#now i have parley opinions
rigil-kentauris · 1 year
could a depressed person make THIS *holds up nine pages of handwritten notes about final fantasy 14 1.0's universally hated long-dead forced diplomacy minigame*
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tgrailwar-zero · 11 months
After some deliberating inside, you left the laboratory- returning to the town.
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The fog was gone.
The town was absolutely empty. Like a graveyard.
Silent, except for a slow, cold breeze.
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"We... we'll have to get used to things like this. Our purpose is to destroy the Solar Cell, after all. This was going to happen one way or another."
KUKULKAN said, her voice almost a whisper, though it seemed more like she was trying to convince herself.
"…I suppose."
CONSTANTINE replied, looking around the ghost town.
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"Well, we could spend all day ruminating on what's already happened, but we should march onward. We have two potential places of interest."
After taking some time to review the information at hand, CONSTANTINE began elaborating.
"We're currently residing in the Fugue Hamlet, and have just retrieved the Trigger Key through the defeat of Lair Servant Asclepius."
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"To the west is the Crimson Citadel, where Saber is in potential danger of a coup coordinated by Caster."
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"To the southwest is the Nameless City, where we received a message from the 'Lord', offering a parley for information."
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"You already know my vote- to head to the Crimson Citadel."
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KUKULKAN spoke up.
"...But you said it yourself- Caster is dangerous. I understand wanting to help Saber, but we'd be going out of our way to fight a dangerous Servant with nothing but a 'maybe' in return. We should learn more about the Solar Cell… as we are now, our Masters are wandering blind. Besides- what's to say we won't have time to head to the Crimson Citadel later? Caster's trying to get two other Servants on her side- we probably have a wider window than 'instantly'."
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"Same with the Lord of the Nameless City. He could have nothing for us except a trap. Yes, we should be prepared, but perhaps the risk in helping Saber would be well worth the reward. He could be a powerful potential ally, that's indispensable in war. Now, I'd rather be too early to stop an ambush than too late. The Nameless City can most likely wait. While I can't deny the value of information, we're only two Servants. We need to make up for our lack of numbers somehow."
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It seems as if both KUKULKAN and CONSTANTINE had differing opinions on where to go next. Either way, it seems like neither of them want to be here longer than they want, nor need to.
There was the earlier suggestion. If you let one of them go on their own, and then reconvene later. Again, there was the risk factor, but it would serve as a way to cover more ground at once.
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hiseyebrowsaregone · 8 months
Peter x Harley fic recs? Pls?
Had to do some digging because I had all these fics bookmarked on my old account but here you go! @loveluststerek
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shoulda worn a clean shirt by Bundibird
| 1/1 | 2,169 | General | Parley |
"What the shit," Harley says, and punches Tony in the arm. "You didn't tell me your other adopted waif was hot!"
"Excuse you, what?" Tony demands, at the same time that Peter says, "Um," and blinks his (in Harley's opinion) unfairly attractive eyes.
"Hi, I'm Harley," Harley says, striding forwards and ignoring Tony's spluttering. "And you and I should totally go on a date."
"What have I done," Tony whispers.
(Or: Peter is a disaster bi, and really so is Harley, but at least Harley has his shit together enough to ask Peter out on a date the second he meets him. Meanwhile, Tony is suddenly certain that by introducing these two, he's just triggered the apocalypse.)
| 33/33 | 87,736 | General | Parley |
When Peter Parker gets a job working at Buzzfeed there's really only one subject he can write about: superheroes. And what superhero does he know better than everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?
What he didn't expect was that everyone would think Peter's new obsession with the hero would be interpreted quite like That.
it's always who is spider-man, never how is spider-man by i_regret_thatpersonalityquiz
| 40/40 | 176,100 | Teen and Up | Parley |
Peter finally looked down to see Harley Fucking Keener, Iron Lad, the boy who had caused his shoulder to be throbbing all night, looking away with a slight tint to his cheeks. Peter opened and closed his mouth, no sound coming out.
And he sat back down.
OR: Peter had been living on the streets, dealing with your average homeless vigilante stuff. Things got a bit more complicated when the Avengers started to chase him down.
Who Needs Peter Parker Anyway? By mauvera
| 3/3 | 15,604 | Teen and Up | Parley |
When Harley finally gets to come to New York to hang out with Tony he's excited to build some robots and blow stuff up. Instead Tony is insisting that he meets that damn intern that he's been bragging about for months. Harley doesn't even have to meet the guy to know he's already sick of Peter Parker.
In other news that cute guy that hangs around the tower keeps running away before Harley can find out his name. Damn it.
sleep deprived superheroes (and twitter aren't a good mix) by red_01
| 30/? | 46,565 | Teen and Up | Parley |
spooder @ActuallySpider-Man
yo I think I got stabbed lmao
Iron Stank @TonyStark
spooder @ActuallySpider-Man
omg it's mr iron can
no.1 SI intern @peter-parkour
uh so yeet ig
no.1 SI intern @peter-parkour
[image of Tony asleep in lab bench, amid bits and pieces of Iron Man armour]
he finally fell asleep binch
Peter starts a Spider-Man twitter and an intern twitter. It goes just as well (and just as gay) as you'd expect.
The New Intern by TakenByEmrys
| 10/10 | 27,463 | Teen and Up | Parley |
Tony tells Peter Parker that a new intern is coming to work at SI for the summer. Peter's class is taking an SI field trip when Harley arrives. Good thing Peter decided to skip the field trip.
Now I apologize if any of these aren't up to your standards, I haven't read them for a long time and just went off of my old account bookmarks. If you want more or have read all of these or want a specific thing just ask! :D
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blackjackkent · 3 months
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Lae'zel, it seems, is not here in truth. It's a psionic projection, or at least so Hector has gathered from overhearing her conversations with others. When he finally maneuvers around to talk to her, she gives him an expression that is deliberately sardonic, mimicking the cool gaze with which she used to eye him in their first days together.
"Chk," she says dryly. "The Hellswalker returns."
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He raises an eyebrow, not sure how to parse this decidedly sharp greeting.
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"For two months I trained the Knights of the Comet. For two more I skewered kith'raki bellies. And for two more yet I traveled through Limbo. I never imagined we'd be standing toe to toe on this day, in this place."
She looks him up and down. Her lips curls. "Nothing but allies, I always told myself," she says. "A necessary partnership. But in spite of every strained word, every barbed glance..." A long pause, and then she can't maintain the pretense any longer; a smile forces its way onto her face and her eyes narrow in satisfaction.
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"Seeing you brings me even more pleasure than taking a royal inquisitor's head."
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A compliment few can boast, Hector thinks with amusement. But his smile matches hers. "It's good to see you," he says.
And it is. More so than any other than perhaps Shadowheart, his relationship with Lae'zel began cold and became warm in a way that he finds it difficult to describe. He followed her through the collapse of her faith in Vlaakith, the rise of her faith first in Orpheus, and then in herself. They both saw in each other the ways that their training and discipline both strengthened them and left them wanting. He is proud to have known her, proud to have occasionally had a glance from her that said she wanted his advice, or his approval. Sister, perhaps. Or protege? But the feeling somehow goes just a little deeper than either.
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She snorts, but looks pleased all the same. "It's nice to hear it." She rolls her eyes with an air of weariness. "It's taken a dozen gish's talents, a few stolen psi crystals, and two tendays of effort to conjure my projection." She looks around thoughtfully, then nods. "Worth it, I'd say. I missed this place." She raises an eyebrow at him in what he could swear is a playful tease. "This -- ahem -- 'Fay-run'."
He snickers. Deliberate jokes from Lae'zel are few and far between, but this certainly is one - her mispronunciation of the continent's name is an old joke going back to the days in the grove.
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"Where are you now," he asks curiously, "that you couldn't be here in the flesh?"
"Shra'kt'lor," she says promptly.
He blinks, trying to place the term and coming up empty. "Shra'kt'lor?" he asks, always eager to add to his store of knowledge. "I've never heard of it. Should I have?"
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"I wouldn't expect you to," she says with a shrug. "The capital city of the githzerai - an exiled people, once kin with mine until the madness of civil war ripped our one sky into two." She tilts her head, flicking her eyes skyward. "Our gish sent word of the rebellion to their god-king Zerith Menyar-Ag-Gith through the cosmos. He's agreed to parley." She shifts, just a hint of uncertainty touching her bearing, only for an instant but not lost to his keen attention. "It's fallen to me to secure an alliance."
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Ah - the githzerai he is familiar with. A monastic race, or so he's heard; he's wondered, from time to time, if she associated his own history as a monk with that exiled people at all. It also explains her presence (apparently) in Limbo, as that is where they dwell.
He must admit to surprise to hear that she, of all people, would be given a diplomatic role, and he almost teases her gently about it - but he knows even as he thinks the words that they are not the right answer. She has come to value his opinion, and there is no way this is a comfortable role for her; she deserves his support in a way that will give her strength, not doubt.
"The best choice for the job," he says soberly. "Your tongue is as learned as your blade."
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"My blade is as keen as ever," she says firmly. A slight pause, and then she adds, her eyes not quite meeting his, as if embarrassed, "But it was you who showed me that a proper victory doesn't always require a razor-sharp edge. Sometimes a sincere pea is more persuasive than a dagger against the neck."
He feels a rush of warmth at these words - as he knows they are meant to be received. It is not a particularly sentimental recitation, but it reflects what he already knows to be true - they have impacted each other on a deep and fundamental, and she learned from him the things he would have found most important to teach.
