#o wow >v< hes so cool!!
fle4floves · 1 year
Dont ask why im always so awkward when submitting art but um. <3 Some bordies
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They're so cute fr fr
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realcube · 2 months
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summer hcs + drabble w/ hq men
characters ☀ bokuto, nishinoya, ushijima, kageyama & oikawa
tws/tags ☀ ts! all, gn! reader, water gun violence, slightly suggestive, mentions of drowning, swearing & parent!kageyama. overall sfw.
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☀ lives for the pool !!
☀ once he gets msby money , he defo buys a house with a big ass pool
☀ as soon as it slightly exceeds 20℃ he will be BEGGING you to swim with him and have a pool day
☀ and remind him that since it's a pool in your own garden, he can swim in it whenever he wants on his own and you don't have to be there with him
☀ but he protests by saying he just wants to spend time with you and it's 'no fun' without you
☀ PLS just go with him
☀ he will so make it worth your while
☀ he spends most of his time swimming and doing tricks in the water and cool dives
☀ and he'd want you to get in with him so y'all can swim about together, little mermaid style
☀ but even if you don't want to do that, and would rather chill on the grass/ on a floatie with a good book or tanning
☀ he will find a way to involve you by getting you to take pictures or videos of his water backflips and handstands and stuff 😭
☀ firstly so he can send the tapes to his friends and secondly so he can show off to you
☀ bc clearly your boyfriend is gifted not only in the volleyball department but he's also a diver????
☀ and if you do swim about with him, he'd be so pleased by that and y'all would have so much fun together
☀ but he has so much stamina that you'd end up tired out way before he is
you trudge out of the water, making your way back towards the pool lounger. it takes bokuto a couple minutes to notice you are gone because he is busy checking how long he can hold his breath underwater, but eventually he does, then he rushes over to you. "(y/n)! what are you doing?"
"i'm going to rest, bo. i'm so tired." you pant, flopping face-first down onto your towel and nuzzling into the soft fabric. bokuto quickly lays down next to you and turns his head so he is making eye-contact, partially pushing you off because the lounger is big but definitely not spacious enough for two people, let alone one as muscular as bokuto.
"but you didn't even get to see how long i can hold my breath for!" he whines, doing a poor job at sounding frustrated as he gently moves a wet strand of hair out of your face.
you sigh covertly, heavy eyes drooping shut, "why don't you show me now?"
"but we're not under water."
"that doesn't make a difference, sweetie." you reassure him, and he nods thoughtfully, as that did make sense. wow, he has such an intelligent, s/o! he beamed a this own internal monologue, before promptly inhaling sharply so his cheeks were full with air, then squeezing his nostrils shut.
and that is how you got peace and quiet for around two minutes and nine seconds. (he almost passed out)
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☀ y'all are always travelling all over the place
☀ swimming with dolphins, hiking through forests, skydiving, lounging at some of the most gorgeous beaches in the world
☀ it's almost like eternal summer for you two
☀ you've basically seen and lived it all so one of the most novelty ways you could spend your summer, is just at home
☀ enjoying the little things; like sitting in front of the fan in searing heat, or barbequing, or water balloon/water gun fights
☀ oh noya loves water gun/balloon fights !! and he gets into it too!!
☀ v competitive, even with you , whom he loves the most in the entire world, but he's still gonna kick your ass lol
☀ it can get a little childish but it's essential to channel you're inner feral kid to stand a chance at winning a water gun fight 😌
☀ he loves chasing you around, getting you soaking wet, and hearing your little laughs and yelps
☀ but he also likes when you're equally as competitive as him
☀ and try to hide and sneak up on him
☀ or if you use an ice bucket 😭 he'd scream and have to get you back for that one
☀ don't let him anywhere near you with that ice bucket though.. especially in a light-colored shirt.. his intentions are not pure
☀ omg he uses psychological warfare too
☀ like if you're beating him and spraying him he's like 'alright alright you got me!!' and drops his water gun/balloon and puts his hands up in surrender
☀ so when you stop, he throws his arm around you and pulls you in for a drenched hug and kisses over your cheeks and face
☀ then , as you both close your eyes and you lean in for a proper kiss, he pulls out a tiny water pistol he had hidden in his shorts and squirts you in the face and laughsss
☀ and it's only a tiny amount of water so it doesn't do any real harm but it's the TREACHERY that got you
☀ smh you had to give that man a taste of dirt after that
you have him cornered, he frantically pulls the trigger of the water gun but nothing comes out; he's got no ammunition left. a sinister smile inches across your lips as you creep towards him, "final words?" you say dramatically, thinking about where you should spray him first.
his expression contorts into one of dismay and fear when he realises there is no way out, and his breathing falters. eyes drifting closed, he is about to accept his fate...
...until he hears a familiar chime in the distance.
"wait, (y/n)!" he calls, just as you are about to aim your water gun.
"ugh, what?" you groan.
"do you hear that?" he pauses, the silence allowing you to also hear the tune ring from afar.
"the ice-cream van?" you cock an eyebrow, you're face exhibiting all fifty shades of unimpressed, "do you really think i'm going to pass up revenge for ice-cream?"
"i'll buy you an ice-cream sandwich!" he bargains.
you narrow eyes at him, threatening stance unwavering.
"and a slushie!" he adds.
your eyes-widen, and you instantly drop the gun, pivoting on your heels towards the front door, "hurry up, then!" you urge, and noya is hot on your tail, brimming with laughter.
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☀ with some more time-off during the summer, you suggested ushijima find a new hobby to keep him occupied while you were at work
☀ when he asked you for suggestion, you told him just to do whatever he felt like, but you did also mention that there was a flower bed in your garden that looked awfully bleak and unkempt
☀ it was a mere recommendation though, and if he didn't want to do it, that was more than alright
☀ after all, with the amount he makes, y'all have more than enough to hire a gardener to fix it for you. or just a landscaper who will fill it in and build a gazebo on top or something
☀ but ushijima takes your words as command and if you, his favourite person in the world, wants to see flowers in that bed. then he will put flowers in that bed!!! it's just that simple
☀ although he doesn't know where to start, but after some time browsing blogs and online articles, he comes to the conclusion that he best place to begin was to buy some flower seeds and starters
☀ and toshi , being the man he is, has somewhat of a natural green-thumb
☀ and these flowers and thriving in no time
☀ while he is outside, you mostly just stand by the window with a tea/coffee in your hand, watching him work in his cute little straw sun hat you bought him, occasionally calling out to him and saying he's doing such a good job, to which he will look at you and flash a small smile
☀ because you don't pay very much mind to him and his gardening antics bc you assume it's a phase that is going to pass as soon as another game season starts
☀ but no , his gardening hobby is here to stay
you come home after a long day of work, utterly tired and sore. you hobble into the kitchen with the intention of tossing your bag on a chair before you head upstairs, but are pleasantly surprised when you're met with a romantic sight.
ushijima has set the dining the table with the finest cutlery and cloth, upon which there was three candles that illuminated the area. the aroma of your favourite meal also wafted through the air, so your gaze darted around the room, until you noticed it two plates of it on the kitchen counter, which ushijima carefully transfers to the table.
once he sees you enter, he stands up straight and makes his way over to you, with his hands hidden behind his back, planting a firm kiss on your cheek.
you smile, and lean into him, gazing up with a foolishly wide grin, "what's all this?"
"dinner." he states plainly, then reveals what was behind his back. a large bouquet, filled with all kinda of different and colourful flowers. you gasp at the sight, hesitant to hold such a beautiful masterpiece.
"this is stunning, toshi." your voice shakes with emotion, as you sniff the flowers to soak in their sweet smells, "where did you get this from?"
"i grew them."
your eyes widen, as you look between the bouquet in your arms and your stoic boyfriend, who appears dead-serious. "you did? but there are so many." you can hardly hold them all.
"the garden was fruitful."
the tears that previously welled in your eyes spilled over your cheeks, and you push yourself into him to bury yourself in his strong chest. "thank you so much, wakatoshi. this means so much to me." you sob, your tears dampening the fabric of his shirt.
ushijima is rather taken back by your reaction. he expected you to be apprecitive but he didn't understand how some flowers had moved you to tears, though he rubbed your back comfortingly, none the less.
what he decided in that moment was that he would be gardening for the forseeable future. regardless of how many hours squat in the blistering heat or chilling winters it would take, he would grow a bouquet filled with all your favourite flowers for every season. because your smile alone makes every single arduous hour worth it.
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☀ during summer he has less hours training with the adlers so he wants to spend every free moment he has with you + the kids
☀ just doing random domestic stuff
☀ he's the type of dad who wants to spoil them rotten and take them to all sorts of fun places
☀ like monday it's the fair, tuesday it's the waterpark, wednesday it's the zoo, thursday it's the softplay.. and so on
☀ if it wasn't for the fact he has a terrible history in booking his own flights, he would have flew the kids to disneyland by now
☀ but he's so high intensity in such a short amount of time bc he feels like he needs to spend as much time with them as he can right now otherwise when he goes back to work they are gonna forget all about him
☀ but you're like they don't have the energy for two days out in a row 😭 so kags needs to find something he can do in the house with them
☀ so he buys one of those massive jungle gyms for the back garden to keep them entertained
☀ but the two things he didn't account for:
☀ 1) he would need to build it himself
☀ which he fails at so bad but he CAN'T ask you for help otherwise you'll think of him as a useless husband (you won't but that's his thought process)
☀ so it takes him like ten days to build it properly
☀ but even when he finishes it looks unstable so you're like 'kags.. test it out'
☀ and he gets mad defensive and is like 'do you not trust my abilities?!?!'
☀ and you're like 'ok if you're not going to test it out, i will'
☀ and when you start walking towardshis construction he is literally sweating bc he knows it's fucked up
☀ so he's like 'fine!! i'll test it' and lo and behold it collaspes over him and y'all need to hire a professional to fix it
☀ 2) the other thing he didn't take into consideration is that the kids want him to play on it with them .. meanwhile he is 6'2" and quite frankly cba
☀ he tries to play with them from outside the jungle gym but your kids are menaces and won't let up until their dad goes down the slide with him
☀ and that's the story of how your husband got caught in a tube slide 😞
your kids got bored of the jungle gym quickly and were now asking for something else to play with in the backyard. however, after the construction incidient, your confidence in kageyama's handiness has plummeted enough that you do not trust him to build a trampoline, so instead you buy some chalk and tell him to draw some games on the concrete like snakes and latter or hopscotch.
it's simple enough, but it's been taking him quite a while. so, you whip up some fresh lemonade and bring it out to check upon him, "how's the drawing going, tobio?"
he looks up at you, wipes the sweat off his forehead, and happily takes a drink off your tray, then takes a large gulp. "thanks, babe. and it's going fine. 'm almost done."
he says, and stands up to show you the whole game. he chose hopscotch, and draw all the numbers in cute little hearts. admittedly, some were a little wonky but the effort is so sweet. you smile brightly, and place a kiss on his cheek, to which he can't help but smirk. "looks grea—"
just as you are about to utter a compliment, something out of the corner of your eye that causes your heart to plummet. you stare at the error for a moment, and blink a couple times to ensure you aren't imagining it. once you establish for certain what you're seeing is correct, you sigh and say, "kags. draw a three for me."
he raises his eyebrows but doesn't question it. he gets on his knees and draw a three seperately from the hopscotch grid, and to your dismay, it looks like "Ɛ", just as it appears inside the heart.
you look between his sweet, innocent face, and the messed up three he had just written. your children were in their formative years so you didn't want them to learn their numbers from this faulty hopscotch grid, but you also couldn't bring yourself to correct kageyama and watch his ego crash again. so, you bite your tongue and force a smile, "good job." you pat his back and press another kiss on his cheek, "i'm gonna head inside. maybe later we can talk about sending our kids to private school."
internally he is rather jarred by the sudden change in conversation, but he brushes it off and gives you a final squeeze before you walk away.
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☀ takes you to the beach ofc !!!!
☀ would love to see you dress up in a swim suit or sun dress in theory bc you look so hot
☀ but in practise, when y'all actually go to the beach and he realises other people can see how hot you look as well, that puts him off and makes him a lil jealous
☀ but!!! thank the lord he is sexy and he knows it bc as soon as a guy merely looks in your direction, he will have his arm wrapped around you in seconds
☀ or start applying sunscreen to your back or chest , and if you're like 'tōru , i've already got my spf on' , he'd just go 'well you can never be too safe! 😇 don't want you to burn, sweetheart!!'
☀ meanwhile he is covertly death-glaring the ppl checking you out
☀ so yeah pls don't get insecure bc no one hits on you while you're at the beach , it's all oikawa's doing
☀ might play beach volleyball or make a tiny sand castle with you if you ask nicely but mostly wants to chill and tan and soak up the sun
☀ and take pics :p
☀ ok you might think he is an ego maniac for this but he so wants you to take candids of him and all sorts of other pics while he is posing
☀ him laying on the towel , looking up at the camera with his sunglasses lowered , winking
☀ he's so photogenic it makes you mad actually
☀ but you still take pics of him bc it's kinda fun telling him what poses to do and stuff 😔 you're like 'you need to give me photo creds...'
☀ bc if the artistic vision is left down to him, he's gonna want you to take photos of him jogging across the beach, with his hand running through his hair like in baywatch smh
☀ you upgrade his instagram game sm
☀ omg his follower probably know when he got a s/o / which photos are taken by you vs him bc his feed goes from looking very bland and thrist-trappy to being a literal pinterest wet dream
☀ like even if y'all are in a down-low type of relationship, it's just SO obvious when he gets a partner
☀ also his fans/followers LOVE you even if they don't know who you even are bc he hasn't hard-lauched yet / you want to stay private and they have to give you some silly fandom mystery person name like "gfkawa"/"bfkawa" or "towsnbp" (the one who shall not be photographed)
☀ they are STILL obsessed
☀ and dw he takes pics for you too
☀ and he takes that shit seriously too , like he will lay on the ground, balance on one hand or literally do an aerial if that is what it takes to get your best angles
☀ you're naturally gorge though so he doesn't need to try that hard, but he's willing to !!
