#now only 2 more days left in the may celebration! :D
greglow03 · 5 months
Day 05.05. - VanWeek Art👱‍♀️
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SUNRISE!!🌄 Hope you guys like it!! It's my only contribution to the VanWeek😔, but it was fun seeing others' creations!!😄
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aubadeatelier · 4 months
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man!
On 31 May 2004, an amazing journey began with Allen Walker making his way to the European Branch of the Black Order as a new exorcist.
And now, it is 31 May 2024, 20 years of a still on-going journey. A lot has happened and changed and yet, he keeps walking.
Happy Birthday, D. Gray-man! And thank you for everything you've brought to me and so many others!
This post contains the pieces I did for the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. 1 Party Doodle and 2 Redraw Project pages. Please enjoy! To see the whole zine, please access the zine through the link below to the project tumblr!
✦ D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine ✦
Please make sure to take a look at the whole zine! I had the greatest honor to work with more than 100+ amazing artists across the world. It would mean a lot to me and all those who worked on this zine to have our work seen together as one!
(PS. I asked a funny little question in the Party Doodle section of the zine!)
[Beyond this point are my pieces and some fun facts!]
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Party Doodle || A Celebration from 35 Years Ago featuring from bottom left, Mana D. Campbell, Nea D. Campbell, ???, Cross Marian, and Timcampy. ✦ I originally made this celebration doodle with the intention of just drawing Nea, ???, and Timcampy. But upon popular demand and the power of friendship (shoutout to Hana Hazel, Kanin, and Sabhamun), I ended up adding Cross Marian and Mana! And honestly, the additions were a great idea and really make the piece feel more lively and fun! (Also we need more Campbell brothers content damn it. I wanna see them happy!) ✦ Also, if any of your are up-to-date at this point, you know Chapter 251 coming out shook so many things including this piece that was already done when it released. But! I think it's fun to keep it as is as a relic of the pre-251 era. (Who knows? Maybe I'll make a fixed version!)
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Redraw Project Page 01 || Chapter 04. Page 119. ✦ The first redraw page I received for assignment! I ended up liking the page, because it felt to me an integral establishing page for the series' themes. I may have gotten a little overboard with how I wanted to interpret the page, but I thought originally I would not be doing a second page and thus, wanted to put a lot of effort. In D. Gray-man, Akuma are created when a person makes a deal with the Millennium Earl. More often than not, the person has no idea what this deal entails, only that they can bring their loved one back from the dead if they agree to it. But what happens when the person is aware or knows not to accept the Earl's deal? And we receive a heart-wrenching, but understandable answer. To have the knowledge of the Earl's tricks does not automatically save a person. The Earl preys on the vulnerable. He appears and makes his offer to those in the deepest pits of despair and grief. That is how he got Leo. He was just a kid who lost his mother. He may have known more about the Earl and Akuma, because of his friendship with Jean, but when you are grieving kid-- what do you do when someone promises you they'll bring back your mother who was taken from you so suddenly? It is difficult to say no. ✦ The books that frame the piece are meant to convey this emphasis of knowledge and study-- the days Jean and Leo spent reading through Jean's father's books and notes about the Earl and Akuma with intention to patrol their town and keep people safe. Ultimately, a book page is the last panel, showing a representation of Leo and the Earl at a grave as Leo becomes an example of a person who takes the Earl's deal and whose body is taken by an Akuma. ✦ The blue tones of Jean and the Akuma were on purpose made to contrast the warmer tones of Jean and Leo's days together. ✦ It was crazy getting to draw an Akuma's face. It was a challenge to try and draw kids, but I ended getting through it pretty well. ✦ There are a few silly easter eggs in the open books. I put a small anniversary message in one. And in the other, I tried to sketch Cornelia and the Campbell Estate with the lyrics of the 14th's song. A nod to some content in the later parts of the series.
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Redraw Project Page 02 || Chapter 01. Page 38. ✦ Originally, the plan was I only would do 1 redraw page and 1 doodle, but we needed fill-ins and I took a shot at it! ✦ When I found out it was a page from Chapter 1, I was ecstatic! I had originally wanted to do one from the chapter, but they were high in demand which was more than understandable. ✦ Unlike my first redraw page, I decided to be a little more simplistic with the layout. This layout is not too far off from that of the Katsura Hoshino's, but I made a few changes such as certain angles, drawing characters closer to emphasize faces. ✦ I am not the strongest with backgrounds and drawing buildings, but I ended up enjoying the challenge of it all. Thankfully, a lot of other artists in the project tackled the building and referenced the original page, the pages and sketches of the building or interior by other project artists, and the anime to ready myself to tackle it! ✦ The spirals of the Akuma bullet gave me trouble at first, but then I ended up enjoying it as I figured it out. ✦ This page was overall a big joy to play with as it challenged me with backgrounds, certain effects, and word bubbles.
And with that, this concludes the tour of my work on the D. Gray-man 20th Anniversary Zine. I have so much to say about this series and what it means to me, but I will try not to make this post horridly longer.
D. Gray-man is the series that made me fall in love with storytelling and art. It showed me something that filled an emptiness I felt. It gave me joy and company at a time where I felt unsure who I was and felt like an outcast. My resolution after this project is to continuously grow better at my stories and art. I hope to make something as meaningful to myself and others as D. Gray-man is.
Happy 20th Anniversary D. Gray-man! I hope and pray for more wonderful chapters and for there to be a lovely conclusion someday. For now, let us keep walking together!
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agentem · 2 years
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It's that time of year when you are going to see some "Irish" t-shirts in stores and can get your Shamrock Shake at Mickey D's. There will be St. Patrick's Day parades this weekend and next.
And I just want to be a nerdy know-it-all for a second. St Patrick's Day was originally a religious holiday (as most holidays were, holy + day = holiday); it still is in some places, like some actual Irish people from Ireland who believe in God--though the American parade/festival mentality seems to be gaining steam in some parts of Ireland, I am told.
St Patrick's Day as we know it is deeply rooted in the United States. Though it's been celebrated here since 1600 in the territory that became Florida, the tenor of the holiday greatly changed after the Great Famine of Ireland.
You may have been told in school that the famine occurred because a blight wiped out potato crops in Ireland. This is true but doesn't address the crux of the matter.
The blight started in North America and travelled to Ireland and into much of Europe. But we only think of it as an Irish problem because the Irish were too poor to eat other foods.
Some scholars have said it was a "man made crisis" and I agree that is true. Other crops in Ireland were not affected by the blight, in fact, this time was considered one of "plenty", but all that food was used to feed the English. Not the Irish.
Nor were the English quick on providing aid, "There is such a tendency to exaggeration and inaccuracy in Irish reports that delay in acting on them is always desirable," said Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel after initial reports of the catastrophe.
Workhouses designed to assist the poor and starving were closed prematurely. "The only way to prevent the people from becoming habitually dependent on Government is to bring the food depots to a close," said Charles Trevelyan, the man who was literally in charge of famine relief. He also said some gems like, Sure the famine is bad but "the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people" was the real problem. Great guy; he became a Baronet.
The soup kitchens, which replaced the workhouses were also closed prematurely, were widely believed to serve portions too small even for children and lacking any nutritional value due to them being watered down to feed more people than anticipated by the brilliant British government.
A million people died in Ireland from famine and disease and nearly 2 million left Ireland for other parts of the world. Including my father's family. (If they survived the "Coffin Ships" leaving their home.)
So when I said above that the tenor of the holiday changed, it was because of increasing Irish Nationalism and anger at Britain. Now, Ireland is a Republic (though it's not unified, yet) and we are proud of those who stayed and fought to make that happen.
We are also proud just to still be alive anywhere. The population of Ireland is 6.9 million now--slowly nearing the 8.5 million it was home to before the famine--but people with Irish ancestry across the world has been measured to be about 80 million people. Take that, Sir Robert Peel.
The English actively tried to kill us. Nevertheless, we persisted. A lot.
I hope you have a Happy St. Paddy's Day (it's Paddy not Patty). Drink some Guinness. Dance some jigs. Definitely eat some potatoes (Boil 'em! Mash 'em! Stick 'em in a stew!) But please remember that when people are starving, you should feed them. Don't be like the English government.
In fact, as I write this there is a crisis in Turkey and Syria. It just so happens that the Sultan of Turkey wanted to donate money to Ireland (10,000 pounds) but since Queen Victoria donated just 2,000, he was told it would be against protocol.
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straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part two)
With the finals happening, his classes were actually quiet for once. Except for the constant “Mr. Harrington may I use the restroom?” At least they used correct grammar. His fourth period was by far his favorite of the classes (although he would never admit it). They were the smartest group and they actually listened. They got done impressively quick leaving them with 20 minuets of class. He collected their papers and leaned back on the front of his desk. “So,” he begins, “anyone have any fun summer plans?” Which he knows is like the most teachery question to ever be asked but oh well.
