#stevie ellis
404-mind-not-found · 5 months
I think one of the character tropes I like is guys in Situations and most of the time they have a daughter and they also often get betrayed
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BEHOLD! THE TABLE OF GUYS IN SITUATIONS! We have: - guy who gets his daughter murdered by his "best friend", proceeds to cry about it for 40 years - guy who's daughter goes missing then he goes missing, both by the same dude - guy fighting for redemption with a shapeshifter - guy who faces horrors at a company and daughter follows suit - guy whose wife gets poisoned leaving the daughter behind, proceeds to get tricked into thinking he was the culprit - guy whose brother forces him out of his own company by working with an evil space entity - guy who gets captured by an illegal business because his body naturally produces a powerful chemical
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Spn Women Icons for my 3000 follower celebration
August 3: Women in Spn // Purple and/or Gold
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women-4life · 11 months
I also posted this on my tiktok - @_fan_of_people_
and instagram - @_fan_of_people
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viaviainternet · 6 months
i tried so hard not to make every mabel scene correlate with mabel
and i think this is the most niche post ive ever made
but enjoy!!
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Rosie (left) and Stevie (right)!!
Had to draw them together. :)
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gonzo-rella · 4 months
Pride Month 2024 Masterlist
A masterlist for the fics I've written in celebration of Pride Month. Currently a WIP (as, as of writing this, Pride Month is not yet over, so neither is this series of fics).
#1 - Schitt's Creek: Being Roland and Jocelyn Schitt’s Trans/Nonbinary Kid (headcanons)
#2 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off: You’re Still You (one-shot) [genderfluid!reader; bisexual!Cameron Frye]
Cameron [Frye] has had a crush on you for years, but will your admission be enough to change that? (spoiler alert: no)
#3 - Ghosbusters: Not A Girl, Or Anything, Really (ficlet) [nonbinary!Phoebe Spengler; nonbinary!reader]
In the midst of a gender crisis, Phoebe confides in you.
#4 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off: You're Still You (one-shot) [nonbinary!reader; bisexual!Cameron Frye]
An alternative version of You're Still You, in which the reader is nonbinary.
#5 - Bridgerton: Incongruence (ficlet) [nonbinary!reader]
Amidst an identity crisis, you confide in Eloise [Bridgerton].
#6 - The Last of Us (HBO): Not Right (ficlet) [nonbinary!aroace!reader]
Ellie [Williams is] the first to know when you realise something’s not right.
#7 - Schitt's Creek: Alexis Rose, David Rose and Stevie Budd with a Nonbinary S/O (headcanons)
#8 - Malcolm in the Middle: Being the Nonbinary Wilkerson Sibling (headcanons)
#9 - Community: Being Nonbinary in the Study Group (headcanons)
#10 - Bridgerton: Love is Understanding (one-shot) [nonbinary/genderqueer!reader; pansexual!Benedict Bridgerton]
It should be simple: Benedict Bridgerton is in love with you, and you are in love with him. But, you have a secret, one that you believe threatens your chance at a happily ever after with the only man you’ve ever loved.
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nevalizona · 5 months
For the Ellis & Ivy Prompt bc I love the fact that you’ve given more depth to Ellis’ character than what the game gives🥹 I figured i’d take one from each section but you don’t have to answer all of ‘em if you don’t want to:
I. #8,
II. #1,
III. #8,
& IV. #9
Ohmygod😭😭😭😭 thank you for the kind words! I'm always so afraid that I'm ""ruining"" Ellis or not capturing him correctly, so that was very nice to read🩷 one of my answers got long as hell so they're gonna be under the cut. Thank you so much for sending these it!
7. How do their friends and family feel about them as a couple?
When Ivy Nicole and Ellis first started dating, it became very clear that these two were gonna be a handful. They are both rather energetic, and they enjoy having a good time. Sammy was nervous that they would both encourage each other to get into trouble. The first time, both of them showed up to Mass hungover, Ellis got such an earful. Ivy Nicole was lectured by Father James as well. Both of them "laughed about it" but knew that they really fucked up. They tried not to let that happen again.
