#now i have time to answer some of the juicy asks some of you left in my inbox >:3
sinsydia · 4 months
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The end :3
Pt 1 / Pt2 / Pt 3
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sweetnans · 2 months
When Katsuki got hit with a quirk, that made him tell what he actually thinks it felt like the world stopped, well for him.
You were trying so hard to maintain your composure when he sprinted into your room with his hand over his mouth.
"What happened?" You asked, and he wrote it down in a paper you had on your desk. "Got hit by a quirk, and I can't stop saying shit," you read and quirked your brow at him "shit like what?"
Real shit
You read and huffed at him while he still couldn't take off his hand of his mouth.
"Just stay like that and don't move. Did they tell you how long it will last?" He denied with his head, and you scratched the back of your neck. "Well, I'll do the talking then. You just have to listen"
He rolled his eyes at you. He didn't mind listening to you talk, but he did mind making the effort to not answer you back to keep the conversation on. For the last years, he realized that it was easy having a friendship with you, and lately, after you two started a friendship with benefits, fuck buddies, he felt in sync with you most of the time.
"How did you end up getting hit with that? Oh no, don't say anything, " you giggled when you looked at his face. He was actually suffering. It was a mixture between suffering and incredulity.
It was easy for you to have him around. You wouldn't deny the fact that your friendship with him had been growing in a way you never expected. Fulfilling some sort of comfort that you never had with anyone.
"Have you seen the others? Kirishima or Kaminari?" You asked while he was practically dead in your bed. You started folding your clothes, waiting for his response, but it never came. "I think you can answer me with yes or no without spilling something juicy"
He quirked a brow at you, holding his upper body on his elbows.
"Oh, don't look at me like that. If you are afraid to talk, there must be something really juicy on your mind that you don't want us to know. " his eyes got plastered in yours, and your eyes widen in sudden realization. "It's not us. You don't want me to know"
He panicked.
He knew you well. He knew that when you have something in mind, there is no human or extraterrestrial force to take it off. You won't drop the topic, uh-uh, you'll push it out of his system, you will bend him until he cracks, and now, with his incapability to talk, he was clearly in disadvantage.
"C'mon Katsuki, I'm your dearest and longest friend, we've been since high school, you know you can tell me anything." You pushed his buttons. The clothes you were folding laid discarded on the opposite side of the room while you approached him slowly like a predator chased its prey.
He needed to keep it cool. He needed to remain strong. The mantra kept playing in his head, and it worked for a while until he saw you kneeling in front of him in a position he knew very well. Fuck you.
"Don't look at me like that," you faked innocence. "I'm just using all the options I have"
You weren't going to do anything.
The look on his face was the main reason you stepped up your game. You threw your hands above his thigh, touching and squeezing the fat of them in a sexy way, very subtly. He flinched at the sudden contact, and you could swear that you saw a drop of sweat forming in the line of his hair.
"You don't need to talk while I blow you, do you?"
He grew impatiently seeing you there, your doe eyes, and your playful smile, meaning nothing but trouble.
You bit your lower lip in between your teeth at the sight of his growing bulge. It was getting out of hand, and you needed to bail before it evolved in something you wouldn't be able to stop.
"I'm just messing with you, relax." You left a tiny squeeze above his knee cap and pretended that it was just a game you were playing and not something that was getting you in the mood.
You weren't a masochist and he was your best friend.
You were preparing yourself to stand again when he, in a sudden and fast movement, grabbed you by the back of your thighs and pulled you toward him.
Your face was mere inches from his face, and your legs were now straddling his figure.
"What are you-"
The blood on your body rose and accumulated in your cheeks. It wasn't a weird position for you, but it was the intense look of his face that got you trembling under his touch.
"You fucking asked for it" he growled lowly. A tiny but strong spark went down on your spine, making you shiver. "Now shut up and listen for once, I don't know whats happening between you and me but lately I've been craving you even more, your skin, your kisses, when you bite my lip and scream my name when I'm inside of you"
His minty breath was fanning above your lips, and his crimson eyes never left yours.
"But that isn't enough anymore"
That sentence snapped your senses again. You regained control of your factions and your brows knitted together at the sudden feeling of losing him.
"What do you mean with that"
The bold you that was eager to get the information from him at any cost shrinked. It was the end of you two. Memories and images passed through your mind like a movie, and when you were about to tear up, he pinched your hip.
You glanced at him through wet lashes. He took a deep breath and smirked. If he was nervous, he never showed.
"I need more. I need you with me in the mornings, I need you with me throughout the day, I need you chopping my ear off every time you get excited with something, I want to watch every shitty reality you want to watch, I want you to scold me everytime I say something mean about our friends and I need to see you here everyday when I come home. I want you to stay and not leave, " he puked the words to you. His pupils were dilated, moving from one side to another, looking for a reaction from you. You were shocked.
He closed his eyes, thinking he screwed it. It was done, and if it was done, he would leave completely empty.
"I just want to cuddle with you after we have sex, I really like feeling you curled up against my body, it make me feel warm on the inside. I like the smell of your hair and your body, I like the way you laugh and the way you do that weird dance every time you win at something. And it drives me crazy having all these feelings for you. It's killing me that you don't realize that I love you"
You stopped breathing. He blurted the last sentences very slowly, giving everything up, including you. The final act of love it was always letting go, wasn't it? It was regret and hurt, but at least it was off of his chest.
He was still looking down when he felt both of your hands grabbing each side of his face. You were smiling through the tears that were rolling down your red cheeks.
"I can't believe that it took you getting hit by a quirk to confess your feelings for me"
Before he could say anything, you crashed your lips with his in a hungry and passionate kiss that melted all the regret and unpleasant feelings away.
For Katsuki, the world started spinning again.
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Check Yes Chapter 6
“Have you experienced events that could be described as fatal?” Danny read from his notebook. Before Jason could answer he continued, “Do you know the name and species of all your progenitors? Have you ever wondered if you are-” 
Jason held a hand up to ask for silence. He was in the zone on a training module that Barbie had sent to the whole team. He was not going to get any more shit from fucking Tim and Stephanie about being an out of touch old man like Bruce who ran code directly from the 90s.
Danny cut himself off to wait. Without looking up, Jason could see some kind of bouncing movement that had to be Danny fidgeting. “You’re early,” Jason eventually said. He shut the program that he’d been running and then blinked his full attention over to his date. “It’s not- is it 5 already?” He blinked away the gumminess in his eyes and checked the time. 
Danny flushed a little green. His freckles glowed a little whiter in contrast. “No, it’s 4:30,” he admitted sheepishly. “I, uh, left work a little early.” He floated up and then abruptly over into a flip. Like an antsy mermaid. Jason leaned back and watched, fascinated by how easy movement looked on Danny. It was the way he’d used to see Dick, but now he knew how hard Dick’s easy mobility was earned.
“You don’t feel gravity at all, do you?” He confirmed, envious and charmed. 
“Uhh.. Can’t say that I do,” Danny admitted. He shrugged. “Not like this, anyway. I do in my human body, obviously.”
“Is that literally-” Jason cut himself off with a mortified flush. Holy shit. You can’t just ask someone if they have a magical transformation into their own corpse. Insensitive much?
Danny gave him a knowing look but gracefully ignored the question. “Anyway. Do you remember what I asked earlier?” He cocked his head to the side and full body wiggled. “I had Frostbite help me write them out. Undead health isn’t really my area, but he knows everything that’s ever been known, which is pretty cool.”
“Uh…” Jason thought back. “I told you when we were eating that I died once,” he reminded Danny with a raised eyebrow. “So that’s an easy yes.”
Danny shrugged helplessly. “I didn’t know how serious you were or if you were describing something extremely short term like needing afib or something longer term-”
“Dead, buried, in the ground for months,” Jason admitted. “Presumably rotted, but I came back to myself with living human physiology, if extremely damaged from what killed me.” It was really gross to think about. It was also impossible to totally avoid. There should have been no coming back from all the blood drying up and shit.
Danny stared at him with an open mouth for a few seconds. Long enough that Jason fidgeted, uncomfortable.
“That’s the most metal shit I’ve ever heard in my life,” Danny said reverentially. “That’s so nasty, man. You rotted? Does this make me more of a necrophiliac than you?”
Jason choked on his own spit.
Danny did another flip.
“My parents were definitely human,” Jason managed, voice strangled. Best to get this back on topic. “I know for sure. I’ve met them both.”
Danny blew a raspberry. “It’s not always obvious,” he pointed out 
“Anything that would show up on Batman’s DNA analysis can be ruled out,” Jason corrected himself. “And neither of them had any non-human capabilities. Died from things that a Tamaraean or Kryptonian would be able to get out of.” 
“...Oddly specific species mentions,” Danny said. A line formed between his brows. His toes touched down to earth and he crossed his arms. “You… I wasn’t thinking of that type of non-human.” He cleared his throat. “It’s just that, you touched Wolf.”
“And a Kryptonisn wouldn’t be able to?” Jason asked a bit dryly. He didn’t understand the logic.
“Not unless they were really juicy with death,” Danny said in a weirdly mellow tone for such a disgusting sentence.
Jason gagged a little. He couldn’t help it. Oh, christ. Yeah, bodies got wet and shit after a while, but characterizing that as juicy? That was out of line.
“Not like- not like that!” Danny fluttered his hands at Jason, torn between horror and cackling. “I don’t mean like, dead and rotting. I mean dead and reanimated with ectoplasm. Souped with the sweet nectar of the afterlife. Wolf is a ghost, man.” He snickered.
“Wolf is a ghost,” Jason repeated.
Danny frowned. “Wolf,” he said. “Not Wolf.”
“What?” They sounded the same.
“You’re saying it wrong,” Danny said, saying the name the exact same way that Jason had been. “It’s Wolf, not Wolf.”
Jason stared at him warily. “...Spell it for me.”
“W-U-L-F,”  Danny rattled.
Ah. Ok. Jason took that onboard. “Wulf is a ghost,” he said again. “And therefore I ought not be able to touch him. I can touch you.”
“Like this? For sure.” Danny went through his flashbang light-show and shook out his newly black hair. “I’m a physical being. In my ghost form, I can consciously let you touch me. But Wulf was actively in the Ghost Zone when you hit him. You put your hand into the Ghost Zone and smacked him. The living have ghostly properties in the Ghost Zone. He’s tangible there but you should have been intangible.”
“...Maybe I’m a ghost?” Jason posited, cocking his head slightly as he said it. Danny was the expert. “I never found any answer for why I just woke up in my grave one day.”
“You just woke up?” Danny repeated, delighted. He put his hands on his face, breathed into them heavily, and then ran both hands through his hair. “That’s sick. That’s fucking sick, man. Did you have to dig yourself out like a zombie?”
…Did Danny think this was like, hot, and not disturbing? “Tore off my fingernails on the coffin splinters,” Jason confirmed, fascinated with what a little freak this guy was. Danny’s pupil dilated at the words. Jason could almost have been offended because that shit was traumatic, but hey. 
If he really thought about it. It was sick as fuck.
“I think yes, by the way,” Jason decided. He waited for Danny to give him a questioning look  before he elaborated. “You’re a monsterfucker, my guy. I’m attracted to you, but not because you’re dead. Whereas you’re clearly into the fact that I’m a dead guy.” 
Danny opened his mouth. He shut it. He put a hand over his mouth. “Huh,” he said. “Huh.” His brow furrowed. “If I said it was scientific curiosity and that passion for death runs in my family- no, I hear it.” He flapped a hand at Jason to cut off the laugh he couldn’t stop. “Hush. Okay. Fine.” He stood up a little straighter. “I’m a necrophiliac and I’m proud.”
A window banged shut in the kitchen and there was a clatter as someone’s shitty little brother fell into the sink.
“...Hi, Duke!” Danny called.
Jason put his hand over his face.
“Hi, Danny!” Duke called back, voice choked. “Good to hear from you, man.”
“You can’t fucking be here!” Jason said between his fingers. “I have plans, you shitty Zebra mussel.”
Danny looked at him.
“...What?” Duke asked. He came into the room to frown at Jason.
Jason rolled his eyes. “New Zealand mud snail.” They still didn’t get it. “Spotted lantern fly.” 
Blank stares.
“Fucksake,” said Jason. “I’m calling you an invasive species.”
Danny laughed. Duke made a loud pffft sound and unlocked his phone. He held it up and showed them the screen. “Would the New Zealand zebra lantern fly have this?” He triumphantly brandished his phone screen, which was a screenshot of his chat with Jason where he’d confirmed that he had permission to come over.
“New Zealand zebra lantern fly,” Jason repeated, vexed as fuck. “You know damn well-”
“It checks out, boss,” Danny reported, leaning back from Duke’s phone. “Looks like he’s allowed in. Let ‘im use your TV while we go out.”
“Yeah, let me use your TV while you go on a date,” Duke echoed, clearly enjoying this a lot.
“...I’ll get my coat,” Jason said sullenly. “Don’t get too comfortable.”
“We’ll bring you back dinner,” Danny told Duke.
Jason stalked away into his bedroom, wondering when he’d lost the plot to his own life.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
What about Hotch sneaking wife!reader and Jack into his hotel room during an away case and getting caught? He just wants to sleep by his love cause he can’t sleep without her since they got married 🥹
Aaron doesn't think much about forgoing an alarm when he falls asleep by your side. Their case is over, they've done all they need to, and they're just waiting on a delay at the airport that's preventing planes from taking off. There's no reason he needs to be out of bed early, and there's definitely no reason he needs to wake you and Jack up at an ungodly hour with an alarm. He's lucky enough to have gotten scheduled for a case alongside one of Jack's soccer tournaments, and for once in his life all of the pieces fall into place perfectly. He'd snuck you into his hotel room, he'd tucked Jack in on the couch, and he'd crawled right into your arms. He's going to take the opportunity given to him by the suddenly-gracious universe, bury his face in your shoulder, and sleep, no alarm necessary.
However, Aaron Hotchner should know by now, that the universe is never gracious. Not to him.
"Hotch?" JJ's voice is muffled by the door, incessant knocks beginning when there's no answer, "Hotch, the storm cleared, and planes are starting to take off again. We're schedule for an hour from now. Are you up?"
"Aaron," You hiss, suddenly filled with a panic you're not sure how to deal with, "Aaron, your- wake up!"
"Daddy?" Jack, evidently roused from the racket, rubs blearily at his left eye, "Daddy, is that Auntie JJ?"
"Is- Is that Jack? Hotch, open up." JJ tries the handle, but of course, it doesn't budge. Jack, ever the helper, takes his dad's groggy, half-awake silence and your own petrified one, as permission to help his aunt out, and almost trips on his blanket as he rushes for the door.
"Jack-" You whisper, trying to shout quietly. When he doesn't hear you, you try louder, even though it'll give you away, "Jack, no!"
"Auntie JJ!" Jack gushes, swinging the door wide open to greet her. The slim blonde is given a full, unobscured view of Aaron's bare chest pressed against your clothed one. He's awake, but barely so, and he's pushed himself off of where he'd been laying over your chest. But you're also trying to sit up, and it just pushes you together again.
JJ's eyes are wide and dancing with amusement, something you know she's going to channel directly into a gossip session with Penelope later. You suppose you understand, you'd want to share the juicy details too, but it's mortifying as she sees you now in bed with her boss.
