#now featuring the CORRECT name plates
sparklingcid3r · 19 days
wow ur last hc was a full meal like that was poetry!! urrrr mind!!!
wut do u think it was like for darry having tg back to the high school for the first time? maybe to pick on pony when he was sick and half the teachers wondering y ponys dad is so young and the other half looking disappointed that darry became a dropout? wut was going thru his mind (besides the fact tht pony is sick and likely exhausted bc his nightmares r keeping him up)
ty!! i live to serve (cunt)💅
also i’m rereading this after i finished and am realizing that maybe i did not answer this as best as i could have, i got carried away again🙏 bless yall for putting up w my bs because wth
- Darry was dreading this moment. He knew it was coming, he knew it was inevitable, and he knew that he couldn’t pass it off to someone else. He was the guardian, he was the first number the office secretary called. They worked to get into contact with him, no one else
- So Darry is given his lunch break early to go and pick up his brother from school, the one he’s been told just threw up in the nurse’s office and woke up from a nap screaming. Maybe they should have given him just one more week
- Darry thinks about a lot on the drive over. He can’t understand the way Pony is expressing his grief because Darry never let himself feel it the way Pony does. He thinks the best way to deal with it is to dig his heels in and push back, and since it worked for him, he’s under the impression that it would work for anyone if they’d just try
- Cut Darry some slack he’s got a lot on his plate this is just him wishing there was less
- He actually does believe it though
- Will Rogers is smaller than he remembers when he pulls into the visitors parking lot. He can see his old parking spot as he walks towards the entrance, taken up by a new senior, because that’s what time does. It erases and fills in, relinquishes and moves on
- There’s a new lady working the front desk in the office. She’s young, got maybe just a few years on him. His face isn’t the first thing she looks at when he walks in. A couple of months ago, he would have picked up what she was putting down, even leaned into it. Now, it makes him squirm
- When Darry tells her he’s picking up a Ponyboy Curtis from the nurse, her eyebrows get a formal introduction to her hairline. At first, Darry doesn’t understand what’s got her so shocked, but then she goes to the phone to confirm with the nurse and says, “Hi, Colleen, I have Ponyboy’s, ah, his father here?”
- Darry keeps his face neutral, but something inside him shifts when he thinks about how they will have to replace their parents’ names with his in Pony’s file. He thinks so long about it that it doesn’t occur to him to correct the secretary
- The nurse—Mrs. Perry, if nothing had changed in the short while it took Darry to end up right back where he started—must have corrected her for him. “Oh, brother, I see.” He doesn’t like being looked at by her half-lidded eyes, but naturally she does so when saying to him, “I’m very sorry about that, Mr. Curtis. Ponyboy will be here in a moment. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
- Darry turns away and replies curtly, “No, thank you.”
- Mrs. Perry herself has walked Pony to the office, whose shoulders are sloping and head is downturned. His hair hides his face, a second shield, like he expects a verbal lashing right in front of the staff. Darry doesn’t know why. Maybe he thinks something in Darry is bound to blow, and maybe he’s right. But not now
- “I hear you’re not feeling too hot, Pony,” he tries, and Pony shrugs. Darry doesn’t try again, just accepts the absence note from the secretary
- “It’s good to see you again, Darrel. You look healthy,” Mrs. Perry says. Her lipsticked smile is warm and further crinkles her eyes, but a certain sadness weighs her old features down. Darry always liked her and, having been a football player, spent a decent chunk of time sitting in her office for the old once-over. She might have been one of the first people to tell him he was going places, all the way back in his sophomore year
- A sweet old lady, disappointed by the twist of fate but with no way of saying that to Darry’s face
- “Thank you, ma’am,” Darry says, and drops a hand on Pony’s shoulder. It unbalances his kid brother more than it ought to, so he takes it as an opportunity to get the hell out of there. “It was good seeing you again.”
- “Likewise. Take care, Ponyboy. Feel better soon.”
- Pony nods, goes for a tight-lipped smile. It’s better than nothing, so Darry lets him off easy
- They get back to the truck and Pony is curled up in the passenger seat, leaning on the door and hugging his bag. The back of his head is turned to Darry while he watches the window
- Darry starts the car. “You shouldn’t have gone to school if you weren’t feeling good.”
- Pony mumbles under his breath
- “Words, Ponyboy. You gotta use ‘em if you want people to understand what you’re saying.”
- “You told me it was time to go back. I’ve spent enough time lazing around on my ass, you said. You said that.”
- Darry’s grip on the wheel paints a white streak across his knuckles. “Obviously if you’re sick and throwing up, you stay home. You forgot to mention that part this morning. Hey, look at me when I’m talking to you.” Pony was possibly about to say something, but Darry cut him off. He was too angry to hear him out. “I had to use up my lunch break to pick you up today and you’re real lucky I hadn’t taken it yet, because that would be money down the drain. You get that, Ponyboy? That I have to actually work to make sure we keep a roof over our heads?”
- Pony doesn’t clap back when Darry expects him to. It quickly drains all the fight from his body and unwraps the pressure in his chest, realizing that arguing has become more familiar than just talking. It’s like he doesn’t know how to converse with Pony anymore without it dissolving into a yelling match to see who’ll shove the last word in
- He’s sick, Darry remembers, and all Darry knows how to do to get a word out of him is to yell. They never used to come to blows this quick
- But if Pony would just think first, use the God-given head he’s got on his shoulders, so many arguments would be avoided. Darry would have let him stay home from school if he’d been told that Pony was under the weather, right?
- “Just forget it,” Pony mutters, pulling his bag closer to his chest and setting his gaze back out the window
- Darry glances at him, then fixes his eyes on the road, stuck wondering how he let it get this bad
ignore the fact i wrote fanfiction in bullet points lmfao i was cheffing it up too hard
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your-local-baguette · 5 months
Rather Be, Rather be
part 1
Warnings:not proofread, contains triggering subjects, read at your own risks. Cheap ass german btw manga spoilers
Half of this was made a lot later, so, apologies if they are a few incoherence. Enjoy!
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You walked next to isagi, the first match was in ten days, you were simply walking in silence, both with one earphone. You grabbed the hair tie around your wrist and started tying up your hair in a small ponytail. You yawned before holding the door open for Yoichi, walking inside the cafeteria with him. You went to sit at a table, while isagi went to get his meal, you took out your phone, scrolling through some messages. Mostly from your mom, sometimes Anri, but that was pretty rare. Someone sat in front of you and it wasn't Yoichi, you raised your gaze to be met with micheal's, you raised an eyebrow at him. "Why hello" he said, that fake ass smile still attached to his face, you didn't answer at first but you gave him a little wave. When isagi arrived, he sat next to you, placing his plate, while he took out the earphone you gave him, handing it to you. Yoichi looked at your lack of food " not hungry ?" You shook your head, while he raised his shoulder, pretty much ignoring kaiser. "I simply accompanied you here so i wouldn't spend the evening in my room" he nodded, before placing his chopstick on the rest. "That's understandable, anyway, what training did you do today?" He asked, legitimately curious "i did core strength and dribbling" he chuckled "just sharpening your best skills gain, mhm ?" He had managed to get out a little smile out of you "yea.."
"dribbling huh ?"
A voice behind you said, one you knew a little too well, you looked over your shoulder only to be met with a pair of teal eyes. "Rin..." He didn't say anything else "you should sharpen your other skills instead" he said, still with his emotionless face. "I do, i do, but just not today" you said of a gentle voice, your features softening around the itoshi, when he sat down next to you, you rested your head on his shoulder, while he rolled his eyes. Nonetheless, he didn't move, acting as if he didn't care ( he does care). As for kaiser, that was sitting in front of you, was smiling, 'that fake ass'.
