#oc: alfie wayne
shyjug · 1 month
My little bandmate OCs!! Feel free to ask questions and stuff about em all and I'll answer :3
(Sorry that this isn't star wars)
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vexic929 · 6 months
Dami: Do you clean up after all your pets or do you make the butler do it?
TT of course Pennyworth does it, that's what she's paid for, why would I do it? - Dami
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In the Middle of the Night (Jason Todd x OC)
Chapter 9, Chapter 11
story summary: Melanie Withers and Jason Todd do everything together - including but not limited to stealing tires off Gotham's famous vigilante. The newest additions to the Wayne family begin their journey, learning how to navigate their new family, life as vigilantes, adolescence, grief, and rebirth.
chapter summary: Am I aware of the video game physics I used in the last chapter? Yes. Should Mel and Jason be more injured than they are, if not dead? Yes. Sue me. A very much dead Jason, canonically, crawled out of his own grave. I think we can all live with some canon-typical comic book medical inaccuracies LMAO
Apologies if this chapter seems short! Next chapter will have more, I promise <3
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Jason returned to the cave only a short time after Melly. Bruce released him after the GCPD had gathered all the henchmen and secured Fries in a containment cell. It wasn’t every day your partner in crime (fighting) came within twenty feet of becoming a bird-shaped pancake on the sidewalk.
It was closing in on one o’clock as he zipped down the ramp on the Bat-Bike, tires screeching on the smooth concrete as he skidded to a stop. He barely took the time to prop the bike on its kickstand (Bruce would kill him if he dropped it at home again) and didn’t bother to strip down before taking off toward the manor, having found an empty med bay.
“Alfred?!” he called, racing up the long flight of stairs to Bruce’s study. Not the most efficient way to get into the house, but he was rushing. Considering the cave was underground, and Bruce’s study was on the third floor, anybody would be winded. Up to and including a growing, athletic fourteen-year-old who scales buildings and jumps across rooftops at night.
“We’re in the hall.”
When Jason blew through the open doors for the cave and study, he was greeted by Melanie, still in her Redwing suit, sitting on the single step in the hallway leading to their rooms. An exacerbated butler stood above her, a dark bath towel in hand.
“Hi, Jace,” she hummed, her head tiredly leaning against the wall.
“Master Jason, you know how I feel about suits outside the cave.”
Jason shot him an apologetic grin. “Sorry, Alfie. I shook off the snow downstairs, though, so I shouldn’t be tracking any,” he amended, lifting his green boot to display the dry sole. When Alfred seemed to approve, Jason planted his feet again. “Why are we on the floor?”
The older man sighed, stepped down, and used the towel to wipe a blood streak from Jason’s damp forehead. “Miss Melanie insisted on waiting for you to return before getting cleaned up and resting.”
“Is she cleared to sleep?”
“I’m right here, you know.”
“You’re sitting on the floor, in the hallway, still in uniform. I’m not trusting your judgment,” Jason pointed out, resting his hand on her head. His thumb mindlessly stroked her hair as he turned back to Alfred, allowing him to do a preliminary inspection of his face. “No injuries? I did my best, but I hit ‘er pretty hard. She was falling fast; I didn’t have time to think.”
“You did excellent work, young sir. You may have broken a rib and cracked one or two others, but I had assumed Master Bruce had caught her with her minimal injuries.”
“It was less of a ‘catch’ and more of a…knocking her out of trajectory.”
“I’m achy and tired, but I’ll live,” Melanie added, holding out her good arm for help standing.  “The winter armor…helped.”
That was true; they wore heavier-duty armor without boiling in their suits in the winter. The protective layers were thicker and certainly did more for them than the high-temperature alternatives. Still, Jason didn’t miss how his partner struggled to pull herself to her feet, obviously taking care not to bend at the waist. If not for the additional padding on their arms, he could almost guarantee they would have, at minimum, broken an arm or wrist between them.
“Are you sure she’s alright?” he asked, raising Melanie’s arm across his shoulders again and supporting her weight. Alfred hadn’t said anything about any sprains or issues with her legs, but she was still limping; he could at least give her sore muscles a break.
