#now we have a duo of pins
lavender-phannie · 6 months
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*exits gamingmas covered in blood* so how we feeling phannies?
Idea from @elorca
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rebelliousstories · 2 months
Relationship: Cooper “The Ghoul” Howard x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: No
Warnings: Strong Language, Brief Violence, Suggestive Themes
Word Count: 1,785
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Part Two: Pretty as a Peach
Summary: Lucy gets a front row seat to the strange happenings in the Wasteland.
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It should be a crime for the day to be this hot. With the sun beating down, it felt like she was going to die rather imminently. But that Ghoul behind her back kept marching her forward whenever she tried to drop. It was not until they made it to some abandoned, two-story building, that the duo was finally able to be granted a moment’s reprieve.
“Sit down Vaultie.” The Ghoul demanded, leading the woman to sit against the worn out walls and dimpled stone. The cool rock felt blessed beneath her body. Even through her Vault-Tech suit insulated her against a lot of the extreme weather, enough was able to slip through for her to begin to cool down.
“That’s a girl. Stayin’ the night here, but I wouldn’ go wanderin’ after dark. A lotta things worse than a ghoul round here.” He spoke once more, starting to gather carve himself a little spot where he could rest.
“Where are we?” Lucy finally asked, voice rasped with dehydration and exhaustion. However, the man did not answer. He simply stretched out his long limbs, and placed his hat over his eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.
“Where are we?” She pleaded once more, to which the Ghoul was not sympathetic to.
“Hey!” Yelling now, the Ghoul picked his hat up from his eyes and set it back on his head while looking at the girl he held.
“Now, am I gonna have to cut out that tongue in order to get some peace and quiet?” Lucy was taken aback, and could not quite tell if he was joking or not. Taking his moment of silence, the man swept his hat over his eyes once more; but it did not last long. The clattering of something nearby caught the attention of the vault dweller, and surface dweller. With a heaving groan, the Ghoul stood back up, placed his hat on his head, and looked around. Lucy also tried to look, but she saw nothing out of the ordinary for the surface.
“Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time.” He muttered under his breath. Spurs clicked as he walked around and took inventory. But the clattering of a can behind him made the Ghoul pull his pistol and aim. There was nothing behind him, though. Lucy watched intently as the man surveyed his surroundings, and was just a beat too late to warn him about the shadowy figure to his back.
“Behind you!” The Ghoul did not have time to fire off a round. The figure jumped on his back, and locked on. He tried to swivel the creature off, but to no avail. Dropping to a knee, the Ghoul threw his assailant off of hm and on to the ground below. Whoever it was, they were fast. Reaching a leg up, the person managed to get him in a headlock with their legs, and rolled them around until they emerged on top. Pinning his hands down with both of theirs, the attacker shimmied out of the mask covering the bottom half of their face. It was a woman; a really pretty one at that.
“Hiya, Coop.” She teased, switching to a one handed hold on his wrists to snatch his hat off of his head. The piece of clothing was set upon her own head as a lazy smirk was pulled from his face.
“Well, if it ain’t my darling little peach.” He drawled. Once her other hand came down to rest on his wrists again, he switched their placements in the blink of an eye. Now, both of her wrists were in one of his, while his other came to rest behind her head. Cooper bucked the young woman up and off, spinning them around to pin her t the floor.
“Careful with that tone, Ghoul. Someone might think you missed me.” Once again, she was teasing. She spread her legs a little wider to accommodate him, and trailed one of them up to rest along his back. In turn, Cooper leaned down to get right up close to her face.
“Aww, we wouldn’t want that. Now would we, peaches?” A wicked smile decorated his face that she mirrored, and it seemed they were both trapped in their own little world for a time.
“How can you like him like that?” A high, feminine voice broke them free of their trance. Both Wastelanders looked over to the vault dweller with a mix of annoyance, confusion, and upset over being interrupted.
“Hope you’re not thinking of replacing me with that.” The woman, still pinned underneath the Ghoul, spoke. Her words did not sound as harsh as they should have; perhaps it was the smile that still plagued the woman’s face that offered her a softer edge that the usual surface dwellers Lucy had met thus far.
“Believe me, peach. Ain’t nothin’ able to replace you.” Cooper groaned out, letting the woman come to to sit and observe the woman before them.
“Ooo. You got yourself a Vaultie? You know how much they go for?” The woman asked, watching Lucy’s eyes widen in shock and horror. As much as she wanted to keep it going, the woman began laughing as she saw the expression on the vault dweller’s face.
“Nah, ‘m just messing with you. I ain’t got no clue how much y’all are worth. Probably a lot though. Whatcha doin’ travelin’ with this bag o’ bones?” Being friendly was confusing yet refreshing to Lucy, even as the mysterious woman remained tangled up in Cooper’s arms.
“Oh,” Lucy perked up, “well, I’m looking for my father. It’s a really long story but you are by far the nicest person I have met on the surface. My name is Lucy, and you are?” She rattled off, unable to contain her nerves or speech.
“Honestly, it’s been so long since I’ve used my real name, I’ve nearly forgotten it. He calls me peach or some variation of it so-” squeaking out, the woman turned to see that Cooper had pinched her side hard in a warning.
“Okay. Not allowed to call me that then.” She supplied her real name afterwards, and saw the vault dweller before her visibly relax.
“Now that that’s out of the way, I bring gifts.” Untangling herself from the Ghoul, she made her way to where her bag was dropped. Lucy guessed that was what they heard falling before the ‘fight’ broke out. She pulled out a few cans of food, presumably, and tossed them to Cooper, however one of the cans was tossed towards Lucy. Reading the front of the label, she took not that it was a Vault-Tech brand of pie filling.
“Sugar, you shouldn’t have.” Cooper drawled, gratefully taking the jerky and chems that were provided.
“Well, figured you’d want a little gift for all your troubles.” Effortlessly, she just kept emptying her bags. Right when you think she is done, she would pull out more from the same place. It was, honestly, a wonder.
“One last thing. Just for us tonight.” Holding a can in her hands, she pulled a knife from her belt to begin cracking it open. The label was long since gone from it, but that didn’t stop them from eagerly tearing into it. Once she was close enough, she sat down and allowed Cooper to take it from her hands. He finished the job of getting the lid off of the can, and let delight take over his scarred features.
“Now, where’d you find this, peach?” He asked, letting her tuck herself under his arm to get closer.
“Trader I went to had a whole shipment of them Georgia. Well, what’s left of it. Anyways, you should be thankful I managed to get some. That one can cost me two hundred and fifty caps.” While his eyes did not bug out of his skull, his brow area did raise considerably when he heard the price.
“Careful, peach. Someone might think you like me.” Cooper stabbed a thick, juicy slice and brought it up to the woman’s lips to let her take a bite off, before bringing the other half of the slice to his own lips. A sinful groan was released from the both of them as they allowed the sugary sweet fruit to explode. It was a taste that Cooper was not sure if he would ever taste again after the bombs destroyed the world as he knew it.
“Is that peach? Is that what it’s supposed to taste like?” She asked, hoping sh had gotten it right. The Ghoul stabbed yet another slice and repeated the process from before as he watched the woman intensely.
“Yep. That is the sweet taste of peach, alright.” With how he was staring at her, the woman was not sure that he was talking about the fruit anymore. They continued to swap the fruit back and forth as they finished the can. When it got down to the juices, she pushed the can closer to him, encouraging him to take the drink. And he did; but that was not the end of it. As he drank down the last gulp of juices from the can, Cooper grabbed her chin, pressed his lips to hers, and pushed some of the liquid into her mouth instead. She chased the taste on his lips once she had taken her drink, and let herself get lost in the moment. He pawed at the layers covering her body, but the sound of Lucy finishing her can brought them out.
“I don’t feel like having an audience tonight, cowpoke.” She whispered, breathless, against his face. The hat was still set atop her head, and it was not going to be leaving anytime soon. A yawn tore through the woman in his arms, before being caught by Lucy against the stone.
“Really startin’ to get pissed at this Vaultie, peaches.” He whispered back, pressing another kiss to her lips, before returning to their previous position.
“Get some shut eye. We leave at day break.” Cooper said with a definitive tone, leaning his head back against the wall in an effort to sleep. The woman below him cuddled herself into his chest and drifted off to sleep without a worry of being attacked in her sleep. Lucy was the last one to close her eyes, but not the last one to fall asleep. Her mind raced with questions she wished she could ask, but thought better of not asking. Hoping that the mystery woman was there in the morning, the vault dweller and surface dwellers found themselves in the land of dreams before long, hoping and trying to survive till the next sunset.
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Imagine arguing with Sanji in the kitchen and holding up service…
The kitchen at Baratie was heating up and it wasn’t from the flaming stovetops or pre-heated ovens.
There was a wicked, hot tension between yourself and Sanji and it was making the rest of the kitchen staff sweat. No one knew what had caused the new dynamic but they quickly learnt to stay a safe distance from the pair after Patty accidentally fanned the flame. Now they only interacted with the duo when required.
Sanji was chopping vegetables for his soup that was almost ready to simmer while you silently iced some cakes on the station beside him. Both regretting the request to cook next to one another.
The blonde-haired chef finished dicing the last of the carrots and picked up the board to hold over the pot. He gently swept the vegetables into the broth with the knife. Setting the utensils back down, Sanji inhaled the beautiful aroma that was starting to perfume the air. His hand reached out for his spoon but his fingers met empty air.
He sighed and closed his eyes. “I’d like my spoon back.”
Your eyes were fixed on the patterns being made on the soft pieces of sponge but your ears picked up that his tone was directed toward you.
“I don’t have it.” You offered simply without breaking focus.
Sanji turned to you, eyes squinting. “Really? Because I recall that you used it last to mix the cake batter.”
It was your turn to exhale. “I did and I washed it thoroughly before setting it back on the table.”
“Well, it’s not here.”
“Then pull out another one.” You snapped.
Sanji lowered the heat of his soup so it wouldn’t burn before returning to glare at you. “Why should I have to when you’re the one who-”
Splat! The cook’s eyes went wide as the cold vanilla cream dripped from his chin, lips tasting its sweetness.
You now stood upright holding the bag of frosting, brows knitted to match the frown on your face.
“I didn’t take your damn spoon.”
The doors to the kitchen opened with their familiar heaviness and a wooden footstep hit the tiles.
“Why is there no soup or cakes out on the floor?” Zeff asked as he entered.
The kitchen that had gone quiet during the public argument suddenly sprang to life and scrambled to resume duties. Zeff’s eyes floated to the two in charge of the slowed menu line and his eyes narrowed.
“Why on earth are you tasting the desserts, Little Eggplant?” He inquired, approaching the bench.
Sanji’s hands flew to gesture your entire being. “Y/n is literally holding the bag. I’m a victim here!”
Zeff held a hand up to silence the boy and set his gaze on you. “You know that we don’t waste food here. Explain yourself.”
You shrugged. “He accused me of losing his spoon so I did what had to be done. I’m not apologising.”
Zeff blinked, jaw dropping slightly.
“A spoon.” He repeated slowly before his voice, and temper, was unleashed. “You two held up service because of a damn spoon!”
You held up your hands in defence. “I told him to just use another one but he was stubborn about it.”
Sanji didn’t take kindly to being thrown under the bus, rounding on you while completely ignoring the steam blowing out of Zeff’s ears.
“Excuse me but that is my special soup spoon. You’re lucky that I even let you borrow it.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s a spoon, Sanji. It’s not the All Blue.”
“You know what-?”
“I’ve heard enough!” Zeff bellowed, his voice sending vibrations through the glassware. “Mix the soup with a rolling pin for all I care. Just get it out to the customers along with those cakes or you’re both on dish duty for two months. Am I clear?”
Receiving a grumbled reply, the owner of the Baratie marched off.
A few stations away, Patty stealthily pulled a towel to cover the wooden handle of the missing utensil. It was too late to reveal the small prank without being boiled alive or baked into a pie.
With the tension still rising, Patty decided to lock them in a cupboard after the shift.
~ More imagines here ~
A/n: Heading back to the office tomorrow with a 5am wake up but here I lay at 12am dishing out some Baratie mania (with more to come). No regrets.
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allywthsr · 6 months
CHARITY STREAM | (l.norris)
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summary: you and Lando stream 24h for charity! Lots of gaming and chatting
wordcount: 1.8k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: tumblr wouldn’t let me post anything?? It’s late again!🥲
advent calendar
Lando and you started a new tradition this year.
This year you wanted to do a little charity stream during the holidays, where people could donate, and in the end, the money would go into different organizations. Shelters for homeless people, women’s shelters, and on your request, some animal shelters as well.
You two also donated twenty thousand pounds to kick things off, and you hoped people would give some of their money to a good cause, no matter how much money someone donates, every penny counts and is helping someone to survive. Especially during Christmas and the winter, it was harder for people that do not have a stable home to survive, eat, shower, or even go to the toilet. That was something, they didn’t always have access to, and that is why you and Lando decided to do this charity stream.
The stream is twenty-four hours long, a full day of streaming, mostly it will be Lando in front of the camera because the people want to see him, but you would join him. It’s going to start with some cookie baking, and then you go straight to the PC to play games, Fortnite, CoD, the Truck simulator, and the Santa simulator were already planned, just as a lot of talking to the chats and every hour you would explain and introduce one more shelter, you donate to.
And that’s where you were sitting right now, in front of the computer, next to Lando and the ring light behind his PC was providing you with light. Lando clicked on the start button, and the stream loaded, the first few hello’s and comments started rolling in.
”Hey guys, Y/N and I decided to do something new this year. Today we’re raising money for charity, not everyone is privileged enough to have a roof over their head, so we want to donate money to different organizations. Y/N and I are gonna stream for twenty-four hours, we’re playing different games, but first, we start with some cookie baking, I‘m going to switch you to the kitchen cam, and then we‘re going to cut out cookies.“
You prepared the cookie dough two hours ago and it sat in the fridge, waiting for you two to roll it out. Lando switched to the kitchen cam, and you two appeared behind the kitchen island, on the island there were many cookie cutters, flour, baking paper, and multiple rolling pins scattered. You opened the fridge and took the cookie dough on the counter, taking a piece of it and rolling it out with a rolling pin.
Lando started to press different cookie cutters into the dough.
”Chat, what do you think about my Santa?“
After a few seconds, comments came in complementing him, ”It’s not that hard baby, you used a cookie cutter.“
”She‘s always negative, chat, I don’t know why she’s even here.“
Obviously, he was joking, squeezing your hips shortly after he said that. The next half hour was spent cutting out the dough into small shapes with the cookie cutters and taking out baked cookies from the oven.