You lifted your gaze to cross the blond, letting it linger far too long on his his.
'wait a damn minute..'
'that look he had...'
His lips tugged into a smirk, raising an eyebrow.
"calling me by my first name now, what is it ?"
You rolled your eyes at his teasing tone
"can we talk later..alone"
"oh ? Sure hübsch" ( i'm so sorry if i didn't spell it right, i'm sure it means pretty but correct me if it doesn't)
"i'll come get you.."
For once, the blond was actually quite cooperative, simply nodding and walked off.
"Say rin ?"
He hummed
"did you see it too ?"
I nodded, raised my head from his shoulder and stretched my arms out a little.
"i'll see you two another time, i have to go talk to choppy hair"
Yoichi snickered, but as you walked away he glared at rin, the two didn't get along that well, but not the kind like shidou and rin. The older player got up and walked away with his empty plate, leaving rin lost in thought.
As for you, the quiet sound of your shoes hitting the ground couod be heard, you were walking quite fast to reach choppy hair's room. You walked past many, many doors until you reached the desired one.
Although you asked him to talk, you felt quite nervous about this, but you knocked. It didn't take long before the blond opened the door, inviting you in, you nodded and walked in.
"you seemed serious about talking to me earlier, what is it "
"micheal, i know it might be indiscreet to ask this, but i'll get to the point"
He stayed silent
"why do you hate yourself?"
Kaiser swore he felt his breathing stop hearing your question. You're right, why did he hate himself, he didn't even know.. No that's not true, he knows why, but he doesn't want to admit.
"why do you wanna know that ? You care about me, hübsch?"
He responded, still with that cocky smile of his, but his gaze crossed your again, contrary to his, the energy you gave off, you were dead serious.
That's when it hit him, you were being for real, real, you actually cared, being that sassy exterior, you fucking cared. That's what made it harder for him to say it...but guess what ? He did it anyway.
"because i'm not good enough, if i don't get better then my career will just go down...i need to surpass N-"
"that's the problem, setting goals for yourself is fine, it'a good even. But if you can't do it now, take a step back to take two forward. You're allowed to rest micheal, but i can tell, that's not the only thing bothering you, is it"
That wasn't even a question, he couldn't answer that, he knew that you already know, but, now did he expect you to hint towards it ? No he fucking didn't.
The more his eyes loosed themselves in yours, the more he felt like you read him as an open book.
"body dismorphia? It isn't easy, is it ?"
He didn't answer, but what purpose would it do anyway, you already knew the answers to all that.
" why?"
"why do you ask me all this when you know the answer ?"
"because i want to know how you feel it"
"but micheal, it i'll be fine, so hang on a little longer, mkay ?"
What followed after this was the last thing he expected, his forehead was resting on your shoulder, and he broke. The tears, they spilled out, he just couldn't anymore, he felt your arms around him.
'oh, as much as this comforts him, he'd rather be, rather be, somebody else'
Thank you for reading up until now, now, this story was not necessarily romantic with micheal, but more platonic. Hopefully you weren't disappointed.
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butchsophiewalten · 10 months
notable things from the update so far:
- the camera screen above shows the same area as "birthday" picture from charles's page
- the one below shows the lobby in front of the much-hyped poker maze (i think?)
- white box thing (?) in the right bottom corner
- name tag/plate behind the drink cup with "Bunny" and the letters C and H (i assume), which could hint at both CHris and CHarles. i want to lean towards charles since he is rumored to play a big role in twf4 but chris is always hiding around the corner here so anything is possible.
- the fact that we now have a security guard character, with the setup very much reminiscent of the classic FNAF security office (the plushie, the posters, the drink) which is clearly the afformentioned "CH-" character
- lots of questions about the yellow poster with the uhhh drumstick things on the far right of the screen.
Lol, a lot of this is basically what I was going to say in a post this morning!
For anyone who didn't see last night: the main page of Findjackwalten updated!
On it we see this:
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With the top left screen playing a filtered version of the minisode from last month.
You're right that the top right screen is showing the same room as on the /0714-74 page!
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We're also seen this room one other time, in Martin's twitter banner from June of last year:
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Looking at the map of Bon's Burgers we get from the Bon's Burgers Commercial, I think its safe to say the hallway in these images is "Corridor A"
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The location visible on the bottom screen we're also seen before, in a teaser provided by Martin to Instagram user Waltenews:
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As well as in Martin's current Twitter banner:
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But a problem I'm running into here is that I have no idea where this room is. Identifying features I'm looking for on the Bon's Burgers map is a med-large square or rectangular room with a door to the right side of the wall, and a table opposite the door (not completely necessary to be there -- the table may just not be marked on the map). The only room I think even resembles this in layout is the Employee area leading into the Backstage, which makes no sense because this room is obviously public-facing.
The only real clue I can gather is that this room appears to have a door in it with a sign hung on it, one that I would have to assume reads something like "Employees Only", considering it appears to be a metal door with handle instead of an open curtain like we've seen for public areas?
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If that is an employee door, this could possibly be Corridor B?? even though I doubt it. The only thing that leads me to say that is the door layout being roughly correct, if we assume the curtained door leads to the censored area on the Bon's Burgers map? It being the location of the poker maze doesn't make no sense, but the room's layout isn't exactly consistent with anything we can see on the Bon's Burgers map, so it confuses me. Maybe there's something obvious I'm missing here.
About our mystery "CH" security guard character here, if we're meant to interpret the presence of the minisode on the screen as indication that the Local 57 spotlight on the mystery of Bon's Burgers already exists and has aired/is airing, then Charles would be long dead already. Which I think gives us a good idea of who this CH actually is...
Which begs the question as to why there's security cameras monitoring the inside of Bon's Burgers even after the restaurant's closure, if that really is what we're meant to glean from this. It also makes me wonder where this office building is, if the Bon's Burgers building is shut down and unused, and we've never seen or heard of this room in K-9 before. Maybe it's in the warehouse we've heard of? Or even some unknown 4th location?
This weird white box in the corner is interesting to me, too. Whatever it is, it's being obscured here on purpose. This corner of the image is the only one to have this weird shadowy vignette.
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This yellow poster on the side is really killing me, too. Especially in how the "drumsticks" so obviously have Something written on them that is just illegible.
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Lots and lots of interesting stuff happening in this FJW update...
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cherrylng · 4 months
Gears & Analysis - Manson 007 aka Blackie [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Black Peace [Correct name is Manson 007 aka Blackie] A jet-black bomb-making machine fully armed with a number of unique ideas.
The Manson custom model, known as the ‘Black Peace’, was introduced in 2001 and has been used to this day. The body shape and other basic guitar features are similar to those of the earlier Delorean, but the specifications are quite different. In other words, it is a further updated model based on the ‘DeLorean’. The specs shared with the Delorean at the time of production included front and rear pickups (the rears have now been replaced with bare knuckle ‘Mississippi Queen’ pickups), a piezo pickup system (which has also now been removed), and a built-in effects unit. However, the truth about the effects of pedals are not clear due to mixed accounts. It seems to have a ‘Phase 90’ and a Zvex ‘Fuzz Probe’ (or ‘Wah Probe’)…… In any case, the key point is the copper plate on the right side of the unit. It is a fact that by holding your hand over it, you can freely change the oscillation sound, just like a theremin. Therefore, there is no doubt that one of the ZVex ‘Probe’ series is incorporated. There is also a MIDI controller on the top left of the unit. This was a result of Matthew's question: "Can we mount a “Whammy” on it?" According to Hugh Manson, the original idea was to have a built-in ‘Whammy’ itself, but this was abandoned due to power supply problems, so only a MIDI controller was built in, which would be used to control the ‘Whammy’. The controller itself is a transplant of the ribbon controller originally set on the Roland ‘JP-8000’ keyboard. Incidentally, it can be assigned to any MIDI-compatible device other than the ‘Whammy’.