Once they started seriously dating, Sammy definitely came around to the two of them. He saw the kind of woman Ivy Nicole was and knew that she wasn't all bad. She just seemed to struggle with doing the right thing. Ellis is similar. They both get impulsive about something, letting their emotions fuel their decisions. Ellis was just expected to be a little better about that. He can be accountable. Ivy Nicole is still learning how to do all that. Father James likes the two of them together. He thinks that, in their own way, they're good for one another. He knows Ivy Nicole's heart and her struggles, and he knows that Ellis will always be understanding. Ivy Nicole has a big heart as well and is looking for anything to help fill it. She's strongly empathetic, and tries hard to give him a space away from everything else, so he can talk about his feelings, thoughts about the future, whatever with her, and not have to worry about anyone judging him or telling him he can't do something.
Now, when it comes to Ivy Nicole's family, it took her a long time to tell them about Ellis. Not because she wanted to hide him from her family. Rather, she wanted to keep him as a safe space for as long as she could. Running away to New Bordeaux was, in her opinion, the best choice she ever made. She loves being there. Loves the people. Loves the community she has been able to find. Ivy Nicole has a very complicated relationship with her family. She has the tendency to think that they'd ruin anything they'd touch. She wanted to keep Ellis, and by extension, Sammy and Father James, away from her family, to keep them safe and whole. To her surprise, her family was very excited about her Ellis. They wanted to meet him and Sammy as soon as they could. Ivy Nicole was nervous about that, nervous her mom and dad would say something about her past, nervous her brothers were going to be too protective. But it went better than she thought it would. Turns out, her parents just want her to be happy. Who would have known? They loved Ellis, and he seemed to get along well with them. Her mother enjoyed talking to Sammy. Her father floated between talking to both Ellis and Sammy and tried to make sure Ivy Nicole's oldest brother acted right. Ivy Nicole was both relieved and disappointed that her favorite brother wasn't able to meet Ellis and Sammy. He was in jail at the time. He never got to meet them. He didn’t get out until ‘69. 
2. Who initiated the relationship, and how did they go about it?
Ooo! Ellis approached her first, but neither initiated the relationship per se. They just kind of realized they were dating. Or they might as well say they're dating because they practically have been for a bit. They were just hanging out in Ellis’ room one evening, and Ivy Nicole just kinda reached over and grabbed his hands and was like ‘Are we dating? Have we been dating?” And Ellis was like “Holy shit! I guess so!” They both were very happy afterward and smiling at each other like crazy.
8. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Ooo, they love both! I think they think they like physical affection the most, but really, they both love verbal affection. It's easy to touch, but talking doesn't come naturally. So when either of them finally work up the courage to tell the other how much they love and care about the other person, it makes them feel even more “fulfilled” than they thought it would.
Domestic Life
9. How do they celebrate holidays?
They're not the most traditional people in the world. I think it's important for them to like cover the basics, but I dont think they beat themselves up over following things to a T. They like decorating for the holiday and the actual celebrating of it, but when it comes to the nitty gritty, they do the best they can.
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love-toxin · 2 years
Did somebody say Steve and anal????
Steve asking you if you wanna try anal, so you respond: "Only if you go first :)" and pull out a strap-on the size of his dick <3
honestly? pog. he'd be struck with fear the first moment, but with a minute or two of deliberation he's like "well.....I guess that's fair. can i have time to think about it?" goes off and takes a shower, just to come back with his handy bottle of lube in shaky hands as he asks if you can go really slow, cause he's got no idea what he's doing. and then.........hehe <3
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jacnaylor · 1 year
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annie-isnt-0k · 2 years
Truly Devious
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“Where do you look for someone who's never really there?
Always on a staircase but never on a stair.”
― Maureen Johnson, Truly Devious
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How I see the characters from truly devious
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Stevie, Janelle, David, Nate, Vi and Ellie
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a-fucking-tornado · 1 year
So, since my Truly Devious fan side is screaming today, I'm gonna write my opinions about the characters (remembering I'm still on the first book). Let's start:
Stevie Bell
I love her so much. She is my favorite character after Nate. Of course she's not flawless, and she screwed up bad on chapter 23, but everyone makes mistakes, and she is sorry for what she did. Also, I have to say that I relate to her a lot. Being a teenager struggling with anxiety and parents that don't really understand me and obsessed with things that people consider weird (including true crime and mystery stories), I can say that I do feel like that. Congratulations, Maureen Johnson, you've wrote one of the most well written and relatable protagonists I've ever seen.