☀ he's pretty good at taking pics too and you always come out looking stunning but that always drives him CRAZY
☀ oh and he's always taking candids of you (especially at the beach) without having to be asked and he obliges when you ask him to show you but if you want him to send you the photos so you can post them, he's gonna be like , 'erm no these are mine thank you 😗'
☀ he's not sharing!!!
you're laying down on your towel, enjoying the sun and although your eyes are closed, you notice when the warmth is suddenly blocked by a tall body in the way. you open your eyes to see oikawa standing over you, smiling, "you look beautiful, (y/n). lemme take a picture."
you nod, blushing, and hand him your phone. he snaps a couple shots of you, for which you pose. he grins once he done, scrolling through them.
you frown, sitting up and making a grabbing motion at him, "let me see!"
he kneels down besides you and tilts the phone over so you can scroll through the pictures he took, and as usual, they are quite nice, in your opinion. though oikawa gazes at them with eyes sickeningly sweet and sappy. you watch as his thumb moves to send the photos to himself, and you pressed your cheek against his arm and purr, "awh, thank you, sweetie. you did su— oi, what're you doing?!"
you bark, watching him delete the photos off your phone after they're finished sending, and you snatch the device out of his hand too late as they are already gone. you glare and him and he simply shrugs, with an innocent aura, "you looked too good. i didn't want you posting those anywhere."
he explains, and you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. you should've expected his behaviour from him. "now the only photos i've ever looked nice in are gone. thanks, loserkawa."
"they're not gone. i still have them." he commented, squishing your cheeks, amused and enamoured by your little sulk, "and we both know those aren' the only photos you've ever looked good in. you're beautiful in every single one."
you pout, shaking your head out of his grip and flopping back onto the towel. he laughs and taps your nose, planting a kiss on your cheek too, "wow, and you call me a drama queen."
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twisted-king · 4 months
Hello! Since you also write genshin, I've thought about reader or F!S/O being from Teyvat. But that isnt really the main point. How 'bout their F!S/O is from Sumeru and is strictly bestfriends with Cyno and Alhaitham. How would Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil feel about their F!S/O having boy bestfriends back at her world? Maybe if they're jealous, reader tries to comfort them by saying that Alhaitham is engaged(to Kaveh)XD Lol
You dont have to do this if its to much♡
Oddly specific but I like the cut of your jib!
Also can be read as genter neutral, I don't reall mention gender on this one?
Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil X F!SO from Teyvat
who is also besties with Cyno and Alhaitham
Trey Clover
Well youre from a whole different world! Magic seems to exist in some capacity at least.
He doesn't know what a Zatyun peach or a Sunsettia is.
But he tries v hard to make you things that remind you of home sometimes!
He actually does a pretty good job at it too!
And thats where the issue arives.
Whenever he asks about your homeland he knows he is going to hear about your best friends
He's trying SO hard to be normal about this
Trey loves you so much but, he gets a little jealous!
You've done so much with these two!!!
"And Cyno's jokes are the absolute WORST! I swear some of the things he says are worse than Ace's!" "Oh that's... nice!"
but they're your best friends! He really shouldn't be jealous.
"I still don't understand why Alhaitham is so jacked, like all he does is read books all day!"
He really shouldn't be jealous
"And I'm kind of glad its never too hot around here! Like I know he works primarily in the desert but like put a shirt on sometimes! You know?"
But damm its hard.
He tries to be subtle (not really)
"So have you ever like... done anything with one of these guys?" "What do you mean?" "Like have you dated one of them..?"
oh.... OH!
You laugh at that, he's embrassed "Oh gosh NEVER! They both have boyfriends anyhow! Alhaitham is engaged!" "Oh."
You nod and give him a little kith
Wow he's relieved!
Azul Ashengrotto
He loves learning about you and your home world! Truly!!!
Azul thinks your mind is briliant, you're so smart and quick on your feet due to years of travel!
With travel comes a lot of experiences
a lot.
without him.
He's playing it cool though! suuuper cool
"Oh I remember Alhaitham would never answer anything that wasnt formatted or completed properly! maybe you could do the same? it would certainly free up some time, no?" "Of course it woudl free up some time, dear... But" "buut?" "Well it wouldn't be fitting of my benevolent nature now would it, my love?"
Azul keeps trying to prove he's a better boyfriend than your old friends
He needs you to know he's the best option for you <3
"And could this 'Cyno' make you a delightful seafood pasta like this?" "No, not really, he was more into rice." "I see..."
Oh hey he made you curry and rice
You know, by the way. He is NOT sneaky
After another bout of showing off, you finally say something.
"They have boyfriends, you know?" "huh?" "Cyno and Alhaitham? they have partners. You don't have to be jealous." "Why would I be jealous, dearest?"
Denies his jealous to this day but he gets happier after you reassure him.
Jade Leech
Yeah he's super cool about this!
for the most part...
He's extremely interested in learning about the flora in your world!
and he thinks those vishap creatures you compare him to sound rather interesting.
Jade being rather curious in nature comes in handy! since he doesnt seem to get jealous.
His questions are... odd, though. they kind of make sense?
"Cyno once took out like-- 10 guys in like a MINUTE! it was so cool! "Is he that fast in the depths of the sea?" "No-" "I see..."
Sometimes he's a little less slick though
"OH my gosh Alhaitham is so weird about soup! He hates the stuff because it could get on his books of all things!" "Does he consume beverages as he reads? tea perhaps?" "Yeah, sometimes." *Pleased eel noises*
He's just being careful :)
Jade often prefers to dicuss your best friends while in the kitchen. he likes spending this time with you!
And he has his knives and mushrooms at his disposal.
*chop chop chop* "And so Haitham and I used to skip out on akademiya meetings together-" *chopchopchop-* "But Cyno would ALWAYS 'catch' us just before the meeting would actually ends-" *ChopChopChopChop-* "So then he'd bring us to Kaveh, Alhaitham's fiance to-" "He has a fiance?" "yeah,why?" "no reason." *chop~ chop~ chop~*
He's still keeping the information from his... questioning in mind.
Can't be too careful, after all.
Floyd Leech
He loves his shrimpy's stories!!!
He hates his shrimpy's stories :((
Floyd is reaaal conflicted. He thinks you're so interesting! your world seems like fun!! he wants to go there with you.
But not with those men you keep talking about
"So sometimes there are these HUGE mushrooms that kind of act like a launchpad! they're super springy." "Eh? Jade might like soemthing like that... OOOH! do ya think if I throw someone (Ace) on one of those they'd still bounce?" "Yeah they would! one time while going after a criminal, Cyno had to-" "Eeeeh I'm bored. You coming to my next game?"
Subtlety? not THIS eel
He audibly groans when you bring them up sometimes.
But he still loves hearing you talk! so it really confusing sometimesz
"So genius invocation uses 8 elements, 7 from the nations, one is omni. Usually the cards are based off of vision users like Diluc of mondstadt, Arataki Itto, from Inazuma... OH! there is one of my best friend, Alhaitham, he's dendro and Cyno's is electro, its actually" Oh he's no longer looking at you.
You get an idea... "There is one of Haitham's fiance, Kaveh" "Oh really?"
You're his girlfriend, you know him best.
He's a little less weird about listening to your stories now, he's way more enaged.
He still tugs you closer to him when you mention other men, but thats kind of normal for him now.
Jamil Viper
A confident king? He's not really jealous. He knows he can be better than them.
Plus they're just friends to you.
But in all honestly he like... doesn't care too much about Teyvat.
You're here now, with him. not them.
Don't get him wrong, Jamil likes hearing about what your world!
There's only oneee little thing he doesnt love hearing.
"Sometimes I miss the food from Teyvat... Cyno always made the best Tahchin." "The best you say?" "Yeah! he shaped it like a pyramid every time he made it!" "Have you ever tried mine?" "You make tahchin!?"
He's smug, you'll love his cooking more than that Cyno's.
He serves you a plate of tahchin, golden brown, perfectly seasoned, barberries topping the rounded rice dish "So, what do you think?" "This is so good! I kind of miss the padisarah petals though.."
The hell is THAT?
"Is it... not up to your expectations, my flower?" "No its delicious! I think I just miss the way my friend would make it.."
He's a little grumpy about it!!
Jamil gets kind of huffy with you next time you're together.
He's not ignoring you but just don't bring up food for a while.
Snake man will just respond with "Why don't you ask Cyno." when it comes to cooking for the next day or two...
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
So we know that Alastor has built-in sound effects, or he just manifests them as he pleases. But the mental image of him in his studio manually swapping out a bunch of pre-recorded sound effect cassettes with perfect timing, or doing his own foley, is so endearingly silly.
Maybe in the past he and Vox shared a sound effect library. (V: what did you use to get that bone crunching sound? Pasta? A: bones! V: wow you’re that’s so cool)
The petty stage of their friendship breakdown… The prideful betrayal of “he recorded a new [specific sound effect] and isn’t using mine anymore” and even pettier: one KNOWING the other would notice the change, but knows that the other knows he’d notice, and it becomes like an entertainment media cold war
Even more petty: “that’s our old sound effect you’ve just pitched it UP, you can’t copyright that” / “I thought you would’ve made your own version by now,” / “he’s ripped off my news stinger!” / “HE poached my cigarette ad sponsor… well I’M going to steal his laundry detergent sponsor” etc etc. fight fight fight fight *eats popcorn*
Big insult stage:
Vox: we’re in Hell, FUCK the hays code!
Alastor: :O
HEEEELP LMAOOOO. okay see like I understand people who think the falling out only happened 7 years ago but at the same time like. I like the idea of them having been rivals for decades (which btw it's still insane every time I think about how these two were friends for AT LEAST 20ish years before falling out like. THAT'S A LONG TIME MAN. THESE TWO HAVE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR AAAAAGES) leaves room for the early days of their rivalry where it's DIRECTLY after their fallout and it's very petty
but like the idea of alastor disappearing right after the rejection? it's funny in the context of vox confessed and he aroace'd out for 7 years but LIKE does not leave room for them to have been rivals (which is WILD to me because then that implies they never actually got to be rivals because alastor would've disappeared for 7 years immediately after) but I don't think that's the case mostly because there was enough time after it for alastor to at least know that vox got pissy BECAUSE of that rejection. I do think the time alastor "almost beat" vox happened right before the 7 year absence though. but falling out in my head happened waaaaay decades ago.
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moronkombat · 1 year
i am absolutely l o v i n g the stuff you’re putting out! 🤍🤍 could i request anything fluffy for raiden🫣 sfw or nsfw it doesn’t matter to me 💝 i just love him so much
have some soft Raiden!!
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When Raiden had invited you out with him he half expected you to deny him. He had built himself up to except the rejection, practicing in the mirror how he would react. It Kung Lao's pressuring that led Raiden to even undergoing this task.
It not entirely out of the realm of reality for him to ask you out to dinner. It not the first time you would bee meeting each nor would it be your initial outing together. No, it would not be that all. He has known you for a bit now and there has been time spent between the two of you.
But a dinner? A date. Raiden cannot help but shutter at the word. It feels so childish and boyish, though suppose he had felt like that when building up the courage to ask you to join him for a quick dinner at Madame Bo's. He spent even more time preparing his bravery for the rejection but it never came.
A jaw goes slack and eyes blink as if trying to ascertain if what he seeing real. Real it was, indeed. You had accepted with a smile most beaming and Raiden had thought to himself What now?
Shaking smile laced in his expression he had something along the lines "Great! I'll pick you up at 7:00!" Before scuttling off, still not believing this to all be so real.
The time flies quicker than he would like, his mind still rattling in nerves and sick anticipation. When he see's you, arrive to escort you, all those worries seem to blow into the wind. You stand there and Raiden thinks maybe he should have dressed up better. He looks like but a pawn compared to you.
His throat is dry all of sudden and there's an audible gulp while he lightly shakes his head in the hopes of ridding himself of this stunned stupor. It doesn't work. Eyes scan up and down and he begins to speak but his words are treacherous, coming out as crackles.
Clearing his throat he tells you something or tries to. "Wow, uh-you look, uhm-good...!"
He can feel his stomach flip and it takes everything within him not to slap his forehead in disgrace. You seem not to mind his awkward mumbling as your response is gracious and paired with a delicate smile. Raiden nodded his head and then the two of you were off into the night.
Dinner appeared to drag through the winds of time but he didn't mind it. Not at all. You seemed keen on speaking with him just as he was. Slowly, that tingling nerves began to leave Raiden's spine bit by bit. He's comfortable now, sitting across from you and laughing at something you had said.
It not only his laugh that rings, yours does too and Raiden swells with pride hearing it. More and more confident he becomes as your dinner continues and Raiden feels unstoppable. Well perhaps not so much when the bill came but he insisted on paying and you thank him yet again with that smile has grown to be fond of.
Now the two of you walk in the cooling air of stars. A breeze most light dances around him as it does you. Smiles are a contagious thing, they must be. The two of you full of them. Raiden tells a joke and you laugh that music he so adores.
"I had a really great time with you tonight, Raiden." Your words fill his heart up tight. You had a good time but not just that. You had a good time with him. Raiden couldn't ask for much more than that and he isn't going to.
"It was really my pleasure. I'm just glad you agreed to come to dinner with me." Comes his confession, a hand rubbing his neck while his gaze drifts from yours.
You head sways to the right and a brow is perched in interest. "Did you think I wouldn't?"
"Ah well-" and his hand is scratching the skin of neck faster now, "Didn't know how busy you might be."
"I will always make time for you, Raiden." Endearing words spoken from lips that display a kind smile.
Raiden watches you for a moment, lips thinning into something shy while his head nods. "T-Thanks."
Oh how he wants to collide his palm to his face. How nervous must he sound? Incredibly he bets. There's a rather large barrel of hay to his left and oh does it look like a cozy place to hide away in right about now. But your words find him before he gets the chance to shrink away even further.
"You like me, don't you, Raiden?" An accusation, one that hits the nail so rough on the head.
Eyes of onyx widen and his body becomes one of ice. He stares at you, lost and trapped. A soft gaze stares into one petrified and Raiden's mouth begins to move but words cannot find themselves.
Your smile shines into him and you gift him with the words he tries to say. "It's okay. I like you too, Raiden."
He stares to you then unsure what to do with himself. Defenses wish to rise up and swallow him in embarrassment, shock and bewilderment. Raiden unable to move at all, his body simply trapped in this twilight like daze. Yet, your step closer to him is seen. Your hands laying against the fabric of his sleeves are felt and still he is made of stone.
