#not to brag but i have savannah  :)
mangostar · 2 years
found a container that has my old lps.... gonna go through it tmr 
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norrizzandpia · 7 months
Heyo! I’m totally obsessed with your writing at the moment, can’t put my phone down! Have you seen the video of Mila watching Lando on tv and calling him “lala”? Was wondering if you could write a fic with that in it?
I have had an idea for this specific video sitting in my head FOR AGES
Lala (LN4)
Summary: When Y/n meets Lando’s family for the first time, Lando warns her about his niece who glues to his side whenever he’s around. What she isn’t expecting, however, is the heart melting nicknames he has been given. It prompts some interesting confessions.
Warnings: none
“Baby, one more thing before we go in.” Lando murmured from beside his girlfriend. His hand in wrapped in hers and she fidgeted with his fingers, nervous for the moments that were about to ensue.
Her head tilted up to look at him, “Yeah?”
A small smile graced his face and his eyes softened as he began, “My niece, Mila, likes to stick by me whenever I’m around. I don’t know how much time we’ll get alone during the next few hours.”
Y/n giggled, “Lan, that’s fine. That’s sweet anyway, means you’re good with kids.”
She whispered the last part, eyeing him suspiciously before he whispered an i love you and kissed her temple. His hand knocked against the slab of wood in front of them, anxiety heightening as Y/n began to hear footsteps approaching.
Cisca appeared, bright face and warmness to her that made Y/n feel immediately welcomed.
“Oh, how nice it is to meet you! Lando never stops talking about you!” She yelled, throwing her arms around the girl and rubbing her back lovingly.
Lando blushed as Y/n laughed, “What? There’s a lot to brag about.”
Y/n leaned into him, hand wrapped around his arm as they stepped through the threshold, “That’s sweet, Lando.”
“You’re swee-” He began, but is interrupted by the rapid beatings of little footsteps. His brother and his sister-in-law followed close behind the little girl who rounded the corner with loud giggles.
“Lala!! Lalalala!!” She screeched, arms open as she made grabby hands at Lando from her stance in front of him. Y/n’s brain began catching up with the moment, the nickname sinking in and her heart warming at the sentiment.
Lando picked Mila up, kissing her cheeks and tickling her sides lightly as he laughed with her. The image is something Y/n never wants to forget, Lando in his true element with his favorite people.
Oliver and Savannah stop, looking lovingly at Lando and their daughter, before turning their attention to his girlfriend, “Hi, it’s so great to finally meet you!”
Y/n is still entranced by the feelings stirring in her tummy to genuinely put all her thoughts into a conversation between the couple, “It’s nice to meet you as well!”
A beat passes before Y/n asks, “Did she just call Lando Lala?”
Oliver chuckles, “Yeah. She can’t pronounce his name, so it’s always been Lala.”
Lando meets Y/n’s eye, a twinkle in them he had never seen before, “Cute, right?”
Y/n’s jaw drops, “Cute? Oh my god, it’s adorable!”
The four laugh together before Savannah steals Mila away, whines emitting from the little girl in the wake of being removed from Lando’s arms. Alone in the foyer, Lando turns to Y/n, “She made me realize I think I could do the whole dad thing.”
Y/n grins, “At this point, after witnessing that, I’m going to need you to do the whole dad thing.”
Lando throws his head back as he laughs. Pulling her into him by the waist and kissing her forehead, “Yeah? Kids? A year into our relationship?”
She smacks his chest, “Not now, love. But… in a few years…” She fixes the buttons on his shirt, “Probably.”
His hand over one side of her face, Lando kisses her hair forcefully, “Good. I love you too much not to experience that with you.”
Infamous giggling returns and Savannah yelling for Mila creates new chaos as the girl rounds the same corner once more, waddling quickly to her favorite uncle. When she gets to him, Lando is already waiting, knelt down, for her with his arms outstretched.
“Lala!” She screams again and Y/n is almost ready to tell Lando she wants one now.
Lando’s arms smother Mila as he kisses her head, shaking his head at Savannah when she tries to take her child.
“I got her, it’s fine.” He says, standing up once more.
Savannah tilts her head, “You sure?”
Lando nods softly with a smile, feeling Mila rest her head on his shoulder, “Yeah, I only get to see her so often anyway.”
Savannah shrugs, leaving the room. Lando moves to get to the living room where the rest of his family is, but Y/n stops him for a moment.
Mila’s eyes are closing, Y/n can see, so she speaks in a whisper, “Thank you for letting me meet your family. I love seeing you like this, Lan.”
His eyebrows furrow, “Seeing me like what?”
She kisses the side of his mouth, careful of the sleeping girl in his arms, “Just seeing you right where you belong. Where you’re most comfortable. This is your home, I’m just happy you’re letting me into it.”
Lando coos, “Baby, you are very quickly becoming my home.”
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changingplumbob · 4 months
New Goth: Chapter 4, Part 12
The week wraps up!
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James: How did it go
Ariadne: *sighs* not great. The principal made me feel small, the teacher sprung exams on me and some girl made fun of my hair
Milton: I think your hair is pretty
James: I taught a lot of teens. Often they will pick something random to make fun of, something that isn’t actually bad, they just make you think it is. Did you do your hair yourself
Ariadne: *quietly* Just the colour. I went to a proper place to get it cut
James: We can get you a salon appointment to maintain the colour if you like but do it for you, not because some girl had an issue. If you like to dye it yourself, keep doing it
Ariadne: Thanks James. Oh and I met Carson, he seemed nice
James: Harvey’s youngest? I haven’t met him myself but I’ve met the next oldest. The brothers don’t get along from what I hear but the family are nature loving so he could be a good friend option
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Ariadne: I hope you don’t mind but I invited some kids over after dinner. Hopefully they can be friend options to
James: This is your home, invite over all the friend options you want
Milton: Good thing you didn’t invite them before dinner
Ariadne: Why
Alexander: I’m home! Did you tell her?
James: Ah. Well we want to properly welcome you so Alexander’s sister and her family will be coming for dinner
Ariadne: For me?
Alexander: Of course, you’re important
After a quick small family photo the Chopra’s arrive and Ariadne has a chance to meet them all.
Cassandra: And my youngest is Viola, she’s still learning to talk
Ariadne: Hi there
Viola: *shyly* hi
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Alexander: Care to help me cook Rahul
Rahul: Of course, I brought some herbs I think would be good in the pasta
Viola: Ari… up?
Cassandra: Don’t feel like you have to play with her, she’s a bit wild
Ariadne: I don’t mind. Come on Viola, let’s have fun
Savannah: See Milton, you’re meant to treat us like that
Milton: You’re meant to treat Viola like that
Mercedes: *sighs* shut up
James: Do you think it’s twins again
Cassandra: I don’t know, I’m definitely getting stronger symptoms than the last pregnancy
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Ariadne: Are you excited for another sibling Viola
Viola: Ye ye
Cassandra: She’s always- ohhhh
Alexander: Are you okay sis? Is it the pregnancy
Cassandra: Kind of…
Rahul: *chuckles* I know that kind of
Alexander: What does it mean
Rahul: Do you feel too nauseous to have the pasta sauce darling?
Cassandra: *sighs* Sorry
Rahul assures her it's fine and talk turns to an alternative dinner plan.
Ariadne: The spice festival is on, do you think you could eat something from there
James: Good idea. How about we go out instead?
Twins: YES
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Everyone manages to find something they can swallow at the festival even if the lighting is being stupid! Looks like Devin is gracing us with her presence and a performance!!! No one tell her my lighting is this bad. The lack of proper light does send us home pretty quickly though. Ariadne has invited some kids from school after all and Joey is going to come for a game or two.
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Scarlett: Damn girl your house is massive
Ariadne: What can I say? Rich parent perks
Rodger: My household is the same size as yours, cats included, and we live in a relative shoebox
Ariadne: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as-
Rodger: It’s fine. Everywhere is a shoebox compared to this place
Ariadne: You’re not utterly disappointed in me?
Scarlett: *laughs* Nope. Girl I'd brag about it to
Rodger: What can I say? You give us something to aspire to
The trio burst out laughing and Ariadne feels like she could finally be making some friends.
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Joey: Zooming by on your left
Alexander: Hey that was an illegal driving move
Milton: Alexander, there’s no illegal driving moves in this game
James: Hurry up love, I’m going to lap you soon
Alexander: I don’t get how you’re all so good at this
Joey: Practice and technical know how. Hey, who threw that banana?
James: It was Milton
Milton: It was not me, Uncle James is lying
Joey: It’s okay Milton, I believe you
James and Milton leave once the game is over and Alexander takes the opportunity to talk to Joey.
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Alexander: You know how James and I have adopted Ariadne?
Joey: I haven’t got a proper introduction but yeah
Alexander: I need to know you won’t sleep with her
Joey: Dude! She’s a teenager. I like to screw but I don’t have a screw loose
Alexander: I know but she won’t always be 13 and I don’t need you laying on your charm and breaking her heart, ever. No matter how hot she may grow up to be, don’t sleep with my daughter
Joey: What if she makes a move on me once she ages up? You know boobs distract me
Alexander: You drag your eyes up and say, no thank you, your dad is one of my best friends and I will not cross that line
Joey: Agreed, I’m never going to sleep with any kid of yours... I did want to woohoo your mum though
Alexander: *laughs* I knew it!
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With Joey heading home Alexander goes and makes sure Milton is heading to bed. Milton is actually busy talking to his friends online though…
Alexander: Come on, bedtime. How are you getting on with Mum’s journals
Milton: *sighs* fine. I wish she was here to tell me abut her life instead of me needing to read it
Alexander: I miss her to Milton, every day
Milton: You don’t think she’d be mad I’m reading them do you?
Alexander does his best to assure Milton it’s fine and get the boy to sleep. In her room Ariadne has said goodbye to her visitors and is trying her luck at the flower arranging table. She planted some but has quite a few left over to play around with.
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Alexander: So Mr Dad how are you doing
James: *chuckling* I’m good, really good. Ariadne seems to be settling in although she had a rough day at school
Alexander: She told you that? That's not great but I guess that’s better than lying to our faces. We should do something this weekend to cheer her up
James: Did you have something in mind
Alexander: She’s a teen girl so… shopping?
James: Do you just want to go shopping
Alexander: *laughs* Maybe, but her being honest with us should be rewarded right?
James: You are going to be a much better dad than you think love
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The household falls into slumber and we leave them for now.
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Previous ... Next (Villareal)
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sleuth-draws · 8 months
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LOVESICK (part 2) - Pinned Ya! < prev | next >
She's as familiar with the feeling of being thrown onto her back as she is with her own tail -- but this is something completely new.
As soon as her back hits the ground, Vitani gasps, eyes springing open, registering her surroundings one element at a time. First, the pink sky. Then, the dust floating up into the air. Then, a paw pressed to her chest. Then, at last, Kiara's triumphant face.
"Pinned ya! " the princess laughs. "Aw, man, you should see your face right now!"
As she boasts on and on, Vitani can only stare up at her in bewilderment.
