#odin’s a bad parent
nepobabyeurydice · 4 months
all odin’s children need is validation from someone they like and then they become kinder more loving people. jane, mobius and ying li & wenwu can literally fix them i swear.
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worstloki · 1 year
Thor: I think I just… realized something. I had a bad childhood. Loki: Yes, I know Thor: What?! What do you mean you know?! Loki: Thor, I was literally there
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purple--queen · 4 months
Hela be like : & then my dad got this new girlfriend & now he is all about peace & no weapons on the table & wash that blood from your hands when we eat & next sunday we will ride out to get a stronger family bound & look she made you a dress you should wear it at the next midsummer & maybe you should do more activitis with her because she starts to thing you dont like her which is bad because we plan to get a kid togheter &-
Jiayi:....are you okay???
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ast-chan · 3 months
"À la place d’un seigneur des ténèbres, vous aurez une reine, non pas ténébreuse mais aussi belle et terrible que l’aurore, aussi traîtresse que la mer, plus forte que les fondements de la Terre, alors tous m’aimeront et désespérerons."
Le seigneur des anneaux : la communauté de l’anneau, Galadriel.
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Sometimes the world continuation depend on the parental competences of someone and this person fail, badly...
And sometimes it depend on love that others give you that allows you to keep away the corruption caused by the power of mighty artifacts.
Odin's bad parenting vs Celeborn true love
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loopsisloops · 2 years
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 1
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Loki/OFC Rated M (may go up to E in future chapters) Trigger Warnings: Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics
Loki's plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos​ @just-the-hiddles-reads​
What the Hel were they waiting for?
As he sat in his cell, refusing to give the agents he knew were watching him the satisfaction of seeing him pace, Loki was very well aware he was living on borrowed time. After all, he had just led a murderous alien army against one of their largest cities. He had rolled the dice with the Chitari and lost in humiliating fashion. He knew what his punishment was certain to be, no matter what fantasy Thor tried to peddle. He wished they would just get on with it.
He heard her heels clicking along the tiled floor before she came into view. Plastering a superior sneer onto his face, Loki looked up to see a surprisingly youthful, if not exactly young, woman in a navy skirt suit and pale pink blouse approach his glass cage. With a smile she flashed her badge at the pair of guards flanking the door. He could not hear their words, the prison was soundproofed, but it seemed some sort of disagreement was taking place. Much to his amusement it was the soldiers who finally backed down, punching the code to open his cell into the panel. Weapons drawn they escorted the woman into the enclosure where the God was being held.
As if they needed the weapons. With the inscrolled cuffs binding his wrists, Loki was incapable of accessing his magical powers. Hel, he could not even move his arms far enough to cross them over his chest as habit suggested he do. He supposed he could have used brute strength to muscle his way out, mortals were easy enough to subdue even manacled as he was, but to be honest he didn’t really care enough to try.
The woman flashed him an incongruous smile, only slightly tinged with insecurity, and made her way to the table across from him. Director Fury had been the last person to sit in that seat, and his smile had been very different. It seemed one eyed men of all realms agreed that Loki was beyond redemption. Fury had taken great pleasure in informing Loki that Odin had failed to lift a finger to retrieve his adopted son from the vengeance of Midgard. Thor, that soft hearted oaf, had begged for mercy on his behalf, but when had Loki ever been shown mercy?
“Hello,” the woman greeted him, sitting down and opening a large file folder. “My name is Dr. Caroline Thorpe. I have been contracted by the powers that be to conduct a thorough examination and debriefing of you… I see in my notes that you are listed variously as Prince Loki Odinson, Mr. Loki Laufeyson, Loki God of Mischief… How would you like me to address you?”
“Your Majesty would be acceptable,” Loki drawled, crossing his ankles in front of him as he spread out on the bench indolently. “My King, Your Worship, My God… any of those will work.”
“Prince Odinson it is,” she said with a small smile.
“No!” Loki surprised himself by his vehemence. “Not that. Odin is no father to me, as he has made very clear of late.”
“Very well. Why don’t we just stick with Loki then.”
“And shall I call you Caroline?” he asked, making his voice a purr.
“If you wish,” she shrugged, ignoring his attempt to disconcert her.
“Just what are you a doctor of, may I ask?”
“I have phds in Psychology, Neuro Development, and Trauma Therapy,” she told him.
“And you work for SHIELD.”
“Not officially. They bring me in from time to time. I helped Mr. Stark after his experience in captivity, and have worked profiling other threats, real and perceived, from various individuals. But this is not about me. This is about you.”
“Are you here to determine if I am sane enough to stand trial?” he snarled, leaning forward now and narrowing his eyes. “I assure you I am ready. I find I tire of Midgardian hospitality, and if the only way to end it is via the axe, then for gods’ sake, let them swing it.”
“Is that what you want?” she asked, resting her chin on one hand.
“The axe. To die. In short, are you suicidal?”
“Suicide is a coward’s way out,” he snapped.
“Maybe,” she still sounded unphased. “Or it’s a desperate man’s way out. When pain is so intense that living seems the lesser trial. You suggested earlier that I call you your majesty. You served as King of Asgard for a time, did you not?”
“I was the rightful King!”
“And how did that come about? Your father – excuse me, Odin, is still alive.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me,” she leaned back in her chair, raising her eyebrows.
“When one lives for thousands of years as we do, rather than the pitiful lifespan of your kind, and one exerts the amount of power that Odin wields, from time to time a rest is required. It is called the Odin Sleep. Pretentious, don’t you think? In any event, he had fallen into it. Thor was banished, and so I became King.”
“Thor was banished? Why?”
“For the good of Asgard! Had he been allowed to remain and to rule, it would have been nothing but genocide and war across the nine realms!”
“My goodness! How fortunate for all of us then that Odin saw that.”
“Odin,” Loki sneered, standing up and pacing despite his best intentions. “Odin was a fool,  blinded by a father’s fancy. He never saw Thor for what he was. No one did. They were all ready to give the realm up to him.”
“And yet, he was banished.”
“Ah, I see your game. It is not enough to convict me for my crimes here on Midgard. You want to tar me with my prior acts as well. Very well, I confess. I am not ashamed of it. Thor was a danger to the nine realms. No one else was going to stop him, so I took matters into my own hands. I allowed in a small group of Jotun soldiers to the vault. Not enough to steal anything, mind you. The destroyer was more than a match for them. Just enough to delay the ceremony and give my short tempered brother a match to light the flame of his temper. And what could be more predictable than that he went roaring in, hammer flying, to try and take on an entire race with nothing more than a mere handful of companions. We would be dead if I had not alerted the guard to his intent! But do I receive thanks for that? No. All I got from halting the ill thought assault on the Jotunheim was condemnation, betrayal, and pain.”
He had not meant to reveal so much. The memory still caused pain, in as much as he allowed himself to feel anything. He had saved them, all of them, only to be accused of jealousy and worse by those who were supposed to be his friends. He had needed so much at that time to feel that he was one of them. Loki had always struggled with the knowledge that he was an outsider, only allowed because he was Thor’s brother, held in the blond God’s affections like a beloved pet. With Thor gone and his own true parentage revealed, Loki had been more alone than ever. He longed for one of them, anyone, to reach out to him. Not that he had any delusion of taking Thor’s place in their group, he did not want to. But with his very identity spinning out of his control, any sign that he was part of a group, a welcome member of the band, would have helped him to keep his moorings.
“I am not trying to convict you of anything,” Dr. Thorpe said calmly. “I am simply trying to ascertain what led to your invasion. Surly it was not as simple as envying your brother’s throne.”
“I never wanted the throne!” Loki snapped, automatically. He didn’t know why, no one ever believed him. “No, I see your game. You want to lull me into a false sense of ease. To play the kind, friendly counterpoint to Fury’s righteous anger. You will not convict me, as you say, you will merely draw out confidences until I convict myself.”
“Then you think yourself guilty then?”
“Guilty of trying to improve the miserable lives of the pathetic inhabitants of this world, yes.”
“As long as we obeyed your commands.”
“Well, I am a God.”
“But you don’t want a throne.”
“It is not a matter of want. I was born to it. Told day after day, century after century that it was my destiny to rule.”
“Why was that do you think?” she asked him.
“All part of the AllFather’s glorious plans,” he laughed without humor. “He told both of his ‘sons’ they were meant to rule. He just didn’t tell us the rest of it. Thor was meant to rule over the splendor of Asgard, an adoring people supporting his every jingoistic impulse. Whereas I was destined for a different, colder fate. King of race of monsters who I was indoctrinated to despise. A race, might I add, that would not look with adoration at me despite my parentage, but rather revulsion that such a weak, stunted puppet as I was being forced upon them by the very colonizer who destroyed their home and stole me from my fated death. Oh yes, an equally wonderful destiny for us both.”
“It is true then? Odin stole you from a Jotun temple when you were a baby?”
“Abandoned by my other loving father. Yes. A happy tale, is it not?”
“Better than dying in the cold,” she suggested.
“Is it? The warm embrace of a family? A family where a common theme was the destruction of all the monster Jotuns? One of the first games my brother and I played was of the great battle in which King Thor would lead the mighty army of Asgard. Thor was always the King, even then. He would swoop in, legions behind him, and slay every last Frost Giant, that the evil, bestial race die out forever. And how did Odin react? By tousling his blond head and handing him Mjornir, the weapon with which to obtain his genocidal heart’s desire. Tell me, Dear Doctor, what such an upbringing would instill in a Jotun child. Do you think they would learn to love their people? To see the good in themselves? And when their true nature was revealed, what then?”
“It must have been terrifying.”
“I fear nothing.”
“No? You say your brother dreamed of killing all of the Jotuns. Tell me, Loki, when you found out what you were, did you fear – did you think he might include you in his plans?”
“I fail to see what this has to do with the invasion.”
“Forget the invasion for a moment. It must have crossed your mind. Just that day Thor had led you all to the Jotunheim to slay the Frost Giants. He tried to take on the entire race, wipe out their evil forever, as you said. All of that hate, all of that killing fervor, directed at a group that you were suddenly included in.”
Loki scoffed and looked away, but inside he was in turmoil. The fear had been almost crippling. He had been sorry at first that Thor had been banished. He had meant for his scheme to end in the coronation being delayed, had never thought that it would go as far as Odin casting his brother out of Asgard. He loved Thor, and while their relationship was not without conflict, he could not imagine his life without him.
And then the whisper of a thought had slid like a knife into his brain. His arm and hand had not burned but turned blue where the Frost Giant touched him. What did that mean? Quietly he had made his way into the vault, treading the long familiar halls until he stood before the nook containing the casket of endless winter. It was as if he could hear it singing to him, a song that spoke of sheer cliffs and sparkling snows, crisp days and chilling nights. Compelled, he had reached out and clutched the casket, and his world had ended.
When he felt Odin appear behind him, Loki had known a last glimmer of hope. Surely this was some Jotun trick. His father would deny it, would explain why this was happening to him and make everything alright. Instead, Odin had confirmed in stark, harsh words Loki’s worst fears. He was a monster. No wonder he had been shunned all his life. No wonder he was left to beg for scraps at Thor’s heels. He was the unwanted son of Asgard’s mortal enemy. One of the evil creatures Thor had sworn to eliminate from existence.
