#oh and i found out recently that they told me rent was more money than it is
npdclaraoswald · 8 months
I simply think that given that we have an elderly dog who can't be left without constant supervision lest she hurt herself or go potty on the floor, the responsibility of watching her should fall to the roommate who is unemployed and does nothing but smoke weed and watch half naked girls dance on twitch all day.
I was planning on using my day off to go donate plasma, something that would have earned me $50. But no, I have to watch the dog until it's too late to feasibly do so because "we don't want to make him mad by asking him to wake up """early""" [read as: anytime prior to 2pm] to do it." Because he is exactly the brand of jackass who will get angry and make it the entire rest of the household's problem if he is asked to do literally anything other than sit on his ass.
I know I haven't literally lost $50, but I've lost $50 for no reason other than that both of the women I live with are in love with this piece of shit for some unfathomable reason and would in a heartbeat kick me out instead of him if I tried to push back against any of his bullshit
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I might potentially be homeless in a week! I don't have enough money to rent any place and I'm trying to reach out to friends and even co-workers for help, tips on this blog would be appreciated!
I'm 21 years old (until November of this year), I'm a trans man, and I'm getting kicked out by two emotionally abusive narcs and I desperately need help financially if I can't find a place to live. At this point, it feels like a life or death situation because I am losing hope for anything in life. Existing is just hard and if I can't find any help, I know I'm gonna do something stupid to myself.
TW: talk of transphobia, self-unaliving/harming thoughts, and emotional/psychological abuse under the cut.
I have been living with these two people for almost 3 years and I have been nothing but miserable. Initially they wanted to help me get on my feet but things changed when they found out I am trans. They have made transphobic comments such as "Do you have a dick between your legs?" "Are you sure you aren't just confused or genderfluid?" "Its your persona, not the real you" and more.
I have attempted to reach out to others about this, but they "don't want to pick sides" and let it happen. I have never felt more alone than I did.
Struggling with chronic depression and anxiety, I tend to lose motivation to even do the simplest things. Things like; showers, brushing my teeth, getting out of bed, remembering to do chores. That has gotten me into issues with my two roommates, always making me feel bad about those things. And when I attempted to explain myself, they would always say "We brought you in when your mom told you to move out, you should be grateful. We work full time jobs, you have more off time than us for being part time, you shouldn't be struggling to remember to do chores. You're lazy, irresponsible, you hardly do anything to help yourself and always say 'oh I forgot' all the time."
They tell me that I take advantage of their kindness and generosity. When I first started to live with them, they say they "allowed" me to cut my hair when I first did it, as if I had no say in what I did with my own body.
Everytime I was happy and in a good mood and said something, they pointed out that it was weird and stupid to say. They constantly made me feel bad whenever I expressed about being in a good mood over something I enjoyed. Everytime they're around, I always felt uncomfortable in their presence like I was walking on eggshells. Just their mere presence always made me uncomfortable.
It's only recently that I started to think of relapsing with self-harm, something I haven't done in probably 8 years? I do have a blade that I use as a self defense going to and from work. I haven't tho, thankfully, but I still think and consider it. I also started to think "things would be better if I was just gone. The people that I live with hate me, so it's a good idea" and thinking that scares me. I don't trust myself to be alone anymore. And if I do end up on the streets, I know I'll do something stupid because it would basically feel like I got nothing to lose.
I used to get so angry whenever they said or did any of these things. But living with them for this long, I'm just tired and more depressed than ever, and today was the final straw.
Today marks the day that they gave me an ultimatum; get my shit together in order to stay or get kicked out. So please, if you're willing to give me a tip on this blog, I would appreciate that a lot because now every. Penny. Counts.
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rogeriswater · 1 year
Don't Leave Me Now
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This work contains fictionalized versions of real events and people. Most details won’t be accurate to real life.
tags for this chapter: none
March, 1969
It was an early morning. Billy was already at work. I was eating breakfast in the dining room. I didn't realize how lonely you could feel in a big house like this. As I was eating, I heard the phone ringing. I stood up and went to go answer the phone. "Hello?" I spoke.
"Maggie?" It was Linda. "Thank goodness I have the right number"
"Linda! What a surprise!"
"Are you busy today?"
"Not really. Why?"
"Well Paul and I are getting married today and I was wondering if you'd like to be a witness" Linda asked. I felt a pang in my heart when she mentioned that she was getting married today. It made me think of Roger and Judy. "Maggie?"
"Sorry" I muttered. "Yeah, of course"
I could hear Linda's smile. "Oh, thank you, Maggie! It'll be at Marylebone Town Hall. Be there in five hours"
"Alright. I'll see you then, Linda" I said to her. I hung up the phone and was about to get back to my meal when I heard a knock on the door. I groaned in annoyance. When I answered the door, there was a girl, probably no older than eighteen. "Can I help you miss?"
"This is the Robinson residence, yeah?" Huh, she was American. I noticed she was holding a newspaper clipping in her hand.
"It is. Why don't you come on inside?" I offered her. The girl smiled at me and stepped inside the house.
"Wow!" She gasped when she saw the inside. "This place is beautiful!"
"Thank you, Miss...?"
"Oh! My name is Olivia"
"Nice to meet you, Olivia. Can I get you some tea or anything?"
"That would be lovely, ma'am" Her accent had a bit of a southern twang to it. Olivia followed me into the kitchen. She sat at the table while I got started on making the tea. "Did I interrupt your breakfast?"
"Oh no, it's fine" I told her. "Anyways, what brings you to my house?"
"I saw this ad in the newspaper that y'all were looking for a full time nanny?" I couldn't help but start chuckling. "What's so funny, miss?"
"Oh, it's just that ads been in the paper for over a month and you're the first to respond to it"
"Oh" Olivia giggled. "I suppose that is kind of funny" Once the tea was ready and made, I set a cup in front of Olivia and then joined her at the table.
"How old are you, Olivia?" I asked her.
"I recently turned eighteen" She admitted, taking a sip of her drink. Olivia was a very pretty young girl, I had to admit. She had blonde hair with the faintest eyebrows. Her eyes were big and brown. Her lips were full and she had a cute little button nose.
"That's so young. Why do you want to be a full time nanny at eighteen?" I questioned her.
Olivia frowned and shrugged. "Because I can't do much of anything else. I left home the very minute it was my eighteenth birthday. I didn't really get along with my parents and I just couldn't take it anymore. So took all the money I saved up and got on the first flight I could to London"
I felt sympathy for the poor girl. "Where have you been staying?"
"I found this motel that's been renting to me cheap for now, but I'm running out of money and that's why I need a job"
Was I actually considering letting this poor girl have the position and move in with us? "Do you have any experience watching children?"
Olivia perked up. "Oh yeah! I was the town's go to babysitter!"
"Just so you know, the baby isn't even born yet"
Olivia's smile disappeared. "Oh" I could tell she was really in need of a job, and more importantly, somewhere else to stay.
"But, considering no one else has applied for the position and you seem to be like a nice girl, I don't see the harm in offering you the position and the spare bedroom"
Olivia's eyes widened. "Spare bedroom?"
"Well yeah. You're going to be a live-in nanny"
"And when could I move in?"
"Right now if you want to"
Olivia smiled widely. She got up from her chair and walked around to my side of the table to hug me. "Oh thank you, ma'am! This means a lot to me!"
I chuckled. "Why don't I take you to that motel so you can get your stuff and then you can get settled in?"
 "Thank you, Miss... I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name"
"Maggie!" Olivia repeated. I hope I didn't make a mistake with taking this girl in. But I suppose I had several months to get to know her before the baby came. I couldn't help but wonder though how Billy was gonna react when he found out I hired the nanny without discussing with him first.
Olivia didn't have much to bring over. I promised her one day I would take her shopping so that we could fill up her closet. I was giving her a tour of the house. I was showing her my music room. "You're a musician?" Olivia asked me.
"Yeah. That's why Billy wanted to hire a nanny. So someone can help out with the baby whenever I go on tour" I said, putting my hands over my stomach. I could feel the smallest hint of a bump.
Olivia rubbed at her arm. "So it was him who wanted the nanny and not you?"
"I just...didn't want some other woman raising my baby"
"I promise Maggie, you're gonna be the baby's momma. I'm just lending an extra hand" Olivia reassured me. I looked up at the clock on the wall and noticed it's been 3 hours since Linda called me. Which means I only have two hours to get ready to be at Marylebone.
"Oh shit" I muttered. "Do you think you'll be okay on you're own until Billy gets home from work?"
"I should be. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just have a wedding to get to" I explained. I quickly ran to my room and picked out a dress. I picked out something pretty but nothing that would take attention away from Linda. I changed into it and stepped out of my room into the hall where Olivia was waiting. "How do I look?"
"Very pretty!" Olivia smiled. "Who's wedding is it?"
"Just a friend of mine. She needs me as a witness"
"Have fun then, Maggie" Olivia bid me as I made my leave.
I got to Marylebone with an hour to spare. Paul and Linda were sitting in the waiting room, holding hands. Paul looked dapper in the suit he was wearing while Linda wore a beige coat with some white peeking out from underneath it. Heather was sitting beside Linda, leaning against her. I also couldn't help but notice that George Harrison and Pattie Boyd were also there.
Linda spotted me and she waved me over to them. "Thank you so much for coming today, Maggie"
I smiled at her. "It was my pleasure, Linda"
"Great to see you again, Maggie" Paul beamed at me. He motioned towards George and Pattie. "Maggie, this is—"
"George and Pattie, I know" I said. If I'm being honest, George was always my favourite Beatle so it was kind of a shock for me to be standing in the same room as him. And Pattie, my god she was gorgeous. The pictures of her in the magazines don't do her justice. "Great to meet you both!"
"How wonderful to meet you, Maggie!" Pattie said to me.
"I can't believe we're meeting Maggie Fox of Pink Floyd" George gushed. That made me blush. George Harrison, my favourite Beatle, was a fan of Pink Floyd? A fan of me?
"Thank you, George, but I feel like I should be saying that to you. You're my favourite Beatle, y'know?"
"Hey!" I heard Paul gasp dramatically. "I'm right here, y'know!" Everyone broke out in laughter at him.
Just then, a lady holding a clipboard stepped into the wedding room. "Paul McCartney? Linda Eastman?" She called to the couple. Paul and Linda stood up as the woman smiled at them. "It's time"
Paul and Linda looked at each other and smiled. They followed the woman into the room where the ceremony would take place. The rest of us followed after them.
It was a short yet sweet ceremony. George, Pattie and I all sat together in the front row of chairs while Heather was in my lap. As Paul and Linda recited their vows to each other, my mind couldn't help but wander to Roger and Judy. Is this what their wedding was like? Mine wasn't even as nice as this. Though is any wedding really nice when you're only eighteen?
I suppose part of me was relieved I wasn't at Roger and Judy's wedding. It would have pained me to see them say their vows to each other and then seal their union with a kiss. Still, it hurt. And I don't know which hurt more. The fact that Roger went ahead and married her in the first place, or the fact he waited until I was away to do it.
Before I knew it, Paul and Linda were kissing and rice was being tossed at the newlywed couple. George, Pattie and I clapped and cheered for them. When we all stepped out of the hall, there were already photographers waiting outside to snap photos of the happy couple. Heather stayed with her mom and her new dad, while George, Pattie and I managed to sneak away.
"Such a lovely ceremony!" Pattie sighed dreamily. "Don't you think, Maggie?"
"It was" I said.
"Something tells me those two will be together for a long time" George said.
"I sure hope so. They seem to be really happy together" I felt like I should be getting home. Billy would probably be home soon and Olivia was still there on her own. "I should be going"
"Is everything okay?" Pattie asked me.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine!" I waved my hand around. "I just hired a new nanny and she's at home by herself"
"I didn't know you had children"
"Well, not yet but there is one on the way" I said, patting my stomach.
George smiled at me. "Congratulations! I do hope we can meet up again sometime"
"Why don't we exchange numbers?" Pattie suggested. So that's what we did. We exchanged our phone numbers with each other before I left and made my way home.
When I got home, Olivia was watching television in the living room. I joined her, sitting beside her on the couch. "Did Billy come home yet?" I asked.
"Not yet" Olivia shook her head. "Someone did call while you were away though. I think his name was Roger"
"What did he say?" I asked.
"He just wanted to know if you were still on for hosting a party" Olivia explained. Oh right, it had completely slipped my mind that I offered to throw him and Judy a party celebrating their marriage.
"Alright, thank you Olivia" I said as I got up to go to the phone. Might as well call him back. I dialed the number and waited for an answer.
"Hello?" Roger answered.
"Hey Rog" I greeted him.
"Sunshine!" He happily said. "Who's Olivia? She answered the phone when I tried calling earlier"
"Oh, she's our new nanny"
"New nanny?" Roger repeated and I just knew he was furrowing his brows. "But sunshine, the baby hasn't even been born yet"
"I know, but Billy insisted on getting a nanny early"
"Of course he did"
"Anyways, she said you had called and were asking about the party?"
"Yeah. Did you still want to do that for us? I'd understand if you didn't want to"
"Why wouldn't I want to?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
"Well, y'know..."
"Of course I want do this for you guys" I assured him. "I didn't get to be at the wedding so I feel like I should do this for two"
"Well thank you. I appreciate it and I know Jude does too" I could hear Judy calling Roger's name. "I have to go now. Let me know when you can throw that party, yeah?"
"Will do, Rog" I said. He hung up the phone first. I put the phone back on the receiver and put my head against the wall. I wanted to scream but I didn't want to with Olivia right in the other room.
"Honey?" I nearly jumped at the sound of Billy's voice. I looked to him. "Who's the kid watching tv in our living room?"
"Her name is Olivia" I explained to Billy. "She's our new nanny"
"You hired her without discussing it with me first?"
I gave him a look. "Says the one who put an ad in the paper without discussing it with me first"
"You're right, you're right. How old is she?"
"She's a bit young to be our nanny, don't you think?"
"Look, she has nowhere else to go, alright? She's been living at a motel since she moved here. She has experience babysitting. I think we can give her a chance"
"Alright, I'm trusting you on this" Billy walked over to me. He took one of my hands and kissed it. "Why don't I take you both out to dinner?"
"Is there a special occasion?" I asked him.
"What? I can't treat my lovely wife to dinner? Besides, this is my chance to get to know our new nanny and ask her some questions"
"Dinner it is then" Billy and I walked out into the living room. "Olivia, we're going out for dinner!"
"Okay, have fun you two!" She smiled at us.
"No, sweetie, you're joining us"
Olivia's eyes widened. "Really? Are you sure?"
"Of course, kid" Billy said to her. "Think of it as a welcome to our home dinner on us"
"How could I possibly pass that up?" And with that, the three of us made our way to dinner.
Billy picked one of the nicest and most expensive places in town. Olivia seemed stunned as we were sat at our table. We got our menus and she gasped when she saw the prices of the food. "How can y'all even afford this?" She wondered.
"Well, I'm a manager at a very successful manufacturing company and Maggie is in a band" Billy explained. "Between the two of us, we can definitely afford it"
"I take it you've never eaten at a place like this before have you?" I asked her.
"No, ma'am" Olivia shook her head.
"Well get whatever you want" I encouraged her. The waiter came around and took our orders. As we waited for our food, Billy and I decided to ask Olivia some more questions. "So, Olivia, any plans for school?"
"Not currently, ma'am. I don't even know what I want to do with my life yet. Besides, even if I wanted to, I can't afford it" Olivia explained.
Billy leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together. "Well, if you stick with us for a few years, I'm sure you'll have enough money"
"And how much are you guys going to be paying me exactly?"
"The thing is, we can't start paying you until the baby is born" I informed her. "But how would, let's say, £100 a week sound?"
Olivia's mouth fell open. "You'd be willing to pay me that much just for helping you look after a baby?"
Olivia nervously played with her fingers. "Would I have to pay any of that back to you in rent?"
Billy chuckled. "Kid, we're practically paying you to live with us. Which brings me to my next question? You got a boyfriend?"
Olivia blushed. "No, sir. Why are you asking?"
"I just want to make sure you won't be bringing anyone around, at least not without asking us first"
"You won't have to worry about that from me. Boys don't seem to be very interested in me"
I scoffed. "I find that hard to believe. You're a very pretty girl. I'm sure boys would be knocking on our door just to come see you"
"If boys come knocking on our door, I'm sure they're there to see you, my love" Billy said to me. "There's already plenty of them that have a crush on you"
"What band are you in, ma'am?" Olivia asked me.
"Pink Floyd" I answered.
"Can't say I've heard of y'all. Roger, the one who called earlier, is he in the band too?"
Billy's eyebrow raised. "Roger called today, did he?"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, in fact, he did. He was asking me if I still wanted to host that party for him and Judy"
"What party?"
"To celebrate their marriage"
"They got married?" Billy seemed surprised. "Huh, good for them" The minute our food arrived and my plate was set in front me, Billy eyed my food. "Maggie, you sure you're going to be able to eat all of that?" I can't tell if he was judging me or if he was concerned for me.
"Shut up!" I hissed at him. "I'm eating for two now, remember?" I pat my stomach. I began digging into my food. Olivia stared at her food, almost like she was too scared to eat it. "Is something wrong, Olivia?"
"I just....y'all only met me today and you've already given me a place to stay and are treating me to an expensive dinner" Her voice was a bit strained.
"You're one of us now, kid" Billy reached over to pat her hand. Olivia grinned at Billy. I observed her. I saw that glint in her eye. It's that look a teenager gets when she sees a boy she likes. I couldn't help but find it amusing.
When we got home, we all decided that we were ready for bed. Billy went straight for our room while I helped Olivia settle into hers. I picked out a pillow and some blankets for her. As I made the bad, Olivia sat at the vanity brushing through her hair. She looked at me through the mirror. "That Billy is a swell fella, isn't he?" She said.
I nodded. "That's why I married him"
Olivia sighed as she put her brush down. "I wish I had a fella like him"
"I'm sure you'll find someone some day"
"Is there something wrong, Maggie?"
"I don't think I should tell you"
Olivia got up and walked over to me. She grabbed my hands and she pulled me down so we were both sitting on the bed. "You can tell me! I'm very good at keeping secrets!"
"Well, things have just been so tense between Billy and I lately. We've recently started attending marriage counselling"
"Really? Could've fooled me. You two seemed so sweet on each other at dinner"
"Things have been getting better between us lately" I looked down at my stomach and touched it. "And I think it's all thanks to this little one right here"
"Y'all aren't one of those couples who's marriage was in the gutter so y'all decided a baby was the only way to fix it right?" Olivia cringed as soon as the question was asked. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.."
The way she said that, made me think there was a reason she was asking that question. "Is that what your parents did?"
Olivia nodded. "They resented me for it because I didn't fix a damn thing between them. I couldn't take it anymore. So when I was finally old enough, I left"
I rubbed Olivia's back. "That wasn't fair of them to put you through that"
"I think we both should get some sleep" Olivia pulled herself further up on the bed. She got under the blankets. "Night, Maggie. Mind turning the light off on your way out?"
I got up and left Olivia's room, making sure to turn the light off like she asked me to. I then went into mine and Billy's room. However, I didn't go to the bed. I went out to the balcony that was connected to our room that overlooked our spacious backyard. Billy joined me. He stood beside me, placing his hand over mine. "Everything alright, my love?"
"I just needed some fresh air" I told him. "The yard needs some livening up, don't you think? I should start a garden"
"I can hire some gardeners so they can do it for you" Billy offered. I didn't have the energy in me tonight to tell him I wanted to do it myself. "Maggie, there's something I gotta tell you"
"Judy and I...well, we kissed a few times" Billy admitted to me. My jaw clenched and I looked at him. Judy already has Roger. Why does she feel like she has to have my husband too?
"So that night while I was on tour and I called home, and Judy answered—"
"It never went any further than kissing, I promise you" Funnily enough, I believed him, though I wasn't sure I should. "I stopped meeting up with her after she and Roger got engaged"
"Thank you for telling me, Billy"
"Going forward, there shouldn't be any secrets between us. And if you ever cheated on me, you would tell me about it" I bit my tongue as Billy said that. There was a difference between what he and I did. He just kissed Judy. I fucked Roger. Countless times. And possibly got pregnant by him. I can't just tell him that. "But I know you wouldn't do that to me. You're not that type of person"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Who initiated the kiss?"
"Judy did the first time, then times after that, I did" Billy looked at me with a puzzled look. "I thought you'd be more angry about this"
"Like you said, all you two did was kiss" Perhaps the reason I wasn't as angry as I should be about it is because it would make me incredibly hypocritical.
Billy sighed with relief. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he pulled me against him. "I'm glad there's no more secrets between us" There was that punch in the gut feeling again.
"Changing the subject, I think Olivia may have a bit of a crush on you" I teased. "I don't have to worry about you and the nanny kissing right?"
Billy chuckled. "She's only a kid, Maggie. I'm sure she'll find someone her own age and quickly forget about me"
The next day I went to the store with Clea, picking out some things for Roger and Judy's party. I used this time to catch her up on everything. "I can't believe Roger would do that to you!" Clea spat angrily. "And to think I actually liked him. I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe you are better off with Billy"
"Clea, it was just never meant to be with Roger and I, and that's okay" I told her, though I was sure I was more so telling myself.
"And this baby? What are you going to tell Billy when it comes out looking like Roger?"
"That's not going to happen because this is Billy's baby"
"Whatever you say, girlie. Tell me about this new nanny"
"Her name is Olivia. She's a sweet girl"
"Don't think you have to worry about her and Billy...y'know?"
"Clea, he calls her kid. I don't think I have to worry about that"
"You say that now but the minute that chick turns twenty—"
"Clea, I love you, but shut up"
We pulled up to the register and started putting our items on the belt. Clea eyed a magazine. "Whoa look who's on the cover!" She picked it up and showed it to me. "Why it's you!" And she was right. Pink Floyd was on the cover.
"It's still surreal seeing my face in magazines or hearing my voice on the radio" I admitted.
Clea smirked. "But you love it"
I smiled. "Just a little bit"
Once Clea and I got done at the store, we made our way to a little café for something to drink. Clea had her coffee while I ordered a ginger tea. "How are things going with David?" I asked. Ever since the New Years party, the two of them have been seeing each other.
Clea smiled. "Things are going really good. I might actually like him"
"Didn't you say that about Elliott?" I asked. Oh yeah, did I mention that Clea and Elliott are still living together?
"And I told you, Elliott and I have an open relationship" Clea explained. "We encourage each other to see other people"
"Does David know that?"
Clea nodded. "He's aware of it" Someone walked into the café. Of course it was Judy. This was my first time seeing her since before she and Roger got married. I sighed and tapped my cup. "What? What is it?" Clea turned to see who I was looking at. When she looked at me again, she was wearing a scowl. "It's her. The bitch who stole your man!"
I narrowed my eyes at Clea. "First of all, she had Roger before I did. If anything, I borrowed her man without telling or asking first"
"She better not come sit with us" Clea said. Just after she said that, Judy noticed us and made her way over to us. "Ah shit"
"Maggie! Hi!" Judy smiled at me. She hugged me and air kissed my cheek. "And Clea, right? I think we've only met twice"
Clea forced herself to smile at Judy. "Judy, hi!" She then looked at me with a look that said 'don't you dare invite her to sit with us'. Well too bad, Clea.
"Would you like to sit with us Jude?" I asked.
"Of course, thanks!" Judy pulled up a chair and sat with us. "How's the pregnancy been treating you, Mags?"
"I still get morning sickness, my hormones are out of whack, I crave the weirdest shit, y'know, the regular shit that happens when you're pregnant" I explained. "I heard about the marriage! Congratulations!"
Judy smiled but it seemed to be a sad smile. She flexed her hand and looked down at her ring. "Thank you"
"Where did Roger take you for the honeymoon?" Clea asked, attempting to be polite with conversation.
"We went to Paris" Judy didn't seem as enthusiastic about it as I thought she would be. This is what she's always wanted, right? For Roger to marry her?
"That must've been lovely!" I said.
Judy nodded. "It was" She was now running her fingers along her cup. "How's Billy doing? Everything getting better between you two?"
I genuinely smiled when Judy brought Billy up. "Things have been getting really good between us lately. It's been feeling like when we first got married again. When we were just so in love"
I saw Judy's jaw clench when she smiled. Was she okay? "That's wonderful to hear. Oh, Roger said you were going to throw a party for us? That's really sweet of you"
"It's my pleasure"
Judy sighed. "I should get going. It was lovely talking to you both. Let me know when you're having the party, okay Mags?" And with that, Judy left us.
"You know, for a woman who just got married, you'd think she'd be in a state of euphoria" Clea noted.
"Yeah, it's weird" I added. Clea looked at me, crossing her arms over chest and leaning back in her chair. "What?"
"That's weird? No, no, what's weird is that you may actually be falling back in love with Billy" Clea said. She almost sounded disappointed in me.
I shrugged. "So what if I am?"
Clea reached over and grabbed my hand. "Girlie, you can't be falling in love with that idiot again. Not when you're supposed to be with Roger"
"Well he's married now so that's not gonna happen. Speaking of marriage, I'm going to need a maid-of-honor for our vow renewal ceremony—"
"You're really going through with that?"
"Of course I am. Now back to the maid-of-honour thing.."
"Do you still love Roger?" Clea interrupted me yet again.
"Clea, please don't"
"You do, don't you?"
I gritted my teeth. "I have moved on from him. He and Judy are happy together now, and like you said, I'm falling back in love with Billy"
"Judy doesn't seem so happy" Clea kept on pushing.
"Clea, I'm warning you! Quit it!" I snapped at her.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for pushing"
"It's okay"
"So maid-of-honor, huh?" Clea changed the subject. "I thought you would've asked Ronnie"
"Well I did, but she insisted that she can't take pictures at the same time" I explained.
"Of course I'll be your maid-of-honor" Clea said.
I grinned, grabbing her hands and squeezing them affectionately. "Thank you" Even if was never going to be fond of Billy, I knew I could always count on Clea's support.
As we were making the drive back to my house, we happened to drive by a home that Clea recognized. She insisted that we stop there. Turned out, it was her psychic's house. "You have to see her. Penelope has never once had a false prediction" Clea tried to convince me as she was pulling me towards the house.
I groaned. "Clea, you know I don't believe in that stuff"
"She was right about you becoming pregnant, wasn't she?" Clea said. Fine, she got me there, but that was most likely just a lucky guess.
"Fine, if it'll please you" I gave in. Clea knocked on the door. In mere seconds, it was answered by a woman who was younger than I was expecting her to be.
"Miss Hutton, I knew you'd be coming by today" Penelope said. She then looked at me. "And this must be the close friend who is with child. Maggie Robinson. I knew you would become pregnant, my dear. The great Penelope knows everything"
"Penelope, we were wondering if you could do a reading for Maggie" Clea asked.
Penelope smiled at me, grabbing my hands and pulling me inside the house. "But of course" She led us into a dimly lit room with a small round table. Penelope sat me down at the table while she sat across from me. Clea stood in a corner of the room. Penelope grabbed my hands and ran her thumbs over my palms. She looked me right in the eyes. "There are people in your life who just got married, yes?"
I blinked. Clea must've told her. "Yes"
Penelope hummed and nodded. "The girl is unhappy with this marriage. She wants what you have. And the man, well, he desires you. He may love his wife, yes, but he loves you more. I don't see their marriage lasting very long. You two will be together very soon"
I heard Clea gasping. "You hear that, Maggie! You and Roger are going to be together!"
"Okay, but maybe not" I said.
"You love your husband, but does he really love you? He will betray you. Three times" Penelope continued. I should stop her but yet I had hear what she was going to say. "The first time, will be with the unhappy woman. The second time, will be the one you trust with your child, and the third time, he will be reunited a someone from his past"
I quickly let go of Penelope's hands. "Okay, I think I've heard enough" I got up from the table. "Let's go Clea" I didn't even give her the chance to respond before I stormed out of the house. I waited several minutes outside for Clea. She finally came outside.
"I know what you're going to say" Clea started to speak. "And it's up to you whether or not you want to believe her. No, I haven't told her a thing about you"
I scoffed. "I'm not gonna let some alleged psychic tell me how my marriage is gonna be. Billy is not going to do that to me"
"I'm sorry for dragging you into this" Clea apologized.
"It's okay. You were just trying to do a nice thing for me"
Clea smiled at me. "Though, if I were you, I would keep a close eye on that nanny of yours, and Judy whenever she and Billy are in the same room, just to be safe"
I know Clea believed heavily in this stuff but I didn't. There's no possible way a stranger could know that my husband may possibly cheat on me, not once, not twice, but three times in the future? That seems a little far fetched. And how could Penelope possibly know that Roger and Judy are already unhappy with their marriage? She's never met them before. I stand by what I said about psychics. All of them are bullshit that you pay for them to tell you exactly what you want to hear. For all I know, Clea could've told her to say all that stuff. No matter, I wasn't going to let it bother me.
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A Cycle With Grief
In the very recent past, a lot has happened. I'd been struggling to cope with life. My car is still in the repair shop, needing thousands of dollars of repair work, while I rent a car I also don't have money for. And my insurance won't cover any of it. (We found a way to file through the state, and it should work, but that's to the side.) It left me wondering how I'm supposed to see the better side of things when life keeps throwing me curve balls like this. How am I supposed to feel like the universe isn't against me when things keep happening? When nothing seems to align despite my efforts? I keep trying and trying to be kicked when I'm down.
…Yet, that same day, I had another realisation.
I'd been dealing with the rage I felt when thinking of my mum would resurface, as it does. The hundreds of things that still sting, making me wonder why I wasn't good enough for them while my sister remained the golden child. Even if she did the same things I did, she was still revered while I was belittled. There's a lot of hurt there. As the rage surfaced over and over, again and again, I found myself desperately craving one thing: justice. I wanted vengeance for what I was put through, I wanted them to suffer in a million ways. I hated them. I hated their lies. And I'd been holding onto this rage because I didn't know where to put it, what else to do with it.
This day, I came to the slow realisation that my rage was hurting me more than anyone else. And I mean that. I had a million revenge plots I would never act on, I had no way to justify myself, and no matter what I did, it would never be enough. So just where was I supposed to put my anger, justified as it was? I told myself it wasn't like karma was doing anything.
Except… then I realised I was very much firsthand witnessing it in action. My dad is always sick nowadays, constantly in and out of the hospital. My mother is miserable without me in her life. And both of my parents became the very people they hated, who they swore to never become. Karma is not fast, not in the way that many would like, me included. But I did see it very much happening right before my eyes. And with my mum, my power was back in my hands. I can withhold whatever I want and I will be impacting her.
I also noticed, very abruptly, that my rage had dissipated with this realisation. I kept an eye on it, in case it might resurface. But it's been two weeks, and I still feel the same neutrality. I wouldn't go so far to say I'm fine with everything, but I'm not burdened by fury that I can't wield. And it's started bearing fruit recently.
In the last few days, I've had a string of surprisingly very good days, something I haven't felt in such a very long time. I'm so used to everything being negative, disappointing, or maybe neutral at best. I'd learnt not to get my hopes up because I'd just be let down. The first day, the school janitor I thought I put off used my pronouns. The next, I got my first hug from one of the kids who has a struggling home life. The second of a book I loved came in the mail. I wasn't getting stressed out by the minor inconveniences I normally did. And I noticed all of this. On the third day, I got my hair cut. I expected to be meh about it, but I had been struggling with sensory issues with my long hair that I just couldn't do anything with and resolved to cut it short. When I got the cut down, I was filled with euphoria. The, "Oh, there you are" moment. I love the haircut. I dyed it red. It looks so good and I can easily style it multiple ways with just a little bit of product. I think I'll keep this hairstyle forever. Even today, after a rough moment, I decided to cheer myself up by spending time with my boyfriend. We went to a candy store, got some comfort food, came home and splurged a few episodes of a show on Hulu. And even then, one of my hobbies has really brightened my day.
I'm noticing this impossible string of good days, despite the negative moments. And I noticed that I've decided, "Just because it's a bad moment doesn't mean it has to be a bad day." And it's making all the difference.
The biggest difference I've noticed? I feel genuinely happy. For the first time since I can remember. Through all of my muted emotions, I finally found what I've been chasing. I feel HAPPY. I feel great, and in control, and how to handle myself when I'm having a time. I'm making it through, step by step.
And I wanted to share that today. I broke through. I made it to the next step in the large chunks of my life that have been covered in muck and shadow. After learning to love myself, learning to set boundaries, I have finally learnt to feel genuine happiness. With all of my heart.
Life is a struggle, and we can't always see how we're going to get to where we want to be. But if we keep trying, and put in the little things to work, and keep our eye on the goal, just maybe it clicks someday. The pieces add up, and the thing we worked so hard for is something we finally achieved. And we can be truly proud of ourselves in these moments, because… You made it. You did it. Even when the world told you that you were damned to suffer, you made it one step further. You made the world a little brighter for yourself. You persevered when it might have been easier to quit. You made it. You did it. And you did it with all of that weight on your shoulders that you should never have had to bear in the first place.
You've made it so far. And you'll continue to get there. And I'm proud of you. I believe in you. Even if things don't manifest the way you're expecting, you're still trying. And that's all I can ask you do, for yourself. Because you deserve love, and respect, and happiness. Despite what the world tried to do to put that light out. Keep going, even if sometimes that love for yourself means that you need to focus on resting. Love yourself enough to take the time you need, and the care you deserve. You've got this.
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starryhyuck · 3 years
pride. (m)
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pairing: sugardaddy!xiaojun x reader
words: 4.7k+
summary: stacked with two jobs, tuition bills and rent payments, an opportunity falls into your lap that leaves you wanting more.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: creampie, breeding kink, semi-public sex, oral sex, degradation, overstimulation
It all started before you hit rock bottom.
When you enrolled in college and decided to study music, your parents refused to pay for your tuition as they had hoped you would pursue law instead. You’ve been passionate about music since you were younger, and financial burdens were not going to hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
You spend most school nights working a low wage job, and switch to a different low wage job on the weekends. You hardly had time to balance studies and work, but in order to make ends meet, you fill your body with caffeine and call it a day.
You’re in the middle of wiping down the counter of the campus’s local ice cream parlor, ignoring the email you received from your landlord minutes ago. It was yet another warning notice to pay last month’s rent, a task you’ve been putting off for weeks.
There’s barely anyone who comes into the shop this late at night on a weekday, only a few who have a midnight craving they have to fulfill. You’re surprised when Doyeon comes barging into the shop at half past midnight, dressed to the nines in her custom Versace gown.
She sighs and throws herself down on one of the parlor chairs. “I feel sick to my stomach. Is it possible for your intestines to hurt so much from champagne?”
You laugh at her. Doyeon was your first friend when you came to campus, and you were blissfully unaware of how wealthy she was until three months into your friendship. Her mother recently remarried and Doyeon despised her stepdad, but she never had any complaints about the money he carried with him. Doyeon’s offered to pay off some of your loans so that you wouldn’t have to work two jobs, but you always turned down her offer. You couldn’t take money from her — you had to have a little bit of pride.
“What happened now? More sleazy old men hitting on you?” You question, leaning over the counter to ask her.
“You know me so well,” she sighs, her curled hair styled perfectly down her shoulders. She removes her heels for a bit so she can breathe. “And Doyoung was complaining the entire time, pissing off my mom. You know how my brother is.”
You’ve met Doyoung once or twice, and he was very similar to Doyeon — confident, smart and not afraid to speak what’s on his mind. Doyoung had a very difficult time adjusting to their mother’s new beau.
“You know what would be nice?” Doyeon asks, eyelashes fluttering at you. “If you come with me next time.”
“You know I can’t,” you decline, moving to check on the tubs of ice cream. “I’m too busy with work and school. Can’t leave for a night of luxury.”
“But you can,” she whines loudly. “Just let me pay your rent for last month and we’ll call it even!”
You roll your eyes. “I hardly call that even, Doyeon.”
She huffs. “Please? I can’t stand to go to another one of these things and listen to those snotty people tell me how lucky I am that my mom found that douchebag. You would make it so much more fun, and save me from a night of torture.”
For the first time, you’re contemplating Doyeon’s offer. You’ve known for a long time now that you’re running low on funds, and you’re scared that if you don’t find a way to pay your landlord, he’ll end up evicting you. Your eyes glance up to meet Doyeon’s, who has her puppy dog gaze turned on.
You sigh. “Just one event. That’s it.”
She squeals, and almost jumps over the counter to hug you.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you, thank you!”
You awkwardly pat her back. “Yeah, yeah.”
Doyeon failed to tell you that the event she was dragging you to would actually take place within a week.
You scrambled to find a dress and how to style your hair, knowing that if you showed up in an off-brand name, you would immediately look like an outcast. Doyeon saved you from the humiliation, shoving you into a Valentino dress that had your eyes rolling out of your head at the price tag. She also hired a hairstylist on the day of to come over and fix you up, which you clearly disagreed on until Doyeon told you it wasn’t up for debate.
And now, here you were, standing in the middle of the most luxurious place you’ve ever stepped foot in. Doyeon leans over to whisper to you while you’re eyeing the waiters and waitresses walking around with trays of champagne.
“Just smile and act like you only care about money.”
She tugs you forward and you try your best to match her pace. A girl approaches you two first, nails wrapped around the stem of her glass. She’s wearing one of the most beautiful gowns you’ve ever seen, a Chanel piece her mother imported for the event.
“Hyojung, you’re way too young to be drinking anything,” Doyeon scolds.
“Calm down, mom. No one’s snitching except you. Who have you brought?”
Doyeon beams and loops her arm through yours. “This is my friend from college.” She gives Hyojung your name and you offer your best smile.
Hyojung returns your grin. “Nice to meet you. Where do your parents work?”
Doyeon opens her mouth to tell Hyojung the truth, but you stop her.
“They own a few chain businesses in our hometown. Nothing too grand,” you inform. Hyojung nods in agreement, eyes darting somewhere else.
“Well, Chanwoo is here. I’m going to get the gossip that he owes me from last time.”
When Hyojung leaves, Doyeon frowns at you. “Why did you lie?” She questions.
You shrug. “I would rather not be a fish out of water here more than I already am. It’s better if people think I’m at least middle class.”
“Okay,” she says slowly. “You know I’m not ashamed of you, right?”
You giggle and pat her cheek. “Of course I know.”
“Finally!” You hear someone exclaim, and you turn to see Doyoung rushing over to the two of you. “Where the hell have you been? Mom’s going to murder you for showing up so late.”
Doyeon rolls her eyes. “Relax. We took a long time getting ready.”