They all had the basic answers : going to the beach, spending time with family (he loved the kids that said this), and the classic going to spend every day at the arcade. However, there was one answer that stuck out to him.
“What about you James?”
“I get to go to my favorite bands’ concert!” He sounded so excited
“Oh really? Who?”
“Corroded Coffin! They’re coming to Indy!”
Sometimes Steve forgets how big they actually are so the answer kind of took him by surprise. “That’s awesome! Okay random question. Show of hands, who listens to Corroded Coffin?” Almost every single kid raised their hand. Wow. They are in for a treat.
“Now I’m sorry kids but I think I have you all beat, I am 100% their biggest fan.” All the kids protested. James especially about how “I don’t see your tickets!” Steve grinned “okay okay maybe not but…” he reached behind him to his desk in search for something. He pulled out 2 Polaroids. One was from about 5 years ago of him and Eddie on the swings at the local park. They may or may not have been as high as a kite, but that wasn’t important. The other was more recent. It’s the two of them in the Wheeler’s basement. Eddie is playing the most ‘metal’ song ever his guitar while Steve plays a kazoo. He smiles at the memories to himself before turning the pictures around to the kids and saying, “Is your best friend the lead guitarist?”
The kids were in awe. James stood up and pushed his way towards Steve. “You?”
“Friends with THE Eddie Munson?”
“The one and only, yes.” He looked so shocked? Excited? Angry? He could not read any of his students emotions no matter how hard he tried. James turned around and sat back down with the same expression plastered on his face.
All of the class wanted to know how they knew each other. Oh. Steve had to make up a story on the spot. He really couldn’t say “oh yeah when the inter-dimensional portal opened up I went looking for him, because y’a know he had murder charges and had to hide, but anyways long story short he died and I gave him cpr, and we have been BFFS since!” So he goes with:
“Well we went to high school togeth-“
“What now James?” he sighed
“You went to school here right?
“That means Eddie went to school here?!?!”
“Yeah? The whole band did, now if I can cont-“
Steve took a deep breath, “now can I continue?” James mumbled some sort of yes. Steve laughed, “Okay. So yes we went to high school together but we didn’t really now each other then. We were on opposite sides of the field I guess? He started his own d&d club. And I..” he sighed, “was on the swim team.” All the kids booed. He laughed and continued, “I know I know. Anyways, we met through mutual friends, and after all said friends left town he became my best friend, not to mention I have saved his life.” The kids were all silent except for (you guessed it) James.
“What is he like?”
“What do you mean?” He asked while looking back at the pictures.
“Like is he one of those celebrities who’s really mean in person?”
Steve snorted, “not at all, he may look like he’s really mean but I swear he’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met,” he paused and smiled, “This one time his car broke down so I drove him home and,” he giggled, “he saw a cat on the side of the road. He yelled at me to stop the car, and we had just went to get fast food, so he jumped out of the car, gabbed the cat, and started giving the cat fries. I had to force him back into the car. He cried actual tears for HOURS because he didn’t get to keep the cat. He already named it too. Get this, Jameson the third. He doesn’t even know a James let alone a Jameson.” He set the pictures down and glanced at his watch. “Oh guys we have 2 minutes before the bell rings. So yes James he’s super nice.”
When the bell rang and they all told him goodbye. They seemed more cheery then normal. He was glad for that.
It was his lunch period next. He wanted to look over some papers so he stayed in the classroom. He got done but didn’t want to leave, so he just stared at the ceiling and got lost in thought. He thought about Eddie leaving. He really got sad just at the thought. 3 months was going to be a long time. He realizes that he hasn’t even left and he misses him. The only person he’d have left in Hawkins would be the English teacher Julie Smith and to be honest she’s starting to annoy him. He doesn’t know how Eddie did it for a year. He thought that maybe Steve didn’t mean as much to Eddie as Eddie did to Steve. He quickly discarded that thought along with the tears that were now rolling down his cheek. He felt like they all needed a formal goodbye to Eddie. And that’s when he had a great idea. He picked up the phone and dialed Robin.
“Helllooooo?” She answered
“Steve! What’s up?”
“I have an Idea but I kinda need your help.”
“I’m listening. ”
Here is part 2! To be honest this wasn’t planned at all. It was meant to be a paragraph or two of part three but oh well. More stuff for you guys 😉. I think I might love making Steve cry. Idk why I do it constantly tho. This part is also kinda short :(. Anyways hope you enjoyed! I think this one is pretty good. You can probably tell how low my self esteem is by this 🤷‍♀️. Ngl i kinda hate it. Oops. So far I have parts 3 and 4 written. I think I will post one part a day. Also part count update: it’s now going to be 7-9 parts! Comment or reblog if you want to be tagged!! Thank you for reading!! <3
Tag list: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy !!
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psychic-refugee · 7 months
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Last year, I read a Tumblr post that there was an allegation from a Youtuber that PHW’s legal team had sent him a Cease and Desist (C&D) for his channel or something akin, and other channels, to stop gossiping about the PHW accusations.
I have doubts to the validity of the letter, and I remain skeptical to this day. I believe the Youtuber was clout chasing/rage farming, whatever you want to call it. I suspect they simply wanted more content to create and they're too small of a channel to litigate because like with the accusers, I doubt PHW would get money or any real relief, so the Youtuber can get away with lying.
Here is the original post where I caution people from believing and sharing unconfirmed information. https://www.tumblr.com/psychic-refugee/714783054587117568/i-saw-a-post-of-a-ss-of-an-alleged-letter-from (last visited 18/02/2024)
The pic on the left is the alleged letter and to the right is the Swift letter posted on Reddit that looks much more legitimate. According to the Washington Post (WaPo), Sweeney (potential defendant) had shared the letter with them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/02/06/taylor-swift-jet-tracking-legal-threat/ (last visited 18/02/2024)
For transparency, I got a third hand account of the Youtuber letter as I never saw the original posting on Youtube, and the letter is a screenshot that may or may not be heavily cropped. Third hand being 1) Youtuber with Letter, 2) Tumblr Poster seeing Letter 3) Me seeing the Tumblr post. So, I have only seen a screenshot of the alleged letter. Again, with the Swift letter, I’m getting a third hand account as the first-hand would-be Sweeney who received it, Reddit posting it, and then me seeing the Reddit post. The WaPo article didn’t share the letter itself.
I’m more inclined to believe the Swift letter is legitimate for several reasons.
It’s dated
It has the firm’s logo. I can research the firm and verify that it exists.
It’s signed. I can, again, research the attorney and see it’s a real person at that firm.
WaPo confirmed the existence of the letter and named the attorneys which match the letter. WaPo is a reputable news source, not a gossip Youtuber.
Some other hallmarks of a legitimate C&D/legal letter is that it gets down to the threat of legal action and at least hints on the laws they would cite if they filed a tort. Here, the Swift letter cites Cal. Civ. Code § 1708.7. It covers stalking. The letter uses strong language to hit on some of the elements required to be considered stalking, notably a pattern of behaviour and threats to Swift’s safety. It doesn’t specify what of Sweeney’s actions apply to which element, but again they aren’t litigating at this point.
Now, this is just a C&D, so it won’t go into every little detail of a potential case, but it’s supposed to be an intimidation tactic to hopefully avoid going to court. Accusing someone of stalking and endangering lives, especially for such a high-profile celebrity, and points to actual laws sounds pretty scary to most.
Now whether or not any of the hinted arguments hold water…
The Youtube letter is nonsense and doesn’t really say anything. It states that a list of channels, list wasn’t posted on Tumblr, violated Community Guidelines but doesn’t actually cite what was violated and what the actions would be. It weirdly and unnecessarily praises PHW and his supposed star power/mentions Wednesday, which has nothing to do with anything.
It honestly reads like bad fanfiction from a writer who clearly has never seen a C&D/legal letter, much less ever had to write one.
Further, if it’s a Community Guidelines issue, one would file a complaint/report it and go through an internal process which as far as I can tell is a completely digital process. There’s no need to waste attorney time and money by writing a C&D/legal letter. It's literally something PHW could have done himself. I suspect some sort of internal, automated Youtube process would have responded as such and I doubt they would have passed the C&D/letter onto the channels. Either the channels violated the TOS and Youtube would take action, or nothing would happen.
That’s even if the letter got that far because the letter doesn’t actually have a real person addressed, it likely would have disappeared into a mailroom abyss and never seen the light of day.
Another reason why I think the Swift letter is legitimate and the Youtube letter is not, it specifies the target of the C&D. The Swift letter names the potential defendant, Sweeny. It doesn’t have a generic title, nor does it name the platform the potential defendant uses.
Swift’s letter doesn’t address X Corp as an entity and expect them to deal with rando accounts that may or may not violate community guidelines. It addresses the actual person.
A C&D is pretty useless if the potential defendant doesn’t know for sure the letter is even for them.
