#now i really need to see clint changing diapers
avengerscompound · 2 years
The Tower - New Parents
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The Tower - New Parents
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1801
Warnings:  breastfeeding
Synopsis:  The sex-vengers have to adapt to being parents of newborns.
Author’s Note: Requested by JamieBarnes on AO3. You can send in your requests too.
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New Parents
Takes place immediately after Unexpected
The sound of crying came through the intercom system, pulling me out of the deep sleep I was in.  We were getting used to being woken by the sounds of the babies' cries.  Riley had been home for two weeks now, and we had all been fumbling our way through parenting an infant together.
She was a very healthy and happy baby.  It was why she came home before Pietro and she’d been like the soft opening to parenting for us.  She didn’t cry a lot and tended to just make soft cooing sounds and little grunts to let us know she wanted something.  It was only really waking up and if she got very hungry that we heard her cry.  She was happy to be passed around the group and often during the day, she didn’t get put down at all.  She’d just be carried about and passed around from one of us to the next, like a puppy at an elementary school.
Her being so easygoing and sturdy helped us to ease into parenting, something that some of us needed more than others.  Bruce was still very anxious about holding her, while Tony hovered around like a bee, worried something was going to happen.  Bucky seemed to take to parenting like he was put on this planet specifically to be a father, but when I put my hand on his chest I could always feel his heart racing with his nerves.  Natasha was always nearby but she kept asking if she was doing things right, while Wanda was a complete natural.  Riley just put up with all our little excentricities, staring up at us with her big blue eyes and cooing softly.
Tonight was Pietro’s first time home with us too.  Being fully human, premature, and a twin, he’d been small and needed a little more time in the incubator under watch than Riley.  I went down every day several times to feed him and hold him.  Of course, there was always someone with me.  Having them apart was different though.  They didn’t wake each other up.  I didn’t have to figure out how to juggle them so that I could feed them both at the same time.  Not to mention, with Pietro’s care mostly being done by the nurses in the medical wing, we hadn’t had to work out all his eccentricities yet.  He had a few.  You had to hold him just right and while he was okay being held by each of us, he didn’t like non-family holding him.  He also had favorites of us too.  Wanda, Natasha, and I were usually fine.  He was okay being held by Thor and Bucky.  For everyone else, it was a toss of the dice.  He was more fragile than Riley too, so those of us with nerves had them much more when they were holding him or changing his diaper.  He didn’t like it if you showed fear.  He cried much more, and where Riley had long feeds that lasted her for a while, he only latched for a short time and I ended up having to feed him twice as often as Riley.
I sat up, bleary-eyed, but Steve and Natasha were already up.  Steve leaned over and kissed the top of my head.  “Stay put, we’ll bring them to you.”
I leaned against the back of the bed and closed my eyes, dozing off as one of the others dragged my body pillow over and put it in my lap.  I wasn’t even sure who did it, I just wrapped it around my waist without looking and leaned back again.
I’m not sure if I fell asleep again or not, but a little later the door opened and two whining babies were carried into the room. I opened my eyes to see Tony following Natasha and Steve in.  “Tony, why are you up?” I asked as Natasha came and helped me get Pietro latched.
“We found Tony already in the nursery.  Someone thought Pietro wasn’t breathing, and so rather than just asking FRIDAY, he poked him,” Steve explained.
“Tony,” I groaned.  “The monitors have all their readings on them because you wanted that.”
“I know, but he was so still.  I couldn’t see him breathing,” Tony said.
Pietro squirmed and dug his fingers into my breast as we struggled to get him to latch.  “Well is he moving enough for you now?”
Tony pouted and lay down beside me, curling against my leg and looking up at me in the dim light.  “I’m sorry.  I was just worried, you’re not really mad are you?”
Pietro finally latched and I reached down and ran my fingers through Tony’s hair.  “You’re impossible, you know that?” I said.
“Yeah, but you love me,” he said.
I laughed softly and held my hand out to Riley.  Steve helped me get her settled and I lay back and fed them both, dozing with my family as they fed.
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The following day we were awoken once again by the twins, first thing in the morning.  This time it was Wanda and Bucky who had gone to get them and everyone else went about their usual morning rituals while I sleepily fed the twins.  When I was done I showered while Clint and Thor took the babies downstairs.
That was one of the extra benefits of there being ten of us.  Yes, we were all still lacking sleep, even with so many of us waking up in the night for them.  But it did mean it was much easier to get in a shower than for the average new parent.
I came down to find them all in the living room and an array of breakfast foods laid out on the table.  Pietro and Riley were under the baby gym, both on their stomachs.  Pietro was lying sucking his fist as Riley was holding her head up and watching everyone.  Bucky was sitting next to them and wiggling a toy in front of them to try and get their attention.
“Coffee, I need coffee,” I said as I beelined to the table.
Thor was refilling a cup and he grabbed a mug and poured me a cup.  “How many times did they wake last night?” he asked.
“Of course, you don’t know,” Natasha teased.  “You can sleep through anything.”
“Well I was summoning storms when I was an infant,” Thor said.  “You can’t hold that against me.”
“Four times,” I said, taking the cup from him gratefully.  “They’re on different schedules and when one wakes the other does too.”
Thor rubbed my back soothingly.  “I am sorry.  Hopefully, they sync up and it is easier for you.”
“I mean they surely won’t be keeping us up all night when they’re twenty-one, right?” I said.
Thor laughed loudly, startling Pietro so he started crying.  “Oh no,” Tony said, reaching for the boy.  “It’s okay.  That’s just your noisy dad.”
“I think it’s Bruce’s turn,” Natasha said.  “Let him try soothing him.”
“Me?” Bruce asked, startled.  “No, not me.  I don’t think he likes me.”
“He loves you, Bruce,” Steve said.  “You’re his father.  But he is very intuitive about how we’re feeling and he can tell you’re nervous.”
“That’s not going to help now is it?” Bruce said as he picked up the little boy and started rocking him.  He bounced him a little as he swayed from side to side.  “Hey now, Piety.  You’re okay.  Your dad is just a happy guy with a big laugh.  You’ll get used to it.”
I came over to the couch with my plate of pancakes and eggs, and my mug of coffee, kissing Bruce as I passed him.  Pietro began to calm down and he shoved one of his fists back into his mouth.  “There you go.  That’s it.  Daddy’s got you.”
“I think we should do something today,” Sam said.  “Maybe go out somewhere?”
“Are you kidding me?” Natasha snapped, turning on Sam.  “The paparazzi are swarming the gates of the facility right now.  They know there’s a baby.  They’re all placing bets on who’s the father.  We’re not putting them at risk like that.  TMZ is not getting any photos of our kids.”
Sam held up his hands in placation.  “Chill, Nat.  I didn’t mean we take them out and parade them around.  But they do need some sunlight to grow.  What about we all take a picnic down by the river?”
“What if there’s paparazzi on a boat out there?  Or a helicopter?  Or someone with long-range camera lenses on the other side of the river so we don’t see them?” she asked.
“And what if they have a satellite on the moon with a state-of-the-art telescope and instead of pointing at some galaxy far, far away, they have it pointed at our front door?  And what if it has x-ray tech and they can see us right now?” Clint teased.
Natasha punched him in the thigh and he was going to start wrestling with each other when I put my arm around Natasha.  “Tasha,” I said, and she looked up at me, her palm pressed against Clint’s face as she pushed him away from her.  “What if we take them down to the river in the stroller and we put up a little barrier and they can go behind it?  Then we all get some fresh air and sun, and if anyone is out over the river won’t be able to see them?”
Natasha took a deep breath and pressed her forehead to mine for a moment.  “Yeah,” she said.  “Okay.  That could work.”
“Great,” Sam said and picked up Riley.  “You hear that little bird?  We’re going to take you outside to play.”
Riley made a little squeak sound and flailed her limbs around.  “I think that means she likes that idea,” Sam said.
“Uhh…” Bruce said.  “Pietro fell asleep.”
“Would you like me to take him up to bed?” Wanda asked.
“No,” he said quickly, shaking his head.  “I can do it.  But I think I’d like to just hold him for a while.”
“That’s okay,” Wanda said, coming over and running her palm over Pietro’s head, before pressing a kiss to it.  “Hold him as long as you like.  I don’t like putting them down either.”
I smiled as I looked around at my family.  This was all so new to us, and we had a lot of learning to do, but the nine months that had led up to it had been hard and traumatic, and we’d made it through.  As tired as I was, this felt like a relief.  We were together and we were supporting each other as we figured out our strengths and weaknesses.  I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we had this.
~ END ~
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redheadsinmybed · 3 years
Little reader, caregiver/little story
Wanda x Natasha x Reader
Summary: Reader hasn’t dropped in a while. What happens when reader finally drops???
Notes: Sorry this took so long, hehe my bad. Hope you enjoy! :)
You hadn’t dropped in a while. Like a few months, you just couldn't seem to get in the mindset no matter how hard you tried. Wanda and Natasha have been worried about you since the second week. Natasha and Wanda had tried everything they could to get you to drop, from calling you ‘baby girl’ to trying to get you to play with Steve,Tony, and Clint when they were little. They even brought you to every kids section in every store they could find. But you just weren’t feeling it.
Currently you were in your room feeling down, wanting so badly to be in your little state, but not being able to.
“Hey baby,” Natasha comes in and sits down on the bed next to you.
“Wanda is in the kitchen baby, you want to go meet her?”
“Yeah, I guess,” You say with no enthusiasm. Natasha gets up and holds her hand out for you. You grab it and make your way to the kitchen where Wanda is waiting for you.
“Hi baby!” Wanda says happily. You smile at her before your attention is drawn to something else. You spot a baby bottle sitting on the counter.
Suddenly your mind goes fuzzy.
“Ma-ma” You say sucking on your thumb.
“Hi baby girl,” Wanda says smiling at Natasha. You make grabby hands at Natasha, and when she doesn’t immediately pick you up you start to cry.
“Baby don’t cry, it’s okay i’ve got you.” Natasha says as she picks you up. Natasha cups your face, using the pad of her thumb she wipes your tears away. You lay your head on her chest as you continue to suck on your thumb. Wanda looks at Natasha puzzled, you usually didn’t suck on your thumb unless you were really sleepy or weren’t feeling okay.
“Baby girl, are you feeling okay,” Wanda asks as she brushes the hair out of your eyes.
“Pe-pe,” You say back shyly. Seconds later Natasha feels wetness on her arm where she is holding you.
“Baby girl?” Natasha says, your cheeks get a rosy red. You hide your head in her chest and whine.
“Okay baby, let’s go get you cleaned up,” Natasha says you don’t lift your head out of your hiding spot. Natasha gives Wanda a worried look. You’ve only ever done that when you were really scared. Wanda calls Pepper, her having been a caregiver way longer than her.
“Hey Pepper it’s Wanda, I need help with something.” Wanda says over the phone while Natasha washes you off.
“Yeah so Y/N finally dropped,” Wanda waits as Pepper speaks to her on the other end.
“Yeah it’s really great, except something is different, she’s not acting like she usually does. She had an accident and has been sucking her thumb, the only words she has said have been ‘Mama’ and ‘pepe’.”
“Oh, really?”
“Okay perfect, thank you so much,” Wanda says hanging up seconds later.
“Okay so Pepper said that Y/N might be in a littler head space than she usually is in because she hasn’t dropped in so long. She said by the way she hasn’t talked much that she’s about 8 months old, or around there.” You just sit there sucking your thumb. You make grabby hands at Natasha wanting her to hold you again.
“So she’s just a baby now?” Natasha asks as she picks you up.
“Yeah, I guess she didn’t say how long it would last, but she guessed it would take a while at least for her to change back into her normal little state.”
“Do you think we should get some supplies? We aren’t really prepared for a baby-baby,” Natasha says.
“Yeah you want to go to the store?” Wanda says.
“Yeah, should we leave her here?” Wanda suggests. looking at you.
“Baby do you want to go with Mama and I or stay here?”
“Ma-ma” You say happily.
“I guess she’s going,” Natasha says. You three make your way down to the car while Wanda makes a list of stuff you’ll need.
“Okay so I have dippers, a pacifier, and baby food. Anything else I'm missing?” Wanda asks.
“No I think that’s good,” Natasha says.
“Baby girl you’re gonna have to have Mama hold you,” Natasha says
“Ma-ma,” Is all you say in response. Natasha hands you over to Wanda and you two get in the back seat. Wanda knows it isn’t safe but she doesn’t want to upset you, so you sit on top of her facing her.
“We’re here baby,” Wanda says.
“Ma-me” You say back wanting to be back in her arms. Natasha picks you up and off from Wanda and into her. Walking up to the store Wanda grabs a cart.
“Okay baby girl, Mommy is going to set you in her okay?” Natasha asks. You look up at her with big eyes when she sets you in the cart. You sit there just staring at her before you deem that it’s okay. You get to look at Mommy and Mama while they shop and roll you around, and you're just fine with that.
Wanda and Natasha wander down some isles looking for the various items they need. They get the diapers and the baby food. You absolutely hate green beans with a passion so they avoided getting that for you.
When you arrived in the baby toys and activities section they stopped so you were right in front of the pacifiers. You take a second to take it all in. There was every color you could ever think of, and some of them had animals on them.
Wanda and Natasha pick out some that they think you might like.
“Hey baby girl look, this one has a koala on it,” Wanda says holding up the koala pacifier so you can see. You pout and look around.
“Bun-bun?” You ask.
“Baby girl Bunny is at home,” Wanda says to you. You stop looking around and your eyes start to fill with tears.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay baby girl. I got her right here.” Natasha says as she takes out your stuffed koala from her bag.
“Bun-bun!” You say happily. Hugging her tightly to your chest.
“I brought it just in case.”
“Aren’t you mother of the day?” Wanda says with a smile.
“Well I just thought she might want it.”
“Well you thought right.” You spot a lime green pacifier as they talk to each other. You make grabby hands at it and whine when you can’t reach it. Natasha and Wanda finally look over. Wanda seeing you trying to grab a green pacifier.
“You like this one baby?” She says as she hands it to you. Your eyes widen instantly.
“I think we found a winner,” Natasha chuckles.
“Are you ready to go home baby?” Wanda asks. Still infatuated with your new pacifier you nod your head.
When you get to the check out lane Wanda has to take the pacifier from you so the check out lady can scan it. Wanda tries to take the pacifier until you yelp at her.
“Baby girl, Mama needs that for a minute, then i'll give it right back okay?” Wanda says as she takes the pacifier out of your hands. Your bottom lip wobbles and you start to cry. You cry and cry, and then finally the screams come. High pitched screams that could make people's ears bleed.
“Wanda. Give. It. Back.” Natasha says with worry and fear.
“Hey baby, here look.” Wanda tries to calm you down and give you your pacifier back, but it doesn't work and you scream louder. Natasha wheels you out of the store and Wanda follows behind.
Natasha thinks back to something she read.
When a baby is having a fit, they most likely just want someone to comfort them.
Natasha picks up your screaming flailing body and holds you tight to her in a Thor hug.
“Shhhh baby, it’s okay. Mommy’s right here.” You fight against her for a while until you can’t anymore. You finally relax against her breathing heavily with tears still streaming down your face.
“That’s it baby, Mama and Mommy are right here,” Natasha coos at you. Finally you’re just a big mess of sniffles. Wanda puts all the things into the car and brings the pacifier and Bunny into the back seat with her. Natasha put you in the back with Wanda and you snuggled up into her holding Bunny.
“Here baby, you want this?” Wanda says opening the package and getting the green pacifier out. You nod sleepily and she puts the pacifier up to your lips. You take it into your mouth taking a timid suck. You decide that it’s good and continue sucking on it. Snuggled into Mama with Bunny you feel warm and safe. Closing your eyes you fall asleep.
When you wake up you're still in your little baby state and you're hungry. Wanda is holding you, but she’s asleep.
“Ma-ma, ma-ma” Finally she starts to wake up.
“Well hi baby girl,” She says with a sleepy smile. She hears your stomach growl back at her.
“You hungry baby?” Again your stomach answers her.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” She says with a chuckle. She gets out of bed and picks you up. Wanda carries you downstairs where the bottle from earlier is still sitting on the counter. You point to it and look back up at Wanda. Wanda picks up the bottle and sits down on the couch with you. She was just going to give you the bottle when she remembered that you were a 8 month year old instead of your usually 3 year old.
Wanda holds the bottle up to your mouth and you wrap your hand around it. Taking into your mouth you suck on it eagerly. You look up at Mama to see her smiling down at you. She brushes the hair out of your face. You smile back up to her through the nipple of the bottle. You empty the bottle in less than 5 minutes. You see Tasha come in and she sits next to you. Wanda gets up and refills the bottle for you. When she comes back she sees that Natasha has taken her place.
“Here you go,” She says, handing the bottle to Nat. Mommy feeds you and after your done you sit up.
“I love you,” you say, surprising both of them.
“Baby girl?” Natasha asks.
“Hi Mommy.”
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Hellooo :D Anon from the Loki aka Lollipops request, I think I'll appear here a few more times but not so much, because I don't want to waste so much of your time with all my requests Haha- Btw i love who you wrote my previous request! It's really funny and cute c: Getting to point-- Can I request Loki (You can also add someone) taking care of his newborn child it can be Y/N, reader. If you could do this thank so much in advance ( ◜‿◝ ) You can do this as a headcanons with some dialogue (:
You have no idea how much I love babies, I’ll add dr strange in this one too
Taking care of their newborn:
He wasn’t hit with the actual reality that he’s a father until he held his tiny baby for the first time
It was so emotional, especially if the baby had features from him like his eyes or dark hair
"How could I be a part of creating such precious and fragile being"
He didn’t know much about babies but he was ready to learn
Books, videos and even asking advice from other parents he knowns like tony or Clint
He doesn’t care for gender but if it was a girl he really wants to name her after his mom or let her name the baby
Does a lot of skin to skin, so it’s common to find him shirtless gently caressing his baby
He doesn’t need much sleep but still get paranoid if he leaves it alone to get something
There was a point where he would cry if the baby cried because he didn’t understand what they needed
Loves the baby voices they make and records whenever he could
Frigga would absolutely never say no to babysitting her grandchild
I like to think that Loki’s baby is one of those quiet babies that doesn’t cry a lot and just want to be held
He will spend so much money on cute baby outfits because he just can’t resist
Pepper gave his baby a knitted hat with horns like the ones on his helmet and he almost died of cuteness
Only a couple few are allowed to hold his baby
If his partner can produce milk he’ll help them bottle it
The baby sleeps a lot during the day so he spend his time cleaning around and making sure the area is pleasant for him and his baby
The will leave in the middle of the night if he has to, to buy diapers or some type of medication
Low key was concerned the baby would come out blue
Hums Asgardian songs to help the baby sleep
His mother gave him a toy she kept from his childhood for his baby to play with
Literally would snap at anyone who remotely looks weird at his baby 
Uses magic tricks to make the baby smile
Dr. Strange:
Strange used to be a doctor, well a surgeon to be exact but seeing new born babies wasn’t an odd sight for him
Though it’s different when that baby is his own
I feel like he would like a son
But if it was a girl she would be daddy’s little spoiled girl
Makes a check list he follows everyday to make sure he doesn’t forget something
Struggles with changing diapers for a while
Makes sure the baby takes all necessary vitamins if needed
Would prefer if his baby was feed natural breast milk but wouldn’t argue if his partner want to use formula 
He’s so soft when the baby start babbling at him
Reads to the baby dr seuss books
Is great at knowing if the baby is sick or having a fever
Doesn’t like to take his baby to really big gathering areas
His baby’s picture is the wallpaper of his phone Lock Screen
The cape carries the baby sometimes when he’s busy doing keeper things
Wong is the number one babysitter
Tony and pepper send him a gift basket with new born necessities
Will ask for baby pictures if he’s outside doing hero work just to make his mood better
"You’re seriously ditching saving the world for this"
"If you needed me I would’ve known, now leave me and my family alone"
Matching brown gloves with his baby
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
I believe in you; Clint Barton x reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was another request kept in the works and depending if I’m too late or not for my lovely bilingual anon you might already have started your nursing school (which congrats btw hopefully everything worked out) so this little drabble of sorts is dedicated to them and to anyone else that’s starting college (or a new grade in general).