"Well, good morning," She smirks, ruffling Jack's hair when he hugs her leg, "Uh, sir, I was just coming to let you know that we're scheduled for a flight soon, but if you're otherwise occupied, I can just tell the others you'll meet us back in Quantico?"
"Do not tell anyone anything." Aaron orders, apparently not needing much time in the morning to get his grumpiness going. He narrows his eyes at JJ, "What time do we leave?"
"10:30." None of his sternness can wipe the grin off of her face.
"We'll be gone by 10." You assure Aaron in a soft voice, too embarrassed to let JJ hear you speak.
"Perfect." She gushes, and you're even more mortified that she picked up on your soft murmurs anyways, "Well, sir, sounds like that's all set. But if you want, I can take Jack, and you two can have some alone time? I'm sure the team wouldn't mind, we can ask him all about-"
"No." Aaron snaps, but Jack's already latched onto her leg, sitting atop her foot, "Absolutely not. Jack, come back inside, please."
"Soccer." She clarifies with a knowing smirk, already backing away from the door with the little boy stuck to her, "We'll ask him all about soccer."
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sssigil · 2 years
Big Juicy
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posting twice today because this thought wouldn't leave my brain literally ghost face makes me feral like them or any masked slasher killer ahhhh ^_^ ♡
Summary: Bimbo reader has a special uninvited guest visit her tonight, she doesn't even hesitate I mean who wouldn't fuck a masked killer ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Warnings: PURE FILTH, mask kink, spit kink, pussy slapping, degrading, size kink kinda, oral M n F receiving, he slaps u, he spanks you too, unprotected sex (don't do that), choking, biting, a little blood, mentions of killing, breeding if u squint, that's it enjoy <3.
It was currently eight at night and you had been in your dorm all day noting going on in your pretty little mind. You were laying on your tummy legs up kicking as you scrolled through your phone humming along the music playing. You had been blasting Ayesha Erotica this whole time that you hadn't notice your door opening with how loud the music was playing.
He saw you laying there, you were wearing the cutest skimpiest outfit he couldn't help but rub his groin. You body was facing your wall so he had a good view up your denim mini skirt, he could see your baby pink lace panties that barely covered your lower lips and he fucking loved the white thigh highs that covered your legs.
Ethan came here to kill you but he just couldn't help himself. He was now behind you, knife on his right hand as he lifted the knife ready to stab you on your back but before he could impale it he saw your pretty face now facing him. Pretty lips glossy with your gloss, doe eyes had slightly big falsies with pink glitter surrounding your eyes. You looked so cute.
"holy fuck am I about to get fucked by a masked killer" you exclaimed looking at the masked figure now sitting up on your bed dropping to your knees grabbing your phone clicking the camera app. You had a mirror facing your bed and you had the bestest idea, you position yourself left hand wrapping around the figures leg both thighs straddling his foot, you pointed your phone to the mirror making sure to get you both puckering your lips and taking a picture.
"OMG! we look so cute look look" you squealed looking up to the mask figure so he could see the picture you just took. Ethan was dumb founded he didn't know how to react tilting his head down to look at you, you were smiling at him arms still wrapped around his leg as you rested your head on his thigh phone not set down to the side.. God this girl was so stupid he had to take advantage of this.
"wait do you want to use my mouth?" you asked him almost vibrating waiting for him to answer in some sort of way. You felt yourself drip when you saw him nod his head pushing yourself off of him so you can push him on the bed. He sat there still looking at you waiting for you to make a move. and you did you went to move the thick black material off so you could have access to his black pants.
You began to unbutton the pants he wore gasping when his cock just sprung out, he wasn't wearing any undergarments it soaked you up even more. "You came prepared huh" giggling at him. He finally felt you wrap your hand around his cock placing your mouth right above his tip so you could spit on it. You used your spit to lube him up jerking him off, you moved your hand up and down and up and down slowly. "come on say something pretty please, wanna hear you" you whined at him, you loved when men were vocal and he wasn't doing that all so you hated him.
He didn't budge one bit when you begged so you did what had to be done. You took him down your throat nose pressed u against his neatly trimmed pubes, you swallowed around the head of the cock keeping it there for a little making sure to look up at his masked face. You pulled back a string of drool connecting your bottom lip to his pink tip. "wanna see you" you begged even more but he didn't listen to you instead his gloved hand went to push at your head signaling you to take him back in your throat.
You bobbed your head making sure to use your hands to jerk off the excess that didn't fit in you tiny mouth. "so big" you'd moan when you pull away from him, you had tears running down your tinted cheeks and you want nothing more than to have him touch you. As if he could read your mind he moved your head so you could pull of his cock, hand on your chin making you look at him lips pouted red and shiny, he could hear the soft fast breaths coming from you. You saw his other hand go for his mask, finally you thought, you saw him lift his mask over his mouth but it didn't go any further.
You saw his mouth move a little before he positioned his mouth over yours making sure to squish your cheeks so you could open your mouth for him. You almost came in your panties untouched as he spat in your mouth making sure you swallowed his spit then doing it again. He lightly slapped your cheek cock twitching at how good you sat there swallowing his spit. He then pushed you back to your original position pulling his mask back down. He didn't even make you wait grabbing his cock which was resting on his lower stomach.
He wanted to see you beg for it so he did a little bit o teasing he lightly tapped the tip of his cock on your tongue making you paw at him causing him to slap you. "come on mr ghost face don't tease me please" you whined at him opening your mouth again and he did not hesitate he stuffed himself down your throat make sure you couldn't move. This action made your eyes water, looking up at him batting your eyelashes trying to make the tears to go away.
You felt him finally let go easing himself out your throat letting you breath just for a second before you felt him do it again but this time you felt him thrust himself fucking himself into your throat. You could hear small soft grunts come from him and he bucked his hips up into your mouth and you just couldn't help but reach your tiny manicured hand down your body slithering into your panties rubbing your little button fast whimpering. Then you heard him, he let out the deepest and raspiest 'fuck' as he came down your throat making sure you didn't get away. He didn't care if you choke he just NEEDED to have your little throat stuffed with him cum.
''Mmm'' you moaned once he pulled out small amounts of his cum dripping from the corner of your mouth. You felt him move his hand from your head to your chin wiping the drool and cum off. You made sure to swallow what he gave you so you wouldn't disappoint him, you still had your hand in your panties and you felt yourself grind against your hand just wanting some sort of release and Ethan noticed that.
He got up from where he sat surprising you when he picked you up and laid you on the edge of the bed. You were placed on your tummy making sure to place a small pillow under your belly, sock covered legs hanging off the edge. He made sure to signal you to arch tour back towards him you obeyed like always cause you just loved pleasing men, I mean as long as they did the same duh. You felt him rub and kneed your inner thighs moaning and whining literally begging him to just do something you just needed him so bad.
He finally gave in pulling your mini skirt down your legs but your panties stayed on. Ethan made sure to tease your cunt through the thin baby pink material, pinching your clit through it then rubbing soft but rough circles. He would pull at the material almost giving you a wedgie but that gave you enough friction on your clit that had you whining.
"Please just touch me please" you felt your hole clench around nothing but air as his gloved hand slapped your ass hard you cried out. When he finally had enough of that he pulled your panties down your legs stuffing them in his pocket for safe keeping. You heard him shuffle behind you and you wondered what he was doing so you went to turn your head but before you could see he pushed your head into the mattress "stay there" he used his voice once again making your legs almost close but his thighs stopped you from doing so.
Ethan had lift his mask off slightly just enough for his mouth and nose be free. He lowered himself to his knees taking the position you were in a couple minutes ago. You gasped loudly into the pillow as you felt his tongue lick a strip down your slit to your clit. Both of his hands went to grab your ass just to kneed them and spread them apart so he can have all of you. You felt his tongue make circles around your nub making sure to suck on It a little before letting go. Ethan had never done this but he's so glad he watched videos of this. He always wanted to eat someone out and now he finally had the chance.
He made sure to spread your lips apart backing up a little and spitting on your cunt watching his drool drop and slip into your hole which was clenching like crazy, poor thing he thought. He heard the most nastiest moan come from your pretty little mouth thank fuck he stuffed your face into that mattress you're so loud. He made sure to lick at your hole loving the feeling of your walls clenching around his tongue moaning into your cunt so you could feel the vibrations on your cunt. You felt one of his cold hand makes its way to your clit rubbing at it and you lost it thighs shaking as he kept the pace of his tongue on your hole. You felt him pull back again both his fingers and mouth left you, you were confused on why but that confusion leave you once you felt his hand slap your mound.
"that hurts so good mister" you moaned as you felt him slap your cunt more and more the more you moaned and whined. You didn't want him to stop touching you, you wanted to be his forever ♥.
Once Ethan stopped his rough treatment you finally felt what you were waiting for, his cock. You felt him rub his cock on your pussy lips making sure to coat it with your wetness. You were such a messy whore and Ethan loved it, he wanted to keep you for ever. You felt his cock head nudge at your clit making you jump at the feeling you felt yourself so close to coming. Ethan had enough of his own teasing and finally he stopped himself into your tiny cunt. You let out a pornographic moan as you felt that tight knot in your tummy snap conning around his thick cock.
"fuck me" you said softly but he heard you and the feeling of you coming around him made him feral. You felt so warm and tight he just couldn't help but fall on top of your small tiny body and fuck up into you make sure to kiss your neck leaving bright red marks as he sucked and licked your skin. You loved the feeling of his heavy big body on top of you taking advantage of you it made you gush even more. Ethan could feel the ring of cum you left at the base of his cock slow began to soap up. This was so gross he could feel your cunt clench trying to keep him in there as he fucked you making sure to hit so deep inside you, literally hitting your cervix at how deep he was.
He just couldn't help it, his gloved hand had made its way up your throat squeezing the sides of your throat making sure to pull you closer to him arching your back even more fucking yourself back into his cock matching his pace.
"You're so dirty" Ethan spoke through his mask. "you know I was gonna kill you right, but no instead I'm having my way with you" his words should make you scared but instead made you moan not wanting him to stop. He felt you get tight again, he knew you were close so he dragged his non gloved hand down your tummy to your nub making sure to rub that little button just enough to have your thighs shake. Hips still fucking into you so rough and fast because he just couldn't get enough of this tight warm soaping pussy he just wanted more.
"Gonna cum please, please cum in me pretty please" you whimpered out just wanting to feel him let go inside of you, wanting to feel his warm milk stuff you full and drip out of you. You felt his pace become a little sloppy at your words but he kept the thrust rough. He just couldn't help at the thought of stuffing you full and claiming you like that he just HAD to do it.
"Gonna stuff you full princess, you're mine" he groaned biting down on the space between your neck and collarbone making you whine and you feel blood drip into his mouth and that made you moan. He continued to groan and moan into your ear gloved hand leaving you throat to grip your hip pistoling into your cunt other hand still on your clit. Then he felt it, he felt you come undone all over his cock with a loud cry and he followed behind making sure to stuff himself fully inside you before cumming.
You felt him thrust into you a couple more time make sure to milk everything from him before pulling out turning you to your back. You could feel everything gush out your cunt and he just couldn't help. He found your phone on the floor making sure to swipe right to open the camera. He made sure to press your legs together with one hand pushing them back against your chest getting a good view of your dripping pussy and adorable fucked out face and taking a picture. You heard the click of the sound of the camera surprising you but not really caring.
"Wait so who are you?" you questioned at this point Ethan was also pussy drunk so he didn't give two fucks. He pulled the hood off his head and proceeded to pull his mask off smirking at your surprised face.
"ETHAN" you exclaimed, mind still hazy but you knew Ethan, he was your best friend. Your best friend just fucked you so good it had you drooling, he literally stuffed himself in you and came inside of you. "What's up bunny, I had fun but now I gotta go" he laughed as you still had a shocked and confused face but said nothing. You just let him tuck himself back into his pants making sure to leave a small kiss on you lips before placing his mask back onto his head walking out the room.
You still sat there as you got a message from your phone, it was Ethan.
E♡: Making this my home screen angel, you look so cute ;) E♡: 1 Image Sent
You gasped as you saw yourself, it was the picture he had taken after he came inside of you. NGL you did look cute you hummed.
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bloodyymaryyy · 5 months
Gossip girl xoxo
F1 grid x driver reader
This is part 3
Part 1 / part 2 / part 4 /masterlist
((Side note : I can't find the interview where Charles got in the way when an interviewer was interviewing lando on the pit lane so you have to use your imagination for that bit. Also those are not chronologically correct))
Request : no
Type : smau with texts, tweets and a plot in between those ( also I think the narrative is going to change a few times so beware to to get confused
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After meeting up with your colleague / friends and whatever you were with them you had a lot to talk about because you went out with your friend group 2 and saw your friend group 3 and heard stuff that wasn't for your ears and an argument broke out saying stuff that they would regret after and naturally you had to tell your friend group 1 about it aka the grid.
It started with max when you found him entering the same time as you, it took you an hour to tell him everything, while you worked out both, next came lando and Oscar which you told them the half off it to save it for later because you had to go to a meeting with max and the time, after you found yuki and Pierre but you didn't name dropped most of it to save yourself from something that may came out to bite you because everyone knew that Pierre like you are big yappers but you knew when to stop talking about something that did not had to be said... Or at least outside because inside secrets spilled.
Then after a couple of hours before the race you went to your track walk and meet up with Charles and you spilled the tea with details and you accidentally went into the frame with Charles and almost immediately stopped talking and your facial expressions were everything like you were caught red-handed about something.
The interviewer quickly tried to include you both but you nudged Charles took his had and ran away.
Lewis knew about it right after you got home that day so he was unbothered driving his scooter behind you with one headphone on and sunglasses. Lando was left behind laughing but longing to know the rest when you could talk next.
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( the second pic on the first tweet it this. Just pretend that y/n is like in the middle on the space )
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I know you are reading them anwser me
Yourusername added a new story after a while!
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Liked by landonorris charlesleclerc lewishamilton and 2.986.832 others
User1 replied to your story!
Wow mommy
User replied to your story!
Holy shit you hot asf
User 3 replied to your story!
One chance I am begging 🙏
Landonorris replied to your story!
Answer my texts!
Lewishamilton replied to your story!
Nice pic and car wanna go for a ride some time?
Yourusername : yeah sure tomorrow I am free all day so I can do that whenever you can! Just text me time, place and I will be there!
Bitch answer me
The fuck?
I have tea!
You: oh do tell!
I was busy having a life
Okay whatever!
You know my friend Philip?
Landinio : the one that is same height as me with the short hair and brown eyes that had a really annoying gf which is a nurse!
You : oh him yeah I remember! What happened?
Landinio :
Okay so he got into a car accident and he got to the hospital! And you know he wasn't exactly loyal... He got into an accident with his side chick and injured both but they are okay but! His girlfriend was examining the side chick and the girl was asking about Phil referring him as her bf and they were in those rooms where there are only curtains and he wasn't injured much and opened the curtains and saw his gf and his side chick speaking and the sc said : oh my god baby!? Are you okay?! And the gf was like... What are you talking about he is my boyfriend while looking between those two and long story short now he is without a gf and a side chick 👀🤭
You never fail to get me more juicy tea every day wow! I raised you well 🥺
oh shut up I shouldn't have even told you because you were ignoring me but anyway
You didn't raise me? What are you talking about we are the same age dumbass
You :
Whatever you say dude anyway gotta go I have something to do rn ttyl<3
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Okay done! I hope you like it!
