#of having a none school uniform jumper on under his uniform
oifaaa · 2 years
love how duke and damian clearly look so much cooler than dick and jason in the going back to school art. kings
Duke and damian are just cooler then Jason and dick in general so
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heich0e · 1 year
[warning: while f!reader is not described with any specific physical characteristics, the child in this fic is described as having inherited all of Megumi’s attributes and none from reader! please read with that in mind, or pass over this fic if not <3]
"So, can you help me?"
Megumi blinks down at the little boy, still yet to say a single word since he arrived at the veterinary clinic's doorstep. His lips part, and he tries to say something, but speech fails him. Like he's forgotten how to will his lips and teeth and tongue to do anything at all.
The little boy—the one who looks just like him, who has his hair, and his father's eyes, and the nose he's always been told he got from his mother—waits raptly for his response.
Megumi nods, waving the child in from the rain.
That should have been the first thing he did, he realizes belatedly, especially when he sees the way the boy's teeth are chattering when he steps in from the cold. He's sopping wet—with water dripping from his little blue raincoat and his yellow rubber boots onto the lobby floor.
"Can I see it?" Megumi finally speaks, looking down at the little baby bunny the boy is holding to his chest.
The boy looks reluctant for a moment, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, before nodding. He allows Megumi to scoop the animal from his little hand into his own, much larger one. The rabbit looks even tinier when he holds it in his hand, but it is mercifully still alive. It's weak, and possibly not going to make it, but for now there's still hope—and that's all Megumi needs.
He looks at the boy again, who waits with bated breath for his prognosis.
"Is this your pet?" Megumi asks the boy, though there are about a thousand other questions he has that beg to be posed.
The little boy shakes his head no.
"Where did you find it?"
"In the field behind Mama's work," the little boy says. "Is he gonna be okay?"
"What's your mama's name?" Megumi asks before he can stop himself.
The little boy looks at him curiously. "Mama's name?"
Megumi nods.
The adult sighs pressing a hand to his eyes, unsure of why he expected anything else.
Two little hands clutch at the hem of his sweater.
"Please Mister," the little boy says, and Megumi spreads his fingers apart to look down at where the boy stands below him. The tears have welled fiercely now, sparkling in his green eyes. "Please make sure the bunny is okay."
Megumi freezes for a moment, an ache in his chest that he can't name—a heart attack maybe?
A familiar figure appears in the doorway to the clinic, the door sliding open again.
"The weather out there is nast—"
Yuuji, still in his station uniform and with a case of beer tucked under one arm, freezes when he steps inside and spots the little boy holding on to the bottom of Megumi's jumper.
The darker haired man watches just about every thought play out across his long-time friend's face. Yuuji's eyes snap up to meet his, and Megumi can practically see the words flashing in his eyes—
"Yuuji, can you please look after him while I take his bunny to an exam room?" Megumi's voice is surprisingly even as he addresses his friend. "He came here alone."
It takes Yuuji a moment to process things, but when he does, Megumi watches the switch happen—the softening of his expression, the easygoing smile appearing on his face. This is not Yuuji who Megumi once watched streak naked across their high school sportsfield when he lost a bet to Nobara, not Yuuji who once cried for three hours after watching a tragic romance movie that didn't have a happy ending, not Yuuji who he's dragged home drunk more times than he can count—this is Itadori-san, Fire Lieutenant, who is here to help a little boy who's all alone late at night.
"Hi there," Yuuji says to the boy, crouching down to the boy's level. He sets the case of beer aside on one of the waiting room chairs. "I'm Itadori Yuuji, what's your name?"
Megumi almost laughs, but doesn't, and he steps through the doorway towards the exam rooms before he can hear the little boy's answer.
It doesn't take Megumi long to surmise the the baby bunny is not in any imminent peril—suffering more than anything from exposure, having likely been separated from it's mother too soon, and met with weather too inclement to survive. If the little boy hadn't found him, and hadn't known to bring him here, it's unlikely it would have lasted the night.
Megumi gets the rabbit set up in a small makeshift cage for the time being, setting down clean bits of hay and something soft for it to sleep atop. He puts water and some food inside as well, but just being in from the cold seems to have done the animal a world of good, and it quickly hides beneath the little blanket Megumi put down for it, and curls up to go to sleep.
He breathes a little easier, but only for a moment.
He makes his way back out to the lobby.
Yuuji is crouching on the floor, towelling the little boy's hair dry as he sits on one of the waiting room chairs. When Yuuji stops the vigorous movement of his hands, and the child peeks out from underneath the towel, his hair is sticking up in every which way. Both of the adults in the room stare at him in shock.
He looks just like Megumi.
"Kota-chan, I don't know if you got a proper introduction when you arrived," Yuuji says with a bright smile towards the little boy, jutting a thumb over his shoulder in Megumi's direction, "this is Doctor Fushiguro, he takes care of all of the animals here."
The little boy blinks in Megumi's direction, the towel still looped around his shoulders.
"Hello," Megumi greets him, though it's a little stiff.
"Is he okay?" the little boy, Kota as Yuuji has just introduced him, asks him earnestly. "Is the bunny okay?"
Megumi nods. "He'll be fine."
Kota smiles brightly, his cheeks lifting high on his face. It's the purest, sincerest expression that Megumi's ever seen on anyone.
"Kota-chan was just telling me that his mother works at a restaurant not far from here," Yuuji says, standing from his stoop on one side of the room. He shares a look with his friend that's more serious than the expression on his face or the tone of his voice betrays. "Do you know her?"
Megumi looks down at his feet, his fists clenched at his side.
He shakes his head no.
He hears Yuuji make a choked little noise of confusion, which he covers with a cough. "Hey, Kota-chan, are you hungry?"
Megumi looks up in time to see the little boy nod, his hands resting over his stomach. His blue raincoat is hanging on the coat rack by the entrance along with Yuuji's and now Megumi can see the sweater he's wearing—with a little cartoon racoon printed on the front.
"I know where Dr. Fushiguro keeps all the good snacks, should we go get one?" Yuuji asks the boy with a bright smile, and Kota nods again with an excited sparkle in his eyes. Yuuji takes his hand and helps him off his chair, leading him towards the staff kitchen. The blush-haired man pauses as he passes his friend.
"You should come too," he says, but his tone is quieter when he speaks to his friend, their eyes meeting. "We've got some stuff to talk about."
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imagineanime2022 · 4 months
Your Beautiful
Ayame Sohma X Reader
Word Count: 1744
Requested: @twilightlover2007
Request: I'd love to see Ayame with a plus size bookwormish girlfriend who is a little (or a lot) self conscious about what she wears and Aya will have NONE of that. Perhaps he designs a dress just for her to surprise her and make her see herself as he does. Please and thank you!!
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Ayame had known you since you were in school, you never really crossed paths though, considering his more popular status and your more quiet disconnection from the popular scene. Ayame had always wanted to talk to you but never found the right time, everytime he shared a room with you people flocked to him and all he could do was watch you from afar. When you did talk to someone your eyes cast down to the floor and voice softer than silk. He watched you from afar as it seemed to blossom in your own environment, only catching his eye every now and again, eyes flitting back to the floor or book you were holding when you realised that he was looking right back at you.
Ayame remembered the first time that he was alone with you, you had both been paired for a project, you knowledge on the subject was immense and while you claimed that it only came from the books that you read, the fact that you had finished a book impressed him all the same, especially since at that age you wouldn’t find him sitting still for anyone. This was also the first time that he got an inkling for the way that you felt about yourself, he had at first assumed that you just didn’t like the uniform which was why you seemed so uncomfortable in it, and in most ways he was right. When you weren’t dressed in your uniform there was not that was shown off to the world, you covered your body in baggy clothes he assumed to hide it, though he never asked. Now he thought that those clothes were cute, he loved coming over to work on the project to see you curled up in the large oversized jumper, legging clad legs tucked under you and out of sight but he did look forward to the school days as well, those were the days that he could really appreciate the figure that you hide so often,
After leaving school he lost contact with you for a long while, that is until he opened his shop, he was looking for a supplier of fabrics and stumbled across your small business, he recognised you immediately if not for your appearance but the book tucked under your arm and the way that your eyes flitted to the floor the same as when you were both kids. “Still have trouble looking people in the eye it seems.” He joked, your eyes widened as you looked up at him. “You remember me?” You asked. “Of course, we’ve not been out of school that long, and he had almost every class together.” He reminded you. “Well no but, I’m no one important-” “Nonsense dear, you are just as important as the next person, not to mention you’ll be the one providing the materials I need for my shop… Can I count on you for that?” He asked. “O-of course.” You nodded. “Perfect.” He smiled softly “now could I trouble you to run me through what you have available at the moment?” “It’s no trouble.” You informed him as you ushered him through the shops going through everything that you had, what was easier to get and what was a little harder to acquire given your location, Ayame need anything further he pitched a partnership to get both your businesses off the ground, you accepted much to his excitement and that was where you found yourself now.
You made your way into his shop sample tiles stowed away in a small bag, he had informed you that he was working on a new project and all he needed was for you to bring over your favourite materials, you walked in at the same time as some other customers, one of them barging passed you to get to the counter, you stumbled slightly clutching the sample squares to your chest as you tried to balance yourself “Move.” She ordered. “S-sorry.” You mumbled stepping out of her way, falling back into an old habit of looking at the floor. “Why would you be here, it’s not like you could wear anything that Ayame makes.” The girl sneered as her eyes snagged on the sample squares assuming you were a customer. “S-sorry I’ll just-” “Now what is it that you are apologising for my sweet dove?” You jumped at the sound of Ayame as he stood behind you, when you didn’t say anything you felt him lean down “I’m talking to you dear.” You gave a small embarrassed squeak at the proximity before stuttering out an answer. “I-I, they are your customers you should see to them.” You finally managed to say, he looked at the girls and waved her away. “She’s no customer of mine.” Ayame answered. “You can’t-” “I won’t have you supplying materials for someone who treats you this way and I won’t be sourcing my materials anywhere else.” He explained. “Ayame you can’t-” “I can.” He answered firmly, the group looked at him in shock before being escorted out of the shop. “Ayame, they were paying customers, you can’t do that!” You scolded him, he just smiled down at you. “I own this shop, I can do what I want. I have enough paying customers to turn away those who don’t deserve my service.” He waved you off, dragging you towards the back room gesturing for you to sit on the sofa. “So show me what you’ve brought.” “I brought a couple of options, you know since you didn’t really give me any direction, who is the client this time anyway?” You asked. “That doesn’t matter, she has very similar taste to you, I think that she will love whatever you choose, so of these three which do you like the most?” He asked. You looked at the three samples that you had picked out, one subtle in design and colour, another a little more chaotic but still softly coloured and the last calmer in design but the colours were a little more flashy, you pointed to your favourite one and he nodded as he held it up. “I like this, this will work.” “Are you going to show me what you are working on?” You asked, he smiled and shook his head. “You will see it when it’s finished.” He promised “Now that the business is out of the way, how are you?” He changed the subject, stirring away from work and into more casual conversation.
It was a couple months later Ayame rushed into your shop, you had been restocking the shelves after an eventful first half to the day, you turned expecting a customer and some ways you weren’t wrong but when you looked at him you knew that there was something wrong. “Ayame are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked, he reached behind him turning the sign on your door to ‘closed’ before pulling you into the back room, it was then that you realised that he was holding something. “Ayame?” “(Y/N).” He said as he turned to look at you, you frowned when you noticed the tears gathering in his eyes. “Your acting weird what’s-” You were cut off by him pulling you into a tight hug, it almost felt like he had been waiting years to do this but that couldn’t have been true, there was nothing stopping him from doing it years ago if that was what he wanted. “Ayame?” “I’ve waited so long to do that.” He admitted and that caused you to truly frown. “I don’t understand.” You decided that admitting it would be easier than trying to figure it out on your own. “I know, I’m sorry but just know that I’ve wanted to do this for years.” He said into your shoulder before finally letting you go, “I have something to give you.” “Give me?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed holding up the bag that he had walked in with, you took it from him and looked inside, you recognised the material as the sample that you had picked out months ago. “I thought this was for a client. Why are you giving it to me… Did they not like it?” You asked. “Take it out.” He prompted, you lifted the absolutely stunning clothing set out of the bag. The top was form fitting and the bottom to go with it would sit snugly on your hips and shoe off the shaping of your legs perfectly. “Do you like it?” “It's a beautiful set.” You answered. “Then they liked it, will you try it on for me?” He asked. “T-try it on?” You asked. “I know that you are going to look ravishing.” He said holding the set in front of your body as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Even if you only ever wear it for me, know that you are safe to wear whatever you want and try whatever you want, I just want to see you.” “It won’t be as exciting as you think, I’m not like the other girls.” You answered and he shook his head. “I don’t want you to be like the others, I want you to be comfortable, I want to show you that are beautiful and you always have been whether you dressed down for a days work-” he pulled the outfit away from you to show you the outfit you were wearing “-or dressed up.” He offered you the outfit again and you took his from his hand walking to the bathroom to get changed. You cleared your throat when you walked out causing him to look over at you, the smile that split his face was genuine as he held up his phone snapping a picture before turning it to show you. “That’s me?” It sounded like a question even to you. “That’s you and you are beautiful.” He said softly, hugging you again “please give me the chance to prove it to you.” “You are doing a great job so far.” You smiled. “I’m far from done my dear.” He promised pressing a kiss to your cheek, he knew that he wasn’t going to change you overnight, you could tell by the way that he looked at you, he was proud of you for even putting the new outfit on and it was then that you decided that you would be happy seeing that look for the rest of you life, if he’d allow it.
Request Here!!
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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May, as a secondary school student in Dublin city, has never felt like LA, for spring is a time for studying indoors, barely glancing out the window at the changing seasons, blind to the emergence of summer. I barely register the cherry blossom tree that blooms outside the window of the school library. For weeks the streets are painted pink and white, but mid May brings a storm to tear the petals away from their branches and toss them onto the ground and in the drains like abandoned confetti in the aftermath of a wedding. I take note of them while stepping on them on the way to and from school, but soon they aren’t even beautiful anymore. Browning, curling at the edges, a mere inconvenience to be swept away by the street cleaners and shaken off one's shoes. 
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“Only a leaf of our laurel hedge is torn— Of distant interest like a maimed limb, only a rose which now will never climb the stone of our house, expendable, a mere line of defence against him…” I mutter a poem under my breath, much to the chagrin of the girl sitting nearby who keeps glancing sharply at me over the screen of her laptop, but she doesn’t understand that this is how I learn. I cannot just commit something to memory from reading it, and if I don't say it aloud like a four year old child learning his ABCs then nothing goes in.
Explaining this to her would only mean I would speak more, and louder which I am certain is the opposite of what she wants, so for the third time that lunch hour I issue her an apologetic smile and a shrug, cute, though she doesn’t seem to understand that I am extremely charming either and sighs wearily as she goes back to stabbing the keyboard.
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“Only a leaf of our laurel hedge is torn— Of… of distant interest like a…” I have forgotten the lines already, so I take a breath and go back to the beginning. “This dry night, nothing unusual about the clip clop casual iron of his shoes as he stamps death…”
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 I am distracted by the library doors swinging open to the sound of the lunchtime hallways but don’t look up, I just keep my finger on the page and wait for the noise to die down but it takes longer than it should. The door slams shut, rattles, thumps, it opens to more noise and slams again, and finally I glance over. 
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Michelle is furiously attempting to untangle the strap of her school bag from where it is looped around the outside handle of the door, pulling and yanking with increasing ferocity, clearly having decided that pulling repeatedly at it in flustered panic is the best way to free herself. It’s not just me that looks at her, it’s everyone in the library, and when she finally extricates herself and fixes her hair it's me that she looks right at, blush creeping up her neck from the white collar of her uniform.
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I stare back and mouth to her: “Are you okay?”
She nods, tremulous hands smoothing her skirt and straightening the hem of her jumper. She does a scan of the library quickly, eyes hopping from table to table until they settle on the one next to me, the only one free. She approaches unwillingly and I watch her, her eyes on the floor, her fingers still shaky on the zip of her school bag as she stands next to me and begins slapping books out onto the table. 