Doyoung smiles gently at you before tugging his sister away. You feel even more awkward, hands folding together as you sway in the middle of the room. The people around you are talking animatedly and you can faintly hear the sound of the violin in the back of the room. You wonder if you should pretend to go to the bathroom or find somewhere to sit-
“Never seen you here before.”
You turn to see a guy your age, dressed in a full Armani suit and Rolex watch shining under the sparkling chandelier. You awkwardly clear your throat.
“Uh, yeah. My friend brought me. Do I look that weird?”
He chuckles, running a hand through his chestnut locks. “You look beautiful. I’ve just been to plenty of these galas before and I’ve pretty much memorized the guest list.”
Your heart lingers on his compliment and you avert your gaze.
“My first one. Are they always like this?”
“Boring, you mean?”
You laugh and he joins in. You swear you feel butterflies frantically flying in your stomach.
“So, what’s your story? Also have rich parents?” You ask.
He nods. “My mother owns half of the city’s major businesses. I’m Xiaojun, by the way.” You give him your name and he smiles, motioning to the back of the room. “Want to talk where it’s a little less loud?”
You agree, smiling and taking his arm as he leads you to the less chatty part of the room. You both sit on a luxurious velvet couch, a piece of furniture that most likely costs more than your entire apartment. Xiaojun hands you a glass of champagne, his smile taking your breath away.
“Tell me a little bit about yourself,” he muses, eyeing you carefully.
You laugh. “Is this a job interview?”
He shrugs. “Could be.”
Your eyebrows furrow at his answer, but you figure rich people were always weird and vague like that. “I go to the same college as Doyeon, and I’m studying music. Not really much to say, I spend most of my time working.”
He nods, and you can’t place what the look in his eye is for.
“Music, that’s interesting. What made you decide to take on such a daunting major?”
“Daunting as in it’s not law or business?” You counter, giving him a look.
He holds his hands up in surrender. “Hey, no judgment here. In my world, I haven’t met anyone who isn’t a law or business major. It’s nice to have a change of scenery.”
He challenges your gaze, and you feel a warmth in your stomach you haven’t felt in months. You jump when you hear the shriek of your name and Doyeon comes charging towards the two of you.
“There you are! Jesus, I had to hear Doyoung fight with my stepdad for almost ten minutes.” Her exasperation turns into surprise when she sees Xiaojun seated next to you. “Oh! Hey, Dejun. Didn’t see you there.”
He offers a smile. “Hi, Doyeon.”
“Do you mind if I pull her away for a bit?” Doyeon asks, but she’s already looped your arm through hers. You slightly protest when she tugs you away from Xiaojun, but you’re immediately distracted by her next question. “What the hell were you doing talking to him? You know what Xiaojun is famous for, right?”
You frown, looking over your shoulder again to see him, watching as his line of sight carefully follows you and Doyeon.
“No, I don’t. He seemed nice. What’s the issue?”
Doyeon rolls her eyes. “He’s a sugar daddy. Always looking for new sugar babies to satisfy him. He’s been blowing through girls like the wind for the past year. He’s not good, and I don’t want you in his company without me.”
You try to process that the man you were just talking to was, in fact, scoping you out to get a potential new sugar baby. You can’t wrap your mind around it, even when Doyeon drags you to the corner of the room, where Doyoung and her stepdad are still fighting.
Your eyes linger on Xiaojun’s table, but he’s already long gone.
“Nice shop you got here.”
You practically jump out of your shoes at the sound of the familiar voice, almost spilling a cup of ice cream down your front. You nearly get whiplash with how fast you spin around, eyes widening at the sight of Xiaojun standing in the middle of the ice cream shop. Your manager, Seojeong, raises an eyebrow at your skittish nature.
“Is there a problem here?” She questions, but you immediately brush her off.
“No, no problem!” You squeak. You immediately rush over the counter and push Xiaojun out of the shop. “Seojeong, I’m taking my 15!”
“Um, okay?”
Once you’ve got Xiaojun on the street, you take notice of what he’s wearing - another dark Armani suit, same Rolex watch, and hair styled in a way that’s meant to make your panties drop. You push back your thoughts and whisper harshly to him.
“I know why you’re here.”
He raises an eyebrow, smirking. “Do you now?”
“Yes, I do,” you state confidently, tilting your chin up. “Doyeon told me about your little sugar daddy scheme.”
He laughs. “Ah, is that what they’re calling it now? Didn’t realize I was such a bad guy for wanting to help out girls in bad situations.”
You scoff. “Do you get off on this? Lowering yourself to the underprivileged lives of the poor? Pretending to be the hero that saves the damsel in distress?”
He snickers at your line of questioning, shoving his hands in his pockets and eyeing you. He leans down so that you’re face to face, and you falter as he becomes closer to you.
“And if I do? What if I like giving you money so you don’t have to work two jobs?”
“How do you know I have two jobs?” You inquire.
“You looked so lost at that gala. I told you I’ve memorized the guest list — you’ve never been on it. It became relatively easy to discover the rest of the details. It must be exhausting doing this everyday, haven’t you ever wanted a break?”
You fold your arms across your chest and take a step away from him. “What’s in it for you?”
He grins. “The pleasure of your company.”
“What kind of company?” You ask, doubting him. You won’t lie and say the offer isn’t intriguing to you. You still have pride, definitely, but the weight of two jobs has really taken a toll on you lately. Plus, Doyeon said Xiaojun breezes through girls anyways. You could get a break from paying your rent for a few months and before you know it, he’ll move onto the next charity case he wants to help out.
There’s no harm in that, right?
Your thoughts are blown through the window, however, when his smirk grows wider. You’re sure there’s a large damp spot in your underwear right now.
“Whatever company you like, little one.”
You’re fucked.
You keep the relationship with Xiaojun quiet and under wraps. You know Doyeon would have many thoughts about your choice, and she would probably convince you to let her pay your bills instead of Xiaojun. You couldn’t place that burden on her shoulders.
Surprisingly, Xiaojun doesn’t ask for much. He swings by the ice cream parlor once a week, drops off a $1000 check, stays to chat for a little, and leaves. Seojeong doesn’t raise any questions, albeit you’ve seen her glance at the envelope you leave in the back room. You would’ve thought that Xiaojun is the type of guy who invites you over to his penthouse apartment to get to know him, but he’s been quite reserved. He never crosses the line with you, and his questioning stays on the topic of your classes and work. You continuously wonder how to captivate his attention and if the other girls before you failed to do so.
About a month into the deal, your patience wears thin. You’re not even really sure why you’re frustrated in the first place. Anyone would love a no strings attached deal like this, getting $1000 every week with barely any commitment. You quit your other job because you don’t need both paychecks now and you’ve been able to keep up on rent. However, a part of you expected to be close with Xiaojun in some way at this point, especially considering the way he was flirting with you when he first propositioned this.
You’re fully prepared to confront him on Friday night, the same day he usually drops off the check and chats with you for a bit. You practically throw yourself over the counter when he takes a step inside the shop, yelling over your shoulder to Seojeong that you’re taking your break.
Xiaojun laughs at your eagerness, allowing you to tug on his suit as you pull him outside.
“Someone’s excited today. Need the check that badly?”
You frown at the accusation and exhale. “No, as a matter of fact, the money you’ve given me so far could probably cover me for a year.”
“Then what’s with the frowny face?”
“There’s a catch here, Xiaojun, I know there is. You’ve been too nice,” you say, waving a finger at him.
He smirks. “Have I been? I told you, little one, all I need is your company. You’ve given that to me every week, haven’t you?”
You scoff. “Barely. We talk for a few minutes while I’m making orders for other customers and then you leave. I would hardly call that company.”
He gets even cockier, if that was humanly possible. Xiaojun has to know what he’s doing to you — the mystery of his true personality starting to make you curious.
Similar to your first meeting, he leans down until he’s a few inches from your face, eyebrow raised. “Didn’t mean to neglect you, little one. Did you want more from me?”
You shift awkwardly, tension building in your stomach from his words. He was clearly teasing you and his patience was stronger than you previously believed. He waited a month just to have you desperate like this, wanting something more than a few minutes of his time. You’re so wet at this point that you’re definitive Xiaojun knows.
To prove your point, his smirk grows wider. “What are you doing after your shift?”
“U-Um, I have some homework to finish-“
“Great, I’ll pick you up after work and you can finish it at my apartment.” He doesn’t give you any time to protest, moving closer to you, his breath hitting the shell of your ear. “Next time, little one, just tell me you need more attention. Daddy will gladly give it to you.”
You’re a nervous wreck when Xiaojun’s expensive Rolls-Royce pulls up to the curb after your shift has ended. His car looks terribly out of place on the streets of your dirty campus, but he doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest. You quickly get in and ask him to go before anyone can recognize you.
The ride to his apartment in the upper part of town is filled with silence, making you even more jittery. Xiaojun, on the other hand, is calm and collected with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the console. You try to swallow your nerves and reason with yourself.
This is just Xiaojun — son of a multimillionaire, heir to many respective companies within the city. This is just Xiaojun — the man who’s been giving you $1000 every week with no strings attached, the man who’s clouded your dreams for the past month on more than one occasion.
Unfortunately, you don’t have any more time to dwell on your thoughts when Xiaojun pulls up to the parking garage of his complex. The both of you exit the car and he hands the keys to one of the valet drivers. His fingers fall to the small of your back as he guides you inside.
You try to avoid the blatant stares from other residents. You’re still dressed in your work clothes, a simple t-shirt and pair of jeans, but you couldn’t look more like a fish out of water. Xiaojun doesn’t seem to mind, walking into the elevator and pressing the top floor button. You ride the elevator in silence, and your eyes nearly fall out of your head when you reach the penthouse.
The apartment is straight out of the movies. The decor is extravagant, and you’re afraid if you touch anything, you’ll have to pay a fine. Xiaojun leads you to the dining room, pulling out a chair for you, despite your confusion.
“You can finish your homework here. I’ll be in the study upstairs.”
“Wait wait wait,” you stop him, placing a hand on his chest. “You’re leaving?”
He grins. “Did you want me to stay?”
He was really going to make you beg for it. Your eyes narrow and you feel a burst of confidence run through you. You tilt your head up until you’re a few centimeters from his mouth.
“You said Daddy would give me more attention if I asked for it.”
He growls, eyes darkening. Before you know it, he has you pinned to the grand table, staring at you as if you’re his last meal. It’s your turn to smirk as his control snaps, fingers digging into your hips roughly.
“Think it’s fun to test me? The other girls before you were more behaved,” he hisses, eyes wandering to the valley of your breasts.
“But you don’t like that, do you? You like it when they disobey,” you murmur, pulling him closer to you. “You like giving them their punishment.”
Xiaojun’s lips are pressed to yours before you can even fully register what’s going on, his body locking you against the wood. You whimper, hands gripping his forearm to keep steady. It’s messy and frantic, and you can see all of the built up tension starting to show.
“What would Doyeon think of you whoring yourself out for money?” He snickers, making you feel small under his gaze. “I bet she would be so ashamed. Little one gave up her pride for a few thousand dollars?”
You whine. “It’s not like that.”
“But isn’t it?” He questions you, fingers unbuttoning your jeans and sliding them down your legs. You wish you had worn a sexier pair of panties today but Xiaojun seems satisfied nonetheless, snapping the elastic against your skin. “Can’t wait to get a taste of this cunt. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it, little one?”
You probably look pathetic like this — half of your body sprawled across Xiaojun’s dining table, pants around your ankles, and a large wet spot ruining the fabric of your underwear. You pitifully nod in response to his question, eyes locked on the bulge straining against his expensive trousers. He chuckles when he follows your line of sight.
You fall into the role so easily. “Yes, Daddy.”
He directs you on your knees, the cold marble floor sending a shiver up your spine. You eagerly watch him unbuckle his belt and exposing his leaking cock for you. The tip is red and angry, demanding to be touched.
“Go ahead, little one. Make Daddy feel good.”
You wrap your mouth around the tip, nearly moaning at the taste of him. You haven’t been intimate with someone in so long and his cock has your mouth watering.
“Good girl,” he soothes, pushing his cock further down your throat. Tears immediately spring into your eyes when he ignores your gag reflex, hands gripping the back of your head as he guided you. “Shh, doing so well for me, little one.”
You allow him to fuck your mouth, trying to brush aside the tears falling down your face and saliva pooling at the sides of your mouth. It’s filthy and you love it — you haven’t been used like this in months and you never realized how much you missed it.
“Your mouth is so perfect, fuck,” he groans. “I’ll pay for anything you want if you stay on your knees like this, all pretty for me.”
You gasp when he lets you breathe, pulling his cock away. He chuckles at you, fingers returning to stroke himself as he watches you regain yourself. He tugs you back on your feet, overlooking your wobbly legs and pushing you into the living room. You’re about to question him on what he’s doing until he’s shoving you up against his glass window. You gaze downwards, seeing a plethora of people passing by on the street and cars honking to one another. It’s a view you only see in the movies, and you know Xiaojun’s eager to fuck you into the fantasy.
His fingers slide into your underwear, breath hot against your neck. “Look at all of them down there, little one. Bet they want to be just like you, fucked so good for everyone to see. Even better when I cum inside you, hm?”
You freeze. “D-Daddy,” you whisper frantically. “I’m not on the pill.”
He’s silent behind your figure before you feel him playing with your folds, your wetness coating his hand.
“Isn’t that nice? What do you think of getting knocked up, little one? This entire place could be yours, you would never have to step foot in that ice cream shop again. All the wealth you never imagined, you could spend all day in bed with me while I stuff you full. You would look so pretty on Daddy’s arm. I wonder how many times we could sneak away from the crowd so I could fuck my cock into you. Wouldn’t that be a dream?”
You gasp, growing wetter by the second. He easily slides a finger into your heat and all common sense is thrown out of the window.
“Please fuck me, Daddy,” you beg. “Please please please. I’ll be good for you, I promise.”
He laughs at your desperation, pushing another digit inside. “Even though you’re not on the pill? How filthy of you, little one.”
It’s sick. You barely know this man but all you want is his cum inside you. You can imagine the headlines now — Millionaire’s Son Gets Poor Girl Pregnant. But you want it. You want it so badly.
You hear the tearing of your panties but you couldn’t give a fuck what happens to them, pushing yourself further into him. He laughs again at you, tip lining up to your entrance.
“Beg for it.”
You cry. “Please, Daddy! I want it, I’ve been so good for you! I’ll let you cum inside me and everyone can watch. I want them to see who I belong to.”
“Fuck,” he growls at your submission. You nearly scream when he pushes into you, his girth bigger and thicker than you’ve ever taken before. On top of that, you haven’t had sex in months and the stretch is almost unbearable. Your head rolls back but Xiaojun grips your chin and forces you to look outside the window. “Look at all those people, little one. They’re about to get a nice show.”
He gives you no time to adjust, thrusting into you like he wants to break you. His fingers tangle into your hair and he pulls roughly, causing you to yelp at the pain. You’re past the point of coherent thinking, Xiaojun’s cock fucking you so good you can barely talk.
“Good, little one?”
“Mmf,” you gurgle, gasping at the force of his movements. You can feel him in your throat, and it’s as if he’s waited all these weeks just to spill his seed into you.
You tumble over the edge when he pinches your clit, whispering the dirtiest confessions into your ear. “Needy whore,” he laughed sinisterly. “Probably can’t go a day without my cock after this. Going to be begging me for it, wanting me all the time now. I can’t wait to take you everywhere and anywhere I please. I’ll buy you so many cute outfits, little one. So many skirts that make it easy for me to slide right inside and fuck you until you’re crying for me.”
You clench around his cock and fall over the edge, your wetness spilling down your thighs.
“Daddy,” you breathlessly hiss, body going limp in his arms.
“You came so much for me, little one. Your slutty cunt is so good for me, isn’t it?”
“Please, Daddy,” you plead. “Please, Daddy. I want to feel your cum.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, the sound of his balls repeatedly slapping against your pussy echoes around the room. “You wanna get pregnant? All baby wants is a big fat cock to stuff her full of cum, hm?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you cry out, not even caring how pitiful you look at this point. “Want it so badly.”
Your desperation snaps the cord inside of him and he spills every last drop into you. You whimper at the warm feeling, some of his cum starting to drip out and coat the inside of your thighs. You both attempt to catch your breaths, your legs feeling like jelly.
You’re about to move away from him until Xiaojun keeps you pinned to the window, stopping you from leaving.
“W-What are y-you doing?” You ask, still out of breath from the fucking you just received.
“I don’t think that was the one,” he muses, eyes locked on where you two are intertwined. He offers an experimental thrust that has you scrambling.
“No, no,” you sniffle, trying to move away from him again. “I can’t, I can’t.”
“I think you can,” he chuckles, enjoying the way your cunt wraps so nicely around his cock. “And you will. Haven’t gotten you pregnant yet, little one.”
You spend hours fucking like bunnies with Xiaojun taking you on almost every surface of his apartment. You don’t even care that you’re impregnated, allowing him to use you in any way he pleases while the sun falls under the skyline.
Your pride didn’t matter that much anyways.
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queenshelby · 3 years
My Friend’s Father (Part Nine)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Smut, Domestic Violence, Angst
Words: 3,064
Please comment and interact...it's what keeps this blog going
Almost a week had passed since you stayed with Cillian at his unit in Galway and, despite the fact that he was away, things had further developed between you as emotions grew with every day.
He was different to any man you had ever been involved with and, whilst your involvement with each other stemmed from purely sexual lust and hunger, you had evolved from this to something different entirely within a matter of days.
Of course, you knew each other for years and, whilst you had a crush on Cillian for as long as you could remember, you never thought that it would be like this and, for Cillian, this feeling had never been mutual.
Whilst he always considered you to be attractive and very intelligent and kind, he never felt any emotional connection or sexual attraction towards you, at least not until that weekend when you visited Denise, which was also the first time he saw you again after six months had passed.
On that night during which you slept with each other, he let his sexual hunger take over his reasonable thinking mind after he saw you, in his kitchen, making pancakes and you had since, quite openly, talked about it. He saw sleeping with you as a mistake but, ever since that night, he couldn’t get you out of his head.
For you, things weren’t just sexual anymore and you began to feel strongly for Cillian which worried you especially since he was open about the fact that he didn’t know where things were heading with you. The fact that you are his daughter’s friend and much younger than him clearly bothered him and he sometimes admitted to you that he felt strange about building such a strong connection with you. A relationship was not what he wanted but he liked you, a lot.
As such, during the past week, Cillian called you every day after he finished filming and you were talking to him more frequently than you were talking to Denise.
During his breaks, he would also text you and check in on you as you were in the middle of exams. He always remembered when you had a test and asked you how it went and, when you told him that you didn’t feel confident with your results, he reassured you that you probably did well and, even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. According to him, a pass is a pass and you needed to lower your expectations of yourself just a little.
To your surprise, he also remembered appointments you had scheduled and things that bothered you which meant that, unlike other men you had been with, he was actually listening and was interested in what you had to say.
Some nights, you had spent hours on the phone or Skype, joking about things you had encountered that day or talking about books, literature and music, which is something you both enjoyed.
Politics and social issues were other matters you could discuss endlessly and, even when you were of different opinions, you would be able to argue in the most satisfying way. Cillian always treated you as an equal and even opened up to you about his divorce from Denise’s mother recently.
Another thing you learned from Cillian was that Denise was brining along her friend Amalie to Manchester to stay at his apartment and, when you gave him a warning about her and her intentions, he reminded you that he only had eyes for you. In fact, he always showered you with compliments and all of his compliments were genuine and came natural to him, helping you immensely with your self-consciousness.
Unfortunately, whilst you enjoyed how engaging Cillian was with you every day, like a teenager in love, with the constant text messages and calls, your father soon got suspicious and confronted you about.
“Dad, I am almost 22, you don’t need to be spying on me” you said somewhat frustrated as he asked you who you were talking to every day.
“You live under my roof and you answer me young lady” he said harshly and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes just as your mother stepped in, trying to calm him down. Your father was much older, approaching sixty and fairly old school in the way he expected you and your sister to behave.
“A friend…I am talking to a friend” you explained and your father asked again, telling you not to lie to him because he would know.
“And this friend of yours, you can’t meet him…you just text and talk? You can’t bring him to our house and introduce him?” your father asked along with a million other questions.
“No, I can’t. he lives in Dublin and I, most certainly, wouldn’t bring him into this…” you said somewhat irritated by the interrogation.
“Dublin, huh? So, you met him when you visited Denise?” he asked and you nodded.
“It’s not her brother, is it? Because I really don’t want you to get involved with him. I don’t like this family and their views” your father said harshly, causing you to chuckle.
“Their views?” you asked somewhat surprised and your father nodded.
“Yes, their views on what’s right and wrong. If I recall correctly, this girl you call your friend was going out with someone of the same gender for a while. God didn’t tell us to do this but her parents obviously didn’t have an issue with it which, apparently is called new age parenting. Everything is pro choice and lets their children decide what is best for them even if they lack experience” your father went on to say and you couldn’t help but shake your head at his absurd commentary but, he continued and you soon learned what had happened between your parents and Denise’s parents many years ago, before which your mother had called Denise’s mother her friend as well.
According to your father, Cillian had voiced his opinion to your father when it was found out that your sister was pregnant following a short affair with a man she had met through university.
Cillian’s ex wife had told your sister that she had options, causing your father to get rather angry with her, which is when Cillian stepped in, supporting what Denise’s mother had said.
She had offered your sister help but your father considered this to be a betrayal and, whilst your mother maintained contact with Denise’s mother for a while, your father refused to get involved with Denise’s family thereafter.
Cillian’s often all so public views angered him and he made this very clear. He didn’t want you to be involved with his children and you couldn’t help but laugh about the irony of it all when you found out about this incident.
“Jesus Dad, that was years ago and not everyone has to have the same views as you” you said before confirming that you weren’t seeing Denise’s brother.
“No, they don’t, but I am just looking out for you and, instead of acting the way you do, throwing yourself at guys with new age ideas, I would much prefer if you met a nice young catholic man” your father explained, causing your mother to fume in anger with him.
“Throwing myself at guys? Listen, I am not sure what slut you think I am but it’s nice to know that you think so little of me” you said before storming upstairs and into your room.
Having to deal with this crap bothered you and you knew that, when this semester came to an end, you could be moving out now that you saved enough money for a bond and rent.
As the evening went on, you spent all of your time in your room, reading a book until, finally, at around 9 o’clock you saw a notification on Skype.
‘Hey Beautiful’ Cillian said as you picked up and popped in your headphones.
Cillian apologised for calling through so late and informed you that he was finally able to speak to Laura, the woman he was seeing before you.
He knew that you wanted to know about it and he had no problem telling you what you needed to hear while telling you that you had absolutely nothing to worry about.
It was Laura’s first day back on set after a week-long break and Cillian told you that she wasn’t exactly impressed when he stood her down.
‘She probably likes you…I can understand that’ you said calmly but Cillian told you that he was pretty clear with her about what this was between them.
‘Well, in retrospect, I shouldn’t have gotten involved with her’ he went on and you were quite happy to change the topic by this point and told him that you were aching for him.
‘Well, I am not sure that I can help you with that’ Cillian chuckled.
‘We could have Skype sex I suppose’ you giggled.
‘Skype Sex?’ Cillian laughed before telling you that he didn’t think that this would be a good idea since you were at home with your parents and you had previously complained about the thin walls of the house.
‘Oh Jesus Cillian, my father already thinks I am a slut, so I personally don’t care if anyone hears me getting myself off. I’ve got my earphones in and am the only one who can hear you and my door is locked’ you chuckled.
‘Your father thinks that you are a slut? Do you want to talk about that?’ Cillian asked concerned but you shook your head.
‘I rather not. You met him and know what he is like’ you explained.
‘I do. He takes God very seriously’ Cillian said before continuing on. ‘But, if you have problems at home you need to tell me please. You can stay at my apartment. I can get my house keeper to meet you there with the key’ he offered.
‘You said you were going to stay out of stuff between me and my parents just as I would stay out of matters between you and Denise’ you then said, reminding him on the conversation about your respective roles which you had three days ago.
‘Yes I did, but I can’t if I have to worry about you’ Cillian said firmly.
‘There is no need to worry Cillian. I promise’ you reassured him. ‘Well, actually, I need you to worry about my sexual needs right now’ you then went on to say with sly grin.
‘Through Skype?’ Cillian asked again somewhat concerned.
‘Yes’ you said with a cheeky smile as you settled more into your bed with your laptop.
‘Alright then, show me what you are wearing” Cillian said as he cut straight to the point.
‘Can you see?’ you asked as you adjusted the cam and showed Cillian your dark blue lingerie.
‘Very nice…but…I think you would look even better if you were naked, don’t you think?’ Cillian said somewhat nervously and you nodded in agreement.
‘Well, I suppose I should strip for you and you should strip for me’ you giggled as you seductively took off your bra slowly, showing Cillian your perky breasts through the camera.
You heard him inhale sharply as he watched you and took his t-shirt off at the same time, leaving him in nothing but his CK briefs.
Without words you then scooted back on the bed and removed your undies, allowing him to watch before you sat down on the bed, spread eagle and naked, giving him a good view of your mound.
‘Jesus Y/N, you are so fucking beautiful and sexy…touch yourself for me, nice and slow’ Cillian breathed out and you let his soothing voice wash over you, knowing what he was trying to do and happily helping him succeed.
‘Like this?’ you moaned as you began to run circles over your clit with your fingers.
‘Yes, just like that babe’ Cillian groaned as he shuffled down his briefs and you were finally getting a good look of his hard cock.
‘Oh god, I want to stroke your cock so badly’ you moaned as you seductively opened your pussy lips with your fingers, opening yourself up before reaching for the black vibrator you kept in your bedside table.
‘Well, someone's particularly horny tonight’ Cillian chuckled as he watched you play with your pussy, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
You mumbled a small "mhm," and he laughed.
‘Good, that's exactly how I like you, so naughty and needy’ Cillian said as he slowly began to stroke his hard member.
You barely registered his words enough to answer with another "mhm," but your subconscious managed it. Your weak answer elicited another delicious chuckle from the other end of the line.
"Why don't you show me how this little toy of yours works?” Cillian then asked as he watched you eagerly.
“I was just waiting for you to ask” you giggled as you began to run your fingers along your stomach and back up to your chest, leaving a trail of goosebumps their wake before reaching for the vibrator and turning it on.
“Put into your sweet pussy babe, let me see it” Cillian groaned and you moan in response, barely processing his words but still understanding enough to answer and do what he asked.
"I bet your pussy is already dripping” he said as you slid the vibrator into you slowly. He was right, you could feel your wetness pooling.
“I am so fucking wet and I wish it would be your cock inside me” you moaned as you began to stroke the toy in and out of you.
Cillian was groaning on the other side, his eyes full of lust and desire for you and you let out a quiet moan as you watched him with the same desire and hunger while you were pleasuring yourself.
“Good girl, keep going…” Cillian tells you and you moan again hearing it.
“Tell me how much you are aching for my cock” he then said you moaned again.
“I want your cock so badly, fuck…I want your cum inside me, dripping out of my wet little pussy” you moaned, eliciting a groan from Cillian as he began to stroke his cock harder and faster.
“Such a naughty needy girl, aren’t you? I can’t wait to be inside you again and make you cum over and over again” Cillian said with a laboured breath and you are barely listening at this point.
“I want you to cum for me and show me this dripping pussy when you do…I fucking love hearing your moans, so fucking sexy…common babe….let go” Cillian said, knowing that you were close and your orgasm rolled over you as soon as the word 'cum' left his lips, and although your sensitive clit was screaming at your hand to stop, you couldn't.
‘Oh god fuck, yes…’ you moaned as you came hard and fast.
“That’s it babe, don’t stop” he instructed as your moans continuously spilled from your mouth, and you were not even sure what you were saying or if you were forming words at all. The only thing in your head is a deliciously heavy fog and Cillian’s voice guiding you to do what he wanted.
“Don’t stop, keep fucking your sweet little pussy babe” Cillian ordered as he knew you weren’t done and, just as he did, you let out a high-pitched moan, bordering on a scream, as an even stronger orgasm washed over your body.
‘Cum for me babe…I want to see all this cum’ you moaned in return, focusing on the delicious image in front of you as Cillian was stroking his cock and, just when you finally come back down you heard Cillian groan loudly.
“Fuck” he groaned as he stroked his cock hard and fast you watched rope after rope of cum spurt onto his stomach.
‘Oh god, what a waste, I want to lick your cum off your skin so badly” you breathed out as Cillian came down from his high slowly and used a tissue to clean himself up.
‘Stop saying those things or you have to stay on the line for another twenty minutes at least’ Cillian chuckled as he could feel his manhood stir again.
‘Well, I think you shouldn’t cum again until you come to visit me in Galway the weekend after next…I want you to save it all for me’ you said, causing Cillian to cock an eyebrow as he pulled his briefs back up.
‘Fat chance babe’ he chuckled, knowing that going without an orgasm for nine days would be rather difficult for him.
Eventually, after a lot of begging, he agreed to try but he wouldn’t be able to make you any promises to this effect.
The following day, you went to work and then university thereafter but, when you eventually returned home, your father was in a worse mood than ever before.
‘Can you explain this to me?’ he asked angrily as soon as you walked through the door and you couldn’t help but gulp when he pointed to a white box which he had placed on the living room table.
‘You went through my personal belongings’ you huffed out as the box contained some lingerie and intimate items, including toys, that you were hiding in the bottom of your dresser.
‘Again Y/N, this is my house, my rules and I don’t want my daughter to own filth like this’ he said, after having heard small pieces of your conversation with Cillian on Skype the evening before.
It was obvious to you that your father was appalled and you were outraged that he had been snooping through your room and, as you would later learn, had even tried to access your computer.
‘I can’t fucking believe you dad. These are my personal belongings and you have no right to go through them’ you huffed out and, just as you did, you could feel a sharp strike across your face.
‘Get this shit out of my house and talk to me with some respect’ he said harshly, leaving you speechless and in tears as he walked away, leaving your cheek burning red.
   Tag List:
@lilymurphy03@deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
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safertokiss · 4 years
Lost in Translation
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A/N: Heyyyyy guys...remember when I used to post like every two weeks? Yeesh that’s awkward...but I’m backkkkk woooooooo party time! I was so excited that my discord buddies organized another fic swap because it was so much fun the first time. This time around I was chosen to write a doozy for the wonderful @writing-in-april and I have decided to bless you all with a beautiful subby boy. Sub Spencer lives in my head rent free, no cap. So sit back, relax and pretend it's you getting fricken railed. Peace out girl scouts;)
Category: SMUT hehe oh yeah and fluff
Word Count: 4.8k
For as long as she could remember, Y/n had always wanted to learn Russian.
So, naturally, when she found out that their newest case involved two lovers who also happened to be Russian criminals trying to escape the United States government, she simply couldn’t help but jump at the opportunity to become more involved in the investigation. 
It’s not that she’d never been on a stakeout for the Bureau before, in fact she’d probably been on so many at this point that she’d lost count. The only difference that this specific stakeout brought to her life was the fact that it was her first one to have ever been shared with Spencer Reid.
Her and the young doctor had lived in the same apartment building since her first day at the BAU, but their relationship pretty much began and ended at that. Of course they greeted each other whenever they passed in the halls of their building and ricocheted off of each other’s theories whenever necessary during their meetings in the round table room, but it would be a lie to label their relationship as anything other than casual acquaintances as well as amicable coworkers. 
She had never been able to fully get a grasp on the elusive Dr. Reid. The fact that he was already such an integral member of the F.B.I. at the ripe age of 25 astounded and, well to be honest, perplexed her. Not that she doubted his abilities or intelligence in any way, quite the opposite really. She admired how utterly brilliant he proved to be day in and day out, even with the shy exterior he presented himself with to the world. Well, shy was definitely more of an understatement. 
She had never met someone more socially awkward in her entire life, but with that being said, she couldn’t help but find it endearing and pretty dang adorable. Y/n constantly found herself enjoying his pathetic attempts at human interaction on a daily basis. From the nervous stutters to the out of this world hand gestures, there was much for her to dissect about the young doctor. And while she could openly admit that he was quite easy on the eyes, in a boyish-innocent kind of way, she had never really been able to see him in that sort of light.
If she thought his normal social interaction skills were entertaining to witness, his reactions to any of the conversations that took a more raunchy turn were to die for. The speed at which his features would ripen red like a tomato whenever anything of a sexual nature was brought up during cases was truly amazing, impressive even. However, unlike the rest of their team, she knew he wasn’t completely innocent. The walls in their apartment were as good as paper when it came to thickness, so it wasn’t that big surprise that the sounds created within them carried fairly well. 
Or at least that was what she had discovered after the first night she heard him touching himself just through her bedroom wall. 
Yes, it was less than ideal that their bedroom walls just happened to be adjacent to each other, but what could she do about it? It wasn’t as though she never sought out her own pleasure while alone in her apartment...although she would bet money that she was much better at withholding her noises. Instead, she learned to adapt to the sounds from next door and continue on with her life, having accepted that guys will in fact be dudes, no matter how innocent and meek they may appear.
When her boss had explained the nature of the assignment to them, there wasn’t anything of significance that had jumped out at her. It was all pretty standard instruction. They would wait, parked, in a government issued SUV overnight at a location close to the whereabouts of the criminals and simply translate their conversations using the mics that were planted prior. While Hotch knew that Y/n herself couldn’t understand Russian, it was common knowledge that the resident genius easily could transcribe the language.
And that was how she found herself cramped next to Spencer Reid in the stagnant vehicle, pen and paper in hand, patiently waiting for the translations to begin. 
It was almost completely silent inside the car, apart from the quiet whirring of the heat coming through the vents, and she could basically feel the nerves coming off of the man next to her in waves. That’s why she was completely thrown off her game when his timid voice was the first to break through the silence that had encompassed the space they inhabited together.
“So um Y/n..h-how have you been recently?”
She did her best to hide the small smirk that started to form on her face from the stuttering mess that spilled out of his mouth. She definitely didn’t want to make him feel even worse about himself so she decided to humour his adorable attempt at conversation with her...well...sort of.
“Oh ya know Reid, just counting the days until I get some action. How about you?” If she  thought he was sputtering nervously before, that was nothing compared to this treasure.
“Oh um well uh I-I mean...I don-I don’t...uh...w-what was the question a-again?”
This time she couldn’t stop the airy chuckle that escaped her lips as she leaned over and patted him gently on his thigh.
“Relax Reid, I’m just fucking around with you. Well for the most part...I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to some action, but that’s a whole can of worms I am not about to open during a stakeout”, Y/n laughed, not at all missing the steadily spreading blush that coated his sharp features.
“Yeah...no..yeah right of course...I t-totally knew you were just um fu-messing with me! Uh we should probably um r-review our assignment...you know just so we’re all s-set before we start.” How adorable.
“Aye-aye captain Reid. Ok so..”, she muttered while fiddling with the listening device to secure the right frequency. “...we just have to wait until they get back so we’re in range of their conversations. That’s when you’ll have your time to shine and prove yourself as the resident genius once again. And I’m sure that you’re aware that I don’t know a lick of the Russian language so I will be the best damn transcriber for you that the world has ever seen”, she finished with a smirk. 
Even Reid chuckled a bit at her words, the ever-present blush slowly creeping back upon his face and neck. 
“I’ll uh-I’ll hold you to that then.” Y/n had to admit she particularly liked to see the boy smiling, especially when it was the result of her own words. His innocence seemed to call out to her like a siren and she didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Oh-oh there they are! Ok get the pen and paper ready because as soon as they’re in range I’ll start translating.”
Getting themselves situated, they waited the few seconds it took for the couple to get close enough to the vicinity of the SUV for their conversations to begin to be broadcasted through their system.
“Как вы думаете, они идут по нашему следу?”
“Do you think they’re on our trail?”, Spencer easily understands, leaning slightly closer to her so his words were clearly heard.
“Ни за что. У этих глупых американцев нет шансов поймать нас.”
“No way. Those stupid Americans don’t stand a chance at catching us.”
At this point, the couple had already disappeared behind the door at the entrance of their current base, leaving only their words to give the closely listening agents much needed context clues.
“Я когда-нибудь говорил тебе, как сильно мне нравится твоя уверенность?”
“Have I ever told you how much I love your confidence?” 
Even Spencer let himself smile at the chuckle that left Y/n’s lips. “Awww how cute...they’re flirting with each other over mass murder. I strive for that kind of intimacy.”
“Да у тебя есть. Но почему бы тебе не показать мне, насколько тебе это нравится.”
“Yes, you have. But why don’t you show me just how much you love it.”
Uh oh, Y/n thought to herself. Not a second after the untimely thought permeated her brain, the sounds of wet lips sloppily colliding against each other filled the otherwise silent vehicle. After the few seconds of shock wore off, their heads whipped to face each other, eyes wide and mouths wide open. “Huh...well this was certainly an unexpected turn.”
“I uh um-uh well w-what do we do now?”, Tomato Boy nervously sputtered out over the chorus of moans and groans that were currently bouncing off the SUV’s walls. As unexpected as the present situation was, she was absolutely eating up his reaction to the crude sounds.
“Well, Hotch did say he wanted us to take down every single word that was shared between them so...I guess we’re just gonna have to keep moving forward with the translations. You can do that, can’t you Reid?”, she explained, not even attempting to hide the growing smirk on her face.
“Yeah! Yes! Mhmm I can do that, I c-can definitely do t-that.”, he gushed, trying to subtly clear his throat to clear the steadily growing tension in his body.
“Good to hear, Doc.”, she cheekily replied just as the raunchy sounds echoing through the system transitioned to different methods of communication, more legible ones.
“Ты была для меня такой хорошей девочкой. Я думаю, ты заслуживаешь награды.”
Quickly clearing his throat once more, he jumped back into action, with what Y/n noticed was considerably less confidence than before. “You’ve b-been such a good g-girl for me. I think you deserve a r-reward.” Spencer’s voice had noticeably dropped to a whisper by the end of the sentence, forcing Y/n to lean closer to be able to hear his translations, only magnifying the already present tension in the air. 
“Пожалуйста, папа, я сделаю что угодно.”
“P-please daddy.” His voice broke at the end igniting something deep inside Y/n’s being. “I’ll do anything.” In that moment she truly believed he would do anything, his own words or not, based on the obvious strain in his pants that her eyes glanced over, and also by the way his skin completely succumbed to goosebumps as her warm breath caressed the shell of his ear. She didn’t really know what the hell was happening, why her body was absolutely loving the way he gradually leaned into her’s, submitting all of his vulnerabilities into her hands. 
