#of any of that would also be followed by some pets or scritches
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I think if someone went pspspspsps at me and tossed a piece of ham and/or cheese into my mouth, that would fix me
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crystallinestars · 7 months
If They Were Your Pet Cat
Happy Cat Day (22.02)! I was inspired to write a few headcanons about what the boys would be like as cats.
I wanted to include a few more boys, but my brain ran out of juice.
Parts 2 and 3 with Honkai Star Rail boys here and here.
Contains: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Itto, Scaramouche, Venti, and Dainsleif.
🍷 Is a Siberian breed.
🍷 When you first brought him home, Kaveh took a while to warm up to you. He was wary of your intentions and reluctant to let you touch him. With some patience and gentleness, you eventually melted the golden feline’s heart, and he became inseparable from you. Wherever you go in the house, he follows, or at the very least checks on you to know where you are.
🍷 Kaveh is very sensitive to your emotional state. If you’re feeling depressed, he likes to lay on your chest and purr until you feel better. When you cry, he’s always by your side, rubbing his cheeks against you and licking at your face as if trying to wipe them away. He doesn’t leave your side until he’s sure you’re alright.
🍷 Due to your work/school, Kaveh is used to you coming and going at certain times as a part of your daily routine. However, if you come home later than usual, expect to have a grumpy cat on your hands. He will angrily meow at you non-stop and flick his tail in annoyance. He doesn’t like being alone, and he lets you have a piece of his mind if you leave him alone for long periods of time. He’ll sulk unless you coax him with some treats and gentle pats. Spending some time grooming or playing with him usually calms him down afterward.
🍷 Is very good with having guests over. Kaveh is a sociable cat and always greets anyone that comes through the door and gives them a sniff to learn who they are. He’s open to being petted by others but prefers to sit on your lap as opposed to your friends or family.
🍷 He’s a gorgeous cat but his coat is high maintenance. Because it’s so thick and long, he doesn’t tolerate the heat well. He requires regular brushing and grooming to keep his coat healthy. It’s a good thing he enjoys being petted because it makes grooming much easier. He tends to lean into your touch or the hairbrush when you stroke his body and purrs a lot throughout the entire process. He loves being pampered.
🍷 Kaveh likes to sleep on your bed, pressed up against you or lying on your chest. You got him a cat bed, but Kaveh still prefers to sleep right next to you in your bed.
🍷 He’s generally very affectionate. He both loves to give you affection and receive it. You’re not sure how well Kaveh understands what you say, but he always looks very smug whenever you praise him and give him scritches. He’ll headbutt you, asking for more head pats and affection.
🍷 You often find him staring out the window with rapture. You’re not sure what captivates his attention so much—maybe the sunset, the rainbow after the rain, or perhaps the flowers that bloom right outside your window. He’s also strangely attracted to lightning. Rather than get scared and hide, he sits by the window and stares out at the stormy skies.
🎧 Is a Russian blue.
🎧 Alhaitham is the quietest cat you’ve ever met. Hearing him meow or make any kind of vocal sound is rare. He’s also very introverted and prefers to spend time alone, hidden in some cozy nook or cranny.
🎧 He’s also very stubborn and smart. If you want to put a silly little cat costume on him for laughs, you can forget it because Alhaitham will give you the slip every time without fail. Rather than try to chase and play hide-and-seek with him, it’s much easier to abandon the idea altogether. If he doesn’t want something done to him, you won’t be able to force him.
🎧 As mentioned earlier, he’s a very smart cat. Alhaitham figured out how to open doors on his own, and is even able to open the fridge all by himself. It’s a bit annoying because he sometimes uses his abilities to sneak a tasty little something from the fridge, but his intelligence is truly a marvel. When you speak to him, Alhaitham’s expressions and body language change in response to your words, almost as if he understands exactly what you’re saying and is reacting to it.
🎧 Most of your friends and family have only caught glimpses of him when they visit. That’s because Alhaitham dislikes having guests over, and tends to hide from them. He only comes out once they leave.
🎧 He’s not a social cat in general and likes to keep his distance even from you. He’s not a lap cat, and will jump off and leave if you try to force him to lay on your lap. When he does feel like being social, Alhaitham will lay beside you if you’re reading a book, or perch on your shoulder to observe what you’re doing.
🎧 Is a very lazy cat, so you frequently find him taking naps while lying in a warm spot of sunshine. If you disturb his nap by attempting to pet or poke him, he gives you a displeased look and flicks his tail in annoyance. He’s very grumpy when his sleep is ruined.
🎧 Alhaitham never listens to strangers but does listen to you. If you call him over, he will come to you. He also tolerates your touch, and lets you squeeze and pet him without biting or scratching you. He looks unhappy about it, but lets you do as you please. However, if you ruin his attempts to leave once he’s had enough of your affection, he will take his revenge. That cup that’s sitting near the edge of the table? Yeah, he’s gonna push that off and stare at you without remorse while it crashes to the ground.
🐂 A Maine Coon.
🐂 Itto is not meant for a house cat lifestyle. Despite your best attempts to keep him indoors, the rascal always manages to slip out somehow and venture into the great outdoors. His yearning to explore the greater world is too strong for you to contain, so you have to make peace with the fact he’ll spend most of his time roaming outside. On the bright side, Itto always comes home to you without fail, looking happy to see you and bask in your affection again.
🐂 He made friends with some stray cats in the area, so you have a small group of them regularly come to your porch and meow until you give them some food. It’s a bit costly to feed so many mouths, but watching the cats play together or rub against your legs while purring affectionately convinces you it’s worth it.
🐂 Since Itto spends so much time outside, he tends to come home dirty and matted. He needs to be bathed to stay clean, but good luck getting him in the bath. He screams and yowls bloody murder every time you try to wash him, to the point that your neighbors knock on your door to ask what’s going on. Thankfully, they grow accustomed to Itto’s bathtime opera and stop pestering you about it.
🐂 Brushing Itto’s fur also proves a challenge because he just can’t sit still. The little guy has too much energy to keep contained, so he usually ends up looking disheveled.
🐂 Itto is also a giant glutton. He’s capable of eating a week’s worth of cat food in just 3-4 days, yet somehow doesn’t gain weight. It’s expensive to keep him fed. If you try to put him on a diet, he will be very vocal in his complaints and even steal food from your plate.
🐂 He’s a troublemaker, but he’s incredibly loyal to you. If you’re feeling down, he’ll get you to play with him to take your mind off your troubles. If that doesn’t work, he’ll become more affectionate and rub up against you to get you to pet him and relieve stress. He never abandons you if you’re not feeling your best.
☂️ Is a domestic shorthaired tuxedo cat.
☂️ Was very hostile and cold towards you when you first got him. He was averse to touch, and often hissed and glared at you for the first few months of your joint cohabitation. Over time, when he was sure you meant him no harm, Scaramouche relaxed in your presence and wasn’t so hostile towards you anymore. He still glares daggers at any guests you may have over, but with you, he’s calmer and more affectionate.
☂️ Scaramouche is a bit of a loner and tends to slink off on his own to whatever corner of the house he calls his own. When guests are over, he likes to sit in an elevated spot (top of the closet, fridge, or shelf) and observe everyone from above. He does this for two reasons: firstly to discourage people from touching him, and secondly to keep an eye on the people around you.
☂️ If there’s someone he doesn’t like, Scaramouche will make it very apparent. That unfortunate guest of yours will get a warning growl to stay away from you. If the guest doesn’t comply, Scaramouche could even go as far as scratching the person. It’s not good behaviour on his part, but Scaramouche has his reasons. You’ve come to learn that he’s very good at picking out individuals who have bad intentions towards you or are just overall not good people.
☂️ He's a bit of a grumpy cat. He’ll let out noises of discontent if you pick him up to cuddle him or groom him, but he’s just all bark and no bite (but only with you). As unhappy as he’ll look, he’ll tolerate whatever it is you want to do to him. Unless it’s dressing him in silly costumes. Then you’ll get a harmless swat to your face (he makes sure to keep his claws retracted) and won’t see him for the rest of the day. Scaramouche won’t come out even when you call for him. No silly costumes, please.
☂️ For all his grouchy attitude, he still loves you. He wakes you up on time if you sleep through your alarm, badgers you if you forget to take your meds, and purrs on your chest when you feel sad. He’s very intelligent for a cat.
☂️ Is very picky about food. He won’t eat just anything you give him. Unfortunately for you, the only cat food brand he’s willing to eat is very expensive. He’s a very spoiled cat.
☂️ Hates bathing. Scaramouche tolerates brushing and nail trimming, but God forbid you try to put him in the bath. He will meow angrily and try to run, so it’s always an ordeal to hold him still long enough to bathe him. Sends you a scathing look if you laugh at how skinny he looks once his fur is matted to his body, making him look several sizes smaller. If you laugh, he’ll give you the cold shoulder afterward, so you won’t see him for a few days.
☂️ Isn’t into playing with cat toys, but he does hunt in his spare time. He brought you birds and mice a few times as a ‘gift’. He genuinely meant well, so was a bit irritated that you threw his gifts away.  
🍃 A munchkin cat.
🍃 Venti is a cat that cannot be tamed. He clearly understands your commands because he sometimes complies with them when he feels like it, but most of the time he prefers to do his own thing. This includes venturing out into the great outdoors. Venti is not content staying cooped up at home, and you’ve long since learned to just let him go out when he wants. He’ll find a way to escape one way or the other. Besides, he still comes home, so it’s not like he doesn’t like living with you.
🍃 Venti seems to have an appreciation for music. He becomes energized whenever you play music, no matter what genre the song may be. He becomes more playful, so you often find yourself sidetracked playing with the cat instead of doing your work. If you can’t play with him, then Venti will zoom around the house like a cat on a sugar rush.
