#nothing is ever simple with me eh
morgana-ren · 9 months
Hi Morgana :)) hope you're having a good day. So I stumbled upon this video and the discourse in the comments https://youtube.com/shorts/cbtSWTjXvZQ?si=8g19VZHJUNI-5niU
And quite frankly got curious as I didn't get to play much of an early access Astarion but I do remember how his attitude at the tiefling/goblin party seems a lil different from early access to launch as well as his noble to charlatan change. So I thought that I could ask the Lore Mommy do you think he was changed that much and or how these changes shifted your perspective on his character. Because personally I do view him as a decadent and somewhat hedonistic as Ascended and those traits do show in his Spawn persona as well.
So just curious about your thoughts on this:))
Okay, I ended up fucking rambling and getting off topic here. This is too long for comfort. I'm sorry I just ended up blabbing, I swear that wasn't the intention lmao. I ended up looking into the comments at aforementioned discourse and it just reminded me of shit, so please forgive me. I tend to r a m b l e with a fuckin capital R. I'm talking in a more general sense and not at anyone in particular, most especially not you, so please don't think that. It's just my observations at large. I love questions like this and I hope this doesn't make you roll your eyes.
So, I got the EA version of the game when it was still fairly early. It was Patch 2, if I recall. It was interesting watching the group develop and grow as the writers and developers decided some things fit more than others because sometimes the patches were so drastically different than the last. Wyll actually got an entire rewrite between the EA and the full release. All of the characters we had went through changes (except Karlach and Halsin because they weren't there but they were likely tweaked behind the scenes.) A lot of Astarion's concept was already written, but his character was absolutely tweaked. The art book and a lot of the released designs are very early. We had them as of patch 2 where he was drastically different. In the beginning, they very much were going more for the stereotypical 'evil' follower. You could play as a good character and he would still like you, but he was very much geared for more debauchery-based playthroughs. It's also important to note that we really didn't get to demo everything. We only got the first act, and some of the more shallow aspects of it.
The thing about Baldur's Gate 3 is it is written so well because no character is good or evil. They are rounded, genuine characters with stories and lives and opinions of their own. You can dislike them, but you have to acknowledge they aren't written to be banal stereotypes. Astarion was a bit more of an evil clusterfuck in EA, but even then, there was a deep pain inside of him, and he was using his callousness and lack of giving a shit as a defense. Even then you knew something was very wrong. He mentioned Cazador because you ran into the Gur hunter, and you knew he was kept as a spawn against his will and was tortureda and had a very dubious past, but a lot of the character development wasn't in the EA-- because they didn't originally intend for it to be there.
But that doesn't fully change his character like some of the comments and other videos and posts I see seem to suggest. It seems like a lot of people have an egregious misunderstanding of his arc-- especially on tiktok and youtube shorts where the audience is younger and more prone to projection and group-thinking, echo-chambery line of thought.
Here's the rundown from what I remember deducing with EA combined with my personal playthroughs now that the game has released:
Astarion was absolutely a shithead before he was taken and turned. We don't know about his childhood, mostly because he doesn't know or remember, but I can say with certainty that he didn't become a dickhead after Cazador. Being taken made him worse, but he absolutely was an asshole before he was taken. He probably wasn't the traumatized, terrified young man he is now, but he was probably a real shit-kicker. He was on the winding path to darkness and they make this clear.
(His childhood was not touched on in the EA at all. All you knew is magistrate, vampire, gur killed him, Cazador, slave, and his dickish, libertine attitude.)
He is a noble though. This much we knew. He is privileged. Elite. He took without caring and doled out where he saw fit. He was your stereotypical rich boy-- or that's the vibe he gives off. He doesn't give off 'I earned my way into power' like Gortash does. He gives off 'I was born into privilege and I'm making it everyone else's problem.' He's educated and very savvy with language in a way that those of higher education access learn to be. He is well spoken and snubs his nose at 'lessers' in a way you see the wealthy do so casually. He was likely living a life of luxury and emerging into his own life in an Elon Musk-esque sort of evil powergrab. He might've always been a pesky little troublemaker, but he very much has 'I'm rich and I don't care about you' vibes, even beneath all of the trauma. This did not develop from Cazador. This was preexisting.
He was young. He was impulsive and dumb. He never had a chance to emotionally mature. It's entirely possible that, had he been left alone, he might've blossomed into a better person. But do not be mistaken, he was a bad person. Honestly, it's more possible to me that he would have just become another corrupt patriar with the city in his coin purse. Either way, fate played him a different hand than the one his birth had decided on.
You are told that he is a magistrate back in the city, which is true. When you play his origin story, you get options relating to it and it's actually been referred to a lot since the EA. He absolutely was some form of up and rising politician seeking power. A man with high ideas of himself, libertine proclivities, a self-centered attitude, and very much not a good person. Probably not horrible or sadistic for fun to the degree he is now, but definitely spiraling that way with the path he was on. The seeds had been planted already before any of his trauma happened.
I assume he wasn't quite important enough that his death would cause an uproar, but probably an impudent little upstart with his eyes on high political power just getting his bearings in the political world with help from mommy and daddy. The kind of petty asshole who abuses any authority he gets and doesn't care who or what gets in his way because he has some shit to prove and a life to live, everyone else be damned. That kind of person. He had ideas and ambitions, and is probably very open to corruption from the get-go. The kind of politician that dies in the street and people go "Hmm. Shame." and move on because they weren't anything special or grand. Just another corrupt asshole getting what they deserved. Another rich daddy's boy brought to the knife by the populace.
He was mourned. Someone missed him. But it wasn't the people of Baldur's Gate. That's for sure. He was forgotten before he became a true problem. Killed and stemmed. Just. Another. Cruel politician. Just another bastard with a big head. Just another.
In short, he definitely made some enemies and had drawn the wrong sort of attention during his time as a magistrate. Being the peacocking, lovely, arrogant young man he is, I bet he'd managed to make more people unbelievably pissed off than any sort of admiration, which normally for the rich isn't a problem, but... when it is, it really is, as you can see.
Even in the EA, he is very open with you tells you that the Gur, likely unhappy with a recent ruling he made, jumped him and murdered him in the street and you can let him kill the hunter. Thing is, Gur are not a violent people. If they attacked him like that, he did something to warrant it. It had to have been pretty nasty for it to have that consequence. The main difference is in the EA (later, of course, but still) you can find out that it was not Cazador that sent the Gur hunter. In fact, it was someone different entirely. I think it was someone named Maiden Fel or something. I do not remember. They likely switched it up. It was not the Gur looking of their own volition originally, but neither was it Cazador. But the EA was also slightly disjointed and broken so it's hard to tell what was canon at the time.
Astarion, in his shitty early days, isn't shy about his slight racism. He seems to dislike everything that isn't human or elven. It's entirely possible he had racial/cultural biases against the Gur and ended up pulling a ruling that was extremely unfair. It would be fair for them to seek retaliation.
This is never officially elaborated on as far as I know, but I do honestly believe that Cazador was almost more coincidence than anything. He saw a young, beautiful boy and went "Hmm... useful." He smelled blood in the water and saw someone that wouldn't be missed and offered them eternal life, knowing this silver-haired young man would be foolish enough to grasp it. He probably reeked of privilege. He would take it with open arms and without asking why or what for because that is what he was used to. Privileged people do not ask. They take. Cazador knew this.
(The point of me running through his past is to point out that not everything can be blamed on his trauma. He was at least kind of a bastard before this ever happened. And both EA and release have the similar trauma background almost identically.)
As we know, Astarion died that night. In the street. In a puddle of his own blood. He was scraped off the cobblestone and thrown into the cemetary, where he emerged the next night to his new life-- to Cazador. He didn't die. Astarion the Magistrate died. But Astarion, the stuck up, pompous, selfish asshole very much did not. In fact, that very same noble was forced to swallow a taste of his own medicine-- and it was a bitter fucking pill.
It made him worse. Trauma doesn't always make you soft and sweet. Sometimes, trauma makes you hard and cruel and angry and spiteful. Sometimes it doesn't make you apologetic; it makes you venomous. It makes you a spitting cobra rather than a loyal, empathetic puppy.
(Notice all I say about projection) Honestly, for me, it's nice to see that representation. Because my trama did not make me kind. It made me hurt. And it made me angry. And it twisted my mind into ways of thinking that I do not like. And you almost never see that. You see a lot of people who are kind and soft and gentle, but you don't often see those of us that were ripped apart and never managed to sew back together right. We do not bend and break our back and twist our tongues for others. Sometimes we are hurtful and mean and things that people paint as evil. Sometimes you grow claws rather than thick skin. Sometimes you grow fangs rather than a bigger heart.
So, more in line with the actual question, they very much did change up his arc. He was meant to be much more manipulative and shitty. It was datamined in the original script, I believe. That much was confirmed way earlier in the early access. But more or less, they went 'Hey, maybe we shouldn't write such a vapid dumbass character because it doesn't fit with the theme of 'complexity' we're working with here. Maybe we should make him more rounded. Maybe we should make him a person.' His story had been mostly mapped, but his character hadn't quite yet. And I'm glad they did.
Having him be a vacuous, shitty stereotype would have been a massive disappointment, especially in a game that is so deep.
Here's the bit though:
It is a CONSTANT throughout the game, EA and release; Astarion very much is an asshole. He is throughout the entire game. He can get better, but he's a dick. No two ways around it. His trauma didn't make him terrible, he very much already was a selfish person who ended up getting stunted. He learned to lie and manipulate to survive, but he wasn't a sweet boy when this happened to him. He was a 'bad' person who had something horrible happen to him that opened up his body and made him defensive and cruel, because he believes the world is cruel and indifferent to suffering, which goes in line with his earlier pre-kidnap thinking of 'Who cares?' It made him bitter for sure, but he already had those ways of thinking. He didn't care who he hurt. He didn't care about anyone. That's the entire bit with 'libertines' and the elite. He was already bad; it made him worse.
He was a fucking jackass. But notice I don't say evil.
He is not a character that empathizes or sympathizes well. He doesn't care what others are going through unless you teach him to, and even then, he is still learning. He is capable of trying if you steer him there. But in general? He rejoices in cruelty, being a general nuisance, being selfish, being power hungry, and being self serving. These are not solely trauma traits. These are not all defense mechanisms, though they can be. Astarion is a rounded character that is complex but right now is not the stereotypical 'uwu sad baby' shit that people love to do to him either. They made him relatable. Gave him tragedy. And people love to latch on to that to paint us as these pathetic babies incapable of our own thoughts who need to be coddled and babied and defended.
From EA, they made him more rounded. They made him less cartoonishly gimmicky. He's still a very selfish jerkoff, but he is scared, and vulnerable, and they made a point to emphasize that. He is not just evil hot vampire. He is scared, vulnerable, rude, pompous, arrogant, selfish, terrified, traumatized, angry, subdued--
and the list goes on. He is a person. He is a relatable person. But these traits he respects in the beginning? Selfishness? Greed? Self-serving? These are traits he admired before that were amplified by his trauma. These are traits that we condemn as a human race, but we still hone and harbor. These are things we have and we see and we experience day to day.
And that is why it is so easy to judge him and condemn him and try to paint him in black or white and call him banal morality labels like 'good' or 'evil.' It's part of why we have these arguments over his EA versus now. Because you see these good/bad things and immediately need to justify your love or hatred for him and defend or condemn him because you hear them and go "No! Wrong! I know he's selfish but he's not evil and--" and all of those other posts we love. People struggle with nuance. That is why it is so easy for people to make these videos defending their views. They grab keywords and examples and go "See!" and show little tiny snippets instead of an entire person. Hell, we do it in real life too. We point out one facet of someone's life and judge and condemn them based upon it. With Astarion, we see so much more, but even then, people still struggle.
People have real experiences with these values. People have personal feelings and judgments based on those things. They feel a need to analyze it, but most people do not know how. They cannot say "No, I just don't like him" or "Yeah, I enjoy him" and leave it at that. Similar to how I'm ripping this open right now. And I'm not condemning anyone. Clearly I'm going on a tangent right now over it. It's fun to do. But people feel like it's necessary. Like they have to.
In those comments, someone points out that media literacy is dead, and I'm inclined to agree. Everything is black and white and must be tucked into neat little boxes that are easy for people to digest. A bad character is a bad mean evil irredeemable character. A good character is a good character that behaves good and does things we expect from good people. Humans are no longer humans. They are not complex. They are not nuanced. They are one dimensional creatures to be judged and executed. That is why people struggle so hard with games this well written. Because it is not that simple. It is not in real life and it is not in the game.
Also in the comments here, it seems like everyone is arguing over a nonissue. It seems to stem from the fact that there's a lot of discourse over liking a bad character. People feel like his newer design is 'justified' and even though he is 'a jerk,' he is not 'irredeemable.' The entire thing is asinine.
No one deserves redemption. That is the fucking point of redemption. That is the entire whole ass point. Someone who does not deserve it working to redeem themselves. If you deserve redemption, you don't need it. If you need it, you do not deserve it. People forget that.
I see this a lot. People demonizing others who enjoy complex or more nuanced characters that are not wholly good. People saying characters are irredeemable and terrible and if you like them, you're a bad person. If you like villains, you clearly relate and you're a bad person. If you like this person, you're just like them and must be condoning their actions.
It's so fucking stupid. I see it with books too. People jump on protagonists because they think the term 'protagonist' means hero, and people conflate the two. I could go on a whole (new) tangent about this, but the point is people are incapable of processing that now, because we've really muddied the waters with morality and we use shame rather than critical thinking. We operate off of gut instincts like 'disgust' and 'hatred' and instead of thinking about shit, we just shove it away and condemn, condemn, condemn.
A natural consequence of this is people jump like dogs to twist that character they love or hate into a victim or something beyond their actual story. They will jump through hoops. They will do whatever it takes to avoid the stigma of being a 'bad person' in the eyes of some internet tiktok teen with a billion followers or some tumblr mom because they have been raised to believe that makes them a bad person and they will deserve the ostrasizing they get. They will be bullied and driven from the internet and sent anons until they go into fucking hiding. It's not okay to just enjoy something anymore. You have to justify it to some asshole. You have to break it open and twist it and defend it or burn it. You can't just exist.
People project. And holy fuck, have they projected on Astarion. It's another natural consequence of having such an incredible, well written character. People see themselves in him. In fact, people see themselves in him so much that they inadvertently take away his agency again in an ironic twist because people with similar feelings or experiences feel like they 'get' him better and therefore have more say over a fictional character than the character himself, the person who wrote him and the man who brought him to life.
My point with all of this nonsensical and unrelated bullshit rambling is that I loved Astarion in the EA and I love him more now. I would have loved him if they left him 'evil' but kept him rounded. His ascended ending is him falling deeply into his worst instincts for control coupled with his entitlement and need for safety. His spawn ending is him relenting and accepting and trying to be better within reason. He will always be Astarion. But he can make efforts to be better-- or worse. But he is always Astarion, and Astarion is decadent, and a bit of a jerk, and a stuffy noble elite with standards. He will always be like that. He will always be Astarion. He probably does better there with someone to babysit like Tav, but even a single spawn Astarion made great strides and effort.
I think we take that for granted a lot. We get people all up in their feelings and lashing out at people who like one ending or the other. We have people calling other people horrible people for trusting Astarion in the end of his spawn ending instead of coddling him and taking his fuckin' free will away again. We have people throwing food like kids in a cafeteria and it feels like no one slows the fuck down and wonders why they feel that way.
I like Astarion because he's an incredible character. I like him more in the release because he's more developed. He feels real. He feels like me. (See, projection.) I get it. People are not always pure good or pure evil. These are words we made up because we're an idiot little species that needs to categorize, same as why we name shapes and traits. But I liked him evil too. I just liked him. He just interested me. I always liked him.
He feels better in the release. More fleshed out. Less foreboding and more understandable. He's not Viconia from BG2 who is basically just there to be an evil temptress for 'hehe evil' characters. But guess what? It's totally fine if you wanna engage with him that way! If you don't like him, or you don't want to bother with making him better, you don't have to. If that's all you want to do, then hell yeah, baby.
At the end of the day, he is a model we can use to dissect ourselves. He can help us understand how we view complex issues. But it gets frustrating when people highjack it with an absolutely egregious misunderstanding of the story. Like things are so simple, you know?
In the EA, he was cool. He was really cool. But we didn't know much about him other than 'hehe evil.' We didn't know much about anything, and man, did we like to theorize. I can remember doing it years and years ago before the fuckin' game came out. But ultimately, it was always a projection of ourselves. What we wanted. What we saw.
They made him a more fleshed out being. They filled in the blanks. He is an arrogant fucking asshole, and he is rude, and entitled, and pompous, and cruel, and self serving and greedy and all of that 'evil' shit, but he is also human. He is capable of deep and profound love. He is capable of caring. He is capable of so much. He can be selfless and loving and caring and gentle. He can be genuine and honest. These traits do not define him unless he chooses to cling to them-- and he only does if he does not learn. And when he doesn't learn? He loses himself and fills his destiny of being the wretched, terrible perpetuator of abuse both on the populace and you. And that was the point. That happens when you lose yourself and give in to fear. It can happen to all of us. And sometimes it does.
But it really also isn't that deep, in the same breath. If you like the ascended ending which is a bit more in line with his original origins, so what? It's a cool ending. It's neato. It still has a clear and blatant message, but it's a fucking video game. Do what you like. If you think it's hot? So what? If you just enjoy the goddamned doomed narrative? So?