Not really any warnings maybe a swear word or two and some fluff/maybe angst. But mainly I just did some basic research on how medical school/nursing programs work so if I’m wrong and there’s something I missed, any nursing/medical grads out there PLEASE let me know so that I can go back and fix it. I didn’t put too much detail just skimmed over the process but I hope it was the right way I did it. 
Anyways enjoy my lovely readers and until next time.
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You know the one thing they never tell you when you’re applying to college, how to maintain the stress levels of what’s to come with leaving childhood behind and fully becoming an adult.
While I am excited, don’t get me wrong, I’ve always wanted to be a nurse ever since I begged my mom for my first Baby Alive doll. Taking care of her, changing her diaper, feeding her, all that stuff.  Then came the day when Cooper Barton was born.  Yep that Cooper, along with Lila and Nathaniel.  Since our moms have been friends since they were in college, it was only a matter of time before I became friends with the Barton kids, especially since I was considered the ‘other Big sister’.
That also meant I had known Clint Barton long before he was famous for being apart of the Avengers team.  But ever since bringing everyone back from the Blip and the world trying to return to normal, he’s happily retired and staying with the family that he lost for 5 years (while also raising me since I had lost my parents in the Blip).
But back to what I was saying, applying for nursing school isn’t like applying for your regular old college.  Not only do you need to go to regular college and get some credits as well as take the necessary tests, you have to volunteer as nursing homes, you have to go to an interview with the school, and the most tedious thing of all—waiting.
The waiting portion is what really had me on edge, especially since the school was trying to re-instate students and staff that had been Blipped, look at new applications, it was a mess but I’ll spare the long waiting story and just say that after awhile of not hearing anything, I finally heard back from them and found out that I had been accepted into the Nursing school of my dreams.
Like I said, while I am excited I’m also quite nervous about it as well.  Cause not only is it the most prestige nursing school in the country, it’s also out of state in Durham, North Carolina.  And moving to a whole new state is a scary thing in itself, nobody will know me there and I’ll know no one there, I’ll be alone in school as I’m working towards my nursing degree.
I was sitting on top of the treehouse that uncle Clint had built for me and Lila when we were little.  It was at the peak of sunset and everyone was inside the house still celebrating my acceptance into college.  Mom and dad spent all morning setting up for the Barton’s to come over for the party and since 2pm the two families have been barbequing, watching a football game, and just chatting away.
But right now I needed a break from the family so I just came out here to the old tree house (that I hadn’t really been in since I started high school) and a wave of nostalgia came over me.  Seeing the old polaroid pictures I took with my camera of me and Lila, our old drawings we did together, and the famous sign we’d tape to the door.
I smile softly and stroked the rainbow letters we both wrote it in as the memories of what Lila and I had in here played in my head.
“Thought you might be up here.” Uncle Clint’s voice spoke up. I jumped and turned to see him holding up the door-floor (that’s what Lila and I used to call it) up.  “God I remember all the times your dad and I caught you and Lila up here. This was practically your first apartment. Minus the pluming and AC unit.” I softly chuckled.
“Been a long time since I saw this place. Wanted to check and see if anything changed with it.”
“Probably not. Once you girls grew up, you didn’t really come up here as much when you were kids. But I still kept up with any repairs that needed to be done, just in case you changed your mind.”
“And I thank you for that. I really needed to come back in here.” I said stroking through some of the old pictures.
“Everything okay?”
“Can I be honest with you uncle Clint?”
“Yeah, yeah absolutely. But first I must ask permission from Princess Mi amore Cadenza of the Crystal Empire to enter hers and Princess Francesca Banana Lobella Lollipop’s castle in the sky.” I chuckled at the silly Princess names Lila and I came up with when we were little.
“I can’t believe you still remember those names.”
“I’m losing my hearing, not my memory.” Clint teased.
“But yes you have permission from Princess Cadence.” I said shortening the nickname of my pretend Princess title.  Uncle Clint climbed up the rest of the way into the tree house and closed the door behind him before taking a seat on one of the old beanbag chairs we had.  “Alright kid, talk. What’s on your mind?”
“First I just wanna say that I’m not complaining about the party. It’s awesome it really is that you and aunt Laura and my parents did this for me. And I am happy to know that I’m gonna be living out my dream of becoming the first Doctor in the family but—it all feels to fast. I mean it feels like yesterday Lila and I were up here talking about her next heist to get the cookies from the top of the fridge, and now all of a sudden it…….”
“Feels like childhood is slipping away.” He finished for me.  “Like you’re entering a bigger world than you first thought it would entail.”
“How did you—”
“Because I was there myself. Once I joined SHIELD and before the Avengers became a thing.”
“It’s true. The biggest thing before I knew Gods and aliens existed were terrorists and spies. Basic espionage stuff that you see in the movies. When Loki came along the job became—a lot more than what I was used to. So much so that there were times I thought I wasn’t really needed. I’m just a guy with a bow and arrow, that’s all I had to bring to every fight we went to.”
“But you looked pretty cool everytime you did it.” Uncle Clint ruffled my hair.
“Thanks shrimp. Now I know that these are two totally different scenarios but there is some common ground to both our fears. I was needed to be the ‘human aspect’ that the Avengers needed. Someone to help keep them grounded whenever things got too tough on the job. While you, you’ve always had a healing hand.” He took my hand between his and gave it a gentle squeeze in reassurance.  “And the world’s gonna be lucky to have someone who is doing it for the good of the patient, and not for the money. Or the medal of neurosurgeon, whatever the hell it is they call for giving Doctors rewards.”
“And again I am psyched but also a bit scared. Especially since I’ll be in a new state where I don’t know a single person there.”
“What about that friend of yours you made in college uhh—what was her name Robin? What about her?”
“She’s going to the University of Pennsylvania to be closer with her grandparents who need her.” He nodded solemnly.
“Well I still wouldn’t worry. You’ve always been pretty good at making friends. And you know we’re all just a phone call or facetime away if you ever get homesick.”
“Yeah I know.” I mumbled.
“Hey,” he scooted closer to me and wrapped an arm around me pulling me closer to him.  “You’re ready for this. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you’re gonna be the best Doctor that’s ever gonna live. Even better than Doctor Strange.” We both softly laughed.  “You’ve worked too hard to toss the scrubs now, my goddaughter is not a quitter. And she never says no.”
“Thanks Uncle Clint. And I don’t just mean for the talk but for everything. Even during the Blip.”
“I was hardly there for you during that time I—I was in a really dark place and you needed me but I…..”
“You still came whenever you could. It’s not like I needed you to help me get into college or to baby me, I was already in the midst of my first semester when it happened. The first thing you did was call me when the world went to shit. And when it came time for the summers or holidays, you still took the time to at least give me a proper welcome home before your Ronan business.” I leaned my head against his shoulder nuzzling into it.  “I don’t think I could’ve gone through my remaining years of college without you uncle Clint. You may have not always been there physically, but there was the emotional support whenever I needed you.”
“I’ll always be there for you kid. No matter how old you get.” He leaned his forehead against mine before he choked out. “And—I know Nat……she—she would’ve also been proud of you too.”
“I miss her.”
“Me too kid, me too.” His arms wrapped around me as I did the same for him and we embraced each other as tight as we could.
After staying up in the treehouse for a few more minutes, the two of us decided to head back inside for the rest of the evening where our two families spent the rest of the night talking until the Barton’s decided to call it a night and head home.
As they left, uncle Clint’s words rang in my head and the weight that was on my heart early was now lifted as I had a more positive outlook than the nagging negative from earlier.
“You were outside for quite a long time earlier sweetheart, you okay?” my mom asked.
“I’m fine mom. Just needed to clear my head. Uncle Clint also provided some good advice.”
“Well that’s good. But also know that your father and I are also here for you as well, you know that right?”
“I do.”
“Alright well I hate to treat you like a child but it’s time for bed. In the morning we’ve got a lot of packing and sorting to do before your big move this weekend.”
“Yes mama. Goodnight, love you.”
“Love you too sweetie.” She kissed my head and I went up to my room and fell fast asleep after a long day.
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dailydaydreamings · 4 years
Best in the Worst Way, Part 11
I have way too much experience with this kind of trauma. One thing I know, the experience isn’t always linear. How you feel jumps from one moment to the next. Maybe this is my way of coping, but for some reason I need to get this all down. Lots of swearing —K
The Reader has been having a love affair with two Avengers and gets caught in a sticky situation. She’s suddenly faced with life decisions she’s not prepared for, including who to love, what she wants, and is this all worth it?
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There’s something totally surreal about trauma.
There’s nothing like the feeling of getting a late night call to get to the hospital and fast. It is pure stomach dropping terror.
Realists would know what it means, rushing to the hospital to see their loved ones, potentially for the last time.
Driving to the compound, gnawing on your thumb, you start to wonder how many traumas there are. How many people a year get a call to hurry to the hospital to see their loved ones. Maybe for the last time.
Out of the those cases, how many people are too late? How many show up and their loved ones still die?
Fuck, how bad was it. You ran your hand through your hair as you sat at a stop light, tears streaming down your face.
How much of a liar was Tony? Would he lie and tell you that they were alive if they weren’t, just so you wouldn’t kill yourself driving over?
You wouldn’t have to rush if this light would fucking turn green.
There was no one around, it was nearly midnight...why wait?
You tapped your fingers on the wheel, maybe you weren’t on the sensor and the light would never turn green and Bucky and Steve would die waiting for you...what’s the harm?
Your foot shifted to the gas, cautiously accelerating.
A horn blares and you slam on the gas, barely avoiding an oncoming car.
You think you might have screamed, either way, you wer suddenly pulling your off the road and scrambling out.
You reached for your keys, your hand missing twice.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you finally got hold of your keys and practically fell out of your car. From your knees, you reached for the door handle and pulled yourself up.
Your head swam as you leaned against the car and made your way to the passenger side. As soon as you were off the road, you tossed your keys into the field of grass in front of you.
And immediately regretted it.
“Oh, shit,” you leaned against the hood and stared out at the dark field.
You remembered a rule of dealing with trauma. Take a breath and get control of yourself.
Fact, you shouldn’t have been driving. You cradled your belly, where your children were kicking furiously. You weren’t thinking straight. You were thinking about your boys, not the babies inside of you.
And there was no way you were finding your keys tonight.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and dialed Natasha, she answered on the first ring, “Where are you?! Is everything okay, you should be here by now!”
You closed your eyes, trying to take deep, calming breaths, “Can you please come get me? I’m fifteen minutes out from the compound, sitting on the side of the road. I just about crashed my car.”
Twenty minutes later, Natasha’s car pulled up behind yours and both Natasha and Clint hoped out. At this point, you were spiraling, your breath coming in short pants.
“Fucking Tony!” Natasha slammed her door. “I said, don’t let her drive. You can’t let her drive after telling her something like that!”
“Yelling at Tony isn’t going to solve anything!” Clint snapped at her. He came to stand in front of you, both hands grasping your shoulders. “Everything is going to be fine. Now, where are your keys?”
You pursed your lips, looking over his shoulder at the field. “I kinda...tossed them...”
Clint raised an eyebrow, his head jerking to look out at the long glass. “Oh. Okay. We’re all just gonna get in Natasha’s car. Then I’m gonna go get a metal detector and find your keys!”
You nodded, pushing off your car and stumbled, your head swimming.
“Alright, kiddo,” Clint wrapped an arm around your waste. “Let’s get you in the car.”
“What if they’re dead and Tony’s a liar?” You asked, stumbling as Clint guided you towards Natasha.
“Oh, no,” Natasha open the car door. “We talked to the field team. They’re stable, just a bit of a mess.”
You slid into the passenger seat, stroking your belly, trying to soothe yourself. Clint got into the backseat and Natasha got into the drivers seat.
“I keep thinking about all those silly medical shoes I watched in university, where there’s a trauma and they go from fine to dying in a minute and then the family doesn’t get there on time,” you murmur.
You weren’t sure either of them heard you until Natasha quietly answered, “I’ve seen that happen, in the field. It can happen, but right now, all signs point to them being stable and we will getting to the compound at the same time as they are.”
The light pollution started getting worse the closer you got the compound. For some reason, all you wanted to was run away.
“The babies kicked today for the first time,” you said numbly. “They’re gonna be here soon. I n-need to get a crib, and, um, a diaper bad. Other stuff too. I need to book, uh, birthing classes. Maternity clothes...”
Natasha exchanged a quick glance with Clint, “We can worry about all of that later. We’ll make a list!”
You frown and murmur, “I don’t know how to change a diaper.”
Clint squeezed your shoulder, “You’ll learn, it’s okay!”
You laugh dryly, “Buck was learning. Every spare minute. He was so excited to change diapers.”
“Okay, she’s gonna need something to calm her down,” You hear Clint mumbled to Natasha. You ignore him, choosing to curl up towards the window, watching a helicopter fly towards the compound. Your boys were up there.
Panic was surging through your veins, but you shook your head as you strode towards the medical wing.
“How bad is it,” you shout at Tony, trying your best to keep a level head.
He looked up at you from his phone, his hair a mess. “I don’t know,” he called back. “I just know they’re stable and we have two ORs prepped just in case.”
Your eyes focused on the door behind Tony, the boys would come through those door at any second. You came to stop beside him, fiddling with the dainty necklace you always wore.
“I fucking told you she shouldn’t drive,” Natasha hissed at Tony behind you.
You were vaguely aware of Tony throwing his hands in the air. “I just said—”
You turned at spat, “Not fucking helping.”
They exchanged a look, both turning to sit in the waiting chairs and you started to pace.
“I’m gonna kill them,” You say calmly, stroking your belly, your eyes constantly checking the elevator.
Natasha leaned over and whispered to Tony, “She’s gonna need a sedative.”
The elevator dinged and a gurney rolled out. You almost puked.
“What. The. Fuck!” You glared at Tony, who was already scrambling to his feet.
“No one said it was this bad!” He said.
You swallowed, hard, looking down at Steve. He was sedated, his face was bruised and battered, and he had a massive branch through his abdomen.
“It didn’t hit anything serious,” the nurse behind the gurney said. “We’re gonna go straight to the OR and get this taken care of right now.”
You couldn’t helps yourself as you looked down at his face, leaning forward and giving him a quick peck on his lips. “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, Steve.”
“Ma’am,” she said.
“You’re gonna be okay,” you said to him.
“Ma’am,” she insisted. “We have to go now.”
You stepped back, making a point of raising your hands in the air defensively.
You watched them until they turned down the next hallway.
Natasha came up and put her hand on your shoulder, “Are you okay? Do you need to cry?”
You looked up at the ceiling, counting the lights as you let out a long breath, “Not yet.” Not until you saw Bucky. Pregnant or not, hormonal or not, he was not going to see you cry.
The elevator dinged again and chaos erupted.
It happened so fast, Natasha grabbed you and pulled you away from the door. Tony was yelling. So was Bucky.
He was thrashing wildly, despite the restraints.
“Head trauma,” the nurse wheeling the gurney already had a bruise forming on his cheek.
“Buck!” You shouted. He roared in anger and you flattened yourself against the wall.
And he was gone, down the hall.
Natasha looked down at you as you slowly started sliding down the wall.
They weren’t okay. No matter what Tony had said, that wasn’t okay. Steve had a fucking tree through his stomach and Bucky, poor Bucky was stuck in his own head. His most feared prison. This wasn’t going to be like taking the home tomorrow and putting a bandaid over a scratch, this was far, far worse.
“What do you need?” She asked, kneeling in front of you.
“A change of clothes,” you said numbly.
She rubbed your thigh, “Okay, I’ll call Clint to stop by your place, okay?”
You nodded, “Can you ask him to grab my black bag on the stool by the breakfast bar? It has, it has my meds.”
“Of course.”
“And t-there’s this god awful, ugly b-brown blanket on the bed. It’s Bucky’s.” Your voice started to waiver, tears welling in your eyes. “It totally ruins the aesthetic of the room.”
She grasped your hand and you wiped your tears. “I’m sure it does.”
“And, there’s one blue pillow on the bed. The pillow case is blue. Steve sleeps with it every night.”
And the flood gates opened and you started to cry.
“The surgery went better than expected,” the surgeon told you.
You wiped a stray tear from your face. “It-it did?” You hiccuped.
“Absolutely it did,” she gave you a warm smile. “And with his DNA, he’s gonna be just fine and walking around in no time.”
You nodded, “Thank you.” Your voice broke and she gave your shoulder a squeeze. “I’m not normally a m-mess. I’m just pregnant.”
She laughed, “It’s okay, I can tell. He’s gonna need some support, but remember to take care of yourself, okay?”
You nodded, “Can I see him?”
“Of course, this way,” she directed you to walk down the hallway.
Your heart almost stopped when you saw him. He looked massive in that bed. He didn’t really fit, it didn’t look right to see Captain America in a hospital bed. Monitors beeped steadily at his side, the only real proof to you he was alive.
You hugged his lumpy pillow to you left chest. It still smelled like him.
You stared at the monitor, counting the insistent beeping, making sure he was still breathing...
“Is that for him,” a nurse said, rubbing hand sanitizer on her hands as she came in. You were still standing in the door way, starring, twenty minutes later.
“Um, yeah,” you answered, shaking your head to get out of whatever spell the monitor had put you under. “Can you...”
She smiled at you warmly, “Of course, hon.” She gently took the pillow from you, breaking the spell.
You stumbled forward, sitting down in the chair beside his bed.
