#octp prompts
heyitslapis · 7 months
When your OCs are nervous to meet each other's parents/family for the same fear (what if they hate me?) but for opposite reasons
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welcometothewoes · 1 year
The image of A lying down with their head on B's chest, listening to their heartbeat while dozing off and basking in the warmth B emits gets me through the workday agh it's so good and tender
Especially if B puts their hand on A's back and slowly caresses them, or maybe plays with their hair, and all their problems melt away for a few hours because it's just the two of them in the whole wide world
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ksilberne · 2 years
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running out of time
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azul-nieve · 4 months
Random Questions About OCs #2
what if oc kesayangan kalian no.1 ketemu dengan oc kesayangan kalian no.2? gimana interaksi mereka?
Fino & Hielo ketemu langsung berantem
OC prompt: OC kalian berantem
Otw soalnya Fino & Hielo emang rival
Friend group oc! Kalian rata-rata seumuran? Atau malah ada yang beda generasi?
Awal² seumuran karena Fino, Eko, & Petra satu kelas, terus mulai beda² karena Hielo & Adler (kakak kelas mereka bertiga) gabung
siapa di sini yg pernah ganti nama oc?? spill nama lama vs nama baru mereka dong
Hielo Sininen jadi Hielo Azules
kalian kok bisa sih punya oc lebih dari satu, trus nama namanya terinspirasi dari mana?
"Elementkarta universe", namanya terinspirasi dari nama² elemen dalam berbagai bahasa + warna
tunjukin octp / duo oc! kalian yang punya kombinasi warna merah dan biru
Hielo x Fino, tapi birunya biru muda
Other questions
menurut kalian apa yang membuat sebuah oc! menjadi menarik dan membosankan?
disclaimer: this is very personal opinion. Buat gue pribadi menarik kalo desainnya catchy, ada ciri khas, dan warnanya asik
struggle kalian sebagai oc! artist lebih ke same face syndrome atau same character different face? atau mungkin ada struggle lainnya sebagai oc artist?
Pengen desain OC yg menarik, unik, & flashy, tapi gak mau yg ribet/susah digambar
Kalian lebih suka bikin kota/negara/world sendiri atau pake aja yang udah ada di RL buat oc! kalian?
Bikin sendiri, kayak kota Agnikarta
Ayo ortu OC! Gimana resolusi per-OCan kalian di 2024?
pengen lebih aktif bikin konten OC di Tumblr & Artstation, walaupun gak akan jadi bikin artbook, tapi seenggaknya semua konsepnya ada di Tumblr atau Artstation
Kalian apakah masih ingat oc! Paling pertama yang kalian buat? Bener2 kayak misal oc iseng yg kamu buat pas masih remaja gituu. Kalau iya, coba jelasin dong
Masih, terus gue revamp dan masukin ke universe Elementkarta
Kalian punya gak OC! Yang sebenarnya revamp dari oc lama (yang mungkin dulunya terasa cringe)?
OC gue di universe Elementkarta revamp dari OC tahun 2010-2011, termasuk Fino, Eko, Hielo, Adler, Petra
Ada ga karakter anime / game dkk yg mirip bgt sama oc! kalian ga peduli apa itu dari personalitinya, lorenya dll. Kalau ada, siapa karakternya? (selain drpd yg sengaja ambil jadi inspirasi ocnya ya)
Todoroki Shoto (My Hero Academia), kebetulan banget mirip, gue mulai bikin desainnya Fino & Hielo tahun 2015, terus baru tau tentang MHA pas tahun 2016. Tapi malah jadi suka series & karakternya karena miripnya
(I'm thinking of compiling every random OC questions in one post later)
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resetting37 · 4 years
Imagine your oc ships picking each other up. Or better yet, trying to.
Of your oc ships, who’s able to pick the other(s) up ? Who tries but fails to do so 🤭
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managodess · 4 years
Title: First Impressions Fandom: Original (AU setting) Characters: Felyx and Maya (Felyx belongs to AnonMS on Gaiaonline, Maya is my OC) Words: 1.9k Rating: E Prompt: Person A is at college, has some free time, finds a quiet spot to curl up and take a nap. When they wake, they find Person B, an art student, drawing them (without asking permission first). You choose where it goes from there.
