I love your blog you’re amazing!! Do you know of any fics where Stiles and Derek don’t realise they’re dating? Like that either everyone just assumed they’re dating or that they acting like they are or they like get jealous without knowing why or they slip up and kiss and are like oh shit? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I’m not sure how I’d phrase this to search for it 🖤
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Is It Cool if I Hold Your Hand? by HalfFizzbin
(1/1 I 1,413 I General)
“So,” says Sheriff Stilinski, raising one eyebrow. “You decided not to play video games at Scott’s, after all?”
“Uh,” Stiles says. His eyes are wide and caught-out, and he’s got his arms wrapped around two giant tubs of popcorn. Beside him, Derek Hale—the same Derek Hale that the Sheriff last saw in his interrogation room—is handing a $20 bill to the cashier and clearly trying to appear as casual as possible. He fumbles the change three times before he gets it into his pocket, though, so it’s a lost cause.
Define "Dating" by raisesomehale
(6/6 I 7,850 I Teen)
“You and Derek text each other memes?” she sounds both surprised and delighted - but more surprised. 
“Well,” Stiles says, “I send memes. Derek sent me a picture of a newspaper comic strip, once.” 
Lydia says, “Oh my god.”   
OR the 5 times people point out that Stiles might be dating Derek + the 1 time Derek tells Stiles they're dating himself.
Convenient by exclamation
(6/6 I 10,755 I Explicit)
Stiles knows what he is to Derek: convenient. He knows that Derek isn't looking for a relationship, just someone to have casual sex with. Which is why Stiles is so surprised to find Derek setting up a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day.
Something More by kaistrex (weishen) 
(6/6 I 19,148 I Explicit)
“Derek, what’s going on?” Erica asks.
Derek hesitates to respond, trying to decide on the most concise way to tell the story without his disgust bleeding through. Marie beats him to it.
“After the Argents’ attack, we were the only pack who would give them shelter. As thanks, it was agreed my daughter would marry a member of the Hale pack when she came of age.”
“But Derek is no longer an option because a marriage pact can’t interfere with a pack’s hierarchy,” Lydia fills in, disbelief dripping from every word. “And now every other member of the pack is mated, you’ve finally come calling to sink your claws into Stiles.”
When Derek and Stiles stumbled into a friends with benefits relationship purely by accident, they weren’t expecting it would one day save their asses when a threat from Derek’s past comes knocking. All they need to do is pretend to really be in love to avoid an arranged marriage agreed to years ago with a pact of blood. Considering they hadn’t bothered setting up boundaries when the ‘benefits’ first started, it’s no surprise that the lines begin to blur and Derek’s eyes are eventually opened to a truth he hadn’t been ready to face.
It’s Not Pretend When It’s Real by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 32,741 I Teen)
“At least we got this far,” Stiles argued. “Could’ve been worse. For now, they know he’s taken by someone in the pack.”
“Mm hm,” Lydia said, giving him a look. “You realize that you are now going to have to pretend to date Derek, right?”
Stiles rolled his eyes. “Oh no, what a hardship. That sucks, boo hoo.” He motioned Derek emphatically. “He’s like, my best friend.”
“Hey!” Scott insisted.
“He’s like, my second best friend,” Stiles amended. “It’s fine, we’ll figure it out. Right?” He turned to grin at Derek, who was scowling at him.
Stiles and the Eight Groupons by pallidvixen
(10/10 I 60,013 I Teen)
The Sheriff goes a little crazy with Groupons. Derek helps Stiles recover from the aftermath of the sacrifice to the Nematon.
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
Hello! Do you have any !AU recommendation where in Stiles liked Derek first and Derek is kinda aloof with Stiles until he falls in love with him?
I think these ones. Maybe. Possibly.
The Curve of Your Clavicle by WhoNatural | 6.2K
Derek isn’t an uptight person - seriously, for an alpha, he’s downright laid-back - but something about Stilinski makes him want to bare his teeth and grasp him by the scruff and bite.
No, not bite. That would be incredibly inappropriate, of course - and Derek plus the legal department are aware of that. Anyway, the point is, Stilinski needs to be kept in line.
Or, wherein Derek's office rival might be the same person keeping him sane at night when the loneliness hits.