Pickups & Controllers The sustainer pick-up is located between the P-90 type front pick-up and the fingerboard. The rectangular object located to the left of it is a MIDI controller that works like a touch sensor. The toggle switch next to it is a kill switch. The copper plate located on the left side of the unit is the oscillation controller.
Controls The control system is as complex as that of the ‘Delorean’. There are many switches and knobs. The two knobs and switches at the bottom of the body are probably for the ‘Fuzz Probe’ (a sibling of the ‘Fuzz Factory’). The knob next to the bridge is the controller for the ‘Phase 90’, the mini-switch to the right of it is ON/OFF, the three mini-switches in a row vertically are switches for the sustainer, and the three knobs on the far right are controllers for normal guitar sounds. There is a strong theory that there is a ‘Wah Probe’ built in instead of a ‘Fuzz Probe’, but since Guitar Tech describes it as a ‘theremin’, it is probably not a ‘Fuzz Probe’?
SIM L.E.Ds On the side of the fingerboard, there is an LED that indicates the position. This is a system developed by Sim's Custom, a brand founded by Martin Sims, an engineer originally active in the field of Formula 1 racing cars, and is called Sim's L.E.Ds. Various specifications can be selected, including the colour and shape of the LEDs. The Dodd markers on the top of the fingerboard can also be illuminated, but Matthew seems to have opted for the side-only version.
Translator's Notes: I don't know why this typo error was never corrected by the STYLE editors. I thought I knew the guitar looked familiar to me, yet I've never heard it being called the Black Peace at all. To fans and Matt alike, the Manson 007 had always been 'Blackie'.
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immortaladrien · 1 year
A charismatic knight attempting to get a cold person to spar with them?
haha this is super fluffy and cute! unless… (featuring adrien, wanting to add angsty plot twists to everything)
tws: swords, peer pressure, stabbing, fluff, angst, tragic endings & corruption (the fluff ends at the ☕️!)
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“One round!”
The witch peeled their gaze from the inside of a spellbook, grimacing. Knight-boy had dropped a jousting sword by their foot, beaming expectantly.
Damn that dazzling smile.
The witch cleared their throat and looked back down. “I am in the middle of studying.”
“You’re always in the middle of studying!” The grin reached their eyes now, clearly not deterred in the slightest.
“Perhaps that’s a sign to leave me be.”
“Or ‘perhaps’ you’re being stubborn.”
Their counterpart scoffed a little, turning a page. “One of us certainly is.”
With a dramatic groan, the knight crossed their arms. “You’re no fun! Don’t you want to do anything other than read?”
Have you ever even read a book? “Go away.”
“I need someone to practice with!”
“You have other friends. Ask one of them.”
That did… something. An awkward silence immediately washed over the two and the knight fell quiet, fidgeting awkwardly with the plates of their armor.
“You… do have other friends, don’t you?”
“You’re the best opponent out of everyone I’ve fought.”
How bizarrely avoidant. “I hardly know how to wield a sword. You’re lying through your teeth.”
“Maybe so, but you’re cunning! And unpredictable! Hell, last time I saw you fight, you hit a guy with a spell and he went crying for his mother…” They trailed off, as if revisiting a fond memory.
“You were… there? You watched my duel?”
The knight nodded enthusiastically, beaming yet again. “They don’t train us how to deal with magic users in the field, so I go to your matches. I’ve been taking notes! And you’re the only one that I know that actually uses magic, so…”
A slight heat creeped on to the witches’ face, stumbled for words. “That’s– you’re– just study books, or something.”
“I know that’s what you do,” their counterpart pouted, leaning on a sword. “But I’m so much better learning through experience. I didn’t exactly read a book on the best place to stab someone. I just.. tried a couple times until I figured out what made them fall the fastest.”
It was hard not to smile at that. “So I should spar you because… You’ll learn my tricks and stab me?”
“W…What! No!” The knight squawked, eyes wide. “No, you should spar me because it will be fun! And you can… practice spells on me, or something?”
“I’m teasing.”
“Oh.” Their cheeks flushed a light pink.
The witch signed fondly. Damn them being this cute, too. “You’re not going to leave me alone until we spar, are you?”
Sensing where this was going, the knight lit up. “Correct.”
“And you’ll let me go back to studying afterwards?”
“Right again!”
“I guess that leaves me with one option,” The witch stood from their seat with a halfhearted stretch. “Do not actually stab me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Their friend took their wrist and tugged them towards the training fields, grinning wildly.
- ☕️ -
The witch peered over the battlefield with a disgusted grimace. They’d never seen this much carnage in one battle; frankly, they never processed that it would go this far.
Lives must be lost in the name of revolution. Blood must be spilled.
It was simply the amount of blood…
They sighed, kicking their final fallen foes body to the side. God, do I need a drink. With a yawn, they made their way further into the kingdom.
Knights didn’t really train in the way of magic users, a old friend once told them. The training must not have changed much over the years, because these warriors had been pathetic; the King had said they’d be the best and brightest, and in total the battle had been about 20 minutes.
(As they walked, they noticed the streets to the castle were clear of civilians. Unsurprising, but nonetheless very welcome.)
Of course, the King had always been an incompetent buffoon. The witch had experienced his stupidity first hand after being thrown in the dungeons the day of their graduation. ‘Magic is far too dangerous,’ he’d said. ‘You’ll corrupt all of our holy warriors.’
They all were slain now, so what good had it done him?
Reaching the castle gates came with relative ease. The Witch knocked, for the sake of politeness.
(They hadn’t really expected the doors to open, but they still internally scoffed at how rude the royal was even now.)
The path to the throne room wasn’t long once they blew open the doors with a simple spell of wind. Sure, their approach would be obvious, but where did the old man have to hide?
“O mighty king,” They sung from the final turn. “Judgement day has finally arrived.”
They rounded the bend and in front of them laid the massive corridor with a throne in the back. Sitting on the throne was the old man, as cold and cocky as ever. The witch peered up to him with a grin.
“Any final words, your highness?”
“You said you would kill my entire army before you finally came for my head.”
The witch laughed airily, a spine-chilling sound. “Perhaps you need to look outside, my king. Your men lay in shambles, they died merciful deaths… Yours will not be nearly as kind.”
The king grunted acknowledgment, but a small devilish grin emerged on his lips. “That was not my entire army.”
“Then you forgot to send them all. It is your flaw, not mine.” They prepared a spell, holding an orb of necrotic magic in their hands with ease. “I will kill all those that face me, and everyone who dared has already fallen.”
“There’s one more who dares. It was simply a fight I wanted to overlook.”
The witch scoffed, taking aim regardless. “Who?”
The king motioned behind them.
Wary of a trick, they spun on their heels slowly. Their breath instantly caught in their throat.
Their darling knight, head hung low, stood inches from them.
Years of age weighed on their face, and their stance was far worse for wear than anything the witch had remembered. Eyebags. Ragged breathing. A shell of their former glory at best, but the person they’d once loved all the same.
“What has he done to you?” The witch whispered, voice tender and low.
The hero wrenched their eyes shut, drawing their sword. “One round.”
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pusiqw · 9 months
Red Roses
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Pairing: Roman Reigns x Inayah (OC)
Warning: Teasing, A bit of smut at the end, 18+
Word count: 1550 words
Summary: Inayah is a good college student with top grades working at a small bar in her town. One day she stumbles across a man who turns her whole world upside down.