🍃 To your surprise, Venti also likes to sing. Or at least, you think the caterwauls he’s making are his attempts at singing along to some of the songs. It’s an amusing, albeit weird, sight.
🍃 Is generally not a lap cat, but he makes exceptions if he senses that you’re feeling down. During such moments, he becomes more subdued and nuzzles into your side, allowing you to pet him. His gentle purring and soft body usually help you feel better. If not, then he’ll stick to you like glue and follow you around the house to keep you company. It will be one of the few times when Venti sleeps next to you at night since he usually goes off on his own during that time. It’s obvious that he worries about your well-being.
🍃 Out of all the foods you let Venti try, you never expected him to like apples as much as he did. You swear he likes them more than the expensive cat treats you bought him. You trained him to do all kinds of tricks and even sit still for grooming in exchange for a few slices of apple (given as a treat).
🍃 He likes sleeping outside under the shade of the canopy, accompanied by a gentle breeze. You often catch him sleeping high up in a tree or a nook somewhere in the grass.
🌌 A Norwegian Forest cat.
🌌 You got Dainsleif from a shelter. He has a chronic illness that requires you to take him to the vet regularly for treatment, and some kind of scarring on his right side. The right side of his face and flank has matted, thinning fur, and you can only guess what happened to him before he ended up at the shelter. He was a very pitiful sight, which is why you brought him home. Under your care, Dainsleif lives the best life he can given his afflictions, and you’re even proud to say that aside from his mangled right side, the rest of his coat looks gorgeous.
🌌 Dainsleif is a relatively quiet and well-tempered cat. Though he’s shy and skittish around strangers, with you, he is more open. In private, his sweet temperament comes out. He often grooms you with his tongue as an act of affection and relishes in your gentle caresses when you pet or groom him in return. Watching his eyes close as he relaxes is a nice feeling since he usually has his guard up.
🌌 He’s not playful. Dainsleif is kind of serious for a cat. He dutifully waits for you at the door like a dog whenever you leave the house and greets you with a loud meow when you return. He doesn’t play with the toys you got him and prefers to spend most of his time sitting by the window and staring outside with an expression you can only describe as wistful.
🌌 Likes to sample whatever food you’re having. Dainsleif eats his cat food just fine, but you notice that he’s often curious about what you’re eating. He can’t help but want to sniff and taste human foods since the unique scents and flavors entice him. You share a little bit of your food with him after making sure it’s safe for cats, and Dainsleif couldn’t be more grateful for your generosity. However, this led to him expecting you to share a bit of your food with him during every meal. He’ll look dejected if you don’t.
🌌 When not weighed down by his illness, Dainsleif is very agile and has good stamina. He’s well suited for traveling outdoors with you if it’s something you want to try and will stay by your side like a loyal guard dog the entire time.
🌌 He’s very pliant with you. He tolerates bathing and grooming like a trooper despite not being fond of it since you’re the only one he trusts. If someone else attempted to groom him, then Dainsleif would simply run off and hide. However, he allows you to maneuver him in whatever way you need to complete the work well, and he doesn’t even complain about it. He becomes the sweetest cat in your presence.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Since requests about hybrids have your blessing, could I request something with Kaeya hvaing a catgirl S/O who is very selective about who she allows to touch her ears and when they’re allowed to do so? With the exception of Kaeya, who gets to touch her ears whenever he wants (which is often) and who has mastered the technique of petting/scritching her ears exactly how she likes and making her purr like a motor. Also, Kaeya is the only one allowed to touch her tail, no other exceptions.
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Cat hybrids aren't rare in Mondstat, after all Diona and her whole clan exist but he does think it's really funny sometimes to see a grown man, built like a tree with a voice as deep as the Chasm wandering over to get some work done while donning the smallest little ears and keeping his tail wrapped around his waist to avoid it being tugged.
Kaeya will not admit he's really wanted to try tugging on a tail to see what will happen. Especially not to you. No, there's no way he's going to admit that he really wants to yank on your tail, or spoil you with extra attention.
It didn't take that long for him to realise that you wanted him to shower him in that attention. Just took a few times of draping yourself over his lap for him to finally catch on, rubbing your stomach a little confused, but smiling hard to himself at the purring and little noises you'd make for him.
He had no idea that it was just a him thing though. Of course you won't let anyone get too friendly but he thought simple little ear rubs would be okay with everyone. This was explained to him quite overtly when he saw how you respond to being touched, hand on his sword and ready to go at the sound you made at the foyer.
The sharp yowl sound immediately makes Kaeya jump out of his seat, running over to you as he recognised your voice. He's ready to attack, worried something happened when he sees a knight's hand close to your head, your ears flicked back as you stare at the other person menacingly.
"Nobody touches my ears. Got it?"
He can hear you growling, canines poking out between your lips as you stare them down. Kaeya can hear the apologies slipping out of their lips, trying to keep you calm as they look to him desperately.
"Captain, please! You have to understand I had no idea this would happen!"
"It's fine, it's fine. Isn't it darling?"
Your head whips around at the sound of Kaeya's voice, demeanor immediately brightening when you see him. You bound over, tail following after you happily as you nuzzle into his hand. Kaeya hesitantly brushes over your ears, worried that you had a headache of some sort and that's what aggravated you.
"I love when you pet me. You're so good at it," you purr, escaping from his hand to press a kiss to his cheek.
"You don't have a headache?"
"No? I just don't want anybody touching my ears if they aren't you."
He stares at you, blinking before laughing a little and cupping your face affectionately.
"My little kitty only lets me touch, hmm?" he teases, scratching behind your ears and laughing again as you hum happily at his touches.
"Of course. You'd never hurt me, and you pet me so well. Never stop."
He is definitely going to hold that over your head, tease you about how much you like him touching you. Additionally, he does think that it's such an honor to be given such a privilege, wanting to use it to his advantage at any time.
Every time he pets you he thinks of it as this rare and special treat no matter how many times it's been, holding you tight and even (with permission) tugging on your tail just to hear you make the cutest little noise before batting at his chest.
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echo-goes-mmm · 1 year
Divine Intervention AU #7
Warnings: briefly implied past non-con, briefly implied past torture, touch-starvation
It was becoming more and more clear that pethood was definitely an upgrade.
Master Ambrose conjured him a tiny bedroom and that was already more than any slave could expect. Master had transformed his bay window ledge into a cozy sleeping area. Underneath his new bed were some cupboards for clothes and books that Ambrose promised him. Elliot guessed that Master didn’t know that he couldn’t read, but it was a nice thought anyway. Maybe the books would have pictures he could look at.
He also had a floor length mirror, a lamp, a little table, and an armchair. It was all sectioned off from the rest of Master’s bedroom with some soft velvety curtains. Elliot thought it was strange that Master Ambrose allowed him to hide away whenever he wanted, but he was grateful for it.
Master also told him he could eat from the kitchen anytime he wished. Elliot wasn’t sure what he’d done to earn the privilege but he wasn’t going to bring it up. 
“The cupboards are magic,” he’d said. “Just close the door, think about what you want, and it will appear.”
The stove was also magic, and didn’t need wood like the stoves he was used to. Surely Master didn’t need to cook, but maybe he liked it. Elliot knew servants whose favorite jobs were baking. Some people were just like that.
But even more than the generous items and allowances, was how nice Ambrose was. His old masters never touched him, except to hurt or fuck him. 
Ambrose petted his hair and let him get close enough he could nearly touch him. Sometimes he worked up the nerve to press against his leg like he had in the temple. He knew it was off limits to try more. Ambrose hadn’t exactly forbidden it, but Master hadn’t wanted him in the first place. 
He could throw Elliot away at any moment. Ambrose could tear him to shreds and not even break a sweat. It was probably for the best if he didn't push his luck.
But he was so warm. Everytime Master ruffled his hair or let him sit at his feet, Elliot wanted to press, press, press himself into Ambrose and never leave. Sometimes before he fell asleep, he imagined Master Ambrose holding him close. He’d pretend he was sitting in Master’s lap, curled into his chest. Master would have one arm wrapped around him, tight but not restrictive. His other hand would scritch at his scalp. 
It was pure fantasy. Elliot wasn’t sure what Ambrose was the god of, but hopefully it didn’t cover reading minds.
Right now, Master was working on something at his desk. Elliot had followed him over, and Master let him sit on a cushion at his feet while he scratched ink letters onto paper. Master Ambrose had asked if he wanted a chair, but Elliot knew a test when he saw one. And he really wanted a few more pets.
Elliot was imagining what a hug -a real hug! -would feel like. He’d never had one before. He thought they were warm, obviously, maybe like the bath at the temple was warm. 
He was too lost in thought to realize what he’d done. Slowly, he had moved from sitting at Ambrose’s feet, to pressing into him, to placing his head directly into Ambrose’s lap.
He tensed. Ambrose was still petting his hair absently, his right hand still scratching away on the paper. Maybe he hadn’t noticed? Elliot moved away, extracting himself from what was surely a punishable offense. But it was too late.
Elliot was sort of like a dog. Or a very affectionate cat. Ambrose had always wanted a cat, but it was pointless with Emry around. He was so good with animals; any pet Ambrose conjured would gradually become his. The others had all lost various animals to Emry before giving up. They’d all settled on the koi pond, but even they seemed more lively in Emry’s presence. 
It was an accident that Elliot had taken the simple nickname and decided he was a pet. Ambrose had always been a little free with the pet names he called people, including humans. He hadn’t meant them to be taken literally. Elliot seemed pretty happy, though, and that was good enough for Ambrose. It was just a bonus that Ambrose enjoyed the companionship. 
Elliot trailed behind him like a little shadow. Ambrose promised him some books so he’d have something to do, but for now he seemed content to follow him around. Every time Ambrose sat at his desk, Elliot had sat at his feet. He’d offered him a chair, but Elliot preferred the floor. Ambrose had conjured him a pillow to sit on instead. It was easier that way; mortals weren’t allowed to read what he was writing. Elliot couldn’t see the paper from the floor, but he could have in a chair.
