course, you're getting married this summer, to Dr Kate Sharma."
Anthony grins proudly turning to the audience, "Yes, I fucking AM! And how great is she?! Ladies and Gentlemen can we give my incredible fiancée Kate a round of applause please?!"
Geeing up the crowd while he hollers for her, and Kate rolls her eyes from the front row.
"Seriously! How beautiful is she?! Stunning! She's stunning! I'm the luckiest bastard in the entire world."
It had happened almost from the very beginning of their relationship. Rumours flying around about them. Every look between them on the field scrutinised. Cameras rolling around them as they left restaurants together, flashes bright.
What's going on here? Are you dating?
Two friends?!
And most of the time it was easy to ignore. Easy to ignore what people wrote about her online, even while Anthony ranted and raved on the phone to Daphne,
"Have you seen this fucking shit Daph?! Just have it taken down, it's fucking vile! And if the site won't do it, I'm pressing charges!"
It was even easier to ignore the rumours of Anthony's...indiscretions. That he'd been seen out with this singer, or this actress, that he'd left a charity even with an author. Because honestly, in the entirety of their relationship, Kate and Anthony had spent a grand total of fifteen nights apart.
So she didn't feel the need to ask him if he'd really been out with Siena Rosso last night, when she knew good a well Anthony had been tied to her headboard with her hand around his throat.
It had been humorous, when they hadn't confirmed their relarionship, to watch everyone coo over the fact Newton ran out to greet him at the end of each game, bounding around the field as Anthony warmed down. To watch the camera lenses zoomed in on the hem of her polo shirt to read the writing stitched there. So sure it said Bridgerton (it did. So did her knickers). To watch even Edwina get questioned about it when she promoted her new series.
"Now your sister, Kate, is the doctor for manCity." Graham Norton hums, as a photo of Kate leaving a cinema with Anthony waving brightly, appears on the screen.
Edwina smirked, fingers drumming on her leg. "She is. If anyone out there has an overachieving sibling you know exactly what it's like to have your Mum snap her fingers at you, and call you by your sister's name."
The audience had laughed before she'd shaken her head, "I'm kidding, of course, I can hear our Mum cursing me all the way from Manchester."
"And your Mum still lives in Manchester? Where you grew up?" Graham says quickly.
"That's right."
"And what does your mum, Mary, think of Kate's boyfriend Anthony Bridgerton?"
Edwina had waited for the cheering to die down before she'd clicked her tongue. "Graham, if I'd seen Anthony Bridgerton, flipping pancakes at my Mum's on a sunday morning: Don't you think I'd already be making fun of him?"
So yes, it had been intense from the off, but now that they'd confirmed their relationship finally, by way of the 10 carat yellow diamond on her finger: it got so much worse. And even then they only sometimes bothered her.
They'd been enjoying lunch, nestled at the back of a tiny Korean restaurant, Anthony's lips on her cheek, her hand on his knee, and everything had been fine. And Kate supposed it still was. Until the waiter scooted over to the at the end, the cheque laid neatly in front of them, Kate's heart bustling when Anthony grinned at the teenage boy.
"Excellent service Jeremy!" Scrawlling 100 on the tip line, Jeremy's eyes nearly bugging out of his head when he said,
"Mr Bridgerton, Sir, I think you might have made a mistake with the-"
Anthony had shaken his head, "I didn't make a mistake. Keep practicing those headers!"
Jeremy had scurried away, practically falling over himself stuttering his thanks.
"Nice kid." Anthony had hummed to himself, "I'll have the team send him something."
And it had caught in Kate's chest, not for the first time, that the real Anthony was so different than he had pretended to be when she first met him. So kind.
"You're sweet." Kate had hummed as Anthony had slid his sunglasses on, waiting as Jeremy brought his card back.
"Mr Bridgerton, we didn't- we didn't tell them you were here, but there’s a bit of press outside."
