#not super thrilled with his canon appearance though
roboreviewer · 4 months
"This is going to be great! I'm going to help you accomplish so much, whether I want to or not!"
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Name: Yesman
(Mental) Age: Adult (implied)
Pronouns: He/Him
Appearance(s): Fallout: New Vegas
Fandom Activity: Small cult following, Fallout is getting popular again which made a liiiiiitle bit more rise in popularity
Fanon characterization: accurate from what I've seen
------In Canon------
Yes man is a PDQ-88b securitron that was knocked out by Benny from a pulse grenade, stolen, and reprogrammed by Emily Ortal to be a kiss A$#
Yesman is physically incapable of disagreeing and insulting the person he's talking to. Although he is more than capable of doing so if he's talking to someone else, just as long as that person hasn't shown distaste to him doing that. Insults are pretty tame though, as he is physically incapable of sounding like he WANTS you to know he's mad.
Yesman is important in the independent vegas/Wild card ending. You kill Mr, House and upload him into Mr. House's big ol screen where he remains until the final part of the game with the battle of Hoover dam. Where he throws the general of the NCR (I think it's the general? Who cares he's dead now) off the dam, and then reveals that Mr. House had some code that would make him as he says 'more assertive' and that he'll look like he's offline for a non specific amount of time, then just... rolls off
He's name dropped like twice in the slideshow, so it's never explained on.. well F#@%!#$ ANYTHING after he leaves. It almost feels like it got cut from the game? from how oddly specific he went into how he'll be offline and all that, which isn't TOO farfetched considering the deadline for the game
- Yes man seems aye-OK with killing. He doesn't care about any important people you slaughter, if not happy about it. He is completely unfazed when you say you killed benny, and will only bring him up when talking about the platinum chip and how he has it, or an occasional opinion he had. He has no attachment to his original manufacturer Mr. House unless it's plans to kill him. Honestly he really only cares about having you take over, and shows no genuine attachment for anyone unless they are talking to him (this is a bit of a Grey area, as he only talks to you in game. With ONE line to the general) he's usually thrilled about killing. And is implied to be frustrated that he usually CANT kill people (this part isn't really brought up on, so I it could be wrong. Feel free to have this as a headcanon though)
-Yes man is technically immortal. Whenever the body he occupys is destroyed, he transfers to a new one. If you were to destroy his body before transferring him to the lucky 38 (which is pretty easy as he won't fight back) he will respawn back at the room. I have no clue where he's getting the body's from. As he only learns what the outside looks like when he moves to.. the outside. It's never said how he gets back to the room. You can also use him as a unlimited source of scrap metal!
- It's pretty obvious when he disagrees with you as he gets SUPER passive aggressive. Like, cartoonishly so. To the point where he almost sounds like he's in pain when he does it... which is a lot.
- Although he never outright says he enjoys helping with the wildcard ending (without an added 'whether I want to or not!' Shtick) He gets super passive aggressive if you say anything that would imply that you think it's a dumb idea, (possibly) showing that he thinks this is the superior option to anyone he's talking to. Which I guess makes sense, considering that's what he was reprogrammed for-
- he has a mild lisp. You can faintly hear it wherever he pronounces his 's' (esses? S's? Es's?)
- it's pretty obvious that most of the stuff he says to people are only the opinions the person he's talking to would be happy about, but there are parts where his reprogramming is ingraved into him. For instance he states he feels annoying whenever he needs to repeat himself. So when he has the ability to. We will give you a note to re-explain whatever you wanted:
"Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite person? You are!
The reason I gave you this print-out is I wanted to remind you about that bunker Mr. House built over at Fortification Hill. I was going to say something out loud, but then I felt self-conscious, because I feel really ANNOYING when I repeat myself!
Just to clarify - anytime YOU want to repeat yourself, go right ahead! It’s only a problem when I do it!
Anyway, now that you’ve installed me on the Lucky 38’s mainframe, I can peek into Mr. House’s data. And guess what? The underground facility over at the Fort is super-important!
What Mr. House did over there was stash a HUGE number of Securitrons. Hundreds of them!
Imagine how powerful they’d be if you upgraded them with the Mark II OS!
When the Legion attacks Hoover Dam, you could sic your army on them! And who deserves to have an army more than you? No one!
Plus an army of upgraded Securitrons would be just the thing to show the NCR that you mean business! Go away and stay away, NCR!
The thing is - and I really HATE admitting this - I can’t upgrade the Securitrons over at the Fort from here in the Lucky 38... I can’t establish a reliable connection, and I’m sure it’s all my fault somehow.
But if you took the Platinum Chip to the Fort, you could perform the upgrade yourself. Just a suggestion!
Yes Man"
He also just outright says this:
"I need you to like me! I feel empty inside!"
------My opinion------
-No matter what you do, or what you say, he will always stay at neutral 50 as his opinion on you in game. It's really up to your fantasies on how he feels on your character (Weirdo)
10/10. I've had multiple occasions of me looking at media of him for so long that when I closed my eyes that goofy face has burned into my optical sensors. Although I can never look at Dave Foley the same, and get jumpscared whenever he shows up in ANYTHING
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bratbutcute · 5 months
Some misc headcanons for your enjoymen
Alastor will pull out his meniachal Evil Laughter™ when tickling the snot out of someone, just to freak them out a bit (I imagine it would be both flustering and terrifying)
Angel's six arms are both his secret weapon and his own demise - six arms to pin and tickle with, but that ALSO means six underarms..
Charlie is shameless in her love of tickles. Both in giving and receiving, that girl is anything but subtle lol
Vox absolutely uses his electric abilities to to amplify the tickles inflicted upon his lee
Vaggie isn't much of a lee or ler, but when she does get into a playful mode it is DEVASTATING. She would have even the toughest lee begging in minutes.
Rosie (along with most of the other residents of cannibal town) is a biter/nibbler. Tickle bites and "I could just eat you up!" are her signatures moves lol
Sorry these are primarily ler hcs, but that's what I've got for now :) - 🔥 Flame
Fiejajhridahsi ler hcs are perfect bc we need more of them.
Alastor would absolutely be a ruthless ler. I love reading fics where he hunts down his next victim because I think they’re so in character.
Like horror movie stuff where you’re walking next to an empty corridor and he’s there at the end in the darkness with only his eyes glowing, but the moment you turn to check what’s there he’s gone.
And he would have his voice echo in the Hotel, following your moves and creepily chuckling when you are alone.
I can see him tickling as revenge. But I also can see him tickling someone out of boredom.
Just for the thrill of the hunt.
In the show we haven’t seen Angel and Alastor have that many good interactions but I can definitely see this happening if they ever got closer. (Even though I know Alastor canonically wouldn’t care whether you’re comfortable or not)
Ofc I can see Angel messing around with Husk or Cherri. I can see him trying to tickle Husk and Husk letting him do it just because he was sad.
Like I can imagine Angel had a bad day at Valentino’s set and he needs some physical affection, but he feels a bit uncomfortable by the touch. So Husk offers to stay next to him and comfort him but just sits next to him and doesn’t know what to do.
So Angel just leans over him after a while.
And Husk just wants to help, but is unsure on what to do, so he lightly traces shapes on Angel’s arms.
And he starts to giggle and melts into the touch.
But after a while that makes Angel shivers because it reminds him of the day on set, so Husk suggests to be the one receiving (although he’ll kill him if he ever tried to tell anyone).
And so Angel is super happy and enthusiastic and starts tracing shapes on his paws and on his arms and Husky is there trying not to laugh.
And it’s just a sweet moment because it makes Angel relax and Husk starts laughing because he relaxes too
And it just ends in cuddles 😭😭😭
Okay I got carried away by the sweeties, let’s go back to my fav psychopath.
My dear Vox is a scary ler.
Just imagine having all that power. He creates stuff, he spies on everyone. He definitely knows all your ticklish spots. And he has the perfect tool to tickle you senseless.
And omg the electric abilities. Yess.
But also. I’m gonna offer you… Vox hunting you down.
Similar to Alastor he will SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU. But he’d be much more impatient.
Alastor could hunt you and stalk you for DAYS, even WEEKS making you paranoid, making you flinch at every move anyone makes.
Vox would mess around with you for a day.
He’s gonna hack your devices and flash you with pictures of you getting tickled or randomly show you people getting tickled with ‘You’re next’ on it.
And then he’s gonna use his ability to teleport next to you and then disappear. Then appear again and so on. Driving you crazy trying to protect yourself.
«You are fucking hilarious to watch!»
I’m gonna talk about Charlie, Vaggie and Rosie on another post or it’s gonna become too long 🫶🏻 thank you so much for reading this far
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vemaro · 9 months
under these circumstances
[PART 1]
Link to PART 2!
Summary : Astarion got roped in by the tieflings to come and see their former leader. And by roped in, Karlach literally dragged him up from the Underdark. Against his will. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see Tav. Of course he wants to see her. He wishes she never left his sight. Astarion just has absolutely no desire to see the woman he’s madly in love with living a lavish life with someone else.
Pairing: Astarion x Tav (female Tav) // also minor Karlach x Dammon
Word Count: ~ 1120
Notes: I was going to write out a whole spiel to give context, but I’m suddenly feeling lazy. Fair warning, this is a super elaborate, highly specific AU I came up with a week ago. It’s been a brainworm (hah) in my head ever since. It’s canon-divergent, at least when it pertains to the romance with Astarion. But also Karlach’s heart. They pull a deus ex machina and she doesn’t have to stay in Avernus because reasons. Tav needs their Mama K.