"Menyar-Ag-Gith is an ascetic," she goes on, deliberately pressing the conversation forward rather than lingering on its more emotional undertones. "He reached out in good faith. This is his way. It is in this spirit that I must meet him. And if he refuses, I carry on. Gravity pulls me in but one direction." Her fists clench at her sides. "I am the comet. I will not rest until I burn Vlaakith's bones to ash and smash her phylactery to pieces. My people *will* be free!"
The sudden urgency in her tone fades, and then her lips twitch in a flash of amusement. "Chk," she mutters ruefully. "But you've heard that refrain before. Zealous, bossy, insistent. All part and parcel of my undeniable charm."
He grins. Honestly, if she were actually within arms reach, he would give her the same hug he gave Halsin, Shadowheart, and Gale. But she is not, and so he must content himself with offering her his best githyanki salute.
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"When will I see you again?" he asks.
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"Soon," she says, and her tone takes a surprising note of gentleness for a moment. "When the comet has risen, when the lich queen has crumbled to dust. I missed this place. More to the point..." Her eyes fix firmly on his again; he can see her struggle against the urge to break the eye contact. "I missed you. I wouldn't even deny it with Vlaakith's vorpal blade at my neck." Again that flash of humor. "Though I'd rather it not come to that."
Before he can respond, she looks away, gestures out to the party. "Now go. Mingle a bit. That's the word, right? 'Mingle?'" He has to resist the urge to laugh at how dismissive, as always, she sounds of the common tongue.
He turns, obedient to her order, but her words stop him for a final message. "I'll be back one day," she tells him softly before he can walk away. "The Overgod himself couldn't keep me away."
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katsukiqx · 1 year
MARVEL fanfiction I find honestly toxic as fuck;
I honestly can't deal with this mentally. This is my opinion so don't attack me on this. I do love reading MCU fanfics, it's just some honestly go way too far with theirs.
First off, Peter Parker..
Stuffed Animals
Toxic Relationships
Like honestly, I see in Iron dad and Spider son fics, Tony literally calling him ‘Baby’, ‘sweetheart’ while always cuddling him. They’ve slept together multiple times because he had “nightmares”. Peter is 16, not once have I seen him act like this around his Aunt. Yes they hug and all that, but ya’ll are pushing the limits to the point it seems like they’re dating. Teenagers don’t do this type of stuff, it’s not cute, it’s uncomfortable and weird. He’s basically being watched 24/7 by his “Father”, no privacy and it’s just too much at this point. It's creepy, not sweet, not realistic at all.
He can’t stick up for himself. I’ve seen fanfics where he gets bullied by Flash and does nothing, full on crying. Like he gets beaten up. You guys go way too far with it to the point Flash should be in jail. When the Avengers make fun of him in fanfics, he does nothing. Peter would try to prove himself in reality or stop talking to them. He won’t get help or talk to his Aunt about anything in these fics and would just cry. He’s so weak and refuses to fight back like he should be doing. He’s got stuffed animals and is always carrying them around while crying. I’ve seen boys write fanfics and non of them have done this, it’s not cute anymore. He’s scared of thunder and lightning. Have you seen the shit he’s been through. I know about his enhancements, but he can handle it. He gets scared all the time by Thunder or starts full on crying because it hurts his ears. He went to war, do you think that's not loud at all?
He’s so weird in fanfics. Always wearing booty shorts. I get it, he’s a femboy, but they go so far up you can see his ass. He wears make up all the time like an insane amount and I’ve read some where he has cat headphones. I’ve only seen little kids with them like twice, please stop. He wears crop tops and all that, like you’re pushing it at this point. He’s a teenager running around school with such an inappropriate outfit. He’s always pouting and acting so childish to the point I agree with Flash bullying him honestly. Do you not understand what feminine even is? It's not about wearing inappropriate outfits all the time, especially at such a young age and around so many mentally ill people. He was molested as a child, I don't think he would do this.
The relationships he has with everyone is wrong and weird on so many levels. Now, Harley Keener.
Harley has started off with the shittiest character ever in so many fanfics and you all love it apparently. He would start off bullying Peter and being jealous of him around Tony in Parley stories. He would bring up his parents death after getting info about him from Tony some how. He would make fun of him and purposely trip him over. Whenever he gets mad at him, everyone tells him off for yelling at Harley. He spends so much time with Peter to annoy him that everyone thinks they’re dating and bring it up all the time. Peter complains about him to his friends and they think he’s just got a crush on him. Like, he’s a fucking dick head towards him. In the end, they some how start dating. Like, no, that’s just wrong. It’s so toxic. I would dump my friends if they acted like that when I brought up my bully.
Even when that doesn't happen, it's still really weird. He's awful and just stalks him all the time, while getting mad at him for not stepping up to Flash enough. People get so upset with other peoples problems and always yell at them and telling them to leave when they refuse to change the way they think about themselves. It's not about their mental health, they just want attention from someone who's unhealthy and seems to get the most attention from others.
Flash’s character is shit. Not once have we seen him actually touch him except when he slapped his ass(💀) in the first movie. It started with him making fun of him a few times and then the rest of the time, he honestly didn’t do much except like 2 other comments the rest of the time. He’s honestly not a bad character in the show and I enjoy him around. He’s got a hard time at home anyway, and apparently they use to be friends. Flash knows Peter is smart and only got upset because the teacher called him out that one time in class. Peter didn’t really seem quite fazed with his attitude and it’s 2023 now, people don’t as commonly get beaten up, and when they do, it’s usually people who take drugs and/or have mental issues that actually attack people. Flash has called him “Penis” like twice and after that, it went to “Parker”. Flash always makes fun of him in public, like no one cares and he some how isn’t embarrassed. He’s been dropped on the head or something in these fanfics, Istg. I get the comics, but he's an idiot in these situations and needs to grow the fuck up.
The Avengers are crazy around him. Absolutely obsessed. It’s sort of creepy. I know they’re supposedly his Aunts/Uncles, but they’re way too touchy and are obsessed with him and fight over him. Like 90% of the time it’s like that. They always wanna hold him and get cuddles. His head in their laps or theirs in his. Always playing with each others hair all the time. Randomly cuddling him from behind and actually attacking each other just for a hug. You need to tone it down a few notches. Like, it’s fun if it happens a few times, like maybe once every few chapters and less touchy, but they’re way too overprotective and friendly. They go insane over a paper cut. He’s not 5.
He’s Spider-Man, stronger than Captain America and the Winter Soldier. He was literally shot in the shoulder in NWH and didn’t even care, all he cared about was that his Aunt died in his arms and he was all alone. It’s still lodged in there, not once did they bring it up. We saw him get shot, he clutched his shoulder and bounced back when it happened, a minute later and he’s just sitting on a rooftop acting like not even a scratch was on him. We saw just how strong and fast he is without using his webbing. He was literally holding back while fighting Green Goblin, even when he wanted to kill him. Green Goblin is enhanced as well and he still would’ve been able to crush his skull in if he wanted to. He couldn’t see shit fighting Mysterio and kept going while being shot at in a narrow area with 12(?) drones shooting at him non stop. He was crushed under a warehouse and 5 minutes later in a plane crash, then ran into fire. He was 15 in Homecoming, 14 in Germany. Was in a War at 16, y’all are insane. PTSD, probably. Might see it in the next movie, but you are pushing it. He's got depression, it's been confirmed, but you all over react with the slightest things going on. Some of you don't understand what it's like to be in that state and you self diagnose your self. People with these problems are just like us, just have it more severe than others and don't go around like it's their whole personality.
Honestly, these fanfics are toxic and just so weird. I’m not even going to start with the OMEGAVERSE. Too much to handle, can’t believe how many there are. Half of the people writing this shit are at least 3-5 years older than me, probably 8. I get nightmares on a daily basis and wake up all the time, but like other people, I suck it up. He’s a sweet kid, but this is creepy. I’m praying none of you have kids honestly if this is how you’re going to treat them as teens.
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justafoxhound · 8 months
Falloutober: 14. Afterdamp
From @falloutober 's prompt list. Here is Amata (featuring a little in my fic) during 101's troubles.
Everything changed that day. How could it not? It wasn’t just that the Vault, after over forty years of never planning for it, suddenly needed a new Overseer, that it happened so abruptly and violently. Everything was upside down for Amata. She had lost her father, her friend, what little trust in the foundation of their society she had still clung onto, in her own judgement. Her father’s security had beat that out of her, and her own bullet finished it off. The Vault was quiet now; everything changed so fast, and after James and his daughter were gone and locked out, the bodies were not long cremated before the Vault splintered and people entrenched themselves on two sides of the infrastructure. Nobody willing to parley, but having little appetite for more fighting… Yet. Everybody could sense it. They were doomed. The heavy silence of many wrestled with the upstart of opinion from others, who was to blame, who should be in charge, what should happen now, but none of it compared to the weight of everything that Amata carried within her. She knew her father was out for blood that day. She tried to help, but got him killed instead. How could she not know her friend would choose revenge before safety? But how could she know another when she didn’t even know herself? She killed a man that day too. At least Talia had the guts not to make excuses. No, she was being unfair. There was so much to understand first, what happened, why, the secrets and lies she’d discovered after the chaos, the grief and anger and confusion and fear all jostling for attention amid the more pressing issues of how the Vault was going to survive if it didn’t tear itself apart first. Some people were looking to her for answers..! Others were calling her a rebel, as if she had wanted any of this! She just wanted to lie down and sleep. A blank, dreamless, long sleep, to wake up from the nightmare. She just needed time to process things. But there was no time. There was no air, no space to breathe or feel or think. The people wanted answers from her, even if they didn’t say anything; the weight of their silence was suffocating. She knew the vault was in a dangerous place, even if she couldn’t understand exactly how just yet. She was never quick on her feet, but if she could get some space, some distance, maybe she could fix what she and her father broke. She sat down in the communications room and set the radio to the emergency frequency. It was a long shot but she couldn’t think what else to do. She leaned in to the mic and addressed the one person who had always had an answer to all her problems. “It feels like you left home along time ago, but I know you’re still out there. I just hope you’re still alive to hear this...”