David Eastman
All I can say is: Meh. I don't know. I don't hate him, but I also don't love him. Like, I mean, of course I feel bad for his life, and that whole thing about Edward King was like... Wow, but I just can't like him. Like, he's exactly the kind of character I would love, but I just can't like for some reason. I don't have much to say about, just that I'm not his biggest fan
Nate Fisher
My official favorite character and there's nothing that could possibly make me change my opinion. He's just so. f*cking. perfect. The guy is a writer, procrastinator, anti-social, ace... *Sigh* Everything I love in a person. Also, he's the best friend I've ever seen. When everyone is turning their backs to Stevie, guess who's there? That's right! Nate is. He even went to a social event to cheer up his anxious, sleep-deprived friend whose love interest called crazy. A SOCIAL EVENT. He's so amazing I wanna cry. Also, I relate to her a lot. Like, a lot. His personality matches mine almost perfectly.
Janelle Franklin
I like her. I mean, who doesn't? She is so caring! And the way she helped Stevie with that panic attack made me cry. She's so amazing and genuine. I love her relationship with Vi, they're a great couple. I just wish I could see more of her. I feel like she barely appears. But, hey, it's just the first book. There are 4 books ahead. I'm sure she's gonna appear a lot.
Ellie Walker
I mean, I don't know. I like her, but sometimes she can be... A little bit... Annoying? I don't know. I think she's a great character but... I don't see her much, so I can't really form that much of an opinion about her. (Spoiler alert! I know she's gonna die on the second book, so I'm kinda sad that she didn't appear that much)
Hayes Major
I never really liked him. Right from the start, in his first apparition, I thought "Oh, so he's one of those spoiled famous kids that don't give a f*ck about anyone besides him."... And I was right. I have to admit that at some point of the I started tolerating him, I started thinking that maybe it wasn't exactly like this, but then he died. And then I discovered I was right because of Gretchen (I gotta say, my queer ass is in love with that girl). The guy just uses people to do his work. I feel bad for all the girls that fell for him.
I'm just gonna say what I think about the Minerva students, because it would take an eternity to talk about the minor characters (Vi, Larry, Pix, Germaine, Maris, Gretchen, Dash,...)
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peterpparkour · 2 years
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(Talks part one)
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rottingmanifesto · 9 months
Ellis for the ask game, please! ^-^
I love Ellis so much I need to talk about him more
Headcanon A: Realistic
He picked up a love of art (mostly fine art, drawing, and painting) from his mom and would occasionally do commissions for people around the Hollow to make some money. Danny always joked he got high off of the fumes, but Ellis just genuinely enjoyed the process of making art.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He one time cursed out the governor of Louisiana before being “escorted away” (aka wrangled by bodyguards). How did he meet the governor of Louisiana? No one’s quite sure, but everyone blames Giorgi. Sammy did make Ellis apologize but nothing ever came of it.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Ellis heard everything— Lincoln and Danny being shot, his father being shot, the knife in his own intestines— but couldn’t scream. He died face-down. He could hear, but not see.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute it with my own
History nerd. He was very passionate about his community and its history and would rant to anyone who would listen (Lincoln and Danny both frequently had to calm him down), and probably would’ve done history bowl or some shit. Everyone gave him hell for being so “nerdy” about it but at least he cared
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viaviainternet · 1 year
basically the second half of the vanishing stair summed up for you
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thetrickstersdaughter · 11 months
Lemme tell y’all about my best friend…. (Part 1)
Savannah Stevie McKissick
Named after Savannah, GA and Stevie Nicks ✌🏼
But she’s a Spartanburg, SC native 🌴
Born in May (younger than me, older than Percy) ♉️
Apollo’s daughter ☀️
Mom is Ginger Lou McKissick, a musician 🎹
Has a twin brother, Matthew “Shooter”, who is also a friend of mine 🪕
In a relationship with Ellis Wakefield (Ares) 🔪
A musician, singer AND dancer 🎻🎵🎤🎸
Earned at BA in Music from the University of South Carolina 🐓♥️
Was on the USC Dance Team 💃🏻
5’5”, long, straight brunette hair, and blue eyes 💙
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