#obviously not all Americans are like this but a lot of you are rn
cerys-capricorn · 1 year
The country I live in is on fire with millions of acres destroyed and thousands of people evacuated. This is potentially the 2nd time in 4 years that people will loose everything they have (as the 2019 Canadian wildfires were also horrendous). Millions are suffering displacement, homelessness, and health risks due to the wildfires across the country. I live in British Columbia and I remember 2019. This is so much worse. The ENTIRE country is pretty much on fire.
And what do the people of the U.S.A immediately say? “Blame Canada!” “We need to invade them bc clearly something is wrong up there” “Canada fucking sucks!” “Ugh, here is my Timelapse of how smokey the sky is, but apparently it will be gone in 2 days.”
Well Americans aren’t the ones who have to deal with the LITERAL GIANT FIRES SCORCHING THEIR NEIGHBOURHOODS AND FORESTS! They don’t have to pack up everything they own and hope, JUST HOPE, they come back and their homes aren’t burnt to the ground. They don’t have to hope their communities aren’t entirely destroyed. They don’t have to worry if their friends, families, and animals are okay. They are not the ones trapped due to roads being closed and heavy debris falling as the fires become uncontrollable. And they only seem to care when it is them on fire. But if another country is? They don’t fucking bat an eye, and yet the rest of the world helps them when they are in need.
So instead of complaining Americans, how about you fucking help for once? We are thankful you sent some of your firefighters to help us, but in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t enough. The U.S.A as a country is the 2nd biggest C02 producer in the world, which heavily contributes to the worsening of climate change, hence the wildfires. But Americans seem to forget this little fact. They forget that their politics and their environmental policies have literally fucked the rest of the world. So stop being so fucking selfish and actually help for once by contacting your local, state, and federal government(s). Stop voting for absolute idiots that want climate change to worsen so their pockets can be filled. Help by spreading information that will help those impacted, volunteer if you can, and maybe consider donating if you have the means. Or at least have some goddamn compassion and sympathy.
Here are some ways you can help:
• United Way for the Northwest Territories
All money donated goes to those affected by the wildfires in the NWT. Every donation is matched by the Federal Canadian and NWT governments.
• The Canadian Red Cross
All donations go towards those most impacted by wildfires across the Canadian Maritimes "with immediate and ongoing relief, recovery and resilience efforts in response to the wildfires, as well as supporting community preparedness and risk reduction for future all-hazard disaster events within Atlantic Canada”. The Federal Canadian and Nova Scotia provincial government have committed to matching each $1 donation to become $3.
• Donate A Mask
This organization ships free N95 respirator equivalent masks across Canada to those affected by the wildfires and for those who cannot afford high-quality and high-grade medical masks.
• Firefighters Without Borders
Firefighters Without Borders is a organization based in Ontario that provides equipment and training to local firefighters and communities across Canada. This helps in fighting current and future wildfires and promotes prevention. It also supports local firefighters to host and provide equipment to international firefighters when Canada needs assistance.
• Odawa Native Friendship Centre
The Odawa Native Friendship Centre is an organization serving the Ottawa-Carleton region in Ontario by helping Indigenous peoples that have had to evacuate their homes due to the wildfires. They accept money donations and usually accept clothing donations as well, but they are not taking clothing items at this time.
• The Central Okanagan Food Bank BC Wildfires Emergency Food Relief Fund
This organization donates much needed food to those impacted by the wildfires who are currently facing food insecurity. They have expanded to helping the entire province as the wildfires have spread.
For more information and to stay up to date:
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hero-israel · 2 months
homelessness and the housing crisis is growing, healthcare is shit, education system is shit, ppl can barely find jobs, white supremacy movements is growing, etc etc etc but ppl are willing to let trump win bc biden and kamala aren’t anti israel. as if trump isn’t even more outwardly pro israel than they are?? and why are we letting issues in israel and palestine, that yes are important, decide what president we elect in the united states of america???
foreign policy has never played such a big role in an election since what, vietnam?? afghanistan? but americans were getting affected by those two on a large scale. there are only a few US spec ops forces in israel rn, and that’s mainly to help identify hostages especially american ones. and ppl are blaming all of these issues above on US aid money to israel when that’s not the cause of it and would most likely just increase under trump. ffs i hate these leftists so much.
In Putin's Russia, robots program people!
This is the most obvious case I've ever seen of trollbot accounts swaying public opinion and motivating previously normal-ish people towards political extremism and even violence. It's like all the propaganda we see whipping up angry mobs in "The Boys," but on the other side; their college diplomas did not save them from becoming Sandy Hook Truthers.
I remember when Occupy Wall Street fizzled out ineffectively - and that was about day-to-day economic conditions for American voters! People couldn't motivate themselves over that, but some influencer talking about a "Gaza famine" could help Trump carry MIchigan? A repulsive, sick joke.
The epistemic closure of leftists needs a lot more examination. I will not forget the person who posted this: "Do you dare to claim that the Left promote anywhere in the world real anti-semitism, namely theories that the Jews are by their nature evil or inferior or that they are the root of all the problems in the world  ? Or do you claim perhaps that the Left promote policies of discrimination or exclusion towards Jews, let alone of persecution of the Jews ?...