No one has ever overpowered her so easily like that, even while play-fighting. Not Kovu, not Imara -- hell, not even her mother. Bitten, maybe. Swiped at and scratched, of course. Kicked in her gut with claws out, abso-fucking-lutely.
But this? Never has she had all power stripped away in just one circular motion, in such a short time.
And it was done by Kiara.
Pretty little pampered princess Kiara. A daddy's girl. A goofball.
Kiara with her big eyes, the color of the burning Outland sky; her jutting chin; her big, stupid, fantastic grin; her dumb, gargantuan muscles.
Kiara with her kindness, believing in Vitani’s abilities and trusting without reservation.
Kiara intercepting her, accepting the fall onto her own back if only to push Vitani upward to gain the advantage easily.
Kiara pinning her down with just a light paw now, out of breath and bragging about her victory, her golden fur dusty and tousled.
Kiara, Kiara, Kiara.
Vitani blinks. Oh.
"--used it on my dad all the time, it's practically her signature move!" Kiara hasn't caught wind of her internal dilemma. "You should've seen Kovu's face when I--"
Kiara. Her brother's girlfriend.
Vitani's stomach squirms uncomfortably.
"--right? Vitani?"
"HUH? " Vitani gasps, pulled back to attention to find Kiara looking at her with concern in those big eyes, those big, beautiful eyes – Gods, stop it . "Wh-What?"
"I asked if you're alright."
"Oh. Um. Yes. Yeah. I'm, uh -- I’m good. I'm cool."
Kiara quirks a brow at her and looks at her with an amused smile. Regrettably, oh gods, so regrettably (STOP IT , Vitani screams at herself), she moves off of her.
"You must be really tired after today. Sorry about that, I shouldn’t have thrown you around like that, heh.” (Don’t apologize, never apologize – fucking stop, Vitani! ) “Hey, c'mon, I think Mom's hunting party just got back." She looks off towards Pride Rock, smiling, and is already turning towards it to seek out her mother's figure. "I think I'll go meet her there. They may need help portioning." 
Vitani rights herself and gazes at her sturdy figure, the savannah sun glinting over her, a halo forming over her head. 
Kiara turns and grins at her. "Meet you there? As the victor of our fight, I demand you sit next to me at supper."
For the first time in her life, Vitani forgets to breathe.
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phonkscribes · 2 years
Hi! Would you be interested in writing dating headcanons about the L4D2 survivors? Thanks in advance<3 (P.S. I love your work)
Left 4 Dead 2 Survivor dating head-canons!
Hello anon, and I'd be delighted to and thank you for enjoying the work I put out! I don't have a clever quip to throw in this time so without further a-do, here are your head canons.
He's an asshole to everyone, but he's soft when it comes to you. Especially if you don't pick up on sarcasm like everyone else.
He'd never try to yell or raise his voice at you like he would with others too. Nick is patient and holds up on you when you start to lag behind
It's a surprising display of intimacy that has the others making eyes at him and looking smug. 'Didn't think you had it in ya, Nick'.
He smiles a little more, and tries to be romantic in spite of the setting.
It's the little things that make the world go 'round, and he's got a knack for doing them for you, intentionally or not.
Needed pills for something? He's got you covered, even if he thought he needed them more.
Instead of giving you your share of compliments and nick names, he'd point out your habits and say that they're cute and call you other names: 'I think it's really cute how you play with your hair when thinking about something' / 'Alright let's get out of here stinky'
He is the sweetest guy.
He loves telling stories to you, and he always plays them up to try and make you laugh.
Ellis will take you sight seeing around Savannah, or try and take you out to a fancy date he's prepared(beer on the roof top)
He likes to show you off or brag that he has you as his S/O.
"Damn I'm so lucky to have you, y'know"
He will get sad if he's separated from you for too long, and hope that you're okay whenever you two get separated from each other for whatever reason.
He's a hugger, and will often reach his arms around to hug you from behind whenever he has the chance.
Says "I love you" a lot. Do not fight him on this because he'll just keep saying he loves you more or hit you with a "nuh-uh"
Nick gets tired of this whenever it happens.
She's the boss when it comes down to it, stubborn as a mule but if you're really against something she'll hear you out on it.
If Nick says some shit to you, she'll whip something witty right back at him that makes him either scoff or shuts him right up.
Rochelle beams at you whenever you save her from one of the special infected, hyping you up with that gorgeous smile of hers.
"Yep, that's mine right there", as you help her up.
She likes to bring you little gifts here and there, especially when you need them without ever asking for them out loud.
"Here, I thought you might need this", and she presses it into your hands with a small smile as she looks up into your eyes
She is likes to hold your hand as you two travel, or have your pinkies intertwined when you need to break away for a fight
She likes to press her back against yours, feeling safe that you've got hers when it comes down to it.
Rochelle thinks you're a lot cooler than you may let yourself believe
He's right behind you every step of the way, and will lift you up anyway he can. Except for literally, he might hurt his back if he tries to do that.
The two of you eat good, even for the apocalypse, he won't let you eat nothing trashy but also nothing that will put either one of you in a theoretical ER.
Will pull you off to the side if he sees that you're feeling down or are bummed out about something.
He's real good at talking with you about things
Absolutely loves giving you little kisses on the top of your head or your hands, anywhere he can really
His love language is words of affirmation(I am so sure on this)
Likes to praise you, congratulating you on good shots and a bit more lenient with you when you make bad ones.
Coach is endearing though, never the "ooh now personally I wouldn't have done that" kinda comments.
He likes to guide your hands when he steps behind you, "try it like this"
He likes to hold you close in his arms, and letting you listen to his heart as you two rest up.
"Everything's gon' be alright baby, I've got ya"
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
More previous gen oc’s cuz I love lore and worldbuilding
Kujivunia(brag)-Makuu’s lovely mother and a good friend of Pua; A great fighter and an even better mom, she doted on her little Makuu til her death and didn’t care what anyone said. Crocodiles usually tend to avoid spoiling their young and prefer to give them tough love. Too bad Kujivunia wasn’t a very good listener cuz she spoiled him like hell, bragging about how proud she was of him (which definitely added to his ego). Don’t be fooled though, she DID draw the line at certain things and whenever Makuu did something stupid, she gave him a glare that would make even him back down. Although very sarcastic (which no one was safe from), she still had a good heart and very much respected the circle of life. Makuu gets his fighting skills, stubbornness, and good heart from her.
She was adamant that Makuu would be the next leader, even telling him that before she died (idk how yet cuz I’m the worst at timelines). Makuu promised to, in her words, “be the leader you’re destined to be”. After a long talk with Pua, Makuu remembered what he had promised his mother and from that point changed his ways so he could make her proud.
She also has this weird tendency to unintentionally predict the future:
-She kept saying how Makuu was going to be the next leader and he did
-Piga argued how Kiburi was going to be the leader and at one point, she said something like “Keep talking like that and they’ll challenge each other in a Mashindano”—yeah, about that…
-She kept telling Makuu to watch out for traps once he became leader. Now that the Savannah Summit happened, it makes sense
-“Pua respecting the Circle of Life? What’s next, a Lion Guard with one lion?”—Guess what happened?
AND THOSE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES. The others think it’s stupid at the moment but years later, they’re like “holy shit”
Mamba (crocodile)-Pua’s predecessor; The cocky, merciless former leader of the crocodiles who believed the world was a hate-filled place and fighting was the only way to survive. Unlike his successors, he cared nothing for his float and blamed any losses on the world and the Circle of Life. Pua eventually got sick of his leader’s poor choices and mustered up all his courage to challenge him to a Mashindano, which he won. Although arrogant, Pua was still a better leader than Mamba ever was
I love to think that the crocodile leader eventually getting overthrown by an arrogant member is an ongoing cycle, no matter how strong the current leader is. Whether they humble themselves or not is a different story (although it seems Pua may have started that trend lol)
Karimu (kind) and Kicheko (laughter)-Chungu’s parents; I’ve mentioned them in my “Kifamilia Means Family” idea where they talk to Chungu near the end. Not much is known about them due to Chungu being a baby when they died, but they were shown to be generous and loyal as their main concern was for Chungu. Chungu inherited his father’s silliness and love for food, as well as his mother’s cluelessness
Furahia (frown upon) and Nidhamu (discipline)-Reirei’s parents; When thinking about how Reirei was raised, I like to think they did everything right “Jackal-wise”, meaning they fed her well, prioritized her and her siblings, and taught her everything she knows. Personality/morality-wise…….ehhhhhh not so much. Furahia’s a very strict, stern, and uptight mother who never seemed to be satisfied with anything Reirei did. No matter how hard she tried, she was never good enough in her mother’s eyes. Nidhamu was no better, as he was controlling and a perfectionist who would get annoyed over the slightest thing going wrong. He lets out a single bark to keep his pups in order, which is shown to still work on Reirei when they run into each other at some point.
Neither of them approved of Goigoi. They thought he was pathetic and tried to forbid Reirei to stop playing with him, claiming he’d only be a distraction. Against her parents’ expectations, Reirei ran away to start a new life with Goigoi.
Mpenzi (darling)-Goigoi’s mama; Unlike her son, she was very hardworking and intelligent for her kind. Goigoi was her baby boy and she coddled him to no end, believing he could do no wrong. Fortunately, she did teach him to treat his loved ones with the same love he gets, which is why he dotes on Reirei so much. She had the same slight accent Goigoi has
I don’t have any lore for Jasiri and Madoa YET, but what I CAN tell you is that her mother’s name was Athiri, meaning “attentive” or “influence”
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
A Twst Tale: Completely Under Your Love
The Savannah
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Tw: kidnapping, forced feeding, forced weight gain
I feel a space in my bed. Leona must’ve left at some point. Thankfully, today is a new day, and the past is in the past.
“Nyah! I wonder what the next story will be!” Grim meows, jumping into my arms.
“At this point, I don’t want to know,” I answer, walking into the campus building for breakfast.
“I have another task for you!” Crowley announces, grabbing my hand and snapping us into the Mirror Chamber.
“I haven’t even had breakfast yet,” I groan, rubbing my eyes.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, Yuu,” Crowley says as I do the same routine and open the coffin.
Surprisingly, the coffin didn’t send Grim and me screaming. Instead, it sent water swirling around our bodies. The water disappears, and I’m a mermaid while Grim is a tiger shark.
“Cool!” We exclaim, bumping our bodies.
We swim to Ursula’s cave and find Jade, Floyd, and Azul.
I guess it would make sense for them not to change in this story. Though, Azul is as chubby as he was back in the old-school photo.
“Which woe do you want to get rid of?” Azul asks as Jade and Floyd circle around me.
“He can do anything,” Jade whispers.
“Though it will cost you,” Floyd whispers so close to my ear I can feel his teeth.
“I’m here to help you. A little birdie told me you were having self-image issues,” I say, getting straight to the point.
The cave’s entrance slams shut behind me, and the atmosphere is now dark.