Alfred smiled gently, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Bruising is normal for a collision at that rate of speed. I’m sure this is preferable to the alternative, had you not gotten there in time. You did well, son.”
Jason’s face flushed at the praise; he turned to escape to his bedroom before it could darken and be noticed by either Melanie or Alfred. “Thanks, Alfred,” he muttered, aiding Melanie in getting up the single step and down the carpeted hall with the man following behind for support. Alfred stepped in front of them to open the doors to Jason’s room and let them through.
Bookcases lined one wall, full of the teen’s favorites he had pulled from the library since moving into the manor and neglected to put back. One, however, had plenty of space; this was for books he and Bruce had yet to collect. So far, several first editions, collector's items, and a few that Bruce had specially bound for him lined one shelf – pretty much anything interesting they found in their travels and internet hunts. Alfred spotted Jason’s first edition of Pride and Prejudice in its usual home on his nightstand.
“I’ll watch her overnight,” he offered and sat Melanie on the edge of his bed. “We’ll be here if Bruce needs anything.”
“Very well.” Alfred flicked the strip lights adhered to the wall with the remote hanging by the light switch. The room took a warm, soft glow, just how he liked it. Much better than the brightness of an overhead light.
Typical teenage boys with their LED lights.
“Goodnight, you two. Get some rest.”
“Night, Alfie,” Melanie called after him, waving as he went. She felt guilty for resisting his attempts to get her to bed sooner, but she figured Bruce would let Jay out early, given how much excitement they had encountered.
Jason passed her the solvent for the mask adhesive while he worked on dismantling her costume. She watched through white lenses as he carefully dragged her boots off, holding his bare hands on her foot to warm her toes before moving on to the next. Her footwear didn’t have as many buckles as his, so this didn’t take long.
“How’s your shoulder?” Jason asked, unraveling the thick tape around her feet and ankles. She tended to roll her ankles, and the gauze offered additional support.
Melanie simply nodded, finally peeling back the black mask. She dropped it on the bed beside her, pressed the heels of her palms into her tired eyes, and chose to focus solely on the rolling pressure being applied to her arches. They were no strangers to massages, even before their time as Waynes. Bruce and Alfred had taught them many techniques for relaxing muscles and treating soft tissue injuries, but they’d long since learned how to give a good foot massage from Jason’s mom. Each of the many jobs Catherine held (when she could keep one) had her on her feet all day; rubbing her feet was the only way she would let them help.
Tender hands reached behind to unbuckle her armor, then guided her arms above Melanie's head (not without a few whimpers and curses), and pulled the protective piece and under-layer off. As soon as that was done, she fell back, staring at the ceiling. At Jason’s request, she carefully lifted her hips to allow him to tug the bottom half of her set down, leaving her in just her compression bra and shorts.
Her leg jerked involuntarily as the massage moved up her calf, squeezing a particularly painful spot. “Ow,” she whined, face scrunched up.
“Alright, you need to shower.”
She groaned in response, wanting nothing more than to stay flopped back onto the mattress until Jason lifted her again. He waited until she found her balance before walking them back into the bathroom. In addition to the benefits a hot shower would offer Melanie’s bruises, frost still nipped at Jason’s fingers and chilled his bones. He’d been looking forward to soaking in a bath from the moment they stepped out on patrol. But a shower would do in a pinch.
Jason left her to hold herself up against the sink to get the shower going and leaned past the shower curtain, turning the knobs until he reached the desired temperature – scalding.
“Did you get my–”
“You don’t even know what I was–”
“Melly, I got your cape and belt. Stop talking and get in the shower.”
With a pout and a series of grumbles, Melanie attempted to twist her body to get her into the shower without directly lifting her legs over her tub. But, with both limbs aching from her rough landing and her balance currently shot, she struggled for a bit before sighing and nudging Jason with her foot. He turned from the fogging mirror, where he was edging his mask off. Upon seeing that she was looking to get his attention, he gave up on removing it carefully, braced himself, and tore it off with a sharp hiss. “Sonuva bitch.”
“If you keep doing that, your acne’s just gonna get worse,” she pointed out, letting her arms fall to her side. “Can you help?”