...Anti-semitism is not a problem for the Left as a movement for the reason that I have explained above, namely the total incompatibility between the worldview of the Left and anti-semitism. The same obtains for anti-Black racism. Perhaps there are some leftist individuals with residual anti-Black tendencies, but obviously anti-Black racism is not today a problem for the Left as a whole, as the Left is in its very essence for the equality and equal dignity of all people”
Homelander can't be a badguy, he's the goodguy
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mossadspypigeon · 1 month
i feel like such a bitch for it but its honestly felt so vindicating to have the pro-pal crowd called out with how theyre calling for everyone to give up their gddamn human rights """for palestine"""
i feel awful for saying it but. in the usa at least, since thats all i can speak for, it feels like theres a real problem among arab communities where there's absolutely no recognition of their history of imperialism/colonizer bs, their history of slavery, and yknow, their entire history with jews + theyre coddled in their beliefs if not outright praised by usually rich white goyische kids. im not saying other communities dont have similar issues, but obviously this is the one having the bigger impact rn (imho) and its a double whammy for how it's happening
it almost feels like some kind of rebellion/backlash against the post-9/11 mindset & racism, but like, in that way that bratty kids rebel where they have no clue what any of the actual original protesting meant, if that makes any sense? like they've heard ppl talk about how shit was fucked in the aftermath but instead of taking in anything, they just wanna be white saviors of the poor, helpless brown ppl being genocided by those eeevvviiilll jews!
also since i mentioned that... how much would you bet all those little dumbass "osama bin laden was right" white kids are full pro-hamas weirdos now lmao
you’re right! tbh the circle jerk between entitled leftist arabs and entitled leftist european white people is just that. colonizer recognizes colonizer.
fun fact my friend: they ARE pro hamas. the black non jews who said osama was right are too lmao. you had the right instinct!!
and the thing is: we warned non arab people about this, especially black non jews, and they didnt care or listen. (i am pointing out leftist black non jews btw, we do have a lot of amazing allies). the antisemitism and history of colonization of other groups didnt matter to them. the prejudice matters now that it’s effecting them directly.
it’s been clear for years now, YEARS, that jews do not matter to ultra leftist black goyim. we are not human to them—we are scapegoats for their problems. the group they can shit on and exclude, which is why we are not included in dei or ethnic studies. but they expect our allyship and unquestioning support. they erase our history, gaslight us, and side with oppressors, but cannot be called out.
idk, the entitlement is truly something. it’s a lot.
at this point, i think “white saviorism” is ingrained in most americans no matter their background. it’s more like “american saviorism” tbh. the american desire to infantilize and step in is strong lol. and it needs to be talked about and worked through by every american no matter their skin color. this american entitlement is also why people view conflicts outside of america through an american lens. it’s a problem in so many ways.
and one of the reasons the ultra left hates israel is because we don’t fit into this narrative anymore. the left actually liked israel until the yom kippur war. once we kept winning and didn’t need to be saved, we were dropped.
also leftist black non jews (and arabs) are attacking pro palestine jews rn and accusing them of theft and shit on other platforms. i’ll try to do some kind of update at some point. it’s been a whole entire mess.
(i want to add as well: many leftist arabs and pro palestine folks are blaming jews for this unrest too lmao that THEY caused. typical)
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knichii · 2 months
OK. does anyone else feel irritated that eng dub seems to be favoured in mha? in edits, in fics, it's clear most people watched dub and idk it's been rlly grinding my gears.
okay, to get this out the way, I don't like mha's eng dub. I don't like any of them. half don't fit their characters, 75% of the time the tone lands forced and awkward, and its literally just unbearable for me to watch I'm sorry. I have this issue with a lot of anime and cartoons so this isn't solely a my hero problem, but this is definitely the most severely I've disliked a dub. and yet I cannot escape it.
one of my biggest issues is the nuance that's lost in translation. anyone with any familiarity with the Japanese language will know what I mean. list of examples:
1. iida refers to class 1-A with '-kun'
2. yaoyorozu refers to class 1-A with '-san'
3. asui refers to class 1-A with '-chan'
3. deku with '-kun' (m) & '-san' (f)
that says SO MUCH about their characters, how they view their relationships, how they view themselves,, but in dub?? all of that's lost. ESP the significance of deku still calling bkg 'kacchan'. [simplified, '-chan' is used for cute/endearing things. it stemmed from children mispronouncing '-san', and became a childish, cutesy way of calling someone, usually someone you're VERY familiar with. it implies a shocking ammount of intimacy] thru years of bullying, all the rocks and straight up non existent road of their relationship, deku STILL calls him 'kacchan', the ONLY one allowed to do so ("but kaminari--" NEENAWNEENAWNEENAW).
in eng dub it gets reduced to a mere nickname, lacking all of its weight.
another thing is bakugou sub vs dub (...)
the most recent example is when bkg says "of course you pulled it off, Icyhot." (I forgot the context tho) in sub, he says "of course you pulled it off, TODOROKI".
THATS SUCH A NICHE, SUBTLE WAY OF SHOWING HIS DEVELOPMENT THATS TOSSED STRAIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. translation (manga) also has him calling his seniors 'senpai' which is... not what he says in sub????? 'senpai' indicates respect for someone your senior,,,, which. bkg would never show. (or only in EXTREMELY rare cases, MAYBE)
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there's also my peeve abt names. this may be an only me issue, but I don't like it when japanese names are written in western format (e.g Izuku Midoriya)... ("this guy cannot be fr rn" unfortunately yes I am). I don't have a reason for this, and I'm aware it's niche and irrational, but I always cringe a little when I'm reading a fic, that's SET IN JAPAN, and their names are written Given Name, Family Name. emphasis on SET IN JAPAN. THEY ARE JAPANESE. THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN.
bkg's hero name. his og one which was translated to King Explosion Murder, losing all of the wit and cleverness in the jp original. this post goes into more detail and is very cool check it out
slightly irrelevant but bkg's jp va, Okamoto Nobuhiko, like. wow. the bkdk fight? the voice cracks? the ANGUISH?? the softness in his voice when bkg was abt to die (the hallucination w all might) ??? like,, wow. the emotion is so much more raw than it's conveyed in eng
(note: jjk was my first anime fandom so I'm probably spoiled. over there, sub seems to be favoured, barring a few iconic lines [ray chase lwk served as sukuna in the shibuya arc] and the fics, like 70% of the ones I read, used japanese honorifics and culture. in comparison, mha was a bit of a shock. the side of the fandom I washed up on is so... American??? maybe I'm in the wrong place idk. everything's just extremely white and slightly uncomfortable.)