Lips press against something smooth yet chapped and his eyes become the moon. Frozen and fixated he can only watch as your lips kiss his, still lightly parted from shocked. You don't seem to mind, holding there for but a precious moment and then you are retreating from him. Raiden's hands feel heavy and fingers twitch. Warmth becomes him and once tanned skin becomes as pink as a blooming rose.
Your laugh rings his ears and finally the cement binding his body seems to break away. He should do something, anything, instead stand here like a fool and then he senses your hands with his. He squeezes yours, perhaps a bit too eager, but you don't seem to mind.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Raiden." Not a question, no this is a promise and now Raiden is smiling.
He nods once, his smile wide as pinkish dust covers his cheeks. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
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gekkohs · 7 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝒜 𝐵𝐿𝒪𝒪𝒟𝒴 𝑅𝐸𝒰𝒩𝐼𝒪𝒩 — j.slaughter
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word count ; 5k
warnings / tags ; MINORS / AGELESS BLOGS DNI, fem!reader, VERY DARK CONTENT, murder, heavy non-con to dub-con, light stalking, minor knife play (?), blood play, forced to fuck in ur boyfriends blood, typical johnny slaughter things, biting, fingering, oral (f!recieving), p in v sex, johnny threatening you, mentions of kidnapping + more murder, kinda dead dove do not eat.
authors note ; ok I wrote this at 5am feverishly, so there will probably be a lot of errors and it’s a bit rushed, but shirtless johnny has had me in a chokehold and I’ve been THINKING so I had to scribble something down — I swear I’ll do better next time 🤍
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  the heat haze shimmered above the road as you and your boyfriend continued to drive in the rust bucket of a car, which had practically become an oven. the smell of the leather seats mixed with the intense heat and long journey was enough to make you nearly throw up. your only saving grace was a little hand fan your grams gave you as a kid, and the occasional breeze that came through the window when the car could manage to go faster than 20mph. 
  you and your boyfriend were heading to dallas for a weekend away together, taking his fathers rusty old car that had started making a weird sound and smelt of burning about half way into the journey. you got lost at least three times, and of course your boyfriend blamed it on you because you had the map, and not the fact he just wouldn’t listen to you and take the directions you were giving him.
 “look, there’s a mechanics there, we should pull over and see if it’s anything important.” your boyfriend spoke in the most annoyed, yet monotone voice he could, not even sparing you a glance.
 “oh great, stay in this backwards little town that I’m pretty sure neither of us have heard of, sure that’ll be great.” you retorted, folding your arms and looking out the window to the streets you were driving through.
 “just shut up and wait here.”
 you glared at him as he got out and slammed the car door as loud as he possibly could, shaking the car side to side and managing to get the attention of the mechanic working in the garage just ahead. you didn’t even bother looking at him while he was talking away inside, instead you got out the car and headed to the little store just a few buildings down.
 “heya, darlin’.” the shopkeeper chirped up from the seat behind the counter, his feet propped up on the glass top as he read the newspaper.
 you spared him a polite smile and went straight to the refrigerator toward the back of the store, grabbing a bottle of water and sighing in relief at the cool air that hit you as soon as the door opened. the shop was pretty small, paint peeling from the walls and the door, posters all over that were a couple years past whatever they were advertising, and the cigarette smoke hung heavy in the air — presumably from the rugged looking man behind the counter.
you decided to grab a few more drinks and some snacks for yourself before making your way to the counter, not bothering to buy anything your partner liked. 
 “is that all, darlin’?” the cashier stood up and tapped away at the till, counting up all the things you bought for yourself.
 before you could reply, you saw a stack of newspapers at the side of the counter, big bold letters on the front reading “another teenager missing—” and you couldn’t read the rest from it being folded over.
 “oh that’s some nasty business, that is…” the man behind the till spoke in a thick southern accent, noticing how you were looking at the papers, “whole bunch of ‘em gone missing recently, search parties ain’t turnin up nothing, I bet they all dead by now…”
 “oh wow…” you grimaced a little to yourself, “sounds like it’s quite a big issue round here.”
 “yeah, like we say it been happenin’ awhile now, was one at a time then a few of them seemed to disappear. cops say there ain’t no way of knowin’ if they went missin’ round here, but everyone knows they did.”
 you politely put a paper on the top of your other things and he nodded, placing it neatly into the bag he packed some of your stuff into already, “you be careful out there, darlin’, ain’t no safe place nowadays.”
 “I will, thank you.” you gave him another smile and took your bag from the counter, you stopped just shy of the front door, “you wouldn’t happen to know if there’s a motel or somewhere to stay round here, would you?”
 “oh sure thing, there’s a motel ‘bout mile and a half up the road, ain’t nothing too fancy but it’s a roof over your head.”
 “thank you.” you grinned and let the door swing shut behind you while you reached into your bag to find your water, the little bell on the top of the door ringing out as you left.
 “oh gosh, I’m so sorry!” you yelped as you walked into something solid.
 “it’s alright, darlin’, you all good?” the deep voice spoke out from above you, his firm grip on your elbow to balance you.
 you looked up to him with doe eyes, a heat rising up your face as you looked at his ruggedly handsome face. your eyes tracing across the scar that ran across his head, then down his jawline before quickly coming to your senses.
 “I’m so sorry, I should really watch where I’m going, I was just trying to grab my water…” you spoke sheepishly, strangely embarrassed that you hadn’t been paying any attention and walked into someone that looked like him.
 before the man could even reply to you, you heard a familiar voice shouting at you from across the road, the anger in his voice very apparent.
 “where the hell did you go? didn’t I tell you to wait in the car? I was worried sick.” your boyfriend stormed across the road without even looking to see if there were any cars or anything, “what the hell were you doing?”
 “hey, do we have an issue here?” the man you just met spoke up, moving to stand in front of you, he crossed his arms across his broad chest and glared at your partner to the point you could see how uncomfortable he was becoming with the stranger looking at him. 
 he was taller than your boyfriend by quite a bit, more muscular too, he had a deeper voice, better hair…honestly he was better in nearly every way. a wave of guilt washed over you pretty quickly after thinking that, you should be defending your boyfriend and not lusting over another man, but you couldn’t help it — after the day you’d had with your partner treating you the way he did, you thought it fair to think another man was attractive — it’s not like you were going to act on it or even see this man again after today.
 “oh no, don’t worry, he’s my boyfriend, he was just over at the mechanics up there and I went to get some snack without saying anything,” you chirped up from behind the stranger, tiptoeing around him to get closer to your partner, “you know with all the stuff happening around here, it was a silly thing for me to just wander off without saying anything, especially in a strange town.”
 “alright…” the strange man paused and then frowned slightly but nodded, giving you a slight wave as he turned and walked into the store you just left.
 “who the hell was that?” your significant other muttered as he began walking away up the road, dragging your suitcase behind him. 
 you opened your mouth to answer him but before you could even get a word out your boyfriend spoke up again, “doesn’t matter. the cars gonna be in here for the rest of the day, said it’d be fixed tomorrow, noon by latest. motels not too far up the road so we’ll just stay there for the night and then we can get the hell out of here.”
 you sauntered behind, not even bothering to give him an answer, instead you just rolled your eyes and admired the way the sunset cast a beautiful orange hue across the fields in the distance. the entire walk to the motel had you thinking about the man you bumped into and the headline of the newspaper that was in your carrier bag from the store.
 a chill ran across the back of your neck just at the thought of all those poor kids who’d gone missing, and you wondered if they were all dead just like the shopkeeper had said they were. it was weird that it seemingly kept happening and the police didn’t seem any closer to catching the perpetrators, because you knew it had been going on for a while — but then again, what use were the cops anyway?
 “looks like the motels just up here”, the voice pulled you from your thoughts and you looked up to see the large building with a big sign outside with “MOTEL” written on it.
 “what gave it away?” you chucked to yourself, ignoring the annoyed sigh that you got in response.
 “give me a second and I’ll go check us in for the night.”
 “alright.” you grabbed your carrier and suitcase from him, and he kept hold of his own bag as he walked to the front desk.
 you stood outside for a couple of minutes, having the uneasy feeling that you were being watched from somewhere, but there was no one else but you around for what seemed like a good way away. your eyes darted back and forth along the long stretch of road, looking into the trees that lined it, but it was too dark already to see anything if it were stood there stalking you. 
 “hey, got the key, come on.”
 you followed close behind as your boyfriend guided you to your room on the second floor, once you stepped in you looked around with a bit of contempt. it was far from perfect, honestly it looked a little grimy and dusty, but it was a roof over your head for the night like the shopkeeper said to you. 
 you threw your bags down at the small table and chairs that were in front of the window, locking and latching the door shut behind you. you peeped out the curtains and looked back down to where you were just stood, scanning intently for a sign of anyone else but there wasn’t, the only thing that seemed to be moving were a few birds fighting for some scraps on the side of the road. 
 “you got nothing I like?” he grumbled as he scrounged through the bag you got from the store.
 “nope, if you want something then you should go get it yourself.”
 he mumbled something under his breath as he stood back up, grabbing his jacket from the bottom of the bed and storming towards the door. the mood he was in was foul, you could practically feel it in the air and you just wanted him out of the room for a little while. you both needed some time alone to cool off, and as much as part of you wanted to ask him to get himself a seperate room, you were too scared to spend the night alone here. 
 “lock the door behind you, I want to go have a shower.”
 he didn’t even reply to you as he slammed the door behind himself, but still you heard him lock it behind himself just like you requested.
 you took your light jacket off and threw it over the back of one of the wooden chairs with a grumble, as you did your coat caught the bag you got from the store and made the newspaper fall to the floor. you bent down to pick it up with annoyance and then sat down, unfolding it and reading the headline in full — “another teenager missing in newt, ninth person missing in the last four months.”
 “holy—” you whispered to yourself in shock, your eyes looking at the picture of the long haired young man on the front, your heart feeling heavy just from looking at it.
 you read a little of the article, it talked about when it first started and when each disappearance happened, and how little they knew about anything. there had been a lot of search parties in the county and the surrounding ones too, but there was never any luck. from what it seemed, it was like all those people just up and vanished into thin air, the police had nothing and there were no witnesses. apparently it caused a lot of ruckus within the town, lots of meetings held in the town hall and people trying to come up with their own solutions rather than relying on the police to do anything. 
 you threw the paper onto the table and shook your head, an uneasy feeling creeping into your entire soul, you wanted out of this place — you wished you could have stopped in any other town than this one, why did it have to be this one? 
 “god, I hope he’s okay…” you thought out loud to yourself as you stood, suddenly worried about your boyfriend being out there all alone.
 you ran your hands up through your hair and let out another sigh, deciding it best to take that shower you said you would, hopefully washing the day away would make you feel any better than you did now. you grabbed a few things from your suitcase and bag and took them into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind yourself — double and triple checking it was locked before placing your things down and turning on the shower.
 you undressed and kicked your clothes to the chair that was next to the door, and stood with your hand under the water, waiting for it to heat up, yet it only seemed to get to just under lukewarm before not getting any hotter. it didn’t really bother you, you were in need of a cold shower to wash away the grime of the hot summer's day, but you’d still have liked a little heat to the water.
 you stood under the shower head for a good while before washing your hair and body, reaching out the shower to grab your shampoo from the side of the sink. just as you did you finally heard your boyfriend return, and you smiled to yourself, just happy he was safe.
 “hey, sweetie,” you called out from the shower but it didn’t seem like he heard you, instead you heard the tv turn on and you rolled your eyes.
 you knew he was probably still in a mood with you, and it didn’t surprise you in the slightest — he was always one to hold a grudge, if you didn’t apologise then you swear he’d go weeks without talking to you, just to spite you. he was stubborn and argumentative, but he could be sweet and caring, and even though some of your friends hated him, you loved him. he never really showed the better side of himself to other people, but when it came to you, he’d do anything — even if it drove him up the wall crazy. 
 the water switched off with a squeak and you carefully stepped out, wrapping your towel tightly around you before moving in front of the sink and looking into the mirror. you made quick work of brushing your teeth and squeezing the water out of your hair, then you did your usual nighttime routine to get it out of the way sooner rather than later.
 “hey listen, I’m sorry about earlier,” you stepped out of the bathroom into the dark bedroom and switched the light off behind you.
 just as your eyes adjust to the light difference, a large hand slammed over your mouth from behind, and then you felt the cool sensation of metal pressing up against your throat. you cried out from behind the hand as you saw your boyfriend splayed out on the bottom of the bed, his blood soaking into the covers and spilling onto the floor, throat cut ear to ear to the point you swear he was nearly decapitated completely.
 “don’t make a sound, okay, sweetheart? otherwise you gonna end up like that annoying boyfriend of yours.” the voice was familiar, deep, southern.
 your eyes widened, blurred from the tears pouring from them. it was the man from earlier, the one you walked into outside of the store. was he annoyed to bumped into him or that your boyfriend seemed to mouth off at him?
 a million thoughts ran through your head in an instant, you didn’t even notice the hand move away from your mouth until the figure slowly walked around you and stood in front of you, his knife trailing along your throat at the same time.
 “you… you’re from the store—“ you could barely spit your words out coherently through your sobbing, not being able to take your eyes away from the pools of blood trickling down the sheets. 
 “hey, you remembered me? that makes me feel real special…” he laughed, the tip of the blade tracing a light line down the middle of your chest and stopping at the top of your towel.
 “I’m sorry for walking into you, I swear I didn’t mean it, I was just—“
 “sweetheart, I don’t care about that, I ain’t that sensitive.”
 he placed the blade under your chin and forced you to look up at him, he wanted all your attention and he’d make sure you gave him it. you didn’t know what to say back to him, you weren’t even sure if you should speak.
 your heart was practically beating out of your chest as he stepped forward, backing you up against the bathroom door. you shut your eyes in wait to feel him attack you, but instead you felt his lips against yours — warm and gentle at first, but then he moved with more forced, more hunger.
 you instinctively moved away from the kiss, smacking your head off the door behind you and gasping.