“You can’t-you won’t tell anyone about what is said in this cave! If you do, I’ll feed you to Jetsam and Flam!” Azul(Ursula) screams, his tentacles wrapping around every part of me.
“Ok, I’ll stay silent,” I whimper.
“You could say it’s true I have a couple of insecurities. Everyone made fun of me for being chubby and slow. I couldn’t swim as fast as that red-headed mermaid Ariel! She was supposed to come for me to make a deal, but here you are,” Azul rants.
“You look fine. Besides, big boys are the best for the winter. They keep you warm. Plus, when you swim slower, you enjoy the moments of life others may miss because they’re swimming in the fast lane,” I advise, trying to mas Azul feel better.
“I suppose you’re right, but what does it matter? My voice is shit. I can’t even sing a single note,” Azul moans, tears starting to form in his eyes. “If only I had Ariel’s voice.”
“Don’t you have any other talents?” I ask, trying to calm him down.
“He’s an excellent cook. Ursula makes the best meals for us after work,” Jade says, taking out a tray of seaweed wraps. “Try one. They’re delicious.”
I take a seaweed wrap and look at Azul.
“Azul, these are delicious!” I yell, my eyes growing wide.
“Thank you, my parents taught me how to cook. Not everything has to be raw and bland in the sea,” Azul brags, pulling me closer to him with his tentacles. “Also, my name is Ursula, not Azul.”
“Who gives a damn if you can’t sing?! You could become the sea’s best chef with your skills!” I exclaim, swimming forward.
“I suppose I could. Besides, it would take a lot less effort than making deals with other mermaids in exchange for their talents,” Azul notes, looking at the weird wormy things on the floor. “I suppose I’ll have to release you all.”
The worms seem happy and wave from side to side quickly.
“Can you help me taste test my meals?” Azul asks, taking me to a bedroom of sorts.
“Sure!” I say, happy that this isn’t going like the other stories.
“Great! Just stay in this bedroom! You won’t even have to get up for anything!” Azul squeals, taking me to a purple bedroom with many seaweed pillows. “From now on, think of me as your personal caterer!”
Grim swims around while blankly staring. Though, Grim’s most likely asleep right now.
“I’ve come with our dinner! I call it Into the abyss of dreams! One bite, and you’ll be in dreamland!” Azul explains, opening up a tray and revealing a blue fish with a shine to its scales. “I cooked a dream fish. Hopefully, it’s to your tastes. I made it, especially for you, you know.”
I take a bite, and suddenly I start to feel sleepy.
“Azul…I think that name fits me.”
I wake up with my tail attached to a chain. Tentacles are holding every inch of my body.
“Morning, my pearl. I made breakfast for you a bit early. Hopefully, it’s not too cold,” Azul or Ursula says, putting a plate of shrimp in front of me.
"Ursula, what are you doing?!" I yell, trying to get out of his hold.
"No! Call me Azul like from before! I like that name!" Azul pleads, putting a shrimp in my mouth. "Azul feels more right."
I nearly gag from the spoon being pushed so far into my mouth, but I swallow the food. Grim is eating the tail of some large fish while Azul prepares another spoonful for me. I turn my head away.
"You don't like it?" Azul says sadly.
"Let me go!" I yell, tears starting to well in my eyes.
"You can't go, remember? You promised to be my taste tester for every meal. Your only job is to stay in this room, eat my lovely cooking, and give feedback."
"I never promised to stay in this room!"
"You're staying here! You get to be like a princess for the rest of your life! You can eat meals with me forever! What is so bad about me that you can't want to stay!"
"How about you kidnapping me?!"
Azul shoves a spoonful of shrimp in my mouth, and I nearly choke on it as they go down my throat unchewed. He opens another tray and forcefully feeds me a different meal. I barely have to breathe before he shoves another spoonful of food in my mouth.
How many days has it been? A month? Forty-three days? Who knows? One thing I know is Azul has no intentions of letting me go. He only feeds me, showers me, and takes care of my basic needs. Of course, his favorite activity is doing my sometimes three times a day shower. He likes to see the food stains on my cheeks. But he really likes looking at my stomach as it grows from me not moving around and only eating. He says it's the sea's way of showing appreciation to him.
"Look at how big your stomach is from eating all my delicious food. I wish I could cram more down there," Azul says, rubbing a tentacle around my stomach.
I've tried everything. I vomited in the toilet after every meal. I haven't eaten for weeks. Somehow he still finds a way to make eating more and painfully make my stomach become bigger from eating all of his food. I hate him.
I hate when he keeps feeding me even when he says I'm full. I hate when my stomach feels like it's about to pop from eating too much.
"How about dessert after this? I found some coco beans in a ship nearby," Azul says, kissing my cheek.
He looks down at my chest, seeing the poorly fit bra shell.
"I'll get you a new one with the money I've earned. Everyone loves my cooking, just like you said," Azul coos, climbing into the tub with me. "I'll be back. I'm getting you a slice of cake to eat."
I silently stare at him like I always do, and Grim swims into the bathroom. He drops a key with an octopus design as its top into my hand, and I catch it, causing a rack to fall over.
"My darling pearl, what are you doing with that key?" Azul asks, walking back into the room.
"Going home," I hoarsely say, making a twisting motion with my wrist.
The world turns black, and I hear the water moving around me. I'm back to how I was before I met Azul, and Grim is back to his cat form. A figure appears, and I walk toward it, hoping it can help.
"Hey, help! I need help!" I yell, feeling the effects of not having my legs for a long time.
"My beautiful pearl, you haven't left me yet," Azul says, turning around to let me see his deformed body.
"Oh my God, Azul!" I yell, about to throw up.
Half of Azul is chubby the other half is skinny like he is in reality. He struggles to walk toward me as his body weight is uneven. A tentacle wraps around my ankle and tries to pull me into the blackness.
"Let go!" I scream, trying to pull my foot up.
Grim bites the tentacle, and it releases me. I take the chance to run away from Azul and head toward a purple light. I hear something on Azul shift into something slimy, and he chases after me.
"My pearl, wait! Don't leave me!" Azul pleads, chasing after me with his tentacles.
I halfway reach the light, but Azul's tentacles stop me. I've had enough of him.
"Leave me alone!" I scream, slapping Azul hard across the face.
All is silent, and then Azul bursts into tears that transform into pearls.
"Please don't go! I promise I'll feed you when you want it! I'll take off the chain more often! I'll invite you to my restaurant! I'll do anything for you! Please don't leave me alone as everyone else did!" Azul wails, getting on his knees and wrapping his arms and tentacles around my waist and legs. "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please don't leave me my pearl! I can't live without you!"
"Azul, let go!" I yell, trying to peel him off of me.
The purple light moves closer, and I put the octopus key in, letting me return to NRC.
"You aren't real. You don't get to terrorize me," I say before the light takes Grim and me back to the Mirror Chamber.
The coffin slams shut, but something tries to open it from the inside.
"Yuu, there you are. You've been gone for like 43 hours. Everyone was worried," Ace says, walking into the Mirror Chamber. "Are you ok? You look malnourished."
The coffin is forced open with tentacles peeking out.
"My pearl, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise! Please d-don't don't don't d-d-d-on't leave mmm-mme mmm-mem-me!" Azul pleads, glitching as the coffin slams shut again, cutting off part of his tentacles.
The coffin disappears into dust, and I look at the mirror.
...What the fuck was that?!
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ladylooch · 7 months
imagine baby winnie pulling at david’s mustache
"Winnie the Poooooh!" David calls excitedly as he walks into the backyard of Connor and Lucie's home. "How is my favorite baby!?"
Stella Wood gasps. Davey holds his hands up in surrender.
"You are a big girl, Stell. All good, okay?" Stella smirks, then goes back to where she is building her newest lego set. Across the room, Winnie Wood pushes the bottle away that her dad is trying to put back into her mouth. Connor holds it up to Davey, along with his chunky, cabbage patch of a baby.
"Win, you are the bees knees!" Davey exclaims gathering the baby and the bottle.
He supports her with one strong arm, cupping her thick thigh to keep her up while he helps Mack haul in more groceries for family dinner. They're having a whole day of hanging around and eating delicious foods. Each adult is responsible for a dish. Whoever can get Stella to eat the most of their dish wins bragging rights until the next dinner. Lio has already declared himself victorious. They all reminded him Kraft Mac and Cheese wasn't gonna count.
"Let's get you some more of this good stuff. Help you grow big and strong so you can play legos with Stelly soon." David murmurs, giving Winnie back her bottle. She happily sucks it back into her mouth.
"Uncy Davey! Can you help me with my legos?!" Stella asks. "I'm having trouble."
"Well, if you're having trouble, I'm gonna be no help. We should ask the smartest person in the room... Mackncheese?"
"Suck up." Mack chuckles. "I gotta work on my dish! We can't all put out cheese and crackers and call it a win."
"Hey! I made my own pickle- OW!" Davey suddenly yells. All the adults in the room turn quickly, then laugh at the grip Winnie has on the hairs of David's thick mustache. Luckily, her grip slips because the hairs aren't long enough for her to continue to fist on. Winnie laughs at the funny way his mustache moves as he tries to stretch out his upper lip. "That was no joke, Win." He rubs at his upper lip. "No wonder your daddy can't grow a stache." David smirks.
"Wow." Connor says, tongue in his bottom lip as he looks across the room at him. "Baby, get him again! Defend my honor!"
The adults laugh. David holds Winnie jokingly at an arms length as she curls up into a squat, grabbing at her chubby feet. She squeals. Stella squeals and the room is lost to a fit of giggles just as Savannah and Lio walk in next.
"Too much fun in here!" Lio calls. "Tone it down!"
"Buzzkill." Mack boos him as he gives her a hug. "Lio! We said no Kraft!" Mack smacks his chest, seeing the blue box tucked into the canvas bag. "Foul!"
"You're outta here!" Connor yells.
"I don't know why you are all fighting!" Stella yells over the crowd. "You know I'm just gonna pick auntie Sav."
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julia-beatrice · 1 year
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May I take a moment to brag that I own a LPS that many consider the most valuable?
aka Savannah Reed
Ok the story is a bit deeper than that xd I actually owned her as a kid. Of course as a child I dreamed of having her because of LPS Popular. She appeared on a Polish selling website and my mum won the auction. It was supposed to be my early birthday gift. I named her Aisha and she was very precious to me.
A few years later when I was done with collecting LPS, I sold her (among other figurines) to some girls who were planning to start making LPS videos. I wanted to help them out because I used to do the same thing (with 0 online success but it was still a lot of fun)
Recently I bought her again from one instagram seller... because I wanted to reconnect with my younger self. For many years I thought that my LPS phase is something to be ashamed of and push away. But I learned with time that recording those videos, making props, designing sets, editing created a great start for my artistic development. That was before I really got into drawing.
