#of course tim didn't want to be adopted by bruce weeks or months after his dad died
scintillyyy · 1 year
i appreciate the humor in "har, har tim thought bruce was such a cringefail he didn't want him to be his dad so he created a fake uncle just to avoid that" (and i do love uncle eddie) however
i think it's a real disservice to tim's likely very complicated feelings at the time about the fact that his dad who he loved deeply was *murdered* merely because tim was the robin to bruce's batman and tim was also angry at bruce for various other things at the time and tim was extremely devastated at the loss of his father and would *not* want to immediately jump in and replace him five minutes later *especially* with the man that jack was canonically (at least at first) insecure about because jack did feel jealous over bruce's relationship with tim in comparison to jack's relationship with tim and tim also had very complex feelings about jack and the father he was vs the father tim wanted him to be and while bruce was never really his dad the parallels and comparisons of bruce vs jack were there, even by tim (batman #480 my beloved). so wouldn't it stand to reason that even if tim does want to become family with bruce and dick more than anything, to do so immediately after his father's murder would feel like absolute betrayal of his dad?
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piedpiperart · 11 months
Phantom in Gotham pt 2
Chapter one
The next week, Tim asked Dick for advice about Danny. 
"And he's your age?" Dick frowned, leaning forward on the living room couch to rest his elbows on his knees. He had ha;f a cucumber sandwich in his hand, courtesy of Alfred. Meanwhile Tim was sipping his fourth coffee for the day. 
"Yeah," Tim sighed,"I'm just worried about him. He doesn't look like he's eating or sleeping very much, and I don't know. I just want to make sure he's safe at home or something. He’s actually really smart and funny too, I think you’d like him. I just don’t want to freak him out in case Batman hears about this and decides ‘Bruce’ needs to get involved, you know?"
Dick hummed, ruffling Tim's hair. His little brother was so caring, he cooed in his head. "I'll check it out. You said he goes to the library after school a lot of the time?" 
Tim nodded. "Steph and I may have followed him once or twice. I asked Barbara if she'd seen him, and apparently he goes to the library after school every day. He does his homework and then usually falls asleep until closing at seven."
Dick frowned at that. It was becoming more obvious that the kid was not in a good situation, or at the least was avoiding home. "I'll tail him when he leaves the library,"Dick reassured. "I know you're busy with the whole ghost stuff going on."
"Thanks,"Tim sighed. He also didn't want to have Danny recognize him somehow as Red Robin. It was unlikely, but not impossible. Plus, getting Dick to look into it would just give him more people on the 'Protect Danny' team. Tim was obviously president, with Steph as Co-president. With Dick on their side they’d be able to gang up on Bruce to get the kid adopted if everything turned out the way he thought it would. Of course, Tim knew it was probably unlikely, but he had to admit someone else in the family that was his age and didn’t want to kill him would be nice. 
“You really care about him, huh?” Dick said suddenly. 
“Uh, yeah?” Tim said, tilting his head to look at Dick. “He’s only been at school a month or so but he hangs out with Steph and I every day. He’s really into space, and super smart, like I’m pretty sure he’s a genius at physics and engineering.” Tim sut his rambling off, feeling his cheeks flush in embarrassment. Surely Dick didn’t need to know Danny’s hobbies. 
“Just a friend?” Dick hummed. Tim narrowed his eyes at Dick’s suddenly mischievous attitude. 
“Yeah?” Tim said hesitantly. “”Why?”
“Oh, nothing,”Dick smiled, getting up from the couch to bring his plate to the kitchen.
“Wait no- Dick what do you mean?” Tim stammered, putting his coffee down to follow. “Dick!”
Dick had called Barbara about Tim's friend, and even the red haired vigilante was worried about the poor kid. Apparently he was there every night, and Babs was just about to contact him to do something about him. Dick didn't understand what she meant by the ‘new little brother’ joke she'd made until he laid eyes on the kid. He’d nearly laughed when he caught sight of the black hair and blue eyes. Maybe Tim wanted another sibling, one that wouldn't stab or shoot him, Dick mused. 
Still, he followed the kid to a convenience store, frowning at the kid's yawn. If the apparent lack of sleep was worrying, the fact that the kid only got a bag of cheetos and a can of strawberry tea was even more concerning. Still, Dick hopped the roofs from afar, hoping the kid would at least have someone home to look out for him.
Dick's hopes were dashed when the kid made his way further towards Crime Alley. 
Ignoring the fact that he was potentially infringing on Jason's territory, Nightwing perched on a building across from the old pizzeria, watching the kid skillfully climb the fence around the place with a sinking feeling. Dick sighed. So, apparently Danny was living in the abandoned pizzeria. Great. Jason would definitely want to know about this.  
Dick's heart ached for the kid. He hoped Danny was finding ways to get food that wouldn't get him in trouble. Considering that he was still able to afford a spot at Gotham Academy, it seemed he had some sort of savings. Just, maybe not for things outside of school.  Dick frowned. How that worked he wasn’t so sure. The school would have to know those things, right? If he was living like that, then how could he be going to such a rich school?
Dick sat back further on the roof, making a note to look into Danny’s spot at the school when he heard heavy footsteps land on the roof. However, Dick's eyes were still on the Pizzeria, hoping that Danny didn't actually live there despite the overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to the contrary. Maybe the kid was passing through. Or it was a clubhouse of sorts. 
"Wing," Red Hood grumbled, coming to a stop a few feet away. "Whatcha doin' here?"
"Sorry,"Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. If he had looked up he’d see Jaso towering over him with the iconic red helmet on. "I don't mean to trespass, I was just tailing one of Tim's friends."
"Timbo's friend? What'd the kid do to get Nightwing to follow him all the way to Crime Alley? He in some kind of trouble?" Hood huffed. Or the kid is trouble, Jason thought. 
"Not exactly," Nightwing started, glancing back at the building Danny disappeared into. Still nothing.  "Tim was worried about him. Kid didn't seem to be eating or sleeping well, and was hanging at Babs' library until close. We thought maybe he was a runaway, but he’s going to Gotham Prep so he has to have some sort of funds, except tonight I followed him until he went into the Pizzeria."
Hood whistled, crouching next to his brother. "Think he's living there? Not really a good place for a kid by himself."
"Yeah," Dick agreed. He paused before adding, "Danny's a good kid. If you could maybe look out for him when you can?"
Hood paused, looking towards the dilapidated building. "Yeah, alright. But you and Tim owe me," Dick huffed a laugh. "Can't be having a kid out here all alone, especially with winter coming up. I'll see if I can talk to him eventually."
"Please don't scare him too much," Dick grinned. If he knew one thing about Jason, it was that he had a soft spot for kids. 
"So, what's the kid look like? Because if you say black hair and blue eyes I'm going to shoot you." Hood added. Dick simply smiled mischievously, causing Jason to let out a groan. "Seriously? Get out of here."
“I’m pretty sure Tim might just be looking for a new sibling. That or he has a crush.”Dick laughed, standing up and patting the dust off himself. "You'll still keep an eye out?"
Hood waved him off tiredly. "Yeah yeah, I'll look after the newest brother." He shook his head fondly at the cackle Dick let out as he grappled away. 
Looking towards the shoddy Pizza place, Hood sighed. Obviously he wouldn't turn the kid in to CPS, but with winter coming up the kid might need someone looking out for him. There was no way the heating still worked in that place, and Jason was pretty sure one of the walls had a giant bat-sized hole in it. Maybe he’d check out the place while the kid was at school, just to see if he had everything he needed. 
Though, Jason grinned, maybe he could have a little fun messing with his future baby brother before Bruce got his hands on him. Scaring the kid out of crime alley and into a shelter would be a good start. 
It had been over a month since Danny'd stepped foot in Amity Park. It had just gotten too dangerous for him to stay after... that day. The GIW had been getting more intense, so Danny had already been on edge when the news broke.
His parents were partnering with the GIW. It meant extra funding, equipment, but it also meant Agent K and the others had more access to deadlier weapons- which made his job defending people from ghosts and ghosts from people even harder. Danny had obviously been upset at first, and had called Jazz to come home from college to help him persuade their parents against it. 
Jack and Maddie were set on the partnership though, and Danny tried explaining to his parents why it would be a bad idea. Things escalated, and Danny had told them again about how ghosts aren't bad- they're not evil, they're sentient and they have feelings. Jack and Maddie had become eerily suspicious, and started thinking he was possessed. Like the only reason why he’d be advocating for ghosts was because he was one.
Things took a bad turn from there. They’d tried to trap him, which worked since he’d been Danny at the time. His transformation was an accident though, due to one of their crazy inventions activating his rings. Jack and Maddie were shocked, of course, when he'd accidentally revealed he was Phantom. He was terrified of their reactions- had been ever since he'd had the accident a year ago. Jack and Maddie had... not reacted well, to say the least. They hadn't immediately gone for their weapons, though, so Danny had stayed calm, hoping to talk things out. He thought maybe they just needed to hear his side of things. He hoped they'd accept him.
Danny had been wrong.
Waking up strapped to a table in the lab not long after being zapped by the net that had trapped him, he realized there was probably nothing he could do to convince them he was still their son. Danny had to finally admit he was scared of his parents. The realization hurt far worse than the wounds they gave him. Jazz was his only saving grace, and he thanked the Ancients he was able to call her to come home before it all went down.
Jazz hadn't heard from Danny at all after he’d called the first time, so when she'd come home it was to her parents sleeping soundlessly and her brother half-conscious and bleeding out in the basement, strapped to a table like some sort of lab experiment. She was horrified. Nearly crying her eyes out, she struggled to get Danny out of there and patch up his wounds. She did the best she could to stop the bleeding while keeping her eyes away from the various filled jars on the counter. Jazz knew that she and Danny were no longer safe with Jack and Maddie, so she started making plans.
First, she called Tucker and Sam to let them know of the situation, while she took Danny and the Specter Speeder into the Ghost Zone. She knew that was the only place her parents wouldn't be able to follow. Danny had also said before that the Far Frozen had people he could trust, as well as medical equipment that surpassed the human realm. The Yeti, who Jazz had forgotten the name of as soon as he'd said it, was horrified at what had happened, and reassured Jazz he would be well taken care of while she was making arrangements. She’d stayed a few moments to wash the greenish red blood off her hands before pulling herself together. She almost couldn’t bear to leave him alone again, but she knew there were things to get done in the human realm.