My Tav’s name is Robyn, but I switched it to Tav when posting. I don’t go too much into detail about appearance so feel free to imagine your own character in her place. Though, I mention she a druid a few times, and she has heterochromia. Apologies if this is makes absolutely no sense. I haven’t written anything in a long time. And this is my first time posting here. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I’m dying to talk to someone about this.
Also, I do have a second part I plan to post in the next couple of days.
Enjoy (:
Tav starts backing out of the room. “Wait right here. I’ll fetch Callum. He’ll be thrilled to see you.”
As soon as her back is turned, she sighs. Thank the gods that Terrick has gone on another of his business trips. While her husband and old travel companions are civil (mostly), there is a stifling tension in the air whenever a friend pops in and Terrick is home. On one hand, Tav’s the same person she’s always been; the optimistic, fun loving druid who became the defacto leader of their merry band of misfits. Now though, she’s part of the highly respected Solariz clan, a noble family who holds a large influence within Baldur’s Gate. And a Solariz must act as such. She must mind her manners, dress in a way that befits her status, and worst of all, not go gallivanting up and down the Sword Coast looking for adventure. At least whenever Terrick isn’t around, she can let loose a little. Thankfully, her husband isn’t around too often.
Instead of walking straight through her son’s open bedroom door, Tav stops just outside and leans on the wall. She’s fighting back laughter because her day’s been made, but her son's month is about to get better. Tav loudly clears her throat and holds her hand up to project. “Oh, Callum,” she says in a sing-song voice. “Guess who’s here to see you.”
There’s a gasp from inside the room, followed by a thump, then followed by the sound of socked feet racing towards the door. The little boy spots his mother hiding behind the wall immediately and starts hopping up and down. “Who, Mama? Who’s here?”
She uses her mismatched eyes to point down the hallway. “Go look in the kitchen. They’re waiting for you.”
“Okay!” And he’s off.
Tav lets out a soft laugh. She loves that boy more than she’s loved anyone before, blood relations be damned. Finding him was the single greatest adventure of her life and she’s never, not once regretted taking him in, especially with moments like this, when he’s so happy. When they’re both so happy. Tav had no idea a part of her found family was missing until coming across Callum.
Speaking of found family …
When Tav reenters the kitchen, her red tiefling companion is kneeling down with her arms thrown out, sporting the biggest grin from pointy ear to pointy ear. “There’s my favorite little soldier!” Callum races towards her, throwing open his own arms as he jumps. Karlach pretends to almost fall over when she catches him. “Oh my gods, kiddo. Have you gotten bigger since I last saw you?”
Callum buries his face in her neck, soaking up as much of the barbarian's warmth as he can. “I missed you!” he exclaims into her shirt collar.
Karlach swings side to side, squeezing him tighter (but not too tight). “I missed you too, Callum. Been taking care of your mum, yeah?”
He pulls away and nods vehemently, making his blue curls bounce with the movement. “Yeah! I protect Mama from the scary monsters!”
Karlach ruffles his hair. “Good job, Callum.”
The second visitor slides in behind his partner. “On the subject of protection, I’ve got a little something for you.”
“Hi, Dammon! I missed you!”
Dammon, too, ruffles Callum’s blue locks. “Missed you too, kid.” The blacksmith reaches into his satchel and pulls out something wrapped in a cloth. Callum automatically leans forward out of curiosity, letting go of Karlach altogether. “Maybe you could use this to fend off those scary monsters.”
“What is it?” he asks.
Dammon removes the the cloth and crouches down to the Callum’s level. “Why, a sword, of course.” Karlach and Tav give a chorus of oohs and ahs. “The perfect weapon for a warrior of your esteemed caliber.”
Callum flaps his hands, jumping up and down, excitement radiating off him in waves. “A real sword?” he shouts. “For me?”
“If your mum will allow it.”
Callum whirls around, clasping his hands close to his cheek and brown eyes wide, a lethal combination meant to weaken the heart of their target. “Mama! Can I? Can I have the sword? Please?”
It doesn’t take a trained eye to know the weapon is fake. It’s made of wood and the blade is painted silver. The hilt’s adorned with dyed twine and a few faux gems for embellishment. To a small child, this is as real as it gets. Tav walks over and cards her fingers through his already messy hair, a scrutinizing pout adorning her face. “I don’t know,” she sighs. “Swords are very dangerous.”
Four year olds are not above begging. “Please, Mama! Puh-lease! ”
It’s fake, of course she’s planning to let him keep the gift. Tav still acts as if she’s thinking it over. “I suppose,” she says, dragging out the words. “As long as you say thank you to Dammon for making it.”
Callum whoops. “Yay!” Then he faces the tieflings again. “Thank you, Dammon!”
Dammon looks up to Tav and winks. She winks back. The hyperactive child quickly recaptures their attention by bouncing yet again. “Alright then.” Dammon then gets down on one knee and bows his head while holding out the wooden sword. “It was my deepest honor and pleasure, Sir Callum.”
Oh, Callum is eating this up. The newly minted knight looks back at his mother one more time, making sure he still has permission. A quick, encouraging nod from Tav lets him know he’s good to go. Callum gingerly reaches for the sword and takes it into his hands. “Wow …” he whispers.
“What do you think of the sword, soldier?” Karlach asks.
Words cannot properly express what Callum is thinking. He’s barely four years old after all. So Callum takes the sword by the hilt and holds it high above his head, shouting, “I have a sword!”
“Yes, you do,” Dammon agrees.
Karlach jumps back into her feet. “Hey! Let’s say you and I have a spar in the courtyard later, yeah?”
“Yeah!” With that, Callum starts showing off his swordsman skills, slashing and jabbing in a way only a child could. He even provides the sound effects. Tab, Karlach, and Dammon laugh along at his antics.
A scoff from the third and final visitor has everyone looking in his direction. “Wyll had better watch out,” croons a familiar voice. Tav digs her finger nails into her palms. “Our little bird here may be coming for his title as the Blade of Frontiers.”
If they thought the boy was excited at the previous company, they are immediately proven wrong. Callum’s smile shines so big and so bright, the sun may turn green with envy. It’s almost too bright for the pale elf. “Asty!” he cries.
“Hello, dear.”
Thanks for reading!!!
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askastillyquestion · 3 months
Any and all headcanons of Adrien😫
I'm all ears 👁👂🏾
The way I like writing Adrien is blending his Chat Noir self with the canon parts of himself that he tries to show.
As for Maribat Adrien, give his man some love even if it is in the form of angst. He should be more of a 'main character' in fics.
Okay, mini rant aside. Here are some attempts at headcanons.
The Bio-Parent for Adrien should be Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, or a random af rogue that Emilie marries (or a mix of these)
The reason I see Oliver Queen is because he could keep that 'high class' type of thing with Oliver while dropping the crappy parent. This would also open up fun stuff like Adrien and Roy brotherhood or even romance so Roy truly becomes part of the family.
Barry Allen is because Adrien Allen. Okay for real though. Speedster Adrien just sits right in mind alongside Bat/Super Mari and Lantern Alya. He feels like a speedster. Also, think of the possible angst of Barry losing Iris and Adrien getting a positive experience of no longer having his mother.
As for the rogue thing, I just love the idea of Emilie sticking it to Gabriel and escaping. Adrien getting his quirkiness from Riddler or having a weird trait from Penguin would be so interesting to see.
Adrien makes more sense to be Adopted by Bruce than Marinette does
Okay, okay, put the pitchforks and torches down.
If you are taking the direction of Adrien's parents staying the same and Gabriel being revealed, no one can tell me that Adrien doesn't deserve to be adopted more than Marinette.
I understand that guardianship is super hard on Marinette but letting her parents stay alive instead of murdering them or turning them bad feels like it would give such a great connection moment. Let her grieve all of the time she has lost to fighting Hawkmoth by confiding into her parents. They're so accepting that I just wish they got more love (yes the Lila convincing them easily isn't good but the show makes her op at times with that).
Adrien might not fit the appearance quota of Black-hair, Blue-eyes but he fits that tragic tale. Why take Marinette and put her through everything to seem 'worthy of adoption' by Bruce when Adrien is living that life already? Usually, it is because writers feel more comfortable with Mari and the show does Adrien dirty.
The last bit on this one is I can see Adrien and Bruce having this awkwardness that they have to work through in order to connect. Adrien is thrilled to have someone who cares for him again, but needs to learn to work through the thoughts of 'am I just going to lose a parent again?' It just screams potential!
Adrien enjoys playing piano when he's not forced to
This one is relatively 'simple' compared to the others, but I feel like Adrien would use music as a way to express his feelings.
In the show, we see him play with Kitty Section and it feels like he enjoys it. That is something that Gabriel isn't forcing him to learn and he's enjoying it. Could that be from a general enjoyment of not having to do something purely because Gabriel says so? Yes.
Adrien continuing to play would be nice to see. Let him take one thing out of the experiences that Gabriel forces him into. The modeling being a thing he continues has always felt weird to me unless it is to help Marinette and she appreciates it. Otherwise, it just feels off to me.
That took so long to answer because I got stolen away halfway through but hopefully those scratch some itches! Adrien deserves more love in the fandom so I will always try to come up with ways to appreciate it.
