#off topic but when i initially brainstormed it
the-owl-tree · 1 year
make it so the clans are bigger but bc the iskeai'd cat only knows the main cast, she just fucking ignores them all. Maybe make a gag that one character who wasnt in the books is actually somewhat important (but just got axed in the book) and despite their continued relevance, the main character keeps going "nope completely irrelevant" and ignores them despite everything.
SDAJKSDJSALHDJHLAK this reminds me of that episode of tawog that parodied my so called life
honey, guide, and honeypaw but with this scene:
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thatfandomslut · 8 months
Soft For You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Trigger Warning: heart palpitating fluff- be safe out there. There is also mentions of bullying towards the reader in this fic, brief moment of feeling claustrophobic, feelings of insecurity.
Do you think you could do a fic where Regina is the Queen B and everything but y/n is her soft spot
Mean Girls requests are open.
In the dictionary, if someone located the name 'Regina George,' they might read 'the biggest HBIC to ever grace the halls of North Shore High School.' Regina was stone cold with icy blue eyes to match her rigid exterior. She didn't care if she hurt someone's feelings, nor did she care who anyone was at North High unless they were Gretchen, Karen, Cady, or the only person who was allowed to see her complex side, (Y/n). (Y/n) was the human personification of ADHD, and she somehow managed to catch the attention and affection of the school's ice queen, Regina.
If someone were to look at (Y/n) with any hint of a funny expression, Regina was telling them off. She felt like (Y/n) needed her protection. So, she was there to offer it, even when (Y/n) didn't ask. (Y/n) also didn't mind Regina defending her if someone said something mean to her as she was not a confrontational person. She tried to stay on everyone's good side, but sadly that task was easier said than done because somehow, (Y/n) seemed to have gotten on the wrong side of the girl's soccer captain, Tammy Schneider.
They were in their shared English class when the two got paired up, and Tammy seemed less than pleased with the idea. (Y/n) didn't understand why, so she tried to start on their writing assignment, but Tammy wasn't responding to her well. "I'm sorry, but have I done something to offend you? I'm just trying to get this assignment done." (Y/n) tapped the pencil in her hand on her brainstorming paper as she tried to figure the girl out. She wasn't too sure what she might've done to Tammy since the two had never had a real conversation before.
Tammy shrugged with narrowed eyes, causing (Y/n)'s frown to deepen. "I just personally think you're nothing special. Regina George parades you around like you're made of gold, but for what? Your only prospects are English and History. Your looks are mediocre, nothing like the other Plastics." Tammy commented with her nose in the air. (Y/n) was surprised by the girl's answer. She had already been insecure over topics such as these, but no one was brave enough to talk to her the way Tammy had. "But, whatever, Regina can date a loser, but many of us are still confused as to why." She said simply, ignoring the hurt on (Y/n)'s face as the girl stared at her paper.
(Y/n) was thankful for the bell ringing, dismissing her from the class. Usually, she'd wait for Gretchen, who shared that class with her. Today, she had gathered up her papers, stuffed them into her bag, and escaped the room she was starting to feel claustrophobic in. Swallowing thickly as she made her way into the bathroom she went to the sink to splash some water on her face. She had to calm herself down before she met with the other girls during lunch. She couldn't cry, or her eyes would be puffy, and Regina would know something was off. (Y/n) breathed in deeply hearing the ping in her bag that alerted her to a new message.
'Hey, where did you go? Are we just meeting in the cafeteria?'
(Y/n) rubbed at the eye that was watering before responding to Gretchen, apologizing for leaving so abruptly. She made up an excuse of leaving an item in another classroom before confirming that they would meet in the cafeteria. (Y/n) adjusted her cardigan before removing then reapplying some of the makeup she had damaged when she had initially teared up. Her cheeks were still a bit flushed, but she could use the excuse of running to another classroom for that. (Y/n) finally deemed her appearance significant enough to leave the restroom before heading to meet Regina, Gretchen, Karen, and Cady for lunch.
"Hey, princess," (Y/n) greeted Regina first, placing a soft kiss on Regina's temple. She felt dumb doing that now. Regina probably secretly felt disgusted after feeling her lips on anywhere on her face. Due to that sudden thought, she felt queasy and lost her appetite. Still, she made sure to eat, knowing that it was important to keep her energy up. After all, she had softball after school and she needed all the energy she could get so she could pretend Tammy was the yellow ball hurtling toward her that she smacked into the outfield. "Hey, Gretchen, Karen, Cady."
Regina recognized the tremble in her voice as she examined her girlfriend's body language. She didn't want to say anything in front of the other girls, though. She didn't know if this was a private feeling, or if she'd rather share. So, she ultimately decided to ask her after lunch to provide a safe space for (Y/n) to communicate her feelings.
"Will you walk me to my car after you eat? I think I've left something in there, and I don't want to go alone." Regina inquired casually. She didn't want to draw any attention to the situation. She knew how observant Gretchen was. It was one of the reasons she actually appreciated Gretchen as a friend, even if she struggled to show it. When (Y/n) smiled, biting into her sandwich, Regina grinned. "Perfect! Thank you, baby girl."
Gretchen made a little thoughtful noise. "Everyone is forgetting something today. Just before lunch, (Y/n) left something in her last class period." She spoke thoughtfully, causing (Y/n) and Regina to look over. Sometimes, Gretchen was too observant for her own good. This was the best example of that. Sometimes, with how observant she was, she tended to make comments that made those she was observing hoping she would stop connecting dots. Like, now, for example,
Regina and (Y/n) left the table shortly after, when (Y/n) finished her lunch. "What's on your mind?" Regina questioned when they made to their Jeep, away from everyone in the cafeteria. Not many people hung out in the parking lots during lunch. "You look upset about something, and I want to be here for you," Regina spoke softly as she cupped her cheek gently.
This seemed to be what broke whatever dam (Y/n) had put into place. Her eyes instantly watered, and Regina quickly took her into her arms. "Tammy Schneider implied that I wasn't good enough for the Plastics and you." She admitted, trying to stop herself from crying. She felt pathetic and insecure, despite Regina's caring hold on her as she cried in her shoulder. She hated feeling less than, and she constantly worked on not feeling this way, but sometimes it only took a few mean comments to send her down a rabbit hole.
Regina had stiffened at the realization of someone being mean to (Y/n). Pulling away, she used her thumbs to gently wipe away the cascading tears on (Y/n)'s cheeks. "You need to listen to me, okay?" She waited to see (Y/n) nod as she sniffled under Regina's touch. "You need to know that I have never felt the way I feel about you for anyone else. You mean the world to me. You're kind, strong, and smart. I enjoy how you can talk about anything and everything. I am so soft for you that it's completely altered my personality. I am a better person when I'm with you. With that said, I will be grinding Tammy into sand." Regina stated, fire in her eyes as she kissed (Y/n)'s forehead.
(Y/n) smiled a bit, leaning into Regina's touch, her ever-looming insecurity lifting. "You make me a better person, too, Regina. Thank you for making me feel better. I don't think grinding Tammy into sand will make the situation better though." (Y/n) admitted, even if a small part of her would pay to see Tammy even attempt to step up to Regina's plate.
There was a small smirk that played on Regina's lips. "It'd make me feel better. And judging your little smile, you're not too opposed to that idea." Regina teased as (Y/n) laughed, nudging the girl gently. "Maybe I'm not too opposed," (Y/n) admitted, before kissing Regina softly. Regina kissed back happily, already plotting Tammy's demise.
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5starluvr · 6 months
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Paring:Yang Jeongin × Reader
Genre:fluff,angst(just a tiny bit)
Spider Kids
Something sweet before It gets angsty again ~
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"Jeongin, you'll be partnered with Y/n," Ms. Jung declared, her voice booming across the classroom.
Jeongin's heart lurched. Y/n, the brilliant girl who seemed to exist on a different academic plane altogether? He stole a glance, catching her surprised gaze before she quickly returned to her meticulously highlighted notes.
The initial awkwardness was palpable. Summoning his courage, Jeongin mumbled a hesitant hello. Y/n offered a shy smile in return, her usual focus on academics momentarily broken. They settled on bioluminescence, a topic Y/n suggested with a shy smile. As they delved into research, a hesitant camaraderie blossomed.
One afternoon, hunched over laptops at the library, Jeongin blurted out, "You know, Spiderman uses bioluminescent material in his suit to blend in with the shadows."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I never thought about that!" A spark ignited, and for the next hour, they weren't just classmates, they were co-conspirators, weaving science and fiction into a captivating presentation.
Weeks leading to the science fair flew by in a flurry of activity. Their project evolved into a dazzling display of glowing concoctions bubbling away in beakers and informative posters that showcased bioluminescence in nature and its potential applications. But the real magic happened during their presentation. Jeongin, usually tongue-tied, spoke with newfound confidence, his enthusiasm infectious. Y/n, at his side, chimed in with insightful details, her voice brimming with a shared passion.
They didn't just win first place; they won the respect and admiration of their classmates. As they packed up their project later, a comfortable silence hung between them. "Hey," Jeongin stammered, "maybe we could hang out sometime, outside of school?"
Y/n's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "I'd like that," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
The weight of her backpack seemed to lessen as Y/n spotted Jeongin by the school gates the following afternoon. A nervous thrill danced in her stomach, a new sensation when it came to him. This wasn't just about dissecting the science fair aftermath; it was about exploring a newfound connection.
They walked side-by-side, replaying the highlights of the day. The golden light of the setting sun painted the world in warm hues as they found a quiet corner in the park. Jeongin pulled out a notebook, causing Y/n's heart to do a little skip.
"I was thinking about our project," he began, a hint of shyness tinging his voice.
"Me too," she admitted, excitement bubbling within her. "There's so much more to explore. Perhaps other bioluminescent organisms?"
His eyes lit up, mirroring her enthusiasm. "That's a great idea! We could even try creating a prototype for… hmm, maybe a self-illuminating bike path?"
Hours melted away as they delved into a whirlwind of ideas. They sketched diagrams, debated possibilities, and bounced thoughts off each other like fireflies flitting through the gathering dusk. The science project, a forced partnership at first, had blossomed into something more – a shared passion for science that crackled with intellectual curiosity.
As the stars began to pepper the darkening sky, reality intruded. "We should probably head home," Y/n said with a reluctant sigh.
Jeongin nodded, a similar sentiment etched on his face. "But hey," he added, a playful glint in his eyes, "who says the brainstorming has to stop here?"
Y/n's heart did a little flip. "Right," she managed, a smile blooming on her face. "Your place or mine?"
"My place," he blurted out, then cleared his throat. "If that's alright with you."
The warmth in his voice sent shivers down her spine. "Perfect," she replied, a feeling far stronger than just liking blooming within her.
The crisp autumn air swirled fallen leaves around their ankles as Jeongin and Y/n walked home from their usual science hangout. Laughter bubbled between them as they debated about various things.
Suddenly, a guttural roar shattered the peaceful evening. A hulking figure, shrouded in shadow, emerged from a deserted alleyway. Venom, the symbiote-enhanced villain, loomed before them, his glistening black form radiating menace.
Y/n's breath hitched. Fear, icy and sharp, clawed at her throat. Jeongin's face paled, but his stance remained resolute. He knew he had to act fast.
"Y/n, stay behind me!" he commanded, his voice firm despite the tremor within.
Y/n scrambled back, her eyes wide with terror. In a single, practiced motion, Jeongin ripped off his sweatshirt, revealing the now-familiar red and blue suit clinging to his skin. A mask materialized over his face, obscuring his features.
"Venom," Spiderman's voice, distorted by the mask, rang out. "Leave her alone."
Venom chuckled, a grotesque sound that sent shivers down Y/n's spine. "Another spider to squish," he snarled, his razor-sharp teeth glinting in the streetlight.
A brutal fight ensued. Venom, fueled by a dark rage, unleashed a barrage of razor-sharp tendrils. Spiderman, nimble and agile, dodged each attack with practiced ease. He countered with precisely placed web shots, attempting to immobilize the monstrous villain.
Y/n watched in stunned silence as the boy she knew as Jeongin, the one who stammered over complex scientific theories and built glowing concoctions, battled a monstrous creature with superhuman speed and agility. A newfound respect, tinged with a sliver of fear, bloomed in her chest.
As the fight raged, Y/n noticed a shift in Venom's movements. The symbiote seemed to be struggling, its black form flickering erratically. It was then she remembered something from their recent bioluminescence research – certain frequencies of light could disrupt some bioluminescent organisms.
"Jeongin!" she yelled, a desperate plea escaping her lips. "Light! You need light!"
Spiderman, momentarily distracted, caught her frantic scream. He glanced at the traffic light above, an idea sparking in his mind. With a well-aimed web shot, he triggered a short circuit, showering the area in a chaotic flicker of red, yellow, and green.
The effect was instantaneous. Venom recoiled, the symbiote writhing in agitation. Disoriented and weakened, the villain stumbled back, a frustrated screech tearing from his throat. Seizing this opportunity, Spiderman launched a final web attack, successfully encasing Venom in a sticky cocoon.
The air crackled with an unsettling silence as the villain struggled, his black form pulsating against the white webbing. Y/n rushed to Jeongin's side, relief washing over her features.
Jeongin, panting and slightly bruised, turned to face her. The mask felt suffocating, the secret it held a heavy burden. Yet, seeing the awe and gratitude in Y/n's eyes, he knew he couldn't keep hiding.
"Y/n..." he began, his voice strained. But before he could confess his dual identity, a wave of dizziness washed over him. The exertion of the fight, coupled with the emotional strain, took its toll. He stumbled, his vision blurring.