Jazz had some of the plans outlined in a worst-case scenario like this, but she'd never thought it would actually happen. Nevertheless, she was grateful that they’d made plans like this. Back in the house, she'd trashed the lab as much as she could, unfortunately, waking her parents in the process. Luckily, she’d destroyed the jars of suspicious green and red liquids before that, and she stormed out before they could say anything. Actually, they might’ve said a lot, but Jazz was not listening. Jazz no longer had anything to say to Jack and Maddie. In her mind, they were a hopeless case. They'd done something irreversible, and she no longer thought of them as her parents. Not after they had... dissected her little brother. The thought made her stomach turn, and she wiped away tears she didn't think she still had in her.
After her third short breakdown, she composed herself and kept going. Someone had to be the adult in this situation, and her little brother needed her. Jazz fought back the memories of Danny- so small, laying on that lab table, so much blood, her baby brother- and got to work. She'd had some of the paperwork filled out before, mostly regarding school records, applications, and personal information, then had contacted Tucker to help with the rest. Such as fake ID, birth certificate, etc.
Jazz knew her parents wouldn't rest until they had Danny back. Them and the GIW both. Thankfully, her parents were dumb enough to think that Phantom-Danny had been a ghost, and had kidnapped their real son, so the secret of Halfas was still safe. She knew Danny wasn't safe in Amity Park, and Danny's friends agreed. Jazz was glad Sam and Tucker hadn’t seen Danny strapped to the table, but judging by their faces, they could imagine. She made a note to talk to them afterwards as a therapist to make sure they were coping well. The three of them had met up at Tucker’s house, tears and blood- in Jazz's case- on all of their faces. After quick hugs and reassurances that Danny was alive and they'd get him when everything was ready, the three of them continued with their plans.
Sam was in charge of a go-bag. Danny would need clothes, food, medical supplies, ghost gear- just in case - and other supplies. Tucker dealt with funds- stealing from Vlad was like taking candy from a baby- fake ID, and other important forgeries. Meanwhile, Jazz got to work on paperwork. She figured schooling was most important, besides housing, and got everything set up from there. A few dozen calls and stolen funds, and Danny would be living in Gotham. Her brother would be renting a small apartment and attending a private school, with plenty of funds in his new bank account. It would be the least likely place for their parents to look for him. They kept Danny as his first name, but combined their own into a fake last name to throw off the trail. They didn't have many options with Manson and Foley, but they were too worried about their friend/brother to get too creative with it. The simpler the better.
Danny would now be Daniel Folson, resident of Gotham for a few months. The three of them figured it would be too difficult to remember a full name change, and the fact that Danny was a pretty common name would work in their favor. No one would look for him around Gotham anyway. Or so they hoped. 
Unsure about the extent the GIW or the Fentons would go to to find Danny, they prepared for the worst. That is, if the police got involved, which was likely considering a day after Jazz had dumped Danny in the Ghost Zone, Maddie and Jack had filed a missing persons report on Danny. Since there were no guarantees that Vlad wouldn't get involved either, they had to be thorough. Jazz was not completely confident that Vlad could be convinced to their side, so she didn't bother with telling him anything. The only thing Jazz could trust Vlad to do was to be a fruitloop, and no one needed his smarmy help in anything this serious. Jazz was forever grateful that Tucker was as good with computers as he was, and she made a note to help him get into a good college when he graduated. Though she figured he could probably hack his way into any college he wanted.Either way, Vlad would be none the wiser to his missing funds, and wouldn’t be able to use Technus to track Danny down. 
After they'd gotten all the supplies and paperwork ready to send Danny away- no one was happy about it but they knew things were about to spiral down from here- Tucker warned Dani of the situation, telling her not to come back anytime soon, and while she was worried and angry, she agreed. Dani had the task of leaving ecto-signatures in places far from Gotham in order to keep the trail off Danny while he healed. After a month or so of that, Dani would be okay to keep traveling around like usual. They'd keep in contact though, more than before. Jazz and Tucker were setting her and Danny up with weekly check-ins and emergency beacons and things like that. Tucker’s main job was keeping those two safe, and there was no way the two halfas were getting captured on his watch. 
The Ghosts had heard what happened from Frostbite, and after a slight kidnapping of Ember, they made sure she warned the ghosts to stay in the zone for as long as possible. In a show of solidarity, Skulker had caused a distraction downtown for the GIW and Fentons while Jazz, Sam and Tucker went to get Danny and explain the plan to him.
Danny was... heartbroken. Traumatized. Weak and still healing. Jazz was surprised to see her brother had mutated even more in his ghost form, and now sported pointier ears, paler skin and sharp fangs. They'd eventually talked Danny into leaving for Gotham- not without many tears and arguments- with the help of Frostbite and a visit from Clockwork. All of them hoped it wouldn't be forever, but with the way things were in Amity, things were unlikely to be resolved so soon. Especially with the Fentons joining the GIW. They’d promise that once he was out and things settled, they’d start to form a plan. If it was possible, they’d try to get into contact with the Justice League again. 
Flying alone to Gotham was the hardest thing Danny had ever done, and thought of turning back many times. He didn't. His friends and Jazz would be disappointed and worried out of their minds for him if he did. And he had to admit, they had a plan. He had to protect them and himself. The humming in his chest emanating from his core latched onto the fact that he was protecting everyone by leaving. The ghosts would be safe if they stayed in the zone, and Danny couldn’t stay in Amity or the Zone forever. He couldn’t be Danny Fenton or Phantom in Amity anymore. In Gotham, he could at least be Danny Fenton. Or Folson. He would be alone, but they'd find ways to check in on him when it was safe. He just had to deal with being alone for a while. No big deal. He could do this.
He couldn't.
The first few weeks were the hardest. Danny started school almost immediately, eager for some kind of distraction from the pain of leaving his friends and family behind. Because Jazz was his only family now that his parents were... hunting him. Had hurt him. Jazz was his only family now besides Ellie and he couldn’t even talk to them anymore. No one knew what Technus was up to so communication was only for emergencies and check-ins. 
Moving to Gotham would have been fine. It would have been fine, if not for the shabby apartment Jazz had set up for him bursting into flames. Something about a villain from Gotham who liked to torch stuff. Firefly, maybe. Danny wasn't sure, but he'd been able to stake out a place to live in an old building. Danny thought it used to be an old pizza place. He'd been able to stash his stuff in the rickety old attic and set up a meager living space with his sleeping bag and other supplies that Sam packed him. His wounds were still aching a bit, but his advanced healing had helped him a lot. Since he woke up from…that, he’d been able to absorb a lot more ectoplasm than he usually did. It was odd, and since he found out he could absorb ectoplasm from anywhere in the human realm, he didn’t need to eat human food nearly as much as he had before. He was down to maybe one meal a day. He could still eat three if he wanted, but the ectoplasm was more than enough to sustain him. It felt weird to eat so much food he didn’t even need. 
There was no way he could contact Jazz about the apartment though, and he knew to use the money in his account sparingly. Danny wasn't sure he'd tell Jazz about his living situation if she'd called anyway. There probably wouldn’t be anything anyone could do at this point. Hacking Vlad’s bank account had been fine the first time, but multiple times would tip the fruitloop off. Danny had rather not have to deal with the fruitloop on his trail too. If everything went to plan, Vlad would be chilling in Wisconsin and not even know about his disappearance until Jack or Maddie called him about it. Given how distracted they were, it should give them a few weeks or so. 
The phone he had been given looked old, but it was Tucker approved safe from pretty much anything. Only to be used in case of emergencies for now, since everyone back home was looking into his friends and searching for him. Danny didn’t count being semi-homeless as an emergency. As a Halfa, he didn’t need to sleep as much as a human either, especially not since his strange new mutation, and that was pretty much all he needed a house for. It was weird to think that his second near-death experience caused him to become more like a ghost, and wondered if he’d just lose his human half over time. He really didn’t want to think about that though. 
Living at the Pizzeria would be fine. The only thing he worried about was his friends and sisters, because at this point Ellie was more like his sister than anything else. Maybe after everything started to die down Danny would be able to contact them. He’d be able to hear their voices. 
He could admit, he missed their voices. Hell, he even missed Dash. So far he'd made a few sort of friends at Gotham Academy; Tim, who drank enough coffee it probably replaced his blood at this point, Steph, who reminded him of if Sam and Star combined into the same person, and Conner, who might or might not be Tim's boyfriend, but he wasn't going to ask. He was pretty sure Conor might also be goth, but he wasn’t sure. It might be weird to ask. Danny thought they were nice, but he didn't want to get close to someone only for him to disappear one day. He didn't want to lose more friends. There was nothing they could do to help him anyways, no ghosts for them to help him catch, no all-meat or vegetarian lunches in the cafeteria to riot about, nothing out of the ordinary. Danny didn’t want to get more people involved in his problems. They might get hurt, and he didn’t want that.
Danny's new place was, for lack of a better word, not ideal. He showered at a nearby gym at night, which was easier because he could turn invisible, and slept in the attic of the abandoned pizzeria. He found it more comfortable to sleep during lunch at school, or at the library, though, so he used the pizzeria for storing his stuff. Since he'd found the library, he'd been going everyday after school to do homework until he fell asleep in one of their comfy bean bags. He was surprised to find he was actually doing well in school now without the constant ghost attacks, or mishaps with his powers. Who knew he was actually pretty smart. Definitely not him. Or Dash. Now that he thought about it, Danny was pretty sure Lancer knew he was wasting his potential. He wondered if his old teacher missed him in class. Probably not. 
The Library closed around 7 though, and usually a nice librarian named Barbra would very politely wake him and kick him out. He'd then get a snack for dinner and then wander around in his ghost form invisibly. Danny didn't actually need to eat as much, considering his ghost form just leeched ectoplasm from his surroundings constantly now- something he learned from Frostbite’s lectures. Danny was just glad he wouldn’t have to make trips into the Zone to get the ectoplasm he needed. 
Speaking of his ghost form, he wasn't stupid enough to use it in Gotham. Even though Dash would argue otherwise about his smarts, Danny knew having the Gotham vigilante's attention would be a bad thing. The Justice League and affiliates were government approved, so any heroes who were in contact with him would be obligated to turn him in to the GIW according to the Anti-Ecto Act. Anything with ectoplasm was no longer sentient and sadly that included Danny. So, he figured staying invisible as much as possible would work in his favor. 