Thanks for the ask!
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
clearing my inbox of a variety of asks with text replies, or ones that will get art answers later but that i still figured i could get back to now with simpler responses in the interim.
lots of anons, but i'll ping anyone who i can!
topics include: general nice words + people's theories (thank you!!), dededesign, daroach (sorry), sentient ancient artifacts, magolor (sorry...), whispy woods (SORRY...). there's also a decent scattering of awtdy and clockwork heart tidbits but they're all over the place, and a small collection of increasingly desperate asks hoping bandee will be released from morpho dee 😂
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oohh this one is actually super old, sorry that i never got back to it! i get a little overwhelmed by the Nice Words ones sometimes and i'm not sure what to say besides 'thank you!!' because it means a lot to me and 'thank you!' just sometimes feels like it doesn't cut it...?
anyway, i'm very grateful!! i'm thrilled if i could inspire you to try out any constructed-language work of your own!! i'd love to see more of that going on in the kirbyverse so if you ever give it a crack feel free to lmk!
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i'm glad you like the full penguin dededesign; quite a few folks seemed to enjoy that actually and i was pleasantly surprised! i haven't drawn that much of most characters besides bandee, to be fair, but the next comic will be about dedede and should answer some of the other questions i've been getting about him too!
i should say that it's likely the totally full penguin design won't make it for the comic, because it's hard to draw the sheer length of their bills from many angles or having the expressiveness i need for dedede, and i really only did that one for funsies. but i'll hopefully find a nice compromise!
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aaaa the joy of being mentally unwell about The Characters and The Story. thank you, glad i can be of service! 👍
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this is quite perceptive of you to notice and it's definitely something that occurs in the timeline. due to galacta knight's influence (and kirby's altered reputation) visitors and threats- both international and intergalactic- start to think twice before risking an approach.
alas, because daroach appears in the timeline before galacta knight's switch-in occurs, he would already be in contact and friendship with kirby. that unfortunately means he'd meet the same fate as the rest of kirby's existing allies.
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@i-only-created-this-to-read a little similar to the above ask, yes, the intergalactic picture of popstar is definitely changed by the presence of a violent, otherworldly warrior and a ruthless hero. i also answered your questions about necrodeus previously and am not sure what else to say about him.
i have confirmed before that dedede is not dead, and more about his scenario and overall role in the plot will be revealed in comics. but i will say that he's a smart guy, despite his silliness, and a loving king. he absolutely came to the same conclusion about the frequency of his own possessions as well, through no small amount of heartbreak.
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i definitely headcanon the Lor as sentient; in the light novels, bandee also speaks to her fairly directly. i actually headcanon all the Ancient artifacts as having an amount of sentience (this seem in line with what we've seen in canon, so i don't think it's a reach) and the lor herself seems especially benevolent to me.
our headcanons for the novas are different to yours, though that plays more of a role in the clockwork heart au. i quite enjoy your theories about how the ending might go and you've definitely picked up some details!! i won't confirm or deny anything, but i will say the lor is present in the AU, and that magolor has enough knowledge of artifacts to know that a wish on a wishing star could be a viable solution.
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it took a while for folks to start asking me about magolor actually, which i found kind of amusing because he's the deuteragonist (second protagonist, after bandee) of the au!
i do definitely think that canonically magolor lives on the lor starcutter; though he does say he wants to buy a holiday home on popstar! however in awtdy, unlike the dream land four three, magolor's entire timeline is trashed from the get-go by galacta knight's arrival
some of these answers will take me longer to get to as i'll provide them in comics (it should be a fun reveal at least), but i will say: he hates popstar. he hates it there. he'd give just about anything to be anywhere else.
until he meets bandee, of course.
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the rest of popstar fare a little better or a little worse at various points in the au, kind of like in the mainline canon timeline. for the most part, galacta knight isn't that interested in most of popstar. he enjoys living there, it's peaceful and undeniably pleasant, and frankly he'd like to continue doing so!
he can be convinced (by kirby, and the maintenance of the lie) to perform care to some of its citizens when necessary- such as rebuilding after a crisis. but in general he minds his business in dream land, and occasionally off-world or interdimensionally with kirby and bandee on missions.
whispy, who also keeps to his own in the woods and is just a cantankerous old tree, is probably fine. at least up until star allies, when he, you know. gets possessed.
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@pumpkinnkidd oh absolutely.
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@torrentialchaos2 that would be a different story to chrysalis au, i think! one i could write, but haven't. chrysalis au is specifically about bandee, you can't really extract him from it? 😭 but if morpho possessed magolor it would depend on a lot of things: like what is everyone's relationship to him when it happens? i think even when he comes back from his redemption arc, magolor and the gang are friends, but it's not the same as bandee, who is a core member of their unit.
we've already seen what happens when magolor gets possessed and kirby has to Beat His Ass to get him back to normal. and we've seen that when morpho possesses others who are capable fighters, kirby doesn't hold back. so maybe that? magolor is a magical little guy; he's got a better chance of getting spat back out unscathed.
i could however probably write a version of this for magicapple if i wanted, which would be much more emotionally pulverising lmao
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@trainerbob23 thank you!! this one took me a bit to respond to sorry, but i'm grateful for the warm welcome! the AUs are definitely my primary investment and i'm glad that folks are enjoying seeing them develop! some of them are connected to each other (awtdy + it's various endings/alts) but others are separate.
i also do have some backstory/lore for starstruck dee, which i'll hopefully get to soon as well. i would say that she is... very much related to stars and the cosmos, yes.
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@eliastheownerof0axolotls this one was part of a longer ask (that i've answered part of, and still have another part of in my queue... sorry;; ) but i think this part- especially in terms of kirby- has probably been mostly answered by now! both kirby and dedede have significant roles!
i view dedede as having a mentor-like dynamic with bandee as well as with kirby, and they all care about each other very much! but (especially because they are all adults in my hc) he also absolutely trusts them to handle themselves.
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referring to this post and the (cw angst) art at the end. i will hopefully answer some other asks about the clockwork heart au which will satisfy more of its overall premise and timeline and all, but in regards to the peculiar image...
why that picture is completely normal!! bandee is super fine and normal in it and everything is great and good and fine and fine and fine and fine!!! hhahaha!!!
(something very bad is happening, lmao. entirely doomed by the narrative.)
speaking of bandee being doomed by the narrative:
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some tags here as well, but i just love the frequency of these...
bandee gets possessed one time and everybody loses it... quick!! when will he get unpossessed!!! save that little guy!!! he's sad so we're sad!! (relatable. everyone is so valid.)
the tags on the main posts about morpho dee are just full of people screaming and crying and being like "NOOO I HATE THIS SM I'M IN PAIN /pos" and it's so good hahahaha
sorry to the folks who hate to see him going through the blender, he's being spun in the microwave at like 90mph on my blog. but don't worry, chrysalis au does have a predictably good ending; though obviously bandee has some capital S Stuff to unpack afterwards!!
aaand i think that's all for now! hopefully if you've been hanging out for an ask for a while you're answer is here, and if not (and possibly even if it is), it's most likely taking me so long because i want to do an answer with art.
i'll try not to let these build up again like this, thank you for your patience!
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just saw your bart posts where Tim is freaked bc bart is less than human due to the speed force
I’m relatively new to the comics scene; are there any storylines where the reason for Wally’s estrangement w his parents is because they’re weirded out by his powers?
like a “speedster gothic” type take where their son has been replaced by this Thing(tm). it may look like wally and laugh like wally and geek out like wally but it’s not their son, it’s this super powered freak that’s trying to replace him?? Bc I think that’s a more realistic take on these well-meaning but extremely traditional Midwestern couple upholding the status-quo that have been confronted with a supernatural horror masquerading as their child (esp if we explore the take that wally was in a coma after the accident… he wakes up and is simply Not Wally anymore, at least not to them) rather than making them randomly verbally and physically abusive alcoholics like fanon often does.
So. Multiple things.
"well-meaning but extremely traditional mid-western couple" is extremely inaccurate I'm afraid. Wally also wasn't in a coma (that's a YJ animated thing) and they didn't know about his powers until he was well into his teenage years. Also, "randomly verbally and physically abusive alcoholics" is not a fanon thing, it's extremely canon.
Just for starters though: Rudy would not be freaked out if Wally displayed supernatural abilities. Rudy would be thrilled. Because Rudy is a member of cult and the only reason he married Mary and had Wally is because the cult told him to. His son was going to be 'powerful' and 'special'. Which is half the reason Rudy was so abusive (he literally hits Wally all the time in canon. Especially as a child but even as an adult. Even going so far as to bring other cultists to jump Wally in his own house) to Wally because Wally was just a normal average kid. If Wally was doing spooky shit Rudy would be ecstatic.
Uh, but yeah Rudy is fucking insane. Threaten to poison the little league coach to let Wally on the team insane. Run a child labor camp filled with landmines insane. Hire a hitman to murder his wife insane. THESE ARE ALL CANON THINGS HE HAS DONE.
Now, Mary isn't physically abusive but she is financially and emotionally abusive. She drained Wally's bank account after he won the lottery in like a week. She really only cares about appearances. She will nitpick the hell out of Wally to make sure he reflects well on her. She was also thrilled about Wally's powers btw. As long as he was public about his identity. She wants the world to know that her son is a hero. Her son is better than everyone else.