Y/n caught him before he could fall. As he looked into her worried eyes, he knew the truth would come out anyway. With a shaky breath, he pulled off the mask, revealing his face etched with exhaustion but resolute.
Y/n stared at him, her eyes wide with surprise, then with a slow dawning realization. Recognition flickered in her gaze, followed by a hesitant smile. "Jeongin?" she breathed.
A wave of relief washed over him. He wasn't sure what he'd expected – fear, anger, even disgust. But instead, he saw acceptance, a spark of something more complex in her eyes.
"It's me," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper.
A beat of silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the distant wail of approaching sirens. Then, to his utter astonishment, Y/n burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the deserted street.
"Oh my gosh, Jeongin," she said, wiping a tear from her eye. "You're Spiderman!"
Jeongin stared at her, surprised by her reaction. "You're not mad?"
Y/n shook her head, her eyes sparkling with a newfound respect. "Mad? No way! That was amazing! You saved me!"
Jeongin let out a shaky breath of relief. The relief that washed over Jeongin was so profound it almost knocked him off his feet. Here he was, exposed, vulnerable, and… met with laughter and admiration?
Y/n, still wiping tears from her eyes, reached out and squeezed his hand. "Seriously, Jeongin, that was incredible! The way you moved, the strategy with the lights – you're a genius, even without a lab coat!"
A nervous chuckle escaped his lips. "Thanks, Y/n. I… I just wanted to protect you."
Her smile softened. "I know," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "And you did. You're my hero, Jeongin. Spiderman and… just Jeongin."
He couldn't help but grin, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the exertion of the fight. The secret was out, a weight lifted from his shoulders. But more importantly, a deeper connection had formed between them, forged in the crucible of danger and a shared secret.
The wail of approaching sirens grew louder. Y/n glanced down the street, her smile fading slightly. "We should probably get out of here before the police arrive,baby."
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Taglist:open : @juskz @blackhairandbangs @sxnset-angel @emossssss @hanjsquokka @feelikecinderella @starlostastronaut @kpopsstuffs @lixxpix @jinnie-ret @bangchans-angel @puppyminnnie @michelle4eve @skzswife @saiko-skz @quailbagutte @briqnne @ilychee08 @dollce-exe
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Cinnamon Crush
PAIRING: chubby!Professor!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Student!Reader
WORDS: 3,036.
SUMMARY: It seemed a contagious crush had befallen your fellow pupils of your Psych class, and you were no exception… Only, however, your Professor did not spare you from your lustful thoughts.
WARNINGS: reader is of legal age!!!, teacher x pupil dynamic (with consent), female receiving (fingering), NSFW, mentions of p in v sexual intercourse, humiliation kink, exhibitionism, praise kink.
A/N - thanks to @sugarpopss for feeding into my delusions and horny thots, we brainstormed this idea, and voila! hope you enjoy boo xox
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Undertaking this human behaviour psychology class was proving to be both a tease and a taunt. Often, you were a diligent student, reserved in your ways, you never struggled with losing focus nor lacking attention, and yet, something about this class with each passing week, was provoking something devious from within you.
Your attention remained persistent and unwavering, however not on the topic at hand, though rather on your stout and round professor...
Aegon Targaryen, was one of those professors you really had not paid any mind to initially. You scarcely saw him during your first year, as he taught mostly the latter years of tertiary schooling: when his presence was not occupied in teaching tutorials and lectures, he was adamantly hidden away, reclusive to his own office or the teacher's cafeteria. Yet, passing by the corridors, you had heard many whispering gossip from previous pupils, giddily confronting each other of their little "crushes" over their chubby professor. Yet, you had never fully comprehended their words, nor what they saw in the man, till having come face to face with him.
Gradually, as the weeks went by during the semester, you had grown accustomed to his unnerving presence, grand stature, that deep, succulent voice as he monotonously spoke: the longer your keen eyes lusted over his minute details, over his physicality, the more beauty you saw in him. And despite not being that much your senior, he was still older and an authoritative figure in comparison to your colleagues.
His weight was never an issue, nor a flaw that had "turned you off" nor the others. In fact, tediously attempting to search for a textbook in the University's library, you had idly overheard a few of your colleagues gushing over the potential likelihood size of your professor's cock.
"You know what they say about the thicker men, right ladies? I bet it you girls, he'd have you rendered incapable of walking!"
"A girlfriend of mine slept with a guy much larger than herself in size, and she said it was the best sex she ever had-"
"Do you guys not see the way he rubs his belly from time to time, how adorable he looks? Or the way he has powder or icing over his lips that he tastes and licks off?-"
"Well I've made an appointment to see him after hours in his office to discuss the assignment, but I can't guarantee that's all that will happen... Did you guys not notice the way he winked at me? The way our fingers touched when he handed me back my paper?!"
Captivated by their gossip, you began to grow more attentive to your elder professor in class. Noticing the details your enthusiastic peers had picked up, each time you had captured a small indifference, you would make mental notes, often smiling to yourself mindlessly. Now you found yourself, gushing over minor, fleeting incidents, where your fingers brushed against each other, in exchange of papers, or that his larger mass lingered over your desk, during quizzes, lightly feeling the gentle, erotic touch of his distended belly over your arm.
At one point, secluded in your distant seat, in the lecture hall, rather than diligently dotting down notes as you habitually would, you found yourself sketching "A.T + [your initial]" bordered over an arrow-darted love-heart. Shaking your head to yourself, as if you had awoken from a haste sleep, you truly could not fathom the sheer sway Aegon had over you, and yet his oblivious efforts seemed to taunt you a little more...
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What felt like 10 hours was a mere one hour that had dulled by. Having spent countless hours deep into the previous night tediously studying, you felt tiresome quarrelling against the inevitable slumber that your body so desperately craved. Your head often bobbing up and down, eyes darting wide awake, shooting up towards your plump professor at the front, writing on the blackboard, his broad back turned towards you. The screeching sound of the white chalk against it, was steady enough to keep you pathetically awake.
Now that your attention was resumed once more on his figure, you delicately glanced over at how fitted his dress shirt looked around certain soft edges. How tight the fabric had grown, since the semester began, as often his pupils sought food as a way to his heart, many had believed. His thighs stocky, you could not deny that his backside was chunky, an innate yet heinous urge to spank and squeeze at his porky flesh. The thought was enough to send a thrilling, dull ache between your thighs, as you hastily squirmed and readjusted in your seat.
Now resuming his focus back unto the class, your eyes widened lusciously at the breathtaking sight of his face, and that swollen stomach. One podgy hand rested atop its distended centre, as the other dropped the chalk to the side, and held up his notes. The tight sleeves of his white dress shirt, folded up only barely making it below his elbows. The black buttons of his tight fitted shirt, close to bursting at its seams, another backed goodie would do the trick to pop them right off, you fathomed. An excitement at the sheer, imaginative scene, Aegon slumped comfortably on a desk chair, relishing in the last few bites of a powdered doughnut, and you... Nestled cosily onto his wide, meaty lap, his thick arm wrapped around your side, his pudgy hand finding its way firmly gripping your thigh, as the other held the pastry good. And your head laying against his stocky shoulder, admiring the man, as your hand slowly, and soothingly rubbed circles against his swelling, tense belly.
Now the preemptive wetness, you could just feel brewing at your aching cunt. The moisture felt thick and warm, at the slightest of movement from below, closing your legs together desperately, fearful that your professor could practically smell you from the distance. Yet he remained unfazed, continuing on his tangent talk. Shoving his reading glasses further into his nose bridge, as he read the loose pages before him. Examining the room, the class was present yet not full, only a few missing, yet everyone either in their own world, whether sketching doodles in their notebooks, or gazing across online sites, the few at the front however, kept their sole attention on Aegon. Yet in your horizon, they stood blocking his view of you further in the back... You were certain your existence in his class was close to fictitious. Just a shadow in the background. He scarcely spoke to you, except for a quick "well done" or haste compliment on an assignment, you were merely just there. Or so you had credulously deluded yourself to believe.
You had never acted so impulsively and yet, you felt that carnal urge, that burning desire to be fulfilled. Envisioning Aegon in the privacy of your dorm was never satisfactory, often always distracted or interrupted, your ethereal vision of him taken from you in an instant. And yet, here he stood before you, in all his glory... Why deny yourself the pleasure? You promised it would be a mild, quick venture.
Your hand began to idly snake its way down below your desktop, whilst the other reached for your black denim jacket, covering your legs and skirt, acting as though a chilly breeze swept by. Your eager fingers pulling up your skirt, as it found its way to the soaked cloth of your sheer, cotton panties. Your cheeks instinctively flushed pink, heat coursing against your face, as the humiliation set in at just how fragile you felt against Aegon’s mere presence, a man that you had not even conversed for any longer than a mere minute.
The thought was unbearable and yet you could not help but succumb to your desires for him.
Panties tugged to the side, a finger slowly slipped in carefully, meticulous to not expose yourself in your movements or your sounds. God forbid, if you had helplessly let out a moan, a cry for his name, you would cease to exist.
With a slow and familiar pace, your hand began to pump in and out of your soaking entrance, your finger delved shyly inside, encircling your silky folds, as your eyes remained fixated on Aegon. Instead your mind alternatively ventured into the aching thought, instead of pleasing yourself, your generous professor was instead in your stead, eager to teach you his wisdom, how to please a woman, how to psych your mind to pleasure through his experienced touch, and the constant praise of what a “good girl” you’ve been for him, his best pupil yet.
Envisioning his handsome, soft face just inches apart from yours, as his plump, wet lips grazed over yours before falling into a kiss. Wondering what his mouth would taste like, concluding a sweet, cinnamon taste lingering from all the baked goodies he would devour. You ached to feel his adipose flesh beneath your grasp, kneading at his plump, fair skin, suckling at his sensitive fat, leaving red, blatant marks on his pale skin. Your free hand now rested on your desk, you firmly gripped the edge of the desk, intuitive for some support, as your hip bucked slightly forward, shoving your finger deeper into your oozing cunt.
The excitement remained stagnant, and having noticed no changes to your surroundings, no curious or suspicious looks earned, you confidently implored, inserting another digit between your velvet folds, your motions stretching your walls out, as your pace began to haste a notch.
The tight feeling of your innocent walls clenching around your fingers, your mind wandered to the memory of overhearing the notion of Aegon’s cock. Your mind intoxicated with the idea of its girth, the words of your fellow peers, echoing in your mind as you relished in the sensation of Aegon’s thick, throbbing cock painfully stretching you out instead.
“Thicker dudes have thicker cocks, c'mon this is known. They’ll stretch you out and it will hurt like fuck at first, but God is it worth it—”
Deeper your digits shoved themselves, eager to graze over that sweet, sweet spot, leaning more forward over your desk instinctively, your free hand gripping the desk, now subtly covering your mouth, in an attempt to muffle the moans. From time to time, you needed to muster the consciousness to open your eyes, trying to mask your actions with some normalcy, as your professor continued to speak. You swore for a split second, that his eyes hovered towards your direction, yet he persevered, unfazed by your discrete, promiscuous nature.
Gods, you were desperate for the man. If he had simply called out your name, that would be supple enough to make you cum.
Much to your oblivious and ignorant mind, you hadn’t realised that your jacket began to slip away beneath your knees, from all your squirming and pacing motions. Slowly and slowly, too occupied in your conceited ways, the jacket finally fell to the floor, your legs spread apart to accomodate for your hand and its motion, you hadn’t realised your licentious exposure, until the air conditioned chill of the room settled across your bare skin. Yet your hand remained inside of you, your pace now slowed, as your eyes fell back to Aegon, your awareness regaining itself. Seconds spared as you froze in motion, before realising your professors’s gaze remained fixated firmly onto you, his lilac orbs dropping down intently eyeing your lower half. Hastily, pushing his glasses against the nose bridge once more, clearing his throat, he looked hastily down as he stuttered on his words. Immediately, you gathered yourself into composure. That familiar, prior flustered feeling coaxed you once more, the embarrassment visibly flaring in your meek face, as you dared not to look towards Aegon.
Caught in fuss, as you prayed for your existence to simply disappear, the class had been dismissed, and you hastily attempted to gather your belongings, as they fell to your feet clumsily. Just as you’d picked up the last of the fallen stationary, shoving everything into your handbag, the sudden shout for your name, from a familiar, deep voice boomed from below the lecture hall.
“Y/N, if I could see you for a second, please?” Aegon shouted, as you frighteningly stared at him, shyly nodding as you hesitantly walked down the steps. Aegon remained, partially sat at the edge of his wooden desk, his thick arms folded across his belly, making him look even more brooding. Never this up close, you only just realised how feeble you looked against his larger stature, a few inches taller, yet wider than you his frame would engulf yours, if anyone looked from beyond him, your presence would go unnoticed. His eyes remained locked onto the entrance of the class, as each pupil filed out, some without a goodbye and others desperate for some acknowledgement before giddily pacing out, as he exchanged friendly goodbye wink.
Now it was solely you two remaining. The room felt vastly larger, yet suffocating simultaneously. This overbearing tightness brewing in your chest, as you clenched your notebook closer to your chest. Despite now being fully clothed and composed, you felt naked in his presence, the shame settling in.
“How’s the semester been treating you, Y/N?”
That was strange, you hadn’t expected him to ask that. Whether it was the unexpected question or the shame, you struggled to muster the strength of your voice, as the words remained choked in your throat.
“I-I suppose it’s okay. Stressful, but okay, S-Sir.”
“I gather you’ve been busy with your studies, with exams and what not coming up. I rarely see you out of the library, not even the cafeteria.”