As a ghost, his core obsession to protect people determined his actions a lot more than he wanted it to. At first, he was fine with protecting himself, and staying out of the way. He'd caught glimpses of the vigilantes from afar and was not planning on introducing himself anytime soon. But his core urged him to help. The humming had only gotten stronger, and it made him extremely anxious to not help people every day. After a few days, he was wandering at night, unable to sleep in the dark attic of the Pizzeria- and also not needing as much sleep as a regular person. With no ghost attacks late at night or homework to catch up on, he was more than a little restless.                                                                                                                                                                                         
Danny had stuck to his goal of staying invisible on his nightly trips, but he'd do small things. Trip up a burglar, ice someone’s shoe to the ground, phase a gun out of someone's hand, the small stuff. Danny's core hummed with warmth whenever he managed to help a random citizen and keep the bad guys from doing any harm. He was so used to fighting ghosts, he wasn't sure how to go about fighting regular humans. Danny was very very afraid of going too far or using too much strength. Even on top of the fact that most of his weapons were only effective against ghosts. He couldn't stuff a robber into a thermos.... probably. 
So he left actual crime fighting to the Bats. Danny had gotten curious a few times, and tried to follow them across rooftops. It was easier considering he could fly, but he was still in awe at how they effortlessly moved through the shadows and jumped roofs with ease. Danny found himself tagging along more than he planned to, but the way the vigilante's bantered back and forth reminded him of his friends back home. It was… nice. And he’d already learned a lot about crime fighting with actual humans just by watching them. It was interesting to see how different Ghosts were in comparison. Danny himself would stick to small stuff, and leave the rogues to the Bats, but he tailed them as much as possible to help lessen their load or keep an eye on them. 
After one close call with a gun and an unaware Robin, Danny figured he could help out a bit and they wouldn’t mind. His core hummed louder around the Bats, and it felt…nice to feel like he was a part of things. He was invisible, and surely they wouldn't notice him knocking a gun astray, or a rock thrown at a random goon for a distraction. Danny was helping, but not getting involved in the big stuff, just like he’d promised. It wasn't like he was a vigilante, just… support from afar. It had taken a shorter amount of time than Danny thought it would for them to notice their apparent 'good luck'. 
The Bats had started noticing the small hiccups their villains were having, but didn't know why or where it was coming from, or if it was simply a coincidence. It started with staring. A few times, Danny had to hold back laughter as Red Robin examined a broken flower pot a little too seriously after he'd pushed it off a ledge towards a guy with a gun aimed at the vigilante. He knew he should probably stop following the vigilantes, but he was worried about them. Robin was just so small, and his core hummed happily whenever he protected them in some small way. 
Danny fully blamed his obsession for the bat-stalking he'd been doing. Sure, he helped people when the bats weren't around still, but it was less lonely with the group, and his core had latched onto the family. He wasn’t completely sure if it was because he was missing his own family, but Danny felt better around the Bats. He’d give them their secrecy though, and didn’t pursue them anytime they were on their way home. He didn’t care about their identities as long as they more or less let him tag along. 
The initial suspicion dissipated after a few weeks, and Danny was amused and appreciative when they started to try to communicate with him. Robin mostly ignored him after telling the empty alleyway seriously that he would not tolerate threats, and if he hurt the other vigilante's in any way, Robin would dispose of him. It was funny, but Danny had no doubt the kid would find some way to do it if the ghost crossed the little kid. 
Red Robin, when he was alone, would ask Danny questions. He figured out Danny was willing to communicate by moving objects, and asked questions to confirm some worries. It started with "Why are you helping us?" To which Danny had just kicked an empty can lightly towards the vigilante. From then, Red Robin had figured out a yes or no system that would help get him answers. Danny had fun answering the questions when there was time.
"Okay, uh, kick the can for yes, and the rock for no. Are you going to hurt us?" One kick to the rock. 
"Are you... helping us?" Red Robin asked, raising an eyebrow behind the mask, and Danny cheered internally while kicking the can. He hoped the vigilantes would let him continue to help. “I mean, you have been helping us, but you really don’t need to. We’re professionals.” 
Danny shrugged, floating a few feet in the air, but Red Robin couldn’t see that. Of course Danny knew they’d be fine without him, but he was, for lack of a better word, bored. And they reminded him of his family back home. Without his ‘nightly job’, he had no doubt that his core would reduce him to an anxious ball of goop. 
"Are you…in trouble?" Red Robin said after, and Danny wasn't sure how to respond. He thought for a moment, but before he could do anything, Robin followed up with,"We can help you." to which Danny had kicked the rock in a burst of panic. No, no, no.  He didn't want the bats in his business. For his own safety as well as theirs. No telling what the GIW would do. 
Red Robin frowned at that, but took a seat in the alley. The vigilante seemed to be thinking of a question, but Danny stayed around, eager for some sort of conversation that wasn't from school. And a part of him felt that, if the vigilantes knew what was happening in Amity they’d help. Even if they had to go against the government. Well, he hoped. Tucker had mentioned trying to contact the Justice League about their issue before. "So you need help, but don't want ours." Danny kicked the can. The vigilante thought for a moment longer, then decided to stop pushing for the time being.
"Are you a ghost?" Danny kicked the can, laughing silently at the incredulous face Red Robin made in response. "What the fuck,"He'd muttered, then froze abruptly. "Are you haunting me?"
Just for laughs, Danny kicked the can. Red Robin paled, belatedly reaching for his comm or a weapon, but Danny kicked the rock after a second, making the kid let out a breath of air. The vigilante looked around the alleyway "That was a joke, right?"
Danny kicked the can, shoulders shaking from trying to contain his laughter. "Very funny, almost gave me a heart attack,"He mumbled. A second later, he stood up, brushing himself off.  "You should hang out with Nightwing more, I'm sure he'd love to play pranks with you sometime. As long as they aren't on me,"Red Robin added. 
"Are you... older than Eighteen?" Red Robin asked suddenly, and Danny kicked the rock nonchalantly.”Alright, younger then. And you’re a ghost.”  After a pause, he asked. "Are you lonely?" 
Danny left after kicking the can. He didn't want to talk about it, but figured it would be rude to not answer at least. And he was lonely. Danny missed Jazz, and Sam and Tucker and Ellie. At that point he'd been in Gotham a few weeks and it had been just as long since he'd seen any sign of the ghosts too. He hoped everyone was okay. Danny missed his family so much his core ached. And a part of him hoped Red Robin would talk to him more or let him patrol with them if Red knew he was lonely. 
Nightwing was one of his favorite vigilantes to stalk. He'd been a little caught off guard the first few times, but after a while it seemed Nightwing was happy to have someone to chat with. After Danny had phased the gun out of someone's hand, Nightwing had continued fighting without pause, but after all the thugs were tied up he'd put his hands on his hips and looked around for where Danny might be. "Thanks for the assist Casper!" Nightwing had called out. "I don't know if you're still here, but-"
 Danny knocked over a tupperware container on the ground, and Nightwing relaxed. "Oh, sweet you’re here. That’s mildly terrifying actually,” He rambled. “You know, I have a few more places to patrol, wanna race?"
And since that time, Nightwing somehow roped him into a bunch of activities to keep his mind off Amity Park. Usually, Danny would find some subtle way to let the vigilantes know he was with one of them for the night, like tap them, or toss a rock in their direction. Physical contact wasn't usually received well, so he didn't do it often. He could tell it really unnerved Batman, but he also didn't follow Batman as much as the others. Danny was a bit intimidated. Okay, he was a lot intimidated.  
Same with Robin. He hung around him a lot since the kid was fun to annoy, and he was worried about him going off on his own sometimes. The kid had said on numerous occasions that he was more than capable and did not need assistance from a mere ghost. Danny thought Robin and Batman were pretty similar. 
So, Danny avoided touching the vigilantes as much as possible. Except for that time when Nightwing asked him to phase through him. That had been pretty funny. He'd then convinced Danny to do it to Red Robin when they met up with him, and then Robin when the kid showed up asking why they were meeting without him. Nightwing had laughed his ass off, Robin had threatened to exorcize him, and it was hard for Danny to keep quiet. It was times like those he’d go back to the pizzeria with a smile on his face. 
From there, they'd sometimes give Danny little tasks to complete, like pass notes back and forth, -or in Nightwing’s case he passed jokes- check in on one of them, or to scope out a building and tell them how many people were inside by using rocks or tapping. It made him feel useful, and it reminded him of his friends back home. Like he was part of a team. It was nice. 
Danny was less lonely at night with the vigilantes. He hardly slept in his dingy little crawl space, opting to spend his nighttime with the heroes and get an hour or so of sleep at school or the library. He still didn't need to eat as much as before the lab accident, so the snacks he got in the morning from Tim, lunch at school, and the meal he ate after the library was fine to keep him going. Danny could tell he was worrying Tim a bit, but he figured the guy was just being polite. Even though Danny didn’t need to eat much, he still ate the snacks Tim brought him, to reassure the shorter kid that he wasn’t starving himself. He'd spent a few more hours sleeping before school to make up for it, hoping his eye bags weren't as prominent as they had been lately. As a newly mutated Halfa, he didn’t need to sleep more than four hours a night usually, and if he was avoiding sleep due to nightmares, well, that was for him to know.
A month of doing his not-vigilante but kind of vigilante thing, he was finally getting some sort of rhythm. He'd received a message from Tucker not too long ago detailing that he, Sam Ellie, and Jazz were fine. None of the ghosts had been caught by the GIW and they'd been setting some traps for the guys in white and Danny's parents. He could tell Sam was having a bit of vindictive pleasure with setting the traps to slow them down. Danny was pretty sure he heard something about a scoreboard. Meanwhile, Jazz was still being monitored by the Fentons.The GIW had been told of Danny's ghost-possessing, and the city's police force was still poking their nose around. Tucker had said Vlad had been seen talking to the Fentons, so it was likely the fruitloop- and by proxy Skulker or Technus- would get involved. Technus would be bad for Danny, so Tucker said it might be a while until the next check in and promised to delete anything remotely close to their correspondence. Danny had given a short message in response and a good luck text.
Danny felt his core hum in dismay, fingers twitching with the need to help, but he knew he couldn't go back. He still hated that the three of them had to solve his problems for him but… Part of him was glad he wouldn't have to go back there. Even the thought of the Fenton's basement sent shivers down his spine. So he tried to keep his mind off things, going to school and the library, then supporting the vigilantes at night. Danny sighed, knowing it could always get worse, and that his situation was temporary. He was lucky that his parents hadn't shipped him off to the GIW the moment he’d shown them Phantom. Danny wasn't sure he'd have been able to count on Jazz to get him out if that had happened.
Everything changed when Danny ran into the Red Hood one night.
He'd been following Nightwing, who was heading towards an area they usually stayed away from, when Red Hood showed up with his guns drawn. "I assume there's a reason you're in my territory?"