A/n: This is my first fic ever. English is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes. Hope you enjoy this and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Happy reading!!!
"Inayah, honey, don't forget to take your lunch with you today!!" Her mother's voice echoed through the hallway as she prepared to leave for work.
Still half-awake, Inayah mumbled her thanks from the comfort of her bed. But just as she was starting to drift back to sleep, ten minutes flew by and her alarm blared, jolting her awake. Panic rushed through her as she realized she was running late for college. "No, no, no!" she exclaimed, springing out of bed in a frenzy as she glanced at the clock. With lightning speed, she dashed into the kitchen, snatching a sandwich from the plate her thoughtful mother had left behind. As she slipped her shoes on, she took a massive bite, savoring the delectable blend of ham, cheese, and crisp lettuce. Her mouth still full, Inaya bolted out of the house, grappling with her backpack's zipper while desperately attempting to tame her wind-tousled hair. After a quick pit stop at the bathroom, she jumped onto her bike, weaving between cars on the way to school.
As her red bike slowly rolled up to the curb, Inaya opened the door, ready to run inside, as soon as she entered she bumped into a tall muscular figure . A scowl quickly replaced the pleasant smile on her face as she looked up into his dark eyes.
“I’m sorry! Are you alright sweetheart?” he said in a deep, smooth tone that immediately made her blood boil.
“Don't you see people are using this entrance, and you're standing in my way?!” she snapped. Instantly feeling defensive, his handsome features morphed into one of shock and anger. His firm jaw clenched, his brown eyes flashed with indignation. Before she knew it, he had snatched her bag off of her shoulder pulling her into a near by classroom, and slammed the door shut, leaving her with only a cold glare. As he passed by, she could feel him judging every single inch of her body. Noticing her shaken hands, he smirked and leaned over her. Reaching down, he grabbed her wrist and held her tight. When he spoke again, his voice grew quiet but the menacingness in his words did not.
“Easy now princess, who do you think you're talking to in this tone?” She swallowed hard before standing up for herself,
''Excuse me?! who am I talking to?'' she asked as if mocking him back, ''Let go of my wrist I'm late for my class.''
With his grip loosened, she moved her arm away and glared at him once more, giving her best impression of 'I dare you' before storming off into the classroom.
Once inside, she found an empty seat in the back, a few rows in front of the jerk that almost ran her over this morning. Unfortunately, it turned out that her hunch about where she would find him was correct, when a teacher came in and called out her name, pointing to the front of the room.
''Inayah, come sit here next to Roman please.'' The teacher said.
Hesitantly, she stood up, walked up to the front of the class and sat down in the seat: next to Roman. Fuming, she threw her bag under her desk and slid into the empty chair across from him. Looking down at her uniform, which she was too annoyed to bother straightening, she let out a sigh of defeat. It wasn't fair how easily she fell victim to his charms. Of course, she wasn't trying to flirt or anything like that, but he just somehow always managed to put her in situations where she felt uncomfortable. If only she could control her feelings towards him.
With nothing else to do, she reached into her bag and pulled out her book, trying to avoid eye contact with Roman. However, no matter what she tried, her brain just wouldn't allow her to focus on the pages in front of her. Her mind kept wandering back to that morning; remembering the awkward moment after he'd helped her up, the way his eyes twinkled when he smiled, even the lingering scent of his cologne still clinging to her shirt. His big body and that tattoo on his right arm. He is beautiful! Her thoughts continued to run rampant until suddenly there was a loud bell sound alarming everyone that classes has finished. Immediately, everyone began packing their things up and getting ready to leave. As soon as Roman saw this, he grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him,
“What’s going on Inaya? Where are you going? Didn’t we have a class together?” Her cheeks flushed hot at the mere thought of him touching her again.
“Oh yes we did…but I gotta run somewhere. Bye!” she responded, tugging her arm free.
Quickly, she gathered her belongings, leaving Roman behind without another word. As she got home later that afternoon, the first thing she did was open her door and drop her stuff onto the floor. Grabbing her work uniform and putting it on un an instant, heading straight for the front door to leave for work.
At work everything seemed quite normal. So she started with her usual activities of cleaning the bar and making sure they had enough stock for the evening. As time passed by she noticed that more and more people has come into the bar for a drink. The atmosphere felt quite pleasant actually. However, it didn’t last long. She looked up to see far in the crowd a man sitting at the table right across of her, staring directly at her. But it wasn't just any man, it was the same jerk she bumped into this morning. Beside him was a tall tanned brunette that kept flirting with him.
''Is this man following me? why do I keep seeing him, ugh'' she rolled her eyes in annoyance. It made her feel uneasy, but also attracted to him. ''What a pervert!'' she grumbled under her breath before focusing back on her job.
Roman rested his hand on the blonde's curves slowly moving them down to her ass, squeezing it playfully while keeping an intense eye contact with Inayah.
''Go get me a drink sweetheart!'' He whispered to the blonde and gave her a seductive wink.
As the blonde woman walked away in satisfaction, Inayah looked back to Roman confused.
''What was that all about?'' she thought. What she didn't realize was that she hadn't moved an inch since the beginning. She kept looking back at him, waiting for an answer.
Roman licked his lips while eyeing Inaya. This felt like too much for her, Inayah felt disgusted and there was a sense of jealousy that she didn't quite understand as to why she was feeling that way. The air became tight and in an instant she threw the towel on the counter and run towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her to take some air to herself. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, then the door flew open causing her to jump. Inayah quickly wiped the tears from her face and peeked through the crack of the door. There was Roman, staring at her intently, and with a cruel smirk on his face,
''Can I come in?'' He asked. When he didn't get a response from her, Roman pushed open the door , and swiftly stormed in. Stepping into the small confined space, Roman closed the door behind him, giving Inayah a clear view of his muscular build. With one hand he pulled her towards him and kissed her forcefully on the lips. Her body shivered from the shocking attack as he pressed her against the wall.
"You think that I'm stupid that I won't know what you're doing? Or maybe you want to prove to yourself that you don't me to slid my dick inside you right this moment?"
He pushed her harder against the wall and started whispering in her ear, pressing his body against hers. He grabbed her neck with one hand while slipping his other hand underneath her tank top, caressing her skin. With a dirty grin on his face he stated in his soft deep voice
"So tell me, do you want to fuck me or not? Eyes never lie Inayah, you want me to bend you over this sink.''
As his rough hands traveled from her waist down to her thighs, she finally stopped resisting. No longer fighting against him, she gave in to the feeling. With her legs parted slightly, his hand began massaging her soft skin. He slowly began to pull down her pants. Just as he finished removing them, he violently thrust his fingers inside of her, letting out a wicked moan. As he was pushing his fingers deeper and deeper, his lips came dangerously close to hers.
''Do you want me to touch you here?'' His breath tickled her lips. "Are you wet?" His voice echoed throughout the bathroom. Just as she had given in, he broke off the kiss, withdrawing his hand, and walking away with his fingers intertwined together as if victorious. Once he had stepped out of the restroom, he gave her one last look before disappearing into the crowds of people. A feeling of humiliation overwhelmed her as she wiped her eyes dry and headed out the door, back to the bar.
The end.
Part 2?