“You can hold his hand,” she said, readjusting his pillows.
“We haven’t been in a good place,” you admitted, “for months. He wanted me to get an abortion and then he didn’t and I just, I pushed him away. I don’t know if he’d want me here but I-I can’t not be here.”
The nurse paused, coming to sit down in the chair opposite to you. “He’s going to want you to be here when you wake up. No matter what happened, he’s going to want you by his side.”
You looked down at your hands, playing with your fingers. “I don’t know what to say to him. Because I’m still mad, honestly. I want to kick his ass.”
She laughed and so did you, wiping a tear from your face.
The nurse cleared her throat, “It isn’t my place, but you don’t have to forgive him. But you’re going to end up throwing everything away if you’re not here when he wakes up.”
You nodded your thanks, reaching over and taking Steve’s hand.
“Y/n?” Steve voice woke you from your sleep on the cot beside his bed, you scrambled for the light before reaching for his hand.
His deep blue eyes looked up at you with so much pain and confusion.
“What do you need?” You asked, cupping his face. “Are you in pain?”
He shook his head, trying hard to swallow. You reached for a cup of water, knowing his throat probably felt like sandpaper after intubation.
“Where’s Bucky?” He asked.
You looked up at his monitors to avoid his eye, “They won’t let me see him. The meds aren’t working, he’s in a fury. They said that they’re giving him medication to calm him down, sedating him, and they’re going to try to wake him up soon.”
Steve’s grip on your hand tightened. “You should be with him.”
You leaned down and kissed his forehead, “This fight between us is no where close to over but you are still a big part of my life and I love you. I need to be here for both my boys and he will need me soon.”
There were tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, for everything. Bucky and I had a fight about it and, I’m not ready for everyone to know about the three of us.”
You nodded, understanding his fear.
“But,” he continued, “I don’t want to be the uncle. I want to be the dad. So, I’m here and I want to be here, for both of you.”
A tear dripped down your face, you leaned forward and brought your lips to his.
“Mrs y/l/n,” a man cleared his throat at the door. You turned to see some poor intern wringing his hands at the sight of Captain America.
“Yes?” You asked.
He broke his stare with Steve and said, “I’ve been asked to inform you they’re waking up Mr Barnes and you said you wanted to be there.”
You exchanged a look with Steve. He squeezed your hand and you walked to your bag in the corner, pulling out Bucky’s blanket.
Steve asked quietly, “Will you see if Bucky can be transferred into the same room soon? That way she doesn’t need to go in between our rooms.”
You raised an eyebrow in surprise, but the intern nodded and scurried off.
You gave Steve’s hand one more squeeze, “I’ll be back soon.”
You walked down the hall until you found the room where they were administering some medication to wake Bucky up. Your mouth went dry, he was still restrained.
“Can we get some of these restraints off,” you asked coolly, striding into the room and sitting beside the bed, the blanket in your lap. “He’s not an animal.”
“Mr Barnes is prone to violence following sedation,” the doctor tells you. You grit your teeth at that but let it go. “This could take some time, someone will be just outside if he acts out.”
You didn’t bother to point out that they had him chained down and he couldn’t right now.
Instead, you played with a frayed edge of the blanket. Steve adoringly called it Bucky’s baby blanket. It obviously wasn’t, but it was the blanket he’d slept with since living in Bucharest, it was with him in Wakanda, and he slept with it every night since.
At this point, it was more patch ups than blanket though. When the boys had moved in, the only thing Bucky brought was this ugly blanket full of holes. Trying, in vain, to make it look better to preserve the feel of your room, you learned to patch it up. It was now an assortment of browns and fabrics, but it didn’t seem to change the spirit of the blanket.
“Hey,” Bucky said. You looked up to find him looking at you, a frown on his face. “Did I hurt anyone?” He asked.
“No,” you lie. “You were just a little, um, enraged. You had some head trauma.”
He nodded, “Can I get out of these things?” He moved the restraints for emphasis.
You nodded, calling out to the nurse outside the room. He came in, and after assessing Bucky, removed the restraints.
“How’s Steve?” Bucky asked.
“He’s okay,” you answer. “He had tree go through his stomach but he’ll be fine.”
Bucky nodded, not bothering to sit up. But he ran his hand through his hair. He turned his head to look at you, his eyes focusing on the blanket.
“Is that my blanket?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You nodded, “I thought you might want something to give you some comfort. Do you want it?”
His eyes crinkled from a small smile. “Yes, thank you.”
You stood, unfolding the blanket and spreading it over him. You looked up at him to see if he was satisfied, but Bucky was staring at your belly.
“Buck?” You asked.
“You’ve gotten...bigger,” he murmured.
You sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking a hand down your belly. “Yeah, and they’ve been kicking up a storm, would you believe it?”
He frowned, “I didn’t realize you were sleeping with anyone.”
Your blood ran cold.
@booktease21 @sexyvixen7 @just-the-hiddles @fading-mentality-bouquet @a--1--1--3 @broco8 @yougottalovefandoms @hailqueenconquer @tazzi-baby @imaginebeinlovedbyme @amiets2 @prettyblueskylark
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hannahshattuck · 4 years
Found Family
Pairing: Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes 
A/N: A prompt that was sent in to @thirsty-thoughts-clubhouse​. I LOVE the winterhawk ship and we always need domestic Avengers in our lives. Send in an Ask or DM to be part of my taglist or a request. Enjoy!
Warnings: lost child, mentions of death, angsty then fluffy, mostly fluffy
Ships Masterlist (TTC) Main Masterlist
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Bucky joined the “After Action Clean Up Crew”, as Tony calls it, because he was done with the fighting and wanted to help more. He knew that realistically he would never be able to do enough good to counterbalance the bad he’s done. He’s lucky that he found someone who’s been able to look past all that and see the good in him, even if he didn’t believe there was any.
Shortly after he moved into the Tower, he ran into Clint when he was heading for breakfast. Clint looked like a bus hit him. Bucky knew the man was basically 50% coffee but it seemed even that wasn’t doing him any good. Bucky later found out, when he ended up in the kitchen at three in the morning after a nightmare, that Clint wasn’t sleeping due to the fact that he kept thinking he was under Loki’s spell and was worried he would hurt his teammates. Bucky convinced the archer to lay on the couch and he would watch over him while Clint slept. After that the two became inseparable and then started dating after Natasha and Wanda locked them in the elevator where a very heated make out session ensued. 
Bucky was walking through a collapsed house when he heard a whimper. He stopped walking and listened for the sound again. The whimpered sounded again and it was in the direction of what seemed like the bathroom. The super soldier slowly made his way over there while announcing his presences as to not scare the owner of the sound more.
“Hey. It’s okay. I’m here to help you.” Bucky carefully moved pieces of house out of the way and came across a clawfoot bathtub with a mattress secured over it. It was secured in a way that was protecting and not trapping. He reached for the locks and broke them easily. Another whimper sounded as he moved the mattress. There, curled into a little ball as tight as they could get, was a little girl staring up at Bucky with her blue eyes filled with unshed tears, brown hair, wearing shorts and tee shirt and was barefoot.
“Hi sweetheart.” Bucky smiled as he knelt down next to the tub giving enough space between him and her. “Can you tell me your name?” She shook her head and curled into herself more, if that was possible. “My name is Bucky.”
She looked at him over her knees that were pulled to her chest. “Buh?” 
Bucky smiled bigger. “Yeah, Bucky. Can you tell me your name?” 
“Avery.” She whispered. 
“That’s a really pretty name. Can you tell me how old you are?” The little one held up two of her little fingers. “Two? Wow. You’re so big!” Bucky smiled being silly trying to make him seem less intimidating. She smiled a little bit and Bucky counted that as progress. 
A shine caught her attention. Avery uncurled herself and crawled closer to him and pointed at his metal hand. The only part of his arm that was visible due to the bright yellow long sleeve he was wearing. 
“Pretty.” Avery looked up at Bucky. He flipped his hand over with his palm facing up giving her the option to grab his hand. She placed her tiny hand in Bucky’s big one. “Go?” 
Bucky was shocked. This little girl knew him for maybe a minute and she trusted him enough to go with him.
“You wanna go with me?” Bucky asked. Avery nodded her little head. Bucky’s heart swelled at that. “Alrighty then. I’m going to stand up so I can help you up okay?”
He stood up slowly in order to not scare her with his height. When he stood up all the way, Avery lifted her arms above her head, the universal sign for ‘up please’. Bucky grabbed her little body and lifted her into his arms. Her arms went around his neck and she laid her head on his shoulder, her face turned towards his neck falling asleep. Bucky wasn’t sure how long she was in the tub by herself but it must have been a long time. 
As he walked through the debris of the house he noticed out of the corner of his eye two bodies underneath the rubble. Bucky held under her bottom with his left arm and used him right hand to keep her face into his neck, shielding her from what he can guess is her parents bodies.
He saw the Quinjet he rode in on and Bruce standing on the open ramp. He looked at Bucky walking in with a little one in his arms. Bucky went over to the beds that were attached to one wall of the jet and laid her down. Avery whined a little bit in her sleep not wanting to leave Bucky. 
“Shhh, sweetheart. It’s okay. I’m here.” He brushed the fingers of his flesh hand through her hair to calm her. She calmed down and Bucky grabbed a blanket to cover her little body.
“Ready to go home?” Bruce questioned as the ramp folded in. Bucky nodded not taking his eyes of the little girl that wormed her way into his heart. 
Clint got the notification that the Quinjet Bucky was on landed and ran all the way to the landing pad. When the ramp folded open he saw his man holding a little body wrapped in a blanket in his arms. Clint skidded to a stop and looked at Bucky with an eyebrow raised.
“Please tell me you didn’t steal a kid.” Clint questioned jokingly until he saw the heartbroken look on his lover’s face. “Where’d you find her?”
Bucky moved so Clint could see her face. She was awake and was looking at Clint warily. “What was left of her house, in a tub with a mattress covering her so she was protected.” Bucky covered her ear that wasn’t pressed against him and lowered his voice, “I saw her parent’s bodies, Clint, and I don’t know how long she was there.” 
“Oh sweetheart.” Clint leaned to see her face and Bucky shifted her to where she could see Clint. “Hi honey. I’m Clint. Do I get to know your name?” She stuck her thumb in her mouth and nodded her head. She poked Bucky’s chest. 
“Oh, you want me to tell him?” Bucky chuckled. She nodded. “This is Avery. And she’s two.”
“Oh my! Two? She’s such a big girl.” Clint tickled her little toes that poke out. Avery let out a little giggle that made the two Avengers heart’s melt. “Are you hungry? I just made dinner. It’s chicken noodle soup.” Avery put her head up and looked at Clint. 
“Noodle soup?” She asked with a gleam in her eyes.
“Do you like noodle soup?” Bucky asked.
She looked at Bucky, “Uh huh!”
“Well let’s go then!” Bucky said and skipped off with Avery to go get ‘noodle soup’.
Avery seemed to take to Bucky which neither man minded. While Bucky fed Avery, Clint ran out to get some necessities like diapers (since they weren’t sure if she was potty trained), jammies, clothes, socks, shoes, sippy cups and bottles, toys, stuffies, books, blankets, some snacks, a highchair, bath stuff such as toys, shampoo, body wash, lotion, and who knows what else Clint bought.
“Did you buy the whole store?” Bucky laughed as Clint walked in with at least ten big bags filled with stuff. 
“I’d rather be over prepared then under prepared!” Clint stated. Bucky rolled his eyes playfully and fed Avery another few bites of soup until she started to refuse.
“Are you all done?” Bucky asked. The little one nodded her head. Clint handed his partner a damp paper towel to clean her up. Once her face was wiped, Bucky picked her up and took her to their shared bedroom. Clint came in with a pair of footie jammies, a diaper, wipes, baby powder, and a stuffie of Thumper from Bambi. The soldier laid her gently on the bed.
“I’m gonna get you out of these clothes okay? We’ll get these cozy jammies on you and give you all the snuggles.” Bucky tickled her tummy. Avery squealed and kicked her legs playfully. 
Both men carefully got her changed not wanting to spook her. After she was changed, each man took turns changing in the bathroom into sweatpants and a tee shirt to sleep in. All three of them got in the king sized bed where Bucky and Clint snuggled her close. Avery’s breathing evened out as she fell asleep her little arms wrapped around the stuffed bunny.
Bucky looked at Clint, “You should have seen where she was. The tub I found her in was the only thing standing. God, babe, who knows what she heard or saw.” Bucky felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes. He looked down at the little body in his arms.
“Hey, it’s okay. What matters is she’s safe now. You know we do have to call child services to see if she has any other family.” Clint wrapped his arms around his lover and the little girl.
“Yeah I know.” Bucky said sadly.
“But let’s put that to the side for now. Okay?” Clint kissed Bucky’s forehead. The brunet nodded his head and cuddled in close to the blond. Both men fell asleep that night hoping for the best for the little girl in their arms.
It was just over six months since Bucky found Avery. It ended up being she had no other family so she stayed with Bucky and Clint since she was comfortable with them. They introduced her to the rest of the team and Wanda became her favorite, other than the two men who were taking care of her. 
Bucky and Avery became like two peas in a pod. They were always together. Whether it was playing with toys or baking cookies, the other team members would catch them together. Their favorite thing to do was to play with the dolls she slowly accumulated over the months.
Clint stood in the doorway of the room they made as Avery’s watching the two who were laying on their stomachs coloring in an animal coloring book with Avery’s favorite stuffie next to her, Thumper from Bambi. Clint was out planning a big surprise for Bucky’s birthday that’s coming up.
“Papa!” Clint tuned back in as the toddler made her way over to her papa. About three and a half months of being with them she started calling Bucky ‘daddy’ and Clint ‘papa’.
“There’s my bunny.” He picked her up and spun her around, her giggles echoing throughout the room. “Are you having fun with daddy?” 
Avery nodded with a big smile on her face. “We play dollies and color and dance silly!”
“Dance silly?” Clint looked at Bucky with an eyebrow raised. Bucky sighed playfully and stood up.
“We had a dance party after lunch. And when you’re dancing with a toddler you gotta dance silly.” Bucky explained.
“Ah gotcha. Well, maybe next time I can join.” Clint gave Bucky a peck on the lips.
“Eewwww!” Avery exclaimed covering her eyes playfully. Both men looked at each other smirking before they attacked her with kisses. Her giggles once again filled the small space.
“Alright my sillies. How ‘bout dinner time? Whadda want?” Clint asked situating the toddler on his hip better.
“Noodle soup!!” Avery screamed. Both men laughed knowing she would express her love for the meal that became her favorite.
Bucky groaned as something jumped on his back. He heard little giggles and someone shushing. He knew exactly who it was but continued to pretend to be asleep. 
Bucky pretended to snore which made more giggles erupt. Little hands gripped his shoulders and shook him with all their strength.
“Daddy! Wake up! It’s your birthday!” A now three year old exclaimed. Clint and Bucky found out that Avery’s birthday was the day before Bucky’s which constituted for celebration all week long. 
Bucky reached his left arm the three year old and tackled her into the middle of the bed and snuggled her tight.
“Mmmm. Imma snuggle my favorite teddy bear.” He gently squished the girl into him.
“I not teddy bear daddy!” Avery giggled. 
Bucky opened one eye to look at her. “What?! You’re not my teddy bear.”
Avery kissed his cheek. “Silly daddy.”
“Yep, daddy’s silly alright. Hey Av. You wanna give daddy his present now?” Clint asked. Bucky looked toward him and saw the other man had something hidden behind his back.
“Now! Now!” Avery pulled herself free from Bucky’s grip. She sat on her knees as Bucky sat up and Clint sat the edge of Bucky’s side. The blond handed the girl a large orange envelope which she handed to the super soldier. “Open open!”
“Okay okay!” Bucky chuckled. He turned it over and carefully undid the flap. He pulled out a thick stack of papers. Bucky pulled them out all the way and read the top page.
He looked at Clint with tears in his eyes. “Are you serious?” His voice cracked.
Clint nodded with a watery smile. “Yeah, baby. She’s gonna being ours. I talked to the social worker and all we have to do is sign the papers and then a court date will be set.” 
Bucky set the papers down and grabbed the front of Clint’s shirt to pull him in for a emotional kiss. When they pulled away both men were crying happy tears.
“Daddy? Papa? Sad?” Avery couldn’t understand why her soon to be parents were crying.
“No honey. We’re not sad, sweetheart. Happy tears.” Bucky pulled her into a tight hug. “Happy tears, sweetheart.”
The soon to be family of three continued to hug each other as the men cried tears of joy.
Shortly after Bucky’s birthday, the two men officially adopted the girl they’ve called their daughter since the beginning. All the Avengers spoiled the new family. Steve offered to paint a family portrait, Sam and Natasha partnered to get the family a good family car, Tony decided to build a state of the art bed for the little girl who suffered from infrequent nightmares, Pepper said they were welcomed to stay in the tower for as long as they need or want, Bruce and Helen Cho would take care of anything medical for Avery, and Maria, Phil, and Fury assured the family they won’t be called for awhile unless absolutely necessary. 
Clint and Bucky were thankful for everyone and everything. Even though the men didn’t really talk about having a family before Bucky found their daughter, they wouldn’t have changed it for anything. Sure the circumstances were not the best but they were able to give a little girl a safe place to be. A family and a home.
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Natasha x reader x Tony x Steve
Warnings: Talk of miscarriage. Abusive relationship. Please don't read if it's triggering.
As the sister of Clint Barton, you had seen your fair share of stupid things. For example, your brother fighting an alien invasion with a bow and arrow. You'd also been known to make some idiotic decisions yourself.
When Clint joined the Avengers, he had invited you down to meet them. You'd lived in NYC for years, but it had been a while since you'd been able to see your brother.
Apart from being able to see Clint, your trip to the Tower meant that you had met his team. And as your visits to the Tower became more frequent, you became close to Natasha, Steve, and Tony.
The three had been dating for a while now, something the media always loved to comment on. 
The four of you continued to grow close, and the longer you were around them, the more you found yourself enamored with them. Only two things were standing in the way of you saying anything. One, they would never go for you. And two, you were already in a relationship.
You and Andrew had been together for a year when you met the trio. Andrew was more like your father than he should have been. A drunk, abusive man who you knew you should leave, but Andrew loved you. Or at least that's what he told you.
You never told anyone about the excessive arguments. Never mentioned anyone how the exchanges always resulted in screaming and eventually physical blows.
Andrew always apologized, always promised he'd changed. And you believed him.
He'd have to change one of these days, right?
"How are you going to tell him?" Clint asked you one day.
"I was just going to say it. How did Laura tell you?" You questioned your brother.
"With Cooper Laura gave me a book of names and said we'd have to pick one. With Lila, she put a bun in the oven, and with Nathaniel, she threw a diaper at me and yelled at me for the lack of sleep she'd be getting." Clint smiled as you giggled.