Anthony had stood, slapping the boy on the shoulder. "Don't worry mate, we're old hats at this." He held his hand out for Kate to take, before saying quickly to the boy, "And your shirt size is?"
Kate had hummed happily as she took Anthony's hand, sliding her own sunglasses down as they exited onto the street, and everything seemed to erupt.
Lights flashing, as the journalists swarmed, voices clamouring as Anthony walked, hand out in front of him, Kate tucked into his side protectively.
"Fellas, can we give the lady some room please? take all the pictures you want of me."
And then it happened
Hey Kate!
A man's voice sneered, and Kate couldn't help but turn towards it at the vehemence.
The man was leaning against a shop window, his camera held lazily in one hand as he snapped pictures
"People always say it's so hard to climb the ranks as a woman but I reckon they're wrong!"
She should have turned away, should have seen the warning signs, even as Anthony tugged her closer, but she couldn't help but call back incredulously, "How do you figure that?"
"All you have to do to become the doctor of a premier league club is give the captain a little suck right? Other than Bridgerton, how many others did you fuck to get the job? Stupid Slut!"
Kate's mouth dropped open in surprise, her heart hammering in her chest, but Anthony apparently reacted quicker.
He let go of her hand so quickly she barely noticed, closing the distance in two, steps, A fierce growl ripping free from his throat
"What the fuck did you just say about my wife?!"
Stunned silence covered the crowd like a blanket as Panic rose in Kate's chest, the man pinned against the wall by Anthony's huge arms.
"Anthony, let go." She said softly, tugging on the back of his shirt.
He was furious, his chest heaving, eyes flashing dangerously, knuckles white as he gripped the man's shirt.
"Anthony." Kate pressed her palm to the back of his neck, relief flooding her as Anthony relaxed into her touch, the man crumpling to the floor in a heap.
"If you ever come near her again, I'll do much worse than that." Anthony spat, bundling Kate in his arms, panic flashing in his eyes for a second as he took in the still stunned reporters watching them. "You're okay?"
Kate nodded, something desperately fierce sparking in her chest as he nodded, his jaw still tight as he swept her away.
"Daphne's going to fucking kill me." Anthony groaned much later, when Kate had given him a very thorough thanks for the defence of her honour.
And Kate hadn't know what to do but hum in agreement. Even more so as she listened to Anthony be berated by Daphne the next day.
"He said the most disgusting shit Daphne. He called my wife a slut!" Wife. She was always his wife, though they wouldn't be married for months yet.
"And I understand completely why you did it, but we need to manage it now!"
And much to Kate's very great surprise when Anthony stood in front of the camera the next morning as clips of the Man pinned were everywhere and Anthony tucked his prepared cards back in his jacket and said,
"I firmly believe violence is not to be tolerated. However, Mr. Stevens called Dr Sharma by my second least favourite term for a woman. A term used to demean women and make them feel lesser than: and that should be tolerated even less. A woman's personal history has very little to do with her job performance, and as such, I am not apologetic for my actions, nor am I apologising for protecting the woman I love from unfair scrutiny and constant invasions of her privacy . I'll not be taking any further questions today."
The assembled crowd erupts into applause.
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insane-arcane · 3 years
How would Silco(and/or Jinx) feel about his enforcer kid (once they got comfortable and started things from his point of view(if they ever do)) being attracted to or starting a relationship with Sevika?
Not gonna happen in this a.u sorry. Also they will never quit see from Silcos view but they defiently agree on certain things.
As for the Sevika relarionship, first of all the age gap would be almost twenty years since Sevika is in her like mid-forties and Readers at the oldest in their very early twenties. With the current route I'm taking this story the Reader loves Caitlyn and than has platonic bonds with almost everyone else. There may be some playful flirting with Vi or Ekko maybe even Jayce or Viktor or Mel but that's not where the stories gonna end. (I might make seperate endings I don't know)
Sevika has respect for Reader and understands that they are never to hurt them unless necessary on Silcos orders. That's about how far their relationship goes. Realistically they would never really get close as Sevika is their captor and part of the reason Vander and Readers old friends are dead. From a fanfiction point idk it could make things more interesting.