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sukimas · 1 year
30 for the meme?
Hmm. I guess since it's topical currently (what with people having overblown opinions of the flaws in Engage's writing) I'm gonna beat the dead horse of the writing in the two original 3DS games being bad to an extent that is not replicated in any other FE.
Awakening is the least bad of the two; it does have some genuinely touching moments, and some characters do talk like actual people. But overall, it's very bland, and where it isn't it's extremely flawed. Characters make really bad decisions for basically no reason other than to drive the plot; idiotball has never been this bad in a FE. Other moments are jarring too. Eliding the recruiting a random tactician for the sake of avatar, one of the first truly tense moments we have is a noble running off to the border and getting herself captured by an enemy kingdom because a character made a fart joke. A few chapters later, after a border invasion, the mostly-defenseless ruler of a country returns to a city that is potentially going to be attacked without any of her brother's armed forces. In the chapter where Emmeryn dies, a character manages to hit a three-story-high brigand with a throwing axe for coolness. In the pre-battle to that same chapter, a villain casually murders one of their own soldiers and nobody seems to have any reaction to this whatsoever. The whole "Basilio Playing Dead To Put Fake Gems In The Fire Emblem" plotline. Bringing the Fire Emblem to parley with the cartoonishly and obviously evil guy. There are more story problems, of course, but let's move on to character writing, shall we?
People seem to have the idea about Awakening characters that just because they have an explanation for their gimmick in one or two supports means that their gimmick is Fine Actually. In practice, having read every Awakening support (due to an unhealthy amount of investment in that video game as a teen) I can say that "their gimmick is explained" does not make up for it showing up in 85-90% of any given character's supports (of which there are far too many per character.) My mind is personally boggled by anyone who thinks this support writing is better than Engage's- while Engage does have character gimmicks, on average supports will revolve around them significantly less (and supports that start with gimmicks will often move away from them at higher levels.)
Fates is interesting here, because generally everyone agrees that it's the worst main story in the series, for several reasons (characters acting unrealistically, meandering plots, unexplained and arbitrary deus ex machina and diabolus ex machina moments) but people will often say its supports are better than Awakening's. True, characters do rely on gimmicks somewhat less (although these gimmicks are often far more annoying when they do show up; everyone is Gaius now) but supports are often extremely shallow/bland or comedy plots rather than learning anything interesting or new about the characters/having development. Some exceptions exist (see Support!Xander vs. Story!Xander) but overall I have never been at all excited to see a new support unlock in Fates after about my first 20 or so hours of playing.
Broadly Engage's story isn't great, especially in the first 2/3, and its character writing can be annoying, but I think that comparing it to the 3DS games does it an enormous disservice. People have nostalgia goggles on heavily for Awakening. Hell, I do too- it was my first FE, after all, and I love it despite its flaws. But you have to eventually face the facts. Engage's story at bare minimum takes itself seriously and knows what it's doing. Awakening fails at #1 and Fates fails at #2. Play another FE game and read- really read- the writing, rather than only unlocking the supports you already like a ton and skipping the main story. You will think about things.
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meowww-ffxiv · 1 year
Subject to change because we don't know much about Erenville but I like to think that he was long-time friends with Liios and Ptolemy.
He met Ptolemy first, back in the days when Sharlayan still had the colony in Eorzea (now Idyllshire). Ptolemy worked in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum so Erenville would sometimes drop by to ask for expert opinions on lure, prey, and other key details on something he was tracking. And Ptolemy was kind but seemed kind of sickly so Erenville always sort of looked over his shoulder.
And then naturally he met Professor Chainsaw [Liios] who Ptolemy told him to reference when it came to tracking a type of bear near Sohm AL.
"What does this bear look like?" asked Liios Suvali, smelling of gunpowder and soot. Erenville wondered how this dude got bioweaponry past the Sharlayan curriculum but was too nervous to find out.
"It is a myacid," Erenville said. "Not quite a bear as such. In fact, an entirely different species -- the request was by a non-expert."
"Does it eat the same thing as a bear?"
"For the most part."
"Then you hunt it like one," Liios replied decisively. He peeled the goggles off his head and tossed it aside. "I'll get my bow and meet you at the west gate."
"Thank you, but I can handle it on my own," Erenville said quickly because by then all his instincts were screaming at him about this guy who smelled like gunpowder and bad ideas.
"Ordinarily that's fine," Liios answered. "But recently there had been reports of cult activities. Heretics driven from Ishgard, I heard. You're surely an expert at tracking and handling animals, but I can't risk a gleaner parleying with madmen and finding them unreasonable."
There were some heretics. Some fireballs. Some bloodshed. Erenville privately maintained that he would have avoided all of it had Liios not come along and initiated lethal combat the moment they were threatened, but he never said that out loud. And Liios was efficient at what he did, if nothing else.
Erenville didn't find out until much later that Liios also used the opportunity to test out some of his devices. On the heretics. He nearly reported him to the Board of Education for that but Ptolemy talked (begged!) him out of it.
...so actually you couldn't consider Erenville Liios's friend. He was Ptolemy's friend. Liios was the alarming second wheel to the equation that Erenville many times felt was suffocating his real friend and, in his usual blunt way, said so. To Liios's face.
Who did fix his attitude around his younger brother because of it, hence why he thought he was Erenville's friend. Or at least that the guy liked him...Not entirely true, but not so untrue that Erenville saw any reason to correct it even now.
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hjorthborch94 · 2 years
Canadians Shifting To Utah
Require supervised follow experience for licensing. No jurisdiction in the United States requires aspiring legal professionals to realize supervised follow experience earlier than they receive their legislation license. In this regard, the US stands nearly totally alone in the world. Licensure candidates might freely select to acquire their supervised practice qualification elsewhere, but an entity like this, open to all comers, would assure that no one who wants to become a lawyer is denied the prospect to meet this requirement. Find screened University Heights real estate brokers with the neighborhood experience and market knowledge to make sure your transaction is accomplished competently and professionally. I love retirement and am performing some non-public tutoring,consulting, and touring and simply enjoying life. I am eagerly awaiting my son to satisfy his mate and get married and have some grandkids. This will be my first journey back to Utah since 2000, and I am really wanting ahead to this, my first reunion. On Valentine's Day, 1970, I met my future husband, who was an Army pilot on R and R from Viet Nam. I returned to Texas, where we were married, and I worked as a speech langugae pathologist in the colleges. Climate change is quickly altering ecological feedbacks, threatening to undermine the ecological resilience of SESs . When a system’s defining processes or buildings are undermined beyond some threshold, the whole system may lose its integrity and enter an alternate state (Scheffer et al. 2001). As multi-state operators already lively in four states, the Pure UT and Moxie staff have been via this course of a quantity of occasions over and have strong opinions about how states can set themselves—and their programs—up for success. The McEwen Canal covers the land right down to and together with the Wilcox farms within the north finish of the valley. At first these canals have been privately owned but now are included firms. And Emma A. Morrill Munson, was born in the year of Utah's statehood in a one-room log cabin in the mouth of Circleville Canyon approximately two miles south of Circleville, Piute County. During the eleven years they lived in this location the family Bible data the births of two brothers and two sisters. In December 1849, the General Assembly of the provisional State of Deseret commissioned a company already organized under the management of Parley P. Pratt, to discover the south and verify its possibilities for sustaining settlements. Homer Olsen offered the invocation and Dale Bredsguard gave the benediction. Burial was within the Monroe City Cemetery where Bishop Winget supplied the graveside prayer. Pallbearers included Karl Bohman, Remo Bredsguard, Elwin Cloward, Ervin Bridges, Hanmer Smith and Gerald Washburn. A massive crowd of relatives and pals of the Rasmussen household went to Salina Friday to attend the funeral of Cloyd Rasmussen, who was run over by a train at Fountain Green while unloading a tank of gas on November 2. He married Leda Dalton, who with three kids, Ona, 14, O’Neil 10, ad Clair, age 6 months, survives. The understanding of ecosystem administration is equally evolving. Natural useful resource managers no longer consider nonlinear, threshold responses to administration actions as aberrations from the expected consequence. In the late twentieth century, equilibrium views of ecosystems were changed with an understanding that ecosystems show linear and nonlinear responses, tipping points, a number of different states, and cross-scale interactions . An acknowledgment that scale is essential to disentangling complexity was also rising in the literature . Both intra- and cross-scale dynamics are necessary (Peterson et al. 1998) and affect the production of ecosystem providers and emergent properties of systems corresponding to resilience. Gen. Daniel H. Wells went to Sanpete County, and took command of the forces in the warfare area. He despatched detachments to help settlers in abandoning villages and establishing themselves in more populous cities. The weaker settlements in Summit, Wasatch, Sanpete, Sevier, Piute, Beaver, Iron, Kane and Washington counties had been deserted and removed to the stronger ones. I’m a legal sector analyst who’s deeply invested in a greater future for the authorized profession and the society it serves. I’ve spent the past 20 years studying crucial new developments and discerning rising patterns within the authorized services ecosystem. I use these insights to advise legal organizations on how to plan their strategies and obtain their objectives. 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She has greater than 25 years of experience offering strategic marketing and communication advice within the government, non-public and nonprofit sectors. There are many ways you can decrease the worth of a college education. Consider taking advantage of in-state tuition, or shortening the length of your diploma by taking summer time classes. Learn extra about Southern Utah University value for other elements which will affect internet worth such as the financial assist you qualify for that's largely based mostly on your family's income. Whatever current practice, process, or behavior within the legal profession you encounter, mechanically assume it’s outmoded or poor in some way. Don’t give incumbency a lot credit — in most cases, “the means we’ve at all times carried out things” is just an accident of historical past or a self-serving relic of an out of date time, and nothing extra. We still require aspiring attorneys to acquire costly three-year levels from schools that overtly reject any input from the profession in regards to the content material of their law applications. The bar examination would nonetheless be out there for any candidate who preferred it. It’s been a wild ride…to the ends of the earth, and again again. We’ve, [Sylvia EHS class ’63 and I], visited every continent–including Antarctica, and amazingly we proceed to live in the identical home, on 1200 East, the place I was born and raised. In 2005 we retired and moved to Vermont to be close to our daughter and her household. We constructed a home on eight acres of land in the Lake Champlain Valley nestled between the Adirondack and Green Mountains. We enjoy quite a few recreational oportunities including hiking, biking, snowshoeing, gardening and water sports activities.