"I don't think I'll be doing that." You said as Clint pressed a hand to your flat stomach.
"I'm going to be the best uncle ever. I'm going to spoil this little bean rotten." Clint cooed.
"Unless Barney suddenly turns up, I'm pretty sure you're the only uncle." You smiled.
"Still going to be the best." Clint shrugged.
"I have to get going." You said to your brother. "Andrew will be home soon, and I want to have dinner ready."
"Alright, take care of yourself. And the bean. Call me later." Clint said, hugging you once more before you were leaving. 
You were in the middle of cooking dinner when you heard the door being unlocked.
"What's cooking?" Andrew yelled as the door closed behind him.
"Carbonara." You called back, beginning to plate up the pasta dish. Andrew grunted as he slumped into his chair. "Long day, Drew?" You questioned, handing him a beer.
"Dealt with idiots all day." He grumbled. The two of you began to eat your dinner, Andrew complaining about work for most of it, and settled into your regular routine.
"What are you thinking about so hard?" Andrew asked as you stood and collected the dishes.
"You could tell?" You asked, not looking at the man.
"Don't think you were paying attention to anything I said," Andrew grunted. "What could be so important, you'd ignore me?"
"I'm pregnant." You casually said as you put the plates in the sink.
"I'm pregnant." You repeated, turning with a smile. Andrew stared at you for several seconds with a blank stare. "Andrew?" 
"You stupid slut," Andrew growled, his face darkening as he thundered forward. "Who's is it?" He yelled, slapping you across the face.
"Yours!" You yelped, hand clutching your throbbing cheek. "It's yours, Andrew!"
"Bullshit!" He roared. "Whatever that thing is inside your belly is not mine! So admit it, who's is it?" Andrew screamed, shooting forward and grabbing you by the throat.
"It's yours, Andrew! I swear!" You choked out, grasping his hand with both your hands.
Andrew stared down at you with a blank expression. You could feel your face turning different shades as you continued to gasp. Finally, Andrew released your throat and threw you to the side.
"It's not mine." He denied. "I'm going out. You have an hour to get your shit and get out. We're done."
"Andrew, no, please don't do this." You begged, rushing to your feet.
"It's already done." He said, storming out the door. You stood there, staring at the door for what felt like days, waiting for him to come back. To apologize, to make it up to you. But he didn't come back.
You couldn't move until the shrill ringing of your phone.
"Did you tell him yet?" Clint's excited voice came through the line. "Did you?"
"Clint?" You whispered, interrupting his excited rambling. "Clint, can you come over, please?"
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Clint asked as you heard movement down the line.
"No." You honestly answered.
Clint had come over that night and immediately, as well as swiftly, helped you pack up your belongings. He'd put your things into his car and drove you to a 24-hour diner. 
You'd explained everything to him. Clint had been upset that you hadn't told him about Andrew's abusive tendencies but hadn't been too hard on you. 
Clint had called ahead to the Tower and said you'd be staying the night. You'd allowed him to explain to Tony what your situation was and the man had quickly offered you a room.
You'd been at the Tower for a week now. You were 14 weeks pregnant, and you felt a sense of peace living at the Tower. Your brother was regularly in your apartment, and Natasha, Steve, and Tony were also frequently with you.
"Okay, if it's a boy, how about Tony?" Tony suggested as he watched you make a bowl of popcorn.
"I'm not naming it after you." You giggled. 
"I think Natalia is a good name," Natasha commented.
"Clint's already named a child after you." You pointed out. "I don't want to name them after anyone. I want them to have their own namesake." You said, wincing at the sharp pain in your back.
"You okay?" Natasha asked, standing quickly.
"I'm fine. I moved the wrong way." You waved her off.
"You should really sit down. You've got precious cargo." Tony said, rounding the kitchen island.
"You two are worrywarts." You rolled your eyes fondly.
"Rude." Tony scoffed as Steve entered the apartment. "Steve, tell her we're not worrywarts."
"You kind of are," Steve said, making Tony gasp in faux shock. "Mail for you, Y/N." He handed you an envelope.
"Didn't think anyone knew I was here." You commented, opening the envelope. "Oh." You breathed upon seeing what the forms were.
"What is it, kotenok?" Natasha asked as she poured the popcorn into a bowl.
"Andrew's signed away his parental rights." You murmured, placing the forms on the bench. "I should've seen that coming."
"I'm sorry, doll," Steve said, taking your hand.
"The man is a dick anyway. He doesn't deserve either of you." Tony told you.
"I agree with you on that." You smiled at the man. "You three start the movie." You said, standing up. "I need to use the bathroom."
Moving quickly into the bathroom, wincing at the pain in your lower back, you shut the door behind you and sunk to the floor. You managed to stifle your sobs as you bit down on your knuckles and cried.
You only allowed yourself to cry for a minute before you forced yourself to stand. Looking in the mirror, you wiped away your tears before turning around. You were about to leave but froze as you saw the blood on the floor. 
Your eyes shot down, and your heart stopped at the blood, staining your blue shorts.
You didn't even realize you screamed until the door was knocked down. Steve rushed into the bathroom, Natasha, and Tony right behind him, but all three froze at the sight of you covered in blood.
Natasha was the first to break out of her stupor and move towards you. She wrapped her arms around you just as your knees gave out.
"It's okay, kotenok. It's okay. Let's get you to the infirmary. We're right here." Natasha soothed as both men remained behind the two of you. "We're here for you."
"Laura's going to come down soon." Clint quietly told you. You had been in the infirmary since yesterday. Natasha, Steve, Tony, and Clint had refused to leave your side even as you were being checked out.
Currently, the former three were littered on a couch they had dragged to your bedside, fast asleep. Clint was seated on a chair on your other side, one of his hands gripping yours.
You hadn't said much since yesterday. You had not cried and had barely slept.
"She doesn't have to do that." You croaked, staring at the wall.
"She wants to," Clint assured you. "She gave me a lecture because I haven't brought you home in a while."
"You haven't been home in a while." You managed a smile.
"Got a lecture on that too." He told you with the smallest of smiles. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Clint asked.
"Shit." You responded. "I really wanted this baby." You added after a minute.
"You can cry, Y/N. No-one would judge you." Clint told you.
"I don't think I'm going to be able to cry." You admitted to him.
"Why not?"
"Because it was my fault." You said. "The baby knew its father didn't want it, so it died. I should have tried harder to get Andrew to love him."
"Hey, no, that's not fair to you," Clint said, shifting closer and squeezing your hand. "Women miscarriage every day, it is not your fault. And you don't need Andrew. You don't need him in your life, and your baby wouldn't have needed him either."
"I got excited about this baby." You whispered, squeezing your brother's hand back.
"I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry." Clint whispered, crawling onto the bed and wrapping his arms around you.
Five years could pass in the blink in an eye. For some, nothing changed, and they continued their mundane existence. For others, every day was a new experience.
You fell into the latter category. Every day was a new experience, a unique moment, and new dumb things to witness.
You never fully got over the loss of your babe. A part of you would never be able to forget the life you lost. 
Healing was an arduous process, but one everyone said you were doing as best you could. Steve was the one who talked you into speaking to a therapist, and it was one of the better decisions you'd made.
Another change that had occurred during the past five years was your living situation. For the first year, you'd stayed in the Tower. Tony had forced you to stay right where you were. He believed it wouldn't help your healing journey if you were to uproot yourself.
But after the first year, things had changed. You were still living in the Tower, just not where you started.
Almost a year after you lost your baby, you'd been having a movie night with Steve, Natasha, and Tony. The four of you had pulled out some drinks, and you each were drinking more than usual. You were all letting loose.
Letting loose seemed to include your loose lips being set free. Free enough to admit that you were falling for each of them. As it turns out, their mouths were just as unbound as yours. And were spilling secrets that were similar to yours.
The four of you awoke the next morning, each remembering the events of last night very clearly. It had led to a long morning, filled with coffee, Tylenol, and explanations of feelings.
You left their floor hours later with a hangover and the promise of a date later that night.
Four years later, the four of you were still together. The four of you were extremely happy together, and you could credit them for the healing you went through.
You were used to being left alone for long periods. With your brother, partners, and most of your friends being Avengers, you'd quickly gotten used to changes in schedules.
Plans changed as readily as they were made, and nothing was ever set in stone.
Steve, Tony, and Natasha had been gone for two weeks and would be gone for another three days still. And right now you were grateful they couldn't see you.
You had to hold your hair back as another bout of nausea struck you, and you brought up the last of your breakfast.
"Miss, Mr. Barton is requesting permission to enter the floor." JARVIS  interrupted over your vomiting. 
"You can let him in, thanks, JARVIS.”You said before throwing up again.
"Someone looks like they had fun last night," Clint commented, entering the bathroom and holding your hair back.
"Fuck off." You groaned once you finished. "I didn't drink anything last night."
"You give yourself food poisoning again?" Clint questioned as you stood and grabbed your toothbrush.
"I did that once, how was I to know the chicken was off?" You rolled your eyes as Clint chuckled. "I ordered out last night, don't think there was anything wrong with it." You told him as you began to brush your teeth.
"Okay, I have to ask you something that I don't really want to," Clint said after a minute. "When was the last time you had sex?" He asked, causing you to spit out the toothpaste.
"It's not that." You said immediately, cleaning the toothpaste for your face.
"Have you taken a test?" He continued to question you. "Were you using protection the last time you had sex?"
"Clint, it's not that." You denied him once more.
"How can you be sure if you haven't taken a test?" Clint asked you.
"Because I can't be!" You shouted, throwing your toothbrush down. "I can't be pregnant." You said in a much quieter tone.
"Y/N, I get you're scared," Clint started, standing and moving in front of you.
"I'm not scared, Clint. I'm terrified." You corrected him. "I can't lose another child."
"Oh, sweetheart." Clint sighed at the sight of your tear-filled eyes. Your brother pulled you into a hug, and you fisted your hands into his shirt.
"I can't go through that again." You whispered.
"If you are pregnant, nothing is going to happen. If you are pregnant, you are not alone. I will be with you every step of the way, and so will Steve, and Nat, and Tony." Clint promised, putting his hands on your shoulders and pulling back to look at you.
"What if they don't want it?" You asked him. "What if they don't want the baby?"
"I highly doubt they're not going to want this baby. If you are pregnant, I'm pretty sure they're going to want it and be more excited than anyone."
"I think I need to take a pregnancy test." You whispered after several seconds.
"You're quiet, baby doll." Steve murmured against your neck. The three had returned home yesterday morning, a little battered and a little bruised, but otherwise okay.
The four of you had spent the day in bed, only leaving to shower and to scavenge for food. The sun was slowly beginning to rise when you woke, only to find Steve was wide awake as well.
"It's early, Stevie." You reasoned, closing your eyes at the feeling of his lips. "Tash and Tone are still sleeping."
"Even yesterday, you were quiet," Steve said, pulling away from your neck. "What's going on up here?" He asked, pressing a kiss to your temples.
"I should really say it when everyone's awake." You murmured. "Tell you all at once."
"Okay, baby doll. I can wait." Steve nodded, pulling you closer. "I really missed having you next to me," Steve told you as you rested your head under his chin.
"I really missed seeing you all." You replied. "I love you all so much, you know that, right?"
"Yeah. And we love you too, baby doll." Steve smiled, tilting your head back and kissing you.
"It's too early for the two of you to be so sweet." Tony groaned. "Haven't had my coffee yet."
"Addict," Natasha mumbled, rolling into your back. "What time is it?" 
"A little after eight." You told her. Tony let out a groan as he stood and cracked his back.
"I need coffee." He said, pulling on his boxers. "Might make some breakfast."
"Oh no, you don't," Steve exclaimed, jumping out of bed. "I haven't checked the fire extinguisher is still in date." He added, following behind him.
"Looks like we're on damage control." Natasha smiled as the two of you sat up. Natasha climbed out of bed, pulling on her underwear and Steve's shirt, as you sat up and froze. "Kotenok?" She asked as you threw a hand to your mouth and rushed out of bed.
You'd barely made it to the toilet before the contents of your stomach vacated your body.
A gentle hand pulled the hair away from your face and neck as the other rubbed circles on your back.
"That's it, let it out." Natasha cooed as Steve and Tony entered the bathroom.
"JARVIS said someone was sick," Steve said, taking a seat on the bathtub.
"How long have you been sick, babe?" Tony asked after you finished throwing up.
"I'm not sick." You mumbled, standing up. Shuffling over to the cabinet, you pulled out a wrapped box before pulling on a bathrobe. "I need to brush my teeth. Don't open it yet." You said, handing the package to Steve.
"The suspense is killing me, Y/N," Tony whined as you spit the toothpaste out.
"Alright, I'm done." You managed a smile. "Before you open that, just remember, I love you." You cautioned them.
Natasha and Tony shifted closer to Steve as he opened the box, and you began to feel sick again.
"I only found out a few days ago. I didn't know. I'm not even sure how far along I am." You rambled, playing with your fingers anxiously. "I was waiting to tell you. I was going to sit you all down, but that fell through. I was going to, I was going-" You began to stutter as your eyes started to water.
"It's okay, kotenok. Breathe. We're not mad." Natasha said as she wrapped her arms around you.
"No-ones mad at you, Y/N." Tony agreed. "You have to calm down, you can't stress out little Anthony."
"Tony, we're not naming them after you." Steve rolled his eyes as he pulled you and Natasha into his arms.
"It'd be weird to name our daughter Tony after all,” Natasha smirked.
"What you call her then?" Tony asked her.
"How do you know it's a girl? Or a boy?" Steve asked them. "What if it's twins?"
"Then we have a Tony and Natasha." Tony nodded.
"Hang on." You said, finally breaking out of your stupor. "You're discussing names? You're not angry?"
"Of course not. This is fantastic, baby doll." Steve smiled, pulling you closer.
"We're going to have a baby," Tony said as he joined the group hug. "I can get him a little suit." 
"Could be a girl." Natasha reminded him.
"And you are not making our child a suit." Steve reprimanded him.
"I meant an actual tux. Calm down." Tony said, raising his hands.
"Anyway, kotenok, we're not mad. We're excited, we want to have a family." Natasha said, turning back to you and taking your face in her hands.
"I'm really scared." You admitted, relaxing in her grip.
“We are going to be here every step of the way.” Natasha promised you.
“We’re going to make sure you only see the best doctors. Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby.” Tony assured you, taking one of your hands and squeezing it tightly.
“We’re going to have this baby, Y/N. If you want this, we want it to.” Steve said.
“I really want this.” You admitted, starting to cry. “I really do. I want a family with you three.” You smiled, reaching up to wipe the tears away.
“Yeah?” Tony asked.
“Yeah.” You confirmed before letting out a squeal as Steve picked you up and spun you around. “Steven!” You gasped, gripping him tightly.
“We’re going to be a family.” Steve smiled as he put you down. Once more you were in the middle of a tight group embrace.
“I love you. I love you all so much.” You smiled, resting your head on Natasha’s shoulder.
“Love you too, kotenok.”
“I love you, baby doll.”
“Love you, Y/N. Love you and our baby.” 
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
Winter Ease
It was one of those rare mornings that Stephen slept in. Maybe it was because it was winter and he liked staying bundled up and warm. Last night Tony had to pull him away from the warmth of the fireplace and to bed, but that was the norm when they came to the lake house during the winter. The sorcerer blinks his eyes open and finds himself looking at Tony's side of the bed, only it was empty along with the cribs when he turned to look to see if Valerie and Lucy were still sleeping. Before he could even wonder where they were though, he heard laughter from outside as well as some playful screaming.
Stephen groans and gets out of bed, dressing warmly before leaving the bedroom and heading down to the kitchen. There, he found Tony standing at the sink and washing the dishes...or at least attempting to. He was currently wrestling with the sprayer that must have slipped out of his hand again. Sometimes he wasn't even sure why his husband bothered with it.
Tony huffs and wrestles it back into place and throws a dish towel over his shoulder after drying his hands before turning. "Hey Mama Bear. Glad to see you're done hibernating." He teases as he walks over and pulls him in for a kiss.
"Are the kids outside?" Stephen asks when they pull away.
"Yup. They're all playing out in the snow or attempting ice skating. Valerie is with William and the baby is sleeping through all of the noise." Tony tilts his head toward the living room and Stephen looks over to find their new infant daughter sleeping in the swing.
"Are they all--" Stephen starts.
"Warmly dressed." Tony interrupts with a smile. "Want some uhh...brunch?" He asks after looking at the time on the stove.
"After I check on the rest of the kids."
Tony chuckles. "Well there's more than six out there. Everyone else came for a snow day too."
Stephen raises an eyebrow and pulls on his jacket and boots before going out the back door and stopping on the porch. Everyone really was there. Some of them were ice-skating, or at least attempting to...others were having a snowball fight, and the rest building snowmen.
Or rather a snow army. Valerie and William were one of the few bolstering their snow army and a triple take revealed that Athena was dutifully standing near the toddler while she helped her brother with a snowman. Stephen had to chuckle when he saw her in her winter clothes. She looked like a light blue marshmallow.
Since Athena was accounted for, Stephen looked around for the other animals. Gerald was in his little stable staying warm with some fresh hay that someone must have given him this morning, and since they were spending winter vacation at the cabin, Tibbs had come along and Stephen definitely saw him inside by the fireplace (he had the right idea), and Flynn...well Stephen almost audibly laughed at what he saw.
Quill, of course, had no need for winter clothes since he was a human...well...a walking furnace, and so that made it easier for the fox to cling to the god. Quill was talking to Bucky while Flynn clung to his pants leg and curiously pawed at the snow below. It was his first winter and he had no idea what the snow was, but after poking at the snow and seeing Athena walk around in it, he deemed it safe and jumped off Quill's leg and right into a pile of it.
He completely disappeared for a couple of seconds but his head eventually popped up again and he 'hee hee'd' as he tromped through the snow. He jumped around, spraying the white powder everywhere, but remained close to Quill in case something spooked him. Harley was out on the frozen lake with Diana and Cassie, skating around the two as they held hands and tried making designs in the ice. Peter and Thomas were part of a snowball fight with Clint, his boys, Sam, Scott, and Natasha, and Lila and Laura were digging through the snow. Probably to find rocks for the snowmen.
When Stephen looks back to William and Valerie, he raises an eyebrow when the red scarf around the snowman's "neck" lifts a corner and waves at the sorcerer.
"Is that my cloak?" He asks as he steps off the porch and joins the two.
"Levi helped Mama." Valerie says as she puts more snow on the bottom part.
"It sure did." He chuckles. "How long have you been out here?"
"About a couple of hours." William answers.
"Are you okay with staying with her for a little while longer?" Stephen asks and William nods. "Alright. I'm going to go eat. Maybe I'll help your father make gallons of hot chocolate and hot cider."