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“Come to do a bit of studying?” I whisper. 
“Yeah, just, um… yeah,” she dumps a pile of random notebooks and exam papers out and sits down to rifle through them. I notice that none of them are related to each other. The english textbook, a maths hardcover notebook, a crumpled homework assignment dated from a week ago all in a great dog eared heap. 
“What are you working on?”
“Uh… all of it.”
“All of it?”
She inhales sharply, “Yes. All this.”
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“Wow, okay,” I turn back to my book and return to the top of the poem again, suddenly a touch more self conscious about my study methods when there’s a great ball of volatile energy directly to my left, so I try mouthing the lines instead while she rifles irritably through her pile, crunching paper and sending a rogue pencil rolling to the ground. The girl across from us grumbles under her breath, snaps her laptop shut and goes to find a quieter spot on the beanbags across the room.
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After another minute or two of frantic rifling, I lean toward Michelle, “Are you alright?”
She doesn’t answer me, but her nostrils flare and that blush that started at her collar heats her cheeks the colour of her nails, cherry red and half peeled from where she’s scraped them with her teeth. She’s always done that, even though she knows perfectly well how much dirt is harboured beneath the crescent moons of her fingernails. She flicks them now, thumb against index and brings them to her mouth again.
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I nudge her gently, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she says, then after a pause, “Well… no never mind.”
“You can tell me if you want, I know I’m not Jen, but…”
“Well, okay, it’s Evan. Evan and Carlie, they just tried to, like, apologise to me.”
I hesitate. I didn’t really expect my pleas for connection to work, but now here we are. “Oh, well…” I shift awkwardly in my seat, “What did they say to you?”
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“They came and found me at lunch. Jen is with the counsellor, so like, I was just eating alone in the lunchroom and they just came over and tried to talk to me, so I got up and, like, hurried away before they could say anything.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah but now I feel,” she holds her hands out for me to see how they vibrate with adrenaline, “Ugh, I feel horrible, my heart is going like crazy, I just…”
“I get it.”
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She shifts around awkwardly, looking over her shoulder as though someone better to talk to might appear, but she must be desperate to unload because she says to me with reluctance: “Does it eventually get less terrible?”
“Yeah, 'course.”
“I don’t know. It’s, like, different every time, and sometimes it’s just a bit worse and it lasts a bit longer. I guess it’s harder when you have to see them all the time and when they try to talk to you, I get what you’re saying. Evan probably shouldn't have tried to talk to you yet.”
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Michelle doesn’t look upset, she's not the teary eyed version of herself that she’s been this past month. She looks vacant, staring ahead and out the window at the tree that used to be blossoming, but is now verdant with that intense neon green of spring. Her teeth worry at her lip, “What's it like to have to see Holly, then?” 
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“Holly? That was different.”
“Yeah but she’s always around school, isn't she?”
“I don’t think about all that, it's been four years. Now she’s just another girl in the hallways, it’s really not the same, see, it’s not like I loved her or cared-”
“You don’t think about the history you had? You don’t wonder if she hates you?”
I snort, “What history? We were thirteen and we lasted three months. If she hates me she can go right ahead and do it, but if she’s still even thinking about me at all then that’s pretty depressing.”
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She raises an eyebrow incredulously, “You don’t care if someone hates you?” 
“How do you know she hates me? Did she tell you that?”
She scoffs, “No, I don’t know anything about Holly. As if I’d ever talk to that bitch.”
“Nah, c’mon, I don’t like that.”
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“You saying that, it’s just part of that cliquey thing that everyone in this school is way too interested in, isn’t it? This person doesn’t like that person because of some superficial reason. Holly is on the hockey team, and you by default don’t like people who are sporty because you assume they’re all mean.”
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“You’re assuming that of me. Which is pretty presumptuous.”
“I’m just saying. That’s what I’ve seen around here. If everyone just assumes everyone who isn’t exactly like them is an arsehole then-”
“That’s not why I don’t like Holly, obviously,” she hisses.
“Obviously? Why is it obvious?”
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She stares at me blankly, so I repeat myself, “Why is it obvious?” 
“You can’t think of a single reason why I might not like Holly?”
She starts scooping her books and papers back into her bag, “Well then you’re either a liar or an idiot.”
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“What are you on about?” I'm not totally sure how she progressed from a state of flustered anxiety to one of complete fury in about two seconds and I watch her with alarm, “I don’t get it. Who cares about Holly?” I touch her arm and she yanks it away, “How am I supposed to know what happened?”
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She shakes her head incredulously and tries zipping up the bag in spite of the papers still sticking out of it.
“To be honest, if this is something from first year or whatever… there’s no point holding on to something for that long.”
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“I’d be nice,” she says in a shaky whisper, “to just not care about anything or anyone and to just think about yourself, but that isn’t who I am. Okay?”
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I rear back, “That’s not fair, I don’t care about nothing…” But she’s already leaving, stalking back towards the doors with her half-zipped schoolbag bouncing furiously on her back. I barely even notice the library full of eavesdroppers as I heave out a sigh and wriggle my phone out of my pocket to text Jen as the door slams.
SOS I pissed Michelle off. You did? How? I dunno. Just did. You’re right lol she gets mad over nothing.  What did you say? Something about that girl I used to go out with.  Holly.  You talked about Holly?!!  Yeah. I told Shell to put whatever weird grudge she has against her to bed and she just stormed off. IDK what her problem was.  Seriously? Yeah huge overreaction.  Omg one day I think you’re going to die of stupidity. Huh?
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I wait several minutes for a response that doesn’t come straight away. Sighing, I return to my books and my study though whatever shred of focus I had ten minutes earlier has left the building. Michelle’s words ring in my head, and as I think about what she said to me, about how I care about nothing and only think of myself I grow annoyed with her too. It’s not true, I do care, and just because my break ups have never been like hers and Evan's doesn’t mean I am some sort of unfeeling husk of a boy who is hollow and void on the inside, right?
Maybe one day I’ll fall in love for real with some woman who will eventually stomp all over my puny feelings and shatter my heart into a billion pieces. She might even do it deliberately. She'll turn me into one of those men who will never be the same again for having known her, irreparably changed, chemically altered by her and the void she leaves behind in me, and I'll be ruined in the same way that veterans are ruined by war, then make some unbearable piece of media about my torment so that everyone else must suffer with me. Is that what Michelle wants? I’ll prove her wrong and do it all to myself out of spite. 
My phone buzzes and I grab it. On the screen flashes one, solitary word from Jen. 
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Beginning // Prev // Next
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demonslayedher · 2 years
How old do you think Giichi and Shinobu's reincarnation are? I've seen a lot of people assume she's older then him by a lot but I always thought she was around the same age as him. My reasoning is that Giichi looks a lot like Giyu when he first started training and that Shinobu's reincarnation is going to a fancy private school so she'd be wearing a school uniform at a younger age then other school children. Or am I way off base with my assumptions?
Hmm, I admit, I always assumed she was a lot older than him. In fact, that was part of what gave me the impression that GiyuShino never got a canon pairing stamp, and I've continued to interpret it as non-canon, even if it is did have a lot of set-up could be read as them unaware of feelings for each other. It had chemistry, but wasn't given the right conditions to sail, as there were other directions the characters needed to go in. However, looking back with a more open mind about ages (as none were ever declared and the wording of the "Sekirei Gakuin" the girls attend doesn't define their grade level), hmm.
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It's hard to make comparisons purely on art because Gotouge's style can be more than a little inconsistent. However, what bugs me is Giichi's short statue, even if his innocent baby face is similar to 12-ish-year-old Giyuu's baby face.
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We can say for sure that Giichi is an elementary school student because of the type of backpack he carries, and being around age 12 could put them at the upper limits, in 6th grade. However, the difference in Sabito and reincarnated!?Sabito's stature (not to mention his own baby face) makes it hard for me to think they're as old as they were when they started training under Urokodaki. I'm still inclined to put them as 4th grade or lower.
The Kochou/Sekirei Gakuin girls are a bit harder to compare, as 14(or less)-year-old Shinobu's face is aged by a scowl.
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If we compare to when she and Kanae would have had those light and easy expressions, that puts them a lot younger, I've guessed Shinobu would be around 11 or much younger chronologically. These smiling girls strike me as much younger than the smiling Sekirei girls.
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And I don't mean to be lewd, but the Sekirei girls do appear to have entered puberty. While late elementary school and early middle school may be a time when girls shoot ahead of boys, I am nonetheless left with the impression that the Sekirei girl has at least a few years on Giichi. However, I'm willing to rethink my initial high schooler impression of her and recognize that their jumper style uniform may feel more characteristic of middle school as opposed to high school (though you're right, if their school includes elementary school they might had worn uniforms then too, but I still find it hard to see their physicality as elementary school). I hate to say it, but that's the artistic detail that really makes them feel older to me.
So, while it feels to me like it could be at least a six year difference, I think you could realistically get it down to a three year difference, though this is only the sense I get comparing the above images.
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Welcome Back❤️
🍎Okay like I somehow see our dear Frederick smitten and intrigued by Slytherin, maybe it’s just me but something is telling me he would definitely date one and a Slytherin would be his type.
So can you do a hc for Fred and a Slytherin💚Thank you
ok babes as a slytherin who’s in love w Freddie I have SO MANY thoughts
ok first of all we all know that they weasleys have their biases
especially Ron
I feel like the twins would still have a bias against Slytherins but they never had like personal fights w any of them like Ron and Harry did w Malfoy
so they’re a little more open
that being said
Slytherins do happen to make great pranking targets
especially in snape’s class
ok so imagine it’s potions w Gryffindor and Slytherin
and you’re sitting across the room with your friends
cuz no fraternizing w the enemy obviously 🙄
and suddenly all the Gryffindors duck for cover and you and your friends are so confused
and then the dung bombs go off
and snape is LIVID
and your friends are LIVID
and you make eye contact w Fred, who you’ve only ever talked to during projects
and you start to plan revenge
ok whoever came up w the idea that Slytherins are all stuck up snobs is completely wrong
they’re just as big troublemakers as Gryffindors but more sneaky about it
can’t be getting caught and jeopardizing their future
so they’re more subtle
no one saw it coming, especially Fred
ok so you’re at dinner
in the great hall
and I’m pretty sure that Gryffindor and slytherin tables are on opposite ends of the room
so it’s even MORE impressive that you did this
but some time when Fred was distracted w George you swap his wand w a replica
a hexed replica
you don’t know why you only chose to prank Fred and not George too
he’s the more annoying one, that’s it
not because you love the cocky look in his eyes
or his loud laugh
or because you maybe want to impress him w your pranking abilities
nope nope
none of that
so you plan this perfectly
the next time he’d probably use his wand is potions in the morning
you’re all filed in and in your normal seats
the Slytherins are pissed about the prank
but what else is new
and snape decides to single out the twins
cuz he’s also still pretty pissed
and Fred has to demonstrate something
and Fred’s smart right?
like he and George might not try, but they invented so many products using potions knowledge
but when he tries to cast the spell and rubber ducks fly out
curtesy of mr. weasleys love for said objects
he’s going crazy
he tries again and suddenly his robes are replaced w the girls uniform
ok but Fred in a short skirt? say less
at this point everyone is cackling
especially George
especially you
even snape has to turn away to avoid showing a small grin
and Fred is so frustrated cuz hE KNOWS THIS SPELL
one last time
and his skin was now dyed green
signature slytherin green
you can’t hold back anymore and you practically fall off your chair laughing
meanwhile fred can’t figure out who in the world pranked him
and this well
how did he not see it coming ??
the two of you make quick eye contact
something that had always been common between you before one would glance away
but this time you stare
and wink
oh boy
Fred doesnt know what to do
you’re a slytherin
you’re supposed to be all mean and a blood purist and blah blah blah
but now that he thinks about it
you’ve never been that way
in fact you’re one of the only Slytherins Fred’s never targeted directly w a prank
oh but that’s about to change
hence the beginning of the Gryffindor/Slytherin prank war
no one else knows it was you
and no one believes Fred when he tells them
which just makes it easier for you to get away w everything
flash forward a few weeks
you and Fred are both out past curfew
tryna set up more great pranks for the other
and then, of course, enter filch
after some very close calls you both wind up in a broom closet
and you’re arguing as always
whisper shouting as to not get caught
“you ruined my prank, it was gonna be amazing too!”
“oh please, you did the same one last month, everyone would’ve seen it coming.”
“and I suppose you have better ideas?”
“well now that you mention it...”
“show me”
and suddenly you two are partners and bouncing ideas off of each other
George would be jealous if he found out
but you and Fred do make a good team
I also feel like since there’s the tension between the two houses you keep your newfound friendship a secret
like you still hate each other
but only in public
in private, you’re best friends
until one night when you pull of the best prank known to man
and you’re both filled w adrenaline and running through the forbidden forest screaming w joy
and Fred just wraps you in his arms
and pulls you tight
and kisses you w no hesitation
and of course you kiss back
it’s been like a minute and you’ve barely taken a breath
so you both pull back and are like
😳...what was that?
but then you shrug and kiss him again
cuz you’ve been waiting years to do that
not that you’d ever let him know
but it’s fine because it’s the same deal for him
and now the secret friendship is a secret relationship
it’s tough at first
your friends would judge you a lot for dating a weasley
and Ron would probably flip if he knew Fred was dating you
but eventually you had to come clean
and by “had to” I mean Draco caught you making out in the Slytherin common room late at night and told the whole school
and you guys were right to some extent
Ron had a rough time w it at first and so did your friends
but what you didn’t expect was how much ppl already knew
“yeah I know you’ve been sneaking off to snog her every night, who do you think has been covering for you?”
“George... WHAT?”
“you have like 3 of his jumpers under your bed, we’ve known for weeks.”
“well that’s fantastic.”
but anyways
it’s all out in the open now
and for the most part everyone’s happy for you
even the teachers
except snape
but who cares about snape anyway
now you’re the school power couple
and everyone loves you
and is low key afraid of you
cuz they know about your pranking habits
and competitive edges
one fight between you two and all hell breaks loose
but overall
you both have never been happier
and it doesn’t matter what people in your houses think
because it’s just a stupid house color
and it doesn’t mean anything to you guys
except quidditch games, cuz then any love you have for each other disappears and you’re willing to rip the other to shreds
true love <3
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sweet & sour | part 4.
Summary: Y/N L/N. Ex-member of the girl group Lemonade. Ilvermorny was great until everything fell apart between her and her group members. Needing a break, she decides to transfer to Hogwarts.
Warnings: none
Pairing: george wealsey x black!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N I: so many off canon things, so many
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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When you weren’t with Hufflepuff, you were often found with Gryffindor. Although, you still had less loyalty about houses. It wasn’t uncommon, when it came to cheer, for people to see you stalking out of another squad’s practice after they asked for help.
Just as Cedric said, your first and second post broke unofficial school records about the fastest amount of likes. And Hogwarts students weren’t letting your private account get out for anything, even the ones with public accounts. Not a peep was mentioned about it. They were enjoying the uncurated pictures that would never show up on LC or Lemonade’s Wizgram profiles. No one else seemed to think you were as dorky as Cedric had taken to teasing you about despite the fact that every other selfie had Salem in it.
While certain things made you painfully aware that you were foreign, it felt like Hogwarts had always been your home. You even told Dr. Susan at your last session, who then suggested that when spring break came around that you should come back to Ilvermorny and see if you even want to come back. It was still a sensitive topic. You had to go back at some point. If not at Ilvermorny then just in general. LC was your career. A hiatus, especially under schooling, was fine. But you had to come back and make a living.
Maybe you would graduate at Hogwarts and then go back. Two years to push LC from everyone’s mind as a girl group member and solidify her as a solo artist. Maybe you wouldn’t be so scared then. Your thoughts were broken as Cedric laughed when you nearly jumped two feet in the air as a pair of hands landed on your shoulders. Fred peeked his head over one shoulder.
“You’re brilliant, you know. You, Ang, and Ali. All the girls love our stuff.”
George peeked over the other one. “The brushes sold out.”
“Ang even told some Beauxbatons girls that she stayed friends with. They all put it in an order.” Fred drummed against your shoulders. “Comb-a-Chameleon made more money than the Canary Creams.”