this was a bit of a vent post,, obviously ik people are entitled to opinions (even if they're wrong), I js wanted tk if anyone else felt the same way
reading this back, I'm aware of how chronically online I am. yeah. still tho
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worminterface · 2 months
thinking about it too much actually makes me nauseous, and so many lib mfs on this website are being so annoying about it, but thinking about it logically and strategically. yes. voting for Harris is most likely the best option. I don't really fault anyone who hates the idea, but think about it. what good would abstaining do. name one real benefit. no that's moral high ground. name one benefit to not voting for the damn cop that is likely and measurable.
istg I am not trying to talk down to anybody. I've noticed most people arguing over this bullshit on Tumblr rn are kinda preachy, condescending, and patronizing, no matter their take, and I'm not trying to do that. I am a sixteen year old on tumblr.com I promise you I do not think I have the intellectual high ground.
also while obviously she's been awful regarding the Gazan genocide same as any other member of the current administration (the "right to defend itself" bullshit & promises of a two-state solution), her intentions do seem better than Trump's for sure. Reuters notes that compared to Biden, she would likely be "harsher" on Israel, and she has called for ceasefire. Trump's two-state peace proposal in Jan 2020 would have had Palestine cede almost everything that they're fighting for, and besides that gave "near-absolute, unconditional support to Israel". He's also more recently said that Israel needs to "finish what they started" without elaborating much further. (sorry for linking to CNN.) please actually click on the links and read the articles.
endorsing her pisses me off to no end but imo as a U.S. citizen you have the responsibility to use your vote with harm reduction in mind, irt both within and without the country. also voting is not close to the end-all be-all of pursuing justice as an American citizen, nor even the most effective, I'd say. that's not a reason to not vote, but it is a reason to do more than vote if you don't like the morals of voting for The Cop. what that means is up to you and don't tell the FBI I said that. it's just annoying when people treat it as a binary
also that's not getting into her domestic policies. Idk it's a lot more nuanced than a lot of people are making it out to be I think. You can't absolve yourself from responsibility by calling the system out for being unethical and not participating. that is still a choice within the system. you are a citizen of one of the most powerful states in the world and must make your decisions accordingly.
anyway vote Hamas and Xi Jinping 2024 (they are running jointly)
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sprinklenoodles · 29 days
Guess who read all of the Pokemon fic~? And, I got some art! A LOT of art For one... IT'S THE QUEEN LOAF!! Stare into her eyes. So majestic u_u
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Then, I decided to draw Byakuya and all his Pokemon so far. Took me a bit to figure out a good outfit for the heir as it mentions he's in a suit, but I didn't wanna just put him in his standard suit. Also spruced up his hair. His Karen cut has evolved. Also, they're small but the B's are on the Pokeballs!! Ensured I kept the hights good btw since Larvesta is (pardon my American ways) 3ft, Eeevee is like a ft, and Byakuya is 6'1.
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Then, I decided do draw them some more. Also, in regards to Byakuya and his girls, I tried making Eevee a bit more distinct than the standard Eevee. Might play around a bit more and might tweak her once she evolves so the shape language alludes to her future. Also, I wanted Byakuya to look like he's so not secretly gushing about his girls so I hope I did that well.
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Finally, before I comment on the fic, I drew this silly drawing as well. Tried some shading too and gosh do I love how Larvesta turned out. She is indeed the fat loaf.
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As for comments on the fic, very cute so far. Loving the petty energy with Byakuya and his rival. Also love all the gang slowly getting 2nd Pokémon together. Byakuya's got two fluffy girls on his hands now which I just love the pattern that he's so far got only female Pokémon. I dunno why but it makes my brain so happy. Just Byakuya and his smart though sometimes dumb girls. I mean, Eevee was literally bonking her head on the glass when they were at the aquarium like a freaking goober. Also, as for some other words which are mostly Byakuya based cus my gosh and I gushing about him and his team, like, Eevee is a cute addition. I like him carrying her and also liked when he told Eeeve the drama about him and his rival. Which, I just love that he just has full blown conversations with his Pokemon and he gossips with them. Shows he treats them both well and that he really is considerate of their feelings. Like when he noticed Eevee wanted to see the aquarium and let her do her own thing and explore. Another thing I wanna mention is Kijo's Alteria. She is gorgeous and I like that, like father like song, both have elegant clingy queens for Pokémon with fluffy white fur. It was so adorable when Alteria just pounced on the heir. Very precious detail too that Byakuya was comfy and could have just conked out on the spot. Maybe he needs an Alteria of his own. Maybe he'd sleep better. Which, another note, I love Larvesta being a canonical bed hog. I can just tell he gave up long ago on getting her off the damn bed. I know these are very disjointed thoughts but gooooosh! I could blabber on for several more asks. Genuinely. My brain is enthralled with almost ever fic I read from you. I swear! And I actually am so freaking attached to Larvesta. As I said prior, a part of me wants her to stay a loaf forever like how some Pokemon in the anime never evolved like Ash's Toadadile or, more obviously, his Pikachu. She's too precious as hell and I don't want her to change T-T I totally get if you let her evolve though!! Don't let my goober ways change your plans heheh!! But yeah! I made this jam packed with stuff this time around heehhe!! Am shocked tbh cus I legit did not expect my art block to just be cured cus of a buggy fire loaf. I am so drawing more of these guys too! Gonna draw Byakuya's human gang as well!! If you have any comments on the designs btw, do tell!! I love reading!!!!