"Make sure you put aside a gallon for Scott." William smiles.
"I heard that!" The man calls from behind a wall of snow.
Stephen smirks at his youngest son and uses his magic to pick up a large pile of snow and make it hover over Scott before dropping it on top of him. William and Valerie laugh when Scott gasps in surprise (and from the cold that undoubtedly slipped into his clothes) and Stephen chuckles as he walks back inside. Tony had already set a plate on the table for Stephen, and the sorcerer looked around for him to thank him, finding him in the living room and scooping Lucy up into his arms.
Like her sisters, she was a relatively easy baby but she easily slept through the chaos of the family and the team. Diana, for the little time he was there when she was a baby, slept like any other baby, and Valerie had been their light sleeper. If Lucy was awake, that meant one of three things. She was hungry, she needed changing, or she was simply finished with her nap. Based on the look on Tony's face though, Stephen had a good idea why Lucy was fussing.
"You couldn't wait until Valerie was out of diapers could you?" Tony says as he grabs a clean diaper and the wipes from the coffee table.
"Where's the fun in that?" Stephen chuckles and then takes a bite of his french toast. "For what it's worth, she's in pull ups during the day."
"At least she's getting close to potty trained. I was hoping to have at least a month break before we dove back into this." Tony teases as he changes Lucy's diaper on the floor.
While Stephen eats his brunch, Tony finishes his task of changing the infants diapers while trying to keep Tibbs away. At least enough so he can rebutton Lucy's onesie. The cat was only trying to acquaint himself with the new human and was sniffing her face so close that his whiskers tickled her nose and drew a tiny sneeze from her. The action startles the cat to back away a little as tiny fists lift to rub erratically at small eyes, and Tony smiles when she yawns.
"Pensi che la mamma possa nutrirti naturalmente adesso, dolcezza?” Tony murmurs with a small smirk as he lifts her up to his shoulder and stands.
Stephen sends an empty bottle sailing at Tony's head and it thunks hollowly against it before clattering to the floor. "No I cannot!"
The engineer laughs and bends down to pick up the bottle and take it to the sink before grabbing a clean one. "Honey, I never know when magic is involved."
"That's just...no." Stephen sighs.
He takes his last bite of eggs and gets up with his plate and takes it to the sink to rinse and put in the dishwasher. Tony then hands the baby over to him after Stephen takes the burping cloth from his husband's shoulder, and puts it over his own before taking Lucy. Stephen holds her to his shoulder so Tony can make her a bottle and big brown eyes look around their surroundings while she grips onto the sorcerer's shirt under her tiny hands.
"After her bottle, we need to start on hot chocolate and cider." Stephen says.
"I swear I'm going to invest in giant tanks and find a way where it can be made at the press of a button."
"Like a giant coffee maker?" Stephen says flatly.
Tony smiles and kisses him. "You have the greatest ideas Duchess."
"You better start on Scott's first."
"Maybe I'll build him a pool of cider." Tony hands the bottle of formula to Stephen and starts pulling out packets of hot chocolate and cider.
Normally Tony would make hot chocolate from scratch, but since the Avengers were here too, he wasn't going to bother. That was something he did just for his immediate family or on the rare occasion, smaller gatherings. The kids thankfully didn't complain when the chocolate powder was brought out since more than half of them were used to cheap and instant stuff like it, and Stephen made sure the girls weren't spoiled either. They were born into money, their brothers were not. The boys knew not to take things for granted, and even now tried not to ask for much. Stephen, to everyone's surprise, made sure to say no every once in a while to not just Diana and Valerie, but the boys as well just to show them that he was treating them equally.
All of them were his kids, not just the girls.
"God, I really need to invent some kind of hot chocolate brewer." Tony huffs. "Making all of this for those clowns is a lot."
"Ask someone for some help."
"You think we can use Porcupine as a burner?" Tony asks and Stephen rolls his eyes.
"Quill is not a living stove."
"I beg to differ. You should too. He's slept in our bed a couple of times." Tony points out.
"How Scott can sleep next to him and even cuddle him is beyond me." The sorcerer admits as he walks to the living room to sit on the couch and feed Lucy.
"You think if we shoot him at a glacier that he'll go right through it?"
"Don't give him any ideas."
Tony chuckles and turns his attention to the stove and after a few minutes of quiet, Lucy finishes her bottle and Stephen holds her up to burp her as Valerie and William come in. The teen joins Tony in the kitchen to help make the drinks, and Valerie joins Stephen and the baby in the living room with Athena following (after she had shaken herself free of snow). Valerie climbs onto the couch to curl against Stephen's side and Athena flops onto her cushion near the fireplace, and Tibbs immediately walks over to curl up against her stomach.
"Where's the cloak?" Stephen asks the little girl.
"Dia." She answers. "Watch TV?"
"Yes. Go ahead." Stephen answers and then hears a tiny burp from Lucy.
"That means it's my turn." Quill says from the door as Valerie turns the tv on.
"You better talk to Nat about that." Tony says.
The god grumbles and walks over to sit on the other couch while Flynn does the same thing Athena had done. He shakes himself free of whatever snow is left on his fur and his collar jingles until he's finished. Instead of joining the other two pets though, he trotted over to Quill and jumped up into his lap to curl up.
"He tried to skate on the ice like the girls and Harley...it didn't go very well." Quill laughs.
"He might enjoy winter since he doesn't have to survive in it." Stephen says as everyone else starts to file in from outside.
Bucky and Wanda joined Tony and William in the kitchen to finish making the drinks and distributing them to everyone, the rest spread out after shedding their jackets and boots by the door, and Natasha went straight for Stephen to take the baby from him. She was then taken over to Laura for them to fawn over until Wanda eventually joined them after helping with the drinks. Board games and card games were pulled out to enjoy, and all of the teens were currently being obnoxious over a game of Uno. Diana chose to watch TV with Valerie when she came inside, and Levi floated near the fireplace to ruffle it's lapels and dry off.
Lucy remained content despite the chaos and even fell asleep against someone at one point. It happened to be Thor...and Clint quietly joked that he could see hearts in Bruce's eyes. She remained with the demigod until Steve braved retrieving her from him, and then it was Bucky with the hearts in his eyes. Stephen trusted everyone with his kids no matter what age, so he was able to play a game of Scrabble with Sam, Laura, and Vision. Vision wasn't allowed to keep score for obvious reasons so Stephen was winning.
"Tony are you going to properly add on to the cabin?" Laura asks.
"There's a plan. I don't want to have Stephen use his magic all the time to accommodate you guys when you visit." Tony nods.
"Perhaps we can make a week of it." Vision says. "Like the usual barbeques but with the addition of helping build additions to the house."
Tony raises his brows. "That's actually a good idea."
Everyone that happened to be listening murmured their agreement.
"We'll come back and help too." Clint says. "I know a thing or two about building things."
"Well, when winter is over and the weather gets warmer, we'll do it." Tony says. "Or we could just roll Quill around so he can melt the ice."
"Fat chance." The god grunts out as Flynn uncurls himself to scratch his neck with his back paw. He leaned too far and tumbled off Quill's lap with a squeak and then jumped back up to lay back down.
"Spaceman--" Scott starts with a grin.
"Scotty, I know he's special. You don't need to remind me." Quill huffs.
"Think he'll chase a laser pointer?" Bruce asks.
Everyone nearby looked at each other before Tony got to his feet and climbed over everyone to head for the kitchen.
"I think I have one in the junk drawer."
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What We Did, pt. 24
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Summary:  After finding out you were pregnant, Bucky agrees to help you leave the hero life. The two of you go to Seattle, and hamper down for six months until you start dreaming of a certain someone. Convinced the dreams are a sign, you and Bucky go back to New York. Will everyone be happy to see the pair of you? What questions will they have? And will the lie Bucky and you made up finally resurface?  
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my main bitch @childishhoebinoo again. THIS IS A BIT SHORT, SORRY!
Warnings: //cheating//pregnancy//ADULT STUFF//
Chapter Twenty-Four: Rose-colored
“Well, baby is looking great – you have only a few weeks left,” the doctor looked away from the ultrasound monitor and smiled at you before turning attention to Bucky. “Now, Dad, make sure to keep mom and baby happy.”
He laughed and nodded. “Will do.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” she smiled and handed over the ultrasound photos over to you. “I’ll let the girls in the front know you’re coming in next week. I’ll see you two then.”
Bucky and you thanked her and when she leaves, he helps you up. You get dressed while Bucky admires the ultrasound and the two of you feel it in the air – impending parenthood. It’s not like you are afraid, but you were afraid.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be someone’s fucking mom,” you cried out dramatically. Bucky laughed and told you it will be fine. “Sure, you’re going to be great – but I’m a fucking train wreck.”
“Sweetheart, you are not a fucking train wreck; sailor mouthed? Yes, but you’re going to be a great mom,” Bucky insisted as he grabbed a hold of your wrist; he gently tugged you to him and kissed you on the mouth. The kiss was soft and warm, and you wondered briefly, if having sex on an examination table would be completely uncomfortable. The thought passes when your stomach growled and Bucky grinned.
“Come on, I’ll buy us lunch.”
The restaurant is quiet as the two of you eat a late lunch; Bucky ordered a hamburger while you went for a chicken sandwich. It’s delicious and the baby is happy, which makes you happy. Your stomach almost touches the edge of the table and Bucky lovingly teases when you can’t reach over for a napkin.
“Yes, let’s make fun of the pregnant lady – I’ll remember that when it comes time to change a shitty diaper.”
“You act like I’m not excited to change diapers,” Bucky argued back playfully. You rolled your eyes and sighed at the sound of your cell going off. You don’t want to pick it up, but it’s Tony. Bucky tells you to answer it and when you do, the man is talking a mile a minute.
“Hold on, Tony, what’s going on?”
“Barton, he got the papers.”
“We just finalized them the other day,” you pointed out.
Tony laughed. “What can I say, my lawyers work fast.”
Your heart dropped as you looked over to Bucky. “So, the lawyers sent Clint the custody agreement? He hasn’t called me.”
The expression on Bucky’s face was evident – displeased and a little worried as you listened to Tony explain the situation. You knew Bucky hadn’t been completely on board with the custody agreement Tony and you came up with, but he wanted to support you. He sat in on the phone conferences with the lawyers Pepper had hired and stayed quiet. You knew he thought Clint was a good man, because he was but you wanted to protect the baby, Bucky and admittedly, yourself.
Tony sighed. “No, he’s far too busy blowing up my cell. He’s become very colorful with his words, the messages are, honestly, performance art.”
“Fuck, I have to call him – he needs to know it’s not your fault. I came to you – you were just being a good friend. Thank you, Tony. I’ll take care of it.”
“No worries, kid. You know Pep and I are in your corner.”
The two of you hang up and suddenly the chicken sandwich didn’t look so good; you placed the phone down on the table and looked to Bucky – he was quietly contemplating something because you had to say his name twice before he looked to you.
You smiled at him and asked if he was okay. “I knew the lawyers sending the papers would get Clint going and I know you never were really onboard with all this…”
“No,” Bucky shook his head and reached down for your hand. He squeezed it tight and brought it up to his lips, giving your knuckles a light kiss. “I’m always going to be at your side, everything I really care about, everything that matters to me – it’s right here at this table. I don’t care what anyone thinks, it doesn’t matter how we ended up here, I’m just glad it happened.”
“Me too.”
Bucky grinned, letting your hand go to dig something out of his jacket pocket. You watched as he brought out a small velvet box, your heart raced as he smiled sheepishly. “I got this the day after you talked about getting married, I guess, I was afraid. I wasn’t sure if us getting married would be just for the kid…”
“God, no, Bucky….”
He nodded. “I know that now, but honestly, even if it was, I would have still married you. I’ve always loved you, doll. From the moment we met, I just loved you and when you told me you were pregnant – I just didn’t want you to do it alone. I didn’t want to see you doing this by yourself, not that you couldn’t.”
The two of you laughed and you leaned in to kiss him again, touching the side of his face. “I don’t want this with anyone else, I don’t,”
“Me neither, so let’s do this, yeah?”
Bucky took out the ring, it was a rose-colored gold braided with small diamonds all around it; it was lovely, and it was more than what you could ever imagine. He took your left hand, his mouth curved into a small, hopeful smile.
“What do you say? Marry this old Brooklyn boy, please.”
“Of course,” you cried out, holding back tears as he slipped on the ring. It was a perfect it and, in that moment, everything else didn’t matter. Throwing both arms around his neck, you kissed Bucky hard and long, forgetting all together how-to breath.
What We Did tags: @the-yellow-girl96 @marvelouspottering @ravenclawrious @izzy10718 @castiels-sunflowers @joannie95 @crystlblu @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @canadianjelly @clockscountingbackwards @smollyssa @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @hazydespair @affabletimelady @daughterofthenight117 @star-incandescent @lost-in-the-stories@buckysboobear  @bbkay7297-blog @theblueinyour-eyes
@butifulsoul125 @joebob24 @wowkenobi @vogueworthy-barnes @projectxhappiness @sarahp879 @mrshiddlesbatchstan @racheltheclumsy @insanitypledge @ayatimascd @mizzzpink @stangirl4eva @my-meant-to-find-blog @a–1–1–3 @coltcas @anon122010ns @loverontheweekend
@quietgeekygirl @asgardianmetalarmedtimelord @elevenismysweetie @the-lachrymose-one  @queeeenofscots @huburtle @caseoffics @fucknpurplegrape @socialheartbreak @pebblesz892 @hiddeninthenightsky @ashkuuuu @justreadingfics @k-n-e @black-hats-cats-bats@midnightdream83 @shirukitsune  @kcd15 @thenightshadequeen @bloodyproudpotterhead @chuuulip @dontneedbiologytoadopt @denise1605 @colie87 @marydragneell​
@awkwardnesshabitat​ @grizabellasolo​ @
Forever tags:
@theweirdlunatic @supernaturallymarvellous @dancewaterdance02@yeahbutmarvel @infinity1321  
@my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @melonberri @superisatomboyuniverse@dracsgirl @moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily@milkywaybarnes @goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike @foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass @flirtswithdanger
@myplaceofthingsilove @jchona  @alyssaj23 @blackhoneybucky@urbanspacedecay @castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines @motleymoose @distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming @fizzylollipop12 @iamwarrenspeace @darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @takemetoneverland91@sisinia13 @swiggityswagness @lianasparklezstuff
@takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos @rubynationwins @padfootorionblack @kaywolves @wonderlace19   @courtneychicken@rayleyanns @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @thewinterwitch @avengersgirllorianna@tatortot2701@brewsthespirit-blog @seabasschino   @ex-bookjunky @travelwithwords@supernaturaldean67@thehuntchback @shoytai @besamiculo-puto @ign-is @zuni21798 @multipleuniversesinwriting @lauxeyson
@pleasantdreamqueen  @damalseer @10kindsofderp @hennessy0274-blog @jodoethr @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @seeing-but-not-observing @happyskywhale @peekingsunshine@sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @cinema212 @geeksareunique @hercrazyfandomobsession @wildefire @sashavis @nosleeptillbucky @grace-for-sale @someonekindalikeyou @space-helen@sorenmarie87 @wickedsingularity @steve-rogers-personal-hell @wintersire @whatshernamemaria @theheadcanonsawakens
@iminlovewithasuperboy @loverbug1123 @sugerquill @starmission @pineapplebooboo @justanotherfangirl272 @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @liamssmiler @ludwigs-a-monster @mad-girl-without-a-box @k8tie-a-934 @dr-pepper-only @allltheships   @showtimeaholess @thxsoldixrrolxplay @esoltis280 @bass-clarinette @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @dsakita @cwar1864 @theonlyparadox @faithtrustandpixiedust95 @theweirdlunatic
@marvhellove @kjs-s @aredlily @sami-raye @lucifersnipnips @feelmyroarrrr @darkshadow3492 @lianasparklezstuff @ajduurikscjsja @morgan-atr @theflowerswillbloom @coffee-stained-tongue @lowkeyxloki @cannonindeez  @astro-sim-dog  @fireboltrose7559 @iridescent-gxmora
@slither-in-a-half @fangirlftshipper @lost-in-the-stories @maheelumos123 @nurnwasburned-nowimhomeless @shamelessbookaddict  @stevieboyharrington @princess76179 @the-criminal-soldier @tylerrose931617 @danicalifonia25 @an-enchantingmuse @sheridans-dynamos @problematic-artist @fatefellshortthistime @ilovetvshowsblog  @piensa-bonito @sourwolf-sterek32 @crazyinspiration @malfoysqueen14 @drakelover78 @lucifersnipnips​
@theflowerswillbloom​ @geeksareunique​
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mariemarvelbear · 4 years
Hope-Lego Castle
Avengers x Reader
Warning: Angst.So much Heavy Angst.Slow burn angst.Abuse.Mention of rape.Brainwashed.ANGST.Blood.Torture. Swearing.Kidnap.Hostage.18+
Part 28: Lego Castle
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You had regained consciousness during the flight but refused to speak to the people who claimed to be your family.  With the restraints still in place there was nothing you could do; you had tried to pull away from them when a pair of hands tried to touch you-Wanda’s. But you flinched, the redhead instantly retreating. Clint talking to her not to continue any of her plans, that she can do it once you’re all back home. Not now, with your state both mental and physical, no one knew what you were capable of doing. You only said one thing, which earned a glance from the team after finally hearing your voice-not rigged nor hoarse as a while back, your little squeak resurfacing, but still laced with your strong accent, one mimicking Korvac’s. “Where’s Sequioa?”
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“Muma!I’m here!We’re flying, mama?Mama,okay?Mama, new friends?” His grasp loosened from Scott’s shirt, desperately wanting to be close to you as possible. His little hands trying to find yours as you lay flat on the gurney-grunting as he tipped his toes towards you. “Want mama.”
“My love.” You cooed, your eyes swelling once again as you observed his face. Your head throbbing in pain as glimpses of your labor with the child came back-wincing in pain, Tony and Steve was quick to react to assess your condition. “Are you alright?” Steve cautiously asked, but you didn’t answer and even placed a stoic reaction as you stared at the people staring back at you. It weirded you out, it confused you to your core as to why you were so calm around them,That you’re not even in panic when Sequioa leaped towards Scott’s embrace-even as his mother. Deep in your heart you knew, they wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you nor your child-and that, somehow, made you at ease.
“We’re not evil, Eve.” Wanda shot back, her eyes knowing as your emerald ones widen. She can read your mind? “You can too.”
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“I’m not a witch. Not like you.” You bluntly said, offended towards her comment as you mask your disgust and confusion. “I am not Eve. I am Carina, Queen of Chandillar. Wife of The Great King Mic-Michael?!Where is he?!” You cried, eyes searching for the man you know you love and trust. “I demand you to free me from these entrapments! Show me my husband!” Shrieking, Tony and Steve couldn’t move an inch. It’s not your first time to throw a fit like this, but this is different. You’re like you’re a child who wanted something and is ruled by their Id; and they didn’t know how to handle you, mostly now where you don’t even know the truth .