Not everything has to be a trial of who you are as a person. Not everything is that deep. Sometimes the answer is as simple as 'shit is cool' and it ends there. If other people look deeper into it, that sounds like a 'them' problem. That's their need to justify. That's their desire. Both EA and release are fantastic. Some folks have preferences. I liked both.
He's my boy. I love him for who he is and what he has done for me. And I'm grateful I got to see his development. I'm grateful I get a well written story with incredible characters. If people think he's wholly evil or good, that's their sack of beans, my dude.
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billythesimp · 2 months
Could I request headcanons for ZZZ Billy, Wise, and Lycaon reacting to his shy gn crush confessing to him please?
Another late-night writing session, another cilent.
[sips my coffee]
Eh- too much sugar... good.
Heartfelt Confessions
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
I may have done this a little wrong, but I wrote it in the sense of that they boys where enamored with the gn!insert. That they had a crush on them yet the insert confessed to them. I hope I got that right!
Billy / Wise / Lycaon x Shy-Gn!reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡…⋙
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tw: none?
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✦ I’ll be honest, this would probably go over his head at first. Billy is familiar with their mannerisms and is always patient with them. After all, he just adores how they stumble over their worlds when they wish to comment on anything their cute mind is thinking over. So Billy is just standing there, looking at them as they gather their thoughts and admit their growing affects to them. Yet he’s too focused on the dewy glaze over their eyes when they shyly look up at him, the subtle pout on their lips where he could only dream to feel on his face-plates.
✦  But after some moments of quiet and Billy finally registering what it is they said, he’s baffled and exclaiming why someone so amazing- a beacon of joy and pure innocence, a being that anyone would be more than blessed to have been in the presence of when they flash their most radiant smile- would ever like the likes of him! Believe me, if his long pause of silence from before startled them nervous, his own sudden confession made them embarrassed as he’s practically screaming how amazing they are.
✦ But they assure him that they’ve always admired and shortly grew to love his flaws and perfections. That he made them feel safe and how he made them laugh when times grew grim, that he is always too patient and understanding and that no matter what he was told, they’d only see the real him. The person who cheers up a friend, a person who is passionate about the interests of his colleague, a person who is strong and steps up for others who can’t themselves. Billy could feel his gears and joints ache in the need to collapse as their words come out confident and true, wanting to be a mere puddle beneath their feet. Needless to say, he happily accepted after making another scene which only made them more embarrassed.
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✦ His crush has been working part-time at the store with them, always helping them out with returns and promotional materials. So when Belle left to run some errands and it was just them two, Wise was shocked at first when they asked to speak with him in private. So in the staff room, they rushed out their confession that Wise was worried that they could have bitten their tongue and tried to calm them down.
✦ He holds their arms gently and tells them that it’s alright and how he’s nothing but happy to hear this. He’ll admit, he’s known about their affections for a while after all he’s Wise, cunning and sharp with attention to details. That and while he won’t admit it, Belle has at times helped him figure out if they really do like him. The teasing she and Eous gave him, if word got out to you he’d probably die there and now. Maybe he should have gone through Fairy and see to it that any camera recording of the incident be deleted.
✦ Seeing as he all accepted their confess, they smile happily before he pulls them into a tight hug, heart beating as he finally could do all the things he wanted now that they knew he liked them- no, cherished their affect and love. He couldn’t wait to bombard them with the soft touches, lingering kisses and teasing whispers that he has held back out of respect and belief that they were nothing more than just friends, co-workers, allies. That is, if they would be mentally ready as he notices how fidgety and flushed they became at the simple gesture of affection. Yeah, he’ll go slow with them for sure, but he was nothing but excited.
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✦ Lycaon cares dearly for his proxy and always attempts to keep things professional between the two. However, it proves difficult when they always depend on them when working together, always seeking him out and giving him the time of day while others probably wouldn’t. He holds them closely to his heart, so anytime they call on him, he’s at attention and can’t help but have to hold back the need to kneel before them and pledge loyalty there. Which would have made them more nervous and flushed when they ask about what they are.
✦ Of course, they’ve noticed his attention to detail in their mannerism and how he’s always stepping up to help them should they grow to shy to order or help solve their problem they thought dumb and meaningless. They are scared of ruining this little bond of theirs, but Von could only assure them that their feelings are true, that he would be an idiot should he not accept their confession as he too has nothing but love filled for them. He compromised that they’ll still hold a professional work relationship but in private, he’d want nothing more than to be theirs.
✦ The way they blush and start fidgeting with a strand of hair, he hadn’t noticed how his tail swayed happily despite the calm and clear demeanor he displayed. The mere motion made them only awe at how cute he was, taking his gloved hand as he lifted it towards his muzzle. The lightest of kisses on the back of their hand, skin warmed at the touch as he only stares with those dark red eyes of his. Piercing as to say they were his as he is theirs, a bond stronger than human- one of the beast and their tamer.
455 notes · View notes
021894s · 4 months
— 17 longing [3.5k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: cussing, jealousy, sex, oral (m receiving) MINORS DNI!!!
AUTHORS NOTE: ITS HERE what we’ve all been waiting for ehe, enjoy <3
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The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as you wake up in Daecheong, your mind still buzzing with the remnants of last night's conversation with Saerom. Your revenge plan, a daring little scheme that's both out of character and exactly what you need right now, is set into motion with a simple phone call to an old fling. You're not usually one for pettiness, but seeing Sunghoon and Ningning together has worn down your patience, and you're ready to show sunghoon he was an average fuck – even if a small voice in the back of your mind whispers that none may compare to him.
The agreement to spend the day at the lake comes easily, with everyone eager to enjoy the warmer weather. The house is a flurry of activity as everyone preps for the day, the kitchen buzzing with the sounds of breakfast and light-hearted banter. You're all gathered, plates in hand, when an unexpected knock echoes through the space, slicing through the chatter and leaving a startled silence in its wake.
with a heart racing from excitement and a hint of mischief, you call out, "I'll get it!" All eyes swivel towards you, a mixture of curiosity and surprise etched on their faces as you stride confidently towards the door. Your hand wraps around the knob, turning it with a flourish to reveal the person on the other side – Jaemin, standing there with that familiar smirk that promises nothing but trouble.
In that moment, as you stand in the doorway with all eyes on you and Jaemin, you feel a surge of satisfaction. This is your game now, and you're playing to win.
Jaemin's arms wrap around your waist in a familiar yet unexpected gesture, pulling you into a warm hug as he greets you with a playful "hey pretty." The air crackles with a mix of surprise and amusement as you lead him into the bustling kitchen.
"Hey everyone, this is Jaemin," you announce with a smile, introducing him to the group despite the fact that he's already acquainted with the Ksana boys. The easy camaraderie between Jaemin and Heeseung is evident, a connection that transcends mere acquaintance, forged through shared moments at past parties and gatherings.
Sunghoon's expression shifts ever so slightly, a hint of confusion flickering across his features as he observes Jaemin's arrival and the interaction between you two. His gaze lingers for a moment longer than necessary, a subtle curiosity dancing in his eyes as he processes the new dynamic in the group. The air around him seems charged with a mix of emotions, leaving you to wonder what thoughts are swirling in his mind amidst the morning's unfolding events.
Heeseung's voice cuts through the hum of conversation, his tone a mixture of surprise and genuine curiosity as he addresses Jaemin, "Jaemin, hey, what are you doing here?"
without missing a beat, Jaemin's arm wraps snugly around your waist, drawing you closer into his side. He flashes a confident grin, his eyes alight with a playful spark as he responds, "Ynnie here invited me." The words hang in the air, weighted with an unspoken understanding that his presence is as intentional as it is welcomed.
Heeseung's eyes narrow slightly, a shadow of uncertainty passing over his expression as he takes in Jaemin's casual display of closeness. "Right," he says, the word edged with a hint of skepticism, his protective instincts flaring up subtly at the sight.
You catch the tone in Heeseung's voice, and with a quick, pointed glance, you communicate a silent message to him, one that's clear and firm: "don't even think about it." Heeseung pauses, reading the resolve in your eyes, and after a brief moment, he nods almost imperceptibly, deciding that it's better to let the weekend unfold without interference, to not dampen the spirits of the gathering.
Jaemin seamlessly integrates into the group, his presence injecting a fresh energy into the morning, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how your little revenge plan is unfolding. The day ahead promises to be filled with unexpected twists and turns, and you're ready to embrace every moment of it.
As the group organizes themselves, the logistics of car space quickly become apparent. With the other vehicles filled to capacity, you find yourself heading towards Jaemin's car, the two of you naturally pairing off due to the lack of space elsewhere. The engine hums to life, and the convoy begins its journey to the lake, the anticipation of a leisurely day ahead palpable in the air.
The silence in Jaemin's car lingers only briefly before he breaks it with a question that carries a hint of his characteristic confidence. "So what's the real reason you called me here? You haven't hit me up in months, miss me that much?"
You can't help but roll your eyes at his presumption. "Get over yourself, I simply just need to prove something," you retort, keeping the true motive close to your chest.
Jaemin casts a quick glance your way, a mixture of amusement and curiosity in his eyes before returning his attention to the road. "And that is?" he probes further.
"I'm not telling you, just shut up and drive," you respond, an edge of playful firmness in your tone.
"Yes ma’am," Jaemin replies, his chuckle resonating in the confined space of the car, acknowledging the unspoken rules of this little game you've started.
the cars pull up one by one to the lake, each person eagerly disembarking and stretching their legs after the short drive. The group quickly falls into a bustle of activity, claiming a spot and setting up for a day of sun and relaxation.
Once everything is in place, you stand and begin to shed the layers of clothing that conceal your carefully chosen bikini. As the fabric falls away, you become acutely aware of the eyes on you. You catch Sunghoon's gaze for a brief moment, his look is fleeting but noticeable. Then there's Jaemin, who, when your eyes meet, offers a shameless smirk, clearly unfazed by the moment.
However, it's not Jaemin's attention that you're seeking. His smirk might be confident, but you find yourself wishing it was Sunghoon's eyes that lingered on you, not just a passing glance but a look that held a hint of something more, something deeper.
The group finds solace from the sun under a large umbrella tent, lounging in their chairs while the guys take on the task of inflating tubes for the water. The sound of air filling plastic melds with the gentle lapping of the lake against the shore. It's Sunghoon's voice that cuts through the casual chatter, his question pointed and unexpected.
"Since when have you guys been a thing?" he asks, looking directly at you and Jaemin.
The question hangs in the air, and you can feel the shift as everyone's attention suddenly turns towards you, a mix of surprise and curiosity coloring their faces. You open your mouth to respond, but Jaemin beats you to it.
"We had a little fling months ago, and I guess she missed me so much she had to bring me here," he says with a teasing tone.
You let out a deep sigh, frustration bubbling up as you elbow Jaemin in the abdomen, a silent reprimand for his cheeky remark. "Ignore him," you say, trying to dismiss the implication.
Turning to Heeseung, who looks a bit uncomfortable with the conversation, you scramble to smooth things over. "We're just... hanging out! Yeah, we enjoy each other's presence, right?" Your words are punctuated with a pointed look at Jaemin, a silent plea for him to play along.
"Right," Jaemin concedes, perhaps catching the warning in your eyes.
Sunghoon nods, a simple "Ahh, gotcha," escaping him, his response doing little to dispel the tension but enough to move the conversation along.
Jake declares the tube ready, passing it to Saerom, who eagerly heads towards the lake to lounge on the floatie under the warm sun. As she drifts away, you turn to Jaemin, holding out the sunscreen, a silent request for his assistance. Without hesitation, Jaemin takes the sunscreen from you and starts applying it to your skin, his touch gentle and familiar.
A quick glance towards Sunghoon reveals him already watching the interaction, You quickly avert your eyes, but not before catching his knowing gaze. It seems like your plan is falling into place.
As another tube becomes available, you seize the opportunity to float on the lake, soaking in the sun's embrace on your skin. Unbeknownst to you, Sunghoon's gaze lingers from a distance, the memory of your soft skin beneath his fingertips vivid in his mind. He's lost in the recollection, a silent yearning to relive that night's sensations, though he'd never openly confess it.
Ningning's voice snaps him back to reality, her concern evident as she checks on him. "You ok?" she asks. Sunghoon brushes off his momentary distraction with a casual, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hot. Are you getting in the water?" Ningning nods, "Yeah, just wanted to make sure you're good," she replies before Sunghoon reassures her, "Don't worry about me." With a smile, she joins you and Saerom in the water.
The conversation flows effortlessly among you three, Ningning bringing up the topic of you and Jaemin. "So you and Jaemin, huh? I didn't see that one coming," she comments. "Yeah, me neither, to be honest," you respond, and laughter follows as the trio of you delve into discussions about school, boys, and more. as much as you hate to admit it, ningning is actually a really fun person.
The arrival of Niki, Jungwon, and Sunoo adds a new wave of energy to the water-bound group. You're caught off guard when Niki playfully splashes you, his chuckle a familiar sound that prompts a feigned exasperation, "Niki, you bitch-" But your words are cut short as you leap off the floaty and onto his shoulders in a playful pursuit, "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" he exclaims, laughter bubbling up from everyone witnessing the scene.
Jungwon chimes in, still chuckling, "You think he'd know not to mess with y/n by now," as you retaliate with a splash far grander than his, water flying into his face. The playful banter and lighthearted splashing are the perfect display of the camaraderie and shared experiences that you so appreciate.
Back on shore, the dynamics shift as the guys observe the playful chaos unfolding in the water. Heeseung's comment, "How'd I end up the only bitchless guy here?" elicits laughter from the group, highlighting his unexpected solo status among couples. Jake's suggestion, "You should've invited Kazhua," only adds to the amusement, pointing out Heeseung's missed opportunity for company.
Heeseung's response, "Well, I didn't get the memo we were all inviting girls," is met with Sunghoon's playful jab, "Sucks to suck," teasing him further.
everyone immerses themselves in the joy of the water. Jaemin's closeness is undeniable, his actions intimate yet affectionate as he wraps his arm around your waist under water, leaving a soft peck on your neck, prompting a smile to grace your lips. Heeseung's playful protest, "Hey! Please don't be all kissy with my sister in front of me," cuts through the moment, drawing laughter and the collective gaze of the group.
While the scene is light and full of laughter, a keen observer might catch the flicker of annoyance on Sunghoon's face, adding a layer of unspoken complexity to the mix. The day continues with the group enjoying each other's company, both in and out of the water, culminating in a shared meal that brings everyone together. As the day winds down, the group retreats back to the house, carrying with them the memories of a day well spent.
The group's laughter still lingers in the air as they return to the house, the day's escapades etched into their sun-kissed skin. One by one, they peel away from the collective hum of friendship to find solace in the showers, the warm water cascading down, taking with it the salt and the lightness of the ocean breeze.
In the living room, the couch becomes an oasis of comfort, each person finding their spot, nestling into the cushions. The TV flickers to life, casting its glow on the room as scenes from various movies unfold, a quiet companion to their shared relaxation. The films roll on, a comforting backdrop that fills the room with familiar sounds and images, allowing for peaceful moments of reflection.
As the sky outside darkens, the aroma of dinner begins to permeate the house, a siren song that eventually coaxes everyone away from their cinematic reverie. you gather around the sitting in between sunghoon and jaemin, serving each other with the same ease as they share jokes and recount the day's highlights.
And there, amongst the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of voices, you finds yourself stealing glances at Sunghoon, heart caught in a silent dance of uncertainty. Each look, each accidental brush of hands under the table, is a question left unanswered, a story untold. Despite the laughter around the table, a thread of tension weaves through the room, as delicate and as potent as a whispered secret.
the night deepens, the house begins to quiet down, the energy of the day's excitement giving way to the calm of the impending night. One by one, everyone bids each other goodnight, voices a soft symphony fading into whispers as they retreat to their respective rooms, the promise of tomorrow's adventure already sparking dreams of rugged trails and verdant vistas.
In the solitude of your room, you reflect on the day, the laughter at dinner, and the plans for the hike tomorrow’s morning. you made jaemin sleep on the floor not putting it past him to try something had you let him stay in the bed with you. you feel yourself start to doze off, the exhaustion hitting you all at once.
In the calm of the morning, wrapped in the soft cocoon of bedding, you lie motionless, the muffled sounds of your friends' departure seeping through the walls like a distant melody. Saerom enters the room, taking a seat on your bed opposite of where you were laying’ “y/nnn wake up, we’re about to leave” you groan, tucking yourself further into the sheets, as a muffled “i’ll stay behind” left your lips. saerom sighs but ultimately leaves you, knowing better than to wake you and have to deal with a grumpy y/n.
An hour slips by like a shadow in the early light, and the pangs of hunger gently nudge you from the embrace of slumber. With the languid grace of the newly awakened, you descend the stairs, each step a soft echo in the quiet house. The kitchen, awash with the warm glow of morning, reveals Sunghoon, an island of stillness amidst the mundane rhythm of breakfast and idle scrolling.
His gaze lifts as you enters, a silent acknowledgment passing between you before words find their way into the space. "You didn't go on the hike?" you inquire, curiosity lacing the simple question.
Sunghoon's response is casual, a shrug in his voice as he explains his absence. "No, hiking isn’t really my thing, plus it’s too hot." The words hang in the air, a simple truth that seems to say more about his character than the words themselves.