Danny didn't follow along with their conversation much, too busy trying to figure out why his ghost sense was acting up. He floated around the two, and the closer he got to Red Hood, the more his ghost sense flared. Was Red Hood like him? He passed in front of the red helmet, waving his arms. Danny's arms dropped to his side when he realized Hood couldn't see him like other ghosts could when he was invisible. Soon, when Nightwing jumped gracefully to another roof, Danny decided to follow Red Hood.
Watching him after a while, Danny could tell the Red Hood knew he was there. Or at least, could sense his presence. Danny wasn't sure if Red Hood was a halfa like him, or some kind of meta. It was interesting, because while he couldn’t feel any kind of core, he could still sense ectoplasm on the guy. What caused it? Did Red Hood generate ectoplasm himself? Danny wasn’t sure, no matter how long he stared at him. Either way, he could feel some type of ectoplasm coming off of Hood in small waves. It felt a lot like the ring of rage, and Danny shivered at the memory.
Suddenly, Red Hood drew a gun and pointed it to where Danny's head was. Caught up in his own thoughts, Danny was so startled he'd accidentally dropped his invisibility, letting out a small squeak. "A kid?" He heard Hood mutter, before the guy went into interrogation mode. "Who are you and why have you been following me?"
Danny stared wide eyed, willing himself to respond. "Uh- you, um," Danny stammered, trying to figure out how to explain that Danny was following him because he was possibly a halfa or contaminated with ectoplasm. "You um, you feel like a ghost."
Red Hood froze, and Danny scrambled to explain, floating away from the gun and waving his hands in a panicked way. He made sure to give Hood his space and not look threatening, but he felt like he needed to explain. One of the vigilantes was like him, meaning there was a possibility that they were hiding from the GIW too. Was Red Hood in hiding already? Did he know about the GIW?  "I- I mean usually I can sense when another ghost is close by, and you feel like a ghost does. Sort of. I was curious, so I m-may have followed you, but I’m on your side. Obviously, you can sense me or something and I can um, sense you so I mean, I was wondering why you feel like a ghost. Sort of."
"What do you mean sort of?" Red Hood grunted, cutting off Danny’s panicked rambling and holstering his gun, but not relaxing. The glowing green eyes of the ghost kid did nothing to reassure Jason of anything good. "And what the fuck do you mean about ghosts?"
Danny floated closer, squinting at Hood, and getting a feel for the ectoplasm inside him. It felt... corrupted in a way. Like the Ring of Rage."Oh, um. Well, I'm a ghost," Danny said, straightening himself. He didn't offer to shake hands, because he knew the other vigilante's didn't like it. He was way colder in his ghost form and it unsettled a lot of people. Tucker in particular hated it when he shoved his cold ghost hands under the geek’s shirt. "You can call me Phantom."
"Red Hood," The guy grunted, still suspicious, but Danny couldn't blame him. Meeting a ghost for the first time was always kinda disorienting.
"Right, explanation. So, I was haunting Nightwing- which, okay that sounds bad but he uh, he knows about it. Um, I mean he knows about me, sort of," Danny clarified, glancing at the Hood’s stiff posture." We race sometimes. And I don’t haunt him all the time. Um. Only when I see him on the roofs and stuff."
Red Hood crossed his arms, willing the kid- Was he a kid? He looked younger than the Replacement- to get on with the story. He was curious and on edge about how the ghost kid could tell he was.. not fully alive. And the fact that he could escape "Uh, right. So when he met with you I sort of sensed you were sort of like me, so I followed you because I was confused and worried about how you-"
"What do you mean like you?" Red Hood said, stepping forward menacingly, which didn't seem to phase the kid who was floating several feet in the air. Right, he was a ghost. How the heck would he be able to fight a ghost, he wondered. Maybe he’d call up Constantine after this. If he survived. 
"I mean it feels like you have ectoplasm in you, but it’s… different. All ghosts and Halfas have a core, but… I don't think you have one," He muttered, squinting at Jason's chest. When he floated closer Jason just took a step back. Danny held up his hands in surrender, backing off before the gun-toting vigilante decided to shoot him. It was just intriguing to meet a sort-of halfa. 
"A core?" Jason asked, staring at the kids glowing white hair that moved like he was underwater. He'd started to realize this was just a kid, probably just curious about why Jason felt similar to him. But where did Phantom come from? What was a ghost kid doing haunting Gotham of all places? Actually, Jason could think of a lot of reasons why someone would haunt Gotham. He figured he might as well get some useful information out of the kid, but it was unlikely that the kid meant any harm. Just…a curious kid, Jason decided. Still. It was weird.
"Right,"The kid said, putting a hand to his chin. Jason wondered if he'd ever had to explain this to anyone else before. Did the kid know any other ghosts like him? It was a sad thought. Was this kid all alone in his afterlife? Jason thought maybe Bruce would be happy to adopt a lonely ghost kid to forever haunt the manor. "Um, so every ghost has a core, it’s like their heart. Halfas are like ghosts, because they have a core, but they also have a heart, and stuff like that cuz they're half human. Cores are sustained by ectoplasm. You though, you don't have a core, so you aren't a halfa or a ghost, but you have ectoplasm. I'm not sure why."
Red Hood was silent for a moment before answering,"I do."
“You- you know how you got all that ectoplasm? Cause it's not the good kind," Danny asked with wide eyes, then wrinkled his nose. "It smells angry." He squinted, making Jason snort.
"Yeah." Hood grunted. That’s an understatement. "I died, but was brought back using the Lazarus pits. Basically a pit of toxic green water."
"Huh." Danny shifted, coming closer to examine the angry ectoplasm a bit more. He was in awe of how close Red Hood allowed him to get. He could see a bit of a green tinge in the air around Hood, and poked at it gently, making the Hood stiffen, but the vigilante didn’t move away."The green water- sludge, whatevers, we call it ectoplasm. It um. It can be other things, not just water, but yeah. The stuff around you sounds, and feels, like some form of corrupted ectoplasm. Usually it's all in the Ghost zone- a sort of different dimension for ghosts, but sometimes there's thin spots in the barrier between worlds so some ghosts or ectoplasm can get through."The ghost explained, then added with a thoughtful expression,"I'll have to talk to the ancients about those pits, probably not safe for humans to be falling into it all the time."
The last comment made Jason hum in agreement, silently reeling about a different realm filled with ghosts and lazarus energy, but wondered if giving this kid info about the pits was really a good idea or not. Red Hood kept an eye on the ghost kid the whole time, fingers itching for his guns while the kid scrutinized him. His nerves almost got the best of him a few times with the kid staring at him so intently. Maybe this was a bad idea. He could feel the kid’s presence, and if he was telling the truth then that meant the kid was also a part of the Lazarus pits in some way. His hand went for his gun, when the kid suddenly straightened up. "Well, since you're not a Halfa or anything, want me to get rid of it for you?"
"What," Jason snapped, narrowing his eyes. Get rid of the Pit rage? Could it be that easy? Why now of all times did this tiny ghost kid come along and try to fix all his problems? Was it a trap? Jason thought, considering.
"I mean, I've never done it before, but all ghosts can kind of control ectoplasm to an extent," Phantom said, holding his hand out, which was now glowing with green, as an example. Jason stared at the collection of green in the kid’s hand, and he felt… strangely at ease with it. Unlike the green from the pits, this was lighter somehow. Not angry. And a lighter green. "Mine is not corrupted though, so it probably feels different."
And it did. Jason didn't get that same feeling he got when he encountered anything pit-related. He could tell they were similar, but not. Phantom's green was.. calmer. "I can try to draw out the grumpy ectoplasm-"
“We are not calling it that,"Jason cut in, and the kid smirked at him in a way that reminded him of his brothers. Jason felt taken aback at how easy it was to banter with the weird ghost kid. He shrugged off the weird feelings and went back to business.  "No. We’re not. What would you do with it when you have it all?"
That question seemed to stump the kid. Jason squined, half convinced the kid was going to do something dangerous with it but instead of that, the kid just looked as confused as Jason as he started to ramble. "I dunno. It probably would taste pretty gross, but I don’t have a portal to the zone to toss it into either. I mean maybe I could find a natural portal. Maybe put it in a jar? It might get out though. I guess I could freeze it? Ghost ice doesn't melt. You could keep it around as a paperweight or something." Phantom shrugged, and the idea thrown out there that his constant rage could be filtered out of his body to be made into a paperweight was so damn strange that Jason knew there was probably no way this was a trap. Phantom was just a well meaning, too curious, kind of dumb kid.
“A paperweight,”Jason deadpanned. 
“I-I mean I can try to make it into a sculpture?” Phantom winced,”I’m not great at making anything other than spheres. I can try though? If you want a.. Prettier paperweight?”
Jason stared at the kid a moment in exasperation. “No. A sphere is. Fine.” Jason huffed. “So you’re taking the pit rage-”
“Grumpy ectoplasm,”Phantom cut in helpfully. Jason ignored him.
“-and freezing it in a sphere of ice that will never melt in order to contain it forever, and giving it to me as a paperweight,”Jason finished, trying to wrap his head around the ridiculousness of everything. 
“Yea,” Phantom finger-gunned. Jason sighed. 
"Alright,"Jason shrugged, opening his arms a bit. "Do your worst." He said before he had time to regret it. This was probably way against Bat protocol, especially since he didn’t know where the kid came from or anything about him, but Jason was curious. Plus, if Nightwing spent time racing the kid in his freetime then he couldn’t be too bad. Probably. And he may be getting his hopes up a bit. No way would Batman let him exchange trauma for a paperweight in an alley with the ghost of a child. Batman never let him do anything fun. 
"Nice! Okay hold still-"Phantom said, dropping to stand the ground, which surprised Jason because he could see the kid actually had legs now. Seeing legs instead of weird wisps of a tail was strange, but oddly made sense, and he noticed the kid was wearing some sort of hazmat suit with absolutely zero protection. He watched with suspicion as he held his palms out to Jason, but not touching, and closed his eyes. The kid took a breath- do ghosts breathe?- before Jason started to see this dark green mist start to waft off of him and collect vaguely in the kid's hands.
Jason startled, about to move away when he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He felt... lighter. The green haze that seemed to always be at the edge of his vision receded, and Jason almost felt... relieved. He didn't realize how suffocating all that rage was until it was gone. It very nearly drove him to tears. For the first time in forever he just felt… calm. Like he was taking a breath of fresh air after a lifetime of pollution. 
