#obviously doesn't like the BoS
mindstriker · 7 months
on a random ass fallout kick, who wants to hear my far fetched wheedling about how funny it could be to rework deacon from fallout 4's backstory to make it plausible that he's actually arcade gannon from fo:nv after either the NCR ending where Arcade's past is revealed and he's headhunted out of the province by the NCR, Brotherhood, and random bounty hunters simultaneously and/or the one where he leaves purposefully after a Mr. House win
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itstimeforstarwars · 5 months
I think it's really funny when people say I'm converting them either to "korkie is a kenobi" or "korkie is not a kenobi" truthers. You don’t need to be a truther if you don’t want to. Join me in the middle with Schrodinger's Kenobi, where Korkie both is and is not a Kenobi until I figure out which option makes the plot funnier.
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benegesseritofficial · 3 months
The effects of face paint on Harrowhark's psyche
I've now cosplayed Gideon Nav 3 times, with my wife along as Harrow every time. Naturally, this has included full face paint for both of us each time and I have some thoughts.
Let me start by asserting that everything Muir writes in TLT about the face paint is accurate. Rubbing off your lips first, smearing into gray where the black and white meet, the way sweat makes it ooze but not run. I can't say if Muir (a known Homestuck) ever cosplayed as a troll, but I'm positive she tested out the practicality of the skull face paint or otherwise has first hand experience with extensive use of grease paint. Also, the way she describes normal people flinching when they see you is spot on.
I've noticed while putting on the make up that once most of my skin is covered, any flesh tones sticking out start to become unsettling. Specifically, the red/pink of the inner mouth and around the eyes jump out upsettingly. Every time I've done skull paint I find myself meticulously trying to patch over these edges of skin, despite knowing that it's inside skin that Shouldn't Have Make Up On It. Once my face is monochrome, I don't want to be able to see a scrap of real human under there. Smiling, or otherwise opening your mouth wide enough to see the pink, looks UNSETTLING. My own skin causes the uncanny valley effect. You see where this is going. In NtN we learn Harrowhark disassociates often enough that Crux isn't surprised or concerned to see "Harrow" insisting she's someone else. Obviously this is due to her schizophrenia, and perhaps trauma besides. But it doesn't account for every aspect of why Harrow's "like that." On her most lucid days Harrow ignores her body to the point of sweating blood and passing out. She goes entire days without eating. She thinks of herself as a skeleton unfortunately covered in flesh. She sleeps in her paint.
All of which is heinous, but that last one has stuck with me. From age 13-18 I barely glanced down while I showered and whatever I saw I basically blocked out. I wore underwear and a bra under my pajamas to sleep every night. I was going through the wrong puberty, "my body was in open rebellion" as I liked to say at the time, and the only way to cope was to bind it down and pretend it wasn't happening. By Gideon's narration in HtN one gets the impression most nuns of the Ninth are putting their paint on after breakfast and taking it off when they get home. It's not even expected the average person wears it every time they leave the house. But Harrow regularly only takes her paint off in order to redo it. I suspect a combination of being the most brainwashed person in her own cult, knowing how she was conceived, and the regular disassociation make it very difficult for Harrow to conceptualize that she actually lives in a body. If she faced that fact head on she'd have to ask why it so often feels someone else is using her body. She'd have to cope with owning this body, being a part of this body, that was bought with the blood of 200 children who should have been her peers and friends. Instead she pretends it's an object on loan from them. And she does it with 10 layers of black petticoats and so much paint she never has to see her own skin.
Which brings me to the final thing I've noticed wearing full face paint. It dehumanizes you to yourself and everyone around you. I couldn't read my own expressions in a mirror. Even people who understood and were delighted with my cosplay were visibly nervous talking to me. You don't look like a person. Studies have shown that faces wearing heavy make up are ranked as harder to read and perceived as less empathetic. It's a particularly insidious trap of patriarchy that many women find self esteem in wearing make up, while that very act makes everyone around them treat them more callously. And, worst of all, if you stop wearing it once you're used to it, your naked face is shocking. You look sick due to your colors being less bold and the normal small flaws of your face appear unbearably ugly. With all this in mind, Harrow has trapped herself in a feedback loop of not being able to witness her own face and becoming more and more disgusted with the flesh and person underneath whenever she has to glance at it.
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
today on confessions that probably should be anonymous:
once years ago, I saw an info graph on here that was a body odor wheel. a wheel with all the possible categories of human body odor all split in to different segments so 'fruit' including grapefruit, 'veg' including onion, 'animal like' including goat. anyway for some unexplainable reason this really stuck with me, I've never forgotten it, just lives in my head now and whenever I smell b.o in public my first impulse isn't even to be grossed out now, it's to (I know this is weird lol) try to categorise what type of body odor that bus or train carriage, particularly smells like. Anyway goat comes up a lot. Which has always surprised me as I tend to associate pink grapefruit with sweat. (I won't use pink grapefruit cosmetics cause they smell like sweat to me)
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filthyslashertoad · 2 months
Slasher First Date Headcannons
Oh yeah guys, guess who’s adding more characters! ME!!!! So…introducing…PETER STRAHM AND… MARK HOFFMAN!!!! (air horn noises)
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Also just to be clear I’m writing for lestat and Louis from the movie NOT THE TV SHOW(It’s just not that good imo)
Peter Strahm
Is a hopeless romantic that 100% believes in love at first sight.
Talks way too much and gets very passionate when sharing his own interests.
Is the type to bring you multiple different flowers because he wasn't sure what you'd like.
Prefers first dates to be at restaurants or cafes.
Mark Hoffman
Is an asshole to you the first time he meets you because he thinks that it counts as flirting?
Quickly becomes absolutely enamored by you and wants to know everything about you.
The day after he definitely finds you walking down the street and blares his sirens to get your attention and say some cheesy pickup line to ask you out on another date.
Michael Myers
The closest you're gonna get to a first date with him is him showing up at your house and eating all of your food while staring at you from a nearby hallway.
Don't expect a first date kiss, but do expect a sentimental staring contest before he leaves.
Amanda Young
Your first date was probably being in a jigsaw trap she either made for you or both of you being in the same trap. (She doesn't have much of a social life)
Quickly becomes attached to you and goes out of her way to make you survive the trap.
Bo Sinclair
Hits on you when you pass through the town and invites you to have a picnic on his lunch break(Which consists of beer, crackers, a few blueberries, beer, and hotdogs)
Tells you all about mechanic stuff and some of the prettier parts of the town.
After lunch, he invites you to go out with him if you're passing through(fixes your car for free).
Vincent Sinclair
Teaches you how to make candles and mini wax figurines. (It's harder than it looks)
Makes a tiny doll version of you and him and gives them to you.
Not much talking happens during the date(obviously) but he makes up for it with hand gestures.
Patrick Bateman
Hears one of his buddies talking about you and how beautiful you are and automatically decides he needs you to be his girlfriend.
Pulls out the nines, I'm talking Dior suit, Givenchy shoes, and he even buys new hair gel before your date so he looks as fresh as possible.
Will most likely talk almost the entire date about his accomplishments while using business jargon.
Lestat(Interview with a Vampire)
Most likely had the intention of seducing you to suck your blood but realized that you had more to you than what seemed.
Invites you to go to the opera with him and Louis but ends up taking you to a much more secluded section of the opera house.
Wants to turn you into a vampire on the first date(I don't even know what base that reaches)
Louis(Interview with a Vampire)
Isn't much of a romantic(anymore) so it's more so a deep conversation shared between the two of you in a beautiful garden.
Asks you what it's like to be human and what you admire about life.
Gives you a bouquet of his favorite roses as a surprise.
Michael Emerson
Wants to really really impress you so he takes you to a bunch of places that are "hidden" and brings a bunch of snacks. (Doesn't mind also going to see a movie)
Definitely tries to kiss you on the first date.
After your date Sam teases him all night about his crush on you.
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loojii · 1 month
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Constellations as blue aliens! I made these last year, only uploaded them on Patreon Aquila, Cygnus, Pavo, Canis Minor, Canis Major, Boötos, Minor Leo, Lepus, Lupus, Cetus, Centaurus, Orion
For more info about them see the lore dump under the line ~
Aquila the eagle constellation. A myth tied to the constellation tells about Zeus, who transformed himself into an eagle, and kidnaps a pretty boy to be the cup bearer of the Gods. This boy was of course Aquarius. So the characters are friends! Or well, Aquila pressures Aquarius into doing dumb stuff and Aquarius can't say no (in a way kidnapping him for a good time). Aquila's outfit is based on an eagle as well, with white on top and dark on the bottom. He, and other bird constellations, have feather like hair! He is the younger brother of Cygnus and Pavo, and the older brother of Columba and Corvus (they're a big bird family!)
Cygnus the swan constellation. A myth tied to the constellation is that about Zeus, who again transformed. He got a woman pregnant and from that a set of twins were born, one mortal and one immortal. The twin being Gemini, of course. So the character here is best friends with Gemini (she seems to be the only one that is able to handle him). Since Gemini's alpha and beta star are actually the twins, she often visits them and favors Pollux, the immortal twin from the myth. She's like a fun aunt! Another myth tells about a lover being lost or something, drowned in the river depicted by the constellation Eridanus. So she probably doesn't like her that much.
Pavo the peacock constellation. One of the myths tied to the constellation tells about a monster with many eyes that was able to act as a spy for Hera. As a thank you she put his eyes on the peacock feather and the monster himself in the sky. The constellation also depicts the captain of a ship, who are also depicted by several constellations. I don't know what to do with that part yet for this character, maybe those constellations admire Pavo as a teacher? But as for the spy part; this guy obviously loves gossip and always knows everything about everyone. He is the oldest of the bird siblings!
Canis Minor the lesser dog constellation. In the sky the dog is seen hunting Lepus, together with Canis Major and Orion. So all three of them, the characters, dislike her of course! He is always seen hanging out with Orion, following him around and being his yes-man. He's the younger brother of Canis Major naturally
Canis Major the dog constellation. Another yes-man of Orion. I like to take inspiration from myths and science when it comes to their personality / relationships but sometimes I just go by vibes too. And what I feel is that Canis Major gets awfully flustered when Ursa Major is around (yes its solely based on the fact that both of them are the only ones with Major in their name). He does not know how to deal with her overly friendly demeaner and gets kinda angry
Boötos the herdsman constellation. In the myth tied to this constellation a herdsman was killed due to his bad whinemaking skills and his daugther and dog moarned him so much that they died too. The daughter was seen as Virgo and the dog as Canis Major. So the characters are friends! Boötos also has Canes Venatici (the hunting dogs constellation, no design yet) next to him, but the reason that constellation doesn't take on the role of the dog in the myth is because it was first known as Bo's staff. So that character would also be friends with him of course! Maybe part of the dog family? But I'm not sure yet. Boötes has multiple friends but he especially adores Virgo, in his eyes he can do nothing wrong and is the depiction of perfection. Many see Virgo that way but Bo is just a bit more extreme about it. The constellation is also seen hunting Ursa Major in the sky, so maybe they don't have a good relationship?