Thank the Norns that Thor was not there! He had been even more dismissive than usual of late, scorning Loki’s advice and belittling him in public these days as well as in private. Loki had hoped that it was merely the stress of the coronation, but what if it was more? What if Thor was beginning to sense that something was wrong with Loki? What if he was preparing himself for the moment when his hatred of the Frost Giants drove him to take the life of one who had been raised as his brother?
“Thor directs a killing fervor at whoever happens to be in his line of vision,” Loki tried for a bored flippancy. “Why should I have expected to be exempt?”
“Because you were his brother,” Dr. Thorpe suggested.
“Ah, but I am not.”
“Aren’t you?”
“If I was, do you think he would have so casually let me fall from the rainbow bridge? Oh, he made a token reach for me out of habit, as did Odin, but do you really think that if the combined might of Thor, God of Thunder, and Odin, AllFather tried to save me I would have fallen into the abyss?”
“Or not even Gods, as you call yourselves, are infallible.”
“Careful, little Doctor, you tread on heresy!”
“Hardly the first time,” she flashed a distracting smile despite his attempt to once more intimidate her, “I’m a diehard agnostic.”
Loki took a closer look at this woman who had been brought in to interrogate him. She was attractive, for a mortal. Bright, intelligent eyes, thick hair, conservatively dressed but not without a certain sense of style he could appreciate. More than that though, she seemed unintimidated by him. All of the other mortals he had come in contact with were obviously terrified of him. Whether they expressed it by hostile attempts at intimidation or shrinking visibly in his presence, he had easily read their fear in presence. This doctor though, she seemed completely unbothered to be locked in a room with a mass murderer. Absurdly, Loki was a bit offended by this. He had worked hard to come across as menacing in his takeover attempt. The least he deserved as a balm to his bruised ego was to see the Midgardians squirm when he growled.
A top on the glass sounded and Loki and the doctor both looked over to see a blond man of older years for a mortal glaring at them through the window. Ah, the alpha approach to fear. Puffing out his chest a bit, Loki broadened his shoulders and sneered at the man who’s name he refused to learn but who had barked at him before. Dr. Thorpe looked no less happy than he to see the bureaucrat, but after a brief grimace only Loki was allowed to see due to his position, she stood up and made her way to the door.
Caroline struggled to contain her irritation as she exited the glass cell, working to paste a serene look onto her over expressive face. She had lost count of the number of times her failure to hide her thoughts had gotten her into hot water with authorities at her various posts. It was her Achilles heel; no matter how much training she had in various methods of psychology, she had never mastered the blank stare that so many therapists affected.
“Secretary Pierce,” she greeted the man, trying for a friendly tone and not convincing herself. “What brings you down here?”
“I was about to ask you the same question,” the man did not look pleased.
“Sir? I was just debriefing the detainee, as ordered.”
And she had just begun to make progress! She knew, absolutely knew beyond a doubt that there was more going on with this Asgardian Prince than the world was aware of. Everything about his actions since arriving on Earth had been a jumble of contradictions. He was obviously brilliant but made errors that anyone could have foreseen. He demanded obeisance in grand statements about his Godliness, but Caroline would swear that she saw nothing but self-loathing in his eyes.
Why had he come here? It was obvious to her that he was running from something or towards, she was not yet sure, but her instincts told her it was vital to find out. To do that, she had to get him to trust her, at least a little, and she would not do that with glowering government dignitaries hovering over her shoulder.
“I did not order any such thing,” Pierce said, glaring at her. “The prisoner is dangerous. He is scheduled to be transferred to the Raft tomorrow, where he will be tried, condemned, and executed.”
“Director Fury gave the order, Sir,” she bit back the angry retort that the prisoner had yet to stand trial, and therefore his conviction, much less his death, was a bit premature.
“Fury’s gone soft,” one of the agents who always seemed to flank Pierce muttered.
“I dare you to say that to his face,” Caroline said sweetly. “Sir, if the prisoner is leaving us tomorrow anyway, and will not be around in any capacity much longer after that, then what harm could there be in talking to him? Maybe I will discover something that could be of use to us against future threats.”
“You really think you can get something out of him?”
As one, they all turned to where Loki was lounging indolently on his bench, a mocking gaze taking them all in as if he was holding them prisoner rather than the other way around.
Lord, he was attractive, a small voice remarked inconsequentially in her mind. Caroline tried not to blush as she turned back to the men who all towered over her. The last thing she needed was for Pierce and his goons to suspect she had a soft spot for the alien invader. She would never get near him again.
“I think that if I don’t, I will only have wasted my own time and his,” she replied. “Threats have not worked; he doesn’t fear us in the slightest. Why not let me try a different approach.”
“You have until the pick him up tomorrow,” Pierce agreed begrudgingly. “After that, the Asgardian’s time is up.”
Nodding and letting her smile slip away as she turned her back on the exiting men, she focused on the one sitting behind what she knew was impenetrable glass, wrists shackled together.
One day to decipher the mystery this man represented. She had her work cut out for her.
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galaxythreads · 6 months
So do you think Thor loki and hela should forgive him
No. I don't think they should forgive Odin. Abuse victims should never have to forgive their abusers for hurting them unless it will bring them peace. Sometimes being angry is more healing than forgiveness. Understanding why your abuser hurt you is not the same thing as forgiveness, it's just a step in the healing process. Thor, Loki, and Hela deserve healing, and if that healing involves forgiveness somewhere down the road, then okay. But they shouldn't be forced to forgive Odin. That doesn't help anyone but Odin and Odin's public image.
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odin-suggestion · 6 months
I still think about that moment in the comics where Odin hired Black Panther to kill Loki. But then how Odin gets very upset if anything happens to Loki. If BP had done it, what do you think Odin would have done?
I think about this so much.
Like, here's the context: The War of the Realms is imminent and Odin is finally realizing that he picked the wrongest possible way to deal with it. Freyja called it, and Loki sided with her when she rebelled against Odin over it, and then he (apparently) defected to the enemy, then he (apparently) tried to kill Freyja and nearly succeeded. Odin is going through some shit and once again, much of it is Loki's fault. So it's not that shocking that he'd want something done about Loki, and let's be real: for Asgardians, killing them is just making them go somewhere. To a god, death is a prison sentence, and Loki is the gods' best escape artist.
And while Odin absolutely (even by his own admission), has his moments... he's not stupid.
In that comic, Odin goes to Black Panther and starts off by saying, "Let me tell you a story."
In this story, Odin says, "A long time ago, I, a young god, and your ancestor, the first Black Panther, fought a terrible creature together with some other heroes. When we had defeated it, the Black Panther called for mercy -- something was clearly wrong with this creature, and he wanted to help it. I disagreed: I thought we should kill it and nail its corpse to the moon as a warning to the rest of its kind."
And then Odin says, "I was wrong. The Black Panther was wiser than I was."
He uses this story to illustrate why he respects the Black Panther -- a fellow king, a powerful warrior, and a man of great wisdom. And then Odin says, "That creature we fought: its friends are coming to Earth to get revenge for what we did, and Loki is helping them.* I want you to kill him for the greater good."
*(Loki, for his part, is doing all of this because Malekith intends to use Earth as the battleground for the War of the Realms and the Avengers aren't Avengering hard enough. They need a bad guy to fight so they'll have an excuse to get the band back together.)
Odin says he can't do it because he's weak, he loves his son too much to kill him himself, even knowing the destruction he's about to cause. And it seems like it doesn't quite fit together, does it? Odin didn't go to one of the other heroes he fought alongside in that fight. He didn't ask the Ghost Rider, arbiter of cosmic justice. He didn't ask Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, who's recently had to deal with Loki's bullshit and is eager to kick his ass. He didn't ask the Phoenix, favorite of his old companions. He asked the Black Panther -- the only one to disagree with him. The one who wisely called for mercy and understanding.
And then I remember Young Avengers.
And I remember when the whole thing first starts, and Billy's in trouble and America swoops in to rescue him -- not from the terrible mage-eating monster he's just accidentally summoned, but from Loki. And when they finally get a moment to sit down to talk about it, she tells Billy:
"Don't trust Loki. He knew something was going to happen and he told me that to prevent it, I should kill you."
And Loki says, "Sometimes the only way to be the good guy is to play the bad guy everyone expects you to be. What would you have done if I'd told you Billy was in trouble?"
"Nothing," she admits.
A year after this conversation with Odin, T'Challa walks into Avengers tower with a file on everything Loki's been up to recently and says to the Avengers, "What have all of you heard about the War of the Realms?"
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the-mjolnir-owner · 6 months
U couldn't just be a good big brother and beat the shit out of odin for treating loki so horrible and making him feel alone. Then maybe he wouldn't be dead
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"Anon, I understand where you're coming from, but you don't know how powerful our Father and King was. Going against him was impossible. Our lives were at his disposal, always. There's no escaping the expectations, hopes and dreams he put on me. I only ever wanted his approval and avoid his ire. I shielded Loki from most of his wrath whenever I could and I know I wasn't enough - I was also a child."
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
For this WIP Wednesday I present a bit from whatever 'Frigga Mindwipes Everyone' ends up being called. I dunno when/if this will ever be finished as there's other stuff I want to finish first but I added about 500 words to it yesterday and thus it is fresh in my mind as a thing that I am writing. It might finish itself sooner than expected, who knows.
My main concern is I find it a bit twee due to the amount of it that features small children. Which is unavoidable for a story where Frigga Mindwipes Everyone for the sake for her small children but I'm still ambivalent about it meself.
Anyway here is ~200 words of what I have so far, featuring Frigga doing her best and bb!Loki asking awkward questions. LMK if the twee is overwhelming or whatever.
Her sons are huddled together in bed, half hidden under blankets to keep the winter outside from touching their delicate skin. There are more blankets stored in a wooden trunk at the foot of the bed and there is plenty of wood by the fireplace, and so her precious boys are safe, at least for tonight.
She sits by the bed and talks to them in a gentle voice, telling the same stories she heard from her own mother so very long ago.
A few of these she is careful to edit, but children are always so curious about absolutely everything and so she is forced to add some of the dangerous details back in again to satisfy them.
“What do Frost Giants do that’s so bad?” asks little Loki, inevitably.
Frigga thinks for a moment before she answers. She’s the only person in this room who knows the truth, and she also knows that one day this night is going to haunt her, one way or another.
She smooths Loki’s hair against his head with a warm hand and tells him, “They steal children from their parents.”
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magpie-murder · 5 months
it'd be wild if they gave asgard's citizens phones in marvel i bet they'd have the best drama
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👴🏻 is-odin-dead-yet
#date: 2023/11/23 #when will he croak #i've been running this blog for centuries #frigga for allfather #kick the bucket already i'm getting bored of posting here
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⛈️ god-of-thunder
I come to Tumblr with a regretful update. As you may know, my family and our fiercest warriors have been traveling between realms in search of our stolen relics.
While attempting to recover one, my brother lost his life in battle while protecting us. He shielded me with his body. My brother died a hero.
May he reach Folkvangr. My deepest condolences. But I thought Baldur was impervious to all harm...?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
It was Loki. :( I'm devastated.