He noticed? You could scarcely fathom his words, and yet it was true. With the semester’s end exams looming in the horizon, you had kickstarted your thorough studies, desperate to cram every bit of information into your memory before it was too late. At times, you were so preoccupied, food was not an option, otherwise your roommate would politely gather you some sustenance from outside.
“I-I just don’t have the time for anything else these days, th-than to study… S-Sir.”
As you found courage to respond, in the meanwhile, Aegon had shut the door close, the hall becoming just a little more suffocating, trapping you in his sole presence, before he resumed his previous stance.
“Is that why you wished to put on that little show up there? Is that your call for help, hmm?”
Taken aback, you felt the scarlet blush of your cheeks flare up in heat, your lips mouthing open yet not words echoed through. Your eyes pondered to the ground seldomly, unable to maintain eye contact, as Aegon released a growling chuckle.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I suppose, I was just not expecting that from you—”
A wave of disappointment wretched and hurled in your stomach, as his words engraved in your mind. Shooting your eyes rapidly up at him, shaking your head you profusely began to apologise.
“It-It was unlike me, Aegon- I-I mean Professor. I am not the type that does ugh- that sort of thing, I-I am unsure of what came over me, p-please don’t fail me—”
As you breathlessly plead your case, taking a small step towards Aegon, you felt your eyes swelling with hot tears, as one fell across your tender cheek.
“Hey-Hey, what makes you think I would fail you? I’m not disappointed, Y/N—”
A loose strand of your hair had fallen besides your face unknowingly, yet Aegon took the decency to brush it across, stroking the strand behind your ear, as his pudgy hand cupped your face, the other gently rubbing at your side for reassurance. His touch was just as divine as you had imagined, feeling your senses slowly begin to collapse.
“I’m just surprised… A little esteemed. If I’m being quite honest, I would expect that behaviour from the others, but you? Not in my wildest dreams… You never cease to amaze me, huh?”
The last words he uttered, his thumb lightly flicked at your chin, lifting it subtly up, as he nudged for you to look up at him. Met with his warm smile, you bashfully returned the favour, completely smitten.
“I suppose I’ll have to change classes? Professor Lannister might—”
“There will be no such thing, you’re staying here. You’re my best student. And besides, Lannister’s a perv. One look at you, and he’ll think he has a chance.”
“B-But, where do we- how do we move on f-from this, exactly, Sir?”
Aegon resumed leaning back on the desk, plopping himself down, the wood creaked beneath his heavier mass, as his hands remained firmly holding yours.
“We tell no one… No one needs to know. I still teach you and you, well—”
Licking his soft lips, his eyes feasted over you, hungrily lingering from head to toe, devouring you as if you were some dessert out before him, that he was about to spoil himself silly with.
“—you can sit up there and still tease me all you wish, but perhaps… You would rather find more comfort in the privacy of my office. How about you meet me there at 5pm, just for some one on one lessons. I guarantee it’ll help with your studies. Let me help you to ugh- prepare.”
“I-I suppose that would be okay, if that is what you best advise. I-Is that what you want from me, Sir? For me to keep my pretty mouth shut, and do as I am told?”
Now the tables turned, the sudden outburst of an ego from your end, having been swayed by Aegon’s sly remarks, he remained somewhat… Impressed. Closing the distance between you both, his gut now pressing up against you, your breasts being pushed up against it. Precisely as how you creatively envisioned it, his plump lips crushed against your own, the sweet, sugary taste lingering in his mouth was a pleasant one, as his tongue pried its way into your own, before releasing as he inhaled a deep breath.
“You keep being that pretty, obedient girl I know you are, and I’ll show you just how proud I am of you.”
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general taglist (bold means I could not tag you) - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @bucknastysbabe
credit for divider - @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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mal-urameshi · 9 months
may i request a fic where shuri and riri have the house to themselves or they spend the weekend together? and can there be smut maybee
It's My Bday!!! So I decided to gift you guys with a story. 🥰
Anon, I kinda focused too much on the smut aspect, and for that I apologize in advance. I'm rusty guys, so bear with me.
Shoutout to @neptoons1998 in the DMs. We had a blast brainstorming a bunch of ideas.
Warning: 18+
Riri had her back against the wall, mindlessly wiggling her toes as Shuri’s own smile played on her face while she scribbled something on a piece of paper. The two of them were cuddled up on the bed before this. But Riri’s mind was other places as ‘Tokyo Godfathers’ played in the background. Shuri was completely engrossed in the narrative, absolutely oblivious to Riri’s growing unease. Or restlessness, what have you.
Shuri shifted, pulling Riri closer with her movements. 
Riri inaudibly swallowed as her mind continued to wander. They had made things official a few months ago. They’re Girlfriend and Girlfriend. But besides kissing and cuddling, they never went further than that. And Shuri never initiates anything. However, she didn’t either. 
She knew it was because they were both too chicken to say and do anything. Riri took a staggering deep breath and sharply exhaled.
“Are you okay?” Shuri questioned after breaking her concentration from the movie.
“Um...yea.” Riri gazed into Shuri’s eyes before dropping them to her lips and gazing into her eyes again.
“Are you sure?” Shuri turned on her side, “Are you bored?”
“No. The movie’s really heartfelt.” Riri shrugged while idly rubbing the basotho blanket between her fingers. She cast her gaze over to the movie before locking eyes with Shuri again, “I kinda wanna play a game.”
Shuri paused the movie, “What kind of game?”
Riri felt her palms start to sweat. She was too scared to say it out loud. But she didn’t want to backtrack. Her eyes traveled about the room and saw two notebooks. She got off the bed and retrieved them before digging around Shuri’s desk to get a couple of rubber bands and pens. She then held up the materials.
“We write messages to each other on the paper and flick them across the room with the rubber bands.”
Shuri raised a delicate eyebrow.
“It’ll be fun! We can write stuff we’re too chicken to say to each other.” She gave Shuri a pile of rubber bands and a notebook along with a pen before she sat down on the floor on the other side of the room.
“I’ll go first.” Riri scribbled something on a piece of paper, folded it over the rubber band and then shot the note across the room right into Shuri’s lap. 
“Damn! My aim is good!”
Shuri opened up the paper and laughed at its contents, “You broke three of my prototypes? Which ones?”
Riri grinned and shrugged, “I fixed them before you would have noticed. Thank Bast I work well under pressure.”
Shuri shook her head and picked up her own book. She tapped the pen on her chin as she scrunched her nose in thought. She gave a small ‘aha’ before she scribbled her own message and shot it over to Riri.
Riri opened up her note and clapped a hand over her mouth to cover her laughs, “You sniffed me when I slept?”
Shuri stretched her legs and chuckled, “Not my proudest moments. But you were always right there when we were younger. You always smelled like that bubblegum bubble bath Okoye brought back for you.”
Riri scribbled another message and shot it at Shuri. She couldn’t be too blatant. She had to ease into the topic.
So that’s how it went for the past five minutes. Sharing notes and giggles in the otherwise silent room.
Shuri finally shot her message across the room. Riri opened it and ‘I Love You’ was written in block letters with hearts, X’s and O’s shaded around the phrase. Riri gazed across the room to see Shuri holding up a heart with her hands.
Riri grinned while forming her own heart, “I love you, too.”
She dropped her head to the blank page and fisted palms. ‘Don’t be a pussy, Riri.’
Riri tightened her grip on her pen and curled her toes as she carefully phrased her question on the sheet of paper. Carefully, she tore out the page, neatly folded it more times than she could count before closing her eyes and shooting it across the room.
Shuri caught it and Riri pulled her knees up to her chest; worried, nervous, yet intrigued about the other girl’s reaction.
Shuri excitedly opened up the note but her grin faltered when she read the words scribbled on the page.
“Have you ever thought about having sex?”
She felt her heart stutter as she looked over at Riri who was looking nervous. Shuri’s mouth felt dry. She licked her lips and looked at the note again. 
She’d be a heathenous liar if she wrote ‘No’. Because she thought about having sex with Riri more times than she could count. Before they got together. Hell, she wanted to go all the way with her the moment they agreed to be girlfriends. She’d been thinking about that moment forever. Even her dreams starred Riri more than she’d dare to admit.
When would it happen? What would be the appropriate time to initiate? Would Riri be ready? Was she ready? 
Shuri picked up her pen and scribbled on the paper.
Riri’s stomach was in knots. Shuri was awfully quiet over there and she hadn’t said anything. She did that thing where she went into deep thought and her face was unreadable. She curled and uncurled her toes as Shuri scripted her reply before shooting it across to her.
Riri wasted no time unraveling the paper and drinking in the words.
“Yes, I have. Do you want to have sex?”
She looked up at Shuri who gave her her undivided attention.
Riri interlaced her fingers together and nodded before standing up. Suddenly, she felt extremely self-conscious as she walked over to Shuri.
Shuri swung her legs off the side of the bed as Riri closed the distance between them. Her heart thundered against her chest, following Riri’s every movement.
They were going to do it right now? Oh, Bast. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen Riri naked before. Shuri’s eyes raked over her form. But being able to do something about her urges had her heating up. Shuri pressed her legs together. Bast. Bast. Bast! 
Riri walked directly in front of Shuri, and as she’d heard in Christianity, she parted her legs as Moses did the Red Sea. 
The shorter girl closed the distance between them. The kiss started off innocent at first, until Riri lightly nipped on Shuri’s bottom lip. One of Shuri’s palms cupped Riri’s cheek as she eased herself backward, onto the bed, all while their tongues slid debaucherously against each other.
Okay, okay. This wasn’t too different from all the other times they kissed. She shouldn’t be feeling so lightheaded right now. Riri’s trembling hands found purchase on the blankets regardless, afraid her elbows would buckle under the pressure of her nerves
Shuri’s free hand didn’t know what to do with itself; it rubbed against her waist, before playing with the waistband of Riri’s shorts and finally cupping the swell of Riri’s ass, giving it a light squeeze. She could die and cross over to the Ancestral plane right now.
Riri moaned into Shuri’s mouth at the sensation and Bast, if Shuri’s eyes weren’t closed they would have rolled into the back of her head.
Riri broke the kiss to catch her breath but Shuri lifted her head to chase after her lips while trying to tug down her shorts, but to no avail. 
The closest Shuri got to was her neck, but it would do. She licked against the pulse point of Riri’s neck which had her leaning into her touch and grinding against her. Shuri groaned in appreciation and mirrored Riri’s actions. 
“Mm. Shuri…” Riri whined and panted into her ear. Her breath fanned against the shell of Shuri’s ear which had a shiver reverberating up her spine.
Shuri’s own breath escaped her lungs faster than she could replace it, causing her to become somewhat lightheaded. 
This is the first time she’s ever heard Riri make those sounds. And she wanted to know what others she could make. Bast have mercy.
But lightheaded or not, Shuri was unable to resist the urge to slip her fingers into Riri’s shorts. She didn’t know what she was doing, but she was going to learn today. She slid her panties to the side and-
Riri’s beads pinged, causing both girls to halt their activities.
“Are you going to get that?” Shuri asked, not being able to hide the frustration in her voice.
Riri sat up straight, “Yea.” She cleared her throat a few times to get it back to normal.
Shuri’s gaze fell to Riri’s chest. She was basically eye level with it. How could she not? Her nipples had pebbled through the material of her shirt. Shuri looked up at Riri who was speaking into her beads. Her pupils were still blown wide from their new development and Shuri couldn’t help herself from rubbing her palms against Riri’s exposed midriff.
Riri shivered and voice hitched before she swatted away Shuri’s hand, “No, Mama. I’m fine. There was a bug on me.” Riri shot her a glare.
Shuri gave a shrug. She couldn’t blame her for being handsy. Their moment was unjustly interrupted. Her groin ached in protest.
Riri shifted above her and she was now very much conscious of the wet spot in Riri’s shorts. She curiously thumbed the area, completely forgetting about the conversation that was going on above her.
Riri staggered at the stimulation, causing her to lose her equilibrium. A hand braced itself against Shuri’s chest, fisting her shirt for purchase. 
“Okay, Ma. See you in a bit.” Riri hung up the call.
Shuri fell back onto her back with her arms spread out, the heat of the moment being permanently extinguished.
“Are you leaving now?” She turned her head to the side to look at Riri.
Riri sighed and nodded, suddenly feeling self-conscious again. She got off of Shuri and stood up on semi-wobbly legs.
Shuri sat up and walked behind Riri as she gathered her things, “Do you want new pants?”
“Yea, I’ll get one out your closet.” She already made her way over.
Shuri sighed as she heard Riri rummage through her things. They were so close. She bit her lip as her mind replayed what went down barely two minutes ago. Happy and frustrated at the same time. She wanted to do more. She was operating purely on instinct but she was partially happy things ended. What if she wasn’t good enough?
Riri reappeared, causing Shuri to grin. She walked over, gathered Riri into her arms and pressed a kiss to her lips.
Riri folded her arms after they broke apart, looking contemplative for a moment, “Mama’s going on a mission for a few days, so I was wondering if you’d wanna come over for the weekend?”
“Yes! Yes! I’d love to stay over the weekend.” Shuri couldn’t help but pull Riri in for another hug.
Riri blew out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Shuri walked Riri out to the entrance, “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?”
Riri shook her head and rubbed the back of her neck, “I’m good. Besides, I have to cool down before I get back home and you’re still making me titillated.” She snickered, not being able to help the joke.
Shuri doubled over with laughter, “I’m flattered that I make you titillated. Call me when you get home, okay?”
Riri nodded, pressed one last kiss to her girlfriend’s lips before walking home.