Gentle as ever, Jason took her wrists and gently braced her palms against his shoulders. He hunched down, arms wrapped around the bottom of her ass. “I’m gonna lift on three, okay?” Melanie nodded, and he tightened his hold. “Alright, one - two - three…” He picked her up with a grunt, enough for Melanie to bend her knees and give him room to lower her back down past the tall edge of the clawfoot tub.
“Wait-“ He stopped, held in place by her soft grip. “Don’t go.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I’m sitting right here.”
“No, can you…can you come in?”
“Uh…yeah. Are— are you sure?”
“Nothing we haven’t seen before… We can close our eyes if that’ll make you feel better?”
Jason wasn’t blind; of course, he had noticed Melanie coming into her own the further they progressed through puberty and healthy lifestyles. Over the last year or so, he had spared fleeting glances during training or when she changed in front of him, but lately…
Lately, he was losing control of his own body as well.
Couldn’t help the way his skin caught fire at the sight of the crease where her ass met her thigh in a leotard or how his heart fluttered when she threw her leg over his hips or waist in the middle of the night. Then there was the other thing he was deathly afraid of Melanie noticing if she hadn’t already. Popping fucking boners left and right, over anything and everything she did (whether in real life or his imagination) like a… Well, like a hormonal teenager. Including, but not limited to, being asked to get in the shower with her–
Oh no. “Melly, I–”
“I don’t wanna be alone.”
Goddammit. He deflated – mentally and below the belt (thank Christ) – and folded for the pleading tone in her voice. “Okay,” he agreed, unclipping his utility belt and setting it on the sink. “I’ll close my eyes, but…you face the water.” When she obeyed and disappeared behind the curtain to step into the steady stream of hot water, Jason quickly worked his costume off, dropping his pants and boots with a thunk and wrestling the top over the black mop on his head. The teen was left in just his black briefs as he stepped into the space, sliding the opaque plastic curtain shut behind him.
Okay, okay, okay, be cool. Do not make it weird. She’s just scared, needs some help, is all. Nothing more.
Melanie didn’t move as Jason encroached on her space and blindly reached past her for his shampoo. Her arms hung loosely by her sides, her eyes blank and staring at the wall before her as the hot water pelted her bare chest. She felt like she was suffocating in her skin and tore the fucking thing off the second it got wet, ignoring the screaming ache in her muscles.
She was doing everything in her power to keep her emotions under control and ground herself to Jason lathering the gel throughout her hair and the bright eucalyptus fragrance. Even with his comforting presence, Melanie’s heart raced in her chest, and the endless reel of bright windows zipping by replayed in her vision, nails dug into her shaking palms. Salty tears mixed with the spray of the shower head. After a bit, she couldn’t help the choked sob that escaped her.
Behind her, Jason’s eyes snapped open, and his fingers stopped their ministrations in rinsing the suds out of his best friend’s hair; he felt like his heart had snapped clean in two. He definitely didn’t notice the bare skin of her back staring back at him. Or her bra in a sopping pile at her feet.
The shock and adrenaline from narrowly escaping Death’s clutches must have worn off. Danger was a permanent fixture in their lives, a well-known job requirement for a vigilante, sidekick or not. They’d been shot at, various blunt objects either thrown or swung at them, and tossed around plenty. Tonight, however, was the closest either of them had come to death. Much too close for comfort. 
“Oh, Melanie…” he whispered, spinning her trembling body toward his by her shoulders. Melanie practically dove into him, closing the space between them and throwing her arms around his neck, head tucked under his chin. Their height difference was constant competition, each pushing past, only for the other to catch up. Right then, Jason had a hair or two on her. If he didn’t notice her bra at the bottom of the tub earlier, he absolutely didn’t feel her plush chest pressed against his.
“J-Jason, I…I–”
“Let it out…I’ve got you.”
Every loud, wet sob and hiccup shredded his heart further; all he could do was tighten his hold and rub circles between Melanie’s shoulder blades. Jason let his nose trail down, planting soft kisses along her neck until he buried his face in the juncture of her jugular and shoulder. “I know,” he mumbled against her wet skin, swaying gently from side to side. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say; what could he that could make this better? It’s not like Jason could even promise it wouldn’t happen again.