A Life Less Ordinary by Jebiwonkenobi | 19.2K
It takes a few years but eventually they manage to agree on something; Derek Hale is an asshole, and Stiles Stilinski is in love with him.
A Wild Heart's Desire by mikkimouse | 13.4K
If there's one thing Stiles Stilinski knows, it's that Deputy Derek Hale absolutely Does Not Like him. The only reason Derek even tolerates him is because their kids are worryingly codependent.
So Stiles is understandably confused when a very feral Derek shows up in his backyard after a call gone wrong and proceeds to move in with him.
Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by owlpostagain | 17.6K
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
maybe then a witch could believe in the moon by kellifer_fic | 10.7K
Okay, I get it. You were just asserting dominance. I can relate to that. I do know Derek.
A Blossoming Romance by Trelkez | 7.5K
Stiles will just have to try harder next time. No one can ignore him forever.
Glazed and Confused by wishingonalightningbolt | 13.7K | Explicit
Stiles is a forensic tech with the San Diego FBI. He thinks he's been fairly lucky, since he's never had his life threatened, sustained few injuries, and only has to work with his least favorite agent every once in a while.
And then all of that changes.
Flexible, Friendly, and Adaptable by MsCee | 16.2K | Mature
As a tour guide, Stiles liked to think that he embodied his company’s motto of being flexible, friendly, and adaptable. As a teacher chaperone, Derek Hale’s ethos seemed more along the lines of ‘inflexible, unfriendly, and rigid as hell’. Clearly, they were going to get along swimmingly.
The Not So Beauty to Your Not So Beast by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 64.4K | Mature
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski?”
All eyes instantly turned to Stiles and he felt his stomach drop. They’d taken his dad. They’d actually taken his dad and were here to tell him so.
“Yeah?” he asked in a small voice, feeling ready to be sick.
The second he spoke, two of the four regular guards moved through the rows, the lead guard speaking.
“By order of his Grace Peter Hale, you have been selected to begin your employ under the royal house of Hale.”
Every Step You Take by Nokomis | 49.3K | Mature
Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
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noyzinerd · 7 months
[After the pack runs into one of Derek's ex's from his time in New York]
Stiles: Oh my god, that girl was gorgeous! I mean, did you guys see her?!
The pack:
Stiles: Why on Earth would Derek ever break up with someone so beautiful? What was he even thinking?!
The pack:
Stiles: I know if I ever landed someone like that, I'd probably never let them go.
The pack:
Stiles: Aw shoot, I gotta get going or I'm gonna be late. See you later guys!
The pack: The pack:
Malia: So, are we all still pretending Derek's ex-girlfriend didn't just look like Stiles in a wig?
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stereklyrics · 2 years
Stiles & Derek are dating, but they're a bit discreet when the pack is around, so the pack doesn't notice they're dating... Until they're having a meet and Stiles is "late", so Erica asks "Okay, where's Stiles?" and then Derek just shrugs and says "Oh, he arrived and was tired as fuck, so I told him to go take a nap. I'll fill him in later, we can go on without him 'cause no one is going to wake him up." The pack is confused, but they just go ahead.
A bit later when they're done with the boring part of the meeting Stiles comes downstairs and just casually kisses Derek and then turns to the pack "What did I miss?" the pack is shocked and Isaac says "You just kissed Derek." and Stiles replies "Well, yeah... It happens when you're dating someone." and the pack is like "DATING?????!!!!!" while Stiles & Derek are just like "Yeah, we thought you guys knew...? But anyways, let's just order food and watch something. "
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izloveshorses · 1 year
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a grand duchess and her grand duke <3
(lynn buckham study)
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hellameyers · 1 month
I recently saw an argument from a Scott supporter that took me a while to wrap my head around because it felt so unhinged. If I responded right there, I would've ended up flipping tables.
Anyway, they had said that since Scott didn't trust Derek and they weren't friends that he didn't have to apologize for making him bite Gerard. And even said that it wasn't cruel. It finally clicked why that was so incredibly wrong.
The problem with that argument is implying that Scott didn't have to get Derek's CONSENT because they're not friends. Since they're not besties, it was totally cool to force Derek to do something against his will.