Minor Leo the lesser lion constellation. I was actually unaware this constellation excisted until I did this project. He is Leo's biggest fan and follows him around. Despite the name they are not related, they're just great buddies! The constellation at one point was planned to be changed into the lioness constellation, but eventually this didn't catch on. So this guy here is sometimes mistaken for a girl!
Lepus the hare constellation. In the sky the hare is seen being hunted by Orion and his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course hates them. She's very quick on her feet and tries to outdone Orion every time she can.
Lupus the wolf constellation. The wolf is also being hunted in the sky, this time by Centaurus. So he dislikes him as well. But he's almost always silent and hangs out with Lepus a lot. It has nothing to do with their myths or anything. They just have similar names and are both being hunted, so I declared them buddies. Lepus always knows what Lupus means, without saying a word, and they are often spotted hanging out (Lupus following Lepus around)
Cetus the whale constellation. Cetus is the unofficial 14th zodiac sign, having the sun in its constellation for just one day. To represent this Cetus (the character) is engaged to Sagittarius, to one day become part of the Zodiac family (but he said yes when they were children and doesn't want to anymore, because who in thei right mind regocnizes Cetus as a Zodiac sign). The myth tied to Cetus is that of a sea monster who only came out of the sea to eat a beautiful maiden. Cetus (the character) is very insecure and never leaves her house. She's the big sis of Ophiuchus, the 13th Zodiac sign
Centaurus the centaur constellation. No, it's not Sagittarius. Both Sagittarius and Centaurus are depicted as centaurs in the sky and because of that their myths are sometimes mistaken for one another. So this guy here is very often mistaken for Sagittarius. But he's taller, better looking, stronger, more mature, etc. The myths of Centaurus go crazy and he's literly tied to everyone. In the discord server theres the ongoing joke that Centaurus is actually the main character. So this guy is just a very popular guy that everyone (excepts Sagittarius, who hates him with the might of 30 suns) likes! He is actually nice and unaware of Sagittarius hatred. Lupus, the wolf constellation, also doesn't like him but he's not as vocal about it as Sagittarius.
Orion the hunter constellation. Orion's myth he was a great hero who was defeated by a little scorpion. He and the scorpion were put in the sky but he's still avoiding the scorpion till this day (they are never seen in the same sky). The scorpion in question is of course Scorpio. Orion (the character) absolutely hates Scorpio and avoids him at all costs. He is seen hunting a hare (Lepus) in the sky together with his two hunting dogs (Canis Major and Minor). So this character of course is buddies with the two dogs and they all hate Lepus.
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Mortal Kombat 1 Intro Dialogues
a/n: some slightly flirty dialogues for suggested characters from Mortal Kombat 1 (and 11), reader is a blood mage, adjacent to "Unpunishable"
Warnings: Suggestive Language, Obscure References, Poor Attempts at Comedy
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Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: Liu Kang is squandering your potential.
Reader: I trust his judgement completely.
Shang Tsung: You were made for so much more.
Reader: You want me to make a deal with the Devil.
Shang Tsung: All I ask in return, is your soul.
Reader: It's too high a price!
Shang Tsung: I lay before you my eternal heart...
Reader: There is no love with you, only ownership.
Shang Tsung: I dearly love all of my possessions.
Reader: I must believe there's good even in the darkest corners of the world
Shang Tsung: Finding it in me might turn out to be a futile fight
Reader: I don't give up easily, Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung: Have you ever thought to say "stop"? "If you love me, you would stop?"
Reader: Not in a thousand years.
Shang Tsung: I see now, why we're destined for each other
Reader: The things you've been doing in your laboratories are vile
Shang Tsung: I've used the same magic, as the one coursing through your veins
Reader: Liar!
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Liu Kang
Liu Kang: Empress Sindel has approved your application to study Outworld's medicine.
Reader: I'm honored by her trust.
Liu Kang: You'll do a splendid job as Earthrealm's ambassador.
Reader: I fear the pull of darkness overpowering me.
Liu Kang: I will guide you, until your mind is at peace.
Reader: What if it never ends?
Liu Kang: In the previous timeline, you were my close friend and adversary.
Reader: And in this timeline?
Liu Kang: I'm inclined to say the same.
Reader: Doesn't it get lonely, being a God?
Liu Kang: I'm devoted to protecting Earthrealm and its people.
Reader: You didn't answer my question.
Liu Kang: Beware Shang Tsung's honeyed words.
Reader: You've said we were destined for each other in all timelines.
Liu Kang: And your union always leads to your suffering.
Reader: You knew I'd reject Shang Tsung's offer? Fight him every step of the way?
Liu Kang: I had faith, you would make the right choice
Reader: Honestly, do you have music playing in your head when you say garbage like that
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Johnny Cage
Johnny: Let me just say, there's no other place I would rather be, than right here with you right now.
Reader: I can change that very easily.
Johnny: Why so serious, sweet cheeks?
Reader: No, Johnny, I won't be playing in any of your movies, ever.
Johnny: Can I ask why?
Reader: Why I don't want the job that makes your brain explode?
Johnny: You might wanna reconsider your rendezvous with the Sorcerer.
Reader: Which one?
Johnny: Oh, you are a bad woman.
Reader: Don't be such a baby, it's just a scrap.
Johnny: And I need a hot nurse to patch it up.
Reader: Why do I even… You're impossible.
Johnny: You have experience with emotionally fragile men, right?
Reader: You're self-aware today.
Johnny: I was talking about Kung Lao...
Reader: Okay, Ninja Priest was actually kinda good.
Johnny: YES! I knew you had a thing for the clergy.
Reader: That's not what I... You're such an ass!
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Kung Lao
Reader: Do you think Liu Kang has destined us to become friends?
Kung Lao: Obviously, I'd never choose this for myself.
Reader: He could've made you less of twat...
Kung Lao: It's way too dangerous for you to travel Outworld alone.
Reader: I don't need a babysitter, Kung Lao.
Kung Lao: Prove it, then.
Reader: If you buy me dinner at Madame Bo's, I'll heal your arm.
Kung Lao: I see your time with Shang Tsung is rubbing off on you.
Reader: See, now I gotta hurt ya.
Kung Lao: How does it feel, being in the center of the Snake's attention.
Reader: Fuck you man, I didn't ask for this.
Kung Lao: Not good then.
Reader: Come on, I paid for dinner last time.
Kung Lao: I'll be happy to pay... Once you beat me.
Reader: You can be an ass sometimes, you know that?
Kung Lao: You know I only meant it as a joke, right?
Reader: Let me show you just how funny I think you are
Kung Lao: Bring it on, Nurse.
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Reader: You betrayed everything your clan stood for.
Bi-Han: You have no moral high-ground here, Healer.
Reader: I don't need it.
Bi-Han: Join the Lin Kuei, and unleash your true power.
Reader: Not while they're under your command, traitor.
Bi-Han: Your pride will be your downfall.
Reader: I can feel your blood run cold through your body...
Bi-Han: It will boil while I destroy you.
Reader: You'll freeze to death, then.
Bi-Han: Your aversion to power is your greatest flaw.
Reader: Should I follow your lead, then, and betray all I love for a promise of greatness?
Bi-Han: Is it wrong to want more?
Reader: Maybe I can beat some sense into you…
Bi-Han: I will crush you, little girl.
Reader: Great, a quip about my height, so original.
Bi-Han: We meet again, Blood Mage.
Reader: I knew you couldn't stay away, Bi-Han.
Bi-Han: Let's see if your training has progressed.
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Erron Black
(am i the only one devastated he wasn't included in mk1?)
Erron: What's a pretty lookin' thing like you doin' in a place like this?
Reader: Holy shit, you even talk like a cowboy!
Erron: …Nevermind.
Reader: If I win, I get to wear the hat.
Erron: You'd look mighty fine in it, I'd wager.
Reader: Don't you pull your punches on me now, Black.
Erron: There's quite the price on your head, sweetheart.
Reader: And you'll do everything to collect it, right?
Erron: I could be persuaded against it, with the right motivation...
Reader: Do you flirt with all your targets?
Erron: Only pretty little ones, like you, girlie.
Reader: Well then, let's dance, Cowboy.
Erron: I wouldn't mind giving you a ride around town, little lady.
Reader: I'd rather beat you where you stand.
Erron: Be still, my beating heart.
Reader: I know who sent you.
Erron: Someone who's eager to get their hands back on you.
Reader: You can both keep them to yourself.
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pyrpaw · 4 months
Can i have uhhh first year gang visiting yuu in their world? Thank youu
hell yeah you can have that 🙏 I did a little intro to the situation, and then some head cannons
(contents: might be a but ooc because I imagine they'd be pretty happy to see you again after you disappeared without saying bye, (name) is mentioned to go to school and have a job, their age isn't mentioned but they are implied to live alone(for plot reasons<3))
How did... you get here?
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(I had no gif ideas)
You thought you were crazy, you got transported into some place called "Twisted wonderland" and then, you randomly got back home! and seemingly no time had passed, was it just an elaborate dream?... you had no clue, but you had to continue your life like normal. So, going back to school, your job, all of that, left with no one to rant to about how you missed your friends from Twisted wonderland... because are they even real?
Turns out, they were real! because at 2 in the morning you were doing your homework and heard banging and talking from another room, it sounded like multiple voices so you quickly tried to find your phone... only to realize it's downstairs. So, grabbing a hammer in your room you silently made your way outside your room and as silently as you could, downstairs. You heard the voices growing closer and closer, your anxiety peaked as you held your breath and froze, panic filling you as when one of the figures was about to round the corner. Once you saw a foot step out you immediately stood up and lifted the hammer up in a panic, ready to strike down.
And once your hands were already going down you met eyes with a familiar green haired fae who flinched as his head was struck with a hammer. You two stared at each other in shock and confusion, as the other first years came over to see what happened, everyone's eyes widened when they saw you... and the hammer that connected with Sebek's head.
"... Sebek?" You spoke in a quiet voice, slowly pulling the hammer back down as you stared at him. He silently nodded as the others stared at you in awe. You couldn't comprehend any words, before getting tackled into a hug from Ace as he buried his face into your neck and spoke with a shaky voice. "... I thought I'd never see you again.." and before you could even reply, Deuce came up and tightly hugged you too. "... you didn't say bye to anyone" he mumbled as he pulled back and stared at you with teary eyes.
So, after a whole lot of reunions, the boys explained that they didn't know how they got there, or how to get back, so obviously they're allowed to stay with you.