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Oh hello me again 👀
I had another idea lmao, this one's a little dumber but here me out 🙏
Joshdub x Reader teasing each other over accents/comparing accents (literally any accent I don't mind, I just need Josh content, literally my second favorite of The Boys and second favorite Australian lol)
STOP I LOVE THIS AWERHJRNWNRBSNSN ; thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy ; your reqs r literally the best lol ; also I'll have that foolish one you sent me up soon I just need to tweak some stuff
JOSHDUB ; accents
summary ; you and Josh like to bully each other over your accents
warnings ; language, excessive DubDaddy running gag/joke idfk
word count ; 646
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"Bro, shut the fuck up, no way you're trying to diss me with your biscuits and tea looking self"
"Says you, scorpion fucker!"
"What the hell is happening right now?" Mully questions with a slight laugh, looking over to Juicy, Eddie, Gabby, and Narrator.
Juicy answers his question, "They're fighting over their accents"
The four watch as you and Josh continue roasting and arguing with each other, throwing insults every which way.
You were all staying at Juicy's house for a large sleepover-party, currently located in the living room. Prior to the playful argument, you'd all been watching a dumb action movie, which got paused because you all agreed that it was too boring and wanted to talk instead. The girls, minus Gabby, had left to go pick up some pizza and wings, considering none of you had eaten dinner yet, and it was already seven in the evening.
Gabby laughs, hearing another cruel insult escape your mouth. "When are the girls getting back with the pizza?"
Narrator looks down at his watch, "Hopefully within the next 15 minutes before they strangle each other"
"You're a cock sucker. You literally speak in gibberish"
"Says you! A few sandwiches short of a picnic. What's that even mean?"
"Okay, and I'm supposed to know what chuck a sickie and fire up the barbie mean? Quiet yourself down, Josh"
Juicy snickers, a hand loosely covering his mouth as he looks away momentarily. Eddie laughs, cheering you on in his native language across the room, Gabby under his arm. Mully can't help but laugh with Narrator beside him, both of them unable to hold back their amusement. It wasn't necessarily what you were speaking was funny, it was the tone and why you were fighting that got them.
"This is the stupidest thing we've ever argued over" Josh chuckles, "That includes that time where you tried to gaslight me into thinking you didn't call me DubDaddy"
"Again, that wasn't gaslighting! I didn't call you DubDaddy!"
"Why do you say daddy like that?" He laughs, "You accentuate the a like an au sound"
"It's just how I speak! Say tuna"
"Tuna" He speaks, pronouncing it like ch-una.
"See?!" You exclaim, "You're the one talking weird"
"You say tuna like t-ew-nah!" He counterclaims
"Yeah, okay" You playfully roll your eyes and cross your arms, leaning back into the couch. You look over at Juicy, then Eddie and Gabby, then Mully and Narrator. "I don't say it like that, right?"
They're silent, failing to hide the smiles tugging at the corners of their lips.
"You're fucking kidding me!"
"To be fair!-" Juicy quickly speaks, "You both sound dumb. Mully does too."
"Ha!" You laugh, looking at Josh with a smug smile.
"What the hell?" Mully questions, looking to Juicy, "When was I involved in them?"
Juicy shrugs, "Since you decided to be Australian, brother"
"Dawg, you can't choose to be a certain nationality," Eddie laughs, using his free hand to rub the T-section between his eyes and over his nose.
"Are we not going to talk about the DubDaddy thing?" Mully asks, refocusing the conversation. "I don't remember this happening"
"Shut the fuck up" You quickly reply, moving your legs around to sit criss-cross on the couch.
"No, no, no. Tell us about that" Juicy giggles.
Josh quickly explains before you can tell your side of the story. "We were on VR Minecraft, after that 24 hour challenge-"
"I didn't call you DubDaddy!"
"-And we were trying to at least get to the Nether, right? They fell into a pit of lava, logged out while screaming DubDaddy into their mic, wanting me to help them or get water to save them from the lava pit they were in" Josh chuckles, seeing your annoyed expression.
"I did not call him that, I swear on my life"
"I don't think anyone's believing you, Y/n"
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brooooswriting · 8 months
For Carol: How about Carol growing slightly distant and neglecting R because she's scared she isn't enough since she always has to leave earth and be away for longer times. Some nice, juicy angst until it gets resolved. Happy ending with R living with Carol on her ship?
To the end of the galaxy
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You met Carol and furry in a restaurant and it just immediately clicked. It was like that scene from hotel Transylvania, where they met and it chinged. You couldn’t take your eyes off of each other which caused Carol to walk into a table. After you stopped laughing you walked over to greet her, introducing yourself and she was quick to do the same.
The same week you went on the first date, followed by 12 more before she had to go to space again. It was a hard goodbye, you had met up nearly everyday and now you could barely keep in contact. But while the blonde offered you an easy way out several times you didn’t take it. You liked her, a lot, and you wanted to stay with her.
It worked out rather fine. She would come to earth as often as possible, staying some weeks and spending every day with you. Those weeks were always the highlights and you counted the days until she would come back.
But lately it has been different. She didn’t visit as often and if she did she only stayed for a couple of days, barely talking to you or touching you. She was distant and it was weird.
You were sitting on your couch with a friend/coworker when the door suddenly swung open. Carol walked in, her normal stoic face as she appeared in the living room. “Carol? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” You asked her but she barely answered, mumbling something about flying by and wanting to say hi before she walked upstairs.
“Do-Do you want me to go?” Your friend asked, sensing the weird mood that suddenly appeared. You shook your head, the blonde wasn’t going to talk to you anyway. “Are you guys okay?” He then asked, which was a harder question.
“I’m not sure but we’ll figure it out sooner or later. Now about that problem…” you discussed the reason he was actually there until later that evening. Once he went away you started to cook the captains favorite, hoping that it would lift her mood but it was no use.
She came down, thanked you for the food, she ate with you but she barely talked. It was so goddamn confusing. When you went to bed that night she didn’t hold you like she used to, she was on her phone till late at night which was when you realized it was over.
She had distanced herself from you months ago but you didn’t wanna believe it so you acted as if everything was fine.
The next morning Carol woke up confused, the place to her left was empty and cold which meant that you had been up for a longer while. Normally she was up way before you and normally she used to hug you close to herself until you woke up. She strolled through the room for a bit looking at the pictures you had up from her, you looked so happy on those. All the other pictures you had up where from the times she wasn’t there, you looked less happy. Your smile didn’t even reach your eyes.
When she came downstairs she sensed something was off. And the feeling got proved right when she saw you sitting at the table with a coffee in your hand, the other side empty. Everytime she visited you made coffee for the two of you. Before the blonde could even greet you you started to talk. “We should talk. Sit please.”
With a bad feeling and a heavy heart she sat down opposite of you, her hands stretching out to touch yours but you pulled back. “What do you want to talk about?” She asked, it was a stupid question. She knew what you wanted.
“I think we should break up. I know you’ve been thinking about it for a while and I don’t want to keep you here if you wanna go. Since I have to work today I will be gone for about 7 hours which should give you enough time to pack your things but you’re always welcome to get something if you forget something” your voice broke several times as you spoke, tears streaming down your face while they brimmed carols eyes. “I’m sorry this didn’t work out C, I’m sorry if I didn’t love you enough” you pressed a kiss to her head before leaving the house, giving Carol space to cry.
She knew that this was her fault, it was her fault that you broke up with her and it was her fault that you were crying right now but it felt so unfair to keep this relationship alive. She thought this was what she wanted, to give you freedom and to stop you from hurting when she wasn’t there. But now she felt like she hurt you a lot more.
You’ve never felt so terrible. You loved Carol with everything you had and now you might never see her again which was ripping you apart. Sure, the long distance thing was hard but you would happily wait for her if you at the end would be with her. But it was no use, it was over. She made it obvious that she didn’t want to be around you anymore.
That night you cried yourself to sleep, the pictures of the two of you taunting you but you didn’t have the heart to take them off. You were sure that you were going to marry Carol one day, that you guys were going to live a happily ever after but now you just thought that you were stupid.
Carol didn’t feel any better, she cried in her ship with Goose on her lap. She was still in the sky above your house, she couldn’t bring herself to fly away. This was what she wanted but now that she got it? It was terrible and she could feel that you weren’t feeling better. She was sure about it when she saw you leave your house for work, tear tracks still covering your pale face.
When you came home the whole house smelled like your favorite vanilla chai candle, pizza and like something burnt. At first you were scared that you left a candle or the stove on but when Goose came toward you, rubbing against your leg you put one and one together.
With careful steps you walked into the dining room to find Carol there, figuring out how to plate the pizza to make it look good and fancy. Or better said, worth your time. “So, what’s going on here?” You asked, trying to keep your voice as nonchalant as possible.
The blondes head shot up at the sound of your voice and the piece of pizza in her hand fell onto the plate. “Y/n, you’re home earlier than expected” she started, staring at you for a moment. “I, uhm, I got pizza from the place down the street. The one you like so much and I bought you new candles and I really want to talk to you.”
You sighed, you really didn’t feel like talking right now. Your job sucked, you were tired and your head hurt from all the crying but the way Carol looked like she was about to cry made you give in. “Fine, but quickly. I got a long day tomorrow” you sat down opposite of her, starting the piece of pizza on your plate.
“Look, I know I’ve been an ass for the last couple of months and I regret that. Trust me I do but I thought it would be for the best. I have to leave so so often that it felt wrong to tie you to me you know? You’re so amazing and kind and pretty and friendly and you deserve the world. You deserve someone who would destroy the world to save you, but I’ve been destroying you to save the world. And that’s just now right” you opened your mouth to say something, the small smile on your lips giving Carol a hint. “And yes I know that sounds like a cheesy fanfic or something” she said before you could. “But I mean it. I felt terrible about it and i thought when I distance myself we can both move on from each other and you can be happy. God, I was so wrong because I don’t think I can move on” she looked at the plate in front of her, suddenly not knowing where she was going anymore.
“Carol, I didn’t care about all that. I knew what I put myself into, I was okay with it. Sure the distance was hard but you’re worth it. I would go to the end of the galaxy for you” you promised, your hand holding hers on the table. You wanted to be mad at her, you really did but it wasn’t often that she opened up like that and you wanted to show her that it was okay to show feelings and open up.
“To the end of the galaxy?” She asked, titling her head to the side. You gave her a convincing nod with a small smile. “Then I think I know how to fix all of this”
Two weeks later you woke up in space, Carol laying behind you, her arm carefully wrapped around your waist as you looked outside. The captains solution was that you moved in with her and you loved it. Your old job was shit and there was nothing really that held you on earth, so you jumped on the idea. Space was the coolest thing ever and by now you knew how to fly it and everyday Carol taught you something new about the technology.
“I love you” she mumbled as she shuffled closer to you, burying her head in your hair. If she had known how amazing it would be to wake up with you every morning she would have asked you to come with her a long time ago.
“I love you too” you answered as you stared at your reflection in the glass. Goose settled between you and the window. You were happy to have your own little family from which you’d never have to be separated from again.
“But we are still renovating the ship” you added, laughing as you heard Carol groan. The ship was kinda sad from the inside and there was barely any place where you could cook or do anything else, so a renovation was the solution. The blonde hated that, it was so much work.
“Anything for you” you turned your head gave her a quick kiss before closing your eyes again. It was too early to be awake anyway.
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dirtybitfic · 5 months
Lets get horny
chris x y/n
Contains- talking about sexual topics, smutt, kinks, dom-chris, bondage, blindfolds, choking, slapping, rough, orgasm control, dirty talk, degradation, breeding kink, daddy kink.
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y/n pov-
The guys decided to make a r-rated video and see how it goes and naturally they asked me to join them they said it was a "comfort" thing having me there when they talk about such topics.
I obviously said yes so right now we're parked in a spot and getting the camera ready.
i'm sitting in the back with nicks as he's going through the list of questions and topics well be talking about.
i've never been one to share my personal life on social media so i'm a bit stand offish with the video i'm about to be in but id do anything for them so here I am.
okay cameras set but y/n scoot closer to the middle so the camera can see you. matt says and I scoot closer touching legs with nick . I feel bad im so much in his space but it is what it is.
okay everyone ready nick asks and we all say yes.
Okay hey guys today were doing a rated r video since you all seemed to really want one nick says and we all nod along.
as you can see we have y/n here with us matt says looking back at me and I give an awkward smile and nod .
okay nick what's the first topic chris asks as he smiles a devious look on his face as he rubs his hands together.
okay umm first kiss stories well start if off a little chill he says
ill go first . okay I think I was like 15 and I was hanging out at the. park with some friends and I kissed a girl that was there and yeah thats it matt says as he smiles and looks at chris to go next
okay It was like 8th grade and I kissed a girl at our dance win the hallway and yeah that was my first kiss he says and then looks back at us .
I look at nick brows raised
I role my eyes as he smiles
okay fine ill go . I was a freshman in highschool and I went on a movie date with a kid who was literally 5'2 I shiver from the memory but yeah he kissed me
I look at nick waiting for him to answer
umm I think I was 17 and I went on my first date with a guy and he kissed me when he dropped me back off at home and yep thats it ... okay next topic .Ummm loosing our virginity
oh god I sigh as I lean my head back in embarrassment
ill go first I guess . It was senior year for me . it was very awkward chris says
I lost mine junior year also very awkward
I lost mine senior year
I internally scream as I know I have to answer now
I lost mine sophomore year
damn youngest out of all of us chris says smiling back at me and I cut my eyes and mouth "turn around" making him put his hands up in surrender and turn back around chuckling.
okay now well get into the juicy stuff , most embarrassing thing thats happened during sex he says with a laugh .
well there was one time a girl was riding me and I leaned forward at the same time as her and we but heads really hard and she started crying he says laughing
ooh awkward I say laughing a bit too.
there was one time a girl asked me to choke her and I gripped to tight and she choked cause I was pressing on her wind pipe
come on chris everyone knows you squeeze the sides not the middle I say rolling my eyes and smiling
okay ms choking expert he says looking back at me narrowing his eyes.
I shrug my shoulders
since you have so much to say lets hear yours he says tilting his head.
okay fine... there was one time a guy tried to talk dirty to me and I laughed right in his face
poor guy matt says and we all laugh
okay there was one time as guy hadn't uhh cleaned up the area well and I literally left cause I just couldn't do it nick says shaking his head.
I laugh damn nick
yeah yeah anyways next one this ones mostly for y/n cause its how many times has someone made you cum during sex and obviously its easier for guys then girls
I sigh as my face Gets red .
I look down at my hands as I mumble zero
sorry what I didnt hear you
I said zero
wait what ... never matt asks shocked
nope never I say as I get embarrassed
damn thats embarrassing for the guys you've been with chris says laughing .
okay now lets ask how many times have you two made someone cum
matt and Chris look at each other smiling
4 times I think matt answers shrugging
wait all in the same day I ask shocked .
yeah why he asks looking back at me smiling
oh nothing just wish it was that easy for me I say as I look out the window .
he nods his head in understanding as we all look in chris's direction
oh uhm I think 6 he says smirking after .
damn okay then well now we have some questions y/n wanna find a good one he asks and I say sure as I take the phone scrolling through trying to find a good one.
okay this one is bold but what's your kinks I read off as I look up .