If I got such a weirdly worded and unprofessionally written C&D/letter that wasn’t even addressed to a specific person, I would have thought it was spam and thrown it away without a second thought.
The Youtube letter was not written by a professional and I never will believe it was unless I see:
The attorney, their bar number, and proof that they’re currently allowed to practice
The signed Representation Agreement between that attorney and PHW  
If PHW was unfortunate enough to have hired someone so incompetent, I think he’d have a good case for professional negligence.
Like I said, I suspect the Youtube letter is fraudulent and I highly caution people from spreading misinformation, even if that information is something we want to hear or think is in good cause.
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mearpsdyke · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you'd like to know better!
thank you for the tag @knivesofwater <3 i always enjoy tag games :D
what book are you currently reading?
emma by jane austen, i bought the book like 2 summers ago but never finished it, i found it boring at the time :P now i find it more interesting, i've barely started it though.
what do you usually wear?
i have two sides, cutesy femme lesbian that wears pink flowery dresses and all the jewelry she owns, or jock dyke that wear sports bras and shorts everywhere. depends on the day or where i'm going.
how tall are you?
height is a social construct (< is 1.53)
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? 
i'm a gemini! and yes, i share my birthday with manchester united women, since the women's side was re-launched on the same day as my birthday (but we don't share birth year)
do you go by your name or a nickname?
everyone just calls me zyan, only my parents call me by my full name - and my friend marjorie when she's upset about my fic decisions, but other than that she usually calls me baby z or zyanny.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child? 
well, i didn't marry a handsome prince at 16 or became a veterinarian, so nope. but i still write stories, and 7 year old me would be glad to know we still write stories about fairies.
are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
nope, but i'm head over heels for a girl from college, and sometimes i think she may like me too but i'm probably just misinterpreting things.
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
i'm really good at writing! i take pride in this, one day i would like to be a serious published author with one of the big editorials in argentina. but on the other side, i'm really bad at doing push ups or frontal kicks - and i've been a kick boxer for 3 years now, but i still can't polish those things.
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? 
this line from obsesionario, chapter 2:
Dani smiles, a warm feeling spreading on his chest when he thinks of Jamie. “I believe in him too, coach,” he says, genuine. It doesn’t matter that he’s known Jamie for a couple hours, or that he’s tried to get rid of the cosmic ties that bind them together before, Dani will always be on Jamie’s side, even if he doesn’t want him to be.
and this paragraph from tierra y sol:
He will never admit it out loud, but at this point the bar is an extension of himself. He knows it like the back of his hand and in turn, it knows him. He doesn’t hit his head with the annoying starfish decorations Sarita put up, his hand knows exactly where not to touch the wooden surface lest he’ll get splinters, his eyes don’t roam around the cabinet looking for some specific bottle because his gut knows it’ll be on the top left corner – the bar is more his than the hotel’s.
i really like the tierra y sol one because i've been experimenting with this way of writing characters - their actions and behaviors define their personalities more than the words they say can, and i think it makes them infinitely more human than detailed descriptions of their lives can. (sorry for the rant, the letras student in me comes out when talking about writing lol)
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
king of fighters! remember the arcade games you spent the change from the groceries your mom sent you to buy? those. i'm obsessed with the 2001 game, i've been playing it for a couple days now, my favorite characters are four and i've been writing some fics about them in my ff.net. if anyone's interested, my account is dollalpaca.
what’s a hidden talent of yours? 
i can be really quiet when i need to be, so i'm a master at spooking my friends or leaving without being noticed. works perfectly for social gatherings i'm forced to attend lol.
what's something you wish to have at this moment?
this really cute pink holographic dress i saw the other day while buying a christmas gift for my mom, but alas i had to buy my mom's gift, i didn't have enough money for two items.
gonna tag some wc and newer mutuals too so hi @dykecotomia @astillaz @korderoatado @jonascarp912 @onlynaturaltohardenup @milfgeto @butchclericbeast do this if you'd like, if not no problem <3
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stayinsidemymind · 1 year
I've long believed in the concept of different universes, each splitting off with a different choice you make. never have I felt like I was in one. In a few moments throughout the weekend, i felt like was in a different reality where I'd never left. Consciously, this began on the drive to my childhood ice cream shop, but with friends driving instead of our mom but it only reached full maturation at a party that celebrated leaving, while various conversations swirled around me. I felt like like I'd been there in thay exact place before, a million times. And in a sense, I had. In the same room yes, but in that same role with the same people. The same things I hadn't liked then, were what I didn't like now. I felt more distant than ever before, and yet emotionally more attached. I love(d?) these people, in a pseudo familial way and while I may not like or speak to most the love remains in its own unique way that continues to disappoint.
in other moments, I felt more in place than ever before. I knew with astounding clarity what my life would be if I'd never left, bc for 2 days I was living it. I wonder if thats a good thing.
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cryptidqueerr · 2 years
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I posted 4,084 times in 2022
That's 95 more posts than 2021!
109 posts created (3%)
3,975 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 499 of my posts in 2022
#he lives in queue - 170 posts
#text - 167 posts
#cr spoilers - 26 posts
#critical role - 22 posts
#gideon the 9th - 21 posts
#tlovm - 14 posts
#tlovm spoilers - 11 posts
#the locked tomb - 8 posts
#laura plays d&d - 6 posts
#critical role spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i’d add to this that miyazaki took a book written by an english woman who lived through wwii that had war as a backdrop but centered people
My Top Posts in 2022:
i’m your biggest fan, i’ll follow you because i love you, nosfer, nosferatu
117 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
i s2g if you’re new here from twitter you had better not bring all that over-the-top asshole behavior over here and start trying to bully our nice celebrities out of town. this isn’t like twitter, this isn’t a vehicle for your stunted rage, you don’t get to just throw bullshit around and get a power trip off being a dick to someone more famous than you. they’ve been here longer than you and by god they’ll be here after if I have anything to say about it
145 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
me every day reading a new letter from my friend jonathan harker or, alternatively, receiving no new communication from my friend jonathan harker:
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496 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
okay real serious talk from your internet big sister: i really need y’all to be prepared for conservatives to retake a lot of societal ground in the next few years. there are so many younger people, especially young queer people, who don’t remember the bush era, don’t remember the 2000’s, who only see society as it is now where left/liberal ideologies really dominate the general social fabric and are going to have a really rough time when conservatives start controlling a lot of the social dialogue. a lot of what we’ve been used to being able to avoid because the really blatant conservative messaging has mostly kept to itself might be about to become mainstream. their beliefs are going to start to show up the TV you watch, the advertising you see, the music you listen to. it’s going to feel like losing ground, losing time, being pushed out of spaces where you were welcomed and acknowledged.
this isn’t to scare you, honestly. we lived through it not so long ago and still pushed through and got here, we’ll do it again. it’s just to make you aware and let you know that if you do start seeing those kinds of messages or start seeing the representation that you love go away, it’s going to be okay. people haven’t suddenly regressed around you - the assholes just got louder. you’re still loved and welcomed and you can still find places to have a home, they just might be a little harder to find for a while. but people will always work to push things forward again, and even if we lose now we will get back one day ❤️
4,792 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i am here to tell you that it is okay for there to be good things in your life right now. to celebrate the little, local, personal wins. it is okay for today to be a good day for you, even when there is so much bad in the world. actually, if you’ll permit me to tell you a secret: it is absolutely imperative when the world at large is this bad that you enjoy the moments that are good. sing because you are in love, for the first time or for the first time in a long time. celebrate a good grade, good work feedback, a successful dessert finally achieved. sleep in a bit of sun and enjoy feeling safe and warm and comfortable. it doesn’t mean you don’t care. it doesn’t make you callous or cold. you know bad things are happening but you also need, desperately, to know that not all things are bad. find it when you can, and enjoy it without guilt, and if you need permission then here it is, freely given
7,338 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sunspotmangafan · 4 months
Just a coffee
Part one of ???
Today’s going to be a long day.
Kohei has 2 lectures, then a club meeting he only heard of at the last minute, and later he’s helping his mum choose outfits to celebrate another one of her books being published. None which wouldn’t be too bad if they weren’t all on the same day, nor if he had the motivation to actually enjoy going. God how he felt guilty for not wanting to do any of this, which only fuelled his desire to stay home away from everyone even more. If he can’t be seen by everyone he can’t mess it all up trying to keep up with conversations he knew he never belonged in anyway.
It’s too early in the morning, so any motivation to do anything is rather hard to find, at least that’s what Kohei tells himself. He goes anyway, he would feel like he’s wasting his money and hurting others feelings if he didn’t.
At least the fear of feeling guilty for not going at least gets his feet moving down the street, along with other things.
He has a decent amount of time before his first lecture begins so he may as well wake up with a bit of coffee, which might help him get some light reading in as well.