"Ah," is all you offer in return, a sound that carries a world of understanding. Turning towards the fridge, you search for sustenance, the normalcy of the action grounding you in the reality of the day. The domestic scene unfolds with a quiet comfort, two souls sharing the simplicity of a morning unfurling slowly, the unspoken connection between you as nourishing as the food you seek.
you’re preparing your food when you feel sunghoon’s presence next to you. “be honest” he says “did you invite jaemin here to spite me?” you’re a little unsure how to answer “what are you talking about sunghoon?” “well seeing as you haven’t even so much as muttered his name in these past few months it’s a little hard to believe you took him back so suddenly” he tells you in a sarcastic tone.
“fuck off sunghoon, worry about your own relationship” a hint of anger and annoyance in your voice, who did he think he was??? “is that what this is about? me inviting ningning?” he shifts closer to you, his voice going to a whisper, “she was supposed to help me forget about you but, it hasn’t worked” you shoot a glance at him, making direct eye contact “what?”
“i haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night, and I know it’s wrong but fuck baby not a minute goes by where i don’t crave your touch” you’re utterly speechless, this whole time it was all an act? to get over you? you don’t think too much before you pushed your lips against his in a hungry kiss.
your tongues exploring each other's mouths. you could feel sunghoon's hard cock pressing against you , wanting to feel him inside of you. you wanted him so bad, deciding to skip foreplay, you reached down and started undoing his pants, freeing his cock. quickly pulling down your shorts and panties after.
Sunghoon grabbed your ass and lifted you up, pinning you against the kitchen counter. you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. He started thrusting his cock and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter.
"Fuck, I missed this," sunghoon whispered in your ear, his lips moving down leave kisses on every exposed inch of skin of your neck.
"Me too," you replied, moaning as he fucked you harder and harder.
you were both lost in the moment, your bodies moving in sync as they chased their orgasms. it was messy and quick, the both of you desperate to feel each other again. you could feel yourself getting close, and you knew that sunghoon was too. you grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper inside you.
"I'm gonna cum," sunghoon whispered, his voice strained.
"Me too," you replied, your voice trembling.
you both came at the same time, your bodies shuddering as they released your loads. Sunghoon pulled out and collapsed on the kitchen floor, panting and sweating. you slide off the counter and lay down next to him, your body still trembling from the intense orgasm.
you lay there for a moment, catching your breath, taking in what just happened. you looked at sunghoon and smiled.
"Wanna do it again?" you asked, voice playful.
Sunghoon looked at you and grinned.
"Always," he replied, pulling you closer and kissing you deeply.
you both get up off the floor, gathering your clothing as you follow him up the stairs to his room.
the both of you shed whatever clothing is left, hopping in the shower. you wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him, moving down to his neck and slowly sinking down to your knees, he doesn’t even protest, letting you have your way with him, after all it’s all hed been thinking about since you both got back from japan.
you take his heavy cock in your hands, giving it a few quick strokes before sticking out your tongue to lick his tip. he quietly groans, taking that as a sign to take his entire length into your warm mouth. "fuck baby, you take me so good." He ran his hand down your arm, feeling the goosebumps rise on your skin. "missed your mouth so fucking much."
you felt a shiver run down your spine as sunghoon spoke, his words sending a rush of heat to your core. you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you could satisfy him in such a way. you quickened your speed, sunghoon threading his hand through you hair pulling it gently,
but your moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of commotion downstairs.
sunghoon's eyes widened as he realized your friends had returned. He quickly reached down to help you up, whispering, "They're back."
your heart sank as you realized how bad it’d be if everyone found out what you two had been up to. you quickly wrapped the towel around yourself and made your way to your room after gathering your clothes, trying to be as discreet as possible.
once in your room, you couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. your moment had been ruined, and you couldn't help but feel like you had been caught in the act. you looked at yourself in the mirror, still glistening from the shower, and couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for sunghoon
Meanwhile, sunghoon was still in the shower, trying to compose himself after the interruption. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for what you had just done. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that you had felt the same way this entire time.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylalyla @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify @jayhoonvroom @heesminee3 @charlizefaye @mooniikay @ccrriiied @nikiswifiee @heemilktea @yorukoshii @sumzysworld @glxzillx
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harunayuuka2060 · 11 months
Crowley: Good news, my dear students. There will be a princess that is going to visit our school to form a partnership with us.
Crowley: Now, I only need one suitable candidate to serve as her attendant for the duration of her stay here.
Leona: Sounds like a bother...
Riddle: I volunteer, headmage. If it's fine with you.
Crowley: Of course, Mr. Rosehearts. Thank you for your-
MC: Me~. I want to volunteer too~.
Crowley: ...
The students: ...
Crowley: Um.
MC: I have experience in receiving guests~. I'll make sure that she will feel welcomed~.
*The housewardens gesturing Crowley to decline.*
Crowley: I understand that you would like to help in improving the image of our school, however-
MC: Eh~. I feel like Birdman is doubting me~. Is it? *giving him a mischievous smile*
Crowley: ...
Riddle: This is a job for a housewarden. So I suggest that you stay back, senpai.
MC: *chuckles* Would you like to repeat that, Riddle~? You sounded like an ant just now~. *then makes teeny-tiny voices to prove their point*
Riddle: *fuming in rage*
Azul: They got you again, Riddle.
Crowley: Well, you mentioned that you have an experience. May I know how you would usually receive a guest, MC?
MC: It's quite simple~. You make their heart go ba-dump ba-dump~.
Crowley: Meaning?
MC: I asked a guest of mine to do bungee-jumping once~. He has never forgotten me ever since~.
Crowley: ...
Leona: Of course. What did you expect?
Professor Trein: What are you doing?
Crowley: Writing an excuse letter.
Professor Trein: ...
Professor Crewel: *enters the office*
Crowley: Professor Crewel! How is the princess faring?
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: She's enjoying their company.
Crowley and Professor Trein: ...
Crowley: Really? Are you certain?
Professor Crewel: Yes. MC is surprisingly well-versed in the language of the princess and... she has never asked them to leave her side.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: It seems I have nothing to worry about!
Professor Trein: ...
MC: *carrying the princess around bridal-style*
The princess: *giggles* Put me down. This is really embarrassing.
MC: Eh~. But the princess's feet shouldn't touch the ground~.
The princess: That's an ancient practice.
MC: I don't see why I shouldn't be doing it~. The princess deserves to be treated like a goddess~.
The princess: *laughs*
Riddle, Vil, and Idia: ...
Vil: Just look at that.
Riddle: *frowning*
Idia: A rizz pro.
Riddle: I wish MC-senpai could give us the same treatment.
Vil and Idia: ...
Vil: You want to be carried around?
Idia: Lol. Do you have a secret crush on them or something?
Riddle: No! I mean them being considerate!
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obitos-whore · 5 months
How the Naruto men react to their crush kissing their cheek as a "thank you". (Kakashi, Obito, Gaara, Kankuro, Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Madara)
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Lets out a soft "Eh??" sound and quickly turns his head towards you, his eyes widened in shock
Thanks to his mask, you can't really see his cheeks heating up and turning cherry red (at least that's what he's thinking)
Will try his best to keep his composure but fails and just shifts his weight awkwardly from one foot to the other
His touch starved mind is a complete mess and can't seem to make sense of your sudden action
Will think about the kiss nonstop and touch his cheek every now and then when you're not around
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Obito.exe has stopped working
Obito's face turns bright red instantly and he immediately begins to stammer like a flustered schoolboy
"Wha-what was that for???"
Tries to somehow not be awkward and accidentally ends up acting even more awkward, much to your amusement
When he is all by himself, he will giggle to himself and will walk around with the goofiest and brightest grin
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His eyes widen instantly and he stares at you completely dumbfounded and with a light shade of pink on his face
"What... was that for, Y/n?"
Can feel his heart racing and fears it might burst out of his chest any second
Congrats, you just made him fall in love with you even more
Afterwards he looks longingly at your lips ever so often, imagining how it would feel to kiss them
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Shy boy
Tries to act tough but fails miserably
He doesn't want to look like a total idiot in front of you, but he can't really stop himself from blushing. And his face painting does absolutely nothing to cover it
Attempts to communicate with you in coherent sentences, without stumbling over his words and thinks he got it (he doesn't)
If Temari was there to witness it, she will never stop teasing him about his 'amazing' performance
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Grins like a total goofball and playfully offers you his other cheek as well
"You missed a spot, sweetcheeks."
On the outside he's completely chill about it, but mentally he's kicking his feet and giggling like a child in a candy store
Will take this as an invitation to flirt with you and may or may not give you a peck in return (he will)
Brags about this to Itachi
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Completely lost when your lips touch his cheek
"You kissed me." He states in a matter of fact tone while keeping a cool exterior
He may look unbothered by it on the outside, but on the inside he feels all fuzzy and tingly damn butterflies
Has to resist the urge to just kiss you back
Although he doesn't want to get his hopes up too high, he suspects that you might like him more than a friend. At least a little bit
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Instantly pulls away and stares at you like a deer in headlights before regaining his composure and crossing his arms in front of his chest
Pretends he finds it annoying, but secretly likes it
Literally fighting for his life to keep his cheeks from being anything but a healthy peach colour
Can't stop thinking about it and wonders why you would kiss his cheek in the first place if a simple "Thank you" would've sufficed
Ends up doing you more favours, hoping you'll kiss him again
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Lets out a soft grunt with his arms crossed
Tries so hard to not show any sort of reaction but ends up smirking before reaching out, grabbing your chin and kissing you back right at your mouth
"That's how you give a proper kiss, dear."
Basking in your flustered reaction and enjoying every second of it
Gives you another smirk before he walks off casually as if he didn't just steal your lips virginity
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sagesskies · 8 months
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴄᴇᴏ
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✒ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʙᴜʏ ʏᴏᴜ
✉ - ʟᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀɴᴏɴʏᴍᴏᴜꜱ - ʜᴇʏ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ! ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱɪᴄᴋ ᴄᴇᴏ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀ ɢɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴄᴏꜰꜰᴇᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴘ ʜᴇ ꜰʀᴇQᴜᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴛ ɢᴏᴇꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ? (ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ʀɴ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ɪɢɴᴏʀᴇ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ ♥)
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ: ꜱᴛᴀʟᴋᴇʀɪꜱʜ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀꜱ, ᴀɢᴇ ɢᴀᴘ (ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪꜱ ɪɴ ᴇᴀʀʟʏ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛɪᴇꜱ, ᴍɪʟᴀɴ ɪꜱ ɪɴ ʟᴀᴛᴇ 30ꜱ), ᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴅɪꜱᴏʀᴅᴇʀ (ᴍɪʟᴀɴ), ɪɴꜱᴏᴍɴɪᴀ (ᴍɪʟᴀɴ), ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴀꜱ ᴀ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ, ᴜɴʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ (ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀʟʟʏ), ᴘᴏꜱꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴠᴇɴᴇꜱꜱ, ɪᴍᴘʟɪᴇᴅ ɴᴇɢʟᴇᴄᴛꜰᴜʟ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛꜱ, ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ɪꜰ ɪ ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟꜱᴇ!
Yandere CEO who first met you at your job in your friend's family bakery. Young, bright, and full of life, wearing a baby blue apron. You eagerly greeted him with a smile, and asked how he was doing. There was nothing forced about your mannerisms, it was all genuinely, purely, you. 
Yandere CEO, despite knowing it'll all end up flushed down a toilet, comes in everyday ordering the different pastries you recommend. After his seventh visit, you jokingly ask him if he's got any cavities yet and he blushes. Not that you notice. 
Yandere CEO who gathers the courage to talk to you beyond simple good mornings, and responding to your questions of: “How are you Milan?” or “So that'll it be for today, eh?” and stammers out things like, “N- Nice weather today, huh?” and even, “Uh.. How- How long have you been working here for?” It's all simple, nearly no substance, but it's exceptional progress for somebody like him who barely even speaks to his secretaries beyond plain Yes's and No's. 
Yandere CEO whose fair face turns a furious red whenever you tease or compliment him, calling him things like adorable and cute. Never has he been called anything like that before. People see him, with his bodybuilder-esque physique and stoic face, with it's fierce features, and are too intimidated to treat him with anything other than with a  respect that is borne out of fear. 
Yandere CEO who knows this is wrong. He's 38 years old, and you're only what? 23? This is wrong, this is taboo, this is predatory. But his heart can't help but beat furiously for you each time he steps inside the quaint little bakery. Your bright smile, your gentle eyes, your warm voice. You are like the sun, and he is your ever-devoted Icarus, who will crash and burn if he tries to even fly an inch closer.
Yandere CEO who is unable to sleep at night. He's used to this, he's had insomnia since he was a teenager in highschool, but never like this before. Where previously it was paranoia and anxieties that kept sleep at bay now it was you, the scent of pastries and bread, and your warmth. 
Yandere CEO who unconsciously starts to act like a teenage girl. Doodling your name in the margins of his paperwork, writing (Name) x Milan over and over again in the empty pages of his journal, which was previously used exclusively for tracking his expenses but was now being used for more personal entries. 
July 17, 2009
Today [Name] remembered it was my birthday, and bought me a slice of chocolate cake using his own money. I tried to keep it down, but unfortunately my body is too used to emptying its stomach whenever I eat too much. 
September 7, 2009
[Name] asked me if I've been sleeping well recently, and even if I told him I was okay, he still gave me a box of teabags. He told me it helps him sleep at night, and hopes it'll be able to help me too. He's so kind, and too good to me. I can never tell him it's him who's the cause behind these sleepless nights. I think it'll devastate him. Sometimes, I hope it will.
February 13, 2010
[Name] asked me if I was going to buy somebody any pastries for Valentine's Day, and if there's anybody I'm hoping to receive any chocolates from. I wanted to tell him I hoped to receive chocolates from him, but that would be inappropriate. Then he told me he hoped his girlfriend would remember to give him some.
[Name] has a girlfriend. 
Yandere CEO who doesn't show up for multiple days after you reveal this to him. He goes back to old habits, the following days occupied by work, work, and work. He sleeps rarely, and wakes up late. He eats even less than he usually does, and forgets to go to the gym. 
The only thing that Yandere CEO does outside of that? Pay private investigators to learn as much as possible about you, no matter how dirty or well kept the secret is he will know. 
It's unethical, a violation of all your rights, but he thought you two were close. That you were friends. A kind of relationship he barely even knew. All he knows is distant families, cold business partners, and shallow imitations of friendship. He thought you were different, you were so real, but if he didn't even know you had a girlfriend, then what else was he unaware of?
Yandere CEO whose father calls him, and tells him his secretaries have told him about how he's been acting, and advises him to take a break. Perhaps he should try to hit the dating scene? He'll have to get married eventually, and he's not getting any younger. 
Yandere CEO who goes to the blind dates his mother arranges for him. Daughters of her friends, sometimes even granddaughters. Women who are sometimes a decade younger than him. Women who are his age. He never told his parents he was gay, and now he has to suffer through this. 
Yandere CEO who is thinking of canceling the date on the spot when she takes him to a familiar bakery, the familiar bell rings as the door swings open and you're still there, wearing your baby blue apron, and the polite smile you flashed his date immediately widens when you see him. 
Yandere CEO who freezes up, and then stammers out a greeting, face flushed. His date, who has so far only experienced the cold and stoic front he puts on, is surprised that what has broken down the stone walls he's put up is the cute, young, male baker, who has a bright grin on his face. 
“Milan!” You practically chirp, “It's been so long, where have you been man?” 
You were wondering where he was? You missed him? You missed him? Milan? He couldn't believe his ears, he felt like he could faint.
Milan clears his throat, averting his grey eyes away from you, and avoiding Carrie's burning gaze. 
“I have been preoccupied with work,” He explains, it's not a lie, he's just exaggerating how much work there was for him when it was basically just him doing paperwork and attending meetings every once in a while, “I apologize if my absence has bothered you…” 
You chuckle, “I'm just glad to see you again.” Milan can't help the small smile that forms on his face, but he restrains it from widening into a grin. He's in front of Carrie, a friend but at the same time a business partner, a marriage prospect, an unwelcome intruder into what could've been a moment between you two.
You glance at Carrie as if remembering that she was here, “Ah, sorry, you must've been confused on how I know him, but I'm a friend of Milan,” You smile kindly at her, “Name's [Name] [L/N], nice to meet you!” 
Carrie forces a polite smile on her face, “A pleasure,” Her eyes are filled with a cold fury, though Milan knows it's not directed to you, “My name is Carolyn, Carolyn Deveuraux. However, you may call me Carrie.” 
Milan fakes a cough, “Mhm, anyways.. I'd like to have the usual… and Carrie you'll have..?” 
She hums, “I'll have a cinnabon.” 
You glance between the two, noticing the obvious tension between them, “Oookay, I'll have that prepared for you two in a jiffy,” Milan hands you his card, and savors the slight brush of your fingers, before your warmth is teared away and you slide it back to him when you're done.
He glares at Carrie for scaring you away, but she doesn't even look at him, her eyes are fixed on you. Milan wants to gouge her eyes out, she doesn't even deserve to look at you. Not when she barely knows you. Not like him, who knows every single thing about you that his money can buy for him.
You head into the back to prepare the goods, and Carrie goes back outside where there are tables and chairs. She sits on one, and crosses her arms. Milan settles on the one across from her, posture straight, arms on the table, eyes… decidedly not looking at Carrie. 