 “I’m sorry, I just…”
 “what’s wrong, sweetness? you’re a single lady, dont be going and worrying on me now,” his tone was mocking as he pushed his knife more firmly against your throat, a warning.
 you couldn’t even speak, you just nodded. you knew what was coming and you knew you couldn’t exactly fight him, he was twice your size and clearly had no issues with killing anyone that didn’t give him what he wanted. you couldn’t look at him though, you felt dirty beyond what a shower could wash away, instead you stayed looking down at your own feet, trying to ignore how much of your boyfriends blood covered the man’s clothes. 
 he leaned down and kissed you again, this time he was a lot rougher, his free hand grabbing at your hip with a painful grip, his body pushing up against yours until there was no wiggle room left. you barely kissed him back, but still enough that he’d recognise you were doing as you were told. 
 he lowered the blade slightly as he forced you toward the bed, a sudden horror coming over you, he wanted to fuck you on that bed. the bed soaked in your boyfriend's blood, pools of it. that’s when a realisation dawned on you, he was the one who made all those people go missing, all those poor teens everyone thought was dead — all those people you know are dead.
 “wait—“ you quickly spun around and faced him, looking up at his face and you could see the anger flash in his eyes, you knew you couldn’t push your luck too much, “at least…at least tell me your name, please.”
 he laughed and gave you a genuine smile, “it’s johnny, baby, why? you wanna know what name you’re gonna end up screamin’?”
 you nodded innocently in hopes to just buy yourself some more time, praying the police would barge through the door and shoot him dead, but you knew it was wishful thinking. he’s a man that’s got away with it for this long, he obviously doesn’t make mistakes, he knows what he’s doing.
 his finger hooked over the top of your towel while you were distracted, he loosened the fold that held it up, and it crumpled to the floor with a quiet little thud.
 johnny smiled to himself as he carefully dragged the blade from your pubic bone to the bottom of your ribs, his eyes practically fucking every part of your body already. without much thought your hands shot up to cover your body from his gaze, the embarrassment of being naked in front of a stranger immediately making you cower in front of him like a scared puppy. he didn’t even speak as he grabbed your wrists and yanked your hands away from your body, a quiet sadistic chuckle coming from him as he moved closer to you. 
 “you got some body on you…” his mouth ghosted across yours as he moved his lips down to your neck, kissing and suckling at your supple flesh.
 he kept moving forwards until you both fell onto the bed, the sound of the blood squelching under you and you couldn’t help but yelp, to johnny’s amusement.
 it was cold now, the sheets were full and with every movement more blood squished out of them with a sickening wet sound. you couldn’t help but whimper at the idea of it, the way your entire body was covered in blood, how it slashed up on your face and was soaking into your hair — it was enough to make you want to throw up, you squeezed your eyes shut and breathed in and out loudly to try and calm yourself. 
 “hey, open your eyes.” his voice was low, annoyed.
 the knife pressed against your neck enough to pierce the skin, blood trickling from the wound just enough for johnny to run his tongue along it, licking up all the blood with a satisfied hum. 
 “you taste good.” his free hand ran up the inside of your thigh, the blood coating it making it all the easier for him.
 more tears rolled down your cheeks but you didn’t make a sound anymore, instead you were too focused on the way his thumb rubbed rough circles on your clit, his mouth suckling on one of your nipples — it was like he was trying to pleasure you, and some part of you hated that more, you’d rather him just get it over with and hurt you, but it was obvious he didn’t want that — or at least that’s not all he wanted.
 johnny let his mouth move further and further down your body until his mouth replaced his hand. his tongue swirling around in circles across your puffy, sensitive clit, quiet moans coming from him as he relished in the taste of the blood and your slick mixing together so beautifully. you felt sick to your stomach, not because of what he was doing but because you were enjoying it, because his mouth sucking and teasing at your cunt was one of the best things you’d ever felt. your boyfriend rarely went down on you and when he did, it never felt like this.
 you couldn’t help but let out a quiet whimper, your back arching from the bed and coaxing him on even more. his tongue moved with more speed, going between circles on your clit or fucking into your clenching hole.
 “fuck, such a desperate whore,” he smirked to himself as he forced two fingers into you, not even caring whether they were too big for you to handle or not.
 “wait, ah—“ you tried to move back and away from his hand but his other hand gripping at your hip was too strong, you couldn’t move away from him.
 his fingers were buried knuckle deep inside of you, curling and twisting against the deepest spots inside of you, his mouth resuming what it was doing before — and you could feel yourself unravelling like you never had.
 the tears only got worse when you looked to the side, your boyfriend still laid there with his neck slit ear to ear, a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach as you squeezed your eyes shut. you were disgusting, a horrible human, who in their right mind enjoys getting fucked by a psychopath? one that just killed their lover, one who has you coated in the blood of the person you loved? what the hell had even happened? you had no idea how any of this happened, and your heart broke the more you thought about how he died angry with you, how he died with you angry at him. 
 you were too busy in your own thoughts that you didn’t noticed your orgasm sneaking up on you so quickly, that disgraceful feeling in the pit of your stomach unravelling into something much better, a white hot ball of pleasure, johnny’s name rolling off your tongue like it’s a name you’ve moaned for the last few years.
 he couldn’t take his eyes off you, the way your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled back as he forced you to come on his fingers, the way his name sounded so angelic when it came from your pretty little mouth. he could barely contain himself anymore, his cock almost painful behind the confines of his tight jeans.
 “so… goddamn needy,” he panted as he stripped himself down to nothing, his muscles highlighted by the tv’s flashing pictures at the bottom of the bed. 
 there was something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on, you lured him in from the moment you walked into him. everything about you was perfect, was enticing, you were made for him and he knew it — he knew he had to make you his, and that’s why he followed you and your boyfriend to the motel. he needed to get rid of him and claim you as his own, to fuck you in front of him, but he got too cocky, said somethings johnny didn’t like and he got mad and slit the fuckers throat.
 johnny loomed over you, his big cock teasing up and down your slit, and you couldn’t help but cry. he was too big, bigger than you’ve ever had, and you knew he wouldn’t be gentle with you. he looked down at you with the devil in his eyes, and a smirk on his face, “I’ll give us a little more room, yeah?”
  he kicked to the side and forced your boyfriend's corpse to the floor with a loud wet thud. he laughed to himself as he slid you more into the middle of the bed, more into the pools of blood. he was sick, disgusting…he was getting off on this, all the blood and fucking you in it. 
 as he began to push himself into you, you whimpered at the stretch, “wait, johnny please, too big—“ your hands slapped up and gripped at his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin and breaking it. 
 “it’ll fit, don’t worry, just take it.” he licked the blood from your cheek and forced himself deeper into you with a groan, “fuck…shit”
 he relaxed and leaned down, letting his head fall against into the crook of your neck as he got as close to bottoming out in you as he could.
 he loved the blood, he loved fucking you like this, claiming you as his own whether you wanted him to or not, and it was obvious.  you didn’t know whether he wanted you after this, what was going to happen but you needed to live, to fight for your survival, that much you knew — you had to do the things he liked, and it became pretty obvious what that was. 
 it wasn’t exactly hard to enjoy it, the way his hips moved all the way back then slowly pushed back to you, his cock sliding all the way back in again, the tip kissing your cervix surprisingly gentle.
 a pleasurable sigh escaping past your lips as your hands weaved into his hair, dragging his mouth down to meet yours. you opened your legs further to give him more access, and he took that as an invitation to speed up.
 “dirty little slut want more of daddy’s cock?” he muttered in between kisses, his bloody hand resting against your cheek, and covering your face.
 “fuck— m…more please” you couldn’t help yourself, every single atom of self respect had practically left your body with each thrust.
 his cock had stretched you out beyond your limit but you didn’t even care, the pain was part of the pleasure, and the more that his cock hit that spot inside of you, the less you could think straight. cuss words fell from his mouth as he forced two of his fingers into your mouth, and you could see the glimmer of sick satisfaction in his eyes as he made you taste your lover's blood. you could see how much he enjoyed it, so against every fibre of your being, you let your tongue swirl around his digits. you let out a moan and sucked on them, never once letting your eyes leave his.
 and with that one move you send him over the edge, his thrusts became uneven and hard, he was practically feral. he leaned down and slammed his mouth against yours and bit harshly at your bottom lip, making it bleed just so he could taste you again. he moaned into the kiss, blood and spit stringing up to his lips from yours as he leaned up, his cum coating your insides without any care in the world.
 “fuck…” he panted and collapsed down on you, taking a moment to catch his breath.
 when he moved back it didn’t take him two seconds to replace his cock with his fingers, forcing you to keep his cum inside your aching cunt.
 you could feel how heavy your eyes were getting, the mix of traveling all day, crying, and being brutally fucked had took it out of you. every single muscle in your body ached, you didn’t even think it was possible to be as tired as you were right now.
 “that’s it baby, don’t you worry, I’ll take care of you, I’m keepin’ you.”
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ejtheoneandonly · 4 months
COMFORTING THEM AT THEIR WORST (or some sh*t I thought of at 3am)
Feat. Some Windbreaker characters that come in my mind (Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei and Hayato Suo)
Haruka Sakura.
Haruka was bruised and normally, you would treat his wounds, he never admits it but L O V E S when you are the one doing it, as he consider your touches to be one of the most warm he has encountered in his whole life, you can even see it in his eyes, he is so mellow. When you try to talk to him about his day (before the brawl, of course) he remains strangely quiet, as if he is reflecting about something, you tilt your head "Haru-kun?", his eyes turned to you "what?" He coldly said...
"Is there something wrong?"
"Nah, nothing at all, why you keep asking?"
"Because it seems like you're going through something, do you want to talk about it?"
When you're done with your job, you both go sit somewhere outside, Sakura's face seems still at unease. You decide to try talk him out one more time
"Oh for f*cks sake what?!"
"How did you just talk to me..?"
"I said I'm fine! I don't need anything now!"
"If you say you're fine with that face that means you are not necessarily fine, you don't have to carry everything alone you know?"
"Ugh!" The bi-colored boy stood and groaned "I am not telling you I feel terrible just because you say-...so..." he said it himself. "And?" You were curious to hear the story. "..." Sakura grabbed his head and fell into the ground "Goddammit!!! Why can't I just feel to fit in no matter what I do!!! If I am not strong I am nothing! I really have no other things to offer!! I...I..." His voice was breaking and you didn't think twice before embracing him "You need to be patient, from what I've seen, things have been going very well in Furin for you, and you seem to have fun, I'm pretty sure your peers have already accepted you, or else, who are Nirei and Suo to you?"
Sakura is hesitant, but at the same time...he doesn't want to let you go.
Akihiko Nirei
You and Nirei were in a date, you were walking on the streets, admiring every single thing while you also see the yellow fluffball taking notes of the things you 'wow' at. Today was pretty nice, you bought some food, drinks and took some photos. The thing happened when he was walking you home, it was dusk time and some criminals arrived, threatening to harm you both, Nirei, wanting to be your hero, decided to face them himself but got outnumbered, fortunately, you knew how to fight, so you decided to help him. You both won, they left, you both went to your home, checking if there were any severe injuries. Suddenly, the yellow fluffball wailed.
"Oh no, what happened? Do your injuries hurt?" Your voice sounded so sweet and attentive, you were always like this, main reason he fell in love with you.
"It's just..." *sob* "Just..."
"You can tell me anything."
"I'm tired of being useless, I always wonder, how did I even get to enter Furin if I don't even know how to fight! Even if Suo-san trained me, I will still never be as cool as him or Sakura-san! I am so useless!! I am so useless!!" Nirei was 😭
"No! Don't say that! I love you just how you are! I chose you for you, I could have chosen Sakura or Suo as you say but no, want to know why I chose you?" You said getting closer to him
"🥺?" He looked to your direction
You kissed him in the cheek "Because you always have good intentions, even in the things you are not good at, you always give it all and that's what made me fall in love with you, you are the strongest in my eyes and heart, and always will"
Nirei just kept crying (lol) but it was okay, crybaby and all you still loved him.
Hayato Suo
Hayato Suo is someone who you rarely see sad, this patched person always kept in control of his emotions and thoughts, you were always certain he always had everything under control, but what would happen if those restraints...
You and the patched guy were drinking tea at a chinese market, both enjoying the view as you enjoyed each other's company, even if you didn't spoke much, the silence was already good enough, but you decided to now check on him, you could feel it, there was stuff he has hiding, you sensed his mind was in a tempest, an unpredictable force that could break out at any moment. Hayato Suo is very good at hiding his emotions to the point it's scary, you will never know what's going on with him, unless he wants to tell you...
At last, you decide to break silence "Suo?"
He turned at you, with a tiny grin "yes?"
"I...have feeling you...you um..." You were sometimes scared that he might take your words the wrong way or worse, that a possible argument arised, but decided to take the risks. The chinese presenting guy blinked "anything you need to say?" He said as he finished his tea.
"You are going through something terrible right now and as much as you want to avoid it I know! I just know it! And I don't care if you say 'I'm fine', I know you're not but let me tell you, whatever you are going through, let me be there for you! As complex as it may be I will do until my last breath to-" You were passionately pronouncing those words you did cause a scene at the market, everyone was now staring at you "...sorry" you sat down again. He chuckled "your passion and dedication towards me is so admirable but..." his aura abruptly changed to a darker one "even if I told you, you would never be able to handle it, this is something very personal of me and I kindly beg you to leave it..."
You were speechless but mainly concerned, of course you never feared he attacked you, you knew he could never but the situation of right now, left you thinking, if he even trusted you enough, maybe not yet...
In the end, you both walked away from that place, you hoped one day, Hayato Suo would trust you and let himself be as vulnerable as ever, so you could be there for him with no doubt...
Forgive if this looks ooc, oh God T-T, also, to the 3 people that read this, you deserve the whole world ⚘️)) if you want another part then say so, I guess.
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mash-masha2011 · 3 months
Chapter 2: Long, long, long story!
Hey, guys! I'm back! I know it's a bit long, but I'm such a lazy writer!
Anyway, this is how I imagine Eugene, Raps and Cass telling V about all magic stuff, what he did (or part of) and all that stuff. If you want you can skip, there's nothing important really! 
And while I'm on it, tell me please do you want Hookie or/and Shortie there! I personally don't really like them, but I want your opinion! Thanks!
