#not polished at all just like a thought dump lmao
sans-guy · 1 year
Is it okay if we ask more about Butch? Just in general and such.
Always all the time sdfsd i dont have answers for everything but it helps me figure out his character so yes
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dyslexicsquirrel · 7 months
This is a super rough draft and I'm working to polish it up for AO3 but have some childhood friends who kissed (no homo) second chance romance(?) Harringrove
I haven't posted anything in forever and this idea took over my body so uh I hope you like it? If you don't? Don't tell me lmao
Now I'm thinking about childhood friends Steve and Billy who practice kissing and whatever it's totally not gay. But Steve is like imagining their life after high school together, how they're gonna go to the same college and be roommates. Maybe if they get to kiss sometimes still that would be fine.
He tells Billy about it cause they're best friends and they tell each other everything. He thought Billy was on board. He helped Steve study, made sure he graduated.
So he's a little surprised when he gets to the school and Billy's Camaro isn't there cause he was running late but Billy always did like to make an entrance. Except Steve keeps checking down their row in the stadium and Billy never shows up. Doesn't come running onto the field when they call his name.
When he goes to return the cap and gown and pick up his diploma after the ceremony, the lady at the table check's her list and tells Steve "Looks like Billy picked his up the last day of class."
There's a big hole in the middle of Steve's chest that never really quite goes away. Not through college and parties or meeting his wife and getting married. Having his kids helps a bit but it's always there, sharp and jagged just like the boy who made it.
Steve focuses on work and raising his kids and maybe that's why his marriage falls apart. His wife handed him a big Manila envelope with sadness in her eyes. "You're a great dad and there's a part of me that will always love you, but I don't think you ever loved me, Steve, and I deserve better than that. We both do."
He agreed to everything, got split custody, and moved into an apartment in the city. It was beige and empty, but he covered it with pictures of his kids and ignored the way the hole in his chest started crumbling inward, growing every morning he woke up to silence until he felt hollow.
Steve got the kids for the summer and rented an RV. They were driving to California cause the kids had never seen the Pacific, he told his ex. She shrugged and sent them all off with hugs and kisses on the forehead. If a tiny voice in the back of his head called him a liar, he ignored it.
They ate at hole in the wall diners off the highway, but Steve splurged on hotels with pools cause sue him he was too high maintenance to live without soft sheets and good shower pressure.
Somewhere in Kansas or Colorado, Steve couldn't remember where they were right then, he saw the gas gauge getting low and pulling off at the next exit to find a place to get gas.
Steve almost ran a red light when he saw the sign at the convenience store on the corner. It had his brain lighting up like fireworks, memories of a past he didn't normally let himself think about crashing against the inside of his skull like waves.
There was no way. It was just a coincidence. He made sure the kids were fine and swung into the parking lot after the light turned green. "Dad's just a little tired. We'll find a place to check in after I fill up the tank."
The gas pump was old fashioned, not a single card reader in sight, and Steve shook his head with a chuckle, before rounding up the kids and heading inside. They dumped way too many snacks on the counter when they got to the front of the line. "Can I also get $40 on pump 3?" here told the guy behind the counter who was restocking cigarettes.
Short blonde hair, wide shoulders under a worn t-shirt, jeans so tight they molded to his ass and had Steve biting the inside of his cheek because he was in public, for fuck's sake.
He had to be really hard up if he was on the verge of making a spectacle of himself over some rando in a gas station. A grunt and the guy turned, pinning Steve with the brightest blue eyes Steve had ever seen.
Ones that haunted his dreams. "Billy?" he whispered, wallet slipping out of his numb fingers.
The guy who couldn't be Billy blinked at him, except he said, "Steve."
Robbie tugged on the hem of his shirt. "Who's that, dad?"
"Dad?" Billy repeated, sounding confused and a little accusatory. And seriously, fuck him.
"Just someone I used to know." He needed to get out of there before he made a scene of a different kind by jumping over the counter and punching Billy in his stupid, perfect face. "How much do I owe you?"
Billy's frown deepened. He bagged up all of the snacks, no longer meeting Steve's eyes and said, "Don't worry about it" when he handed them over.
Nope. He was not making it that easy. *You left. You left me. Why did you leave me?* clamored to get passed his lips, but Steve refused to be that pathetic when Billy obviously hadn't cared as much as Steve. He got his wallet off the floor and slapped his credit card on the counter, handing the kids the bags to hold.
Billy rolled his eyes, the way he had whenever they were kids and Steve did something Billy thought was stupid. They stood on silence except for the chatter of his kids and the bell chiming over the door when someone else came in. Steve took his receipt without a word.
"Come on, you two, let's go." He herded the kids toward the door, determined to walk out on Billy the way the other man had walked out on him, but Steve never did have much self control.
Billy was still watching him and their eyes met when Steve looked over his shoulder. "You know a good hotel around here?"
"There's a Best Western a few blocks down. Nicest place in town."
Was he imagining the question in Billy's eyes? Steve didn't know. Grace whined, "Come on, dad," the way only teenagers could and Steve let the door swing closed behind him.
Part of Steve was anticipating the knock at the door after the sun had set and the kids were both curled up in their beds. The other part called him an idiot for still holding a torch for the guy who broke his heart.
The rap on the door was soft, but Steve still jumped, tripping over his feet when he got off the couch.
There was Billy on the other side of the door, a cigarette dangling from his lips, hands shoved into his pockets.
Mindful of his kids, Steve stepped outside, leaving the door cracked behind him, while they stared at each other, the weight of all the years between them.
Billy broke the silence first, pulling the cigarette from his mouth, ash flicked from the tip in a cascade of sparks. "Where's Mrs. Harrington?"
That was about all Steve could take. He shoved at Billy's chest, still as solid as it had been back in high school, the prick. Billy didn't budge an inch. "I got divorced last year."
Billy took a long drag, a quiet "Shit" exhaled on a cloud of smoke.
"Yeah." Steve took the cigarette from Billy like they used to. He hadn't had a drag in years and almost choked.
There was no laughter, no jibe at Steve forgetting how to smoke. Instead, one of Billy's hands rubbed circles against Steve's back. Just that one touch unlocked something in Steve, all the years of longing, of loneliness, of regret. He wrapped his free hand around Billy's waist and tucked his face into the other man's chest.
"Why?" It came out garbled and wet from his tears but Billy understood all the same.
His answer made his tears run faster. But it was okay because size Billy's arms wrapped around him, holding Steve together. "Because I loved you too much."
"You're a fucking asshole."
"I know."
"I loved you too."
"I know." Of course he had.
They stayed like that until Steve got himself back together, the cigarette left to snuff itself out on the concrete. His eyes red and puffy and Billy wiped the moisture off his cheeks with his thumbs.
Steve leaned into Billy’s calloused palms, pulling the scent of Marlboroughs and warm skin into his lungs. He sniffed loud, echoed by the crickets and the distant traffic. He needed to say something or else he’d start crying again because Billy was looking at him the way Steve always secretly dreamed Billy would look at him one day.
He wanted to know what the hell he ‘loved him too much’ to stay meant, but this thing—could he call it a thing? Robin would probably call him a dingus right about now—was too shaky, like a house built on a cliff during an earthquake.
So instead, he said, “You know I meant why’d you pick that name when I asked why, but thanks for the declaration, I guess.”
Steve felt Billy’s chuckle where their chests still touched. “Now who’s the asshole?”
And, okay, Steve really was curious because Billy had to be the one who owned that place and had the balls to slap Pretty Boy on the front of a building.
Which meant he thought about Steve and the nickname he bestowed upon him enough to name his business after him. To have to see it every day and think about Steve.
So he was curious, but not enough to stop and ask when Billy was angling Steve’s head with the hand still holding his cheek to press their lips together.
It had been decades since the last time Steve and Billy kissed and it was still the best feeling in the world. The feeling of a full beard was new, but Billy’s hands felt the same, cradling the back of Steve’s head, the other pressed low on his back.
He still tasted like cigarettes and the mint gum he liked to chew.
Steve didn’t pull away until he heard the bathroom door close inside the room and even then he didn’t go far, pressing their foreheads together so they were still sharing the same air for as long as possible.
“How long are you here for?” Billy whispered, like he was afraid if he spoke too loudly, he would shatter the moment like spun glass.
“Just until tomorrow. The kids and I are going to California for the summer.” Saying it out loud, in front of Billy, made it feel like a dirty little secret. Billy knew why Steve was going there of all places if they way one side of his mouth kicked up. Steve had missed that smirk. He’d missed a lot of things if her were being honest.
“Maybe you can swing back through on your way back.”
The hopeful note Steve heard made him feel bold, reckless. “You should come with us.”
“To California. You should come with us. I got an RV so there’s plenty of room. We could take turns driving. Grace and Robbie are cool kids, I swear. I’m realizing now that I said that that it’s kind of weird. Forget it—” His nervous rambling was cut off by Billy’s lips.
“Shut up, pretty boy. I’ve been wanting to go to California with you my whole life.” And, oh. Well, Steve was done for. His hands curled into the fabric of Billy’s shirt, holding on for dear life, scared if he let go Billy would disappear. “Besides, I should probably get to know your rugrats before I ask their dad to marry me.”
Steve's eye went comically wide and his heart stopped and that hole in his chest felt like Billy had slapped a patch over it. He wheezed. “Huh?”
“You think I’m letting you go again, Harrington?”
That was fine with Steve.
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 4 months
Cosplay WIP and Doodle Dump >:3
Haven't really been working on a bunch of digital art lately bc I've been busy working on cosplays and crying over Stolitz XD
But I thought I'd show you all what I've been working on since I'm really excited about it! <3 (So many updates :D)
Let's start with Helluva doodles!
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I finally started drawing Blitzø and Fizzy-Frog! <3 Fizzy looks so much healthier in the newst ep I could CRY ohhh my goddd. And both Fizz and Blitzø look so dapper! Little cuties! Little cuties who are friends again! My heart!
Next up: Cosplay props!
We've got a lot of stuff for the Vees, and then a liiiitle bit of Angel Dust progress to show y'all!
Let's start with Vox since I only have one main thing I've made so far!
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I had an old pair of headphones that stopped working, and I'd already worn them to costest Vox (since I'm not going for the TV screen approach) and so I thought I could give them a makeover! I decided to do the symbols from his silly little hat, and paint the microphone tip to resemble the little red bauble at the end of his antenna!
I just sanded the labels off, painted everything in acrylic and then sealed it with clear nail polish, pretty simple stuff, but I'm really pleased with the effect! And I think it will be a nice touch for the costume! <3
Now onto Valentino! I have the most stuff for him so far bc everything that wretched man owns is cool AF and I wanted to make, like, all of it XD
I started with the guns from 1x02 ala: "Which of these makes me look sexier ;3" since I thought they were both pretty iconic and I definitely want to film that little clip once my cosplays are ready to go hehe
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(My reference Image ^)
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This pink one is definitely my favorite, both in the show and based on how it came out in the end! I've only ever built one propgun before this for Jinx, so it was really fun to get back to it again! Lots of math and measurements, but luckily I'm a little racoon creature who hordes recycling like my life depends on it XD Even though he actually bedazzles another gun in the meeting room in 1x02, I was not about to make a third one in the span of two weeks, so I decided to just put it on one side of the pink, and I really love it tbh!