”Alright chat, we‘ll go over to the PC and play some games, maybe later we will go back to the kitchen and decorate them.“
You two sat at the PC and looked at the chat, reading some comments, donations were already coming in and Lando was thanking every single one of them. The count was already at two thousand of just viewer donations, some crazy people are out there and it astonished you. Now Lando sat in his gaming chair, while you sat in your chair and with your MacBook in front of you, Fortnite open and ready to play. You two were playing in duos and when the first game started, you two were freaking out. Lando wasn’t a pro, just like you aren’t, you were dying before you even picked up a gun and Lando wasn’t any better, stream snipers were making your life hard and you tried to play it for two hours but after not getting a win, it was time to stop playing that frustrating game.
You switched to just talking to the chat, by now twenty thousand people were watching, and they had a lot of questions. It wasn’t like you were in a new relationship with Lando, most of his fans only knew him with you on his side, you‘ve been with him since he started his Formula One career, but you retold your whole getting-to-know-each-other story. Ditching questions that had anything to do with marriage or kids, you both wanted to focus on life and your careers and touch that topic later in life, a lot of people didn’t get that, and had to spam the comments. So you decided to play the next game, the Santa simulator.
Lando started off with collecting presents for different children, having to decide if they get something good or just a piece of coal. Lucas was not focusing on school but more on his hobby, no Lando had to decide what he would get, because of Lando’s own school history, Lucas got a big new bike like he wished. Marie was always a good girl, cleaning up behind herself, a good student, and always on her best behavior. Because Lando thought she needed to be more rebellious, she got some coal, but a new pair of slippers too, so she wouldn’t feel to... sad. Next, he had to take care of the reindeers, brushing their fur and feeding them before putting them in front of the sleigh, the last thing that needed to be done was to deliver the presents. Lando had to fly through the sky and ditch multiple obstacles, landing safely on houses without getting noticed by anyone. The sliding down the chimney and laying the presents underneath the tree was the hardest part, he had to do it as quietly as possible, so he wouldn’t wake up any of the kids. In the end, most of the kids weren’t happy with their presents and he wasn’t quiet enough, the mission was failed, but you two had fun.
Six hours in and eighteen more to go, next Lando wanted to play CoD, you had an important phone call, so you couldn’t join or watch him, but after two hours of discussing things with your and Lando’s management, Lando was still playing it.
”This is the last round, baby“, he said as you sat down next to him on your chair. You pulled out your phone to check some reactions to the stream, so far people were loving it. When the clock hit the next full hour, it was time to announce the next sponsor, this hour you talked about the Red Cross, what they did, and how people could help outside of the stream.
While chatting about that, Lando got touchy and placed his hand on your cross-legged thigh, caressing it gently. Immediately comments about that came in and people were swooning over Lando’s need of physical attention.
”Chat, what should we play?“
Comments were saying Fortnite or the truck simulator, so you two chose the truck simulator, Lando and you hadn’t played that game since lockdown ended and you even got a little excited. You linked your MacBook with Lando’s game and now you could play together, fulfilling quests and pushing each other off the street. The room was filled with laughter and screams, as the others always pushed the truck off or doing everything they weren’t supposed to do, like hitting different cars or turning the wrong way.
After Lando shut off the game, it was hour ten and you two got hungry, in between the games you‘d already prepared some snacks, but you needed an actual dinner, so quickly you boiled some pasta and made a quick sauce. You brought it to Lando and you two made an unplanned asmr session, most of the people loved how you weirdly slowly chewed your pasta and when Lando smushed around the sauce, you couldn’t contain your laughter in between bites.
Lando had a Lego piece he wanted to build for quite some time, but he never did, so he got the package out and poured out all the bags. What you thought would take an hour, turned out to take four hours, Lando got confused at some steps and had to redo them, as you were focused on a different step. But you never thought it would take you so long, stretching your knuckles and fingers after you finished.
After talking to the chat, you reminded Lando of the cookies that were still untouched in the kitchen and he quickly switched to the kitchen cam, where he sat and waited for you to prepare the chocolates and sprinkles. Lando wasn’t the most patient man, so mostly the cookies got dipped in the chocolate and maybe some sprinkles were put on the chocolate. But most of them were eaten before they could be decorated anyway.
Next, you did the gingerbread house challenge, if you were in the kitchen anyway.
With only six hours to go, and the struggle to stay awake, you drank multiple beverages with caffeine. You played another round of Fortnite, joined by Max F. and you even won one round, mostly because you got carried by someone, but the end result mattered.
Going in the last three hours, a lot of chatting and watching YouTube videos was done, compilations of Y/N and Lando being cute or the latest unboxed. In the end you raised over forty thousand pounds, saying goodbye to the chat when the twenty four hour mark was crossed. Lando ended the stream and you let out a big sigh, finally you didn’t have thousand of eyes on you anymore, with a stretch, you linked Lando’s and your hand together and pulled him to the bed, ready for a big nap.
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jihyoruri · 9 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 YOUTUBE SERIES huh yunjin
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previous. masterlist . next
🧋💿 yunjin and yn best moments anti fragile era 987k views
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clip one 🧋
the camera stilled on lesserafim as the girls sat and listened to the performance in front of them.
yn turned her head to yunjin leaning close to whisper something to the blonde girl, her mouth being awfully close to yunjins ear.
yunjin hums in question, still not hearing the girl over the loud music so she turns around to face yn, only to jump back startled at how close yn’s face was to her.
yunjin covers her face flustered as yn laughs, leaning her head on yunjin’s shoulder.
the camera pans to the other members who laugh at yunjin as well.
clip two 🧋
“I can see..” yn sings the lyrics of impurities at the live and her and yunjin sit on her bed, the girls decided to do a live without their manger’s permission at 2am in the morning.
yunjin then breaks out into a laugh at the melody, as yn looks at her confused.
she lets out a deep breath before turning to face yn, “remember when we were practicing…” she cuts herself off with a laugh again at yn’s embarrassed expression.
she pats yn’s shoulder as yn puts her face in her hands, “should I tell them.” only to get answered with a groan.
“if you guys have seen the choreography…” yunjin says to the camera as she rubs yn’s back, “there’s a part when yn has to touch my back.” she lets out another giggle at the memory, “when we were practicing, instead of touching my back, by accident yn tou-”
“no!” yn exclaims, shooting yo from her hands she puts her hand on yunjin’s mouth, “don’t talk about it, it’s too embarrassing.”
yunjin laughs under yn’s hand before doing something that caused yn to jump and wipe her hand on yunjin’s shirt in disgust.
clip three 🧋
chaewon squealed from where she sat on the ground as yunjin wrapped her in a tight hug pulling chaewon into her chest, shaking the girl with the shorter hair lightly.
then there was yn who was sitting right next to them on the ground, side eyeing the duo as she tied her shoe, she looks off to the side taking her eyes off of chaewon and yunjin.
unexpectedly it was now yn’s turn to let out a squeal as yunjin tackles her to the ground on her side, the blonde girl wraps her arms around yn in a hug as she pins her to ground.
yunjin laughs when yn lets out a small gasp when she presses a big kiss on yn’s cheek before getting off her.
clip four 🧋
“wait let’s get them a pack.” sakura says into the mic as she walks to the end of the stage towards their manger to get the pack of pocky’s.
the girls were having a showcase for their new comeback and got some time to talk an interact with their fans which ended up when them daring yn and yunjin.
“wait… we’re actually doing this?” yn asks into her mic as she watches sakura pass the popular snack to yunjin who opens the packaging and takes out a stick.
“yup.” yunjin says a little too eagerly as she motions for yn to come closer to her.
everyone laughs when yn slowly walks towards yunjin only to get shoved by eunchae right into yunjin’s chest which makes both girls groan in pain at the maknae’s strength.
they make a good distance between themselves before yunjin puts the one half of the snack in her mouth and yn puts the other side in hers.
everyone watches in anticipation on who’s gonna win as both yn and yunjin only takes small bites.
but as they get closer yunjin does something that has everyone in shock.
she takes a very large bite of the stick, making sure to hold yn close to her as she finishes the stick, it all happened so fast that barely anyone could see their lips touching.
yn let out a big gasp at the action as she backs into kazuha who laughs and hits yn’s shoulder repeatedly.
yunjin throws her head back with a laugh while everyone in the crowd screams so loud you can barely hear the girls laughs, before she walks over to yn and kazuha and wraps her arms around yn who covers her face.
clip five 🧋
“we look like rockstars.” yn says to camera as the girls get ready to perform “no celestial.” yn leans into yunjin, “we’re gonna be rockstars today.”
yunjin wraps her arm around yn’s shoulder as plays with chains on yn’s neck, “do you know what rockstars would do back in the day during performances?”
“what?” yn asks curious as she looks up at the taller girl.
“they used to kiss each other as a statement.” yunjin says letting of yn’s necklaces, “you know, since we’re rock stars today.”
“um..” yn trails off awkwardly at the fun fact, “you joke to much.”
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dedicated to the biggest yt lover @thegiganticgirlkisser (LMAOOO JKJK)
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lynk-zee · 1 month
Idk if you take request or not, I saw through your pfp and didn't saw anything so I'm going to give it a shot at least and if it's not possible it's okay I still love your content anyways :3 a sfw of course of what kind of fans would be the LaD boys if instead of being a hunter (or we just simply decided to switch careers and it goes well for us because the plot said so) we were a popular idol, (I feel like zayne would be a closet fan 100% with the argument that nobody asked) and how they would be in the handshake events
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Authors Note: Hi! Love the request! I was planning on waiting until I have 100 followers before I drafted up a request/asks page but as my first request, there’s no time like the present! So ask page to be determined. Thanks for the request!
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Let’s say that your heart condition prohibited you from ever entering the Hunters field, but was stable enough for you to dance and sing…
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Zayne would have been a long time fan, even before you were famous. When you were children, he would always hear you sing with the prettiest voice and see you dance like you were floating on air… When you did end up becoming an idol, Josephine made sure he was one of the first people to know, sending him a pamphlet of your first performance. So you can say he’s an OG stan. His desk at home would be littered with merch from keychains to pins even to a framed autograph with your kiss stain (he flushes all the time when he sees it and he will take that secret to his GRAVE). He has one of your keychains on his lanyard, but it’s small enough that no one would recognize it unless they squint hard enough. When it comes to your meet and greet, you’re surprised to see your childhood friend standing there, wearing your tee-shirt, all blank-faced and stoic, waiting for a handshake.
MC: Zayne? I didn’t know you were a fan…
Zayne: …You never asked.
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In his head, you and Rafayel are already dating. Sure, you haven’t formally met yet, but it would make sense, no? He, who expresses himself through his paint. You, who touches the hearts of fans through your voice. An inspired duo indeed. You would make beautiful art together. Rafayel would download all your albums, playing your music when he hits an art block, harnessing the feelings he gets when he watches your performances on his phone to make art about a soft flame kindling warmth amongst the cold. Meeting you was nerve-wracking. For all the pomp and circumstance he puts out, he’s shy to meet person of his dreams. But today was the day— no going back now! He bought backstage passes to meet you one on one, no distractions whatsoever. When you came in after the show, his cheeks flushed with fire and his ears turned red at how beautiful you were in person. After wiping the sweat off your face from such an intense performance, you gave him the prettiest smile he’d ever seen.
MC: It’s nice to meet you, Rafayel! I’m a huge fan of your art!
Rafayel: O-Oh, really? *ahem* I’m glad your as big a fan of my art as I am yours. I could give you a personal tour at the gallery if you’d like…?
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Xavier didn’t exactly understand what it meant to be obsessed with an idol. Yes, he loves your music and thinks you’re very pretty, and sure, he’s indulged in buying some merch a few times, but spending three hours at a claw machine to get your limited addition plushie was normal right? Xavier is a pretty lowkey fan to be fair. He wears your tee-shirts to bed and works out to your music, but all of that stays within the house anyways. Him meeting you was by chance or fate, who knows. He couldn’t sleep at night, a rare occurrence, when he decided to take a walk to clear his head. All of a sudden, his hunters watch goes off and a shrill scream fills the air, calling him to action. As he swiftly takes care of the Wanderer, he turns to make sure the pedestrian was safe when he realizes it’s you. His very favorite idol. Xavier’s face goes blank as he processes the whole situation and you scramble to your feet to thank him.
MC: Thank you so much, Mr. Hunter! You’re my hero…
When you lean up to give him a kiss on the cheek, leaving a lipstick stain on his skin, he almost fainted.
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auroralwriting · 5 months
can’t take my charm ౨ৎ
ellie williams x singer!fem!reader
synopsis: you’re jackson’s very lovely performer, every wednesday, friday, and sunday nights performing at the local bar for the whole town. ellie is, as always, enamored with you.
haha yes this is based off of lucy gray from the hunger games.. i have multiple obsessions
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“hey, we got ‘bout five minutes till we go on,” your bandmate, claire, said as she stuck her head in the bathroom you resided in. you were adjusting your outfit and hair, making sure you looked perfect.
you hummed for a second, “alright, i think i’m ready.”
“and you look amazing as always,” claire smiled, leading you to the rest of the band.
over the years, tommy helped you gather instruments and other useful things such as your microphone to help you perform. you really owed him.
you grabbed your mic and as you all walked out onto the small, makeshift stage, everyone cheered. you hooked your microphone up to the cord.
“hey, ya’ll!” you say cheerfully into the mic. “how’re we feelin’ tonight?”
applause and whistles followed, and you smiled. “are you ready to hear some music?” again, more applause.
you heard you drummer start counting in as the band began to play. everyone in the crowed started to move, some dancing, some just swaying to the beat while watching you.
you quickly found those perfect eyes staring at you from the bar. that’s where ellie sat, watching you with a smile on her face. you always caught her eye. sometimes you’d talk after your set. she always complimented you. you complimented her. there was a mutual pinning between you both.
“can’t take my charm, can’t take my humor,” you start to sing. everyone starts to cheer as your voice entered. you saw ellie whistle.
“thinkin’ you’re so fine, thinkin’ you can have mine, thinkin’ you’re in control,”
the song ended soon after, cheer and applause erupting.
this next song, well, it was a doosey. your bandmates didn’t take long to catch onto your and ellie’s infatuation with each other. they encouraged you to write a song about it. and here you were, about to perform it for everyone, including her.
“now ya’ll, this next one is somethin’ special,” you begin to say. everyone quiets softly to listen.
“this one’s about someone, someone i feel’s just too special to not have a song,” small cheers erupt.
you nod to your band who slowly starts the song. it didn’t take long for partners to start dancing. it was a good song to do that to.