“Glad to be such a big help but you need to go back to your table.”
Cedric snorted into his drink while Cho, who was sitting with you all, tried to act like she wasn’t laughing. The twins scoffed in both indignation and confusion.
“What?” Fred asked.
“Boys, peep the uniform. Which two teams are in jerseys today?”
“Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.”
“So, today, you’re my enemy. Lion paws off the uniform please and back away from the badger den.”
“Cho’s here.” George pointed out.
“Ravenclaw’s not playing,” she said as she shifted her hair so they could see Cedric’s jacket that she was wearing.
The twins looked at each other and winked. Your vision was muddled from clear to red before becoming clear again. You looked at Fred who was now in just a jersey and then down at yourself, gagging at the red.
“This is blasphemy. You’ve crossed a line, Weasley.”
“Oh, I’m ever so scared.”
“Take your stupid sweater back.”
“Red’s your color.”
“I’ll embarrass you right now if you don’t walk away.”
Fred looked at his twin. “You think she’ll do it, Georgie?”
“Not at a—”
“Angie! Come get your boyfriend!”
Fred’s face started turning as red as his hair. Their tension was obvious to even you and you were wondering how many years had they been dancing around being together. Fred just took his sweater back and sheepishly retreated to Gryffindor table, briefly meeting the eyes of Angelina before both of them looked away. George chuckled. You were once again frazzled as his jumper was on you instead. He leaned over, taking the toast off your plate.
“I don’t have a girlfriend you can call, looks like you’re out of luck.”
“I’m keeping it,” you said, trying to maintain control of the situation.
“Looks better on you, anyway.”
He walked off before you could say anything. George sat down, very satisfied at getting the last word in. You huffed and grabbed another piece of bread. Your hand brushed against the sleeve that needed to be pushed up so you could see your hand.
“Wait, these are soft. Does yours feel like that?”
Cedric stuck out his arm and you rubbed the material.
“You’re wearing your jersey next time.”
“Because I refuse to be caught in an enemy jumper but wow these things are soft. Your sweater’s mine now.”
“I believe this is called bullying.”
“I believe it’s called driving a hard bargain.”
“There’s no bargaining. I give you my jumper in exchange for what?”
“A signed Lemonade album?”
“Take the bargain,” Cho told him.
Cedric looked at both of you. “Are you really siding with her right now? It’s meant to keep us warm, get your own.”
You shrugged. “You’ll cough it up one day.”
Cedric hummed an unimpressed response as you got up from the table with the rest of the cheer squad. You stopped at Gryffindor’s table to speak to Pavarti and Lavender who had taken up captain and co-captain.
“It’s best to go early and start stretching in the stands. When halftime comes out, since Gryffindor’s name is first you guys go second to leave the audience with a lasting impression.”
“I thought you said no talking to the enemy?” George asked.
“Exceptions are allowed to be made— Hermione stop picking at the uniform, you look amazing.”
She had given in to Ginny’s peer pressure and joined. She wasn’t sure how many games she was going to cheer for. Everything felt new and a bit uncomfortable but she promised to give two games a chance. She stood up and locked arms with you for comfort as both squads decided to head out of the Great Hall. George cleared his throat before you could turn around.
“My jumper?”
“Is mine now. You said I looked better in it.”
George scoffed as you gave a little pose. You left to go stretch and practice with everyone else. The second routine was better than the first at halftime. The Gryffindor squad did amazing as well. Just like with Hufflepuff, the Gryffindor quidditch team felt themselves hyped up more for the second half. In the end, Gryffindor beat you. You grabbed your phone when the game ended and made Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny take a picture. Posting it with a caption about hating that your favorite redheads fought for the other team, you retreated back to Gryffindor with them. They all found it funny how all your smack talk ended the moment the game did. Your friends had won so you were going to celebrate that win with them.
“Maybe Ilvermorny has a point about not caring so much about House,” Angelina said.
“Yeah, until you speak to a Slytherin,” Ron chimed in.
Gryffindor celebrated even louder than Hufflepuff did but the actions of your friends were the same, retreating to someone’s room. It was much larger than the other day with you, Marietta, Cho and Cedric. This time the Weasleys, Angelina, Lee, Alicia, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Harry, and Hermione were there. You were in the dorm that the twins and Lee shared with one other boy who was barely ever in the room. The door was locked and the room was silenced as Fred turned back to all of you.
“Phones in the middle. Nothing leaves this room.”
You rolled your eyes but did as he said. “You’re so dramatic.”
“And you’re so naive,” Lee said.
Hermione leaned over. “It’s true, this is more intense than the first day party.”
“More intense? People were locked in closets with each other, a seventh year Slytherin boy gave a strip tease, and five different Ravenclaws admitted they wanted to sleep with Alicia.”
“That’s what people are willing to do in front of other Houses and students they don’t trust.”
Your eyes went wide. “What the hell are y’all not willing to do in front of others then?”
“Depends on what group of friends,” Seamus said. “I heard in Ravenclaw it got awkward when someone admitted to cheating on their boyfriend. But then it turned into group counseling so it actually worked out.”
“Alright, then.”
It started tame with just talking over a card game. The first five minutes were spent with Ron teaching you the British rules because you were used to the American ones. They seemed simple enough. You called out a person and in the circle and tried to pull out a single card from your pile that you thought would be higher. Lower number has to do a dare. In America, you had to guess if you were lower or higher and based on that you took the dare.
“(Y/N), person?”
You both set down your cards. You had pulled a six of clubs and she had a five of hearts. Sighing in relief, you sat back and let the rest of the group pick a dare. Alicia licked the side of all the girls’ face— you argued that technically you were all being punished too with that dare.
The rounds kept going. Fred had to randomly take one of his own joke product treats. Neville picked up his phone under supervision and had to text someone of Dean’s choosing that he always had a massive crush on them. You had to DM Draco about going to Hogsmeade— which you had yet to go to. That was immediately followed by Lee kissing Fred. Ice was shoved into Dean’s pants. Hermione ate a spoon of hot sauce. Ron choked on a spoonful of butter. Angelina gave Harry a shoulder massage. Seamus got a hickey courtesy of Lee.
“I dare Harry,” Dean said with a smirk. “To go get his Lemonade t-shirt.”
Harry’s face was red as he muttered the accio spell. You couldn’t figure out why they were all laughing. You never thought it was weird that your classmates had Lemonade shirts. You had signed a few shirts, some albums, and even tour merch. It was your life and since everyone was pretty respectful about it, you never felt weird. The laughing didn’t stop as a small thump hit the closed door and then the shirt was on the other side and returning its journey to Harry’s hand.
You understood now after seeing the pink. Everyone in Lemonade had a set color assigned to them. Your stage name, LC, stood for lovely cutie— which became embarrassing to admit the older you got. Because of that you were given the flavor of Strawberry Lemonade and pink as your official drink and color. All of your individual member merch was pink and strawberry themed. Which meant the pink shirt that Harry was slowly unraveling was a solo shirt. Your face— specifically from your Monster Heart Tour— was staring back at you.
“Sirius and I went to your tour for my fourteenth birthday,” Harry admitted, sheepishly.
You tried to put him out of his misery as everyone kept chuckling after you offered to sign it. When you muttered accio, they thought a pen was coming. A silver Sharpie did appear— along with a black bundle of fabric. You unfolded your own t-shirt and Harry was staring at his own face.
“They were selling them after you defeated Voldemort… me and my mom got matching ones.”
You and Harry signed each other’s shirts and changed into them. Neville took a picture of you both wearing them. The game paused for a brief moment while you and Harry posted the photos with the matching captions: Bloody hell, I met someone famous. It was your turn again.    
You both set down your cards. His score was higher than yours, meaning the dare was yours.
“Pick a new game or continue this one?”
“Do I get to know the new game first?”
“Absolutely not,” Ginny answered.
“New game.”
The cup with pieces of paper was handed to you. You pulled out another piece of paper.  
“Truth or Drink.”
There was already a cup full of prepared questions for this game. You pulled out one since everyone said that you should start the game.
“What’s the most embarrassing thing your mom has walked in on you doing?” you read. “Practicing making out with my pillow.”
They all started laughing.
“No way,” Angelina stumbled out.
“I had never kissed a guy before our music video! I just wanted it to not look weird.”
“Music video? So this was last year?”
You took a sip of your water as if that wouldn’t answer their question.
“So how was the kiss?” Lee asked.
You scratched the back of your head. “Uhh—”
“Uh oh.” Alicia scratched at her shoulder. “That means he was bad.”
You played with the cup in your hand. “Yeah, no, not him.”
That made them all sit up. You knew there was no worming your way out of it.
“Kissing another person isn’t easy, there’s another mouth involved,” you tried to defend yourself.
“That’s kind of the point.”
“Well. He went right and I went left and then I kind of fell on him. Then I didn’t know we were using tongue so my mouth was closed at first and tongue feels weir—”
“Merlin, that’s a massive snog fail,” Lee muttered
“Yeah, we did one take and they just edited it to look nice. First and last kiss because then Marc told everyone.”
Angelina revealed that she almost got busted by Snape snogging some Ravenclaw before Potions class two years ago. George said he would swap brains with Hermione specifically during exam week. Ginny admitted to having a crush on both you and Harry when she was younger. Dean nearly lost his life when answering how far he and Ginny had gone. Fred finally told Angelina that he liked her.
You all found out that Alicia always matched her bra to her underwear, meanwhile sometimes Seamus just didn’t bother with underwear. Hermione revealed the biggest lie she ever told. Ron said he would throw Dean off the Astrology Tower if he had to pick someone— Dean expected it after his truth. Turns out Neville had a small crush on Luna. You revealed that once you pretended to have the flu just to get out of Lemonade practice.
“We should switch it up, whoever pulls asks the entire circle,” Alicia suggested.
You all agreed and thought it would be a good way to end the night since it was getting late and you were all getting tired— just from staying up, no one brought alcohol this time, you were drinking butterbeers or water. Lee pulled the next question.
“Have you ever thought about sleeping with a celebrity and who?”
They all looked at each other and everyone but Hermione and Angelina drank without another word. Whether you knew why they all got quiet or not, they wouldn’t know because your face didn’t seem to read a change in facial expression as you reached for the very last slip of paper.
“Oh, this is a tame one. What’s the worst date that you’ve ever been on?”
The game ended as the party did, the miraculous fourth roommate of the twins and Lee finally showing up. You all said byes to each other before retreating. Angelina and Alicia let you stay in their room so you wouldn’t get busted by Filch. The moment that curfew was over, you went back to your own House so you could change and take a nice shower.
Your phone made several beeping noises while you were in the shower, making you tilt your head. You got out to check it, completely forgetting about the card game earlier and the dares you had to do. There was a DM response from an account called platinumpureblood, Draco Malfoy.
Hogsmeade next weekend, we leave after breakfast. Here’s my number.
Seamus was going to have a field day at the fact that not only did Draco respond but he’s going with you. You put your phone on its charger when you got another text. This time it was actually a message to your phone since you texted the number that Draco had given you.
Come down to Slytherin, password is Black Lake
Was he always this pushy? You’d have to ask people later. Aside from the people that you hung out with, you didn’t know much about other Hogwarts’ students. You couldn’t remember everything about them either but your friends were trying to tell you everything about everyone. You took Salem, who fell asleep in your arms, and headed down to Slytherin.
Draco was in the common room waiting for you. He had spoken to Blaise and Theo for a good hour when you had sent the DM.At first, they were all so confused as to why you didn’t just go with Potter or Diggory. Theodore thought what Draco did that it was some dare. Blaise thought you might be just looking for someone new to talk to. Draco was going to ignore it at first. Sure, you were LC from Lemonade and he once had a crush on you like practically everyone else at the school. But you were a muggleborn. Who did he look like entertaining a stupid mudblood?
He only agreed to text back when Theo said that he should take you out, get a snog, and satisfy his younger self who had been crushing on you since second year. He was waiting for you to get to their common room so he could tell you the plan. He would show you around, buy you something at Honeyduke’s because he was a gentleman, you’d have tea at Madam Puddifoot’s shop, and then he’d get a snog and would never talk to you again. He needed to know if you liked tea or if he should skip the reservation at the shop.
One thing you learned about being a normal person was that when you went to a school like Hogwarts, parties were more frequent than you expected. Cedric said that it isn’t always like this. Apparently, the students were just too excited about not potentially dying thanks to Harry finally defeating Voldemort that they were enjoying themselves a little too much. Also it was October.
That part you understood. Ilvermorny was its liveliest in October. Every day leading up to the Halloween Bash was fun and different. The best part was the week before when you were allowed to mess with No-majs. Every year they thought the random haunted house was amazing or the costumes from trick-or-treaters were so elaborate. It was possibly the best time of year for a young witch or wizard.
At Hogwarts, the excitement was there but the activities were different. They were mainly student-run instead of being organized by the administration. So not only was next weekend your date with Draco Malfoy but it was also when the seventh years set up a haunted house in the Shrieking Shack— the only time of year people weren’t completely frightened by the place. However, this weekend was a party in the Slytherin common room.
Your group of friends had calmed down a bunch about an hour into the fun. Not ready to leave the party, however, you all found yourself sat on the floor near the fireplace. Your head was in Neville’s lap as you laid on the floor. It was in Angelina’s until she went to go get another drink and Fred followed. They came back five minutes later but it was five minutes too long for you to be expected to hold up your own head so you flopped over onto the person next to you. Neville wasn’t even phased, he just kept talking.
Despite it being Slytherin, Halloween seemed to make them super generous because not only was everyone in their common room but no-maj music started playing. You were absentmindedly scrolling on your phone— stalking all the old profiles that you hadn’t checked out in a long time and looking at costume ideas. As your thumb kept going, careful not to accidentally like something, ‘Put Your Records On’ came on. It was your warm up song go to back in Lemonade.
“Girl, put your records on. Tell me your favorite song, you go ahead…”
The talking had slowly died down as people’s heads turned. The music got quieter until some charmed it to switch to the instrumental without missing a beat. You weren’t paying attention, still scrolling, as you made it through the second verse and back to the chorus. Phones were pulled out as everyone started recording the mini LC concert that they were getting. Neville didn’t move, not sure if just adjusting his leg would throw you out of pitch. The song finished and you looked up when another one didn’t immediately start, figuring that Slytherin must’ve been ready to kick you all out now and stop the kindness.
All you saw were phones. Everyone had been filming. You weren’t as quiet as you thought. Your immediate thought was they were filming how bad you were. It was going to be all over the internet in a matter of minutes, how much you sucked. Tears started and so did the quick breathing. You shot up from resting on Neville and began to walk deliberately out of the common room. It was a warmup song so of course it was bad. You hadn’t done any stretching of your vocal chords, you had been drinking everything but water, you were laying down. But that wasn’t an excuse. You still performed horribly.
Neville felt like his lap was vibrating with how hard you were shaking. You quickly got up, trying to leave before you broke down or worse caught someone posting your singing for everyone to see. It was bad enough Lemonade had embarrassed you in every article after you left. You didn’t need your new school to do the same.
George followed immediately. He struggled to find you for a moment, mildly impressed that you had managed to get out of sight so quickly. Clearly, you still didn’t know your way around the school because he caught you walking out into the corridor, trying to find the staircase nearest Hufflepuff’s entrance. George caught up to you.
“Not now…” you paused to look at him. “George?”
“Look! You got it right. It’s not fair that you have such a good voice.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m telling the truth. You made everyone stop partying just so they could listen, you should sing more songs like that. Your voice sounds pretty with slow songs… hey, hey, (Y/N), breathe. Breathe with me, alright.”
George pulled you into a hug, breathing in an almost exaggerated manner so you could feel it. You slowly started breathing in time with him. When he felt that you were alright, he pulled away.
“I’d love to hear you sing again some time, if you’re up for it.”
George and study never belonged in the same sentence but he was always disappearing to the sixth floor. When confronted, he told the truth— studying. Because studying on the sixth floor meant getting to listen to you sing. You weren’t able to do it without distraction but if it seemed like he was focused on work and not you, you got through a couple songs. Most of the songs were muggle songs and you had yet to touch a song off of your solo albums or any of Lemonade’s discography. But you sounded amazing nonetheless.