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The gold and grey definitely looks a bit more... cardboard-y, but I'm okay with it tbh, I don't love the design of this one as much, so I probably won't be using it on it's own as often as the pink! But I still think it turned out well overall! Especially bc by the time I got to this one my exacto-blade was crapping out on me hardcore lmao
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I also have two hand options ready for Valentino! I noticed that sometimes he has gold claws, and sometimes his hands are fully black, so I thought it would be good to have a couple options!
I went ahead and ordered some pleather gloves which I think work really well for him on their own, but then I also took some fake nails and layered them with gold acrylic paints and clear nail polish to make his 'actual' hands. I figured if I need a particular close-up for a shot it would be really cool to use black facepaint on my skin, and then have these nails stuck on! I just used eyelash glue to test out affixing them last night, and I think it actually worked super well!
Since the nails are pretty, well, claw-like I don't want them on all the time, but I still need them to stay when I'm moving around in costume, and I think the eyelash glue is kind of the perfect things for my at-home cosplay needs! I'd definitely want to do something stronger if I was going to a con in these, but yeah - XD I'm rambling, anyways -
Let's move onto Velvette!
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I had an extra set of gold nails I'd made, that I was originally planning on attaching to the gloves (I did not like how that looked lmao) but I didn't want them to go to waste, so I used some of the little gems and do-dads that I had laying around to make them match one of the bra-tops I'm planning to use for Velvette! (Yes that sparkly orange and pink thing on the left is what I tried to match it to!)
I have a plethora of blank fake nails now, so I think it would be really fun to make a pair that matches each of Vel's outfits! I hyper-fixated on nail art for a couple years when I was a kid, so I'm really excited to play with those skillz again lmao - especially because I can use acrylic paint for these instead of nail polish which really cuts down on cost and expands my color ranges exponentially!
The last thing I have to show you for the Vee's specifically is the wigs I ordered for them! (I want to scream, I'm so excited!!!!)
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(All of these are from Wig Is Fashion btw, notspon or anything I just have really loved their wigs so far! I really hope these three work well!)
Finally, my gloves for Angel and a couple of my colored lights for filming came in, so I just threw on one of the outfits I have ready for him, the wig I styled, and the gloves to get a feel for how it was coming along :3
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I think I want to get different little shorts for this look (maybe pleather?) and figure out a couple other details to add in, because I feel like there is currently too much 'blank' space in the look. I'm sure that will be lessened by the makeup, set, etc. But I want to make sure the extra looks I have for characters still feel 'designed'/styled well, obvi.
Anyways! Lots of work to do, and I still need to buy a new sewing machine so i can make some of the actual outfits from the show, but it's all a process lmao
I'm planning a full-on Angel CMV atm, as well as a ton of other videos, but that's all a ways away lmao, I wanna really put effort into it which means time haha
I did already post some little Cherri, Angel, Vox and Charlie closet-costests to my TT if y'all are interested! I've also made Millie and Blitzø horns, but tbh I just can't be assed to get pictures of all of that rn XD if you look at the most recent (as of rn lmao) 'cosplay updates' vid that's up, you can see the horns, wigs etc that I didn't show in this post!
My main links are all right here if you want 'em: https://lunchtimebedamned.carrd.co/
And with that I'm going to go have brain-off time LMAO I've been working non-stop for weeks on this. I'm also sorry to anyone waiting for the Ch.4 update on The Space Between Us, this chapter is deciding to be very slow-going and difficult. IRL stuff is probably heavily contributing to that, but oh well. Know that I am working on it <3
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cadaverre · 1 year
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ welcome ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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about me
you can call me juno or astraea
im a cancer sun, libra moon and sagittarius rising
my pronouns are they/she (and my pronoun page is here)
i'm a proud bisexual (i am very sapphic lol)
im taken (you can hear about my love via the “them tag <33")
i am a minor (i won't immediately block people 18+ but if you're creepy i will <3)
australian!! also a bunch of different places, none really interesting
this blog is for me to dump thoughts, interact with people and just have a good time :)
i play the drums and im currently in two bands! i also love playing guitar and one of my 2024 goals is to get better at playing!!
currently listening -> 🍁☕️🎸 nyc
currently reading -> the odyssey translated by emily wilson
currently watching -> doctor who and rewatching gilmore girls
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things i like
i love: literature, the arts, queer culture, astronomy, feminism (no terfs allowed!!!!), fruit flavoured drinks, flared pants, converse, dark red, nail polish, eyeliner, burgundy lipgloss, tank tops, tote bags, brie (always dreaming of cheese), pinterest, spotify, my headphones, the ocean, my grandparents house (im there rn i love it), spring+winter, very specific shades of pink and green, black <3, folklore and 1989 girl, fiddling around on the guitar, fantasising about being a famous musician, finding new music, snow, picking silly little outfits,
books: osemanverse, the hunger games, books by rhiannon wilde, tim te maro's subterranean heartsick blues, all the best liars, books by octavia butler (specifically parable of the sower and parable of the talents), the last true poets of the sea, acotar, the weight of the stars, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the picture of dorian grey, house of hollow, howls moving castle, harry potter (mainly marauders, FUCK JKR), i kissed shara wheeler, red white and royal blue, song of achilles
movies + tv shows: dont look up, little women (2019), scream (i like most of them but 1996 is my fav by far), ladybird, barbie (2023), some of the mcu (thor and guardians of the galaxy <33), spiderverse (itsv is my love), gilmore girls, stranger things, loki, heartstopper, arcane, scott pilgrim takes off, she ra
musicians/bands: boygenius, taylor swift, lovejoy, glaive, brakence, paramore, ricky jamaraz, melanie martinez, lana del rey, ashnikko, girl in red, billie eilish, doja cat, big thief, adrienne lenker, ethel cain, mitski, remi wolf, cigarettes after sex, ericdoa, tv girl, clairo, the neighbourhood, bon iver, deftones (getting into them just a little), maneskin, courtney barnett, poppy
my favourite colours are black, dark red, burgundy, denim blue, sage green, soft pink, glaucous blue, golden yellow (i love colour theory so all colours are beautiful in their own context but here are my favs to wear/see)
i really want to get into more poetry so if you have any recs lmk!!
i have recently begun practising some very simple witchcraft, so feel free to talk to me about that and i would love to learn more!!
i love learning about astrology and use my birth chart frequently
i write very, very infrequently and think of more stories than i even start to plot lmao.
i draw way more than i write and will occasionally post some!! its not good by any means but its fun ig
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talk to me + dni
my asks and dms are open!! feel free to talk to me about anything and everything!! i love talking!!
i love my mutuals so much so if ur my mutual *looks you dead in your eyes* i love you
my discord is the same @ as here, i literally just got it today so idrk how it works but feel free to add me there <33 but please lmk if you do if your username is different
if we’re very close you can ask for my insta!!
i rarely follow people without an intro post/descriptive enough bio (with name, age group, pronouns) so if you want to be mutuals please have one!! if not just shoot me an ask about who you are and what you like so we can be friends <33
dni: rude, racist, homophobic, transphobic, zionist, terfs, sexist, ableist, antisemitic people
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#juno.txt -> ramblings, original posts
#asks -> asks ive answered
#ask bait -> hehehe send me asks <3
#tag games -> tag games ive participated in
#beautiful mutuals -> interactions with my beautiful mutuals!
#spotify -> my music obsession dw im fine fhdklfhdal
#them tag <33 -> posts that remind me of my wonderful bf <3
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links + sideblogs
@likeasugarcubeinateacup -> my notes app poetry
@slowrotburiedinthepark -> a random sideblog i post art and occasional web weaving on
@stabbingstarsthroughmyback -> my writing sideblog (ask me about my wip!!)
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stunning dividers by @chachachannah :))
here is a totally beautiful and amazing moodboard by @svnflowermoon that always makes me so fhadkfhakd
last updated: jan 19th 2024
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your-local-uwu-artist · 10 months
HUGE doodle/art i havnt posted yet dump!
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random blueberry
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based on this fic all of the authors tadc fics are top tier i lowkey wanna make comic adaptations of them lmao
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to kiss the homies goodnight with
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miku sketches
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oc! her name is crumpette sugar blossom she's super cheerful and nice unless if others are mean to each other than she will explode
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novi stars una verse redesign! (plus what if goregous bjd-esque dolls) I did actually share this at one point cause i needed help deciding the skirt color (shout out to @/the-anxious-axolotl for the advice that decided what I went with :3) anyway! I wanted to really go with the 'diva' theme plus make her more alien, I decided that all the additional little moon like gemstones are extra eyes fndkja. and I think she'd have those like: shiny tinsel strands in her hair. and I also think her hair would be rooted and not a wig: but it could work either way. anyway: her skirts a super sparkly tule material and the beads are permantly attached to the skirt and shirt. the earings i think are glued on too but the headband tiara thing would be removable. also her skin would be like, dusted with sparkly white freckles <3
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ari roma novi stars redesign: tbh I have mixed feelings on how this one came out. I iike a lot of the concepts but something bout it looks... messy? unfinished? I think it justs needs a little polish and maybe I'll do that at some point. anyway, I really wanted to keep her original hair (they're called afro puffs I think??) and the one super long strand. I thought it'd be fun if they were all decked out with hair clips and bows and a decora amount of accesories lmao.
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one last novi stars thing! the base for all the bases!
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random character design: I really like designing vampires <33
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precure redraws of official art
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i have litterally SO MANY thumbnail sketches these are just a few
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sketches of some redesigns of ocs from an old concept for a series. I call it 'kowai kawaii' and it's about weeb supernatural creatures being silly. the main trio is Maybelle the ghost, Luella the vampire, and Okami the werewolf. Maybelle leans into the dark comedy side, she died at a young age and is very much like, a fucked up little ghost child. shes very cruel and enjoys others suffering. actually shes a little bit like jax from tadc lmao. Luella is super energetic and happy go lucky. she also writes fanfic. Okami is an amnesiac and a cosplyer as a play on the phrase 'wolf in sheeps clothing'
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MUTEKINOEGAODEARASUMEDAI FNDSJKFS a continuation of those 'me if i was a cover artist' drawings
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my dad asked me to draw 'hefty smurf as a demon slayer' idk man: but who am I to disappoint? next thing you know I'll draw smurfette as nezuko
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Congrats to your Follower Celebration (again? Not sure if I already send an ask *lmao* ) You deserve each of them!!! AND Thank you for your stories L!! Such a fun to read them!!
Do you still take requests??? Not sure...
Anyways... may I request
68. “I like you, like like you like you.” With Jesse or Hardcase?
Caro, my dear. Thank you for your saint-like patience while I was getting life to settle down a bit. I hope you enjoy <3
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Warnings: minors DNI, P in V, friends to lovers
“There she is.”
The clone halted his approach and locked his footing as the incoming missile launched at him. His arms extended to catch as soon as your feet left the ground. Arms wrapping around you as you collided with plastoid.