“everyone’s born as clean as a whistle,” you sing. “fresh as a daisy, not a bit crazy,”
ellie’s eyes pour into your own. you can’t peel yours from hers. your singing directly into her soul.
“this world, it’s dark, this world, it’s scary. i’ve taken some hits, no wonder i’m weary. it’s why i need you. you’re as pure as the driven snow.”
as you sing, jesse sits next to ellie, nudging her. she doesn’t look away from you.
“lover girl’s written you a song, eh?” jesse teases.
“shut up,” ellie remarked softly. she wanted to hear you. she wanted to soak in every word you sang, memorize it and keep it forever.
jesse just smiled and walked back to dina, who couldn’t help but giggle at ellie’s reaction to your song.
it ended with your words, the biggest applause of the night erupting. you give a small bow, not pausing to speak but allowing the band to start playing another upbeat song.
it went on like this for a few sets. once your band ended and a duo went to take your place, you looked at claire nervously.
“girl,” its like she read your mind, “go talk to her. she couldn’t take her eyes off ya.”
you nodded and went into the crowed of people, trying to push through everyone to get to the bar. you could just see it, but it was loud, and everyone was dancing.
suddenly, your hand was captured in someone else’s being dragged to the bar. you knew it was ellie guiding you.
one you emerged from the crowd, there she was. she got up on her seat and patted the one next to her. you sat down and turned your seat to her.
“hey pretty girl,” ellie flirted. “you sounded amazing.”
“thank you, els.” you smiled bashfully.
there was a pause. you wanted to ask her about the song. her song.
“i loved the song,” it was like ellie read your mind. “it was beautiful.”
you looked down, “it’s for you,”
“for me?” ellie teased, “little old me?” she laughed at your embarrassed face. she took your hands in hers. “i loved it, sweets. i wish i could hear it over and over again.”
you shrugged, smiling a little. “then just ask,”
ellie raised an eyebrow at you, and you got the hint. you laughed slightly and leaned closer to her.
“everyone wants to be like a hero,” you sing while laughing with ellie. “the cake with the cream, the doer not dreamer,”
“i fucking love your voice,” ellie smiled. “it’s so beautiful. just like you,”
your face turned bright red at this. “i think your beautiful, too,”
“maybe sometime i can play guitar and you can sing for me,” ellie suggests, nudging you with her shoulder, now incredibly close. legs touching, arms basically touching.
“you play?” you ask as she nods.
“joel taught me,” she smiles.
her fingers find the bottom of your chin, turning your head to face her. neither of you said anything, you didn’t have to. it didn’t take long before her lips were pressed against your own.
“such a little charmer,” ellie teases once you pull away, “feeling me in with a song,”
you laugh, “i already had you before that,”
“yeah,” ellie nods, hand in yours, her thumb rubbing your hand softly, “you did.”
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themultifanshipper · 26 days
“You utter cunt!”
“Fuck you!”
That was how karting usually ended when you two were involved. No matter where either of you started on the grid, you and Liam always found a way to crash into each other.
Warnings: gn!reader, rough sex, lots of swearing, rivals to lovers, smidge of angst, like 2 seconds of fluff before it descends into madness
“That was my line!”
“You call that a line? Ha! My blind grandmother can see that’s a shit line!”
And you were only thirteen then. Now you were both in formula 1. But unfortunately, the insults hadn’t matured, and neither had you.
“You absolute wankstain! What the fuck was that?!”
“That was me having to crash into my teammate! Because my teammate is a shit driver who doesn’t leave me any room, you fucking prick!”
“Oh, dear! Looks like the alpha tauri duo are having a trackside screaming match... again.”
Crofty sighed. At this point it was almost a weekly occurrence. You and Liam were bitter rivals on track and had been since you started karting all those years ago. It always ended in a screaming match that usually lasted well into the evening, and sometimes all the way up the corridors of your hotel rooms, and one time, it ended with Liam shoving you into your room and fucking you right there on the carpet.
That was one time. And you and Liam had never talked about it. The next day you’d bickered on the private jet, as per usual, and just like that it was forgotten.
Except it wasn’t, not really.
The problem was that Liam had unknowingly taken your virginity that night. And it was, by default, the best sex you had ever had. But your relationship stayed the same and the two of you never even acknowledged what happened. You weren’t obsessed with the concept of virginity either of course, it was what it was, and he was you first, whatever. But it would be nice if he stopped being such a huge prick, you know?
Then came the end of season celebrations in Abu Dhabi. You’d been drinking heavily to forget this nightmare of a season and the fact that you (just you, not Liam) had essentially been threatened to stop fighting next season or you would be out of a seat faster than you could say ‘hypocrisy’.
You tried your best to avoid him all evening. But he kept appearing in your line of sight, on the dancefloor, getting drinks at the bar, shuffling off to the toilets every now and then. You kept drinking so that your vision would hopefully go so blurry you wouldn’t be able to see him at all, but of course with those drinks came the need to pee.
So, there you were in one of the stalls thinking about the face of the man you were trying hard not to think about. Then, said man walked in, crossed the room and the sound of him undoing his zipper was heard.
You knew it was him from his stupid shoes that you recognised very well, as he had once thrown them at your head. That was an incident worthy of getting fired....
Anyway, for some obscure reason (about 7 tequila cocktails) you thought it was a great idea to voice that thought out loud.
“I never told you, but those are the ugliest shoes on the fucking planet”.
There was a pause as he zipped his fly back up.
“Jesus, are you stalking me now? The fuck are you doing in there?”
“Pissing, obviously”
Another pause.
“Right” he said “anything else you want to tell me? Or can I get back to having fun now?”
You rolled your eyes “Yeah actually, you need to stop crashing into me, dickwad”.
He snorted. “And why the fuck would I do that”.
“Because I’m out of the seat next time we crash, and because you fucking owe me, so please just cool it with the- !”
“Wait, why the fuck do I owe you anything? It’s not my fault you can’t drive!”
“Because you fucking took my virginity Liam!”
Okay maybe you weren’t completely over it.
You could’ve heard a pin drop. You desperately hoped there wasn’t anyone else in the stalls.
You were so embarrassed you tried to get out of answering by flushing the toilet and waiting for him to leave.
Obviously, that didn’t work.
“Unlock the door, please” He sounded almost winded, which confused you so much you actually opened the door. He was leaning against the wall and as his eyes snapped to yours, you could see there were tears in them.
Your bewilderment must have been visible because he immediately wrapped his arms around you in a tight bear hug.
“I’m so sorry you’re first time was like that... I’m so, so sorry...”
You pushed him off enough to be able to breathe again “The sex was great Liam, what the fuck are you sorry for?”
He stroked your hair as he spoke, refusing to meet your eyes. “Because... I thought you hated me so I... Your first time shouldn’t be, you know, hate-sex. I thought that was the only way I would get to do it with you so I-   I didn’t know you’d never done it before- it was a spur of the moment thing”.
You were even more confused. “The only way you’d get to do it?  What the fuck does that mean?”
He finally looked at you and he seemed so weirdly vulnerable, so heartbroken that your brain started to catch up, and your breath caught in your throat.
“Do you...” your heart was beating fast as you scanned his face for a reaction “like me?”
He had a pained look on his face and just looked down at the floor. He didn’t like you. It went deeper than that.
“Liam look at me” He did. You didn’t know what to say so you just stared at him.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about that night, you know” he said softly. 
“Neither have I” you whispered, and your eyes met as he looked at you in shock.
You both moved at the same time, crashing your lips and bodies together as the years of tension finally washed away and you were on the same wavelength for the first time.
As you both caught your breath a minute later, he chuckled. “Come on, let’s get back to the hotel. I owe you a do-over”.
And do-over he did.
As in, he did you, over every surface.
It started out sweet enough. He carried you to the bed, undressed you slowly and took his time fucking you slowly, almost maddeningly so. But you both quickly realised that he’d already corrupted you the first time, and now you liked it rough. So he gave it to you. First he flipped you over on the bed, grabbed your hair and pushed you face down into the sheets as he pounded into you mercilessly from behind, occasionally leaving hand prints on your ass, then he took you standing up against the glass windows, one hand around your throat, the other sneaking down to touch you where you were making a mess of yourself.
“Fuck, you like it like this don’t you? You’re basically dripping onto the carpet”.
Then he flipped you and lifted you up, your legs hooking over his arms as he entered you again, the position giving you no choice but to just take it.
“Yes, take it baby, fuck- so tight around me, take my fucking cock” he growled and bit into your shoulder, making you moan. “You’d take anything I give you right? Such a fucking slut for it my god”
His hips stuttered as he had a thought.
“It’s my fault, isn’t it? My fault that you take it like you were made for it, fuck”  his thrusts became even harder as you both felt your highs quickly approaching, your hands were scrambling for purchase on his sweaty shoulders, settling in his hair to give it a sharp tug, his answer was a deep thrust that knocked the breath out of you.
“Fucking made for me. Only I get to see you like this now, don’t I? My little cockslut, all for me. Isn’t that right?”
You nodded quickly, but he made a noise of discontent.
“Words baby, I need words or I won’t let you come. Who do you belong to?”
“You Daddy, please I’m gonna come” you couldn’t help it, the name slipping out as his hips stuttered and he made a punched-out noise.
“Shit- say that again baby, that sounded good”.
You huffed out a whine, now was not the time to be embarrassed “Daddy please, please I need to come so bad”.
He groaned “Okay baby go ahead, come on daddy’s cock, now.”
You came so hard. All over yourself, and it ran down onto his thighs and the feeling of you dripping everywhere sent him over the edge, thrusting a couple more times before stilling, deep inside you as you felt him fill you up.
He carried you like that into the bathroom, setting you down gently in the shower, legs and hips sore from the position and you both spent an eternity in there, soaping each other up and kissing tenderly, trying to make up for lost time.
As you got into bed with him, you checked your phone and saw two things: the alarm for your flight was in 2 hours, and a text that read “does this mean you two will be cooperating from now on?”  from your performance engineer.
Your cheeks burned red, she had the room right next door.
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Inspired by lestappen tbh
I blacked out, and an hour later this monstrosity was born! Hope you enjoyed lmao
Also I used alpha tauri bc i refuse to put Visa Cash Card Paypal App Racing Redbulls in my goddamm fics.
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chaoticgoblindev · 9 months
The Pollen Dilemma
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Pairing: Leona x Fem!Reader
Pronouns used: She/Her
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+, smut, dedagration, praise, p in v, cussing, unprotected!sex, fem!reader, f!ngering, oral!giving, the reader is called "yuu".
Summary: With the ADeuce Duo and Grim, assignments are sure to go wrong. This time around, you earned a memorable encounter with a grumpy lion man.
A/N: based on a request, hope you enjoy🫶
Leona was pissed.
And no, it wasn't because his nap was ruined, it wasn't from being pestered by teachers, it wasn't even because of his family. The reason for his foul mood was simple and complex…
You. His herbivore. His bunny.
Everything began with a science project with the ADeuce Duo and Grim. Things were fine until they weren’t, on top of having to clean and help restore the alchemy lab to its former state, you now had to redo the assignment from scratch and within the day. It seemed Crewel was angrier than usual this time around. (but who could blame him when his pups always cause trouble.)
It fell to you, once again, to make sure everything was done correctly. If you were to be honest with yourself for once, it was exhausting. Cleaning the alchemy lab had taken a good 2 hours even with multiple people, 2 of which attempted to slack off. 
“Okay, now that everything is clean… We should start doing our project.” You sighed wearily and began to turn to face the designated cauldron that Deuce conveniently summoned.
Ace and Grim were sitting and slouching across the table and watched as you began gathering the required ingredients. 
“Come on, can’t we have a small break?” The ginger groaned as he began to spin his magic pen around. Grim added onto that with a whiny agreement which only added to your foul mood.
Deuce’s eyes flicked between the slouchers and his stressed friend. “Come on, the quicker we get this done the sooner we can relax. It’s our fault we are here anyway.” His attempt to ease the stress off your back by reminding his friends had made you smile faintly. Deuce was always intuitive and emotionally like that, even if he was just a tad delayed in getting the big picture. You nodded to him with thanks, something he mimicked.
The project was going smoothly again, the ingredients were added correctly, and the heating temperature was maintained perfectly. In a way, it reminds you of cooking. Eventually, it came down to the final stretch, adding pollen from a mystical flower said to have great regenerable abilities. The trick was having to add the mixture consistently and slowly at a set boiling temperature. Easy enough right? Wrong.
“Wait Grim don’t, that's the wrong side of the lid!” You shrieked, seeing the container pointed down at the cauldron on an open spout rather than a sprinkle. Grim had yanked back the pollen but it was too late, a big chunk of the flower dust fell into the cauldron. Seeing how this could go wrong from previous events, you ran towards Grim, grabbing him by the collar and tossing him to Ace. Ace caught him, eye widening seeing the cauldron bubbling and sparking.
“Get down!” Someone yelled as you pushed your friend to the ground and shielded them, your back facing the cauldron.
Turning around you saw that yellow dust had exploded and landed in the areas close to the cauldron. The cleanup didn’t look like it would be too bad. But the project surely had to be redone. Again. 
“DAMMIT GRIM!” You bellowed, the stress rage finally snapping. You know it wasn’t his fault, it was an accident sure, but that didn’t stop you from taking it out on your friends. “How is it so damn hard for y’all to just complete one lesson without screwing it up!”
Grim looked dejected, his ears pinned and eyes wide which made Ace step in. “Woah! Prefect, it was an accident so chill out. We will just redo it and be extra careful this time, no need to yell.”
“We wouldn’t have to redo it if y’all would stop being so careless. Just get out and go.” You seethed, crossing your arms, “I will complete the project myself, and we will all get the same credit. Just. Go.” 
Deuce was quiet, and began ushering the other two out of the room. He at least understood your anger but it didn’t stop him from feeling a bit hurt at your harsh words.
In the silence of the lab, you sunk to your knees with a frustrated groan. You would apologize later, but as of now, you had to clean up and redo the project. When you grabbed the broom from the nearby closet, you noticed some of the pollen mixture had landed on your sleeve. On closer examination, you noticed it trailed all across your lab coat and your whole backside. 
“Fucking MARVELOUS.” Your biting sarcasm echoed around your lone figure as you yanked the lab coat off.
It had been 10 minutes when the mess was cleaned up and the ingredients were all lined up by the order they went in. The footsteps of someone grabbed your attention, and without turning to look at who it was you just assumed it was one of your friends. “Didn’t I say to leave? I said I would handle this.”