Ace Trappola
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He's definitely gonna make fun of your decor, your clothes, basically anything... even though hes gonna steal your T-shirts even after they all got their own clothes
If you're not constantly going out with friends or talking to them he's gonna bully you about being a loser, however if you are constantly talking to friends, he's gonna complain that you're not giving them enough attention and you're being a bad host (even though he really only means that he wants more attention)
Deuce Spade
He won't automatically think about getting a job, but if he hears that you're struggling with paying for all of them then he'll find some kind of job and complain about it 24/7, especially because it'll probably be in customer service due to his age and having no records of anything
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Unlike Ace, Deuce automatically starts to help you with funds, he'll probably find a customer service job, maybe even two
Jack Howl
He'll probably get a good reputation with your neighbors, always offering them any help, and usually being gifted something, whether it be muffins or just money
I think that he would kinda just stay home mostly, really only going out with you where he can follow you like a lost puppy (only because he doesn't know this world like you!)
also-he totally takes note of what decor, music, and clothes you like even more now, so that he has ideas for a potential gift and or way to bond with you
Epel Felmier
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So... he kinda had to be... barricaded in a way, until you could find a proper hat to cover his ears, he couldn't leave... because some preteen will bark at him
Once he can leave the house though, he immediately gets a job... and spends a bit of the money on a gym membership (also, if you go to the gym he is hyped, he's following you around it the whole time totally not trying to show off his strength)
I think he'd honestly get a job at a gym, maybe a personal trainer even
He basically took up the chore of grocery shopping, like he meal preps and all, it's mainly just veggies and meat that he buys
Sebek Zigvolt
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He's thrilled to finally be away from Vil and Rook, now he can actually be himself! His stupid dirty jokes and overall roughness has definitely amped up now that he knows Vil won't find out
He couldn't really find a job due to having no proof that he wasn't a girl, but like Deuce he takes up jobs from your neighbors, getting some cash here and there
He also usually goes on grocery trips with Jack, with Jack getting healthy food, and Epel begging him to get at least a few junk food items, plus he's great at picking out what fruit and veggies are the best
Ortho Shroud
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Hes definitely having a hard time with the whole... all humans... no magic thing, to the point that he kept accidentally using his magic in public and got house arrest by you, leaving Ortho to make sure he didn't leave
He's still allowed to go out with supervision though, and anytime you go out to town with him he basically acts as a body guard, glaring at anyone would date approach you
He was given the task of cooking, because he obviously had to learn so he didn't have to eat Lilia's cooking, so him and Jack discuss meek plans for the week/month
He's also like a guard dog when he's outside just in the yard, he's keeping coyotes away, Bobcats, bears, any predator, he's keeping it away with no doubt
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Much like Jack, he couldn't leave the house due to being a robot, technically he could leave and would just get some weird glances for having a "cosplay" on, but he decided to stay back and keep Grim company... and watch Sebek
Whenever he gets bored he'll rummage through the house and find old objects that you clearly don't use anymore... and somehow end up upgrading any technology in this house?? like you came home and suddenly your laptop had the power of a damn PC
He'll also go around when he's bored and clean up for you, putting things away, sweeping, mopping, everything, he's very considerate!
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now.... Grim obviously can't leave, he has fire ears! So he's pretty pouty, but after you got him a few toys and a tablet (iPad baby I'm sorey), he calmed down, but he's still not happy!
There are a few acres of forest nearby, so sometimes he'll sneak out there with Ortho to get some outdoors time, but he's almost gotten caught a few times, each time getting scolded by you or Jack
He's secretly very happy to be able to sleep on top of his henchmen again, hes always clinging onto you now, after having the biggest scare of the one person he considered "family" randomly disappearing and leaving him all alone!
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living-dead-author · 5 months
Horror characters reactions to their s/o leaving sexy Polaroids around the house for them
Had this idea for a bit and I finally got around to writing it for y'all. I'm going to try and post regularly but because of everything I have going on right now I might not be able to for a bit.
Characters Included: Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Peter Strahm, Asa Emory, and Bubba Sawyer
Content Includes: 18+ material do not interact if you are underage, explicit mentions of nude photos taken of reader, implied sex, GN reader, implied male masturbation, masturbating to readers pictures, brief mentions of murder
Bo Sinclair
Coming home after a long day working Bo expected to find you waiting for him like you usually do. But tonight is different. Tonight you're nowhere to be found. But when Bo takes his first step inside he finds a Polaroid at his foot, but not just any Polaroid, it’s a Polaroid of you wearing nothing but your underwear.
Bo walks further into the house and what does he find? More and more Polaroids of you in sexy positions that you know is going to drive him nuts. By the time he gets upstairs he’s straining hard against his pants and he had to undo his belt.
And when Bo finds you after gathering up all of your little Polaroids, you're in for a wild night. He won't even give you a chance to say anything he'll just corner you against somewhere and lay out all of the Polaroids in front of you while whispering in your ear, "Yer a little tease ain't ya? With yer god damn little pictures. Well get ready darlin', I'm just getting started."
Lester Sinclair
When Lester wakes up you're still asleep, and he doesn't like making you wake up as early as he does so he lets you sleep in. But today while he was getting ready he kept finding these sexy Polaroids of you around the house. You in these pretty lingerie pieces, sexy poses, provocative stances.
He obviously gets turned on, but he thinks this might have been for when he got home later in the day. So he puts them all back where he found them and he ignores the throbbing in his pants while he tries to deal with getting ready.
But when he gets in his truck to leave for the day and he pulls down that sun visor, another Polaroid falls down into his lap. This one shows you in a position so utterly sexy to him he has to go back inside and jump into bed with you, waking you up with kisses as he groans about how hard you've made him.
Peter Strahm
After getting home late one night from a grueling week of work Peter is looking forward to having some time to himself. But when he steps inside the house and sees a Polaroid picture of you taped there, he had to get a better look. Of course this Polaroid was of you, dressed up in a sexy outfit, posing in front of a mirror.
Peter swallows hard and uses his detective skills in a much more fun way tonight. He goes around the house, gathering up all the other Polaroids you hid everywhere before spreading them out on the kitchen table of your house. Looking over all of them get's him undeniably hard. Knowing that you're already asleep, he's not going to wake you. So for now Peter takes care of this issue himself, while looking down at your pretty pictures.
After cleaning up he gets into bed with you and cuddles up close against you. Now in the morning when you try and pull away from him, he's not going to let you get away so soon. He needs to have a little talk with you about those Polaroids, he's sure you'll understand.
Asa Emory
Coming back to his town house like any other day, checking the mail and setting it down, going into his office, not expecting anything different. But then he sees a Polaroid sitting on his desk. He doesn't remember taking one. He picks it up and sees you in it, naked and posed in a sexual manner.
Asa knows that there are others hidden around the house, and seeing that you're out at the moment, he's going to find them all, then the camera you used. As he keeps gathering up these Polaroids he keeps getting more and more turned on, especially seeing some of the things you've done to yourself in these pictures.
When you get home he's waiting for you in his office, the Polaroids neatly laid out in a uniform fashion with the camera sitting nearby. "Sit." Is all he's going to tell you for the time being before he has you handle the growing issue you gave him.
Bubba Sawyer
When the two of you finally get to be alone in the house together Bubba expected some sexy activities, but he didn't expect to go around the house finding Polaroids of you in such sexy manners. His eyes get fixated on the Polaroids in his hands as he goes around gathering them all up.
Bubba isn't exactly a spring chicken when it comes to nudity and sex. He sees naked people all the time when he's cutting up victims, but this is different. This gets him excited in an entirely new way.
When he finally finds you he's so wound up from all of the Polaroids you gave him that all he's able to do is pick you up in his huge arms and carry you off into the bedroom to have some fun times in there. Maybe you could try out some new poses for him in there too.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
My kid asked me to explain blood types to her today, which made me remember the odd little fact that in the character profiles that appeared at the ends of the earliest Bleach volumes, there are blood types listed for the human characters, but not for the shinigami characters. Shinigami obviously have blood, we've all seen it, we've seen so much of it, honestly, but is it like blood blood? Is blood transfusion a thing they do?
I did not have any particular recollection of anyone ever receiving a blood transfusion in Bleach, but I looked up all the hospital scenes I could think of off the top of my head. Both Byakuya nor Hinamori have sort of a notable absence of things sticking out of them. I'm no expert and I don't even particular like doctor shows, but this is a situation where I would expect both of them to have IVs for hydration, if nothing else. Hinamori's got a respirator and some mysterious carts off to her far side, at least, and maybe Byakuya's just far enough on the upswing that he doesn't need it anymore.
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Next shot was the famous Rukia and Renji sharing a hospital room scene.
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Renji's respirator goes...under his blanket? Is this right? This doesn't seem right. Rukia doesn't seem particularly attached to anything, although there's kind of a bundle of wires? tubes? coming out of her right shoulder area. You can see them better in this shot:
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That sure doesn't look like medical grade tubing, the lower one looks kinda like Hihiou Zabimaru, tbh. IVs usually work by gravity, no? Also those tubes are way too big to be going into someone's veins.
Finally, here's Kira, getting his dubious Squad 12 medical procedure.
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More shady, giant, intestine-ass looking tubes that... go into him? wtf. They're attached to a computer. Maybe these are data cables?
The upshot of all of this is that I don't think shinigami have blood transfusions. I can't imagine that they don't know about them, so I imagine it's more of a case of their blood is just part of their soul, like, all of them is just soul all the way down, and it would be nearly impossible to accept a transfusion that was made of someone else's soul (soulmate-enjoying fanfic writers, take note). They do like sticking tubes in people, tho.
This sucks because when I was originally thinking about this, of course I was thinking about all the blood Renji has in his body and whether or not he's a universal donor, because, frankly, if he is, I think they would have a special framed painting of him at Squad 4 and let him have as much donuts and apple juice as he wants.
I think the main reason manga list characters' bloodtypes anyway is because Japanese people use it as a personality test, similar to horoscopes. For the record, here are the characters whose blood types we know:
Ichigo - AO Orihime - BO Chad - AO Tatsuki - AO Isshin - AB Uryuu - AB Don Kanonji (????) - BO
When I was trying to look up what they meant, I found this hilarious graphic, thank you verywellmind dot com
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Looks to me like these blood types were definitely chosen to tie into personality at least to some degree (I'm not sure about Isshin, but he probably has fake Urahara Shouten-brand gigai blood-substitute anyway, so I am choosing not to read too deeply into that). Anyway, along those lines, judging from this chart, if we wanted to bootstrap Renji's blood type from his personality, I think he would, in fact, clearly fit into the idiot-on-a-skateboard quadrant. So he is a universal donor! (or at least he would be, if he were filled with blood instead of high-concentration ghost juice.)
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gooseworx · 1 year
What made you come up with the Digital Circus and its music? I fell in love with your work a couple days ago, and was wondering how your awesome ideas came to be.
Also: From a scale of 1-10, what would Jax's evil meter be? (1 being an angel while 10 is literally Satan).
Thank you for reading this!
IHNMAIMS is obviously a big inspo, but also just a lot of those creepy early 2000s prerendered computer games and colorful kids toys from my childhood. As for music, a lot of bo en, and videogame stuff like Snipperclips.
To answer your second question, it really depends on the situation he's in. He doesn't do anything tooooooooooooooo awful in the pilot, but he definitely has some later moments people are not gonna like lmao.