Once Riri was out of view, Shuri ran back to her room and started stripping herself of her pants, “Griot! Initiate ‘Do Not Disturb’ sequence for my room.”
“At once, Princess.”
When Riri got home, she wasted no time giving herself a cold shower after announcing to her mother that she was home.
 “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. We were so close!” She allowed the water to drench the crown of her head to douse her desires, if but only for a moment..
The next day, Riri found herself at her Aunts’ home. Aneka and Ayo were the best people she could come to for all of her questions and queries. They were basically her second Umamas. They always made their home a safe space for her throughout her lifetime and she was comfortable to ask them about just about anything. So she didn’t have any second thoughts as she waited for an answer at their doorstep.
Ayo opened the door and welcomed her niece with a warm smile and hug.
“How are you, Riri?”
Riri smiled, “I’m good Aunty Ayo. I came here for some advice.”
Ayo nodded, “Of course.” She guided Riri to the back porch and got refreshments for the both of them.
Riri immediately drunk down half the glass which had Ayo looking at her with intrigue.
Riri wiped her mouth and dug into her backpack for a pen and notepad. Writing always helped her make sense of her thoughts.
“I need some advice. And I thought there’s nobody better to help me out but you.”
“Whatever it is you need, I‘m here for you, Riri.” Ayo encouraged gently.
Riri bounced her knee and took a deep breath, “I’m planning on having sex with my girlfriend but I want some pointers. We got close but weren’t able to go all the way. But I’m glad we ended up stopping because I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Ayo slowly nodded her head, not expecting the nature of the question, but willing to help nonetheless. One look at Riri and she knew this was eating her up inside.
“Okay, Riri. First thing’s first is that you have to go at your own pace. Make sure that you’re comfortable around each other. Take your time with one another. Have the both of you done anything sexual in nature at all?”
Riri shook her head, “Nah. The craziest thing we ever did was slap each other’s ass. Other than that we just hold each other and cuddle and kiss.”
Ayo smiled, “Okay, that’s good. You’re familiar with nonsexual intimacy. And from what you tell me you both are comfortable.”
“Yea, but my stomach is in knots. Thinking about the actual sex has me nervous. My heart feels like it’s racing out my chest. What if I do something embarrassing? Or I make a fool of myself? I’ve never done this before. Ugh! What if she doesn’t like it, Aunty? And she breaks up with me because of it.”
Ayo leaned over and  gently rubbed Riri’s knee, “Relax, Riri. Shuri doesn’t have any experience either, right?”
Riri hunched over and held her chin in her palm, “She better not. We’re each other’s first relationship.”
“Okay, that’s good! You can learn your likes and dislikes together. I just want you to know that what you see in Pornography isn’t real. All those fake moans and tricks for the camera isn’t how it is supposed to be. And it isn’t a race. You have all the time in the world to take care of each other. And don’t be afraid to communicate.”
“Communicate? Like during sex?” Riri leaned closer.
Ayo nodded, “Yes. Like telling her that you like what she’s doing, or if there’s something she can do better or in a particular way that you would like if you were to do it solo.”
Riri covered her face, “Ugh! Isn’t that going to be like, embarrassing? What if my voice cracks or I sound weird? Or I ruin the mood.”
Ayo chucked, “You won’t be thinking that when in the moment. Besides, don’t you trust Shuri?”
Riri hugged her arms together, “Yea, I do.”
“She won’t make fun of you or anything. And neither of you are going to be professionals from the get-go.” Ayo crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat, “And I’m not saying things aren’t going to be awkward, it is your first time after all. You both are going to fumble and make mistakes, but it’s all about taking your time and learning each other.”
Riri nodded, “Okay. I gotchu, Aunty.”
“Be experimental with your touches, take note of how she reacts, the sounds she makes and you can take those as cues. Don’t be rough at first. Don’t put too much pressure on anything unless she’s vocal about it. The same applies for you.”
Riri took breaks between taking her notes, but she paused when a particular question came to mind, “Um, what- what about teeth and stuff?”
Ayo thoughtfully stroked her nose, “Hm. It depends on how she reacts to it. Don’t go biting like she’s your last meal or anything like that. But light nips here and there. Again, communication and also reading your partner comes into play. If she reacts well, continue what you’re doing. If she doesn’t like what you’re doing, she’ll say something.”
Riri quickly scribbled that down, “Teeth but not too…crazy. Okay!”
Ayo couldn’t help but find it amusing that Riri is taking this lesson so seriously, but she didn’t fault her. She was happy she could offer guidance to her very lost and eager niece.
“Any pointers on foreplay?” Riri idly tapped her pen on her notepad.
“Foreplay?!” Aneka appeared in the doorway which made Riri jump, “What’s going on here?” She walked closer to the duo and put her hand on her hips while looking between wife and niece.
Ayo looked up at her love, “Riri wanted help on how to make love to her girlfriend.”
Aneka gasped as her eyes shone with stars, ”You’re already at that age!” 
She carelessly dropped herself into Ayo’s lap which caused her wife to sit up straighter and wrap her arms around her waist to prevent her from falling off.
“Ayo! Why didn’t you call me? I have lots of sage advice for Riri.” Aneka threw her arm around Ayo’s neck and hugged her close, “Get your notepad ready.” She flapped her wrist excitedly at the pen and paper in Riri’s hands.
Ayo smiled and pressed her cheek against her wife’s chest. Here we go.
“Don’t be scared to use your tongue. You can’t go wrong with your tongue. But not like a slobbery dog either, Riri. You have to finesse it. Like you’re flicking the most delicate of ice cream cones. Really savoring it.” Aneka closed her eyes and stuck the tip of her tongue out while gently flicking it at the air.
“You are being too raunchy, my love.” Ayo lightly chided.
Aneka sucked her teeth, “How else is she supposed to learn, Ayo? She’s a visual learner.”
Aneka turned her focus on Riri again, “Don’t go too fast. I know how teenagers get. Remember how we were the first few times Ayo? She was so shy, Riri! Almost too scared to touch me like I was going to break.”
Ayo lightly patted Aneka’s leg while looking up at her, “She doesn’t need to know all of that, my sweet.”
Riri gripped her pen, wondering if she should write that down or not.
“Okay, okay!” Aneka waved her arms around, “Back to business. Make sure you take your time. You kiss, really get in the moment. Fondling is great for everyone. Don’t be afraid to touch her.”
“Remember I mentioned the tongue? Don’t be shy. And that foreplay you mentioned? Go crazy with the kissing. Really explore her body. Worship every inch of her skin. Be sensual. But don’t get too carried away. You get lost in the sensations, you start moving too fast and you accidentally tear something. Especially if the both of you aren’t wet enough.”
Riri stopped her scribbling and shot her head up, looking completely spooked, “Tear?!”
Aneka cackled while Ayo kept a firm grip on her love so she wouldn’t fall, “Don’t mind her Riri, nothing will tear because you’re going to do things at your own pace.”
Anea wiped her eyes, “You looked so scared. I was joking. But make sure you’re both wet enough. Which I’m sure wouldn’t be a problem the way teenagers are so hot in their pants these days. But if you aren’t wet enough, don’t be scared to suck on your fingers before you start exploring. Oh, right! Make sure your fingernails are short and clean!”
As raunchy as her Aunt was being, Riri appreciated the details as she jotted down the points. She then looked at her hands. She’ll file down her nails when she gets home. They weren’t super long, but she’d hate to accidentally scratch Shuri in there.
“How would I know if I’m making her feel real good?”
“It’s all about response. If she’s pulling you close, sounds like she’s breathless, and she’s restless, not knowing what to do with herself, just squirming and borderline whining like a cat in hea-”
“She has the idea, Aneka.” Ayo cleared her throat as Aneka was coming a bit too close to home.
Aneka’s smile was cheshire as she gazed down at Ayo who held her gaze, “And eye contact is key, Riri.” She pressed her forehead to Ayo’s before pressing a kiss to her lips. She then turned her attention to Riri again.
“You may be shy and self-conscious at first, but being able to look into her eyes, as you trust each other to be there for one another in one of your most vulnerable moments. It’s an absolutely amazing feeling. It makes the experience more intense, intimate as all your walls come tumbling down.” 
Aneka released a whimsical sigh as she allowed her body to melt against Ayo, who hugged her body closer to hers.
Riri’s chest bloomed with warmth as her Aunts’ display of affection. They were goals, for real. Her eyes dropped down to her notes and she did a quick flip through a sequence of pages. She had enough material to work with, she thought. Coming over was an absolutely fruitful venture.
Shuri was by her lonesome in her personal lab. She was running some calculations, yet more often than not, she found herself unable to concentrate. Her mind refused to stay in the present moment, whether it was reliving what happened yesterday with Riri or what has yet to come when she goes to her house for the weekend. 
She decided not to fight it anymore. She had to do her research. 
“Griot! Pull up what the Americans call ‘The Bird App.’”
“Task initiation commencing.” It took all of two seconds for a holographic screen to pop up with the platform’s signature blue and white color scheme. 
“Pull up an archive of all profiles that feature lesbian content. X rated in nature.”
“One moment, Princess.”
Griot pulled up all relevant profiles but Shuri made a face of displeasure, “Black lesbian content, Griot. Bast. Do I have to debug you?”
“My apologies, Princess.” The AI filtered all the content that best suited Shuri’s needs.
“Hmm.” She cupped her chin between her thumb and index as she clicked on a profile and scrolled through the media tab., “I have to start somewhere.”
Half an hour later, Shuri found herself with several holographic tabs open, a video playing in the background of a stud strapping her girlfriend, their moans echoing throughout the lab. 
She scrolled through one of the pages she was on, staring at several different designs, makes, sizes, colors, shapes, you name it.
“Bast, this is more difficult than I thought. Should Riri be with me to decide this?” She scrolled down some more when her eyes bulged in horror at one image where the dildo had veins as thick as her wrist, ”Oh my Bast! Are people in their right minds? How is that to fit into someone?”
Shuri pulled up one of the saved images of a phallic that was simpler in design and of decent length as a starter for them both, “This will do.”
She walked over to her 3D printer and got to work.
“Princess, I must inform-”
“Not now, Griot.” She toggled with the design a bit of a holographic field before she sent it off to be printed. It needed a harness as well.
“But Princess-”
“I’m busy!” She hit print once she was satisfied with the specs of the dildo.
“Shuri?” Her mother called.
“Mother?!” She squeaked out before tapping on her kimoyo beads which killed all of her research that was up.
Ramonda finally appeared in Shuri’s line of sight.
“Mother! What are you doing here?!” Shuri cleared her throat to erase any guilty tones in her voice.
Ramonda clasped her hands together, “Even though this is your lab, it is still a part of my home. Am I not allowed entry?”
Shuri quickly shook her head and gave a frightened glance at the printer that was carefully constructing the dildo.
“Yes, yes. You’re never denied entry.”
Ramonda walked closer to her daughter, “Are you alright? What was that sound just now?”
“What sound?” Shuri shrugged, she internally cringed at her stiffness. 
Ramond looked up in thought, “I can’t quite place it. Was somebody hurt? It sounded like moans of agony.”
Shuri smacked her head, “Oh yes. I was watching a video of someone in pain. There were interviews of civilians after the fallout from Avenger level threats. I was listening to them, but..it just began to be too much so I had to cut it off. All those people, whimpering…in pain.”
“Oh, Shuri. Be mindful of how much of that you consume. It may get you depressed.” Ramonda’s eyes wandered and noticed the active printer, “What are you making?”
“Just a part for an experiment. Nothing to talk about! It’s very mundane. For my own leisure, really.”
“Really? What is it about?” Ramonda’s intrigue had been sparked and began walking towards it.
“No! No! Mother, I’m very self-conscious about it!” Shuri put herself between the printer and Ramonda.
“But you’re always excited to show me your projects.” 
Shuri viciously shook her head, “Well this one is extremely personal Mother, and I don’t want anybody to see it.”
Ramonda could take a hint and didn’t press the issue further, “All right. I was just checking in. Don’t stay in the lab too long now.”
Shuri gave a smile and nodded, “I won’t, Mother.”
Ramonda exited the lab and Shuri completely deflated, “Oh thank Bast! Griot! Why didn’t you tell me my mother was in the lab?!”
“I tried to alert you, Princess, yet you did not heed my attempts.” The Ai quipped.
Shuri found herself walking over to the finished product and a grin slipped its way onto her features as she raised the phallic up. 
“Success! All I need is the harness.”
Shuri ordered Griot to pull up all previously closed pages and sat down in her chair as she clicked on her favorite profile. She admired this one the most because unlike some of the others she’d happened upon. 
This couple wasn’t just having sex. The way their bodies moved in tune to a rhythm known and natural only to them. They weren’t performing for the camera. They were lost in their own world that was reflected in each other’s eyes. It was just them. In a tangle of limbs that was the perfect personification of ‘The Lovers’ Embrace’. Appreciating one another in a duet of sensuality. 
They were making love.
Riri didn’t know what to do with herself. Her mother left for her mission. The house was all hers. She was home alone. Not for long, though. Riri paced and fiddled with her hands. She took several deep breaths to ease her roaring heart. 
Riri didn’t know why she was doing this to herself. Psyching herself out for no reason. It was Shuri. She walked into her bedroom for the thousandth time that evening, scanning the area to make sure nothing was amiss. She made sure her room was clean and the bed was made up, which was probably stupid because Shuri has seen it at its worst over the years. Regardless, she wanted things to be perfect.
The mattress bounced as Riri face-planted into her pillows and let out a scream. She then rolled over, stared at the sealing and licked her lips, “Okay, I’m good.”