“Ahh... That explains it then.” The voice was too deep and rich for it to be the others, and even without turning, you knew who it was. Spinning around you saw Leona leaning against the doorway, his eyes seemed dilated compared to their usual slits which had thrown you off for a second. 
“Explains what exactly?” You huffed, not ready for the teasing comments of your crush.
“Why your buddies seemed to be walking to the mirror chamber like scolded dogs. Now it makes sense why…” His eyes lingered on your curves before he met your eye contact. “What happened?” 
You sat on the nearby desk and rubbed your eyes. “Healing flower pollen potion went wrong not once, but twice. It got all over me.”
“I know. I can smell it, I mean.” Leona cleared his throat and shifted his weight. “Do you... Need help?” He offered, which made your eyebrow raise. It wasn’t like him to make more work for him. Though when you attempted to comment he added with a sleazy smirk, “Ya just look stressed and what kind of housewarden would I be if I didn’t help out my freshman?” 
“We’re nearly the same age.” You deadpanned which he only smirked at and walked past you towards the cauldron. His posture and movements seemed tense, maybe the smell of the pollen was causing his senses to be overwhelmed. “You don’t have to help if the smell is too strong, I can handle it.” You grabbed his arm to stop him but he let out a low chuff when your fingers grazed his skin which made you pull back. 
“It’s… fine. Let’s just get it over with then.” Leona quickly lit the fire under the cauldron with a wave of his pen and began to silently add the ingredients. He barely let you help or get near to the cauldron, the help was appreciated but at the same time, it felt like he thought you would mess up.
“I can do it, you know?” You sighed. His ears twitched and he glanced at you then focused on the potion again. This was just confusing, he was confusing, just wasn’t acting like himself and seemed more jumpy. His voice cut you off just as you were going to ask him if he was fine.
“What exactly happened, Yuu?” Leona muttered, the tone of his almost seemed angry like he was holding himself back.
“Grim accidentally dropped a big chunk of the pollen at once.” You answered which caused Leona to pinch his brow and whisper something. “...Why?”
“Well, that explains the aroma. As soon as we are done here, you are going to Ramshackle and taking a long shower.” Leona replies as he finishes up the potion, this time sprinkling the pollen in controlled consistent amounts.
“What? Why? Does it smell that bad?” You took a whiff of your clothes yet nothing smelled strange, if anything the scent was sweet.
Leoma seemed to groan and leaned his head back. “Just- Don’t be a brat. Be a good girl and listen for once, ya?” His eyes dilated again as he finally faced you to hand over the potion. Now that you could see his full figure it seemed that he looked flushed in the face and panting. Maybe he was sick? However long you stared at him with a confused glower was a moment too long for his temper. “For fucks sake,” taking a few short steps towards you and forcing the bottle into your hands, a low growl formed in his throat, “Please, Bunny. Go straight to your dorm and wash that scent off you.” Leona disappeared past you, yet again cutting you off from speaking.
What the fuck just happened?
Of course, you wished you had listened to Leona but in your defense, he never warned you what was so bad about whatever substance was on you. By the time you finally finished filling out the lab part of the assignment, it was nearly time for the deadline that Crewel set! You had to rush across campus to Crewel’s home class to deliver the potion. After explaining that you had sent your friends to their dorms to respect curfew he just nodded and sent you on your way.
You had been crossing the courtyard when you heard a few hushed voices around a corner. Upon squinting and getting closer you realized it was some Savanaclaw students.
“Wonder why Housewarden was acting like that today?” One of them huffed.
“I Know. Odd enough he showed up for Spelldrive practice but then he actually started to play. He was acting strange for sure.” The other validated your own experience.
“I feel like I am gonna be sore for weeks, maybe the Housewarden just needed to blow off steam or something?” The third groaned, rolling his shoulders.
“Wait, do you guys smell that?” The first one seemed to almost purr, his eyes dilating much like Leona’s did.
Damn beastman’s sense of smell.
Something wasn’t sitting right with you, like your gut instincts were kicking in. You quickly exited the area and began rushing back to the dorm with a brisk walking pace. After listening to the conversation you decided to visit Leona. I mean he had to explain what was going on.
Entering the mirror of Savanaclaw you were welcomed by the dusky arid landscape. In its own dried-up aesthetic, it was quite beautiful. Crossing the familiar tiered building, you noticed the wandering eyes of a few students. They all seemed to grow stiff, twitchy, almost agitated. A few of them even began to walk closer towards you. You quickly headed to Leona’s room, getting the feeling that the beastmen were not being their usual territorial selves. When you got to the door of Leona’s room it swung open and you were pulled inside.
“What the hell did I tell you, Bunny?” He growled, slamming your body into the door and caging you against it. Getting a good look at him, he looked downright sick or like he had been fighting someone.
“What’s going on?” Was all you could muster. He laughed darkly as he inched closer to you, though his muscles tightened and he pushed away from you. His eyes darted to the wood door you leaned against, another growl and he was back to dragging you away. He shoved you towards the bed with a restrained roughness.
“Why didn’t you listen to me like I said?” He covered his eyes with a hand and let out a groan of annoyance.
“I didn’t have time! When I finally finished the lab portion of the assignment it was nearly Crewel’s due date so I had to rush to his class.” You defended, gesticulating to emphasize your point.
Leona took a long breathy sigh and then pivoted to turn away from you. “That doesn’t explain why you came here.” He hissed.
What the hell was his deal? Or anyone’s for that matter. “I heard some students saying you were acting weird after you helped me. I was worried- what the hell is going on Leona?” 
The beastman inhaled slowly before walking towards his couch and leaning on the back of it, when he faced you again it was clear he was thinking of what to say. After a few heavy moments of silence, he slowly approached the topic. “The potion mishap didn’t just explode but created another substance altogether. Heavy amounts of the pollen can… be used as a... Aphrodisiac.” By the end of his sentence, he pinched the bridge of his nose and shifted his legs.
“Well, fuck. So the beastmen?” You started then he nodded, finishing the thought for you.
“More sensitive to the smell than others. Which is why I told you to get it off you.” Leona peaked through his fingers to gaze at you, his tail swished and thumped against the couch in a steady rhythm. The explanation certainly explained things, but now you were in the den of the king of beasts. “Why didn’t you just tell me earlier..?” 
“I was trying to be respectful. I didn’t want ya to be afraid or paranoid. In hindsight, it was foolish to not warn you. I'm sorry.” He crossed his arms and met your eyes with an apologetic emotion.
“Is that why you went to blow off steam at practice?” You questioned, and he nodded. Then a sort of courage washed over you. Leona certainly was charming in his own ways, and strongly misunderstood by the majority of people. Perhaps that's why you always found yourself orbiting around him, he was intoxicating. The next words out of your mouth were formed from the heat of the moment, you didn’t want to pass up a good opportunity to release tension for yourself either. “Why not just ask me? I certainly could give you a hand, you helped me after all.”
Leona’s head pivoted and he looked straight at you. “You ought to be very careful with what you say.” He shifted his weight and adjusted himself subtly.
Pushing off from the bed, you made a few steps towards him, each step making his tail thrash quicker. “I mean it, Leona. Let me help you.” 
Suddenly you were back on the bed, back pressed against the sheets and Leona hovering over you. He pressed his knee between your thighs and then asked, “Do I have your consent?”
You nodded, parting your legs for him, he only shook his head and pinched your chin between his claws. “I need a verbal answer, Princess.” He cooed.
Damn. That’s hot. “Please, Leona. You have my consent. I want this.” Your voice came out quietly, enough so that he asked to repeat yourself, but slowly inched his knee between your legs within seconds. “Please-! Fuck me.”
“Good girl” Leona whispered, placing a kiss on your cheek, slowly his mouth trailed down your jaw to your neck where he began to nibble and suck on the soft skin there. He grunted and rolled his hips into yours, delighting in the way you gasped. “Such a dirty little Bunny.” He growled, nipping your neck once more before he pulled away. “Sit up.” He ordered, something you obeyed. When he began to tug at his belt your thighs clenched together. His movements were so intense that the belt made a cracking sound in the air. It made you flinch and wet at the same time, the fact that he wanted you, wanted this. Maybe it was just the pollen, or maybe all the bantering that convinced you of shared chemistry was in fact real.
Leona didn’t hesitate to tug down his jeans and boxers in one swift movement, his cock springing free and twitching desperately. Your eyes widened and he chuckled petting your head. “Might need more than just a hand dontcha think?” He smirked. Slowly the hand petting your head was firmer and guiding your lips to the tip of his cock. “Just tell me now and I’ll stop, okay? But- fuck… Once we start, I don’t think I can stop.” He groaned, looking down at you for any hesitation.
You looked up at him, keeping eye contact as you inched forward of your own accord to deliver a tiny lick to the slit of his cock. Leona’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, the green glint of his eyes signaling his pupils dilating again. “Go on then. Suck me off like the good slut you are.” 
Giving another kitten lick to his tip, you slowly began to wet his dick with your mouth. The soft grunts and growls emitting from his throat only encouraged you to continue. Bobbing your head up and down on his length triggered your gag reflex a few times, soon enough you found a good rhythm. Anything you couldn’t fit down your throat you used both of your hands to stroke and fondle. 
“Oh fuck! Fuck yeah, just like that. Oh by the seven…” He moaned, grabbing your head tightly and thrusting against your lips with his own brisk pace. It had you gripping his thighs and tearing up, he pulled completely back so you could gasp for air before he was back to fucking your mouth. 
“Oh, shit baby! I am gonna cum.. Lemme cum in your throat ya? That okay?” He panted, holding still with a grunt. You gave him a thumbs up through your tears, which he purred at. Leona’s jaw went slack as he roared in pleasure, his hips thrusting and shuddering a few times as he spilled into your mouth. 
Leona pulled back and looked down at you with a surprised expression when he saw your cheeks puffed up. “Good job little bunny, now swallow.” He purred, pressing his thumb to your lip as you obeyed his command. He bent down to capture your lips in a heated kiss, slowly pushing you down to the bed again. His canine nicked your bottom lip followed by his tongue, he prodded around before pushing into your mouth and savoring your taste mixed with his. Leona pulled back, the rest of his clothes were gone and you quickly realized yours were too. “Magic.” He answered your unspoken question and was back to kissing you.
You wrapped your legs around him, tugging him closer against your bare form. As you did this he grinded into your core, both of you gasping and panting as you traded kisses. Leona’s hand slowly cascaded down your side, squeezing the skin with a gentle touch. He slowly pulled back with a heavy gaze and shifted down to your legs. The loss of him left you whining which he quickly remedied with a long lick to your cunt.
“Please, don’t stop, please..” The words spilled from your lips with an eager cry. His eyes found yours and he didn’t look away as he delivered another lick right along your core. You parted your legs as an invitation for more, he gladly accepted and dove into your pussy. Leona pushed a finger into you and slowly began pumping in and out, his finger curling which caused you to moan. He ate you out like a starved man, the whacking of his tail against the bed sounded like music when mixed in with your moans. He added another finger, slowly working you open, then the third as he sucked on your clit. Your lips parted and back arched, hands gripping onto the sheets for salvation.
The loss of his contact made you cry and prop yourself on your elbows. “W-wait..” Your voice came out like a plea, your hands grabbing at his braid to tug him closer. His lips were wet with your slick, and his eyes narrowed on you with hunger. You were his prey, his herbivore, his bunny.
“Use your words, Princess.” He cooed, curling his fingers inside you. He was cocky and sure of himself and his abilities.
“Please.” You breathed, too fucked out and needy to say much else. Leona seemed satisfied and began to thrust his fingers into you again, his mouth and tongue working in tandem with his fingers. Your lower body bucked into his touch as you felt your core tighten. Even before you could say it, Leona knew you were close. “So close! Imma- Leona…” Your voice hitched as a white-hot shattering jolted up your spine into your mind. Your back arched as you came, your hands gripping his hair to ground yourself from ecstasy.
Leona crawled back over you again, pressing another hungry kiss to your lips. He guided his cock between your folds, collecting the mixture of your orgasm and his spit along his shaft. The soft growls that leave his mouth are in sync with his strokes, he grabs your waist and hip before slowly prodding and pushing all the way in. You winced and grabbed the sheets as he began to move his hips in gentle motions. “That’s it, such a pretty bunny. Doing so well for me.” He moaned. When you gave him a nod he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts.
“More.” You gasped, lifting your arms above your head to grip the material there. “Don’t hold back, give it to me.” You whispered, knowing well that he was holding back. 
Leona smirked, his pupils dilating with lust and excitement. He began to move his hips faster, harder, more forcefully. His grip on your hip slid to your left leg and lifted it onto his shoulder, allowing him to reach the deepest parts of you. Your lips parted as you gasped and attempted to find oxygen again, the wind was knocked out of you as he rutted into you with abandon. Leona leaned down to kiss your neck, whispering along your skin, “Gonna fill you up nice and full… Mark you as mine.” He purred as you clenched around him in response. “Ya, you like that? Like being claimed? Don’t worry Bunny, no one will even try once they know you’re mine, and I, yours.” 
The smile that sketched onto your features from his words was enough to edge him towards euphoria. Leona picked up the pace with a growl, your eyes shut as you focused on the feeling of him fucking you. The climax building in your lower gut had your back arching. Your eyes focused on the foreign weaving of a tapestry along his wall just as the familiar fire burned your core. 
“L-Leona! Cumming.” You whimpered, tightening your hands into fists as you reached heaven.
“Fuck- me too.” He followed after you, his hips speeding up before stopping and quivering as his cum seeped deep into you. Leona held himself above you, his body shaky and eyes glossy with a hazy pleasure. He waited for a few moments before stepping away. He quickly returned with a clean towel and began to clean the slick of your cunt and body. He tossed it to the ground once he was done and pulled you into an embrace as he laid down.
The soft peck of his lips against your neck and his hand massaging your hips eased your mind into relaxation. “Do you need anything?” He whispered. You shook your head, already falling asleep. Leona smiled and nuzzled into your shoulder. He waited for you to fall asleep, and he knew then just how true his feelings had been. He whispered, pressing a kiss to your head. “Love ya, Princess.”