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zazzander · 2 years
Will Solace & Octavian
So I want to do a post about Will and Octavian, because Will is one of the characters involved in the finale of Blood of Olympus. He tries to talk Octavian down – even as Nico and Mike are set on allowing Octavian to die.
The two of them are often constrasted, both by POV characters and the story as a whole.
Will depicted as the ideal child of Apollo. He’s a healer. He is calm and composed. He’s a cat in the sun. These traits are very much opposed with Octavian’s characterisation. Octavian foresees death. He leads demigods into war. He never calm and rarely composed.
In terms of descriptions, Nico calls him a “washed out” version of Will. The physical description drives home that Octavian is the opposite of an ideal child descedant of Apollo.
All this inspired me to look into their interactions. And while I’m not expert on Will’s character, I did want to try and tease out some kind of story. And I've come to come conclusions. Unfortunately the entire Will-Octavian-Apollo dynamic is never really resolved, so this post doesn’t really have a resolution either.
Will’s attitude towards Octavian has three distinct stages. Initially, he’s antagonistic towards Octavian. It’s only halfway through their confrontation this seems to change. At that point he shows sympathy towards Octavian and tries to reason with him. Finally, after Octavian’s death, he seemed to take on a forced apathy about the situation. He doesn’t address it, not with Nico, not with Apollo. In fact, he purposefully diverts away from even the possibility of Octavian being up for discussion. Much like Apollo.
Will’s Antagonism
That fact that Will doesn’t like Octavian for most of Blood of Olympus is pretty fair. Octavian is the leader of the enemy army. There has been at least two interactions between the Greeks and the legion. The first we see on the page: the parley at Nero’s Tower. The second who can assume happened at some point based on both Will’s and Jake Mason’s comments regarding Octavian.
So as a baseline, going into the battle, this is Will’s opinion:
“Octavian – what’s his name. If I was Apollo and my descendant was acting this way, I’d go into hiding out of shame.” | “I agree,” Will said. “I wish I was a better archer… I wouldn’t mind shooting my Roman relative off his high horse. Actually, I wish I could use any of my father’s gifts to stop this war.”
Will contrasts Octavian’s doggedness towards the war with his own desire to stop it. Not only that but we see Will has a full formed opinion on Octavian: he’s arrogant and he doesn’t have Apollo’s support despite saying he does.
For me that implies the two of them have actually spoken, which isn’t unreasonable because Octavian does plant his encampment very close to Camp Half-Blood with the intent of drawing the Greeks into battle. More than likely, such an interaction is what has everyone riled up (Octavian is very good at pissing people off, ngl).
Fast forward to the battle, Will follows up on his comments. He uses his powers to stay off violence.
Will let out a piercing taxicab whistle. All six dog-men dropped their weapons, grabbed their ears and fell down in agony.
Will isn’t here to fight a battle, he’s here to bring peace. That might also explain why he’s on the sabotage mission at all – since it doesn’t make sense to bring your primary medic on the mission. Unless, Will has is trying a last-ditch effort to resolve this without a fight.
Now, Nico doesn’t recognise Will’s intent because he immediately uses the opportunity to take down all of these monsters. Following this, Nico and Octavian face off. Neither of them are here to take prisoners.
Nico is fully prepared to murder Octavian.
And Octavian, for his part, goes for his main skill: persuasion.
“Tell me, son of Pluto,” the augur hissed, “why are you helping the Greeks? What have they ever done for you?”
Now, Will accepts Nico taking down the monsters without comment. After all, monsters are monsters (except when they aren’t). But then Nico says he is helping both camps. That no one has offered him anything. And once the fight is over, he will leave.  
Will Solace made a sound like he’d been punched. “Why would you do that?” Nico scowled. “It’s none of your business, but I don’t belong. That’s obvious. No one wants me.”
Now, this interaction givens Octavian more than enough insight to start needling at Nico’s insecurities. He offers Nico a place to stay at the end of the war. And more – he lets Nico continue to play ‘neutral’ but in a different way:
“[…] All you have to do is step aside and allow the Romans to win.”
Since we know from Will’s reaction earlier that he assumed Nico would be joining Camp Half-Blood after this fight, the idea that Nico would enter the legion – or choose to be neutral isn’t something he’s happy about.
Octavian is firmly in ‘bad guy’ territory when it comes to Will’s opinion of him. We can see this here:
“The god Apollo has shown me the future–” “No!” Will Solace shoved Nico out of the way and got in Octavian’s face. “I am a son of Apollo, you anaemic loser. My father hasn’t shown anyone the future because the power of prophecy isn’t working. But this–” He waved loosely at the assembled legion; the hordes of monstrous armies spread across the hillside. “This is not what Apollo would want!”
So Will insults Octavian. He pulls rank on Octavian (being a son is better than being a priest, apparently). And calls Octavian a liar.
The thing about Will’s point: “My father hasn’t shown anyone the future because the power of prophecy isn’t working” is that the loss of prophecies is very recent in the grand scheme of the war. Octavian was still able to see the future when this war started. It is only later that Python took over Delphi.
Maybe Will realises this too – because he presses the point in another way: “This is not what Apollo would want!”
To be fair on Will, it is very hard to tell what Apollo wanted in Heroes of Olympus. More than likely, it was ever-changing. But what we do know, is that from Octavian’s perspective, Apollo was supportive. In The Hidden Oracle, Apollo let’s slip that he did support Octavian’s war. Furthermore, the Twins (Apollo and Artemis) are actually pretty aware of Octavian’s plans. Even Artemis knows what’s up:
Hazel rolled her eyes. “Leo, this is serious. If Artemis is right, six of these machines will be rolling into Long Island tomorrow night. That’s what Octavian has been waiting for. At dawn on August first, he’ll have enough firepower to completely destroy Camp Half-Blood without a single Roman casualty. He thinks that’ll make him a hero.”
Ultimately, Will’s opinion of Apollo means this possibility never occurs to him. And fair enough. Why would his dad support a war that could kill him and his siblings?
(This might be why Apollo was dressed as member of Camp Half-Blood when he was attacked by Zeus. Maybe he planned to rescue his kids before the onagers hit. Maybe he would save everyone, who knows? Zeus interfers on whatever Apollo had planned).
Regardless, Will is of the opinion that Octavian is acting without Apollo’s permission or knowing, basically just slapping the god’s name on his own actions to lend them credibility. He’s not aware that Apollo isn’t a well respected god in the legion. Nor that Apollo has sided with Octavian.
And Octavian rebuts this with:
Octavian lips curled. “You lie. The god told me personally that I would be remembered as the saviour of Rome. I will lead the legion to victory.”
I want to focus on the start of this reply. Because as far as I can tell – this is Will’s turning point. Prior to this, Will has been against Octavian. He’s convinced that Octavian is in the wrong – an arrogant guy who’s lying constantly for his own selfish gain.
But when Will tries to tell him that Apollo wouldn’t support the war, Octavian’s lips curl: either he’s smiling - like a ‘you are such an idiot’ kind of smile OR he’s frowning - like ‘what Apollo didn’t tell them the plan?’.
And that immediately leads into Octavian saying, “You lie”.
It should be, “You’re wrong”.
Because to lie means that Will knows the truth and isn’t telling it.
This is the only possible moment that could reframe Will’s opinion on Octavian. Because Will changes his tune after this point. He goes from insulting Octavian to trying to reason with him.  
That’s despite what Octavian does next, namely: fire on the camp.
The onagers miss – of course. But it’s clear from Octavian’s reaction that wasn’t part of the plan.
In the moment follow this, Octavian is losing the loyalty of his people. And what does Will do? Not insult. Not stand back and let it happen. He gives Octavian advice.