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thisapplepielife · 5 months
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Written for @subeddieweek, day two.
A Firm Touch
Prompt: First Time | Word Count: 1912 | Rating: E | CW: Reference to Past Recreational Drug Use | Tags: First Time, Established Relationship, Being Restrained, Light Praise Kink, A Bit of Subspace, Insecure Eddie, Virgin Eddie, Service Top Steve, Working Out The Kinks (Literally), Boys in Love, Just Trying to Figure Themselves Out
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Eddie squirms away from Steve's grasp, again, another night fucking ruined and Steve sighs in frustration. Running his hand through his hair. He's disheveled, and Eddie wants…but he can't. It's not gonna work.
This is never gonna work, and he doesn't know why he thought it might. He just wanted it to, so goddamn bad.
The knot in Eddie's stomach grows, because he knows that Steve is getting frustrated. Not by the lack of sex, Eddie doesn't think, but more by the lack of understanding of why they aren't having sex. Eddie's been trying, then shying away, stalling and Steve's been patient, but Eddie knows he's running out of runway. 
He's being a fucking cocktease, he's pretty sure, though that wasn't the intent.
"Eddie…" Steve trails off, "what? What is it this time?" he asks, hands finding his hips. The question comes across harsher than his voice actually sounds, but he's staring at Eddie in a way Eddie hates. He doesn't want to be looked at, stared at, perceived, known. 
Eddie shrugs, and Steve lets out a breath that's pure annoyance. Like something he'd aim at the kids when they are fraying his nerves. Eddie doesn't want that sound pointed in his direction, it makes him feel horrible. Worthless. 
Finally, Steve speaks again, "I just. I can't read your signals. They're all over the fucking place. Do you not want this? Or not with me? What? Just, what? Tell me," Steve pleads, and it's tinged with self-doubt, and maybe a little anger, and it makes Eddie withdraw further. Steve's got his own baggage, and Eddie knows it. But Eddie can't just say these things, can't ask for them.
So, Eddie clams up.
Because the other option is to jump right in, ready for a full fight. And he doesn't want to do that, so he just stays silent.
"Okay, I'll go," Steve says, and Eddie doesn't want him to go. But he doesn't know how to get him to stay. 
"Don't go," Eddie says, barely audible, squeezing his hands into fists so hard that his short nails are digging into his palms.
"Then tell me, and I'll do whatever you want," Steve says, soft, worried. Begging a little. "I can't keep guessing wrong. It's killing me."
"I'm just not built like you, Harrington," Eddie finally says. Hoping that will end the discussion for one more night. Maybe Steve will still stay, and give Eddie a little more time to figure his shit out.
"What do you mean by that?" Steve asks, his brow furrowed, as he's folding his hands in his lap.
"It's not nothing," Steve answers, "obviously."
Eddie is annoyed, frustrated. But he knows he's not gonna get anywhere with soft, sweet Steve Harrington running his hands all over him, like he's made of glass. Been there, done that. And it never ends in anything other than in frustration. There's something broken in him, and Steve would never understand that. 
"Eddie, I-" 
"You don't want me. You don't want what I want. What I need." 
"What do you need, Eddie?" Steve asks, putting his hands on Eddie's arms, gently.
Eddie's exhausted, and he finally snaps, "I need you to hold me down. I need you to handcuff me and…" he trails off when he sees Steve's face. "I need a firm touch. A firm hand. To get off." 
"Oh," Steve says, soft and shocked. Disgusted, probably. 
Eddie looks down. 
And then Steve's big, warm hand is on his thigh. Pressing down. Firmly. 
"I can't, like, hit you," Steve says, face way too earnest.
"I don't need you to hit me," Eddie says with a small smile. He wouldn't be opposed, but if Steve won't get off on it, there's no way.
"But I can be firm. Well, I can try. I want to try." 
Of course he does, because Steve Harrington always jumps in with both feet. Eddie's seen it in action. He just never expected to see it here, in the bedroom. He just thought he'd be able to get over it, whatever hang up he has, but it hasn't happened. 
"Okay, Steve, you can try. If you don't like it, you say so." 
"It's you," Steve says with a grin, "I think I'll like it just fine." 
Eddie just smiles at him, embarrassed, but hopeful.
"Tell me what you like, what your previous sexual partners have done for you that worked," Steve says, like he's ready to take mental notes.
Eddie laughs, shaking his head, "No previous sexual partners. But I'm flattered that you think that's a possibility."
"Then how do you know…?" Steve trails off.
"I still know how I feel. I know how I get off, alone," Eddie answers.
And that…how, is not very easy, never has been. At least not alone.
"Of course. Of course you do," Steve says, like he should have known that. Eddie doesn't think that's a thing that most guys ever contemplate. Eddie imagines Steve can get off easily, without even thinking about it. 
A few quick tugs, thinking about a pretty girl, or a cute guy, and that's all it takes. Eddie wishes it were that simple. He's trying to not feel embarrassed. It's Steve, and he's gotten used to the fact that he can tell Steve anything. 
And if he wants this to work, and he does, then this conversation has to happen.
"Okay, where do we start?" Steve asks, sounding chipper, and ready to go. To act. Now that they've got even a hint of a plan. Eddie cannot believe how brave he is. He's a take-charge kinda guy, maybe this will come naturally to him.
Eddie knows asking Steve to start with handcuffs is crazy, and he's never even been in them before, couldn't do it on his own, and as much as he wants to be, that's for later. Hopefully. Someday, maybe. So, he just lays face down on the bed. 
"Can you just…hold me down, maybe? Restrain me? With your hands?" Eddie asks.
"Yes," Steve says, like he's one-hundred percent certain that's something he can do, and then rolls him over, with a confidence that really works on Eddie. 
Steve's got big hands, hands Eddie has fantasized about on more than one occasion. 
And he grabs both of Eddie's wrists in one of his, and pins them above Eddie's head, pressing them into the pillow.
They aren't even undressed, but Steve crawls on top of him. Sitting on his thighs. 
"This good?" Steve asks, and Eddie nods. It's good.
He's clearly having to stretch to hold Eddie like that, so Eddie isn't surprised when Steve scoots up his body, until he's off his thighs, until they are crotch to crotch, and Steve doesn't shy away from that. He just pushes down against him, as he presses on his wrists even harder now that he has a better angle.
Steve's hard, and Eddie still isn't. Maybe this won't work. Maybe he's not meant to have anything as good as Steve.
But Steve keeps grinding down, over and over, as he squeezes Eddie's wrists. Then, Steve scoots up further, his hard cock pressing into Eddie's belly as Steve leans over him, his chest right over Eddie's face, and Eddie feels boxed in, Steve's shirt hanging down, brushing against his nose. The scent of Steve flooding Eddie's nostrils with every movement Steve's body makes. Eddie feels hidden. Secure. Safe. And he closes his eyes and just feels it all, fully. 
When Steve shifts again, Eddie realizes he's hard. He doesn't know when that happened, but it feels so good. Steve is still rutting against him, and the pressure of him holding him to the bed feels like it's dug a hook into Eddie's center, and now there's an anchor pulling him down into the most amazing place he's ever been.
He feels drunk. He feels like he's taken the perfect amount of K, and now he's gently slipping into a hole.
Steve's not really doing much of anything, Eddie knows it's simple, but whatever Steve is doing is perfect. It's working.
Then, Steve leans forward, putting more weight on Eddie's wrists, holding them in place as he nearly lays on top of Eddie fully. Leaning most of his weight into it. Bringing them back together, hard cock pressed to hard cock. Still rolling his hips, grinding against him in slow, deliberate circles.
And even as Steve pushes all the air out of his lungs, Eddie feels like he can breathe, finally.
Steve's heavier than he looks, and Eddie is lost in the security he feels being under Steve.
He never even knew to dream about this, but here it is, his wildest dreams coming true at the hands of Steve Harrington.
"You feel so good under me," Steve says close to Eddie's ear, "you're being so good. Getting hard, just for me."
Eddie moans. 
"That's good," Steve says again, "are you ready for me to let you go? Do you want me to touch you?"
Eddie shakes his head no, then makes his request, "Lay on me."
And Steve lowers his whole body to Eddie's, pressing him into the mattress. Chest to chest, crotch to crotch. Eddie can feel every point of contact, every point of pressure, and it's good. So good.
His wrists are still tight in Steve's grasp, but now he feels like his whole body is being held in the same way. Safe. Secure.
Steve rolls his hips, one more time, and Eddie attempts to lift up his hips, tries to get his ass off the bed, but he can't, and he comes in his jeans. Steve following him over the edge.
Tears leak out of Eddie's eyes, and his breathing is shallow with Steve on top of him, but he's happy, and relieved, and kind of boneless. Steve finally shifts so he can hold Eddie's wrists in one hand instead of two, lighter now, and brushes the fingers of his open hand against Eddie's cheek. Face near Eddie's, grounding him.
"Whenever you're ready, tell me what you need. What to do," Steve whispers, and Eddie nods.
Eddie finally felt ready for Steve to let him go, so Steve's shifted so he's laying beside him, not on him, kissing his face, his neck, taking care of him like he always does. Just in a new way now. When Eddie pictured submitting, in the abstract, he was expecting punishment. Pain. To be used, and probably discarded. Thought that's what he wanted. Rough, hard, mean. He thought he needed to be hurt, or tortured, just a little.
And maybe he still does.
But Steve Harrington is none of those things, and his style of taking control isn't either. Steve's a take-charge kind of guy, but there's a softness there that Eddie never wants to see go away, honestly. 
"Was that okay?" Steve asks, and he looks so fucking nervous.
"More than," Eddie says, looking right in his eyes, "thank you."
"So, the handcuffs?" Steve asks, hint of a grin pulling at his lip.
"Wishful thinking," Eddie admits. Then raises his eyebrows, "Why? You interested?"
"For sure. Can we ease into it?" Steve asks, wrapping his arm around Eddie's waist, holding him tight, still so tight, and Eddie's sure he'll be asleep in minutes, feeling this comfortable.
This secure.
This safe.
This loved.
"Definitely," Eddie says, and closes his eyes, turning his face towards Steve's, nuzzling into him. Letting himself be held, not only down, but close.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @subeddieweek and follow along with the fun! 🖤
Notes: It was harder to write a first time (for both!) and have them have super defined roles. They're figuring their shit out. Together. And I like think Service Top Steve can grow into Pleasure Dom Steve, but not right out of the gate.
My other fics for this challenge week:
Day One Day Three Day Four Day Five Day Six Day Seven
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mochiimadness · 1 year
hello!!! i love your works so far :DD!!
can i request the rise boys with an s/o who’s a human but has experience fighting with mutants? like s/o uses a scythe and can easily fight with the turtles :)
The Rise! Turtles with a human scythe wielding s/o!
Neon Leon
He thinks you're so cool!