(Part 5)...
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riridontneedya · 3 years
Authors note <3, Hiya guys , gals and non binary pals welcome to my first ever piece of writing for Tumblr I do hope you enjoy! I was hoping to make this a series so be sure to let me know what you think ,what you would like to see etc .I look forward to hearing from you guys!! I'd also love to add a shout out to the absolutley stunning @littlemissnoname13 she has been an absolute angel helping me navigate all of this .. our little co parenting project haha Im beyond grateful and her writing is just perfection so be sure to have a read .. Thanks again lots of love Ria xx
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!Reader, Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 1,700
Warnings: none as of yet.
Summary: For most of her life, Y/N has had trouble fitting in between the lines of Gryffindor and Slytherin. It also didn’t help that she was inseparable with Draco Malfoy…So what happens when she starts to get closer to Harry …
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“Wake up!” Exclaimed Draco. He abruptly yanked open the curtains allowing the sunlight to tumble in and illuminate every inch of his grand dorm. Y/N let out a wail as she dove under the duvet in a bid to protect her eyes from the harsh rays …but it was too late.
“Ugggh Draco you moron ! What was that for?” He let out a mischievous chuckle.
At this point y/n had poked her head from beneath the covers, eyes still adjusting, she watched as his tall shadowy figure sauntered towards her.
Once he was close enough she could see the wicked grin plastered across his face, he was clearly very proud of himself.
“Honestly you’re so annoying.” she remarked, rolling her eyes .
“What “! Scoffed Draco. “Now Y/N let's not lie to ourselves you sleep like the dead so don’t blame me for using more extreme measures” he chuckled.
“Ugggh whatever.” She motioned her hand for him to leave. “Go chastise the rest of the school but leave me be you git.”
He simply pulled a face and walked towards his desk.
Disoriented and groggy eyed Y/N tried to gather her thoughts. She knew it was an important day as she had a test in professor Snape's class so she had to have her wits about her, after all that’s why she was in Dracos room they were studying the night before.
“Right I’ve got loads to do before this test let me get ready.” Y/N began to mutter to herself. It was at this point Draco had swivelled around and was making his way towards her devious smile still intact . Y/n narrowed her eyes and wondered why he was so gleeful, he had to do the test himself.
He bent down, aligned himself by Y/N's ear and whispered “good luck.”.
As he drew away she looked at him bewildered.
“What did that mean ? Good luck.” She echoed his words back slowly.
“Yes , good luck Y/N good luck getting all that done with 5 minutes to spare.”
5 minutes what was he talking about . It was then it dawned on her before she had any time to react he withdrew his wand and with a flash the blonde had disappeared.
Y/N sat at the edge of the bed in utter shock for a moment , she then drew her attention to the massive grandfather clock adjacent to her. Draco was right she only had 5 minutes .. 4 now with the time spent gawping.
“Crap” she shrieked, leaped out of bed and frantically attempted to gather her belongings. She hastily grabbed a jumper and wrestled with it to get it on. Luckily she still had her uniform on from the night before so she needed her shoes , jumper and tie …..oh and books.
Most importantly her wand if she had any chance of making it she needed that.
“Wand wand where are you , if that idiot hid it I swear to merlin I will hex him.” she shrieked to herself as she scoured through all the contents on the floor.
Whilst she forcefully shook out the contents of a bag she heard the gentle clink of the wood hit the smooth marble. “Ah! There it is.” She grabbed it and with a quick swish she attempted to transport herself.
Y/N had done it she was right outside the classroom. Great.
Next step, slide in undetected to avoid the wrath of Snape. Y/N shuddered internally as she recalled the very displeased look of her professor the last time she was late.
As she rounded the corner in her hast she hadn’t seen Harry appear around the other corner also incoming at full speed. Oh dear...
It was inevitable what was going to happen Harry and Y/N collided and ricocheted themselves off one another sending books and wands flying and worst of all making a god awful thud causing everyone to direct their attention to them. So much for sliding in undetected.
Y/N managed to scrape herself up , she could already feel the bruises forming .
“Hhh-Harry she muttered.. Harry I am so so sorry.” She coyly extended her arm in hopes he’d accept it. He did pretty much instantly and once he was up she dusted off the shoulders of his robe then knelt down cautiously picking up his glasses and propping them on his face.
His emerald eyes widened just a little and His cheeks began to turn a gentle hue of pink as she continued to fuss over him.
“You’re ok, thank you for your help.” He finally said.
“Oh sorry.” Y/n stuttered, her hands flew up to her mouth afraid she had offended him.
“Oh no no it's fine don’t you worry. Honestly.” His arm reached up and caressed Y/Ns forearm.
She breathed a sigh of relief but still feeling that her apology was insufficient she blurted out “Let me make it up to you somehow over the weekend. Please Harry.”
Harry took a moment to ponder over this offer and then chimed up “Butter beers on you?”
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle as she felt the heat flood to her cheeks.
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” She couldn’t help but beam at the Gryffindor.
The giggles didn’t last long as the familiar drawl of Snape's voice echoed across the class.
“POTTER! INVICTA!.. It appears you must’ve bumped the sense out of you during the fall. It's the only explanation for you to be treating my class as if it were some sort of common room!”
All the blood formally in their cheeks fled , rendering them both pale.
“Get to your seats at once before I see to it you never have a weekend free in your life.” Snape hissed with venom.
They knew better than to dawdle and quickly clambered onto a desk.
Y/n began to organise her belongings; it wasn’t until she looked up that she was met with Draco's icy glare and naturally, she shot back a look of disgust.
What was his problem?
If anything she should’ve been glaring at him, but her look didn't waver him at all, he only further fixated his glare. Y/n could no longer entertain his erratic behaviour and she quickly decided to turn her attention to Harry. Deep down she knew it would probably irk him but as did many things out of her control and she couldn’t keep up besides their relationship was much deeper and complex than others would know.
Draco and Y/N were introduced at a mere few months old and were pretty much inseparable however the reason behind their meeting was a rather unique one. Had things been different they would have been enemy’s or just strangers who merely acknowledged one another in Hogwarts corridors or Y/N would’ve simply ceased to exist in Dracos realm.
This is because unbeknownst to Y/N she had been adopted by her Aunt Iris as an infant and Iris and her husband are notoriously great friends with the Malfoys. So great in fact that their manors were within stone throwing distance of one another.
Now the story of how Y/N was adopted begins with the sisters Violet and Iris.
They too were inseparable and would do anything for one another and that meant anything.
Iris the younger of the sisters had found love with a notorious Slytherin, the relationship didn’t blossom in school in fact you would’ve thought they despised one another, so it was much to everyone's surprise when she announced that he had left his previous Slytherin princess and two kids to be wed to Iris, a studious Gryffindor.
The family was not pleased but Violet's unconditional love for her sister knew no bounds.
She could not just cut ties with who she loved most.
This is why when Iris had found out she was unable to have kids of her own she sought the help of her beloved older sister. Of course it was a ludicrous idea but Iris’s marriage and life depended on her producing a child for her husband.
She loved him but she knew she was in too deep to tell him the truth. Thankfully, Violet and Iris favoured one another so that was ok. It was now the task of finding someone who favoured Iris's husband.
It was a cold blustery winter night and Violet had just about almost given up her quest that was until she spotted a match.
Several fire whiskeys later the deed had been done and all Violet now had to do was to ensure the healthy delivery of this child whilst Iris pretended she had finally fallen pregnant.
Now, Narcissia had Draco a few months prior so being the friends her and Iris were Y/N and Draco grew up together.
Thick as thieves, they used to wreak havoc together. There was never ending laughter, childish pranks and they had even fashioned a spell which allowed the mirrors in each of the rooms to connect to one another acting as a portal as such so they were never far apart.
They would have their own spot in Narcissa’s rose garden where they would meet up, share secrets and confide in one another.
Draco had also mastered a spell, a kind of spell that binded their wands so all the other person had to do was hold onto it and think of the other person and then their wand would gently illuminate letting the person know they were thinking of them. Now as endearing as this was, it all took a turn when it came to Hogwarts and the sorting hat.
Y/N already knew she was nothing like her family, but she wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she believed in. Her step brothers teased her relentlessly. Even her father acted as if she did even exist at times.
Matters were only made worse when she was sorted into Gryffindor. It was then Y/N's identity issue started.
She was crushed. She couldn’t bear the thought of the person she cared about despising her.
Draco didn’t want to hate her but his loyalties lay with Lucius. He just had a type of emotional hold on him which Y/n knew about all too well. When Y/n thought back of the times she’s tried to fit in she cringed. She’d worked tirelessly to repair relationships with those she offended.
She was somewhat of a social floater if you may.
She had similarities to the Slytherins as that's the kind of lifestyle she was immersed in but didn’t share their core values. On the other hand, her Gryffindor peers were dubious of her relationships and loyalties with them.
It was because of this she decided to just unapologetically be herself whether Draco or anyone liked it or not.
Even when they weren’t talking they always had a fierce loyalty for one another. Plus the binded wand as a reminder.
They found comfort in one another.
It was that which always helped them gravitate back.
They always found their way back to each other..
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scvrllet · 4 years
naps / d.m
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor!Reader
Summary: While Draco was out at Hogsmeade for most of the day, (Y/N) goes into his room to take a needed nap after finishing her exam that she stayed up late studying for. 
Warning(s): none
A/N: I got this idea at 3:30 am and thought it was cute so here’s a short blurb :)
Draco walked along the trail to Hogsmeade with Crabbe and Goyle on either side of him. As much as he’d much rather have you with him right now, you were finishing your history of magic exam. He walked aimlessly in and out of stores then deciding on exploring what else the village has to offer.
Back at Hogwarts you had just finished your exam that you stayed up till 5 am studying for, resulting in you only getting two hours of sleep. Leaving the great hall you were too tired to look where you were going and bumped into Blaise, a friend of Draco’s who is also one of your close friends.
“Hey (Y/N), you alright?” Blaise asked, noticing the bags under your eyes along with the tired expression you had.
“Yeah, just stayed up late studying for my exam.” you yawned. 
“Draco doesn’t like when you overwork yourself you know.” he sighed, “Maybe you should take a nap. The Slytherin common room is close by so I can get you in if you want to take a nap in Draco’s room”
Nodding, he took off his robe and told you to put it on so you could get in.
After getting through you returned his robe and hugged Blaise good bye before making your way up to Draco's room. Changing out of your school uniform you grabbed one of jumpers and sweatpants to sleep in before crawling into his bed and almost immediately fell asleep. 
When Draco got back to Hogwarts he tried looking for you everywhere, leaving Crabbe and Goyle to do whatever. He first tried asking the Golden Trio if they could get him inside the Gryffindor common room but when you weren’t there or in your room he tried the library. After asking everyone in the library if they have seen you with no avail, he tried the Astronomy tower then the room of requirement. He practically searched the entire school before giving up. He couldn’t even find Blaise or Pansy to ask if they’ve seen you either.  
Entering his bedroom he didn’t expect to see you curled up in his bed fast asleep in his clothing. Laughing softly he walked over to you and placed a kiss on your temple then picking up your clothes off the ground and folding them neatly. He quickly showered and got ready for bed, changing into a t shirt and sweatpants before joining you in his bed. Wrapping his hands around your stomach, he buried his head in the crook of your neck, placing small kisses. 
“Sleep well darling.” he whispered against your neck as he fell asleep with you in his arms. 
Taglist: @lunaralpha270​ 
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thora-jane · 4 years
Twin-Way Mirror Pt. 1 (Weasley Twins/Reader Love Triangle)
Series Summary: You've been friends with the Weasley twins since your first train to Hogwarts, but as the three of you start your 6th year, you start to question if your feelings go beyond friendship.
Summary for Pt 1: as Summer draws to a close, some old friends come to take you off to the Quidditch World Cup
Warnings: none, I don't think. Maybe some tension between you and your parents.
Word count: 2,200
female!reader, 2nd person POV
Summer Holidays were special, you supposed, what with everyone taking a break from classes and unwinding for a couple months. You personally hadn’t been as big of a fan since you started Hogwarts. You were a Muggleborn, and Hogwarts was the first time you felt you actually understood school. You had been a horrible student in muggle school and consistently got terrible marks, but at Hogwarts? You were the brightest witch of your year. Even before your first day of classes, you had poured over every book cover to cover, examined your wand and robes for hours on end, and it took everything inside you not to start making potions.
Summer holidays were just the months in between. The time when you would lie to all your muggle friends about your new school (a private school, meant to reform students doing poorly in the academics department), and hold your breath amidst the tension of your muggle parents heavily encouraging you to continue to study muggle subjects and go to a muggle university after you graduate (“Come now, (y/n), you can’t possibly think you can just live out your life as a witch, do you?”).
A silver lining to all of this were the letters you would get from your friends. Once the sun had gone down and you could release your pet owl, Eros, with a letter or two strapped to his foot. In the morning, he would fly back with a letter or package before falling asleep in his cage. The letters would be from a few different friends every once in a while; Angelina would write to you about the latest news in Quidditch, always assuring you that this would be the year you make it onto the team, Hermione would send you newspaper clippings as your parents didn’t want you subscribing to a wizard newspaper, even Oliver would write and tell you about how his summers were going since he knew you didn’t see your friends much. And of course, there were the letters from the Weasleys.
You were in the same year as the twins, Fred and George, but no one could ever be friends with just a few of the Weasleys, it was always all or nothing. Ginny would write to you about quidditch (also assuring you you’d make the team, though you never did), Mr. Weasely would write and ask for common muggle objects, or with a whole laundry list of questions about muggle life, Mrs. Weasely would write asking you if you were being taken care of, sending you recipes and craft patterns, knowing how much you loved to cook and work with yarn, even Ron and Percy would write you, though mostly because Mrs. Weasley made them. Percy never let on as he scribbled about ministry business, but almost all of Ron’s consisted of “How are you, I am fine, mum wants me to write you. The twins miss you. xoxo Sorry, that was Fred and George.”
Ah, the Twins. Their letters were always your favorite, filled with page-long jokes or stories of their epic pranks and escapades, sometimes with a chocolate frog or some other sweet taped to the inside of the letter. Of course, when they mentioned making a line of pranking sweets, you were a bit hesitant to eat some of the things they sent. But you always seemed to walk away from the experience with all your teeth and toes, so you figured you wouldn’t get pranked unless they were there in person.
You kept all the letters and souvenirs and clippings sent, and even hung some up on your bedroom wall. Of course, none of the letters sent to you went unanswered, there would be days on end when you would write and craft responses to them, especially when one of the twins sent you a letter. You always closed out their responses assuring them that the three of you would see eachother again soon, and that next term would arrive before they knew it.
Granted, when you said this, you didn’t expect anyone to show up on your doorstep one day.
You were up in your room, writing out a response to George’s most recent letter and scrounging around for one of the candybars you had bought for him after finally convincing him to try muggle candy. It was then that you heard the doorbell ring. You paid it no attention, and chalked it all up to one of your mum’s friends stopping by for a coffee.
This of course, was not the case. You heard a few different voices, besides your mum, one or two of them belonged to who you assumed were women, but the others sounded much deeper. Then you heard thumping footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. The next thing you knew, there was a loud pounding on the door.
Then there was silence.
You weren’t quite sure who was there, but you hadn’t heard anything from your parents about company. And if there was one thing you’ve learned at Hogwarts, in these past few years especially, is that you always need to be on your toes.
You drew your wand out from your tied back hair and, holding it at the ready, opened up the door.
You weren’t quite sure who you were expecting, but not a second later two messes of red and black hair came flying towards you as Harry and Ron yanked you into a half-hug, half-tackle.
“(y/n)!” Harry laughed, moving your hand holding your wand so it didn’t stab him in the face, “the look on your face!”
Ron almost snorted, “Bloody hell, the twins would have paid galleons to see that!”
It took you a moment to recover your breath, but once the two boys stepped back from their hug, you managed to stutter out a question.
“Why are...uh...what are you doing here? And where are the twins?” You turned to Ron, who had walked over to your desk and started looking up at all the letters tapped to the wall, he started talking, but you could tell he was much more absorbed in all the papers and pictures and doodles.