Prompt by @otpprompts can be found here
Note: This was written in 2015 but I still think it’s cute and noticed I never posted it here.
As the minute hand drew onto the 45-minute mark, the teacher in the front of their little class of twenty people glanced up, casting the group a smile.
“That’s it for today then. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me now or come to my office later. And don’t forget, your portfolios are due at the end of the semester.”
It was only just November, which meant that Maya had until March, but nonetheless, her teacher’s words were a reminder that she should probably get started. The requirement was showing off different traditional media and while there were some that came to her more easily – she loved working with watercolors more than anything – there were others she still had to practice with to feel more confident.
And so, casting a short glance outside and shuddering lightly at the sight of the pale grey sky that looked like incoming snow, she headed into the library, bag over her shoulder, sketchbook under her arm. She might as well start practicing some pencil sketches now; she could refine some with charcoal, colored pencils, or just shade them otherwise. Maybe she’d find some inspiration.
 As she had expected, it was quiet, something that she always found rather soothing about being here. Soft footsteps announced presence her as she made her way to a table in the back of the study room, settling down and trying to make as little noise as possible. She retrieved a small leather case, which held different pencils, pens and other general sketching supplies, then moved her sketchbook onto her lap, vivid blue eyes trailing around the room for something that might make her hands itch to sketch.
When they had nearly come full circle, she noticed a figure, huddled into a corner, head tilted back a little. Even with the dark strands falling partially into his face, she could make out his features.
‘Wow… he looks really good.’
 Absently, the brunette bit her lip, leaning forward a bit in her seat as her fingers moved through the pages until she found one that was still empty.
She had hoped to find inspiration, but really, it seemed as if inspiration had found her instead.
Her normally light brown braids were dangling against the paper, which explained the blotches of color in them considering her preferred medium.
Slender fingers on small hands drew the pencil over the page in her sketchbook with trained movements. A gesture first, getting down the general shape of the figure in front of her, vague, guidelines. Then, details, fleshing out his pose and body, the slight tug of fabric in parts of his attire that hinted towards him being at least somewhat muscular. His hands, which looked a little roughened, as if he worked with them often, one of them dangling limply just past his knee, the other propping up his face just above his nose.
And finally, her gaze wandered to his face, biting down on her bottom lip harder as she focused on this. The angular line of his jaw, the slight tilt of his lips, the serenity of his expression.
Just as she was sketching in more detail for his hair, she noticed a shift, more than the simple tremble of breathing.
Dark, reddish eyes were looking at her and she could feel her pale face heat up, eyes widening in shock. For a moment, he seemed confused, still in a state of waking and she took her chance, tearing the sketch from her book and thrusting it against his chest.
Her words came out in one breath before she hastily grabbed her things, clutching her sketchbook closer and rushing out of the library in a half panic.
 The male seemed to need another few seconds to fully wake, hands shifting to grab the paper that had been forced onto him and glancing down, surprised to see himself caught on it, in soft, elegant lines thinly sketched with a pencil.
While he hadn’t remembered all aspects the strange girl’s appearance, a few things had stuck. Blue eyes and specks of color in her hair, her braids mostly. Then that look of shock, but she had run out before he had been able to fully commit her face to memory.
This wouldn’t do…
He let out a small sigh, stretching carefully, joints cracking as they slipped back into their proper places. He moved the picture into one of his textbooks, placing it gingerly between the pages so it wouldn’t get crumpled.
His mind had immediately jumped to the one person he was sure would be able to tell him more about the mysterious artist.
He just had to find her.
There were a few places she would spend her time outside of class, but the problem was that he never quite knew when she was or wasn’t in class and truthfully, waiting until the weekend, when he would definitely see her, seemed too far away right now.
Reaching into the front pocket of his dark jeans, he retrieved his phone, fingers quickly moving across the keys on screen before sending off a message.
He didn’t have to wait long to notice a familiar, dark-haired woman enter the library and make her way towards him. Her hair gave off a blue shimmer against the light and violet eyes, no doubt contacts, stood out against her porcelain skin.