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agendabymooner · 7 months
family ties ! kevin m. x ofc (norris!ofc)
summary: with lando forgetting his brother-in-law's being in the grid, his big sister lola norris came swooping in to make light of the situation with their banters. OR, lola was a supportive woman who can balance being a sister to the mclaren driver and a wife to the haas driver.
content warning: brother!lando x sister!ofc banter, established relationship (married!kmag and ofc), oscar piastri trying to get the little brother privilege from lando, smau based on the 'f1 drivers as babies' video (grill the grid 2023), briefly mentions tv show shameless cast
note: never wrote any k-mag fic before BUT the clip of lando saying "forgot he was a driver" prompted me to write this- it's been a while since that video's been out so this thought had been haunting me for WEEKS! enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
💌re:moony’s planner + convo with mooners open!
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tagged kevinmagnussen
liked by nicohulkenberg, haasf1team, landonorris
user2 lando forgetting that kevin's a driver when the man showed his tattoos at that one ice tub video in singapore??? throw that man back to the slammer
lolanmagnussen real 🙌
user2 omg mother
charles_leclerc lando was saying his prayers in the group chat when that grill the grid video came out 🤣
lolanmagnussen as he should king 💅
oscarpiastri at least i can't forget about astrid and ingrid's dad like the other guy did 🤷‍♀️ liked by lolanmagnussen
user4 using that piastRIZZ on big sister norris huh, oscar?
landonorris how many times do i have to apologize 😭 liked by lolanmagnussen
lolanmagnussen cry about it
haasf1team in this house, we don't forget about k-mag 🥰 liked and pinned by lolanmagnussen
lolanmagnussen preach 🗣
kevinmagnussen you're such a delight min elskede 🤣❤️ my darling liked by lolanmagnussen
lolanmagnussen 🤗
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tagged kevinmagnussen, lolanmagnussen
liked by charles_leclerc, alex_albon, oscarpiastri
maxfewtrell i was hoping to see your little brother privileges revoked tbh 😩
lando.jpg how unfortunate.
user1 petty ass mf 😭
alex_albon oscar not in the dinner, lando??? 🤣
oscarpiastri no, he took my invitation and ripped 'em apart
kevinmagnussen we'll get you a new one oscar 😆
kevinmagnussen nice to see you haven't forgotten about me yet!
lando.jpg i forgot about you one time and now you and lola won't live that down 😒
kevinmagnussen she said to use this against you in case you're acting up
lando.jpg stop listening to your wife for a moment kevin i'm begging
user2 i didn't think that this duo would exist ever ngl
lando.jpg get in line
lolanmagnussen someone's scared of losing their little brother card huh 😆
lando.jpg 🙄
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the norris-magnussen girls
astrid magnussen and ingrid magnussen
369 notes · View notes
deathbecomesthem · 1 month
Anything We Want
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader | 3.4K Post season 4, Eddie lives.
Summary: A road trip with The Party is ill timed when a very sudden realization hit both you and Eddie. A lazy summer day at the beach, and the two of you want nothing more than to find a way to find some time alone.
Warnings: Scars are mentioned. Some suggestive scenes. Yearning.
Minors DNI - 18+ Only
A/N: It's almost summer, boys, and I need this.
Distracted. It’s been like that for the last few weeks, truth be told, but worse since you felt his eyes rake across your body earlier. Now you know, he wants you as much as you want him. It was unmistakable - the flash of desire in his eyes. When he walked into your bedroom expecting you to be ready for the day at the lake with the kids, instead finding you still soaked from your shower. He stood too long looking at you with your bathrobe tied loosely around your body, hair wet, water rivulets running down your legs, chest, cheeks.
The rest of the world seemed to fade into the background, just you and him seeing. If not for the sound of your front door being thrown open, you’re certain the distance between the two of you would have shrunk until –
“Hey, where are you guys?” It’s Mike. Not just Mike, you’re sure, because it’s too much noise. They’re early, but so is Eddie. Of all the days.
“Uh, I’m coming, hold up.” Eddie’s stumbling over his own feet as he turns to try to head of the boys from barging into your bedroom. You take notice of the red blooming high on his cheeks, because it’s undeniable. The moment happened. You both felt it.
When you enter the kitchen, you find the boys play fighting and digging through your cupboards while Eddie sits at the kitchen table with a glass of water. He’s unusually quiet. You’ve got your bag packed, and you push past Dustin to get into the fridge to get the sandwiches you made last night for everyone.
“Are we all ready? Suits on? Towels? Sunscreen?” You answer is a chorus of yes moms. You hate the nickname. It’s why they still use it. You can’t help the way you want everyone to be happy, be safe. How could you not after everything?
“Eddie –“ he starts, his name pulling him out of the daydream he was having. You know what he’s thinking about, his hand on your skin, his mouth on your neck, your smell in his nose, you’ve got to bring him out of that, “You ready to get going?”
He clears his throat, knocks back the rest of the water, and nods. “Let’s get moving, everyone’s gonna wonder what’s taking so long.” His attempt to save face, act like he wasn’t the reason everyone was still standing around waiting to leave, brings out smirk on your face.
The boys are shoving and pushing their way through the front door, you yell at their backs, “you little shits pile in the back, I’m riding shotgun,” they all groan in response to your demand. They’ll concede, but it’s easier for them to know the score before they even try it.
“How are we doing, Ed?” You loop your elbow in his while you steer him to the door, “do you need me to drive? You seem a little out of it.”
Your good natured and knowing ribbing seems to give him the courage he may have otherwise lacked. As you step to move your way through the front door, he pulls you back and pins you against the wall – out of sight of the rest of the crew.
He touches your still damp hair, rubbing it between his fingers. “What have you done to me?” As if you’ve done anything, you have no response to the question. You see the crease in his brow, the concern. He’s questioning his feelings, and it makes sense. You both have become something of parent figures for the kids in the last few months. So much pain and loss, you and Eddie have been the constants for them. You two are an unlikely duo, for so many reasons, but you’ve worked so hard to be consistent for everyone. Mutual sacrifice and mutual dependence on each other. This is the first time either of you have really looked at each other.
“What are you doing to me, Ed?” Your eyes are searching his. His lips are parted, as if he has something to say. Your mouths are drawn together, as if each set is magnetized to attract the other. His nose is rubbing against your own as he angles his mouth to meet you, the heat of his breath fanning across your lips –
*Hooooonk* *Hoooooooooonk* The sound of the horn from Eddie’s van has you jumping apart from one another. Two heads shaking away the fog of desire. What is going on with you two?
“I’m gonna kill those little assholes.” Eddie grabs the cooler and beach bag before slipping on a pair of flip flops at the door. He looks like a dad ready for vacation in his self-altered jean shorts while the bottoms of his sandals slap against the soles of his feet with every step. You feel giddy watching him like this. It’s a rare thing, Eddie being comfortable enough to shed his leather, his second skin, and you wonder when it happened. When he decided you were safe. It must have been when I wasn’t paying attention.
The sounds of Eddie berating Mike Wheeler can be heard over the roar of the van’s engine starting, and the blare of Iron Maiden cranking over the speakers. You grab your sunglasses and keys, before stepping into the heat of the summer day. You take your time locking the door, thinking about how just a moment ago you were lost in a moment with Eddie.
The vinyl passenger’s seat in the van sticks to your skin the moment you make contact with it, you turn to see your driver for the day’s adventure, ignoring the sounds of teenage boys bickering in the backseat. “Ready, Eddie?” You give him your best smile, and this time when he smiles back, you see that flush return to his cheeks.
“Born ready, baby.” His cheesy grin and teasing tone succeed in making you laugh hard enough to let out an indelicate snort. You feel giddy when he throws the van in reverse and slaps his hand against the steering wheel.
With the windows rolled down, the warm summer air beats against your arm as it hangs out of the window. You don’t mind the heat, the warm embrace welcome after the cold winter and spring at the edge of hell. The beach has been calling to you, and Eddie answered it by providing a reason to leave.
“I feel like this place is going to suffocate me,” you’d spent the first half of your day working at the community center and the last half sat at a desk at city hall fielding phone calls concerning revitalization plans for Hawkins.
Eddie sat with his legs splayed in front of him, tray of weed on the table in front him while you lay flat on the shag carpet of your parents’ living room, fingers weaving between the pieces of soft material.
“We can’t have that, you’re too important.” He’s concentrating on his task at hand, providing you with something to keep the nightmares at bay. It’s been bad, and like he said, you’ve become important to the community. It was unfair and exhausting.
“So, I guess running away would be considered bad form on my part, hm?” You angle your neck up to catch his reaction to your thought. You almost felt like if he told you to, you’d pick yourself off the floor and run out into the night, getting lost somewhere without the constant ringing of a telephone. Without the desperate needs of so many broken people filling your mind.
“No, probably not a great idea,” he sees your face fall, and it pings his heart, because he knows it’s not fair. He wants nothing more than to tell you to fuck this place and run off, but he’s on the list of the people that need you, “well, not a good permanent idea. How about for a day?”
It hadn’t taken much for you to be excused from your work for a day. Your boss and the volunteer coordinator could see the exhaustion on your face dragging your features lower with each passing moment. You weren’t just a hard worker, you’d lost everything and turned your pain into a gift for everyone around you instead of wallowing in your grief.
Right now, with the wind whipping through the cab of the van, the boys in the back laughing, Eddie drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, you feel alive. More alive than you have in a long time. The hours on the road move languidly, you spend the time watching the way the curls move with the air. The way the muscles of the arms flex with each turn of the wheel. The way lips move in sync with the words sung by the musicians on the cassettes playing in the tape deck.
He catches you several times, and you feel no shame. There has already been an unspoken acknowledgement between the two of you. Now that you could see, there was no going back. His eyes were better used on the road in front of him, but you could see him trace along the curve of your neck when you used a finger to draw your attention to the places you want him to kiss when you get some time alone.
It’s the crunching of gravel under the van’s tires that draws you back into the present moment. The halting of the brakes, the wind no longer moving his hair around his head. The sparkling sun high in the sky. You could hear the waves and you knew that as soon as you crossed over the top of the dunes, the wind across the lake would cool your skin already dampened with sweat.
You hand the heavy load of beach items to the 3 younger boys and share the task of carrying a couple of umbrellas with Eddie. You’re both slow, letting the boys get ahead and pick their spot. Even now, you’re both too caught up in each other, stealing looks and grins while your sandaled feet sink into the soft sand of the path laid out before you.
“How long do you think they’ll keep us here today?” Eddie’s asking, but his eyes are pleading with you. You haven’t even found a spot yet, and he’s already ready to shake the rest of them off his back. As if it wasn’t his idea to bring them along in the first place.
“Oh, I think we have at least a good 6 hours out here, Ed.” You knock your shoulder into his, “remember I packed lunch and dinner for us. You insisted we take our time and not rush back home.”
He answers you with a resigned groan, “I’m just full of great ideas,” he stops and turns you. Sweat was already beading on his neck, and under the bangs that hid his forehead, you’re sure. Without thinking, you reach into a pocket and pull out a hairband. On tiptoes, you reach up and tie his hair back into a low bun, hoping it provides him with some relief. It’s not until you look back into his face that you see the expression of yearning he has as he takes in your look of concentration.
This is bad. Unbelievably bad. The kids would pick up on this before you and Eddie even know what’s happening. You need to find a way to cool his jets, and your own, before you find the boys’ spot on the beach.
“Eddie, you can’t keep looking at me like that.” Your own eyes are pleading with him now.
“I can’t help it.” Exhaling a sigh, he brings a ring clad hand to his face, raking it down from forehead to neck as if he could wipe away the need he has written all over it. “Sorry, I’ll try. Stop being so fucking sexy and maybe we’ll get through this in one piece.”
Without letting you respond, he jogs ahead of you. He thinks I’m sexy. The thought alone makes you feel lighter and taller. The thought alone sets your skin on fire, and you’re sure you’ll both burn before the sun sets on the lake today.
Coming over the hill you see Eddie making his way to the spot, a little way from the shore. Robin, Nancy, and El should be here soon. The family. Your only family.
Towels are lain on the soft ground, umbrellas create a blanket of shadow, and you are opening the big beach bag that holds snacks, water, cans of soda, and sunscreen. You line the boys up in a row and help them get their hard to reach places before shooing them away from you. Eddie’s up last, and you can see the hesitancy he has as he reaches down and pulls his faded Metallica t shirt over his head.
He’s pretty, ink speckled skin with the still red scars scattered across his torso. You focus on the work, taking care to spread a thicker layer of lotion over the scars and his tattoos. The spots that are most sensitive to the harsh rays of the summer sun. His breath is ragged while you run your hands across his sensitive skin. You make mental notes of the places where the brush of your fingers makes his breath catch in his throat. For later.
“Hey!” Robin’s shouts from down the beach pull your thoughts back to the present, again, and you give Eddie a soft slap on the back indicating you’re done with him for the moment.
“Go play with your kids, I’ll be here.” You can feel the girls getting closer while Eddie stands stock still in his spot looking at you. His breath is still heavy, his chest flushed, and it’s enough to send a shiver of pleasure down your spine.
“Promise? I’m afraid if I take my eyes off you, you’ll disappear.” His brows are knitted together, and you understand what he’s feeling. Like this might slip away from both of you if you let it. You give him a half shy grin and nod just as El barrels herself into your back for a sneak attack hug.
He’s off, with a wave backwards, he runs down to the edge of the water. The new additions set up their own spots next to your own, while you watch Eddie and Will wrestle in the wet sand at the water’s edge.
The hours drift by lazily, the water is too cold for you to spend more than a few moments at a time letting it cool your too hot body. The heat of the sun dries your skin quickly, pieces of sand stuck to every piece exposed to summer air. Today, this is the only place that exists. Everything else has fallen away, it’s just you with your toes dug deep into the cool sand.
It’s late afternoon when you catch him staring again. Nancy and Robin are in the water, splashing each other while the rest toss a giant beach ball back and forth trying to keep it from getting caught in the wind. Your paper fan doing its best against the heat. You give up and grab some ice out of the cooler sat next to you, running it along your collarbone and up the back of your neck. When you look up, Eddie is standing a few yards away, apparently frozen by the scene in front of him. He’s watching you, and now you’re watching him back. You close the fan and rest it against your forehead while you dip the ice, down the valley of your chest.
“Not fair.” He throws his hands up in the air in frustration, while you laugh. He’s approaching slowly, looking over his shoulder to ensure that no one’s coming up behind him. “You’re doing this on purpose, and I fucking know it.” He’s standing over you, casting the shadow of his form across your body. You think, you wish, it was his own body draped across you right now.
“I don’t know what you mean. It’s hot, Eddie.” You bat your lashes at him, and he throws his body down next to you. He’s all arms and legs most of the time, and now is no different. The rest of the group is distracted, and he takes the opportunity to drape his chest, sticky with sweat across your own. As if he read your mind just a moment ago. It could be read as his typical playful wrestling, Eddie could always be counted on to make any of his friends his unsuspecting victims.