Listen, he knows humans can go up against yokai's and mutant's
I mean, his dad and April are living proof of that-
But he genuinely can't help but be amazed when he sees you using a scythe of all things to go up against yokai's literally four times your size
Especially since you seemingly appeared out of nowhere to join the battle-
Seriously, can you portal or something???
He stops are stares as you easily knock a rather angry lizard yokai off balance, before sending them running with a slice of your wicked scythe
Your movement were so fluid,
A literal blink and you'll miss it type of speed
"Woah S/O! I didn't know you could do that-"
He'll exclaim, before ducking as you swipe at another angry yokai right behind him
"Think you could teach me how to do some of that??"
"Sure- we should probably finish this fight first though."
Oh right the fight-
He loves to spar with you
You're able to keep up with him quite easily!
And Leo is fast- like really fast
But even when he uses his portals to try to get near you-
Your scythe easily keeps him at bay.
He's absolutely in awe of you
Your blades clash together and Leo gives you this bright smile
"How in the world did I end up with someone so cool!?"
Don Tron
Donnie's impressed!
Though, he tries not to show it
Wielding a weapon like a scythe or bow staff automatically gives you cool points in his book
And you're incredibly proficient with your scythe too???
Donnie definitely want's to challenge you
"Your scythe versus my magnificent Bo-staff, I think the winner is pretty clear here."
What he thought would be an easy fight ended up being a nearly 20 minute long battle
You both were neck and neck
You were quick to block his attacks and dish out some deadly looking slices of your own
Afterwards, Donnie offers to modify your scythe for you!
"Think about it- it's already incredibly sharp and in your hands?? Borderline deadly. Now, hear me out, imagine if it had a chainsaw?"
Donnie pls.
"Or what if it was purple!?"
Donnie no-
Whether or not you let him add some "flair" to your scythe
He genuinely thinks you're cool
He doesn't even flinch when he sees you, his wonderful human s/o, go up against a super powered yokai
"Me? Worried?? No need to, I already called a mystic doctor."
"You mean a human doctor, right?"
"No??? That yokai obviously needs a mystic doctor."
He never doubted you for a second~
(That yokai you beat definitely needed that doctor- yikes)
Mystic Mike
He thinks you're amazing!!!
You're out here with no powers
No magic
No mutations
Just your normal human self and scythe
Fighting angry mutants and yokai like nothing!!!
Mikey thinks you're one of the strongest people he's ever known!
Aside from his family ofc
He loves to watch you fight
Has and will bring snacks to watch
Ofc, if you're ever in a pinch, Mikey will gladly swoop in to help you
He absolutely loves teaming up with you
Between his nun-chucks and your scythe-
No villain stands a chance
He even uses the blades in his nun-chucks from time to time to "match with you" ^^
Loves asking you to let him wrap his chains around the staff portion of your scythe so you can launch him at people
"It'll look so cool! C'mon just once???"
To be fair-
It does look and feel pretty dang cool!
Mikey knows you can handle your own in battle
He's seen it more than once
But if things ever get too rough
He's always there to lend a hand!
Big Red
Oh Raph...
Poor guy nearly faints every time you go into battle
Yes he knows humans can fight too
But you're not even using a mystic powered weapon like April does!
You could get seriously injured or worse!!
He always starts worrying over you
Especially when you both were just starting to get to know each other-
He didn't want to loose one of the few friends and humans that he knew!
He often will go into battle and cover you,
Taking hits or tackling opponents away
But you end up having a serious talk with him about this
"I know you're worried, but I can do this. I know how to fight-"
"I know, I know, I just get worried ya know?"
While he's still nervous about it,
He eventually starts hanging back to let you fight your own fights
And he comes to realize you are pretty great at what you do!
Your scythe is practically an extension of your own body,
And you easily handle opponents larger than you-
Both mystic and mutated!
"You're amazing!!"
Raph really comes to respect your strength and proficiency with your scythe.
He knows you can handle yourself
That still doesn't stop him from jumping in to help or defend you
Even when you may not necessarily need help
He still cares and worries about you
Doesn't want you to get hurt
Especially if he can help it.
"Er- sorry, I just jumped in again without thinkin'..."
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I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for such a long wait
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
Shy!Eli and Shy!Best-Friend!Reader who fuck behind the scenes and keep it a secret from Demetri. They don't want him to get weird about it or make him feel like a third wheel, failing to realize demetri knows they've had dumb little crushes on each other for literal years. He just doesn't realize they fuck now, thinking they're both too shy to ever admit their feeling for one another.
Until one day Demetri comes over to Eli's place spur of the moment because he's excited about something and just had to come shownit to Eli in person. He lets himself in and the house is quiet. Just for a moment he thinks bo one is home and then he hears a cry of "Oh Eli!" Well now he just has to investigate.
Despite the tone of voice, he really doesn't expect much. So when he comes to Eli's bedroom and peeks into the ightky ajar door, he's shocked to see his two best friends going at it like it's their last day on earth.
Eli's on top, fucking into Reader roughly while her thick thighs are in his hands. He's holding them on his hips, her pudgy fat spilling over his fingers and he squeezes them hard just to make her moan louder. She's on her back, ass slightly lifted off of the mattress, and her whole body is being rocked. Her tits are bouncing and each thrust into her makes her soft belly jiggle. Demetri can't see it, but he can hear her cunt and how wet it is; how it squelches with each hard thrust into it. Her toes are curling and she's crying out Eli's name like a chant.
Demetri can't move. He knows he shouldn't be watching through a crack in the door, but a fire has lit in his belly at the sight of his best friends fucking. Before he knows what he's doing, he has his shirt rolled up and bit between his teeth and his dick in his hands. He's gagged himself so he stays quiet, not wanting to interrupt their obviously passionate romp.
And if finding them in such a compromising position wasn't shocking enough, what eli says next certainly through demetri for a loop.
"I'm gonna a fill you up!" he whines.
And Demetri's whole gunt clenches. His cock throbs. Surely they're not doing it raw? His two best friends aren't that stupid, are they? But he can't hardly give it serious thought as he jerks off to their moans and the way they shake the bed. It's a lingering thought in his mind that they're having such risky sex when up until that moment no one knew what they were doing.
It isn't until they're screaming with pleasure as they come does Demetri get an answer to his question. After rutting into her hard and grunting, Eli finishes and pulled out. His cock is covered in their mixed arousal and shortly after he withdraws from her cunt, a river of thick creamy cum leaks from her twitchy hole.
The sight makes Demetri's cock throb and he bites into his short harder. He hardly has time to process it all before he watches Reader turn over, get on her knees and lay on her chest, then spread herself for open for Eli as another glob of his cum escapes her cunt and clings to her fat swollen clit.
"Please... please, Eli, I need you," she begs so sweetly. Her cheek is pressed into the sheets and she looks so pretty. So irresistible. "I need you so much."
Eli only nods, pumping his cock to keep it from going soft. Then he's getting behind her and sliding in, balls deep with little effort. He grabs her hips and leans over and starts humping into her fast and hard. Her groans and whines about how tight she is and how he's gonna make sure she's full of his cum. He spouts utter filth that Demetri has never heard him say before, talking about how pretty and hot she looks overflowing with his cum and taking it all so well. She whimpers and lays there's, at his mercy as he all but jackhammers his cock into her.
Demetri is painfully aware of how close he is, and comes before its over. He catches what he can in one hand. However, it's a lot and threatens go spill over. He doesn't know what to so and doesn't want to get caught by his friends, so he shoves himself back into his pants and continues to come in his jeans. It's wet and hot and sticky, and it has him shuddering as he can do nothing but know he's messing in his pants for his two best friends. Heavy ropes fill the crotch of his pants and spill down his pant leg, but he keeps his eyes on Eli and Reader while they fuck like bunnies - cute, shy, secretly filthy bunnies.
When it's over, Demetri leaves for home. Bjt when he gets there and is in the comfort and privacy of his own bedroom, he's hardly out of his cum soaked jeans before he's jacking off again. To his own shock and horror, he's imagining himself fucking Reader on his big fat cock, making her squeal and moan and cry out, as she may or may not be fat and plump with his best friend's baby in her belly...
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doki-doki-imagines · 8 months
Okay, imagine brothers Lin Kuei, Raiden, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, if their son was chosen as Earthrealm's champion and had won his first tournament.
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author note: put these two requests together! gn!child. Anon don't listen to Bi-Han! Family is people that love and support you and help you out when you fall. Blood relations have very little to do with family💫
Bi-Han: -He'll never treat you as his kid, but at least you have enough education not to bother him too much. -Bi-Han will treat you like one of his ninjas. You are either perfection or nothing. -When you get chosen as Earthrealm champion, Bi-Han was proud, but mostly green with envy. -It should have been him or at least a true Lin Kuei. -It's good that you won the tournament because it brings more honour to the Lin Kuei, but don't expect much from him, at maximum a pat on your shoulder and a "you did your job well".
Kuai Liang: -He treats like you share the same blood; you are his kid. -But Liang doesn't make preferences! You'll have to train as hard as everyone else. -At maximum, Liang will be the one to clean your wounds, something that the other trainees won't have. -You being chosen as Earthrealm champion made Liang really proud. But he also is pretty worried. -"Be safe" He tells you, looking straight into your eyes, then kissing the top of your head. Liang has complete trust in you. -Liang isn't the one for parties, but you won, so the entire Shirai Ryu needs to celebrate!! -Liang is really proud of his kid.
Tomas Vrbada: -Oh, he knows this situation way too well. -Tomas is really soft with you. He doesn't want his child to suffer. -You'll have to train mostly with Liang and Harumi. -Tomas will be super proud when you get chosen as Earthrealm champion. -But he is also really worried! The chance of you getting hurt is so high. -For once, his usual vibes will match the ones when he works. Liu Kang feels a shiver when he accompanies you to Outworld. -Tomas gets drunk at the party when you come home as a winner. It's not like he ever doubted your skills, but damn he is so happy for you.
Raiden: -He doesn't have a family either, just Fujin, so Raiden will welcome you with open arms. Honestly, meditation helped you a lot when ugly emotions started to overcome any other thought. -Raiden will smile, hand landing in on your shoulder, full of pride. "I know you had the skills to become next Earthrealm champion." -He is not worried for you, and even when he is, Raiden starts to meditate. He doesn't want to send you any negative vibe. -Raiden won't throw a full party when you return home as a winner, but he'll gladly pay you a meal at Madame Bo! -Just for you. Kung Lao will try to sneak in. Make sure he'll pay his own meal.
Kung Lao: -It will be harder for him to treat you like you're his kid, but no way Lao will leave you alone! -You'll learn all his techniques. You'll be not only Lao n1 trainee but the n1 of the entire academy. -His chest is puffed out like a turkey one when you get chosen as Earthrealm champion. -"Obviously I knew you were going to be chosen. You had the best teacher, after all!" -Even happier when you come home as a winner. "Let's celebrate at Madame Bo! Raiden will pay for all of us!"