Felyx wasn’t surprised to see her draw some looks from other students in the library, who glanced up from whatever they were doing a little too long, but either she didn’t notice or didn’t care.
“You called?”
 Her lips curled into a small, though curious smile and she sat down on the table, legs crossed over the edge of the table.
He handed her the sketch, brow furrowed slightly. “You study art… any idea who made this?”
The female’s eyes scanned across the pencil lines, then moved back up to meet his red ones. “I’d recognize those lines anywhere. That looks like one of Maya’s sketches. She specializes in watercolors… Is that… wow.”
“I’m guessing she was sketching me while I was asleep because she left me with this and ran away when I woke up.”
Mosune laughed, a soft, melodic sound.
“I don’t think she was expecting you to wake up. Anyway, we have class together again on Thursday. So that’s three days from now. Room 104, in the back building. Class ends at noon; the teacher always finishes on time. You should be able to catch her then.”
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“I know.” She smiled at him and got to her feet again elegantly. “I’ll see you soon. You owe me.”
“I know.” He cast her a smirk and watched her leave before sinking back down against the wall, in the same spot he’d slept in. His eyes trailed over the sketch, taking in every little detail. It was amazing how well she had captured him… and he hadn’t even noticed her watching him.
  For the rest of the day and the entire next day, Maya found herself glancing around a lot more often, as if worried that the male might be waiting for her somewhere. To what? Complain that she had stalked him?
God… she must have seemed like such a creep.
 But by the time Thursday came, she had pushed the event to the back of her mind, focused on other things. Their morning class was a practical one, working with acrylics on canvas.
She chose an easel next to a familiar face, smiling at the girl with the violet eyes.
“Hey Mosune.”
The other smiled right back at her, pinning her raven hair up in a bun.
“Any idea what they want us to paint today?”
“A still life or something.” Maya frowned ever so slightly. “Seems a bit boring, don’t you think?”
“I’m sure today’s gonna end up less boring than you think.” Mosune replied, smiling back at her.
Throughout their painting assignment, the two continued to talk, until finally, the teacher ended their class, giving them time to clean their workspaces and palettes.
 It was noon by the time they made their way out of the classroom and Maya found herself greeted by the familiar but unexpected sight of the boy she’d drawn in the library a few days ago. He was moving fast towards her too, holding a frame in his hands and handing it to her as he approached.
“Here. You should keep this, it’s really good.” He cast her a small smirk and she felt the familiar warmth threaten to creep into her cheeks.
She took the frame, holding it so the picture was concealed from view by a few classmates curiously moving past the two of them. Mosune seemed almost amused by this exchange, Maya noticed.
“Maybe I’ll see you soon.” And with that, he took his leave, leaving behind a somewhat confused brunette and her amused friend.
“Is that the guy you mentioned? Looks like he even framed it for you.”
Maya nodded, head lowering a bit to hide her burning cheeks.
“God this is so embarrassing.” She muttered under her breath. “Don’t tell anyone, alright?”
“Of course not.” Mosune promised, smiling, and drawing an arm around her friend’s shoulder.
 The moment she got home; Maya hung the framed picture up on the wall of her dorm.
But it wasn’t until nearly two weeks later that a completely random event brought her to pay more attention to it than usual.
Distracted from trying to find something, she tripped over her bag, bumping heavily against the wall. The impact knocked the frame down and it shattered, leaving the sketch to slip beneath her bed. She crawled down to get it and when she did, she noticed something on the back of it.
“Is that…”
A phone number.
So that was why he had spoken about hoping to see her again.
 Once she had cleaned up, she retrieved her phone, quickly typing in a message to the not quite so unknown number.
“Hi! Looks like you hid this a bit better than you probably thought. I’d love to meet up, maybe for coffee? The girl with the sketchbook.”
 Her attention shifted back to the sketch and a thought formed in her mind as she spread it carefully onto her desk across a layer of newspaper, grabbing her watercolors.
Without even having to think, her hands drew across the paper, adding color to the pencil lines, even without having to see him. His face was ingrained in the back of her head.
It took her about two hours to finish the sketch and only then did she check her phone to see that he had replied.