“Тебе это нравится, не так ли, маленькая шлюшка. Как член папы глубоко внутри тебя?”
She watched the way he inhaled a deep breath and released a high-pitched sigh before continuing on, subtly pressing her legs together to control the excitement thrumming through her body at his pathetic tone and mannerisms. 
“You like t-that don’t you, you little-uh-you little s-slut?” From their close proximity, she could clearly make out the speedy heartbeat clambering against his chest as he spoke. And if that was the case, he must’ve been able to feel hers as well. “Like daddy’s c-cock deep inside of y-you?” She could’ve sworn she saw his dick twitch slightly in his pants.
“Маленькая шлюшка уже придет за мной? Тогда умоляйте об этом. Бля, умоляю позволить тебе кончить.”
Y/n certainly did not miss the airy sigh that escaped his lips, watching as a bead of sweat dripped down his temple, confidently guessing it was not from the heat that had been coming through the vents.
“Is the little-little s-slut gonna come for me already? B-beg for it then. Fucking beg f-for me to let you c-come.” Spencer was speedily falling apart at the seams and she was loving it. More than loving it. She was craving it. Craving the little noises that he was trying to stop from escaping his lips. Craving the way he slightly bounced his leg in an attempt to control his arousal, which was futile because it had obviously already reached its full potential in the confines of his khaki slacks. 
“Пожалуйста, папа. Пожалуйста, позволь мне прийти. Мне это надо. Пожалуйста.”
Without even hearing the words translated back to her, she could hear the utter desperation in the girl’s voice. She no longer needed to understand the Russian language to be able to finish the translation, and as she sat there with her thighs tightly pressed together, she knew exactly what it meant.
“Please!” The utter need that was present in the original audio was somehow mirrored perfectly by the young doctor’s breathy voice, his eyes squeezed tightly shut, a prominent vein popping through the skin of his smooth forehead. “Please, p-please, please let me come. I n-need it. Please!”
“Приди за мной, детка.”
Deciding that she could regret her actions in the morning, Y/n quickly grabbed his face before he could translate, angling his head so she could whisper directly into his ear at the same time he spoke the last line of the night.
“Come for me baby.”, they both spoke at the exact same time.
Pulling away as fast as possible, she watched his clamped eyes shoot open as the most obnoxiously loud moan she had ever heard escaped the poor kid, his whole body spasming as a result. And using the large stain on the crotch of his pants as a guide, she was pretty certain she knew what had happened.
For the next few minutes there was silence in the SUV, apart from Spencer’s heavy breathing as he came down of course, leading them to believe the couple had fallen asleep after their...activities. Of course she wanted nothing more than to tease the trembling mess next to her, but she could already tell he was mortified beyond belief because of what happened so she didn’t want to make it any worse for him than it already was. 
After waiting a few extra minutes just to make sure that they had actually gone to sleep, the pair drove away from the stakeout location, Spencer not having said a word since his...big finish. As much as she loved watching him fall apart in front of her, she really didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable around her. 
“Well that was certainly an unexpected turn of events for the night, huh?”, she said, lightly chuckling with the intent of lightening his mood. She was very glad to see it had the intended effect.
“Uh y-yeah...you could definitely say that again.”, he mumbled with the ghost of a smile on his plump lips, though she could still clearly make out the blush coating his features.
“So hey, I know that you usually take the metro, but I’d be more than happy to give you a ride home after we drop the SUV off at the office if you want.”, she warmly smiled in his direction without taking her eyes completely off the road.
“Oh um..yeah that would be perfect. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it Reid.”
The rest of the ride back to the office was pretty much spent in silence, but it was much more comfortable than it had been before, which was a huge relief. After dropping the keys to the SUV in the lock box inside, the two agents piled into Y/n’s car to go back home to their shared building. On their way back she considered just asking him if he wanted to ride with her everyday just to make his life a little easier in the long run.
Once they got to the parking lot and exited the vehicle, they began walking towards the entrance together, the awkward tension from before creeping back into the air around them. Soon enough, they found themselves standing in front of their respective doors, both unsure of how they were supposed to end the night’s interactions. After a few moments of painful silence and eye contact, Y/n was the first one to rip off the band-aid.
“So...I guess I’ll see you tomorrow Reid?” He seemed to be broken out of his trance by the sound of her voice, snapping back to attention.
“Huh? Oh yeah uh yes of course. S-see you tomorrow Y/n. Goodnight.” He scampered into his apartment before she could even get a chance to respond to his bidding.
“Goodnight.”, she whispered to no one other than herself as she unlocked her door and headed inside to shower quickly before diving into her soft sheets.
She was sitting up in her bed, book in hand, with only the small glow of her reading lamp illuminating her room when she heard it. Of course she knew immediately what they were, a talent that had developed and strengthened from living adjacent to a pretty much pubescent boy.
The tell-tale sound of moans and groans vibrating right through her wall.
She knew she probably shouldn’t be listening, something about a violation of privacy or whatever, but she just couldn’t help it. He sounded so desperate it was driving her insane. So much in fact that she was in the process of skimming her own hand downwards when she was interrupted by a certain something from the Doc’s room.
“Y/n! Oh god, please. Please.”
Oh. Oh.
Not even giving herself a second to consider her actions, she was up on her feet basically sprinting to his door, pajamas and all. Not even bothering with knocking, she noticed it was unlocked and let herself in, beelining for what she assumed was his bedroom by the increasing volume as she approached it. Standing in his doorframe, she was utterly mesmerized. There he was, sprawled across his sheets, completely bare with sweat coating his hair as he rapidly pumped his angry, red cock, her name tumbling from his lips like a chant.
“You’re so beautiful like this.” She smirked as she watched his head shoot up to where she was standing, his hand immediately stilling it’s rapid movements. Watching the panic spread on his face was intoxicating to her as she slowly approached his bed.
“Y/n! Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I uh-I didn’t um...” His words trailed off and his eyes widened as he watched her slowly begin removing her clothes as she moved closer to him. 
“Shhhhhh.” She managed to remove both her shirt and pajama pants in the short trip over to his bed and she had no intention of stopping there. Now standing directly in front of him, she let her eyes wander over his still frame completely, soaking in the amazement in his dark eyes and the slight tremble that was periodically rippling through his body. Maintaining eye contact with him the whole time, she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it pool on the floor next to her.
It was honestly shocking his eyes didn’t actually fall onto the floor with how far they bulged out of their sockets, a small moan leaving his mouth. 
She giggled at his enthusiasm before bringing her soft hands up to caress his face gently, his body shuddering at the contact. “Do you want me to keep going baby boy?” Taking a second to process the question that had left her lips, he slowly nodded while looking her in the eyes, his own full of awe. 
Happy with his answer, she reached for the edge of her panties before pushing them down to join the other pieces of clothing already inhabiting his floor. Spencer couldn’t speak. He could barely even breathe. Five minutes ago he had been jerking off to his neighbor, who also happened to be his coworker, and now said neighbor was crawling onto his bed, completely naked, with a wicked smirk on her face.
Straddling his lap, but making sure that there was no actual contact, she reached up to cup his face again, slowly rubbing circles into his defined cheekbone. “Is this ok baby boy? Is this what you want?”, she cooed. 
Spencer looked like he honestly might cry from the pure compassion laced within her words, but still found a way to nervously nod his head in affirmation of her questions. With a warm smile on her face, she leaned forward and placed a feather-light kiss on his lower jaw before continuing up the side of his face, basking in the small whimpers that fell from his pretty lips. Finally reaching his ear, she let her warm breath tease him before proceeding. 
“Do you want me to take control of you? Is that what you want sweet boy?” While the whine that immediately escaped him was answer enough, she pulled back searching for a more concrete answer to her question. “Hmmmm, you’d like that?” 
“Yes.”, he whispered, nodding his head anxiously. 
While he was answering she had leaned back towards his face, placing soft kisses all over. “As you wish baby boy.”, she whispered, changing course to attack his neck with her eager lips as soon the words left her mouth. Spencer gasped instantly and she couldn’t help but smirk against his pale flesh, increasing the pressure in which she was assaulting his neck.
Through the groans that spilled past his lips, she was able to make out his pathetic attempt at words, not slowing down her lips at all. “J-just make sure not to leave any m-marks. We’ll g-get in trouble at w-work.” Of course Spencer would be the only person on the planet to remember their office guidelines while getting his neck sucked like a vampire.
“No marks...that’ll be difficult. I want everyone to know just how thoroughly I fucked you.”
Feeling extremely satisfied by his enthusiastic response to her vulgar words, she slowly lowered herself down his body, pausing with her mouth right above his groin. Somehow the poor kid already looked completely fucked out and she hadn’t even done anything yet. Hearing him wince as she gently grasped and started stroking his cock, she knew this was gonna be fun.
Staring directly into her eyes, he watched the string of spit leave her mouth and drip directly onto his dick, eyes bulging at her bold actions, still in shock that any of this was actually happening. 
Entranced by the way his chest expanded rapidly as he watched her curiously, she leaned forward and licked the tip, his head falling back onto the pillow behind him. “I’m gonna suck your cock...but only because I want to see if you can not be a spaz about getting head from me.” Her words made Spencer whimper and she smirked as she took him fully into her mouth, soaking in his pretty noises. 
Y/n had only been going for a minute or two when she heard his groans get louder and felt him twitch in her mouth. Pulling off of him with a pop, she hummed at the sight of the completely wrecked boy in front of her, panting and shaking adorably. It wasn’t long before the perfect idea infiltrated her head, her body thrumming with anticipation and excitement.
“You’ve been such a good boy for me. I think you deserve a reward.”, she smirked, reciting the words that they had heard verbatim. Seemingly catching on to what she was pushing for, he responded accordingly.
“Please Y/n. I’ll do anything.”
She quirked her eyebrow in his direction questioningly, slowly grinding her dripping core against his achingly hard cock. “Anything, baby boy?”
Snapping his heated stare directly to her eyes, he cracked a beautiful smile. “Anything.”
She couldn’t control the grin that overtook her lips as she lowered herself down onto his erection, writhing in pleasure at the feel of him inside of her and the sound of his wanton moans. “Good boy.” 
Wanting to give Spencer time to fully adjust and control himself, she started her movements out slow, lifting herself up until only his tip remained inside before dropping down completely into his lap repeatedly. He was a moaning mess on the sheets below her, sweat coating his body along with goosebumps covering every visible expanse of his skin as he panted like a dog. He was so fucking pretty like this. 
Deciding enough was enough, she picked up the pace considerably, bouncing like a mad woman on his dick, while her sharp nails scratched down his creamy, pale chest in front of her, leaving angry, red streaks in their wake. Spencer had devolved into a blubbering mess underneath her and that lit her soul on fire.
“You like that don’t you, you little slut? Like your cock deep inside of me? Huh?” 
Y/n was pretty sure that he was short circuiting below her, his brain cutting off all control over his body as he spasmed uncontrollably and moaned for the entire fucking building to hear. Good, she thought. Let them hear how whipped he was for her. Even though it had only been a few minutes since she increased her speed, she could feel his cock starting to twitch violently inside of her and she knew he was close, really close.
“Is the little slut gonna come for me already?” All he could do was whimper in response, having to nod his head emphatically due to his loss of speech.
“Beg for it then. Fucking beg for me to let you come!” She was on fucking cloud nine right now, floating through the motions, as his whimpers increased in volume and speed. Mustering up all the strength he could, he spit out as many audible words as possible.
“Please! Please, please, please let me come! I need it! Please!” He was crying now, tears rapidly pouring from his eyes and spilling down his cheeks out of sheer desperation and need to release the tension built up within his body.
She was in awe of him. As she watched the tears pour down his face, she couldn’t help but whimper too. Desperately needing to finish, herself, she brought one hand down to make circles around her clit, while the other she brought up to wrap gently around his flushed throat, leaning over to whisper in his ear like she had earlier that night.
“Come for me, baby.”
She once again pulled back to witness his reactions to her hushed words, the outcome only more amazing than before. She watched as his eyes rolled back as far they could possibly go into his head as his mouth dropped open in pure ecstasy, high-pitched whines escaping his lips, his release shooting up into her like it had always belonged there. Maybe it had.
Watching him come undone below her, combined with her hand speedily rubbing circles on her clit, she was catapulted into the most amazing climax of her entire life, her body buzzing with excitement as she tightened around him and collapsed on his chest, weak as could be after that activity.
The pair laid silently, apart from the heaving breaths whirring through the room, still in shock over what had just transpired minutes before. Slowly shifting her eyes to the shivering boy below her, she saw he was caught in a trance, his eyes dazed, a soft grin on his lips. 
Breaking him from his stupor, she gently cupped his cheek with one hand as the other drew lazy circles on his blotchy chest. Rubbing the skin on his face lightly, she leaned forward and kissed his nose, making him scrunch it up and giggle as a result. “Such a sweet boy for me. Such a sweet, sweet boy.” Her words made him melt inside and words tumbled out of his own mouth before he could even think about stopping them.
“Вы красивы внутри и снаружи.”
She looked up at him in shock, before breaking out in giggles. “Did you just serenade me in Russian? How romantic.”, she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
He couldn’t seem to control his giggles either, a fact that warmed her heart. “Yes, I suppose I did.”
Smiling up at the adorable boy she just had to ask. “What does it mean?”
Y/n watched as his signature blush quickly coated his features once again as he looked down at her with a shy smile. “You are beautiful, inside and out.”
With the warmest grin she could muster, she leaned up and kissed his jaw once more before snuggling up against the young doctor who had melted her heart.
Tag List: @hopebaker @pastathighs @psychedellic-phase @gloryekaterina @sleepysnapesnake @racharr @etherealgubler @furiouspartyrebelhoagie @andiebeaword @liaabsurd @cielo1984 @starkeybaby @victomizedbyreginageorge @rainsong01 @moonlight-jukebox @gretaamyk @httpnxtt @rachelxwayne @goldnratio @cheyxminds @kricketc29 @cupcake525 @pinkdiamond1016 @slutforthegubes @shadyladyperfection @emilysallysmith @babblingbrookex @legendaryanimeaestheticclou @sunstspidey @ashwarren32 @pixels-impulse @eviewildflower @spencerreider @awkwardsadaa @dirty-pan-goblin @spencerspecifics
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fanfic-archive · 4 years
Geralt X Female Reader
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(Just want to say that I have posted this fic on a different platform as well so if you think you’ve read it before, I haven’t stolen it or anything 😂)
Summary: Geralt can't help but feel a pang of jealously whenever you and Jaskier get close. This evening, you tell him that he has no reason to worry.
Word Count: 2312
This wasn't an uncommon occurrence these days, sitting in a tavern and watching you and Jaskier talk and joke. It was tiresome, bothering Geralt in a way that he wasn't quite comfortable explaining or completely thinking about.
The three of you had returned to the little town after completing a contract. You had collected your reward and Geralt went to the inn to bathe, ridding himself of monster guts, while you and Jaskier agreed to meet him in the tavern afterwards.
After bathing, Geralt crossed the road and pushed opened the door of the tavern. He was used to the way voices lowered and gazes dropped when he entered a room, it didn't bother him. The less people interacting with him, the better. He spotted the two of you almost instantly, both of you already a few drinks in and laughing at a table in the corner.
Geralt headed to the bar, purchasing an ale before approaching the table you were sitting at.
"Geralt! You took your time. Though I can't imagine it's an easy task washing all that gore from your hair" Jaskier commented, the two of you looking up as the Witcher approached you both.
"But you're here now and that's what matters" you gave him a smile as he sat down opposite the two of you.
"Hmm" Geralt just nodded, his short response making you smile a little to yourself. It could be strangely endearing at times.
"Ah! Such a profound response, I do love when you bless us with your thoughts" Jaskier jested fondly.
"Oh ignore him...and cheer up. We have some extra coin, that's something to smile about" you reminded him, waving at Jaskier to playfully dismiss him.
"We won't if you keep on the drinks" Geralt hummed.
"Loosen up. We won't spend that much, we'll have enough left over" Jaskier assured him, but Geralt didn't seem convinced.
"Plus, we all deserve to treat ourselves. Especially you, monster-slayer" you attempted to convince him.
"Exactly. I earn the coin and you both spend it" Geralt commented. To anyone else it would appear that he was annoyed but both you and Jaskier knew that he was only joking.
"But you'd have it no other way" you winked.
The corner of Geralt's mouth tugged upwards but nobody that wasn't you or Jaskier would have even noticed, you both just knew him so well now and were able to notice the small things.
You lifted your drink up to your lips, only to find it empty. "Oh..." you frowned, looking into the empty tankard.
"Drink. You need more drink!" Jaskier told you, finding his own tankard empty as well. "To the bar!" he announced and you laughed as you both stood from the table.
Geralt watched, nose subtly scrunching up in distaste, as Jaskier placed his hand on the bottom of your back to guide you through the tavern. He didn't even notice how his grip on his own tankard tightened as he watched Jaskier lean towards you to speak in your ear, as you lent against the bar and waited for your drinks.
It was not the first time that Geralt had found himself beyond irritated by Jaskier's proximity to you.
The two of you were always chatting away about one thing or another, though Geralt couldn't really be mad about it since he took the role of the more silent companion. If he wanted you to speak with him more, he should have made more of an effort, he was aware of that.
The Witcher had also noticed that the two of you often got closer after a few drinks, leaning on each other, laughing about nothing in particular, sometimes even dancing if there was music playing. He understood that it was mostly harmless, you were just enjoying yourself, but it still created an unsettling feeling in his stomach.
Whenever the three of you had a little more money than usual, they would get you your own room at the inn to give you some privacy, since Geralt figured that you didn't want to be trapped with the two of them 24/7. However, even then, Jaskier usually spent hours in your room with you before he returned to the one that he shared with Geralt.
He often tried to distract himself in those moments, tending to his swords or other equipment. Sometimes he wondered why Jaskier didn't just sleep in there with you but a larger part of him was grateful that he didn't, it gave Geralt a reason to question what was really happening on the other side of that wall. Then he would curse himself for even worrying about, it wasn't any of his business.
The rest of the evening went like that, you and Jaskier drinking more that you probably should. You were sitting on the chair beside the bard, his arm draped over the back of it, as Geralt watched with a tense glare. He would never say anything, you were the only friends he had, the only two people he found himself truly caring about, he wouldn't want to ruin your happiness over his own desires.
The three of you shared a few drinks and, as the conversation died down, Jaskier lent into your ear and whispered something that made your eyes widen slightly and your face turn pink.
You both jumped in surprise when Geralt's tankard hit the wooden table. "E-everything alright, Geralt?" you asked, still a little flustered.
"I think you two have had enough" he grunted.
"I can handle my drink just fine, thank you very much" Jaskier insisted with a contradictory slur in his voice.
"I'm cutting you both off" Geralt told you both, leaving no room for argument.
"Geralt-" Jaskier began to argue but you interrupted him.
"No, Jask, he's right" you sighed, placing your hand on his arm. "We have to save some money" you reminded him.
"Fine" Jaskier groaned dramatically, making you laugh.
You stood from your chair and swayed slightly, steadying yourself by holding onto the table. Jaskier did the same and you laughed at him again.
Geralt grunted to himself as he stood up, ushering you both out of the tavern.
You stumbled out of the door, nearly tripping over your feet. Luckily, Geralt's reflexes were always fast and he hooked an arm around your waist.
"Thanks" you just laughed at your own clumsiness.
Geralt released you once he placed you back on your feet properly, but you only stumbled again. Of course, he caught you around the waist again.
"I should have cut you off earlier" Geralt muttered as he steadied you on your feet again.
"I'm fine" you assured him but still lent into him for support. Jaskier was always a bad influence on you when it came to drinking, always bringing out a more outgoing side of you. "Help" you murmured with a small laugh, leaning into the Witcher some more.
Geralt sighed, considering his options before lifting you up, holding you in his arms bridal style. You had absolutely no complaints.
"Jaskier. This way" Geralt ordered when he noticed the bard walking in the wrong direction.
"Yeah, yeah, I know" Jaskier nodded as he turned around and started following the Witcher to the inn across the road.
Geralt led the bard into the inn and up to the two rooms he had rented earlier.
"That's ours" Geralt nodded towards one of the doors.
You shifted in his arms, looking over his shoulder to laugh at Jaskier as he fumbled with the door before managing to open it and disappearing inside. You continued to laugh as you buried your face in Geralt's shoulder, which he tried his best to ignore.
The Witcher just carried you into your room. "Are you mad at Jask?" you asked as you both entered the room.
Geralt was surprised and confused by your question but it didn't show on his face. "No" he answered simply as he placed you on the ground. You placed a hand on his arm as you steadied yourself, quickly becoming stable on your own feet.
"Yes, you are. I saw you glaring at him, why?" you asked but he didn't respond. "Geralt, we know you better than anyone. I mean, you're always glaring at people, but I can tell when you mean it or when you're just being intimidating" you reminded him as you stepped backwards, away from him. "So, why were you glaring at Jaskier?" you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to act stern but that just amused Geralt and you didn't miss the subtle upturn of his mouth.
"He had been drinking and getting a little close. I was just making sure you weren't uncomfortable" Geralt told you.
"Oh..." was all you said at first, surprised by his answer. "Well, thank you but...you don't need to worry about Jaskier" you chuckled, Jaskier was harmless and surely he knew that.
"Yes...the two of have been close recently. I suppose I shouldn't worry" Geralt nodded, his arms folding over his chest.
"...what do you mean?" your head tilted to the side, confused by what he was suggesting.
"You aren't...involved with each other?" Geralt asked, his brow furrowing slightly.
"Me and Jask?...no!" you laughed, dropping your arms to your sides. "Don't get me wrong, he's great but he's just my friend. I'm not interested in him like that and he isn't interested in me" you told him, shaking your head and still laughing slightly.
"I just assumed. He has been spending most of the night whispering in your ear" Geralt pointed out, he wasn't crazy for considering the possibility.
"What? Oh yeah but only because he's making fun of me. Teasing me about you, mostly" you huffed at the memory.
"About me?" Geralt questioned, head tilting to the side ever so slightly.
"Uh...I didn't mean to say that" you blushed, only intriguing the Witcher.
"But you said it" he prodded, deciding not to drop this topic. "What was he saying about me?" he asked.
"Gods Geralt, since when are you so talkative?" you asked, looking away shyly, unable to meet or hold his gaze.
"Well, what was he saying?" Geralt asked again.
"...he was just teasing me" you shrugged.
"About me?" Geralt cocked an eyebrow.
"Uh, yeah...he just kept saying that you were watching us or just pointing out that I was looking at you. He always teases me about my feelings for you, telling me that you feel the same way even though that's absurd" you rambled, eyes widening when you heard yourself speak. "Ugh, I didn't mean that" you groaned as you brought your hands up to cover your face.
Geralt just watched you for a moment, trying not to let his surprise show on his face.
He didn't like that you were hiding from him, even if he understood your embarrassment. So, he stepped towards you and wrapped his hands around your wrists, pulling your hands away from your face.
"You have feelings for me?" Geralt asked, his brow furrowing slightly. He could hear your heartbeat quicken as you looked up at him.
You paused, searching his face for some sort of emotion but he rarely gave anything away, but you gave in and nodded.
"I wasn't sure if Jaskier had told you or not. He promised me that he wouldn't say anything but, well, you know how he can be" you mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
"He didn't mention it" Geralt told you.
"At least one of us can keep our mouth shut" you tried to joke but it felt like it fell flat.
"Hmm" was all that Geralt said and you were a little nervous that he was going back to humming and grunting rather than actually talking. That didn't seem like a good sign.
"Geralt?" you asked nervously. He never spoke but his hands were still holding your wrists. "Sorry" you murmured as he released them. You really didn't want this to mess up your friendship.
Geralt was silent as he scanned your face, his mind working overtime. He wasn't good at talking, that was obvious to everyone he met. He had spent so long believing that he didn't have feelings or that he wasn't supposed to have them that now he couldn't really talk about them at all.
"How drunk are you?" Geralt asked quietly, his question surprising you slightly.
"Pretty damn sober now, I won’t lie" you scoffed.
It turns out that the fear of the Witcher's reaction to you accidentally confessing your feelings for him is apparently very sobering.
Geralt just nodded before stepping closer to you. Placing his hand on the side of your neck, he shifted closer to you again. You watched him carefully with slightly widened eyes, your heart feeling like it was about to burst out of your chest. Was this really happening?
Then, the Witcher was leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You instantly returned his kiss despite your surprise, resting your hands against his chest. The kiss was surprisingly gently, his lips lingering against yours before he pulled away.
"...I'll see you in the morning. Get some rest" Geralt told you as he began to step away from you.
"Geralt" you stopped him by gently grabbing his arm, knowing that he could push you away with ease. "Stay" you requested quietly.
"You've been drinking" Geralt reminded you with a sigh, even though you felt almost sober by this point.
"Then you better not take advantage of me" you joked, tugging him back towards you. "Just stay" you pleaded, meeting his intense gaze,
"...fine" Geralt breathed and you could feel him relax under your hands. You smiled, leaning up to steal another quick kiss from the man.
That night Geralt learnt that he much preferred sleeping with you curled up against his side compared to listening to Jaskier ramble about the plans for his next song.
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binxyu · 3 years
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He was obsessed with the beauty of colors. Even if he could not see them without you, he adored the way they showed up on his canvas. His biggest fear was losing them and, with that, you. Too bad his biggest fear came true...
>>Pairing: Park Seonghwa (dom) x fem!reader (sub) ft. Jung Wooyoung | artist!seonghwa x photographer!reader
>>Word Count: 4.8k
>>Genre: Mini Series (Pt.2) / Requested / Smut & Angst
>>Warnings/Kinks: Arguments, begging, breast play, cumplay, fingering, hair pulling, marking, photographed nudity, praise, public sex/exhibitionism, size kink, spitting, and unprotected sex
<- previous part
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The museum felt so dull and empty without Seonghwa’s works in them. It had been months and you had yet to see one new work from the artist.
You knew you should’ve moved on by now, especially due to your photography career soaring.
Everything was going perfectly. Everything but your love life.
Wooyoung was now just your friend and the person you thought was your soulmate was no where to be found.
The more you thought about it, the more you realized you missed Seonghwa’s touch and the spark it brought to your skin more than the color of his eyes. You just missed him.
Now, you were realizing that maybe colors weren’t as essential as you thought.
The auction had started hours ago in that same museum, your photographs up for sale among many art pieces. You had been struggling so much after your soulmate’s disappearance that your rent was way past due and the only option was to sell your work.
And what shocked you the most was that your old photographs were selling much faster than your new ones. The old ones that were entirely in black and white.
As you looked at them, truly analyzing everything about them, you realized why. Those photographs were candid, an ethereal way of showing your pain.
While they were dull to you, they told a narrative to everyone else.
“So, can you pay your bills now?”, a smile spread across your lips when you heard the familiar voice, turning around to see Wooyoung standing there.
He looked good. A suit on to hug his curves and his soulmate clinging to his arm. They really were perfect for each other.
Basically, the story of the two was that they were tied to one another by red strings and they had found each other while you were with Seonghwa.
It made you sorrowful when you realized that meant Wooyoung had known the entire time you weren’t meant to be together, but those feelings quickly disappeared when you saw how happy he was.
“Yeah, I might even have some money leftover for groceries”, you grinned and Wooyoung shook his head, patting your’s as he stared at the final photograph you had left after the auction was over.
It was your most recent work and you knew it was probably too dispirited to catch anyone’s attention. Yet, you still brought it with you. The meaning of the photograph was too important to not bring it along with you.
In the photograph, you were there with your back to the camera surrounded by items that you believe represented how heartbreak felt. The light of the sun was shining through the window on your curled up form and it looked awfully dull the more you looked at it.
A loveless life is dull.
“Buy yourself a nice meal then. Wait, get a good meal and then travel. You’ve been in Seoul your whole life. Maybe it’s time to get out of here for a while”, you had actually given that some thought. What was even keeping you here? Was it the idea that maybe you’d get Seonghwa back?
“I’ll plan a trip to Jeju soon. I’ve always wanted to take photos of the ocean there”, Wooyoung grinned from your words, thinking you were finally moving on with your life. The trip was more of a distraction than anything else, but it wasn’t entirely a lie. You had always wanted to take photos there.
“Want help getting the most affordable tickets? I know a guy”, there was that business man you had dated before. Wooyoung traveled all the time so of course he could find the most affordable pricing.
“No, I’m going to do this on my own. Thank you though. I’ll see both of you again soon”, the woman and Wooyoung nodded, giving you a small wave as you moved to leave the museum, your photo tucked in your bag to keep it safe.
However, something caught your eye and had you rooted to the floor.
There, hidden behind some of the tarps for the auction was a new painting. One with the initials PS on it.
You quickly moved to take a look, noticing quickly the familiar beauty and chaos that was your soulmate’s art style. In the center there was a girl and you immediately knew it was you.
Holding up your photo, it was almost an exact replica. The only distinct difference was that Seonghwa’s painting had hope in it. It was just another painting to everyone else, but you realized quickly that the tiny painting painted on the wall in the art was the one you made together.
Except, it seemed glued together. Like it had been ripped to spreads only to be put back together like a puzzle.
“Oh, Seonghwa. I’m so sorry”, before you could stop yourself, your fingers were tracing the painting, memorizing every edge. It was so despairing aside from that glued painting.
You snapped out of it and forced yourself to leave, slipping your photo back into your bag as you tried to contain your tears.
The walk to your apartment wasn’t a long one. You had purposely chosen one close to that museum because you knew that was where you belonged.
You opened the door, greeted by Bruce, your tiny Pomeranian you had been given. Wooyoung’s soulmate believed he was the key to getting over your loneliness and, while you loved the black and white fluffy dog, you weren’t exactly sure if that was true.
He barked and you crouched down to pet his head, watching as he smiled and tilted his head just so you could scratch the perfect spot. A laugh fell from your lips as you moved to sit down on your bed, setting up your computer on your lap.
“Want to go to Jeju with me?”, Bruce just barked and you took that as a definite yes.
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Your plane had landed a few hours ago and you had quickly found your way to the beach once all of your belongings were in the hotel you were staying in.
Bruce walked beside you as the wind blew through your hair, the sound of the waves filling your ears.
As you approached the middle of the beach, you saw a man painting along the shoreline. His brush moved in quick strokes along the canvas as he stared out at the ocean.
It made you smile seeing someone else so deeply into art here.
Then, you realized why he had chosen this spot to paint.
The sun was setting and it was right at the spot the artist was looking at. The vast array of colors was right above the ocean.
You instinctively got out your camera and took a photo of it. You looked at the shot to see that you had accidentally gotten the artist in it and, while it did add some depth, you refused to take photos of others without permission.
As your finger hovered over the delete button, you felt eyes on you. You looked up to see the artist staring at you, your world suddenly going grey.
“Seonghwa?”, the name felt paradoxical. It was filled with sadness but also happiness.
The man’s eyes found your’s and both of your worlds were colorless.
Bruce tugged on the leash, snapping you out of whatever trance you were in.
“I missed you”, his voice croaked, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked you over. While he couldn’t see the color of your skin or the rosiness of your cheeks, he could tell you were doing well. You were healthy and that was all that mattered.
“Sorry”, it was all you could get out from the emotions clouding your thoughts. You turned to walk away, gripping the leash in your hand tighter as you tried to quickly get away.
You yelped when Bruce started running back, pulling you along with him until you were standing so unbearably close to Seonghwa. Your chest was almost touching his as your dog rubbed against his leg.
“Why are you trying to run again?”, you looked down at the sand below you. Seonghwa could finally see you in all your glory as the colors came back since you weren’t looking.
The only thing he couldn’t do was look into your eyes. That’s what he wanted most.
“I’m tired of running so I get it’s cowardly, but I don’t know what else to do. I’m just so confused”, you spoke honestly and looked up, trying to be brave and finally face your problems. Especially when the main one was right in front of you.
“I think I found some answers. I’m going to assume you saw my painting”, of course he would know you did. His painting flooded your head and you were thankful you took the time to memorize all its bold features.
“I did. Our painting?”, it felt wrong to say our in reference to the painting you two made while you were in love. It wasn’t like it was in your studio.
“Do you know why I glued it back together?”, you searched his eyes for an answer other than hope but you could not find one.
“Hope?”, Seonghwa chuckled and put his hands gently on your shoulders, looking for any sign that he should remove them before he continued.
“More than that, I found answers. It was a test. A test we sadly failed at first, but maybe there’s hope to pass it now”, Seonghwa bent over and picked up Bruce to keep him calm, petting the puppy’s head as he waited for your response.
“What test?”, the artist smiled and your heart swelled at how hopeful it was. He really wanted this to work.
“It’s a rare test that some people with our connection have to go through. We have to look past the outside and into the inside. Basically, we have to keep loving without the colors”, it seemed so simple coming from the man’s mouth. He seemed so excited and, yet, you couldn’t stop thinking about the ifs.
“Will we be able to see colors again? I don’t want to take that from you”, it was true. You could make it without them because your black and white photos sold faster than your colored ones but Seonghwa needed those colors in his paintings. He needed those brilliant shades in his work.
“Some got it back and others didn’t, but I can do without them as long as you’ll look at me”, his voice dripped with aggressive honesty, no room for argument on your side. You nodded as you let the information seep into your mind.
“Let’s start with this”, he pointed at Bruce and the dog licked his cheek, making you giggle. Seonghwa grinned when he heard the noise. He may have missed that most of all.
“That’s my son Bruce. My friend gave him to me”, you pat the dog’s head and Seonghwa nodded, stroking the puppy’s back before he set him back down on the sand.
“Try painting?”, the question made your head spin as you looked over at the easel, shaking your head immediately.
“I’m definitely not a painter. That looks way too good to ruin”, Seonghwa shook his head and took your free hand in his, walking you towards the place his art supplies were. There it was, that spark that went through you when you touched.
“If I do this then I get to teach you how to take a proper photo”, you put your pinky out and his hearty laugh made your cheeks turn redder, not that he could tell.
“Deal”, his pinky wrapped around your own and that was a promise made. The first of many.
“Okay, pick up a brush and let’s start”, you looked down at the many brushes along the bottom of the easel and you just grabbed one. You have never painted before and it really showed.
“Maybe not the biggest one I have”, he chuckled and took the big brush out of your hand, getting a much smaller one and putting it into your hand.
“Okay, lets try to paint around the sun”, Seonghwa gestured first to the painted sun he made and then the real one across the ocean. He purposely looked away so you could see the colors, forcing himself to keep his eyes off of you.
You collected a little bit of the lavender-tinted paint on his palette and started to paint. Seonghwa looked over at the canvas and chuckled, watching how messy you were making it.
“Like this”, he came up behind you and his big hand encased your’s, guiding you to smooth out the paint. His chest was pressed against your back and the last time you two painted together came back, causing your hand to shake a little nervously.
“You’re doing well. Don’t be nervous”, Seonghwa smiled and you should’ve known he would’ve thought your shakiness was because of the painting. Well, it was but not this specific painting.
“Okay, do we move onto the next color now?”, the man answered with a simple “yes” and he let go of you. While he enjoyed being so close to you, he did want to see you do it yourself.
You did exactly what Seonghwa had done before but with orange this time, the color reminding you of a tangerine as your brush moved across the canvas.
“It’s simple when you get used to it”, that comment made you laugh, turning to look at the man.
“Seonghwa... this is a sunset. The shit you paint is much more complex”, you shook your head and went back to painting despite the lack of color now there. He was staring at you.
“Did we go too fast? Is that why this happened?”, your eyebrows furrowed as you thought about it. You two really did go fast. As soon as you had found out your destiny, you dropped everything and ran off with Seonghwa despite not knowing much about each other.
“Do you think it’s a trick to get us to get to know one another?”, it sounded ridiculous coming out of you, but it did make sense.
“Probably. Does that mean nothing is wrong? We can still be together?”, you grimaced at the overly complicated question.
“I don’t know. We’ll figure that out I suppose”, you tried to get around giving him a definite answer because you truly didn’t know. The whole situation was so confusing and you had to curse the universe in your head.
The rest of your painting was silent. Seonghwa played with Bruce in the sand as you focused on the art. You were slowly realizing why the man loved painting so much.
It was peaceful and away from the harsh reality around him. He could create whatever world he wanted on this little canvas and there was no limits. No limits like you had created.
“Pretty good for your first go”, Seonghwa commented as he looked over your work. It was a tad bit more messy than if he had done it but it was impressive.
“I have a good teacher”, you teased and smiled, feeling proud of doing something out of your comfort zone.
Your entire life had been a routine of activities and places you were familiar with. Now, the world felt boundless. That’s how Seonghwa made you feel.
“Well, it’s your turn to be teacher now”, the man poked your side and you would’ve did it back if Bruce wasn’t desperately pulling on the leash.
“Come with us? I can once Bruce is back in the hotel. He’s tired of the outside now”, you chuckled as the puppy barked at you as if to agree. Seonghwa nodded and walked beside you down the beach and down the path to your hotel.
Once the dog was back in your room, you followed behind Seonghwa. He had mentioned a beautiful hiking trail not too far from here. You were realizing that he had probably been here the whole time. Maybe you weren’t the only one who had run away.
“So, what is your favorite animal?”, your head turned to look at the man, the question making you laugh softly. It was true that you didn’t know that about each other. Maybe this walk would be good to actually know one another.
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A scream tore through your throat when you were thrown into the lake, your clothes clinging to your wet body.
You glared when your head returned to the surface, the freezing water biting at your skin. Seonghwa just laughed, waving your camera in the air like it’s just some flimsy piece of paper.
“Be careful with that!”, you scolded him and he immediately stopped, like a puppy that was found eating the furniture.
“Sorry sorry, but look how good it turned out!”, you swam over to the rock below him, leaning up on it like a mermaid peering up at her human prince.
He crouched down and showed you the photo. It was a photo of the exact moment your body had penetrated the water, the waterfall right behind you. It was beautiful.
“Now who’s the good teacher?”, you teased and Seonghwa moved to lay on the rock, looking into your eyes.
“You are. I genuinely love photography now”, he chuckled and it felt like the world had stopped as you look into each other’s eyes.
“It’s a screenshot but for reality”, you giggled and lifted yourself up with your hands, placing a little kiss on his forehead.
“Do you have anything I can change into?”, you asked as you realized your shirt was doing very little to cover your upper body now.
“Just take this”, he helps you out of the water and respectfully turns around, taking his hoodie off and passing it to you.
You put the hoodie on and it engulfed your smaller form, going down to your knees because of how oversized it was.