“So, you and that man… [Name], was it?” Milan nods, she continues, “You know each other, do you?” She taps one carefully manicured nail against the arm of the chair. Tap, tap, tap. 
Milan does not simply know [Name], he practically lives underneath the younger man's skin, but instead of verbalizing this he nods once more, “We have known each other for two years.” 
“Hm,” Her eyes narrow, they are blue, like ice, “ And how old is [Name]?”
“Twenty-four years old,” Milan tells her, “He had just gotten out of college when we first met.” His eyes trail to the window into the bakery, you still haven't emerged. Why were you taking so long? 
“Does he know?” Carrie’s tone is sharp and frigid. Milan glances at her, if he is not careful then he could be caught up in an inescapable storm. 
“He does not,” Milan admits, “And I'd prefer to keep it that way.” You still have your girlfriend, and he's content with your secrets and the stolen pictures. 
Carrie glares at him, “Why him? Is it his mind? His personality? Or is he simply a pretty boy you like to ogle at?” She's angry, and Milan, for his lack of proper socialization, has been taught to read people, every single shift in expression or body language has a hidden meaning, can tell this fury stems from something personal. 
“That is none of your business,” Milan had known Carrie for a while now, since his 30th birthday party where his father invited all his associates, and Lewis Deveuraux had brought his 28 year old daughter Carolyn, but they were never friends so much as allies in the cutthroat world of capitalism, and she was crossing a line. 
“I can tell your father.” 
“Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘Snitches get stitches’, Carolyn?” Milan asks, “You tell him, and I'll be doing so much more than giving you stitches.” 
Carrie doesn't even flinch, “Not much you can do when stripped of your position at your father's company,” She doesn't get a chance to continue, not when you arrive with a tray carrying the warm pastries. You set the plates down, as well as the complementary coffee. 
“Here you go…” You glance between the two of them, “It's been nice seeing you again Milan,” You smile at Carrie, “Great to meet you too, Carrie, hope to see you around some more.” 
Milan digs a nail into the skin of his palm hard enough to draw blood, if only to stop himself from punching that smirk on Carrie's face off, “Thank you, [Name],” Her voice is pleasant, light and airy, “It was a pleasure to meet a… friend of Milan today.” 
“Same here,” You grin. You wave goodbye to the both of them, then head back into the bakery. 
Carrie's polite smile is gone as soon as you're out of the vicinity, “Let's talk about this later,” She reaches out and places a well-manicured hand on top of Milan's larger one, and her lips curl up, “For now, enjoy the treats your little crush has made for us.” 
Yandere CEO, who since that reunion has started coming back more often. Happy to finally be able to bask in your presence again, thoughts of your girlfriend are dashed from his mind when he saw your smile again after two months of being deprived of it. 
The only downside? Carrie is there as well. Chatting you up, using her charm to lower your guard down. She's a snake, or a wolf in sheep's clothing. Yandere CEO knows she's trying to break you two apart, but he won't let her. 
Yandere CEO who can't stand watching you smile at her, keeping up with her bright mind in ways he knew you could but had never seen before. He didn't know it was possible, but he's become even more enraptured. Handsome with not only a good personality, but also intelligent. God, you were perfect. 
Yandere CEO is able to himself with an endurance he didn't even know he possessed. He's not used to the rage that has been gathering inside him, but it's not that similar to managing his fear and paranoia. He can't do anything to Carrie, not when you two have practically become the best of friends.
Yandere CEO who decides that he can't let himself fall behind, he was here first you know. He's known you for two years while Carrie was only for a few weeks. He musters up the confidence he often uses in meeting rooms, trying to look suave and cool, but instead making you laugh.
“Haha… you're seriously so adorable Milan,” You tease, “What're you acting so serious for?” 
After that, Yandere CEO decides to just act how he did before, it's clearly more effective as you've even invited him to eat with you in the park near the bakery during your lunch hours. Something you haven't done in the two whole years you've known each other. 
He realizes that in a sense, you are like him. Despite his stoicness, and your expressive features, his assertive aura, with your laid back vibe, both of you have an appreciation for genuine people. It makes his heart beat faster, for some inexplicable reason.
Yandere CEO who listens to you attentively as you start opening up to him more about your life. Your struggles with paying off college debt, your inability to land a higher paying job, and how you don't have enough money to pay for your rent. He already knows about all of this, but is happy nonetheless to be able to give you a comforting hug or pat on the back. One time, you actually cried and he got to feel the warmth of your tears as they raced down your face, they soaked into the skin of his palm as he wiped them away and offered you words of comfort.
Yandere CEO who abides by the law of equivalent exchange, and opens up to you more as well.  He's heard before that the more imperfect you make yourself out to be, the more attractive you were for it was a sign of humanity. So what's more human than sharing his past as a bullied fat kid, and the whiplash he got once he had bulked up and attracted admirers like they were flies? Maybe it's the insomnia, the social anxiety, and the knowledge that he's surrounded by shallow people. Whatever it is, it works. 
Yandere CEO who has started to feel genuinely close to you. Where before, it was akin to a celebrity having to deal with an awkward yet starstruck fan, now it felt like you two were old friends having a good time together. This is the first time he's had a relationship like this and he'd rather have his company go bankrupt and end up homeless on the streets than lose it. 
September 12, 2010 
[Name] is not meant for me, he is young, full of potential, and with a girl that he loves. But he tempts me with his warm eyes, beautiful smile, and those kind words of his that has had me wrapped around his finger since the very first day I met him. 
It is wrong, it is dirty. I am too old, too broken, worn out like a hand me down toy. However I cannot help myself. He is like the sun, bright and comforting, yet he burns me so. 
Even just writing his name has me weak at the knees, it makes me feel alive. Like I can face the day without wanting to retreat back to my bed and refusing to get out till I am dragged by my feet. Just the idea of being able to catch a glimpse at him, gives me the energy to get up and do a marathon. 
[Name] is too charming for his own good. He’s such a sweet boy, not knowing how much he tempts me to do such despicable things every single time I see him talking to customers or laughing with Carrie. He doesn’t know, he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know. 
I should be leaving him alone, and never speaking to him again. He is fine, he is perfect, he is like God. But I am nothing but a filthy sinner who shouldn’t even be within his sights. Better kept away, far far away. But I want nothing more than to touch him, to hold his feet in my filthy hands and press my cold lips to it. His foot alone is worth more than my entire career. His life? Priceless. 
However if I were to distance myself from him again, I’d become a shell. No better than a living corpse. My father and mother would be concerned for the business, and they’d keep on trying to figure out why I’m in such a state, till they eventually trace it all back to [Name], and I can’t have that. I don’t want them knowing about him. It is bad enough Carrie knows. But my own parents? 
I cannot accept that. I will not share him. They would take him away from me like they took away everything else good that could’ve happened to me by being my parents and birthing into the life that I’ve led. His warmth would be engulfed in their cold gazes and harsh words, and soon he would be no better than I am, and that cannot happen. 
He may not be meant for me, but I will make sure nobody else can have him. 
Even that girlfriend of his.
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☏ - ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴍᴀɪʟ: ᴍʀ. ꜱᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴘᴇɴ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ.
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quaintii · 1 year
How would Miguel react if the reader called him "whore".
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Miguel’s reaction to you calling him a whore.
Content warnings: dirty-talk, teasing, spanking, choking, etc idk. fem!reader.
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You look up and down at Miguel’s tall figure, damn you sometimes get jealous of that ass of his.
“Miguel, why do you wear such tight clothes? I mean your ass is begging to come out.” You exclaim with laughter. 
“Why are you even looking there to begin with??” Miguel grunted. ��I mean you kind of look like a whore, dressed up like that. Your suit looks like those skin-tight leather suits.” 
Miguel moves his body, facing you while giving you a disapproving look with his arms on his waist. “Did you just call me a whore?” “Yea, who wouldn’t think that?” You laugh off. “Anyways I’m going to go get some food, I’m famished.” Miguel gives you a smug look, grabbing your wrists as you walk to the door. “And..where do you think you’re going? You think you can just call me a ‘whore’ and proceed to leave?” He chuckles. Your face flames up a bit, sometimes you do become a bit too brave towards him. “You know I just meant it as a small joke right..c’mon Miguel seriously-” 
You were cut off as you were slammed onto a table, your chest against the cold surface. “Miguel, w-what are you doing?” You try squirming your way out of his grasp but it doesn’t budge. 
“Seriously, I’m done with you trying to play these little games, you think I can’t smell you? You dare come into my office looking like that..I would say you’re the whore here.” He whispers close to your ears. 
His hot breath against your neck makes you shiver and makes blood rush to your core. Your hips reluctantly arched against his chest, making your skirt run upward. You were stunned by your sudden movement, but Miguel was right. His features always were so captivated by you, you would constantly wonder how his hands would feel, running along your curves, spreading and breaking you into pieces. 
Alone with your thoughts, it made you melt into goo when Miguel placed his bulge on your hips. You let out a small whimper. “Why do you dress like a dirty slut, walking around like you own the place by strutting your hips to the side…with that fucking ass.” He gruffly says as he spanks your ass, making you jolt. “Mhmf..please..” You mumble. “Are you that desperate for me..” He nibbles a bit on your ear, licking your neck down.
Again, he thrusts his clothed bulge against your clothed cunt. You feel yourself melt like ice cream to the simple touch of his hands gripping ever so lightly on your hips. “Look how wet you already are.” He slides your skirt up to your waist, revealing your lace panties. Your cunt begging to be touched and rubbed. He lightly taps on your cunt which makes you twitch. “Enumfg..Miguel.. please touch me..” You slur out. 
“Is this what you really want? You’re going to have to ask nicely for that.." His thick hands, wrapping around your inner thighs, spreading you for a better view, he palms himself as his erection begins to hurt. 
Miguel quickly turns your body towards him. Your cunt spasming and clenching around nothing as his low hooded lustful eyes pierce into yours. HE grabs onto your throat and spanks your pussy. You yell out a mewl.”You’re such a dirty whore, only good girls get their rewards.” He presses his thumb directly on your clit, making you jerk. You wanted more. 
“But you’re a whore…a slut. Only good girls get what they ask for.” He stands up and distances himself from you, still palming his erection. You let out a long sigh of huge disappointment, you were left needy. 
You walk along the line, grabbing a burger and some fries and sit near your friends. “Ey mate, somethings up?” Hobie points out. “Ya keep poking ‘round your food, something wrong eh?” the others look at you, waiting for a response. “No, it’s nothing..I just got scolded by the boss, that's all.” “Well you’ll get used to that, he’s an a-hole.” Gwen states. You nod and you both laugh it off. You eat a couple fries and look around the cafeteria to take your mind off what just happened earlier. You almost choke on your food when you see Miguel looking directly at you, your way. Your cunt starts pulsing again so you press your thighs together. 
Miguel licks one of his fangs and struts off. He knew how he kept you needy, but you’ve had him like ever since you walked through the door so it was simply fair if he left you wanting for more. He craved you every second after all.
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a/n: if u guys enjoyed this i could make a part 2! :33
Edit: I finished part 2, check it out <33
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emeritus-fuckers · 3 months
The papas (plus sister because she needs more love) - A new ghoul gets summoned but they seem more shy and afraid, how would they react?
Papas and Sister Imperator with a shy, freshly summoned ghoul
Primo (he/him)
He knows what to do, he's seen it once before, but a long time ago.
Sometimes Ghouls just are really shy at first, and scared. Of course they are, the Ministry is a whole different world to them.
You ran straight off and hid. It took Primo a few hours searching to find you hiding in a secluded spot in the garden.
Primo left you there to get used to things and went back to his garden shed. He brewed a very special tea, he wasn't too fond of the smell but that's because it wasn't meant to appeal to him.
He went back to the your hiding place and left a cup just in reach. He smiled as you reached a clawed hand out to take it.
The next day Primo left the cup of tea so it was just out of your reach. You slowly came out to take it and caught sight of Primo.
He smiled and gestured to say it was just him, you looked back at the tea and then to Primo before settling down on the soft summer grass.
"Let me show you around?" Primo says with a kind smile. "I promise you, it will all be okay. And if it ever gets too much you can always come back here. I won't tell a soul that this is your spot and I will bring you tea whenever you need it."
You smiled and swished your tail. With Primo's steadying influence you started to slowly come out of your shell and bond with the other Ghouls.
Secondo (he/him)
You blink open your eyes as you lie on the cold stone and see the most terrifying Papa. His stern gaze and piercing stare had you running for the nearest shadow.
Secondo lets out a huffing sound and orders everyone from the room.
He sits down next to you and to your suprise his expression has softened. "I know its a big change."
You just kind of nod, still very confused by the man.
"And there is a lot to get used to. But there are a lot of exciting things here too and more importantly nice people..." Secondo seems to stop himself saying the rest of the sentence, which would have probably been 'as annoying as they all are'.
You wait for him to carry on and then he says "I will introduce you to my most trusted Ghoul and you will not shy away. In return I can promise you that they will take care of you and look after you, you have nothing to fear. Also, no one will expect you to introduce yourself or talk to them until you are ready to do so."
You nod, still scared but Secondo's gaze is so steady you just trust him, he is Papa after all, the one who summoned you.
Thankfully you settle in well and once you are more relaxed Secondo lets you see his party animal side. Which surpirses you all over again. Who knew he could be like that, eh?
Terzo (he/they)
They really count on Omega in situations like these.
While Terzo has a sort of magnetism that pulls people to him, especially when he flirts like a kindergartener (informing someone about a hole in his shoe, for example), but he also recognizes that a big, strong ghoul might help a new, shy one open up.
And Omega is very inviting unless he's pissed off. Which he never is, if Terzo's in the room. If Terzo's around, Omega is happy. It's a simple equation, really.
And Omega is also very welcoming. You end up feeling safe with their presence pretty soon.
You also end up getting adopted. it's not up for discussion.
Enjoy your new dads, I guess.
Copia (he/him)
Copia has summoned plenty of ghouls by now. He's got experience with the shy ones, too.
Although his previous originally shy ghoul (Phantom) had relatives in the Ministry already, so that was a bit easier.
This time, he's on his own with it.
He just chills in the room, leaving snacks nearby as he just sits in the corner of his room, playing something on an ancient-looking gameboy.
He's just there, not invading your space. It's a bit like with a new puppy.
Eventually, you get closer, stealing his snacks and slowly trying to look at the screen of his console.
And after that, it all goes easy. Yolu eventually get more and more comfortable with him.
You get really involved in the game, too. Copia's not allowed to finish it, watching him play is your comfort source.
Not that he minds, he fucking sucks at that game.
Old Nihil (he/him)
He is just confused, really confused why as to why you are hiding all the time. Normally when freshly summoned, Ghouls have far too much energy and want to see everything.
"Seeeestor, why is the Ghoul broken?" He asks her. She tuts and explains you are not broken just shy.
So Nihil decides to try and help.
He sits near where he knows you hide in the shadows and tells you stories of his youth.
Sometimes these stories are long and rambling and you fall asleep.
Other times they are really interesting and excitng and you find yourself coming out of the shadows to listen.
Nihil grins at you and offers to introduce you to some people he thinks you'll like.
Young Nihil (he/him)
He doesn't really think anything of it, all the Ghouls are odd and different in their own way. Which he loves, all so unique.
He'll just sit with you and offer you a drink or something stronger.
At first you think he is just doing this to help you settle in, but then you realise he has started to rely on you as much as you on him.
It's nice to hang out with him, very laid back and you two can just be yourselves. There is never any pressure to talk or anything.
When you feel a little more confident Nihil offers to teach you the saxophone. He's learning too and thought it would be fun to learn together.
He produces some, err, interesting noises from the instrument at first but he quickly gets better. Partly due to your support, you are the only person he feels comfortable enough to make mistakes in front of.
He also invites you along to parties or his shows or anythin really, but never puts pressure on you to come along. If you do agree he gives you the biggest smile and puts an arm around you showing you all the cool things. He'll keep an eye on you to make sure you don't get overwhelmed.
Old Sister Imperator (she/her)
As intimidating as she can be, she's also a very caring, motherly woman.
She will inform you where you are, who she is and why you're there.
All while calling you "little one", as if you're a child.
And while there's always this slightly unnerving feeling of authority she has over you, you actually like her! She's nice!
She leaves you snacks, small plushies and fidget toys so you can have some nice things that will comfort you in this new situation you've gotten yourself into.
She leaves one of her ghoulettes with you for comfort. She doesn't mind waiting. Take your time.
Young Sister Imperator (she/her)
A lot more intimidating and a lot less motherly than she is later in life, Sister Imperator wasn't the most patient in her youth.
She summoned a ghoul because she needed one now, not later.
Still, she's not cruel, she's not gonna just... abandon you. She can summon another ghoul for the matter at hand and then just... find some use for you.
She checks up on you regularly, just sitting in the room for a bit. it's almost like a break for her, honestly.
Over time, as you both become more and more comfortable with each other, she starts viewing you like a little pet.
She likes playing with your hair and tail. She's always incredibly gentle with you, too.
Perhaps she's already found your function. A companion. A little pet.
Doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Papas I, II and Papa Nihil written by Nyx.
Papas III, IV and Sister Imperator written by Nosferatu.
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baegetas · 11 months
》 blackout.