Will Solace shook his head, “Don’t do this, Octavian. Don’t force your people to choose. This is your last chance.”
Unfortunately, at about this time, Clarisse shows up and its back to battle. Octavian refocuses on the fight, using the chance to bring the legionnaires back under his control. Only for Will to jump in again with his disarming whistle. The fighting pauses long enough for the Athena Parthenos to land and Reyna to give her speech.
Then Gaia wakes up and Octavian freaks out. Everyone else seems to believe that he’s run away like a coward – no longer a problem. But Will keeps a track of him. It’s Will who notices that Octavian has gone to the onager.
He chooses to bring Nico. And these are the reasons I can come with you for that choice:
Nico and Octavian have a tense repour (Octavian was trying to recruit him to the legion, after all)
Will likes Nico (more bonding time!)
Will doesn’t know that Nico plans to kill Octavian (Nico hesitated before)
Then, at the base of the onager, Will tries three times to talk Octavian down. It’s like he’s a completely different person. Before he was arguing with Octavian, insulting him, and undermining him. Now?
Will raised his hands in a placating gesture. “Octavian, get away from the onager. That isn’t safe.”
“Listen to me,” Will tried again. “This is not what Apollo would want. Besides, your robes are–”
“Octavian, don’t,” Will pleaded. “We can’t allow you–”
To this, Octavian calls Will a fool. He repeats the prediction he was given over and over again. He tries to tell Will what’s going on, that he's fully aware of what's happening. Far more than Will himself. But Will doesn’t – cannot – accept that.
We see the direct rebuttals:
“That isn’t safe.” | “Of course it’s not!”
"That’s not what Apollo would want.” | “You know nothing, Graecus!”
Now, Will isn’t the only person in the scene. We also have Mike and Nico.
Mike seems to pick up Octavian’s intent almost immediately, though he does double check. Are you certain? Yes! Are you absolutely certain? Yes, you fool!
Meanwhile, Nico also seems to pick up what’s going on. Though he’s realisation is not so clear cut.
Nico remembered his father’s word in the Chapel of Bones: Some deaths cannot be prevented.
What is going on? Well, Octavian has been prophesied to die. To be ‘remembered as the saviour’ is not the able as ‘celebrated as a saviour’ or ‘known as the saviour’.
All in all, Will is the last person to realise this:
“Will,” Nico said, “we can’t stop him.” Solace stared at him in disbelief.
Will does nothing more in this scene. Sure, he might be surprised at Nico’s callousness, but I don’t think so. I think Will finally realised what was happening. That he’s watching fate unfold. There is no fighting it.
Besides, Will probably blames Nico for what happened to Octavian. Why wouldn’t he? Nico had basically permitted… whatever that was. Murder by consensus. A gruesome suicide.
Despite Nico’s fears Will doesn’t blame Nico for Octavian’s death. Because Nico was simply a bystander. He wasn’t his fault. If Nico had killed Octavian, it might have been a different story. It’s curious that Nico never makes the connection between prophecy = death that cannot be prevented. But I suspect that’s the survivor’s guilt. He believes he could have done more.
With all this in mind, let’s fast forward to The Hidden Oracle where we seen more of Will's forced apathy. His insistence on not discussing Octavian's death (or anything that could be related to Apollo's actions in Heroes of Olympus).
Prior to Apollo showing up as mortal, Will could have assumed that Gaia was pretending to be Apollo to influence Octavian. That’s what everyone else assumes! And from the outside perspective, it makes a reasonable amount of sense.
Yet here is Apollo. Weak and mortal.
The situation implies a lot.
You’d think Will would want to ask Apollo exactly what went down with Octavian. Was there a prophecy? Did Apollo really support Octavian’s war? Or was Octavian simply lying? All of this really stemming from the big question: Why has Apollo been cast down from Olympus?
Except not only does Will never ask he actively avoids the conversation. Whenever it’s even close to being brought up in his presence, Will changes the subject.
“There is no fixing this,” I said miserably. “I am cast out of Olympus. My fate is tied to a girl named Meg. It could not be worse!” Will laughed, which I thought took a great deal of gall. “Meg seems cool.”
Cast out of Olympus? Surely that’s ringing alarm bells. Instead Will chooses to brush passed that admission and focuses on Meg – hiding behind a laugh. Just before that he stated that he’s using humour to hide his anxieties: “Well, it’s either find this funny or freak out.”
If it was just this moment, we could excuse this as Will not being in the headspace to really talk about his father’s situation. But later in the book, he does the same thing.
As Apollo bemoans his mortality, Austin and Kayla are quick to offer assistance but Will, notably does not. Instead, Will changes the subject.
“Hey…” Will patted my shoulder. “It’s not so bad. At least with everybody being on high alert, we might not have to do Harley’s obstacle course tomorrow.”
Once again – Will moves the conversation away from the elephant in the room. Austin and Kayla are willing to help Apollo get stronger, but Will? He’s… hesitant. Like he doesn’t hate Apollo or anything. But he is purposefully avoiding the important questions.
Then the plot get moving and Will isn’t really featured for the rest of the book. And by the time we get to Tower of Nero, it’s too late to have this conversation. Both for the characters and for the narrative.
Octavian’s death lays in the past. A stone purposefully unturned. Both by Will and by Apollo.
I’ll leave on this quote:
Their former augur, my descendant Octavian, had died in the battle against Gaia. (Which I had a hard time feeling sad about, but that's another story.)
So maybe there’s hope that the Will-Octavian relationship will get resolved in the Solangelo book. After all, Octavian was a major character in their first scene together. It might be that he is a major character their ‘last’.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
*kciks down door* ReQuEsTs?!??! uh, 18. “Is it all right if I hug you?” with Obi-wan and character of your choice (please, this boy needs a hug so bad)
Hugs!!!! What an excellent ask.
Took me forever to pick a character though. I came this close to writing multiple hugs throughout the years but it would’ve been very long...
It’s still long. Whoops.
Note: I skipped the actual sentence and instead went for ✨vibes only✨
(From this various prompts list.)
Obi-Wan is twenty-three standard years old, very nearly twenty-four.
It is a delightful stage of life. (It’s awful.)
He’s growing in independence, so close to Knighthood he can almost taste it. (Is he? Nobody seems to have a clear opinion.)
He’s receiving more and more solo assignments, and on his missions with Master Jinn, the older Jedi makes an effort to at least await the Padawan’s input before making a decision, sometimes even deferring to Obi-Wan’s word. (Only in public, though, is there a sense of equality. Behind the scenes, Obi-Wan is still very much the learner.)
He longs to be free. (He doesn’t want to be alone.)
The confusing clash of thoughts and emotions is, in and of itself, a creator of more clashing emotions, all resulting in a bundle of self-doubt that crouches near his heart, like a greedy bird, picking away at his strength and certainty when he most needs it.
Doesn’t your doubt show you that you’re truly not ready? the pestering creature asks.
Doesn’t your longing for freedom prove you don’t deserve it? it says, tapping against the veins of ice and fear that lie right against the heat of his heart.
Doesn’t your need to be reassured tell you that you’re too hesitant, too weak to be alone?
His desire to fly is wrong. His desire to be sheltered, even more so.
Both together, coexisting in his heart and mind, could quite possibly mean the one thing he had been dreading for over a decade now, the thing older Jedi, real Jedi, had put into words and addressed to his face when he was only twelve, only eleven, only ten.
You are too emotional, they said.
You are overeager, they said.
You are not destined to be a Jedi, Qui-Gon had told him. I will not train you.
He had, in the end, and Obi-Wan has been wondering in the depths of his heart for all these years of it had not been a dreadful mistake. As much as the Force sings in his ears Jedi, Jedi, Jedi, endure, Jedi, Jedi, it felt like everything he touched, everything tangible, argues back failure, weak, selfish, foolish, unwanted, not fit.
Obi-Wan is twenty-three, almost twenty-four, and he is years into adulthood and light years away from proving that he’s capable of handling it.
When will he be Knighted?
Nobody seems to be expecting it from him.
Do they know, he wonders, have they known since the beginning that I am doomed to fail? Has this all been a gracious attempt, a thank you for my actions on Bandomeer, and they have drawn this out and out and out as long as they can?
How much longer can this go on?
Still, there are moments when he is at peace, when Obi-Wan is sure. When he meditates, when he accomplishes something new, when he walks away from an assignment feeling unashamed when he translates his memories into a tidy mission report.
When he has one of his long talks with Master Yoda, or Master Windu, who despite their revered status have taken to talking to him more like a friend than a child, outside of the Council chambers.
When he remembers the Force whispering inside, Jedi Jedi Jedi Jedi, endure, Jedi...
And then, on one of the missions assigned to both himself and his Master - still the overwhelming majority of his assignments - he and Qui-Gon are separated during a violent uprising.
There are bodies in the streets and buildings are aflame; children weep over the bodies of their parents and parents cradle the bodies of their children and scream as if the sound is their only companion left in the world. The standing government has a point, the rebellion has a point, the civilians caught in the crossfire don’t say which point they agree with because they’re too busy screaming and perishing, and Qui-Gon is simply gone.
Obi-Wan, faced with the threat of further bloodshed right here and right now even as the air is still clogged with ash and flame and as another body topples from a rooftop in front of his feet, raises his hand in surrender and calmly proposes a truce, offering himself as a legal hostage against the government that brought the Jedi here.