"So, long long long long long time ago drop of sun from the sky. On that place grew magic flower that could heal, turn back age and even bring from death sometimes!" Rapunzel gestured so wildly, that she already almost hit Varian three times "And then..." She trailed of and Eugene placed a hand around her waist and smiled reassuringly at her waist
"Than old woman named Gothel came" Eugene continued "She didn't tell anyone about the flower and used it to stay young forever ! And what's even crazier - she almost succeed! But just when Queen was about to give birth to Blondie she got really sick. And King started searching for magic flower. As you can see, he found it!" Eugene gestured towards Rapunzel and she managed a small smile "So he took the flower, healed the queen, everything was good, Goldie's birthday, celebration, yada yada yada, but! Gothel decided she needed to stay young at all cost and stole Blondie! She locked her in a tower for, like, eighteen years ! She was a disgusting lady, I know. And one day, right before her eighteenth birthday a handsome, dashing, steely-eyed, smouldering rogue rescued Princess, showed her the world, fell in love and made her the most epic haircut " After confused look from Varian he added " She then has the same long hair" 
Varian listened carefully to every word, memorising each and every word. They walked for ten minutes now and it would be a good time, if not for Cassandra. She didn't say a word, didn't show any sigh of interest or any emotions on her face except for very slight anger, frustration and distrust. She just watched him. Every minute. Every second. Varian even wandered if she blinked at all. He heard Rapunzel's voice and listened again.
"Then after six month Cass showed me these black rocks! I touched one and there was a big explosion! And then rocks started chasing us! And then my hair grew back!"
"That's the story!" Eugene said 
"What about Cass...?" Varian asked and looked on said girl, and when she glared quickly added "-andra?"
"Well, she's Blondie's handmaiden and Capitan's daughter" Eugene answered
"Wow! That's probably cool being Capitan's daughter!" Varian said in awe but quickly goy cut off by Cassandra
"No, it isn't" She said in an extra cold tone
"O-okay" Varian wanted to ask why, but got too scared she would kill him right where he stood in a blink of an eye "How did we meet?" 
"Well, I came to ask you about my hair! That day I discovered you can be very scary if you want to!" she mumbled the last part
"Cool! So princess of Corona came to me to ask about her magic hair! Wow!" Varian could believe what he just heard! Princess came to him to ask about her hair! She trusted him with it! 
"What about me though? What did I do that I was in handcuffs?" This question bothered Varian from the start, but he kinda couldn't find the right time before.
"Uh... well, you- how do I say it-" Eugene started but was interrupted by Raps
"You stole the Sunflower from the Royal vault"
"I what?" was the only thing Varian was able to say through shock
"Well, your village was being destroyed by black rocks, you experimented on them and there was that scroll which said that these rocks were opposite to Sunflower and I guess when you were out of options you tried flower" There was something in her voice he couldn't understand. He already heard guilt every time she spoke to him - though, he didn't know why - but this was something other than that. It felt like he knew what it was but couldn't place it.
After a few minutes of silence Varian found his voice again "So, I am a criminal" He asked quietly
"Welcome to 'Team Criminal'!" Eugene's joke was met with awkward silence "Yeah, not the time"
There was a long silence, in which Varian was trying to process all the shock.
"What about you, Eugene? What's your story?" Varian asked first question came to his mind, and as much as he tried to hide his shock and panic after knowing he's a criminal by shoving his hands into pockets and smiling - though he had no idea why he hid his emotions, it was like a subconscious habit of some sort - his voice was still higher than usual. 
"Well, I don't really like telling the 'story of orphan leaving alone on the streets', but since everyone except you know already, I might as well tell you. I lived in orphanage ever since I remember. One day I saw a boy reading a book called 'The tales of Flynnigan Ryder'. I snatched it at night and fell in love. So next day I went to the bookshop and bought as many Flynn books as I could - which wasn't much, like two maybe! After that I red them every night to all the younger kids in the orphanage! After I red all written Flynn books I ran away. And I took my name from that book. For years I was stealing under the name of Flynn Rider! Lance and I were gods in crime, thieves of thieves! And then I met blondie and dropped my criminal name. That's the story!" 
"I... don't know what to say..." Varian was glad Eugene told him this story, it really helped him calm down a little. He knew he will be panicked and shocked once he alone and let his thoughts free, but for now he was okay. 
They walked for a few more hours, laughing and joking. Despite Cassandra staring at him all the time like he was some evil demon which could turn on and kill them all any minute he felt good! He was happy to have friends like this who will always help him no matter what. He was with them only few hours, but he already trusted them.
Hey! I'm sorry for short chapter, I just really wanted to write this! I hope I wasn't too out of character! If I was somewhere, just tell me and next time I won't make this mistake!
Also sorry for really long speeches! I don't really know how to make them shorter! 
Anyway, see you next time, love you all!
Previous Chapter
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Hi hi hi hi hii!! Can you do Tom Kaulitz with Polish male reader or gn reader? Your decision. There's like zero fanfics about Polish readers, it's usually Mexican, Korean. Maybe Tom visits his s/o in Poland for a couple of weeks and it's all cute, like Tom tries most of the traditional food, pierogi for example. And Tom never heard his s/o talk in Polish so when he did he was like *wow😯*. And reader also know how to bake so they make sernik or cheese cake(I think it's the same thing?) Or just cupcakes, so yayyy cute happy couple.
Love ur fanfics, pookieeee!! 💙
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(Hello! So sorry this took so long and I saw your other requests and I feel bad for not responding, DW they're still in my inbox I was just being lazy. But enjoy!)
Tom K. x Polish!Reader
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I feel like you being from Poland and having an accent was what drew him to you at first
Obviously later on it was personality and who you are but just you being from somewhere else was cool and hot to him
I mean he and Bill have both said that they like people from other countries/places
He could listen to you talk for hours
Was the one to start playfully copying your words in Polish just because he wanted to annoy you
That or he learned curse words in Polish just to call people assholes or bitch in another language
*Cough* Georg *cough*
But then he would be picking up Polish quite a bit
He also has you teach him to get words and sounds right even if they were the easiest ones on the planet
Just because he likes seeing you and hearing you teaching him
If that makes sense
He could listen to your accent go on and on for hours on end
No matter what language because he is just addicted
But what he did not expect in the beginning was for Polish to sound sorta aggressive
He was caught off guard for a moment when he first heard it, staring at you like
"What did I do?!"
Especially if you're yelling at someone man he is by all means be supporting you but by afar
He don't want to be caught in the crossfire
One time he walked in on you arguing with Gustav
And he couldn't even tell what was going on by all the screaming in German and Polish
He was standing there dumbfounded and fled before anything could turn to him
But even sometimes just talking sounded aggressive but he learned your mannerisms for when you're actually mad
So he knows the drill know babes
Hw loves learning more about you, your background or your family
Everything is just so cool and new to him, and he would especially appreciate it if you also did the same with Germany and his culture
He indulges in your culture 100%
Your family is now his family from the times he sneaks up to visit y'all
Or sometimes just them because he likes seeing your mom and your siblings
Him and your dad surprisingly get along, considering how most dad's get along with their sons boyfriends
He literally loves cooking and baking with your mom
He may suck at it but man does he gossip with your mama
But he does try his best when with you
Mainly with your mom he's sitting on the counter, kicking his feet and talking as he hands her ingredients
But with you he likes to impress you by cooking your cultures foods
And when he tries he can be absolutely bomb at it let me tell you
He had never heard of the dishes before, especially tasted them so he was genuinely happy when they tasted to good
He stole so much and was eating it the whole time
He just loves spending time in poland with you, learning your language and culture, and hearing you talk
He's so whipped let me tell you
Taglist: @billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames
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gojowh0rcs · 2 years
I’m on my period and I’m just picturing what thatd be like with Gojo as a bf. He definitely believes in PMSing. The whole shebang. He’s def annoying about it too so if you do end up snappin at him (cuz ur bleedin out ur coochie and maybe crampin so his usual teasing just feels sm more grating than normal) it doesn’t do much to refute his belief in PMS and the women being emotional and downright erratic during that time of the month (stupid man moment). he definitely picks up based on behavior when his girl is on her period too (or even before it comes if there’s a sudden mood change a week before). because even if he’d be a shit bf in terms of presence, he definitely studies his girl and notices all her little mannerisms and behaviors. he’s a highly observant individual and the six eyes just heightens everything too. notices the little twitch in ur finger or the way ur wrist flexes when your nervous type shit, but he never really says anything to allude to it or brags about it v much (unless he’s deliberately being an asshole and you think you could hide smth from him and he just feels like not giving it to you this one time so he throws it in ur face in a humorous but still very blunt and harsh way). and he doesn’t always help out with his s/o’s anxieties or just things she’s not willing to mention first neither. I think most of the time he’ll give his s/o their space to figure out things themselves and tends to mind his business unless they ask for help. That’s mostly a testament to how bad he is at comforting though. Unlike someone like Yuji, who I picture is probably just as confused on how to comfort his girl (specifically), he’d still try and it’s in his earnest sincerity at wanting to alleviate whatever she’s dealing with (and probably shoulder the weight entirely if he was allowed that opportunity), that he usually puts a smile on his girls face. Yuji is just a sweetheart, but he’s clumsy and he probably fucks up all the time. However it’s in the intention and his honest heart that a s/o could overlook any mishaps (most of the time).
GOJO on the other hand is not nearly that honest or earnest. He’s calm cool and collected. And he’s naturally a little mean too. Like he probably thinks at first his s/o could suck it up. Like shouldn’t you be used to this already? Just seems like a woman thing he doesn’t particularly understand so maybe he should stay away if he irks her nerves more than usual. But when it’s actually weighing on her or if she’s particularly uncomfortable and it’s out of her realm of control, Gojo does take pity. And he is still protective, even tho he’s detached. If he could take away her pain or switch roles he would without a second thought. But he can’t. And asking if she needs anything might feel a little embarrassing because that means he doesn’t already know what to do. (That and he doesn’t really have that nurturing of a personality so it feels a lil odd comin from his mouth). But Satoru Gojo failing at something??? Unthinkable. Unheard of. Fake news. He ends up googling how to help period pains and ends up finding some forum or subreddit of equally confused husbands and boyfriends. He ends up reading everything he could find and educating himself on the horrors and facts of menstruation and ends up learning more than he bargains for. But now he’s excelling most of the male population again and it’s just another notch in his belt, proof of not only being the strongest but the most knowledgeable 😎✨. (ends up braggin to some of his male students or colleagues like WOW how can YOU NOT know the strength of a period cramp could crush a can cmon megumi ur lackin). He also half thinks he should get some points for being so considerate and sweet. So he’s half expecting a big fat kiss and some praise when he suddenly strolls in with a bunch of bags of supplies and chocolate since he read somewhere more than half of women crave chocolate on their first days of menstruation. Snacking out on that is smth he can definitely help you with if you feel guilty for piggin out. When he finds out occasionally rubbing your back, watching movies, eatin junk and cuddles on your really bad days is all you really need to be satiated, he thinks it’s a pretty sweet deal. It might even become a frequent enough occurrence for him to call it something egregious like period parties. He’s ur pms partner ❤️ (you can smack him)
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
(soo ignition teaser thoughts ig)
hmmmm im ngl the trailer itself as a like prelude to what is coming in 5.0 intrigue and plot wise is like. compared to the region teasers that came before w lazzo and overture. its just. its kinda bad im sorry KWKJKWDJKWDJK like okay cool seeing the new cast and production value is high as always (+ music) but its such a middling teaser for the story itself?? it feels like a powerpoint presentation of the cast more than anything narratively coherent with an inherent draw and mystery
like theres mavuika speaking to the flame thingy (xbalanque that u? "one entombed in the primal fire" perhaps????) with some intrigue i suppose as well as her brief thing w capitano. ororon also appearing to be working together or aligned with capitano given theyre standing together there which could make for an interesting plot thread but beyond that its very.... eh. its not giving us a lot to grip onto ya know???? and thats rly a shame especially since i also felt that way abt the teaser in the 4.8 livestream. i wish we got more
and sure theres a tournament wahoo but like. its really Not helping to hype up that thing when half the introduced cast isnt being like "OMG the tournament!!!!1!1 this is HUGE!!!1" (or even. "oh no this is BAD!!!1" to set up basic conflict. like why would they dread it?) but instead just. "oh right... the tournament 🙄🙄" like who thought that was a good idea 😭😭 if the PEOPLE of natlan dgaf abt the big plot event happening then how am i as the viewer supposed to feel majorly invested in it . wow theyre tossing a ball around . wow nobody wants it guess ur tournament is having a bit of a PR issue in the making mavuika lmao
anyway i wouldnt even call myself a true capitano glazer despite being a fatuiHQ enjoyer on the side but like. that hmph still carried welcome capHIMpeaktano truly o7 JWDJWDJKDWJK also did yall see the. anemo-ish turquoise flare when mavuika is confronting (?) him? wonder if thats a thing with her flames or is it implying cap as anemo or sth.... i think itd fit him decent enough but ya. looking forward to HIM for sure
(+ congrats to him for losing the goofy timbs from arles animated short lmao like his design looks so fucking sick now)
character design wise uhhhh. well theres the obvious huge fucking issue here and while id say that hoyo p much already showed their true colors on the matter with sumeru that doesnt rly. make it any less disappointing and egregious wrt all the cultures and peoples theyre So willing to gather inspiration from in all possible aspects Other than the diversity of the people themselves. like its just... bad and such a shame but also not very surprising unfortunately.