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son goku x afab reader
summary: sitting at the bar after a hard day, you're joined by none other than your friend gohan's father, and he knows how he can cheer you up.
warnings: minors do not interact, explicit content: age gap, multiple orgasms, (slight, if you squint) implied cheating, overstimulation, drunk sex, alcohol consumption
word count: 1.7k
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you were alone at a bar. you'd completely flunked an exam that you'd studied hard for, and you were downing shots like they were nothing. even the bartender was asking if you were okay, to which you'd reply with a simple, "i will be."
while you were mindlessly scrolling through social media, a giggle cut through your brooding silence. it was familiar. you looked over your shoulder, finding that you were face-to-face with a "friend" of yours: goku. well, correction: he was gohan's father, and you were a friend of gohan's. you were a little scared of goku at first, but warmed up to him once you knew he wasn't some scary muscle-head. he grinned at you and promptly mused, "hey!"
"hello, goku."
he sat next to you, looking at you like a dejected puppy. "aw, what's wrong? you looked bored from over there, but man, you seem pretty sad."
you sighed, failing to hide the smile from him. "i guess. but i didn't expect to see you here, out of all people."
"whaaat?" goku giggled and spun the barstool around. "are you kidding? this place is so fun!"
"no, i mean, like, i didn't see you as much of a drinker."
"eh... if it's sweet, i don't care what it is. i'll drink it. heeeey!" he flagged down the bartender, grinning happily. "you have jello shots? yeah? you should give us a few!"
you gave him a slightly agitated look, to which he giggled and said, "don't worry, i'll pay! i don't know what's got you so down, but it's time to cheer up!"
that giggle would be the end of you, and you knew it. as the shots slid onto the counter in front of you, you sighed. it wouldn't be horrible to have a little fun, right?
next thing you knew, goku had convinced you to join him on the dance floor. there had always been something so charming about his idiocy. something charming about how oblivious he was. however, now that he had you in your own little corner of the place in the dark, you could see something else behind those sweet eyes. you could see intention, like he was aware of exactly what he was doing. he was aware that it was the two of you. he was aware that you were both tipsy. he was aware that he was double your size. he was very aware.
with the lights spinning again, flashing a multitude of colors, you found yourself lost in music. lost in liquor. you and goku had been gradually getting closer to one another. you found yourself dancing right against him, and his rough, calloused hands were sliding up and down the sides of your torso, with a focus on your hips. swaying back and forth in rhythm, you could feel his muscles against your back. you could feel his breath against your neck. you shuddered, and looked up at him for some sort of clue as to what he was thinking. and looking back at you were two serious, calculating eyes. like a predator. "heh. you look surprised."
your lip shook ever so slightly. "you... are you?"
he smirked. "am i what? gotta finish the sentence."
you hiccuped, trying to clear your throat. "flirting?"
"i dunno," he hummed, feigning innocence. "problem?"
your eyes flickered down to his hands on your hips. they were gripping you. "...no."
his voice dropped an octave, getting raspy. "nice. you mind if i do something?"
"to... to me?" he nodded, and you were having trouble suffocating the butterflies in your stomach. you swallowed roughly, leaning your head back against his shoulder as you stared up at him. he was holding you against him. for a moment, you thought, what would gohan think? i mean, this was your friend's dad. this man was twice your age. but nonetheless, you replied, "you... can do anything you want. to me."
within a split second, he flipped you around and pressed your back against the club's concrete wall. you had no time to breathe. goku was kissing you with a passion. your hands gripped his clothes, pulling him as close as you could. his thigh pressed in between your legs, and at that point, you were putty in his hands. all you could do was whine. this was a completely different goku, and you were loving it.
he sank his teeth into the side of your neck, and you moaned out loud. when you noticed someone staring at the two of you, your eyes widened. "ah- goku! hey."
he pulled back from your skin by just inches. "something wrong?"
"we... we can't do this. not... in public."
his voice was gravelly. "why not? i'm sure people would love to watch. make 'em jealous."
you blushed and stammered out, "it... it's indecent... and a little illegal... to do things like this in public. my apartment would be a better place."
"your apartment?" he stood straight up and pressed two fingers to his forehead. he gripped your shoulder tightly. "gotcha."
and suddenly, you were both standing in the front hallway of your apartment. you blinked a few times, unsure of what the fuck just happened, but all of that was thrown to the wayside when goku's lips found yours again, pressing you against the wall of your living room.
your belongings fell to the ground, and your hands started to pull his shirt up so you could feel his torso. every muscle, every divot - he was so fucking ripped. and his hands weren't wasting time with you, either. traveling up your thighs, he tore your panties off with one finger. his hand grabbed your entire ass, and he took in a deep inhale, smelling your scent on the skin of your neck. "god, you smell so good."
"you... ah!" you lost your train of thought when he started grinding his crotch against yours. with flushed cheeks from a drunken stupor, you mumbled, "you... want me, don't you?"
shedding his t-shirt, he growled, "what do you think?"
he was biting at your skin as his hands discarded the rest of your clothes, albeit in a more refined fashion. once you were completely nude, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. he picked you up like a doll. like you weighed absolutely nothing to him. he was quick to find your bedroom, and he quite literally threw you down onto the bed. then, he followed. and his tongue found your slit, rough hands pushing your thighs apart so he could taste you as much as he possibly could.
your hand tangled in his thick hair. he was so sloppy, but it was quick to send every nerve in your body into a frenzy. he would grunt and groan, and his nose would bump against your clit, sending a jolt through your body. when his tongue actually plunged into you, you lost all of your bearings. you came all over his face, and he replied to it with a pleased groan, unwilling to pull away until your body relaxed. with one eye open, you looked down at his messy face. his dark, widened pupils. his flushed cheeks. then, he grinned. "i thought you'd taste good, but that was better than i thought."
panting, you whined back, "goku... i..."
"already on it." he was quick to remove his pants and boxers, and he was quick to climb back over you, trapping you in another kiss. with the full weight of his body against his, you realized just how small you were. his length slid along your folds, and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
your hands found his back when he got the opportunity to press himself into you, and he did so with a guttural groan. at that point, you couldn't think. the slow stretch was just too good, and your foreheads rested against one another until he was fully sheathed in you. he panted, "so... tight... i gotta..."
you panted back, "just... just fuck me."
and when his hips started snapping back and forth, you couldn't help but whine. your nails dug into his back, and his face was buried in your neck. he was relentless, keeping a fast, steady pace. as your moans got louder, you heard his voice in your ear. "shh... be a good girl. i know you can handle it."
hitting that sweet spot over and over, it didn't take any time for you to come undone a second time. and a third time. goku hadn't even broken much of a sweat, and he had you completely folded over underneath him. your eyes were locked on his as he cooed, "yeah, that's it. good."
in that moment, you understood that he was going to finish inside you. and you didn't care one bit about it. as if on cue, his huge frame leaned down to trap you in a tongue-filled kiss, hands gripping your ass. you weren't going anywhere. he had you completely pinned.
you'd lost count of how many times you came before his thrusts started to get sloppy. he was grunting more often, shaft head poking at your cervix every now and then. it hurt, but you were far too blissed out to care. "good girl. just... a little bit more, okay?"
by now, you were a babbling mess, but you managed to nod in response. the bed was slamming against the wall, and you knew that your neighbors on all sides would be complaining about the noise, if they hadn't already. his grunts were going right into your ear, and he grunted especially loudly as he said, "you ready?"
you nodded and mewled, "yes, please."
goku growled, then moaned beautifully has he came right into you. his hips didn't even stop, riding out his own orgasm with a blissful look on his face. when his hips eventually stopped, he collapsed onto you, breathing heavily. you were doing the same. your head was spinning. after only a minute, he propped himself up on his elbow. "whew... that was... amazing."
"i... know." you said this so quietly that you could barely hear it yourself. "it was."
then, goku gave you that trademark giggle. that trademark grin. you looked at him through half lidded eyes as he said, "i think we're gonna have to do that again. way more often than just once. i'm gonna need it."
you smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso. you couldn't respond vocally, but pulling him closer was the answer he needed. he giggled again and relaxed atop you, with no intention of moving any time soon.
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twst-drabbles · 3 months
Deuce 4
Summary: You were boiling eggs because Crowley is over at your house, nursing a hang-over after downing a whole bottle of wine for a bet. You decide to make him boiled eggs. Deuce takes a bite out of one of them.
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Yes, yes, Crowley didn't exactly ask for just eggs but his whining got you up too early in the damn morning and now the only thing he's getting is boiled eggs.
That and you know Crowley. If you make too much food, he's going to try and eat all of it just to not leave any leftovers behind, and get himself sick for the rest of the day because of that. You're not exactly the best at measuring what's too much or what's too little, you only know your own limits.
“Have you finished yeeet?” For someone with a throbbing headache, he certainly can be loud.
Deuce, ever the helper in what ways he could, squeaked for your attention, then patted his puffed up chest. ‘You can rely on me!’ He’s probably trying to convey, even though there’s really nothing you need his help for.
Well, moral support should count for something, right?
“Alright, alright, continue being you,” you patted Deuce on his head, “Just don’t fall off my shoulder, ‘kay?” Chances are he might fall in the ice bowl full of boiled eggs. He certainly won’t like that bath.
“…am I truly alone in this wooorld?” Whine Crowley once more, and the crack in his voice struck out the edge of annoyance and made you laugh.
“Shove it Crowley,” you yelled back, though there was no malice in you. Yes, he’s a hassle to deal with, but he’s such a flavor of silly that you can’t help but want to use that against him when he’s gets sober. There’s no shortage of embarrassing memories in your head and you have no trouble making it known.
You should probably take him home, if only so you don’t have to deal with midday snoring but eh, it’s fine. It’s more trouble than it's worth anyway. He'd fall asleep in bed, snort awake and then end up right back in your house again via whatever magic spell he can remember that day.
It always has to be your house. It couldn’t be any other persons. Yours. Oh well.
You shake your hands to rid them of egg shells. You looked to your shoulder. “Hey, Deuce?”
He propped himself up, at attention. You dragged an empty bowl next to the ice one.
“Put them this bowl, please.” Certainly, you could do it yourself, but your pets get whiny if they can’t help you with simple tasks. Puts a hole in Deuce’s confidence especially.
Deuce pumped himself up with a sharp, reedy whistle and slid right down your arm. The eggs you boiled were a really weird variety, way bigger than a chicken’s egg. About the size of your entire hand. You don’t remember which creature this came from, but it’s the kind of eggs Crowley likes and the ones he gets you so may as well use them.
Point being, Deuce had to use his entire body to hold the egg up. Each step he took towards the bowl, Deuce gave a grunt, and it was at such a rhythm that you’re pretty sure he’s subconsciously recalling Riddle’s training.
One two, one two. And finally, Deuce got the boiled egg in the bowl.
“Good job, little buddy.” You patted his head when he rushed right over, ready for the next egg. “Here you go.”
And so you both continued, you peeling the eggs and Deuce carrying them to the bowl. Until, eventually, Deuce didn’t come right over for the next egg.
“Deuce?” You raised an eyebrow, egg in hand ready to be delivered, “You doing alright?”
You looked over, seeing Deuce still carrying that boiled egg, hidden behind it in such a way that you could only see his little legs.
“Deuce?” Your voice sunk a little lower, warning, and you saw him flinch.
Then, Deuce peeked from around the egg. His cheeks, evidently filled to the brim with egg, wobbled as he continued to chew. He looked guilty, and yet he continued to eat. You continued to stare as he swallowed down that huge bite in one go. It hit his belly a stone would.
Deuce looked down, clearly waiting for something on your part, but you just shrugged.
“You know what, you can have that one. I made too many anyway.” No you didn’t, Crowley eats way too much honestly, but eh, it’s not as if he’ll starve if he has one less egg than usual.
Deuce’s eyes sparkled and he popped his head right back into the hole he made in the boiled egg.
…are you gonna have to purchase more of these eggs now? They’re kinda expensive.
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fandomfics · 29 days
So Soft, so Beautiful
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x Plus size mutant fem reader, Scott Summers x Plus size mutant fem reader
Description: you don't give a single shit about the man that's obsessed with you, in fact, you have eyes for someone else, but he doesn't feel the same. Maybe you can get under someone else to get over him.
Au, Jean and Scott aren't together , not proof read
Kind of stalkery behavior, light fat shaming, jealousy, angst, Fluff, smut unprotected p in v.
Smut under the 🔥
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"Why does he act so weird around you?" Ororo asks.
"I don't know, maybe he has a little crush on me?" You shrug your shoulders. "Ever since Scott and I went on that mission together he's been lingering around me more...kinda seems like he even goes out of his way to just....stand around, maybe say hi."
"Kinda creepy."
"Eh, I think he's just socially inept." You wave off her concerned look. "And anyways, the professor has taught me to hone in on my skills, I can reach into his mind and stop him from using his powers if he becomes dangerous. Though, I doubt it would come to that."
"Okay...just talk to the professor if he's getting any weirder, alright?"
"Sure thing Ro." You give her a small smile before bounding out of the kitchen and to your room.
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You sit in your classroom with your students, reading from a book of poetry.
"Annabel Lee
By Edgar Allan Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me—
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee."
As you continue to read you see Scott Summers in your periphery, he leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest, watching you intently.
"But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we—
Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea—
In her tomb by the sounding sea." You look up to your class, carefully avoiding Scott, "the assignment is simple, create a piece inspired by this poem. Any media you wish, sculpture, painting, mixed. I really look forward to seeing what you come up with!"
You dismiss your class and begin shuffling papers trying to look busy. You know Scott's about to walk up and talk about nothing in particular with you, something likely work related, uninteresting as usual.
"Ah, man..." He stretches and exaggerates his exhaustion. "That was a depressing poem." He sits at a desk kicking up his feet.
"How was your day?" You say making friendly conversation.
"Ya know, the usual, angsty kids, boring classes." He goes on to tell a mind numbing story about a kid that pulled a prank and how he handled it. You nod and hum through the story, feigning interest.
"Wow," you say raising an eyebrow, "that's wild."
"I know right?"
"Well, nice chatting with you Summers, I've gotta get going." You begin to make your way out of the room when he cuts in front of you in the doorway, blocking your exit.
"Before you go, I was wondering," he looks down at you with a smile, "You want to go check out this new bar with me some time?"
"Uh, yeah sure." You say noncommittally as you smile and push past him. Logan is walking through at that moment and you fall in line with him, hoping to start a conversation to keep Scott from following you.
"Hey short stack." He says with a smile.
"Hey grouch." You elbow him returning the smile as you tilt your face up to look up at him.
"Got any plans for the weekend big guy?"
"Not a damn thing," he sighs, "got kid duty."
"Me too!" You squeak excitedly. "I switched with Jean so she can spend the weekend with her new guy."
"Of course." He grumbles, clearly agitated. He's always opted to hang around her, he was friendly with you, but never got too close.
The most you got was some friendly banter, and hang outs in group settings. None of these facts stopped you from developing feelings for the gruff man, much to your dismay. He is head over heels for Jean, and you've accepted it, but it still stings, especially when he's like this.
"Well, maybe you and I can watch a movie, I'll even let you pick!" His smile comes back and it makes your heart skip a beat knowing it was because of you.
"You might regret that." He says with a laugh.
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You sit in the dark, a bowl of popcorn in your lap on the opposite side of the couch from Logan. The glow of the TV is all that illuminates the room, and you're enthralled with the images that flash across the screen. He picked a horror move that you have found particularly disturbing.
Suddenly you're startled, you jump with a small scream and some of your popcorn scatters around you. Logan chuckles from the other end of the couch and you shoot him a dirty look.
"Why did you choose this?" You ask, genuinely curious, "I'd think you would hate this kinda stuff."
"Sometimes I hope the nightmares will be about something like this instead of..." He trails off. He turns to see the look of sympathy on your face, "Eh, forget about it, Come're." He lifts the arm closest to you, inviting you to lean into him.
"What? I don't bite." he announces after seeing your face change to a look of confusion before quickly morphing to one of hesitation. "Come on, we're friends right?"
There's the sting. Friends. The desire to be bundled under his strong arm, even just this once, sounds nice. You take the invitation and scoot close to him, his arm rests around you and let out a content sigh.
You know it's gonna hurt when you think back on this knowing you can't have it again, but for now you can pretend. His warmth and the scent of musk and tobacco that invades your nostrils is comforting. You use every ounce of will power focusing your attention on the movie, faltering at every jump scare when he feels you jerk in surprise and tightens his grip momentarily to soothe you.
"Okay, well that was terrifying." You say when the credits start to roll.
"I told you that you'd regret letting me choose." He chuckles as he squeezes you again.
"Nah, I enjoyed this!" You stumble to correct yourself, "the movie!"
The lights suddenly flicker on and you're blinded momentarily. Logan immediately leaves the couch, claws extend with a snarl, as Jean enters the room. His face softens to a nervous smile and his claws retract.
"Heya Jean," his hand reaches up to rub the nape of his neck, "thought you were supposed to be gone the whole weekend."
You take this as your que to leave, the sting of rejection settles in your chest as you quickly exit the room, avoiding eye contact with both of them.
"Wait, it's not what it looks like..." You hear Logan say.
Once you've made it into the hallway, you allow tears to fall as you walk as fast as your legs will carry you to your room.
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The following day Scott finds you taking a walk around the grounds, "Hey, I was looking for you!" His greeting is strangely overenthusiastic.
"What's up Scott?"
"I'm going to that bar tonight, join me?"