“We’re here to pick you up, you’re all packed, aren’t you? The cup is in a few days and-say, were you going to eat this?” he interrupted himself, holding up one of the candy bars.
You walked past your bed and yanked a pillow out from Harry, who had seemed to make himself comfortable before you hit him with a pillow, then did the same to Ron.
“No, you may not eat that, that isn’t for you. And what cup? What do you mean all packed?” You tossed the pillow back onto your bed, and it landed on Harry’s face with an ‘oof’ before you pulled your trunk out of the closet and started tossing some of your cleaner and folded laundry in there, “Ronald I have no clue what you’re talking about. Harry, what does he mean?”
Although neither of you were in the Weasely family, you and Harry treated each other like siblings. Maybe not close friends, but the two of you were close enough that talking to him wasn’t too difficult.
“The Quidditch World Cup. Ron, didn’t you tell her?” He sat back up on your bed, looking over at Ron with his brow furrowed, “Your mum had you write her about it the other day, yeah?”
Ron smacked himself in the head, “I knew I was forgetting something! (Y/n), Dad got enough tickets to the Quidditch World Cup and you’re coming with us. Now, mum thought I wrote you and you’re supposed to be packed for school too, we’re taking all your stuff to the burrow and dropping you off at the Hogwarts express with the rest of us.”
“You’re only just now telling me?!” You tried not to shriek as you started packing faster, racking through your brain for all the things you’d need. You hadn’t gotten the list of books yet this year, but you intended on going before the year started. After running to the closet again and tossing your school uniform into the trunk, you ran over to the desk and shoved Ron aside to grab your box of letter writing things and some of the magical books you thought might be useful this year. While hastily stacking the boxes and books into your trunk, you ordered Ron and Harry from over your shoulder, “Ron, my potions kit should be under the bed. Harry, run to the bathroom and grab the small bag with butterflies on it, it should have my toothbrush, soap, shampoo, makeup -bathroom stuff. Well?”
The two boys nodded, a little intimidated at the speed you were packing. As Harry Ran to the bathroom, you turned to Ron.
“Do you remember the extra thing on the list this year? Fourth years and up needed…?”
“Don’t remind me. Fourth years and up need dress robes. I hate mine, they’re bloody awful,” he sighed, looking morose as he handed you your cauldron full of potion tools, “I’ll look like an old lady in them. What about you?”
You ran over to the closet, rifling through the jumpers and other clothes, tossing a Mrs.-Weasley-Handmade-Jumper into the trunk, “My mum took me out to get a dress a few days back, it should be...ah yes, here it is,” You pulled out a dress with see-through billowy sleeves and a skirt that went almost to the floor when you wore it, “You think this is good enough?” He raised his eyebrows, nodding.
“It looks nice,” You could tell he wasn’t too interested and agreed only to be polite, but you appreciate the sentiment as you carefully tucked it into your trunk. Harry came back and tossed the bag to you and you added it to your trunk before closing the lid and placing Eros’s cage on top. Sticking your wand back into your hair and slinging your yarn bag over your shoulder, you looked back at the two boys.
“Where are the twins? I thought they would have wanted to come pick me up?”
Ron tossed you the candy bars on your desk before walking to the other side of the trunk and helping you lift it, “Well, mum needed Hermione and Harry to help us get to a muggle house, and I tagged along. They wanted to come, but mum said she wanted to make a good impression on your parents and the last time they picked someone up from a muggle house dad had to go to at least a dozen ministry hearings.”
You chuckled, remembering how back in their third year they stole the car to pick up Harry from his aunt and uncle’s, “That sounds about right, Harry, could you get the door?”
Harry picked up Eros’s cage and held the door wide open as you and Ron waddled the trunk out of your room, stopping as you got to the edge of the stairs.
Your mum, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley turned at the sound of you making your way down the hall. The two witches waved, their faces lighting up as you greeted them, then Mrs. Weasley pulled out her wand and waved it gently, “Let me help you with that, dearie,” She smiled as your trunk delicately floated down the stairs.
“(y/n), Mrs. Weasely and Miss-” She looked over at Hermione for a second, before Hermione answered. “Granger,” She smiled politely.
“Yes, Miss Granger just explained to me that their family was going to take you to a...Wizard Football match?” She smiled a little, puzzled by the own words coming out of her mouth, “they offered to have you stay at their house,” She glanced at your trunk and the wide grin on your face, “I take it you’re interested in going?”
You nodded vigorously before pausing, “Is...Is that alright with you?”
She smiled, though it looked a bit forced, “Yes, yes it is. Just make sure you brush up on your real school subjects, please. And do mind your manners.”
You practically squealed, your hands shaking excitedly as you ran to grab your normal shoes (school shoes and dress shoes had been packed in the trunk).
Mrs. Weasely thanked your mum again and the boys and Hermione helped carry your trunk out to the car. Once you had all settled in and started to drive off, Mrs. Weasley looked at you through the rearview mirror.
“Your mum seems like a wonderful lady, but she isn’t too fond of magic, is she?” She asked gently, and you noticed the whole car go a bit quiet.
“No, she isn’t. I think she’d rather I focus more on traditional muggle subjects than magic,” You answered shyly, looking down at the yarn in your bag.
“Ah well, I wouldn’t fret too much over that, dearie. Muggles can be like that sometimes, but she’ll come around,” She offered a smile through the mirror again. Before you knew it, you were back to talking with your younger friends, excitedly asking about their summers as the five of you made your trip back to the burrow.
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15-dogs · 4 years
Hi! I saw that your requests were open so can I request harry x female reader with prompt #2 from prompt list 2?? Thank you :)
best dressed |h.p.|
pairing: harry potter x fem!reader
summary: you’re paired up with your long time crush, harry, for your amortentia project when things go awry
prompt: your shirt/jumper was in the laundry pile and I couldn’t help but steal it
warnings: none
guide: (Y/N) = your name, (Y/L/N) = your last name
word count: 2406
a/n: may I just say that this is my first ever request and I was literally so happy when I saw it!! I hope I did your request justice lmk what you think :)
Things were going terribly, to say the least. Well, not terribly, but certainly not good. Hermione always did say you had a flair for the dramatics. You and Harry were partnered up during Potions for a big project, one that took you ages to complete. Of course, you just so happened to be brewing amortentia, and Hermione had just so happened to abandon you with the guy you were hopelessly crushing on. So, really, it shouldn’t have been all that bad. Concocting love potion with the guy you liked seemed like something out of a muggle romance novel but things never seem to turn out the way you wanted them to.
“So,” you began, depositing the materials on your shared desk, “here’s the stuff we need. Slughorn said that it’ll take nine days to brew this so we might as well get started.”
Harry nodded and cracked open his textbook. Your heart ached a little; he couldn’t even look at you? Not even reply with a semi-enthusiastic “yes”? Apparently not. He had been acting strangely ever since you two were partnered up but you dismissed it, opting to relish the time spent with the messy haired boy next to you.
“Okay, first, we turn on the flame.” You lit a fire with your wand underneath the cauldron and it grew larger with every passing second. Harry looked up, eyes wide, jumping up from his seat to tug you away.
“You could burn yourself!” he scolded. He took his own wand out and muttered a spell to reduce the flames.
However, you couldn’t focus on what he said as your back was flush against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding, wondering what on Earth could have gotten him so nervous. He seemed to notice that you had been silent for a moment too long (because the feeling of his strong arm clutching your waist was a bit distracting) and quickly retracted his hands, hurrying back to his seat.
“Since when have you been so careful?” you teased, raising an eyebrow at him with suspicion. He glanced over his shoulder at you as you resumed your position beside him.
“Since always,” he replied with a shrug. You began to laugh loudly at him and he looked up at you, blush coating his cheeks. For a moment, you faltered at the sight before regaining your sense of self.
Clearing your throat, you said, “Yeah, right. Next thing you’re going to tell me is that I’m related to Malfoy.”
A smile erupted on Harry’s face that had you weak in the knees. “Don’t joke about that. Don’t want that one coming true, now do we?”
It was the third day into brewing and you and Harry had decided to meet up after classes to check on your potion. Both of you had stripped of your heavy school uniforms once you entered the stuffy classroom, draping robes and sweaters on the chairs near the back of the room.
“You know, I wasn’t so impressed with the season this year. The Canons barely proved competition to anyone but the Harpies!” you complained as you stirred the potion. Harry chuckled at your enthusiasm.
“Is that so?”
“That is so!”
You couldn’t help but laugh with him. His happiness was so contagious, it was ridiculous. Sometimes you thought that he knew how you felt but Hermione assured you that it wasn’t obvious. No, those longing glances in class weren’t obvious, nor were the pronounced ogling of him as you daydreamed.
How could he be so oblivious?
Harry scanned his textbook, his brows knit together. He ran his finger across the words again with confusion. He looked up at you and explained, “I’m going to fetch something from the ingredients closet, d’you mind?”
“If it’ll speed this up, please go for it.”
Although your words were joking, Harry seemed a little disappointed. His smile fell slightly before he nodded with a grin that didn’t quite meet his eyes. He disappeared into the closet leaving you feeling lost.
Ah, perfect. Where things go wrong.
You never even bothered to ask him what he was getting. Thinking you were doing yourself a favor, you glanced at the textbook. Would you look at that, that flames should be higher. You took out your wand to induce a larger flame, causing the potion to bubble. But then it started to boil. And then it exploded.
It wasn’t a loud, dramatic pop, but rather a silent burst of hot solution staining your entire shirt. You immediately turned the flames down before groaning at the sight of your ruined shirt. You peeked at the closet doorway, then ran over towards the abandoned clothing at the back of the room.
You shouldn’t have done it, but you did. Harry’s sweater almost looked too promising. Your fingers subconsciously reached out to it after removing your blouse. You slipped on the worn material, massaging the cloth between your fingers. You raised the fabric to your nose, inhaling light cologne and laundry detergent.
“Is that my jumper?” Harry asked. His voice made your heart jump into your throat. Your hands began to shake as you turned around to meet his eyes. You gasped at the way his gaze lustfully roved over your body.
“I...yes, sorry. I, um, blew up the potion.” You winced at your words, your eyes clenching shut to avoid his glare. You opened them after you heard footsteps coming your way.
“Well,” Harry began, glancing over his shoulder at the mess, “still made it farther than I could alone.”
Your laughter got caught in your throat at the way he studied you. He was so close, it was intoxicating. Whatever aromas that lingered on his sweater were a thousand times more powerful up close. You let out a shaky breath as Harry hesitantly placed his hands on your hips. Before you could ask what he was doing, he kissed you. You were frozen, your cheeks red hot with embarrassment.
He pulled away quickly, raising his hands in the air. He shook his head and backed up into the table, nearly knocking over the half emptied cauldron. You took a few steps towards him but he tried to back up further.
“I can clean this up,” he offered. “Go to dinner.”
“But Harry-”
“It’s really okay, (Y/N).”
You slowly exited the Potions classroom and made your way to the Great Hall, wondering what in the world had just happened. You anxiously tugged at the sleeves of the sweater you wore, realizing just then that you had left with Harry’s sweater on.
Harry was quite good at avoiding people when he needed to. You could barely chat with him during class because he had his nose buried in his textbook which, for everyone there, was a rather strange occurrence. Rumors spread quickly about the two of you after you had attended dinner in a size too large Gryffindor sweater― Hogwarts did love a good rumor.
Fantastic. Another way to ruin Harry’s day.
Slughorn had been quite angry at the two of you for screwing up the potion. He docked your grades and encouraged the two of you to split up because you were no good working together. You were forced to join Malfoy and Crabbe while Harry got the pleasure of joining Ron and Hermione. At least you didn’t have to feel guilty about partnering him up with someone he hated. You decided you could take the bullet on that one.
But leaving you in the dark like that was something you couldn’t accept. You had begged Hermione to clue you in on anything that Harry might’ve said that would have pertained to you but she claimed she knew nothing. She was quite an awful liar.
“I don’t buy it,” she replied with a shake of your head. Hermione feigned offence before dropping her facade at your knowing look.
“Fine, so he may have mentioned something.”
Your heart began to race. “Something? What? What did he say?”
“He mentioned something about his jumper being missing? How he felt guilty about...Godric, what was it?”
You groaned, tugging at your hair. “Come on, spit it out!”
Hermione sent you a sharp look. “I’m trying, (Y/N), Merlin...oh! Right. He said he felt guilty about not following through. Does that mean anything to you?”
You scoured your mind, searching for an answer. Sadly, you shook your head. “When did things get so bloody complicated with him?”
You sauntered up to your dorm not too long after, feeling an emotional toll on yourself. Harry was your friend, first and foremost, but now he acted like he didn’t even know you. As you fell on your bed, you noticed the house elves deposited your fresh laundry there. You shuffled through the items, freezing as Harry’s sweater was mixed in.
You shouldn’t do it, no. But of course you did. You threw that thing on with haste, wasting no time in bringing the material up to your nose. His smell was still there, at least a little bit of it. Enough lingered so that you fell asleep, dreaming of Harry beside you. You dreamt of him holding you against his chest, how his hands would slowly trail down your back and pop under his sweater which you wore, caressing your skin softly. He would trace his initials into your back, not to say that he owned you, but rather to say that he had someone to spend the rest of his life with.
Yes, those were nice things to think about, but clearly they would never happen as Harry had really taken to not talking to you. However, you didn’t need to think about that.
Malfoy and Crabbe squished you between them, their shoulders on yours. You huffed a little as you tried to wiggle out of their enclosure, the two bullies cackling to themselves.
“Leave her alone, Malfoy,” Harry commanded. His sudden presence made you jump― so now he wanted to talk to you?
“So, it’s true, then? Potter is in love?” Malfoy sneered. When he was distracted, you managed to slip out from the two Slytherins and slide over towards Hermione, nodding a polite thanks at Harry.
Before Harry could fight back, Slughorn demanded everyone return to their stations as they were to test out their potions. One by one, students announced the scents that appeared in their amortentia. But honestly, everyone was really only waiting for two people to respond: you and Harry. Were the rumors true? Were you putting on an act? Who is Harry Potter’s soulmate?
Whispers flooded the room as Harry leaned forward to smell the potion. He instantly went red, looking at you from the corner of his eye. He gave a tight-lipped smile to Slughorn before he said, “Must be coming down with something because I can’t smell a thing.”
Slughorn, who looked like he would combust from all the commotion, simply nodded. “Right, then. Next is...Miss (Y/L/N).”
Your heart pounded in your ears. Although you hated to admit it, you were beginning to buy into those rumors; who really was Harry Potter’s soulmate?
You took a deep inhale, then frowned. You tried it again, groaning as you looked over at Harry. “Harry,” you complained quietly, “would you stop wearing that...cologne? Whatever it is, I can’t smell the potion.”
Harry’s eyes went wide. You raised a brow at him in confusion. Murmurs filled the room.
“Erm, (Y/N)?”
“What?” you responded, slightly irritated.
“I’m not wearing any cologne. In fact, I used Ron’s soaps today because I ran out of mine.”
Your jaw dropped. While still maintaining eye contact, you leaned forward once more to sniff the potion. All you could smell was that cologne, wait...no, there was broomstick wax and pine. It felt like inhaling his scent from his sweater all over again.
Class was painfully slow after that. Harry bounced his leg anxiously while you fiddled with your robe to avoid looking at him. A pit formed deep in your stomach― it was almost too embarrassing that, not only did Harry know that you liked him, but the whole class knew as well.
The second class ended, you darted out of the room and towards the dorms. Harry couldn’t keep up with you so he ended up trailing lamely behind. You bolted upstairs to your room and sniffed his sweater again and again, confirming you hadn’t gone mad for thinking that you smelled Harry in your amortentia. As your anxiety increased, you put on Harry’s sweater, the action instantly grounding you.
“(Y/N)!” a familiar voice shouted from outside your window. “(Y/N), please! I’ll cause a scene if I have to!”
You peeked out the window to see Harry hovering on his broom. You cracked the window open and let him in, feeling your body thrumming with nerves.
“Are you thick?” you cried. “What are you doing?”