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roach-works · 2 years
Hey, hope you're doing well! This is a niche of a long-shot of a question, no pressure at all, but I occasionally get engineering texts in my translation job and JA-EN resources are weirdly scarce in that area, so I am now casting a rope at you — as a weldy guy, do you by any chance know what the likely equivalent English term for welding flaws on the surface of the bead that Japanese describes as "peaks" (like the coiled tips in whipped cream) could be? (Also, 💛 your Motorcity art, so good)
do you mean those little volcanoes you get when there's too much porosity? i hate those. they don't happen commonly enough to have a name that i can even google, it's mostly a feature of welding too hastily on filthy/rusty plate metal or having a big problem with your shield gas or welding angle. oxidized material on the base plate superheats when the weld bead is put on top, and bursts up a big airbubble through the liquid metal, making a little volcano/fountain of slag. incredibly frustrating to see happen (but also kind of cool looking). is that what your text is referring to?
this doesn't have a name i can remember or find anywhere online, grr, but if you call it a 'peak' just like in japanese it'll certainly get the point (haha) across. i've found two forum posts where everyone understands the term 'volcano' too (https://weldingweb.com/vbb/threads/59885-Why-volcano-with-mig-welding) and (https://forum.millerwelds.com/forum/welding-discussions/13062-mushroom-volcano-head-on-mig-weld-bead) but it doesn't come up on 'common' welding term lists i can find.
i suggest asking around on https://www.reddit.com/r/Welding/ , i bet there's a lot of expert and experienced welders who would love to consult on a translation project! im just a guy who uses the first words that come to hand to complain about my problems, so im not the best to talk to for Correct Terminology.
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shopsignbd · 7 months
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3D Outdoor Backlit Signage with SS Letter in Dhaka BD 3D Outdoor Backlit Signage with SS Letter elevate your brand's visibility in Dhaka, Bangladesh with 3D outdoor backlit signage featuring stainless steel letters. Crafted for durability and style, our signage solutions captivate audiences. Explore customizable options tailored to your business needs. Contact us for high-quality signage solutions and make a lasting impression today . 3D Outdoor Backlit Signage SS Acrylic Backlit Letters, Acrylic Backlit & Frontlit Golden color SS Steel letter Channel Acrylic, Alphabets Signs Acrylic Light Box Signage Stainless Steel Backlit Channel Letters, Acrylic Stainless Steel Backlit Channel Letter Sign Led Logo Office Signboard, Stainless Steel With Acrylic Backlit SIGNAGE Restaurant Or Office, Backlit LED Acrylic Light Channel Letters Stainless Steel, SS Acrylic Backlit Letters, Outdoor Sign Signage Stainless Steel Acrylic 3d Backlight, Stainless steel letter, 3d backlit light sign, Acrylic Backlit & Frontlit Golden color SS Steel, SS Acrylic Backlit Letters Manufacturer from Dhaka, Acrylic 3D Letter Led Signage Acrylic SS Top Letter, 3D LED Backlit Sign, Backlit LED Acrylic Light Channel Letters, Backlit LED Acrylic Light, Backlit LED Acrylic Light, Acrylic ss backlit signage, Acrylic ss backlit outdoor, ACP Acrylic Letter, For Signage, Advertisement, Solid acrylic letter, 3D LED Acrylic Letter, Acrylic Dimensional Letters and Signage, Small Acrylic Letters Mini Solid Type LED Signage, Plastic Letters - Any Size Any Font, 5mm Acrylic Sign Letters - Price Per Letter, 3D LED Acrylic Letter, Acrylic Letters for Signs - Build and Order online now, Acrylic Letters and Numbers, LED Acrylic Letter, For Advertising, Acrylic letter template, Acrylic letter for wall, acrylic letter printing, acrylic letters near me, acrylic letter cutting, acrylic letters wholesale,house name plate, name plate design for home, home name plate design, nameplate design for home, name plate designs for home, name plate design for office, name plate for home, nameplate for home, home name plate, house name plate design, name plates for home, name plates for homes, home name plates, house name plate designs, office name plate design, What is a nameplate?, Which is correct nameplate or name plate?, What is called name plate?, What was written on the name plate?, name plate bd, name plate design, name plate averting bd, name plate design for home, name plate for home, name plate for school, name plate design for office, name plate design online free, name plate designs for main gate, name plate designs images, Name plate png, Name plate maker, name plate design, Name plate template, name plate design for home, name plate for home, name plate designer, name plate designs, name plate for house, house name plate, home name plate design, name plate design for home, name plate designs for home, nameplate design for home, home name plate, name plate for home, name plates for home, Led name plate amazon in Dhaka bangladesh.
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Riven's Basic Info
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Name: Riven Marcus Hewlett
Faceclaims for Riven came very easily, surprisingly. For the 60s, we have the amazing Frankie Avalon (almost any beach movie from the 60s). For the 80s, there’s Jason Bateman (Teen Wolf Too). For the 90s, I picked Brad Pitt (Fight Club). And, finally, we have Dacre Montgomery for the present (Stranger Things).
Nicknames: Riv, Rivet, and “you ass” (Vivien’s favorite way to greet him)
Age: 19
Date of Birth: October 27
Zodiac: Scorpio
Birthstone: Opal and Pink Tourmaline
Nationality: American and Italian
Sexuality: Straight (though even he questions it sometimes lol)
Birthplace: Salem Hospital, Salem, Massachusetts
Current Residence: Whipple Avenue, Laconia, New Hampshire
Occupation: Photographer/videographer for local businesses and the newspaper, junior tattoo artist at a piercing/tattoo shop in Laconia, Dungeon Master for a small D&D group, drummer in a band he made in high school, and he’s, obviously, a competitive skater. He wants to become a director someday, but he’s saving his money for now.
Talents/Skills: He somehow knows people's secrets without having them tell him, he draws things pretty realistically, he’s known for telling the truth all the time, but he’s a fairly convincing liar, and he’s great at filmmaking, which is useful for any short films Vivien and the boys want to make.
Birth order: Only child
Parents: Anthony Hewlett and Emmaline Russo
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Height: 6’2” or 189cm
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Auburn brown, but it looks golden brown in certain lighting
Glasses or contact lenses: He needed glasses as a child, but had surgery to correct his eyes once he turned 18.
Distinguishing features: His nose crinkles when he laughs and he has two tattoos - a snake on his collarbone and lightning on his ribcage - but he and Vivien both agreed to get matching space tattoos when she turns 18.
Mannerisms: Tapping his feet along to music whether it’s in his head or not, constantly checking the time when he’s nervous, picking at the skin around his fingernails, and he always stacks up plates and silverware for waitstaff when he eats out so it will be easier for them to take.
Health: Had terrible eyesight as a kid, is allergic to pollen, and has allergy-induced asthma.
Hobbies: Protecting those he cares about, contributing to chaos, taking in injured animals, playing drums (he’s the one who taught Vivien how to play), and exploring abandoned places (once again, if you think that’s how Vivien started, you’d be right).
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): How selfless he can be sometimes. Riven treats others’ lives as more important than his own and will do anything it takes, even sacrificing himself, to keep them safe. A prime example of this is his relationship with Vivien. She is like a little sister to him and has been for most of his life, so he would do anything for her. He’s almost gotten arrested to protect her once when they were in an abandoned school and someone called the cops on them. He puts himself at risk for those he loves and he knows that will be his downfall someday.
Best quality (in their opinion): His best quality and greatest flaw are pretty much the same things - his infinite loyalty to those he considers friends/family.