I have a couple but ill say two ... chocking and... bondage but not like ropes just like belts and shit matt says turning a little red as he sighs and looks at chris .
ummm ill say a couple of mine , slapping, chocking uhhh breeding and daddy kink he answers confidently before looking back at us .
I try and hide the blush that creeps up o my face. I have a little crush on chris so hearing these things about him have me flustered and a little turned on.
nick you go first I say as I think through all my crazy ass kinks trying to think of the ones that won't be to crazy to admit.
okay uuh chocking, slapping and like dom and sub type thing he answers then looks at me .
hold up let me look through my list real quick .I say as I open my notes app
damn you got a whole list Chris asks a little shocked
yeah why is that a bad thing I ask a little nervous
no just didnt know people keep lists
well ... shit I don't know if I wanna out myself like this I say as I read through my list realizing most of them are a bit out there compared to theirs
nick looks over my shoulder whispering a damn making me smack him
girl you freaky the last one is crazyyy nick says as he chuckles.
now we have too know just read the chill ones matt says as he looks back at me
okay ummm... humiliation, impact play which is like slapping and whips and stuff , umm fuck thats the most chill one
they cant be that crazy chris says with raised brows as he looks back at me
oh don't be too sure about that nicks says and I smack his arm again.
okay fine ill say three more , choking , dom and sub and uhh cnc
wait what's cnc
umm consensual non consensual
hold up matt says as he looks up the definition
oh wow he says as he reads it and hands it to chris too read
oh ... so its like a submission type of thing
yeah I guess so idk I think its more liking the idea of playing out being forced even though its fully consensual
hmm okay I understand it better after you explained it like that
okayyy next one I say getting embarrassed . I look through the questions finding one I know will be juicy .
okay biggest sexual fantasy you have I read off as I look up waiting for one of them to answer
how about you go first this time matt says smiling back at me cocking his head to the side
nah last tike I checked this is you guys channel not mine y'all go first I sass back . I need to get a feel for how crazy there's are so I can narrow mine down to the best one to say out loud.
okay fine whatever i'll go nick says as he talks about his fantasy of someone overstimulation him which is very tame compared to all of mine.
okay mine would be like role playing as like a teacher or student or something like that Matt says as he looks at Chris waiting for him to answer.
okay mine is to have complete control over a girl like tying her up and going for hours until she's crying and begging me to stop chris says as he smirks .
my legs clench and I can feel a pulse start in between my thighs .
I gulp as they all turn to me waiting for me to answer
i... ummm I have a fantasy of being fucked by a guy in a ghost face mask I say as I get red and embarrassed
oh come on you have to have one more freaky than that chris says as he looks at me with a smirk
I mean I do but some of them I don't want to share to 6 million people I bite back making it obvious I don't want to share the other ones.
I know one of hers nicks says smiling and I slap his chest harder than I meant too
shut the fuck uuuup nick I say in a sing song voice showing my annoyance.
nah nick tell us chris says as he narrows his eyes at me like hes challenging me.
I sigh as I cover my face and sink lower in the seat
she has one of being tied down and blindfolded and being over stimulated and also..
I cu them off by slapping my hand over his mouth as he still says it into my hand but its muffled .
okay okay well stop chris says as he laughs and turns back around .
I take my hand off oh nicks mouth and he smiles wide before opening his mouth and the words fall out
being forced to crawl to a guy by a collar and chain he rushes out before scooting further away from me knowing im gonna beat his ass
both matt and chris eyes pop out of their head as they turn to me mouth open and brows raised
I read it in a book okay now turn the fuck around I say as I grab nicks arm and mouth "im gonna kill you"
he just smiles and goes to do the outro to the video.
once we finish we headed back to their house since I was sleeping over .
nick tells me hes gonna be in his room editing for a bit and I know that means he needs space and quiet so I decide to chill on the couch.
as im zoned out on my phone a hand grabs my shoulder making me jump .
I look back and see chris
he smiles at me and I return it
come with me he says as he holds out his hand
what why I say as I get up and take his hand
you'll see he says with a expression I cant place .
I gulp as I follow him to down the stairs and into his room.
he shuts the door and locks it making me even more nervous
so he says as he tilts his head and smirks
soo i question back as I stumble back as he steps closer
what did you think about the video he says as his hand comes up and traces my jaw
I gulp which makes him smile harder
it was fun I guess I-i don't know I stumble back again as he gets even closer .
mmm I know you liked it ... you wanna know why he asks as I smirk grows onto his face and his eyes sparkle with lust.
wh-why I question as my heartbeat accelerates
I saw the way you got red and your thighs clenched when I talked about all the things ive done
mm I hum as he closes the space between us so his front is flush with mine
his hand slides into my hair at the back as he pulls it tight making me look up at him
do I turn you on y/n he asks as he leans in closer our faces so close if I moved forward just an inch our lips would touch.
my face heats up as my knees buckle
I- uh I don't ... I cant even finish my sentence before he interrupts me
I think I do ...I think you want me just as much as I want you he says as he presses a soft kiss right under my ear making me whimper
am I right he whispers into my ear making me gulp.
I- y-yes I whisper . His hands moves to my neck squeezing a bit causing me to whimper .
He smiles as he walks me back until my legs hit the bed and I flop down on the edge .
He stands above me as I look up at him through my lashes.
here's what's gonna happen your gonna be a good girl and strip for me ... and then im gonna tie you up and use you . does that sound good ma
I whimper as I nod my head and start slipping my sweat shirt over my head then my shorts and underwear .
good now lay down he orders and I scoot myself further onto the bed and lay down.
He grabs my wrist as he ties my right arm to another one connected to something behind his bed frame then he switches to the other one doing the same thing.
I tug a bit too see how much movement I have which is little to none.
He moves to my legs and ties them so im spread out for him .
I whine from the way my limbs are tightening from the stretch which only makes him smile and chuckle.
fuck you look so hot tied up for me he groans as his hands roam my naked body until his hands move to my tits and he pinches and pulls my hard nipples making me gasp and arch off the bed. He continues groaning and adding a couple light slaps to my tits as he starts sucking on my neck leaving marks as he goes along.
Im a whimpering mess for him and ive never felt so alive. I never thought that video would lead to this but ive always wanted a man to do this too me and the man being chris makes me ten times wetter.
chris p-please I whine out in a begging tone wanting him to touch me where I need him most . I know I sound pathetic judging by the way he smirks into my neck .
what do you want baby he asks as he looks down at me .
a-anything just please I whimper as I look into his eyes.
he smiles before he moves to be in-between my thighs
fuck so wet for me he groans as he runs his fingers through my wetness making me gasp and buck into him .
his mouth all the sudden latched around my clit and he licks and sucks at the perfect pace that has me whining . He slips one finger into me and pumps it in and out making my legs tense and shake.
F-fuck chris I whine as I try and close my legs but remember they are tied and I physically cant close them.
he adds another finger and starts sucking on my clit sending my body into overdrive with how much pleasure im in.
f-fuck fuck oh-my I cry out as I shaking and gasping for air . Im so close and he can obviously tell by the way my body is trembling .
Come on slut cum all over my face he says before going right back to sucking and licking.
I scream his name as I reach my orgasm and my body goes tense in the restraints army legs shake .
thats it such a good girl he praises as I come down from the high . His fingers are still pumping in and out .
Im trying to catch my breathe as he comes back up and hovers over me placing kisses and bites on my neck and chest . He curls his fingers to perfectly hit the spot that drives me crazy.
C-chris wait I he cuts me off
You're gonna take it. I know you can he says in a deep gravely voice that makes me even more wet.
im whimpering and breathing heavy as I feel pressure build and squelching sounds can be heard signaling i'm going to squirt.
f-fuck oh-my god chris I cry out as I feel my juices spray out of me all over the bed, his hand and my legs.
he pulls out his fingers and grabs my throat as he brings me into a deep needy kiss.
I knew you'd look pretty when you cum and before I even have the chance to comprehend what he just said my legs are untied and i'm flipped over onto my knees and back arched. My arms are uncomfortably crossed over each other pulled tightly by the restraints.
I hear clothes rustling and it only takes a second before the bed behind me dips and I feel his body right behind me.
His hand comes down on my ass making me gasp .
you like that don't you he says in a dark tone with a bit of amusement mixed in.
he slaps harder
I said don't you he waits for me to answer
y-yes I l-like it in stutter out
good girl using your words he whispers in my ear before I feel him rub his tip along my folds making me whimper .
My breathe is taken away as he slides into me so deep that all I can do is cry out .
He stays still for a second stoking my back sweetly before his hand grabs my hair tightly and he starts slamming into me relentlessly.
I scream out as he somehow thrusts more rough than before.
I’m moaning and shaking as he continues slamming into me with such force my wrist burn from the restrains and how they continue tightening with each movement.
Just a good girl taking my dick so deep
He says to me as he lets go of my head and it drops on-top of my arms
Fuck fuck IM GONNA CUM I cry out as my legs start to shake and my arms tense
Not until you beg me for it
He says as he grabs my hips and angles my back so he hits even deeper making me to struggle to get any words out.
p- fuck please can I cum please I whine out holding my orgasm back painfully.
mmm no I think you can do better than that he says as he continues his rough deep thrusts
my legs are shaking and im gasping trying do get the words out
PLEASE FUCK PLEASE DADDY CAN I CUM PLEASE I scream out praying to god he'll finally let me.
fuck yeah you can cum he groans out and I immediately break as I cum harder than I ever have before . I scream out as i'm coming down and legs continue shaking .
such a good girl for me he groans as he slows his pace down giving me a moment to rest.
He pulls out and flips me onto my back as he stares down at me .
god you're beautiful he says as he slides back in .
I blush as I continue looking into his eyes.
he comes down to kiss me and he starts pounding into me again . I try my best to continue the kiss but fail when he lefts my legs onto his shoulders and hits my spot repeatedly .
f-fuck oh my god I moan as his hand comes down to my lower stomach where he's bulging inside me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he groans as he smirks down at my face morphed into full pleasure.
mhm fu-fuck im gonna I cry out but cit myself off as my juices squirt out all over him and the bed below.
fu-fuck he groans in pleasure as he watches me squirm and whimper.
my legs shake on his shoulders as I start to become very overstimulated.
c-chris I c-cant I whine as I try and move my arms to push him away but fail.
come on baby you can give me one more I know you can he says in a deep sweet tone as he strokes my hair.
mmm o-okay I whimper out as he does my legs and lowers his body flush with mine and his arms wrap around and under me lifting my lower half up just a little .
he starts pounding into me rough again and his thrusts get sloppier telling me hes close too.
fuck your gonna be a good girl and cum with me he groans into my ear and I whimper and shake my head in response .
my legs start trembling around his waist and my whole body starts twitching the closer I get to my final orgasm .
All that can be heard is skin slapping and my heavy breathing mixed with his deep groans.
he groans loudly into my ear bringing me even closer to my orgasm.
fuck come on ma cum for me he groans and I do just that .
he thrusts a couple more times before he fills me up and his body drops onto mine as we breathe heavy .
Jesus I say as im still catching my breathe and he comes up and invites my arms and I sigh in relief and I stretch them .
he goes to the bathroom to grab a towel and then cleans me off .
that was... the best sex ive ever had he says smiling down at me
yeah same I say as I laugh a little .
can I tell you something he asks as he looks at me with a slightly worried expression.
yeah of course I say as I sit up and give him my full attention.
ive wanted to that for so long like ... ive liked you for a while I just was to scared to tell you he says as his face gets a bit red from embarrassment .
chris... i've liked you for a while too I just didn't want to scare you away I say as my face gets red and I cant help but smile.
he brings me into a tight hug making me laugh and he laughs too .
you free Saturday he ask and I look at him
yes why
cause we're going on a date he says with a big smile on his face.
we lay down and get comfortable and drift off to sleep.
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peachybeom · 1 year
Valentine Blues
Taehyun x reader
ex-best friends to lovers
Please reblog if you like this!
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You were currently experiencing the worst day ever and were about one more tragedy away from having a breakdown.
Huffing violently you stood in the middle of an alleyway, watching your home route bus disappear with the main traffic.
Your phone beeped at the same time and you reached for it while taking rest on a wall nearby.
[10:51pm] Roomate.
Hey Y/n,
I just wanna thank you again for staying out tonight!! Because of you me and Josh can FINALLY enter the home base tonite and get extra juicy iykwim ;)))
Happy Valentines day babes!
Okay yeah now you can feel the breakdown coming.
You were so engrossed in storming all the libraries in town, looking for a specific book for your asshole Professor, to get him to reward you some extra credit, that you had conveniently forgot the stupid promise you had made to your roommate.
As much as you wanted to crash on the soft mattress of your bed and mute the world for rest of the weekend, you weren't desperate enough to walk into your roommate having sex with her co worker while roleplaying as a nurse.
In your peripheral vision, you could see couples huddled together, walking hand in hand. Some sharing an ice cream, others practically devouring each other with their intense stares.
Love was definitely in the air, and it made you nauseous. It wasn't that you were anti love or something, in the past you actually looked forward to this cliche holiday.
But recently you had managed to convince yourself that after several bitter breakups and unrequited crushes, being in a loving, healthy relationship seemed just impossible for you at this point.
Shaking your head, you pushed aside all the pointless worries and tried to focus on your current problem which was being homeless for the night.
You racked your brain to think which one of your crackhead friend would be available to offer you a lodging.
Kai? No. You knew he had plans with his girlfriend in her dorm to watch some random Disney movie and cry like a baby while she consoled him.
Soobin? Doubtful. His still had problems prioritising his girlfriend over odi, so that was a territory you didn't want to enter.
Beomgyu and Jeongin? Never. Those two would definitely be somewhere wasted in a club while they humped their way through another round of beer pong. They had actually tried to convince you for an entire week to join them at the club tonight and form a 'Singles Union', An association which helped each other to get laid. No way you were walking into that trap again.
That left you with Yeonjun- ehhhh. You actually had no idea what he was upto. Last time you heard from him, he was 'Single like a Pringle and definitely ready to Mingle'- his words not yours.
Sighing, you crossed your fingers as you dialled his number on your phone. Hopefully he could be your saving grace.
After a few rings he picked up the phone.
"Hey Junnie, I know it's kind of late and well.....Valentine's day but I really really need a favor from you," You said rushing your words. The cold weather was definitely peeking under your raging emotions.
"Oh hi Y/n, yeah sure what's up," Yeonjun replied, in a whisper.
"Yeah so I actually- I hear a woman's voice. Are you on a date?," You asked, cutting off your own words.
"Yes I am, but I can help you. What's the problem?" He answered.
To this you stifled a laugh. Choi Yeonjun on a date? The no strings attached Choi Yeonjun taking some lady out to have a nice dinner? This day was getting more trippy minute by minute.
"It's a speed dating thing. Now tell me what do you want, I don't have much time." Yeonjun said in an annoyed tone, taking the silence as a way of you teasing him.
Ah that makes so much more sense.
You almost felt bad for interrupting Yeonjun on his 'date' but you knew he was the only one who could save you right now.
So you told him about your problem.
"Hmmm you are aware that you can just crash at my place right? You already know where the key is kept, I won't be home for the night anyways" Yeonjun stated matter of factly.
Your ears perked up at his suggestion and you almost cursed yourself for not thinking about it earlier until a face flashed up in your mind.
"And what about Kang Taehyun?" You questioned grimly.