He wasn’t sure how long they stood in the shower. Long enough for the water to lose its bite, slowly bleeding from hot into tepid, bordering on cold territory. Jason supported most of Melly’s weight under the water as she started to tire, her bawling turning into whimpers and sniffles against his skin. It wouldn’t do for them to stay there any longer and be exposed to cold temperatures again.
Melanie’s fingertips dug further into his shoulders as he pivoted them just enough to lean forward and cut the water with one hand. Get a fucking towel, you degenerate. Eyes up, eyes up, eyes up…
Jason draped a thick black towel over her shoulders and gathered it together in front until she took the edges in her hands underneath. He let her stand there while he stepped out and ruffled his hair with another towel, completely missing the shift in Melanie’s gaze. Her blue eyes went to the boy, watching the water drip down his back into a puddle on the floor, his shoulders, and his biceps as he tossed the towel about.
“That’s why your hair’s so frizzy, y’know,” she pointed out, rocking back and forth on her feet. “Your curls would be prettier if you took care of them.”
He switched to drying his torso, looking back over his shoulder when he said, “Thank you for your concern.” The towel hung in front of him, strategically covering the unrelenting hard-on he’d managed to keep unnoticed by some fucking miracle. “You okay?”
“Tired. Help?”
Melanie took his extended hand to balance herself as she climbed out. He was right about the shower, it had helped, but she was still slightly off. A good cry did her some good, too.
Once they had both stripped out of their sopping undergarments and jumped into dry pajamas, Melly collapsed on Jason’s bedding with a sigh, arms bent under the pillows. She didn’t usually go to bed with loose, wet hair (she would braid it, at least); going one night without listening to her haircare advice couldn’t hurt. The bed dipped beside her, and a hand patted her butt.
“Alfie’ll probably wake you up in two hours to check in,” he whispered, easing down onto his back; no spooning with their injuries. “Goodnight, Melly.”
“Love you, Jace.”
“Love you more.”
Copyright © 2023 as-is-above-so-below. All rights reserved.
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onbrokenglass · 2 years
Hello there!
This blog is mainly for finding roleplays. I roleplay exclusively on Discord (I love making private servers) and am 21+, so minors please DNI. Style-wise I can adapt to my partner, though my favourite way to write is lit for those juicy, introspective moments. NSFW friendly, and I like all sorts of pairs from fxf, mxf, mxm, to any nb pairs. Platonic and found family are fun too!
My messages are always open for people interested in writing with me! I promise I don’t bite, even if some of my muses do.
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Under the cut is a list of characters I’ll thread with (who I’d like to play is bolded, if both are bolded I can do either or), though it’s by no means exhaustive. Regardless of how old this post gets, you can message me at any time for those on this list.
Ships (Canon)
Anakin Skywalker x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Atton Rand x Female Exile
Aviendha x Elayne Trakand
Beatrice x Battler Ushiromiya
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle
Carmy Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross
Dale Cooper x Harry Truman
Daniel Solace x Maura Franklin
Dick Grayson x Wally West
Dracula x Mina Harker
Elend Venture x Vin
Emma Larsimon x Marianne
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams
Erik Lehnsherr x Charles Xavier
Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Harry du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi
James Delaney x Lorna Bow
Joe Goldberg x Forty Quinn
Joe Goldberg x Love Quinn
John Constantine x Bruce Wayne
John Constantine x Lucifer
Jon Kent x Damian Wayne (either aged up or still young, but if they’re young absolutely no NSFW)
Jonas Kahnwald x Martha Nielsen (any iterations)
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa
Kaz Brekker x Jesper Fahey
Kyle Hyde x Brian Bradley
Kevin x Ilonka Pawluk
Laurent of Vere x Damen of Akielos
Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield
Marius Josipovic x Julia Bowman
Marius Josipovic x Taylor Bowman
Mat Cauthon x Elayne Trakand
Mat Cauthon x Rand al’Thor
Mat Cauthon x Tuon Paendrag
Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Mike Ross x Harvey Specter
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Layla El-Faouly
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Nate Fick x Brad Colbert
Nate Jacobs x  Maddy Perez
Nathan Prescott x Max Caulfield
Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth
Rob Ryan x Cassie Maddox (book verse)
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Ronald Speirs x Carwood Lipton
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
Stephen Holder x Sarah Linden
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Thomas Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Tomas Ortega x Marcus Keane
Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter
Wolfgang Bogdanow x Kala Dandekar
Ships (OC)
Alcina Dimetrescu x OC (female)
Atticus O’Sullivan x OC (any, supernatural or mythological)
Francis York Morgan x OC (any)
Holden Ford x OC (male, serial killer and/or detective)
John Constantine x OC (any)
Jonathan Reid x OC (any)
Peter Pan x OC (male, lost boy - no NSFW, though would feature dark themes as my Peter is inspired by the book The Child Thief. Would love platonic friends or enemies for this as well.)