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daydreamsfm · 2 years
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savannah   smith.     she/her.     ciswoman.      ›       spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   camilla   ‘   cami   ’   bennett  ,   most   likely   listening   to   cinderellas   dead   by   emeline   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-five   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -quick   tempered   yet   +observant   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   self   help   speeches   &   podcasts   playing   in   the   background   to   block   out   self   doubt   ,   endless   skin   care   products   but   little   motivation   to   actually   do   it   ,   swearing   by   the   ability   of   a   good   scrunchie    ,   followed   by   rose   water   &   cucumber   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about  her   parents   paying   for   her   admissions   to   a   good   college   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .
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𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐬   ;
spencer  hastings  (  pretty  little  liars  )  ,  hermione  granger  (  harry  potter  )  ,  haley  james  scott  (  one  tree  hill  )  ,  paris  geller  (  gilmore  girls  )  ,  quinn  fabray  (  glee  )  ,  lydia  martin  (  teen  wolf  )  ,  cristina  yang  (  grey's  anatomy  )  .
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬   ;
given  name  :  camilla  bennett  . nicknames  :  bennett  ,  cami  ,  benny  . birthday  &  age  :  september  18th  ,  1997  /  twenty  five  . zodiac  sign  :  virgo  . current  residence  :  manhatten  ,  new  york  . gender  &  pronouns  :  ciswoman  /  she  &  her sexuality  :  lesbian occupation  :  previous  model  ,  soon  to  be  college  student  in  fall  2023  .
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𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲   ;
following  triggers  will  be  found  in  this  intro  :  anxiety  ,  panic  attacks  ,  anxiety  ticks.
0    -    10    :    a  patient  child  ,  a  child  that  her  parents  never  thought  would  enter  the  world  ,  but  that  never  stunted  any  sense  of  love  they  had  for  their  daughter.  that  was  their  pride  and  joy  ,  someone  that  they  held  close  to  their  heart.  father  holding  her  up  to  show  everyone  in  his  agency  while  mother  would  bring  her  onto  the  red  carpet  the  moment  she  could  walk.  camilla  bennett  knew  nothing  but  the  spotlight  ,  from  the  moment  she  was  wrapped  tightly  in  a  bundle  and  put  into  the  arms  of  her  mother.  
by  the  tender  age  of  five  ,  camilla  began  to  understand  the  life  that  her  parents  planned  out  of  her  ,  a  life  where  she  would  have  to  dedicate  herself  to  being  the  center  of  attention  and  make  no  mistakes.  mistakes  were  not  something  that  was  accepted  within  the  household  of  the  bennetts  ,  she  learned  that  through  stern  talkings  to  when  she  would  pout  about  the  colour  of  her  dress  ,  or  when  she  would  make  a  face  regarding  the  food  in  front  of  her.  sit  tall  and  look  pretty  ,  there  was  no  need  to  be  intelligent  to  get  known  to  the  world.  
10    -    15    :    with  her  parents  lack  of  care  towards  her  education  ,  camilla  would  hide  under  the  covers  late  into  the  night  with  a  tiny  flashlight  ,  reading  all  about  the  human  body  and  different  species  of  animals  that  were  on  earth.  she  found  peace  between  the  pages  ,  exiting  her  stressful  life  and  entering  a  fantasy  island  ,  pictuing  herself  feeding  birds  from  her  hands  or  demanding  someone  to  give  her  the  proper  tool  to  finish  a  surgery.  it  was  her  little  secret  ,  one  she  only  shared  with  a  single  person  that  she  trusted  with  her  whole  being  ,  but  refusing  to  brag  to  her  parents.  it  wasn't  as  though  they  entirely  cared  when  she  would  bring  home  outstanding  grades.  
despite  this  ,  there  wasn't  much  that  cami  could  do  when  her  parents  would  begin  knocking  on  her  doors  at  night  ,  shoving  a  dress  in  her  face  and  telling  her  that  she  needed  to  get  back  into  the  spotlight  since  she  was  '  grown  '.  at  the  at  of  thirteen  ,  cami  was  consistently  living  on  very  little  sleep  and  sneaking  cups  of  coffee  into  her  room  every  morning  to  make  sure  she  could  last  the  school  day  after  a  long  night  on  a  red  carpet.  although  her  parents  were  proud  of  her  daughter  for  putting  on  the  dazzling  smile  ,  they  were  never  aware  of  how  much  their  daughter  was  wishing  she  was  at  home  ,  curled  up  with  a  good  book  as  the  lights  flashed  in  her  eyes.
16    -    21    :    at  the  age  of  sixteen  ,  cami  was  partying  almost  every  night  but  rarely  getting  reprimended  for  it  ,  as  her  parents  approved  of  the  instagram  photos  their  daughter  was  able  to  get  throughout  the  night.  grades  began  to  slip  ,  which  caused  a  sense  of  anxiety  to  course  through  her  veins  late  into  the  nights.  lip  picking  ,  cuticle  picking  and  hidden  panic  attacks  were  slowly  becoming  a  regular.  even  though  she  was  far  from  failing  ,  her  grades  were  not  where  she  had  wanted  them.  staying  in  was  not  always  an  option  ,  causing  cami  to  fake  illnesses  quite  a  bit  to  stay  home  so  she  could  study  while  her  parents  left  in  the  limo.
graduation  showcased  the  smartness  of  the  bennett  woman  ,  getting  to  stand  up  in  front  of  her  peers  and  make  a  speech  ,  although  last  minute  ,  cami  ended  up  avoiding  the  podium  and  unable  to  catch  her  breath.  how  was  she  supposed  to  talk  to  her  peers  about  graduating  and  enjoying  the  college  experience  when  her  parents  guilted  her  into  working  so  much  she  missed  all  deadlines  ?  she  wasn't  going  to  be  attending  college  ,  she  was  going  to  be  posing  in  front  of  cameras  and  forcing  a  bright  smile  on  her  lips.  in  the  end  ,  cami  did  not  speak  as  valedictorian  ,  rushing  home  to  hide  in  her  bedroom  until  the  celebrations  that  night  ,  where  her  mask  was  filled  with  jokes  regarding  her  monthly  and  loud  laughter.
25    [    current    ]    :   moving  out  of  her  parents  house  was  a  godsend.  her  own  anxieties  began  to  dwindle  to  nothing  ,  allowing  her  to  do  what  she  wanted  to  do.  to  keep  her  parents  happy  and  use  her  voice  for  something  ,  cami  continued  to  be  a  model  ,  but  only  doing  the  calls  that  she  was  interested  in  and  making  sure  that  she  had  a  say  in  what  she  was  wearing  and  what  photos  could  be  used.  
applying  to  school  wasn't  something  that  was  easy  ,  but  she  focused  a  lot  of  her  time  to  making  her  resume  look  stellar  ,  and  contacting  past  teachers  at  her  private  school  to  give  reference  papers  that  she  could  add  to  her  applications  ,  in  hopes  that  it  would  push  her  to  the  top  of  the  lists.  it  wasn't  until  the  age  of  twenty  five  that  she  was  able  to  get  an  acceptance  letter  for  her  pre-med  application  ,  although  with  very  little  confidence  that  anyone  would  be  proud  of  her  for  taking  a  step  back  from  the  spotlight  to  get  an  education  and  further  herself  in  the  career  field  ,  with  something  meaningful  ,  she  hasn't  told  anyone  about  the  acceptance.  
tl  ;  dr    :    camilla  bennett  was  an  overachiever  from  the  beginning  of  time.  a  bookworm  that  was  always  pulled  away  from  her  books.  anxiety  and  masking  got  her  through  her  teenage  /  high  school  years.  now  ,  twenty  five  and  accepted  into  a  wonderful  pre-med  program  ,  unable  to  tell  anyone  because  of  her  status  in  society  and  possible  lack  of  care.  
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 years
🧸 for Sabrina, please? - fourlittleseedlings
Prompt from this post |🧸 - A soft plushie
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"Another one down, Gray." Calahan reloaded his MBP.50, fully determined to finish the task silently and beat Sabrina's time. "Almost sound like you're humble-bragging, kid." "You're the one that dared me to do it.", came as response, followed by a wink. The F.A.N.G. Center, now turned into another Eden's Gate outpost was swarming with Peggies and Judges. Sabrina looked at the the giant waving Bear statue among the pine trees and wondered what had happened to the beloved mascot of Hope County's animal sanctuary after the Project had overtaken its home.
When Hartley called her the day before and said he has something fun planned, Sabrina wasn't sure what to expect, especially when usually almost all of his ideas ended up in chaos. Stepping back into the Whitetail Mountains and risking tipping Jacob Seed off about her presence certainly wasn't something she had on her to-do list. She was in no rush to come face to face with him again anytime soon. "You gonna get the last alarm?" "Shh, don't ruin my concentration. Damn, this guy is taking his sweet time pissing. I'm about to break my rule about not shooting a man with his pants down." "Like my view is that much better. Another truck pulling in from the South, more wolves." "Is Jacob building an army of Judges or what?", Cal pulled the trigger as he said that, cleaning out another cult member. "Won't put it past him and to think he wanted to get his hands on Boomer." Sabrina didn't want to imagine her loyal companion's fate if he ended up in one of the experiments of the oldest Seed. "And that's your potential brother-in-law you're talking about… Fucking insane, Gray." "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." "Joking. But seriously, whatever you see in John… I'm glad you're happy." As of recently Calahan was making efforts to get along with John or at least control himself more and not start a petty war anytime they were in the same room. It's... progress. "Aw. Wait until he hears you almost complimented him." "Don't you dare." The outpost was almost empty and with a minute remaining on the clock. "Last one!" The F.A.N.G. Center now belonged to the Resistence, no doubt something Jacob wouldn't be too happy about. Calahan and Sabrina set on their usual rotation of checking for civilians that might have been locked up and gathering ressources. "A gift, my lady." With a cheeky smile, Hartley presented her a Cheeseburger plushie he had picked up from a pile inside the center's office. "Aw. Why, thank you." Sabrina hugged the soft stuffed bear close to her chest, "I'm so getting one for Savannah." "Now come take a picture of me with the Cheeseburger cut-out." It was typical Cal: turning a liberation operation for the Resistance into a mischievous photoshoot. "Hey, over here!", a man wearing a beanie and Cheeseburger T-shirt called out to them. He thanked Sabrina and Hartley for helping push Eden's Gate out of the F.A.N.G. Center. "I'm Wade. Wade Fowler. Me and my brother ran the center before Jacob's people barged in. After the way you handled them Peggies, I might have the task just for you two." "How can we help?", Sabrina asked. "The cult tried to take Cheeseburger, so I set him free. Last I heard, he was causing all sorts of mayhem, someone should go find him, make sure he's alright." Calahan turned to Sabrina, giving her a devilish smile, "How about we go get ourselves a friendly Grizzly, Gray?"