So yeah, I just don't really think it'd work considering Rudy actively wants Wally to display supernatural abilities and Mary acts like a pageant mom. Also hella inaccurate to say that Wally's parents are only abusive in fanon. Rudy's behavior could rival the goddamn joker, he's an actual sociopath. Mary is more subtle about it but goddamn, she isn't who she pretends to be.
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acacia-may · 6 months
Hiya Acacia, I hope you’re doing well 🥰! Since you’re in a bit of a romantic mood, I thought I might ask for your thoughts on YuNeva and Zerilliam 👀? And for Platonic relationships how about Asta & Yuno and Fuegoleon & Nozel?
Sending you all the hugs and positive vibes in the world 🥰💜!
Aww Lyra! You're such a sweetheart! Thank you so much, dear! Sending you lots of love as well. 💕 I'd be thrilled to give you some ramblings. (Apologies in advance if they're too incoherent).
I hope by now that you already know, but just in case you didn't, I absolutely adore this pairing! When I first started reading "Dandelion Wishes," I actually made my poor sister listen to me rant about how much I love this ship (and she hadn't even read the fic so she had no clue what I was talking about), and honestly I had more to say about them than most canon x canon Black Clover pairings, so needless to say, it is definitely canon in my mind.
William is such a sweetheart, and I can really imagine him as someone who has domestic dreams of finding love, settling down, and having a family so it warms my heart to see that he did get to have this (even if it ended in tragedy--which I will never get over. They deserved their happy ending! 😭 Even if I'll admit the angst is delicious, and their boy, Alistair, is just so precious to me).
Also, your backstory for how the two of them ended up together is just delightful. Honestly, "Dandelion Wishes" is one of my favorite fanfictions I've ever read in my life, and I have been so invested in it and in William and Zera's relationship from day one. They are so perfect for each other in my opinion, just absolutely made-for-each-other soulmates. I love how they share common interests but have a lot of balance in personality with Zera a little more headstrong and William a little more reserved. They really are in awe of each other's strengths too and have so much respect and admiration for their differences which I just adore.
Zera as a character is so vibrant and so real to me, as well. She just commands attention every time she appears, and every time she does pretty much anything, I can just vividly imagine William staring lovingly awestruck at her and zest for life with hearts in his eyes or floating around his head like in an old cartoon. (He's so in love! I'm going to cry!) Also, her quirks and the adorable way she names her plants is super endearing, and the fact that she is a florist only makes me love her more (but my family actually runs a flower shop (A/N: But I don't work there), so I think I'm very biased in this regard 😅).
I honestly don't get this intense about ships all that often, but I cannot describe to you in words how much I think about this pairing and how desperately I need them to kiss. And I mean desperately. To be perfectly honest with you, at this point, I am so invested in it that it's really hard for me to imagine William with anyone else...which concerns the more neutral, multi-shipper part of me, if I'm being honest, but this ship is just that good. Reading about them has made me laugh and cry and squeal just like (and in many cases more than) reading about any ship between canon characters, and I'm honestly just in awe of how compelling this ship and their story is. I really can't thank you enough for creating Zera, Zerilliam, and the masterpiece that is "Dandelion Wishes"! 💖
Aww they're cute. 😊 To be honest with you though (and I am very sorry to have to say this) in general ships with Yuno in them aren't really my cup of tea personally since I tend to see Yuno as someone who isn't all that interested in romance and (possibly) would just never really want that kind of relationship. That said, according to the Assorted Question Brigade in Vol. 31 he does have a “type” of person he likes...so who knows? Maybe someday he'll want to find love. If he did, I would definitely be supportive of that, and I'm not against the idea of shipping him. It's just not something I personally have ever given much thought to, and, for that reason, I feel pretty neutral towards Yuno ships in general and don't have many thoughts or opinions (Again, I'm sorry about that).
All of that said, if I was to imagine Yuno falling in love, YuNeva is a very sweet pairing, and they make me smile in your stories and posts about them. I really enjoyed them in COTF too! ^^ Going back to that Assorted Question Brigade I mentioned, Yuno himself described his "type" as "someone who's relaxing to be around," and that's something that really sticks out to me about his relationship with Neva. It's very comfortable and almost cozy. They just work so well together, and it feels effortless--like they just naturally gravitate towards each other and genuinely enjoy each other's company. I love that a lot, and I also love how their bond is built on mutual respect and admiration. They really support each other and the moments they can share their vulnerabilities are always very compelling to me. I also think Neva is just a great character on her own (especially her platonic bond with William. So wholesome!). I like her dynamic with Yuno a lot too and how they complement each other. I think I'm a little more invested in their friendship (because I'm weird like that), but I could definitely see them very happy together romantically and I definitely want good things for both of them, so I'd support them falling in love and think you’ve done a great job crafting their love story. 💕
Platonic Relationship Ramblings! Yay! Thank you so much for this, dear!
Asta & Yuno
Aww I adore them, and their brotherly bond. Their dynamic and rivalry which is built on a such a strong foundation of familial love and mutual respect was what initially hooked me in Black Clover, and it has been such a delight getting to watch their individual journeys and how they have supported each other through the series. I'm getting a little emotional just thinking about it, honestly. 🥹
One of my favorite things about them is just how wildly different they are as people. Asta has such a big personality, and Yuno is so reserved, but their differences are always respected and really help inspire each other. In that way, I love that their relationship is kind of a twist on the usual rivals dynamic because it isn't just Asta trying to live up to the (quite frankly very OP) Yuno but Yuno also views Asta as his rival as well because he has so much admiration for his passion, resilience, and determination. I was not expecting that when I first watched the anime and thought it was such a refreshing reveal. I love how Yuno's genuine admiration for Asta has been such a driving force for his character throughout the series.
Fuegoleon & Nozel
Yes! I love this dynamic! Nozel being tsundere about his friendship feelings is just so entertaining, and I love to see the trope used in a platonic way instead of just an explicitly romantic one. The love between friends is really important too and can also be difficult to express sometimes, so it was really great to see Nozel kind of struggle with that and struggle with how much Fuegoleon means to him and how much he admires and respects him even if he lacks the words to say it. And yes, it was kind of played for laughs sometimes, (and my sister and I made so many "tsundere besties" jokes about them while binging the anime), but even so, there is something really genuine and really wholesome about their friendship. Getting to see how Nozel reacted to Fuegoleon's injury and subsequent coma and how motivated he was by his respect and admiration for him was just really compelling, and I found the scene in the elf arc in which Nozel is thinking of their rivalry and how much Fuegoleon inspires him to be really moving. Definitely a solid BROTP!
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kisuminight · 4 months
So let's get into the knock-on effects of the Staged Finale and how it is effecting other things on the server (mainly the Egg, since that is the closest thing to a main antagonist this story has). Previously, I mentioned that the Red Banquet doesn't happen until 6mo post-Staged Finale. This is very different from canon, where it happened a little less than 3mo out (it was early April, I think?).
Part of this is because the Egg is trying to be more subtle. Part of this is because manpower issues.
To start off with that second bit--c!Sam has not yet managed to completely tank his relationship! I mean, it's getting there. c!Ponk is not thrilled with Sam's general conspiracy-nonsense about what's going on with c!Dream, and he's super not thrilled about how invested Sam is into figuring out why Dream had him build the prision. ...But, even though the key card prank does happen, it just leads to a very large argument that starts the downward spiral of the relationship instead of a maiming. Ponk is not missing his arm, and he is dissatisfied with Sam but they're still trying, so he does not fall in with the Egg yet.
The other issue is c!Punz. Now, Punz did publicly join the Eggpire pre-Staged Finale with the "official" reason that he wanted to see some chaos. Mostly, this was a bid to get access to the new government and keep an eye on it. As a Blade, he is immune to the effects of the Egg. And in this AU, he and Dream have the experiments ongoing now, instead of Punz getting stuck waiting for the prison escape. So while he does still check up on them and make the appearance of involvement (so no one questions what he's really doing with his time), Punz is outside the main Eggpire group and not really trying to get deeper.
The Egg wants him deeper, though! Outside of Skeppy, who the Egg already has, Punz is the most active Blade on the server. He seems to be somewhat estranged from his Driver, but that just means that c!Purpled won't have Punz to help him stop the Egg. Moreover, because of the chain Resonance, if the Egg can corrupt Purpled, it can get both Dream and Punz.
Puffy still left the Eggpire, so that means that the current Eggpire group is c!Bad, c!Skeppy, and c!Ant. Three people are not enough to pick a fight with most of the server, especially when one of them is c!Techno and his Resonance with an Aegis. Also the actual Aegis, c!Philza.
So the Egg contains it's growth, slows it down. It still has the Eggpire reach out to c!Quackity, but the reason it backs off when c!Karl intervenes is more to do with the lingering feel of DreamXD around him. The Egg does not need to repeat the mistakes of the Entity by picking a fight with gods too early. For now, it chooses to stay away from Kinoko.
c!Hannah, however, is vulnerable. She's not particularly close to anyone, and her roses leave her with a weakness to the bloodvines. Hannah becomes the fourth member, and the Egg uses her penchant to give roses to other server members as a method of corruption. The roses are dipped in spores from the Egg so that it spread to unexpected places when the time is right for it to grow.