His hands find your sides, and he squeezes firmly, not a tickle. His face mouth is close to your ear, and he barely whispers, “I can’t wait until I can spend some time alone with you.” You feel his desire pushing against the outside of your thigh, and you gasp a little. You can see Mike look back over to the two of you, and you wiggle under him as a warning.
“Eddie.” You huff out as his nose nuzzles at your neck. He breathes you in deeply before adjusting his shorts and climbing off of you before he lumbers back down the beach.
The sun is a little lower in the sky now, and you know it’s time to start a fire, it will be no time before all of the gear is packed back up and everyone drags their tired bodies back to the parking lot. So, you get to work. And Nancy joins you, her eyes watching your face more than you’re comfortable with. She’s always been more perceptive than you appreciate, she always knows what you’re thinking.
You work silently with your closest friend. She lets you keep your secret. You call the rest over and settle in, it’s an easy beach dinner that takes no real effort to setup. Each person with a metal roasting fork for their hotdogs, with sun kissed cheeks and sand dusted legs. Your eyes can’t stop watching him, though. You’re both devouring each other with your eyes while the rest of the group devours their dinners.
Nancy must know, because she does something you never would have expected when the meal is over and everyone begins slowly clearing away their garbage. You might be the mom of the group, but Nancy is the manager. Nancy knows how to get everyone working together, she knows how to run an efficient ship.
“Hey, everyone,” she’s slapping her hands together to get the attention of Dustin and Mike – they started an argument about something you couldn’t even begin to comprehend – “you two, hey! Mike, Dustin, and Will are all riding back with us, we’re gonna squeeze in, and everything else can go in Eddie’s van. You’re all spending the night at my house anyway, and I’m sure those two won’t mind a quiet ride back after dragging your annoying asses out here for the day.”
The way she orders everyone around brokers no room for argument, and she gives nothing away about her true intentions. You could kiss her, but that would remind everyone that Eddie only lives a little ways from the Wheeler’s and Nancy’s plan doesn’t completely make sense, so you just shrug in agreement and try to tamp down the adrenaline surge coursing through your body. Your mind flashing to scenes of lips on lips, hands roaming across sweaty skin, your teeth sinking into the meat of his shoulder –
“Hey, you with me?” Eddie’s standing next to you now while you watch El and Will dragging the cooler down the beach. You’ve been standing here too long, lost in thought. He must have said something.
“Sorry, too much sun. What’s up?” His cheeks are tinted pink and you feel guilty for not telling him to add more sun screen at some point. He’ll be sore tomorrow.
“I said, let’s get the van loaded up, get them on the road, and we can, uh, stay for a little while. You and me?”
You put your arm through his elbow, something you do often, and you lead each other behind the rest of the gang. As they climb the top of the hill, and the tops of their heads disappear behind the dune, you stop in your tracks.
“Look, Ed.” You draw his attention back to the water. The sun’s slow descent in the western sky turning the water to a deeper blue, almost black color. It’s then that you decide, while the others load up the van, that this is alone enough. You draw his mouth to your own and close the gap between you. A prelude to the evening ahead. To the days and months ahead.
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luellasplanet · 5 months
opposite’s attract. (aggie beever-jones)
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word count: 1.9k
i think i changed the tense in this about ten times so let’s ignore that shall we x
aggie and y/n were never ever seen without each other. the duo were so similar yet so different. people often wondered how they became such good friends and later on girlfriends.
aggie was always with the boys at lunch time, jumping in the mud and leaves, creating an absolute mess of her uniform and overall being a total pain to the teachers, who were always shouting at her to behave herself.
whereas y/n was softer spoken than aggie, rather preferring to sit under the trees during lunch and talk about what she was going to do at netball later on that day or preferring to have her head stuck in a book and her head in the clouds.
the duo met on one random thursday in year three, aggie watched on from behind one of the trees as y/n gave into one of the year sevens who wanted her lunch. passing along the sandwich and chocolate bar with ease. the girls were easily a good half a foot taller than the year three so they towered over poor y/n.
from that day forward aggie vowed to be y/n’s knight in slightly muddy armour, always keeping an eye on her at lunch if she was by herself. forever standing up for y/n if someone was bullying her.
21 DECEMBER 2014
“aggie no! you wouldn’t!” the shorter girl was currently being pinned down to the bed as aggie threatened to pour the glass of water on her.
aggie was insistent that y/n had to be her defender for her in the garden, so that she could practise her shots. it was pissing down with rain and there was simply not a chance in hell that y/n would be getting sick this close to christmas.
y/n’s screaming and laughter had alerted aggie’s mother as she peered into the doorway. “aggie get off poor y/n right now.” the woman always had a soft spot for y/n, she was practically her third child after all.
grumbling under her breath, aggie flopped to the side and off of y/n, placing the glass down next to her. “dinner will be ready in five! come and set the table please.”
despite their differences in the sport they liked what the two had in common however, was their shared love for food. the duo raced down the stairs eager to eat supper.
after a more than filling meal and a very intense game of footsie under the table, tiredness starting to settle into their systems, a movie in front of the fireplace was just what was needed.
the four beever-jones’ and the honorary beever-jones all settled underneath various blankets and cushions on the two couches and love seat.
fire crackling softly, lighting the entire room is a soft orange hue while an old christmas movie played on the tv.
19 MAY 2017
today should’ve been one of the best days in y/n’s netball career, but instead after arriving at the wrong netball courts, then her team losing three out of four matches and her not being able to shoot more than five goals into the net, she was simply done with everyone and everything.
not a single word was spoken in the car on the way back to the y/l/n house, the only thing that could be heard was the soft buzz of the radio and the sound of other cars on the highway.
there was simply nothing anyone could say to make her feel better. seven months of training, for the biggest u14 netball competition, down the drain in a couple of hours was the most soul crushing experience for a fourteen year old.
the orange and pink uniform was digging into her shoulders and the seventh place certificate was placed haphazardly on the seat next to her.
y/n’s older brother tried to make a small joke but seeing the glint in her eyes he shut up immediately as he didn’t want to upset his sister even more.
the car ride was half an hour but it felt like an eternity. time didn’t feel real for y/n as she exited the car and grabbed her bag from the trunk.
taking refuge in her room when she got home, all she wanted right now was to have a nap and suddenly realise this was all a sick dream and she would wake up and all would be fine. but it wasn’t a sick dream it was a reality that she would have to face sooner or later.
loud footsteps could be heard from the staircase before her room door was roughly shoved open. “there’s my favourite netball star!” the sob that followed shortly after erased the smile from aggie’s face very quickly.
clearly no one had told her how the tournament had gone.
one look at y/n’s tear stained face and wobbly lip was the only thing that aggie needed to see before she dropped her sleepover bag on the floor and jumped onto the bed next to y/n.
“i messed up everything aggie, i’ve never seen my coach so upset with me in her entire life! i couldn’t even shoot properly and i kept getting blown for contact and stepping and-” aggie’s soothing hand on her back quickly stopped your rants. although your words were muffled because your face was smothered by the fluffy pillows, she could still make out how upset you were.
“oh y/n/n, i’m sure no one is upset with you, it’s only one tournament. i’m sure no one will remember this in a few months.” an idea struck to mind and with a teasing smile plastered on her face, aggie whispered to y/n “and besides you’ve been so busy crying you haven’t even noticed i’m sitting on your bed in my sweaty and muddy footy clothes!”
your head shot up immediately to notice that aggie was indeed sitting on your bed in her football clothes. it was tradition every saturday the two had a sleepover, rotating every week who’s house they would sleep at. “agh go shower you dickhead.”
placing a hand on her heart aggie placed a faux look of hurt on her face “you wound me y/n/n, you really do.” before getting up and going to the bathroom. where of course you had already laid out a fresh towel for aggie to use.
30 DECEMBER 2019
you had long grown out of her timid phase and was now the confident young woman your parents always told you she had to be.
your sixteenth birthday party was hopefully going to be the highlight of the entire christmas break, well besides christmas itself.
a rooftop party where none of your siblings would be present and no parents in sight sounded like the perfect idea to get a little drunk. (spoiler it wasn’t a little)
music blared out of the speaker, the base from the speakers sent shivers up everyone’s spines as they all mindlessly danced. after maybe four too many shots and a whole lot of encouragement from some out of school friends, y/n found herself in between a whole lot of sweaty bodies swaying and jumping to the music.
“i’m just heading to the bathroom quickly, i don’t feel too good.” you said to no one in particular before rushing off the dance floor and into the bathroom. the music in there was much softer and more calming, which helped with the upcoming headache forming behind your eyes.
barely managing to run into the nearest bathroom stall, back slumped against the wall as your hands gripped the porcelain toilet seat. trying to control your breathing and gain back the ability to see straight.
“y/n open the bloody door, right now!” aggie’s urgent voice and fist rattling hard against the wooden door increased the banging sensation in your head. blindly reaching up towards the lock of the door, you barely managed to turn the lock in order to let aggie into the small bathroom stall.
muttering a few curse words under her breath, aggie let herself into the bathroom before closing and locking the door behind her. bending down to your eye level. “who are you? i’m not sure my girlfriend would like it if she knew i was in a bathroom stall with a stranger you know…” y/n’s vision was blurred so she couldn’t quite see that it was her so called ‘girlfriend’ next to her.
“your girlfriend mm, now who would that be?” teasing tone very evident in aggie’s voice, but of course that completely washed over y/n’s head as another wave of nausea hit.
even with your head over the toilet seat and tears prickling in the corner of your eyes you still managed to mutter out how much you loved aggie and how extremely mad your dad would be if he saw you like this.
but of course this small interaction between the two of you would not be remembered in the morning, or how you had made it home in one piece after the night's events.
you didn’t remember how aggie had to keep her arm tightly around you as the two of you walked (stumbled) across the pebble stone sidewalk, how aggie’s jacket was draped over your shoulders and most of all when aggie dropped you off at your front door. the lingering kiss that you left on the corner of aggie’s mouth which sent butterflies into the blonde’s stomach.
all those little memories were often reminisced at family dinners with both beever-jones and y/l/n family members present.
or in hushed conversations as the sunlight started to set on the bustling city of london, soft conversations about anything new or old as the room slowly began to lighten. rustling of freshly washed sheets and quiet laughter, before feet padding against the wooden floors and music could be heard.
the sounds of the frying pan sizzling with butter and the shower being turned on full blast.
y/n and aggie worked in perfect harmony, knowing each other's schedules like the back of their hands. you were fortunate enough to have an extra twenty minutes at home before you had to leave. which meant that you assisted aggie’s getting ready.
making sure the blonde had her protein shake prepped and ready, as well as making sure that her kit bag was clean and organised.
it was simply the little things that y/n did for aggie that meant the most to her. aggie would always press a lingering kiss to your lips before leaving the apartment, never forgetting to say “bye, i love you, see you later!” before she left.
then when the two of you got home later that evening, after giving the house a bit of TLC and aggie preparing dinner for them both. you would both settle down on the couch with a fluffy blanket draped over your legs.
a movie or series on in the background as the light from the tv, light the room in a soft hue of different colours. although the routine may seem boring and tedious to some, aggie and y/n wouldn’t have changed anything for the world.
the random saturday night dates, shopping on a wednesday or thursday, offering to pet sit y/n’s brother’s dogs when he was out of town and even the late night walks hand in hand to whatever destination their legs took them.
simply just y/n and aggie against the world, forever and always.
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mentallyisekaid · 6 months
「 ✦ Fatui Harbingers x Signora's Sister! Reader, PART 3 ✦ 」
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5 [Part 3]
It's highly recommended to read the parts in order, otherwise few things will make sense!
A/N ~ hey there, if you're following this story but haven't yet seen my pinned post, you should go and read it since it's where I'll update general stuff regarding the fic~
Featured in this chapter, we have... a certain dubious duo?
Warnings: half-intentional ooc moments
Word count: 2.3k
A week or so had passed.
It's not that you were complaining about this endless 'trial period', per se. Still, just going through piles of boring documents, day after day - any immortal being would've lost their mind sooner or later.
Half a millennium dulled all shine there was to a mundane life, so seeking out a bit of excitement was crucial for maintaining sanity. But even making bets with Childe wasn't thrilling enough (though it did come close!)
Without a drastic change of pace soon, you might have just gone feral.
And your colleagues were quite aware of it~ In time, you better believe they would've even stolen the Moon from the sky for you if you only asked for it, but nevertheless, first, you needed to prove that they could trust you.
The Fatui took immense pride in loyalty - yet yours was very fickle, and they knew it. But rather than allegiance, what your Harbingers seeked for was sign of your devotion toward them, something that exceeded the boundaries of professionalism and demonstrated... a much deeper level of trust.
"Was revealing the secret of this stupid Vision a mistake, after all?" a thought that had plagued your mind.
Well, who could say... but apparently, it had been worth it!
No one could really fathom Pierro's decisions, but it seems that after hearing you'd confided a part of your past to some of them, the Director had thought you'd proved yourself enough. And maybe it was because he knew you just a bit too well, having been there all those centuries ago.
But did this mean that all of them now knew of your little conversation with Scaramouche, Columbina and Childe?
Well, such a thought hardly occupied you.
Because more importantly, you were finally about to get (*insert an ominous fanfare*)...
Your very first field mission!
Good riddance, eternal paperwork~
A sign of their trust, or... just another test?
You didn't care either way.
"Lady Harbinger," a Cicin Mage had bowed her head after entering your office. "The Jester has assigned you to an official errand with Lords Ninth and Second. You are to rendezvous with them at the gates. Effective immediately."
And girl, you couldn't have bolted out of that room faster! It made the poor Cicins squeak in alarm. The mage only sighed while shaking her head, not sure that you'd come out of this one with your sanity still intact.
So, your bored prayers had been heard. But by the gods, or a devil? A field assignment with this specific pair of Harbingers had the potential to turn out chaotic beyond belief...
and you were all for it!
It was daybreak in Snezhnaya.
The early morning air was even more frigid than usual, making your grip the coat on around you tighter as you waltzed through the snowy yard. From a distance, you could make out two shadowy figures next to the gates of Zapolyarny Palace, their menacing auras unmistakable.
When Regrator and Il Dottore were working together, anyone even remotely involved had better be on their guard...
Lest they wanted to end up in horrible debt.
Or as a part of human experiments.
But the shady banker and the heretic researcher had failed to intimidate you, and they found such fearlessness quite... captivating.
As you got closer, Pantalone offered you a warm smile.
"Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?"
"Hello... and no, *yawn*... it's impossible to get decent rest with these working hours. But," a smile made its way onto your lips, "I'm pleased to finally get to work outside of the palace~"
And with the two of you, it might just be twice as fun, a totally weird thought that you didn't voice out, and instead sighed:
"Though, at the cost of skipping my yummy breakfast pancakes..."
You took a bite from the frostbitten, red fruit in your hand. This earned a chuckle from Dottore.
"No, no, you won't get sufficient vitamins from that. How about trying the special pills I gave you? You'd help me with my research while you're at it, too..."
"I'm afraid your experimental supplements might end up turning me into a slime."
An apple a day hardly kept this doctor away. But much to everyone's surprise, you seemed to know how to handle his eccentric personality and... the segments. Even Scaramouche was impressed by this.
"Don't you look rather young today, Zandik?" you questioned with a hint of playfulness; a habit you'd picked up from Damselette.
The Doctor only replied with a smile, gently sweeping away a few snowflakes from your hair as if admiring a most precious specimen (no objectifying here, Dottore's just being Dottore~)
This one seemed to be of the more reasonable segments, if such a concept even existed - though regardless of the form, you were really quite fond of their antics.
Pantalone, too, was a difficult person in his own way, knowing how to both frustrate you to no ends, and yet make you feel so endeared.
As usual, the banker seemed just a bit too amused by everything.
That, and he found you adorable.
"Hehe, I must admit that dealing with the two of you off-duty is always rather delightful~ but we ought to leave duly," he stepped forward and offered you his hand. "After all, we wouldn't want to be late on Y/N's first mission, now would we?"
Dottore mimicked his gesture. "Indeed, off we go."
These two....
But on that note?
"Dare I ask," you raised an eyebrow, "what the mission might be?"
They only smiled at you - Pantalone while adjusting his glasses, Dottore with his expression half hidden by that asymmetrical mask, and both in a suspiciously mellow way.
You frowned. Pierro had definitely been up to something when sending you on a nameless errand, and with this dubious duo, no less...
and you were quite enjoying the suspense!
Three Harbingers waltzing through the snowy streets, a dozen of Fatui agents following close behind, was a slightly unnerving sight; one could only wonder who had wronged the infamous organization this time, and pray the lot wouldn't fall on them.
Someone sure was out of their luck today.
You tried to ignore the not so subtle gazes the citizens threw you as you walked past them, though understanding their curiosity.
It was the first public appearance of the rumoured 12th Harbinger, after all.
Feeling a bit self-conscious, you tried to distract yourself by focusing on the scenery. It had been over a month since you'd last set foot outside the palace grounds, but Snezhnaya's beauty never faltered...
At some point, you got a bit lost in thought.
Dottore's lazy comment, however, caught your attention.
"Now then, I've heard some interesting things about that Pyro Vision of yours…"
Pantalone smiled, as if oblivious.
You sighed. "Well, that's unsurprising. From Scaramouche, I reckon."
"Tsk, you have so little imagination." The Doctor clicked his tongue. "Then, allow me to ask you... How long do you think the oldest one of my segments has been around? Or, how efficiently all these clones are capable of gathering information? Or, how much more I can figure out just by knowing a few things about you?"
"Such roundabout hints, Doctor."
"What he's trying to say, of course," Pantalone chimed in, "is that the Second of the Harbingers has many... unconventional ways of finding out what his curiosity desires."
You sighed, "and he shares everything with you, because why not?"
Not very surprising.
It was granted that your secrets were never going to remain hidden from them forever, and frankly speaking, you didn't care. Pierro was already aware of every scandalous detail there was to your past anyway, so was there a reason for you to be so reticent about it?
Well, certainly not anymore...
but it was still a tad too early to completely let your guard down either!
A weird silence filled the air for a while, probably making the lower ranks behind you a bit uncomfortable.
But since Pantalone and Dottore didn't pursue on the topic, you thought, 'why should I either?'
Yet they obviously expected you to.
"Then," you sighed, giving in, "I assume you want to ask me about something? My Visions, no doubt."
Pantalone patted your head, "Only if our little Harbinger wouldn't deem it prying."
"I do, but go ahead."
Knowing them to be exceedingly shrewd characters, manipulating others so effortlessly, you realized these two could have easily lead you into a trap here. But somehow, this subtle controlling was always done gently enough not to hurt you.
And they never would, surely.
One way or another, though, they always found out what they wanted...
Pantalone gestured the Fatui agents to put some distance between them and the three of you - was it courtesy, or maybe... protectiveness? Either way, it would prevent bothersome rumours about your past from spreading any further, so you gave him an appreciative smile.
Dottore was walking leisurely with his hands behind his back, giving you sidelong glances.
"Then, tell me, Y/N - why do you think Celestia grants Visions so heedlessly? Why is it that even some of the strongest individuals never receive one?"
The vapor from your breath formed clouds in the cold air as you took a few deep breaths before answering.
"Well, I can only speak for myself. I've always been ambitionless and ran away from all my problems rather than facing them. So, thinking back, I never should've received a Vision in the first place, fake or not."
You sighed, "Rosalyne, on the other hand... I think she had every right to get a blessing from those crafty deities. She was assertive, gifted - a bit of a diva at times - but somewhere beneath lied a gentle soul."
And here you were again, talking about her; she haunted you when she was alive, and haunted you as dead.
Pantalone raised an eyebrow. "My, I've never heard anyone say such things about the Fair Lady?"
Dottore, too, seemed reluctant to accept these praises you directed at your sister, as he'd only seen her as a shallow, crude woman.
"Don't get me wrong, though," you commented, "she was no saint..."
You shrugged, "...nor was I."
The two Harbingers had quietly moved closer to you, now walking on your both sides. You only noticed this when their arms slightly brushed against yours.
"After my father created this... thing and gave it to me, and how I greedily accepted it, I always wondered if we had angered the gods so thoroughly that they didn't grant my sister a Vision out of pure spite."
Pantalone brushed a loose strand of hair from your face.
"Perhaps... you shouldn't be so merciless toward yourself."
"I'm not. Rosalyne and I were very similar, after all."
Dottore raised an eyebrow. "How so?"
"We both wanted what we felt we deserved - power, attention... acceptance. I don't know whose yearning was greater, but neither one of us settled for any less. So, I tied a manmade Vision on my hips, and Rosalyne left to study the art of liquid fire in the Akademiya; the divine refused to acknowledge us, so we searched for our due elsewhere."
Pantalone stroked his chin, seemingly amused. "Well, what a pair of blasphemous sisters?"
"However," the Doctor chuckled, "what you did surely made those self-important gods grit their teeth in frustration. I find such heresy quite commendable. Bravo, truly~"
"And then you went and became a Fatui Harbinger," Pantalone sighed. "Poor Celestia, they couldn't shackle you..."
You didn't know whether to laugh or cry at their comments.
"Though, I am curious about one thing," Pantalone continued. "You said Celestia 'rejected' you, yet here you are, with a bona fide Cryo Vision? Isn't that a sign that the gods did, in fact, accept you?"
It was something you'd been wondering ever since that day as well...
And the lamentable conclusion was this:
"Perhaps Celestia just took pity on me. Or, perhaps the Vision was intended as a warning."
"A warning?" Pantalone smiled eerily. "For what reason exactly, my dear?"
To keep your mouth shut?
To not cross such lines ever again?
And yet... "That's a story for a later time," you told them as well, smiling.
Dottore and Pantalone were adept at concealing how they really thought and felt about things, so you couldn't quite decipher their reactions to your cryptic words.
Still, a fleeting sentiment had flashed across their faces - resentment, perhaps. Not toward you, though.
Suddenly, they both stopped walking.
You took a few steps more before noticing and stopping as well, glancing at them over your shoulder.
"Well, would you look that? Time flies so pleasantly with Y/N around." Pantalone checked his pocket watch. "It seems we're here a bit early."
...and where was 'here', exactly?
It looked like a small, secluded village, somewhat. There were no proper houses, just some dilapidated cottages and cabins, and only a few of them. The people outside, wearing clothes way too ragged and light for this type of weather, had quickly fled inside once seeing the Fatui had arrived.
You knew there was a lot of poverty in rural Snezhnaya, but this was... well, it reminded you of the times when you'd struggled to get by as well - memories you'd rather never have had brought up again.
Dottore mumbled something about "these ones" being "too malnourished for test subjects" as he walked past you.
Pantalone had also went ahead with his subordinates, discussing some questionable economics that apparently concerned this place.
But you lingered behind them for a moment, lost in thought.
The people here have surely lost enough, so why choose to bring themselves even more misfortune by getting involved with the Fatui? I understand the way humans think less and less with every decade that passes...
Just now noticing that you hadn't followed them, the two Harbingers strode back to your side.
You quickly hid any remnant of hesitance from your face, giving them a smile.
"Time to prove myself, no?"
Dottore chuckled, "You don't seem too anxious about your first field mission, my little Harbinger, even though you don't know what's waiting up ahead..."
"Well," you sighed. "For the Tsaritsa, and all that... you know? And I reckon I've faced worse anyway."
"I'll ask you to elaborate on that some other time~ On a similar note," Pantalone mused, playing with your hair softly, "we all saw something in you that day, at the funeral, and it seems... you really won't disappoint us?"
You shrugged, "We should hope so."
And with their arms loosely linked around yours, the two Harbingers started leading you toward a particular cabin...
(to be continued)
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The Mystery of Aaravos The Banter Lodge
So, recently an account called "The Banter Lodge" has popped up. April 30th, to be precise. You've seen it. I've seen it. We've all seen it. On Twitter, posting various images in the TDP official style.
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A few nights ago, it debuted on Tumblr as well. "Coming May 2024" all of the promotional images and the website itself say.
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Who is this account? Is it fan made, is it official? It's May, when exactly in "May 2024" is it coming?
Well, me and a few friends took some time to try to piece the mystery together, and so -- while it may still be 'coming', only dropping hints, I am here to tell you what I know now!
Website Code ( I love computer programming so I took the time to dive into that!)
A. History
Who's Running the Banter Lodge?
To know that, first we need to delve into the history of the Twitter account.
Despite these images and site debuting less than a month ago, the account itself was founded way back in 2022, and originally called @BantherLodge, with an H, as it is in the show.
@BantherLodge is no longer available, and while it initially did not seem to be connected to The Banter Lodge, there are several interactions linked to the current one, Banter Lodge without an H.
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In fact, here is the same tweets linked to the current (banter) account version.
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Now we've established that @'BantherLodge' and @'BanterLodge' the same account with a changed name and identity, here is the most important past interaction:
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@‘bantherlodge’ is mentioned here, and they are on this call. that said, WHO IS REALLY BEHIND BANTER LODGE? well based off the tweet, it seems that it’s 6 members of the cast and then 2 guests, @‘thebantherlodge’ and @‘ladytheebug’. But don’t take my word for it. Here, more confirmation:
Another person in the call happened to tweet about it too, this time with labels.
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Now let’s take a closer look at these two guests. Sara @‘ladytheebug’ seems to be the one on the right, and by process of elimination, on the left is ‘bantherlodge’. aka:
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Max the Mystery! ‘Sara’ and ‘Max’ isn’t really enough information to know more along with no connection to other socials so it’s hard to pin down who they are or what connections to previous fandom projects or creative projects in general they might have. However, they are still connected.
Besides the partially deleted various back and forths between these two accounts, this tweet about the Bait screensaver in the background is additional confirmation that this is @‘bantherlodge’ and @‘ladytheebug’: (note use of word ‘our’)
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Said TV embodies this duo: A person who loves Bait (evident from so many of their tweets) and a person who loves the Banther Lodge…
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Reminds you of something, doesn’t it?
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“but hold on, just because there’s all these coincidences doesn’t mean the account could be passed on to someone else to run this.” Ok, but one last thing. If that was the case, why would they still be following Sara? In fact, it’s the Only person that they’re following besides TDPO?
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(and their following has even been recently updated within the last few days as before then it didn’t include Eugene and Boone.) So, in conclusion,
Max of @‘BantherLodge’, and possibly Sara, (with or without TDPO but I’ll get to that later) almost certainly are the people behind the curtain of this Banter Lodge mystery.
Now, about said mystery… what exactly is the trail building up to?
well, to find out more about that, let’s glean what we can from the website.
B. Website Secrets
The website itself is very simple- A background, the image of the Banter House, and some text saying "Coming May 2024." But, beneath the deceptively simple surface, there was more to be found.
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On May 1st Caprinae got this from the page. She also tweeted about it, after which the site changed to remove much of the css, including the part about the episodes and subscribe button. I was pretty excited about this as someone with a few years of coding experience, I wanted to mess around in VSC and see what I could find out.
After formatting the code the most noticeable thing is this right?
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And when I make an element for it to apply to (since all that code is just formatting for stuff on the page like the title, images, etc, in this case- an audio bar) + adding in an image and an audio file:
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We get this
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AUDIO and an image. It looks exactly like a podcast episode. It turns out there’s actually a bunch of code for formatting that’s not used in elements in the site (elements that exist: the title or image), but it’s there, so I made some elements it would apply to. technically, it’s supposed to have a parchment paper background too, but I just chose some colors that you could see the text on.
Doing so, we get this!
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(Here’s a video version.)
Plus, Original Code and Modified Code if you’re curious
Anyway, so the site (at least at the stage the code was taken from) doesn’t appear to be finished and there was no Java script written (or at least, linked) but there is definitely the makings for a website for a podcast— some sort of nav bar with the episodes, on an episode page, the image and audio, and then a subscribe link at the bottom!
C. Purpose
Time to speculate on the real identity and purpose of the Banter Lodge. So far, we know it used to be called the Banther Lodge. We know it seems to be run by [insert here.] We know it is almost certainly a podcast of some sort. But what, and why?
Here are some possibilites:
1.Official Content to Tide Over Fans Til S6 As we know, to calm the frustration of fans at Netflix/TDP for the delay of S6, the creators have been putting out content every day for the fans to puzzle over and figure out the season six titles.
Based on the current schedule, it’s set to end on May 13.—although it could be ending either May 13 or May 14 (depending when they do the last hint) after these drop, there will likely be a lull in TDP content, which would be the perfect time for the Banter Lodge to launch.
+ The Banter Lodge teaser campaign has already been perfectly timed for when a bunch of fans would be online on Twitter checking in for clues to begin with.