“(Y/N), I lied. I smelled you in the potion, I just...I couldn’t put you through any more humiliation, so I lied!”
“Humiliation?” And here you were thinking you humiliated him.
“Yes, humiliation. I knew that my feelings towards you would come out one way or another, but I never expected it to be the way that it did, spiraling into rumors and all.”
“What are you saying? You fancied me prior to this?”
That’s not exactly what you wanted to say but you couldn’t help yourself. The words just spilled out of your mouth and you couldn’t take them back.
“I don’t want you to be just another rumor.”
“That’s not funny, Harry,” you mumbled dismally.
Harry gripped your arm to get your attention, his eyes looking through you were severe intensity. You gasped slightly at the feeling, butterflies erupting in your stomach. Harry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off when he noticed the familiar material in his hands.
“Is that my jumper?” Your body went rigid at his words.
Harry’s eyes flickered down to your lips. You didn’t have time to process the action before he was on you, kissing you sweetly. You clutched him for support as his gentle kiss left you stumbling. Your arms snaked around the back of his neck, playing with tails of his hair as he pulled away from you.
Ah, right. Hermione’s comment made sense now. There was the follow through.
“It looks much better on you, anyway.”
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quill-and-chalk · 3 years
I decided to just post my fanfic on tumblr cause why not, also cause I think it pairs well with the latest Episode. (Like a fine wine) Also if you don’t like reading fanfic via tumblr it’s also on my AO3
Home CH1: Winners aren’t usually covered in dirt
Luz felt the magical energy zoom past her ear. If that had been a few inches closer to her face, she would have been done for. Her breath was getting heavy. How long had they been fighting? It felt like hours, but Luz knew it couldn't have been more than 15 minutes.
"Are you getting tired?" The Golden Guard asked. Luz noticed a little smirk appear on his face. She couldn't give in that easily.
"You wish!" She yelled as her staff glowed, and a fiery ball of magic made its way towards her opponent. Yet, he redirected it with a simple swish of his staff. Luz could feel herself getting tired and annoyed. She grumbled as she clumsily fired fireball after fireball, each one getting redirected or dodged.
"Oh, Come on, is that the best you got?" The boy twirled his staff as plants began to sprout around Luz's feat, holding her in place. She could feel the roots digging into her ankles as they crawled up her legs. She tried to pull away, but the magic was too strong.
"Oh, come on!" She complained as she stabbed her staff into the ground. It glowed red as icy spikes made their way towards the Golden Guard. He easily dodged the oncoming attack and rushed towards her. Before Luz could blink, he was standing in front of her, staff at her throat.
There was a quiet moment. The arena was silent as they both waited for the other to speak.
"Fine, I give in," Luz said as she gently pushed Hunter's staff away, "Just help me get these vines off."
Hunter smiled, reveling in his small victory, as he made the vines disappear with one swift motion of his staff. The moment Luz was untangled, she fell to the ground and let herself catch her breath. She felt the coarse dirt of the castle courtyard on her skin as well as the new aches and pains she got from that fight. She was going to be sore tomorrow.
"How do you not get tired?" Luz asked as she gasped for more air. She could barely get through a 15-minute fight, yet she knew Hunter had been in battles that lasted for hours.
"I don't know," Hunter said as he held out his hand for Luz, "You just kinda... get used to it."
Luz took his hand and pulled herself up. She brushed off the dust that accumulated on her light blue cloak and uniform. She honestly looked like a mess, with her sweaty hair, bruises, and dirt stains. Of course, Hunter looked nearly spotless, as he usually did after they sparred. If Luz was being honest, she was getting a bit tired of constantly losing to him.
"When did you learn that plant trick?" Luz asked as she went to grab her things. She had read about a spell like that but hadn't gotten around to learning it yet, and had assumed Hunter never bothered to learn it either.
Clearly, she was wrong.
"This morning, actually! That was my first time trying it out." Hunter said, a bit proud of himself, as he picked up a few of his books. They all looked new, and Luz had to wonder how often this man was hitting up the library. She would be lying if she said she didn't notice the constant bags under his eyes. He always seemed to be lacking sleep, grabbing quick naps whenever he could. Plus, he always seemed to be trying out new spells. Could all of this be because he was studying too much?
"So whatcha reading?" Luz asked as she grabbed one of the books from his hands. She glanced at the cover to see what he was reading, 'The Magic of the Savage Ages: A History of Wild Magic'
Before Luz could ask questions, Hunter had snatched the book out of her hands, "What the heck, Luz? Don't you know not to take things from people?"
Luz thought about questioning him. Hunter told her everything, so why was he being so secretive about this? Though judging by the way he was now clutching his books to his chest, she figured it best not to ask him about it.
Hunter cleared his throat as he gathered more of his things. He clearly wanted to change the subject, "Didn't Belos say he wanted to meet with you today?"
Luz's eyes lit up when he said this, "Yes! And I think it's good news about the portal!" She then took a pause, her face deep in thought, "And I told him I would meet him in fifteen minutes! I have to run!"
She then began to dash across the courtyard, still covered in dirt and sweat from training. She ran past guards who weren't that surprised to see Luz rushing past them. I mean, the girl wasn't known for being punctual. She could hear her black boots clicking on the castle floors as she weaved her way through the hallways. But just as she was about to turn a final corner, someone walked right into her.
They both hit the cold ground with a thud.
Luz looked over to see a familiar green-haired witch and realized the person she bumped into was none other than Amity Blight herself, "Heeeyy Amity," Luz said as she picked up the girl's things.
Blight's eyes looked over the messy girl holding her stack of books and papers with disgust. She carefully took her stuff from Luz's hand, extra careful not to touch the dirt, "Luz," She infused the name with annoyance.
You could say they had a bit of a rivalry.
"So, did you just have a class with Lilith?" Luz asked. She really didn't have time for this, and she knew it, but she didn't want to crash into Amity and runoff. That would be rude.
"Yes, it just finished, and did you just get done rolling around in the dirt?" She asked as she brushed some dirt off one of her books.
A flush of embarrassment went across Luz's face, "Well, me and the Golden Guard were actually sparing in the courtyard,"
" Did you lose?" Amity asked with an eyebrow raised. The worst part about it was the confidence in her voice. It's things like that that made Luz despise Amity.
"How do you know I lost?" Luz asked.
"Winners aren't typically covered in dirt and bruises," With that final statement, and a very dramatic flip of her hair, she walked off. She didn't even leave time for Luz to rebuttal.
No matter, Luz had places to be anyway. She decided that Amity was, somewhat, right; in the fact that Luz shouldn't walk up to Belos covered in dirt. She swirled her staff around, and magically an illusion spell covered her body. It adjusted her short curly hair, and it made her blue jumper look pristine and fresh.
She admired her handy work before she began to run towards Belos' chamber once again, and this time made it without a hitch. She braced herself before opening the doors.
They sounded heavy as they slowly creaked open. The Emperor's room always smelled like they were trying to hide the scent of decay. Which, to be fair, they were. But when you have a dead titans heart in your throne room, there's not much you can do about the smell.
"Hello, Luz," Belos' voice rang through the throne room, and its sound reminded Luz of someone talking in an empty cathedral, "I have some good news for you."
Luz gave a smile, "What is it?" She asked out of nicety, but she knew what he was going to say. She had heard someone from the emperor's coven discussing it in the hallways yesterday.
"We found the witch who stole the portal; now it's just a matter of obtaining it," He began to walk towards Luz and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "After ten years, you can finally go back home."
Luz had to bite back a squeal as Belos told her the news. She could finally see her Mom, she could go to human school, and maybe she could finally see a giraffe! There were so many things rushing through her head, but she had to stay calm because Belos was no doubt about to send her on a mission to retrieve the portal. So she straightened herself up and was prepared to be sent on her first task. She waited for him to say the word, but then...
"I'm sending Lilith to retrieve the portal, so, hopefully, we will have it in a few day's time."
Luz had to make sure she heard him correctly. Why was he sending Lilith? She's been training for this her whole life for this moment, and, if she's being honest, she didn't think Lilith was the type to get her hands dirty on a task like this.
Before she could think about it, the words were shooting out of her mouth, "What do you mean you're sending Lilith?"
The words echoed in the quiet throne room. She covered her mouth, but it was too late. Belos turned his full attention towards her, his mask giving Luz a cold dead stare. Luz felt her shoulders tense as she realized she not only spoke out of turn but questioned his decisions as well.
But Belos didn't get mad like she thought he would. His voice turned strangely warm, and he placed his cold metallic hand on her cheek, "Oh Luz, I know you want to go out there and find this portal, but I have my reasons for sending Lilith on this mission. She needs to prove herself to me. And besides, you know that I am only doing what's best for you, right?"
"Yes, Belos," Luz said as he pulled his hand away.
"Then it's settled," Belos' voice evened out again, morphing right back into his stern and decisive tone, "I will call you back when we have more information, but until then you are dismissed."
He waved her away, and that was it. Luz walked out of the room and heard the heavy doors close behind her.
She didn't know why but she always felt empty when she talked to Belos about going back. There was this tugging on her heart she could never get to go away.
Only one thing sorta-cured this emptiness was reading about the human world. She couldn't count how many times she had snuck into the library as a child, staying up late to read just one more page about humans.
She made her way to the palace library, which took up almost the whole upper west wing. It was filled with dust-covered books, some she was convinced had never been read. It had towering shelves that smelled of worn leather and crisp pages.
As she made her way to the human section of the library she saw Hunter from the corner of her eye. He seemed to be buried in a book about wild magic, and she noticed he was mumbling something to himself. He was so focused on his reading that he didn't even see Luz.
Luz crept towards him, trying to keep as quiet as possible. She ducked behind a row of shelves that stood only a few feet away from him. She took a few moments before leaping out from behind the books, "Caught you red-handed!"
"Aggghhh!" Hunter yelled as he almost fell out of his seat. He took a moment to realize it was Luz, "Titan, Luz, you can't scare me like that."
"I can, and I did," Luz chuckled. She could see the title of the book he was reading now, 'The Full Effects of Wild Magic.' She looked at Hunter, who looked down at the book then back at her. There was a tight silence because they both knew the question that lingered in the air.
Luz finally broke the silence, "Why are you reading about wild magic?"
She and Hunter both heard the stories of wild magic gone wrong. She even heard rumors of witches who went crazy because of it. Plus, the practice was outdated anyway, and they had no use for it now. So you could say she found it a little suspicious that Hunter took such an... interest in it.
"I just," He paused and looked at Luz for a moment. He seemed to be debating whether he could trust her or not. He finally made a decision, " Belos doesn't want me too but I want to see if I can help him. Wild magic hurt him so maybe... it can cure him as well."
He looked to Luz hoping she would understand. She had to because if she didn't she might rat him out to Belos, and he wasn't looking forward to that conversation.
After a few seconds of silence, he seemed to regret his decision, "Please don't tell Belos; if he found out, he would get super mad."
"Hunter..." She looked dead into his eyes; her face was serious, "This. Sounds. So. Cool!"
She plopped herself down into the chair next to him, "I mean, I was worried you were becoming some anti-coven witch, but this sounds great! You have to let me help."
Hunter gave her a quizzical look, "You really want to help?"
"Yea," Luz said, picking up one of the books from the small pile next to him, " Why not? Belos has helped me for so long, I feel like I should pay him back. Ya know."
"I know what you mean," Hunter said as he returned to his book. Luz also decided she should crack open the book she was reading. They remained like that for a few minutes before Hunter suddenly looked up.
"Why were you in the library anyway?"
Luz thought for a moment and decided not to tell Hunter about why she came here. It was embarrassing to her because she felt a bit stupid finding comfort in a bunch of old books and scientific papers, "Oh no reason,"
"So I tell you everything, but you get to be all secretive?"
"Hunter, for once, you are correct," Luz chuckled before returning to her book. Hunter really didn't need to know why Luz came to the library because he would never understand. Also, it didn't matter why Luz came anyway; because that emptiness began to fade away as she and Hunter sat together in comfortable silence.
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lyn-rambles · 4 years
Did you know? || Yaku Morisuke x Reader ||
Hello again my fellows
Ok so this one shot is part of the Haikyuu Headquarters server collab  we all very happy to show our works, so please check out other works and give all the writers and artists a look uwu. If you want to see more of this type of content please use this.
I hope this time it gets posted because tumblr has been eating this thing ;-;
Pairing: Yaku x reader
Prompt: You woke me up at 3am for this?
Altern Universe: N/A
                                                                 PoV: Second person 
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.5 K
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Yaku had a rough day, practice with the Japan National Team had exhausted him, he could barely walk to his shower to get off all the sweat from his body. He had been staying at the Japan's volleyball Association’s Dorms while he got arrangements done to stay in a more comfortable place. The cool water felt great against his sore body, they practically cleaned the gym floor that day doing drills and receives most of it. He was amazed to see that Hinata had gotten better at them and also was glad to see some old friends and known faces, he was also happy to see Kuroo again but he wasn’t going to tell him that out loud… He had a reputation to keep.
He closed the water and stepped out fresh, and feeling better, maybe not less tired but a bit more comfortable with his body. Yaku slipped on his pajamas and looked at his phone. The little LED had twinkled the whole afternoon, the color red immediately made him think that he must be out of battery and as he unlocked it he found your message. A smile grew in his lips. After his graduation you both had tried to keep contact. At the time you were still a second year but you got to be acquainted quickly. You had lived near each other, yet, you didn’t attend the same middle school it wasn’t like you an Yaku had talked too much, until you became a first year at Nekoma.
“I don’t know if you’ll see this before training but I wanted to show you this” and then showed a photo of the new samples you had prepared for your bio class. You worked as a teacher on a Junior High School, and had talked him about your plans on using plant samples to teach about the common tissues on them. He smiled at how proudly you had shown him the images from the microscope. He replied to you congratulating on the quality of them. He remembered how fascinating you found the world around and how happy you were on telling others about it. You had always rambled facts about animals, space, plants, the solar systems, name it you probably had a fun fact about it. It was that hunger for knowledge and the love of spreading it was what drawn him to you on first place. You were part of the science club. Professor Murakama, the bio teacher was in charge of your club, and Morisuke hadn’t talked with him outside from classes but Kuroo had insisted on him to help him getting some works they had delivered and he wanted a revision even though he almost got a perfect mark.
“Hello there!” he greeted them. He had lifted his safety glasses. And the small circle of students that surrounded him turned to them. Morisuke didn’t know most of the people there, since most of them were first years, but he waved at you. You returned it. Of course you knew Yaku, he had lived next to your house since forever but you had never actually been close. Kuroo got to the professor and he just stood awkwardly on the door frame as everyone returned to the working tables.
The professor muttered something to himself. As he checked on Kuroo’s worksheet. “Yaku, why don’t you join our experimentation while I go to the teacher’s lounge with Kuroo?” he asked him. “You can use my lab coat and safety glasses while you are at it.”
Morisuke put on the equipment as he reminded everyone to be mindful of the lab rules pasted on a cardboard on the wall behind Yaku. The students divided on partners and you sat on a work table alone.
“What is it (Y/LN)? Why aren’t you working with anybody?” Yaku asked as he sat down next to you.
“We are an odd number of students, so today is my turn to work alone.” He turned to see one of her classmates mouthing to her that he was sorry. “You are free if you only want to watch, since you don’t have rubber gloves.”
That day seemed so long ago, he had watched as she prepared the acidic solution in a beaker and added drops of phenolphthalein before adding a strong base and watched in awe how the liquid started to get a hot pink color.
“Wha- Whe- How?!” he had asked you.
Since then, it was history. He had sometimes went at lunch time to see how were you doing, being a first year was tough. And you sometimes met him at the cafeteria before getting back to your friends. Then he got your number and that’s when the rambling about random science facts became constant. He always had at least one image and a new fact, such as “Hey! Did you knew that elephants are the only species with 4 knees?” He always had a smile at that and he didn’t notice when he started to look at them with fondness until his teammates pointed it out. And then it happened, one day he just didn’t get the random fact of the day as you two had started to call it, by your second year, even he had started to send you those kind of things or whenever he found out about some new exhibit. His friend urged him to already ask you out as he clearly had signs of endorphin rush whenever they mentioned her or Talk saw her. Up to this day he never knew why he didn’t do it, even more when he got so concerned that you didn’t even saw his text, since you always answered quite fast. He walked outside of the VB team staff room and walked to the entrance alone. And he rose his gaze and you were there under a tree, with your head between your arms. He rushed at your side, without knowing what to do, he put his hand on your shoulder.