(and really it just. looks especially bad given they clearly Can put melanin on people its just... enemy mobs only.)
beyond that i kind of dont have anyone that super catches my eye rn??? mainly because . well leaks moment eek but its basically official info now so basically. xilonens existence as a geo and a 5* (which like . u dont need leaks to guess she will be im sorry jdwjdw) was leaked a bit ago as well as the patch she should appear meaning. im actually in chiori rerun savings mode since its very high chance that she will be back w xilonen if anyone. so thats my plan for now kjdwjkdwjkdwjk
in terms of the actual cast i do like kinich and ororons designs v much, the design motifs of the latter especially are interesting bc those eye-like patterns are almost giving quantum symbol (= black hole imagery) to me???? and thats V interesting especially if hes actually working w capitano and the fatui. now him being a cat boy or whatever animals ears those turn out to be isnt like sth thats huge for Me personally but i do think hes valid and also W for anyone whos into that, congrats guys im happy for u ! but like fr itd be such an insane twist if hoyos Finally introducing the void quantum abyss whatever element w him (and maybe cap too.) bc that symbol Rly is looking Curious. or then hes just electro lol. for kinich its like. yeah fair he might be xiao-tighnari-gaming from minecraft ill admit that but. i do like the color scheme and his outfit a lot JKWJKDJKDWJKD so like i forgive it
w the girlies i overall find them all like. quite nice but so far without any personality + lore known its hard to settle my complete thoughts on them just yet. tho citlali being pink is super refreshing for genshin since we do have a shocking absence of it so like shes definitely one im drawn to, chasca looks interesting and like she could play a bigger part plot wise (maybe?) so that might be neat. both her and citlali being cryo is kinda surprising?? but cool. maybe ill get to unbench my shenhe and play some cryo teams again lmao freeze has been dead in abyss for so long now....
xilonen again w the kemomimi isnt sth im particularly into or not into but she looks cool, depending on personality and how her kit synergies turn out (+ assuming the chiori rerun, the fate of those pulls too), i might try for her as well? theres an Energy to her i like it. if she has proper Attitude and flair thats gonna be a massive bonus for me
mualani i think is rather bland to me, sth about her outfit and design just doesnt click for me even if the shark thing from the teaser before is neat and everything. the chibis are never sth im actively drawn to but like both do look okay, im kinda hoping kachina could be a lynette moment for 5.x and end up a free 4* since her exploration roomba looks p fun
anyway then theres. mavuika and i. well at least the design wasnt. That concept art one (ThoseWhoKnow...) . so instant massive W improvement solely on that basis holy fucking shit but ehhhhh im sorry i still dont know how to feel abt the very modern like. biker bodysuit thingy. im not a huge fan of the bodysuit type designs anyway so its not that surprising but still. her eyes + hair is absolutely stunning tho like not a question at all.
tbh in a way i kinda feel like having too many Thoughts on her design is kinda just unnecessary bc like. shes the archon. of Course the kit is going to be insane so i will get her anyway (UNLESS a pyro onfielder JKWJKJKWJKWJKWFKJ like god please no). and in terms of like is her design and energy from what this vid is giving us good enough that i wont like. Actively resent having to get her for meta and strong teams??? Absolutely. so in that sense ig its all cool lmao
but yeah. idk i just think as a teaser for the upcoming story its rly a shame how weak this felt for me???? like sure overture ended up being a bit of a misleading teaser since it gave the impression of arle as this mastermind of the fontaine AQ which didnt rly happen but it still served as a source of hype and intrigue. and yes lazzo is sth that can Never rly be beat in terms of how out of nowhere it was and how fucking insane the whole harbinger reveal went (+ elogia cinerosa existing) for lore and long term hype but its just. unfortunately those 2 are the regional teasers this natlan one is supposedly meant to parallel and it just didnt deliver anything comparable to those for me
like still looking forward to natlan and seeing the rest of its cast (like im fairly convinced the flame thingy might be xbalanque and hes gonna be a big deal ultimately or sth) and where it goes and all its environments but this trailer didnt rly. grip me the way i wouldve expected it to. which is unfortunate kdjkdwjkwjkdwj but yea thats all
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poisonmedani · 2 years
Casual | James Potter
James Potter x reader
summary: a friend of a friend, just an acquaintance, it doesn't mean anything, right? Right?
words 5k
modern!au, fwb, sexual undertones, no explicit smut tho, swearing
a/n: "Y/N/N" is your nickname (just in case), wanted to make a little st v's treat for you. you can interprete this story as a 'will you be my valentine?' (from me to you). got a bit carried away. HAPPY ST VALENTINE'S!
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Her phone lights up in the TV lit room. It's almost 1 AM. The only person who could be texting her at this hour is him. A friend of a friend with whom Y/N has occasional hook ups.
James: u up?
Of course it is him.
Y/N: at mine in 20? James: OMW
Y/N rushes to the bathroom. Not like she needs to, she looks fine; not like he would be thrown off by her domestic look, she changes into the robe; she puts on a nice dust pink set underneath, like it will not be discarded the second he steps in.
Turning off the TV at last she hears a soft knock on the door. She glares at herself in the mirror as she walking to open the door.
James is in his white t-shirt, that he always wears, when they have a late rendez-vous, black leather jacket is in his hands already, he got it off while on the stairs. As he sees her the familiar smirk makes its way to his face and that glint in his eyes that she never notices (somehow). The jacket is thrown on the floor, the door closes with a thump, his hands have already found their way to her body. One is on her neck, bringing her closer, the other is on her waist.
“Haven’t seen you in so-o-o long,” he mutters against her lips.
“Missed me?” She smirks.
“Like crazy,” he starts to undo her robe while leading her to her bedroom. Her hands go under his t-shirt without hesitation. It looked almost like they were trading: her robe for his t-shirt. James sits her down admiring her messy — from all the kissing — state. Y/N slowly traces his belt before unbuckling it, eye contact never breaks, James groans gently grabbing her face in his hands. The lust has consumed him the moment he saw her cute little robe that she — he knew — put on just for him. Of course, not for the reason he wanted her to, but he is notorious for getting his hopes up (especially with her).
It has all started a few months ago, when the only hope James had was to get laid, which wasn't necessarily a problem, however, the problem was that a very attractive friend of a friend — who was THE coolest girl at school, everyone's crush — mentioned that she broke up with her boyfriend (whom James always found so irritating) and just wanted to take a break from relationships, take it easy; and James just couldn’t let it go.
Obviously they were in the same friend group, but they were never really friends. James always admired her from afar, but there were never anything more than just him considering her pretty, that’s it, right? He was in love with someone else in school, and she was cool too. And she was pretty too. And she even agreed to a date at the end of the last year, but it didn’t work out. They simply didn’t like each other enough to continue dating. So, James was on his journey to find out what he truly wanted from life. And if it included hooking up then be it.
But how can anyone in their right mind pass on the opportunity to be with THE GIRL from school? James thought. Although they weren’t in school anymore, Y/N still was the coolest person he’s ever met, and it says a lot, right?
So, one thing led to another and they found themselves panting on the bed in their mutual friend’s guest room:
“Wow,” James breathed out lying next to Y/N.
“Yeah,” she chuckled.
“Well, I hope it doesn’t make it weird,” James was taking her in, how her chest heaved with every breath she took, how her lashes were shaking while her eyes were closed, how venerable she looked trying to compose herself. And the thought that he probably looked just as venerable at this very instant too made him smile. He was venerable, but only for her; however she doesn’t have to know that information.
“It’s not weird unless you make it weird,” she opened her eyes and looked at his face, flustered by the attention she was paying him.
“It’s just, you know- I liked you in school,” he moved his gaze to the ceiling.
“Yeah, sure.”
“It’s true! I did,” he still couldn’t look at her.
“Yet, you asked Evans out, not me,” she said matter of factly.
“Also true. But…” he stopped. “Actually I don’t know what I wanted to say,” he chuckled softly. Why did he feel the need to explain himself? Was she accusing him of something? Of course she wasn’t, and it’s stupid that he started it… but wait she started it… “Would you say yes?”
“Sure,” she simply answered.
“And what about…” James started.
“You had plenty of time to ask me before he did,” Y/N cut him off.
He looked at the ceiling like he would find answers there.
“Okay, we probably shall not tell Sirius that we fucked in his place,” she sat up and looked around for her clothes.
“Agree,” James rose on his elbows, looking at her back.
“Great. I’m glad we’re on the same page,” Y/N left the bed and was picking up her clothing one by one putting it on right away. When she couldn’t find her bra anywhere, she just spun topless looking everywhere. James chuckled.
“I suggest you go braless and I find it and give it to you the next time.”
“The next time?” She arched her eyebrow.
“Yeah. It’s definitely not a one time thing?” He asked but she wasn’t sure if it was a question or not.
“Listen, James,” she started.
“Yeah-yeah, I know, you don’t want a relationship, so I heard, and I’m not implying we start one,” he sat up, suddenly feeling very exposed, trying to find something to cover himself with.
At that she smiled and threw his boxers at him.
“Thanks,” he pulled them on quickly, coming up to her, still topless. “I just think we can try friends with benefits kind of thing.”
“No way,” she stepped aside still looking for her bra.
“What? Why? Didn’t you like it?”
“You made it weird by tell me you liked me, and I added to it by saying that I wanted you to ask me out. SO. No. Way.”
“C’me on, Y/N,” he gently turned her to face him.
“James, I mean it, no way,” she sounded stern.
“Okay, okay,” he raised his hands in defeat. “But if you change your mind Sirius has my number.” He winked.
She rolled her eyes, looked around once more and with a sigh put her top on.
“Don’t you dare to leave my bra here somewhere,” her tone strict. “You can save it tho.”
She went for the door.
“And I’m not changing my mind.”
With that she left.
“You didn’t answer my question,” James smirked.
James holds Y/N as she is coming down from her high, still on his hips; he kisses her shoulders, her neck, her face; his hands never leave her body.
“Oh, Jamie,” she moans as he pulls out of her by lifting her hips up. Her hands are on his chest, he pulls her into him immediately, lying his head down on the pillow, she’s whimpering. So fragile, so venerable, so cute; he feels so content having her weight on him.
“Are you okay, princess?” He pets her head and drawing shapes on her back.
“Mhm,” her eyes closed, she’s ready to drift off right now.
“Princess, we should take a shower,” he chuckles.
“No,” she protests. “We can take it in the morning.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay, but you still have to go to the bathroom, darling,” James proceeds.
“Five minutes, yeah?” She mumbles.
“No, now,” he hooks her chin with his fingers as a signal for her to look up at him, she does.
“I hate it when you’re right,” she lazily tries to stand up.
“I’ll help you,” he picks her up and makes his way to the bathroom, where he places her down and throws away the used condom. “I’ll leave you to yourself, yeah? Call my name and I’ll be here in a second?” He kisses the crown of her head and leaves the bathroom looking at her till he reaches the door. She just smiles and nods.
James’ phone buzzed. Unknown number.
He’s been picking up all the calls from unknown numbers that week. He knew she’d call.
“Hello,” James tests.
“Hi, uhm-,” soft voice came from the phone.
“Oh, hi, love,” James smirked.
“Hi,” Y/N came again.
“It only took you a week, eh?”
“James, are you busy?” She ignored his teasing.
“At midnight? You bet I’m not,” James could hear the music in the background.
“I know it’s too late and all,” she sounded too sweet not to suspect anything.
“Are you alright? Do you need me to come over? Wherever you are?” Now James got worried.
“Well, I’m fine, but I do need you to come over,” she said shyly.
“Where are you?” He headed to the shoe rack, grabbed his car keys and started lacing his trainers.
“I’m at Douglas’, d’you know where he lives?” She asked.
“Yeah, sure, what are you doing there, love?” James grabbed the jacket and almost sprinted to his car.
“Sirius’s idea,” Y/N said coyly.
“Sounds like him. Are you alright, I’m on my way already?” He started the engine.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just really tired,” she sighed. “I’m sorry that I’m bothering you, I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“It’s alright, I got you. Had a lot to drink, darling?” He asked trying to move her focus to the conversation.
“Not a lot… a bit too much, not a lot though,” she stumbled.
“Okay,” James chuckled. The ride wasn’t too long, so keeping Y/N on the line wasn’t too much trouble. “Okay, lovie, where are you?” James opened the car door.
But he didn’t have any time to get up, because a girl came up to him quickly and put her hands on his shoulders. Left hand still holding a phone.
“Hi, Jay, don’t worry I’m here,” Y/N giggled.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he put his hands on her back, respectful enough to not cross any boundaries. “Let me get you in the car, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she stepped back.
He finally made it to the ground and led her to the passenger seat with his hand on her upper back. James fastened her seatbelt as she was looking at him with a goofy smile.
“What is it, princess?” He couldn’t contain his own smile.
“Nothin’. Just… think you’re cute,” her cheeks red — from alcohol or him, he couldn’t possibly guessed.
“Oi, thanks, love. Let me get you home.”
James closed the passenger door and settled back in the drivers seat.
“I knew you were good,” she smiled drunkenly.
“You knew, huh?”
“Yeah, I did, that’s why I asked Sirius for your number the very next day,” she closed her eyes.
“Princess, I’m gonna need your address and then you can sleep,” he looked at her with a smile, she mumbled the address without opening her eyes.
James was always really considerate and caring. And Y/N just assumed that he was like that with everybody. She didn't want anything serious, so James, the most frivolous person she knew, seemed like a really good deal, when she came to realization that she did not want to give up sex.
His aftercare always amazed her, but what amazed her even more is that as of recently he was extra soft, which wasn't like him. He was usually fast (like a starved lion who finally got a chance to have a bite of much needed meat), rough (like someone will steal his prey away), he was naughty, really naughty. His naughty language scared Y/N at first, but she'll be lying, if she says this isn't her favourite thing now. But now he was careful, like he could break her, if he moved too fast, too rough; his every touch was feather-like; his every kiss was so tender, mind blowing, breathtaking.
And Y/N wanted to talk to him about it, but something always was in the way: wether she was so surprised by him making her breakfast in bed, so she forgot; or he would hurry away right after they had sex, and she simply couldn't register the fact he was leaving already; or he would distract her with a conversation. And what was there to talk about? Yeah, probably, nothing. Like what could she possibly tell him?
Hi, James, I think you act too nice towards me? — that just does not make any sense.
What does make sense, tho, is that she now was getting ready for him, which she swore to herself was nothing more than a desire to look good (for him — but that's besides the point).
"So, are you coming, Y/N/N?" female voice called through the phone dynamic.
"Damn, yeah, I'd love to see the girl that got Sirius head over heals. I'm in. Let's meet up before?" Y/N said excitedly.
"Yeah, I'll bring my stuff and we'll get ready together, okay?" the voice answered.
"Okay, Lils, I'm waiting," Y/N laughed and ended the call.
The screen read:
James: hey James: can't wait to see u 2nite James: i'll wear my best for u x
She chuckled. Oh no, she chuckled. What the hell was he doing making her chuckle. Yeah, well, he better wear his best, because she always does!
I shouldn't answer right away. Yeah! I will not! she reckoned.
Y/N hopped in the shower, starting her routine, which usually took some time. By the time she was out the door bell rang. It was Lily.