 Your eyes fluttered open once again, rays of sunshine blinding you as you try to shield your eyes but was stopped by the restraints still strapped onto you- but there were less, yet new lines of tubing’s that was evidently filled with a few sorts of liquid was coursing its way through your veins, a beeping machine beside you which was the only noise that anyone can hear in your room. You were in a white gown and in a white room, the only light visible was from the natural sunlight that came from your window, above the ceiling.
“Good Morning, Eve.” Your train of thought was once interrupted when a young Asian woman entered the room, her attire was similar to yours-but had a different texture and cut. “How are you feeling?” You remained silent, still studying her quiet features-your mind, once again throbbing as you had a few glimpses of the past. “You alright? Your heart rate’s increasing.” She mumbled, quickly assessing your IV- “Is there pain?” You slightly nodded, pointing onto your temporal side of the head, earning a genuine smile from the Doctor. “I’m Doctor Cho. Do you remember me?” Frowning, you gestured a ‘no’ “Should I?” She was quick to compose herself- after hearing your soft voice for years of trying to accept that you’re gone, she smiled. “You’ll get there in time. Is there anything else you’re feeling?”
“Baby?Baby okay?” You asked, your hand quickly embracing your growing womb. Doctor Cho instantly frowned, her gaze not meeting yours anymore as you felt a big change in the atmosphere. “Are you mad?”
“Oh, don’t take it the wrong way.” The doctor reiterated, not wanting you to ask anymore onto why she suddenly felt angry. “Yes, your daughter is okay. You’re currently 34 weeks pregnant, you’re near your due date, so we have to be extra careful.” You slightly nodded, taking your eyes off the doctor, as your mind wandered again. “Do you…remember anything?” She mumbled, earning your attention.
 “Everyone keeps asking me that.” Your lips quivered “And I keep on saying, No. I don’t. I don’t know any of you. I don’t know why you took me away from my home,I don’t even know where my husband is-not even my child. I don’t remember any Avengers, any Avenging or whatever in this world you call that.” You were now full on crying, but unlike before-you’re calm. You wanted them to hear you, how hard it is to be asked from time to time a question you never knew you needed to hear. “ So that’s it. I don’t know you, or Natasha, nor Bucky or that spider guy- I don’t know Tony, nor that blonde guy-that keeps on pushing himself to me, as if-as if I know him?!.” You spat, your eyes widening as it landed onto an ocean of blue ones “I don’t know any of you.So please, Just bring me back home.”
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 “Where is Lady Eve?” A loud grunt echoed throughout the vicinity, quickly waking up Steve and Clint who trashed themselves in the lounge area, Bucky and Sam in tow of Natasha who just entered the room. “What’s going on?Is everything alright Thor?”
“I want to see her.” Dropping Stormbreaker, the door creaked open-revealing a Tony with sunken dark under eyes- a coffee in hand. “Not good of a plan.She still hates us.” The billionaire started with as he sauntered his way to the kitchen, reheating his drink. “Anyone want some?”
“I’ll have.” Steve mumbled, hands smothering his face as he tried wiping the restlessness from it. “He’s right.Eve won’t accept any visitors.” Holding out his hand as he grabbed the warm mug from Tony’s reach, Steve drank the liquid that mortals like, some even love it to the extent of having at least a cup every day before their day-Saying that it makes you awake, energized even. Steve’s mind once again wandered to you. You’ve always had a liking with caffeine. But loathed black coffee, dark ones-No sugar nor Splenda. Just like Tony and Natasha liked it. Steve’s brows furrowed, trying to remember the drink you always have in your hand- one you’ll always ask Maria to pick you some-even forcing Nick to try it, the guy instantly loving it. It had something to do with Caramel…But he can’t just lay a finger on it.
“What’s wrong, pointbreak?” Tony interrupted Steve’s thoughts, bringing him back to the present. Sam snickered, remembering the funny nicknames all of the team already forgot after all these events. “Hold on.” Sam was quick to scan the room “Where’s TicTac?”
“Right here Y’fool.” Scott earned everyone’s gaze, after finally emerging from the upstairs lounge, A toddler on his hip. It’s been a week since you were back, nothing much has changed and you were still pissed at everyone trying to let you ‘remember’ things. It was when Tony decided to hire professional therapists and psychiatrist to try and let you do things on your own and help you piece the puzzle altogether. He paid shit ton of money to make sure no one leaks any information, after all-the world knows you’re dead. It was also that time that you got so angry at them, after all-again, you’re at least thirty-five weeks pregnant- and you were getting more irritated with all of them bugging you. One good thing that happened is that you’re not much pissed with them calling you Eve, sometimes though-you’d lash out at them and tell them they’re being annoying again and then they’ll stop. Steve though, He calls you Queen.
“Another bomb day?” Bruce mumbled, trying to hide his laugh as he saw the laughing Sequoia in his friend’s grasp as he held a full diaper. Originally, Sequoia was following Wanda and Nat, but the girls both assigned Scott to do it-well the latter threatening him to, showing her new knife from Tokyo, specifically made for her grip and liking-and that if he doesn’t take the task, she’d be sure to let Scott and her knife get to know each other well. Natasha didn’t hate the child, how can she? He’s your son, but it’s not only him-it’s any kid, it reminds her of her past-her future, one that she dreams of-yet can never attain. Also….How can she take care of a child she doesn’t even know how it was conceived?Natasha winced at the thought, remembering the exact words of Dr. Cho “We may not have any verbal confirmation onto what really happened …But, with the intensive procedures and measurements we’ve done to confirm what we’re all dreading..It shows us that there was a severe trauma or damage, to her vaginal wall, cervical area-“ which was abruptly stopped by Bucky and Tony’s hands smashing through a wall and their desks.
“Toni?Toni..Tonee?” Sequioa lisped, trying to get away from Scott’s grasp and wanting to be held by the billionaire. Tony was quick to catch the little guy, after all-He was yours, which makes every one of them promise to take care of Sequoia as long as you need to rest. “Hi little buddy.”
“Tonee!” Sequioa blew a bubble, and then laughed at himself-making everyone smile. “S’funny Tonee.” A yawn escaped the todddler’s lips, making another bubble-making him burst in laughter once again. “You’re so silly ‘Quioa!” Wanda laughed, patting the child’s head as it rested onto Tony’s shoulder,his eyes starting to droop. “Oof. I think you’re assigned to sleepy time,Tones.” Clint teased, earning a smirk from Tony who is already on his way towards the nursery they set up for the toddler. “At least not diaper duty.” Scott mumbled, earning a laugh from Natasha.
“Who let you in here?” All their eyes darted towards the room in the far-left corner, Your room. All eyes also-widened, quickly seeing Thor already inside. “I told Dr.Cho to not let anyone inside.” As every one of them step inside your suite, they all stopped in their tracks. You’re unbelievably calm.Not mad, nor angry-You’re not even throwing a fit! Thor, about to answer-was interrupted by a son, and then a squeal. “Iana!It’s true!You’re back!It’s you…” Peter gasped, fighting off Strange’s hands as he leaped towards his long lost friend. “You’re here….I was so worried. I was so sad!I even stopped building our lego castle!Because….Because, I really thought you were gone and Mr.Stark told me to try and move on, and I was mad at him! Well…We all somehow got into a fight…But that doesn’t matter anymore! Because you’re now here and you’re back and we’ve all missed you and you’re no impostor anymore!” The team tried their best to stop Peter, but for a child-he talked so fast. After a week of your appearance, they finally told everyone in SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers-after you showed a stable and good condition. And now, they told Peter. The last one to know.As you know…He’s a child. Clingy. Impulsive. Just like now.
“Impostor?” You muttered, your voice softening as you look at everyone’s wide eyes “Lego Castle?”
“Eve…We’re so sorry.Just don’t think of what he’s saying. This is-“ Bruce was quick to answer, assessing you-but was shocked as he saw that your heart rate is not even increasing with whatever Peter is saying.
“Peter?You’re Peter.Right?”
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 30
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1941
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (MF, breastplay, vaginal sex, lactation (but not as a kink and not much of it))
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 30: Home Remedies
Natasha and Rebecca only stayed in the medbay overnight.  They were home within a day and we quickly went back to normal life.  Things were getting hectic now with three infants and two toddlers but we still outnumbered them and we had the benefit of having staff to help.  Not just the nannies but cooks and cleaners and people to do laundry.  It meant we were free just to take care of the kids and for those still working, they had that too.  With all of us, we had this rotating wheel of people ready for midnight feelings, diaper changes, bedtime stories, trips to school, baths, and playtime.  No one was exactly well-rested, but no one was exhausted either.
One thing that was becoming increasingly clear though, Rose, Rebecca, and Sarah adored their older brother and sister.  All three infants’ gazes went automatically to where Riley and Pietro were in the room.  When they were fussy, it only took Riley and Pietro coming over and talking to them or playing with a toy in their line of view for them to quiet again, and when Rose and Sarah reached six weeks old and began to smile, they always had one for their big brother and sister.
Riley and Pietro still generally found the babies a little boring and thought they needed a little too much attention, but they were generally doing okay with the new babies in the house and as the babies started to be able to a little more, they began to warm up to them.  We each tried to make sure we spent proper quality time with each of them one-on-one at least once a week so that they never felt like they were neglected or overlooked by anyone.
The last big thing we were all waiting for was Edwin to arrive.
Unfortunately, he had other plans.  As my due date came and went I became more uncomfortable and exhausted.  I just wanted him out but he was determined to stay put.  I tried a few natural remedies.  I was eating spicy food and drinking raspberry leaf tea.  The others were ready and available to give me a massage whenever I asked.   I was walking the kids to school, and spending a lot of time doing yoga and swimming, (even if that meant taking Riley and Pietro down to the pool with me).  I even had Tony take me on long drives, making sure to hit every bit of bumpy road in the Tri-State area to try and get things going.  I was having sex every night and often during the day to try and get labor started, and on the day after Edwin’s due date I called in my prize from Sam and we had a marathon sex session while the kids were at school where he made me come to the point I ended up tapping out exhausted - but still that kid was determined to stay put.
At forty-one weeks, they were talking about me having a cesarean, and considering I’d had one with the twins, I really wanted to at least try a vaginal birth.  Especially given the recovery time after surgery and the fact we would then have six children to worry about.
I was desperate and stressed, which was doing nothing to help the situation because my blood pressure was going up, which only made Doctor Schroeder more adamant that if it didn’t happen naturally soon, it would have to be a c-section.
I came home from an appointment distraught.  Doctor Schroeder had told me that I would need to come in the following day and if my blood pressure hadn’t gone back down then it was time to intervene.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Steve said as our group came through the door.  “I’ll take you up and give you a nice relaxing massage, and you can have a nap.  We’ll get that blood pressure back down.”
Tony looked at me apologetically, like he was blaming himself for what was going on, and he rubbed my back.  “Sorry, honey,” he said.  “Of course it’s the one that’s related to me that’s causing all the trouble.”
I shook my head, and Bruce patted his shoulder.  “You heard the doc,” he said. “These things happen.  El knew there was the potential that she’d have to have another cesarean.  It’s no one’s fault and it’s better he gets here and everyone is safe and sound, right?”
“Right,” I said with a nod.  Of course, that was true, but it didn’t make me feel a whole lot better.
Steve led me up to our bedroom and dimmed the lights.  I stripped down naked while he lit some candles.  “See if you can sleep after this,” he said.  “The kids will be back from school when you wake up, and we can take them down to the pool together if you like.”
“I’ll try,” I said, and sat down in the special massage chair Tony had got for us.
“Shea or Mango?”  Steve asked.
“Shea please,” I answered and he came over and sat down on a stool behind me and began to slowly massage my back.  I relaxed in the chair as best I could, letting the chair support my head, chest, and arms as Steve worked out my tension and rubbed the body butter into my skin.  FRIDAY played a gentle calming song over the speakers and gradually I began to relax completely.
“You ready to try and nap?”  Steve asked as I began to doze a little.
I nodded and he helped me up and led me over to the bed.  I climbed in and he pulled away from me.  “You're not staying?” I asked.
“Just going to wash my hands, sweetheart,” he assured me.
I pulled my body pillow in under my knee and hugged it.  Steve washed his hands and stripped down to his undershirt and boxers before climbing in behind me, spooning me from behind.
He placed his hand on my stomach and I moved it up to my breast, he began to slowly and gently massage it and I hummed and pushed my ass back against his crotch.
“Thought you were gonna sleep,” he whispered against my ear.
“That will help me sleep,” I joked.
He chuckled softly and ghosted his lips up my neck as he began to apply more pressure on my breasts  “Will it now?”
“And maybe it might get the labor started.”  I rolled over to face him and looked into his eyes.  “That would fix all of this wouldn’t it?  If I go into labor then we don’t have to worry about my blood pressure.”
“You don’t have to beg, sweetheart,” he said, gently.  He caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers and I leaned into his hand.  “It’s not a chore.”
I shook my head.  “Sorry.  I’ve been out of control lately.  Even more so than my usually high libido.  It feels like I’ve been making it a chore.”
“Then let's make it special,” he whispered and leaned in and kissed me.
It was deep and tender, his lips gently caressing mine.  His hand returned to my breast and slowly massaged it, making me moan softly into his lips, and push myself closer to him, so my large belly pressed against his taut abdominal muscles.
He kissed down my neck, sucking softly on my skin.  I ran my fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck as I held him to me, relishing in the warmth of his body.  He moved further down and as he reached my breasts, his hand came to rest on my cunt.  I hummed softly as his tongue circled my areola and flicked over my nipple.  He closed his lips around it and began to suck.  His cheeks hollowed as he suckled at my breast.  It sent an ache through me, settling in at my core and making my muscles clench.  I moaned and my cunt flooded.  Even taking into account how much I loved my breasts being stimulated, and how sensitive they were right now due to how close I was to giving birth - there was something different about the way this felt.  It was like my core muscles tightened in response and something pressed down inside me, while at the same time my breast felt like pressure released in them.  I moaned and pushed up against him more.
He pulled back and wiped his mouth.  “You must be so close, El,” he whispered.  “I actually got something then.”
I felt myself turn a bright red.  “Oh god.  I’m sorry.”
Steve chuckled and shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry for. It’s natural and normal,” he said, drawing me back closer to him.  “It tastes sweet.”
“Yeah?”  I asked.
“Mm-hmm… it’s beautiful,” he said and latched back onto my breast.
I tensed but it felt so damned good.  His fingers began to work my clit and soon I was moaning and shuddering under his attention.  My cunt slicked his fingers as they moved up and down my folds and circled over my clit and my breast leaked just a small amount as he suckled on them.
“Steve,” I moaned, arching my back a little on the bed.  “Steve, I need you.  Please fuck me.”
Steve leaned up and kissed me deeply.  I could taste the sweet colostrum lingering on his lips and moaned softly, letting him guide me onto my side.  He pushed his boxers down and spooned me, pulling me flush against him and wrapping his arms around me so I was completely engulfed by him.  He started to slowly rut his hips so his cock slid up and down my folds and teased my entrance.  I leaned my head back on his shoulder, my lips slightly parted, and as he brought his lips to mine he sunk his cock slowly inside me.
I moaned into the kiss and he slowly began to fuck me.  His hands roamed over my body, massaging my tits, holding my throat, rubbing my clit.  It was like I was falling apart slowly.  A soft buzz crept through me, traveling through my veins, and spiraling down to my core.  I rolled my hips with him as he thrust in from behind.
Gradually my orgasm built inside me and pressed down.  My muscles clenched and my cunt fluttered and with a moan, I came.
“That’s it,” Steve praised and kissed my neck.  He picked up his pace a little as he chased his own release.  I gasped and moaned louder, clenching around his cock.  His hands tightened on my breasts and he tugged on my nipples.  I mewled loudly and another orgasm hit, stronger than before.
Steve’s groaned and kissed me again and with a deep thrust, he came, spilling inside me.  He slowed his thrusts as his cock pulsed inside me and caressed my cheek with his thumb.  I hummed happily into his lips and as he slipped out of me, a tight pain spread around my midriff.  I curled forward and whined.
Steve immediately started rubbing my back.  “Did we do it?  Was that a contraction?”
“I think… might just be a Braxton Hicks of course,” I said as it quickly passed.
“Alright,” Steve said, kissing my shoulder.  “Try and sleep.  Either way, you need the rest.  If it’s started we’ll know soon enough.”
I nodded and closed my eyes.  “Thank you, Steve,” I whispered.
“Of course, sweetheart,” he soothed.  “And I’m not going anywhere.”
I smiled and as I drifted off in his arms, I hoped that what would wake me up would be my labor pains.
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averagemarvelbitch · 5 years
From Father To Son (Stony) 7/7
Warnings: Mpreg
Part One / Part Two / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
Like, comment, reblog! Help the writers on TUMBLR keep on giving you free content!
One year old.
 “I’m telling you, she walked”.
Steve kissed Morgan’s head before throwing a disbelieving glance at Tony.
“You don’t believe me, do you?”
“I believe that you believe that you saw her walking”, he replied, smiling at the little girl when she held his face with both hands, babbling something intelligible.
“She walked, Goddamn it!”, Tony insisted, stomping his foot.
“’odamit”, Morgan repeated, stomping her own feet on the ground, laughing.
Steve glared at his boyfriend, “Good job, Tony”, then, turning to the little girl, “That’s a bad word, sweetheart, we can’t say that”.
“Yes, bad. Only dad says it, but that’s because he’s naughty”.
Morgan giggled. She pushed Steve’s hands away and, without his support, promptly fell on her diapered butt, babbling away.
“She can barely stand by herself, but sure, she walked”.
Tony ignored his partner and kneeled, gesturing for his daughter to come to him.
“Here, baby, come to daddy! We’re going to have some cookies!”
Morgan immediately raised her head at the word ‘cookies’. She turned around and, using Steve as her support, got herself up. She looked at her feet and then took a shaky step forward.
“That’s right, Maguna! You can do it, one more step”.
Morgan took another step and then another and another, before falling yet again on her ass a few steps away from her father.
“Holy crap, she just walked!” Steve exclaimed with a huge smile.
“Cap!” Morgan repeated, throwing her hands up in celebration.
“I told you she could walk! Now, who wants cookies?”
“Mogan!” the baby girl screamed, laughing out loud when Steve picked her up in a swoop, drowning her in kisses.
 Four years old
He could not for the life in him understand what was so wrong with a clip-on tie. They were easy and simple, nothing like the stupid normal one that he was currently trying, and failing miserably, to tie. It might as well be a new form of torture for all he knew.
“Do you think the problem is his hands are too big?”