Liu Kang: -He knew you would have come. Liu Kang waited for this moment. -Honestly? Liu Kang always wanted to become a dad, and he knows you have a bright future in front of you. -He trains you, patch your wounds he is always next to you when you need it. -Feel free to tell him to back off. Liu Kang will nod, understading your feelings. Obviously, he was proud to announce you as Earthrealm champion. -And he will be even happier when you'll win the tournament, smile from one ear to another. -"Have you seen my kid! They are amazing, aren't they?" He'll carry you around, showing you off like the proud dad he is.
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twee-too · 2 years
A Strawhat Sleepover Zoro x Sanji x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
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word count: 7k
small summary: Luffy, Usopp, and chopper had a great idea. They decided to throw a crew sleepover, but when alcohol and party games get introduced, the peaceful night gets a lot more interesting.
CW: Threesome, face fucking, oral (M&F), Drunk sex, slight neck grabbing
A/N: just wanted to point out that this is my first time writing a fanfic(Audible gasp) so it might or might not suck ass 💀 imma apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes/ incorrect sentences or smthing 😭 But hope yall enjoy it!
Also gonna colour code the names teehee
(some ppl share a colour cuz theres only so many 😒)
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Robin
since they say shii in this they get colours (sorry franky and brook)
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You and the strawhats just finished the dinner your cook Sanji had prepared. Your captain had looked like he was about to pop, his belly gotten so round from all the food he just consumed. You'd tried to contain the smile that was about to form from how Luffy looked like an overstuffed Turkey, but having your fellow cremates Usopp and Chopper laughing hysterically in your ear wasn't helping. You eventually broke out laughing after Luffy had tried to get up but falling in the process making a cartoon "boing" sound effect.
It was getting late and the crew had slowly started to do their nightly routine. You had just put on your pajamas when all of a sudden you hear Luffy yell " EVERYONE COME TO THE DECKKKKK!!!! " you obviously hear your loud captain and rush to the deck.
Everyone had arrived eager to know what they were called for. An emergency? a marine Ship spotted? another Pirate Ship that had threaten to attack the Sunny and steal all our-
"Guys! Usopp, chopper, and I had a great idea!! We should all have a sleepover on the deck since chopper has never been to a sleepove-" Before he could finshes Nami and Sanji started beating poor Luffy and Usopp up, forgetting Chopper had also been a part of this.
Nami scolded the both of them hard, You stood there rubbing your head in relief/annoyance. On one hand yay! nothing is wrong. On the other hand. Dumbasses.
Through luffys beaten up faces, he mustered up a muffled apologized
All of this was too much, especially for it being night time, but a sleepover doesn't sound too bad, The wind had been stale for the whole day and the ship had barely made it anywhere, so spending more time with your fellow crewmates couldn't be so bad right? You along with chopper had never been to a sleepover so this idea sparked the inner child in you. After all the fuss had worn off, the others had given their thoughts on the idea.
"I think the idea isn't too bad"
you were honestly a little surprised that Robin was willing to do it, actually thinking about it... it would be nice to hear her read a bedtime story for everyone, the way she reads storys never fails to soothe you.
"Me too! as long as we get to do sleepover stuff...like...uhh..."
The crew looked at you waiting to hear an example.
. . .
"To be honest I have no clue" You shrugged giving an embarrassed smile.
"ahh y/n, there's a ton of stuff to do during a sleepover! Like pillow fights, storytelling, playing tricks on people-"
Usopp was suddenly cut off at the burst of thought Nami had
"Yea! and we can also tell spoooky storys!"
Nami gave an evil stare at Usopp, knowing how much of a scaredy-cat he is.
" Ya know what? I think a sleepover is a great idea as well!"
" I think this sounds stupid, I want my sleep"
"Zoro... You take naps every day, I think you'll be fine"
"tsk" Zoro gave an annoyed look
"Fine, if it'll stop all your whining"
of course, Sanji said yes, if thats what it takes to spend more time with the ladies he'll put up with the other's shenanigans.
Everyone had agreed, and now comes the sleepover prepping! Since there were no sleeping bags on board they loaded up in blankets and pillows! Luffy was telling Sanji the snacks, food, and drinks he wanted him to prepare. Usopp, Chopper, and Franky had all started to come up with stuff to do in case they start to get bored. Robin, Nami, and brook were collecting some stories to read, Nami and brook were getting the scariest ones, and you were setting up the sleeping area with Zoro.
You and Zoro we on good terms, you would sometimes ask him to help you train and would study him a lot. You were never really a love-crazy person, but something about the way Zoro carries himself made your heart beat a little faster, It got especially worse when you started hanging around him more often. Obviously you would never want to admit this, even if you do sometimes let your mind wander off thinking about him, or would sometimes catch yourself staring at him too hard while he trained. You don't want to admit you have a slight crush on him, because if you did you'd only have your heart broken. You respected Zoro, but you also acknowledge how empty-headed he can be, you know that someone like Zoro doesn't do love, the only thing on his mind was swords, sake, and sleep. You'd sometimes daydream about what he'd be like as a boyfriend, but you knew it would never work between you two. Although you knew all of this... you still had those nights when you'd crave his touch, fantasizing what it would feel like to have his big thick hands caress the hot inners of your thighs, feel the warmth of his body against yours, the idea of having him manhandle you all night long just excited you.
"Oi, you should pick whichever blanket and pillow you want before the others get back"
With that you snapped back from being lost in thought, all this Zoro nonsense was starting to get to your head. You didn't want to like him, but your heart said "hmm yes, sword-man"
it was first come first serve when it came to the blankets/pillows, some were better than others so you took the chance to take the best ones. Zoro on the other hand took whichever one he picked up first.
You didn't know where to lay your stuff, so you just picked the middle of the deck. Zoro just plopped his stuff across from yours. Your feelings regarding him just kept coming back to your head, but after hearing Sanji and Luffy come out of the kitchen and the others start returning to the deck, you felt more at ease.
Sanji and Luffy were carrying some snacks that the chef had prepared, dead eyeing Luffy to make sure he didn't even eat a crumb of it, alas, we know how Luffy is.
A few kicks in the hip later and everyone had finally settled down into their sleeping area, Sanji though was handing out special desserts he had made for the ladies. You know how Sanji is.
When you first joined the crew you had a pretty big crush on Sanji, he had stolen your heart with his kindness, respect, and obviously his gentlemanliness. You knew if you wanted to be in a relationship with him, you could. However as time went on, your thoughts started flying everywhere, you'd wonder if he'd be a committed boyfriend, and you'd soon come to your conclusion that he just didn't seem like the loyal type, though you didn't have any proof of this well other then the fact he acts like a dog in heat around other women, thoughts just kept building up to the point where you started to distance yourself from him a little. Not by too much, just ignoring his flirtatious comments/compliments, never being in a room alone with him, and always being one of the first people to leave the kitchen after they're done eating. However, even with all your efforts to get this man outta your heart, you still can't look him in the eyes for too long without blushing, the way he gazes at you so softly always makes your heart melt.
"Y/n! I made you this pastry, I put all my heart into it! I hope it tastes as good as you look~"
His stupid heart-eyed expression always annoyed you, he'd do that to any girl he sees in a 1-mile radius. You thanked him and took his pastry, adverting eye contact.
You hated how pathetic you felt, both Zoro and Sanji had no clue how they made you feel, and that alone made you feel so small, and it's not like you'd do anything to change that. You just needed to grow up.
As the night went on the straw hat pirates did a list of activities to do. They built a blanket fort, made s'mores (Sanji did all the work, although Luffy did try to make a fire that almost ended in setting the ship on fire merry pt2) Had a pillow fight (which resulted in a few people flying off the ship) Played hide and seek, told scary storys, and finally ending in Robin reading everyone a bedtime story. You almost forgot this was a sleepover and not a party from how much fun you were having, but good things have to come to an end. Everyone was falling asleep, and you were even finding yourself..dozing...off....into.......sleep..............
You jolted up awake looking around confused, then look down to see what just hit you...
You piece the puzzle together, luffy had somehow turned upside down in his sleep and kicked you in the face by accident.
You wanted to hit him back but decided not to, you knew it'd wake up the others in the process.
You looked around to see everyone dead asleep with snores echoing to the area. you guessed it has been a few hours since everyone had fallen asleep. You get up and stretched your back, rubbing your eyes and making your way to the kitchen to grab a drink. You tried to not wake anyone up but it was hard considering it was like a maze to get out of with everyone sleeping on the floor and all. You'd soon happen to walk right above Sanji without even realizing, he grunted softly and adjusted his legs a little but that was enough movement to stop you right in your tracks. You could hear nothing but your heartbeat, it was a nerve-wracking feeling. You stared at him for a while, letting a deep sigh out. You were standing right above his face, with each foot on each side of his shoulder, if he were to wake up to this sight of you... you'd die of embarrassment, never being able to look at him the same. The more you stood there, the more your mind spun with late-night thoughts,
"what if I just sat on his face"
As soon as you thought that you turned bright red, and finally continued your way to the kitchen.
Finally, you made it to the kitchen, after what felt like years. You grab a cup and start filling it up with water until you hear someone walking outside the kitchen, your heart almost skipping a beat. You thought everyone had been off in dreamland at this time of night, but someone was awake aside from you.
You where just about to go see who it is until you hear a loud thud, then some arguing. You had a sneaking suspicion of who it was.
You walked over to check the deck and alas, Zoro had "accidentally" stepped on Sanji's foot, causing Sanji to wake up. They were about to start a commotion until you grabbed their attention and Motion them to shush.
You were thinking how this can get any worse? They end up coming to the kitchen to see what you're up to. At this point, you're panicking a little bit, you alone with the two of them? that thought alone gets your mind racing. You assure yourself that nothing is going to happen.
"Whatcha doing awake at this time of hour?"
"Luffy kicked me awake, I was just grabbing a glass of water."
"Are you ok?? does it still hurt??"
Sanji walked over to you to get a better look at your face, his face closer than it has ever been to yours, his eyes...you felt your heart doing break dances in the sudden excitement but also felt embarrassed. You dodged the eye contact and nervously faked laughed
"Ya! im fine, don't worry it wasn't too hard"
you walked off to take a seat at the table, cup in hand.
"Zoro, what'ya up for?"
"I heard some movement and noise... came to check who it was, ended up waking this guy up to"
Sanji shot an annoyed stare at Zoro, and Zoro shot one back. The tension between them was getting out of hand, you just wanted to drink your water in peace. You decided to cut the water short and go back to sleep, you were about to get up but Zoro gave an idea.
"Well, since we'll all awake, how about we do something while we have a drink"
"That's just your dumb excuse to drink sake you stupid celery stick."
"and what about it? you curly fry!"
What did he wanna do? Zoro went to grab the sake, Sanji looked like steam was about to come out his ears.
He'd had gotten 2 sake bottles and 1 empty one.