“Easy there, mesh'la.”
He glanced down to see a grin plastered on your face. His chastising going from halfhearted to ineffective in moments.
“What, I can't be excited that you're finally back?”
It had been ages, but after receiving coms that the 501st would be returning to Coruscant for shore leave, your days had been conquered by planning. Shopping lists that would make most bars look under stocked, holo films gathered of all of his favorites with some new additions to try out, and your closet. Your poor closet still looked as if a clothing bomb had gone off as you had spent hours upon hours selecting the perfect outfit to welcome him home.
“That's fair, so what's first on the list?”
“Take out from that hole in the wall and clearing out holo drama recordings?”
The clone tilted his head scrunching up his face as if to mull things over.
“I hear this season's juicy,” You tempted with a smirk, “scandals, betrayals.”
“Alright, you twisted my arm,” He chuckled.
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“I can't stay away anymore. I-I love you, Elora.”
“But...you're married to my sister.”
“Only because of the baby, but every second without you is an eternity.”
“Oh, Ambrose.”
“Oh you've gotta be kidding me?!”
“Just why!?”
You upturned your drink polishing it off before placing it among its other empty brethren on your coffee table. The holo drama began offering spicy snippets of the next episode as you both continued heckling the screen.
“This guy's terrible. What the kriff is gonna do when her sister finds out?” Hardcase vented.
He had abandoned his armor as soon as he reached your apartment in favor of some civvies you kept stashed just in case. The clone staggered to his feet. The alcohol already beginning to develop a comforting buzz behind his forehead.
“Resupply?” He asked, gesturing to the coffee table stacked with bottles and take out containers.
The moment you pursed your lips in thought, Hardcases's mind began to wander. How long had it been since you two met? Seemed like you two had always existed like this: sharing drinks, laughing at each other's jokes, always around to welcome him back after a tour. It was great....until he had to leave.
It would start with a hollow pang in his chest, which would eventually run its course. But not even some time dumping rounds through his trusty R6 would help lessen the weight of leaving you behind.
Your face was contorted with concern, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Sorry, spaced out for a minute there.” He dismissed with a chuckle.
Awkward silence invaded the room, which left the clone to retreat to the kitchen for liquid courage.
The holo drama had long since wrapped as you got yourself to your feet. The clone still absent. As you crept towards your kitchen, you caught the end of a one-sided conversation.
“Kriffing idiot.”
“Who's a kriffing idiot?”
He froze. Drinks still in hand. His gaze suddenly finding the floor very interesting.
Your approach went unnoticed until the feel of fingers on his chin, lifting his gaze to meet yours.
“Case, you know you can talk to me, right?”
His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.
“I...Iike you, mesh'la.”
“I like you too.”
He huffed a sigh through his nose, his hand holding your fingers to his face.
“I like you, like like you, like you.”
Your lips parted, heat rising to your cheeks.
“I....if you don't feel the same I und-”
He was silenced by your lips meeting his. The world fell away, only you and the clone who had captured your heart long ago. All too soon, you both came up for air.
A giggle bubbled up from your throat as you took in his adorably surprised expression.
“Good enough of an answer for you?”
The hint of a smirk curled his lips, “I might need you to repeat that.”
Rising to the bait, you pressed your lips to his once more. This kiss deeper and more urgent than the last. You barely heard the clatter of drinks being set hastily on the nearby counter before strong arms wrapped around you pulling you closer. Your tongue ventured out testing the seam of his lips earning a soft gasp from the trooper. The smoldering embers in your belly roaring to life as soon as his tongue joined yours.
“Mesh'la.” He breathed.
The hand at the small of your back twitched. One of his fingers tracing your spine. A surge of boldness took you as you grasped that hand moving it lower. A groan rumbled in his throat as he made contact with your ass. He gave a gentle squeeze to test the waters growing braver once your muffled moan met his ears.
Your own hands wandered the expanse of his chest blindly mapping out his pectorals before moving down to his abdomen.
“You sure about this?” He mumbled against your lips.
“Case, I've waited three tours for this.”
His hands swiftly moved to cradle your thighs before abruptly lifting you. You felt his grin at your surprised squeak. After the adjustment of encircling your legs around his waist, the trooper began making his way to your bedroom.
Your back soon met the plush mattress with him towering above you.
“Get this off.” You smirked, grabbing a fist full of his shirt.
He pulled away long enough to peel off his shirt tossing the article away.
“Your turn.”
Your top soon met the floor. You soon reached behind you and once you relieved the clasps of their duty, you bra was soon added to the floor. You giggled after following his entranced gaze.
“You can touch.”
He gingerly cupped one of your breasts before he planted his face in between the soft mounds. After another giggle left you, he said something but was muffled. Placing a hand on each side of his head, you lifted.
“Try that again?”
“This must be what heaven feels like.”
You let his head fall back into your chest with a half hearted roll of your eyes. The giggles morphing into moans as soon as his tongue graced your skin. You soon began squirming under him. The roaring fire in your belly only growing hotter.
“Case, come on,”
He lifted his gaze to look into your eyes.
“Pants off, trooper.”
The playful spark in his eyes matched his grin, “Now that's an order I can follow.”
As soon as he stood to disrobe, you took your chance to shimmy out of your pants. Your thumbs were already hooked into the waistband of your panties, but you stopped upon watching his pants hit the floor. A sizable bulge forming a tent in the front of his boxers. You moved forward batting his hands away. Your fingers dipping into the waistband of his boxers. Another hand ghosting over his bulge.
"Nice of you to stand at attention for me," you teased.
His laugh was laced with the undertones of a groan, “Well, when the occasion's right.”
After he gave the okay, his boxers were soon around his ankles. Your gaze plastered on what was hiding underneath.
“We don't have t-”
“Oh no, you're bringing that over here.”
He chuckled returning to his post. His lips seeking out yours. The pressure of his exposed cock against your thigh adding to your thinning patience to have him inside you.
You teeth grazed his bottom lip, “Get on your back.”
His arms wrapped around you as he rolled. Your chests pressed flush to each other. You offered another kiss before shifting to straddle him. His cock offering a delighted throb at being nestled between your sopping folds. Your hips rocked against his, earning a groan that trailed off into a whine.
“Feels so good already.”
Your fingers closed around his length as you lined him up with your entrance.
“Then you'll love this.”
The cheeky reply on his lips died in favor of a gasp. His hands moving to grip your hips. His head lulling back into the pillows. You stayed still to allow your body to adjust to his size. The stuttering twitches of his hips almost eliciting a giggle from you.
“Kriff, you're tight.” He gritted out, fingers pressing harder into your hips.
“I'll move in a minute,” You soothed, your fingertips skating over his chest, “just relax and let me show you how much I've wanted you.”
The look that met yours was equal parts adorable and sexy. His pupils blown wide from lust with warmth swirling within his irises the color of whiskey, and you wanted nothing more than to drink him in.
After a few moments, you gave an experimental rock of your hips. A white hot lance of pleasure shot up your spine. Your gaze locked to the ceiling as your rocking soon became shallow thrusts. Hardcase's strings of whispered praises spurring you onward.
When you tore your eyes away from the ceiling, the sight below was almost your undoing. His chest rose and fell with his ragged breaths. A sheen of sweat had begun to form on his temples. Grabbing one of his hands, you guided his fingers to your folds. His trigger finger resting upon your pearl.
“Case, please.”
Who was he to deny such a request?
It took little guidance apart from demonstrating that circling your pearl resulting in your heat giving him a squeeze. Soon he was easing you toward the peak like a pro. Circling in one direction only to change directions moments later. Alternating pressures and speeds to milk more of those sweet noises from you.
Much too soon for your liking, the peak of your pleasure was upon you, and he never let up. His name a hoarse cry as your back curved. Euphoria exploding along every nerve.
A curse tore from his throat at your muscles clamping down around him. His hips bucking up to chase the tightness. His own end approaching at an alarming rate.
“Mesh'la, I..” He was cut off by his groan.
“In.” You managed before his back arched tight as a bowstring.
His hands pressing your hips to his. His cock pulsing as your pussy continued to milk every last drop of his seed from him.
Eventually you eased him out of you in favor of laying in his welcoming embrace.
“So, you do that with all your friends?” He teased.
You chuffed out a laugh, “Friends, no, but with a boyfriend..”
His lips cut you off.
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ysabelmystic · 1 year
Top 5 worst times you got into trouble as a kid.
Ohhhh man this is gonna be a hard one to answer because undiagnosed ADHD and Autism does not mix well with authoritarian bullshit. Plus, the stuff I got away with is generally worse, a lot funnier, and more extensive. But here's 5 things I can think of off the top of my head.
I caused several thousand dollars worth of damage because 2-year-old me decided that our rented house's white carpet needed an introduction to my mom's red nail polish- color theory hospital style. Thankfully, our landlord was my mom's best friend, and after several cleaning attempts, she decided to eat the cost. I only know about this because both of them bring it up at least twice a year.
From ages 6-9, my parents forced me to do this stupid church soccer club thing because my dad was obsessed with soccer and my brother was practically a soccer prodigy. I didn't care for it one bit. We always had to rush dinner to make it to soccer practice on time, so in my head, I figured that if we couldn't eat dinner, we couldn't make it to soccer practice. We were having spaghetti that night, and you can't have spaghetti without sauce, so after a lot of unsuccessful crying, begging, and pleading, I took the whole pot of spaghetti sauce and dumped it on the floor. I avoided soccer practice, but I also got ultra-grounded for a month. All I had in my room was a mattress. Everything else was taken away. And that's when I discovered the power of dissociative daydreaming, and I can now mentally check out of any situation at, and against, my will! (My mother has since apologized, but also I am the reason I will never have biological children lmao).
Here's a funny one. On their anniversary weekend, my parents left my brother and I with my grandparents on my dad's side. This had its pros and cons. On the one hand, they had a pool, and never supervised what we watched on TV. On the other hand, that set of grandparents wouldn't let us skip church, and they went to a different church. It didn't even have a Sunday School. I was about 9 or 10, so I was deemed old enough to pack my own suitcase. I purposefully brought along my most raggedy yard clothes, thinking that would get me out of going. Come Sunday morning, I learned that unfortunately, cargo shorts and an old t-shirt did not grant me an exemption, so I had to come up with something else. After getting my brother and I fed and dressed, my grandparents went off to attend to themselves, leaving the both of us unsupervised. Their mistake. My brother and I went out into the backyard to play catch while we waited. It was then that I had an idea. My brother was about 7, still young enough that he would do just about anything I asked him, so it took him about 5 seconds to convince him that it would be both hilarious and fun if he jumped in the pool, fully dressed in his good church clothes. My grandparents were fucking piiiiissssssssed. My brother didn't have any spare clothes so my grandma had to throw everything in the dryer while I got the "wait until your parents come home" speech and a TV ban for the rest of the day. However, when my parents found out, my dad thought it was so funny that I pretty much got away with it. Oh, and we still had to go to church. We made it to the last 30 minutes of service.