Biggest fear: Dying. He’s had a few close calls before - one including a skating accident and another coming home from a band session on wet roads - and the thought of dying genuinely terrifies him.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favorite ice cream: Chocolate fudge brownie (or, as he calls it, Death By Chocolate)
Favorite color: Sage green
Favorite numbers: 33 and 74
Favorite songs: Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus, Perfume by Lovejoy, and In The End by Linkin Park
Favorite movies: White Chicks, The Karate Kid, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Free Guy, and Ratatouille
Favorite TV shows: Loki, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Chernobyl, Game of Thrones, and Attack on Titan (he has watched both the English and Japanese versions, and is very proud of the fact that he knew enough Japanese to understand most of what they were saying without subtitles)
Favorite books: You’ll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus, Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, Six of Crows, and The Count of Monte Cristo
Favorite video games: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, The Walking Dead, and Baldur’s Gate 3
A musical they like: Starlight Express
A place they want to visit: Puerto Rico (mostly for the old cars that are very popular there)
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peterboroughtaxi247uk · 4 months
Tips for Using Taxis Safely and Effectively in Peterborough
Navigating Peterborough can be much easier with the convenience of taxis. However, to ensure a safe and efficient experience, it's important to be mindful of certain practices and tips. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor, here are some essential guidelines for using Peterborough taxis safely and effectively.
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1. Choose a Reputable Taxi Service
The first step to a safe taxi ride is selecting a reputable service. Look for well-established taxi companies with positive reviews and a strong presence in the community. Avoid unlicensed or unmarked cabs, as they may not meet the necessary safety standards. A reliable taxi service will have clearly marked vehicles, professional drivers, and a way to track your ride.
2. Pre-Book When Possible
Whenever possible, pre-book your taxi. This not only ensures availability, especially during peak hours, but also allows you to verify the legitimacy of the service. Pre-booking can often be done via phone, online, or through a mobile app. Confirm the booking details, including the driver's name and the vehicle's license plate number, to ensure you get into the correct taxi.
3. Verify the Driver and Vehicle
Before getting into the taxi, check that the driver matches the information provided during the booking process. Look for a visible ID badge and confirm the vehicle's registration number. This extra step can prevent potential scams and ensure your safety. If anything seems suspicious, trust your instincts and avoid getting into the vehicle.
4. Share Your Ride Details
For added safety, share your ride details with a friend or family member. Many taxi services offer a ride-sharing feature within their apps, allowing you to send your trip information to someone you trust. This way, someone else is aware of your location and expected arrival time, providing an extra layer of security.
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5. Use GPS and Map Applications
Using GPS or map applications during your ride can help you stay informed about your route. This is particularly useful if you are unfamiliar with Peterborough. Having a general idea of your route can prevent the driver from taking unnecessary detours and ensure you reach your destination efficiently. If you notice any significant deviations from the expected route, don't hesitate to ask the driver about it.
6. Keep Your Belongings Close
Always keep your personal belongings close to you, ideally on your lap or within arm's reach. Avoid placing valuable items on the seat next to you or in the back seat where they could be forgotten or easily stolen. Before exiting the taxi, double-check to make sure you have all your belongings with you.
7. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
While inside the taxi, stay aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the driver's behavior and any unusual activity outside the vehicle. Avoid distractions such as using your phone excessively, and if you feel uncomfortable at any point, ask the driver to pull over in a safe, populated area.
8. Know the Fare Structure
Understanding the fare structure can help you avoid overcharging. Familiarize yourself with the typical rates, including any additional charges for late-night rides, luggage, or extra passengers. Most reputable taxi services have transparent pricing, which you can often find on their website or app. If you believe the fare is incorrect, discuss it calmly with the driver or contact the taxi company for clarification.
9. Pay Securely
When it comes to payment, use secure methods. Many taxis now accept credit/debit cards and mobile payments, reducing the need to carry large amounts of cash. If paying by card, ensure the transaction is completed before leaving the taxi. Request a receipt for your records, which can be useful if there are any disputes or issues later.
10. Provide Feedback
Providing feedback about your taxi experience helps improve the service for future riders. If you had a positive experience, let the taxi company know. Conversely, if there were issues, constructive feedback can help them address problems and enhance their service. Many companies have customer service options or feedback forms available online.
Using taxis in Peterborough can be a convenient and efficient way to get around, provided you follow these safety and effectiveness tips. Choose reputable services, pre-book when possible, verify driver and vehicle information, and stay aware of your surroundings. By taking these precautions, you can ensure a safe and pleasant taxi experience, allowing you to navigate the city with confidence and ease.
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indiantiquest · 2 years
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. . Hurricane lanterns are well known for its versatility, mobility & reliablity, as the name signifies they stay burning amidst a hurricane. They are made from zinc-plated iron which protects against corrosion. The special engineered burner operates with no flickering, or soot from the flame. These lanterns also feature a heat resistant Fire proof globe that can withstand operation in the rain or snow, without cracking. The lamp burner has a flat wick, usually made of cotton. The lower part of the wick dips into the well & absorbs the kerosene by capillary action; the top part of the wick extends out of the wick tube of the lamp burner, which includes a wick-adjustment mechanism. Adjusting how much of the wick extends above the wick tube controls the flame. The wick tube surrounds the wick ensuring correct amount of air reaches the lamp burner. Adjustment is usually done by means of a small knob operating, which a toothed, metal sprocket is bearing against the wick. If the wick is too high, and extends beyond the burner cone at the top of the wick tube, the lamp will produce smoke and soot (un burned carbon). When the lamp is lit, the kerosene in the wick burns to produces a clear, bright, yellow flame. As the kerosene burns, capillary action in the wick draws more kerosene up from the fuel tank. All kerosene flat wick lamps use the dead flame burner design, where the flame is fed cold air from below & hot air exits above. The principle behind this lantern is cold air being circulated & fed through the tubes at the sides to the wick end thereby providing constant oxygen supply keeping the flame burning bright at the same time withstanding fierce wind flow. Flat wick lanterns burn brightest with kerosene fuel for which they are made for, but also work fine on clear lamp oil, Petrol & turpentine. . Dimensions 12.5 inches tall Overall with holder 18 inches tall . 🏷 Now on Sale. 🛒 Buy directly from our Website, Link in Bio. 📦 Free Shipping within India. . indiantiquest #antiqueshop #hurricane #lantern #kerosene #lamp #barnlantern #vintage #oldfashioned #interiorstyling #homedecor #lightalamp #lampsofindia #rarefinds #lanterns #oldworld (at Indian Antique Quest) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnyt3saAJ_k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arizonamains · 2 years
Wizbury school of magic walkthrough
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#Wizbury school of magic walkthrough upgrade
Turn the middle ring till it’s correct.
Rotate the rings to complete the picture.
The pieces will not be able to be moved once they are correctly placed.
Put the pieces together to complete the bill.
The object is to move the plate from the left to connect it to the plate on the right by.
When you are ready to continue playing click on Play (D) on the lower right.
You can click on the design (C) button and change your choices anytime.
You do not need to spend your money now.
#Wizbury school of magic walkthrough upgrade
Click on the left tower and you can choose an upgrade (A) you wish to purchase within your price range (B).You can exit the game by clicking on the menu in the lower left.You can access these puzzles to play anytime from the main screen under Puzzles. There are 10 different kinds of puzzles and 8 of each for a total of 80 puzzles.Random clicking will cause you to lose control of the cursor for a few seconds but if you click incorrectly multiple times in a row slowly there will be no penalty.Purchase the least expensive upgrades, you can always add money to upgrade further, but if you change your mind and like a lower priced scheme you will not get money back.There is an option to skip the puzzles.If you do not find an object for awhile, they will begin to glow to help you locate them.You get extra bonus points for clicking on the hidden objects quickly in a row.Some of the gem stones will be hidden under the objects you are looking for.They are marked in pink in the screenshots, but your location may vary. Look for gem stones in the scenes to earn extra cash.To use the hint wand, click on Hints and then click the wand on the name of the item on the item list that you wish to find.The most hints you can collect are 5, if you do not use your hints below 5, you will not find additional wands.They are marked in red on the screenshots, but your location may vary. Look for wands and earn extras hints by clicking on them.They are marked in blue on the screenshots, but your locations may vary. Look for hidden fairies in the hidden object scenes and if you click on them, they will find an object for you.There is an assortment of wallpaper you can choose under the bonus content.Click on Options to adjust the Music Volume, Sound Volume, Ambient Volume, Fullscreen, Custom Cursor and Widescreen.You can choose between Relaxed or Timed Mode.Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited. This walkthrough was created by BrownEyedTigre, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with. We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. This document contains a complete Chronicles of Albian: The Magic Convention game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here. The Fairy Godmother, Gwendolyn, needs you to repair and upgrade Albian Castle for the Convention of Magic Masters! Welcome to the Chronicles of Albian: The Magic Convention Walkthrough!