🐍 magic-theatre
is that all you can muster? "oh." you thought i was dead, and that's it? that's all you have? what do you mean by that? let's talk. :)
⛈️ god-of-thunder
You're alive? Where are you?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
Wait, what happened to @einherjarl? He deactivated?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
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🎨 bragis-apprentice
Just finished custom making this handle
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#metalwork #artists on tumblr #double sided axe #my art
2 notes
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⚔️ aesir-warrior-tournament
Lady Sif is not one of The Warriors Three. It says it in the name. There are three of them. Not four.
Correct this.
✨️ the-dashingest
I voted for Sif.
🪓 valiant-festivals
I voted for Sif.
🔺️ grim-warrior
I voted for Sif.
✨️ the-dashingest
Wait, Hogun? But you didn't tell us you had a phone?
🔺️ grim-warrior
I don't.
#lady sif propaganda #lightning round #poll reblog #only one more round after this! #i'm so glad lady sif doesn't have tumblr lol #i hope you guys dont mind that a mortal is running this blog btw #i really didnt expect any of you to see this 😬 #and srry for the reblog spam #also hogun lol
1,879 notes
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🐍 magic-theatre
i see your thirst edits, you sick freaks.
#start tagging me in them #and/or sending them to me
689 notes
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⛵️ modern-technologist Follow
umm i'm in ohio to visit my parents and there's like. um . a giant wolf running alongside my car? i'd call animal control but this thing is ginormous and i don't think that would do anything.
it doesnt have a leash or anything (obv its bigger than my car) but it's covered in chains. what do i do??
@identifying-d𝚘gs-in-posts ??
🐕 identifying-dogs-in-posts Follow
Fenrir Lokison?
197 notes
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✨️ the-dashingest
I really don't think Loki is that bad. Sure, he's had a rocky history, but I don't think he's done anything worthy of scorn. Besides, hasn't he just died and come back or something like that, anyway? He has a blank slate, in my book.
#is it just me? #i hear people saying we should banish or kill him #i find that idea preposterous #he's just misunderstood
208 notes
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I'm not going to @ them, but ugh... Someone I'm acquainted with just died in battle, and honestly? I'm so relieved. Is that terrible? Don't answer that, I know that it is. I'll probably delete this in a few hours.
🐍 magic-theatre
that's what you get for vagueing.
cowards don't go to valhalla.
10,560 notes
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🔮 alchemist-aura Follow Sponsored with Blaze 🔥
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thatsolacegirl · 4 months
What If...? S2 E7 proves that Odin is the shittiest father of the MCU. Hela's bloodlust was the result of Odin's bad parenting.
Hela was one of the first victims of Odin. She never wanted to be an executioner. She was just a child who wanted to play with her wolf and be happy and free.
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fluffyfantasticducky · 6 months
How to Cure Pains and Heartaches
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: After such a bitter end, Loki has no choice but to fade away. To his surprise he awakens in bed where he will be taken care of. Why? What do they want of him? Who's that lovely mortal?
☆ Word Count: 6,266
☆ Notes: Loki being a swooning darling, he's recovering from injuries in a fix it AU where he survives the attack on the Statesman and he gets to live on earth.
☆ Warnings: Mention of Loki's trauma and torture courtesy of the Mad Titan, fuck you Thanos. Mention of gaining weight (but it isn't given a negative conotation).
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No one could deny Loki had gone through a lot of stuff, simply his Asgardian nature and the amount of exposure he had had with war from a young age would (rightfully) horrify most Midgardians, plus the pressure of being royalty and the responsibility it demanded with him.
In retrospect, Loki always knew his amount of responsibility were no way near as high as Thor’s, which allowed Loki to get some relief by following his nature as God of Mischief. But still: meetings, war council, royal balls, and in general trying to keep an image of perfection to most of Asgard other than Thor’s group and his parents who truly knew of Loki’s more playful nature, it was quite draining.
And that was before the true horrors.
That one trip to Jotunheim had been the source of over a decade of disgrace. Knowing all that battle would cause, he never would’ve let those three other Jotuns into the vaults of Valaskjalf.
After that, it was tragedy after tragedy. And the worst of them happened in the Sanctuary II.
At first, he thought some bounty hunters had recognized him, given they seem to know who he was, and the only reason they spared his life was because it would be about a matter of time until they’d bargain his life with Odin.
But after several months where he was starved, and his only contact was to be tortured, where the Black Order tore his body apart bit by bit, breaking bones, tearing skin only to throw him back into an isolation cell, where all that kept him together was his pride and the thought that Heimdall could see him and start a rescue mission, thing he learned years later couldn’t be done.
And when he didn’t cave in, they shattered his mind as well, using the Mind Stone on his scepter, giving him no choice but to submit. Everything bad in his life prior to that point seemed to be blissful field trip.
And for many years later he thought he would spend the rest of his life suffering to atone to the horrors he unleashed onto Jotunheim and New York. And by the time the Sanctuary II intercepted the Asgardian escape ship on its way to Earth, and he felt himself fading from reality… nothing had proved him otherwise.
At least he had protected his brother…
Who would’ve thought that the next time he opened his eyes he would be laying in a hospital bed, flowers by his ankles and a cervical collar? He had a thousand questions. Where was he? Who brought him there? Why had he been saved? Why couldn’t they let him just die?
Just when he thought it was another round of the same type of torture the Black Order inflicted on him, the door opened… Only about a few hours after waking up, and just in time when his stomach started growling.
The first time he saw you, you felt like a vision. Beautiful and most of it all, kind.
“Loki how are you feeling?” you smiled at him, as you stepped inside the room with a tray of warm food. The smell made his mouth water. “Were you waiting for long? Sorry, I didn’t hear you wake up.”
Loki was quietly staring at you. Not only because his throat was dry, but because he had no idea who you were or what were your intentions.
But you didn’t seem bothered by his silence. You just let out a little chuckle.
“You seem more active today” you smiled, “Usually you can only stay awake for a few seconds. Are you hungry?”
Loki wanted to be proud and say nothing, but his body’s needs were stronger, and a rather loud growl of his stomach gave it away how hungry he was, making his cheeks flare up in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, I would be hungry too if I hadn’t eaten anything in 5 years” you spoke compassionately, but with a hint of humor.
5 years?!?
“How long have I been here?” he finally spoke, his voice was hoarse beyond recognition, and it hurt to speak.
“Oh, you poor thing, you must be thirsty” you said as you reached his food tray and grabbed a cup of water with a straw and placed it just before his lips. “About your question, a few weeks, a Stark satellite detected a faint life signal and Thor went to find you.”
You spoke in such a humane manner that Loki couldn’t help but lower his guard a bit, and he opened his mouth as you helped him drink.
The water was cold and fresh, it felt so relieving that he couldn’t hold back a sigh when he finished drinking, that only happened when the cup was empty.
You let out a soft giggle at the sight of him. It was then that he recognized you, sort of.
He vaguely remembered your laugh, it was faint, but if he pushed himself to think about it, it was there. He never saw your face, but the sound was familiar, so he concluded it must have been previous visits while he was still unconscious.
It was a pretty sound… innocent, pure.
“You mentioned my brother…” Loki asked. “Is he…?”
As he made his question, you set a table before him and the tray on top of it. It was a huge bowl of soup, and one of mashed potatoes. His stomach growled once again.
“Thor has been visiting you every day practically without exception” you told him. “He talks to you, keeps you updated about his life. Last week he came with Doctor Foster, it seems they started seeing each other again. But we’ve notified him you’re finally awake.”
You sat beside him on the edge of the bed and grabbed the spoon on the tray and started feeding him the soup. It was so warm, and the flavor was rich, that his eyes started watering. What cruel trick was all this kindness? When would this all go South?
His forming tears didn’t go unnoticed, and you cupped his face, your soft fingers caressing his cheeks to clean his tears.
“You don’t have a fever, does it hurt anywhere?” you asked.
“No… I feel per—” he choked on his words, “I feel perfectly fine… all things considered.”
“I’ll monitor your reflex later, but first focus on eating” you said gently. “You need to regain your strength.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, he was so hungry that if he had had more strength, he would just hold the bowl and chug it all down. By the time he was onto the mashed potatoes he was a lot stronger, the second meal was just as tasty, seasoned just right to make him want to keep eating until his stomach popped.
He even let out a soft little breathy burp, which made you giggle again.
“Don’t eat so fast!” you scolded him with a happy tone.
He found it in himself to laugh softly along with you.
“5 years without food, I remind you” he joked back. “I’ll eat as fast as I can.”
“You were blipped 5 years... you didn’t age a day.”
You spent the next few minutes filling him in what had happened. Thanos won, and half of the universal population vanished, for them it was only a few minutes at most… while the rest of the universe aged 5 years. Five years, where everyone thought he was dead, where he was dead.
Now, Loki wanted to cry. The amount of relief that washed over him made him rest back.
“Finally… I’m free…” he sighed. “It’s over… he’s gone…”
He tried covering his eyes when he noticed the sting coming from his left arm, he noticed a cast neatly wrapped around it.
“Your neck injury was the most concerning, but your arm and ankle were badly wounded as well” you explained, and he noticed another cast covering his foot from arch to his ankle. “Although your foot is mostly healed by now.”
He put some attention to his bandaged foot and wiggled his toes, which thank the gods responded perfectly.
“It’s a bit itchy” Loki pointed out.
“I’m pretty sure that’s normal” you chuckled and grabbed a pencil from your pocket, and sneaked it in his cast, and scratched his sole. “Here.”
But the touch, while it somewhat alleviated the itch, it had an unexpected tickly feeling that caused Loki to yelp and jerked his foot back.
“Hehe-hey!” he giggled.
“I’m sorry” you apologized with a soft chuckle.
“You’re lucky I’m too weakened to put a dagger to your throat” Loki spoke, but he noticed he couldn’t get rid of the amusement in his voice.
“Perhaps I should take the chance to really make you laugh then.” You smiled, twirling the pencil on your fingers. “Given you can’t do anything to stop me.”
“Don’t even think about it!” Loki blurted out, “If you even dare to… to…”
He felt his cheeks flush. It had been so long since he had been tickled, it felt silly, plus he was quite vulnerable right now.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to upset you” you assured him, “…yet.”
You let out another soft laugh at the indignation in his face.
“Do you not know the consequences of crossing me?” Loki asked, “Are you that ignorant of the capabilities of the God of Mischief? I have terrorized this realm, Midgard bows before my power! I could finish you with a single hand.”
“What would you get out of it?” you asked bluntly. “You live here now; you would only lose.”
He looked at you and opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it again. Not only was he too weak right now to even keep that threat, but truly besides that little tickle you had been nothing to but kind to him, and even that had been with the intention to help him.
“Do you truly not fear me?” Loki asked after another moment of silence.
“Should I?” you asked with a happy smile.
Perhaps he found that little grin of yours to be too charming, it could be the fact that you had his food and water at your mercy, or it could be the fact that you were a purely friendly presence, which he hadn’t had in… he couldn’t remember for how long. But he truly didn’t want you to be scared of him.
“I suppose not” he finally said.
Loki let out a laugh.
“You’re a funny little one” Loki smiled.