“Okay, you can look now”, Seonghwa nodded and turned around to face you, trying to hide his smile when he saw how adorable you looked.
“Ready to go back? It’s probably midnight now”, Seonghwa motioned to the moon shining above the trees. You stood there staring at it for a moment before you nodded, letting the man take your hand in his as he guided you along the path.
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It was your last day in Jeju, a daunting knowledge that had you awake before even the sun rose. It had already been a week but you didn’t feel like it was enough time.
Your feet sinked into the sand as you hurried to try to get a clear photo of the sunrise.
You eventually found a bolder to set up on, sitting on the cold surface once your camera was out. It was so peaceful but also eerily quiet.
Well, until a certain someone found you.
“Hey, come to see the sunrise too?”, Seonghwa came to sit by you, his arm wrapped around you as if you were going to fall off the rock.
“Yeah, I was wondering how beautiful it must be if the sunset is as gorgeous as it was”, you nodded and felt a weight on your shoulders, the need to get everything out. To figure it out.
“Last day, huh? Aren’t you leaving in the morning?”, Seonghwa watched you nod and he pouted, that cute little pout that made your heart melt.
“Yeah. Actually, why don’t you come back with me?”, you looked at him, hope in your eyes ever present.
“I would but my friend is sick here. I have to be here”, so he didn’t run off. He was running to help someone in need.
You nodded understandingly, your mind trying to come up with something but only silence filled the air.
“Hey, before you leave, I wanted to ask something. Was there anything I could’ve said back then to make you stay?”, you knew what he was referring to. After the colors left, you had run off and drove to your apartment, not even looking back.
“Honestly... no. I was so confused and scared. I just wanted you to have it all and if that meant breaking your heart then I was okay with it”, a sigh left your lips, feeling guilt fill your stomach.
“I think I would rather be completely blind then lose you again”, the confession caught you off guard and you turned your entire body to face him.
“Like I’d ever let that happen”, you shook your head and Seonghwa cupped your face in his hands, looking over every feature he could. He wanted to remember it all when you were gone.
“Like I’d let you stop me”, he was so serious that it made you gulp, your heart pounding against your chest. He leaned in and finally closed the gap between you, his lips molding with your’s perfectly. Sparks erupted through both of your bodies and it caused your body to shake as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
His hands trailed down to your waist, waiting for any protest from you before he moved them to your ass, squeezing the skin under your panties. The dress you were wearing did the bare minimal of protecting your lower body from the man’s hands. Not that you minded one bit.
Seonghwa pulled away from the kiss, looking up at you as he pulled you into his lap. His expression was filled with so much raw emotion, nothing hidden.
“Do you want this? Do you want us?”, the second question lingered in your mind. How would this work? You had no idea. Especially when he was stuck on this island, but you knew what you wanted.
“Yes, I want you, Seonghwa. But, you have to keep painting. I need to see your work in the museum”, Seonghwa chuckled and nodded, pecking your lips as he snuck his finger into your panties, moving it up and down your slit to collect your wetness.
“Here’s the catch though, you’ll have to go to other museums to see them. Get out there, princess”, you huffed in annoyance and the man smiled teasingly. After a week, the black and white world became comforting. It was simply a sign that Seonghwa was only looking at you.
Maybe the world was black and white because colors would only distract you two from what mattered. It wasn’t how brown Seonghwa’s eyes were. It was how caring he was or how he made you laugh. That’s what is important.
Seonghwa pushed two of his fingers inside of you, scissoring your cunt open as his other hand lifted your dress up to reveal your breasts. He almost wanted to scold you for wearing no bra, but your breasts looked way too perfect under the moonlight for him to care.
A whimper sounded in your throat when his fingers started to hit that spot inside of you and you felt a cold substance on your chest. In the center of your torso, Seonghwa had spit and his tongue was now trailing up it to your breasts. His lips wrapped around the bud and sucked, only furthering your pleasure as you rocked your hips against his fingers.
It felt so perfect and right. Your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces and it oddly reminded you of the painting you two had made together. Glued together like a puzzle.
“You’re so beautiful and smart. You’re just amazing, okay?”, it was definitely more of a statement than a question but you nodded, a vibrant smile on your face. With Seonghwa, every insecurity felt minuscule. Nothing mattered but how you both felt with your bodies against each other.
“And you’re just as amazing”, a soft moan mixed with the words and that only made it more impactful. Only he could have you making those sounds.
“You want more?”, the gentleness of his voice made a shiver run up your spine. Not even the openness of your actions could bother you.
“Please, give me more”, he read your meaning loud and clear, taking his fingers out of you. It felt so empty without them there but you knew something better was coming.
He unzipped his pants, letting your dress fall back down. He pulled his jeans and boxers down, letting his cock free and your mouth practically watered at the sight.
He moved your panties too the side, in too much of a hurry now that the sun was finally riding. You spread your legs and sunk down onto his dick, your head falling back blissfully as it stretched you out.
“Shit, I forgot how big you are”, you whined, moving your head into his neck and he licked the skin of your neck before he started to suck on it. Without his real canvas here, he would have to recreate the artwork you two had made on your skin.
“And i forgot how tight you are. Wait, let me make sure”, you could practically hear the teasing tone in his voice as he bottomed out in you. His hand moved to lift your dress up a little, showing off the bulge in your tummy.
“There it is. Look how good you take it”, Seonghwa sounded so proud as he stared at it, moving his hips a little just to watch the bulge move.
“I only will take your cock. Only your’s”, it was so validating to hear you say that as your hands found their way into his hair, running through the messy locks, “you can move, baby”.
He didn’t need to be told twice, his hips moving up and down as you bounced on his cock. The angle from being on top had you already moaning, joyful tears welling up in your eyes as bliss overtook your body.
“Princess, look”, neither of your paces faltered as you turned your head to look at the sunrise. You smiled once you saw all the colors surrounding the sun. Light shun upon your bodies slowly and the warmth felt amazing.
“Wait! The photo!”, you looked over at your camera which was sitting beside you and you stopped bouncing to grab it.
“No, let me”, Seonghwa smirked and took the camera, holding it out to your side. Your bodies were perfectly in view of the lens and you blushed as he took the photo, your naked bodies now in your camera roll.
“Now, whenever you look at a sunrise you’ll think of me”, he grinned and you playfully slapped his chest before you took the camera and took an appropriate picture of the sunrise.
You put the camera down and looked at the man again, his eyes meeting your’s.
“Hwa...”, your voice faltered when you saw something unfamiliar.
Orange. Purple. Red.
Right on your soulmate’s skin.
“You- you see it too?”, the sunlight shining on both of your skin was now visible even if you were looking at one another.
“Yes! Fuck, you’re so pretty”, you couldn’t help but say, tears spilling down your cheeks as you took in everything about him again. The gentle tan of his skin, his rosey lips, and even the color of his veins.
Seonghwa’s thumbs gently wiped away your tears before he tugged on your hair to bring your lips to his, his hips slowly beginning to move again. You moaned in his mouth, rolling your hips to meet his as you felt his dick rub against your walls.
“I love you”, you whispered against his lips as you felt your orgasm building up. Seonghwa smiled, a beautiful smile you had missed in all its glory.
“I love you too”, his cock twitched inside of you and he started to rub your clit, your pussy clenching around him in response to the stimulation.
“Cum together?”, you asked, resting your forehead against his as you tried to catch your breath.
“Be together? No matter the distance?”, you didn’t expect him to answer with more questions, but you knew your answer to them and you knew his answer to your question.
“Always”, you nodded before you felt your orgasm run through your body, clenching around the man as your cum coated his cock.
Seonghwa had the decency to pull out of you, releasing on your thighs and stomach. He really was going to make you his new canvas.
His fingers smeared the seed on as much skin as he could get to and you giggled, shaking your head.
“All I know is that you better answer every single one of my calls after this”, you became painfully aware of the vulnerability of being seen now. Seonghwa chuckled and gestured to the ocean.
“And you better get that cum off of your skin before the early birds get here”.
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phykios · 3 years
Ain’t No Sunshine, modern royalty, 1970s au [read on ao3] thank you as always to my darling @darkmagyk for taking a true story off the rails
May 3rd, 1979. The date seemed to jump off the page, the loud, bold text almost mocking her. 
Not that she was keeping track, but it was just about four years to the day.
She’d woken up this morning, feeling kind of off, wandering around her apartment in a daze as she hustled her children out the door for daycare, losing time on her bus commute to work. It wasn’t until lunch, as she took the time to go through her day planner, that she realized: four years ago was when she had last seen Percy Jackson.
Though why Annabeth was thinking about him right this second was anyone’s guess.
Oh, sure, she’d thought about him a lot all throughout her pregnancy--thought about him, cursed his name, dreamed of strangling him for leaving her alone with these two absolute terrors--but as the years had gone by, and she had lost all hope of ever making contact with him again, he’d sort of fallen by the wayside of her thoughts. Something must have been going on with the navy mail system, because absolutely none of the letters or postcards she’d sent had ever been received, and she couldn’t reach out to Sally, since Annabeth had lost her address as well. 
There was always the possibility that he… well, that he wasn’t around to receive letters anymore. But she tried not to think about it. 
She tried her best not to think about him at all, these days.
Today, however, her childhood best friend turned US navy midshipman had popped up on her internal radar, and had just decided to take up residence in her brain. Her normally mind-numbing job couldn’t even properly distract her, and she spent all afternoon daydreaming about his messy, perpetually windswept hair, and his toothy, contagious smile, and his gorgeous green eyes like she was some kind of pathetic, lovestruck teenager, obsessing over her rockstar crush. Taking calls, scheduling appointments, and dodging the creepy advances of the assistant CFO were slightly more palatable if she had something pleasant to think about. 
Old-fashioned romance was for suckers, anyway. Who needed it? 
At least it was Friday. Fridays were KFC days, and she really did not need to accidentally burn dinner today. Again.
She hated it, but her kids loved it. God knows they could barely stomach whatever she usually attempted.
She sent them to bed early-ish, and settled down in front of the TV with a glass of wine. She didn’t usually indulge, but she had had such a weird day, she felt she deserved it. 
Taking a long, long sip, she could no longer deny it: she really fucking missed Percy.
She missed him like she’d miss a missing limb, and it was all the more cruel because she’d lost him once, and miraculously found him again, on that fateful trip home from Athens. A military brat stuck at the American naval base in Spain to save money, waiting for a spare seat to open up on a plane so she could go home, by the sheer force of luck, she’d practically tripped and fallen into the lap of her childhood best friend. 
And then she did trip into his lap. And then into his bed. And stupid, stupid, Annabeth, she’d always been so bad with her birth control.
Her little boy, he had blond hair, but sometimes he would look at her, or laugh at something, or drool in his sleep just like his daddy, and Annabeth thought she might just fucking die from it.
She loved her children, of course, how could she not? But she wasn’t about to deny it--sometimes, alone in parenthood, juggling dishes and laundry and schoolwork and life, she felt like she was drowning.
Sharp, piercing, the doorbell rang, knocking her out of her reverie. A little tipsy, still in her rumpled work clothes, she set the glass aside, and made her way to the door. “Mr. D,” she said, opening it, prepared speech all ready to go, “I told you, I’d have the rent for you by--”
She stopped, blinking, speechless. It was not Mr. D.
“Hey,” said the man outside her door. The ghost from another world that she had, apparently, conjured with her thoughts.
He smiled, a little strained, the light of the streetlamps casting harsh shadows on his face. “It’s good to see you.” 
“How did you know where I lived?” It was, perhaps, not the most elegant thing to say, but she hadn’t exactly planned for what would happen when Percy Jackson, love of her life, father of her children, long-lost best friend wandered back into her life.
“Can I come in? Maybe for a Coke or something?” he asked, not answering her question. 
She almost wanted to say no. For every letter never returned, for every month gone by without a word, for every day spent raising their children without him, not knowing if he was alive or dead--she almost said no. 
But this was Percy. She could spare him a Coca Cola at least. “Sure,” she said, leaning away, “come on.”
“Great,” he said, and this time, his smile was all real. 
So focused had she been on him, she hadn’t even clocked the older man who stood behind him. “Sir,” said the other man, with the air of a beleaguered secretary--and Annabeth would know, “I really must advise--”
“I’ll just be a minute,” said Percy, not even bothering to look back at him, pushing past Annabeth’s half-extended arm.
“But, sir, your father--”
Percy let the door shut in his face.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “Harsh.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, well… I’ll make it up to him later.”
“Who is he?”
But Percy didn’t answer. “Nice place you got here.”
He was being nice, of course. It was a craphole apartment in a craphole side of town--but the rent was cheap and the bus was convenient, and she only felt the slightest bit of shame as she led him to the craphole couch, handing him a coke from her craphole fridge. Christ, his suit looked like it cost more than her TV.
“Is your… husband home?” he asked, delicate.
“My what?”
“Your husband. I saw, um…” Embarrassed, he flicked his eyes to the ring on her left hand. 
“Oh, this? It’s--it’s not--” Hastily, clumsily, she fumbles it off, pulling around the knuckle. “I’m not--I’m not.”
He blinked. “Oh.”
“Yeah, I just--it’s to ward off creepy guys, right? Like, they won’t take no for an answer unless they think they’ll have to deal with an angry husband, so I just…” 
In her more pathetic moments, she pretended that it had been given to her by the man before her. She had picked something small and simple, something that she thought he might have gone with, and pretended he had slipped it into her pocket the day she left the naval base. 
“That’s--cool. That’s great, I mean. I mean, that’s--”
“What do you want, Percy?”
Not at all bothered by the shortness of her tone, he sighed, closing his eyes. “I have a… personal question I need to ask you. And I’m sorry to bother you with this, I just--I have to ask.”
Ominous. “Okay?”
“Did we…” He sighed again, mouth twisting. “Did you, as a result of our repeated sexual encounters four years ago, happen to have any children by me?”
He just rattled it off, as if it was something he’d said over and over and over again, tired of receiving the same answer, but never expecting anything different.
“Excuse me?”
“I know, I know, it’s an extremely rude question, and I know I have no right to ask you, especially since it’s been so long, but I swear, there’s a reason I--”
“Did you never get any of the letters I sent you?”
At that, his head shot up. The look in his eyes could only be described as ‘terror.’ “What?”
“I must have sent you half a dozen,” she said, crossing to the kitchen, the wine making her a little bit short. She had, in fact, sent him eight letters, with pictures, and never received a single response, but since he seemed genuinely lost, she decided not to tell him. Plucking the most recent photo down from the fridge, she returned to the man in her living room, his knuckles white around the can. 
Standing before him, she handed him the photograph. He took it, fingers shaking. “We… you…” 
“Percy Jackson,” she said, like she was introducing him to someone at a party, “meet your children.”
Even after they had just been born, Annabeth had seen how obviously they were his. Only their daughter had the same messy black hair, both both had the same long, straight nose, the same intense, brooding brow as their father--and when her son smiled, or her daughter laughed, it was hard not to see the shades of Percy so strongly in them. It was hard to see them, too. 
Percy’s mouth was trembling. His eyes were wide, glassy, fixed on the photo. “My--” he swallowed. “What--what are their names?”
“Alexander,” she said, softly, “and Anne--”
“Annemarie,” he breathed. “Alexander and Annemarie.” He looked up at her, his eyes shining. “You remembered?”
Of course she remembered. Two lonely kids, she and Percy had spent so much of their childhood together, playing house, building their perfect family, even if only in their imagination. Alexander for his mother’s cousin, and Annemarie because he had wanted to name their  daughter Annabeth, and she wouldn’t let him. Twenty years later, alone and in pain, holding her newborn children and alternately cursing the man who made them and desperately wishing he were with her, Annabeth had known that they could only have one set of names, even if their father might never meet them. 
His face crumpled. He dropped his head into his hand, and groaned, like someone had pressed on an open wound. 
“Percy!” Annabeth sat down next to him, one hand on his shoulder, the other on his leg. Four years later and it still felt so natural to touch him like this. “Are you okay?”
Nodding, he grunted. “Yeah,” he croaked, voice hoarse, “I’m okay. I’m fine. I just--” And then he shuddered, a hand coming up to scrub at his eyes. 
He was crying, she realized suddenly. Annabeth used to be the one that cried. She could count on one hand how many times she’d seen him cry. He hadn’t even cried when she had finally left the naval base. 
Taking a shaking breath, he wiped his nose on the sleeve of his expensive suit. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, shattered. “I didn’t--I never--if I had known, I swear, I would have left the navy. I would have come home.”
The silent, unspoken “to you” echoed in the dead air of her apartment. “Why didn’t you?” she asked, quietly.
They held each other’s eyes, an eternity passing in a heartbeat. Neither wanted to break the sacred silence, to bring words into the crystalline moment that hung in the balance between them. 
“I never got your letters,” he said, tears in his eyes. “I… after you--left, I…” he sighed, aching. “I… got hurt. Bad.” 
Annabeth couldn’t breathe. 
“And,” he huffed a laugh, wet and messy, “and then I met my father. Can you believe it?”
Her eyes bugged out of her head. “You what?”
He nodded.
“He’s alive?” 
Sally rarely spoke of him, and Percy had always refused to. Annabeth had just assumed he had died, years and years and years ago. 
Percy laughed again, humorless. “He’s the king of Thera.”
Her jaw dropped. “He…”
“Are you shitting me?”
Shaking his head, he smiled, rueful. “I wish.”
Words from a half-remembered newscast floated through her mind. Alexander and Annemarie had been right terrors that night, and she had only been half-listening as the reporter informed the world that Triton, hereditary prince of Thera, had died, killed in military action. “He… found you?”
Percy nodded, miserable. “He told me--asked--told me to--to find anyone I might have…” And then he swallowed, tears in his eyes again, real, glistening tears. “And I am so, so sorry, I know--I know your job is here, and your whole life, and the children, but I--”
She took his hand in hers, squeezing gently so he didn’t fly away. “It’s okay,” she said. “Just say it.”
“I’m supposed to--I’m supposed to… if you would… come with me,” he trailed off, suddenly shy. 
For the second time tonight, she felt like she’d been hit with a sledgehammer. “...What?”
“He… my father… the king wants--needs heirs. He… he asked for a list of women, and I… gave him your name.” Stomach hot, Annabeth wished she had the courage to know about the other women on that list. Or to ask  why Percy, young and handsome as he’d been at both twelve and twenty, wasn’t out there making some new ones himself. Why was he chasing down old leads? Why was he chasing down Chase bastards? “You’d--you’d live in the castle,” he said, like he was trying to sell her on it, though she could tell his heart wasn’t really in it, “and we, well, we’d technically have to get married, but that doesn’t need to be a big deal. You’d get your own rooms. You can set them up however you want. And you’d have a personal staff, a stipend, and the kids would get private teachers, and--”
He blinked, caught off guard. “Yes?”
Staff. Someone to do the laundry and clean the dishes. Someone to cook dinner and look after the house. Someone to help. Someone to do all the parental things that she just could not do, not by herself. Not without him. 
“I know I have no right to ask this of you,” he said, squeezing her hand. His hand was just as big as she remembered, and just as warm. “And I would never, ever force you to do anything that you wouldn’t want to--”
“Yes,” she said, interrupting him. 
He blinked, dumbly. “What?”
“Yes. I’ll come with you. We all will.”
“...Oh. Uh, great. That’s--that’s good. Are you sure?” He looked like a lost little dolphin, eyes huge and uncertain, and then, Annabeth did the one thing that she’d been desperately wanting to do for the last four years. 
She pulled his face to hers, and she kissed him. Shocked, he stiffened, almost pulling away--before relaxing into her, cupping her face in his big, warm hand. Eyes closed, they leaned their heads against each other, sharing air once more for the first time in years. She had lost him twice already: once as a child, when her father had decided to move her across the country, and once as a lovestruck college girl, when she had to leave the naval base, four years ago. She wasn’t about to lose him for a third time. 
And for the first time in forever, she no longer felt like she was drowning.
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lunnybunny12 · 4 years
Sandor Clegane X reader (Rory)
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A/N: This is a modern AU based off of this headcanon. 
Word count: 2036
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, mentions of death
Master List
As an Infantry Soldier, Sandor served in the field, working to defend his country against any threats on the ground. He'd capture, destroy, and deter enemy forces, assist in reconnaissance, and help mobilize troops and weaponry to support the mission as the ground combat force. He'd seen good people get murdered, shot, hanged, killed. People with families to get back to and friends who would miss them. Sandor had neither, and yet he was allowed to return.
He took a large gulp of his drink and looked at his surroundings. Sandor had been to the bar many times before and the familiar hum of other patrons as they'd pull frothing glasses of beer to their lips was there like always. He heard the occasional clicks from the back where the pool-tables were placed. The smell of alcohol, snow and pine-scented air freshener drifted through the air as you dragged a damp rag across the bar.
"Oi Barkeep. Beer." Sandor called, fiddling some change from his pocket.
"Keys first, Dogface. Then you can drink," You retorted, not moving from your place at the bar. (Dogface- A nick-name for Infantrymen because they sleep in "Pup-tents" and hide in "dugouts")
Sandor sighed in annoyance and paused to look at you. It hadn't been the first time you had told him this, he never understood why but he knew full well that you weren't joking with him.
"Yes, again. now hand them over."
He begrudgingly did as he was told and slid the car keys across the bar, avoiding your outstretched hand completely. You snatched them away and placed them in your pocket, with a fake glare.
"Good boy. They'll be in the same place when you come to pick them up tomorrow." You said popping of the cap of a beer and sliding it towards him and going back to cleaning the bar.
"You're lucky you're one of the few people I can stand in this town" He grumbled.
"Oh I feel so honoured" you joked and rolled your eyes.
Since there were other customers to attend to you couldn't talk long, but it's not like he'd say much to you anyway. The community he had found himself in was quite tight-knit. Everyone knew everyone and it was tricky to not run into someone who had something to talk about. Sandor however was a very quiet individual who often kept to himself making him stand out to many of the residents.
As the night continued and other staff started their shifts, Sandor found himself looking at you from time to time. He watched you collect glasses, chat to customers, tell jokes and take orders. He found himself doing it allot recently and he didn't understand why. At some points, he had even begun te eavesdrop on your conversations since he had nothing better to do.
"Ah (y/n) hows Rory? Heard the lad had an accident" A customer asked as you took their order.
Sandor's ears pricked up. He'd never heard of a Rory before at least not from you, and from what he knew there wasn't a Rory in the village.
"Yeah, the silly thing fell down the stairs and hurt his leg. He's upstairs having a lie-down. he should be up and about in a few days though," You chuckled.
You had changed so much since he was dragged off to the army. You weren't a crazy teenager anymore but a grown woman, with a proper paying job and a life outside of work. Yet you were still the same when it came to your personality: humerus, silly, carefree, cheerful and stupid... my god were you stupid, you had to have been to be his friend.
"Right, consider me.. clocked out" You smiled to yourself and looked at Sandor.
"Why do you need to clock out? You own the bloody place." Sandor said.
"Yes, but its this new fangled technology thing that Mr Ray insisted I use, and you know what he's like. 'His town his rules.' Plus it helps me keep tabs on whos working."
"At least you understand half of the tripe you just said." Sandor joked taking another sip of his drink.
You rolled your eyes and patted his shoulder as you headed towards the door. "Goodnight everyone!" You yelled earning a cheer of goodnights.
Everything was different when Sandor went away. One day he was there and the next he wasn't, no warning, just a letter that said that he had been accepted into the army and to not expect him back for a long time, that was if he came back at all.
When he did eventually return he had also changed. His personality remained the same, as you expected but he had changed physically. He was taller, broader and stronger and his hair had been cut making his burn a more prominent feature.
If it was up to you, you would've stayed away from him but since yours was the only bar in town, he would come for a drink. Out of politeness you talked to him and sent the occasional harmless jab his way and in return he was civil. You were still angry that he hadn't said goodbye but you still cared, you must have done to take his keys.
It was misty that morning. All mornings were misty since the Autumn season rolled around. You loved Autumn. You loved the feeling of the wind rushing past your face and how the leaves crunched beneath your boots. Your favourite place to walk was at the park and since Rory had stopped limping around your apartment, you thought the park was a good idea.
Rory was a large thing. The hound was easily half your height when stood on all fours and towered above you when on his hind. In his youth, he would have been jet black and full of energy but as he aged, the fur around his snout and paws had dimmed to a light grey and he had mellowed out.
As you walked along the wet grass a sudden yelp bit through the air.
"Someone get their fucking dog!"
You immediately ran to the voice to see Sandor, on the ground with your dog licking his face.
"Rory! come here. You silly thing" you laughed as you latched the lead onto the dog's collar and pulled him away from Sandor.
The man looked awful. His hair was a mess and he was covered in dirt. The shirt he wore was the same as the day prior and he seemed half asleep.
"Were you sleeping in the bush?"
"Oh yes, I'm fine thanks for asking" Sandor huffed as he pulled himself off of the grass.
He was in a mood and in all honesty, you would be too if you were sleeping in a bush.
"What kind of dog is that? Looks like a living mop"
"He's a wolfhound and I can guarantee he's cleaner than you."
"Well, you try and stay clean when you've been sleeping in the park for 5 days," Sandor growled, dusting off some leaves from his pants.
"5 days?" you asked. "You've been sleeping here for 5 DAYS! What happened to your apartment?"
"No money to pay for an apartment."
"What about your job?"
"Why do you care?" Sandor asked, bending down to grab the blanket that was hidden in the shrubbery. He was about to walk away until you stood in front of him with a serious look.
"I care because we were friends once and I'll be dumbed if I let my friend sleep in the cold. So I will ask again... What about your job?"
The look Sandor gave you wasn't out of shock or surprise. It was a look of familiarity. A look of relaxed friendliness that you hadn't seen since before he left.
Sandor sighed and scratched his neck. " My job fired me a few weeks ago. Said that 'I have talents that could be useful elsewhere.'"
"They fired you without reason?"
"I stacked boxes (Y/n) and that's all I did."
"Load of cunts," you sighed. "Right you're coming home with me, you're gonna get a shower and we can talk about a job later."
"I didn't ask for your help."
"No, but you're getting it anyway. Follow me Dogface."
A month had passed since then and things once again changed.
You gave Sandor a job at the bar more suited to his skillset and became the security. The town was a tourist hotspot in the summer months and you would get the occasional rowdy bunch that you nor the rest of the residents liked to deal with. In the other months, Sandor would just hang around, help with any shipments that required heavy lifting and occasionally cover for a staff member. Since you couldn't have him sleeping in his car or in a bush you gave him the spare room in your apartment and when he could afford it he insisted on paying rent and wouldnt take no for an answer.
One day when Sandor came back from his shift, he was met with you, laying on the couch with Rory draped over you with his head on your chest. Rory had done this more than once and you thought it was adorable, whether it was to protect you or because he was cold you didn't know but it was adorable just the same.
"You look comfortable," Sandor said slipping off his shoes at the door.
"Oh, I am. Very much so. I was in the mood for cuddles and since you weren't here Rory stepped up" you joked, petting the sleeping dog.
At the corner of your eye, you saw Sandor's demeanour change. He straightened his posture and took a sharp breath in.
"You alright?
"I'm fine. move your legs." Sandor said sitting on the couch beside you as he leaned to grab the tv remote.
He had been doing that a lot. Whenever you joked about ding something a couple would do, he would shy away or close himself off and to be honest you were only half-joking. It why you were so upset when he left without a word of warning. You liked him but if he liked you was a different story.
"You jealous?" You asked
"Jealous?" Sandor chuffed. "Of Rory? Nah. You wouldn't go for an old dog like him"
"I like old dogs. They have more charm and personality than the younger ones." You answered as you ran your fingers through Rory's fur and kissed him on the head.
Sandor sighed and continued to look at the TV. He looked so handsome to you, he always did. Sure he was rough around the edges but its what drew you to him in the first place.
"I like you too, you know."
"What?" Sandor laughed and looked a you. He thought you were joking like you usually did but by the look on your face, you weren't.
By that point Rory had jumped off of the couch to get some water, allowing you to sit properly.
"I like you, Dogface."
"In what way?"
"In a romantic way... since before you left" a second of silence cut between you when you started laughing at yourself. Like a real laugh. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, it's not like you feel the same anyways."
"How do you know I don't like ya?"
"Look at me, Sandor. The only men in my life  are you, the customers and my dog, I'm not exactly a noble-born am I? Just a daft bar made"
You stood up and walked to the fridge to grab a few beers.
"I like a daft bar made. They're way more entertaining than the smart ones."
"Very funny" you said handing him a bottle and sitting back on the couch with a huff.
"I also like my bar made: brave, and strong, and funny. With... a nice dog and a home of her own. Look, I like you too. I like being around you. I...I like your face."
You laughed and shuffled closer to him and leant your head on his shoulder.
"Cute" you mumbled and leant up to kiss his cheek. " I like your face too"
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lazuli-bloom · 3 years
Roses and Styx
Chapter 2 – The Man In The Rotting Suit
Beetlejuice x Reader
Word Count : 5051
You get to go home early, which is nice. Now if only you could shake that guy from the graveyard. It doesn't help that no one else is able to even see him. There has to be some way to get rid of him, right?
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Deep breaths. Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. You're fine. Just ignore the man grinning at you seated in your passenger seat. Everything was normal and fine. He's not really there.
"So, where to, babes?"
You sucked a long sharp breath and glanced over to the delusion. He definitely looked at home in a graveyard, with the patches of moss on pale skin and sporting a frayed suit coated in dirt and grime. The man flashed you another grin showing off sharp teeth that likely have never seen a toothbrush.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and ignored the apparition while you get your shitty car started. A few minutes later, the car clanged and sputtered awake. You shoot whatever was in your passenger seat a glare before pulling out of the small lot and headed home.
The man next to you groaned after you passed the first stoplight. You glanced over to him. He crossed his arms, and wore a frown on his face. The green color in his hair dulled from when he was in the store. His tone looked to be a more purple hue.
"Come on, babes, I know you can see and hear me!"
You stayed silent and tapped your fingers on the steering wheel while stopped at a red light. He was right—much to your vexation—you could perceive him. In more ideal circumstances you'd seek professional help from a doctor or therapist, but that costs money. So you're forced to bank on the hope that ignoring the delusion makes him disappear.
He huffed and pouted more. "You have no idea how long it's been since anyone could see me. I ain't leaving so soon."
You press your lips tighter into a line and kept your eyes on the road. His peculiar wording bounced around in your head for the next few stops. Soon that bled into playing the events of the funeral. He was there, bugging the mourners and going unnoticed.
"Fine. What are you?"
You catch the dimmer purple wash away from his hair and brighten to a vivid green.
"Aw babes, I knew you'd come around!"
"Please answer the question."
"Oh, and so polite! Alright sweets, since you asked so nicely; I am a ghost!"
You spared a glance over to him as you turned onto the dingy road leading to your apartment. The skeptic in you wanted to counter and say that wasn't possible, but you doubted voicing that would magically make your unwanted passenger disappear.
"Alright then, mister ghost, why are you following me?"
"Already told ya, you're the first breather able to see me in a long time."
"So, are you planning to haunt me? Make my life worse than it already is? Because so help me god I'll kick your ass straight to Hell if you try."
You parked your car and turned, giving him a pointed glare. His citrine eyes lit up as his grin stretched so large it threatened to split his face.
"Feisty! I like that in a breather."
You grumbled under your breath and looked around the parking lot. Your car was one of maybe four parked there. There weren't any milling tenets out, either. Nevertheless, you weren't keen on staying out in your car the entire day talking to a ghost.
"I'm going inside. If you want to follow me, then you're going to have to answer my questions. Got it?"
"Anything you want, babes."
You breathed out through your nose and unbuckled yourself. As you stepped out you caught sight of the ghost floating out the front of your car where he waited for you on the curb. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he rolled back, putting his weight on his heels. The ghost flashed you another grin, and you doubted any good could come from this.
No second guesses or weaseling out by that point. You told him to follow you as you made your way to the apartment. Up the flight of stairs and to the end of the hall, you were almost home free.
The harsh rasp of a smoker shouted at you. Every fiber of your being tensed up, and you fought to put on a smile in front of the dragon. She marched up to you with narrow eyes locked on you.
"Hi Donna."
"Who the hell left your apartment yesterday? I swear if you're smuggling a roommate in there I'm going to raise your rent."
"That was my friend, Sam. They're moving and stopped by to say goodbye. Wait, how did you know Sam even visited? Didn't you go out last night?"
"I got complaints about you."
You keep your mouth shut for the moment. This was a conversation you preferred not to drag out. You simply nodded to her as you carefully thought over your next words.
"Sam only dropped by to say goodbye."
"And who is 'Cassie'?"
You tensed up to the point your muscles could turn to stone any minute. Your nails dug into the palms of your hands and you struggled to keep up a friendly act.
"They're a co-worker."
Donna huffed at you, followed by a sneer showing off tobacco-stained teeth. She waved you off and turned, pulling out her smokes as she left. Donna uttered an insult your way before descending the stairs.
"Ain't she a delight."
You whipped your attention to the gravelly voice and found the specter with narrowed eyes pointed at the landing. His brow and nose scrunched up as he glared and you noted odd flecks of red in his hair.
You got your keys out and unlocked your door. "She's a bitch, but this apartment was the best I could afford. Easier to just grin and bear it."
"You know sweets, we could help one another with our problems." He said. You raise a brow at him before you stepped into the apartment. While he didn't exactly need you to, you stepped to the side and held the door open for him. "Babes, you are adorable. I'd give ya a big ol' 'thank you' kiss if I could."
"Please don't," you said, closing the door.
He let out a hardy laugh and then winked your way. You frowned and leaned against the wall with crossed arms. He scanned over the apartment while you studied him. The ghost's ragged appearance gave the impression that he recently crawled out of the grave. His pale skin grew bits of moss that blended into his hair. Dark rings circled his amber eyes. And a layer of rot and grime coated his odd frayed suit.
"Like what ya see, sweets?"
Heat rushed to your face, and you furrowed your brow at that. "You could use a bath."
"You breathers and bathing. What's even the point of it?"
"Health. It cleans away dead skin, and any diseases stuck on you, helps with sore muscles and aches, and can just help improve your mood overall."
"Shit. I didn't expect you to actually have an answer."
"Had one or two school wide lessons back in high school telling the kids that body spray was not a substitute for a shower."
He blinked at you. He shrugged a moment later and took a step closer, with his hands behind his back. "Anyway, back to my point. I think we can help each other out."
"You and me could get rid of that awful hag! Decapitation, eaten alive by rats, electrocution, I'm open to suggestions!"
"Real casual with murder, huh? Yeah, no, not interested."
"Wait! Okay, it doesn't have to be murder. I could scare her so bad that she runs off and never comes back! We can workshop that later. But first I need you to say my name!"
"What would saying your name do to 'help'? And I don't know your name, you never said it."
The nameless ghost rolled his eyes and heaved out a sigh. Did the dead still need to breathe? That didn't seem right.
"Right now I can't affect much of anything. You saw how that guy walked right through me, right?"
You nodded.
"But if you say my name three times, I get my powers back and won't be stuck being invisible." There was a certain excitement in his tone when he said that. One that lit up his amber eyes with... something.
Your lips twitch downward as you mulled over his words. He said earlier you were the first person to see him in a long time. How long you couldn't be sure without asking, but truly any stretch of time sounded so lonely. However, you couldn't just let him have free range to do whatever he pleased. He already proposed murder as means of dealing with your landlady. This ghost could be impossibly destructive if unleashed.
"I don't know. How can I—"
A vicious yowl made you jump. It came from the other side of the wall.
You rushed around the corner and opened the bathroom door. A white blur ran past you to the underside of the coffee table. Aqua colored eyes glared at you, only to shift focus in the ghost's direction.
You ignored that for the moment and instead turned your attention to the bathroom. The smell hit you first, the acrid scent of cat piss. You groaned as you looked over the state of the bathroom. The toilet paper shredded in tethers on the cheap linoleum, food and water bowls flipped with contents scattered, and a yellow puddle next to the litter box. Fantastic.
"Why was your cat locked in the bathroom?"
"I'm pet-sitting for a friend, and I can't have pets in the apartment," You said while you dug out the cleaning supplies from under the sink. "I'm keeping him mostly confined to the bathroom, so it's not obvious a cat's here for two weeks."
"Why are you pet-sitting if you can't have pets here?"
"Because my friend couldn't board their cat anywhere else. They promised me a couple hundred bucks to do it too, so I bit the bullet."
"If you're hard up for cash, I know an easier way to get it."
You glanced back at him with a raised brow but kept quiet to focus on cleaning. A minute later, once cleaned of Rigel's mess, you tossed the toilet paper in the bathroom trash and asked, "And what method would that be?"
"Just taking it! I won't get caught, babes, and even if I did, there's nothing a breather could do about it. Come on, all you gotta do is say my name three times in a row!"
You stay quiet for a minute as you washed your hands. You dried your hands and turned to face him, saying once more, "I don't know your name."
"Well, I can't say it."
"What? What do you mean?"
"I'm cursed. I can't say my own name."
"Is it... Rumpelstiltskin?"
"Sweets, that hurts. You really think my sexy self could be that little imp?"
"Well, other than taking more shots in the dark, how else would I figure out your name?"
"We could..." He trailed off, scratching the stubble on his chin. His face lit up a moment later as he said, "We could play a game or something so you can figure it out!"
His grin stretched wide as he wore an earnest hope on his features. It was rather sweet, strangely enough, and made the notion of turning him down seem harsh. You mulled over your decision. While you didn't want to say no, you weren't keen on agreeing either. If you said yes, he'd expect you to say his name afterwards.
"And if I figure out your name, then what? Setting you free doesn't seem like a smart idea."
He instantly deflated when he heard that. Smile gone, brows furrowed. Even the vibrancy of his green hair looked like it dulled to a blueish purple. He looked crushed, and knowing you caused it struck you with a bit of guilt. You couldn't blindly trust him, but you didn't want to see him so hurt.
"Look. We just met. How do I know I can trust you?"
"Cause we're BFFFFs Forever!"
"B-F-F—... You want to be friends?"
He nodded vigorously, with a glimmer of hope rekindled in his eyes. Your guts twisted into tighter and tighter knots the longer he gave you the lost puppy look. If he truly was alone and unseen for any stretch of time, then desperately wanting a friend made sense. And for whatever strange reason, you were the one able to see him.
"Okay. I'll make you a deal. We can be friends, but I won't free you until you've earned my trust. If I feel like I can trust you by the end of the month, then I'll say your name."
His grin reappeared, showing off sharp yellowed teeth. His hair also grew to a vibrant green. "Aw babes, you're the best! We are going to be great friends!"