Vanessa Ives x OC (any)
Carmy Berzatto & Richie Jerimovich
Dexter Morgan & Harrison Morgan
Five Hargreeves & Any Hargreeves Siblings
Hank Anderson & Connor
Jesse Pinkman & Walter White
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams
Kratos & Atreus
Moon Knight System (any against any)
Norman Bates & Dylan Massett
Peter Pan & Hook
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arrthurpendragon · 5 years
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Chaos Theory a Supergirl fanfiction
by: @papergirlpapertownn
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margoshansons · 5 years
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the leftover children + disney: superwayne as anna + kristoff
---we’re gonna get this right
tagged: @witchofinterest @agb-random @abbysarcane
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The One With The Loan
Ft. Nico Wayne (mine) and Alfie Wayne (@papergirlpapertownn)
Inspired by this
Alfie groaned, rolling over in bed to pick up his phone.
“What?” he asked blearily, hoping that the unknown number was important and not a spam call.
“Hey Al,” he heard his twin greet, sounding far too awake for the middle of the night.
“What the fuck, Nik, it’s like,” he checked his phone screen.  “Three in the morning.”
“Can I borrow like… five hundred bucks… no questions asked?”
“First of all, you could have called dad, and second of all, I have a lot of questions.  Namely, what the fuck, and also where are you?”
“I’m... kind of at the GCPD?  But dad can’t know, Al.  I just, kind of maybe need bail money?”
“Again, what the fuck, Nik?”
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beneathstarryskies · 4 years
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🥀 = Angst
💖 = Fluff
🔥 = Smut
💌 = Requested
🚫= Warnings Apply (Kinky)
☠️ = Character Death
Part 2 of my masterlist can be found here!
Star Wars
Arranged Marriage: Hux x OC 🥀
Fight Me, You Handsome Stranger: Obi Wan Kenobi x OC 💌💖
Quiet Moments: Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader 💖🥀
Kissing Obi Wan Headcanons 💌
Orson Krennic NSFW Alphabet 💌🔥
Obi Wan Kenobi NSFW Alphabet 💌 🔥
Harry Potter
Only a Kiss: Severus Snape x Narcissa Malfoy 🔥🥀
A Bit of Studying: Remus Lupin x Reader 💌 🔥💖
Remus Lupin NSFW Alphabet 🔥
In the Morning: Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger 🔥💖
Evil Dead/Ash vs Evil Dead
Dumb and Arrogant: Ash Williams x Reader 🔥
Halloween with Ash Headcanons 💖
Striptease: Ash Williams x Reader🔥
Five Stages of Grief: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts 🥀☠️
In the Night: Bruce Wayne x OC 🥀
Domestic Bruce Headcanons 💌💖
Peaky Blinders
Hell Doesn't Freeze: Alfie Solomons x OC 🥀☠️🔥
Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid
Waking up with Johnny Lawrence: Johnny x Reader 💌💖
NSFW Alphabet Johnny Lawrence (1984) 💌🔥
Fluffy Alphabet with Johnny Lawrence (Past and Present) 💌💖
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
The Escort: Cinnabon Gene x Sex Worker!OC 🚫🔥
Wicked Lessons: Orochimaru x OC 🚫🔥
When You Got the Blues : Jiraiya x Fem!Reader💌🔥💖
Shikamaru NSFW Alphabet🔥
Sasuke NSFW Alphabet🔥💌
Do Not Disturb: Sasuke x Reader x Naruto🔥🔥
You Can Be the Medicine: Yamato x Fem!Reader🔥💖
untitled soft Itachi: Itachi x Fem!Reader💌🔥💖
Kakashi NSFW Alphabet🔥
Birthday Headcanons: Jiraiya x Reader, Itachi x Reader, Lee x Reader, Kakashi x Reader💌🔥💖
Don't Go Away Mad: Yamato x Reader🔥🚫
Squirting Headcanons: Jiraiya x Reader, Itachi x Reader, Kakashi x Reader, Yamato x Reader💌🔥