Just then a loud noise came in as if something huge was stomping their way through the hall. Which proved to be not far off because soon a large blond figure tumbled onto the door frame.
“Brother…” both Asgardians said in unison.
The older brother’s eyes filled with tears as he rushed to the bed, and with the last self-control he possessed, Thor didn’t tackle the raven haired into a bear hug. Just… collapsed on his knees by the side of his bed.
“You’re awake…” the God of Thunder burst into messy sobs. “…Alive.”
In other times, Loki would’ve found Thor’s reaction ridiculous, mockable, or annoying… but after all they had been through and seeing the streak of his own hair tangled in one of Thor’s braids… he let out a soft sob as he gently reached to place his hand on Thor’s head.
“Ahem!” you cleared your throat to make yourself present. “As long as you’re careful with his neck, you two can hug.”
You smiled and left the room to give them space. Both brothers let out a laugh and Thor cradled his little brother in his arms, supporting his head as if he was a baby as his other hand was squeezing Loki.
“I told you the sun would shine on us again” Loki spoke softly.
“You idiotic, insincere, irresponsible, impulsive, inconsiderate fool!” Thor scolded him, sounding more relieved than anything.
“Oh, good, you ran out of insults that started with an I” Loki laughed.
“I beg you, brother. Never give me a scare like that again” Thor begged.
“In my defense, I didn’t fake it this time” he whispered.
There was an awkward silence as none of the princes knew what to say to each other, there was so much to say, but… where to start?
“I… heard you started seeing Doctor Foster again.”
That made Thor smile as started telling Loki what he had done with his life, how Asgard was doing, which was what finally broke Loki, hearing Asgard managed to live on was that finally burst into tears as he hugged his brother again.
The two brothers talked for hours, and for the first time in years, if not ever, Loki felt the conversation with his brother be purely lighthearted. He was so lost in the chat that it took him hours to notice…
“You’ve gained weight” Loki pointed out.
“Quiet, you imp…” Thor snorted. “It’s been tough these last 5 years.”
“I… did not mean to be judgmental” Loki assured him. “It just… I’ve been out for so long…”
“Well, don’t get used to this, I’m already exercising again, and I’m renouncing to beer… aside from social events” Thor said happily.
“Oh? I didn’t know you drank” Loki tilted his head. “But… good for you.”
Thor’s face darkened, making Loki immediately regret his comment.
“It was… Very rough five years…” Thor said again. “I suppose time wasn’t kind on me.”
Loki felt a pang of guilt settle on his chest, after Ragnarök he truly had no intention to pull another stunt like that. For once, he had every intention to stick by Thor’s side.
But at the time the Sanctuary II intercepted their ship, all Loki could think was protecting Thor. Because he knew that if anything happened to his brother, no one else would’ve had a fighting chance against the Mad Titan. But he had been reckless.
“I— I’m sorry brother…” Loki apologized, and Thor smiled at him. “How’s Asgard?”
“It’s been difficult as you may imagine… but, you know… us Asgardians are stubborn, we’ve managed.” Thor smile. “Little Asgard is thriving!”
“Oh, I’m painfully aware, you’re all a nightmare” Loki joked, making Thor laugh again.
Despite his sarcasm, something in the way Thor said us Asgardians made Loki smile, by now Thor knew very well his true nature, and yet he still treated him as one of his own, like his brother, maybe not bound by blood, but by something stronger.
The conversation kept going until Loki’s stomach growled in hunger, but by then the sun had set a while ago. And it didn’t take long after when you had stepped in the room with a tray of food and Thor excused himself for the night.
The meals were simple and soft for a good while, porridge, broths and soups, sauce-less pastas, yogurts, Jello, but having a pretty mortal such as yourself literally feeding him and tending to his every whim made his recovery quite pleasant. Especially when he started eating solid foods again and the meals were a lot tastier.
“You’re healing quite fast,” you told him as you checked monitored his ribs for any soreness. “I’ve heard injuries usually take maybe 3 or 4 times longer to heal. …In the best of circumstances, but Stephen said your bones are practically all healed now.”
“If someone can pull out a miracle like that, a god should be the right place to go” he joked as he kept holding his shirt up so you could.
“That’s fair, also having the best doctors and technology at our disposal helps, doesn’t it?” you quipped.
“Do not underestimate my divinity, mortal” he said dramatically.
“Oh, yes, forgive me, your godly-ness…” you bowed just as dramatically.
“You’ve been gaining weight” you said as you prodded your stomach.
He let out a yelp.
“Rude” he said cheekily.
“No, I mean, you were practically nothing but skin and bones when we found you” you assured him, “I mean you seem healthier now. You must be in your healthy weight again by now.”
“Do not flatter me” Loki smirked.
“Flatter you?” you gasped out a laugh. “Nonsense, it’s been my care the reason you no longer look like a malnourished cat!”
He did not expect you to start prodding and squeezing his belly, instantly causing him to burst out laughing. Curse his gut for being this vulnerable to your playful fingers.
“Nohohohoho! Don’t!” he whined between cackles. “Stohohohop!”
“Oh my god!” you laughed and gave him a small breather “I didn’t even have to do anything… But if you insist…”
“W-What…? Insist…?”
“I won’t stop…”
“W-What? N-No! PLEHEHEHEASE! NO! STOP!” Loki begged despite his pride, but the way you kept squeezing his belly, giving his skin soft pinches made him wheeze out shaky laughter was too much. “NOT MY— NOHOHOHOHOHO!”
You started focusing on the patch of skin around his belly button, which surprisingly enough was even more ticklish than his navel itself. He started digging his heels onto the mattress as he arched and squirmed on the bed.
“Okay, okay!” you squeaked out as you grabbed his ankle, forgetting your playful attack, to settle him back on bed. “Easy there… you’ll hurt your foot again.”
He was more focused on catching breath, but he still felt you helping him stretch and move his ankle to check if he hadn’t hurt himself in the middle of his squirming.
“You’re… huff… huff… the worst nurse…” he groaned.
“Ask for another nurse who can deal with you” you chuckled as you gently tickled his sole making him let out a giggle.
You weren’t exactly part of the medical team, but after everything that had happened, the Avengers were understaffed, and every task that Tony’s technology couldn’t fill in were done by the Avengers themselves, his brother and Maximoff twins helped with cleaning, Bruce and Clint cooked, Tony handled the finances (in more than just been the Compound’s sponsor), and so and so.
You were a lab assistant, although, not in the medical field. Yet, given your friendly nature and bond with the God of Thunder, Thor himself had entrusted you to look after his most precious thing, his little brother. But under normal circumstances, you’d be working with chemicals or mechanics by the side of your mentors and the Spiderling.
Although now, you had been tasked solely to look after Loki, given no one else was capacitated to deal with him and you seemed to understand each other, and Loki even had friendly interactions with you. Or well, friendly for Loki.
“Get up!” you whined pulling him by his healthy arm.
“I don’t want to” Loki protested.
“Why not?” you huffed defeatedly as you let go of him.
“I don’t exactly feel excited to be sat on a cold table to be prodded and squeezed and all to get stabbed.”
“Injections aren’t the same as getting stabbed, you big baby” you laughed, as you poked his sides, causing Loki to jump and swat your hand away.
“It’s a sharp metal piercing my skin, isn’t it?” he defended himself as he crossed his arm across his chest. “Call me a baby if you please, but it doesn’t excite me being pierced by your tiny blades.”
“L-Loki… are you afraid of needles?” you asked with an amused smile, he could tell by your tone that you were holding back laughter.
“I am not!” he scoffed.
“Oh! You are!” you smiled immensely.
“Is this funny to you?”
“N-No… Don’t worry, it’s cute. I used to fear needles too, you know, when I was five.” You grinned.
Loki’s ears perked up.
“That was a lie” he smiled cockily.
“That’s a lie” he repeated himself. “You either still fear them or just recently stopped doing so.”
“Wha— that’s…” your cheeks turning pink were the last tell.
“God of Lies, don’t bother denying it. I can tell when some lies to me” he grinned triumphantly. “Don’t worry, it’s cute.”
You huffed as you smacked the back of his hand.
“And here I was going to tell you my trick to control my nerves” you huffed.
“Which is…?” Loki asked, partly to tease you, but deep down actually wanting to know.
You shuffled through your bag and pull-out headphones and handed them to him. Loki forced himself to ignore the way your hand brushed against his when you handed them to him.
“Just close your eyes and listen to some music” you smiled, “it helps with a lot of things. But if you need to you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you get scared.”
He smiled at you. “Thank you.”
“Tell you what, if you’re brave, I’ll make sure you have your favorite ice cream for dessert today. How does that sound?” you offered.
“I’m not a child you can’t bribe like that” Loki rolled his eyes, “… Two bowls.”
You nodded and helped him get up and walk to get his check up and vaccine. Given how long he had been in bed, he was still doing some rehab and needed help to walk longer distances.
And he did take your word and held your hand all the time, although he did notice it was you who squeezed his hand when the needle came out. He had even forgotten to put on the headphones by the time the needle was out. And you did keep your word of spoiling him with his favorite ice cream.
“The second bowl is gonna melt, so you might as well eat it with me…” he mumbled between bites.
In a few months Loki was practically fully recovered and soon he was starting his rehab trainings. And of course, he had already picked a sparring partner.
“Do not go easy on me” Loki stated the first time.
“Oh, you like it rough then?” you grinned as you two circled around each other on the sparring mat. “Duly noted.”
He was not one new to flirtatious exchanges. He had been alive for over a millennium, and he had had plenty lovers before. But for some reason your banter made him flustered and tied his tongue into a knot.
“If I wanted it rough, I’d pick literally anyone else, agent” Loki excused himself. “You couldn’t take me if you tried.”
“Couldn’t I?” you grinned, noticing his cheeks flare up.
Damn you, you tenacious and annoyingly perceptive little thing.
“In a fight, you pest” Loki huffed.
“Ah, bummer” you smiled cheekily.
And while it was true that your human strength wasn’t a match for his regular god-like standards, you actually provided an interesting challenge. Besides, he was still recovering so using his full strength wasn’t an option anyway. You were fast, and you jumped around him like a rabbit and landed the softest blows as he spun around you trying to follow or even read your patterns.
“What’s wrong, is the mighty God of Mischief unable to catch up?” you smiled as you poked his ribs lightly before sneaking away.
You didn’t expect Loki to yelp.
Your face was puzzled for just a second, but as soon as it had happened, you had put two and two together and grinned in an almost cartoonish way.
“I think this training just became more fun” you smile as you poked him again.
“Do not even think about it!” he huffed, as a nervous smile twitched its way into his lips.
“What happened to not go easy on you? I’m just obeying.” you grinned and started chasing him after.
The way you wiggled your fingers with a mischievous in his direction awoke something primally playful. And as a bright smile appeared on his face, he started running away from you.
“You will never catch me!” he called as he ran.
You laughed and ran after him.
He would never admit it out loud, but the way he felt in that moment was rejuvenating, he hadn’t done something so silly and non-transcendent purely for the sake that it was fun. But you were ditching training to chase him around under the threat of tickling him if you caught him. All for the sake of playing with him like a kid despite both of you being young adults. And even more surprising is that Loki found himself eager to play along, even if the idea of getting tickled made him nervous.