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Most of the Characters Reactions To Floyd Almost Eating Syn
Riddle - Disgusted and appalled once he finds out about Floyd's antics, he tries to bring this to Crowley - Already doesn't like Floyd and wants to use it as an opportunity to try and enforce some kind of safety while hoping to get the eel off of campus - It doesn't work, of course, and he tells Syn that they're always welcome to seek refuge in Heartslabyul - Once they're eaten a few times, he realizes that the prank incident just opened the door for more harassment and tries to ensure they have access to growth potions to at least make sure they're not entirely caught off guard
Ace - Doesn't believe Floyd when he brags the day after the prank that Syn tasted really good - But when he does find out it was true, he's more than a little grossed out - Ready to hop to Syn's defense with Deuce - Finds himself becoming curious as time goes on and has very mixed feelings about that
Deuce - Grossed out and ready to fight Floyd next time he sees the eel - Gets beat up immediately - Still willing to try and defend Syn, much to their worry - Doesn’t feel the same curiosity Ace starts to
Trey - Feels waaaaay too guilty for technically being the catalyst to this whole thing - Wants to make apology pastries for a while, but resists because now he's paranoid that somehow the shrinking potion will be slipped in again - Ensures that the 'Drink Me' potion is still in the cabinet before making anything for a week and eventually makes apology pastries to Syn (they don't eat them, but Grim does) - Also kind of grossed out, lmao
Cater - I know some people like him as a pred with Magicam posts about being a pred and stuff, but you cannot convince me - Would definitely be unnerved a bit and ask Syn if they're alright - But is probably the first one of the five to relax a little as Syn continues to come out of these situations unscathed - ‘See, they’re tough’ just trying to keep the others from flying off the handle
Leona - Doesn't really pay attention to rumors, so doesn't even find out about the whole thing until Ruggie talks a bit about it - Says he doesn't really care but absolutely finds himself becoming a bit curious (All of the half-animals do, lmao) - Still doesn’t act on it because he’s too lazy to try and pursue them
Ruggie - As Leona’s eyes and ears, he’s heard all about the rumors involving Floyd and Syn - Thinks it’s their fault for getting too chummy with with the Octavinelle trio - After all, both the savannah and the ocean have very similar ‘eat or be eaten’ philosophies
Jack - Thinks it’s wrong to just eat a classmate, even if the prey ends up safe - Not to mention he still doesn’t like the under-handed tactics of the Octavinelle trio still - Since he’s shown to have a soft spot for MC, absolutely becomes a bit protective of Syn because ‘there’s no sport in hunting something that can’t fight back’ - Won’t admit he kind of cares, and doubly won’t admit that the wolf side of him kind of feels a bit curious
Azul - Doesn't condone Floyd's behaviour and was appalled in the moment, but what's done is done - Tries to apologize about the eels behaviour because he kind of fears that Syn's other friends will make a ruckus about the whole incident (he gets flashbacks to when they got Leona on their side) - Is annoyed and exasperated when they get eaten by both Floyd AND Jade, but is at least glad the eels don't hurt them - Won't admit that he slowly becomes curious himself after Floyd accuses him of just being jealous that him and Jade are 'enjoying Little Shrimpy' and not him
Floyd - Of course he's delighted that he got the opportunity in the first place - Would have absolutely taken it all the way and eaten Syn if Azul hadn't walked in - Is very upset when Jade's actually the one to proper eat them after being the first to get a taste
Jade - Surprised when he walked in on a tiny Syn after following Ace and Deuce to the VIP room, but immediately got Floyd to tell him everything once the two brothers were out - Quickly found himself becoming curious and finding his predatory side intrigued - Absolutely takes advantage of Syn being wary of Floyd and not him
Kalim - Doesn't really understand it, but he's not one to judge what his friends do if that's how they (Syn) want to pass the time... even though Syn tells him that they don't really want to - Finds it gross and weird but willing to support Syn, saying that 'any friend of yours is a friend of mine!' - Considers it weird bonding between the eels and Syn despite them being adamant that Floyd/Jade just enjoy their suffering
Jamil - Thinks it’s unsanitary - Has to try and help Kalim understand that it’s not Syn’s choice of passtime - Gives up after five minutes - Finds that the control aspect might be appealing but wouldn’t want to ruin the amicable relationship between Syn and him
Rook - While the thought of eating something alive doesn’t intrigue him, he can relate to enjoying the thrill of the hunt - Might try to trap Syn at some point just to see how easy it is - Shocker, it’s very easy, and he’s a bit disappointed but supposes most of the fun for the eel is probably derived from the actual consumption
Epel - Is also willing to fist-fight Floyd, but Syn convinces him not to since they don’t want to drag people into it - Doesn’t like standing off to the side but respects their wishes
Malleus - Oblivious boy - Doesn’t even know about the rumors because he’s so reclusive, so no one really bothers to inform him about anything, just like the ceremonies - Either finds out from Lilia or from Syn themself
Lilia - Thinks it's a bit weird, but he's lived generations - He's seen things WAY more malicious and gross - Honestly, kind of amused since he also finds spooking mortals fun, but usually just by showing up nearby upside-down - Probably would enjoy questioning Syn about it at some point, just to see them struggle on how to answer
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Week 1 in Limerick
Hello, it's Katie again, after a fun first week in Ireland. Here's an overview of each day so far and all the cool stuff I've done.
Tuesday: My flight landed in Dublin around 5 AM, and after a nightmarish trip through customs (I had none of the documents ready), I had a few hours to relax there while I waited for Arcadia to pick me up. I met up with Grant and Maanav from Umich, as well as Grace, Jess, Ekundayo, Pascale, Luke, Maddy, and Lexx, students from other universities also in the Arcadia-sponsored program. We all had little to no sleep on the plane ride, so we were exhausted most of the day. Once Grainne and Stanley from Arcadia picked us up, we dropped our bags off at the Harding Hotel and went to their office for a brief orientation. Then it was off on a quick scavenger hunt through the streets of Dublin before meeting at the entrance to Trinity College. (Not to brag, but my group won the photo challenge). After that, we had an early dinner at The Church, a really nice old church turned restaurant. I had the coconut vegetable curry and a peanut butter brownie, and they were both pretty good. Then, we headed back to the hotel, and then me, Jess, and Pascale went on another walk downtown so Pascale could get a SIM card and we could see more of the city.
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Wednesday: We woke up around 8 am for a quick breakfast at Harding, which had a nice little restaurant in the back. We reviewed the orientation material, and met Ashley, another student on the program whose flight was Wednesday morning. Then we got back on the bus to go to Limerick, which was about 2.5 hours away. I was still pretty jetlagged, so I alternated between nodding off and reading my guidebook. Once we got to campus, we put away our bags and walked over to the library for coffee and snacks, and then a quick tour of campus with the Arcadia crew. Dinner was at the Stables, one of the major pubs/restaurants on campus. I had a vegetarian curry (again), and a pint of Guinness. If you've never tried it before, it's like a moldy loaf of bread that got somehow juiced, but apparently if you drink it enough you'll start to like it. However, the UL Irish dancers were very excellent and it was super fun to watch. The Arcadia group headed back to Thomond Village, our dorms, to have drinks and hang out. We also brought over new friends from other colleges, such as Savannah and Lauren, who are both really cool.
Thursday: Today was our first full day on the UL campus, and it started with breakfast at the Pavillion, which is another dining hall/campus bar. The food was mediocre, but it kept me going for a while so that was good. The UL summer school staff gave us a quick orientation for the program, which was my third including the Umich and Arcadia ones. I think I'm very oriented at this point. Then, we got a more in-depth tour of the UL campus, including the library, the gym, and the concert hall, before heading back to the Pavillion for lunch and iced coffee. The afternoon was blocked out for either classes or introductions with research project leaders, so I went to the latter. Since Jess and I are both working on projects in chemical engineering/environmental science, we work under the same principal investigator and in the same area, although our PhD mentors and lab spaces are different. My mentor, Nina, briefly introduced herself and gave me her number, and then Jess' mentor, Italo, took us on a tour of the labs and a walk along the trails running through UL. For dinner that night, we had curry (I promise it's the last time), and most of my group didn't like it, but I did. We went back to the Stables for Trivia Night, and thought we did pretty well, but the group from UW Madison beat us (boo). Finally, we headed back to Thomond Village for a SpongeBob watch party with the Arcadia group. I forgot how funny it is, especially DoodleBob, which has the stupidest slapstick humor but is iconic.
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Friday: This was our first full day of research, so Jess and I took a brief tour of the library, then headed over to the Lonsdale building to meet with our mentors and get to work. In the morning, I worked on the safety training we received, then Nina gave me an overview of her project and a tour of the lab. We are working with sludge, which is basically a liquidized mix of waste products, and using hydrothermal carbonization to extract hydrochar, which has potential uses in sustainable energy. In the afternoon, I read Nina's article detailing the project so far, and she showed me how to use the HTC equipment. After work, the Arcadia group, plus Lauren and Savannah, went to the city for a night out. We went to Dolan's pub, which was giving out free Aperol Spritz cocktails, so we lucked out. Additionally, we met Laura, a friendly bartender who goes to UL. Afterwards, half of us went back to Thomond, while the other half went barhopping for a while. The next pub was Charlie Chaplins, which I didn't like as much because the music was too loud for any of us to hear each other, which always bothers me. Around 12:30, Lauren and I took a taxi home because we were tired and had an early-morning excursion to Limerick City, while the rest of the group went to a nightclub. Our taxi driver was friendly and conversational, which was super great. With the exceptions of the airport customs worker and a taxi driver on Saturday, pretty much everyone we've met in Ireland has been super friendly and fun (or craic, as they say here).
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Saturday: Saturday morning, we woke up for our trip to Limerick City with the UL summer school team, and got there around 10 am. They gave us two hours to explore the area, so we started with a trip to the Milk Market, which is basically a farmer's/flea market that sells food, coffee, jewelry, clothes, and all sorts of random things. We tried some yummy coffee and pastries at the different stands and walked around. Then, we walked around downtown, passing by St. John's Castle. It's really impressive because it's been around since the Middle Ages and withstood several invasions. Then, we looped back towards St. Mary's Cathedral to meet the bus. A few of us needed to go to the bathroom, so a tour guide let us in the church, and we got to see the interior for free. Then, we took the bus to Bunratty, a preserved village with a beautiful 15th-century castle, which we got to tour. If you ever visit, be careful with the narrow steps in the towers. There was only room for a single-file line, but we did not do great at organizing ourselves so we had crowds trying to move up and down. Frustrations were high, but the view was so worth it. The village around Bunratty also had some cool preserved houses from the 19th-century. That evening, we went out again. First, we went to the Locke Bar for dinner and drinks. I had the soup, which came with excellent Irish soda bread, and also shared appetizers with the group. Afterwards, we went to another bar, and then to Smyth's, which had a lot of room for dancing and where we met quite a few other people from the UL summer program. We were a bit confused when the bar closed around midnight, but then everyone went upstairs to the Icon nightclub, which was packed with people and had a super fun vibe. We stayed to closing time, around 2:30, and then waited for a taxi to take us back. The driver was much less friendly than the last, and initially refused to take all 5 of us in an attempt to get a bribe. Once we got back, everyone went straight to bed due to being so tired.