"I knew you were an idiot but come on? I hope you know thats an empty bottle"
"of course I know you dumbass"
Zoro was gritting his teeth in anger. You couldn't help but wonder what the empty bottle was for... Zoro placed the three bottles down, he had brought 2 cups for the sake and gave one to you, he didn't care enough to bring one for Sanji. He sat back down and poured himself a cup, he put the second bottle closer to you. You looked at Sanji, but he was too busy giving Zoro a dirty look.
"Whatever! I didn't wanna drink anyways"
You knew you couldn't handle sake, it was too strong for your taste. 2 or 3 cups full would probably get you pretty drunk. You decided to fill the cup up and down it. You never really liked the taste of sake, you didn't understand how Zoro can drink this stuff all the time.
"Time to play truth or dare"
Zoro smirked as he looked at both you and Sanji. Your eyes widen a little.
"you're on"
Zoro placed the bottle down ready to spin, it's not really how you play truth or dare, at least not the way you played it. there was never a bottle involved?.
He spins the bottle, sending it spinning around the table. You were sitting at the end table while Zoro was sitting on the left and Sanji on the right. The bottle stopped closer to the left side.
"Your up Zoro, truth or dare"
Zoro didn't even hesitate, caught you a little off guard, but that didn't stop you from coming up with something.
" Yell out the first word that comes to your head "
You shook a bit when he yelled that. You didn't expect him to do it so fast without hesitation. He drank more of his sake and spun the bottle again. You were a little scared, but you felt excited. But that excitement soon turned to dread when you saw the bottle slowly stop on you.
"Y/n! Truth or dare?"
You had thought that truth would've been better than dare, you were in the heat of the moment, and it's usually common knowledge that dare is worse than truth, but for a split second, you had forgotten what situation you were in. You had forgotten who you were with.
there was a moment of silence between the three of you. The tension was ripping you apart. You drank another cup of your sake. You were trying to make a mental note to not drink too much, but all you could focus on was the words that were going to come out of one of their mouths. They both looked at each other, then at you, then back at each other. You felt your palms begin to sweat a little, you were cupping them in between your legs playing with your thumbs.
"What is your biggest fantasy?"
Sanji was staring at you like you were about to tell them where the one piece was. The sudden attention on you had you suddenly blush. You couldn't look them in the eye, you couldn't even think of a fake answer. The first thing that came to your mind was having your way with both of them. Your face grew red and knew that you couldn't just say nothing. You started to feel the sake, you started to crack a smile. You couldn't hide it now, they were staring at you wondering what you were thinking.
"M-my fantasy..."
Your eyes looking down the whole time, you weren't brave enough to bring them up. your imagination was running wild, and before you realized it, you were spacing out again
"Is-- too--... be with..."
You realized what you were about to say and blinked away the dumbness. You quickly looked up to see them, but that only sent more butterflies to attack your tummy. You caught both of their eyes and felt yourself burning up.
"be with? what do you like someone?"
When Zoro said that Sanji looked like his soul had flown out of his body. You had no idea what to say, you had dug your own grave.
"ah n- uh well... uhm..."
With the sake and the level of embarrassment, you were feeling right now you couldn't form a clear sentence. You thought maybe you should drink more sake, to loosen up, but then who knows what'll you'll say next
"y/n— do you really like someone??"
Sanji was in disbelief, To be honest, it was a more genuine reaction than what you would have thought.
"That isn't... the question... I don't have to answer that"
Even without saying it both of them knew You had someone in your heart. Little did they know it was the two of them! You knew your cover was busted. They just couldn't find out it was them.
"alright fine, let's change the question, who do you like y/n?"
Zoro had an evil grin on his face, it annoyed you to the core. It also annoyed you that they were pressing you about a whole new question!
"That wasn't the original q-question! That's... not fair!"
"Well, you didn't answer the other question in time, so time for a new one."
You were beyond annoyed but also nervous as hell. How has this situation gotten worse? You cursed Zoro for being such a dick! You hated that you liked him. Plus Sanji is over there eager to know your answer, giving you all his undivided attention.
"I like...some guy...you don't know him"
Sanji looked so defeated, While Zoro over there just stared at you, you weren't even able to keep eye contact for a second without feeling your face warm up. You dont understand what they expected, or what you should've said??
The night goes on and after a while, the truths started to become worse than the dares. There was a rule where you could only pick the same thing 3 times in a row or else on your 4th time the other players get to pick for you. There were some incidents where you forgot the rule and it ended in an embarrassing mess. You'd had taken your last cup of sake for the night making it at 4 cups and at that point your inner self was on do not disturb and your embarrassment had flown out the window, the men in front of you took notice of this. Now, The bottle is on Sanji, you are thinking of a truth question but you just end up blurting out the first thing you think of.
"hehehe.... What ... turns you on the most? sannnji~"
Your question caught both Zoro and Sanji completely off guard. You went from not being able to make eye contact to this? You stayed giggly and kept looking at the stunned blonde. Sanji was Speechless, his face blushed with a little bit of pink. None of them have ever seen this side of you. It was a turn-on in itself!
"haa...uhh..probably would be..."
He already knew the answer, but could never say it was you, but of course he wants to say you. He's loved you ever since you joined the crew. He loves you so much it hurts to not be around you, but he doesn't want to force anything or make things uncomfortable for you. He didn't want to say anything to you because he couldn't read you sometimes, one day you'll be kind to him and the next you'd be giving him the cold shoulder. He didn't want to make the wrong move so he just went your flow, but by doing so it sorta created a distance between the two of you. He always tells himself it's what you want, but it still breaks him. He'd think about you every night before he slept, hoping one day you love him as much as he loves you. He doesn't like to think of himself as a pervert, but every now and then when he's taking care of "Business" he'd always Dream of you, how you'd look completely exposed under him while he plants a kiss over your soft face, then on your neck, then your perked up breast, thinking of that alone can get him stone hard.
He looked at you, you looked so adorable, like nothing in the world mattered.
"as long as its the person I love, anything they do can get me going"
He didn't break eye contact, but gave a soft smile to you, it was like he was trying to tell you with his eyes. You on the other hand were too drunk to get the memo. Sanji grabbed the bottle and gave it a hard spin. It eventually stopped on Zoro, he had only been doing dares when given the chance, so now it's his turn to do truth. You gave him this Big cheeky smile alongside a giggle. After that question Sanji got, Zoro wasn't too excited about whatever you were about to spit out.
"....How many ...people have you slept with?"
He knew he shouldn't be surprised but damn. Your expression plus the way you said that was so....he felt his heart skipping and doing a little dance. You looked so vulnerable in his eyes, made him just wanna carry you to somewhere private and have his way with you. He didn't even realize he had feelings for you, not until a few weeks ago. He was Training like usual but it felt more empty like Something was missing. when he was done, he saw you talking to Luffy. He knew nothing was going on between you two but something about how happy you looked bugged the hell outta him. He wanted to just walk over and sweep you away, he wanted you to only ever be that happy when you're with him. That's when he realized, what was he thinking? he thought he might've been tired so he took a nap but even in his dreams he saw you, but you were so out of reach. It drove him crazy, to the point he couldn't even look at you without feeling a pain in his chest. He knew at that point it was love, it had to be.
"Hmm, 3"
Zoro had been with a few people way before he had met Luffy, but this news absolutely blew you away, you couldn't even hide how visibly surprised you were. This meant that Zoro actually cared about his love life?? well at least his sex life, but you were jumping to conclusions. This all hit you at once, like a big sign that said "YOU HAVE A CHANCE" you didn't even know what to say, but before you could muster up anything he had already gone and spun the bottle. You were still processing all the thoughts in your head, not even noticing the bottle barely on your side.
"y/n Truth or dare"
now that you know Zoro could potentially develop feelings, you go in for the kill. At this point, you had all the confidence in the world.
"I p-pick truth!!"
you were riding the little bit of hope you had, you fully believed in yourself. You were ready for whatever they were about to say! However You took a look at Zoro, he was giving this devilish smirk and looked like he was trying to contain a laugh. He looked up to meet your eyes.
"Who would you rather want to sleep with, Me, or Curlybrows?"
You looked at Zoro, a little puzzled, even Sanji let out a small gasp, he didn't think Zoro would ask such a straightforward question. Zoro knew if worse came to worse he could blame it on the booze.
You knew that too.
"I-I'd rather sleep with both of you"
You saying that felt like a 10-ton hammer had been lifted off of you. You felt so free now that you have nothing to hide anymore. Other than your feelings. Maybe they got the hint? you looked back at them, both flushed with a red tint down to their neck, Sanji grabbing a tissue to block the blood from coming out his nose while Zoro froze up. The room went silent for a moment until it was broken by the sound of Zoro's chair backing up. You looked up at Zoro wondering what he was doing? Maybe you weirded him out and he was leaving, you never stopped looking at him until he had walked right up to you.
"It's a damn shame you didn't say just me, but hey, better than nothing"
Quickly he spun your chair to face him and leaned forward to grab your chair armrest.
"You idiot marimo! Whattya-"
Sanji quickly got up to back Zoro away from you.
"Shut it you shitty chef... listen for a second"
He never broke eye contact with you. Him leaning above you gripping your arm rests for some reason turned you on? the roughness was extremely hot.
"I know your drunk.... but tell me where you being serious"
You were confused why Zoro took it so personally. In response to his question, you shook your head yes. He moved his face closer to your ear, you could feel his body warmth from how close he was.
" would you wanna do it now? "
His words lingered in your ear, his deep whispery voice made you clinch your thighs together. Took a second for you nod yes, you haden't fully realized your actions before Zoro picked you up and plopped you on his shoulder your ass towards his face while you stared dumbfounded at Sanji.
"You heard her Curlybrows, she wants us to fuck her"
You've never seen Sanji so flabbergasted, it was honestly kinda cute, but that was the last thing on your mind right now. They were gonna what you? you looked at Sanji to see him following Zoro, bring more tissues. You cover your face, you didn't know if he was joking or not, but here you are at The aquarium bar. No one was gonna hear anything, was he being serious??
He sat you down on the long sofa, giving you a peck on the forehead. Sanji then followed by sitting next to you. He looked eager to touch you, his eyes scanning your body, but he took your hand and kissed all around it, kissing your palm, your fingers, your knuckles, then finally looking at you, the light from the aquarium tank made him look so Beautiful.
"Are you sure you want this darling?"
Your heart almost exploded in your chest, this is what you've been waiting for, this moment right now. To give them all your love. You felt Zoro take your other hand and kiss your wrist slowly trailing up, stopping on your skin and looking at you, waiting for your answer.
You could feel Zoros smirk on your skin, he snuck a few more kisses in and got up on his feet.
Zoro balled his hand in a fist, initiating a game of rock paper scissors. Without questioning, Sanji did the same.
"Rock, paper Scissors"
Sanji had won.
Zoro gave a defeated look, while even tho Sanji had no clue why they were doing this, he was still smug because he had won.
Zoro took your hand and tugged you in front of him, your back directly on his chest. You could feel his erection on your ass, and knowing how turned on he was made you even hornier.