 "Aaand done!" Phantom exclaimed,and Jason had a feeling that Phantom would be doing jazz hands if he wasn’t holding.. Something. The kid was holding a menacing swirling mist of green in between his hands like a giant marble. He focused again for a moment before Jason felt a chill to the air, and suddenly there was a blue sphere in the kids hands, the inside a swirly green color suspense within the sparkling ice. 
"Here,"Phantom offered, giving him the sphere of Jason's pit rage before the vigilante could say anything. Jason looked at it a few moments with apprehension before shrugging. He'd have a breakdown about this later, he was sure, and pocketed the now paperweight in one of his pouches. The weight of it was not comforting in the least, and part of him wanted to throw it into the harbor as soon as he got a chance. He didn’t though. Yet. "I think I got all of it, but if you start feeling it again come find me. I’ll probably be around Nightwing or something. You feel okay, right?"
Pushing aside Jason's questions of how the hell was he supposed to find an invisible ghost kid in Gotham of all places, he nodded. "Y-yeah. Thanks."
"No problem," Phantom waved, once again floating into the air, only this time sitting criss-cross applesauce. Jason sort of thought he might be dreaming. Might as well try to get some answers though, he thought. “And it won’t melt or break. Unless, like, I get killed as a ghost or something but it might not melt at that either.” 
"Why would you help me? Why would you tell me about any of this at all?" Jason asked, leaning against the wall. He felt exhausted all of a sudden, and elected to ignore Phantom’s comment about something possibly killing him as a ghost. Whether it be from the emotional whiplash or from having ecto-whatever pulled from his body, he didn't know. Still, he didn’t regret letting the kid turn his trauma into a paperweight. He had a passing thought about whether this meant he’d die without the ectoplasm, but honestly didn’t care over the relief of it being gone for good. 
"’Cause you seemed like you needed help. And I didn't have any when I became,"Phantom trailed off, and Jason winced when he gestured to himself. "It can be scary,"He continued in a softer tone. "Having to get used to new powers and stuff."
Jason shivered, and felt a pang in his chest that the kid had probably died at that age. Phantom looked younger than Tim, who was fifteen. "You mentioned Halfas? Are they common?" Jason asked, suddenly aware of a possible new threat. People who were more half-dead than Jason and possibly had powers like the ghost in front of him. "How come I haven't heard of them or ghosts like you before?"
"Nah," Phantom said, still quiet. "There's only three Halfas that I know of. And you probably wouldn't know about any of us, since we're all usually in hiding." Especially right now, Danny thought. 
"Why? Wouldn't halfas be like metas? They’d have protection." Jason asked, and Phantom could hear concern and confusion in his voice, despite the voice modifier.
Phantom shook his head, white hair swishing gently in the ghostly atmosphere, and Jason noticed pointy ears."Halfas fall under the Anti-ecto Acts according to your government. Anything with ectoplasm isn't classified as human, or sentient, and the Ghost Investigation Ward is able to hunt down and experiment on them,"The ghost shivered. "That's why I was confused about you. And worried, cause exposure to ectoplasm isn’t usually planned and can be difficult to get used to without help from a ghost.. I wasn't sure if you'd be at risk if the GIW found out about you.  They have… sort of a way to track ectoplasm. If they knew about you they’d…" Phantom trailed off, but Jason got the picture. 
"Oh,"Jason breathed. This went a hell of a lot deeper than he thought it did. And Jason could have just been taken and experimented on at any point before this and it would be legally allowed? Yikes. He needed to do more research on this for sure. "You mentioned a ghost zone?"
"Oh, yeah," Phantom waved nonchalantly. "It’s also called the Infinite Realms. Houses all the ghosts, ruled by the ghost king, blah, blah. It's been a while since I've been back, but the whole thing is made up of ectoplasm. Usually there’s weak spots that can act as a portal between the two worlds, but some ghosts have the ability to create portals. As far as I know only three ghosts in the Zone where I’m from can do that. There’s also man-made portals, where people from this realm sort of…poke holes? Into the Ghost Zone. It’s usually a pretty bad idea."Phantom added, rubbing the back of his neck. "Some ghosts can be kinda dangerous. Or ghosts who want to be left alone fall through and get trapped here. They all have their own obsessions to follow and sometimes humans can get hurt. Or the ghost hunters take the ghosts for experiments, try to kill them, stuff like that."
Jason thought for a moment, letting the info-dump process in his mind a bit before a thought came to mind. "Do you know where the Halfas are? How did they become half-ghosts?" He asked, to which Phantom inclined his head, but said nothing.
"If they're hiding from this shady government organization, I can help,"Jason argued, and Phantom shook his head stiffly. "Isn't there anything you can tell me about them?"
"If you go after the GIW, you might not come back,"Phantom warned. "They don't just exterminate ghosts, they use them to make weapons or power sources. It's dangerous, and they don't know halfas exist yet." Danny hoped so at least. His own parents thought he was just being possessed by Phantom, so there was a good chance they weren't aware of them yet. "I'd like to keep it that way. It’s safer for them if no one knows they exist. They know how to hide. They have protection. They’ll be fine."
Hood sighed, feeling the weight of his rage in his pocket. He was sure he’d have his gun out at this point if he’d still had all that rage inside him. Now he just felt kind of exhausted. He’d look into this shady organization no matter what the kid said though. Even if there were only three half-humans out there, they didn’t deserve to be hunted. Hell, even ghosts like this kid didn’t deserve to be hunted. Maybe if the Bats could get into contact with the ghost king then they can come up with some sort of truce between both realms. 
”Alright. Fine,"Jason grumbled. "I'll look into it and see if I can't get it shut down.” Phantom froze up, so Jason quickly added,”Don't worry, I won't mention any of your secrets to anyone. I won't pry about the halfas either,"He sighed again, thinking of how this was probably a job for Batman. It's possible Tim already is semi-aware of it at least, Jason figured. 
Jason wondered if Phantom in Gotham meant one or more of the halfas were hiding here, and he was just keeping an eye out for them. Was the kid protecting the halfa’s here? Were there other ghosts around doing the same? It seemed like something the kid might do. "Just, keep the halfas and ghosts safe, and stay out of trouble."
"Aye aye," Phantom saluted, before disappearing into the night. Jason paused, no longer able to feel the ghost's presence when he went invisible. Jason reached into his pocket, feeling the smooth cold surface of the pit rage. 
What a weird night, he thought.
Chapter 3
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Hii! So you know the vigilante reader, jinx? I’m sorry but I love them sm so I want to ask for him x batfamily where he accidentally refers or calls Bruce dad or he refers to one his older brothers (Tim, Jason and dick) as his big brother?? Maybe you could fit both in one story? And their reactions to him calling them that because jinx is more comfortable with them but never really referred to them as family, SORRY ITS KINDA STUPID BUT YKK..
It's not stupid, it's adorable. I am most definitely putting both into the story.
Summary: Jinx gets more comfortable with his family.
Warnings: fluff, Jinx is too adorable
I'm running out of ideas for gifs...
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Jinx has been here for officially a year and was kind of happy to say that he liked it here. He was now more comfortable with everyone, even with Damian. Although, he will deny saying that Damian is the best Robin until the day he dies.
But there was one thing that the family needed to do. And that was to celebrate his birthday. Bruce said that they were going to celebrate it no matter what and after a few days he found out when (Y/N)'s birthday was.
He wanted it to be a surprise, since it falls on a Friday and they could celebrate it after he got back from the internship at Wayne enterprises. So, Alfred and Bruce made sure that (Y/N) didn't get a single sniff of the surprise party.
They asked Jason to pick him up from his internship and to bring him here, but not to ruin the surprise. Jason said sure and then went his own way. Bruce went to get a present for (Y/N). Alfred was tasked with baking (Y/N)'s favorite cake, aka cheesecake. There was something about that cake that made (Y/N) crazy.
Naturally, Alfred baked it often, whenever he had ingredients. Bruce thought about what he was going to get and then he realized. He didn't officially adopt (Y/N), with the certificate. (Y/N) was just his ward and not really his son.
He had just a plan for that. Thankfully, he knows a lot of people who can speed it up. He already started the process, staring a week ago, but he needs to sped it up.
The others got him something else too. Damian was going to give him a small portrait that he painted over the course of a month. He took his time with it.
Dick got him a book on microtechnology that would help him with his internship, since he know how much he works with micro and probably nano.
Jason got him two knifes, with custom handles, painted with the colors of his suit and his favorite color. On the handles Jason had put (Y/N)'s full name in black color, to contrast the colors of the handles.
Tim decided to get (Y/N) a complete new desk set up with two monitors and a place to put his laptop. It's better for him because of his calculations and simulations when he is working on his own suit and also, Tim could finally get help with updating the Batcomputer and improving the overall security of the house.
(Y/N) had ducked behind a table as a new engine for the new Batmobile prototype exploded. Lucius was thankfully far away from it, but it did make him flinch.
(Y/N) poked his head up and looked up. What the hell? Everything was supposed to be fine for this motor. Why the hell did this shit explode?
" Are you okay?! " Lucius asked from across the room.
" I am! Just caught me off guard! " (Y/N) yelled back, approaching what was once an engine.
" Do you think that it got over heated? " (Y/N) asked Lucius, who came and looked down at the remains.
" It could be, but it could be something else. Let me look at the stats on the computer. " Lucius said, walking back to the big computer.
(Y/N) looked at his phone, seeing that it was time to go home.
" Can you let me know what you found next time? I have to go. " (Y/N) said, making Lucius groan a bit.
" Just when it's getting interesting. See you on Monday (Y/N). "
" See you too Lucius. " (Y/N) said, taking his bag and going back to the elevator.
" Tell Bruce I said hi. "
" Will do. "
Jason drove him back to the manor, chatting with (Y/N).
" And then the engine exploded. " (Y/N) finished the story as they both got out of the car.
" Do you know what caused the explosion? " Jason asked, closing the door of the car.
" No. I had to go when it happened. " (Y/N) complained, entering the manor. He took his jacket and shoes off.
" Where is everyone? " (Y/N) asked as Jason led him to the kitchen.
" Surprise! " Everyone yelled at the same time, making (Y/N) jump back. He laughed as he put a hand over his chest.
" What is it for? " (Y/N) asked, still clueless.
" Your birthday dummy. " Jason said, moving to stand next to the others.
(Y/N) didn't realize how he forgot it.
" Did you forgot it? " Bruce asked, tilting his head.
" I guess I just never had a reason to remember. " (Y/N) said, looking away.
" Well, now you do! " Dick said, moving closer with his present. " Happy birthday bro. " Dick said, giving him a hug.
" I was looking for this book! How did you know? " (Y/N) asked, making Dick shrug.