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Sunday: After our fun Saturday, we all wanted to sleep late, but we also were planning to see Galway. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to catch the bus or train, and since the next ones weren't for another 3 hours, we decided to stay in Limerick and explore some more. We had brunch at a place called Hook and Ladder, which had great food, coffee, and a super friendly waitress. Then, we took a walk toward the city stadium, which had a major hurling match going on. We couldn't get tickets, but we could hear the announcer and see the crowds in the stands. After buying a few groceries at a shopping center, we headed back the way we came, through the massive crowd that just formed after the game ended. It was relatively calm, aside from a kid with a loud horn, and we all felt immersed in Irish culture. When we finally got back, we were all dead tired, so we hung out at the apartments and watched Spongebob.
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studiomiguel · 2 years
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10/29/22 Have I told you about my frustrating van problems that have haunted me for month as I drive across the country? Out-of-balance axle caused me to mid-diagnose a clogged fuel filter. It seems we may hav teamed the power-loss beast by replacing the air & fuel filters. Too soon to brag that we succeeded. But, I am hopeful. After a VERY pleasant morning in an empty parking lot removing air & fuel filters Savannah was a great place to effect the repair. We didn’t immediately see results since the van was in limp-home-mode. SO power was aggravatingly bad. But after driving for a couple of hours, a restart triggered the CEL to reset. 10/31/22 Ahh, life is great again. The filter change was a success!!The rest of the day I nervously trucked on. We l&ed in Rockingham & got a room in the rain at The Loyalty Inn. Sunday morning we arose & cleared out @ 11a to breakfast from Biscuitville. We decided to head to the town square to have breakfast. As we ate our biscuits, a man approached & asked for money. Fairly well appointed, but clearly a litte rough around the edges. As I looked @ the man, I thought of my dad as a veteran (that was part of his pitch) & it occurred to me that he (my dad) could have been in this man’s place, so I reached din my breast pocked & drew out a five dollar bill. I asked, ‘So, as a veteran, can I ask where you fought?’ The man introduced himself then as ‘Donnie’ & proceeded to tell us about fighting in Iraq, the imperial guard, rules of engagement & the black of the oil-field fires. Donnie was frustrated @ the lack of support from the VA & a little emotional when he started speaking about his sister’s battle with drugs & ultimate overdose & death. It clearly hit him very hard. I was able to explain the Bible’s hope & Jehovah’s name. I pray that Donnie responds to an obvious effort from the Creator to reach out to him. I went so far as to tell him that we had no definite business where we were & that it was likely God’s h& @ work in his behalf. I emailed him this morning. We’ll see. #sketchbook60 #sketchbook #artofmiggy #deardiary #watercolor #sprinter #vanlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CmkSFSePif6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hello fellow hooman ✨️
May i request from the fluff alphabet the following letters: P, R, X, U, Y
For the characters: leona, jack, and trey?
However if requests are open by this time, its okay 👍 you dont have to do this, but if you do thank u very much 🥰
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! It’s our last Smoothie of Letters in this event :’) And with three of the first boys that got requested for this fluff alphabet trope! Jamil also made it two times and Azul has only one. I’m proud of all of them <3 This one was really sweet to write and I really hope you like it! Thanks for the request <3 |
Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Trey Clover x gender neutral reader / fluff alphabet / mini-headcanons / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Smoothie of Letters #4
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P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Maybe not on the level of showing off or bragging to others but Leona doesn't care if you two are kissing in public and even finds the students' reactions quite funny. Blame the fact that he is twenty years old and feels like an adult in the midst of young people. He’s not particularly impressed by couple things;
But if it's the case that you don't feel comfortable doing anything too clingy in public, no problem. Leona understands that a little sense of privacy is ideal sometimes. And lucky for both of you, he knows most of the school’s hiding places — places where he often hide to sleep;
Between one thing and another, Leona likes to just lean on you or just be quite close when you are in the middle of other people. That's enough for him. If you’re a little shorter than Leona, he’ll love to stand behind you and rest his chin on the top of your head, just like lions do with their lionesses.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Romance may not be Leona's favorite source of entertainment but, of the many classic Afterglow Savannah’s works he read throughout his life, some of them were love stories and he genuinely enjoyed them. But is Leona capable of being romantic? This is already a little more difficult... but not impossible;
Leona manages to do the basics of clichés sometimes when he feels like it. Examples of this are offering a bouquet of flowers he picked from the Botanical Garden and calling for you to have dinner together on the balcony of his room in Savanaclaw;
On more special occasions, however, Leona puts effort to do something more planned and buys you a gift. It may be the most expensive thing in the world but he’ll act like he’s giving a simple gift. It's just his way, though he even bothered to choose your favorite color for the wrap — which you don't even have the courage to throw away.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Leona may even seem relaxed and indifferent, but he is a good observer. He doesn't mind remembering dorm leaders’ meeting dates, but he remembers any birthday or important days you bring up for him. From small to big things, if it is about you, it will be imprinted in his memory;
Cats are said to be very sensitive to their owners’ emotions and you often jokingly comment on this when Leona asks you if your day was bad. In fact, more than a natural sensitivity of felines, Leona is someone who has spent a lot of time containing and putting aside his own emotions so, he knows exactly when you do the same;
And if you deny it, Leona will probably point out some mania or thing of yours that always shows up when you're feeling anxious or sad about something. It's so small that you don't even think he'd notice. That's how well he knows you.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
To tell you the truth, Leona wouldn't mind spending five hours lying next to you, especially if he’s cuddled up to you. But this isn’t to say that he is very affectionate — at least, not openly. He will never directly tell, with all the words and sentences, that he wants to hug or kiss you; 
If this happens, it was because he wanted to give in to those feelings at that moment, since it was a very exhausting day. If you ask, Leona will answer with grunts and insist that you two should be silent, which he wants most at the moment;
Leona had a hard time asking for these things and started to act like this ever since. Putting those feelings into action and words is a job he gave up having a long time ago, hoping to stifle those needs. The world didn't need him, so he didn't need the world. But sometimes he just needs you.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner? 
Leona has always spent a lot of time alone and at the same time, when he is around other people, he can't wait to get a moment to be alone and quiet. So if you need to stay away for a long time, Leona will not have much problem at first;
But as time goes on, he’ll miss your presence that seemed so alive and constant beside him. It's like a sudden dry season. It’s longer than it looks and it’s getting more painful as time goes on. Nothing too desperate but Leona just can't wait to see you again;
The solution may seem very predictable but Leona will end up killing time by sleeping. Once or another, he will play a little chess alone and read something. But most of the time will be spent in his bed, in a heavy sleep and a dream of you together, imagining you are on the grass looking at the stars.
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P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Jack is extremely shy about doing anything in front of other people. The most he can tolerate for his own good is you holding his hand — on quieter and better days, you might be bolder and take his whole arm;
But for the rest, Jack doesn't want to drag you with him into the current of annoyance and embarrassment he feels when others keep commenting on you two. It sounds childish, but he just doesn’t like nosy and inconvenient people. That and his tail wagging all happy when you do something fun together, which only brings more teasing than anything;
You’re quite understanding about his reasons and get used to valuing these small gestures of walking together and holding hands at first. Over time, Jack will be able to better face the prospect of hugging you and simply ignore the world around you, but still, his simplicity and good manners will not disappear. And it's not bad at all. It's one of the things you love about him.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
We are talking about Jack, the one who said in front of all his friends once that “it would be nice to find someone and stay with this person for the rest of his life.” If that's not romanticism, I don't know what is! But since not everything in life is easy, Jack will only admit a few times with all his words that he is being romantic. It's not even trying, it's being;
Basing off a little on the things his parents do to each other, Jack's romanticism comes through in the small, simple things. He’ll prepare some food you like, fix something you needed even if you didn't order it and carry you if you are tired;
Things too simple to be creative, but sometimes too unusual to be called cliches. You both sometimes go on dates with a plan you came with, even if it's not something typical of him to do. For Jack, the concept of romance and making someone happy are inextricably linked and if you are smiling, it will already make his heart float. 
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Being a very quiet and considerate person with the people he loves and cherishes, Jack very easily captures the way and the mannerisms of these people — and obviously you are included. Outside that he has a very special hearing to catch the mumbling that you let slip unintentionally or your sighs;
It's a little hard to hide from Jack that you're anxious, sad or even very happy about something. He will notice these differences just in time. Even if you try to distract him by praising this ability and poking his embarrassed side about him being too affectionate, Jack realizes your strategy and brings the matter back to your problem. Did you really think you could beat him, the king of changing the subject?;
Above all, Jack has gotten used to solving the problems of the people he likes the most, so if you need him, he’ll offer to help you in any way. He has risked so much for you before and more than being resigned to his new mission, Jack is happy to be useful to you in some way. He may find it difficult to give advice, but listening to your outbursts will not be a problem.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Jack is usually a very gentle but shy person when it comes to affection. At least, at first. This comes from the fact that he is, on the whole, a very serious and focused guy and values your company above all else, regardless of whether you are physically close or not;
As time goes by, Jack ends up getting more used to you and he starts getting closer to you for no apparent reason. Always staying by your side, with your arms practically touching, or suddenly hugging you when you meet at the hallways and you have some good news or is just happy to see him;
But it will cost him a few moments of awkward silence and eye rolls when you tell him how cute he is. Maybe it's a wolf thing but Jack ends up leaning on you a lot without thinking. Whether it's on your shoulders or on your head, he's right there by your side, making you feel his skin and the warmth he gives off naturally. A good feeling of affection and security.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner? 
First, good luck to anyone who's going to try to convince Jack to admit that he is hopelessly missing you. He may be literally feeling more down than usual, talking about you out of the blue, muttering some small concerns, but Jack will ignore those feelings;
That's because Jack doesn't want you to think of him as clingy or too possessive, overly concerned about everything you do. He's nothing like that, but that only makes him more afraid to be. Therefore, to distract his mind, Jack will pick up a little heavier in exercises and studies;
And this is all effective for a very limited time because eventually Jack will come across a subtle and small thing that reminds him of you. So he goes back to exercising and doing a lot of things to have the feeling that time is passing faster and soon, you will return. Surely Jack would drop everything he's doing when he hears a notification on his cell phone — hoping that somehow it's you, even to chat quickly.