You take a beat to think it over, the events of the previous night fill you with a dread you want to forget, so you accept. "Yeah, that'd be nice."
"Great, be ready by 7." He says before he begins walking back to the mansion.
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You make your way to the front door, your makeup and hair done in your signature styles, wearing your favorite outfit, that one that boosts your confidence and makes you feel absolutely amazing.
Your decent on the stairs is interrupted on the landing when you see Logan coming your way. He stops just a few stairs below you, poised to say something.
"Hey Scotty!" You wave past Logan and hurry down the stairs with a smile plastered to your face, determined to show that you weren't impacted by the previous night.
"Ready to go?"
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The bar is lively, the music is loud enough to drown out Scott's monotonous chatter, and the drinks are strong enough to help you lose yourself. The night blurs together in a haze of drinks and dancing until you wake up in your bed next to Scott. You don't know how much time you lost or how you got here, but you're thankful for the chance to forget Logan for a bit.
You and Scott are still fully dressed, laying on top of the comforter. You both look like disasters, and you feel like you were hit by a train. You get up and get some pain relievers and a glass of water to begin the process of your tried and true hangover routine.
Scott stirs and slowly comes to, clearly feeling the same, "Here, take these." You say as you hand him a couple pills and your glass. "Then we're gonna need some greasy food."
He grunts in agreement before taking the pills.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" You ask.
"I remember the beginning of the night..." He laughs lightly.
After a short time you and Scott start to leave, but when your door swings open you see Logan standing there, hand up, ready to knock. A look of surprise briefly crosses his face before hardening into a serious expression.
"We need you, now." He states quickly, "one of the students is on the verge of a meltdown and Jean and the professor aren't here."
You nod and follow Logan as Scott calls after you, "I'll make us breakfast!"
"About the other night-" He starts.
"Don't worry Logan, it was nothing. Just hope it didn't upset Jean." You put on your best smile. He looks a bit confused but you're unable to explore why as you've made it to the student in question.
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When you finally return to the kitchen Scott has a plate laid out for each of you.
"Yum." You say trying to hide the disappointment in your voice as you look over the egg white omelette stuffed with veggies and turkey bacon on your plate.
"My special hangover cure." He beams.
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A few weeks pass and you've spent more time with Scott. Walking the grounds, being his sparring partner, having casual sex. He's boring and the sex is mediocre, but you just need something to fill the ache in your chest.
One evening you sit with him in front of the TV watching a movie, "ya know, I used to know someone that looks just like her." He points to the woman on the screen before continuing, "ugh, I usually don't tell other people about this, but damn, she was stunning. Perfect boobs, ass. She was fit too. Worked out. Too bad she was married."
You scoff at him as you get up to leave the room.
"Can I stop by to fool around later?" He calls after you completely oblivious to his own stupidity.
Through laughter you tell him no and make your way to your room. It all makes since now. Every time he's asked you to go out with him it's for some sort of physical activity, meals he cooks for you are always the grossest healthy shit, he doesn't show physical affection when others are around but always had his hands on you when you were alone.
He's obsessed with you but ashamed of liking someone that doesn't fit conventional beauty standards. He's trying to make you fit the mold.
You're lost in thought at the absurdity of it as you crawl into bed with your favorite book.
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A knock on the door startles you awake and your book flies from your hand to the floor. You sleepily open the door to find Scott standing there with a half wilted bouquet of flowers that you had seen sitting in the kitchen the day before.
"I don't know what I did wrong but I'm sorry!" He says I'm a clear attempt to get back in your pants. From the corner of your eye you see Logan walking down the hall and immediately slam the door closed to avoid both men.
"You're done Scott." You yell through the door.
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You are overjoyed at the prospect of having the whole mansion to yourself for a few days. Everyone will be on a field trip with the kids, no one to avoid, no one to play pretend with after Scott's bullshit the night before. You are free to do what you want.
You decide to make yourself your favorite meal, you sing along to the music that plays in the background, dancing around the kitchen while you work. You whip around, spatula in hand as a microphone and sing along to part of the song especially loudly when you notice Logan smiling as he leans against the doorway. Mortified you stop, eyes wide, "How long have you been there?"
He chuckles, "Not long."
"Aren't you supposed to be with everyone else?"
"I, uh...heard what Scott said to you last night." He looks to the floor. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. I can go meet back up-"
"No, it's okay Lo, you're a good friend. Thank you." His expression is unreadable as you continue, "would you like to have dinner with me? There's plenty!" You say before you can regret it.
He pauses before answering, considering the option. He doesn't answer quickly enough before you blurt out, "It's okay, you don't have to if you don't want to!"
"No, sorry, no....I'd-I'd like that." You both smile gently before his eyes light up, "Just a sec, let me get something."
He leaves for a few minutes before returning with a bottle of whisky.
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After eating and a couple of glasses of whiskey you and Logan are still sitting at the table talking. You're happy he's here, in your tipsy state you promise yourself to stop avoiding him, maybe even try to really be friends again, make an effort to shove your feelings down and enjoy his company without pining over him.
"He didn't deserve you..." He says as he looks you in the eye.
"No he did not. I was just trying to fill a void, take my mind off of things, ya know. The person I really wanted is not... available." You look into your glass swirling the amber liquid around, "I just needed to forget a bit. Never really cared for Scott to begin with, he was just there."
"I know the feeling." His eyes are pained when they meet yours.
"Jean would be lucky to have you. It's her loss." You say, taking a swig of your drink
His face is confused again, "Jean?"
"Yeah, I've seen how you're always around her, how you scurried away from me when she got home after that movie...how you said you could explain when I was leaving." The sting in your chest is back.
"I didn't say that to her, I was talking to you."
It was your turn to be confused now. "What are you talking about?"
"You didn't stop so I assumed you didn't want to talk to me...and then you kept avoiding me. So I didn't push it."
"What were you going to explain?"
"That I was so focused on how close you were to me that I didn't hear her coming until the light came up. That's why I jumped out of the seat, I was ready to fight. I thought maybe you had felt something that night, but then you left so quickly..."Your eyes probe his as he continues, "Jean stopped me from going after you. She kept telling me that you weren't interested in hanging around me so I let it go."
"What did you want me to feel?" You keep going, hoping this is what you think it is, consequences be damned if it isn't.
"I wanted you to feel the same way I do about you. But I know you don't, it's okay."
"Do you....love me?" You ask cautiously, tears pricking your eyes, ignoring the fact that Jean erroneously spoke for you.
His eyes meet yours and he gives a small nod, "It's okay, nothing has to change. I don't expect anything from you, I-" all the emotion pent up in your body bursts through and tears stream down your face. You're happy, you're pissed, you're hurt, you can't control the tears.
"I'm sorry, I'll go." He's gone before you can blink and you try to follow after him.
"Logan, wait!" You hear him bound up the stairs towards his room. You follow as quickly as your feet will carry you and pound on his door. When he doesn't answer a sob wracks your body. You sit on the floor outside his door and try to stop crying so you can speak.
"Lo, please. I love you too." You say weakly.
The door opens slowly and you look up at him, you didn't expect to see him crying too. He kneels down on the floor next to you and searches your eyes.
"I love you." You whisper. He sweeps you up in his arms and carries you into his room, laying you on the bed and climbing in with you.
He pulls you tight to his chest and presses his forehead to yours as he wipes away a tear, "I have loved you for so long. Since the first time I laid eyes on you I was hooked."
You tilt your face up, lips barely brushing his before fully pushing forward. You smile into the kiss and feel your heart flutter. One of his hands comes up to your neck and he deepens the kiss. It's tender, but hungry.
"Why would Jean tell you I wasn't interested in you?" You say after finally pulling away.
Realization comes over both your faces, "she's in love with you too."
"Well, I only have eyes for you." He smiles down at you. Blush rises in your cheeks and you bury your face in his chest, inhaling his scent deeply.
"Can we just...stay like this for a while"
"Whatever you want darlin'." He kisses the top of your head, "you want something more comfortable to wear? I could get you something from your room...or you could have one of my shirts." He offers.
"I'd like one of your shirts, please." You say shyly. His face breaks into a wide grin.
He retrieves a flannel for you, "you should get more comfortable too." You smile sweetly.
He turns away and changes into a pair of sweats and removes his shirt, respectfully keeping his eyes turned away as you remove everything but your boy shorts and slip the flannel on. It's baggy, the sleeves hang just past your fingertips, and the hem at the mid thigh.
You turn to see he's still facing away and immediately move to him. He hears you coming towards him and turns his head a bit. You wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze him tightly as you rest your face against his back, breathing him in.
He turns in your arms and looks over you in his shirt. "Perfect."
You take his hands and lead him back to the bed, urging him to climb in with you before snuggling back into his chest. As he holds you his fingers gently trace over your plush curves in admiration. You lay in each other's arms until you fall asleep, happy.
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Soft beams of light filter through the blinds, the sound of Logan's deep breaths and the rise and fall of his chest at your back reminds you that last night's events weren't just a dream. He stirs behind you with a happy hum, you feel the rumble in his chest as he squeezes you.
"Morning Lo."
"I don't remember the last time I slept that well. Guess I'm just gonna need to hold you every night." He burries his head in the crook of your neck with a kiss and you giggle.
"What should we do today?
"I see have a better idea." You say turning to him, you tilt your head up to plant a soft kiss on his lips. His breath hitches and you deepen the kiss. Your hands weave into his hair and you pull in closer, swollowing the moan he lets out. His hand moves down from your waist to your thick thigh, hoisting it up on his hip and palming it just below your ass.
You push forward, flipping him on his back and straddling him. You kiss along his jaw, down his neck, you feel the rumble of a gutteral moan in his throat when your lips hit his pulse point and your hips involuntarily grind against his hard cock.
"Fuck, sweetheart." His hands rove your body, from your thighs, your ass, your soft tummy, "you're so soft, so beautiful." He sits up and crosses his legs beneath you and guides your legs to cross behind his back. Your full weight rests in his lap and you feel supported in a way you never have before.
"Every time I heard you with Scott I wanted to break down the door and show you how you should be treated..."
"I should have guessed you'd hear..." You pause to look in his eyes, "Were you jealous?"
"So god damn jealous." He growls. "You deserve to be worshipped. Respected. Heard. Seen as the perfect woman you are." He punctuates every point with a kiss across your neck and collar bones.
When he's finished you press a searing kiss to his lips, funneling in every ounce of your being.
He flips you onto your back and breaks from the kiss when you both need air. "Let me take care of you." His gravelly whisper caresses the shell of your ear.
"Yes, please." Your reply is breathy, full of need.
He unwraps your legs from him and begins to kiss down your body. He pauses at the top button of the flannel and looks up to you, "Can I take this off?"
He unbuttons the shirt at an agonizing pace, after each is released he kisses the newly exposed skin as his free hand kneads the plushness of your love handes.
When the last button is undone he opens the shirt completely to reveal your breasts and tummy, looking at you as though you are the most beautiful and fascinating thing he's ever seen.
His hands drag along your skin up to your breasts, he takes a nipple into his mouth and teases it with his teeth and tongue as the other is pinched between his thick fingers.
You arch your back, pressing them further into him with a small moan, "that feels so good Lo."
He hums happily at your approval and brings his free hand down to rest on your inner thigh.
"Please, touch me." You gasp.
"You're gonna have to use your words sweetheart. Tell me exactly what you want."
"I want your fingers....your tongue...your cock..."you squirm under him as he continues his worship of your breasts."burried in me Lo. I need you."
His hand moves up and the pads of his fingers find your clit over your underwear and you buck your hips up to get more friction. His touch is feather light over your clit, your body twitches in anticipation, another whine escaping your lips.
He sits up on his knees between your legs and grabs the hem of your underwear, yanking them off in one go. He lays flat and pulls one leg over his shoulder with his arm threaded under your knee and hand on your stomach and spreads the other one open, keeping his hand on your inner thigh.
He wastes no time devouring you, his tongue explores every inch of your folds until he settles on your clit, alternating between sucking, nibbling, and flicking it as his hands knead your soft flesh. The hand on your thigh finally starts moving towards your opening, slowly he inserts a finger and crooks it as he starts to pump it in and out of you, dragging the pad of his finger along your sweet spot.
"More, please." You beg.
He adds a second finger and you run your fingers through his hair before taking fistfuls and tugged his head further into you with a roll of your hips. He moans loudly, sending a wave of pleasure vibrating through your clit.
"I'm so close..." You gasp with another tug of his hair.
He dutifully continues working you until you scream out in ecstasy as your orgasm tears through your body. He skillfully draws it out until it's run it's course and your left panting above him.
He works his way back up your body until he's face to face with you again. His hand cups your face and he lands a loving kiss to your lips. You reach between you and grab his member and he moans into the kiss as you guide him to your entrance.
He languidly rolls his hips as he seats himself inside you fully, taking his time, making sure you're comfortable. He pauses when he's fully inside you and looks into your eyes deeply.
"I love you." His eyes are full of reverence, adoration, need.
"I love you too Logan."
He begins moving again, slow purposeful thrusts, his eyes still glued to yours. The intimacy of the moment is intoxicating. He reaches one hand between you and circles your clit, heightening every sensation.
"You feel so good Lo." You manage to gasp out as he brings you closer and closer to to your peak.
He sits up on his feet and continues drilling into you as his fingers circle your clit. The new angle hits your sweet spot just right and you cry out in surprised pleasure.
"Almost there, I want you to cum with me..." You whisper as you arch your back.
"Where?" He says breathlessly.
"Inside me, please....I want to feel you." Soon you feel the rush of your orgasm wash over you, pulsing and contracting around him, pulling his own release from him. He continues working you until you're both spent, when he stills he falls to your side and pulls you into a blissful kiss. Everything feels right.
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shuxiii · 1 year
Love at first web— Hanni Pham x reader
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synopsis: Hanni desperate for a hit news was ready to do anything to have a brief interview with the one and only friendly neighborhood spider-man. Yet it didn't seem like an easy task when you're swinging out of reach of her, so she does the ordeal.
Note: is my obsession getting obvious for the Australian-Vietnamese girl now because i think its getting chronic each day
''Hanni, you can't just do whatever you want without facing the repercussions,'' Minji, my long-time best friend and my boss.
''I can make it up to, i can—''
''Hanni, you've caused too much problem and it's causing harm to our resources; why don't you focus on less challenging news?'' Minji says ''well like um,, oh! like that protest against—''
I was too driven by my thoughts to even care to listen to her rantings, I couldn't bear to be held back I've dedicated my life to journalism, just a few rough patches won't stop me.
I need to think, i need something big. something that will give me back Minji's trust in my work, I look at the little spider on the wall hanging on its web quietly weaving its spider web, and it hits me.
''so like i was saying han—''
''I can talk to Spider-girl'' I say.
Minji takes a pause and stares at me perplexed.
''i can get an interview with spider-girl themselves,'' I suggest hesitantly. and that didn't go unnoticed by Minji.
''really? how exactly?'' she asked.
crap. think of something.
''well, i have contacts that will get me through spider-girl myself,'' I lie ''so if you just let me do this, just once I'll make it up for those mistakes.''
''Hanni—'' I gaze at Minji's conflicted thoughts, she knows me well. she knows i don't just give up. and eventually, she sighs.
''fine, but if i don't get any progress by the end of the week, you're halted with any bigger works.''
I jumped in triumph, hugging Minji tightly.
''okay don't get ahead of yourself, you still owe me an interview with a superhero'' she giggles.
i rejoiced too soon, now i was in a cornered wall.
lying was easy, but making it real was difficult
Let's be real how exactly will I get a hold of a human swinging from buildings to buildings like it's a normal Monday morning.
It was deemed so impossible but what do I have to lose? Yeah, my job. Exactly.
If I don't get this interview, then I’ll question myself if I was ever suited for journalism, I don't care if it takes a train to stop me, I'm getting that spider.
I knew exactly how to get their attention. It's simple put myself in to trouble.
🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️
And as smart yet stupid as i was, i decided to get mugged in an alleyway.
It was easy, carry an expensive-looking bag while appearing naive and vulnerable. You’ll have all the eyes of every burglar you get in Manhattan.
I go down a dark alleyway, hearing faint and slow footsteps behind me, and as I reach the end of the street, I glance back to see two buff males wearing balaclava masks approaching me.
And, like every comedian's punch line, they speak their six legendary lines.
“Give us all you have, miss”
And of course I try to stall.
“I don't have anything with me,” I say.
I heard a scoff at the other guy much more shorter than the other one.
“Then what's in your bag?” He says “Nothing?” He laughs.
I take a step back and with every step they inch closer. Yet no signs of that famous red suit spider.
The consequences of my impulsive choices has started to bite back at me, and the fear has started to set in.
“C’mon miss, you don't want to make this harder than it already is” the taller one says.
He grips on my wrist, tight enough to make me wince.
“Let go of me!” I try to push away his hand but he was twice as big as me, and it didn't budge at all.
raspy laughs echoed through the dark alleyway, and he grips me tighter.
“This one's a fighter eh?” He smiles, putting his face closer to mine, smelling the horrible stench of cigarettes and alcohol.
“My, I couldn't take a good look at you but aren't you a little too pretty to be here? He says “We definitely hit the jackpot.”
I look back at him in disgust. And even though I tried to hide my dread, I felt confined and terrified more than I ever had before.
“Why don't you entertain us huh?” He grins with a gleam of darkness in his eyes.
I felt tears drop against my cheeks as i imagine the worst to come.