I concede that Scott didn't even consider it because he hated Derek. I mean, he was a bit oblivious at times. Heck, I don't even know if it registered to him that what he did could've killed Gerard (I bet Deaton did, tho).
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syr-monthly · 6 months
Marching into ABO: Writer's Promo
Our writers have finished writing their stories, so get ready for some reading this weekend!!
Give it up for the writers: @quackquackcey (artist: @jojorice) @randomfanfic-er @myssih @invisible-storyteller @escharis
& our bonus writer: @hedwig221b
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stereknation · 4 months
Don We Now Our Gay Fake Boyfriends by relenafanel
Summary: “What happened to your sweet Camaro?” Stiles asked.
“His sister borrowed it,” Erica said cheerfully. “Drove to Lake Tahoe for the holidays and left him here without transportation and fending for himself.”
This was... perfect, actually. Stiles needed a fake date and Derek needed a drive. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll drive you to and from the party and in return I get to tell Mrs. Gordon you’re my date.”
“Fine.” Derek nodded. Yes! Stiles had a fake date to the Holiday Party!
Rating: Teen 
Main Character(s): Stiles Stilinski
Additional Character(s): Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Original Characters
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Tags: holiday fic, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Misunderstandings, Snark, Stiles asks Derek to be his Fake Date to the annual Holiday Party, Derek is a scowly engineer who doesn't want Stiles to grow on him like a fungus
Words: 14,575
Chapters: 1/1
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7thleveldown · 1 year
A random Sterek thought....
Okay, so... Several people have made comments on Derek and Stiles arguing with each other and speaking different languages - I've no clue where I first saw it but it's awesome. So....
When Derek and Stiles get into a full blown argument and lose it, they slip into other languages - Derek into Spanish and Stiles into Polish. This just makes the other more angry as Derek knows nothing but a few expletives Stiles taught the pack, and all Stiles can remember of Spanish class is making up inventive ways to insult his teacher.
So, the only words they can pick up are insults (or what they presume are insults) and they carry on screaming at each other while actually saying how they really feel because they get carried away knowing the other can't understand.
All in respective languages, bold are what the other picks up:
Derek: why can you never listen to anything I'm telling you, it's infuriating and frustrating!
Stiles: How am I supposed to talk to you when you look like that? You make me crazy!
Derek: I want to kiss you senseless and then maybe you would shut up, then maybe you wouldn't think I was so fucking boring.
Stiles: I would punch you in your stupid perfect face but I would end up in the emergency room and you wouldn't give a shit.
Derek: I can't deal with you when you antagonise me and get in my face because you turn me on by being so defiant and confrontational.
Stiles: You're such an asshole and I fucking love it.
Lydia can't listen to them anymore because she understands both languages and wants to kill them both.
Peter understands most of it, certainly all of the Spanish, and treats it like a telenovela. He can't wait for the next installment.
Scott doesn't understand why they're both so angry.
Jackson and Malia don't give a shit.
There is a lot of collective eye rolling, until eventually Cora starts screaming at Derek in Spanish "Will you two just fuck for god's sake!" He glares.
Lydia says "Finally!" then proceeds to say the same to Stiles in Polish. He goes very red and swears in Polish, before sticking his tongue out at her.
Peter claps his hands together with glee and tells everyone to get out of the loft immediately or be scarred for life listening to what is about to happen.
Lydia grabs Stiles hand and drags him towards Derek, he flails and squawks at her but follows.
She then positions him directly in front of Derek, before saying "When two boys love each other they should stop with the sexual tension fighting and actually do something about it. I'm leaving. Fix this."
She shoves Stiles into Derek so Derek has to catch him. She exits leaving them in stunned silence.
It isn't silent for long.
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wellhalesbells · 8 months
the thing that fucks me up about rereading instructions for dancing is trying to pinpoint when it is that derek becomes obsessed with stiles and realizing the answer seems to be always. from the beginning. the moment they met. that poor bastard. he probably should have tried to be a little nicer about it, though, saved them both some hardship.