There was a coffee shop down near campus that he has been going to recently. It’s not new at all, but he only noticed it this semester. It’s just far away from the campus that people (especially the girls that crowd around him) don’t notice, making this a bit more quaint than others, exactly what he wants.
The coffee isn’t exactly amazing, it’s never prepared correctly, he doesn’t even know why he still goes there… he does, actually.
He knows exactly why he’s here.
Is what Kohei perked his head up to as he entered the coffee shop, the yell stretching from his ears to the corners of his lips, pulling the corners into a rare smile.
He glances over to a smaller guy behind the counter, frantically cleaning up spilled milk after (what kohei suspects to be) trying and failing some form of cool trick while preparing a now also spilled over drink.
“I’M SO SORRY!” The shorter guy pleads to the not at all amused customer, funnily enough to Kohei’s own amusement as he watches this scene play out.
Kohei was able to learn early on that the guy’s name is Sagawa Taichi, it’s what would get yelled out whenever he messed up so it was pretty easy to figure out.
It took a while for Sagawa to clean the mess and make a new, no-spilled-over-milk coffee for the now angry customer who left in a huff the moment the drink was in his snappy hands.
A part of Kohei wanted to scowl at the man for being so nasty to Sagawa, who just made a mistake, a mistake he clearly apologised for and cleaned up, a mistake that was quite funny, so he doesn’t see why the old man would be so angered by this adorable guy not making his day boring. Thankfully his more logical side knew better than to cause a scene and probably upset the guy he came here to see in the first place. The last thing he wants is to see him upset.
The look of regret and shame that flickered in the barista’s face nearly broke his heart. He couldn’t bear to see it. Part of him felt like he’d be imposing and demanding if he tries to order now, but he also can’t help but wish to hug him, and hold him and kiss the top of his head until that oh so bright smile came beaming back and-
Kohei’s train of thought was disrupted by the barista who seems to have instantly changed his mood. Sagawa now looks more pumped than ever, now standing in some form of power stance to…. Kohei doesn’t really seem to know why but it’s interesting to observe at least. And before he knew it that smile was back.
kohei hadn’t realised he was standing in the middle of the coffee shop just staring at the guy, no words, no nothing, apart from a small smile and the softest, most tender expression in his eyes.
Kohei stood awkwardly for a few seconds more until the sound of “hey! You wanna order something?” Perks him up and encourages him to walk over to the counter, and as he did he could’ve sworn he heard a stomach growl, but before he could ponder on that any further he was cut off by the guy in front of him.
“Hey I know you! You come here all the time!” Sagawa mentions with that world-altering beaming smile. Kohei’s eyes widened a little, feeling a little embarrassed and predictable at the idea of this cute barista now possibly being aware of how blatant he’s being about his crush.
Jeez Kohei must look like some stalker, he must’ve freaked out poor Sagawa just standing there, doing nothing other than staring.
“O-oh. Is that so?” Kohei asks, ready to apologise for his rudeness and weirdness.
“Yeah! You’re the only normal person here! You don’t order something, like, 500 words long! You want a coffee with 1 cream and sugar, right?”
Words right now cannot express the struggle it is taking Kohei to not collapse into the floor, he could hold his stomach with the fluttering of butterflies trying to make their way over to the cute barista who not only somehow appreciates him being here, but also remembers his order.
Christmas must have come early.
“Um. Yeah, it’s that” Kohei manages to reply, and the proud smile aimed directly at Kohei on Sagawa’s face that followed could have put him in a coma for at least a fortnight.
As Sagawa starts to prepare the coffee, a process Kohei much prefers to observe, the smaller of the two breaks his trance as he asks “what’s your name? I see you here all the time but I haven’t asked your name.”
Kohei was taken aback a little, mostly because he couldn’t hear with the coffee being prepared, as well as Sagawa having his back to him.
Kohei was a little too nervous to ask Sagawa to repeat himself, because what if it was just his imagination, or it was annoying for Sagawa to have to be repeated.
The short barista turned around when he didn’t get an answer, a little confused but widened his eyes as he saw Kohei’s expression. He walks up to Kohei once the drink was made and he sorts out the cup while doing something (maybe writing something?) that Kohei hadn’t noticed, only noticing the barista handing him his coffee.
“Sorry! It must’ve been loud, you probably couldn’t hear a word I said haha! I asked for your name! I’m Taichi. Well Sagawa Taichi but I don’t care for the formal crap, that craps for old farts like my grandpa.” he said with a smile, as warm as ever, and a slight giggle that chimed throughout the building.
Kohei tried his best to process everything for a second, and then smiled but with a little blush he answered. “Sugihara… Kohei Sugihara. But you can just call me Kohei if you want. Oh and thank you… Taichi”
Taichi smiled “great! I hope you like it, Kohei!”
And in that moment, Kohei truly felt as though the world had stood still, he wanted the world to stand still, he didn’t want this moment to end. Taichi’s voice, his voice as clear as ever, and Kohei for one is glad to know of someone like Taichi, someone he would hope to hear say his name forever. Maybe that’s why he wanted this moment to last forever, he has the security of knowing this moment is one he can hear perfectly.
When in the future will this security break? He won’t even be able to hear the alarm to tell him it has been breached
How long will Kohei be able to hear Taichi, his laughs, his conversations, him saying his name. It’s probably selfish to hope this moment lasts forever only because he doesn’t want to reach a future where it cannot remain a reality. But when will one of his only reasons to get up become a faded voice? Too far away the even try and catch up to.
As he walks away with thoughts upon thoughts running through his head, he takes a moment to sip his coffee. He glances down to look at his phone but instead he notices something written on his cup.
“That guy with the great smile and amazing looking lunches 😋
Have a nice day!!”
And suddenly, somehow, miraculously, magically, Kohei had it in him to get through the day. That smile and this little note has given him the energy to probably get that a billion long days.
How does that guy do it??
And how can access it forever??
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britishchick09 · 1 year
poto mini series re-livewatch! ;)
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let's celebrate this awesome series being shown on the saturday stream by reacting to it again! i'm so excited to watch part 1 again after nearly 2 years! :D
omg it be the people faces dun dun duuuun!!!!
the vocals are so spooky...
christine likes it though! :)
i like how the credits of this one are in german!
aww she's walking through the loggia :)
i spy the dance statue! ;)
i love how i know so much more compared to two years ago! thanks rewrite! ;)
the music is so dancey! :D
aww laizzes planter de mai :)
daaaang it's so dramatic now! :o
yas the grand staircase! :D
and there's the italian guy!
poor gerard :/
the fashions are very 1900s! makes sense since cherik has been there for 30 years! ;)
she says 'care-iere' instead of 'cah-eriere!' like in the rewrite! :o
ew the gossip girls! >:(
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oh no THOSE ARE THE GOSSIP GIRLS' NAMES??? i named a dancer and singer after flora and fleur! :/
the batb reference is great tho! ;)
oh hey hallway! ;D
aww the birds tweeting! :)
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lol roasted! ;D
the guy died in the flies! :o
buquest perhaps? ;)
also hey skelly cherik! ;D
lol no one's really clapping for carlotta and choletti lol ;D
the audience is so french!
hey it be rotunde des abbones! ;D
buquet was in the cellars! :o
oooh choletti's scared..... ;)
omg paris commune reference? :o
smash that statue cherik! ;D
...although you shouldn't break that it's very pretty ;)
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everyone loves cherik! :D
what a day of surprises this is! ;D
this place really is haunted lol! ;D
killing people throws him off a bit ;)
ooh are they in the cellar rotunda? :o
choletti wants christine to get lessons and carlotta's like NOPE
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ooh carlotta's dresser is suzette? i smell a lalaloopsy crossover! ;)
christine stays in the opera house just like 'angel's mask' christine... and formerly rewrite christine! ;)
jean claude is so sweet!
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mood masks tho! ;D
awwww her humming has big rewrite christine vibes! :)
omg the painting is upside down? :o
i love how christine is in awe of everything! :)
she loves everything and he loves her :')
cherik shiny mask ;)
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that sounds like erik alright! ;D
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breakfast bread tho! ;)
yas the spring line! this is in the rewrite so i know it well! ;)
some of it was cut because he says spring SO MANY TIMES
when carlotta and him kiss rewrite raoul says 'get a room!' ;D
the 'little one' thing this is also in the rewrite! ;)
yas alfredo! :D
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love how alfredo's like 'wut?'