Shuri folded the last of her clothes and placed them on the bed. Her gaze slid over to the satin drawstring bag resting on her sheets. She idled her jaw, contemplating if she should bring it. They had the whole weekend to determine if they’d be willing to use it or not. She burned a hole into the bag. Thinking of the contents it holds. 
Shuri exhaled in displeasure, “I decided to make the stupid thing! Why am I second-guessing now?!”
Shuri fiddled with a few of her loose braids. “I should not be intimidated. It is going to be an exciting experience. It is supposed to be an…exhilarating exchange.”
Her eyes fell shut and images of Riri’s naked brown skin played in her mind’s eye. 
Knock Knock.
“Princess? Are you ready?” One of the Doras who were tasked with escorting her to Riri’s residence called.
“One moment!” Shuri shoved her clothes into her backpack. She then glanced at the drawstring bag and threw it into her bag as well before rushing out the door.
Shuri gripped the straps of her backpack, trying to quiet her nerves on her trek over to Riri’s residence. She looked at both Dora’s on either side of her before speaking, “I don’t want the both of you too close to the house.”
The Dora to her right responded, “Princess, we are to keep a reasonable distance at all times.”
The Dora to Shuri’s left nodded once in agreement.
“I don’t plan on leaving the house so you can keep your distance. That’s an order.” She pointed at both of them. The last thing she wanted was the Dora’s being too close, hearing something they shouldn’t and embarrassment ensuing for all parties involved.
“Yes, Princess.” Both Doras responded.
Once in front of Riri’s home, the Doras saluted Shuri before making themself scarce. Not perceived, yet still around.
The door flew open before Shuri could knock. She looked down and smiled at Riri, “Hi.”
“Hey.” Riri smiled back.
The two of them stood there for several moments before Riri caught herself and opened the door wider, “Come inside.”
Shuri walked into the all too familiar abode and straight in the direction of Riri’s bedroom.
“Does she want to do it now?” Shuri found herself wondering as she settled her things.
“Does she want to do it now?” Riri questioned herself. Her palms were starting to feel sweaty as she softly shut the door behind her.
Shuri sat on the bed and looked at Riri. She supposed that was the signal?
Riri noted Shuri looking at her expectantly. Okay, she was signaling that she definitely was ready to get down. SHe started walking over.
Shuri kicked off her shoes, a little too eagerly which caused Riri to laugh.
Shuri paused, “What? Why are you laughing?”
“You’re just super excited.” She held a hand on her hip with a teasing smirk.
Shuri rolled her eyes with her own smile, “You basically trapped me in the room, locked the door and stared at me like I’m your prey. I was just getting ready for you to pounce.”
Their laughter permeated the air, causing a great amount of tension to evaporate from their beings.
Riri joined Shuri on the bed, peppering her lips with kisses. Shuri smiled through the affection and returned it in full.
They found themselves a tangle of limbs on the bed before Riri managed to roll on top of Shuri.
Riri’s hands found themselves beneath Shuri’s shirt and gently caressed the expanse of her stomach, “C’mon Princess, let me help you get this off.” 
Shuri’s skin felt as though it had been set ablaze beneath Riri’s touch. Her face fared no better as she found herself flustered. That nickname she used from time to time tended to do that to her. Princess was her title, yes. But when Riri called her that, it was used as a pet name. A term of endearment.
Her stomach spasmed as Riri’s gentle touch played whispered unrecognizable shapes there. Carefully, Riri helped Shuri out of her shirt, followed by her pants and underwear.
Riri took a moment to admire her girlfriend, “You’re gorgeous, Shuri.”
Shuri covered her face at the praise, “Thank you.”
Feeling a bit more confident, Riri dipped her head and pressed a kiss to Shuri’s neck. Shuri braced her hand on Riri’s shoulder as her neck was licked, nipped and sucked.
“That feels nice.” Shuri barely said above a whisper. She had come over fully prepared to take the lead, but didn’t mind the unfolding of these events.
Riri excitedly hummed in acknowledgement and drew away from her neck. She cupped Shuri’s waist but the clearing of her throat caught her attention.
“Why am I the only one naked?”
Riri’s eyes widened in realization, “Shit, sorry!”
Shuri shook her head, “Don’t worry about it.” She gestured to Riri’s clothes, “May I?”
Riri nodded and raised her arms as Shuri helped her out of her clothes, just as she did her.
Shuri couldn’t help her grin as she ogled her girlfriend’s form, but it was soon cut short by Riri’s eagerness.
“Okay, now, where were we?” Riri grinned as she slowly pushed Shuri onto the bed, followed by pressing kisses down her chest. 
Riri’s mouth latched onto one of Shuri’s breasts and gently sucked it. Her tongue flicked her nipple until it pebbled.
Shuri gasped in a breath which was followed by a stifled moan. 
Shuri felt a gentle kiss on her chin before Riri spoke up, “You don’t have to try to be quiet, Princess. I want to hear you. Can you do that for me?”
Shuri felt wetness permeate between her legs under the intensity of Riri’s gaze. She was unable to look away, she gave a nod, ”Okay, Riri.”
“Good.” She initiated a languid kiss while teasing her girlfriend’s nipple.
The stimulation getting the better of her, Shuri was unable to focus on the liplock. She  panted against Riri’s lips while simultaneously squeezing the swell of her backside to get a grip on something.
Slick warmth pooled on Shuri’s stomach, which could have only come from Riri.
Not being able to help herself, Shuri teased the weeping slit of Riri’s entrance, causing the shorter girl to buck at the sensation.
“Is that okay?” Shuri paused, searching Riri’s face for any hesitation.
Riri gazed into Shuri’s eyes, “Yea. Yea. It’s fine. I was just caught by surprise. You can go ahead. It’s okay.”
Shuri found her place again, gently sliding her fingertips along Riri’s entrance, coating them in her essence, before finally reaching her clit. She softly rubbed circles onto the bundle of nerves while looking in awe at Riri’s reactions.
Eye contact had long been broken, her eyes were screwed shut as she basked in the sensations Shuri was giving her.
Shuri slowly slipped a finger into Riri’s center and was rewarded with a soul-suck clench around the digit. 
Carefully, Shuri experimented with different rhythms until Riri vocalized, ”Mm, just like that baby.”
Pleased by the praise and not wanting to disappoint, Shuri kept her pace against Riri’s folds .
“Do you think you can handle another finger?”
“I’ll take whatever you give me. You’re making me feel so good.” Riri cupped the side of Shuri’s neck while giving her jaw lazy kisses.
Shuri added another finger while searching for one angle in particular, she propped a leg up in concentration. Sighing in dissatisfaction she unsheathed herself from Riri’s channel. Much to the other’s chagrin.
“Shuri, what the hell?” She whined.
“Raise your hips for me.”
Not needing to be told twice, she raised her hips, revealing a thin thread of slick that connected their bodies. Shuri swallowed at the sight, but remained focused on the task at hand.
She placed her hand between their bodies before her fingers found home within Riri once more.
“There we go.” She smiled up at her girlfriend.
Like a moth to fame, she immediately found what she was looking for. She caressed her fingers against the spongy surface of Riri’s walls.
“Oh, Bast, Shuri.” She moaned into Shuri’s ear. Her hips suddenly having a mind of their own, met the thrusts of Shuri’s fingers. 
Using her free hand, she added pressure to Riri’s clit. Lost in the throes of pleasure, Riri bit into Shuri’s shoulder as the bouncing on her fingers grew more wanton; unfortunately, this caused Shuri’s fingers to slip out.
This caused Riri to whine in displeasure. She tried lowering her hips, but Shuri’s leg was in the way. So she found herself mindlessly humping her girlfriend’s thigh for release instead. Anything to regain the sensation she lost.
“C’mon babygirl, my fingers are better than my thighs. Let me help you. You’re almost there.” She playfully nipped Riri’s skin.
Riri eagerly accepted Shuri’s resumption of her ministrations, “You’re doing so good Princess.” 
“Yea?” She looked up at her with a hooded gaze.
“Mhm.” Riri couldn’t think straight.
Shuri placed a kiss to her chest. “I should be telling you the same thing.” Another kiss. “You look so sexy like this.” 
Riri’s breathing became even more labored, if that was even possible as her orgasm washed over her. Her blunted fingernails dug into Shuri’s waist as she rode out her climax.
Riri planted her head on Shuri’s chest to give herself a breather. Shuri gently wiped her brow, “Are you alright?”
Riri took a few breaths as the cloud of ecstasy cleared itself from her senses, “I’m blissed out right now, not gonna lie.”
“That’s good.” Shuri grinned, feeling proud of herself.
“Okay. Your turn!” She shot up with newfound energy and slowly made her way down Shuri’s body.
Shuri propped herself up on her elbows, “Are you sure? We can wait. We have the entire night and weekend.”
“Nah, you gotta get yours too. Just lay back and enjoy yourself, Princess.” She placed a kiss on Shuri’s stomach that left tingles in its wake.
Shuri parted her legs some more for Riri to have better access, causing the other to grin.
“You look good from this angle.” She placed one of Shuri’s legs over her shoulder and trailed kisses up her inner thigh.
Riri bit her lip to hold back a smile, but her efforts were futile. She coaxed Shuri’s slit, causing her to twitch. She gently parted her labia and took an experimental lick.
“Ooh!”  Shuri threw her head back, trying to keep herself together. Riri barely did anything, but her breath alone was overstimulating.
Riri observed as Shuri’s chest heaved. Hm.
She gently sucked her clit next but Riri wasn’t prepared for her head to be ensnared between her thighs and a fist full of her hair.
“S-sorry, Riri.” 
Before Shuri could free her girlfriend from her unintentional clutches, Riri’s sinuous tongue worked against her folds in ways Shuri never thought imaginable.
She couldn’t form a coherent thought and her grip had yet to loosen from Shuri’s hair. She ground her pussy against Riri’s tongue, chasing the release Riri was so dutifully trying to give her. 
“Riri, Riri, Riri!”
Riri slurped and sucked all Shuri had to offer, thoroughly enjoying the fruits of her labour. She hummed in contentment.
Shuri whined, finally letting her hand out of Riri’s tresses.
Riri rose from her perch between Shuri’s legs and smile while she wiped her nose and mouth of wetness.
Shuri threw an arm over her eye as she caught her breath.
“Princess, you wanna taste yourself?” She felt Riri climb over her.
Shuri couldn’t even find it in herself to feel embarrassed. She chuckled at Riri’s proposition. She stuck out her tongue but wasn’t surprised when she felt her girlfriend sucking on it. She wrapped her arms around her middle to properly kiss her. She grabbed her ass for good measure.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Riri mused.
“And I didn’t know you could work your hips like that.” She chuckled.
Riri grinned, “I found out I definitely love hair pulling. It’s so hot.” 
“I found out I like biting.” She squeezed Riri closer.
“Wait, what? I bit you?” Her eyes roamed Shuri’s body for the offense, “I’m sorry.”
Shuri showed off the deep bite impression on her shoulder. “Don’t apologize. It happened when you orgasmed. I don’t think you broke the skin. But it felt so good. I loved it!” Shuri stretched and happily kicked her feet, slightly jostling Riri.
“Damn. I went primal.” She chuckled as she felt her body start to get tired.
She then grabbed a blanket at the foot of her bed and covered both of them with it.
“This was nice.” She hugged Riri under the sheets as her fatigue set in.
“It was. I’m excited to try other stuff too. But I’m beat right now.” She snuggled closer to Shuri.
Shuri stifled a yawn, “We don’t have to rush anything. We have the whole weekend to make our names.”
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noodleblade · 9 months
Swerve is hosting a human themed holiday party at swerve's and he's set a mistletoe over the door for the next unsuspecting bots of your choice who enter (very cliché) :3c
nckjsendkjsfkjef any of them bots would be good, but it has to be simpatico for you <3 its a little off topic but we get there in the end:3 also look who failed their maximum 500 words fdnksjfnkdkfv
“We’re late.”
Drift hummed unbothered, glancing up briefly from his datapad as he sat cross legged on Perceptor’s workstation. 
“Fashionably late.” He turned back to quickly type out something before adding, “We all know your social meter runs rather short so we should wait for the peak to get there.”
Perceptor…couldn’t quite argue with that logic, but he still felt the anxiety ticking through his frame, his processor tracking the kliks that passed, of the time he was missing, wasting. 
For once, he had actually planned to spend the entire night at Swerve’s Holiday Bash. He hadn’t initially when the invitation was sent to nearly every mech aboard the Lost Light over a month ago. In his servos, he held the flimsy tin pamphlet adorn with tiny, twinkly lights and glitter. Lots and lots of glitter. It promised music, drinks and “fun, Earth customs!” with a crudely drawn snowman holding a cube of energon. Perceptor was going to toss it away, ignore the social gather in favor of focusing on his work but…
His optics darted to the other half of the lab currently unoccupied. Its inhabitant was on the other side of the ship. Probably enjoying music and drinks and whatever Swerve’s best guess at Earth holiday festivities included. 
Brainstorm had been giddy when he had received the invitation. His golden optics had met Perceptor’s and casually asked if Perceptor would be going to. Any thoughts of spending the night alone had flown out the window as he gave his lab partner a single, solid nod. 
It seemed now, he was back to his usual plans. He wasn’t sure why Drift had insisted they would go together, only to keep Perceptor held up in his lab for nearly an hour, but…it felt like the cosmic forces were against him. Or maybe just Drift. Despite his neutral, calm demeanor, Perceptor felt the other mech was hiding something from him. 
“The party is going to be over before we get there,” Perceptor tried again.