You shot your head up only to see his face. He looked as your face was tainted with tears.
“Hey, (Y/N),” his voice wavered. “What happened?”
You only cleaned your eyes with the corner pf ypur jumper. And used a napkin to clean your runny nose. “Nothing… I am fine, Morisuke.” You managed a constrained smile, he stood up and offered his hand.
“Come on, let me walk you home.” You took his hand.
That day you were supposed to tell your feelings to your crush. You had been harboring feelings for him since you met him on your first year and today, you (with Yaku’s help) had worked enough courage to tell him. You had crafted a love letter to cite him on your classroom and tell him there after school. He had also helped you (he almost did it all) to bake some small cookies to gift him.
There you stood with your crush in front of you, you had told him. You had done it, this is the moment where he accepts and-
“I like you, as a friend, your intelligence is quiet intimidating and I can’t see you as more than a friend because of it.”
Morisuke had heard your story, as you started to sob again. You were sitting on the sidewalk in front of your house as he took out a napkin and scooted near to you as you kept crying, his left arm grabbed you by the shoulder and he embraced you. Your violent breaths calmed and he let you go. His uniform now had moisted with what you called “nose tears” (“Morisuke! Did you knew that when you cry some of your tears go down on your nose and that’s why you have a runny nose every time you cry?”) but he could wash it later. Right now the only important thing was you.
“Morisuke, you are my friend, right?” He nodded. “is my-“
“No” he had answered right away.
“But you didn’t even let me finish” you pushed him with a playful manner.
“I knew what you where gonna ask and my answer is no.” He searched on the paper bag and handed you a chocolate filled bread. “I know your favorites are caramel ones, but right now you need something to raise your serotonin levels.” You took it and looked at him, you had sent him that fact when you had suggested to make the cookies. “Besides if he feels intimidated by something as petty as that, he doesn’t deserve a the time of day, he doesn’t deserve you.” He grumbled. You had stared at him wide eyed as his face started to get pink and bid you farewell as he slammed his house door. You smiled as you clenched the bread.
And then his graduation came. You had sneaked from cleaning duty thanks to your best friend (“Go get him, (Y/N)!”) He had also been encouraged by his friends this might be the last time he could tell you about his feelings. His family was throwing a small dinner and they had invited you since you had started to spend more and more time with Morisuke. His mom had made Stir-fried vegetables with other dishes. All his family gathered inside as you two talked on the same sidewalk, you both had been sharing some good old laughs.
You still held your stomach with your arms at Yakkun as he rubbed his leg after slapping it while he laughed. He had the sting of tears of laughing and of pain on leg, but he kept going. Until both of you had calmed and the small faint dread of bursting out laughing again came back.
“Ok, now in all seriousness, (Y/N)” he tried to regain his composure and you snorted at him as he bit his lip to suppress another laugh. “I have something to tell you- please breathe… slowly” His gaze was heavy with feigned disdain as he turned around to not laugh at your violent rapid breathing caused by another burst of laughs. You inhaled deeply trying to calm yourself.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Have I told you the reason why I never accepted the two confessions I ever received?”
You gasped. You had been pestering him, one of your best friends into telling you but nothing had worked. “No! But please do tell me! I can’t believe it is finally happening!” you grinned at his question.
He breathed in slowly, as he started the word vomit, he saw your grin slowly disappear. As your eyes slowly went down. His heart his head started spinning. His face was becoming red, he wanted to turn back and get inside his home like that afternoon all those months ago. His whole being felt as if he had his guts stolen.
“And I didn’t worked up the courage up until now to tell you.” He sighed, for the first time, defeated. “I like you more than a friend, I-”
His eyes went wide when you hugged him by the neck and kept pressing pecks to his cheek. Then that hollowness became a party of elephants dancing on his gut. He finally turned to you, on your face shined the biggest smile you could manage.
“Yakkun, I was supposed to confess to you today, you stole my idea.” If he could have turned an even deeper shade of red he would have, he worked his hands up to your face and kissed your temple and smiled through his embarrassment.
Months passed by fast, as he had made the arrangements to move to Russia and play on the Super League. Lev had been helping him to make the contacts. You were currently on your third year, and whenever you could go home early you helped him studying Russian, you helped him craft flash cards and as you said the word in Japanese he answered always making a different grin. Much tp your laugh. You also helped him on his writing… you both sadly sucked at it. You tried to have non-study-dates-because-you-also-need-to-stop-worrying-about-me-and-school. Yakkun also helped whenever you found problem in a class… which wasn’t really often, but he was glad whenever you asked him for advice. Days after you got your college acceptance letter from college, he left Japan.
Yakkun had fallen asleep remembering the times you had stayed awake studying as he made you company over a video call or he had stayed awake after a particularly rough training just to have a “meal” with you.
His phone buzzed, once, twice, and the third time he picked it up. A pool of drool had formed under his face. He squinted his eyes at bright screen.
“(Y/N)?” he asked with a groan.
“Salutations, Mori!” over the speaker he heard the car engine.
“What is it?” He yawned as he stretched his arms and some of his joints cracked.
“I-” you hesitated before answering. “I found something really cool, I was wondering if you could join me.”
He rubbed his eyes, before turning to see his phone screen.
3:00 AM
He sighed with defeat. “Sure, just let me put a shirt on.”
You drived off, he took the copilot seat and dozed off yet again. You felt guilty of waking him in the middle of the night, but you had been waiting for this the whole week. Earlier you had called Kuroo just make sure the team had a free day before resuming their training. You side eyed him as how he curled on the seat breathing softly. The light of the city were getting behind as you approached your destination. The small lights of the highway and your car illuminated the way.
“Mori, we are here.” You gently shaked him. You were parked on a resting spot. In front it had a small hill covered with grass. The moon cleared the way. Mori had just woken up again and was getting out as you unloaded the trunk. You got some small snacks in a bag and a blanket.
“You woke me up at 3 AM… For this?” he was ired. And his expression showed clear dissatisfaction. “Listen, (Y/N) I know it is- Are you even listening?”
You had turned your face up and a teeth smile crept on your face. You lowered your face and moved your hand up so he could see. A meteor shower painted the sky as he looked up in awe and the it hit him, you had been mentioning this the whole week.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” He looked at you his face had softened as he approached you.
“I’m sorry (Y/N).” he murmured grabbing taking the bag. You turned your head side to side.
“You’ve been working to the bone lately.” You took a step nearer and cupped his face with your free hand. Your eyes locked with his soft gaze as he smiled fondly. His forehead rested on yours and then he pushed his lips to yours, your skin started to get goose bumps as you exhaled , you had been yearning for this.
“Did you know it was worth to get up at this time?”
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darkblueboxs · 4 years
Shades of Sunset
Twenty years in the life of Andrew Minyard
Read here or on AO3 (check ao3 for content warnings)
Andrew is five years old, and he thinks orange is the most beautiful colour in the world.
It’s the colour of his favourite popsicle flavour, or what he’s sure would be his favourite popsicle flavour if Mrs Dunnard ever bought them popsicles. Instead, she buys the same tasteless frozen meals over and over again, oven fries or chicken nuggets or potato smileys. Andrew lets the smileys turn to mush as he fights the other foster kids for elbow room at the kitchen table, but he doesn’t smile back at the wobbly potato faces. He clears his plate all the same, because the kids who don’t get smacked.
He presses his face up against the glass in the freezer aisle and imagines the taste of sunset on his tongue.
Andrew is seven years old, and the upstairs neighbours have a ginger tabby cat. It winds around his ankles when he’s hiding in the backyard, a bright beacon amongst the dirt and scrub of the cracked earth, and Andrew can’t help but reach for it like a moth drawn in by candlelight. For a single, fragile moment, Andrew’s trembling fingers meet something warm and soft, softer than Andrew can ever remember feeling. Then the cat twists around and sinks its claws into Andrew’s arm.
Andrew clutches his forearm to his chest, watching as beads of red well up and glisten before dribbling down towards his fingertips. It’s a new kind of pain, stinging, sharper than the bruises he has grown accustomed to, but he doesn’t cry. Crying never made it stop. The next time the tabby comes near him, Andrew throws rocks until it bolts for cover with a hiss. He watches as it scrambles over the peeling fenceposts and out of sight, wishing he could follow it into the wilderness.
 Andrew is twelve years old, and when Cass sees him staring at the creamy-yellow wallpaper of what will soon be his own bedroom, she asks what his favourite colour is. Andrew tries to remember the last time someone asked, the last time someone cared, and for once his perfect memory draws an absolute blank.
“Orange,” he whispers, and Cass lights up. Together, they coat the walls with marigold paint, and when Andrew spills it down his front, Cass just laughs. His room is so bright that it almost glows, painting Cass in warm, saturated hues as they sit side-by-side, puzzling through Andrew’s homework until the rattle of keys in the front door alerts them to the rest of the household’s return. The sunbeam colours of day paint his world into a hazy mirage of safety, and for that Andrew suffers the blood-orange nights that follow. Soon, however, the light and dark bleed into each other like watercolour paints, and Andrew decides that if he cannot have one without the other, then it is safest to want nothing at all.
 Andrew is fourteen years old, and he is sick to death of orange. The juvie uniform is offensively orange, as though trying to burn the observer’s eyes out, as stark a warning as possible: approach with caution. Andrew pulls the starchy, cheap cotton over his head, and it feels as though he has worn nothing else all his life. He lets himself tumble into the faceless sea of uniform faces, not caring where the tides will take him.
 Andrew is eighteen years old, and he wishes he could be surprised when Dan pushes the fox fur-orange windbreaker into his arms, but under the ebb and flow of drug-induced mania there is truly no feeling at all. Of course the universe would continue to taunt him with too-bright uniforms that cling to him like wet sand, scratching at his lungs as he breathes around a sewn-up smile. Minyard, it says in white lettering, as though the neat stitching can tie him into this ludicrous new life with the power of a name that barely feels like his own. If their coach thinks that putting them all in one horrendous colour will magic them into a team, he has another thing coming. Uniform does not mean unity, and Andrew stands in the goal and watches distant sunburnt figures grapple and tumble across the court, stick loose in his hand. When the ball shoots past him, he doesn’t even flinch.
They can tell him what it means to wear these colours and stand on this court until the cows come home; Andrew doesn’t care. Nothing gets under his skin anymore.
 Andrew is nineteen years old, sitting in the plastic stadium seats and watching as their newest recruit races across the court. He’s a blur of orange and white, quicker than a fox and twice as sly, and Andrew doesn’t trust him an inch. He may have grown accustomed to passing his days engulfed in the campus colours that scream school pride from every street corner, but Neil makes the colour new all over again. Off the court, he hides himself in washed-out blues and greys, shrinking into his oversized hoodies as though hoping to be swallowed by them. On the court, however, there is no hiding, nor any inclination to. Neil stands on the court like he was born to rule it, throwing himself into the game with the kind of whole-hearted determination Andrew believed only Kevin was brain-dead enough to be capable of. Off the court, Neil treats the Foxes’ luminescent oranges like he would a target painted on his back. Here, he wears them like a shield.
He suits them.
Andrew doesn’t know what to make of their newest recruit, not yet. But he will.
 Andrew is twenty years old, and something has gotten under his skin. The pipe dream in the shape of a man stares at him across the Easthaven hospital waiting room through unmasked, ice-blue eyes. Back at the dorms, Andrew takes him up on the roof, peels back the plaster to see the fresh tattoo bruising his cheek. Not if it means losing you¸ he says, and Andrew resists the urge to throw him off the roof then and there. His hair is a single drop of colour against the grey sky above, deep auburn like campfire embers. Andrew didn’t think Neil could have been any more of a danger until he returned from the nest beaten within an inch of his life, the new colours streaking through his hair like a warning, threat, threat, threat.
Andrew looks at Neil, and puts a name to the burn of sensation flickering in his gut.
Andrew hates Neil, hates how softly he looks at him, hates the molten want that Neil pulls effortlessly through his veins. Above all, he hates the deep orange tint that now flits in and out of his periphery like the wings of a monarch butterfly as Neil buries himself into Andrew’s chest and fills his lungs with smoke. In the dead of night, Andrew imagines how soft Neil’s tousled curls would feel between his fingers, and wants, wants, wants for something he cannot let himself have. He remembers the sting of claws raking across his forearms all too well, knows where the path of wanting will take him if he isn’t careful.
Andrew hates orange, and hates Neil for making him feel anything about it at all. But he knows how to protect himself, knows how to keep himself back from the cliff-edge of feeling that nearly killed him once already. He won’t fall again.
 Andrew is twenty years old, and Neil’s lips taste like sunset.
 Andrew is twenty years old, and Andrew is falling. He laps the stadium once, twice, the dispersing rioters and flashing police cars blurring into a black jumble of sound and movement, but it doesn’t matter, none of it matters, because he can’t find Neil, and he had forgotten, forgotten how it felt to fall, to fear, was this fear, was this-
He almost misses the racquet lying battered and forgotten amidst empty soda cans and discarded ticket stubs. He picks it up as though he’s never seen one before, and even though the team colours have been scuffed and dirtied in the fight, it’s still the unmistakable Fox orange peeling between his fingers, white strings torn and unravelling. He picks up Neil’s bag, thumbs through his phone, and parts of him unravel too.
Andrew finds his way back to the team bus, takes one look at Kevin’s expression – broken, wild, and filled with a grief that couldn’t be explained by anything other than-
Andrew sees red.
 Andrew is twenty years old, and for the last twelve hours his world has been nothing but shades of grey shot through by occasional bursts of uncontrollable wildfire-red. Dragging Wymack along behind him like a ball and chain, he sees the men standing outside the motel room, and the final thread of his control pulls and snaps as he shoulders his way inside, not caring if he breaks a wrist in his desperation, and then-
White plaster. Blue eyes. Auburn curls.
 Andrew is twenty-three years old, and his vision is swamped in sparkling bursts of confetti, a glittering shower of oranges and whites that tumble from the rafters like autumn leaves. The crowd is on their feet and screaming enough to shake the court’s foundations as the final score to end the season glows overhead. Neil collapses at the sound of the buzzer, striped orange bandana holding his auburn curls back from his face. They glow like embers in the stadium lights, which backlight his head like a halo. He turns to Andrew and smiles.
Andrew decides that orange isn’t so bad after all.
 Andrew is twenty-five years old, against all odds. His team’s uniform is green. Their team, as soon as Neil’s transfer paperwork goes through. Andrew won’t miss orange, much, but he will miss seeing Neil in it.
Or perhaps not. A blur of colour glides past his periphery, and Andrew pushes himself up in bed to watch as Neil pulls a jumper Andrew has never seen before over his head. He catches Andrew looking, and his lips quirk upwards.
“You like it?”
“No.” It’s something chunky and hand-knitted, perhaps a gift from one of the Foxes, and it hangs so long on Neil that the hems of his boxers barely peak past the bottom. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Neil glances down at his bare legs, then back up, smirking. “I don’t know, am I?” He rolls back onto the bed, which strikes Andrew as counterproductive to getting dressed, but he has no interest in complaining when Neil climbs into his lap, thighs pressing into him on either side. Andrew runs a hand along Neil’s leg against the grain of his hair, slow, pensive. His fingers soon collide with soft amber wool. Neil tilts his head teasingly to one side. “I thought orange was your favourite colour.”
Andrew tangles his fingers in the collar and uses it to tug Neil in against him. “I hate it,” he murmurs into Neil’s ear, and follows it with a brief press of his lips to the one point below Neil’s earlobe that always makes him shudder.
“Like you hate me?”
“Yes,” Andrew says.
When Neil’s lips meet his, they taste like sunset.
Andrew is twenty-five years old, and he thinks orange is the most beautiful colour in the world.
Thanks for reading!