The attempts to trap Sam never happened, and the Eggpire is much less under the focus of the server because of it. Puffy's Pro-Omlette faction takes much longer to gain ground, especially since the Egg is actively avoiding the notice of Techno.
Ranboo is still a target. The Egg has noticed that sometimes Dream is in Resonance with Ranboo instead. Unfortunately for the Eggpire, this is the mistake that makes the Syndicate get curious. Techno makes his visit to the Egg around 5mo after Staged Finale.
The Egg tries to get Purpled through the contract in Puffy's life. However, just because Purpled heard the job offered and accepted it doesn't mean he's willing to stick around. The experiments are finally done, so Punz has more time to be involved, even if the Egg hasn't managed to corrupt him through Purpled yet. There's no way around it now. The Red Banquet is getting scheduled.
The Egg is very firm with both Bad and Skeppy. Normally it doesn't try to actively interfere, but it does not let the confrontation continue once it starts. It forces a blackout on them both instead. When they wake up, neither can remember why they first started arguing.
The Red Banquet invitees are Niki, Foolish, Sam, Puffy, Eret, George, Sapnap, Ponk, Ranboo, and Purpled. Purpled rejects it, saying that that type of party "isn't his scene" (he's already been blackmailed by Quackity into doing an attack).
Bad wins a few moments of sanity from the Egg changes his mind about having Sapnap come, and sends Punz to hand-deliver the rejection notice. The Egg does not want Punz there because it doesn't know how Punz will react when it comes to a fight. It wants all the Blades on its side.
The Pro-Omlette faction still plan the safeguard for if the Banquet is a trap. Sam tries to dissuade Ponk from going. Unfortunately, Ponk and Sam's relationship has gotten rocky enough that Ponk rejects Sam's warning and they have another argument. Ponk leaves in a huff.
The rest of the Red Banquet goes mostly canon, with some flipped roles. Ranboo does not go to the banquet as himself, but EW!Ranboo watches from out of sight. Ponk is the spy, having succumbed to the Egg after that latest argument with Sam. Quackity shows up with Techno and Purpled, the tables are turned, and Purpled chases the Eggpire into the tunnels.
Skeppy's abilities as very powerful, but he is an air Blade. Facing an earth Blade. And also they're underground.
Unfortunately, Hannah is very good with traps. Purpled is killed as part of the chase, losing his first canon life. The chain Resonance dissolves, and Punz and Dream both revert to core crystals. Punz reverts right in front of Sapnap, because he'd offered to spend the day with him while George went to the Banquet. Dream reverts in a secret base, known only to himself, Punz, and EW!Ranboo.
EW!Ranboo sees the notification of Purpled and Punz's deaths (Dream is still muted), and leaves to go retrieve Dream's core crystal.
Pro-Omlette discuss what to do with the Egg, and end up causing a mini-crisis when the figure out that, in this AU, Pandora's Vault was built for the purpose of containing the Egg and rehabilitating it's cult, even though Pandora's Vault's construction started months before the Eggpire was even a thing.
Quackity suggests maybe asking Punz (who worked with Dream the most before Staged Finale) if he knew anything. Techno mentions that it won't do any good to ask Punz, and reads the message <Punz faded away> aloud. Punz was a Blade, and he just died, so now he's not going to remember anything.
More conspiracies about what the heck was up with Dream and Techno leaves. Quackity decides that Purpled didn't do a good enough job of assisting, and detonates the TNT in the UFO.
Purpled is having the worst day. His friend Ponk betrayed everyone by siding with the Egg. He died. He died and now Punz is dead, Punz who has raised him for forever. Purpled doesn't even know where he was to search for his core crystal. And then, after he respawns in the UFO, the TNT detonates and it burns down around him. That one doesn't count as a canon death, but it does kick Purpled all the way back to world spawn.
Techno comes back home to find Dream's core crystal sitting on his dining room table. There is a note underneath it that reads ":)"
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Any headcanons for A/B/O Modern AU dinluke ? 😁
As predicted for me: Omega Luke and Alpha Din
TW: A/B/O dynamics, mentions of mpeg, some "gender" roles, feminine v. masculine stereotypes
Luke feels himself to be average, if below average, Omega. Much like canon-Luke with his Force hidden for so long, Luke's Omega "biology" is suppressed. Maybe his scent is not strong or considered attractive to most so he is basically like a Beta. He lives a pretty average life because of this, though deals with some things here and there about his gender (it drives him crazy but he knows it could be worse).
Din isn't a super typical alpha. He tries to be a loner but just attracts a pack to him. He has a growing family of people he just adopts and they assign him as Head-Alpha of the pack and he just sighs and deals with it...and is unfairly good at it. He can't seem to shake off being the leader of everyone...nor can he shake off the somewhat gnawing loneliness, wanting to mate an Omega. And that the rest wants the same for him and to find his perfect Omega so he can be "complete" (there are some pretty old fashion and traditional people in the pack).
Luke, though Beta like, is still an Omega so can have trouble getting certain jobs...so he is a teacher. Luckily, he rather likes this though he had wanted to be in the air-force or a pilot...but just couldn't get passed the interview process or get accepted into the school no matter his qualifications. But he does love kids (and no it's not cause he's an Omega, jeeze) and he loves education and this field is really progressing for Omegas and he could progress to get a Masters or PhD in education and it is something he is really going to go for and is excited about.
This is, of course, how he meets Grogu and Alpha Din. Grogu just clings to Luke, imprinting on him instantly, and Din is just getting so close to him and clearly smells something that is making his instincts roar to life, something that had never really happened before, and Din is courting him instantly.
Luke wouldn't be used to this--it would throw him off completely as no one, especially an Alpha like this, has pursued him before. And Din is going hard and romantic as an Alpha can. He is clearly looking to get Luke's approval to mate and Luke is just a flushed mess.
Din likes to be close to him. Likes to tower over him and show he is broad and big and muscular to protect him and their family they make. He scents him in a "subtle" way, that isn't just him pushing Luke up against a wall and ensuring Luke is coated in the claiming scent. He brings Luke gifts, tries to show off he is financially stable, has a strong pack, is a great father, and just so much to seduce and show off to Luke.
Luke, still, is just a flustered pile of goo.
Luke does, finally, let Din take him on a date and is just spoiled and courted to such an intense degree, Luke who is very new to all of this, is just along for the ride.
Din scents him and nuzzles him constantly, is always touching at him, with his hand on the small back or on his nape or wrapped possessively around his waist, is urging Luke to wear his hoodies and such to keep him warm and to ensure he continues to appear taken.
Pretty soon, the heat (far more intense than ever) hits Luke and they are mated and Luke is instantly pregnant and everyone is just thrilled.
Luke is still all, "how did this happen?" as he rubs his swollen belly with a very adoring mate and adopted child constantly at his side.
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quaranmine · 1 year
Literally only comfort for me in the lonesome dreams universe is that Watcher!Grian eventually finds out that Jimmy is a listener without Jimmy telling him (recongnizing the wings somehow, Feeling this Weird energy coming from him, Jimmy letting him see some of the destruction powers, noticing the obscuring of things if he ever got pushed to try and See things, idk lol) and through this loophole of Grian finding out but not having had Jimmy tell him Jimmy can finally have some solidarity lol. Also brainrot about whether or not Grian is trying to get them out of the games, and whether the players remember the games, and like how Grian would handle everything and therefore how he’d treat Jimmy, and like them working together to try and escape. And if Grian noticed, who’s to say the Watchers haven’t? Sorry idk if you have any plans and this is super unsolicited but like AJHDKAHDJAHF the brainrot bro I have not stopped thinking about lonesome dreams since I read it yesterday 😭 Like AGHH the way he’s so lonely and his name is Solidarity like,,,,, Ik there’s another fic of yours where it’s canon and I look forward to reading it :)
OMG HELLO ANON!!!!!! no this isnt unsolicited at all, i am literally THRILLED when people talk to me about listener!jimmy, especially lonesome dreams-verse jimmy because it's still one of my fave fics i have done.
i tend to use "lonesome dreams-verse" when talking about fics that take place under these headcanons but honestly, i pretty much base my entire interpretation of jimmy off of this, so it's almost more useful to note when i am not using it lol. so yeah--jimmy in htbahb is the same one from lonesome dreams too! they're not in the same series because one deals far more with the life series than the other, but it's the same deal. if jimmy ever appears in IBW, it will be the same.
this series of fic suffers from.....many ideas and not enough writing LOL. Lonesome Dreams was initially conceptualized as a backstory oneshot to go with a larger multichapter fanfic center on Jimmy. It was set in Last Life (hey, 3 of the southlanders were former evolutionists!) and focused on him using some of his Listener powers to break them out of the games. it was really funny though because i came up with it in the middle of last life before martyn canonized anything watcher related and i accidentally predicted half of it. But I never really was able to get it into an actual fic, lol, so i just wrote Lonesome Dreams instead. I'm still interested in doing a fanfic where Jimmy helps them all break out of the death games, though.
i like your idea of Grian noticing that Jimmy has some weirdness around him and saving Jimmy the trouble of having to tell someone. my general idea is that grian remembers the loops in full because he is a watcher, but everybody else has sort of hazey memories of things. They might rememeber enough to reference things in past seasons, but it isn't enough to realize what's going on. Jimmy, however, also remembers everything because being a Listener makes him more immune to this memory magic or whatever. So that's one opportunity for grian to notice some things--jimmy knows about things he maybe isn't supposed to. imagine that from grian's perspective though lol hes angsting in being the only one to remember xyz and then jimmy pops up knowing something he shouldnt and grian is like TIMMY? TIMMY OF ALL PEOPLE KNOWS THIS?