"Oooh, were getting ready for me, babes, I could take you right here," the redhead said with a smirk.
"Hello to you too, Lily," Y/N smiled, grabbing her friend's bag and letting her in. Lily hugged her and planted a kiss on her cheek.
"Are you on the market, yet? Wanna pick someone up tonight?"
Y/N laughed leading Lily to her bedroom where they usually got ready.
"Just so you know, I was never out of market!" Y/N said in faux offence. "But for real, tonight is about Sirius and his LOVE."
Now it was Lily's turn to laugh.
"Okay, but show me what you wearing?"
"I'm wearing something simple," Y/N cooed and grabbed the dress that was hanging on the wardrobe's door. It was a knee length black dress with white straps, neckline and hemline. The dress hugged her, the skirt was a bit loose which made the dress look flowy.
"Simple, but hot, Y/N/N," Lily eyed the girl as she put the dress to her front.
"You always say that," Y/N shied away.
"Because it's true, babes."
Turning on the music, they started their preparations.
The guys are already inside their usual hung out spot. Here, the group spends each others birthdays, celebrates each other achievements, just spends time together.
Sirius wasn't here yet, and the rest of the girls are nowhere to be seen. Y/N and Lily make their way inside and are greeted by the host who shows them to the table. James and Remus stand up when the two girls just appear in sight to help them with their coats and simply greet their friends (they haven't seen each other in while, after all), Peter follows their lead tentatively. James quick enough to bit Remus in approaching Y/N, though he makes it seem like a coincidence.
James just smiles the goofiest smile at her. Remus speaks first, taking Lily's coat.
"Hello, ladies," Lily kisses Remus' cheek at that.
"Hello, gentlemen," Lily answers with the same coquettish tone.
"Hi," James whispers into Y/N ear as he hugs her, covertly brushing her neck with his lips.
"Hi," her eyes didn't want to meet his. He was so mischievous infront of their friends, always walking a tightrope, and yet no one, not even Remus (the observant one), noticed the inappropriate behavior of their two friends. James helped her out of her coat, the moment she faced him again he could swear to god, he just froze.
"Oh, Potter already appreciated Y/N's sex appeal, now it's your turn, boys," jokes Lily. The group laughs that seems to get James out of his trans and he quickly takes care of the coat to get Y/N to the seat beside him.
"Hey, girls," Peter mutters coyly, the two girls make their kittenish way to the boy to kiss both of his cheeks at the same time. His face and ears are red now.
"Hello, sweetie," they say playfully.
"Alright, girls, give him a break," James intervenes, leading the girls to their designated (by one and only James Potter) seats right next to him, holding them by their shoulders.
"Someone's jealous," continues Lily in the same playful manner.
"Don't worry, James, we love you just the same," Y/N jokes.
James chuckles helping the girls to their chairs and sits down.
"So, have you met her yet, Rems?" Lily changes the topic.
"No, not yet," Remus sits down across from the redhead.
"How did they meet?" Y/N chimes in.
James privily caresses Y/N's knee under the table, looking not bothered at all, listening intently to the story of how Sirius and his new girlfriend met. Y/N feels something turn upside down when James' hand makes its way up her thigh.
Just as his hand reaches her mid thigh, Marlene and Mary walk in, shortly followed by the couple of the evening.
Sirius' girlfriend seems like a genuinely great person, she's smart, witty, pretty and just so easy to fall for. Sirius' friends have never seen him this happy with anyone before.
As the evening progressed, Y/N excused herself to the lavatory and stood there against the sink, trying to catch her breath, being so wine-drunk that her head spun like she was on a carousel.
She must've forgotten to close the door, because she feels warm hands on her even warmer shoulder. Y/N looks at the intruder through the mirror and sighs in relief.
"You scared me," she closes her eyes.
"Sorry. Not feeling well?" James softly kisses the back of her neck, looking at the reflection of her face.
"I'm fine, it's just really hot in there," she rubs her temples.
"Okay, let me get you a glass of water and let's go get some fresh air, yeah?" he rubs her shoulders up and down. She nods, facing him with a shy smile.
"You always save me when I'm drunk?" she giggles.
"Just want you to feel good, princess," he winks at her.
She goes out first, he follows, but stops to ask a waiter for a glass of water, allowing her to make it back to the table. But the waiter is quick and hands her the glass before she makes it to separate room they're in, which is great, because they can go right outside without too many questions.
James grabs their coats, telling Remus that they're gonna be back and walks out the room to put a coat over Y/N's frame.
When they're finally outside, she breaths in heavily. James holds her, looking intently at her face, taking note of every single change that comes across it.
"Better?" he's concerned.
"Much," she opens her eyes and says playfully.
"You look magnificent, Y/N," his eyes are soft.
"Thank you," she looks down for a second, but regains her confidence and looks him straight in the eyes. "And I see that you're a man of a word, indeed wearing your best, and make it look oh so effortless."
James couldn't help but blush. She brought her hand to his cheek and brushed it with a thumb.
"You're really pretty, James."
"Oi, you two love birds," comes Sirius' voice. He came out for a cigarette, which he did only if he had too much to drink. "Why don't I know that two of my best friends are together?" Sirius hugs them both by their shoulders.
"We're not," James says calmly.
"His eyelash fell, I got it for him," Y/N lies.
"Yeah, and the 'you're so pretty part' always comes with it?" Sirius puts a cigarette between his teeth, looking for a lighter in his pockets.
"Yes, it does, Siri, what are you on about?" Y/N pokes his side.
"Whatever you say, my dearest friend," mocks Sirius, finally lighting his fag.
"Where's Regulus by the way?" Y/N asks. Y/N's family was neighbours with the Blacks, that's how they met and became friends, three of them were inseparable. Then they went to the same school and made even more friends, so the group grew every step of the way, but the three were always best friends through everything.
"Oh, he got a bad cold and couldn't make it," Sirius brushes off.
"I just talked to him the other morning he was fine."
"Oh, darling, I'm surprised you're not down with it either," Sirius takes a drag. "Well, you have nothing to worry about, ‘cause your new boyfriend will take care of you, right, Prongs?"
"Shut it," James chortles.
The three of them made it inside to their respective seats. Sirius' eyes were flickering back to two of his best friends. James and Y/N weren't really close in school; sometimes Y/N sat with the boys at the lunch time, but mostly she hang out with her girls. James always seemed preoccupied with Y/N's red haired friend, or so Sirius thought. Now that he is thinking about it, he recalls James' unusual interest in English lit (Y/N was the leader of a reading club); how James would surreptitiously put a single card to the love box on St. Valentine's day, and it just so happens that one of the cards Y/N got had suspiciously familiar handwriting; how he would brag about him making it into the school's football team more when she was around. That bastard! thought Sirius.
"Can I get you home tonight?" James whispers into Y/N's ear, arm around the back of her chair.
"Yes," she whispers back, looking unsuspicious, but Sirius notices everything now.
Sirius smirks at his girlfriend.
"Look at these two and tell me they're not having an affair," Sirius points his head in the direction of his best friends, his arm is around her waist.
"Aren't they together?" she whispers back.
"They claim they aren't."
"Give them time."
Sirius kisses the crown of her hair.
James' hands are on Y/N’s waist, drawing circles into her sides, his lips are soft against hers. He kneels infront of her to take her shoes off.
"What if I am indeed contagious and you're kissing me? You can catch a cold," she wonders.
"Then we'll be sick together," he answers, caressing her right calf, and moving for the left shoe.
"You're willing to risk your health just to kiss me?" she goes on.
"I'm willing to risk my life just to look at you," he peers up into her eyes, now caressing her left calf.
"James..." she starts, but falls silent.
"Yes, Y/N/N," he kisses her knee.
"You said that you liked me in school," she stops again, watching him expectantly.
"I did say that, yes."
"Why didn't you ask me out?" she asks with something that James thinks is offence. He makes it to his feet, his eyes on hers, he takes her hand into his own, kissing her knuckles.
"Are you mad with me?" he gives her a weak smile, she just waits for him to answer. "I'm a coward, I guess." He finally says.
"And you looked at me dating Marc?" she asks sympathetically.
“Yes,” he pets her hair. “This is the first time you said his name after the break up.”
“Now is it?” She smiles, hands on his sternum.
“It is,” his lips ghost hers.
"James, I'm such an idiot," Y/N says, drawing figures into his neckline.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Marc was a git, but it could be worse."
"No, not because of Marc," she still cannot meet his eye.
"Look at me, Y/N," he hooks her chin with his fingers.
"James," she murmurs.
"What is it?"
"I'm an idiot."
"I heard that. I strongly disagree."
"No, but really."
James chuckles.
"Let's go to bed?" she suggests wearily.
"Don't change the subject!"
"I'm not, I don't want to talk about it, that's it."
He kisses her cheek and picks her up.
"Need to take your make up off."
She laughs.
"Jamie, I can walk to the bathroom."
"And I can carry you there."
He places her next to the sink.
"Are you gonna undress me?" she challenges him. Without hesitation his hand is on the zipper of her dress.
"Gladly," he smirks, lowering the straps.
Sirius: pls be more obvious Y/N: what???
Y/N looks up at her friend with a quizzical expression.
Sirius: james's hand is almost in your crotch Sirius: you two really thought no one's gonna notice Y/N: no one did notice it before Y/N: before u decided that u know everything
Y/N gives Sirius murderous eye.
Sirius: y/n/n babe you two are so obvious that anyone who hadn't figured you two out yet is a twat Y/N: u calling everyone in this room a twat? Sirius: not everyone Sirius: you two don't count Sirius: you two are idiots who can't figure out what they want Y/N: thx luv
She peers at him after the lack of reply, he just snickers at her, mouthing 'you are welcome'.
James' hand indeed almost reached Y/N's crotch. He is reckless.
Then why don't I stop him, she thinks and looks right at his hand.
Everyone is enjoying the conversation, except for Y/N who is deeply in thought. She excuses herself going straight to the guest bedroom. Oh this bedroom, the exact one where James and Y/N first had sex a couple of months ago.
As she enters, she looks around, remembering that last time she was here, her bra was never found, and she just hoped that James did save it (creepy, but better than leaving your bra at your best friend's place), because that would've meant he found it.
"Overwhelmed?" familiar voice spoke.
"What are they doing right now?" Y/N ignored him.
"They are about to play a game," James sounds soft.
"What game?"
"Uhm, some card game, not sure," he shrugged.
"Okay, that will take some time, then?"
Y/N quickly closes the door behind him and pushes him towards the bed. He lets out a short laugh.
"What do you have in mind, princess?" James wonders.
"I want you," she murmurs.
"Such nice words to hear from such a lovely girl," he connects their lips.
"I want it to be a full circle moment," Y/N takes off her top.
"What do you mean?" James is genuinely confused.
"Take me, Jamie."
He flips her over, taking off his own t-shirt. He plants kisses at the base of her neck. He's gentle while taking her skirt off, if it wasn't for a sudden breeze she felt on her inner thigh, this could've easily gone unnoticed.
Unlike their last time here, he is slow, he takes his time, and god oh god does it feel good.
"Jamie, please," she moans. And Jamie without farther ado just gives her what she asks for.
Her back is pressed to his sternum, her left hand is intertwined with his, she kissed his knuckles.
"So what did you mean? 'Full circle moment'?" James whispers playing with her fingers.
"I wanted to do it for so long," Y/N kisses his knuckles again and turns to face him. He seems worried. "I don't want to do this anymore."
"What? Do what?" James stutters.
"This," she motions to their discarded clothes.
"What the hell, Y/N?" James doesn't know which feeling is greater — confusion or anger.
"I said that I was an idiot. That's what I meant. Jamie, please forgive me, but I cannot go on like this. I'd rather lose it all, than not have you all to myself in every way possible," Y/N looks at him with hope.
"You're telling me," James starts, disconnecting their hands, "that the best way to break up with someone is to trick them into sex? Y/N, that is cruel!" He sits up on the bed, so she sees him.
"Break up? James, did you hear me?"
"Yeah, as clear as day," he quips, getting out of bed.
"James, what did I say?" she calmly asks, moving closer to him.
He stops for a second and looks at her tentatively.
"We cannot break up, James, we're not dating."
"And you... want... to-o-o... what?" he is so hesitant. "Did you change your mind?"
"Yeah. I can't do casual," Y/N admitted. "Not with you anyways."
"Did you fall for me?" James sits next to her, his bright smile lights up the room.
"How could I not?" Y/N gets one of his unruly curls out of his eyes.
"You wanted to do it for long? How long are we talking about?" he teases her.
"James," she sounds unimpressed, her eyes still glistening.
"Okay, okay, so now I'm your boyfriend?"
"Take me out and I'll consider," Y/N sneers.
"I can literally see you naked right now, and you say, you'll consider?" he says amazed.
"Yeah, my standarts are pretty high," she continues. "And I'll send you the list of all the requirements."
"You can tell me right now, and I'll tell you if I worth your time," he makes his way back, allowing her to lie back down on his chest.
"One: be tall."
"Two: have dark hair."
"Check. Are they all about the looks? 'Cause I'm sure that I'm your type."
"Not all of them are about the looks. There's also one that simply says 'be James Potter'."
"Really, it's what it says?" he asks with interest.
"Yeah, and what's your name again?" Y/N jokes.
"I can assure you that this is definitely worth your time."
She smiles at that and kisses him passionately, straddling his lap.
"You fuckers, that's not what I meant!" Sirius' voice echoes through the room. "Oh no, no! What the hell?"
James covers Y/N's body as she hides her face in his neck.
"Yew. You know what? You two can go fuck yourselves!"
"We already did," Y/N reminds.
"OH! You! I hate you both!" Sirius is headed to the living room. "I'll have to burn the bed!" He yells.