Which… eventually did happen, curse his weakened stamina and aching ankle. That day he also learned to fear when you threatened him with tickles, you were devastating when you wanted to be.
“Nohohoho!” he laughed as your fingers dug onto his stomach. “This is ehehehe cruel!”
By the time you had caught up with him you had already reached the living room and he had tumbled onto the couch.
“Oh my gosh, you’re so ticklish!” you giggle, your finger swirling around his navel.
“Ehehehehe! Get away from there!” he laughed.  “Oh Norns! Stop it!”
“C’mon, Loki, you’re a big guy, you can take it!” you giggled and kneaded his belly sides with your fingers with terrifying skill.
But you were kind enough to give him a break.
“Gods abohohohohove, I’m begging you, dove!” he whined. “Don’t torturehehehehe me like this!”
But it somehow served to strengthen your bond. Loki already had a good concept of you, you were a kind and generous person. You were one of the few people he could’ve called a friend. But seeing you weren’t completely disciplined and were willing to break schedule to have mindless fun was relieving. He feared that living in a S.H.I.E.L.D. building would mean they expected him to become a soldier.
So, he started looking for you out of the designated times you had together. He had come to really like to come and annoy you when you were working, playing with your pencils, hiding your stuff, and of course tickling you to distract you when he was craving your attention… which happened pretty often.
“Lohohohoki!” you whined. “I’m wohohorking!”
“I’m not saying you should stop” he grinned as he skittered his fingers along your ribs and sides, just gently scratching over your thin shirt. “Take this as a test of your focus.”
“Nohohohoho, Loki!” you wheezed. “Ihihihit’s so bahahahad! Stohohohop ihihit!”
“Mm~ I’m not sure” he purred in your ear, knowing damn well how much it made you curl up in a ball. “I kinda like hearing the noises you make, they’re… what’s the word? Cute~”
You screeched as you hid your face with your hands, muffling your laughter. Norns, you were so precious. He may have been teasing you when he said you were cute, but he meant it.
You were a lovely company, helping him heal by doing his routines and rehabilitation regimes, while he reviewed the files regarding New Asgard. You massaged his healing ankle while Loki read the documents that were handed to him.
“This is absolutely atrocious!” Loki scoffed smacking the files. “What is this, Infinity Conez? Who approved this? Look at this! Thanos getting the Infinity Stones is a universal tragedy, but to my people more than anyone!”
“Well, that’s why Thor created the New Asgard Council” you reminded him. “He gets help ruling Asgard, and Asgard gets a group of capable people leading them. You have voice and vote.”
“They will hear about this” Loki said firmly. “I will not allow my people to see that when they go to the market! That’s just disrespectful and heartless!”
“I agree with that” you nodded. “I’d be hurt to see something that traumatic turned into an attraction, there must be a better way to make an ice cream store. What about B-Ice Frost?”
“B-Ice Frost?” Loki asked.
“Yeah! A rainbow bridge themed ice cream store that actually gives a nod to your culture” you suggested. “The logo could an ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles.”
“Hmm, I’ll notify that suggestion,” Loki nodded as he wrote it down. “Thank you.”
Months into knowing each other and spending a ridiculous amount of time together, and Loki started noticing how being around you boosted his mood, he couldn’t stop thinking about certain details about you, like the way you played with your hands when you were nervous, or how you scrunched up your nose slightly when you smiled at him, how your eyes sparkled when you were assigned a new project you had been excited for, the butterflies in his belly when you placed your hands on him even to greet him or help him stretch before training. And…
Oh Gods… he was falling in love with you.
For a while he didn’t know what to do with himself. He tried carrying himself normally. But it was overwhelming the way he felt about you, it took one look in your direction, and he felt his heart racing. Trying to avoid you didn’t work either, because his entire being craved being around you, so that didn’t last too long. So, at some point, he stopped fighting it. He knew there was no way a being as good as you would even look in his direction, he was a monster, who had done unforgivable things to your planet.
Surely, your kindness had a limit. Surely, once he was fully healed, you’d forget about him. In fact, Loki feared the day he’d be considered fully recovered and you’d abandon him.
“C’mon, lazybones. We’re late for training” you grinned as you pulled him from the couch.
“I do not feel like training today” Loki yawned as he stretched out his arms to you as an invitation to hug him. “Why don’t we watch a movie? You can choose.”
The way your resolve faltered was beyond endearing. Even if you two weren’t anything, it was common knowledge you were what they called a cuddle bug.
“Loki… it’s important you do your rehab exercises” you said softly.
“I am not in the mood for training” Loki repeated.
“Oh, is that how it is?” you said in a playful yet menacing tone. “I’ll have to persuade you then.”
“What? N-No! D-dohohon’t!” Loki burst out laughing when he felt your fingers over his belly. “Nohohoho! Not thehehehehere!”
“Get up!” you teased him as your fingers pinched the sides of his stomach.
“I don’t wahahahant to!” Loki laughed as he kicked the cushions with his heels. “I’m comfortable hehehehere!”
“It’s important you do your exercises, it’s part of your rehab!” you insisted. “C’mon, doctor’s orders.”
“I dohohohon’t follow a mortal’s— ahaha orders!” he wheezed when you found that damned spot below his navel.
“Then I’m not stopping, you’ll spend the evening as a giggly wiggly worm.”
He had to give you something, you knew exactly how to make him squirm. His hips were bucking trying to stop you and his hands were pushing your wrist, but he wasn’t used to dealing with a normal human’s strength, so he didn’t want to risk hurting you.
“Pleahahahase! Cut it— OW!”
Immediately you jolted and stop everything you were doing, cupping your hands over your mouth and looking at him horrified.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” you asked.
“Yes, I’m quite alright. My back aches… that is all.” He assured you as he sat back up.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful, you’re still recovering.”
“Oh no, the back pain has been with me for quite a few years already” he said, wanting to ease your conscious.
“Well, yes. The Black Order aren’t exactly kind when they force you into their lines.” Loki said simply. “The pain comes back every so often.”
“I’m sorry…” you look at him. “Can I help?”
“Unfortunately, there’s nothing you could d—”  
You surprised him by sitting behind him and started rubbing his shoulders, softly at first, feeling him.
“No wonder you are sore, you’re stiff like a board” you said feeling around his spine, soon starting to add more pressure.
He let out a few groans, it hurt a bit at first as you undid the knots of stress of his shoulders. He sighed as he soon felt himself slipping away.
“C’mere” you spoke with utmost softness, as you helped Loki rest on his stomach just to keep massaging his back. “Hehe, you take up most of the couch, I kinda forget how tall you are sometimes.”
“Sorry…” he yawned no even filtering his thoughts.
“It’s okay” you said amusedly, “it’s not a bad thing.”
Your hands rubbed his back with gentle and caring touch. You were so kind and meticulous. Your skill might be up for debate, you were good, but someone much pickier could argue there were professional masseuse that were much better. Perhaps that was true, but no one else had touched him so lovingly, so selflessly. You took your time, and he even noticed every so often you stopped to stretch your fingers that grew tired, but you didn’t complain, you didn’t stop.
He didn’t know when or for how long, but when he woke up you were still massaging your back.
“You snore when you sleep” you spoke in the softest voice, he didn’t want to get his hopes up, but you seemed endeared. “Had a nice nap?”
“Probably the best nap I’ve had since I was maybe 150 years old.” He said, letting out a chuckle at your confusion. “I was still a toddler by then.”
“I’m glad… you really seemed like you needed it” you said softly. “Do you feel better?”
He let out a yawn and stretch, rolling over on his back to look at you.
“Much better, thank you” he smiled politely.
“No problem…” you said with a shyness that was unfamiliar for him, he even got to see the pleasure to see a lovely blush adorning your cheeks. “Um… w-well… I’ll go to… you know…”
“Ah, of course…” he muttered as he saw you run off.
He was a little bit disappointed, but he tried not to think too much about your attitude for the sake of his sanity. Of course, he failed. It was the only thing he could think about
It made him build up the courage to go out for town and buy a bouquet. He thought about red roses, but he saw a bouquet of violets and purple sweet peas and white roses, he just knew that was the one.
He even used his phone for a change to ask you to meet him in the compounds garden, he hated using his cellphone. He had asked Banner to let him use his therapy flower greenhouse. He calculated the hour for the prettiest sky colors to ensure a romantic setting for his love declarations.
Minutes earlier his heart was thumping so loud it was drumming in his ears. He felt his mouth dry, and he was sweaty.
“Loki?” he finally heard your voice as you walked in.
“Over here!” he called as he set his bouquet, behind him, barely hiding it behind himself. “H-Hi… Thanks for coming.”
“No problem” you smiled. “I didn’t know you wanted to try Bruce’s gardening therapy. That’s really good.”
“N-No… I— Uh… I just wanted to… have some privacy.”
“Oh?” you asked as you sat behind him.
“I just… wanted to uh, give you this… as a thank you” Loki said, handing you the bouquet. “You’ve been exceedingly kind to me for months, helping me heal, keeping me in check, and that massage the other day… it really helped me feel better.”
“It’s been my pleasure. You’ve been a lovely patient” you said sweetly as you smelled the flowers.
“T-That’s not the only reason why I wanted to… see you here…” Loki barely spoke out, his mouth felt dry, and he felt lightheaded. “You’ve been a delightful company and a wonderful friend… I can’t say that about a lot of people, and probably even less can say the same thing about myself…”
“That’s not true.” You cut him off. “You’re funny, well-mannered, smart, educated, charmingly stubborn, and a stimulating company. There’s not a boring moment with you around.”
Loki’s cheeks flushed at your sweet words, you weren’t even trying to, but his heart fluttered.
“T-That’s why I mean, you are… a— uh… this is ah— not easy to say… but you… um… I appreciate you.”
“I like you too, you’re a lovely friend” you said sweetly.
“N-No… I am not trying to be friendly” Loki said in a quick gasp of courage. “I-I would like to f-formally court you.”
“Court me…?”
“I think here on Midgard it’s addressed as dating…” Loki said, bracing himself for rejection.
“I’d love to.”
“What…?” Loki asked.
“I’d love to go out with you” you said, gently kissing his cheek.
Loki grinned happily.
“Tomorrow at 8?” Loki offered, “I— we could go to a nice restaurant, I’ll take you there. I could ask for a chauffeur to take us… we— we could…”
You surprised him with a little poke on the ribs, that cut him off with the urge to giggle.
“8 is perfect, I’ll drive us to wherever you like” you smiled, “Just pick a restaurant. But, how about tonight I take you for a nice dinner inside and a movie on the lounge room?”
“I’d like that, very much” Loki smiled softly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
He saw you intertwine your fingers with his own, causing him to smile. You lovely thing. It was a lovely sensation. As you pulled him up to his feet, so he’d follow you inside. Which he did with a bright smile.
What a lovely life he had found on Earth.
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Secret Affairs
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~600
Warnings: implied smut at the end
Summary: You and Loki have. secret relationship but maybe it's time to come clean to his parents, especially when his mother keeps interrupting you two.