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vesuvianmess · 4 years
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Two types of people.
Drexxel/Arson sprites by jilljoycearts
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mariondeux · 2 years
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[.IV] Je Te Veux
— SYNOPSIS ; Ritsu departs, leaving you to continue out of the forest on your own. As soon as you spot a tea party with two familiar faces, you make a break for it. He deceived you. He— And you’re pulled back.
CW ; NSFW, Non-con, mindbreak, you get chained to a wall, possessiveness, drugged sex, strong aphrodisiacs, degradation kink, rough sex, a little bit of manhandling, voyeurism, exhibitionism
PAIRING ; Mad Hatter!Eichi Tenshouin x Male!Reader
A/N ; And here is the last part to the small series! The little bit at the end is the aftermath, by the way!
[.I], [.II], [.III]
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Ritsu had carried you most of the way through the woods, but eventually he grew tired and dropped you off. He gave you directions for the rest of the way, climbing up a tree before vanishing as he laid on a branch. You're not fully recovered, but you didn’t want to disturb him any further, so you continued on.
Hope rose in your heart as you saw a peak of light far ahead of you, so you stumbled and nearly tripped on a branch on the ground as you ran forward. And before you knew it, you had stumbled upon a tea party. And the people attending the tea party were Tsukasa, Hajime, and a man with short blonde hair in a top hat.
He tricked you. That damn Cheshire cat tricked you! He led you directly to them. That was why he left you on your own!
Like a lamb to the slaughter.
They hadn’t noticed you yet. Maybe you could—
“Oh? And who might you be?”
You ran off back into the forest, and as you just got back into the forest, you choked as the collar of your shirt pulled back. The White Rabbit had caught you. He dragged you across the grass, right back to the tea party in session.
“(name)! It’s so good to see you again~” His smile wasn’t the same as before, instead of the innocent, happy-go-lucky smile he’d wear. It was way more menacing. You can tell that he’s upset about you leaving him.
Tsukasa dropped you off in a tall, red velvet chair. “You know him?”
“Yes! I ran into him washing off in the lake and we talked, till he ran away from me..” He cried crocodile tears as he bit into his cookie.
“I ran into him as well, I was running to get to the tea party on time before he ran in front  of me and made me late! So, I punished him,” Tsukasa sat back in his own chair and picked his tea cup off the little plate. Hajime’s eyes widened at his words and dropped his cookie back down onto his plate. “So you were the one who used him before me!” Hajime sighed in disappointment. You sat back in your chair nervously as they conversed, You had no idea these two knew each other, but then again they were as equally as mad. So, it made sense they only knew each other. You looked up through your eyelids to see the mad hatter peacefully sip at his tea before placing the cup back down onto the plate. He made direct eye contact with you all of a sudden, catching you off guard. “(Name), correct?” You nodded hesitantly, fiddling with the hems of your clothing nervously. Hajime and Tsukasa paused their conversation and looked over at the mad hatter. “Eichi Tenshouin, it is a pleasure to meet a handsome young man such as you. I have heard plenty about you from my dear friends,” Eichi rose from his seat and waltzed over to you with his arms behind his back. You held your head up to see what he had in store for you. “You see, these two have a strong desire for you–” “Eichi!” “I do not!--” “--And now I understand.” Eichi grabbed your wrists, lifted you off your seat and pushed you onto the table. His body hovered over yours with your wrists pinned on either side of your head. “(Name), I’ve decided that you’ll be mine. I can’t let anyone else have you.” Possessiveness flashed in his eyes, sending a wave of fear through you. You don’t know who was worse, the White Rabbit, Hajime, the Cheshire cat, or the Mad Hatter. A smile graced his features as your arms grew limp and the muscles in your body relaxed. You had submitted to him. “Suou, hand me the tea,” Eichi held his hand out as Tsukasa scrambled out of his seat to get what he wanted. He picked up a specific brew of tea, handing it off to the mad hatter. As soon as he had it in his hands, he pulled your mouth open and poured the tea into your mouth. “Swallow, my sweet angel.” You swallowed, and it only took a few minutes before your body became overwhelmed with heat. Sweat slowly built up and you could feel blood rush to your dick, making it embarrassingly enough firmed and bulge through your pants. The mad hatter paid no mind, instead, he pulled your clothes off and laid them on the ground, leaving you horny, and bare naked on the table with three people eyeing you. “There you go, what a good boy..” He whispered huskily, his gloved hand trailed down your body and slipped a finger in your gaping asshole. Eichi’s smile dropped a little as he stared at how absolutely stretched you were. “Hm.. I would have assumed you wouldn’t be too stretched out since only two people have used you. Tell me, has anyone else used you on your way here?” You nodded shyly, closing your thighs, “The cheshire cat had struck a deal with me to lead me out of the woods..” “Do you just throw yourself at anyone?” The white rabbit crossed his arms as his foot stomped the ground with jealousy burning through him. Hajime nodded along, nibbling on a cookie as he kept a keen eye on your flushed form. “You’ll be nothing but a common whore if you’re running wild without a leash,” Eichi grabbed a hold of your painfully erect cock, playing with the tip a bit as he slowly stroked you. “Should I fuck you? Do you think you deserve to have someone like me treat you as nothing but a doll?” Begging was embarrassing, but with the way you were now drugged and forced to be nothing but a bitch in heat, searching for release, you were forced to beg for more. You bucked your hips into his hand and his hips, begging for his cock to ruin you and dumb you down, to be bred full of his seed. And through your hazy trance, you promised to give yourself only to him, offering your freedom just to get him to ruin you.
And he did. He slid his cock inside of you so easily the wind knocked out of you. You spread your legs so wide to give him more access to your body as he split you open with his large length. He was like no other. He speared you more open than you were before. The ecstasy he brought you threw your mind into a frenzy and your thoughts consumed with the need to be good just for him. You wanted more. It filled you with greed to be stuffed full for as many times as you could be by him. Tsukasa watched you get railed by the Mad Hatter with his head in his hand. How unfortunate that he couldn’t have you for himself, but who knows? Maybe the Mad Hatter could be kind enough to let Hajime or him use you sometimes. But then again, with the way he’s looking at you, he doubted he’d let that happen soon. The Mad Hatter was a possessive man indeed. Hajime palmed his hard-on through his pants, getting off at the sight of you. Though he wished it was him in the Mad hatter’s position, he supposed this was quite fine as well.
You two spent god knows amount of time having sex on the table. Hajime had eventually excused himself once he had enough of his fill, wiggling his fingers at you as he waved goodbye. Not like you couldn’t. You were on the verge of passing out.
Tsukasa had excused himself a few minutes earlier than Hajime. Not for any reason, but mainly to give you two some privacy.
After being fucked so many times in one day and to top it all off, Eichi had fucked you more than once at that table. More than once was enough to get you to pass out from exhaustion.
Eichi slowly pulled his cock out of your abused hole, easily slipping out as copious amounts of cum followed along. Your unconscious body didn’t react at all. He smiled. At least he didn’t have to knock you out.