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hannahssimblr · 11 months
Chapter Thirteen
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My mother calls me during a late morning walk down by the beach. My ankles are submerged in the salty sea water and I’m blissfully enjoying my alone time when my phone buzzes. I know who it is before I even take it out of my pocket, because nobody calls anybody anymore, only parents. I lift it to my ear, already feeling drained by the pending conversation before she says a word. 
“Hi Evie, I’m checking my emails here and I don’t see anything from your school yet.”
“School?” The word seems somehow abstract to me. It’s summer, I shouldn’t have to think about school, never mind its looming return date. There’s so much summer left to enjoy. 
“Yes, it’s the first of August, usually they’ll have sent a booklist by now, but I don’t see anything in my emails yet.”
“Maybe they’ll send it later.”
“Can you check if they’ve sent it to you?”
“I’m not near a computer right now.”
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I hear her sigh. “Well did they give you a list at the end of May? Is it buried in your school bag somewhere?”
“I dunno, maybe, you can check.”
“For God’s sake.” She mutters, and I feel like rolling my eyes. This is the last thing I want to think about. 
“My bag is in my room somewhere. You can check under the desk maybe.”
“It’s like a tip in there.” She says, and I can hear her move around, opening my bedroom door and shuffling through my things. 
“Mam, do we have to talk about this now?”
“Evelyn, I wish you could clean up your clothes off the floor. The cut of this room. I hope you’re not leaving the Healys’ mobile like this.”
“I’m not.” I lie. “I’m cleaning up my clothes.” 
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The beach around me is full of sunbathers and children, all merrilly enjoying their holidays, and I’m certain that none of them are thinking about school. It’s too early to be confronted with this, and I in fact haven’t even been watching TV. I’ve so far managed to avoid the cruelty of the back-to-school ads and live in blissful ignorance, pretending that the summer is endless and September does not loom ominously ahead of me.
In the distance there’s somebody running along the shore, and I absently wonder what kind of self-punishing idiot would do something like that in the heat of the day. In my ear my mother rifles through papers. “I can’t find any list.” She says. “Are you sure you got one?”
“I never said I got one.”
“Then why are you sending me on a wild goose chase?”
I sigh loudly. “You sent yourself on one. I don’t know what I need for school. I’m sure they’ll send the email with everything I’ll need soon.”
“Well, how’s your uniform?”
“There’s a hole in one of the elbows of my jumper.”
“And your skirt?”
“I think it’s fine.”
“Alright well I’m going into town later, I’m going to get a packet of white shirts and a new jumper. Anything else?”
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I squeeze my eyes shut trying to think, but the prevailing thought is of how much I hate this conversation, it’s like mental exertion. “Black pens.” I manage. “And A4 notebooks.”
“What else?”
“Maybe some school socks.”
“Do you have a sharpener and eraser?”
“I think so.”
“You think?”
“Okay, will you check my pencil case and see? I can’t remember.” I hear her shuffling around some more and stare out at the sea, vacant little boats bobbing on the surface. The runner is getting closer to me, I can hear his feet distantly hitting the wet sand. 
“Your eraser looks worse for wear.”
“Because I was stabbing it with my pencil.”
“I’ll get you a new one.”
“What about a lunchbox?”
“Evie! I’m trying to make sure that you’re organised this year, and not leaving everything until the last minute as usual.”
“I know, I just, I think I have everything I need. I’ll check my emails when I’m home and see if I have the booklist. I just want to think about summer, not school.”
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I hear her sigh. “I know, I’m trying my best. Do you know when you’re coming home?”
“Not really, sometime at the end of the month.”
“Well your first day is the 27th, so if you could arrange to be back before then…”
“I will, Shane is driving back for his debs a few days before that anyway, so I suppose we’ll all be coming with him.”
“Oh, very good. Does he have a date to the debs?”
“I don’t know, probably though. I don’t ask him about that kind of stuff.” 
“Well do you think he’d ever ask you to go with him?” She’s insane. She’s been obsessed with this weird idea she has of me fancying Shane since I was at least twelve. I think I might have once, but only because he was the only boy I really knew. Now, I couldn’t imagine anything more mismatched, in fact, the idea of it sends a shiver down my spine.
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“That’s not going to happen, I’m sure he’s going to go with someone who isn’t his little sister’s friend, mam.” I’m halfway through my sentence when I realise that I recognise the running man. He’s got dark brown hair, golden tanned skin and he’s wearing a green t-shirt that’s stuck to his body with sweat. It’s Jude. I immediately panic, believing nonsensically that him seeing me on the phone to my mother is the most embarrassing scenario imaginable and almost fling my Blackberry into the sea.
“Well, you never know.” She goes on. “Stranger things have happened.”
“Mhm, yeah absolutely” I start anxiously flailing and tucking my hair behind my ear, having no idea how good or bad I look. I’m horrified to see that Jude, even while sweaty and jogging towards me, is completely and utterly beautiful. 
“Do you think he’d ever ask you on a date?”
“Hm, what? Shane? No. Never.”
“Ah it’s a shame. And how’s Kelly getting on?”
“And Claire?”
“Fine. They’re fighting.”
“Yes. I have to go.” I hang up the phone just as Jude reaches me and he slows down, wiping sweat from his face with his upper arm and smiling a wide, white smile. “Hey Evie!”
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“Oh hey! I didn’t know it was you!” I try my best to sound breezy and unbothered, even though I can’t stop conjuring up horrible images of how I must look in my head. I imagine myself at my absolute ugliest, nose pink and shiny, hair sticking up weirdly, simultaneously greasy and frizzy. I reach up to smooth it down, and it feels fine, but I can’t be sure. 
“Just out for a walk?”
“Yeah, just enjoying the sun.”
“Same here. Hot, isn’t it? Sorry, I’m so sweaty.” He gestures to himself and I take it as permission to look at his body. I feel like I shouldn’t be allowed to look at him.
“I suppose that’s what happens when you go running in a heatwave.”
“I know, there’s no escaping it though, it’s just been hot all the time lately, even at night it’s the same so if I don’t get out and run when it’s hot I’ll never do it.” He nods towards the sea. “At least I can swim after it, and the water is so nice.”
“Yeah it’s lovely.” I agree. “I’ve been getting in three times a day.”
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He nods and looks down at his shoes. A bead of sweat drips from a strand of his saturated hair down onto the sand and he shuffles side to side in a manner that seems impatient. He wipes his upper lip with the back of his wrist. “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t… I didn’t um, text you after that night we went to the graveyard.”
I’m surprised so I laugh a little. “Oh, no, well I didn’t expect you to, like I wasn’t waiting for a message or anything, it’s fine.”
“I know, I just said that I would when I was free and I didn’t, I’ve been kind of distracted the last couple of weeks.”
“It’s okay, I understand! I get like that sometimes too.”
“I just have a bad habit of saying I’ll do something and then not doing it, like, I’m a flake. I hope you weren’t waiting to hear from me.”
“No way. I didn’t notice.” I say, even though I did. “Don’t worry, I honestly do that all the time, things just get in the way.”
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“Well, if you want we can hang out now? Are you busy today?”
“No, I’m free.”
“Okay well, do you feel like a swim?”
“Right now?”
“Why not, yeah.”
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I glance down at my shorts and t-shirt. “Oh, well I don’t have my togs with me at the moment.”
“Me neither I was going to go in naked.”
“Wha- oh, um, really?” 
“No.” He grins and grabs the fabric of his shorts “I’ll just wear these, they kind of double up as running shorts. Look, you don’t have to if you don’t have anything to swim in, I just thought I’d ask. Maybe we can hang out later if you don’t have-”
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“No!” I say with far too much frenzy. “Just give me a sec, I’ll run up to the mobile and grab my togs, just… just wait here.” I turn and I run away from him down the beach, my feet drumming hollowly on the sand as I go. It doesn’t take me long to get back to the caravan park, just up through the dunes, over a rough-hewn fence, between two overgrown hedges and onto a gravel path that leads all the way through a muddle of holiday homes towards ours. Then I dash up the deck steps and into my bedroom at the speed of light, the PVC doors slamming into the walls, hoping the whole time that Jude hasn’t given up waiting and gone swimming without me. I snatch the slightly damp bikini I wore this morning from the window where it was drying and wriggle quickly out of my clothes. Once my underwear has been ditched among the tangled mess of my sheets I get into my togs, tie the neoprene strings behind my neck and then within thirty seconds flat I am ready to complete another five-hundred metre dash.
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 121 - I hope none of the birds affected by the sleeping gas died from falling from a height, especially if they fell on concrete. I don't think the gas itself would affect the birds but it also very well might since they can't handle as much due to being much smaller animals or from not being able to handle the chemicals used.
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Chapter 122 - Shark's expressions are so hideous 🤢
- At least Raizel knows how to be nice by sharing food lmao. Frankenstein beaming like a proud father of a 2-year-old who's doing that is definitely not praxis though.
Chapter 124 - Shark being astounded that nobles care about innocents is amusing. I suppose that aside from the Elders, the Union members think nobles consider other species to be inferior or like cockroaches or toys.
- Although I do find Frankenstein plotting to teach Seira cooking so she can cook for Raizel when he can't extremely funny, I do also find it somewhat disturbing. He's essentially making a teen girl do child labour. Yes she and Regis are imposing on him and I do think they should be doing some manner of chores, but making her cook lavish meals? I also know she's doing it willingly but it still makes me cringe since something being one's choice doesn't negate it being bad. And yes technically she's 'of age' since she's 217, whatever that means since she's still obviously a teen compared to Raizel who actually is an adult going to school with children (which is a whole other can of worms), but aside from her position as clan leader she's very obviously not viewed as an adult by most.
Chapter 125 - On one hand I'd love to get a front row seat to the internal drama within the DA-5 lile M-21 but otoh I don't want to die a painful death or get beaten up.
- So like obviously Seira knows that Raizel and Frankenstein aren't ordinary humans unlike Regis but it is hilarious to think she just told the truth to two men she thinks are frail innocent humans.
Chapter 127 - You'd really think that the Union would be investing more into memory altering drugs but nah. The only ones they have will also fuck your brain up. Really not a good idea when most of your agents/experiments obviously have been administered aforementioned drugs. If it was only used sparingly on civilians I'd get it but it's quite widespread so...
Chapter 128 - As much as Frankenstein complains about the mess the kids make, he enjoys having them over as much as Raizel does. Soft hearted bastard.
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Chapter 130 - The girls bandaging M-21 up even as Regis fights has them being smarter than like 90% of other characters in media. They're the real reason he didn't hit the dust immediately smh.
Chapter 132 - I still think the coming of age ceremony has a 50% chance of actually being them ingesting drugs that are the equivalent of stat boosting items in games but also ya know, real world drugs that fuck you up. The other 50% is just them getting much stronger after they turn 200 because their bodies are just like that and it truly is purely ceremonial and a fun tradition like children's day or girl's day or birthdays rather than something that actually affects them.
- Lol Kranz, Regis won't be leaving a corpse if he dies. Purebloods are just special like that. Can you imagine if they did see a pureblood dying? They'd regret killing them so bad.
Chapter 133 - Raizel commanding Frankenstein to stop his experiments is definitely something, like bro maybe he was figuring out electrolysis, not like you know what he was doing. Plus it's not like Frankenstein listened completely. Man has a lab under his house and it wasn't built after Raizel woke. I guess he only stopped modification experiements on others and only did checkups on himself but didn't stop experimenting for other stuff like idk, better fertiliser.
- Kinda amazing Takeo didn't get stabbed in the heart.
Chapter 137 - I know it's just because Gejutel likely explained the lord's powers to him but the idea that Regis knows what a blood field is because Raskreia does demonstrations to entertain little kids is making me giggle.
Chapter 140 - So the Union only came upon Frankenstein's research 540 years ago... that's only 40 years before Raskreia became lord. Interesting.
- Ah yes... the classic joke of Tao not teaching Takeo korean properly. It's also very amusing envisioning Tao teaching the DA-5 members korean.
- ARIS ARIS ARIS. God she looks adorbs. Also I love her referring to DA-5 as 'my children' and 'my babies'. Aris >>> all other scientists. Amd hi Yuri :)
Chapter 141 - Yuri listening to Aris insulting Crombel repeatedly,,, he probably enjoys every aspect of it from knowing she's not aware he's his underling to being able to hear someone insult Crombel.
- Once again union members don't know jack shit. They think werewolves are extinct while Maduke and Lunark are literally Elders 😭🤡😭
- Werewolves having a small population never made sense to me even with the whole thing about them not having mind control and thus keeping away from humans secretly since even civilians are stronger than humans on average but like why tf would wolves have such a low reproduction rate? And that's why I hc that 90% of them are just homosexual.
Chapter 142 - D doesn't consume your lifeforce bro. That's just the drugs causing heavy strain on the body, etc etc. The rest of your explanation was fine but talking about lifeforce or vitality makes no sense.
- We all know Yuri's smart but the fact that he tries to get Frankenstein as a subject by scouting him first is very clever. It's believable too since Frankenstein is supposed to be quite handsome.
Chapter 144 - Well we don't know of Crombel microchips his Assassination Squad but Aris canonically microchips her experiments 🤣
Chapter 147 - Okay but this panel... she's hot. I'd let her dissect me <3
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- If this was some other media I'd talk about the symbolism of the attack looking like a rapier and go on for a paragraph but this is Noblesse so it's obviously just a coincidence lmao.
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- "A living robot" so like... a cyborg.
Chapter 148 - Yuri getting pissed at being attacked and retaliating but pretending it was him being loyal to Aris... Love it. Also he must be really confused as to who tf Frankenstein is since as one of Crombel's most important lackeys he'd definitely know about such a powerful experiment under him if they existed and thus unlike Aris knows that he's not been sent by Crombel.
Chapter 149 - Yup def confused, especially when he realises Frankenstein's power is like Crombel's.
Chapter 150 - Girlboss,,, also it's been years and I'm still wondering... why is her outfit like that? Neon genesis evangelion girlboss does have a ring to it though.
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- Ah yes, Taivra time.
Chapter 151 - Okay yeah I feel so bad for Takeo but also Aris is so good at manipulating him and and and iwi. The fact that she can cry on command though... impressive.
- "From the beginning you were an only child. That's why I got you to experiment on." Okay cool time to ignore that again for my own amusement of having all of noblesse's named modified human women be related to Takeo.
- Okay I'm obsessed with strawberry milk myself but strawberries do not taste anywhere near that good. Not even the sweet ones.
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Chapter 153 - Yeah no I don't agree that Takeo losing his will to live is an insult to your comrades M-21. You could have said all that in a gentler way. Just because Takeo was luckier than you experiment wise doesn't mean you get to be so rude.
Chapter 154 - M-21 misleading Tao and Takeo to thinking he's being experimented on and then turning around to laugh at them when they find out it's just ramyeon... mood.
- I really do wonder what 12th Elder's military medals are for.
Sidenotes - Hammer being smart <3 I honestly didn't remember that part of him and I'm glad he's not given purely negative traits. He's the only reason Shark lived past 2 chapters tbh.
- Truly, D is one of the worst letters of the alphabet to have named the drugs DA-5 uses. The other bad choice would be P. On the opposite end of the spectrum, T would have been a great choice for the irony. Not that it matters since the inspiration for the drug from name to physical transformation is obviously 🍆
- Nobles being so nonchalant about murder is kinda fucked up like yeah they suck but you can't just kill them??? Lukedonia my beloved your justice system sucks. I do hc they can't just do this in Lukedonia though or to other nobles even if outside of Lukedonia, it's just that the jurisdiction of nobles doesn't apply outside of Lukedonia and they do on some level think of themselves as a superior species so they're fine with just... killing people.
- Aris obsessing over handsome men as experiments and treating them like toys but ignoring women altogether? Not experimenting on women? Gaslight gatekeep girlboss,,, a feministe of our own,,, perhaps even a... lesbienne. But yeah I just love how she acts and I love her and how she interacts with Yuri. And yeah he's cool too.
- Tbh aside from how short the skirts are and the white blazers, the Ye Ran uniform really reminds me of my own school's uniform. The colours are exactly the same. We just didn't have blazers since it was a forever summer tropical country, only jumpers for if it got too cold in the air conditioned rooms. And for some people who grow up in tropical countries... 25°C can be too cold.
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