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wowza oroyeso's actor did that irl! :o
ooooh cherik spooky glove.... ;)
the mask mask tho! ;D
this meeting is so sweet and polite! :)
this is how rewrite erik wishes their in person meeting went! instead it was beautifully awkward af ;)
his stutters!!! ^_^
awwww i'm picturing rewrite erik saying cherik's lines and it's so cute!!! :D
he's anonnymouse
only cherik can make 'i will find you' seem sweet! :)
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awkwardness that rewrite erik would be proud of! :)
ghosts don't write letters according to choletti and rewrite armand! ;D
inspector ledoux! ;)
awww more hums! ^_^
ooh she's been there over a month! :o
ooh a family she can stay with! like the girys perhaps? ;)
cherik is so gentle even when menacing :)
norma! that's an opera i should put in the rewrite!
so many people on the grand staircase! :o
annette! :D
carlotta has so many flowers! :o
wait is the box lady supposed to be madame giry?
they say box 5... but it's actually box 4 since it's on the opposite side! ;)
cherik is so polite! :)
honestly rewrite erik vibes ;)
norma's music is so bouncy! :D
what in the world is that moon thing?
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my thoughts exactly! ;D
oooh r roll! ;D
another rewrite reminder- put the itchy wig in! ;)
lol! ;D
oh hey grand foyer office! ;)
aww i love how eristine have lessons in the dark :)
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me: *steals every poto name ever for the rewrie* ;)
cherik and christine's dad would've been amazing together!
awww he's watched over her! :')
i wonder if rewrite christine's papa had a dream of her singing in the opera!
love ho
aww he doesn't want to hurt her aka a line rewrite erik said twice :)
the irl map of palais garnier! ;D
and the not irl lagoon ;)
ooh seine river reference! :D
and hello glacier salon!
love the background singer going 'ah ah ah ah ah!' :D
everyone in this except for like 3 people are american lol ;)
honestly that's kind of the rewrite too when i picture their voices... ;)
slay alfredo!!! :D
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this is the most 19th century opera ever!
omg glue cup! :o
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n squeak! ;D
cherik is so gentle with the piano :)
the only lesson we've ever seen in any poto movie!
cherik's voice when he says 'the usual way'... ;)
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good an intermission! ;D
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yas all star! ;D
saturday streams have the best intermissions!
all star should be played at the bistro that would be epic B)
the video is so saturated tho! :o
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omg bardcore! :D
back to the show! ;)
cherik lives in the heavens when christine sings :')
EW HIM >:(
not raoul has a vague french accent which could work for a rewrite movie or show so they're understandable! the only good thing this guy ever did! ;)
that hair tho! :/
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whelp it was fun while it lasted!
ew girls! :/
love how christine's like 'who are you?' ;D
i wonder where that hallway is in palais garnier...
yas the bistro! :D
aww the dress! :)
it's surprising to hear french in this! :o
christmas lights on the bistro?
the bistro is called 'cafe de artisti'! nice ;)
carriere slap ;)
oh the hair scene :')
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them! :')
he's never seen such perfection!!! :'D
it's so smoky! :o
it's not a boy... it's not a girl.... it's a faust! ;D
it's been over a month since carlotta last sang!! :o
so it's been two whole months!
ew not raoul coughed weird :/
he's so druuuuuunk right nooowwwww ;)
christine is shy... extremely! ;)
she's holding her fan so sweetly! :)
eat it up gossip girls! >:)
cherik is like 'get on with it deano!'
not raoul led her up there like rewrite raoul did! ok maybe that's another nice thing about him :)
i love the song she sings! :D
i forget what it is but in the rewrite it's laissez planter le mai! it's not said how carlotta knows it but she probably forced some kids on the street to teach her or something lol ;)
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cherik is relaxing! :)
the song she's singing will be in a rewrite mystery with yet another carlotta battle... but the opponent isn't who you think it is! ;)
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clap clap christine!!! :D
rewrite meg's got her legs ready! ;D
YAS gerard said his last name right!!! :D
oh no notraoulstine left and cherik saw them.... :/
they're in the bois which is fun! :D
that horse is going so fast! :D
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aka the rewrite! ;)
lonely cherik :/
hey grand foyer clock! ;D
carlotta: "god doesn't allow it!" erik as kristin: "god doesn't allow you BISH >:("
oh great the notraoulstine backstory...
i'll take kid rewrite raoulstine any day over these two!
awww she says papa just like rewrite christine! :')
and he has a beard like rewrite daddy daae :')
laissez planter le mai on the piano :)
i wonder if rewrite christine and daddy daae gave little performances in giverny! :)
young christine reminds of goty isabelle from american girl?
i love how she says 'no! no!' like he's been a bad puppy!
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lols in the chat! ;D
hand kiss :)
poor cherik! :'(
she called him phillip?
you go horsie! :D
"because it's where i have to go!"
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more lols in the chat! ;D
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and even more loltastic hair comments! ;D
omg carlotta has a mole on her chest tho? :o
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indeed she is! ^_^
ok wow choletti just walked in while she's in her undies?
aww her little shrug! :D
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and the hug!!!!! :D
ah yes christine's misspelled last name!
oh great it's not raoul...
ok the rose is sweet i'll admit that :)
the kiss is not i'll admit that for sure!
oh boy it be the drink tho... :o
omg i just realized they're actors acting as actors! dun dun dun!!! :o
'it will probably do you good' she said...
this is the dance in act 2! ;)
it's so fun! :D
aww christine is so cute! :D
alfredo and oroyeso besties! :D
oh noes...
alfredo really is obi wan :)
reading this scene in the rewrite while i listen! ;D
oh no christine! :'(
i love how oroyeso defends her! :')
and alfredo!
NOOO says cherik!!!
he be in the flies it looks like! :o
wait is gerard there too?
to quote the rewrite as the final screams descend...
Down, down, down the chandelier went! Seven tons of bronze plunged from the ceiling, bright lights snapping and delicate crystals shattering. Shards of glass flew through the air alongside screams from the horrified spectators. They escaped before it could finish its travels of nearly two hundred feet above the floor.
dun dun DUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!! :o
and now we end the stream with relaxing squids! :)
that was the stream! it was so much fun rewatching part 1 with more poto knowledge!! i'm so excited for part 2 next week! (which i won't livewatch since i don't like it as much but at least i'll have stream pals to watch it with!) saturday streams are always the best, but this one was even better! ;D
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the-hem · 1 year
The Moneylender and the Unequal Debts. From Luke 7:41-43.
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Debts in the Torah are explained in the following passages:
PART I –Torah Commandments Protecting Debtor
The following Torah commandments protect a debtor “from excessively harsh collection actions” and provide for a fresh start [Fn. 4]:
1. “When you lend money to My people, to the poor man among you, do not press him for repayment. [Also] do not take interest from him” (Exodus 22:24) [i.e., do not harass a debtor];
2. “If you take your neighbor’s garment as security [for a loan], you must return it to him before sunset. This alone is his covering, the garment for his skin. With what shall he sleep? Therefore, if he cries out to Me, I will listen, for I am compassionate” (Exodus 22:25-26, see also, Deuteronomy 24:12-13) [i.e., a pledge of collateral should not create hardship for or pressure the debtor];
3. “When you make any kind of loan to your neighbor, do not go into his house to take something as security. You must stand outside, and the man who has the debt to you shall bring the security outside to you.” (Deuteronomy 24:10-11) [i.e., treat a debtor with dignity];
4. At the end of every seven years, you shall celebrate the remission year. The idea of the remission year is that every creditor shall remit any debt owed by his neighbor and brother when God’s remission year comes around. (Deuteronomy 15:1-2) [i.e., a discharge of debts is authorized to create a fresh start].
PART II – Bankruptcy Plans and Exemptions
–Bankruptcy Plans
A “payments arrangement for an insolvent debtor” is a possibility in bankruptcy. One historical source of such an arrangement is this: “the laws of Temple donations.”
Here’s what the Torah provides:
“If [a person] is too poor to pay the endowment, he shall present himself before the priest, so that the priest can determine the endowment valuation. The priest shall then make this determination on the basis of how much the person making the vow can afford” (Leviticus 27:8).
The Talmud indicates that laws concerning debtors, in general, are more lenient than those for someone who made a donation commitment. So, any leniency to a poor person involving a Temple donation would also apply “to any poor person” (Babylonian Talmud Bava Metzia 114a).
–Bankruptcy Exemptions
The Mishnah provides exemptions from creditors for food, wearing apparel, household goods and furnishings, and tools of trade:
“Although assessment debtors may have their property seized, they must be left enough food for three meals, and clothing for twelve months, a bed and bedclothes and tefillin” (Mishna Archin 6:3); and
“If he is a workman we leave him his work tools, from each kind” (id.).
The Torah also provides a tool-of-trade exemption:
“Do not take an upper or lower millstone as security for a loan, since that is like taking a life as security” (Deuteronomy 24:6) [a millstone is a tool for earning a livelihood].
PART III – Discharge of Debts and a Fresh Start
The Torah also provides for a discharge of debts:
“At the end of every seven years, you shall celebrate the remission year. . . . if you have any claim against your brother for a debt, you must relinquish it.” (Deuteronomy 15:1 & 3).