My mom's contribution: I was taught about Jackon Pollock in kindergarten and inflicted my newfound splatterpaint skills upon our white cabinets, the kitchen walls, and the hallway. There's a theme with my crimes. My artistic expression could not be stopped.
I earned my first formal exorcism because I had the audacity to ask what happened to the fish during The Flood. "They didn't need to be in the boat" Well Sharon what about water salinity? How did the fish not die from the change in water chemistry? Did Noah have wooden fish tanks? Did someone have to go to every country to get the fish and a sample of their native waters? Anyways, because I was like...8, this was a sign that I had Demons, and this required them to drag me into the hallway and spend the next 30 minutes dousing me in anointing oil and demanding that Satan leave my body. Yeet!
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
I’m going to give myself one more day to try and get my stars thoughts coherent and if that doesn’t work I’ll be a coherent dump cuz I just can’t figure out how to organise or structure it. I think you might have broken me because there’s so much content and so much I want to talk about. Either that, or we can blame the exams. One more day and I have survived the 2/3 of my exams in a row limbo I’m currently in. Who made this stupid schedule.
Anyway, have some random Glass Devine thoughts. I really love this rewrite. Everything feels more polished. More development has gone into the world and it shows. I love Clara and Kristins statues being opposites. It’s a nice parallel to show that they are like two halves of the same coin. I feel like there’s supposed to be a balance between the two. Anyway, it’s just nice. Also I feel like there’s some significance in Wilbur not feeling like Clara’s face is familiar. Maybe it’s being depicted wrong? Idk. Doesn’t really matter right now.
Also, there are a lot of things I want to talk about, but I feel like that’s spoilers for people who haven’t read the first version, so some thing I’ll leave out for now and others all be vague about. I like the foreshadowing on Wilbur’s backstory. Or the little bits and pieces we get. It makes sense if you know what it is, but if you don’t it just makes you more concerned (like Tommy hearing that he’s spelt in worse places). Similarly Tommy’s breathing. I haven’t read Someone else’s dream in a while, so at first I was confused what it could be, because it seemed weird that Tommy would be claustrophobic, but then the memory snapped into place and it’s just some nice foreshadowing for something Wilbur doesn’t know yet.
Also, rewrite things is like: all of Glass!Charlie. You always do such a good job with this character and his specific brand of weird. Yes he totally has a normal amount of bones. [“See you later, Tommy from Downstairs and Tommy from Downstairs’ new friend!”] I’ve only had Glass!Chalrie for a day and a half, but if anything were to happen to him I would kill everyone reading this fic and then myself.
They can see in the dark! It’s because of the prosthetic eyes right? I didn’t realise Tommy had them because his eyes are blue (I think), but he must have, right? The light bugs! I think they were just orbs in the first iteration. I could be wrong, but I love them anyway. The entire new layout of the base, they have a back door now? Also the fact that there’s an extra door and guard.
answering this ask late but lmao very understandable if i broke you with the stars epilogue sorry there was a lot going on in that one
first off thank you so much!! yes the rewrite feels so much more polished and that's partially because when I wrote the og I knew it wasn't going to be anything very long, so I wasn't really trying to make it super coherent or well thought out. it was just kind of for shits and giggles. now it's the start of a much longer story, so I've had a lot more time to think things through and I'm really happy with how it's going so far
yes there is supposed to be balance between clara and kristin! although clara is more often associated with time/the future, she technically is also representative of life itself. so clara = life, kristin = death. they're two sides of the same coin. that's why clara's statue looks up, while kristin's statue looks down.
I won't spell out the exact reasoning but the significance in wilbur feeling like clara's face isn't familiar actually has more to do with his own faith in clara as opposed to something being wrong with the statue, if that makes sense. it's an internal problem, not an external one.
eh don't worry too much about spoilers for the other version because we're deviating pretty hard from the og very very soon. as in, I finished chapter 3 tonight and i'm gonna post it tomorrow morning and that gets us basically to the point of someone else's dream that i'm rewriting. everything deviates after chapter 3 into entirely original new plot (for the most part).
ok true on tommy's breathing though. that is a nod to something in the og so that kind of is a spoiler warning I guess. it's going to become plot relevant in a few chapters so ;)
lmao thank you I had so much fun writing glass!charlie. idk what it is but every time I have to write charlie in a fic the spirit of The Slime just possesses me and he says the funniest most unhinged shit.
also, uh ngl I didn't make the connection that people would assume the stairs bit was tommy having cybernetic eyes because that's not the case. tommy has normal eyes. the stairs thing is literally just that he's gone up and down those steps so many times he has them memorized and doesn't need light to go up and down them. this gets mentioned in the chapter i'm posting tomorrow tho so there you go.
yes the layout of the base is similar but so different at the same time! the most important change is that it's a temple and not just some random cavern, which I am really proud of and has given me a lot of room to design a very cool layout. I'm literally considering making a blueprint online just so you guys can understand the layout of the entire place bc I feel like it's really confusing to explain.
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twothirdsgenius · 2 years
Tell me about love! Are you in love? Do you want to be? Could you live a life without romantic love? Is unrequited love real love?
oh FUCK yeah we’re starting right out the gate babeyyy. warning, I am going to trauma dump here but in my defense this is all shit I’ve worked through in therapy and so it will be a healthy, polished dump of trauma.
I used to be really nervous about the idea of romantic love? Not opposed but literally terrified of it? I grew up in a house with parents who didn’t love each other, and the frequent arguing and fighting I had to listen to at night when they’d thought I was asleep was just the norm, and I didn’t want that at all.
I’m on the ace spectrum somewhere, but I’m still down 100% with being in love with someone who I consider a partner in the romantic sense. I’m accepting applications now, mutuals hmu 🤙🏻
I think there are many types of love we experience through life and that none of them are inherently superior to the other. The only important thing to me is that love exists in some capacity and for that reason, I do think I would be able to live a life without romantic love but I would prefer not to? I think friendship, loyalty, and companionship are what I desire the most out of a romantic relationship, and that can be experienced with or without romance. Deadass, that’s one of the reasons why I latched onto dnp like one of those filter feeding fish who go for rides with sharks and haven’t let go since. My fourteen year old self was like oh shit it’s possible to actually like your significant other and enjoy spending time with them?
Oh boy. Unrequited love. I don’t have any experience with that as a real adult (yet) but I carried a torch for someone for like four years and it was the most cliche fucking thing in the entire world because he was (and still is) one of my best friends. It was the messiest fucking love triangle you’ve ever seen in your entire life but it was also a raging inferno of teenage hormones and our collective untreated mental illnesses and my chaotic messy home life that ended in? Apologies and forgiveness and acceptance and a very kind, easy let-down that hurt a lot less than I expected it to. Was it real love or just infatuation? I honestly still can’t say lmao but whether or not unrequited love is real love or not, it taught me a lot of important lessons about basing my own self-worth on the opinions of other people and we still do very much love and care about each other to this day. It could have been “real” love, but it was super fucking unhealthy and codependent and it almost killed me in a very real, non-metaphorical sense. That isn’t what constitutes real love to me. Real love to me is a choice you make every day and that feels like the right choice every time. It takes effort and things won’t always be 50/50 because we are flawed human beings with our own individual needs and not machines but it shouldn’t feel scary. I don’t want to have to be scared that my partner will punch a hole through the drywall if I say the wrong thing, because that wasn’t an irregular occurrence in my house. As soon as I got my driver’s license, I was as relieved because it meant I could take my brother and sister out of the house and go to Taco Bell or something while we waited for the worst of the fight to be over. I was always scared that I would come home to see either of my parents packing a bag or something even worse. I think with real love, whether it’s romantic or not, it should always feel safe and not used as a weapon.
Shit this got LONG thank you for indulging me and my adhd meds induced talkativeness anon ❤️❤️❤️ lub you
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
It's so funny and weird to me that all of my comfort characters would be utterly despised in real life. I can yap all day about Leon, his mindset and explore all of my feelings through this fictional character, but christ on a bike, both og and remake would catch a fist. He's incredibly irritating and we would clash so, so bad.
Dude, this is so real. If I were to meet OG Leon at any point in his character arc, I cannot convey to you guys in words how little I would want to do with/be around him. I could probably smell the desperate loneliness being fueled by testosterone and I'd be like "get him the hell away from me, I don't feel safe."
Remake Leon is a little different. If I were to meet RE4make Leon right now, I'd probably get on with him pretty well. Like, legit, we would probably be pretty good friends because we're both at the same vibe of "dude fuck this" and we probably have a very similar taste in music and movies, and I wouldn't ever get the feeling of "he's just trying to fuck me" off of him because he hates himself too much.
But like. RE2make Leon... lmao
RE2make Leon would've probably been in my friends group in high school and college because we were in the same scene, and it would've gone one of two ways:
1: He'd be the guy on the very fringes of the group who only really came around for parties and shit, and so every party I'd turn to my buddy Dan and be like "dude he's not fucking coming is he? that guy sucks, he's got no fucking balls." and Dan would be like "dude you just haven't given him a chance. I'm telling you, that guy has more balls than me and Cannoli combined. Real shit, I've seen him..." and he'd tell some story about Leon and I'd tune him out because I don't like the guy and don't care (but Dan would be right and I'd have never given him a chance to begin with and am just judging him from his general quiet/awkward demeanor).
And then every once in a while I'd get to a certain point of being drunk and I'd look at him and go "why does he have to be attractive and suck so bad at the same time?" and my buddy Mike would tell me to just wrap a flag around his head and do it for Old Glory. And I wouldn't. But I'd think about it real hard.
Everyone in my friends group was either referred to by a nickname, just their last name, or their first and last name every single time. I'm torn on whether he'd be "Leon Kennedy" or if we'd have given him a nickname -- but he'd probably be first and last name. (I was "The Jew" in case you were wondering.) If he ever graduated to having a nickname, it'd probably be in reference to how pretty he is, and I could see us using the "Ken" in "Kennedy" to reference a Ken doll, and his final nickname would just be K-Doll. (We also had Cannoli and J-Crew and Crazy Eyes and Gay Dan (different from regular Dan) and Polish Mike. And then there was Joey Tomatoes, who killed a guy with a samurai sword... See, this is why I say that there's no way that Leon is canonically from the NY/NJ area. He does not at all have that very specific NJ grungecore flavor.)
2: I would've discovered him first and thought he was attractive and dated him for like five weeks before I got bored of him and dumped him, and then he'd float in the ether for like six months to a year before the rest of the group adopted him. And by then it was no big deal for us to hang out in the group setting because we both know that the only reason why we even dated in the first place was because I was after that d and I got it and now we're all moving on.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
I just found ur blog and read thru some of ur stuff and im in love !! Ur writing is nice to read, and always gives a nice picture of the situation
If its aight, could u do some headcannons for the demon bros Finding out mc goes real hard on housekeeping ? Im talking fast and good cleaning, does chores without problems, propably even cleans after them (totally doesnt mother them in anyway), all without complaint, mc just cares
Housekeeper MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
The fact that he didn't have to shove a mop and bucket into your hands like the evil stepmother has him like 👀👀
Out of every person he's met, you and Barb are the only ones that actually enjoy cleaning? And now he's wondering if you've been influenced by him in some way because got damn are those floors sparkling-
Ever since you've arrived, the house has been immaculate. But as much as he enjoys that, he worries that you aren't leaving enough chores for his brothers to do.