"Beggars can't be choosers Y/n. Besides it's not like he's the spawn of Satan." Your friends responded.
"But Yeonjun-,"
"Listen I have to go but consider this. It's not like you have any other option. Byee happy love day!" And then Yeonjun abruptly ended the call.
You groaned loudly and stomped your feet like a baby, earning glances from a few pedestrians. But you couldn't care less about them.
You started to weigh your options.
Spending a night at a run in shady motel full with horny couples or with your friend's roommate, the annoying, son of a gun- who also happened to be your ex bestfriend, Kang Taehyun.
After giving both of them intense thought. You decided to swallow your pride and take up Yeonjun's offer. Atleast his bed would be free of mysterious bodily fluids unlike the motel's.
After almost walking for half an hour- a consequence of missing the bus earlier, you finally reached Yeonjun's apartment.
Your feet were giving up on you and your teeth began to clatter lightly due to the cold February weather.
You could hear faint music from the other side of the door.
Great. Taehyun was home.
You weren't surprised though.
Even though you despised Taehyun, you decided to knock on the door instead of unlocking it out of common courtesy.
Nothing happened for a few moments and you knocked again. Still nothing.
Growing impatient you reached for the key and was about to use it when Taehyun opened it.
Correction: A very shirtless dripping wet Taehyun, with a towel around his waist opened the door.
"Lover boy isn't home tonight," Taehyun started with a stern tone. Oblivious to the fact that he was basically half nude standing in front of you.
"I-uh," You gulped, trying to compose yourself.
Taehyun is annoying and irritating and an asshole. His chiseled abs could not facade his shitty personality.
"Yeonjun said I could stay here tonight, Now move." You continued before making your way inside the apartment.
You did feel a bit intrusive and rude but your day had already been a mess and dealing with Kang Taehyun was icing on the cake.
Ignoring and engaging in minimum conversation with him was your goal.
Reminiscing the comfy feeling of a bed, you made a beeline for Yeonjun's room and turned the knob to open the door.
"What the fuck," A string of curse words left your mouth as you saw the room before you.
It was completely trashed and the stench of freshly applied paint almost made you dizzy.
"Yeonjun's room is being renovated, didn't he tell you that?" A voice mocked you from behind.
Taehyun was now leaning against the door frame -now fully dressed- and drying his hair with a hand towel.
You wanted to cry. You knew that this proposition was too good to be true. Breaking down over a trashed room was childish but anyone in your place would feel the same way. Everything was getting on your nerves.
There was no way you could sleep in the living room too, your fingers were already numb and your throat felt scratchy.
"I'm gonna kill him," You muttered under your breath before taking your bag and making your way to the exit only to be stopped by Taehyun midway.
"Hey I can't let you leave. Yeonjun would kill me, also not to forget you are sort of homeless aren't you?" He said raising a hand.
Your eyes widened. So he knew, great.
The last thing you wanted to be infront of him was vulnerable and embarrassed, but here you were.
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right you didn't have any other choice.
"So where will I sleep?" You asked raising an eyebrow, refusing to admit defeat.
"In there," Taehyun replied pointing to his bedroom.
"No way I'm sharing a bed with you. You pervert, " You answered him in disbelief.
But the thing was even though you hated Taehyun, you knew that he won't make a move on you without consent.
Deep down you still trusted him.
You, Yeonjun and Taehyun went way back. They were the first two people you ran into on your first day of college, when you were a naive, insecure friendless student. They were the ones who took you in and made you feel welcomed.
"Oh no, You'll take the floor," Taehyun answered bringing you back to reality.
You stared at him blankly as he broke out in a fit of laughter.
"God it feels so good to have the upper hand," He continued.
Suddenly the thought of walking home alone and witnessing your roommate doing the dirty didn't phase you anymore.
So once more you picked your stuff and started walking towards the door when you felt Taehyun grab you wrist.
You'd had enough. Fuck avoiding him.
"What the hell do you want Taehyun. I've already had a crappy day as it is, spent my entire day searching a useless manuscript for that Professor dimwit, ran two fucking stations only to miss my bus home and walked here in this freezing weather with people sucking off each other's face all around me. So No, I don't have the energy to deal with your petty humiliations. Let go." You turned around lashing at him.
Your fists were bawled and your lips quivered. Taehyun always worked you up, he made you feel weak and vulnerable and you hated him for that.
Something changed in Taehyun's expression and his eyes softened. He loosened his hold on your wrist as you pulled it away from him.
"You can take the room. I didn't plan on sleeping there anyways, got some assignments to finish," Taehyun finally spoke up, his voice soft and laced with guilt.
You stared at him for a minute too long and then without saying another word you made your way to the room and shut it behind you.
You sunk down on the floor, once inside.
Grabbing a fistful of your hair you let out a shaky breath.
This wasn't fair. While the rest of the world was busy celebrating love and happiness with their significant others, you were left here moping in the bedroom of the boy, one you managed to successfully detach and despise in your mind for almost a year now.
The reason you were so hostile towards Taehyun wasn't because he was sort of pretentious or his face was too annoyingly perfect, it wasn't because he was so calm in situations where one shouldn't be.
The true reason was that Taehyun made you feel things that you would never allow yourself to feel.
Everything thing he used to do drove you wild. Made your heartbeat like crazy whenever he was around you, the touch of his hands, the small comforting smiles which adorned his face when your eyes met.
You were always rational with your love life, never reaching for places you couldn't but Taehyun was an exception.
He led you on, starred in all your hopeful fantasies and dreams but then left one day only to leave them shattered on the ground.
"Y/n I think you've got it wrong. It's best for us to remain friends don't you think? Best friends can't hurt each other,"
Except Taehyun was wrong. Best friends can hurt each other, they can leave scars which can take ages to heal. Those words still haunted you to this day.
He had rejected you that day.
But it wasn't the response that upset you the most, it was the shitty excuse he gave you, because the promise to remain friends was just as difficult. You could never look at him the same way again, the pain eventually grew into hatred and here you were now.
Holding back tears, you finally looked around the room. Nothing had changed since the last time you've been here, Taehyun had always been a pretty minimalistic person. Everything felt the same except for two photo frames which were placed on his bedside table.
You went up and examined the two pictures closely. One was of the day when Yeonjun, Taehyun and you decided to take a spontaneous road trip to your home town. A smile spread across your lips as you recalled the happy memories.
However it was the second picture which earned a gasp from you. In it, you were shoving a handful of Chocolates into Taehyun's mouth laughing while he looked at the camera with mischievous eyes, hands wrapped around your arms.
You couldn't understand why Taehyun would still keep this picture with him, nevertheless framed and on his bed side table.
Before you could think about anything else, you felt a knock on the door. Startled you dropped the frame on the bed and went ahead to open it.
Taehyun stood there in front of you, holding a jumper in his hands.
"I have to grab some books and here, I figured you would be cold," His expression still apologetic.
His hair was messy and a hint of sleepiness evident in his eyes.
You took the sweater from him and moved to the side to let him in.
Your heart skipped a beat when you brought the jumper closer to your face. It smelled like him.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I acted like an asshole earlier," Taehyun said minutes after, eyes still settled on his giant bookshelf.
For a moment you didn't know how to respond but then you spoke,
"I'm sorry too for lashing out on you, it's just today's been a pain in the ass for me,"
As you were speaking you realised, how much time it had been since the two of you spoke without bickering, let alone apologize to each other.
"I thought you'd probably be out tonight celebrating," He continued now looking at you.
You scoffed at this.
"My love life has been in shambles since forever," you replied letting out a pathetic laugh.
Since you.
"Same for me, if that makes anything better,"
Even though the three of you did not hang out together anymore. Yeonjun always used to give you updates on Taehyun's life even though you pretended not to care.
You had no idea where this conservation was leading. At any moment you could ask him to leave, but there was piece of you that wanted him to stay just like it did a year ago.
"Actually I- uh got something to give you, just a second," Taehyun said abruptly before leaving the room.
He exited the room in such a hurry that you didn't even have time to process what he said.
Something for you? What could it be? The thumping of your heart making it hard to concentrate on anything.
The door opened again and this time Taehyun returned with a mug in his hand.
He stood beside you next to the bed and placed the mug in your hands.
"What's this?" You asked him, puzzled.
"I know the circumstances aren't the best but I couldn't break the promise," Taehyun replied, his expression soft and a little embarrassed.
You still couldn't get it.
"I can't cook or bake to save my life so here's some hot chocolate instead....Happy Valentines Day Y/n."
That's when it hit you. A few years ago you and Taehyun had made a made a pact with each other, for every valentine's if either of you were single or sulky the other person's job would be to look out for them and cook them a 'comfort' food of their choice.
Taehyun remembered. Of course he did, that explains that picture he kept on his nightstand.
You were overwhelmed to say the least.
"Hopefully this makes everything just a bit better," Taehyun finished off.
That's when you heard your own sniffs and felt a tear running down your cheek.
Taehyun looked at you with a panicked expression as he sat beside you and opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
"I can't do this anymore Taehyun, it's too unbearable. I did everything to get over this Despised you, avoided you but I'm just so weak. I'm pathetic," Even though your vision was blurry, you could still clearly see Taehyun's sculpted face in front of you.
It was pathetic really. The facade you managed to pull off for so long came undone the moment he confronted you.
Beomgyu and Jeongin would probably laugh their heads off and label you a loser if they ever got to know about this.
But Taehyun pulled you into a hug, his warm embrace enveloping the whole of you.
"Don't say that, I hurt you and it's my fault. I was a coward Y/n, I didn't want to ruin or complicate things but it only caused pain for both of us,"
He pulled back to face you.
"I know I can't ever make up for the things I said that day, but- fuck it I miss you. There are so many things I want to say that I couldn't back then but most importantly Y/n I- I love you."
Although your mind was an emotional mess. Hearing those three words from Taehyun made the butterflies in your stomach wild. The school girl crush, the giddy feeling you felt everytime Taehyun was near you returned.
"Same," you blurted out meekly not trusting yourself to form coherent sentences.
This earned a wide grin from Taehyun, giving a perfect view of his pearly white teeth and adorable eye whiskers.
He placed a hand on your cheek, wiping the tears and then leaned in dangerously close.
"May I?" He whispered against you lips and without thinking twice you smashed your them against his. This exact moment, you dreamt of it countless time. Being in Taehyun's arms was something you thought you could only see in your dreams. Actually you still weren't sure if this all was real or you were just lost in another dreamland. .
"I've missed you so much y/n oh my god" Taehyun breathed against your lips.
What eventually started soft and slow turned hot and steamy in a matter of seconds. Hands roaming all over and your entire body melting into his.
When Taehyun slipped his hands under your jumper to take it off you suddenly pulled away from him, breaking the kiss.
"What happened, did I do something wrong?" Taehyun asked with a worried look.
You shook your head quickly and pointed to the mug now placed on the nightstand.
"The hot chocolate will get cold," You replied.
Hearing this, Taehyun visibly relaxed and entwined his fingers with yours.
"I can make you a thousand cups of hot chocolate later but right now let's focus on us," He said in a deep voice, laying you down further on the bed.
"Am I really going to get laid with Kang Taehyun on fucking Valentine's day? Past us would be cringing so hard," You teased him further.
Taehyun replied by burying his face in your neck.
"Happy Valentines Day baby. Lets believe in love again."
The next day when you woke up to a naked Taehyun sleeping peacefully beside you. You had to pinch yourself to convince yourself that this wasn't a dream.
Never in a million years you thought such a disastrous day could have such a perfect ending.
Taking a sip of the cold chocolate milk from the night before, you started down at his beautiful face.
He gently stirred beside you, eyes opening slowly.
"Good morning, you're real" He speaks in a hoarse voice, eyelids still heavy with sleep.
"Yes Tyun, I am" You smiled at his cute state.
Taehyun pulled you closer to his side and whispered in your hair, "Did I tell you, you make all my problems go away"
"Speaking of problems-" You started but were cut off by the loud bang of a door opening.
"Hey Taehyun, Did Y/n come here- WHAT THE FUCK MY POOR EYES. DO YOU TWO NOT KNOW THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE LIVING IN THIS HOUSE" Yeonjun screamed covering his eyes.
You giggled at Yeonjun's mortifying reaction and slipped yourself deeper into the sheets.
"You're the one walking in without knocking, get the fuck out yeonjun" Taehyun screamed back, throwing a pillow at his direction.
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honey-crypt · 2 months
a/n: wrote this during whiteboard night with the elliott squad @fuerrziah @sonicsbigmassivepersonality @pxtofawn @razberry-cookie cuz i can’t do digital art (yet) soooo… enjoy!
word count: 1k
warnings: nsfw (minors dni), public sex, messy sex, drunk sex, mentions of cheating, unhealthy coping mechanisms (farmer uses drinking to cope with their breakup), elliott and the farmer ruin gus’s storage room, “oh! that escalated quickly!”
summary: you got your heart broken by your dumb ex-boyfriend and need relief. good thing elliott’s here to help you out!
★ frunk duck [drunk fuck] - elliott x farmer ★
You couldn't help it, though; you had just been dumped by your boyfriend Alex and you had to drink your sorrows away. Of course, the only place to do so in a small, buttfuck town like Pelican Town (other than enjoying a beer at home) was going to the Stardrop Saloon. Just a few drinks, you said, just a few drinks was all you needed to get that asshole off your mind.
Then you saw him, Elliott, sitting alone at the bar and nursing a pint in his hand. You approached the writer and took the bar stool next to him, “Hey,” you gave him a short greeting before waving Gus down and ordering your own beer. The redhead eyed you and offered a smile, “Hello. What brings you here at such a late hour, my friend?”
“Alex,” you grumbled. Gus set the beer in front of you and in a flash, you downed it and let out a low burp. Elliott raised his eyebrows at the scene, “Oh, dear. What did he do this time?”
“Fucked a random chick from ZuZu City when we were supposed to go out on our date,” you let out a stale laugh. You then beckoned Gus down and requested him to pour some shots. Despite the concerned look in his eyes, the bartender honored your request and placed five or so shot glasses down on the table, “Pick your poison.”
“Vodka,” you answered. Gus grabbed a bottle of chilled vodka from the rack and poured it into each shot glass, “Enjoy, let me know if you need anything, okay?” The saloon owner left to attend to other patrons. It was a surprisingly slow night for the saloon, only seven patrons beside you and Elliott inside.
“Wanna join me?” you held out a shot of vodka to Elliott. He stared at the shot and gently set his beer down on the wooden table, “I would be happy to. What shall we toast to?”
You raised your shot, “To not letting assholes walk all over us.”
Elliott raised his shot after you, “Cheers to that,” you clinked the other’s glass with your own and took the shot in one swift motion, the burn of the vodka and its chilly temperature coating your throat. Soon, one shot turned into two, then three, then so on until you could barely remember why you were drinking in the first place. You swung your bodyweight to the side and faced Elliott, his face red and eyes hazy from the alcohol.
“Ellieeeeee,” you leaned into the writer and muttered in his ear, “I have an idea…”
“Y- Yeah?” he hiccuped. You nodded, more so headbutting the poor fella, and giggled, “You- You should fuck me,” the redhead’s eyes widened at the proposition but smiled nonetheless, “Okay!” Elliott grabbed you by the hand and pulled you off the bar stool, walking you towards the backroom of the saloon.