It was nice. He carded his fingers through Ellie’s soft white hair as he worked. Elliot usually shied away from Ambrose, except in these moments at his feet. If he didn’t want to be touched besides his head, he’d respect that. 
Elliot must be feeling pretty brave today. He had laid his head in Ambrose’s lap, eyes closed as if he were sleeping. Cute.
But then he stiffened and began to pull away. 
“Are you alright, love?” 
“I’m sorry, Master, I didn’t mean to.” Elliot hung his head, the very picture of remorse.
“Can you tell me what you think you did? I’m not mad, treasure, I promise.” Elliot hesitated.
“...I’m not supposed to get so close to you,” he said, fidgeting. “You don’t like it.”
“That’s not true, pet. You can get as close as you like.” Elliot looked up at him, eyes wide.
“I can?”
Elliot lit up. He scooted back towards him, curling into his leg. Elliot laid his head in Ambrose’s lap, nuzzling into his thigh. Adorable.
Ambrose went back to work. He rested his hand on Elliot’s head, stroking his hair. Elliot smiled. 
Sure, Ambrose hadn’t meant for this to happen. But he definitely wasn’t complaining.
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme @whump-cravings
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catsofcalifornia · 11 months
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Mama Lizzie and Luigi from Scritch Kittens in Santa Clara, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help (as well as videos of these two kitties)!
Click here for a link to Scritch Kittens' main website.
Young mama kitty Lizzie is done raising her litter of babies. She is such a good mom that she even took in a plus one! Lizzie is very friendly and loving with her foster parents and such a dedicated mama. She has the cutest babies, Luigi is her favorite and they are often found cuddling together. If you are looking for a friendly companion cat, or even a cat and one of her doting babies, then Lizzie and Luigi are the pair for you!
Lizzie loves cheek, head, chin, back and everywhere else pets and scritches. Shockingly, she also enjoys belly rubs!! She does not care much for toys although recently she was spotted playing with a ball, but she does love catnip and grooming you. She is patient, low maintenance and just wants to relax, lounge around and get pampered. You can see Lizzie kneading and purring happily while she gets pets and scritches. Lizzie will rub up against you or give you a head bump when she really wants some love. She likes to cuddle next to you once she’s comfortable, and she’s still learning about snoozing in laps. She really loves a nice spot on a couch arm or ledge where she can soak up some sun while she naps next to you. She’s okay with being picked up but doesn’t love to be carried around; if anything, she prefers her 4 paws on the ground. She is vocal and happy, and knows what she likes and dislikes. Lizzie would likely be fine with gentle and respectful children.
Little Luigi is ready to be adopted! He is sweet and playful, with a beautiful sleek white coat. Luigi is a mama's boy, following her around and they can often be found cuddling. He is a lover and loves everyone he meets. He has also been exposed to doggies. Luigi is well socialized and will be a delightful addition to any family.
Luigi likes to fly. He was the first kitten to climb to the top of the cat tree and then jump down with no issues. He is a sweet, active and vocal kitten. Luigi will greet you with the best meows and tell you how much he misses you. He likes to groom you, gives you a new hairdo and gives little kisses. Luigi is also a lap baby! If he’s not cuddling up with his siblings, he'll lay in your lap and will fall asleep to pets. Luigi will put a spell on you and have you fall in love with him instantly. He would love to be adopted with his Mama Lizzie.
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airasora · 8 months
As some of you might remember, I lost one of my birds, my kakariki Sweeney, over 2 months ago due to an accident that was entirely my own fault. I struggled with a lot of self-loathing for a long time and along with realizing how toxic my workplace is, I kinda completely broke down. I haven't been to work since Sweeney died, but I'm starting again next week, slowly with just 2 days a week to begin with.
During my mourning period, I found myself looking at birds at shelters, breeders, anywhere. It was an odd way to deal with the pain, and I had no intention of adding a new member to my flock. But then I came across a breeder who had conures. Specifically, she was currently looking for homes for two pineapple-colored conures. Long story short, she and I had a really good connection and while someone else adopted the last of her conure babies, she heard my story and told me she could tell I was a good bird mom whom she knew would give any of her babies a loving home. So...
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Say hello to the newest member of my bird family... one of these guys here ❤️ More specifically, hopefully one of the pineapple colored ones will be a male, and I'm bringing him home in a month or so. His name is gonna be Beetlejuice and his breeder is the most loving person I have ever met. She forms such strong connections with all her babies, hand-feeding and training them as much as she can so they're ready for their new homes. It'll be my first time bringing home a bird who will already be very used to hands, so it's going to be an amazing experience.
While no one can replace Sweeney - nor do I have a desire to try and replace him - I have been missing his love and affection. You see, I have different relationships with all my birds since they have different personalities.
Hamilton is very independent, but loves being pet. And he's the only one who'll let me give him scritches. He also always willingly step up on my hand, even if he'd rather not, he's just very polite lol.
Poppins the other hand does NOT want to be pet, but he'll climb on me, follow me into the bathroom and kitchen and will try and share his food with me.
I have close to no relationship with Wonka and Moulin, my two adopted birds who came from abusive homes. Neither will come close to me, though Wonka will let me walk by him without flying away now. Coming from abusive homes, building a relationship with them will take a long time, and I'm ok with that. I have loads of patience when it comes to birds.
And then there was Sweeney, who also didn't want scritches, but followed me around and would have verbal battles with me where we'd yell peekaboo at each other. We also had a game where I'd hold out my finger and he'd bonk his beak against it. He never learned to say "beep" when we did this, but he knew exactly what beep meant. He would also sit on me and play with my hair and climb around. And I miss that. I miss this little loving, ball of pure energy.
Sweeney can't be replaced, but Beetlejuice will be a new, loving member of my little family. I'm so excited to bring him home in a month 🥰
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isthatapuppydog · 8 months
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Yesterday we had to put Scorch to sleep.
We had him for a little over a year and a half, and it feels like it was so much longer. Our sweet little toasted cinnamon roll was the naughtest boy I've ever had, but he was also the sweetest.
When we would get home from the grocery, we figured out he loved bags. So we would let them float down to his pile and he would bat them down and scrunch them beneath him for as many bags as we had.
He would chase his own tail in silly little circles.
He had a play tunnel that he would run through and he would slide it around the hallways, and flip it upsidedown while he was inside.
Every single hoodie with strings was a target. He would come and nibble the aglets anytime any where.
When we would come home, Smoke and Scorch would both be waiting at the door to say hello.
Unless he was napping, Scorch would follow me around the house with the dogs during the day.
He loved sleeping under the christmas tree. The second it came out he was on the blanket beneath. He would sometimes ambush the dogs if they walked by.
He would chase Ryker out of his food bowl if I didn't supervise the dogs eating.
I had to watch doors because even if I let the dogs out he would want to run out there with them every single time. He wasn't ever too terrible thrilled out his harness but he did enjoy being outside with them on some lazy afternoons.
He would maow at the door when the dogs were outside, and if we let him out without his harness for just a minute he would maow at us like he knew he wasn't supposed to be out there and needed to come back on.
Every morning when I would come down with the dogs he would fuss at me until I gave him some love. I would usually pick him up, scritch his cheeks and kiss him a bunch of times and set him down. He would usually ask for more.
He was already unfortunately declawed front and back before he got to us, but when we made coffee or tea he would come over beneath us and rub his beans on the cabinet doors and make it smack a couple times before maowing at us.
Everytime I sat on the couch, no matter where he was in the house, he would come running to come sit next to me or in my lap.
He would smack the water bowl so loud you could hear it anywhere in the house.
My father, who is highly allergic to cats, loved Scorch. He, who has sworn off cats for years, would hold and pet and play with Scorch the entire time he was over at the house. Every time he was over, dad would say that Scorch was the coolest cat ever.
We ended up feeding him multiple times a day with an automatic feeder, and he would sprint to it when it went off. Five minutes on the dot after he would yell for more.
Because his diet was strict we had to figure out how to keep him out of the bags of dog and cat food. Several times I found the door open, and his little back legs sticking straight out while he dived for more.
When we caught him doing something naughty, like being on the counter trying to get raw chicken or something, he had the cutest little scamper. He only ran like that when he knew he was caught. It was like a little bounce in his step.
I know its bengal typical, but he had such a vocal range. The sweet soft murrs when he woke up to the chirping of play or excitement and the loudest maows demanding love.
He was so persistant. He wanted to be loved all the time. He wanted to be held and cooed at and loved 24/7. He just wanted to purr purr purr all day long.
His many nicknames included our toasty cinnamon roll, when he was naughty he was Shittens, and the silly meme of he's just a little guy.
Scorch was the most loving cat I have ever had. I know deep down we were the best retirement home he could have had. I'm so glad we could offer him a warm, loving, safe place to live out the last of his years, no matter what it was before.
He was such a noisy little guy. Noise I didn't quite realize I would miss so much. Our house, still filled with two people and two very energetic dogs, is so incredibly quiet without our littlest ten pound boy telling us he wanted love and he wanted it now. My heart hurts so much, but I'm glad he is comfortable now. Safe, and warm, and still so loved.
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thatwildnya · 1 year
Centaur AU centaur AU (Number 1 fav AU hehehe)
I'm kinda curious about Riddle, Trey, and Cater - what kinda centaurs are those three? ALso are any of the guys particularly cuddly - regardless of their cuddlability (so, like, even if they might have rough scales or spikes of some kind or something like that, they're still a cuddler lol)
chitters and nickers:
Wild: our first request! I’m really happy to get one so quick! I started writing it as soon as I saw it, sat on it for over half a day, was unable to continue due to wifi issues, then spent another 2 hours editing before Nya convinced me it was good. I hope you enjoy anon!