Squirting Headcanons Pt. 2: Naruto, Neji, Lee, Sasuke, Shikamaru💌🔥
Jiraiya with a Stronger Son Headcanons💖💌
Cuddly Shikamaru Drabble: Shikamaru x Reader💖💌
Kakashi Being a Terrible Cook: Kakashi x GN!Reader💖💌
Madara Uchiha NSFW Alphabet💌🔥
Tobirama Senju NSFW Alphabet💌🔥
Squirting Headcanons Pt. 3: Madara, Iruka, Obito, and Izuna💌🔥
Visiting The Hotsprings w/Shikamaru Headcanons💖💌
Madara Uchiha SFW Alphabet 💖💌
Losing Your Virginity to Jiraiya Headcanons 💌🔥💖
Izuna Uchiha NSFW Alphabet💌🔥
Jiraiya Body Preference Headcanons💌🔥💖
Polyamorous Relationship w/ Itachi and Shikamaru HC's💌🔥💖
Itachi Uchiha NSFW Alphabet💌🔥💖
Itachi w/ Stressed S/O Headcanons💖💌
I'm Your Painkiller: Rock Lee x Reader💌🔥💖
Teasing Jiraiya Headcanons💌🔥
Let Me Love You: Rock Lee x GN!Reader💖💌
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thatredheadwriter · 3 years
Characters/Fandoms/Celebs I Write For
This is an 18+ only blog. By interacting you agree that you are over the age of 18. If you choose to interact off of anon, I will look at your page. If you don’t have your age (range) in your bio or pinned post, I will not respond.
Please note that I write mostly character x reader fics, but I will also write character x OC or character x other character. The other character for the pairing doesn't have to on my list. I am open to writing any almost any pairing.
I am currently writing/accepting requests (when open) for characters in the Active category, may/have written for characters in the Temporarily Archive category, and am no longer writing but have written for those in the Permanently Archived category.
Please don’t forget to read my post about requesting before sending one in, thanks!
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Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Jake Lockley
Star Wars
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Din Djarin
Pedro Pascal Characters
Din Djarin
Javier Peña
Javi Gutierrez
Frankie Morales
Dieter Bravo
Marcus Moreno
Max Lord
Jack Daniels/Agent Whiskey
Marcus Pike
Ezra (Prospect)
Oscar Isaac Characters
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Jake Lockley
Poe Dameron
Jonathan Levy
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Roy Harper
Tommy Merlin
Dr. Wells
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Luke Alvez
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Theodore Nott
Blaise Zabini
Tom Riddle
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanov
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Matt Murdock
Frank Castle
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Michael Gray
Alfie Solomons
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Jack Kline
don’t see what you’re looking for?
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gothamsshit · 3 years
Hey guys, here is the person behind Shadow :D You can call me Liska, Foxy or just come up with something else if you like.
I don't want to tell you too much about Shadow yet, I want to reveal them within their own story line with time, but here are a few points that you can know (for now):
Shadows universe has in the Wayne family (Alfie of course) Bruce, Dick, Jay (who is still presumed dead), Tim, Damian, Cass and an OC of mine; you'll know more about her another time though. Steph & Babs are not "official" parts of the fam, but obviously still associated with them.
Shadow themself ARE quite wealthy and known, that's one of the reasons they want to be anonymous.