They're gonna be lazy at this rate, especially if you keep cleaning up after them like that. He's planning to sit you down and have a good talk about how you should rest a bit, and- D...did you polish his desk????
"MC... as grateful as I am to you, I thought I asked you to rest? You don't have to clean every little thing in this house. You're here as our guest, and more, so I won't have you behaving like a maid. But if you're that interested in keeping your hands busy, you may feel free to maintain my desktop. It looks as good as new, thanks to you."
Oh, so you're one of THOSE types, huh? The goody goodies that like to make everything clean and sparkly, huh?? Well don't expect him to help ya!
Was an asshole at first. Made messes to see if you'd clean them, tried to dump his chores on you, etc. But now that you've stolen his heart? Yeah, he wants you to sit down.
You're messing up your hands with all that time spent scrubbing crevices and dusting ugly old paintings, when you could be spending time with him!
Tch, that's it! If it's chores that're keeping you from looking his way, he'll just finish them before you can do anything! Checkmate!
"You're always scrubbin' somethin'! Let my brothers take care of the messes, while YOU sit down and watch this movie with me! Ain't no point in watchin' it by myself, so I ain't takin' no for an answer!" "Huh?? Waddya mean 'when was the last time I vacuumed'??"
Oi oi oi...! What do you think you're doing with that feather duster?! You don't think you've got the right to approach his figures with it, do you?! WRONG!
But you quickly discover how ticklish Levi is, and he squirms out of your way while watching in horror as you... delicately handle every figure? And dust them from top to bottom, without so much as an accessory out of place..?
Wait... are you seriously okay with picking up all that trash?? S-some of it's sticky from all the junk food, and- Gah! Don't go messing around in his closet!!!
Yeahhh Levi doesn't let you clean his room lmao. It's way too stimulating to watch you carefully touch every surface in his room... I-it's like you're heaven everything with your presence, and...
"S-so yeah! The only things you're allowed to clean are the figures and the outside of Henry's tank! Nothing else, got it?! Anything more and I seriously won't be able to handle it...I won't even be able to sit still in my own room......." 👉👈
Satan found it funny how willing you were to take up every little chore there was to be done in the house and he's got to admit, reading is much more enjoyable in a tidy environment.
But what he REALLY wants to know is how you managed to dust off every single book in the house, his room included, without him?? Knowing?? And you've done every shelf as well, cleaned out the cobwebs behind it, and even repaired that little tear in the upholstery of his favorite arm chair????
Has also deduced that you're probably the maid character in the books that knows everything. Actually, you're a lot like Barbatos. What secrets are you hiding human 🔫
Just kidding. But yeah, when you insist on dusting his room, he follows you around the room and watches you. You know, just in case you fall or something falls on you! No other reason.
"As much as I like having you here all to myself, it makes me feel bad watching you do that by yourself. Why don't you we clean together? We'll get it done twice as fast, and when we're finished, I'd like to read a book to you. You remind me of a certain character from a murder mystery novel I've started."
Eeehhh?!?!? You've seriously managed to organize both his endless skin care product collection, and his ENTIRE wardrobe?!? You're amazing...!
And you don't stop there. You were more than happy to clean his tub for him and everything, and you know how hard it is to get oil off the side of a tub, right? You're a lifesaver!
Asmo casually pawns off his chores too you. Oh, he just did his nails! Can you do the dishes? Ah, he just bought this outfit. Can you take out the trash? He's about to go out with his friends to a party, so be a dear and take care of the common bathroom for him?
Lucifer scolds the shit out of him every time he catches him doing that. You're welcome. But don't think Asmo won't repay you! He'll give you so much love, you'll be drowning in it! Figuratively or literally, depending on your preferences-
"Fufufu... if you wanted my attention, you should've just told me! You didn't have to go tidying up my shoe collection, but I'm happy you did~! If you keep spoiling me like this, I might not be able to keep my hands off of you! Unless... that's what you wanted?"
Things tend to get pretty messy with Beel around, with the trail of crumbs he always leaves in his wake, and how he manages to get every surface he touches sticky. But you must be a miracle worker...
You're like a living roomba, and his ravenous appetite is no match against your cleaning skills! You seem to predict when the food bits will fall, and it's thanks to you that he can eat without a care in the world!
It's actually kind of scary, though. He'll drop a bite of his sandwich and move down to retrieve it to eat, and... it's gone. Poof. Into the ether of the garbage can...
You can still rest once in a while though, you know? Beel offers to help you with the cleaning, and he's more than happy to let you climb up his shoulders to reach those high places. It makes him happy to know he can lend a hand.
"MC, I already cleaned over here so you don't have to do it. I cleaned there, too. That means you don't have anything else to do, so why don't you have a lunch break with me? It's not good to work so hard all the time."
Belphie's one for the more observant brothers, so your clean freak habits didn't go unnoticed. He didn't know if you were obsessed with cleaning, or if you genuinely enjoyed it, but at least you were doing it without a fuss?
And man did you do a good job. Everywhere you cleaned was left with the lingering smell of vanilla and lavender, and... you know, the smell is making him sleepy.
Every pillow his head touches seems especially fluffy, too! When he found out you made a regular habit of washing and fluffing them, and they smell amazing... He feels like he's laying on a cloud...
He won't admit it genuinely, but he really does love what you're doing with the place. It makes him feel a little fuzzy inside when he finds his pillow on his bed, freshly laundered and soft to the touch. He clings to it extra tight those nights.
"You know if you keep this up, I might prefer the pillows to your lap. Ah, but don't worry, I don't really mean it. There's no way a pillow could replace you, no matter how good it smells. I think."
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i need bruce yamada fluff pls 😭
i cant find anything lmao
LITERALLY SAME. It’s like Bruce has been forgotten somehow, anyways, here babe. Also lmk if you don’t like this scenario, I can write another:)
Summary: Y/n drug Bruce into somehow letting them pain his nails, and he can’t say he hates it.
Warnings: Fluff, Reader is GN, Nothing else I don’t think.
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The nail polish fell out of the bag and onto the floor as you dumped it out, tossing the bag to the side you started sorting out the colors. “Ok which one do you like?” You asked as you lined them up in order.
“This one.” Bruce pointed at a color, you grabbed the bottle and lined it up with one of his fingernails, making sure it’d look right. “Hmm, ok. Pick another you need an accent nail, something that matches though.” You set the bottle you were holding down.
“Why do I need an accent nail?” He let out an over exaggerated groan, a small smile appearing on his face so you knew he was joking. “Because it’ll look nicer!” You started lining up random colors next to his hand and the other bottle of polish he picked out to make sure it’d match.
“Y’know this is coming off before I go back out into public, right?” He raised an eyebrow as he let out a small giggle, “Oh cmon! I’m gonna put all my hard work into this and you’re just gonna throw it away?” You gave him a fake hurt look.
“Yes, yes I am.” He leaned closer so he was eye level with you, “Fine.” You groaned, “Gimme your hand.” You jokingly snatched his hand and rested it on your leg, grabbing the bottle of nail polish.
A small blush appeared on Bruce’s face, looking down in attempt to hide it, though it didn’t go unnoticed by you. “Do you wanna paint mine when I’m done painting yours?” You glanced up at him, twisting the top off the bottle.
“Cant promise that I’ll be good at it but yeah, sure.” He looked up at you, smiling. “It’ll be fine.” You shrugged, you carefully ran the brush over his nails, making sure to make it even. Bruce took the fact that you were occupied focusing on his nails to his advantage, staring at every little detail on your face.
He adored the way would slightly huff in annoyance anytime you’d accidentally mess up and get the nail polish on his finger, you glanced up at him through your eyelashes, catching him staring.
“Don’t fall in love with me.” You chuckled in a cocky tone before looking back down at his hand, “Too late.” He mumbled under his breath, all your movements halted as you looked back up at him.
“Hm?” You raised an eyebrow, “What?” He faked his confusion, scared you might’ve heard him. “Oh, nothing, just thought you said something.” You stared at him for a moment longer before returning to painting, you heard what he said, you just didn’t want to give it up just yet.
“Ok, give me your other hand.” You said as you set the one you just got done with on the ground, careful not to let his nails scrape against anything. He placed his other hand on your leg, scooting a bit closer this time.
A small blush crept up on your face as well as a smile as you started your job on his nails, “What color do you want me to paint your nails?” He asked, looking down at the other colors in the pile. “Same colors I’m doing yours.” You said quietly, he nodded.
A light rain could be heard hitting the roof of the house, gradually getting louder as the clouds got darker.
A few minutes passed and you were done, “Ok, my turn!” You smiled, admiring your work on his hands before setting yours down in front of him, handing him the nail polish. “It’s probably gonna look like a 4 year old did it, I’m not good and keeping my hands steady.” Bruce giggled, looking up into your eyes for a moment before looking back down at your hands.
“It cant be that bad.” You shook your head and smiled, he began painting your nails, he was doing ok so far but then the sides came and it sort of got messy. He let out a laugh as he tried fixing it, only to make it worse.
You stared at the way he was so entranced with the trying to make it perfect for you, letting a small smile form on your lips as you watched him.
Once he was done with one of your hands you brought it close and inspected it, “It doesn’t look that bad.” You gave him a smile before he snatched your hand so he could inspect it. “You’re lying to me.” He narrowed his eyes at you with a small laugh.
“I am not!” You faked being offended, your free hand going up to your chest as you let your mouth slightly hang open in a fake gasp. “Yeah right, give me your other hand.” He tried to subtly let his hand linger on yours for a second but you noticed.
As he began painting again he carefully took into detail every little scratch, freckle, mark, every small thing about your hands and placed it into his mind. Call him creepy but he didn’t care. “Ok maybe this one won’t turn out as bad as the other.” He giggled, almost forcing himself to hold his hand still.
The last nail came and he was slightly disappointed because it meant he wouldn’t be able to have an excuse to hold your hand anymore. “Ok, done.” He smiled, looking at his ‘expert’ work.
“It’s not that bad, I promise.” You examined them, “Thank you, thank you.” He bowed, “I still did better though.” You looked down at his hands, “Ok, time to take mine off.” He said in sing-song voice.
“Nooo! Leave it on, at least for a little longer.” You pleaded, snatching the nail polish remover away from him. “Hmmm, no.” He smiled, “You’re gonna have to fight me for it.” You smirked, hiding the remover behind your back. “Bet.” Bruce mocked your smirk.