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P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s / o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
If possible, Trey would like you to be very discreet and simple about these things. He would like to avoid embarrassing other people and also respect you to the fullest. So even if he feels like walking around with his arms tight around you, Trey takes a deep breath and controls himself;
But some things are inevitable and you end up getting too close to each other despite having an audience around. Sometimes you kiss and hug Trey when the recipe you made together worked out or he almost disassembles on you from tiredness;
You end up laughing together in these moments, relieving embarrassment with the fun of your friends’ reactions. After all, laughter is what sweetens someone’s life. And the truth is, far or near, Trey appreciates your company in its entirety.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Trey didn't used to think he was romantic. That's because decorating cakes to make them look cute and pretty is one thing, but actually feeling it is another. But, with you, he finds that he likes being a bit romantic. Trey ends up making a middle ground between the two things by being creatively clichéd;
Inspired a bit by his parents’ style, Trey sometimes makes special cookies, tarts or pies for you with your name or with a heart shape. He occasionally buys for Ramshackle’s kitchen some newer utensils, always hidden in the middle of a bouquet of red roses;
Once he prepared a box of homemade chocolates for you, but with the detail that not every chocolate was actually filled with creamy chocolate. It was a fun afternoon in which you ate chocolates with romantic phrases written in sugar hearts and once in a while, one had oyster taste and another with mustard and jam appeared.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Trey is learning — given Riddle's situation — about how to solve problems right off the bat and not excuse anything by sweeping it under the rug. But even so, he has a special sense for noticing when you're okay or not. He is very observant and keeps all this information in his heart;
There are things Trey will learn about you over time but he picks things up fast. Especially mannerisms and addictions, little things you do. He also cares about knowing the things you like and dislike;
Sometimes Trey becomes too empathetic for his own good and everyone around him. It's something about being the big brother to several little ones, always exercising his patience. For this reason, seeking comfort in Trey without even having to say anything is almost always guaranteed. But you talking about the problems would also help a lot. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Trey can handle a normal amount of affection. Not too cold, not too clingy. Perhaps with the development of your relationship, he will get used to being closer to you for a longer time;
Trey is better at hugs and some normal cuddles. He is the type who would spend a good hour holding you in his arms, talking or watching a movie. At some point, he will change position and move away a little — because the arms get tired — but then, unexpectedly, you are wrapped in his warmth again;
[As stated earlier in other smoothie,] Trey's kisses are simple. Nothing that would have come out of a well-crafted romantic novel. That's why Trey doesn't kiss you all the time. Sometimes there's a little peck here and there, a little peck on the forehead or something very simple. But always with great affection.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner? 
Missing someone is nothing too strange for Trey. For years, he couldn't talk to Riddle properly after the fight with Mrs. Rosehearts and he could only live with a few memories and small, quick encounters with Riddle during elementary school;
But spending too much time away from you brings a sadness that Trey can't shake, even though he knows you'll soon meet again. It's not hopeless at all, but it's there, bothering his heart. He remembers you suddenly sometimes when he finds something you like or a place where you normally hang out together;
To pass the time, Trey picks up some books to read or even study. Anything that distracts him from thinking about his confused feelings. Sometimes he goes to the kitchen to prepare something and talks with others to cheer up a little. But he can't wait to see you there with them, mingling in that chaotic dorm and laughing with him.
| Special notes: Smoothie of Letters #1 / #2 / #3 |
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Paging Dr. Reid
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Summary: After being shot once again, Spencer invites the doctor who patched him up over for drinks... she ends up inside him all over again.
warnings: gun violence switch reader and spencer, age difference (9 years), pegging, rimming, oral (female receiving) strap-ons, sex toys, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex (both of them get fucked in this btw)
Word Count: 4.1K
a/n: i've been working on this for Months™ i'm so glad it's finally finished!
Y/N was the best trauma surgeon in all of Bethesda General Hospital. Having blown through medical school by the time she was 18, spending the last 10 years mastering her craft.
“Derek just called me, his buddy from the FBI’s been shot and we need the best hands on deck,” Savannah rushed through the sentence as she ran up to Y/N.
“Tell me what OR and I’m there,” she said, getting cut off by the sound of EMTs rushing him in.
“38-year-old GSW to the lower abdomen, massive blood loss but we’ve managed to slow the bleeding.”
“Follow me,” Y/N instructed, taking hold of the gurney and rushing him to OR 4. Her lucky OR.
The surgery was rough. A bullet had struck him in the side, avoiding his kidneys, pancreas and barely fucking up his intestines— but still entering and exiting his body in one clean motion. She took her time, making sure to patch him up to the best of her ability to leave minimal scarring on his tummy one day.
She didn’t know anything more about him till he woke up the next day and asked to meet ‘the doctor who saved his life,’ just a tad overdramatic but she thought it was cute. So she made her way to the agent’s recovery room.
She knocked on the door lightly, a pretty blond woman was sitting with him when she arrived. “Hi, agent Reid? I heard you were asking for me?”
“I’ll see you later Spence,” the woman smiled at him softly before squeezing past Y/N in the doorway.
“Doctor, but you can just call me Spencer,” he welcomed her into the room. “I wanted to thank you.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” she assured him. “It’s not every day I get to add ‘saved a fellow genius,’ to my resume.”
“Fellow?” she was met with an inquisitive stare.
She sighed lightly, giving herself away when she was trying to be modest about it at work. “You know who Doogie Howser is right?”
“The doctor from the television show who graduated medical school at 15?”
“That’s the one,” she laughed. “I finished high school at 13 and medical school at 20.”
“You got a medical degree in that time I managed to get 3 PhDs,” he politely bragged.
She smiled, feeling like she might have found someone on her level for the first time in years. It was just the large age gap that made it feel wrong, not even the fact that she was the one inside his body a few hours ago, sewing him back together.
“This might be inappropriate, but would you like to get a drink when you’re all healed up?” She took her shot.
His face lit up, he tried to sit up a little bit more before wincing a little. Sending Y/N hands flying to his side as she pressed on his bandages lightly. Shushing him as he winced.
“Yes please,” he said. Their faces were so close together as she held him in her reflexes.
She was lost in his eyes, his hand over hers on the side of his chest while they looked at each other. He looked like she took his breath away, but she knew it was all from the pain in his side and the fact he declined pain medication.
She backed up slowly, blushing slightly as his hand lingered on hers. “Try not to move so suddenly for the first few days.”
“Makes sense,” he smiled at her. “Can I have your number so we can get that drink you mentioned?”
“Of course,” she nodded feverishly. She took her pen and a business card out of her doctor’s coat, writing down the 10 digit number and placing it back in his hand.
“I’ll leave you to your recovery, doctor Reid,” she made sure to correct herself.
“Thank you again, doctor Y/L/N,” he waved.
12 weeks went by and she heard nothing from Spencer. She knew her exact words were ‘when you’re all healed up,’ she just didn’t expect him to take it so literally. He was either waiting till he was fully healthy, or he just didn’t want to talk to her again. Either way, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about him.
She thought they had a real moment. His big chocolate puppy dog eyes made her feel so safe and calm at that moment she wished she could live there forever.
“Earth to Y/N,” Savannah waved her hand in front of her face. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she cleared her throat. “Actually no, would you tell Derek I have a message for Doctor Reid if he ever decides to actually call me?”
Savannah looked surprised, “okay, I see you.” She teased her. “Derek’s going to love this.”
Apparently, Derek and Spencer were very close, close enough that Savanah agreed to name her son Hank Spencer Morgan. Her opinion of him mattered a lot to Y/N. Savanah was her best friend at work, the only one who didn’t seem to put her career above people’s feelings.
By the time she was back in her apartment for the night, an unknown number started blowing up her phone.
“Well, well, well,” she took a leap of faith and teased the caller in hopes it was Spencer.
“Hi.” She heard his sweet voice finally. “I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner, I thought I imagined a hot doctor was hitting on me because of the anesthesia.” He apologized with brutal honesty.
He made her laugh, “guess again, handsome.”
“If you’d still like that drink, I’m making pasta and I have a new bottle of wine you could help me break into?” He offered.
“Is this a date Doctor Reid?” She blushed.
“The first of many I hope,” she could hear his smile on his voice.
“Text me the address, I’ll be there in an hour,” she said before hanging up. Rushing to her bathroom to start the shower.
She got all dolled up just to sit in an older man’s apartment. Legs shaved, new underwear she’s been dying to break out, the best bra she owns and a dress to cover it all. She was excited to see his reaction, yet her leg wouldn’t stop bouncing the entire Uber ride to his place.
His apartment building was nice, well taken care of and surprisingly larger than it looked from the outside. She eventually found his door, knocking 3 times and trying her best to look calm.
“Wow,” he was blown away by her the moment he opened the door.
“I could’ve shown up naked and it would still be better than my ugly blue scrubs,” she nervously laughed as she was ushered into his apartment.
He laughed, “that would’ve been interesting for sure.”
His apartment smelled amazing, she followed her nose to the kitchen where he was making, homemade and absolutely authentic, Italian Carbonara.
“It smells fantastic,” she complimented him. Picking up a wooden spatula and lightly moving the onions and pancetta around so it wouldn’t burn on him.
“Thanks,” he let out a deep sigh, “I did my absolute best to copy my coworker’s recipe.
Her heart swooned. He really cared about impressing her, “is there anything I can do to help?” She offered.
“Nope, if you want to sit at the counter here, I can open that bottle of wine?” He suggested.
“I’d love to,” she said. Walking around his kitchen counter island to sit on the stool.
He set out placemats and fancy napkins, there were candles lit all around the room as soft piano music carried through the room from a nearby record player. It felt like she slipped back to the 60s, and this man was trying to woo her.
It was working, if he wasn’t already smart and sexy this would have been the main selling point. He made her realize just how much she had been settling for decent men in the past when perfection was only a few blocks away.
“So, how long have you known Savannah?” Spencer asked as he began to unscrew the wine.
“We were surgical interns together, we’re actually the only two from our year to be hired on as residents in the ER,” She subtly bragged. For once she didn’t feel like it would scare him off or wound his ego like it would with most men she knew.
“So, you’re almost 30 now?” He asked lightly, not wanting to offend her but also not wanting to break any laws.
She laughed, “just turned 29 in January.”
“Good, 29 was a great year for me,” he added before popping the cork out of the wine bottle.
He poured her a decent-sized glass and passed it over to her. “Thank you. You know, I would never have thought you were 38 but the EMTs wouldn’t lie to me.”
“No they wouldn’t,” he smiled into his sip of wine. “9 years isn’t a huge difference.”
“My intelligence probably makes up for the age difference,” she teasingly tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“In my line of work, if a man told you that you were smart for your age I’d tell you to run,” he was completely serious.
“You catch serial killers, don’t you? I know Derek stopped, but you didn’t right?”
He shook his head as he put his focus back into the pasta. “Not currently, I’m on a mandatory stress leave right now.”
“From getting shot?” She asked softly. Watching him carefully mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
“Partly,” he lifted the pasta from the bowl with 2 of the wooden spatulas, dividing it into two plates that he set on their placemats.
He sat beside her now, watching her delicately swirl the pasta with her fork. Not wasting a second before digging in. “Sorry,” she covered her mouth. “I worked a 10-hour shift today, I’m starving.”
“Dig in,” he enthused. Copying her and taking a bite.
“So what did you do that made them put you on leave?” She asked.
“I went to prison,” he awkwardly smiled as she choked on her wine.
He nodded silently, “I was framed by a hitman that I had a hand in capturing, it was only 3 months but the trauma was enough to have my boss set new boundaries for me at work. One of which being that for every 90 days that I work, I have to take 30 days off.”
“Makes sense, your mental health is as important as your physical health. I try to take time off as much as I can for my own sanity.”
“What do you do for stress relief,” he asked out of pure curiosity. Sounding like he was desperate for a new trick.