Squares Filled: "unfortunately, i'm turned on by that." (2021) for @lokibingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Loki’s hand runs up and down your legs which sends shivers up and down your spine. If his hands aren’t turning you on, it’s his lips on your skin. You want nothing more than to grind down on him but anyone can walk inside his room and catch you, and then you’ll really be in deep shit.
Loki moves his lips from your mouth down to your neck while still keeping you on top of him, and you close your eyes in pleasure. His cock grows from underneath you and you pull away from him with a frustrated sigh.
“We can’t go there. Your mom might come in.”
“Let her.”
He pulls you back to him and kisses your neck.
“Baby, I wish but sneaking around is just too much fun.”
It’s hard to pull away from him completely but you get off him. He watches you walk into the bathroom butt-ass naked to take a shower that’s long overdue. You take a very quick shower and put on one of Loki’s shirts that happens to be lying in the bathroom. The shirt is big enough to cover your ass but short enough to show the bottom of your cheeks. You leave the bathroom while drying your hair, and Loki groans from the bed.
“You’re wearing my shirt.”
“And?” you chuckle.
“Unfortunately, I’m turned on by that.”
You know you shouldn’t be doing this but you climb into bed and straddle his waist once more. He grips your thighs to keep you there but you don’t plan on going anywhere that isn’t in his bed. You lean down and kiss him, and he moves his hands from your thighs to your clothed nipples. He grips both of them between his fingers and tugs, making them stand to attention.
“Loki? You awake?”
His mother knocks on the door and you jump off him in a panic. No one knows you and Loki are dating. In fact, everyone believes you two hate each other. Your family and his have bad blood so if your parents knew you were dating a royal from Asgar, they’d have your head.
You scramble underneath his bed just as Frigga comes in. Loki shifts on the bed and moves the covers so she doesn’t suspect his boner. He has to hide his smirk at your behavior.
“I have invited the Y/L/N’s to dinner.” She walks over to his window and draws the curtains open to let in natural light. “Do me a favor and be nice to Y/N. I think she has a crush on you.”
Frigga doesn’t care who her sons date as long as they are happy. While she and Odin have issues with your parents, that doesn’t mean Loki has to have issues with you.
“Really?” Loki smirks. “I had no idea.”
This motherfucker.
“Of course, you don’t,” she sighs and walks to his bedroom door. “Get ready. They’re coming as soon as it’s dusk.”
When she closes the door behind her, Loki busts out laughing.
“Shut up,” you grumble and hit the underside of his bed. You crawl out from underneath it and stand over him. “You’re an ass, you know that?” You crawl into bed and lay beside him underneath the covers. “It’s filthy underneath there. I’m not hiding there anymore. We’re telling your mother.”
Loki continues to smirk and gets on top of you, moving the covers so it’s not bunched around you two.
“Later. Right now, I’m hungry. I haven’t had my snack yet.”
He slides underneath the covers so that he’s hidden from view, and you chuckle at his crude words. However, that chuckle turns into a strangled moan when his tongue touches your clit.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 8 months
A Better Father (Loki X Stark!Son!Reader) *PARENTAL
Characters: Loki X Stark!Son!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Parental negligence, bad relationship with parent, mention of drugs and underage drinking
Request: could you do a tony x son!reader, in their live, tony was always cold to him (but eventually take him in with pepper) and then Peter Parker show up and take that away, Loki see him in reader (like with odin and how he treat Loki and Thor) and decide to adopt him, teach him magic, reader happy again 😊.
Notes: I wrote this and completely forgot it's meant to be male!reader until it came time to post- I think I've corrected it, but if you spot I've accidentally used the wrong pronouns please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
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“I’m going out!” You announced, already at the front door, pulling your shoes on and your jacket, before grabbing your bag, hand on the door handle before you got a response. 
“Where to?” Pepper asked, rounding the corner, arms crossed. 
“My friend is doing a school project and wants my help with it.” You excused yourself, being careful not to go into any details. 
“Do you need a ride?” She asked. 
“No, it’s okay, there’s a bus that takes me right outside their apartment. I don’t know how long I’ll be, since we have a lot to do, if it gets late I’ll call you to let you know I’m okay and I’ll stay over, is that okay?” You asked her. Pepper walked a little closer, her expression clearly troubled.
“I’ll have to ask your father…” She commented, and your shoulders slumped, you turning to face her. 
“You know he’s not going to care, Peps. In fact, I’m going to predict what he’s going to say, something along the lines of ‘yeah, yeah, whatever’.” You mimicked, Pepper frowning, knowing you were right. “I appreciate you actually trying to make up for him, I really do. It’s why I go to you instead of him for permission- because you actually care. Please don’t waste your breath. If he actually wants to know what his son is doing, he’ll do it himself.” You pointed out. 
“I know… he should be better, and I want him to be better for you… and I also know you’re lying to me.” She pointed out. You felt your heart drop into your ass, and you sighed. “I told Peter about one of your prior projects with friends, and he looked into it- wanting to see if he could help as well, but then found out that your friend doesn’t even exist.”
“Has he told Tony?” You asked. 
“No. He hasn’t. I made him promise to wait, told him I’d deal with it.” She explained. “Peter also cares about you, even if he doesn’t have much time to actually spend time with you.” She pointed out, and you just nodded. You’d accepted that even though Peter was Tony’s favourite despite not actually being his kid, when Peter got an idea od the dynamic between you and your father, he tried his hardest not to play into it or make it worst, though he often realised after events that he actually had and had not realised it. He always apologised for it, always tried to spend time with you in school, and on more than one occasion, he’d covered for you or even claimed something you did that your dad didn’t like was his idea, knowing Tony wouldn’t punish him and it would stop your relationship with your dad somehow getting worse. You appreciated him, he was like a brother in a way, and at this point, more like family than your dad, like how Pepper was more of a parent than Tony was, despite you not being related either. Same with Happy. Same with… 
“I’m sorry for lying to you. And Peter… I just…” You fumbled. 
“What’s going on, Y/N? Where are you going?” She asked, her voice soft and welcoming, a silent promise that no matter what, she wasn’t going to yell, turn on you, that she actually cares and just wants to be there for you. 
“I’ve been going to meet someone… not romantically or anything!” You told her quickly. “I’m not doing drugs or anything like that either.” 
“That’s good, so you’re being responsible with this person… why have you been hiding this person from us then?” She asked. You thought for a second on how to break the news, and in that time, Pepper started to pry a little more. “Are they… older?” She asked. You nodded. “So not a teenager? Out of school?” She asked, and you nodded again. “How old are they?” She asked, tilting her head. Another hard question, and you bit your lip, and sensing you weren’t confident answering, she changed her question. “What do you two do? It’s not illegal, so what’s so bad you have to hide it?” She asked. 
“He’s… mentoring me.” You told her. 
“Oh, so he’s like a professor? A teacher? What’s he teaching you?” She asked with a smile, seemingly suddenly relieved, getting the idea that you were getting one on one lessons for something you were interested in as a future career, and she was ready to support you from the jump. 
“Magic. He’s teaching me magic.” You admitted, which made Pepper’s eyebrows press together. “And not the cut a woman in half or pull a rabbit out of a hat kind of magic.” You clarified, and she had a moment of realisation. 
“I know two people who know magic. One is Strange, who your father gets along with and so learning from him wouldn’t be a problem, which means… Loki? You’re going to see Loki? He’s teaching you magic?” She asked, and you nodded. 
“Please don’t tell Tony! I promise, Loki’s been nothing but kind to me! When we’re not doing magic, we just read books together- or go on walks or stuff!” You explained. 
“What kind of magic?” She demanded. 
“How to teleport, how to create an illusion, today he’s teaching me a spell that translates both written and spoken languages!” You explained to her. “He said for a treat for my birthday he’s going to teach me a spell that lets me understand animals because apparently what they say is really funny and cute and he thinks I’ll like it.” You explained to her. She clearly wasn’t convinced, and you sighed. “We do other stuff to.” You told her. 
“Like what?” She asked. 
“You know when Tony’s in a bad mood or I do something he doesn’t like and we get into an argument and I go for a walk to cool off and don’t come back for hours? Loki walks with me. He makes sure I don’t do anything stupid… I feel so safe with him, that I feel comfortable and safe enough to actually cry.” You admitted. You watched Pepper’s concerned expression fall. You never cried- at least not at home. Not at school either, according to Peter. You didn’t cry in front of her, or Peter, or Happy, and sure as hell never in front of Tony, no matter what he said or did. “And he knows what I need when I cry. He hugs me, he just lets me cry, he doesn’t shush me or try to make me stop. If anything bad happens, I go to him first. Like when I went to that party last month and got wasted and realised I didn’t know how to get home- you and dad thought I left with a stranger and stayed with someone who I didn’t know and then came home when sober- instead I called Loki and he looked after me during the night, he rubbed my back when I threw up, hugged me and promised it was gonna be okay when I was crying, he made this really nice tea which instantly made my hangover go away, and promised if this ever happened again he’d do it all over again, and then he took me home when I felt well enough.” You admitted to her. 
“Where do you two hang out, usually?” She asked. 
“He has a little apartment, there’s probably a hefty amount of magic to make it so the other tenants can’t notice the door to it since it defies the floor plan of the entire building, but it’s so cozy, and warm and I have my own bedroom there- which is where I go whenever I have any ‘sleepovers’, though I do make him watch movies, especially bad ones.” You laughed. It felt so good to finally be able to talk about this- about everything you and Loki did, because time with Loki was your happy time. 
“Okay… I have two questions.” She said, and you nodded, gulping. “Why…Loki? If you wanted to learn magic, why not go to Strange, and why is Loki so willing and…” She didn’t say the word, but you knew what she wanted to say. Fatherly. 
“Because when he looks at me, he sees himself.” You admitted. “He told me himself… Loki didn’t have a good relationship either with his father. Thor's the golden child, Loki was the one pushed to the back, forgotten. He knows how it feels to be unwanted, to not be thought of by the person who is supposed to love you. He knows how it feels to want to be loved and no matter how hard you try, not getting it, because in your dad’s eyes, you’re not worth it. He sees me, and he sees his own childhood, and he hates that, so… he decided to do something about it.” You explained to her. “Loki… Loki’s like a dad to me. He certainly acts more like one than Tony.” You pointed out. Pepper looked devastated, but understood. “What was your other question?”
“Inevitably, Tony’s going to find out about this. I won’t tell him, I’ll feign ignorance, but Peter’s going to find out somehow, and you know that even if he wants to protect you, that boy can’t keep a secret to save his life, especially from Tony.” She pointed out. “What’s your game plan for when he finds out?” She asked. 
“I’ve already got that figured out.” You reassured her. “Loki set up the bedroom for me for the worst case scenario… I graduate next year. I’ll graduate, start going to college, and I’m going to move out and live with Loki- he might move his apartment to be closer to whatever college I want to go to. If he doesn’t know by then, I’ll tell him I just have a roommate and we know he’s not going to come and visit, and after college, I’ll just slowly drop contact, keep my distance, away from him, happy, learning magic, living my own life. I’ll come visit you and Peter and Happy, regular phone calls, if you need me, call me and I’ll be there… and if Tony finds out before then? I’ll go anyway. I’ll be okay, no matter what. Loki has my back.”