I close my eyes in fear.
“Hey jerry help me here” he says.
Yet the silence was only heard.
“Jerry!” He yells louder “ are you fucking deaf?”
“What the fuck!”
I open my eyes to see the shorter guy webbed against the wall, muffling.
"Hey now, that's not very chivalrous of you," the one and only says as the guy collides with the wall in the blink of an eye.
A loud thud was heard, as the burglar falls inside the steel wheelie bin.
And just like that the two burglars were webbed and knocked out.
I stood there in both fear and relief.
Suddenly she went up to me placing both her hands against my cheeks,
“Hanni? Are you okay?!” She says with quaver in her voice, like she was scared.
“Are you hurt, did he hurt you?” She gently brushes the part of my wrist the guy gripped.
“Yeah—I’m okay,” I say yet the shake in my voice said otherwise.
She looks at me and suddenly her lenses became bigger, like she just registered what she said.
And I gaze back at her, my benevolent savior, perhaps momentarily questioning the disparities between her identities.
“Wait…Hanni?” i say.
We stare at each other in awkward silence.
“Wait—how do you know my name?” I ask.
“What—I mean no—uh” she stutters “I’ve seen you in new reports! You’re quite a renowned reporter…hahaha”
“Anyway,” she coughs “What are you doing here? Don't you know it's not safe being out so late?”
Yeah what was I doing here? Right. Getting myself in trouble to get an interview from you.
“I was going home but these guys followed me and led me to an alleyway” I lie.
“Uh huh,” she pauses, slightly unconvinced “Well um I better get going”
As she was about to swing out my sight, i grab hold of her wrist.
“Wait!” I shriek.
She looks back at me before looking at my hands holding her wrist.
I quickly let go.
“Um—I was wondering if I could get an interview from you?” I ask, hopeful.
“Uh,” she says “Look, I’m a little busy with my fans at the moment aka my enemies you know? I don't think—“
“It won't take a minute” I pleaded.
“I'm not sure…” she scratches her nape.
“If you don't, well I’ll have to keep putting myself in trouble” i blurt out.
“Keep putting yourself in trouble?” She ask “did you—did you put yourself in trouble, to talk to me?” Did
I seriously don't know when to keep my mouth shut, do I?
“Don't you know how utterly dangerous that is?” She inches closer to me “You could hurt yourself or—or even worst!”
i felt like a kid again scolded by their parents except it was a superhero giving me an earing lecture.
“There are so many ways but you decide the most reckless one?” She continues “what if I’m not here when you get hurt?
She was meters away from me and one push was all it needed, maybe if the mask was removed it would have been.
She awkwardly blinks and freezes, noticing the gap between us.
She stiffly backs away from me. Shes one awkward hero.
“Sorry totally forgot personal space existed” she stutters.
“You’re just like someone I know” I say, giggling.
“What?” She asks, taken aback.
“You’re just like someone I know, her names Yn.” I tell her “She’s always nagging about these kinds of stuff.”
I smile at the thought.
“Really, are they cute? She ask “I m-mean like are they hot, or pretty maybe cute, maybe all of the above?”
I look at her, laughing.
“What—did I say something wrong?”
“Then why are you laughing?”
“Its just a little odd for a superhero to ask such question,” I say.
“Oh, Im sorry—“
“Yeah, they’re cute.”
“I said they’re cute.”
“Oh wow—uh so um,” she says “so do you like them?”
I hesitate and smiled at her.
“Yeah, I like her.”
"Like—like them?" She glances back at me, and even with the mask covering her eyes, I can tell she was looking at me intently.
Something about her gaze that hid behind that mask felt so recognizable, almost as if it was a recurring gaze I would see, but I couldn't place my finger on it.
"Why does it seem like you're the one interviewing here?" I ask, smiling back. "How about if you let me interview you, I'll answer all your questions."
She pauses for a moment, considering the deal. And I give her the best beseeching eyes, something I would never do but if it takes a cute girl to allure a man, then I’ll do everything it takes to get a sweet yes.
But this is a hero, a person who has gone through many things I don’t think being seductive would work but it won't hurt to tease, won't it?
“Do you want me to kiss you?” I say, teasingly “Does a kiss seal the deal?”
“W-What?!” She stammers “did the guy hit your head ?”
“Haha very funny one, no he didn’t,” I say, “ it’s just taking you so long to answer, and you aren't denying the kiss, I won't mind either, you have my consent.”
She stays quiet, and i took a few step closer to her.
Her lenses widen as she puts her hands in defense.
“Okay, I-I agree you don't need to do that!” She sputters.
I squeal in excitement, hugging her. I'm not sure whether I'm hallucinating, but the way her body fits in my hold, it had this familiarity to it. it felt like I've hugged her before like I was grown to it, it felt like I was in the arms of someone I love.
“That kiss was just a joke if you didn't get the memo” I chuckle as I let go of the embrace, but the feeling stayed against my skin.
“Y-Yeah i knew it was a joke” she crosses her arms between her chest.
“Well then, how about we meet on the rooftop of the Daily Bugle? Tomorrow, sounds great?”
“Um yeah sure sure, grool” she says.
Grool? Who says that these days.
“Alright” i laugh.
She timidly shoots me a quick wave as she backs away from me still looking back at me.
“Y-Yeah,” she says “see you later”
''Wait! Look ou—'' I winced as she stumbled backward after hitting her head against the steel pole.
“Are you okay?”
“I did that intentionally,” she says “ and it didn't hurt at all”
Before she decides to leave completely, she says something that makes my heart feel soft to this day.
“And Han, please don’t do this again,” she says “I don’t want you to be hurt.”
A nickname only I knew who would always call me and suddenly the same familiarity started to dwell on me again, and the questions that lingered in my head started to be answered.
It all became clear.
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itsmarsss · 3 months
How do you think blitz would react if he broke into a co-worker's house (like he did in the pilot episode, purring and all) and their reaction was just the most sleepy "kitty.." he's ever heard then they just hug his head to their chest so now he's stuck there?
Their ass went right back to sleep too.
pretty kitty
So maybe Blitzø broke into your apartment complex by picking the lock. Maybe Blitzø broke into your apartment by climbing the side of the building and opening a window. Maybe he broke into your room by… well that one was easy, no one locks their bedroom door when they live on their own.
And so what if he did? He did this to M&M aaaalll the time. Moxxie was a whiny bitch about it but Millie didn’t seem too pissed, though she had asked him to maybe give it a rest for a few days. And he was bored as shit, who could blame him?
Now he’d never listen to Moxxie’s complains, but Millie had asked him very nicely, and he’d been dying to see what the place was like anyways.
Before going into the bedroom, he took a look around the rest of the place. It was simple, but cozy enough. You had an actually nice couch, you were running low on the eggs and the milk in the fridge and you had a board with notes, reminders and various pictures of yourself with different members of I.M.P. pinned on it. He had to fight the urge to go and scribble his face out of them the way he did in his own place.
He wandered into the bathroom, rummaging through the cabinet. Naturally. Eh, nothing much except a real fancy shampoo he remembered Loona mentioning to you once.
How uninteresting.
Finally, he cracked open the bedroom door, which creaked, making him stop and stare intently at you to make sure you didn’t wake up before intended. When you continued your steady breathing, eyes still closed, he tiptoed towards the bed. Oh this was gonna be hilarious. He climbed over you, getting his face as close to yours as possible, trying to see how long he could stare until you stirred awake.
It took a long five minutes before your eyes fluttered open, to be met with his widened one’s right at your face. But he didn’t get the intended response. He didn’t startle you into screaming, which seemed like the most fun outcome. You didn’t even scold him or complain, which were the least fun ones but still could be entertaining enough. No, you tilted your head to side, as if questioning for a split second what he was doing there, before smiling softly in contempt and pulling him to lie down over your body.
“What are you-“
“Pretty kitty. Sleep with me.” You sounded half-asleep, still.
“That’s not what I-“
“Shhhh. Shut up.” You tightened your embrace around him, trapping him against you. Well, not trapping. He easily could break out of your hold if he wanted to. “Now sleep.”
He didn’t want to.
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r0semaryt3a · 5 months
Some pre/during Yorknew Phantom Troupe Identity hcs + Illumi and Kurapika
I do not care if you disagree with these- my word is not law and honestly I want to hear some other headcannons so feel free to drop them down
Chrollo Lucilfer -
Ah Chrollo, my wife <3
He/him (surprising the masses after my wife joke)
Bisexual (no pref)
Monogamy - don’t even suggest otherwise it will be shot down.
“My identity? I’m a bisexual man…hmm? He/him.”
Feitan Portor
Has not and will not ever think about it (if he likes you he’ll date you he won’t label it)
It would be like pulling teeth trying to get him to answer on his identity. Like, it’s just not important to him. Why do you want to know so bad? Just call it whatever, it’s not gonna humour you with a conversation anyways.
“He.” ‘is there anything else?’ “It.” ‘And your sexuality?’ “…like you, date you. Simple.”
Phinks Magcub
Messed around once - quickly learnt he was indeed straight
These people really don’t see the prevalence in their identities so they’re all pretty blunt on answering.
“Eh? Why’d you wanna know? So what? I’m a guy. What? I like girls sure.”
Machi Komacine -
my absolute favourite
Messed around w gender for a bit; doesn’t care but will let you know “she’s a girl”
Bisexual - fem pref
Was the opposite of Phinks - thought she was lesbian then messed around and realised she was indeed bi
“Call me whatever…I’m a girl though.”
“I mean I like everyone, I think? Girls are probably better. No they are”
Woman has to double check with herself whenever asked, it’s like answering a quiz
Franklin Bordeau
Like one of the only ones who’d give you a straight answer if you ever asked
“I’m a man and yes, I like men.” Type of answer
Bi - male pref (the phantom troupe is just a bisexual chat room atp)
I Cannot decide whether I like Nobunaga or Shalnark w this guy
You’ll find out from fucking around with him. In no world is he answering you.
L e s b i a n
Can imagine her being the only one of the group to just have her identity down from day dot
Definitely had a fling with Machi at some point that didn’t work out (they ended on good terms obviously. I can and will go into lengthy detail as to why I believe they had something going in the past and weren’t still together during Yorknew)
This woman is the died in the arc she first appeared in rep I needed!
“She/her honey. I like girls, that’s all that’s to it.”
Does not care
Literally just a colouring book, do what you want he won’t correct you (there’s nothing to correct to)
“Oh? Hmm, well I’ve never really thought about it much. It makes sense for me to be pan though, I guess!”
Nobunaga Hazama
He’s like that grandad that tells you about his time out in clubs and you’re sat going: “YOU? YOU did those things?”
“I’m a homosexual.”
Hisoka Morow
Call this amalgamation of a human whatever you want. As long as you can fight, you can talk to him/j
Type of guy to make a “Yours” joke
I really don’t see Hisoka caring for what people see him as. Like you wanna call him a he? Go for it. She? Sure why not! They? It? All on the table!
Another bisexual - his preference is fight me
Would 100% be down for poly, but depending on his attachment would also demand monogamy
“Why don’t we set a date and you can find out hmm~?”
Shizuku Murasaki
Straight or Aro, one or the other she’s either heavily into romance or completely repulsed and I can’t decide which I think it is.
Will blink at you for two minutes before sighing a response
“Well I don’t mind she or it I suppose.”
I don’t really have that many thoughts on Kortopi so this is like all I’m giving
No one really has a clue on his sexuality and he doesn’t tell any of them, ever. Like he knows what he is, but he just never says it
Illumi Zoldyck
He’s never really thought about it much, after-all aside from family it’s not like most people will live long enough for his identity to matter
Sexuality? Who knows! He sure doesn’t. Does he even like people? Who’s to say!
“What does it matter? I’m a man by all accounts, so refer to me as such.”
Kurapika Kurta
I don’t even really know why he’s on this list tbf.
Will give you his whole coming out story if you ask about his identity. You’ll be there a while.
This was actually really fun to sit and do-
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multixnichols · 5 months
Hiya would you possibly do a Nicky x reader where they have both just got out of prison and they are living together. And Nicky goes out with some old friends and they offer her heroin and it like triggers her in a way so she goes home and starts to have a panic attack and the reader has to calm her down and then they end it by cuddling on the sofa. Thank you ☺️☺️☺️
it's been so long since i wrote anything but i hope you enjoy this and thank you for sending a request <3
—nicky x fem!reader, all fluff, english is not my first language so there might be some bad english too
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She's been at home for thirteen minutes. And she's quiet. Unusually quiet. See, Nicky is not one to usually dwell on things, despite everything she's been through she always tries to talk with you when something bothers her. But now she's just sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at the tv.
"Since when do you watch 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians', Nichols?" you say humorously, settling next to her.
It takes her a moment to lift her gaze at you, her thoughts clearly elsewhere. And then she smiles, but it's not her usual cocky smile, it looks strained.
"Ah, y'know, sometimes i like watching people with real problems. It's good for the heart." comes her raspy voice as she scoots closer and wraps her arm around your shoulders, her body warm as the smell of her conditioner washes over you.
That earns a quiet laugh from you, your hand resting affectionately on her thigh.
You study her face for a moment, deciding that something is definitely off. She looks pretty today, her blonde hair a wild mane as always, the dark makeup around her eyes and those shapely lips you get to kiss every day. But her eyes look almost sad.
"How was the meeting with your friends?" you say softly and all you receive is silence.
Nicky's eyes glaze over, her breaths coming a little faster which she tries to hide by letting out a soft sigh. Though her attempts fall flat because now you can also see her hands trembling.
She doesn't say anything, just presses herself tighter against you to ground herself.
"Talk to me." you encourage softly.
You know the answer before she even says it. Nicky is not the kind of person to panic over nothing, not usually. And she was very hesitant to go out with her old friends in the first place considering how their friendship was always fuelled by drugs. But with your support she decided it wouldn't hurt to at least give it a shot.
Which she regrets now.
"They proposed me heroin." she murmurs, so quietly, that you have to strain your ears to actually hear her.
Instead of speaking you move to wrap your arms around her, because if there's something you learned with time is that sometimes Nicky doesn't need words but a simple touch to soothe her.
"It was– fuck, it was so hard. But i didn't take it. I swear i didn't. I thought i will but–"
"Okay." you cut her explanation quickly because she doesn't need to explain herself. You understand. You know she has enough self-restraint to not fall onto that hole again.
Her face softens as if relieved you believe her. As if she expected you to argue with her, accuse her. Nicky's not used to this kind of trust. Noone ever trusted and cared for her like you do.
"Now take a deep breath for me, okay? I'm proud of you" she quickly listents to you, taking in a shaky breath, her eyes clearing once more as a small smile grows on her face.
But it's not your voice or your gentle encouragment that eases her growing panic. No, her thoughts are on somethong else entirely.
You're proud of her.
Nicky let's out a relieved laugh, the light coming back to her eyes as she moves to lovingly pinch your cheek.
"Proud of me, eh?" comes her teasing, but also very much delighted, tone "Didn't know you were such a simp."
You laugh again, swatting her hand away from your cheek playfully, before bringing her down to lay on the sofa, her head resting against your chest.
"Man, i can't believe i get to sleep in those tits." she rasps out, her hand slipping under your t-shirt to squeeze at the soft skin of your waist, her nose intentionally burried in between your breasts.
Nicky's eyes close and she let's out a happy sigh, simply cherishing your presence.
She got seriously scared today but it's all right in the world if you're there to support her.
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The Jockification of Jeremy, Part 3: Chase Makes His Choice
(For Parts 1 and 2 and the earlier stories this is a sequel to, see the earlier posts.)
I ended up not seeing Chase for nearly two weeks. I had sent him one or two texts. He hadn’t answered them, but he’d read them. I finally sent: “Bro, we need to talk”, and he replied: “I can’t hear you when you speak jockinese”. That made me mad, as I’m sure he wanted, but I realized that he was just lashing out. I felt bad for him, but I still couldn’t make up my mind what to do. I could just give him the Cup and wait for him to start to turn, but I kept remembering Coach Sanders saying that I might not need it. What had he been trying to tell me? I tried to think it through: I hadn’t needed the Cup for myself. Why? Because I had made out with James and Steve, apparently. So, was he telling me that Chase might start to turn into a jock if we made out? Maybe that was what he meant, but the chances of that seemed slim, since Chase wouldn’t even look at me now. And then I suddenly realized that I was overthinking it; the problem was really very simple: was Chase in love with me or not? If he was, then he’d still be in love with me – even though I’d become a jock. And if he wasn’t, then our friendship was over, because the two of us had nothing in common anymore. So I had to find out whether he loved me. And that meant I would have to see him again, whether he wanted to see me or not.
I had thought about asking one of the bros to help. Derek, for example, could easily have just picked Chase up and carried him to me. But that was a stupid idea. Even if it worked, it would just make Chase mad. And this was my problem, not my bros’ problem. If anyone was going to pick Chase up and carry him around, I would be the one to do it; I was getting big enough.
I put everything into one last effort to persuade Chase to see me. I sent him this: “Plz. Gotta talk 2 u just 1nce more. And then will leave u alone if that’s what u want. Plz I need u.”
He replied: “I nu I shd hve blocked u. OK. Will meet. Where?”
“My place.”
My parents were happy to see Chase again, because they hadn’t seen him now for weeks and were wondering why we weren’t friends anymore. I don’t know if they noticed how uncomfortable he looked, but he didn’t linger downstairs. We went right up to my room.