You gave him a half smile, finding his excitement endearing if not a tad contagious. You finished up with cleaning the rest of the mess, and while doing so, you threw out a few more guesses of what his name might be. They were all wrong, but "Cthulhu" got a laugh out of him.
Once done with tidying the bathroom, you check on the furball under the shoddy coffee table. The devil cat hissed at you and swiped a clawed paw at you for daring to get so close. His eyes were thin slits and seemed to shift between yourself and somewhere behind you. You followed his gaze and landed on the ghost. You even asked him to move and the cat's gaze followed him.
"Huh. Looks like Rigel can see you."
"The fuzz-bucket of pure rage over here. His name is Rigel."
"Like the star in Orion?"
"Yeah, actually. The bright white star, that's why Sam named him that."
"Do you know any other stars in Orion?"
"Not off-hand. Why?"
"Eh... can't say."
You raised a brow at him. You wanted to find out the other stars in the constellation after he asked that—but with no internet access at the apartment or even a smartphone, you couldn't do that. All you owned was a cheap little prepaid flip phone straight out of the early aughts.
You shrugged it off and made a note to search that the next day on the store's computer. In the meantime, you sat down on the couch, kicking your shoes off to pull your feet up too. You didn't want to take the chance of that cat getting ballsy and going after you.
"So Mr. Whatsyourname, how am I going to figure out your name?"
He floated down to the other end of the couch and shrugged. You pressed your lips tight and hummed in thought as you worked out a means to find out his name.
"Well, playing twenty questions is getting us nowhere. Then again, throwing out random guesses isn't how you play that, but whatever. You can't spell it out, can you?"
"No, I suck at spelling it. And I can't, cause that would count as telling you it."
"Hmm, do you think you could use pictures to 'spell' it? Like using—a fly, a car, and a dog, to get the result of a flying carpet?"
"That might work, but I can't affect things, babes."
"But I can. Give me a sec, I'll get some paper." You rushed off to your bedroom and come back with a pencil and sketch pad. You took your seat back on the couch and turned to sit side by side with the ghost rather than facing him. "Alright, you tell me what shapes to draw."
You flipped to a blank page, skipping the older pages filled with various sketches and doodles. Once you got to a clean page, you held the book at an angel he could easily see.
The first thing he said to draw was a rectangle, a narrow one standing upright. Then a shorter and much thinner one at the top of the first. Followed by a third the same size as the second but connecting with it at an angle.
"Is that a juice box?"
"Nix the box."
He nodded with a Cheshire grin. "Great! Now draw a circle on the front of the box."
You did so, as well as draw the six lines going out from the circle like he asked.
"No, more specific. Draw lines on it in a 'T' shape."
You drew the segments on the bug, which gave it a distinct head and a line along its back. You look over the drawing and ask, "Is it a beetle?"
"Beetle... juice?"
"Yes! You got it!"
You hum to yourself and look over the picture more. Such a strange name. Was that his name in life, too? Or did he get a new name upon death? Does everyone? Can you choose your name?
"I can see why your name's Art."
You shook out of your thoughts and jerked your head to the ghost—Beetlejuice—sitting beside you. You huffed a small laugh and closed the sketchbook.
"That's not my name."
"But that guy at the store—"
"I don't put my real name on my apron."
"Okay, Parker—"
"Not my name either."
"What? But that bitch called you Parker."
"I don't want people knowing my name. So, I don't give out my real name."
"Not even to your BFFFF Forever?"
"How about instead of telling you, you try to guess it? No hints either."
Beetlejuice groaned and whined at that, but you didn't budge. You instead gave him a sly smile of your own. He puffed out his cheeks and glared at you, and you did your best to not break into laughter. How was that disheveled ghost able to look so cute?
"Babes, tell me! You know my name now, I want to know yours."
"I had to play a game to figure out your name, only fair you have to do the same to learn mine."
"I'm cursed though. I can't say my name. Well, my middle name anyway."
You blinked and tilted your head as you processed his last comment. His middle name? How odd. You shrugged at him and said, "You can either try to figure out my name or maybe if I end up trusting you, I'll tell you. But for now, you don't need it."
"Then what the hell am I supposed to call you?"
"You've been doing just fine with nicknames like—babes, sweets, and breather."
"Fine. But I want to know your name at some point."
"When I'm more comfortable, it's a personal thing. What about you, though? Can I call you by a nickname?"
"Sure! You could use—sexy, or handsome, or hot stuff."
"Or none of those," you said, shaking your head. You did your best not to crack and laugh. "How about Beetle, or Bug? Simple and sweet."
"You think I'm sweet?" He asked with a purr that caused your face to burn.
"I think you're weird, and strange, but not the most terrible at least."
"I'll take it!"
There was that bright smile again. Wide and full of sharp teeth. This ghost was a very perplexing being. The more you saw his smile, the more your own lips curled into a smile of your own.
"Okay, so if you're going to hang around here, we should set up some ground rules and get other things squared away. Like—I don't want you going in my bedroom unless I invite you in and stay out of the bathroom too."
"Aw, that's no fun."
"Do you sleep or anything?"
"I can, but I don't need to. Same goes for food when I'm not stuck being invisible."
"Can you affect anything while you're like that? Lights? Electronics?"
"No. The air gets cold around me. Other than that, can't do much of anything while invisible."
You nodded with a small frown. That must be so boring—stuck watching the world go by, unable to affect anything or even seen by anyone. That experience didn't sound pleasant. As much as you wanted to keep a low profile, you couldn't bear to be that level of unnoticed.
"Well..." you said, getting your thoughts back on track, "If you don't need to sleep, what do you want to do while I'm asleep? You want me to set up a movie for you in the living room? Or I guess you could go snoop around the other apartments and see what everyone else is doing. Lord knows there's always someone awake in this place no matter the hour."
"You're giving me a free pass to spy on your neighbors?"
"You said you can't affect anything other than making it cold, so I don't see a problem. Hell maybe if you annoy enough people with cold spots Donna will have to deal with a bunch of complaints. Maybe she'll even waste money trying to fix things, that'd be fun."
"We are going to be such great friends."
You huffed out a small laugh. As strange as he was—and maybe a little too gung ho with murdering your landlady—Beetlejuice seemed like he would make for... interesting company.
You checked the time on your phone. Five in the afternoon. Only an hour left of your shift. Well, if you hadn't left early. You tossed your phone on the coffee table with a clatter. Your action earned a venomous hiss from Rigel.
"So, um, if you don't need to sleep but can, do you want me to set up the couch as a bed? I don't have anywhere else to set one up and if Donna thinks I have other people living here, she's going to be pissed."
"Good thing I'm dead."
You pursed your lips and rolled your eyes. "Well yeah, technically. Existing here then, which dead or alive; you do exist. And that would still piss off Donna."
He huffed and narrowed his eyes, but glanced away from you. "I know you said you want to trust me first, sweets, but I could do a helluva lot more than just annoy her with cold spots. Just give me a chance!"
"I don't know... I don't like her but I don't think that would be a good idea." You sat looking blankly at the couch cushions as you hummed in thought. Even if he had good intentions going in—or more accurately, intentions that benefited you—things could go wrong and land you in a worse spot. Good intentions paved the road to Hell, after all.
"Babes, please, I'm begging. Ya gotta let me do something! I can even hold back on hurting her if that's what you want! I'll just scare the shit out of her!"
You thought over the proposition, and it sounded enticing. You tapped a finger against your cheek as various scenarios of Donna, scared out of her mind, played out. "That does sound fun, maybe later—Wait! It's October!"
"It is? Huh. I thought it was still July."
"Wait what? How...?"
"When you've been around for over a millennium, you stop bothering to keep tabs on time."
"A millennium? That's, holy crap. Okay, I have questions, but first what I was originally saying; It's October. So that means at the end of the month is Halloween. So, what if, if things go well and I trust you by then we plan a big scare for this All Hallows' Eve?"
The ghost shot up, bouncing on the couch. The sudden movement freaked out Rigel enough for him to scurry off to another hiding spot. "Hell yes! Babes, you're the best!" This ghost vibrated with barely contained excitement and you could have sworn he was glowing green.
You held up your hand to hold in a laugh. Beetlejuice radiated a pure joy that was not only endearing but also infectious. While precious to see him so happy, you asked him to compose himself and sit. Incorporeal or not, it’s difficult to carry a conversation while a ghost jumped on the furniture.
He sank back and sat on the couch, though he chose the arm of the couch as his seat. He faced you, still sporting a grin and vibrant green hue, and you couldn't stop smiling at this happy dork. Wanting to keep your discussion going, you cleared your throat and picked things back up with a question.
"You said you've been around for a millennium. So does that mean you lived during the... eleventh century?"
"I was around then, but I've never been alive. I was born dead."
"Born dead? Do... you mean like a stillborn?"
"Not in the way you're thinking. I'm a demon straight from Hell."
"You're a demon-ghost? Ghost-demon?"
"Both, yeah. But enough about me, as great as I am. How'd a pretty little breather like you end up in this shitty apartment?"
You frown and grabbed at your sleeve, not wanting to look him in the eye anymore. "It's kinda complicated and I don't want to go into all of it. I'm just... scraping my life back together and this place is the best I can afford right now." You stayed quiet for a moment before looking back at the ghost. The vibrant joy on his features faded drastically. Guilt stung in your heart for dampening the mood and offered the best masking smile you could muster. You weren't sure it looked all that convincing.
Beetlejuice stayed quiet a moment longer before a smirk pulled at his lips. "Well, now you know who you can call if ya need help dealing with a few problems."
"The ghostbusters?" You asked and cracked a genuine smile.
"Pff. Them? Nah, babe, the ghost with the most! Just gotta say my name three times, spoken unbroken!"
The self proclaimed "ghost with the most" puffed out his chest in a bid to look impressive. It earned a soft chuckle out of you.
"I'll keep that in mind."
A low growl filled the room. Heat seared your cheeks as you wrapped an arm over your stomach. Lunch wasn't as filling as you had hoped. You sighed and stood with a stretch. If you didn't make dinner soon, you'll end up nauseous from hunger later.
Your new familiar spirit stayed put sitting on the arm of the couch. However, when you glanced back at him, his head turned around to face you. It unnerved you, and the longer you looked at him the worse the feeling got.
You shook it off as best you can and headed to the fridge, which hid behind a wall jutting out to separate the living room and kitchen. And right then doubled as a divider that blocked you from view of the couch.
Once you dug out the mixed vegetables from the freezer, you turned and caught sight of a large blur on your counter. You seized up, knees locking, and heard a loud laugh bellow out.
"Aw babes, you should've seen the look on your face."
Beetlejuice wiped away some tears, then snapped his fingers. You blinked a few times, unsure what to think of seeing your face on his body. He twisted his—your? features into an expression of shock before cackling. Your mouth hung open, but you couldn't find any words. So you just shook your head and carried on making dinner.
As you worked on getting your dinner prepared, you pick back up the conversation. You and Beetlejuice took turns asking questions to get to know one another. Beetlejuice opened by sharing about his banishment—no clear details, just stated the fact it happened. He also said he got a kick out of the spread of the bubonic plague through Europe.
You grabbed a bowl and poured in your steaming dinner. The savory flavoring of the noodles mixed with the thawed vegetables and wafted in the air. Once you turned the stove off, you sat back on the couch. In between bites, you divulged a few minor details about yourself, like how you've worked for Mr. Turner close to a year and a half, and your hope to one day work in a haunted house attraction. That topic piqued Beetlejuice's interest.
"So, you get to scare people. As a job?"
"Y-yeah. I've thought being a haunted house actor could be a lot of fun. But there's no acting job close enough willing to pay the rate I'd need to make it worth it. And it's seasonal. So it's gotta stay a dream job."
You ate your noodles and mixed vegetables, allowing the specter to take over the conversation and regale you with various stories. One of his stories got you to laugh so hard you ended up swallowing wrong. It took a minute of coughing and sputtering before you stopped choking on your food. You cleared your throat with a short groan and fought to stop laughing.
After you finished dinner, you checked the time. It wasn't too late, but with everything that happened, drowsiness gnawed at the edge of your mind. You tapped your fork against the rim of the bowl as you walked through the mental checklist of what you needed to do before bed. Beetlejuice asked what you were doing and frowned when you told him.
"You're going to bed already?"
"I have work tomorrow and you gave me a few good scares today. I'm getting tired."
He pouted, but you noticed he cracked a smile, hearing that he scared you. You rolled your eyes and got up to put your dish in the sink. When you returned, you pulled several movie cases and set them on the coffee table.
"Pick whichever one you want, I can put it on for you before I go to bed."
You give him a small smile and leave to get ready. A few minutes later, once in your pajamas with your teeth brushed and the cat wrangled back into the bathroom, Beetlejuice picked out a movie. You got it started and tidied up the couch for him.
"You don't have to clean on my account, babes. I don't mind the mess."
"I don't mind, you're my guest, and I want things to be nice." You said and gave him another smile. "G'night, Beetle. See ya in the morning."
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eastofthemoon · 3 years
Never thought I would write Lego Monkie King fic, but here we are.
Title: Did I Forget To Mention
Rating: G
Characters: Monkey King, MK and Pigsy
Summary: Monkey King was certain he knew all about MK. However, after a visit he suddenly realizes how little he does know his successor.
Archive of Our Own
Wukong flew across the sky in his bird form. He hadn’t planned on training the kid until tomorrow, but the weather was just too perfect to waste.
Besides, it was either that or house clean and he wasn’t in the mood for it. It could wait another week or two.
Wukong gave a small twirl in the air as he flapped his wings and soon landed on top of the sign.
He spotted MK walking out with Pigsy close behind. Wukong wanted to swoop down and surprise tackle the kid, but paused. MK wasn’t in his regular set of clothes. They were strangely a lot nicer than normal and he was even straightening a tie?
Wukong tilted his bird head in confusion. He didn’t even know the kid had nice clothes. Where was he going that he had to dress so formally?
Curious, Wukong stayed in his bird form and flew a little closer, but made certain to stay out of sight.
“I shouldn’t be long, Pigsy,” MK said as he put a bag in his delivery cart. “I’ll be back by the lunch rush-”
“Kid, it’s fine,” Pigsy said as he patted the kid’s shoulder. “Sandy says he got you covered, just try to be back by the dinner and we’re good.”
He’s oddly flexible today, Wukong thought. Pigsy always got so cranky when he was dragging MK off to do some training.
MK sighed, but gave a smile. “Okay, thanks, Pigsy.”
Pigsy waved a hand. “Don’t mention it.” He then rubbed his neck and passed MK a small box. “Oh and uh, here I made some egg tarts for your folks.”
Wukong frowned. Folks? Did he mean MK’s parents?
MK’s eyes widened happily. “Really? Wow, thanks, Pigsy! That saves me having to stop by the bakery.” The kid carefully tucked the box into the bag and climbed into the car. “Alright, I’ll see you later.”
“Stay safe,” Pigsy said with a wave before venturing inside his restaurant.
Wukong quietly watched MK drive away.
MK had never mentioned his parents to Wukong before. He talked about Mei, Sandy, Pigsy and Tang, and sometimes even mentioned an aunt of his, but never his parents. Wukong knew he lived by himself, but he never thought too hard about it. Granted it was odd the kid was making such a big fuss over seeing his parents.
Were they super strict or something? Was that why he didn’t leave with them?
Wukong probably should have gone back to the Flower Fruit Mountain, but he found himself flying after MK’s cart. The lack of information was going to nag him until he knew.
It didn’t take long for Wukong to get his answer when MK climbed out of the delivery car and ventured into a graveyard.
Wukong felt his heart stop as he watched MK carefully carry the bag and walked until he reached a pair of tombstones.
MK gave a small smile. “Hi Mom, hi Dad.”
Wukong landed on a nearby tree, but kept his distance.
MK silently cleaned the tombs. He then placed the flowers along with the egg tarts and burned some incense before kneeling.
“I bet you guys are worried about me,” he rubbed his neck. “It’s been a year, but don’t worry. I have a great mentor in the Monkey King and all of my friends got my back. I’ll be okay.”
He then folded his hands to pray and then rose up once he was finished. MK gave one more smile at the tombstones before picking up his now empty bag and left.
Wukong waited until MK got to his delivery car and drove away. He shifted back into his true form as he landed in front of the tombstone.
Quietly, he gave a bow and lingered for a moment before turning back to his bird form and flew away.
No training today. There was a lot he had to think about.
Wukong returned to Flower Fruit Mountain until it was close to evening. He took flight as a bird again and headed to Pigsy’s restaurant. He waited until the shop closed and Wukong watched MK and Tang head home.
He snuck through an opened window, reverted to his true form when he landed and entered the kitchen. Pigsy was in the middle of washing dishes.
Wukong cleared his throat. “Hey Pigsy, I-”
He briefly regretted it as Pigsy yelped, spun around with a wet frying pan in hand ready to attack. Wukong prepared to dodge, but Pigsy froze upon seeing him and blinked.
“MONKEY KING?!”! He cried and cursed before shaking the wet frying pan in his face. “Geez, didn’t anyone ever tell you to not sneak up on people?!”
“Sorry,” Wukong said as he held up his hands. “Didn’t realize this was how you greeted paterons?!”
“It is when people sneak in here after I locked up the place when it’s supposed to be empty,” Pigsy snapped.
Wukong raised an eyebrow and gestured to the window. “Not completely locked up. You missed a window.”
Pigsy frowned, glanced to where he pointed and grumbled. “The one time I forget-” He shook his head. “Wait, nevermind that! What do you want? I doubt it’s about testing my security.”
Wukong’s eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. “I needed to discuss something about MK and you seemed like the best person to ask.”
Pigsy’s eyes widened. “The kid? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine,” Wukong said quickly and rubbed his neck. “But...I didn’t realize his parents were dead.”
The small panic left Pigsy’s face before the cook turned back to scrubbing his pan. “He told you?”
“Not exactly,” Wukong said. “I spotted him this morning and followed him.”
Pigsy raised an eyebrow at him. “So you saw him visiting his parents' graves?”
“Yeah,” Wukong said slowly. “When..did they die? Was it recent?”
“No, years ago,” Pigsy said as he rinsed the frying pan. “He was little at the time. MK admitted to me he doesn’t remember them much.”
“I see,” Wukong replied. “So, who raised him?”
“His aunt took him in,” Pigsy continued as he set the frying pan aside and tackled a bowl. “Known her for years, nice lady. Bit of an airhead sometimes, but she does love MK.”
“But he’s not living with her now, right?” Wukong asked. “I was under the impression he lived by himself.”
Wukong knew the laws enough to know that legally MK was just old enough to be living on his own. It wasn’t common, but it did happen. He never gave much thought as to why in MK’s case.
“He does,” Pigsy replied. “Not long ago MK’s aunt got offered her dream job that requires a lot of traveling. She was reluctant to take it because of how it might affect MK.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow. “So, she didn’t?”
“No, she did,” Pigsy said as he looked up. “She never told MK about the job offer, but he accidently found out about it. So he decided suddenly that he was old enough to move out and take care of himself.”
He huffed. “Although what he defines as ‘caring for himself’ is up for debate, but I digress. MK moved out and his aunt took the job while making sure to send MK rent money to help out. She sends him a postcard about twice a month.”
Wukong frowned. He did recall MK flashing a postcard in his face a few times, but Wukong would often try to redirect the kid towards their lesson for the day.
Pigsy glanced over his shoulder as he pointed a finger at Wukong. “Now, my question is, why are you asking me all of this and not MK?”
“How could I?” Wukong said as he said on the floor and leaned against the wall. “The kid never told me any of this. He must have had his reasons for not wanting me to know.”
It bothered him. Wukong wasn’t fully sure he understood why, but it did. He was MK’s mentor. This was stuff he felt like he should now, right?
“I thought we had a good relationship,” Wukong continued. “This is a big detail to not tell someone. How could-”
Suddenly, something hard struck the top of his head.
Wukong yelped as he looked up and saw the culprit was the frying pan in Pigsy’s hands.
“OW!” Wukong rubbed his head as he growled. “That hurt-”
“Oh, please,” Pigsy snapped. “I know it takes way more than a frying pan to actually hurt you.”
Wukong glared. That might be true, but it still stung. “But what was that for-”
“Because for someone who is immortal you’re not too bright!” Pigsy set down the frying pan. “MK never told you because he didn’t want you to know! The kid just never thought of it!”
Wukong blinked. “What?”
Pigsy sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, it’s hard to explain, but when someone you know dies after a while you just naturally forget who knows and who doesn’t.” He tossed his hands up in the air. “It probably just didn’t occur to him to bring it up.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow. He couldn’t help, but wonder if Pigsy was speaking from personal experience.
The Monkey King gave a sigh as he rubbed his neck. “Okay, fine, but we’ve known each other for close to a year now? How could he not think of bringing it up?”
“How would he?” Pigsy retorted. “What do you expect him to do?” He gave a fake grin and waved. “Hiya Monkey King! How’s your day going? Oh, by the way my parents are dead!”
Wukong cringed and pointed back. “Okay, first of all, NEVER smile like that again it’s creepy and second,” he frowned, “I get what you’re saying but still…”
Pigsy’s eyes narrowed. “Let me put it this way, when the two of you have ‘talked’ has it been about MK himself or has it been all about you and his training?”
Wukon raised, but then dropped his arm in thought. MK did mention his friends, but it was usually just some side note before Wukong changed the subject or he recalled a detail from his own adventures.
Wukong didn’t reply, but the silence seemed to be more than enough of an answer for Pigsy.
“That’s what I thought,” Pigsy said as he returned to the dishes in the sink. “I’m just an outsider here, but it seems to me that MK knows a lot more about you than you do about him.”
Wukong’s tail twitched in thought. After a long moment he gave himself a deep sigh. “You’re right.” He shook his head. That was the downside of being immortal. It was a lot easier to forget the world doesn’t revolve around you.
“I need to fix this,” Wukong said aloud. He wasn’t sure if he was saying it to Pigsy or to himself.
Pigsy snorted. “First smart thing you said since you got here.”
Wukong gave a small smile. “Thanks, Pigsy.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Pigsy said as he glared. “Just try to avoid giving me any more future heart attacks.”
“No promises,” as Wukong turned to leave. “Unless you are willing to offer me free noodles?”
Pigsy picked up the frying pan. “Do you want another whack?”
Wukong held up his hands. “Nah, I’m good. See you around.”
He heard Pigsy give another disgruntled snort as he turned into a bird and flew off. As Wukong headed home, plans began to form in his head. He would find a way to fix this.
The next day, MK arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain. He was a bit earlier than Wukong expected, but it wouldn’t disrupt his plans.
“Heya, Bud,” Wukong greeted from his seat on his cloud. “Bit early today?”
MK huffed as he ran up. “Pigsy said I could have the morning off, so I thought it would be good if I came earlier.”
“Did he?” Wukong replied and gave a smirk. I wonder if he did that for me, but I won’t question it if he did.
MK swung his staff. “So, what are we focussing on today? Defence? Strike attacks? How to hang upside down without throwing up?”
“None,” Wukong said as he landed and brought out the book he’d been hiding. “Thought we try some of this?”
MK’s eyes lit up. “What is it? An ancient book of spells?! Secret techniques?!”
Wukong laughed as he tossed it to him. “Take a look.”
MK caught it, and suddenly the excitement on his face turned to confusion. “A...cookbook?”
Wukong crossed his arms as his tail twitched. “Yeah, I thought it was time to try something different. Never hurts to take it easy every once in a while, right?”
MK gave a thoughtful frown as he flipped through the pages.
Wukong rubbed his neck. “Something wrong, Bud?””
Did MK not like the idea?
“Oh, it’s nothing,” MK said hastily and laughed as he gave a nervous smile. “I just didn’t think that you cooked anything.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow. “What? Did you think I ate nothing but peaches and peach chips?”
“Um...kind of?” MK muttered with a sheepish grin.
Wukong raised a hand, but then lowered it. It was his favorite snack so he couldn’t blame the kid. He shook his head.
“Anyway,” Wukong said as he wrapped an arm around MK’s shoulder. “Why don’t we try one of these recipes?”
“I’m not a great cook,” MK said, but then gave a small laugh. “Although, I’m a lot better than my Aunt Ling.”
“Oh, yeah?” Wukong asked as they headed to his house.
MK laughed. “Yeah, she once tried to make dumplings and we nearly set the kitchen on the fire.” The boy laughed at the memory. “Granted, if she wasn’t such a bad cook I wouldn’t have met Mei.”
“Oh, really?” Wukong said as they entered the house. “Why don’t you tell me all about it while we cook.”
MK’s face brightened as he told the story and Wukong didn’t interrupt him. In the end, the food they made wasn’t great, but it was worth it for the stories MK shared. It was a small step, but it was one in the right direction.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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The Tale of Queen Angie, Chapter 2
10 months later.
“So who keeps texting you?” Angie asked, trying to hide her annoyance as she did her makeup at the vanity, brushing on the heavy mascara that made her eyes pop. He had recently restored the makeup table for her, rebuilding a nice old piece that had caught her eye at a yard sale a few months back. It’s not that she had very particular tastes in furniture; she just wanted to keep him busy, focused on something for her...
From his spot on her queen-sized bed, AJ quickly reached over to the nightstand, pushing aside the tissues and lotion, and silenced his phone. Even though it was nearly noon, and a Tuesday, he still hadn’t gotten out of bed.  “It’s...nobody, babe.” “Don’t ‘nobody babe’ me,” she said, her eyes flashing to meet his in the mirror, “Remember? We talked about this. About keeping secrets, from me?” To that, AJ laughed. To sound aloof, though,  was a half-hearted effort,. She’s joking, right? It’s not like it’s another girl, ever. It’s just th- Well, better not push it. “S-so sorry, Angie,” he apologized, not wanting a confrontation again over something so silly, “It was the guys from work. They want me to come down to Stoney’s to watch the game.” 
He had answered honestly, not even sure he was capable of lying to her at this point. AJ had, since reconnecting with Angie at the reunion earlier this year, really fallen hard for her. And it wasn’t just the tits, which admittedly were initially the main attraction. She was also smart, driven, and there was an aggression about her that, these days, had really become appealing to him. He’d never would have considered himself a...what did they call it?...a “beta”, but there was something about the way Angie took charge, managed things, told him what to do that really, yeah, turned him on. More and more every day, in fact.  And not just in bed - though, haha, she did that too - but in life in general. Their romance started out with her as the aggressor, and as time went on it had become even more and more one-sided. She had been an infatuated admirer of his back in high school, but if he was being honest it was now really her that held most all the hand in this relationship. But he hadn’t seen the guys much lately, and he kinda wanted to get drunk and commiserate with them. Since losing the stadium job to that big new girly construction company, his business had taken a sour turn. He’d had to let most of his crews go, including a bunch of old friends. 
“They’re down there drinking, before noon, on a Tuesday?” Angie asked, as she saw him watching her, primping in the mirror in her silk dressing robe, “And these people are your friends?” 
“Well, yeah,” he answered, immediately feeling sheepish, immediately feeling like the little boy trying to explain himself to his mom. She had a way of doing that, making him feel infantile and not like the kinda-successful, twenty-nine year-old adult male he was, “but I’d just be going for a beer or two…” So...dammit... why was he getting hard..?
Annoyance was bubbling up in Angie Wade’s chest. He knew she had taken the day off, so they could spend the day together. And he wanted to go see his moron buddies, drink cheap beer and watch sports? True, she hadn’t paid him much attention this morning, and he was probably feeling a little neglected. I guess I should do something about that, she thought wryly. 
“Well, tell them you're busy,” she answered, applying a dramatic shade to her eyelids in the mirror. She was almost done. “Or better yet, just ignore them. They’ll get the message.”
At that, she stood up from her makeup chair and turned around in her short, thin robe of light rose, cinched at the waist. She was facing him now where he laid, half-sitting, on the bed. He had his grey sweatpants back on but was otherwise bare. She watched his eyes move up her body, pausing - predictably - on her well-presented chest before struggling to break free of the magnetic pull of her curves and meet her gaze. 
A part of him had really wanted to go meet up with his friends. To get out of bed and go do ….something normal. He’d been getting out of the house, aside from the less-and-less frequent work, not that often these days. But that desire to leave was small, and fleeting. No sooner had he really grasped how she’d made herself up today - just for him - than the thought had already vanished. Replaced, in its entirety, by her. “Put the phone down,” she told him. “Oh, uh...yeah,” he obeyed, dropping his phone, forgotten, on the nightstand and watching as she slowly began to walk towards the bed, “They’ll, uh...they’ll figure it out, I g-guess...” “Good boy,“ she purred, giving him a crooked smile that told him she was pleased with his behavior. Angie loved the way he always shuddered and grew quiet when she said that, when she called him a “good boy”. It was a thing, these days, women starting to treat their partners like children. She’d read it in the blogs she followed, heard it from friends and from the girls at work. They had all begun to like it; men, for the most part, seemed to be slowly giving up these centuries-old, macho defenses, letting themselves be vulnerable, allowing themselves to enjoy the pampering that women had started to learn was the quickest way to gain leverage and control in their relationships. And for Angie, well...she loved the way he responded to both her silent and explicit commands, just for the opportunity to hear her say those words. Good boy. He really did enjoy when she mothered him, she knew.  It was kinda pervy but it worked.
“Because we’re busy today, you and me,” she continued, still approaching the side of the bed where he lay, ”Today’s our day off together....” She looked down at him, tried to keep from smirking; already his cock had started to tent his sweatpants. “Not that you’ve been working much anyways,” she added, unable to help herself and speaking plainly. 
It was true. With more and more construction bids falling through during the 11th hour, his work kept him less and less busy, though he felt constantly exhausted from the stress. He had been spending lots of time here, at her place, remodeling her condo for her, sleeping over. His bank accounts had nearly dried to nothing, and the lease on his downtown apartment was up this month. Plan was to officially move in with her, soon. Angie said she didn’t need any money for rent.
Finally, she arrived at his bedside, to his left. She let him look up at her - she knew she looked impressive from this angle - and smiled down at him. She watched as he took the hem of her robe between his fingers, played with its slick, soft fabric. He was looking at her full thigh. She sat down, on the edge of the mattress aside him, and put her hand on his thin, tattooed chest. 
“Uh, yeah…” AJ finally replied, these little derisive comments about his work situation irking him less and less as time went on, “I’ve got another day to kill…I guess I can relax...”
“Well, you do have work to do today, baby,” Angie informed him, tracing little circles with her finger across his once-mighty pecs. She had told him to stop going to the gym early in their relationship - muscular guys were going out of fashion, she’d said - and it showed. He was naturally a lean person, and the strong physique he had spent years building and been known for had mostly disappeared. She liked that, the weak, small-boned look, she’d found. Her friends, like that gym-rat Missy (who just got a new job), could probably squat more than him now, haha. “I have jobs for you.”
“I thought I was pretty much all done?” His face screwed up in concentration as he tried to remember the long list of tasks. “I finished the kitchen island, a-and installed the new shower head yesterd-“ 
“Not that kind of work, sweetie,” she corrected, “Relationship work. I have the day off, I got all pretty for you. I bought some new goodies at Victoria’s Secret yesterday,” she smiled down at him, watching him try to control the little eager twitches of his, “Well, technically, you bought them for me…. but either way….”
She ran the fingers of her left hand up past his right collarbone, sliding up his throat, looking at the tender, bare, smoothly unadorned skin, and thought to herself with a secret, silent giggle: we need to get you a new tattoo...
Today she’d decided that she wanted to have some fun with him. They had all day together and she really wanted to feel strong and powerful. She had seen Melissa’s Instagram earlier, and while she would never admit to feeling lesser, she couldn’t deny that she really felt the need now to flex some feminine muscles. She looked down at him, and dark thoughts went through her head. 
“We’ve got alllll day together,” she continued, her free hand now gently tugging on the belt which held her robe closed, “and I want to make you ache.”
She smiled proudly as, as soon as her right breast began to come into view, he groaned. He was already so turned on, she could see that, like some brainless ape. She’d read the manuals, all those domme blogs. With everything that was going on with men these days, femdom was getting very popular. Some seemed sort of silly - so much leather haha - but there were lots of things she wanted to try, get his mind in the right place. She wanted to make him even more submissive than he was already, it seemed, naturally becoming. Showing him her breast was a start. 
“Don’t you want to show me how much you love me today, hmm?” Angie purred, peeling her robe back further, now, exposing her G-cup breasts in the new push-up, black strapless bra she’d purchased, “How much you love...them?”
“Oh, god, Angie…” AJ moaned, already overcome as he watched as she dropped her robe behind herself, off her shoulders.  Her breasts looked fantastic, enormous, pressed perfectly together into mind-melting cleavage. Her long dark hair had fallen softly onto her chest…
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...but in a practiced move she pushed it back, over her pale shoulders, affording him a better view. 
“You don’t need to show me your endurance today, baby,” she said, as she settled closer on the bed to him, pulling his sweatpants down to his knees, “I’m not interested in how long you can last.” Acknowledging his erection with a proud smile, she pulled in closer still and grasped it with her left hand. She heard him gasp, and pulled herself in closer still, to bring her big right tit right close to his face. “Today I want you to show me how weak you are for me…and my breasts…”
AJ’s mouth dropped open, his eyes goggled at the cantaloupe-sized breast of his brunette girlfriend, now just inches from his nose and mouth. She had such big, perfect breasts, he marveled, with smooth ivory skin and just the fewest of freckles. She smelled like fresh fruit, he always thought, and today her perfume had him immediately fixated. He did feel weak for her, he thought, he always did, in bed. She just had this way...and those tits...
“Look what I’ve done to you already,” she said, the pride in her voice masking a haughty disdain as she slowly began to stroke him in her fist. She smiled as, predictably, he let out a little whine and opened his mouth wider. He was staring right at her big boob, unblinking. Tit men, she marveled, they’re so easy.
She shifted her left shoulder in towards him, now bringing her left breast closer. He looked from one, to the other, still gape-mouthed like a guppy. “Today I want them to make you cum over and over and over,” she said, wobbling them just enough to bring ripples through her alabaster flesh, elicit another whine from him, “I want them to be the only thing on your mind allllll daaaay. I want you to be dumb and docile, I want you to drool over them. I want you to fucking worship them. ”
“y-y-y-yuh...yuh, okay…” AJ responded, dumbly ogling her tits, passively frozen in place. He’d learned to keep his hands to himself, times like this. She would take care of it. 
“‘Yuh okay’ what?” she asked him, in correction, her left hand slowing to a stop as she waited for his answer. 
“y-yuh okay goddess,” he answered.
She chuckled. She’d taught him well. “Good boy,” she commended, loving the worshipful fealty she’d gotten from him over time; it made her feel good, fed her ballooned ego. She resumed her ministrations to his just-about-average cock, thinking: Does Melissa have someone calling her ‘Goddess’?? I think not...
”oh my god you’re so big,” AJ offered, as she placed her right breast once again straight in front of his face. 
“Mmhm…” she purred, feeling the urge to just squash her tit onto his mouth and nose, start to smother him, “I’m the big Titty Monster, come to eat you…”
He groaned again, his eyes fluttered in ecstasy. 
God, so submissive, she marveled. If all men, honestly, were secretly getting to be like this, she thought, girls are going to rule the world. “Tell me again,” she commanded, breathing in, pushing her tit even closer to him, so that soft flesh swelled over the cup. She kept her skin smooth, soft, moisturized, for times just like this. The few, faint stretch marks, she felt, were just a testament to her womanly size.
“y-you’re so big…” he complied, repeating himself, in total awe now. 
“Yes, I am,” she agreed, “a G-cup.” She had originally thought she’d just make him come quick - and with where she had him at the moment she could do it in an instant. But she was actually enjoying this. “And you like that, hm? You like big. Big boobs. Big girls. Maybe I should start going to the gym, get reeeeeal big?” she posited, looming over him taller now, “Get bigger than you? You’d like that too, wouldn’t you?”
“oh, god, yes,” he groaned. 
Angie smiled. Again, so easy. She’d seen it, knew it. It was getting plain as day to her. But she didn’t fully understand it all yet. What is up with guys these days, wanting their women big? Bigger than them? And she was feeling it too, she realized. She’d love to see him start to just shrink up, right in front of her eyes. Something was happening, something was going on. And she was going to figure this out. 
“What is it, baby? Tell me. What is it that you like, thinking about me being bigger?” she asked sweetly, continuing her slow, rhythmic attentions between his legs. 
His eyes were still planted on her tit, staring at her bra. “....b-b-breassts….” he moaned. 
She laughed. What a simple, predictable answer from a simple, predictable man. “Ohhhh..!” she giggled, teasing him, “Am I not big enough for you? Should I get implants? Big ones, like Amelia? Hm?”
From AJ, no answer.
“Hmmm, no. I think I know...I know what you want,” she continued, wickedly aware now of where his mind was,  “Maybe I should let you get me pregnant, so they swell up..?” She smiled, feeling his body tense up, quiver under her. She’d struck a chord. “So my milk comes in?”
Beneath her AJ groaned, loudly. 
So that’s another thing, hm? she laughed to herself. Typical, not surprising. Men wanted back on the tit, it just made sense, and she’d suspected it for a while now with him. She could use this, she mused. Oh yes, this was good...
“I saw how you woke up sucking your thumb last night,” she asked him, sliding her right hand up over his jaw, his cheek, to his lips, “Were you thinking about me?”
She put a finger in his mouth, watched his eyes go wide, his whole body spasm, again. “It’s okay, sweetie...” she offered, “...suck.” 
His eyes fluttered, he was close. There was no stopping it now. He sealed his lips around her forefinger, and began to suck. 
“There you go….” Angie purred, in a satisfied drawl. She felt his hips start to clench, and suddenly it was time.  She sped up in her stroking, to bring him home.  This was it. It’s too much for him. “Come for me,” she whispered, her hand beating him now, “Come for mommy…”
In a burst, in a groan, in a tensing spasm that shook the bed, AJ came in her hand. His mouth loosened its suction on her finger, so he could bleat his pleasures, but his eyes stayed wide on her tit. She milked him through his climax, purring little, maternal adulations along the way. Finally, his eyes closed, and he sank back into his pillow. 
She sat back, up straight, regarded the scene with a crooked, knowing smile. She wiped her hand on his belly. 
“Clean yourself up, get yourself ready,” she told him, standing up now after allowing him his few quiet moments of shame, “We’ve got all day together, baby…”
Co-written with AgeOfTheGiantess. More imagery, bonus storylines and other cool stuff at my Patreon
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notebooknebula · 3 years
Private Money & Self-Storage Investing with Scott Meyers and Jay Conner
Scott Meyers shares the world of Self-Storage Investing
Scott and his affiliated companies focus on the acquisition, development, and syndicating of self-storage facilities nationwide. He currently owns and operates over 2,200,000 square feet and over 13,000 units nationwide.