Next up was Tim and he had to lead him to the living room. " Your new desk top set up. I know you like to sketch and do simulations so this is way better than your laptop, but don't worry, you will have place for your laptop. " Tim said, watching (Y/N)'s reaction. His mouth dropped.
" Tim, I mean... Wow, thanks... I didn't expect this. " He said, giving Tim a hug too.
" Don't mention it. Now I have help when it comes to coding. " Tim joked, taking (Y/N)'s bag off.
" I'm afraid of the other gifts now. " (Y/N) admitted, watching as Jason walked up to him, giving him a box. He held it as (Y/N) opened it, eyes widening.
" These are beautiful Jason... " (Y/N) said, in complete awe as he took a blade out.
" Be careful, they are sharp. " Jason warned, watching as (Y/N) put the blade back down.
" Thanks Jason. " (Y/N) said, giving him a hug.
It was Damian's turn and now (Y/N) was nervous.
" Close your eyes (Y/N). " Damian instructed.
(Y/N) did so, but very nervously. He heard Damian moving and he stepped in front. " You can open them now. "
(Y/N) did and was shocked when he saw that Damian painted a portrait of him.
" I love it. " (Y/N) said, looking at the portrait that Damian was holding. " I look better here then in real life. I feel like I will be stabbed if I try to hug you, so I will refrain to do so. "
Everyone laughed and now Bruce stepped forward. He handed (Y/N) the envelope and (Y/N) was a bit suspicious. He opened it and took the paper out. His eyes widened as he read it.
He officially had a dad. Everyone waited in silence, before (Y/N) put it back and hugged Bruce tightly.
" Thanks dad... I really have the best big brothers too. " (Y/N) said, making Damian clear his throat. " And younger one too. "
" Now, how about some cheesecake? My gift to you master (Y/N). " Alfred announced.
" I also have the greatest grandfather ever. " (Y/N) said, giving Alfred a hug. The others joined too.
It was the best birthday ever.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Free use Tim who was adopted by Bruce at an extremely young age — he’s just at the age at which he’d be starting puberty, but he’s already been fucked so much all his life that he no longer reacts to it? It’s all extremely casual to him
He’ll be on his bed reading, naked as he has to be in the house, laying on his front and swinging his leg, and then Bruce will walk in and start talking to him while he pulls his cock out and slides it into his pussy. Bruce will be grunting and gasping and moaning while Tim just carries on as usual, clenching down on Bruce’s cock every few seconds to make sure it feels good, and then after a few minutes he’ll ask, ‘Are you close Daddy?’ And when Bruce says yes he’ll put his foot down and start rolling his hips to help Bruce, then clench as Bruce pulls out after he cums to make sure he doesn’t lose anything.
Same happens with Dick and Jason and eventually Damian — they each use Tim whenever and wherever they want. Tim joined the family before Jason, so he remembers when Dick was going through puberty, he fucked him three, four times a day, Bruce used to drive him to Dick’s school so he could fuck him in the backseat in the car parcel during lunch, then when he’s come home he’d nearly sprint to wherever Tim was, then without even speaking to to him he’d lift little Tim off the couch, pull the plug out of his cunt, and starts fucking him without any warning. Jason loved using Tim, especially during meals, he loved making Tim ride him, making Tim put in all the work, while he fed the younger bites of food.
And that’s about all I can think of rn
YES!!! YES!!! tim having been taken in after an unexpected home invasion that left his parents dead and him traumatized.
bruce hadn't gone into the situation looking to...looking to groom this young, impressionable boy who was so vulnerable and alone.
but tim hadn't been able to sleep alone.
he got nightmares. he wet the bed. he cried all night and woke up exhausted with puffy red eyes.
bruce had taken to staying with him because it was clear tim hadn't been adjusting.
at first it was just going to be a few days. but then it became weeks and months. tim didn't want to be left alone, he always clung to bruce. and bruce cared for the kid of course he did.
but it got...hard trying to get some time to himself. time so he could...deal with his needs.
tim got antsy if bruce took too long in the bathroom so bruce couldn't exactly squeeze in a quick jack off session.
maybe he was sick for doing it beside tim one night, the urge just too much and keeping him awake.
but tim was a light sleeper and would've felt bruce getting out of bed and whimpered before asking where he was going.
so bruce resolved to be quick. and quiet.
that didn't end up making a difference because just as he was stroking harder- just on the verge of cumming-
"what are you doing?"
tim's voice had been thick with curiosity, sweet blue eyes big and inquiring as they glanced between bruce's cock and then his face. his head tilted in question as he stared and bruce...
bruce should've been humiliated, disturbed, and embarressed.
something. something about that sweetly round face and cute pursed lips staring at him.
bruce had never had to trick tim into doing anything with him. he'd never had to pressure, goad, or bribe him.
it was tim. tim who was the natural. tim who crawled forward on his belly, resting his soft head on bruce's abdomen and staring at the thick length of bruce's cock. innocently asking questions about it.
"does it hurt? it's all red."
yes. yes tim it hurts very much.
"really? well how do you make it feel better?"
well...by doing this. by just touching it like this.
"oh... can i help?"
bruce was the adult. the one who set the example. the one who determined if something was wrong or right and why it was. bruce was the one to blame for how everything played out. for why dick and jason then eventually damian behaved the way they did.
and it all began because bruce couldn't keep it in his pants long enough around a sleeping child. a sleeping child who curiously and clumsily stroked reverent hands down his cock.
"it's warm!" tim remarked, little hand wrapping around the base and giving a testing squeeze.
of course it is. bruce told him. you're warm too. in your insides.
then those sweet cornflower blues turned back to him, an inquiring light in them-
"can you show me?"
it wasn't bruce's idea. not in the beginning.
tim had whined in the beginning, squirming at the invasion of too big fingers in his too litte hole.
but then he kept coming back to bruce. crawling into bed and asking if bruce could check on his insides again, please. please please pretty please?
it was a sudden thing. tim's little night dress thrown off and discarded somewhere on the bed leaving him exposed and naked under bruce who was stroking gentle fingers against his reddened pink folds.
bruce was aroused just by the sight.
he hadn't fucked anyone in so long and the sight and feeling of tim around his fingers just made him so much harder.
tim was wet enough, his little cunt practically dripping on the sheets below them as he made little whines and chased bruce's fingers with his hips.
bruce just...moved his fingers out of the way. just a little so he could slot his cock between tim's slit and just rut into the slick wetness. bruce groaned at the feeling, reveling in the near-forgotten feeling.
a hand never quite made a good enough replacement for a nice hot cunt.
tim made softly confused noises, looking down and watching as bruce rubbed their 'private parts' together. his eyes were big and very interested.
bruce could tell because tim spread his legs wider apart and bruce shivered as his cockhead breifly pressed into tim's little hole that was gaping open from how much bruce's fingers had been stretching him.
even after a full week of getting fingered it was still a tight fit.
bruce gasped almost as loud as tim as he pushed past the resistance of tim's cunt snapping tight around him. he kept pushing in, ignoring tim's trembling and uncontrollable shaking until he was in- all the way in and oh what a sight.
there was a bulge in tim's stomach that when bruce pressed down could feel the pressure on his cock.
tim made a soft moaning sound at it. not of pleasure but more like when he snuck into the pantry and ate far too many cookies.
he was just far too full.
bruce's thursts were soft. careful. he didn't want to risk hurting tim- he was already taking all of bruce which was no easy feat.
bruce made sure to touch tim's little clit the entire time, edging orgasms out of him because he was being so good. letting bruce fuck his little pussy to his heart's content until he was groaning and pressing down into tim.
tim squealed at the feeling of bruce cumming inside him, his eyes blown wide.
"a-are you going pee in me??"
tim's cunt was a wonderfully wrecked mess. leaking white cum, hole destroyed and gaping while surrounded by puffy, friction puffed skin. tim's little pussy was tender the whole next day.
but that didn't stop bruce from parting tim's legs and pulling off his little nightgown later that night.
bruce wasn't as gentle that night.
the entire day he'd been looking forward to bedtime, eagerly awaiting when the rest of the house would fall asleep so he could split into tim's little pussy and grunt and pant until he was releasing inside. painting his walls white and stuffing his little womb full.
bruce was far too focused on his pleasure he neglected tim's.
as an apology to his teary-eyed child bruce did something he rarely did for anyone. he got between tim's legs and licked at him, harshly sucking on the tender clit until tim was scratching at his head from how good it was.
after that tim was very amiable to getting fucked. and bruce also learnt to take his pleasure throughout the day.
that way it didn't all build up and spill out once night came.
it was easy to have constant access to tim's pussy. he already wore cute dresses and little skirts that were so easy to push up.
it was bothersome though because sometimes bruce wanted to kiss at his baby tits and softly suck on them until they were red and raw.
bruce was a teacher who led by example so when he returned from a two day mission that took him out of town it was to the sight of dick furiously fucking into tim.
dick's mouth was open and his eyes closed so he didn't notice bruce in the doorway watching. he was too focused fucking into tim who was glazed eyed and focused on the blue game boy in his hand.
dick's game boy. the one he refused to let tim play with since he was convinced he'd somehow break it. it was tough bringing another baby into the house. it seemed bruce had been mistaken in thinking dick would get allowing swimmingly with tim.
at least, bruce reasoned to himself, this meant they were getting along now.
dick was almost sobbing from pleasure as he came into tim, continuing to fuck him through his orgasm while tim's thighs trembled.
the only clue bruce had that tim was cumming was him biting his fat bottom lip. his eyes were too busy being glued to the screen of his game to pay much attention.
with that all out of the bag, bruce no longer saw a reason for hiding what he was doing.
he did still have even less opportunity to fuck tim since it seems that dick was finally rolling full steam into puberty.
teenagers got their first erections and it was like they couldn't keep their hands off their dicks.
instead of spending most of the day jacking off like bruce when he was a teenager, dick had tim on hand.
who he never hesitated to bend over or press onto a nearby flat surface and press his dick inside.
bruce was fine with it normally. he'd get tim during the day while dick was at school and again at night.
but then when dick arrived home he'd dart to tim and carry him off to his room where he wouldn't come out until dinner.
dick was so focused and busy fucking tim he started slacking off on his homework and patrol.
that was when bruce got the bright idea.