"I got top, you got bottom"
Sanji was already happy he beat Zoro, but now he gets to eat you out too? he couldn't be more excited. He got on his knees and slowly started taking off your shorts, letting them drop to your ankles. He couldn't believe the sight he was seeing, taking it all in and staring without making a move, the way he eyed your wet panties made you needier.
You jolted a little when you felt a wet kiss on the crease of your underwear, he licked the brim, and he kissed all around your panties just before spreading your thighs more to get a better angle of your covered pussy. He started to lick your clit through your panties, he could already tell how wet you were before he even started. He suckled and pushed his saliva through your underwear making you lean into his mouth, even with your panties on he still somehow managed to devour you.
While Sanji was getting busy feasting on your honeypot, Zoro had already crawled his way under your shirt into your bra. He had mange to sleep with women before, but that doesn't mean he knows how to take off a bra, after all, he's still a dumbass. you could tell he was struggling a little, which made you internally giggle and crack a half smile until he had enough and literally ripped that shit in half. The shock shoved you deeper into Sanji's face causing you to slightly moan, you saw your ripped bra fall to the floor and a pair of Big calloused hands Touch you up. Your soft skin, your scent, and your little gasps at every touch were driving Zoro mad. He was a hungry beast and you were the only cure for his Hunger. He dug his face into your neck while he messaged your breasts, sucking your shoulder, then moving to the side of your neck, from the side moving to the back. You could feel him taking in your Pleasant aroma, it gave you Goosebumps.
You were getting needier, you wanted more. It felt as if they were just testing the waters, you bit the inside of your bottom lip slightly staring at Sanji's head. He kissed all around your thigh, lifting his head and now making eye contact with you.
"Can I take this off, sweetheart?"
He tugged slightly at your panties, his eyes were as soft as his touch. You nodded your head yes and felt him slowly take them off. You felt the cold air meet your wet cunt, you could also feel how wet your panties were when he took them off. Your legs flinched a little at the new cold atmosphere. Your bottoms have completely been taken off and were fully exposed. you could just feel Sanji's extreme gaze on you, he rubbed his hand up and down your thigh as he pecked kisses all around the front of your pussy.
His tongue taking lead and slowly made a sloppy trail to meet your slit. You twitch your legs slightly closer and a small airy "ah" moans out your mouth. You could feel Sanji's mouth touch your sweet clit, he groaned into your cunt making your legs shake. Zoro was getting busy full-on needing your tits, He brushed against your now erected nipples, toying with them. He made sure to not fully play with them just to tease you a little.
You whisper bringing your hand to touch your breasts, but before you could Zoro pinned your hands behind your back and pushed his boner into your ass, slamming your pussy all in Sanji's face. you let out a desperate moan as you felt Sanji's groan vibrate throughout your body, he didn't stop his feast and continued to eat you out. His tongue flicked your clit at a rapid pace, sucking and licking like that was the last meal he'll ever eat. You jolted at the sudden bite Zoro had marked on the side of your neck. He was still holding your hands tight, he won't allow you to help him. With his free hand he grabbed your face by the cheeks to pull you into a wet kiss. He groaned into your mouth and could feel how hard he was breathing, he slide his tongue in pushing your faces closer together like he wanted to merge.
You both pulled out of your intense kiss, gasping for air. Sanji wasn't letting up, his tongue was like a gift from god. He went from fast licking and suckles, to slow tongue glides across your sensitive spot. You felt Zoros mouth right over your ear, He bit it softly and sucked on the area he had bit. You let out a louder moan, goosebumps ran through your body as you felt Zoros wet tongue enter your ear. The feeling was so new, your body squirmed at the feeling, but that only made you rub against Sanji's tongue more. His wet tongue moved its way along the inside of your ear, you could hear his groans Crystal clear. You felt yourself coming to a climax, Your back arched and you locked Sanji's face in between your thighs.
"I-I'm— ahh!"
You couldn't form a sentence, the pleasure was too immense. They understood that you were about to cum, you felt Sanji pick the pace up a little, and Zoro with played with your nipples. You let out a finishing moan and leaned forward into Sanji's face, feeling your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your legs shook profusely as you felt overwhelmed, you were on your tippy toes at this point. Drool ran down your face as you felt you're high come down, your legs became weak as Sanji pulled away. Zoro had bear-hugged you for support just in case, you were breathing so heavily it sounded like you were whimpering.
Sanji kissed your thigh, his soft wet lips against the inside of your Shakin thigh made you Twitch. Zoro still hugging you, lifted you and sat you back down on the sofa. You looked at them both, Zoro was as red as a tomato, and Sanji cleaned his face with his thumb, your juices glistened on his finger, his face was bloodshot red and looked like he was about to blow up. You then noticed the tent that laid on his pants, you looked at Zoro, just to see the same.
Sanji is still on his knees, laying his head on your lap. You motioned him to sit on the sofa, which he quickly did.
Your heart was still beating heavily, you wanted to make them feel as good as they made you. You turn to Zoro and whisper in his ear
"You'll be in back"
As you drew your head away from him, You could see the not-so-slick smirk that had crept onto his flustered face, Zoro didn't even try and hide his satisfaction. Sanji had wondered what you told him, but before he could ask you had gotten on all fours and faced Sanji, you pecked a kitten kiss onto his still-wet lips. As you went further down, your back arched more upwards, lifting your ass for Zoros view. They had both got the memo, Sanji protested cupping your face in his hands.
"Wait-! Y/n, I don't want to get your Beautiful face dirty... you don't have to do this"
His cute puppy-eyed face made you wanna do it even more.
"I want to do this...I...I've been waiting to..."
Sanji bit his lip and groaned at the way you stroked his hardness slowly up and down. You didn't even give him a chance to protest, he was already melting from your touch. You could feel Zoro message your ass slowly, like he was waiting for something. He rubbed his erection onto your exposed cunt, You held in your moan, you craved him more than ever. You slid off Sanji's pants and pulled his dick out, you looked at it wondering if you could really take him all in your mouth. However, before you got to test that thought you felt Zoro smack your ass, you yelped in shock. He bent forward a little and pulled your face up towards him, he whispered deeply in your ear
"you didn't tell me what you wanted."
His voice was so rich and gruff in your ear, you let out a small Exhale as he dug his crotch into your ass, rubbing it slowly.
"I— want you"
"You want me what?"
"to..f-fuck me.."
He hummed hearing you say that "Now put it all together" he teased
"I-I want you to fuck me Zoro!"
"That's my girl"
He set you back to doggy style and grabbed your ass, sanji kissed your forehead before giving Zoro an ugly look. Not for too long tho, when he felt your tongue meet the tip of his dick. He couldn't even remember what he was mad about. He jolted and let out not so concealed groan.
You sucked the tip feeling it twitch in your mouth. The warmth filled you as you took more of him, licking around his Veins, You got off to seeing how much pleasure that was spread onto Sanji's face. That thought was cut sort becuase of a sudden pressure you felt in your backside. You almost choked when you felt the tip of Zoros dick press into your entrance. You didn't expect him to be so thick, you felt a moan bubble up and couldn't hold it in, letting out a muffled moan onto Sanji's member. Which he surely enjoyed.
Your walls wrapped around him like a Christmas present, the grip was real he felt like he could cum just like that but he knew that wouldve been embrassing He gripped your ass and let out a broken grunt. Your toes curled with each inch he went deeper, you could feel his dick pulsing in you. He spread your cheeks apart with his thumbs, to get a better look at how his dick just fills you up. He suddenly pulled out slowly, you let out a little whine of confusion. You wanted to look back at him and see what he was doing, but as he was tip-deep he thrusted hard into you. Your legs jolt together, you feel Sanji's dick hit the back of your throat, you couldn't help but let out a choked gag.
Zoro's thrusts were slow but hit hard, he'd try to go slow, but his patients was running low, he couldn't help it when his hips started to pick up the pace.You bobbed your head up and down feeling Sanji's tip hit the back of your throat. Slurping his dick out your mouth you look up at him as you let your tongue roll out, all the juices that's been building in your mouth leak from your tongue to the head of his member.
Sanji really couldn't hold back how much he wanted to just devour you, his face went apple red as he bit his lip and tried to keep eye contact. His chest grew and shrank as his breath increased, you put him back into your mouth while stroking him. You loved seeing him this Squamish, you loved his soft moans and groans, any noise that came out his mouth made you want to have the sloppiest make-out session. You loved the Control you had over him and his pleasure, you felt your clit pulsing, you went to go play with it but Zoro grabbed your arm and folded it behind you. He went for your other arm and crossed it behind your back. He gripped your hands tight as his hips slammed against your ass, he was going all in now, his thrusts sounded like gun shots, he wanted to go as deep as he could. Loud moans and groans filled the air along with slapping sounds, Your head was getting fuzzy and your eyes where clouded.
The hard thrusts and motions from Zoro did all the work for you when giving head to Sanji, The sensation made your teary eyes roll back, you felt your stomach knot, and your moans became more loud and desperate. You felt yourself reach your limit as Zoro hit your cervix. Your legs shook and tightened up as you felt yourself cramp up, warm tears ran down your stuffed face. You moaned onto Sanji's dick when you felt him bring his hands to your face, his thumbs rubbing away your tears from your puffed-up flustered cheeks.
Sanji's hands tensed up, he was reaching his climax feeling his dick hit the back of your throat, hearing the gurgling noises you made with each thrust Drilled into his ear. He was drunk on lust, he didn't even realize he was gripping your face slightly and moving his hands along with each thrust Zoro did. He let out one last groan as he filled your mouth with his seed. Zoro wasn't too far off from his own release. He held your hands with one hand and your neck with the other, slapping against you again and again. Edging closer to his pleasure like an animal in heat. His breath was out of sync with his movement and his grunts started becoming more rough. He quickly pulled out and painted your ass white, he held his twitchy cock on your ass stroking it vigorously until nothing came out.
As everyone came down from their high, both Zoro and Sanji realized how messy things had got. Your face is covered in a mix of cum and saliva, and your ass is graffitied with Zoros jizz. Sanji had taken a minute to question what happened to all the stuff in your mouth? He dragged his thumb to your bottom lip and slowly pressed into your mouth, to see everything had been gone. A part of him was extremely turned on
"did you swallow it darling??"
Sanji was both concerned and extremely flustered, but before he got to overreact you felt your legs go weak, you couldn't hold yourself up anymore and collapsed.
You woke up on deck, Your face tucked in zoros neck. Your body still felt sore but it was bearable, you were all cleaned up from what the three of you had done. Having zoro hold you with such security and softness made you feel at ease. You heard the others from the kitchen, it was only you and Zoro who hadn't gone to breakfast. You felt bad for Sanji since he couldn't sleep in with you. You looked at Zoros's resting face, you examined him how handsome he was.
"Go back to sleep"
He mumbled, adjusted his pose, and pulled you closer to him. You gave him a little peck on the neck before you felt your tiredness creep up on you, it was not long before you and him Fell back to sleep with the morning wind brushing against your warm faces~ꨄ
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