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loveyves · 7 years
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
it's me, your quarantine girl coming through with her boredom againn .. I hate that I cant write what I wanted and let people do it because they're better than what I do .. SO!!
This is a little bit angsty but imagine idol Vernon denying the rumor of him being in a relationship with an non idol.
"Vernon-ah .. we heard from a little blue bird that you are in a relarionship." the host ask. all attention flew from the story of S.coups almost getting a heart attack when Jeonghan just waves his cast arm during Be the Sun concert.
S/O– who just arrive when they heard it and was heartbroken.
"Ohh~ aniyo many people really mistaken my sister as my girlfriend which is super weird." Everyone laughs, covering the awakwardness and tension from their second maknae– mind you that he's bothered face is noticable to Dino has to push him gently while laughing to shake the image away from the camera.
S/O accepted that it is part of protecting their relationship and theirselves from sasaengs and media AND they had already talk about it.
Though no matter what, it breaks s/o that they have to hide their relationship. So when the interview was over, their manager gave Vernon a heads up of s/o waiting inside their dresser room. Before anyone can speak nor react– he dash away from them to his s/o.
s/o haven't open her mouth nor react when he pulled her in a tight hug. (VERNON IS A TYPE OF HUGGER TO HAVE ON BEHIND YOUR HEAD AND THE OTHER ONE BEHIND YOUR BACK, HIS HEAD ON YOUR NECK 😫💓💕)
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He spoke gently on your neck. (JUST IMAGINE HIM BEING A CLINGY CAT ON YOU .. AHHH!!)
S/O can't help but swayed with his cuteness and they knew he didn't mean to hurt them and the fact he felt agitated for keeping the secret after few months of dating.
s/o returned the hug, rubbing their hand on his back to reassure that they understood his intention of denying their relationship. They have to accept their short fate of keeping behind close doors since their relationship just bloom.
"Hansolie~ Its okay."
I AM SOBBING HE’D FEEL SO BAD ABOUT IT TOO 😭😭 lowkey sulking whereever he goes cause he doesn’t believe his s/o has forgiven him (they keep telling him they have but he’s literally stubborn) so he’s always in a mood with himself for it but his s/o understands not everything can be public because he’s an idol, they just care as long as they have him ):
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Following that much-vaunted dream I had 3-4 nights ago that made me ship what I thought I'd never ship
I think it would be hilarious that depending of Pierrot or PN (Gonna call Petit Nabot like that to make it easier) that Psi would have known DIFFERENT kinds of love relationship
With Pierrot, without being mushy, it was classic and romantic almost cliché. He was a gentleman, very confident without being smug but cheerful, they did sports together, they had the same healthy lifestyle, they hardly fought because they often were on the same wavelength, he would wake up early to make her breakfasts, they went horseriding on the sunset, he would often give flowers, he would be a real Prince Charming handsome brave and not just good to her but good to everyone
Then with PN the relarionship is very different. He tries to be romantic and look confident and smooth but he is a secretly insecure mess. He is usually a jerk who is only NOW trying to be a better person to impress her and it is hard for him as well as for her especially when she has to bail him out because he scammed people in a casino or something. He still gets himself in trouble because he still loves chaos too much and redemption is hard. He can't jog without spitting out half of his lungs and he smokes (and I bet not just tobacco) and has an overall unhealthy lifestyle which frustrates her and makes her worry for him. He is a coward she has to defend but then forces him to explain her wtf had these people run after him again. They fight more often than she did with Pierrot since they are more different. He does mean well with her but with his bad luck he often ruins it when he wants to gift or surprise her. He can be selfish and self centered even without realizing it. He is NOT handsome in any way. But he DOES try to change and made progresses now he is not influenve by either his father or his best friend by living away from them lore than usual and is determined to prove her he is worth the shot and that is precisely because of that akd the good potential she senses in him she did get with him in the end
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