“Okay, Jeremy, what’s the big emergency? What do you need me for? Because I’m not doing homework for you or any other dumb jock, just so you know that.”
“I didn’t ask you here to do my homework, bro, I can do it myself.”
“Yeah, but how well, bro? What’d you get on that last history assignment? A C?”
“A B Minus, actually. I know it wasn’t my best, but I had a basketball game and a wrestling match that week. Anyway, I’m getting my grades back up. I have to anyway. Anything lower than a C-, I get kicked off the team.”
“And that would be a tragedy, that would. What the hell happened to you, Jeremy? Why are you acting like this? I can’t stand jocks. I really can’t. I can’t even look at you. And it smells like a locker room in here. Do you ever wash your jockstraps?”
“Yeah, I do, but I’m a big boy now, and big boys sweat. It’s not a crime, bro.”
“Maybe not, but the stink in here is. Yeah, you’re a big boy all right, Jeremy. I’ll grant you that. You’re about a foot taller than I am now, and judging from how you look in the tank tops and shorts you wear even this time of year, you’ve been packing on the muscle. And the body hair, too.  Geez. Look at you. I guess you’ve turned into your own wet dream, eh, Jeremy? You always did have a thing for jocks. But I still can’t figure out how you turned into one.  Did those neanderthals kidnap you, brainwash you, and pump you full of steroids?”
“I don’t take steroids, bro. Steroids shrink your balls. I think even you know that.”
“Okay, I’ll concede on that point. Even from here, I can tell you don’t have shrunken balls, unless you’ve been stuffing rocks in your jockstrap. Geez, Jeremy, how do walk around with those? And what the eff happened to your dick? It wasn’t like that before.”
“There, bro, you can manage to look at me when you want to. Glad you’re impressed, but I didn’t ask you over here to discuss my package.”
“Then what did you ask me here for, Jeremy? If it wasn’t for me to do your homework or admire the size of your balls, then what did you want from me?”
“This,” I said, pulling him to me and kissing him.
He struggled a bit at first, but I held him firmly, and pretty soon he was giving back as much as he was getting. His tongue pushed hungrily into my mouth. A minute later, though, he pulled away. “Damn it, Jeremy,” he said. “Did you have to do that? You’re big, you’re dumb, and you stink. I can’t. I just can’t.”
I put my hand on his rigid cock, which was tenting his pants, and said, “This is telling a different story, isn’t it Chase? You want to know why I asked you over? To tell you that I love you. I think I always loved you. I missed you so much. And I’m pretty sure you love me, too. Am I right?”
“Damn you,” Chase said, starting to kiss me again. He didn’t come up for air for a couple more minutes. “Fuck. I hate this. You want me to say it, don’t you? Yes, I love you. There. I said it. I think I’ve always loved you. Damn it.”
“But bro, I’m big and dumb, and I stink.”
“Yeah, I know,” said Chase. “And I still love you, you big, hot lunkhead. Although I’m starting to wonder how dumb you really are. You seem to know how to push all of my buttons. Now shut up and let’s get back to work. And stop calling me ‘Bro’!”
We got back to work. For such a little dude with zero experience that I knew of, he gave me a thorough workout. Once he finally got to it, I mean, he just went nuts. It was as if I’d broken some kind of barrier down inside him, and now that it was gone, he couldn’t get enough of me. I couldn’t believe little Chase could be such an animal. When we finally finished, we were both sweating heavily. Chase said, “I’m sorry. I had to do that or I was going to go crazy.”
“You did go crazy, bro. And nothing to be sorry for. I had a great time.”
“I did, too. Damn it. Why, Jeremy? I don’t like jocks.”
“Could’ve fooled me, bro”.
“Yeah, I know. I guess I like this jock. I love you, Jeremy. You were right about that. Well, we’ve certainly had a night. Now are you going to send me packing? Don’t you have a freshman to stuff into a locker or something, or a game to play?”
“Chase, dude, I love you like crazy, but you really need to get over your hate, okay? I’ve changed. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, but you need to be okay with that.”
“I know, Jeremy. I’ve just really been having trouble dealing with you as a jock. I thought I’d lost you forever, and it made me mean. I’m sorry. I know whatever changes you’ve been going through, it’s not your fault, and I haven’t been a good friend to you lately. But it’s hard for me to get used to. You really do smell like jock, you know, and now I’ve got that smell all over me. I feel a little queasy now, honestly.”
“I’m sorry about the jock smell, bro, honestly, I am, but I think you’re going to have to just live with it. I shower, like, every day. Sometimes more than once.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, too. You’re right; I’ll just have to get used to it. I don’t know. Maybe it’s not so bad. Anyway, if that’s what I have to put up with, I’ll have to put up with it.”
“Bro, you’re sure you’re okay? Your voice is getting kind of hoarse.”
“Still a bit dizzy or whatever, but I feel fine otherwise,” he said, his voice cracking. “My throat’s just a little scratchy.”
I smiled, thinking Chase probably wouldn’t be needing that cup after all. “Bro,” I continued, “I know you’re not exactly interested in going out for a sport right now, but I just wanted to let you know that you owe Coach Sanders a huge favor.”
“Not sure I follow you, Jeremy. Why do I owe Coach Sanders a favor?”
“Because he was the one who told me not to give up on our friendship. Bro, I was so, like, sad that you weren’t talking to me that I went to ask his advice. And he was super nice and super helpful about it, and he made so much sense. And he told me pretty much what you said, bro, about you having trouble dealing with it that I had changed so much so fast. And I asked him to talk to you, and he said he would if I wanted, but that I shouldn’t, you know, underrate our friendship, and I could talk to you better than he could. And he was right.”
“Yeah,” agreed Chase. “He was right. I guess I do owe him a favor, then.”
“Yeah, bro,” I said, kissing Chase again lightly. “Anyway, it’d be great for you to talk to him sometime. He’s a great guy.”
“I’m sure he is, Jeremy. And maybe, maybe, if you value his opinion so much, I can persuade him to get you down to using ‘Bro’ every other sentence.” I pantomimed punching him in the arm and he laughed. “Sorry, Jeremy, but I couldn’t resist that one. It’s okay. But yeah, I’ll talk to him sometime, if it means that much to you.”
“It’s good to hear you laugh again, bro. I’ve missed that.” Then I kissed him again, and we got down to business for another round.
Chase ended up spending the night. It was pure ecstasy for us, because neither of us wanted to be away from the other. But the next morning, we had school, and the alarm was a rude awakening from our blissful night.
Chase said he felt great in the morning, but his voice was so hoarse he could barely talk above a whisper: “Jeremy,” Chase croaked, “I’m going to stink so bad at school. You think I have time for a shower?”
I kissed him again and said, “Don’t shower yet, babe. Please. You smell like me, and I want every guy at school to know you’re mine.”
Chase laughed, “Okay, Jeremy. I guess you marked me as your mate. Just for you, because I love you, I won’t shower until I get home tonight. Anything else you want?”
“Just one more thing, you ever worn a jock, babe? No, of course you haven’t. Here’s one of mine. I want you to wear it to school today.”
“Geez, Jeremy, I mean, that’s sweet, and a little gross, but how is one of your jockstraps going to fit me? It’ll be all stretched out from your monster cock and balls.”
“You’ll see,” I said. “Let me get it on you. You’d be surprised how well these things recover from being stretched out. If it won’t stay on you by itself right now, you just put a pair of briefs over it. Wait, I think I still have a few of my old ones that don’t fit me anymore.” So I positioned one of my used jockstraps over his package and then put a pair of my old briefs over it, and once I got in place, I said, “Now you’ll be able to feel that you’re mine all day long.”
“Ooh, that feels strange. Really strange. But it’s kind of nice. It makes me feel warm and tingly, all over. But I guess I’d better get dressed now.”
Chase kissed me again, and then he started pulling on his pants and shirt from last night. “That’s funny, Jeremy,” he whispered. “My pants are little tight.”
“Well, you’ve got a little extra material there now, bro. I’m sure your pants will stretch out a bit once you’ve had them on for a bit.”
We went to school together, but we didn’t have any classes together until after lunch, so I didn’t see him again until lunchtime. We ate lunch together. Chase was feeling fine, he said, but he was really hungry, and he got seconds, which he never did normally. He was clearing his throat a lot, and when he talked, his voice alternated between sounding hoarse and cracking. To me, his Adam’s apple already looked a little more prominent, but it could have been my imagination. He looked a little sweaty, too, but I said nothing about it.
“Jeremy,” he said, “I just wanted to let you know that I’m trying to get used to the jock smell, I really am, but I feel stinky and sweaty, and I’m really looking forward to a shower.”
“It’s okay, little bro. I just wanted to be sure you and everyone else knew you were mine.”
“Very cute, Jeremy. But I keep thinking your jock friends are staring at me.”
Chase had a point; some of them did seem to be staring, particularly James and Steve, who looked over several times.
“Don’t worry about my bros, babe,” I said. “No one’s going to mess with you now that you’re my boyfriend.”
But I was curious as to what James and Steve were talking about; they were clearly having a couple chat that no one else was in on.
After school, I had basketball practice. Before practice, I swung by Coach Sanders’s office to return the cup and thank him again. He was at his desk. I closed the door and said, “Coach, I wanted to thank you so much for helping me with Chase. I ended up not needing this, so I wanted to get it back to you.” I handed him the cup.
He said nothing until he had carefully put the cup back into the same file drawer he’d retrieved it from originally, and then he said, “So, big guy, how’d things go?”
“Awesomely. You were right about trusting our friendship, Coach. I think I’d been in love with him for a long time, and I told him so, and it turned out he was in love with me, too. Now we’re officially boyfriends, and I couldn’t be happier.”
“Love’s a powerful thing, Jeremy. I’m glad for you. So, Chase is dealing with your changes better now?”
“Definitely, Coach. And, if I’m right, he’ll probably be ready to talk to you about joining up in a week or two.”
The coach chuckled. “Big guy, if you were smiling any harder, I think your face would split. Okay, Jeremy, I can read between the lines. We’ll keep an eye on Chase and make sure he turns out all right.”
“Thanks, Coach. I owe you a lot.”
“You’re welcome, Jeremy. I owe you a lot, too.”
I didn’t see Chase again that night, but we texted. Other than his voice, he was feeling fine. The next morning at school, James lumbered up behind me, reached up, and clasped a meaty hand on my shoulder: “Sup, bro. Why don’t we take a walk to my office. It’s time for another counseling session.” He had one of those one-eyebrow-raised jock smirks on his face, so it was hard to tell if he was amused or irritated. I followed him to the most out-of-the way men’s room in the school. No one was inside.
“Haven’t been in here for a while. Brings back memories – sort of.�� I looked at him, puzzled, and he sighed. “Never mind. It’s just that this place has seen a few interesting scenes in my life, bro, but that’s another story. If these walls could talk! I’m just glad I didn’t have to kick any nerds out of here this time. We need a little privacy.”
“What’s up, James? Why’d you bring me here? I’m confused.”
“You do seem to have that problem sometimes, bro. Were you a little dense before you changed, or did you lose a few IQ points in the process?  Anyway, the last time you and I talked, we were talking about your future. But you’re not a little bro anymore, not at all. You’ve turned out fine. No, it’s not your future I’m worried about. Steve-o and I noticed your little friend at lunch. What’s his name? Chase? So, what’s going on with your little friend, Chase, bro?”
“Something wrong with him, bro?” I asked, as innocently as I could.
“You do like to push your luck, don’t you? I’m still a lot bigger than you are. And, unlike some of our bros, I’m not stupid, and neither is Steve. I’m starting to suspect you’re not as dumb as you come off, either.”
“Your point, dude?”
“I’m getting there,” James continued with a glare. “Patience is a virtue, bro. I don’t know what all you know or may have heard about Steve and me and some of the stuff that used to go on around here. Let me just tell you that I have plenty of experience seeing nerds and geeks turn into jocks. I can recognize the signs sooner than most. Don’t hold out on me, bro. I’m not asking because I’m nosy. There might be more involved than you know about. So, give. What happened to Chase? Why is he starting to turn?”
“He’s my boyfriend, bro. That’s what happened. He and I had been in love since, like, forever, but he was having trouble with me being a jock. Anyway, we reconciled the night before last.”
James’s smirk deepened. “Oh, that’ll be fun. Too much fun. That is fucking awesome! I’ve got to say, bro, I suspected something like that. Look, it really wouldn’t be any of my business, except that I want to make sure your little bro Chase is okay. Protocol is, as you know, that we only hang around with other bros, so you and Chase were attracting some attention. You don’t need to give me a play-by-play, but he already looks like he’s turning fast. You did that just by making out with him?”
“Well, yeah, bro. I mean, we did it – a lot – that first night. And I did talk him into wearing one of my jockstraps. I think it helps. I, uh, wore that one of yours for over a week, I think.”
“Kind of hard to remember stuff from before, isn’t it bro?” said James softly. “It was Steve’s, by the way, not that it really matters. We knew it was Steve you really wanted to make out with. I don’t blame you; he is incredibly hot, after all. Look, bro, I know it doesn’t matter now, but you have to realize that we had no idea that making out with us was going to make you turn. We just wanted you to have some fun – and leave us alone.”
“Bro, seriously, it’s okay. I’m super happy with my life. I mean, I know I used to be different, but now I can’t really remember what I was like before. I mean, I remember my life and all the facts and all that, but I can’t remember what it felt like, you know?”
“Yeah, I do know, actually,” James said, almost in a whisper. “Your old life is like a dream you barely remember, and every day it fades a bit more, because you were always like this, and that dream, bro, it never happened.”
“Yeah, it’s exactly like that,” I said, excitedly. But James sighed; he was looking away from me toward his reflection in the mirror. His smirk was gone, and his face was utterly blank. I was a bit disconcerted, but I continued, “And Chase, well, I didn’t know what would happen, but I figured that, since we loved each other so much, it would turn out okay no matter what. But dude, we made out so many times that night, and by morning, I could already tell he was starting to change. So I figured, okay then, we’ll just be another hot jock couple like you and Steve.”
“Yeah, I suppose you will be at that, bro,” James said, his customary smirk pointed at me again. “Other people will start noticing soon. You’ll want to keep a close eye on him for now. And talk to one of the coaches, probably Sanders, the basketball coach. He was the one Derek talked to about you. Sanders was around when all this stuff started going on, and he must know something. I’ll bet Halvorson, the wrestling coach, does, too.  The football coach, you know, the new one, don’t go to him. He’s a great coach and all, but he doesn’t know anything about this kind of, um, special case.”
“All taken care of, bro. I had already talked to Coach Sanders about Chase, and I talked to him again yesterday before practice. He was the one who encouraged me to reconcile with Chase in the first place, and I’m glad I did.”
“Interesting, bro, very interesting. He actually encouraged you to reconcile with Chase? I’m surprised. Pleasantly, but surprised. I don’t know Coach Sanders, really. I’m not on the basketball team, and I’ve never really talked to him, but I’m glad he isn’t a homophobe. That was one of the problems with the old football coach. So, I’m assuming Coach Sanders must have some or all of the old football coach’s videos.”
“Yeah, bro, I watched one of those, and he said he had some of the old coach’s stuff, just not all of it. I asked him if the video would help Chase, and he told me it would, but I might need something special to help as well. But I ended up not needing it, so I gave it back to him.”
“Whoa, dude,” said James. “What the fuck! You don’t mean he actually still has…”  James leaned right into my face and whispered so softly I almost couldn’t hear him. “Does Sanders actually still have a cup? Is that what he gave you?”
“Yeah, bro, that’s what he gave me,” I whispered back.
I’d almost never seen James look anything but cocky, but whatever was going through his head had wiped the usual smirk off his face again. His eyes were as round as basketballs. “No shit,” he finally said, quietly. “Steve-o and I thought they were all long gone, along with the old football coach. And Sanders still has one?”
“Bro,” I whispered. “I know he told me not to talk about this at all, but I think he said they had very few left, so doesn’t that mean there must be more than one?”
“Holy shit,” said James. “Okay, bro, do not, I repeat, do not, say a word about any of this to anyone. Absolutely not. And don’t let on to Coach Sanders that you told me. The less you know about those things the better. Bro, I am so glad you didn’t have to use one of those on Chase. What you two did was a lot more fun, for you and for him, and if all goes well, little Chase will never know what hit him.” He paused. “We’re done with our discussion, bro, but, just out of curiosity, do you remember any of the video Coach Sanders had you watch?”
“Well, I remember that it was really good, and I enjoyed it, but no, I don’t honestly remember what it was about. Why?”
“Professional curiosity. I’m studying biology, not that I exactly bring that up at practice with the bros. But I’m curious about the process – if you follow me. I think, bro, that it’s not just one video that you watched. I think there’s more than one, and I’m not sure if we all see the same ones or not. But that’s just a feeling I have. I have zero evidence, and I can’t remember any more of the video than you do. I’ll be curious to find out if Chase remembers anything when his turn comes. Speaking of coming,” he said with a chuckle, “Make sure you get him to come as soon as you can, you know, after he’s done. It’ll help him finish adjusting. He’ll probably be super horny anyway, but it he’s not, get him horny, okay, bro?”
“Okay, bro,” I said with a grin. “That’ll be a pleasure. But what’s so bad about those cups, anyway?”
“Look, bro, forget about the cups. Just be very, very glad you never had to wear one. Trust me.” And with that he left.
To be continued
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