All of this is explained in Parsha Re'eh, but in the end, this has nothing to do with money or loans. Just as a man must evolve and find his religion has become second nature as of the 8th Day, so nations must also come to fruition and demonstrate complete remission of poverty and violence, there must be stability:
There shall be no needy among you—since the L‑rd your G‑d will bless you in the land that the L‑rd your G‑d is giving you as a hereditary portion—if only you heed the L‑rd your G‑d and take care to keep all this instruction that I enjoin upon you this day. For the L‑rd your G‑d will bless you as He has promised you: you will extend loans to many nations, but require none yourself . . .4
With the above creating a frame, let us look now at the art:
Jesus asked His Disciples:
41 “Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,[a] and the other fifty.
 42 Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”
43 Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”
“You have judged correctly,” Jesus said.
500 Denarii=148, "I will push"= maakah, pusher or squeezer, an oppressive queen in Hebrew.
An oppressive female monarch will push or oppress a culture that is flummoxing in its performances:
"Its focus is the notion of obligation as a way of understanding how leadership types can maximize the survival strategies of an oppressed group. Leaders organize, articulate, propose strategies, represent their group to the oppressor, and in general are critical to the survival and identity of the group.
Different types of leaders differently affect a group's sense of its identity and sense of efficacy. This difference relates to the way obligation ties between members and between members and leaders are reconfirmed and validated."
50 Denarii=669, ווט‎, a watt:
What is a watt in simple terms?
The watt is a measure of the rate of energy transfer over a unit of time, with one watt equal to one joule (J) per second: W = J/s.
I can only find one reference to a watt in the Chabad.org libary:
"If you ask why it is that G‑d wanted the Torah to be developed by human beings, why He did not give it fully developed? We could ask the same question regarding other things also, such as modern technology. Why didn’t G‑d give us electricity in the first week of creation? After all, electricity is part of creation.
It’s not a thing that man invented. Why did G‑d wait till Edison, Watts and all these people discovered the powers that are really part of the creation? Why did G‑d wait until Marie Curie discovered radiation, x-rays and so on? Why didn’t he give them to us right away?
The answer is that G‑d wanted mortals to be partners in the discovery. This was part of G‑d’s divine plan. He wanted these things to be revealed by different individuals, even though it was all given to Moses. Indeed, the Oral Torah is just as holy as the Written Torah."
A certain money lender=918, ט‎אח‎‎, tah=
The common noun, adverb and preposition תחת (tahat) means beneath or under, and often expresses a balance between a load and its support rather than a mere burden or lower position.
Adjective תחתון (tahton) means lower or lowest, and adjective and substantive תחתי (tahti) or תחתית (tahtit) means low, below or lowest.
God as the Christ came to personally uplift the lowest and also instruct the nations in how to care for the poor. He explained taxation, care for the elderly, the infirm and oppressed across every stratum of wealth, class, gender, and profession.
He asked individuals the 50 Denarii, to change their minds and their hearts, to evolve their tastes and attachments, He said the government, the 500 Denarii, must adapt itself to the needs of individuals in search of individual and collective equity.
While God will give blessings to both types of "debts", they are by far more important at the national level. One righteous man, one watt, is just not enough to sufficiently light the way to fairness, justice, and security for the rest. Though his heart may be in the right place, indeed he simply cannot.
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crazilust · 2 years
(PAC) Tarot reading : What's in store for you this Capricorn full moon (July 13th 2022)
This is a Tarot reading (PAC), regarding what's in store for you this Cap full moon on July 13th. I always keep track of full moons and new moons as I feel it helps me stay aware of my recurring patterns and fix them. Please choose a picture that speaks to you and remember to disregard anything that doesn't feel right.
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Pile 1, to 3, from left to right.
Pile 1 : Blue
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You've been wanting your happy ending for a long time now. A celebration, marriage, or a union of some sorts. Not just with a partner, but with your community as a whole. 
While you deeply want that, do you, yourself, possess the qualities that is needed in order to maintain healthy relationships? 
What this moon in capricorn highlights for you is that you may be commitment phobic. What are you scared of? Failure? Betrayal? Humiliation?
You may lack the maturity or the willpower to actually pursue what you want in life. 
If you don't feel like this apply to you, please look at your circle. The people you hang out with or or the person you're with at the moment may be exhibiting these traits. 
Whoever it is, you may need to distance yourself from it in order to reach what you actually want. Or, at the very least, talk it out.
Follow your intuition for this full moon in capricorn. Your anxiety may twist the truth but your intuition will never. Listen to it. It might be stronger than ever on that day. 
Possible placements for this pile : Water dominants, Pisces, Pisces Venus, Cancer dominant, Fixed dominant
Possible other traits: Live by a body of water, speaks Spanish or understands it or wishes to, live where it's sunny or warm, travels a lot or wishes to.
Pile 2 : Orange
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Things have been going really fast for the past few months and even though you've seen progress, you can sometimes feel like you're slowly losing control. 
You've been focused on your goals, but at what cost? 
You've grown apart from the people you usually surround yourself with and built this thick wall that no one can reach. 
On this capricorn full moon, you will feel the need to finally move on to better horizons and claim this new era of yours in order to move at a much slower, but healthier pace. 
If u felt like you were running away from something before, this shall stop. The only condition is that, you need to observe your past and recognize what mistakes were done in order not to do it again. 
On this cap full moon, because this is a really rational moon, you'll know that the answer is to move on, but emotionally might feel like you should stay because you have seen progress when u were surrounded by those people. Don't doubt yourself and your mind. Move on. 
Possible placements : Sagittarius sun, Scorpio sun, 3rd house placements, Fire dominant, Sun dominant
Other possible traits : Fire tattoos, candle lovers, owns a pet or a cat, loves lizards, lives in a small apartment, lives in the city, love/hate relationship with the city.
Pile 3 : Yellow
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I can feel that this pile might be a little younger than the other two. Young adult, maybe? Teenagers? You might just have a young soul, but anyways. I can feel the ambition and drive through your energy. You've wanted something for a long time and have devoted yourself to it these past few months. You've felt tired, doubtful at times, drained but you've pushed through. Stay careful of your health, there is nothing more precious than that. I can tell you may have neglected that at times. Your ultimate goal is to create something for yourself, a kingdom of some sort, an empire. Something tangible that people can look at and be like "hey that's the work of ____".
On this cap full moon though, you may realize that you are more lonely than you've realized. Being surround by loyal and supportive people is something that is necessary for you and with this Capricorn full moon, you may finally realize how .... poor your relationships have been. No support, no loyalty. You will have to come to terms with the fact that you'll walk this path alone. Don't get too attached to the feelings of betrayal and bitterness that may arise with this realization, as you may close your heart off for too long. The right people will come along, but maybe, not right now. 
Possible placements: 5th house placements, Leo sun, mercury, Venus, midheaven, rising. Virgo placements. Sun in 9th, Jupiter dominant. Aries sun.
Other traits: Loves Doja cat, goes to concerts regularly or wishes to, tough childhood. Absent father. Cold mother.
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zimathan · 2 years
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In celebration for @dibothy​ and I’s marriage, I’ve made a Draw This In Your Style for everyone! :D Details, bonus images, and more under the cut!
Fun fact, this was meant to be a 2000 followers on tumblr DTIYS! I just, uh... couldn’t finish the original arts. I am now up to 2600 followers, SO, UH... BIT LATE. But!!! Today, the day this is being posted, May 30th, 2022, I and my fiance, @dibothy​ have officially been married - so it is the BEST time to finally finish an attempt at this DTIYS and post it for the masses!
Forgive me if anything’s a little weird, I’ve never hosted one of these.
RULES - Happy Pride Month! This DTIYS will be hosted from May 30th, 2022 until July 10th, 2022. (A happy birthday to my husband, too, since it’s ending on his birthday!) - Pose changes, outfit changes, design changes - they are ALL welcome! The ONLY requirement is that it is a wedding between Zim and Dib! This is (alas) a ZADR only DTIYS! - While I know it’s a DRAW this in your style, I know a lot of wonderful writers exist in the ZADR / IZ community - so we will be accepting both art AND written submissions! ;w; - All submissions on TUMBLR OR INSTAGRAM should be tagged with #zimathanDTIYS! Very important step! (Also, feel free to TAG ME @zimathan​ so that I can see anything, just in case tumblr fucks up and I can’t see something!)
PRIZES A big disclaimer on this bit - I struggle with art at times, and it may take me a while to complete a prize! So long as you guys are respectful and patient, I am absolutely okay with creating prizes for the TOP THREE that @dibothy​ and I choose! I hate having a tier list, so each prize will be the same for the three that we pick! Which is... -drumrolls-...  A full colored piece! You can pick the style (of mine, posted within my art tag) you would like the piece in, you can have UP TO four different characters within said piece, and I will treat the art like a commission! Meaning I will give updates, show progress, and try my best to keep you in the loop! :D (Also, as a note, I am a person with limits, so please be kind, understanding, and respectful if I need you to give me another prompt or idea.)