THIS IS SOOOO AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!!! Wish I could say more but going somewhere rn and in a car lol
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 19 days
Some Nebulous Slaughter Family (Game) Headcanons of Mine:
SLIGHT spoilers for Museum Mode, especially the ending
Drayton is actually a good cook. I know in the second film it's canonical, but until we get Choptop, I'm saying that he's REALLY good, I'm talking fully seasoned, he does a variety of different techniques to cook or do certain things, he can make pastry, he can make bread, he can do it all as long as there's meat involved
Nancy, on the other hand, would boil an arm and serve it, bright white gross flesh with no seasoning and a few boiled vegetables and call it a balanced meal (my friend @soggymari and I actually had this discussion whilst playing one time so I kinda owe this one to her-)
Hence why the whole family tries their best to convince her to let Drayton do the cooking-
Thanksgiving at the Slaughter House would be ELITE, probably the only time of year that the family get along (they basically perpetually live in stress, so a typically stressful occasion for most American families (I assume, from across the ocean) is actually quite chill for them so long as everyone stays out of the kitchen unless called for and let's Drayton cook), Nancy makes a dessert and it's actually quite good, the cousins all come over and they like, have an extension for the dining table so they can all fit somehow, they probably don't have to hunt anyone down or have any interruptions because everyone else is with their families, idk, I imagine it's actually kinda cosy
I've said this before on TikTok and it was a clip in my lil edit I posted recently sort of inexplicably, but I personally think that the Luggage Room upstairs in the Family House used to be Sissy's bedroom. One of my lil issues with the Family House is that Drayton, Nubbins and Grandpa have a bedroom each, but Bubba and Sissy don't. Bubba obviously sleeps in the basement now, but I imagine that the study was once his room, and Drayton converted it once Bubba started staying downstairs. As for Sissy, I think she had the Luggage Room, and the reason it's in such bad shape is because either Drayton, Johnny, Nubbins, Bubba or perhaps all of them at different points fucking tore it to shreds when she ran away, angry and betrayed from her leaving them. I have more reasons for thinking this, going from "it's one of the only rooms in the house with a poison station, duh" to "the shadowy birds outside the room symbolise Sissy's desire to be free, but she'll always have to live in shadows or away from normal people because she's a Slaughter; she will always be alienated from them" so... I can talk more about that some other time-
I've seen a lot of people saying that you can see the Family House from Nancy's, and like, MAYBE?? But if you look at the house next door from her front garden, and then go down to outside Johnny's Shack... They're basically in the same spot, and that house next door is DEFINITELY not the Family House
However, I also think that the Valve Exit on Family House (i know that Museum Mode doesn't have the valve exit, so canonically speaking, it's likely just a fence there) leads directly to the Car Battery exit on Nancy's House, and Johnny walks through the woods up the hill to come see the others
I have made three separate family trees for this family of how I personally think they might be related. I know part of the point is that we don't know and will never know HOW they're a family, only that they ARE a family, blood relation be damned, if you're family, you're family. But these are MY Headcanons, I get to decide how these people are related-
The reason Nubbins' room is so big is because he used to share it with his twin brother before he went to Vietnam, hence the spare mattress in there in Museum Mode (it might also be in there in the regular gameplay, I can't remember rn and I'm not booting up a private match to check rn)
Sissy gives Bubba her old makeup
Johnny is actually very thoughtful; he brings back little souvenirs from his trips with Uncle Hands (like the Phlugerville sticker he gave Bubba for his chainsaw) and used to bring a little something back for everyone, even Drayton. He's stopped doing that as of late.
Harold was Nancy's first and most beloved husband. She only killed him because she felt like he was the reason she couldn't have a baby, and wanted that more than anything in the world, and though she has kept all three of them in the Man Cave and is fond of all three, Harold is her favourite because she actually loved him and married him when she was young, and was meant to have a long life with him and their children.
Hands' hammer introduces a new brand to the world of the game, Pearls, and I like to think it's a reference to Pearl by Ti West because I'm delusional ♥️
The second Johnny and especially Grandpa declared Maria "safe" from being dinner, Bubba became as fiercely protective of her as he is the rest of his family. I think he was really sweet to her and took care of her in the basement, and if he saw the Victims trying to help her escape, he would fucking saw them down as brutally as if he saw someone trying to hurt his family (as seen in Museum Mode's ending)
I have way more than this but I could literally talk about the Slaughter Family for hours 😅 I fucking love them so much, man, they're so interesting and all of their dynamics are so deep and qodkkekwoeb I love them smmmmmmmm
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asherlockstudy · 11 months
Let's talk about something I saw literally nobody talk about (sorry if you did and I missed it)
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Yeeessss... Say it, say it
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Yes pour hot oil in that wound... also Jordan's laugh must become my ringtone
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OH NO, RETALIATION! But literally everyone expected this retaliation including Link obviously. Rhett's so mad about this.
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Image is blurry because my internet connection is primitive rn why didn't anybody do this to save me from this struggle?
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They mean "straight culture".
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... for anyone who hasn't watched this GMM yet, this conversation had nothing to do with religion, it was just a joke about durability in (straight) sex. So...?
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Ummm... what?
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Don't bother Link now, he is in his "Rhett outed us first this time" dreamland
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I love how Rhett oververbalizes his strategy he would otherwise keep to himself in order to save the unsaveable situation, while Link apparently contemplates whether this means it's finally the right time to propose on camera.
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fu Rhett what you lot eat there isn't actually Greek yoghurt anyway so better go back to creaming Link - sorry my Greek ass had to intervene
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OKAY FINE I'll take it because you Americans live on sour cream so fine
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Okay yeah Link's brain has not moved past this. Also I love Rhett's terror that apparently Link wants to go back there (of course he does).
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Silly Jordan, if you had said yes, Link would have given you a raise or something. Dude is trying to find ways to get those slip-ups out of Rhett like it's the road to El Dorado
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Problems problems problems
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Link.exe is processing.... please wait
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Link brain.exe has stopped working
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In his defense, he listened to the one thing that mattered. I mean, let's be fair I didn't listen to the cheese strategy either...
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Sometimes I feel all programs in Link's brain are shut down because the "Loving Rhett" program is using all the RAM
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a culture that isn't yours anymore in a sex talk that had nothing to do with religion? Yep.
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Oh. Yeah, that too.