I think it slides so quickly from fear and annoyance that Stiles will steal Scott away to 'Oh no, oh fuck,' I'm not even sure Derek knows himself. Poor guy hamstrung himself by starting out with the 'I'm going to scare him away' mentality then wondering where the hell that went and trying to find it again through almost every subsequent interaction (while something so much bigger and so much worse - Derek's Thoughts™ - completely eclipsed it). Meanwhile Stiles also helps cultivate Derek's dickish-ness by assuming that original motivation to be his only interest in him at all, essentially until the moment Derek tells him he's in love with him.
Which is hopefully why it seemingly comes out of left field for Stiles and the reader, because that's what I wanted.
#i mean you should definitely think: uh ohhh derek caught feeelings before that moment#but since it's stiles and scott pov - they are the bright spots in each other's worlds so they are the focus#and occasionally derek will come along and glow around the edges and distract stiles a bit but that's all he is - a momentary distraction#and he's still that when he finds out that scott may be stiles' bright spot but they don't want each other the way derek wants#and so he blurts out 'i'm in love with you' before someone else shows up to want the same way he does#and since we've been in stiles' head and only gotten to see the moments that define him and derek is in so few of those#he's COMPLETELY thrown for a loop because what do you mean?? how could derek be in love with him??#how could stiles be all his defining moments and NOT know it y'know?#(because if you got instructions from derek's pov stiles wOULD BE so many of them)#and realizing they are in different places by a lot but not wanting that to mean they can't be anything more to each other says#'give me a chance to catch up' which in my mind is the only thing and the perfect thing#that was the very first scene i wrote for that fic actually - it changed almost ENTIRELY before the end but that line stayed the same#i just love the idea that you can be totally oblivious to something so defining for someone. that people can be such enigmas#inject that shit directly into my veins pls and thank you!#sorry i just love that dynamic so i can yammer on for DAYS about it lol#thank you for the ask and yeah you're pretty dead on about that haha#instructions for dancing#sterek#teen wolf#!ask
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hey so u just shared this post:
"When the characters in the fanfiction you’re reading are both hopelessly in love with eachother but they think the other doesn’t like them back and they are just communicating horribly and getting interupted at al the wrong times and you just freaking"
aaaand I wanted to know if you have any recommendations or know any sterek fics like that?
Yeah! I love oblivious!bbs.
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Erasing Him by scarlettletterr
(1/1 I 2,058 I Mature)
When Derek was 15, he thought he met his soulmate. But then, she burned his family. When Stiles was 8, he met his soulmate. But he wanted nothing to do with him.
Soulmate AU where even if you get your soulmark removed, it shows up under UV light.
a study on cat's behavior by peachicicle
(2/2 I 3,408 I Explicit)
“Hey Derek,” He snapped out of his trance, “Do you like cats?”
“What?” It seemed like Stiles kept catching him by surprise most of the time these days.
“Do you like cats?” Stiles said while slowly raising his hand up to the bookshelf, picked one out and inched the book out of its place, then dropped it on the floor.
Derek gawked at him, mouth dropped in silence.
Stiles kept staring at him and dropped another book, and another, and another, getting closer to the much rarer book section of the bookshelf.
Stiles goes out of his way to tell Derek that he like him.
as the skyline splits in two by dumpac
(1/1 I 6,142 I Teen)
The whole school, Stiles included, is just waiting for Scott and Derek Hale to act on their unresolved sexual tension, because of course the sweetest omega and the most handsome alpha of Beacon Hills would get together. And Stiles swears he wants to support his best friend the best he can. So what if he has a crush as big as Jupiter on Derek Hale?
Navigating This Space Between Us by Omni
(1/1 I 9,641 I Explicit)
Derek gets forced to watch some sci-fi show about a surly, secret prince and the sarcastic young spaceship captain hired to aid him on his quest. Strangely enough, he finds himself hooked on it. So much so that he's even drawn into the fandom. There he meets a popular fanfic author with an oddly endearing attitude, and he gets rather smitten. Maybe this mystery guy could actually help get him to stop pining for Stiles...
The One with the Stolen Hat by nerdfightingwhovian
(14/? I 50,964 I Explicit)
In high school, Stiles stole Derek's hat and everyone who hears the story of Stiles stealing Derek's favorite (and only) hat begins to ship it. Luckily, Stiles never found out about the ridiculous number of people who ship it. Except, one day he does and he confronts Derek about it.