BONUS CONCEPT ARTS For inspiration, mostly, I’m going to post a few uh... attempts! At finishing this DTIYS!
1-2. My first attempts! I got very far, but it was originally a two-part DTIYS. Very cute art, I just left it sitting too long and forgot how to finish it. <3
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3-4. My attempt at a redraw for the original two! I like them both, I just couldn’t motivate myself to finish them! It’s okay, though. :3
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5-6. The original concepts for Zim’s dress, and the more Updated tm version of Zim’s dress!
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate! Harry: I’ll Make It Up To You - Part 1
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst 
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Part 2 - Part 3
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You was going to kill him. This was the last straw and you had used up every ounce of patience today.
“Harry Edward Styles! Get in here right now or I swear to fucking god you won’t ever breath again!” You shout, your hands clutching the towel wrapped around your body. Your hair styled in a bouncy blow dry with a full face of makeup, a brown smoky eye and a nude lip.
The two of you bicker and argue like enemies, laugh like the best of friends and love each other like a married couple. Although you were only flat mates and nothing had ever gone further than friends, you knew Harry would never see you in that way, however the tiniest part of you had always hoped one day you’d be proven wrong. But you knew all along you’d rather have him as a best friend than lose him all together.
You hear the footsteps round the corner and a grin like the Cheshire Cat plastered on Harrys face “Do you mind? I’m trying to write some music Y/N” he smirks.
“Where the hell are all my clothes?! And where the fuck is my guitar?!” You shout angrily. You were no stranger to practical jokes in this house, both giving and receiving them. But today was different. You had the most important audition of your lifetime, and half of your room had been emptied. 
The laughter escaping Harry’s lips was making you angrier and angrier by the second. “I told you that you’d regret stealing my jumpers!” He smirks.
“That doesn’t mean you take everything I own! Now where to hell is it all?!”
“Ah now you see…this is where it gets fun…you see we’ve made you a little scavenger hunt to find it all. All you have to do is-”
“We?! Who’s we?!” You growl through gritted teeth.
“Ok ok…I can’t take all the credit for this…Niall helped. So…here’s the rules!”
“Harry!” You cut him off “I don’t have time for a fucking scavenger hunt! I have my audition in an hour and I’m already running late! Just get me some fucking clothes and my guitar so I can leave!”
As soon as you had mentioned your audition, the smug grin fell from Harrys face and his rosy cheeks had drained to pale “oh shit. T-that’s today?! I…I thought it was Friday” he frowns “w-well all your stuff is in Niall’s car and he’s in Brighton so I can just get him to drive back asap and…” he fumbles for his phone quickly.
“Brighton?! Harry you have 3 seconds to tell me this is a joke before I rip your pretty little head off! That’s 2 hours away Harry! I’ll never make it in time!”
“Y/N I’m so sorry! I am I really am, I would never have done this today if I knew” Guilt filling his eyes.
“You knew Harry! It’s written on the fridge, on the calendar and you helped me rehearse two days ago!”
“Why don’t I just go and buy you something to wear?” He offers, although he was currently terrified to speak incase his head really did get ripped off. He hadn’t seen you this angry since you pierced holes in three of your ex-boyfriends tyres after finding out he cheated.
“Well that’s pointless because I haven’t got my guitar and you don’t even have your acoustic guitar here. Forget it Harry. Just get out.” You mutter, your head hanging low in disappointment. Even if you left now you’d be late, and that was frowned upon. Turning up anywhere late was bad enough, let alone an audition. If you’re going to turn up late, then there’s no point turning up at all because you wouldn’t even be given a chance. The entertainment business was a difficult place to be, and this was your one chance to really make something bigger for yourself and it was ruined.
“Y/N I…”
“I said get out!” You scream, releasing the built up fury “go and join Niall in Brighton for all I fucking care. Leave me alone. I’m so disappointed Harry” you felt the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
The sight of you on the verge of tears was enough to break his heart. He wanted to protest, he wanted to make it all better. But he knew you too well. He knew if he didn’t leave you alone to calm down then it would make everything worse than it already was. He had never felt so guilty. In the 4 years you had lived together, practical jokes never made either of you angry. Sure they were embarrassing at times, but you two always had the best of times. At what made it even worse this time was that he had made you cry…and you’d used the ‘D’ word on him!
Harry had left, shutting the front door quietly as he headed to the studio to get out of your hair for a few hours. Also calling Niall in the process to get him to get the fuck home asap. It may have seemed like a pretty extreme joke, but they didn’t intend it to turn out this way. The plan was that the scavenger hunt would lead you to Brighton with Harry to meet Niall there, and the three of you would spend the day and night by the beach, shopping, drinking, eating...everything that you loved to do.
As hours passed, you found yourself tucked under the mountain of blankets on the sofa, wearing a pair of Harry’s boxers, joggers and a white hoodie. Which you purposely chose because your makeup rubbed off on the collar and the sleeves as you wiped your tears. 
You felt deflated and disappointed. You should have been more prepared...no actually, Harry shouldn’t of been a dick. You knew he didn’t mean to jeopardize your audition, but these auditions didn’t come along often and part of you just wasn’t ready to let this go yet.
Harry crept in quietly, although you didn’t hear him, or at least you didn’t want to. “ Hey...Y/N” he whispers softly, walking through the living room door cautiously.
“Hm?” you mutter, not allowing yourself to speak a word to him, and especially making sure your eyes were glued to Netflix, not giving him the satisfaction of paying attention.
“I...I got you these” He whispers, placing a big bouquet of red roses and white lilies on the glass coffee table in front of you. You looked straight passed them “Oh wow...maybe I should send these over to the directors and producers to say sorry and maybe they can make an exception for little Y/N to try again!” you state sarcastically, but your facial expression staying as blank as possible.
He sighs softly and perches himself on the arm of the sofa, he gently pulls your shoulders back for you to rest your back against his thigh. “I know it doesn’t change what I did Y/N, and believe me if I could of changed anything I would, and if I could turn back time, I’d do anything”
“You really fucked up Harry” you whisper, your voice cracking gently as you wiped your tears on the sleeve of his hoodie. “You don’t get it. You’re Harry Styles and you get everything handed to you on a plate because everyone already knows who you are! You’ve done what like...three auditions in your life and you’ve succeeded every single one. It’s not like that for me. I spent hours and hours practicing. And weeks just writing these songs in hope they get heard one day and now they won’t because word spreads really quick in this industry.” You still couldn’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, because you hated people seeing you cry. 
He sighed softly, staying silent as he pulled you up gently and sitting himself underneath you as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. He was always the first to help you rehearse when you had an audition, the first to comfort you if it went wrong or you didn’t succeed, and the first to celebrate and congratulate you when you did get it. Unfortunately, this time no one will ever know how it would have gone. He knew he couldn’t say much else because he knew you were right.  
You wanted to resist, but instead you buried your face into his chest and whimpered softly. As disappointed as you were, you knew Harry was truly sorry and he’d hang onto this guilt for a while. He held you close as his gentle fingers raked through your hair.
“I’ve put everything back in your room, all folded and neat” He whispers “I’ll make it up to you. I promise” He kept his arms around you supportively, although his chest was heavy with guilt, he already had a plan conjuring in his mind. 
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cosmictulips · 3 years
PAC:: the next 72 Hours ;)
First post of the day, yeehaw. so to kind of make up for my silence because... first week of november has been dumb lol. here's a PAC :D for those of you who like them lol. I got many I want to do, but, we'll stick with this one for right now.
If you would like to receive more messages follow me on TikTok (TulipTaryn), Instagram (TarotofTulips) , Youtube , Twitter, and Here =D --- if you would like to support me, uh. I got an etsy store that is currently closed lmao. But I do have a Ko-Fi, Paypal and CashApp
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so Choose a pink letter =D. feel free to pick all of them, or one or two lol. just think about the next 72 hours. what do you hope to happen? what are you wondering now? From Left to Right :: 1, 2, 3.
Pile 1 :: 9 of swords, 10 of Pentacles, the Fool, Ace of Cups
For you what is coming is peace. a finale of something. perhaps you are letting your anxieties get the better of you right now. but, you are being asked to address it. let yourself rest, and give yourself the time you need. I see a beautiful surprise coming to you.
Perhaps, someone new comes into your life. a new friend, a lover, someone who you thought wouldn't understand you. this could even be you, giving yourself something new. a deep connection and understanding.
You may be starting down a new path, or just be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is. anxiety can cloud our judgement. it can cloud many things. but the Fool here, suggests that something will surprise you. perhaps how easy it is to let yourself rest, or to trust this person who wants to help you.
By doing something though, or finishing the task at hand, you will reach great stability. there's happiness here. a nice foundation with people who love and support you. do not just give up. Right Now, you have something beautiful coming to you. keep pushing.