His education organization www.SelfStorageInvesting.com provides courses, tools, life events, and mentoring to help others launch self-storage businesses to enjoy a lifestyle, as his saying goes “free from tenant, toilets & trash!”
His various companies are also very mission-focused and funded the construction of 12 houses in Mexico and the Dominican Republic by taking his staff, partners & other associates on their all-expense-paid short-term mission trips.
0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
1:38 – Jay’s New Book: “Where To Get The Money Now”- https://www.JayConner.com/Book
2:58 – Today’s guest: Scott Meyers
5:44 – How Scott Meyers got started in the real estate business
8:31 – Scott Meyers’ very first storage facility
10:15 – Scott Meyers’ lesson learned on his first storage facility deal
11:04 – What is syndication?
13:29 – Does the storage investing business also offer multiple exit strategies?
17:09 – Get connected with Scott Meyers – https://www.SelfStorageInvesting.com
18:34 – How does the pandemic affect the Self-Storage industry?
22:09 – No business strives unless it’s solving a lot of people’s problems
23:10 – Scott Meyers’ recent projects
25:19 – Best way on starting with Self-Storage Investing business
27:43 – Common mistakes that new self-storage investors make
30:17 – Scott Meyers’ parting comments – “It’s when everybody is running out that you should be, not just running in but understanding what it means to be in the real estate business.”
Private Money Academy Conference:
Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now? It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at https://www.JayConner.com/Book
Free Webinar: http://bit.ly/jaymoneypodcast
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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Private Money & Self-Storage Investing with Scott Meyers and Jay Conner
Jay Conner:
Stir. And you are still struggling to do your first deal because you don’t have the funding and you can’t find the money for your deals, or are you a wholesaler? And you’ve received some assignment fees, but there’s some deals you want to stay in, but you said probably haven’t been able to stay in the deals because you don’t have the money or the funding, or are you a seasoned real estate investor? And you’ve done a ton of deals, but you’re sick and tired of paying high interest rates and you want to be in control of your business and you just want to get some more cheap money really, really fast. Well, if you answered yes to any of those three questions, don’t go anywhere because I’m getting ready to plug you into the money right now.
Well, hello and welcome to another episode of the private money academy podcast. I’m Jay Conner, the private money authority. I’m the host of the show. And I want to welcome you here to the show here on the private money academy podcast. We obviously always talk about private money and getting deals funded, getting money for your deals. But in addition to that, I typically have an amazing guest and expert to join me here on the show. And today is no exception, but before I introduce you to my good friend and expert in this area of self storage, that you’re going to find amazing. I’ve got a free gift for you for just being here on the show. And that is, I just recently released my new book, which is titled where to get the money now, subtitle, how and where to get money for your real estate deals without relying on traditional or hard money lenders.
So here’s the deal folks. I just released this book hit number one on Amazon. And this book was show you. Step-by-step how I went from having no funding from ideals to over $2 million in less than 90 days and how you can get plugged into money as well. We’re not talking about traditional money. We’re not talking about institutional lenders, how to get money very, very fast at super cheap, low interest rates. And I’m glad to send this book to you for free, just cover delivery. You can get the book for free at www dot Jay Conner, J a y C o n n er.com forward slash book. Again, you can get the book, we’ll ship it right out to [email protected] forward slash book. And we’ll get you plugged into the funding for your deals right away. What, as I mentioned, I’ve got an amazing guest and a very, very close personal friend of mine on the show with me today, a little bit about him before I bring him on he and his affiliated companies, they focus in this area on the acquisition, the development and the syndicating of self storage facilities nationwide.
Now, my guests currently owns any operates over check this out 2 million, 200,000, my land’s square feet and over 13,000 units that is gotten nationwide. Well, not only does he do the business, but he also teaches and coaches other real estate investors that want to learn about self storage and how that works. His education company is self storage, investing.com, and it provides courses and tools and live events, coaching, and mentoring to help others launch like you self storage businesses to enjoy the lifestyle. And, you know, as my guest, a good friend is known to say many, many times, get in this business and you’ll be free from tenants free from toilets free from trash. Well, you know, one thing that he and I talk about, and he and I are in a high end mastermind group together, his various companies are also very mission focused. He’s got a heart of gold, he’s got a servant’s heart and he is so far to date. He’s funded the construction of 12 houses, and I’m very, very familiar with this project. 12 houses down in Mexico and the Dominican Republic by taking his staff, his partners, his friends, his business associates on their all expense paid mission trip to do houses for these people. Wow. What a service heart, where that my good friend, Scott Myers, welcome to the podcast.
Scott Meyer:
Hey Jay, it is a good to see you again, my friend, how are you?
Jay Conner:
I am doing fantastic. I know we’ve got a mastermind meeting coming up pretty soon out there in Scottsdale. Are you going to make that one or you don’t know?
Scott Meyer:
I am looking forward to it and I will attend to any, and all of those that will be held in Arizona because now I have a two kiddos that are going to grand canyon university in Phoenix. And so we’re going to be spending a lot of time out in Arizona.
Jay Conner:
Oh, that’s great. Well, Carol joy and I we’ve already got our plane tickets. We’ve got our hotel reservations. So I look forward to seeing you in Scottsdale in just a few short weeks, right around the corner.
Scott Meyer:
Likewise can’t wait. Absolutely.
Jay Conner:
Well, Scott, as I told everybody in the introduction, I mean your expertise, your wheelhouses self storage and self storage facilities, but before we get into that world and your arena, first of all, just tell everybody how you got into real estate.
Scott Meyer:
Yeah. Wow. I think probably like most people out there started with the single family house and I learned from, and many folks on here will this name and a whole lot won’t Carleton sheets, who was one of the grandfathers along with Ron Legrand and some of the others that taught people how to get into real estate. So I followed this program to buy houses, rehab them refund, and some rent them out and then replicate and do that over and over again. So the burn method before it was called the bird method. And so that’s how we got started bought a single family house. This was back in 1993 was the first one that I ever bought. It had an assumable VA mortgage on it, which I don’t think there’s any of those left out there any longer and allowed me to get in and just assume that mortgage with very little experience in the way of even credit history at the time, it was a pretty young guy at the time, as you can tell by my age now and doing the math.
So that’s how it started. And then we moved on to buying up more. We refinanced about two more houses than we need to fix them up refinance and buy more. So we had about 75 in 76 houses and didn’t really have the cashflow and the, the, you know, the freedom that we wanted that Carlton sheets had mentioned in the home study system. So we thought, well, economies of scale will fix this. So we started getting into apartments and buying several complexes around central Indiana, but same thing and just kind of bought us more tenants, toilets, trash headaches, and the business model just wasn’t right for us. We wanted to have time. We wanted the freedom that real estate brings. And so to do that in real estate, that means no tenants, no toilets. So that’s either parking lots or self storage, and you can’t really build a lot of value in, in parking lots.
And then we found, but once I dug into self storage, I realized that, ah, this is, this is a place I need to be. People don’t pay rent. You lock them out and you sell their stuff off and get paid. You turn it around by taking a blower and you blow the unit out with no paint, no carpet, no extensive clean-out or repairs. And once I more, the more I looked into the business, I really saw the light and decided that this is the path I wanted to take. So sold their houses, our apartments, and now we’ve gone just, you know, 100% into self storage made that transition about 2005 to where we are now, today, which is where you mentioned Jay, we, we buy existing facilities. Still. That same model is in place. We also convert industrial buildings, grocery stores, anything that is, can be repurposed into so storage, we’ll buy it and convert it. And then we build from the ground up and we do a lot of this on by partnering and doing joint ventures and then syndicating the private equity, which is where you come in, Jay and you know, all too well, what that looks like and how we can leverage other people’s money and bring them along as limited partners to enjoy in the growth in this incredible business. So I hope that wasn’t longer than what you were looking for, but that’s, that’s my story.
Jay Conner:
No, that was perfect. Well, tell us the story about your very first self storage facility that you got into and, and what lessons did you learn from that first deal?
Scott Meyer:
Yeah, so the F the very first facility that I got into was a, that we were sending out mailers to facility owners, just like we all do in real estate to the asset class that we’re in. And we ran across some business owners and they were getting a business, a divorce. They were partners in a concrete business and things weren’t going so well. And they wanted, they were parting ways. And this facility, they owned together as well. Well, they, as what happens, unfortunately in the worst is the other one, one side wants to hurt the other. And the other one definitely wants to destroy the other one. And so that’s what they were doing. And they were destroying the value of the facility in the meantime. And so what that meant is we were able to get into this a facility for it, was it appraised for $800,000 more than what the selling price was?
And they just had to get out from under the note, because those two had done such a good job of fighting each other, that the bank was about ready to take the facility back. So I partnered, I partnered up with a gentleman. We came in at 50, 50 cash and both on the balance sheet and excuse me, on the loan request and ended up moving forward on this first property, by taking the existing tenants and raising the rates, which they hadn’t been raised in 10 years, we let them manage, well, let me see. We didn’t let her, we freed up her future to pursue other career opportunities and put a kiosk in place because we don’t have to manage these facilities with a person on site. And then we bought the land next door and expanded and built that up and leased that up as well.
So I sold off to my partner eventually. And that leads to, I guess, the second part of your question, Jay, which is what did I learn from this? Well, first of all, I, I understood the power of leveraging and bringing partners in to projects. But I also, the lesson I learned is that I, I really want to be in that manager position. I wanted to have that control rather than 50 50, and it’s not a control issue. It’s just that, you know, once I learned about syndication and moving on to other projects, that I can be the syndicator, the promoter, and the person who is calling the shots, and I can bring in limited partners for sometimes their balance sheets to sign on the loan as well. But mostly for the equity that is, that is required to get into a facility. So that was probably the biggest lesson. And I also learned, sometimes you shouldn’t bring people that are close to you or friends into a business as well. Sometimes it doesn’t always turn out well. Yeah. Yes.
Jay Conner:
I’ve been, I’ve been down that road myself as well. So to make sure everybody understands what you’re talking about, what do you mean by syndication? What’s that look like? And what’s the benefits of it.
Scott Meyer:
Yeah. So in the true sec definition, and I am paraphrasing, anytime you bring two or more people together into a project, and in this instance, a real estate investment where one person is, is active, doing all the heavy lifting, doing all the work, and the other person is bringing money and they’re passive. They don’t have a hand in making decisions or doing any of the project management in a project. Then, then you’ve created a security and then it’s governed by the securities and exchange commission. And so they state that you have to file that, and you have to register with the, depending on the fund or the entity that you set up that has to be registered. So for us, that is a true, so for us, there was one person, as I just mentioned me that I am the promoter. I am the active person on the investment.
Whereas I bring in then a lot of private equity, a lot of limited partners that come into the project. They don’t lend a hand. They’re not involved in the decision making process. And what they’re lending is money into the project. They’re investing into the project with me. And so their role and responsibility is to wire, the funds to close the project. And my responsibility is to do everything else, report back to them, the progress show, the projections and how we are exceeding, hopefully meeting, or if we are underperforming on our projections and then send out to our K ones at the end of the year, because they do become owners of this entity. And they get to participate in the upside as well as in the depreciation as well. So that’s, and I guess a limited sense without getting too far in the weeds, Jay, is, is the definition of a syndication and how we go about approaching the market. Yeah.
Jay Conner:
So, you know, in the world of single family houses, there’s multiple exit strategies. There’s multiple strategies of what someone’s going to do with that property after they invest in it, you know, you can, you can buy a single family house, you can fix it up, you can flip it, you can wholesale houses and, you know, wholesale houses out through other real estate investors. You can buy houses and you can fix them up and you can hold them, you know, for the longterm. So compare self storage to what I just did with single family houses. Are there all these different strategies as to how you can go about the self storage business. And second part of that question is if there are different strategies, how do you decide which one you’re going to do?
Scott Meyer:
Yeah, I’d say property is property. And, you know, in a general sense, and you can do all of the above. You know, we buy them and wholesale them, or sometimes a wholesale without us ever taking ownership or taking deed to the property. You can buy them, you can fix them up, turn around and flip them. You can buy them and turn them around partially, and then sell them off and call it a flip or non you sell them to the next person down the road. That’s going to take it the rest of the way, the way that we do it is typically we’re a longer-term hold three to five years. That gives us time to in an existing facility, really turn it around, raise rates, make the improvements, and reduce the expenses as much as possible to maximize the net operating income and then sell it for maximum dollar, our conversions and development.
You know, those projects take roughly four to five years to either buy a building, say a vacant grocery store and convert it to self storage, and then start from ground zero. And at least it up to 80, 85% occupancy and bring in our limited partners and allow them to have a payday and an exit that is comparable to if they were to invest in any other type of entity, a business over that time, and really focusing on the internal rate of return and the same goes for development. So in terms of an exit strategy, it’s a little more difficult in, in the way that we head into those larger projects with our partners in that we can’t do a 10 31, unless everybody decides to go along with us into the next project, which obviously they’re not going to. So at that point we will sell and that we will take our profits off the table.
And then we will move into the next project for our limited partners. For the most part, they are investing through a retirement vehicle like a self-directed IRA or a solo or a real estate 401k. So they don’t really have those tax consequences at, at, at the exit. We also are looking at in terms of an exit strategy. And I guess to back up a step, you know, Jay, I think you, and hopefully everybody on this call recognizes that you, you should always look at the exit strategy or determine what your exit strategy is before you get into a project. It’s not a good plan to just don’t say, well, there’s a good deal. I’m just going to buy it and figure it out later. You can find yourself, maybe a do not, you know, don’t want her later on down the road, or you sit back and take a look at your empire and you realize what a mess.
I can’t even manage this because I never paid any attention to what I was doing. So every time we hit into a project, you know, we identify if it’s a good deal, are we going to keep it? You know, if we’re going to flip this thing in a year, then we’ve got some, you know, capital short-term capital gains taxes. That’s a consideration. If we own it solely, then we can do a 10 31 into something else on. Do we want to do that three years from now? And I’m saying at any point in time, do we want to do that two or three years from now? Where, what are the interest rates going to be and what our cap rates going to be, and how do we expect the market and the economy? What’s it gonna look like? So we’re, we’re always looking six months a year down the road, five years down the road and anticipating what’s going on with the market, meaning interest rates and our capitalization rates, which is how we value these facilities.
And then overall, does this really fit in our business plan? I suffer like everybody from shiny object itis, and I want to buy them all, you know, if somebody else buys a self-storage facility and develop those one, and I’m going down the road, I was just like, that should have been mine. I should have built that. I should have bought that. And it’s a, it’s a real struggle. But if we get into that, you know, we can paint ourselves into a corner if we get into that situation where we just, you know, every once in a while we have to say no. Yeah, for sure.
Jay Conner:
So just to make sure everybody knows before, anybody’s got to jump off a listing here to the podcast. How can people get in contact with you and your companies, Scott, to learn more about what you do and how you can help them in this area of self storage?
Scott Meyer:
Sure. So we go into self storage, investing.com. That is the mothership, and there’s a links to our other websites that focus on the passive investing side of the business. But self-storage investing.com is really the mothership. And, and this is where we’ve been at this longer than anybody in the business and teaching people the right way to go about investing in self storage. I’m just in hopes that once again, you know, a rising tide raises all ships and so that we want everybody to be as educated as possible to go out into the marketplace before they do this to avoid any mistakes. And then also, you know, that just kind of makes it more difficult for the rest of us, that there are a lot of gunslingers out there that aren’t really doing their due diligence and doing things the right way. So that is our, our main purpose in educating people in the business. Cause it just makes it easier for all of us to conduct business in this incredible niche. Exactly.
Jay Conner:
So if you’re remotely interested folks and connecting them with Scott and his team, that website again is www dot self storage, investing.com, self storage, investing.com. We’re coming out here, hopefully on the other side of COVID and the pandemic and all that stuff. What are you seeing in the self storage industry? I mean, overall nationwide is the industry growing, how has COVID affected self storage?
Scott Meyer:
Yeah. Self storage is on a tear right now. I mean, if you look at the asset classes in real estate, no matter what stat you look at in terms of, you know, which asset class has done well, of course I’m biased, but the stats don’t lie, self storage and industrial are right up at the top. I think data centers may be up there as well. Industrial has done really well with Amazon expanding and, and the supporters of the Amazon and the distribution centers that are now coming down to the smaller market size. And, and as we see, unfortunately, the slow death of retail, the, the industrial side and the industrial sector has benefited greatly and self storage because we are heading into a time where we’re heading into a recession. Again, we also have seen now people come home from work and they had to clear out the dining room, the spare bedroom, the spare of family room, or living room and create a workspace for one of the income earners.
And sometimes too, they also last year during the lockdown, you know, when everybody was sent home from school, the colleges shut down and, and the kids had to put all their stuff into storage again, until they were able to go back. The kids that were in K through 12 came home, and we also had to make room in our homes to do school at home as well. So clearing out more furniture to make all of that happen. And then unfortunately there’s a whole lot of businesses that immediately when, when the lockdown started, it just went under because you know, customers are go figure on the lifeblood of their business. And if they couldn’t do it online, they went under. And so their inventory machinery and furniture, business furniture went into storage. And so, you know, we see this was somewhat of a microcosm of what we see during a recession and self storage really benefits during a recession because businesses downsize and put their things in storage, individuals downsized during a recession, they may have to move in with somebody else, a friend or move back home.
And so their extra stuff goes into storage. And so we, we, we spritz traditionally has always done better. You know, we go up to the right during times people buy more stuff and they store more stuff. That’s the nature of what we do here in this country. And if that’s you on behalf of the industry, I thank you for that mentality in this country. But during a recession, you know, we get the hockey stick effect. And then that’s when banks slow down development slows down of all sorts and then demand for self storage goes up. And so that’s what we saw during the pandemic last year. And 2020 was an absolute banner year for our industry. We have been, we have been contactless and touchless since before it was cool to be contactless and touchless using kiosks to rent a unit, much like a kiosk because self storage, you know, renting a unit is a very low labor intensive transaction that can be done over the internet.
And it can be done by way of a cell phone access to our facility, our software, getting a gate code and even a key fob and access on the phone to access a unit can all be done by way of a smartphone as well. So J we don’t, we don’t celebrate recessions personally, nor my company. We don’t celebrate pandemics for now shakes, but our, our industry, I’m, I’m thankful for the industry that we’re in because we have benefited with a huge wind in our sail, not only during a recession as we’re going to pet into again, but then the pandemic, which kind of accelerated that has really benefited our industry. Well, you know,
Jay Conner:
No business thrives, unless it’s solving a lot of people’s problems. And that’s what, and that’s what you and your company and the industry is doing. I mean, due to the pandemic, you got all this and increased demand for people needing to put their stuff somewhere. And unless your industry comes along and provides a place to put their stuff, then you know, you’re not a, you’re not solving that problem. So it’s what is, so let’s say someone is, and I’ll tell you, it’s the same thing as going on around here. It’s like here in my little area where Carol joy and I live total, total area of only 40,000 people, I know of four brand new self storage facilities that are under construction right now, four of them. And we already got them everywhere. It’s like my lands, people must have a whole, much more stuff. It’s just like, it’s crazy. It’s crazy. How are you? Are you doing new construction these days? Are you still focusing on existing facilities?
Scott Meyer:
Well, a little bit of both, we are, we were really focused on in 2020 on construction. We had some projects already in the pipeline and then also picked up some others from some folks that while we’re just kind of taking the ball the rest the way down the field, some folks that had some stalls due to due to COVID and some funding issues. And so absolutely we’ve been known developing for a number of years. Now, we’ve got the team, we’ve got the experience. We’re in several markets where we know where the demand is, and we just know it’s a business model that we can replicate over and over again, that allows us to look at a market. And, and Jay, if I could, just the reason why we see so many opportunities and why you’re seeing the say, four facilities going up in your town is a lot of folks will think, well, wait, I see these things everywhere.
Isn’t the market saturated. And you know, how can we possibly, you know, have enough demand for this, but, you know, when we go into a market and we’re looking at it in a place that potentially maybe good for developing a self storage facility, there’s a lot of research that goes into that. First of all, our market is really five mile radius. That’s all the further people are going to travel to a self storage facility from their home is about five miles. And so within that five miles, if the facility is the 1, 2, 3, 4 facilities are full, have a waiting list. And the raising rates every three or four months, then we know what equilibrium is in a market. And it’s, you know, anywhere from five and a half to six and a half, you know, five and a half to six and a half square foot per person.
And anytime that we’re below that if there’s only three or four square foot per person, we know that there’s a lot of demand in that market. So that, and rental rates will dictate when we’re going to go in and build. So it’s not a build it and they will come or hope that they will come and just, you know, hope is not a strategy. And we spend millions of dollars on these facilities. And so that is the reason why we’re seeing a lot about construction. And so we absolutely are bullish because of all the factors that I just mentioned that are, that are occurring in the market right now, which is creating a huge surge in demand for storage.
Jay Conner:
If someone is brand new to self storage, and they’re really interested in exploring it and, you know, really want to see if this makes sense for them, what’s the best way for a brand new person to even get started? Where do they start looking?
Scott Meyer:
Well, I think it starts with, with learning so that they know what they are looking for. And so no shameless plug, but we just got a lot of free resources on our website. Again, just to help people, you don’t have to spend a dime on it, just so you know, what you’re looking at and looking for, then begin to seek out if you’re a part of a real estate investor group in your city and there’s people that are in stores and then strike up a conversation. I I’d asked you to ask them to go out to lunch, to pick their brain, but we know that there’s a whole lot of folks that maybe aren’t interested in doing that these days, but if you can strike up a friendship, get into a conversation or even a subgroup, and some of these other real estate investor circles, or online with several meetups around at your area, then that’s the best way to get plugged in and just sit back and be a consumer of the information and to be a student of the industry to know what’s going on.
There’s I was in single family homes for a number of years. I was in commercial real estate being multifamily. And although a lot of that skillset applies and I’m looking at leverage and cap rates and underwriting, it’s a different business. And so to understand the nuances is really key before you take a take that next and first step, and we’ve seen, as you can imagine in our, on the education side of our business, we’ve seen a lot of folks that have taken that first step and they, and they stepped in a lot of do-do and create a lot of mistakes and messes for themselves. And men have come to us to help them unwind it and get out of it or to survive that one, you know, lose the battle, but win the war by understanding what it takes to succeed on the next one.
So, and then temper that with, you know, don’t, don’t analyze too much or, you know, analysis paralysis by analysis and analysis that causes paralysis. You, you, you know, the saying that to spend too much time researching before you do actually pull the trigger. So learn about the business, get some good advisors and mentors around you before, you know, to put some eyeballs on your underwriting and your offers, and obviously the good legal team or, or a, an attorney to look at your contracts before moving forward. Those are probably the best ways to Intuit, to avoid getting into a catastrophe. My
Jay Conner:
Good friend and guest today is Scott Myers, founder of self storage, investing.com. Be sure and check out his website for the free training and resources that he has there. One last question for you, Scott. And that is what are the most common mistakes or some of the most common mistakes that new real estate investors in self storage makes.
Scott Meyer:
Yeah, I’m writing a book on it as we speak, that’s going to be out before long. So I got 101 of them because that’s the title of the book. So I’ll, I’ll focus on how about the overarching one. And that is I think, and perhaps I’m guilty of this, you know, we’ve been teaching and training people how to do this for 16 years. And, you know, we, we, we state that it is a very simple and predictable business model because it’s compared to other businesses. It is, it’s a simpler and predictable business model. You know, we know the numbers, we know the equilibriums and we can go into a, an existing facility or a development project and make our projections and darn near hit our marks and, and beat them almost every time. But so I, I say that I’m, I’m a product of that.
And that is, I think people have heard that enough. And they’ve heard that, you know, this is a simple, less moving parts. You know, you don’t have the rehabs, you know, lock them out. They don’t pay their money and then you just blow it out and you’re done. You move on to the next and all that’s true, but it’s not a hobby. I mean, this is a business and you have to treat it as such and you have to walk the four corners of your business, and you have to understand it before you get in you. As most people know that are in commercial real estate, you make a $10,000 mistake in your underwriting, meaning you miss some expenses by 5,000 and you missed them. You know, they overstated the income for late fees and other things that shouldn’t have been counted. Well, a $10,000 mistake and underwriting is a hundred to $120,000 in value that you would over pay for a facility.
So you need to understand the nuances, how to value them, how to underwrite them before putting offers, in understanding how to analyze the market. And then for gosh sakes, I’m you don’t take your hands off the wheel and assume that this is a mailbox business because no rental businesses, I don’t care who you said listen to, or, or who says it. It’s not, it’s a business and a business needs to be tended. So a long-winded answer to your question, Jay. But the mistake that people make is that they think, and they hear and assume that it is a simple business because it’s simpler than what they were doing before, but it, it means that they have to understand it and they have to tend it. And, and you do have to farm the business once you own it. And constantly be working, looking at ways to grow occupancy, to grow rates and reduce expenses. And that is perpetual, and that is on a regular basis.
Jay Conner:
In other words, folks, don’t start doing this business without joining hips with somebody that knows what they’re doing, right. And of course, Scott Myers is the expert in this arena. Scott final comments and advice.
Scott Meyer:
Final comments change is good to see again, my friend, I can’t wait to, to see each other. I can’t hold that back. And so you always make me smile and I’m looking forward to hopefully getting together and having dinner together as well with you and Carol joy. And maybe we can get that old gray hair gentlemen, to pay our bill next time again, too, that might be nice and fight from that gang. It’s an exciting time to be in a, in real estate. There’s certainly a lot of changes and there’s some potential threats that are out there, but it’s when everybody’s running out that you should be not just running in again and shooting from the hip, but understanding, you know, what it means to be in the real estate asset class and investing the way and where you should be investing. But now it’s absolutely an exciting time to be doing so. So with that, just great to be here. I’m thankful for the industry of the real estate industry and self storage and a happy to help and assist anyone anywhere along the way that we can. And just be kind, just, just choose to be kind how’s that after a long weekend, so far, and it’s only Tuesday, I’ve had some difficult conversations. So how about I leave it with, let’s just choose to be kind to one another.
Jay Conner:
I love it. There you have it. Folks. My good friend and expert in self storage, Scott Meyers, visit him at www dot self storage, investing.com. Well, so glad to have everyone here on the show. I’m Jay Conner, the private money authority wishing you all the best here’s to taking your business to the next level. And we’ll see you right here on the next private money academy podcast.
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taelme · 4 years
request:  - anon: Could you maybe write an enemies to lovers like the Chan one but with jisung?? It was so good 😔😔😭🥺💞💞💖💘💘💞💗💞💗💕💞 can it be fluffy and Angsty hehe 😖 maybe where they're both college students -  anon: Can you do a Enemies to Lovers AU with chan!!! Where they're going to college and their families happen to be friends so they get an apartment together to save money, but the first time they meet it doesn't go well. Then yk, slowly w time they fall in love ahhaha... I love your writings btw!! 💓💞💓💝💓💞💓💝 (I recently sent the ask about the enemies to lovers au w chan that involved going to college.. since you literally just wrote an enemies to lovers au for chan if you want you can do my request (if u do it ahahha) with jisung!!)  - anon: I really love how you write au’s/fanfictions. I just want to know if u can write something about han jisung?? maybe a cafe love story or another tattoo artist just like chan? or maybe a studio date night?
genre: enemies-to-lovers!au, college!au, roommate!au, tattoo apprentice!jisung lol (fluff, a bit of angst) 
pairing/s: Han Jisung / Reader ( ft skz Bang Chan and nct/wayv/superm (lmao)  Lucas )
word count: 18k 
tw: I talk about like kind of sad stuff when jisung has like an artist’s block in this I guess 
a/n: thank u anons for being so patient with this request!! I rly hope that I managed to do it well and that you guys are satisfied with the outcome n have fun reading it hehe, it was kind of inspired by the song sunshine!! by stray kids so I hope that it gives u the same good vibes I got from the song while writing this :( ok bye 
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If it were any other person standing in front of you, maybe you wouldn’t have regretted having an outburst in the café for the morning crowd to see.
The fight, or outburst (if you wanted to relieve him of any role in the exchange), had started rather simply. You were just having one of those days where it was raining outside, you were awake even before roosters were (in your opinion) and you had wanted nothing more than to just curl up in bed and sleep into the evening.
You had gone to grab your morning coffee, combating against the rain with your multi-coloured umbrella, as one does. Shoving the doors of the café open, you were met with shouts of names and storms of people squeezing to collect their orders. The whole ordeal would’ve made you pretty at ease if it weren’t for the coldness of your feet and the way your umbrella would cause someone to slip soon if you didn’t move.
Your shoes squelched against the shiny wood floors of the café, each step making you cringe as you waited anxiously to reach the front of the line, desperate to put an end to this experience. Thankfully enough, your order was pretty straightforward, so you’d collected it quickly, the small smiley face drawn on the cup by the staff serving to put you in a slightly less dreadful mood.
Stationing yourself at one of the empty tables you’d spotted by the exit, you set your still-dripping umbrella on the floor before you tried to get your tissues out to salvage whatever you could of your shoes. Shrugging off your coat, you’d draped it over the back of the seat.
Glancing at the time on your phone before you shoved your notes aside within your bag, you’d pushed your arm forward and opened your bag harshly, taking your box file out of your bag, almost nicking yourself against the broken corner of the file in your rush.
The next sequence of events happened quickly, and too ‘all-at-once’ for you to process. Upon taking out your box file, you’d heard a yelp behind you, followed by harsh footsteps and the splash of coffee on your box file.
Letting out a loud yelp of surprise as the person in question had stopped their fall with a loud thud of their hands against the pillar in front of you, they’d turned to you with wide-eyes, their eyebrows quickly furrowing into an expression that looked utterly ticked-off, their mouth already opening to speak.
You’d seemed to beat them to it, hurriedly grabbing your tissues to wipe down your file, checking for any brown-stains on your precious papers.
“What the hell,” you scoffed, casting a glance up at the boy. He had stood slightly taller than you, with rounded eyes and a defined nose, his lips pressed into a firm line.
He looked fairly young, from the way he dressed in brand-name basics to the way he was practically decked out in accessories. Call you biased, but if this was a senior or a child, you’d probably have let them off with it. But the way he was looking at you now was somehow successfully unnerving you, and you supposed admiring his annoyed features was about the last thing you should be doing at the moment.
“‘What the hell’?” He echoed your words, “who’s the one that chose to stand in the middle of nowhere to go through their damned bag?”
Your eyebrows raised in offence, your annoyance from before making itself known as you frowned, your grip on your bag tightening, “oh, and it’s my fault you have poor coordination?”
The boy had narrowed his eyes, mirroring your expression, his bracelets shifting on his wrist as he gestured at your umbrella on the floor.
“Your stupid umbrella was the reason I tripped in the first place,” he told you pointedly, strangely making you even more annoyed that he chose to attack not only you but your innocent umbrella too.
Your volume raised involuntarily with your frustration, “it’s so bright! It was basically screaming at you that it was there,” you defended, attracting a few customers attention with your outburst. You didn’t understand why you had to go through this so early in the morning when you were already irritable beyond belief.  
The boy seemed to have noticed this as well, discomfort washing over him at the feeling of the crowd’s stares. Ultimately deciding he would rather give up the fight with the crazy stranger from the café and leave before he was late for his job at the tattoo studio.
“Whatever,” he huffed, leaving the café, the bells at the doors jingling loudly as it swung back.
Something about the apology just wasn’t enough for you, (maybe you just expected more because he irked you) but you were already late enough for class. Rolling your eyes, you’d slung your bag around your shoulder with a thump, gripping your cup in your hands tightly and picking your umbrella (that now had an evident crease in one of its panels) up before running to class.
Your mom had called you halfway through the day while you were on your way to classes, the gesture enough to make you huff good-naturedly at her insistence.
“Hey, honey, is this a good time?” her tone was practically dripping with motherly concern, making you let out a breathy laugh, nodding even though she couldn’t see you.
“Yeah, It’s fine,” you told her, “but anyway, I think my umbrella’s broken. Some idiot at the café this morning practically destroyed it with their stupid combat boots.”
Your mom didn’t seem to pay much attention to your rant, cutting straight to the point that she’d called you for.
“Have you met Jisung yet?”
You sighed as you entered the auditorium for your next lecture, lowering your head slightly as you found a seat around the middle of the hall.
“No, not yet. I’m only going over to the house after my classes end, remember? But I heard my stuff already got moved there,” you explained to her, holding your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you took your laptop from your bag, setting it on the table gently.
“Oh, do you want his phone number? To make things easier for the both of you,” she offered, earning a disinterested hum from you.

Your mom was more than excited about the fact that you would be 1. Not living in a residence within the school and 2. Living with the son of one of her friends from college. You figured your duty as her child now would be to appease her and at least try to live out her desires for you. Which in this case was sharing an apartment alone with some boy you didn’t even know. Maybe your mom was just a little more trusting than most.
You shrugged, “yeah, sure, just send it to me.”
Your mom let out a squeal, “I’m so excited for you to meet him, honey, he’s such a nice boy. You two are sure to get along. I’m so happy you agreed to this.”
Letting out a small sigh, you leant back in your seat as you held your phone with one hand, your other hand going to unlock your computer.
“I still feel like I’m imposing on them,” you hummed.
“Honey, it’s fine, Jisung’s parents insisted that you didn’t have to pay any rent.”
You hummed patronisingly, it wasn’t as if it was the first time she was telling you this, “yeah, uh-huh,” your attention was momentarily diverted by the tall boy that was standing next to you, gesturing to the empty seat with raised eyebrows.
“Sorry, is there anyone sitting here?”
Your lips parted, “okay, mom I gotta go I’ll call you once I’ve settled into the apartment.”
You did a once-over of the boy, who shook his head to get his bangs away from his eyes, giving you a wide smile. Gesturing for him to go ahead and sit down, he’d flopped down onto the seat with a sigh.
Letting go of his bag strap as he turned around, he gave you an appreciative nod as he opened his bag, pulling out a notebook and pen.
“First day, huh,” his voice was deeper than you’d remembered it to be from just seconds ago, his hand coming up to cover his growing smile as a little giggle escaped him, “I’m Lucas.”
“How’d you know?” You hummed, “and my name’s Y/N.” You swore you’d never seen a boy with such sparkly eyes before in your life.
Lucas shrugged, leaning his folded arms on the desk and turning his head slightly to observe you in your confusion, one hand shifting to play with his earring, “haven’t seen you around before.”
“You talk like you know everyone in the school,” you scoffed.  
Lucas didn’t seem to sense your sarcasm, simply giving you a shrug, “possibly. And also because it’s my second time taking this stupid class so I should know an unfamiliar face when I see one,” he told you, a hint of bitterness in his tone.
Your eyebrows raised, hearing the doors at the bottom of the auditorium open, a short stocky man walking through and making his way to the speaker’s desk.
“Second time? Why?” You hummed, keeping your gaze on the man in anticipation for what he was about to say.
Lucas cast a glare towards the professor, “I thought he was boring so I didn’t really go much for his lectures the last time, you know, because I thought they weren’t graded. But he decided to include them as passing criteria way too late.”
Lucas pointed at the professor, his sleeve riding up slightly to expose a tattoo at his wrist. You were starting to wonder if everyone at this place had tattoos, the sight seeming fairly common from just your few hours in the school.
You winced, nodding, already getting the sensing that this man was someone you needed to be on good terms with.
“Alright, class, enough talking. From now on, I’m the only one that should be talking so I expect nothing but your full attention from here onwards.”
This was going to be a long lecture.
Your mom had texted you the Jisung kid’s number, and you’d dropped him a text saying you were on your way to the apartment, getting a reply from him that he was on his way there as well. You figured he seemed pretty polite, from the way he texted you, so you guessed that helped in making you dread the whole arrangement less.
When you’d reached, you’d ended up at an apartment building that looked fairly plain, walking in to the lobby and scanning the sparsely decorated notice board for residents, the last thing put up being a picnic for families that was 3 months ago.
Stepping into the lift, you’d noticed that though it was relatively well-maintained, it seemed rather dull, from the prison-grey lights to how the mirrors were covered for maintenance. Thankfully, your apartment itself was relatively well-maintained (you remembered your mom telling you the apartment was previously being rented out by Jisung’s parents), aside from the space being a little not-so conducive. But well, they were letting you live here for free, so you couldn’t complain.
Setting your things down onto the sofa in the living room, you moved to examine the respective rooms, frowning when you realised that whoever Jisung was, he’d taken the room with the bigger bed, his clothes either already hung up on the clothing rack or stacked up on his bed.
Walking into what you assumed was your room now, you tried to envision how you could make this space more conducive. From moving the bed aside to switching the desk out to the living room for more light, you tried out different permutations in your head, your time as an amateur interior designer cut short when you heard the rustling of keys at the front door.
Smoothing your hair down to make sure it was neat, you’d dodged the boxes of stuff as you leant over the sofa, curious to see what this Jisung kid would look like.
Jisung had done the same outside the door, making sure his hair and clothes were somewhat presentable before pushing the door open. And immediately wanting to close it back.
“You’re Jisung?”
“You’re Y/N?”
The two of you spoke simultaneously, disbelief and shock written over your features as you pointed an accusatory finger at him.
Like you mentioned before, maybe if the boy at the café this morning wasn’t Jisung, you would’ve regretted your actions a lot less.
Jisung gave you a look of disbelief, stepping into the apartment and folding his arms across his chest, his bag still hanging from his shoulder. He couldn’t wrap his head around how unlucky he must have been to have had such a bad encounter with someone he was about to spend probably his entire college life living with.
He sighed deeply, “now I don’t feel like paying the rent on your behalf anymore.”
You rolled your eyes, “your parents are paying the rent, not you. You have no say in it.”
Jisung made a sound of protest, shaking his head vigorously, his eyes widening in his aggravation.
“No, they aren’t. I told them to let me take care of it because I felt bad for them. But I don’t feel bad for you, so you’re gonna have to split the rent with me.”
Your lips parted, fumbling for a response.
Jisung’s expression was expectant, provoking you almost, “what? Would you rather get an apartment on your own? ‘Cause I’d be more than happy to let my parents know.”
You wanted to cry. It was already the start of the school term so staying in the dorms was out of the question for you already, the deadline having closed long ago. And you knew that finding another apartment in the school district that was within your budget was going to be a pain in the ass. So as much as you hated to admit it, splitting the rent with Jisung was your best option. You needed to get a job asap.