“...And so do I.” She added. You two stared at each other. You weren’t sure what she was thinking, what exactly she was going to do. Ban you from seeing Loki? Tell your father? Treat you like a criminal and monster even if you’ve done nothing wrong? Be locked away? Somehow become even more of an outcast? Lose the few people you actually consider family? Lose Loki? “I won’t keep you waiting. Keep me updated on what you’re doing, if you want to stay the night let me know, okay? I’ll tell Peter something that is easier to swallow and then we’ll tell him the full truth after you graduate. I’ll explain to Happy, maybe he can also help you… please just… don’t do anything stupid. Behave. No more secrets from me, okay?” She asked. 
“Okay. Thank you.” You told her, nodding with a grin. “I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow!” You told her, finally opening the door and dashing out. Pepper sighed, wondering what she was going to tell Peter to help keep in calm and not accidentally tell Tony, how she was going to get Happy to go along with this, how she’s going to look Tony in the eyes and feign ignorance, lie to his face about where his son is and who he's with. But then she remembered every time she could recall when she would come to Tony’s place and find you home alone when you were a young child, thinking it was normal, how you used to try to get his attention and him brush you off or even yell at you to go away and then slowly stop trying and instead go to her and Happy who actually cared. She remembered how utterly overjoyed you were when your dad actually came to your birthday after he was kidnapped, seeming to realise how precious life was and wanted to make up for lost time, and things were going well until Peter came into the picture, and he lost his way, his sole focus being Peter, you once again forgotten and neglected. Except this time you weren’t upset, just disappointed. You gave up on him, and instead adjusted, adapted, and found a new family. Pepper was your new mother, Peter was your brother, Happy your uncle, and Loki was your new, and much better father. You were making up for lost time with someone who actually cared and wanted you as a son. If Tony had a problem about it, he should have done something about it a long, long time ago.
You arrived at the apartment complex not long after leaving, heading up to the top floor, going to the door at the end of the hallway and letting yourself in. Loki peeked up from the book he was reading and smiled. “There you are, had me worried.” He joked. You sighed as you kicked your shoes off, dumping your bag on the floor and hanging up your coat. Your lack of an immediate response was weird for Loki, and he placed the book down, standing from the settee, and stepping closer to you. “What happened?” He asked softly, locking his hands behind himself. You turned to look at him finally. 
“Is it that obvious?” You asked, and he smiled sadly. “...Pepper knows. She’s covering for me, so I guess she’s okay with it, it’s just… what if Tony finds out and massively blows everything out of proportion?” You explained to him. 
“Well…” Loki crossed his arms, thinking. “Knowing you, your first thought is to run and start afresh.” He pointed out, and you nodded. “Or… I could talk to Thor. You and Pepper and him talk to the others, explain everything, we lay everything out, and then we tell your father. No secrets and being honest might work more in our favor than just upping and leaving, Y/N.” He pointed out. You squinted at him with suspicion. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be the God of Mischief and Lies?” You asked, making him crack a smile.
“I may be, but it means I also know when’s a good time to actually tell the truth, and I think this might be the time. Pepper knows, she has your back, Thor is, as you describe it, a loyal labrador and will be happy I’m behaving, those two alone can be the brains and the brawl to help keep the situation under control.” He reassured you. 
“Okay, if you think so… but can we do that tomorrow? I want to learn that spell so I can finally read your Asguardian books.” You begged, making him chuckle. 
“Of course we can, go make some tea, then we’ll start.”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blogg @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic@courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-liess @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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coffeecubes · 1 year
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬
✩ 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ✩
⚡ 𝙄𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙤𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙖 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡. 𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚, 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙡𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙞𝙢. 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙. 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧, 𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙫𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙤.
⚡ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ⚠️: 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩, 𝙨𝙚𝙭, 𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙭, 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜, 𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙨𝙚𝙭, 𝙙𝙤𝙢/𝙨𝙪𝙗.
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⚡ (Name) didn’t know much about her early life. All she remembered was fighting and before she knew it, her parents were slain in front of her. Her mind didn’t think straight as she was sold off constantly by greedy gods who could pay anything to get their hands upon her because of her ethereal beauty.
She didn’t have much hope in life despite being a deity, until one night where she was sold off again. This time, she arrived at a huge castle that was made of what looked like gold.
Here, she met her new master and his son.
Odin was much kinder and reserved while his son Thor, the God of Thunder, was a god of a few words. The Allfather assigned (Name) as Thor’s personal maid and the first time the two met, the god himself was taken aback by her appearance. 
He had never seen anyone like her before, his eyes taking in this newfound female. Pretty soon, (Name) would make herself work under Thor.
(Name) would work endlessly to please her god, cleaning his bedroom, changing his sheets, wiping the floors, arranging his artefacts, and many other housekeeping things. She didn’t mind working as Thor’s maid, since it was a much better life compared to the ones with her previous masters. The other maids were also kind to her, and it was the first time (Name) called a place like Asgard home. 
Thor and (Name) never talked despite being so close to each other. He didn’t like socialising and (Name) thought he wouldn’t be interested in talking to a lowly maid like herself, because of his high status.
Though as time flew by, she noticed that he would always glance at her whenever they were in the same room. When (Name) was busy doing her work, she could feel his piercing golden eyes from where he was standing. Everytime when she was alone, Thor would show up moments later to do his own thing.
Once in a while, (Name) would meet his eyes by accident and she would offer a small smile. Her own talking skills were pretty bad itself because of her hard past, so she wasn’t good at striking up small conversations.
Thor was extremely kind and patient with her. There were times when the head maid would inform (Name) that the lord wants her to rest. Her schedules would also change from time to time, where she would go to complete her task, only to find it finished. Maids would tell her that Thor ended up doing it in her place, making (Name) start to feel warm and giddy for the first time.
Even Huginn and Muninn would begin to notice Thor’s interest in this particular maid, and they would sneakily inform Odin about it. The Allfather didn’t care one bit, since he knew (Name) wasn’t dangerous.
Speaking of the two birds, they would quickly favour (Name) over the other maids because she would feed them little treats from time to time that she baked during her free time. 
Thor would notice this and he would admire her from far away, thinking that a brute and daunting man like himself, didn’t fit in with someone like her. It was a forbidden love between a god and a maid, but it was so tempting and rebelling. 
He would watch as she fed Huginn and Muninn with the treats that she made, along with other animals that roamed around the garden. (Name) was different as she never bothered him and respected his privacy, a contrast to the other maids that would admire him verbally -- too verbally, from afar.
He watched how beautiful and happy she looked, a contrast to her sad look the day she arrived here. There were times when he would hear her sing or watch her paint, and he noted that he very much preferred her smiling face.
Just seeing her, even if it was just a glimpse, was enough to make Thor’s heart ache. 
But someone as gentle as her could never be with someone as rough as him.
Little did he know, she fell in love with him too. 
(Name) didn’t know if he loved her back but she doubted it. He was the almighty and fearsome God of Thunder and she had a good feeling there were tons of goddesses and deities who were interested in marrying him.
Even some maids developed a crush on the silent god, diminishing (Name)’s chances even more. There was a time on “Lovers’ Day” - made by Aphrodite, where the divine can give each other chocolates and small gifts to express their gratitude. 
(Name) ended up making her own chocolates and vowed to herself that she would give it to Thor. Only to watch from afar as multiple maids laid their own basket of goods in front of his bedroom door. Feeling casted out, (Name) didn’t give her chocolate, since she knew that Thor wouldn’t care anyway.
Unknowingly to her, the God of Thunder was looking through the pile of chocolates for her very box, but there was none.
This lonely and far love would continue until one unfortunate night, a night where Odin, Thor, and Loki were not home because of a meeting with the Greek gods. 
Taking the chance that the Allfather, the God of Thunder, and the God of Mischief were not here, the Jötnar took this chance and invaded the vulnerable Asgard. Angels and the present warriors fought with all their might to fend them off, as the maids and residents of Odin’s castle ran for their lives.
(Name) tried her hardest to run and hide but she tripped over her own white dress, as the incoming giant hand came closer to grab her. Just seconds before her death, she thought about how much she regretted not telling Thor her true feelings. 
She wanted a second chance.
And maybe she might get one.
As Forsetti came and grabbed her, the two ran off. (Name) was soon separated from the God of Justice during the catastrophe, the last sight of her body was her being forced out of the walls of Asgard. 
When Odin heard about this news, they quickly came back but Thor had other things in mind. He dispatched the giants with little to no effort, killing every single one of them in one sweep. 
His golden boots stormed towards (Name)’s room, his heart beating fast and his hope high, praying that she was alright and still alive. Bursting into her room, he was met with the sight of a messy and destroyed room, the once clean and shiny place that (Name) cared for, now a deserted mess.
(Name) was nowhere to be found and Thor looked for her everywhere in Asgard, trying to think of where she could be. It was only when Forsetti came and explained to him that (Name) was pushed out of the walls, was when Thor began to search outside of his home.
Only to gain nothing.
That girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was nowhere to be found.
Thor looked and looked, trying to track her down but to no avail. Soon months passed and Odin told his son to forget about (Name) and that he should move on. There were plenty of maids and if Thor wanted someone that could work just as hard as (Name), Odin would find his son another one. 
Thor was enraged with his father’s decision, as he didn’t understand why (Name) was so important to him. Thor continued to search but (Name) was never found.
Years passed and to this day…
Thor still hoped that she would come back home. 
To him.
⚡ Six years had passed and after the events of the Jötnar’s invasion, (Name) found herself on earth, selling knitted clothing and paintings that she made to earn money for herself. She had escaped the invasion unwounded but she ended up in the human world, with no idea how to get back. 
She never met any god or deity here that can help her. With no other choice, (Name) made herself at home here, finding a little abandoned cottage where she can stay for the rest of her life. 
Time flew by and as (Name) made more paintings and clothing, she soon realised that more than five years had passed since she arrived here. Something that always stuck to her was there was always a strong thunderstorm on the day she arrived at Asgard and the day she left it.
A part of her thought if Thor missed her but it’s not possible.
There might be another maid that can be better than her, more beautiful than her, and she knew by now that Thor must be married to a wealthy and powerful goddess. The only thing she regretted was that she never told Thor her love for him.
Even if he was taken by someone else, she would continue to love him, even if he’ll never know it.
(Name) waved goodbye to a customer before she went inside to get something to eat. As she prepared food, she failed to notice the two birds perched on a tree branch. They soon flew away, eager to let someone who never gave up on her after all these years.
(Name) was busy tending her garden when she heard the sound of footsteps coming her way. She stood up and wiped her hands clean before she turned around to greet her customer, only for her eyes to widen.
There standing in front of her, was Thor, who stared back at her with his golden eyes.
“(Name)...” he said her name for the first time, “you’re alive… I’ve finally found you…”
(Name)’s eyes widened as she took in the god before her. He looked the same, handsome as always with his red hair dancing in the wind and his trusty hammer by his side. This was the first time he talked to her, and she felt a chill run down her spine from his voice.
Was he looking for her this whole time?
“Six years and you are still as beautiful as ever…” Thor told her, his feet stepping closer.
His hand reached out to (Name), waiting for her to grasp it.