there was also planned flower husbands Moment in the last life fic where jimmy was sad because scott only sort of-kind of remembered 3rd life, and not any of its intensity or emotion, whereas jimmy remembered all of it and still loved him. oops, i planned to break all your hearts with that one.
i often headcanon that grian doesn't have his full powers in the games, since the watchers are suppressing it. they're not really good at fully preventing grian from doing anything, but they can prevent him from doing a lot of stuff. it's like one versus however many of them there are, right? i'd say at least two watchers in charge of the life series just like evo, but we don't know that. so grian is sort of outnumbered. that's why jimmy could help ;) so grian is wanting to get them out of the games, he just doesn't have the power on his own to successfully do it
as for the watchers knowing about jimmy--i go back and forth on this. i basically think that as long as he didn't use any of his visual powers or his wings and only Listened then they might not know. like, they can Watch you destroy something but you can't see if someone is listening or not. eventually they would find out, though, because he would have to show his hand at some point to get anything real done. martyn says in his lore that the watchers do not like the former evolutionists who are associated with the listeners, since the listeners helped the evolutionists escape (which is why jimmy was helping them in lonesome dreams.) so they Definitely know jimmy is associated, just like martyn and pearl and bigb are, but i havent decided if they know he's a full listener or not.
one of my other lonesome dreams-verse headcanons, that i actually have a half-written oneshot for, is how jimmy's destructive powers go against him. he has some chronic pain issues from this, because it's self-destructive too. it reminded me of my own autoimmune disease--basically my own body attacking itself? kind of happens to jimmy too. but this is because the Listeners are generally not visible to humans. or corporeal. they're very wispy, the sound of the wind in the trees around you, etc and so Jimmy pretty much kept his human body, with just the addition of wings. Meanwhile, as in my fic htbahb, grian looks WAY more like a watcher and is just projecting a more human image of himself all the time. all of that was basically to say that jimmy doesn't look very conspicious to the watchcers in the first place, since he still has a human body. he also got forgotten/ignored by them in evo so....it IS possible they don't know the full extent of his connections with listeners, i think
ultimately, though, i have several formulated ideas of people finding out Jimmy is a Listener, and it mostly comes from him telling them. He's not supposed to tell, of course. But I like putting characters in difficult positions, and I think that with the life series especially, that Jimmy is like. The risks outweigh anything else. He has to tell people, because getting everybody out of the games is a lot more important than potentially upsetting the Listeners. I like putting characters in situations where revealing their secrets is the only way to move forward--this is what happened to Grian in htbahb too, when he has to use his powers to save people (because he ofc cares more about his friend's lives than his own secrets).
Jimmy has a bit of an uneasy alliance with the Listeners in general, because he is on their side and owes them a lot but would probably ultimately rather be free and on his own. they're nice to him, but also a little coercive. I feel like after a couple loops of the game he would probably feel sort of abandoned that they havent helped him yet (whether or not they were trying to doesnt matter, just that jimmy feels like they havent helped.) so he might not feel so bad about telling people xD except that it invites a lot of vulnerability and awkardness to suddenly come forward now, so it would still be very tough.
jimmy and grian are not brothers in lonesome dreams , but i DID have an one-off idea for a oneshot where jimmy admitted he was a Listener to Grian in a scenario where they are siblings. I may write it because it has been plaguing me for like two months now. it would probably get uploaded in the series with lonesome dreams, but might not be The Official Reveal Scene if i want to write something different later, you know? but the way i built this out in my head was SO GOOD lol
it's also worth noting two general dynamics with grian and jimmy. firstly, All the former evolutionists know that he is a watcher. they know that because the watchers told them so when he was taken. now the hermits on the other hand, they do not all know, because they met grian afterward and that's his business that he doesn't always share. but the evolutionists all know and they just like....dont always know if they should talk about it or not. But nobody knows Jimmy is a Listener because he never told anymore. Another interesting thing is that Grian hates the Listeners--he was taught to hate them, by the Watchers! But even after breaking off from the Watchers, it hasn't quite occurred to him that they might have lied to him about the Listeners being bad. Like he was taught a bit of propaganda because of course he was, they were the enemies of the Watchers, but he doesn't really realize they were lying a little? For all grian is concerned, they're just two sets of god-like entities with too much power that he hates. So that's um...a little fun for finding out about Jimmy....
this is. so much information LOL. i have thought about it greatly.
but yeah, jimmy needs a little support :( i think the listeners would be unhappy if he told people, but i think they would get over it eventually. BOTH jimmy and grian probably need to know there is someone else out there who has had some similar experiences. they're two lonely little birds :((((((
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nyaagolor · 2 years
The World of Butterfly Effect
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I'm in the process of dropping some refs for the main characters and rivals of my lil SwSh story, but this version of Galar is a bit different from canon, so here's a post with a crash course of the worldbuilding and some of the changes I made to the region. It's all below the cut so I don't clog the dash
Power Crisis
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Unlike in the games, the power crisis Rose is worried about is having a lot of genuine impacts on the people of Galar. With coal mostly gone, the mines cleared out, and Pokemon unable to provide enough power for cities, many people are consistently without electricity. This causes a bit of strain between the rural and urban populations, as energy and electricity is often siphoned from rural areas to maintain constant power in urban areas. However, even with the partitioning of resources and mandatory limits on electricity use, the problem is getting worse. When this story happens, the power crisis is at its worst, with no signs of getting better and tensions continuing to rise.
Dynamax, Gyms, and Rose
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Unlike the League-mandated gym / battle system of other regions, the gym system of Galar is run by Rose’s company, Macro Cosmos, and acts as a political and economic powerhouse. It is highly publicized, televised, and used both within and outside of Galar to provide funds for public works projects as well as making a name for Galar and to boost morale. Though it has some detractors, those who think it’s rigged, and those who find it offensively excessive in the face of a national power crisis, it is by-and-large the most popular part of Galar’s culture.
The main reason the gyms can get away with these huge stadiums and flashing lights is because of their alliance with Rose and the use of a completely new, alternate power source: Dynamax! The stadiums were built on top of massive deposits of dynamax crystals which power everything in the stadium from the Jumbotron to the Dynamaxing pokemon, so they don’t need to worry about using any of the town’s electricity stores for their sporting events. Not only does this provide a scifi spectacle, but a good case study for how Dynamax can act as an alternative energy source for buildings, which Rose is especially thrilled about. His attempts to fix Galar’s power crisis starts at the gyms, so he makes himself pretty involved in its daily operations for an energy company CEO.
What is a Beastman?
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Galar is the only region in the pokemon universe with Beastmen, people with the traits of pokemon. They suddenly appeared in historical records a few hundred years ago, and were accepted as a regular part of society pretty quickly and without much fuss. To the shock of foreigners, the people of Galar don’t actually know where beastmen came from, why they only seem to exist in Galar, or what determines whether someone is a beastman or not. What surprises people more is that the people of Galar don’t seem to be super interested in figuring any of this out. Generally speaking, only a few things about beastmen are known: they typically, but not always, come from lineages that already have beastmen in them, they can be any pokemon, but typically those found near them / in their area, and that the degree to which they are human varies significantly and seemingly at random. There are some researchers, such as Sonia, who are especially interested in untangling the mysteries of beastmen, but they’re few and far between.
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highjinx, gun control, and terrow,
Howdy!!! :] thanks for entertaining me with this hehe- I'll do these slightly out of order!
(also just to be clear when I say “I like it platonically” for these I don't mean that it isn't romantic for me per se, just that I could appreciate it as a purely platonic thing as well)
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Highjinx (Sparrow/Nicky): JNANFNGSPEONGPROJNHPSONHOSP GOD THEY ARE EVERYTHING TO ME MY BABIIEEESSSS- *breathes in* One day we'll collectively agree on a ship name for them. It made me happy that you like this option though!
:3 These two seriously are everything to me tbh. This is my oldest (serious) dndads rarepair!!! And prolly my first kiddad ship aside from maybe some Grant/Terry (which I still enjoy but shipped it most strongly during my first S1 listen). I guess for a number of reasons I've always been pretty shy about this one, which you've been around long enough to verify hahaha. Thanks for being one of the first people to entertain my thoughts on these two! 🥰 I still think about that little eyeliner hc you sent in.
>:] THAT SAID I SEE ALL OF YOU CATCHING THE BRAINROT FOR THIS SHIP HEHEHEHEHEHEH AND LET ME JUST SAY I AM FUCKING THRILLED TO SEE IT 💜 and rather surprised tbh! I think in my cynicism I'd sort of succumbed to the notion that this ship was doomed to be unpopular (perhaps especially since Nark is so very very popular!)- and yet!!! It appears there is hope for my little otp 💜
In theory I have a lot to say about these two and their dynamic, in practice I am very sleepy eheheheh. I could certainly entertain a lot of flavors for them but, as a baseline, I guess the original appeal for me came in seeing their dynamic (particularly as teens) as being similar to Fiona and Marshal Lee from Adventure Time? Which, no worries if you haven't seen but in short yeah just like this sweet sorta playful puppy love but with that particular sort of Hades/Persephone aesthetic (<- as Happi put it!!!). 🥰🌸 Sparrow would make Nicky flower crowns, Nicky would give Sparrow his jacket when he's cold, you know how it is. There's definitely also something to be said about Nicky having all his attachment issues coupled with Sparrow being so openly affectionate- Sparrow would give Nick the hugs that he really really needs and Nick would be all flustered and it would be very very cute ahahaha. I mean, I'd have way more to say about them and different aspects of their dynamic tbh but we'd be here forever so I will stop here!!!