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Link's brain is in about the same state as my internet now
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Boy. It's amazing! He can't think!
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Το πουλί του Ρ��τ στην μεγεθούμενη κουλτούρα σου <3
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fanficfish · 3 months
hetalia thoughts: america's states/canada's provinces HC
idk these were jus some thoughts i had about it. i'll go deeper if anyone asks.
also there was something i wanted to mention but i forgot it.
so if you don't know US history: basically Europe came over and settled in a bunch of places. Like, a lot of places. Alllll the way down the coast. These colonies were separate but most had the same idea of "hey new land! let's get some resources and stuffs and things!" Jamestown wasn't under the same local rule as New York, for example.
now in Hetalia, we know colonies, staets, provinces, etc. can have personifications, because personifciation represent the people. So if you have enough people claiming a certain place as their home, you could get a personification. E.g. American settlers were English but thought of themselves as a little more then that so America pops up.
And I like to think America is Jamestown (I think Canada miiight have been New France's Canada since that came under British rule after the Seven Years' war), obviously they don't call them that in the canon but they also use modern names for countries across the board regardless of time period soooo whatever with that. Eventually of course the colonies grow, but there's a good chance there were other colonies personified, especially in Canada with the French Canadians and the Arcadians and what is now Florida. But Brittain decided to take the two colonies he probably thought were the most likely to do something great for him so we got America and Canada meeting and hanging out for a while. The long times England is gone, he's probably at his other colonies and trying to divide his time equally, or to an extent anyways.
Jamestown also served as the the colonel capital for a while, so this would also add to that. Canada is Canada, and I personally think he was just all of New France (America of course is just weird and we all get insulted if you think we're from a different place, America the country was probably literally just the Jamestown area and maybe Roanoke Island and the other small colonies of the colony, who knows)
anyways considering there were so many colonies and many had different purposes (religious freedom, the Pennsylvania thing, common language differences, reactions to natives, etc.), there were almost definitely more then just two dudes.
moving on from that, I think America as we know him kind of became the "ringleader" of sorts for the 13 colonies' rebellion. He was the first permanent colony, he was at a central location, and he knew England well because England hung out with him so much. And since Canada was fighting on England's side, it would make sense to maybe not have him up north having to fight him (although that didn't really stop Canada ofc). Since the 13 states were technically each their own, it's likely there were 13 American personifications (or at least a couple, depending on how strong the colonists' identity as part of their state needs to be for that to happen).
Eventually when America became the 50 states and Canada became a bunch of provinces and territories, I think America and Canada kind of became like the representation of "being American/'Canadian". America I think became like Washington D.C. - he's the main guy the diplomats talk to, he's the one deciding "oh ima go bother Japan and hang out with him", while his states all do their own things (for non americans yes we have state pride. My friend from Arizona likes to yell that he's from Arizona (walking around in winter with flipflops) and there's a bit of rivalry between Northerners and Southlanders in California)). Canada is the same, and I think his nightmare about Quebec might prove he's not Quebec (they seem pretty set on staying French Canadian) and he's just been general-Canada.
Now that i think of it, America might have jsut been "whoever is the capital rn that's me". Would make sense as Virginia and Maryland gave up land to make Washington D.C.
So how exactly do the states/territories in America and Canada's provinces/territories work?
Well, like I said- they're all personified. There's more then enough people, and the US I know even has laws about "you need x amount of people to be a state". Probably just add "you have a personification" to that list. I imagine that most of them are around middle-highschool age, a few like California or New York who could rank as small countries might be tipping on the edge of 17-18 physically But America or Canada would be the oldest of their broods respectively, and it'd kind of be like how Japan has all his provinces and they sort of act like assistants. States on the lower end of the spectrum, like in the Midwest, would be younger for sure. The whole territories thing is the same- Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, the Phillipines when they were under America, Hawai'i before it became a state, etc. would all have been younger and if they got a new title (independent or statehood), they would age up a bit as normal. Think Iceland going from territory slowly growing before speedrunning puberty in the 1900s.
And ofc there's little cliques and groups. Border states between Canada and America like to join each others' sports leagues, for example, and people sometimes cross the border if things on the other side are closer, heck if memory serves me there's even an airport cut in half because of the border. Though there's a fascinating video or two on YouTube about the no-touch line that's just canonical real-life America and Canada being sibligns and complaining the other touched their islands. Naturally those border states are much closer relationship-wise. The Southern states have their own thing going on (for a while they tried to be rebels and went through their punk era), the New England states have their own deal, etc.
and of course personalities differ! Quebec is quite set in his way (complete with Marukaite Chikyuu). California complains constantly about gas prices while their neighbors complain about California's inability to not go on fire every summer, Florida is Florida, Winsconsin has a cheese obsession, etc.
The key difference for me though is that Canadian provinces and territories are all under Canada but in America, each state is its own little country. So while fundamentally they'd serve similar purposes, America's assistants are....well, they're a bit more free-range lol.
Also! America probably just lets his states go freerange (most of them are nearly his age anyways they'll be fiiiine they're American-) so unlike Japan or France whose regions live nearby or with them, America's live in their respective states and Canada's are probably the same considering the size of their countries. I presume most countries' places do this (Japan's house might be in Osaka and that's why we get to see him as Japan's assistant.)
so basically tldr: The American states are mini countries (they technically are-) and the provinces/territories just exist the same way Japan's and China's do. America and Canada were also probably never actual states. Probably.
thank you for coming to my utterly useless rambly tedtalk.
also random thought but Hawai'i is the American version of Europeans going to France for the summer.
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seeingivy · 6 months
method acting asks!