Sorry, it isn’t that good. I did half of it in the middle of an AG essay, in which I accidentally started typing down sentences that were supposed to go in this fic into the essay but at least I caught myself🤠
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venenatd · 3 years
just friends; eren jaegar x reader
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summary: you and eren are best pals and have both recently be dumped. so, a plan to get over your exes is needed! what’s better than going out on the town trying to find quick fucks >:) also eren is a smug bastard but kinda has a heart of gold??
content: smut / nsfw 18+. minors dni. (choking, unprotected sex, creampie drinking, drunk sex, possessiveness ig? dirty talk, both of them want to be dominant tbh. slight size kink, oral both m and f receiving. female bodied reader) 
i am new to this pls let me know if i should add anything!!
word count: 5.8k words of unedited content 
a/n: uh so i never thought i’d be back on my tumblr bullshit at 23 but hey after years without the app i’m back. i needed to get out the h-word and this is what happened. enjoy and i’m sorry if it’s terrible lmao
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“You look different” 
Frowning at the man waiting ever so patiently for you on the sofa, you look a little defeated. “Is that meant to be a compliment, Eren?”. He sighed, raising his eyebrows at you. To be fair, maybe you did. Wearing a figure hugging black dress, that definitely just hid your ass cheeks, hair styled and sprayed in place, dark lipstick and makeup on your face. Usually Eren would have seen you in sweats, always running a little late for class, snack in hand. 
“Different isn’t bad,” he offered, checking the watch that lay on his wrist, “are we ever going to get to the bar? Your plan will fall through if you’re not careful.”
Ah, the plan. Both you and Eren were newly single. In your final year at university, having managed to keep each relationship going until almost the end. Ironic. Weren’t most meant to fail in the first year? But alas, your partners had decided it was the end within a couple of weeks each other, and as you and Eren had been close since you met on orientation day, you each took to the other for comfort. You had done the crying first, going to him the minute your call with the ex had ended. Leaving wet splotches on his shirt, he had calmed you, only for you to do the same to him later. Now the crying was done, it was time to move on, and what better advice to follow than getting under someone to get over another?
“I just need to look hot enough for a guy to fuck me.”
“What a romantic you are.”
“Shut up Er-”
Eren shifted from the couch, interrupting your usual sass, “and what about me, y/n? Do I look beautiful?”. He threw in a wink with his comment, his aura of cockiness always radiating. You rolled your eyes, before studying his figure. His dark hair half pulled back into a bun, the rest draping his neck and onto a deep emerald green silk shirt, with the top few buttons loose, tucked into dark pants. A ring on each hand, fingers with chipping black nail polish, and to top it off, a thin chain on his neck. You hated to admit it and add to his smug demeanour but... the man did look good. 
“Gorgeous as always Eren,” you said sarcastically, even if it was truthful, “I’m sure there will be a queue of women who are wanting to jump on you.”
“Not if they aren’t all taken already,” he taps at his watch. Whilst the two of you had already been drinking as he waited for you to get ready, it was definitely on the later side.
“Order the uber, and we can go.”
Walking over to him and adding shoes to your outfit, you present yourself before him, a cute little smile playing on your lips. He’s staring down at his phone, quickly going through the motions for the ride. Finally, he looks up to catch your eyes. His jade pupils flick down slightly, and he hopes you miss that they land at the cleavage you’re sporting in your current get up. He flicks your nose, earning a scowl from you and a smile from him.
“You look perfect”
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The club is far fuller than you both expected, dance floor and tables taken up and crowded round. Luckily, you had managed to secure you and Eren a pair of seats at the bar, and you were currently on your third..? Fourth drink of the evening. Green eyes watch your lips carefully, as you finish the vodka and lemonade. 
“So, anyone take your fancy?” he prompts, looking around at the mess of people.
Humming, you scan the area. There’s some people you recognise from class, but plenty more you don’t know. Fucking friends seems like a bad move, even in your tipsy state, so you look to the strangers faces. They don’t look like him. Ugh. 
There’s a few options though, and as you point them out to Eren they come with brief descriptors: dark hair and stubble, wide set blonde. He tuts at the options, sarcastically letting out a “sure sure, I see the appeal”. 
“And how about you, anyone you like the look of?” you ask with a sigh.
Christ, Eren thinks to himself. It’s been long enough that he hasn’t had to look for someone else. Sure there were attractive people in the world, but with her around, he hadn’t needed to give anyone else a second look. His palm moves to the back of his neck, stretching out behind him with a huff. “Let’s look on the dance floor?” he offers, clearly not as eager as you were tonight. Moving his hand back down, he holds it out for you, pulling towards the throng of people.
He looks effervescently cool like this. Shirt open, hair starting to fall from his bun. Eren is looking around at the people surrounding the two of you. The two of you had been working in circles, allowing each other an eyeful as the club goers move around the space. As a group of guys push their way from the dance floor to the bar, you get shoved towards Eren. Heels were never quite your forte, and you stumble against him, hands on either side of his chest. Grinning down at you with that smug little smile that annoyed you so much, Eren brought large hands to your waist, pushing you away a little. But his hands stay there as he continues to sway to the music, making no effort to break the contact. And so you bring your arms up to his neck, allowing his movements to carry you on time to the song. For the first time in the past couple of weeks, you feel light. Your chest isn’t constricted by some foreign weight. It’s just you and your best friend, buzzed and free.
Colours change above you, as you look up to Eren, him down to you. A playful grin takes his lips as he pulls you a little closer, you so easily accepting the narrowing distance. Your black silk meets his deep green, chest pushing into his. You carefully analyse his features, seeing if he attempts to check you out like earlier. 
Was it the alcohol making your cheeks so warm? Lit up by a purple hue, you watch his eyes return to exploring the crowd, his hand still holding on to you. His smirk falters, his eyebrows creasing together. You’re not moving in circles anymore, Eren pausing in his movements as he thinks about what to do next. He shouldn’t lie to you, but seeing your ex at the bar would really harsh the night. Under his fingers, he can feel your body tense, suddenly unsure at how close the contact between you was. 
But Eren doesn’t want you to know, he doesn’t want you to be distracted by your ex tonight. He doesn’t want to see your hurt little face anymore. The way your eyes would be red and puffy the next day. The way he would feel your shoulders heaving under his arms. You don’t deserve that. Hell, you didn’t deserve the huge amount of shit your ex had put you through over the years he’d known you. Eren would sit back and listen to you rant, support you where he could. But fuck that guy. And he wasn’t sure what sparked in his chest, but Eren’s jade orbs are trained straight back on you. His eyebrows calm, tension releasing from them. As you can turn to scope out whatever had changed his body language so suddenly, he catches your jaw. 
Beginning to slowly move again, his eyes have narrowed, taking in the way the dress hugs you, the shine on your skin from the hot dance floor. Eren couldn’t quite figure out what was intoxicating him right now. Definitely a lot of alcohol, but also a sudden… possessiveness. He didn’t want you in pain anymore. Eren wanted you in pleasure. His breath is suddenly on your neck, making your hair raise. 
“I’ve only seen one person I’m interested in tonight.” 
“Oh?” you squeak, before clearing your throat a little. The new deep notes in his voice catch you off guard. It almost sounds like he’s… No. He’s your best friend. The little looks you’d been giving each other all night were just two people looking out for one another, two people seeing each other happy for the first time in a while. Your voice is calmer as you ask light-heartedly, “and who would that be?” 
His lips are so close to your ear. 
“Eren-” your hands move from behind his neck, resting on his shoulders. You need to see your best friend's face, you need to know if he’s joking right now. If he’s mocking you. When you draw back, you see his face. Smug, as always. Fuck you’ve always wanted to knock that cockiness down a peg. Cheshire smile showing his teeth and his eyes looking down at you. Half lidded eyes, pupils blown. He’s not joking. Fuck.
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your breath is caught in your throat. All too aware suddenly of each of his finger pads pressing into your skin, the contact feeling like fire with the added alcohol. But, you find yourself nodding, the yes just escaping your lips before he’s pressed into them.
Large hands travel to your hip, and up your back, pressing you into him. You can feel his body, tense in exhilaration against you, hands back around his neck. One travels up to the nape of his back, tangling into his hair and pulling him deeper into you. The music is all consuming, you can feel the bass in your body, you can feel Eren against you, you can feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins. 
Eren’s hand on your back travels up, echoing your placement on him, to hold the back of your neck. He doesn’t want you to go, you feel too good. The heat between your bodies could suffocate him. His thumb puts pressure under your jaw, he isn’t even sure you can feel it. But he can, measuring your pulse racing underneath the pad. He’s smiling into this kiss, this all consuming kiss.
His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, and you’re all too eager to allow him into your mouth. Tasting the whisky from your home, tasting the coke from the club. His teeth take your lip nipping slightly, before sucking the plump of it into his mouth. You both come up for air, eyes meeting in acknowledgment of the situation.
“Wanna get out of here?”
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The drive home had only served to heap tension between you. As clearly that it was that you wanted each other, you would have to wait a while longer. Your thighs pressed together, slowly inhaling and exhaling. Going through your mind was whether this was a good idea, staring out at the city passing by you. Eren was your friend. You were dating another man two weeks ago. The same man that had previously asked you if he needed to be worried about Eren. You’d laughed it off, because it was Eren. You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt him grip your leg, a little too harshly at first, before settling, leaving a gentle pattern of circles and lines on your inner thigh. It was Eren.
Just one hallway. You had to make it one hallway to get into your apartment. One hallway left to come to your senses. And just like he read your mind, Eren is once again touching you, just his hand on yours pulling you backwards. You twist just in time, his hands instantly cupping your cheeks as he kisses you, deeply and intensely. Pushing you back into the wall, you pray a neighbour doesn’t walk out now. His knee is pressing gently between your legs, and you allow it. Your fingers sink into Eren’s arms, lightly covered by the fabric yet you can still feel the muscle underneath, relaxing and tensing as he pulls you closer. 
His lips are making their way to your jaw, lifting your chin upwards, tentatively licking the bone before moving downwards still, sucking and nipping and licking your neck. A whimper breaks through. You really need to get inside. Gripping his hair, you sharply pull backwards.
“Not going to play nice, huh?” 
When did he speak like this? The playful and shit-eating grin your friend Eren always wore was replaced by something darker, his words laced with intent. 
“Don’t challenge me.” 
You were off, finally at your door, making quick work with the lock, moving in first before he followed. The door shut as you pushed Eren against it, usual doe eyes being taken over with a deep lust. Your hands are instantly at his belt, as his hands find your face once again. This time he’s grabbing your hair, making you look up at him as he glares down at you. You’re constantly challenging one another in conversation, and it’s translating to the bedroom far too easily. 
Lips are on one another again, as you leave the belt and start towards his shirt. You bite down on his bottom lip, earning a hiss from him, and you feel his hand being brought around your throat. He doesn’t add too much pressure, checking if this turn is indeed okay with you. When you push against the weight, he takes the gleam in your eye as a yes, and uses the force to push you against the next wall, finally moving off the front door. 
It’s a constant battle to get to the bedroom, both of you taking control for short bursts. Eren pulling the thin straps of your dress down, you untucking his shirt. His muscular torso is on full display, and you had never viewed it in this light before. 
Finally he pushes you onto the bed, situating himself between your legs. Your kisses are sloppy and infused with alcohol. Hands are desperate with one another, both of you needing to be closer. Are you scared if the contact ends your thoughts will return to sanity? 