Obi-Wan is led away with his hands bound behind his back and his lightsaber taken away, and though his face is calm, the furrow between is brow speaks of his inner turmoil, which sounds like tapping against the cracks in his heart and Qui-Gon, where is Master Qui-Gon, I don’t know what I’m doing, if I fail more people will die, if I fail it will be my fault, is this taking charge or stepping aside, am I a leader or a victim?
He spends not days, not weeks, but three standard months as a hostage. He spends a terrible amount of time sitting in a cell and pondering his uselessness, the gravity of his foolishness, but every time someone opens the door and escorts him out to hold parley with the leaders of the rebellion and the ministry of the planet, he holds his head high, tempers his fear, and speaks to them with all he has.
Which is honesty. Humility.
You don’t know what to do, he says. Neither do I.
We all know we must do something. No matter how much blood you spill and how much earth you scorch you will eventually come back here to this table to have this same discussion until either both of you are broken beyond belief or one of you has been crushed, and half your planet’s voice stolen away. And you will have sacrificed two of the Republic’s Jedi along the way, a black mark against whichever victor is left standing.
Or, he says, we choose to pass over the violence and talk here and now, and choose this again and again and again. You have already had your fighting. Your people are already hoping for negotiation.
Are you here for their sakes or to kill them for show?
He does not use these exact words.
He sews them into his brief speeches, hammers in the point sharply when he must, weaves the common thread over and over again.
He knows they fight while he is locked away.
But he believes, from the growing respect in the eyes of these people who hold him both by his and against his will, that he is making a difference. He must be.
And Obi-Wan is twenty-three, very very nearly twenty-four, when he finally walks free to witness the signing of a treaty like this planet has never had before, to witness the formation of a new government, and he discovers not ashes and mass graves when he sees daylight for the first time in three months — but instead, a city and a planet marred only by scattered battlefields, and marked more clearly by the way its people have fought to keep it clean, to keep it safe.
Children race through the streets, unafraid, because they have had real shelter during the war. It has not entered their homes since that first terrible day.
Neighbors from opposing sides of this fight and friends who staked no claim in this war mingle freely. Their smiles are a little hesitant, but they are there.
The dead are all honored equally.
It is leaps and bounds, it is a civilization that propelled itself through years of struggle in three months, and Obi-Wan is awed by them.
He knows it cannot be this way everywhere.
He knows that there will be wars where no one wants to surrender, or where one side will be so certain of their point of view that they would rather raise hell than cease, and he knows there will be people who resist them.
But today it is real.
Obi-Wan looks at his pale and clammy hands, the marks around his wrists where he was so often bound, and feels the way his limbs shake from months of too little sunlight, not quite enough food, and more than his share of fear and doubt and self-recrimination.
As he smiles for a camera that will record this moment forever, he glimpses Qui-Gon amongst the crowd.
Someone explains to him, when he asks, that his Master had been injured during the uprising and spent the first three weeks of Obi-Wan’s captivity in convalescence. The remaining time, he has spent on the sidelines, forced there by his Padawan’s actions. With Obi-Wan a willing hostage, playing negotiator and leverage both, Qui-Gon had no role except to mingle with the people, offer them comfort and aid.
Something Obi-Wan knows his Master loved, but — he had still stolen his Master’s role.
He had thrown himself into a stupid, foolish situation, and how many times had Qui-Gon teased him about playing damsel in distress? And here he has gone and surrendered of his own accord. What would Qui-Gon have done if Obi-Wan had led them all to ruin?
Obi-Wan slowly loses his confidence, his relief, his silver tongue, as the press and the people recede, and he and his Master walk to a room that has been prepared for both of them, as honored guests by this new government.
Qui-Gon says nothing to him.
They walk in silence for twelve minutes.
And then, as soon as the door has shut behind them, Obi-Wan finds himself pulled into a fierce embrace, one of his Master’s hands buried in his hair, Qui-Gon’s chin resting atop his head.
Obi-Wan hesitates.
Does his Master think him a child?
Perhaps Qui-Gon senses his thoughts, because the man pulls away briefly, still holding his Padawan by the shoulders, as if unwilling to let him go completely, else he vanish like smoke.
“Padawan,” Qui-Gon says, and his voice is loud and strong and brimming with warmth that washes over Obi-Wan like sunlight, like water, like an embrace. “Well done, my Padawan.”
And then he is pulled again into Qui-Gon’s comforting arms, and Obi-Wan breathes in and gives in, folding against his teacher like a child, and if a few tears stain Qui-Gon’s robes or drop into Obi-Wan’s hair, neither of them speaks of it.
Obi-Wan lets his Master hold him, lets go of fear and pride and doubt, and finds that he is safe.
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melzula · 4 years
Fire Lilies
pairing: Zuko x princess!reader
warnings: fluff, angst, forbidden lovers au
notes: this is my first zuko piece and also my first atla piece ever so pls excuse the fact that it’s a little clunky 🥺 this isn’t really canon to the show but the reader is princess of the southern Water Tribe and a water bender. also this may or may not have been inspired by the secret tunnel song... anyway, i may make a part two to this but for now enjoy!
summary: “Two lovers forbidden from one another. A war divides their people.”
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Tensions between the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes had never been higher, and the possibility of war was a continuous threat that loomed over both nations. Constant efforts of parley and council meetings proceeded throughout the years, but neither side could ever seem to reach an agreement both deemed satisfactory. As chief of the Southern Water Tribe, such negotiations seemed to weigh heavily upon your father’s shoulders, and despite being the crowned Princess there was nothing you could do to help him.
“A council of negotiations is no place for a princess,” he would remind you every time you attempted to give your own insight and opinion on the troubles your people faced. Your father would leave you then in the care of your mother and your handmaidens, an apologetic kiss placed upon your forehead before his departure.
“The council is overrated anyway,” you would huff in an attempt to conceal your disappointment and annoyance at the unfairness of it all, “it’s just a bunch of angry old men who are too stubborn to set aside their differences for the sake of peace.”
And yet despite your renouncement of such a meeting, you always found yourself sneaking away from home and towards the council chambers where the negations often took place. Your people believed that women held no place in war, only meant to be gentle hands and spirits that served and guided their people. Such expectations were set even higher for Princesses, and so you were restricted to activities such as practicing your healing and providing aid to your people. You loved your tribe with all of your heart, but you found the traditions they practiced rather... well, for lack of a better term, stupid. You could be doing so much more to help if only your father would let you participate.
The stars are bright on this particular evening, a glimmer of hope that hangs over the dark blacks and reds of the Fire Nation ships arriving at the docks; it’s the southern tribe’s turn to host the meeting. You can’t see much from where you stand other than the outlines of the soldiers, guards, officials, and the royal family, but you know for a fact that the minacious figure leading the procession is none other than Fire Lord Ozai. You’d only ever crossed paths with the man once when you were four, and it had purely been an accident on your part, but you knew that if you hadn’t been the Chief’s daughter you would definitely have marks to show for the encounter.
Considering the fact that you’re the only Princess and heir to the throne, it’s surprisingly easy scaling down your balcony and sneaking off into the night without a second thought. Though you found the underestimation of women in your tribe extremely insulting, the “helpless princess” front sure kept suspicions off your back. The nation is quiet with everyone either tucked inside for the night or present at the meeting, and there is no one to stop you from hiding yourself amongst the shadows outside the meeting hall and taking a peek inside.
Various political figures sit at the long table, your father and the Fire Lord sitting at opposite ends. The atmosphere is heavy and thick, the air silent as each side dare’s the other to speak first, and perhaps part of you is glad that you don’t have to sit through such a meeting.
“What are you doing?” A voice calls, and you’re grateful for the fact that you’re able to contain your startled gasp so as to not blow your cover. You whirl around with a murderous glint in your eye and the intent to blast whoever almost gave you away with an icy cold wave of water, but your demeanor changes in an instant as you realize who the voice belongs to.
“Zuko!” You squeal, all caution thrown to the wind as you fling yourself into his arms. The sheer force of your impact sends you both toppling back onto the snow, but the prince can’t help the laugh that leaves him as he winds his arms tightly around your waist.
“I guess I don’t have to ask if you missed me,” he teases. The two of you sit up from the ground once you release him, and he watches with a fond smile as you carefully brush the snow off of his clothing.
“I wasn’t sure you’d come. Things have been so tense.”
“You know I’ll always come see you,” Zuko comforts before pressing a delicate kiss to your temple. Your relationship with the Fire Nation prince was a complicated one, but there was no denying the love you two shared.
You had first met when you were four and Zuko was five. Originally you were meant to be a playmate for Princess Azula, but she had made it clear that she would much rather torment the white hamsters than spend her time pretending to be your friend. It was Zuko who took interest in your companionship, sledding on the otter penguins with you during the day and sharing secrets at night.
“Princesses aren’t allowed to water bend, but sometimes when no one’s looking I practice my combat skills,” you had told him. “I can also do cool tricks.”
“Really? Like what?”
Zuko watched in awe as you used the water in the air to swirl the snowflakes that fell from the sky into the shape of a butterfly, delicately flapping its wings so that it landed on tip of the young prince’s nose. Joyful laughter escaped him at the sensation, and it was then at four years old that you knew the Fire Nation boy would always hold a special place in your heart.
You kept your courting a secret for the sake of making things less complicated for the both of you. It wasn’t necessarily against the rules for the two of you to be together, but it was just easier to keep it to yourselves. Keeping politics and prying eyes away from your relationship was what made it so strong; you weren’t the Fire Prince and the Water Tribe Princess when you were together, you were simply Zuko and y/n. And it was nicer that way.
“Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you,” Zuko smiles, rolling his eyes at the way your eyebrows immediately furrow in protest. “Just do it.”
With a reluctant sigh you shut your eyes and let out a small hum, waiting for whatever prize may come your way. Something gentle and sweet smelling is placed in your lap, and you open your eyes to see a bouquet of flower lilies resting upon the skirt of your dress.
“Oh, Zuko!” You gasp, picking the bundle up and admiring the beautiful petals. “They’re gorgeous.”
“I knew you’d like them,” he grins. “There aren’t many flowers around here.”
“The snow prevents anything from growing,” you agree with a small smile. “You’re so thoughtful.”
“Anything for the Princess.”
“I love you,” you profess, sighing happily as his lips meet your own in a tender kiss. Times like these were few and far between considering you both came from opposite sides and only saw each other once a month, so you liked to savor the feeling for as long as you could. However, your moment of bliss ended much sooner than you had anticipated.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Your father’s voice bellows from the entryway of the meeting hall. You’re quick to scramble onto your feet and away from Zuko, but the fire lilies are still clutched tightly in your hands.
“Father, I-I can explain,” you begin to say only for him to take hold of you by the elbow and yank you away from a terrified Zuko. The bouquet of flowers falls from your grasp and drops onto the snow.
“How dare you try and soil my daughter!”
“I-I didn’t mean any harm, sir,” Zuko tries to say, “I love and respect your daughter.”
“Love,” your father scoffs. “Fire Nation monsters aren’t capable of love. They only bring pain and heartache wherever they go. For as long as I live I never want to see you near her again, is that clear?”
“Father, you can’t!” You cry, but the deterrent glare he sends your way has you backing down in an instant. You know better than to argue with him when he has that crazed wide eyed look on his face; your father was a good man and a great chief, but he could be ruthless when it came to his people and his family- especially with you.
“Yes, sir,” Zuko utters quietly, eyes cast downward and refusing to meet your gaze. Fighting your father’s decision would only make things worse, and he doesn’t want you to suffer any more than you have to.
“Now run along child,” your father instructs gruffly, “and don’t come back.”
Zuko takes one last longing look at you, and the pleading you look you give him that begs him not to go has his heart breaking into two. Chances are this is the last time he’ll ever see you again, and he wants to commit the details of your memory permanently to his mind. He wants to remember the curve of your lips and the smoothness of your hair, the red of your cheeks from the cold and the tears that brim at the corners of your sparkling eyes. You are beautiful, ever since you were children he thought so, and in his mind he’d always remember you as the Princess with the snow butterfly and the bouquet of fire lilies.
Tears steadily fall down your face as your father guides you home by the elbow, carelessly stepping on the lilies in his path. They crumple and wither under his boot much like your heart had at his banishment of your beloved Zuko.
“Your mother should have kept a better eye on you,” he mutters harshly, glancing sideways at your trembling form. If he holds any remorse for breaking your heart he doesn’t show it, and it makes you feel all the worse. “It was for your own good, y/n. You may not see that now, but someday you will.”
“What happened to keeping the peace?!” You cry in protest. “I thought you wanted our nations to come together in harmony? Zuko and I are proof that it’s possible!“
“There will be no peace,” is your father’s solemn reply. “The Fire Nation has declared war.”
A small gasp leaves your lips at his confession, your stomach tying itself into knots so tight it almost makes you want to vomit. Your father says nothing more as he hands you off to your nurse maids and orders extra guards to ensure you can’t escape again. Everything feels as if it’s come crashing down upon you, and there isn’t a single thing you can do about it.
Snow begins to fall with the departure of the Fire Nation ships, and your forgotten lilies are suffocated underneath the clean sheets of ice.
*part two
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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scalproie · 3 years
megatron <3
First impression: oooh evil giant robot okay who else is there in transformers
Impression now: I could watch this man fail forever as long as its pathetic and funny, he can the funniest fucker in those shows whether he wants it or not. Extremely dumb but smart-passing somehow. I hate him💖. He did nothing wrong this is the most problematic character in this franchise. Writing the callout post as we speak and adding a lot of little sparkling hearts on it. The hoes are conflicted about megatron and the hoes are me.
Favorite moment:
G1: *throws an energon cube at starscream unprompted* "you disgust me"
tfa: idk he just sounds sexy
tfp: that time he was flying by the seat of his pants and told the tale of warlord ratchet, famed autobot medic. also the times he tripped on drugs
idw: him replying "not guilty" at rodimus... idk, one or two issues after his trial? oh and of course in the field of [you're not there yet], shivers just thinking of it. and the scene with ravage where [you're not there yet]
cyberverse: his introduction being him getting shot on the crotch. him getting his morning star stuck in the moon's ground, his little "...eh!" as hes trying to get it out, and his scream as he gets smacked on the ass just after. Him lying straight to Optimus' face because starscream stole the allspark after he was so sure he killed him. The end of parley where he says they WONT work together with the autobots, and the next episode opening with him immediately calling for help. HOW HE LOST HIS EYE.
prime wars: him calling optimus "precious" and him trying to make small talk with Primal
Idea for a story: i feel we've done about everything with him. Idk they switch bodies with optimus for an episode and have to make sure nobody on the other team they are now in the middle of the base of find out. Thatd be stupid and fun.
Unpopular opinion: IDK you tell the temperature of that take but I like my man old, unapologetic, ambitious, and hungry for power since day 1, a bit boring I know but alas.
Favorite relationship: look Im a simple man who likes simple things. I like when characters are true equals on a narrative standpoint. I like foils. I like characters with history and angst and tragedy and also hilarious interactions every once in a while and also punch that guy because fuck him. I like when characters are put in a position so isolating they can only somewhat relate to someone they now hate except not really because they didnt hate each other originally, who are now in the same isolating position as they are now. Journeys end in lovers meeting or whatever that gay little book said. You cant have a megatron in your story without an optimus
Favorite headcanon: erectile dysfunction that one about how he's grey because thats the color corpses are and its intimitading is metal af
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bougredane · 3 years
Tabor Bridge incident : Tolstoi edition
Here we go again - this time from War and Peace.
The short version :
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The long version :
“No, no, confess that this is charming,” he [Bilibin, Russian diplomat to Austria] said, “this story of the bridge of Tabor. They have crossed it without striking a blow.”
Prince Andrey could not understand.
“Why, where do you come from not to know what every coachman in the town knows by now?”
“I come from the archduchess. I heard nothing there.”
“And didn’t you see that people are packing up everywhere?”
“I have seen nothing … But what’s the matter?” Prince Andrey asked impatiently.
“What’s the matter? The matter is that the French have crossed the bridge that Auersperg was defending, and they haven’t blown up the bridge, so that Murat is at this moment running along the road to Brünn, and to-day or to-morrow they’ll be here.”
“Here? But how is it the bridge wasn’t blown up, since it was mined?”
“Why, that’s what I ask you. No one—not Bonaparte himself—can tell why.” Bolkonsky shrugged his shoulders.
“But if they have crossed the bridge, then it will be all over with the army; it will be cut off,” he said.
“That’s the whole point,” answered Bilibin. “Listen. The French enter Vienna, as I told you. Everything is satisfactory. Next day, that is, yesterday, Messieurs les Maréchaux, Murat, Lannes, and Beliard get on their horses and ride off to the bridge. (Remark that all three are Gascons.) ‘Gentlemen,’ says one, ‘you know that the Tabor bridge has been mined and countermined, and is protected by a formidable fortification and fifteen thousand troops, who have orders to blow up the bridge and not to let us pass. But our gracious Emperor Napoleon will be pleased if we take the bridge. Let us go us there and take it.’ ‘Yes, let us go,’ say the others; and they start off and take the bridge, cross it, and now with their whole army on this side of the Danube, they are coming straight upon us, and upon you and your communications.”
“Leave off jesting,” said Prince Andrey, with mournful seriousness. The news grieved Prince Andrey, and yet it gave him pleasure. As soon as he heard that the Russian army was in such a hopeless position, the idea struck him that he was the very man destined to extricate the Russian army from that position, and that it had come—the Toulon—that would lift him for ever from out of the ranks of unknown officers, and open the first path to glory for him! As he listened to Bilibin, he was already considering how, on reaching the army, he would, at a council of war, give the opinion that alone could save the army, and how he would be entrusted alone to execute the plan.
“Leave off joking,” he said.