Now, here you were, getting your guts stirred up like fresh spaghetti by Elliott’s thick, juicy cock. It was a prettier cock than Alex’s, longer and thicker, utterly delicious to suck on. The way he mewled and stifled back moans when you blew his dick was simply a sight to behold. He tasted sweet, from his lips to his weeping cock.
He then lubed your hole up with spit and a leftover lube packet he had in his coat. You didn’t ask where or why he had a travel size packet of lube in his coat, you were too busy getting yourself fucked dumb by a handsome, freckled man with an unnatural toned body for his lifestyle.
It was a treat to see such a gentleman give into his primal desires, his need to fuck and to breed any pretty holes he bore witness to. His cock was like a spear, stabbing you with a pleasurable pain. Your eyes lit up when Elliott made contact with your sweet spot, “There! There, right there!” you moaned to him. Like the obedient puppy he was, Elliott followed your direction and continued to abuse that one spot of yours, his cock pistoning in and out of your hole over and over and over and-
You clenched down on Elliott’s dick and held back a cry, as you climaxed. Elliott held onto you and covered your mouth while you rode out your orgasm, sober enough to know that any loud noise from the backroom would arouse suspicion.
You went limp in Elliott’s arm, too dumb to move or make a sound. Elliott took the chance to resume his motions, using you as a human fleshlight to chase his own climax. He quickly followed in suit, biting down on your shoulder to muffle his whimpering moans while he shot ropes of cum deep inside you.
Elliott and you remained still for a few minutes until the redhead’s cock went soft and he was able to pull himself out of you. Some cum spilled from your hole and joined the collection of fluids on the floor. Elliott hastily wiped the liquids away with his handkerchief and pocketed it back into his coat. He snapped his fingers in your face, trying to see if you were mentally there enough to get up and get dressed, but he only got soft babbles in return.
“Elliott, (Y/N)?” the two of you turned to face the owner of the voice. Gus stood in the doorway with his arms crossed in annoyance and disappointment, “Please tell me you got… no fluids on my produce,” the bartender entered the backroom and made a beeline for some of the boxes. Once Gus confirmed that the produce was fine, he stated, “You two are banned from the saloon for the next month.”
“Yeah, that’s fair,” answered Elliott. He redressed you and threw your drunk, fucked dumb ass onto his back, “Bye, Gus.”
“Bye, Elliott. Bye, (Y/N),” the bartender bid you both farewell, as Elliott carried you out of the Stardrop Saloon. Guess you have to drink at home for the next month!
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faghubby · 7 months
New Hubby
"Jill I have to tell you about what Paul did" Amy whispered as she leaned in whispering.
"This sounds juicy" Jill laughed.
"You need to promise to not say anything" Amy said hesitating if she should say anything but needed to tell someone.
"Paul asked me to dominate him" she whispered.
"You mean like tie him up" Jill giggled
"I mean he begged me to spank him" Amy laughed
"Really did you?" Jill asked. The look on Amy's face gave her the answer.
"You are such a bitch" Jill laughed.
"Well more like his mommy!" Amy and Jill laughed loudly.
"It's more then that, I made him wear my underwear" Amy said alittle more comfortable.
"Really?" Jill asked confused.
"He wants me to cheat on him, deny him sex" Amy told her.
"Wow, why?" Jill now invested in the details.
"He says since he is small I should find a man that can satisfy me and that he doesn't deserve to be with me" Amy explained.
"Well you did always say he was small" Jill suggested. They laughed some more and finished lunch. As they left they passed a little lingerie boutique. Jill grabbed Amy's arm and pulled her inside.
"Let's buy Paul something pretty" Jill laughed. Amy hesitated only for a moment then picked up a pink thong with a smile.
"I mean would he fit in that?" Jill laughed.
"Yeah he would" Amy said joined in laughing.
"Really have you ever had an orgasm" Jill laughed even louder.
"He has a very talented tounge" Amy laughed. Making Jill laugh even louder. With all this a older woman approached.
"Can I help you ladies?" she asked.
"We need panties for her husband" Jill burst out laughing.
"I understand, does he just need panties? Or is a full time crossdresser?" She asked. Making them both laugh even harder.
"I saw these" Amy said holding out the pink thong.
"I see let's find him some more" Laura the saleswoman said as she made some suggestions. By the time they left they had purchased a dozen pairs of panties, but also two bralettes, stockings, and a satin nightie.
"Paul" Amy called out as she got home. Paul came up from the basement, his man cave.
"Hey baby" he said going to kiss her. She turned her head allowing him to kiss her cheek.
"What?" Paul asked.
"Put these on" Amy said pulling the tiny pink thong out of the top of the bag. Paul hesitated only for a second he turned to go to the bathroom.
"Here is fine" Amy told him he seemed embarrassed as he pulled off his shirt. As he unbuttoned his jeans Amy saw he was already wearing her panties.
"Really, where you downstairs playing with yourself too?" Amy asked.
Paul lowered his head not answering. But it was obvious he had been. Amy picked up his belt as he finished stripping. He pulled the thong on they fit perfectly. Amy held his belt.
"Show me what you where looking at" Amy said holding the belt. Paul blushed but led Amy downstairs. Amy sat at his computer as Paul reached over her and typed in his password. A scene of a man eating cum from a woman's well fucked cunt.
"Really this is what you want?" Amy said as she went back. Seeing what else he had watched. A petite white woman getting fucked by a huge black man as a white man in chastity watched. Amy glanced back to see Paul's penis straining against the thin pink material.
Going back again she had a woman wearing a strapon fucking a man
"He? Looks like he shaved" she commented. Looking at my hairy legs and stomach.
"So would you like to shave for me?" Amy asked she still had the belt. Amy led Paul back upstairs.
"I got you more things" she handed him the bag. "Why don't you go take a hot bath and make yourself pretty and smooth for me" she ran her hand over his straining erection. Paul did as she suggested. Amy tried to do research on all of this. The more she looked the more questions she had. Paul had been in the bathroom awhile. Amy curious got curious and went to check on him. She found Paul admiring himself in the mirror.
"I been reading, I don't think I could do everything you want" she ran her hands over his smooth chest. "But somethings I am willing to try" she explained. She grabbed his penis and led him into the bedroom.
"I don't feel comfortable spanking you, but am okay with you dressing up." Amy explained.
"It's okay" Paul started but she silenced him with a look.
"I am willing to disapline you in other ways." She handed him his wallet. "You been naughty spending alot on perverted things. So I want you to cut up your cards. I will give you an allowance. You will have to earn that allowance every week" Amy told him. "Also time outs or extra chores as punishment." She explained. She handed him a bra and pantie set she had bought him. He didn't question just put it on although he needed help with the bra.
"I got you enough you can wear them all the time" Amy told him. He looked at her worried.
"Yes even outside the house" Amy said to answer his unspoken question. "I told Jill about this as well. I am not going to have everyone think I am a slut that cheats on you" she told him. "Not that I want everyone to know but I need someone to talk to about all this"
"I ordered these as well" Amy showed Paul her phone she had ordered an anal training kit. "We can try it, if you don't like it maybe we just save them as punishment"
"Get dressed" Amy said leaving him alone. He got dressed and found Amy waiting for him.
"Well let's go" she said smacking his ass playfully. She had him drive to a nail salon.
"I want your toes a pretty color, if you fight me on this your fingers will match" she told me and led me inside.
"Maybe pink to match your panties?" She said quietly. Paul found the color on the wall closest to his panties. Amy talked to the ladies. They both got mani/ pedis Paul's fingers got a clear coat and a lovely pink for his toes. While Amy got deep red. Paul didn't say a word the whole time. But as they got in the car.
"Hurry home I need you between my legs" they never made it past the living room. Amy had Paul lick her to two orgasms.
"I read you might want to clean my lovers cum out of me" Amy teased. She could see the outline of his little erection in his pants.
"I don't know maybe" he told her.
"Sit help me make a dating profile" Amy told him. She loved having him take naughty pics to post, or having him help her write what she was looking for.
"How about chastity? Would that help you with that?" Amy pointed to his crotch.
"I would let you play with it if you hadn't been playing with it before I got home." Amy teased. Instead they ordered dinner and spent the evening cuddling on the couch.
Paul and Amy experimented over the next few weeks, Amy would sit with Paul and answer men online. Or scroll thru seeing which ones where hot. Paul orally please Amy a few times a week. Sometimes she had him use her vibrator on her as well. Paul went without. Allowed to masterbate only if he asked Amy first. He had broken that rule twice. So Amy ordered him a chastity cage. Paul wore panties exclusively but a bra only when Amy told him to.
But tonight Amy had a date. The cage had come in as well. Amy made Paul lock himself up. As she got ready.
"I want you to wear this as well" Amy smiled holding the smallest of the plugs.
"Call it punishment for not being able to please me" Amy told him. Once again she made Paul do it himself. Paul had never had anything in his ass. It took a few minutes to make it fit despite the small size.
"Don't take it out till I get home" Amy told him with a kiss. The man picked her up at home. I stayed on the bedroom till they left.
Amy returned home after midnight byUber. She rushed in and kissed me.
"I sucked his cock" she told me and kissed me again. "Then I let him have me." She led me to the bedroom both of losing clothes along the way.
"He came in me" Amy told Paul. Paul laid her down and looked at his wifes cum filled pussy. He went back and forth for a moment kissing her leg and caressing her ass. Then as if he won the internal debate in his head he dropped and kissed her used pussy. Amy went wild as Paul ate her like a starving man. She came twice before she pushed him off. She reached over him and pushed on the plug still in his ass. Paul moaned loudly. She pulled out the plug. She reached into his panties to rub his balls and was surprised his panties were wet.
"Your all, did you cum in your panties?" Amy asked surprised.
"No it just well I kept leaking" he explained. Amy laughed and hugged him.
"He was this big" Amy told him holding her hands about 6 inches apart and thick holding her hands again.
Amy saw him a few more times, then a different man. Then another. She didn't sleep with all of them but still made sure Paul was locked and plugged when she did go out. Paul soon wore the biggest plug. And Amy ordered a strapon to fuck him with. Paul only had to wear the cage if Amy was on a date or he broke a rule.
Basic rules if he was 14.
No drinking, smoking( not that he did, the occasional cigar was out though) he stayed on his allowance. Always wore his panties, never argued, or talked back. Even a bad word would get him in trouble. He could go out with his friends but had to ask and be home by whatever curfew Amy set. She also made sure he did his chores. If he did extra he could earn a bonus in his allowance.
Amy often shared things with Jill, but also her sister Terry and a few more people. Jill especially loved to tease him about being a cuckold. Paul suspected Amy and Jill had slept together but never asked Amy about it. Not wanting to embarrass her. If she wanted him to know she would tell him.
Amy also added a new punishment. He hated when she made him suck her strapon. But would beg her to fuck his ass with it. Amy loved that she could punish and reward with the same thing.
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One Piece Modern Gym Au Wip (Part 13)
“Never told you, so how should you know?” Sanji’s voice came from his left side.
Zoro walked in the direction. Rounding a corner he saw Sanji standing in front of a big kitchen island, slightly swinging a pan over fire with one hand and seasoning the content of another at the same time. Zoro’s gaze was fixed on his face the moment he looked at him.
Sanji had pulled his hair back in a little tail, freeing his face from the always-present fringe shielding his right eye. A beautiful green iris showed, which mesmerized Zoro tremendously.
“Cat got your tongue, Marimo?” Sanji asked still watching the food in front of him.
“Green,” came Zoro’s very intelligent answer.
“Your eye…it’s green.”
“Oh…uh…yeah, it,” now Sanji looked up - a little unsure of what to expect from Zoro. “It’s called heterochromia. I…”
“It’s beautiful!” Zoro blurred out and finally came over to stand beside Sanji. “Why do you hide it?”
Too late, he realized his action and took a step back. Beautiful? It was! But why did he say that to Sanji?! And in such a outbreak of emotions…
“No, it's fine. Actually, it’s rather nice that someone is thinking like that about my most hated trait.”
“Why would you hate it?”
Sanji smiled sadly for a moment. But then he shook his head slightly.
“Maybe I tell you later.”
Zoro scratched his neck and looked around the open kitchen. He spotted what looked like some mushrooms, fresh herbs and other ingredients sitting beside Sanji. In the pan he had two juicy-looking pieces of beef and in a pot was rice cooking slowly.
“What do you gonna make us?” Zoro wanted to know.
“On nothing too special. Just sukiyaki with beef.”
“It smells incredible!”
Sanji smiled at him, and Zoro felt his heartbeat fasten as if it wanted to break through his ribcage.
“So…Can I help you?”
“No need. Just sit down. Beer’s in the fridge if you want some.”
Zoro nodded, grabbed a bottle form the fridge and sat down on one of the bar chairs behind the kitchen - so he could watch Sanji cook. It was really fascinating! The precise movements of Sanji cutting the food and tossing it in the pans. The fact that he could do two tasks at once - if it doesn't involve cutting something. The way he held the knives, how natural it looked. And maybe Zoro was a little freak because this - Sanji handling his kitchen knives so well - turned him on a little.
“I really would like to see you fight with those,” Zoro mumbled as Sanji twirled a long knife in his hand to change the grip on it.
The knife almost fell out of the cook's hand by those words. He looked up and met Zoro’s gaze with a bit of shock.
“I wouldn't…” He swallowed drily. “I don't fight with either knives or my hands.”
Zoro, seeing that he made a mistake tried to save the conversation and the evening. He could imagine how fast this could go south and he really wanted to enjoy Sanji’s company.
“Sorry…I…I train and work at a Dojo; have been my whole life. You could say I’m a little sword and knife crazy,” he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head - Sanji’s frown turned into a neutral expression, but his lips twitched into the smallest of smiles. “ When I see someone working with knives so skilled like you do it. I can't stop but wonder how you’d handle a sword.”
“I don't know anything about swords, Zoro. I can't even fight with knives…”
Something tells me that’s a lie, Zoro thought but didn't say it.
He nursed his bottle of beer until the silence got a little uncomfortable. He glanced around as if a topic for a conversation would fall from the ceiling…he didn't think it would actually happen when he saw a black spot falling on the countertop between him and Sanji.
First Part
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s3 episode 16 thoughts
(giggling and kicking my feet) it’s mulder and scully time <3
and it was a GOOD episode!!! i was sad, but damn was i compelled! back to the very beginning of the episode to begin the note-taking journey, with a tiny recap of where we left off beneath the “keep reading” bar…
hehehehe i am excited!! i love to spend the evening with the ultimate duo. and we have so much to cover!
so many twists and turns to walk down! krycek is back! skinner is hurt! scully is sleuthing! mulder is in hong kong! we had best begin!
YAAAS we got another “previously on the x files” <- i loathed these at first for throwing me off my typical groove, but now that i know we only bust them out on special occasions (multiple part episodes) i look forward to them
ugh scully is so pretty. “you say that every time” and it’s true every time??? 
we get a recap: flash bang alien, inky eyes, skinner on a hunt for answers before being interrupted, scully’s dad’s friend johansen, the rat bastard 
timeskip to 1953. a man from johansen’s squad who is covered in burns is telling his story, and it is being recorded. he is being visited by those who claim to want to bring him to justice, but he says he won’t tell. 
so after johansen started a mutiny and locked the rest of the sailors in the sub, those trapped on the lower levels knocked the dude with the inky eyes on the head with a wrench. so he is knocked tf out. and liquid started pouring from his eyes (BLEAUGH) and into a drain. the survivor who has all the burns and who is recounting this calls the liquid “the enemy”
a guy that looks a lot like matty healy (but much cleaner) is asking him what he means by calling liquid “the enemy”. so the interviewee says that the thing went back to where it came from. 