Intuitive Messages :: the number 0, 10 and 9. A completion of a cycle. someone lose to you wants to help. this could be something new that you recently started or want to start but fear failure. there is only success here. the color red and teal.
Pile 2 :: The Wheel of Fortune, 4 of Wands, Ace of Cups, the HIgh Priestess.
Some of you were hurt this year. in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some of you were coming from pile one. Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of hidden pain here. but you are working through it. the spirits are telling me that you are choosing to be happier. you are choosing how this year, this cycle, whatever it is, ends.
I'm seeing a lot of you finding relationships. opening up to someone, resolving an issue. just being happy. I'm seeing a lot learning and trusting of your intuition. some of you are developing your intuition. and you should trust it. because you are right about this situation.
Another chunk of you need to let something or someone go so this new beginning to come in. I'm noticing a lot of closed eyes. so perhaps your dreams are telling you something, or you are starting to realize just how beautiful and bright the future is for you. either way, you are manifesting something. and it's working. the next 72 hours are going to bring you nothing but joy.
Intuitive Messages :: Someone is opening their eyes to a situation. perhaps there is a reason for celebration here. someone could be seeing you in a new light or you to them. bright, bright lights. a cat?? or an animal that is black and white. the wheel of fate is still turning but it's landing on something in your favor. 111.
Pile Number 3 :: The Star. the High Priestess. the World, Queen of Wands.
You are literally bringing in whatever you ahve manifested. some of you are going to be seeing the truth. some of you are getting material abundance. ALL of you are getting what you have been working for.
Wishes are coming true here. you are learning what you need to and you are fanning the flames to your desires. again, I'm seeing a lot of education here. but this pile feels more spiritual.
if you've been trying to connect with a deity, spirit, etc. you will see them. if you have been working on your brand, tarot, etc, you will see a rise in people wanting to work with you, follow you etc.
Whatever you have been working on, the results will come to you. and it may come like a flood. for those of you are struggling with inspiration, it will come to you. those of you who need a boost, you will find it. all barriers are breaking down for you .
intuitive messages :: the person you think is lying to you... may actually be. but the truth is coming out. and I think there's a surprise here. do not feel burdened. you may think you have lost yourself but the universe has been silently working with you. they do hear you. the numbers 2, 21, 12.
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
My favourite prompts:
A list of my favourite prompts that I’ve posted in the past, all curated into a huge list just for you guys!
Finally, the day has come. The villain is thought to be dead. The hero has won.
Until suddenly the hero learns the villain left them EVERYTHING in their will. Made them the owner and operator of all their illegal business.
Obviously, the hero plans to shut everything down immediately. But they quickly realize just how many people the villain employed… how many family’s they fed…
“You kissed me,”
“I did… and?”
“What-!? What do you mean and!?,”
“What more do you want?”
“An explanation would be a good start!”
“…or I could just do it again…”
*other person turns bright red,*
“Or… or that, I suppose,”
“What the hell are you doing here!?”
“I think the better question would be what in the hell are you wearing,” the villain replied, amusement clear on their face, like they were struggling to keep from laughing.
“What- it’s-” the hero blushed, remembering what they were wearing, “their pajamas! What are you-!”
“Oh my god…” the villain replied, like they were struggling to come to terms with what they were seeing, “the hero of the city not only own, but wears a onesie,”
“Excuse me!” The hero snapped in defence, “They’re comfortable!”
“They? You have more??”
“I gotta say hero,” The villain mused as they casually moved toward the cell bars, “I’ve been called many things in my life: monster, villain, outcast, loser, scoundrel,” they tilted their head, examining the hero before them, “but ‘our last hope?’” *clicks tongue* “that’s a first,”
You live in a world where anyone born with superpowers must become a super hero. It doesn’t matter what the power is, or how small it is, it is mandatory. It was deemed that having anyone with superpowers work alongside regular people was “unsafe” and “unfair.” Every year, dozens of superhero’s with powers useless for fighting are killed. You’ve managed to make it this long with nobody finding out you have a superpower. But how much longer can you hide in plain sight?
The city’s villain mysteriously disappears and hasnt been seen in a week. The people are celebrating, but the hero is worried. What if the villain is planning something big? Determined to stop whatever evil plan is brewing, the hero tracks the villain down, but they dont find what they expected. Instead of evil plotting, the villain:
-Has been taking care of a sick pet -Come down with the flu -Been helping arrange a friends wedding -Found out they were pregnant -Is getting married themselves -Mourning the death of a loved one -Has adopted a young pet and been occupied taking care of them -Has been helping one of their lackeys who’s in a desperate situation -Has been feeding the homeless and offering blankets
You’re the most wanted villain by all highest ranking authorities, but all the heros “just can’t seem to catch you” (they always let you get away) because all your crimes are things like stealing expensive medication and then donating it to hospitals, robbing toy stores and donating to orphanages, robbing banks and giving to charity, robbing grocery stores and feeding the homeless, ect
A hero/villain with the power to materialize their own tattoos. Got a wrench tattoo? Now you’ve got a wrench. Got a tattoo of wings? A bomb? A get away car? Well…
Dragon tattoos have always been popular, havent they?
Write about a genius inventor villain who, while watching the news, learns about a sick child in hospital doctors arnt sure they can cure. The villain realizes something theyve invented could cure the child. Now the hard part is convincing them to let the villain help.
The villain starts to notice the hero is feeling more down the usual, so they start leaving the hero little notes to cheer them up. All is going well until the hero figures out who is sending them.
In a world of magic users where everyone is divided into the 6 eye colours, and the colour of your eyes represents what your powers are. Each colour has an elemental power, can talk to a certain type of creature(Invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals), and has 3 other powers. For example, blue eyes control water, can commune with fish, etc. Everyone in the world has either red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple eyes. Except for you, you were born with black eyes. Everyone is afraid of what your powers will be, but they should be more worried about the kind of creatures you can talk to…
A hero and a villain (and maybe their sidekicks, up to you) trapped in a haunted house or haunted location.  
-One is scared so the other comforts them. They are both scared but trying to act like they aren’t. -One doesn’t believe in ghosts, and the other has the power to communicate with them or see them. -Ghosts aren’t real, but one continues to try and freak the other out, who claims they aren’t scared. -Ghost wingman. I need’ d say no more -One gets possessed, so the other has to do the whole ‘kiss to break a curse’ thing to bring them out of it. -The classic Person A thinks ghosts aren’t real so they prank Person B to scare them. Then shit gets real, but person B doesn’t believe person A, thinking its just another prank.
“I trusted you! You promised!”
“I kept my promise! I got you your results! Don’t question my methods from a top that high moral horse or yours, especially when the only reason you made a deal with me in the first place was because you were too much of a coward to do what needed to be done!”
The local wildfire has been growing out of control, forcing the city to have to evacuate. Suddenly, the villain with water powers shows up to lend a hand to fire fighters.
“Tell me hero,” the villain spoke, chains jangling from where they hung on the villains wrists as they walked up to the bars of the jail cell, “If you wanted to skip a press conference, could you?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re sisters getting married, but your needed for a big event at the hero academy that day. Would you be allowed to attend the wedding? What about if your brother stole a pack of gum. Could you let it slide? Not would you, but could you?”
The hero paused. Could they? They had responsibilities! They had commitments to the city, and to the serving of justice!
The villain laughed at the heros silence, “I may be in jail, but you’re more chained then I’ll ever be,”
“So tell me,” the villain drawled, dragging a finger across the heros skin, making them shiver, “what changed your mind?”
Hero discovers the villain has a day job. It isnt at all what they expected. (Day care, animal shelter, etc)
“What are you going to do if you beat me, and suddenly the city dosent need a hero? What are you going to do if you get hurt and can no longer fight, and the city forgets about you just like all the heros before you? Who will you be when your legacy crumbles under the weight of all those who follow? Will you take up knitting?”
The hero stared unblinking and frozen as the villain took a step forward.
“Sure, your a hero. But what are you without that?”
The villain took another step forward.
“Your nothing, heroism is all you have. That pathetic title you curl up to every night. But without it?” They looked the hero up and down, “Absolutely nothing…”
A villain retires from villainy and gets plastic surgery (or simply never showed their face) so they can live a normal life without being recognized. While living their new life, they bump into the hero, and the two start falling for eachother. But the villain is terrified of the hero finding out the truth
The hero slammed their front door as quickly as they could, eyes wide, heart pounding.
The villain. The villain was outside their door.
“Well that was rude,”
A hero with magic powers, in a world where magic is unheard of. They have always kept their powers a secret, fearing they would be shunned, or tested on. They never use their powers in battle.
One day, while practicing their magic alone in the woods, the villain appears out of nowhere. 
Before the hero can explain, the villain asks, “you have powers too?”
A hero dies. Or at least, they think they do. The next thing they know they wake up at their own funeral. And the only person there? Is the villain.
“The worst part, is you had the nerve to call it love”
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