Both of Drift’s optic ridges rose as he met Perceptor’s gaze. “Trust me, it won’t. Rodimus is usually the last to leave and I know for a fact he plans to spend the whole night-”
An alert sounded from Drift’s datapad. He immediately looked at it, cutting off his train of thought. A bright grin flashed across his faceplates as he jumped off the counter.
“Actually, let’s go now.”
Suspicion rose across Perceptor’s frame but…he checked his internal chronometer. Brainstorm had left with Nautica and Velocity nearly an hour ago. Perceptor didn’t want to waste anymore time, suspicions and Drift’s general weirdness aside.
“Okay,” he said, standing up quickly, hoping it didn’t come off eager. 
Judging by Drift’s widening grin, it did.
They walked in silence. Perceptor forced his pace to remain slow and even, despite wanting to rush down the halls as quickly as possible. He had been amping himself up for weeks about finally making a move and talk to Brainstorm, taking those weeks to plan out his words, gathering up the courage to cross the invisible barrier of lab partners to something more. He was ready and he didn’t want to delay it any further. He just want to get to Swerve’s, find Brainstorm and take him aside to a small, secluded booth and-
A firm hand grabbed Perceptor by the wrist, halting his pace just as the doors to Swerve’s came before them.
Perceptor couldn’t even hold back his annoyance as Drift gave him a sheepish smile.
“One more minute.”
It came out blunt, almost rude. Perceptor only briefly felt bad for his callousness. 
Drift opened his mouth to explain but before he could, the doors to Swerve’s opened his optics widened. With two firm hands, Drift pushed Perceptor through the opening, an apologetic wince on his faceplates.
Perceptor stumbled. He bumped into someone and braced his hands against them for support. An apology on his lips as he turned and-
“Percy!” Brainstorm yelped. His golden optics were wide, wingtips twitching with embarrassment as he clung to Perceptor. Behind him, Chromedome stood, his arm still outstretched. “I didn’t know you were coming in! Or that you were coming at all! I thought you weren’t interested or…” the words died in Brainstorm’s intake as the jet’s optics rose up to the doorway. Embarrassment, dread and anxious desperate worry curled around his field, brushing up against Perceptor’s. “Sorry.”
Perceptor remained unmoving as he let his own optics follow Brainstorm’s, landing on a curious bundle of colored aluminum, mangled to look almost like…a flower?
Almost like…a mistletoe…
Perceptor’s brief stint on Earth had given him a crash course on Earth and its inhabitant’s culture. Even more so, his own research had supplemented the rest. Even if the craftsmanship of the mistletoe was shoddy at best, its intent was still beyond apparent. 
“We…” Brainstorm’s intake made an audible click, “...on Earth, they have to…when humans stand under it…they have to…” the words trailed off once more, Brainstorm’s optics staring at Perceptor’s in complete and utter dismay.
Distantly, Perceptor was aware of multiple eyes on them: Swerve, at the bar, grinning bright and wide; Chromdedome, Nautica and Velocity forming a small crowd beside them; Drift surely as well behind him.
Oh. He turned his gaze from Brainstorm to throw a withering glare at Drift. Unaffected, Drift only nodded his helm back to Brainstorm, ushering with his hands for Perceptor to get on with it.
Evidentially, this had all been planned. Perceptor…didn’t have time to dwell on that. Not with Brainstorm attempting to shrink himself as small as possible while still in Perceptor’s hold.
“Kiss,” Perceptor murmured, dropping his voice low. “Traditionally, speaking.” Brainstorm’s optics were glued to Perceptor, wide and fearful. It made Perceptor’s spark drop painfully. Weeks of courage and weeks of pep talks and weeks of planning all swirling down the drain as he whispered, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Brainstorm blinked, slow and owlishly. “If…If I don’t want to?”
A sickly warmth crawled up Perceptor’s cheeks. Leave it to Brainstorm to dissect the meaning of his words now. “Yes,” Perceptor gave a faint nod, his optics closing as he added, “I am…not opposed.”
The silence was deafening. 
Perceptor began calculating the probability of socially ever being able to recover from this. It truly depended on the Rodimus and Whirl factors. If they were here and watching, the ridicule would be endless. Though with Drift watching behind him, the sting would last a bit longer. He would just have to hole up in his lab for a few weeks. Unless Brainstorm still wanted to be lab partner, then he’d have to steer clear of the labs and-
His thoughts were interrupted with a quiet hiss of depressurization. Before he could open his optics, soft, warm melt brushed against his lips. Shyly, almost timid.
Hope, horrible and all consuming hope, burst in his chest as he reached forward, one hand finding Brainstorm’s arm and the other cupping his cheek.
“Is this okay?” Brainstorm asked quietly, ringing in Perceptor’s audials.
“Yes.” Perceptor onlined his optics to meet Brainstorm’s. “Is this okay with you?”
His grin was on full display, blast mask hanging gingerly between two digits. “Absolutely, Percy.”
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milkywaybottles · 2 years
Terzo (Papa III) x Skittish gn!reader s/o Headcanons!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Thank you for sending it in, love xx
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Terzo x Skittish gn!reader s/o Headcanons!
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Initially, Terzo enjoyed messing with people. He loved to scare them, surprise them, muster any reaction he could from them and laugh while doing so, especially as a mischievous teenager. He was desperate to pull the spotlight onto him as the youngest Emeritus.
He would run rampant around the cloisters, pulling habits off of heads and jumping from pillars with his hands extended. A shriek would echo off the marble walls, often sending a hasty Sister Imperator to reprimand him with a stern gaze.
Many of the partners he had in the past, not necessarily romantic, but sexual, had always been rather coy but still confident enough to the point where he never had to reassure them. In many ways, looking back, it made him question whether they were real relationships or not.
When you came along, you rocked his world. To put it plainly, you forced him to rethink the way he approached his relationships.
(Slight Story Headcanons)
After a handful of months of being in a committed partnership with one another, Halloween was quickly approaching and many of the Ghouls had brainstormed the idea to go to a haunted house at one of the Autumn markets. Terzo had been dismissive about the idea but eventually agreed to join as long as you went with him.
The idea racked your brain for days, causing you to nervously fumble at random times. Doing your best to internalise your anxiety, you put on a brave face and pretended to be excited about the daunting prospect.
When Dew, who was particularly thrilled about the idea, would bring the topic up, you would often shut him down, insisting on changing the subject, even subconsciously. Though, as soon as the words left your mouth, your face would turn red with embarrassment as you apologised.
It was a common misconception for Terzo to be aloof in nature, but he did notice these things.
Not thinking much of your reaction, he pushed it to the back of his mind as the day approached.
The day itself was a train wreck on your side. The ghouls had been having an amazing time, giggling and racing through the haunted house. As they exited the house and emerged back into the central market, they mocked the childish efforts of the actors. You, on the other hand, stood like a deer in headlights at the door of the house, refusing to move from your fixed spot. Goosebumps were raised on your skin as your mouth was drawn into a wobbly line. Terzo studied you, observing as you clenched your hands until your knuckles turned as pale as your face. While his gaze softened, his gloved hand found its way to your back. "We do not have to go in, bella"
A relieved and grateful sigh left your mouth as you turned back to the group, disappointment hanging over you like a cloud.
Your lover did his very best to cheer you up, offering you cuddles, kisses, hot drinks and fair food to keep you preoccupied. Until, eventually, the thought completely left your otherwise scattered brain.
He always remembers the signs which send him on high alert whenever you display them. Kicking into overdrive, he hovers over you, offering anything to relieve you of your fear.
He does his best to help you avoid tense situations, and when it is required, Terzo helps you through it, one step at a time.
You are his top priority in making sure you are as comfortable as you can be, especially when the spooky season rolls around the corner.
He scolds the ghouls, warning them that you are easily spooked and that if they played any tricks on you, they would have to respond directly to their Papa.
Terzo developed a method of dealing with your fright and found relaxing ways to take your mind off of anything bothering you. From massages to bubble baths, movie nights to cuddles and kisses, he would give anything to see your worry leave your troubled face.
He is your bravest protector, and while intimidating, is very sweet and concerning when it comes to you <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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farewell-superiors · 5 months
I’m having so many thoughts about @ammstify’s persona 6 idea for it being about nature and being based on Arthurian legend but as more of a spin-off but I’m in the “pacing while brainstorming” phase which means that I have too much energy to sit down and actually write down my ideas so I may as well start a post that’s like… just a bunch of ramblings about ideas. Have so at least it’s WRITTEN DOWN and I won’t forget anything. If I think enough I might even make a fanfic in the style of steal the truth (which you should absolutely read btw it’s genuinely one of the best video game adaptations with how well it integrates persona’s calendar mechanic and social links into its story structure) but that would require a lot of foresight and planning (hence why u want to WRITE SHIT DOWN)
Anyway here goes. Spoilers for something that I just made up but might make into an actual thing in the future I guess lol
The themes are about growth (there's LOTS of plant imagery), moving on, and how it gets better (the sun will always rise, darkest before dawn, etc. (there's a lot of day/night imagery as well)), and it looks at the relationship between humans and the environment.
The setting will probably be Kyoto, or at least some city, but I'm undecided about whether the characters are high school or uni students. Both have their pros and cons and I just have to figure them out. I'm leaning towards Uni?
The actual persona elements take place in the sea of souls, although it's more accurate to say the field of souls, as it's an undending field of grass, flowers, and the odd tree/hill, with every bit of flora representing a life. Select people will travel to the sea of souls in their sleep, but sleeping in the sea of souls won't get you out, so if someone is there without a way out, it looks like they're in a coma. If they happen to die in there (haven't completely figured out shadow mechanics yet, don't know if day/night cycles in the sos would be over a few weeks (to represent the collective unconscious) or over a characters journey (because it's cool imagery)) the body will start growing vines and leaves as their pulse slowly fades.
One way to get out is through the velvet room: In the sea of souls there is a battlefield, with velvet blue warbanners rising amongst the bloodstained foliage, and in the centre is a familiar long nosed man sitting on a particularly comfy looking rock, with a warrior clad in a deep blue leather armour brandishing a spear and shield. As neither protagonist is a wild card (whoops spoiler) Igor doesn't act as the guy who fuses your personas, he's like a guide both through your journey and on your way back to the real world. Maybe belladonna and nameless are also there, who knows.
Persona users have a body part wrapped in foliage, vines, flowers, and the like (the location can be thematic, it’s as if wrapped in chains), and when summoned the foliage chains break and rapidly grow into the summoned persona.
Protag A (who I shall refer to as Sun because that’s their arcana) is a kind young man who was diagnosed with cancer. This diagnosis comes shortly after moving to a new city to start university, so he rightly is in a lot of turmoil and feeling alone. One of the way he copes is by having a fairly dark cynical sense of humour, contrasting with his kind and caring personality. I’m not set on a subject he does, I’m thinking natural sciences, it’s got a wide range of topics and, most importantly, MATHS (this isn’t a joke). His starting persona is Arthur, his second awakening is Arturus Rex, both of the sun arcana, and his ultimate persona is Excalibur, of the world arcana.
Protag B (who I shall refer to as Moon) is a standoffish young woman in the year above sun. An abuse survivor, her father (her only living relative) recently was jailed for what he did, but she still holds a deep contempt for humanity who she thinks has failed her. Initially forced to interact with sun because of a scheme where second years help first years, she stays with him because of a shared goal once they enter the sea of souls. Her story arc is about growing to care for others, learning to see the good in people, and stopping seeking revenge. Her starting persona is Lancelot, who evolves into white knight, both of the moon arcana, and her ultimate persona is Galahad of the world arcana (I’m intentionally hiding some things but oh well lol. The personas are thought out, I’ll tell you that).
I’ve not settled on social links or party members, I’ve got a few ideas, like Sun’s maths professor (who would either be magician or hierophant) and the Lovers arcana, but nothing concrete.
Getting into real endgame spoilers now, the premise is that two gods, Pendragon and Morgan le Fay, are arguing over whether humanity should suffer or not. Pendragon thinks they're a stain on the world and should be wiped out, while Morgan le Fay thinks they should live in eternal bliss. Given that the themes are about moving on and growing, neither is very good, or rather, life is a combination of the two. They're represented by the moon and the sun in the sea of souls, when Pendragon is "winning" it's night, when Morgan is "winning" it's day. towards the end of the story the party beats Pendragon without realising that now Morgan le Fay is able to act unchecked and so the regular course of life grinds to a halt. During the course of the story each protagonist holds one in themself, Moon with her contempt for humanity holds pendragon, and Sun with his wish to live with his friends forever holds Morgan, but once Moon starts to see the good in humanity her mind boots out pendragon (hence why they fight him), and once Sun accepts that a life in stagnation isn't a life living at all, his mind boots out Morgan (hence why they fight her). Basically, I really really really like the ideas of third semester and am doing something similar lol.
At the start Sun and Moon are visited by a Doctor informing him of his cancer diagnosis and a chief prosecutor "congratulating" her about her father's loss in court respectively. Both talk about their fascination with/contempt of humanity, and end with "do you agree?", a cloaked agreement to a contract that makes them their champion, for these are Morgan le Fay and Pendragon in human forms. A side effect of tricking them into agreeing to a contract, however, is letting them into the velvet room, a mistake that would lead to both of the gods' downfall.
Ah shit I haven't even tackled how dungeons and stuff work. I know at least the last one is gonna be called Avalon.
I think I'm just gonna go ahead and post this for now, I might edit it later so uhhh stay tuned I guess
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desertgourd · 6 months
ooc: meet the mun
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NAME?: Desertgourd or dg is fine.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Gaara is my only muse.