“I’m not joking,” Bilibin went on. “Nothing could be more truthful or more melancholy. These three gentlemen advance to the bridge alone and wave white handkerchiefs; they declare that it’s a truce, and that they, the marshals, are come for a parley with Prince Auersperg. The officer on duty lets them into the tête du pont. They tell him a thousand Gascon absurdities; say that the war is over, that Emperor Francis has arranged a meeting with Bonaparte, that they desire to see Prince Auersperg, and so on. The officer sends for Auersperg. These Gascon gentlemen embrace the officers, make jokes, and sit about on the cannons, while a French battalion meantime advances unnoticed on the bridge, flings the sacks of inflammable material into the river, and marches up to the tête du pont. Finally the lieutenant-general himself appears, our dear Prince Auersperg von Mautern. ‘My dear enemy! Flower of Austrian chivalry! hero of the Turkish war! Hostility is at end, we can take each other’s hands … the Emperor Napoleon burns with impatience to make the acquaintance of Prince Auersperg.’ In a word, these gentlemen—not Gascons for nothing—so bewilder Auersperg with fair words—he is so flattered at this speedy intimacy with French marshals, so dazzled by the spectacle of their cloaks, and of the ostrich feathers of Murat—that their fire gets into his eyes and makes him forget that he ought to be firing on the enemy” (in spite of the interest of his story, Bilibin did not omit to pause after this mot, to give time for its appreciation). “A French battalion runs into the tête du pont, spikes the cannons, and the bridge is taken. No, but really the best part of the whole episode,” he went on, his excitement subsiding under the interest of his own story, “is that the sergeant in charge of the cannon which was to give the signal for firing the mines and blowing up the bridge, this sergeant seeing the French troops running on to the bridge wanted to fire, but Lannes pulled his arm away. The sergeant, who seems to have been sharper than his general, goes up to Auersperg and says: ‘Prince, they’re deceiving you, here are the French!’ Murat sees the game is up if he lets the sergeant have his say. With an affectation of surprise (a true Gascon!) he addresses Auersperg: ‘Is this the Austrian discipline so highly extolled all over the world,’ says he, ‘do you let a man of low rank speak to you like this?’ It was a stroke of genius. The Prince of Auersperg is touched in his honour and has the sergeant put under arrest. No, but confess that all this story of the bridge of Tabor is charming. It is neither stupidity, nor cowardice … "
"It is treason, perhaps,” said Prince Andrey, vividly picturing to himself grey overcoats, wounds, the smoke and sound of firing, and the glory awaiting him. »
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jr-doctor · 3 years
Day 27: First Kiss
The Forgers now stood alone in front of the massive launch station terminal. Everything they had build had almost been destroyed and even though they had stopped the mastermind behind the scenes, the threat to their lives was still present.
Now, faced with the most dire gamble ever, the family looked to the screen together to see the video call with the current parley between Ostania & Westalis for possible merging of nations. If they didn't solve this right now, war would break out, and none of them wanted to think what would result of that.
Yor looked to her husband, who she knew was trying to think of multiple ways to diffuse this situation.
They problem was, that for the first time, he didn't have a solution, there was no lie he could tell, no gadget, no skill, and seemingly no answer...
Then he felt the warm caring squeeze of a loved one on both his hands. He looked at his wife and daughter, knowing that it was the only chance, so he took a step forward to the screen.
"Gentalmen, I am Loid Forger, but some of you may know me better as 'Twilight'". Murmurs broke from the crowd, anger and hate from both sides as Loid had thrown away any chance of being a spy. With his wife and daughter, he took a deep breath.
"I know all of you have certain opinions and views upon me, but I come to you today not as anything other than a man with a family." And so Loid spoke, in a stern voice yet with the most truth he had ever spooken.
"For years all I have tried to do was keep the peace, one mission after the next, never ending. I was... the greatest spy... However, while I knew every detail about everyone I knew, I never truly understood anyone."
Loid picked up Anya as he paused to see the attention of everyone in the meeting upon him with stern faces.
"A family is who you want to spend your life with." He spoke as he looked into his daughter's eyes with a soft smile.
"That was something foreign to a spy, someone who's entire focus is the mission, someone who only knew to work alone. But through what I thought of for the longest time as my fake family, that even at your best alone, nothing compares to when you work together with family. It was through them that I learned what I was fighting for, I learned how to care, how smile, how to laugh, how to be a father, how to be husband and above all, how to be a family." Loid set Anya down as he took his wife's hand.
"So before you make any decisions, look at us and what we have made through a lot of luck and even more love. Look at us and think of your family, those that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Ask yourself... how do you want to spend it with them?
Because all I know is, I'm going to spend it with my wife and daughter." And with a glint in his eyes meaning business Loid cut the transmission.
Yor took Loid into her arms.
"I am too." She simply said with a huge smile.
"MAMA AND PAPA ARE GONNA KISS!?" Asked the young girl, and for the first time... she got her wish
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dwellordream · 3 years
A Six of Crows Review: Kaz I
This is my second installment of a Six of Crows in review (Part One Linked Here). 
Tonight I am looking at Kaz I.
What immediately differentiates Kaz’ first chapter from Inej’s first chapter is that Bardugo spends much more time developing Kaz (who also has a longer chapter, which helps), and seems much more comfortable writing his POV.
He is much more fleshed out in terms of personality in the span of one chapter than Inej was, and I would not be surprised if Kaz was the first character for the novel that Bardugo came up with. There’s a lot more care put into making him not just a ‘walking camera’ as opposed to Inej, who barely gets a word in edgewise other than neutrally reporting the events to the reader.
What is immediately obvious is that Kaz is condescending, quick witted, and arrogant. He views the rest of his gang, the Dregs, as little more than violent overgrown children, with a few exceptions such as Inej and Jesper. His priorities are equally split between making sure his gang spreads increasingly violent and wild tales about him to the rest of the city, and making sure the gang itself also fears him and doesn’t get too close.
It seems clear that at least part of this obsession with his public image is due to the vulnerability Kaz feels due to his bad leg. Because of this he seems intent on always making sure he projects an untouchable and intimidating aura. The downside of this is that Kaz is terrible at communicating, and it seems obvious that his biggest immediate flaw is both his high opinion of himself (even if it hides some serious self loathing), and his inability to ever swallow his pride and play nice.
Despite feeling gratitude towards Jesper, he chooses to condescend to and mock him instead, even as he acknowledges he could have thanked Jesper for being his loyal second in command during the parley and watching his back.
This does not exactly a great leader make, but Kaz seems to view the Dregs less as a family that looks out for one another and more as his own personal kennel of attack dogs to be deployed at will. He has no interest in socializing with them casually or in showing much in the way of friendliness and affection. 
He rationalizes this by reminding himself (and them, presumably), that in the span of several years he has been instrumental in the gang rapidly gaining power and territory, so he doesn’t need to be friendly with them, only to keep them on the up and up.
We also learn that Kaz was bluffing about threatening Geels’ girlfriend; while this is clearly foreshadowing some future events, I personally find it disappointing. It would add to his character (not necessarily in a good way, but it would be interesting, at least) if he had seriously been prepared to harm an innocent women to get her boyfriend out of his way. 
On the other hand, his improv skills are certainly impressive. Maybe he should take up a career in theater on the side. He’s got the dramatic chops and passion for hearing himself talk.
Ironically, we learn more about Inej through Kaz’ chapter than through her own POV, which is not ideal, but maybe Bardugo is trying to hint at how… depersonalized Inej feels as a result of her trauma? I don’t know. I suspect it’s just that when she started writing this book, she didn’t really have Inej’ character nailed down all the way.
Kaz’ interest in irritating Inej is actively getting in his own way, though; he risked his own life and hers that night by not giving her any forewarning of his plans. I’m not sure if this is supposed to leave the reader impressed with him, or to hint at how impulsive and reckless he is as a teenager, despite what he tells himself about always having a plan.
We also learn that Kaz paid off Inej’ indentured servitude at the Menagerie, which I assume means what was left of it is now owed to him, or whoever the Dregs owe their money to. It’s not really clear how they make their money, besides gambling, bookmaking, and petty thievery. Kaz later insists in the chapter that they don’t ‘run whores’, and they don’t seem to deal any kind of drugs or black market materials.
The most interesting and welcomed twist of this chapter is that after a few pages of very self congratulatory praise, Kaz is overwhelmed and caught off guard and abducted.
The second half of Kaz’ chapter is extremely exposition heavy, and introduces another fairly dull and rote antagonist in the incredibly bland businessman Van Eck, who wants to hire Kaz, but it is better handled than Inej’s in that we actually get Kaz’ input on things, instead of him entirely disappearing from his own narrative.
We also learn the fate of poor catonic (then dead) Joost. Joost, we hardly knew thee. Oh well.
One interesting bit of worldbuilding is that the indentured grisha in Ketterdam are mostly refugees from the Ravkan war, which I guess is the big link connecting Six of Crows to Shadow and Bone. 
Honestly, the worldbuilding in Six of Crows works much better because it’s on a much smaller scale, though it is a little ridiculous that Bardugo has Fjerda (which seems Scandinavian based), Shu Han (which seems Chinese based), and Ravka (which seems Russian based) all essentially right next to one another, practically on top of each other on the same small continent. But that’s besides the point.
I also think it shows Kaz’ naivety despite his insistence to the contrary that he does pretty readily agree to the job. He pushes back (once) as to why Van Eck would want to hire a random 17 year old up and coming gangster, but it satisfied enough with Van Eck’s frankly thin excuse of ‘oh, you haven’t been arrested in three years, so we know you can handle it’.
Really? Kaz is the best Van Eck could get? It seems extremely obvious to the reader that this is a massive set up and Van Eck will throw Kaz and his allies to the wolves, but I’m not sure if Bardugo intends for us to already be able to guess that or not.
The focus on the gloves is also a little odd. In a cold and wet climate like Ketterdam, especially when it’s late winter, it seems obvious most people would wear gloves.
So it’s a little hamfisted to have Van Eck randomly comment on Kaz’ gloves, just so Kaz can get in one last snappy one liner and reference to how feared he is; apparently there are rumors his hands are deformed or diseased? Why? That would be like claiming every man who wears a hat has leprosy. It just seems a bit forced.
All that aside, Kaz I is I think a superior chapter in many ways to Inej I, and hopefully the trend continues.
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