You rolled your eyes, “well…well then why do you get the bigger room?” You huffed, mirroring his stance as you folded your arms across your chest.
Jisung gave you a mocking pout, “simple, ‘cause I got here first,” he brought his hand up, inspecting his nails.
“You should be glad I’m not charging you extra for inconveniencing me,” he added.
Not being able to help but let a small gasp leave you, you were quick to respond, “inconveniencing you? You were the one that got coffee all over my file.”
Jisung shrugged, “potato, potato. Doesn’t change the fact that you made me late for work.”
You clenched your jaw, watching with a glare as he strolled past you, gesturing to the space in the living room which you’d been planning on using as a work area, “I have dibs on this space.”
You frowned, mumbling, “I wanted to shift the desk in my room out here, though.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. Wanna consider moving out now?”
You inhaled deeply, brushing past him to grab your luggage that contained your clothes.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” you huffed in annoyance as you walked into your room, his laughter echoing behind you.
“How can you say that? Jisung is a very nice boy,” your mother cried, making you roll your eyes, glaring at your phone from where you were hanging your clothes up.
“He’s the idiot that I fought with at the café, it’s not like I’m saying this without reason.”
You heard your mom sigh deeply, conversing with your dad about something in the background, “try to put your attitude aside for once, please, I’m begging you.”
You groaned, kicking your luggage aside before you made your way over to your bed, flopping down next to your phone with a loud sigh, wincing at the feeling of the springs in your mattress. You were so sure Jisung’s bed was more comfortable.
“It’s not me that has the attitude, it’s him,” you mumbled, sulkiness evident in your tone.
“Enough, Y/N," she said sternly, "If I hear anymore complaints you’re really gonna be in for it.”
You kicked at your blanket, “fine, goodnight. Love you.”
You hung up, staring at your desk as you contemplated on whether to move it into the living room now or tomorrow, distracted from your thoughts when you could hear the water running, not to mention the awfully loud sound of Jisung singing in the shower.
How thin were the walls? Your glare had shifted to your door now.
“Can you keep it down?” You shouted, hearing a silence on his end momentarily. Heaving a sigh of relief, you turned around in your bed only to hear him resume his singing, except this time, you swore it got louder.
Burying your head under your pillow, you kicked at your blanket, hoping this was the worst it could get. It wasn’t that bad, right? You could deal with simple shower concerts. Maybe living with him wasn’t going to be as hard as you thought.
Safely to say, you should’ve thought otherwise.  
The very first time you realised you'd underestimated Han Jisung, was when you'd gone to the fridge to fix yourself something for dinner, only to find post-its on every single one of the items that read : 'property of han jisung! not for y/n'
You'd moved to look for something else to eat that was unlabelled, only realising then that he'd even gone to the (very petty) extent of labelling the snacks in the cupboard.  
Huffing, you'd shrugged your coat on, grabbed your wallet and made a trip to the grocery store.
Cursing him in your head as you shoved your items into your basket, earning yourself looks of scandal from the elders who were for whatever reason still in the grocery store, though you couldn’t be bothered to look more amiable. You’d wanted nothing more than to throw out Jisung’s groceries, but of course, you were a nice person, so you wouldn’t do that. It seemed like you just couldn't get a break when your phone had begun to buzz in your pocket.
"Hey, mom," you hummed, trying not to sound too tired lest she started to drill you about resting. You brought your groceries over to the self-checkout aisle, heaving them onto the small platform with a grunt.
"Have you eaten dinner?"
You huffed, "we didn't have enough food, so I went to buy some groceries." Biting back your tongue, you rolled your eyes, scanning your items and bagging them angrily.
"How's finding a job been?"
You shrugged, Lucas had told you about various job openings nearby your house, (surprising you with how much he knew about the area) one of them you were looking into was a simple job at a café near your apartment. Thankfully, not the one that you'd had your little ‘encounter’ with Jisung at.
"Pretty alright, nothing too difficult,” you hummed, fumbling to pull out your card so you could make your payment, ignoring the stares you were getting from the people queueing up behind you.
"Alright, that's good to hear."
"Everything alright with you and dad at home?" you asked, shoving your card back into your wallet before slinging the bags onto your forearms, beginning to walk out of the supermarket.
"Yes, of course. Don't worry about us, we just miss you."
You sighed, something about the night air putting you in a drowsy mood, "me too. I never realised how much I liked living with you guys till now..."
"Don't tell me you're still having a hard time with Jisung," you heard her tone, your knew that this was her way of implying she didn't want to hear anything other than that you and Jisung's housemate experience was just peachy.
"Don't worry, mom, everything's... fine."
You'd tugged your coat closer to yourself, giving her whatever updates you figured she'd want to know before hanging up, enjoying the peaceful walk before you reached your apartment, figuring this was as much peace you were going to get before you returned to the apartment to be met with his stupid antics again.
And surely enough, the evening breeze accompanied with the sounds of faint conversation from the restaurants nearby had started to put you in a rather drowsy mood, making you start to contemplate if you were even still hungry, the lure of sleep starting to seem more tempting.
Reaching your apartment building, the lift lobby illuminated by a harshly bright lightbulb, you’d bumped into one of the ladies living on the same floor as you exited the lift on your floor, watching as her eyes widened in surprise, giving you a small smile as she enquired.
“Oh, are you the resident from apartment 19B?" you nodded.
If you were drowsy before, you sure weren't drowsy anymore.
You flinched slightly when her expression had changed in an instant, her once amiable expression now replaced with an annoyed glare.
"Can you please refrain from singing so loudly in the middle of the night? Some of us are trying to sleep."
Your eyebrows raised, shaking your head as you slot your keys into the keyhole, opening the door just a crack, "oh, sorry, that's not me that's my housemate—”
The middle-aged lady had narrowed her eyes at you, "you know, It's not ethical for someone as young as you to be living with a man when you're so young—”
"Okay, sorry, won't happen again!" you told her quickly in your attempt to appease her, shoving the door open and slamming it behind you, turning around only to see Jisung standing in the living room, dressed in loungewear with black gloves on his hands as he pointed at you in amusement, his shoulders shaking as he laughed.
"Aw, I'm not the only one that thinks it's not ethical for you to live here," he pouted.
You rolled your eyes, "I can't believe she thought I was the one singing," you huffed, going over to the kitchen to see yet more dishes in the sink.
Pointing at them with a look of disbelief on your face, "are you not gonna clean these either?"
Jisung turned around, looking at the sink with evident contempt, shrugging. He held his hands up to you, showing you that they were currently gloved.
"I'm a little busy, why don't you do me a favour this once? Consider it compensation," he grinned, making his way back to....your room?
"What are you doing in my room?" you asked, shoving the last of your groceries haphazardly into the fridge before you'd followed him into your room, shutting your mouth quickly when you saw that he’d practically set up a work station next to your desk, looking closer to find that he was using what looked like tattoo equipment.
“Practicing,” he shrugged.
You didn’t bother asking what his business using tattoo equipment was, simply huffing in exasperation, “and you had to do it in my room, of all places?”
Jisung nodded, pushing one of his sleeves up on his shoulder, revealing a rather big tattoo on his arm that was partially hidden by his sleeve.
“This is the only room with an accessible plug and a good enough space to work in.”
“Then why didn’t you just take this room as your bedroom?” You were dumbfounded at the way he was so nonchalant about his actions, the buzzing of the tattoo needle resuming as he practised on fake skin.
“I like to sleep in a comfortable bed,” he shrugged, leaning back to look at his tattoo.
“And you think I don’t?” You shot back, your hands going to your hips, his reply coming just as quick.
“Well, for $300 bucks above the rent maybe you can,” he smirked, using a tissue to rub at the fake skin, looking at you as he poked his tongue in his cheek, quirking his eyebrows before turning back to continue tattooing.
That night, you remembered asking Lucas if he knew who Jisung was, since he’d mentioned how he was pretty into tattoos, having a few of his own, his reply only making you wonder if the world was just small or you were just unlucky.
lucas wong
8:53pm - oh yeah I know him! he’s apprentice-ing at the tattoo shop I usually go to, he’s pretty good-
8:53pm - why? do u like him? I cld put in a good word for u-
You sighed deeply
8:53pm - no thanks im good-
Little did you know, the next time Lucas had visited the the tattoo studio, he’d spotted Jisung working on his designs at one corner of the room, going against your request and disturbing Jisung even despite how he looked like that was the last thing he wanted, too focused on the shadings of his chrysanthemum flower sketch on his tablet to have paid attention to Lucas' entrance.
“Hey, do you know anyone named Y/N?”
Jisung’s face scrunched up in distaste, looking up at Lucas and hoping desperately that he was joking, “don’t tell me… freshman Y/N?”
Lucas nodded, his eyes lighting up in excitement, “yeah! So you guys do know each other.”
Jisung made an uncertain sound, “I wouldn’t call it much of a relationship. Y/N’s my housemate.”
Jisung’s words had sparked a realisation in Lucas, the latter only piecing together your disdain towards Jisung with your stories about your ‘asshole housemate’
Lucas’ silence had caught Jisung off guard, making Jisung look up at Lucas expectantly, “sorry, you wanted to go get something to eat, right?”
Lucas nodded, masking his shock with a smile, recovering quickly.
“Wait, lemme go call Chan,” Jisung murmured, beckoning the boy who was currently snacking at the reception area.
“Where do you guys wanna go?” Lucas asked, earning a hum from Chan.
“I kinda wanted to get a smoothie,” Chan admitted sheepishly, though thankfully, Jisung and Lucas didn’t seem to have a problem with that.

“Why didn’t you wanna go to the other café? They’ve got better smoothies,” Lucas wondered out loud, making Jisung snort.
“We’re only going there because Chan has a fat crush on one of the baristas.” 

Which was what ended them up at the café you worked at.
The moment they had entered, you noticed your colleague tense beside you, bending down to pretend to take something from below the counter. 

“Shit, they’re here. Oh my god, help,”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “who?”
“That cute tattoo artist guy I was telling you about!” She whispered harshly, standing up and greeting the boys with a smile, her heart eyes directed particularly at one of them with curly hair.
Only then did you realise Lucas and Jisung were there, receiving an overwhelming feeling of wanting to bang your head into the cash register. You already saw him enough at home, and now you had to see him at work too?
“Hi, how may I help you?” You smiled at the curly haired boy, casting a glare in Jisung’s direction, the boy looking equally as dismayed to see you here.
“Hello, can I get the berry smoothie?” He asked, and you stepped aside, letting your colleague ring up his order while you prepared his drink, giving it to your colleague to serve since she’d spent so long talking to him.
Lucas had mouthed a ‘sorry’ to you when he’d gone to sit at one of the tables with Chan, Jisung lingering at the cashier as your colleague went to the backroom to squeal.
“What do you want?” you wore a bored expression.
Jisung looked almost too focused, his eyes glaring at the laminated menu between the both of you.
“I changed my mind, I want a drink too.”
You suppressed your urge to roll your eyes, your finger scratching at the corner of the cash register, “you couldn’t have ordered it like five seconds ago?”
Jisung shot you a look, “yeah, well I didn’t want it five seconds ago.”
Inhaling deeply, you’d gestured to the menu, and now not only was your expression bored-to-death, but your tone was too, "what do you want?”
“I want an iced americano,” he told you, pausing before he added, “and ask your friend to make it. I don’t trust you not to spit in my drink.”
You gave him a sarcastic smile, “good call.”
Ringing up his order, you’d called your friend, dismissing any thought of ever having a normal encounter with Jisung.
Upon returning to his table, Chan had given him a look, "Lucas told me you know the cashier."
"Not the one you think is cute, don't worry,” Jisung sighed, glancing in his drink just for good measure.  
Chan's eyebrows lifted in amusement, "so the one you think is cute?"
Almost instinctually, Jisung replied, "yeah," paying more attention to his drink than his words. Looking up when he heard Chan and Lucas struggle to stifle their giggles.
Lucas clapped his hands together, his smile wide, "you just said Y/N was cute."
"No, I didn't, you did." Jisung shot back quickly. It was obvious that retaliation didn't always have to make sense for him.
Chan had a curious glint in his eyes now, the corner of his lips quirking up into a smirk, "I mean, you guys do live together right, and you've really never thought anything about her?"
“I did, I thought her nagging was annoying as hell,” Jisung shrugged.

Chan narrowed his eyes at Jisung, an amused smirk on his face, “you know that’s not what I meant.”
Jisung gave Chan a pointed look, "I'd appreciate if you wouldn't stir shit, especially not in front of him." Jisung pointed at Lucas.
"You didn't answer the question," Lucas sing-songed.
Jisung scoffed, casting a furtive glance towards your direction where you were smiling as your colleague showed you something on their phone.
Jisung shrugged, it wasn’t as if you looked bad or anything, with his pride, he’d probably have told Chan that you were pretty if he squinted.
“Guess if they smiled more they'd be...decent."

Lucas raised his eyebrows, enjoying the scene playing out in front of him very much, “decent, huh.”
Chan leant back in his seat, shaking his head at Jisung, "now I feel like I have to make you my apprentice for relationships too."
Jisung scoffed, regaining his usual confidence.
"If by that you mean you want me to stand at the counter giggling my ass off like how you did with that cashier then no thanks, I'm good on my own."
You'd tried your best to tolerate Jisung, especially after Lucas fed you some story about how he takes a while to warm up to people (which you totally bought).
This tolerance came in the form of things like waking up earlier to use the bathroom so the both of you wouldn't have to fight in the morning, or giving him reminders to do the laundry or clean the dishes but only doing them after he forgot the third reminder.
Jisung usually forgot to turn off the lights whenever he went to sleep (though sometimes he did it on purpose, not liking the eerie darkness of the house when the lights were off), so you would always end up waking from the glare of the lights that seeped into your room, stepping over the mess of clothes or socks (sometimes even shoes) in the walkways and turning them off for him instead of nagging him about the lights. See? Tolerance.
Call you a pushover or whatever, but you kind of prided yourself on how your well of patience seemed to run deep. Very deep. Deeper than the average human, you supposed, even.
However, days like the ones you were having now, just didn't seem to let you draw from that well of patience.
You'd started off your shitty morning when you'd slept through your alarm, needing your usual work clothes but realising that Jisung hadn't done the laundry, leaving you with no choice but to grab the nearest hoodie you could find on your bedroom floor and sprint to work.
If that wasn't enough, you'd landed cashier duty as punishment for being late, your social battery starting to empty not even halfway through the day. Your 'hi, how may I help you's slowly turning to 'what would you like's to eventually 'hi's and ending up with a small smile and gesture towards the menu.
It didn't help that Chan, the tattoo artist your colleague had an obvious thing for, had shown up halfway to try and strike a conversation with you about Jisung, much to no avail.
“Aren’t you wondering why Jisung isn’t here?” You remembered him asking, to which you’d shook your head.
“Not really,” you shrugged, earning a thoughtful hum from Chan.
“Really? You’re not even the slightest bit curious?”
You had shook your head at him then, remembering the way he looked so shocked to have made you even more curious about why he was asking you this in the first place.  
By the time you were done with your work, you'd wanted nothing more than to just go home, take the longest shower of your life and curl up in your horribly uncomfortable bed. Except you couldn't even do that, because you had unfinished readings for your class the next day.
You figured if you sat yourself at your desk with no distractions you could be done sooner and go to sleep sooner, but your one distraction had just come home from the tattoo studio and was somehow getting on your nerves even more today.
Not only had he been acting as if he was the opera community's 'next big thing', he'd proceeded to seat himself on the sofa behind you, watching whatever show he was into loudly, seeming to find whatever the protagonist was saying to be too hilarious to just enjoy the show silently.
You figured you could handle that much, you know, having to live up to your preachings on tolerance, deciding to breathe deeply and suppress your urge to tell him to shut up, and soon enough, he'd disappeared.
But your joy was short lived, once again, when Jisung came back out, singing as he made a snack for himself and proceeded to eat it right in front of you, the smell growing more and more distracting.
Now, he was now lounging on the sofa in the living room, headphones on and connected to his laptop that rest on his stomach, but still typing away with his phone not on silent, the keyboard sounds distracting you from your reading. You figured, maybe your well of patience was just closed today.
“Hey,” you called. No response. If anything, the silence of the apartment had made his typing sounds even louder.
“Hey, oh my god, can you like put your phone on silent or something?" You tried again. Still no response, now, he was humming in between his pauses before he would type another burst of words on his phone.
Deciding you had to take matters into your own hands, you stormed over to where he was, your book still in your hands as you stood in front of him, making him turn to you with wide-eyes.
Pulling his headphones off of his head, he frowned, "what?"
“This,” you gestured pointedly towards his phone, “put your phone on silent, it's distracting me."
Jisung would've complied, though a part of him couldn't help but be annoyed by your nagging, his instinct prompting him to act defensively, “why don’t you just listen to some music or something? Then my typing sounds wouldn’t be a problem,” he told you dismissively, making you groan in frustration.
“I can’t study with music, it’s already hard enough for me to focus as it is.”
Jisung was annoyed, “It’s just a typing sound, what are you getting so worked up for? You’re always getting on my back about everything when I’m just minding my own business."
You let out a groan, "look, it's been more than a month, and i'm up to here with your shit," you held a hand way above your head for emphasis, any of your tolerance long gone out of the window (which he had also left open, making the apartment chilly and noisy).
Jisung's eyebrows knit in a frown, your outburst coming as a shock to him, "fine, whatever. I'll put my phone on silent, chill."
You shook your head, your gaze firm and unwavering, "no, I wanna make rules."
Rules? Jisung wanted to scoff. What was this, a second-grade classroom?
Jisung stared at you in shock, nodding dumbly. "Rules....oka-alright, yeah. Let's make rules."
You nodded firmly, "first of all, if you're gonna make food at ungodly hours in the morning, eat it in your own room."
"And the dishes, clean up after yourself," you added, gripping your book tightly in your hand.
“Stop leaving your shit in the corridors,” you continued, “and pack up your shoes it’s such a mess at the door way I can barely walk into the house,” you huffed, feeling as though with every rule you made you were finally letting your feelings be heard.
Jisung wracked his brains for a rule of his own, finding ways to regain control over the situation, "well, I have a rule too! You gotta stop nagging me to do shit," he sat up, setting his headphones on the sofa cushion.
You let out a tiny gasp, "excuse me? I only ask you to ‘do shit’ that you should be doing."
Before you could get carried away, you continued, "and as for the laundry—”
Jisung perked up, “okay, how about this. I do the dishes and you do the laundry," he suggested with a forced smile, bringing a hand up to run it through his hair, which fell back against his forehead gently.
"You know for a fact that that’s not the same, so we'll switch," you told him, "you do laundry on one week when I do the dishes, and the next week i'll do the laundry and you do the dishes. Fair, right?"
Jisung huffed, rolling his eyes, "whatever."
At the mention of laundry, Jisung glanced over at what you were wearing, frowning at the familiarity of his hoodie.
"Good, now that we have an agree—”
"That's mine," he pointed at your stomach, making you look at him in disbelief.
"Huh?" Your stomach? Your hands found their way to cover your stomach.
"The hoodie. It's mine."
You looked down at the hoodie you were wearing, a frown evident on your face. You didn't know what he was talking about, you had this hoodie since you were in high-school, it couldn't be his.
"No, it's mine. I had this since I was in high-school," you frowned, unsure if this was some sort of joke he was trying to play.
Jisung couldn't hide his amusement, letting a laugh slip from his lips, "yeah, so did I... which is why I know that that's mine."
You scoffed, "it was on my bedroom floor," you mumbled, seeing him nod patronisingly.
"Because I left it there," he told you, enunciating his words slower, shocking you when he'd reached over and grabbed you by the sleeve, raising your hand up for you to see.
"Look, this stain. It's tattoo ink. I would know because you're wearing the wrong hoodie. New rule, don’t wear my clothes.”
You stood silent, huffing as you removed the hoodie, leaving you in your shirt and sweats, tossing the hoodie at him in annoyance, the smirk on his face making you even more annoyed.
"Fine, take your stupid hoodie, I don’t wanna wear your stupid clothes anyway,” you huffed, “and you’re on laundry duty this week."
You didn't finish your readings that night.
You would like to think your rule system was working pretty well, seeing as you didn't find yourself butting heads with Jisung as often as before.
Halfway into the semester, you had grown busier with your assignments, which had managed to take your attention away from Jisung.
Though you were certainly more tired than usual, from attending birthday parties of friends to working, to rushing your readings during any free time you got (not to mention squeezing in any bit of sleep whenever you could), to rushing through your assignments just to meet the packed deadlines. But you couldn’t complain, this was typical for any college student you knew.
But of course, that didn’t mean you weren’t itching for a break, eyeing the semester break on your calendar that was fast approaching, letting yourself get carried away during classes with Lucas as you both planned on your pieces of scrap paper all the things you’d wanted to do during the break.
Similarly, Jisung had grown busier at the tattoo studio, and Chan had recommended him to a music producer that was interested in hearing Jisung's compositions.
Jisung was more than thankful that Chan had given him that opportunity, of course, but what was bothering him was the pain-in-the-ass creative block he was beginning to struggle with.
Not only was he struggling to find inspiration for a song he'd wanted to make, but the process seemed almost painfully slow, with how he'd fumble around with ideas that he would start on but eventually scrap, deciding that he 'wasn't feeling it'.
He'd started receiving commissions for tattoo designs, and you'd noticed he wasn't at home as often as he was before because he'd made it a point to coop himself up in the studio to try to churn out these design requests.
Fortunately, his customers were always satisfied (and he thought that was great, you know, with all the good words from Chan he was getting), but he wasn't.
Chan had seemed to sense this too, making sure to check in on Jisung more than usual during this period.
"Hey, I'm heading home a little earlier today, you'll be fine alone?"
Jisung's head lifted when he heard Chan's voice, pulling one of his earbuds from his ear as he nodded.
Chan glanced at Jisung's papers scattered around him, of half-done or halfway-abandoned sketches, giving him a look of sympathy, "don't work too hard, alright?" he huffed, glancing out of the window.
"I heard it might rain tonight, so make sure you get home before the rain hits, alright?"
Jisung waved Chan off, not paying any care to the impending rain as he bid Chan goodbye, continuing to tap his pencil on the table in his search for good ideas.
Maybe he needed to consult a lifeline.
"Hello, Lucas?"
The said lifeline was more than happy to hear Jisung's voice, having heard from you that he wasn't home as much recently, a part of him concerned as well.
"Hey, man, what's up?"
Jisung hummed, "wanted to ask if you had any ideas on what tattoos you think would be cool."
Lucas snorted, "you're asking me? You could draw a turd and i'd want to get it tattooed. Dude, you're too good, just go with your gut."
Jisung let out a whine, "my gut's not being very useful right now."
Lucas hummed, letting out an urgent grunt of surprise, "I know! Why don't you take a look at your older designs, maybe they'd give you some vibes or something."
Jisung shrugged, figuring this was probably the best advice he was gonna get, thanking Lucas before hanging up.
Picking up his tablet, Jisung had scrolled through his various sketches until he'd reached the very first few designs, sighing at the sight of the sketches, looking at his first sketch of a peony flower, with leaves dangling along the stem wedged between the budding flowers.
Jisung figured he wouldn't let his dissatisfaction subside until he tried doing a better rendition of the sketch, to refine the shading or the flow of the shape from what he'd learnt from Chan overtime.
Putting back his earbuds in, he turned his music up, beginning to work on the sketch, riding on the motivation he was afraid would disappear at any given moment.
Jisung was surprised at how fast he was done, ( only to look at the clock and realise he wasn't that fast and that it was already a little past midnight ). Removing his earbuds and going back to the sound of the whirring air conditioner and the loud sound of rain thumping against the gravel outside, Jisung knew he was done for.
He hadn't brought an umbrella with him, and the rain frankly didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon, Jisung contemplated his very limited options.
Was a binder enough to shield him from the rain? Probably not. But was it better than putting down his pride to text you to come and pick him up? He thought the binder was better, honestly.
Deciding to try his luck anyway, he'd sent you a text.
Little did Jisung know, you'd dozed off on your bed while reading, the vibration of your phone next to your face having woken you from your nap, the sound of the rain outside harshly thumping against the window.
han jisung 12:37am -hello, housemate. it is your housemate, han jisung. its raining rly badly. wld u be so kind as to come to the tattoo studio with an umbrella for me pls :D-
You frowned in annoyance, your eyes barely open as you replied him. There was no way you were going to send yourself out in the thunderstorm like that.
12:37am - no. just wait until it stops raining-
Thinking that had settled your worries, you'd shoved your phone underneath your pillow, deciding you'd let yourself sleep in since tomorrow was a Saturday after all.
You should've known better, that this was Jisung, the 'i'm tougher than a little bit of rain' Jisung, so you should've seen it coming when you'd woken up to the sound of his incessantly ringing phone.
Rolling out of your bed with a grunt, you'd pushed yourself off of the bed, ready to confront Jisung about not answering his phone.
Walking across the corridor and pushing his bedroom door open, you'd been met with an empty room, frowning as you walked over to the bed, picking the phone up and stopping the alarm.
You noticed that he'd received a few texts from Chan, not being able to help yourself from reading them.
chan 1:20am - dude! why didnt u just wait for the rain to stop?- 1:22am -  ure gna fall sick…-
Frowning, you made your way into the living room, spotting Jisung curled up on the sofa with his blanket at his feet, an instant feeling in your gut that something was wrong.
“Jisung?” You called, seeing his eyebrows furrow slightly.
In spite of yourself, you’d walked over to where he lay, your hand coming out to nudge at his shoulder with his phone.
“Hey, are you…alright?” You watched and waited as he opened his eyes slowly, blinking at you in a daze. There was perspiration beading at his temples despite the coolness of the apartment, giving you more reason to feel like there was something wrong.
As much as you didn’t like him, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were responsible for him, and it was kind of your fault that he’d walked back in the rain. You glanced at your brightly-coloured umbrella leaning against the wall, figuring there was something about this umbrella that always got you into trouble with Jisung.
You suppressed your hesitation, bringing a hand up to his forehead, Jisung not even daring to budge even an inch as you pushed his bangs back. The back of your hand pressing against his forehead gently, your breath hitching at the sheer heat of his body.
This was probably the most contact you’d ever had with him in your months of living together, and Jisung knew this too, not knowing how to feel about the concern you were showing him, feeling as though it was some kind of ridiculous fever dream.
“You walked home in the rain didn’t you?” You murmured, your feeling of guilt growing as you saw him nod at you.
You cursed inwardly, “do you have a thermometer?” 

Jisung shook his head, attempting to get up, “it’s fine, I can take care of myself, just give me my phone.”
You handed him his phone, ignoring his previous statement as you went into the kitchen in your search for any kind of medicine you could give him, cursing once again when you realised there was none. Trust the both of you to only care to buy groceries.
“We don’t have jack shit in this house,” you groaned, walking over to the bathroom, finding a cloth and a small pail to fill with cold water, bringing it over to the coffee table and setting it down next to the sofa.
“I’ve gotta go to work,” Jisung sighed, though he made no move to get up, a part of him just waiting for you to refute him so he could use you as an excuse to get off work.
You shot him a look, “no, you don’t. Shut up and lie down, I’ll go and buy your stupid medicine. If I come back and you’re not here I’ll kill you,” you warned, missing the way Jisung had complied happily, lying back down with his head on one of the sofa cushions.
Squeezing the water from the cloth, you may have slapped it a little harshly on his forehead, earning an annoyed glare from him.
Walking to grab your wallet, you cast one last look at his bored face, seeing him rush to close his eyes when he saw you glaring.
“I mean it, you better stay here.”
Jisung nodded, waving you off.
On your way to the pharmacy, you couldn’t help but wonder if it was a good thing that Jisung was sick.
In terms of your pros, if he was sick, he wouldn’t be able to annoy you, right? And him being sick meant that you’d basically had your desk and your bedroom to yourself, with him unable to practice tattooing in your room and use your desk as his sketching station.
In terms of your cons… well, you were planning on getting some rest today, and having to watch Jisung meant you would technically have to be near him, wouldn’t you? You were starting to wonder if that was even a con that he was basically giving you an excuse to laze around and watch tv.
“Hi, how may I help you?” The pharmacist asked.
You hummed, “uh…do you have those over-the-counter medicine and stuff for like someone with fever?”
The pharmacist nodded, pulling out the various boxes and pointing at each one, confusing you with the sheer amount of names she was listing, resulting in you just choosing the one you recognised your parents telling you to take whenever you were sick.
Making your payment, you swallowed whatever pride you had that was making you hesitate. You figured Jisung falling sick was karma for that text you sent him the night before, so you decided that you were going to see him recover for yourself.
Upon returning to the house, you’d shrugged your jacket off, making your way over to where he was, sitting on your heels next to where he was so you could gently peel the cloth from his head, replacing it with one that was soaked in colder water.
You’d drawn back slightly when you felt Jisung flinch as you laid the towel on his forehead, opening one eye to look at you, “that was fast.”
You rolled your eyes, shushing him as you took the medicine out, along with a glass of water you’d gotten from the kitchen, bringing it over to him with an expectant look.
Jisung took them from you wordlessly, swallowing them down as he averted his gaze from you, unsure why you were looking at him like some kicked puppy.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, reaching over to grab the television remote in an attempt to calm your nerves, “this is kind of my fault. Since I didn’t go over to the tattoo studio yesterday.”
Jisung took a moment to process what you said, wincing as he let out a (fake) cough, only serving to make you feel even more guilty than you already were.
“Are you actually…apologising to me?” Jisung’s smile was poorly hidden behind his hand, making you roll your eyes, your guilt ever-present when you looked at him.
Jisung sighed, deciding to let you off this once, “seriously, it’s no big deal. I didn’t expect you to come, anyway. I was just trying my luck,” he told you, making you frown, your mouth forming a slight pout.
“I was just being petty, I’m…” you trailed off, shaking your head, “yeah, whatever, I’m just really sorry.”
Jisung looked at you with a hint of a smile on his face, taking his lower lip between his teeth as he nodded. He wasn’t sure if it was his fever, or the way your gestures were exuding warmth, but Jisung swore just for a moment. A second, almost, he kind of thought you looked cute.
Jisung nodded, “I’ll let you know by the end of the day.”
You frowned, turning away from the television to face him, your back resting on the sofa slightly, “let me know about what?”
Jisung kept his gaze fixed on the television, bringing his hand up to scratch at his collarbone, hints of his tattoos peeking out from his neckline.

Shrugging, Jisung’s gaze shifted to meet yours, “if your apology is accepted.”
You were sure that your mom would’ve just laughed in your face if you told her about your experience today, as you began to realise just how much you didn’t hate Jisung’s company when the both of you weren’t trying to fight each other.
In the few hours that had passed alone, you’d learnt much more about him than you had bothered to in your months living with him. You’d learnt that he was a music major, that wanted to pursue a career in music production, and that he’d gotten interested in tattoos when he’d met this kid named Changbin in his class, who introduced him to Chan for an apprenticeship.
As for Jisung? He was just learning that you weren’t as intolerable as he thought you were.
You’d ordered food for the both of you, Jisung having refused to eat porridge, and you were currently having an actual, comfortable conversation with him, the hallmark movie playing on the television long forgotten.
Jisung’s phone had started to ring, interrupting him mid-sentence as he told you about how the tattoo studio works, making you lean over to check who it was.
“It’s Chan.”
Jisung grimaced, “speak of the devil,” he scoffed. Shaking his head vigorously as you made to grab his phone, Jisung set his chopsticks down hurriedly to reach for his phone, only to grab air when you’d answered the call.
“Hello?” You heard Chan speak, an urgency to his tone.
“Hey, this is Y/N. Jisung is…not feeling so well right now.”
Jisung shot you a look, bringing his hands around his throat with his chopsticks held between his fingers, acting as if he was so sick he was about to pass out, making loud coughing noises in the background.
You couldn’t help but smile, scrunching your nose and waving him off in your attempt to get him to stop before he choked on his food.
Chan sighed, “Is he, now? Tell him I’m shifting today’s appointment to next Wednesday. Anyway, thanks, Y/N, bye,” he hung up promptly after.
You gave Jisung a grim look, setting the phone down slowly onto the coffee table, “Chan said he’s shifting your appointment to Wednesday.”
Jisung’s lips parted, almost forgetting his cheeks were full of food, tilting his head back to groan.
“Chan’s gonna kill me.”
Jisung shoved more food into his mouth, chewing slowly, “I totally forgot, I was supposed to do this girl’s tattoo today, but cause I’m, you know, sick,” he gave you a pointed look, “I can’t do it.”
“You do tattoos already? I thought you were still just…”
Jisung rolled his eyes, “what? Still just tattooing on fake skin?”
You nodded sheepishly, earning a sigh from him, though you didn’t miss the small smile on his face.
“I’ll have you know, I can tattoo people now. You know Lucas’ tattoo of the angel looking mermaid hybrid type thing?”
You hummed in thought, his description oddly specific yet successfully helping you visualise the tattoo, gesturing to your forearm, “the one he got here?”
Jisung nodded, “I did that for him.”
Your eyes widened, impressed at the scale of Jisung’s detail in his design, remembering how enamoured you were with it when Lucas had first showed it to you.
“Lucas’ been asking me to get a tattoo with him once the break starts,” you mentioned casually, earning a surprised hum from Jisung.
“Oh,” his eyes widened, as if he was still trying to process what you said, “really?”
You nodded, “still thinking about it, though. Haven’t really decided on what I wanted.”
Jisung scooped the last of his food into his mouth, giving you as nonchalant a shrug as he could muster.
“Well, uh, you know, if you want or something you could come one of the days during the break, I could show you some stuff I think you’d like.”
You nodded, the simple suggestion somehow exciting you.
That night, you’d gotten ready for bed, having made sure Jisung ate his medicine before he went to sleep.
Before you could move to switch the lights off, he’d stopped you/
“Wait, like…can you um… leave the lamp on?” You raised an eyebrow at him, but complied nonetheless, figuring this was your chance to repent while he was sick.
“Goodnight,” you murmured, stretching your arms above your head with a yawn.
“Yeah, night…” he murmured, inhaling deeply, “oh, and Y/N?”
You frowned, “uh-huh?” Looking at him expectantly, your breath hitched at the sight of the small smile that made its way on his face, the moonlight casting a calm glow in the room that mirrored his expression.
“Apology accepted.”
You smiled, nodding before you left. Hopefully this meant things were looking up for your relationship.
After that day, it was as if something in your dynamic had shifted, you found that Jisung was giving you lesser and lesser reasons to be annoyed at him.
Lucas had gotten a kick out of it when you’d told him about it.
“You guys finally realised it wouldn’t kill you to be nice to each other?” You remembered him telling you.
You would beg to differ, though, because with this shift in dynamic came a whole lot of awkwardness, especially when one of you had done something mildly nice for the other person.
Take this instance, for example.
You’d been sitting at your desk, trying to finish up on your essay that was due that week, not wanting to let your motivation subside without making full use of it (also because you knew if you didn’t do it now, you’d procrastinate and stress out when you realised you were behind time).
You’d been able to faintly smell Jisung’s noodles that he was cooking in the kitchen, making you sigh. You didn’t like eating things after you had your dinner, but you couldn’t lie and say that they didn’t smell great.
Expecting to hear his bedroom door shut and feel the smell of the noodles get fainter, he’d surprised you when he made his way over to you, setting a mug containing a hot drink on your desk.
Turning to him abruptly, he’d flinched back, looking at you with wide eyes as his hands flew up over his chest, making you laugh.
“I’m not gonna hit you, calm down.”
Jisung relaxed (albeit hesitantly), one of his hands coming up to grip the back of his neck, gesturing towards the mug with his other hand.
“Go ahead, I uh…didn’t poison it or anything,” a huff of awkward laughter left him.
You glanced from the mug to him, nodding slowly, “thanks.”
“Don’t, you know…sleep too late, and stuff,” he told you, earning a nod from you.
He nodded back at you, giving you a close-lipped smile before practically jogging back to his room, the door shutting a little louder than usual, a yelp of apology echoing after.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t try to to be nice to him either, but frankly, he wasn’t giving you many opportunities to do so.

Jisung was still keeping his worries to himself, with his creative block seeming to have spiralled him into heavy feelings of anxiousness and a lack of confidence in his abilities.
You figured that things had been weighing heavy on his mind when you realised he’d been intentionally keeping the light on more often when he slept, or how the typing sounds of his keyboard would get more frequent as it got later into the night.
You’d even had Chan pleading for you to check up on Jisung every now and then once you noticed that he’d been sleeping a lot more and eating at irregular intervals. Listening out for his humming every now and then, you noticed the melodies seemed to have taken a more slow-paced, almost melancholic turn.
One night, you’d decided that if Jisung wasn’t going to give you opportunities to be nice to him, you would just create them for yourself. Making a determined trip to the kitchen, you’d boiled his favourite type of instant ramen, having seen how he made it so many times you knew just what to add in.
Padding over to his room, you’d knocked on the door before pushing it open slightly, watching him straighten up where he sat on his bed, setting his iPad down beside him, his thigh blocking it from your view.
“Hey, I uh…here,” you cut to the chase, Jisung was quick to find something to put under the pot on his bed, opening it and looking at you wordlessly.
“Figured the both of us could use a break,” you shrugged, oblivious to the way your words had stirred something within Jisung.
“What were you working on?” You asked, scooping some noodles into a bowl for Jisung and handing it to him.
He’d taken the bowl from you absently, his eyes widening at the mention of the sketch, unconsciously pushing it further behind him.
“Nothing, I was just doodling.”
Jisung had no idea how to explain that he had been trying to design something for you, something that reminded him of you. Because frankly, that was the only thing that seemed to be pushing his creative block aside at the moment.
“Can I see?”
Usually, Jisung would’ve fought you ( to the death ) before he’d let you see his unfinished designs, but there was something about your demeanour that made him feel like it was okay to show you. That it was okay to tell you that it wasn’t perfect because something inside of him just told him that you would understand.
In spite of any rational fibre in his being, he’d picked up the tablet, giving it to you as he continued to eat the ramen, his gaze never leaving your expression, oblivious to your scrolling as he was too busy gauging your reaction.
“These are all really pretty,” you told him, scrolling until you’d reached the bottom, clicking on one of the drawings and flipping the screen around to show Jisung.
“I love this,” you told him, earning a surprised hum from him.
He saw that you’d clicked on the sketch of the peony that he’d tried to refine that day he got rained on, wondering what made you choose that out of all his designs, since he was probably the least satisfied with that one.