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this is an edit of y/n that connie would repost. like connie and reiner no shame repost edits of all of their friends or comment and interact with stan accounts. erwin also reposts eren edits like that's his shining star
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hi!!!! shower playlist is so real...i actually get ideas for lots of method acting performances when i'm listening to my own playlist (see: vampire performance)
that being said, NEVER TAKE ADVICE FROM SOMEONE WHO IS FALLING APART!!! so y/n when she finds out like gabi really idolizes her and loves her when she thinks everyone hates her
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THE SO AMERICAN GOES CRAZY. anyways, there's a way I found a way to include it so we will leave that on pause. but it's such a cute song it drives me crazy they are so down horrendous for one another
also SO REAL. me converting people to the taygenda and now the godlivia of it all is how it should be. she is perfect. side note, but this is something that would happen at y/n's concert. casually holding a baby.
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glad to see we're all on the same loulivia brairot. THAT VIDEO OF THEM IS SO CUTE LIKE ITS SO SICKENING THE WAY HE RUNS OF HER. also this is eren coded. grinning so big like that's not his girlfriend that he sees everyday like I love them so much
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yet another loulivia mention with this tiktok. it's so early eren and y/n coded too like after the vow renewal tbh like this is a song she would write
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link. YOU DRIVE ME CRAZYYYYYY STOP IT RN MY HEART HURTS SO SO BAD. im so glad this fic is special to people and u guys tolerate it bc I get to put so many of my personal interests in it and talk about them (with the asks about fancasting, pop culture, blind items, being chronically online) like it's just so fun I love it sm.
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when I heard we can't be friends, I told @/babiemay that's the song and mv she would release if she was still active around that time. I also feel like it really relates to that era after jeankasa engagement where eren was with hyla but they still talked a lot (when sukuna was also calling her out about it) bc they CAN NOT in fact be friends
that being said, thank you for your patience! I had to put the chapter on hold for my exam (that I passed!) so I will be back to it tomorrow
but if there's any consolation, I am not even halfway done with the chapter and it's already 10k so you're getting a nice big one! heavy on historia/ymir/sofia and pre-wedding festivities. and kissing obviously.
anyways, sneak peek:
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abuzd · 3 months
Random questions for distraction, obviously only answer what you want/feel comfortable to: do you have a favorite video game, if so, why is it your favorite? Are there any quotes which you think of daily/almost daily, if so what is it? If you could decorate your house however you want, what would it look like? If you could have any animal as a pet (fantasy, extinct or currently alive) what would it be and why? Do you have a favorite fidget/stim toy? Any favorite soft toys, or ones you want to get but haven't yet? Current most listened to song? Do you have a favorite type of baked good (cookie, cake, pastry, etc)? Do you have a go-to grounding exercise or other safe coping skill, if so, what is it? If you could add one tool/accessibility feature to all public spaces, what would it be? Is there anything you could do right now to provide yourself some comfort (comfier clothes, reaching out to a loved one, watching a comfort media, etc)?
hello friend!!
ooooo fave game would have to be Zelda Breath of the Wild 🥹
favourite quote is
“most things are so meaningless. until something unparalleled occurs, which rises to the sky like a flaming cloud and consumes everything. then everything is changed. you are changed. what was once held value no lo get holds value for you at all. and as you walk through the ashes of everything, you yourself are ashes.”
if i could decorate my house however i want i’d put plants and comfy seats and low lights everywhere 🥺
pet? hmmmmm a tree frog which my partner wants us to get a pair of 🥹
i LOVE bike chain fidget toys. i always take them with me to scary appointments!!
omg i have so many stuffies lmaoooooooooooo some huge some tiny i love them all :’)
most listened to song rn is Praying by Kesha 👀
baked good would be apple pie. that’s my american side showing 👀
i don’t have a lot of access to coping skills but so far it’s been months since i last s/h’d so that’s good!!
to all public spaces?? fuckin HOMELESS SLEEPING SHELTERS FOR THE HOMELESS 😭😭😭
rn i’ve got my comfy clothes on, some wine, and my puppies and Mr Robot playing (comfort show) :) but talking to people helps so much 😭 thank you friend 😭💛
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imaginespazzi · 8 months
Juju getting a lot of love and deservedly so, she’s so entertaining to watch but I kinda hate when i see media say that she’s the lock for freshman of the year or a potential first-team all american spot cos honestly, i think it’s neck and neck between her and hannah and i’d love for media to give hannah a bit more shine especially with how good she is defensively too, definitely one of the best two-way guards rn.
And just in general, like i like both caitlin and juju don’t get me wrong and they truly are generational talents but god i just wish that media coverage of wcbb went beyond those two cos there’s so much other great talent out there. And that’s not their fault obviously, they have no control of what the media covers but i do think it leads to some fatigue of them especially caitlin which inevitably starts to lean into dislike. Anyway, just my two cents, i’m far from a wcbb expert so take with a grain of salt haha.
And lastly, i just miss pazzi so much, like azzi baby pls come back, need to see your beautiful face on that bench 😭😭🙏
I just really dislike when the media sets a narrative at the beginning of the seasons and then they refuse to budge from it and this has been the case for FOY and POY this year and it's definitely really annoying.
Hannah deserves a lot more credit that what she's been getting, especially because as you said, her defense is so beyond solid. And on top of that, she's leading a very injured team, as a freshman and has been their rock. I think it's fine to have Juju leading the race (and by all means she is) but to act like only she can win it, is weird.
And yeah it's pretty similar to Caitlin. The Iowa-Indiana game coverage was kinda insane and this comes from someone who genuinely does like Caitlin but I swear they acted like Indiana was some D3 team (doesn't help that IU looked pretty bad but still) when that's a top 25 team. And they've also pretty much decided POY is a one-player race and while I also think she's leading the race, it's disingenuous of the media to act like nobody else could seriously be a part of it.
I hope we see Azzi soon. I'm assuming classes are starting either this week or next week so hopefully she's back then.