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Terrow (Terry x Sparrow): They're cute!!! SO admittedly I think when it comes to this ship I just can't really seem to picture them together romantically? Idk, it's missing something for me! *That said*, it's made me happy to see this ship grow in popularity actually! They have a very wholesome dynamic, very soft, and I love that for them. Platonically I super see this though, and in general I'd really love to see some proper interactions between them in canon tbh, as a treat!
Okay! Last one.
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Gun Control (Lark x Terry): I'm literally never getting over this ship name. Anyways.
THEY'RE SO FUCKING FUNNY DUDE????? I'll be real, this ship made no sense to me at first but then (I think while reading a snippet from one of Nyx's fics really) it just fucking *clicked*?? And now I really really like this ship actually!?
Like. For me much of this ship relies on the premise that, unlike Nicky and Grant, Terry is literally just fucking *immune* to Lark and his bullshit. Like, nice try idiot you can't make him worse actually!!! And so in the process... I think Terry makes Lark better actually!
Not that they don't have conflict, in fact they probably have plenty but, it's much more lighthearted than the other Lark ships I think? I don't know, to me they are very goofy, and I mean that very affectionately. It's an underrated ship!
:3 Thanks so much for the ask Rae!!!
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
matt boyd’s big sister (more kefu oc’s)
matt has known stevie boyd-yi all his life - shes his half sister, after all, but post-canon they get a lot closer.
stevie - who exclusively answers to stevie, never anything else. she’ll actually kill you if you call her stephanie - is five years older than matt. she’s never been super close with their father - her mum died when she was young and their dad was never a hands on father. he didn’t tend to be abusive, just very neglectful. stevie had really happy memories of growing up with matt and randy around. when donald and randy split, causing randy and matt to move away, she was devastated. for many years though, stevie was a regular and welcome visitor at randy’s. after dropping off the radar for a bit, at 16 she appeared on randy’s doorstep and moved in with them. she was unusually cagey about the final straw but randy knows what donald is like. 11 year old matt is just thrilled to have his big sister around.
at 18, stevie gets the opportunity to study applied sports science in edinburgh - somewhere she knew her mum had spent a lot of time. despite feeling sad about leaving randy - who she calls mum more often than not - and matt behind, she leaps at the opportunity. while there, she gets as chance to develop her boxing skills, something randy had begun to teach her and loves every minute of it. she also throws herself into every other sport she can, although she doesn’t think shes mad enough for exy.
in edinburgh, stevie meets wiccan philosophy student who looks like she’s stepped straight out of a fairy tale called morgan. morgan is potentially the definition of hyper-femininity and her whimsical charm has stevie hanging on every single word. morgan knows it as well and is fortunately - for an unusually bashful stevie - incredibly forward, if a little hard for stevie to understand at first - her accent is very thick (something that has stevie practically swooning). they start dating soon after and very quickly move in together.
theres something about morgan’s unfazed calm that balances stevie’s endless energy perfectly. throughout their degrees, they live in each others pockets. after graduating, stevie gets the opportunity to box locally and morgan gets her masters degree. they settle down in a bizarre domestic bliss that stevie never thought she would have. it’s so unlike the way she saw randy and her father interact, although anything involving her father was not the best example of a relationship. or parenting. or just being a human being.
the year matt and his foxes win the championship, stevie receives a call. it’s not unusual, she speaks to randy most weeks. but randy is unusually tentative. stevie just, not unkindly, tells her to spit it out. randy explains shes secured funding for a psu fox style project in the boxing world in new york and could really do with some advice. she knows stevie is happy in edinburgh - shes visited enough times to see that - but she can’t think of anyone else shed want to go into business with. in a bizarre serious of coincidences, morgan has found someone to supervise her phd at columbia university in new york. that solves randy’s issue and within a week, they’ve moved from edinburgh and randy and stevie are scouting locations for randy’s ring.
matt, who stevie has spoken to weekly since leaving, is thrilled to have his sister back. stevie ends up spending a small fortune on plane tickets between nyc and columbia to begin with, excited to be able to see matt so easily. one thing matt didn’t account for was how his friends would react to stevie. shes nearly six foot tall and pure muscle yet more feminine than she thinks she is and very, very beautiful. when the foxes meet her, dan, allison and renee all fall slightly in love with her. neil is just confused because he didn’t realise matt had a sister - he presumed any talk of ‘stevie’ was about a dog. matt is kinda concerned his best friend is so unobservant about somethings and not others.
the sticking point between matt and stevie is how they feel about their dad. matt knows that his dad and sister dont have a relationship - his relationship with their dad is shaky at best but matt keeps up the hope that some day he will apologise for how he’s acted and refuses to cut him out in the way stevie had done. stevie kept vaguely in touch after leaving herself but her final straw was hearing - on the other side of the fucking world - what had happened to matt. she was so fucking angry that it had happened. she doesn’t say anything, though. matt knows they’re not in contact but he doesn’t know how fucking angry stevie still is over it.
it comes to a head, like most things with the foxes, when they’re tipsy and hanging out. stevie and morgan are down in columbia for the weekend with all of the foxes. they’re not at at edens but a quaint little bar they found down the road that they now frequent. someone - in all their wisdom - decides that it’s time to bring up dad’s, a mistake in any fox conversation.
stevie is boarding on drunk when she says “yeah, well, i dont speak to my dad because he has that annoying habit of getting his kids hooked on drugs.” shes aiming for humour but it doesn’t even land.
matt tenses, he has a really complicated range of emotions about this. he knows deep down that his father is responsible but a small part of him always reminded him he was a teenager, not a defenceless kid. he said yes. he shouldn’t have been offered drugs - especially not hard drugs like that - but he said yes.
matt just tersely replies “i’d hardly call it a habit, stevie, it happened once.”
he never calls her stevie, only steve. it’s a childhood habit that stuck. in that moment, it felt wrong.
“twice,” stevie corrects as though it was obvious but then her brain finally catches up. matt doesn’t know.
“what? that piece of shit got us both hooked on drugs, you know?” she really needs to shut up.
“what the fuck are you on about? you’re joking”
“that would be a shit joke”
“you have to be joking, thats not true.”
“tell that to the fucking rehab centre i spent nearly six months in at sixteen.”
“stevie” it’s morgan now. shes calm and gentle, yet firm. shes the voice of reason. she removes stevie from the situation, her insanely long hair tickling stevies arms slightly, and tells matt to meet them tomorrow afternoon once they’ve both sobered up. she gives matt a hug and tells dan - who’s also become a friend to the couple - to look after him.
they meet the next day. matt, dan, stevie and morgan. stevie can’t stop crying. she hadn’t stopped all night. neither her nor morgan really slept. morgan just held stevie and let her feel. she was definitely drunker than she thought and she never intended it to come out that way. matt’s more hung up on the fact she never told him.
“you were too young to begin with,” stevie says, trying not to cry any more, “and then he’d fucking done it again. i felt guilty, matt, i shouldn’t have left. i should have been around when mum had to go away.”
matt nods almost emotionlessly. he’s not agreeing with stevies statement at all - it’s not her fucking fault - but he is digesting it. dans hand is reassuringly on his thigh the whole time. he eventually has one more question. “has he apologised to you?”
stevie chooses her words carefully. she doesn’t want anger to take over here. she needs to be rational and calm. she shakes her head. “i think the fact he did it again just solidifies the fact he doesn’t feel bad. but that doesn’t mean you have to cut him out, matt.”
matt doesn’t full on block his father like stevie had done but any closeness and familiarity has faded. despite the difficulties (and things they unpack together in therapy) stevie and matt become closer than ever.
randy’s ring really takes off - a project for kids like matt and stevie, and all of the foxes - they open up more and more locations. stevie is at randys side the whole time and matt couldn’t be prouder.
but stevies had enough of being a boyd. matt becomes a wilds and stevie decides, before her wedding (which has surprisingly take a while - they waited for morgan to get her phd) that she wants a different name. morgan has no real connection to her family and isn’t fussed about keeping her name. stevie’s keeping yi - the only tangible connection to her mother - but the other part she wants isn’t necessarily hers to take. after a boxing session after hours at the ring with randy, they’re pulling off the gloves and talking about where to go for dinner. stevie stops her for a minute.
“how would you feel,” she says slowly, very unsure of herself, “if i changed my name?”
“go for it, kid, do whatever you want.” randy is entirely bemused as to why stevie is asking for permission.
“i mean my surname. i obviously want to keep the yi but i was wondering about williams? my lovely wife and i could be the yi-williams.”
williams. randy williams. her eyes filled with tears and she tackles her daughter (blood be damned) into a hug.
“baby, that sounds like a brilliant idea”
matt, naturally, loses his shit over this and absolutely fucking loves it. stevie is entirely his sister, no matter what people want to say.