RP PET PEEVES?: Purity culture; related, inability to separate fiction from reality, and inability to engage in or explore complex topics with any amount of nuance. Excessive ooc posts - whether it's negative, or constantly hopping blogs, or drama/callout, etc.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I've been writing Gaara for about 15 years. That's nearly half of my life, come to think of it. Terrifying. I began roleplaying in general a year or two before that.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: Oh, angst. Give me angst all day. I used to do fluff more, but my fluff partners have since left the scene. I'm fine with smut, though I don't write it just for the sake of it; it needs to fit into a plot (...preferably an angsty plot) for some greater purpose.
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Plots, typically. However, some of my best IC and OOC relationships have come from random ask memes, so I definitely don't discount them. Memes are a fantastic way to throw new ideas at a wall and see what sticks - especially when muses are interacting for the first few times - though they always tend to trail off. Plots are fantastic for building a more concrete storyline once a baseline relationship has been established between two characters.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Largely depends. I'm most comfortable in the roughly 1-4 paragraph range. Any longer than ~4 paragraphs or so becomes a little one-sided. When two characters are trying to interact, to build something together, too many paragraphs in between just a few lines of dialogue grows stale and overindulgent. Of course, there are exceptions.
TIME TO WRITE?: Depends. My 'real life' keeps me pretty busy. I do most of my brainstorming at night before bed. Everything I post typically goes through an initial rough draft, several editing sessions, and a final polish, spaced out over a few days. I'm a big fan of physically writing down responses on notepads as life allows - while in a waiting room or in a car, for instance.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Well - let's just say there's a reason I've stuck with the same muse for a decade and a half, and leave it there.
tagged by: @solarfreckled tagging: @zealctry @un1awful @claratenebris @kiigan @ceruleanbender @osteus & you, if you're reading this
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orchideous-nox · 8 months
18, 25, 27, 28, 36, 38, 49, 55, 68, 72, 74 and 79 for the fan fiction writing asks < 3
Ooooh boy okay this is gonna be a long one!
18 - Do you enjoy research? Which fic of yours required the most research?
I think it depends on the topic, I enjoyed research for the Wolfstar cowboy fic like looking at difference places in the States to find a setting and getting to know American equestrian terms as a Brit. It was very different for the pirate Wolfstar fic though because that was a lot of research about ships at the time and names for different sails and the layout and jobs on a ship and laws at the rough time its set.
25 - What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
Right away, definitely not editing. Hate it with a burning passion. I love writing but I can find it a bit stressful at times but I love coming up with the initial concept. I'm not much of a planner though so anything more than a paragraph gets boring for me.
27 - What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
So fun fact, I'm terrible as assessing my own strengths. Editing is not my strong point though I can tell you that, I notoriously have one typo left in every fic/chapter somehow when I post it. Writing description can be a bit boring but I love writing dialogue. I will sometimes write just the dialogue like a script and then hate myself because I have to go fill in the descriptive bits between it which feels like a chore.
28 - What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I'd love to improve at varying my writing style, I don't know how it comes across to the readers but I sometimes feel I write with a very similar style across all of my fics. I experimented a bit with gothic for one fic and it was relatively well received so I'd love to be able to expand a bit and play about more with genre and style.
36 - What fic are you proudest of?
This is a tough question, I'm going to pick two for the sake of my own sanity. First is think i need someone older because it was my first multi-part fic and it has done better than I could have dreamed of considering I thought of the idea when I was falling asleep after reading Wolfstar smut until 2am. The other is it's never just coffee because I really struggled with parts of writing it but I was so proud after it was done. It was entirely an indulgence in my love for Rosekiller and the comments I got on it were so wonderful!
38 - What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
I'd have to say looking at you got me thinking christmas because I just wanted to write about Remus dressed as Santa (the birth of Moony Claus, who I'm sure will return later in 2024) fucking Sirius and I had so much fun writing it.
49 - What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
Right off the bat, I have to say think i need someone older because it just feels like the fic I always go back to in my head trying to find whatever magic I managed to put in there. I had so much fun writing Wolfstar as cowboys and diving deeper into the characters. I also want to say once the thrill expired though because it was the first one-shot that I wrote where I had a genuine investment in trying to convey emotions inspired by a song, which has just expanded for me as a concept and is now how most of my fics come about.
55 - Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
This is a really fucking good question. I seem to be a sucker for writing some hurt/comfort second chances but I can't particularly think of any words or expressions I use a lot but if anyone does know any and fancies making me regrettably self-aware then do let me know. As for settings, I love to keep it as vague as possible in terms of city or region (except its usually England) unless the setting is important like with the band au, cowboy au and pirate au where setting mattered. I would say because I write a lot of smut a common setting is "bed" but that's just not even true, I've made these idiots fuck in bathrooms, against walls, trucks, on sofas, in a barn.
68 - Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
So I've mentioned in a post waaaay back but my idea to write a cowboy Woflstar fic came after reading a few cowboy wolfstar fics but primarily Boot Scootin' Baby by cancerravenclaw. Other than this, I try and keep the way I write as authentic to me as possible and avoid fics too similar to my concepts so like I've never read another band au (the closest I've come is The Cadence of Part-Time Poets like the last chunk) and I've never read a pirate au to my knowledge. There are writers who inspire me though, I love greenvlvetcouch, damagecontrol and the absolute loml who asked this massive list of questions futurequibblerjournalist/heartnipnops/Alex who is a bit of a saint when it comes to me and my writing. We bounce ideas off each other and I send him bits of my fics to test if they're shit and apparently they never are so idk if I should trust his judgement. He's also going to be like "Katie urgh wtf" for saying he inspires me but it's true < 3
72 - What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
Because I'm mean, I love when people cry. At my fics, not in general....usually. I have a folder of screenshots on my phone of my favourite comments for a little ego boost (it's a lot of Alex crying and typing essays in my comments ngl). I get complimented on my smut a lot which is honestly so...idk, I don't quite have the words which is ironic really. Receiving compliments on my writing has been quite the journey for me, I used to cry whenever someone said something nice and I still struggle to accept people genuinely like my fics.
74 - Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
I'm assuming this means my fics? Trying to word this with without sounding ungrateful for the love this fic got but yes absolutely it's never just coffee but that's just how writing Rosekiller seems to go. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE writing Wolfstar and the occasional Jegulus but I wish Rosekiller got the same love from the fandom. I spent about a month straight working on it's never just coffee and I'm so grateful for the love it has received but I feel it's just better written than some of the pwp one-shots I post.
79 - Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
This is going to sound so hypocritical after that answer but honestly, just write what you love to write and not just what people want you to write. Write what you want, when you want, as often as you want. Once you start writing for others you lose the passion you start out with. Fic writing is a hobby and not a job, if you stop loving it then it becomes a chore with no gratification. Even if it means you write something you think no-one will read, write it anyway if its something you love. Oh, and consider therapy.
Well, I just rewrote War and Peace so thank you for those all though provoking questions < 3
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self aware au 🤭🤭
Where like graves is the player (player!graves and game!grave are two different people they just have the same name and same personalities-ish) and is playing The mwll campaign and Alejandro turns self aware that the world he’s in is fake and that someone is watch him and at the end of the campaign he finds p!graves’s screen and like jumps out and yells stuff like “I THOUGHT YOU DIED HIJO DE PUTA” attacks him and then have a whole game of cat and mouse with graves ending up in his attic in the corner hiding and is wondering how the fuck this is happening and then Alejandro finds him and is like “I GOT YOU NOW ASSHOLE” and graves is just in the corner like “BRO PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN 😭😭😭”
im so sorry i forgor to answer HONESTLY i should think about this more you could sprinkle some uncanny sci fi vibes in there too like honestly the idea of game characters becoming self aware is one of the topics that are really interesting and fascinating to me on so many levels. i like your idea and this inspired me to brainstorm a little idea of my own just now?? consider: self aware + sort of a time loop where every time character graves dies in the campaign it's like a game over - respawn at the beginning situation and it's all well and good until he starts to remember stuff from previous playthroughs and the more shit repeats itself and he tries to change something the more he notices things that just go wrong and don't line up, glitch in the matrix style. cuz he's not supposed to do that and it kind of breaks the game? like he says something out of the script and other characters give a completely out of the blue response because their dialogue is based off of the thing he was _supposed_ to say so it doesn't make sense. he goes somewhere he's not supposed to be at the moment and it's just empty, people are supposed to be there realistically but it's completely devoid of life and action cuz this scene is not supposed to play out and there's no need to render it fully. and the idea of this being a linear game where he's the only one actively dying and re-doing every playthrough and the others are constrained by the game's code gives a whole another level to the "im trying to explain that im stuck in sort of a time loop and something is super wrong but no one gets it" because he stumbles right into the uncanny valley of other people not seeming like people when he goes off script. so depending on where this au could go it's either realizing your complete loneliness and living with the world literally breaking around you or desperately trying to change the way things go and get through to other people to maybe replicate the thing that happened to you. give alejandro a kiss see if that's far enough from the initial script to short-circuit him into self-awareness honestly this trope damn i live for the mental torment of a person realizing his whole existence is just lines of code. and his whole purpose is to die a villian so the main characters could live to be the heroes.
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c2-eh · 1 year
would love to hear more about 6, 8 and 9 <3333 mwah mwah
i have to do this with keep reading, because it has 2 snippets rip
okay so 6 is answered here. also i will add that i have made a summary of 13 chapters in my notes, so it looks promising, i just need to find some time to sit on it and make it as good as possible. it sounds like charles is bad, but it's just... his motto is gaslight gatekeep girlboss, he's good at his core lol <3 but here's snippet for u my love
As his eyes scan Carlos, he can feel pair of blue eyes boring into his skull. Charles is aware of the Mclaren teammates being very good friends. Maybe even more than that.
On multiple occasions, he's seen them give off vibes of old married couple. Teasing each other, laughing, hugging and being goofy even though they are two grown men – Lando not so much, but still. Charles has seen the longing stares and fond smiles from across the garage or events they had to attend together and it makes jealousy seeth within him.
He's known Carlos longer, since his first year in Formula 1 in 2018, when Carlos approached him in Singapore. They had a nice talk and Charles, being young and stupid, never thought he would have a chance with Carlos. He always watched and admired him from afar, too scared of doing more.
But things have changed. Charles matured a lot through this year. Not only mentally but physically as well. He knows he is good-looking and very handsome man, so he doesn’t see a point in putting himself down. He is aware of his advantages and of his weaknesses, which already makes him a bigger man than Lando will ever be.
as for 8 there is this whole idea brainstormed in motogp channel in c2 madness, but for the people here, it's single dad marc with son and carlos is his best friend that helps him with kiddo (after initial freak out on his side). also carlos is not f1 driver.
"What do you mean you haven't spoken to Marc in 5 months?" Max asks incredulously, putting his tea cup down on the coffee table.
Carlos avoids Max' gaze, his blue eyes squinting at him is not the best feeling in the world, if Carlos is honest.
"I freaked out," he mumbles and downs the rest of his coffee. Carlos was looking forward to see Max - it's been a long time since they last hung out. He is too busy trying to win his 3rd championship and Carlos is super proud of him.
They've known each other since they were little - thanks to their fathers. Unlike them, Max and Carlos actually like each other enough to be friends.
"None of that, you're gonna call him now and explain yourself," Max' voice is stern and leaves no room for arguments, "don't you think he misses you? You've been best friends for what... seven years?"
"Nine," and Carlos' heart aches. He misses him so much.
as for 9, it is one shot from carlos' pov. it's angst with the topic of body dysmorphia... it's in rough state, so i don't think it's ready to be shared yet (or ever tbh)
thank you Ria beloved for asking <3 hope this is at least a little interesting <3
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uwmadarchives · 2 years
The challenging task of selecting a research topic
By Elisa Miller, Student Historian 2022/2023
As I step back and reflect on the work I’ve done over the last two months as a student historian, it’s incredible how much I’ve learned about UW. I’ve researched such a broad range of topics and experiences that I can’t even begin to list them all. I will share some of my favorite finds! 
As an Asian-American, I immediately started researching the history of Asian-Americans on campus. One of the coolest things I found was an Asian Theater program. Founded by Professor A.C. Scott in 1963, it was the only program of its kind in the country. I should note that Scott was white and had no Asian heritage. He served with the Royal Air Force in World War II and spent much of this time in East Asia. This is where he was introduced to Asian theater. After publishing several books, he moved back to the states where he was eventually approached by UW to start an Asian Theater program under the Ford Grant. He put on several plays and brought in prominent PhD students and actors to teach his students. When the grant money ran out sometime after 1972, Scott decided to stop putting on plays and focused on teaching Chinese martial arts techniques to his acting students. 
Scott left the university in 1978, and despite having a successor, the program seems to have died off sometime before 2000. All that seems to remain is a course, Theatre 351: Fundamentals of Asian Stage Discipline. Although Scott was essentially putting his white students in yellow face, as pictured below, he seemed to have great respect for Asian culture. He spent extensive time in Asia and got involved with the theater community in Hong Kong and Tokyo. I believe costume was a major part of these plays, and both Scott and the students treated the plays/culture with respect and reverence.
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Image from "A Theater of the Senses," by P. Shaw, 1966, Wisconsin Alumnus, Volume 68, No. 2, p. 10.
I felt I had reached a dead-end with the Asian Theater program because there was a very limited number of results on the online collections at University of Wisconsin Digital Collections (UWDC) and general Google searches (more to come on this…), so I ended up talking with Kacie Lucchini Butcher, the director of the phenomenal Public History Project, to brainstorm some new ideas. She steered me in two directions: humor magazines and the International Club. 