Nya: it’s going to be an uphill battle convincing this man to stop editing and adding more for every request wish me luck lovelies-
TW: Rook
Griffins are known to be very independent centaurs and it isn't uncommon for them to be hotheaded and somewhat controlling, especially towards strangers or those they see as lesser. So don't expect him to be all friendly at first, let alone cuddly. But once he's comfortable and trusts you he won't ever shy away from your touch.
I knew right away I wanted him to be a draft horse. These horses are known for their even temperament and being affectionate gentle giants. If you asked me to picture a baker or anthro draft horse I would imagine a buff man with a sweet smile. Trey has the same physique as I picture plus the same vibes so it fits perfectly.
He’s a bunny boy. A floppy ear bunny boy. That’s it.
When it comes to who’s the most cuddly in general it’s hands down Kalim, strangers or not. If Nya and I hadn’t decided to make the light magic users all foxes as a little easter egg he would have been a golden retriever. If you let him Kalim will cuddle with you every time you sit down. If he’s full animal he will try to snuggle under your shirt, in your sweatshirt pouch, or if there’s room right next to your face squished in your hoodie.
In his humanoid forms he likes to stretch across your lap or midriff. You can have him curl around you and use him as a giant pillow but neither of us would recommend it. He will wiggle a lot and you’ll most likely get a face full of tail wagging at the speed of sound.
Never go to the bathroom without locking the door. He does not knock half the time and won’t leave unless you yell at him. Personal space does not exist in Kalim world. Has so much love to give but not enough places to give it too.
If we’re talking about who’s the most cuddly with mc in story then it would be Silver (yes even more than Kalim). I touched upon this in another ask, Silver absolutely adores mc and would follow them to the end of time. He’s always near them if he can help it. Mc will sit at the table to do something and he’ll be doing a snooze at their feet. Then they decide not to do the thing there and move to the living room, Silver following behind groggily. He rarely even sleeps in his room (which is the attic) because of his desire to be close to them all the time. Nobody complains because he won’t sleep in the bed unless it’s his turn.
The big cuddle bugs to their masters (excluding the two above and Floyd cuz y’know it’s Floyd) are Ruggie, Rook, Malleus, Leona, Cheka, Che'nya, Jamil, and Azul.
Ruggie’s first few years of life were rough. He comes from the equivalent of a puppy mill in this scenario and he didn’t have anyone to rely on. The first time he felt unconditional love was when you rescued him from that awful place. He was barely alive and wouldn’t have lasted much longer if he’d been there longer. He gives back to you through acts of service and physical touch. He likes being able to curl up next to you for some scritches and the occasional rough housing in full animal form. Absolutely loves taking baths with you or getting a full pet spa treatment bath delivered specially by you. When he was little he would curl up under your shirt for a nap so please let him use your belly as a pillow while he takes a snooze under the blanket occasionally.
Azul and Jamil have similar back stories. Both were neglected in favor of other pets for being less appealing. They are both teenagers by the time you adopt them and to say your relationship started out rocky would be an understatement.
Jamil (black mamba) assumed you chose him to be your servant, as that is what he was trained and advertised as. The last thing he expected was to get his own room, the newest phone model, and a trip to the store so he could pick out his collar himself. He still keeps his distance and it takes awhile for him to let you past his walls. But I swear it’s worth it in the end. He only gets super cuddly when it’s cold out. You are a warm blooded mammal and he is a cold blooded reptile give him your body heat immediately. If allowed he will wrap as much of himself around you as possible for maximum warmth.
Puberty hit Azul like a truck. With that and him putting in the extra work to stay fit he went from being completely overlooked by anyone who walked by to being the one to make the most passersby stop for a look in the shop. And yet despite that, none decided to take him home. He tried everything, from showing off his superior intelligence to having the best voice. Nothing worked. Then in came you. You took one look, smushed your face against the glass, fogged it up whispering ‘I must have him’ when he looked at you, and ran off to find the nearest employee. It was very startling to him, especially because he was busy studying when you slammed your face into the glass right next to him. But he isn’t complaining. Now he gets to spend his days scamming making deals with customers to contribute to the household expenses. As a reward he expects all the hugs, all the snuggles, praise, kisses, etc. If you deprive him of his rightfully earned wages the crocodile tears will start so be ready.
Cheka is baby.
Leona is a lazy manticore that has decided you’re his favorite pillow. Be careful not to overheat.
Che’nya wants your attention 24/7 and will get it one way or another.
Rook’s love language is yes. You will not escape. Accept your fate.
You are Malleus’ first friend and the only one he considers worthy of being his master. He is touched starved and you are his meal. Bone apple teeth.
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monstiemiru · 7 months
SDV Cloud Meadow/Monster Musume Au
I'm super excited for Stardew Valley 1.6 update that's coming next month so have some brain rot! (Note that Cloud Meadow is a adult game, so kids shouldn't go googling that). This is mainly just bullet point thoughts and stuff about my favorite trio! No actual NSFW or anything like that, just general stuff.
I'm just gonna call this The Stardew Ranch Au. I'll tag it as SDR.
If you're not familiar with Cloud Meadow or Monster Musume: most of the characters will be "monsters". Usually their looks will be mix of human and animal parts like a satyr or centaur for example. They act mainly human, but can have animalistic or monstrous tendencies.
In Cloud Meadow and Monster Musume monsters can live with people. In this case they live on a ranch. Farm monsters are housed in fancy barns.
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100% a dogboy! He's a a golden retriever and german sheperd mix, perfect for the Ranch. His pawlike arms and legs are covered in blonde hair. He also has a blonde dog tail and ears. He's kind of short when compared to other monsters on the ranch.
Always first one to meet any new people or monsters on the farm
He can usually be found playing around with Abigail and Sebastian
Loves to follow you around, doesn't matter if you're a monster or a farmer. Insists that he's working as your guard dog. The holstaurs can look after themselves for a bit.
Please let him sleep with you. He promises he won't take up much space (lie, he will take up all the space)! Honestly Sam would love to sleep in a big pile with you, Sebastian and Abigail.
He also loves getting petted! Please scritch him behind his hears and tell him he's a good boy
Likes pulling pranks with Sebastian and Abigail. They have unofficial prank war going on between them and Vincent and Jas. It's usually harmless, but someone might have to step in now and then.
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Sebby is holstaur! He has black fur with white spots on his arms and legs that end in hooves. His hair also has some white stripes in it. He has horns, bull ears and a lil tail to swat things with!
He has relatively small herd that's basically run by Abigail. Heifers (female holstaur) are drawn in by his calm nature, but can be offput when they realize that in the beginning he's very cold.
Sebastian is super slow to warm up to other monsters and farmers. He will warm up faster if he sees you being nice to his herd and friends.
Whenever he takes a nap or goes to sleep he will wake up surrounded by his herd (and Sam). There's no escape, only cuddle pile.
He's not very territorial, but he will defend his herd when needed.
Likes to bring you small gifts now and then, though he will act like it was just a coincidense. He just happened to have an extra apple or knick knack he found. This purple hair ribbon? Abigail had extra ones and he doesn't need it. Though after he warms up he'll be more open about the gifts.
Has a nose ring due to bad temper when he was younger
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Also a holstaur! She has purple fur with darker purple spots on her legs and tail. Honestly she looks very similar to Sebby.
Most likely to get into trouble. She loves adventuring in the nearby woods and has challenged bulls bigger than her before. She will ask you to join her on her adventures.
Can be found playing with the kids. They're either butting heads or playing make believe.
She has a habit of headbutting her favorite farmers. Headbutting her back will result in headache due to her much harder skull, but she will appreciate the gesture.
Has a nose ring like Sebby though hers was done in secret with Sam's help.
Will steal extra snacks for her and her bffs.
Will also beg for extra snacks from her favorite farmers.
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I'll write more about the ranch au in the future! If you liked these feel free to send asks and stuff about it! Reader and characters can be farmers or monsters! You can also send nsfw asks if you'd like :3
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darth-sonny · 2 years
(i am so sorry i keep sending asks, i'm just very excited for all your AUs)
For Weary and Wild AU:
Is Casey jr clise to any of the brothers? Considering he has his peepaw back..
Was it Donnie who figured out that four was with big mama?
After the final "failed" attempt on retreaving Leo, what happened to the fam? Does Donnie officially have a full on resentment hatred for F!Leo? Is Mikey broken.. bcz he thought he was too late?
Hc that Four likes getting pet by big mama and One, also One and Raph/Donnie has a rivalry on "best sibling on Leo's book" and that when Four and Donnie reunite four almost bite his whole hand off but Donnie is too emotional to care
For your Prime Leo AU:
Who does Leo meet first out of all his Yokai friends? ..koya?.. Natsu?