“Nah, I think he’s just too dumb”.
Steve turned around, glaring at his friends.
“If you’re not going to help, you might as well fuck off”.
Bucky and Sam didn’t reply, choosing to giggle between themselves like children. The door suddenly opened with a bang, making both men jump. Steve smiled and kneeled down, opening his arms wide.
Little Morgan entered the room much like a hurricane, throwing herself in Steve’s arm with a loud scream of “Papa! Look at my dress!”
Steve hugged her close, kissing her cheek as he got up. “I saw it, sweetheart. You look beautiful!”
“Oh, no! Tony! The groom is not supposed to see the bride before the wedding”, Bucky complained with a smirk.
“You’re so funny. No, really, I’m laughing on the inside”, Tony deadpanned right back, going straight for his soon to be husband, “You’re really bad at this, aren’t you?”
Steve shrugged and, with a final kiss to her temple, put Morgan down so Tony could tie his tie.
“Uncle Buck, is my dress pretty?”
The little girl screamed again in delight when her uncle Bucky picked her up, throwing her in the air only to catch her again.
“You are the most beautiful princess in the whole wide world and your dress is the prettiest dress in the whole universe!” he exclaimed, throwing her up again, only to catch her immediately after.
“You’re going to wrinkle her dress!”
“No! Don’t winkle my dress, uncle Buck!”
Bucky quickly put the little girl down and grabbed her hand, “Come on, let’s leave your daddies alone for a minute!”
Morgan agreed and let herself be led out of the room by her uncle, both being closely followed by Sam. As soon as the door closed, Tony pulled Steve closer by the tie and kissed him deeply.
“Didn’t you just say something about wrinkled clothes?” Steve whispered in between kisses, his hands holding Tony by the waist.
“Did I? Can’t remember”, he replied, making his partner laugh, “Now shut up and kiss your bride”.
 Six years old.
The house was full, as it usually was on weekends. Bucky and Natasha were sitting together on the couch, his arm around her shoulders as they talked with Pepper and Rhodey. Clint and Sam were sitting on the floor, playing videogames, shouting at each other when the other tried to cheat, while Morgan cheered them on. Thor and Bruce, the newest members of their little family of misfits, were in the kitchen, helping Steve and Tony organize the many containers of food.
“The explosion was supposed to happen, Brucie”, Tony said for the hundredth time, dropping a few pieces of chicken nuggets into a small Moana plate.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better”.
“You and me both”, Steve replied, filling Morgan’s glass with water, “By the way, sweetheart, we need to buy more oranges, we’re all out”.
“JARVIS, put it on the list!”
Done, sir.
Between the four of them, they had to make two trips to take all the containers to the table in the living room, where everyone was waiting. JARVIS, by Steve’s request, turned off the videogame, making both Clint and Sam complain out loud.
“No playing while we eat”, Morgan chastised them, repeating the same words her father always told her when she tried to bring her tablet to the dinner table.
“That’s right, princess, you tell them”.
As they ate, they talked about pretty much everything and anything: Nat and Bucky’s upcoming wedding, Tony’s new green energy project, politics in general and then, finally, when everybody’s belly was full, the subject finally turned to dessert.
“The best dessert is ice cream and I’ll accept no comments on that, thank you very much”.
“Yeah, right, ice cream. You’re crazier than I thought”.
“Morgan”, Nat called, ignoring Sam and Clint’s bickering, “You’re an expert on desserts. What’s your favorite?”
“Cookie dough!”, she exclaimed, eating her apple slices.
Tony took Morgan from the floor and sat her in his lap, smiling, “You know, Moguna, I once ate cookie dough with a stranger in the middle of a supermarket”.
Steve felt his heart skip a beat and he smiled at his husband just as Morgan turned around and looked at her father, excited, “Really? Were they nice?”
Tony smiled at Steve before turning to Morgan and kissing her nose affectionately.
“He was the most amazing person I’ve ever met”.
We’re done! Thanks so much to everyone who’s been reading this! I will be changing the title soon when I finally think of something good enough lol 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Sick Little Games: Forty-Two
Clint never thought he’d be happy to be getting up at 2am to feed a hungry baby. But as he pulled you back under the covers and made you stay so he could go pick up Baby Natasha and get her fed, he was. 
He’d missed his girls while he was away. It had been a short mission, but he felt like he missed so much. Natasha had grown, he’d swear to it as he scooped her up gently, crooning endearments.
“Hey, a little bit,” he hummed, “You’re pretty hungry, huh.” She kept fussing, and he rocked her gently as he heated her bottle. “I know it,” he answered, “Mommy gets cranky when she’s hungry too.”
“She’s not the only one, Little brother,” A voice said from the shadowy corner of the kitchen. 
Clint whips around, clutching his daughter more firmly to his chest, “Barney? What are you doing here?”
“What? I can’t come to meet my sister in law and my Niece?” he asked, feigning hurt. 
“What did you do?” 
“Sure. Okay. You saw us, now go. Whatever you did, I don’t want a part of.”
Barney stands up and starts across the kitchen to stand closer to Clint to get a look at his Niece, but he doesn’t get there. Before he even manages to get words out, he’s halfway across the room stuck against the wall.
“Some guard dog you are,” you snort at Lucky, patting his head as you walk through the kitchen door.
“Y/N,” Barney said, struggling to get off the wall, “Glad to see you’re still a raging bitch.”
“Hey!” Clint said warningly.
“It’s really dangerous to piss me off, Barney,” you say calmly, leaning on the doorframe, holding him without much effort. 
“I just need a place to crash, fuck!” he protested. 
“Then why are you sneaking in? Never learned how to use a phone?” Clint asked.
“I figured your old ass was asleep,” Barney said, starting to turn red.
“Babe, ease up a little,” Clint murmured.
“He can’t spew bullshit if he can’t breathe,” you chirp.
Barney made a soft panicked noise, and Clint tried really hard not to smile. He knew you wouldn’t REALLY kill Barney. But. Barney didn’t know that. And you were probably the only person on the planet he was genuinely scared of. And that was something to savor when he did wind up in your crosshairs. Which was every time he happened to show up. You didn’t like Barney. Not a bit. You didn’t like the way he acted, and you didn’t like the way you spoke to him. Both things Clint appreciated. 
“Call her off,” he gasped.
“If you kill him, where you gonna put the body?” Clint asked, not looking up from where his daughter was now contentedly sucking on her bottle.
“I’ve for 15 acres and some quicklime in the basement, where wouldn’t I put it? Pumpkins grow pretty well over corpses.”
“Fair point,” Clint said, letting the baby see him smile, “I hope you’re listening, little bit. Mommy just taught you everything you ever need to know... but I’d really prefer it if she didn’t murder your uncle before I find out what the hell he’ doing in the kitchen with my good whiskey.”
“Fine,” you grouse, letting Barney down, half dropping him in a heap on the floor, “But he comes near my baby, and I’ll tear his throat out. With my teeth.”
Clint hands you, Natasha, gently and kisses your cheek, watching you go. He knows at least in theory that part of that was posturing. Reminding Barney who runs this house. And reminding him of his manners. But part of him also knows that you can and will seriously fuck him up if he puts his hands anywhere near that baby. You don’t trust him, and the only reason he’s still breathing is that Clint would be sad if you killed him.
“So,” Clint said, watching him haul himself into a chair, “Why are you here?”
“Like I said, I need a place to crash,” he said.
“And have you done anything that would make it illegal for us to harbor you?” Clint asked.
“Not in this county,” Barney snorted. In the dull light from above the stove, he looked sick. Granted, his recent brush with your bad side hadn’t helped but still. He looked pale. And scruffier than usual.
“Well, that’s a comfort,” Clint said, helping himself to his whiskey and sitting back in his chair. 
“Actually, I have a business proposition for you.”
“No,” Clint said, “Whatever it is, no. I just got home. I’m not leaving the girls to go do whatever half baked shit you’re working on.”
“Oh, come on!” Barney protested, “It’s good money.”
“Money I don’t need. Y/N and I have a tidy chunk of change stashed away. The house is paid off. And she makes some nice money doing consult work... Or at least she will when she goes back to work,” Clint explained.
“But that’s so... boring,” he said, nose trickling like the word tasted bad in his mouth.
“And I fucking love it,” Clint said, “My girls are healthy and happy. I’m halfway to retired, and I don’t have to worry about shit. It’s nice.”
Barney gave him a level look, “But is it enough?”
“The fuck do you mean enough?” Clint snorted.
“I mean- don’t you get bored? The same girl. Dirty Diapers? Mowing the lawn? C’ mon.”
“It’s a life,” Clint said simply, “A real life. Do you know how nice it is to not have to look over my shoulder? Or struggle to make ends meet? To not have to go along with your lame ass ideas?”
“Yeah, but like... when’s the last time you got laid?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but in case you hadn’t noticed, my wife JUST gave birth a month ago,” Clint sighed, “There’s more to life than pussy.”
“Spoken like someone who isn’t getting enough of it.”
“Or someone who understands that women are not vending machines for sex,” Clint countered. Now he remembered why he steered clear of Barney. Barney fed into all the shit he had tried to unlearn. When Barney opened his mouth, their dad came out and Clint could feel his skin crawl.
Barney sipped his whiskey, “Look,” he sighed, “All I need is a couch.”
“Alright,” Clint sighed, “But you’re gone right after breakfast, you hear me? Whatever you’re planning, I don’t want here. We’ve got a kid to worry about.”
Barney nodded, “First thing,” he agreed.
Tags:  @lancsnerd, @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway @etherealwaifgoddess, @stevieang, @beautybyfire, @sunmoonandbucky @mrsfox79, @bbmommy0902, @mendes-fan, @iheartsebastianstan, @wtfcas @pinknerdpanda, @process-pending, @ladifreakingda, @leasly, @coldbookworm, @hv-chw3, @past-perfect-future-tense, @starkrobb @beardburnsupersoldiers, @petlaufeyson, @queenoftheunderdark, @potatoheadthewise, @thehyperactiveteen, @thefridgeismybestie, @boyett514, @an-awkward-human-1, @sunshine-and-riverwater
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meganlpie · 5 years
An Interesting Child
A request from @tallguy1130 I do not own ANY Guardians or Steve Rogers. They belong to Marvel.
Warnings: AU-ish??? None really
Pairings: Baby Groot x daycare worker!reader
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Having worked in a daycare as long as you had, you had come to learn to expect the unexpected. And in New York, where the Avengers were based, the unexpected always happened. However, nothing could have prepared you for what you walked in on one morning.
         "Hey, Y/N? You've got a new kid in your room today." The way she said it made your brows furrow. You walked in your room and stopped short. Steve Rogers was there with a couple of people you'd never seen before. "Can I help you?" you asked. Steve gave you a smile. "Good to see you again, Y/N. We've got a few new people with us, as you can see. But there's one in particular." Two of the new-comers moved aside to reveal a small…tree?!
         "I am Groot," the tree greeted, Your eyes widened a fraction before returning to Steve. "I figured since you've had experience with the whole 'interesting' child thing, you would be able to help him." He shuddered a little and so did you. You remembered a time when half the Avengers were turned into children thanks to an experiment gone wrong. You ended up spending the day chasing after a tiny Pietro, complete with super speed, a miniature Clint who liked to get into everything, and a baby Bruce that didn't like naptime.
         "Yeah, okay. I get it. I just need a second." One of the strangers smiled at you. "I'm Peter. Peter Quill. Star-Lord?" You arched a brow, making the woman next to him laugh. "It seems this one isn't going to fall for your charms either, Quill. I'm Gamora and this is Groot." You looked back at the little tree who smiled.
         "I am Groot."  You laughed a bit as he walked over to the other kids. "That's all he says, by the way." You shrugged. "I deal with babies and toddlers mostly. A lot of them can't speak yet so they gesture or use the same words for everything. He's not gonna like, blow anything up, is he?" Quill shrugged and Gamora elbowed him. "No. He just needs looking after for now. We have our own missions and the Avengers have theirs. We have no one to keep an eye on him and he likes to get into trouble."
         After saying their goodbyes, Gamora, Steve, and Peter left. Groot watched them go sadly, standing at the door until they were out of sight. You knelt down next to him. "Hey buddy, would you like to come play with the other kids?" Groot looked up at you with wide eyes, but shook his tiny head. "Okay then, how about some crafts? Would you like to color?" He looked confused so you offered your hand. Instead of taking it, the tiny tree stepped onto your palm and climbed up to your shoulder. He reminded you of a parrot.
         He didn't stay on your shoulder very long. He'd gotten down to color for a while, but he quickly got bored. Gamora had been right in saying he liked to get into trouble. The tree was everywhere. It took a good forty-five minutes to catch him and calm him down. After that, he was perched on your shoulder again and he stayed there until you had to start changing diapers.
         "I AM GROOT!" he said in disgust, dramatically throwing himself down to the floor until you were finished. Unfortunately, that's when he found the finger paint. Before you could stop him, Groot was not only painting on paper, but all over the other kids and the classroom. It took everything in you not to yell. Clearly they didn't have this kind of stuff for him back home and he was curious.
         "Groot, we don't paint on other people. Now I have to clean everyone up. Let's get you cleaned up and then you can pick a book for us to read while I clean the others, okay?" Groot gave you an unimpressed look. For a kid, he sure had a lot of sass. Still he let you clean him up and went to the bookshelf.
         Before you even finished with the other kids, Groot was back. With a smile and wide happy eyes, he showed you a book. To no one's surprise, there was a tree on the cover. You smiled down at him. "Alright. We'll read that book. Would you like to sit in my chair while you wait? Then you can help me read the story." With a skip in his step (do trees skip?), Groot went over to your chair next to the bookshelf. He was practically bouncing when you finally made your way over to him. When all the other kids were settled, Groot once again made his way up to your shoulder and perched as you began the story.  
         It didn't take long for you to hear the steady breathing that was a tell-tale sign that many of your charges had fallen asleep. You glanced at the little tree on your shoulder. "I am Groot?" Pressing your finger to your lips, you moved Groot to your lap and quietly finished the story. When you closed the book, Groot was also asleep. Not wanting to wake him, you stayed in the chair, rocking softly. You knew you had to enjoy the peace now because the afternoons were always busier than the mornings.  
         Today was no exception. After their naps, all the children were a little more alert and energetic. Add to that a tiny tree that was curious about everyone and everything now and you had a recipe for busy. While you typically spent the afternoons chasing after the kids or letting them play outside, Groot was making things a little more difficult.
         When one little girl tried to take a toy from another child, Groot tried to fight her. When a little boy decided that throwing blocks was okay, Groot tried to bite him. Then, he encouraged the other children to try and eat some of the craft supplies. You found yourself wishing it hadn't been raining. You needed to get them outside to run off some energy. Nothing else you tried worked and you'd tried everything. You were about ready to tear your hair out in frustration, a state that took a long time for you to get to.
         "I am Groot?" You glanced down at Groot and attempted a smile. He looked confused for a moment, then his little eyes closed like he was concentrating. You weren't sure what he was doing at first, but then the other kids started laughing except one little girl who started crying. You looked up and saw one of the plants you kept in the room was growing and looked a little like it was…dancing?
         "Are you doing that, Groot?" Groot smiled. "I am Groot!" He reached up so take your hand and lead you over to the plant. "I am Groot!" he declared proudly. You scooped him up. "That is very nice, Groot." He looked so pleased with himself, you had to laugh. You weren't sure how he was doing it, but he managed to keep that plant moving until the kids started getting cranky again.
         "Snack time," you decreed. The toddlers all toddled to the little chairs while you took your time getting the babies situated in high chairs. You were glad most parents and guardians packed snacks and lunches for their kids. It kept you from having to try and keep too many food restrictions in mind. You made sure no one brought anything another kid was allergic to, but you didn't have to worry about avoiding sugars or gluten or anything like that. And it was especially helpful in Groot's case. The children all sat happily eating. Groot even tried talking with some of them.          
         The children were all so engrossed in their snacks and conversation that none of you noticed Gamora enter the room with Steve and Peter right behind her. You jumped slightly when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around and smiled. "How was he?" Gamora asked. You glanced back at Groot who was clearly telling the others a story in his own way. "He was…interesting."
(a/n: I have no idea what happened here XD)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard @brewsthespirit-blog @esoltis280 @aikibriarrose @lady-of-lies​ @sirkekselord​ @onlyyoudarling
Marvel Tags: @ghostie-writes​ @jotink78​ @iwillbeinmynest​ @mala-firebringer​ @badboysdoitbetter2​
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lovelyirony · 5 years
I just came here to say, can you imagine after endgame Sharon finds Nat's white suit in her belongings and decides to wear it and make it her own as a reminder of what she lost and what is left to fight for?
When Sharon Carter first came to SHIELD, she wanted to be just like the other agents. 
And yet that was hard for her. It was hard to act like every other agent because she wasn’t like the other agents and they knew it. 
She had someone in the organization before her. That’s why she was Agent 13. There were always members of family, but it was usually only the agents that either posed an individual danger or a family danger that got the number. 
In the first two weeks, the rookies had figured out that Sharon and Peggy shared the same harsh gaze when they were frustrated. 
They scorned her, leaving her to fend for herself. 
“You got in because of Carter,” they sneer. “I’d rather have someone who actually earned their spot.” 
“Even if that did happen, do you think my aunt would’ve let me into this profession if I wasn’t as skilled as you?” Sharon fires back. “I can finish this mission in twenty minutes on my own if I really wanted to.” 
“Then do it,” Agent Riker bites, smirking. “Go ahead and prove yourself, Thirteen.” 
Nineteen minutes and twenty-two seconds. 
And she does it all in a white t-shirt and jeans, the worst outfit that could’ve been. 
“So what, you’ve proved yourself,” they shrug. “Doesn’t make a difference to us.” 
So Sharon scraps the idea of having people who are friends at work, friends that she can talk to and go to the bar with after work. 
And then she does perhaps the ballsiest move. 
She orders a custom white jumpsuit. 
The SHIELD tailor laughs. He’s an old man who goes by the name Joe. 
“You’re crazy,” he tells her, sweeping a measuring tape across her shoulders. “Maybe they need a little crazy.” 
Sharon nods, looking at herself in the mirror. 
She shows up to work in white, ponytail out of the way. 
Fury gives her a look. 
“Really, Thirteen?” 
“Everyone’s already criticizing,” Sharon answers. “Why not get some for the suit as well?” 
White really is her color. It’s what she’s known for, and a lot of agents still criticize her for it. 
“You trying to show off even more?” one sneers. 
“Why would I have to after your last mission?” Sharon answers sweetly. “It’s clear to me that you obviously need more tips on how to be inconspicuous.” 
It’s bitchy. She knows that. But she also can’t be bothered to give a shit if they’re judging her by family and not by skill. 
And then Black Widow. 
Natasha Romanoff takes one look her and scoffs. 