They DO work, but how old they are? Definitely not as old as one may think when they talk about work.
Also, they really don't like Metropolis. It is boring and a little too stuck up in Shadows opinion and Gotham is their home. They love Gotham, despite everything they might say.
I'm out🤭😉
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mr007pennyworth · 3 years
Alfred vs Alfie - Headcanon
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Headcanon based on thread with @an-oc-to-rp-with​
Alfred: Cool, Calm, Collected, Handy, Well Dressed, Smart, Sarcastic, Proper gentleman, Witty, Dominant even.
Alfred is an all in one package when it comes to needing something. He’s a pillar of the family and widely beloved. But even the seemingly thick shelled ex-marine can have his bad days. 
On rare occasions, Alfred’s mental health....cracks, for lack of better word. A few times a month Alfred gets left alone for a day or two,nothing serious he keeps himself occupied. 
But every so often these periods are extended and leave Alfred feeling...lost. 
Back in NY before Bruce was born, Alfred, was nowhere to be seen. Instead someone who was nicknamed Alfie, existed. Thomas watched for six years,he watched Alfred swallow the pills and do as he was told, locked up in a veterans care home, suffering from severe PTSD, Major Depression, Morphine Addiction and more recently diagnosed by Dr Thompkins, borderline personality disorder. 
The problem was, he was feed, washed, medicated and left alone for hours on end again. This long period of more or less social neglect and the systematic abuse that Thomas caused, by labeling him as aggressive and unstable to keep him on lithium and Schizophrenia medications, ment a line between Alfred’s comfort zones was carved. Alfred was recovered when he was brought into to play Butler for the Waynes, and continued to recover as Bruce was born and grew up through pitfall of drug relapses. Alfie, on rare occasion of severe stress reared his head and was the main reason for theses relapses in Alfred’’s addiction to morphine. 
Alfie, is Alfred’s unstable side. Many related his behavior to that of Bi-polar, but Alfie wasn’t manic nor depressed, he was simply, stuck. 
After three full days of no physical social interaction, such as meeting for coffee or having someone to play father too, Alfred would get anxious.
Cue, the ‘reason why Alfred goes everywhere with me’ quote from Bruce. 
Bruce took Timothy and Damian all the way Canada one fateful March. Jason and Steph were out of town. Richard was currently also on holiday with his girlfriend. 
Barbara, had gone away to her family friends up north. 
Alfred, had stayed at the manor a for a full eight days alone. 
The first, three were calm, cleaning, reading and so forth...by day four, Bruce forgot to call him. Alfred was losing track of the family text chat on his phone and began to ignore it. With having no-one to fuss over, he began to run out of things to do, shopping was done, cleaning over with and doubled...he’d read all his books and brought three new ones. He had no gardening to do either. 
Day five, Alfred woke up and everything was wrong. It was too warm, everything was too quiet, he couldn’t stop thinking someone was in the house a following him, had started scratching himself till he bled and he was in too much pain . 
By the morning of day six, Bruce got a phone call from Leslie. “Alfred’s in A&E, where the fuck are you all?” The maid had found him passed out shirtless on the kitchen floor drugged out of his head. 
Que the mad rush of Jason, Steph and Richard trying to get back into Gotham before each other, and Timothy storming out of a meeting demanding plane tickets for the next available flight home because fuck this shit my grandfather needs me. 
Alfred can’t handle being alone and god help him he hates the fact that as soon as the anxiety about his family creep up his spine he starts to lose his sanity a little, reason he required a private nurse. Cue, Grace Williams. 
For years after the incident, Bruce insisted Alfred got a carer. Mostly so that someone would be able to be there when the family went out. 
Alfred insisted he was fine. Alfie, went and found himself someone to rely on. 
Grace continues to monitor Alfred everyday, morning, afternoon and night, checks his medication and genuinely just keeps him company.  But Alfie, still pops up. 
Some days, when Bruce hasn’t been around alot, and the kids are flighty, Alfred gets quiet, he goes thoughtful and he stops...working. He stops knowing what to do. Forgets to eat...forgets how to do something he always does like shaving or putting on socks. 