How does tomorrow afternoon sound? I’ll meet you at the Corner Cup?”
She sent him a quick answer, setting the time at 2 PM, then laid the picture down to dry. Time couldn’t pass fast enough and by the time the next day had arrived, Maya was more excited than she dared to admit.
As her fingers nimbly worked to put the familiar two braids into her hair, her eyes moved back to the now finished painting. She would take it with her, give it to him. And hopefully, he would accept it. A small, tiny voice in her head muttered about how it was a shame; that the painting would look amazing in her portfolio, but she silenced it. No, this would be better.
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the-drifters · 4 years
OTP prompt I’m pretty sure that hasn’t been done yet?
Person A is an important, influenctial person... during their era in history. They aren’t taught about in schools for some reason. They’re also still alive for some reason (secret vampire, immortal, etc.), but nobody knows who they are anymore, and anyone who would simply doesn’t recognize them.
Person B wants to write a story/musical/movie/etc about someone from history that was important for their time but isn’t so much so today (Ex: Hamilton). It gets big.
Person A reads/watches it and enjoys the take on their story despite the artistic liberties, and gets to meet B somehow, and things go from there.
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cutiepieprompts · 7 years
AUs #12 - Animals
“Oh my god, you bought EVERY dog in the shelter??? How the heck are we going to care for all these dogs??” AU
“Uhh babe, why are all these cats at our door? You didn’t feed that stray cat I told you not to, did you..?” AU
“Oh my gosh what is that? Why is there an exotic animal in our living room..?? Babe??? It looks hungry??" AU
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clefdraki · 7 years
Okay but imagine your OTP making dinner/setting up dinner together to Be Our Guest. Bonus: They get so wrapped up in singing/making a production of it in their house that they forget to actually eat dinner.
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managodessart · 4 years
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Maya and my friend’s OC Felyx, the OCTP. They’re sorted oldest to newest from top left to bottom right, the top left one was actually done based on a prompt by one of the prompt groups here I totally forgot the name of >.>
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thatrandomartblog · 5 years
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And for the other half of the Spin-The-Wheel OCTP prompts, to go with QuyPep, We got the kitty grandparents, Wilbur and Mirabelle! Their grandchild is staying over for the night, and Mirabelle is bringing over some lemonade!
Mirabelle belongs to @river-birch!
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OC October is coming up and I decided to make some OC October prompts? If you use them pls tag me cause I want to see your cute af OCs!! 1-Your current favorite OC 2-Your first OC 3-An OC you don't draw nearly enough 4-A non-human OC 5-A female OC 6-A male OC 7-A completely original OC 8-A fandom OC 9-A persona 10-Two of your OCs trade places 11-Your cutest OC 12-Your shortest OC 13-Your tallest OC 14-Your OCTP 15-An OC x Canon pairing 16-Two OCs who are siblings 17-Your most stylish OC 18-Your least stylish OC 19-Your oldest (age wise) OC 20-Your youngest OC 21-A fandom OC in the art style of the media they're in 22-Your OC drawn as their zodiac sign 23-Alternate designs for your OC 24-A human OC as an animal 25-An animal OC as a human 26-Your OC in fancy clothes 27-Your creepiest OC 28-Two OCs trade outfits 29-Your OC with a friend's OC 30-Your OC gets a new look 31-Your OC in a Halloween costume, or free draw
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rhaeanoa · 8 years
person a and b are in the same friend circle. everybody agrees that a and b would be the worst couple ever, because where a cares too much about absolutely everything to the point of almost anxiety, b cares about absolutely nothing at all. however, at some point a's ex is in town, and a begs b to fake date them because of 'reasons' that they refuse to disclose at this point. bored by everything, b agrees. in the course of their fictitious relationship, a falls hopelessly in love with b. b does not, however, return their feelings; in fact they remain completely oblivious to said feelings right up until they accidently learn that a's ex was emotionally abusive towards them. it turns out that b does have emotions, or at least one emotion, which is protectiveness. they threaten to shoot a's ex, and they're threatening enough that the ex pisses their pants and gets the hell away. they then proceed to go to a and tell them (to their face) that they would like a real relationship. a agrees (obviously) but they're very, very stunned. (for clarity's sake: a is both sexually and romantically attracted to b. b is demisexual and demi/aromantic. this is only the admin's interpretation, though. their genders and sexualities are, as always, up to you)
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heartless241 · 9 years
My list of AU prompts
Okay so I’ve seen a lot of AU lists on tumblr. So here’s my ideas for AU prompts
• Omegas go into heat once every month usually close to the full moon.