"if you bring your grades up i'll drive tim to the school during your lunch period and let you take your break with him, okay?"
it worked like a charm.
bruce would lube tim up before they left, gently fucking his hole before laying him out on the backseat with his legs spread ready for dick.
dick rocketed out of the doors like the hounds of hell were at his heel, taking open the door and already undoing his pants.
bruce raised the blacked out windows and scanned around as lookout while dick moaned and grunted in the backseat alongside a whining tim who was adjusting his hips and trying to get dick to touch his clit.
dick rarely made tim cum. he hardly knew what a clit was until he discovered porn two years later. occasionally he did though. if he fucked hard and fast enough, if his cock grazed tim's clit as he rabbitted away into him.
most of the time tim's orgasms would cum from bruce.
when dick was done and walking back to school, bruce would reach in the backseat and sit tim on his lap.
he slid onto bruce's cock with out any resistance from how vigorously dick fucked him open.
bruce would keep him there, using him as a cock warmer the entire drive back to the manor. occasioanlly tim would move his hips, moaning as he tried to cum but the poor baby couldn't do it. not without bruce's help.
bruce would park in the garage, right between his other cars. then he'd grip tim's hips and fuck into him without an ounce of forgiveness until tim was arching and crying from the force of the orgams that ripped through him.
bruce would tug him off, both his son's cum coating his dick. it was always quickly cleaned off by tim who'd steadily been learning to use his mouth.
tim was a good boy, the perfect addition for bruce's family.
on his birthday bruce brought him nice sheer nightdresses to wear. along with some clear plugs to stuff into his baby pussy to make sure none of their cum could leak out and continue staining their clothes, sheets, and couch.
tim's pussy was well-trained by the next year. tim picked up on how to make himself feel good and whenever he couldn't find him bruce would inevitably stumbled across the sight of tim moaning as he rubbed his clit and fiddled with the plug inside him.
now that tim was taking charge of his own orgasms that meant that bruce no longer had to. he could just walk up and do what he wanted before going back to whatever task he needed to complete.
so he did.
and it was good.
bruce had never been so productive before! he slept better, he felt better, he was in a better mood, got less headaches, focused easier.
and there was only one thing that changed in his routine that he could attribute the improvement to.
eventually it became too much trouble to lift a skirt and tug panties out of the way or tug off pants.
so bruce made a new rule exclusively for tim.
that he wasn't allowed to wear any clothes while in the manor.
only when he went out did he have to put clothes on.
within the first week of the rule tim got fucked more often than he ever did before.
there was just something about it. at the sight of tim's kiss swollen tits and pretty pussy right there at all times.
tim lets out little sighs when he starts getting interrupted while playing, reading, or watching tv. but he spread his legs nonetheless, occasionally encouraging bruce or inquiring about whether he was close.
then he would begin clenching his little cunt, going tight around bruce's cock and moving his little hips, gyrating them until bruce was pressed flesh and moaning as he cums inside that perfect little cunt.
it's a wonderful arrangement.
a sentiment shared by all of bruce's sons who have tim around to help them work through not just puberty but everything.
if he and dick ever fight, dick just goes and angrily fucks tim for a few hours before returning much calmer and clearheaded- same with bruce.
it's the same with jason and damian.
bruce is not a perfect man and he will always be grateful for tim being around to smooth over the tensions that sometimes threatened to boil over.
what a good kid.
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Cassie: So, have you decided what you're dressing up as for Halloween yet?
Tim: [on his laptop] Of course. We had a whole day seminar about it last month.
The Titans:
Kon: Jesus. You Bats do everything at 150 percent.
Bart: A whole day? Why on earth would it take that long?
Tim: [looks up] Dressing up in Gotham is... tricky.
Cassie: ...yeah. We're gonna need a bit more than that.
Tim: [sits back]
Tim: 2014. Dick dresses up as Bruce Wayne. He completely disappears into the role because playing Bruce is "funny". He accidentally gets roped into a mid-level meeting at W.E. where he agrees to throw out the 2015 budget.
Cassie: Seriously?
Tim: 2017. Jason decides to piss off Bruce by dressing up as Superman. Since most Gotham citizens haven't really seen Superman, the headlines on November 1st are all about how Superman went on a killing spree and shot three gangleaders.
Kon: [frowning] I don't remember that.
Tim: We killed the story before it reached any further.
Kon: oh. Uh, good.
Tim: 2018. Damian dresses up as Ra's al Ghul. He gets kidnapped from school by the League of Assassins who thinks he's finally embraced his heritage. Before we manage to find him, he convinces them that he is -in fact -a de-aged Ra's. This works, somehow, because he argues that none of them has ever seen Ra's as a child.
Bart: Really?
Tim: There are definitely parts of Ra's organisation that would not have done well on 'Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?'.
Tim: 2012. Bruce dresses up as a figure skater. Mr Freeze attacks the gala he's at and we spend two weeks burying stories about Bruce Wayne -crime fighter on ice.
Gar: What?!
Tim: 2017. While the papers are taking photos of a blood-soaked Superman, Dick beats up Scarecrow while dressed as the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. Spoiler arrives to provide backup and accidentally punches the wrong scarecrow.
Bart: I-
Tim: 2016! Cass dresses up as Hillary Clinton. Her disguise is so good that the papers try to run a story about Hillary drop-kicking a Donald Trump supporter after Cass stopped a robbery where the guy wore a MAGA-hat.
Cassie: [snorts] Why didn't you let them run that one?
Tim: 2019! I dress up as Spoiler and find out that Spoiler has been hooking up with some guy on patrol and no I will NOT talk about the way in which I found out thank you.
Gar: Hold it, you can't just not tell-
Tim: 2013! Dick dresses up as Red Hood. Meanwhile, Jason dresses up as Nightwing. It was not coordinated. Both of their reputations take a massive hit for opposing reasons.
Tim: Also 2013! Damian dresses up as a cat and almost gets adopted by Catwoman.
Tim: 2019! Steph dresses as Batman and spends the night doing TikTok dances in public places. Bruce tried to deport her but you can't kill a legend and you can't deport a myth.
Tim: 2020! Bruce plans a seminar so we can all discuss and approve all costumes. Everyone is in favor. Duke is unanimously appointed as our judge since he has never caused any incidents. Bruce is unanimously disqualified from speaking at all because he has caused at least five international incidents. And seven national ones, not counting the time with the nun.
The Titans:
Kon: Did- did he dress up as nun, or...?
Tim: I don't want to say.
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New Start
For Maribat March day 15 theme new start
Master List
Marinette was lucky, she could admit that. Not because of the pocket-sized goddess of creation and luck she carried in her purse, but because of where she is. Sure, living with a magical emotional terrorist isn’t ideal, but it’s better than what her fate would have been had she never been found. 
Growing up on the streets of Gotham had been rough to put it lightly. Very lightly. In her time she had seen many good souls come and go, some to their deaths, some to better lives. She was grateful she was the latter, not many she knew had the opportunity she had to have a new start.
In other circumstances, Tom and Sabine would be horrible parents. After all 90 percent of the time they left her to her own devices. However in this case, it’s fine. For one, she was once a street kid, she knows how to take care of herself. And she is also Scarlet Luck, protector of Paris, wielder of the Ladybug miraculous, and newly appointed guardian of the miraculous. So them turning a blind eye to her sudden disappearances did wonders for her. 
All she needed in this life was a roof over her head and some decent food. Having her adoptive parents be bakers was a plus too. 
The only downside to this life was school. Not because she hated learning or the places school provided. No, she loved sitting in the silence of the library and doing her schoolwork or reading a book. And she especially loved the art room, where she found her love of designing and sewing. 
The problem was the people, the staff that mattered to her and her future, were all pushovers and she wasn’t allowed to transfer into Ms. Mendeleiev’s class. Ms. Bustier was the type to let the kids figure it out on their own, rather than step in when she was most needed. And Principal Damocles shouldn’t even be a principal with how much he caves in when it comes to the Mayor’s daughter or Rossi. 
She was thankful, however, that within her first month the students at Francoise Dupont learned not to mess with her. Or speak to her. Or be near her in general. And she was perfectly okay with that. She quite liked her spot in the back with Nathaniel, one of the only people she considered a friend. 
They had a silent agreement, which was to be silent and leave the other alone. Nathaniel would draw while Marinette would sketch and the 2 had each other's backs. Like when Marinette would whisper Nathaniel the answers during English and he would do the same with history. 
He along with Marc, Ondine, Aurore, Mireillie, and Kagami were the only ones she considered friends. Which means they were the only ones that knew why she was so on edge with the Wayne family being in Paris. Not only did none of them know how to control their emotions, but she was sure that Jason Todd-Wayne was bound to be akumatized. Why? Because every kid that was ever on the streets of Gotham knew his story. 
He was street smart, a dork, but most importantly aggressive. On the streets he picked fights with any who tried to cross him, and when he was adopted he fought the rich kids that went to Gotham Academy. That was another thing everyone knew, he hit it big when he got adopted by the billionaire that was Bruce Wayne. While she wasn’t on the street when he was she knew he was trouble. The whole Wayne family was, whether they knew it or not. 
She already had to deal with Chat every battle, she did not want to have to deal with one of the Waynes becoming an akuma. Not only would it cause an international affair considering how important they are to America, but it could get the attention of American reporters and then the Justice League might want to get involved. She didn't want to deal with the Justice League. 
Kagami was the only one brave enough to point out how she might be afraid that people from her hometown were coming to Paris. But she was wrong and Marinette made sure she never brought it up again. Through whatever means necessary.
Now one reason that Kagami was her best friend was because they agreed on something. Never hesitate. If you have an opportunity, take it. Something important that every street kid knows. 
Well here she was, standing in front of her classroom, hesitating. She could hear her classmates talking away, whichever Waynes were here trying to gain control of the situation. She guessed her teacher was either doing something out of the classroom or not bothering to get the class in check. 
With one final wish that today wouldn't be as shitty as she hoped she opened the door. According to Nathaniel she threw it open. 
And she was right, at the front of the classroom were 3 Wayne's trying to get her class to quiet down. Buster was nowhere in sight. 
Since Nino and Adrien were closest to the door they noticed her first, stopping their conversation and trying to 'subtly' stare at her. The others quickly following their lead. All eyes, including the Waynes, were staring at her. Wonderful.
Literally all she had to do was roll her eyes and everyone averted their eyes. It was always like something out of a movie. She made her way up the stairs up to Nathaniel and her seats. Grabbing a couple of macarons out of her bag she handed them over to him before setting her notebook and pencil on her desk. 
It looked like Lila was about to say something, but a glare had her swallowing her words back down her throat. Staring straight ahead she raised her eyebrow at the Waynes that were still staring, wondering if they were going to try and continue what they were originally trying to discuss. 