As a huge comedy nerd, I dove into the UW humor magazine collections. There were two: the Sphinx which ran from 1903-1913 and the Octopus which ran from 1919-1959. I spent weeks pouring through these magazines, but never found anything compelling enough to me to make it my research topic. Because I’m supposed to focus my research on underrepresented/under researched groups on campus, I tried to hone in on this when looking through the magazines. There was some grotesque stuff about minorities, but they were actually pretty few and far between. 
For example: the ‘Fightin’ Irish’ cartoon pictured below. Obviously, the Irish are not really an underrepresented group, but I thought it was interesting to see that they were not truly considered white in the early 1900s. 
Many of the discriminatory pieces I found were about women, like this piece “Ain’t Nature Wonderful” from a March 1920 issue of The Octopus. It seems like a normal enough story, until it takes a very violent turn for the “punchline.” This was just one of many pieces where the butt of the joke was violence against women. 
For the most part, however, the magazines were actually quite tame. They mostly poked fun at professors, classes, majors, Greek life, etc. While the jokes about women and minorities were quite shocking and hard to read at times, I couldn’t really find a running theme to center a research project around.
I moved on to the International Club. It was founded in 1903 by a Japanese student, Karl Kawakami (Kawakami named himself after Karl Marx). Initially, the club was a place for students to debate international issues, but by the end of the decade it became more of a social club. It was actually the first International Club (also known as the Cosmopolitan Club) in the country. Many other schools such as Illinois, Harvard, Indiana followed suit. They had a national meeting of the club in 1910 in Chicago. 
As UW had no formal support/program for international students until the 1950s, the International Club welcomed them to campus and introduced them to American culture. Almost every single international student on campus was a member of the club, but anyone was welcome to join. I went onsite to the Archives to look through documents and found tons of flyers, letters, and even a scrapbook. 
One thing that caught my eye was a booklet recapping a year, 1947, of the club. One of the pages was a transcription of a debate between a few club members. I was fascinated at their eloquence and how well rounded their perspectives were. Even though the language is more formal than most students would use today, it felt like a modern conversation. It was really interesting to see a Russian student’s perspective who actually lived in the USSR and his perception of America. While disdain may be a strong word, the Asian and Russian students definitely had a bone to pick with America, which is interesting considering they had decided to attend school here.
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Photo by Elisa Miller
After going through the archives and exhausting UWDC, I thought it was a fascinating club, but again couldn’t find the hook for me to make an entire project about it. I felt like there wasn’t really much I wanted to say about it or add to it. It also seems to have disappeared from campus sometime in the 1980s or 1990s and its prominence was in the 1910s and 1920s, and there wasn’t much documentation on the club from that time. 
After finding that transcribed conversation between club members, I thought about what anti-Americanism has looked like on campus. I immediately thought of Communists, especially during the McCarthy era. So, over the last few weeks I’ve been researching Communism/Leftism on campus in the 1950s. I’ve found a lot of interesting information about tensions between Communist clubs and administration, as well as a slew of Communist speakers. One of my favorite finds was some articles about Joe McCarthy getting laughed off stage when he came to speak at UW. I also found a piece that directly contradicted the McCarthy situation about Joe Bollenbeck, a man who would attend communist speakers' events and essentially berate them.
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Newspaper clipping from the "Daily Cardinal Comment," 1951.
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Newspaper clipping by R.O.W., 1971, Insight and Outlook: A Journal of Conservative Student Opinion, Volume XI, No. 1, p. 5
While I was working on this blog, I went over it with my supervisor, Cat Phan. She gave me some helpful notes, but then she asked me about the Asian Theater program. She thought Asian theater on campus would be super interesting and would make a great topic. I agreed! We discussed why I had given up on it, and she helped me realize I may have tossed in the towel a bit too quickly. I had kind of forgotten about it until I was looking back through all my old research to make this post. It had always been a personal favorite of mine, especially because of the personal connection I felt to it. She encouraged me to give it another try and gave me some more resources. So, that’s where I stand now! With Cat’s encouragement, I’m really excited to dive deeper into the program and this is the strongest I’ve felt about any of these topics. 
I have also only really researched online using UW resources. I want to start going onsite to the archives, like I did with the International Club, and reaching out to people on campus to get a wider breadth of information. There is only so much material that has been digitized. Although, I do think I reached my personal dead-end with most of my topics with just the material I found online, the Asian Theater program is something that I will have to go out and look into. It is recent enough, at least in comparison to things like the comedy magazines or communists on campus, that I am confident I can find people who have personal experience or firsthand knowledge of the program. 
As this exhaustive post makes clear, I have struggled a bit with this research. This is my first research position ever and I’ve really had to learn as I go. I have definitely improved since I began back in July, but still have a lot to work on. I have loved the process, though! What’s great, but also difficult, about this position is how open-ended it is. Everything is completely up to us. The world is our oyster! Cat warned me that choosing a topic has historically been the most difficult part for the past student historians, and that has certainly rang true for me. I had so many ideas at first I just didn’t even know where to begin. I think I’m finally at a good place with my research. I have a clear idea of what I want to look at, and more importantly, why. The Asian Theater program at the University genuinely fascinates me and I would be honored to share more about this story.     
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xtianel · 23 days
Knowledge Management: A Deeper Dive
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On our first day of face to face class, our facilitator asked us a thought-provoking question: "What do we know about knowledge management?" I have to admit, I was caught off guard because I had no idea what knowledge management really was. Fortunately, one of my classmates had a great answer ready. He broke it down step-by-step, first defining "knowledge," then "management," and finally combining the two to explain "knowledge management." His methodical approach impressed everyone, including our facilitator, who praised him for his accurate explanation. However, there was no further discussion or elaboration on the topic, which left me curious and wanting to understand knowledge management better from my own perspective. To begin, let's revisit the way my classmate separated the terms. Although I was unsure about his answer, he described knowledge as the way we understand ideas, descriptions, information, and other similar concepts. Essentially, knowledge involves how we process, interpret, and apply information and experiences to understand the world around us. It's more than just a collection of facts; it’s about the deeper comprehension of how and why things work.
When it came to management, he explained it in the context of a workplace setting, where it refers to the act of managing people, processes, and resources. Management is about coordinating and overseeing tasks to achieve certain objectives effectively. It includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling to ensure that organizational goals are met efficiently.
Combining these two concepts, my classmate suggested that knowledge management refers to the practice of managing knowledge within an organization. This involves sharing insights, ideas, and experiences to create a more informed and collaborative workplace. For example, he mentioned a company that encourages its employees to share their perspectives and innovative ideas to foster a better, more productive workplace environment. This can be seen in companies that hold regular brainstorming sessions, encourage cross-departmental meetings, or utilize collaborative tools to ensure that valuable knowledge is not just stored but also actively used to enhance the organization’s overall performance.
Additionally, he might have mentioned that knowledge management involves implementing systems and practices that help employees access and utilize the collective knowledge of the organization. For instance, some companies use intranets or knowledge bases where employees can easily find the information they need or contribute their own knowledge. This approach not only improves efficiency by reducing the time spent searching for information but also helps preserve valuable knowledge within the organization, even when employees leave or retire.
While I initially found his explanation was very insightful, his example helped clarify that knowledge management is about using knowledge effectively to improve workplace operations and outcomes. From my perspective, knowledge management is not just about the processes and tools used to handle information. It is a holistic approach that involves people, culture, technology, and processes. It is about creating a culture where knowledge is freely shared, continuously updated, and used to drive organizational success. It's about turning individual knowledge into organizational knowledge—making sure that the insights and experiences of individuals contribute to the collective intelligence of the organization. To conclude, knowledge management is more than just a technical or administrative function; it is a strategic approach that integrates people, processes, and technology to enhance the flow of knowledge within an organization. By capturing, organizing, sharing, and applying knowledge, organizations can improve decision-making, foster innovation, increase efficiency, and maintain a competitive edge.
In today’s fast-paced, knowledge-driven economy, effective knowledge management is essential for long-term success. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement, encouraging employees to share insights and learn from one another. This not only enhances organizational performance but also boosts employee satisfaction and engagement, as they feel their knowledge is valued and contributes to the organization’s goals.
Ultimately, knowledge management is about transforming information into actionable knowledge and leveraging the collective intelligence of the organization. By embracing it, organizations ensure they are making the most of their most valuable asset—their knowledge—preparing them to face future challenges with confidence. The essence of knowledge management lies in creating a culture that values knowledge, encourages sharing, and promotes continuous improvement.
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hbelcherarts246-01 · 8 months
Process & Reflection (Week 3)
Text Reflection
This week, we read chapter 2 of our textbook, which is titled “The Anatomy of Typography”.
Right off the bat, I knew this was going to be a really interesting and enjoyable chapter to read (at least for me). I say this because I’m inexplicably obsessed with typographic anatomy and abstraction, which has been well-documented in many of my older blog posts. I honestly don’t know why I love it so much, it’s like a switch flipped when I was introduced to the topic in ARTS 102.
The chapter’s introductory “blurb” contained a really beautiful sentence, where it likened writing and typography to “thoughts made visible” and “frozen sounds”. It sounds dramatic, but reading it gave me chills and now I can’t stop thinking about it.
Moving on to the chapter’s main content, I found the section about the historical evolution of typography really thought-provoking. I always assumed that modern typography evolved from early handwriting, but I’d never thought about how the limitations of historical writing technology affected the development and evolution of letterforms. It's interesting to think about what our modern alphabet might have looked like if the technology back then had been different.
Lastly, I really appreciate the level of detail and organization of the chapter overall. Last semester, in Typographic Design 1, the course textbook covered a good amount of information on typographic anatomy, but it wasn’t super detailed and it felt less organized, which made it difficult for me to absorb what I read. This textbook is much easier to understand, as it provides plenty of helpful figures (like diagrams, side by side comparisons of different typefaces, etc). These figures helped me visualize and understand the concepts I was reading about. Overall, it was a really enjoyable and informative chapter, and it’ll be a helpful resource for the new project.
This new project reminds me a bit of the “Sports Team Redesign” project, which was the final project in my Typographic Design 1 class last semester. This is mainly because we’re designing a logotype and merchandise, which we did as part of the final project. However, this new projects ks obviously very different in all other aspects. The 2 words I ended up with were “sparkling” and “whiskey”.
I'll be honest, my heart kind of dropped when I pulled my adjective, “sparkling”, and it just dropped even further when I drew my noun, “whiskey”. I don't feel comfortable with the idea of creating an alcohol-centered brand or promoting the use of alcohol through my designs, even if they aren’t going to be used for a real music festival. Luckily, Professor Wanco said she wanted us to stay away from explicit depictions of substances or substance use, which was a relief to hear.
I had a little bit of a hard time word mapping, specifically with the word “whiskey”. At first, I couldn't think of a single way, or a single synonym for whiskey that wasn't alcohol-related. I had a kind of “lightbulb moment” when I eventually thought of the word “spirits”. It technically relates to whiskey, but it's also a word for ghosts, which I felt I could work with. I ended up going with “Shimmering Spirits Music Festival” and started brainstorming logotypes.
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When I started sketching, I got a little carried away with the “logo” part of the logotype, which you can see from the above picture (depicts some my sketches). So, I'm working on finding ways to incorporate typography into the logos I’ve sketched.
I’m also working on developing a layout for the poster. I was initially using hand-drawn (I used a graphite pencil and a ruler) grids for my poster layout sketches, but I soon realized that drawing grids by hand is pretty tedious. Additionally, I needed to be able to freely rework the layouts, which meant I needed to be able to erase parts of the sketches without erasing the grids. So, when I got home, I printed some custom-sized graphing paper and started sketching again.
I’m looking forward to making mood boards this weekend!
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themagikmirror · 9 months
Wow I love when things align with divine timing! This special piece of content is complete just in time for our first New Moon of 2024 in Sagittarius happening now! ♐️ Sagittarius allows us to tap into the power of not just our mind, but our faith. Sagittarius rules what we believe! It allows us to access divine enlightenment & expansion by seeking wise counsel internally & externally! This New Moon is a great time to identify & set intentions around the ways we wish to grow and expand throughout 2024 as well as what beliefs we need to change in order align with that. Yes, the spiritual/energetic new year is at the end of March, but you can still BRAINSTORM using this opportunity to gain clarity within yourself and your guides (physical & non-physical) on a deeper level, helping to foresee a glimpse of your future. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which also rules topics like spirituality and education. With this New Moon, I’d like to set an intention with this video to inspire practicioners (Root Workers, Readers, Diviners, Healers, Herbalists, Coaches, Mentors, Channels, Astrologers, Psychics, etc. ALL TITLES). This time I made something FOR US : the people publicly/professionally giving the messages, hosting the workshops, creating the content, the journals, doing readings, getting initiated, getting certifications, etc. Before doing a general collective Reading of the Year, I wanted to start with US. I feel in my heart that WE need a check in & a reading of our own. So here I drop off my opinions, experiences, observations and downloads from Spirit about the work we’ve been doing and the potential of where that work is going good / bad. I share vulnerable insights about my life and work in the past & present as a spiritualist. I channel messages about things that Spirit Workers need to steer to & away from in 2024, like why 💘 LOVE WORK & RELATIONAL HEALING is an important topic for practioners in 2024. This is my offering to other spirit workers & to myself in hopes that we can use what's channeled here to elevate ourselves and the work we're doing!
🪞✨Stay tuned for the 2024 Collective Reading-- which will be for EVERYONE-- towards the end of January! For personal spiritual work with me including readings, courses & 1-1 sessions where you can see & work with your authentic reflection, book using "Services" here on Facebook 
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