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If this is official content, it would doubly make sense—it’d be timed perfectly to tie the fans over until the actual season six campaign starts (ie, trailer). Considering these two fans also somehow got to have a private panel with the cast, it’s not impossible that they’d be working with TDP on this content, additionally the teaser images put out this far have been somewhat reminiscent of TDP official content—ie, Callum’s lodge notebook->Callum’s sketchbook, Refractions->Reflections, Dear Callum letter from Rayla, design style, etc.
However, there is one big reason I don’t think this is the case: it’s a little too sloppy. For example, if they wanted it to be completely anonymous and unclear what was happening, the tweet mentioning @‘BantherLodge’ in the panel would have been deleted and there wouldn’t have been any hints in the code. Of course, these could still just be honest mistakes. However, it also seems like it is building off of the current world in a more derivative, fan-content fashion, not necessarily adding new material the way TDP Official tends to. It’s copying the official style,—but almost too much if that makes sense.
Like altering a shot from the show for a teaser.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love the way that they’re building off the world, I’m excited to see where it leads, but for whatever reason, to me, it just doesn’t seem official.
So assuming it’s made by fans, what kind of podcast is it? Second possibility—
2. Fan Made Talk Show
This seems like the most obvious conclusion, considering that The Banter House is a play on a location in TDP, and the word banter, which is synonymous with talking, but specifically back and forth, genial interactions.
Maybe it’s dedicated to analyzing the show or a particular aspect,—maybe centric to the lodge, crystals, Bait and Stella—maybe even interviewing cast/crew!
Well, to get a better idea of what niche it might be filling, let’s take a look at what TDP podcasts are already out there.
Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast [2019-2023] Hosted by Tamika "Kuno" Williams and Hailey from Cartoon Universe. This podcast [is] full of answering fan questions, interviews, theories and all kinds of discussions on everything Dragon Prince.
News from the Breach [2020-2024] Your hosts Ceilidh and Yana are watching The Dragon Prince from start to finish. Each season of the podcast covers one “Book” (or season) of the Netflix series The Dragon Prince. In each episode we discuss two chapters of the series, except for the season finales.
Calm Chaos Club [2023] Join Kevlar and Lou each week as they discuss topics about animation, design, and all things related to The Dragon Prince on Netflix! With special guests brought on for unique topics and insights into the creative process, these bite-sized episodes will ensure you can get your TDP fix in anywhere and anytime.
There’s no harm in another talk show but as there are a few out there already (and for other reasons) I personally think this is not necessarily the niche the banter Lodge is going to fill. I mean, I do think that it’s still possible I mean, it could be centric to particular aspect around the lodge as mentioned.
However, there’s a possibility that excites me a lot more, that I’m hoping for the most….
3.Fan Made Audio Drama in the Saga Setting I have personally always been a huge fan of audio drama podcasts (TMA,TPP,WTNV) and if there was a dragon Prince audio drama podcast, I think I would just die on the spot honestly from joy. I also think it’s most likely because all of the clues so far have been very story/worldbuilding oriented, as well as writings from familiar characters’ perspectives. It seems as though a story is being crafted here, and I am all for it.
Y’know what? While we’re here on the topic of storytelling podcasts, we might as well throw in D&D/TTRPG or even Tales of Xadia as a possibility because yeah sure. Why not? I mean, tabletop role-play games also involve a lot of talking so it would fit the banter theme. Who knows.
That's all! What do you think? Any other thoughts, additions or other speculation? Feel free to add on!
Thanks to @bycaprinae for Twitter screenshots, html, and general inspiration, and to @parroset for other help with the website part and general support!
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simpforboys · 1 year
Avatar Request
Hi can I request lo’ak, where he tries to impress reader but he’s just keeps embarrassing himself. He goes to his dad for advice and just makes a fool out of himself till Neytiri comes to his rescue.
mother knows best
lo’ak sully x fem!metkayina!reader
summary: lo’ak tries so hard to gain your attention, little does he know all he needs is his mother’s advice
warnings: fluff, lo’ak pinning, maybe slight angst if you squint? lo’ak has no game
this wasn’t specific so i made reader metkayina bc i feel like it fits since yk, also probably ooc lo’ak but it’s fine
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lo’ak just couldn’t help himself but be attracted to you.
your curly hair, gorgeous aqua eyes, and bright smile caused him to blush and beam.
but when tonowari asked you to help teach the sully children the metkayina ways, lo’ak was sure he was going to be with you.
it might just take awhile.
“y/n!” lo’ak calls after you. carrying a pile of fishnets to drop off to the fishermen, your ears perked up from your name.
“good morning, lo’ak.” you nodded to the boy.
“do you need any help carrying all those nets?” he asked you, a hopeful look on his face.
“why, do you believe i am not strong enough?” you teased.
“no! no that’s not what i was implying-“
lo’ak’s face blushed red as his ears fell, tail swaying behind his legs.
“relax, skxawng (idiot). i’m only joking. but if you’re offering, you can grab those buckets.” you nodded your head towards the pile of wood.
lo’ak nodded, grabbing the boxes as he began to walk with you.
“let me show you how us omatikaya hold things…” lo’ak joked, grabbing the crate with one arm and holding it over his shoulder.
“impressive. metkayinas can do that when they are three.” you winked, seeing as lo’ak tripped over a rock and dropped the crate on the floor.
lo’ak’s ears fell as you laughed, hiding your smile behind your hand. his face grew hot as some surrounding metkayinas snickered.
there were multiple instances where lo’ak would try to show off, the deed going wrong and causing lo’ak to embarrass himself.
“dad,” lo’ak approached where his father was sharpening some knives.
“what’s up?” jake asked, pausing the action to pay attention to his son. lo’ak appreciated it- the one time his father might give him real advice.
“there is this… uh… girl. and i want to impress her, but every time i do- i just make it awkward or embarrass myself.”
jake smiled at his youngest son.
“what i did with your mother was try to learn her ways. make her laugh, take what she does seriously, and just be around her. maybe ask her help you with the sign language. compliment her, make her feel special.”
lo’ak nodded at his father, a smile on his face. “thank you.”
little did the duo know, neytiri stood away with perked up ears listening to what her mate was telling her son.
the next day she watched lo’ak approach you while you were resting on the sand.
he sat across from you, accidentally splashing water into your eyes.
she swore to eywa, believing how much her son was like jake.
“i’m so sorry-“
“lo’ak, it is alright. we have two eyelids for that reason.” you sat up, blinking to show him your second eyelid and the late reaction it had.
“it’s like an alligator- an animal my father would tell stories about. how they attack sky people and other animals for venturing too close to their territory.”
you looked at the boy, confused. neytiri rolled her eyes, face palming herself.
lo’ak was mentally cursing himself. a deep blush made your teal cheeks have hints of pink, and lo'ak swore he wanted to crawl into the sand and die at that very moment.
a few days later, lo'ak sat across from you as you taught him sign language.
"dive, swim, follow," you demonstrated every word with a hand motion, the teen following intently.
lo'ak copied your movement, his eyes watching you like a hawk as you continued to teach.
"now, you try." you nodded towards lo'ak to begin.
he was nervous, taking his hands and trying to remember the ten words you just taught him within a minute. with you, it was learn fast or get left behind, and it intimidated lo'ak.
"dive, swim, follow..." lo'ak had messed up. his ears fell flat in embarrassment, your eyes glowing with a glimmer of something he couldn't quite tell.
"well... you are learning something, at least." you shrugged, pushing your hair off of your shoulder and behind your back. lo'ak hated that you made him so nervous, made him feel like a fool.
he could tell you were slightly annoyed.
"i have to go tend to my siblings. we will catch up later, yeah?" you excused yourself from the boy. lo'ak watched with sad eyes as you left, his head hung low as he sat on the sand alone.
"get up, maitan (my son)." neytiri grabbed her son's forearm from the side, nearly frightening the poor boy.
her tone was harsh as she looked at her son with wide eyes.
"it shocks me that you did not pick up flirtatious banter from your father."
lo'ak furrowed his brows as he stared up at his mother.
"let me help you. while i love your father, he is like a baby sometimes."
neytiri began walking away while lo'ak stood in the same spot on the sand, dumbfounded at his mother.
"come." she barked.
"while girls like being complimented, having boys to spend time with, and whatever else your father told you, it is the average. that is not going to stand out to y/n. you need to do something special, something that shows her that you care."
it was almost as if a lightbulb went off in lo'ak's head.
"thank you, mama." lo'ak bowed to his mother, a beaming smile on his face as he ran off to begin organizing.
later that night, you woke to lo'ak shaking you awake gently.
"come, i have to show you something."
you wiped the sleep away from your eyes, your mind too hazy to realize what he said until you were outside of your pod.
you looked to where a woven blanket was placed on the sand, a breakfast meal arranged gently in the middle. the sun was about to rise, the moon beginning to move past it on eclipse.
"what is this?" you asked curiously, a yawn escaping your lips.
lo'ak would be lying if he were to say he wasn't terrified.
"i figured we could watch the sunrise." lo'ak was absentmindedly playing with his hands. you noticed his nervously, a small grin tugging on the end of your lips.
you sat down, beckoning him to join you. lo'ak let out a sigh of relief as he sat next to you, picking up a berry and eating it. you followed suit, the juice of the fruit exploding into your mouth.
pink, orange, yellow, and red erupted over awa'atlu as eclipse began to undo. you watched the sight intently, never purposefully watching the sight.
but eywa, it was beautiful.
the animals went back to life, the clear reef showcasing each one and their uniqueness. you were in awe, a subtly glow on your face.
"this is beautiful, lo'ak." your big grin made lo'ak's heart flutter. he ducked his head down, almost scared to meet your gaze.
you unknowingly put your hand on top of his, too lost in the scene to notice or care. but lo'ak noticed, and he very much cared.
you looked absolutely stunning under the lighting. it was refreshing to see you so happy, normally being so overwhelmed with clan business.
still tired, you put your head on lo'ak's shoulder. his heartbeat was beating rapidly. and before he knew it, you had begun to gently doze off onto him.
lo'ak grinned, rubbing your bicep gently as he laid back on the sand. your head moved to rest on his chest as you curled into him.
"i see you, y/n," lo'ak whispered. even if you didn't hear it, he just needed you to know.
however, you did hear it. the adjusting had woken you up to barely any consciousness.
"i see you too, lo'ak."
lo'ak pressed a kiss to your head, his heart doing leaps in his chest as he began to doze off with a smile on his face.
neytiri had woken up that morning to the sight of you sleeping on her son, beaming proudly at her son.
tags: @mayhemories @useryourbut
sorry if this was bad or too short, i still think it's cute tho :)
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acewritesfics · 7 months
Perfectly Perfect | JAY HALSTEAD
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: From anon.
Fic Type: imagine
Warnings: Daughters name in this is Ruby but you can change it to whatever you want.
Word Count: 877
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
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Jay and Y/N are roused from their light sleep by their baby girl’s whimpering coming through the baby monitor. Y/N moves to get out of bed to attend to Ruby, but Jay stops her, making her lie back down.  
“I’ve got her,” he says, pulling back the blankets and getting out of bed. 
“But it’s my turn, and you need to sleep,” she grumbles snuggling back into her pillow. Jay put in extra time over the last week working on the intelligence unit's newest case. Before they went to bed, he'd only been home for two hours. 
“You can take my turn,” he says as he leans down and kisses the top of her head. Just as Ruby’s whimpers morph into cries, he exits the bedroom. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” the new dad coos at his daughter as he scoops her from her crib and hugs her against his bare chest, carrying her down into the kitchen and heating up one of her bottles. As he returns to the nursery and sits on the wooden rocking chair that Hailey had gifted them, having bought it while helping Y/N with the baby shopping, he begins giving Ruby the bottle.  
After Ruby’s been fed and burped, Jay puts her back on his chest and begins to gently rock in the chair. He rubs Ruby’s back and whispers to her about how much he loves her and her mommy as she slowly falls back to sleep. 
An hour later, Y/N awakens to find Jay’s side of the bed still empty and faint snores coming from the baby monitor. She rises from the bed and heads into the nursery, but she pauses when she finds Jay sleeping in the rocker with Ruby tucked against his chest. Instead of waking him up straight away, she returns to their bedroom, grabs her phone, and then returns to the nursery to snap another picture of the father and daughter sleeping together. 
She walks over to the sleeping duo and softly runs her fingers through her husband’s hair. His eyes flutter open, and a little smile forms on his lips as he looks up at her sleepily. 
“Hey,” he says, his voice hoarse from sleep. 
“Hey,” she whispers, returning his smile and kissing the top of his head. “Let’s put Ruby back in her crib and go back to bed. I’m sure the bed will be more comfier than the rocking chair.” 
She moves aside as he stands up and carries Ruby to her crib.  
Y/N stands behind him, a hand on his lower back, gazing fondly at the child they created as he tucks Ruby back into her crib. Jay turns on the baby mobile that is hanging over her crib when she starts to stir. The soothing melody of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” quickly soothes baby Halstead. 
“Sometimes I can’t believe she’s ours and that we made her,” Jay admits as he looks down at the small baby who already resembles him so much.  
Ruby’s inherited his nose, blue eyes, freckles, and ears, and her Uncle Will’s auburn hair. There’s no denying that she takes after her dads side of the family. Y/N’s mom often tells her that its common for girls to take after their dad and she would know because all three of her girls take after their dad.  
“I think that sometimes too,” she confesses. “She’s perfectly perfect.” 
“With two imperfect parents,” he continues, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. 
She kisses his chest and rests her head against it with a smile, “We can’t all be angels,” 
“What did we do to deserve her?” He wonders aloud. 
“I’m not sure,” she acknowledges, “but I thank God every day for her.  Now, let’s go back to bed before she wakes up again."  
Separating herself from him, she grabs his hand and leads him back to their bedroom. After getting back into bed, Jay pulls her close to him while seeming to be contemplating something important as he looks up at the ceiling. She is about to ask about what is going through his head when he reveals to her something unexpected. 
"I want another one.” 
“Another baby?” she asks making sure that’s what he is talking about. 
He looks at her and nods, “Yeah.” 
“So do I, but I think we should wait until Ruby is a little older before trying for another one,” she suggests, letting him know she has also been thinking about having another baby. 
“I agree,” he says, relieved that they’re on the same page.  
If they decided to have more than one child, they had both agreed that they would want their children to be close in age but not too close. They both come from families where them and their siblings are close in age. Will is only a year older than Jay, while Y/N is two years younger than her older sister and a year older than her younger sister. 
“But until we decide to try for another baby, you and Ruby are all I need,” she smiles. 
“You and Ruby are all I need right now, too,” he returns her smile as he cups her cheek with his hand and draws her into a sweet and loving kiss. 
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