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mouseratz · 5 months
nursing school is it’s own special kind of bubble because while it’s such a highly competitive field , most of these colleges can only afford to let X amount of students in and of course there’s the overarching issue that nurses are leaving the profession in droves + general retirement = a healthcare deficit that Especially considering the current state of American healthcare just gets so concerning . obviously you and i aren’t the first people alive to point out that requiring kids fresh out of high school to take on a life changing amount of debt because of the societal pressure to do so , but i just think with nursing in particular that it’s a HEFTY buy in . you basically pay all this money for a four year education that , while of course it’s useful , functions more as a way for you to pass your NCLEX and become an RN . most nurses will tell you the real training happens on the job and nursing school is there to treat you like a punching bag . idk this extends to a lot of degrees of course but i can really only speak for nursing of course + i didn’t even mention the whole stress that is you are treating presumably very sick people and you have the ability to accidentally kill them if you skip up . but that’s a whole other thing
the thing is I don't think training should be treated lightly, but I don't think Only Letting People Lucky Enough To Scrape Up The Money (Or Just Be Rich) doesn't help find people who are passionate and well suited to an incredibly necessary job. and it being tough doesn't mean that it needs to be cruel, if that makes sense. things can be difficult because you need to learn something Well, but just adding stress and derision as many Tough classes I've seen just makes people more likely to break down and burn out (sometimes seemingly purposely so) before they've been experienced the actual stresses of the job they're working towards. (But I also think it's tied into the belief of this will give students 'tougher skin' instead of traumatizing them for reasons somewhat unrelated to the challenges they would face in their chosen field, moreso related to the power dynamics of the teachers & school system even going so far as to abuse their power over their students). mistreatment doesn't always make you "tougher" even if successfully handling stressful situations can, if that makes sense, but the two are so conflated especially in us American culture, as I'm sure you know. people act like I'm an oversensitive crybaby when I say tough programs should still treat their students as full people with an ounce of basic respect, even when the work they're doing is hard and has real stakes. I don't understand why we can't do both, unless it's expected that the job will be solely mistreatment from your co-workers 24/7 (instead of just handling the stress of emergency situations and long hours, for example, which are real concerns! but I just don't know if that's the exact same as a 'teacher yelling at and berating you is Helpful and Good, Actually')
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linagram · 11 months
[ 𝚔𝚎𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚒𝚔𝚘'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ]
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it's the idealization duo's interrogation time! these two have a lot to say this time, hopefully it helps you understand their crimes and backstories a little better (especially kei's. btw what's everyone thinking about his crime rn)
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Q.001. What would you want to hear from your lover?
Kei: That they accept me.
Eiko: That they want to be the best partner I've ever had.
Q.002. Can you drive?
Kei: Eiji, don't you remember how I used to drive you to school when you were younger?
Eiko: I do have a license and my own car, but I don't really drive. I'd prefer my partner to do that.
Q.003. What's your favorite drink?
Kei: I like milkshakes, especially strawberry ones. I have a lot of nice childhood memories associated with them, haha.
Eiko: Just lemon tea is fine.
Q.004. Your ideal type?
Kei: Someone who doesn't judge me and someone who can keep up with me.
Eiko: Someone who is always honest with me and someone who is willing to do their very best for me. I think I'd like to date someone like you, Eiji-kun~
Q.005. Do you have any fun memories of your childhood?
Kei: My favorite one is when our dad's friend taught me how to take photos with my new camera and he told me to go and take a picture of anything I want. I took a picture of a dead butterfly lying on the ground. He said that I'm very creative and that I have a bright future ahead of me.
Eiko: I remember going shopping with my dad when I was little and he told me that I can have anything I want. I told him that I want to see him smile. He almost cried after that for some reason.
Q.006. Have you ever tried learning a foreign language?
Kei: I can speak English fluently, I mean, our dad is half-American and I've also spent a lot of time overseas. I tried to learn some other languages too, like French and Spanish, but I gave up. I'm not even that good at reading and writing kanji, so..
Eiko: I can speak English and a little bit of Korean, but mostly because I listen to a lot of music in those languages, haha.
Q.007. State the meaning of your name.
Kei: I think it's supposed to mean "gemstone"? Mom said that she named me that because she thought I was so beautiful, she wanted me to have a name that would have a meaning just as beautiful as me.
Eiko: I think it's something like.. "an excellent child"? Haha, my parents must've had a lot of expectations for me.
Q.008. What do you think about your siblings?
Kei: I love you, Eiji, even if you can be really mean sometimes.
Eiko: My little brother is very nice. He does have his quirks, but I think they make him cuter.
Q.009. What are lies to you?
Kei: Something that is necessary to have a fun life!
Eiko: Something that is forgivable only if it's done to save someone. I still won't forgive anyone who lies to me though.
Q.010. What are your parents' occupations?
Kei: Dad's a movie director and mom's a toymaker! Both of them are so creative! There's just something about our family that makes all of us so artistic.. You too, Eiji. Dad always praised you for being so reliable.
Eiko: I don't know actually. And I don't really care. Well, as long as they continue to buy me gifts and help me with money if anything happens, I'm fine.
Q.011. Do you like children?
Kei: I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that I actually have one, considering my lifestyle.
Eiko: Not really. They're not a part of my concept of a perfect life.
Q.012. What is/was your major?
Kei: Photography, obviously.
Eiko: Fashion design, though I'm more interested in modelling than designing clothes.
Q.013. Tell us about your dating history.
Kei: Um, are we talking about, like, "serious relationships"?.. Then I guess Ruka is the only one that counts..
Eiko: My victim was the only person I've ever dated.
Q.014. Did you have any friends in school?
Kei: I think I had one?..
Eiko: Yeah, but I wasn't really close with them. We talked a lot, but our relationship wasn't that deep.
Q.015. What's the greatest act of love?
Kei: Uhh, if it's from my lover, I think I'd just want them to tell me that they love me even when I don't look so good. If it's from me.. I don't know! Holding myself back
Eiko: Promising to make someone's life as happy as possible and actually keeping that promise.