Eren’s hot and heavy over you, his hands seem everywhere at once. Smoothing up your thigh, digging in slightly to the flesh when you grind against one another. His hands rest at your hips for a moment, and he’s looking down at you, still fucking smiling. All at once, he’s flipped you over his prominent hard on pressing into your ass. He’s whispering in your ear, leaving wet kisses along your neck, to your shoulder blades. Fingers take the zip at the back of your dress, slowly and carefully pulling it down, leaving licks and pecks as he goes. It’s torturous. 
You attempt to speed things up by rutting your ass against his crotch, and you think you hear a quiet moan, before his hand is brought down to the fabric, smacking your cheek. You gasp, turning your head to look at him. Eren is too occupied in taking in all of your body, his green eyes are darkened with authority and lust. His nimble fingers play with the short hem of your dress, thumb dipping beneath, before he pushes the silk up. 
You both let out soft fuck’s, as his hands grab at the plump of your ass. It’s like he’s testing the softness, the way your flesh responds to his touch so easily. He slaps at you again, earning a sharp moan from you. Eren’s leaning down, his mouth once again trailing across the apex of your behind, leaving trails of saliva as he goes. Before you can even register the new sensations you can feel a soft pressure against your clothed cunt, just enough to let you know the presence of his hand, but not enough for you to get off on. You’re mewling, once again trying to get closer to him. This time he allows it, eagerly pressing his ring and middle finger to your clit, allowing you to grind upon them. 
Seeing you underneath him like this… it’s new and strange and so fucking hot. He’s watching you desperately try and fill the need building in your core, and he can only feel his cock twitch in his pants as he sees you coming undone. If you wanted more, he could definitely give it to you. Bringing his large hands away, to the flimsy fabric that was covering you, he pulls it down, exposing you to him. His heart and dick fucking jump. His hands return to your ass, watching the jiggle as you move and whimper. Spreading you, he brings his face down, breath tingling on your most sensitive areas.
Your breath catches in your throat as his tongue, gentle at first, licks between your folds. He’s tasting you, he’s moaning into your pussy, as you write beneath him. Eren’s hands are squeezing your ass cheeks, holding you still as you try to grind against his face. 
“Patience, y/n”, he says, with a slap on your behind again. 
“Fuck you,” you hiss. 
“You will be in a minute, baby girl, don’t worry.”
You go to make a retort but he’s instantly back, licking up your slit and a deep moan escapes you. Jesus you can feel the smile on his lips as he’s back on your pussy. Eren is so proud of the sounds he can draw from you. He wonders if your ex could make you come undone so easily. 
You taste sweet and saccharine on him, and he doesn’t hold back the groan as he further works his way into you. Hardened tongue moving it’s way from your entrance down to your clit. He swipes at it, before moving away again. Kissing your thighs, kissing the skin between your holes. Every now and then he’ll move back to your clit, allowing you a moment of pleasure before he’s teasing again. “Fuck, please”. Your whines are being smothered by the sheets, and Eren wants nothing more than to hear them, loud and clear.
Eren’s ringed fingers make their way to your hair, his face lifting from between your legs. He pulls you back round, and holy shit you can see how wet you are on his face. There’s a sheen to his lips and chin, and instinctively you reach up to his neck, pulling him back on top of you. Your tongue meets his, tasting your tartness on his mouth. A hand makes it way back down in between your thighs, playing and parting your folds. Your hand in turn reaches up his neck, pulling sharply at his hair once again. “Eren. More- please” you get out in between staggered breaths. 
“Aw, since you asked so nicely” his eyes watch your expression closely as his thumb rests on your clit, his finger swiftly moving inside you. Your eyebrows raise and knot, eyes wide and lips parted. But he keeps it still as your legs shaked around his arm. “Eren, move” you demand this time. 
“Oh, that’s not so nice. I liked it when you were polite.” He starts to retract his finger, thumb gently swabbing your clit so you’ll know what you miss.
“Please, please, please, Eren, please” you speak before he even gets the first knuckle out. All the teasing was creating a tightness in your lower stomach. 
“Much better.”
You whine as he continues to pull his finger from you, until he pushes it back in, curling his solitary finger up. Your fingernails are pressing deep into the muscle of his bicep, feeling how it moves as he finger fucks you. He’s hitting that perfect spot inside you again and again, and his thumb is swiping eagerly on your clit. 
Eren can feel you fluttering around his finger, desperate for more, desperate to release on him. He adds another finger, your wetness allowing him entrance easily. He wants to fuck you so bad, his cock so hard it felt like it was about to burst. 
He pushes your hands off him, leaving crescent moon indents deep in his skin, he works his way back down. He brings the black silk with him this time, fully being able to take in your body as you’re left naked before him. Holy shit you’re beautiful. He doesn’t want to stare too long and make you shy. But he still kisses his way down, before he’s back at your pussy. 
This time he allows you more movement, letting your fingers work their way back into his hair, letting you roll your hips against his tongue and stubble. 
With his spare hand he pulls out his cock, slowly pulling at it, before he realises he can’t do that for too long without cumming before the main event. Instead he reaches up, rolling your perked nipples in between his fingers. There are so many sensations on your body, and Eren can feel your cunt beginning to tighten around his fingers. You hold your breath before letting out little moans, building towards reaching your height.
“You want to cum on my fingers?
Your back is arching, whispering “yes, yes, yes, please” as your walls are tightening around him. He quickens the pace, making sure to hit that spot inside you over and over. Thighs around his face, he can feel your slick pooling in his mouth, and coating his chin once again. 
Your gummy walls are so tight around his thick fingers, he needs you to finish, watch you fully unravel below him. Sucking and licking at your clit, he’s pushing you towards the edge. 
“Eren-” his name is strangled coming out of you, and then your moaning, undulating your cunt against his mouth, riding out your orgasm. 
His jade eyes look up at you, watching as you pull your head up to look at him, before another wave of pleasure hits you and you have to arch your neck and look back up. He waits for you to come down, letting you fuck his face and fingers. Grinding against his stubble and tongue as you let out pitiful and beautiful moans. You’re so fucking wet, the sounds coming from between the two of you should be forbidden, as you release onto him. 
Finally he withdraws, using his forearm to wipe his face. He lies next to you, allowing you a moment as he draws little circles on your stomach. Eren has never quite looked at you in this light. Sure, you were pretty, and the two of you were obviously close. But now you’d walked a line that couldn’t be undone. You weren’t over your ex, and as okay as Eren was with what had happened between you, he didn’t want you to run. He’s overcome with thoughts, looking down to your chest and the heavy breaths you were taking. All he could pray was that you weren’t pretending he was someone else. 
But as Eren is getting caught up in his own mind, you’re twisting, hand reaching to his crotch, cock having been recaptured by his boxers. Palming him, you feel how big he really is for the first time. Fingers trace the edge of his pants and underwear, and he lifts his hips, allowing you to pull them down. Shit. His dick slapped back to his stomach, precum leaking from the top of his pink head. He was bigger than you’d imagined, because of course you’d imagined it a couple of times.
Your hand looks so small around his cock, but you slowly tease him, his deep green orbs following your movements. Bringing your head down to him, you kitten lick the precum from the top of his dick. He hisses gently, and you look up at him with these big doe eyes, so fucking eager to please.
You push your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks and flattening your tongue as you begin working along his shaft. He moans just at the sight of you, your eyes peeking up through dark lashes. His hand goes through your hair, eagerly pushing you deeper around him. 
He lets out a hoarse, “is this okay?” before you put your own hand on his pushing it for the both of you. You don’t even want to come up for air, you just want him close to you, inside you. 
You were learning far more about each other than you had expected, as Eren takes back over. He pushes himself further into you, muttering a good girl that has you whining. The vibrations around his cock make his hips buck, and now you’re gagging as his length hits the back of your throat. He holds you there instead of letting you off, and your nails are sharp against his thighs.
His head lolls back as he starts to move his hips under you, moving you in turn with your hair. He picks up the pace quickly, allowing saliva to drool from you and straight to his cock. 
Your eyes prick, big fat tears forming at the corners. But you’re enjoying this way too much, the moans and gasps he gives make you moan, pressing your thighs together for some kind of friction. 
He takes your jaw in his grasp, allowing you a moment to catch your breath. Your tongue sits out your mouth, him smacking the head of his dick on it. He notices your tears then, the mascara that’s running a little. He swipes at the corner of your eyes, leaning down to press a kiss into your forehead. 
Bringing you up to him, your dripping folds sliding across his length. His lips are on your cheeks, across your jaw, licking up your neck before reclaiming your plush lips once again. You continue grinding against one another, tongues slipping in and out of each other's mouths. Eventually Eren brings his hands to your hips, lifting you up as you hold his shaft up.
Your foreheads are pressed together as he slowly pushes inside you. The stretch is burning and all-consuming, eyes pricking up again as you feel him hit your furthest wall. Eren breathes out heavily, “So fucking tight”
You roll your hips, allowing some friction from him on your clit. It helps your muscles relax a little, and balancing your hands on his shoulders you push yourself up and down, using his length for your own pleasure. Eren’s eyes don’t leave your form, watching your breasts bounce and how your eyes flutter close as he fills you entirely.
“You really did want to be fucked, huh? Look at you” he teases you, watching as you go to talk back before he thrusts his hips up. It leaves the words caught in your throat.
His pace maintains, holding you in place as he fucks up into you, feeling your cunt clench around him. There are long moments where you hold your breath, holding his cock tight within you. Then you’ll release and moan, before holding it in again. Well, Eren is all too happy to help you with that. 
One hand grabbing the flesh of your hip, the other wrapping around your throat, he pushes into you at a punishing rate. Your eyes go wide at the sudden restriction of your throat, feeling the cold metal of his ring against your pulse. 
“Who knew this about you? That you were such a slut?”
As much as he knows you want to deny it, you want to smack the smugness from his voice, he can feel your pussy tighten around him. He sees your eyes roll back a little. 
“You’re getting tighter.” 
The hand on your hip moves down, attempting to hold you in place whilst letting his thumb press over your clit. The sounds of him slapping against your wetness is obscene, and he’s only distracted from it as you whimper out pathetic yes’s and please’s. 
“You wanna cum?” he’s grunting, trying to keep the pace going until you can reach your peak.
You nod against his wide hand, still tight around your neck. “Oh you can do better than that. I already know how bad you want it, slut.”
“Please Eren, please make me cum. I want to cum, please, please, please” you can barely make out the words, your head going light and body tightening.
“Cum for me.” 
You release, and as he can feel the fluttering of your walls around him, he lets go of your throat. The sudden oxygen as you cum leaves you overwhelmed. Burying yourself in his shoulder, he fucks you through it. Cock slapping up into your cunt over and over, somehow being sucked deeper in as you coat his length with more of your own slick. He can feel your nails breaking the flesh of his back as you’re holding on for dear life, moaning his name and even a fucking thank you into his ear.
As you begin to slow, legs shake as you stay straddled over him. He flips you, Eren now firmly on top, slowly moving in and out of you. The stimulation is intense, your cunt sparking at any sensation. 
Caged between his forearms, his hair is a mess thanks to you. You push tendrils back past his ears as he leans down to kiss you once again. This kiss is different. It feels… less desperate. It feels deep and meaningful, caring even.