Can Koya fly? Since in the idw she lost her ability of flight.. (also bcz i'm a sucker for a disable meeting/helping another disable)
How panicked was the fam when Leo "disapeared" and who broke the most things in their panic (i'm betting on Donnie) ?
ahh~ no probbles!!
for the Weary and Wild AU:
he's close with them, yes, and he's close with Lee too. obviously, he's known him his whole life. but there's this...tension surrounding them in part due to Leo. everyone heard that it was him that closed the portal, and while they don't blame him, Casey fully blames himself and kinda believes that everyone is just acting nice to not hurt his feelings. and he doesn't know if he perfers that to them outright hating him
Donnie, surprisingly enough, isn't the one who figures out Four is alive and is staying with Big Mama. that honor goes to the one and only......... Sunita *jazz hands*
after the final attempt, everyone just sort of went...numb. they got the biggest lectures of their lives by Draxum but they were too despondent to hear it. Raph doesn't know what to do with himself anymore, Donnie's officially entered a depressive state, and Mikey has now been banned from practicing mystic arts for the unforseeable future by both Draxum and his dad. watching them is like watching zombies walk about
YES!! Four does love pets!! i did say he acts like a cat, so he loves chin scritches a lot
as for title of "favorite sibling". hmmm...i'd say Donnie would like to have a fight for that title. One doesn't really care about her status in Four's favortism (she already knows), and Raph wants to pretend he follows her thinking but he secretly wants to know who Four likes best too
for the Prime Leo AU:
the first friend Leo met was Kōya!! they met when she kinda sorta accidently kidnapped him (unknowingly) to help their team win some sort of race. Leo, after a full minute of trying not to panic, thought "eh? why not?" and decided to help. they've hung out ever since <3 (Bludgeon was second, and Natsu was last)
i've finally made up my mind about that tidbit and the answer is: no~!! i decided to skip the amulet thing bc i had no idea how to write that into their character. so yeah. Kōya can't fly due to an accident when she was small (tot age) and they help Leo when it comes to his disabilities
when Leo snuck out for the first time, no one noticed. he did it all sneaky like (not with his portals bc those are pretty on the fritz thanks largely to Prime. they'll go back to normal dw, but his ninpō is pretty unreliable after Prime). but when he met Kōya he stayed out far later than he normally does. Casey was the one who found out that Leo wasn't in the lair anymore, but Donnie (as you said) was the one who freaked out about it the most (followed very closely by Raph)
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lettucebee17 · 1 year
Congrats on 100 followers!
For your event, I'm curious about your opinions on some rarepairs I like. I'm not expecting a response to all, but you can choose any one(s) you may find interesting :)
What are your thoughts on
and/or Che'nya/Floyd?
Thanks, and again, congratulations!
Thank you!!
I will not be stopped and will respond to all of them. :)
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I've actually seen some really cute stuff about Silver and Idia and I do think they're sweet.
I think the one thing that's missing for me in this ship is that I just haven't really seen them interact that much and I just haven't given them an incredible amount of thought.
However, I will say that one thing I've always found really fun about this ship is the added dynamic of Lilia and Idia being gaming buddies but also Lilia being Silver's father. Because like, imagine your boyfriend being like, 'sorry babe, i've gotta run a dungeon with your dad.' But also Silver would just be like 'cool, can I watch?' and then falls asleep.
Which is another thing that would be cute about them dating: just, Silver napping in Idia's room while Idia's gaming but also probably forcing Idia into a healthier sleep schedule simply by virtue of the fact that he's always sleeping and Idia feels awkward about Silver being asleep while he's awake.
Also I will say that one line in Silver's ceremonial robes vignette when Idia calls him handsome is top notch - big fan.
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I have, in fact, never seen or considered this as a possibility.
Putting aside my weird hang-ups about Malleus and his age and shipping him with people, I think they could work together really well.
Like, both of them are people that most everyone around them find scary and prefer not to be around (sans a select few) but they're both just complete dorks. They could infodump to each other about their funny little special interests and they'd both just listen so intently to each other!
Also they could teach each other about fae and mer culture respectively and like Jade going for night swims or something while Malleus sits on the shore and stargazes (cute date ideas)
Not to mention, Azul would be thrilled if Jade started dating the heir of Briar Valley, I mean, what a business opportunity! Not that Azul should exploit his employees boyfriend like that...
Also, Jade's secretary/butler tendencies would be an incredible boon to Malleus actually getting to places on time and remembering to do things.
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Another one that I had never considered before. And I think it's important that you know my first thought upon reading it was 'fedora bfs.'
I'm intrigued by the dynamic of this one because I cannot come up with a scenario in my mind of HOW they'd start dating. Like, who asks out who? Either option is so funny to me.
Like, Azul having a crush on Trey and talking to Riddle about it to try to get him to set them up? Top notch.
Trey just out of the blue making Azul like a cake or something to ask him out? Also very funny, so confusing to everyone.
On the subject of baking too, the two of them starting a bakery or something after graduation is so cute and domestic because like, Azul running the business aspect and Trey getting to bake and try to things to sell and stuff? Very cute to think about.
Sorry I don't have a lot to say about them...
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I, personally, think that Che'nya and Floyd should be besties and I cannot see them dating (too much chaos, not enough serious communication)
I do think, however, that they'd be real cute in that they'd be super physically affectionate with each other in the cutest ways. Like, Che'nya would just wrap his tail around Floyd and Floyd would just like pet him and scritch his ears. (do y'all think Che'nya purrs? he must, right?)
Also, the fact that Che'nya shows up at unbirthday parties, partly for Trey's baked goods, I'm sure he would love to show up and steal food from the Mostro Lounge and Floyd would 100% let him.
Plus, cute date idea: terrorize Riddle Rosehearts!
All in all, a very cute combo but I don't think it'd be the healthiest relationship-wise...
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doughguts-art · 27 days
I JUST REALIZED I HAVEN'T BEEN FOLLOWING YOU THIS WHOLE TIME.... I'M A JOKE OF A MAN...... Okay okay okay not gonna reblog to the last one again cuz I'm not one to make super long threads, I'll just explode your inbox again hahshd,,,,
Alright where do I even begin?? Um, first, did something happen to Bandit to make him resort to doing what he does now, or did he just do it out of boredom? Was it that he needed adventure or needed his life to change? Second, can I hear your imaginary scenarios where Bandit meets the guardians??? Pretty please???? I'm really interested to see how he'd treat them!! Third, you said you had a game concept featuring Just Finch, right? Is the game itself currently in production or do you never plan on actually making it? Cuz if you need. Production help.? I'm always willing to be of service?? Okay there's a really low chance you'd accept a stranger's help on a personal project ESPECIALLY since said stranger is still kinda sorta an amateur at everything ever but I'm already so used to helping everyone around me with anything they're doing at any point in time so I thought it'd be kind of me to offer anyways. Sorry though... Anyway back to the Bandit questions! Fourth, if Bandit encountered a burnt, what's his first gut reaction? Obviously I think he'd most likely pull out his gun, but how does he feel? Is he not at all fazed by these shells of people that have become more hostile than they were before, maybe because it's a usual occurrence? Or is part of him still afraid, either because he's disturbed by the uncanny horror in front of him, or because he's aware that if he's not careful enough (despite all the tickets he has for himself) that could easily be him? I need to know if this guy has fears or not!! Fifth, I can't help but be curious to know if there's any songs you associate with Bandit? If I have the time I'll prolly listen to the songs mentioned too lmao,,, And lastly, my favorite thing to think about when it comes to OFF OCs, does Bandit have a competence list? If so, can I please read it, I love making and looking at fanmade competences for some reason, probably because of how creative the nonsensical titles can get while sticking to a single theme, mixed with the general role of the character in battle matching with their personality. But if I'm the only person here that actually cares about that stuff I totally get it!!! And I don't want you to feel pressured to make a set of competences just for this ask either, if you didn't make one you didn't make one and that's okay. I just thought I'd ask if you happened to have one. I think that's all I have for right now, thank you :D
Thank you for following :D Alright, to the questions!
I think you've hit the first question that I can't answer outright because of Lore secrets I'm saving for askbandit. Partially related to the X story, that's all I'll say
Wuhhhh imaginary guardian scenarios?? They're pretty vague but here's some ideas Dedan - Dedan getting increasingly angrier and angrier as he tries to order Bandit around and fails. I also imagine Dedan being confused on who Bandit is, like "DO YOU EVEN WORK HERE?" and Bandit's just "Shouldn't you know that?" Japhet - Like the sketch, Japhet would flap around Bandit and fret about the X. Bandit would probably keep the bird at arm's length though, he rarely lets people close, and Japhet wouldn't be one of those people lol. Enoch - Enoch would have a special bone to pick with Bandit because of the sugar smuggling. He'd try to squish Bandit Judge? - Bandit loves cats. Judge would get many pets, scritches, and treats Sucre? - Sucre is a sugar dealing client for sure. Queen? - I imagine Bandit sarcastically complimenting the architecture of the Room. I imagine the Queen would be passive, maybe laugh a little at his silly musings. Hugo?? - Kick the baby (LMAO KIDDING, KIDDING). Truthfully, maybe they'd talk about comics or something. Idk the room is a weird place and I don't think Bandit and Hugo would ever purposefully meet
Yes, the game is called Project GoldFinch, and it is in production. I haven't done enough to do another big dev progress post, but here's the announcement post if you want the little info I've provided about it. I appreciate the offer to help, but this is a personal project and I feel more comfortable doing the work myself.
This is actually a question I've gotten on askbandit and haven't answered yet, but Bandit is not intimidated by Burnts. Most Burnts (in my lore) aren't necessarily violent, or burn quick enough to that they don't do that much damage, so Bandit wouldn't pay it any mind. If a Burnt was to attack, he would probably choose to avoid it until it recovers rather than shoot though. Also, Bandit doesn't burn, can't burn*, so he doesn't worry. He has no fear. * this info could only be found on his artfight profile previously. Public info but out-of-the-way.
I really should make a Bandit playlist, but the song I currently associate him with the most is Catch Me If You Can by Set It Off. Obvious reasons for that one. I also listen to the music used for his shop theme in UNKNOWN. Also ALSO, I commissioned a really cool person (hai @amygdalum hope you don't mind the tag) to create a Bandit theme inspired by Synchronicity, so if you wanna listen to that, here ya go! I did the cover art on that one.
And finally, competence list. Funny story, I have never actually thought about making a competence list for him, but when Bandit was still the Final Boss in RISE, he did have one (so credit to Brandy again for this, screenshot ripped straight from the old files). These are thematically relevant to his role in the game more than how he is now, but I gotta say, I really like Reckless Charge. If I were to keep any of these, it would be Reckless Charge. That feels very him. The other ones are badass but I see them fitting Tate better. I don't remember if they were changed for Tate or not, but either way, great attack names all around.