“Are you sure? What about this one?” He took the tablet from you, scrolling back to the design he was working on, making you hum thoughtfully, eventually shaking your head no.
“I like the other one better,” you told him, earning a confused hum from him.
You scoffed, frowning at him, “why are you so against it? You’re the one that drew it,” you took the tablet back from him, holding it against your shoulder before shaking your head, setting it back down onto your lap.
“Besides,” you murmured, zooming in to admire the shading on the flower, “I think it’s beautiful.”
Jisung’s expression was unreadable, unsure how you had such strong appreciation for something he thought was his worst work, something about the way you praised it making a strange feeling that he couldn’t place build within his chest.
It was like before, the feeling of comfort, that he didn’t have to worry about any kind of creative block that could be thrown his way because you gave him a different perspective on his abilities.
You know, the cliché, hard-hitting feeling that ‘everything is gonna be okay’.
“Do you have anything happening during the break?” You asked, earning a shrug from him.
“I’ve gotta submit my song to Chan’s music producer friend.”
You perked up at the mention of Jisung’s song, “have you thought of what you wanted to do for it yet?”
Jisung shook his head, letting out a deep sigh, “it’s been kind of stressing me out, to be honest,” he admitted.
“I like…I don’t wanna give him something that doesn’t show what I’m capable of, you know?”
You nodded, “I understand…I wish I could help you but I don’t really, you know, know how,” you fidgeted with your fingers, hearing him grunt in dismissal.
“It’s fine,” he mustered a confident smile, “nothing I can’t handle.”
And for a moment, you really would’ve believed that he’d gotten it handled. Leaving him to continue with his work as you got ready for bed.
You had almost anticipated to hear typing sounds as you did every night these days. But unlike the other nights, Jisung didn’t very well feel like being alone with his thoughts that night, not even wanting to type them down. He craved the feeling of being okay, of feeling like he still had time and didn’t have to be anxious or feel shitty about his mediocre work.
So it had come as a surprise to you when you’d heard the gentle knock at your door that night just as you were about to drift into a half-asleep state, hearing the door open and watching as Jisung made his way hesitantly over to where you were.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” You heard him let out a shaky breath, and you didn’t need to ask him further, giving him a small hum of approval as he’d pulled the small heated mat from under your bed and made himself comfortable next to your bed.
Jisung let his head hit the ground gently, a deep sigh leaving him as he closed his eyes.
“Do you want me to leave the lamp on?” You mumbled, hearing him hum.
“No, it’s fine,” he told you, strangely not feeling much of a need for it now that he had you near him.
The both of you knew better than to speak more, the silence seeming to have made you understand how he was feeling. And as he lay there, with your presence in the room, Jisung felt alright, and so did you.
That night, there were no typing sounds.  
Contrary to yesterday, you'd started today on a good note. Having bumped into Jisung the next morning after he'd gotten ready, meeting in the hallway when you were still dressed in your sleepwear, you couldn't help but smile.
"Morning," he murmured, a small smile on his face as he gave you a little wave, leaving promptly to meet Chan at the tattoo studio.
You didn't have work today, and you'd arranged a meeting with Lucas to hang out, the boy not seeming to want to waste anymore time when he'd finally arrived at the mall, practically bounding over to where you were waiting at the fountain in the atrium.
"So, have you thought about it yet?" he asked you, extending a hand to help you up.
Frowning, your lips parted in confusion, "thought about what?"
Lucas gave you an unamused look, as if you should've known what he was talking about. Pushing his sleeves up to his elbows, he'd raised his hands as he gestured, "you know, about what tattoo you wanted to get."
You made your way to a bubble tea outlet that Lucas wanted to check out, pestering you to go with him as part of the things he’d wanted to do during the semester break.
You couldn't help but laugh at the realisation, feeling awfully giddy at the thought of yesterday.
It was just a simple interaction, yeah, whatever, but no one said there were rules on what could make your heart flutter and what couldn't. All you knew was that whatever happened yesterday, did.
"Yeah, I did," you confessed, huffing with a smile on your face.
Lucas didn't know whether to feel afraid or happy that you were so quick to decide this time, looking at you in concern, "okay...so, what did you decide on?"
You pursed your lips, your smile disappearing, "I don't have a picture with me, it's on Jisung's ipad. But it's really pretty, it's like this drawing of a flower," you explained.
Lucas' eyes widened, his hand coming up to cover his mouth in a poor attempt to conceal his growing excitement.
"Oh, it's one of Jisung's stuff?"
You nodded, not seeming to understand why he was so happy about that, "what?"
"Nothing," he shrugged, "you and Jisung seem to be on pretty good terms recently, huh.”
You scoffed, shrugging because it wasn't as if what he said was a lie.
Lucas leaned closer to you, "have you been smiling at him more these days?"
You frowned at his question, shrugging at him nonetheless, turning your attention back to the menu board, "yeah, I guess."
Lucas' giggles escaped him like bubbles, nodding at you knowingly, “perfect. You should definitely keep doing that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “questionable advice, but I’ll take it. Anyway, when are you planning on getting it done?"
Lucas straightened up, lifting his phone slightly to check the date.
"I made an appointment for Chan to do mine next Tuesday," he told you, “have you asked your parents yet?”
You nodded, “they weren’t as supportive until they found out Jisung designed it, they just told me not to get anything I’ll regret.”
Lucas couldn’t miss his opportunity to tease you, “well, I’m sure if Jisung’s doing it, the last thing you’d do is regret it.”
Shoving him aside and ignoring the way he’d burst into a fit of giggles, you ordered your drink, and Lucas’ as well once he calmed down enough to point at what he wanted on the menu.
“Maybe you should text him and ask about when you can book him?” Lucas gestured to you with his drink, his leg bouncing absently as he looked around the small outlet, the group of high-school girls in their uniforms sitting next to your table giggling as he’d skimmed over their table.
“Do you think that’d be too much? Should I just ask Chan instead?” You glanced at him for a sign of approval, “but then if I ask Chan would it make Jisung think I don’t want him to do my tattoo?” You wondered out loud, your stream of thought proving to be fairly amusing to Lucas.
“Just text him, it’s not that deep,” Lucas sipped on his drink.
“Nah, you know what? I should just ask him later at home, I shouldn’t bother him when he’s at work,” you shrugged, earning a sound of dismissal from him.
“Texting him would be a lot faster, you know.”
You shot him a look, “why are you so insistent on me texting him?”
Lucas scoffed, “why are you so against it?” He shot back.
Giving him a look of feigned annoyance, you’d set your phone down onto the table, staring blankly as Lucas had turned it to face him, unlocking your phone and going to Jisung’s chat.
“How should I start? ‘hey baby’—”
Your eyes widened, about to snatch the phone back from him when he’d pulled it towards himself in time, shooting you a look of feigned confusion.
“What? Too mild?” He laughed.
Sighing as he calmed down from his laughter, he shook his head slowly as he typed out a message, “man, you’re so bad at this,” he murmured.
“What makes you say that?”
Lucas pressed something on your phone with finality, scrolling up as he showed you your previous texts with Jisung. Texts like:
1:09pm - dont eat my chips get ur own - or texts like

10:11pm - keep it down! Im trying to study -
Jisung 10:11pm -well so am I!-
“All you guys ever text each other for is to ask each other to do things, how can you expect him to like you if you’re always telling him to separate his lights and darks?”
You took the phone back from Lucas with a huff, “leave me alone. And who said anything about wanting him to like me?”
Lucas looked as though you’d just asked him an obvious question, looking almost scandalised at your denial, “really? You went from ‘oh, I don’t wanna bother Jisung at work’ and ‘oh, heehee me and Jisung ate ramen together yesterday night’ to ‘who said anything about my big fat crush on Jisung’?”
You huffed, “that’s inaccurate.”
Lucas chewed on his tapioca pearls harshly, making sure you heard the smacking sounds of his chewing to unnerve you, shaking his head at you matter-of-factly, “it’s pretty much-what’s the word, ah! Verbatim. That.”

You rolled your eyes at him, wondering how the high-school girls sitting next to you still managed to find Lucas an absolute dreamboat despite how intentionally ridiculously he was behaving.
The truth is, Jisung wouldn’t have cared if you’d ‘bothered him during work or not’. He probably would’ve jumped at the notification of your text.
After the night before, Jisung couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of comfort that flooded him at the thought of you. Finally getting enough inspiration to work on his song when he’d gotten home, even despite the pounding in his head and the sheer fatigue from the day that had passed.
Call him whatever you wanted, but Jisung couldn’t shake the feeling of reassurance he got with you, and it was a feeling he never thought he’d be experiencing as deeply as he did now.
From how familiar it was to hear your voice (even if it was asking him to fold the laundry), to how the smell of your perfume would awaken him on certain days, just in time for him to start his routine for the day. In small things, like how whenever he was looking for a break from work, somehow he’d find it with you.
He’d been working on his song for hours now, though he’d kept letting his gaze wander to the door in anticipation, wondering what was taking you so long to get home. He couldn’t help but wonder if you were still with Lucas, his imagination running wild with all sorts of scenarios that could have taken place to warrant you coming home so late.
Jisung brushed the thought away quickly after he found himself going to your contact on his phone, setting it down quickly as if it burned him. It was fine, you were an adult (he figured), you didn’t need him to hound you about a curfew.
Deciding to work on his lyrics for the song, he’d typed away on his laptop his ideas, his mind seeming to always gravitate to thinking of you as he read what he’d typed down.
Satisfied with the amount of work he’d gotten done for that day, Jisung had let his head lean back against the armrest of the sofa, his legs bent as he lay on his side, letting his eyes rest from all that staring at his glaringly bright computer screen.
You’d gone for a late-night movie with Lucas to end off your day, having gone home later than usual, though you didn’t mind. It wasn’t as if you had a curfew anymore.
You managed to reach your apartment as stealthily as you could, since the walls were really that thin and you didn’t want the old lady from next door to get on your back for being noisy when she was trying to sleep or whatever again.
Shoving your keys into the keyhole, you frowned when you saw that the lights in the living room were still switched on, spotting Jisung lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, his head lolling to the side as he dozed off.
Going into your room (in stealth mode, again), you’d set your things down quietly, deciding to take a shower and get ready for bed before anything else. Suddenly everything seemed to be a thousand times louder than you were used to. You were sure Jisung hadn’t been getting much quality sleep recently, so seeing him dozing off on the sofa had only made you want to ensure that his sleep continued uninterrupted.
Once you were changed into your sleepwear, you’d gone into Jisung’s room, taking a soft blanket from his cupboard and bringing it over to where he was, draping it over him till it reached his shoulders. You couldn’t help but find how peaceful he looked to be rather endearing, wishing you could do more but knowing there wasn’t much else you could do.
Jisung considered himself a good actor, because on the inside he was far from peaceful. He’d awoken at the feeling of being covered by the blanket, the back of your fingers grazing against his arm slightly.
His heart had fluttered, extremely, at the gesture, though something in him was yelling at him not to open his eyes, wanting to savour the moment for himself. It felt warm, a comfortable kind of warmth, the kind you would want to bask in for hours after being in the cold for so long. Something like a ray of sunshine.
Jisung was convinced he was going mad.
Switching on the lamp at your desk so that the living room wouldn’t be in complete darkness, you’d switched off the lights in the living room, bidding a silent goodnight to Jisung in your head before you’d gone back to your room, leaving Jisung dumbfounded.
“What did you say the song was called, again?” Chan had asked Jisung on Tuesday morning, looking at him with an endeared smile.
Jisung felt shy for some reason, pressing his lips together firmly as he averted his gaze from Chan, preparing his equipment as he waited for you and Lucas to arrive.
“Sunshine,” Jisung told him.
Chan huffed, his smile growing bigger, “I like that,” he hummed.
“What’s it about?” Chan asked, pulling his phone out to check for a text, “also, Lucas says they’re nearby.”
Jisung shrugged, “what’s it about?” He echoed Chan’s question, as if not knowing for himself either, something about him seeming fairly preoccupied, “it’s kind of hard to explain.”
Chan nodded in understanding, glancing at the way Jisung fiddled with the practice sketch he’d done of Y/N’s tattoo, twirling it around in his hands and anxiously glancing towards the door.
Jisung’s head shot up to look at Chan with wide eyes, “huh?…” he nodded slowly, “yeah, kind of.”
A small smile played at Chan’s lips as the boy had finished up the stencil for Lucas’ tattoo. “Is it because it’s Y/N?”
Jisung let out a nervous laugh, “yeah, duh,” he mumbled, “I mean, yeah, I’m nervous because she’s the one getting the tattoo but more like…”
Jisung shrugged, “I still don’t understand why she chose this out of all the designs I had.”
Chan raised an eyebrow, the jingling of the bells at the door followed by a loud guffaw of laughter signalling to him that the both of you had arrived.
“You should take more pride in your work,” Chan pat Jisung on the back, almost sending the boy stumbling with the sheer force behind the hit. Though Jisung couldn’t very well pay attention to the pain in his shoulder once he saw you with Lucas.
Lucas was quick to shove you towards Jisung, going over to one of the beds with Chan as they discussed the placement of the tattoo.
Jisung was almost uncharacteristically tense, leading you over to the station across from Lucas and Chan, holding the stencil up for you to see, “you’re absolutely sure you want this?”
You rolled your eyes, nodding, “yes, I’m sure.”
Jisung nodded slowly, albeit hesitantly, at you, “have you figured out where you want it?”
Lucas had perked up at that, butting into the conversation despite being across the room, “we were thinking between two places.”
Jisung hummed as he’d gone over to take the tablet containing a form for you to fill out before he got started.
You shushed Lucas quickly, accepting the tablet from Jisung with a nod of thanks, “yeah, I was thinking between here,” you gestured under your collarbone, “or here,” you gestured to your shoulder, just above your shoulder-blade.
Jisung nodded, “which do you feel more comfortable with? I think both are alright.”
“I was thinking maybe here?” You held a hand over the space under your collarbone, earning a nod from him.
“Alright,” he murmured, taking the tablet from you once you were done and quietly gesturing for you to lie down.
In your haste to get it over with, you’d almost completely forgotten about the placement of your tattoo, Jisung quirking an eyebrow at you and letting a huff of nervousness escape him.
“Sorry uh, I hope you don’t mind,” he murmured, pulling the collar of your shirt down to expose the area you’d wanted tattooed, making Lucas (who was watching intently) snicker from where he sat.
You’d felt heat creeping up to your neck, making you stretch your neck to look elsewhere, deciding to focus on the black pipes lining the ceiling, your shyness reducing your voice to a mere mumble, “yeah, sorry.”
Your nerves had built up even more with how tense Jisung was, even as he had disinfected the area and transferred what looked like a blue-ish outline of his sketch to your skin, making you almost want to writhe in your place with how nervous you were growing.
However, once you’d heard the buzzing of the tattoo gun, it was as if you were transported into your room, the familiarity of the sound making you less nervous, simply anticipating the pain that you’d associated with the tattoo to occur.
It was a wonder you hadn’t even been able to think much about the pain of the tattoo, though, because you were too busy trying to ignore Jisung’s proximity to you.
He was a stark contrast from Chan, who was making conversation with Lucas throughout the process, whereas Jisung had simply loomed over you, a tense knit to his brow and his lips pressed tightly together. Just by your expressions alone, people would have thought he was the one getting the tattoo.
This was only so because Jisung was struggling, with the smell of your perfume making him feel more awake than ever, and not to mention the pressure to make sure the tattoo turned out well that weighed heavy on him. Everything about you was so familiar, yet everything about the experience was not, and it was driving Jisung crazy with the amount of tension it was making him feel.
“Are you okay?” He asked, gauging your face for any sign that you were in too much pain.
You wanted to laugh, “This is like the fifth time you’re asking me that,” you told him.
“Can’t help it,” he told you, and you swore you saw his cheeks start to tint pink, “just wanted to make sure you were okay, you know…since it’s your first tattoo, and all.”
You nodded reassuringly, “it’s fine, just keep going.”
Jisung nodded, “I’ll be done quicker than you know it, I swear.”
You continued to distract yourself with the sight of Lucas across the room, Chan having to bring the needle back whenever Lucas couldn’t hold back his laughter.
“I’m sorry, It tickles,” you heard him tell Chan, making you have to stifle your laughter.
“Can I ask you something?” You decided that maybe talking to Jisung would help time pass faster (and less awkwardly).
“Uh-huh,” he hummed, shifting his chair slightly to get into a more comfortable position.
“How many tattoos do you have?” You asked, earning a long, reflective hum from him.
“I got a few in the time after college started, I would say about 5 or 6 now?” He shrugged, “and if you’re gonna ask me what’s their meanings…I don’t really know how to explain it, I just like the feeling they give me when I look at them.”
“I get it, it’s expression after all.”
Jisung nodded, his focus returning and making him let the conversation still. You didn’t like that, the feeling of awkwardness that returned with his silence, making you wrack your brains to find any sort of other conversation topic you could think of.
“Are you seeing anyone?” You wanted to instantly hide your face once you heard the words leave your mouth, Lucas turning to you with a wide-eyed expression.
Jisung sputtered, pulling the tattoo gun away from your skin, shaking his head at you.
“Uh, no, I’m not.” He narrowed his eyes at you, trying to regain his confidence in the situation, “why’d you wanna know?”
Now it was your turn to flush, averting your gaze, “oh, you know, just…curious, is all.”
Jisung smirked, “well, don’t go getting any ideas. I already like someone,” he told you, feeling as though he was dangling a carrot right in front of you.
Your eyebrows lifted in surprise, “really? Who?”
Jisung shrugged, “it’s a secret.”
You frowned, wanting to get back at him but not quite knowing how, deciding to go with the first thing you could think of, “well, I like someone too, you’re not special.”
Jisung hadn’t expected you to retort with that, narrowing his eyes at you, “wait, really? Is it Lucas?”
“Oh my god, no way, never.”
“Then who is it?” He met your gaze, making you stick your tongue out at him, mustering your best impersonation of him.
“It’s a secret.”
You had almost thought you were imagining things, but you noticed Jisung’s mood take a turn from there, seeming awfully pensive as he did the rest of your tattoo, the both of you having maintained a silence after your failed attempt at a proper conversation with him. He’d already begun to do the shading for your tattoo, so you figured he was really going to be done quicker than you thought.
You tried to distract yourself by glancing towards Lucas and Chan’s direction. Jisung could see you staring in their direction from the corner of his eye, wondering why your gaze kept travelling there when he was right in front of you.
“Is it Chan?” He blurted out, making your eyes go wide in shock.
Your smile grew, shaking your head, “no, definitely not.”
Jisung frowned, “who could it even be, you don’t even know that many people,” he huffed.
You sighed, trust you to fall for someone as oblivious as him.
“Do you want a clue?” You asked, earning a grunt from him.
“They’re very oblivious.”
Jisung frowned, looking as though he were contemplating, his tissue going over your tattoo slower as he thought. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape in realisation, a gasp leaving him.
“No way, it’s not that Felix kid from your department, is it?” He looked as though he was hoping you would say no.
You fought to suppress the urge to roll your eyes, yet not realising you were smiling at him, “no, it’s not him.”
Jisung sighed, “oh, good. I know I always say I’m the best looking but he’s a lot better looking than I am, don’t tell him I said that.”
“Good?” You questioned, wondering why he seemed so relieved that all his options had turned out to be false. Jisung had realised he may have made things a little too obvious, shaking his head vigorously.
“Nothing, you’re all done, forget I said anything.”
He pushed himself away from you, his chair swivelling far back as he tried to calm the racing of his heart as you sat up and stretched, your body tired from being in the same position for so long.
“What time is it?” You asked, earning a grunt from Jisung, not knowing either.
Chan had chimed in from the other side, having been done with Lucas’ tattoo way before yours.
“It’s 4:24,” he told you. Jisung had been busy putting an adhesive bandage over your tattoo to pay attention to your reaction.
You spent 4 hours lying there and you only got like what, two conversations with Jisung? This was a new low, even for you.

You were snapped out of your disappointment when Jisung had spoken.
“Uh… yeah keep this on for like three to four days?” He gestured to the bandage, your breath hitching as he hiked the collar of your shirt up so it wasn’t still dropping off your shoulder.
“You can still shower and everything so yeah…” he told you, reciting from memory after having been told this a thousand times by Chan.
You tried your best to pay attention, though you knew you’d probably forget by the time you were home, making him stand up mid-speech and walk over to the counter, pulling out a little brochure to hand you.
“Honestly, just read this, it has everything you need to know inside,” he told you, walking away briskly to compose himself at his station.
You’d made your payment to Chan at the counter, Jisung having pretended to be busy with cleaning up, making Chan flash you an amused smile.
He shook his head, dimples appearing as he gave you your receipt, “You two are just too cute,” he huffed, earning a loud hum of approval from Lucas.
“Aren’t they?” The tall boy chimed in, making you scoff.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, bye,” you waved, seeing Jisung turn around to give you a wide smile before turning back around, practically collapsing onto the bed once you and Lucas were gone.
“Those were the most excruciating 4 hours of my life.”
Chan’s laughter could be heard as he made his way over to Jisung, giving him a pat on the back, “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad, was it?”
Jisung let out a loud groan, “we were like this close!” Jisung brought his hand in front of his face for emphasis as he whined to Chan, “and I couldn’t focus at all I was so scared I was gonna screw up her tattoo because I kept zoning out,” he rambled, feeling as though his knees were about to buckle.
Chan shook his head with a feigned look of sympathy, looking at Jisung as though Jisung were his son, “I’m glad you’re feeling stressed.”
Jisung scoffed, shrugging Chan’s hand off of his shoulder and  glaring at his mentor with a look of disbelief, “you’re glad? Aren’t you supposed to be feeling some sympathy for me? That’s sick, I can’t believe you.”
Chan wasn’t surprised at Jisung’s dramatic reaction, simply laughing as he shrugged.
“I’m glad because if you’re stressed, you’re gonna be pushed to do something about it soon. And then I can stop hearing you stress about it and just see the both of you together, instead.”
Jisung shot Chan a dirty look, “you’re mean, old man.”
Chan scoffed, “at least I’m not stupid in love.”
Jisung had been keeping himself fairly busy since then, the both of you having been busy with your own plans since the semester break had started. However, the both of you had somehow managed to enjoy suppers together, bonding over a (rather unhealthy) meal of snacks or instant food whenever it was late in the night and the both of you didn’t want to go to sleep just yet.
And speaking of sleep, you’d also noticed how Jisung had started to look brighter these days, seeming to have been overcoming that period of lethargy he was previously in.
Now, the brightness was heard in the songs he hummed, in how he smiled and laughed more whenever you were together. Even in how he'd started growing more comfortable with sleeping in the dark. You weren’t sure what exactly sparked this change in him, but whatever it was, you were glad it happened, yourself seeming to be all the more enamoured with this version of Jisung that had grown on you.
You’d planned with Jisung to have a day of celebration (or a pity party) once he’d submitted his song to Chan’s music producer friend.
Since you had work that day, you’d wanted to get up early to prepare breakfast for him, but you didn’t realise how late you were until you woke up and found that he had already left.
Making your way over to the kitchen to find some food for yourself after you’d gotten ready for work, you yanked open the door for the fridge, expecting to be met with all of Jisung’s snacks and cans of drinks that still had their post-its on them.
However, as you were scanning the fridge to see if you had anything you could eat, you spotted a different coloured post-it on a bundle of juice packets, peeling the post-it off of the packaging to inspect it.
‘y/n, I heard these are great to start the morning with, try them for me?’
You couldn’t help but smile, a hand coming up to your face to attempt to slap away the heat you felt in your cheeks, pulling out a packet of juice anyway.
You were starting to think the juice did have some sort of magical properties in them, because when you got to work, you’d been on drink duty, which was your favourite to do. Well, technically, anything other than cashier duty was your favourite but who’s keeping track here?
You knew Jisung's meeting with the producer was around the afternoon, so when Chan had shown up at the café alone, you didn't question it.
Now you were really glad you weren't on cashier duty today, giving your colleague more time to talk to Chan while he ordered.
"One strawberry smoothie for Chan?" you called to get his attention, seeing him stroll over to the pick-up point with a smile on his face.
"Sorry, Jisung's not here," he teased, sighing wistfully.
You scoffed, "yeah, yeah. I know where he is.”
“How’s the tattoo healing?” He asked, making your hand go up to your shoulder unconsciously, “It’s alright, looks really pretty now that it’s all healed.”
Chan gave you a thumbs up, opening the lid of his drink as he took a sip, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“Is he meeting your friend now?"
Chan’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “who?..oh,” he nodded in realisation, “yeah, just went to meet him. Honestly, if you asked me, he didn’t seem as excited about the meeting as he was to meet you for dinner.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “don’t put ideas into my head, old man.”
Chan simply gave you a shrug, “I’m not that old, you know,” he brought his drink up to his lips to take a sip, “and they’re only ideas if you’re in denial.”
You groaned, “go, begone, leave me alone.”
Chan giggled, nodding as his hand went up in surrender, “fine, I’m going. Have a good dinner later, Y/N,” he sing-songed.
Curse Chan for putting the thought into your head, now you couldn’t stop thinking about dinner.
Your shift only ended at 5:30, so that gave you just about enough time to go get groceries while Jisung prepared the things for your hotpot at home.
Deciding you would do what you were called to do, which in this case, meant to send Jisung a text wishing him the best of luck, you did as such.
2:31pm - hey, all the best for your meeting with the producer man!!-
Jisung’s reply had come quickly,
han jisung 2:32pm - thanks :( im waiting to see him now, I didn’t know there was gonna be a whole queue -
Setting your phone aside, you’d tried not to let yourself get too anxious while you waited for him to update you, busying yourself with washing dishes and even serving tables out of your sheer boredom due to the crowd starting to disperse at this time.
You waited, and you waited, you waited until the word ‘waiting’ itself felt weird to say in your head. You should’ve known better to have expected Jisung to update you over text, only receiving a text in the evening that read
han jisung 5:23pm - hey…i just finished meeting him…see u at the apartment?-
You’d texted him back, not knowing what to make of his text.
5:23pm - is that a good hey or a bad hey? -
Jisung hadn’t answered your question, his next text coming as more of a source of confusion for you.
han jisung 5:24pm - ill tell u in person -
“What happened? Is it Jisung?” Your colleague seemed to have sensed your inner turmoil, looking at you with concern etched in her features.
“Yeah, he told me he was done meeting the producer person…but he didn’t wanna tell me how it went,” you frowned, seeing your colleague hum in confusion.
“D’you think it didn’t go well?” She asked, mirroring your expression of uncertainty.
You typed out your reply to Jisung as you shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m hoping he’s just messing with me.”
5:26pm - my shift ends in like 4 minutes… I’ll go and get the groceries before I get back -
han jisung 5:26pm - okay, ill be waiting -
“All the best, then?” Your co-worker offered, giving you a look of sympathy.
“You too, enjoy the rest of your shift,” you returned her expression, sighing as you removed your apron, grabbing your bag from the back room before you left.
You’d tried your best to be quick in getting your groceries, making sure you’d gotten everything Jisung had told you to, your footsteps quick as you briskly walked to your apartment building.
Not knowing if it was because you hadn’t eaten in hours or if it was because you were just excited, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement in you, not so much because you were excited to hear how Jisung’s meeting went but more of because you were excited that you were going to see Jisung soon.
Finally reaching your apartment, you’d pushed the door open to spot Jisung coming out from his room, a towel on his head as he rubbed at his freshly-washed hair.
“Hey,” you breathed, a hint of a smile on your face, scanning his face for an expression as he glanced at you, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose cutely.
Jisung had a whole plan for how he was going to surprise you with the news, he wanted to wait until the food was ready and when the both of you were seated across each other in the living room, wait for you to ask him about how the meeting went so that he could pretend to be upset about it.
And just like he’d seen in the romantic movie Chan was playing in the studio the other day, he would wait till you showed concern to give you a smile and tell you the good news, already being able to imagine the smile you would give him in celebration.
But seeing how you looked, a little bit breathless from rushing, carrying groceries in your hands as you looked at him with a smile that spelled nothing but relief, Jisung couldn’t help himself.
“He offered me a job,” Jisung confessed, his grip tight on his towel as he let his hand fall limp to his side, any perfect, fool-proof plan of copying the romance movie now long gone.
Your eyes widened, setting the groceries on the counter as you cheered, “oh my god, that’s great! I’m really happy for you!” You cheered, practically running towards him before stopping yourself halfway, realising you were almost about to hug him.
Jisung noticed you stop too, tilting his head at you as his hands had already begun to raise to welcome you into a hug, hesitating once he’d seen you stop.
“Sorry,” you huffed, shoving your hands into your pockets, taking a step back to create some distance between the both of you.
Jisung smiled, shaking his head, “don’t be.” Shocking you with his confidence, he’d taken a step closer to you, his arms going around your shoulders as he pulled you towards him, his head leaning against yours gently as one of his hands went up to pet your head gently.
“You really helped me through it, believe it or not.”
Your eyes widened, trying not to get too carried away with the way his hold felt too comforting for you to pull away, thankful that he’d let go first, his hands coming up to grasp your shoulders.
“You hungry? The soup’s almost done.”
You nodded, “can I uh…take a shower first? I’ll be quick I promise.”
You didn’t wait for him to reply before you’d escaped to the bathroom, too focused on showering quickly that you’d almost forgotten about the hug. Keyword, almost.
Once you’d changed into a comfortable shirt and shorts, you’d practically jogged over to the kitchen, seeing that Jisung had already taken out the ingredients to thaw the meat and prepare the veggies.
“Wow, who are you and what have you done with Jisung?”
Jisung turned around at your voice, rolling his eyes at your statement, flicking the water from the veggies at you as you dodged, “figured I’d do something while waiting, you know, make myself useful.”
You huffed, a smile on your face as you gestured for him to continue, “well, don’t let me stop you.”
“So how did the interview go?” You asked, watching intently as he brought the platefuls of ingredients to the coffee table, stopping you when you’d moved to help him get the pot of soup.
“It’s okay, you go sit down, I’ll do it.”
You couldn’t help the impressed pout from your lips, not wanting to let on that the gesture had made your heart flutter.
Once all the food was on the table, Jisung had taken a seat next to you, the both of you starting to throw your ingredients into the soup, Jisung turning to you looking as though he’d wanted to say something.
“What was I saying before? Oh, right,” he nodded, “I didn’t expect him to be so intimidating, I nearly pissed myself when I walked into the room.”
You’d burst into laughter, Jisung laughing along with you, “I’m not even joking. Chan gave me a completely different description of what he would be like.”
You’d tried your best to calm down from your laughter quickly, seeing him take a piece of food from the pot and place it into your bowl wordlessly, choosing to ignore the gesture for the sake of your heart.
“But I’m assuming he’s not that bad? Since he offered you the job?”
Jisung let out a sigh, “yeah, thank god he did, I was a stuttering mess. Even Iwouldn’t have hired myself.”
You let out a chuckle, “you’re lucky he judged you based on the song, then,” you teased, earning a harmless glare from him.
You’d scooped some food into your mouth, looking up at him to see that he’d already had his cheeks full of food, nodding at you expectantly.
“So does this mean you’re gonna work on that producer guy’s team?” You asked, earning a nod from him as he swallowed his mouthful of food with a wince.
“Yeah, he said I could intern at his company in the holidays and if everything goes well he’ll give me a contract once I graduate.”
You let out a low whistle, “wow, imagine all the exposure you’d get there…all the different types of genres and artists you’d be exposed to,” you marvelled, Jisung finding it amusing how you seemed more excited about it than he was.
You perked up in realisation, “speaking of which…I realised you’d never let me listen to the song yet.”
Jisung flushed, shaking his head, “did I? I swear I did,” he lied, making you shove him, a smile showing on his face as you did, nodding in surrender as he grabbed his phone from the coffee table.
“What’s it called?” You asked, seeing him nudge his glasses up with his knuckle, shaking his head to flick his hair from his eyes.
“Sunshine,” he told you quickly, not wasting anymore time and playing the song.
As he started to play the song, you were surprised at the light sounding melody the song had started with, the sounds of the city that he’d put inside, the feeling that you were…at home?
“Don’t look at me when you’re listening to it, I’m shy,” he brought a hand up to cover your face, making you yelp, your hands coming up to grab his wrist, pulling it away slowly as you grew more focused on the song, recognising his voice as he sang.
It wasn’t a love song, thankfully, you realised. You realised that the song revolved around a certain feeling of calm, with themes of getting away from the busy nature of your life and taking time for yourself, something you realised you and him both kind of needed.
You listened until the song had ended, looking at him with a big smile on your face, a smile that made Jisung want to cover your face in fear that it would make his heart burst with how giddy he felt.
“I love this,” you told him, “can you send it to me?”
Jisung scoffed, “no way, how do I know you’re not gonna sell it before I can get it copyrighted?” he huffed, leaning forward and resting his elbow on the table to support his head on his palm.
“I’m really impressed, how’d you get the inspiration to do this?”
Jisung shrugged, “my own life I guess, and the people that helped me get through that weird period of creative block that I was in,” he murmured.
You nodded, “well, whoever they are, you should thank them for me.”
Jisung nodded, facing the television as he contemplated in his heart whether to do what he wanted to do, turning to you with a small smile on his face, he nodded slowly.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
Your eyes widened, not knowing what to make of his words. The song had started to repeat.
Jisung had shook his head, “I’m not just saying this because I like you or whatever—” he stopped himself with a small curse, “shit, that was not how I planned on telling you. Whatever, as I was saying…” he trailed off, his gaze landing on your tattoo, the neck of your shirt having started to slip off your shoulder slightly.
“Honestly, I really hated that drawing,” he told you, your gaze following his to look at your tattoo, looking back at him with raised eyebrows.
“This? Why? But it’s so pretty,” you insisted.
Jisung shook his head.
“It was my first design, and I wasn’t…you know, I just didn’t think it was that impressive, and all. Chan had told me to keep it in my portfolio but I was really close to just removing it.”
His gaze shifted to anywhere except your face, distracting himself by looking at the various things in the house, his gaze landing on the rainbow-coloured umbrella at the door.
Jisung sighed, shifting in his seat so he was leaning against the sofa now, his body angled towards you, making you unconsciously shift your body to face him as well, your breath hitching in anticipation for what he was about to say next.
“But then, you said you wanted it tattooed, and I honestly didn’t want you to get it but I had no choice, you know, blah blah customer’s preference first and all that bullshit,” he waved his hand for emphasis, “but then after I saw you with the tattoo more, I guess my perspective started to change? I mean, like, you kept insisting that it was so beautiful and all that..you know, seeing you with it kind of started to grow on me.”
Jisung paused, his gaze on a corner of the coffee table as he tried to find the right words to express how he was feeling, shrugging at you and just deciding to say whatever was at the top of his head and work from there.
“I guess it kind of made me love my work more, and like, trust myself, you know… because I realised how beautiful it could be.”
You looked at him wordlessly, your heart picking up speed at the tension in the room, something in you urging you to stand up, making you get up on your feet with no aim in mind.
So as not to look like a complete fool, your hands flew up to hug your arms, “oh, it’s a little um, chilly. Be right back,” you sprinted to your room, reaching in your cupboard for your hoodie and putting it on without a second thought, too preoccupied to notice how it stopped at your thighs and how the sleeves bunched up more.
Returning to the coffee table, you’d almost regretted your decision to put on the hoodie, feeling utterly warm from how flustered you were, especially with the way Jisung was looking at you with a hint of a smirk playing at his lips.
“Sorry,” you murmured, averting your gaze as you tilted your head down, not expecting Jisung to tilt his head down as well so he could search for your gaze, making you scrunch your eyes shut, wrinkling your nose as you let out a huff of laughter.
“You can reject me, you know. I remember you said you already liked someone,” he told you, and Jisung meant it, not wanting anything but to make sure you were okay, and happy.
You shook your head, “I don’t want to,” you murmured, finally daring yourself to meet his gaze, your heart skipping a beat when you saw the way Jisung had smiled.
“I can’t say I’m not happy to hear that,” he told you.
Jisung had brought his hand up, lazily removing his glasses and looking at you finally, since now the other things in the house weren’t as clear in his vision, all that was important being that you were right in front of him, and he could see you clearer than anything.
“Why’d you take your glasses off?” You murmured, seeing him shrug, giving you a lazy smile.
“What? You scared I didn’t wanna see your face?” He teased, the flush on your cheeks making him give in almost immediately, “I’m kidding. I just didn’t feel like being distracted anymore.”
Maybe it was the atmosphere of the living room, or the lingering feelings the song had left in you, maybe it was even the way you felt like you were finally getting what you were waiting for.
Whatever it was, there was an overwhelming feeling of giddiness in you, especially with the way Jisung’s gaze had flickered between your lips and your gaze, and yet he’d made no move to lean closer to you, as if he was expecting you to move first.
Leaning closer, you’d let yourself glance down, getting distracted by the stain of black ink on the sleeve of your hoodie, only realising then that it wasn’t your hoodie.
“Shit, sorry I’m wearing yours by mistake again, it must’ve gotten mixed up,” you murmured, knowing it wasn’t your week to do laundry duty.
Jisung stopped you before you could stand up, pulling your hand forward so the only thing stopping you from losing your balance was his grip on your arm.
“I never thought I’d be saying this but, you can wear it.”
You’d sworn if your heart were any weaker, you wouldn’t have been able to last this long, Jisung seeming almost teasing with the way he’d inched closer at a painfully slow pace, so his lips were barely touching yours.
Just before he could pull back, you’d groaned in frustration, bringing your free hand up to cup the side of his jaw, meeting your lips with his.
And there it was again, the feeling of relief that washed over, knowing that this was very much happening, and that you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Jisung pulled away first, his pupils blown and his eyes giving away his surprise, huffing at you and folding his arms, increasing the distance between you.
“I’m only realising this now, what do you mean I’m oblivious?”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll explain it again later, I swear.”
Jisung huffed, more dramatic this time, making sure you sensed his sulkiness (as feigned as it was), looking at you with a pout on his lips, “give me a kiss and I’ll forgive you.”
He puckered his lips, making you roll your eyes, though you didn’t hesitate to cup his face again, pressing your lips against his as your thumb brushed over his cheek gently, pulling away before he would’ve wanted. You couldn’t help yourself from laughing at the way he’d leaned forward, chasing your lips, frowning at you with a soft sigh when you’d straightened up.
“Can we eat now? The meat’s getting overcooked.”
lucas 11:30pm - dude I told u it would work if you smiled at him more cant believe u didnt believe me smh -
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