(matt eventually becomes a stay at home dad while dans out there killing it as a coach. their three children grow up around randys ring, with their grandma and doting aunties stevie and morgan)
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jandjsalmon · 2 years
2023 FFRC - February ❤️
HELLO everyone! I hope you had a wonderful February! It was a short month so there were slightly fewer stories to read and there was this ghost show that came out (you might have seen it flood your dash) that needed to be binged over and over again so we get a season two - but I still found moments to curl up with some favourite fics and I hope you did too! I was pretty focused on crossing off fic challenge tasks so I felt less enjoyment in my reading as usual. I hope this next month will be better.
Throughout February, I had a surprisingly large number of new followers (a substantial number of whom are not bots - shocking, right?!) and though I'm not sure how you all found me, I'm thrilled to have you here (and happy to see that you're real people and not bots).
As most of you know, I'm a regular participant (and low-key assistant) at the @fanfic-reading-challenge - additionally, for the last couple of years, I've been tracking all the fic I read and I've reported back here once a month with some stats and some recs, and a little bit of boring stuff about my life. (Or not boring - like traipsing after my daughter and her basketball team as they work their way to Provincials - their record is 22-4 so it's a possibility! Go Spartans!)
ANYWAY - I'm always looking for new fic recommendations, so if you have any stories you think I'll love, please drop me a line or send me a dm. Almost any pairing and any fandom. Shoot me a link!🖤
February 2023
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As I said above, I've been plugging along on the @fanfic-reading-challenge. This month I've cracked 3million words and completed 143/309 tasks which means I've completed the "Regular" mode of the challenge. I'm working on the "Hard" mode so I need to do some searching for fics with minorities. Do you have favourite stories with minorities in them? Most of my fandoms appear to be a little lacking in that department - or at least I never think about it (like Inej is a woc - but I forgot about that until right this second). Anyway - I need to branch out - so any suggestions would be great!
As for my recs for you! Let's look at what I did read this month that you might enjoy. Try these:
Violent Delights by @ozmathegreatand (Wenvier - M 4/4)
Summary: Romeo and Juliet is far from her favorite Shakespeare play. (That honor goes to Titus Andronicus, of course.) But the crypt scene is achingly romantic, particularly the part where Juliet stabs herself. Few of the Bard’s heroines subject themselves to such violence in the name of passion. She wonders what practical effects the drama department has access to and imagines the torrent of blood she could rig.
Why you should read: Valentine's Day. Romeo and Juliet is being performed by the drama department and Romeo Xavier's costars keep meeting untimely ends. SUPER jealous (and hilarious) Wednesday. Mutual Pining. Shenanigans. This is Super Hilarious.
What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Want You More by sciencefantasy93 (Lucy/Lockwood - E 8/8)
Summary: It was all her fault. All her fault. He was losing his damn mind, and it was all because of her. One move, one second, one heartbeat, and his world crumbled apart like a warm cookie.
Or: Lockwood realizes he's attracted to Lucy, which sets in motion a chain reaction of events as he and Lucy try to take the next step without actually talking about their feelings.
Why you should read: The first steamy Locklyle fic that I've ever read and it did NOT disappoint. Very VERY in character - but also hot? Super good.
Chrissy and Eddie’s Infinite Mixtape by @little-scribblers-heart (Hellcheer - E 26/26)
Summary: Eddie was right when he told the Hellfire kids that there's no shame in running, which is why he takes a running leap to grab for the floating cheerleader in his living room.
OR: Chrissy lives and fixes what the Duffers broke.
Come for the canon-close Season 4 rewrite, stay for the explanatory chapter notes and the healing.
Why you should read: Epic in scale. Well researched and emotional without being sappy and trite. I should have known it would be amazing because it was a rec from my girl @feelavalanche - who has NEVER steered me wrong in over 10 years of fandom friendship. There is even a chapter named after David Bowie. See - you need to read this.
Hope is a Waking Dream by @writeradamanteve (Lucy/Lockwood - M 1/1)
Summary: Nightmares, dreams, it was all part of the agent package. Oh, and tea. Always tea.
Why you should read: FIRSTLY (and I shouldn't have to say this to long time followers) - It's adamanteve. You should read it because she wrote it - that should be good enough. Everything she writes is amazing. But then. SOFTNESS. The characterizations are THEM. Their mannerisms are real and their voices are beyond perfection. Comfort and lovely and wonderful. Read it!
ALSO - as I said last month, you should read and then subscribe to the_retro_witch's entire Sweet Nightmare series. It's a post-canon universe where after Crackstone's defeat, Wednesday and Xavier get together before they leave school and now it's grown into this amazing saga with mystery-solving soulmates and psychic and witchy amazingness. The other characters are developed and the plots are rich and fun. It updates pretty darn regularly and every word is a delight. Honestly. Read the series, you won't regret it. Let it be your first foray into Wenvier if you are on the fence. Don't be on the fence. Come ship with me! 🖤🖤
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(lastly- I'm a little bit in love with this gif of Xavier waving - and I've been purposely flooding my dashboard with Percy for reasons - so the wave might become a theme for my year).
Anyway -👋🏼 Hiya -I'm happy you're here! I hope you have a wonderful March and I'll see you back here in a few weeks! Happy reading! 🖤
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desultory-novice · 1 year
What boss fight would you want to have in a mainline Kirby game? Even though I miss dark matter blade I’d definitely explode if they made shadow Kirby into a super hard mainline boss,,I think we deserve to feel what it’s like to fight kirby !!!! Also what’s ur two cents on what the two designs mean for the Kirby timeline(was the white eye form in the past or??? shadow Kirby mask confuses me a bunch)
I seriously want to fight Drawcia again. As a true Kirby boss fight! She's way too cool to be confined to a stylus-based spinoff game.
Speaking of, can we take a moment to celebrate the fact that she quietly went from boss of a "non-canon" spinoff (1) game to making into into the main series via a Merry Magoland dress-up mask? I'm so thrilled for my favorite sorceress!
(1) Dess dislikes this hardline separation between "canon" and "non-canon" and feel it just takes away from the fun of things. Plus, everything might as well be canon now that Kirby is a multiverse??
But UGH the Shadow Kirby thing! It's so confusing, isn't it?
I mean, it's a little hard to complain too much when King Dedede also keeps switching designs between games (they even kept his Star Allies design in DX in the form of a statue. I don't blame them for keeping the Star Allies statues because they were The Best but seriously?! What's it all mean?!)
At this point, I guess we have to assume that the vortex-looking, white-eyed Shadow Kirby IS what Kirby's supposed to look like...? I mean, it's not the first time Mirror Dimension designs have shifted. I'm not even sure that Dark Meta Knight's design was "finalized" in his first appearance. (And now we have an alternate DMK too thanks to the dress-up masks??) We also don't know if Shadow Dedede is still going to look like he did in Triple Deluxe, or if he would resemble D-Mind more if he were to show up again...
Another possibility is that maybe...Shadow Kirby can kind of shift between forms? And that's what they look like when they get serious? Maybe that's how the Mirror-verse version of copy abilities work?? And Shadow Kirby was certainly a go-getter in Kirby Fighters. But then, to complicate things more, we had a Shadow Kirby (GBA version) palette in Dream Buffet. Or maybe it just looked like GBA Skirby because everyone had a single color palette in that game.
I wish I had an answer but I don't...
...Mirror World, plz make sense challenge...
(A true boss-level encounter of Kirby vs Skirby would be awesome. I totally agree with you there!)
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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@shellcrack picked from the in-depth sinday meme | Open
How does your muse flirt?
He's all about body language with this one. A lot of smiling or mischievous grinning, but not the creepy Azathoth kind, more so the genuine and flattering kind. He's super cheesy when flirting but being the way he is, always manages for it to seem endearing and in a way where you can't be mad at him or genuinely annoyed. It's the type of grinning and deep eye contact that makes people roll their eyes yet manages to crack them and break them into a smile themselves. He also absolutely is the type for cheap pick up lines but manages to be successful with it. Eventually, there will always be a very calculated shift though, where he'll turn more serious and become very direct and straight forward and it's that stark contrast that reaches maximum effect. Like the way he can switch right over from cheesy grins to a dead pan statement or question can make your head spin. Other than that the occasional brush of hands, slow and steady decreasing the distance, despite the seemingly 'clumsy' appearance at first, the dude's actually super calculated with his flirting.
Is your muse very physically intimate?
He actually is, and I find that super interesting about him. Pre/in canon, he's only close to people and touching them when he's in character and on camera, but the second it's just him he actually likes to keep his distance and keep busy with himself. But if he genuinely likes someone, then he's actually super physically intimate. A lot of touching and staying close, pretty gentle and thoughtful, and when it comes down to sex he's also super into the physicality of it with even more touching and kissing and exploring.
What is your muse's favorite part of sex?
Goes hand in hand with the previous answer - everything leading up to it. The thrill of the chase and the build up. He's super into taking care of his partner first, can and will take his sweet fucking time with it because he enjoys the hell out of all that exploration. The second part is the anonymity of it a lot of times, since he has a tendency for one night stands/hook ups with no strings attached. It's super intimate for an hour or two yet completely at a distance, just the way he likes. And just like with everything else he does it's all like a big show where he can put on a performance and a very specific persona depending on what his partner expects and wants, without having to share too much of his real self. And more than anything, it's just a fun hobby and great stress relief.
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