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Thanks again for the asks ^^
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dogandponygal · 1 year
Institutions for Failed Persons Part 10
Once Doctor Veronika had moved you into Lunas room your new life felt nothing short of idyllic. It was hard to adjust to your new life as a pup before the good doctor introduced you to Luna, but now everything felt so natural. Luna began to feel like a big sister to you.
Sure she was also a dog, and she would regularly try in vain to impregnate you, and you never actually had an older sibling, but you couldn't think of a better description. She showed you how to be a good pup by example. You followed her around were ever she went.
She would cuddle you on the large doggy bed that Dr. Veronika had put in your room to replace the two smaller separate ones that your room originally held. When the other pups would fuck you at play time, she always knew when you couldn't take anymore, and protect you.
As time passed, language slipped away from your brain. You remembered plenty of words, but sentences became hard to form.
One thought you could muster was that you were always meant to be a puppy, and now you had found your purpose in life. For the first time you felt content.
One day during free time a group of visitors entered the unit that had become home for you.
A short woman dressed in all black anachronistic attire led them. Her clothes looked as if they may have been in style a hundred years ago, but not like anything you've seen in your life.
You couldn't seem to make out her face from under the brim of her large floppy witches hat, but she emanated an aura of control and confidence that was entirely singular.
She was holding hands with a woman dressed as if she had just come from an emo concert circa 2010.
The two were followed by four women in a line equally spaced from one another. There muted yet cheerful expressions brought a word to mind, "Doll".
You heard of witches and dolls, but always wrote them off as an urban legend. The arrival of the group conjured so many questions.
Your head began to ache with all of the thoughts you were experiencing. Sentences and memories barged into your previously empty mind. You hadn't thought this much in a dogs age.
Just as you felt like you couldn't be more confused, Dr. Veronika joyfully greeted the group.
"It is so good to see you again Mistress Willow! Do you have any time to catch up or should we get straight to business?" The Doctors reaction brought even more unwelcome thoughts to your head.
Luna thankfully rescued you from your thoughts by giving you a gentle bite.
You sheepishly followed behind her as she cheerfully approached the group of strangers. The dolls had been dismissed by their witch, and they were eager to play with all the pets on the unit. One of the dolls came over to you and gave you gentle scritches behind your ears.
It was surprising how smooth and cold her touch was, it was if she was actually made of porcelain. As she mechanically patted your head she called you a pretty puppy in an airy, dream like voice. A wave of comfort overcame you and washed all those nasty thoughts away.
One of the dolls began to curiously inspect a drone on the unit, who examined the doll in the same manner. It was if the two were mirroring one another. They seemed to be trapped by their own reflection of one another. Perhaps they were two sides of the same coin.
Dr. Veronika snapped her fingers twice and immediately gained your attention, as well as Lunas. That was a command that elicited a reflexive response from the two of you, and you instantly sat attentively before her.
"Awe what good little pets the two of you are!"
"Mistress Willow has been a wonderful client to work with in the past, as well as a personal friend of mine. Her dolls make the most wonderful tea I've ever tasted. I digress, she is here to adopt some new pets, isn't that exciting?" Dr. Veronika said enthusiastically.
"You see, Mistress Willow is looking for a pup to play with the dolls while she is spending alone time with her new girlfriend, and I think you would be the perfect candidate Luna." Luna moved her hips back and forth wagging the tail attached to her via a leather belt.
"Unfortunately she only needs one dog. However I just couldn't stand to see the two of you separated. Luckily she is also looking for a new pony to replace one of her cart horses. Her pony Proletariat was one I personally trained and he is getting to old for the job."
"She is going to retire him and let him happily live out his days in the pasture. While her other pony Shimmer is quite strong she cant pull her cart all by herself. Since I don't have any cart ponies that available for sale, it occurred to me I could just train you to be a pony"
Dr. Veronika had tilted your chin up to meet her beautiful and terrifying eyes as she told you about your new fate. She was so imbued with energy whenever she came up with an idea
"Honestly I think you would make a better pony than a puppy" Veronika said while tussling your hair
"That should've been obvious considering how well you responded to ketamine therapy, but hey, I may be a doctor but I'm only human. Even I make mistakes every once in a while." You let out a whimper at the news. Your formally cherished certainty about life had vanished.
You didn't know the first thing about horses, how on earth would you become one? Would you be able to stay with Luna while you trained? How long would the training take? Would you even make a good pony? Were you strong enough to pull a cart even with the help of someone else?
"Awe don't whine dear, I'll still be your doctor! I'll also have it arranged that Luna can stay in the stables with you while you train. Mistress Willow is fine with waiting for the two of you so you can stay together. I told her all about how adorably close you two are."
"I'll even have your favorite drone #4134 transferred so you'll feel even more comfortable as I train you to be the perfect push button pony. Besides, you seemed to hit a wall in your puppy training. Its like you can only function as a pup in Lunas presence."
"Once I get a bit in your pretty mouth and some blinders on your bridle you'll be able to be a wonderful pony even when Luna isn't by your side. You haven't disappointed me yet, I'm sure you wont start now." You could sense the doctors sadistic side in her tone voice.
"Besides, its not like you have any choice in the matter." She was right as always. You would have to put aside any trepidation about your new training. After all, pets like you aren't meant to make decisions. You are simply made to submit to your betters.
Institutes for failed persons: Experiments in Equine Excellence, Part 1
#medfet #petplay #drones #emptyspaces #ponyplay #puppyplay
You couldn't sleep as anxiety surged across your brain. The news you would be transferred to the pony training program did not sit well with you.
You thought your training as a puppy was going so well. At long last you felt a stability in your life that you thought was mere fantasy before you gave away your rights to the Institute of Human Animals. You believed that you had gained a never before experienced. 
You laid awake snuggling against Luna, the pup you had become so close to here. The good Doctor Veronika was starting your pony training so the two of you could be kept together and adopted by the same witch. Your memories of past fuck ups made you think this would be one of them
You did something you hadn't done in months, speak.
"Luna, I'm scared." Luna groggily tilted her head as she woke up to an entirely novel sound.
"I'm scared I wont make a good pony. I'm so scared we will be separated. Just tell me everything will be ok" Luna growled at you.
Then after a long silence, Luna spoke in a gravely and entirely singular manner
"Don't be. Veronika is good. Veronika has never lied to Luna. Luna will be by your side. Veronika loves us. Luna is not going anywhere." It was the first time you heard her speak
"Thank you Luna, I love you so much. You've been so good to me I don't know what I would do without you. As long as your with me I know I'll be safe."
Another long pause came before Lunas response. It dawned on you she was looking for words she hasn't used in so so long.
"Luna never wants you to speak again. Veronika would be mad. Luna will protect you. Luna loves you." She licked your face before snuggling back in to the dog bed you two shared. You let out a gentle whine, licked her back, and were finally able to fall asleep. 
In the morning you awoke to the sound of Doctor Veronika's energetic voice.
"Good morning my little pups! I guess I should say pets now because of our newest pony girl! Isn't this so exciting. I can't wait to show you two your new home. Since I cant wait, lets do it now!"
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myrfing · 1 year
4 (mostly wondering about mount but if sahlloweye is canon feel free to tell me MORE also), 22, 25, 29!
HEY CAR THANK YUOU FOR QUESTIONS (overnight stocker maneuvers)
4. Do they have a canon mount or minion? What's its name(s)? 
OK ANSWERED ABOUT MOUNTS so the. YEAH the shalloweye is canon. runt of a group of em in coerthas that started following him. he mostly left it alone and left like...pieces of jerky and such for it to eat sometimes (it didn't eat them but he kept doing it anyway). it got captured by some dudes and sold to the gold saucer as a novelty pet prize and he was like wait... and won it back doing lord of verminion with the help of a friend. since then it gets to ride on his shoulder. it is just there to see vistas. after he learned voidsent are like...turned people...he started making clothes and hats for it but it made no move to dress itself so he stopped
22. Do you  have a unique tale for their job class or is it pretty much like what it is in the game?
His main classes are mostly like the canon storylines! He actually went through a full course for arcanists though when he was 17-18ish and sought out healing-based arcanima of his own accord. Some things in the 30-50 drk quest are also a little different in meaning because of my hc that fray retains their original self within his soul and have different resentments and fears that they projected onto him versus them being directly just his Esteem. some classes like pld, "drg" (lancer, really), mnk, "whm" (conjury) are not really canon and more like just weapons/magic he knows how to use.
25. Do they have any habits or rituals that they do to soothe themselves? I.e. Playing with their hair, chewing their lip, fidgeting, etc. 
OK often unconsciously does it but he sort of sweeps his tail once or twice when he's nervous which has made it thwack against some things. he actually really isn't all that fidgety and is good at sitting and standing still but his tail can give him away that thing is doing whatever it wants. he also does this thing where he reaches up and sort of scratches the scales on the opposite side of his face when he's tired and losing focus. scritch..
29. Did your WoL suspect anything was amiss with Urianger or the Crystal Exarch? Did they feel betrayed? Upset? When the truth finally emerged? 