Your eyes meet in acknowledgment, both of you too worried to speak about the shift in tone. 
He reaches down instead, pulling your leg up and splitting you on his cock. A tongue swipes at your nipple, biting and playing with each as he gradually picks up pace again. You’re still so fucking wet it’s easy for him to thrust into you at a dizzying pace. You can feel all of him against your gummy walls. Each time he passes that special spot inside you, you moan and gasp, and it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
His thrusts were becoming more primal, holding your thighs close around his hips. Letting your sweaty bodies collide again and again, his balls slapping against you. The grunts and moans coming from his lips were so infuriatingly erotic. Eren just wanted one more from you, and then he’d let himself finish. If this was to be a drunken mistake, so be it, but he would at least make it memorable. 
Those jade eyes were on you once again, the power and dominance radiating from the immeasurable. He can see you barely being able to hold on, completely fucked out beneath him. You’re moaning and whining, hands moving over the swell of your breasts and playing with your nipples as if it’s going to keep you grounded. 
He sits up, eyes flicking down to where you were conjoined. It took so much restraint not to cum inside you right then and there. Your glistening sex was so tight around him, the wet slapping noises echo again and again. You’re pulling and sucking him in, cream pooling around his length. 
“Give me one more, y/n. I want to feel you cum on my cock.”  
You try to look up at him through heavy lids. Your friend Eren saying this is so taboo. The words he’s said tonight so far from normal for the both of you. You flutter around him, somehow your pussy still wants to be fucked, still wants to push you off the edge one more time. You can feel the coil inside your stomach tightening. 
Eyes rolling back, you can barely keep it together anymore. He’s pounding into you at a startling rate, fingers flicking over your clit again and again and again. 
“P - please, it’s s-so good.” 
Your breaths between words were quick, “you’re so big-”
“Yeah you like that? You like being so full of my cock? Such a pretty face you make when you’re all fucked out.” 
Holy shit.
Eren could tell how much words affected you, your back arching and legs pulling him somehow closer into you.
“Come on, baby. I wanna hear those moans.” he’s grunting, getting so fucking close to losing himself in your cunt. He knows what he wants to hear most though, “say my name. Tell me who’s treating you how you should be”
With that, you’re losing yourself around him again. Writing on the bed, gripping sheets in tightly balled fists. White light taking over your sight as you clench around Eren. This orgasm was the most intense, taking your body by surprise in its overstimulated state. You weren’t even making a noise, just holding on to the high for as long as possible. 
And then you shattered, whining and moaning, whispering his name over and over again. 
As you moved underneath him, Eren kept his punishing pace up until he watched you expel the last of your energy. Name forming on your lips over and over again he falters, releasing inside you. You can feel the stickiness inside you, the sensation of being filled up. Eren watches for a moment as he sees the white pearls forming around your stretched out pussy.
His chest is back on yours as he kisses your neck, shoulders, whatever skin he can. Thrusting back into you a couple of times, he finally pulls out. You feel his cum dripping out of you, but you’re too spent to do anything about it.
Eren lies next to you, both of your bodies attempting to regulate from that. 
“You okay?” 
He’s checking in, making sure he didn’t go too far with someone he genuinely cares for. 
You nod, turning to meet his stare. Giving him a drowsy smile, you’re not sure what comes next. But for now, you’re happy. Curling into his side, he puts an arm round you and lets you rest for a while. As he notices your breathing become deeper, he nestles into you, muttering something about clean up. 
Moving away from you, you can make out some noises of a tap, drawers opening and closing. In your sleepy state you feel him gently wiping at you, two glasses of water being put on the bedside table. Finally he makes his way back to you, and Eren notes how cute you look. Hot and completely fucked out, yes. But also gentle and at peace, allowing the heaviness of sleep taking over.
He rests behind you, wanting to be back in your warmth. He pulls you in closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. The fragrance of you takes over his nostrils, and he’s all too eager to move closer to your hair, pressing one last kiss at the nape of your neck. Whatever tomorrow brings, he hopes it’s not the last time he gets to be this close to you.
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Our Strixhaven Gang met, tried to lead elsewhere, briefly fought, and then befriended a creature calling itself THE GARBAGE KING (but we can call him Trash now). I've never wanted to draw a DnD scene as badly as I did riding on his back through the campus to the extradimensional dump site. xD
The first doodle (with the extra leg lmao) was from Saturday, the day after game, just to get it out of the system - which is also when I said "maybe I will do this properly". But I uh. Didn't mean this exactly? I thought I meant like a more polished cartoony thing? This is WAY bigger than any of my usual projects, and I'm amazed that my energy lasted even to this point of polish. xD My journey with the background involved reducing buildings that started out big into as little building as possible (and scrapped all the ogling people kdsahkjdsahkjadshjk).
The gang consists of, from left to right: Flutter, Tess, Josh, Kota (@pumpkin-quest), and mine own Wyatt!
Reblogs appreciated, I am really proud of this! ^u^
(Please do not repost this anywhere else (including Tumblr, Pinterest, or other sites), use in your games, or stuff without permission. Please also do not tag as your own unrelated OCs. ^u^ Thank you!)
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muffinshark · 3 years
Hello, I’ve just started oil and digital painting but having issues figuring out the process and as you are my main inspiration, just thought I’d ask if you feel up to doing a detailed breakdown of your paintings/process. Thank you for your time :>>>
sure! I can't really give a detailed breakdown of the actual painting/rendering part because that's mostly experience gained from trial and error and also way more information than I can really put down here re: values, color, general technique, etc. (there are tons of speed paint videos on youtube that I would really recommend watching if you want to get an idea of how other people paint) but I can sort of... go through all of the steps of a painting from beginning to finish under this cut:
1.) thumbnails: after I know what I want to paint, I'll start with rough sketches on scrap paper to figure out composition, image dimensions, etc. I'll then do a small sketch in photoshop, and block in general colors and an idea of the lighting setup.
I tend to throw away the scrap paper after I finish a piece, so I only have the thumbnail sketches for the piece I'm working on atm:
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2.) research and reference gathering: this step happens pretty much side-by-side with step 1. I collect as many references I can to help me with likeness, lighting, clothing, etc. etc. etc. If my piece is set in a specific time period (lately it’s been the 20s-40s nyc lmao), I'll research period-accurate clothes, interiors, props. Sometimes if I cannot get the right reference for the pose or lighting, I'll take a picture of myself. I know a lot of artists use PureRef, but I just dump all of the references I collect onto a huge photoshop file for easy access while I paint.
If you’re painting realistically, this is an important step! It is extremely difficult to paint realistically from your head. All of the old portrait paintings hanging in museums were painted with live models as reference. Professional artists use photo references all the time (you can actually find some of the reference photos that illustrators like Norman Rockwell and Alphonse Mucha took and compare them to the final illustrations). It will make things MUCH easier for you, and you will improve much more quickly as well.
3.) full-size sketch, color block-in : I'm more of a painter than a lineartist/draftsman, so my sketches tend to be pretty shitty, but all they really need to be is a guide for where to put the colors as they will eventually be painted over anyway. (The only exception to this is portraits; for those I will often do a detailed sketch with accurate proportions so I don’t have to worry about whether an eye is too high or if the nose is too long while I’m actually painting) I draw my sketch on a separate layer, set it on multiply, lock it. Then on a layer underneath, I paint in rough colors. Sometimes I'm lazy and will just enlarge my color thumbnail and use that instead of painting it over again.
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color block-in:
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4.) merge sketch and color layers and start to paint: once I'm satisfied with the sketch and colors, I duplicate the sketch layer, lock it, and set it to invisible just in case I ever need it later as a guide. Then I merge the remaining sketch layer with the color layer, and lock the resulting layer. That's my base. I create a new layer over it and start painting. From here, it's just a lot of noodling around, rendering, and refining to get to the final painting! I know a lot of painters tend to keep all their elements on separate layers, but I like to work with as few layers as possible as it more closely resembles how I would paint in oils.
here's a wip of my current piece as well as a progression wip for an older one:
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my actual painting process is just: slap down the colors i want, and slowly add more detail and shading until it’s rendered to to something that isn’t awful and messy haha
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5.) textures, color adjustments: I generally don’t like the smooth, polished look digital art can lean towards, so I also add on textures and noise to make it look rough and imperfect and more like traditional media. Also minor things like fabric/wood textures that would take me a long time to paint freehand and just isn’t worth the time to do so. Then I play with color adjustments. Sometimes at this point in the painting process I’ll have changed my mind and want a slightly different color scheme/mood than what I started out with, or sometimes I’ll have migrated a little too far from the initial colors and want to go back --color adjustments are perfect for this.
initial thumbnail colors:
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final colors:
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aaand that’s basically it!
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
hello! I just had the dumbest Omori AU related thought enter my brain, and I'm just dumping it here if that's alright? fdsbvfd. I found a soulmate au idea where like you crave whatever your soulmate is eating/drinking and I just imagined like Kelbrey where aubrey has this sudden, insatiable craving for orange joe despite hating it so much, and then realizing it's attributed to kel. then like the realization hits and she's mad because she doesn't want to even drink it and idk,, i have weird ideas
Lmao I love this nonnie, and I'm a big fan of soulmate AUs as we know (stares in Broken Melodies) so I definitely wanna go with this one
Aubrey didn't notice when she was younger. She used to complain that whenever Kel was drinking an Orange Joe it was so terrible she could even taste it in her mouth. The rest of the group just thought it was an overdramatic declaration, but Aubrey swore she really could. She would groan and moan and Kel would stick his tongue out and finish his delicious Orange Joe.
They spent so much time together eating all the same foods and snacks, that it made sense that they wouldn't realize. They were rarely ever apart, and it wasn't like either of them ever ate anything very definitive, nothing but Orange Joe, and Aubrey thought everyone around them also had the same reaction to it
After Mari died, Aubrey thought the one relief she would get was never having to be around Orange Joe ever again. To her complete rage she would still get the taste in her mouth sometimes, and she would always be too busy raging at the thought of Kel and that stupid soda to connect the dots.
Of course Post-canon....it's a little different.
They're all together at Basil's house waiting for Hero and Kel to arrive for movie night. Sunny and Basil are standing in the kitchen talking about something, and then she tastes it. Orange. Fucking. Joe. She's about to start moaning about it, when her heart skips a beat. Kel isn't here. Aubrey bites her tongue to fill her mouth with iron instead of the taste of soda, and she waits.
Sure enough when Hero and Kel come in, arms laden with snacks, Kel is polishing off a fresh can of Orange Joe.
Aubrey tries to deny it, but she has to test it. Later that night when the boys are all entranced with their movie, Aubrey sneaks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. She looks through the various foods, and then finally finds her prize. She picks up a piece of Polly's left over sprout medley and shoves it in her mouth, chewing furiously and swallowing to get rid of the disgusting taste as quickly as possible.
To her right she hears the sound of Kel gagging, and the others ask him what's wrong. Aubrey stays by the fridge, pretending not to listen.
"I'm fine guys, I just have to talk to my soulmate when I meet 'em. They just willingly ate Brussles sprouts. Yuck."
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