GASP!!!!!! HE ADDRESSES THE MATTY HEALY LOOKING FELLOW AS “MR. MULDER”!!!!!! oh this is JUICY!!! and the camera pans over to another man putting in a cigarette!! GASP!!! WE KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!!
baby cig man says “you can trust all of us” (<- LIES, LYING, SAID BY A GUY WHO IS LYING)
(you can tell the actor playing baby cig man had just one line but he worked SO hard to get cig man's voice right... it made me giggle)
why does young mr mulder look kinda cute. aww. so little. almost wanna squish his cheeks.
they changed the intro again. smh! messing with my rhythm.
anyway, back to main plot. scully’s rolling up to the hospital to find skinner, where she is met by agent fuller and agent caleca, two names i do not think i have heard before. scully asks for hair and fiber from the crime scene and these two are like “we don’t have that yet” so she says “um get it?” (not really but basically) (and they claim it was some random guy that shot him… not buying it)
oh! skinner is being wheeled out! she’s off to go investigate. now if it were ME being rolled about with my shirt off after a gunshot wound and emergency surgery, i would not want people seeing that. but hey, she’s a doctor so maybe she’s chill like that. still! i’d be soooo embarrassed omg
SHE GRABS HIS HAND OMG!!!!! he opens his eyes a tiny tiny bit and tells her that he has seen the man who shot him before!!!
man, i thought just the hand grabbing was gonna be all tender, and it was! but getting a clue at who did it was a bonus too
back to the rat bastard and mulder. at least krycek seems aware that mulder can and will kick his ass and is deferential to him. 
scully is looking over skinner’s chart. OH! she asked for guards. and she wants them NOW. she does not CARE about your excuses. WOO!!! she says idgaf if you two agents stand out there YOURSELVES, get GUARDS ON him!!! YAAAAS!
back to krycek and mulder cam. mulder notices that they are being followed and tells him to speed up. at gunpoint! and this mystery vehicle runs them off the road!!!!!!
noooo, their faces are all smushed in. someone pulls rat bastard out and asks where the tape is, but the fellow who attacked him gets flash banged, because again, krycek has alien flash banging powers.
but poor mulder still has his bloody heady on the dash :( he sees some odd flashing 
scully gets called into the lab and this guy has some info on the dude that shot skinner. she says it will take too much time to run the hair sequence, but to do it anyway.
(also, i can’t tell if this is the same guy from the lab as before that clearly had a crush on her or if this is a different one but idk i guess it doesn’t really matter... he doesn’t seem like her type)
so the two men that krycek flash banged last night are now in treatment for radiation, and who is visiting them but cancer man!!! he is once again lighting up as they are dying. he bends down and moves a bandage, and sees the eyes of a patient meet his. but he says to HAVE THE BODIES DESTROYED OMFG HE DOES NOT GIVE A FUUUUCK THIS GUY IS EVIL!!!!
mulder at da hospital. bandage on his head. awwwwww :( it’s so sad and pathetic... he’s baby.
the police found him and he mentioned “we” so she says “who’s we” and he has to say KRYCEK… she is (very gently) confused
an excellent person to have by your bedside whilst recovering. 
she tells him that she is sorry for the bad news, but skinner has been shot as well. but the doctors seem to think he’ll be okay. and she has an idea on who it is that pulled the trigger!
GASP!!! she pulls out the scans on the hair. two of them, in fact. the first being from the man who shot skinner, and the second being from the man who shot melissa. and they’re a PERFECT MATCH!!!! CONSPIRACY!!! CONSPIRACY, I CRY!!!
(shrill violins, fade to black)
oh! it’s the united nations alien council. um i realize now i don’t know their actual name. but you know who i’m referring to, right? the guys. the gang. the squad. just a couple of dudes.
they’re discussing the site “WHERE THEY RECOVERED THE UFO” well! there you have it! word of god confirmation! it’s indeed a ufo that the french sailors came across in the last episode!
“it seems we have an information leak, gentlemen”, one of them announces, which makes me say, okaaaay ominous <3
and they say cig man has responded in a way no one could have predicted… omg was he behind the skinner thing…?
scully visiting skinner <3 asking how he is feeling <3 he doesn’t seem surprised about the news his shooter was the same as melissa’s, especially because those three men had warned him before about pursuing her case. he says she should be careful about saying that the case was shut down because people don’t want it to be caught but. it’s looking them right in the face.
OH! the man that shot him was one of the ones who attacked him a few months back on the stairwell! well i didn’t even catch this. some detail noticer i am. AND KRYCEK was the other one!!!! yes, and they stole the tape yes yes i’m recalling!
ohhh it’s serious. he tells her that she cannot afford anger, that if she’s angry she’ll make a mistake. “i’ll be okay”, she says (voice breaking) (<- said by a woman who is lying)
he says that if she can’t keep her head, it’s okay to step away… this feels very chekov’s gun… but she says that’s exactly what they want. OH! i love that she knows she can get to the bottom of this. i love that she believes in herself.
scully is furiously typing on her laptop. asking to devote full bureau resources to finding krycek. got her glasses on n everything. terribly beautiful whilst angry. she is saying he can explain everything that is going on, but i don’t think anyone is gonna listen to herrrr because the fbi does not give a fuck!!!
scully is now entering their office to see the giant yellow scuba suit. “it looked great on me in the store” says mulder, who needs to make a joke or people will die. perhaps he needs to make a joke even more when people really ARE dying.
so, why is it here? great question. it was covered in oil, the french guy was covered in oil, his wife was covered in oil, and it’s all diesel oil from world war two submarines. a new meaning to the term “oiled up”.
theory time with mulder: it’s a medium for an alien creature for body-jumping. he laughs when she laughs, aware of how ridiculous it sounds, but also aware of her thinly veiled fury; what else could he do? he does know how it sounds, he does know what she needs, but the truth. the truth.
so what does this thing living in the oil want with krycek? a great question. 
omg guy from the lone gunmen is ice skating! and so is another one. wow a team bonding mission <3 AND THE OTHER ONE!!! FROHIKE!!! 
is this something they do often... no, this must be a sleuthing mission.
frohike goes in a locker and opens something. GIVES IT TO MULDER!!! YAAAS THE TAPE!!! they say he should “call upon their services more often” YAAAS they want that sweet sweet agent time <3 
but noooo! the tape is gone!!!! mulder gets mad and throws the empty case. still, a reunion with his pals <3
cig man is watching tv. sipping some sort of liquor.
(whenever i see someone drinking a beverage with ice in it on a tv show, i think of that one tiktok of a prop master explaining how they make prop ice and the many different kinds they can do. i think this looks like glass ice to me. shoutout to people who make videos about props; you make my heart very happy)
BRO... THE TAPE JUST APPEARS. KRYCEK HAS ENTERED????? but the guy who shot skinner is there too!!! and is holding krycek at gunpoint!!!!
cig man watches krycek's eyes go all inky (correction: OILY) and black. omg……
cancer man is rolling up 15 minutes late for the UN alien meeting. lmao it's funny in a way. he moved the ufo to a new location! he promises it will be absolutely inaccessible.
someone asks why he won’t bring it to nevada like the others. probs because even the normies know about nevada as the alien place. dweeb.
GASP! they want answers for what happened to skinner. cig man says for all he knows, it's just random. even though they have a drawing of the guy who did it, who is “one of his”, he’s denying it. AND THEY’RE ALL GROANING BECAUSE NO ONE BELIEVES HIM FOR A SECOND LMAOOOOOOO
(so funny to me that despite being on the super secret alien council, cig man still manages to be unprofessional and lie through his teeth to people who seem far more competent, even when secrecy effects the entire planet. something very funny about him lowkey sucking at his job)
so he needs to get the shooter out of the country NOW or else skinner can make an ID and no one can stop the arrest!
back to the agents trying to piece things together. the lone gunmen are babbling on about how to best find what was written on the case but mulder has the secret: rubbing a lil pencil over top LMAOOO. he finds a phone number!!
and who picks it up when he calls but… the un alien club!!!
it’s the well groomed man!!! mulder says krycek gave him the number. and he asks to meet with mulder. allegedly in central park? is this a trap...
so, the dude who did the shooting is named luis. the other agents are saying to scully they can’t look any further than they already have, but she says keep looking, she’s seen stranger. and the lab guy says “i believe she has” when she leaves lmaoooo GET UP. he's down bad fr. pathetic. get up.
i mean i am too but i'd like to think i'd have more dignity about it
mulder in da park. is he alone… are they gonna get him??? the well-groomed man meets him. they’re playing some mental chess with who can ask each other what. so he tells mulder there WAS a ufo at the bottom of the ocean that was shot down during ww2, and a salvage attempt had been made, but there were complications.
so it looks like they’re both looking for krycek. but the well groomed man leaves by saying “anyone can be gotten to”. very very ominous. and mulder calls scully and says check on skinner RIGHT NOW.
she gets down there and he’s NOT THERE??? apparently he was moved to a different hospital. WHO TOOK HIM?????
scully slaps her badge on the door of a ambulance on the side of the road and asks if he’s got a skinner in there. this dude says yeah and he must be freaked tf out, but she’s coming along for the ride now.
skinner wants to know what she’s doing here, and she says she just wanted him to be safe. she pulls her gun out and opens the door and WHO IS IT BUT LUIS!!! WHO FIRES AT SKINNER!
TRAFFIC GUNFIGHT CHASE!!! luis just got hit by a CAR!!! she got him!!!
and she’s SCREAMING at him. screaming like we have never heard before, are you the man that killed my sister??? he’s begging for his life.  he says he can tell her where krycek is…
the police roll up, telling her to put the gun down. and she sadly holds up her badge and explains that she’s basically the police but actually better so y’all are kinda late to the situation. they take him into custody. and she’s tearing up. i do not trust that he doesn’t have a poison tooth in there. 
she calls mulder, who is rummaging through his car, and tells him that he was right, someone was going to kill skinner. and it IS the man who shot her sister. and allegedly krycek is going to north dakota. mulder says please meet me in new york with two tickets to north dakota asap. 
what’s in north dakota, she asks? the salvaged ufo!!!
cut to north dakota cam. agents are rolling up, and how terribly i wish i could see what happened on the flight and ride up to there. how tense the silence was, how valiant the attempts at breaking it were. UGH. someone pls write the fic someday i’m already emotional.
she’s got a vest thing on and it’s cute. i get that we have bigger things at hand but i can still appreciate a vest moment!!
they go into a silo... but the door locks behind them!!! they go 8 stories down!! that is a lot!!!! 
now they’re opening a door to what looks like a nuclear waste thing. idk i don't know much about nukes. but it’s just a big empty silo. so they have to check 199 more. 
except they hear a thunk in the tunnels!!!
scully finds one of the (barely alive?) burn victims that had been flash banged by krycek just as mulder announces “he’s here”, and a large group of soldiers runs in
OH! they go to start running from the soldiers and he grabs her. it was so subtle but so sweet. i’m gonna gnaw at something. 
NOOO! they’re surrounded!!! and cancer man is coming up. she yells that they saw bodies in there and he says “you saw nothing” <- wow absolutely garbage fellow has sunken further than even before by adding gaslighting to his resume
so they’re getting taken into custody but cancer man is going deeper, and he tells the soldiers to take the bodies away. he goes down to the nuclear thingy, and lights up, which i feel would be a bad choice in a circumstance where things were actually nuclear, but okay. 
we see something very dark and oily? and hear people throwing up. OH! it’s krycek, with the black stuff pouring from his eyes and mouth. on top of a triangular looking ufo. the oil is pouring into a spiral thingy? and it gets sucked up. 
MULDER AT HIS DESK WITH HIS GLASSES ON!!!! AND A HEALING CUT ON HIS FOREHEAD!!! could a man be any more attractive? it’s debatable.
knock knock. who is it? it’s skinner!!!! limping, and not supposed to be back in the office for a few more weeks!
mulder gets up to shake his hand and help him across the room. a right gentleman, he can be. OHHH so this is why i have seen those bloopers of skinner with a cane LMAOOOO
he’s looking for scully though lmao. yeah not interested in YOU, mulder. 
mulder thanks him for getting shot because he stood up to the evil. he’s saying no, no, i wasn’t doing that, at all. i don’t know what you’re talking about. but not in a humble brag way, in a denying allegations sort of way. it's interesting. my brain is still stuck on this moment.
he says that he “mistakenly” believed he could bring melissa’s murder to justice. mulder says hey, what do you mean by that? so that is why skinner needs to go see her.
she's out and about, though. she’s bringing flowers to melissa’s grave NOOOOO :((((((( she doesn’t even say anything, she just sits there. 
UNTIL MULDER COMES AND BRINGS FLOWERS TOO??? and she has to brace herself to see him. 
he touches her shoulder gently before he sets them down. oh my GOSH
she tells him about how someone told her the dead speak to you from beyond the grave, and that is what a conscience is. he says that’s interesting, that he’s never thought of it that way. a man who sees her suffering and doesn't know what to say to make it better.
and she thought that finding the man who killed her would bring closure but it didn’t. 
he grabs her by the arm at this point, and says he needs to talk to her. tells her that they found luis dead. whoever was behind it all tried to cover it up. 
“i think the dead are speaking to us, mulder. demanding justice” <-stop. stop i’ll cry. you think i won’t cry? you think, for some reason, i won’t sob? i won’t collapse into a heap? you’d be incorrect. you’d be naive and mistaken. you’d be an utter fool, even in a world of fools.
(muffled screaming of me trying to keep it together)
but funny i should type that, because we also hear some muffled screaming on camera, that of krycek trapped in the ufo?? or in the room with it, deep in the nuclear silo?
episode ends with his screams.
so much has happened. and really one thing is on my mind: who is gonna hug scully? who is gonna tell her that the anger is okay, even if it’s futile? who is gonna hold the baddest woman alive close and listen? even if all she has to say is silence? 
i feel like i could write another thinkpiece here but i also feel like i need to let this one sit for a bit. 
scully holding skinner’s hand, scully waiting by mulder’s bedside, scully saving skinner’s life, scully screaming, so guttural, at the man that killed her sister. scully in glasses and scully in vests and scully in coats. furious and devastating and calculating and guilty. 
i have some major questions re: krycek and cancer man and why don’t they just deal with him already??? like for real. i know the answer is gonna be that someone from higher up would just replace him, but i do think it is funny how he goes about blatantly committing all those crimes and then clocks into work the next day like nothing happened. and no one can act like anything happened because they’ll tear the fbi down if they do. we all have a coworker like that, don’t we? that sucks terribly but you can’t do anything about it because the inside supports how terrible they suck? sigh. many such cases.
krycek, if i’m supposed to feel bad for you, i don’t. starve in that ufo and see if i give a damn. 
skinner denying any concept of heroism… i think he’s doing it to keep himself safe. like he said to scully, any sort of accusations are risky. i don’t think he wants anyone to get the idea that he is a hero, even if he is in reality. i also think he has a complex and a great fear of being PERCEIVED as a hero after the things he did during war, and who knows what else he did but hasn't spoken about. but interesting still that he would deny a gesture as simple as being thanked. 
there are many dots in my head. i would like to think they are connecting, but honestly i’ve got matty healy dupe mr. mulder on my mind still just because it was so funny. and then also scully angst. and a deep deep desire to get into that car on the drive from the airport to north dakota, to just listen in on whatever went down. maybe i’ll have to write it if no one else does! isn’t that terrible? when no one else will write the exact thing you want to read, so you have to do it?