With Urianger SAD TO REPORT HE DID NOT AT ALLLLLL he got his ass. he was just like well he is doing his own thing it is not my business and Urianger knows what he is doing he is trustworthy and nice. he actually also didn't...resent Urianger for what he did with Minfilia either because when they spoke at the mothercrystal he sort of realized it was kind of like the way he trusts yshtola and the way she trusts him in turn. in the like I know you would want the same thing/exchange of burdens and it actually helped him come to terms with the fact that it was Minfilia's choice and resolve. with the exarch not at all either because if he were to blame anyone it'd be graha really and second he doesn't even because again he sees it as a we're all on the same boat trying to row thing and he would have gone just as far.
with graga...he knew he was graha from the beginning but he was entirely willing to play along fully in the sense that he was like ok you say you aren't then you aren't and I'm sure you have your reasons. no coyness or attempts to prod it out at all. he was kind of like wait have I been fucking stupid @ the crown of the immaculate though when he did realize oh fuck he wants me to call him by his name this time. he wasn't mad about the light thing at all he knew the risk and saw it at his own choice. and he just doesnt have it in him to be like YOU FUCKING DONKEY about graha trying to blow himself up he was just joyous that he returned to him and that they won.
he has a very "do you see what I see" "i do" broader view with the scions where the world and the lives of many others are inextricably bound to the choices they make and their interpersonal bond and so he finds it very difficult to resent or feel betrayed by the scions on that level lol. he is used to that sort of thing and it resonates with him because the spires were very My Life Was Always Yours with each other too. mildly unhealthy but many things hang in the balance
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Greetings Ameowmeow,
I would humbly request you write about furry catgirl emeow and kanyande. If you could make them little pet kitties that would be preferable but on the off chance your unable to write that, I have some alternative cat-related suggestions for those 2 mewmeows.
Running a cat café with them
How they'd take care of their kitty
Being their/they are Discord kittens
half catgirl anime trope
I truly hope you will see this request worthy of your writing and time
Goodbye from your feline friend,
till we meeowt again
THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE ASKS EVER I'VE BEEN CACKLING OVER AMEOWMEOW- but i decided to dabble a bit in everything you suggested! <3 ALSO lmk if emeow isn't emu bc I will rewrite this with ena if need be-
♡ AND THEY WERE KITTIES - Emu Otori and Kanade Yoisaki x Reader
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If Emu were a kitty, you know for SURE that she is the most cuddly and energetic kitty in the world-
She's the kind of kitty who would paw at you or follow you around, just to purr in absolute content when you give her a couple scritches <3
She would LOVE to run a cat cafe, but you would definitely have to be the one tending to drinks and food. She spends most of her hours playing and taking care of the cats-
It's a good balance for the both of you at least! And it's always cute to look over and see her whispering to the cats, eyes sparkling with awe
She's a great cat-owner! It might take a bit for her to learn her cat's boundaries, but she takes great of them!
She relishes in every pet and scritch that she's allowed, and spends a lot of her time just. Staring at her cat-
She does not have Nightcord, and gets confused when you ask to be her Nightcord Kitten-
If she was a half catgirl, you KNOW that her tail would constantly be swaying. She's the type of catgirl who would sway her tail and knock a vase over/lh
She will go to you for headpats all the time, wrapping you in a hug with her tail wagging and her ears twitching this way and that!
Overall VERY fun with kitties <3
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Kanade as a kitty is...Basically how she is at all times-
She's content with just loafing around your house, just minding her business. She looks for you whenever she wants affection though, and will unceremoniously plop down on your lap when given the chance-
She does find the idea of a cat cafe fun, but the moment you ask her to help you at the cashier, she slips into either the back or joins the cats-
She would lay down on the ground (in a place without customers) and just let cats crawl and sit on her. If any of the customers see her, you just have to explain that yes, that's your girlfriend and co-owner-
Despite being horrible at taking care of herself, I think that she'd be a pretty good cat owner!
She'd be very calm if she was a half catgirl. She barely even notices it half the time-
She won't push the cat's boundaries and the most the cat could do is sit on her while she composes. She has accidentally fed them insta-noodles on a couple of occasions, much to the rest of Niigo's horror-
She refuses to be anyone's Nightcord Kitten and refuses to let you be her Nightcord Kitten. She would be far too embarrassed either way-
The most affection that she would seek out like that would be sitting on your lap, working away on her laptop and purring whenever you run your fingers through her hair <3
Overall, she pretty much already qualifies as a cat-
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maybeimamuppet · 1 year
birds of a feather
hellooooooo!!! welcome BACK everyone!! i hope you’ve all had a wonderful day!!
so sorry it’s been so long since i’ve been posting! Life Is Happening Very Much All The Time and it’s a little hard for me to find the balance of this and the rest of. that nonsense. at the moment lol. but we have this!!
this will unfortunately probably be it for another little bit BUT i do have something special that i’m hoping very hard to post around the holidays so that’ll be fun!! and then we’ll be back to our usual. sporadic nonsense in the new year :)
this was requested by someone!! but i have lost it in the internet void and unfortunately have no idea who it is so if you do please let me know!!!
anyway. i don’t think i need any tws!! but if i’m forgetting something please let me know and i’ll add it in :)
Today is a very important day.
Why, you might be asking. Is it a birthday? A holiday? Some big achievement?
No, children, you’re wrong.
Today is the day Matilda and Miss Honey get a pet.
They don’t know exactly what sort, yet. Matilda’s read about practically every animal in the books, so to speak, so they know how to care for whatever they pick.
Matilda’s been begging for some little thing. Company, whenever one of them happens to be home alone, and a little friend for the both of them to have.
They finally reach the local pet store. Archibald Crumplebottom’s Menagerie of Animals and Other Eccentricities. Sounds like their sort of place. It has quite a large sign, but even still, the Eccentricities bit has a wooden board all of its own hanging below the rest so the whole name fits.
There’s a lovely sort of tinkling as they push open the front door and head inside, caused by a few jingle bells dangling from the door handle.
Dogs and cats and birds and all sorts of things start barking and meowing and tweeting and a myriad of other sounds at the two of them as they walk in. A man dressed in nice trousers, a button-up top, and a waistcoat pushes through a beaded curtain at the back and stops behind the counter to greet them, with a little green parrot perched upon the top of his head.
The parrot is the one to welcome them. It gives a great squawk followed by a, “Hello! Hello!”
Matilda giggles at the strange creature. The man gently feeds it a treat and simply nods at the two of them. Miss Honey keeps a tight hold of Matilda’s hand and starts winding them through the aisles.
There’s baskets full of little puppies towards the back. Another with cats. Matilda lets them sniff and nibble at her fingers and sees if any of them catch their eye.
Miss Honey coos over the kittens, scratching each little head and smiling at the content purrs she gets in response. “How about a cat?”
Matilda considers it. “I would like one. But I think we must consider all the options first.”
Miss Honey nods. “Alright then.”
They continue meandering up and down the aisles. They scritch at guinea pigs and bunny rabbits. Matilda does also adore the idea of a pet rabbit. Miss Honey seems a bit frightened when they get to the glass enclosures holding reptiles. Matilda carefully presses against them to observe the snakes. “Ooh.”
“A snake?” Miss Honey chuckles incredulously. “You’d like a snake?”
“You wouldn’t?”
“No,” Miss Honey replies immediately. Matilda hums and giggles as one of the snakes yawns. Miss Honey makes a small frightened noise and leaves as soon as she sees his fangs.
Matilda takes her time to observe the lizards and frogs and toads as well. Miss Honey seems more okay with these sorts of reptiles, but still not entirely keen. Matilda doesn’t completely understand why. For whatever reason, she’s always liked things that squirm and creep and crawl. Regardless, she moves on. It’s only fair to pick something they’d both enjoy.
Matilda holds Miss Honey’s hand as they continue meandering the aisles. This place has all sorts of things. Gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, even squirrels in the small animals section. Dogs and cats and turtles and snakes and lizards and fish. Matilda and Miss Honey both spend an inordinate amount of time staring at the large fish tanks and watching the colorful creatures swim around. There’s even a little shark in one.
There’s even a few things they didn’t even think of as potential pets. Baby goats and little cows and pigs. There’s also something in a cage all of its own that neither of them are entirely sure they can identify. It’s almost like a small bear, or a large cat. It opens its mouth and releases a noise almost like a dog. They stand there taking guesses as to what it could be. They’re not positive they’re any closer than they started by the time they move along.
They pass the bunny cage again. Matilda carefully reaches in to stroke over their little heads. These bunnies seem much more friendly than the ones in the woods she’s met. They happily let her pet them, and a few even come closer to ask for some extras.
Matilda sees something move just out of the corner of her eye. It’s the shop owner, with the bird still on his head. He seems to be on his way to check on some of the animals. He winks at her, and motions her over with a finger.
Matilda frowns in confusion and heads his way. She loses sight of him, but heads down the same aisle he did.
The man isn’t there. She peeks around the far corner to see if she can find him, see what he wanted from her, but it’s as if he completely disappeared. She blinks in confusion and looks around.
Just as she sees the birds spanning either side of this aisle, she hears the faint clicking of wooden beads in the distance. She shrugs and steps closer to one of the bird cages.
The first one has parrots. Blue ones and red ones and green ones like the one on the man’s head. They squawk at her, and some even say hello. Matilda politely says hello back and continues wandering up the aisle. There’s canaries and doves and parakeets and cockatoos and… a chicken. It doesn’t seem to be the brightest creature, as it pecks at nothing on the floor. Matilda wonders if he’s not giving himself quite a headache doing that.
Matilda turns and pauses as she sees the cage behind her. Budgerigars.
They’re very cute. Some are awake and chirping contently to themselves, while others hang on fake branches or play with toys or nibble on pellets or curl up for a nap. Matilda’s eye is immediately drawn to two, cuddled up together in the back left corner and sound asleep.
There’s a sign hanging from the bottom listing how many budgies are inside. Pictures of each are listed, but no names. The two napping in the corner are pictured together, with a notice stating, Bonded Mother and Daughter Pair. Must Be Adopted Together.
Matilda looks at them more closely. One of them, the larger one, has belly feathers of a vibrant lime green. Its wings are striped, a yellowish-green and black, and it has a yellow face. The other one is facing the other way, so Matilda can’t see it as well. She can see its wings are almost like a zebra, white and black striped. The back of its head is a peaceful blue, almost the color of the sky.