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I just wanna rant for a bit about how ableist the rhetoric around learning languages can be, especially as it relates to american colleges
so as part of my degree, I'm required to take two semesters of an upper level language. issue is, I'm hard of hearing and my college does not offer any type of sign language as an option
obviously trying to learn an AUDIO BASED language as a person who literally can't hear is a fucking challenge. and yeah sure, they have exemptions but I'm "not disabled enough" to qualify
first of all, that's fucking bullshit. a policy that I'm sure was written by abled ppl determining that I'm not disabled enough?? to be exempt from something made really fucking hard due to my disability?? bullshit
when I was a kid I literally had one of those speech language pathologists to help me speak ENGLISH correctly. I used to mispronounce words all the damn time cuz I wasn't hearing what it actually sounded like. certain syllables just aren't picked up by my brain so words like "computer" would get butchered into "come-cue-ter." getting hearing aids in addition to learning from the language lady I had helped with this problem a lot. I don't rly struggle with it anymore now that I'm older.
now that I'm learning Spanish, however, I'm having the exact same problems I had as a baby. this makes sense if you consider that I'm basically a one year old in Spanish knowledge. but in college, I don't get a speech language pathologist to help me understand pronunciations and syllables. and my hearing aids have been fucked up and are too expensive for me to afford replacing them rn. and in college I have to worry about grades and passing the class and shit. I've literally had actual breakdowns crying and sobbing over how much I'm struggling in the classes due to something I literally cannot control
so yes, the second I'm done with this semester, I will be giving up on learning Spanish and any audio based language. it's just really fucking exhausting to hear all the jokes about pathetic monolingual Americans who only know one language.
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mooifyourecows · 5 months
What food do y’all have in good ol’ ‘Mercia?
all of it
honestly though it depends on where you are. America is a big immigrant country, with people from all over the world bringing their authentic food with them. if you're in a big city with a big variety of people (Chicago, NYC, LA, etc), you can pretty much find ANY kind of cuisine possible. If youre touring around Chicago and suddenly think "MAN i could really go for some moi moi rn..." you're in luck! you can easily find a nigerian restaurant to meet your needs no problemo!
now if you're in a small, podunk one stoplight town, variety is a lot harder to find. You WILL almost always have Mexican food as an option though. Good mexican food too. made by actual mexicans. i've been to a lot of mexican restaurants here in America on account of it is my favorite and I've never encountered one owned or operated by non mexicans. other than like... fast food like taco bell and such. white people mexican restaurants don't last long because they have to compete with authentic deliciousness and that's just not possible (obviously this is just my personal experience and i have not been to EVERY town in america so i'm sure there are some exceptions)
Different parts of the country have different popular foods. In coastal states you'll find a lot of seafood, naturally. Maine is rollin in lobster (joke about lobster rolls), and you'll find several different types of BBQ, from Texas to Kansas City to Memphis to a backyard near you 🫵. Southern Soul Food is one of my faves, what with the jambalaya and the gumbo and the corn bread and mac and cheese and so on and so forth, deliciously 🤤 (i swear if i ever make it to New Orleans one of these days, i'm not going home without gaining at least 50lbs)
We have a big pizza culture here and you can find different pizza types all over the country. There's some debate about which pizza is the BEST pizza, mainly with Chicago deep dish and NYC style in a neverending battle of butting heads. (personally i'm just happy to get any pizza so i can't say who is better)
Then there's the stuff like Philly Cheese steak, the Reuben, pies (so many pies, but namely apple and pumpkin are the big ones), New England Clam Chowder, buckeyes, cheese curds, tex-mex, etc.
Diners are kinda the backbone of American eating, if you ask me, because you're destined to find diners everywhere. they're comforting, they're familiar, they have big menus, and they're within budget. Diners usually serve breakfast all day too, so you can swing in late in the evening (or even in the middle of the night) and order a big plate of chicken and waffles and a warm slice of apple pie à la mode any damn time you want!
I hear non americans are always baffled by biscuits and gravy, because it definitely doesn't LOOK appetizing but it's SO good. country gravy with a spicy sausage on fresh, flaky biscuits? Yall i'm gettin hungry just thinking about it. that was the meal i ate, hungover, after my 21st birthday, and i didn't regret a single bite mmMMm
i also hear that non americans don't eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but those are a big part of American culture, especially when you're a kid. aint nothin hit harder at lunchtime than takin a big ol bite of a gooey pb&j and chasin it with ice cold milk
Thanksgiving dinners are also iconically American food culture. gettin 20 of your family members together in one house, cookin a big ass turkey and serving it with a plethora of homestyle sides like stuffing, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, yams, mac and cheese, buttERNUT SQUASH, ACORN SQUASH, PUMPKIN PIE OH MAN OH MY i think i need to eat something before i gnaw through my arm
there's great native food too! frybread and succotash and what not. corn is a big thing for the indigenous people here and they popularized a lot of uses for it. I unfortunately haven't had a lot of it so i can't really speak on what's great and all, but if you just look up Native American food, you will see corn's influence lol
and OF COURSE we got the hamburgers and hot dogs. i know that fast food joints like mcdonalds have spread everywhere these days like a blight on the earth, but they're like... gas station burgers in comparison to the good stuff you can get. same with hotdogs. like i know that you can buy hotdogs from the store in a lot of places (for some reason in jars of liquid in the UK, i learned recently, which is..... fun) but they're not the same as getting a delicious hotdog with the works at a baseball game, you know? it's not the SAME. there's so much variety with what you can do with burgers and hotdogs! and Americans love to grill. it's pretty normal for households to have a grill they bust out every summer for backyard BBQs and cookouts.
anyway, i can't really tell you more about specific foods only in america because i genuinely don't know which foods here haven't either been brought over from somewhere else or have breached containment and gone off to other countries. i sometimes see restaurants in other countries have a "USA style" food and it seems to almost always be the most comically disgusting thing i've ever seen. (like pizza with fries and hot dogs as toppings lmaoooo)(ngl tho, i'd try it)
if anybody has some iconic American food to mention, feel free to do so! 👀
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