While you were unconscious, Eichi had gone back inside of his home to grab a pair of handcuffs from who knows where. When he returned to you, he cuffed your wrists and threw your slumped body over his shoulder, carrying you back inside of his house.
He’ll thank the other three for using you. If it weren’t for them, it would have taken him longer to break you.
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Metal clinked against each other as you shifted awake. Your brows furrowed, eyelids blinking rapidly as you attempted to take in your surroundings. Your naked body sat on the cold, wood ground and metal clasped your wrist, keeping you chained to a wall. The walls were decorated in a deep maroon color with gold accents littering all over. Next to you is a bed with red velvet sheets, and in the same room as you was the mad hatter.
He turned around, noticing your consciousness.
“Good morning, sweet angel. I see you’ve awakened.”
“Eichi.. Where am I?”
The mad hatter tsked, walking over to you as he patted your head, “Incorrect. You refer to me as Tenshouin, you have not earned the right to refer to me by my first name.”
You let out a soft whine, your volume so low it came out as a whisper every time you spoke. You leaned into his touch, relishing in the warmth of his hand. You wanted nothing more than to be good, and maybe then he’ll reward you for all that you’ve done.
“Yes, Tenshouin.”
And maybe you’ll be the perfect, obedient pet.
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TAGLIST ; @exhokai @shuvies @venniin @leeuxry @s1cklyang3l @4kumaa @ambassadoro @noahrandom @mayoisilly @maharutolol @maxx0inwonderland @chiakiiyi
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neganmct · 2 years
reader always pronouncing eddie’s last name as moon-son but he doesn’t correct them bc he thinks it’s kinda cute
I LOVE THIS ITS GETTING A SHORT PIECE also you didn't mention the gender so I'm just gonna put not specified
Moonson Munson - Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
Teen and up One shot, fluff, mild comedy
Word count: 1145
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The first time you learned about Eddie's surname you were confused. You squinted your eyes as you looked at one of Eddie's notebooks. "M-Moon... Moonson? Huh" you mumbled, brushing your finger over the written name. Eddie paused mid locker search and turned his head, raising a brow. A small smile sneaked up on to his lips and he turned back to his locker. "Fuck, did I... I left that shit at home" his arms dropped to his sides as he stared at his dishevelled locker. "Your surname is Moonson?" you questioned. Eddie turned his head, looking at you and smiled. He just shrugged.
Soon you began to use it often. Mimicking how he would occasionally say your own surname. You leaned over to his desk, fingers tapping lightly at your book. "Pen?" you whispered. Eddie was mildly distracted, drawing a little bat on the back of his hand. He had his tongue pressed to the top of his lip as he was in deep concentration. "Moonson!" you hissed quietly. Eddie jumped and turned his head, looking at you in confusion. "H-Huh?" You pointed towards the pen. "Oh, sure" Eddie picked up the pen and held it out to you. You took it and turned back to your paper. Gareth stared at Eddie and mouthed "Moonson?" to which Eddie shrugged. "It's nice" he whispered.
Not once were you corrected. Eddie leaned his chin on his arms as he stared at you, watching you joke with Dustin over something he didn't quite hear. Dustin's head turned as he looked out at the open door. "Oh, she's here!" his shoulders slouched. Eddie's brown eyes trailed over your features as your face fell. "Well, until next time?" you smiled. Dustin nodded and tugged his backpack over his shoulders. "Yeah, for sure!" he waved as he stepped out of the door. Eddie pushed himself up from the table and rubbed his rear. "That chair gets way too uncomfortable" he grumbled, glancing down at the throne.
You turned, fiddling with the chains on the leather sleeve. It was Eddie's of course. You had stolen it after the unexpected rainfall. You returned to the clubroom soaked and it left Eddie giggling as he took off his jacket. "Looks like its just me and you, Moonson" you grinned at him. Oh, did Eddie's heart soar as you did; that smile brightened up his world much more than you realised. He walked over and opened his arms. You stepped forward and stumbled as you fell into them. Laughter sounded between the two of you as Eddie pulled you close to him, leaning his head close to brush his lips over yours. Your arms slipped around his back holding him close to you. "Guess we better finish cleaning, huh?" you asked, quietly. "In a bit, sweetheart" Eddie leaned his forehead against yours. "I'm enjoying myself right now"
Others began to notice the mispronunciation of Munson. "And you haven't corrected...?" Chrissy held her drink in both hands, looking up at Eddie in confusion. "Well no" Eddie sat himself down in the opposite booth seat. "It's kinda cute" he leaned forward, tugging off the iconic leather jacket. "Moonson, I sound like a child of the night" he stretched his arms above his head. "Maybe that's what you are to them" Chrissy nudged the straw. "A moon child!" she giggled. "You two are cute together" she leaned on her elbows, resting her cheeks in her palms. Eddie didn't respond as he had fallen into his own little world. He was thinking of the way your laugh sounded, how you pronounced Munson and the way you played with your sleeves or nudged a stray plectrum. The little things were captivating to him. "-die? Eddie!" he was broken out of his trance by Chrissy. "Food is here" she leaned back in her seat as the waitress set the plates down. Eddie's cheeks were a light pink. "I was thinking of... you know" he tugged a strand of hair as he stared at his food. "I know, its cute" Chrissy giggled.
Eddie made sure no one corrected you! He wouldn't let them. Shooting them a glare here and there if they even attempted to correct you. If life were a comic book they'd be able to see the question mark above your head whenever your friends would trail off then change the subject rather abruptly. Eddie let out a loud grunt as he fell backwards into the grass, Dustin and Mike falling on top of him. The metal head squirmed underneath the two. "Attack! I'm being attacked!" he screeched. Mike pinned his arms to the ground and Dustin straddled his waist, pinching and tickling at Eddie ribs. "My love!" Eddie yanked an arm free and reached out to you. "Save me!" he cried out dramatically. You flipped the page of the Heavy Metal comic book you had borrowed from Eddie. "Suffer, Moonson" you responded, coldly. Dustin pulled away and looked at you. He smiled and called out your name. "That's not-" he was unable to finish as Eddie knocked him off and pinned him into the grass. Dustin screeched with laughter as the Hellfire leader began to tickle his sides. "Shut up, Henderson!" he hissed.
Of course one day someone was going to say it correctly. Eddie had his arm wrapped lazily around your shoulders. His other rested on his thigh as he held a cigarette between his fingers. The warm summer air brushed over you. Finally you and him and your friend Steve. Steve cursed under his breath as he fiddled with the radio. "So exactly what happened to this?" he questioned, looking over at the numerous dents and a loose button. "I was making out with Eddie and then Dustin burst in so logically.." you turned your head towards Eddie. Eddie sighed, bringing the cancerous stick up to his lips. "I might've thrown it at the nearest wall" he mumbled. "Jesus, do you guys ever get alone time?" Steve questioned. "Well, clearly not, Steve!" Eddie blew smoke in his direction. "My apologies, Munson! I'll be sure next time to never invite anyone out with me again!" Steve threw an empty Pringle's tube at Eddie. You sat up and looked at Steve then Eddie. "Wait, wait, it's pronounced Mun-son?!" you asked. "Yeah, how have you been saying it?" Steve asked, nudging the loose button back into place. "Moon-son!" you replied. You turned to look at Eddie and glared at him. "Why didn't you correct me?! I've been saying Moonson for weeks!" you lightly slapped the back of your hand against his chest. Eddie chuckled and tapped the cigarette above an ashtray. "I find it cute" he looked at you with a grin. "I like hearing you say it, makes me feel special" he pecked the corner of your lips. Your glare didn't break. "I've been saying it wrong for weeks!"
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shopsignbd · 7 months
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