(i’ve actually never written fic before so that would be a major commitment. but a one shot here or there sounds interesting)
anyway. lots on my mind. it was a good episode, but kept a lot of things unsolved. which is the point, i know, but they dangle the answers in front of you!! then snatch them away!! i wanted a tiny bit more of the tea. 
but i guess, on the other hand, we know what the tea is, don’t we? we know cancer man and the UN alien squad are hiding this, they’re aware that this alien creature can cause radiation, they’re aware of ufos and they’re covering them up. they might not be aware of the exact nature of the creature, but they ARE aware of it, and that it’s a weapon of mass destruction. what isn’t clear is how tf krycek got roped into this. but again i really dgaf about his loser ass. 
i’m plotting. i’m pinning things on boards and tying them together with string. and then making predictions from there.
(actually, think it’s cool we see a bunch of different kinds of aliens on this show. there were the poison blood clones, standard alien 👽 fellow, and now the oil creature. fun that we get multiple perspectives and takes on what could be. perhaps scarier than just plain old little 👽, but!!! interesting for worldbuilding purposes)
back to plotting….
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*points a microphone as if i was a news reporter*
“monsieur rollo, monsieur rollo! a moment of your time please~ is this school exchange teaching you some things? mind telling us your thoughts, let us in your head awhile~?”
*shoves the mic further into his face annoyingly — definitely on purpose too, to see his reaction.*
The way TWST EN localized some of Rollo’s non-punny JP lines has made me think he’s a fan of dry humor and/or makes the worst puns possible but says it in a super serious tone 😭
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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The cold metal of the microphone pressed uncomfortably into Rollo's cheek, in the area right between his chin and the corner of his mouth. The infamous handkerchief won’t be coming to his rescue anytime soon, you snickered internally. A devil on your left shoulder, and a second devil on your right.
You were in the mood for making mischief today.
“Excuse me, you’re a bit too close for comfort…” He tried to gracefully put distance between you and himself—but his back hit the wall of the main school building. To Rollo’s annoyance, you only advanced, further encroaching on his space.
Wearing a dumb, broad smile, you twisted your mic, intentionally digging it further into his skin. Goading him. Your voice was a steady whine as you repeated your questions.
His reaction—would it be as explosive as you had hoped? Would he just grimace and shoo you away? You so desperately wanted to push his buttons and get your answer (or, as Ace so poetically put it, "fuck around and find out").
Realizing he was effectively cornered, Rollo clenched his teeth behind closed lips (you noticed a little muscle in his jaw feathering) and straightened his robes. Pressing a finger to the mic, he lowered it from his face and pushed it back toward you. The entire time, his expression was the picture of calm, relaxed.
But his eyes—oh, his eyes—told an entirely different story. They smoldered with the flare of an intense emotion. The longer you look, the more powerful it grows, swelling into a raging inferno of hatred.
He must be thinking about exploding me with his mind or something!! you thought excitedly. Now if only you could coax that reaction to the surface—
“… You must be a member of the school’s Newspaper Club,” he said. Polite, discreet, calculated. Clearly considering his public image. “I’ve seen you in walking around campus and thrusting a camera in students’ faces as well.”
“Kinda! My unofficial job’s to record all the interesting happenings on and off campus—and you’re of great interest to us and our reader base, Monsieur Rollo!” You rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet. “C’mon, the people are dying to know! Spill the tea. What’s shakin’, bacon?
Rollo took one look at you, then at your waiting mic, which you wielded like a weapon.
“… Your appetite, clearly,” he said dryly. Then, weaving his fingers together at your lack of a reaction, he continued, “There is not much to tell. Quality instructors and facilities… Night Raven College is just as excellent of a learning institution as they say it is. There is good reason for it to be considered the highest standard for other arcane academies to follow. Anyone fortunate enough to attend this school is sure to have a most charmed education.”
He’s just saying the generic nice things he thinks everyone wants to hear! It’s like he’s reading off of a NRC school brochure…!
“Oh, I’m sure there’s gotta be something juicy to share! Maybe you have an old score to settle with some known faces on campus?” you asked, wiggling you brows suggestively. “You know, a heated rivalry? A blood feud? Sworn vengeance?”
Rollo deadpanned. The angry fire in his eyes hissed. “I’m not certain what you’re referring to. I have only ever encountered gentlemen here on campus.”
It was, perhaps, the biggest lie Rollo had ever uttered.
How many times had he brandished his handkerchief to disguise his disgust? How many times had he turned the other cheek when he wanted nothing more than to unleash his fury upon some miscreant mage? How many times had he snapped, like crackling fire?
You stared at him doubtfully.
“Hmmm. Maybe I’m not asking the right things,” you mused, rolling your next inquiry around on your tongue. “You’ve told me about your general experience and your feelings on your classmates. What’s the biggest takeaway from this whole school exchange?”
There was a pause.
Fire, assuming a new form.
When he speaks again, his voice is solemn yet resolute. Like the toll of a great bell.
Each word carefully selected, only the ripest and most ready of grapes plucked from the vine which they hung. (He imagined flattening you like one for your insolence, for forcing him to speak positively of NRC, and the gruesome image granted him fleeting solace.)
“… I am now cognizant that there is a vast difference between myself and the students of Night Raven College. Truly, this experience has been most humbling.”
Rollo thoughtfully rubbed at the red gemstone set in his ring. The motion seemingly placated the fire scorching in his expressionless face.
It wasn’t an untruth, he reasoned. Indeed, this whole charade had been a wake-up call, exposing him to the full extent of the evil brewing at this institution. Observing the enemy up-close had been extremely enlightening.
He had so much farther to go if he wished to extinguish it all.
“More than ever, I realize I must dedicate my efforts to closing that gap. As student council president, it falls upon my shoulders to lead my peers. Noble Bell College will not lose in its endeavor to live up to the spirit for which is stands for, and in educating the youth of tomorrow.”
He expels a puff of air—as if he had been holding it in all this time. “That is all I have to say on the matter. Then, if you will pardon me, I must be on my way to my next lecture…”
Before even waiting for your response, Rollo started to briskly walk away.
“H-Hey, wait!! Get back here!! This interview isn’t over yet…!”
“Really, you ought to not stick your nose in others’ affairs. A reputable reporter knows when to not press their interviewers,” he tuts.
“I haven’t even gotten HALF of my scoop yet!! Quit holdin’ out on me, will ya?!”
You hurried after him, your protests and pleas wafting up into the crisp day.
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fearfulachilles · 8 months
8. gossip & uncertainty.
chapter eight to buop (nanami kento x reader jjk medical au.) .
full contents here.
summary: you finish the week learning you'll be scribing for the mysterious dr. geto and hearing new gossip regarding kento. meanwhile, kento finished the week with being handed an offer he never thought he'd hear.
The clinic portion of the hospital is only open on weekdays, but Satoru had mentioned he’d like to open it for seven days a week in the future. You hope you’re off in med school when the time comes.
You work with Dr. Gojo again before the week ends. You’re fascinated by neurosurgery and he notices it. He tells you about his favorite surgical case during his fellowship here at Jujutsu Hospital and how he developed his own technique that helps reduce risk during brain surgery by 85%.
“That’s amazing.” You say, starstruck.
Satoru doesn't feel like a boss at times, he's easy to talk to. You ask when was the last time he had to use his technique and he says a year ago, around the time he last performed surgery.
There’s gossip of Satoru’s lack of surgery hours that you’ve heard…well, Nobara heard and told you. Some rumors say it’s because of malpractice and others say it’s because he’s been banned from the operating room by the chief of surgery. Satoru doesn’t hide the fact that he hasn’t been in the operating room in sometime, but he usually brushes it off it with a joke and never explains further.
You bite your lip and take a chance. “Can I ask why it's been so long?”
“You’re kidding, right? I have my hands full with this clinic. Surgery will be there when I’m done.” He answers, then changes the topic quickly after.
That's when Satoru shares information regarding your schedule next week. You’ll be scribing for Dr. Geto. 
“He's filling in for me, just for a day. I’ve got some bullshit meeting to go to.” The young doctor explains, rolling his eyes. 
When Satoru stopped performing surgery, Dr. Geto took over all his surgical cases, causing his surgery schedule to double. Because of that, Dr. Geto doesn’t have time to be in clinic, other than when Satoru absolutely needs him to be there.
It’ll be an exciting start to your week.
You decided to Google Dr. Geto once you got home. You don’t know much of the physician, not even what he looks like. When pictures of him show up, you were taken back by how pretty Suguru Geto was. Was every doctor in that hospital good looking?
Then something catches your eye.
“Have you guys ever read this article? 'Dr. Satoru Gojo renounces titleship to famous Gojo technique.'” You read aloud to your roommates. “He gave credit to... Suguru Geto? It’s called the Geto technique now.”
“Weird. I wonder why he'd do that.” Yuji commented. 
“Maybe he stole it from Dr. Geto and finally got caught.” Nobara speculated. She always loved a scandal or drama that didn't involve her personally. You couldn't blame her, you did too. 
“I heard they're close friends, I doubt that happened.” Megumi chimed in. 
From your reading you learn that Suguru is also a gift to medicine, similar to Satoru. He was a couple years older and accomplished many things in med school, alongside Satoru, and during his fellowship in a Kyoto hospital.
Nobara decides to bring up some more gossip she's heard, her voice filled with juicy intention of trapping you into the topic. “I heard that Dr. Nanami was left on his wedding day.”
You take the bait.
“He what?” You whip your head around from your phone screen to look at her. 
Nobara nods. “Yup. He was getting married to some pharmaceutical rep, but she never showed.”
“That's probably why he looks so grumpy all the time.” Yuji says.
“Where did you hear that from?” You ask intrigued. 
“Maki told me. She's the cute nurse I told you about. She used to work there, then she quit, but Dr. Gojo hired her again.” Nobara explains. She met Maki Zenin when she got lost on her way to the cafeteria in the hospital on the very first day. Since then, the two had been texting. 
You've never bothered to learn the dating history of your past flings, but this was different. Being engagement and left at the alter are serious. You think, is he using me as a rebound?
You shake off the thought because you're not supposed to care, but you still feel something tugging deep within you. You ignore it.
It had been the slowest week of Kento’s career, mentally. He had back to back surgeries scheduled and he stayed at the hospital until the early morning hours, busy with operative notes, but it had felt long and nearly tedious because you were on his mind.
The week is over and he arrives home tired. He drags himself to his kitchen and looks through his fridge. Kento feels the motivation to cook real food for the first time in a long, long time. He used to cook all the time, having a passion for it and always experimenting with new recipes.
He lost that side of him long ago, the side of him that looked forward to the things in his life and enjoyed them, as if he outgrew happiness. He thought he would never find it again. It had strained his relationship deep enough to be left stranded at an alter he never wanted to be at.
Then he met you, he talked to you, kissed you, and touched you. He saw the vibrant color of your hair, eyes, and body. He tasted your lips and felt your skin on his. It felt like he had been holding his breath for years, waiting for something to come along. Then, you came along. He made you laugh in that bar and thought this is how it feels to breathe again.
His microwavable dinners from the frozen aisle and instant coffee weren't enough to get him by anymore. He missed the spices of his home cooked meals and the richness of his favorite coffee beans. His days weren't dull anymore. He appreciated the rising sun in the sky on his way to work and the sound of chirping birds outside his bedroom window a little more. Your touch brought his senses back.
In the midst of his thoughts of you, he thinks back to when you mention your mother had Cordis Aneurisma, a slow killing disease of the heart and a medical mystery. The only fact known was that it is genetic, primarily in women, with a 50/50 chance of a mother passing it to her daughter.
Kento never really enjoyed taking chances like that. Though, he took one with you.
He had told you he didn't want anything serious, something he'd never done before. He was raised to be a traditional man, primarily by his grandfather. So, he worked towards a good and stable career with a great salary, and he was going to get married and settle down. After being with you, he knows he doesn't want to go return to that, even if it meant breaking his traditional values he was raised with, all for a chance you'll let him stay around for a little longer. He hopes you do.
He cooks something quick and easy for him before he digs up his old med school textbooks and begins searching for anything on Cordis Aneurisma. Two textbooks turn into five, and when his sixth one doesn't have anymore information than the others, he moves his research on to his laptop.
He doesn't hear the knocking on his front door until it's loud enough to bring him out of his thoughts. When he opens it, it's Asami, his ex-fiancée.
She greets him with a smile, but Kento stares blankly at her, blinking his eyes. He didn't expect her to come by today, but she has made it a habit of showing up unannounced, which usually led to them fucking on his couch.
Asami walks past him and makes herself at home, and he doesn't stop her. She places her handbag on his counter and walks further inside.
“Did you just get home from work?” Asami asks.
Kento looks down at his attire to see that he's still wearing his scrubs. He looks over at a clock in his home and realizes it has already been a few hours since he got home. He lost track of time reading up on the genetic illness.
She moves on, not taking notice of Kento’s cooked dinner. Asami was never good at noticing the small things in him. She peeks at all the opened textbooks and then over to what is on his laptop. “Do you have a patient with Cordis Aneurisma? How sad.”
Kento hadn't spoken a word yet. His face had turned back to the one Asami had known very well now, neutral to everything.
“What are you doing here?” Kento finally asks, speaking his first words to her. He dreaded thinking she was going to finally explain herself to him on why she left that day, something they both had been avoiding to acknowledge.
Asami steps her way over to Kento and places her hands on his broad chest. She's smaller than you, he doesn't like it. “I wanted to talk. I miss you.”
I miss you. She said that last time she was here, in the middle of sex. Kento had thought it was just in the moment of bliss, he had hoped it was.
“And I've been thinking about us…getting back together. I-I think we should try again.” Asami continues, sounding eager and unsure all at once. She's fidgeting with her fingers on his chest.
Her words make Kento run cold. He looks down at her face, uncertain of what to say or think. He spots her engagement ring on her finger, she had recently began putting it on again.
“We don't have to talk right now, I just wanted to tell you in person, but I'd like you to think about it.” Asami smiles with her lips closed and with a sense of uncertainty. She can’t read his face, he hardly gives her any sign of what he was thinking.
Asami removes herself from him and grabs her bag from the counter, knocking off the parking ticket Kento had taken from you. She picks it up to place it back, and reminds him, “oh—don't forget to pay that, Kento.”
She comes back to him, slipping her hand into his larger one and pulling him over to his front door once again as she makes her exit. She meant for this to be a quick visit. “You will think about it, right?”
Kento doesn't say anything in return, he just slowly nods at her words. She nods back, taking a chance and tugging him closer, raising herself on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kisses back for a moment, but all he could think about were your lips.
He didn't like comparing women to each other, but the feeling of you still lingers on him. He could only think about how much he would rather kiss you again instead of her. He abruptly breaks the kiss, pulling away, and it leaves Asami taken back.
Words don't need to be exchanged for what she felt as Kento pulled away from her, so she leaves him to think about her offer alone.
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