She jumps when she hears a voice say, “There you are. Goodness, this place is huge. I swear it’s bigger than it looks like it could possibly be from the outside.”
Matilda smiles and nods, hooking her little fingers into the cage and leaning in closer to see them. Miss Honey gently rests her hands on Matilda’s shoulders and takes a look as well.
“Aww,” she hums. “Aren’t they sweet.”
Matilda tips her head up to look at her mother. “I like those ones.”
Miss Honey crouches down to her height and looks where Matilda points at the two napping together. “Aww. They’re quite cute.”
Matilda nods. “Can we get them?”
She feels Miss Honey smile and leans in closer to rest their heads together. “I don’t see why not. They seem to be good friends.”
“They’re mother and daughter,” Matilda says, pointing to the sign.
“How sweet,” Miss Honey says. “Well, we’ll need some bird things then, let’s go see about that.”
The next aisle over is all the things to care for birds. They choose a very large cage that they’ll have to put together themselves, so the birds can have plenty of room to play and live. They get a variety of perches and things for them to sit on and hang from. Even a cozy looking little hammock to suspend from one. Toys to hang in their cage and other things for enrichment.
Matilda grunts as she grabs a huge bag of bird food from a lower shelf. It’s so heavy that she topples over backwards and ends up with the food next to her. “Whoa!”
“Careful,” Miss Honey chuckles. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
Matilda lifts the large bag with her legs and adjusts it so she can have a good grip. It’s all she can carry, so Miss Honey grabs a small bird bath that clips onto the cage, food dishes and water dishes, and some supplies to clean up after them.
They stumble up to the counter and deposit all their things on the splintering old wood. The man returns from the back, echoed by a roar of some sort from the room and the clacking of the beaded curtain as he pushes his way through. He looks at their items, and then at the two of them.
“We’d like two budgies please,” Matilda says softly, as politely as she can. The man nods and smiles at her. He lifts a portion of the counter and steps through it, leading them back to the bird aisle. He stops at the budgie cage and looks down at Matilda. Matilda points at the two. “Those ones.”
The man nods and carefully plucks the parrot off his head. He rests it on top of the budgie cage and gently taps its head with a gentle finger as he slides the lock open and lowers the gate. He carefully grabs the two birds in one large hand and replaces the parrot, gently resting them on his head. Neither of them seem too fussed by this, holding onto his hair with their little talons and sinking into his curls like a nest.
Matilda tips her head in confusion and watches as he carries the parrot back to the counter on his finger and the budgies on his head. The parrot gets rested on the ancient looking cash register. The man keeps the little birds on his head as he checks the tags on all the items and types them in, each of the cash register’s keys making a very satisfying clank as they’re pushed.
Miss Honey looks at the total when the man looks at her expectantly and opens her wallet. The man finally removes the birds from his head and places them in special little boxes so they’ll be safe on the journey home. The parrot is replaced, and chirps happily at the shiny coins Miss Honey gets as her change.
“Thank you,” Miss Honey says as they gather their things and start the trek out. The man simply nods, and the green parrot squawks once more.
“Please come again!”
Matilda giggles and grabs the birds to carry them home. She turns around just as the bells on the door jingle, and only sees the wooden beads in the back quietly clacking together once again.
Matilda and Miss Honey spent the afternoon struggling through putting together the cage. Matilda read the instructions while Miss Honey tried to put it together, then they switched jobs, and still had no luck. It turned out they were missing one of the screwdrivers they needed and had to take a rushed trip to the hardware store.
Matilda clipped and placed in all the perches and toys and food dishes and other things just so, and kept pulling them off and snapping them back in (sometimes in exactly the same place) until she decided she was satisfied.
Food and water were filled, and in went the birds.
Matilda ran across town to Mrs. Phelps’ library in the empty field a ways away from the school and got every book on birds she could carry back home. She read them aloud to Miss Honey so they both had a refresher on how to care for their new pets.
They left the birds alone for the first few weeks. They gave them time to adjust to the new cage and new surroundings. Sometimes they close the doors to the living room, where the bird cage sits by the window, and open the cage so the birds have the option to fly around and explore. They haven’t yet, but they inch a little closer to it every time.
Every morning, Matilda comes down the stairs in her pajamas. She lifts the cloth off the cage and says good morning to the budgies. She refills their food and water, and gives the cage a quick clean. And she hooks her fingers through the metal grate, stares at them, and wonders what their names should be.
It makes sense for each of them to name one bird. They just don’t know which one. They both love both of them equally. They’ll have to decide soon.
This morning, the little blue budgie is sitting right on the other side of the cage when Matilda lifts off the cover. Matilda jumps and blinks at the little creature. The bird does the same at her. It cheeps quietly.
“Hello,” Matilda greets. She gently pokes one of her fingers through close to the bird just to see what it does. It scoots back a bit, hesitates, and then inches back to her. Matilda doesn’t move, and eventually, the bird hops onto her finger and just sits. Matilda smiles.
Miss Honey comes down the stairs, yawning and stretching. “Morning, dear.”
“Good morning,” Matilda says softly.
“How are our little friends today?” Miss Honey asks, coming up and peeking over Matilda’s shoulder. She smiles as she sees the one perched on Matilda’s finger. “Aww. I think she likes you.”
“Can I let them out?” Matilda asks, looking up at her mother.
“Sure. Let’s close the doors,” Miss Honey responds. She goes to do that, while Matilda gently nudges the little blue one off her hand. When she hears both of the heavy wooden doors that lead to the room click shut, she carefully unlocks the latch and opens the little grate so the birds can leave the cage if they should want to.
Miss Honey returns to her, and they both stand a ways from the cage so the birds don’t feel pressured by them standing so close.
Nothing happens for a few minutes.
They aren’t really surprised. The budgies have taken their time acclimating, and it’s normal for them to still be hesitant to leave the safety of their cage. Matilda’s a bit disappointed that neither of them want to fly around yet, but she understands.
Her eyes widen when there’s suddenly a blue blur flying across the room, followed by a light weight on the top of her head. She crosses her eyes and looks upwards, and can just barely see a little blue face with a beak perched on her head.
Miss Honey bites her lip and giggles into her hand so she doesn’t laugh too loud and startle the little thing. “I think that one must be yours, then. She really seems to like you.”
Matilda smiles and carefully reaches up to offer her finger again. The bird happily hops onto it and lets Matilda hold it for a little bit.
“I still don’t know what to name her,” Matilda grumbles to herself.
“It’s a lot of pressure,” Miss Honey acknowledges. “Have you had any ideas?”
Matilda shrugs. “Sort of. None of the names of birds in books really suit her.”
“Mm,” Miss Honey hums. “Well, take a good look at her close, now. See if anything comes to mind.”
“What are you naming yours?” Matilda asks, looking up at her mother.
“I’m not completely sure, yet. I think this one looks quite a bit like a Winnifred. Winnie.”
Matilda looks at the little green bird. That one is the mother, they’ve surmised, and she’s sitting on the open gate. Half in the cage, half out. Just watching the world outside. Matilda nods.
“It suits her.”
Miss Honey smiles and gently reaches out a finger for Winnie. Winnie seems to be the more nervous of the two, but she does allow for a few gentle scritches on her feathery head.
Matilda looks back to the blue one. What to name her?
Sky? How unoriginal. Zee? Cute, but doesn’t feel quite right. Lavender suggested Tweety, and Amanda said Matilda should name her Daffy.
Nothing feels quite right.
Miss Honey notices her internal turmoil and comes over to her. This bird allows for even more pets.
“You’ll think of something perfect,” Miss Honey comforts Matilda. “Don’t stress. She doesn’t know any difference whether she has a name or not.”
“But every creature deserves a perfect name,” Matilda says quietly, furrowing her brow in frustration.
“Well, let’s think. What sorts of things would you like to name her after?”
“I dunno.”
“Then what sorts of things do you like?”
“Books,” Matilda says immediately. “Um… history. We’ve been doing Greek mythology in my history class. That’s quite interesting.”
“Oh, yes, ancient Greek history is fascinating,” Miss Honey agrees. “What about them? Do you have any favorite figures?”
“Helen,” Matilda says immediately. “I think that’s a bit formal for a bird.”
“It’s nice, but if you think something else might work better…” Miss Honey says. “Anyone else?”
“Athena,” Matilda continues. Miss Honey glances to the little bird on Matilda’s finger.
“Well, she’s not exactly an owl, but I think Athena is a beautiful name.”
Matilda looks at her sky-blue plumage and beady little black eyes. She moves the little bird closer to her face and stares into her eyes. The bird blinks. Matilda blinks back. The bird cheeps quietly. Matilda smiles.
“Athena,” she says with a nod.
“Winnifred and Athena,” Miss Honey says. “Quite the pair we’ve got, eh?”
Matilda giggles. “Yeah. I like them though.”
“I like them too,” Miss Honey says, looking at the girl and her bird with a loving smile. “Hello, Athena.”
Athena peeps at her.
“She said hello back,” Matilda translates.
“You speak budgie, hm?” Miss Honey chuckles, gently ruffling Matilda’s hair. Matilda nods, and Miss Honey laughs even louder. “I wouldn’t be surprised. But I think it’s time to put this little one back and come have breakfast.”
“Okay,” Matilda sighs. “See you in a bit, Athena.”
She slips the little bird back in the cage with her mother and latches the door, and heads into the kitchen to have breakfast with her own.
How nice to have two new family members.
thank you for reading!! hope you enjoyed
in other more unfortunate news, one of my Recent Life Happenings is that my own real life miss honey got very sick and passed away at the end of this summer. so, this is dedicated to her :) thank you, SB, for teaching me to sing like a bird.
anyway!! have a wonderful. period of time. until i next see you and thank you very much again for reading !! lots of love, ezzy
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