• Male and Female Omegas can have children, even if their mates are of the same sex, but only during their heats can they get pregnant.
• If an Omegas heat end early it means two things, first being their heat is over for the month or second, they are with pup.
• Some Omegas who have a heat with an Alpha usually don't mate. Its rare for an Omega to have a pup out of a non-mating heat
Soulmate AU
• Some people have their soulmates name on tattooed somewhere on their body, Others have the first words their soulmate would say to them.
• If a soulmate dies their first words/ their names start to fade away till its a scar or just faded ink
• If a soulmate is with someone who they think is their soulmate the words will turn a different color [like if the words are in black they will turn the color of their true soulmates eyes/hair color]
That’s all I have for now
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resetting37 · 7 years
For the octp meme- 7 with your favorite ship!
Thank you !! From this prompt. 
Okay so I *think* my favorite oc ship of mine is Morgan and Avery ? It’s such a hard question ! But since I’ve reblogged this meme before I’ve answered this on my main blog a long time ago, so I’ll link the answer:
What would they say is their favorite aspect about one another?
Avery would like how comfortable she is around Morgan, and she thinks she’s fun to be around. Morgan’s favorite thing would be how devoted Avery is to the relationship. And they have their differences but Avery always wants to work them out and come to an agreement.
I feel like that’s still true for them, but it’s fair to add that Morgan loves how detailed oriented Avery is ? It’s interesting to watch her work or hear her talk. 
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managodess · 4 years
I didn't really get to reading the last one yet, but I love those five (plus/minus XD) word prompts! "Cross that. Don't answer that." for Felyx and Maya?
“Favorite drink?”
“Oh hmm… I guess, milk coffee.”
“And here I thought you were a lover of teas. You used to order nothing else!” The smirk was audible through his words as he rested his chin atop her head.
“Well, that’s what happens when you have to raise a child and a group of about… twenty magic students all at once.” Maya laughed, gently slapping his hand that’d he’d placed comfortably on her knee. She was sat in his lap, eyes closed.
Three years were a long time to be separated from the one you loved and there was a lot of catching up to do. Maya couldn’t say who of them had had the idea first, but it seemed like a nice way to catch up. Originally, the questions had been from a questionnaire passed around Maya’s class, so the students could better get to know each other and themselves.
“Your favorite thing to do on a day off?”
“Assuming Vince is staying with his grandmother? Sleep in. Sometimes I read through the notes I took, back when you and I were traveling and remember what we’ve been through.”
His arms wrapped around her gently and he kissed the top of her head. “A lot”, he muttered softly, as his eyes trailed to the next question.
“What’s your biggest regret?”
She could hear his voice falter for a moment, feel him hold her a little tighter and she turned in his lap to face him.
“Cross that. Don’t answer that.” His tone had changed, and she could see in his eyes, unspoken thoughts and worries.
Gently, she placed her hands on either side of his face, drawing it down and resting her forehead to his. “I don’t regret a single thing since the day I met you.”
“If you hadn’t met me…”
“What a boring life.”
“I’ve never felt safer.”
“No nightmares.”
“None of these scars.”
“Felyx.” Tone firm, blue eyes locked on red. “If I hadn’t met you, I would’ve never become who I am today. I wouldn’t be half as confident, as strong… You brought out the best in me. You want to know what I regret? Not telling you sooner how much you meant to me ever since that first time you kissed me, back in Tosden.”
He laughed lightly, one hand moving to her lower back to draw her closer. “Gods, we were so young.”
“Horribly awkward.” Maya agreed with a giggle. “You were all flustered when you asked me on that date.”
“So were you”, he teased, grin on his lips now. “Next question! You get to bring one thing with you to an abandoned island. What do you take?”
“Your bag of holding doesn’t count.”
“… fine.”
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