“I masturbate,” it was his turn to choke on the wine. “What? I thought we were being completely honest with each other?”
“Yeah, no, I mean yes honesty is great,” he stumbled over his wording. “Going to prison is a big thing to just drop on a first date.”
“Dude,” she looked at him softly. “I’ve already been inside you, is this really only the first date?” She teased him.
“Normally I don’t let a woman inside me until I get to know her a little bit,” he replied. Teasing her right back.
She felt her body temperature change, he was trying to get her all flustered and it was working. Something about him made her feel like a horny teenage boy. “We’ll see about that.”
They continued sharing their life stories as honestly as they could. She found out about his drug use, his dead girlfriend and his mother’s health issues in a very short time span. Sharing back that her parents passed away when she was young. Explaining that if it wasn’t for Savannah, she might’ve really lost herself to depression after med school only to be met with the nicest response from Spencer.
He was lovely, the most perfect gentleman and host she could have asked for. She helped him with the dishes, asking him with complete sincerity if he was over his dead girlfriend.
“Honestly, I don’t think I truly knew her enough to miss her as much as I do,” he explained. “I was so obsessed with the idea of loving someone I didn’t actually appreciate the time I had with her.”
“So you haven’t been with anyone since?”
He set the last plate in the dry side of the sink, letting the water go before drying off his hands. “I’ve tried.”
“No one felt right?” She pried.
He watched her dry the last plate and place it in his cabinet. She moved so smoothly in his space it was like she had been there a million times. “Then I got shot.”
She couldn’t help herself from smiling, feeling just a little bad that he needed to literally get shot for them to meet. “Would’ve been so awkward if you died,” she cut the tension with a joke.
“Then I wouldn’t have been able to do this,” he said before placing his hands on her waist and pulling her in close.
She placed her damp hand on his shirt. Leaving a handprint on the purple fabric. Those big brown eyes got her, she was lost in them as his focus flickered to her lips.
“Can I kiss you,” he asked.
“I’d be pissed if you didn’t,” she replied before closing the gap between them.
His lips were so soft as they brushed across hers lightly. They softly kissed a few times before she snaked her arms around his neck and ran her tongue against his bottom lip. Begging to taste the expensive wine on his tongue.
She had never really done this before. She was never one for one-night stands, let alone fucking on the first date. Spencer made her feel alive like there was a fire in her that she needed to feed. She was more into him than anyone else she’s ever slept with.
She let him press her against the counter, lifting her up and setting her on the cold stone. She was a little taller than he was now, sitting up straight with her breasts in his face, he lightly kissed the centre of her chest
Dragging his bottom lip along her skin, she shivered, “fuck,” she whispered. “Please?”
“Please what?” He teased, “I thought you wanted to be inside me?”
She laughs, “maybe later.”
Reaching between them, she unbuckled his belt and pushed him back enough to hop off the counter. “Bedroom?”
“Up,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around her and letting her hop into his grasp. Carrying her to his bedroom as she kisses his neck, “If you’re serious, I’ll need a quick bathroom break.”
He sets her down on the bed, hovering over her as she sucks one more mark into his neck and flops back against the mattress. “Okay, so you’re telling me you just have a strap lying around?”
“Don’t you?”
“Well,” she gets all flustered, “yeah? Where is yours?”
“Bedside drawer,” he smirks, “I’m going to shower, you can make yourself comfortable in here?”
“Okay,” she smiles up at him, “hurry back.”
“I will,” he slips away and into the bathroom and she’s left in his apartment.
Sure enough, in his bedside drawer, there is a collection of sex toys, lubes condoms and a harness. She adjusts it to her size, steps from her dress and slips inside it when she notices one of the toys. Almost double-ended, to fit a g-spot vibe inside her while she fucks him, it made her blood rush with excitement.
Staring at herself in the mirror behind his bedroom door, the outfit she picked was perfect, she had no idea the night was going here and yet this is like a dream come true. She looks amazing, so much so that Spencer returns with a gasp and the drop of his towel.
Hard, gorgeous, and practically drooling over her.
“On the bed, big boy,” she instructs, easily slipping into a more dominating personality the second she sees him.
“Yes ma’am,” he teases, biting back a smile as he gets on the bed, staying on all 4’s, presenting himself to her easily.
She runs her hand along his ankle and along his leg, up to his perched ass where she lays a light slap. “Safeword?”
“Is red okay?” He looks back at her, still smirking.
“Sure is, do you have hard no’s?” Her hand trails up his back as she walks towards his night table, he shakes his head in response watching her take out the lube before winking back at him. “Lie down, on your back.”
She places the lube on the bed beside him, grabbing a few pillows to place on the end of the bed, she grips his legs and pulls him down the bed with a smirk. Propping him up, she spreads his legs and gets a good look at all his glory. She drags the tips of her fingers from his knees, down the inside of his thighs towards his groin, making him shiver.
Leaning in, she presses a kiss to his cock, “so pretty, you know that?”
“Mhmm,” he hums, watching her carefully with his bottom lips sucked into his mouth.
She looks at his scar quickly, feeling around it with a few fingers… because even when she’s off the clock she can’t stop being a doctor. Replacing her fingers with a kiss, that makes him suck in a shaky breath.
She takes the lube and drizzles it on his cock, lazily jerking him off with a smile, teasing him until he starts to beg but he keeps holding off. Hips moving with her stroking, following her hand and she jerks her hand a little faster.
“Flip.” Y/N insisted, guiding Spencer’s hips till he was on his stomach with his ass perched in the air once again.
He couldn’t see Y/N but he could only imagine the hungry look she gave him as she spread his cheeks. She gave it a smack, sending a shock wave of arousal through Spencer’s body that generated a shocked moan.
Spencer melted at the feeling of Y/N’s tongue at his entrance. Hot and slick, she licked a stripe over him. Spencer grabbed a pillow and shoved his face in it to hide his moans, but she just reached forward and yanked it away from him.
“Let me hear you.”
She pressed two fingers to Spencer’s perineum, pushing ever so softly but just enough to make Spencer let out a small scream as Y/N’s tongue rammed into him. Y/N’s other hand gipped his cheek, squeezing and pulling at it.
When she pulled back, Spencer immediately missed the feeling, pushing his ass back in an attempt to bring her back. He heard Y/N pop the cap on the lube and moaned back into the pillow. Before he knew it, Y/N was running a cold lubed-up finger over his hole. Circling it lightly before pressing in.
Spencer relaxed, letting himself pull Y/N in more while she curled her finger, she lightly pulled out and pushed in again— it was intoxicating, the feeling of her opening him up. A second finger, and a third, all working harmoniously prepping him, rubbing ever so slightly against his prostate and sending shockwaves through his body. Y/N pulled out and the empty feeling was back.
Spencer rolled back onto his back, Y/N slotted herself between Spencer’s legs once more before leaning in for a quick kiss. Spencer placed his hands on Y/N’s cheeks and pulled her in for a soft kiss at the same time.
“Hi,” he whispered.
Y/N giggled, kissing him again, “hello.”
“Are you going to fuck me?” he asked with a cheeky smile, knowing the answer but it was fun to ask anyway.
Y/N smiled and sat back on her knees, it was fascinating how quickly they changed between desperate want and passionate lust. Sure he wanted Y/N to fuck him senseless but he also just enjoyed looking at her and falling for her.
she lubed herself up and slowly slipped back into Spencer. He was thick and warm and it felt fantastic, his body tingled and the sheets suddenly felt like a cloud beneath him. He’s in heaven as Y/N bottomed out.
Stilling, she reached under Spencer’s knees to hold them up. She pulled out slowly before pushing back in and starting a rhythm. She angled the dildo up, hitting Spencer’s prostate with force, Spencer covered his mouth to muffle the scream.
“Fuck, baby, like that?” Y/N teased, fucking him harder and watching the glory on his face.
Spencer let out a soft chant of “fuck, fuck, fuck,” as Y/N hit that beautiful bundle of nerves over and over and over. Spencer jerked himself off in time with Y/N’s thrusts, feeling his orgasm building inside him. Right as she turned on the vibrating aspect of her strap.
Trembling slightly as she felt it against her clit with each thrust and grind of the harness. It felt amazing for her, but the residual vibrations travelled along the shaft of the dildo and to Spencer as she fucked him.
Part of him wanted it to last forever, the feeling of euphoria right before he came that made everything feel good in the world.
Y/N was getting desperate now too, her thrusts getting more erratic and her breath was equally as uneven. Spencer felt himself getting close, his veins were on fire, his toes started to curl, “fuck,” he said one last time as he squeezed the base of his cock and came all over his chest.
“Shit, fuck,” Y/N said before biting her lip and stilling inside him as she ground against the vibrations. Shockingly reaching her own high, dropping to his chest with a gasp and a tremble. She was panting, coming down from her high, she let go of Spencer’s legs and pulled out before dropping to Spencer’s chest again and cuddling into him.
“Holy fuck?” Spencer’s still catching his own breath, hands roaming her back as he held her against his chest. Then he does the unthinkable.
He unclips her bra before rolling her over, she’s laying on her back now as he kisses her chest. She arches her back as he pulls her bra off, throwing it to the floor and proceeding to take the harness off her. Peeling her underwear off with it, spreading her legs and lapping up her last orgasm with all the want in the world.
Her hand reaches for his hair, holding it at the root as his tongue circles her clit. A finger slips in easily, rubbing her g spot with each thrust, she can’t believe how good it feels as she ruts against his face.
“Fuck,” she moans, “I need to you fuck me with something, please? God, I feel so empty.”
He groans, kneeling between her legs no, his cock getting hard all over again. He streaks himself lightly, reaching into his drawer for a condom, “can I have a vibe too?” She smirks, never this confident to ask on most hookups, but Spencer was different.
“Yeah,” he hands her a bullet vibe, “should be charged?”
“I won't last that long to care,” she teases, “hurry up.”
He slides the condom on, taking his time as he pushes her legs back up and slides in with little resistance, she tosses her head back with a sigh, “thank fuck.”
She rubs the vibe over her clit as he fucks her and he’s so thankful, being able to finally give some well-deserved attention to her tits, gripping them both as he thrusts into her again. Finding his rhythm with his hips while lazily sucking on one nipple and palming the other breast.
She moans over and over, “yes, oh fuck, right there baby, please?”
“Yeah?” he mumbled against her skin, “wanna cum again?”
She nods, legs shaking as she gets right to the edge and she forgets how to breathe because it feels so good. Mouth opening and back arching as he sends her orgasm through her, a high-pitched sigh escapes her as she tosses her body back against the bed, hands in Spencer's hair as he switches between tits and fucks her through his own impending orgasm.
When it’s over, she has no idea how they managed to do that. Spencer’s resting on her chest, which is still heaving as she searches for whatever oxygen is left in Spencer’s stuffy bedroom.
“Can we do that again sometime?” Spencer asks carefully. Nervous and meek, secretly hoping she wants more time with him just as bad as he does with her.
“Page me the next time you want me inside you.”
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