“Come… I’ve come to take you home.” Thor said gently, as if scared that he’ll frighten her.
“Lord Thor…” (Name) whispered his name and his eyes softened.
She was still as she gripped her dress. He sensed her hesitation and he came closer until their bodies were just centimetres apart. (Name) looked up to see her god, his hand slowly raising to touch her until a voice stopped him.
The two turned to see a couple of mortal customers, blinking with confusion at the sight before them.
“Um… is the shop still open?”
⚡ Evening came and pretty soon, all the customers had left. (Name) had invited Thor into her home as she went over to assist the humans. After that, she cooked some food for the both of them, trying to ignore the fact that Thor was exploring her home she made for six years. When it came to dinner, the two ate in a comfortable silence, though Thor almost ate her whole kitchen clean because of his big appetite.
Now, (Name) washed the dishes while she felt Thor’s stare on her, awaiting her answer. As she was placing the dishes back into the cabinet, she froze when strong muscular arms went around her waist, as Thor placed his head in her neck.
“I’m sorry.”
(Name) blinked from his words as she glanced at the god.
“I’m sorry about the invasion.” Thor spoke into her skin, “I should have stayed there. I shouldn’t have listened to my father and went to the party. I should have stayed and protected you… because of me, I lost you all these years.”
“If you don’t want to come back-”
“Lord Thor!” (Name) gasped and he raised his head, “please, it’s not your fault that the Jötnar attacked. You shouldn’t place the blame on yourself because of the inevitable.”
His eyes softened at her words as (Name) stroked his cheek, her soft thumb caressing his golden markings. 
“This is the first time we spoke together…” Thor hummed and (Name) nodded, “I like it. I like your voice.”
“I like your voice too.” (Name) smiled.
“I missed you.” he told her tenderly, and her eyes widened.
“I-I missed you too.” she whispered shyly.
He soon leaned in until their lips were just millimetres apart. (Name) felt her heart begin to beat as his golden eyes bored into her own (e/c) ones.
“I love you.”
With that, he kissed her deeply. (Name) closed her eyes and she kissed back, feeling Thor kiss her with every fibre of his being. His hands soon found her waist as he pulled her in closer, while her hands cupped his face and caressed his skin. 
The desire and love for the six missed years soon came in as Thor broke apart. (Name) was out of breath before she gasped when he attacked her neck, bruising and kissing her thin skin. His hands that were on her waist took hold of her form and he picked her up, before throwing her onto the bed in her bedroom.
Thor removed his gloves and set his hammer in front of the closed bedroom door and closed the curtains, before he climbed over (Name) and resumed his marking. (Name) whimpered and moaned when his teeth bit down on her sweet spot, as the god began to mark her deeply as his own possession. 
His hands wandered around her body, exploring and massaging her breasts that were covered by that damn dress. The heat in (Name)’s core was getting stronger as Thor kissed down her collarbone before he began to untie the back of her dress. 
Soon enough, the cold air hit her skin and her nipples perked, making (Name) grow shy as Thor took all of her naked body in. Feeling self-conscious, (Name) covered up herself with her arms, but he took them away.
“Don’t hide yourself from me, (Name). You’re so beautiful…” he kissed her deeply, before he took off his own clothing. 
(Name) watched how hard and ready he was for her as Thor’s hands found their way on her round breasts, playing and squeezing them tenderly. (Name)’s moans at this point was uncontrollable as she gasped when Thor began suck on her nipples with his mouth, while his other hand slowly rubbed her other breast in a circular motion. 
Letting go of her nipple with a pop, he gave the other breast the same treatment, as the God of Thunder relished himself with her soft mounds, while the female was losing control of her cries.
Her hand went to her mouth as she feared her sounds would be heard by any travellers, but Thor leaned in, his patience with her getting very thin.
“Cover yourself up again and I won’t be afraid to bind your hands up.” he threatened, before his voice softened, “I want to hear all of you. Let the whole world know who’s going to fuck you.”
(Name) blushed from his words as Thor kissed her breasts down to her stomach, before he made his way towards her entrance, dripping with wetness. His large finger slid open her bottom lips, before he curiously pushed one in, making (Name) gasp.
“M-my lord…” she whimpered, as he began to pump the digit in and out.
“You smell good, (Name).” Thor grunted, adding another digit in to prepare her further for the height of the night. 
(Name) whined and mewled, feeling his fingers move in and out of her, as they rubbed her walls mercilessly. One of his fingers touched her g-spot, making (Name) flinch, but Thor caught on. He then nudged his finger at that spot, staying there for a while, making (Name) moan messily with pleasure.
She felt her orgasm come when he began to scissor motion his fingers, but just when she was about to release, he pulled out.
(Name) looked at him with astonishment but Thor didn’t care, spreading her legs far and wide as he poked his hard member against her aching womanhood. 
“Lord Thor-”
“Shush, my precious princess.” he shut her up, his own body wanting to take her right away.
He teasingly rubbed his head against her fold in a cruel manner, causing her body to shiver. 
He was about to push himself in when (Name) took his arm and pleaded.
“Lord Thor, i-it’s my first time.” she told him, “please be gentle with me.”
“I will, my little beautiful dove.” Thor replied lovingly, “I’m happy to be your first time. It’s my first time too.”
(Name) smiled as he towered over her, before he pushed himself in. (Name) shut her eyes and held his beefy arms, feeling how thick and big he was. Thor held himself back from fucking her into oblivion, as he didn’t expect her to feel this good and to be this tight.
(Name) was trying to adjust to his size, her legs shuddering. Her breath went fast from this new feeling, the pain being present as Thor kissed her face and mumbled comforting words to her.
Soon, the pain went into pleasure and feeling her tighten even more around him, Thor gripped her waist and began to move gently into her. (Name) moaned and hugged his large frame, as he thrust gently in and out of her vagina, the head of his manhood digging further and further inside of her.
This slow pace was absolutely torturing Thor, as he was trying to contain himself. He didn’t want to hurt her as he gritted his teeth, trying to keep this slow rhythmic tempo of thrusts. 
But it was almost impossible, seeing her beautiful face contorted and shifted into bliss and happiness, her lips babbling only his name.
Yes, only Thor will make her feel this way.
No other man will touch her. 
Thor grunted and growled, feeling himself lose it amidst the pleasure, as he gradually picked up his pace. Pretty soon, the promised gentleness was all gone as Thor pounded into her like an animal gone wild. (Name) whimpered, feeling his hands on her breasts once more, squeezing them as he moved his hips into hers.
A wet sound was heard in the room along with skin slapping on skin, as the god took her like a ravaging beast. (Name) cried out each time he hit her g-spot, feeling his large and thick member rub deliciously against her walls, as the pit in her stomach began to grow bigger and bigger. 
Thor caressed her thighs, loving the feeling of her soft skin, staring at the way her flesh curved in from his hands gripping her. He watched his member go in and out of her wet cunt, his pace now inhumane.
(Name)’s breasts bounced with each thrust as she gripped his gorgeous red hair, until she finally released. Her eyes saw stars as she slowly rode down on her orgasm, but Thor continued on his thrusting.
“My lord!” (Name) cried out, and Thor lost it even more when he heard her voice.
“Love…” he called her, on the verge of exploding into bliss.
Seeing her release also made Thor come, as he grunted and spilled all of his godly seed into her womb, filling her up. He rode out his high by thrusting gently until he pulled out, watching the liquid that was inside of (Name) drip out.
“So wet…” the female thought, feeling all the contents come out of her.
(Name) was gasping for breath until she blinked when she was turned over by Thor and was laying on her stomach. She gasped and turned her head to see Thor, caging her with his giant body from behind, as he prepared himself for another round.
“W-wait, my lord--” (Name) pleaded, “let me rest-”
“I’m not finished.” he quiet her down once more, “let your lord fuck you. It’s your punishment for leaving me alone for six long years.”
(Name) yelped with pleasure and surprise when he inserted himself into her once more. She was very sensitive now as he felt even bigger than before. (Name) laid on her stomach, with her hands beside her head, as Thor placed his larger ones over them, intertwining their fingers together. 
He soon began his rough and dominating pace again, making (Name) moan shamelessly into her pillow. She had never felt this good before, and it felt even more special when it was the man she was in love with.
His golden eyes watched her butt bounce from each of his thrust, his giant hands placing themselves on her cheeks. 
(Name) mewled when he began to massage her buttcheeks cruelly, before she yelped when he spanked it gently. He continued to spank her soft butt, feeling rewarded with each cute noise that escaped from (Name)’s lips. Thor watched her butt slowly turn red from each slap, before he moaned and picked up his pace.
“Fuck… you’re so beautiful, (Name).” Thor grumbled, while (Name) let out a pitiful mewl in response.
“So cute…” he leaned in and wrapped his arms across her body, bringing her to his chest, “and small… tight… fragile…”
He bit her cheek gently, gripping her face so he could kiss her on the lips.
“And all mine.” he smirked against her face.
His hands gripped her ass and he lifted it into the air, proceeding to ruthlessly bang and pound into her. Precum was dripping from their love making, as his hands mushed themselves into her ass and Thor reached deeper into her. 
The sound of their skins slapping together made (Name) gasp, her body fidgeting around and her fingers gripping the bed sheet. 
(Name) couldn’t take all this pleasure any longer and she released for her second time, making Thor wince from how tight she was once more.
He chased his own climax, his hips smashing (Name)’s own as his hands gripped her ass cheeks tighter and he let out a sigh, letting his seed flow into (Name)’s womb, claiming her a second time. 
(Name) panted with exhaustion when Thor let go of her ass, her body tingling from the aftereffect of their love making.
She collapsed on the bed, trying to catch her breath, feeling Thor’s heavy body on top of her. His arms carried his weight from crushing (Name) as he rolled over to lay beside her. His arms reached out and he brought her into his chest, his lips kissing her face as the two soon settled in.
(Name) leaned against his chest, her sleepy eyes staring at the golden marks upon his shoulder. Her hands traced against his chest and muscles, while his hands were wrapped around her body, his own body emitting a comforting warmth against her.
(Name) was just about to doze off to sleep when she looked up, feeling Thor’s lips upon her forehead. His lips lingered against her forehead for a while, before he pulled away, his golden eyes pouring into hers.
“Don’t ever leave me again.”
(Name) blushed from his words and she reached up to cup his cheek.
“I won’t.” she told him genuinely, kissing his lips, “I promise.”
He smiled for the first time and (Name) noted how pretty he was when he did. He brought her closer and pulled the blanket over both of them, their bodies exhausted from the night activity they did. 
(Name) cuddled into his arms and just when she was about to sleep, Thor’s voice broke the silence once more.
“Marry me.”
(Name) felt a smile form on her lips and she looked up at her lover, her eyes brimming with tears.
"I will."
⚡ “Hey, where did Thor go? He’s been gone for a long time now.” Loki muttered, looking at his nails.
Odin didn’t reply, his one good eye staring at the pile of papers in his hand.
Meanwhile on his shoulders, Huginn and Muninn were cowering and putting their wings upon their ears, trying to get the sound of what they heard at the cottage out of their brains. 
Next: Hades or Qin Shi Huang
My yandere Record of Ragnarok story: Infatuation
Hope you like this smutty smut!
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