He more or less goes from being the adult to requiring one. Someone who reminds him what he should be doing, tells him no there isn’t someone in the empty hall that he keeps looking back at, no its not his jumper that making him itchy, someone who takes him for a walk, talks to him and keeps him calm and most of all just accepts that you just have to let this pass, shouting, snapping or getting angry will make his behaviour worse. 
Once he finds a focal point, such as one of the kid coming home and needing him to make dinner or occupies him with talk or something to do with his hands, he’ll phase back to himself, and Alfred will take over once more. 
Alfred is all white smile, smartly dressed, in control and the caregiver. 
Alfie, is all blank stares, usually can’t keep his shirt on, highly nervous of loud noise and needs someone but fears nobody cares. 
Alfred is very much an iceberg, you’ll only ever know him when you’ve gained his trust. 
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foxesandmagic · 4 years
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Happy Holidays, OC Community (6/?)
Jim Hopper and Molly Davis (Stranger Things) for @poe-tato-dameron;
Clara Oswald and Emery (Doctor Who) for @aliverse;
Diego Hargreeves and Juliet Ortega (The Umbrella Academy) for @seize-the-droid;
Alfie Wayne and Barbara Gordon (Arrowverse) for @papergirlverse;
Reggie Peters and James DeMarco (Julie and the Phantoms) for @juliesdahlias;
Patricia Pennyworth and Jason Todd (Titans) for @mer-writes;
Maddie Whitaker and Peter Parker (Marvel) for @luucypevensie;
Mia Fletcher and Peter Parker (Marvel) for @starsandstormyseas;
Sirra Selanno and Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) for @moirei.
A/N: Gif credit goes to the respective owners; I just found them and edited together. (I’m trying to do something for each OC blog I follow, so I apologise if I miss anyone!). 
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luucypevensie · 3 years
👤 + Lana Condor, Dylan O’Brien, Jenny Boyd?
Besides my bb, Felicia, I associate Lana with @richitozier’s Sage White
For Dylan, I just remembered that @tessasocs has a DC OC with him as a fc. I think his name is Alfie Wayne, but I could be wrong.
With Jenny, there’s your bb Venus Malfoy. Also, @kiara-carrera has a HP OC named Genevieve Lovelace with Jenny as the fc!
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tessasocs · 4 years
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the leftover children :: posters
perverse instantiation ( arrow s1-s8 )
chain reaction ( the flash s1-s7 )
cosmic strings ( legends s1-s5 )
chaos theory ( supergirl s1 - s5 )
taglist: @witchofinterest​ @the-october-reviewer​​ @foxesandmagic​​ @perfectlystiles​ @darknightfrombeyond​ @twinmasks​​ @ocfairygodmother​​ @bravelittleflower​ @iron-parkr @randomfandoming1​ @onplanetmars​ @misshiraeth98 @letthestarssing​ @darkwolf76 @suethor​ @butcherofblackwater​ @prophecy-grrl @john-silver @drbobbimorse​ @itsjustgracy​ @poe-tato-dameron​ @booty-boggins​ @thanksbutnoshanks @stareyedplanet​ @raith-way​
the leftover children taglist: @raging-violets​ @randomestfandoms-ocs​ @mystic-scripture​ @kota-johns
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the-witching-ash · 4 years
top 10 of your ocs and top 10 of others'? (you don't have to pass it on but it could be a fun positivity game)
Top 10: of mine: Lilian West, Max Wilson, Fraya Allen, Cassandra Merlyn, Regina Gilmore, Grace Kim, Richie Gilmore, Bianca White, Cordelia Castellan, Bethany Jasper
@papergirlverse oc’s Jasmine West, Alex Prince & Alfie Wayne (basically any oc from her Leftover Childeren - verse)
@darknightfrombeyond oc Amelia Queen
@raging-violets Cadence Nash
@twofacedharveydent Gotham oc - Bird
@ocfairygodmother - Outlander OC Ruthie
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margoshansons · 4 years
🎵 for Alfie?
Alfie Wayne + Homeward Bound by Simon and Garfunkel.
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But all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity
Music Moodboard Ask!
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