After a moment the oldest among them started talking again, the other two joined in, however she could tell when they would all cast her glances. She simply acted blissfully unaware, writing notes down for her and Nathaniel while he drew. She had no idea what his grades would be like if it weren't for her. 
This whole week had been full of surprises for Bruce. First the League finds out that there has been a magical terrorist in Paris for 3 years that they didn't know about, and these past 3 years children have been fighting him. 
So his family being detectives, they were sent to try and get information on the ‘akuma class’. He wanted it to just be him, Dick, Tim, and maybe Cass, but of course Dick wanted the whole family to come. Try to make a family vacation out of it despite the fact that there was a magical emotional terrorist that they were trying to track down and they needed to keep their emotions in check. He means no offense but that is something neither Jason nor Damian can do. 
But somehow Dick was able to get the whole family to come because only Dick can do that. And now he had Tim and Dick with him to try to talk to the akuma class about a presentation on starting a business a ploy to try and subtly get information out of them. 
They had already done background checks on them all and their families just to be safe and were thoroughly impressed by what they saw. Many of them were gifted in sports, arts, and academics, so perhaps they were just unlucky. 
The only one that concerned him was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Only Alfred was aware that the girl was from Gotham, she was specifically a street kid. Adopted 6 years ago by Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain the girl seemed quite bright. She had excellent grades and was in the art club. However he feared what his children might do with this information. And if another reason was because she had black hair, blue eyes, and a guaranteed tragic backstory being from Gotham that set his adoption instincts on fire NO ONE HAD TO KNOW! 
So here he was with Dick and Tim, trying to get this ‘akuma class’ to quiet down so they could start the presentation. The teacher has stepped out of the room to check something with the principal and ‘give them the floor’. She probably wanted to get a reason to escape this class, he might try to get an investigation done on this school and their faculty. 
From what he observed, Marinette seemed to be absent while most of the class had seemed to be paying attention to this one girl with brown hair in a sausage hairstyle, Lila Rossi, a pathological liar, although the class didn’t seem to know that. All except a redheaded boy in the back, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, a pink haired girl on the second row, Alixandra Kubdel, and a boy with a green shirt and glasses on the third row, Maxton Kante. There was also a blond boy, Adrien Agreste, who seemed to be listening to what the girl was saying with a fake smile he knew all too well. Poor boy. 
His sons weren’t having much more luck trying to gain the attention of the class. The redhead looked to be drawing, the green shirt and glasses boy was working on what appeared to be a robot, while the pink haired girl was on her phone. Every once in a while it seemed like she sent them a sympathetic glance, the other two boys too involved in what they were doing to give them any sympathy. 
Just as he was sure his kids were about to reach their breaking points in walked the one person he hoped not to see. She slammed the door open and suddenly the whole class quieted down immediately. Now his sons were looking at her as well. She couldn’t have been more than 5’3 and she was only 16, yet she managed to silence this whole class just by appearing. 
The class also seemed to be staring at her before she rolled her eyes and they all averted their gazes. It was one of the most movie-like things he had ever witnessed. 
She walked up the steps to the back, with each step she seemed to command attention before digging into her bag and handing Nathaniel who had once been doodling a bag of macarons. He seemed to appreciate them as he gave her a small smile before proceeding to munch on one. 
Lila who had once had the attention of the class seemed to be fuming now that the attention was off of her. It seemed like she was about to say something but stopped when she caught sight of the glare Marinette was giving her. 
Marinette then proceeded to turn her attention to him and his sons, raising an eyebrow as if to ask if they were going to start. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his sons exchange a look he knew all too well, before starting the presentation. And if he or his sons casted looks over to Marinette one too many times, no one noticed. 
Bonus - 
“WE FOUND A NEW WAYNE!” Dick shouted, far too happy with his discovery. 
“Tt, what are you on about Grayson?” Damian scoffed, curiosity and jealousy bubbling in his mind at the thought of a new Wayne. 
“There’s a girl in the akuma class, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She had black hair and blue eyes, both things needed to be adopted by Bruce.” Tim stated. 
“Does she have a tragic backstory?” Jason jokingly asked. 
“Do not look up anything on Ms. Dupain-Cheng. She has a family and I will not be adopting her. Am I clear?” Bruce demanded, waiting for everyone to agree before going to take a shower. 
“Babs?” Cass questioned, knowing the girl had to have found something. 
“Looking,” Babs replied, “Oh.” She stopped typing and just stared at the screen. 
“What’d you find?” Steph asked the question they were all wondering from Babs’ unusual reaction. 
“Guys,” Babs started, turning the screen to face them, “She’s from Gotham.” 
And from there all hell broke loose.
Inspired by this post I saw a while back: 
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Marinette being a street kid from Gotham but had no previous connection to any of the Waynes was intriguing so I did it. I’m probably going to do a backstory chapter later on, just unsure which day I’ll do it on. 
Of course yesterday I was early so today I was late. The universe needs its balance. So sorry for the late post guys, I blame the universe. 
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December 3rd
“Batboys X batmom
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Hot Chocolate was the one thing all of the boys could agree on... as long as you were the one who was making it. 
it was how you bonded with all of your children when Bruce first brought them home. you still remember all of the interactions:
he was just nine when he was brought to the manor, he had just lost his parents, just brought into a new life that he was going to take a while to adjust. 
But you being there with a warm cup of hot coco at 3 am when he had nightmares made it easier.
the first week he had been with Bruce and you he had issues adjusting, he was having nightmares nightly and it broke your heart to hear it.
so on his eighth night in the house you heard his screaming and you bolted out of bed. you gently opened his door and turned on his lamp, he was shaking and frighted and you slowly moved towards him.
“if you don’t want to talk about it... would you maybe want some late night/ early morning hot chocolate?”
He just nodded and seemed unable to speak, but he followed you and watched you make the hot chocolate. 
it made him feel cared for and it felt nice. you didn't know it but your nightly routine would be changed forever. but hot coco at 3 am was the perfect bonding for the two of you. no words needed, just two people enjoying hot coco.
Jason had a rough childhood, parents who didn't seem to care what he did or who he was around or if he was even  around at all. and when you had heard that you had been pissed off. how could someone not love this little boy!
but he didn't have 3 am nightmares like dick did or at least he wasn't so loud if he did. but he would stay awake late and just think about his parents and compare them to you and Bruce. you gave him love without him needing to beg for it. Bruce paid attention to him far more than his own father did. and Dick seemed excited about him being there.
but he was still waiting for you to decide to just send him back to the streets. that was his biggest fear that he wouldn’t be able to fit into your family and you would make him leave and he would be lost again.
on his eighth night dick knocked on his door “are you awake?” he whispered to the door. Jason almost wanted to say nothing but instead “ yeah why?”
“come to the kitchen there’s something i want to share with you!”
and he could hear dick walking down the stairs and Jason decided maybe this was Dicks’ way of telling him to get lost and that there was only enough room for one kid in this house.
but when he got down the stairs and into the kitchen he saw you and dick, dick was sitting at the counter and happily waved him to sit next to him. and he did slowly. as soon as he sat down two mugs were placed in front of the boys
“Do you want whipped cream or marshmallows?”
he was shocked not sure if this was a trick but next to him he could hear dick 
“ can i have both?! Jason you have to try it. its soooo good. Oh and don’t tell Bruce or Alfred. this is our little thing. just the three of us.
you weren't kicking him out... you were inviting him into something and sharing apart of your family traditions with him. He felt so loved in that moment and eagerly nodded. and you gave him the most loving smile.
and even after his death the same thing still made him feel like he belonged was hot coco at “ridiculous hours of the night with his mom and siblings.”
Tim had parents, not great ones but he had them none the less. while you hated the way they treated him you still respected them being in the picture in general.
even though you had loss Jason and nothing could ever fill that void in your hear, it felt good to have two boys in the house again. and while Tim knew he had parents he still would hoped to be allowed to see you that way.
you treated him better than his mother ever had. with more love and care and even taking a few days to just understand what he was interested in. and Dick was friendly with what seemed like everyone, so he didn't think much of it.
but after Tims parents had passed, he was adopted into your family. and this time you were the one to invite him to have hot coco. it wasn't the first time you had asked him but he never said yes because he felt like it was invasive like it was something that he shouldn't be doing, but this time you didn't give him the choice.
so he joined and you all laughed and for a moment while drinking hot coco he could just live in the moment and enjoy the company and the hot coco.
but when Jason came back and seemed to hate him, Tim stopped showing up to hot coco time until you dragged him out of his room. and told Jason that Tim wasn't his “replacement” he was his new brother and he could be angry but not during hot coco time.
He had come in with an attitude that he is better than anyone, which you did not appreciate so you didn't bother to give him the reactions he wanted. He was a child who was merely raised and told to think he was better than everyone else because he was blood, which in this house meant nothing.
but after being at your home for a few months damien had learned of the hot coco time in the kitchen. and as much as damien wanted to be apart of the family he didn’t know how to ask, nor did he feel he should have to as he is the blood son of batman. 
but you could see past the facade that the kid was putting on, but you were waiting to see how the kid would change before inviting him to hot coco. the boys and Bruce and poor Alfred were having to deal with the kids attitude worse than you. 
but you could see the kid who just wanted to be loved, much like Jason, Damien just didnt have that parental physical affection that a child deserves. but he would get to be better and you would be more than willing to be his mother when he was ready.
but that time didnt come for almost a year, and that was because Damien had come to you after a rough day at school and having to deal with comments about his appearance or the fact that he was a person of color in what seemed like a sea of white kids at the Gotham academy.
he had come to you upset and vented his feelings to you without insulting you or his brothers the entire time. it greatly impressed you. and he had asked “can i join you and the others for your nightly ritual of drinking whatever is in those mugs?” you smiled at the young boy
“of course you can, no one can be upset when drinking hot chocolate. especially not my family recipe.”
and Damien smiled. he would have a fun time with you and the other boys.
they seemed shocked to see him there but quickly got over it and invited him over to sit with them and talk while you made hot coco. it was one of the biggest bonding moment for you and your boys.
bruce knew about the hot coco gatherings in the kitchen during most nights. he knew because you and him used to do them before you adopted Dick, but now it was more you and your boys tradition. Bruce still shared hot coco with you. but he also got to share a room with you. he knew it was magic in a cup.
but he saw how it helped all of his sons begin to relax more. they were all mama’s boys and your hot coco was how all the kids began to open up and trust more.
the boys all knew when they had a rough day or were having problems with eachother they would put it aside for a few hours every night, to sip hot coco with their mom and just be able to relax and enjoy the holidays and the year. 
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