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hinamie · 1 year
oh my god ok so i know im late I didn't talk about it because it happened during one of my Offline Eras but . but listen ok lisn the new former vandal album sent me THROUgh the FUCKINNG ROOF to be fair i knew it would like i joked about going upstairs to listen to it and cry when it dropped but i didn't think that every fucking song would hit me so hard in the kokoro it made me wail because I too have immense religious guilt ANYWAY im gonna rant incoherently and at length now hope u all missed me
ok first of all gotta shout out the fuckin album title i knew it was gonna be devastating when I saw it . fuckin. divine interference????? music for god's playthings indeed i eat that shit up i was like yoooooo hes also got a bone to pick with jesus go off bestie <333
so former vandal are artists visionaries kings so ofc tracklist is all mythology n religion-inspired (lazarus/goliath/ouroboros etc) and i think its so cool that theyre all in caps until u get to the end and the final song is denial and it's in lowercase and maybe its simple but i was like ART. ARTTTTTT. and it made me go back and look at the tracklist of their previous album and I realized that the whole thing was about vices and unhealthy coping with an overwhelming and forsaken existence but then the final song was Get Right (still my go-to comfort song to this day tbh tbh tbh) and it's like an acknowledgement that ok maybe none of this is the answer and something has to change anyway wrong album oops back 2 divine interference
i made a point of listening to the songs that hadnt been released as singles first so the first song i listened to was Lazarus and tbh probably my fav song on the album maybe tied with parables and maaaaybe even icarian. BUT LAZARUS SLAPS SOS SOSOOSO HARD god the theme of not knowing how to leave something behind even when it's bad for you,,, both criticizing but also mirroring the actual story of lazarus in the lyrics being like "wow kinda fucked up of god for resurrecting u without ur consent" but also acknowledging that he himself is guilty of holding onto the things that kill him.,,, GOD ITS SO FUCKING G GOOD I FDFGSADFGDG
salt also !!! BANGER not quite up there with the likes of lazarus but it gets bonus points because a. i lov the idea of starting to recognize that you're coming into yourself n an identity apart from your vices n traumas and b. for having two of the most RAW lines in the entire album imo which is reaaallly saying something: "now that everything's bright I guess I'm fine/but there's an art in the dark that took years to refine" and "the spark of divine intervention/that I'm still terrified I've left behind" (ALBUM TITLE DROP ALBUM TITLE DROP) god these two just dont miss and i love it but i am far too neurodivergent to contain myself they need to give me a break pls i am v i b r a t i n g
ok gonna move into the Chill(tm) tracks I think with goliath as well as shame/rotten I vibe more with the lyrics than the actual songs because i prefer my angsty alt pop to be Upbeat thank u very much but can i just say. the lyrics of these two songs ESPECIALLY SHAME/ROTTEN LIKE ok first of all i love the tonal shift halfway through that manages not to make them feel like completely different songs it's just jarring enough like there's been an acceptance of sorts,, like omg same i too am like 'god i feel like the scum of the earth might as well own it a bit',, "the fear of god/the need for blame" fuckin bullseye ow,, "I starve to feed the parts of me/far from who i oughta be/tell me are you proud of me yet?" FUCKIN BULLSEYE OWW
I know i just said i prefer my angst upbeat but crocodile tears (very upbeat very rock wuaw) is probably my least favourite track if i had to pick but it does have a lyrical BANGER of an opening verse ("holding the hand that's holding me under" g o d) i think i just don't dig the overall melody too much and find the ending a bit repetitive fr my tastes,, who knows though it took a while and many re-listens for ouroboros to grow on me maybe this'll b a similar story ,, but then again ouroboros had the advantage of echoing mine own mental health and self-destructive behaviours shdgj
ok so i was crying from the beginning right but the songs that made me ugly bawl were growing pains (very similar vibes to get right but in a "i know that i'm healing" way rather than a "i need to heal" way) and denial,, but starting w growing pains,, my god idk What they did with the mic/vocals after the bridge but it felt like the music was being injected directly into my ears secret direct path 2 my bloodstream god I hadnt felt chills like that in such a long time and idk just the whole Mood of the song having been hurting for so long and only now starting to recognize the damage you've done but also appreciate the progress youv made,,, i have so so many emotions but DENIAL (its funny saying it in caps bc its the only track in lowercase getit getit) oh my god ths going straight on the list of Songs That Make Me Think About My Relationship With My Dad but also Songs That Make Me Emo About All The People I've Grown Apart From and i think its so powerful to frame a personal transition away from faith as growing apart from an old friend and missing them despite any hard feelings holy shit though holy shit . the first listen by this point i had already been emotionally devastated by the Whole Album so i was like ok surely ill get a break by the last song lol nope sorry i ended up crying so hard i think i gave myself a headache
I think I must have yelled about the songs that they released as singles when they dropped individually but it's been so long that i forget what i said but honestly parables and icarian are still just as good as when i heard them for the first time (when parables dropped i spilled my tea on my fucking notes bc i was vibing too hard),, I love parables' msg of accepting the lessons ur (traumatic) past taught u and how it shaped u as a person even if u recognize that that person is someone hurt and in need of healing and maybe that has to happen alone! and i know for a fact i've gushed about icarian (still one of the most gojocore songs Ever imho dont fight me on this) but now looking at it in the context of the rest of the album i love that it's first cause it really frames the whole icarus thing of having flown too close to the sun or to god and getting burned and that pain essentially being the catalyst for the entire Journey tht the rest of the album outlines (obsessed w the fact that the next song is jaded like fr having these two songs one after the other is literally "fucked around/found out" gsfhjsh)
but all that being said not to b dramatic but this album destroyed me it rearranged something deep in my soul and i don't know who i was before it but i probably wont ever be the same :) i literally love these two so much im so appreciative of them its so rare to feel so Seen by a piece of media so to have an entire album hit so incredibly close to home for me and slap while doing so????? i feel so lucky . this entire album feels like taking the first step to address years of hurt and self destruction it feels like losing a friend it feels like finding yourself and i just . i love it so much
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wenjunting · 9 months
finally watched asy! (many, many) spoilers under cut :)
"mr. rain" sorry i laughed (RAINISM hello...)
everyone in the live comments going "where is zhengting" is so me. WHERE is zhengting.
is behind the scenes seriously paid content...
double albert grp vocalists are good! although as a wayv stan i have mixed feelings abt the perf 😓
albert (aihe) deep voice. Wow. actually tbh i think his styling wasn't great this ep :/
albert (ai yukun) being sick... like xiao gui in idolpro... ouch
tan yitian's grp is called "running to the canteen"?? ok wait their chef concept is lowkey funny
"xiaotian feed me" LIN ZHANSHUO YOU ARE SO REAL. tan yitian is So good-looking but i have no idea who he is.
they're pretty consistent! i think overall better than the other grp + their opening was honestly fire // oh yay they won!!
纯爱战士 (first one and only grp) are so energetic n zhong junyi is so confident (i... don't know who he is either)
their group is quite 稳 like they're talented but they def did not pick the right song 😭 it's ok. they can be cool later on
OH zhong junyi is under tao's company. ok makes sense
magic cube fits the concept better! wang muqing is cute 不愧是乐华的 (my yuehua bias is popping out apologies)
"is it that you're confident alone? when you're together you lose confidence?" CHENG XIAO SKDHSJ 😭😭 someone needs to save boyhood from her and zt i swear (yuehua family!!) + part 2 of the boyhood not wanting e/o anym saga,, guo dianjia is so funny
"my nose was leaking into my mouth" STOP. STOP WHY WLD YOU SAY THIS. // mentor's advice abt not letting it disturb him was v good actually
the guy w the cold jokes... YANJUN... live comments agree w me i miss him :(
i just rly like lydia as a song
ZHAO TIANYI!! hi!! genius kid!!
second lydia group is slaying honestly. it's a slay. that high note was epic. they seem so put together too
"if it's about talent our group wld win" Uh... the trainees are getting sm braver honestly
my top 3!!! ollie!! jiang xinxi!! li quanzhe!! let's GO!!!!!! // i don't recognise most of the others LMAO. yin junlan is not the yuehua i was expecting (uh guo dianjia maybe). where is lin zhanshuo. why are aihe and zhao tianyi so low. i am BROKE youku!!! i am broke!!!!!
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steele-soulmate · 6 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 593, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby, child intoxication, death of a minor character, injured baby, kidnapped child
Welp, I started writing another Peter Steele FanFiction. Let me know down before in a comment if you want me to start posting it!
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WORDS: 1210
I giggled as I kept an eye on little girl and the babies just having fun bopping all over the Chuck E Cheese. I couldn’t help but notice Christopher refusing to interact with any of the kids, instead moving away from his mom whenever she would try to talk to him.
“Hey, can I try?” I asked her, nudging her elbow. “Mom to mom, sometimes kids need someone else to talk to.”
“Yeah, would you please?”
I smiled at her before taking a seat next to Christopher, my mommy senses telling me that the pack of Ratajczyk children were safe and off having fun.
“Hihi, your name is Christopher, isn’t it?” I hummed gently, giving him the choice to interact with me or not.
I smiled at his quiet meep, taking the chance to ask him about his book, a tattered edition of one of the Magic Treehouse books.
A quiet spark appeared in his eyes before he began to excitedly chatter my ear off about Shakespearean history and the Tudor dynasty.
“Have you ever been to a renaissance faire?” he asked me, wonder and amazement crossing over his face when I informed him that I worked as a player for two of the biggest faires on the east coast. “Wow, that’s so cool!”
“Do you know who Jaques Ze Whipper is?” I asked him, taking out my cell phone
“Are you ready, kids?” James yelled as he beat out a tempo using his trusty whips.
“I can’t hear you!”
Who draws on a mustache and acts like a clown?”
“Jaques Ze Whipper!”
“If you ever see him you won’t ever frown!”
“Jaques Ze Whipper!”
“Is French whipping something that you want to see?”
“Jaques Ze Whipper!”
“Then come on everyone and sing with me!”
“Jaques Ze Whipper!
Jaques Ze Whipper!
Jaques Ze Whipper!
Jaques Ze Whipper!
Jaques Ze Whipper!”
My friend since childhood finished up the song by miming playing a little horn.
“That’s Vanessa’s Papa Bear,” he pointed out.
“I know he is, but he also goes by Jaques Ze Whipper at faires and other such events,” I shrugged.
“Wowiee…” He broke off and peered around me, catching sight of Peter on his knee, allowing little girl access to kiss the sleeping triplet’s foreheads. “That’s Vanessa’s Papa Pete.”
“He is, yes,” I confirmed. “He is the best daddy in the world to the kids.” And he is also the best daddy to me, my mind told me, but I batted that away with a light blush tinging my befreckled cheeks.
“Can he be my daddy?” Christopher wondered. “My daddy went to heaven.”
My heart broke into clear pieces as his whole story was revealed to me. His father had died, leaving behind a wife and a son. I collected Cristopher as he leaned deeply into me, welcoming my arm to wrap around him.
“He had been living in the hospital, and one day, mommy told me that we wouldn’t be visiting him anymore,” he frowned, picking at his jeans.
Poor baby, I frowned, looking up as Christopher’s mother reapproached us, having nipped off to pay a visit to the bathroom to powder her nose.
“I haven’t seen Christopher this calm in a hot minute!” she said before picking up on the somber mood between the both of us. “He told you about his dad?” I could only nod- no child out there should lose a parent so suddenly. “What would you do?”
“Be honest- what else could I do?” I shrugged, reaching up to wipe at my leaking eyes. “When Baby Violet Marie passed, Peter had some of her ashes made into bracelets for the kids to wear. The both of us also welcome the kids to come to us and talk about their emotions, and we also heavily encourage them to follow their interests- dance and theater for Elizabeth, color guard and Chinese for Katie and the babies are coming into their own- Baby Tommy is keenly interested in ballet and cooking though.”
“Oh,” she hummed, and I realized that Christopher had fallen asleep leaning up against me, his itty bitty fingers entangled in my loose curls. “I follow you on Instagram, I really wish I was more like you, but I work as a nurse for mentally disabled kids, so at the end of the day when I get home from my job, I just want to crash in bed. But first, I have Christopher to take care of- homework, dinner, tucking him into bed…”
“Don’t you have any upcoming days off?” I asked her, my heart only cracking all the more at her head shake as a “No” answer.
“Not since before Henry died.” She rushed to explain herself. “It is sadly extremely expensive to live today, especially in New York. I am working to save for the both of us to move back to my hometown in Minnesota. My parents still live there and the schools are nice. Christopher will only prosper there.”
“Ah,” I hummed, understanding her reasoning. “May I offer you some advice?”
“Sure, go ahead,” she answered as Baby Tommy appeared in the doorway to the party room, worry written clear as day over his chubby face.
“Wait a little bit if you can before announcing that you’re moving due to your husband’s death,” I advised her, looking up as little girl began to race towards me. “Moving so soon after his passing might lead to him rebelling against you in more ways than you might like.”
“Mommy,” he wept. “A man pushed kicked liddle gurl and took Baby Noah!”
“What?” I gasped, looking up as Peter and Elizabeth herded the kids back over to me. “Oh no!”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
First Date w/ Hieronymus
Squeezing out another valentine's day thing!! This man is making me go boinkers!! Writing this with VP bump in mind because I just
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Reason I picked VP bump is because I hc he's just. Awkward when it comes to new romance
Like I talk about how great of a partner he is, but when it comes to actual dates? Specifically first dates?
Hoo boy, this man is a mess
Hes not rude or horrible by any means, he's just really
Tripping over his words and stuff
It'll be less bad if you and him were already friends before the date, but it wouldn't fully erase it
Basically "oh wow, s/o is so cool and is interested in me?? I better not screw this up, they'll think I'm a loser" type of mentality for the first few dates
PLEASE reassure him
Simple date, probably to a park or grabbing lunch together, both to keep it chill and to put less pressure on him
That said I feel like he'd offer something on the date, to be polite
Probably some flowers or something
Laughs in my "he's a stereotypical romantic" hc
Mf opens and holds doors for you, would probably also offer to carry your stuff
Mfs cheeks are some shade of pink for the majority of the date
I promise he's not rolling his eyes, Frewins just getting tired of the stalling; just kiss already/j
I still firmly believe Frewin would try to nudge Hieronymus into making moves
Hes a lil wingman
Overall? Hieronymus would probably calm down and chill out after the date really gets rolling, and start loosening up. He wants to make sure the date is enjoyable for both parties, and will work hard to make things right if he makes you uncomfortable
Give him some time and he'll really let his guard down and just
Oh also I forgot to mention, but this dude is V cool, he will ask you for explicit permission before doing anything (i.e. handholding, ect ect)
Be like Hieronymus, communicate with your partner (and friends), be cool
12/10 would go on a second date with him plus you two can laugh about it later down the line
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