“Got something to say?” Sharon asks. 
“I don’t get the white suit.” 
“You will,” Sharon responds. “Just wait.” 
Romanoff hears the rumors. Sharon Carter only got into the organization because of her connection to her great-aunt. 
“You really think SHIELD would be that stupid?” She asks Agent Riker. “To hire an agent off a basis of family? I thought they hired people smarter than you.” 
Sharon’s surprised. 
She also makes her first friend. 
Natasha Romanoff is deadly, has horrible humor, and wears fun socks after Sharon takes her to get some color in her wardrobe. 
“You cannot tell anyone,” Nat makes her swear. 
“Who is there to tell?” Sharon asks, grinning. “Besides Clint.” 
“Clint doesn’t count, I’m not even sure if he’s human. He ate a paper plate because he was too tired to differentiate it from the pizza in the fridge.” 
“I love that man,” Sharon deadpans. “I think if I ever dated men, he would be my type.” 
Natasha laughs. 
They’re friends. Sharon’s there with coffee in the rough mornings and Natasha is there with words that have lost their edge as she sheds her reputation at the door. 
The Avengers is a new thing for Natasha. She loves it because she tells Sharon that it makes her feel like she finally has a family and she’s doing something that’s worthy. 
Sharon ignores the jealousy and envy and sadness burning in her gut as she takes a sip of her wine glass and asks Natasha how it is working with Captain America. 
(She knows who he is. She’s always known. But that kind of connection is one that she’s not sure she’ll ever flaunt because Steve does not know that she knows Steve.) 
Natasha gets more involved with the Avengers and still texts Sharon, but she knows. This friendship is fading and Sharon turns back to a white jumpsuit lying on the couch when she gets home and gets out of her shower. 
Natasha can’t make it to lunch. Or dinner. And their shopping trip gets cancelled by an Avengers mission. 
Then Sharon loses SHIELD, which in some cases was everything to her. It’s the last connection to family, to a place where Sharon did what she did best: her job. 
And now it’s razed to the ground and the Avengers are still there and Natasha--
She has her hands full. 
Sharon bitterly looks up at the sky to see the Iron Man armor and for a brief moment, hates the team that has taken her friend from her. 
But Sharon has shit to do. She has to decide if she wants to work for the FBI or CIA, and which one can offer her more security. 
CIA agents don’t give a singular shit if she came from SHIELD or what her last name means. They’re mostly concerned with making sure that the Congress and the Senate don’t fuck everything up and that they catch whoever the hell is eating all of the leftovers on the third floor fridge. 
Sharon gets paid for this. Real, actual money. 
And they know that she’s good and they send her on protection missions and she misses Natasha’s calls and she doesn’t feel quite bad about it. 
It’s when she’s assigned to survey Germany because some idiot used facial recognition software and Steve’s making boneheaded decisions that she reconnects with Natasha. 
“Your hair got longer,” Natasha says. 
“Nice of you to notice,” Sharon says tersely. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re about to be in? You won’t be able to go anywhere.” 
“Anywhere, really?” Natasha asks, amused. “I’m sure I can think of someone who would welcome me back with open arms.” 
“Clint doesn’t count,” Sharon fires back. 
“Not who I meant.” 
“I know exactly what you meant,” Sharon says. “No calling, no plans, all of it cancelled. You’re a family kind of girl, Nat.” 
“You’re part of it.” 
Sharon turns, incredulous. “Really. You’re doing this now?” 
Sharon knows Natasha like she knows her apartment. She could walk it with her eyes closed. And she knows that Natasha is never this open, not in public. 
“Either you’ve changed how you approach your emotions or you’ve gotten sloppy in how you manipulate people,” Sharon says, casual as can be. “I know that you want to go against this. I understand that because chances are later on down the road this will blow up in your face.” 
“And now you’re going to pretend like you didn’t slip that file to Steve?” Natasha accuses. 
“I slipped it to Steve because as much as I don’t like this, I don’t want an innocent man to die,” Sharon hisses. 
She has her white jumpsuit. But she hangs it up in her closet because for something like what they’re planning, she can’t afford to be in white. This isn’t like the twenty minute missions. 
And then it gets more serious and she’s fighting like hell against Thanos and his aliens and the fact that everyone is gone. 
But not Natasha. Not she’s still on this earth and Sharon knows it kills her because she’s never thought she was enough for that. 
They make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and sit on the floor in a sunroom. It’s a beautiful day, probably one too beautiful for how many memories they both hold. 
“I don’t know if it’ll be okay,” Natasha says. Her voice is thick with unsaid and unheard emotion, and Sharon pulls her into a hug. 
“It might not be,” Sharon says quietly. “But we’ll have to keep going anyway.” 
So Sharon is introduced to Steve, the guy with a beard who still keeps fighting and looks at Sharon as if he’s expecting someone else. (She pretends like she doesn’t know what he’s doing.) 
She starts looking at sightings and patterns and helps people who she’s never met help keep the world safe. 
Natasha and Sharon tell stories to each other of people they’ve known. Sharon listens as she grieves and Natasha finds out that Sharon’s own family has been gone. 
They spend Christmas together and Christmas kind of sucks right now because everyone is crying and the only thing that’s sold out at stores are tissues. 
Sharon wonders if Tony got dusted. No one knows. He was up in space and they haven’t found him yet and she can’t say it doesn’t hurt. 
But then. He comes down in his spaceship, Carol Danvers finding him on the verge of death. 
He can’t stand the sight of Steve, and Sharon can’t say he blames him. She’s in charge of getting him to in-house care and making sure he doesn’t stray off the nutrition goal. 
Pepper and Rhodey sit by his side all the time and they give Sharon looks because she’s Tony’s cousin but not really, not in the sense of a traditional cousin. 
She met him that one time when he was probably a little bit buzzed, definitely over having small children look up to him and ask if they can have him play, and probably brushed her off. 
Or something. 
He’s angry with Steve and tells Sharon right off the bat that he refuses to have anything to do with what’s going on. 
“This is my second chance and as shitty as it is for all of you, I’m keeping it,” Tony says firmly. 
Sharon says okay because she really can’t blame him. 
(Not when six months after he gets back and gets himself better, Pepper announces that she’s expecting.) 
Sharon visits often. She brings Pepper her first supply of diapers and formula and Pepper smiles and says she’s welcome for lunch if she’d like. 
Natasha doesn’t talk to Tony. Sharon thinks she kind of resents her own position in this whole thing, but Tony nods to her and they understand each other on a level that’s changed. 
“Do you think you’ll ever want a family?” Natasha asks one night. They watch the stars and come up with new names for them and sometimes talk about emotions. Like tonight. 
“I’m not made for that,” Sharon says. “Work and all.” 
“Me either.” 
Sharon looks at her. 
“No, you are. Because you care so much. You just learned it a little bit differently. You’ll get your family, Nat.” 
Natasha gives her that pained smile, the one that holds so much wisdom and hurt in it, and they drink their beers in silence as Sharon contemplates the next mode of questioning that doesn’t have to do with loss or the future. (Possibility: cats.) 
And then Scott Lang makes a fucking appearance. They’re not sure how, but he gets out and starts rambling about time travel and they take it to Tony who says “no thank you and goodbye” and Steve tries to get him to help but he won’t. 
(It’s bitter in Sharon’s mouth, but it’s the kind of bitter you understand that you can’t spit out.) 
Natasha thinks about all the people that are lost. 
Sharon asks Scott how well he can do math. 
Tony passes along a note, and it seems that Scott gets it, because they’re going to time-travel. 
Clint and Natasha leave together, because they’re like two peas in a pod. 
“I’ll see you soon,” Natasha says, grinning. Her smile is so nice. 
“You better,” Sharon teases. “We still need Margarita Mondays.” 
And then Sharon is also gone on a mission to go see her aunt and see Steve witness what he’s lost. Sharon looks at a young picture of her great-uncle. 
“She had a good life, didn’t she?” Sharon murmurs. “She got to have somebody she loved and she got to have kids.” 
“Yes, yes she did,” Steve says quietly. 
It’s heavy for him but he relaxes and they run into Howard Stark, who doesn’t quite understand why Sharon’s there but doesn’t really push it because he’s excited for a new baby. 
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for that baby,” he says with a gentle smile that’s so fake Sharon can’t believe it. 
So she says something. Because she can’t keep her mouth shut. 
“You practice that every night in front of the mirror?” 
Steve scolds her, but she thinks it’s worth it. She can’t wait to tell Natasha. 
Natasha doesn’t come back. She died for a fucking rock and Sharon breaks because that was her friend. That was someone that she would’ve given the world for, and now she won’t get to tell her about her sick one-liner or about how time travel kind of feels like you’re going on a loopy roller coaster. 
She’s gone. 
But then Sharon can’t focus on it because she has to fight against Thanos who apparently is from a different time zone and has come to destroy everything again, and Sharon really can’t let Tony do his whole “self-sacrifice” shtick he pulls. (Jesus, if he couldn’t have just pulled a Dean Martin maybe they would’ve had televised roasts instead of a universal fight...) 
Tony doesn’t die. She doesn’t think he deserves that. But he falls to his knees, the stones fading, and she’s holding him to stabilize him as he falls and his family comes and he gets rushed to the nearest medical facility Dr. Cho can find. 
And Sharon is alone. 
She doesn’t particularly like being alone in this instance but sometimes you have to be because those are the cards out of the deck. 
So she helps relocate families, tells those who were gone the news, and buys herself a pint of ice cream. The news is talking about all these new accommodations and what it’ll do to the price market. She finds that she doesn’t much care and she thinks that all those conversations will be a thing of the past. 
And there things to go through. Things from the dead. Clint has his family to focus on, and so it is up to Sharon to get Natasha’s things. 
Then she finds it. 
A white jumpsuit. 
Natasha had called Sharon’s “stupid” for years, with no real explanation to why except for the fact that she would get caught easier. 
(“Maybe that’s my intention,” Sharon says, body leaning in too close. “Maybe I want to get noticed so that I can get it done quicker.” 
Natasha gives her a dim smile. 
“Doesn’t always mean you get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.” 
And then Sharon didn’t ask her about that. Figured it wasn’t her place.) 
A white jumpsuit is something she didn’t know connected them. And she remembers having her own, but this one...this one has to be used. Has to be reinstated because someone needs to carry on who Black Widow is. Or rather, who Natasha Romanoff was. 
It’s a slow start. But Sharon starts wearing the white jumpsuit that’s a little bit loose around the shoulders and looks for criminals, because god knows there will be a plethora of those. 
Bucky and Sam join her in this. They were both gone and still look stupidly gorgeous, although Sam has the shield because Steve has decided it would be utterly convenient to go on a little time travel trip. 
(Sharon’s not sure what’s up with that, but so long as she doesn’t start remembering a Great-Uncle Steve, she’s fine with it.) 
It’s hard, definitely. Because sometimes she pulls out her phone to send something to Natasha, and she’s...well. She’s not there. 
Sharon will sometimes wear her old jackets with outfits and cry, but she still has the memories. 
A cute white jumpsuit can’t hurt either. 
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Everything You Want 14/18
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Lies. Fuck ton of lies. So many lies. Lots of secrets. So many fucking secrets. Language. Violence. Slow Burn. Lots of fighting. Heartbreak. Death threats. Kidnapping. Murder.
Someone is coming for you and your son, Anthony. Too many secrets and too many enemies for you to count. You got out, for reasons. Secret reasons, only Clint Barton knows. Or so you think? Clint takes you back to the safest place there is, Avengers Tower. But how are you supposed to face Peter? Keep your secrets in check? Keep your feelings under wraps? It’s been almost two years, can you really keep it together? You just need to put an end to whoever wants you. Than walk away, like everything is the same, right? Or will you be the one surprised? Everything blows up, leaving you holding the shreds of your secrets and fear.
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You were shoving things into bags, zipping them closed and tossing them to the floor. You cringe when your bedroom door bangs open with force.
“Deja fucking vu.” He growls. You turn looking guilty holding clothes in one hand, you’d been shoving into another bag. “You’re not leaving.” He folds his arms over his chest.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You scuff, turning to shove the clothes into the bag.
“No, I let you leave once and I’m not doing it again.” You could feel his eyes boring holes into your back.
“You don’t get a say in anything!” You whirl around throw the stuffed animal at him. He catches it, only pisses you off more. “You ended things two years ago! You don’t get to say shit to me! You pushed me away, guess what Parker!? You got your way, I’m not yours anymore.” You shake your head.
“Why did you run?” He steps closer, demand in his voice.
“I told you!” You snap. “I didn’t want to watch you be with Mindy. It was torture.” You turn looking at him again.
“Bullshit. That’s not why. Tell me really why you left? Why did you leave, Y/N. For once since you’ve come back, tell me something!” His jaw clenches.
“Because I was so fucking hopelessly in love with your stupid ass, watching you be with her was like having my lungs ripped out every time I saw you together!” You yell at him, fed up. It was coming down to the blow out argument.
“You left because you were in love with me? Doesn’t sound like you, the girl I know. She never runs for such a thin reason.” He shakes his head, calling your bluff.
“Well clearly you didn’t know me that well.” You shrug, looking away.
“Bullshit, you have some deep, dark secret, Y/N. It makes you all squirrely and panicky. So why don’t you tell me this big bad secret you don’t want anyone to know.” He steps closer. You try to swallow the word vomit you could feel building in your throat.
“Don’t Peter.” You warn him, unable to meet his eye.
“Tell me. Explain it to me. Maybe then some of this would make some fucking sense.” His voice cold, a shiver ran through you. “Maybe it’ll explain why you bailed. Why you never stayed in contact, with any of us, but Clint. Why Harry wants you, wants Anthony. So why don’t you tell me your big fucking secret, then maybe we can talk about you running away.” He nods once.
“I didn’t keep in contact because I knew it wouldn’t stay a secret. I knew being around this team, that it was going to come to light. And what do you know, only here a short while and people were already putting it together!” You throw your hand up.
“Who, who knows?” Peter’s jaw ticks.
“I don’t know. Nat, Steve, Wanda. Clint’s known from the beginning.” You shrug.
“What is it they know, that I don’t?” He stares at you, everything about him was angry. His voice, his words, the way his jaw clenched, his arms folded over his chest. He was mad at you. You knew he would hate you when you finally gave in and told him the truth, you had to face this at some point.
“Does it really matter?” You scuff.
“Tell me Y/N! What does everyone else in my family know but me?!” He snaps, anger pumped through your veins.
“You have no right to be mad at me!” You snap back at him, the two of you at a standoff. “You ended things with me, you lost all rights to know my damn secrets!” You shove him slightly. It honestly does nothing, he barely even sways.
“What could it be? What could be so fucking bad you think I wouldn’t fucking do anything and everything to protect you?!” He yells back at you, hurt flashed in his brown eyes.
“You won’t protect me. You’ll hate me! Anthony is yours! He’s your son! I left because I didn’t want to ruin your happiness, I didn’t want to have to share him with you and whoever you were in love with!” You yell, throwing your hands up, you shake your head.
“He’s mine?” His voice was a lot softer suddenly, surprise on his face.
“Yes. Down to the weird things he can do.” You swallow.
“Weird things?” He blinks.
“He sticks to things, or people, or himself.” You nod.
“How long?” He asks.
“Around the time he turned eight months. It wasn’t a strong stick, more like sticky hands after ice cream. Now it’s like an adhesive hold on you.” You explain, avoiding looking at him.
“Clint knew?” He wonders.
“He was the only one who knew from the go. He helped me get out. That’s why he’s Anthony’s God Father. Nat and Steve found out shortly after we got her. Anthony was stuck to the coffee table.” You explain. “Apparently Wanda knew the second she laid eyes on him. Said he looks just like you. Which I can’t really deny.” You shrug.
“I’ve been waiting this whole time for you to come clean. I had my thoughts, my guesses.” Peter nods.
“You knew?” Your eyes snap up, locking on pretty brown eyes, the same ones your son got.
“I guessed. But I wasn’t going to throw accusations out.” He shrugs.
“This whole time I’ve been dreading telling you! You knew the whole fucking time!” You swat at him, he chuckles, catching your hand.
“Yeah, I’m real dedicated to other people’s kids, Y/N.” He snorts.
Your mouth opens, you’re speechless, as you stare at him. He was, he was unbelievably dedicated to Anthony. Little things even, tips from Aunt May, Wanda teaching him to change a diaper, feeding Anthony, the shoes, the books, carrying him everywhere, helping him walk, watching him.
“You’re putting it together now, huh?” He nods.
“You’re always doting on him.” Your voice a whisper, in shock still.
“Sort of put it together, at the store the first night you were here. We were talking, but I couldn’t stop staring at him. It was like look at a smaller chubbier version of myself, with lighter colored hair.” He shrugs.
“You’ve known for what two months!” You rip your hand away from him, swatting at him. You punch him in the arm.
“You’ve known he was mine his whole life!” Peter leans back, rubbing his arm. “You couldn’t have sent a fucking card? A letter? Had Clint drop by my room? ‘Hey, you got a kid, but Y/N needs her space, it’s too hard for her to be around you’. Would it have been so hard?” He retorts.
“I thought you would want him. You’d want to co-parent and I couldn’t watch you be in love with someone else! I didn’t want him to have another mom! I’m fucking selfish!” You yell.
“God you’re so fucking dense Y/N. I’m in love with you! You think I want him to have another dad? To see you play family with another man?” He scuffs, his brow crinkles.
“There hasn’t been anyone else! Because I never got over your stupid, ass!” You huff loudly.
The two of you staring at each other. Anger fizzled out, and left tension, but you couldn’t put your finger on the kind. Not till Peter closed the distance between the two of you, his hand on the back of your neck, the other around your waist, his lips crashing into your own. You melt into him, it wasn’t like after two years, you had built up some resistance to Peter. No you were just as weak for him as you were from the very beginning.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @crist1216 @a--1--1--3 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @nishanki1 @bugalouie @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @tomhardy41 @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @tony-stank3 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @amberkay284 @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @elite4cekalyma @this-is-mycrisis @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @xrosegoldwolfx @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @optimistic-babes @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @aspiringtranslator @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @nerdypinupcrystal @atlas-of-the-world @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @thefridgeismybestie @dumbbitchenergytm @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @mcuwillbethedeathofme @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Peter ‘Fuck Me I’m Weak’ Parker: @ml7010 @ariminiria @dkpink123 @boltsgirl919 @quokkatrash   @everthenerd @ms-rogers06 @crayonwriting @baebeepeach @bellamouse16 @honey-bee-holly @messofamasterpiece @britkane-shsl-librarian @kiss-the-stars-goodbye
Everything You Want: @gabile18  @kriswu46 @starkbelova  @bellewithbooks @princessizzy36 @little-dr-cranberry @tom-hollands-blog @simply-sams-things @misswritingintherain  @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @verymuchclosetedfangirl
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