That is where the story begins, the cat is out of the bag and Stiles, the curious person he is, wants to know how it started. So now, Derek has to tell him.
Except, what starts out as Derek and Stiles laughing over ridiculous stories about stolen hats and glittery campaign cards becomes something more.
Season of the Witch by gryffindor17
(22/22 I 95,013 I Explicit)
“I just want to feel whole again.” Stiles said weakly, turning his head to look searchingly to Derek. “I’ve got all this…guilt…this pain…and it feels like it’s a part of who I am now. This…constant ache. I just wish there was a way to get rid of it.”
Stiles watched as something flickered to life in Derek’s eyes, and suddenly he was off like a rocket.
After the Nogitsune's been killed, Stiles still finds himself haunted by what it had done with his body. Try as they might, The Pack can't seem to console their friend... That is until Stiles mentions something that jogs Derek's memory and he takes off to find a friend from the past who he thinks can salvage Stiles's mind. After all, she'd done it for him.
And if she happens to become a part of the pack while she's at it, well, no one's really complaining.
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freereeferrick · 2 years
For being a surgeon Meredith really was an oblivious mess sometimes, actually convincing herself that the normal way to deal with your undying "hatred" for someone is to curate a mixtape. Being a teen in the 80s totally taught her that version of the message of mixtapes.. right.
And then there's also the fact that you don't courate mixtapes for the people you hate, Meredith. Especially not when the finished product is basically a love letter. The logical side of her brain supplied sarcastically as she realised that not even kissing Derek Shepherd or any man in the world would ever feel intense as the thought of Addison Montgomery smiling at her. There was absolutely no straight explanation for finding out the guy you're dating is married and the first thing you notice as you escape to Joe's to get drunk is, how the song playing is reminding you of how drop dead gorgeous the wife - whose husband you're apparently screwing - is.
Meredith Grey in my hc, after realising she's "Really fucking gay" (her words - not mine) and is madly in love with Addison.
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sunshinepanic · 2 years
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stereklyrics · 2 years
Stiles & Derek are dating, the pack is oblivious and doesn't notice, so when Stiles accidentally calls Derek "Babe" infront of the pack, the pack is like "WTF?" and Stiles & Derek are like "How the fuck you guys didn't know?!"
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sapphireginger · 1 year
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AO3 Link
Stiles and Derek made a pact when they were in middle school. If they were both still single when they were thirty, then they would marry each other.
Derek and Stiles both agreed to it but the moment Derek saw Stiles with his arm around a brunette girl their sophomore year, he realized that Stiles fully intended on looking for someone else in the meantime.
Derek didn't realize the consequences of agreeing. His sole thought was being with Stiles, not just as a contingency if they were still single. It was Stiles that Derek wanted and would always want.
It hurt to see that it wasn’t mutual. Derek didn't want to be a last resort. He tried to date but no one felt right. What the teen didn’t realize though was that Stiles too only wanted him.
Unfortunately neither would learn that truth until July 4th, 2026, when they ran into each other, literally at the Independence Day Event in New York.
They were both thirty, had never married, were still single and both of them were still hopelessly in love with each other.
“So, about that pact,” Stiles said.
Derek quirked a brow. “What about it?”
“Are we going to keep it?”
“Is that what you want?”
“Yes. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”
“Are you serious?!” Derek exclaimed.
Stiles nodded, swallowing thickly. “Deadly. You’ve always been it for me.”
Derek chuckled wetly. “Idiot.”
“I love you. So, I’m your idiot.”
No more words were said as they kissed to the sound of fireworks, the glow of the fireworks on their faces was beautiful and perfect.
The two men blushed as they pulled apart and walked towards the pier hand in hand. They kissed constantly but neither complained. After all, they had nearly two decades to make up for.
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derpylittlenico · 2 years
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favorite teen wolf fanfic tropes: Stilinski Twins + Stiles is an Identical Twin
Bonus Points if this comes as a surprise to the 3 primary side characters outside of HS (Chris, Peter, Derek) & the HS aged betas (incl. Cora) give them shit for it.
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